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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 20, 1989 Number: 89-003883 Latest Update: Mar. 09, 1990

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this matter, Thomas E. Kehoe, d/b/a Kehoe on the Bay, Respondent, was licensed by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Petitioner, to operate the adult congregate living facility (ACLF), Kehoe on the Bay. Kehoe on the Bay serves young adult clients who suffer from drug overdose, mental retardation or alcohol abuse. On November 30, 1988, Richard Brickman, a fire safety specialist for Petitioner, performed a general inspection of Kehoe on the Bay for purposes of re-licensure. Mr. Brickman identified eighteen operating deficiencies which he discussed with Mr. Kehoe and Mr. Lindsey Smith, administrator of Kehoe on the Bay. On December 16, 1988, the Department issued a letter confirming the findings of the re-licensure survey conducted by Mr. Brickman. Enclosed with the letter was a form "Classification of Deficiencies for ACLF Licensure Requirements", which noted the deficiencies, the deadlines for correction, and citations to the administrative rules allegedly violated by the deficiencies. The deficiencies cited by Mr. Brickman appear on pages four through seven of the form and are under the headings ACLF 107-2, ACLF 107-3 and ACLF 107-4. Each of the deficiencies was classified as a class III violation with a civil penalty of $250 each and were to be corrected by December 30, 1988. On December 19, 1988, Mr. Kehoe requested a thirty day extension of the compliance date. The extension was granted on December 21, 1988. On January 31, 1989, Mr. Brickman made a return visit to Kehoe on the Bay and determined that each of the deficiencies, except for the four at issue had been corrected. These deficiencies form the basis of the administrative complaint and are indicated on the administrative complaint as follows: Quarterly fire alarm tests were not conducted and/or documented as required. Quarterly smoke detector inspections and tests were not conducted and/or documented as required. Resident room door closers did not close and latch as required. Seven resident room doors were not self closing. As to deficiencies one and two, existent law, as reasonably interpreted, by the Department requires that the fire alarm and smoke detectors in an ACLF be tested quarterly; that each test be documented in writing; and that the written documentation be made available for inspection. Kehoe on the Bay has a more than acceptable fire detection and alarm system which was installed by Mr. Issac Rodriguez of Quality Services Contractors. For approximately five years, Mr. Rodriguez has been performing annual inspections of the system. At the conclusion of each inspection, Mr. Rodriguez places a sticker on the control panel for the system. The control panel is located immediately outside the administrative office at Kehoe on the Bay. In addition to Mr. Rodriguez's tests, Kehoe on the Bay had followed the internal policy of testing the fire detection and alarm system at least once a month. The tests were performed by Mr. Smith or Mr. Carl Anderson, chief of staff at Kehoe on the Bay, but were not documented in written form. If a malfunction occurred and they could not fix it on site, Mr. Rodriguez was called to repair the system. On Mr. Brickman's first visit in November 1988, he requested and did not receive written documentation of the quarterly tests, although Mr. Smith verbally informed him that they had been done. After Mr. Brickman's review, Mr. Smith called Mr. Rodriguez to request an inspection and repair of a malfunction which Mr. Brickman had noted. The malfunction was corrected, and on January 4, 1989, Mr. Rodriguez performed the inspection and placed his sticker on the control panel. When Mr. Brickman returned on January 31, 1989, he again was not provided with documentation of tests performed on either the smoke detectors or the fire alarm. Mr. Brickman is an experienced fire safety inspector, having been employed by the Department for over three years and having worked with the New York City Fire Department for twenty-three years prior to moving to Florida. He is familiar with the inspection stickers used by commercial fire inspecting companies such as Quality Services Contractors. However, Mr. Brickman did not remember seeing the sticker on the panel, even though he had checked the panel during his investigation, and he had passed the panel on his way to the office in which he discussed his observations with Mr. Smith, nor was he shown the sticker on the panel. The sticker, if made available to Mr. Brickman, would have been sufficient to meet the requirement of written documentation of fire alarm and detection devices. In addition, Mr. Brickman would have accepted a copy of an invoice from Mr. Rodriguez as meeting the requirement for written documentation. Mr. Rodriguez is typically late in mailing his invoices. Although he did, in fact, bill Mr. Kehoe for the January 4, 1989 test, the invoice did not arrive until after Mr. Brickman's visit on January 31, 1989. Subsequent to Mr. Rodriguez's inspection of January 4, 1989, Kehoe on the Bay has implemented the documentation procedure suggested by Mr. Brickman at his November 30, 1988 visit and has made quarterly, documented inspections. Mr. Rodriguez inspected the fire detection and alarm devices on January 4, 1989 and placed the sticker on the panel at that time, making the sticker available to Mr. Brickman on his inspection. The oversight of the sticker by Mr. Brickman did not make the sticker unavailable to him. In fact, the first quarterly tests were performed, documented and made available for inspection within the time given for correction of the deficiencies noted on November 30, 1988. As to deficiencies three and four relating to alleged faulty door closures or lack of door closures, the deficiencies noted on the November 30, 1988 visit by Mr. Brickman were repaired prior to Mr. Brickman's return visit. Mr. Kehoe purchased new door closures for the errant doors, and they were installed by Mr. Anderson and Mr. Charles Woods, carpenter at Kehoe on the Bay. When Mr. Brickman returned on January 31, 1989, some of the closures would not latch as required by the Department and some were not operational. However, the clients at Kehoe on the Bay frequently break the door closures. Also, the closures which were installed require adjustment during the first six months of operation. Mr. Smith and Mr. Anderson walk the halls daily and fix the items which they note as broken, including adjusting the door closures. Mr. Brickman's visit was unannounced and, by chance, some of the closures ware not operational when he did his inspection. Kehoe on the Bay has been previously cited by the Department for deficiencies. However, the instant administrative complaint is the first action taken by the Department against the facility.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED: That the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services enter a Final Order dismissing the administrative complaint filed against Respondent. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 9th day of March, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. JANE C. HAYMAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of March, 1990.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 23, 1997 Number: 97-002906 Latest Update: Nov. 09, 1998

The Issue Does Petitioner owe Respondent sales tax for customer charges associated with the inspection/recertification of fire extinguishers, which activities were reported on invoices involving charges for parts, maintenance, recharge of fire extinguishers, provision of new fire extinguishers, pick-up and delivery, and maintenance, where the latter categories of activities included the payment of sales tax?

Findings Of Fact Petitioner does business in northeast Florida. Principally it inspects fire extinguishers at customer locations that must undergo inspection on an annual basis in accordance with Chapter 633, Florida Statutes. Petitioner also sells and services fire extinguishers to and for its customers. When performing an inspection, Petitioner's employee removes the fire extinguisher from its location, makes sure the powder in the fire extinguisher floats, checks the pressure gauge, makes sure that the pressure is acceptable in the extinguisher and examines the hose attached to the fire extinguisher; if these items are in good operating order the fire extinguisher is returned to its location and certified as operable for the upcoming period. The certification is evidenced by a tag placed on the fire extinguisher. That tag reflects a serial number, the name of the person who inspected and certified the extinguisher as acceptable, the permit number for the certifying person, and the kind of fire extinguisher that is under inspection. Beyond that point, if someone wishes to verify the status of the fire extinguisher that has been found acceptable, the tag evidences that acceptability. For the basic inspection, Petitioner charges its customers a fee depending on the number of fire extinguishers that are being inspected at a given location. If there is a problem with one of the fire extinguishers that has been inspected, Petitioner's employee will tell the customer the nature of the service that needs to be performed to assure that the fire extinguisher is in proper operating condition. In the event that a fire extinguisher has a problem which the customer wishes fixed, that fire extinguisher is removed from the customer's location and brought back to Petitioner's facility to be repaired. When the defective fire extinguisher is removed, an operable substitute fire extinguisher is provided to the customer pending repairs to the defective fire extinguisher. In effecting repairs, the customer is charged the cost of tangible items involved with the repair and for labor costs associated with the repair. The records which Petitioner maintained in the period in question in this case, reflect charges for the inspections of customer fire extinguishers and other activities and charges but not in the detail that has been set forth in the preceding paragraphs. The records are sales invoices. The invoices produced at the hearing are a fair representation of the experience associated with all invoices under question. In this case, Respondent intends to impose sales tax, penalties, and interest and an affiliated tax charge referred to as the Chartered Transit Systems Assessment, in relation to those items invoiced under the categories fire extinguisher inspected/fire extinguisher recertification/automatic fire extinguishing system inspected. These descriptions all refer to the process of fire extinguisher inspection. The invoices that are examples of this process show that sales tax and the associated charter tax have been collected for those other charges made by the Petitioner to its customers. Petitioner sought the advice of a CPA in establishing the manner in which its invoices reflect the collection of sales tax. This advice was sought through Mr. Schaefer. The audit period for which the Respondent has assessed additional tax, penalties, and interest is November 1, 1989 through October 31, 1994. The intent to impose tax penalties and interest resulted from an audit performed by the Respondent on Petitioner's business. An audit report was rendered on October 2, 1995; Petitioner objected to the findings in that audit report. Respondent affirmed the assessment in a Notice of Decision dated July 22, 1996. Petitioner sought reconsideration of that notice of decision. Respondent again upheld the assessment through its Notice of Reconsideration dated April 18, 1997. On June 19, 1997, Petitioner petitioned for formal hearing to contest the decision to impose the tax penalties and interest. The sample invoices by their terms state the following: FIRE DEFENSE CENTERS Invoice 3919 Morton Street 49217 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32217 (904) 731-0244 DATE ORDER NO 4/12/91 1613804 BR TO: Ramada Inn 6237 Arlington Expressway prices per contract Jacksonville, Fl 32211 Quantity Description Unit Price Total 24 Fire extinguisher inspected 65.00 2 5 lb. abc maintenance 20.00 3 Fire extinguisher inspected-unserviceable 9.00 3 5 lb. abc new fire extinguisher 114.00 2 10 lb. abc maintenance 28.00 2 Valve repair 10.40 1 Handle repair 3.95 1 Syphon tube 3.10 3 O rings 2.70 7 Pick up and delivery 8.00 After 15 days pay $282.09 264.15 QUADRUPLICATE Thank You Tax on 199.15 12.94 277.09 FIRE DEFENSE CENTERS Invoice 3919 Morton Street 49210 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32217 (904) 731-0244 DATE ORDER NO 4/12/91 1148265 JW TO: Clark Trailer Sales Serv. Mgr Linden Beane 5201 W. Beaver St prices per contract Jacksonville, Fl 32236 Quantity Description Unit Price Total 10 Fire extinguisher recertification 42.00 1 10 lb. abc hydrotest and recharge 38.00 1 Pick up and delivery 80.00 Tax on 38.00 2.47 82.47 After 15 days pay $87.47. QUADRUPLICATE Thank You FIRE DEFENSE CENTERS Invoice 3919 Morton Street JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA (904) 731-0244 32217 49208 DATE ORDER NO TO: 4/12/91 1851144 JW Walmart 6767 103 rd St Jacksonville, Fl 32216 annual inspection prices per contract Quantity Description Unit Price Total 25 Fire extinguisher recertification 75.00 4 5 lb. abc maint 40.00 2 5 lb. abc recharge 20.00 2 Valve repair 8.90 3 Locking pin 6.00 1 Syphon tube 3.10 2 O ring 1.85 6 Pick up and delivery 8.00 After 15 days pay $173.56 162.85 Tax on 87.85 5.71 168.56 QUADRUPLICATE Thank You FIRE DEFENSE CENTERS Invoice 3919 Morton Street 49203 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32217 (904) 731-0244 DATE ORDER NO 4/12/91 1592203 EF TO: Poultry Health Service 5695 Stuart Ave prices per contract Jacksonville, Fl 32205 Quantity Description Unit Price Total 20 Fire extinguisher inspected 65.00 1 Fire extinguisher inspected-unserviceable 3.00 1 5 lb. abc maintenance 10.00 1 5 lb. abc recharge 10.00 1 2 3/4 lb. abc complete maintenance 8.00 New 10 lb. abc fire extinguisher 58.00 Valve repair 8.90 Syphon tube 3.10 O ring 2.45 4 Pick up and delivery 8.00 1 Fire extinguisher installed 7.50 183.95 Tax on 118.95 7.73 191.68 After 15 days pay $ 196.98 QUADRUPLICATE Thank you FIRE DEFENSE CENTERS Invoice 3919 Morton Street 49202 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32217 (904) 731-0244 DATE ORDER NO 4/12/91 1363891 PV TO: Holiday Inn 14670 Duval Rd (I 95 & Airport) Dan Zuhowski Jacksonville, Fl 32218 741-4404 Quantity Description Unit Price Total 4 30 lb. automatic fire extinguishing 225.00 system inspected 1 10 lb. automatic fire extinguishing system inspection 1-hood 1 10 lb. automatic fire extinguishing 50.00 system inspected 2-hood 11 Fusible links 93.50 2 10 lb. abc maintenance F/X's 24.00 418.40 Tax on 143.40 9.32 427.72 After 15 days pay $436.30 QUADRUPLICATE Thank You 10 lb. CO2 maintenance 12.00 O rings 1.90 Pick up and delivery 12.00 Standing alone, the invoices do not sufficiently distinguish which, if any, of the fire extinguishers being inspected are receiving other attention, or whether the invoices refer to an entirely different set of fire extinguishers than those that had been inspected. The distinctions described in prior paragraphs between the inspection process and other business pursuits have been based upon extrinsic evidence, outside the invoices, as offered by Louis Schaefer, Petitioner's owner. More specifically, Mr. Schaefer's description of invoice 49217 concerning the entries on that document is extrinsic evidence concerning the meaning of that invoice. Again without the extrinsic evidence one cannot reasonably ascertain the relationship, if any, between the fire extinguishers inspected and other activities involving fire extinguishers for which charges were made on the invoice. Moreover, without extrinsic evidence one cannot ascertain the number of fire extinguishers for which Petitioner has replaced or repaired parts, performed other forms of maintenance, etc., aside from the inspection. The invoice alone does not make clear which of the fire extinguishers described in the inspection line received no tangible personal property which was incorporated or attached to a repaired item, as opposed to those that may have had tangible personal property incorporated into or attached to a fire extinguisher that had been inspected. The same problem exists with other sample invoices. Related to invoice 49217, Mr. Schaefer points out that twenty-four fire extinguishers were inspected at a charge of $65.00. Two five-pound fire extinguishers needed maintenance. That maintenance was the recharge of the two five-pound fire extinguishers at the cost of $20.00. Three fire extinguishers were found to be unserviceable following the inspection. For the determination of the unservicability the customer was charged $9.00. The next line refers to the provision of three five-pound abc new fire extinguishers. The charge for the new fire extinguishers was $114.00. Mr. Schaefer explained that the new fire extinguishers were sold to the customer to replace the unserviceable fire extinguishers. Two fire extinguishers needed valve repairs. The invoice shows a $10.40 charge for the valve repairs. One of the fire extinguishers had a bent handle that had to be replaced. The charge on the invoice for the handle repair was $3.95. One fire extinguisher had a siphon tube repair. The invoice reflects that the charge for that repair was $3.10. Three O rings were replaced for a charge to the customer of $2.70. Mr. Schaefer explains that seven fire extinguishers were picked up and delivered for a cost of $8.00 that was in relation to removal, repairing, and returning fire extinguishers and hanging them back in place at the customer's business. Mr. Schaefer pointed out what can be ascertained by a mathematical exercise, that is, that all charges, with the exception of the $65.00 for inspecting twenty-four fire extinguishers, had sales tax imposed as part of the charges. That tax is in relation to the $199.15 for items other than inspection of the fire extinguishers. The total of the tax is $12.94. Mr. Schaefer explained that the inspection process itself involved an estimate of whether the fire extinguisher was serviceable and whether it met the date codes required. Further, in relation to invoice 49217, Mr. Schaefer explained the total number of fire extinguishers that received some service or were replaced. The two five-pound abc maintenance for $20.00 referred to two of the twenty-four inspected. The three fire extinguishers inspected unserviceable and the three five-pound abc new fire extinguishers refers to the removal of three fire extinguishers and replacement of those three fire extinguishers with new ones. The total of the two five-pound maintained and the three replaced brings the count to a subtotal of five fire extinguishers of the twenty-four inspected. The reference to two ten-pound abc maintenance brings the total to seven fire extinguishers repaired or replaced. The two valve repairs, the handle repair, and the O rings described in the invoice, according to Mr. Schaefer, were in relation to the two five-pound abc maintenance and the two ten-pound abc maintenance mentioned earlier in the invoice. The seven pick-up and delivery refers to three fire extinguishers that had to be replaced as unserviceable by the provision of new fire extinguishers and four fire extinguishers that could be repaired and returned to the customer by Mr. Schaefer's explanation. Therefore, seven of the twenty-four fire extinguishers inspected needed to be repaired or replaced. In summary, without Mr. Schaefer's explanation one can not reasonably discern the meaning of invoice 49217, whether the fire extinguishers inspected were part of the fire extinguishers repaired or replaced, and beyond that consideration how many fire extinguishers were repaired and replaced.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered upholding of sales tax, penalty, and interest, and related Chartered Transit System Assessment of tax, penalty, and interest for the audit period November 1, 1989, through October 31, 1994. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of August, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of August, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Eric J. Taylor, Esquire Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol, Plaza Level 01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 William B. McMenamy, Esquire Donahoo, Donahoo, and Ball, P.A. 50 North Laura Street, Suite 2925 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Marie A. Mattox, Esquire Mattox and Hood, P.A. 310 East Bradford Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Linda Lettera, General Counsel Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 Larry Fuchs, Executive Director Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

Florida Laws (11) 120.569120.57120.80212.02212.05212.07213.21213.357.5072.01195.091 Florida Administrative Code (1) 12A-1.006
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-002697 Latest Update: Mar. 24, 1982

Findings Of Fact The Respondents, Douglas S. Melvin and Janice Melvin, operate a motel under the name The Islander at 4300 Ocean Beach Boulevard, Cocoa Beach, Florida. This motel is licensed by the Florida Division of Hotels and Restaurants under license number 15-182H. In answer to the complaint of a guest, Wesley A. Blom went to The Islander motel to inspect it on September 10, 1981. The complaining guest was not present, but the complaint related in part to the lack of cleanliness of room 217. Wesley A. Blom is a state qualified and certified sanitarian and inspector of fire extinguisher devices. He has had nine years experience in such work with the State of Florida. When Wesley A. Blom inspected The Islander on September 10, 1981, its owners, Douglas S. Melvin and Janice Melvin, were not present. During this inspection Wesley A. Blom was shown room 217 by motel personnel, and he inspected the motel generally for compliance with all applicable Florida Statutes and rules relating to safety, sanitation, and maintenance of public lodgings. During the September 10, 1981, inspection of The Islander motel, Wesley Blom observed the following conditions: The fire extinguishers available to the public and occupants of The Islander were of the soda-acid type, requiring periodic service checks and recharging to remain in safe, reliable, and useable condition. These fire extinguishers did not have un- expired service tags, as required, but the service tags affixed showed that these fire extinguishers had been last inspected and recharged more than one year previously. Paint was peeling on the walls of the bathroom in room 217. The bed cover on the bed in room number 217 was torn and stained in several places with tar residue. The floor In room 217 was dirty, and trash was scattered about the floor of this room. At the time when the dirt and trash was discovered on the floor in room 217, the bed had been made up, indicating that the room had been serviced by the motel staff. No room rate notice of any kind was posted in room 217. On September 30, 1981, Wesley A. Blom returned to The Islander motel to determine whether the conditions observed there on September 10, 1981, had changed or been corrected. He did not reinspect room 217 at this time because it was occupied, but the fire extinguishers available at The Islander motel had not been serviced or recharged since February of 1979, as evidenced by their expired State Fire Marshal service tags. On February 22, 1982, Wesley A. Blom again returned to The Islander motel to determine if the conditions discovered on September 10, 1981, had been corrected or changed. He was not able to inspect room number 217 because it was occupied, but he did observe that previously available soda-acid fire extinguishers were no longer present. The only fire extinguishers available at The Islander motel on this occasion were different models of an undetermined type which were located in the lobby of the motel. This lobby is more than 100 feet from many of the rooms of the motel. The Respondents contend in their own behalf that room 217 had not been made up, and was not ready for occupancy when it was inspected; that the bed cover with the tar on it was being cleaned by the maid, and was not finished when inspected; that the carpet was not dirty, but simply had not been vacuumed when it was inspected; that rate sheets are usually posted, but the one in room 217 had been missing and was found in another room; and that a maintenance man responsible for painting the rooms was fired for using inferior paint which might have peeled off. However, both the Respondents were in Michigan on September 10, 1981, when the first inspection took place; thus, without testimony from motel personnel who were present at the time, the testimony of the Respondents is not of sufficient quality to support a finding of fact. The expired date on the fire extinguishers is admitted.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner enter a Final Order finding the Respondents guilty of violating Section 509.221(2) and (6), and 509.201, Florida Statutes, and Sections 7C-1.04(1), 1.03(1), 3.01 and 3.02, Florida Administrative Code. And it is further RECOMMENDED that the Final Order of the Petitioner suspend license number 15-182H held by Douglas S. Melvin and Janice Melvin, authorizing them to operate The Islander motel, for a period of one year from the date of the Final Order, and that The Islander motel be closed pursuant to this suspension for one year. And it is further RECOMMENDED that the Final Order of the Petitioner provide that the suspension period of one year may be lifted upon a satisfactory demonstration to the Petitioner that approved fire extinguishers are maintained on the premises of The Islander motel in accordance with all applicable laws. And it is further RECOMMENDED that, in addition to the foregoing, the Final Order of the Petitioner assess an administrative fine of $200 for each of the four violations not relating to fire extinguishers, as enumerated above, for a total fine of $800 payable no later than 30 days after the date of the Final Order. THIS RECOMMENDED ORDER entered on this the 24th day of March, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM B. THOMAS Hearing Officer Department of Administration Division of Administrative Hearings Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of March, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Daniel J. Bosanko, Esquire 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Douglas S. Melvin and Janice Melvin 4300 Ocean Beach Boulevard Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931

Florida Laws (2) 509.221509.261
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:North Miami, Florida Oct. 30, 2002 Number: 02-004248 Latest Update: Jul. 10, 2003

The Issue Whether Petitioner was legally justified in issuing a conditional license rating to Respondent.

Findings Of Fact AHCA is the state agency responsible for licensing and regulating nursing homes in Florida. Respondent Berkshire is a licensed nursing home located in North Miami, Florida. On April 2, 2002, AHCA conducted a survey of Berkshire and identified the violations which give rise to this proceeding. Specifically, at the time of the survey, several magnetic door locks--the record does not reveal precisely how many, although the parties agree that the number was no less than three and no more than seven out of a total of fifteen fire exit doors--did not immediately unlock upon activation of the fire alarm system. The purpose of the door locks is to prevent cognitively impaired residents from wandering away from the facility. When the magnetic lock system is working properly, the doors unlock immediately upon activation of the fire alarm. In response to the AHCA survey finding, Berkshire immediately summoned an alarm system repair person. On April 2, this individual was located somewhere in Florida's Panhandle. He left north Florida and proceeded immediately to Berkshire. The repairman determined that two wires and a circuit were reversed, most likely due to an error by Berkshire's on- site maintenance director. By the next day, April 3, the problem had been corrected and all door locks were deactivating simultaneously with the activation of the fire alarm system. Based upon the April 2 survey, AHCA issued a conditional license to Berkshire effective April 5, 2002, and imposed an administrative fine of $12,500. AHCA also placed the facility on a six-month survey cycle and assessed a survey fee of $6,000. These penalties, particularly the conditional license status, have a substantial adverse impact upon the reputation and the business interests of a nursing home. AHCA's decision to impose a conditional license status was predicated upon the opinion of its inspectors that the mechanical failure identified in the survey was, in fact, likely to cause serious injury, harm, impairment or death to a resident receiving care in the facility, and must therefore be deemed a Class I deficiency which warrants, as a matter of law, the penalties imposed. At the time of the survey, Berkshire had no history of fires, had passed its most recent annual inspection by the local fire marshal, and had a sprinkler system and fire extinguishers throughout the facility. The survey itself revealed no fire hazards. AHCA cites no statute, rule, or case which supports its view that the mechanical problem identified constitutes a Class I deficiency. Instead, it offers opinion testimony that as a result of this problem, residents were in danger on the date of the survey. That opinion testimony is based solely upon speculation. For example, AHCA's life safety inspector who participated in the survey said, ". . . we always look at, inspect the facilities under a worst case scenario type situation. In the event of a fire, we could have a situation we would have residents where the fire alarm system would activate and we would have residents attempting to exit the building. They would find that those doors, affected doors, would not be openable. They would not be able to exit the building. " In fact, the evidence established that the ability of residents to vacate the building in a safe and timely manner in the event of a fire, or fire drill, was not significantly impacted on April 2 by the mechanical problem identified. The automatic unlock feature which was not operating on less than half of Berkshire's fire exit doors is just one part of Berkshire's fire safety plan. State and federal law and Berkshire's own operating procedures provide that staff be given detailed training regarding what to do in the event of a fire; fire safety plans must be approved by the local fire marshal, and most include back up plans for system failures which can reasonably be anticipated. With reference to each of the door locks identified in the April 2 survey, the evidence established that each of these doors could be opened manually, and that there was an adequate number of able bodied staff members who could open each of the doors as may be necessary had a real fire or a fire drill occurred on April 2. Berkshire's fire safety procedures provide that when the fire alarm activates, an announcement is made over the public address system to inform all present of the fire's location. Depending upon the fire's location, staff members will respond in various appropriate ways. Within each department, various individuals are assigned to perform various functions, including, most importantly, assuring that each resident is safely escorted from the building and protected while outside. State law requires monthly tests of the fire alarm system, but Berkshire exceeds this standard with weekly tests. Fire drills are conducted for staff members who work on all three shifts, and staff are trained in evacuating residents in a manner appropriate to their individual circumstance. No matter where one is located in the building, there are multiple means of egress, and each exit door has multiple means by which it can be opened in a timely manner in the event of fire or other emergency. Monthly unannounced fire drills are conducted at Berkshire on all three shifts in an effort to ensure that staff can safely and quickly evacuate residents should the need arise. There is no evidence that staff could not have done so had a fire or fire drill occurred on April 2. Thus, AHCA's finding that the mechanical problem which existed on April 2 and which was remedied by April 3 posed a likelihood of serious injury, impairment, or death to residents in Berkshire's care is not supported by any competent evidence.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that AHCA issue a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaints in these cases. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of March, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. FLORENCE SNYDER RIVAS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of March, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Nelson Rodney, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 8355 Northwest 53rd Street Miami, Florida 33166 R. Davis Thomas, Jr. Qualified Representative Broad & Cassel 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 400 Post Office Box 11300 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1300 Lealand McCharen, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Valda Clark Christian, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Rhonda M. Medows, M.D., Secretary Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building, Suite 3116 Tallahassee, Florida 32308

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 10

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