I got a DUI in WA state, I plead guilty and was placed on probation. It was my 1st DUI. My family lives in CA. I moved to CA to get back with my family. My P.O. allowed me to move to CA, they did not transfer my case I just call to keep in touch. I am currently having issues with the outpatient treatment that was required of me. If I stop treatment I will be in violation of probation. Will my P.O. up in WA extradite me from CA for the violation or will nothing come of it due to the fact it is a misdemeanor.
Something will "come out of it" (violation of your probation on your out-of-state DUI probation), just not what you think.
It is highly unlikely that WA would extradite you on a misdemeanor. However, if you fail to complete your outpatient treatment, it will be reported not only to the WA court that placed you on probation, it will also be reported to the WA state DMV resulting in a suspension of your driver's license. WA (and CA) are part of an Interstate Compact and the license suspension will be reported to the CA DMV meaning that your privilege to drive in CA will also be suspended.
The upshot of the above is that if you pick up a traffic violation in CA such as speeding, running a red light/stop sign, etc, an additional charge will be added for driving on a suspended license , which is a misdemeanor and carries a MANDATORY MINIMUM of 10 days in jail (VC 14601.2), when the license suspension was as a result of a DUI offense.