Reasons why you need an Expungement of your old North Carolina Convictions
Hi Everyone,
Here's the story. I am an amateur photographer based in NYC and was recently working on a TFP project to improve my work after which all images (raw files as well) were shared with all parties involved; model, agency, retoucher, and MUA. Now the agency has requested that I remove a few images posted on my website which serves as my portfolio because they do not like the edits I made to the images. Now i'm not saying that images are fantastic or incredible by any means but they are what I want for my portfolio currently. They state that the agency owns the rights to the images and I can only use images approved by the agency for my portfolio and have now threatened legal action.
At no point did I ever agree to give them final approval or ownership on any images either written or verbally. It was understood that everyone was working on a TFP basis - no compensation ever changed hands either, in fact the ad I responded to stated they need a photographer who is looking to only build there portfolio and in exchange they would send over models and makeup artists. It was simply a verbal agreement (in hindsight obviously a mistake). They are now threatening to take me to court if I do not remove them from my website. I have limited resources but have spent a lot of time and money on creating these images and don't want to lose them from my portfolio right now as it it could lead to more work, not to mention any financial obligations due to court costs and such.
I'm a little little scared and worried about the situation. Has anyone ever experienced something like this, what are my rights? Is the law on my side or am I in the wrong here? Does anyone know how i can find a lawyer to help, I don't much but can pay for a consultation or something.
Thank you all in advance!
Fence Replacement Cost
Hi, I own a property in San Francisco, so I have shared fence on both sides of my backyard. Just recently the owner of the next door neighbor has passed away and the house is on probate sale. Since the house has been occupied by tenants, the weeds and vines have been overgrown so many years to a point that they made the fence totally leaning to their side of the yard. Since the fence was leaning to the other side, it didn't bother me, so I left it alone. However, now that the house is on sale, someone was hired to clear up the vines, but ended up causing the fence to fall over completely. So I contacted the sales agent regarding the matter, and the response I received was that thee lawyer involved in the probate sale authorized to only pay 50% instead of paying for the entire cost to fix/replace the fence. They even said that they can technically leave the fence alone and not do anything, so paying for 50% is already doing me a favor. It is definitely not right, but I don't know what I can do. Any advise is greatly appreciated.
writing a stolen check
my work told me I wrote a check with there business check and said they seen me on survelince camera writing this check and told me if I didnt agree to have this money taken out of my paycheck or they were gonna charge me with a felony. Well it scared me so I signed the paper saying to take it out of my check but I did not write this check! should I get a lawyer and fight this?