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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001748 Latest Update: Nov. 02, 1977

Findings Of Fact The parties stipulated to the facts-of the case as follows: On March 2, 1972, the petitioners, Fred W. Baggett and John S. Miller, Jr., along with one Michael W. Duggar, incorporated a Florida corporation known as Tallahassee Properties , Inc. and filed Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State, State of Florida. On June 29, 1972, the above described corporation took title to the property described as follows: All that part of Lot Number 176 in the Original Plan of the City of Tallahassee, in the County of Leon, State of Florida, described as follows: to-wit: Begin at the Northwest corner of said lot and run thence East along the South line of College Avenue (formerly Clinton Street) 39 feet to the wall of a brick building, thence run South along the side of said building 60 feet, thence run West 39 feet to the East line of Adams Street, thence run North along the East line of Adams Street 60 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 176, being the point of beginning; from LeRoy Collins and Mary Call Collins, said deed being recorded in Official Records Book 532, Page 327 of the Public Records of Leon County, Florida. On that same date, Tallahassee Properties, Inc. executed a note and mortgage in the amount of $55,000 to Leon Federal Savings and Loan Association, said mortgage being recorded in Official Records Book 532, Page 328 of the Public Records of Leon County, Florida. The said note was personally endorsed by John S. Miller, Jr., Fredric W. Baggett and Michael W. Duggar. On June 29, 1972, Tallahassee Properties, Inc. executed a note in the original principal amount of $72,405.84 to LeRoy Collins and Mary Call Collins secured by a second mortgage on the property and as recorded in Official Records Book 532, Page 376 of the Public Records of Leon County, Florida, The said note was personally endorsed by John S. Miller, Jr., Fredric W. Baggett and Michael W. Duggar. On September 8, 1972, an agreement was entered into between Michael W. Duggar and Ronald C. LaFace of Tallahassee, Florida, wherein the said Michael W. - Duggar conveyed his interest in Tallahassee Properties, Inc. to Ronald C. LaFace and the said Ronald C. LaFace agreed therein to hold Michael W. Duggar harmless and relieve him of liability and indemnifying him for any liabilities which Michael W. Duggar may or could have as a result of his interest in Tallahassee Properties, Inc. This is the reason that the said Ronald C. LaFace is the proper party petitioner in this action. On April 18, 1973, Tallahassee Properties, Inc. executed an additional note to Leon Federal Savings and Loan Association in the amount of $17,500 which said note was also secured by that certain mortgage dated June 29, 1972 and recorded June 29, 1972 in Official Records Book 532, Page 328 of the Public Records of Leon County, Florida. The said note was personally endorsed by John S. Miller, Jr., Fredric W. Baggett and Ronald C. LaFace. On April 23, 1973 by an instrument recorded in Official Records Book 584, Page 94 of the Public Records of Leon County, Florida, Tallahassee Properties, Inc. conveyed an equal one-third interest in the subject property to John S. Miller, Jr., Fred W. Baggett and 5 Ronald C. LaFace. Affixed to the said deed were documentary surtax stamps in the amount of 55 cents and State of Florida documentary stamp tax in the amount of 30 cents. By letter dated September 24, 1975, the respondent, State of Florida, Department of Revenue, informed the petitioners that they had failed to pay an additional documentary stamp tax in the amount of $434.70 due on that certain warranty deed described above as having been recorded on April 23, 1973 in the Public Records of Leon County, Florida. This proceeding was initiated by petitioners after having received said letter from the respondent for a determination that the assessment was improper in that the subject conveyance was not a taxable event. Respondent has asserted that a tax of $434.70 is due and owing from the petitioners. In addition, they have assessed an additional 100 percent penalty for a total claim of $869.40 exclusive of interest or other penalties. The assessment was determined by the Department of Revenue on the basis of adding the original principal balance of the three above described notes secured by mortgages. The original principal amount of the notes was $144,905.84. By the application of the tax imposed by Section 201.02, Florida Statutes, if the petitioners have any liability for payment of the documentary stamp tax, then the determination of $434.70 as an assessment is a correct figure. Petitioners' exhibits 1 through 4, respondent's exhibit 1 and 2, and posthearing briefs of counsel are appended to the record.

Recommendation That petitioners be, found not liable for the proposed assessment of documentary stamp tax and penalty under Chapter 201, Florida Statutes. Done and Entered this 10th day of August, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Edwin J. Stacker, Esquire Department of Legal Affairs the Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Daniel J. Wiser, Esquire Post Office Box 1752 Tallahassee, Florida 32302

Florida Laws (2) 201.02210.02
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-001842 Latest Update: May 22, 1978

Findings Of Fact By warranty deed dated July 29, 1974 Marco Cove, Inc. conveyed certain property to the Barnett Bank of Naples, Florida as Trustee. At the time of these conveyances the properties were subject to a first mortgage dated September 14, 1971 in an original principal amount of $1,400,000 to AMI Investments, Inc. mortgagee and a second mortgage dated August 24, 1973 in the amount of $130,278 to Joseph R. Lynch, Inc. By quitclaim deed dated November 5, 1974 (Exhibit 8) Donald P. Landis conveyed his interest in Apartment Number C-3 in the condominium here involved to the Barnett Bank of Naples, Trustee. It appears that at the time of the conveyances here involved Marco Cove, Inc. was delinquent on both mortgages, owed materialmen's liens on the property, had sold some of the units to innocent purchasers without giving clear title, and had not placed in escrow the sums so received from these purchasers. Barnett Bank accepted title as trustee, so the various rights of the parties could be resolved without foreclosure proceedings. Although Petitioner contested that Barnett Bank was Trustee for AMI Investments, Inc., Exhibit 10, which was admitted into evidence without objection, clearly shows the bank understood they were trustees for AMI Investments, Inc. and accepted the deeds here involved. At the time of the conveyances the balance owned on the first mortgage was $63,356.16 and on the second mortgage $130,278. Respondent's third Notice of Proposed Assessment (Exhibit 3) assesses documentary stamp taxes and penalties in the amount of $59.25 on each of the three condominium units conveyed to the Trustee and documentary stamp tax and penalty in the amount of $547.88 on the conveyance of the entire condominium for a total tax and penalty of $725.63. No surtax is claimed. The conveyances to the Trustee did not extinguish the mortgages and the Trustee took title to the properties subject to these mortgages. Petitioner has subsequently sold its rights as first mortgagee to a third party for some $66,000.

Florida Laws (1) 201.02
# 2
58TH STREET, INC. vs. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, 76-002191 (1976)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-002191 Latest Update: Jun. 23, 1977

Findings Of Fact On or about January 31, 1974, the Petitioner purchased a certain tract of property from Rio Branco Corporation. As a part of the purchase price, the Petitioner executed a secured promissory note, and a purchase money mortgage. A copy of the mortgage and the promissory note were received in evidence as Joint Exhibit 1. Although the promissory note is in the form of a direct obligation for the Petitioner to pay the face amount of the note to Rio Branco Corporation, its obligations were limited. The note provides in Paragraph 12 as follows: "Mortgagor, (Petitioner] assumes no corporate liability for the payment of the debt evidenced by this note and mortgage. Mortgagee [Rio Branco Corporation] waives any corporate liability and agrees to look solely to the property securing such debt for payment thereof." Petitioner apparently defaulted on the mortgage and the promissory note, and a foreclosure suit was initiated by Rio Branco Corporation. Petitioner was named as the defendant in this suit which was filed in Sarasota County, and given case number CA-75-1107. Prior to the completion of the foreclosure action, Petitioner executed a quitclaim deed conveying its interest in the subject property back to Rio Branco Corporation. The quitclaim deed was executed in lieu of foreclosure. A copy of the quitclaim deed was received in evidence as Joint Exhibit 2. The Petitioner stipulated that, it executed Joint Exhibit 2 in order to prevent any deficiency from being entered following a judicial sale in connection with the foreclosure proceeding. Despite the stipulation it is apparent that Rio Branco Corporation could not have enforced any such deficiency against the Petitioner due to the above quoted provision of the promissory note. The quitclaim deed was apparently recorded by a representative of Rio Branco Corporation. Through a proposed notice of assessment dated September 9, 1976, the Respondent is seeking to impose documentary stamp taxes, documentary surtaxes, penalties and interest in the total amount of $745.13 upon Petitioner. It is not clear whether the Respondent is also seeking to impose the same taxes upon the grantee of the quitclaim deed, Rio Branco Corporation. Respondent contends that the Petitioner is liable for the documentary stamp taxes on the quitclaim deed, and that the amount of consideration for the deed is the amount of mortgage debt extinguished as a result of execution of the deed. Petitioner contends that as the grantor of the instrument, it has no responsibility for paying documentary stamp taxes, and that further no consideration was given for the deed as a matter of law since no debt which the Petitioner could have been forced to pay was extinguished.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57201.01201.02
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001330 Latest Update: Apr. 25, 1977

Findings Of Fact Stewart executed a mortgage note dated February 3, 1972 in the amount of $2,943,400 payable to City National Bank of Miami. This note was secured by a mortgage executed by Stewart as mortgagor to City National Bank of Miami as mortgagee of same date. This mortgage was recorded on February 8, 1972 at which time documentary stamp tax and intangible taxes were paid. The note was designated a mortgage note in the face amount of $2,943,400 and taxes paid were predicated on this sum. The mortgage provided, inter alia, in item 24 thereof: "That the funds to be advanced herein are to be used in the construction of certain improvements on the land herein described, in accordance with a building loan agreement between the mortgagor and the mortgagee dated February 8, 1972, which building loan agreement (except such part or parts thereof as may be inconsistent herewith) is incorporated herein by reference to the same extent and effect as if fully set forth and made a part of this mortgage; if the construction of the improvements to be made pursuant to said building loan agreement shall not be carried on with reasonable diligence, or shall be discontinued at any time for any reason other than strikes or lockouts, the mortgagee, after due notice to the mortgagor or any subsequent owner, is hereby invested with full and complete authority to enter upon said premises, employ watchmen to protect such improvement from depredation or injury, and to preserve and protect the personal property therein, and to continue any and all outstanding contracts for the erection and completion of said building or buildings, to make and enter into any contracts and obligation wherever necessary, either in its own name or in the name of the mortgagor, and to pay and discharge all debts, obligations, and liabilities incurred thereby. All such sums so advanced by the mortgagee (exclusive of advances of the principal of the indebtedness secured hereby) shall be added to the principal of the indebtedness secured hereby and shall be secured by this mortgage and shall be due and payable on demand with interest at the rate of the same rate as provided in the note secured hereby, but no such advances shall be insured unless same are specifically approved by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development acting by and through the Federal Housing Commissioner prior to the making thereof. The principal sum and other charges provided for herein shall, at the option of the mortgagee or holder of this mortgage and the note secured hereby, become due and payable on the failure of the mortgagor to keep and perform any of the covenants, conditions, and agreements of said building loan agreement. This covenant shall be terminated upon the completion of the improvements to the satisfaction of the mortgagee and the making of the final advance as provided in said building loan agreement;" Prior to the completion of the project for which the note and mortgage were executed and before the full amount stated in the note had been advanced Stewart went into receivership. No advances were made under the note and mortgage subsequent to December, 1974, and only $1,935,378 had been disbursed to Stewart prior to foreclosure. On March 17, 1976 Stewart requested a refund in the amount of $1512 for documentary stamp taxes and $2016 for intangible taxes paid on the difference between $2,943,400 and $1,935,378.29. By letters dated June 16 and 17, 1976, each of the refund requests was denied by the Comptroller on the ground advanced by Department of Revenue that the claims were barred as not being timely filed. Vanguard executed a note in the amount of $2,000,000 payable to the Chase Manhattan Bank secured by a building loan mortgage from Vanguard as mortgagor to Chase as mortgagee. This mortgage was recorded and documentary stamp taxes and intangible taxes were paid on April 19, 1973. Other than the amount of the note and the total advanced prior to Vanguard going into receivership, the basic facts were the same as in Stewart. At the time of the last payment in May, 1975 Vanguard had received $1,388,008 of the $2,000,000 evidenced by the note. Vanguard's application for refund of $1224 for intangible taxes paid was denied by the Comptroller for the same reason Stewarts was denied. Here the application dated April 19, 1976 was postmarked in Miami on April 20, 1976 and received by Respondent on April 22, 1976. Worthington executed a building loan note dated October 25, 1972 in the amount of $2,750,000 payable to Trustees of C. I. Mortgage Group which was secured by a mortgage loan of same date. Worthington also went into receivership in December, 1974 after $1,962,750 had been advanced. Application for refund of documentary stamp taxes in the amount of $1180.80 and intangible taxes in the amount of $1574.50 filed March 17, 1976 was denied by the Comptroller on the grounds that the application was not timely filed. All of the above loans, for which the mortgages were recorded, were construction loans and provided for periodic payments to the mortgagor as the construction progressed. Provided the mortgagor complied with the terms of the building agreement the mortgagee was legally required to advance funds when due. In determining valuation for the purpose of computing the intangible taxes due clerks of the circuit court follow 199.122(7) F.S. which provides that obligations for payment of money secured by a mortgage shall be valued at the principal amount of indebtedness evidenced by such transactions. Accordingly in the cases at hand the clerks would have refused to record the mortgages unless the intangible taxes and documentary stamp taxes computed using the principal amount of the obligation were paid. An application for refund of the intangible tax representing the difference between the face amount of the mortgage to secure future advances, and the amount advanced, will be disapproved by the Department of Revenue so long as advances on the face amount of the loan are still being made.

Florida Laws (5) 201.08201.17212.17215.26697.04
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001899 Latest Update: Mar. 10, 1977

The Issue There are two issues raised in this case: Whether the transaction evidenced by the written instrument is taxable-under provisions of Sections 201.08, F.S., 201.01 and 201.08(1), F.S.; and Whether the amendment to the note and mortgage involved in this case is a promissory note taxable pursuant to Section 201.08(1), F.S.

Findings Of Fact There are two issues raised in this case: Whether the written document which evidences the transaction is taxable under the provisions of Sections 201.01 and 201.08(1), F.S.; and Whether the amendment to the note and mortgage involved in this case is a promissory mote or written obligation to pay money and taxable pursuant to Section 201.08(1), F.S. The facts are that on February 28, 1974, the Petitioners, except for Joe R. Hughes, III, and W. Comer Cherry, executed a promissory mote to Lewis State Bank for $405,000 with interest at 10 percent per annum, payable monthly, beginning March 1, 1974, with the entire amount of the principle ($405,000) due on or before February 28, 1975. Said Petitioners executed a mortgage to Lewis State Bank as security for said loan. On April 8, 1975, the due date of the principle was extended to August 28, 1975. The Lewis State Bank then assigned the note and mortgage to Thomas County Federal on July 7, 1975. On July 2 and July 7, 1975, the Petitioners including Hughes and Cherry, but not Rainey, signed the instrument in Tallahassee, Florida, upon which the tax being challenged is assessed. Rainey took the instrument which appears on its face to be an Amendment to the aforementioned Note and Mortgage dated February 28, 1974, to Thomas County Federal Savings and Loan, Thomas County, Georgia. The Amended Note and Mortgage was signed by Rainey and accepted by Thomas County Federal as assignee of said original note and mortgage in Thomas County, Georgia, on July 7, 1975. The other obligors who were jointly and severally liable had signed in Florida. See R-16-21. The purpose of the amendment to the note and mortgage was to refinance the Jefferson Towers Apartments project located in Tallahassee, Florida. See R-14. Thereafter, the money was tendered under the Amendment to Note and. Mortgage, in Georgia, by Thomas County Federal to the agent of the borrowers [Petitioners] Rainey. R-14. The Petitioners, on July 8, 1975, in Leon County, recorded the amendment to note and mortgage, the only instrument reflecting the new outstanding obligation of $412,000 and the only instrument setting forth the Petitioner's promise to pay this new obligation in O. R. Book 724, page 24, et. seq. The Petitioners affixed documentary stamp taxes in the amount of $10.50 on the amendment to the note and mortgage. (See R-21) Whether the instrument entered into between the Petitioners and Thomas County Federal is considered a new obligation or an amendment of the assigned note and mortgage, the essential factors are that the execution and delivery of the instrument, and exchange of the funds therefor occurred in Georgia. Based on the foregoing facts, the Department of Revenue finds as a matter of law that: To be taxed there must be a Florida transaction evidenced by a promissory note or written obligation to pay money. Sec. 201.08(1), F.S. The Amendment to Note and Mortgage involved in this case was made, signed and executed, in the State of Florida, save one signature of the multiple obligors, who were jointly and severally liable and the loan was used in Florida to refinance a Florida project which had been originally financed in Florida. The Amendment to Note and Mortgage, the only instrument reflecting the outstanding obligation of $412,000 and evidencing the Petitioners' promise to pay this new obligation, was recorded in Leon County, Florida, and has all essential factors of a Florida transaction percent thus subject to documentary stamp tax provided for in Sections 201.01 and 201.08(1), F.S. The Amendment to Note and Mortgage clearly evidences a transaction between the Petitioners and Thomas County Federal pursuant to which the Petitioners are obligated to pay suns of money to Thomas County Federal. Such a written obligation to pay money may be exempt if it meets the criteria of Sec. 201.09, F.S. The document in question does not meet the criteria of Sec. 201.09, F.S., because it did not extend or continue only the identical contractual obligations of the original promissory note but there was a substantial change in the principle amount. No documentary stamps have been affixed to the document which was recorded nor is there any notation on the document that said stamps were placed on any other document, except affixing of documentary stamps in the amount of $10.50; therefore, the document in question is subject to tax under Sec. 201.08(1), F.S., in the amount of $607.50 plus penalty at $607.50. Section 201.08(1) and Section 201.17(2), F.S. Regarding the issue of whether the document would have been taxable as an amendment to the original note and mortgage, the Department concurs with the findings of the Hearing Officer that the document does evidence a transaction in which the taxpayer would have been obligated to pay money to the lending institution. Because the principal amount was increased from $406,000 to $412,000 there was a substantial change in principal amount. Therefore, the exemption provision of Section 201.09, F.S., would not apply.

Conclusions The assessment of the Department of Revenue in the amount of $607.50 under Section 201.08(1), F.S., for delinquent documentary stamp taxes on the amendment to Note and Mortgage and the assessment for penalty under Section 201.17(2), F.S., in the amount of $607.50 are valid. CERTIFICATION I certify that the foregoing is the Final Order of the Department of Revenue adopted by the Governor and Cabinet on July 20, 1976. J. Ed Straughn, Executive Director State of Florida Department of Revenue Room 102, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dated this 21st day of July, 1976

Recommendation The Hearing Officer recommends based on the foregoing findings fact and conclusions of law, than neither the tax or penalty be assessed. Done and ordered this 10th day of May, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph C. Mellichamp, III, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Attorney for Respondent Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Edgar M. Moore, Esquire Attorney for Petitioner Smith and Moore, P.A. P.O. Box 1169 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE I. RAINEY, JR., et al., Mortgagors; THOMAS COUNTY FEDERAL, Thomasville, Georgia, Mortgagee, Petitioners, vs. CASE NO. 75-1899 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, Respondent. /

Florida Laws (4) 201.01201.08201.09201.17
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-001079 Latest Update: Nov. 29, 1977

Findings Of Fact By Deposit Receipt dated June 12, 1975 (Exhibit 1) Kenneth H. Maxwell and Janet A. Maxwell contracted to purchase a lot for $7,000 from D & D Builders of Ft. Lauderdale, Inc. (D & D) with house to be built thereon for $29,900 in accordance with described plan. $3,690 was paid as earnest money deposit on this contract. It was intended that Maxwell would obtain a construction loan from the lending institution and before making the loan the lender required the value and plan number of the house to be included on the deposit receipt contract. The property was deeded to the Maxwells by Warranty Deed dated July 14, 1975 (Exhibit 2) and documentary stamp taxes in the amount of $21 was attached thereto. This is the correct amount for a $7,000 consideration for such a transfer. On July 15, 1975 a mortgage deed was executed by the Maxwells to the First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Highlands County to secure a loan in the amount of $33,200 and intangible taxes were paid thereon. At the time D & D and the Maxwells entered into their contract it was intended that Maxwell, who taught construction at a local junior college, would build his own house. When Maxwell attempted to get a building permit the county would not issue one because he was not a licensed contractor. He then arranged for D & D to pull the permit and for the bank to make the draws payable to D & D who would disburse the funds to the subcontractors, suppliers, and Maxwell. On July 15, 1975 the lender disbursed a check to D & D for $3,310 which, when added to the $3,690 initially paid by the Maxwells, completed the $7,000 payment for the lot to the seller D & D. Thereafter Maxwell constructed his house. D & D made the draws and disbursed the funds to suppliers, subcontractors, and to Maxwell. Exhibit 5 shows 8 checks were made payable to Maxwell totaling some $4,400. D & D did not supervise construction, received no compensations for its services, and acted only as a conduit for the construction loan.

Florida Laws (1) 201.02
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-000806 Latest Update: May 22, 1978

Findings Of Fact The facts in this case are derived from the exhibits submitted into evidence at the hearing and the testimony of petitioner H.R. Thornton, Jr. The pertinent documents show that a portion of a lot located in the toxin of St. Cloud, Florida, owned by Garold D. Doak, Sr. and Susan E. Doak, his wife, was mortgaged by the Doaks to Peachtree Mortgage Corporation on December 28, 1972, in the amount of $16,850.00. On January 4, 1973, Peachtree Mortgage Corporation assigned the Mortgage to the Hamilton Federal Savings and Loan association of Brooklyn, New York. On February 6, 1976, a lis pendens was filed against the property by the assignee of the mortgage in the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Osceola County, Florida, incident to an action to foreclose the mortgage. On March 15, 1976, the Doaks executed quitclaim deeds on the property to Stephene J. Houseman. On April 6, 1976, a final judgement of foreclosure was entered in the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in favor of Hamilton Federal Savings and Loan Association of Brooklyn, New York. (Exhibit 1-6) On April 27, 1976, Houseman executed a quitclaim deed on the property to petitioners. On April 30, 1976, the Thorntons conveyed their interest in the property by warranty deed to Jaiies Francis Wiczorek and Shirley Lillian Wiczorek, his wife. The deed recited that it was subject to the outstanding mortgage to Hamilton Federal Savings and Loan Association with a principal balance of sec. 16,224.52 which the grantees agreed to assume and pay. The deed further recited a consideration of $4,000.00 and documentary stamp tax in an appropriate amount was paid based on a consideration which included the cash payment and the mortgage amount. On July 30, 1976, the mortgage in question was satisfied. (Exhibits 8-10) Only minimal documentary stamp tax of thirty cents was paid on the quitclaim deed from Houseman to petitioners. Respondent issued a notice of proposed assessment of additional documentary stamp tax in the amount of $48.60, surtax in the amount of $17.60, penalties in like amounts, and interest thereon, for a total of $158.51, on March 21, 1977. The proposed assessment was based on consideration stated to be the existing mortgage on the property in the amount of $16,224.52. On April 29, 1977, petitioners filed their petition for an administrative hearing, challenging the proposed assessment on the grounds that there was no evidence to show the taxable consideration as found by respondent. By an amended and revised notice of proposed assessment, dated April 29, 1977, the amount for documentary surtax, penalty and interest thereon was deleted leaving only the sums relating to documentary stamp tax, penalty, and interest in the amount of $102.30. (Exhibit 8) Petitioner H.R. Thornton, Jr. took the quitclaim deed in question to cancel a $100.00 debt owed him by Houseman. He had no intent to make the mortgage payments or payments or pay any other consideration for the transfer. (Testimony of Thornton)

Recommendation That petitioners be held liable for payment of documentary stamp tax, penalty and interest under Chapter 201, Florida Statutes, as modified herein with respect to the penalty. Done and Entered this 29th day of August, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Daniel C. Brown, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304 H. R. Thornton, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 345 St. Cloud, Florida 32769

Florida Laws (2) 201.02201.17
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Feb. 16, 2004 Number: 04-000549 Latest Update: Jan. 24, 2005

The Issue Whether the Petitioner owes sale and/or use tax for the purchase/lease of magnetic tapes containing mailing lists used by the Petitioner in its mail order business, as set forth in the Notice of Decision dated December 10, 2003, and, if so, the amount owed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, including the Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation, the following findings of fact are made: The Department is the agency authorized to administer the tax laws of the State of Florida. See § 213.05, Florida Statutes (2004). At the times material to this proceeding, Spectramin was a Florida "S" corporation whose home office and principal place of business was located at 5401 Northwest 102 Avenue, Suite 119, Sunrise, Florida. Spectramin was a Florida- registered sales tax dealer. On October 19, 2001, the Department issued to Spectramin a Notification of Intent to Audit Books and Records for audit number A0127016590, which was a sales and use tax audit covering the Audit Period. On January 15, 2002, the Department and Spectramin signed an audit agreement that delineated the procedures and sampling method to be used by the Department for the audit. Because Spectramin's books and records were voluminous, the Department and Spectramin agreed to employ certain specified sampling procedures. For the audit, the Department examined Spectramin's purchase invoices, general ledgers, and income statements for the 2000 calendar year. At the times material to this proceeding, Spectramin was a mail-order company that sold nutritional supplements throughout the United States. It engaged in direct marketing of its products and employed two methods of direct marketing: Self-mailers were sent to prospective customers, and catalogs were sent to persons who had purchased its products, as a means of educating these buyers and converting them into repeat customers.1 In order to send self-mailers to prospective customers, Spectramin leased mailing lists consisting of names and addresses, and, in some instances, bar codes, compiled by various vendors who sold mailing lists. The contents of the mailing lists were based on demographic criteria specified by Spectramin. Under the terms of the lease, Spectramin was allowed to use the mailing list for only one mailing. Pertinent to this proceeding, Spectramin received some of the mailing lists in the form of data digitally encoded on magnetic tapes. The cost of leasing a mailing list was based on the number of names on the list, and the invoice for a list included a separately-stated, standard charge of $25.00 to cover the cost of the magnetic tape containing the data. The magnetic tapes themselves had no value to Spectramin; the only value of the tapes to Spectramin lay in the data encoded on the tapes, and the greatest part of the cost of the one-time lease was the cost of the data encoded on the magnetic tapes; for example, Spectramin paid $75.00 per 1,000 names for one of the mailing lists it leased, plus the $25.00 charge for the magnetic tape. Spectramin did not pay sales tax in Florida on the cost of the data encoded on the magnetic tapes at the time it leased the mailing lists. Spectramin did not have the computer equipment necessary to read the data on magnetic tapes, so it contracted with third-party letter shops and printers to process the magnetic tapes. The letter shops with which Spectramin has done business since 1991 are all located outside the state of Florida. Once a letter shop received magnetic tapes from Spectramin, the data on the tapes were downloaded to a computer, and cleaned, and sorted into usable names and addresses; the letter shop then sent the cleaned and sorted data to a print shop, which printed the names and addresses onto self-mailers provided by Spectramin. The letter shop sorted the self-mailers by zip code and mailed them. All of these operations took place outside Florida. At one time, Spectramin's practice was to have the mailing-list vendors ship the magnetic tapes encoded with the data directly to a letter shop specified by Spectramin. The letter shop held the Spectramin magnetic tapes until it had accumulated several tapes, and then it would process the data from the tapes, have the names and addresses printed on the self-mailers, and mail the self-mailers. Spectramin found that the letter shops with which it did business sometimes lost track of the tapes received for Spectramin's mailings, and it cost Spectramin additional time and money to track down the tapes or to purchase mailing lists. Because of the additional time and money Spectramin spent to track down the lists, it stopped having the magnetic tapes sent directly to the letter shop. At the times material to this proceeding, the magnetic tapes containing the digitally-encoded mailing lists were shipped directly to Spectramin by the mailing-list vendors, and Spectramin took delivery of the tapes at its principal place of business in Florida. The vendors sent the mailing lists to Spectramin's Florida office by overnight delivery through either Federal Express or United Parcel Service. It was Spectramin's usual business practice for an employee to take delivery of the magnetic tapes containing the mailing lists and to place them on a shelf in the front of the office. The boxes containing the magnetic tapes were not opened. When Spectramin had accumulated several boxes of magnetic tapes, an employee put the boxes into a larger box and sent the tapes by overnight delivery to one of the out-of-state letter shops with which Spectramin did business. Spectramin did not keep the tapes in its Florida office more than one or two days because the mailing lists it had leased lost their value with time.2 The only value of the magnetic tapes was in the names and addressed encoded on the tapes, and the only use to which Spectramin put the data was to cause the names and addresses it had leased to be printed on self-mailers and mailed to the prospective customers. Because the letter shops that printed the names and addresses and mailed the self-mailers were located outside of Florida, Spectramin did not "use" the data or the magnetic tapes in Florida. The only contact the magnetic tapes had with Florida was during the short period of time the tapes sat on the shelf at Spectramin's office before being shipped out of the state for processing. Spectramin did not pay use tax in Florida on the cost of the data encoded on the magnetic tapes.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue issue a final order withdrawing the sales and use tax assessment against Spectramin, Inc., for the audit period extending from September 1, 1996, through August 31, 2001. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of January, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S PATRICIA HART MALONO Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of January, 2005.

Florida Laws (9) 120.57120.80212.02212.05212.06213.05320.01330.2772.011
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001147 Latest Update: Jul. 26, 1976

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is incorporated under the laws of the State of Virginia and is registered to conduct business in the State of Florida. Robinson's of Florida is a Division of Petitioner, and is currently engaged in the sale of merchandise and retail through four Robinson's of Florida department stores situated in the Florida counties of Pinellas, Orange, Hillsborough and Seminole. Respondent is an agency of the State of Florida whose duties include the assessment of taxes and penalties imposed under Chapter 201, F.S. An unspecified portion of Robinson's retail sales in Florida is made pursuant to revolving charge agreements between Robinson's and its customers. These sales are made under retail charge agreements (Petitioner's Exhibit 1) which provide that in consideration of credit to be extended by Robinson's of Florida, the customer agrees to pay the full amount owing on the account within 25 days from the billing date of each monthly statement or monthly payments of not less than the payment required by a table included in the agreement which lists minimum monthly payments based upon the unpaid balance of the account. The agreement further provides that in case of a failure to pay the minimum payment due on the monthly statement, that the amount shown as the new balance on the monthly statement shall at the option of Robinson's become due and payable immediately. It provides that the charge card issued to the customer may be terminated or revoked at any time and must be surrendered to Robinson's upon demand. It states that the agreement constitutes a "revolving account" within the meaning of Section 2 subsection 8 of the Florida Retail Installment Sales Act, Chapter 59-414, Laws of Florida, 1959. Each time a customer purchases merchandise pursuant to a Robinson's revolving charge account, he executes a sales ticket (petitioner's Exhibit No. 2 and Exhibit B to Petition) which includes the following printed statement on the face of the ticket. "I agree to pay the total amount of this sales check in accordance with my credit arrangements with you." During March, 1975, Respondent conducted an audit of all of Robinson's revolving charge account sales records in its Florida stores. As a result of the audit, Respondent issued to Petitioner a proposed notice of assessment of tax and penalty under Chapter 201, F.S., dated March 20, 1975, (Exhibit C to Petition). The proposed notice of assessment requested payment of documentary stamp taxes in the amount of $17,925.00, pursuant to Section 201.08(2), F.S., and a penalty in -- the same amount pursuant to Section 201.17(2), F.S., (Exhibit's C & E to Petition). Petitioner requested and was afforded an opportunity to meet with a representative of Respondent for the purpose of objecting to the aforementioned assessment of taxes and penalty on May 6, 1975, in St. Petersburg, Florida. Subsequent to this conference, Petitioner received a letter dated May 9, 1975, from Respondent reaffirming the proposed total assessment and penalty in the total amount of $35,850.00 (Exhibit E to Petition). No evidence has been presented that documentary tax stamps for the sales in question were purchased, affixed to, or placed on the instruments in question.

Recommendation It is recommended: That the proposed assessment of documentary stamp taxes against the Petitioner in the amount of $17,925.00 under Section 201.08(2), Florida Statutes, be determined valid, and that collection thereof be made in accordance with appropriate law and regulations. That the proposed assessment of a penalty against thee Petitioner in the amount of $17,925.00 under Section 201.17(2), Florida Statutes, be determined invalid and set aside. DONE and ORDERED this 30th day of September, 1975, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Larry Levy, Esquire James D. Beasley, Esquire Assistant Attorney General P.O. Box 391 Department of Legal Affairs Tallahassee, Florida The Capitol For the Petitioner Tallahassee, Florida 32304 For the Respondent ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER =================================================================

Florida Laws (4) 201.01201.08201.17520.31
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-000912 Latest Update: Mar. 01, 1978

Findings Of Fact This case comes on for consideration based upon the request of the Petitioner, Fanpac Corporation, for a formal administrative hearing on the question of the propriety of the December 8, 1976 assessment, A-54, of the Respondent, State of Florida, Department of Revenue. The claimed assessment pertains to an assignment of lease, recorded at Book 4182, Page 562, Public Records, Duval County, Florida. The assessment states that documentary stamp tax is owed in the amount of $5,404.50, together with accrued interest and a penalty in the amount of the claimed documentary stamp tax. The assessment also states that documentary surtax is owed in the amount of $370.15, together with accrued interest and a penalty in the amount of the claimed documentary surtax. In furtherance of the consideration of the case, the parties have submitted a factual stipulation to be examined by the undersigned in arriving at the terms of the recommended order. Quoting from the stipulation it states:

Recommendation It is recommended that the compromise agreement entered into by the parties, that the Petitioner pay documentary stamp tax and documentary surtax and interest on those amounts in the aggregate of $6,519.06 be accepted. It is further recommended that penalties in the amount of 25 percent of $5,404.50, documentary stamp tax, together with a penalty in the amount of 25 percent of $370.15 documentary surtax, be imposed. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of November, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Paul M. Harden, Esquire Smith, Davenport, Peek and Bloom 2601 Gulf Life Tower Jacksonville, Florida 32207 Daniel C. Brown, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Department of Revenue The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304 John D. Moriarty, Esquire Department of Revenue Room 104, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER =================================================================

Florida Laws (2) 201.02201.17
# 10

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