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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bushnell, Florida Mar. 20, 2002 Number: 02-001123 Latest Update: Aug. 12, 2002

The Issue Whether proposed Water Use Permits Nos. 20012236.000 (the Potable Water Permit) and 20012239.000 (the Irrigation Permit) and proposed Environmental Resource Permit No. 43020198.001 (the ERP) should be issued by the Respondent, Southwest Florida Water Management District (the District).

Findings Of Fact The Parties The individual Petitioners, Farnsworth, Roop, and Varnum are all Florida citizens and residents of Sumter County. None of the individual Petitioners offered any evidence relating to direct impacts that the ERP would have on their property. With respect to the Potable Water and Irrigation Permits, anecdotal testimony was presented by Petitioners and Wing and Weir relating to well failures and sinkholes in the area. Two Petitioners, Roop and Varnum, live in close proximity to the property encompassed by the three permits. Petitioner Farnsworth’s property is approximately three and a half miles from the project boundary. Wing and Weir live approximately four and a half to five and 18 miles from the project site, respectively. SCAID is a Florida not-for-profit corporation that has approximately 130 members. Farnsworth, the president of SCAID, identified only Roop and Varnum as members who will be directly affected by the activities to be authorized by the permits. The District is the administrative agency charged with the responsibility to conserve, protect, manage, and control water resources within its boundaries. The Utility and the Authority are limited liability companies, of which the Villages Inc. is the managing partner. The Villages Inc. is a Florida corporation. The Utility, which will serve as a provider of potable water, is regulated by the Public Service Commission, while the Authority which will provide irrigation water, is not. The Villages Inc., Development The Villages Inc. is a phased, mixed use, retirement community, which is located at the intersecting borders of Lake, Marion, and Sumter Counties. Development has been on going since at least 1983, with a current planning horizon of the year 2019. Currently, there are 15,362 constructed dwelling units in the built-out portion of the Villages Inc. that are located in Lake County and the extreme northeast corner of Sumter County. The portion located in Marion County is 60 percent complete, with 750 homes completed and another 600 under construction. Approximately another 22,000 residences are planned for development in Sumter County by the year 2012, with an additional 10,200 by the year 2019. However, the Potable Water and Irrigation Permits are only for a six-year duration, and the ERP has a duration of only six years. None of the permits authorize development activities beyond that time frame. Generally speaking, the three permits at issue include an area owned by the Villages Inc. that lies in northeast Sumter County South of County Road 466 and North of County Road 466A. However, it is not projected that this entire area will be built-out during the terms of three proposed permits. Area Hydrology and Topography In the area of the Villages Inc., there is a layer of approximately five to ten feet of sand at the land surface, which is underlain by ten to 70 feet of a clayey sand. Both of these constitute the surficial aquifer and are extremely leaky, allowing water to percolate easily through to a lower layer. Except in the vicinity of Lake Miona, there is no water in the surficial aquifer except after rainfall events. The clayey sand layer is underlain by the Upper Floridan, a limestone unit. The top of this limestone layer ("the top of the rock") occurs at fluctuating depths of between 30 and 70 feet. At approximately 350 to 400 feet below the land surface, there begins a transition to a denser unit that serves as a confining layer between the Upper Floridan production zone and the Lower Floridan production zone. This confining layer, which was confirmed by drilling at three locations in the Villages Inc. is approximately 150 feet thick in the area of the Villages Inc. Another transition, this time to a less dense formation, begins at approximately 550 to 600 feet, which is considered the top of the Lower Floridan production zone. While testing conducted on the project site indicated almost no leakage between the Upper and Lower Floridan production zones, it is generally known by experts that there is some exchange of water between the two layers. Both the Upper and the Lower Floridan contain water that meets potable water standards and both are considered water production zones. The water quality of the two zones is not significantly different. The project area is prone to karst activity, that is, the formation of sinkholes. Sinkholes are formed as a result of the collapse of the overburden above subsurface cavities which have been formed through a very gradual dissolution of limestone, thus resulting in a "sink" at the land surface. Surface water bodies in the area include Lake Miona, Black Lake, Cherry Lake, and Dry Prairie, as well as several other small wetlands. The Potable Water and Irrigation Permits The potable water permit is for the withdrawal from the Upper Floridan Aquifer of 1.164 million gallons of water per day (MGD), on an annual average, for potable use in residences and both commercial and recreational establishments. It also limits the maximum withdrawal during peak months to 2.909 MGD. The Irrigation Permit is for the withdrawal from the Lower Floridan Aquifer of 2.850 MGD, on an annual average, for use in irrigation. The peak month usage rate permissible under the proposed permit would be 9.090 MGD. Water withdrawal under the Irrigation Permit will be used for the irrigation of residential lawns, common areas, commercial landscaping, and golf courses. Modeling of Drawdowns In assessing the impacts of proposed water withdrawals from an aquifer, District personnel considered effects on the aquifers and on-surface water features in the area. Computer- generated models of the predicted effects of the Potable Water and Irrigation Permits withdrawals provided one of the principal bases for this assessment. The primary geologist assigned to review the permit applications reviewed two of the models submitted by the Utility and the Authority (jointly the WUP Applicants) and ran one personal model of her own in order to predict the effects of the proposed withdrawals on the aquifers, as well as on any wetlands and other surface water bodies. In particular, the models predict both the vertical and horizontal extent to which the withdrawals may lower the level of water within the aquifers and in-surface waters under various conditions. One of the models submitted by the WUP Applicants predicted drawdowns during a 90-day period of no rainfall while the other predicted the impacts of the withdrawals over the life of the permits, considered cumulatively with the effects of withdrawals from the already-existing Villages' development in Sumter, Marion, and Lake Counties. The District’s geologist modeled the impacts of the withdrawals over the life of the permits and included the cumulative effects of all of the current Villages' withdrawals in Sumter County. All of these models included the combined effects of both the proposed Potable Water and the Irrigation Permits. Based upon these models, it is concluded that there will be no significant drawdowns as a result of the withdrawals authorized by the proposed water use permits. Specifically, the only predicted drawdown in the surficial aquifer (0.25 feet of drawdown) is in an area where there are no natural surface water features. Drawdown in the Upper Floridan is predicted at between 0.1 and 0.2 feet, while the drawdown in the Lower Floridan is predicted at a maximum of 1.5 feet. These minor drawdowns are not expected to cause any adverse impacts. Transmissivity is the rate at which water moves horizontally through the aquifer. In areas with high transmissivity, the results of water withdrawals from an aquifer will generally be low in magnitude, but broad in lateral extent. Water withdrawals from areas of low transmissivity will result in cones of depression that are more limited in lateral extent, but steeper vertically. The use of too high a transmissivity rate in a model, would overpredict the horizontal distance of the drawdowns caused by withdrawals, but would underpredict the vertical drawdown in the immediate vicinity of the withdrawal. Conversely, use of too low a transmissivity would over-predict the effects in the immediate vicinity of the withdrawal but underpredict the lateral extent of the drawdown. The WUP Applicants’ models used a transmissivity value for the Lower Floridan Aquifer of 100,000 feet squared per day ("ft.2/d'). The WUP Applicants’ consultant derived the transmissivity values from a regional model prepared by the University of Florida. The regional model uses a transmissivity value for the entire region of 200,000 ft.2/d for the Lower Floridan. While that transmissivity is appropriate for assessing large-scale impacts, on a more localized level, the transmissivity of the aquifer may be lower. Therefore, the WUP Applicants’ consultant met with District representatives and agreed to use a value half that used in the University of Florida model. A similar approach was used for the transmissivity value used in modeling effects in the Upper Floridan. Notably, specific transmissivity values recorded in four wells in the Villages Inc. area were not used because two of these wells were only cased to a depth of just over 250 feet, with an open hole below that to a depth of 590 feet. Thus, the transmissivity measured in these wells reflect conditions in the confining layer at the immediate location of the wells - not the transmissivity of the Lower Floridan production zone. Further, site-specific information on transmissivity, measured during pump tests at individual wells, does not correlate well to the transmissivity of the aquifer, even at short distances from the well. Transmissivities measured at individual wells are used to determine the depth at which the pump should be set in the well, not to determine the transmissivity of the aquifer. Thus, the use of transmissivities derived from the regional model, but adjusted to be conservative, is entirely appropriate. Moreover, using a transmissivity in her modeling of the project impacts of 27,000 ft.2/d for the Lower Floridan Aquifer, the district geologist’s model predicted no adverse impacts. Leakance is the measure of the resistance of movement vertically through confining units of the aquifer. The leakance value used by the District for the confining layer between the Upper and Lower Floridan was taken from the University of Florida model. Tests conducted on the site actually measured even lower leakance values. Thus, the evidence establishes that the leakance value used in the WUP Applicants’ and the District’s modeling for the Floridan confining layer was reasonable and appropriate. Competent, substantial evidence also establishes that the leakance value used for Lake Miona was reasonable. The WUP Applicants submitted to the District substantial data, gathered over several years, reflecting the balance of water flowing into Lake Miona and the lake’s levels in relation to the potentiometric surface. This documentation verified the leakance value used for Lake Miona in the modeling. Finally, the District modeling used appropriate boundary condition parameters. The District modeling used what is known as the "constant head" boundary and assumes the existence of water generated off-site at the boundaries. Such a boundary simulates the discharge of the aquifer at a certain level. The use of constant head boundaries is an accepted practice. The modeling conducted on behalf of the District and the Applicants provides a reasonable assurances that the Potable Water and Irrigation Permits will not cause adverse water quality or quantity changes to surface or groundwater resources, will not cause adverse environmental impacts to natural resources, and will not cause pollution of the aquifer. Furthermore, because the predicted drawdowns are so insignificant, reasonable assurances have been provided that the withdrawals will not adversely impact existing off-site land uses or existing legal withdrawals. The modeling also provides reasonable assurances that the withdrawals will not be harmful to the water resources of the District. Moreover, monitoring requirements included in the proposed Potable Water and Irrigation Permits provide additional reasonable assurance that – should the withdrawal effects exceed those predicted by the modeling – such effects are identified and necessary steps are taken to mitigate for any potential impacts. The District has reserved the right to modify or revoke all or portions of the water use permits under certain circumstances. Specifically, the proposed Potable Water Permit requires a monitoring plan that includes the following pertinent provisions: There shall be no less than three control wetland and ten onsite wetland monitoring sites; A baseline monitoring report, outlining the current wetland conditions; * * * A statement indicating that an analysis of the water level records for area lakes, including Miona Lake, Black Lake, Cherry Lake, Lake Deaton and Lake Griffin, will be included in the annual report; A statement indicating that an analysis of the spring flow records for Gum Spring, Silver Spring, and Fenney Spring, will be included in the annual report; * * * Wildlife analyses for potentially impacted wetlands, lakes, and adjacent property owner uses or wells, including methods to determine success of the mitigation; A mitigation plan for potentially impacted wetlands, lakes, and adjacent property owner uses or wells, including methods and thresholds to determine success of the mitigation; An annual report of an analysis of the monitoring data . . . . Similar provisions are included in the proposed irrigation permit. The WUP Applicants, in conjunction with the District, have developed sites and methodologies for this monitoring. Reasonable Demand The water to be withdrawn under the proposed Potable Water Permit will serve 10,783 people. This total results from the simple multiplication of the number of residences to be built during the next six years (5,675) by the average number of residents per household (1.9). Those numbers are based upon historical absorption rates within the Villages Inc. development since 1983, an absorption rate that doubles approximately every five years. The Utility proposed a per capita use rate of 108 gallons per day for potable use only. District personnel independently verified that per capita rate, based upon current usage in the existing portions of the Villages Inc. and determined that the rate was reasonable. Based upon the population projections and the per capita rate, the District determined that there is a reasonable demand for the withdrawal of the amount of water, for potable purposes, that is reflected in the Potable Water Permit. The Utility has provided reasonable assurance regarding the Utility’s satisfaction of this permitting criterion. As to the irrigation permit, the Villages Inc. plans, within the next six years, to complete the construction of 1,911 acres of property that will require irrigation. The amount of water originally requested by the Authority for irrigation withdrawals was reduced during the course of the application process at the request of the District. The District determined the reasonable amount of irrigation water needed through the application of AGMOD, a computer model that predicts the irrigation needs of various vegetative covers. Since the Authority intends to utilize treated wastewater effluent as another source of irrigation water, the District reduced the amount of water that it would permit to be withdrawn from the Lower Floridan for irrigation. The District, thus, determined that the Authority would need 1.59 MGD annual average for recreational and aesthetic area irrigation and 1.26 MGD annual average for residential lawn irrigation, for a total of 2.85 MGD. The Villages Inc. also plans to accumulate stormwater in lined ponds for irrigation use. However, unlike its treatment of wastewater effluent, the District did not deduct accumulated stormwater from the amount of water deemed necessary for irrigation. This approach was adopted due to the inability to predict short-term rainfall amounts. The uncontroverted evidence of record establishes reasonable assurances that there is a reasonable demand for the amount of water to be withdrawn under the proposed irrigation permit. Conservation and Reuse Measures Both the Utility and the Authority applications included proposed measures for the conservation and reuse of water. The conservation plan submitted in conjunction with the irrigation permit application provides for control valves to regulate both the pressure and timing of irrigation by residential users; contractual restrictions on water use by commercial users; xeriscaping; and an irrigation control system for golf course irrigation that is designed to maximize the efficient use of water. In addition, in the proposed permits, the District requires the Utility and the Authority to expand upon these conservation measures through such measures as educational efforts, inclined block rate structures, and annual reporting to assess the success of conservation measures. The Authority also committed to reduce its dependence on groundwater withdrawals through the reuse of wastewater effluent, both from the on-site wastewater treatment facility and through contract with the City of Wildwood. Reasonable assurances have been provided that conservation measures have been incorporated and that, to the maximum extent practicable, reuse measures have been incorporated. Use of Lowest Available Quality of Water In addition to the reuse of treated wastewater effluent, the Authority intends to minimize its dependence on groundwater withdrawals for irrigation use through the reuse of stormwater accumulated in lined ponds. Thirty-one of the lined stormwater retention ponds to be constructed by the Villages Inc. are designed as a component of the irrigation system on-site. Ponds will be grouped with the individual ponds within each group linked through underground piping. There will be an electronically controlled valve in the stormwater pond at the end of the pipe that will be used to draw out water for irrigation purposes. These lined stormwater ponds serve several purposes. However, the design feature that is pertinent to the reuse of stormwater for irrigation is the inclusion of additional storage capacity below the top of the pond liner. No groundwater will be withdrawn for irrigation purposes unless the level of stormwater in these lined ponds drops below a designed minimum irrigation level. Groundwater pumped into these ponds will then be pumped out for irrigation. Thus, the use of groundwater for irrigation is minimized. The Authority has met its burden of proving that it will use the lowest quality of water available. With respect to the potable permit, the evidence establishes that there are only minor differences between the water quality in the Upper Floridan and Lower Floridan in this area. The Upper Floridan is a reasonable source for potable supply in this area. Thus, reasonable assurances have been provided by the Utility that it will utilize the lowest water quality that it has the ability to use for potable purposes. Waste of Water In regard to concerns that the design of the Villages Inc.'s stormwater/irrigation system will result in wasteful losses of water due to evaporation from the surface of the lined ponds, it must be noted that there are no artesian wells relating to this project and nothing in the record to suggest that the groundwater withdrawals by either the Utility or the Authority will cause excess water to run into the surface water system. Additionally, the evidence establishes that, to the extent groundwater will be withdrawn from the Lower Floridan and pumped into lined stormwater ponds, such augmentation is not for an aesthetic purpose. Instead, the groundwater added to those ponds will be utilized as an integral part of the irrigation system and will be limited in quantity to the amount necessary for immediate irrigation needs. Finally, the water to be withdrawn will be put to beneficial potable and irrigation uses, rather than wasteful purposes. Under current regulation, water lost from lined stormwater ponds through evaporation is not considered as waste. Thus, the Authority and the Utility have provided reasonable assurances that their withdrawals of groundwater will not result in waste. The ERP The stormwater management system proposed by the Villages Inc. will eventually serve 5,016 acres on which residential, commercial, golf course, and other recreational development will ultimately be constructed. However, the proposed permit currently at issue is preliminary in nature and will only authorize the construction of stormwater ponds, earthworks relating to the construction of compensating flood storage, and wetland mitigation. Water Quality Impacts The stormwater management system will include eight shallow treatment ponds that will be adjacent to Lake Miona and Black Lake and 45 lined retention ponds. Thirty-one of these lined ponds will serve as part of the irrigation system for a portion of the Villages Inc.'s development. All of these ponds provide water quality treatment. The unlined ponds will retain the first one inch of stormwater and then overflow into the lakes. The ponds provide water quality treatment of such water before it is discharged into the lakes. The water quality treatment provided by these ponds provides reasonable assurances that the project will not adversely impact the water quality of receiving waters. While they do not discharge directly to surface receiving waters, the lined retention ponds do provide protection against adverse water quality impacts on groundwater. There will be some percolation from these ponds, from the sides at heights above the top of the liner. However, the liners will prevent the discharge of pollutants through the highly permeable surface strata into the groundwater. The Villages Inc. designed the system in this manner in response to concerns voiced by the Department of Environmental Protection during the DRI process regarding potential pollutant loading of the aquifer at the retention pond sites. Furthermore, by distributing the accumulated stormwater - through the irrigation system - over a wider expanse of vegetated land surface, a greater degree of water quality treatment will be achieved than if the stormwater were simply permitted to percolate directly through the pond bottom. There is no reasonable expectation that pollutants will be discharged into the aquifer from the lined ponds. If dry ponds were used, there would be an accumulation of pollutants in the pond bottom. These measures provide reasonable assurances that there will be no adverse impact on the quality of receiving waters. Water Quantity Impacts With regard to the use of lined retention ponds, as part of the Villages Inc.’s stormwater system and the impact of such ponds on water quantity, the evaporative losses from lined ponds as opposed to unlined ponds is a differential of approximately one (1) inch of net recharge. The acreage of the lined ponds - even measured at the very top of the pond banks - is only 445 acres. That differential, in terms of a gross water balance, is not significant, in view of the other benefits provided by the lined ponds. As part of the project, wetlands will be created and expanded and other water bodies will be created. After rainfalls, these unlined ponds will be filled with water and will lose as much water through evaporation as would any other water body. The design proposed by the Villages Inc., however, will distribute the accumulated stormwater across the project site through the irrigation of vegetated areas. The documentation submitted by the Villages Inc. establishes that the ERP will not cause adverse water quantity impacts. The Villages Inc. has carried its burden as to this permitting criterion. Flooding, Surface Water Conveyance, and Storage Impacts Parts of the project are located in areas designated by the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) as 100-year flood zones. Specifically, these areas are located along Lake Miona, Black Lake, between Black Lake and Cherry Lake, and at some locations south of Black Lake. Under the District’s rules, compensation must be provided for any loss of flood zone in filled areas by the excavation of other areas. The District has determined, based upon the documentation provided with the Villages Inc.’s application, work on the site will encroach on 871.37 acre feet of the FEMA 100-year flood zone. However, 1,051.70 acre feet of compensating flood zone is being created. The Villages Inc. proposes to mitigate for the loss of flood zone primarily in the areas of Dry Prairie and Cherry Lake. At present, Cherry Lake is the location of a peat mining operation authorized by DEP permit. Mining has occurred at that site since the early 1980s. The flood zone mitigation proposed by the Villages Inc. provides reasonable assurance that it will sufficiently compensate for any loss of flood basin storage. The Villages Inc.'s project provides reasonable assurance that it will neither adversely affect surface water storage or conveyance capabilities, surface or groundwater levels or surface water flows nor cause adverse flooding. Each of the 45 retention ponds to be constructed on-site will include sufficient capacity, above the top of the pond liner, to hold a 100-year/24-hour storm event. This includes stormwater drainage from off-site. In addition, these ponds are designed to have an extra one foot of freeboard above that needed for the 100-year/24-hour storm, thus providing approximately an additional 100 acres of flood storage beyond that which will be lost through construction on-site. Furthermore, the Villages Inc. has proposed an emergency flood plan. In the event of a severe flood event, excess water will be pumped from Dry Prairie, Cherry Lake, and Lake Miona and delivered to the retention ponds and to certain golf course fairways located such that habitable living spaces would not be endangered. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation There are 601 acres of wetlands and surface waters of various kinds in the Villages Inc.’s project area. Forty-one acres of wetlands will be impacted by the work that is authorized under the ERP. Each of these impacted wetlands, along with the extent of the impact, is listed in the ERP. The impacts include both fill and excavation and all will be permanent. When assessing wetland impacts and proposed mitigation for those impacts, the District seeks to ensure that the activities proposed will not result in a net loss of wetland functionality. The object is to ensure that the end result will function at least as well as did the wetlands in their pre-impact condition. Functional value is judged, at least in part, by the long term viability of the wetland. While small, isolated wetlands are not completely without value, large wetland ecosystems – which are less susceptible to surrounding development – generally have greater long-term habitat value. The District’s policy is that an applicant need not provide any mitigation for the loss of habitat in wetlands of less than 0.5 acre, except under certain limited circumstances, including where the wetland is utilized by threatened or endangered species. Some wetlands that will be impacted by the Villages Inc.’s project are of high functional value and some are not as good. The Villages Inc. proposes a variety of types of mitigation for the wetlands impacts that will result from its project, all of which are summarized in the ERP. In all, 331.55 acres of mitigation are proposed by the Villages Inc. First, the District proposes to create new wetlands. Approximately 11 acres of this new wetland will consist of a marsh, which is to be created east of Cherry Lake. Second, it proposes to undertake substantial enhancement of Dry Prairie, a 126-acre wetland. Currently – and since at least the early nineties – Dry Prairie received discharge water from the peat mining operation at Cherry Lake. Without intervention, when the mining operations stop, Dry Prairie would naturally become drier than it has been for several years and would lose some of the habitat function that it has been providing. The Villages Inc.’s proposed enhancement is designed to match the current hydroperiods of Dry Prairie, thus ensuring its continued habitat value. Third, the Villages Inc. has proposed to enhance upland buffers around wetlands and surface waters by planting natural vegetation, thus providing a natural barrier. Placement of these buffers in conservation easements does not provide the Villages Inc. with mitigation credit, since a 25-foot buffer is required anyway. However, the District determined that the enhancement of these areas provided functional value to the wetlands and surface waters that would not be served by the easements alone. Fourth, the Villages Inc. will place a conservation easement over certain areas, including a 1500-foot radius preserve required by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC) around an identified eagles’ nest. These areas will also be used for the relocation of gopher tortoises and, if any are subsequently located, of gopher frogs. While the Villages Inc. is also performing some enhancement of this area, it will receive no mitigation credit for such enhancement – which was required to meet FWCC requirements. However, since the conservation easement will remain in effect in perpetuity, regardless of whether the eagles continue to use the nest, the easement ensures the continued, viability of the area’s wetlands and provides threatened and endangered species habitat. In order to provide additional assurances that these mitigation efforts will be successful, the District has included a condition in the proposed permit establishing wetland mitigation success criteria for the various types of proposed mitigation. If these success criteria are not achieved, additional mitigation must be provided. With the above described mitigation, the activities authorized under the ERP will not adversely impact the functional value of wetlands and other surface waters to fish or wildlife. The Villages Inc. has met its burden of providing reasonable assurances relating to this permit criterion. Capability of Performing Effectively The Villages Inc. has also provided reasonable assurances that the stormwater management system proposed is capable of functioning as designed. The retention ponds proposed are generally of a standard-type design and will not require complicated maintenance procedures. In its assessment of the functional capability of the system, the District did not concern itself with the amount of stormwater that the system might contribute for irrigation purposes. Rather, it focused its consideration on the stormwater management functions of the system. The question of the effectiveness of the system for irrigation purposes is not relevant to the determination of whether the Villages Inc. has met the criteria for permit issuance. Consequently, the record establishes that the documentation provided by the Villages Inc. contains reasonable assurances that the stormwater system will function effectively and as proposed. Operation Entity The Villages Inc. has created Community Development District No. 5 (CDD No. 5), which will serve as the entity responsible for the construction and maintenance of the stormwater system. CDD No. 5 will finance the construction through special revenue assessment bonds and will finance maintenance through the annual assessments. Similar community development districts were established to be responsible for earlier phases of the Villages Inc. The ERP includes a specific condition that, prior to any wetlands impacts, the Villages Inc. will either have to provide the District with documentation of the creation of a community development district or present the District with a performance bond in the amount of $1,698,696.00. Since the undisputed testimony at hearing was that CDD No. 5 has, in fact, now been created, there are reasonable assurances of financial responsibility. Secondary and Cumulative Impacts The Villages Inc.’s application also provides accurate and reliable information sufficient to establish that there are reasonable assurances that the proposed stormwater system will not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts upon wetlands or other surface waters or adverse secondary impacts to water resources. The system is designed in a manner that will meet water treatment criteria and there will be no secondary water quality impacts. Further, the use of buffers will prevent secondary impacts to wetlands and wetland habitats and there will be no secondary impacts to archeological or historical resources. In this instance, the stormwater system proposed by the Villages Inc. will function in a manner that replaces any water quantity or water quality functions lost by construction of the system. In its assessment of the possible cumulative impacts of the system, the District considered areas beyond the bounds of the current project, including the area to the south that is currently being reviewed under the DRI process as a substantial deviation. The District’s environmental scientist, Leonard Bartos, also reviewed that portion of the substantial deviation north of County Road 466A, in order to determine the types of wetlands present there. Furthermore, the District is one of the review agencies that comments on DRI and substantial deviation applications. When such an application is received by the District’s planning division, it is routed to the regulatory division for review. The District includes its knowledge of the DRIs in its determination that there are no cumulative impacts. Reasonable assurances have been provided as to these permitting criteria. Public Interest Balancing Test Because the proposed stormwater system will be located in, on, and over certain wetlands, the Villages Inc. must provide reasonable assurances that the system will not be contrary to the public interest. This assessment of this permitting criteria requires that the District balance seven factors. While the effects of the proposed activity will be permanent, the Villages Inc. has provided reasonable assurances that it will not have an adverse impact on the public health, safety, or welfare; on fishing or recreational values; on the flow of water; on environmental resources, including fish and wildlife and surface water resources; or on off-site properties. Furthermore, the District has carefully assessed the current functions being provided by the affected wetland areas. With respect to historical or archeological resources, the Villages Inc. has received letters from the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, stating that there are no significant historical or archeological resources on the project site that is the subject of this permit proceeding. Thus, the evidence establishes reasonable assurances that the Villages Inc.'s stormwater system will not be contrary to the public interest. Additionally, the District and Applicant presented uncontroverted evidence that the proposed project will not adversely impact a work of the District, and that there are no applicable special basin or geographic area criteria.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is: RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered issuing Water Use Permit Nos. 20012236.000 and 20012239.000 and Environmental Resource Permit No. 43020198.001, in accordance with the District’s proposed agency action. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of June, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of June, 2002.

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57373.203380.06403.412
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jul. 20, 2001 Number: 01-002900RP Latest Update: Mar. 20, 2003

The Issue The issues are whether the proposed amendment to Rule 40E- 2.041(1), Florida Administrative Code, exceeds the agency's grant of rulemaking authority; enlarges, modifies, or contravenes the specific law implemented; or is vague, fails to establish adequate standards for agency discretion, and vests unbridled discretion in the agency.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Petitioner, Osceola Fish Farmers Association, Inc. (OFFA), is a non-profit corporation whose members consist of tropical fish farmers in Osceola County, Florida. The parties have stipulated that OFFA has standing to bring this action. Respondent, South Florida Water Management District (District or Respondent), is a public corporation operating pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, with its principal office in West Palm Beach, Florida. Among other things, the District has the authority to regulate the uses of water within its geographic boundaries, including Osceola County. On an undisclosed date, the District began test drawdowns (a lowering of the elevation of the water through control structures) in the Alligator Chain of Lakes just east of St. Cloud in Osceola County, where OFFA's members are engaged in tropical fish farming. The drawdowns were undertaken for the purpose of allowing the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) to conduct demucking activities in the lakes to enhance aquatic habitat. Prior to beginning work, the FFWCC obtained an Environmental Resource Permit from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). However, the District did not require either itself or the FFWCC to obtain a consumptive use permit on the theory that a lake drawdown for demucking activities was not a consumptive use and therefore did not require a permit. In an effort to halt future scheduled drawdowns, OFFA participated in a United States Army Corps of Engineers proceeding which culminated in the preparation of an Economic Impact Statement for FFWCC's drawdowns; filed a complaint with DEP under Section 373.219(2), Florida Statutes, alleging that an unlawful consumptive use (without a permit) was taking place (which complaint was found to be insufficient); filed an action for injunctive relief in circuit court under Section 403.412, Florida Statutes (which was dismissed or dropped for undisclosed reasons); and finally initiated a proceeding against the District under Section 120.56(4), Florida Statutes, alleging that the District had adopted "an incipient non-rule policy of exempting lake 'drawdowns' from water use permitting requirements" (DOAH Case No. 00-3615RU). To avoid the consequences of an adverse ruling in the latter action, the District began rulemaking proceedings to adopt an amendment to Rule 40E-2.041(1), Florida Administrative Code, to codify its policy relative to lake drawdowns. As amended, the rule reads as follows: Unless expressly exempt by law or District rule, a water use permit must be obtained from the District prior to any use or withdrawal of water. The drawdown of lakes for environmental, recreational, or flood control purposes is not regulated by Chapter 40E-2 or 40E-20, F.A.C. (Underscored language represents amended language). Petitioner has challenged only the amendment, and not the existing rule. The effect of the rule is obvious - a lake drawdown for one of the three stated purposes in the rule will not require a permit, while all other lake drawdowns will. As specific authority for the proposed amendment, the District cites Sections 373.044 and 373.113, Florida Statutes. The former statute authorizes the District to "adopt rules pursuant to [Chapter 120] to implement the provisions of this chapter," while the latter statute authorizes it to "adopt rules pursuant to [Chapter 120] to implement the provisions of law conferring powers or duties upon it." The District has cited Sections 373.103(1), 373.219, and 373.244, Florida Statutes, as the specific laws being implemented. The first statute provides that if specifically authorized by DEP, the District has the authority to "administer and enforce all provisions of this chapter, including the permit systems established in parts II, III, and IV of [Chapter 373], consistent with the water implementation rule"; the second statute provides in relevant part that the District may "require such permits for consumptive use of water and may impose such reasonable conditions as are necessary to assure that such use is consistent with the overall objectives of the district or department and is not harmful to the water resources of the area"; and the third statute provides for the issuance of temporary permits while a permit application is pending. In regulating the uses of water within its boundaries, the District administers a comprehensive consumptive water use permit program under Part II, Chapter 373, Florida Statutes. Both parties agree that under Section 373.219(1), Florida Statutes (2000), all "consumptive uses" of water require a permit, except for the "domestic consumption of water by individual users," which use is specifically exempted by the same statute. The global requirement for permits is also found in Rule 40E-2.041 (the rule being amended), as well as Rule 40E- 1.602(1), which provides in relevant part that unless expressly exempted by statute or rule, "[a] water use individual or general permit pursuant to Chapters 40E-2 or 40E-20, F.A.C., must be obtained prior to use or withdrawal of water " The term "consumptive uses" is not defined by statute, but the District has promulgated a rule defining that term. By Rule 40E-2.091, Florida Administrative Code, the District has adopted by reference a document known as the "Basis for Review for Water Use Permit Applications with the South Florida Water Management District." Section 1.8 of that document contains definitions of various terms used in the permitting program, including "consumptive use," which is defined as "[a]ny use of water which reduces the supply from which it is withdrawn or diverted." The District's policy for lake drawdowns, as proposed in the rule amendment, is inconsistent with this definition. On this disputed issue, Petitioner's evidence is accepted as being the most persuasive, and it is found that a lake drawdown for any purpose is a consumptive use of water. Section 373.219(1), cited as a specific law being implemented, provides that the District "may require such permits for consumptive use of water and may impose such reasonable conditions as are necessary to assure such use is consistent with the overall objectives of the district and department and is not harmful to the water resources of the area." The District construes this language as authorizing it to decide which uses of water are a "consumptive use," and which are not, and to implement a rule which codifies those decisions relative to lake drawdowns. Not surprisingly, Petitioner views the statute in a different manner and argues that the statute simply allows the District to create a permit program that is consistent with Chapter 373; that under the law a permit is required for all consumptive uses, including lake drawdowns; and that the District has no authority to carve out an exception for a lake drawdown from the permitting process, no matter what the purpose. As noted above, the District has identified three instances (for environmental, recreational, and flood control purposes) when a lake drawdown does not require a consumptive use permit. These terms are not so vague that a person of common intelligence would have difficulty understanding them. However, the proposed rule contains no prescribed standards to guide the District in its administration of the rule.

Florida Laws (12) 120.52120.536120.56120.682.04373.044373.103373.113373.219373.223373.244403.412
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001008 Latest Update: Jun. 15, 1977

Findings Of Fact This application is a request for a consumptive water use permit for six wells at the following locations: LATITUDE LONGITUDE 28 degrees 20' 50" 82 degrees 41' 36" (hereinafter referred to as Garden Terrace No.1) 28 degrees 20' 50" 82 degrees 41' 35" (hereinafter referred to as Garden Terrace No.2) 28 degrees 20' 55" 82 degrees 39' 11" (hereinafter referred to as Parkwood Acres No.1) 28 degrees 21' 20" 82 degrees 39' 11" (hereinafter referred to as Parkwood Acres No.2) 28 degrees 21' 49" 82 degrees 38' 56" (hereinafter referred to as New Well No.1) 28 degrees 21' 50" 82 degrees 38' 56" (hereinafter referred to as New Well No.2) Although included in the application, it appears from the record of this proceeding that Garden Terrace No. 1 is to be abandoned by applicant upon completion of its new facilities and therefore is not intended for inclusion in any consumptive water use permit issued pursuant hereto. Further, it appears from the records that the applicant intends to use Garden Terrace No. 2 as an emergency standby supply well only and therefore its average daily withdrawal as reflected on the application is not intended to be included in a consumptive water use permit issued pursuant hereto. Therefore, with those amendments the application seeks, from a total of five wells, a maximum daily withdrawal of 1,501,000 gallons and an average daily withdrawal of 650,000 gallons. The use of this water is for public water supply and appears to be a reasonable, beneficial use consistent with the public interest and not interfering with any legal use of water existing at the time of the application. Further, according to testimony of the staff of the Southwest Florida Water Management District it does not appear that any of the matters set forth in Subsection 16J-2.11(2), (3) or (4), F.S., exist so as to require the denial of this permit. The staff recommendation is that this permit be granted for a maximum daily withdrawal of 1.50 million gallons per day and an average daily withdrawal of .650 million gallons per day. The staff recommendations are subject to the following conditions: That all individual connections to the system be metered. That the permittee shall install totalizing flow meters of the propeller driven type on all withdrawal points covered by this permit with the exception of those wells which are currently gaged together using a single meter. That the permittee shall submit to the District a record of his pumpage for each meter. Said pumpage shall be read on a monthly basis and submitted quarterly to the District by April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15, for each preceding calendar quarter. That the permittee have water samples from all wells permitted analyzed for chloride on a monthly basis and results submitted to the District by April 15, July 15, October 15 and January 15 for each preceding calendar quarter. That to promote good water management and avoid salt water intrusion that the water be withdrawn at an average of .217 million gallons per day from each of the three following wells: Parkwood Acres Well No. 1, Parkwood Acres Well No. 2, and New Well No. 1. New Well No. 2 shall be operated only to meet peak demand. That Garden Terrace Well No. 2 be used only as an emergency standby well. The applicant entered no objections to the conditions set forth above nor were there any objections from members of the public to the issuance of this consumptive water use permit.

Recommendation It is hereby RECOMMENDED that a consumptive use permit be issued for the five subject wells for the withdrawal of 1.30 mgd maximum daily withdrawal and .65 mgd, average daily withdrawal subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph 4 above. DONE and ORDERED this 15th day of July, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHRIS H. BENTLEY, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Jay T. Ahern, Esquire Southwest Florida Water Management District P.O. Box 457 Brooksville, Florida 33512 Delmar Water Corporation 731 West Main Street New Port Richey, Florida 33552

# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Jan. 17, 2002 Number: 02-000282 Latest Update: Sep. 03, 2002

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Water Use Permit (WUP) Application Number 20009478.005 meets the conditions for issuance as established in Section 373.223, Florida Statutes (2001), Florida Administrative Code Rule 40D-2.301 (April 2001), and the District’s Basis of Review for Water Use Permit Applications.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner, Alan Behrens, owns real property and a house trailer located at 4070 Southwest Armadillo Trail, in Arcadia, Florida. Behrens uses a two-inch well as the primary source of running water for his trailer. Boran and his family operate a ranch and sod farm in Arcadia, Florida, under the limited partnership of Boran Ranch and Sod, Ltd. Boran uses several different on-site wells to irrigate the farm. See Findings 12-17, infra. The District is the administrative agency charged with the responsibility to conserve, protect, manage, and control water resources within its boundaries pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule Chapter 40D. Permit History Boran’s property is a little over 1,000 acres in size, on which he has raised cattle and grown sod for approximately the past four years. Before Boran owned the property, its prior occupants used the land for growing fall and spring row crops (primarily tomatoes). Boran's cattle and sod farm uses less water than was used by previous owners and occupants. In 1989, the original permit holders could make annual average daily withdrawals of 309,000 gallons but also were allowed a maximum daily withdrawal of 6,480,000 gallons. In 1992, the permitted withdrawals increased to an annual average daily quantity of 2,210,000 gallons, with a peak monthly limit of 3,596,000 gallons per day. On December 14, 1999, Boran received an agricultural water use permit (WUP No. 20009478.004) from the District. This current existing permit expires on December 14, 2009. The current permit grants Boran the right to withdraw groundwater for his agricultural use in the annual average daily quantity of 1,313,000 gallons, and with a peak month daily quantity of 3,177,000 gallons. On September 11, 2000, Boran filed an application to modify his existing water use permit. Modification of Boran's existing permit does not lengthen the term of the permit, and the scope of the District's review was limited to those features or changes that are proposed by the modification. The proposed modification would allow Boran to increase his annual average daily quantity by 175,000 gallons, and increase the peak month daily quantity by 423,900 gallons, for the irrigation of an additional 129 acres of sod. With the proposed increase, the new annual average daily quantity will be 1,488,000 gallons, and the new peak month daily quantity will be 3,600,900 gallons. The proposed modification also provides for the construction of an additional well (DID #6) on the southeastern portion of property, which will withdraw groundwater from the upper Floridan aquifer. The proposed agency action also entails a revision of the irrigation efficiency rating for the entirety of Boran Ranch. Irrigation efficiency refers to the ability to direct water to its intended target, which in this case means the root zone of the sod, without losing water to evaporation and downward seepage. Under the proposed permit modification, Boran will increase the entire farm’s water efficiency from 65 percent to 75 percent. As discussed further in the Conditions for Issuance section infra, the District's AGMOD modeling program uses this efficiency rating as part of its determination of the appropriate quantities for withdrawals. The higher the efficiency rating, the less water received under a permit. Because the efficiency rating increased, the application rate for water decreased from 42" per year to 36.4" per year for the entire Boran Ranch. Boran's Wells There are six well sites (labeled according to District identification numbers, e.g., DID #3) existing or proposed on Boran’s property. DID #1 is an eight-inch well located in the northeastern portion of the property. DID #1 provides water solely from the intermediate aquifer. DID #2 is an eight-inch well located in the middle of the property. DID #2 withdraws water from both the intermediate and upper Floridan aquifers. Both DID #1 and DID #2 were installed in 1968, and predate both the first water use permit application for the farm and the District's water use regulatory system. DID #4 is a twelve-inch well located in the north- central part of the property and solely taps from the upper Floridan aquifer. DID #4 had already been permitted and constructed as of the date of the proposed modification application at issue in this case. DID #3 and DID #5 are twelve-inch wells which have already been permitted for the southern and northern portions of the property, respectively, but have not yet been constructed. Both wells will withdraw water only from the upper Floridan aquifer. DID #6 is a proposed twelve-inch well to be located on the southeastern portion of the property and to irrigate an additional area of sod. DID #3, #5, and #6 will all be cased to a depth of approximately 540 feet, and only open to the upper Floridan aquifer to a depth of approximately 940 feet. By casing the well with pipe surrounded by cement, these wells will be sealed off to all aquifers above 540 feet, including the intermediate aquifer. All the wells on the property are used to irrigate sod. The wells have artesian flow, but utilize diesel pumps to provide consistent flow pressure year-round throughout the fields (some of which can be a mile and a half from a well). Since running the pumps costs money, there is an economic incentive not to over-irrigate. In addition, over-irrigation can lead to infestations of fungi and insects, and eventually cause the grass to rot and die. As a result, the fields receive irrigation only when dry areas in the fields appear and the grass begins to wilt. Boran Ranch Operations and Management Practices Boran Ranch primarily grows three kinds of grasses: St. Augustine Floratam; St. Augustine Palmetto; and Bahia. (Boran also is experimenting on a smaller scale with common paspalum and common Bermuda.) The Bahia grass, which is what also grows in the ranch's cattle pasture, does not require irrigation; the St. Augustine grasses are less drought- resistant and require irrigation at times. The majority of the sod sold to residential installers (who ordinarily work for landscape companies) is a St. Augustine grass. Commercial or governmental roadside installations favor Bahia. Currently, Boran sells more Bahia than St. Augustine. But market demand determines which types of grass are produced on the farm. As residential use and demand for St. Augustine in southwest Florida increases, so would the proportion of the farm used for growing St. Augustine grass. Boran grows sod year-round because of a large demand for the product in Ft. Myers and Cape Coral, and to a lesser extent in Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte. Sod helps control erosion and is considered to have aesthetic value. There also was some evidence that sod lowers the ambient temperatures, as compared to bare dirt; but the evidence was not clear how sod would compare to other ground cover in lowering temperatures. When subsurface seepage irrigation is being used, a sod field must be disked and "laser-leveled" to the proper elevation, with a slight slope created in the field to help ensure proper irrigation and drainage, before it can be used for sod production. The fields are laser-leveled before the irrigation system is installed and the crop is planted. The perforated irrigation supply lines of Boran Ranch’s subsurface irrigation system, also known as the "tile," run the opposite direction of the slope of the field and perpendicular to the main irrigation line. Once the subsurface irrigation system is installed, the field receives sprigs of sod, which are then watered and "rolled" to pack them into the ground. Approximately three months after a field has been rolled, the new sod is then periodically fertilized, sprayed and mowed. Sod takes approximately one year to grow before it may be harvested. The sod at Boran Ranch is harvested via tractor with a "cutter" on its side, which cuts underneath the grass, lifts it up onto a conveyor belt, and then onto a pallet for shipping. There are four different types of irrigation systems used for growing sod in Florida: (1) pivot systems which rely on sprinklers attached to overhead lines that rotate around a fixed point; (2) overhead rain guns which utilize motorized hydraulic pressure to spray a field; (3) above-ground seepage; and (4) subsurface irrigation systems (which can also be used to drain excess water from fields during large rain events). The most efficient irrigation system used for sod in Florida is the subsurface irrigation system. Boran Ranch first started the subsurface irrigation system approximately four years ago. Since that time, Boran Ranch has converted almost all its fields to the subsurface irrigation system, at a cost of approximately $1150 to $1350 per acre. As a result of this conversion process, Boran Ranch now uses less water per acre of sod. The subsurface irrigation system delivers water from a well to a water control structure (also known as the "box") via the imperforated main irrigation line. The perforated lines of the "tile" are connected to this main irrigation line at a 90-degree angle. The largest portion of the "box" sits underground. Once the water in the main irrigation line reaches the "box," water builds up behind removable boards contained in the box, creating the backpressure which forces water out into the tile. Water flows out from the tile to maintain the water table level at or near the root zone of the sod. Subsurface irrigation systems only function on property that has a hardpan layer beneath the soil. The hardpan layer acts as a confining unit to minimize the downward seepage of water, thereby allowing the subsurface irrigation system to work efficiently. Behrens questioned whether Boran Ranch has the necessary hardpan based on Todd Boran's reliance on hydrogeologists for this information. But the expert testimony of Boran's hydrogeology consultant and the District's hydrogeologist confirmed Todd Boran's understanding. Typically, the highest board in the box has the same height as the top of the field. Once the water level inside the box surpasses the height of the last board, water will spill over that board into the remainder of the box and then out another main irrigation line to the next box and set of tiles. By removing some of the boards in the box, Boran can bypass irrigating certain sections of his fields in favor of other areas. Excess water from the fields flows into field ditches which lead to wetlands on the property. If water leaves the wetlands during episodes of heavy rains, it flows downstream to the Peace River. Conditions for Issuance Boran Ranch is located in southwestern DeSoto County, in an area designated by the District as the Southern Water Use Caution Area (SWUCA). The District created the SWUCA, which covers 5,000 square miles, after first determining that the groundwater resources of eastern Tampa Bay and Highlands Ridge regions were stressed and creating the Eastern Tampa Bay Water Use Caution Area (ETBWUCA) and Highlands Ridge Water Caution Area (HRWUCA). Both the ETBWUCA and the HRWUCA are contained within the larger boundaries of the SWUCA. Within the ETBWUCA is an area along the coasts of portions of Hillsborough, Manatee, and Sarasota counties known as the Most Impacted Area (MIA). Special permitting rules exist for new projects located within the ETBWUCA, HRWUCA, and MIA, but not within the remainder of the "undifferentiated" SWUCA. Boran Ranch is located in this "undifferentiated" area of the SWUCA. Behrens took the position that Boran should not be permitted any additional water use until special permitting rules are promulgated for the "undifferentiated" SWUCA. But Behrens could cite no authority for such a moratorium. Meanwhile, the more persuasive evidence was that no such moratorium would be reasonable or appropriate. The evidence proved that the quantities authorized by the proposed modification are necessary to fulfill a certain reasonable demand, as required by Rule 40D- 2.301(1)(a). Boran sought additional water quantities through the permit modification application in order to irrigate an additional 129 acres of its sod farm. The application reflects a need for additional water, associated with additional acreage added to the farm. Boran used the District's AGMOD spreadsheet model, which is based on a mathematical methodology known as the modified Blainey-Criddle method, to determine the reasonable quantities for Boran's specific agricultural use. AGMOD inputs into its computations the following variables: (1) geographic location of the proposed use; (2) type of crop grown; (3) irrigation (efficiency); (4) pump capacity; (5) soil type; and (6) number of acres to be irrigated. AGMOD is a generally accepted tool used for determining the allocation of water quantities for agricultural use. In the instant case, the AGMOD calculations incorporated 87 years of rainfall data and its results reflect the quantities necessary in the event of a two-in-ten-year drought. Similarly, the AGMOD calculations in the instant case take into account the change in irrigation efficiency from 65 percent to 75 percent. Behrens suggested that Boran should not be allowed to use any more water until minimum flows and levels are established for the intermediate aquifer in the vicinity. However, Behrens could cite no authority for imposing such a moratorium. Meanwhile, the more persuasive evidence was that no such moratorium would be reasonable or appropriate. See Finding 49 and Conclusion 86, infra. Behrens also suggested that inputs to AGMOD should assume more Bahia and less St. Augustine grass so as to reduce the resulting amount of reasonable demand. He also suggested that Boran's reasonable demand should not take into account possible future increases in St. Augustine grass production based on possible future market demand increases. But it does not appear that the District requires an applicant to differentiate among various types of grasses when inputting the crop type variable into the AGMOD model for purposes of determining reasonable demand. See Water Use Permit Information Manual, Part C, Design Aids (District Exhibit 2C), Table D-1, p. C4-9. The evidence proved that Boran demonstrated that the proposed use will not cause quantity or quality changes that adversely impact the water resources, on either an individual or cumulative basis, including both surface and ground waters, as required by Rule 40D-2.301(1)(b). Data from water quality monitoring reports indicate that water quality at Boran Ranch and in the region has remained fairly consistent. There were no statistically significant declining trend in water levels in the region. Behrens admitted that water quality in his well has been consistently good. One apparent increase in total dissolved solids and chlorides in DID #1 was explained as being a reporting error. Boran inadvertently reported some findings from DID #2 as coming from DID #1. Until the error was corrected, this made it appear that water quality from DID #1 had decreased because, while DID #1 is open only to the intermediate aquifer, DID #2 is open to both the intermediate aquifer and the upper Florida aquifer, which has poorer water quality. Both Boran and the District used the MODFLOW model, a generally accepted tool in the field of hydrogeology, to analyze withdrawal impacts. The purpose of modeling is to evaluate impacts of a proposed use on the aquifer tapped for withdrawals, and any overlying aquifers including surficial aquifers connected to lakes and wetlands. MODFLOW uses mathematics to simulate the different aquifer parameters for each production unit determined from aquifer performance testing. During the permit application process, both Boran and the District conducted groundwater modeling by simply adding the proposed new quantities to models developed for Boran's permit application in 1999. The models were comparable but not identical; the District's model was somewhat more detailed in that it separated predicted drawdowns into more aquifer producing units. Both models satisfied the District that the proposed modification would have no adverse impact on water resources. After the challenge to the Proposed Agency Action, the District created a new model to assess the impact of only the additional quantities requested by the modification. This new model added some aquifer parameters obtained from Regional Observation Monitoring Program (ROMP) well 9.5, which was constructed very close to the Boran Ranch in 1999. (Information from ROMP 9.5 was not available at the time of the earlier models.) The new model allowed the District to limit the scope of its review to those changes proposed by the modification. The results of this model show that impacts are localized and that most are within the confines of Boran’s property. The greatest impacts resulting from the proposed modification would occur in the Suwannee Limestone producing unit (the upper-most portion of the upper Floridan aquifer), the unit to be tapped by DID #6. The confining unit above the upper Floridan aquifer in this region of DeSoto County is approximately 300-400 feet thick, and impacts on the intermediate aquifer, which is above this confining unit, are much less. When the District's new model was run for peak monthly withdrawals (423,900 gpd for 90 days), the model's 1.0 foot drawdown contour was contained within the confines of Boran’s property, and the 0.1 foot drawdown contour extended only approximately two miles out from the well node of DID #6. Atmospheric barometric changes can cause fluctuations in aquifer levels that exceed a tenth of a foot. As minimal as these modeled impacts appear to be, they are larger than would be expected in reality. This is because, for several reasons, MODFLOW is a conservative model- -i.e., impacts modeled are greater than impacts that would be likely in actuality. First, MODFLOW is a mathematical, asyntopic model. This means it models very gradually decreasing drawdowns continuing over long distances as predicted drawdowns approach zero. This tends to over-predict impacts at greater distances from the withdrawal. In reality, the heterogeneity or discontinuity of confining units cuts down on drawdown effects. The steepest drawdowns occur at a well node and then decline relatively rapidly with distance. Second, several model inputs are conservative. The annual average quantities for water use generated under the AGMOD methodology is based on a two-in-ten-year drought year. The peak month quantity applies to the three driest months within the two-in-ten-year drought period. The MODFLOW model applies this 90-day peak usage continuous pumping under AGMOD and conservatively assumes no rainfall or recharge to the aquifers during this period. Both of these are extremely conservative assumptions for this region of Florida. The District's determination of reasonable assurances "on both an individual and a cumulative basis" in water use permit cases only considers the sum of the impact of the applicant's proposal, together with all other existing impacts (and perhaps also the impacts of contemporaneous applicants). The impacts of future applicants are not considered. This differs from the cumulative impact review under Part IV of Chapter 373 (environmental resource permitting). See Conclusions 80-84, infra. Modeling is a component of the District’s assessment of impacts on a cumulative basis. In addition, the District reviewed and assessed hydrographs of the potentiometric surface from nearby ROMP wells, water quality data, permit history of the Boran site, and regional hydrologic conditions. The hydrographs represent the accumulation of all impacts from pumpage in the area and show stable groundwater levels in the region. Water quality also is stable, with no declining trends. The permit history indicates that permitted withdrawals on the Boran site have declined. For all of these reasons, the evidence was that Boran's proposed withdrawals would create no adverse impacts on water resources on a cumulative basis. The evidence proved that the proposed agency action will not cause adverse environmental impacts to wetlands, lakes, streams, estuaries, fish and wildlife, or other natural resources, as required by Rule 40D-2.301(1)(c). Due to the significant confinement between the source aquifers and the surficial aquifer and surface water bodies, the modeling results show no adverse impact to the surficial aquifer, and no adverse impact to wetlands, streams, estuaries, fish and wildlife, or other natural resources. The evidence was that there are no minimum flows or levels set for the area in question. Furthermore, Standard Condition 9 of the Proposed Agency Action requires Boran to cease or reduce withdrawals as directed by the District if water levels should fall below any minimum level later established by the District. The more persuasive evidence was that the requirements of section 4.3 of the District's Basis of Review have been met. (A moratorium on water use permits until establishment of minimum flows and levels would be neither reasonable nor appropriate.) The evidence proved that the proposed use will utilize the lowest water quality he has the ability to use, as required by Rule 40D-2.301(1)(e), because the new withdrawals are exclusively from the upper Floridan aquifer, which has poorer quality than the intermediate aquifer. Deeper aquifers cannot be used because the water quality is poorer than the upper Floridan aquifer, and it is technically and economically infeasible to use it for agricultural purposes. Behrens suggests that Boran should be required to discontinue all withdrawals of higher quality water from the intermediate aquifer as part of the proposed modification. While an offer to do so might be welcomed (as was Boran's offer to install subsurface seepage irrigation and apply the higher efficiency percentage to the entire Boran Ranch), Behrens could cite no authority for imposing such a condition; and the more persuasive evidence was that imposition of such a condition would be neither reasonable nor appropriate under the circumstances of this case. The evidence proved that the proposed use will not significantly induce saline water intrusion, as required by Rule 40D-2.301(1)(f), because the model results show that the drawdown contours do not approach anywhere near the ETBWUCA or MIA areas. Boran's Ranch is located approximately 21 miles from the MIA boundary and 10.8 miles from ETBWUCA boundary. Further, Boran must monitor the water quality in DID #1 and DID #4 and document any changes in water quality as a result of the withdrawals. The parties have stipulated that the proposed use meets the requirements of Rule 40D-2.301(1)(g) and will not cause pollution of the aquifer. The evidence proved that the proposed use will not adversely impact offsite land uses existing at the time of the application, as required by Rule 40D-2.301(1)(h), because the modeling showed no impact to the surficial aquifer or land use outside Boran Ranch. The confinement between the point of withdrawal and the surface is too great to impact offsite land uses in the instant case. The evidence proved that the proposed use will not adversely impact any existing legal withdrawal, as required by Rule 40D-2.301(1)(i), based on the ROMP hydrographs and modeling showing minimal drawdowns outside the boundaries of Boran Ranch. Behrens claims that Boran's proposed modification will adversely impact his well, which is approximately 3.5 miles northeast of the northeast corner of the Boran property and over four miles away from DID #6. But the greater weight of the evidence was to the contrary. (The wells of other DCAP members were even further away, making impacts even less likely.) Behrens has no independent knowledge of the depth of his two-inch well but believes it is approximately 150 feet deep, which would place it within the intermediate aquifer. In view of the consistent quality of Behrens' well water, and the nature of his well construction, it is most likely that Behrens' well does not penetrate the confining layer between the intermediate aquifer and the upper Floridan aquifer. If 150 feet deep, Behrens' well would not extend into the deepest producing unit of the intermediate aquifer (PZ-3); rather, it would appear to extend into the next deepest producing unit of the intermediate aquifer (PZ-2). But it is possible that Behrens' well cross-connects the PZ-2 and the shallowest producing unit of the intermediate aquifer (PZ-1). (The evidence did not even rule out the possibility that Behrens' well also is open to the surficial aquifer.) Assuming that Behrens' well is open to the PZ-2 only, conservative MODFLOW modeling predicts no impact at all from the proposed modification. (Behrens' well would be outside the zero drawdown contour.) Meanwhile, hydrographs of PZ-2 from nearby ROMP wells show marked fluctuations (five-foot oscillations) of the potentiometric surfaces in producing units of the intermediate aquifer. These fluctuations appear to coincide with increased pumping out of the intermediate aquifer. These fluctuations in the potentiometric surface are not being transmitted up from the upper Floridan aquifer or down from the surficial aquifer. The potentiometric surface in those aquifers do not exhibit matching fluctuations. It appears that the intermediate aquifer is being impacted almost exclusively by pumping out of that aquifer. (This evidence also confirms the integrity of the relatively thick confining layer between the intermediate and the upper Floridan aquifers, which serves to largely insulate Behrens' well from the influence of pumping out of the upper Floridan.) Behrens seems to contend that, in order to determine adverse impacts on a cumulative basis, the impact of Boran's entire withdrawal, existing and proposed, which is modeled conservatively at approximately 0.3 feet, must be considered. But the District considers an adverse impact to an existing legal withdrawal to consist of an impact large enough to necessitate modification to the producing well in order for it to continue to function as intended. The greater weight of the evidence was that the well on Behrens' property was not designed to be a free-flowing well but was designed to use a pump to operate as intended. At the time Behrens purchased his property, there was a well and a non-functioning pump on the property. Even at the beginning of his ownership, he did not always have running water without a functioning pump. In approximately 1986 or 1987, Behrens installed a new electric pump because it allowed the well to produce more water. After installation of the pump, Behrens raised his trailer an additional five feet (to guard against flooding) which caused it to be approximately ten feet high, meaning the water had to travel that much farther against gravity to reach Behrens' faucets. For most of the time that he has owned the property, Behrens has used a pump on the well. Behrens installed a check valve to allow him to turn off the pump. Sometimes during storm or flood conditions, electric power failed or was cut off, and Behrens was forced to rely solely on artesian flow, which was sometimes adequate in flood conditions during the rainy season. At other times when artesian flow was adequate, Behrens would turn off the pump and rely solely on artesian flow. But it also was sometimes necessary for Behrens to use the pump to get adequate water flow. During the summer of 2001, Behrens' pump failed, and he had to rely solely on artesian flow. As in prior years, artesian flow was sometimes inadequate. In order to be able to get at least some artesian flow for the maximum amount of time, Behrens lowered the spigot on his well by about two feet. Although Behrens is aware that the iron casing of his well could corrode over time, he has never called a licensed well driller or other contractor to inspect his well. Behrens did not test his own well for possible blockage that would result in a lower yield. Furthermore, Behrens admits that his whole outdoor water system needs to be completely replaced. The evidence proved that the proposed use will incorporate water conservation measures, as required by Rule 40D-2.301(1)(k), based on the water conservation plan submitted to the District, installation of a state-of-the-art irrigation system, increase in efficient use of the water, and decrease in the application rate. (Behrens' arguments that Boran has been allowed to use too much water and his question as to the existence of hardpan underlying Boran's fields already has been addressed. See Findings 27 and 35, supra.) The parties have stipulated that Boran has demonstrated that the proposed use will incorporate reuse measures to the greatest extent practicable, as required by Rule 40D-2.301(1)(l). The evidence proved that the proposed use will not cause water to go to waste, as required by Rule 40D-2.301(m), because the irrigation method is the most efficient system that is economically and technically feasible available for sod. (Behrens' question as to the existence of hardpan underlying Boran's fields already has been addressed. See Finding 27, supra.) The evidence proved that the proposed use will not otherwise be harmful to the water resources of the District, as required by Rule 40D-2.301(1)(n), based on the review of all other permit criteria. Propriety of Behrens' Purpose Behrens did not review the District's permit file on Boran's application before he filed his petition. The evidence suggested that he traveled to the District's Sarasota office for that purpose but found on his arrival that the complete permit file was not available for inspection there. Because of the filing deadline, he did not find time to make another attempt to review the permit file of record before he filed his petition. Behrens also did not contact Boran, the District or anyone else with any questions about the proposed agency action before filing his petition. He also did not visit Boran’s property, and made no inquiry as to the irrigation system employed by Boran. Behrens also did not do any additional legal research (beyond what he had done in connection with other water use permit proceedings) before filing his petition. Behrens believed he had all the information he needed to file his petition. Behrens has previously filed at least one unsuccessful petition challenging the District’s issuance of a water use permit. See Behrens v. Southwest Fla. Water Management Dist., DOAH Case No. 00-4801 (DOAH Jan. 29, 2001). DCAP, with Behrens acting as its president, has previously filed at least three unsuccessful petitions challenging the District’s issuance of a water use permit. See, e.g., DeSoto Citizens Against Pollution, Inc. v. Farmland Hydro Limited Partnership, DOAH Case No. 02-232 (Southwest Fla. Water Man. Dist. June 25, 2002); DeSoto Citizens Against Pollution, Inc. v. Southwest Fla. Water Management Dist., DOAH Case No. 01- 3056 (DOAH Aug. 22, 2001); DeSoto Citizens Against Pollution, Inc. v. Southwest Fla. Water Management Dist., DOAH Case No. 01-2917 (DOAH Sept. 24, 2001). However, none of those proceedings involved a project at the Boran site. It is found that, under the totality of circumstances, Behrens' and DCAP's participation in this proceeding was not for an improper purpose--i.e., not primarily to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or for frivolous purpose or to needlessly increase the cost of Boran's permit modification. While a reasonable person would not have raised and pursued some of the issues raised by Behrens and DCAP in this proceeding, it cannot be found that all of the issues they raised were frivolous or that their participation in this proceeding was for an improper purpose. It appears that Behrens based his standing in part on the requirement in Rule 40D-2.301(1)(i) that Boran provide reasonable assurances that the proposed use will not adversely impact an existing legal withdrawal to be provided "on both an individual and a cumulative basis.” (Emphasis added.) Not unreasonably, Behrens argued that this requirement allowed him to base his standing on alleged injuries from all of Boran's withdrawals, existing and proposed, which would create a 0.3- foot drawdown on his well. While his argument is rejected, it cannot be found to be frivolous or made for improper purpose. Behrens' argument that Boran did not meet Rule 40D- 2.301(1)(i) was based on the 0.3-foot drawdown and his position that his well was designed to be artesian free- flowing. While Behrens' proposed finding was rejected, the position he took is not found to be frivolous or taken for improper purpose. Several other arguments made and positions taken by Behrens have been rejected. See Findings 27, 34, 35, and 51, supra, and Conclusions 86-87, infra. But they cannot all be found to have been frivolous or made and taken for improper purpose.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the District enter an order granting Boran’s water use permit application number 20009478.005; and denying the motions for attorney's fees and costs under Section 120.595(1), Florida Statutes. Jurisdiction is reserved to enter a final order on the part of the motions for sanctions under Section 120.569(2)(e). DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of July, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. Hearings Hearings ___________________________________ J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative this 29th day of July, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Alan R. Behrens, President DeSoto Citizens Against Pollution, Inc. 4070 Southwest Armadillo Trail Arcadia, Florida 34266 Mary Beth Russell, Esquire Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899 Douglas P. Manson, Esquire Carey, O'Malley, Whitaker & Manson, P.A. 712 South Oregon Avenue Tampa, Florida 33606 E.D. "Sonny" Vergara, Executive Director Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899

Florida Laws (9) 120.52120.569120.57120.595120.62373.016373.223373.414403.412
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000625 Latest Update: Jun. 15, 1977

Findings Of Fact Application No. 76-00254 seeks a consumptive use water permit for 1.08 million gallons per day average daily withdrawal and 2.16 million gallons per day maximum daily withdrawal from one well. This is a new use. The purpose of the consumptive use is a semi-enclosed irrigation system for the irrigation of tomatoes in south Hillsborough County. The water is to be taken from the Floridan Aquifer with some discharge off site. According to Barbara Boatwright, hydrologist for the district, there is some possibility that salt water intrusion may occur, but the district has never documented it in the subject area. The consumptive use will exceed the water crop as defined by the district because 25 percent of the water used will run off site and thus be lost. Except as otherwise stated above, none of the conditions set forth in Subsection 16J-2.11(2),(3) or (4), F.A.C., will be violated. The Southwest Florida Water Management District's staff recommends issuance of the subject permit in the amounts requested with the following conditions: By January 1, 1978, applicant shall reduce runoff to 8.6 percent of the amount pumped, which reduction will bring the amount pumped within the water crop as defined by the district. That the applicant analyze the quality of the water at the beginning and end of each production season and that these analyses be submitted to the district. That the district be allowed to install flowmeters on any discharge canal and on the pump with proper notification of applicant and to enter on property to read the meters.

Recommendation Noting that, with the conditions requested by the Southwest Florida Water Management District's staff, issuance of the sought for permit appears consistent with the public interest, it is RECOMMENDED that a consumptive use permit be issued pursuant to Application No. 75-00254 with the conditions set forth in paragraph 4. CHRIS H. BENTLEY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Jay T. Ahern, Esquire Terry Elsberry Staff Attorney Elsberry Brothers, Inc. Southwest Florida Water Route 2, Box 70 Management District Ruskin, Florida 33570 Post Office Box 457 Brooksville, Florida 33512

# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Freeport, Florida Jun. 30, 1998 Number: 98-002917 Latest Update: Nov. 02, 1999

The Issue The issue is whether WRP, Inc.'s application for an Individual Water Use Permit to construct five 24-inch diameter wells in Walton County, Florida, and to withdraw an average of 4.84 million gallons per day for twenty years, should be issued, as proposed by the agency on June 5, 1998.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: The Parties Respondent, Northwest Florida Water Management District (District), is an independent special district of the State of Florida created pursuant to Section 373.069, Florida Statutes. The District is charged with regulating consumptive uses of water in a sixteen-county area in Northwest Florida, including all of Walton and Okaloosa Counties. Respondent, WRP, Inc. (WRP), is a not-for-profit Florida corporation with its headquarters in Walton County, Florida. It is jointly owned by Destin Water Users, Inc. (DWU) and South Walton Utility Company, Inc. (SWUC). Both DWU and SWUC are not- for-profit Florida corporations that own and operate water supply systems (with thirteen operating wells) in and around the southern portions of Okaloosa and Walton Counties. Established in 1995, WRP was originally organized as a partnership made up of DWU, SWUC, and Petitioner, Florida Community Services Corporation of Walton County, d/b/a Regional Utilities of Walton County (RU). This partnership was established for the purpose of cooperating in the development of an alternate water supply for the utilities' service areas. Thereafter, the partnership was dissolved, which led to the establishment of WRP. RU is no longer a part of this organization. Petitioner, City of DeFuniak Springs, is a municipal corporation in Walton County, Florida. The city owns and operates its own public water supply system. At the present time, it serves approximately 15,200 persons who reside both inside and outside the corporate limits of the city. Petitioner, City of Freeport, is a municipal corporation in Walton County, Florida, and owns and operates its own public water supply utility. RU is a not-for-profit Florida corporation which, pursuant to a lease, operates a public water supply system in the coastal area of Walton County under a permit issued by the District. It presently serves around 500 customers representing a population of 17,000. A portion of its water supply is also obtained from the City of Freeport. Petitioner, Walton County (County), is a political subdivision of the State of Florida pursuant to Article 8, Section 1 of the Florida Constitution. The County owns the land and facilities used by RU for its public water supply system. However, under a lease agreement between those parties, RU operates the system. In addition, the County also owns a small well recently constructed near the Rock Hill area. Historical Background of the Area's Water Supply The District's overall responsibility in the consumptive use program is to provide for all citizens the sustainability of the water resources of Northwest Florida. It also seeks to allocate the resource in a manner that is reasonable and beneficial, that is in the public interest, and that will not interfere with the use associated with other existing legal users. This is often referred to as the three prong test. Ground water is measured by the location of its potentiometric surface in relation to sea level. The potentiometric surface is the level to which water will rise in a tightly cased well. In portions of coastal Okaloosa and Walton Counties, the potentiometric surface of the Floridan Aquifer is below sea level. At one coastal location the surface is at 110 feet below sea level as compared to elevations of more than 200 feet above sea level in the northern portions of those counties. When the potentiometric surface is below sea level it is called a cone of depression. As shown on District Exhibit 1, the cone of depression in the coastal area of Okaloosa and Walton Counties has grown from 1974 to 1995. The decline of these water levels in the coastal areas is further supported by the hydrographs found on the District's Exhibit 2 entitled Floridan Aquifer System Water Level Trends. These hydrographs document the reduction in the potentiometric surface over time. Of particular significance are the hydrographs of the "Okaloosa School Board" well which show the potentiometric surface to be 60 feet above sea level in the late 1930's when it was constructed and to be approximately 110 feet below sea level in 1996. As early as 1982, the District recognized a threat to the continued existence of a long-term sustainable water supply for the coastal regions of Walton and Okaloosa Counties. Significantly, the pumping of water from the Floridan Aquifer in this coastal region has caused a degradation to the aquifer and the water resources. As a result, the District began taking affirmative steps to protect the water resources in the coastal area of Walton and Okaloosa Counties. In 1982, the District undertook a regional water supply development plan entitled 1982 Regional Water Supply Development Plan (the 1982 Plan). The 1982 Plan assessed the sustainability of water resources in the coastal region of Okaloosa and Walton Counties, estimated the Floridan Aquifer's water supply capabilities in relation to expected long-term water demand, and addressed the need to find an alternative long-term water supply for these coastal regions. The 1982 Plan also discussed strategies for alternate water resource development including inland well fields, desalinization, conservation measures, and use of surface water from the Choctawhatchee River. In 1988, the District developed an addendum to the 1982 Plan, known as the 1988 Plan, which addressed similar issues. In particular, the 1988 Plan further emphasized the need for the coastal water utilities of DWU, SWUC, and RU to use inland well fields and/or desalinization as potential alternatives for the long-term water supply needs of the area. The 1988 Plan eliminated surface water from the Choctawhatchee River as a potential alternate source for the long-term water supply needs of the area because it was not technically, economically, and environmentally feasible. The thrust of these two studies is to encourage movement of withdrawals away from coastal areas. In 1989, the District implemented Rule 40A-2.801, Florida Administrative Code, which authorizes the declaration of areas of the District as "water resource caution areas." In that same year the District adopted Rule 40A-2.802(1), Florida Administrative Code, which designates the coastal area of Walton and Okaloosa Counties as a water resource caution area. This designation means that the water resources of the coastal area are limited and will not be sufficient to meet the water needs of the area within a period of twenty years. In addition, the rule prohibits non-potable uses of the Floridan Aquifer as against the public interest. Since 1989, the District has worked with DWU, SWUC, and other coastal water supply utilities to expedite the development of alternate water sources and implement water conservation measures. In Okaloosa County, the District has placed limitations on the diameters of wells and the amount of water that can be withdrawn from coastal wells. To promote conservation of water, the District has imposed stricter requirements for the reuse of wastewater; promoted the adoption by coastal utilities of inverted rate structures; required that utilities implement retrofit programs to replace old water fixtures with more efficient water-saving devices; required that utilities account for losses due to system leakage; required that utilities provide for education programs and public service announcements on the need to conserve water; and encouraged utilities to seek adoption of water efficiency landscape and irrigation ordinance by the appropriate local governments. The measures taken by the District are intended to address the harmful impacts to the Floridan Aquifer caused by increasing coastal water withdrawals. Because the District has determined that the water resources are limited, the District has mandated that alternative water supplies must be identified and developed in order to provide for a sustainable and long-term source of potable water in the coastal areas of Okaloosa and Walton Counties. There is no evidence to refute the District's concerns regarding the impact of continued coastal withdrawal and the need to find an alternative source of potable water to meet the region's long term demands. Based on the evidence, it is clear that coastal withdrawals of ground water cannot continue and that an alternate source of water must be found to meet the long-term water demands of the coastal areas of Walton and Okaloosa Counties. The Application In July 1996, WRP submitted a Consumptive Use Permit Application (CUPA) for the withdrawal of water from an inland wellfield in Walton County. The CUPA requested a maximum withdrawal of 7.2 million gallons of water per day (mgd) from two production wells with additional wells to be constructed on an as needed basis. The original application placed the wells along Highway 20 in the vicinity of the City of Freeport, or some twenty miles north of its present wellfields. This location concerned the District because of its proximity to the Choctawhatchee Bay and the saltwater/freshwater interface. In response to the District's concerns, WRP relocated the proposed wellfield farther north and inland to a 4,900 acre site approximately five miles north of the City of Freeport, known as the Rock Hill site. Under the proposed permit, WRP may withdraw an average of 4.84 mgd from the Floridan Aquifer from five 24-inch diameter wells. All withdrawals of water are authorized solely for public supply use. The proposed permit also authorizes a combined monthly withdrawal limit of 150,040,000 gallons. The permit is issued for a twenty-year period and has an expiration date of June 26, 2018. The proposed permit contains numerous conditions to issuance. They are primarily intended to implement water conservation and efficiency measures as well as monitor and mitigate any impacts to the Floridan Aquifer and existing legal users caused by the permitted water withdrawals. Compliance with Permitting Standards The District's overall responsibility in the consumptive use program is to provide for the sustainability of the water resources of Northwest Florida. In allocating water resources, the District seeks to do so in a manner that is reasonable and beneficial, that is in the public interest, and that will not interfere with the use associated with other existing legal users. WRP's compliance with these broad standards will be discussed in detail below. Reasonable and Beneficial Use of the Water In determining whether a water use is reasonable and beneficial, the District must consider the criteria set forth in Rule 62-40.410(2)(a)-(r), Florida Administrative Code. Quantity of Water Requested [62-40.410(2)(a)] In its original application, WRP requested withdrawals of 7.2 mgd. Because of the District's concern that the amount of withdrawals and projected annual rate of growth were too great, the permitted amount has been revised downward to 4.84 mgd. This quantity is not excessive, and the actual pumping under the permit will be less than the amount modeled for evaluation of impacts. Demonstrated Need [62-40.410.(2)(b)] The current water source for both DWU and SWUC is coastal Walton and Okaloosa Counties. That source is insufficient for future needs, and the demand placed on that resource should be reduced. As noted above, the need for coastal areas to develop an alternative wellfield was recognized by the District as early as 1982. This finding was reconfirmed in a District study completed in 1988. The record supports a finding that WRP has shown a demonstrated need for the alternative site. Suitability and Value of Use [62-40.410(2)(c) and (d)] WRP is requesting a withdrawal of water for public supply. This type of use within the Rock Hill area is a suitable use of that resource. Also, the Rock Hill area has long been identified as a good location for an inland wellfield. The suitability of the use to the source of water is demonstrated by the high quality of the raw water which can be easily treated for potable drinking water. The purpose is for domestic consumption, which is the highest use. The proposed wellfield is the closest available inland groundwater source with minimal impact. In terms of value, WRP is proposing to withdraw water from the Floridan Aquifer to provide the public with drinking water. The provision of a long-term, reliable source of water is a high value. It also helps to sustain the resource in coastal Okaloosa and Walton Counties by reducing future demands on the source. The Extent and Amount of Harm Caused [62-40.410(2)(e)] The evidence establishes that neither the resource nor the existing legal users will be harmed by the proposed activity. Harm would occur, for example, when a domestic user would be permanently denied water as a result of a proposed pumping activity. Although this condition should not occur, the permit contains conditions to mitigate this event. WRP conducted a test well program and extensive groundwater modeling at its proposed wellfield to establish the drawdown curve that would exist in the Floridan Aquifer. The extent and amount of harm caused is not significant, and WRP has demonstrated that there will be no significant environmental impact or impact to other users. There will not be any drawdown impacts in the surficial aquifer, nor should there be any discernible impact on the Floridan Aquifer. Drawdowns as a result of WRP pumping in the potentiometric surface in the Freeport area are expected to be two feet in the year 2005, and around five feet in the year 2018. These are not considered significant drawdowns for a public supply well. Under the proposed permit, WRP will be required to mitigate any impacts attributable to its withdrawal that interfere with domestic users in the vicinity of the wellfield. Any problems encountered in domestic wells in the area can be remedied by adding a length of pipe, or lowering the pumps in the wells. The water resource will not be significantly impacted by saltwater intrusion as a result of the proposed use. The greatest part of the advance of the saltwater wedge is due to the City of Freeport's own pumping; WRP's contribution to the advance is minimal. This is because the City of Freeport is closer to the coast. Any impacts on wells within the City of Freeport from chlorides will be the result of their own pumping, and not that of WRP's proposed pumping. Mitigation of Harm [62-40.410(2)(f)] The District does not anticipate that any harm to other legal users will occur. Even assuming arguendo that some harm might occur, there are two conditions in the permit that can be invoked to ensure that the issues are addressed. Standard Condition 11 entitles the District to curtail permitted withdrawal rates if such withdrawal causes significant adverse impacts on existing legal uses of water, or adjacent use, while Special Condition 17 requires that WRP mitigate any impacts to existing legal users if such interference should occur. The District envisions the latter condition to be implemented through a telephone hotline and arrangements with a water well contractor to remedy any adverse impact. To the extent that any harm to area domestic wells may occur, WRP has agreed to correct any individual adverse impacts by either lowering the pump, deepening the well, replacing the well, or whatever may be necessary. This is consistent with Special Condition 17, which requires that WRP mitigate impacts attributable to its withdrawal which interfere with users of water in the vicinity of their wellfield. Finally, the proposed permit has a system of checks and balances by which the District can look at actual water uses over time and adjust them while still providing for coastal reductions. Impacts on Other Lands [62-40.410(2)(g)] Although WRP purchased approximately five thousand acres on which to site its wellfield, not all of the property is necessary to run the wellfield. The parcel was purchased so that any adverse effects from the pumping would not affect landowners, and the majority of the drawdown would be confined to the purchased property. The test well program conducted at the remote wellfield, and the modeling conducted by WRP Witness Maimone, establish that the greatest impacts will be on lands owned and controlled by WRP. Method and Efficiency of Use [62-40.410(2)(h)] The method and efficiency of use by WRP is demonstrated by its utilization of water conservation measures to ensure that efficiency is maximized throughout the system. The use of ground water from the inland wellfield is an efficient method of providing potable water for public supply. Water Conservation Measures [62-40.410(2)(i)] The District has mandated that certain conservation steps be taken to protect the resource in the Okaloosa and Walton County area. This is consistent with the District's efforts to require implementation of conservation measures by coastal water supply utilities. Reuse of treated wastewater has been encouraged, and it is used to irrigate golf courses and private landscapes. Also, the District is requiring DWU and SWUP to account for and correct water losses, and to undertake retrofit programs among homeowners and commercial establishments to install water-saving devices and other types of efficiency measures. Except on rare occasions, all DWU treated effluent is used for irrigation. Indeed, DWU is currently achieving a 100 percent reuse rate. Reuse water currently supplied to customers of DWU is not available for aquifer storage. As part of a general conservation effort, DWU has replaced almost 6,000 water meters in the last five years. The City of Destin, which is within DWU's service area, has distributed low-usage shower heads, and it has implemented a low volume toilet ordinance which requires these types of fixtures in all new construction. Currently, DWU has a 12 percent water loss and is attempting to meet the District's recommended goal of 10 percent. SWUC has various programs in place to conserve potable water. The conservation methods include an inverted block structure, reuse, and public education. Currently, SWUC provides reuse irrigation water to golf courses and a subdivision. The evidence supports a finding that the water use proposed by WRP will not be wasteful. Conditions 3 through 12 in the permit require WRP to implement a comprehensive series of water conservation and efficiency measures. Without the new wellfield, it would be impossible to conserve a sufficient amount of water to be able to provide for the future needs of the citizens to be served by WRP. The District will require WRP to comply with a comprehensive water conservation and efficiency program. The conservation and efficiency program includes implementation of a retrofit program, reduction of unaccounted for losses to less than ten percent, five-year audits, landscape ordinances, and irrigation ordinances. Feasibility of Other Sources [62-40.410(2)(j)] The District has identified no available surface water body from which WRP could meet its anticipated demands. In 1988, the Choctawhatchee River was determined not to be a feasible source. Additionally, the Sand and Gravel Aquifer is not suitable for a large, public supply utility to access. In 1982, Eglin Air Force Base (Eglin) was projected to be a location for regional wellfields. The 1988 Plan, however, removed Eglin as a possible solution for long-term water supply problems due to Eglin's decision not to allow wells on the reservation. SWUC, DWU, and WRP all produced water masterplans in order to identify options available to address the additional water supply needs in the area. Upon its formation, WRP undertook an investigation to determine whether additional water supplies could be provided best by a remote wellfield or by a reverse osmosis (RO) plant. The study was undertaken because the the available water supply clearly would be insufficient and other options should be considered. After being formed, WRP immediately purchased options from the Champion Paper Company for six well sites along Highway 20. At considerable expense, WRP investigated the RO alternative as a water supply source along with other alternative sources such as reclaimed water, stormwater, brackish water, and saltwater. WRP constructed a RO test well to evaluate that option. The test well extended into the Lower Floridan Aquifer since that aquifer was considered as a possible source of brackish water from which potable water could be produced. The District provided a $30,000 grant toward the RO evaluation, and it also provided technical assistance and guidance to ensure that WRP obtained the type of data that the District desired. Assumptions made in evaluating the cost of the RO option were designed to predict the lowest possible construction and operating costs. Also, a number of problems were identified with the RO process. These included long-term water quality, contamination, and disposal of the waste (reject water) produced. These concerns are addressed separately below. The potential for long-term change in water quality is the most important factor in evaluating the feasibility of the RO option. WRP's test well showed chlorides at 1,800 parts per million; 200 feet below that, the test well was half seawater; and at another 200 feet below, the test well was full of seawater. These results indicated that saltwater upconing was a severe concern. The data strongly indicated that water quality would not remain constant for very long in the RO well. An analysis made by WRP estimated that saltwater upconing would occur in less than a year and probably within a matter of months. The analysis considered only vertical movement for upconing within the RO test well, and it did not consider the effects of horizontal movement. These assumptions produce the most reliable result possible. The possibility of lateral movement is an additional risk to the water quality in the RO test well. Together with the potential for upconing shown in the study conducted by WRP, a great amount of uncertainty existed in the raw water source in terms of long-term stability and water quality. If seawater occurred within the aquifer at some close proximity to the RO test well, then ultimately the whole system could convert from brackish water to a seawater system. This would change the entire economics of the treatment process and plant design, and it would diminish WRP's ability to obtain a concentrate disposal permit. Without some certainty as to the quality of water over time, RO is not a viable alternative. The data summarized in WRP's report demonstrates that copper values in excess of 2.9 micrograms per liter (mcg/l) were present in the water withdrawn from the well. Samples taken directly from the Lower Floridan Aquifer using the Packard Stem Test indicated that the copper came from the aquifer formation. The established water quality standard for copper in Class II waters is 2.9 mcg/l. As noted above, this standard would be violated. The concentrate or reject water from the RO process utilizing the subject source would be expected to contain five times the copper concentration of the raw water. In addition to this concern, gross alpha, Radium 226, and Radium 228 were also present in grab samples and constituted another potential problem. These types of contamination render the RO option unfeasible because of problems with disposal of the concentrate or reject water. A RO option necessarily includes a brine disposal element. The disposal would be in the form of a reject stream that would be continuously discharged from the RO facility while in operation. The concentrate from the RO process is classified as an industrial waste. In Florida, the method for disposal for the reject water includes deep well injection and surface water disposal. However, the deep well injection of reject concentrate is not feasible for the RO well because the Lower Floridan Aquifer has no internal confinement between the zone of withdrawal and a proposed zone of injection. Moreover, there is no zone in Northwest Florida sufficient to be used for this type of injection in these volumes. The only other remaining option would be surface water discharge which requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. Any surface water discharge with respect to RO would be to Class II waters, which would be far more difficult to permit than a Class III water, where such discharges have normally occurred. In addition, because of the high level of copper in the reject concentrate, it would be extremely difficult to receive a mixing zone for copper at the extended concentrations. Since 1982, the District has recommended that an inland wellfield be developed in the area north of the City of Freeport. An inland wellfield is a more reliable source of water with a greater amount of certainty, can be permitted within a reasonable period of time, and is less expensive. WRP's proposal for a remote, inland well in the Rock Hill area is consistent with these goals. Present and Projected Demand for Water [62-40.410(2)(k)] The District relied upon two studies to reach the conclusion that the average growth rate for water would be three percent per year in WRP's service area. This contrasts with WRP's projection that a five percent growth rate would be more accurate. Due to the high degree of uncertainty in the area of growth and water demand, the District has provided a mechanism to deal with underestimated growth which includes periodic review of the withdrawal amounts by the District and corresponding adjustments, if necessary. It is clear that the supply of water is adequate to provide water for WRP as well as other users in the area. Long-Term Yield Available from the Source of Water and Water Quality Degradation [62-40.410(2)(l) and (m)] Sufficient water resources exist in the Rock Hill area to meet projected water demands through the year 2018. No impact to the surficial aquifer is expected, while only minimal impact to nearby surface water is projected to occur. The movement of the saltwater wedge is not a factor. For some fifteen years, the District has taken steps to monitor and reduce coastal well withdrawals. More recently, it directed its staff to notify all existing non-potable users of the Floridan Aquifer that at the time of permit renewal, they may be required to find alternate sources. Starting two years ago, a number of these permits came up for renewal. In some cases, the applicants were given approximately two years to eliminate the Floridan Aquifer withdrawals, find an alternate source, and plug their wells. The potential for water quality degradation is evaluated through computer modeling. A modeling plan is a document that describes the approach that a modeler is going to use to build a model. It specifies the various components of the model, battery conditions, modeling techniques, model domain, and the modeler's conceptualization of the stratigraphy. WRP's model demonstrates a lack of degradation of the water resources. The modeling of the saltwater wedge indicates that the wells in the Freeport area will not be threatened. There will be negligible impacts to base stream and river flow and no impact to surface wetlands. Based on the present and projected demand for the source of water, no significant impact to the environment or to existing users will occur. To the extent water quality degradation might occur, it will cause a minimal amount of change in the position of the diffused chlorides in the coastal zone. The predicted impacts to water quality take into consideration the coastal reductions which will limit pumping of the coastal wells and switch withdrawals to the alternate inland source. Proposed Flood Damage [62-40.410(2)(n)] There is no indication that WRP's proposed withdrawal activity will cause any flood damage. The proposed use will not cause or contribute to flood damage due to its negligible affect on surface waters. Significant Inducement of Saltwater Intrusion [62-40.410(2)(o)] WRP's coastal saltwater intrusion model used worst case conditions when estimating the movement of the saltwater wedge. Indeed, the saltwater intrusion was computed so conservatively that the existing coastal wells were modeled pumping saltwater instead of the actual freshwater that they currently pump. The movement of the saltwater wedge is not projected to be dramatic over the next 50 years. The location of the saltwater wedge in the year 2050 would still be 600 feet below sea level. The wedge does not approach, nor would it threaten, the City of Freeport's wells. In fact, any potential risk of saltwater contamination in Freeport's wells is due to that City's current pumping rates. The Amount of Water Which Can be Withdrawn [62-40.410(2)(p)] The amount of water withdrawn by WRP will have no significant impact on the resource. This finding is supported by a WRP groundwater modeling study. The impacts of the wellfield on the potentiometric surface do not go below sea level. There will be no drawdown impact in the surficial aquifer or any discernable impact on the Floridan Aquifer. Adverse Effect on Public Health [62-40.410(2)(q)] No potential adverse effects on public health have been identified in the instant case, and there is no indication that WRP's withdrawals would affect public health. The resource is a high-quality use and would provide the public with a high-quality source of water for drinking purposes. Significant Effects on Natural Systems [62-40.410(2)(r)] The evidence established that there will be no impacts to surface wetlands and very minimal impacts to base stream flow. Base flow is the constant flow from groundwater into surrounding waters. Any reduction in the flow of groundwater to the Choctawhatchee River as a result of WRP pumping is negligible. Slight impacts were observed in the base flow of streams close to the proposed wellfield site. Impacts on the surface water are also minimal. Riparian wetlands would be unaffected by the water level decline that was simulated as a result of WRP pumping. Finally, any impacts associated with the construction of the transmission pipeline from the inland wellfield are temporary in nature and extend only through the period of construction. Consistent with the Public Interest The evidence demonstrates that the use of the water by WRP, as well as the water use reduction allocation, is consistent with the public interest. WRP is proposing to withdraw water from the Floridan Aquifer in the Rock Hill area to provide citizens with drinking water. The purpose of domestic consumption is the highest and best use of a water resource. The public interest is served through the proposed reduction in coastal groundwater withdrawals contained in the WRP permit. Reduction in the withdrawals from the coastal areas has been a long-term goal of the District in order to protect water resources in the area. WRP's proposed use is also consistent with the public interest in that the use will not affect natural systems in the area. Similarly, the use proposed by WRP is consistent with regional water supply planning needs. Finally, the proposed use is consistent with the comprehensive planning goals of Walton County as expressed in its Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). The EAR commends WRP's efforts to fully analyze the alternative sources and its selection of the Rock Hill area on which to site a remote wellfield. Non-Interference with Existing Legal Users WRP purchased 5,000 acres on which to site its wellfield so that pumping from the well sites would not adversely affect adjacent landowners, and the majority of the drawdown would basically be confined to the property. Pertinent District rules only require that an applicant consider existing legal uses of water. However, WRP considered all existing legal uses of water and their future increases until the year 2018, and these existing and potential impacts were considered in its groundwater model. Even with the anticipated pumpage in the year 2018, the potentiometric surface at the WRP wellfield site location will not be drawn below sea level. The water level drawdowns associated with the withdrawal do not constitute a harm, they can be remedied, and the permit has been conditioned to provide for those remedies. For example, Standard Condition 11 and Specific Condition 17 provide protection to domestic wells users in the area. They should specifically address the legitimate concerns of public witnesses who testified at hearing. The Local Sources First Statutory Provision Section 373.223(3), Florida Statutes, (Supp. 1998), also known as the local sources first statutory provision, enumerates a number of factors which the District must consider when evaluating whether a proposed use of water is consistent with the public interest. However, the law provided that water use permit applications pending with the District as of April 1, 1998, were exempted. The legislation was not enacted until October 1, 1998, and the notice of proposed agency action on the instant permit was issued in June 1998. Therefore, the District took the position that the legislation does not apply to the WRP permit. In an abundance of caution, however, the District reviewed the application as if the local sources first exception applied, and then again as if the exception did not apply. Under either scenario, the District concluded that the application met the criteria enumerated by the law. Assuming arguendo that the new law applies, WRP has met all criteria necessary for the issuance of a permit. The proposed wellfield site is the best suitable site to move water withdrawals inland away from the coastal area, and other locations closer to the coast would have resulted in interference and impacts; there are no other impoundments in the vicinity of the proposed wellfield site that are technically and economically feasible for the proposed use; there are no economically and technically feasible alternatives to the proposed source; there are no potential environmental impacts from the wellfields; there are no adequate existing sources of water available on the peninsula; the District has had numerous interactions with area local governments; and the District did not allow WRP's investment in 4,900 acres of land to influence its decision. Standing The only alleged basis for standing which went to fact finding at hearing was an allegation in paragraph (5)(a) of the Petition that "[t]he withdrawal of up to 4.8 million gallons per day of groundwater by WRP will adversely impact the quantity and quality of groundwater available for withdrawal by Petitioners." As to RU, which currently serves 500 customers representing a population of 17,000, it has no wells in the vicinity of WRP's proposed wellfield; its wellfields are located along the coastal area of Highway 30-A from Santa Rosa Beach to the east of Inlet Beach, on the Bay County line, or some twenty- five to thirty miles south of the proposed wellfield. It also purchases 500,000 gallons of water per day from the City of Freeport to meet its customers' demand. Because of RU's own continued pumping, at least four of its coastal wells are "going bad" due to saltwater intrusion and upconing. This condition will continue to occur even if WRP's application is not granted. Although it has a permit application for new inland wellfields pending with the District, at the time of hearing the application was incomplete and is therefore irrelevant to a standing determination. There was no direct evidence that RU's coastal wellfields will be adversely affected by WRP's proposed operation. Indeed, the projected decline in water levels in that area will be less than one foot and will have a de minimus impact. As to Walton County, it owns the land on which RU's coastal wells are located as well as the production facilities. Under a lease agreement between those parties, RU operates the system. The County also had one small exempt well in the vicinity of WRP's proposed wellfields which was installed after this case was filed, but shortly before the hearing began. There was no evidence as to the depth of the well, the source of water, or the well's pumping capacity. Likewise, there was no evidence that the well has actually been used. In addition, there was no evidence that the County relies on groundwater from the Floridan Aquifer to supply potable water to its citizens or customers, or that WRP's proposed withdrawal will adversely impact the quantity or quality of groundwater available for withdrawal by the County. As to the City of DeFuniak Springs, it operates its own public water supply system serving approximately 17,200 persons. It has four water supply wells located approximately nine miles north of WRP's proposed wellfields, and upstream from WRP's site. WRP's model predicts that the City's wellfields will be impacted, albeit very slightly, by WRP's pumping over the lifetime of the proposed permit. To this limited extent, the proposed activity affects its substantial interests. Finally, the City of Freeport owns and operates its own public water supply utility. It has existing wells which are permitted by the District and which lie five miles directly south of WRP's proposed wellfield. Like the City of DeFuniak Springs, the City of Freeport will also experience drawdown impacts, although not considered significant, over the lifetime of the proposed permit. To this extent, the permit will impact the City of Freeport. This is true in spite of the City's admission that its principal concern in this case is WRP's intention to sell water to customers outside Walton County.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is, RECOMMENDED that the Northwest Florida Water Management District enter a Final Order granting Consumptive Water Use Permit No. I05349 to WRP, Inc., as proposed in its Notice of Proposed Agency Action issued on June 5, 1998. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of April, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us COPIES FURNISHED: Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of April, 1999. Douglas E. Barr, Executive Director Northwest Florida Water Management District Route 1, Box 3100 Havana, Florida 32333-9700 Douglas P. Manson, Esquire Jack R. Pepper, Jr., Esquire 712 South Oregon Avenue Tampa, Florida 33606-2543 George Ralph Miller, Esquire Post Office Box 687 DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32433-0687 Clayton J. M. Adkinson, Esquire Post Office Box 1207 DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32435-1207 Douglas L. Stowell, Esquire Stephen L. Spector, Esquire Post Office Box 11059 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-3059 Kenneth G. Oertel, Esquire Segundo J. Fernandez, Esquire Post Office Box 1110 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1110 Paul R. Bradshaw, Esquire 1345 Dupont Road Havana, Florida 32333

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57120.595373.019373.069373.223 Florida Administrative Code (3) 40A-2.80140A-2.80262-40.410
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001735 Latest Update: Jun. 15, 1977

Findings Of Fact Application No. 76-00451 seeks a consumptive water use permit for an existing use involving 14 withdrawal points. The application seeks a total average annual withdrawal of 20.2584 million gallons per day and a maximum daily withdrawal of 45.8539 million gallons per day. The water will be used for citrus processing. The Southwest Florida Water Management District's staff recommends issuance of the permit with the following conditions: That the applicant shall install totalizing flow meters of the propeller-driven type on all withdrawal points covered by this permit. That the applicant shall record the pumpage from the above-referenced meters on a weekly basis and submit a record of that pumpage to the district quarterly, beginning on January 15, 1977. That the permit shall expire on December 31, 1980.

Recommendation It is hereby Recommended that a consumptive use permit in the amounts and from the points set forth in the application be granted subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph 2 above. ENTERED this 13th day of October, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHRIS H. BENTLEY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Jay T. Ahern, Esquire Southwest Florida Water Management District Post Office Box 457 Brooksville, Florida 33512 Lykes Pasco Packing Company Post Office Box 97 Dade City, Florida

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Mar. 19, 2002 Number: 02-001117 Latest Update: Dec. 16, 2002

The Issue The issue is whether Respondents should be subject to civil penalties and required to submit a Compliance Plan for the reasons stated in the Administrative Complaint and Order filed on January 8, 2002.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Background In this enforcement action, Petitioner, Southwest Florida Water Management District (District), proposes to assess civil penalties against, and require a compliance plan from, Respondents, Balm Associates, Inc. (Balm) and Goodson Farms, Inc. (Goodson), on the grounds that from March 1999 through July 2001 they made water withdrawals from certain property in Hillsborough County, Florida, without a water use permit, and after a permit was obtained in August 2001, they continued to exceed the annual average daily withdrawals authorized under the permit through the month of November 2001, or just prior to the preparation and issuance of the Administrative Complaint and Order (Complaint).1 While not denying that excessive pumpages may have occurred, and that a permit was not obtained until August 2001, Balm points out that it is the owner-lessor of the property and not the consumptive user of the water, and contends that the District has no authority to enforce its rules against, and recover civil penalties from, the non-user of the water. In its request for a hearing, Goodson did not specifically dispute the allegation that it consumed water without a permit, or exceeded the withdrawal limits under the new permit, but contended instead that the limits were unrealistic and should be modified. At the final hearing, however, Goodson disputed the accuracy of the water consumption figures used in the Complaint. The District is the administrative agency charged with the responsibility to conserve, protect, manage, and control water resources within its boundaries and to administer and enforce Chapter 373, Florida Statutes. Balm is a corporation registered to do business in the State of Florida. Its mailing address is 2101 Huntington Avenue, Sarasota, Florida 34232. It owns approximately 220 acres of land in Section 28, Township 31 South, Range 21 East, in Hillsborough County, Florida, which is the site of the alleged wrongdoing. Goodson is a corporation registered to do business in the State of Florida. Its mailing address is Post Office Box 246, Balm, Florida 33503. Goodson is in the farming business and operates a total of 13 farms, including the farm at issue in this proceeding. Permit Requirements Under Rule 40D-2.041(1), Florida Administrative Code, a water use permit is required whenever total withdrawal capacity from any source or combined sources is greater than or equal to 1,000,000 gallons per day (gpd); annual average withdrawal from any source or combined sources is greater than or equal to 100,000 gpd; or withdrawal is from a well having an outside diameter of 6 inches or more at the surface. Rule 40D-2.351(1), Florida Administrative Code, provides that a permittee must notify the District within 30 days of the sale or conveyance of permitted water withdrawal facilities or the land on which the facilities are located. The same rule also provides that where a permit has been issued to a party whose ownership or legal control of the permitted water withdrawal facilities subsequently ends, the party who assumes control over the facilities may apply to transfer the permit to himself or herself up to the renewal date of the transferor's permit. Finally, Rule 40D-2.351(2), Florida Administrative Code, provides that until a permit is transferred or a new permit is obtained, the party subsequently controlling the permitted water withdrawal facilities will be in violation of District rules for making withdrawals without the required permit. History of Permits on the Property On September 29, 1989, the District issued Water Use Permit No. 207135.001 (the .001 permit) to James Brown (Brown) and B & T Growers Partnership (B & T) for water withdrawals from one well for agricultural purposes on Balm's property. The .001 permit authorized annual average withdrawals of 102,000 gpd of groundwater for agricultural irrigation. On August 29, 1990, the District adopted new rules applicable to District permits within the Eastern Tampa Bay Water Use Caution Area (ETBWUCA). The .001 permit was within the ETBWUCA, and Brown and B & T were provided with a Notice of Permit Modification and new Permit Conditions. The new conditions became effective November 15, 1990. New Condition No. 5 provided that By July 31, 1995, all permitted withdrawal points shall be equipped with totalizing flow meters or other measuring devices as approved in writing by the Director, Resource Regulation Department. Such devices shall have and maintain accuracy within five percent of the actual flow installed. On December 14, 1992, the District approved the transfer of the .001 permit from Brown and B & T to B. Kenda Produce. The Unpermitted Water Withdrawals On June 30, 1997, Goodson entered into a two-year agricultural lease with Balm to use a portion of the property, including acreage previously used by B. Kendra Produce. At the time the lease was entered into, neither Respondent applied to the District to have the .001 permit transferred from B. Kendra Produce. It can be reasonably inferred from the evidence that after the first lease expired, the parties continued to execute new lease agreements at least through the time of the hearing. The portion of the property which Goodson leased and farmed is referred to as the "Sweat Loop Farm" and consists of approximately 100 acres. There is one well with an outside diameter of 10 inches at the surface located on the Sweat Loop Farm. The well's total withdrawal capacity is approximately 1,500 gallons per minute (gpm), which is over 1,000,000 gpd. Thus, withdrawals from the well required a water use permit. As noted earlier, Goodson operates a total of 13 farms on approximately 2,500 acres of land. There are approximately 15 wells on all 13 farms, including the Sweat Loop Farm. Michael E. Hare, an irrigation supervisor who is responsible for the irrigation of all 13 of Goodson's farms, installed a total of approximately 8 meters on the farms, including the meter on the Sweat Loop Farm. A totalizing flow meter, which was made by MiCrometer, was installed at the Sweat Loop Farm in June 1997. Mr. Hare acknowledged that he was familiar with MiCrometer meters and would be aware if the MiCrometer flow meter on the Sweat Loop Farm was not functioning properly. Whenever metering devices on the various Goodson farms have malfunctioned in the past, Mr. Hare has taken the malfunctioning meter to a metering company to be fixed. Goodson began irrigating the Sweat Loop Farm in June 1997. Since that time, Goodson has been the sole water user of the well on the farm. In March 1999, Goodson began submitting to the District monthly pumpage reports for the groundwater withdrawals on the Sweat Loop Farm. Although some unmeasured withdrawals presumably occurred prior to March 1999, the Complaint does not identify these as being a violation. Mr. Hare and other supervisors are responsible for collecting the meter readings which go on the monthly pumpage reports and providing them to the District. The information on the reports includes the permit number; the last month's meter reading; the current month's meter reading; the total gallons of water pumped for the current month; the meter total; and the meter factor. To determine the average daily withdrawal on the Sweat Loop Farm, the District relied upon the calculations provided by Goodson as to the total gallons of water pumped for the month and divided this number by 30 days. From March 1999 through July 2001, these quantities were as follows: MONTH/YEAR AVERAGE DAILY PUMPAGE March 1999 April 1999 531,487 No data available May 1999 364,930 June 1999 0 July 1999 0 August 1999 57,410 September 1999 49,563 October 1999 222,667 November 1999 250,667 December 1999 755,003 January 2000 689,433 February 2000 695,073 March 2000 544,427 April 2000 305,153 May 2000 597,720 June 2000 0 July 2000 62,120 August 2000 86,370 September 2000 123,233 October 2000 602,020 November 2000 409,550 December 2000 145,823 January 2001 957,690 February 2001 890,213 March 2001 391,280 April 2001 467,640 May 2001 617,177 June 2001 0 July 2001 0 Under Rule 40D-2.041(1)(a)-(c), Florida Administrative Code, a water use permit was required for Goodson's withdrawals since the well's total withdrawal capacity is approximately 1,500 gpm, which is greater than 1,000,000 gpd; the annual average withdrawals exceeded 100,000 gpd; and the well has an outside diameter of 10 inches at the surface. The withdrawals on the Sweat Loop Farm were not authorized by the .001 permit since neither Goodson or Balm was a permittee under the permit. Even if Goodson could rely on the permit, which it cannot, pumpage data provided by Goodson reflects that the water withdrawals (except for nine months) were in excess of that authorized by the permit. On June 16, 2000, the District mailed a Notice of Non-Compliance for excessive water withdrawals to Goodson. The Notice indicated that if the pumpage values submitted by Goodson were incorrect, Goodson was to explain the error and provide corrected quantities. On June 26, 2000, the District received a written response to the Notice of Non-Compliance from the superintendent of the Sweat Loop Farm who indicated that the pumpage values were correct, and that the excess usage was due to a "serious drought condition" which had caused a "significant financial hardship on [the] farm." The response also indicated that Goodson would contact Mr. Haftel, owner of Balm, to request that he "revise the water use permit for spring crops." On November 22, 2000, the District mailed Goodson a Notice of Violation indicating that the quantities authorized by the .001 permit were still being exceeded and that the District might seek monetary penalties if Goodson failed to come into compliance within 30 days. Despite the foregoing Notice, Goodson continued to make withdrawals without a permit and in excess of the quantities formerly authorized under the .001 permit until August 2001 when a new permit was finally obtained. Issuance of a New Water Use Permit On January 2, 2001, the District received an application for a General Water Use Permit seeking to modify the .001 permit to increase the withdrawal quantities and to transfer the permit from B. Kendra Produce to Balm. "Seymour Haftel/ Balm Associates, Inc." was listed as the applicant, and "Donn Goodson" from " Goodson Farms" was listed as the contact or consultant. Mr. Haftel signed the application on behalf of Balm. Goodson assisted Balm in securing the permit for the Sweat Loop Farm because Goodson wanted more water for irrigation purposes. Section 2.1 of the Basis of Review for Water Use Permit Application, adopted and incorporated by reference by Rule 40D-2.091, Florida Administrative Code, provides that "[a]pplications for leased property, except property leased from the District, must be either a joint application in the name of the lessee and the property owner(s) or be only in the name of the property owner(s)." In a Request for Additional Information mailed to Balm on January 29, 2001, the District asked whether Goodson should be listed as co-applicant on the application. On April 27, 2001, Balm submitted a response which indicated that Goodson should not be listed as co-applicant. On August 6, 2001, the District issued Water Use Permit No. 200007135.002 (the .002 permit) to Seymour Haftel/Balm Associates, Inc. authorizing an increase in the annual average withdrawals to 224,300 gpd. The permit had an expiration date of September 29, 2009. The permit contained a number of special conditions, none of which were challenged by Balm. Unauthorized Withdrawals Under the .002 Permit Special Condition No. 2 of the .002 permit requires in part that the permittee: continue to maintain and operate the existing non-resettable, totalizing flow meter(s), or other flow measuring device(s) as approved by the Regulation Department Director, Resource Regulation, for District ID No(s), Permittee ID No(s)[,] G-1. Such device(s) shall maintain an accuracy within five percent of the actual flow as installed. Total withdrawal and meter readings from each metered withdrawal shall be recorded on a monthly basis and reported to the Permit Data Section, Records and Data Department, (using District forms) on or before the tenth day of the following month. In the event a permittee chooses not to use a totalizing flow meter, as required by Special Condition No. 2, the District will review information provided by the measuring device's manufacturer to determine if the measuring device would maintain a five percent accuracy as required by the Condition. The meters have to be monitored and calibrated periodically for accuracy. It is the permittee's responsibility to comply with the conditions of the permit, including Special Condition No. 2, which requires the submittal of accurate pumpage reports. Goodson submitted the meter readings on behalf of Balm beginning in September 2001, which covered the withdrawals for the month of August 2001. The District relied on the meter readings submitted by Goodson to determine the annual average daily pumpage calculation for the .002 permit. The calculation is a running 12-month average, whereby each month the annual average daily quantity is recalculated based on the previous 12-month pumpage. The running annual average daily pumpage and percentage of pumpage which exceeded the .002 permit from August 2001 through May 2002 are as follows: MONTH/YEAR ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY PUMPAGE PERCENTAGE OVERPUMPED August 2001 378,462 69 percent September 2001 382,622 71 percent October 2001 376,687 68 percent November 2001 383,008 71 percent December 2001 379,212 69 percent January 2002 327,343 46 percent February 2002 321,530 43 percent March 2002 350,701 56 percent April 2002 356,013 59 percent May 2002 338,131 51 percent As the foregoing data reflects, the withdrawals from the Sweat Loop Farm were in excess of that authorized by the .002 permit from August 2001 through May 2002.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Southwest Florida Water Management District enter a final order determining that Respondents are guilty of the charges in its Administrative Complaint and Order except as concluded in paragraph 48 above and endnote 2 below; that Respondents be required to submit an acceptable written plan (Compliance Plan) to the District for its consideration and approval within fourteen days after entry of the final order; that the Compliance Plan describe how Respondents shall achieve full compliance with the .002 permit; that the Compliance Plan include reductions in withdrawals, water conservation measures, and development and utilization of alternative resources; that the Compliance Plan establish deadlines for implementation and completion of corrective actions; that full compliance be achieved within 120 days after entry of the final order; and that any failure of Respondents to comply with any provision of the Compliance Plan shall constitute a violation of the final order. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of July, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of July, 2002.

Florida Laws (5) 120.56120.569120.57373.119373.219
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001736 Latest Update: Jun. 15, 1977

Findings Of Fact Application No. 76-00493 is for an existing consumptive use permit for five wells located in the Peace River Basin, Polk County on 608.6 acres. The permit seeks a total average annual withdrawal of 7.2 million gallons per day and a maximum daily withdrawal of 14.97 million gallons per day. Ninety-five percent of the water withdrawal will be used for industrial purposes and five percent will be used for irrigation. The Southwest Florida Water Management District's staff recommends issuance of the permit with the following conditions: That the applicant shall install totalizing flow meters of the propeller-driven type on all withdrawal points covered by the application except that well located at Latitude 28 degrees 03' 13", Longitude 81 degrees 47' 54". That the applicant shall record the pumpage from the above meters on a weekly basis and submit a record of that pumpage quarterly to the district beginning January 15, 1977. That the permit shall expire on December 31, 1980

Recommendation It is hereby RECOMMENDED that a consumptive use permit be granted in the amounts applied for in Application No. 76-00493 subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph 2 above. ENTERED this 13th day of October, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHRIS H. BENTLEY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Jay T. Ahern, Esquire Southwest Florida Water Management District Post Office Box 457 Brooksville, Florida 33512 Coca Cola Company Post Office Box 247 Auburndale, Florida 33823

# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tarpon Springs, Florida Nov. 12, 2010 Number: 10-010214 Latest Update: Jul. 15, 2011

The Issue Whether Petitioner Ross has standing to challenge the issuance of the WUP? Whether the District should approve the Application and enter a final order that issues the WUP?

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner Ross Petitioner Ross is a resident of Pinellas County, (referred to by him at hearing as "the most urbanized county in the State of Florida"). Besides residing there, Petitioner Ross operates a farm on his property in the County. The City's experts reasonably projected and mapped a 0.5 foot drawdown contour surrounding the well field that is the subject of this proceeding. The contour defines "the cone of depression" associated with the well field. See Tr. 136. Mr. Ross' property is outside the cone of depression, to its south and west. The overall groundwater gradient in the area of the well field is from the east to the west. The water pumped from the well field does not pull water from the west because the pumping withdrawal will not reduce the potentiometric surface gradient enough to reverse the current gradient. Mr. Ross' property and the well on his property are "way outside," tr. 138, the well field and the 0.5 drawdown contour surrounding the well field. Based on the amount of drawdown reasonably projected by the well field, the effect on Mr. Ross' property could not be measured because it would be so slight. If the water in his well were to rise after the WUP is implemented, it would be impossible to tell whether the water rose "because the pump's turned off or because it rained the day before." Tr. 163. The District The District is the administrative agency charged with the responsibility to conserve, protect, manage, and control the water resources within its geographic boundaries. The District administers and enforces chapter 373, and the rules promulgated pursuant thereto. Among those rules are those that relate to the consumptive use of water found in chapter 40D-2. The City The City of Tarpon Springs is the applicant for the WUP that is the subject of this proceeding. The City's application seeks to modify an existing permit. The Existing Permit The City has an existing Water Use Permit (the "Existing Permit") from the District. Originally granted in 1976, it allows for withdrawal of fresh groundwater for public supply. The Existing Permit was last renewed in October of 2005 for a ten-year period. It expires in October of 2015. Under the Existing Permit, the withdrawal capacity is 1.38 million gallons per day annual average and allows for seven production wells. The Application and its Modification The City submitted the Application in July, 2008. The Application at that time was for 25 wells in a brackish water well field for a proposed brackish groundwater reverse osmosis plant that the City plans to build. The City's intent originally was to apply for a permit separate from the Existing Permit.1/ In September of 2009, however, the City requested that the Application be considered a modification of the Existing Permit. In honoring the request, the District changed the number assigned to the Application to "20000742.010."2/ The Application was also modified with regard to the number of production wells in the brackish well field. The number was reduced from 25 to 22, "due to land acquisition efforts indicating that the maximum number of wells . . . required for the project would be 22." Tr. 54. The Application contains an introduction that summarized the City's water supply system and its water supply plans, a completed Individual Water Use Permit Application form, a completed Public Supply Supplemental form, and an Impact Analysis Report (the "Report"). The Report states that the ground-water flow model "MODFLOW"3/ was used to perform the impact analysis. Assessment of average annual and peak month withdrawal impacts in the Upper Floridan and surficial aquifers used the SWFWMD District Wide Regulation Model Version 2 ("DWRM2"). One of the enhancements the DWRM2 offers over earlier model versions is "integrated focused telescopic mesh refinement (FTMR) which allows the model grid user to refine the model grid spacing to focus on specific areas within the District."4/ The Report included the FTMR model grid, total drawdown scenarios in the Upper Floridan Aquifer and the surficial aquifer, and a peak month drawdown scenario. The Application also included a summary of the regional hydro-geology, a summary of the City's wastewater system, a description of the City's potable water supply, an historical operating protocol and a proposed well field management plan for the City's new brackish water well field, a service area and well field location aerial, a table showing the general hydrostratigraphy in northern Pinellas County, a summary of seasonal fluctuations which addressed the conditions for issuance of a permit as set forth in rule 40D-2.381, a summary of the City's reclaimed water system, well location maps, wetland maps, Water Use Permit maps and schedules, the City's well field protection ordinance, maps pertaining to the proposed service areas, a water conservation letter, and water conservation information. The 22 new production wells in the brackish water well field will provide enough water once treated at the proposed reverse osmosis membrane treatment plant to enable the City to supply the anticipated potable water demand for all of the City's customers through the year 2015. Installation of the additional production wells will increase the annual average quantity of groundwater pumpage to 4,200,000 gallons per day ("gpd") and the peak month quantity to 6,300,000 gpd. Review of the Application by the District led to four requests by the District for additional information. The City responded to each. The responses included a well construction and aquifer testing program report, a Water Quality/Water Level Well Impact Mitigation Plan, a Water Quality Action Plan, a revised Water Quality/Water Level Well Impact Mitigation Plan, a revised Water Quality Action Plan and a second revision of the Water Quality Action Plan, a second Water Quality/Water Level Well Impact Mitigation Plan, a proposed Environmental Monitoring Plan, a third revised Water Quality Action Plan, a third revised Water Quality/Water Level Well Impact Mitigation plan, and the final Environmental Monitoring Plan. Draft Water Use Permit On October 8, 2010, the District gave notice of its intent to issue a permit that would modify the City's Existing Permit for public supply use. Attached to the notice is a Draft WUP. The modification includes the development of a brackish water well field with 22 additional production wells to allow the City to self-supply the anticipated potable water demand in 2015 for a customer base of approximately 34,259 persons. The annual average quantity authorized by the WUP is 4,200,000 gpd and the permitted peak month quantity increases to 6,300,000 gpd.5/ Special conditions of the Draft WUP require the City to maintain meters on existing and proposed withdrawal points; record and report monthly meter readings; confirm meter accuracy every five years; monitor and report the water quality and aquifer water levels; maintain an adjusted per capita rate of 150 gpd or less; conduct and report water audits; submit annual reports of residential water use, reclaimed water supplied, per capita water use rates, and well field operations; investigate withdrawal-related well complaints; conduct a well field inventory prior to the activation of the proposed production wells; comply with the environmental monitoring plan; set water quality concentration limits prior to the activation of the proposed production wells; and submit an Annual Water Quality Report and an annual Well Field Report. Criteria in Rule for Issuance of WUPs The District utilizes rule 40D-2.381 (the "Rule") in its review of water use permit applications. The Rule opens with the following: In order to obtain a Water Use Permit, an Applicant must demonstrate that the water use is reasonable and beneficial, is consistent with the public interest, and will not interfere with any existing legal use of water . . . Rule 40D-2.381(1), Tab 1 of the Binder Containing the Matters Officially Recognized, pp. 7-8. The Rule requires that the applicant make the required demonstrations through the provision of "reasonable assurances, on both an individual and a cumulative basis that the water use," id., will meet 14 conditions listed in subsections (a) through (n).6/ Condition (a) Condition (a) requires that the City demonstrate that the water use is necessary to fulfill a certain reasonable demand. To meet this condition, the City provided a population estimate through the end of the permit term and also provided a per capita rate that the City had used in the last five years. Calculations set forth in a table prepared at the request of the City show the population projections and projected water demands over a period from 2008 through 2030. These calculations provide reasonable assurances that the proposed water use meets Condition (a). Condition (b) Condition (b) requires that the City must demonstrate that the water use will not cause quantity or quality changes that adversely affect the water resources, including both surface water and groundwater. The City provided a groundwater model showing the anticipated groundwater drawdowns within the Upper Floridan and surficial aquifers. The City also completed a study on the wells within the sections of the actual proposed well field. Based upon the modeling, the drawdowns are not large enough to cause any impacts to quantity or quality of the water in the area. The City has a Water Quality/Water Level Well Impact Mitigation Plan, should there be any complaints of impact, to correct any problems after implementation of the WUP. The well field is designed with 22 supply wells. All 22 wells need not be operated at the same time to meet the water demand. Wells beyond those needed by demand have been designed into the well field so that there can be rotational capacity. Pumping at lower rates from among the 22 wells on a rotational basis is a management tool for protecting the resource and minimizing the effects of the withdrawals. The City's monitoring program provides for the collection of water levels from a large number of wells either on a monthly or quarterly basis to assess water level fluctuations in the Upper Floridan and surficial aquifers. The City also has numerous wells that will sample for chloride sulfates, total dissolved solids (TDS) and other water quality constituents on a monthly and quarterly basis to ensure that the conditions of issuance continue to be met. The City will submit groundwater pumping data on a monthly basis from all the production wells so that the District can determine that the City is indeed adhering to the quantities reflected in the WUP. Groundwater in the Upper Floridan Aquifer flows in a westward direction towards the Gulf of Mexico. The location of the proposed wells is in an urban land use area near the Gulf Coast. The wells will capture brackish groundwater that would otherwise flow westward into the Gulf. Brackish groundwater from the City's service area is the lowest quality water available for public supply in the area. The City plans to construct a reverse osmosis facility to utilize available brackish groundwater. The brackish groundwater pumped from the well field is an alternative supply source. Isolated from the regional system, it will be used for public supply in the service area. The high number of low-capacity wells will provide rotational ability for the City to manage the quantity and quality of the water resource in the area of the well field. Maximum drawdown within the well field area due to the average annual withdrawal is approximately 3 feet, with an additional 1.5 feet during peak month withdrawal. This amount of drawdown is not likely to impact other wells in the area. Condition (c) Condition (c) requires the City to demonstrate that water use will comply with the provisions of 4.2 of the WUP Basis of Review, incorporated by reference in rule 40D-2.091, regarding adverse impacts to wetlands, lakes, streams, estuaries, fish and wildlife or other natural resources. The Anclote River and associated wetlands are tidally influenced and will not be adversely impacted by the proposed withdrawal. Other wetlands in the well field area examined by a District biologist identified several isolated wetlands of concern. Isolated wetlands are generally more sensitive to withdrawal of groundwater than wetlands connected to larger basins. Initially, the City's proposed drawdowns were deemed to be unacceptable to the District because of the impact to the isolated wetlands of concern. As a first step, the City reduced the quantities of water to be withdrawn. Subsequently, an extensive Wetland Monitoring Plan was developed that included a mitigation plan if adverse impacts did occur to wetlands. Storm-water runoff will be the primary factor controlling the functions of the wetland areas. Mitigation measures, should any adverse impact become too great, include reduction of well field pumping, augmentation with well water, potable water and other feasible sources, and the purchase of mitigation credits. Condition (d) Condition (d) requires the City to demonstrate that the water use will not interfere with a reservation of water as set forth in rule 40D-2.302. The groundwater modeling that the City provided the District indicates that there are no adverse impacts to the minimum flows and levels ("MFLs") in the Anclote River or the water level at the Tarpon Road Deep Well. There are, therefore, no impacts to reservations of water. Condition (e) Condition (e) requires the City to demonstrate that the water use will comply with the provisions of 4.3 of the WUP Basis of Review,7/ regarding MFLs. The closest MFL site is the Upper Floridan Aquifer monitoring well called Tarpon Road Deep, located approximately 2.4 miles southeast of the well field. The impact analysis model results show that at the annual average withdrawal rate of 4.20 million gallons per day ("mgd") approximately 0.1 feet of drawdown at this MFL site is currently projected to occur, assuming static pumping conditions in all other regional groundwater withdrawals. This amount of drawdown will not cause the water level at the Tarpon Road Deep Well to fall below its minimum level. The District is in the process of setting an MFL for the Anclote River. Based on the operation of the new well field and the City's continued operation of their freshwater discharge to the Anclote River from their reclaimed water facility, there will be no impact to the Anclote River. Condition (f) Condition (f) requires the City to demonstrate that the water use will utilize the lowest water quality the City has the ability to use, provided that its use does not interfere with the recovery of a water body to its established MFL and it is not a source that is either currently or projected to be adversely impacted. The City is using brackish water, the lowest water quality available to be used for public supply. The City will be treating it at a reverse osmosis water treatment plant. Water of this quality is not available for others to use without special treatment. Based upon the modeling provided by the City, there are no anticipated impacts to MFLs or any other water body resources. Condition (g) Condition (g) requires the City to demonstrate that the water use will comply with section 4.5 of the WUP Basis of Review,8/ regarding saline intrusion. Groundwater in the Upper Floridan Aquifer in the area of the well field is brackish. The well field's design allowing well rotation minimizes changes in water quality during operation. The amount of drawdown and the fact that water levels will remain above sea level suggests that saline water intrusion will not occur. The reported potentiometric surface in the area of the well is approximately five feet NGVD while the land surface is roughly five feet higher at approximately ten feet NGVD. The City's monitoring and mitigation programs will address adverse impacts from saline intrusion should they occur. Condition (h) Condition (h) requires the City to demonstrate that the water use will not cause the pollution of the aquifer. Soil and groundwater contamination is documented at the Stauffer Management Company site located approximately 3,000 feet west of the well field. The drawdown from the well field is calculated to be about one foot at the Stauffer site. That level of drawdown will not induce migration of contaminants because the upward head differential from the Upper Floridan Aquifer to the surficial aquifer will be altered and the Stauffer site is down gradient of the well field. Testimony from Mr. Wiley established that the aquifers should not be contaminated by the City's withdrawals despite the presence of the Stauffer site: [T]here is a known source of contamination approximately 3,000 feet from the new well field to the west, Stauffer Chemical Company. With the small amount of drawdown that's caused in the Upper Floridan aquifer and the surficial aquifer, there's no potential for the withdrawals to cause pollution of the aquifer. Tr. 254-55. Mr. Wiley's opinion was reached primarily based on the use of the groundwater flow model to determine the drawdown at the Stauffer site and through review of groundwater levels in the Floridan and the surficial aquifers. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (the "EPA") is in charge of managing the contamination at the Stauffer site. A remediation plan has been developed based, in part, on EPA records. The remediation plan includes the construction of a barrier wall in the subsurface around the contaminated area to prevent contaminated groundwater from migrating. The City's groundwater monitoring wells will detect movement of contaminants toward the well field. The monitoring of the wells and the mitigation plan will assist in preventing pollution of the aquifers. Condition (i) Condition (i) requires the City to demonstrate that the water use will not adversely affect offsite land uses existing at the time of the application. Primary existing land uses within the City's service area are residential, commercial, and light industrial. The proposed withdrawal will not adversely impact these land uses as shown in Figure 10 of the City Exhibit 1. Five sink holes are known to exist in the general area around the well field. The closest is approximately 1,000 feet from a proposed well location. Maximum drawdown at the distance is approximately 2 feet. This amount of drawdown does not significantly increase the potential for sinkhole activity. Condition (j) Condition (j) requires that the City demonstrate the water use will not adversely impact an existing legal withdrawal. The Pasco County Utilities' wells located to the north of the well field are listed on the WUP as plugged. Wells owned by Crest Ridge Utility Corp. are located within 0.5 to 0.8 miles of the well field. Drawdown at these wells, due to the average annual withdrawal, is approximately one foot, with an additional 0.4 feet during peak month withdrawal. This amount of drawdown will not create a water level impact at these wells. Maximum drawdown at domestic wells in the area due to the average annual withdrawal is approximately three feet, with an additional 1.5 feet during peak month withdrawal. This amount of drawdown is not likely to impact other wells in the area. The City's mitigation plan addresses any adverse impact that might occur from the City's withdrawal. Condition (k) Condition (k) requires the City to demonstrate that the water use will incorporate water conservation measures. The existing per capita use rate for the City's service area is 110 gpd. Its position well below the district goal of 150 gpd per person demonstrates that the City's water conservation measures are effective. The City uses an inclined block rate structure which encourages water conservation. It also encourages water conservation through a reclaimed water system that encourages conservation of public water supply. It currently uses a little over one million gallons per day of reclaimed water. The City also conserves water through a leak protection program, a water loss audit program, adherence to the District's watering restrictions and provision of a low-flow toilet rebate program through the County, a landscape code, and the provision of educational materials to users. Condition (l) Condition (l) requires the City to demonstrate that the water use will incorporate the use of alternative water supplies to the greatest extent possible. The City has an extensive reclaimed water program. It provides reclaimed water for its golf course, for residential irrigation, for public parks and recreation, and for public schools. The City expanded its reclaimed water storage system recently by doubling the amount of reclaimed water that it is able to store for redistribution. Condition (m) Condition (m) requires the City to demonstrate that the water use will not cause water to go to waste. The City performs an unaccounted-for water audit of its system as required by a special condition of its existing WUP. The unaccounted-for water use is approximately 4 percent, well below the District guidelines. Furthermore, the City's per capita use rate of 110 gpd is well within the District's goal of 150 gpd per person. The City also has an extensive reclaimed water system which offsets potable water supply and prohibits wasted drinking water as an irrigation source. Condition (n) Condition (n) requires that the City demonstrate that the water use will not otherwise be harmful to the water resources within the District. Facts found above support a conclusion that the City has provided reasonable assurances that it meets this condition. In addition, the water that is pumped locally by the City will offset the need for ground water that would have otherwise been obtained from elsewhere in the region. Notices The District published its Notice of Proposed Agency Action in the Tampa Tribune on October 22, 2010. The District published its Notice of Proposed Agency Action in the St. Petersburg Times on October 24, 2010.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Southwest Florida Water Management District enter a Final Order determining that Petitioner Ross lacks standing and that his Petition, therefore, be dismissed. Should it be determined in a Final Order that Petitioner Ross has standing, it is recommended that the Southwest Florida Water Management District enter a Final Order that issues Water Use Permit No. 20000742.010 to the City of Tarpon Springs. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of April, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DAVID M. MALONEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of April, 2011.

Florida Laws (5) 120.52120.569120.57373.019403.412
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