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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-000058F Latest Update: Jun. 01, 1988

Findings Of Fact Official recognition is taken of the contents of the file in DOAH case number 86-3477 and the following facts from that file: On July 31, 1986, the Respondent denied the renewal of the Petitioner's license for an adult congregate living facility at the Clinton Crest Retirement Hotel, and advised him of his right to a formal administrative hearing as to relicensure. On August 8, 1986, the Respondent amended its basis for the proposed denial of licensure, alleging that on April 11, 1986, May 14, 1986, and July 18, 1986, Petitioner did not have a fixed fire extinguisher at the cooking appliance, did not have a three compartment sink or other approved system in use for the purpose of proper sanitation of kitchen utensils, and did not have a week's supply of non-perishable food based upon the number of weekly meals the facility had contracted to serve, and alleging that these were violations of specified statutes and rules. It further alleged that the fire extinguisher and the three compartment sink had remained uncorrected since June 20, 1985. The amended notice of proposed agency action cited the following provisions as the basis for the fire extinguisher requirement: sections 400.414 and 400.441, Fla. Stat., rules 10A-5.23(15)(a) and 4A-40.05, Fla. Admin. Code, and NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 101, section 7-7.3 and NFPA 96. On August 11, 1986, the Petitioner requested a formal administrative hearing to contest the proposed denial of licensure. One year later, on August 14, 1987, the Respondent granted a renewal of license to the Petitioner. The Petitioner filed a motion for summary final order based upon issuance of the license. No response was filed by the Respondent. The Hearing Officer entered an order to the Respondent to show cause and to require a response. The Respondent filed a voluntary dismissal. The Petitioner moved to strike the voluntary dismissal, noting that he had requested the hearing, and requested attorneys' fees. The Respondent's response characterized the voluntary dismissal as a motion to dismiss for mootness, agreeing that the license had been issued. The Hearing Officer entered a recommended order recommending dismissal due to mootness, and noting that a request for attorneys' fees pursuant to section 57.111, Fla. Stat. (1987) would result in a final order and thus must originate with a separate petition to the Division of Administrative Hearings. The Respondent entered a final order dismissing the Petitioner's request for hearing as moot. The Petitioner then filed the instant petition for attorneys' fees and costs with the Division of Administrative Hearings. On June 20, 1985, Petitioner's facility was inspected. Two of the three violations set forth in the amended basis for denial of relicensure of August 8, 1986, were cited in the inspection report on June 20, 1985, and were reported as having not been corrected in a reinspection on September 26, 1985. P. Ex. 5. Those were the fire extinguisher issue and the three compartment sink issue. In the June 20, 1985, inspection report, the Respondent classified the three compartment sink violation as a class III violation, and required the violation to be corrected at the end of two months. The Respondent classified the fire extinguisher violation also as a class III violation, and required it to be corrected in three months. R. Ex. 5. An earlier administrative complaint had been filed against the Petitioner's facility on January 2, 1986. One of the allegations in that complaint was failure to have a fixed fire extinguisher at the kitchen stove. The Department classified this violation in the administrative complaint as a class III violation. The Petitioner entered into a stipulation in that administrative action paying, in part, a fine for this allegation of a fire code violation, and agreeing that if the deficiency was not corrected in thirty days, the result would be further administrative action, which might include "revocation proceedings." The stipulation did not clearly provide that failure to correct the violation would result in revocation of the license. The stipulation became embodied in the final order of the Respondent on March 19, 1986. R. Ex., 6. On April 11, 1986, and on May 14, 1986, the facility was inspected. Among other citations, the facility was cited for not have enough nonperishables to feed the 7 persons then living at the facility for a week, for not having a three compartment sink, and for not having a fire extinguisher over the cooking appliance. All three were classified as class III violations. R. Ex. 8. On reinspection on July 18, 1986, these items were still not corrected. In DOAH case number 86-3477, the Respondent admitted to requests for admissions that the three compartment sink issue and the non-perishable food issue were corrected by the date of the request for admissions, November 26, 1986. Thus, when that case closed, the only pending issue was the fire extinguisher over the stove. Based upon the testimony of James F. Schroeder, the Respondent's expert witness with respect to fire safety, the denial of relicensure in the letter of August 8, 1986, was primarily based upon the issue of fire extinguisher over the stove. The Petitioner's kitchen is small, approximately 6 to 8 feet in width and 10 to 12 feet in length. The stove is a residential electric stave having four burners. By design and construction, it is a domestic stove rather than what typically is thought of as a "commercial" stove. The stove is used commercially to prepare meals for residents of the adult congregate living facility for a fee. The stove is not located below a normal ceiling parallel with the floor, but is located under a lower slanted ceiling. The ceiling is only 4 to 6 feet above the front of the stove, and slants to within a few feet of the back of the stove. The ceiling is combustible, and a fire in the ceiling would spread to the rest of the adult congregate living facility unless extinguished by the automatic sprinkler system. The stove is near a window which could feed a stove fire with oxygen. The building is a wood frame building, and is highly susceptible to fire. There was a portable fire extinguisher at the stove. Additionally, the Petitioner installed fire sprinklers throughout the building at a cost of over $4,000. The automatic fire sprinklers were installed by the Petitioner to comply with the stipulated settlement dated March 19, 1986, and were installed after May 20, 1986. P. Ex. 3. The Petitioner thought he had been told by the Respondent that by installing the fire sprinkler system, he would satisfy the requirement that the stove have an automatic fire extinguisher. The fire sprinkler system that is installed included one in the kitchen, but the sprinkler in the kitchen is not located over the stove. R. Ex. 2. The kitchen fire sprinkler, which may be effective to impede a general fire in the kitchen, is not effective to smother a stove fire at the stove. Moreover, the one automatic sprinkler in the kitchen ceiling is not the same as an extinguisher at the stove because the stove fire extinguisher must have a manual operation capability as well as automatic capability, and must operate to shut off current to the stove in the event of fire. The lack of a fire extinguisher and hood at the stove poses a potential threat to the physical safety of the residents at the Petitioner's facility. The expert testimony presented was not sufficient to conclude as a matter of fact that the lack of a fire extinguisher and hood at the stove presents an imminent danger to residents or a substantial probability that death or serious physical injury would result there from, or that the lack of this equipment is a direct threat to the physical safety of the residents. The expert testimony was consistent with the classification by the Respondent of this violation as a class III violation. Petitioner's facility is licensed for 14 residents. On May 15, 1986, the Petitioner wrote to the Respondent asking that his license be reduced to 12 when it was reissued so that he would have time to obtain a three compartment sink. The Petitioner was having difficulty locating such a sink to purchase. The Petitioner intended to apply for a license for 14 residents when he had installed the sink. The Petitioner made this offer to the Respondent again in his letter of August 6, 1986, P. Ex. 4, and a letter from his attorney, P. Ex. 5, dated September 26, 1986. It was stipulated by the parties that rules 4A-40.05 and 4A-40.10, as embodied in R. Ex. 3, were applicable to the Petitioner on August 8, 1986. Conclusions of law 14 through 17 concern the contents of certain rules and provisions of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards, and are adopted as findings of fact. The Petitioner is the sole proprietor of the unincorporated business known as the Clinton Crest Retirement Hotel, which is the licensee in this case. The Petitioner is and was domiciled in the State of Florida, his principal office is and was in the State of Florida, he has not employed more than 25 full-time employees, and his net worth is not more than $2 million, including both personal and business investments. If attorneys' fees and costs are to be awarded in this proceeding, the unrebutted evidence justifies an award of $4,697.75 as reasonable attorneys' fees and $62.50 as reasonable costs.

Florida Laws (2) 120.6857.111
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lakeland, Florida Oct. 29, 1992 Number: 92-006551 Latest Update: Aug. 02, 1993

The Issue Whether or not Respondents improperly serviced portable fire extinguishers and pre-engineered fire suppression systems as specifically alleged in the administrative complaints filed herein on October 8 and November 4, 1992.

Findings Of Fact During times material herein, Respondent Polk Fire Extinguisher Service, Inc. and its owner, Ira Devon Canady, was a licensed dealer for portable extinguishers and pre-engineered systems for fire protection and prevention. During times material hereto, Respondent Floyd E. Nicks, was a permittee for the servicing of portable extinguishers and pre-engineered systems. On or about January 29, 1992, Respondent Polk caused its licensed permittee, James G. Boykin, an employee under Respondent Polk's direct supervision and control, to service a pre-engineered fire suppression system at the Highway 27 truck stop in Lake Wales, Florida. On March 14, 1992, a fire started in the kitchen area of the truck stop. On March 17, 1992, Investigator Phillip J. Gruda, an employee in the fire sprinkler industry in excess of 26 years, was summoned to investigate the fire which occurred in the restaurant (kitchen area) of the truck stop wherein the fire suppression system failed to function as designed. Investigator Gruda immediately initiated his investigation. He noted that a fire started in the kitchen. The fire origin was in the area of the range hood which became completely engulfed in flames and the suppression system did not activate. The fire suppression system which was installed in the hood of the oven utilizes a fusible link which melts when exposed to intense heat. The melted link sets off an ignitor which lets the fire retardant powder from the system extinguish the fire. An examination of the system revealed that the control head was twisted and the cable which connects the fusible link and the remote pull station was twisted preventing the system from discharging. Investigator Gruda also discovered that the cable had dislodged from the pulley extending from the control head which further prevented the system from firing. On approximately January 29, 1992, Respondent Polk used its agent/permittee, Boykin, to also service two portable extinguishers at the truck stop in Lake Wales. Permittee Boykin failed to perform the required six-year maintenance on portable fire extinguisher No. 873430; failed to discover that the gauge on said extinguisher indicated it had discharged; failed to discover that the extinguisher had leaked and to remove the old label from the extinguisher; failed to perform the hydrostatic test on the extinguisher and placed an incorrect serial number on the service tag. Also, Boykin did not leak test the extinguisher. The above-referenced extinguisher failed to discharge during the fire on March 14, 1992 at the truck stop. On or about December 19, 1990, Respondent Polk caused its agent/permittee, Floyd E. Nicks, an employee under Respondent Polk's direct supervision and control, to service a pre-engineered system at the truck stop in Lake Wales. Respondent Nicks was dispatched to perform a six-year service maintenance on the system and at Respondent Polk's direction, used a generic BC powder instead of the required safety first specified powder thereby invalidating the underwriter's laboratory (UL) listing. During December, 1990, Respondent Nicks also failed to perform the required hydrostatic test for cylinder No. 24991 which was part of the pre- engineered system at the truck stop. Respondent, by its agent and employee Boykin, during December, 1991, serviced a pre-engineered system at the Lone Palm Country Club in Lakeland. Agent Boykin failed to properly service the system and investigations by Gruda subsequently revealed the following violations: S-4 Venturi was missing over the char- broiler appliance tee. Incorrect duct nozzles and plenum nozzles. Six elbows were used to connect the yoke instead of the specified five. The pipeline limits did not meet specifi- cation. The system was not piped in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The duct nozzle was not centered. The filters were not baffled and "range guard" corner pulleys were used instead of "safety first" as specified. Based on these violations, the gas charbroiler was not properly protected by the fire suppression system. On or about July 31, 1991, the parties entered a consent order against Respondent Polk wherein Respondent was placed on probation for one year. One condition of probation set forth in the Consent Order was that Respondent Polk would strictly adhere to all provisions of Chapter 633, Florida Statutes and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of facts and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that: Petitioner enter a final order revoking the licenses and permits of Respondents Polk Fire Extinguisher Service, Inc., Ira Devon Canady and Floyd E. Nicks. RECOMMENDED this 2nd day of August, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of August, 1993. APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 92-6551 and 92-0023 Ruling on Petitioner's proposed findings of fact. Paragraph 8, rejected as being a conclusion. COPIES FURNISHED: Tom Gallagher, State Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner Department of Insurance and Treasurer The Capitol, Plaza Level 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Bill O'Neill, General Counsel Department of Insurance and Treasurer The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Daniel T. Gross, Esquire Division of Legal Services Department of Insurance and Treasurer 612 Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Ira Devon Canady, Owner Polk Fire Extinguisher Services, Inc. Post Office Box 384 Lakeland, Florida 33801 Floyd E. Nicks, pro se 1137 Carlton Lake Wales, Florida 33853

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002565 Latest Update: Oct. 30, 1990

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: The respondent Pyrotechnics International, Inc. is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Florida, and respondent Adrian S. Marin is its Chairman. Respondent Pyrotechnics serves as a marketing agent for Sargom Company Ltd. in London, England, which manufactures fire fighting equipment and exports fire extinguishers and other equipment to respondents for distribution in the United States. Respondents desire to construct and operate their own manufacturing plant in Tampa, Florida. In August of 1981, The Sargom Company Ltd. began the process of obtaining a listing with and approval by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. for its fire extinguishers. As of the date of the administrative hearing in this matter, Underwriters' Laboratories was still in the process of investigating and testing Sargom's products. On or about October 26, 1982, respondent Adrian S. Marin applied to Applied Research Laboratories of Florida, Inc. for investigation, listing and follow-up service for its fire extinguishers. Respondents, in connection with Sargom, have expended funds amounting to approximately $60,000 in an effort to obtain approval and listing of its products from Underwriters' Laboratories and Applied Research Laboratories of Florida. As of the date of the hearing, respondents had not yet obtained such approval or listing. Respondents have sold and/or distributed fire extinguishers in Florida. The extinguishers sold and/or distributed did not carry an Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. or manufacturer's serial number permanently affixed to the extinguisher shell. Respondents have recently devised a label which contains a serial number and date of manufacture. If permitted to sell and/or distribute their product in Florida, respondents intend to place a self-destructive label on a metallic plate to be permanently affixed to the canister.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Cease and Desist Order be entered prohibiting respondents from selling, offering for sale or giving fire extinguishers in Florida until such time as respondents demonstrate that their fire extinguishers have been approved or listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory and that the serial number is permanently stamped or affixed to the extinguisher shell. Respectfully submitted and entered this 24th day of January, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of January, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Honorable Bill Gunter State Fire Marshal The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Gabriel Mazzeo, Esquire Department of Insurance 413-B Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Anthony J. LaSpada, Esquire Barnett Bank Building Suite 500 1000 North Ashley Drive Tampa, Florida 33602

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clermont, Florida Jul. 25, 2001 Number: 01-003011 Latest Update: May 06, 2002

The Issue Whether the Respondent violated certain provisions of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 61-C, Florida Administrative Code, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence and testimony of the witness presented and the entire record in this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: On February 15, 2001, Angela Carragher, Safety and Sanitation Supervisor, conducted an initial inspection of Respondent. Ms. Carragher conducted re-inspections of Respondent on February 16, 2001, and March 5, 2001. During the inspections, Ms. Carragher observed numerous rodent droppings in the backside storage closets, as well as in the food storage area on the shelves. Rodent droppings are a critical violation because rodent droppings indicate the presence of vermin and rodents inside the facility which can contaminate the food. Ms. Carragher observed moldy vegetables in the walk- in cooler. Moldy vegetables in the walk-in cooler are a critical violation because spoiled food is not safe to serve to a customer. Ms. Carragher observed raw beef stored over some lettuce and cheese that were in the walk-in cooler. Raw beef stored over ready-to-eat foods like lettuce and cheese are a critical violation because raw beef can have bacteria, which could contaminate or cross-contaminate those ready-to-eat items. Ms. Carragher observed that Respondent did not have proof of a certified food manager at the facility. The certified food manager is the person who has the responsibility to ensure that all of the food workers are trained in food safety and proper food handling and that the facility is following all requirements of the Food Code. Proof that a certified food manager at the facility is critical because, otherwise, there is no way to know if somebody is supervising and overseeing the establishment. Ms. Carragher observed that the fire suppression system was not currently tagged and certified and that an emergency light did not light when tested. The fire suppression system is required to be inspected and certified every six months. The fire suppression system was last inspected in March 2000. A certified and tagged fire suppression system is critical because in the event of a fire, the system may fail to automatically discharge and put the fire out. Ms. Carragher observed an unlabeled spray bottle containing some unidentifiable green chemical solution. Restaurants often use a number of different chemicals in their kitchen, such as window cleaners, degreaser, and sanitizers. An unlabeled spray bottle is a critical violation because an employee may mistakenly use a wrong chemical on the wrong surface, which could create a contamination hazard for food items. Ms. Carragher observed dried food debris on the slicer and inside the three-door, reach-in cooler. Dried food on the slicer and cooler surfaces is a violation because dried food can harbor bacteria which can potentially contaminate fresh food. Ms. Carragher observed that the heat lamp bulbs on the cook's line were not shielded. Unshielded heat lamp bulbs are a violation because should a lamp break, the shattered glass may fall into the food to be served causing a physical hazard. Ms. Carragher observed that the ice scoop was stored on the top of the ice machine and not on a clean surface. The ice scoop is used to scoop the ice that is going to be used for beverages and food. The ice scoop stored on the top of the ice machine is a violation because the top of the machine contains dust and debris, which may cause potential physical contamination. Ms. Carragher observed holes in the walls in the backside storage closet, and grime accumulated on the floor underneath the sink and on the walls in the dishwashing area. Holes in walls and accumulated grime on sinks and walls are a violation because the dirt may contaminate clean dishes and holes may permit access by vermin. Ms. Carragher observed that the gasket on the door on the reach-in cooler was torn. A torn gasket is a violation because the gasket forms a barrier between the outside and inside of the cooler preventing hot air from the kitchen from getting into the cooler. It also creates a place where mildew can grow and contaminate food. Ms. Carragher observed that the carbon dioxide tank in the kitchen was not secured. A carbon dioxide tank which is not secured is a safety violation because a pressurized tank may be propelled violently by the compressed gas if the valve is damaged, hurting people in the restaurant.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered for suspension of Respondent's license until he pays a fine in the amount of $2,000. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of December, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of December, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Charles F. Tunnicliff, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2201 Lewis Pace Ramada Inn Restaurant 20349 North U.S. Highway 27 Clermont, Florida 34711 Manohar Jain Ramada Inn Restaurant 4800 South Apopka Vineland Road Orlando, Florida 32819 Susan R. McKinley, Director Division of Hotels and Restaurants Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Hardy L. Roberts, III, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202

Florida Laws (5) 120.5720.165202.11509.261601.11
# 10

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