This list provides a summary regarding California's WARN Act, which requires larger employers to provide advance notice prior to a mass layoff.
2nd degree criminal tampering
during an argument with my x-wife, i threw fruit loops in the driver's side seat of her car. sgtupid? yes criminal tampering??? your thoughts? do i have a defencable position?
custody new york
mom and grandma have joint custody with grandma having primary physical. since december 2006, ordered week on,week off. with february pretrial date as mom petitions for full custodial. in january, aprrox 1 month before court date, grandma leaves message on phone during her week stating ''i'm done you win etc. come over and pick up the kids their yours.'' mom does, informs court and law guardian. grandma has not asked for them back and has physically driven the kids belongings to mom's house. mom has been wanting to move out of state with the kids for a job opportunity she has been waiting on. can mom move now before the court date in feb and just return for the date or does she have to wait for the judge to make grandmas words ''official''. please advise of mom's rights as everybody is very impatient and anxious to move forward with their lives