The Issue The issue in this case is whether the amendment to the Putnam County Comprehensive Plan adopted by Ordinance 2009-23 is "in compliance," as that term is defined in Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes (2008).1/
Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner Bonnie Conklin resides and owns property at 600 Stokes Landing Road. She submitted oral comments to the County at the adoption hearing on the amendment. Petitioner Wendy Goodson owns property at 595 Stokes Landing Road in Putnam County. She submitted oral comments to the County at the adoption hearing on the amendment. Putnam County is a political subdivision of the State and has adopted a comprehensive plan which it amends from time to time pursuant to Section 163.3167(1)(b), Florida Statutes. Intervenor Stokes Landing Enterprises, LLC (“Stokes Landing”), is a Florida limited liability company. It owns the Property affected by the amendment and submitted oral comments and evidence during the local hearings on the amendment. The Amendment The amendment changes the future land use designation of the Property from Agriculture II to Industrial. Section One of Ordinance 2009-23 provides that the re-designation of the Property is subject to the terms and conditions of the development agreement between the County and Stokes Landing, which is attached as an exhibit to the ordinance. The Property has approximately 220 feet of frontage on the St. Johns River. The development agreement requires that the Property be developed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a “ship building and repair facility.” Contemporaneous with the adoption of the amendment, the County rezoned the Property to PUD. The development agreement includes the following recitals: Developer and the County wish to enter into this Agreement to set forth the conditions under which development of the facility shall be used. The County has entered into this Agreement in consideration of the commitment by Developer to construct certain improvements as further described in Section 3 below (hereinafter the “Improvements”); and to redevelop the site and utilize the Property as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) only, with the understanding that the Developer shall apply for a PUD to operate a ship building and repair facility. * * * G. The conditions specified within a Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning district established by Developer pursuant to this Agreement will aid redevelopment of the Property, limit localized impacts of the Property and advance the implementation of the County’s Comprehensive Plan. Section 3 of the development agreement requires that the developer make the following improvements: Access Roadway Improvement: Developer at its sole cost and expense shall design, engineer, permit, construct and install in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and the County’s approval of the design, the improvement(s) of the Access Roadway from Stokes Landing Road to the subject site via the established access easements. County approvals shall not be unreasonably withheld. Timing: Developer shall complete the Access Roadway Improvements prior to starting redevelopment of the site for the proposed ship building and repair use. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zoning: Developer shall obtain approval of rezoning the Property to PUD prior to starting redevelopment of the site and shall maintain the approved PUD zoning throughout the duration of the Industrial future land use on the site. This requirement does not preclude any future request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to another future land use category and subsequent associated rezoning requests to a compatible zoning district. The Property and Surrounding Land Uses Most land uses contiguous to or adjacent to the Property are residential uses on lands designated Agriculture II. However, 100 feet south of the Property are lands along the St. Johns River designated Conservation. There are other Conservation lands across the river from the Property and north of the Property. The only other land uses in the area are a commercial well-drilling business on land designated Agriculture II, and a shipyard known as St. Johns Ship Building on lands designated Industrial. The St. Johns Ship Building facility is located on 101 acres and is approximately 900 feet north of the Property. The lands abutting the Property on the west, south, and east are currently undeveloped. Across the St. Johns River from the Property is Stokes Island, which is also undeveloped. About 60 percent of the Property lies within the 100- year flood zone. There are wetlands on the Property which are generally of low quality due to invasive vegetation. Historic Uses and Improvements on the Property The staff report for the amendment states that the purpose of the amendment is to “make the land use designation of the property consistent with the existing use of the land,” which “according to the applicant,” has been ship building since the 1960’s. This statement incorrectly characterizes both the existing use and the past use of the Property. Aerial photography shows that much of the Property was cleared in 1943. In the 1940s and early 1950s, the County hauled shell rock from the Property for road building. The Property was used intermittently to build fishing vessels between the 1970's and 1998. The number of vessels that were built on the Property was not established by the record evidence. Some barge demolition activities also occurred on the Property in 2006 and 2007. Intervenor started to build a barge on the Property in 2008, but was almost immediately stopped by a County code enforcement officer because such activities are not allowed under the Property’s agricultural zoning. The evidence shows that the barge building and barge demolition activities, and probably the earlier boat building activities, were conducted in violation of the agricultural zoning of the Property. Two steel mooring pilings and remnants of a dock or platform are still located on the Property. There was some dispute about whether there still exist on the Property the rails or “ways” used in the past for hauling vessels out of the water and for launching vessels. Although a 2008 survey of the Property (Joint Exhibit 12) shows the rails, they do not appear in recent photographs of the Property (Respondent/Intervenor’s Exhibits 3.1 through 3.4 and Petitioners’ Exhibits 13.1 through 13.3). The shoreline along the east boundary of the Property is not bulkheaded and, except for the clearing that has occurred on the Property, remains in a relatively natural condition. Whether the Subject Property is a Port The parties disputed whether the Property is an existing water port, which is relevant to the Comprehensive Plan policies regarding the location of industrial uses, as will be discussed below. The term “port” is not defined in the Comprehensive Plan. “Port facility” is defined in Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.003(92) as: [H]arbor or shipping improvements used predominantly for commercial purposes including channels, turning basins, jetties, breakwaters, landings, wharves, docks, markets, structures, buildings, piers, storage facilities, plazas, anchorages, utilities, bridges, tunnels, roads, causeways, and all other property or facilities necessary or useful in connection with commercial shipping. This definition is not particularly helpful in resolving the dispute in this case, because it is a list of facilities (e.g., buildings) that can be associated with a port, rather than an identification of the elements that are essential to being a port. In the traffic circulation section of the Putnam County Comprehensive Plan Data, Inventory, and Analysis, under the heading “Port Facilities,” there is one water port identified: Putnam County is currently served by a small barge port on the St Johns River, which is located between downtown Palatka and Rice Creek. . . . This barge facility is incorporated into a larger industrial park setting and provides an alternative method of moving certain types of goods and material into and out of the County. The word “port” is defined in Webster’s Dictionary as “a place where ships may ride secure from storms” and “a harbor town or city where ships may take on or discharge cargo.” Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary 889 (1979 ed.) The latter definition indicates that the transport of cargo by water between land sites (ports) is the core of the meaning. When deep harbors, channels, and turning basins occur naturally or are created and used by ships, there is little cause to dispute that a port exists. Here, there are no such natural or man-made features. The shoreline at the subject Property was not shown to differ from much of the shoreline along the St. Johns River.2/ As indicated above, a port is a transportation facility where waterborne goods are loaded and unloaded. A port is distinct from a “boatyard,” which is defined as “a yard where boats are built, repaired, and stored and often sold or rented.” Merriam-Webster’s On-Line Dictionary (2009) The remnant boat building facilities on the Property do not make a port. It is found that the Property was used intermittently in the past as a boatyard, but it was never a water port. Road Access to the Property The Property’s connection to the nearest public, paved road, is currently by easements over an unpaved drive. A 50- foot-wide easement extends north from the Property approximately 240 feet over an unpaved drive, then makes a 90-degree turn to the west along a 25-foot-wide, unpaved easement that runs about 325 feet to the beginning of a paved portion of the easement, then continues 545 feet further west to the publicly owned and paved Stokes Landing Road. Petitioners Conklin and Goodson own property and reside along the 25-foot easement. There are about a dozen other residences along the easements. There are many other residences along the public portion of Stokes Landing Road to its connection with U.S. 19. Petitioners attempted to show that Intervenor’s access to the Property from the public portion of Stokes Landing Road is legally insufficient because a small strip of land at the intersection of the 50-foot easement and the 25-foot easement is not included in the easements held by Intervenor. However, because Intervenor showed colorable easement rights over the entire private roadway, the Administrative Law Judge declined to take evidence on or determine the merits of the adverse real property claim. Stokes Landing Road is classified as a “local road” by Putnam County. It is not an arterial or collector road. Although the properties along the unpaved road have a mailing address of Stokes Landing Road, some of the official documents that describe or depict Stokes Landing Road do not include the private easement segments. It was estimated that the proposed boatyard would generate about 30 daily employee vehicle trips and one trip for pickup or delivery. Intervenor presented evidence that a truck with a wheel base of 50 feet (typical of a truck and semi-trailer) could make the 90-degree right turn from a 25-foot-wide roadway onto a 50-foot-wide roadway. However, to do so, the truck would have to use the left side of the 25-foot easement and the left side of the 50-foot easement (from the driver’s perspective). In other words, the truck would have to enter the lanes used by oncoming traffic. Internal Consistency Petitioners contend that the amendment is inconsistent with Policy A.1.9.3.A.6.d of the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the Comprehensive Plan. That policy states: Industrial Uses shall be located on sites that “use existing utilities or resources; utilize one or more transportation facilities such as air ports, water ports, collector roads, arterial roads, and railroads; do not require significant non- residential vehicular traffic to pass through established neighborhoods; and are sufficiently separated and/or buffered when necessary from residential and other urban uses to minimize adverse impacts of noise, glare, dust, smoke, odor or fumes. The Property is not located on a collector road or arterial road. It is not a water port. The amendment would require significant non- residential vehicular traffic to pass through an established neighborhood. The non-residential traffic is significant because it more than doubles the existing traffic in the most rural portion of Stokes Landing Road and would create an unsafe condition for every trip to and from the Property by a large truck. It is not sound planning to locate an industrial use on property that is served only by a narrow residential driveway. It is not sound planning to locate an industrial use on a road where access by large trucks will require that the trucks travel in the oncoming traffic lanes. The Property is not sufficiently separated or buffered from residential uses to minimize the adverse impacts of noise, glare, dust, smoke, odor, and fumes. Currently, there are vacant, wooded parcels adjacent to the Property, but the Intervenor has no control over these parcels and they will not always be vacant. The proposed industrial use is incompatible with the dominant pattern of development surrounding the Property, which is rural residential. Intervenor argues that the Agriculture II land use designation allows “intensive” agricultural land uses, such as slaughter houses, suggesting that the residents are already subject to the possibility of adverse impacts from noise, glare, dust, smoke, odor, and fumes. However, there are no intensive agricultural uses in the area and no evidence to suggest that such development is likely to occur in the future. The dominant land use is likely to remain rural residential. Petitioners contend that the amendment is inconsistent with Goal 1 of the FLUE, which is to maintain the quality of life by “establishing a pattern of development that is harmonious with the County’s natural environment and provides a desired lifestyle for County residents.” The proposed boat building and repair operation in this rural residential neighborhood would significantly degrade the desired lifestyle of the residents in the area. Petitioners contend that the amendment is inconsistent with FLUE Policy A.1.1.1.A.3., which prohibits land uses that generate, store, or dispose of hazardous waste in “areas of special flood hazard”. However, Policy A.1.1.1.A.2.b. expressly allows water-dependent components of a development to be located in areas of special flood hazard. When FLUE Objective A.1.1 and its accompanying policies are read in pari materia, they indicate that a water-dependent land use can be allowed in the floodplain as long as any generation, storage, or disposal of hazardous waste will occur outside of the floodplain. Petitioners did not show that the proposed boatyard cannot be operated in conformance with these policies. For similar reasons, Petitioners’ contention that the amendment is inconsistent with FLUE Policy A.1.1.E. is unpersuasive. That policy encourages the clustering of development away from flood-prone areas. However, in the case of water-dependent land uses, the water-dependent components of the land use must be located near the water. Petitioners contend that the amendment is inconsistent with FLUE Objective A.1.3 and FLUE Policy A.1.3.1, which encourage the elimination or reduction of non-conforming uses. Petitioners argue that past boat building and boat repair operations at the Property were non-conforming uses under the Agriculture II land use category and should be eliminated. Petitioners’ arguments are not persuasive because, if the amendment is approved, the boatyard uses would not be inconsistent with the FLUM. Furthermore, Petitioners showed that there is no existing, non-conforming use of the Property, so there is no non-conforming use that needs to be reduced or eliminated. Petitioners contend that the amendment is inconsistent with FLUE Policy A.1.3.2, which states: Adequate buffering and separation between land uses of different densities and intensities shall be provided in accordance with the Land Development Code to minimize compatibility issues. This policy directs that the Land Development Code (“Code”) shall establish buffering requirements to minimize incompatibility. Compatibility is also a comprehensive planning issue that can cause an amendment to be “not in compliance,” regardless of the buffering regulations contained in the Code, but this particular policy is only directed to the Code. Petitioners did not show that the Code does not contain buffering requirements. Petitioners contend that the amendment is inconsistent with FLUE Policy A.1.4.9, which requires a vegetated upland buffer for any waterfront development. The Petitioners’ evidence on this issue was insufficient to establish that the required buffer could not be provided. Furthermore, the policy directs the County to adopt regulations to establish the buffer requirements. Petitioners did not show that such regulations were not adopted by the County. Petitioners contend that the amendment is inconsistent with FLUE Policy A.1.6.1, which encourages infill within the designated urban service areas of the County. Water-dependent uses must be located where the water is located. Therefore, infill policies cannot be applied to water-dependent uses in the same manner as with other land uses. Although the availability of necessary urban services is still a relevant inquiry, Petitioners did not present evidence on this point. Consistency with Rule 9J-5 Petitioners contend that the amendment is inconsistent with Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.003(23), which defines the term “compatibility”; Rule 9J-5.006(3)(b)3., which encourages the reduction or elimination of inconsistent uses; Rule 9J-5.006(3)(c)2., which requires that comprehensive plans provide for “compatibility of adjacent land uses”; and Rules 9J- 5.006(5)(h)6. and 8., which require that amendments be reviewed for compatibility and “functional relationship” with adjacent land uses. The term “compatibility” is defined in Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.003(23) as: [A] condition in which land uses or conditions can coexist in relative proximity to each other in a stable fashion over time such that no use or condition is unduly negatively impacted directly or indirectly by another use or condition. A definition is not a regulation that requires compliance. A definition simply shows the intended meaning for a term used in a regulation. Therefore, a comprehensive plan amendment cannot be inconsistent with a definition. Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.006(3)(b)3. requires the future land use elements of comprehensive plans to contain one or more objectives that encourages the elimination or reduction of uses inconsistent with the community’s character and future land uses. This rule addresses existing non- conforming uses. The Property is no longer being used in a manner that is inconsistent with the community’s character. Therefore, there is no inconsistent use of the Property that needs to be reduced or eliminated. Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.006(3)(c)2. requires the future land use element of a comprehensive plan to contain one or more policies that provide for compatibility of adjacent land uses. It was found, above, that the rural residential neighborhood adjacent to the Property would be negatively impacted by boat building and boat repair uses of the Property. The amendment is incompatible with the surrounding rural residential neighborhood. Florida Administrative Code Rules 9J-5.006(5)(h)6. and relate specifically to the analysis of whether an amendment fails to discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl. Because Petitioners did not raise urban sprawl as an issue, they cannot claim inconsistency with these rules. Petitioners contend that the amendment is inconsistent with Section 163.3177(8), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.005(2), which require that an amendment be based on relevant and appropriate data and analysis. Petitioners believe that there is no demonstrated need for additional industrial uses in the County. Petitioners’ argument and evidence on the issue of need failed to take into account the water-dependent use that is proposed. Petitioners’ computations to show that there are substantial acres of unused industrial lands in the County fails to address the question of whether there is a need for additional water-dependent land uses.
Recommendation Based on the forgoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administration Commission enter a Final Order determining that the amendment adopted by Putnam County through Ordinance 2009-23 is not in compliance. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of December, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. BRAM D. E. CANTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of December, 2009.
The Issue Whether the amendments to the Hendry County Comprehensive Plan adopted on February 25, 2014, by County Ordinance No. 2014- 03, are “in compliance,” as that term is defined in section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes (2013).1/
Findings Of Fact The Parties and Standing Respondent, Hendry County (Respondent or County), is a political subdivision of the State of Florida with the duty and responsibility to adopt and amend a comprehensive growth management plan pursuant to section 163.3167. Petitioner, the Seminole Tribe of Florida (Petitioner or Seminole Tribe), owns real property consisting of the Big Cypress Seminole Indian Reservation and adjacent non-reservation lands located in the County. The address of the main tribal office is 31000 Josie Billie Highway, Clewiston, Florida 33440. On February 25, 2014, the Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing and adopted the Plan Amendment. The Seminole Tribe submitted written and oral comments to the County concerning the Plan Amendment through their counsel and several Tribal members at the adoption public hearing. Existing Land Uses and Future Designations Hendry County is approximately 1,190 square miles in size. The County is predominantly an agriculturally-based community with roughly 55 percent of the total land area in agricultural production and another 12 percent designated as preserve. Approximately 71 percent of the land area in the County is designated Agriculture on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM).2/ Lands within the Agriculture Future Land Use Category (Ag FLU), some 529,936 acres, predominantly comprise the central, southern and eastern portion of the County. The Ag FLU designates those lands which “will continue in a rural and/or agricultural state through the planning horizon of 2040.” The County has limited property designated for future industrial and commercial use. Less than one-half percent of the land area on the FLUM is designated as Industrial. Less than two-tenths percent is designated as Commercial. Other future land use categories which allow Industrial development include Agriculture, Public, Multi-Use Development, and land within the Rodina sector plan, which authorizes a maximum of 1,900,000 square feet of Office, Civic, and Industrial uses. Industrial uses allowed within the Agriculture land use category include processing of agricultural products as Level One uses allowed as permitted uses, special exceptions, or accessory uses under the Land Development Code. A number of other uses, such as utilities, bio-fuel plants, mining, and solid waste recovery, are allowed as Level Two uses which require rezoning of the property to a Planned Unit Development, with significant review by County staff and approval by the Board of County Commissioners. Less than one percent of the land area is designated for Public Use. The Public land use category designates areas which are publicly-owned, semi-public, or private lands authorized for public purposes, such as utilities and solid waste facilities. The largest industrial site in the County is the AirGlades industrial complex, which is designated as a Public land use on the FLUM. The site is approximately 2,400 acres in size, but only roughly 200 acres is in industrial use. The complex cannot be fully developed due to inadequate County wastewater facilities serving the site, Federal Aviation Authority restrictions (e.g., height limitations) on development in proximity to the Airglades airport, and lack of opportunity for fee ownership of property owned by the County.3/ Roughly one-half percent of the land area is designated Multi-Use. Designated lands are generally located adjacent to the primary transportation system and existing or programmed utilities. The purpose of this land use category is to promote new development and redevelopment of the properties located within the category. The Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for Industrial development in the Multi-Use category is limited to 0.75. As with industrial uses, commercial uses are allowed in land use categories other than Commercial. The Agriculture category allows commercial uses such as ornamental horticulture and nurseries. Non-residential intensity is generally limited to an FAR of .40. Commercial development is allowed within both the Medium–Density and High-Density Residential FLU Categories; however, development is limited to residential-serving commercial, must be approved through the PUD rezoning process, and is limited to 15 percent of the uses within the PUD. Less than one percent of the County is designated as Rural Special Density, and, under the existing Plan, this designation cannot be expanded. The Residential Special Density category allows commercial and retail on no more than 10 percent of the designated area and with a total cap of 200 square feet at buildout. Commercial development is also allowed within the Multi-Use category, but is limited to an FAR of .25 for retail commercial, .50 for mixed-use buildings (maximum of 25 percent retail), and .30 FAR for mixed-use buildings with commercial on the first floor. The County is sparsely populated with concentrations surrounding the cities of Clewiston and LaBelle, including Port LaBelle, as well as the unincorporated areas known as Felda and Harlem. The cities of LaBelle and Clewiston and the unincorporated populated areas are located at the northernmost end of the County along State Road 80 (SR 80). The Felda Community is located in the northwestern portion of the County, south of the City of LaBelle. Most of the development in the County since 1999 has occurred in and surrounding the incorporated areas of LaBelle and Clewiston, primarily adjacent to the City of LaBelle and along SR 80 from LaBelle to the Lee County line. The vast majority of land in the County is not served by centralized public utilities, such as sewer and water. Existing public utilities, including centralized water and sewer, are limited to the northernmost areas of the County surrounding the cities of LaBelle and Clewiston, and along SR 80. South of LaBelle and Clewiston, there are only three north/south and two east/west principle arterial or collector roads in the County. All of these are two-lane roads, and only SR 29 south of LaBelle is planned to be widened to four lanes under either alternative in the County’s 2040 long-range transportation plan. Economic Conditions It is undisputed that the economic condition of the County is dire. The County ranks high in many negative economic indicators, including a 30 percent poverty rate (compared to 17 percent statewide), the highest unemployment rate in the state for 34 of the most recent 36 months, and an annual wage $10,000 lower than the state average. Roughly 80 percent of County school children qualify for a free or reduced-price lunch, and a high percentage of the County population are Medicaid recipients. The County’s ability to raise revenue through taxation is limited by the extent of property exempt from ad valorem taxation (e.g., government-owned property), and the extent classified as Agricultural and assessed at less than just value. Slightly more than half of the just value of property in the County is subject to an Agricultural classification. Another 21 percent of the just value of property in the County is government-owned, thus exempt from ad valorem taxation. More than half of the parcels in the County are taxed as vacant residential, and less than two percent are taxable commercial properties. On May 24, 2011, the Board of County Commissioners conducted a workshop on proposed new Mission, Vision, and Core Values statements for the County. On September 13, 2011, the Board adopted the following Vision statement: “To be an outstanding rural community in which to live, work, raise a family and enjoy life by creating an economic environment where people can prosper.” The Plan Amendment The Plan Amendment was adopted in an effort to attract large-scale commercial and industrial businesses to locate in, and bring jobs to, the County. Under the Plan Amendment, a new development project that is designated as an Economic Engine Project (EEP), and “large-scale commercial and/or industrial” developments, are expressly permitted in any and all FLU categories throughout the County with the exception of Agricultural Conservation, Residential - Pre-Existing Rural Estates, and Felda Estates. The Plan Amendment is designed to spur economic development by “streamlining” the permitting process to give the County a competitive advantage in attracting new business. By permitting EEPs and large-scale commercial and industrial uses in nearly every future land use category, the Plan Amendment is intended to eliminate the costs (in both time and money) of processing comprehensive plan amendments for future development projects. The amount of land eligible for siting either an EEP or a large-scale commercial and/or industrial development under the Plan Amendment is approximately 580,000 acres.4/ The majority of that land area, 529,936.49 acres, is located within the Agriculture FLU category. The Plan Amendment significantly rewrites the Economic Development Element of the County’s Plan, and adds new policies to Chapter 1, Goal 2 of the Future Land Use Element (FLUE), related to “Innovative Planning and Development Strategies.” The Plan Amendment rewrites Goal 2 as follows:5/ In order to protect water resources, protect the environment and wildlife habitat, build a more sustainable tax base, encourage economic development, promote energy efficiency, and to permit job creation for the citizens and residents of Hendry County, the following innovative land use planning techniques should be encouraged: In order to build a sustainable tax base, encourage economic development, promote job creation, and support vibrant rural and urban communities, the following flexible development strategies are encouraged: Innovative and flexible planning and development strategies list in Section 163.3168, Florida Statutes. Innovative and creative planning tools. Innovative Flexible and strategic land use techniques listed and defined in this comprehensive plan. The Plan Amendment adds the following new Objective and Policies to FLUE Goal 2: Objective 2.1: Recognize the substantial advantages of innovative approaches to economic development to meet the needs of the existing and future urban, suburban and rural areas. Policy 2.1.1: A qualifying County economic development and job creation project (Economic Engine Project) is a project that complies with Policy 10.1.7. of the Economic Development Element, Hendry County's compatibility requirements, Policy 2.1.2, and which will have adequate infrastructure. These projects shall be allowed in any category listed in the Future Land Use Element except those lands designated as Agriculture Conservation, Residential/Pre- Existing Rural Estates, and Felda Estates residential areas, consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Economic Development Element. Additionally, Economic Engine Projects shall be allowed in adopted sector plans only if they advance or further the goals, objectives and policies of respective lands pursuant to 163.3245, and the sector plan. Densities and Intensities shall not exceed the values that are established for commercial and industrial uses in the respective land use categories. In the residential land use categories, an Economic Engine Project shall not exceed an Intensity of 0.25 FAR. Policy 2.1.2: Large-scale commercial and/or industrial developments will be allowed in any Future Land Use category, except those lands designated as Agriculture Conservation, Residential/Pre-Existing Rural Estates, and Felda Estates residential areas if they meet the requirements below. In addition, large-scale commercial and/or industrial developments will be allowed in adopted sector plans only if they advance or further the goals, objectives and policies of respective lands pursuant to 163.3245, F.S., the sector plan, and meet the requirements below. Policy 2.1.2 does not apply to industrial development located in the industrial land use category nor commercial development located in the commercial land use category. The development is approved as a PUD as provided in the Land Development Code; The development is consistent with siting proposals developed by County staff and approved by the Board of County Commissioners; The project has direct access to principal arterials and collectors or access to the principal arterials and collectors via local roads with adequate capacity which can be readily provided by the development; The project has access to, will upgrade/extend existing utilities, or construct on-site utilities; or a public or private provider will extend and/or expand the utilities (including an upgrade if necessary) or has the extension of utilities in the utility's financially feasible plan. The project must have access to all existing or planned necessary utilities, such as water, sewer, electricity, natural gas, cable, broadband, or telephone; The project has access to and can provide on-site rail facilities, when appropriate; The project will provide sufficient open space, buffers, and screening from exterior boundaries where warranted to address all compatibility issues. Large-scale Commercial and/or Industrial development must be a minimum of eighty (80) acres. The County reserves the right to require the project area to be larger if the County finds that a project with more land is necessary to address the impacts of the development on the surrounding area, or if the County concludes that a larger site is necessary to provide a viable project. The project must demonstrate that it will produce at least fifty (50) new jobs within three years after the project is initiated. The development must contribute positively to the County's economy. If the project requires that the County expend funds not already provided for in the County Capital Improvement Program, the developer shall cooperate with the County in obtaining the funds. This provision includes requiring the County to accelerate a programmed project. If necessary, the owner/developer of the project will work with the appropriate educational facilities to create the necessary education and training programs that will enable Hendry County residents to be employed with the Large- scale Commercial and/or Industrial development. Intensities shall not exceed the Floor Area Ratio for Commercial and/or Industrial uses that are established in their respective land use categories. In the residential land use categories, an Economic Engine Project shall not exceed an Intensity of 0.25 FAR. Densities shall not exceed the Floor Area Ratio for Commercial uses that are established in their respective land use categories. Additionally, the Plan Amendment adds the following definitions to the Plan: "Economic Engine Project" means a qualifying County economic development and job creation project which complies with Policy 10.1.7. of the Economic Development Element and means the proposed development, redevelopment or expansion of a target industry. "Target Industry" means an industry that contributes to County or regional economic diversification and competitiveness. Targeted industries that are eligible to qualify as a County-approved Economic Engine Project include, but are not limited to: The targeted industries and strategic areas of emphasis listed with Enterprise Florida The targeted industries of Florida's Heartland Regional Economic Development Initiative Projects aligned with efforts of Visit Florida Projects that promote tourism Marine Industries; and Agricultural Industries New Economic Development Element Policy 10.1.7, reads as follows: The County Administrator has the authority to designate a project as a County-approved Economic Engine Project provided it meets the definition of an Economic Engine Project, the criterion in future land use element Objective 2.1, and policies 2.1.1- 2.1.2. Petitioner’s Challenge Petitioner challenges the Plan Amendment as not “in compliance” with chapter 163. Specifically, Petitioner alleges that the Plan Amendment fails to appropriately plan for orderly future growth by providing measurable and predictable standards to guide and control the future growth and distribution of large-scale commercial and industrial developments and Economic Engine Projects throughout the County; is not based on relevant and appropriate data and analysis; is internally inconsistent with other goals, objectives, and policies in the Plan; and fails to discourage urban sprawl. Meaningful and Predictable Standards Section 163.3177(1) provides, “The [local government comprehensive plan] shall establish meaningful and predictable standards for the use and development of land and provide meaningful guidelines for the content of more detailed land development and use regulations.” Section 163.3177(6)(a) requires the local government to designate, through the FLUE, the “proposed future general distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land for” commercial and industrial categories of use. Further, this section requires the local government to include the “approximate acreage and the general range of density or intensity of use . . . for the gross land area in each existing land use category.” Subparagraph 163.3177(6)(a)1. requires local governments to define each future land use category “in terms of uses included” and to include “standards to be followed in the control and distribution of population densities and building and structure intensities.” Designated Economic Engine Projects The Plan Amendment does not define an EEP in a manner sufficient to put property owners on notice as to what use might be approved within the approximately 580,000 acres affected by the Plan Amendment. The Plan Amendment defines an EEP as a “proposed development, redevelopment or expansion of a target industry.” “Target industry” is further defined by the Plan Amendment as “an industry that contributes to County or regional economic diversification and competitiveness.” The definition continues, as follows: Targeted industries that are eligible to qualify as a County-approved Economic Engine Project include, but are not limited to: The targeted industries and strategic areas of emphasis listed with Enterprise Florida The targeted industries of Florida’s Heartland Regional Economic Development Initiative Projects aligned with efforts of Visit Florida Projects that promote tourism Marine Industries Agricultural Industries Under Policy 2.1.1, a project that meets the definitions above may be designated as an EEP by the County Administrator, pursuant to Policy 10.1.7, if it meets the criterion in Policy 2.1.2, and if it “complies with the County’s compatibility requirements and [has] adequate infrastructure.” As adopted, the Plan Amendment provides no meaningful standard for the use or development of land for an EEP. The definition of an industry that “contributes to County or regional economic diversification and competitiveness” is essentially open-ended, defining an EEP only in the sense that it must be different from the existing predominate County industry -- Agriculture. Yet, even that distinction is eliminated by the inclusion of “Agricultural Industries” on the list of target industries “that are eligible to qualify as a County-approved” EEP. The list of industries defined as “eligible to qualify as a County-approved” EEP provides no meaningful standard because it incorporates by reference industries listed by, targeted by, or “aligned with,” private and quasi-government entities such as Enterprise Florida, Visit Florida, and Florida’s Heartland Regional Economic Development Initiative. The definition does not even fix to a specific date the list of targeted industries designated by those business development entities, thus rendering the Amendment “self-amending,” without any meaningful list of qualifying uses. Moreover, the definition of “target industry” incorporates these third-party lists with the qualification “including but not limited to.” Thus, determination of an EEP is at the sole discretion of the County Administrator. Sarah Catala, Hendry County associate planner, is the author of the Plan Amendment. Ms. Catala testified that an EEP could encompass a wide variety of uses, including ecotourism (e.g., bird-watching tours), manufacturing, and large-scale commercial development such as a Super Walmart. The Plan Amendment is essentially circular. The definition of an EEP refers to compliance with Policy 10.1.7, but Policy 10.1.7 refers back to the definition and the criteria in Policies 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. Policy 2.1.1 requires an EEP to comply with Policy 10.1.7, as well as Policy 2.1.2. Objective 2.1 and Policies 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 lack meaningful and predictable standards for the use and development of EEPs. Policy 2.1.1, as previously referenced, refers the reader to Policy 2.1.2 and further states that EEPs must “comply with Hendry County’s compatibility requirements” and must have “adequate infrastructure.” The Plan Amendment does not define either “compatibility requirements” or “adequate infrastructure.” Nor does the Plan Amendment cross-reference any specific compatibility or infrastructure requirement in either the Plan or the County’s Land Development Regulations. The County highlights Policy 2.1.2 as the measurable criterion that directs the location, timing and extent of development of both EEPs and large-scale commercial and industrial developments throughout the County. However, as discussed below, Policy 2.1.2 does not resolve the Plan Amendment’s failure to provide meaningful and predictable standards directing the location, amount and timing of the development of EEPs or large-scale commercial and industrial in the County. Large-scale Commercial and Industrial Developments Policy 2.1.2 adds “large-scale commercial and industrial developments” as an allowable use in every FLU category in the County with the exception of the same three categories from which EEPs are excluded: Agriculture Conservation, Residential/Pre-Existing Rural Estates, and Felda Estates. Large-scale commercial and industrial developments must meet the requirements listed in paragraphs (a) through (n) of Policy Policy 2.1.2(a) requires EEPs and large-scale commercial and industrial developments allowed by the Plan Amendment to undergo a rezoning to Planned Unit Development (PUD) during which time various site-specific criteria found in the land development regulations will be applied to development of a particular project. The PUD rezoning criterion in the County’s LDRs govern the location of a particular use on a specific property. The PUD requirements do not relate in any way to the appropriate location of either an economic project or large-scale commercial or industrial development within the approximately 580,000 acres open for those developments under the Plan Amendment. Thus, this criterion is not a meaningful standard that provides for the general distribution, location, and extent of land for EEPs or large-scale commercial or industrial use. Policy 2.1.2(b) requires EEPs and large-scale commercial and industrial developments allowed by the Plan Amendment to be “consistent with siting proposals developed by County staff and approved by the Board of County Commissioners.” It is undisputed that the said siting proposals have yet to be developed by staff. Ms. Catala anticipates developing a locational matrix that will “match up locations in the County with the needs of a business.” As such, the siting proposals will provide locational standards for future EEPs and large- scale commercial and industrial developments. As written and adopted, though, the Plan Amendment contains no such standards. Policy 2.1.2(c) requires EEPs and large-scale commercial and industrial developments to have “direct access to principal arterials and collectors or access to the principal arterials and collectors via local roads with adequate capacity which can be readily provided by the development.” This criterion simply requires EEPs and large-scale commercial and industrial developments to have access to a roadway of some sort. It does not guide developments to locate within proximity to a roadway, or require direct access to a particular class of roadway. The criterion does not preclude the developer from building a road from the project to an existing local roadway. Furthermore, the Plan Amendment neither defines the term “adequate capacity” nor cross-references an existing definition of that term elsewhere in the Plan. Without a definition, the reader is left to speculate whether a particular project site is appropriate in proximity to any particular roadway. As written, Policy 2.1.2(c) does not provide meaningful standards for the location, distribution, or extent of either EEPs or large-scale commercial or industrial projects within the approximately 580,000 acres designated eligible for these uses under the Plan Amendment. Policy 2.1.2(d) relates to the provision of utilities to serve an EEP or large-scale commercial or industrial project. The Policy reads as follows: The project has access to, will upgrade/extend, or construct on-site utilities; or a public or private provider will extend and/or expand the utilities (including an upgrade if necessary) or has the extension of utilities in the utility’s financially feasible plan. The project must have access to all existing or planned necessary utilities, such as water, sewer, electricity, natural gas, cable, broadband, or telephone. This criterion provides so many alternatives, it is essentially meaningless. Boiled down, the provision requires only that the project have utilities, which is essential to any development. The criterion does not direct the location of one of these projects to areas where utilities exist or are planned, but rather allows them anywhere within the approximately 580,000 acres as long as the developer provides needed utilities, somehow, some way. Policy 2.1.2(e) requires “[t]he project [to have] access to and . . . provide on-site rail facilities, when appropriate[.]” This criterion provides locational criterion to the extent that a development for which rail facilities are integral must locate in proximity thereto. However, that criterion is self-evident. The policy does not add any guidance for the location, distribution, and extent of EEPs and large- scale commercial or industrial projects which do not require rail facilities. Policy 2.1.2(f) requires the project to “provide sufficient open space, buffers, and screening from exterior boundaries where warranted to address all compatibility issues.” Buffers, screening, and open space requirements are addressed at the PUD rezoning stage of development and do not provide guidance as to the location of development within any particular land area. Furthermore, the language does not direct an EEP or large-scale commercial or industrial development away from existing uses which may be incompatible therewith. The Plan Amendment actually anticipates incompatibility and requires development techniques to address incompatibilities at the rezoning stage. Policy 2.1.2(g) requires a minimum of 80 acres for a large-scale commercial or industrial development. The policy allows the County to increase that minimum size “if the County finds that a project with more land is necessary to address the impacts of the development on the surrounding area, or if the County concludes that a larger site is necessary to provide a viable project.” The policy has a veneer of locational criterion: it excludes development or redevelopment of parcels, or aggregated parcels, which are smaller than the 80 acre threshold. However, the policy provides an exception for the County to require larger parcels solely at its discretion. Again, the policy anticipates incompatibility between large- scale commercial or industrial development and the existing land uses. Policies 2.1.2(h), (i), (j), (k), (l), and (m) bear no relationship to location, distribution, or extent of the land uses allowed under the Plan Amendment. Petitioner has proven beyond fair debate that the Plan Amendment neither provides for the general distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land for commercial and industrial purposes nor meaningful standards for the future development of EEPs and large-scale commercial and industrial development. Section 163.3177(1) requires local government plan amendments to establish meaningful guidelines for the content of more-detailed land development regulations. Policy 2.1.2(b) requires large-scale commercial and industrial developments to be consistent with “siting proposals,” which Ms. Catala testified are anticipated to be adopted in the County’s land development code. Ms. Catala generally described a matrix that would help industry “get the best fit for their needs in the County.” The Plan Amendment does not provide any guidelines for adoption of a matrix or any other siting proposals to be adopted by County staff and approved by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Policy 2.1.2.(b). Lastly, section 163.3177(6)(a) requires that the FLUE establish the general range of density and intensity of the uses allowed. Ms. Catala testified that the intent of the Plan Amendment is not to change the density or intensity of uses from those already allowed in the plan. The plain language of the Plan Amendment does not support a finding that densities and intensities of use remain the same under the Plan Amendment. The intensity of non- residential development allowed under the Plan Amendment is, at best, unclear, and in some cases left entirely to the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners. Policy 2.1.1 provides that the densities and intensities of EEPs “shall not exceed the values that are established for commercial and industrial uses in the respective land use categories.” The County argues that a fair reading of the Policy restricts non-residential development to the intensities established in the underlying category for non-residential development. Under Policy 2.1.2, intensities of large-scale commercial and industrial developments “shall not exceed the Floor Area Ratio for Commercial and/or Industrial Uses established in their respective land use categories.” While a fair reading of Policy 2.1.1 restricts the intensity of commercial or industrial development to the density established in the underlying land use district, Policy 2.1.2 does not. The pronoun “their” refers back to the Commercial and Industrial land use categories. Thus, under Policy 2.1.2, commercial and industrial uses can develop in other land use categories at the intensities established in the Commercial or Industrial category. Further, both Policy 2.1.1 and Policy 2.1.2 cap EEP intensity at 0.25 FAR in residential FLU categories. This language overrides the existing cap on non-residential development in those categories established in the FLUE. It also overrides those FLU categories, such as Residential Low- Density, which establish an FAR of 0.00. Finally, Policy 2.1.2 contains no intensity cap on development of commercial and industrial development within residential FLU categories. The County explains that large- scale commercial and industrial developments are simply not allowed in FLU categories, such as Residential Low-Density, which establish an FAR of 0.00. The County’s interpretation is not consistent with the plain language of the policy. Policy 2.1.2 specifically allows large-scale commercial and industrial development in all land use categories except Agricultural-Conservation, Residential/ Pre-Existing Rural Estates, and Felda Estates. If the County intended to exclude other FLU categories, they would have been included in the list of exceptions. Petitioner has proven beyond fair debate that the Plan Amendment does not establish the general range of intensity of large-scale commercial and industrial development. Data and Analysis Section 163.3177(6)(a)2. requires local government FLUE amendments “to be based upon surveys, studies, and data regarding the area, as applicable” including the following: The amount of land required to accommodate anticipated growth. The projected permanent and seasonal population of the area. The character of the undeveloped land. The availability of water supplies, public facilities, and services. The need for redevelopment, including the renewal of blighted areas and the elimination of nonconforming uses which are inconsistent with the character of the community. The compatibility of uses on land adjacent to an airport as defined in s. 330.35 and consistent with s. 333.02. The discouragement of urban sprawl. The need for job creation, capital investment, and economic development that will strengthen and diversify the community’s economy. The need to modify land uses and development patterns with antiquated subdivisions. County staff did not collect data or perform an analysis of the character of the undeveloped land affected by the Plan Amendment. County staff did not perform any analysis of the suitability of the land area affected by the Plan Amendment for either a large-scale commercial or industrial development nor for an EEP. County staff did not perform an analysis of the availability of the County water supplies, wastewater treatment, or other public facilities, to serve large-scale commercial or industrial development or an EEP located within the area affected by the Plan Amendment. In fact, County staff acknowledged that wastewater treatment facilities are inadequate to support full buildout of the industrial sites available at the Airglades airport facility. County staff did not perform an analysis of the compatibility of large-scale commercial or industrial development adjacent to the Airglades airport facility. In preparing the Plan Amendment, County staff clearly relied upon data reflecting the County’s needs for job creation, economic development, and a diversified economy, including the Department of Revenue Property Tax Overview for Hendry County, and the fact that the County is designated a Rural Area of Critical State Concern. County staff also considered, in support of the Plan Amendment, the County Commission’s recently-adopted Vision statement: “To be an outstanding rural community in which to live, work, raise a family and enjoy life by creating an economic environment where people can prosper.” No evidence was introduced to support a finding that County staff analyzed whether the Plan Amendment would achieve the goals of strengthening and diversifying the County’s economy. The County introduced the testimony of Greg Gillman, the County’s Economic Development Director, regarding his efforts to attract new business to the County, as well as the obstacles the County faces in these efforts. Mr. Gillman testified regarding five particular scenarios in which he worked with companies to find a suitable location in the County. In one scenario, the price was too high for the potential buyer. In another, the potential buyer was put off by the wooded acreage. In another, the seller would not subdivide. In another, the property is undergoing a PUD rezoning process. In the final scenario, Mr. Gillman testified the potential buyer rejected all proposed sites without explanation. Mr. Gillman did not give a single example of a scenario in which a potential business opportunity was lost due to the need to change the FLUM designation of a property. In fact, Mr. Gillman testified that he does not even show sites without appropriate land use classifications to potential buyers. While there is a plethora of data on the limited amount of land in the County classified for commercial and industrial uses, County staff gathered no data regarding, and conducted no analysis of, the vacancy rate of sites on which commercial and industrial uses are currently allowed. Mr. Gillman provided anecdotal evidence regarding recent efforts to redevelop vacant sites, some of which have been successful. Ms. Catala testified that, in addition to relying on the County’s Vision statement and economic data, she reviewed the comprehensive plans of other jurisdictions. From that review, she gleaned the idea of an EEP. The County introduced no evidence to support a finding that the threshold of 80 acres for an EEP was based upon data at all. Mr. Gillman’s testimony revealed that Ms. Catala originally proposed a higher threshold (perhaps 120 acres), but that he recommended a smaller acreage. Mr. Gillman gave no explanation of the basis for his recommendation. Section 163.3177(f) provides, “To be based on data means to react to it an appropriate way and to the extent necessary indicated by the data available on that particular subject at the time of adoption of the plan or plan amendment at issue.” Given the lack of evidence linking the Plan Amendment to spurring economic development, the County failed to demonstrate that it reacted appropriately to the economic data on which it relied. Even if Mr. Gillman’s anecdotes were accepted as data, they do not support eliminating plan amendments to allow commercial and industrial development in a variety of other land use categories. Internal Inconsistency Section 163.3177(2) provides as follows: Coordination of the several elements of the local comprehensive plan shall be a major objective of the planning process. The several elements of the comprehensive plan shall be consistent. The Petitioner alleges the Plan Amendment changes to the FLUE and Economic Development Element are inconsistent with a number of goals, objectives, and policies found within the FLUE and in other plan elements. Each one is taken in turn. Future Land Use Element First, Petitioner alleges internal inconsistency within the FLUE, specifically between the Plan Amendment and FLUE Goal 1, Objective 1.1, and Policies 1.1.1, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.5, 1.1.9, 1.1.10, 1.1.11, and 1.1.13. Policy 1.1.1 governs land uses allowed within the Agriculture FLU category. The policy states, in pertinent part, as follows: Purpose The purpose of the Agriculture Future Land Use Category is to define those areas within Hendry County which will continue in a rural and/or agricultural state through the planning horizon of 2040. * * * Location Standards Areas classified as Agriculture are located within the rural areas of Hendry County. Lands in this category are not within the urban area, but may be adjacent to the urban area. Some of these lands may be converted to urban uses within the 2040 planning horizon. However, the majority of the lands classified Agriculture will remain in a rural, agricultural land use through the year 2040. The Plan Amendment affects more land designated as Agriculture than that designated in any other category. Slightly more than 70 percent of the County, almost 530,000 acres, is designated as Agriculture, and all of it is subject to development for an EEP or an 80-acre minimum commercial or industrial project under the Plan Amendment. Development of ill-defined EEPs and 80-acre minimum large-scale commercial and industrial projects is not consistent with designating lands “which will continue in a rural and/or agricultural state” through 2040. Respondent counters that the Plan Amendment is not inconsistent with Policy 1.1.1 because that Policy already allows a number of non-traditional agricultural uses which are commercial and/or industrial in nature, and may be sited through the PUD rezoning process, just as the uses allowed under the Plan Amendment. Policy 1.1.1 authorizes the use of Agriculture lands for utilities, bio-fuel plants, mining and earth extraction and processing operations, solid waste facilities, resource recovery facilities, and other similar uses. The County’s argument is not persuasive.7/ The non- agricultural uses allowed under the existing plan are agriculturally-related or agriculture-dependent uses, such as bio-fuel, mining, and resource recovery, or uses which, by their nature, are best suited to less-populated rural areas, such as utilities and solid waste facilities. In contrast, large-scale commercial and industrial uses are not limited to agriculturally-related or utility uses. Under the Plan Amendment, anything from an auto parts manufacturing plant to a Super Walmart could be developed in areas designated Agriculture. Any number of urban uses could be developed under the auspices of an EEP or large-scale commercial. Under the Plan Amendment, no amendment to the County’s comprehensive plan will be needed to allow such urban uses in the Agriculture category. Policies 1.1.3, 1.1.4, and 1.1.5 govern land uses in the following FLU categories: Residential – Rural Estates, Residential – Medium Density, and Residential – High Density, respectively. According to Policy 1.1.3, the purpose of the Residential – Rural Estates category is “to define those areas within Hendry County which have been or should be developed at lower density in order to promote and protect the rural lifestyle through the planning horizon of 2040.” The Policy permits only residential and customary accessory uses within the category. The Policy specifically sets a FAR of 0.00 for non- residential development. According to Policy 1.1.4, the purpose of the Residential – Medium Density category is “to identify those areas within Hendry County which currently, or should be, encouraged to become the primary location of residential development offering a mixture of residential products at suburban/urban style density through the planning horizon 2040.” The policy permits single- and multi-family development, as well as mobile homes, and customary accessory uses. Commercial development is allowed only as an element of mixed-use developments, of which commercial is limited to 15 percent. Additional limitations on commercial apply, including limits on size and character, location within the mixed-use development, and buffering from adjacent residential uses. Policy 1.1.4 establishes an FAR of 0.10 for non-residential development. According to Policy 1.1.5, the purpose of the Residential – High Density category is “to define those areas within Hendry County which are or should become higher density residential development through the planning horizon 2040.” The policy permits all types of residential development and customary accessory uses. As with medium-density category, Policy 1.1.5 allows some commercial development within mixed-use developments subject to limitations on size and character, location within the mixed-use development, and buffering. The policy establishes an FAR of 0.10 for non-residential development. Under the Plan Amendment, each of these three Residential categories is available for siting an EEP. New Policy 2.1.2 allows for development of EEPs in these categories at an FAR of 0.25. The Plan Amendment allows EEPs within the Residential Rural Estates category directly in contravention of Policy 1.1.3, which limits uses to residential, recreational, and limited agricultural, and provides zero intensity for non- residential uses. As previously noted, the Plan Amendment broadly defines EEPs, and the record supports a finding that such a project could encompass anything from a manufacturing facility to a Super Walmart. The broad array of uses to diversify the County’s economy is in conflict with the County’s previous decision, reflected in Policy 1.1.3 to designate these areas for future development at low-density residential “to promote and protect the rural lifestyle.” Likewise, the Plan Amendment opens up the Residential Medium Density and Residential – High Density categories for location of ill-defined EEPs in contravention of Policies 1.1.4 and 1.1.5, which limit development in those categories to primarily residential, only allowing commercial within a mixed- use development and limited to a maximum of 15 percent. Furthermore, the Plan Amendment allows these developments at a greater intensity than the FAR of 0.10 established for non- residential density in those categories. The parties disagreed as to whether the Plan Amendment authorizes large-scale commercial and industrial development in the Residential – Rural Estates category governed by Policy 1.1.3. The argument primarily turns on interpretation of new Policy 2.1.2, as discussed in the previous section herein titled “Meaningful and Predictable Standards.” The County contends that the correct interpretation of Policy 2.1.2 allows a large-scale commercial or industrial development at the maximum intensity established in the underlying land use category. In other words, if the underlying land use category establishes an FAR of 0.00 for industrial development, no industrial development is allowed. However, if the same category establishes an FAR for commercial development, the Plan Amendment allows commercial development in that category limited to the intensity established by the FAR. The undersigned has rejected that interpretation as discussed in the prior section herein. Petitioner contends that the language allows commercial and industrial development in every non-exempt land use category at the intensities established in the Commercial and/or Industrial land use category, as applicable. Petitioner’s interpretation is the correct interpretation, and indeed the only possible reading of the plain language of Policy 2.1.2(l).8/ Policy 1.1.9 governs uses in the Commercial land use category. The Policy allows non-residential development at the following intensities: Retail Commercial – 0.25 FAR Office – 0.50 FAR 0.50 FAR for mixed-use building with a maximum of 25% retail and a minimum of 75% office 0.30 FAR for mixed-use development with commercial on the first floor and residential on stories above the first floor. Allowing large-scale commercial development at the stated intensities directly conflicts with Policy 1.1.3, which provides an FAR of 0.00 for non-residential development in Residential – Rural Estates; Policy 1.1.4, which caps intensity at 0.10 for commercial in Residential – Medium; and Policy 1.1.5, which provides an FAR of 0.10 in Residential – High. Thus, Plan Amendment Policy 2.2.1 is in conflict with Policies 1.1.3, 1.1.4, and 1.1.5. Policy 1.1.10 governs uses in the Industrial land use category. The Policy allows industrial development at an intensity of 0.75. Allowing large-scale industrial development at an intensity of 0.75 directly conflicts with Policy 1.1.3, which provides an FAR of 0.00 for non-residential development in Residential – Rural Estates; and Policies 1.1.4 and 1.1.5, which limit non-residential uses to commercial and recreation in the Residential – Medium and Residential – High land use categories. Thus, Plan Amendment Policy 2.1.2 is in conflict with Policies 1.1.3, 1.1.4, and 1.1.5. Petitioner alleges the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with Policies 1.1.9 and 1.1.10 governing development within the Commercial and Industrial categories, respectively. The allegations were not supported by a preponderance of the evidence. The Plan Amendment does not alter either the uses allowed in those categories or the intensity of development allowed therein. Those policies are essentially unscathed. However, because the Plan Amendment allows the types and intensities of development described in the Commercial and Industrial categories to occur in residential and other categories in which those uses and intensities conflict, the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with the policies governing those residential and other categories. Policies 1.1.9 and 1.1.10 are merely the conduits through which Policy 2.1.2 is found to be inconsistent with Policies 1.1.3, 1.1.4, and 1.1.5. Policy 1.1.11 governs land uses in the Public category. The Policy establishes the following purpose and uses: Purpose The purpose of the Public Future Land Use Category is to establish regulations relative to use and location of publicly- owned lands, semi-public lands, and private lands authorized for public purposes which currently exist or which may become public through the planning horizon 2040. Description/Uses Lands in this category are areas designated for public and semi-public uses, including governmental buildings, schools, churches, and worship centers, utilities, solid waste handling and disposal facilities, airports, logistic centers when operated on public property, recycling facilities, and similar public and semi-public uses. This category may also include publicly-owned parks and other public/semi-public recreational facilities. There is no dispute that the Plan Amendment would allow both EEPs and large-scale commercial and industrial uses within the Public land use category. Large-scale commercial and industrial development is inconsistent with the purpose of the Public land use category adopted in Policy 1.1.11 and the uses established therein. Because the Plan Amendment provides no clear definition of an EEP, and leaves the determination solely to the County Administrator, it is impossible to determine whether allowing said development in the Public land use category would necessarily be inconsistent with Policy 1.1.11. Policy 1.1.13 governs uses in the Leisure/Recreation category. The Policy establishes the following purpose and uses: Purpose The purpose of the Leisure/Recreation Future Land Use Category is to define those areas within Hendry County which are used or may become used for free standing/independent leisure/recreation activities through the planning horizon 2040. * * * Description/Uses Leisure/Recreation areas are sites which are currently developed for leisure/recreation facilities or undeveloped sites which are designated for development as leisure/ recreation facilities. . . . Uses allowed within this category shall be limited to sports facilities whether individually developed or in sports complexes, active and/or passive parks, recreation vehicle parks, campgrounds (whether primitive or improved), marinas, golf courses, equestrian centers and riding areas, sporting clay facilities, eco tourism activities, and similar leisure and recreation facilities and ancillary facilities. Large-scale industrial and commercial development would directly conflict with the purpose and types of use allowed within this category pursuant to Policy 1.1.13. As the Plan Amendment provides a very broad definition of EEP, it is impossible to determine that every such use would be inconsistent with Policy 1.1.13. In fact, since an EEP may include eco-tourism uses, location within Leisure/Recreation may be entirely suitable. Petitioner next contends that the Plan Amendment is internally inconsistent with Policy 1.5.17, which provides, as follows: The County’s development regulations shall specifically encourage redevelopment, infill development, compatibility with adjacent uses, and curtailment of uses inconsistent with the character and land uses of surrounding area, and shall discourage urban sprawl. No evidence was introduced regarding whether the County’s land development regulations fall short of this Policy mandate. The County’s expert testified that he had not reviewed the County’s land development regulations to determine whether they met this requirement. Petitioner’s expert provided no testimony on this issue. Petitioner did not prove the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with Policy 1.5.17. Other Plan Elements Next, Petitioner contends the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with Infrastructure Element Objective 7.A.3 and Policy 7.A.3.1, which read as follows: Objective 7.A.3: The County shall maximize use of existing sewer facilities and discourage urban sprawl within infill development. In addition, limit the extension of sewer service to areas designated for urban development on the Future Land Use Map. This Objective shall be implemented through the following policies: Policy 7.A.3.1: The Future Land Use Element and Map allows density and the most flexibility for development in the areas near the Cities where sewer facilities are available, or are more feasible for sewer connections than the more remote areas. The Plan Amendment allows development of both EEPs and large-scale commercial and industrial projects regardless of the availability of existing sewer facilities to the project site. The Plan Amendment expresses no preference between, and alternately allows said development with either, access to existing sewer facilities, or provision of on-site wastewater treatment. The Plan Amendment does not change the land use designations on the existing Future Land Use Map. Nearly 580,000 acres opened up for EEPs and large-scale commercial and industrial development under the Plan Amendment is designated on the FLUM as Agriculture. Policy 1.1.1 specifically defines the Agriculture category for those areas of the County “which will continue in a rural and/or agricultural state through the planning horizon of 2040.” The Policy clearly characterizes the Agriculture designations on the FLUM as “rural areas of Hendry County,” and, while it recognizes that “some of these lands may be converted to urban uses” within the planning horizon, “the majority of the lands classified Agriculture will remain in a rural, agricultural land use through the year 2040.” Policy 2.1.2 specifically allows a public or private provider to “extend and/or expand” utilities in order to serve an EEP or large-scale commercial or industrial development. Thus, the Plan Amendment does not “limit the extension of sewer service to areas designated for urban development on the Future Land Use Map” as required by Objective 7.A.3. Likewise, the Plan Amendment does not “allow the greatest density and the most flexibility for development in the areas near the Cities where sewer facilities are available, or are more feasible for sewer extensions than the more remote areas.” Indeed, Ms. Catala testified consistently that one of the main objectives of the Plan Amendment was to provide more flexibility for development than allowed under the existing plan. Next, Petitioner maintains the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with Traffic Circulation Element Policy 8.5.3, which reads as follows: Revisions of the roads on the Future Traffic Circulation Map shall be coordinated with and connect or directly serve existing development areas or projected growth areas shown on the Future Land Use Map. The Plan Amendment does not revise any roads on the Future Traffic Circulation Map. No evidence was presented that the said revisions would not be coordinated with existing or projected growth areas shown on the Future Land Use Map. Thus, Petitioner did not prove the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with Policy 8.5.3. Next, Petitioner contends the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with Concurrency Management Element Policy 9.2.1, which reads, as follows: The Future Land Use Map is developed to coincide with the availability of public facilities and/or natural resources such that new facilities are not necessarily required for new development. The Plan Amendment allows both EEPs and large-scale commercial and industrial development to occur without regard to availability of public facilities. Although Policy 2.1.2 recognizes the importance of serving these new projects by adequate utilities of all types, it specifically allows public providers to build new, or extend existing, infrastructure to serve those developments. Further, the Plan Amendment anticipates the construction of new facilities to serve these developments, even requiring the County to accelerate projects in its Capital Improvements Program. The Plan Amendment conflicts with Policy 9.2.1 by authorizing development in areas on the FLUM for which public facilities are neither available nor planned. Future Land Use Map Series Finally, Petitioner alleges the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with the maps adopted in the current plan, specifically the FLUM and Conservation Map series. Because the Plan Amendment allows large-scale commercial and industrial developments in land use categories with which those uses are inconsistent, the location and distribution of uses shown on the FLUM are no longer accurate. The Conservation Map series indicates the generalized location in the County of eight different environmental categories, including soils, panther habitat, and historical resources. Very little evidence was adduced relative to whether the Plan Amendment directly conflicted with any one of the maps in the series. The evidence presented related more to the issue of whether the Plan Amendment was supported by data and analysis. Petitioner did not prove beyond fair debate that the Plan Amendment directly conflicts with the Conservation Map series. Urban Sprawl Petitioner’s final challenge to the Plan Amendment is that it does not discourage urban sprawl as required by section 163.3177(6)(a)9. Section 163.3177(6)(a)9.b. provides as follows: The future land use element or plan amendment shall be determined to discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl if it incorporates a development pattern or urban form that achieves four or more of the following: Directs or locates economic growth and associated land development to geographic areas of the community in a manner that does not have an adverse impact on and protects natural resources and ecosystems. Promotes the efficient and cost- effective provision or extension of public infrastructure and services. Promotes walkable and connected communities and provides for compact development and a mix of uses at densities and intensities that will support a range of housing choices and a multimodal transportation system, including pedestrian, bicycle, and transit, if available. Promotes conservation of water and energy. Preserves agricultural areas and activities, including siliviculture, and dormant, unique, and prime farmlands and soils. Preserves open space and natural lands and provides for public open space and recreation needs. Creates a balance of land uses based upon demands of the residential population for the nonresidential needs of an area. Provides uses, densities, and intensities of use and urban form that would remediate an existing or planned development pattern in the vicinity that constitutes urban sprawl or if it provides for an innovative development pattern such as transit-oriented development or new towns as defined in s. 163.3164. Petitioner maintains the Plan Amendment does not meet any of the listed criterion, thus the Plan Amendment does not discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl. The County maintains the Plan Amendment meets at least four of the foregoing indicators, and, thus, must be determined to discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl. The County’s expert witness testified that, in his opinion, the Plan Amendment meets indicators I, II, IV, V, VII, and perhaps VI. In making the following findings, the undersigned considered the testimony of both Petitioner’s and Respondent’s expert witnesses and found Petitioner’s expert opinions to be the more credible and persuasive. The Plan Amendment meets indicator I if it directs or locates EEPs and large-scale commercial and industrial development “in a manner that does not have an adverse impact on and protects natural resources and ecosystems.” The Plan Amendment contains no locational criteria for EEPs and large-scale commercial and industrial developments within the 580,000 acres of land opened up for these uses under the Plan Amendment. County staff had data, in the form of the existing conservation land use map series and the soils map, to draw from in determining areas inappropriate for these types of development. Ms. Catala did not rely upon that data, however, explaining instead that her knowledge of the location of wetlands, floodplains, and other natural resources within the subject area was derived from her day-to-day work. Ms. Catala performed no analysis of the impact of potential large-scale commercial or industrial uses on the natural resources and ecosystems which are present in the affected area. The County argues that the Plan Amendment meets criterion I because it does not allow the subject developments in the Agriculture Conservation Land Use Category, thus the Plan Amendment directs development away from natural resources located in that category. Policy 1.1.1(b). states the purpose of the Agriculture Conservation category is to define those areas within the County which are predominantly jurisdictional wetlands or contain a large portion of wetlands. Land in this category also includes state projects designed to meet the water quality and quantity goals related to the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan. The policy strictly limits both the type and intensity of development which may be located within this category. For example, non-agricultural development is limited to large-lot single-family homes, clustered developments, and rural PUDs, at an intensity no greater than 0.10. The County’s argument misses the mark. The issue is not whether the uses allowed under the Plan Amendment are excluded from land in protected categories, but whether the Plan Amendment directs development away from natural resources present in the 580,000 acres affected by the Plan Amendment. The Conservation Element Map Series documents the location of wetland, floodplains, primary and secondary panther habitat, and hydric soils within the County, including the area affected by the Plan Amendment. Because the Plan Amendment allows the subject development to occur anywhere within the 580,000 acres without regard to location of natural resources, it cannot be found to direct or locate development “in a manner that does not have an adverse impact on and protects natural resources and ecosystems.” The Plan Amendment does not meet criterion I. Criterion II applies if the Plan Amendment promotes the efficient and cost-effective provision or extension of public infrastructure and services. The Plan Amendment allows the subject development to locate without regard to the availability of public infrastructure or services. The Plan Amendment acknowledges that the development must be served, but anticipates that a public or private provider may have to extend services to the property, and does not discourage location of said projects in remote areas where said services are neither available nor planned. Further, the Plan Amendment acknowledges that the County may have to “expend funds not already provided for in the County Capital Improvement Program” to serve the development. Extending services to remote areas of the County is neither efficient nor cost-effective, especially in light of the fact that development could occur in multiple far-flung areas under the Plan Amendment. The Plan Amendment does not meet criterion II. Likewise, the Plan Amendment does not meet sprawl criterion IV because it does nothing to promote conservation of water and energy. The Amendment allows on-site utilities, including wells, to service new development. By allowing development in remote areas of the County, the Plan Amendment does not promote energy conservation. Likewise, the Plan Amendment does not meet criterion V, “[p]reserves agricultural areas and activities, including silviculture, and dormant, unique and prime farmland and soils.” The Plan Amendment does not relate to the soils map and direct development away from prime farmland and soils. Further, the Plan Amendment allows conversion of some 580,000 acres of land designated “Agriculture” to non-agricultural uses. Lands in the Agriculture land use category have been designated by the County to “continue in a rural and/or agricultural state through the planning horizon of 2040.” The Plan Amendment meets criterion VI if it “preserves open space and natural lands and provides for public open space and recreation needs.” The County’s expert testified that the Plan Amendment will increase the County’s tax base so that more public open space and recreation can be provided. Petitioner’s expert testified that the subject developments will intrude into rural open spaces and natural lands and “could change the scenic landscape” of the County. The Plan Amendment does not meet criterion VI. Criterion VII applies if the Plan Amendment creates a balance of land uses based upon demands of the residential population for the non-residential needs of the area. Neither party introduced any evidence regarding the amount of commercial or industrial development needed to serve the residential population of the County. Certainly the unemployment statistics indicate a need for employment opportunities. Petitioner did not prove that the Plan Amendment does not meet criterion VII. Criterion III and VIII do not apply to the Plan Amendment. Having determined that the Plan Amendment does not meet four or more of the criterion to be determined not to promote the proliferation of urban sprawl, the analysis then turns to the primary indicators of urban sprawl. Section 163.3177(6)(a)9.a. lays out 13 primary indicators that a plan amendment does not discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl. Again, the evidence conflicted as to whether the Plan Amendment meets any of the indicators. In making the following findings, the undersigned has considered the testimony of both Petitioner’s and Respondent’s expert witnesses, and found the testimony of Petitioner’s expert to be the more credible and persuasive. The Plan Amendment meets several of the primary indicators of the proliferation of urban sprawl. The Plan Amendment allows loosely-identified EEPs and large-scale commercial development to occur in roughly 580,000 largely rural acres currently designated for Agriculture. The Plan Amendment does not limit location of these developments within the Agriculture designation. Thus, the Plan Amendment “[p]romotes, allows, or designates significant amounts of urban development to occur in rural areas at substantial distances from existing urban areas while using undeveloped lands that are available and suitable for development” which is indicator II. Promoting these areas for development is, in fact, the main purpose of the Plan Amendment. Indicator IV is triggered if the Plan Amendment “[f]ails to adequately protect and conserve” a litany of natural resources and natural systems. The Plan Amendment meets this indicator because it does not direct development away from natural resources which may be located within the 580,000 acres in which it promotes development. Under the Plan Amendment, vast areas currently in, or designated for, agricultural uses, are allowed to convert to urban uses without a plan amendment. The Plan Amendment does not direct development away from existing agricultural uses. Thus, the Plan Amendment meets indicator V: “Fails to adequately protect adjacent agricultural areas and activities, including silviculture, active agricultural and silvicultural activities, passive agricultural activities, and dormant, unique, and prime farmlands and soils.” Similarly, the Plan Amendment “[f]ails to provide a clear separation between rural and urban uses[,]” thus triggering indicator IX. On the issue of public facilities, the Plan Amendment meets both criterion VI and VII. The Plan Amendment fails to maximize the use of existing public facilities because it does not direct development to areas where public facilities, including roads, sewer, and water, are available. Likewise, the Plan Amendment fails to maximize the use of future public facilities, because it allows development to occur in areas where public facilities are not planned. In addition, the Plan Amendment anticipates the extension of facilities to serve potentially far-flung development, but would not require subsequent future development to locate where the new service was available (i.e., infill development). For this same reason, the Plan Amendment discourages infill development, triggering indicator X. Similary, because it allows scattered large-scale development, the Plan Amendment triggers indicator VIII: “Allows for land use patterns or timing which disproportionately increase the cost in time, money, and energy of providing and maintaining” a litany of public facilities and services. Petitioner did not prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the Plan Amendment triggers indicators I, III, XI, XII, and XIII. Petitioner proved that the Plan Amendment meets indicators II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X. On balance, the Plan Amendment does not discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administration Commission enter a Final Order determining that the Plan Amendment is not “in compliance.” DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of February, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE VAN WYK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of February, 2015.
The Issue The issue to be resolved in this portion of this power plant site certification proceeding is whether the site for the proposed Seminole Generating Station Unit 3 Project is consistent and in compliance with the applicable land use plans and zoning ordinances of Putnam County, Florida, pursuant to Section 403.508(2), Florida Statutes.1
Findings Of Fact SECI is a member-owned generation and transmission electric cooperative. SECI supplies power to ten electric cooperative members throughout Florida. These cooperatives primarily serve rural areas of the State. SECI's members currently serve approximately 1.6 million customers throughout the State. SECI's headquarters are in Tampa, Florida. SECI first came into existence in 1948 under the Federal Rural Electrification Act to provide electric power to rural areas. Initially, SECI purchased power from other utilities for its individual members. In the 1970s, in response to the oil embargo, SECI's member cooperatives determined it was in their best interest to build their own power supply. SECI then licensed, constructed, and commenced operation of the coal- fired power plant near Palatka, in Putnam County. SECI also has a power plant in Hardee County, Florida. These two power plants allow SECI to provide approximately 70 percent of the power for the member cooperatives, while purchasing 30 percent of the power needs of the member cooperatives from other utilities. The Site is located in the unincorporated area of the county. It is approximately five miles north of the city of Palatka. The St. Johns River is located to the south and to the east of the power plant site. The Site is a 1,300 megawatt facility located on a site comprised of two parcels of land totalling approximately 2,000 acres in size. The larger parcel of the site, which contains the existing coal-fired Units 1 and 2 and almost all related facilities, began operation in 1984. Other existing facilities on the larger parcel include: two boiler buildings and the turbine generator buildings; precipitators, scrubber modules, and a combined flue stack; two natural draft cooling towers; a coal yard for unloading and storage of coal; an A-frame storage building for limestone used in the scrubber process; a rail spur and rail loop used to bring coal into the Plant site; and a coal conveyor to bring the coal from the coal yard to the boilers. The new Unit 3 will be constructed on this larger parcel. The balance of the larger parcel of the Site is in pine flat woods. North and northwest of the power plant is the Lafarge wallboard facility, where combustion by-products from the existing units are converted into synthetic gypsum for the manufacture of wallboard. The Site also includes a smaller parcel of approximately 4.5 acres located approximately 1,000 feet to the south along the St. Johns River. An intake pump house is located on this parcel to pump water from the river for use by the existing units. Currently, there are four underground pipes (one of which is not in use) and an underground duct bank with electrical conduit. The underground pipes and duct bank continue from the smaller parcel to the larger parcel through an existing privately-granted easement. The Site and the existing two steam electric generating units, Units 1 and 2, were certified in proceedings under the PPSA that took place in 1978 and 1979. In 1978, when the Site initially was being developed and certified under the PPSA, Putnam County was in the process of developing its Comprehensive Plan and its Future Land Use Map (FLUM). However, the County had zoning regulations in place, and it and rezoned the larger and smaller parcels as a PUD for the purpose of an electrical generating facility. During the 1978 land use hearing, which also addressed the pipeline easement which provides access to the St. Johns River, the Hearing Officer concluded that the Site was consistent and in compliance with the land use plans and zoning regulations in effect at that time. The Siting Board subsequently adopted the Hearing Officer’s conclusions regarding land use and zoning issues. In its Order Relating to Land Use and Zoning, entered on March 21, 1979, the Siting Board determined that the Site, including the intake pump house and pipeline easement, was consistent and in compliance with the land use plans and zoning ordinances of Putnam County. In the Order Relating to Land Use and Zoning, the Siting Board also ordered the “responsible zoning and planning authorities . . . to refrain from hereafter changing such land use plans or zoning ordinances so as to affect the proposed site.” IN RE: Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc., Application for Power Plant Site Certification, Putnam County, DOAH Case No. 78-1388, 1979 Fla. ENV LEXIS 10 (Siting Board Mar. 21, 1979. Sierra Club was a party to the original site certification proceeding and is bound by its determinations on consistency with land use and zoning. SECI is proposing to construct a new Unit 3 at the Site designed for a capacity of 750 megawatts. The new unit and related facilities are much like the existing facilities and will utilize many of the existing onsite facilities. Like the two existing units, the new Unit 3 will burn coal as its primary fuel with up to 30 percent petroleum coke. The new unit will consist of a turbine generator building, a new boiler building, precipitators, scrubber modules, and a wet electrostatic precipitator. A single flue gas stack will serve the new unit. A new mechanical draft cooling tower will also be constructed on the site to serve the new Unit 3. The new cooling tower will have a lower profile than the existing natural draft cooling towers. The existing coal yard will be expanded for the new unit and additional facilities will be added in the limestone scrubber area to handle the additional gypsum that will be created. Construction for the new Unit 3 is planned to begin in late 2008. As planned, the new unit is expected to start up in May 2012. SECI's Unit 3 project will integrate the new unit into the existing plant facilities. The existing administration building and parking lot will support the new unit. SECI will continue to use the existing rail spur, including for the delivery of coal and construction materials. The existing switchyard and transmission area will be utilized for the new unit. There will be no new off-site electrical transmission lines for the Unit 3 Project. The existing plant access off Highway 17 will be improved to enhance access for turning vehicles into the site. As indicated, the existing units are supplied with cooling and other service water from the St. Johns River. SECI proposes to utilize the existing pump house and to install an additional water pipeline and duct bank within the easement to supply primarily cooling water and also other service water (primarily for bottom ash handling and for the scrubber system) to the proposed Unit 3. There will be some enhancements to the pumps and motors inside the pump house to increase the capacity of water withdrawals. Otherwise, there will be no changes to the existing pump house for the new Unit 3 project. The cooling and other service water for Unit 3 will be conveyed to the main power plant site by an additional 36-inch pipeline to be placed underground and within the existing private easement. As indicated, the existing easement was created in 1978 and the existing pipelines were installed as part of the development of Units 1 and 2. A second duct bank will also be placed in the existing easement. There will be no facilities constructed above the ground surface within that easement. The easement will be restored to its existing condition after the new water pipeline is installed. The existing land uses adjacent to the Site are primarily undeveloped land. Residential areas along the St. Johns River are the closest development to the Site, with the exception of the Lafarge gypsum plant located adjacent to the larger parcel of the Site. The closest communities are Bridgeport, which is located approximately 3.5 miles to the east, and Bostwick, which is located 2.5 miles to the north. The pattern of development in the area since the existing Units 1 and 2 began operation in 1984 has been single family residential development located along the river and the construction of the Lafarge wallboard plant. With the exception of the wallboard plant, the areas between that residential corridor and the Site, as well as in all four directions around the site, continue to be undeveloped land. There are two existing homes located near the Site. One home is located approximately one mile south of the proposed Unit 3 stack, and another home is approximately one mile west of the Plant site. There is existing power plant infrastructure between the Unit 3 site and those two nearest residences, including the large natural draft cooling towers, wastewater treatment equipment, and other associated facilities. The addition of the proposed Unit 3 would be compatible with the existing land uses at and near the Site. The new Unit 3 will have very similar operating characteristics to the existing units, but will use additional air emissions controls. The residential development along the St. Johns River has continued while Units 1 and 2 have operated. The new Unit 3 will be able to co-exist with existing land uses in that the new Unit 3 is not expected to have a significant adverse impact to nearby residential development. When its Comprehensive Plan with FLUM was adopted (after the Siting Board’s March 1979 Order Relating to Land Use and Zoning), the County designated the larger parcel in the Industrial Future Land Use category to recognize the existing Units 1 and 2 at the site. Electrical power plants are an allowed use in the Industrial future land use category. Approximately two-thirds of the smaller parcel of the site fronting on the St. Johns River was designated Agricultural II and approximately one-third (the part contiguous to the river) was designated Rural Residential under the County’s Comprehensive Plan and FLUM. The existing pump house is located on the Rural Residential part of the parcel. The underground water pipes and electrical duct bank lead from the pump house towards the larger parcel of the Site, which is designated Industrial. The existing pump house and underground water pipes and electrical duct bank are allowed uses in both the Agricultural II and in the Rural Residential future land use districts, as a Type 2 Community Facility. The underground water pipes and electrical duct bank proceed from the smaller parcel to the larger parcel of the Site through a privately-granted easement across property designated Agricultural II on the County’s FLUM. The County’s Comprehensive Plan does not prohibit such facilities in that land use designation. The lands in the pipeline easement are zoned Agricultural. Such facilities also are not precluded in that zoning district. The installation of the existing underground water pipes and electrical duct bank within the easement was approved by Putnam County at the time of the original site certification proceeding for the Site. In October 1978, the Putnam County Code Administrator stated that the County’s zoning for the lands covered by the easement to the St. Johns River did not preclude the use of the easement for the pipeline installation. On January 10, 2006, the Putnam County Commission adopted Ordinance 2006-02, which amended the original PUD zoning approval for the Site. The amended PUD zoning ordinance covers both parcels of the Site. This amended PUD zoning ordinance allows the placement of Unit 3 and its related facilities within both parcels of the Site. The PUD zoning ordinance incorporates a Development Agreement between Putnam County and SECI, which addresses the Unit 3 facilities proposed to be constructed by SECI. As part of the PUD zoning amendments, the Putnam County Board of County Commissioners reviewed SECI's Unit 3 Project for consistency with the County’s Comprehensive Plan. The Commission found the Project to be consistent with the County’s Comprehensive Plan. More specifically, Ordinance No. 2006-02 found that SECI’s proposed amendment to the PUD zoning was “consistent with the Comprehensive Plan,” would “not adversely affect . . . orderly development,” met “the requirements of the Land Development Code,” and “will not be placed in agricultural lands.” (SECI Exs. 12B, 13A, and 13B) The Development Agreement incorporated into Ordinance No. 2006-02 acknowledges that the existing pipeline easement “is not a part of the PUD.” The Development Agreement clearly differentiated between underground pipelines and other aspects of the Unit 3 Project: The existing pipeline easement, which is not a part of the PUD, runs across property zoned for agricultural uses and falling [sic] within the Agricultural II future land use category. Neither the County Comprehensive Plan nor the Land Development Code precludes the repair, replacement or addition of underground water pipes necessary to plant operations. The underground pipes, and the pipeline easement, were part of the original certification and any modifications required to accommodate Unit 3 will be reviewed as part of the site certification process. Subject to site certification under the PPSA, Unit 3 will be constructed primarily east of, but integrated with, existing Units 1 and 2 such that any new development activity will fall within that portion of Parcel 1 designated under the Industrial future land use category. But for the existing pump house, Parcel 2, which is part of the PUD, will remain undeveloped. Pumps within the existing pump house will be replaced or upgraded and existing underground water pipes may be replaced or upgraded, and new underground pipes may be added, but no new uses or structures are intended for Parcel 2. The pipeline easement – which is not part of the PUD – will remain undeveloped although pipes may be repaired, replaced (or additional pipes installed) underground between Parcels 1 and 2. Although no new uses or above-ground structures are anticipated on Parcel 2 or the pipeline easement, both are considered to be part of the electrical power plant to be certified under the PPSA and will be reviewed along with Parcel 1 throughout the State site certification process to which the COUNTY shall be a party. (SECI Ex. 13B, pp. 5-6) Sierra Club participated in the Putnam County January 2006 zoning hearing on the amended PUD zoning for the Site. The Sierra Club did not object to the adoption of the amended PUD zoning ordinance at that hearing. No party has appealed the Putnam County Commission’s amended PUD zoning ordinance for SECI's Unit 3 Project. Sierra Club is now bound by the determinations of land use and zoning consistency in these prior proceedings, as well as in the original site certification proceeding. Putnam County entered into a Stipulation with SECI which addresses land use and zoning issues. In the Stipulation, Putnam County acknowledged that the adoption of Putnam County Ordinance 2006-02, which amended the PUD zoning for the Site, and the approval of the Development Agreement referenced in that Ordinance by the Putnam County Board of County Commissioners, both confirm that the Site, including the proposed Unit 3 and the associated facilities, are consistent and in compliance with applicable land use plans and zoning ordinances as required under Section 403.508(2), Florida Statutes. Despite its participation in both the 1979 site certification proceeding and the 2006 re-zoning process, Sierra Club nonetheless takes the position in this case that the pump house and cooling water pipeline are “industrial” facilities which are not consistent with the future land use designations for the lands occupied by those facilities. Putnam County has adopted a definition of “development” that provides in pertinent part: The following operations or uses shall not be taken for the purposes of this act [the County’s land development code] to involve ‘development’: (b) Work by any utility and other persons engaged in the distribution or transmission of gas or water, for the purpose of inspecting, repairing, redoing, or constructing on established rights-of-way any sewers, mains, pipes, tables, utility tunnels, power lines, towers, poles, tracks or the like. Putnam County’s Land Development Code, Article 12, Section 12.01.01.a.2. This definition of “development” also applies to actions “seeking legislative action to amend this Code and the Comprehensive Plan” of Putnam County. Id. The County’s definition of “development” therefore excludes the additional cooling water pipeline and duct bank within the established easement containing similar pipelines and duct bank between the principal power plant site and the riverside pump house. No Comprehensive Plan amendments or other zoning approvals would be required for those pipelines and duct banks as they are not “development” subject to the plan or the local land development code. Underground pipelines and electrical duct banks such as those proposed for SECI's Unit 3 project are not typically regulated as a land use. All developed areas have water and sewer pipelines that radiate through different zoning districts and that serve the users that subscribe to such water and sewer service. The practical effect of regulating such facilities as “development” could result in a spider web of land use and zoning classifications running wherever those facilities are placed. Even if it were to be concluded that the underground water pipes and electrical duct banks were "development" subject to Putnam County’s Comprehensive Plan, SECI's expert land planner testified without contradiction that they would be considered a Type 2 community facility as defined in the Comprehensive Plan: "Type 2 [Community Facilities and Services] are light infrastructure facilities, including but not limited to, water wells, water tanks, sewage pump stations, electrical substations, and water and wastewater treatment plants with a capacity of less than 500,000 gallons per day." Type 2 community facilities are allowed in all eleven of Putnam County’s Future Land Use categories. As indicated, the smaller parcel of the Site is zoned as a PUD that allows the activities proposed. The easement for the underground water pipes and electrical duct banks is zoned for Agriculture zoning. As indicated, use of the easement for the underground facilities has been approved by the County since 1978. Unrebutted testimony demonstrated that there will be no physical changes to the pump house itself, but only replacement of the pump inside with a larger one with more capacity, and that the additional underground water pipe and duct bank will not be visible, as the land will be restored to current conditions. Sierra Club offered no evidence contradicting Putnam County’s interpretation of its own Comprehensive Plan land development regulations; offered no evidence as to how the community could be adversely affected by the continued use of the pump house, with larger pump, and the addition of underground water pipes and duct bank in the existing pipeline easement; and offered no evidence that these facilities for the pumping and conveyance of river water to the plant site constitute “industrial” uses under the land use plans and zoning regulations of Putnam County.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Siting Board find, pursuant to Section 403.508(2), Florida Statutes, that the site for SECI’s Unit 3 and its related facilities, to be located in Putnam County Florida, as described by the evidence presented at the hearing, are consistent and in compliance with existing land use plans and zoning ordinances and site-specific zoning approvals of Putnam County. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of August, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of August, 2006.
Findings Of Fact The Applicants acquired in 1960 for approximately $40,000 a 38 acre parcel of real property located adjacent to Governors Creek just outside the corporate limits of the City of Green Cove Springs in Clay County, Florida. The applicants created an unrecorded subdivision by subdividing the parcel into lots approximately one-half acre in size in accordance with a map dated July 19, 1961 which shows 50 numbered lots, access roads to these lots, and three parcels designated as not being included in the subdivision. The map of the subdivision was never recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Clay County, but the tract has been referred to variously as the Bradley-Triplett Subdivision and Governor's Creek Subdivision. The Applicants began to develop the tract in 1961 for the purpose of selling the lots therein as single family home sites. Their activities included clearing and grading all the roads shown on the map and installing storm drainage structures. Shortly after the initial work was done, the Applicants approached the County Supervisor of Roads, James Knowles, and the County undertook maintenance of the roads. At the time development began, Clay County had no subdivision regulations, and there was no requirement to record the plat of the subdivision. A map of the subdivision was given to the County at the time it began to maintain the roads in 1961. Sales of lots in the subdivision began in 1961, and several lots were sold in the subdivision over the next few years. However, sales efforts were discontinued in 1965 because of the poor market. At the request of the Applicants, the County ceased to maintain a portion of the roads in 1975 in an effort to prevent dumping of garbage in the area. Initially, the subdivision was zoned agricultural. In June 1976, Mr. Bradley appeared before the Clay County Zoning Commission and requested the zoning of 30 acres of the tract be changed from BB to RB which permitted one single family dwelling per one-half acre. This request was granted. In June 1976, Mr. Bradley wrote Mr. John Bowles, Public Works Director of Clay County, requesting permission to install water lines within the graded road rights-of-way as shown on a map submitted by the Applicants which depicted all the lots which are the subject of the instant Petition for vested rights. This permission was granted by Bowles, and the Applicants paid $8,000 for the installation of water lines and fire hydrants in the subdivision. Water service is provided by the City of Green Cover Springs. In August 1976, the Applicants presented to the County a Warranty Deed for the roads shown in the Map. The County accepted the roads and agreed to continue to maintain the roads if certain improvements were made. Subsequently, the Applicants worked on making the improvements requested by the County, and the County continued to maintain the roads. The subdivision has appeared on maps used by various County departments for many years. In June 1978, Mr. Bradley appeared before the Clay County Planning, Zoning and Building Commission and requested that the remainder of the subdivision be re-zoned from agricultural to RB. This request was granted. In September 1978, the Public Works Department of Clay County requested the Applicants perform additional work on the road network in the subdivision to include creating a 20 foot drainage easement, construction of a drainage ditch, installation of street signs, and other improvements regarding grading and drainage. The drainage easement was granted to the County, and the drainage ditch was apparently constructed together with some of the other requested improvements; however, not all of the requested improvements were completed to the County's satisfaction. In March 1980, Mr. Bradley wrote Mr. Bowles a letter granting the County access to the roads within the subdivision for the purpose of maintaining them. In 1983, the County adopted new standards for the acceptance of roads not located within platted subdivisions. At this time, the Applicants became concerned about the status of the roads, and appeared before the County Commission. In November 1983, they contacted Mr. Bowles regarding their concerns. The status of County-requested improvements was a subject of continuing correspondence between the County and the Applicants. As a result thereof, the Applicants again undertook to satisfy the County regarding the list of requested improvements to the roads, and expended additional money on these improvements. The Applicants have spent over the years $20,000 on the roads, $15,000 on the water system and fire hydrants, and $4,000 on the drainage system within the subdivision. In 1984, the County Commission determined that it would not accept responsibility for maintenance of the roads, but that it would not re-convey title to the roads to the Applicants. The County has not altered its position since that determination. There are 50 numbered lots in the subdivision, and three unnumbered outparcels, some of which have been subsequently subdivided by sales. The unnumbered outparcel located in the northeast corner of the subdivision will be designated in this order as the unnumbered northeast parcel. The remaining unnumbered lots will be designated in this order as Lots A through G, which are located as follows: Lot A, located to the west of Lot 33; Lot B, located to the north of Lot A; Lot C, located to the north of Lot B; Lot C, located to the north of Lot B; Lot D, located to the north of Lot C; Lot E, located to the north of Lot D; Lot F, located to the north of Lot E, and Lot G, located to the north of Lot F. The County concedes there are 19 lots of record in the subdivision: Lots numbered lots 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42 and 43 plus the lots designated above as Lots A, D and F. The Hearing Officer includes Lot E as one of the recorded lots because it was subdivided from Lots D and F, which the County recognizes as lots of record, after the parcel from which the three lots were created was sold as one lot. Lots 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, and unnumbered Lots A, D, E, and F meet the Plan's criteria for development, and are not at issue in these proceedings. The Plan requires that over 70 percent of the total number of lots in a subdivision created between 1959 and 1970 be sold for the remaining lots to statutorily vest. The Applicants' subdivision does not meet the criteria in the Plan for statutory vesting because the requisite percentage of lots have not been sold. The lots at issue in the Applicant's request for equitable vesting are the remaining numbered lots ( 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, and 50), the unnumbered northeasterly parcel, and the lots designated in this order as Lots B, C, and G. On January 23, 1992, the Board of County Commissioners of Clay County formally adopted the 2001 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to and in compliance with Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes. On November 23, 1993, the zoning of the subdivision was administratively changed to AR-2 which permits the building of single family residences at a density of one per five acres. None of the lots at issue are five acres in size and qualify for further development. A total of 12 homes have been built in the subdivision, each having an average size of 1,800 square feet and occupying lots approximately 1/2 acre in size. The existing layout of the roads does not permit consolidation of the unsold existing lots into five acre lots. Even if they could be consolidated, the increased costs of a five acre lot would dictate the construction of a house larger than 1,800 square feet. In sum, enforcement of the current plan's provisions will prevent any further development of a valuable piece of property conveniently located adjacent to the City of Green Cove Springs in a subdivision which has been recognized and considered in the County's development plans and maps for thirty years.
The Issue The issue in this case is whether it should be determined that the Highlands County Comprehensive Plan, as amended, was in compliance with Chapter 163, Fla. Stat. (1993), as of the adoption of the County Ordinance 94-1 on March 2, 1994.
Findings Of Fact Adoption History Highlands County adopted its first Comprehensive Plan with a land use map in 1991. The Department of Community Affairs (the DCA or Department) took the position that the initial comprehensive plan was not in compliance. On September 15, 1993, the County adopted an amended comprehensive plan. (County Exhibit 6) The DCA took the position that the amended comprehensive plan, in particular its natural resources element, did not adequately protect areas of important plant and animal habitat from agricultural land uses. (County Exhibit 8). Highlands County adopted remedial amendments on March 2, 1994. (County Exhibit 9) On March 16, 1994, DCA published a Cumulative Notice of Intent to find the Highlands County Comprehensive Plan and Remedial Comprehensive Plan Amendments in compliance. (County Exhibit 13) The Petition for Administrative Hearing by Heartland Environmental Council, Inc. (HEC) was filed on or about April 6, 1994. The HEC Petition was signed by Kris Delaney, as its president. The parties' Prehearing Stipulation filed on October 17, 1994, eliminated several of the issues initially raised in the HEC Petition. The Lake Wales Ridge Highlands County is special because of the presence of a feature known as the Lake Wales Ridge, which is only between five and 14 miles wide but stretches for about 100 miles in a north-south orientation through the County. Most of the Ridge is contained within Highlands County, but smaller portions extend into neighboring counties. The Lake Wales Ridge had its beginnings when the sea covered much of what is now the Florida peninsula. A paleo beach and dune system was formed at the edge between the sea and the Ridge. When the waters receded, it left behind a ridge of relatively high ground characterized by generally coarse sands. These sands, which began as beach sand, have been weathered for millions of years, rendering them very sterile and low in nutrients. Water passes very quickly through these sands, making the soil and environment resemble those occurring in much drier places. Although created through the same processes, the Ridge contains many different unique and specialized habitats. Because of these habitats, the Ridge is a national "hot spot" for endemism. This means that many different species of organisms occur in this relatively small area; many of these species occur exclusively or primarily on the Ridge. At least two dozen plant species are found exclusively or primarily on the Ridge, and it is believed that many species have yet to be discovered. In more recent times, the high and dry Ridge also has attracted a disproportionate share of the residential, commercial and agricultural development in the County. Development pressures have conflicted with the habitat needs for the survival of many of the plant and animal species that occurred on the Ridge. Urban and citrus development tend to obliterate habitat; they also compete for available water supply. In addition, as the Ridge has developed, the natural fires that served an important role in maintaining the special habitats of the Ridge were suppressed. More recently, although man has come to understand the importance of fire to these habitats and the species that thrive in them, the increasing presence of man's development has made fire management more problematic and, in some cases, impossible. With more and more development, the habitats of the Ridge with their many endemic plant and animal species have come under increasing pressure. The most widespread kind of natural habitat on the Ridge is called scrub. Scrub consists mainly of scrub oak and shrubs adapted to dry, low nutrient conditions. Scrub contains a disproportionate share of the threatened and endangered plant and animal species on the Ridge. These include the Florida scrub jay, the gopher tortoise, the sand skink, the scrub lizard and the Florida mouse. Natural scrub habitat is rapidly disappearing from the Ridge. By 1981, about 64 percent of the scrub on the southern Ridge had been severely altered. Along the central Ridge, losses were even greater--about 74 percent. By 1991, losses were estimated to be approximately 70 to 90 percent. Sandhill is the rarest natural community in the County. It is the historic high pineland community dominated by long leaf pines. (A vegetative community known as southern sandhill is not dominated by long leaf pines and is not true sandhill; it actually is a type of scrub.) Only about one percent of the original true sandhill still existed as of March, 1994. Although altered by fragmentation and fire suppression, the remaining sandhill still supports several important endemic plant and animal species, such as the gopher tortoise, Sherman's fox squirrel, and a plant called the clasping warea. A type of natural habitat unique to Highlands County portion of the Ridge is cutthroat seep. Cutthroat seeps occur where groundwater near and at surface elevation flows rapidly through areas usually adjacent to true wetlands, keeping the area wet but not ponded. These areas are dominated by cutthoat grasses, which require periodic burning to maintain their dominance. Drainage related to development lowers the water table and otherwise interrupts the needed lateral flow of water, allowing the invasion of woody species. In addition, development makes fire management more problematic and, in some cases, impossible. The most effective protection of cutthroat seep requires preservation of relatively large parcels, approximately ten acres or more. Smaller parcels are harder to fire manage. In addition, smaller parcels could be subjected to inadvertent hydrologic interruption from nearby development. There are about 18 plant species that occur only on the Ridge. Forty plant species occur only in Florida scrub and occur on the Ridge. Twenty-two plants on the Ridge are federally listed as either endangered or threatened. The Florida scrub jay is a federally listed endangered species that occurs only in peninsular Florida. The scrub jay also serves as an indicator species--management for scrub jay habitat will meet the habitat requirements of most other species that occur in scrub habitat. Scrub jays require the presence of scrub oak, as well as bare ground and low growing scrub. Periodic fire is necessary to maintain this mix. Scrub jays are very territorial. The tend to stay on one specific site. Scrub jays are monogamous, pairing to breed for life. Juveniles help feed and protect younger birds before dispersing to find a territory of their own. Dispersal distance typically is less than a mile. Each family group occupies a relatively large area--approximately 25 acres. Large sites are necessary to maintain a viable scrub jay population. Population viability models indicate that 150-200 individuals are needed for a population to persist for 200 years. Using this standard, fewer than ten potentially secure populations of scrub jay exist. It is believed that as much as 750 acres of scrub oak may be required to give a such a population a 90 percent chance of survival for 100 years. Development destroys scrub jay habitat. In addition, nearby development not only makes fire management difficult, if not impossible, it increases scrub jay mortality from feral cats and dogs and from motor vehicles. In the Base Documents supporting the Highlands County Plan, as amended, the County recognized the unique and sensitive natural resource represented by the Lake Wales Ridge. The Base Documents acknowledged that, before the comprehensive plan was adopted, the County did not have a "formal mechanism to examine the effects of proposed development and agricultural uses on natural vegetation and wildlife." The Base Documents also acknowledged that the Ridge required "more stringent controls and greater incentives for resource protection." Conservation, Use, and Protection of Natural Resources Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Subelement [sic] Highlands County has adopted, as the Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Subelement [sic] of its Natural Resources Element, Objective 3 providing that the County shall protect and acquire native vegetative communities which are endemic to Central Florida and shall restrict activities known to adversely affect the endangered and threatened species and their habitat. Under that Objective, Highlands County has adopted a number of Policies. Highlands County's approach to conservation, use, and protection of natural resources under Objective 3 and its policies is to identify, evaluate, and protect natural resources on a site-by-site basis. (County Exhibit 6, Pages NRE-10 through NRE-25, inclusive, and County Exhibit 9) The review procedures prepared by Petitioner's representative, Kris Delaney, for the Central Florida Regional Planning Council (CFRPC) also used a site-by-site approach. (Petitioner Exhibit 56) Kris Delaney is the immediate past president of HEC and was described by Petitioner's counsel as its main representative. Highlands County's approach to evaluation of natural resources also is comparable to the review processes adopted by federal statute and state law for the protection of threatened and endangered species. Site specific evaluation was necessary due to the variety of protected species needs, site conditions, and legal constraints. Under Policy 3.1, A., Highlands County has adopted a number of source documents to identify endangered or threatened species, including species of special concern. Under Policy 3.1, B., Highlands County has adopted a number of documents as guidelines for establishing mitigation, on-site protection, and remedial actions for the protection of habitats and listed species in the County's land development regulations. Under Policy 3.2, Highlands County adopted a Conservation Overlay Map series to be used as a general indicator for the presence of xeric uplands, wetlands, cutthroat seeps, historical and archeological resources, cones of influence for potable wells, and aquifer recharge areas. (See Findings 52-59, infra, for a detailed description and explanation of these maps.) Whenever a particular site is in an area where one of those resource categories is mapped on the Conservation Overlay Map series or are otherwise known to occur, Policy 3.3 of the Natural Resources Element requires the applicant to submit to the Highlands County Planning Department a preliminary field investigation report prepared by a County-approved professional, firm, government agency, or institution. If that field investigation determines that any of those resources actually exist on the site, an Environmental Impact Report is required of the applicant. Those Environmental Impact Reports (EIR's) must also be prepared by a County approved-professional, firm, agency, or institution. Policy 3.3, E., specifies the content of the EIR: (1) maps and a description of natural vegetative communities occurring on the proposed development site in terms of their habitat functions and significance; (2) maps and a description of the aforementioned natural resource categories which may be impacted by the proposed development; (3) an assessment of the potential impacts which would be sustained by a natural resource as a result of the proposed development; (4) an evaluation of water quality inputs and outputs; recommendations for appropriate mitigation and on-site protection measures; recommended land maintenance and management procedures to assure the continued viability or function of the natural resource after development; and a list of agencies which may have permit requirements pertaining to the proposed development. Under Policy 3.3, F., the application package and the EIR are transmitted for review and comment to the agencies listed in the Environmental Impact Report as having permit requirements and to the Highlands County Natural Resources Advisory Committee. Responsive comments and recommendations which are received are forwarded to the County employee or board having decision-making authority concerning the applicable permit and included in the County records pertaining to the project. Under Policy 3.3, G., after receiving the application packet, the EIR, and the comments and recommendations from other permitting agencies and the Highlands County Natural Resources Advisory Committee, the County evaluates and determines the permit conditions required to: (1) protect and preserve the water quality or natural functions of flood plains and drainage ways, potable water wells, and wetlands; (2) protect and preserve the function of native vegetative communities which are endemic to Central Florida or the habitats of endangered species, threatened species, or species of special concern; (3) preserve and protect historical and archeological resources; (4) establish measures to protect life and property from flood hazard; and (5) establish land maintenance and management procedures for the natural resource to assure its continued viability or function after development. Policy 3.3, G., further requires that the County's final development order must be conditioned upon adequate avoidance, preservation, mitigation, or remedial actions for the protection of the aforementioned resources and must be consistent with the wetlands, flood plain, aquifer recharge, water quality, and cultural resource protection measures set forth within the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. It also requires the County to require that the necessary state and local permits be obtained as a condition of approval for the project's final development order. In determining the appropriate conditions for the County's final development order, Policy 3.3, B., states that avoidance and preservation of the resource shall be the first choice for protecting the resource. Acquisition, conservation easements or dedications, and site design methods (including clustering development to the portion of the site where the resource does not exist or, if that is not possible, to the least environmentally sensitive portion of the site), are among the methods allowed to accomplish that purpose. Appropriate buffers between the development and the resource are also required. Policy 3.3, C., also provides that a mitigation fee may be imposed by the Board of County Commissioners for small, isolated tracts containing less significant habitat and that the mitigation fees collected would be used to fund off-site mitigation in order that preservation of equal or greater habitat type, function, and quantity can be achieved. This is consistent with the "Review Procedure for Special Habits: Xeric Uplands" prepared by Kris Delaney for the CFRPC which provides that "[L]ocal government may wish to establish procedural relationship with such agencies and, based on locally determined criteria, a minimum parcel size requiring review." Similarly, Policy 3.4 provides an environmental mitigation fee alternative for construction of single-family residences on preexisting lots of records to the extent consistent with state and federal regulations. These mitigation fee provisions are consistent with existing state and federal programs for protection of threatened and endangered species and species of special concern (Petitioner Exhibit 53, Pages 58 through 60; Petitioner Exhibit 56, Page 25, Level III, G.1 (cont.); and Petitioner Exhibit 78, Page 16) Policy 3.15 identifies several mitigation options which are consistent with those found in the "Review Procedure for Special Habitats: Xeric Uplands" prepared by Kris Delaney for the CFRPC. Policy 3.5, A., requires the County to institute an ongoing program to define, identify, and conserve its native vegetative communities and the habitats of endangered or threatened species and species of special concern and states that the conservation program must include the following implementation measures: (1) acquisition of lands using public funds and grants; (2) lease of land; (3) tax abatement; (4) land swaps and transfers of title; (5) establishment of conservation or open space easements; (6) density bonuses for cluster development; (7) density bonuses for development that preserves habitat and avoids impact on endangered or threatened species, including species of special concern; (8) density transfers for conservation set-asides to buildable portions of sites; and (9) mitigation fees and mitigation fee credits. Under Policy 3.5, B., the County has established as the top priority of its conservation program working with public and private agencies to acquire and preserve in their natural state: (1) scrub or sand hill habitats (xeric uplands); (2) endemic populations of endangered or threatened species, including species of special concern; (3) wetlands, cutthroat grass seeps, and estuaries; (4) important aquifer recharge areas; and (5) unique scenic or natural resources. In Policy 3.6, the County specifically references the "Review Procedure for Special Habitats: Xeric Uplands" prepared by Kris Delaney for the CFRPC as the model for its development review process for coordination with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies. Policy 3.6(g) specifically provides for coordination with local, state, and federal agencies concerning native vegetative communities or habitat areas spanning more than one local jurisdiction. Policy 3.7 establishes funding sources for the County's conservation trust fund and requires that the fund be used exclusively for the acquisition of the priorities listed in Policy 3.5, B., or the enhancement of other publicly- owned conservation-valued lands, as determined by the Board of County Commissioners. To discourage clearing of land prior to environmental review, the County adopted Policy 3.13, which requires property owners to obtain a County land clearing permit prior to land clearing. Issuance of the land clearing permit is conditioned upon completion of the environmental review process adopted in Policy 3.3. If property is cleared without a County land clearing permit, no development orders may be issued for that site for a period of three years after such clearing. Under Policy 3.13, C., of the Plan, as amended, no land clearing permit is required for "any agricultural activity not requiring a Highlands County land development order conducted by a lawfully operating and bona fide agricultural operation" on property "designated by the Future Land Use Map as either General or Urban Agriculture . . .." Under the policy, such operations are "encouraged to implement a Soil and Water Conservation District approved conservation plan, including the use of Best Management Practices, as applicable to the specific area being cleared, and [to secure all other permits required by State and federal agencies exercising jurisdiction over the natural resources referred to in Policy 3.2 and found on said property]." [Emphasis added.] In addition, Policy 3.9 of the Natural Resources Element provides for encouraging agricultural uses which are compatible with wildlife protection and water quality outputs, implementation of erosion control and Best Management Practices. Highlands County also has adopted many other policies in the Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Subelement [sic] of the Natural Resources Element for the protection of natural resources, including: Policy 3.8, providing for the removal and control of exotic plant species; Policy 3.10, requiring the County to incorporate the protection and conservation measures adopted under the Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Subelement [sic] into all County surface water management plans, public works projects and infrastructure improvement plans; Policy 3.11, encouraging the expansion of wildlife/greenbelt corridors; Policy 3.12, encouraging the creation of parks for the protection, preservation, and conservation of natural resources; Policy 3.14, requiring setbacks from environmentally sensitive land; Policy 3.16, providing for transfers of density and density bonuses to encourage preservation of environmentally sensitive lands and listed species through the use of planned unit developments; Policies 3.17 through 3.19, providing for the appointment, functions and responsibilities of the Highlands County Natural Resource Advisory Committee; Policy 3.20, providing for the adoption of a five-year acreage target for acquisition of natural resource lands; and Policy 3.21, providing for a buffer around Highlands Hammock State Park, publicly-owned conservation lands, and conservation lands being considered for acquisition with public funds. Wetlands Subelement [sic] Highlands County has adopted, as the Wetlands Subelement [sic] of its Natural Resources Element, Objective 4 providing for the protection of wetlands systems and their ecological functions to ensure their long term, economic, environmental, and recreational value and to encourage restoration of wetlands systems to a functional condition. Under Objective 4 of the Natural Resources Element, Highlands County has adopted a number of policies to protect wetlands systems. Policy 4.1 provides for the protection of ecological functions of wetlands systems by the County through actions such as supporting the restoration of wetlands systems, protecting the natural functions and hydrology of wetlands systems by buffering against incompatible land uses and mitigating development impacts, providing for clustering and open space buffering, intergovernmental cooperation, and the acquisition of wetlands systems, including cutthroat grass seeps. In Policy 4.2, Highlands County adopted definitions for wetlands and cutthroat seeps which are required to be mapped according to Policies 3.2 and 4.3. In Policies 4.4 through 4.7, the County provided for the adoption of land development regulations which: encourage the restoration of wetlands systems; provide that development orders in cutthroat seeps be conditioned upon the issuance of wetlands permits by the Army Corps of Engineers, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the South and Southwest Florida Water Management Districts, as their jurisdictions apply, as a condition of approval of the project's final development order or land clearing permit; prevent the net loss or alteration of wetlands on a County-wide basis; and require conservation easements and delineation on final plats for wetland and cutthroat grass seep areas used for mitigation purposes. State and Federal Protections State and federal permitting processes protect threatened and endangered species and species of special concern found in Highlands County. See Conclusions 125-130 and 140-147, infra. The review processes required to obtain the state and federal permits pertaining to threatened and endangered species require site-specific review, comparable to obtaining environmental clearance from the County under Policy 3.3 of the Natural Resources Element. In view of the diversity of threatened and endangered species and species of special concern and their habitat needs, variations in quantity and quality of resources existing on site, and statutory and constitutional property rights protection, the County has chosen not to establish fixed set asides for every resource under every circumstance on a County-wide basis. By including in its permitting process notification to federal and state agencies having permitting responsibilities, Highlands County will be providing valuable assistance to state and federal environmental protection by bringing those agencies in at an early stage of the review process. Moreover, the County's requirements that the necessary federal, state, and local permits be obtained as a condition of approval for a project's final development order will assist those federal and state agencies in enforcing environmental permits in Highlands County. Measuring Success of Protection Measures Extensive work by federal and state agencies has been devoted to identifying and studying threatened and endangered species, both plant and animal. Threatened and endangered species and the habitats necessary for their survival exist throughout the State of Florida. Listed species found in Highlands County are also found in other areas of the State of Florida. The amount and land-cover types of conservation areas have been extensively studied for the entire State of Florida. The percentage of conservation lands in Highlands County (9.4 percent) exceeds the statewide median for the portion of conservation lands within individual counties (8.6 percent). The land cover types for the entire State of Florida have been identified and quantified by location and number of acres and the amounts of those habitats in conservation lands have also been determined. Likewise, for every county, the land cover types have been located, identified, mapped, and acreage determined for "natural" upland cover types, "natural" wetland cover types, and "disturbed" cover types. The "natural" upland cover type category includes coastal strand, dry prairie, pine lands, sand pine scrub, sand hill, xeric oak scrub, mixed hardwood-pine forest, hardwood hammocks and forest, and tropical hard wood hammocks. "Natural" wetland cover types include coastal salt marshes, fresh water marsh and wet prairie, cypress swamp, mixed hardwood swamp, bay swamp, shrub swamp, mangrove swamp, and bottomland hardwood forest. "Disturbed" cover types include grass land and agriculture, shrub and bush land, exotic plant communities and barren and urban land. Open water areas were also identified, located, mapped, and the acreage areas determined. The amounts of land in each of those land cover categories has been tabulated by county and for the State as a whole. The amount of land in each of those categories located in conservation lands has also been tabulated for each county and for the State as a whole. The tabulation for land cover types for Highlands County and the amount of conservation lands for each cover type are as follows: "Natural" upland cover types - coastal strand (0/0), dry prairie (427/112), pine lands (167/41), sand pine scrub (14/3), sand hill (0/0), xeric scrub oak (112/12), mixed hardwood-pine forest (4/0), hardwood hammocks and forests (46/5), tropical hardwood hammocks (0/0); "Natural" wetland cover types - coastal salt marshes (0/0), freshwater marsh and wet prairie (129/34), cypress swamp (21/8), mixed hardwood swamp (41/5), bay swamp (17/0), shrub swamp (21/5), mangrove swamp (0/0), bottomland hardwood forest (0/0); Open water (202/1); and "Disturbed" cover types - grass land and agriculture (1086/15), shrub and brush land (271/18), exotic plant communities (0/0), barren and urban land (307/11) Within the parenthesis above, the first number represents the total area in square kilometers and the second number represents the conservation lands in that category, also in square kilometers. There are approximately 247 acres per square kilometer. For Highlands County, these identified land cover types cover 2,866 square kilometers of which, 270.8 square kilometers are conservation lands. In addition to mapping those important habitat areas in each county in the State of Florida, the threatened and endangered species and species of special concern found in those habitat areas have also been identified. Those habitat areas and the threatened and endangered species and species of special concern which they support have been specifically identified and mapped for Highlands County. Since the land cover types in Highlands County have been identified, located, mapped, and quantified and the threatened and endangered species and species of special concern, both plant and animal, supported by those land cover types have been identified, Highlands County has the ability to objectively measure the success of its adopted Goals, Policies, and Objectives in protecting natural resources. Data and Analysis and Maps Eugene Engman, AICP, a planner/economist, was the principal author of the conservation element and Base Documents of supporting data and analysis for the County's 1991 Plan. The Base Documents indicate extensive analysis of the County's natural resources, including: surface waters; floodplains; mineral deposits; areas with erosion problems; and fisheries, wildlife habitat and vegetative communities. The Conservation Overlay Maps The Base Documents also contain a "methodology for conservation designation," that applies to areas identified as areas of outstanding natural resources and to areas containing special habitat (high quality scrub habitat, cutthroat grass seeps with predominantly native vegetation, and forested wetlands on and near the Ridge). With respect to the latter, it was not Engman's intention to map all vegetative communities on and near the Ridge; oak hammock and palm hammock, for example, was not mapped. It also was not Engman's intention to map the entire County. Engman did not believe that mapping of high quality scrub habitats, seeps and wetland forest was required, but he mapped them at no charge to the County to enable the County to better protect endangered species and other resources on and near the Ridge where most the special habitat and most development coincided. Following the methodology, Engman and his colleagues prepared the Resource Base Maps--County Exhibit 40. They consisted of 27 USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS) quadrangle maps, two with acetate overlays. The quad maps themselves show some resources indicated by a separate legend available from the SCS. In addition, Engman and his colleagues indicated the location of scrub habitats, seeps and wetland forest through use of an additional legend they wrote on the quad maps. Some legends applied to more than one quad map. In addition to the SCS quad maps themselves, Engman and his colleagues used the Soil Survey field notes of Lew Carter of the SCS, 1985 infrared aerial photographs, and local knowledge of the Dr. James Layne of the Archbold Research Station, Lew Carter of the USDA Soil Conservation Service, Mike Sawyer of the Florida Division of Forestry, and County sources. The Base Documents also contains a Generalized Soils Map which references as its source "USDA/SCS, Soil Survey of Highlands County, Florida, July, 1989." The Base Documents also contained two maps at the scale of one inch equals three miles--one mapping outstanding natural resources, and the other mapping special habitat. These two maps were then combined into a third map at the scale of one inch equals five miles. This third map was designated the Conservation Overlay Map in the Base Documents. Each quarter section (160 acres) of the County that contained any of the identified resources depicted on the Resource Base Maps was depicted as "Conservation" on the Conservation Overlay Map. The Conservation Overlay Map advised that: "This map is for comprehensive planning purposes only. Specific locations are identifiable on the Resource Base Maps located in the Office of the County Planning Director." No duplicates or copies of the Resource Base Maps--County Exhibit 40-- were made before the final hearing in this case. They were available to the public during the development of the 1991 Plan, and they were forwarded to the County Planning Department when Engman's work was finished. There, they remained available for use by the County Planning Department in implementing the Plan, and remained available for public inspection, except for a period of approximately one year when they were misplaced and could not be located. FLU-54, the Conservation Overlay Map in the Future Land Use Map series, is the same map that is contained in the Base Documents as the Conservation Overlay Map. The Future Land Use Map Series In addition to FLU-54, the Future Land Use Map Series in the adopted plan, as amended through 1993, contained a Future Land Use Map Set of three large maps--a one inch equals two miles base map, and two one inch equals one/half mile maps--together with several letter-size maps at one inch equals five miles (one is at one inch equals four miles), which are FLU-55 through FLU- 62. The adopted plan, as amended through 1994, contained the same text as the plan as amended through 1993, along with an updated Future Land Use Map Set of six large color sheets. The base map is at a scale of one inch equals two miles and is a colorized version of the base map contained in the 1993 version of the plan; the other five maps are color insets from the base map at a scale of one inch equals one quarter mile. The rest of the Future Land Use Map Series is the same as in the Plan as amended through 1993. In addition to the FLU-54 Conservation Overlay Map, the future land use map series included: a Generalized Soils Map which identifies its source as "USDA/SCS, Soil Survey of Highlands County, Florida, July, 1989"; Highland's County Peat Deposits, whose source is "Adley Associates, Inc. September, 1988"; Wetlands 600, whose legend identifies "wetlands" and "ridge," and whose source is "Adley Associates, Inc. September, 1988"; Floodplains, whose legend identifies "floodplains" and "ridge," and whose source is "Adley Associates, Inc. September, 1988"; Water and Canal Map 500, whose legend identifies "generalized interim well protection zones (cones of influence) for potable water supply wells" and whose source is "Adley Associates, Inc., Highlands County Building and Zoning Department and DER," and which is dated December, 1990; Future Traffic Circulation Map State Roads, which depicts various types of roads and whose source is "Highlands County Engineering Department and FDOT"; Future Traffic Circulation Map County Roads, which depicts various types of roads and whose source is "Highlands Co. Engineering Department and FDOT"; Future Traffic Circulation Map County Roads, which depicts various types of roads and whose source is "Highlands Co. Engineering Dept. (9/88) and FDOT (11/90)"; and Modified Community Parks which depicts existing and proposed parks and "existing urban land use" and whose source is "Adley Associates, Inc. April, 1990". FLU-55, the Generalized Soils Map, was prepared using the 1989 USDA SCS Soil Survey. Major field work for the USDA/SCS Soil Survey was completed in 1986. It is the same map as the Generalized Soils Map contained in the Base Documents. FLU-57 maps wetland features which are not depicted on either the Resource Base Maps (County Exhibit 40) or the Conservation Overlay Map. The 1989 USDA SCS Soil Survey was used to identify wetlands on FLU-57. HEC's Contentions HEC contended that the maps in the Plan, as amended, were deficient. It became apparent during the course of the final hearing that HEC considered the FLU-54 Conservation Overlay Map in the Plan, as amended, to be the only map pertinent to the designation of conservation lands. HEC contended that FLU-54 is too small, not clear and legible enough, and inadequate for its purposes. It appeared that HEC learned of the existence of the Resource Base Maps (County Exhibit 40) during the final hearing. HEC contended that the Resource Base Maps were deficient because they were not based on the appropriate and best available data. As a result, HEC contended, the Base Resource Maps and FLU-54 Conservation Overlay Map "missed" some significant resources. Kris Delaney quickly reviewed the Resource Base Maps during the course of the final hearing and testified that on the Frostproof, Lake Arbuckle, Sebring, and Fort Kissimmee quad sheets some "significant areas of native vegetation were not shown on the mylar overlays." Delaney's observations regarding the five allegedly-inaccurate mylar quad map overlays were made with reference to the USDA Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey and what he believed was a wetland symbol on the underlying quad map. But it is not clear that Delaney understood the legend to the Resource Base Maps. Furthermore, he was not offered as an expert in photogrammetry, geography, or surveying, and the specifics of his personal knowledge of the areas in dispute were not made clear. Another HEC witness, Dr. Menges, testified to his opinion that the Base Resource Maps and FLU-54 Conservation Overlay Map did not map all native vegetative communities throughout the County. He testified that, to map native vegetative communities on a species-specific basis, Steve Christman's 1988 report for the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission would provide the best available data. (He also mentioned data from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, but it was not clear that those data were not used or how available those data were.) However, it was not clear from the evidence that the Christman report was not used as a data source. In addition, Menges conceded that "the primary source for the distribution of (native vegetative) communities" (in Highlands County) would be the "Soil Conservation Service Survey map," and it is clear that the County's consultants used this data source, together with other soil survey information and aerial photography, as was appropriate. It should not be surprising that the Base Resource Maps and FLU-54 Conservation Overlay Map did not map all native vegetative communities throughout the County. As previously, stated, the effort was limited to high quality scrub habitat, cutthroat grass seeps with predominantly native vegetation, and forested wetlands on and near the Ridge. There was no intention to map all native vegetative communities throughout the County. Regardless of the alleged deficiencies with the Resource Base Maps and the FLU-54 Conservation Overlay Map, HEC did not take into account all of the maps in the Future Land Use Map series in contending that the mapping was deficient. HEC did not recognize that Policy 3.2 provides for the use of the "adopted Conservation Overlap Map series contained in the Future Land Use Element" as the "general indicator" for the resources described in the policy. The Future Land Use Map series includes not only FLU-54 and the Resource Base Maps (County Exhibit 40) but also: FLU-55 (the Generalized Soils Map), FLU-57 (the Wetlands 600 map), FLU-58 (the Floodplains map), and FLU-59 (the Water and Canals Map 500). HEC also did not recognize that the environmental clearance procedures under Policies 3.3 and 3.13 are triggered not only if the presence of the resources described in Policy 3.2 is mapped on the Conservation Overlay Map (which includes not only FLU-54, but also the Resource Base Maps), but also if they are known to occur by reference to any of the maps in the Future Land Use Map series, or are otherwise known to occur. The references acknowledged by the County in Policy 3.1 can serve as the source of knowledge of where the resources described in Policy 3.2 occur. It is not beyond debate that these sources of information, taken together, are adequate for purposes of indicating the existence of the resources described in Policy 3.2 and triggering environmental clearance review under Policy 3.3. HEC did not establish beyond debate that the County did not use appropriate or the best available data, that the County did not apply the data in a professional manner, or that the Plan, as amended, did not react to the data in an appropriate way. Future Land Use Element Residential Land Use Density In Agricultural Land Use Categories HEC presented no credible testimony or evidence to substantiate its allegation that the land use densities for agriculture and urban agriculture encourage "urban sprawl" or are not supported by adequate data. No expert testimony in land use planning was offered, although HEC had identified such potential experts on its witness list. The Base Documents stated that agricultural density was at 1 unit/acre prior to the adoption of the Plan and recommended that the density be decreased to 1 unit/10 acres. The draft of the Base Documents recommended a density of 1 unit/ 5 acres. The Plan established the General Agriculture land use category as the predominant land use for rural areas. It has the lowest development potential of all adopted land use categories. The General Agriculture land use category has a density range of one unit per ten acres. The Urban Agriculture land use category was established as a transitional zone between urbanized and rural lands. The Urban Agriculture land use category has a density range of one unit per five acres. (County Exhibit 6, Pages FLU-6 and FLU-7 There was no evidence to prove that lesser densities are required to discourage urban sprawl, to protect natural resources, to protect agricultural lands, or for any other reason. Population Accommodation Data and Analysis HEC did not present any population accommodation analysis. There was no competent evidence presented in this case as to the population accommodated in the year 2000 under either the Plan as amended and adopted on March 2, 1994, or the Plan as amended and adopted on September 15, 1993. HEC pointed to a projection in the Housing Element in the County's Plan indicating a need for 10,075 new housing units to accommodate 16,977 new residents by the year 2000. HEC also pointed to data and analysis indicating that there are approximately 108,000 residential lots in existing subdivisions of 100 lots or more in the County that potentially could be developed to accommodate new housing units. But HEC did not establish that it is realistic to project maximum development in those subdivisions at one unit per lot; nor did HEC establish the extent of vested rights to development in those subdivisions. Protection of Water Quality and Quantity The Base Documents contain extensive data and analysis of County geology and soils, including water supply considerations, and recharge. Aquifer recharge in Highlands County occurs primarily on the Lake Wales Ridge. Contamination of groundwater has been documented from hazardous waste associated with landfills, agricultural use of the pesticides EDB (ethylene dibromide) and Bromicil, and leaking underground storage tanks. Of these, only the agricultural pesticide use is documented to have impacted potable water supplies. EDB, the primary source of contamination noted, has not been used since 1983. While the presence of Bromacil is also noted, the number of wells is not mentioned. Moreover, the evidence does not mention a single health- related case. Where EDB contamination has been found, the State of Florida has paid the cost of connecting to public water supplies or installing carbon filters. There is no evidence that stormwater management activities has caused groundwater contamination. Highlands County has adopted a number of objectives and policies in both the Infrastructure Element and the Natural Resources Element of the Plan, as amended, intended to protect potable water wells, conserve potable water resources, and reduce the risk of groundwater contamination. Objective 6 under the Potable Water Subelement [sic] of the Infrastructure Element is to ensure public health by protecting the water quality of potable wells. Among the policies adopted to implement that objective is Policy 6.4, adopting stringent restrictions on activities within a 600 feet radius around public potable water wells. Highlands County also adopted Objective 7 and Policies 7.1 through 7.3 under the Potable Water Subelement [sic] to establish minimum design and construction requirements for all potable water wells to protect and assure delivery of potable water. Highlands County has also adopted a number of other objectives and policies under the Natural Resources Element intended to protect groundwater quality, including: prohibiting the location of hazardous waste treatment facilities in the County; requiring cooperation with the DEP "DRASTIC" program; prohibiting discharges of untreated stormwater and waste material into underground formations; adopting stormwater quality and quantity standards; mapping wellhead protection zones; and encouraging implementation of best management practices for agricultural operations in the County. HEC did not prove beyond fair debate that, taken together, the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Plan, as amended, do not ensure the protection and conservation of potable water supplies.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Community Affairs enter a final order determining that the Highlands County Plan adopted through County Ordinance 91- 1, as amended by County Ordinances 93-16 and 94-1, is "in compliance." DONE and ENTERED this 15th day of October, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of October, 1996.
The Issue The issue is whether the Land Development Code (LDC) adopted by Ordinance No. 2007-12 on August 22, 2007, as amended on February 27, 2008, is inconsistent with the effective comprehensive plan for the City of Doral (City), which is the Miami-Dade Comprehensive Development Master Plan (County Plan).
Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: The Parties Section 64 is a Florida corporation. The Grand is a Florida limited partnership. Both entities are owned by the same individual. On September 25, 2001, Section 7 acquired ownership of an approximate ten-acre tract of property in the County (now the City) located along the southern boundary of Northwest 82nd Street, between 109th and 112th Avenues. See Petitioners' Exhibit 416. On December 16, 2005, title in one- half of the property was conveyed to The Grand in order to divide the property into two different ownerships. Id. It was Petitioners' intent at that time to build two hotels on separate five-acre tracts, one owned by Section 7 and the other by The Grand. The City is located in the northwestern part of Dade County and was incorporated as a municipality in June 2003. At the time of incorporation, the County's Plan and Land Use Code were the legally effective comprehensive plan and land development regulations (LDRs), respectively. On April 26, 2006, the City adopted its first comprehensive plan. After the Department determined that the Plan was not in compliance, remedial amendments were adopted on January 10, 2007, pursuant to a Stipulated Settlement Agreement. Although the Department found the Plan, as remediated, to be in compliance, it was challenged by a third party, and the litigation is still pending. See DOAH Case No. 06-2417. Therefore, the County Plan is still the legally effective Plan. See § 163.3167(4), Fla. Stat. The Department is the state land planning agency charged with the responsibility of reviewing LDRs whenever the appeal process described in Section 163.3213, Florida Statutes, is invoked by a substantially affected person. History of the Controversy When Petitioners' property was purchased in 2001, the County zoning on the property was Light Industrial (IU-1), having been rezoned by the County to that designation on October 9, 1984. See Petitioners' Exhibit 5. One of the uses permitted under an IU-1 zoning classification is a hotel with up to 75 units per acre. See Petitioners' Exhibit 6. The land use designation on the County's LUP map for the property is Low- Density Residential (LDR), with One Density Bonus, which allows 2.5 to 6 residential units per acre with the ability for a "bump-up" in density to 5 to 13 units per acre if the development includes specific urban design characteristics according to the County urban design guide book. Language found on pages I-62 and I-63 of the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) in effect at the time of the incorporation of the City (now found on pages I-73 and I-74 of the current version of the FLUE) provides in relevant part as follows: Uses and Zoning Not Specifically Depicted on the LUP Map. Within each map category numerous land uses, zoning classifications and housing types may occur. Many existing uses and zoning classifications are not specifically depicted on the Plan map. . . . All existing lawful uses and zoning are deemed to be consistent with the [Plan] unless such a use or zoning (a) is found through a subsequent planning study, as provided in Land Use Policy 4E, to be inconsistent with the criteria set forth below; and (b) the implementation of such a finding will not result in a temporary or permanent taking or in the abrogation of vested rights as determined by the Code of Metropolitan Dade County, Florida. As noted above, if there is a concern that zoning might be inconsistent with land use, using the criteria described in the provision, the County may initiate a planning study to analyze consistency and down-zone the property to a less intense use if an inconsistency is found. Although the County initiated a number of planning studies after it adopted its Plan in 1993, and ultimately down-zoned many properties, none was ever initiated by the County for Petitioners' property. Essentially, when existing uses and zoning are not depicted on the County LUP map, the language in the FLUE operates to deem lawfully existing zoning consistent with the land use designation on the property. In this case, the parties agree that the zoning of Petitioners' property is not depicted on the County LUP map. Therefore, absent a planning study indicating an inconsistency, the zoning is deemed to be consistent with the land use category. On August 22, 2007, the City adopted Ordinance No. 2007-12, which enacted a new LDC, effective September 1, 2007, to replace the then-controlling County Land Use Code. Although the LDC was adopted for the purpose of implementing the new City Plan, until the new Plan becomes effective, the LDC implements the County Plan. Amendments to the LDC were adopted by Ordinance No. 2008-1 on February 27, 2008. The LDC does not change the zoning on Petitioners' property. However, it contains a provision in Chapter 1, Section 5, known as the Zoning Compatibility Table (Table), which sets forth the new land use categories in the City Plan (which are generally similar but not identical to the County land use categories) and the zoning districts for each category. Pertinent to this dispute is an asterisk note to the Table which reads in relevant part as follows: Under no circumstances shall the density, intensity, or uses permitted be inconsistent with that allowed on the city's future land use plan. . . . Zoning districts that are inconsistent with the land use map and categories shall rezone prior to development. See Petitioners' Exhibit 27 at p. I-3. Under the Table, only residential zoning districts (with up to ten dwelling units per acre and no density bonus) are allowed in the City's proposed LDR land use category. Therefore, if or when the City Plan becomes effective, before Petitioners can develop their property, they must rezone it to a district that is consistent with the land use designation shown on the Table. There is no specific requirement in the LDC that the City conduct a planning study when it has a concern that the zoning is inconsistent with the relevant land use category in the new City Plan. Petitioners construed the asterisk note as being inconsistent with the text language on pages I-62 and I-63 of the County Plan. See Finding of Fact 5, supra. Accordingly, on August 21, 2008, Petitioners submitted a Petition to the City pursuant to Section 163.3213(3), Florida Statutes, alleging generally that they were substantially affected persons; that the LDC was inconsistent with the County Plan; that the LDC changes the regulations regarding character, density, and intensity of use permitted by the County Plan; and that the LDC was not compatible with the County Plan, as required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.023.2 See Petitioners' Exhibit 103. The City issued its Response to the Petition on November 20, 2008. See Petitioners' Exhibit 104. The Response generally indicated that Petitioners did not have standing to challenge the LDC; that the Petition lacked the requisite factual specificity and reasons for the challenge; that the LDC did not change the character, density, or intensity of the permitted uses under the County Plan; and the allegation concerning compatibility lacked factual support or allegations to support that claim. On December 22, 2008, Petitioners filed a Petition with the Department pursuant to Section 163.3213(3), Florida Statutes, alleging that the LDC implements a City Plan not yet effective; that the LDC changes the uses, densities, and intensities permitted by the existing County Plan; and that the LDC changes the uses, densities, and intensities permitted by the not yet effective City Plan. See Petitioners' Exhibit 105. After conducting an informal hearing on April 7, 2009, as authorized by Section 163.3213(4), Florida Statutes, on July 23, 2009, the Department issued a Determination of Consistency of a Land Development Regulation (Determination). See Petitioners' Exhibit 102. See also Section 7 Tract 64 Property, Inc., et al. v. The City of Doral, Fla., Case No. DCA09-LDR-270, 2009 Fla. ENV LEXIS 119 (DCA July 23, 2009). In the Determination, the Department concluded that Petitioners were substantially affected persons and had standing to file their challenge; that the provision on pages I-62 and I-63 of the County FLUE did not apply to Petitioners' property because the uses and zoning of the property are specifically designated on the LUP map; that the law does not prohibit the Department from reviewing the LDC for consistency with the not yet effective City Plan; and that because the LDC will require Petitioners to rezone their property to be consistent with the City Plan, the challenge is actually a challenge to a rezoning action and not subject to review under this administrative process. See § 163.3213(2)(b), Fla. Stat. On August 13, 2009, Petitioners filed their Petition for Formal Proceedings with DOAH raising three broad grounds: that the LDC unlawfully implements a comprehensive plan not yet effective; that it changes the uses, densities, and intensities permitted by the County Plan and is therefore inconsistent with the County Plan; and that it changes the uses, densities, and intensities permitted by the not yet effective City Plan and is inconsistent with that Plan. See Petitioners' Exhibit 39. These issues are repeated in the parties' Stipulation. As to other issues raised by Petitioners, and evidence submitted on those matters over the objection of opposing counsel, they were tried without consent of the parties, and they are deemed to be beyond the scope of this appeal. The Objections Petitioners first contend that the LDC unlawfully implements a comprehensive plan not yet in effect, in that it was specifically intended to be compatible with, further the goals or policies of, and implement the policies and objectives of, the City Plan. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 9J-5.023. But Petitioners cited no statute or rule that prohibits a local government from adopting LDRs before a local plan is effective, or that implement another local government's plan (in this case the County Plan). While the LDC was adopted for the purpose of implementing a City Plan that the City believed would be in effect when the LDC was adopted, the City agrees that until the new City Plan becomes effective, the LDC implements the County Plan. Even though the two Plans are not identical, and may even be inconsistent with each other in certain respects, this does automatically create an inconsistency between the LDC and County Plan. Rather, it is necessary to determine consistency between those two documents, and not the City Plan. Except for testimony regarding one provision in the LDC and its alleged inconsistency with language in the County FLUE, no evidence was presented, nor was a ground raised, alleging that other inconsistencies exist. The Table note and the County Plan do not conflict. The LDC is not "inconsistent" merely because it was initially intended to implement a local plan that has not yet become effective. Petitioners next contend that the LDC changes the uses, densities, and intensities permitted by the County Plan and is therefore inconsistent with that Plan. Specifically, they contend that the note following the Zoning Compatibility Table in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the LDC is inconsistent with the language on pages I-62 and 63 (now renumbered as pages I-73 and I-74) of the County Plan. In other words, they assert that an inconsistency arises because the note requires them to down- zone their property before development, while the County Plan deems their zoning to be consistent with the County LUP map unless a special planning study is undertaken. The evidence establishes that if there is a conflict between zoning and land use on property within the City, it is necessary to defer to the language on pages I-62 and I-63 of the County FLUE for direction. This is because the County Plan is the effective plan for the City. Under that language, if no planning study has been conducted, the zoning would be deemed to be consistent with the land use. On the other hand, if a planning study is undertaken, and an inconsistency is found, the property can be rezoned in a manner that would make it consistent with the land use. Therefore, the LDC does not change the use, density, or intensity on Petitioners' property that is permitted under the County Plan. It is at least fairly debatable that there is no conflict between the Table note and the County Plan. Finally, Petitioners contend that the LDC changes the uses, densities, and intensities permitted by the not yet effective City Plan because the current industrial zoning designation will be inconsistent with the LDR land use designation. Petitioners argue that once the new City Plan becomes effective, the LDC requires them to down-zone their property before development. However, this concern will materialize only if or when the new City Plan, as now written, becomes effective; therefore, it is premature. Further, the definition of "land development regulation" specifically excludes "an action which results in zoning or rezoning of land." See § 163.3213(2)(b), Fla. Stat. Because the challenged regulation (the note to the Table) is "an action which results in zoning or rezoning of land," the issue cannot be raised in an administrative review of land development regulations. Id. The other contentions raised by Petitioner are either new issues that go beyond the scope of the Petition filed in this case or are without merit.
The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Comprehensive Plan adopted by Jefferson County is not "in compliance" as such is defined at Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Petition for Administrative Hearing to Review the Comprehensive Plan Adopted by Jefferson County, filed by the Petitioners in this case.
Findings Of Fact Robert B. Rackleff and Jo Ellyn Rackleff own property in Jefferson County. The Rackleff's represent the "Friends of Lloyd, Inc.", an organization opposed to a proposed siting of petroleum product terminal facilities near Lloyd, a town within Jefferson County. The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is the state land planning agency and administers the requirements of the "Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act", Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes. On or about July 19, 1991, The Board of County Commissioners of Jefferson County adopted a comprehensive plan (plan). The plan was reviewed by the DCA and determined to be "in compliance". 2/ Jefferson County, population 12,243, is located in the northern part of Florida, bordered by the Aucilla River and Madison and Taylor Counties to the east, the Gulf of Mexico to the south, Leon and Wakulla Counties to the west, and the State of Georgia to the north. Jefferson County contains a land area of approximately 392,192 acres. The bulk of the county's residents live in or near Monticello (the county seat), Lloyd, Wacissa, Lamont, Drifton, Capps, Aucilla, Waukeenah, Dills, Thomas City, and Nash. Major transportation routes through Jefferson County include Interstate 10 running east-west through the county just south of Monticello, U.S. Highway 90 lying north of and parallel to I-10 and running through the center of Monticello, U.S. Highway 27 lying south of I-10 and running east-west through the county, and U.S. Highway 98 lying south of U.S. 27 and also running east- west. U.S. Highway 19 enters north Jefferson County at the Georgia border and runs south until it merges with U.S. 27. State Roads 257 and 59 also run north- south. Both State Roads 257 and 59 intersect with I-10, as does U.S. Highway 90. The plan designates land parcels surrounding the I-10/U.S. 90 and I- 10/S.R. 59 interchanges and land parcels on the north side of the I-10/S.R. 257 interchange as "Mixed Use Interchange Business". Future Land Use Element Objective 1, Policy 1-3, of the plan defines the "Mixed Use Interchange Business" designation as follows: A mixed use category located at an interchange with I-10, with a variety of primarily commercial businesses. Because there are but three such interchanges in Jefferson County, the amount of land is necessarily limited; uses in the category are, therefore, limited to those activities requiring locations with high vehicular traffic and easy access to I-10. Appropriate uses include (1) tourist oriented facilities, such as restaurants, automotive service stations, truck stops, motels, campgrounds, and the like; (2) region serving retail complexes or office centers; (3) commerce parks; (4) facilities for the storage and distribution of foods and products including wholesale activity; (5) light manufacture of goods for distribution to other locations; and (6) truck stops. Intensity of use, as measured by impervious land coverage shall not exceed 80%. More intense truck transport and highway oriented activities, and regional distribution centers may also be allowable, subject to special exception approval by the Board of County Commissioners in order to ensure the closest possible scrutiny of such uses. Activities subject to such special exception approval include: uses exceeding 50,000 square feet impervious land coverage; uses with a total land area of five or more acres; uses which have storage capacity for more than 500,000 gallons of petroleum product; or uses on environmentally sensitive lands as defined in the Conservation Element. Performance standards shall be included in the land development regulations for special exceptions to insure that on-site and off-site impacts are adequately planned for and monitored. Impacts include trip generation, transportation access, drainage, water quality, visual appearance, avoidance of environmentally sensitive lands and mitigation of impacts, noise, signage, and air quality. Information to support the application shall be provided by the applicant at the applicant's expense. Activities subject to special exception in this district shall only be required to obtain special exception approval for plan land use changes, and shall not be required at the time of application or receipt of a building permit. (emphasis supplied) Local governments are required to adopt and enforce, within one year following submission of the comprehensive plan for review by the state land planning agency, land development regulations (LDR's) which are consistent with and implement the adopted comprehensive plan. Section 163.3202(1), Florida Statutes. According to the data in the plan, the interchange at I-10/S.R. 59 exists over a potential area of high groundwater recharge. The county's groundwater system includes the upper and lower Floridan Aquifer. Support documents to the Jefferson County plan note that aquifer recharge occurs through sinkholes near Lake Miccosukee, along the Aucilla River, and through the northeast area of the county. Water contamination can occur through drainage from septic tanks, leaking underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, and contaminated stormwater runoff. The Petitioners generally assert that the plan is not in compliance because the possible siting of a petroleum product facility over the potential area of high groundwater recharge fails to adequately protect water quality and the Floridan Aquifer. Under the "mixed use interchange business" designation, land uses permitted through a special exception process receive specific scrutiny by the Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners. Uses including storage capacity for more than 500,000 gallons of petroleum product or which lie on environmentally sensitive lands as defined in the Conservation Element are required to undergo the "special exception" process. Special exception uses are governed by the performance standards which will be included in the county's land development regulations. Such regulations must insure that on-site and off-site impacts, including water quality, avoidance of environmentally sensitive lands and mitigation of impacts, trip generation, transportation access, drainage, visual appearance, noise, signage, and air quality are adequately planned for and monitored. Section 163.3177, Florida Statutes, identifies the elements of a local government comprehensive plan. Some elements identified in this section may be included in the plan at the local government's option; others are required. 3/ FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Section 163.3177(6)(a), Florida Statutes, requires the inclusion of a Future Land Use Element, which "may designate areas for future planned development use involving combinations of types of uses for which special regulations may be necessary to ensure development in accord with the principles and standards of the comprehensive plan and this act". Rule 9J-5.006(3)(c)(6), Florida Administrative Code, states that a Future Land Use Element must contain one or more policies addressing the implementation of protection of potable water wellfields and environmentally sensitive land. The Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element includes the information required by the statute and rules. Jefferson County's Future Land Use Element Policy 1-5 states: Existing, revised, and/or new land development regulations shall ensure protection of environmentally sensitive lands. Such lands include areas designed 4/ as Conservation on the Future Land Use Map, and may include other isolated areas identified on a site-by-site basis shall be included in the land development regulations. All development is subject to site plan review which is the primary means of ensuring protection. Also refer to specific objectives and policies of the Conservation Element. Future Land Use Element Policy 1-6 provides: The LDR's 5/ shall require protection of all future potable water well fields developed in the County with a design capacity of 100,000 gallons per day or greater through development of locational criteria including a minimum 200 ft. prohibited development zone around the well's perimeter and consideration of distance from hazardous waste storage or generation (including petroleum storage tanks). (This is the same as the G-1 rule from DER.) Future Land Use Element Objective 3 provides: Throughout the planning period, the County shall require that the natural and historic resources of the County be protected from the negative impacts of development activities, and shall require that future land uses are coordinated with the appropriate topography and soil conditions. This objective shall be accomplished using Policies 3-1 through 3-3 Future Land Use Element Policy 3-1 provides: Encourage development and allow growth only in areas without steep slopes. Future Land Use Element Policy 3-2 provides: Drainage improvement plans will be submitted as part of the site plan and/or subdivision review process. Standards will be included in the land development regulations for drainage improvements during development. Future Land Use Element Policy 3-3 provides: Existing regulations in the Jefferson County Development Code shall be continued; the regulations are designed to ensure protection from flood damage, protection of the aquifer, protection of lands adjacent to lakes, streams, and within wetlands. Regulations will be revised for consistency with the objectives and policies of the Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan. CONSERVATION ELEMENT Section 163.3177(6)(d), Florida Statutes, requires the plan to include a Conservation Element for the conservation, use, and protection of natural resources in the area, including water, water recharge areas, and waterwells. Rule 9J-5.013(2)(c)(1), Florida Administrative Code, states that a Conservation Element shall contain policies addressing the implementation activities for the protection of water quality by restriction of activities known to adversely affect the quality and quantity of identified water sources including existing cones of influence, water recharge areas, and waterwells. Rule 9J- 5.013(2)(c)(6), Florida Administrative Code, states that a Conservation Element shall contain policies addressing the implementation activities for the protection and conservation of the natural functions of existing soils, fisheries, wildlife habitats, rivers, bays, lakes, floodplains, harbors, wetlands including estuarine marshes, freshwater beaches and shores, and marine habitats. Rule 9J-5.013(2)(c)(9), Florida Administrative Code, states that a Conservation Element shall contain policies addressing the implementation activities for the designation of environmentally sensitive lands for protection based upon locally determined criteria which further the goals and objectives of the Conservation Element. Rule 9J-5.013(2)(c)(10), Florida Administrative Code, states that a Conservation Element shall contain policies addressing the implementation activities for the management of hazardous wastes to protect natural resources. The Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element includes the information required by the statute and rules. Conservation Element Objective 2 provides: In order to protect water quality, the County shall protect all its surface waters and ground waters from the intrusion of pollutants throughout the planning period This shall be accomplished through: continued implementation and enforcement of the Jefferson County Land Development Code, which requires a site plan review process for all development; correction of drainage deficiencies by 1992, and by the creation of a stormwater drainage plan for Lake Miccosukee and the Aucilla River (north of US27/19) as soon as funding is available. Upon completion of the drainage plan, the County will amend the comprehensive plan for consistency with the recommendations of the drainage plan. Conservation Element Policy 2-1 provides: Throughout the planning period, the County shall require that all new development provide stormwater management systems designed so that post development rates of runoff do not exceed pre-development rates, and to provide treatment of stormwater prior to surface water discharge, consistent with Chapter 17-25, F.A.C. This shall be accomplished using the site plan review process, mandatory for all development, adopted as part of the land development regulations by the statutory deadline. Conservation Element Policy 2-2 provides: The County shall coordinate with the Department of Environmental Regulation, Bureau of Waste Management to ensure that the existing underground leaking tanks are remediated by the owner expediently, and in a manner which does not further threaten ground water quality. Conservation Element Policy 2-3 provides: The County shall adopt a wellfield protection ordinance (for protection of cones of influence and waterwells) by the statutory deadline, a hazardous waste management ordinance by 1991, and a shoreline/waterfront protection ordinance by 1992 to ensure protection of ground and surface water. Conservation Element Policy 2-4 requires the county to consult with the DER and the water management districts to ensure that water withdrawal within two named sites will not increase groundwater contamination from said sites. Conservation Element Policy 2-7 provides: The County shall coordinate with the Suwanee river and Northwest Florida Water Management Districts in the protection of prime recharge areas, once such areas have been designated by the Districts. Conservation Element Policy 2-8 provides: The land development regulations shall limit impervious surfaces, and require onsite retention of stormwater runoff in the County's high recharge areas. Conservation Element Objective 3 provides: Throughout the planning period, the County shall protect all areas that fall within the 100-year floodplain. The County shall use the Flood Insurance Rate map and the site plan review process for all development, as the tools for implementation. Conservation Element Policy 3-1 provides: The County shall continue to enforce the existing floodplain ordinance restricting development if (sic) floodprone areas. The ordinance shall continue to prohibit the following within the 100 year floodplain: fill; structures (other than on stilts); common water supplies or sewage treatment facilities; and roads, except as infrequent intervals as necessary to provide access to private or public property. Permitted uses in the 100 year floodplain shall include agriculture; silviculture; residential structures, only where fill is not required and the first floor elevation is at least one foot above the 100 year flood, and, only at very low densities; recreation (such as hiking trails); native vegetation and wildlife habitat. The ordinance shall continue to protect the functions of floodprone areas through its requirement that flood areas are to be treated as positive visual open space, wildlife habitat, and as water recharge and discharge resources. Conservation Element Policy 3-2 provides: The floodplain ordinance shall protect the water quality and wildlife habitat values of shorelines and riverine floodplains by establishment of a contiguous vegetative buffer along the Wacissa and Aucilla Rivers, of at least 50 foot in width, measured from the wetlands jurisdictional line, within which permanent structures will be prohibited, and clearing of native vegetation (other than areas designated for silvicultural use) shall be limited to only to (sic) provide reasonable access to the shoreline. Shoreline buffers shall be established for Lake Miccosukee. Conservation Element Objective 4 provides: Throughout the planning period, the County shall conserve the water supply and protect the quantity and quality of current water source and any new water sources. This objective shall be accomplished using Policies 4-1 through 4-4. Conservation Element Policy 4-1 provides: The County shall enforce water conservation during times of drought by enacting an ordinance which prohibits irrigation between 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, and shall keep the public informed of these restrictions through newspaper notices and posted notices. Conservation Element Policy 4-2 provides: The County shall continue to adhere to any emergency water conservation measures imposed by the Northwest Florida and Suwanee River Water Management Districts. Conservation Element Policy 4-3 provides that all new construction and all remodeling activities utilize fixtures conforming to a specified schedule of maximum water usage. Conservation Element Policy 4-4 provides: The County shall enact policies that allow septic tanks only in areas where public sewer is unavailable and only upon issuance of a Jefferson County Health Department permit. Conservation Element Policy 4-5 provides that the county will promote and encourage agricultural land owners to incorporate specified water conserving farming methods. Conservation Element Policy 4-6 provides: Future water demand for nonpotable water uses should be met through the use of water of the lowest acceptable quality for the purpose intended. To this end, the County may require that developers requiring large amounts of water for use other than drinking water utilize reclaimed water from stormwater systems and treated wastewater. Conservation Element Policy 5-1 provides: By the statutory deadline for adoption of land development regulations, the County shall adopt regulations for the preservation and conservation of those areas which are known habitats for threatened and endangered species, and species of special concern, and those areas characterized by wetlands. By 1995, the County shall develop and complete a program to identify, protect and enhance those specific areas which contain unique vegetative communities, springs, caves, sinkholes, ravines, or are suitable for, habitats for threatened and endangered species, and species of special concern, and those areas characterized by wetlands. Conservation Element Policy 5-7 provides: In order to carry out Policy 5-1, the County shall: establish a citizens or other committee to initiate the vegetation and wildlife habitat identification program, based upon the initial data provided by the Comprehensive Plan, and coordination with US Fish and Wildlife and the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission. use innovative techniques in the land development regulations for preservation of such areas, such as: designation and regulations of conservation areas; site plan review; on-site density transfers to allow clustering of allowable units to protect environmentally sensitive portions of a site; and, overlay zoning whereby density calculations and developable land expectations area (sic) based on net developable acreage after excluding the environmentally sensitive portions. Conservation Element Policy 5-8 provides: The County shall promote the designation and protection of natural reservations designated within the County, through cooperation with the federal government regarding St. Mark's National Wildlife Refuge and the Aucilla Wildlife Management Area, the State's CARL program, the Water Management District's Save Our Rivers and SWIM Program, and designation of such areas on the Future Land Use Map as conservation. Conservation Element Policy 5-10 provides: Natural resources, such as wetlands, water bodies, springs, sinkholes, caves, and habitat of endangered, threatened and species of special concern are valuable resources which need protection, and are therefore designated as environmentally sensitive lands. These lands which are threatened by urban development, as well as any lands identified during the County's vegetation and wildlife habitat program to be of critical habitat for designated species, shall be protected from encroachment through the land development regulations, adopted by the statutory deadline. The Regulations shall establish performanc standards for development in such environmen- tally sensitive areas. Any environmentally sensitive lands designated for Silviculture shall be required to us (sic) the US Forest Service Best Management Practices, and are subject to the requirements of Policy 5-11. Policy 5-11 prohibits development of land designated as "Agriculture I" on the Future Land Use Map. To develop such land requires amendment of the comprehensive plan, preceded by an inventory of all wetlands and other environmentally sensitive lands as well as documentation that the proposed use will not negatively impact the environmentally sensitive lands. Conservation Element Policy 5-6 provides conservation-related criteria for permitting commercial mining activities in the county, however, there are currently no commercial mining activities in Jefferson County. Conservation Element Policy 5-13 requires that the county continue its efforts in reducing erosion in coordination with the Soil Conservation Service, and continue to notify farmers of the opportunities available towards reducing erosion. Conservation Element Policy 5-14 requires that silvicultural lands be managed to reduce erosion. Conservation Element Policy 5-15 requires that best management practices be utilized for soil conservation. Conservation Element Objective 6 provides: Throughout the planning period, the County shall prohibit the disposal of hazardous wastes into the public sewer system, canals and ditches, wetlands, stormwater facilities, unlined landfills and other unsafe areas. The hazardous wastes which are prohibited will be listed in the County's revised land development regulations. The County shall ensure that all hazardous waste is properly handled, generated or stored during the site plan review process, required for all development. Conservation Element Policy 6-1 provides: Through intergovernmental coordination and public education programs, beginning within six months after plan adoption, the County shall encourage that residents participate with the City of Monticello in promoting and participating in hazardous waste amnesty days. Conservation Element Policy 6-2 provides: In order to protect natural resources and public sewer systems, the County shall prohibit the unsafe disposal of hazardous wastes by enacting and enforcing an ordinance by the statutory deadline for adoption of the land development regulations. The ordinance shall prohibit disposal into canals, ditches, wetlands, stormwater facilities, unlined landfills and other safe areas, as well as require that any land use proposing to store, generate, or handle hazardous waste; develop an emergency response plan addressing accidents; ensure that DER standards for transfer and storage of hazardous waste are implemented; and, ensure that the site will not degrade quality of ground or surface water or other natural resources. INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Section 163.3177(6)(c), Florida Statutes, requires that the plan include a general sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, and natural groundwater aquifer recharge element (commonly identified as the "Infrastructure Element") as follows: A general sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, and natural groundwater aquifer recharge element correlated to principles and guidelines for future land use, indicating ways to provide for future potable water, drainage, sanitary sewer, solid waste, and aquifer recharge protection requirements for the area. The element may be a detailed engineering plan including a topographic map depicting areas of prime groundwater recharge. The element shall describe the problems and needs and the general facilities that will be required for solution of the problems and needs. The element shall also include a topographic map depicting any areas adopted by a regional water management district as prime groundwater recharge areas for the Floridan or Biscayne aquifers, pursuant to s. 373.0395. These areas shall be given special consideration when the local government is engaged in zoning or considering future land use for said designated areas. For areas served by septic tanks, soil surveys shall be provided which indicate the suitability of soils for septic tanks. (emphasis supplied) Section 373.0395, Florida Statutes, provides: Each water management district shall develop a ground water basin resource availability inventory covering those areas deemed appropriate by the governing board. This inventory shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A hydrogeologic study to define the ground water basin and its associated recharge areas. Site specific areas in the basin deemed prone to contamination or overdraft resulting from current or projected development. Prime ground water recharge areas. Criteria to establish minimum seasonal surface and ground water levels. Areas suitable for future water resource development within the ground water basin. Existing sources of wastewater discharge suitable for reuse as well as the feasibility of integrating coastal wellfields. Potential quantities of water available for consumptive uses. Upon completion, a copy of the ground water basin availability inventory shall be submitted to each affected municipality, county, and regional planning agency. This inventory shall be reviewed by the affected municipalities, counties, and regional planning agencies for consistency with the local government comprehensive plan and shall be considered in future revisions of such plan. It is the intent of the Legislature that future growth and development planning reflect the limitations of the available ground water or other available water supplies. (emphasis suplied) Although Jefferson County's groundwater system includes the upper and lower Floridan Aquifer, the regional water management districts have not completed their studies and have not designated areas of Jefferson County as prime groundwater recharge areas for the Floridan or Biscayne aquifers, pursuant to Section 373.0395. Accordingly, the plan does not designate areas of prime groundwater recharge. Plan maps indicate where the potential for high recharge exists. As stated in the "needs assessment" at page 57 of the support documents to the Conservation Element: [A]t the present time insufficient information is available to allow the county to institute a site specific comprehensive aquifer recharge protection program. This problem should be remedied with the completion of the GWBRAI groundwater basin study for Jefferson County by the NWFWMD (Northwest Florida Water Management District) and the SRWMD (Suwanee River Water Management District). Until this GWBRAI becomes available, the county should adopt interim measures to promote protection of aquifer recharge functions, based on the known characteristics of development within the County, and general knowledge of aquifer recharge principles. The interchange at I-10/S.R. 59 exists over a potential area of high groundwater recharge. Pursuant to the special exception requirements set forth in the "mixed use business interchange" designation, the area shall receive special consideration in zoning or considering future land use for the area. Until prime groundwater recharge areas are designated, in order to promote protection of aquifer recharge functions, land use decisions will be based on the known characteristics of development within the County, and general knowledge of aquifer recharge principles. Rule 9J-5.011(2)(c)(3), Florida Administrative Code, states that an Infrastructure Element shall contain policies addressing the implementation activities for establishing and utilizing potable water conservation strategies and techniques. Rule 9J-5.011(2)(c)(4), Florida Administrative Code, states that an Infrastructure Element shall contain policies addressing the implementation activities for regulating land use and development to protect the functions of natural drainage features and natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas. The Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan Infrastructure Element includes the information required by the statute and rules. Jefferson County's Infrastructure Element Goal 4 is to conserve and preserve the values and functions of the County's natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas. Infrastructure Element Goal 4, Objective 1 provides: The County shall conserve and protect the values and functions of natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas from adverse impacts through adoption of land development regulations by the statutory deadline and coordination with federal, state, and local agencies throughout the planning period. Infrastructure Element Goal 4, Policy 1-1 provides: The County shall seek assistance from the Northwest Florida and Suwanee River Water Management Districts in the management of prime aquifer recharge areas, once such information is made available. The comprehensive plan shall be amended at that time as necessary to protect prime aquifer recharge areas. Infrastructure Element Goal 4, Policy 1-2 provides: The land development regulations shall limit impervious surface ratios for new development and shall require management of stormwater to ensure post development run-off does not exceed predevelopment run-off rates. Infrastructure Element Goal 4, Policy 1-3 provides: The County shall allow the re-use of treated effluent and stormwater for irrigation, and shall encourage such re-use during the site plan review process. Infrastructure Element Goal 4, Policy 1-8 provides for closure of the current landfill upon completion of the replacement landfill, such closure to be handled in accordance with DER requirements. Infrastructure Element Goal 2, Policy 2-1 sets forth limits on the use of new on-site wastewater treatment systems in new development and provides that such existing on-site systems may remain in service until central service is available. INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION Petitioners allege that the Intergovernmental Coordination Element contained within the plan is not in compliance, in that it allegedly fails to provide a mechanism for coordinating protection of the Floridan Aquifer and water quality in Leon and Jefferson Counties. Petitioners further allege that the plan contains no coordination of common issues such as fire protection and protection of drinking water. The goals, objectives, and policies of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element appropriately provide for formalized coordination of land use decisions with surrounding counties in order to protect water quality and quantity. The Intergovernmental Coordination Element does not specifically address fire protection. However, the evidence fails to establish that currently available fire protection is inadequate, or that, if additional protection is required, the county is unable to provide such services. INTERNAL INCONSISTENCY Section 163.3177(2), Florida Statutes, provides: Coordination of the several elements of the local comprehensive plan shall be a major objective of the planning process. The several elements of the comprehensive plan shall be consistent.... Rule 9J-5.005(5)(a), Florida Administrative Code, provides: The required elements and any optional elements shall be consistent with each other. All elements of a particular comprehensive plan shall follow the same general format. Where data are relevant to several elements, the same data shall be used, including population estimates and projections. Petitioners allege that the plan's Future Land Use Element, which includes the "mixed use interchange business" designation, is inconsistent with the policies and goals of the Conservation Element, which includes the policies related to water quality protection. The evidence fails to support the assertion that the plan is internally inconsistent. The "mixed use interchange business" designation, including the enhanced scrutiny of the special exception provisions for specified and more intensive uses, is not inconsistent with the provisions of the plan related to protection of groundwater and aquifer recharge areas. Further, the evidence does not establish that the plan is inconsistent with Chapter 187, Florida Statutes, the state's comprehensive plan. Petitioners asserted that the plan did not contain the best available information in existence at the time the plan was adopted. Section 163.3177(10)(e), Florida Statutes, provides: It is the Legislature's intent that support data or summaries thereof shall not be subject to the compliance review process, but the Legislature intends that goals and policies be clearly based on appropriate data....Chapter 9J-5, F.A.C., shall not be construed to require original data collection by local governments.... The county did not, and is not required to, produce original data in order to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan. Petitioners suggest that the DCA erred in not considering Department of Environmental Regulation data identifying petroleum storage facilities which experienced leaks or spills reported to the DER. However, the evidence offered by Petitioners at hearing did not support the suggestion that such data was more appropriately considered than the data set forth in the county's plan. The inference suggested by Petitioner's evidence is that some petroleum storage facilities pose a threat to groundwater supplies due to leaking tanks and operational errors. However, the evidence does not indicate whether such facilities were designed to the prevent such occurrences, the types of safeguards installed, the types of maintenance required at such facilities (and whether it was performed), or whether, and the extent to which, the reported leaks or spills resulted in ground or surface water contamination. The Petitioners further assert that the plan's data related to aquifer recharge is unacceptable because it is not site specific. The general aquifer recharge map in the plan is based upon U.S. Geological Survey data, and a U.S. Bureau of Geology map. The plan also includes wetlands maps based on U.S. government information and a National Wetlands Conservatory survey. Due to the failure of the water management districts to complete the study of the county's prime aquifer recharge areas, reliable site specific information is not yet available. The plan maps adequately indicate the areas where the potential for high groundwater recharge may exist.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby recommended that the Department of Community Affairs enter a Final Order dismissing the Petition of Friends of Lloyd, Inc., Robert B. Rackleff and Jo Ellyn Rackleff and finding the Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan to be "in compliance" as defined at Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. RECOMMENDED this 31st day of July, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of July, 1991.
The Issue The issue is whether that portion of Plan Amendment 98-1ER known as LU-97-02 is in compliance.
Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, including the stipulation of counsel, the following findings of fact have been determined: Background In this land use dispute, Petitioners, Janet Bollum (Bollum) and Glenn and Mary Brewer (the Brewers), who are property owners within or near the City of Deland, contend that a portion of Plan Amendment 98-1ER adopted by Respondent, City of Deland (City), is not in compliance. The portion of the amendment under challenge, known as Plan Amendment LU-97-02, changes the land use on 39.56 acres of land owned by Intervenor, Marcia Berman, Trustee (Berman), to Highway Commercial. The property is currently under contract to be sold to Intervenor, Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. (Wal-Mart), who intends to construct a Wal-Mart super store on a part of the site. Respondent, Department of Community Affairs (Department), is the state agency charged with the responsibility of reviewing comprehensive land use plans and amendments. Until 1997, the Berman property was located in the unincorporated area of Volusia County (County). Prior to 1994, it carried an Urban Medium Intensity land use designation. That year, the County redesignated the property as Industrial. In 1997, the City annexed the Berman property and revised its Future Land Use Map the following year to change the land use to Highway Commercial. This change was accomplished through the plan amendment under challenge. On May 1, 1998, the Department issued its Statement of Intent to Find Portions of Plan Amendment Not in Compliance. More specifically, it found that the new land use designation would "generate traffic which causes the projected operating conditions of roadways to fall below adopted level of service standards and exacerbates projected roadway deficiencies." The Department also found that the amendment was "not supported by or based on, and does not react in an appropriate way to, the best available data and analyses." In making these findings, the Department relied in part upon a traffic study prepared by "TEI" in 1998 which reflected that the City's traffic system did not have sufficient capacity to accommodate the new land use. The Department determination triggered this action. On May 27, 1998, Petitioners, and 82 other property owners, filed a paper styled "Petition for Administrative Hearing and Petition to Intervene" challenging the change of land use on the Berman property in numerous respects. The paper was treated as a petition to intervene and was later granted. After the case was temporarily abated in August 1998 pending efforts to settle the matter, in January 1999, a new traffic study was prepared for the City by Ghyabi, Lassiter & Associates (GLA study), which determined that the existing and planned City transportation network could accommodate the impacts from the development allowed under the amendment. All parties except Petitioners then executed a Stipulated Settlement Agreement in February and March 2000, which resolved all issues originally raised by the Department. Thereafter, the Department issued an Amended Notice of Intent to find the plan amendment in compliance. As required by Section 163.3184(16)(f), Florida Statutes (1999), the parties were realigned consistent with their respective positions. Through an Amended Petition filed by Petitioners on July 19, 2000, all original Petitioners except Bollum and the Brewers have been dismissed, and the factual issues in this case narrowed to two: (a) whether the recent traffic studies "demonstrate a transportation concurrency failure, and a failure to fall within a lawful transportation concurrency exception under F.S. 163.3180(5)(c) and (d)"; and (b) whether the "plan amendment data and analyses continue a failure to show demand for additional 'highway commercial' land, as originally asserted by the Department's Notice of Intent." Standing of the Parties Bollum owns property, resides within, and owns and operates a business within the City. She also submitted written and oral comments to the City while the amendment was being adopted. The parties have stipulated that she is an affected person and thus has standing to participate. The Brewers own property and reside in an unincorporated area of the County in the immediate vicinity of the proposed plan amendment. They also reside within what is known as the "Greater Deland Area," as defined by Chapter 73-441, Laws of Florida. However, they do not own property, reside within, or own and operate a business within the corporate limits of the City, and thus they lack standing to participate. The parties have stipulated that Intervenors Berman and Wal-Mart have standing to participate in this proceeding. The Amendment The Berman property lies on the eastern side of U.S. Highway 17 just north of the intersection of U.S. Highways 17 and 92, approximately three miles north of the City's central business district. The land is currently undeveloped. Prior to being annexed by the City, the property was located within the unicorporated area of the County, just north of the City limits. The earliest County land use designation was Urban Medium Intensity, a primarily residential land use classification which also allowed some commercial development, including small neighborhood shopping centers. In 1993, the County began a comprehensive examination of land use and zoning restrictions in the vicinity of the Berman property. In May 1994, it redesignated the Berman property from Urban Medium Intensity to Industrial. This use allowed not only industrial development, but also some commercial development. Before the Berman property was annexed by the City, it was depicted on the City's Urban Reserve Area Map (map). That map established advisory designations for unincorporated County land abutting the City, and was meant to be a guide for City land use decisions when property was annexed. The property was designated on the map as approximately one-half Commercial and one-half Industrial. In 1997, the Berman property was annexed by the City. Because the City was then required to place a land use designation on the property, on May 16, 1998, it adopted Amendment 98-1ER, which redesignated the property from Volusia County Industrial to City Highway Commercial. The new mixed-use designation allows "a wide range of retail and service and office uses," as well as up to twenty percent residential land uses, including multi-family manufactured housing developments. Thus, the Highway Commercial land use designation is meant to accommodate major shopping centers like the one proposed by Wal-Mart. Transportation issue In their Amended Petition, Petitioners allege that accepting as fact the "most recent traffic studies," those studies still "demonstrate a transportation concurrency failure, and a failure to fall within a lawful transportation concurrency exception under F.S. 163.3180(5)(c) and (d)." The "most recent traffic studies" are the GLA study, and it shows that the existing and planned City transportation network can accommodate the traffic impacts arising from development allowed under the plan amendment. Some of the transportation impacts from the expected development on the Berman property will affect roadways within an area of the City that was formally designated in May 1992 as a Special Transportation Area (STA) or road segments with specialized level of service (LOS) standards. The STA includes the central business district and certain outlying areas essentially bounded by Minnesota Avenue, Amelia Avenue, the rear property lines of properties along the north side of New York Avenue (State Road 44), South Hill Avenue, Beresford Avenue, Boundary Avenue, and Clara Avenue, which extend to approximately one mile from the Berman property. None of the roadways within the STA are on the Florida Intrastate Highway System. Rule 9J-5.0055(2), Florida Administrative Code, requires that the City adopt LOS standards on roadways within its planning jurisdiction (which are not on the Florida Intrastate Highway System), including the disputed portion of U.S. Highways 17 and 92. The applicable LOS standards and STA provisions are found in Policies 3.1.7 and 3.1.10, respectively, of the Transportation Circulation Element of the plan. They read as follows: 3.1.7 For those roadways listed in Policy 3.1.6 [which include U.S. Highways 17 and 92], the City of Deland may permit development to occur until the peak hour traffic volumes exceed a 20% increase over the peak traffic counts published in the FDOT's 1989 Traffic Data Report. 3.1.10 As a result of FDOT's approval of the STA designation for US 17/92 (Woodland Boulevard), from Beresford Avenue to Michigan Avenue, and SR 44 (New York Avenue), from SR 15A to Hill Avenue, the following maximum LOS and/or traffic volumes shall be permitted. ROADWAY SEGMENT US 17/92, from Beresford to Michigan = 22,028 SR 44, from SR 15A to US 17/92 = LOS E SR 44, from US 17/92 to Hill = LOS E *The proposed maximum traffic volume is compatible with the maximum LOS for this section of roadway, as stated in Policy 3.1.7. These two policies have been found to be in compliance and are not subject to challenge in this proceeding. Although the STA is identified as a specific area, the City's Comprehensive Plan anticipates that development from outside of this area will impact the STA. As noted above, however, the undisputed GLA study demonstrates that the plan amendment will not allow development which would cause these adopted LOS standards to be exceeded. The STA was approved in May 1992, or prior to the enactment of Section 163.3180, Florida Statutes (1993), which allows certain exceptions from the otherwise blanket requirement to adopt and enforce a transportation LOS standard for roadways. Two planning tools made available to local governments by Section 163.3180(5), Florida Statutes (1993), are a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) and a Transportation Concurrency Management Area, both of which allow exceptions to transportation concurrency requirements. The practical effect of a TCEA is to allow development to proceed without having to comply with transportation concurrency. Petitioners essentially contend that the STA created by the City for the central business district and certain outlying areas is "the substantial equivalent of a TCEA," and thus it should be treated as one for purposes of this proceeding. They go on to argue that while the City may grant an exception to concurrency requirements for transportation facilities for projects located within a TCEA, those benefits cannot be extended to any other area, including the Berman property. Based on this premise, Petitioners conclude that without the benefit of the TCEA exception, the anticipated traffic from the new development on the Berman property will cause a "continuation of a [LOS] failure on the constrained segments of US 17/92 and on the unconstrained segment from SR44 to Wisconsin Avenue," in violation of the law. Petitioners' contention is based on an erroneous assumption. The evidence shows that the City has never adopted a TCEA. Neither has the STA "transformed" into a TCEA, as Petitioners suggest. Moreover, as noted above, the undisputed GLA study shows rather clearly that the plan amendment will not allow development which would cause the adopted LOS standards to be exceeded. Petitioners further contend that the plan amendment is somehow inconsistent with the transportation exception requirements in Section 163.3180(5)(b) and (c), Florida Statutes (2000). However, these provisions apply to developments "which pose only special part-time demands on the transportation system[,]" that is, "one that does not have more than 200 scheduled events during the calendar year and does not affect the 100 highest traffic volumes." The evidence shows that the Highway Commercial land use category is not designed for such developments and, in fact, encourages far more intense uses. Is There a Need for Additional Commercial Land? Petitioners next contend that "the plan amendment data and analyses continue a failure to show demand for additional 'highway commercial' land, as originally asserted by the Department's Notice of Intent and not resolved by the Compliance Agreement." In the immediate vicinity of the Berman property, near the intersection of U.S. Highways 17 and 92 north of the City, "there is an emerging trend of 'regional-type' commercial developments." This area is already partially developed with commercial uses, and it has additional areas depicted for future commercial and industrial use. There are no other parcels in the City, especially in this area, of a sufficient size to accommodate this type of regional commercial development. There are numerous ways to project the raw, numerical need for commercial land in the City. The City's Comprehensive Plan, its Evaluation and Appraisal Report, and the GLA study all contain statements regarding projected population and employment, each portraying a slightly different result. In fact, Petitioners' own expert criticized the numbers used in these documents as being unreliable and suspect. The need calculus basically involves projecting population over a ten-year planning period and then allocating commercial, residential, and other land uses in an amount to match that projection. For the reasons set forth below, this process is imprecise, and it must be tempered by other factors. First, the planner must project population over the ten-year planning timeframe. Any mistake in this projection will skew the numbers. Second, employment ratios used in the calculus can change from year to year, especially in a smaller community. Also, other planning objectives are inherently subject to change year by year. Given this imprecision and changing market demands, it is appropriate for professional planners to overallocate land uses. An excess allocation of twenty-five percent (or an allocation factor of one hundred and twenty-five percent) is recognized by professional planners as being appropriate. The evidence supports a finding that this amount is reasonable under the circumstances present here. There are numerous professionally acceptable ways in which to allocate land uses. The City has not adopted a particular methodology in its Comprehensive Plan. The specifics of the plan amendment and the City's Comprehensive Plan make application of a strict numerical calculus even more difficult. The prior designation of the property was Industrial, which is not a pure industrial category, but actually allowed up to thirty percent of commercial uses. The amendment here simply changes the land use from Industrial, with some commercial uses allowed, to a mixed-use Highway Commercial designation. As noted earlier, the City's Comprehensive Plan anticipates regional commercial uses in the area of the Berman property. Finally, the parcel is relatively small (less than 40 acres) and is embedded within an urban area. Given the uncertainty of a numerical calculation of commercial need in the City, the size and location of the property, the property's inclusion in an urban area, and the surrounding commercial land uses, the evidence supports a finding that either Industrial or Commercial would be an appropriate land use for the property. The evidence further supports a finding that the need question is not a compliance issue here and does not support a finding that the plan amendment is not in compliance.
Recommendation Based on the Foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Community Affairs enter a final order determining Plan Amendment 98-1ER adopted by the City of Deland by Ordinance Number 98-07 on March 16, 1998, to be in compliance. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of November, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of November, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Steven M. Siebert, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 C. Allen Watts, Esquire Cobb, Cole & Bell Post Office Box 2491 Daytona Beach, Florida 32115 Shaw P. Stiller, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Suite 315 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 F. Alex Ford, Jr., Esquire Landis, Graham, French, Husfeld, Sherman & Ford, P.A. Post Office Box 48 Deland, Florida 32721-0048 Mark A. Zimmerman, Esquire James, Zimmerman, Paul & Huddleston Post Office Drawer 2087 Deland, Florida 32721-2087 David L. Powell, Esquire Hopping, Green, Sams & Smith, P.A. Post Office Box 6526 Tallahassee, Florida 32314 Margaret E. Bowles, Esquire Margaret E. Bowles, P.A. 205 South Hoover Street Suite 402 Tampa, Florida 33609 Cari L. Roth, General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Suite 325 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100
The Issue The issue for determination is whether the proposed Indiantown Cogeneration, L.P. (ICL) Project site is consistent and in compliance with existing land use plans and zoning ordinances of Martin County and Okeechobee County, Florida. See Section 403.508(2), Florida Statutes. No party to the proceeding disputes that the site is consistent and in compliance with the plans and ordinances in effect on December 21, 1990, when the application was filed.
Findings Of Fact ICL published notices of this land use hearing on June 15, 1991, in The Stuart News, on June 19, 1991, in The Indiantown News, and on June 16, 1991, in The Okeechobee News. Notices of this hearing were published by the Department of Enviromental Regulation in the Florida Administrative Weekly on June 28, 1991. ICL mailed notice of this hearing to the chief executives of the local and regional authorities with responsibility for zoning and land use planning whose jurisdiction includes the site. The Applicant, ICL, posted a notice of this hearing at the proposed site. ICL proposes to construct and operate a 330 Mw cogeneration facility which captures waste heat from electrical generation to produce steam for industrial processes. The facility will burn pulverized coal to generate electricity for sale to Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) and supply up to 225,000 pounds per hour of steam for drying operations at the adjacent Caulkins Citrus Processing plant. Steam generation will be accomplished by means of a pulverized coal boiler. The boiler will be of an outdoor natural-circulation type in which coal will be mixed with air and ignited. Electricity will be generated by passing steam produced by the boiler through an extraction-condensing turbine generator. Sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide compounds and particulates will be removed from the boiler exhaust gases using various removal systems. Coal will be delivered by trains arriving from the north. A rail loop and coal unloading, handling and storage facilities will be constructed onsite. Ash will be temporarily stored in onsite silos before being removed from the site. A new site access road will be constructed along the western and southern boundary of the site to provide access to State Road 710 and West Farm Road. A railroad spur across the adjacent Florida Steel plant site will connect the site to the CSX railroad. The proposed project will include a water pipeline that will extend 19 miles southeast from Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough in Okeechobee County to the facility site. An intake structure will be constructed at Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough to pump water to the plant site. To distribute electricity generated, the ICL facility's electrical switch yard will connect to an existing FPL electrical transmission line which crosses the northern portion of the Project site. Site for Indiantown Cogeneration Project The site for the proposed Indiantown Cogeneration Project is a 220 acre tract which lies approximately 20 miles west of Stuart, three miles northwest of Indiantown and nine miles east of Lake Okeechobee. To the north of the Site are the Caulkins Citrus Processing Plant and a vacant Florida Steel Corporation plant site. Both of these facilities border State Road 710 and the CSX Railroad. The proposed corridor for the cooling water pipeline to serve the Project is within the existing CSX Railroad right-of-way which parallels State Road 710, running southeast from the intake structure location in Okeechobee County to the site. The permanent right-of-way for the pipeline is to be located within this corridor. Consistency and Compliance of the Project Site with Local Land Use Plans of Martin County The proposed site is designated for "Industrial" use on the Land Use Map adopted by the Martin County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) as part of its 1990 Comprehensive Growth Management Plan (Martin Plan). The Martin Plan was the local land use plan in effect in Martin County on the date ICL filed this SCA. This Plan encouraged future development of industrial uses, including cogeneration facilities, to occur under a planned unit development industrial zoning classification. The evidence at the hearing established that the Project is consistent and in compliance with the Martin Plan in effect on the date ICL filed the SCA. During the PUD(i) rezoning process discussed below, the proposed project was also reviewed by Martin County for consistency with the other policies of the Martin Plan. The project, as proposed, was found to be consistent with this Plan. On July 9, 1991, the Martin County BOCC adopted a land text amendment (ICL Exhibit 9), which added steam/electricity cogeneration plants as permitted uses within areas designated Industrial. The Department of Community Affairs has made no determination as to the amendment's compliance or non-compliance with Chapter 163 and specifically reserves its responsibility to review the amendment pursuant to its statutory authorization. Consistency of the Project Site With Martin County Zoning Regulations The Project is consistent and in compliance with the industrial zoning of Martin County that was in effect for the Project Site on December 21, 1990, the date ICL filed its SCA. On July 23, 1991, the BOCC granted petitions by ICL to change the zoning for the proposed site from M-3 and M-1, industrial, to Planned Unit Development (industrial) or PUD(i); to grant a height exception for structures higher than 60 feet; and to grant an advertised conditional use for utilities. All parties present throughout the land use hearing have stipulated that this zoning change and related approvals do not affect adversely the use of the site as the location for the proposed power plant while still protecting the public interest under the applicable land use plan and zoning ordinances of Martin County. The later-adopted PUD(i) zoning criteria for the Project are contained in a document titled "Indiantown Cogeneration Project Planned Unit Development Zoning Agreement" between ICL, the current property owners, and the Martin County BOCC, dated July 23, 1991. The PUD Agreement establishes certain conditions and standards upon which construction and operation of the ICL project may be undertaken at the proposed site. The Agreement incorporates and references various other local regulations with which a project at this site must comply. The PUD(i) zoning agreement also recognizes that final approval for the project will be obtained under the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act, Chapter 403, Part II, Florida Statutes, and that the final development plan of approval contemplated by the Agreement would be obtained through this certification process. The PUD(i) Agreement provides that ICL shall have the right to develop the project in accordance with applicable laws, ordinances and regulations; with the provisions and requirements of the PUD(i) Zoning Agreement; and with the Preliminary and Final Development Plans. Exhibit D to the PUD(i) Zoning Agreement is a Preliminary Development Plan for the ICL project. This exhibit provides a conceptual layout for the proposed project that is subject to modification based on detailed site planning and engineering required as part of the certification of the Project in conjunction with the final development plan approval (site certification process). The Project, as proposed in the SCA, is consistent with this Preliminary Development Plan. A development schedule for the proposed project is established in Exhibit E to the PUD(i) Agreement. This timetable contemplates and incorporates site certification by the Governor and Cabinet under the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act. ICL will be able to develop the Project proposed in the SCA consistent with this timetable. Twenty-two (22) Special Conditions are established for the Indiantown Cogeneration Project in Exhibit F to the PUD Agreement. ICL has committed to meet all of the Special Conditions and its design, as developed to date and presented in the site certification application, is consistent and in compliance with all twenty-two Special Conditions. The special conditions are: Special Conditions 1 and 4 require that certain precautions be taken in the event that archaeological artifacts or endangered plants and animals are discovered on the site. A $1 million Community trust program is to be created by ICL to benefit projects in the Indiantown community, under Special Condition 2. Special Condition 8 requires ICL to encourage Project employees to live and become active in the Indiantown Community. Under Special Condition l0, ICL is to make employment applications available in the Indiantown area during periods of significant hiring. Special Condition 3 provides that ICL is solely responsible for obtaining necessary drainage permits from the South Florida Water Management District and that Martin County has no responsibility for funding of Project drainage improvements. With regard to special Condition 5, the Department of Community Affairs concurs that the evidence at the land use hearing established that the Project at this location is consistent and in compliance with local land use plans and zoning ordinances in effect as of December 21, 1990. Special Condition 6 prohibits disposal of wastewater filter cake at the Martin County landfill. Under Special Condition 7, ICL agrees not to haul fill to or from the Site without Martin County approval. This is in compliance with the Excavation and Fill provisions of the Martin County Code, Sections 33-804, 805, 806, and 809. A hazardous waste management plan, consis- tent with a hazardous waste management plan attached to the Zoning Agreement, is required by Special Condition 8. Landscaping along the access road and around the administration buildings and parking areas is required by Special Condition 10. This condition satisfies the requirements of the Martin County Landscape Code, Chapter 23, Article III of the Martin County Code. Special Condition l3 requires that plant operations not cause unreasonable levels of sound to reach the boundary of any existing adjacent residential district. ICL is to provide general public notice of any planned steamblows. No quantitative noise standards are established by Martin County. Special Condition 14 establishes performance standards which are consistent with the provisions of Section 33-581.44(G) and (H) of the Martin County Code. The performance standards establish limits on the density of smoke; size of particulates; emissions of odors, dust and dirt, and of obnoxious gases and fumes; sewage disposal; set-backs for unenclosed buildings; fire protection measures; building heights; vegetative buffers adjacent to S.R. 710; and Project lighting. Several of these special performance standards provide additionally for compliance to be shown as part of the final certification order under the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act. Special Conditions 15 and 17 provide that potable water and wastewater services for the Project will be supplied by the Indiantown Company. Final agreements for the provisions of these services are to be provided as part of the final development plan approval. Special Condition 16 provides for protection of upland and wetland preserve areas as shown on the approved development plans. This condition complies with the upland and wetland preservation policies of the Martin County Comprehensive Growth Management Plan. The size and dimension criteria of project facilities are governed by Special Condition 18. Special Condition 19 requires that soil erosion and sedimentation be controlled during construction through such practices as wetting, seeding or sodding of exposed areas. Under Special Condition 20, shoulders of Project roadways are to be stabilized. Pursuant to Special Condition 22, a south-bound turn lane on S.R. 710 is to be constructed at the entrance road to the Project. Permitted uses on the site are set out in Special Condition 23, allowing uses including pulverized coal electric generating unit, coal handling and storage facilities, rail trans- portation facilities, and other associated facilities. The uses permitted are described in greater detail in attachment 4 to that Exhibit F. The ICL Project, as designed, committed to by ICL, and proposed in the site certification application, is consistent and in compliance with the foregoing provisions of the PUD(i) Zoning Agreement. Project Compliance with Martin County Height Limitations On July 23, 1991, the Martin County BOCC adopted a special exception to allow heights in excess of 60 feet for facilities associated with the Indiantown Cogeneration Project. The project, as proposed, is consistent and in compliance with the provisions of this height exception. The PUD(i) Zoning Agreement in Special Condition 13 establishes maximum heights of the various project facilities; and the proposed Indiantown Cogeneration Project, as designed, committed to by ICL and proposed in the site certification application, complies with all of them. Consistency and Compliance of the Water Pipeline, Rail Spur and Site Access Road with Local Land Use Plans and Zoning Ordinances of Martin and Okeechobee Counties The location and construction of the cooling water pipeline is consistent with the policies of the Martin County Comprehensive Growth Management Plan that protect the residential quality of life and prevent impacts to tree canopies and soil erosion from such uses. The Martin County Zoning Code provides, in Chapter 35, Article II, that normal linear distribution facilities, such as the proposed water pipeline, are excepted from the definition of those utilities that are treated as advertised conditional uses. The water pipeline is, therefore, a permitted use in all zoning districts in Martin County. The Electric Utility Element of the adopted Okeechobee County Comprehensive Plan (Okeechobee Plan) provides that support facilities needed to provide electric utility service are deemed consistent with that Plan and are an allowed use in all land use categories. The water pipeline and intake structure are necessary support facilities to the Indiantown Cogeneration Project and, therefore, are consistent with the Okeechobee Plan. The Okeechobee County zoning ordinance allows, in any zoning district, installations necessary to the performance of an essential service, including water systems. Such facilities are to conform to the character of the zoning district. The water pipeline and intake structure are consistent with these provisions of the Okeechobee County zoning regulations. The Martin Plan provides that new rail facilities and roads be designed to minimize impacts on natural systems, which ICL has done in the siting of the rail spur and site access road to serve the site. The proposed location of the site access road is in the basic alignment of a future road between S.R. 710 and West Farm Road shown in the Traffic Circulation Element of the Martin Plan. The site access road to be constructed by ICL fulfills this objective of the Plan. Martin County zoning regulations are silent on the issue of the location of a rail spur or new roads. The proposed access road and rail spur are, therefore, consistent and in compliance with Martin County land use plans and zoning ordinances.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby recommended that the Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Siting Board, enter a final order determining that the proposed Indiantown Cogeneration Project and its site (including the associated water pipeline and intake structure), as proposed in the Site Certification Application, are consistent and in compliance with land use plans and zoning ordinances of Martin and Okeechobee Counties. RECOMMENDED this 5th day of August, 1991, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of August, 1991. COPIES FURNISHED: Douglas S. Roberts Gary P. Sams Attorneys at Law Post Office Box 6526 Tallahassee, FL 32314 (Counsel for Applicant) Richard T. Donelan, Jr. Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Kathryn Funchess, Assistant General Counsel David L. Jordan, Assistant General Counsel Stephen Pfeiffer, General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Vernon Whittier R. Bishop Assistant General Counsel Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Building 605 Suwannee Street Tallahassee, FL 32399 Fred W. Van Vonno Assistant County Attorney Martin County 2401 Southeast Monterey Road Stuart, FL 34996 John Fumero Attorney at Law South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road Post Office Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 Roger G. Saberson Attorney at Law 70 S.E. 4th Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33483-4514 (Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council) Peter Merritt Suite 205 3228 Southwest Martin Downs Boulevard P. O. Box 1529 Palm City, FL 34990 (Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council) Ken Plante, General Counsel Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399 Robert V. Elias, Staff Counsel Division of Legal Services Florida Public Service Commission 101 East Gaines Street Fletcher Building, Room 212 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850 Brian Sodt Ernie Caldwell, Interim Executive Director Central Florida Regional Planning Council Post Office Box 2089 Bartow, FL 33830-2089 John D. Cassels, Jr. Attorney at Law Post Office Box 968 400 Northwest Second Street Okeechobee, FL 34973 (Counsel for Okeechobee County) James Antista, General Counsel Kenneth McLaughlin, Assistant General Counsel Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission Bryant Building 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1600 Hamilton S. Oven, Jr., P.E., Administrator Office of Siting Coordination Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Room 153 Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000 Honorable Lawton Chiles Governor, State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399 Honorable Robert A. Butterworth Attorney General State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050 Honorable Bob Crawford Commissioner of Agriculture State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0810 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399 Honorable Jim Smith Secretary of State State of Florida The Capitol, PL-02 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Honorable Tom Gallagher Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0300 Honorable Gerald A. Lewis Comptroller, State of Florida The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, FL 32399-0350
The Issue The issue in this case is whether the land development regulation adopted by Respondent, Town of Medley (Town), by Ordinance No. C-306 on September 6, 2005, is consistent with the Town's Comprehensive Plan (Plan).
Findings Of Fact Based upon the record presented by the parties, the following undisputed findings of fact are determined: The Town appears on a map to be located in the northern part of Dade County, south of U.S. Highway 27 and east of the Florida Turnpike, and just south of the City of Hialeah Gardens and southwest of the City of Hialeah. Besides a Plan originally adopted in December 1988, and amended from time to time, the Town also has a Code containing its land development regulations. Waste Management owns and operates a landfill in the Town known as the Medley Landfill & Recycling Center located at 9350 Northwest 89th Avenue.4 Because the landfill has been in operation since 1952, or long before the Plan was adopted, the landfill is considered a nonconforming use under Section 62-61 of the Town's Code. On September 6, 2005, the Town adopted Ordinance C- 306 which amended Section 62-61 of the Code to create a new procedure for allowing the expansion of qualifying facilities operating as nonconforming uses. (Except for Section 62-61, which is found in the Town's land development regulations, there are no provisions in the Plan itself relating to nonconforming uses.) Prior to the adoption of the Ordinance, Subsection 62-61(b) provided the following limitation on the expansion of nonconforming uses: (b) The lawful use of land existing at the time of the passage of this chapter, although such use does not conform to the provisions of this chapter may be continued; provided, however, that no such nonconforming use shall be enlarged or increased, nor shall any nonconforming use be extended to occupy a greater area of land than that occupied by such use at the time of the passage of this chapter. Ordinance C-306 amended Subsection 62-61(b) as follows to allow for an exception to the rule against enlargement or expansion of nonconforming uses: (b) The lawful use of land existing at the time of the passage of this chapter, although such use does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, may be continued; provided, however, that no such nonconforming use shall be enlarged or increased except as provided in subsection (d) hereof, nor shall any nonconforming use be extended to occupy a greater area of land than that occupied by such use at the time of the passage of this chapter. To implement the exception against enlargement or expansion of nonconforming uses, the Ordinance further amended Section 62-61 by adding a new Subsection (d) to read as follows: (d) Any nonconforming use which serves as a Public Facility may be enlarged up to fifteen percent of the current building and/or land area of such use after formal approval by the Town Council via resolution according to the Municipal Code of Medley, Florida. Before approving such enlargement or increase the Town Council shall conduct at least two public hearings. The basis for calculation of such enlargement or increase shall exclude buildings and/or land areas not currently operating as a Public facility, though contiguous thereto. The new provision allows any nonconforming use which serves as a Public Facility to be enlarged or increased up to fifteen percent of its current building or land areas after formal approval by the Town Council by resolution. Because the Code did not define the term "Public Facilities," Ordinance C-306 amended Section 62-1 (the definitions portion of the Code) by adding a new Subsection (a), which reads as follows: "Public facilities" means major capital improvements, including, but not limited to, transportation, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, educational, parks and recreational, and health systems and facilities. As is evident from a reading of the definition, the term "public facilities" is not limited to solid waste facilities, but it also includes seven other types of public facilities. Gateway is the owner of real property commonly known as Medley Commerce Center, which is located in the Town immediately adjacent to and north of Waste Management's landfill. On October 6, 2005, Gateway filed a Petition with the Town alleging that the Ordinance was not consistent with the Plan in various respects. The Town did not respond to Gateway's Petition within thirty days after receipt of the Petition. Because no response was made by the Town, on November 7, 2005, Gateway filed a Petition with the Department requesting that the Department declare the Ordinance inconsistent with the Town's Comprehensive Plan (Plan). See § 163.3213(3), Fla. Stat. The Petition referred to a Complaint filed in a circuit court case, Town of Medley v. Waste Management Inc. of Florida, Case No. 03-25832 CA 13, as stating the reasons for inconsistency. Although a copy of the Complaint was not attached to its Petition, Gateway later supplied the Department with a copy. After conducting an informal hearing on December 7, 2005, on February 21, 2006, the Department issued its Determination. In general terms, the Determination concluded that the concerns in Gateway's Petition should more appropriately be raised in a circuit court action under a different provision in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, through a challenge to any development order or approval that authorizes the expansion of a nonconforming public facility. See Determination, paragraph 17. On March 15, 2006, Gateway filed its Request with DOAH contending generally that the Ordinance was inconsistent with the Plan and that the Department had used the wrong legal standard in determining that the Ordinance was consistent with the Plan. The City, which appears on a map to lie directly south of the Town, shares a border with the Town in the area of Waste Management's landfill property. On February 9, 2006, the City filed a Petition with the Town seeking to have the Town declare that the Ordinance was inconsistent with its Plan. The Petition raised the same issues as did Gateway. On March 2, 2006, the Town provided a response to the Petition by asserting that the claim was barred by collateral estoppel due to the Department's Determination issued on February 21, 2006. The City then waived its right to have the Department conduct informal proceedings under Section 163.3213(4), Florida Statutes, and filed a Motion to Intervene and Incorporated Petition with DOAH on April 27, 2006. Although the City sought to intervene in Case No. 06-0918GM, the filing was treated as a new filing under Section 163.3213(5)(a), Florida Statutes, was assigned Case No. 06- 1548GM, and was consolidated with Gateway's case. Except for one additional consistency claim, discussed below, the filing raises the same issues as did Gateway. The purpose of Ordinance C-306, as expressed in Section 2 thereof, is as follows: PURPOSE: The limited increase or enlargement of nonconforming uses allowed by this ordinance is intended to further the goals, objectives and policies of the Town's Comprehensive Plan found in the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water, and Natural Ground Water Aquifer Recharge Element as well as the Intergovernmental Coordination Element. The Plan's Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water, and Natural Ground Water Aquifer Recharge Element (Element) in the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) identifies as its primary (and only) goal the "[p]rovision of needed public facilities in a manner that protects public and private investments in existing facilities and promotes compact urban growth." (Vol. IV, Record, page 603). Objective 1 of the same Element provides that an aim of the Plan is the "[p]rovision of sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage and potable water facilities and services to meet existing and projected demands identified in this Plan." Id. Policy 1.2 also indicates that the Town is to "[i]mplement procedures to ensure that adequate facility capacity is available or will be available at the time a new development permit is issued." Id.