I signed an Employment at-will contract, which was created under our American jurisdiction, but I had to sing it in an another country. The question is related with the uncertain problems that I could have in the future. There is contractual term which indicates that in the case of any dispute or claim the parties shall be subject to an arbitration. But, it indicates that it shall be done in the country Where I signed the contract. I want to know if I have any problem related with this contract, shall I be come forward to the Mexican jurisdiction, under the Mexican law? Which legal system will be applied to these case? Does the fact that I have signed in Mexico, directly affects my rights or the contract per se? Finally, I need to say that I worked in American soil, but I remain puzzled, thank you for your time.
If and when the contract is ever raised in litigation (or arbitration), be sure to make your attorney aware of it. I don't know what the contract says, but "employment at will" is the law just about everywhere in the U.S. anyway.
Time to File...
Time to file deadline... if Motion date is June 22, what day is 14 day deadline? June 5 or June 8?
reference: L.R. 7-9 Opposing Papers. Each opposing party shall, not later than fourteen (14) days before the date designated for the hearing of the motion....
Notice of Resignation
I recently gave my employer 2 weeks notice that they accepted. 3 days later they let me go instead of working the full 2 weeks. Are they required to pay me for the full amount of time?
Do they have to pay me for unused vacation time?
and most important, we are paid commisions. The commisions are paid the following month for the previous month. Are they still required to pay me for the sales I obtained in April when the commsions are not paid until May 15th. We are paid a commision of every sale we make.
Must will be filed with probate court?
My husband's sister was the power of attorney on his stepfather's accounts and executor of the will. The stepfather was on title 19 for a year and a half. She turned over about $150,000 to the state and would manage his pension monthly to make sure it stayed down below a certain amount. He passed away but nothing was filed with probate court since his account was under $20,000. She filled out some paperwork to take over the bank account. There are outstanding bills that need payment and there was about $10,000 in the account when the stepfather died. We lent her $2500 for burial (the body was moved out of state but the original funeral was prepaid) since she no longer had POA after he died. She needs to fill out paperwork with the probate court to get access to the bank account again. Can she repay us for the money lent to her or will the money go to the state? He wasn't on title 19 for the last 4 months of his life since she didn't keep up with the paperwork. We've asked her the status but she just keeps saying she hasn't filled out the paperwork yet.