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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000186 Latest Update: May 25, 1989

Findings Of Fact By his answers to Petitioner's Request for Admissions, Respondent indicates, and it is so found, that he is currently licensed by the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board under license CA C010372 as a certified air conditioning contractor; that his license was in effect at all times material to the allegations involved in this hearing; and that his license was in effect as of the date of the hearing. The Construction Industry Licensing Board, (Board), is the state agency responsible for licensing construction trades professionals in this state. Sometime prior to August 18, 1987, Respondent's firm contracted with Ralph Worthington to replace the air conditioning system at Mr. Worthington's home in Pinellas County, Florida. The contract price was $3,075.00. The work was completed. On August 19, 1987, Dale J. Parker, a mechanical inspector for the City of St. Petersburg, which utilizes the Standard Mechanical Code as a guideline for construction in the city, inspected the unit in question installed by Respondent's concern, Residential Air Conditioning. A permit to complete the work had been issued on June 25, 1987 for the work. No explanation was given for why the inspection was not done until approximately two months after the permit was issued, but that delay is not relevant to the issues here. During his inspection, Mr. Parker found that the provisions of Sections 303.2 and 303.3 of the Standard Mechanical Code had not been followed by the Respondent's firm in that no light was available in front of the unit, no electrical disconnect was furnished for the unit, and there was no clear access to the unit. Access is required to be through an unencumbered space no less than 22 by 36 inches. When he went up into the attic to examine the unit, he found the area to be tight and dark. At the time, he was unable to see any defects other than those he listed, but his general opinion of the installation was that it was "not a good job" and was somewhat "sloppy". As a result of the defects he saw, he rejected the work and "red tagged" it. Issuance of a red tag requires correction of the defect and reinspection of the work. Evidence indicates that the required light had not been there prior to Respondent's installation and the access to the unit, which required stepping over an air duct, was the same as it had been before the installation of the new unit. The Code requirement to correct these defects existed when the house was built. It is clear the initial installation, not done by Respondent, was also deficient. Respondent admits that when he installed the new unit, he assumed the responsibility for correcting the existing deficiencies and bringing the installation up to Code requirements. However, Mr. Worthington, the homeowner, would not allow Respondent's personnel back into his residence to correct the problems. This does not excuse the improper installation but would have resulted in a waiver of the reinspection fee. On October 1, 1987, William Rinehart, owner of Johnson's Air Conditioning, who had been contacted by Mr. Worthington, sent his technician, Mr. Aleshire out to the property to make the repairs. Mr. Aleshire discovered a lot of water in the insulation in the attic in the area around the air conditioning unit. He also noticed that duct work had come loose from the unit, that the unit was tilted, and that both the primary and secondary drain pipes were clogged with sand at the outside outlet. When he moved the insulation, he found the attic floor had rotted as a result of water condensation which had spilled out of the drain pans surrounding the unit onto the floor. As a result, the attic floor fell through into the room below. Mr. Aleshire found that the air handling unit was improperly tilted. So was the primary drain pan which was improperly tilted away from the drain. Since the drain was clogged, when the condensation collected in the pan, instead of draining out, it ran over the opposite side of the pan into the secondary pan from which it could not drain because that plug was clogged as well. As a result, the condensation water ran over out onto the attic floor. Aleshire also noticed that some of the wiring had to be replaced because of a lack of sealing and failure to use Romex connectors, both of which are required by the Code. In his opinion, however, except for the electrical problems and the tilted air handling unit and drain pans, the installation was up to Code. Had it not been for the clogged drains, the unit would probably have worked satisfactorily for a long period without problems. There is no evidence to connect the clogged outside drains with the Respondent. He is, however, responsible for the other defects noted. Both Aleshire and Rinehart consider the tilted installation of the air handling unit improper. Mr. Rinehart would have used adjustable bolts to affix the unit and a carpenter's level to insure the drainage was proper. The failure to level the unit is negligence and the failure to utilize proper sealant and Romex connectors constituted misconduct since both are required by the Code. Respondent does not deny either of these defects. He contends his firm did what it agreed to do. When Mr. Worthington complained, he initially responded and attempted to correct the problems but was unable to do so to Mr. Worthington's satisfaction. The problems were not corrected by Respondent. Nonetheless, Respondent contends his firm tried to do a proper job and feels Worthington overreacted, frequently complaining when a workman was only a few minutes late for a scheduled appointment. Respondent was not personally aware of the details of the installation in question, did not do any of the work himself; nor did he inspect the job when it was completed. When this work was being done, Respondent, who is in partnership with Mr. Neidrich was in Tampa opening another office for the firm. He first found out about it after a complaint was filed and, in an effort to work out their differences, attempted to contact Worthington up until the time the Department of Professional Regulation got into the picture. Respondent, who qualified the company under his license, is an engineer and his primary function with the company is to design complicated systems. He visits jobs of "difficult installation" but acts merely as a consultant on the company's routine business. He performs quality checks from time to time on routine as well as major jobs to insure the work is being done properly. Though he testified he does this on a weekly basis, he admitted his last inspection was four weeks before the hearing. The correction of the defects identified herein was subsequently accomplished by another contractor hired by Mr. Worthington at additional cost. He also paid $422.80 to replace floor covering damaged as a result of the tilted air conditioning unit.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that Respondent, Neal A. O'Connor be reprimanded and pay an administrative fine of $500.00. RECOMMENDED this 25th day of May, 1989 at Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of May, 1989. COPIES FURNISHED: Elizabeth A. Alsobrook, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Neal A, O'Connor 1925 Hastings Drive Clearwater, Florida 34623 Kenneth A. Easley, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Fred Seely Executive Director Construction Industry Licensing Board Post Office Box 2 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, Petitioner, vs CASE NO.: 89308 DOAH CASE NO.: 89-0186 NEAL A. O'CONNOR, LICENSE NO.: CA C010372, Respondent. /

Florida Laws (2) 120.57489.129
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Sep. 08, 1997 Number: 97-004199 Latest Update: Feb. 03, 1999

The Issue Whether, as alleged by Petitioners in their Petition for Relief, Respondents have committed, and are continuing to commit, a discriminatory housing practice in violation of the provisions of Florida's Fair Housing Act by denying Petitioners approval "to install a 22,500 BTU air conditioner unit in the wall of their [Fairmont House] apartment." If so, what affirmative relief should Petitioners be provided.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made:1 Petitioner Larry Tresize and his 91 year-old wife, Edith Tresize, who suffers from osteoporosis and a heart condition and is unable to perform normal activities of daily living without assistance, have resided in Apartment 50 of Fairmont House, a residential cooperative located in North Miami, Florida, since 1982. In January of 1991, the Tresizes sold their interest in the apartment to Werner Bischoff, but continued to occupy the apartment inasmuch as they had "reserved[d] unto themselves a life estate in and to the aforementioned real property with the sole right of possession during the life of the grantor EDITH TRESIZE only, with the proviso that [they] w[ould] pay all maintenance, taxes and assessments and utilities for the subject apartment." Fairmont House, Inc. (Corporation) is a non-profit corporation responsible for the operation of the Fairmont House cooperative. The purpose of the Corporation is stated in Article II.A. of its Articles of Incorporation as follows: The general nature of the object of the Corporation is to provide for and promote the general welfare, comfort, safety, and mutual friendliness between its members, to provide the facilities necessary to promote such purposes and to maintain, manage and keep in good repair the roof, outer walls of the building, all common ways, and areas within and without the building, common rooms, parking areas, grounds (meaning all grass sod, shrubbery, and general landscaping), sea walls, swimming pool and pool area, fences, common electrical equipment and fixtures situated within the common areas of the building and on the grounds for the use and enjoyment of the members of the corporation. . . . In accordance with the provisions of Article III.A. of the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation, "[a]ny person, or persons, individual or corporate, are qualified to become a member of this corporation upon securing by purchase, devise, gift, or assignment, any leasehold interest in the [Fairmont House apartments]," provided they are deemed "acceptable" for membership by the Corporation's membership committee. Pursuant to Article VI.A. of the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation, the "affairs of the [C]orporation [are] managed by a nine (9) member board of governors." The Corporation has adopted Rules and Regulations governing member conduct and activities. Item 5.c. of the Corporation's Rules and Regulations provides that "[m]embers or non-members shall make no alterations to said exterior premises without the consent of the Board of Governors." The apartments in Fairmont House do not have central air conditioning. They are cooled by room air conditioners. There are both window and "through-the-wall" units. The "through-the-wall" units protrude through openings that were a part of the original design of the building. Subsequent to the building's construction, no additional openings for "through-the- wall" units have been made. When the Tresizes moved into their Fairmont House apartment, there was a "through-the-wall" air conditioning unit in one of the apartment's two bedrooms. The Tresizes subsequently removed the unit and closed the opening in the wall through which the unit had protruded. The Tresizes now have three window air conditioning units in their apartment (including one in the bedroom which previously had a "through-the-wall" unit). In or about April of 1996, the Tresizes contacted their local Sears store to inquire about replacing the window air conditioning unit in the living room of their apartment. Sears sent a "contractor" to the Tresizes' apartment to discuss the matter further with the Tresizes. The Sears "contractor" told the Tresizes that, to comfortably cool their living room, they would need a 22,500 BTU air conditioner. He further advised them that such an air conditioner was too large to install in the living room window and that it would have to be installed, instead, through the wall. The Tresizes authorized the "contractor" to install such a "through-the-wall" unit in their living room. After a building permit from the City of North Miami was obtained, the "contractor" returned to Fairmont House to perform the work necessary to install the unit (Project). The "contractor" was with Larry Tresize on the walkway outside the Tresizes' apartment about to drill a hole in the exterior wall outside the Tresizes' living room, when he was approached by three members of the Corporation's Board of Governors, who directed that he not proceed with the Project unless and until the necessary approval was formally obtained from the Corporation's Board of Governors. The "contractor" gathered his tools and left without performing any more work on the Project. By letter dated April 24, 1996, the Tresizes requested the Corporation's Board of Governors to "grant [them] permission to install a larger air condition[er] in the wall of [their] apartment." The Board of Governors responded by informing the Tresizes that it would not consider their request absent proof that Werner Bischoff approved of the Project. The Tresizes thereafter asked Mr. Bischoff if he would consent to the installation of a "through-the-wall" air conditioning unit in the living room of the Tresizes' apartment. Mr. Bischoff refused to give such consent. The Project never received the approval of the Board of Governors. One member of the Board of Governors, Sherwin Kresshauer, personally attempted to assist the Tresizes in finding an adequate replacement for the window air conditioning unit in the their living room. Mr. Kresshauer measured the space in the window occupied by the air conditioning unit that needed to be replaced (it measured 19 inches by 27 inches) and made arrangements for an air conditioning specialist to visit the Tresizes' apartment and to evaluate the apartment's air conditioning needs and how those needs could be met. Mr. Kresshauer was present when the air conditioning specialist visited the Tresizes' apartment. The air conditioning specialist told the Tresizes that either an 18,000 or 24,000 BTU Goodman air conditioning unit could be installed in the window of their living room (in the 19- inch by 27-inch space occupied by their present unit). When the air conditioning specialist told the Tresizes how much it would cost them, the Tresizes said that they did not want to pay that much.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Tresizes' discriminatory housing practice complaint and their Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of January, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of January, 1998.

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 3604 Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.57393.063760.20760.23760.34760.35760.37
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-005193 Latest Update: Mar. 14, 1989

The Issue This matter began when Respondent, a certified air conditioning contractor, was charged by Petitioner in an administrative complaint with violation of Section 489.129(1)(m), Florida Statutes, through the commission of gross negligence, incompetence, or misconduct in connection with a certain job undertaken by the air conditioning business for which Respondent was responsible as the qualifying agent. Respondent requested a formal administrative hearing. This proceeding followed. At hearing, Petitioner presented testimony of two witnesses and six evidentiary exhibits. Respondent presented testimony of two witnesses, including himself, and three evidentiary exhibits. Petitioner was granted leave to submit a post hearing exhibit no later than March 3, 1989. Proposed findings of fact submitted by Petitioner are addressed in the appendix to this recommended order. No proposed findings were received from Respondent by the required deadline or at the time of the preparation of this recommended order. Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined:

Findings Of Fact Respondent is Steven E. Taucher, a certified air conditioning contractor and the qualifying agent for Discount Air Conditioning & Heating Services, Inc., at all times pertinent to these proceedings. He has been licensed by Petitioner since 1985 and holds license CA-CO36835. His address of record is Tampa, Florida. In May of 1987, Janet Daniels contracted with Respondent's company for the installation in her home of a heat pump system. The system was to consist of one supply duct and a filter back return; a three ton condenser heat pump; a three ton air handler; a 3 ton coil; and a heat strip, thermostat and outdoor slab. The unit was to fulfill heating and cooling functions. Installation work was to be completed in a "substantial and workmanlike manner"; using existing ductwork and electrical connections. Upon execution of the written agreement, Daniels paid Respondent $2,000. A sales rebate of $525 was also signed over to Respondent by Daniels, leaving a total owed to Respondent of $125. This amount was to be paid by June 30, 1987. Daniels never paid this final sum to Respondent because she was not satisfied with his work and eventually had to pay another contractor $420 to make certain repairs to the system. Respondent, by his own admission, failed to timely pull the permits for the project; however, he did install the system, connecting it to existing ductwork and electrical connections as specified in the contractual agreement. Within two and a half hours after installation, the temperature gauge reflected that the unit was not cooling the Daniels' house to the desired 76 degree thermostat setting. Respondent informed Daniels that the unit's capacitor wasn't functioning. Respondent replaced the capacitor. The unit did not function properly and Respondent attempted other repairs at later dates varying from replacement of the thermostat to installation of a sump pump for removal of condensation from the unit. Daniels was still unable to get the unit to cool the residence to the desired thermostat setting. Further, there was a disparity in the temperature between rooms in the residence. On July 23, 1987, Respondent, accompanied by a factory representative from the manufacturer of the heat pump system, returned to the Daniels home. It is undisputed by the parties that the factory representative found that a portion of the unit, the vertical air handler, was not level and not well mounted and, as a result, was poorly installed. He further determined that the unit contained an excess amount of freon, a refrigerant gas. Respondent maintains that he performed the installation task strictly in accordance with the contract between the parties. It is his position that the installation of the air handler without a new wooden support base under it or replacement of the leaking existent return air plenum was in compliance with the parties' agreement to use existing ductwork. Respondent's position as to compliance with contractual terminology is supported by testimony of Petitioner's expert that the meaning within the trade of the terminology "use of existing ductwork" ordinarily includes the existing return air plenum as part of that ductwork. However, testimony of Petitioner's expert also establishes that Respondent's failure to realize and advise Daniels that the existing ductwork was obviously inadequate and might not permit the system to function effectively, demonstrated incompetence with regard to his ability to properly design and install a relatively simple system. The overall sloppiness of the workmanship in the system installation also reflects incompetence on the part of Respondent.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered assessing the Respondent an administrative penalty of $500 in accordance with disciplinary guidelines set forth in section 21E-17.001(19)(b), Florida Administrative Code. RECOMMENDED this day of March, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of March, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 88-5193 The following constitutes my specific rulings, in accordance with section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on findings of fact submitted by the parties. PETITIONER'S PROPOSED FINDINGS 1.-6. Addressed and adopted in substance. COPIES FURNISHED: David Bryant, Esquire 220 East Madison Street, Suite 530 Tampa, Florida 33617 Steven E. Taucher Post Office Box 271581 Tampa, Florida 33688 Fred Seely, Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation Construction Industry Licensing Board Post Office Box 2 Jacksonville, Florida 32201

Florida Laws (2) 120.57489.129
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-003904 Latest Update: Jun. 03, 1988

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto, respondent, Sam Pollack, held certified air-conditioning contractor license number CA-C008663 issued by petitioner, Department of Professional Regulation, Construction Industry Licensing Board (Board). He has been licensed by the Board for approximately sixteen years. Respondent used his license with and was qualifying agent for a firm known as Dr. Cool's Clinic, Inc. located at 10662 Southwest 186th Lane, Miami, Florida. Around April 1, 1986 Steven and Beverlee Swerdlen moved into a 1,400 square foot prefabricated modular home at 19800 Southwest 180th Avenue, Miami, Florida. The home is located in a large modular home subdivision known as Redland. Although a modular home resembles a mobile home in certain respects, it is considered to be a fixed, permanent residential dwelling under local building codes. The home had previously been a model unit in the subdivision and had never been lived in since being built at least three years earlier. On April 3, 1986 respondent entered into a contract with Steven Swerdlen to install a Rheem four-ton air conditioning unit at Swerdlen's home. The contract called for a total price of $2152.50. The Swerdlens paid for the job in full the same day by credit card. Because Swerdlen's home had the ductwork and twenty outlets already in place, Pollack was to adapt the unit to the existing ductwork. Respondent's firm was selected over other firms because Mrs. Swerdlen was impressed with Pollack's advertisement which represented that Pollack provided "air conditioning designed and serviced for people with allergies and other respiratory problems." This was important to her since she suffers a heart condition and requires air-conditioning during warm weather. She also accepted respondent's oral representations that he had the experience and expertise to satisfy her needs. The ductwork in the home was accessible through a small crawlspace located under the floor. There were also two vents under the floor to prevent a buildup of moisture. The flooring in the home was made of particle board and was sealed with a vapor barrier which was designed to protect it from moisture damage. When the Swerdlens purchased their home, the vapor barrier was already cracked in several places and, coupled with the fact that the area had only two vents, the floor was susceptible to moisture damage. Before a central air-conditioning unit is installed, a prudent and competent air-conditioning contractor should take measurements of the home, perform heat loss calculations and inspect the existing ductwork to insure that the proper size unit is being installed. The evidence is sharply conflicting as to what steps, if any, were undertaken by respondent when he visited the Swerdlen home on April 3 to discuss the job. It is found, however, that Pollack made a visual inspection of the home but did not take formal measurements or make heat loss calculations. He inspected the ductwork to the extent he looked under the house through the crawlspace opening. He noted a potential problem with the vapor barrier and a supply duct hookup location that was blocked by a pier (support). He mentioned to Mrs. Swerdlen that she needed additional ventilation windows underneath the home and that she had a potential moisture problem with the vapor barrier. However, he did not suggest that she wait and have those matters corrected before he installed the unit. The unit was installed on April 7, 1986, or four days after the contract was signed. Besides respondent and a helper, Mrs. Swerdlen was the only person present. No electricians were called in to assist on the job. According to Pollack, the only electrical work that he performed was the installation of the thermostat unit in the closet under the fuse box and the internal electrical connections to the unit. As to this latter work, Pollack stated he did not believe an electrical license was needed to connect the terminal wires to the air-conditioning unit. He did not obtain a building permit from the county nor did he request an inspection of his work. Both were required by county regulations. Because the supply duct hookup was blocked by a pier, Pollack was forced to place a three or four foot high supply duct in a bedroom closet. Without advising the Swerdlens as to the extent or nature of modifications needed to bypass the pier, Pollack cut a large, unsightly hole in the closet floor. It was also necessary to penetrate the vapor barrier when the hole was cut. The cut was never resealed. The new duct took up much of the closet space and was vulnerable to puncture damage. A photograph of the supply duct is found in petitioner's exhibit 14. After the work was completed, Pollack did not advise the Swerdlens that the vapor barrier had been broken or that it needed to be resealed to avoid moisture damage to their floor. The power source to the air-conditioning unit was a 10-gauge wire. Since the unit required a larger gauge, it was necessary that an 8-gauge wire be installed. Pollack and his helper left for one and one-half hours at lunch during the day of installation, and Pollack claims the wire was changed by someone during the time he was gone. The Swerdlens contended they knew nothing about electrical wiring and could not perform the task themselves. Their testimony is accepted as being more credible and it is found that Pollack, even though he was not licensed as an electrician, changed the electrical power source wiring. In addition, Pollack did all other electrical work required for the installation of the unit. In doing so, he made no provision for overload, left exposed wiring in the closet by the thermostat and failed to provide a service disconnection switch for the unit inside the home. Until these deficiencies were corrected several months later, the Swerdlens could smell a burning odor in their home. According to industry standards and local building code requirements, the unit should have been placed on a concrete slab. However, Pollack used two sets of concrete runners obtained from the unit manufacturer. He justified this on the ground that many other homes in the same subdivision did not have slabs under their units. Even so, this did not justify a deviation from code requirements. Because a slab was not used, the unit sank into the ground after the first rainfall. Pollack eventually installed a cement slab in November, 1986 after being ordered to do so by local building officials. The Swerdlens' floors began to buckle and ripple within a short time after the unit was installed. It began in the bathroom directly above the area where Pollack had penetrated the vapor barrier to install the supply duct and was exacerbated by the closure of one of the two vents under the floor when Pollack installed the unit. The damaged floor is memorialized in photographs received in evidence as petitioner's exhibit 14. Mrs. Swerdlen contacted respondent after the above problems began to occur. Other than adjusting the thermostat to get better cooling, Pollack did nothing since he did not think he was responsible for the other problems. He offered to make the other changes for additional compensation and if the Swerdlens would agree to release him from all liability. After declining Pollack's offer, Mrs. Swerdlen had other persons or companies make the needed repairs. Most of the costs were paid by her insurance company. She also contacted the Metropolitan Dade County Building and Zoning Department (Department) and the Board. The Department learned that no permit had been obtained by Pollack even though one was required and that no inspections had been made during and after the work. Pollack obtained an after-the-fact permit on November 24, 1986, after paying a double fee and a $100 violation fee for failing to timely obtain the permit. After being contacted by Mrs. Swerdlen, a Department mechanical inspector made an inspection of the Swerdlens' home on November 24, 1986. He found several violations of the local building code including (a) a failure to obtain a permit and have required inspections made, and (b) improper electrical work. A summons was issued against Pollack for these violations. The disposition of the summons is not of record. The inspector also noted that the vapor barrier around the closet supply duct had not been resealed, that the flooring was warped above the cut and that the unit was not on a concrete slab. Although the inspector suggested that Pollack correct these deficiencies, only the latter deficiency was corrected. The work never passed final inspection. The Board employed a Jacksonville residential contractor as its expert in this case. Although the expert did not personally inspect the property, he reviewed photographs of the site, respondent's deposition and the investigative file and spoke with the Swerdlens by telephone. According to the Board's expert, Pollack was guilty of gross negligence by performing work that exceeded the scope of his license, performing potentially hazardous electrical wiring, installing a non-efficient system in the Swerdlens' home, failing to follow accepted industry rules concerning static friction, velocities, noise levels and filtration, failing to properly inspect the home prior to installation, improperly installing the unit, damaging the vapor barrier, installing a large supply duct in the closet without obtaining the Swerdlens' approval and failing to use a cement slab to support a heavy unit. He further opined that respondent was deceitful by selling the system in the manner that he did, particularly since it was sold and installed within a four day period with no thought given to or preparation taken as to the problems that might be encountered. The expert agreed that the work was made more difficult by the position of the pier but stated that Pollack should have explained this problem to the Swerdlens and obtained their approval prior to cutting through their closet floor. Pollack has worked in the air-conditioning business for around 26 or 27 years, of which two were spent as a building inspector for Dade County in the late 1960s. He contended he warned Mrs. Swerdlen about the penetrated vapor barrier, the blocked air duct and the lack of a sufficient number of vents. Pollack also stated he advised Mrs. Swerdlen it was her responsibility to get an electrician to do all electrical work. However, these contentions are rejected as not being credible. Moreover, if there were special problems with the Swerdlens' home, it was respondent's responsibility to design and install a system that was compatible with those special needs. Pollack asserted that the Swerdlens' home was actually a mobile home, and he was under the impression that permits were not required for work on this type of home. However, this contention is irrelevant since Dade County has required permits for air conditioning work on both fixed and mobile homes for at least the last ten years.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that respondent be found guilty of violating Subsections 489.129(1)(d), (j), and (m), Florida Statutes (1985), that he pay a $3,000 civil fine within thirty days from date of a Final Order in this cause, and that his license be suspended for thirty days, or until the fine is paid if after the expiration of said thirty day period. DONE AND ORDERED this 3rd day of June, 1988, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of June, 1988.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57489.117489.129
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000748 Latest Update: May 22, 1989

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence received at the final hearing, the following findings of fact are made. At all times material to this case, the Respondent, Steven Ary, was a licensed air conditioning contractor in the State of Florida, holding license number CA CO36888. On October 20, 1987, a company named Jenni Temp Refrigeration Company, Inc., entered into a contract with Lauderhill Mall, Lauderhill, Florida, to install three 3 1/2 ton air conditioning units for the sum of $7,875. Jenni Temp was to provide the three separate permits required by the City of Lauderhill, Florida, for the installation. Joseph Roturra, the owner of Jenni Temp Refrigeration Company, Inc., and Respondent had, prior to October 20, 1987, entered into negotiations whereby Respondent would become employed by Jenni Temp as its qualifying agent so that Jenni Temp could engage in air conditioning contracting. Those negotiations ended before any formal efforts were made to have Jenni Temp licensed with Respondent as the qualifying agent. In late 1987, before his negotiations with Jenni Temp broke down, Respondent signed three blank application forms for electrical and air conditioning permits. Respondent then gave the three signed application forms to Joseph Roturra. Respondent knew that neither Joseph Roturra nor his company was licensed for air conditioning work. Joseph Roturra completed the signed blank application forms he received from Respondent and made application with the City of Lauderhill, Florida, for the three permits required for the job at Lauderhill Mall. The name of the applicant on the applications as completed by Joseph Roturra was All Star Service, Inc. Respondent served as the qualifying agent for All Star Service, Inc. The City of Lauderhill did not issue the permits for which Roturra applied using the forms signed by Respondent because permits had been previously issued to another company for the same job. Jenni Temp completed the Lauderhill Mall job without the permits required by local law and without further assistance from Respondent. Respondent did not supervise the job at Lauderhill Mall. There was no final inspection of the work as required by local law.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding Respondent guilty of having violated Sections 489.129(1)(e) and (m), Florida Statutes and which imposes an administrative fine on Respondent in the amount of $500 for the violation of Section 489.129(1)(e), Florida Statutes. It is further recommended that there not be a separate fine for the violation of Section 489.129(1) (m), Florida Statutes, because the conduct that establishes that violation is the same conduct which constitutes the violation for which the administrative fine is recommended. DONE and ENTERED this 22nd day of May, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of May, 1989. APPENDIX The findings of fact contained in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, l0, 13, 14, 15, 19 and 20 of Petitioner's proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance, insofar as material. The findings of fact contained in paragraphs 11, 12, 16, 17 and 18 of Petitioner's proposed findings of fact are immaterial. COPIES FURNISHED: Kenneth E Easley, General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0729 Fred Seely, Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation Construction Industry Licensing Board Post Office Box 2 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 Elizabeth R. Alsobrook, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0729 Steven Ary 1217 N. E 4th Street Pompano Beach, Florida 33306

Florida Laws (5) 120.57489.105489.119489.127489.129
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Nov. 25, 1991 Number: 91-007580 Latest Update: Jan. 25, 1993

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Scott Eric Baker ("Petitioner"), took the Certified Air Conditioning Class A Contractor examination in June 1991. The examination consists of two parts, Part One on business and financial management, and Part Two on actual air conditioning system mechanics. The Petitioner informally challenged the scoring of certain questions and received additional points but his total score of 68% was below the minimum passing score of 69.01%. Part One, Question 6 of the June 1991 directs the applicant to estimate the cost of refrigeration piping and related hardware shown in a related schematic. The schematic illustrates proposed refrigerant piping between a 15 ton air-cooled condensing unit and an air handler unit. Pipe joint connections are identified by standard symbols. The question states as follows: Refer to the Refrigeration System shown in Figure 1. Estimate the cost of the Refrigeration Piping. Add 6% Florida State Sales Tax to the total cost. The multiple choice list of possible answers to the question are: Less than $500.00. (B) Between $500.00 and $600.00 (C) Between $600.01 and $700.00 (D) More than $700.00 The pipe joint segments identified by the symbols on the schematic are 90-degree elbow joints. Elbow joints can connect pipe segments which have different elevations. Elbow joints can also be connected to construct a "swing joint" which provides for pipe alignment. Swing joints do not change the elevation between the pipe segments connected at the joint. According to the schematic, the first pipe segments, (two feet two inch pipes), run from the air-cooled condensing unit to a joint. The schematic does not identify the elevation of the air-cooled condensing unit or of the first pipe segments. The second pipe segments lie at an elevation of 104 feet 4 inches and connect via a pipe joint to the third pipe segments, which lie at an elevation of 104 feet 0 inches. The third segments connect via a pipe joint to the fourth pipe segments which are at an elevation of 103 feet 8 inches. The fourth segments connect to the pipe segments leading from the air handling unit (AHU 1). The correct answer to Question 6 is (B). The total cost for piping and hardware shown on the schematic is approximately $557. There are 83.3333 lineal feet of 1 and 3/8 inch diameter pipe at $3.96 per lineal foot, totaling about $330.00. There are 75.7527 lineal feet of 7/8 inch diameter pipe at $2.35 per lineal foot, totaling about $178.02. There are fourteen 90-degree elbows, (seven 1 and 3/8 inch elbows at 1.71 each and seven 7/8 inch elbows at .79 each) totaling 17.50. The total of materials is 525.52. Inclusion of the 6% tax results in an estimated cost of $557.05. Because there was no elevation shown for the first pipe segment between the condenser unit and the pipe joint, the Petitioner assumed that the pipe joint symbol indicated an elevation change and that the condenser unit could be located substantially above or below the identified 104 feet 0 inches elevation of the second segment. Accordingly, his answer to Question 6 was "(D) More than $700.00." The Petitioner's answer is based, not on the information provided in the schematic, but on unreasonable assumptions as to the condenser unit location, and is incorrect.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department of Professional Regulation, Construction Industry Licensing Board, enter a Final Order dismissing Scott Eric Baker's challenge to the grading of his responses to the June 1991 examination for licensure as a Certified Air Conditioning Class A Contractor. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 29th day of April, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of April, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER The following constitute rulings on proposed findings of facts submitted by the parties. Petitioner The Petitioner's proposed findings of fact are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: 4. Rejected, unnecessary. 10-14. Rejected, recitation of testimony. Respondent The Respondent did not file a proposed recommended order. Copies furnished to: Daniel O'Brien, Executive Director Construction Industry Licensing Board Post Office Box 2 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Jack McRay, General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Scott Eric Baker 13438 Caribbean Boulevard Fort Myers, Florida 33095 Vytas J. Urba, Esq. Assistant General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (2) 120.57489.111
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-000037 Latest Update: Jul. 26, 1985

Findings Of Fact Respondent, George A. Wallace, was, at all times material hereto, licensed as a Class "A" air conditioning contractor by the State of Florida, having been issued license number CA CO13239. Respondent was, at all times material hereto, the qualifier for EMC Corp. On May 14, 1981, EMC Corp. entered into a written agreement with Sophie Griffin to replace the heating and air conditioning unit at Ms. Griffin's home in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The unit was installed in May, 1981, and Ms. Griffin promptly paid the full contract price of $2,200.00. Section 301(a), South Florida Building Code, provides: It shall be unlawful . . . to install or alter any equipment for which provision is made or the installation of which is regulated by this Code without first having filed application and obtained a permit therefore from the Building Official. A permit shall be deemed issued when signed by the Building Official and impressed with the seal of the governmental agency issuing said permit. Section 301.1(1), South Florida Building Code, provides: Permits, to be issued by the Building Official, shall be required for the following operations: * * * The installation, alteration, or repair of any air conditioning or refrigeration apparatus. . . . The South Florida Building Code has been adopted by Broward County. EMC Corp. installed the new heating and air conditioning unit at Ms. Griffin's home without first having obtained a building permit from the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. On March 20, 1984, EMC Corp. obtained the required permit, and paid a penalty of $25.00 for having failed to secure the permit before undertaking the work. On March 26, 1984 an inspector with the City of Fort Lauderdale inspected the installation of the unit and found, contrary to the provisions of Sections 2306 and 4801.10, South Florida Building Code, that the unit had not been anchored. EMC Corp. promptly anchored the unit. Section 4505.1. South Florida Building Code, provides: PERMITS REQUIRED: It shall be unlawful to do or commence to do any electrical work on a new installation of permanent or temporary wiring, any electrical apparatus or equipment or make extensions and/or changes to existing wiring systems . . . without having first filed application and obtained an electrical permit therefore from the Electrical Inspector. APPLICATIONS: Applications for permit will be accepted from only qualified persons or firms. . . . Neither Respondent nor EMC Corp. was a qualified electrician, nor were they licensed by the state of Florida as electrical contractors. EMC, without an electrical permit, connected the wiring of the new unit with the existing electrical service. Respondent contends, and the City of Fort Lauderdale agrees, that it is an accepted practice for an air conditioning contractor to disconnect the leads from an existing air conditioning unit and reconnect them to the new unit, without the necessity of an electrical permit, if there is no difference between the units. In this case the evidence establishes that, although the replacement and existing units were 3-ton units, the amperage demands of the replacement unit were greater than the existing unit, and that the existing wiring was inadequate. However, no hazardous condition was created by EMC Corp. reconnecting the leads from the existing unit to the replacement unit. Apart from the foregoing discrepancies, EMC Corp.'s installation of Ms. Griffin's new unit met all standards established by the South Florida Building Code. Further, EMC Corp. has faithfully fulfilled all warranty and service work it contracted to perform.

Florida Laws (2) 489.113489.129
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