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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-003438 Latest Update: Jan. 16, 1986

The Issue Whether Petitioner is qualified to be licensed as a medical doctor in Florida by endorsement.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Jeffrey Jad Gaier applied for licensure by endorsement in Florida by filing a written application in November of 1983 with the Board of Medical Examiners, which is within the Department of Professional Regulation. He made a personal appearance before the Foreign Graduate Committee of the Board of Medical Examiners in April 1984. After Petitioner's appearance before the Foreign Graduate Committee, the Foreign Graduate Committee made a favorable recommendation regarding Petitioner's application for licensure to the Board of Medical Examiners. However, the full Board of Medical Examiners voted to deny Petitioner's application for licensure. On May 21, 1984, the Board of Medical Examiners rendered an Order denying Petitioner's application for licensure as a physician by endorsement, stating as the grounds: Your application and supporting documentation does not provide sufficient information to demonstrate that you can practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety. See Section 458.331(3), F.S. More specifically, the clinical training you received while attending the American University of the Caribbean as disclosed within your documentation was determined to be insufficient insofar as the clinical training was not received at a hospital affiliated with a medical school approved by the Counsel [sic] on Medical Education of the American Medical Association. The denial of Petitioner's application for licensure by endorsement was taken before the Board of Medical Examiners for reconsideration on February 3, 1985. Counsel for Petitioner was present at the hearing. At that hearing, the discussion by the Board of Medical Examiners of the request for reconsideration clarified the basis for the denial of the medical license as being the overall inadequacy of the clinical training and not specifically because the clinical training was not obtained at teaching hospitals. Except for the purposes of clarifying the issue(s) herein the collegial actions of the board are irrelevant to the instant de novo proceedings. Petitioner received a B.S. degree from Clark University, Massachusetts and a Masters degree in science education from Florida Institute of Technology, August 1978. Petitioner was granted a medical degree by the American University of the Caribbean after being enrolled at that school for less than three years. During that time, Petitioner was on the campus of the American University in Montserrat, British West Indies for only eight months. There the class used prepared slides instead of gross tissue samples. Before that, Petitioner studied at the campus in Cincinnati, Ohio, where the class used rubber cadavers instead of human cadavers. All of the clinical training received by Petitioner as part of the requirements for the completion of the medical degree consisted of preceptorships at hospitals in south Florida which included Florida Medical Center, Plantation General Hospital, University Community Hospital, and Bennett Community Hospital. Dr. Neil Katz, Petitioner's principal expert medical witness, supervised Petitioner for six weeks in a preceptorship in Family Practice. Dr. Katz is a board-certified Family Physician and a fellow of the American Academy of Family Practice. He has been Chairman of the Emergency Room Department, a member of the Credentials and Qualifications Committee, and a member of the Intensive Care Unit Committee at University Hospital, Tamarac, Florida. He has taught both foreign medical students in a clinical setting and has briefly qualified as a preceptor for the University of Florida College of Medicine. Dr. Katz actually supervised Petitioner only for the six-week period at the very beginning of Petitioner's rotations. After that six-week period of time, he only "touched base" with Petitioner, seeing him on an informal basis in the cafeteria or at meetings. During the six weeks formal observation period, Petitioner accompanied Dr. Katz in his work in his office, during hospital rounds, at the emergency room, and for most other activities that Dr. Katz participated in, including committee meetings at the hospital. Petitioner took histories and did physicals on patients under direct supervision. Petitioner displayed enthusiasm and energy in his association with Dr. Katz and the rest of the program. Dr. Katz found Petitioner "barely acceptable" in three of the nine categories for which he was to evaluate Petitioner during the preceptorship. These categories were diagnostic acumen, therapeutics and management, and medical knowledge. In explaining that evaluation, Dr. Katz testified that although Petitioner was able to take a history and a physical examination, he was not able to make a diagnosis. In fact, Dr. Katz testified that Petitioner did not have truly acceptable knowledge at the time as to the various therapeutic modalities available to a physician. He encouraged Petitioner to do more reading. During his preceptorship with the University of Florida Medical School students in their first clinical semester, Dr. Katz also saw problems similar to those exhibited by Petitioner, specifically that the University of Florida students were not "super ready," so to speak, on diagnosing and doing differential diagnoses and therapeutics at that particular stage in medical school because they were still learning. I accept Dr. Katz' opinion that Petitioner had adequate exposure to the major diseases and injuries which are common to Family Medicine, sufficient for Petitioner to go into an internship, but in light of his lack of involvement with Respondent's other preceptorships in several different hospitals after the first six weeks, and in light of his specific testimony that in his professional opinion, American-trained students were far superior to the Caribbean-trained students at the same level in terms of general knowledge (TR-65-66), Dr. Katz' opinion that Petitioner did "quite good" at the end of the year and a half period is without adequate predicate and is not persuasive. Dr. Isidoro Dunn was the primary force in the arrangements for preceptorships. Dr. Dunn talked with each preceptor to work out areas which should be covered in their respective rotations. Each preceptor had a "fair amount of latitude" in deciding how to supervise the students. Petitioner was assigned by his school to do his clinical rotations in Florida. He did 14 weeks in internal medicine, 14 weeks in surgery, 10 weeks in pediatrics, 10 weeks in obstetrics/gynecology, 4 weeks in psychiatry, and 10 weeks in electives. This totals 62 weeks, not even close to two years which is the norm in medical schools in the United States. Petitioner was required to follow patients from admission to discharge in each specialty within each of these clinical rotations. Petitioner had didactic teaching on a daily basis, weekdays. Petitioner represents that he had specific didactic courses in hematology, EKG readings, pathology, orthopedics, cardiology, radiology, and gastrointestinal invasive procedures. In each subspecialty, he had a written examination after completion of the rotation, didactic teachings in each rotation, and was required to read medical journals. On Saturdays, Petitioner was required to participate in case conferences, make case presentations, and complete assigned reading from current medical journals. The case presentations necessitated review of patient records, laboratory tests, x-rays, and pathology slides. On "patient management reviews," the Petitioner was "exposed to" or "spent time in" the dialysis unit, pathology laboratory, intensive care unit, emergency room, gastrointestinal unit, blood lab, catherization department, radiology department, EKG unit, and cardiac surgery unit. Petitioner testified, and Dr. Katz confirmed, that there was an entity called the "Doctors' Club," which had a considerable amount of audiovisual equipment available for use 7 days a week, 24 hours each day. Practicing physicians used this media to obtain continuing medical education approved for credit by the American Medical Association. Petitioner represented that "on several days" he signed out equipment or reading material. There is no precise language in his testimony that he used the equipment or that he read the reading material, but drawing any other inference is straining the clear meaning of Petitioner's unrebutted testimony. Petitioner and the other students were required to use various materials from this service, but there is no evidence that Petitioner or other students were objectively checked by Dr. Dunn or their preceptors to verify that they had actually read or viewed the material assigned. Petitioner specifically testified that there was not necessarily any follow-up by the preceptors. Dr. Katz did talk with Petitioner about the reading assignments he gave. Petitioner was required to pass a competency examination for each rotation. Petitioner's clinical studies evaluation forms in his school records indicate no overall evaluation grades below "Good." Petitioner was required to attend and pass both a written and practical examination for a two-day Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course. This course is required even of board certified emergency room (ER) physicians. In Petitioner's opinion, this course was imperative for medical doctors who might work in an emergency room because they need to be very familiar with how to handle a patient presenting with a cardiac arrest, including the administration of drugs, "cardioversion" and "intubation." To the best of Petitioner's knowledge, Dr. Dunn was to report the students' progress to the dean of the American University of the Caribbean. However, the predicate for that testimony is hearsay, uncorroborated by any direct, credible evidence. As for the relationship with the university, Dr. Katz had no knowledge as to any arrangement between Dr. Dunn and the American University of the Caribbean or any counterpart-sponsoring organization in the United States. He did not know if there was any arrangement whatsoever. Dr. Katims was accepted as an expert physician witness, as an expert teaching fellow witness, and as an expert witness in medical applications and licensure. He testified that in the normal course of medical education in the United States, part of a student's medical education is clinical training, and that experience consists of bedside outpatient treatment and supervised training under the supervision of a faculty selected particularly for their knowledge, background, and interest in education and teaching. Dr. Katz testified unequivocally that a preceptorship is very different from a clinical rotation or a clerkship. A clerkship takes place in a teaching hospital, which is a very structured environment, wherein students make rounds in a very large hospital and are given instruction in an approved clinical structure. In contrast, a preceptorship gives students more knowledge about what private practice is like and it gives students a view of direct patient care, but does not replace a formal teaching setting in clinical medicine. As recognized above, in Dr. Katz' opinion, American-trained students were far superior to the Caribbean-trained students at the same level in terms of general knowledge. In Dr. Katims' opinion, Petitioner's clinical studies consisting of only four semesters were not sufficient for him to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety. Dr. Katims testified concerning the importance of clinical training in medical education, commenting that clinical training is the sine qua non of the practice of medicine. In the usual clinical rotation, medical students are assigned to a particular area of a hospital and perform under the full-time supervision of attending physicians. In teaching hospitals, faculties are selected for their ability, interest, and dedication to education, as well as to the practice of medicine. The attending staff at a teaching hospital include house physicians, interns, and residents. Dr. Katims himself has served as a preceptor and testified that a preceptorship is one method of obtaining a minor portion of clinical training, but is very unstructured and unsupervised. Dr. Katims testified that preceptorship training is an inferior method of training because the quality of training depends totally on the quality of the physician to whom the student is assigned and the program is unstructured. There was no testimony that any of the preceptors that supervised, or purportedly supervised, Petitioner were faculty members of any medical school, let alone the American University of the Caribbean. Upon the Requests for Admissions and the Joint Pre-Trial Stipulation of the parties, it is found that: the State of Florida Board of Medical Examiners has granted a medical license to a Dr. Flugsrud-Breckenridge and a Dr. Cobb, both having non-teaching clerkships. Three doctors, Adela Fernandez, Andrew Gonzalez, and Manuel E Garcia, did their clerkships principally at the International Hospital (Miami), a non-teaching/non-medical school-associated hospital, and obtained Florida medical licenses. At least 25 foreign graduates received Florida medical licenses within the years 1981-1984 and did their clerkships principally in non-teaching/non-medical school associated hospitals. No further information appears of record by which the undersigned may determine any other similarities or dissimilarities of these licensees to each other and/or to Petitioner. Nor does the record divulge what, if any, other facts may have been considered in these cases. Petitioner is licensed to practice medicine in Georgia and is a resident of Florida. Petitioner passed the first time his Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates' (ECFMG) examination was given in June, 1981. The examination is a prerequisite to acceptance in a medical residency program. The Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc.'s (FLEX) examination is recognized by all 50 states, including Florida. Petitioner took this examination after completing his rotations in Florida. Petitioner passed the June 1982 FLEX examination with an 84 percentile ranking. Fifty percent of this test is on patient management. This clinical competence examination was taken before Petitioner started his first year of residency. Petitioner had passed the FLEX examination, completed one year of residency, and obtained a medical license in another state, Georgia, by the time of the April 1984 application hearing. In Dr. Katims' opinion, Petitioner's successful passage of the FLEX examination in the 84 percentile does not show Petitioner to have had good clinical rotations, even though the FLEX test consisted of 50 percent on patient management. Dr. Katims did not feel that by the time Petitioner was in his fourth year of residency, this would be curative of deficiencies in the clinical semesters at a non-teaching hospital, but expressed the opinion that if Petitioner passes his internal medicine board examination and becomes board certified, his clinical deficiencies would be cured and Petitioner should then be granted a Florida medical license by endorsement. Dr. Katz opined that Petitioner presently possesses the medical knowledge, judgment and competency to act with reasonable skill and safety in the practice of medicine in Florida. Affidavits of Ira Spiler, M.D. and John R. Middleton, M.D. support similar opinions of these New Jersey medical physicians. Petitioner has completed three years (July 1, 1982 to June 30, 1985) of Internal Medicine residency at Raritan Bay Medical Center, Perth Amboy General Hospital, New Jersey. Petitioner is presently enrolled in a Nephrology Fellowship program, Medical College of Georgia, a teaching hospital located at, and affiliated with, the University of Georgia Medical School. Petitioner is currently eligible for board certification in internal medicine and will be certified in the event he passes the board examination taken September 10-11, 1985. Petitioner has submitted letters of Ira Spiler, M.D. and Salvatore Chiaramida, M.D., both of New Jersey attesting to Petitioner's good moral character, and no contrary evidence was turned up by the Board's investigation. The parties have stipulated that Rule 21M-22.18, Florida Administrative Code, is not applicable to Petitioner's situation.

Recommendation That the Florida Board of Medical Examiners enter a final order denying Petitioner a medical license by endorsement. DONE and ORDERED this 16th day of January, 1986, in Tallahassee Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of January, 1986.

Florida Laws (4) 458.301458.311458.313458.331
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Dec. 07, 1993 Number: 93-006927 Latest Update: May 16, 1995

The Issue As to Case 93-6927, whether Respondent, a licensed physician, violated the provisions of Section 458.331(1)(m), (t), (v), and (dd), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint and the penalties, if any, that should be imposed. As to Case 93-6928, whether Respondent violated the provisions of Section 458.319(5), 458.327(1)(a), and 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint and the penalties, if any, that should be imposed. As to Case 93-6929, whether Respondent violated the provisions of Section 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint and the penalties, if any, that should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the agency of the State of Florida that regulates the practice of medicine. Respondent is a licensed physician in the State of Florida and has been issued license number ME 0028412 by the Petitioner. CASE NO. 93-6927 On December 12, 1990, Susan D. Bernhardt conducted an inspection for the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (DHRS) of an abortion clinic named Miami International Esthetics Center (MIEC). Ms. Bernhardt was hired as a consultant by DHRS to conduct random inspections of MIEC pursuant to a stipulation between DHRS and MIEC. Ms. Bernhardt is a registered nurse and is experienced in surgical procedures. Ms. Bernhardt observed Respondent perform an abortion on a patient at MIEC on December 12, 1990. Also present in the operating room was a nurse anesthetist, to whom Respondent referred as Mr. Martin. Respondent, Mr. Martin, and Ms. Bernhardt were present in the operating room at all times during the procedure. Mr. Martin administered anesthesia and the patient lost consciousness. Shortly after losing consciousness, the patient began making sounds which Ms. Bernhardt described as "crowing noises" and to which Dr. Van Eldik referred to as "stridors". These sounds indicate that the patient's air passages are blocked, a condition that requires prompt action from the physician or from the person administering anesthesia since the condition can be life threatening. Ms. Bernhardt testified that she went to the patient and used her stethoscope to confirm that the patient was having breathing difficulties. She thereafter tilted the patient's head and restored her breathing. The amount of time that lapsed between the time the patient first experienced difficulties breathing and the time Ms. Bernhardt acted was not established. While it is clear that neither Respondent or Mr. Martin 1/ acted to provide the patient with any relief or to assure that her air passages were open so that she could receive adequate oxygen, it is not clear whether the action of Ms. Bernhardt obviated the necessity for either the physician or the nurse anesthetist to act. Consequently, it is found that Petitioner failed to establish by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent failed to properly supervise Mr. Martin by failing to order him to assist the patient when Ms. Bernhardt acted promptly to relieve the patient. Emergency equipment was maintained on a crash cart that was in the operating room during the procedure Ms. Bernhardt observed. As the operating surgeon, Respondent was responsible for making sure that appropriate emergency equipment was readily available. Appropriate emergency equipment would include emergency drugs on the crash cart. Throughout the procedure there were no emergency drugs present on the crash cart. Respondent failed to adequately supervise Mr. Martin to ensure that appropriate emergency equipment was readily available. As part of her inspection of MIEC, Ms. Bernhardt reviewed medical records at the clinic pertaining to patients of the Respondent. Some of the records that were reviewed by her are contained in Petitioner's Exhibit 5. Respondent's records reviewed by Ms. Bernhardt were of overall poor quality. Documentation concerning physical examination was scanty and often failed to include the size of the patient's uterine and a description of the presumptive signs of pregnancy. Anesthesia records were not filled out. Documentation concerning the recovery room period was virtually nonexistent. No vital signs or progress notes were charted. There was no follow-up documentation evidencing a pelvic examination and no notation of patient complaints or symptoms. The records reviewed by Ms. Bernhardt during her inspection did not justify or adequately document the course of treatment for the respective patients. A subpoena was served on Respondent by one of Petitioner's investigators that required him to turn over all medical records pertaining to certain named patients. A similar subpoena was served on Mr. Angel Caso, the owner of MIEC. In response to the subpoena that was served on his client, Respondent's attorney informed the investigator that Respondent did not have any medical records other than those that would have been maintained at the MIEC. In response to the subpoena that was served on him, Mr. Caso turned over medical records pertaining to 45 patients. These records reflect that the Respondent was their attending physician. Mr. Caso could not be subpoenaed by Petitioner to compel his attendance at the formal hearing because he could not be located. The medical records that were turned over to Petitioner pursuant to subpoena were admitted into evidence as Petitioner's Exhibit 5 as records received by Petitioner during the course of an official investigation. There was no evidence that any other medical records pertaining to these patients exist. The medical records that constitute Petitioner's Exhibit 5 do not justify or adequately document the course of treatment of the respective patients. CASE NO. 93-6928 Section 458.319(5), Florida Statutes, provides, as follows: (5) The licensee must have on file with the department the address of his primary place of practice within the state prior to engaging in that practice. Prior to changing the address of his primary place of practice, whether or not within this state, the licensee shall notify the department of the address of his new primary place of practice. The Petitioner maintains the addresses of physicians by computer. There is no statute or rule that requires a physician to notify the Department in writing as to a change of address, but the Department's policy is to require that address changes be in writing and that the request for a change of address come from the physician. There was no written notification from Respondent to the Petitioner that his business address had changed prior to September 1992. At the time of the formal hearing, Respondent's business address was 102 East 49th Street, Hialeah. His former business address was 4821 West 4th Avenue, Hialeah, Florida. At the times pertinent to this proceeding, Respondent's home address was 14710 Day Pine Avenue, Miami, Florida. As of December 17, 1990, Petitioner had been informed of that address. Petitioner's investigator, Diane Robie, interviewed Respondent at his business address on East 49th Street on August 22, 1991. Respondent had been at this address for approximately eight months as of August 22, 1991. This new business address was reflected by Ms. Robie's report, which was filed with Petitioner on October 8, 1991, but that report did not trigger a change of the business address Petitioner maintained for Respondent in its computers. Respondent's license to practice medicine was scheduled to expire on December 31, 1991. In mid October 1991, the Department of Professional Regulation (Department) mailed a renewal notice to Respondent's former business address on West 4th Avenue. As required by Section 458.319(4), Florida Statutes, the Department routinely mails to the physician a renewal form that the physician must use to renew his license. This mailing takes place 60 days before the physician's license is scheduled to expire. This renewal form is generated by computer and is sent to the mailing address that is on record with the Department and maintained by computer. It was the Department's policy to try to notify a physician at his home address if a renewal notice is returned from a stale office address. There was no evidence that the renewal notice and the renewal form that was mailed to Respondent at his former address in October 1991 was returned to the Department as being an incorrect address. The evidence failed to establish what happened to the renewal notice that was mailed to Respondent in mid-October 1991. There was no further attempt by the Department following the mid-October 1991 mailing to notify the Respondent at his home address or business address that his license was about to expire. Respondent's license expired on December 31, 1991, and his licensure automatically reverted to inactive status pursuant to Section 458.319(3), Florida Statutes. Respondent made no effort to contact the Department until June 1992 at which time his secretary/office manager contacted the Department by telephone and advised that Respondent had not received the renewal documentation. On August 10, 1992, the Petitioner wrote to Respondent at his home address. This was the first written communication between the parties since the mid-October 1991 mailing. Respondent mailed a check in the amount of $500.00 for the renewal of his license to the Department in September 1992. On October 6, 1992, the Department wrote Respondent at his former address on West 4th Avenue and advised that prior to the renewal of his license, Respondent had to pay an additional fee in the amount of $350.00 for the processing of his renewal application and that he would also have to submit proof that he had earned required continuing medical education credits. On February 15, 1993, the Department sent to Respondent a letter at his East 49th Street address that provided as follows: This letter is in response to your (sic) to your submission to renew your Florida medical license which was received in the Board office on 9-15-92. Unfortunately the Board of Medicine cannot comply with your request until the follow- ing is received: $350.00 renewal fee. (in addition to the $500 already submitted) You did not fill out the Financial Respon- sibility portion of the renewal application, therefore, you will need to fill out a new form, and have it properly notarized. Please submit an affidavit for your active practice activities between January 1, 1992, and the present date. Any person applying for reactivation of a license must show either that such licensee main- tained tail insurance coverage which provided liability coverage for incidents that occurred on or after January 1, 1987, or the initial date of licensure in this state, whichever is later, and incidents that occurred before the date on which the license became inactive; OR that such licensee MUST SUBMIT A NOTARIZED AFFIDAVIT STATING THAT SUCH LICENSEE HAS NO UNSATISFIED MEDICAL MALPRACTICE JUDGMENTS OR SETTLEMENTS AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION FOR REACTIVATION. After July 1, 1992, you will need to submit copies of at least 40 hours of Category I CME earned between January 1, 1990, and the present date. Five of these hours must be in Risk Management. Also one hour of HIV/AIDS Category I CME needs to be submitted. Once the above items are received, we will proceed with the issuance of an active Florida medical license. (Emphasis is in the original.) Respondent met all requirements for the renewal of his medical license on March 16, 1993, the date on which his license was reactivated. Between January 1, 1992, and March 15, 1993, Respondent engaged in the practice of medicine in the State of Florida without an active license. Case 93-6929 Petitioner filed an Administrative Complaint against Respondent on April 27, 1988, which was subsequently referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings and assigned DOAH Case No. 88-5546. On February 28, 1989, the parties to that proceeding executed a "Stipulation" which settled the dispute. On April 19, 1989, the Board of Medicine entered a Final Order that accepted the Stipulation and ordered the parties to abide by its terms. Pertinent to this proceeding, Paragraph 4 of the Stipulation required the following: 4. Within one (1) year of the date of filing of the Final Order incorporating the terms of this stipulation, Respondent shall complete twenty-five (25) hours of Category I Continuing Medical Education in the areas of Risk Management and/or Medical Records Keeping. Such continuing education shall be in addition to that amount required for renewal of licensure. Category I Continuing Medical Education is a course approved by the American Medical Association as a top level course. In March 1990, Respondent completed a 25 hour course sponsored by Jackson Memorial Hospital in the area of "Medical Records Keeping". Respondent notified Petitioner on March 21, 1990, that he had completed this course. This was the only course that Respondent claimed to have taken in satisfaction of the Final Order entered in DOAH Case 88-5546. This course has not been designated as a Category I Continuing Medical Education course by Jackson Memorial Hospital. The Petitioner advised the Respondent that the course he had taken did not satisfy its order. Respondent thereafter requested that the matter be reviewed by Petitioner's Probation Committee. This request was granted, but the Probation Committee determined that the course was not acceptable. Respondent did not comply with the order until March 16, 1993.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner enter a final order that adopts the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained herein and which incorporates the following: Find Respondent not guilty of practicing beyond the scope of his competence in violation of Section 458.331(1)(v), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count One of Case 93-6927. Find Respondent not guilty of practicing below the standard of care in violation of Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count Two of Case 93-6927. Find Respondent guilty of failing to keep proper medical records in violation of Section 458.331(1)(m), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count Three of Case 93-6927. For this violation, Respondent should be reprimanded, assessed an administrative fine in the amount of $1,000.00, and placed on probation for a period of two years, to run concurrently with any other period of probation imposed on Respondent. Find Respondent not guilty of failing to properly supervise the nurse anesthetist when the patient experienced breathing difficulties in violation of Section 458.331(1)(dd), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count Four of Case 93- 6927. Find Respondent guilty of failing to ensure that the crash cart was appropriately equipped, thereby failing to properly supervise the nurse anesthetist in violation of Section 458.331(1)(dd), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count Four of Case 93-6927. For this violation, Respondent should be reprimanded and assessed an administrative fine in the amount of $250.00. Find Respondent guilty of violating the provisions of Section 458.319(5), Florida Statutes, and thereby violating Section 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes, by failing to timely notify Petitioner of his change of business address as alleged in Count One of Case 93-6928. For this violation, Respondent should be reprimanded and assessed an administrative fine in the amount of $250.00. Find Respondent guilty of violating the provisions of Section 458.327(1)(a), Florida Statutes, and thereby violating Section 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes, by practicing medicine in the State of Florida after his license expired as alleged in Count Two of Case 93-6928. For this violation, Respondent should be reprimanded and assessed an administrative fine in the amount of $1,000.00, and placed on probation for a period of two years, to run concurrently with any other period of probation imposed on Respondent. Find Respondent guilty of violating the provisions of Section 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes, by failing to timely comply with an order of the Board of Medicine alleged in Case 93-6929. For this violation, Respondent should be reprimanded and assessed an administrative fine in the amount of $250.00. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of January, 1995, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of January, 1995.

Florida Laws (7) 120.57455.225458.319458.327458.331775.082775.083
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-001724 Latest Update: Mar. 04, 1986

The Issue The issue in these two consolidated cases is whether disciplinary action should be taken against Luis J. Marti, M. D., hereinafter referred to as "Respondent Marti," and/or Jesus Escar, M.D., hereinafter referred to as "Respondent Escar," based upon the alleged violations of Chapter 458, Florida Statutes, contained in the separate Administrative Complaints filed against each of the Respondents.

Findings Of Fact Based on the stipulations of the parties; on the testimony of the witnesses, and on the exhibits received in evidence at the hearing; I make the following findings of fact. Respondent Escar is, and has been at all times material hereto, a licensed physician in the state of Florida, having been issued license number ME 0034247. Respondent Escar's last known address is 935 West 49th Street, Suite #107, Hialeah; Florida 33012. Respondent Marti is, and has been at all times material hereto, a licensed physician in the state of Florida, having been issued license number ME 0034842. Respondent Marti's last known address is 24355 West Flagler Street, Miami, Florida 33125. Respondent Marti went to medical school in Madrid, Spain. In approximately 1970, while Respondent Marti was in medical school in Madrid, Spain, Respondent Marti met Jose A. Tudela for the first time. At the time, Tudela had come to Madrid, Spain, for the purposes of starting medical school. In approximately 1975, while Respondent Marti was working as a resident at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, Respondent Marti again saw Jose A. Tudela. At about the same time, Respondent Escar met Tudela for the first time. Tudela's father, Francisco Tudela, a physician, was an attending physician at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital. Respondents Marti and Escar saw Jose and Francisco Tudela in 1975 while on rounds at the hospital. In 1979, while Respondents Marti and Escar were working at Palm Springs General Hospital, Jose A. Tudela came to the hospital to apply for a position as a house physician and saw Respondents Escar and Marti. When Tudela applied for the position of house physician at Palm Springs General Hospital, Respondents Marti and Escar were both residents at the hospital. On the day that Jose A. Tudela came to apply for the position of house physician at Palm Springs General Hospital, Tudela came to the doctors' lounge at the hospital where he spoke with Respondents Escar and Marti. Tudela had with him a diploma which appeared to Respondents Escar and Marti to be authentic and which appeared to have been issued by the Universidad Central del Este. The diploma had on the back what appeared to be official stamps and seals and the signature of the Vice Consul of the United States. Additionally, a translation of the diploma was attached to the diploma. On the date that Tudela came to apply for the position of house physician at Palm Springs General Hospital, Tudela also showed Respondents Escar and Marti what appeared to be a transcript of his grades from the Universidad Central del Este and a letter purportedly from one Victoria Marcial de Gomez. The transcript and letter appeared to Respondents Escar and Marti to be original and authentic. The letter from Gomez, who purportedly was the medical director for the health center of Trujillo Alto Health Department, in the associated Free State of Puerto Rico, appeared to verify the fact that Dr. Jose A. Tudela had worked in the Health Center of Trujillo Alto for seven months. When Respondent Marti reviewed Tudela's documents, he knew it was important that foreign papers be certified because he had had the experience of having to leave Cuba and re-establish himself. Respondent Marti's own diplomas from Spain bear attestations of notarization of a foreign government. Respondent Escar believed that Tudela's documents were originals because of his experience in having seen similar original documents of other residents in the past. On or about August 1, 1979, Jose A. Tudela completed an application for employment as a house physician at Palm Springs General Hospital. The application contained basic personal information about Tudela and listed some of Tudela's education and work experience. According to the application, Tudela went to Belle Glade High School, in Belle Glade; Florida; Warwick High School, in Newport News, Virginia, where he graduated in 1965; and the University of Miami; in Coral Gables, Florida where he graduated in 1970. According to the application, Tudela worked in an unspecified capacity in the Centro de Salud, in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, from 1978 to 1979. The application form does not contain any information about Tudela's medical education. Specifically, it does not contain any mention of University of Santo Domingo, Universidad Central del Este, or U.C.E. On or about August 8, 1979, Jose A. Tudela was employed by Palm Springs General Hospital as a house physician. Jose A. Tudela remained at Palm Springs General Hospital as a house physician until October 29, 1979. Tudela left Palm Springs General Hospital on that date to become a surgical assistant at Miami Children's Hospital. While employed a Miami Children's Hospital, Tudela received the highest score on every item on his employee evaluation form. That hospital never knew of any problem with Tudela's performance or credentials until this case occurred. Between approximately 1979 and 1983, Respondents Escar and Marti practiced medicine together as partners. In 1980, Jose A. Tudela approached Respondent Marti and asked Respondent Marti to sign an affidavit on behalf of Tudela. Therefore, on or about March 13, 1980, Respondent Marti signed a Form B-1 which was addressed to Rafael A. Penalver, M.D., Director, Office of International Medical Education, University of Miami School of Medicine; Miami; Florida. The form B-1 contained the following sworn statement: This is to certify that Jose A. Tudela born in Cuba and a graduate from the University Santo Domingo on 1978 was legally engaged in the practice of medicine from ---- to in Puerto Rico. I have known the applicant since 1975 and was acquainted with him/her during the time he practiced medicine. I was algo (sic) engaged in the practice of medicine in Miami U.S.A. during the years of 1975 and up. At some time after Respondent Marti signed the Form B-1, the abbreviation "(U.C.E.)" was added to the above-referenced sworn statement after the school name, "University Santo Domingo." Respondent Marti did not place the quoted abbreviation on the Form B-1. Prior to signing the subject Form B-1, Respondent Marti reviewed, for verification purposes, the employment application of Jose A. Tudela for Tudela's employment as a house physician at Palm Springs General Hospital. However, the employment application in question does not reflect any attendance by Tudela at any educational institution in the Dominican Republic or Santo Domingo. Furthermore, the employment application does not indicate the capacity in which Tudela worked in the Centro Salud in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, and does not specifically indicate that Tudela practiced medicine in Puerto Rico. In 1980, Jose A. Tudela also approached Respondent Escar and asked Respondent Escar to sign an affidavit for him. Therefore, on or about March 13, 1980, Respondent Escar signed a Form B-1 which contained the following sworn statement: This is to certify that Jose A. Tudela born in Cuba and a graduate from the University of Santo Domingo on 1978 was legally engaged in the practice of medicine from ---- to in Puerto Rico. I have known the applicant since 1970 and was acquainted with him/her during the time he practiced medicine. I was algo (sic) engaged in the practice of medicine in Miami, Fla during the years of 1977 and up. The Form B-1 was addressed to Rafael A. Penalver, M.D., Director; Office of International Medical Education, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida. At some time after Respondent Escar signed the Form B-1, the abbreviation "(U.C.E.)" was added to the above-referenced sworn statement after the school name, "University of Santo Domingo." Respondent Escar did not place the quoted abbreviation on the Form B-1. Respondent Escar relied upon Respondent Marti's verification of Tudela's background information in signing the Form B-1 described in the immediately preceding paragraph. Respondent Escar did not personally review Tudela's application for employment at Palm Springs General Hospital but discussed the information contained in the employment application with Respondent Marti. At the time Respondents Marti and Escar signed the Forms B-1, they did not know Tudela very well and did not know very much about his background. Although they both thought Tudela was probably a graduate of a medical school, they did not remember what school he had supposedly graduated from, as evidenced by the fact that they put the wrong school name on the Forms B- 1. Both Respondent Escar and Respondent Marti lacked personal knowledge of the information contained in the Forms B-1 which they signed for Jose A. Tudela. Neither of the Respondents saw or taught Tudela at medical school in the Dominican Republic. Furthermore, neither Respondent Escar nor Respondent Marti was in Puerto Rico at the time Jose A. Tudela allegedly practiced medicine at the Centro Salud in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico. Neither of the Respondents had any source of information about Tudela's alleged medical education in the Dominican Republic or his alleged practice of medicine in Puerto Rico other than statements Tudela may have made to them, statements Tudela wrote on the application form at Palm Springs General Hospital, and whatever information could be gleaned from a casual review of Tudela's forged credentials. Jose A. Tudela has never graduated from the Universidad Central del Este, which is located in the Dominican Republic, nor from any other medical school. Tudela enrolled in the Universidad Central del Este (U.C.E.) medical school in August, 1977. There is no evidence in the school records for U.C.E. that Tudela passed any of his courses. In May of 1978 Tudela was no longer at the university. Tudela was given a special concession at U.C.E. so that upon presentation of a pre-medical certificate which Tudela claimed to possess, Tudela could receive credit for the pre-medical program training. However, Tudela never presented the required proof of his pre-medical program. Tudela did not complete any of the twelve semesters at U.C.E. which make up the medical degree program including pre-medical training. Although Respondent Marti first met Tudela in 1970 and Respondent Escar met him in 1975, the Form B-1 signed by Respondent Marti states that he met Tudela in 1975, and the one signed by Respondent Escar states that he met Tudela in 1970. The reason for this error is that both of the forms were prepared by Respondent Marti and the forms were inadvertently switched at the time they were signed. The Forms B-1 signed by Respondents Marti and Escar were submitted to the Board of Medical Examiners by Jose A. Tudela as attachments to an Application for Continuing Medical Education Program, which was submitted as part of Tudela's application for licensure as a physician in Florida. Tudela applied for licensure in Florida under the provisions of a special law which provided that the Board of Medical Examiners would establish continuing education courses designed to qualify for licensure those individuals who were resident nationals of the Republic of Cuba and were residents of Florida on July 1, 1977. In order to qualify for the continuing education program set up by the Board of Medical Examiners for Cuban nationals, an applicant had to demonstrate that he was a graduate from a medical school with a medical degree and that he was a resident national of the Republic of Cuba and a resident of Florida on July 1, 1977. Upon approval of the applicant to participate in the continuing education program set up by the Board of Medical Examiners, the applicant would have to complete the continuing education program. Upon completion of the continuing education program, the applicant would be qualified to take the licensing examination. In or about March of 1980, Tudela submitted an Application for Examination, an Application for Florida State Board of Medical Examiners Continuing Education Program, and the necessary attachments, which included the Forms B-1 signed by Respondents Escar and Marti and copies of what purported to be his diploma and transcript of grades. After successfully completing the continuing medical education program and the licensure examination, Tudela became certified to practice medicine and surgery by the Board of Medical Examiners on August 23, 1982. At the time of Tudela's application for medical license, the staff of the Board of Medical Examiners conducted the initial review and made the initial determination as to whether an individual was qualified to take the continuing education course and to take the licensure examination for certification to practice medicine and surgery in Florida. In making such determinations, consideration is given to all of the information contained in an applicant's file, which includes such things as the applicant's degree or diploma, transcript of grades, and the Forms B-1. At the time Tudela applied for licensure, the staff of the Board of Medical Examiners did not verify the medical education of applicants and conducted no investigation into the school or the graduation of applicants for licensure. Prior to approving Tudela's application, neither the Board members nor the staff independently contacted the Universidad Central del Este to verify whether Tudela actually graduated from medical school. The Board members did not personally review Tudela's application. The staff reviewed the papers and presented the Board with a list of applicants who appeared to be eligible for the continuing education course and the licensure examination. The diploma and the transcript of grades which Tudela showed to the Respondents and filed with the Board of Medical Examiners are forgeries. They are very good forgeries and bear a remarkable resemblance to genuine diplomas and transcripts issued by the Universidad Central del Este. The false documents provided by Tudela to the Board as part of his application, along with the Forms B-1 signed by Respondents Marti and Escar, deceived the staff into recommending Tudela for the continuing education course, the licensure exam, and ultimately for certification to practice medicine. Tudela's application to the Board also contains several letters of recommendation from other physicians who were convinced of Tudela's competence. The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates granted Tudela a certificate despite his forged documents. In November 1984, an Administrative Complaint was filed against Jose A. Tudela which alleged that Tudela did not graduate from or obtain a degree of Doctor of Medicine from U.C.E., contrary to what Tudela had indicated in his application for licensure examination described above. In March 1985, the Board of Medical Examiners entered an order accepting the surrender for revocation of Jose A. Tudela's license to practice medicine in lieu of further prosecution of the charges contained in the Administrative Complaint which had been filed in November 1984. Tudela is not currently licensed as a physician in the state of Florida. No further action was taken against him for his having fraudulently obtained a medical license in Florida. Respondents Escar and Marti were both aware of the fact that the Forms B-1 which they signed were to be submitted as part of the application for the continuing medical education program which had been established by the Board of Medical Examiners for Cuban nationals as a prerequisite to take the licensure examination. In fact; Respondent Marti became eligible to take the medical licensure examination in Florida by completing the same continuing medical education program. When the Respondents Escar and Marti signed the subject Forms B-1, neither of them had any personal knowledge as to the truth or falsity of the statements therein regarding Tudela's medical education and experience; yet they deliberately certified, under oath, to the truthfulness of matters about which they were distinctly uninformed. When the Respondents Escar and Marti signed the subject Forms B-1, both of them knew the purpose of the forms and both knew that the Board of Medical Examiners would rely on the information in the forms.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57455.225458.327458.331837.06
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sebring, Florida May 04, 2005 Number: 05-001616PL Latest Update: Sep. 21, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:North Port, Florida Oct. 06, 2009 Number: 09-005458PL Latest Update: Sep. 21, 2024
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida May 14, 1993 Number: 93-002640 Latest Update: Nov. 15, 1994

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaints? If so, what disciplinary action should be taken against him?

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following Findings of Fact are made: The Parties The Agency is a state government licensing and regulatory agency. Respondent is now, and has been since August 27, 1971, a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Florida. He holds license number ME 0018306. Respondent previously faced charges of professional misconduct in DPR Case No. 89-0925. In that case, Respondent was charged with practicing medicine with an inactive license from on or about January 1, 1984, until on or about November 22, 1989. The matter was resolved by the parties entering into a settlement stipulation, which was approved by the Board of Medicine in a final order entered August 13, 1990. Under the terms of the agreement, Respondent, without admitting his guilt, agreed to pay a $500.00 administrative fine and not to "in the future violate Chapters 455, 458 and 893, Florida Statutes, or the rules promulgated pursuant thereto." Facts Relating to Case No. 93-2640/Administrative Complaint #1 From on or about February 8, 1991, to March 24, 1991, patient R.D., a 43 year old male who had tested positive for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), was hospitalized at North Florida Reception Medical Center Hospital (hereinafter referred to as "MCH"). During his hospitalization, R.D. received treatment for advanced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and related complications. Elizabeth Mutch, M.D., was R.D.'s attending physician at MCH. R.D. was experiencing difficulty in swallowing oral medications due to multiple ulcerations in his mouth secondary to an uncontrolled Herpes Virus. On or about March 16, 1991, Dr. Mutch determined that R.D. would benefit from intravenous medications through a central venous line. She therefore wrote an order for "central venous line placement Monday 3/18." In another written order, she directed that "IV fluids [be held] until central venous line in place." Both orders were dated March 16, 1991. In her progress notes for March 16, 1991, Dr. Mutch indicated "Central line ASAP." In the middle of March of 1991, Respondent was the acting medical director of MCH. In addition to his duties as acting medical director, he was on the staff of the hospital's internal medicine department. Respondent was the only internist on staff at the hospital with any significant experience in central line placements of the type ordered by Dr. Mutch, although there was a surgeon affiliated with the hospital, a Dr. Capliwski, who had such experience and in fact performed most of the placements needed by patients at the hospital. Sometime after she wrote the order for central venous line placement for R.D., Dr. Mutch verbally requested Respondent to attempt such placement at his earliest possible convenience. On March 18, 1991, Respondent made approximately five unsuccessful attempts to place a subclavian venous line in R.D., the first of which yielded air, indicating that R.D.'s lung had been punctured. Following these unsuccessful placement attempts, Respondent ordered a chest x-ray for R.D. The x-ray taken revealed no evidence of pulmonary distress. Respondent's progress notes for March 18, 1991, do not reflect that he ordered a surgical consultation that day after his placement attempts failed. The next two or three days Respondent was out of town on hospital business in his capacity as the hospital's acting medical director. Respondent reasonably assumed that, in his absence from the hospital, Dr. Mutch would ask Dr. Capliwski to try to perform the central venous line placement that she had initially requested Respondent to attempt. Upon his return to the hospital, Respondent learned that no such attempt had been made. Respondent therefore again made several attempts at central venous line placement. Placement was attempted via R.D.'s jugular vein. While the approach was different, the results were the same. Respondent was unable to accomplish his objective. Following this second series of unsuccessful placement attempts, Respondent ordered another chest x-ray for R.D. On March 24, 1991, at approximately 1:00 a.m., R.D. began to have difficulty breathing. He also had a rapid heart rate, a pulse rate of 140, a respiratory rate of 30, and a temperature of 103.3. degrees. Respondent was the "on call" physician. He was at home, approximately 35 miles away from the hospital. The duty nurse telephoned Respondent and spoke with him about R.D. 3/ Respondent instructed the nurse to give R.D. Tylenol and to make sure that he was receiving oxygen. He did not suggest that R.D. be seen by Dr. Chandler, the physician manning MCH's emergency room. By 9:15 p.m. that same day, R.D.'s condition had further deteriorated. His respiratory rate had increased to 40. The duty nurse again telephoned Respondent at home and informed him of R.D.'s deteriorating condition. This time Respondent directed that R.D. be immediately evaluated by Dr. Chandler. In accordance with Respondent's directive, Dr. Chandler was contacted. He ordered a chest x-ray for R.D. The x-ray revealed a 50 percent pneumothorax with right mediastinal shift. Dr. Chandler therefore performed an emergency thoracotomy. Arrangements were then made to transfer R.D. to Lake Shore Hospital. At approximately 10:10 p.m. on March 24, 1991, shortly after he was placed in the ambulance that was to transport him to Lake Shore Hospital, R.D. experienced respiratory arrest and expired. An autopsy was performed by Carolyn Hopkins, M.D., of the local Medical Examiner's Office. The autopsy report prepared by Dr. Hopkins lists "complications of acquire[d] immunodeficiency syndrome" as the cause of death. More specifically, Respondent died as a result of a tension pneumothorax. Facts Relating to Case No. 93-2683/Administrative Complaint #2 Counts 1 and 2 Respondent's license to practice medicine in the State of Florida was inactive due to non-renewal from on or about December 31, 1983, until approximately November of 1989. Respondent engaged in the practice of medicine at Cypress Medical and Professional Centre (hereinafter referred to as the "Centre") in Winter Haven, Florida, during a portion of the period that his medical license was inactive. On or about September 12, 1989, Respondent entered a plea of nolo contendere to the criminal offense of referring a patient to a business entity without disclosure of financial interest, in violation of Section 458.327(2)(c), Florida Statutes (1989). It was stipulated by Respondent and the prosecutor at the time of the entry of the plea that the crime to which Respondent pled was a lesser included offense of the crime of practicing medicine without a license. On or about October 25, 1989, adjudication of guilt was withheld and Respondent was ordered to pay a $500.00 fine. Counts 3, 4 and 5 On January 20, 1989, patient M.L. went to the Centre complaining, among other things, of chronic headaches. M.L. was first seen by a chiropractor at the Centre, who referred her "to M.D. for complete detailed neurologic-orthopedic exam." On January 24, 1989, M.L. was examined by Respondent at the Centre. The records maintained at the Centre reflect that, during this initial examination, Respondent explored the history and possible etiology of M.L.'s chronic headaches. The entries made on the Progress Notes and Patient Control Sheet maintained at the Centre (11 of which apparently were made by, or at the direction of, Respondent) reflect that M.L. visited the Centre on 21 different occasions. Bills from the Centre for 20 of these 21 visits were signed by Respondent. 4/ The Progress Notes and Patient Control Sheet do not reflect that Respondent saw M.L. on all 20 visits covered by these bills. Facts Relating to Case No. 94-0234/Administrative Complaint #3 On November 22, 1989, patient A.M.D., a 40-year old female, presented to the emergency room at Polk General Hospital (hereinafter referred to as "PGH") in Bartow, Florida, with complaints of a high fever, abdominal pain, vomiting and coughing. An examination revealed that she had rapid pulse and respiration rates. It was further observed that she had a flushed face and epigastric tenderness. A.M.D. was treated in the PGH emergency room with, among other things, an antibiotic, vibramyacin, for which she was also given a prescription. She was then discharged. A.M.D. returned to the PGH emergency room on November 23, 1989, with symptoms similar to those with which she had presented the previous day. She was again treated and discharged. Records of these two emergency room visits were made and kept by the hospital. A.M.D. paid a third visit to the PGH emergency room on November 24, 1989, with symptoms similar to those she had exhibited during her first two visits. On this occasion, she was admitted to PGH in the care of Respondent. She remained in Respondent's care throughout her entire stay at the hospital. As her attending physician, it was incumbent upon Respondent to review the records of A.M.D.'s prior two emergency room visits. Upon A.M.D.'s admission to the hospital, Respondent failed to order multiple blood cultures, notwithstanding that, as Respondent should have known, Respondent was already on an antibiotic. A single blood culture is insufficient to properly diagnose the condition of such a patient. Respondent's initial diagnosis of A.M.D., made without the benefit of results of multiple blood cultures, was undetermined gastrointestinal problems. A.M.D. was treated with, among other things, antibiotics. Although A.M.D. still had a high fever following the first several days of her hospitalization and the diagnosis of her condition remained obscure, Respondent did not attempt to obtain a consultation with an infectious disease specialist, 5/ nor did he order that A.M.D.'s treatment plan be modified to include intravenous administration of high dosages of at least two different broad spectrum, latest generation antibiotics. A.M.D. continued to run a fever until December 4, 1989, after which her condition slightly improved. Even though a blood culture had indicated that A.M.D. had a staphylococcal infection, Respondent nonetheless ordered that the intravenous administration of antibiotics be discontinued because A.M.B. had been afebrile for a few days. Thereafter, A.M.D.'s condition quickly deteriorated. She suffered congestive hear failure, but Respondent did not seek to obtain a consultation with a cardiologist. On December 11, 1989, 17 days after she had been admitted to the hospital, A.M.D. expired. At the time of her death she was not on antibiotics. This was a factor which contributed to her demise. Respondent's final primary diagnosis of A.M.D. was toxemic shock, protracted. His secondary diagnoses included: staphylococcal septicemia, acute; cholelithiasis, chronic; and pneumonitis, subacute, staphylococcal. In not doing the following while A.M.D. was hospitalized at PGH and under his care, Respondent failed to practice medicine with that level of care, skill and treatment that, in light of the surrounding circumstances, a reasonably prudent internist would have recognized as being acceptable and appropriate at the time: ordering multiple blood cultures upon A.M.D.'s admission to the hospital in order to properly assess her condition; attempting to seek a consultation with an infectious disease specialist and ordering that A.M.D.'s treatment plan be modified to include intravenous administration of high dosages of at least two different broad spectrum, latest generation antibiotics when A.M.D. still had a high fever following the first several days of her hospitalization and the diagnosis of her condition remained obscure; seeking to obtain a consultation with a cardiologist when A.M.D. suffered congestive heart failure; and appropriately treating A.M.D. with antibiotics throughout the time she was under his care, including the period following the brief improvement in her condition and reduction of her temperature to normal. Facts Relating to Case No. 94-0235/Administrative Complaint #4 On or about August 17, 1992, patient A.A., a 69 year old male, presented to Respondent at Preferred Quality Medical Care in Plantation, Florida with complaints of shortness of breath and nocturia (two to three times a night). A.A. provided Respondent with a written medical history, which revealed, among other things, that he was a heavy smoker. During his physical examination of A.A., Respondent observed and noted in his written record of the examination, among other things, inspiratory wheezes, prolonged expiration, shortness of breath and that A.A. gave the appearance of being chronically ill. Respondent diagnosed A.A.'s condition as C.O.P.D. (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and what Respondent termed "tobaccism," which is a nonstandard diagnosis. Respondent ordered an EKG, spirometry, urinalysis and blood tests. He failed to order a chest x-ray, notwithstanding that A.A. had indicated he was a heavy smoker and that Respondent's examination had revealed that A.A. had shortness of breath and that he had the appearance of someone who was chronically ill. Under such circumstances, it was quite possible that A.A. was suffering from C.O.P.D., as Respondent had opined. There were other possibilities, however, such as cancer, 6/ tuberculosis, pneumonia and congestive heart failure. In order to fully investigate these other possibilities, it was necessary for Respondent to order a chest x-ray. On or about September 11, 1992, A.A. returned to Respondent complaining of intermittent coughing spells. Respondent examined A.A. and observed prolonged wheezing. Respondent diagnosed A.A.'s condition as C.O.P.D. and hypertensive disease and treated him with bronchodilators. Although a diagnosis of hypertensive disease requires a baseline chest x-ray as part of the initial evaluation, Respondent made his diagnosis without the benefit of such an x-ray. A.A. next visited Respondent on October 19, 1992, complaining of extreme nervousness and inability to sleep. Respondent found that A.A. was expectorating large amounts of mucus. Respondent treated A.A. with Sinequan, which is an antidepressant that helps with sleep. Once again Respondent failed to order a chest x-ray. A.A. returned to Respondent on November 23, 1992, complaining of shortness of breath and nocturia. Respondent examined A.A. and discovered a soft mass in the supraclavicular area. He also noted that A.A. had a heart murmur. Respondent finally ordered a chest x-ray. The x-ray revealed pleural effusion. Subsequent testing detected inoperable cancer, which led to A.A.'s death on May 9, 1993. In waiting until A.A.'s fourth visit before ordering a chest x-ray and, as a result, not making an earlier diagnosis of A.A.'s cancer, Respondent failed to practice medicine with that level of care, skill and treatment that, in light of the surrounding circumstances, a reasonably prudent internist would have recognized as being acceptable and appropriate at the time.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby recommended that the Board enter a final order finding Respondent guilty of the violations of subsection (1) of Section 458.331, Florida Statutes, noted above, dismissing the remaining allegations against him and disciplining him for the violations he committed by suspending his license for a period of eighteen months, placing him on probation for the following five years, and imposing an administrative fine in the amount of $4,000.00. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 15th day of November, 1994. STUART M. LERNER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of November, 1994.

Florida Laws (2) 458.327458.331
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Mar. 20, 2000 Number: 00-001197 Latest Update: Sep. 21, 2024
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 05, 2014 Number: 14-003606MPI Latest Update: Nov. 08, 2016

The Issue Whether the Agency for Health Care Administration (Petitioner) is entitled to recover certain Medicaid payments made to Cape Memorial Hospital, Inc., d/b/a Cape Coral Hospital (Respondent).

Findings Of Fact Title XIX of the Social Security Act establishes Medicaid as a collaborative federal-state program in which the state receives federal funding (also known as “federal financial participation” or “FFP") for services provided to Medicaid- eligible recipients in accordance with federal law. The Florida statutes and rules relevant to this proceeding essentially incorporate federal Medicaid standards. The Petitioner is the state agency charged with administering the Medicaid provisions relevant to this proceeding. Section 409.902, Florida Statutes (2015)1/, states that the Petitioner is the “single state agency authorized to make payments” under the Medicaid program. The referenced statute limits such payments to “services included in the program” and only on “behalf of eligible individuals.” The Respondent is enrolled in the Florida Medicaid Program as a Medicaid Hospital Provider. The Respondent's participation in the Florida Medicaid Program is subject to the terms of a Medicaid Provider Agreement. The Respondent's Medicaid Provider Agreement requires compliance with all state and federal laws governing the Medicaid program, including the state and federal laws limiting Medicaid payments for services provided to undocumented aliens. Eligibility for Medicaid services is restricted to United States citizens, and to specified non-citizens who have been lawfully admitted into the United States. Pursuant to section 409.902(2)(b), Medicaid funds cannot be used to provide medical services to individuals who do not meet the statutory eligibility criteria "unless the services are necessary to treat an emergency medical condition" or are for pregnant women. The cited statute further provides that such services are “authorized only to the extent provided under federal law.” The relevant federal law (42 U.S.C. section 1396b(v)(3)) defines an "emergency medical condition" as: medical condition (including emergency labor and delivery) manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) such that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in-(A) placing the patient's health in serious jeopardy, (B) serious impairment to bodily functions, or (C) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part. The Florida definition of “emergency medical condition” set forth at section 409.901(10)(a) mirrors the federal definition. Pursuant to section 409.904(4), the Petitioner can make payments to a Medicaid provider on behalf of "a low-income person who meets all other requirements for Medicaid eligibility except citizenship and who is in need of emergency medical services" for “the period of the emergency, in accordance with federal regulations." The Florida Medicaid program requirements relevant to this proceeding were identified in the Florida Hospital Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook (incorporated by reference in Florida Administrative Code Rule 59G-4.160(2),), and in the Florida Medicaid Provider General Handbook (incorporated by reference in Florida Administrative Code Rule 59G-5.020.) The applicable Florida Hospital Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook provided as follows: The Medicaid Hospital Services Program reimburses for emergency services provided to aliens who meet all Medicaid eligibility requirements except for citizenship or alien status. Eligibility can be authorized only for the duration of the emergency. Medicaid will not pay for continuous or episodic services after the emergency has been alleviated. Similar provisions were contained in the Florida Medicaid Provider General Handbook. Section 409.913 requires that the Petitioner monitor the activities of Medicaid providers and to “recover overpayments.” The Petitioner’s Bureau of Medicaid Program Integrity (BMPI) routinely conducts audits to monitor Medicaid providers. Section 409.913(1)(e) defines “overpayment” to include “any amount that is not authorized to be paid by the Medicaid program whether paid as a result of inaccurate or improper cost reporting, improper claiming, unacceptable practices, fraud, abuse, or mistake.” The BMPI conducted a review of the Respondent's claims for services rendered to undocumented aliens during the period January 1 through December 31, 2006. The Respondent provided all documentation requested by the Petitioner necessary to review the claims addressed herein. As to each claim, the designated reviewing physician made a determination, based on the medical records, as to whether the claim was related to an emergency medical condition, and, if so, when the emergency medical condition was alleviated. Based on the evidence, and on the testimony of the physicians identified herein, the determinations of the physicians are fully credited as to the existence of emergency medical conditions and as to when such conditions were alleviated. CLAIM #1 Dr. Thomas Wells reviewed Claim #1, which involved a length of stay from March 31 through April 10, 2006. Based upon his review of the medical records, Dr. Wells determined that an emergency medical condition existed on March 31, 2006, and that it had been alleviated as of April 6, 2006. CLAIM #3 Dr. Michael Phillips reviewed Claim #3, which involved a length of stay from May 27 through June 12, 2006. Based upon his review of the medical records, Dr. Phillips determined that an emergency medical condition existed on May 27, 2006, and that it had been alleviated as of May 28, 2006. CLAIM #4 Dr. Michael Phillips reviewed Claim #4, which involved a length of stay from January 15 through January 20, 2006. Based upon his review of the medical records, Dr. Phillips determined that an emergency medical condition existed on January 15, 2006, and that it had been alleviated as of January 17, 2006. CLAIM #5 Dr. Michael Phillips reviewed Claim #5, which involved a length of stay from March 4 through April 10, 2006. Based upon his review of the medical records, Dr. Phillips determined that an emergency medical condition existed on March 4, 2006, and that it had been alleviated as of March 7, 2006. CLAIM #6 Dr. Steve Beiser reviewed Claim #6, which involved a length of stay from June 15 through June 18, 2006. Based upon his review of the medical records, Dr. Beiser determined that an emergency medical condition existed on June 15, 2006, and that it had been alleviated as of June 16, 2006. CLAIM #7 Dr. Thomas Wells reviewed Claim #7, which involved a length of stay from June 15 through July 6, 2006. Based upon his review of the medical records, Dr. Wells determined that the emergency medical condition existed on June 15, 2006, and that it had been alleviated as of June 28, 2006.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order finding a Medicaid overpayment of $57,350.67 related to the six claims identified herein. Pursuant to section 409.913(23), Florida Statutes, the Petitioner is entitled to recover certain investigative, legal, and expert witness costs. Jurisdiction is retained to determine the amount of appropriate costs if the parties are unable to agree. Within 30 days after entry of the final order, either party may file a request for a hearing on the amount. Failure to request a hearing within 30 days after entry of the final order shall be deemed to indicate that the issue of costs has been resolved. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of July, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of July, 2016.

USC (2) 42 U.S.C 1396a42 U.S.C 1396b CFR (1) 42 CFR 440.255 Florida Laws (14) 120.569120.57120.68409.901409.902409.903409.904409.905409.906409.907409.908409.913409.9131414.095 Florida Administrative Code (1) 65A-1.715
# 8

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