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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001028 Latest Update: Sep. 22, 1981

Findings Of Fact Richard K. Stander is the owner of Tom's Harbor Key located in the Florida Keys between Duck Key and Grassy Key. Petitioner seeks a permit to construct a private, non-income producing fishing camp for personal acquaintances and guests. The construction includes a wood dock 80 feet long by six feet wide with nine finger piers two feet wide and 15 feet long running from this dock to provide boat slips, and 1350 linear feet of elevated walkway six feet wide running from the dock area across the mangrove area to seven cottages to be constructed on the upland area of Tom's Harbor Key. Piling across the mangrove area will be implanted by hand auger or water-jetted in. If jetted, appropriate turbidity screens will be used. The pilings for the dock will be driven or implanted with a mechanical auger. The Department of Natural Resources reviewed the application and determined that since the proposed project is a private, non-income producing facility, a lease [from DNR] is not presently required. (Exhibit 3) The submerged lands where the dock and boat slips are to be constructed contain patchy turtle grass growth on an open sandy bottom. (Exhibit 4) Construction of the dock and finger pier boat slips as proposed will have no adverse impact on the flora or fauna in the area. The proposed walkway will cover approximately 2400 square feet (0.06A) of wetlands consisting primarily of red and black mangroves. Constructing this walkway over these wetlands will have no adverse effect on the plants other than the pruning which will be needed to keep the walkway clear. The proposed caretaker's house will be built over the wetlands area and it, like the walkway, will be elevated and will have no adverse effect on the plant or animal life. The cottages will be built on the upland area, and they, too, will be built on pilings with the bottom of the structures some ten feet above mean sea level. Petitioner proposes to use dry toilets in these cottages and remove all wastes to the mainland. Accordingly, no waste will be discharged into the waters adjacent to Tom's Harbor Key. Intervenor contends the proposed project is commercial in nature rather than private but presented no evidence to support this contention. Objections to Intervenor's attempts to infer error in the DNR determination made in Exhibit 3 were sustained as not relevant to the issue before this tribunal. Intervenor also inferred that the application was false because Petitioner stated in the application that the pilings would be implanted using a hand auger or water jet, while at the hearing it was learned the dock piling would be driven or implanted with a mechanical auger. This difference was satisfactorily explained by the testimony of the individual who prepared the application. Moreover, the harm to the environment by implanting the dock pilings by driving or mechanical auger would be less than if these pilings were jetted. It is Intervenor's position that because Petitioner erred in stating in the application how the pilings were to be implanted perhaps he erred in other parts of the application, and therefore the application should be returned to Petitioner for resubmission. Tom's Harbor Key is a pristine area accessible only by water. The wetlands adjacent to this site consist of flourishing mangrove forests, and the area is highly productive. Those opposing the permit applied for are residents of Duck Key, a larger key adjacent to Tom's Harbor which is accessible by land, and which, before its development and occupancy, was also a pristine wetland habitat. Although these witnesses opined that the proposed development would have an adverse impact on the marine habitat and on the birds at the site, no factual evidence to support those conclusions was presented.

Florida Laws (1) 90.801
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-002731 Latest Update: Jan. 24, 1990

The Issue Whether Respondent, Planmac Company, Inc., is entitled to the modification of a previously permitted boat docking facility in a man-made basin on Lower Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, Florida.

Findings Of Fact On March 12, 1985, Planmac Company, Inc. (Planmac) filed a request with the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) for a dredge and fill permit to construct a boat docking facility consisting of 52 slips in a man-made basin, known as Captain's Cove, located on Lower Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, Florida. On October 3, 1985, DER filed a Notice of Intent to Issue the requested permit subject to certain specified conditions. A timely challenge to the permit was forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings to conduct a formal hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The case was styled Townsend v. Planmac and Department of Environmental Regulation, DOAH Case Number 86-0107. As a result of the formal hearing in Townsend v. Planmac and Department of Environmental Regulation, DOAH Case Number 86-0107, a Recommended Order was submitted to DER which made findings of fact, concluded that all permitting criteria had been met, and recommended that the application be granted subject to certain conditions. Thereafter, on June 3, 1986, DER issued a Final Order which ordered that the application for the permit be granted subject to the recommended conditions. No appeal was taken from the Final Order. On June 18, 1986, DER issued to Planmac Permit #441008425, which authorized Planmac, consistent with drawings and specifications attached to the Permit, to: Construct two (2) 5' x 248' docks, each with fourteen (14) 3' x 40' finger piers and twelve (12) associated mooring piles, providing a total of fifty-two (52) boat slips; and install approximately 590 linear feet of riprap revetment requiring the deposition of approximately 300 cubic yards of rock boulders landward and waterward of MHW, in a man-made basin (Class III Waters), an artificial, navigable waterbody contiguous to Florida Bay in Section 21, Township 64 South, Range 36 East, Monroe County. The following specific conditions were attached by DER to Permit #441008425: The permittee is hereby advised that Florida law states: "No person shall commence any excavation, construction, or other activity involving the use of sovereign or other lands of the state, title to which is vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund or the Department of Natural Resources under Chapter 253, until such person has received from the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund the required lease, license, easement, or other form of consent authorizing the proposed use." Pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 16Q-14, if such work is done without consent, or if a person otherwise damages state land or products of state land, the Board of Trustees may levy administrative fines of up to $10,000 per offense. Turbidity screens shall be utilized and properly maintained during the permitted construction and shall remain in place until any generated turbidity subsides. Only non-commercial, recreational boats shall be allowed to use the proposed marina. The applicant shall incorporate this condition into the condominium document for the proposed marina and supply the Department with a copy of the document prior to any sales of the condominium. No live-aboard boats shall be allowed in the marina. This condition shall also be placed in the condominium document. A portable sewage pumpout wagon shall be provided at the marina. Pumpout effluent shall be properly disposed of by methods acceptable to the department; these methods and locations shall be approved by the department prior to construction. A supply of oil absorbent materials, designed to clean up small oil spills, shall be maintained at the marina office. At least sixty (60) days prior to construction, the applicant shall submit to the Punta Gorda DER office for review, a detailed list of equipment to be permanently maintained on site. This list of equipment shall be modified as necessary and approved by the department prior to construction. The uplands on the permittee's property shall be graded to direct stormwater away from the edge of the boat basin. No fuel facilities nor storage shall be allowed at the project. All craft docked at the marina shall be prohibited from pumping sewage into the waters of the cove. Use of boat slips shall be limited to those person(s) who own the slip. Leasing of boat slips shall be prohibited. Living aboard any boat docked at the marina is prohibited at all times. No boat cleaning, hull maintenance, nor fish cleaning shall be allowed at the permitted facility. Only clean rock boulders free from attached sediments or other deleterious compounds, and of a minimum diameter of 2' or greater shall be installed as riprap. The Marathon Department of Environmental Regulation office shall be notified 48 hours prior to the commencement of work. "IDLE SPEED-NO WAKE" signs shall be placed at conspicuous locations at the docking facility with additional language that "this precaution exists throughout the length of the canal channel during ingress and egress". At least two trash receptacles shall be provided on each of the two main walkway piers; these receptacles shall be routinely maintained and emptied. Prior to dockage use by boats, marker buoys shall be established around all vegetated shallow zones within the limits of the submerged property limits with signs advising boaters of "SHALLOW WATERS-NO ENTRY". Prior to construction, the applicant and the Marathon DER office shall meet to discuss acceptable locations for these markers. The project shall comply with applicable State Water Quality Standards, namely: 17-3.051 - Minimum Criteria for All Waters at All Times and All Places. 17-3.061 - Surface Waters: General Criteria. 17.3.121 - Criteria - Class III Waters - Recreation, Propagation and Management of Fish and Wildlife: Surface Waters. After Permit #441008425 was issued to Planmac for the construction of 52 boat slips, an application was filed by Tormac Corporation for 40 additional boat slips to be located on the property adjacent to the Planmac site. Tormac Corporation and Planmac are owned by the same individual. The Tormac application was subsequently withdrawn prior to final action being taken on the application and prior to Planmac filing the subject application for modification. On December 15, 1988, Planmac filed the application for modification that is the subject of this proceeding. A reconfiguration of the project was necessary because Planmac had been unable to obtain title to a portion of the bay bottom over which it had originally planned to construct the project. Permit #441008425 was modified once previously. The prior modification extended the expiration date for the permit from June 15, 1988, to June 18, 1991. At the time of the final hearing, Permit #441008425 was still in effect. The proposed modification will reduce the number of boat slips from 52 to 48. Eight of the reconfigured slips will be located over the originally permitted site. The forty remaining slips will be relocated over the former Tormac site, which is immediately adjacent to, and west of, the originally permitted site. The following findings of fact, made by the Hearing Officer in Townsend v. Planmac and Department of Environmental Regulation, DOAH Case Number 86-0107, are pertinent to the proposed modification: * * * Captain's Cove is a manmade navigable lagoon with access to Florida Bay through a 2,500' long by 100' wide canal located opposite the project site. The waters of Captain's Cove and the canal are designated Class III surface waters, and those of Florida Bay as Outstanding Florida Waters. The controlling depth for access to the proposed marina is found at the mouth of the canal, where Florida Bay is approximately 6' mean low water (MLW). Depths within the canal are typically 1' or 2' deeper that the controlling depth at the mouth. The bottom depth of the cove is variable. The southwestern four-fifths of the cove was typically dredged to a depth of 25' MLW. Within the northeast fifth of the cove (the basin), a gradation in depths is experienced. The northwest portion of the basin, located outside the project site, is typically 5' - 6' MLW, and heavily vegetated by sea grasses (turtle grass, manatee grass, and Cuban shoalweed). The southeast portion of the basin, which abuts the Applicant's property, consists of a shallow shelf 10' - 20' in width. Beyond this shelf, the bottom drops off steeply to a depth of 20' MLW. The shelf abutting the Applicant's property is sparsely vegetated with mangroves, and provides limited habit for aquatic fauna such as domingo mussels and paper oysters. Replacement of these mangroves and other shoreline vegetation with riprap would not significantly affect the biological balance within the cove and would provide suitable habitat for existing species. The waters within the cove are quite clear, and meet the Department's water quality standards except for a thin layer at the deepest part of the cove where dissolved oxygen violations were noted. The proposed marina is, however, to be located in the northeast fifth of the cove, opposite the access canal, where the waters are more shallow and water circulation more prevalent. As sited, the proposed marina will not exacerbate or contribute to a violation of the Department's water quality criteria. DER, following staff review of the application for modification, issued its Intent to Issue on April 21, 1989. In considering the proposed modification, DER staff assumed that Captain's Cove was a closed system whose waters received no cleansing exchange with Florida Bay. Most of the oxygen replenishment and water purification that takes place within the cove occurs through biological activities. The Intent to Issue dated April 21, 1989, advised that DER intended to issue the requested permit modification. The reconfigured project may be described in the following language taken from the Intent to Issue: The applicant, Planmac Company, Inc., applied on December 15, 1988, to the Department of Environmental Regulation for a permit modification to construct a marina facility consisting of a 280' x 5' wide access walkway, two (2) 160' x 5' wide main piers with twenty (20) 35' x 3' finger piers, two (2) 81' x 5' wide main piers with eight (8) 40' x 3' finger piers, providing a total of 48 boat slips, and to install approximately 300 cubic yards of limerock boulders in a man-made basin (Class III Waters), an artificial waterbody in Section 21, Township 64 South, Range 36 East, Monroe County. The proposed modification is over an area of very sparsely vegetated bottom with water depths between 19 and 27 feet. The reconfigurated project will shade approximately 4,000 square feet less bottom area than the originally permitted project. The reconfigurated project will not exacerbate or contribute to a violation of DER's water quality criteria. The reconfigurated design, as compared to the originally permitted project, will present easier ingress and egress from the docking area and will cause less interference with boat traffic. The reconfigurated design will not affect the manatee that are occasionally sighted in Captain's Cove any differently than the presently permitted design. The Intent to Issue dated April 21, 1989, incorporates all eighteen previously attached conditions to the permit and adds the following additional conditions: No docking is permitted waterward of the terminal finger piers on any of the four (4) main piers to prevent use of adjacent owner's bay bottom. These four (4) terminal docks shall have permanent hand rails constructed and maintained along their waterward edge to further discourage boat mooring. A draft of a legally binding agreement, such as a deed restriction shall be submitted to the Fort Myers DER office for review, modification as necessary, and/or approval within thirty (30) days of permit modification issuance. An approved document shall be recorded into the public records of Monroe County within sixty (60) days of approval by the Department. This agreement shall prohibit any further dock construction on the Planmac/Tormac properties exceeding that authorized by this permit modification. This document shall also prohibit in perpetuity the installation of fueling facilities and boat maintenance facilities, and shall prohibit the mooring of liveaboard vessels throughout the life of the facility. Construction shall not commence until proof of recording has been received by the Fort Myers DER office. The location and configuration of the docks and access walkways shall be modified from the drawings stamped June 18, 1986, to those received December 15, 1988 and attached hereto. The conservation easement, which is incorporated as a condition to the issuance of the modification, has a positive effect because it prohibits further dockage on the Planmac or Tormac properties. Since docks over which DER has no permitting authority could have been placed on these properties, this easement will prevent future unregulated docking there. The reconfiguration of the project and the inclusion of the adjacent lands present no significant environmental concerns that were not present when the original project was permitted. After the issuance of the Notice of Intent by DER on April 21, 1989, the respective Petitioners filed timely challenges to the application. The Petitioners contend that the application constitutes a major modification of the previously permitted project and seek to challenge the project on many of the same grounds that were litigated in Townsend v. Planmac and Department of Environmental Regulation, DOAH Case Number 86-0107. The modifications proposed by the application that is the subject of this proceeding was processed by DER as a routine, minor modification. As a result of Petitioners' challenges, this proceeding was held. The Petitioners and Intervenor were not permitted to relitigate those issues that had been resolved by Townsend v. Planmac and Department of Environmental Regulation, DOAH Case Number 86-0107.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Inglis, Florida Feb. 16, 1999 Number: 99-000696 Latest Update: May 17, 2000

The Issue Whether Southern Hy Power Corporation (Hy Power) has provided reasonable assurance, based on plans, test results, or other information, that its proposed hydroelectric facility will comply with the Management and Storage of Surface Water (MSSW) statutes and rules of Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) and the Wetland Resource Management permit (WRM)/water quality certification statutes and rules of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Findings Of Fact By Joint Prehearing Stipulation the parties agreed to the following description of the parties and the project: PARTIES: The Department of Environmental Protection (the Department) is a government agency in the State of Florida existing by virtue of Section 20.255, Florida Statutes, and operating pursuant to Chapters 253, 373, 376, and 403, Florida Statutes, and Title 62, Florida Administrative Code. Under an interagency agreement with SWFWMD, the Department also implements Title 40D, Florida Administrative Code. The Department is located in Tallahassee, Florida, and it has a district office in Tampa, Florida, which district includes Levy County. Southern Hy Power Corporation is a Florida Corporation whose principal offices are located at 7008 Southwest 30th Way in Gainesville, Florida. Betty Berger is an interested party with a mailing address of Post Office Box 83, Inglis, Florida. The Campbells are an interested party with a mailing address of 245 Palm Street, Inglis, Florida. Hy Power applied on August 31, 1993, to the Department for a WRM permit/water quality certification to construct a hydroelectric facility on the Inglis By-Pass Channel. The project is located in Section 12, Township 17 South, Range 16 East, within the town of Inglis in Levy County. The facility consists of a powerhouse located on the south side of the channel measuring about 28 feet wide by 115 feet long, drawing water from the Inglis By-Pass Channel, passing it through a single-pit type turbine and discharging downstream of the Inglis By-Pass Spillway Dam. Hy Power applied on August 4, 1998, to the Department for a MSSW permit for the same proposed hydroelectric facility on the Inglis By-Pass Channel. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT The project involves the construction of an intake structure, powerhouse, and tailrace on a 0.61-acre area located on the south side of the existing Inglis By-Pass Spillway. The facility will take advantage of the existing hydrostatic head that exists on either side of the Spillway Dam, to generate electricity. The powerhouse will be constructed below grade and will contain a single megawatt turbine and generating unit. The intake structure will divert flows from the upstream side of the Spillway Dam through the powerhouse and back into the By-Pass Channel. A small one-story control building and low profile substation will be constructed above grade within the boundaries of the project area. The hydroelectric project is considered to be a "Run of the River" type of facility because it can only use that water which flows down the existing channel. The geometry of the channel restricts flow to a certain amount, therefore the project cannot create or use flows above those that the By-Pass Channel can provide. The overall authority for control of water levels in Lake Rousseau and flow to the lower Withlacoochee River will remain with the DEP. Lake Rousseau was created in 1909 when the Inglis Dam was constructed across the Withlachoochee River for the purposes of hydroelectric generation. The dam impounds over 11 miles of the Withlachoochee River and forms a lake approximately 3,000 to 4,000 acres in size. Prior to construction of the Barge Canal, water released from the Inglis Dam would flow down the lower portion of the Withlachoochee River about 10 miles before entering into the Gulf of Mexico. In the mid to late 1960's the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) built a portion of the Cross Florida Barge Canal between the Gulf of Mexico and Lake Rousseau. The canal severed the Withlachoochee River downstream of the Inglis Dam causing its flow to be diverted into the Barge Canal and then into the Gulf. In order to maintain the flow of freshwater from Lake Rousseau to the lower segment of the River, the 8,900-foot long Inglis By- Pass Channel and Spillway were constructed. The resulting downstream flow ensures navigation in the lower portion of the River and sustains its freshwater and estuarine environment. The water level in Lake Rousseau is generally maintained at an elevation of 27.5 feet above mean sea level (msl) by a combination of the Inglis Dam, the Inglis Lock, which is located in the Barge Canal, and the By-Pass Channel Spillway. These water control features are known collectively as the Inglis Project Works. The water levels in the lower Withlachoochee River immediately to the west of the By-Pass spillway are close to sea level. The resulting head provides the potential energy needed to drive the proposed generator turbine. Under normal conditions the majority of water released from Lake Rousseau flows over the Spillway Dam into the lower segment of the River. According to the DEP Office of Greenways and Trails (OGT), the maximum capacity of the existing By-Pass Channel Spillway is 1,540 cubic feet per second. The hydroelectric project will divert whatever flow is allowed around the existing spillway through the turbine and back into the channel. When the Cross Florida Barge Canal project was cancelled in the 1990's, the ACOE transferred ownership of the property to the State of Florida Board of Trustees, who in turn has leased the property to the DEP for use as the Cross Florida Greenbelt State Recreation and Conservation Area. Management of this property, the control of river flow and lake levels, and operation of the Inglis Project Works are exercised by the DEP's OGT. The OGT utilizes a document entitled "Water Control Plan for Inglis Project Works," dated September 1994, as a guide to operating the structures. The Water Control Plan is incorporated as part of the MSSW intent to issue. On or about April 25, 1995, the Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund ("Trustees"), approved a request from Hy Power to sublease 0.61 acres of Greenway property at the project site for the purpose of providing electric power. The request was challenged by Berger and the Campbells, and resulted in an administrative hearing held on November 3, 1995. As a result of the hearing, Administrative Law Judge Larry Sartin entered a Recommended Order on July 12, 1996, that the Board enter an order approving execution by the DEP of the proposed sublease and dismissing the petition of Berger and the Campbells. The Recommended Order was approved by the Trustees in its entirety in a Final Order dated April 12, 1996 ("Final Order"). Berger v. Southern Hy Power Corporation et al., Case No. 95-3589. A copy of the Final Order is listed as an exhibit to this Stipulation, and the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law contained therein are adopted herein. As previously ruled by the undersigned, the previous Final Order is res judicata as to Petitioners in this case, who are collaterally estopped from challenging any of the findings of fact or conclusions of law contained in the previous Final Order. Petitioners reserve the right to litigate issues of fact and law not addressed in the Findings of Fact or Conclusions of Law contained in that Final Order with regard to the permittability of this project under the WRM and MSSW permitting proposals, and to raise objections as to relevance to this proceedings of any of the Findings of Fact or Conclusions of Law in the Final Order. On February 21, 1995, Hy Power filed application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for a conduit exemption from the licensing requirements of Part I of the Federal Powers Act (FPA) for the proposed project. Petitioners and various other persons filed protests with FERC in opposition to the project. On April 21, 1997, FERC issued an Order Granting Conduit Exemption, a copy of which is listed as an exhibit to this Stipulation. Petitioners in this case are collaterally estopped from challenging any of the findings or conclusions contained in that Order Granting Conduit Exemption. Petitioners reserve the right to litigate issues of fact and law not addressed in the Findings of Fact or Conclusions of Law contained in that Order Granting Conduit Exemption with regard to the permittability of this project under the WRM and MSSW permitting proposals, and to raise objections as to relevance to this proceedings of any of the findings or conclusions in the Order Granting Conduit Exemption. FACTS ADDUCED AT HEARING OUTLINE OF PROJECT The proposed project calls for the construction of a water retention structure along the existing By-Pass spillway, the excavation of a large hole in which the powerhouse and turbine would be constructed "in-the-dry" south of the existing dam, and a millrace below the proposed project to return the water back into the existing water course. Conflicting testimony was received regarding the facts surrounding the construction of the project. These included: whether the proposed project will touch the existing wing walls of the existing dam; whether the water retention structure is a coffer dam; whether the proposed water retention structure will safely retain the water; whether the powerhouse and turbine have sufficient negative buoyancy to stay in the ground; whether the proposed excavation will weaken the existing dam; and whether the de-watering of the excavation site will adversely impact ground and surface water. PROJECT DESIGN AND ENGINEERING Engineering for the project was directed by witness Richard A. Volkin, a professional engineer and president and CEO of Engineering Company, Inc., based in Canton, Massachusetts. Mr. Volkin has extensive national and international experience in the design, management, and operation of hydroelectric facilities. Other engineers in Mr. Volkin’s firm worked on the project under Mr. Volkin’s direct supervision, including John May, who became registered as a professional engineer in Florida in order to sign and seal the engineering drawings for the project, which he initially did around 1994. Mr. May became ill and retired in 1998. Because of the length of time the application process has taken and the fact that Mr. May retired, there was a time while the application was pending, when Hy Power's design team was without a registered Florida engineer. When this was brought to the attention of Hy Power, Hy Power substituted Steven Crockett for Mr. May as the Florida-registered professional engineer of record for the project. DEP routinely accepts an applicant’s changing its engineer of record during the course of permit application or construction. Mr. Crockett is a civil and structural engineer who has considerable experience in preparing dam structural designs. Mr. Crockett independently reviewed and evaluated the engineering drawings for the project. Mr. Crockett resealed the drawings by using his drawn seal and signing the plans because his embossed seal was not readily available and time was of the essence. Mr. Crockett has advised DEP that he is now engineer of record for the project, using the appropriate DEP forms. Mr. Volkin’s firm performed all of the studies required by the various agencies, including a geotechnical study of the area, a 50-year analysis of water flow in and out of the Lake Rousseau regime, and water quality evaluations of water in the By-Pass Channel. The ACOE performed deep hole borings of the soils (approximately 36-40 feet below sea level) in the area of the project site to determine soil stabilization conditions at the site when they were constructing the Inglis Project Works. The soil conditions found can reasonably be expected to be similar today. Mr. Volkin’s company also took its own eight-foot deep surface core samples. The purpose of those samples was to verify the ACOE data. The new core samples verified the original core samples. Mr. Volkin also reviewed the ACOE’s engineering drawings developed from construction of the Spillway Dam. These show that the dam is founded on limestone bedding that has been stabilized with concrete. The hydroelectric facility will be constructed adjacent to and south of the dam structure and adjacent to and north of the barge canal. The same type of limestone bedrock is found in the area of the proposed construction. The facility design includes an intake channel on the upstream channel and a tailrace downstream. Those are the only structures that will be constructed next to the By-Pass Channel. The construction of the facility itself will be "in the dry." Hy Power will use coffer dams to seal off the construction site from the By-Pass Channel, so that there will not be water leakage from the Channel into the construction site. Water from the By-Pass Channel will enter the power plant when the coffer dams are lifted and the water is allowed to flow into the facility. The Petitioners presented the testimony of Bill Edwards, an individual with considerable experience in the construction of bridges, cofferdams, and similar concrete structures in aquatic and semi-aquatic conditions. Mr. Edwards is a former hard-hat diver who worked all over the world and worked in Florida for many years prior to his retirement. Based upon his experience and expertise in construction related to projects of this type, his testimony is credible and worthy of consideration. Mr. Edwards pointed out that if the proposed water retention structure did not touch the wing wall of the existing dam, it could not keep the water out and would not have the strength that it needed to retain the water. Hy Power’s witnesses explained that the retention structure would be set close enough to the existing wing wall that waterproofing materials could be placed between the two structures to keep the water out. Further, that the existing plans did not show interior bracing which would be included for structural strength and integrity. In sum, the retention structure will be in contact with existing dam’s wing wall, but will be free standing and not dependent upon the strength of the wing wall for its strength. Mr. Edwards pointed out that a cofferdam by definition has walls on all sides of the structure. The structure proposed by Hy Power did not have walls all the way around the proposed excavation. In rebuttal, Hy Power presented evidence that its plans were conceptual, design drawing and not construction plans. Hy Power represented that in actuality it would put as many walls as were necessary to keep the water out of the hole it intended to excavate. Trash racks will be constructed at the intake structures to protect aquatic life and make sure that trash and vegetation do not enter the intake structure or go down river. The trash rack bars will be two inches on center, which the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has determined as the appropriate size for the protection of fish. The turbine blades are "double regulated," and operate generally between 60 and 90 revolutions per minute. The design enables the turbine to operate at a constant speed to generate a consistent flow of electricity, notwithstanding the fact that the flow of the water may vary. The blade speed is not very fast, and the 2.5-meter blades provide a two to three-foot opening. This design acts to prevent fish mortality. There are four ways to shut off the flow of water through the proposed structure: close the pitch of the blades, close the wicket gates, allow the counter balance to the wicket gates to kick in and automatically close the gates, and close off the main gates. This is a fail safe system ("four level redundancy") designed to work upon any failure. Once water goes through the generator, its velocity is reduced to no greater than its intake rate which is a maximum of three feet per second. This prevents the water being discharged from the tailrace from causing erosion. If the head of water in the dam produces a flow exceeding three feet per second, it can be diverted over the other dams which will be functional. The power plant will be encased in concrete, except for a small access way that enables a person to go down a set of stairs to the plant. It will be a sealed, waterproof structure, as required by FERC and the ACOE. This will prevent penetration of groundwater, or flood waters in the event a massive flood overtops the plant. The only water entering the powerhouse will be through the turbine tunnel for power generation purposes. Mr. Edwards pointed out that the powerhouse was a closed structure and as such would have positive buoyancy, that is, it would float. Mr. Edwards pointed out that the proposed site is between the barge canal and By-Pass spillway and there is a great deal of groundwater and potentiometric pressure in the existing water table. In sum, there is a unlimited supply of groundwater at the site, and powerhouse could float out of the ground just like an empty swimming pool. Hy Power presented rebuttal evidence that the weight of the building, the turbine, and the water flowing through the turbine would be close to negative buoyancy, and they would add additional weight to the structure as necessary to keep it in place. The project is designed to generate three megawatts of electric power which is enough electricity to serve between 300 and 3000 homes, depending on usage. The project is designed to be unmanned. This is common for facilities such as this. The plant can be operated by remote control, unlike the existing controls at the By-Pass Dam, which are operated manually. DEP can access, monitor, and control remotely the generator's operation to include shutting the facility down at any time. There will be remote sensors to monitor water elevations. Flood protection will improve because of the ability of DEP to manage water flow from a remote location. If there is any major disruption, the plant will shut itself down. The project is classified as "green power." In other words, it generates natural energy without any disruption to the environment. The project will have minimal to no impact on the environment. There will be no significant changes in water quality compared to existing conditions as a result of either construction or operation of the facility. WRM Permit Criteria Hy Power has provided reasonable assurances that the proposed project will not cause a violation of state water quality standards of Section 403.918(a), Florida Statutes (1991). The parties stipulated that turbidity and dissolved oxygen were the two surface water quality issues of concern in this proceeding. The receiving water body is the Inglis By-Pass Channel. The Inglis By-Pass Channel is a Class III surface water. The project is not located in a OFW. While the lower Withlacoochee River is an OFW, the OFW designation runs up the natural river itself, and does not include the Spillway Dam, tailrace, or the remainder of the By-Pass Channel. There would be no degradation of water quality at the point of contact with the Withlacoochee River OFW. The DEP and FERC looked specifically at potential for turbidity and dissolved oxygen in determining whether the project would violate state water quality standards. The standards for turbidity and dissolved oxygen will not be violated. Because the By-Pass Dam is an under flow structure, a minimum of oxygenation currently occurs as water flows through the existing dam. The proposed project runs the water underground through the generator; however, Hy Power will measure the dissolved oxygen below the dam in the Lower Withlacoochee River. In the event there is any lowering of dissolved oxygen, Hy Power can install a "sparge ring" to reoxygenate the water going through the turbine so that dissolved oxygen remains at current levels. No turbidity will be added to the receiving water as a result of the project, because water velocity is low and the structure is encased in concrete and rip-rap. The only other potential for turbidity would occur when the coffer dams are removed after construction is complete. The coffer dams can be removed with the generator closed to permit any turbidity to settle. The amount of siltation that might occur when the generator is opened would be insignificant. Where a project is not in a OFW, an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the project will not be contrary to public interest. See Section 403.918(2), Florida Statutes (1991). Hy Power has provided such assurances. The project will not directly affect public health, safety or welfare, or the property of others. See Section 403.918 (2)(a)1., Florida Statutes. There are concerns relating to the structural integrity of the proposed facility and adjacent structures which are discussed extensively below. The project will have no adverse impact upon the conservation of fish and wildlife, including threatened and endangered species and their habitat. See Section 403.918 (2)(a)2., Florida Statutes. While manatees are not likely to be found at the project site, the installation of the trash racks will eliminate any potential adverse impact on manatees. In fact, the racks will be an improvement over the current unprotected Spillway Dam. DEP procedures require a specific manatee control plan be implemented to deal with site specific concerns. The project will not adversely affect navigation or the flow of the water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling. See Section 403.918(2)(a)3., Florida Statutes. The project will not adversely affect fishing or recreation values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the project. See Section 403.918(2)(a)4., Florida Statutes. The permanent project and its construction will cause no significant environmental impacts. See Section 403.918(2)(a)5., Florida Statutes. There will be no adverse impacts to significant historical and archeological resources. Section 403.918(2)(a)6., Florida Statutes. With regard to the impact on current conditions and relative value of functions being performed by the areas affected by the proposed activity, there will be no negative impacts. See Section 403.918(2)(a)7., Florida Statutes. Improvement will result from better control of water flow at the project site, installation of trash racks and implementation of green power. THE FORESEEABLE ADVERSE SECONDARY OR CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Potential adverse secondary impacts related to power transmission are addressed through the fact that there is an existing power line corridor that can be used to transmit the electricity. Any need to change the corridor could be addressed by subsequent DEP permitting. Cumulative impacts are not at issue. Mr. Gammon, with Florida Power, acknowledged that the current electric company, presumably Florida Power, would be required by FERC to transport the electricity generated by Hy Power over its existing corridor and poles. No final decision has been made regarding how to access the site with equipment during construction. Several feasible construction options exist, and there are several ways of accessing the site with heavy equipment vehicles and without impacting wetlands. Any final decision would be subject to DEP approval. Since the project meets the public interest criteria of Section 403.918(2)(a), Florida Statutes, and wetland impacts are minimal, the project is permittable without the need for mitigation. See Section 403.918(2)(b), Florida Statutes. The ACOE has issued a permit for the facility. The permit varies slightly from the DEP intent to issue in the use of reinforced concrete rather than rip-rap on the bottom half of the intake channel. This is to comply with ACOE preference, but the variation has only an environmental benefit. Counsel for Petitioners sought to elicit testimony from Linda Sloan, Executive Director of the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council, with regard to compliance of the proposed project with the Town of Inglis Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. Such compliance is not relevant to this proceeding. At any rate, Ms. Sloan conceded that any prohibition that might apply in the Land Development Code to construction of the proposed facility could potentially be alleviated by exemption or variance provisions in the Code. MSSW PERMIT CRITERIA The project will provide adequate flood protection and drainage in the conventional sense. See Rule 40D-4.301(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code. Because the amount of impervious area is minimal, runoff from the project will not in any way contribute to increased flooding or adversely impact drainage patterns. The total amount of impervious area of the facility is less than that of a single-family residence. SWFWMD rules do not even require MSSW permits for single-family residences because the impact is not significant. The only purpose for requiring a MSSW permit for the project is to review the project’s potential downstream impacts to the watershed, not stormwater runoff from the facility itself. The project will not cause adverse water quality or water quantity impacts on adjacent lands in violation of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, or cause a discharge that violates state water quality standards. See Rule 40 D-4.301(1)(b), Florida Administrative Code. As indicated by the WRM water quality findings above, the project will not generally violate state surface water quality standards. See Rule 40 D-4.301(1)( c), Florida Administrative Code. The project will not generally cause adverse impact on surface or groundwater levels or flows. See Rule 40 D- 4.301(1)(d), Florida Administrative Code. Since the project is a run-of-the-river, it will not diminish the capability of a lake or other impoundment to fluctuate through the full range established for it under Chapter 40D-8, Florida Administrative Code. The project will not cause adverse environmental impacts, or adverse impacts to wetlands, fish, and wildlife or other natural resources. The project can be effectively operated and maintained. See Rule 40D-4.301(1)(g), Florida Administrative Code. The project is a slow speed, low maintenance facility. The design concept is well established and has been successfully used for many years. Possible adverse affects to public safety are discussed below. The project is consistent with the requirements of other public agencies. See Rule 40D-4.301(1)(i), Florida Administrative Code. Potential harm to water resources within the SWFWMD are discussed below. See Rule 40D-4.301(1)(j), Florida Administrative Code. The proposed project generally will not interfere with the legal rights of others. See Rule 40D-4.301(1)(k), Florida Administrative Code. The proposed project is not against public policy. See Rule 40D-4.301(1)(l), Florida Administrative Code. The project complies with the requirements contained in the Basis of Review. See Rule 40D-4.301(2), Florida Administrative Code. There is a dispute as to whether the project was within or at the edge of the 100-year flood plain. This dispute is related to how one interprets the rule as it relates to the millrace and the location of the facility which is under ground. In the conventional sense, the project is not in the flood plain. Further, the project is designed in such a way, that it is waterproof if it were topped with water. While in the past SWFWMD may have had concerns that the project might cause downstream flooding, SWFWMD currently has no such concerns, given the run-of-the-river status of the proposed project. The operation of the project will not cause downstream flooding. The DEP included in its intent to issue, conditions contained in the sublease between Hy Power and the DEP in order to ensure that the facility would remain run-of-the-river, would comply with the water control plan, and would otherwise comply with the terms of the sublease. The DEP has final control over water flow and can revoke the permit or otherwise take enforcement action against Hy Power if Hy Power fails to comply with the water control plan. GROUNDWATER IMPACTS Operation of the project will not cause groundwater contamination or otherwise have adverse groundwater impacts. Some concerns about groundwater during excavation of the construction site were raised. The conflicting evidence received regarding them is discussed below. An area of concern was the de-watering plan for the project. Everyone agrees there will be some water seepage into the construction site that will have to be pumped out. The parties disagree regarding the amount of water that will have to be removed. Their estimates of amount of water to be removed vary because their estimates of size and over-all depth of the site vary. Petitioners presented credible evidence that a potential exists for the construction site to have a large quantity of water because of its location between two sources of surface water (the By-Pass Channel and Barge Canal), because of the makeup of the subsurface, and because of the depth of the construction. Hy Power credibly represents that if excessive groundwater is found, it can address the adverse impacts through its de-watering plan that would have to be filed with FERC and DEP. The technology exists to address the de-watering of the project. Such plans are routinely considered by DEP after a construction permit is issued and before de-watering occurs. There is very little evidence of sinkhole activity in the project area, and the construction activities are not expected to cause any sinkhole activity. NOISE POLLUTION Mr. Bitter expressed concerns that FERC would require the facility to install a very loud siren that would result in sudden noise adverse to the well-being of neighbors. Mr. Bitter is unfamiliar with FERC siren requirements at run-of the-river hydroelectric facilities. In contrast, Mr. Volkin, who has substantial experience in this area, testified that the only alarm device that would be required would be for the protection of the workers during construction. The purpose of the alarm is to warn persons below a dam spillway of a change in the volume of water being let out of the impoundment. In the case of a run-of-the-river facility, the volume is near constant, changing only gradually. Therefore, even if a warning siren had to be installed its use would be limited to significant changes in flow or testing. This would not constitute a nuisance. Further, the facility is located in the vicinity of the Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant which has its own warning sirens. It would be prudent to make any warning devices required for this structure significantly different from those at the nuclear plant and to limit their use. DAM SAFETY AND FERC REVIEW In reviewing whether Hy Power’s applications complied with the relevant permitting criteria, the DEP took into consideration the review of the facility already performed by FERC. FERC will also be responsible for reviewing the project as it is being constructed. Mr. Edwards also raised concerns about the structural stability of the By-Pass Dam itself. This has been a subject of concern by those responsible for the dam, and a survey of the structure was conducted in 1993, referred to as the Greiner Report. The Greiner Report identified specific maintenance problems that have been and are being addressed by the DEP. However, DEP’s maintenance plan does not address specifically the possibility that the weight of the dam over time has caused some shifting in the dam. Hy Power has only a few core borings and only one at the location of the generator. Hy Power is using the ACOE’s original borings, as confirmed by several new ones, to develop its preliminary plans. The DEP considered FERC and the ACOE as responsible agencies for determining the structural integrity of the dam. DEP has taken FERC’s review of this facility into consideration as part of DEP’s own permitting review. It is normal for DEP to rely on outside sources and agencies for assistance in determining compliance with DEP permitting criteria such as public health and safety, and it is reasonable for DEP to do so in this instance. Most states do not have the full capability to evaluate dam safety, and so they rely on FERC and ACOE. On April 21, 1997, the project received a conduit exemption from FERC. The application process is illustrated in Hy Power Exhibit 11. Hy Power submitted to DEP detailed information about the dam, the associated structures and the proposed project which had been reviewed by FERC and the ACOE, the two agencies in the United States who are responsible for dam structure design, control, and administration. Included in the package was the Greiner Report and Hy Power’s review of it. FERC evaluated the project, the Inglis By-Pass Dam structure, and the proximity of the project to the Dam in relation to structural impact, upstream and downstream impacts, water quality, and environmental issues. Mr. Edwards raised concerns regarding the ability of the limestone bedrock to sustain additional construction in the area of proposed construction. This is a material issue in the controversy which impacts several aspects of the proposed construction. Mr. Edwards pointed out that the barge canal channel was constructed with the use of explosives that caused a fracturing of limestone bedrock. He pointed out that the steel panels, which Hy Power proposes to drive into the bedrock to construct the water retention structure necessary to excavate the hole into which the turbine and powerhouse would be placed, will further fracture this bedrock. This creates two potential dangers. It could permit water to move under and around the bottoms of the panels, potentially scouring the loosened material from the base of the panels and making them unstable and subject to failure. It could weaken the entire southern wing of the existing spillway dam. Mr. Edwards opined that this could result in catastrophic failure of the dam or the coffer dam. Such a failure would cause major destruction and loss of life to those persons living and working in and along the lower Withlacoochee River. Hy Power presented rebuttal evidence that it could and would, if necessary, inject concrete into the limestone to stabilize it and avoid the concerns raised by Mr. Edwards. FERC specifically evaluated concerns raised by project opponents over the poor physical condition of the By-Pass Channel Spillway structures, relying particularly on the 1993 Greiner Report. FERC noted that the DEP had entered into a contract to correct any deficiencies listed in the Greiner Report, which "did not conclude that the deficiencies at the By-Pass Spillway threaten downstream life and property." The FERC review concluded that the dam was safe. To ensure safety, FERC is requiring that Hy Power do a complete stability analysis of the dam prior to any construction. Articles 301 and 302 of the FERC exemption ensure that all final drawings and specifications be submitted to FERC prior to construction, along with a supporting design report consistent with FERC’s Engineering Guidelines; that FERC can require changes to assure a safe and adequate project; and that Hy Power must also submit approved coffer dam construction drawings and specifications at least 30 days prior to starting construction. FERC has its own engineering staff who will go to the site and do their own analysis, along with the ACOE, of the dam and structures, prior to any construction commencing. This is a detailed design review evaluation so that the latest information on the dam will be made known immediately prior to construction, and will prevent any catastrophic event from happening. Under FERC procedures, FERC requires the applicant to obtain the DEP permits prior to requiring applicant to submit more detailed construction designs for FERC's consideration. These more detailed designs in turn will be subject to further review by DEP and FERC. It is assumed that Hy Power will comply with the post- permitting procedures and requirements, and will present complete, detailed construction drawings for FREC and DEP approval. Hy Power’s failure to complete the process would result in denial of a construction permit.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is RECOMMENDED: That the DEP enter a Final Order that issues the two permits challenged in this proceedings, WRM Permit No. 38-237096-3.001 and MSSW Permit No. 38-0129249-002, subject to the conditions contained in the Intents to Issue in the respective WRM and MSSW Permits and as described in the Recommended Order. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of March, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of March, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Daniel H. Thompson, Esquire Berger Davis & Singerman 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 705 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Andrew Zodrow, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 John S. Clardy, III, Esquire Crider Law Firm Plantation Point 521 West Fort Island Trail, Suite A Crystal River, Florida 34429 Teri Donaldson, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Kathy Carter, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Bernard M. Campbell Bessie H. Campbell 245 Palm Street Post Office Box 159 Inglis, Florida 34449 Sarah E. Berger Post Office Box 83 Inglis, Florida 34449

Florida Laws (6) 120.5720.255267.061373.026373.414471.025 Florida Administrative Code (6) 40D -4.30140D-4.09140D-4.30161G15-27.00162-4.08062-4.242
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida May 18, 1993 Number: 93-002713 Latest Update: May 10, 1994

Findings Of Fact Pine Island Properties, Ltd., (Petitioner) owns a residential development project identified as "Pelican Inlet" located on Pine Island, Lee County, Florida. The Petitioner seeks a permit to fill 0.78 acres of wetlands to construct the project. The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is responsible for reviewing permit applications under Chapter 403, Florida Statutes and related administrative rules. The Department file number for this application is 362004755. The Pelican Inlet project is located in Lee County, Florida, Sections 4 and 9, Township 45 South, Range 25 East. The project impact site is immediately adjacent to "Forty Acre Bay/Bay 36" (bay) which is a Class II Outstanding Florida Water and part of the Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve. There are no other developments on the bay. Access from Pelican Inlet to Pine Island Sound is via the bay. Pine Island Sound is a popularly used water body, with substantial fishing and recreational use. The Pelican Inlet development fronts a man-made canal which runs generally east-west. The canal is between two to ten feet deep. The Petitioner did not construct the canal. It appears that during the dredging of the canal, spoil was deposited along the canal banks, resulting in an upland area in the midst of the wetlands. The spoil is vegetated by Australian pine. The elevation of the property drops approximately 1.5 feet where the higher spoil abuts the wetlands. The Petitioner owns only the north half of the canal. Other parties not involved in this application own the south half of the canal. According to the Petitioner, the south half owners are not interested in assisting in the Petitioner's project. Extensive mangrove growth exists immediately north and south of the project impact area. Immediately along the banks of the canal are red, black, and white mangroves. At the east end of the canal is a dense growth of mature black mangroves. Further to the east lie undeveloped uplands vegetated with slash pine and saw palmetto. Although there has been some trash dumping in the area, the mangroves to be impacted by the proposed development are part of a high quality, functioning, healthy, and productive wetlands system. The area currently provides broad water quality benefits and wildlife habitat. The north part of the impacted wetlands area contained a dirt road. Exotic vegetation, including Brazilian pepper Australian pine and Melaleuca, has invaded the trail area. Away from the road, the wetlands are dominated by buttonwood, seashore dropseed, beach carpet, salt grass, needlerush, and leather fern. The Western end of the canal connects to the bay. Water depths in the bay average approximately 1.5 feet deep, but vary significantly. The bay bottom is composed of fine organic mud. There is evidence of damage caused by boat propellers in some parts of the bay. The bay is used by species of fish, snails, mollusks, crabs and birds and is regarded as a productive marine habitat. Within the development, the Petitioner seeks to locate a total of 23 single family homes. Fourteen of the 23 homes will be located directly along the canal. Of these 14, eight will require placement of fill in the adjacent mangroves; two others are entirely within the mature mangrove wetlands. The remaining nine houses would be placed in the area east of the canal. Within the wetlands and uplands portion of the property, the development will include the 23 houses, driveways, access roads, sewer treatment plant, spreader swale and retention area. Subsequent to the filing of the application, the parties engaged in an extensive dialogue in an attempt to reach a resolution of the matter. The issues raised by the Department essentially centered on two general issues, minimization and mitigation of the wetlands lost through fill and resolution of the anticipated secondary impacts of the project. The parties appear to have resolved concerns related to the mitigation of the wetlands lost and impacted by the fill. At the hearing, there was minimal evidence and testimony related to the wetlands mitigation issues. Based on the apparent lack of conflict related to the wetlands loss mitigation, this Recommended Order is directed towards the cumulative and secondary impacts of the project. On August 21, 1991, the Petitioner filed an application for permit/water quality certification with the agency. On October 28, 1991, the Department conducted a field appraisal of the project. Based on the appraisal, the Department determined that the project was unpermittable as proposed in the application. On December 24, 1991, the Department forwarded to the Petitioner a copy of the site inspection report. In the report, the Department identifies a number of concerns related to the expected environmental impact of the project. Thereafter, the parties began an extensive dialogue regarding the project. On March 12, 1992, the Department issued a Notice of Permit Denial. The parties continued to discuss mitigation, and several extensions to the deadline for filing an administrative hearing request were granted by the Department. There is no dispute regarding timeliness of the request for hearing. The Notice of Permit Denial indicates that the Department's concerns center on the potential for turbidity-related water quality violations which could result from unstabilized fill, the adverse floristic impact caused by fill washout into adjacent wetlands, the loss of the filtering benefits provided via the filled wetlands and the adverse impact on wildlife habitat. The Notice of Permit Denial further identifies concerns related to the cumulative and secondary impacts of the project. Such impacts include boat docks in the canal resulting in an increase in the intensity of boating activity in the Bay. The Notice also addresses the precedential impact of permitting this project as it relates to other properties similarly situated, specifically, the property on the south side of the Canal. The expected increases in boat traffic will result in turbidity and damage to the bay bottom through prop dredging, in turn causing injury to the marine habitat's sea grasses and benthic organisms. During the ongoing dialogue with the Department, the Petitioner submitted a mitigation plan. In the Department's letter of June 26, 1992, related to its review of the plan, the Department notes that the proposal failed to address the anticipated impact of boat users on the shallow bay adjacent to the canal. Paragraph #23 of the letter states as follows: Please be advised that the submitted proposal does not adequately address the secondary impacts of the proposed development. There is still a high potential for boat use within the adjacent shallow bay which will significantly degrade this portion of the aquatic preserve, additional boating pressure could also result in requests for dredging a channel within this bay....Before a permit can be issued all of these impacts need to be addressed. One possible way to address these would be to provide easements over adjacent wetlands and the canal that specifically prohibit dock construction...and/or to fill in a portion of the canal to prevent large boats from utilizing the area. In a letter of July 29, 1992 in response to the Department's earlier transmittal, the Petitioner stated: Boat access to coastal waters of Lee is a very important aspect of this project, however only two of the twenty-four lots have direct private property access to the canal and these are lots 1 and 18. Only lot 1 has both canal and natural water frontage. The potential for secondary wetland impacts related to permitting of this project are real and are also a concern of the applicant. As to the issue of boat docks, the Petitioner stated: Pine Island Properties, Limited, the owner of the project, is not proposing to permit or construct any boat docks within the project boundary. Each lot owner must, if they wish to, make application through appropriate state and federal agencies for a boat dock. As to the matter of the shallow adjacent bay, the Petitioner stated: The existing water depths in the adjacent bay system already by itself mandates and places limits on access by large boats, ones with a deeper draft. Local knowledge of both bottom topography as well as tidal conditions and times is necessary for one to travel through these back bay areas. The applicant agrees to place reasonable size, i.e., draft, restrictions on boats allowed into and out of the project. The draft limit restriction for boats would be 24 inches. In additional all boats with engines larger than 35 horsepower would be required to have hydraulic motor/outdrive lifts capable of allowing adjustments in the depth of the operation of the propeller. The applicant also accepts responsibility of placing appropriate depth markers from the western end (exist) (sic) of the unnamed canal to the "between island" passage approximately 750 feet directly to the west. Placement of markers would identify the preferred travel route and inform boaters, through placement of signs, that they are in an aquatic preserve and caution them about damage to bottom of the bay if propellers are set to (sic) deep. By Department letter of September 21, 1992, the Department noted continuing concerns with the impacts of the project. In relevant part, the letter states, "[T]he Department still lacks reasonable assurance that the project's impacts will be offset. Also, you have not yet demonstrated to the Department's satisfaction that the project will be clearly in the public interest." The Department's September 21 letter addresses remaining questions about the wetlands fill area, as well as canal use restrictions. Specifically as to the canal issue, the letter states: Your proposal to place a draft restriction of 24" on boats using the canal to protect adjacent waters which are 18" deep is not acceptable. A deed restriction prohibiting property owners from using or mooring motorized vessels in the canal would be more acceptable....A conservation easement could also prohibit the construction of docks and/or the mooring of motorized vessels on the shoreline by the present owners or by potential future owners such as a homeowners association. Based on the Department's assertion that the shallow bay could not accommodate boat traffic related to the development, the Petitioner conducted a survey of existing water depths in the vicinity of the canal. In its October 28, 1992 letter in response to the Department, the Petitioner responded as follows: In general there is sufficient water for shallow draft motor driven vessels, however local knowledge, proper tidal conditions and informed operators would be essential to a safe and non-habitat damaging passage from the canal mouth to the deeper waters of Pine Island Sound. Evidence of prop scars...provides a longlasting record of past damage to the turtle grass beds by (sic) without proper boat handling skills and knowledge. Sizing of boat draft and the requirement that all boats possess hydraulically adjustable outboards units or if inboard drive units then the outdrives must be adjustable is a must. During lower tidal phases, e.g., mean low water, water levels can be expected to drop another foot which would result in water depth ranges of about 17 to 30 inches, definitly (sic) a problem for boats with a hull draft of 18 inches regardless of what angle the drive unit is positioned. Placement of informational signs as well as placement of channel marks would reduce hull and drive unit impacts to the adjacent bay bottom. In concluding the October 28 letter, the Petitioner makes the following recommendations: Recommendations for consideration: Boats limited to hull drafts of 20 inches. All boats required to have adjustable power units. Channel markers required from the Pelican Inlet canal mouth through to a point midway between the islands and Cork Island. This is approximately 2,800 feet west of the canal mouth. These markers would be spaced, approximately 150 feet apart, on-center,. (sic) Thus under southflorida's (sic) winter foggy conditions or after dark ease of marker detection/direction would be a useful aid to navigation. Informational signs should be installed at "entry points" such as the canal mouth, the between-island pass and between the island headlands. These should inform the boater of the environmental sensitivity, the shallow water conditions, the existence of grass beds and requirement of a slow speed, "no wake" zones. Monitoring of bentic (sic) habitats over the first five years would also determine if the above conditions are effective at protecting the coastal habitats. By Department letter of December 17, 1992, the Department again addressed continuing concern with the impact of the project. Paragraph 14 of the letter states: Thank you for the water depth report. As the report states,"...local knowledge, proper tidal conditions and informed operators would be essential to a safe and non-habitat damaging passage from the canal mouth to the deeper waters of Pine Island Sound." Since it would be extremely difficult to provide the Department with reasonable assurance that all three of these conditions will be present during motorized vehicle operations originating on-site, other assurance that impacts will not occur and degrade the Outstanding Florida waterbody must be provided. As previously stated, legally binding agreements regarding draft and other restrictions may be difficult to enforce. Monitoring of an activity's impacts is only useful if there is some recourse to eliminate or reduce any impacts revealed by monitoring. The submitted report reinforces the Department's position that reasonable assurance, beyond that already proposed, must be provided that boat traffic originating from the project's canal will not adversely impact the adjacent shallow waters. Such assurance could include, but would not be limited to, a mnechanical or physical draft restrictor in the canal, an agreement not to seek permits to expand the existing canal, and authorization from the Department of Natural Resources for the proposed channel markers and informational signs. Please note that additional assurance beyond these may also be required. Paragraph 15 of the Department's December 17, letter states: Although not proposed as part of this application, construction of boat docks in the canal is a secondary impact which could be reasonably expected to occur as a result of issuing a permit for the proposed activities. Please provide reasonable assurance that construction of docks in the canal and subsequent mooring of boats will not contribute to a degradation of water quality below State water quality standards in the canal and in the adjacent waters. By letter of February 1, 1993, the Petitioner responded to paragraph 14 of the Department's December 17 letter as follows: The applicant does agree not to seek permits to expand the existing channel and will seek authorization from the Department of Natural Resources for the proposed channel markers and informational signs. In a twenty page letter, dated July 29, 1992, also answering questions of the FDER, Kathleen Parker Greenwood, the applicant stated that he was in agreement as to the placement of restrictions on the draft of boats allowed into and out of the project. This draft limit was set at 24 inches. In addition boats having engines larger that 35 horsepower, would have to have a hydraulic motor/outdrive lift, this to allow adjustments in the depth of propeller operation when operating in or during low water conditions. The applicant may accept the proposal of placement of a draft restrictor at the mouth of the unnamed canal, however would like additional information regarding available designs. Are there any floating types, ones that could be moored permanently at the mouth of the project canal, and rise and fall with the tide, similar in concept to the method used to moor floating docks, i.e., a collar/ring freely moving up and down on a stationary piling? This would allow the setting of a uniform depth regardless of tidal or wind induced depth of water conditions. The Petitioner responded to paragraph 15 of the Department's December 17 letter as follows: The applicant also does not want to degrade existing water quality and agrees to implement both design determined as well as behavioral directing programs to insure that this does not happen. The central issues are: a.) Oil and gas leaks and spills. b.) Leakage of the active chemicals found in anti-fouling bottom paints. c.) "Wolmerized" substances placed in marine piling which, over time, leak into the water column. d.) Shading of shoreline bottom communities due to the installation of docks with associated floating boats. and e.) Physical, one-time, impacts occurring during the installation of pilings and dolphines. The applicant, wishing to minimize potential onetime (sic) as well as cumulative impacts proposes the following: The applicant will attach to documents/lot sales contract a notice that clearly informs the prospective land owner of his/her responsibilities regarding the use and storage, handing and disposal of hazardous wastes, especially boat fuel and oil. This document will warn residents against the discharge overboard of bilge water known to contain fuel/oil mixtures. Each dock will display, in a prominent mannor (sic), a sign with essentially the same warning. The Pelican Inlet property owner(s) will also develop, and have in place and operational, prior to any authorization for the construction of boad (sic) docks, an emergency response program designed to handle in-project fuel spells (sic). This program will include the storage of equipment suitable for emergency containment until, and if necessary, a local response can be made by the appropriate Lee County and/or state officials. Boats will be lifted, when not actively in use, via davits or elevating hoist platforms completely out of the water. This will minimize water/hull contact in the case of anti-fouling paints and bottom coatings. Dock pilings and dolphines will utilize non-toxic structural components, wolmerized and other petroleum based substances will not be allowed to come in contact with the water column. Such Structural members as concrete or PVC or other known non-toxic items will be utilized for all vertical supports. Dock access platforms/boardwalks will be minimized, this in order to reduce potential shading. Consideration will be given to the use of translucent "boards" now on the construction market, this again to further minimize shading. By Department letter of February 15, 1993, the Department addressed continuing and additional concerns related to project impact. Paragraph 9 of the letter states: Regarding the issue of boat access from the canal out to Pine Island Sound, it should be noted that [the Petitioner agent's] access study was done at a time when the water elevation was provided as +1.91' NGVD. The mean high water elevation, as provided, is +1.47' NGVD. Thus is appears that at mean high water, there will be a little more than 5 inches less water that what was present during that study. The mean low water elevation provided is -1.2' NGVD which seems low. However, using this figure, at mean low water there will be 3' less water between the canal and the sound. Using a more reasonable tidal range of approximately 1', there would still be a difference of almost 1.5' between the observed and the low water levels, yielding lowest depths of approximately 3" in segment 1, the unvegetated areas, 10" in segment 2, where turtle grass and shoal grass...exist within the "channel", and 24" or greater out in the sound (along the sampled channel). The Department's own informal depth survey, taken during a full moon low tide, showed water depths of approximately 3" to 6" in segment 1 and 10" to 36" (in the remnant channel) along segment 2. Most importantly, many of the shallow areas in segment 2 showed dense seagrass growth, especially out by the "island headlands", where no channel exists and where prop scarring of the grassbeds already appears to be a major problem. Also, the shallowest area, segment 1, where turbidity would be expected to occur almost every time a boat went through until the channel was prop dredged, was observed to be a highly productive and diverse area, despite the fact that it is unvegetated. Other concerns which this site visit brought up include the potential for increased erosion of shorelines adjacent to the proposed channel, and disturbance of wading bird rookeries or roosting areas along the channel's path. Reasonable assurance that boats crossing the areas between the canal and the sound will not cause violations of water quality, including turbidity and loss of diversity, and loss of non-mitigable wetland resources, seagrass beds, has not been provided. Without this, a permit may still not be issued for this project. By response dated April 11, 1993, the Petitioner responded to the Department's December 17 letter. As to the conflicting high water calculations, the Petitioner offered a further refinement of the figures and noted: Both of the above are relatively minor corrections and any reasonable person would still agree that water depths along the recommended boating channel corridor are, at best, minimal. Only one with local knowledge and possessing common boating skills and sense would be able to navigate the passage without disruption or damage to the bottom habitat. As to the application of a 1' "tidal range," the Petitioner suggests that the Department meant to identify the figure as the range below mean sea level. Citing to 1993 tidal tables, the Petitioner recalculated the water depths and opined that the lowest depth in segment 1 would be 6.7", in segment 2 would be 21.1" and in segment 3 would be over 30". The Petitioner noted that the calculations did not account for neap or spring tides, periods of even lower water conditions. As to the Department's informal depth survey showing water depths of approximately 3" to 6" in segment 1 and 10" to 36" (in the remnant channel) along segment 2, the response states "[t]hese value ranges and conclusion seem reasonable to the applicant. Only after a series of repeated depth measurements have been taken over a variety of tidal and weather conditions (e.g. wind speed and direction) would a more detailed analysis be available. " As to the Department's statement concern for potential increased erosion of shorelines adjacent to the proposed channel, and disturbance of wading bird rookeries or roosting areas along the channel's path, the Petitioner responded as follows: The applicant previously agreed to a mandatory "no wake, slow speed" zone condition within segments I, II, and III out past the western most headlands to a position due north of Cork Island. Signs along the proposed boat corridor would notify boaters of this and other environmentally related restrictions. Disturbances to in place bird rookeries during the nesting season are of concern in southwest Florida. Parents frightened off active nests do greatly decrease the success for fledging of subadult birds. Generally rookeries occur on islands rather than headlands, thus the applicant would committ (sic) to a vigerous (sic) environmental sensitivity education program directed towards project initiated boaters in order to gain citizen appreciation, support and consideration for island areas of nesting wading birds. Part of the on-going monitoring that the applicant commits to would also track near-shore rookeries in the vacinity (sic) of the proposed boat traffic corridor. As to the Department's statement that reasonable assurance that boats crossing the areas between the canal and the sound would not cause violations of water quality had not been provided, the Petitioner responded as follows: The issue and standard, reasonable assurance, is very difficult to meet, however the applicants proposed residential project design is sensitive to on-site and near shore environmental conditions in the following mannor (sic): The applicant is aware that without full cooperation,, support, appreciation and participation by the future project resident boat operators there will defintly (sic) be negative impacts to the tidally related natural resource base. The natural resource setting is the major selling point for prospective owners and its continued health and sustainability is a good business practice Toward these ends the applicant clearly committs (sic) to: The marking and maintaining of a path along which all boat traffic must follow when exiting or entering the near-shore boat corridor lane. Placement and maintaining of a series of informational "No Wake, Slow Speed" signs along the required boat corridor out to just north of Cork Island. A mandatory requirement stating that all resident owned boats, proposed to enter and exit the site will: Be restricted to a maximum hull draft of 20 inches. Will possess adjustable hydraulic motor/shaft outdrive lifts. Predevelopment base-line and post development monitoring of the conditions and any changes, of the benthic habitats along and adjacent (250' on either side of the centerline) to the proposed boat corridor. This monitoring, with quarterly reports, will continue for five consecutive years. By letter dated May 19, 1993, the Department replied in relevant part to the Petitioner's response as follows: ...The second issue is that of navigable access from the canal to Pine Island Sound. The one specific point to be made here is that a proposed draft restriction of 20" to cross an area as shallow as 6.7" (using your figures) at mean low water is not acceptable as this would cause scarring even when a motor was not in use. More general concerns, as previously discussed, involve whether or not placement of no wake signs, deed restrictions requiring outboard lift units and maximum keel drafts, and monitoring to document boating impacts on adjacent resources provide reasonable assurance that impacts will not occur, and if they do occur, they can be offset. Currently, the Department's view is that only by strict legal (e.g., conservation easement) and physical (e.g., pilings at the end of the canal) measures can impacts to the adjacent OFW resources be avoided or minimized. If there is new information concerning this aspect of this project which demonstrates to the Department's satisfaction that there will not be impacts associated with boat traffic or that these impacts can be offset, then please submit such, since this is not considered a closed issue. " By letter dated June 2, 1993, the Petitioner responded to the Department's May 19 letter. Paragraph 2 of the response states: Our client has agreed to put his half of the canal in a conservation easement without limiting the future construction of boat docks and the ability to obtain a permit for dredging maintenance of the canal. Also, he agreed to drive draft restricting pilings at the west end of the canal. In order to do this, our client is trying to get in touch with the owner of the south half of the existing canal. The construction of these pilings will depend on the adjacent lot owner's response. If required the "No Wake" sign will be installed. Deed restrictions requiring outboard lift units and maximum keel drafts will be provided." The adjacent lot owner is not cooperative with the Petitioner. The evidence establishes that permitting of this project will lead to increased boat traffic in the shallow bay, resulting in prop scarring of the bay bottom, erosion of adjacent shoreline, and damage to the wildlife habitat provided therein. The use of a draft restrictor appears to be integral to the Department and to the Petitioner's ability to protect the shallow bay from damage. Although discussed frequently, the Petitioner provided no detailed draft restrictor design until immediately prior to the hearing. The draft restrictor would limit boat passage in or out of the canal mouth unless the water depth was sufficient to prevent harm to the bay bottom. The greater evidence fails to establish that a draft restrictor placed at the opening to the canal into the shallow bay is sufficient to prevent damage to the bay habitat. Placement of a restrictor only at the mouth of the canal provides no protection to the marine resource once boaters exit the canal and are in the bay. The proposed marking of a "channel" which is marginally sufficient to permit access to deeper waters, fails to protect the resource. A draft restrictor at the canal mouth further provides no protection against damage caused by boaters returning from deeper waters who will be able to travel through the shallow bay before perhaps discovering at the canal mouth that the water is too shallow to permit passage over the restrictor. It is reasonable to assume at that point, the bay will have been damaged by the excessive draft. It is also reasonable to assume that the damage would be exacerbated by the boater who, unable to enter the canal, either exits the too shallow bay, or remains until the water rises sufficiently to permit passage over the restrictor. The evidence fails to establish that it is possible to police the users of the bay to provide that due care is used to prevent bay damage. The Petitioner asserts that the bay is already being used and damaged by other boaters. Even if correct, this project must meet the applicable criteria to be permitted. As set forth herein, the criteria are not met. Based on the evidence and on consideration and balancing of the following criteria, the project is not clearly in and is contrary to the public interest: WHETHER THE PROJECT WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, OR WELFARE OR THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS-- The Department does not assert that the project will adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare or the property of others. WHETHER THE PROJECT WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT THE CONSERVATION OF FISH AND WILDLIFE, INCLUDING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES, OR THEIR HABITATS-- The evidence establishes that the project will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats. Pine Island Sound provides habitat for endangered species including manatees, roseate spoonbills, and wood storks. Additionally, bald eagles have been seen in the project site and Pine Island Sound. The direct loss of wetland habitat resulting from this project will adversely affect the conservation of such species. The Petitioner presented no credible evidence to the contrary. The increased boat traffic which may reasonably be expected to result from award of the permit sought will cause damage to the shallow bay waters and result in harm to the health and function of the bay habitat. WHETHER THE PROJECT WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT NAVIGATION OR THE FLOW OF WATER OR CAUSE HARMFUL EROSION OR SHOALING-- The Notice of Permit Denial suggests a likelihood of turbidity-related water quality violations which could result from unstabilized fill, the adverse floristic impact caused by fill washout into adjacent wetlands, the loss of the filtering benefits provided via the filled wetlands and the adverse impact on wildlife habitat. The evidence establishes that the parties have resolved concerns related to the mitigation of the wetlands lost and impacted by the fill. The Department does not currently assert that the project will adversely affect navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling. The greater weight of the evidence establishes that the project will increase travel through the shallow bay to adjacent waters by boaters residing in the project. The prop dredging which will occur in the shallow water will result in harmful erosion of the bay bottom. WHETHER THE PROJECT WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT THE FISHING OR RECREATIONAL VALUES OR MARINE PRODUCTIVITY IN THE VICINITY OF THE PROJECT-- The project will likely result in an increase in the number of boaters utilizing the bay and adjacent waters. The turbidity caused by prop dredging in the bay will degrade the water quality and adversely affect the productivity of the impacted marine resource, in turn reducing the fishing values in the vicinity of the project. The Petitioner presented no credible evidence to the contrary. WHETHER THE PROJECT WILL BE OF A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT NATURE-- The project will cause a permanent alteration to the existing condition of the property and will cause a continuing adverse impact to the affected area. WHETHER THE PROJECT WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT OR WILL ENHANCE SIGNIFICANT HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF S. 267.061-- The Department does not assert that this project will adversely affect or will enhance significant historical and archaeological resources. THE CURRENT CONDITION AND RELATIVE VALUE OF FUNCTIONS BEING PERFORMED BY AREAS AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY-- The current condition and relative values of the functions being performed in the affected areas will be adversely affected by the granting of this application. The project will result in an adverse impact to and degradation of an Outstanding Florida Water. The Petitioner presented no credible evidence to the contrary. The evidence establishes that adverse secondary and cumulative impacts will result from permitting this project. Aside from the adverse affect of increased boating related to residents of the development, it is reasonable to expect that similarly-situated applicants could seek permits under these circumstances, resulting in additional boating activity and related damage to an Outstanding Florida Waterbody.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a Final Order denying the application of Pine Island Properties, Ltd., for a water quality certification permit in DEP File No. 362004755. DONE and ORDERED this 28th day of March, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of March, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 93-2713 The following constitute rulings on proposed findings of facts submitted by the parties. Petitioner The proposed findings of fact are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: 1. Rejected, unnecessary. 12. Rejected. Evidence is insufficient to determine whether use of bay by public is "regular." Rejected. The map attached to the application identifies 23 homesites. The Notice of Permit Denial references 23 homesites. Petitioner's exhibit 92 is a set of drawings which indicate 24 homesites, however it is unclear as to why the lots were replatted. Rejected as to reference to South Florida Water Management District, irrelevant. Rejected, subordinate. Rejected The greater weight of the evidence establishes that the project is contrary to public interest. Rejected, argumentative, subordinate. Rejected, irrelevant. Rejected, the greater weight of the evidence establishes that this was the first detailed drawing of the draft restrictor. 32-33. Rejected, irrelevant as to whether project meets permitting criteria. 37-38. Rejected, unnecessary. 39-40. Rejected. The evidence fails to establish that filling in the canal is the "only solution" suggested by the Department. 42. Rejected as to assertion that the Department did not question the conclusion or accuracy of the Petitioner's water depth study, contrary to evidence including the Department's site visit. The conclusion to which the Department agreed is that "local knowledge, proper tidal conditions and informed operators would be essential to a safe and non-habitat damaging passage from the canal mouth to the deeper waters of Pine Island Sound." Rejected, contrary to the greater weight of evidence. Rejected, contrary to the greater weight of evidence. The Department noted in correspondence that monitoring would not protect the resource. 46-48. Rejected The easement has not been executed or recorded. Rejected. Contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Nothing in the correspondence indicates that all other issues have been resolved. Rejected, immaterial. 56. Rejected, irrelevant. The easement has not been executed or recorded. 57-58. Rejected, immaterial. 60-61. Rejected. Contrary to the greater weight of the credible and persuasive evidence. The testimony of the cited witness is not credited. 62. Rejected, immaterial. Respondent The proposed findings of fact are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: 15. Rejected, contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. There is no citation to record to support the recalculation. 23. Rejected, contrary to evidence which establishes that the Notice of Permit Denial was issued on March 12, 1992. COPIES FURNISHED: Virginia B. Wetherell, Secretary Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Kenneth Plante, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Harry Blair, Esquire BLAIR & BLAIR, P.A. 2138-40 Hoople Street Fort Myers, Florida 33901 John L. Chaves, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-9730

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.68267.061
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Sep. 12, 2014 Number: 14-004215 Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2015

The Issue Whether Respondent, Harbour Pointe of Perdido Key Condominium Association, Inc. (Respondent or Condominium Association), violated the Florida Fair Housing Act, sections through 760.37, Florida Statutes,1/ by engaging in discriminatory housing practices.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, James Henkel (Petitioner), is a full-time resident of unit 609 within Harbour Pointe of Perdido Key Condominium. Petitioner is wheel-chair bound. He is physically disabled and protected for the purposes of the Florida and Federal Fair Housing Acts. Respondent is a condominium association charged with operation of the Harbour Pointe of Perdido Key Condominium (Condominium). The Condominium was developed by Harbour Pointe Land and Finance, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability company. Respondent is the successor in interest to the developer. Respondent now manages and maintains the Condominium common areas through its board of directors. Although Respondent has made subsequent changes with regard to security gates for the pool and dock, Respondent had no role in the design or development of the Condominium. The subject entrance and exit doors have opening pressures that vary, but are usually out of compliance with applicable Florida and Federal standards for handicap access. However, despite Petitioner’s allegations, the evidence does not support a finding that any of the door closers that are out of compliance have been altered since ownership of the Condominium was transferred and Respondent became responsible for management and operation of the Condominium. At one point in time, Respondent altered the pool gate in a manner inconsistent with the Federal Housing Authority (FHA) Design Manual. Respondent, however, has since made alterations to the pool gate to make it compliant and has a pending work order for additional changes, at Respondent’s expense, designed to make the pool gate’s key pad even more accessible to Petitioner. Access to the boat slip portions of the Condominium dock is a “Limited Common Element” that has always been limited to Condominium unit owners with assigned rights to one or more dock slips. See sections 3.20, 4.1, and 8.1B of the Condominium’s Declaration of Condominium. Petitioner’s unit does not have an assigned dock slip. Petitioner, however, along with other residents without boat slips have historically had access to the dock through a gate and key pad, the combination of which was provided to all unit owners. Initially, access to the dock for Petitioner and other residents who did not own boat slips was not a problem because there was only one gate to the dock and, once through the gate, Petitioner and other residents could proceed to the end of the dock where there was ample room to turn around a wheelchair. Although not officially designated as a common area, in essence, all residents, including Petitioner, with permission of the boat owners, enjoyed access to the dock, except for the boat slip areas. Later, however, security issues arose regarding the dock. Non-residents were going around the single security gate to get on the dock. With the goal of increasing security, Respondent installed a second gate further down on the narrow walkway portion of the dock before the end. Even after that, non-residents were accessing the dock by breaking the lock on the second gate or climbing around and jumping up on the other side of the pier. Respondent repaired the gate locks on more than one occasion, and has since made additional changes to the second gate to make it more difficult to get through or around. Petitioner agrees that dock security was a problem that needed to be addressed. The problem is that Petitioner cannot get through the second gate and the width of the dock between the gates is inadequate for Petitioner to turn around his wheelchair. If the area between the gates was common area, it would not meet the Federal Housing Authority (FHA) Design Manual standards. At the time of hearing, however, the dock area between the gates was not common area, and the evidence was insufficient to show that the dock was ever common area. Specifically, after assessing the issues and receiving two legal opinions that the entire dock was a “Limited Common Element” with access limited to condominium unit owners with assigned boat slips, Respondent’s board voted to change the condominium document with an amendment for improvements that would allow access for residents without boat slips, including access that would meet the needs for wheelchair access. That amendment, however, made it clear that, until the improvements were completed, access between the first and second gates is a Limited Common Element restricted to boat slip owners. In other words, the evidence failed to show that Petitioner or any other non-boat slip owners are entitled to access to the dock during the dock improvement design and construction. While Petitioner may have a claim if the ultimate improvements do not comply with applicable FHA standards, that claim is not ripe for consideration. In sum, Petitioner failed to show that Respondent discriminated against him because of his disability.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Complaint and Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of March, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JAMES H. PETERSON, III Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of March, 2015.

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 3604 Florida Laws (7) 120.569760.01760.11760.20760.23760.35760.37
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Mexico Beach, Florida Apr. 30, 1998 Number: 98-002006 Latest Update: Dec. 24, 1998

The Issue Is the City of Mexico Beach (the City or Applicant) entitled to the issuance of a joint coastal permit and consent to use of sovereign submerged land for the Mexico Beach Canal (Main Canal) and a municipal flushing outlet adjacent to 8th Street (8th Street outlet)? Those permits would be issued by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in response to DEP Application File No.: 0124938-001JC and DEP Application File No.: 0129039- 001JC, respectively.

Findings Of Fact Petitioners Edmond Blount, Sr.; Edmond Blount, Jr.; and Robert Davenport are residents of the City of Mexico Beach, Florida. As residents they have access to the Main Canal, the public beaches adjacent to the Main Canal, and beaches adjacent to the 8th Street outlet. Edmond Blount, Jr., and Robert Davenport oppose the issuance of any permits by DEP which would allow the City to conduct dredging and the placement of dredge materials associated with the Main Canal. Those Petitioners and Edmond Blount, Sr., oppose the grant of necessary permits by DEP upon the application by the City to conduct occasional maintenance excavation at the 8th Street outlet to alleviate potential damage through erosion to properties adjacent to the 8th Street outlet. The City of Mexico Beach is a municipality in Florida which serves as the local government for that community. The City owns the Main Canal and 8th Street outlet. DEP is an environmental regulator with authority to issue or deny joint coastal permits and to grant or deny consent to use sovereign submerged lands belonging to the State of Florida. The joint coastal permitting authority and right to grant consent to use is pursuant to Chapters 161, 253, and 373, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 18-21 and 62B-49, Florida Administrative Code. In particular, DEP has joint coastal permitting authority upon sovereignty lands in the State of Florida below the mean high waterline (MHWL) of any tidal water of the State. The reference to sovereign land is an association with lands below MHWL held in trust by the State of Florida. The term tidal waters refers to waters in which there is an astronomical effect on the elevation of that water. The Gulf of Mexico which fronts the City is a tidal water of the State of Florida. The MHWL is established along the coastal regions in Florida, to include the Gulf coast that fronts the City. The MHWL is set based upon charting information concerning the local mean high tide, the average height of the high waters, and where this average intersects the land. PERMIT APPLICATION FOR MAIN CANAL On June 30, 1997, the City applied to DEP for a ten-year permit/water quality certification and authorization to use sovereign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (the Trustees), which would allow the City to maintenance dredge the Main Canal entrance and place the dredge material on the beach east of the canal below the water's edge. This task would be accomplished by the use of hydraulic dredging device. In the course of these activities, approximately 660 cubic yards of material would be removed approximately four times a week. The application file number for the requested permit in the Main Canal project was: 0124938-001 JC. The City, through its application, provided a complete and appropriate application with adequate engineering data to support the proposed project. The Main Canal is located in the western part of the City and is partially located in sovereign submerged lands of the State of Florida where the canal intersects the Gulf of Mexico below the MHWL. On January 13, 1998, DEP gave notice of its intent to issue necessary permits for the activities to allow dredging and the placement of fill in association with the Main Canal. More specifically, the hydraulic dredge the City intends to use in the maintenance dredging of the Main Canal is a floating device which excavates the sand from the bottom of the entrance of the Main Canal and pipes the material onto the beach immediately east of the dredge site. The dredging activities may only be conducted in a manner designed to protect the beach-dune system, water quality and habitat for marine turtles. These restrictions in the conduct of the dredging are in accordance with the proposed joint coastal permit. The dredging activity is to remove and deposit clean beach sand that has been transported by coastal processes and deposited in the lee of the jetty within the Main Canal. There is no intent, nor permission under the proposed permit, that would allow disturbance of any sediments more landward of the extent of the canal. The dredging is necessitated because the entrance of the Main Canal slowly fills with sand being transported from west to east along the shoreline. The Main Canal is stabilized on both sides by jetties. The western-most jetty extends further out than the eastern-most jetty. The Main Canal has seawalls along its inside. A recreational area is located on the western side of the Main Canal. The Main Canal is highly utilized for purposes of commerce and recreation. The Main Canal constitutes an economic support for many residents of the City. The Main Canal in proximity to the Gulf and the Gulf itself are not considered outstanding Florida waters or aquatic preserves. The waters in the Main Canal and Gulf are Class III marine waters when considering the parameters for water quality under DEP statutes and rules. Competent evidence was presented concerning water quality sampling and results in the analysis of those samples for fecal coliform bacteria and total coliform bacteria in relation to the Main Canal at its entrance where dredging would take place under the terms of the permit. Some values for fecal coliform and total coliform exceeded the allowable limits for those parameters as envisioned by Section 62-302.530, Florida Administrative Code, as preexisting conditions. However, the dredge operations will not lead to further degradation of the existing Class III marine waters in the Main Canal and degradation of the Gulf. The relatively clean sand being excavated does not contain fines or organics, which, through the dredging and placement of the sand on the beach following the dredging, would contribute to degradation of water quality standards. The activity associated with the dredging and placement of those materials on the beach will not cause a significant adverse impact to the beach-dune system, nor will the transport of sand from west to east along the beach as it presently exists be interrupted by the dredging and placement of the sand. The dredged material is being placed immediately east of the dredge operation avoiding a disruption of the natural processes of transport. The proposed disposal area is located on the beach at least 100 feet east of the canal below the waters edge at approximately minus 0.5NGVD. Finally, the deposit of the sand on the beach contributes to beach stabilization as opposed to depriving the beach of sand. The proposed permit requires that the dredge pipeline be retracted upon a daily basis during marine turtle nesting season from May 1 until October 31 each year. By this limitation in the operation of the dredge pipeline, marine turtles are not hindered in their behavior nor is their habitat unduly disturbed. The placement of the dredged sand on the beach would not be in the dry upland where the turtles would typically nest. The DEP Bureau of Protected Species Management reviewed the permit application for any significant adverse impact on nesting sea turtles and recommends the approval subject to specific conditions such as have been described. The dredging of the sand from the Main Canal and placement of that material on the beach will not cause significant adverse impact to the property of others. The Main Canal project will not create any significant erosion or turbidity. Given the small volume and coarseness of the dredged sand, elevated turbidity levels are not expected. The dredging of material from the mouth of the Main Canal and placement on the adjacent beach does not block lateral access to the beach, because the hydraulic dredge pipeline is placed at the water's edge with a discharge of dredge material being made at the water's edge in the area of the intertidal zone where water comes up to the beach. The exact discharge point is seaward of the area described as the intertidal zone. Given that the project associated with the Main Canal is located in Class III marine waters, it must not be contrary to the public interest. The project is not contrary to the public interest. PERMIT APPLICATION FOR 8TH STREET OUTLET On June 13, 1997, the City applied to DEP for a ten- year permit/water quality certification and authorization to use sovereign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees. This would allow the City to conduct occasional excavation of the 8th Street municipal flushing outlet which connects to the Gulf, having in mind the alleviation of potential damage to adjacent beachfront properties. That potential damage would be expected to occur in the instance where there was an uncontrolled breach of the berm surrounding the 8th Street outlet due to high incidence of rainfall, thus eroding adjacent beachfront properties. With the advent of scheduled maintenance, excavation of the outlet that erosion is expected to be deterred. The application file number for the requested permit in the 8th Street outlet project was File No.: 0129039-001 JC. The City, in its application for necessary permits to conduct excavation at the 8th Street outlet, submitted a complete and appropriate application setting forth adequate engineering details. More specifically, the permit application contemplates the removal of approximately 20 to 40 yards of beach sand per excavation, with the material excavated being placed on the beach near the water's edge. The excavation would be approximately 4 to 5 feet wide, 50 feet long, and 2 to 3 feet deep. Ordinarily, the frequency of excavation would be one to two times per month. The excavation practices would be by the use of a backhoe other than in the sea turtle nesting season. While sea turtles are nesting, the plans contemplate excavation by hand by use of a shovel or similar tool. In addition, during the turtle nesting season the application contemplates that the excavation would be done during daylight hours, only twice a month, to reduce potential flooding of marine turtle nests due to a meandering outflow from the outlet. Other than in the marine turtle nesting season the excavation would be done on an "as needed" basis. On March 16, 1998, the DEP gave notice of its intent to issue a permit for the dredging at the 8th Street outlet. The conditions associated with the intended permit for dredging of the 8th Street outlet deter any significant adverse impacts to the beach-dune system. In the area of the 8th Street outlet, a large box culvert runs underneath U.S. 98, the main highway in the city. That highway runs parallel to the beach. Once the water flows through the culvert, it accumulates in the outlet south of the road. In the instance where rainfall is diminished, the flushing outlet does not flow to the Gulf and the beach berm, which accretes seaward of the outlet, traps the water that is being released via the culvert. By contrast, in instances where heavy rainfall occurs, the water in the outlet collects to a point that it begins to flow away from the culvert in the direction of the Gulf. If the beach berm has built up over time, the path of that flow in high incidence of rainfall can encroach on buildings that are adjacent to the culvert on the south side of U.S. 98. When the rainfall is sufficient, and the water begins to flow, it reaches a sufficient velocity to move sand as a bed load. Under those circumstances, when the water strikes a ridged object, like a house foundation, the local water velocity will act to carry away the sand more readily from that location where the house foundation is found, by scouring out the sand near the foundation, undermining the building and risking the collapse of the building onto the beach. In the course of this process the water breaches the beach berm and flows towards the Gulf. In the instance where the berm on the beach has been breached, the water that has been released begins to scour the beach and establish a pattern that can run down the beach roughly parallel to the Gulf for a distance before flowing into the Gulf. By contrast, the controlled release of water from the outlet would cause less of an impact, in that it would create an immediate access through the beach berm to the Gulf without creating the potential for harm to upland property or causing erosion or scouring of dunes and vegetation in beach areas, some of which might contain turtle nests. Unlike the circumstances with high incidence of rainfall where adjacent property is eroded and damaged, the use of controlled maintenance excavation to relieve the outlet would not cause significant and adverse impact to adjacent property owners. The controlled release of the water in the outlet, unlike the natural release of that water in high incidence of rainfall, is more in the interest of the public when considering adverse impacts to property. The introduction of the water in the outlet, and its constituents, onto the beach and its consequences, is no more a problem whether based upon the natural event of high incidence of rainfall or the routine release contemplated by the project. Therefore, the alternative method of releasing the water by use of scheduled excavation is not contrary to the public interest. If anything, the use of periodic excavation to relieve the outlet would limit the breadth of discharge and the amount of discharge. The 8th Street outlet and the Gulf area adjacent to that outlet are not within outstanding Florida waters or aquatic preserves. The project site for the 8th Street outlet and the Gulf are within Class III marine waters. The existing Class III marine water quality parameters for fecal coliform and total coliform when considered in accordance with Rule 62-302.530, Florida Administrative Code, have been exceeded in the 8th Street outlet. This is borne out by test results from samples gathered at the 8th Street outlet presented at hearing. However, as with the circumstance with the Main Canal, the effect of periodic excavation to relieve the outlet will not further degrade state waters found in the outlet. The results of water quality tests performed following sampling that relate to the amount of fecal coliform and total coliform in the Gulf that could be expected at the entrance of the Main Canal and as the discharge of water within the 8th Street outlet enters the Gulf show low values for those parameters. Therefore, it is not anticipated that the release of the water from the 8th Street outlet to the Gulf under controlled conditions contemplated by the permit application would cause a violation of the parameters for fecal coliform and total coliform in the Gulf, the receiving body of water, especially when compared to the existing release of water from the 8th Street outlet to the Gulf in high incidence of rainfall. This finding is also influenced by the fact that the most excessive values for total coliform and fecal coliform in the 8th Street outlet system were found 600 to 800 feet up the water course described as the 8th Street outlet. Similar to the Main Canal, the project contemplated at the 8th Street outlet would not require mitigation before being permitted by DEP. The 8th Street outlet project would not create significant adverse impacts on coastal sediment transport. The DEP Bureau of Protective Species Management reviewed the 8th Street outlet application and recommended approval with specific conditions. Those conditions offer adequate protection to marine turtles and their habitat. The conditions include project excavation that does not create parallel trenches in the sand that inhibit movement on the beach by sea turtles. The 8th Street outlet project will not create significant erosion concerns or turbidity concerns. The 8th Street outlet project does not block lateral beach access to the public, in that the excavation to relieve the outlet on a periodic basis is temporary, that is to say only in effect when the water is being released from the outlet to the Gulf. CONSENT TO USE SOVEREIGN SUBMERGED LANDS The 8th Street outlet project, as well as the Main Canal project, involves sovereignty submerged lands below the MHWL constituted of the beach and ocean bottom. The facts show that the City is entitled to consent of use to work on sovereign submerged lands in the Main Canal and 8th Street outlet projects.

Recommendation Based upon the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That DEP issue a final order granting the City the joint coastal permits and consent to use sovereign submerged lands in accordance with application File Nos.: 0124938-001JC and 0129039-001JC respectively, subject to specific conditions contained therein. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of November, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of November, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Edmond Blount, Sr. Post Office Box 13855 Mexico Beach, Florida 32410 Edmond Blount, Jr. Post Office Box 13854 Mexico Beach, Florida 32410 Robert Davenport Post Office Box 13926 Mexico Beach, Florida 32410 Gerard Murnan Post Office Box 13378 Mexico Beach, Florida 32410 Paul G. Komarek, Esquire Daniel and Komarek, Chartered Post Office Box 2547 Panama City, Florida 32402 Ricardo Muratti, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 John McInnis, City Manager City of Mexico Beach Post Office Box 13425 Mexico Beach, Florida 32410 Kathy Carter, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 F. Perry Odom, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57161.041373.414 Florida Administrative Code (8) 18-21.00418-21.005128-106.21662-302.53062-312.06562-312.08062B-41.00562B-41.0055
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Summerland Key, Florida Oct. 19, 2018 Number: 18-005546PL Latest Update: Mar. 06, 2025
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Jun. 25, 1991 Number: 91-003988 Latest Update: Dec. 16, 1991

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: Respondent Laven owns a parcel of land at 1500 Bay View Drive, Sarasota, Florida on which he has a home. The property is approximately 180 feet by 100 feet, and is located on Sarasota Bay. A seawall has been constructed along the shoreline. Respondent Cloud owns a parcel of land at 2610 Cardinal Lane, Sarasota, Florida that is contiguous to Respondent Laven's property at 1500 Bay View Drive, Sarasota, Florida that is also located on Sarasota Bay. Approximately 100 feet of the property is located along the shoreline of Sarasota Bay. Sarasota Bay is currently designated as a Class III outstanding Florida waterbody. On or about June 28, 1991 Respondents Laven/Cloud filed an application to modify existing permit number 581885033 which had been previously issued to Respondent Laven for construction of a private dock consisting of an access pier 210 feet by 5 feet, with a terminal platform 20 feet by 4 feet on Laven's property located at 1500 Bay View Drive, Sarasota, Florida. Previous to the modified application being filed by Laven and Cloud, Laven had attempted to modify permit no. 581885033 by reducing the access pier from 210 feet by 5 feet to 175 feet by 5 feet. The Department concluded that the dock, as modified, would not reach water of sufficient depth to prevent damage to the seagrass, and considered this a major modification requiring a new application. Therefore, the Department denied the modified application, and Respondent Laven did not file a new application. The application filed by Laven/Cloud on or about June 28, 1991 to modify existing permit 581885033 proposed to construct a private dock on the property line between Laven's and Cloud's property. The private dock was proposed to consist of an access pier 4 feet by 210 feet, with two terminal platforms, each 25 feet by 6 feet. After review of the application to modify permit 58188503 the Department issued a Notice of Intent to issue a permit for the proposed construction of the private dock on August 2, 1991. The Notice of Intent included 18 specific conditions to which the proposed dock would be subject. Those relevant to this proceeding are as follows: 1) . . . . If historical or archaeological artifacts, such as Indian canoes, are discovered at any time within the project site the permittee shall immediately notify the district office and the Bureau of Historic Preservation, Division of Archives, History and Records Management, R.A. Gray Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32301. Turbidity screens shall be utilized, secured, and properly maintained during the permitted construction and shall remain in place until any generated turbidity subsides. Double turbidity screens, staked hay bales, staged construction and other additional measures shall be used as necessary to insure compliance with water quality standards in Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code. During construction, all areas of exposed soils shall be effectively isolated from waters of the state to prevent erosion or deposition. All exposed soils shall be stabilized with an appropriate ground cover within 72 hours of attaining final grade. 5) . . . . 6) . . . . The applicant is not permitted to conduct or construct the following activities or facilities in conjunction with this dock structure: Fish cleaning facilities. Fuel hoses or fueling facilities. The mooring of boats or vessels for live aboards. The mooring of boats utilized for com- mercial purposes such as fishing, scuba diving, boat rental, etc. Picnic tables or benches. Storage sheds or enclosed structures. Covered boat slips. Sanitary facilities. The rental of boat slips or mooring space. Turbidity screens shall effectively encom- pass each piling during installation and remain in place until any generated turbidity has subsided. Turbidity screens shall effectively encompass an area around each piling not to exceed 7 square feet. Any watercraft which may be utilized during construction activities shall only operate/moor in waters of sufficient depth so as not to cause bottom scour or prop dredging. The access pier shall be elevated a minimum of 5 feet above mean high water for the most waterward 150 linear feet of the access pier. The most waterward 150 linear feet of the access pier shall be constructed with the slated[sic] design indicated on sheet 4 of permit submittals. The most landward 60 feet of the access pier shall be constructed utilizing the 2 x 6 decking. The permittees shall construct 100 linear feet of rip rap along the existing vertical seawall as indicated on sheet 1 of permit submittals. Rip rap material shall consist of natural boulders or clean concrete rubble six inches to three feet in diameter or in average dimensions. The slope of the rip rap shall be no steeper than 2H:1V. There shall be no reinforcing rods or other similar protrusions in concrete rubble and all rubble or boulders shall be free of attached sediments. The rip rap shall be install concurrently with the construction of the permitted dock. The permittees shall grant the Department a conservation easement over the shorelines of the two subject parcels. A conservation easement shall be established over the seawall cap and 2 feet waterward of the seawall for the entire length of the seawall to 1500 Bay View Drive (Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, and 14 Block Q, Bay View Heights Addition). A conservation easement shall also be established between the limits of the mean high water linear and the landward extent of waters of the State (Pursuant to Section 170301.400[sic] FAC) for the entire length of the shoreline at 2610 Cardinal Place (Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17 and 18, Block Q, Bay View Heights Addition). 14) . . . . 15) . . . . The following seagrass monitoring program shall be implemented and adhered to: Within 45 days of the issuance of this permit (and prior to initiation of dock con- struction) the permittee shall establish a preconstruction monitoring program consisting of one meter square grids within the area specified on sheet 1 A of permit attachments. A minimum of 10 random one meter square plots shall be selected within each area A and B and also along the centerline established along the length of the dock. The permittee shall measure percent areal coverage of seagrasses within each plot within the grid system. Each of the plots shall be monitored as specified in above a minimum of two times per year (July and January) over a three year monitoring period subsequent to dock construction. Reports shall include date, water depth, water clarity, species of seagrasses observed, percent areal coverage and representative height of seagrasses within each plot. Moni- toring reports shall be submitted to the Department within 30 days of the monitoring event. The first monitoring event shall occur during the first January or July (which ever occurs first) subsequent to completion of dock construction. Hand railing shall be constructed along the entire length of the access pier (on both sides). The temporary or permanent mooring of watercraft shall only occur at the terminal platform. 18) . . . . By imposing special conditions 3, 4, 8 and 9 it will ensure that the dock construction will have a temporary minimal impact on the water quality, and there will be no permanent water quality impacts as a result of this project. If this permit is not issued, it would be possible for each of the applicants to build an exempt dock on his property which would require two accesses or swaths through the seagrass beds. An exempt dock (500 square feet or less) may result in the dock terminating in seagrass beds and in water of insufficient depth to prevent damage to the seagrass beds or to prevent bottom scour or propeller dredging. The project site consists of a shoreline with a shoal area where Shoal grass (Halodule wrightii) and Turtle grass (Thalassia sp.) are growing, with the Turtle grass being the predominant species to a point further waterward to where there is a significant change in the water depth. Such point being approximately at the termination of the proposed dock. Beyond this point the seagrass beds are scattered. Therefore, any dock shorter than approximately 210 feet would terminate in the main seagrass beds and result in the seagrass beds being routinely disrupted or damaged by power boats. The proposed design of the most waterward 150 linear feet of the deck portion of the proposed dock has less solid surface than a normal deck, and, along with the proposed height of the most waterward 150 linear feet of the proposed dock, would allow substantially more light to penetrate the area and provide sufficient light for healthy existence of the seagrasses. The proposed impacts consists of disturbance of the seagrass beds. Requiring railing along the entire access pier on both sides will preclude mooring of motor craft in the area of the seagrass and in water depths insufficient to prevent damage to the seagrass, and to prevent bottom souring and propeller dredging. Because of the length, height and design of the dock there would be minimal impact, if any, on the seagrass beds. The design of the dock will ensure that the project will not adversely affect the functions being performed in the area intended for the dock. The conservation easement will ensure that a feeding ground for wading birds will be maintained, and along with the dock design will minimize any impacts that the proposed dock will have on the fish and wild life habitats. The construction of the 100 linear feet of rip rap along the existing vertical seawall on Sarasota Bay along Laven's property will reduce scouring and erosion at the base of the seawall, and provide beneficial habitat which will be an improvement of the seawall alone. There may be minimal impacts on recreation in that it may impose some inconvenience for those fishing and those attempting to access the bay for sailing. There may be some minimal impact on navigation in that the proposed dock will entend out approximately 35 feet further than any other existing dock in the area but due to the shallow water in this area boats presently have to travel at a reduced rate of speed, and for this reason the proposed dock would not adversely affect navigation. However, this should be mitigated by requiring lights on the dock as a safety feature. The project will not adversely affect the fishing, or recreational values, or marine productivity in the vicinity of the project. The proposed project will not adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare or property of others. The proposed dock will be a permanent structure, notwithstanding that regular mainentaince will be required. The Respondents Laven/Cloud have provided reasonable assurances that the proposed project will be clearly in the public interest, notwithstanding the minimal impact it may have on recreation and navigation. Particularly, when all Special Conditions are considered, specifically Special Conditions 12 and 13 pertaining to rip rap along the vertical seawall on Laven's propertry and the granting of the Conservation Easement over both Laven's and Cloud's shoreline.

Recommendation Accordingly, in view of the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore, recommended that the Department enter a Final Order issuing Permit Number 581885033 to Respondents Robert Laven and John Cloud as set forth in the Department's Intent To Issue dated August 2, 1991 provided that the grant of the subject permit should include the general and specific conditions in the Intent To Issue as well as the condition requiring lights on the dock for safety purposes as set forth in Finding of Fact 20 above. RECOMMENDED this 21st day of November, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of November, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 91-3988 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120- 59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties in the case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner Both paragraphs regarding Respondent Cloud's testimony at the hearing go to his credibility as a witness and are not stated as a finding of fact and are therefore rejected. Paragraphs 1 and 2 regarding Rose Poynor's testimony appear to be supported by documents or testimony not received at the hearing and are therefore rejected. Paragraph 3 regarding Rose Poynor's testimony is either immaterial or irrelevant or goes to her credibility as a witness or is supported by facts not in the record. The paragraph regarding Roy R. Lewis' testimony goes to his credibility as a witness and is not a statement of fact. Paragraphs 1 and 2 regarding Robert Patten's testimony is more of a restatement of his testimony than a finding of fact. But in any event, are neither material or relevant. The next to the last paragraph is not supported by the record but see Finding of Fact 20. The last unnumbered paragraph is not supported by the record. See Finding of Fact 24. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent Department of Environmental Regulation 1. Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s) of Fact which adopts the proposed findings of fact: 1 (1, 2, 3); 2 (4, 6); 3 (5); 4 (11); 5 (11); 6 (13); 7 (7, 8); 8 (7, 8); 9 (7, 8); 10 (7, 8); 11 (7); 12 (7); 13 (12, 15); 14 (7); 15 (12); 16 (7, 14); 17 (15); 18 (7, 16); 19 (17); 20 (7); 21 (7); 22 (7, 18); 23 (18); 24 (20); 25 (7, 17); 26 (23); 27 (19); 28 (21); 29 (22); 30 (7); 31 (17); 32 (7); 33 (9); 34 (9, 10); 35 (7, 8, 11, 12, 14-22); and 36 (7). Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondents Laven and Cloud Respondents Laven and Cloud have divided their findings into two groups (1) Findings of Fact and (2) Ultimate Findings. Since the Findings of Fact are duplicative of the Ultimate Facts or are only restatements of the witnesses testimony, I will respond only to the Ultimate Facts. 1. Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s) of Fact which adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1 (1); 2 (3); 3 (2); 4 (4, 6); 5 (3); 6 (7, 12); 7 (7, 17, 18); 8 (7); 9 (7); 10 (7, 24); 11 (7, 24); 12 (22); 13 (17); 14 (is a duplication of paragraph 13); 15 (20); 16 (21) and 17 (16). COPIES FURNISHED: Alan S. Dorrill 1726 Floyd Street Sarasota, FL 34239 F. Craig Richardson, Esquire Icard, Merrill, Cullen, Timm, Furen, & Ginsbrug, P.A. 2033 Main Street, Suite 600 Sarasota, FL 34237 Carol Forthman, Esquire Maureen A. Eggert, Certified Legal Intern 2600 Blairstone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Carol Browner, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001450 Latest Update: Nov. 29, 1983

Findings Of Fact The applicant proposes to construct a concrete boat ramp on the south bank of the Eau Gallie River in Brevard County. The Eau Gallie River is a tributary of the Indian River and is a Class III water body as defined in Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). 1/ The ramp would be 17 feet wide and 64 feet long. Approximately half the length would extend into waters of the Eau Gallie River over which DER has. Jurisdiction under Chapters 403 and 253, F.S. The construction would involve the removal of 47 cubic yards of soft bottom material waterward of ordinary high water and the filling of 35 cubic yards of compacted material also waterward of ordinary high water. In addition, 38 cubic yards would be excavated landward and 72 cubic yards would be filled landward of ordinary high water. The boat ramp is to be a private facility not once to the general public. The applicant sought this permit in conjunction with the upland development of its river front property. The applicant's property extends for approximately one-half mile along the north bank of the Eau Gallie River. At build out, the applicant estimates that the property will contain several hundred apartment units which may eventually be converted to condominiums. The lessees or condominium owners would have access to the proposed boat ramp. Petitioner, Tom Hall, is an adjacent property owner who is concerned that increased boat traffic on the Eau Gallie River in the vicinity of the boat ramp would adversely impact manatee and other wildlife and marine resources. At various times of the year, manatees can be observed in the Eau Gallie River in the vicinity of the proposed boat ramp. The river also contains a variety of fish and supports a local population of water fowl. The river in the vicinity of the proposed boat ramp is generally not more than one to two feet in depth. The boat ramp is designed to launch only small craft such as canoes, rowboat or jonboats with small trolling motors. The application does not request the issuance of a permit to dredge a navigational channel to enable the beat ramp to accommodate larger power craft. The testimony of DER's expert witness established that the small craft which could be launched from the boat ramp would not pose a threat to the manatees that frequent the area. Rather, it is the larger power boats that endanger this marine mammal. There are no other wildlife or marine resources which would be impacted significantly by the construction of the boat ramp. Additionally, it should be noted that this project would benefit the several hundred residents of Brevard County who would eventually have access to the boat ramp. The testimony of DER's expert witness established that there would be no long-term violations of DER water quality standards as a result of the construction and use of the boat ramp. Short-term impact during construction would be minimal since turbidity screens are to be employed. Thus, the applicant has provided reasonable assurance that the short-term and long-term effects of the construction and use of the boat ramp will not result in violation of DER's water standards. It is important to note that, as long as no dredging of filling is involved, there is no legal impediment preventing riparian landowners from launching boats from their river front property or engaging in recreational boating activities in the portion of the boat ramp could cause continuous turbidity problems and damage valuable habitat along the river front. By confining the alteration of the littoral zone to such a small area as that involved in the application and thus guaranteeing adequate, comfortable access for the riparian owner, the survivability of the remaining littoral in its natural state would be significantly enhanced. Petitioner Hall theorizes that boats who would otherwise use downstream public boat ramps will instead launch at the site of the proposed ramp. However, there was no evidence submitted to support this theory. Given the ease with which small boats could be launched without any ramp at this site, it does not appear that the ramp itself would generate additional activity involving canoes and other small craft. Since the launching of power boats is not feasible because of the shallow river depth, such traffic is not likely to be affected by construction of the proposed ramp.

Florida Laws (2) 120.66403.087
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-001701 Latest Update: Apr. 22, 1980

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following facts are found: Approximately four years ago, petitioner Howard Meyers purchased an old steel barge for the purpose of using it as a surface to put a crane on for other repair work. The crane work apparently vibrated so much that the deteriorated sides of the barge collapsed. The barge was moved closer to the shoreline, and it sunk. Efforts to remove the whole barge from the water were unsuccessful. Presently only about one-third of the original barge remains in the water. In February of 1979, the petitioner submitted an application to the Department of Environmental Regulation for a permit to move the dismantled sunken barge hull to an adjacent shoreline area, fill the moved barge with fill removed from an excavated shoreline and an upland source and place riprap around the hull. Petitioner had a permit to do maintenance dredging to clean out an existing, channel or basin, and desired the subject permit for the purposes of getting rid of the barge, using it in furtherance of the maintenance dredging work and preventing erosion of the shoreline. Upon receipt of the permit application, the respondent requested further information from the petitioner and conducted an on site inspection. Richard F. Dumas performed the field inspection and recommended that the permit be denied due to the advanced stage of deterioration of the barge, the increase in shoreline discontinuity and the proposed destruction of established marine vegetation in the area. Mr. Dumas was concerned with the adverse impact which would be caused from turbidity as the barge is dragged into place, the continued discharge of rust into the waters, and the alteration and hindrance of established lateral currents. He suggested that the applicant move the barge from the water to an upland area. Thereafter, petitioner unsuccessfully attempted to move the barge out of the water and, in the process, a deteriorated portion of the sunken hull was rolled or folded back on itself, thus reducing the amount resting on the bay bottoms. Revised drawings were submitted to respondent by petitioner. Richard Dumas submitted a modified project appraisal and again concluded that the proposed dragging of the barge to its new site would detach most or all of the vegetation and disturb benthic organisms over a 3,300 square foot area, would increase the prominence of the existing shoreline discontinuity, and could hasten the refilling of the areas for which petitioner holds a maintenance dredging permit. Thereafter, the respondent's branch office gave notice of its intent to deny the application for the subject permit. The grounds for such denial included violations of turbidity standards caused by the physical dragging of the barge and the backfilling operation, the discharge of rust from the deteriorating barge, the destruction and elimination of 3,300 square feet of productive bay bottoms and the entrapment of debris caused by the further protrusion of the shoreline. The water body in question is a Class III body of water which is designated for recreation and the promulgation and maintenance of fish and wildlife. The area through which the barge is to be moved by dragging is vegetated with turtle grasses and brown, green and red algae. The area is one of productivity with types of vegetation that supports important marine organisms. The most remote portion of the barge presently rests approximately 35 feet from the proposed site of placement, thus requiring the dragging of the barge across some 3,300 square feet of a viable, benthic community. This will result in the disturbance or complete elimination of such community. Because the area is one of high energy, it would be quite some time before the area could revegetate itself. The placing and filling of the barge on the adjacent shoreline would displace the benthic community currently present at that site, and the extension of the shoreline would cause further entrapment. The material proposed to be used as fill for the barge is not stable material suitable for fill. Rust would be discharged and thus deteriorate the waters. The applicant has not supplied the Department with any evidence of local approval of the proposed project.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the application for a permit to drag the sunken barge across productive bay bottoms to an adjacent shoreline, backfill the barge and place riprap around it be DENIED. Respectfully submitted and entered this 20th day of March, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 101 Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Jake Varn, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. Howard Meyers Jolly Roger Trailer Park R.D. Number 1, Box 525 Marathon, Florida 33050 H. Ray Allen, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

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