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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-005482 Latest Update: May 04, 1988

Findings Of Fact Introduction At all times relevant hereto, respondent, Jack E. Ferrell, was a teacher at Parkway Junior High School (PJHS) in Miami, Florida. He holds Florida Teacher's certificate Number 107694 issued by petitioner, Department of Education, Education Practices Commission (Commission). The certificate was reissued in 1987 and covers the areas of health education, physical education and mathematics. With the exception of a short break in the 1960s, respondent has been a teacher in Dade County, Florida since 1959. He taught at PJHS from school year 1967-68 until January 10, 1986 when he was reassigned to administrative duties at a Dade County School Board area office. The school has a racial composition of at least ninety percent black students. On February 18, 1986, Ferrell retired rather than face disciplinary action by the Dade County School Board which might have culminated in his dismissal and loss of retirement benefits. As a condition of accepting his resignation, the School Board stipulated that Ferrell would not be rehired by that school district. At the same time, the charges which prompted his retirement were referred to the Commission. On November 10, 1987, or some twenty-one months later, an administrative complaint was issued against Ferrell charging him with various violations of general law and agency rules. As amended on March 8, 1988, the complaint alleges that Ferrell, who is white, (a) used excessive corporal punishment on a black student and called that student a "nigger" on December 20, 1985, (b) called a black student a "dummy, gorilla and nigger" on December 18, 1985, (c) showed unprofessional conduct at a parent-teacher conference on December 19, 1985, (d) failed to follow school policies and procedures, used unprofessional conduct and defied school personnel, all of which resulted in a letter of reprimand on April 15, 1985, (e) argued with a fellow teacher on June 5, 1984, (f) was guilty of direct insubordination by refusing to accept a student into his classroom on December 14, 1984, and (g) committed battery upon another teacher on April 23, 1982. 1/ These charges will be discussed separately hereinafter. The December 20 Incident On December 20, 1985 Ferrell was teaching a mathematics class when J.W., then a fourteen year old black student, was brought to his classroom by Mr. Robertson, a school security guard. The student had been caught skipping class earlier and was sent to Roy Scott, an administrative assistant, who gave a "shot" (paddling) to J.W. and several other students. When J.W. entered Ferrell's class, Ferrell asked him "What happened to you?" J.W., who was upset and teary eyed from his paddling, responded "I just got a shot." Ferrell replied "You should have been suspended." J.W. then said words to the effect "Don't worry about me," and went to his desk which was in the back corner of the classroom. Ferrell, who did not hear J.W.'s last remark, asked "What did you say?" When J.W. did not respond Ferrell went to the student's desk and lifted it slightly once or twice and again asked him to repeat his comment. J.W. would not respond and told Ferrell to leave him alone. Using both hands, Ferrell picked up J.W. by his shirt and asked him to repeat his comment. During the process of picking up J.W., Ferrell's hands ended up around the upper chest area or lower part of J.W.'s neck. J.W., who by now was angry and even more upset, tried to break loose but Ferrell pushed him against the wall resulting in J.W. accidentally bumping his head. After Ferrell asked J.W. what he intended to do, J.W. threatened to tell his mother but Ferrell replied that he didn't care. When J.W. again attempted to break away, Ferrell pushed him against the wall a second time. At that point, Ferrell thought he heard J.W.'s shirt tear and released the student. He told a security guard to take J.W. to the principal's office. He later gave J.W. a detention for coming to class without a book. Although at hearing J.W. claimed that Ferrell had called him a "nigger" and "boy," this contention is rejected since J.W. did not allege this in his initial statements and interviews, and nearby students who witnessed the event did not hear Ferrell use those words. 2/ After J.W. related the event to the school administrators, the administrators concluded that J.W. was "okay," and he was sent to his next class, a physical education class. During the interview, one of the school officials noted a small bump on the back of J.W.'s head where it had struck the wall and accordingly reported Ferrell to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services for child abuse (excessive corporal punishment) However there is no evidence that formal charges were ever filed against Ferrell by the agency or state attorney. According to J.W., the bump "hurt" and stayed on his head for "about a week." However, he did not ask for nor was he given medical assistance for his injury. In a meeting later that day, Ferrell admitted to the assistant principal in charge of administration, Kenneth Jaworski, that he had pushed J.W. against the wall, that the child may have bumped his head, and that his hands may have slid up around J.W.'s throat area. At that time, Ferrell blamed the incident on a "wise" statement made by the student. In early January, 1986, or some two to three weeks later, school officials contacted J.W.'s mother and told her of the incident. According to school policy, a teacher should never place his hands on a student unless he is in fear of bodily harm from a student or unless a student is about to inflict bodily harm on another student. Since neither situation was present, Ferrell violated school policy. Had Ferrell considered J.W.'s conduct to be disruptive or defiant, Ferrell should have either referred him to the principal's office or contacted a security guard who would escort J.W. to the principal's office. These procedures are outlined in the faculty handbook, and Ferrell was aware of such policies. Finally, under School Board Rule 6Gx13-5D- 1.08 appropriate corporal punishment was considered to be paddling. If corporal punishment was justified, only two persons designated by the principal at PJHS were authorized to administer such punishment and then only under certain conditions prescribed within the rule. Ferrell was not one of the two designated hitters. At hearing, Ferrell contended that he was simply "restraining" J.W. when the student attempted to leave the room and that he did not physically pull the student up with his hands or deliberately shove his head against the wall. He did concede it was possible that J.W.'s head could have accidentally hit the wall during the confrontation. Ferrell strongly disagreed with the contention that his actions equated to excessive corporal punishment and characterized it instead as an effort on his part to restrain the student from leaving class. It was his contention that the definition of corporal punishment was vague but was generally interpreted only to be paddling. He also said his actions were necessary in order to maintain control and discipline in his classroom. The December 18 Incident During the first semester of school year 1985-86, N.W. was a twelve year old black student at PJHS enrolled in Ferrell's sixth period mathematics class. Around 7:00 a.m. on the morning of December 18, N.W. was standing with two other black female students outside the school building when Ferrell walked by on the way into his classroom. There may have been as many as ten or twenty other black students who were within hearing distance of Ferrell but the exact number, if any, is unknown. One of the students, S.W., called out to Ferrell "Do you have a brother named Fred?" Ferrell replied "No, do you have a brother named Dummy?" He also asked S.W. if she was in his class. The student then retorted "No, but you remind me of Fred Flintstone." Ferrell replied "You remind me of a nigger." The evidence is conflicting as to whether Ferrell used the word "gorilla" during the incident, but it is found he did not. N.W. told her mother of the incident that day. Even though she was extremely upset with Ferrell, the mother chose not to bring the matter up until after the Christmas holidays. On January 9, 1986 N.W.'s mother met with Ferrell and a counselor, who was also black, to discuss her daughter's poor grades and the name-calling incident that occurred on December 18, and to request that her daughter be transferred out of Ferrell's classroom. At the conference, Ferrell acknowledged to both N.W. and the counselor that he had used the word "nigger." However, he explained that he was from North Carolina, that the word was always used to describe blacks and that the term was not used in a derogatory sense. In a conference with the principal, Fred Damianos, Ferrell freely admitted he had used the word "nigger" in his exchange with the three black students but, as he had told the mother, stated the word was a common one in North Carolina and was not meant to be derogatory. The principal did not consider this to be justification for his conduct and had a letter of reprimand placed in Ferrell's file. At hearing, Ferrell agreed his use of the word showed a lack of good judgment and could have offended the students in question. Direct Insubordination On December 14, 1984 Ferrell sent N.C., a female student, to Jaworski's office for using profanity in class. She had already been sent out of class on several prior occasions for disciplinary reasons. Ferrell did not want her back in class until after a parent-teacher conference had been held. However, Jaworski was "extremely busy" at the time and sent her back to the classroom with a note requesting that Ferrell take her, and they would talk about the student's situation later on. When N.C. returned to his class, Ferrell refused to accept her and sent her back to Jaworski's office with a note saying he would not admit her. Jaworski considered Ferrell's refusal to accept N.C. to be in defiance of his authority and therefore direct insubordination. Jaworski explained that, under then-existing school procedures, if the student continued to be a disciplinary problem, Ferrell should have prepared another referral slip rather than simply refusing to accept her. Jaworski discussed the incident with Ferrell that afternoon and later placed a memorandum describing the matter in Ferrell's file. However, the memorandum did not constitute disciplinary action since Jaworski had no authority to discipline Ferrell. Ferrell considered N.C. to be a persistently disruptive student who had to be removed from the classroom. He also felt his conduct in the matter was consistent with the school's Code of Student Conduct which authorized a teacher to temporarily remove that type of student from the classroom, request a parent-teacher conference, and to send the student to a predesignated area determined by the school principal. In Ferrell's view, Jaworski overreacted to the situation and had failed to give consideration to all the facts before the memorandum was written. Angry Parent-Teacher Conference On December 19, 1985, Ferrell held a parent-teacher conference with a Mr. and Mrs. Sterling and a school counselor. The conference concerned the Sterlings' son, R.S., who had been a disciplinary problem in one of Ferrell's classes. The mother carried a small baby with her to the conference. The four (plus baby) met in the counselor's 8'x 10' office which was approximately twenty feet from Jaworski's office. After the meeting had been underway for some time, another administrator asked Jaworski to check out the loud voices emanating from the counselor's office. When Jaworski went over to see what was happening, he found what he considered to be a "heated" meeting taking place. He described Ferrell's tone of voice as being loud and aggressive. After a few minutes had passed, Ferrell stood up and, in an irritated manner, said words to the effect "I can't add anything else, I don't know what else to say" and departed the meeting. As Ferrell left, Mr. Sterling said he had heard that Ferrell was "prejudiced." Upon hearing this comment, Ferrell returned to the doorway and said "If you believe that, you're as immature as that baby." At that point Jaworski, who was still standing near the office, felt that there was going to be a physical confrontation between Ferrell and Mr. Sterling and placed his arm across the doorway to prevent Ferrell from entering the room. Ferrell then left the area. However, Ferrell did not "physically push" Jaworski as alleged in the complaint. At hearing Ferrell admitted the conference "did not go well" and that, at one point, he and Mr. Sterling may have been "trying to out talk the other." Ferrell's contention that he did not use "threatening" words at any time was corroborated by Jaworski. Ferrell also pointed out that between September 5, 1985 and January 10, 1986, he had twenty-six parent-teacher conferences and only this conference drew a complaint from administrators. Even so, Ferrell was cited for unprofessional conduct in a memorandum prepared by Damianos on January 9, 1986. Battery on a Teacher On April 23, 1982 Ferrell was involved in an altercation with another teacher named Bellis. The incident occurred around 9:00 a.m. that day when some students left Bellis' classroom and congregated in the hallway outside of Ferrell's classroom. Because this disturbed his class, Ferrell first complained to Bellis, who did nothing about the matter. Ferrell then complained to the principal (Mr. Hanna) A short time later, the three men met in the hallway in front of Ferrell's classroom and, when Bellis turned and began walking away, Ferrell grabbed his upper bicep and told Bellis to turn around and tell Hanna the truth about the situation. Because Ferrell had touched him, Bellis filed criminal battery charges against Ferrell. However, there is no evidence that Ferrell was ever prosecuted for this crime. Even so, Ferrell was administratively charged with battery by school administrators and was suspended from school without pay for ten days. Ferrell contends he accepted the punishment only because he was promised a reassignment to another school. The promised reassignment did not materialize. Failure to Follow School Policy, Etc. The complaint alleges that Ferrell was guilty of "tearing up three discipline referrals in front of (Damianos) during a fit of anger." In the spring of 1985, a new countywide school policy was implemented requiring teachers to contact the student's parents before referring the student to the principal's office for "minor infractions." This policy was explained to all PJHS teachers, including Ferrell, at a faculty meeting on March 26, 1983. However, Ferrell had referred three students to the principal's office during the week preceding the meeting without first making such parent contact. By March 27, Ferrell had contacted the three sets of parents, albeit after the referrals had already been sent to the principal's office. On March 27, Ferrell and Damianos met in the school cafeteria to discuss the three referrals and the need to follow the new procedure. When the meeting ended, Ferrell was "upset," but not in "a fit of anger," and as he walked out of the cafeteria, he tore up the referrals and threw them in the wastebasket. Damianos considered this to be "unprofessional conduct" and "immature" and Ferrell's way of showing the administration that he was "upset." Ferrell justified his tearing up the forms on the ground the forms were no longer necessary since they failed to comply with the new school directive. He added that he meant no disrespect towards Damianos. Ferrell admitted being late to his classroom a few times in the spring of 1985 due to heavy traffic and parent- teacher conferences that lasted beyond the school starting hour. He also acknowledged that he had told another teacher (Scott) that Jaworski was "fat and lazy." In hindsight, Ferrell realizes he may have been "a little off base" for doing so. Unfortunately for Ferrell, his comments were relayed to Jaworski. Ferrell was charged with having received a letter of reprimand dated April 15, 1985 for various matters, including those discussed in findings of fact 17-19. He was also placed on two weeks' prescription in May, 1985 and satisfactorily completed all conditions by the prescribed time. Other than Ferrell's admission of being late, calling Jaworski certain names, and tearing up the three referral forms, there was insufficient evidence to support findings concerning any other incidents which form the basis for the reprimand and prescription. Incident on May 4, 1984 The complaint charges that Ferrell and Bellis supposedly had another altercation on June 4, 1984 albeit one of a purely verbal nature. No specifics are of record, and Ferrell's contention that he was completely exonerated was not contradicted. Indeed, the assistant principal did not dispute this contention and admitted that Bellis was an "unusual" person who had a tendency to lie. Loss of Teacher Effectiveness According to the testimony of various administrators, Ferrell's conduct in its totality, if shown to be true, has resulted in the loss of his effectiveness as a teacher in the public school system. Ferrell's Case Ferrell contended that all allegations were either untrue or exaggerated. He suggested the School Board of Dade County began compiling a paper trail in 1984 in an effort to dismiss him. According to Ferrell, this began when Ferrell met with the area superintendent in July, 1984 after the second Bellis incident. The superintendent told him that if one more incident occurred, Ferrell was "through as a teacher in Dade County." Ferrell also attributed many of his problems to a personality conflict with Jaworski and Damianos. Ferrell admits that he is a strict disciplinarian in class and assigns a great deal of homework. As a result, he is unpopular with many students. Ferrell's reputation as a strict disciplinarian was corroborated by one administrator who described Ferrell's class discipline as "extremely good." Ferrell also describes himself as "blunt," "frank," "to the point," and "very firm" in dealing with students, parents and teachers. However, these characteristics have tended to cause strained relations with his counterparts. Except for the December 18, 1985 incident, Ferrell denies ever using derogatory terms during his lengthy school tenure. This was corroborated by Jaworski and Damianos to the extent that they had contact with Ferrell while they were at PJHS. Indeed, they stated that Ferrell never gave any prior hint of racial bias. Ferrell was also described as an adequate teacher in terms of teaching skills as evidenced by his continuous receipt of satisfactory annual evaluations during his tenure with the school system. Further attributes included his never being absent and a willingness to stay after regular school hours to tutor students. Finally, Ferrell was offered the opportunity by Damianos in both 1984 and 1985 to teach extra classes because of the principal's confidence in his capabilities. Ferrell has not taught since his retirement in February, 1986 but wishes to retain his teacher's certificate. He thinks revocation of his certificate is too harsh a penalty given his otherwise satisfactory twenty-five year tenure as a teacher.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that Jack E. Ferrell be found guilty of violating Subsections 231.28(1)(c), (f) and (h), Florida Statutes (1987), as more specifically discussed in the conclusions of law, and that his teaching certificate be suspended for three years retroactive to his date of retirement in February 1, 1986. DONE AND ORDERED this 4th day of May, 1988, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of May, 1988.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6B-1.0066B-4.009
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida Feb. 13, 2009 Number: 09-000822PL Latest Update: Oct. 04, 2024
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-001664 Latest Update: Dec. 18, 1979

The Issue The issues posed for decision herein are whether or not the Respondent, during the Spring of 1977, supplied beer and marijuana to female students of Seminole Middle School; whether he smoked or permitted them to smoke marijuana in his apartment during this period and whether such conduct constitutes acts violative of Chapter 231.26 and 231.09, Florida Statutes, and Rules 6A-4.37 and 6B-1 of the State Board of Education, Florida Administrative Code. Based on the testimony of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, including the entire record compiled herein, I make the following:

Findings Of Fact The Respondent is the holder of a Graduate Rank III teaching certificate number 318622 and has been employed as a teacher for approximately five years. During school year 1976-1977, he was assigned as a teacher at Seminole Middle School. By letter dated September 2, 1977, from Gus Sakkis, Superintendent of Schools for Pinellas County, Respondent was advised that he was suspended, without pay, from his duties at Seminole Middle School beginning August 24, 1977, and was further advised that it was the Superintendent's "intention to recommend to the School Board of Pinellas County at their regular meeting of September 28, 1977, that it sustain the suspension and that [Respondent's] contract with the School System be cancelled." Respondent was also advised that he was being charged with misconduct in office pursuant to Section 231.36, Florida Statutes. As stated, the acts which comprise the alleged misconduct in office by Respondent involve the giving/selling of alcoholic beverages and marijuana, to- wit: beer and marijuana to certain eighth grade students in the Seminole Middle School, Pinellas County, Florida, during the 1976-1977 school year and the summer months of 1977; that the Respondent smoked marijuana in the presence of the same students on several occasions and that Respondent drank beer and/or other alcoholic beverages with the students. To substantiate the allegations contained in the Petition for Revocation of Respondent's Teaching Certificate, the Petitioners presented the testimony of four female students: Stacey Soper, Terri Cotterman, Donna Lombardi and Genine Buckley. Petitioners also presented witnesses Lois Beacham, Douglas McBriarty and Ruth A. McNutt, all employees in the Pinellas County school system. Stacey Soper, a fifteen year old ninth grade student at Seminole Middle School was an eighth grade student during the 1976-1977 school year. She testified that she lived in the same apartment complex as the Respondent and saw him on numerous occasions at the apartment complex, the swimming pool and at football and baseball games. She has smoked marijuana before and drank beer. She recalled having smoked marijuana supplied by Respondent on at least three occasions along with two other students, Terri Cotterman and Genine Buckley. She recalled this incident as having occurred during the Spring of 1977, in addition to one other occasion in which she drank beer with Respondent. She testified that on one occasion she asked Respondent to sell her a "joint" for which she paid seventy-five cents. (She recalled at least one other occasion during the Spring of 1977, when she asked Respondent to give her some "pot." She testified that when the marijuana was smoked, Respondent and two or three other students were engaged in smoking one "joint" at a time. While so doing, she testified that Respondent would close the door to his apartment. Respondent kept marijuana in a plastic bag in a desk drawer in his coffee table. She testified that these smoking sessions lasted from one to one and one half hours. The witness reiterated her familiarity with marijuana and beer as she has drunk beer and smoked marijuana on numerous occasions prior to the subject occasion with Respondent. Terri Cotterman, a fifteen year old ninth grade student at Seminole Middle High School recognized Respondent and noted that Respondent taught her for one week during her seventh grade school year and was her regular English teacher during her eighth grade school year. Cotterman also had smoked marijuana with Genine Buckley (Genine) and Stacey Soper (Stacey) during the Spring of 1977. She testified that she, along with Genine and Stacey, smoked marijuana with Respondent and another former instructor in the school system, a Mr. Asbury, who brought them home after they smoked marijuana at Respondent's apartment. She recalled that on one occasion, after they finished smoking marijuana and was sitting around the apartment, there was a knock on the door and two individuals, later identified as Alvin Philpot and Margaret Croskey, visited Respondent's apartment. She testified that when they entered the apartment, Mr. Asbury advised Respondent that "you'd better get them out of here." They all left and Mr. Asbury drove them home. She specifically recalled that the marijuana had been smoked when Philpot and Croskey came to Respondent's apartment. Witness Soper testified that she asked Respondent to purchase a six- pack of beer for them sometime during the 1977 Memorial Day weekend. She testified that while she remembered Respondent purchasing the beer for them, she failed to recall which brand was purchased or whether the beer was in glass or metal containers. Donna Lombardi, also a student, recalled being in Respondent's apartment complex on approximately two occasions and recalled one time when Respondent bought herself, Terri and Stacey a six-pack of beer (TR. 151). She testified that Respondent was outside washing his car when Donna, Terri and Stacey asked Respondent to buy them some beer. Respondent agreed, purchased the beer and they drank it in Stacey's apartment. Lois Ann Beacham, an Assistant Principal at Seminole Middle School, has known Respondent as a coworker since approximately 1973. Ms. Beacham recalled two conferences in which she had, prior to the subject incidents, warned Respondent of the "hands-off" policy in effect at the school as it related to instructors and preadolescent students. She testified that the first incident stemmed from an occasion in which a student, Wendy Aydlett, cuddled up to Respondent at a table in the library and moved her chair closer to him. This occurred during the months of October thru December, 1976. Another incident occurred during November 1976, when a student whose last name was Vega, rode her bicycle over to Respondent's apartment and her mother later learned of this, became highly upset and brought the matter to the attention of Mrs. McNutt, the head of the eighth grade sub-team. Ms. Beacham and Mrs. McNutt met with Respondent the following day and they discussed the matter. According to Ms. Beacham, Respondent received the advice given him during the conferences in a graceful manner and thanked them for the manner in which the incidents were handled. No similar incidents occurred. Douglas McBriarty, Director of Instructional Personnel for the Pinellas School System, is involved on a day-to-day basis in the handling of teaching problems, hiring, leave problems and investigation and handling of complaints filed against teachers for improper activities or misconduct in office. He has held this position for approximately eight years. Mr. McBriarty became involved in Respondent's case when Mr. Zachary, Principal at Seminole Junior High School, called him and advised that a detective Howe from the Pinellas County Sheriff's Department had approached him about statements from three students (Soper, Cotterman and Buckley) which had originated from a diary found by a mother which made references to Respondent having drank beer and smoked marijuana with students. Dr. McBriarty approached Respondent about the allegations and he essentially denied that any of the allegations were true. Dr. McBriarty asked Respondent if he and Mr. Zachary could examine his apartment which Respondent agreed to. They visited Respondent's apartment and found no traces of marijuana or any paraphernalia associated with the smoking of marijuana. Dr. McBriarty testified that he examined a coffee table which was alluded to by the students in their statements and found nothing. Dr. McBriarty voiced his opinion that Respondent's effectiveness as an employee of the School Board had been reduced based on the incidents brought about as a result of the School Board's investigation and stated this was reinforced by his talks with parents of the students involved. He testified that at all times Respondent was cooperative and responded to questions asked of him. Prior to Dr. McBriarty asking Respondent if he and the principal could visit his apartment, he (Respondent) had no knowledge that an investigation of him was ongoing. Based on Dr. McBriarty's investigation, he made a recommendation to Dr. Sakkis, Superintendent, that Respondent should be suspended based on acts which in his opinion, amounted to misconduct in office. It was based on this recommendation that Respondent was suspended by the above referenced letter of the School Board dated September 2, 1977, and it was this action which prompted the investigation and Petition for Revocation by the Professional Practices Council. Respondent's Defense At the outset of the Respondent's defense, counsel moved for a dismissal of the charges arguing essentially that, assuming arguendo that the complaint allegations are true, the record was barren of any evidence tending to show that the Respondent's effectiveness had been reduced as per the teaching of BOYETTE v. STATE, PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES COUNCIL, 346 So.2d 598 (Fla. 1st D.C.A. 1977). Additionally, Respondent's counsel urged that the proof falls short of showing that the alleged acts and/or conduct allegedly engaged in by Respondent as testified to by Petitioners' witnesses, failed to establish any official misconduct within the meaning of Chapter 231.36, Florida Statutes. This Motion was denied based on the undersigned's opinion that the Petitioners had established a prima facie case. The Respondent denied that he had either given or sold beer or marijuana to Seminole Middle School students as alleged or that he engaged in any of the alleged acts complained of herein. Additionally, in support of his position, Respondent offered the testimony of witnesses Alvin Philpot and Margaret Croskey. They denied that they witnessed any marijuana being smoked at the Respondent's apartment when they visited him on the occasion when students Soper, Buckley or Cotterman were present. They also stated that they only witnessed one beer can present in Respondent's apartment and that they did not smell any marijuana in the apartment. Finally, they testified that the students left shortly after they arrived. An analysis of the testimony of witnesses Croskey and Philpot was not at all viewed as contradictory of the testimony of student witnesses Soper, Cotterman, Buckley or Lombardi. As a matter of fact, the student witnesses testified that when witnesses Croskey and Philpot arrived, they had finished smoking the marijuana. Contrasting the testimony of witnesses Soper, Cotterman, Lombardi, Buckley and McBriarty, with that of witnesses Croskey and Philpot (as well as the Respondent) the testimony of the witnesses offered by Petitioners i.e., Soper, Cotterman, Lombardi, Buckley and McBriarty, is more creditable. While there were some minor discrepancies in the student witnesses testimony respecting dates, they all testified without contradiction that they in fact smoked marijuana with Respondent which at times was supplied by him either free or for monetary consideration and that he purchased beer for them. Significantly, all of the students had high regards for the Respondent as an instructor and no ulterior motive was advanced by Respondent which would tend to show that the student witnesses would have any basis to fabricate their testimony. Noteworthy too, is the fact that these factors did not come to light until one of the students' parents learned of the activities by reading her daughter's diary. This hardly resembles a situation where student witnesses are out to "get their teacher." That a public school teacher would permit such a blatant violation of the law [Section 893.13(1)(f), F.S.] to take place under any circumstances is totally incomprehensible and raises serious questions concerning his fitness to continue in a teaching capacity. By such acts and conduct, it is, therefore, concluded that Respondent performed acts constituting misconduct in office as alleged. However, the Petition (Complaint) allegations wherein it is argued that the Respondent's effectiveness as a teacher has been reduced by his acts and conduct as set forth hereinabove, presents a more difficult issue. Here, as in Boyette, supra, the second element of the charge, i.e., that Respondent's effectiveness as a school teacher was seriously reduced as a result of the conduct complained of, was based almost entirely by the Petitioners upon the opinion testimony of Dr. McBriarty. While the record clearly reveals that the Respondent's acts and conduct herein were misguided, they fail to demonstrate that he was unfit to continue as a teacher. The testimony of those instructors who had any knowledge of Respondent's abilities indicated that he is a competent teacher and that he had not been seriously disciplined in the past. Under these circumstances, I, accordingly, find that the Petitioners failed to establish that necessary quantum of proof to support the allegations that the Respondent's effectiveness as a school teacher was reduced as a result of the conduct complained of herein.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is hereby recommended that the Petitioner, Pinellas County School Board's, suspension of Respondent without pay be sustained for a period of two years. Additionally, it is further recommended that the Petitioner, Professional Practices Council, place the Respondent's teaching certificate under suspension from the date of the Pinellas County School Board's letter initially suspending him thru the 1978-79 school year. RECOMMENDED this 21st day of June, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675

Florida Laws (2) 120.57893.13
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Mar. 26, 2018 Number: 18-001596PL Latest Update: Oct. 04, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Oct. 28, 2008 Number: 08-005407PL Latest Update: Oct. 04, 2024
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Walton Beach, Florida Oct. 19, 1992 Number: 92-006253 Latest Update: Oct. 06, 1995

The Issue Whether the Education Practices Commission may revoke or suspend John T. Guzalak's Florida teaching certificate, or otherwise discipline Mr. Guzalak, for violations alleged in an Administrative Complaint entered September 21, 1992?

Findings Of Fact The Parties. The Petitioner, Betty Castor, as Commissioner of Education, on behalf of the EPC, is authorized to discipline individuals holding Florida teaching certificates. The Respondent is John T. Guzalak. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Mr. Guzalak held Florida teaching certificate number 615516. Mr. Guzalak is certified to teach English and Speech. Mr. Guzalak's teaching certificate is valid through June 30, 1995. From approximately August of 1987, until June of 1992, Mr. Guzalak served as a teacher for the Okaloosa County School Board (hereinafter referred to as the "School Board"). Mr. Guzalak's Attendance at Choctawhatchee Senior High School. Mr. Guzalak attended, and graduated from, Choctawhatchee Senior High School (hereinafter referred to as "Choctaw"). Mr. Guzalak graduated from Choctaw in 1981. Choctaw is a high school located in Okaloosa County, Florida. Choctaw has approximately 2,000 students, 117 to 120 teachers and a total of approximately 160 employees. While a student at Choctaw, Mr. Guzalak was active in debate and drama. His drama teacher was Mary Jo Yeager. Ms. Yeager was so impressed with Mr. Guzalak's acting ability that she cast him in the male leading role of essentially every play produced at Choctaw while Mr. Guzalak was a student there. Ms. Yeager and Mr. Guzalak developed a friendship and still remain friends. Mr. Guzalak's Employment by the School Board. After Mr. Guzalak had graduated from Choctaw and was attending college, Mr. Guzalak informed Ms. Yeager that he was interested in becoming a teacher. Ms. Yeager, who was planning to retire in a few years, talked to Richard G. Bounds, the Principal at Choctaw, about the possibility of Mr. Guzalak replacing her when she retired. Prior to August, 1987, Mr. Guzalak applied for a teaching position with the School Board as a teacher at Meigs Junior High School (hereinafter referred to as "Meigs"). Ms. Yeager recommended that Mr. Guzalak be hired. Mr. Guzalak was hired to teach at Meigs and began his employment with the School Board in August, 1987. Mr. Guzalak taught speech/drama and English during the 1987-1988 school year at Meigs. The Stage Crafters' Party. In January, 1988, Mr. Guzalak was involved with a local theatre group known as Stage Crafters. The group presented a play in which Mr. Guzalak participated during that month. Mr. Guzalak organized and gave a party for the cast of Stage Crafters after the presentation of the play. The party was held at the home of Mr. Guzalak's parents, where Mr. Guzalak lived until approximately August, 1991. Mr. Guzalak invited all students in his speech/drama classes at Meigs to attend the Stage Crafters' party. Mr. Guzalak invited his students because he thought it would be beneficial for his students to meet and talk to individuals who were involved in drama and who had more experience with acting. Mr. Guzalak had alcoholic beverages available for his guests during the Stage Crafters' party. A table was set up where guests were able to obtain alcoholic drinks. Adults drank alcoholic beverage in front of Mr. Guzalak's students during the party. Alcohol was consumed in the presence of students who were under the legal age required to consume alcoholic beverages. The evidence failed to prove that students who were not legally old enough to drink alcohol who were at the Stage Crafters' party were encouraged or allowed to drink alcoholic beverages. The evidence also failed to prove that underage students were in fact drinking in the presence of Mr. Guzalak or that Mr. Guzalak drank alcoholic beverages in front of any underage students. The testimony of Chris Hutcherson, a student at Meigs at the time of the party, concerning the party was contradicted by the testimony of Aaron Utley, another student at Meigs at the time, and is rejected. Mr. Guzalak testified that the underage students who attended the Stage Crafters' party were mainly relegated to half of the house and the adults and alcohol were located, and the consumption of alcoholic beverages took place, in the other half of the house. Mr. Guzalak testified that this separation of his underage students from the adults consuming alcohol was deliberate and intended to mitigate the extent to which alcohol would be consumed in front of his underage students. This testimony contradicts the purpose for which Mr. Guzalak indicated the students were invited to the Stage Crafters' party and is rejected. Mr. Guzalak simply failed to exercise good judgement when he allowed his underage students to attend a party without also inviting their parents when he knew that alcoholic beverages would be consumed. Mr. Guzalak was counseled by Bobby Smith, Principal at Meigs and Mr. Guzalak's supervisor, after Mr. Smith learned of the party. Mr. Guzalak told Mr. Smith that he had not consumed alcohol in the presence of his students at the party. Mr. Guzalak did admit that alcoholic beverages had been consumed in front of his students, although he minimized the extent to which alcohol had been consumed. Mr. Smith counseled Mr. Guzalak about his lack of judgement in allowing his underage students to attend a party where alcohol was being consumed. Meigs Student-Cast Dinner. In May, 1988, Mr. Guzalak was involved with a play presented at Meigs. The cast of the play consisted of Meigs students. After the play, Mr. Guzalak took the cast of the play to dinner at a restaurant. Some parents also attended the dinner. Mr. Guzalak failed to inform Mr. Smith or anyone else in the Meigs administration about the dinner. During the dinner Mr. Guzalak drank a glass of wine in the presence of the students, who were too young to legally consume alcoholic beverages, and the parents who attended the dinner. After the dinner about five students stayed to talk to Mr. Guzalak after everyone else had departed. When Mr. Guzalak was ready to take the students home who had stayed, he let one of the students drive his automobile. The student driver was 15 years of age at the time. The student driver had a learners' driving permit which allowed her to drive with an adult in the automobile. The student driver took the other students home and then drove to her own home. Mr. Guzalak then drove himself home from the home of the student that had driven his automobile. Mr. Guzalak testified that he had allowed the student driver to drive his automobile because he was concerned about the fact that he had consumed a glass of wine. This testimony is inconsistent with Mr. Guzalak's testimony that he did not give the drinking of the glass of wine with dinner in the presence of the students any thought, one way or the other, and is not credible. Mr. Guzalak allowed the student to drive his automobile that evening because Mr. Guzalak wanted to be accepted by students as a friend and not just a teacher. Consuming alcoholic beverages in front of students is against the policies of the School Board. Mr. Smith and Mr. Guzalak had previously discussed the inappropriateness of a teacher consuming alcohol in front of students as a result of the Stage Crafters' party. Despite this prior warning, Mr. Guzalak again exercised poor judgement and failed to adhere to School Board policy. Mr. Smith was informed of the dinner and spoke to Mr. Guzalak about it. Mr. Smith admonished Mr. Guzalak for drinking alcohol in front of his students. A few days after their discussion, Mr. Guzalak was given a formal, written reprimand by Mr. Smith. See Petitioner's Exhibit 2. Mr. Guzalak was specifically reprimanded for drinking alcohol in front of his students. He was also informed that he was required "to discuss any and all school sponsored activities with [Mr. Smith] before they occur." See Petitioners' Exhibit 2. During Mr. Smith's conference with Mr. Guzalak, Mr. Guzalak expressed concern to Mr. Smith about why it was improper for him to consume alcohol in front of students under the circumstances of the cast dinner. Mr. Guzalak found it difficult to understand why the drinking of a glass of wine with dinner in the presence of students by a teacher was inappropriate. Mr. Guzalak's Employment at Choctaw. Ms. Yeager decided to retire from Choctaw after the 1988-1989 school year. She recommended that Mr. Bounds hire Mr. Guzalak to be her replacement. Mr. Bounds questioned Mr. Smith about Mr. Guzalak's performance at Meigs. Mr. Smith informed Mr. Bounds of the dinner incident when Mr. Guzalak drank a glass of wine in the presence of students and provided Mr. Bounds with a copy of the written reprimand, Petitioner's Exhibit 2, that Mr. Smith had given to Mr. Guzalak. Mr. Bounds, Mr. Guzalak's supervisor at Choctaw, discussed Mr. Smith's written reprimand with Mr. Guzalak prior to, or soon after, Mr. Guzalak's employment at Choctaw. Mr. Bounds cautioned Mr. Guzalak about consuming alcohol in front of underage students. This was the third time that Mr. Guzalak had been cautioned about the inappropriateness of consuming alcohol in front of underage students. Mr. Guzalak was hired to teach at Choctaw. Mr. Guzalak began his employment at Choctaw in August of 1989. Mr. Guzalak taught at Choctaw during the 1989-1990, 1990-1991 and 1991-1992 school years. Part of his duties included coaching the forensic teams. The 1990-1991 School Year--Student Visits to Mr. Guzalak's Home. Mr. Guzalak developed and maintained relationships with several Choctaw students which went beyond the appropriate and acceptable teacher- student relationship. Those relationships were more typical of the relationships that students develop among themselves. During the 1990-1991 school year students would go to Mr. Guzalak's home to visit. Students who went to Mr. Guzalak's home during the 1990-1991 school year included Sarah Stimac, David Barron, Bobby Arnold, Steve Bucci, Patrick Peavy, Eric Gaul, Kevin Mock, Richard "Matt" Schoditsch, David Hodges, Thomas Ignas and Ross Foster. Sarah Stimac, Bobby Arnold, Steve Bucci, Patrick Peavy, Eric Gaul and Kevin Mock were seniors at Choctaw during the 1990-1991 school year. David Barron was a sophomore at Choctaw. David Hodges and Thomas Ignas were juniors at Choctaw. Matt Schoditsch and Ross Foster were also students at Choctaw. Initially, students began going to Mr. Guzalak's home for school- related purposes. They went for assistance from Mr. Guzalak with school subjects, to practice for plays and to practice for forensic team competitions. Students eventually began visiting Mr. Guzalak's home primarily for social reasons. Mr. Guzalak allowed students to come to Mr. Guzalak's home to visit without invitation, without informing Mr. Guzalak they were coming and without asking for Mr. Guzalak's permission. While at Mr. Guzalak's home, students would watch movies, listen to music, play music, play chess, talk and "just hang out." Mr. Guzalak's characterization of student visits as tending to be "academic in nature" is rejected. At some time during the Fall of 1990, Mr. Guzalak invited a group of students who had formed a rock band to come to his home to practice for an upcoming pep rally. Bobby Arnold was one of the first students to be invited to practice at Mr. Guzalak's home. Eventually, the students included Steve Bucci, Kevin Foster and John Randall. A few other students would join in on occasion. At some point, students, including those mentioned in the foregoing finding of fact, would go to Mr. Guzalak's home and just play music as opposed to practicing for some upcoming event. Other students, including Patrick Peavy, Eric Gaul and Kevin Mock would listen. The music sessions were social in nature and were not school related. Bobby Arnold's suggestion that the students and Mr. Guzalak, in addition to playing music, would talk about books is rejected to the extent that Bobby Arnold was suggesting an academic purpose for his visits. As Steve Bucci described the visits, they were "jam sessions." Bobby Arnold went to Mr. Guzalak's home at least five to seven times during the 1990-1991 school year. Steve Bucci indicated that the music sessions at Mr. Guzalak's home took place two times a month and more often if he was getting ready for a talent show. Matt Schoditsch went to Mr. Guzalak's home at least six times. Matt Schoditsch's testimony that he only went to Mr. Guzalak's home for academic purposes and not for social reasons was contradicted by many of the other witnesses in this proceeding, including Mr. Guzalak, and is rejected. Mr. Schoditsch's suggestion that students would "be sitting there reading a book or something . . . Magazines" is rejected. Even Mr. Guzalak admitted that students came for social reasons. David Barron went to Mr. Guzalak's home more than twelve times and less than twenty times. During three to five of those visits by David Barron went to Mr. Guzalak's home, beer was consumed by underage students in Mr. Guzalak's presence. Matt Schoditsch, Kevin Foster, Patrick Peavy and others were at Mr. Guzalak's home at times that David Barron saw beer consumed by underage students in front of Mr. Guzalak. Mr. Guzalak also consumed beer in David Barron's presence and the presence of other underage students. The beer consumed by David Barron was either provided by Mr. Guzalak or Mr. Barron brought his own beer. On one of the occasions where Mr. Guzalak provided beer to David Barron at Mr. Guzalak's home, it was a type of beer that David Barron had not seen before. Mr. Guzalak said that he got the beer when he had gone north to visit his parents. On one occasion Mr. Guzalak drank a glass of wine in front of Kevin Mock. This took place despite the fact that Mr. Guzalak had previously been counselled by Mr. Smith (twice) and Mr. Bounds about the impropriety of drinking alcohol in front of students. Mr. Guzalak offered Kevin Mock a drink of the wine and Mr. Mock took it. Sarah Stimac also went to Mr. Guzalak's home during the 1990-1991 school year. Patrick Peavy started taking Ms. Stimac to Mr. Guzalak's. Mr. Peavy was Ms. Stimac's boy friend during the 1990-1991 school year. Mr. Peavy and Ms. Stimac had started doing things with a group of their friends during the summer of 1989 and by the end of the summer they had developed a relationship. Sarah Stimac began going to Mr. Guzalak's home because Patrick Peavy and his friends, primarily Eric Gaul and Kevin Mock, liked to go there and they went there often. On one occasion during the 1990-1991 school year, Sarah Stimac saw Mr. Guzalak and Eric Gaul smoke marijuana at Mr. Guzalak's home in the guest rest room. They used a "bong", a pipe-like device used for smoking marijuana. Ms. Stimac also witnessed Patrick Peavy and Kevin Mock smoke marijuana at Mr. Guzalak's home. Mr. Mock admitted to Martha Clemons, his girl friend during part of the 1990-1991 school year, that he had smoked marijuana at Mr. Guzalak's home. Sarah Stimac also saw marijuana smoked and alcoholic beverages consumed on at least one other occasion at Mr. Guzalak's home. Patrick Peavy, Eric Gaul and Kevin Mock visited Mr. Guzalak's home more frequently than other students. By their own admissions, they went to Mr. Guzalak's home, on average, from two to three times a week. Contrary to Mr. Guzalak's testimony that Mr. Peavy, Mr. Gaul and Mr. Mock were rarely at his home at the same time, Mr. Peavy, Mr. Gaul and Mr. Mock went to Mr. Guzalak's together or were at Mr. Guzalak's home at the same time often based upon their own admissions. Based upon the weight of the evidence, it is concluded that Mr. Peavy, Mr. Gaul and Mr. Mock went to Mr. Guzalak's home on a frequent and regular basis. Sarah Stimac substantiated the fact that Patrick Peavy went to Mr. Guzalak's home frequently. She went with him approximately six times. She also picked him up at Mr. Guzalak's and she telephoned Mr. Peavy at Mr. Guzalak's home. Mr. Peavy told Ms. Stimac and his parents that he was going to Mr. Guzalak's home more often than he actually went. Mr. Peavy lied to Ms. Stimac and his parents so that he could do other things without Ms. Stimac or so that he could do things that his parents would not let him do if he told them the truth. This gave Ms. Stimac the impression that Mr. Peavy was at Mr. Guzalak's home more often then he actually was. Despite this fact, the weight of the evidence proved that Mr. Peavy was at Mr. Guzalak's home on a frequent and regular basis for non-academic purposes. The 1990-1991 School Year Initiation Night. At some time during the Fall of 1990, an annual event, referred to as "Initiation Night," took place at Choctaw. Groups of students at Choctaw traditionally go out together on Initiation Night. On Initiation Night during the Fall of 1990, Sarah Stimac drove Angie Smallwood to Mr. Guzalak's home at approximately 9:00 p.m. to pick up Patrick Peavy. Mr. Peavy had told Ms. Stimac that he would be there. Mr. Peavy, Eric Gaul and Kevin Mock were at Mr. Guzalak's home and were picked up by Ms. Stimac. After Sarah Stimac picked up Patrick Peavy, he told Ms. Stimac that he had been drinking and that he had smoked marijuana and taken LSD. The evidence, however, failed to prove where these events took place. More importantly, the evidence failed to prove that Mr. Guzalak was present when these events took place or that he was aware of what had happened. After leaving Mr. Guzalak's home, Ms. Stimac and the students she picked up went to a local pizza restaurant and met other students, including Matt Schoditsch. The students then went to a bayou where they built a fire. Eric Gaul had a bottle of spiced rum. At some point during the evening Okaloosa County sheriff's deputies appeared. When they did, despite the cold evening, Patrick Peavy, who had been swinging on a rope swing over the water, fell into the water. Whether Mr. Peavy did so because he was startled (as he testified) or because he was trying to get rid of the marijuana and LSD he had in his pocket (as Ms. Stimac testified) need not be decided. The evidence failed to prove that Mr. Guzalak was directly involved in this incident. It is also not necessary to decide whether Mr. Peavy had drugs in his pocket because the evidence failed to prove that Mr. Guzalak had anything to do with any such drugs. After Eric Gaul admitted that the bottle of spiced rum he had, and which the deputies had found, was his and he had convinced the deputies that he had a stranger buy the rum for him at a liquor store, the students were allowed to leave. Although Mr. Gaul, after getting into Ms. Stimac's automobile, stated that he had been given the rum by Mr. Guzalak, the evidence failed to prove the truth of this hearsay statement. After the incident at the bayou the students went back to Mr. Guzalak's home. The 1990-1991 School Year Senior Prom. The day of the 1990-1991 school year senior prom, Sarah Stimac and Patrick Peavy had a fight and broke off their relationship. They did, however, go to the prom together that night. The prom was held at a local motel. Sarah Stimac and Patrick Peavy rented a room at the motel. At some time before the prom was over, Sarah Stimac and Patrick Peavy went to the room they had rented. Mr. Guzalak came to the room to visit. Mr. Peavy had invited Mr. Guzalak. Mr. Guzalak left after Ms. Stimac gave Mr. Peavy an ultimatum that either Mr. Guzalak leave or she would, and Mr. Peavy asked Mr. Guzalak to leave. Mr. Guzalak stayed approximately five to fifteen minutes. Although there was alcohol in Ms. Stimac's and Mr. Peavy's room, the evidence failed to prove that Mr. Guzalak was aware of the alcohol or that anyone was drinking while Mr. Guzalak was there. The 1990-1991 Spring Break Canoe Trip. During the spring break of April, 1991, a student party was organized. The party consisted of a canoe trip down a local river. The party was not a school-sponsored event. Mr. Guzalak was invited to come on the 1991 canoe trip. Although Mr. Guzalak remembered that he was invited by one or more students, Mr. Guzalak, who had an excellent memory for most details, could not remember the names of any student that invited him. Mr. Guzalak spent most of the trip with Patrick Peavy, Eric Gaul and Kevin Mock. There were about 120 students who participated in the canoe trip. They met at the Choctaw parking lot the morning of the trip. During the canoe trip, underage students were drinking beer. They did so openly and in Mr. Guzalak's presence. Mr. Guzalak was offered beer at least ten times by underage students. Kevin Mock admitted that he drank beer in front of Mr. Guzalak during the trip. Mr. Guzalak did not make any effort to stop any of the underage students from drinking alcoholic beverages. Mr. Guzalak's testimony that there was nothing he could do about students drink beer on the trip is not credible. Mr. Guzalak had a duty and responsibility to attempt to stop underage students from drinking beer. Even if Mr. Guzalak's testimony that he did not attempt to stop the drinking because of the number of students involved was credible (which it is not), his testimony did not explain why he did not say something to those students who were bold enough to offer him a beer and then students who he came into contact with that were drinking beer By allowing the consumption of alcohol in his presence by students who were under the legal drinking age, Mr. Guzalak condoned their illegal behavior. When a teacher allows the violation of one law, it becomes difficult for the teacher to enforce other laws and rules governing student conduct. Mr. Guzalak failed to report the incident to Mr. Bounds or any other administrative employees at Choctaw. Mr. Guzalak should not have just ignored the fact that students, some of whom were his students, had blatantly violated the law in his presence. The 1991-1992 School Year--Mr. Bounds Second Warning. In approximately August of 1991, Patrick Peavy's father spoke to Mr. Bounds about his belief that his son was drinking alcohol and using drugs at Mr. Guzalak's home. The evidence failed to prove what basis, if any, Mr. Peavy had for his suspicions at the time he made his complaint. As a result of the concerns raised by Patrick Peavy's father, Mr. Bounds spoke to Mr. Guzalak. The conversation took place on approximately September 19, 1991. Among other things, Mr. Bounds told Mr. Guzalak that a parent had reported that students were frequenting Mr. Guzalak's home and that alcohol and drugs were being used there. Mr. Bounds told Mr. Guzalak that the parent had followed his child to Mr. Guzalak's home. While Mr. Guzalak admitted to Mr. Bounds that students were frequenting his home, he denied that alcohol was being consumed or that drugs were being used. Mr. Bounds explained to Mr. Guzalak why it was not a good idea to allow students to come to his home. Mr. Guzalak, however, did not agree with Mr. Bounds' concerns over the possible pitfalls of forming personal, social relationships with his students. On September 24, 1991, Mr. Bounds wrote a memorandum to Mr. Guzalak "to reiterate my position regarding our conversation in my office on Thursday, September 19, 1991." Petitioner's Exhibit 3. Mr. Bounds also stated the following in the memorandum: During our conversation you related to me that students from our school were invited and allowed to visit your home for non-academic reasons. Furthermore, you related to me that students from our school are not discouraged by you to establish a personal friendship with you. These personal friendships are encouraged by your participating in non-school related activities. You are hereby notified that all future contact with students from our school should be exclusively of a professional and academic nature. Moreover, meetings with our students should be held on our school property exclusively unless express permission is obtained from me. Petitioner's Exhibit 3. Mr. Bounds also arranged for Mr. Guzalak to meet with Annette Lee (formerly, Annette Francis), Personnel Director of the School Board. Ms. Lee, who was Assistant Superintendent, Human Resource Division, at the time, met with Mr. Guzalak. On October 9, 1991, Ms. Lee wrote Mr. Guzalak a letter memorializing this meeting and provided him with a copy of a document titled "How to Use Common Sense and Professional Judgement to Avoid Legal Complications in Teaching," a form containing some School Board expectations for teacher conduct. See Petitioner's Exhibits 4 and 5. Ms. Lee also discussed the inappropriateness of Mr. Guzalak's behavior and stressed to him the importance of maintaining a professional relationship with students. Mr. Guzalak again admitted that he had developed friendships with some of his students and that he had seen them on occasion socially. Among other things, Ms. Lee stressed the following portions of the "How to Use Common Sense and Professional Judgement to Avoid Legal Complications in Teaching" form she had provided to Mr. Guzalak: Interaction with Students: Maintain a professional barrier between you and students. You are the adult, teacher and the professional; act like the expert not like another one of the "kids." . . . . 3. Refer students to the appropriate resource person for counseling and/or discussions about personal matters. . . . . 5. Do NOT discuss your personal life or personal matters with students. Do NOT discuss your husband, boyfriend, dates or controversial issues with students. . . . . 10. Chaperone only school sponsored functions. Do NOT socialize with students. If you chaperone a field trip, put in writing what your responsibilities will be. Do NOT drink alcoholic beverages in front of students. Do NOT take children home with you. . . . . C. Reputation in the Community. . . . . Communicate with parents and document your communications. Dress and act appropriately but professionally. You are a role model in the community as well as in the school; be a good example for students. Use common sense and good judgement. Ask yourself how someone else could perceive your comments or actions. Ask yourself if your comments or actions could be taken out of context and/or misinterpreted. Avoid putting yourself in a position where you have to defend, explain, or justify your behavior or actions. Avoid putting yourself in a position where it's your word against another person's word. . . . . Petitioner's Exhibit 5. Continued Student Visits to Mr. Guzalak's Home. Mr. Guzalak was very concerned about what Mr. Bounds had told him about students coming to his home. Mr. Guzalak thought that he was being watched (by a parent) and he was concerned because some of the allegations about alcohol and drug use were true. Initially, Mr. Guzalak told students who dropped by or who asked if they could come by, not to come or that they could not stay. For example, Mr. Guzalak told Thomas Ignas and David Hodgson they should not come to his home. On at least one occasion, however, Mr. Guzalak allowed students to visit him at his home during the 1991-1992 school year after Mr. Bounds had instructed Mr. Guzalak to stop such visits. The incident took place during the first three months of 1992. Aaron Utley was told to come to Mr. Guzalak's home by either David Hodges or Thomas Ignas. When Mr. Utley arrived at Mr. Guzalak's home, Mr. Hodges and Mr. Ignas were there with Mr. Guzalak. There were empty beer cans on the coffee table. Mr. Hodges was drunk. Mr. Guzalak did not request that any of the students leave. The weight of the evidence failed to prove, however, that alcohol was consumed by Mr. Guzalak in front of the students or that the students consumed alcohol in front of Mr. Guzalak. The Florida State University Trip--September, 1991. At some time after Mr. Guzalak spoke to Mr. Bounds in September 1991, Mr. Guzalak took a group of students who were participating in the forensic program to Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, for a forensic competition. Among others on the trip were Chris Hutcherson, Mark Bradshaw, David MacCarroll and Josh Mickey. These Choctaw students stayed in the same motel room while on the trip. One evening, Mark Bradshaw, David MacCarroll and Josh Mickey came into the motel room where they were staying and smelled marijuana smoke. Mr. Hutcherson was in the room. Mr. Hutcherson had smoked marijuana just before the other students came into the room. Mr. Guzalak came into the motel room shortly after the students arrived and he smelled the marijuana smoke also. Mr. Guzalak asked what was going on, but no one admitted anything at that time. At some point during the trip, Chris Hutcherson admitted to Mr. Guzalak that he had smoked marijuana in the motel room. At no time did Mr. Guzalak report Chris Hutcherson's admission to Mr. Hutcherson's family, Mr. Bounds or any other administrative official. Nor did Mr. Guzalak take any disciplinary action against Mr. Hutcherson. Failing to report the use of illicit drugs was against school policy. Mr. Guzalak did not even explain to Chris Hutcherson why he should not have been using marijuana. Instead, Mr. Guzalak told Mr. Hutcherson that he had put Mr. Guzalak in an untenable position by his actions. Because Mr. Bounds had spoken to Mr. Guzalak only a few days before this incident, Mr. Guzalak's concern was not for Mr. Hutcherson or even the forensic team--"[i]t was for myself." See line 11, page 595, Transcript of the Final Hearing. Mr. Guzalak, by his use of marijuana and alcohol with students prior to this incidental, had placed himself in a position of action in a manner similar to that of Mr. Hutcherson. Therefore, it became difficult for Mr. Guzalak to carry out his responsibility as a teacher to report Mr. Hutcherson's admission. The Pensacola Trip--November, 1991. In November, 1991, the Choctaw forensic team went to Pensacola, Escambia County, Florida, to participate in a competition. Since the competition was out of Okaloosa County, students were prohibited by School Board policy from driving their own vehicles. Students who participated in the competition were required to have their parents sign a form granting permission for their child to travel on the trip. See Respondent's Exhibit 1. On the permission form it indicated that "students' may not drive themselves to out of county school-sponsored activities . . . ." The students who were going on the Pensacola trip were told to be at Choctaw at 6:15 a.m. They were scheduled to leave at 6:30 a.m. Chris Hutcherson, who was to participate in the Pensacola competition, did not want to get up as early as he would have to arise to be at Choctaw at 6:15 a.m. Therefore, Mr. Hutcherson asked his mother, Sharon Philbrook, if he could drive his automobile to Pensacola. She told him no. She also spoke to Mr. Guzalak who confirmed the School Board policy that students were not allowed to drive their own vehicles on the trip and that transportation would be provided for students for the trip. The morning of the Pensacola trip, Ms. Philbrook found a note from Chris Hutcherson indicating he had taken his stepbrother's automobile despite her instructions to the contrary. Ms. Philbrook reported the incident to Mr. Bounds who suggested that she go to Pensacola and get Mr. Hutcherson. She did so. Upon arriving at the competition site, Ms. Philbrook introduced herself to Mr. Guzalak and explained what had happened. She also told him that she had reported the incident to Mr. Bounds and that Mr. Bounds wanted Mr. Guzalak to telephone him. Mr. Guzalak was very upset about what Ms. Philbrook told him and told her he wished she had not telephoned Mr. Bounds. In light of Mr. Bounds' admonishment of Mr. Guzalak in September and Chris Hutcherson's admission to Mr. Guzalak that he had smoked marijuana on the Florida State University trip (which Mr. Guzalak had not reported), Mr. Guzalak's reaction is understandable. Mr. Guzalak's reaction and the other evidence presented by the EPC concerning this incident, however, failed to prove that Mr. Guzalak was responsible for Chris Hutcherson's violation of School Board policy against students driving their own vehicles out of the county. As a result of Mr. Hutcherson's actions, Mr. Guzalak informed Mr. Hutcherson that he could no longer travel with the forensic team. Mr. Hutcherson's testimony concerning whether Mr. Guzalak told him that it was okay to drive his own automobile to Pensacola was not credible and is rejected. The Rush Concert--February, 1992. In February, 1992, Mr. Guzalak was responsible for the production of a play at Choctaw. During the week before the play was to begin, Mr. Guzalak cancelled a rehearsal. The rehearsal was cancelled because Mr. Guzalak and several students involved in the play wanted to attend a concert by a musical group, Rush, in Pensacola. The evidence failed to prove that Mr. Guzalak went to the concert with any students from Choctaw, although he did see and speak to at least one student at the concert. The evidence failed to prove that Mr. Guzalak acted improperly or violated School Board policy in cancelling the rehearsal. Matt Schoditsch's Party--February, 1992. On a Friday evening in February, 1992, Mr. Guzalak spoke to Matt Schoditsch on the telephone. Mr. Schoditsch invited Mr. Guzalak to come to his home. Mr. Schoditsch told Mr. Guzalak that there would be other students at his home, students that Mr. Guzalak knew, and that they would be grilling food. Mr. Guzalak knew that Mr. Schoditsch was having a student get-together. Mr. Guzalak's and Mr. Schoditsch's testimony that Mr. Guzalak was invited and came to Mr. Schoditsch's home only to discuss his participation in a play is not credible. The weight of the evidence proved that Mr. Schoditsch invited Mr. Guzalak for social reasons, and that Mr. Guzalak accepted the invitation for social reasons. Mr. Guzalak accepted the invitation and went to a student's house contrary to Mr. Bounds' directive to him and contrary to Ms. Lee's advice. Mr. Guzalak testified that he had assumed that Mr. Schoditsch's parents would be there. Mr. Guzalak also testified that it was not until after students starting showing up with beer that he realized that Mr. Schoditsch's parents were not there. This testimony is not credible. In light of Mr. Bounds' directive, which Mr. Guzalak indicated he was very concerned about, a reasonable person would have inquired. Additionally, a reasonable person, especially a teacher and one who had previously been accused of being too friendly with students, would seek out a student's parents soon after arriving at their home to introduce himself or to say hello if the teacher thought the parents were home. Even if Mr. Guzalak did not know that Mr. Schoditsch's parent would not be home before he arrived, he should have realized soon after arriving that they were not there and left. Shortly after arriving at Mr. Schoditsch's home, Mr. Guzalak saw students start to arrive with beer which they began drinking. According to Mr. Guzalak and Mr. Schoditsch, Mr. Guzalak expressed concern to Mr. Schoditsch about students drinking in front of him. They also testified that Mr. Schoditsch attempted to stop the drinking, but too many students started coming, and there was too much beer. This testimony is not credible. According to Mr. Barron, who also attended the party, there were only fifteen to twenty people at the party. If Mr. Schoditsch had really wanted to, he could have stopped the drinking. Mr. Schoditsch had no intention of stopping the beer drinking. And Mr. Guzalak did not expect him to. Even after Mr. Guzalak saw students drinking beer he did not leave immediately. According to his own testimony, he stayed another twenty-five to thirty minutes after he saw students drinking and even took time to go speak to a student, Jodie Brooks, before leaving. The weight of the evidence failed to prove whether Mr. Guzalak drank alcohol while at Mr. Schoditsch's home. Although Mr. Barron thought Mr. Guzalak was drinking a mixed drink because he was drinking out of Mr. Schoditsch's cup or glass, Mr. Barron did not testify about how he knew that Mr. Schoditsch was drinking a mixed drink. Use of Profanity. It is against the policy of the School Board for a teacher to use profanity in the presence of students. Mr. Guzalak used the term "fucking" in front of several students when he became angry about their use of squirt guns on a forensic competition trip. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that Mr. Guzalak used profanity in the classroom. Supervision of Students on Trips. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that Mr. Guzalak failed to provide adequate or required supervision of students while on school trips. Mr. Guzalak's Resignation from the School Board. Ultimately, several teachers became aware of various rumors about Mr. Guzalak and some of his inappropriate behavior with students. Those comments were reported to Mr. Bounds, who spoke to a few students and then reported the problem to Ms. Lee. The Superintendent of Okaloosa County Schools met with Mr. Guzalak in March 1992, and discussed the various allegations against him. Mr. Guzalak subsequently resigned, effective at the end of the 1991-1992 school year. Credibility of the Witnesses. Mr. Guzalak and the students who were most involved in the incidents at issue in this proceeding denied that most of the more serious accusations against Mr. Guzalak are true. In addition to denying the accusations against him, Mr. Guzalak also suggested that he is the victim of unfounded rumors. Finally, Mr. Guzalak questioned the credibility and motives of some of the witnesses who testified in this proceeding. The denials of Mr. Guzalak and those students who supported his version of events have been rejected. Based upon the weight of the evidence, Mr. Guzalak's testimony was not convincing. The denial of the accusations by several (but not all) of the witnesses called by Mr. Guzalak was also not credible and has been rejected. Many of those witnesses are young men who have developed a close relationship to Mr. Guzalak. They consider Mr. Guzalak to be their "friend." Their testimony reflected their desire not to betray their "friend" and has been rejected in large part based upon the weight of all of the evidence. The efforts to suggest that Mr. Guzalak is merely a victim of rumors also failed. Rumors were caused, in part, because of the perception that Mr. Guzalak was different or eccentric, and, in part, because of the incidents described in this Recommended Order. While there were no doubt rumors concerning this matter and Mr. Guzalak, the incidents which have been found to have occurred in this Recommended Order are based upon the specific knowledge of those witnesses found to be credible. Many of those incidents were confirmed or substantiated by more than one witness. Finally, the efforts of Mr. Guzalak to discredit some of the witnesses also failed. Most of those efforts were directed at Sarah Stimac, Chris Hutcherson and Aaron Utley. The testimony of Ms. Stimac, Mr. Utley and most of the other witnesses called by the Petitioner was credible. It is true, however, that Mr. Hutcherson's testimony contained inconsistencies and that Mr. Hutcherson evidenced an extremely bitter and judgemental attitude against Mr. Guzalak. Consequently, Mr. Hutcherson's testimony has not been accepted except to the extent that it has been corroborated by other evidence. Attacks on Ms. Stimac's credibility are rejected. The suggestion that Sarah Stimac was not credible fails to consider, among other things, the fact that Ms. Stimac's actions in this matter were taken at some personal expense and aggravation. Mr. Guzalak, during the investigation of this matter by the EPC, allowed several students to read confidential statements that Ms. Stimac and other students had given during the investigation. He did so without regard to the consequences to Ms. Stimac or the other students. As a result, Ms. Stimac has faced hostility and ridicule from those misguided students who believe that not telling, or "ratting," on a friend is admirable. Despite such hostility, Ms. Stimac refused to compromise her integrity. The weight of the evidence proved that other students, such as Aaron Utley and David Barron made the same choice that Sarah Stimac made. Rather than lacking credibility, Ms. Stimac's testimony, Mr. Barron's testimony, and the testimony of most of the other students who spoke out about Mr. Guzalak's inappropriate conduct is admirable. The Impact of Mr. Guzalak's Actions on His Ability to Perform His Duties Effectively. There was no direct evidence to prove that Mr. Guzalak was not effective in the classroom. Most of the witnesses agreed that Mr. Guzalak was very effective in the classroom. Several of the witnesses spoke of Mr. Guzalak's intelligence and ability with some admiration. Unfortunately, Mr. Guzalak, by his own admission and based upon the facts presented in this case, has evidenced a lack of the judgement necessary for him to be entrusted with the education of young people. This fact is based upon the nature of the improper acts which Mr. Guzalak has been found to have committed in this case and by his attitude about the warnings he received from Mr. Smith, Mr. Bounds, Ms. Lee and even Mr. Guzalak's coworkers. A teacher that drinks alcohol in the presence of students and provides alcohol to, or condones the use of, alcoholic beverages by students has lost his or her effectiveness as a teacher because of the high standard of conduct expected of teachers. A teacher that uses marijuana in the presence of students or allows students to use marijuana in his or her presence has also lost his or her effectiveness as a teacher. Mr. Guzalak's conduct was, therefore, contrary to the conduct expected of him by the School Board and the community. Mr. Guzalak's conduct is sufficiently notorious in the community that he has lost his effectiveness as a teacher. Mr. Guzalak's inability to follow the directions of his supervisors has also reduced his effectiveness as a teacher. Mr. Guzalak probably has begun to take too much stock in the praise he has received concerning his intelligence and abilities. He has begun to believe his "reviews." As a result, Mr. Guzalak believes that he knows more about how to be an effective teacher than his supervisors and fellow teachers. Mr. Guzalak was asked during the hearing why he had a problem with Mr. Bounds' directive concerning his student friendships. Mr. Guzalak's response, which evidences his attitude about the appropriate role of a teacher with his or her students, was as follows: Because I was used to the idea at that point of having some social contact with students. It was important to me. I was, basically, disturbed because I felt that Richard Bounds was asking me to suddenly make some sort of major capitulation, not in my life-style, but in my mode of thought, in the way I viewed my relationship with students. He wanted me to be an authoritarian clone, if I must. Lines 18-25, Page 627 and Lines 1-2, Page 628, Vol. IV of the Transcript. Additionally, Mr. Guzalak answered the following questions: Q. [Mr. Bounds is] your principal. Shouldn't he be allowed to tell you how you should behave with your students? A. No. Q. He shouldn't be able to tell you how you conduct yourself with your students? A. No. Q. Why not? A. Because I'm an adult and because I'm a professional. And I'm capable of making those decisions on my own. . . . . Lines 17-25, Page 628 and Lines 1-2, Page 629, Vol. IV of the Transcript. Rather than being an "authoritarian clone," Mr. Guzalak attempted to reach some of his students by being their friend on their level. To some extent, he was influenced by Ms. Yeager, who developed friendships with her students. Ms. Yeager, however, was more mature, married, had a family and had been teaching for some time. As Ms. Yeager put it: . . . . Of course, I have an advantage, being an old, married woman. I mean, I had a husband. I had a family. I had a track record when I came here, Ms. O'Sullivan. I taught seven years junior high and two more years in high school. So I think age -- Not all people are respected because they're older, as you know. But, I'm saying I sort of had an edge there on John [Guzalak], plus experience. Lines 19-25, Page 375 and Lines 1-2, Page 376, Vol. III of Transcript. More importantly, Ms. Yeager, by her actions, her character and her good judgement, was able to develop a certain level of friendship with her students while maintaining her distance and her professionalism. Mr. Guzalak has not evidenced the ability to do the same because of his lack of judgement and his inability to heed the advice and experience of his supervisors and peers.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6B-1.0066B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Dec. 04, 2000 Number: 00-004821PL Latest Update: Oct. 04, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Moore Haven, Florida Sep. 25, 2000 Number: 00-003926PL Latest Update: May 10, 2001

The Issue The issues in this case are whether Respondent violated Section 231.28(1)(i), Florida Statutes (2000), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) and (e), by using unauthorized methods of disciplining a student before allowing the student to visit the school nurse. (All chapter and section references are to Florida Statutes (2000) unless otherwise stated. Unless otherwise stated, all references to rules are to rules promulgated in the Florida Administrative Code in effect on the date of this Recommended Order.)

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency responsible for regulating certified teachers in the state. Respondent holds Florida Educator's Certificate Number 416888. Respondent's Florida teaching certificate is valid through June 30, 2003. Respondent is employed as a Special Education Teacher at Moore Haven Junior High School (the "school") in the Glades County School District (the "District"). Respondent has a long-standing practice in his classroom of disciplining male students by making them do push-ups and hold books while their arms are extended in front of them. Both practices violate rules and policies of the school and the District. Respondent had actual or constructive knowledge that discipline by push-ups and holding books violated the policies of the school and the District. The student handbook distributed to each teacher, including Respondent, prescribed the authorized methods of discipline. None of the authorized methods included pushups or holding books. Respondent submitted some evidence that administrators in the school deviated from officially stated policies and rules by condoning unauthorized methods of discipline such as pushups or holding books. However, the evidence submitted by Respondent was less than a preponderance of the evidence and was adequately refuted by evidence submitted by Petitioner. All of the students in Respondent's class are exceptional education students. Each student has an identified disability. Any method of discipline other than that authorized by applicable policies and rules must be clearly stated and authorized in each student's individual education plan ("IEP"). C.W. was an exceptional education student in Respondent's class on February 9, 2000. The IEP for C.W. did not authorize any alternative methods of discipline. During class on February 9, 2000, Respondent approached C.W. because C.W. had his head on his desk during class. Respondent instructed C.W. to do his assignment. C.W. complained that he felt sick and requested to see the school nurse. Respondent and C.W. exchanged brief repartees. The evidence is less than clear and convincing that during the exchange Respondent prevented C.W. from going to the nurse's office. Some witnesses testified that Respondent refused C.W.'s request to go to the nurse's office. Other witnesses in the classroom during the exchange testified that Respondent initially instructed C.W. to go to the nurse's office but that C.W. refused either to go to the nurse's office or to do his assignment. The testimony of all of those witnesses was credible. Because C.W. refused to do his assignment in class, Respondent instructed C.W. to stand at the back of the class with his arms extended in front of him. C.W. complied with Respondent's instruction. Respondent successfully completed the alternative method of discipline that required C.W. to stand at the back of the class. However, Respondent failed to effectuate other unauthorized methods of discipline that Respondent attempted. When Respondent placed books in C.W.'s arms, C.W. did not hold the books in his arms. Rather, C.W. dropped his arms, and the books fell to the floor. When Respondent instructed C.W. to do push-ups, C.W. refused Respondent's instruction. C.W. left Respondent's classroom under his own volition and went to the office of the school nurse. The evidence does not reveal the amount of time that transpired between Respondent's initial instruction for C.W. to stand at the back of the class and the time when C.W. left for the nurse's office. Therefore, there is no evidentiary basis to quantify the delay in medical attention. When C.W. arrived at the nurse's office, the school nurse determined that C.W. was feverish, suffered chills, and that his complexion was "splotchy." The nurse telephoned C.W.'s parents. The parents took C.W. home and subsequently to the hospital. The examining physician at the hospital diagnosed C.W. as suffering from mastoiditis. The physician admitted C.W. to the hospital for two days and successfully treated the medical condition. The medical condition represented an exigent threat of harm to C.W.'s physical safety within the meaning of Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a). As previously found, however, the evidence is less than clear and convincing that Respondent violated Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) by failing to make a reasonable effort to protect the student from a medical condition that was harmful to the student's physical safety. Conflicting evidence was less than clear and convincing evidence that Respondent delayed C.W.'s attempt to see the school nurse or the length of any delay allegedly caused by Respondent. C.W. left Respondent's class under his own volition and went directly to the nurse's office. The conflicting evidence was less than clear and convincing that any delay between Respondent's initial contact with the student and the student's departure to the school nurse was significant enough that Respondent failed to make a reasonable effort to protect C.W. from conditions harmful to the student's physical safety. The evidence is clear and convincing that Respondent violated Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) by failing to make a reasonable effort to protect C.W. from conditions harmful to learning. The methods of discipline attempted by Respondent were harmful to C.W.'s ability to learn, violated C.W.'s IEP, and violated school policy. For the same reasons, Respondent violated Rule 6B-1.006(3)(e) by intentionally exposing a student to unnecessary embarrassment and disparagement. Administrative staff at the school conducted a full investigation of the matter. Upon conclusion of the investigation, the District issued a written letter of reprimand to Respondent. The letter of reprimand issued by the District is disciplinary action by Respondent's employer. The judicial doctrine of double jeopardy does not preclude disciplinary action by Petitioner against Respondent's license. No evidence shows that Respondent has any prior disciplinary history by either Petitioner or the District. Petitioner seeks to have Respondent's teaching certificate suspended for 12 months. However, Petitioner's proposed penalty is based on the premise that Respondent committed all of the allegations in the Administrative Complaint.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a final order finding Respondent guilty of violating Section 231.28(1)(i) and Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) and (e), and suspending Respondent's teaching certificate in Florida for six months. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of February, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ DANIEL MANRY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of February, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Ron Weaver, Esquire Ron Weaver & Associates 528 East Park Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1518 Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director Educational Practices Commission Department of Education 224-E Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Jerry W. Whitmore, Program Director Professional Practices Commission Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 224-E Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 James A. Robinson, General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol, Suite 1701 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Carl Zahner, Esquire Department of Education The Capitol, Suite 1701 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Moses N. Mwaura 214 Tenth Street Post Office Box 856 Moore Haven, Florida 33471

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Feb. 06, 2018 Number: 18-000608PL Latest Update: Oct. 04, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sanford, Florida Oct. 16, 1989 Number: 89-005651 Latest Update: Feb. 22, 1990

Findings Of Fact William Burnett Washington's primary residence is 106 Westwind Court, Sanford, Florida. Mr. Washington and his wife, Betty Washington, have jointly owned the house at 106 Westwind Court house for 10 years. On a highly infrequent basis, Mr. Washington spends the night at 2020 Old Lake Mary Road, Sanford, Florida. This is the primary residence of Mr. Washington's brother, who is normally the sole occupant of the house. The Westwind Court house is occupied by Mr. Washington, Mrs. Washington, and their children, Shawn Washington, aged 16 years, and Niki, aged 14 years. Apart from infrequent overnight visits with friends, the Westwind Court home is the exclusive residence of Shawn and Niki. The Westwind Court house is served by the Seminole High School attendance zone. The Old Lake Mary Road house is served by the Lake Mary High School attendance zone. At the beginning of the 1989-90 school year, Shawn and Niki were attending Lake Mary High School. By letter dated September 21, 1989, Respondent informed Petitioner that his children were enrolled in Lake Mary High School on the basis of false information. The letter explained that they were being administratively withdrawn from Lake Mary High School and administratively enrolled at Seminole High School.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Seminole County, Florida enter a Final Order confirming the enrollment of Shawn and Niki Washington in Seminole High School. ENTERED this 22nd day of February, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of February. APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 89-5651 Treatment Accorded Proposed Findings of Respondent 1: adopted except that Petitioner primarily resides at 106 Westwind Court. Even if he were to reside primarily at 2020 Old Lake Mary Road, however, the result would be the same because the children primarily reside with their mother. 2-3: adopted. 4: rejected as unsupported by the greater weight of the evidence. The children primarily reside with their mother. 5: adopted. 6-9: rejected as subordinate and recitation of evidence. 10: rejected as irrelevant. COPIES FURNISHED: Harry L. Lamb, Jr. Perry & Lamb, P.A. 135 Wall St. Suite 200 Orlando, FL 32801 Ned N. Julian, Jr. Stenstrom, McIntosh, Julian, et al. P.O. Box 1330 Sanford, FL 32772-1330 Robert W. Hughes Superintendent The School Board of Seminole County, Florida 1211 Mellonville Avenue Sanford, FL 32772 Betty Castor Commissioner of Education Department of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 10

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