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BOARD OF PHARMACY vs. MARK S. GORSKY, 75-001314 (1975)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001314 Latest Update: Dec. 24, 1975

The Issue Whether or not the Respondent's license to practice pharmacy should be suspended or revoked pursuant to Section 465.101(1)(e) and 893.13(3)(a) 1 , Florida Statutes. The Hearing Officer explained to the Respondent the nature of the hearing and his rights under the Administrative Procedure Act, including the right to be represented by counsel at his own expense, if he so desires. It was also explained to the Respondent that he could testify in his own behalf, but that he was not required to do so and that if he did so testify, he could be cross- examined by counsel for Petitioner. Respondent acknowledged understanding of these rights and elected not to testify in his own behalf during the course of the hearing; however, he did participate in the cross-examination of Petitioner's witnesses and made a closing statement in which he denied the allegations against him.

Findings Of Fact During the period in question, i.e., April, 1975, Mr. Stanley Margolis was the manager of Gray Drug Store, No. 365, located at 12852 Biscayne Boulevard, North Miami, Florida. He and the Respondent are the only licensed pharmacists employed at that store (testimony of Mr. Margolis). "Eskatrol" is a trade name for a drug which is bottled and sold in capsules called "spansules". It contains dextro- amphetaminesulfate and acts as a stimulant on the central nervous system. It is used primarily as an appetite suppressant, although it also is sometimes prescribed in an emergency situation for narcolepsy to keep a person awake. It is a Schedule II drug under the Florida Comprehensive Drug Abuse and Prevention Act, Chapter 893, F.S. because it is an amphetamine (Testimony of Mr. Bell, Dr. Danoff). The procedure employed by Gray Drug Store to order Schedule 11 drugs was for Mr. Margolis to write a narcotic order form which he sent to a wholesaler who would then fill the order and send back an invoice with the narcotics in a box that was signed for by one of the pharmacists. At that time, the drugs would be counted, checked off and written down. Either Margolis or Respondent was on duty at the drug store at all times when it was open for business and Respondent could sign for such deliveries if Margolis was not then present. On approximately April 10 or 11, the store had run out of narcotics order forms and had exhausted its supply of several drugs, including ones with the trade name of Eskatrol. However, on Saturday, April 12, a prior order for ten bottles of Eskatrol, each bottle containing 50 capsules or "spansules" as they were termed, were received at the store. Respondent was on duty at this time and signed for the shipment. It was his responsibility to check the numbers of bottles received, enter the amount in a narcotics journal and place the drugs in a locked cabinet. On Monday, April 14, Margolis came on duty, reviewed the receipt of Eskatrol and determined that the shipment was correct based upon his examination of the invoice. He did not check the drug cabinet at this time. About 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. he received a prescription for 50 sparsules of Eskatrol. At this time, he noticed that there were only eight bottles in the cabinet when there should have been ten. He thereupon checked his prescription files for narcotic and other drugs and found no prescription to cover the two missing bottles of Eskatrol ewhich would have contained a total of 100 spansules. The store maintained a daily prescription log which indicated the prescriptions filled and a "waiting" file which was used to hold prescriptions for emergency drugs which had been issued pursuant to a telephonic request of a physician while waiting for the written prescription from the physician to arrive at the store. Mr. Margolis, on the morning of April 16, asked Respondent about the discrepancy. The Respondent told him that the wholesaler had been" short two bottles." Margolis was disturbed about this alleged shortage and therefore called the district manager of Gray Drugs, a Mr. Krake. On the morning of April 17, Margolis found a telephoned prescription form for 50, spansules of Estatrol in the "waiting" file (Petitioner's Exhibit 1). The Respondent told him that it had been called in and that he was waiting for the prescription. He said that he had written the prescription. Margolis identified the handwriting as being that of the Respondent. The prescription was in the name of Ron Richards and showed an address of "2405 Northeast 135". It did not bear a street, avenue, or city designation. There was no date entered in the "Date" space on the form, but the figures "4/14" appeared on the "RX" portion of the form. This portion also bore the handwritten number 221030, and showed the figures "825". The doctor's name was Danoff and shown with address of 4100 South Hospital at Plantation. The number 5870448 also appeared on the prescription form and the words "will mail". Mr. Margolis then reviewed what had been entered on Sunday in the prescription log book and discovered that prescription number 221030 showed a patient named Kasen and a price of $1.95 for the prescription (Petitioner's Exhibit 2) . The practice of the pharmacy had been to use a numbering machine which would stamp the prescription and the patient's receipt with the prescription number. Although 99 percent of the prescriptions are marked with the numbered stamp, occasionally there can be some mistake if the machine jumps, and the same number can only be stamped two times by the machine. On April 14, while Mr. Margolis was checking the non-narcotic prescription files, he had seen a prescription numbered 221030 for 15 Actifed tablets, prescribed by a Dr. Wrench for a patient named Kasen. The retail price of 15 Actifed tablets is $1.95. His log book also reflected that the next number in sequence, prescription no. 221031, was also prescribed by Dr. Wrench for patient Kasen for Keflex (Petitioner's Exhibit 3). Both of these prescriptions were entered on the log for April 13th. Margolis does not know what happened to the other prescription bearing the number 221030; he saw it last on the night of April 15 (testimony of Mr. Margolis; Petitioner's Exhibits 1-3). Dr. Sherwood Danoff, a licensed physician who practices at Plantation, Florida, specializes in dermatology. He is not familiar with the name of Ron Richards and did not call the Gray Drug Store of North Miami, Florida, on April 13, 1975, to order Eskatrol for that individual. He had never written a prescription for Eskatrol, which is a combination of an amphetamine and a barbituate used in diet control as an appetite suppressant. He did not receive a phone call on April 13 from the Gray Drug Store and has never spoken on the phone to anyone representing himself to be the Respondent Mark Gorsky. The normal dosage of Eskatrol is one or two capsules a day and, although he has prescribed Schedule II drugs on an emergency basis over the phone, he would never issue a prescription for a dosage that would cover more than a 10-day period. An emergency prescription by telephone is usually given only for the period until the patient can get in to see the doctor. This is known as an oral prescription and the doctor must follow this up with a written prescription within 72 hours. Although Petitioner's Exhibit 1 reflects Dr. Danoff's phone number, he did not phone in the prescription (testimony of Dr. Danoff). On April 17, Mr. William W. Smith, the regional manager of Professional Services for Gray Drug Stores, Mr. Anthony Difulio, the Director of Loss Prevention for the drug Store chain for Florida, and Mr. Vernon K. Bell, an agent for the Florida Board of Pharmacy, met at the Gray Drug Store in North Miami to look into the discrepancy reported by Mr. Margolis. Mr. Smith made an inspection of the books and records of the store and discovered that certain narcotic drugs were missing, including two bottles of Eskatrol. He checked with Dr. Danoff's nurse and Gulf Company, the wholesaler of Eskatrol. He tried to find the address of Ron Richards, as shown on the prescription in an incomplete form, but any projection of the address by avenues or streets would place it in Biscayne Bay or the ocean. Mr. Smith, together with Mr. Difulio, Mr. Bell, and Mr. Krake, went into a back room of the drug store to discuss the situation and later asked the Respondent to join them. Neither Mr. Difulio nor Mr. Bell arc law enforcement officers and do not have the power to take a person into custody other than that effected under an ordinary citizen's powers. During this period, not all of the above-mentioned individuals remained in the room during the entire period of approximately an hour or an hour and a half. Mr. Gorsky left the room on two occasions. Prior to questioning the Respondent, Mr. Bell advised him that he did not have to answer any questions, that he had a right to remain silent and a right to counsel. He did not threaten him or offer him any inducements to answer questions. After this warning, Respondent decided not to take the polygraph or make a written statement, but he did make oral statements. At no time was Respondent told he was under arrest. Mr. Bell asked Respondent if he could explain or know anything about the shortage of Eskatrol. The Respondent stated that he had received a call from Dr. Danoff on Sunday, April 13, concerning the prescription and that he called the doctor back to make sure that it was authentic; that he had placed the `number at the right bottom of the prescription and in his mind it was legitimate. When asked about the existence of Ron Richards, Respondent told Bell that Richards had been in the store several times. Respondent admitted to Bell that he had written the prescription (Petitioner's Exhibit l) and that it was his handwriting. There is a certain conflict in what Respondent stated at this meeting in view of the fact that Mr. Difulio testified that Respondent had said a customer had come into the store on April 13 and said that a doctor wanted him to have Eskatrol; that he had called the doctor and verified the prescription. Difulio did not recall if Respondent had stated that he had first had a call from the doctor, although he testified that Respondent said that he had prepared the prescription and filled it for Richards. When shown by Difulio that the cash register tapes for April 13 did not reflect an entry of $8.25, and Respondent was asked for an explanation, he stated that he had probably "got taken" by believing the telephone number he called was that of the doctor. In addition, Respondent told Difulio that after filling the prescription, he became scared and put a number on it from another patient and, when asked by Difulio what had happened to it, Respondent stated that he had torn it up and destroyed it. Difulio did not recall Respondent telling Mr. Bell about Dr. Danoff calling Respondent concerning the prescription. However, Respondent made several different statements during the course of his interrogation while various of the parties to the meeting went in and out of the room (testimony of Mr. Smith, Mr. Difulio, Mr. Bell).

Florida Laws (3) 893.02893.03893.13
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-000872 Latest Update: Feb. 10, 1987

The Issue The issue presented for decision herein is whether or not Respondent's license should be disciplined based on conduct, set forth hereinafter in detail as contained in an Administrative Complaint filed herein dated February 14, 1986. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT By Administrative Complaint dated February 14, 1986, Petitioner alleged that Respondent, while a licensed physician in the State of Florida, presigned blank prescriptions which prescriptions were later completed by one Dr. Jorge Horstmann in violation of Section 458.331(1),(aa), Florida Statutes. The complaint also alleged that Respondent never examined the alleged patient, Vivian Perez, who was an undercover operative, nor did the Respondent maintain any patient records for the treatment and thereby violated Section 458.331(1)(q), Florida Statutes, by failing to keep written medical records justifying the course of treatment and by prescribing a legend drug other than in the course of the physician's professional practice; that Respondent committed gross or repeated malpractice or failed to practice medicine with that level of care, skill and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances in violation of Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes. The Administrative Complaint further alleged that Respondent billed medicaid for various visits for the undercover operative, as well as fictitious children, and made or filed reports with Medicaid which the Respondent knew to be false and thereby failed to perform statutory or legal obligations placed upon a licensed physician in violation of Sections 458.331(1)(1) and 817.234, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, documentary evidence received during the hearing and the entire record compiled herein, I hereby make the following relevant factual findings. Respondent, Alfonso Rodriguez-Cuellar is, and has been at times material hereto, a licensed physician in the State of Florida having been issued license number MME002856. During June, 1983, Respondent shared office space with Dr. Jorge Horstmann who was at the time, not a licensed medicaid provider. Respondent was licensed as a medicaid provider during times material and was so licensed during June, 1983. During June, 1983, an investigation was undertaken by the State of Florida Auditor General's Office and as a result of that investigation, Special Agent Vivian Perez visited Respondent's office and requested to be attended by Dr. Horstmann. At the time, Special Agent Perez presented the receptionist, Emerson Figeuroa, her Medicaid card listing herself and (3) fictitious children as medicaid recipients. During that visit, four (4) Medicaid files were prepared by office staff and Special Agent Perez was seen by a person who identified himself as Dr. Horstmann. Dr. Horstmann appeared and testified in these proceedings and acknowledged that he, in fact, treated Special Agent Perez. Dr. Horstmann did not examine Agent Perez. Dr. Horstmann was carrying a prescription pad while he attended to Agent Perez and Agent Perez observed Dr. Horstmann complete prescriptions from the pad with the exception of the signatures. (Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 1). Dr. Horstmann left the room where he was attending Agent Perez. When he returned, they were signed by Respondent. Agent Perez was then given the prescriptions and she took them to a pharmacy and filled them by purchasing non- pharmaceutical items. (TR 89-92). Emerson Figeuroa was employed by Respondent as a medical assistant and receptionist since approximately 1982. Ms. Figeuroa denied that Respondent presigned prescriptions for Dr. Horstmann and contends that records are maintained for all of Respondent's patients. Ms. Figeuroa recognized Respondent's signature on two prescriptions received in evidence as being Respondent's signature. (Respondent's Exhibit 1 and 2). At the same time, Ms. Figeuroa denied that Respondent's signature appeared on prescriptions introduced which were the prescriptions given to Agent Perez. Hugh Fitzpatrick, a medical investigator for Petitioner, interviewed Respondent during June of 1983. Investigator Fitzpatrick's main concern was whether Respondent was presigning prescriptions for Dr. Horstmann. Investigator Fitzpatrick inquired of Respondent regarding that claim and Respondent admitted that he signed the prescriptions given to Agent Perez for Dr. Horstmann; that he signed the prescriptions as a friend and that he knew that Dr. Horstmann had been licensed and simply had not been provided with the documentation reflective of the fact that he (Dr. Horstmann) had been licensed as a Medicaid Provider. Respondent testified on his own behalf and openly admitted that the signatures on the prescriptions provided to Agent Perez were his although he questioned the "MD" next to his signature. (TR 58-60). Respondent also conceded that he never treated a patient by the name of Vivian Toledo (a/k/a Vivian Perez); he had no medical records for Toledo (Perez) or her children and acknowledged that he medically treat a large volume of patients, a great majority of which are Medicaid recipients. Respondent conceded that he received a check from Medicaid for $1,900 reflecting payment for the medical treatment of a large number of medicaid patients. Respondent conceded that although he signed the medicaid forms, the forms are prepared by other office personnel. Respondent usually does not verify the names of the individuals on the list to ascertain if he, in fact, treated each patient listed before he executes the form requesting payment from medicaid. (TR 64 and 86). Respondent is duty bound to ensure that he only bills medicaid for patients that he has, in fact, treated.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby Recommended that Respondent's license be suspended for a period of (30) days. It is further recommended that the Board impose an administrative fine against Respondent in the amount ($2,000). Recommended this 10th day of February, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of February, 1987. COPIES FURNISHED: Joel S. Fass, Esquire Colodny, Fass & Talenfeld, P.A. 626 N. E 124 Street North Miami, Florida 33161 Franz A. Arango, Esquire 1999 S. W. 27th Avenue Miami, Florida 33145 Dorothy Faircloth, Executive Director 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Salvatore A. Carpino, Esquire General Counsel 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Fred Roche, Secretary 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (3) 120.57458.331817.234
# 2
BOARD OF PHARMACY vs. HOWARD E. STAATS, 82-001627 (1982)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-001627 Latest Update: Feb. 18, 1983

The Issue The issues to be determined here concern disciplinary action to be taken against Respondent for those administrative offenses pertaining to the controlled substances Talwin, Dilaudid and Paregoric dispensed by Scottie Drug Store in Duval County, Florida, during the period April 2, 1981, to March 23, 1982, in violation of various provisions of Chapter 465, Florida Statutes. These contentions made by the State of Florida, Department of Professional Regulation, are more particularly described in the Administrative Complaint, DPR Case No. 0022146.

Findings Of Fact Howard E. Staats is a pharmacist who has been issued a license by the State of Florida, Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Pharmacy. The license number is 0007704. At times relevant to this proceeding, Staats, practiced pharmacy in Jacksonville, Florida. At all times pertinent to the Administrative Complaint, which is the focus of this action, Staats was the managing pharmacist at American Apothecaries, Inc., which does business as Scottie Drug Store at 41 Arlington Road South, Jacksonville, Florida. A copy of Respondent's most recent license may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1, admitted into evidence. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 2, admitted into evidence, is a copy of the permit for American Apothecaries. Sometime within the period March 23, 1982, through March 29, 1982, an audit was conducted at the Scottie Drug Store. The audit revealed that in the period April 2, 1981, through March 23, 1982, the drug store had purchased 66,900 tablets of Talwin, 50 mg., had sold 29,373 tablets of that drug, had lost by robbery or theft, 1,000 tablets of the drug, leaving 36,527 tablets of Talwin unaccounted for. During that same audit period, the pharmacy purchased 4,000 tablets of Dilaudid, 4 mg., selling 3,025 tablets of that drug, losing by robbery or theft, 200 tablets of the drug and failing to account for 775 tablets of the drug. Finally, during the audit period, 2,064 ounces of Paregoric had been purchased and 699 ounces sold, with the remaining amount of 1,285 ounces being unaccounted for. See Petitioner's Exhibit No. 4. Talwin is a Schedule IV controlled substance within the meaning of Chapter 893, Florida Statutes. Dilaudid is a Schedule II controlled substance within the meaning of Chapter 893, Florida Statutes. Paregoric is a Schedule III controlled substance within the meaning of Chapter 893, Florida Statutes. The audit which was conducted at the Scottie Drug Store revealed numerous prescriptions for the controlled substance Talwin, 50 mg., written on prescription blanks of Drs. W. W. Shell, Jr., and L. T. McCarthy, Jr., which had allegedly been signed by those physicians, when in fact the patients for whom the prescriptions were written were unknown to the physicians and the signatures of the physicians were forgeries. Those prescriptions are depicted in Petitioner's Exhibit No. 5, admitted into evidence. During the period covered by the audit, it was shown that Staats filled a number of prescriptions for various patients for the controlled substance Talwin, which had been written on prescription pads of Methodist Hospital and Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville, Florida, and signed by individuals who are not physicians having hospital privileges at those medical centers nor practicing as physicians in the Duval County area. Copies of those prescriptions may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 6, admitted into evidence. In the course of the time sequence related to the audit review process, it was discovered that Staats had refilled numerous prescriptions for controlled substances on more occasions than had been authorized by physicians, namely prescription No. 51632 was refilled twice although the physician indicated there were to be no refills; prescription No. 51579 was refilled once although the prescription indicated there should be no refills; prescription No. 51639 was refilled twice although the prescription indicated there should be no refills; prescription No. 51217 was refilled once although the prescription indicated there should be no refills; prescription No. 51238 was refilled once although the prescription indicated that there should be no refills; prescription No. 53010 was refilled once although the prescription indicated that there should be no refills; prescription No. 53597 was refilled four (4) times although the prescription indicated that it should only be refilled once; prescription No. 53537 was refilled once although the prescription indicated that it should not be refilled; and prescription No. 53592 was refilled twice although the prescription indicated that there should be no refills. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 7, admitted into evidence, is copies of prescriptions spoken to in this paragraph. Respondent Staats had operated the Scottie store under a lease arrangement during 1979 and 1980, and in January of 1981, took a position as an active pharmacist in that store. After becoming the principal operating pharmacist in the Scottie store, Staats began to receive prescriptions from doctors Shell and McCarthy for the substance Talwin and when a prescription purportedly written by those physicians was in question, Staats would call the office of the physicians for confirmation, which at times would be given over the phone and at other times an indication was made that a call back from the physician's office to Staats would be necessary. Some of the indications of physicians' prescription authority of the substances in question would be placed on a separate log and not on the back of the prescription and on other occasions, the note of the prescription information would be placed on the back of the prescription form and not in the log. Normally, this information would be reflected both in the log and on the back of the prescription. There were occasional circumstances in which the authority was not stated in either place. At approximately the same time as was covered by the audit, Staats began to ask for identification from customers who were seeking prescriptions for Talwin and noted that the demand for that substance declined with the advent of the request for identification. Staats posted a notice in the window of the pharmacy to the effect that state law imposed a fine of $5,000.00 or might cause incarceration for five (5) years for presenting forged prescriptions or conspiring or agreeing with another to have a forged prescription filled. On two (2) occasions Staats called law enforcement officials on a circumstance involving suspect prescriptions and those persons were apprehended. (Poor record keeping and mistakes in estimating the amount of losses due to a robbery and a larceny which occurred in the period covered by the audit contributed to the unaccounted for controlled substances, but those matters of record keeping and theft reports would cause only a slight differential in the disparity, as opposed to explaining the whereabouts of a substantial portion of the missing controlled substances.) Beginning on March 25, 1982, Staats began to keep a daily inventory log on the substance Talwin and a number of other controlled substances. A copy of that log may be found as Respondent's Exhibit No. 9, admitted into evidence. In addition, certain out-of-date and otherwise undesirable controlled substances, Schedules II, III and IV, have been removed from inventory and turned over to appropriate authorities for destruction.

Recommendation That a final order be entered placing Respondent Staats on probation for a period of two (2) years, with a special requirement that Staats attend continuing education courses dealing with the proper methods for prescribing controlled substances and to the extent possible, courses which emphasize the detrimental effect to the public when those controlled substances are abused and requiring that Respondent work under the supervision of another pharmacist for the first six (6) months of his probationary period. DONE and ENTERED this 17th day of November, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of November, 1982.

Florida Laws (6) 120.57465.015465.016893.04893.07893.13
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:St. Petersburg, Florida Apr. 29, 2002 Number: 02-001659 Latest Update: May 23, 2003

The Issue The issues for determination are whether Respondent failed to make reasonable efforts to ensure that a prescription for a resident was refilled in a timely manner in violation of Florida Administrative Code Rule 58A-5.0185(7)(f); and, if so, whether Respondent should reclassify Respondent's license from standard to conditional, impose an administrative fine of $2,000, and impose a survey fee of $500 pursuant to Sections 400.419(1)(b) and 400.419(9), Florida Statutes (2001). (All references to chapters and statutes are to Florida Statutes (2001) unless otherwise stated. Unless otherwise stated, all references to rules are to rules promulgated in the Florida Administrative Code in effect on the date of this Recommended Order.)

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency responsible for regulating assisted living facilities (ALFs) and for investigating complaints received anonymously by a state hotline in accordance with Chapter 400, Part III, and Rule 58A-5. Respondent is an ALF located at 312 East 124th Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33612 (the facility). Petitioner conducted a complaint survey of the facility on August 10, 2001. Petitioner noted the results of the survey on a form entitled Form 3020-0001 "Statement of Deficiencies and Plan of Correction" (the 3020). The 3020 is the document used to charge ALFs with deficiencies that violate applicable law. The 3020 identifies each alleged deficiency by reference to a tag number. Each tag number on the 3020 includes a narrative description of the allegations against the ALF and cites a provision of the relevant rule or rules that the alleged deficiency violates. The 3020 in this case involves one allegation in Tag A630. Tag A630 alleges that Respondent violated Rule 58A- 5.0185(7)(f) by failing to make every reasonable effort to ensure that prescriptions for residents who receive assistance with self-administration or medication administration are "refilled" in a timely manner. Resident 2 receives assistance with the self- administration of medication. Resident 2 suffers from dementia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Tag A630 alleges that Respondent failed to make reasonable efforts to ensure that a prescription for an antibiotic known as Tequin was refilled in a timely manner on or about August 2, 2001. University Community Hospital (the hospital) admitted Resident 2 on June 27, 2001, with relevant diagnoses of urinary tract infection and sepsis. The hospital administered Tequin to Resident 2 intravenously and discharged Resident 2 to the facility on August 2, 2001. On August 6, 2001, the hospital readmitted Resident 2 for treatment of the urinary tract infection. The discharge instructions from the hospital on August 2, 2001, included instructions for several medications. The instructions indicated that Resident 2 was to continue taking Tequin 200 mg one tab a day for 11 days; Prednisone 20 mg tab take as needed; Albuterol and Atrovent nebulizer every 6 hours as needed; and home O2 2 liters by nasal canula [sic] 24 hours. Resident 2 had prescriptions for all of the medications included in the discharge instructions except Tequin. The hospital discharged Resident 2 late in the evening on August 2, 2001. The next morning, the facility manager faxed the new prescriptions for Resident 2 to the pharmacy that the facility used in the ordinary course of its business. The pharmacy timely filled the new prescriptions. Facility staff never saw a written prescription for Tequin. Resident 2 was in good spirits and had no signs of a urinary tract infection or other signs of infection such as a change in mental status or a loss of appetite. Facility personnel reasonably believed that the hospital had successfully treated the urinary tract infection. Petitioner's surveyor testified that he saw a prescription for Tequin in the facility files for Resident 2 and wrote down the exact wording of the prescription. That testimony is neither credible nor persuasive. Even if the testimony of Petitioner's surveyor were credible and persuasive, other evidence in the case outweighs that testimony. Neither Petitioner's agents, the facility Manager, the facility administrator, the owner of the facility, the hospital, the discharging physician, nor the pharmacy, is able to produce a prescription for Tequin, a copy of the prescription, or a record that the physician ever wrote such a prescription. In addition, a discharge instruction is not a prescription. Finally, Petitioner admits in its PRO that a prescription for Tequin was "missing" when Resident 2 returned to the facility. Respondent could not have failed to refill a prescription for Tequin because there is no credible and persuasive evidence that a prescription for Tequin ever existed between August 2 and 6, 2001. The facility Manager did not compare the discharge instructions with the written prescriptions that accompanied Resident 2 on her discharge from the hospital. While that omission may constitute a violation of some law or rule, it is not the violation alleged in the Administrative Complaint and Tag A630. The omission alleged in the Administrative Complaint and Tag A630 is that Respondent failed to ensure that an existing prescription for Tequin was "refilled." That allegation, in the context of this case, requires Petitioner to show that Respondent failed to ensure that the pharmacist refilled an existing prescription previously issued by a physician and on file with the pharmacist. Petitioner failed to prove that factual allegation. The factual allegations that Petitioner sought to prove in the administrative hearing are substantially different from those contained in either the Administrative Complaint or Tag A630. The Administrative Complaint alleges at paragraph 8 that Respondent failed to make reasonable efforts to ensure that a prescription for Resident 2 was refilled. Tag A630 alleges in relevant part: Based on a review of resident records and on interview with the facility's Owner, Administrator and Manager, the facility failed to fill a prescription for one resident upon the resident's return from the hospital. Per interview with the three employees noted above, on 8/10/01 at 12:45pm, and based on a review of the Resident's files, Resident #2 was admitted to University Community Hospital on 7/27/01, and was there diagnosed with a urinary tract infection and sepsis . . . The Resident was discharged from UCH on 8/2/01, with the following medication instructions; Tequin 200mg one tab a day for 11 X days. . . . These discharge instructions were found in the Resident's file. Also observed in the Resident's file were the prescriptions for the above-noted medications. However, when asked, none of the three employees noted above were aware of the prescription for the wide-spectrum antibiotic; each stated the belief that the Resident's infections had been treated and resolved in the hospital and that an antibiotic wasn't needed. A review of the Resident's Medication Observation Record for 8/01 showed the entry of the other medications per the discharge instructions except for the Tequin. On 8/7/01 the Resident was readmitted to the hospital with symptoms of a urinary tract infection, per Owner, the Administrator and the Manager. (emphasis supplied) It can be reasonably assumed that the facility's failure to note either the Resident's discharge instructions or the prescription slip for the antibiotic (Tequin) resulted in the Resident's continued suffering of a urinary tract infection and the Resident's return to the hospital. Regardless of whether this failure to give the Resident his prescribed medication was primarily responsible for the Resident's continued UTI, the facility failed to properly note the physician's orders and to fill the prescription. Petitioner's Exhibit 4 at pages 2-3. Before the administrative hearing, Tag A630 expressly alleged that a prescription for Tequin existed in the file of Resident 2 at the facility and charged that Respondent failed to fill the existing prescription. The Administrative Complaint alleges that the failure to fill an existing prescription violates the requirement in Rule 58A-5.0185(7)(f) to ensure that prescriptions are refilled. At the hearing, Petitioner sought to prove factual allegations that are different from those in Tag A630 and the Administrative Complaint. Rather than proving that Respondent failed to fill a prescription that existed in the file of Resident 2, as alleged in Tag A630, Petitioner sought to prove that Respondent failed to compare the discharge instructions with the prescriptions issued by the treating physician, remind the physician that he or she failed to issue a prescription for Tequin, retrieve the pretermitted prescription, deliver it to the pharmacist, and then ensure that the pharmacist timely "filled" the new prescription. Petitioner cannot put Respondent on notice in the Administrative Complaint and Tag A630 that Respondent must be prepared to defend the factual allegation that Respondent failed to refill an existing prescription and then prove at the administrative hearing that Respondent committed acts or omissions not alleged in either the Administrative Complaint or Tag A630. To do so, is a violation of fundamental notions of due process and adequate notice of the charges against Respondent in a penal proceeding.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a Final Order finding Respondent not guilty of the acts and omissions alleged in the Administrative Complaint and Tag A630 and restoring Respondent's previous license rating nunc pro tunc. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of October, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL MANRY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of October, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Colleen O'Rouke, Esquire Riley Law Firm, P.A. 4805 West Laurel Street, Suite 230 Tampa, Florida 33607 Michael P. Sasso, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 525 Mirror Lake Drive, North Suite 330K St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 Lealand McCharen, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Valda Clark Christian, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Rhonda M. Medows, M.D., Secretary Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building, Suite 3116 Tallahassee, Florida 32308

Florida Laws (4) 120.52120.54120.569120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida Jul. 30, 2014 Number: 14-003537PL Latest Update: Oct. 04, 2024
# 5
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tavares, Florida Jul. 31, 1991 Number: 91-004822 Latest Update: Sep. 24, 1992

Findings Of Fact Based upon the entire record, the following findings of fact are determined: Background At all times relevant hereto, respondent, Obi E. Enemchukwu, was licensed as a pharmacist having been issued license number PS 0023082 by petitioner, Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Pharmacy (Board). He has been licensed as a pharmacist since 1981. There is no evidence that respondent has been the subject of disciplinary action prior to this occasion. When the events herein occurred, respondent was the designated prescription department manager and pharmacy permittee for Oviedo Drug World (ODW), a community pharmacy located at 83 Geneva Drive, Oviedo, Florida. A community pharmacy is not defined by statute or rule. However, a Board witness described such a pharmacy as being a drug store that serves customers in an outpatient or ambulatory setting. As the prescription manager for the pharmacy, respondent was responsible for maintaining all drug records, providing for the security of the prescription department, and following all other rules governing the practice of pharmacy. Count I This count alleges that respondent violated a Board rule by virtue of the ODW prescription department being "opened at 9:00 a.m. with a pharmacy technician only on duty with no pharmacist present until approximately 9:15 a.m.". In this regard, the evidence shows that on February 28, 1991, a DPR senior pharmacist, Charles C. Lewis, made a routine inspection of ODW. He entered the premises at approximately 9:00 a.m. and found the drug store open, the lights on in the pharmacy section, and only a pharmacist technician on duty. Respondent was not on the premises. Respondent eventually entered the premises around 9:10 a.m. Because the law requires that a registered pharmacist be on duty whenever a community pharmacy is open, respondent, as the designated manager, was in contravention of that requirement. Count II The second count alleges that "on one occasion in approximately August 1990, pharmacist technicians on duty were required to dispense medicinal drugs despite no pharmacist having been present". As to this charge, respondent admitted without further proof that the allegations were true. Thus, the charge in Count II has been sustained. Count III The third count alleges that "on at least two occasions refills for medicinal drugs were dispensed without authorization from the prescribing physician." As to this count, during the course of his inspection of ODW's prescription file, Lewis found copies of two original prescriptions dispensed by respondent on Saturday, February 9, 1991, and Saturday, February 16, 1991, respectively. Original prescriptions are those either handwritten by a doctor and brought in for filling by the patient or those that are telephoned in to the pharmacy by the doctor's office. If a prescription is telephoned in, it must be immediately reduced to writing by the pharmacist. Original prescriptions do not include refills. In this case, the two prescriptions were the type telephoned in by the doctor directly to the pharmacy. Because doctors are rarely in their offices on Saturday, Lewis turned the prescription records over to DPR for further investigation. The records of the prescriptions have been received in evidence as a part of petitioner's exhibits 1 and 2. The prescriptions indicate that Dr. James E. Quinn prescribed thirty Nalfon tablets (600 mg.) to patient L. C. on February 9, 1991, and Dr. Michael E. Meyer prescribed ten Tagamet tablets (300 mg.) to patient J. K. on February 16, 1991. The record does not disclose whether the drugs are scheduled legend drugs or non-scheduled legend drugs. Deposition testimony given by Drs. Quinn and Meyer established that neither doctor authorized by telephone or in writing that the two prescriptions in question be filled. Respondent concedes that he dispensed the drugs, and by doing so, he violated the law. Count IV The final count alleges that respondent, as a pharmacy permittee, violated former rule 21S-1.023 (now renumbered as rule 21S-28.112) by dispensing a medicinal drug in violation of state law. Because this charge is founded on the same set of facts set forth in findings of fact 4, 5 and 6, it is found that this charge has been sustained. Mitigation and Penalty At hearing, respondent generally offered mitigating testimony. As to Count I, he indicated he planned to arrive at the store at 9:00 a.m. but an automobile accident tied up traffic and caused him to be ten minutes late. He suspects that the store owner, who had the only other set of keys, opened up the store and pharmacy area and improperly let the technician into the pharmacy area even though respondent had not yet arrived. As to Count II, respondent acknowledged that two prescriptions were dispensed by pharmacy technicians without a pharmacist on duty but believes the store owner authorized the technician to dispense two prescriptions that he had filled the previous evening. He says appropriate instructions have been given to insure that this will not occur again. Finally, respondent gave the following explanation for dispensing the two prescriptions without authorization from a doctor. During the time period in question, respondent had a practice of partially filling prescriptions. In other words, even though a prescription might authorize a total of 100 tablets, respondent would dispense them piecemeal (e.g., 10 at a time) over the life of the prescription. Thus, at the end of the prescription period, if only 80 of 100 tablets had been previously dispensed, he would fill the remaining 20 tablets even though the prescription from a particular doctor had expired. In the case of the two prescriptions in issue, respondent believes that the customers either had a valid prescription from another doctor but he inadvertently refilled the prescription using the former doctor's name because the prescription had not been used up, or he noted that the patient had not been given the total number of tablets authorized under the original prescription. However, no documentation was submitted by respondent to support the claim that he was presented with a new valid prescription by one of the customers. Respondent apparently no longer engages in this practice. Finally, throughout the course of this proceeding, respondent has fully cooperated with the Board. Although the Board did not submit a proposed order containing a recommended penalty, at hearing counsel for the Board suggested that respondent's conduct warrants the imposition of a fine, probation and a reprimand.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of facts and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that respondent be found guilty of violating Sections 465.014, 465.015(2)(c), 465.016(1)(e)and (n), and 465.023(1)(c), Florida Statutes (1989), and that he be given a reprimand, fined $500 and his license placed on probation for one year. DONE and ENTERED this 12th day of March, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of March, 1992. COPIES FURNISHED: Tracey S. Hartman, Esquire 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 60 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Obi E. Enemchukwu P. O. Box 32 Tavares, FL 32778-0032 Jack L. McRay, Esquire 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 60 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 John Taylor, Executive Director Board of Pharmacy 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792

Florida Laws (7) 1.01120.57465.003465.014465.015465.016465.023
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-000178 Latest Update: Nov. 22, 1991

The Issue Whether the permit held by the Respondents to operate a pharmacy in the State of Florida should be revoked.

Findings Of Fact A Complaint and Notice to Show Cause was filed against the Respondents, Ponce de Leon, Inc., doing business as Capel Drugstore, and Milagros Ferreras, Evina Valera and Julio C. Pascual, on December 27, 1978, alleging that the Respondents failed to maintain on a current basis a complete and accurate record of controlled substances controlled by Chapter 893, Florida Statutes, and that Respondents while holding a permit to operate a pharmacy in the State of Florida permitted the unlawful practice of pharmacy at Ponce de Leon, Inc., doing business as Capel Drugstore, located at 6661 SW 8th Street, Miami, Florida, by permitting a person not licensed or registered as a pharmacist or pharmacy intern in this state, to wit Milagros Ferreras, to fill and dispense a controlled substance with prescriptions and without prescriptions to various people on various dates. A hearing was requested by the Respondents on January 5, 1979. Notice of Hearing was sent to the parties on February 5, 1979. The first witness called on behalf of the Petitioner was V. K. Bell, Agent for the Florida Board of Pharmacy and a licensed pharmacist. Agent Bell testified that while at a local wholesaler in the Miami area he noticed that Ponce de Leon, Inc., doing business as Capel Drugstore, had been buying a large volume of Quaalude tablets, which is a Schedule II controlled substance that has been the subject of high abuse in the Dade County area. Thereupon, he proceeded to Capel Drugstore in order to review their records. He said that he found the prescription records did not account for proper disposition through lawful dispensing of a large volume of the Quaalude tablets that were purchased and documented by the invoices. He testified that he talked with the pharmacist, Francisco DeQueuedo, and Respondent, Milagros Ferreras, one of the owners of Ponce de Leon, Inc., doing business as Capel Drugstore, and the President of the corporation. Mr. Bell advised Ms. Ferreras and Mr. DeQueuedo of their right to remain silent and not answer questions, that anything they said could be used against them, and that they had the right to have an attorney present if they desired. He then questioned the Respondent, Ms. Ferreras, and Mr. DeQueuedo. Ms. Ferreras stated that she had bought a bad business and found that she was having financial difficulties with the business, and she started to sell Quaalude tablets for 50 cents each to some 15 or 20 different people without prescriptions. Mr. Bell testified that Ms. Ferreras then stated that she had made sales of the controlled substance without prescriptions. Agent Bell testified that the pharmacist, Mr. DeQueuedo, admitted to him that he knew that Respondent Ferreras was making these sales, and that she would from time to time bring him prescriptions which he would sign, indicating on the prescriptions that he did in fact fill them, although he had not, and then put them on file at the pharmacy in an attempt to cover up some of the shortages due to the unlawful sales of the Quaalude tablets. After this conversation Mr. Bell testified that he proceeded to do a drug accountability audit. Mr. Bell said that even with giving the pharmacy credit for those prescriptions which were signed by the pharmacist, he could not account for 27,440 Quaalude tablets. The drug accountability report was identified by Mr. Bell and was introduced into evidence as Petitioner's Exhibit number 1. Agent Bell identified a series of documents which constituted various invoices and prescriptions utilized in the drug accountability audit as well as a perpetual inventory, which the pharmacist had run. These documents were marked as Petitioner's Composite Exhibit number 2 and were introduced into evidence. Thereafter, Mr. Bell identified a document which he noted was a copy of a receipt which he gave to the pharmacist noting the various invoices contained in Composite Exhibit number 2, which were removed from the pharmacy. This receipt was marked as Petitioner's Exhibit number 3 and was introduced into evidence. Mr. Bell verified a document which was the receipt that he gave to the pharmacist, Mr. DeQueuedo, when he removed the original prescriptions from the pharmacy file, which prescriptions were also part of the Composite Exhibit number 2. This receipt was marked as Petitioner's Exhibit number 4 and was introduced into evidence. Mr. Bell then identified another document, which was marked for identification as Petitioner's Exhibit number 5, and Agent Bell testified that this was a statement made to him in his conversations with the Respondent, Ms. Ferreras, and the pharmacist, Mr. DeQueuedo, which he reduced to writing and which both the pharmacist and Respondent Ferreras signed. Exhibit number 5 substantiates the testimony which was given by Mr. Bell in respect to the unlawful dispensing of controlled substances by Ms. Ferreras, falsification of the prescription records by Mr. DeQueuedo, and the shortages found in the drug accountability audit. Robert S. Pacitti, a police officer with the Dade County Public Safety Department, was called as a witness for Petitioner. Officer Pacitti stated that he had received a telephone call from Agent Bell with reference to Ms. Ferreras and Mr. DeQueuedo. Officer Pacitti testified that he went to the Capel Drugstore and advised both the Respondent Ferreras and Mr. DeQueuedo, the pharmacist, of their Miranda rights. Officer Pacitti obtained a verbal statement from Mr. DeQueuedo that he was aware of the fact that Ms. Ferreras was dispensing Quaalude tablets. Officer Pacitti then took Respondent Ferreras down to the Dade County Public Safety Department, where she made a statement taken by a stenographer in Officer Pacitti's presence confirming the testimony of Agent Bell and Officer Pacitti. Respondent Ferreras stated that the individuals to whom she had sold Quaalude tablets promised to bring her prescriptions for them at a later date but did not do so. Officer Pacitti identified a document marked as Petitioner's Exhibit number 6 as a copy of the statement of Respondent Milagros Ferreras, and thereafter this statement was introduced into evidence as Petitioner's Exhibit number 6. Officer Pacitti testified that even though the large quantity of Quaalude tablets was being sold for 50 cents each, the street value of these tablets was between $3.00 and $5.00 per tablet. The secretary of Jack R. Blumenfeld, the attorney of record for Respondent Milagros Ferreras, presented photocopies of letters from two physicians indicating that Ms. Ferreras had been in the hospital and then had been advised to restrict her physical activity and avoid emotional strain. These letters were marked and filed by the Hearing Officer. After listening to the testimony of Agent Bell and Officer Pacitti, and after examining the exhibits introduced into evidence, it is the finding of this Hearing Officer that the Respondent, Milagros Ferreras, did permit the improper keeping of records at Ponce de Leon, Inc., doing business as Capel Drugstore, and that complete and accurate records of controlled substances were not maintained on a current basis. It is the further finding of this Hearing Officer that the Respondent, Milagros Ferreras, allowed the pharmacist, Francisco DeQueuedo, to file false information in the files of Ponce de Leon, Inc., doing business as Capel Drugstore, by placing prescriptions in the files which were not actually dispensed by the pharmacist to the individuals named thereon. The Hearing Officer finds that the Respondent, Milagros Ferreras, President of the corporation doing business as Capel Drugstore, improperly dispensed and sold Quaalude tablets to individuals with prescriptions and to individuals without prescriptions.

Recommendation Revoke the permit to operate a pharmacy in the State of Florida issued to Ponce de Leon, Inc., doing business as Capel Drugstore, and Milagros Ferreras, Evina Valera and Julio C. Pascual. DONE and ORDERED this 15th day of March, 1979, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DELPHENE C. STRICKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Jack R. Blumenfeld, Esquire 619 NW 12th Avenue Miami, Florida 33136 Michael Schwartz, Esquire Suite 201, Ellis Building 1311 Executive Center Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32301 H. F. Bevis Executive Secretary Florida Board of Pharmacy Post Office Box 3355 Tallahassee, Florida 32302

Florida Laws (1) 893.07
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-004474 Latest Update: May 17, 1988

The Issue Whether Petitioner is entitled to additional compensation under the Agreement with Respondent?

Findings Of Fact On August 1, 1986, Respondent issued ,Invitation to Bid Number 87-2, which was titled, "Invitation to Bid for Providing Financial Services Related to the Payment of State Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Claims: (Invitation to Bid). Under the terms of the Invitation to Bid, the winning bidder would agree to provide banking services for two interest bearing accounts. One account (Prescription Drug Account), was to be used to transfer funds from the Respondent to Paid Prescriptions, Inc., the administrator of the prescription drug component of the State Employee's Group Health Self Insurance Plan (Plan). The other account (Health Claims Account) was to be used to pay drafts issued by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., to participants and providers for payment of all health claims, except prescription drugs. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., was the administrator of the Plan, except for Prescription drugs. For both accounts, the Invitation to Bid required that all fees and charges of the winning bidder must be offset by "the required minimum daily balance." The required minimum daily balance was an amount of money which Respondent would have to maintain deposited in the account with Petitioner. Interest earned by the winning bidder on the required minimum daily balance amount would compensate the winning bidder for providing the services required by Respondent. In addition, funds deposited in the accounts in excess of the required minimum daily balance would earn interest credited to the account each month. Responses to the Invitation to Bid were to be evaluated based on the amount of required minimum daily balances and the amount of interest Respondent would earn on funds on deposit in excess of the required minimum daily balance. Appendix 1 to the Invitation to Bid, was titled "Prescription Drug Account Activity" and contained the following information: Estimated number of deposits per month 2 Estimated number of wire transfers per month 2 Average amount per transfer from February 1986 through May 1986 $480,000 Appendix 2 to the Invitation to Bid was Titled "Heath Claims Account Activity" and contained the following information: The following data was collected from the Period May 1, 1985 through April 30, 1986. Average number of drafts paid per month $40,568 Average daily amount of drafts paid $395,398 Average number of deposits per month 8 Average number of stop Payments per month 19 In preparing its response to the Invitation to Bid, Petitioner based its calculations on the number of transactions set forth in the Appendix. Petitioner determined that, to cover its costs plus a 20 percent profit margin, it would need to receive 13.7 cents per draft handled on the Health Claims Account. By using the 13.7 cents per draft, the average number of drafts per month listed in Appendix 2, and by assuming that it could earn 6.3 percent interest on the required minimum daily balance, Petitioner determined that it needed to ask for a required minimum daily balance of $1,059,000, if the funds were to be maintained in a Demand Deposit Account. Before petitioner submitted its response, Mr. Dale Thompson, an employee of Petitioner's, contacted Mr. Andrew Lewis, Respondent's contact for the invitation to bid, to ask a few questions, and make sure Petitioner understood what it was doing. During this conversation, Mr. Thompson asked Mr. Lewis if he had any reason to expect that the average number of drafts listed in Appendix 2 would increase. Mr. Lewis responded that the number reflected what it had been over the last period and that he had no expectation that it would increase. Petitioner submitted a response which asked for a required minimum daily balance of $0.00 for the Prescription Drug Account, contingent upon having the Health Claims Account of $961,216, if funds were to be maintained in a zero interest Certificate of Deposit, $1,059,522, if funds were to be maintained in a Demand Deposit Account. Also, the amounts on deposit in excess of the required minimum daily balance would earn interest based on the current month's auction average of the ninety-day U. S. Treasury Bill Discount Rate, but not less than 4 Percent. Based on Respondent's analysis of the bids submitted by five firms, Petitioner was selected as having submitted the best bid. Thereupon, Petitioner and Respondent entered into and Agreement whereby Petitioner agreed to provide the services set forth in the Invitation to Bid and pay the interest set forth in Finding of Fact 13, supra, in exchange for Respondent's maintaining a required minimum daily balance of $1,059,522 in a Demand Deposit account with Petitioner. Nowhere in the Agreement is there mention of the average number of drafts listed on Appendix 2. Page 6 of the Agreement contains the following language: SECTION VI - ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Invitation to Bid Number 87-2, mailed August 1, 1986 and Capital City's Response to Invitation to Bid Number 87-2 are incorporated herein by reference, except where there is a conflict between this Agreement and the Invitation to Bid shall take precedence over Capital City's Response to the Invitation to Bid. Petitioner began performing services under the Agreement on November 8, 1986, and continued to do so until December 31, 1987, when the agreement expired. Immediately after beginning to perform services, the number of drafts being processed in the Health Claims Account exceeded the number Petitioner had anticipated. This continued for the entire period of the Agreement, during which Petitioner processed the following number of drafts: Nov. 8 - Nov. 30, 1986 38,291 December 55,313 January, 1987 59,887 February 73,309 March 74,468 April 68,654 May 67,911 June 81,065 July 86,838 August 74,337 September 82,846 October 85,624 November 74,474 December 76,374 Monthly Average 72,217 On April 21, 1987, Petitioner, requested that Respondent pay additional compensation to Petitioner based on 13.7 cents per draft for the number of drafts which were being processed in excess of the number reflected on Appendix 2 of the Invitation to Bid. By letter dated May 25, 1987, Respondent denied Petitioner's request, stating that the "unpredictable fluctuations in the volume of drafts was a business risk agreement." Petitioner's Exhibit 4.. After further oral communications between the parties, Petitioner requested an administrative hearing regarding its request for additional compensation. The number of drafts paid from Respondent's, account during May, 1985 through April 1986, which formed the basis for the average number of drafts listed on Appendix 2 were: May 1985 32,783 June 28,045 July 32,697 August 32,822 September 34,923 October 41,430 November 41,491 December 39,136 January 1986 53,103 February 51,390 March 50,775 April 48,176 Total $486,811 Additionally, the number of drafts paid in May, June and July, 1986 were 44,020; 45,123; and 53,095; respectively. At the time Mr. Lewis was working on the Invitation to Bid and had the conversation with Mr. Thompson described in Finding of Fact 12, supra, he was not aware that the number of drafts paid per month had been increasing over the prior three months. In preparing the Invitation to Bid, Mr. Lewis had asked someone in his office to give him an average for the past 12 months and the number he received is the number reflected in Appendix 2.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED, that Respondent issue a final order denying Petitioner's request for additional compensation. Done and ENTERED this 17th day of May, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. JOSE A. DIEZ-ARGUELLES Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of May, 1988. APPENDIX The parties submitted proposed findings of fact which are addressed below. Paragraph numbers in the Recommended Order are referred to as "RO ." Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Ruling and Paragraph Number in of Fact Number Recommended Order Accepted. RO1, 2. Accepted, generally. RO3, 4 Accepted, generally. RO5 Accepted. RO9 Irrelevant Accepted. RO12 Accepted. RO11, 13 First sentence, accepted. RO14, 15. Second sentence, generally accepted, except to the extent it indicates that the number of items was limited by the Agreement. RO16, 17 and last paragraph of Conclusions of Law. Generally supported by the evidence, but irrelevant. The fact that Respondent had this information in its records does not mean that it had a duty to inform bidders when, at the time, it did not know its significance. Accepted. RO19 Accepted, except for parenthetical on incorporation by reference. RO19 Supported by competent evidence but not necessary for the decision reached 13-15. Rejected as argument Respondent's Proposed Finding's of Fact Proposed Finding Ruling and Paragraph Number in of Fact Number Recommended Order 1-3. Irrelevant 4,5. Accepted RO3, 4, 5, 13, 15 6. Accepted 7. Accepted generally. RO12 8. Accepted generally. RO12 9. Accepted 10. Accepted. RO5 11-13. Accepted. RO20 14. Supported by the evidence, but unnecessary to the decision. COPIES FURNISHED: James D. Beasley, Esquire Ausley, McMullen, McGehee, Carothers & Proctor 227 South Calhoun Street Post Office Box 391 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr., Esquire General Counsel Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Adis Vila, Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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