I travel a lot, both domestically and internationally, for work. I am wondering what happens if for some reason I am unable to make it to the creditors hearing if my ch. 7 will get dismissed or proceed.
I am about to file chapter 13 with no lawyer. Di I have to do the filing in person? or can I send someone else to do it for me?
My tenant in Phoenix, AZ filed for a Ch 13 bankruptcy in California (Sherman oaks) a day before (Dec 4) the eviction hearing (Dec 5) . The judgement and possession was not awarded due to the bankruptcy filing. Tenant owes the rent and other arrears from November and also Dec rent will be due on Dec ...
What shall I expect at 341 : (1) my case dismissed (2) my case not confirmed (3) my case converted to Chapter7 (4) something else. I received a Notice about my "projected earnings" for the 341 meeting. I am very nervous and any help would be appreciated. I am a single women.
We are grandparents adopting our infant grandson with his mothers consent. The baby has been with us since birth. The unknown father will be served by publication. Is anything else necessary to file with petition besides mothers consent and publication affidavit