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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 29, 1996 Number: 96-001029CON Latest Update: Jan. 19, 1999

The Issue Whether the Petitioner, Bethesda Memorial Hospital, Inc., (Bethesda) is entitled to a certificate of need (CON) in order to convert three general acute care beds for use as Level III neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) beds.

Findings Of Fact The Agency for Health Care Administration is the state agency charged with the responsibility of reviewing applications such as the one at issue in this proceeding. The parties have stipulated that whether or not the subject application should be approved must be decided upon a weighing and balancing of all pertinent statutory and rule criteria. Bethesda’s letter of intent and application for CON were timely filed in an appropriate batching cycle. Bethesda is a 362-bed acute care hospital located in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. As such, it is located within the Agency’s District 9. The approval of the CON at issue would allow Bethesda to convert three of its existing acute care beds to Level III NICU beds. This approval would expand Bethesda’s existing NICU from 12 beds, which are designated Level II NICU beds, to a total of 15 beds for the combined NICU. Bethesda received a CON for its existing NICU in 1985. From its inception, the unit has been staffed and equipped for the highest level of NICU care and, in fact, performed Level III care until 1995 when the Agency ordered it to stop admitting babies of less than 1000 grams in weight. At the time of the original approval of the Bethesda NICU, the Agency did not distinguish between Level II and Level III NICU beds. Nevertheless, Bethesda staffed and equipped its unit based upon the highest level of care because of the population it has historically served. Later, as the Agency developed more distinct guidelines between Level II and Level III NICU beds (as well as a statewide bed-need methodology), Bethesda found it could not technically continue to do what it had historically done, i.e., serve a Level III newborn. Bethesda has historically served these Level III newborns because it is under contract with the Palm Beach County Public Health Unit (PHU) to care for indigent mothers and at-risk babies. This agreement to serve indigent mothers and at-risk babies has resulted in a significant number of babies being delivered at Bethesda requiring neonatal intensive care at all levels. Until 1989, Bethesda was the only hospital to provide obstetrical care in the southern portion of Palm Beach County, much less make exceptional provision for indigent birth mothers. As it developed, Bethesda provided quality obstetrical, pediatric, and neonatology services in an area of Palm Beach County where other providers were less than enthusiastic about the market. Except for St. Mary’s Hospital in the northern portion of the county, no other provider has extended services to the indigent as demonstrated by Bethesda. Moreover, Bethesda has offered to condition its CON approval on the provision that it render a minimum of 35 percent of the facility’s entire NICU patient days, including Level II and Level III, to Medicaid/charity patients. Thus, a major emphasis of this application is care for the indigent. Of all patients cared for in the south Palm Beach County neonatal programs, ninety-nine percent are indigent. While a provider may receive reimbursement for certain services (from Medicaid or local health district funds), the patients themselves (birth mothers and babies) are indigent. Additionally, one-third of the pregnancies processed through the PHU are high-risk due to diabetes, infectious diseases, or other complications. As a logical consequence of the complications with the birth mother, the babies born through the PHU program tend to be sicker than average. While Palm Beach County has demonstrated a remarkable improvement in providing pre-natal care to birth mothers and thereby improving at-risk results, Bethesda continues to play a critical role in extending care to this needy population. Bethesda is the exclusive hospital used by the PHU in south Palm Beach County. It is utilized because it is geographically located near the patient population. Further, Bethesda’s reputation in this community makes it attractive to those in need. Bethesda is engaged in a three-way partnership with St. Mary's Hospital and the PHU to lower infant mortality in the county. They have created an integrated care plan for south Palm Beach County maternity patients. Bethesda, physicians in the community (including obstetricians, gynecologists, neonatologists and pediatricians), and the PHU have worked together for 11 years to make sure that protocols are available so that pre-natal care is available to all who need it. These parties work closely with Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies and other voluntary organizations to bring patients to the PHU or to Bethesda. The PHU physicians and midwives deliver between 800 and 1,000 babies a year. About 25 percent of these babies from the southern portion of the county will require some kind of Level II or Level III NICU care during their stay in the hospital. Thus, 200 to 250 babies needing NICU care come through the PHU each year. It would also be expected that non-indigent mothers from the southern portion of the county would deliver babies requiring NICU care. Bethesda plans to open outlying health clinics to enhance services offered to local communities within the Bethesda zip codes. These programs or clinics are expected to result in an estimated 20 percent increase in the volume of indigent pregnant women served by Bethesda. The availability of services to the local communities may also assist patients to keep their scheduled appointments. There is a difference between the number of patients scheduled to see PHU physicians and those who actually show up, due to the inconvenience and financial burden of getting to the health unit. Having the clinic locations readily available may alleviate the inconveniences to the indigent mother. Under the present circumstances, when a Level III baby is delivered at Bethesda it must be transferred to another facility. These transfers create a major burden for the birth mother. Remembering that the mother would not typically be transferred with the child (and would not require the extended stay some neonates demand), the issue of transportation for the parent may be insurmountable. For example, in order to leave a convenient location to visit once or twice a day, an indigent mother must arrange transportation to and from the Level III facility where the baby has been sent. This may entail additional expenses for the parent such as lost wages or extending times for babysitters watching other children in the home. These additional expenses may be more than the indigent family can bear. The nearest Level III NICU provider to whom Bethesda now transfers patients is St. Mary’s Hospital. This facility is, by automobile, approximately 30-40 minutes from Bethesda depending on traffic conditions. Bus transportation directly connecting one site to the other, if it were available (which it is not), would presumably take longer. Currently, even when it is determined that a maternity patient should be sent to St. Mary's Hospital for pre-natal care, the mothers are presenting for delivery at Bethesda. This occurs because Bethesda is geographically located in the area where they live. The baby is born at Bethesda and a decision must be made how best to deal with the health issues of the child. Of the patients referred from Bethesda to St. Mary's Hospital for pre-natal care, only 5 percent deliver at St. Mary's. Ninety-five percent return to Bethesda for delivery even though they were told to go to St. Mary's. The main reason for this failure of patients to follow up at St. Mary's Hospital is the lack of affordable transportation. Many indigent women do not have cars or access to them. The existing facilities in Palm Beach County for Level III care are not reasonably available, appropriate, or accessible alternatives for these patients. AHCA District 9 has only three Level III NICU providers. They are all in Palm Beach County, with St. Mary's Hospital and Good Samaritan Hospital (now owned by the same company) in the northern part of the county (West Palm Beach) and West Boca in the southern part (Boca Raton). West Boca is not a reasonable alternative for the NICU patient population served by Bethesda. West Boca does not serve the lower income patients. In fact, West Boca transfers patients without financial resources to Bethesda. West Boca transfers indigent women in labor early enough so that COBRA regulations are met. Pertinent to this case, historically, West Boca transferred indigent Level III NICU patients to Bethesda until 1994. During the last three years, Level III NICU utilization at Good Samaritan and St. Mary's Hospital has averaged better than 90 percent. To average 90 percent means that the beds are often full or there are more patients than there are beds. Accordingly, these providers are operating at what is essentially capacity. It is, therefore, not surprising that St. Mary's Hospital supports Bethesda's CON application in this proceeding. No existing provider within District 9, including West Boca, formally opposed the instant application. A primary service area is the area from which a hospital draws the overwhelming majority of its patients for a given service and is defined by zip code level information. The primary service area of Bethesda for providing newborn and neonatal services is wholly within what has been described in this record as the southern portion of Palm Beach County. The primary service areas of West Boca and Bethesda for newborn and neonatal services do not significantly overlap. In fact, 40 percent to 45 percent of these services provided by West Boca have been to residents of Broward County. In this regard, West Boca's neonatal services compete more directly with those of Broward General Hospital than Bethesda. Bethesda's NICU is currently staffed and equipped for Level III services. From a medical standpoint, the CON proposal will result in a quality 15-bed dual unit, which is very efficient from the neonatologist's standpoint. The neonatologists staffing the Bethesda NICU are associated with the same group serving St. Mary's Hospital and Broward General Hospital, both Regional Perinatal Intensive Care Centers (RPICC). This helps assure proficiency with large volumes at more than one program. The nursing staff at Bethesda all have at least two years of Level III experience, and no nurse is currently hired for the NICU without that level of experience. From a neonatal nursing care standpoint, the addition of the three Level III beds would result in quality, cost- efficient care. The proposed combined unit would allow for flexibility of making daily staff assignments and would enhance care for the babies. The combined 15-bed NICU is large enough to provide quality, cost-effective Level II and III care. Bethesda has the physician staffing, nurse and therapist staffing, equipment, facilities, and hospital services to provide proper quality tertiary care for these newborns. Since 1993, Mease Hospital in Dunedin, Florida, has operated a five-bed Level III NICU combined with a five-bed Level II NICU in one room. It has proven to be a quality program with a low mortality rate. The five-bed Level III NICU provides cost- efficient care. There is no reason Bethesda cannot duplicate the record Mease has demonstrated. High quality, neonatal intensive care may be easier to achieve with Level II and III beds in the same room than with any other configuration of beds. Bethesda will not be able to treat every sick baby. It cannot care for babies requiring open heart surgery (Bethesda does not have an open heart surgery program), for those needing extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), nor those seeking pediatric cardiac catheterization. None of the three existing Level III facilities in District 9, however, has open heart surgery or ECMO available. Like Bethesda they, too, must transfer out for these services. Fortunately, the Agency rule allows a provider to make written arrangements with other Level III providers to provide those services in the same or nearest service area. AHCA has stipulated that Bethesda has the appropriate written transfer agreements pursuant to Rule 59C-1.042(12), Florida Administrative Code. For the number of babies to be served by Bethesda, the ability to serve Level III babies will improve the quality of care. There are medical risks in transferring babies from one facility to another. When adequate staffing and facilities are available at the hospital of birth, transferring the infant to another provider may pose an unnecessary risk. The risks inherent in transfers do not always outweigh the benefit. For example, transferring the child may delay certain treatments such as use of "surfactants" which protect a baby's lungs. Other risks such as those associated with maintaining the infant's blood pressure or body temperature make transfers difficult and, in some instances, medically questionable. Bethesda’s application for the instant CON meets the applicable local and state health plans. Bethesda has an established record of providing quality care and will be well able to provide quality of care for the services allowed by the proposed addition of three Level III NICU beds. It is unrealistic for Bethesda to refuse admission to patients requiring Level III NICU services given the historical and current patterns of births for this District. Bethesda’s proposed addition of three Level III beds to its NICU is financially feasible both in the short- and long- term. Bethesda’s Level III NICU beds will be programmatically accessible to its patient population. Although 90 percent of the District 9 population is within two hours ground travel time of an existing Level III NICU bed, such accessibility does not consider the unique characteristics of the indigent population the proposed beds at Bethesda will serve. Moreover, the provider who would otherwise serve the Level III patient under such scenario supports this application. The existing facilities providing care to the indigent population operate at capacity and are fully utilized. The only facility not fully utilized (West Boca) has no significant history of providing care to the Medicaid/indigent population. The proposed construction or renovation of the Bethesda unit to accommodate fifteen NICU stations is reasonable. While Bethesda will have to meet certain minimum licensing standards in the configuration of the NICU, it is anticipated that such standards will be met with little difficulty or significant expense to Bethesda. The unchallenged fixed-need pool for the batching cycle applicable to this case was one Level III bed. Bethesda has met all Agency requirements regarding “Emergency Transportation,” “Transfer Agreements,” and “Data Reporting Requirements.” The Agency’s rule regarding minimum unit size for a Level III NICU has not been met. However, this requirement has not been adhered to by the Agency in several instances. In AHCA District 9, there are three hospitals with NICU Level III programs. Not one of these programs has 15 beds. St. Mary's Hospital (a RPICC) has ten beds, Good Samaritan has eight beds, and West Boca has five beds. The quality of care at these providers is presumably adequate despite the fact that they were approved and licensed by the Agency with less than fifteen beds. Moreover, the Agency has never considered the 15-bed minimum an absolute bar to the application for, or the review of, lesser-numbered beds. In fact, the Agency approved new Level III NICU beds at Mease Hospital (a five-bed unit), West Boca Hospital (a five-bed unit), and Miami Baptist Hospital (a seven-bed unit) after the rule was promulgated. Additionally, the total number of all NICU beds at Mease and West Boca is less than fifteen. Thus, as stipulated in South Miami Hospital, Inc. v. Agency for Health Care Administration, Case No. 97-04875, currently pending before the First District Court of Appeal, the Agency has “consistently interpreted those unit size rule provisions as permissive.” Bethesda has presented not normal circumstances supporting this CON application which are hereby accepted. Such circumstances include: accessibility issues for indigent or Medicaid mothers and babies; the lack of Level III beds in the southern portion of the county where 60 percent of all resident live births are delivered; the fact that approximately one-third of the low birth weight mothers reside in the service area for Bethesda yet the majority of the Level III beds are in the northern portion of the county; and the fact that 30 percent of Bethesda’s patients are clients from the PHU. The average occupancy rate for Level III NICU beds for the year applicable to this application was 80.9 percent. As a result, the rule mandated minimum average occupancy rate has been met.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED That the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order approving CON application Number 8235 with the condition that Bethesda provide indigent/Medicaid care as proposed in the application. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of February, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. J. D. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of February, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Sam Power, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Paul J. Martin, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Richard A. Patterson, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3407B Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Kenneth F. Hoffman, Esquire M. Christopher Bryant, Esquire Oertel, Hoffman, Fernandez & Cole, P.A. Post Office Box 6507 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6507

Florida Laws (4) 120.542408.032408.035408.040 Florida Administrative Code (1) 59C-1.042
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jul. 14, 2010 Number: 10-005431CON Latest Update: Aug. 18, 2011

The Issue The issue is whether Windmoor has standing to challenge AHCA's award of Certificate of Need No. 10074 to Community to establish a Class III Specialty Psychiatric Hospital in New Port Richey, Florida.

Findings Of Fact AHCA is the state agency responsible for administering the CON program, and is authorized to evaluate and make final determinations on CON applications pursuant to the Health Facilities and Services Development Act, sections 408.031-.045, Florida Statutes. Community Community Hospital owns and operates a 389-bed Class I general acute care hospital, comprised of 343 acute care beds and 46 adult psychiatric beds, currently located at 5637 Marine Parkway, New Port Richey, Pasco County, Florida, AHCA Health Planning District 5. AHCA previously awarded CON No. 9539 to Community authorizing construction of a replacement facility in an area known as Trinity, approximately 5.5 miles southeast of Community's current location. The Trinity replacement hospital facility is currently under construction and scheduled for occupancy in November 2011. The route between the Trinity and Community campuses is a drive of approximately one mile on a two-lane road leading into State Road 54, a six-lane divided highway. Trinity Medical Center campus is located on State Road 54. Windmoor Windmoor is a licensed Class III Specialty Hospital with 78 adult psychiatric beds and 22 adult substance abuse beds, located in Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida. Windmoor is an existing provider of adult psychiatric services located within the same Health Planning District 5 as Community. Windmoor's facility has remained in its current location since its inception in 1987. That year, Windmoor had 200 adult psychiatric beds, which were reduced in 1996 to 163. In 2001, the number of adult psychiatric beds was reduced to its current 100. Windmoor has the capability of adding 40 to 60 additional beds. Windmoor's parent corporation is Psychiatric Solutions, Inc. (PSI), a publicly traded company based in Franklin, Tennessee, that also owns psychiatric hospitals in other states. PSI also owns at least seven other psychiatric hospitals in Florida, as well as other treatment facilities. PSI acquired all of its Florida facilities within the past five years, including Windmoor in 2006. On November 15, 2010, PSI was acquired by Universal Health Systems, which owns and operates psychiatric hospitals and general acute care hospitals throughout the United States, including Florida. This is the first CON proceeding in which Windmoor has participated. District 5 Providers District 5 consists of Pasco and Pinellas Counties. At the time the CON application was filed, Pasco County had two adult inpatient psychiatric providers: Community and Florida Hospital Zephyrhills with 15 beds. The Pinellas County providers were Morton Plant Hospital (Clearwater), St. Anthony's Hospital, Sun Coast Hospital (now known as Largo Medical Center- Indian Rocks) (Largo), and Windmoor. Windmoor was the only Class III specialty psychiatric hospital in District 5. Additionally, new CON-approved adult psychiatric beds included 17 at Largo, and approval for Ten Broeck Tampa, Inc., to construct a new 35-bed Class III adult psychiatric hospital in Pasco County. Also, Morton Plant North Bay Recovery Center (NB Recovery Center) had received CON exemptions to establish 56 adult psychiatric beds at its new Class III facility in Pasco County which had already been approved for 10 child/adolescent psychiatric beds. NB Recovery Center is a new entrant into the market, having opened its Class III psychiatric hospital in August 2010. This Class III psychiatric hospital is on the same license as North Bay Hospitals' Class I general acute care hospital (North Bay). North Bay is located about one mile north of Community. The approximate distances of the District 5 providers from Community are: NB Recovery Center, 19 miles; Florida Hospital Zephyrhills, 40 miles; Morton Plant Hospital, 24 miles; and Windmoor, 26 miles. Also, Largo, like Community, is an HCA affiliated hospital located approximately nine miles north-northwest of Windmoor, and two to four miles south of Morton Plant. St. Anthony's Hospital is located in downtown St. Petersburg. CON approvals and exemptions are no longer reliable predictors of bed inventory since existing psychiatric facilities can add beds through CON exemptions at will. Service Areas No overlap exists between Community and Windmoor's service areas. Community's primary service area (PSA) is a nine zip code area located in western Pasco County. Community's secondary service area (SSA) consists of four zip codes in Hernando County to the north, a few zip codes in eastern Pasco County, and a single zip code in the far northwestern corner of Pinellas County - 34689. Community's PSA accounts for 79.4% of its psychiatric discharges. An additional 9.1% of its discharges are from its SSA, defined as any non-PSA zip code from which it receives at least 1% of its discharges. The remaining 11% of Community's discharges are scattered among other areas. All of Community's PSA zip codes are within Pasco County. The only SSA zip code in Pinellas County is in the northwestern corner of the county – 34689, from which Community received only 2% of its discharges. Community derives 84.4% of its discharges from Pasco County, while only 6.9% of discharges originate from Pinellas County residents. Another 5.6% of Community's discharges originate in Hernando County which is outside District 5. Community's psychiatric service area is not expected to change with the implementation of the CON. While Community received 1367 discharges from its PSA, Windmoor received only 97 of its discharges from that PSA. On a percentage basis this is 79.4% versus 4.7% of discharges, respectively. Windmoor did not derive even 1% of its discharges from any single zip code within Community's PSA. When a provider receives less than 1% of its discharges from a particular zip code, that zip code is not appropriately considered part of the provider's PSA or SSA. Further, Windmoor has no significant market share in Community's SSA. On a county basis, while Community derived 84.4% of its psychiatric discharges from Pasco County residents, Windmoor received only 5.9% of its discharges from Pasco County. Conversely, Community derived only 6.9% of its discharges from Pinellas County compared with 73.6% for Windmoor. During the year ending June 2009, among all providers of inpatient psychiatric services to Community's PSA, Community had a 70% market share compared with Windmoor's 4% market share. For Pasco County as a whole, Community had a 52% market share compared with Windmoor's 4% market share. Like Windmoor, Morton Plant had only a 4% market share for both Pasco County and Community's PSA. The conclusion from this analysis is that Community is predominantly a Pasco County provider while Windmoor is predominantly a Pinellas County provider. Windmoor is not a significant provider in either Community's PSA or in Pasco County. Further, there is no physician overlap between the psychiatrists on the respective medical staffs of Community and Windmoor. Community's CON Proposal In its State Agency Action Report concerning Community's CON application, AHCA summarized the proposal: "[t]his project is to keep 46 existing adult inpatient psychiatric beds at their present location following completion of the replacement facility authorized by CON #9539." The proposal is to allow Community's psychiatric facility to remain in the same location with the same bed complement, which will remain unchanged in terms of its historical operations. The psychiatric unit at Community has been located at its current site since at least 1981. A CON is required only because, upon occupancy of the Trinity replacement facility, the continued use of the existing site for its inpatient psychiatric activity would fall within the statutory criteria for projects subject to CON review as an "establishment of additional healthcare facilities." With respect to both hospital campuses, Community will own, operate, and be the licensee of both facilities. All components of patient care will be controlled by a single governing body, and will have a single medical staff, chief medical officer, and CEO. Florida is home to other similarly situated hospitals that own and operate a Class I general acute care hospital and an affiliated Class III licensed specialty hospital on separate campuses. In each case, the Class I and Class III facilities share the same license and license number, owner, and CEO. These facilities include Westchester General Hospital and its affiliated Class III Southern Winds Hospital; Halifax Health Medical Center and its affiliated Halifax Psychiatric Center North; Shands Hospital at the University of Florida and Shands at Vista; and Morton Plant North Bay Hospital and NB Recovery Center. AHCA issues an actual license certificate for each facility for general display at each campus. The approximate distances between the two campuses of these Class I and Class III single license facilities are: Westchester General Hospital and Southern Winds Hospital – nine miles; Halifax Health Medical Center and Halifax Psychiatric Center – 1.5 miles; Shands at the University of Florida and Shands at Vista – 10 miles; and Morton Plant North Bay and NB Recovery Center – 20 miles. The scenario of a Class I hospital with an affiliated Class III hospital with a single license number is considered one licensee with two premises. Psychiatric Services at Community Will Remain Unchanged Implementation of the CON will result in no changes in the current level of health care services provided to patients for both psychiatric and non-psychiatric medical conditions. Those patients who might currently be transported internally to the psychiatric unit behavioral health unit or (BHU) upon discharge from non-psychiatric medical units of the hospital will now be transported by vehicle to the BHU campus if the patient requires transport assistance. The transport of psychiatric patients is not material to the discussion of whether the two campuses are, in fact, one hospital. Patients cannot be admitted to the BHU until they have been medically cleared of any non-psychiatric medical conditions that would require inpatient medical care. "Medically cleared" means the patient no longer requires medical/surgical inpatient care. Those processes and requirements will not change as a result of implementation of the CON. Community currently provides transport services for all types of patients. Those services will continue for patients between the two campuses, including any psychiatric patients who may need transport assistance. AHCA has never had a regulatory issue involving the movement of patients among different facilities that are operated by one licensee. AHCA has no concern about the ability of hospitals to transport patients among their various facilities, including any hospital provider-based services. Under federal regulations such services may be provided at locations up to 35 miles from the main hospital campus. A psychiatric patient presenting to a hospital's emergency department (ED) is handled the same initially as any patient. The patient undergoes triage and is seen by an ED physician. If the patient exhibits both psychiatric and non- psychiatric medical conditions, the ED physician calls a psychiatrist and together they will determine the primary diagnosis. If an ED patient has achieved medical stability, and is ready to be medically discharged from the ED, yet still suffers from a psychiatric condition, the ED physician will call in a psychiatrist to participate in the disposition of the patient. If the primary diagnosis for a patient is medical or emergent, but with a secondary or co-morbid psychiatric condition, the patient receives medical/surgical care with a psychiatrist serving as a consulting physician. If deemed appropriate, the patient would be admitted to the medical/surgical unit for care until reaching medical stability. While on the medical/surgical unit, the patient needing psychiatric care would receive it from a psychiatrist while on the medical/surgical unit. Once medically cleared for discharge, the patient requiring further inpatient psychiatric care would be transferred to the BHU. Once in the BHU, the patient would still receive any necessary care for any non- psychiatric conditions from the appropriate physicians. This system will not change with the implementation of the CON. Coverage of the BHU by hospitalists and other members of the medical staff who do rounds will not change as a result of implementation of the CON. Some patients will achieve medical stability for both the psychiatric and non-psychiatric conditions from which they suffer, and will therefore not be admitted to the BHU upon discharge from the ED or medical/surgical unit. As reflected in Community's policies and procedures, all BHU patients must be admitted under the care of a psychiatrist, and can only be discharged by a psychiatrist. Every BHU patient also receives a general medical history and physical examination performed by a consulting medical physician. Non-psychiatrist medical staff physicians are always available for consultation to the psychiatrist and other clinical staff while the patient stays in the BHU. Community's current practices with respect to psychiatric patient services and physician coverage will not change due to implementation of the CON. AHCA's Review of Community's CON Application AHCA gave notice of its intent to approve CON No. 10074 in the June 25, 2010, Florida Administrative Weekly. In AHCA's view, the status quo will be maintained by the issuance of the CON. Nothing will be different in the way Community delivers its health care services in District 5. This is a case where the applicant has to go through the CON process to arrive at the same place it already was. AHCA expects no change at all. AHCA concluded that "this project is not likely to change the current competitive structure of the existing market." By that conclusion, AHCA intended to convey a lack of adverse impact on existing providers based upon CON approval. Particularly due to deregulation, AHCA believes there have already been significant changes to the competitive structure of the District 5 market, such as psychiatric bed additions through CON exemption, CON approval of a new Ten Broeck psychiatric hospital, and upcoming shifts toward greater Medicaid HMO reimbursement and associated federal health care reform legislation. Conversely, the Agency projects no impact from Community's CON. Lack of Adverse Impact Adverse impact analyses typically arise from a new entrant to the market. Community's proposal does not present a new entrant to the market for inpatient psychiatric services. Adverse impact will occur when a new provider enters a service area or an existing provider increases its capacity to offer services. Neither of those will occur as a result of Community's CON. None of the conditions that could lead to an adverse impact is present. Implementation of the Community CON will have no adverse impact or effect on existing providers because Community will continue to have the same historic PSA and its market shares will remain the same, except for potential market changes unrelated to the CON, such as entrance of new providers. This case is unique. For example, Ms. Patricia Greenberg, Windmoor's highly qualified and experienced expert in health care planning, has never been involved in a case such as this where the applicant sought approval to remain at its current location. The typical CON application seeks permission for a new provider, facility, for beds, or services to enter a particular market for the first time. In the typical case, health care planners will agree that some shift in market share will occur among existing providers as the result of the new entrant to the market. Ms. Greenberg's adverse impact analysis did not take into account the new market entrants such as Ten Broeck and NB Recovery Center, even though she expects them to have a greater impact on Community, due in part to geography. Health care planners develop adverse impact analyses that attempt to estimate the future shift in market shares. From there, the planner will attempt to project a number of lost patients per provider, and then apply a financial impact. Regarding Community's proposal, since there will be no new entrant into the market, the typical adverse analysis cannot be performed. Windmoor, through Ms. Greenberg, creatively developed four theories of adverse impact that could result from the status quo. Each of Windmoor's theories is premised on assumptions that Community will cease providing certain clinical services that will result in Community losing the capability to serve some of its psychiatric patients. However, Windmoor provided no clinical evidence to support its alleged changes to Community's clinical services. Indeed, all clinical evidence in the record confirms that Community can and will continue its current clinical services to all patients, including its BHU patients. The four impact theories offered by Windmoor are each based upon the unproven assumption that CON implementation will transform Community into two separate unaffiliated hospitals as opposed to a single hospital with two campuses. From that assumption, Ms. Greenberg contended there are two, and only two, categories of psychiatric facilities, which she labeled as either a "hospital based unit" or a "freestanding" facility. Ms. Greenberg defined "hospital based unit" (HBU) as either located inside a hospital or on the campus of a general hospital. She defined "freestanding" as any facility that is not co-located with a general hospital on the same campus. Ms. Greenberg did not consider or address a category of commonly owned and operated Class I general acute care hospitals affiliated with Class III psychiatric hospitals. Ms. Greenberg did not recognize the existence in Florida of several general hospital affiliated Class III psychiatric hospitals. The fact that two hospital campuses of Class I and Class III facilities exist is irrelevant, so long as in reasonable proximity to one another. The relevant factors are whether the two campuses share the same: 1) license number, 2) ownership, 3) hospital administration, and 4) medical staff. If these factors are present, it is incorrect to characterize one of the two facilities or campuses as "freestanding" because that implies no connection to a general acute care hospital. Community is a general acute care hospital with an affiliated psychiatric facility which is in no sense "freestanding." Ms. Greenberg's attempt to compare statewide data for various patient characteristics between facilities that she defines as "freestanding" versus HBUs is not persuasive, primarily because it is built upon the incorrect assumption that Community and other Florida hospitals cannot operate a Class I general acute care hospital and a Class III specialty psychiatric hospital under the same license. Characteristics such as payor source or patient mix are influenced by a number of factors other than simply whether an inpatient program is "freestanding" or "hospital based," as defined by Ms. Greenberg, including influences such as age composition of the service area, income distribution, and whether the hospital is located in an urban or rural area, to cite but a few. Attempts to draw generalizations from such data and then conclude that Community will be more like a HBU than a freestanding or vice versa, is without merit. Ms. Greenberg's data indicates that Community falls into her defined HBU categories in some respects while, in other respects, falls into her freestanding categories. This type of analysis is not sound. Community will not transform into a "freestanding" facility as defined by Ms. Greenberg, as a result of this CON. Moreover, many people with a primary diagnosis of psychosis are treated in hospitals that do not have inpatient psychiatric beds. In 2008, psychosis was the number one discharge diagnosis for all males in Florida hospitals, and was the number three diagnosis for all females behind conditions associated with pregnancy. Simply looking at discharge data by diagnosis between freestanding and HBUs as defined by Ms. Greenberg is not a meaningful analysis. Every adverse impact scenario presented by Windmoor is based upon the incorrect premise that implementation of Community's CON will result in Community becoming a "freestanding" facility as defined by Ms. Greenberg. For this reason alone, none of Ms. Greenberg's adverse impact theories is valid and each must be rejected. Another common thread running through Windmoor's impact theories is the assertion that, based again upon the false "freestanding" presumption, Community's patient mix will change due to changes in clinical services available to patients, such as ED services, no medical environment for comprehensive treatment, and certain patients allegedly no longer clinically appropriate for Community's HBU. There is no evidence in the record to support such claims, either operationally or clinically. All of Ms. Greenberg's impact theories lead to the contention that CON implementation will result in Community being adversely affected by its own CON through the loss of psychiatric patients. Ms. Greenberg further speculates that because of her asserted loss of patients, Community would need to replace those patients ("backfill") with patients who might otherwise be admitted to a competing hospital. As explained previously, however, there is virtually no overlap of service area or competition between Windmoor and Community as reflected by their respective service areas. Community does not contact health care providers in Windmoor's service area regarding the availability of Community's psychiatric services. In fact, Largo, a sister facility of Community, is an inpatient provider located between Community and Windmoor. Community would not actively seek patients in those areas of Pinellas County. It is neither reasonable to expect, nor was any credible evidence presented, that to make up for lost patients, Community would go outside its current PSA into the Windmoor area to seek patients when it has its sister Largo facility near Windmoor. As stated above, Windmoor, through Ms. Greenberg, offered four adverse impact scenarios. All four scenarios are premised upon the assumption that CON implementation will transform Community's BHU into a "freestanding" facility. The premise is not correct for the reasons stated above, primarily that AHCA recognizes the ability of hospitals in Florida to have Class I general acute care facilities along with Class III specialty psychiatric hospitals under the same license, ownership, management, etc. Further, all four scenarios are based upon Ms. Greenberg's theory of "backfill" under which Community will have to make up lost patients by intruding into Windmoor's service area. The evidence supports the assertion that Community expects no lost admissions because its PSA and SSA will not change, nor will the type and extent of services it provides, including ED, medical/surgical, and a unified medical staff, change upon implementation of the CON. Medicaid Windmoor asserted that Community would lose its eligibility to receive reimbursement for services under the Medicaid program if the CON were implemented. This assertion was not supported by the evidence presented by Windmoor. Moreover, the evidence presented by Community and AHCA negated Windmoor's assertion. Prior to the filing of the CON application omissions response, Community representatives met with AHCA personnel and confirmed its continued Medicaid reimbursement eligibility, which to Community was never an issue. Community's CON application proposed a Medicaid CON condition, and contained numerous statements of expected continued ability to serve Medicaid fee-for-service patients. AHCA accepted the proposed CON condition when recommending approval of the application. Community expects to satisfy the Medicaid CON conditions. AHCA's Deputy Secretary for Medicaid, Roberta Bradford, subsequently confirmed by letter to Community that, based upon Community's representations of satisfaction of certain applicable criteria, Community's proposed 46-bed inpatient psychiatric hospital would continue to be eligible for Medicaid participation. The determination of a facility's Medicaid reimbursement is a state determination, rather than a federal CMS decision. In Florida, that determination is ultimately made by AHCA's Deputy Secretary for Medicaid, Ms. Bradford. Windmoor elicited testimony from Community to show that each of the following services would not be physically present on the campus of the Class III psychiatric hospital portion of Community following CON implementation: ED, emergency cardiac catheterization and angioplasty services, surgical and operating suites, stroke center designation, CT equipment, and the full range of medical services currently available on site at Community. Community will, however, continue to operate all of these services in the Class I acute care hospital campus, which will be under the unified license with the psychiatric campus. Satisfaction of the Medicaid letter criteria from AHCA was confirmed at hearing. The criteria include: Community will own and operate both locations and be the licensee of both facilities; all components of patient care at the facilities will be controlled by a single governing body; one Chief Medical Officer will be responsible for all medical staff activities at both facilities; one Chief Executive Officer will control both facilities' administrative activities; and the two facilities are situated closely enough geographically that it is feasible to operate them as a single entity. Mr. Jeffrey N. Gregg, AHCA's head of CON review, is satisfied that the Class III licensed Community facility will maintain its Medicaid eligibility. Southern Winds, Halifax Psychiatric Center, and Shands at Vista receive Medicaid fee-for-service reimbursement, and are similarly situated to Community. Mr. Gregg also expects NB Recovery Center to receive this type of Medicaid reimbursement when it initiates its service. Ms. Greenberg has been aware for at least 10 years that Class III psychiatric facilities affiliated with general hospitals in Florida receive fee-for-service reimbursement. She testified that if AHCA determines that Community is Medicaid eligible, her scenario related to Community losing its Medicaid eligibility "would go away." Moreover, due to recent legislative changes that will expand the use of Medicaid HMOs, the majority of Medicaid reimbursement is soon going to be under Medicaid HMOs. Class III psychiatric hospitals that are not affiliated with or on the same campus as a general acute care hospital, such as Windmoor, are eligible for Medicaid HMO reimbursement versus Medicaid fee- for-service reimbursement. Summary of Impact Analysis Conclusions All of Windmoor's adverse impact claims are based on a series of false and erroneous assumptions, none of which is supported by the evidence of record. In fact, most of the claims in the form of four scenarios are based upon ignoring the fact that what Community proposes here is not so unique in Florida. Many Florida health care facilities currently operate both Class I general acute care hospitals and Class III specialty psychiatric hospitals under the same license, management, and receive Medicaid fee-for-service reimbursement, while maintaining two physically separate campuses. This should have been common knowledge for an existing provider such as Windmoor, which based its entire case, adverse impact scenario, and decision to go forward with the hearing in this case on a series of erroneous assumptions. Windmoor offered several theories about how it would suffer a substantial and adverse impact in the event Community's CON application is approved, yet offered no competent evidence to support its claims. Windmoor failed to demonstrate that Community would lose any psychiatric patient admissions and be forced to seek admissions from Windmoor's PSA or SSA to keep its beds full. Windmoor failed to provide competent evidence that it will be adversely affected by the approval of Community's CON. Community's CON will have no impact on Windmoor.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration issue a final order dismissing Windmoor's Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing due to lack of standing to challenge the award of CON No. 10074. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of July, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of July, 2011. COPIES FURNISHED: Timothy Bruce Elliott, Esquire Smith & Associates 2873 Remington Green Circle Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Richard Joseph Saliba, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Building 3, Mail Station 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Stephen A. Ecenia, Esquire Rutledge, Ecenia & Purnell, P.A. 119 South Monroe Street, Suite 202 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Richard J. Shoop, Agency Clerk Agency for Healthcare Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Justin Senior, General Counsel Agency for Healthcare Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Elizabeth Dudek, Secretary Agency for Healthcare Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57408.039
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-001293 Latest Update: Oct. 01, 1980

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this proceeding, the Petitioner has been in the custody of the Respondent pursuant to an Order entered by the Circuit Court in Pinellas County, Florida, pursuant to Chapter 917, Florida Statutes. Petitioner is presently housed at the Florida State Hospital in Chattahoochee, Florida, where he is receiving treatment in the hospital program for mentally disordered sex offenders. The Respondent has informally determined that it has exhausted all appropriate treatment of the Petitioner in its program. The program for mentally disordered sex offenders at Florida State Hospital and at other institutions requires a high degree of motivation on the part of the patient. The primary treatment program is group therapy. The Petitioner has participated in group therapy sessions and adjunctive therapy programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, school, and leather "occupational therapy. His condition has been diagnosed as borderline mental retardation, possible organic brain syndrome as epilepsy, personality disorder sexual deviation, and a seizure disorder. The patient's participation in the adjunctive therapy programs has been adequate. His participation in group therapy, however, which is of primary importance, has not been adequate. He has attended sessions regularly, but has participated very little. He has not talked about his own or other people's difficulties. At times during group sessions he laughed inappropriately. In order to improve his communications skills, the petitioner was referred to a communications skills assertiveness training group in January, 1980. He attended the program and was cooperative, but it did not improve his participation in the primary group therapy program. The Petitioner has not been an overt management problem at the hospital, but he has been resentful, argumentative, and uncooperative. He appears comfortable with his life-style at the hospital, and with his propensity to commit sex offenses. The Petitioner was presented to a staff disposition conference which consisted of members of the treatment team in the program for mentally disordered sex offenders. The consensus of the staff was that the Petitioner had not shown distress about his problems and did not appear motivated to change. The Petitioner's case was presented to representatives of other programs for mentally disordered sex offenders in Florida, but noise of the participants felt that the Petitioner would benefit from their programs. It appears that the Respondent has exhausted all of the treatment possibilities that could be of benefit to the Petitioner. The Petitioner has complained of numerous physical ailments, for which he asserts he has received inadequate attention at the hospital. He contends that had he received better treatment for his medical difficulties, he would have participated more freely in the primary treatment program. The Petitioner also contends that if he were placed in a program near to where his family lives, he would be more motivated to treatment. The Petitioner's effort to blame his lack of motivation on the staff at the hospital rather than on himself indicates further that it is not likely that he would receive benefit from a program that requires a high degree of motivation.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Mar. 07, 1996 Number: 96-001305 Latest Update: Jul. 24, 1996

Findings Of Fact Petitioner has had a relationship with his wife since they were 16 years old. At the time the hearing was conducted, husband and wife were 24 years old. They had been married for approximately three years and had a child who was four years old. Beginning February 1995, Petitioner became suspicious that his wife was having an affair with another man. Around that time, the couple argued several times a week. This would cause Petitioner to leave their home. In addition, Petitioner and Mrs. McCall would not speak to each other for a couple of days following these arguments. On March 16, 1995, the man with whom Petitioner's wife was having the relationship called the couple's home. On that occasion, Mrs. McCall would not say who was speaking to her on the telephone and appeared secretive. It led to a further argument between Petitioner and Mrs. McCall. Petitioner then grabbed his keys and started to leave. Mrs. McCall struggled with him to get the keys out of his hand. During the struggle, Mrs. McCall was scratched on her chest. The noise that the couple made was sufficiently noticeable that the neighbors called the police to investigate. When the police arrived at Petitioner's home on March 16, 1995, Petitioner was sitting on the couch. The police noticed the visible marks on Mrs. McCall's chest. Consequently, Petitioner was charged with battery under Section 784.03, Florida Statutes. On March 18, 1995, Petitioner pled no contest to the offense of battery for the incident that took place on March 16, 1995 involving his wife. He was given two days unsupervised probation and required to pay $75.00 in court costs. The court adjudicated Petitioner guilty of the offense. After the March 16, 1995 incident the McCalls continued to argue. On April 11, 1995, when Petitioner left home to go to work that morning, he told Mrs. McCall that he was going to leave work in the afternoon and travel to Deland, Florida, to see his father. Instead, Petitioner went home that afternoon to get some papers before making the trip to see his father. When he arrived at his home a person named Renee, Mrs. McCall's friend, was watching the McCalls' child in one room, while Mrs. McCall was in bed with her male acquaintance in the McCalls' bedroom. When Petitioner discovered his wife with another man, he began to scream and yell and picked up his son to leave the home. Mrs. McCall tried to intervene and stop Petitioner from leaving the home with her son. During the course of this incident, Petitioner grabbed his wife by the arms and pushed her aside, causing her to fall against the wall. The areas upon which she was grabbed by Petitioner were bruised. Mrs. McCall is prone to bruising because she is a hemophiliac. Their child was not harmed during this physical exchange between the couple. After the exchange, Petitioner left the home and went to Deland, leaving the child with his mother. Before discovering his wife in bed with the other man, Petitioner did not know, as a matter of fact, that his wife was having a relationship with that person. When Petitioner discovered his wife in bed with the other man, he did not threaten her, notwithstanding the yelling and screaming. Renee had called the police when Petitioner arrived at the home, but the police did not arrive for one-half hour to one hour after Petitioner had left the home. Mrs. McCall was concerned about how her husband would react beyond the point where he had discovered her with another man. Therefore, she determined to make a complaint about her husband's physical activity in which he bruised her arms. Based upon that complaint, the police determined to arrest Petitioner. Following the trip to Deland Petitioner came back that night and spent the night with a friend in Jacksonville, Florida. The next morning Petitioner called Mrs. McCall and inquired concerning the circumstances of their exchange. Mrs. McCall told him that she had called the police after he left because she was afraid of what he might do to her and that made her "press charges". Petitioner responded by telling his wife where he was located and telling her to have the police come to that location and pick him up, which they did. When the police arrested Petitioner for the events on April 11, 1995, they again charged him with a violation of Section 784.03, Florida Statutes, and made mention that the battery for which he was accused was associated with domestic violence. Following the arrest, Mrs. McCall spoke with the state attorney's office to have them drop the charges for the battery that occurred on April 11, 1995. The state attorney's office was unwilling to drop the charges in view of the prior charge dating from March 16, 1995. Petitioner pled no contest to the battery offense related to the April 11, 1995 incident. He was given a 30-day sentence, credited with serving two days of the sentence, and the remaining 28 days of that sentence were suspended, conditioned upon the successful service of probation. The probation was served for nine months. Petitioner was adjudicated guilty for the offense and was required to participate in a program for individuals who had committed offenses involving domestic violence. The program emphasized controlling one's aggression. Petitioner completed the program related to management of his aggression. In the program to deal with domestic violence, Petitioner and other participants were required to discuss the experiences they had concerning domestic violence. The McCalls lived apart from April, 1995 until January, 1996. During that time, Petitioner kept their child for the most part because his living arrangements were more suitable than those under which Mrs. McCall existed. While they were estranged, initially, the couple did not do things together and would separately spend time with their child. At the end of their estrangement the couple began to do things as a family unit. Subsequent to being reunited, the McCalls had been seeing a marriage counselor for about a month at the time the hearing was conducted. The McCalls had been to four sessions with the counselor and intended to continue seeing a marriage counselor in the future. The McCalls described their relationship as improving since they have been reunited. Prior to the events in March and April, 1995, in which Petitioner battered Mrs. McCall in the manner described, Petitioner had never struck his wife. As explained at the hearing, Mrs. McCall is not concerned that her husband will batter her in the future. Petitioner holds a bachelor's degree in psychology. He has one year of study in sociology in a bachelor's-level program. In the past, he worked two and one-half years for ARA Living Centers, providing direct care to adults. He left that position and took employment with an organization known as New Directions. This was a mental-health position, working with children on an out- patient basis. Petitioner held this job for approximately two years. Beyond that point, Petitioner took a position as a child-guidance case worker in a mental-health capacity. It was that position that prompted the screening that was conducted in January, 1996, leading to the decision to disqualify him from that employment. The procedures followed in the disqualification are as detailed in the preliminary statement above. Petitioner contested the decision to deny him an exemption from disqualification. His request to be heard before the Respondent and to seek a formal hearing to contest the preliminary decision by Respondent denying the exemption from disqualification were both timely filed. Before being terminated from his position as a child-guidance counselor based upon the disqualification, Petitioner had worked voluntarily at a group home for children. In the past, when working with children and adults, Petitioner has never been disciplined or reprimanded concerning his conduct in providing that care. Mr. George Robinson is an HRS Protective Services worker. He began work with Respondent on June 12, 1995. Prior to that employment, Mr. Robinson worked in the Mental Health Center in Jacksonville, Florida, as a discharge planner. Mr. Robinson knew Petitioner when they attended college. He considers Petitioner his friend and speaks highly of Petitioner's character. In addition, Mr. Robinson is familiar with Petitioner's work history and recommended that Petitioner receive a position at the Mental Health Center of Jacksonville, Florida, where Petitioner was employed from November 15, 1993 through November 30, 1995. Jane Escobar, M.S.W., Manager, Children's Department for the Mental Health Center of Jacksonville, Inc. refers to Petitioner's work history with that organization. Among the duties Petitioner performed with the organization was as an individual assigned to the Therapeutic Group Home within the Mental Health Center, in which position Petitioner worked with emotionally-disturbed children. This work entailed association with counseling groups, individual social skills training, chart documentation, and recreational activities. It also involved interaction with families and other treating professionals. Following receipt of his bachelor's degree, Petitioner was promoted to a position of mental-health counselor within the Mental Health Center, a position which required him to carry a case load of approximately 15-18 clinical cases, involving individual counseling with children, family work, and often involving seeing the children in their homes, as well as at their schools, and in his office. Petitioner left the position with Mental Health Center of Jacksonville in good standing to pursue a career-enhancing position. Ms. Escobar considers Petitioner to be a well-liked and a highly-respected clinician. Ms. Escobar indicates that the Mental Health Center would willingly return Petitioner to employment if a position were available at the Center. Mr. Val Thomas has written to commend Petitioner for his work as a counselor for Mr. Thomas' son. Mr. Thomas attributes Petitioner's good works for helping the Thomas family to correct problems which their son was having. Ms. Nancy Edmonds, a clinical social worker, speaks favorably of Petitioner, whom she has known in a professional and personal capacity for two years. She is impressed by Petitioner's moral character and finds Petitioner to be an understanding and caring person. She has found him capable of dealing with the most difficult circumstances in their work, without losing his composure. She finds that he works well with children and adolescents. Mr. Brian J. Maxson is the First Step Coordinator at Hubbard House, the facility in which Petitioner participated in group sessions concerning his conduct toward his wife, as a condition of his probation. Mr. Maxson confirms that Petitioner completed that program. At present, Petitioner works with AT&T in soliciting customers to use its services. He had held that position for two months when the hearing commenced.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered granting Petitioner an exemption from disqualification to work with children in positions of special trust. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of June, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of June, 1996.

Florida Laws (7) 120.57394.455402.305435.04435.07741.28784.03
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sanford, Florida May 09, 2001 Number: 01-001809 Latest Update: Oct. 01, 2001

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner, Basedeo Ramassar, is eligible for exemption from disqualification from working in a registered or licensed family day care center under Subsection 402.302(3), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Under Sections 402.301-319, Florida Statutes, the Department of Children and Family Services is the agency responsible for establishing licensing standards for child care facilities and child care personnel. Petitioner, Basedeo Ramassar, is married to Cathy Ramassar; they both reside at 2707 West Airport Boulevard, Sanford, Florida. Cathy Ramassar applied to Respondent to renew her license as a family day care facility at her home at 2707 West Airport Boulevard, Sanford, Florida. As a result of her application, Respondent conducted a Level 2 background screening. As a result of the screening, it was determined that, on March 20, 2000, Basedeo Ramassar had pled nolo contendere to the charge of assignation to commit prostitution, a violation of Section 796.07, Florida Statutes. When Cathy Ramassar was advised that her license would not be renewed because of her husband's violation of Section 796.07, Florida Statutes, she requested an administrative hearing and, shortly thereafter, Mr. Ramassar requested an exemption pursuant to Section 435.07, Florida Statutes. Michael Ingram, District 7 Screening Coordinator, convened a three-person Exemption Review Committee which considered the circumstances surrounding the disqualifying criminal incident, nature of harm to victim, amount of time since the last criminal incident, and the applicant's general history. The Exemption Review Committee relies on the applicant to provide information on rehabilitation. The Exemption Review Committee denied Mr. Ramassar's exemption request based, in part, on the fact that not enough time had elapsed since the 1999 offense and the March 20, 2000, nolo contendere plea and a 1990 domestic battery arrest which occurred prior to his current marriage. This denial was a proper exercise of the authority vested in the Exemption Review Committee. Mr. Ramassar testified that during the afternoon hours of November 26, 1999, he approached an undercover female police officer and "offered her $20 for straight sex." This resulted in his arrest and ultimately, his nolo contendere plea to assignation to commit prostitution. With the help of a supportive wife and members of their church, which he regularly attends, Mr. Ramassar has made a good start on a rehabilitation program. Apparently, he has a good marriage which has withstood the humiliation of public knowledge of his infidelity and criminal involvement; each witness testified to awareness of his criminal involvement. As a part of the exemption process, Subsection 435.07(3), Florida Statutes, requires an assessment of "the nature of the harm caused to the victim"; the only "victim" in this case is Mr. Ramassar's wife, who has not only suffered the public humiliation of her husband's infidelity, but has been denied a license renewal for her day care facility. Mr. Ramassar is regularly employed as a mason and, as a result, except on rare occasions, is away from the day care facility during its normal working hours. Witnesses who had children enrolled in Mr. Ramassar's wife's day care facility expressed little concern with the knowledge that Mr. Ramassar had pled nolo contendere to assignation to commit prostitution.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Children and Family Services enter a final order granting Petitioner, Basedeo Ramassar, an exemption from disqualification from employment as a caretaker for children and granting Cathy Ramassar a renewal of her license. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of September, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JEFF B. CLARK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of September, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Craig A. McCarthy, Esquire Department of Children and Family Services 400 West Robinson Street Suite S-1106 Orlando, Florida 32801-1782 George B. Wallace, Esquire George B. Wallace, Esq., PA 700 West First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 Virginia A. Daire, Agency Clerk Department of Children and Family Services Building 2, Room 204B 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Josie Tomayo, General Counsel Department of Children and Family Services Building 2, Room 204 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (6) 120.57402.302402.305435.04435.07796.07
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Oct. 01, 1990 Number: 90-006255 Latest Update: Dec. 03, 1991

The Issue Whether Trustees of Mease Hospital, Inc., d/b/a Mease Hospital Dunedin ("Mease") is entitled to be included on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit ("NICU") inventory, as authorized to provide Level III NICU services in five (5) Level III beds in Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services ("HRS") District 5. Whether All Children's established its standing to intervene in Case No. 90-6255, as an existing provider of Level III NICU services in HRS District 5. Whether Morton Plant established is standing to intervene in the consolidated cases, as an existing provider of Level II NICU services in HRS District 5.

Findings Of Fact On September 14, 1990, Mease a 278-bed acute care hospital, located in Dunnedin, Florida, timely challenged the inventory of neonatal intensive care beds published for District 5 (Pasco and Pinellas Counties) by HRS. The preliminary inventory, published on August 24, 1990, authorized five (5) Level II and no Level III beds at Mease. All Children's is a 168-bed specialty children's hospital, which has a 24-bed Level III NICU, located in St. Petersburg, Florida, in Pinellas County. Morton Plant is a 750-bed acute care hospital with Level II NICU beds, located in Clearwater, Florida, in Pinellas County. Of the 2,670 babies delivered at Morton Plant in 1990, 598 came from the Mease area; 569 of the 2,670 were classified as not normal or in need of some NICU services, and 148 of the 569 not-normal newborns came from the Mease service area. HRS is the department with responsibility for promulgating NICU rules pursuant to legislation passed in May 1987, effective in October 1987. See, Section 381.702(20) and 381.706(1)(a), (e), (h), and (m), Florida Statutes (1989). The NICU rule became final in August 1990, and included a "grandfather" provision for providers of NICU services prior to October 1, 1987, to avoid any disruption in the availability of NICU services. The grandfather provision includes, as one of three tests for determining if NICU services were offered prior to October 1, 1987, the requirement that 50% of the neonates admitted to Level II and III units from October 1, 1986 through September 30, 1987, were classified in Diagnostic Related Groups (DRGs) 385, 386, 387 or 388. See, Florida Administrative Code, Rule 10-5.042(14)(f) (2)(b) (III). In August 1987, HRS, in preparation for the promulgation of the NICU rule, mailed surveys to various hospitals, including Mease, requesting information about the provision of NICU services at those hospitals. Using the Guidelines for Perinatal Care to distinguish the level of services it was providing, Mease responded to the August 1987 survey by reporting that it had three (3) Level II beds and no Level III beds. In response to the survey questions, Mease also reported that its NICU services began on April 1, 1987, coinciding with the time that a neonatologist, Mary Newport, M.D., joined the staff at Mease. In March 1987, Board Certified Neonatologist Mary Newport began providing 24-hour coverage at Mease, receiving final approval for active staff privileges in early May 1987, so that Mease could treat rather than transfer sick neonates. Mease resubmitted the August 1987 survey in February 1989, reporting that it had increased from three to six Level II beds, after October 1, 1987, and from one to four Level III beds beginning on October 1, 1987, although such changes required certificate of need ("CON") approval effective October 1, 1987. HRS sent out a second survey in April 1989, to which Mease responded that it currently had six Level II beds and no Level III services, under the more stringent requirements included within the proposed rule as compared to the Guidelines for Perinatal Care standards used in the first survey. In August 1989, Mease resubmitted the second survey and reported a current total of six Level II beds and four Level III beds of which three Level II beds and one Level III bed were operating on September 30, 1987. Mease, in the August resubmittal of the second survey, also reported that 37 neonates were admitted to the Level III bed for 63 patient days and that a total of 188 neonates were admitted to both Level II and Level III beds, from October 1, 1986 through September 30, 1987. Of the 188 neonates admitted to Level II and Level III beds from October 1, 1986 through September 30, 1987, Mease claimed that 87 of those had DRG's 385, 386, 387 or 388. On September 10, 1990, Mease submitted documentation to HRS showing that from October 1, 1986 through September 30, 1987, NICU admissions totaled 122 patients, of which 77 were in DRGs 385, 386, 387 or 388. Subsequently, Mease claimed to have had 18 fewer admissions. On December 18, 1990, Mease claimed to have had 107 NICU patients, of which 69 were in DRGs 385, 386, 387 or 388. At the final hearing, Mease claimed that its review of the available records of 1512 of the 1520 deliveries from October 1, 1986 through September 30, 1987, showed that, when diagnoses and codes were changed retrospectively, there were 126 NICU admissions, of which 74 were in DRGs 385, 386, 387, and 388. The number of neonates in intensive care and the number of neonates in the specified DRGs asserted by Mease are both unreliable. There is no credible evidence to support Mease's claim that it started offering NICU services upon the arrival of Dr. Newport on the courtesy staff on March 28, 1987, or upon her becoming a member of the active staff in early May, 1987. Credible expert testimony was presented that a time lag occurs between the arrival on staff of a neonatologist and the initiation of NICU services. In fact, Dr. Newport testified that after she arrived at Mease, she tried out various rented equipment and evaluated it before making purchases, and altered the locations of the nurseries. The Mease Perinatal Committee Agenda dated May 26, 1987 included an item "Task Force for Development of Level II Facility." Even assuming arguendo that Mease did establish NICU services on April 1, 1987, as reported to HRS in response to the first HRS survey, a substantial number of the neonates Mease claimed to have served in its NICU were, in fact, discharged from Mease prior to April 1, 1987. 1/ Mease has failed to submit documentation that it had neonatal intensive care services from October 1, 1986 through September 30, 1987. Mease has failed to submit documentation that it admitted 126 neonates to intensive care services from October 1, 1986 through September 30, 1987. Mease has failed to submit documentation that 74 neonates were classified into DRGs 385, 386, 387 or 388. Credible expert testimony supports the conclusion that retrospective changes in diagnoses are not reliable, in view of the fact that observation of a patient, not just the patient's record, is significant in making a diagnosis. Mease reported to the Health Care Cost Containment Board that it had no revenue from the operation of a NICU from October 1, 1986 to September 30, 1987.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered: Including Mease on the final inventory as an authorized Level II neonatal intensive care unit with five beds, based on the Summary Recommended Order of April 9, 1991, entered without objection; and Excluding Mease from the final inventory as an authorized provider of Level III neonatal intensive care services. DONE and ENTERED this 1st day of November, 1991, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELEANOR M. HUNTER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of November, 1991.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 28, 1996 Number: 96-004031CON Latest Update: Jul. 06, 1998

The Issue Whether the certificate of need application to convert 30 acute care beds to 30 adult psychiatric beds at Broward General Medical Center meets the statutory and rule criteria for approval.

Findings Of Fact The North Broward Hospital District (NBHD) is a special taxing district established by the Florida Legislature in 1951 to provide health care services to residents of the northern two-thirds of Broward County. NBHD owns and operates four acute care hospitals: Coral Springs Medical Center, North Broward Medical Center, Imperial Point Medical Center (Imperial Point), and Broward General Medical Center (Broward General). NBHD also owns and/or operates primary care clinics, school clinics, urgent care centers, and a home health agency. FMC Hospital, Ltd., d/b/a Florida Medical Center (FMC) is a 459-bed hospital with 74 inpatient psychiatric beds, 51 for adults separated into a 25-bed adult unit and a 26-bed geriatric psychiatric unit, and 23 child/adolescent psychiatric beds. FMC is a public Baker Act receiving facility for children and adolescents and operates a mental health crisis stabilization unit (CSU) for children and adolescents. FMC also operates separately located facilities which include a partial hospitalization program, an adult day treatment program, and a community mental health center. At Florida Medical Center South, FMC operates another day treatment program and partial hospitalization program. The Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) is the state agency which administers the certificate of need (CON) program for health care services and facilities in Florida. The NBHD applied for CON Number 8425 to convert 30 acute care beds to 30 adult psychiatric beds at Broward General. Broward General operates approximately 550 of its total 744 licensed beds. It is a state Level II adult and pediatric trauma center and the tertiary referral center for the NBHD, offering Level II and III neonatal intensive care, pediatric intensive care, cardiac catheterization and open heart surgery services. Broward General has 68 adult psychiatric beds and is a public Baker Act receiving facility for adults. Public Baker Act receiving facilities have state contracts and receive state funds to hold involuntarily committed mental patients, regardless of their ability to pay, for psychiatric evaluation and short-term treatment. See Subsections 394.455(25) and (26), Florida Statutes. Although they serve different age groups, both FMC and Broward General are, by virtue of contracts with the state, public Baker Act facilities. When a Baker Act patient who is an indigent child or adolescent arrives at Broward General, the patient is transferred to FMC. FMC also typically transfers indigent Baker Act adults to Broward General. At Broward General, psychiatric patients are screened in a separate section of the emergency room by a staff which has significant experience with indigent mental health patients. If hospitalization is appropriate, depending on the patient's physical and mental condition, inpatient psychiatric services are provided in either a 38-bed unit on the sixth floor or a 30- bed unit on the fourth floor of Broward General. In July 1995, Broward General also started operating a 20-bed mental health CSU located on Northwest 19th Street in Fort Lauderdale. Prior to 1995, the County operated the 19th Street CSU and 60 CSU beds on the grounds of the South Florida State Hospital (SFSH), a state mental hospital. Following an investigation of mental health services in the County, a grand jury recommended closing the 60 CSU beds at SFSH because of "deplorable conditions." In addition, the grand jury recommended that the County transfer CSU operations to the NBHD and the South Broward Hospital District (SBHD). As a result, the SBHD assumed the responsibility for up to 20 CSU inpatients a day within its existing 100 adult psychiatric beds at Memorial Regional Hospital. The NBHD assumed the responsibility for up to 40 CSU inpatients a day, including 20 at the 19th Street location. The additional 20 were to be redirected to either the 68 adult psychiatric beds at Broward General or the 47 adult psychiatric beds at Imperial Point. CSU services for adult Medicaid and indigent patients in the NBHD service area were transferred pursuant to contracts between the NBHD and Broward County, and the NBHD and the State of Florida, Department of Children and Family Services (formerly, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services). Based on the agreements, the County leases the 19th Street building in which Broward General operates the CSU. The County also pays a flat rate of $1.6 million a year in monthly installments for the salaries of the staff which was transferred from the County mental health division to the NBHD. The County's contract with the NBHD lasts for five years, from December 1995 to September 2000. Either party may terminate the contract, without cause, upon 30 days notice. The State contract, unlike that of Broward County, does not provide a flat rate, but sets a per diem reimbursement rate of approximately $260 per patient per day offset by projected Medicaid revenues. The State contract is renewable annually, but last expired on June 30, 1997. The contract was being re-negotiated at the time of the hearing in November 1997. Based on actual experience with declining average lengths of stay for psychiatric inpatients, the contract was being re-negotiated to fund an average of 30, not a maximum of 40 patients a day. If CON 8425 is approved, NBHD intends to use the additional 30 adult psychiatric beds at Broward General to meet the requirements of the State and County contracts, while closing the 19th Street CSU and consolidating mental health screening and stabilization services at Broward General. NBHD proposes to condition the CON on the provision of 70 percent charity and 30 percent Medicaid patient days in the 30 new beds. By comparison, the condition applicable to the existing 68 beds requires the provision of 3 percent charity and 25 percent Medicaid. When averaged for a total of 98 beds, the overall condition would be 23.5 percent charity and 26.5 percent Medicaid, or a total of 51 or 52 percent. The proposed project will require the renovation of 10,297 gross square feet on the fourth floor of Broward General at a cost of approximately $450,000. The space is currently an unused section of Broward General which contains 42 medical/surgical beds. Twelve beds will be relocated to other areas of the hospital. The renovated space will include seclusion, group therapy, and social rooms, as well as 15 semi- private rooms. Twelve of the rooms will not have separate bathing/showering facilities, and seven of those will also not have toilets within the patients' rooms. Need in Relation to State and District Health Plans - Subsection 408.035(1)(a), Florida Statutes The District 10 allocation factors include a requirement that a CON applicant demonstrate continuously high levels of utilization. The applicant is given the following evidentiary guidelines: patients are routinely waiting for admissions to inpatient units; the facility provides significant services to indigent and Medicaid individuals; the facility arranges transfer for patients to other appropriate facilities; and the facility provides other medical services, if needed. Broward General does not demonstrate continuously high utilization by having patients routinely waiting for admission. Broward General does meet the other criteria required by allocation factor one. The second District 10 allocation factor, like criterion (b) of the first, favors an applicant who commits to serving State funded and indigent patients. Broward General is a disproportionate share Medicaid provider with a history of providing, and commitment to continue providing, significant services to Medicaid and indigent patients. In fact, the NBHD provides over 50 percent of both indigent and Medicaid services in District 10. See also Subsection 408.035(1)(n), Florida Statutes. Allocation factor three for substance abuse facilities is inapplicable to Broward General which does not have substance abuse inpatient services. Allocation factor 4 for an applicant with a full continuum of acute medical services is met by Broward General. See also Rule 59C-1.040(3)(h), Florida Administrative Code. Broward General complies with allocation factor 5 by participating in data collection activities of the regional health planning council. The state health plan includes preferences for (1) converting excess acute care beds; (2) serving the most seriously mentally ill patients; (3) serving indigent and Baker Act patients; (4) proposing to establish a continuum of mental health care; (5) serving Medicaid-eligible patients; and (6) providing a disproportionate share of Medicaid and charity care. Broward General meets the six state health plan preferences. See also Rule 59C-1.040(4)(e)2., Florida Administrative Code, and Subsection 408.035(1)(n), Florida Statutes. Broward General does not meet the preference for acute care hospitals if fewer than .15 psychiatric beds per 1000 people in the District are located in acute care hospitals. The current ratio in the District is .19 beds per 1,000 people. Rule 59C-1.040(4)(3)3, Florida Administrative Code, also requires that 40 percent of the psychiatric beds needed in a district should be allocated to general hospitals. Currently, approximately 51 percent, 266 of 517 licensed District 10 adult inpatient psychiatric beds are located in general acute care hospitals. On balance, the NBHD and Broward General meet the factors and preferences of the health plans which support the approval of the CON application. See also Rule 59C- 1.040(4)(e)1. and Rule 59C-1.030, Florida Administrative Code. Numeric Need The parties stipulated that the published fixed need pool indicated no numeric need for additional adult inpatient psychiatric hospital beds. In fact, the numeric need calculation shows a need for 434 beds in District 10, which has 517 beds, or 83 more than the projected numeric need. In 1994- 1995, the District utilization rate was approximately 58 percent. The NBHD asserts that the need arises from "not normal" circumstances, specifically certain benefits from closing the 19th Street CSU, especially the provision of better consolidated care in hospital-based psychiatric beds, and the establishment of a County mental health court. The NBHD acknowledges that AHCA does not regulate CSU beds through the CON program and that CSU beds are not intended to be included in the calculation of numeric need for adult psychiatric beds. However, due to the substantial similarity of services provided, NBHD contends that CSU beds are de facto inpatient psychiatric beds which affect the need for CON- regulated psychiatric beds. Therefore, according to the NBHD, the elimination of beds at SFSH and at the 19th Street CSU require an increase in the supply of adult psychiatric beds. The NBHD also notes that approval of its CON application will increase the total number of adult psychiatric hospital beds in Broward County, but will not affect the total number of adult mental health beds when CSU and adult psychiatric beds are combined. After the CSU beds at SFSH closed, the total number of adult mental health beds in the County has, in fact, been reduced. NBHD projected a need to add 30 adult psychiatric beds at Broward General by combining the 1995 average daily census (ADC) of 48 patients with its assumption that it can add up to 10, increasing the ADC to 58 patients a day in the existing 68 beds. Based on its contractual obligation to care for up to 40 CSU inpatients a day, the NBHD projects a need for an additional 30 beds. The projection assumed that the level of utilization of adult inpatient psychiatric services at Broward General would remain relatively constant. With 40 occupied beds added to the 48 ADC, NBHD predicted an ADC of 88 in the new total of 98 beds, or 90 percent occupancy. The assumption that the ADC would remain fairly constant is generally supported by the actual experience with ADCs of 48.1, 51.5, and 45.8 patients, respectively, in 1995, 1996, and the first seven months of 1997. NBHD's second assumption, that an ADC of 40 CSU patients will be added is not supported by the actual experience. Based on the terms of the State and County contracts, up to 20 CSU patients have already been absorbed into the existing beds at the Imperial Point or Broward General, which is one explanation for the temporary increase in ADC in 1996, while up to 20 more may receive services at the 19th Street location. In 1996 and 1997, the ADC in the 19th Street CSU beds was 15.3 and 14.2, respectively, with monthly ranges in 1997 from a high of 17 in April to a low of 12 in June. The relatively constant annual ADCs in psychiatric and CSU beds are a reflection of increasing admissions but declining average lengths of stay for psychiatric services. The NBHD also projects that it will receive referrals from the Broward County Mental Health Court, established in June 1997. The Court is intended to divert mentally ill defendants with minor criminal charges from the criminal justice system to the mental health system. Actual experience for only three months of operations showed 7 or 8 admissions a month with widely varying average lengths of stay, from 6 to 95 days. The effect of court referrals on the ADC at Broward General was statistically insignificant into the fall of 1997. Newspaper reports of the number of inmates with serious mental illnesses do not provide a reliable basis for projecting the effect of the mental health court on psychiatric admissions to Broward General, since it is not equipped to handle violent felons. One of Broward General's experts also compared national hospital discharge data to that of Broward County. The results indicate a lower use rate in Broward County in 1995 and a higher one in 1996. That finding was consistent with the expert's finding of a growth in admissions and bed turnover rate which measures the demand for each bed. The expert also considered the prevalence of mental illness and hospitalization rates. The data reflecting expected increases in admissions, however, was not compared to available capacity in the County nor correlated with declining lengths of stay. The District X: Comprehensive Health Plan 1994 includes an estimate of the need for 10 CSU beds per 100,000 people, or a total of 133 CSU beds needed for the District. FMC argues that the calculation is incorrect because only the adult population should be included. Using only adults, FMC determined that 116 CSU beds are needed which, when added to 434 adult psychiatric beds needed in the February 1996 projection, gives a bed need for all mental health beds of 550. That total is less than the actual combined total number of 567 mental health beds, 517 adult psychiatric beds plus 50 CSU beds in 1995. Whatever population group is appropriate, the projection of the need for CSU beds is not reliable based on the evidence that, since the end of 1995, CSU services have been and, according to NBHD, should continue to be absorbed into hospital- based adult psychiatric units. For the same reason, the increase in adult psychiatric bed admissions from 1995 to 1996 does not establish a trend towards increasing psychiatric utilization, but is more likely attributable to the closing of CSU beds at SFSH. FMC's expert's comparison of data from three selected months in two successive years is also not sufficient to establish a downward trend in utilization at the 19th Street CSU, neither is the evidence of a decline in ADC by one patient in one year. Utilization is relatively static based on ADCs in existing Broward County adult psychiatric beds and in CSU beds. FMC established Broward General's potential to decrease average lengths of stay by developing alternative non-inpatient services as FMC has done and Broward General proposes to do. See Finding of Fact 37. Based on local health council reports, FMC's data reflects a rise in the ADC at Broward General to 52.7 in 1996, and a return to 46 in the first seven months of 1997. Using a 14.2 ADC for the 19th Street CSU, FMC projects that Broward General will reach an ADC of approximately 60 in the first year of operations if the CON is approved, not 88 as projected. Broward General acknowledged its capacity to add 10 more patients to the ADC without stress on the system. Having already absorbed 20 of up to 40 CSU patients at Imperial Point and Broward General in 1996 and 1997 resulting in an ADC of 48, and given the capacity to absorb 10 more, the NBHD has demonstrated a need to accommodate an ADC of 10 more adult psychiatric patients at Broward General, or a total ADC of 68 patients. The need to add capacity to accommodate an additional 10 patient ADC was not shown to equate to a need for 30 additional beds, which would result in an ADC of 68 patients in 98 beds, or 69 or 70 percent occupancy. Special Circumstances - Rule 59C-1.040(4)(d) The psychiatric bed rule provides for approval of additional beds in the absence of fixed numeric need. The "special circumstance" provision applies to a facility with an existing unit with 85 percent or greater occupancy. During the applicable period, the occupancy at Broward General was 74.15 percent. However, occupancy rates have exceeded 95 percent in the CSU beds on 19th Street. If up to 20 patients on 19th Street are added to the 48 ADC at Broward General, the result is that the existing 68 beds will be full. A full unit is operationally not efficient or desirable and allows no response to fluctuations in demand. Therefore, the state has established a desirable standard of 75 percent occupancy for psychiatric units, a range which supports the addition of 10 to 15 psychiatric beds at Broward General. Available Alternatives - Subsection 408.035(1)(b) and (d), Florida Statutes, and Rule 59C-1.040(4)(e)4., Florida Administrative Code The psychiatric bed rule provides that additional beds will "not normally" be added if the district occupancy rate is below 75 percent. For the twelve months preceding the application filing, the occupancy rate in 517 adult psychiatric beds in District 10 was approximately 58 percent. FMC's expert noted that each day an average of 200 adult psychiatric beds were available in District 10. Broward General argues that the occupancy rate is misleading. Five of the nine facilities with psychiatric beds are freestanding, private facilities, which are ineligible for Medicaid participation. Historically, the freestanding hospitals have also provided little charity care. One facility, University Pavilion, is full. Of the four acute care hospitals with adult psychiatric beds, Memorial Hospital in the SBHD, is not available to patients in the NBHD service area. Imperial Point, the only other NBHD facility with adult psychiatric beds, is not available based on its occupancy rate for the first seven months of 1997 of approximately 81 percent, which left an average of 9 available beds in a relatively small 47-bed unit. That leaves only Broward General and FMC to care for Medicaid and indigent adult psychiatric patients. FMC is the only possible alternative provider of services, but Broward General was recommended by the grand jury and was the only contract applicant. The occupancy rate in FMC's 51 adult beds was approximately 80 percent in 1995, 73 percent in 1996, and 77 percent for the first seven months in 1997. FMC has reduced average lengths of stay by having patients "step down" to partial hospitalization, day treatment and other outpatient services of varying intensities. The same decline in average lengths of stay is reasonably expected when Broward General implements these alternatives. Adult psychiatric services are also accessible in District 10 applying the psychiatric bed rule access standard. That is, ninety percent of the population of District 10 has access to the service within a maximum driving time of forty- five minutes. The CSU license cannot be transferred to Broward General. Broward County holds the license for CSU beds which, by rule, must be located on the first floor of a building. Although Broward General may not legally hold the CSU license and provide CSU services on the fourth floor of the hospital, there is no apparent legal impediment to providing CSU services in psychiatric beds. Quality of Care - Subsection 408.035(1)(c), Florida Statutes and Rule 1.040(7), Florida Administrative Code Broward General is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. The parties stipulated that Broward General has a history of providing quality care. Broward General provides the services required by Rule 59C-1.040(3)(h), Florida Administrative Code. Services Not Accessible in Adjoining Areas; Research and Educational Facilities; Needs of HMOs; Services Provided to Individuals Beyond the District; Subsections 408.035(1)(f),(g),(j), and (k), Florida Statutes Broward General does not propose to provide services which are inaccessible in adjoining areas nor will it provide services to non-residents of the district. Broward General is not one of the six statutory teaching hospitals nor a health maintenance organization (HMO). Therefore, those criteria are of no value in determining whether this application should be approved. Economics and Improvements in Service from Joint Operation - Subsection 408.035(1)(e), Florida Statutes The consolidation of the psychiatric services at Broward General is reasonably expected to result in economies and improvements in the provision of coordinated services to the mentally ill indigent and Medicaid population. Broward General will eliminate the cost of meal deliveries and the transfer of medically ill patients, but that potential cost-saving was not quantified by Broward General. Staff and Other Resources - Subsection 408.035(1)(h), Florida Statutes The parties stipulated that NBHD has available the necessary resources, including health manpower, management personnel, and funds to implement the project. Financially Feasibility - Subsection 408.035(1)(h) and (i), Florida Statutes The parties stipulated that the proposed project is financially feasible in the immediate term. The estimated total project cost is $451,791, but NBHD has $500,000 in funds for capital improvements available from the County and $700,000 from the Florida Legislature. As stipulated by the parties, NBHD has sufficient cash on hand to fund the project. Regardless of the census, the County's contractual obligation to the NBHD remains fixed at $1.6 million. The State contract requires the prospective payment of costs offset by expected Medicaid dollars. If the number of Medicaid eligible patients decreases, then state funding increases proportionately. The state assumed that 20 percent of the patients would qualify for Medicaid, therefore it reimburses the per diem cost of care for 80 percent of the patients. One audit indicated that 30 percent of the patients qualified for Medicaid, so that State payments for that year were higher than needed. The State contract apparently makes no provision to recover excess payments. The application projects a net profit of $740,789 for the first year of operations, and a net profit of $664,489 for the second year. If the State contract with NBHD is renewed to contemplate an average of 30 patients per day as opposed to up to 40 patients per day, then annual revenue could be reduced up to $400,000. Projected net profit will, nevertheless, exceed expenses when variable expenses are reduced correspondingly. If 20 state funded patients are already in psychiatric beds, and 20 more could be transferred from 19th Street, the result is an ADC of 68. Based on the funding arrangements, there is no evidence that the operation of a total of 98 beds could not be profitable, even with an ADC of 68, although it would be wasteful to have 30 extra beds. Impact on Competition, Quality Assurance and Cost-Effectiveness - Subsection 408.035(1)(l), Florida Statutes With a maximum of 68 inpatients or more realistically, under the expected terms of a renegotiated State contract, 58 to 60 inpatients in 98 beds, Broward General will reasonably attempt to expand the demand for its inpatient psychiatric services. Within the NBHD's legal service area, one-third of adult psychiatric patients not admitted to Broward General are admitted to FMC. Assuming a proportionate impact on competitors, FMC's expert projected that one-third of approximately 30 unfilled beds at Broward General will be filled by patients who would otherwise have gone to FMC. The projection of a loss of 9 patients from the ADC of FMC is reasonably based on an analysis showing comparable patient severity in the most prevalent diagnostic category. Given the blended payor commitment of approximately 51 or 52 percent total for Medicaid and charity in 98 beds, Broward General will be able to take patients from every payor category accepted at FMC. The loss of 9 patients from its ADC can reduce revenues by $568,967 at FMC. The impact analysis is reasonably based on lost patient days since most payers use a per diem basis for compensating FMC. For example, although Medicare reimbursement is usually based on diagnosis regardless of length of stay, it is cost-based for the geriatric psychiatric unit. Net profit at FMC, for the year 1996-1997, was expected to be approximately $4.5 million. FMC will also experience increased costs in transporting indigent patients from FMC to Broward General for admission and treatment. Because of the additional distance, the cost to transfer indigent patients is $20 more per patient from FMC to Broward General than it is from FMC to the 19th Street CSU. FMC typically stabilizes indigent adult psychiatric inpatients, then transfers them to either the 19th Street CSU or Broward General. From March through September of 1997, FMC transported approximately 256 indigent patients from FMC to the 19th Street CSU. In terms of quality assurance, the consolidation of psychiatric services at Broward General will allow all patients better access to the full range of medical services available at Broward General. The NBHD's operation of the 19th Street CSU is profitable. Approval of the CON application should reasonably eliminate all costs associated with operation of the 19th Street facility, and shift more revenues from the State and County contracts to Broward General. Some savings are reasonably expected from not having meal deliveries to 19th Street or patient transfers for medical care. The NBHD did not quantify any expected savings. Costs and Methods of Construction - Subsection 408.035(1)(m), Florida Statutes Broward General will relocate 12 of 42 medical/surgical beds and convert 30 medical/surgical beds to 30 adult psychiatric beds on one wing of the fourth floor, which is currently unused. Fifteen semi-private medical/surgical patient rooms will be converted into semi-private adult psychiatric rooms. Existing wards will be converted to two social rooms, one noisy and one quiet. With the removal of the walls of some offices, the architect designed a group therapy room. An existing semi-private room will be used as a seclusion room. Of the fifteen semi-private rooms, twelve will not have bathing or showering facilities and seven will not have toilets within the patients' rooms. At the time the hospital was constructed, the state required only a lavatory/sink in each patient room. AHCA's architect agreed to allow Broward General to plan to use central bathing and toilet facilities to avoid additional costs and diminished patient room sizes. Because the plan intentionally avoids construction in the toilets, except to enlarge one to include a shower, there is no requirement to upgrade to Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. Therefore, the $23,280 construction cost contingency for code compliance is adequate. Although the projected construction costs are reasonable and the applicable architectural code requirements are met, the design is not the most desirable in terms of current standards. Patient privacy is compromised by the lack of toilets for each patient room. Past and Proposed Provision of Services to Promote a Continuum of Care in a Multi-level System - Subsection 408.035(1)(o), Florida Statutes Broward General is a tertiary acute care facility which provides a broad continuum of care. Because it already operates the CSU and provides CSU services in adult psychiatric beds, the proposal to relocate patients maintains but does not further promote that continuum of care. Broward General's plan to establish more alternatives to inpatient psychiatric care does promote and enhance its continuum of care. Capital Expenditures for New Inpatient Services - Subsection 408.035(2), Florida Statutes Broward General is not proposing to establish a new health service for inpatients, rather it is seeking to relocate an existing service without new construction. The criteria in this Subsection are inapplicable. Factual Conclusions Broward General did not establish a "not normal" circumstance based on the grand jury's findings and recommendations. The grand jury did not recommend closing 19th Street facility. Broward General did generally establish not normal circumstances based on the desirability of consolidating mental health services at Broward General to provide a single point of entry and to improve the quality of care for the 19th Street facility patients. Broward General failed to establish the need to add 30 beds to accomplish the objective of closing the 19th Street facility. Although the existing beds at Broward General may reasonably be expected to be full as a result of the transfer of 19th Street patients, the addition of 30 beds without sufficient demand results in an occupancy rate of 69 or 70 percent, from an ADC of 68 patients in 98 beds. Broward General has requested approximately twice as many beds as it demonstrated it needs. Broward General's CON application on balance satisfies the local and state health plan preferences. In general, FMC is the only alternative facility in terms of available beds, but is not the tax-supported public facility which the grand jury favored to coordinate mental health services. Broward General meets the statutory criteria for quality of care, improvements from joint operations, financial feasibility, quality assurance, cost-effectiveness, and services to Medicaid and indigent patients. The proposal is not the most desirable architecturally considering current standards. More importantly, Broward General did not demonstrate that it can achieve its projected occupancy without an adverse impact on FMC. The NBHD proposal will add too many beds to meet the targeted state occupancy levels in relatively a static market. Broward General's application does not include a partial request for fewer additional beds which would have allowed the closing of 19th Street, while maintaining some empty beds for demand fluctuations and avoiding an adverse impact on FMC.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration deny the application of the North Broward Hospital District for Certificate of Need Number 8425 to convert 30 medical/surgical beds to 30 adult psychiatric beds at Broward General Medical Center. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of April, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ELEANOR M. HUNTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of April, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Sam Power, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Paul J. Martin, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Paul Vazquez, Esquire Agency For Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Stephen A. Ecenia, Esquire R. David Prescott, Esquire Rutledge, Ecenia, Underwood, Purnell & Hoffman, P.A. Post Office Box 551 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-0551 David C. Ashburn, Esquire Gunster, Yoakley, Valdes-Fauli & Stewart, P.A. 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 830 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (4) 120.57394.455408.035408.039 Florida Administrative Code (2) 59C-1.03059C-1.040
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jun. 22, 1993 Number: 93-003378 Latest Update: Apr. 13, 1994

The Issue In this case, the Petitioners challenge the determination by the Respondent that Anastasia Rush, Ph.D. is an employee of the Baker County School Board based upon the Division of Retirement's determination that Dr. Rush is not an independent contractor. The issue is whether Dr. Rush should be a member of the Florida retirement system. This determination which turns upon whether she is an employee of the school district. Which turns upon whether or not she is, and was, an independent contractor providing professional services to the school board pursuant to contract.

Findings Of Fact The Board, in compliance with the statutory mandate requiring special education programs for emotionally-handicapped students, contracted with the Child Guidance Center, Inc., (CGC) to provide assessment and counseling of qualified students. See, Ex. A-B and Tr. 215-217. The Board obtained additional funding from grants to provide its students with these mandated special educational programs relating to mental health. See, Ex. E, F, G, H, and M. The Board contracts with neighboring school boards which are unable to afford their own programs and pay the Baker County Board to provide services to severely emotionally disturbed children in their counties as required by the statute. The Board's contracts with mental health specialists are dependent upon funding for special students from state monies allocated based upon the total number of students and upon grant money. See, Tr. 38 and 215-216. The Board has not established a permanent position for a health care professional to render clinical mental health services. See, Tr. 72 and 217. The Board has contracted for these professional services to severely emotionally handicapped students, as well as for the professional services of occupational therapists and physical therapists. See, Tr. 79. CGC, the first provider of services to emotionally-handicapped students, is a corporation whose business is providing mental health care. See, Tr. 29. The Board contracted annually with CGC beginning in 1982 to provide a specified number of hours of counseling for its qualifying students. See, Tr. 31-33. The number of hours stated in the contract with CGC varied according to the availability of funding and established a financial liability limit on the contract. Each contract between the Board and CGC was for the term of the school year and could be terminated by either party upon 30 days notice. See, Ex. B. The contracts between the Board and CGC provided that the services would be rendered in the Baker County public schools. See, Ex. B. CGC billed the Board for each hour of counseling provided by its employees. See, Ex. B. CGC did its billing and accounting on a quarterly basis and arranged with the Board to be paid on a quarterly basis for its convenience. See, Ex. B; Tr. 145-146. Dr. Rush was an employee of CGC and first began providing mental health services to the students of Baker County in the early 1980's. See, Tr. 142. Dr. Rush is a licensed psychologist specializing in child psychology. Dr. Rush received a graduate degree in psychiatric social work from the University of Athens, Greece, and received a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Florida. See, Tr. 140-141. Dr. Rush has worked in the field of mental health for approximately 20 years. Dr. Rush began her own practice while still working for CGC through Dr. Freeman under the name of Salisbury Counseling Clinic. See, Tr. 168-169 and 183. In 1990, Dr. Rush no longer wanted to be an employee of CGC and became an independent contractor with CGC. See, Tr. 146-147. Dr. Rush's private practice grew gradually and prior to 1991, she had resigned her employment with CGC, concentrating on her private practice. See, Tr. 146. In 1991, the Board cancelled its contract with CGC. See, Tr. 37-38. Wanda Walker, administrator of the special education programs, approached Dr. Rush and asked her if she would provide the mental health care as an independent contractor, as previously provided by CGC. See, Tr. 37-38. On August 16, 1991, the Board entered into two contracts with Dr. Rush to provide different types of mental health counseling to its students. See, Ex. A One contract between Dr. Rush and the Board provided that Dr. Rush would provide mental health services to the Board for at least nine hours per week, from which two hours would be committed to the special needs of the students in the Opportunity Program at Baker County High School. The contract services were for 37 weeks of the 1991-1992 school year. The cost of the service was $40.00 per hour, and Baker County agreed to pay Dr. Rush an amount not to exceed $14,460.00 for the service. The agreement required Dr. Rush to perform the services at Baker County public school sites, and provided that the mental health services should include psychological evaluations, classroom observations, participation as a member of the crisis intervention team, and consultations with teachers, guidance counselors and other appropriate school personnel. Dr. Rush submitted a statement of hours worked every two weeks, and was paid the contractual rate for each hour of professional services rendered. The contract provided that either party could terminate upon 30 days written notice. The other contract between the Board and Dr. Rush provided that Dr. Rush would provide mental health services to severely emotionally disturbed students in the Day Treatment Program at Southside Educational Center. This contract provided that Dr. Rush would provide case management, assessments and evaluations, consultation to school personnel, mental health services appropriate to the program, and direct the counseling services provided to Day Treatment Program students. The contract provided that Dr. Rush would provide for 10 hours of professional services per week for 37 weeks at a cost of $40.00 per hour not to exceed $14,550.00. The contract provided that Dr. Rush would submit a statement of hours worked every two weeks, and that the agreement could be terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice. On June 4, 1992, Dr. Rush entered into an agreement to provide professional services to the Board for the 1992-1993 school year. This contract duplicated the previous contract for nine hours per week of mental health services for 37 weeks in the 1992-1993 school year at a cost of $40.00 per hour not to exceed $14,460.00. The only significant change in this contract was that the contract covered the provision of services by Dr. Rush or her associate, Nancy Davie. On June 4, 1992, Dr. Rush entered into a contract with the Board to provide mental health services to severely emotionally disturbed students similar to the previous contract for the 1991-1992 school year. The contract for mental health services to severely emotionally disturbed students did not provide for the provision of these services by Nancy Davie. When the June 1992 contracts were executed, Dr. Rush had incorporated her professional practice; however, she entered into the contracts with the Board in her individual name. The Board was unaware of Dr. Rush's incorporation. Dr. Rush did not believe that there was a difference between contracting in her name or the name of her corporation; however, this contract was subsequently amended to indicate that her corporation was the contracting entity. See, Tr. 152-153, 189 and 190. Dr. Rush contracted with the Board in the name of her corporation, Protepon Counseling Center, in 1993. Dr. Rush maintained two offices, one in Jacksonville and one in Macclenny, where she held herself out to the public as a individual providing psychological counseling and where she conducted her professional business. Generally, Dr. Rush and her associates provided their services at the schools within the district; however, Dr. Rush maintained a professional office in Macclenny, Florida, and met with students and their parents at her professional office as necessary. See, Tr. 71. Both Dr. Rush and CGC provided services at the various schools within the district to alleviate the need to transport children and disrupt their schedules. Dr. Rush and her associates used the offices of guidance counsellors when at the various schools. See, Tr. 14 and 85. During the time that Dr. Rush has provided mental health services to the Board, Dr. Rush has provided her own tools for counseling and assessing students. She provides all of her own supplies. See, Tr. 88 and 297-298. Dr. Rush is not reimbursed for the use of her supplies or standardized tests. See, Tr. 211 Dr. Rush provides mental health counseling to private individuals and agencies, to include St. Johns River Hospital, the Center for Life Enrichment, Capp Care, Flamedco, Inc., and the Florida Medical Association Alternative Insurance Program. See, Tr. 160-165. Dr. Rush provides a profit sharing plan to her associates and maintains workers compensation insurance for her employees. See, Tr. 174 and 208. The contracts with the Board make up only a fraction of Dr. Rush's gross income from her professional practice. See, Ex. J(2); Tr. 169-170. Dr. Rush maintains her own retirement fund and has done so since she left CGC in 1991. See, Ex. J(3); Tr. 172-173. Neither the Board or Dr. Rush consider their relationship to be an employment relationship. See, Tr. 149 and 217. It was never the intent of Dr. Rush to be an employee of the Board or the Board's intent for Dr. Rush to be its employee. See, Tr. 149 and 181. Both Dr. Rush and the Board anticipated the continuation of the independent contractor relationship. The Board paid Dr. Rush for the services rendered by her and her associates from the special fund and not from a salary or payroll account. See, Ex. I. Every two weeks, Dr. Rush submitted statements of professional services rendered by her or her associates and charged the Board per hour for these services. See, Tr. 180-182. Dr. Rush was paid for each hour of service which she or her associates provided, and was not paid a salary or reimbursed or compensated for travel costs or supplies. See, Ex. I; Tr. 297 The statements do not indicate whether Dr. Rush or one of her associates provided the service to the Board. The Board never paid any of Dr. Rush's associates. See, Tr. 43-44, 106 and 107. Dr. Rush's associates have always been paid by Dr. Rush. See, Tr. 151-152. The Board never deducted withholding taxes from its payments to Dr. Rush. See, Ex. I. Dr. Rush paid her own social security tax. See, Tr. 207. Dr. Rush was paid by the Board as she is paid by all of her clients at the agreed-upon hourly rate for her professional counseling services. See, Ex. I; Tr. 182. In making its determination, the Division of Retirement relied upon the answers provided by Dr. Rush and Wanda Walker to a questionnaire sent out by the Division of Retirement. See, Ex. O. Both Dr. Rush and Ms. Walker answered the questionnaire without help from legal counsel and without understanding its purpose or legal implications. See, Tr. 77-79, 82, and 176. Dr. Rush provided an annual orientation to new personnel and students; however, she did not take any training program required by the Board during the period of these contracts. The answers provided by Dr. Rush and Ms. Walker were ambiguous regarding the fact that the annual orientation in which Dr. Rush participated was provided by Dr. Rush to Board employees. See, Ex. O; Tr. 70, 88-89, and 178-179. Using the school calendar, Dr. Rush prepared a schedule calendar indicating the dates, times, and school locations at which she or her associates would provide professional services under the contract with the Board. See, Tr. 178. See, Tr. 45-48, and Ex. D. Pursuant to their contract, Dr. Rush provided professional services for the Board at the times and dates when students were attending school. See, Ex. C. Dr. Rush set her own schedule within the confines of the school day and the school year. The purpose of the calendar schedule was to alert teachers as to Dr. Rush's availability at particular schools. See, Tr. 85. Dr. Rush and her associates did not check in with a supervisor at the various schools. Dr. Rush called Ms. Walker, who notified the appropriate school when a new counsellor would be going to that school. See, Tr. 121-122. This practice was designed for security reasons to let the school know for security reasons that a new individual would be providing services. Dr. Rush was available if there was an emergency. When paged, Dr. Rush called the school and determined from the facts if it was necessary for her or one of her associates to respond. See, Tr. 131 and 297. Dr. Rush was not subject to being summoned by Board employees, but exercised her professional judgment about the by of response which was necessary. See, Tr. 131 and 297. Dr. Rush and her associates evaluated students and recorded the results of their testing and observations. They participated as part of the multidisciplinary team required by law to assess special education students and prepare their educational programs. In this regard, the reports of Dr. Rush and her associates were expressions of their professional expert opinion. See, Tr. 66. It was the experience and expertise of Dr. Rush and her associates which the Board sought in contracting with Dr. Rush. The Board did not direct Dr. Rush's counseling of students. See, Tr. 81-87. Dr. Rush and her associates conducted their counseling without any control from the Board. See, Tr. 83-84 and 227.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Dr. Rush be treated as an independent contractor and denied participation in the Florida Retirement System. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of January, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of January, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NO. 93-3378 Both parties submitted proposed findings which were read and considered. Contrary to the Division's rules, Baker County did not number its findings and did not limit them to short statements of fact. Therefore, although most of its findings were adopted in the order originally presented, it is virtually impossible to identify which of the findings were adopted. In order to assist those attempting to determine which facts were adopted, and which were rejected and why, the numbers listed under the Recommended Order column below reference the paragraphs in the Recommended Order which contain the findings suggested by the Division, or the alternative findings suggested by Baker County which the Hearing Officer determined were based upon the more credible evidence. It is readily apparent when the reason is stated for rejecting the proposed findings. Retirement's Findings Recommended Order Paragraphs 1-3 1,2,3,6,7,13 Paragraph 4 14 Paragraph 5,6 19 Paragraph 7 Rejected as contrary to more detailed descriptions of the contracts at issue. Paragraph 8,9 20,21,22 Paragraph 10 Irrelevant. Paragraph 11 As indicated in the Conclusions, there is no issue concerning the fact that employees of school boards are qualified for membership in the retirement system. The issue is whether Dr. Rush was an employee. Paragraph 12,13,14 23,24,25,49,50 Paragraph 15 26,32,34 Paragraph 16 The differences in the terms of the board's contracts with CGC and Dr. Rush are not relevant. Paragraph 17 1,53,54 Paragraph 18 48,49 Paragraph 19 37-44 Paragraph 20-23 2-4,37-44. The manner in which some non-instructional staff are paid is irrelevant. Paragraph 24 26,28-31 Paragraph 25 45-47 Paragraph 26 51,52 Paragraph 27-28 53 paragraph 29 26,28 Paragraph 30,31 25 Paragraph 32,33 Irrelevant argument. COPIES FURNISHED: A.J. McMullian, III, Director Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center, Bldg. C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1560 Sylvan Strickland, General Counsel Department of Management Services Knight Building, Suite 309 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950 John W. Caven, Jr., Esquire Claire M. Merrigan, Esquire CAVEN, CLARK, RAY & TUCKER, P.A. 3306 Independent Square Jacksonville, FL 32202 Jodi B. Jennings, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Florida Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center, Bldg. C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1560 William H. Linder, Secretary Department of Management Services 309 Knight Building 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.68121.021121.031 Florida Administrative Code (1) 60S-6.001
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