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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Oct. 10, 1989 Number: 89-005556 Latest Update: Feb. 15, 1990

The Issue The issue for consideration is whether Respondent's license or eligibility for licensure as an insurance agent in Florida should be disciplined because of the Administrative Complaint filed herein, and whether Respondent should be denied a resident license to represent various insurance companies in this state because of the misconduct alleged in the Administrative Complaint.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the allegations contained herein, Michael Eugene Best was either licensed or eligible for licensure as a life insurance agent, a life and health insurance agent, and a health insurance agent in the State of Florida, and was engaged in the sale and brokerage of insurance, doing business as M. E. Best Investments. The Department of Insurance is the state agency responsible for the monitoring and regulation of the insurance business in this state. Ms. Dorothy Clark, a 73 year old woman, has known and done business with Mr. Best in the insurance area for approximately ten years. In August, 1988, she met with him to discuss her possible purchase of some kind of insurance. She cannot recall what kind of insurance it was. She gave him some money to pay for the insurance in question, which was to be procured from some insurance company, the name of which she could not initially remember, but subsequently recalled to be American Sun Life Insurance Company. The premium payment which she gave to Mr. Best was in the amount of $1,200.00, but she cannot recall whether he was obliged to use that money for the purchase of insurance from that particular company, or whether he had the option to place the insurance with another company. To the best of her limited recollection, Mr. Best did get a policy for her from American Sun Life Insurance Company, but she cannot recall if she kept that policy or if it was changed to another company. She does not recall requesting him to change companies, however, but does recall that she ultimately received a policy issued by United American Life Insurance Company and that Mr. Best was the agent who procured it for her. At hearing she denied ever attempting to cancel the United American policy though she claims she did not want it. She claims that she never received a refund check from United American, however, a check payable to her in the amount of $799.90 was issued to her by that company with address shown as her home of record. The check bears what purports to be her endorsement on the back thereof, followed by the endorsement of Mr. Best's company, but at first she claimed she did not place it there. When shown the check at the hearing, however, she admitted the signature on the endorsement was hers and that she most likely signed it. This check was issued as a result of her unremembered direction to Mr. Best to cancel the policy. She claims she did not authorize Mr. Best to take the money it represented and use it for his purposes. She claims that the check was subsequently deposited by her to her account and that Mr. Best never got possession of it or the money. This is patently wrong, however, inasmuch as Mr. Best admits that he did have the check and placed his company's endorsement on it. He subsequently used the check, with her agreement, to apply toward a policy with another company, and to his recollection, she voluntarily endorsed the check to him. Ms. Clark also purchased a $30,000.00 annuity policy through Mr. Best with another company, the name of which she cannot recall, at about the same time as the first policy mentioned herein. To get this policy she issued a check to Mr. Best in the amount of $30,000.00. When the policy was issued, she requested that it be cancel led because by the time she received it, she had reconsidered and determined that she did not want it. She notified Mr. Best of her desires that the policy be cancelled, but claims she never communicated directly with the company. The company has a letter reputedly from her, however, which complains of Respondent's purported trickery and deceit. It is found that this latter letter was prepared for her signature by someone else. When Ms. Clark told Mr. Best she did not want the policy, and requested him to cancel it, he asked her to wait awhile, for some reason which was unclear to her. Instead, she indicated to him then that she did not want to do so but wanted her money back. Some time after this discussion, but before the policy was cancelled, Mr. Best came to see her and though she cannot recall if he got her to sign anything, she identified her signature on a letter to the company which had issued the annuity policy in question , which indicated that she was satisfied with the policy and withdrawing her request to cancel. She recalls Mr. Best requesting that she sign the letter, but cannot recall what he said at the time. As she remembers, he appeared normal when he came to see her, and she voluntarily signed the letter of her own free will. It is obvious, however, that Ms. Clark did not understand what was being said to her or what she was signing because, she claims, she still wanted the policy cancelled. Her recollection of the incident is shaky - and unsure. She cannot recall if Mr. Best made her sign the letter, and she cannot recall where she signed it. It may have been at her home or at some other location, but she does not know for certain. In addition, she cannot recall if the letter was typed when she signed it, or if the paper was blank. Though she contends Mr. Best tried to keep her from cancelling this annuity policy, at this time she cannot recall what he told her; what reasons he gave her; or why he wanted her to wait. Whenever she dealt with Mr. Best, he was not rude to her. She did not feel she was being forced by him to take out any insurance from him or to do any of the things or sign any of the documentation that she did. Ms. Clark filed the complaint against Mr. Best because she was told by someone that he had forged her name on a check. At the time she signed the complaint, and at the time of the hearing, she did not know whether he did it or not, nor does she know which check he is supposed to have forged. In fact, Ms. Clark finds it difficult to recall much of what had happened and is not sure of any of the facts to which she testified. She does know, and it is found, that all the money she paid to Mr. Best was reimbursed to her and she has lost nothing as a result of her dealing with him. Ms. Clark recalls that about this time, upon the advice of her attorney, Mr. Kanetsky, she engaged in dealings with another insurance agent who advised her to cancel the annuity policy and, in fact, wrote the letter of cancellation to the insurance company for her. Mr. Kanetsky, an attorney practicing in Venice, Florida, has worked with Ms. Clark for approximately ten years, primarily in the area of estate planning for her and her sister. Over the years, he has discussed with Ms. Clark various insurance policies and other financial products, and is aware of the insurance dealings involved in this case which he learned about from his discussions with his client. He claims that in August or September, 1988, Ms. Clark called his office and solicited advice from him as to how she could get rid of an insurance policy she did not want. He advised her to come in with all her papers to discuss it and at their first meeting, found that she had purchased the $30,000.00 annuity on the life of a niece, and also a health policy, from Respondent. The annuity policy was a single premium annuity, and the health policy had a $1,200.00 premium, for both of which, she had written checks. During this discussion Ms. Clark was quite sure that she did not want to keep the annuity policy. She was somewhat confused about the health policy, but was also satisfied that she didn't want it, though she could not elaborate why. Due to Ms. Clark's conditions, both financial and otherwise, Mr. Kanetsky felt she would be better off in a liquid position rather than having such a large annuity outstanding, and since she apparently wanted to cancel both policies, he agreed to help her. To do so, he first contacted an individual in the insurance business who was aware of Mr. Best and his operation. Upon advice of this individual, Mr. Kanetsky then contacted the insurance company on which the annuity policy had been written and requested that it be cancelled. Mr. Kanetsky also referred Ms. Clark to another insurance agent to get the health policy cancelled and a new policy issued. He also contacted Mr. Best to have him refund the $400.20 difference between the $1,200.00 which Ms. Clark had paid in as a premium on the health policy, and the $799.80 which had been refunded to her by the company when the first policy was cancelled. There is some misunderstanding as to how that first $799.80 check was handled. On its face, the check reflects it was sent to Ms. Clark who, in turn, endorsed it over to Mr. Best to be applied toward another policy. Mr. Kanetsky, on the other hand, indicates the check, though addressed to Ms. Clark, was actually sent to Mr. Best, who had Ms. Clark endorse it and who applied it to another policy. In any event, since Ms. Clark wanted that policy cancel led and apparently intended to do no further business with Mr. Best, Mr. Kanetsky requested that Best refund all monies paid. Mr. Best immediately issued his check for $400.20. The insurance company, apparently concluding it had sent the first check to Mr. Best by mistake, issued another check to Ms. Clark in the amount of $799.80, which represents the actual premium cost, with the balance being the agent's legitimate commission. Since Mr. Best had already forwarded his check for $799.80, when the second insurance company check was received it was immediately refunded to Mr. Best. The $30,000.00 paid in for the annuity policy was refunded to Ms. Clark directly by the insurance company. Mr. Kanetsky contends that notwithstanding he had written to Mr. Best to advise him to stay away from Ms. Clark, there is some indication that Best thereafter came to Ms. Clark's residence to discuss the annuity policy with her. Mr. Best does not deny having gone to Ms. Clark's home on several occasions; once to talk to her about the health and accident policy, and another time, to talk about the annuity. In both cases, however, this is a standard practice in the insurance industry, suggested by the company, to attempt to "conserve" the business by making a follow-up call in an effort to dissuade a policy holder from cancelling. It is found that no improper pressure was applied by Mr. Best in his efforts to conserve his sales. Over his years of experience with Ms. Clark, Mr. Kanetsky has found that she confuses easily, and though she is competent, she is extremely limited in business experience and understanding. She does not have a guardian of her property, but is clearly not equipped emotionally to handle many of her financial affairs. It is found that her recollection of the incidents in question here is so poor as to render her testimony almost irrelevant and without merit, and though she is quite sure she did not want the insurance she bought, and attempted to cancel it, she is totally unsure of the circumstances surrounding her relationship with Respondent and the details of any conversations and transactions she may have had with him. Consequently, her testimony, the only direct testimony regarding the issue of what transpired between her and Mr. Best, is, for all purposes here, worthless. Mr. Best denies threatening Ms. Clark or attempting to coerce her into purchasing insurance from him. When he saw her in August, 1988, it was the first time he had seen her for a while and had, in fact, forgotten about her until she came into his office to file a claim. At that point, he made an appointment with her for a review of her policy status. At that time Ms. Clark had no Medicare coverage, (she does now), and he offered to attempt to get her medical coverage, to which she agreed. She wrote a check for a policy to be issued by American Sun Life Insurance Company which, subsequently, rejected her. When the rejection came through, Mr. Best immediately notified her of that fact and told her then he would convert to another company, to which she agreed. Mr. Best is satisfied Ms. Clark understood he would apply the refund check he received from American Sun to the second policy issued by United American Life, and he did this. She thereafter cancelled that policy. After Mr. Best received notice of the cancellation, he went to her home to explain everything to her. At no time, however, did he threaten her, a fact to which she agrees. He claims she had received the initial refund from united American for $799.80, which she agreed he could apply toward a policy with another company, and she voluntarily endorsed the check over to him. She also cancelled this second policy. With regard to the annuity policy, when she notified the company that she was cancelling it, he received notice of this from the home office which suggested he do what he could to conserve the business. When he went to see her about it, she agreed, he claims, that she would keep the policy. At that time he wrote out, by hand, a note to be signed by her indicating her satisfaction with the policy and her desire it be maintained. When the company thereafter indicated it preferred a typed statement to that effect, he went to her with a typed notice which said the same thing, and which Ms. Clark signed. No threats were made, and Ms. Clark agrees to this. Mr. Best also sold an insurance policy to an Ann Ward, which she cancelled for a reason totally unrelated to the Respondent. When Mr. Best found out she had cancelled the policy, he went to see her to inquire as to her reasons. At that time, as in all her dealings with him over a period of time, he was not, and she has never found him to be, overbearing, unprofessional, or coercive. In all their transactions together, he has always fully explained his product, and on the basis of their relationship, she would be happy to deal with him again. When Ms. Ward cancelled her policy, the company wrote to Mr. Best and advised him of this fact and that he must refund a portion of the premium which it had paid to him as a commission. When he received this letter, he called the company and authorized it to withhold from the amount owed to him for renewal commissions, any amount the company claimed as reimbursement. He claims to have believed this procedure, a standard action within the industry, satisfied his obligation to the company. He was, therefore, quite surprised when the company complained and he immediately wrote a check to the company to cover the balance due it which is now paid in full. However, the evidence of record shows he was sent several notices of delinquency, even several for the balance after he authorized the company to take his earned commissions, without his taking any action and the company ultimately, on December 22, 1988, terminated his agency. His failure to pay over is found to be more negligent than willful, however. Mr. Best has been in the insurance business since 1979 and claims he has had no prior administrative complaints filed against him since that time. The Department showed none.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that Counts I and II of the Administrative Complaint relating to the Respondent, Michael Eugene Best, be dismissed; and that as to Count III, he pay an administrative fine of $500.00. It is further RECOMMENDED that Mr. Best's applications to represent World Insurance Company, Travellers Life Insurance Company, and American Integrity Insurance Company be denied, such denial to be without prejudice to re-filing of the applications at a later time to be set by the Department. RECOMMENDED this 15th day of February, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of February, 1990. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to S 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, as to all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted in this case. FOR THE PETITIONER; 1. - 3. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. -10. Accepted and incorporated herein. 11.-14. Accepted and incorporated herein. 15.&16. Accepted and incorporated herein. 17. Accepted and incorporated herein, with the understanding that the failure to deal with American Sun Life was not due to any misconduct of Respondent but because of the Company's rejection of Ms. Clark. 18.-20. Rejected as not supported by the evidence. 21.-24. Accepted and incorporated herein. 25.-27. Rejected as not supported by the evidence. 28.-31. Accepted and incorporated herein. 32.&34. Accepted and incorporated herein. 35. Accepted and incorporated herein. COPIES FURNISHED: C. Christopher Anderson, III, Esquire Office of Legal Services Department of Insurance 412 Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Michael E. Sweeting, Esquire Pflaum, Dannheisser and Sweeting, P. A. 100 Wallace Avenue, Suite 210 Sarasota, Florida 34237 Tom Gallagher State Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Don Dowdell General Counsel Department of Insurance The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300

Florida Laws (5) 120.57626.561626.611626.621626.681
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jul. 24, 2003 Number: 03-002720PL Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Sep. 05, 2001 Number: 01-003506PL Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-000225 Latest Update: Oct. 30, 1990

Findings Of Fact During 1977, while licensed as an insurance agent, Mr. Yesnes engaged in a scheme to fraudulently obtain sales commissions from various insurance companies. He submitted applications for insurance coverage without the prior consent of the purported applicants. He obtained the data to fill in their application forms from information contained in previous policy records. This scheme was admitted by Mr. Yesnes when he appeared before a Department of Insurance investigator, Eugene Petree, III, to explain consumer complaints against him related to the bogus applications. On February 24, 1977 Mr. Yesnes, while registered with the Department as a non-resident agent, sold a $50,000 decreasing term life insurance policy to a 65 year old widow, Mrs. Inez Cameron. This sale was made in Pensacola, Florida, where both Mr. Yesnes and Mrs. Cameron were living at the time. The beneficiary of the policy was designated as "the estate of Inez Cameron." When that designation was made, Mr. Yesnes was the legatee of Mrs. Cameron's will. Mr. Yesnes later requested the company issuing the policy, United Presidential Life Insurance Company, to change the beneficiary of the policy to himself by name, but the company refused to make the change. Under the foregoing circumstances it is contrary to the standards of the insurance industry for an agent to sell a policy in which he is made the beneficiary. Mrs. Cameron was a widow and had no known living close relatives. She had established a personal "mother-son" relationship with Mr. Yesnes and for a period of time they lived together. For the last year and a half Mr. Yesnes has been a pizza wholesaler in the Pensacola area. He contracts for a supplier to manufacture the pizzas which Mr. Yesnes then sells to bars and small restaurants who cannot economically produce their own pizzas. According to his present supplier Mr. Yesnes sells a product of a much higher quality than the purchasers should expect to get for their cost. His present supplier, Mr. Meehan, has known Mr. Yesnes for eight to nine months. In his opinion Mr. Yesnes is trustworthy and reliable. He pays his bills on time and keeps his obligations. Mr. Secchiari, the owner of Genos Pizza in Pensacola, is Mr. Yesnes' former supplier. He too believes him to be trustworthy and reliable. In his opinion as an insurance consumer he believes that if licensed, Mr. Yesnes would be better than some life insurance agents and not as good as others. Mr. Yesnes has always been prompt in paying his bills with Mr. Secchiari. Mr. Yesnes was initially licensed as an insurance agent in Florida in February 1965. Three years later he moved to Atlanta, Georgia. He later moved to Pensacola in 1976 where he was employed by the Franklin Life Insurance Company. During that employment he was supervised by Michael Howard, an area manager. Mr. Howard had contact with Mr. Yesnes for a period of eighteen months. On the basis of that experience Mr. Howard is of the opinion that Petitioner is ethically unfit to be in the insurance business. Respondent offered testimony from Ms. Dorothy Dale Godwin and Ms. Sarah Dawson in the form of their opinion of Petitioner's character. This testimony is not accepted as credible. It lacks an adequate foundation because the witnesses contact with Mr. Yesnes was fleeting. Due to their relationship with Mrs. Cameron they are also found to be biased against Mr. Yesnes. On his pending application for licensure Mr. Yesnes gave 804 Royce Street, Pensacola, Florida 32503 as his address for the past five years. In fact, during that time he lived in Atlanta, Georgia; Mobile, Alabama; and at different addresses in Pensacola. He gave the 804 Royce Street address because that is where his father lives. At times Petitioner has lived there and he considers it his permanent address. At no time during these proceedings has Petitioner expressed regret for any past unprofessional actions. He has also not expressed any commitment not to engage in unprofessional behavior in the future, if licensed to sell insurance in the State of Florida.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Respondent, Department of Insurance and Treasurer, enter a final order denying the application of Ivan Yesnes for a license as a life agent in the State of Florida. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 14th day of July, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida MICHAEL PEARCE DODSON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of July, 1981.

Florida Laws (7) 120.57120.60475.17626.621626.785626.792626.9541
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida Sep. 09, 2003 Number: 03-003218PL Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Apr. 29, 2009 Number: 09-002298 Latest Update: Jan. 22, 2010

The Issue The issue to be resolved in this proceeding concerns whether the Petitioner, as beneficiary of her deceased father's State of Florida life insurance policy, is entitled to a benefit of $10,000 or $2,500, and is related to how notice of a change in coverage amount and premium was provided to the decedent.

Findings Of Fact At the time of his death on November 29, 2008, Maurice Adkins was covered by the state life insurance plan, as a retired employee of the State of Florida. The Petitioner, Justina Mullennix, is the daughter of Mr. Adkins and is the beneficiary of any life insurance benefits paid or payable from the state life insurance plan on account of the death of her father. Effective January 1, 2000, the coverage for retirees was increased to $10,000.00. The premium for this coverage was $4.20 per month. The DSGI prepared a letter dated July 31, 2006, to notify the retirees that effective January 1, 2007, the life insurance benefit options provided to retirees would change. The changes allowed retirees to elect one of the following options: $2,500 benefit for a monthly premium of $ 4.20. $10,000 benefit for a monthly premium of $35.79. Termination of coverage. The letter dated July 31, 2006, informed retirees that their life insurance premium would remain the same, but that their coverage would be reduced to $2,500, unless they elected coverage in the amount of $10,000 and elected to pay the higher premium. The letter advised the retirees they could change their election up to and including January 19, 2007. Mike Waller, an employee of the DSGI, maintains benefits data for the People First/Division of State Group Insurance. In July 2006, Mr. Waller was asked to prepare a file containing the names and mailing addresses of all retirees who were covered by life insurance. Mr. Waller created the file, prepared in July 2006, to use in a "mail merge," to send all retirees a copy of the letter dated July 31, 2006. In preparing the file containing the mailing addresses of retirees covered by life insurance, Mr. Waller used the addresses of record that he maintained. In July 2006, the address of record for Mr. Adkins was 2877 Belair Road E., Jacksonville, Florida 32207, and was included in the file. Mr. Waller prepared the file and on July 3, 2006, delivered it to Dick Barnum and Thomas Lockeridge. Thomas Lockeridge delivered the file to Laura Cutchen, another employee of the DSGI. The DSGI contracted with Pitney Bowes to mail the letter of July 31, 2006, to all retirees. After obtaining copies of the letter from the print shop of the DSGI, Ms. Cutchen delivered the letters and the file containing names and addresses of retirees to Pitney Bowes to assemble. The letters dated July 31, 2006, in envelopes addressed to each retiree who carried life insurance at the time, were delivered to the U.S. Post Office, accompanied by Ms. Cutchen. The State of Florida first class mailing permit had been applied to each envelope. The letter dated July 31, 2006, was mailed to Mr. Adkins at the Belair address. The return address on the envelope containing the letter was the Division of State Group Insurance, 4050 Esplanade Way, Ste. 215, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-0949. The letter was not returned to the Division. The letters that were returned to the DSGI were processed by Janice Lowe, an employee of the DSGI. Each letter that was returned to the Division of State Group Insurance was handled in one of two ways: a) if the envelope showed a different address on a yellow sticker applied by the US Postal Service (USPS), the letter was re-mailed to that address; b) if the returned envelope did not provide a different address, a manual search of the database of the Division of Retirement was made, a copy of the print screen showing the address in the Retirement database was made, if different from that on the database of the Division of State Group Insurance, and the original envelope and letter were placed in another envelope and mailed to the address from the Division of Retirement database. A copy of each Retirement screen that was accessed by Ms. Lowe was printed and inserted in alphabetical order in a binder. For every person whose letter was returned, and for which there was not another address, there would have been a Retirement print screen. The absence of a Retirement print screen indicates that the initial letter was not returned. There is no retirement print screen for Mr. Adkins, indicating that the letter to him dated July 31, 2006, was not returned to the DSGI. DMS has contracted with Convergys, Inc., to provide human resources management services, including assisting in the administration of employee benefits. Convergys primarily performs these tasks through an on-line system known as “People First.” Prior to Convergys assuming responsibility for the administration of benefits, DSGI maintained benefits information in the Cooperative Personnel Employment System (COPES). When Convergys assumed responsibility for the management of benefits, the benefits information from COPES was imported into the Convergys People First System. People First became the system of record for the DSGI beginning January 1, 2005. People First and the Division of Retirement do not share databases and each maintains its own database of names and addresses. Once a year the DSGI must hold Open Enrollment for the health program. § 110.123(3)(h)5, Fla. Stat.; Fla. Admin. Code R. 60P-1.003(16). Open Enrollment is the period designated by the DMS during which time eligible persons may enroll or change coverage in any state insurance program. Prior to Open Enrollment each year, the DSGI provides employees and retirees a package that explains the benefits and options that are available for the next plan year. The 2006 Open Enrollment period, for the 2007 Plan Year, ran from September 19, 2006, through October 18, 2006. During open enrollment for Plan Year 2007, the People First Service Center was charged with the responsibility of sending open enrollment packages to State of Florida retirees and other employees. People First mailed Mr. Adkins’s Open Enrollment Package to the 2877 Belair Road E., Jacksonville, Florida 32207 address, on September 3, 2006. The Open Enrollment Package for Plan Year 2007 was mailed by People First through the U.S. Post Office, first class postage paid. The Open Enrollment Package mailed to Mr. Adkins, for 2006 Open Enrollment, was not returned to People First. The Open Enrollment Package mailed to Mr. Adkins on September 3, 2006, contained Mr. Adkins’s 2007 Benefits Statement; a letter from John Mathews, former Director of the DSGI; "Information of Note"; a Privacy Notice; Notice Regarding Prescription Coverage; and a 2007 Benefits Guide. The Information of Note included the following statement: Retiree Life Insurance For Plan Year 2007, those currently enrolled with retiree life insurance may elect to retain the current $4.20 premium for a benefit of $2,500, retain the current benefit of $10,000 for a premium of $35.79, or cancel coverage. If no change is made during open enrollment, participation will continue at the $4.20 premium level. Neither Mr. Adkins nor anyone on his behalf affirmatively elected to continue $10,000.00 in life insurance coverage during the enrollment period in 2006 and 2007. Because the election was not made, at the death of Mr. Adkins, the benefit paid to the Petitioner was $2,500.00. Prior to January 1, 2007, the Life Insurance Trust Fund was used to augment the premiums paid by retirees for life insurance. The premium paid by the retirees did not support a $10,000 coverage level. In year 2006, the DSGI determined that the money in the life insurance trust fund, used to augment the retiree’s benefits from years 2000 through 2007, would not be available after 2007. Beginning January 1, 2007, the change in life insurance coverage was made because the funds in the Life Insurance Trust Fund were no longer available to augment the premium payment required to maintain a benefit level of $10,000.00, for a payment of $4.20 per month by the retirees. In 2006, the DSGI determined that the then-current life insurance premium of $4.20 would support a benefit of $2,500, and that the $10,000 benefits would cost $35.79. The notices provided by the July 31, 2006, letter and the 2006 Open Enrollment Package were sufficient notices of the increase in premium in that they provided a reasonable opportunity within which to make a selection of the level of coverage. On December 30, 1997, the Division of Retirement received a written notice of change of address for Mr. Adkins. The new address was 217 Skye Dr. W, Jacksonville, Florida 32221. Although Mr. Adkins had changed his address with the Division of Retirement, he did not notify the DSGI. A change of address with one division does not automatically change addresses in the other. The two divisions have different databases. During no time relevant to these proceedings have the two divisions shared databases. The DSGI, through People First, used the database of the Division of Retirement to send the 2004 Benefits Statement as an experiment to determine whether DSGI undeliverable returns would decrease. The same database was also used for the mailing of the letter dated September 2, 2003. However, neither DSGI nor People First changed its database after the 2004 Benefits Statement was sent and subsequent information was mailed to the DSGI address of record, based upon the COPES system. Therefore, the letter dated July 31, 2006, and the 2006 Open Enrollment Package for the Plan Year 2007, were mailed to the same Belair address, the address of record. A change of address for Mr. Adkins was not made in the database of the DSGI until December 1, 2008, when People First was provided a change of address. The only change of address that the Petitioner has alleged, was the one provided by Mr. Adkins to the Division of Retirement (only) in 1997.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the pleadings of the parties, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered by the Department of Management Services, Division of State Group Insurance, dismissing the petition in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of January, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of January, 2010. COPIES FURNISHED: Sonja P. Mathews, Esquire Department of Management Services Office of the General Counsel 4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 260 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Justina Mullennix 1217 Skye Drive West Jacksonville, Florida 32221 John Brenneis, General Counsel Division of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950

Florida Laws (8) 110.123112.19112.191120.52120.569120.5720.2290.406 Florida Administrative Code (2) 60P-1.00360P-2.005
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Jun. 14, 2010 Number: 10-003206PL Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001094 Latest Update: Oct. 14, 1983

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent was an Ordinary Life, including Disability Agent, and a Disability Agent licensed by the State of Florida. During this period, Respondent was licensed to sell life and health insurance policies for National States Insurance Company, American Guaranty Life Insurance Company, and Old Southern Life Insurance Company. Respondent was employed as an agent by Diversified Health Services, an insurance agency whose office is located in St. Petersburg, Florida. At no time material hereto was Respondent employed by any agency of the State of Florida. As indicated above, there remain viable in the Administrative Complaint ten counts charging Respondent with various violations of provisions of the Florida Insurance Code. For purposes of clarity, the findings of fact with regard to each of those remaining counts will be set forth separately. COUNT I On February 12, 1983, Respondent visited Lucille Shock at her home in Bradenton, Florida. Mrs. Shock had earlier purchased a Medicare supplement policy from National States Insurance Company through another agent, but had decided to cancel that policy. Respondent visited Mrs. Shock's home in response to her notice of cancellation in hopes of persuading her to reinstate coverage. In paragraph three of Count I of the Administrative Complaint, Respondent is charged with having told Mrs. Shock that he was ". . . authorized by the Florida Department of Insurance to investigate the Diversified Health Agency" when, in fact, he was not employed by any state agency. While it is true that Respondent was not at the time of his visit to Mrs. Shock employed by any state agency, the record in this cause is insufficient to establish the foregoing allegation of the Administrative Complaint. Respondent denies having made any c representation to Mrs. Shock that he was employed by the State of Florida. Further, Mrs. Shock's testimony in this regard is inconsistent and conflicting. In a February 21, 1983, letter to a representative of the Florida Department of Insurance, Mrs. Shock stated that at the time of his visit to her home the Respondent represented that he ". . . was an investigator for the Diversified Health Agency. . . . At final hearing, Mrs. Shock testified that Respondent told her that he was an investigator for the "insurance department," but also, on cross-examination, testified that Respondent told her that he was an investigator for Diversified Health. Despite these inconsistencies, it is clear from the record in this proceeding that before the end of Respondent's visit with Mrs. Shock on February 12, 1983, she knew that Respondent was an insurance agent for National States Insurance Company. Because of the inconsistencies in Mrs. Shock's testimony, it is specifically concluded that her testimony concerning Respondent's representation about his employment is unreliable. Other than Mrs. Shock's testimony, there is no other record basis to establish that Respondent represented himself to be an employee of the Department of Insurance as alleged in Count I. Respondent is also charged in paragraph five of Count I of the Administrative Complaint with having "falsely represented the financial condition of several insurance companies licensed to do business in Florida as part of your sales presentation to induce Mrs. Shock to buy insurance policies from you." The record in this cause establishes that Respondent and Mrs. Shock discussed several insurance companies, including Vulcan Insurance Company, Tara Life Insurance Company, and Bankers Life during their visit on February 12, 1983. Respondent reviewed with Mrs. Shock data contained in certain A. M. Best Company reports concerning these insurance companies.Respondent advised Mrs. Shock that Vulcan Insurance Company was "a rather shaky company" and that Tara Life Insurance Company had been experiencing "financial problems." There is, however, nothing of record in this proceeding to establish either that these companies are licensed in Florida or that the representations made by Respondent to Mrs. Shock concerning these insurance companies were false. Accordingly, the allegations contained in paragraph five of Count I have not been established. COUNT II On or about February 10, 1983, Respondent visited Koy B. Cook at his home in Port Orange, Florida. The purpose of Respondent's visit to Mr. Cook was to dissuade Mr. Cook from cancelling a policy with National States Insurance Company whichir. Cook had previously bought from another agent. After buying the National States policy initially, Mr. Cook had attempted to cancel a preexisting policy with Bankers Life Insurance Company, but had been advised by that company that the policy could not be cancelled. Mr. Cook determined that he could not afford duplicated coverage, so he contacted National States Insurance Company and advised them of his desire to cancel his National States policy. Be was advised, in writing, by National States, that his policy had been cancelled and that his premium had been returned to the insurance agency which had sold him the policy for refund. Sometime prior to January 12, 1983, Respondent contacted Mr. Cook by telephone, identified himself by name, and arranged an appointment to visit with Mr. Cook in his home. Mr. Cook understood from the conversation with Respondent that the purpose of their appointment was to return Mr. Cook's refund check from his cancelled National States policy. Immediately prior to Respondent's arrival at Mr. Cook's home, Mr. Cook had been asleep. When Respondent arrived at Mr. Cook's door, Mr. Cook was still in a "daze," having just awakened. This fact is of significance, because at various times in his testimony Mr. Cook testified that Respondent identified himself as . . . an adjuster with Bill Gunter out of Tallahassee, or . . . an adjuster for the insurance company out of Tallahassee." Mr. Cook also testified that Respondent showed him some identification which bore a photograph of Insurance Commissioner Bill Gunter. This photograph was apparently attached to a document, the contents of which were unknown to Mr. Cook. Respondent denies having represented that he was an employee of the Department of Insurance. During the course of their conversation, Mr. Cook advised Respondent that he preferred the coverage offered under the National States policy to that of the Bankers Life policy, but simply could not afford duplicate coverage. Respondent and Mr. Cook discussed the amount of unearned premium outstanding on the Bankers Life policy as compared to the cost of reinstating the National States policy. Mr. Cook had originally paid $630 for the issuance of the National States policy. Respondent returned to Mr. Cook a check in that amount during the course of their visit. Further, by offering to reinstate the National States policy for a $526 annual premium, Respondent demonstrated to Mr. Cook that he would save approximately the amount that remained in unearned premiums on the Bankers Life policy. Mr. Cook agreed to this proposal, Respondent completed an application form, and Mr. Cook gave Respondent a check for approximately $526 to reinstate the National States policy, with the understand- ing that the National States and Bankers Life policies would overlap for some period of time. Upon leaving Mr. Cook's house, Respondent gave Mr. Cook one of his business cards, which identi- fied Respondent as an agent of National States Insurance Company. In Count II of the Administrative Complaint, Respondent is charged with having told Mr. Cook that he was an "insurance adjuster working out of Tallahassee" and that he "worked for the Florida Department of Insurance. Respondent is further charged with having told Mr. Cook that he "had a refund check for a cancelled Bankers Life policy when in fact the] had no such check." The testimony of Mr. Cook and Respondent on the issues alleged in Count II are diametrically oooosed. Viewing the transaction between Mr. Cook and Respondent in its totality, it is concluded that Respondent's version of the transaction is the more credible. Mr. Cook's testimony concerning Respondent's representations about his employment status contained several contradictions and inconsistencies. In addition, it is clear that Mr. Cook expected to receive a refund check from National States Insurance Comoany, that Mr. Palesky contacted him by telephone prior to his February 10 visit to advise him that he had his refund check, and that Respondent conducted himself during the entire transaction in a manner which clearly identified him as an insurance salesman. Finally, Respondent furnished Mr. Cook with a business card during the course of their meeting which clearly showed Respondent to be an agent of National States Insurance Company. It is also clear that Mr. Cook was aware during this entire transaction that his Bankers Life policy had not been cancelled, and that as a result of his transaction with Respondent he would be carrying policies with National States and Bankers Life which afforded duclicate coverage, and that he was advised of this fact by Respondent. These facts are clearly inconsistent with Mr. Cook's testimony that Respondent advised him that he had a refund for a cancelled Bankers Life policy in his possession. COUNT IV On or about March 2, 1982, Respondent visited Marjorie Brubaker in her home in Bradenton, Florida. The purpose of Respondent's visit to Mrs. Brubaker was to dissuade her from cancelling an insurance policy with National States Insurance Company which she had previously purchased through another agent and had subsequently cancelled. Mrs. Brubaker testified that, upon arrival at her home, Respondent represented to her that he was an "investigator for the state" or a "state investigator," looking into her cancellation of her policy with National States Insurance Company. Respondent denies having made that representation. The record is clear, however, that shortly after entering Mrs. Brubaker's home, Respondent showed Mrs. Brubaker materials which clearly identified him as an agent of National States Insurance Company, and that Mrs. Brubaker clearly understood within minutes after his entering her home that he was, in fact, a salesman for National States Insurance Company. Under these circumstances, it is specifically found that Respondent's testimony concerning his employment status is more credible. If, as is clear from the record, Respondent intended to sell insurance to Mrs. Brubaker, there is little logic to his having represented himself as a state employee at the door to her home, and within minutes clearly divulging to her that that was indeed not the case. Petitioner also alleges in the Administrative Complaint that Respondent displayed a photograph of Insurance Commissioner Bill Gunter to Mrs. Brubaker to establish his position as an investigator for the state. Mrs. Brubaker, however, was unable to identify the person in the photograph displayed to her by Respondent, other than to assert that the person in the photograph was not the Respondent, but instead a clean-shaven person with light hair and fair, reddish complexion. Those facts, standing alone, are insufficient to establish that the person in the photograph was, in fact, Mr. Gunter. Respondent is alleged in paragraph twenty of Count IV of the Administrative Complaint of having ". . . . falsely represented the status of Medicare coverage in this state in order to induce Mrs. Brubaker to purchase' new insurance policies from you." The only evidence in the record on this issue is Mrs. Brubaker's testimony that Respondent told her that Blue Cross-Blue Shield would soon cease to be the Medicare carrier in Florida, and that there existed a substantial possibility that National States Insurance Company would be designated as the new Medicare carrier in Florida. The record in this cause is absolutely devoid of any evidence that that representation, even if it had been made, was false. Accordingly, Petitioner has failed to establish facts to support the allegations that Respondent has falsely represented the status of Medicare coverage in Florida. Finally, paragraph twenty-one of Count IV of the Administrative Complaint alleges that Respondent falsely told Mrs. Brubaker that her present insurer, Orange State Life Insurance Company, was cancelling its Medicare Supplement policies. . . . It is undisputed that Mrs. Brubaker, at the time she was visited by Respondent, had insurance coverage through Orange State Life Insurance Company. Mrs. Brubaker, it is clear from the record, was under the impression that her policy with Orange State Life Insurance Company was a Medicare supplement policy. Respondent testified that her policy was not a Medicare supplement policy, and, in fact, bore a statement across the top of the policy to the effect that the policy was not a Medicare supplement policy. Petitioner offered no evidence to rebut Respondent's testimony in this regard, and neither party sought to introduce the policy into evidence. The only evidence offered by Petitioner to support the allegation that Respondent's representation that Orange State Life Insurance Company was cancelling its Medicare supplement policv was the fact that Mrs. Brubaker had continued to pay premiums on her policy after the representation was made by Respondent without receiving notice of any cancellation. However, any inference that might be drawn from continued payment of premiums fails if, in fact, the policy held by Mrs. Brubaker was not a Medicare supplement policy. Neither party having offered competent evidence to establish that Mrs. Brubaker's Orange State Life Insurance Company policy was in fact a Medicare supplement policy, the allegations contained in paragraph twenty-one of Count IV of the Administrative Complaint are deemed to be without factual support. COUNT VI In Count VI f the Administrative Complaint, it is alleged that Respondent visited the home of Leila Mueller on October 18, 1979. It is further alleged that at that time Respondent told Mrs. Mueller that he was ". . . from Medicare and that [Respondent] had called at one of [Mrs. Mueller's] neighbor's homes to explain the changes in Medicare coverage." It is further alleged that Respondent ". . . misrepresented [his] actual employment in order to induce Mrs. Mueller to buy insurance policies. The record in this cause establishes that on or about October 18, 1979, Mrs. Mueller was visited in her home by two insurance salesmen whom she believed to be in some way affiliated with Medicare. Mrs. Mueller did not recall the names of either of the two men, was not asked to physically identify the Respondent, and could not recall which of the two men led her to believe that they were affiliated with "Medicare." Mrs. Mueller inquired about whether there existed any written material that she could review to decide whether to purchase insurance coverage. One of the men furnished her a brochure which had the name "Palesky" on it. There is no evidence of record in this proceeding to establish that Respondent was ever in the home of Mrs. Mueller or that he in any fashion ever represented to her or to anyone else that he was a representative of Medicare. The only testi- mony in this record that in any way connects Respondent with Mrs. Mueller was her testimony that she was given a brochure, which was not introduced into evidence, containing Respondent's name. This fact, standing alone, is insufficient to establish the factual allegations contained in Count VI of the Adminis- trative Complaint. COUNT XI On or about March 21, 1982, Respondent visited William F. and Winifred M. Bell in their home in Sarasota, Florida. The purpose of Respondent's visit to the Bells was to sell them a Medicare supplement policy. The Bells had previously purchased a policy from Union Fidelity Insurance Company. During the course of Respondent's visit with the Bells, Respondent advised them that Union Fidelity was "not a good company" and that the policy they had with Union Fidelity was "not a good policy." In addition, Respondent advised the Bells that if anything happened to Mr. Bell that Mrs. Bell would not be insured within two months after Mr. Bell's death. Paragraph fifty-five of Count XI of the Administrative Complaint alleges that Respondent told the Bells ". . . that their present insurance coverage was no good" and that if Mr. Bell died, Mrs. Bell would not be insured when in fact [Respondent] knew that both of those statements were false." The record in this cause contains no evidence that the representations set forth above made by Respondent to the Bells were false. The Bells' insurance policy was not received into evidence because Petitioner failed to respond fully to Respondent's Request for Production of Documents, and had further failed to fully exchange exhibits with Respondent, including a copy of the Bells' policy, as required by the Pre-hearing Order entered by the Hearing Officer approximately two months prior to the date set for final hearing in this cause. Accordingly, there are no facts to substantiate the allegations contained in Count XI of the Administrative Complaint. COUNT XII On or about February 4, 1983, Respondent visited Louise S. Donovan at her home in Daytona Beach, Florida. Respondent visited Mrs. Donovan in response to her cancellation of a previous policy purchased from National States Insurance Company from another agent on or about November 17, 1982. Soon thereafter, she cancelled that policy but on December 22, 1982, reinstated the policy after having available coverages explained to her by the other agent. Sometime thereafter she again can- called the National States policy. By letter dated January 17, 1983, from the home office of National States Insurance Company, Mrs. Donovan was advised that her refund-check had been returned to her agency for refund to her. On February 4, 1983, Respondent visited Mrs. Donovan in her home. Under direct examination, Mrs. Donovan testified as follows concerning that visit: Q So, you showed [the January 27, 1983] letter to Mr. Palesky; and, how did he respond to the letter? A He said sort of -- it's a little vague now after all these months -- that, oh, well, they didn't pay any attention to those things, or some- thing like that, and that the company would not refund any money on the policy. Q Be made the statement to you that the company was not going to refund? A The company would not -- now, I believe his interpretation of that, but it wasn t clear to me, was that there was a certain clause in that policy that I was not satisfied with and that he would not reissue the same policy under the same conditions. Well, I'm a lay person. I don't know all these fine points. And, I under- stood that he meant that the company would not refund any money to me at all... During the course of their discussions, Mrs. Donovan advised Respondent that she had cancel led the policy because she did not have nursing home coverage. Respondent explained to her that, under those circumstances she would have to either add nursing home coverage to the policy she had cancelled, which he was not sure that he could do for her because the so-called "RS 100 feature" was in the process of being discontinued, or she could take out a separate nursing home policy. Resnondent advised her that in order to keep the RS 100 feature she would have to reinstate the policy which she had cancelled, and take out a separate nursing home policy at a later date. This is the option which Respondent recommended to Mrs. Donovan, and the option that she ultimately chose. Accordingly, Mrs. Donovan opted to fill out an application reinstating the cancelled policy. She had originally paid $659 for the policy she took out on December 22, 982, but premium rates had increased since that time. The application filled out by Mrs. Donovan on February 4, 1983, reflects the premium rate increased to $691. Mrs. Donovan testified that she did not recall endorsing a refund check in the amount of $659 from National States Insurance Company and allowing Respondent to submit the endorsed check to National States along with the application dated February 4, 1983. Respondent testified that she did, in fact, endorse that check, which he forwarded to National States Insurance Company with the February 4, 1983, application. According to Respondent's testimony, which is uncontradicted, he submitted the $659 check to National States, notwithstanding the fact that the premium rate had increased to $691, with the understanding that the company had the option of either reinstating the policy for $659 or insisting upon the increased premium rate. Thereafter, Mrs. Donovan again decided to cancel the coverage she received as a result of the February 4, 1983, application submitted through Respondent. Mrs. Donovan signed a sworn statement on March 30, 1983, which provided, in part, as follows: Mr. Palesky has shown me the com- plaint filed against him by the Department of Insurance. I totally disagree with the accusa- tions in the complaint. My only problem with Mr. Pale sky was a misunderstanding concerning the fact that the RS 100 rider could not be refunded and reissued (as it was being discontinued) [sic] I thought he meant the entire policy could not be refunded. . . . Count XII of the Administrative Complaint alleges that Respondent ". . . refused to return [premium] money to Mrs. Donovan. . ., and that ". . . as a result of your refusal Mrs. Donovan felt pressured into applying for a new policy at a higher premium." Further, Count XII alleges that ". . . the new policy was written for a higher premium, that [Resoondent] signed a receipt acknowledging receipt of the higher premium, and that Mrs. Donovan gave [Respondent] no money during [the] visit [of] February 4, 1983." The evidence in this cause does not establish that Respondent refused to return premium money to Mrs. Donovan, nor does the evidence establish that Mrs. Donovan was pressured into applying for a new policy at a higher premium. Finally, the evidence in this cause establishes that Respondent attempted to have National States Insurance Company reinstate Mrs. Donovan's coverage at the premium originally paid in December of 1982, notwithstanding a premium increase that had occurred in the interim, a procedure which has not been shown by the record in this cause to be in any way improper. COUNT XV On or about January 24, 1983, Kenneth E. Fritz bought a National States Insurance Company policy from an agent other than Respondent. On or about February 12, 1983, Mr. Fritz cancelled that policy and asked for a full refund. Mr. Fritz subsequently received a letter dated March 11, 1983, from National States Insurance Company acknowledging his request for cancellation, and advising him that a full refund of his premium was being sent to the agency office which had sold the policy to him, with instructions to deliver the refund to him. On or about March 24, 1983, Respondent visited Mr. Fritz in his home in Largo, Florida, with Mr. Fritz' refund check. In paragraph eighty-eight of Count XV of the Administrative Complaint, Respondent is charged with having ". told Mr. Fritz that [Respondent was] an `investigator with Florida' and that [Respondent] pointed to an emblem on [Respondent's] jacket which gave [Mr. Fritz] the idea [Respondent was] employed by the State of Florida' when in fact [Respondent was] not and are not employed by the Florida Deoartment of Insurance in any capacity." It is further alleged that Resoondent made this representation to influence Mr. Fritz to buy insurance policies, and that Mr. Fritz did not realize that Respondent was not a government employee until reading a newspaper article on or about April 2, 1983, concerning the emergency suspension of Respondent's licensed. Respondent denies ever having represented to Mr. Fritz that he was an employee of the State of Florida. Indeed, Mr. Fritz testified on this issue only that: Mr. Palesky came here, and he had a thing on his coat, and he says[sic] you bought some policies from the -- and he mentioned the name of the company in St. Louis, and he says[sic] I'm here to check on that, and he rattles this thing and give [sic] me the impression that he was the--was from the State of Florida checking this. . . . As mentioned above, Respondent is charged with representing to Mr. Fritz that Respondent was an "investigator with Florida." Nothing contained in the record in this cause establishes that Respondent ever made such a representation to Mr. Fritz. Indeed, Mr. Fritz clearly testified that he could not remember exactly what Respondent said to him to give him the "impression" that he was an employee of the State of Florida. It is, however, clear from the record in this cause that the allegation of the Administrative Complaint that Mr. Fritz did not know that Respondent was not a state employee until reading of Respondent's emergency suspension in a newspaper article on or about April 2, 1983, is false. What is clear is that Respondent made a sales presentation to Mr. Fritz which resulted not only in Mr. Fritz' reinstating the policy he had earlier purchased from another agent and cancelled, but in fact buying another policy from Respondent at the same time. It is also clear that Respondent gave Mr. Fritz a business card during the course of their conversation which clearly identified Respondent as a salesman for National States Insurance Company. In short, this record does not establish that Respondent ever represented himself as an employee of the State of Florida during the course of his sales presentation to Mr. Fritz, nor did Mr. Fritz reinstate his cancelled policy and purchase a second policy based upon any such representation. COUNT XVII On April 15, 1981, Esther Huddleson purchased two Medicare supplement policies issued by National States Insurance Company from agent Michael Frye. On April 16, 1901, she requested a refund on the National States policies. On June 1, 1981, she was visited in her home by Respondent. Count XVII alleges that Respondent falsely advised Mrs. Huddleson that he was an "insurance investigator" and an "investigator for the State." It is also alleged that Respondent was not an "investigator" for National States Insurance Company and that his status with the company had always been that of a sales representative. Further, it is alleged that Respondent ". . . falsely told Mrs. Huddleson her statutory `free look' had expired and so persuaded her to sign a conservation notice." It is clear from the record in this proceeding that Respondent never advised Mrs. Huddleson that he was an "investigator for the State" or in any other manner employed by the State of Florida or the Department of Insurance. A sworn statement signed by Mrs. Huddleson upon which she was closely interrogated by counsel and the Bearing Officer during the course of this proceeding clearly reflects that Respondent identified himself either as "an investigator from National States Insurance Company" or "States Insurance Company." Fur ther, there is no evidence in the record in this cause from which it can be concluded that this representation by Respondent was in any way false. Finally, the only testimony in the record in this cause concerning Mrs. Huddleson's statutory "free look" period occurred on the direct examination of Mrs. Buddleson as follows: Q Did [Respondent] lead you to believe that your 30-day period had passed? A yes. At least, that was in my mind. Mrs. Buddleson's testimony in this regard is, at best, equivocal, and does not persuasively establish that Respondent did, in fact, advise her that her "free look" period had expired as alleged in the Administrative Complaint. There is, accordingly, insufficient evidence of record in this proceeding to establish the allegations against Respondent contained in Count XVII of the Administrative Complaint. The Bearing Officer feels constrained, further, to note with concern the failure of Petitioner's counsel to deal with both Mrs. Huddleson's sworn statement and direct testimony concerning the fact that Respondent never represented himself to her to be an employee of the State of Florida. In fact, to say that Petitioner's counsel failed to deal with those issues is most charitable. It would perhaps be more accurate to say that the proposed findings submitted by Petitioner's counsel on this particular issue have absolutely no factual basis in this record, despite citations to a portion of the transcript purportedly supporting the allegations of the Administrative Complaint. COUNT XXI In December of 1982 Mary Ellen Stapleton purchased a Medicare supplement policy from an agent, other than Respon- dent, representing National States Insurance Company. After reviewing the policy and deciding that she did not want to retain it, Mrs. Stapleton returned the policy on or about February 8, 1983, to National States Insurance Company, and requested a refund of her premium. Through a series of correspondence with National States Insurance Company, Mrs. Stapleton's cancellation request was acknowledged, and she was advised that her premium refund had been returned to the office of the agency selling the policy, with instructions to make immediate delivery to her. On or about March 8, 1983, Respondent telephoned Mrs. Stapleton at her home and advised her that he was an investigator for National States Insurance Company and that he was investigating a Mr. Buffer, who had sold Mrs. Stapleton her National States policy. Count XXI, in pertinent part, alleges: That on or about March 8, 1983, you, JOSEPH MICHAEL PALESKY, telephoned Mrs. Stapleton at her home in Lakeland, Florida, and told her you were "an investigator for National States and [that you were] investi- gating Mr. Buffer" when in fact you were not and are not an investigator for National States Insurance Company but were and are only a salesman. That at no time did you tell Mrs. Stapleton that you represented Diversified Health Services of St. Petersburg, Florida. That you, JOSEPH MICHAEL PALESKY, created the false impression of your employ- ment status in order to induce Mrs. Stapleton to keep the [cancelled] policy. . Respondent did not tell Mrs. Stapleton that he represented Diversified Health Services of St. Petersburg, Florida. It is undisputed that Respondent was, on March 8, 1983, a salesman for National States Insurance Company. Petitioner has not established by any evidence whatsoever that Respondent was not an investigator for National States Insurance Company with authority to investigate Mr. Buffer. Neither has it been shown in this record that Respondent was under any obligation to identify the insurance agency by whom he was employed after having first clearly identified himself as being affiliated with National States Insurance Company. It is, therefore, specifically concluded that there are no facts of record to establish the violations alleged in Count XXI of the Administrative Complaint. COUNT XXII On September 24, 1980, Respondent visited John Capers Smith and Lillian H. Smith in their home in Bradenton, Florida. Respondent went to the Smiths' home in response to the Smiths having sent a card to National States Insurance Company requesting information concerning Medicare supplement policies. Upon his arrival at the Smiths' home, Respondent was advised by Mrs. Smith initially that she did not wish to speak with him further on that day because her husband had recently undergone surgery and was still recuperating. However, uoon Respondent's insistence, he was admitted to the Smiths' home at approximately 1:00 p.m. Respondent remained in the Smiths' home until approximately 8:00 p.m. on September 24, 1980. When he first arrived in the Smiths' home, Respondent told the Smiths that he worked for the State of Florida and that Bill Gunter was his boss. In the course of discussing National States Insurance Company policies, Respondent advised the Smiths that this type of policy was something that Mr. Gunter was attempting to do to assist elderly Floridians. During the course of his conversation with the Smiths, Respondent displayed a photograph of Mr. Gunter to the Smiths as proof of his affiliation with the State of Florida, and offered to call Mr. Gunter on the telephone to verify his credentials. After a long period of discussion, the Smiths purchased an insurance policy from Respondent, and gave him a check for $694. The Smiths' purchase of the policy was due in large part to Respondent's representation that he was an employee of the State of Florida, and that Mr. Gunter approved of the policy. Respondent denies having made any representation to the Smiths concerning his employment by the State of Florida, but, under the circumstances here present, it is specifically concluded that the Smiths' versions of the transaction occurring on September 24, 1980, are more credible.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57626.611626.621626.9541
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