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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Oct. 04, 2019 Number: 19-005310RU Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024

The Issue (1) Whether facts and circumstances demonstrate the existence, on August 20, 2019, of an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the students of Championship Academy of Distinction at Davie, Inc.-5422 d/b/a "Championship Academy" ("Championship") justifying the immediate termination of its charter by the Broward County School Board ("School Board") pursuant to section 1002.33(8)(c); and (2) whether the School Board formulated one or more agency statements that constitute unadopted rules, in violation of section 120.54(1)(a), and applied one or more of those unadopted rules as the basis for its agency action immediately terminating Championship's charter.1 1 Championship's rule challenge petition, as filed, also challenged an adopted School Board rule under section 120.56(3). This challenge was abandoned at the beginning of the final hearing.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Championship is a Florida not-for-profit corporation that holds the charter for numerous charter schools throughout Florida, including in Broward County, Florida. Championship was the holder of the charter for Championship Academy of Distinction at Davie, Inc., the charter school for which the charter was immediately terminated by the School Board on August 20, 2019.4 Pursuant to Article IX, section 4 of the Florida Constitution, the School Board is the political subdivision that operates, controls, and supervises all district public schools in Broward County, Florida.5 3 CS for CS Senate Bill 7030 (2019) substantially amended section 1006.12, Florida Statutes, regarding safe-school officers. This legislation was published as chapter 2019-22, Laws of Florida (2019) and has been codified in numerous Florida Statutes, including section 1006.12. 4 For purposes of this Final Order, including the stipulated facts, all references to "Championship" are to the Championship Academy of Distinction at Davie, Inc., the charter school for which the charter was terminated on August 20, 2019. 5 The School Board is an educational unit, as that term is defined in section 120.52(6), and, therefore is an "agency" for purposes of chapter 120. Pursuant to section 1002.33(8), Florida Statutes, the charter termination proceeding is conducted pursuant to sections 120.569 and In Florida, charter schools are nonsectarian public schools that operate pursuant to a charter contract with a public sponsor. § 1002.33(1), Fla. Stat. In this case, the School Board is the sponsor for Championship. Stipulated Facts At a regularly scheduled meeting, the School Board approved a renewal Charter School Agreement (the "charter"), dated April 5, 2016, with Championship. The charter became effective on July 1, 2016, for a term of five years. At a regularly scheduled meeting on August 20, 2019, the School Board voted to immediately terminate Championship's6 charter pursuant to section 1002.33(8)(c). As the basis for its action, the School Board concluded that the particular facts and circumstances indicated that an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of Championship's students existed on that date, due to Championship's failure to comply with and implement the requirements of section 1006.12, by failing to arrange for the assignment of one or more safe-school officers for the protection and safety of students, school personnel, and property, without interruption, during all school hours of every school day, and for repeatedly allowing a licensed security guard other than a safe-school officer to possess a firearm on Championship's campus in violation of section 790.115(2)(a), Florida Statutes. The School Board's notice of termination of the charter was delivered to Championship on August 22, 2019. The first day of the 2019-2020 school year for the students at Championship was Wednesday, August 14, 2019. Students attended classes at Championship on Wednesday, August 14, through and including Friday, 120.57(1). Additionally, pursuant to section 1001.41(2), Florida Statutes, the School Board is required to adopt its policies pursuant to the rulemaking procedure in section 120.54. 6 In the Joint Prehearing Stipulation, the parties interchangeably refer to "Championship" and the "Charter School." For consistency, the stipulated facts in this Final Order are modified to refer to "Championship." August 16, 2019, and on Monday, August 19, through Thursday, August 22, 2019. Pursuant to section 1022.33(8)(c), Florida Statutes, the School Board assumed operation of Championship after it immediately terminated Championship's charter. On August 14, 2019, Championship had an armed security guard, rather than a safe-school officer pursuant to one of the four options authorized and required by section 1006.12, present on its campus. On August 15, 2019, Championship had an armed security guard, rather than a safe-school officer pursuant to one of the four options authorized and required by section 1006.12, present on its campus. On August 14, 2019, Detra Adams observed a person sitting behind the front desk at the Charter School. Championship's principal, Todd Dupell, told her that that person was an armed guard. On August 15, 2019, starting at approximately 2:37 p.m., a police officer from the Davie Police Department was present on Championship's campus. A police officer from the Davie Police Department was present on Championship's campus during all school hours on Friday, August 16, 2019; during all school hours on Monday, August 19, 2019; and during all school hours on Tuesday, August 20, 2019. On August 19, 2019, Broward County Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie, Leslie Brown, and School Board Deputy General Counsel Robert Vignola received a copy of an email dated August 16, 2019, from Davie Police Department Captain Christopher Chastain to Todd Dupell, stating, in part: We will meet with the Town Administrator Monday morning to finalize everything. In the interim[,] there will be an officer at your location on school days. We hope to have an approved agreement ready for signing by Monday afternoon which will provide you with what is being requested by the county. Runcie stated the following during the School Board meeting on August 20, 2019: "I know, I think it was late on Thursday afternoon, and certainly on Friday when we checked, there was a full-time officer there from the City of Davie." Brian Katz, the School Board's Chief Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness Officer, stated the following regarding whether the Charter School was in compliance with section 1006.12, during the School Board meeting on August 20, 2019: "as of today [August 20, 2019], they are." School Board member Nora Rupert stated the following regarding a written communication she received from the Mayor of Davie, Judy Paul, during the School Board meeting on August 20, 2019: The Mayor of Davie, Judy Paul, says there presently are Davie officers in the three Davie charter schools, and the executed agreement will be forwarded, specifically, Championship, excuse me, when completed today. We take care of our own, ["]we["] meaning their city. They've always been a very good, good partner with us. I asked if I could say this publicly, and she said yes. This is for the public record. I also forwarded it to the attorney, as well as the Superintendent the minute I received it, and just so my colleagues could have that information, I had to say it here. Vignola stated the following during the School Board meeting on August 20, 2019: If there's an officer there [at Championship] now and . . . if there is a representation from appropriate officials in the City [Town of Davie] that they see themselves as having a binding obligation to provide safe-school officer coverage with continuity, that goes to your threshold question of whether immediate termination is appropriate. The following exchange occurred between School Board member Laurie Rich Levinson and Vignola during the School Board meeting on August 20, 2019: Levinson: "So, Mr. Vignola, I know it's a difficult question, but legally, where are we? As of today, we are going to have an agreement with the Town of Davie that this school is covered, so as of today, we're not able to terminate a contract." Vignola: "If we get that representation from the city, I think that I would counsel voting against immediate termination." School Board member Donna Korn stated the following during the meeting of the School Board on August 20, 2019: "Do I believe that our decision will be overturned? Unfortunately, to the extent we have a very mixed message, I do." Vignola stated the following at the meeting of the School Board on August 20, 2019: Right now, today, they have, as I've been—it's been reported to me, they have a safe[-]school officer on campus today that would be compliant. As for what they have down the road, the law is not very clear as to an obligation. There's nothing in here that says have a contract in place. At an emergency meeting held on August 27, 2019, the School Board voted against immediately terminating its charter school agreement with The National Ben Gamla Charter School Foundation, Inc. ("Ben Gamla Charter School"), pursuant to section 1002.33(8)(c), concluding that the particular facts and circumstances did not indicate that an immediate and serious threat to the health, safety, or welfare of that charter school's students existed on August 27, 2019. The School Board was aware, at its August 27, 2019, meeting that the security guard at the Ben Gamla Charter School campus was not a certified guardian pursuant to section 1006.12. School Board member Dr. Rosalind Osgood stated the following during the August 27, 2019, meeting of the School Board regarding the Ben Gamla Charter School: It was a problem because there were not enough law enforcement officers in the whole state even available to meet the demands of the legislature, so we had to be very creative in the way that we made decisions to keep our kids in the traditional public schools safe[,] with requiring that they have military or law enforcement background and training, which again, we keep hearing limited the pool, but it's the . . . safest way that we can address it. Runcie stated the following during the meeting of the School Board on August 27, 2019, regarding the Ben Gamla Charter School: "[s]o I think they're [Ben Gamla Charter School] working to try to get to a point where they have a sustainable plan, but if they currently have a plan, no matter how short-term it is, and they're able to have a safe[-]school officer on campus, they're technically in compliance." Chief of the Plantation Police Department, W. Howard Harrison, stated during the meeting of the School Board on August 27, 2019, that the Plantation Police Department did not provide any officers for the campus of Ben Gamla Charter School on August 14 through 16, and August 26, 2019. A Plantation Police Department Officer was provided to Ben Gamla Charter School for half a day on August 19, 2019, and an officer from the Broward County Sheriff's Office provided coverage for August 27, 2019. The School Board did not designate, assign, or provide any safe-school officers at Championship for the 2019-2020 school year. Championship timely filed a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearings with the School Board, requesting an administrative hearing on the School Board's immediate termination of its charter. The School Board referred Championship's request for hearing to DOAH on September 11, 2019. Findings of Fact Based on Evidence at Final Hearing Safe-School Officer Statute In response to the tragic school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that occurred on February 14, 2018, the Florida Legislature enacted the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act, a portion of which is codified at section 1006.12, the statute titled "Safe-school officers at each public school." Certain provisions of section 1006.12 have given rise to the matters in dispute in these consolidated proceedings. School Board Communications and Actions Regarding Charter School Compliance with Section 1006.12 On or about March 8, 2019, the Florida Department of Education ("DOE") contacted the School Board, requesting information regarding the status of compliance, by all public schools in the Broward County Public Schools District ("District"), including charter schools, with the statutory requirement in section 1006.12 for a safe-school officer to be present at each school. The request set a March 22, 2019, deadline for each school in the District, including charter schools, to provide that information to DOE. The School Board contacted all charter schools in the District, requesting that they provide the information requested by DOE by March 22, 2019. Championship did not provide the requested information by that date. The amendments to section 1006.12 enacted as part of SB 7030 became law on May 8, 2019. On May 15, 2019, Katz conducted an informational meeting with charter school personnel to inform them of the requirements of newly- amended section 1006.12, and to provide instructions to upload compliance documentation into the Charter.Tools application. Dupell attended the meeting. On June 28, 2019, Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran sent a letter (the "Corcoran Letter") to the representatives of charter schools regarding compliance with newly-amended section 1006.12. The letter provided information regarding the options for meeting the requirement to have at least one safe-school officer present on campus while school is in session. The Corcoran Letter particularly addressed the expanded school guardian option codified at section 1006.12(3), and the new school security guard option codified at section 1006.12(4). The letter stated, in pertinent part: [E]very public elementary, middle, and high school in Florida, including all Florida charter schools, must have a Safe-School Officer (SSO) physically present on each campus while school is in session. . . . All charter schools without current [safe-school officer] coverage have until August 1 to come into compliance for the 2019-2020 school year For those charter schools that choose to treat our requests for information as optional, our only option going forward will be to use the full extent of the law to ensure compliance. On July 9, 2019, Katz and Leslie Brown, the School Board's Chief Portfolio Officer, issued a memorandum directed to the charter schools in the District. The memorandum stated: "[t]he statute requires each charter school to implement one of the safe-school officer options." The memorandum listed the options and explained that the first three options, with some legislative revisions, had been available to charter schools in the 2018-2019 school year. The memorandum further stated: [t]he School Board has taken no action to deny any charter school access to any of the safe-school officer options summarized above and more fully detailed in [s]ection 1006.12, Florida Statutes." Citing the Corcoran Letter, the memorandum stated, in boldface type: If one of the Safe[-]School Officer options is not confirmed by your location by August 1st,[2019,]such facts and circumstances will be considered by your charter school sponsor to present an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of your charter school's students. Please be advised that, under those circumstances, the school district will request the School Board of Broward County, Florida, to "use the full extent of the law[,]" as urged by Commissioner Corcoran and immediately terminate your charter agreement pursuant to [s]ection 1002.33(8)(c), Florida Statutes. July 9, 2019, memorandum, Exhibit JE-4 (emphasis added). From this memorandum, it is apparent that the School Board interpreted the phrase "use the full extent of the law," as referenced in the Corcoran Letter, to mean immediately terminating a noncompliant charter school's charter. In so stating, the School Board was not merely following guidance set forth in the Corcoran Letter—which did not mention immediate termination of a charter as a sanction for noncompliance with section 1006.12—but, instead, was articulating its own sanction, which it would impose for noncompliance with section 1006.12.7 The memorandum further stated: "[p]lease upload into Charter.Tools, under the benchmark entitled Senate Bill 7030, the attached form and pertinent documentation that confirms that your implemented Safe[-]School Officer option is in compliance with [s]ection 1006.12, Florida Statutes, for the 2019-2020 school year. This documentation is due by August 1, 2019." On July 31, 2019, the School Board sent a follow-up email to the principals of the charter schools in the District, reminding them of the August 1, 2019, deadline. 7 To this point, in response to an email from Broward County Public Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie dated August 15, 2019, Corcoran counseled against immediate charter termination to sanction noncompliant charter schools, recommending instead that the District take immediate steps to provide safe-school officer coverage at a noncompliant charter school, followed by steps to ensure that the school maintained coverage and implemented a long term solution. The School Board conducted another meeting with charter school principals on August 1, 2019, at which Katz highlighted the four safe-school officer options available under section 1006.12, and reminded the charter school principals of the School Board's position that charter schools were solely responsible for establishing and assigning one or more safe-school officers for their campuses. Championship did not meet the August 1, 2019, deadline to upload the safe-school officer documentation into Charter.Tools. Katz testified at the final hearing that the School Board did not establish or assign any safe-school officers at any charter schools in the District, including Championship, in the 2019-2020 school year. Actions Taken by Championship Regarding Safe-School Officer Requirement in 2019-2020 School Year On Friday, August 2, 2019, Linda Williamson, office manager for Championship, emailed Lieutenant Patricia Ravine of the Davie Police Department regarding obtaining a school guardian while Championship's security guard was in training to become certified as a School Guardian. Ravine told her that the Broward County Sheriff's Office ("BSO") was in the process of developing the guardian program, and that the Davie Police Department had a contract with the School Board for all 13 of its school resource officers to be assigned to the 12 traditional public schools in Davie. Ravine suggested that Championship contact a security agency, and she also suggested, as an alternative to a temporary guardian, that Championship secure the services of a Davie Police Department private duty detail officer. On or about Friday, August 9, 2019, Championship submitted a Private Duty Detail Application ("Application") to the Davie Police Department, requesting private duty detail officer coverage for Championship from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for each school day, beginning on August 14, 2019, and ending on September 28, 2019. Private duty detail coverage consists of voluntary coverage by off-duty police officers whose presence is not guaranteed by the police department. To that point, the Application states, in pertinent part: "[e]very reasonable effort will be made to fill the detail request, but there is no guarantee that it will be filled. Members of the Davie Police Department, who are authorized to work Private Duty Detail, do so voluntarily during their off duty hours." The first day of the 2019-2020 school year for District schools, including Championship, was August 14, 2019. On August 14, 2019, the Davie Police Department did not send a private duty detail police officer to provide safe-school officer services to Championship, and Championship did not have any other persons qualified under any of the safe-school officer options in section 1006.12 present on its campus that day. On August 14, 2019, Championship did have present on its campus an armed security guard, Steven Carbone, who Championship had hired to provide school safety services on its campus. Although Carbone had not yet completed the school guardian training program, he met the other safe-school officer requirements set forth in section 1006.23, including having completed a psychological evaluation which indicated that he was suitable for the position, and holding Class D and Class G licenses under chapter 493, Florida Statutes. Additionally, Carbone was trained regarding domestic and foreign terrorism, explosives, improvised explosive devise recognition, and identification of hazardous materials. Detra Adams, Curriculum Supervisor of Secondary Literacy for the District, visited Championship's campus on August 14, 2019. She did not view a safe-school officer who met the requirements of section 1006.12 on Championship's campus that day. However, she did observe a person at the front desk wearing a security uniform and bearing a firearm. That person ultimately was identified as Carbone. Adams met with Dupell, who told her that Championship had procured the service of an armed security guard (Carbone) who was present on campus that day. Dupell acknowledged that Championship had not submitted the required documentation to the District to have an armed security guard on campus. He told Adams that Carbone was registered for a school guardian training program8 and that once he completed the training, Championship would submit the certification documents to the District. Dupell also told Adams that Championship had arranged for a Davie private duty detail police officer to be present at the school on some, but not all, school days. On August 15, 2019, the Davie Police Department did not send a private duty detail police officer to provide safe-school officer services to Championship, but did send an on-duty police officer who arrived shortly before the end of the school day. Donte´ Fulton-Collins, Director of the Charter Schools Management Support Department for the District, visited Championship's campus on August 15, 2019, and did not observe a safe-school officer meeting the requirements of section 1006.12 on campus that day. However, she did observe an armed security guard on that date. That person ultimately was identified as Carbone. Katz, along with Damien Kelly of the DOE Safe Schools Office, visited Championship's campus on August 15, 2019, to discuss with Dupell the need for Championship to secure the services of a safe-school officer who met the requirements of section 1006.12. At that meeting, Dupell provided documentation to Katz showing that Championship had filed the Application with the Davie Police Department, 8 On July 31, 2019, Championship entered into an agreement with the BSO to provide Carbone training to serve as a safe-school officer pursuant to the Aaron Feis School Guardian option under section 1006.12(3). The training course was only offered every three months, so when Carbone was hired to fill the safe-school officer position at Championship, the soonest he could obtain training by BSO was early September 2019, after the 2019-2020 school year had begun. requesting to have private duty detail officer coverage until Carbone could complete the training to satisfy the requirements for certification as a school guardian under section 1006.12(3). Dupell also provided Katz a list of dates for which Davie Police Department had signed up to provide private duty detail coverage at Championship between August 14 and September 28, 2019. Katz observed that for many of the shifts on school days during that period, no officers had signed up to provide coverage at Championship. In sum, for the first two days of the 2019-2020 school year, Championship was not in compliance with section 1006.12 because it did not have present on its campus an individual who met the statutory requirements to serve as a safe-school officer. Championship does not dispute that it was not in compliance with section 1006.12 on those days. For the first two days of the 2019-2020 school year, Championship did have an armed security guard, Carbone, who had been hired by Championship specifically to provide school safety services to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its students. As discussed above, although Carbone had not yet been trained as a school guardian, he met the other requirements to be a school guardian. Pursuant to an electronic mail exchange between Championship and Ravine on the afternoon of August 15, 2019, the Davie Police Department guaranteed police officer coverage for Championship's campus, for the full school day, on all the days requested in the Application for which no private duty detail officer had volunteered. Thus, by the afternoon of August 15, 2019, Championship had secured guaranteed police officer coverage from the Davie Police Department—albeit not pursuant to a fully-executed contract. Pursuant to this informal arrangement, a police officer from the Davie Police Department was present and provided safe-school officer services on Championship's campus for the entire school day on August 16 and 19 through 22, 2019. On Wednesday, August 22, 2019, Championship and the Town of Davie, Florida, executed a Safe School Officer Agreement ("SSO Agreement") for a term commencing on August 14, 2019, and ending no more than 90 days later. Article 2 of the SSO Agreement states, in pertinent part, T[own] shall assign a certified police officer to serve as a [Safe School Officer ("SSO")] at the charter school for a period not to exceed the school year [(sic)] to allow C[harter] to otherwise become compliant with the [c]hapter 2019-22, Laws of Florida (2019) . . . . The certified police officer assigned to the school will be working in an overtime capacity. There is no guarantee that the same officer will work at the school on a daily basis. The parties agree that this does not include any after[-]hours activities, sports programs, aftercare, etc. Assignment of SSOs. The Town may change the law enforcement officer assigned to participate as a[n] SSO at any time during the Agreement. Unless precluded by emergency circumstances, the T[own] shall at all times maintain an SSO on duty during those regular school hours. "Regular school hours" shall be defined as the respective [p]articipating school's posted bell schedule. Wherever possible, the T[own] shall assign a replacement SSO during the time that the assigned SSO is absent when students are required to be in attendance during regular school hours. Pursuant to the SSO Agreement, the Town of Davie guaranteed police officer coverage for Championship for every school day during regular school hours, commencing on August 14, 2019, and ending no more than 90 days later. This coverage was to be provided by private duty detail officers when available, and if no private duty detail officers were available, safe-school officer coverage would be provided by an on-duty police officer. Because the SSO Agreement was not fully executed until August 22, 2019, and because no private duty detail officers had volunteered to provide safe-school officer coverage at Championship on August 14 and 15, 2019, the Davie Police Department did not provide coverage on those dates. However, as found above, pursuant to the informal arrangement for private duty detail coverage that Championship had made with the Davie Police Department on August 15, 2019, a Davie police officer was physically present and provided safe-school officer services on Championship's campus on August 16 and 19 through 22, 2019. Thereafter, the Davie Police Department provided safe-school officer services to Championship under the SSO Agreement for the rest of the 2019- 2020 school year, until all District schools were closed in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Other School Safety Measures Taken by Championship Cynthia Dotson, Chief Executive Officer of the management company who provides services to small charter schools, including Championship, testified regarding the measures that Championship has implemented on its campus to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its students and staff. The Championship campus is located in a fenced facility within a small business park in a cul-de-sac. The school has one point of ingress and egress for the public, and additional means of ingress and egress for the provision of fire, life, and safety support services. Championship screens persons entering the campus through a software application used to determine whether that person has a criminal record. It also utilizes a video camera system to provide surveillance of the interior and exterior of the campus, an audio communication system consisting of an intercom system and walkie-talkies, and a software application through which faculty members can report suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities. Additionally, Championship has hired a retired SWAT team to train all of its employees to respond to active assailant situations on campus in order to mitigate any threat and prevent injury and loss of life. To this end, Championship conducts monthly code red drills in both the summer months and the school year. Before the 2017-2018 school year, Championship hired a school security guard, Yoan Herrera, to provide school safety services to its campus. Herrera became certified by the BSO on November 15, 2018, to serve as an Aaron Feis Guardian on Championship's campus.9 He provided those services to Championship until approximately mid-March 2019. After Herrera left his position, Championship retained the temporary services of the King Security Agency ("King") to provide school security services while it searched for a replacement school security employee. After an exhaustive search that yielded very few qualified applicants, Championship hired Carbone to fill the school security guard vacancy. Carbone had been an employee of King and had provided school security services to Championship during the last few months of the 2018-2019 school year. As noted above, Carbone's psychological evaluation indicated that he was suited for the position. Additionally, he had training regarding domestic and foreign terrorism, explosives, improvised explosive device recognition, and identification of hazardous materials, and he also held Class D and Class G licenses. After Championship hired Carbone, he was immediately enrolled in the Aaron Feis School Guardian certification program offered by the BSO. However, due to the high demand for such training and limited program 9 Notably, even though Herrera was present on Championship's campus while carrying a firearm for the entire 2017-2018 school year and a portion of the 2018-2019 school year, and for part of that time, provided school security services in a capacity other than as a safe- school officer pursuant to section 1006.12, no evidence was presented at the final hearing showing that the School Board considered Herrera's presence on Championship's campus as constituting a violation of section 790.115(2), warranting immediate termination of Championship's charter. offerings, Carbone was unable to begin the training before early September 2019. Thus, assuming he successfully completed the program, he would not have been certified as a school guardian pursuant to section 1006.12(3) until October 2019. Ultimately, Carbone did not successfully complete the training program. Additionally, on August 19, 2019, Championship hired Andre Chambers to serve as a safe-school officer at its campus. At the time Chambers was hired, he already was certified as an Aaron Feis School Guardian pursuant to section 1006.12(3). He began providing safe-school officer services on Championship's campus in September 2019, and did so until all District schools, including Championship, were closed in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. School Board's Immediate Termination of Championship's Charter As a result of Championship's failure to have a safe-school officer meeting the requirements of section 1006.12 on its campus on August 14 and 15, 2019, School Board personnel prepared an agenda item recommending immediate termination of the Charter for consideration at the School Board's next regular meeting, scheduled for August 20, 2019. At the final hearing, Brown and Katz testified that the School Board determined that Championship's failure to have, on campus, a safe-school officer who met the requirements of section 1006.12, constituted an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of Championship's students, which commenced on August 14, 2019, and continued through August 20, 2019, when the School Board immediately terminated Championship's charter. Brown acknowledged that the School Board was aware that as of August 16, 2019, Championship had a police officer from the Davie Police Department physically present on its campus. She testified that this did not change the School Board's position that an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare to Championship's students existed. As she put it: [t]he services were piecemeal, there was nothing that we could depend on, nothing had been established and nothing had been assigned. . . . There was no evidence that [having a Davie police officer on campus] was going to be the case as each—each minute or hour or day that was going to continue. Katz and Brown also testified that the School Board interpreted section 1006.12 as requiring a charter school to have in place a fully-executed contract for a safe-school officer in order to meet the statute's requirement that a safe-school officer be "established and assigned" to the school. To this point, Katz testified that having a Davie Police Department police officer present on campus would not, by itself, meet the safe-school officer requirement, because an executed contract "establishing" the presence of the officer also is required by the statute. He stated: "I believe both things are necessary, the agreement and presence. A fully[-]executed contract and presence [J]ust to be clear, a contract that states that there will be coverage, not a contract that says there may be coverage."10 Katz and Brown also testified that the School Board interprets section 1006.12 as placing the responsibility solely on the charter school to secure a safe-school officer for its campus. To this point, Katz testified that the School Board has "always believed that they [charter schools] were responsible for . . . assigning or establishing a safe school officer for every one of their schools." 10 In the stipulated facts set forth above, Katz stated, in response to a question from a School Board member at the August 20, 2019, meeting, that if Championship had a law enforcement officer present on its campus on that day, it was in compliance with section 1006.12. At the final hearing, Katz testified at the final hearing that this statement assumed the existence of a fully-executed contract on that date. As discussed above, the evidence establishes that the SSO Agreement was not fully executed until August 22, 2019. Brown testified that the School Board views Florida law as prohibiting the District from assigning a safe-school officer to a charter school. To that point, she testified that if a charter school wished to secure the services of a school resource officer under section 1006.12(1) to meet the safe-school officer requirement, the charter school would have to directly contract with the law enforcement agency to do so.11 Further to this point, Katz testified that the School Board did not have the authority to assign a law enforcement officer whose services are contracted by the District to provide safe-school officer coverage on a charter school's campus.12 Both Brown and Katz testified that the School Board met the requirement in section 1006.12 to "collaborate with charter school governing boards to facilitate charter school access to all safe-school officer options available" by providing information, presentations, and training to charter schools regarding the statute's safe-school officer requirements and available options for meeting those requirements. Katz acknowledged at the final hearing that Championship having an armed security guard who was not a safe-school officer present on its campus to provide school security services did not pose an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the students at Championship. Fulton-Collins testified that she assisted in preparing the School Board agenda item recommending the immediate termination of Championship's charter because, as she put it: 11 Section 1006.12(1), establishing the school resource officer option, states: "A school district may establish school resource officer programs through a cooperative agreement with law enforcement agencies." § 1006.12(1), Fla. Stat. (emphasis added). Notably absent from this provision is language authorizing charter schools to do so. 12 Section 1002.33(12)(a) states: "A charter school shall select its own employees. A charter school may contract with its sponsor for the services of personnel employed by the sponsor." § 1002.33(12)(a)(emphasis added). This provision appears to authorize a school board to contract with a charter school to establish or assign a safe-school officer at the charter school, pursuant to a partnership between the school board and a law enforcement agency or security agency as provided in the first sentence of section 1006.12. all charter schools must be in compliance with any requirements that the Legislature has deemed to be necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the students. The Legislature specifically found in section 1006.12 . . . that the establishment or assignment of a safe school officer on a charter school campus is necessary for the protection of school personnel, property, students, and visitors. And by failing to do so, failing to establish and assign a safe school officer on the campus, Championship created an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, and welfare of its students. Fulton-Collins testimony, T. Vol. I, p. 192. Fulton-Collins acknowledged that section 1006.12 does not expressly state that charter schools are responsible for establishing and assigning their own safe-school officers.13 However, she maintained that charter schools are solely responsible for establishing and assigning safe-school officers for their own campus, and that the School Board's duty is "not impeding [them] on any opportunity that they have to secure a safe-school officer." Broward County Public Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie confirmed that the School Board interprets section 1006.12 as placing the sole responsibility on charter schools to secure their own safe-school officers. To this point, Runcie testified: " [j]ust as we [the District] go and secure [safe- school officers], by any means necessary, to have them on our campuses, [charter schools] are also required to go and use whatever means they can to secure them." Runcie also confirmed the School Board's position, articulated by Katz and Brown, that for charter schools to be in compliance with section 1006.12, a person meeting the requirements of one of the safe-school officer options 13 Notably, during the 2019 Legislative Session, the Legislature expressly rejected an amendment to SB 7030 that would have amended the first sentence of section 1006.12 to also require "charter schools, as applicable" to establish and assign one or more safe-school officers at its school facility. must be physically present on the school campus for the entire school day, and a fully-executed contract must exist, guaranteeing the presence of the safe-school officer on the campus each school day, for the full term of the contract.14 Runcie testified that the School Board interprets the terms "establish and assign" to require that both of these conditions be met for the charter school to be in compliance with section 1006.12. He acknowledged that section 1006.12 does not expressly state that a fully-executed contract is required for compliance with the statute.15 To this point, he testified: [t]he statute, itself, may not specify a contract. It says what you are required to do. And the reason why it doesn't specify a contract is that there are several means to do it. There are some school districts, like Miami, I believe Palm Beach may be similar, but there's a handful of them where they actually have their own police force. So they're not going to have a contract in order to meet that[.] So the legislation is not going to be that specific because there's varying ability in how school districts and charter schools go about securing safe- school officers. So it wouldn't have that . . . degree of specificity. Runcie testimony T., Vol. II, pp. 44-45. Further to this point, Runcie testified: It [(the statute)] doesn't specifically require that, but the—so, again, the statute speaks to multiple 14 Runcie testified that in the School Board's view, section 1006.12 does not require an executed long term contract, such as a school-year-long contract, securing safe-school officer services; rather, the School Board interprets the statute as requiring a fully-executed contract that guarantees continuous presence of a safe-school officer on campus for the duration of the contract's term, whatever that term is. 15 See paragraph 243, below. To the extent a statute does not specify the precise means by which it is to be implemented, rulemaking may be necessary in order for an agency to implement the statute. See § 120.52(16), Fla. Stat. (defining "rule" as a statement of general applicability that implements, interprets, or prescribes law or policy or describes the procedure or practice requirements of an agency and includes any form which imposes any requirement or solicits information not specifically required by statute or by an existing rule). avenues, multiple ways of securing a safe-school officer. A couple of those don't require a contract. Again, if you have your own police force or you're using an armed guardian. So, for example, we actually have some schools that we have put in our detectives from our school investigative unit when we needed to. So we have 15, 20 police officers, if you will. So some districts, their whole entire system, they have their own police department. Or you can hire an individual, put him through the guardian program, have them become certified. Outside of doing those two things you would actually have to have a contract or some types of established agreement, an arrangement to be able to fulfill that. Runcie testimony, T. Vol. II, pp. 58-59. The School Board terminated Championship's charter on August 20, 2019, because Championship did not have a safe-school officer present on its campus for the first two days of the 2019-2020 school year, and because as of August 20, 2019, Championship did not have a fully-executed contract with the Town of Davie guaranteeing the presence of a police officer to serve as a safe-school officer on Championship's campus; thus, the School Board considered these circumstances to constitute an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the students at Championship, warranting immediate termination of the charter pursuant to section 1002.33(8)(c). Safety-Related Circumstances on Championship's Campus in the 2019- 2020 School Year Three parents of students who attended Championship in the 2019-2020 school year testified regarding the safety-related circumstances on Championship's campus at the beginning of the school year leading up to the School Board's termination of Championship's charter on August 20, 2019. Specifically, Anne-Valerie Daniel-Laveus, the mother of three students enrolled at Championship during the 2019-2020 school year and a teacher at Championship during that school year, testified that she observed a school security guard present at the school every day. In her experience as a teacher at Championship and as a mother whose children were enrolled there, she perceived conditions at Championship as being safe. To that point, no other parents or students relayed to her any concerns they had regarding safety at Championship at any time during the 2019-2020 school year, including on August 14 through 20, 2019. She was not aware of any incidents, threats, or weapons-related incidents having taken place at Championship at any time during the 2019-2020 school year. Sandra Acosta, the mother of a student enrolled at Championship, testified that she took her child to school daily during the 2019-2020 school year, that she always saw a security guard present on campus when she did so. She always felt that her child was safe at Championship, and that she was not aware of any incidents in which the safety of the students at Championship was threatened. Melissa Bustamante, the mother of two students enrolled at Championship during the 2019-2020 school year and a member of Championship's governing board since 2011, also testified regarding conditions at Championship during the 2019-2020 school year, including on the school days between August 14 and 20, 2019. Specifically, when she took her children to school, she always observed a security guard at the front of the school, which is the only publicly-accessible entrance to the school facility. She was not aware of any bomb threats, weapons threats, or trespassing by unauthorized persons on Championship's campus during the 2019-2020 school year, nor was she aware of any parents of Championship students having expressed concerns regarding safety-related matters at the school during the 2019-2020 school year. As a member of Championship's governing board, she verified that the school had secured the presence of a Davie police officer on campus before, and for some time after, the charter was terminated, and also had secured a school guardian (Chambers) to serve as a safe-school officer for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. No evidence was presented showing that there were any actual or imminent threats or dangers to the health, safety, or welfare of the students at Championship on any school days between August 14 and 20, 2019. Additionally, no evidence was presented showing that the presence of Carbone, who had been hired by Championship specifically to provide school safety and security services and who provided those services, presented a threat or danger to the students at Championship on August 14 through 16, 19, and 20, 2019. To the contrary, the witnesses who observed Carbone testified that he was at the front entrance to the school performing his school protection duties. None of them testified that they perceived him as a threat or saw him threatening or endangering the students, and all of them testified that his presence was one reason they perceived Championship's school campus as being safe. Additionally, as noted above, Katz conceded at the final hearing that Championship's having an armed security guard on campus to provide school security services on August 14 through 16, 19, and 20, 2019, did not present an immediate and serious danger to Championship's students. Championship's Standing The School Board took action on August 20, 2019, to immediately terminate Championship's charter, pursuant to section 1002.33(8)(c). Although the School Board subsequently operated Championship for the 2019-2020 school year while these proceedings were pending, if the School Board were to prevail in Case No. 19-4818, Championship's charter would be permanently terminated and the charter school could no longer operate. Thus, the School Board's immediate termination of Championship's charter has caused Championship to suffer an immediate, direct injury that is within the scope of these proceedings, which are brought under sections 1002.33 and 1006.12. Additionally, as discussed below, the School Board applied unadopted rules to Championship in these proceedings to terminate its charter. Findings of Ultimate Fact Immediate Termination of Charter under Section 1002.33(8)(c) Championship's Noncompliance with Section 1006.12 did not Cause Immediate and Serious Danger to Its Students Pursuant to the foregoing, it is found, as a matter of ultimate fact, that the School Board did not prove, by clear and convincing evidence, that an immediate and serious danger to Championship's students was in existence on August 20, 2019, when it immediately terminated Championship's charter. The School Board contends that Championship's failure to have present on its campus a person who met the statutory qualifications for serving as a safe-school officer on August 14 and 15, 2019, coupled with its failure to have a fully-executed contract securing the services of a safe-school officer for Championship by August 20, 2019, constituted an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of Championship's students warranting immediate termination of its charter, pursuant to section 1002.33(8)(c). However, the School Board presented no evidence of any particular facts and circumstances showing that an immediate and serious danger to Championship's students was in existence on August 20, 2019—whether due to Championship's failure to have a person on campus who met the statutory qualifications for serving as a safe-school officer plus a fully-executed contract securing the services of a safe-school officer for Championship, or for any other reason. To that point, there was no evidence presented showing that there were any threats or actions constituting a threat—such as bomb threats, trespassing by unauthorized persons, armed persons presenting a danger or threat, or any other circumstances on Championship's campus that existed on August 20, 2019—or on any other school day in the 2019-2020 school year, for that matter. To the contrary, Championship presented the testimony of three witnesses stating that to their knowledge, there had been no threat or danger whatsoever to Championship's students at any time during the 2019-2020 school year, including on the school days before and including August 20, 2019. Each of these witnesses was in a position to have personally known whether, or be informed if, there had been any actual, immediate threat or danger to the health, safety, or welfare of Championship's students. The very most that may be inferred from the evidence is that not having a person who was qualified as a safe-school officer on campus may have presented a potential threat to Championship's students on August 14 and 15, 2019. However, even such a potential threat—to the extent it may have existed—was substantially diminished by the presence of a trained, armed security guard who had been hired specifically to provide protection to the students, faculty, and staff on campus, and who had satisfied most of the requirements, including the psychological evaluation, to become certified as a school guardian. Further, starting on August 16, 2019, a Davie police officer was present and provided safe-school services on Championship's campus every day for the rest of the school year, including on August 20, 2019, when the School Board immediately terminated Championship's charter. There is no dispute that these law enforcement police officers met the qualifications expressly stated in section 1006.12 to serve as safe-school officers. Therefore, as of August 16, 2019, the only remaining ground for the School's Board's conclusion that an immediate and serious danger existed on Championship's campus warranting immediate termination of its charter was that a contract securing the guaranteed presence of a safe-school officer on Championship's campus had not yet been fully executed. However, no evidence was presented showing that Championship's failure to have a fully-executed contract for a safe-school officer constituted any danger—much less an immediate and serious danger—to its students. Accordingly, there was no factual or circumstantial basis for finding that an immediate and serious danger to Championship's students existed on August 20, 2019, when its charter was terminated. Based on the foregoing, it is found, as a matter of ultimate fact, that the evidence failed to establish the existence of an immediate and serious danger to Championship's students on August 20, 2019, as a result of Championship not having a safe-school officer on August 14 and 15, 2019. Additionally, it is found, as a matter of ultimate fact, that the evidence failed to establish the existence of an immediate and serious danger to Championship's students on August 20, 2019 (or on August 14 through 16, and 19, 2019), as the result of Championship not yet having secured a fully- executed contract guaranteeing the presence of a safe-school officer on Championship's campus. Presence of Armed Security Guard Did Not Constitute an Immediate and Serious Danger As previously discussed, no evidence was presented showing that Carbone presented any threat or danger to the students at Championship on August 14 through 16, 19, or 20, 2019. The witnesses who observed him on those days testified that he performed his school protection duties, and he did not threaten or endanger Championship's students. Additionally, the evidence establishes that the school security and protection services that Carbone provided on Championship's campus on these days were school-sanctioned activities. To that point, Championship hired Carbone for the specific purpose of providing school security services to its students. As such, Carbone was given express permission by Championship's governing board to be on campus specifically to provide school security services to enable and support school-related activities. Based on the foregoing, it is found, as a matter of ultimate fact, that the presence of the armed security guard on Championship's campus on August 14 through 16, 19, and 20, 2019, did not constitute an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of Championship's students warranting the immediate termination of its charter under section 1002.33(8)(c). Unadopted Rules Applied to Championship to Terminate Charter Section 120.57(1)(e)1. states, in pertinent part: "[a]n agency or administrative law judge may not base agency action that determines the substantial interests of a party on an unadopted rule." This provision prohibits an ALJ or an agency from basing agency action that determines the substantial interests of a party on an unadopted rule. Because this statute is directed at, and specifically circumscribes, the authority of the ALJ, or the agency, as applicable, neither the ALJ nor the agency is authorized to base agency action on an unadopted rule, regardless of whether a party has alleged that a particular agency statement constitutes an unadopted rule. The evidence establishes that in immediately terminating Championship's charter, the School Board determined Championship's substantial interests based on two unadopted rules. Unadopted Rule Interpreting Section 1002.33(8)(c) The evidence shows that the School Board has determined that the failure of a charter school (in this case, Championship) to have, on campus, a safe-school officer who meets the requirements of section 1006.12, to constitute an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the charter school's students, warranting immediate termination of the school's charter. In so determining, the School Board has interpreted section 1002.33(8)(c)—specifically, the first sentence of that statute16—to define a charter school's failure to comply with section 1006.12 as per se constituting an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the school's students. This interpretation ascribes a meaning to the first sentence of section 1002.33(8)(c) that is not readily apparent from the literal reading of the statute. Indeed, the first sentence of that section specifically speaks to the "particular facts and circumstances" showing that an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the charter school's students exists. Thus, the statute's plain language requires that the particular facts and circumstances of each particular case be considered to determine whether those particular facts and circumstances constitute an immediate and serious danger that exists at the time the charter is immediately terminated. Nowhere does the statute's plain language speak to, or authorize, a school board to formulate a categorical determination that a defined set of facts and circumstances—here, noncompliance with section 1006.12—per se constitutes an immediate and serious danger to the charter school's students. It is indisputable that the School Board's interpretation of section 1002.33(8)(c) requires compliance and has the direct and consistent effect of law. This interpretation requires a charter school to comply with section 1006.12—including all of the interpretive gloss the School Board has placed on that statute by imposing the requirement that a fully-executed safe-school officer contract be in place to be in compliance—or face having its charter immediately terminated on the basis of such noncompliance. 16 The first sentence of section 1002.33(8)(c) states: "[a] charter may be terminated immediately if the sponsor sets forth in writing the particular facts and circumstances indicating that an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the charter school's students exists." § 1002.33(8)(c), Fla. Stat. The evidence also establishes that the School Board uniformly applies this interpretation of section 1002.33(8)(c) to all charter schools in the District. Therefore, the School Board's interpretation of section 1002.33(8)(c) to determine that a charter school's noncompliance with section 1006.12 per se constitutes an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the charter school's students is a rule. This interpretation has not been adopted as rule pursuant to section 120.54, and, thus, constitutes an unadopted rule, as defined in section 120.52(20). The School Board applied this unadopted rule to Championship to determine that an immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of Championship student's was in existence on August 20, 2019, such that its charter must be terminated. Unadopted Rule Interpreting Section 1006.12 The evidence also establishes that the School Board interprets section 1006.12 as requiring a charter school to have in place, at the time the school is in session, a fully-executed contract with an appropriate safe-school officer entity, guaranteeing that a safe-school officer will be present on the school's campus for the entire school day for the specified term of the contract.17 Nowhere in the plain language of section 1006.12 is there an express requirement for a charter school to have a fully-executed contract for safe- school officer services in order to be in compliance with the statute. Thus, the School Board's interpretation of section 1006.12 imposes a requirement that is not apparent from the literal reading of the statute. 17 Runcie, Katz, and Brown each testified that a fully-executed contract is necessary for a charter school to meet the statutory requirement that a safe-school officer be "established and assigned" to the school. This interpretation of section 1006.12 requires compliance and has the direct and consistent effect of law. Specifically, it requires a charter school to either have a fully-executed contract for safe-school officers in place by the time school is in session, or face having its charter immediately terminated on the basis of such alleged noncompliance. The evidence also shows that the School Board uniformly applies this interpretation of section 1006.12 to all charter schools in the District. Therefore, the School Board's interpretation of section 1006.12 as requiring a charter school to have in place, at the time the school is in session, a fully-executed contract with an appropriate entity that guarantees that a safe-school officer will be present on the school's campus for the entire school day for the specified term of the contract, is a rule. This interpretation has not been adopted as rule pursuant to section 120.54, and, thus, constitutes an unadopted rule, as defined in section 120.52(20). The School Board applied this unadopted rule to Championship to determine that Championship was not in compliance with section 1006.12 on August 20, 2019, such that an immediate and serious danger to its students was in existence on that date, warranting immediate termination of its charter. Alleged Unadopted Rules Challenged under Section 120.56(4) Championship alleges that in immediately terminating its charter, the School Board has formulated and applied two agency statements which constitute unadopted rules. As articulated in the Rule Challenge Petition, these statements are: "[T]he School Board's unadopted policy that it is not legally required to provide safe-school officers to charter public schools within its borders"; and "[T]he School Board's policy of failing to collaborate with charter schools to facilitate access to safe-school officers pursuant to section 1006.12. . . by directing charter schools to either comply with the statute or risk having their charters terminated." Each of these alleged unadopted rules is separately addressed. Alleged Unadopted Rule that School Board is not Legally Required to Provide Safe-School Officers to Charter Schools in the District The School Board takes the position that it is not required by section 1006.12 to establish or assign safe-school officers to charter schools in the District, and that the responsibility for securing a safe-school officer for a charter school rests solely with the charter school itself. To this point, the School Board contends that the only circumstance under which it ever would be required to assign a safe-school officer to a charter school is if it denied the charter school access to a safe-school officer—which the School Board claims means actively preventing a charter school from securing a safe-school officer, and then declares it has not done so.18 As more fully discussed below, the School Board's interpretation of section 1006.12 ascribes a meaning to the statute that is not readily apparent from a reading of the statute's plain language. Further, the School Board's interpretation requires compliance and has the force and effect of law because it directs charter schools to secure their own safe-school officers and imposes the penalty of charter termination for failure to do so. . The School Board's interpretation of section 1006.12 is applied to every charter school in the District, and, thus, is a statement of general applicability. Therefore, the School Board's statement that it is not required to establish and assign safe-school officers to charter schools except when it has affirmatively prevented a charter school from securing a safe-school officer, is an unadopted rule. 18 The July 9, 2019, memorandum from Brown and Katz to charter school principals states, in pertinent part: "The School Board of Broward County has taken no action to deny any charter school access to any of the safe-school officer options summarized above and more fully detailed in [s]ection 1006.12." The School Board applied this unadopted rule to Championship such that it did not assign a safe-school officer to its campus for the 2019-2020 school year. This led to the School Board determining Championship noncompliant with section 1006.12 and immediately terminating its charter on that basis. Alleged Unadopted Rule that School Board has a Policy of Failing to Collaborate to Facilitate Charter School Access to Safe-School Officers Championship also alleges that "the School Board has a policy of failing to collaborate with charter schools to facilitate access to safe-school officers pursuant to section 1006.12. . . by directing charter schools to either comply with the statute or risk having their charters terminated." By casting the alleged agency statement in these terms, Championship effectively asserts that by not establishing and assigning safe- school officers to charter schools, the School Board has a policy of "failing to collaborate" with charter schools in direct contravention of the second sentence in section 1006.12. The evidence does not show that the School Board has a policy of "failing to collaborate" with charter schools—which would be tantamount to the School Board having a policy of purposefully violating the statute. Rather, as more fully discussed below, the evidence shows that the School Board interprets the phrase "collaborate to facilitate" to mean that it is only required to communicate with charter schools and inform them regarding the safe-school officer requirements of section 1006.12, and to require them to provide documentation showing compliance.19 Championship disputes the correctness of this interpretation, and contends that instead, this phrase means that the School Board must 19 Championship has not challenged the School Board's interpretation of the phrase "collaborate to facilitate" as an unadopted rule in this proceeding. establish and assign a safe-school officer to each charter school if the charter school so chooses.20 Based on the evidence, and for the reasons more fully discussed below, it is determined that the School Board's alleged policy of "failing to collaborate" to facilitate charter school access to safe-school officers is not an unadopted rule. The School Board did not present evidence showing that to the extent the alleged agency statements constituted rules, rulemaking was not feasible or practicable, as provided in section 120.54(1)(a)1. and 2.

Florida Laws (20) 1001.411002.331006.121006.231011.621012.01112.0455119.07119.15120.52120.54120.56120.569120.57120.595120.6830.15493.6101790.115943.10 DOAH Case (5) 14-349619-415519-481819-5310RU2015-05032
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Aug. 22, 2018 Number: 18-004451TTS Latest Update: Dec. 18, 2019
Florida Laws (1) 120.68
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000129 Latest Update: Jul. 26, 1982

Findings Of Fact Respondent has for twelve years been an instructional employee of the School Board of Broward County, Florida. She currently holds a continuing contract as a classroom teacher, and is assigned to Perry Elementary School in Miramar, Florida. During the same time period, Harold McKahand, Respondent's husband, and Peggy Freeman were instructional employees of the Broward County School Board assigned to Perry Middle School, adjacent to Perry Elementary where Respondent taught. From as early as 1979, Respondent had suspected that her husband and Mrs. Freeman were having a love affair. These suspicions were a frequent topic of conversation between Respondent and her husband. In fact, Respondent had indicated to her husband her intention to seek a divorce. Notwithstanding Mr. McKahand's assurances that he did not want a divorce and would no longer see Mrs. Freeman, he continued to do so, and Mrs. Freeman on many occasions made telephone calls to the McKahand residence, which Respondent apparently considered harassing in nature. All of this culminated in a discussion between Respondent and Mrs. Freeman in August of 1981 in which Respondent requested that Mrs. Freeman cease making telephone calls to her home because they disturbed her and her two children. After this discussion between Respondent and Mrs. Freeman, there was little or no personal contact between them until the act which gave rise to this proceeding. On December 12, 1981, Respondent, her husband and two children attended a racquetball tournament. After the tournament, they returned to their home and Respondent busied herself with work around the home. Respondent's husband, unbeknownst to Respondent, took the family car and proceeded to Perry Middle School to obtain some work folders from his office. Upon arriving at Perry Middle School, Mr. McKahand discovered Mrs. Freeman conducting a Saturday afternoon basketball practice with the school's girls basketball team, which she served as coach. Mr. McKahand and Mrs. Freeman conversed briefly, and Mr. McKahand departed the school and returned home. Meanwhile, Respondent's oldest son had left the family home without performing certain chores which had been assigned to him by Respondent. Upon discovering her son's absence, Respondent took her bicycle and began to search the neighborhood for him. Her search carried her ultimately to the gymnasium at Perry Middle School. Respondent had no knowledge that her husband had gone to his office at Perry Middle School, nor did she know that Mrs. Freeman was conducting a basketball practice at the school. When Respondent arrived at the school, she walked into the gymnasium to see if her son was there. Upon entering the gym, she saw the basketball practice in session, and noticed Mrs. Freeman. When she did not see her son, Respondent started walking from the gym. A member of the girls basketball team advised Mrs. Freeman that Mrs. McKahand was at the door. Although there is some conflict in the testimony on this point, it appears that Mrs. McKahand did not beckon to Mrs. Freeman to follow her outside the gym, but that one of the team players told Mrs. Freeman of Respondent's presence, and indicated to Mrs. Freeman that Respondent wanted to talk to her. Upon being advised of this, Mrs. Freeman walked across the basketball court, picked up her purse from a table, and proceeded to the gym door through which Respondent had exited. By this time Respondent was outside the gym. Mrs. Freeman forcefully opened the gymnasium door behind which Respondent was standing, striking Respondent on the arm. As Mrs. Freeman exited the door, she and Respondent grabbed one another and a fight ensued. The girls basketball team members were at various positions inside the gymnasium at the time the scuffle between Respondent and Mrs. Freeman started. It is clear from the record, however, that each of the students were located behind Mrs. Freeman and, therefore, were not in the best of positions to observe the precise manner in which the conflict started. It is also equally clear that the physical confrontation between Respondent and Mrs. Freeman occurred quickly and spontaneously, and, as a result, the various eye-witness accounts contained in this record predictably contain varying and conflicting versions of the events leading up to and culminating in the scuffle between Respondent and Mrs. Freeman. During the course of their physical confrontation, Mrs. Freeman placed one of her hands on Respondent's throat and the other in Respondent's hair, and Respondent reciprocated, pushing Mrs. Freeman against the gymnasium wall. Several blows were exchanged between the two women. Although the gymnasium door had closed behind Mrs. Freeman, several of the basketball team members followed the two teachers out the door and attempted to separate them. After the fight began, there is no evidence that Respondent acted other than in defense of the actions of Mrs. Freeman. When the students were finally successful in separating the two combatants, Respondent began looking for her sunglasses, which had fallen off, and Mrs. Freeman retrieved her purse, which she had dropped during the altercation. Upon finding her purse, Mrs. Freeman called to several of the students to stand back, whereupon she removed a .22 calibre pistol from her purse, and fired at least two shots. Respondent, upon observing Mrs. Freeman to be armed, began to run from the school premises, retrieved her bicycle, and retreated to her home. Apparently unsatisfied with these results, Mrs. Freeman incredibly loaded several of the team members, including some of the students who testified in this proceeding, into her car, where she reloaded her weapon. Mrs. Freeman then proceeded to drive in a reckless manner, including running several stop signs, to Respondent's home. Upon arriving at Respondent's home, Mrs. Freeman pulled her car into the driveway, took her pistol, got out of her car, and again confronted the Respondent who was standing in her driveway with her two children. Respondent picked up a broom in her garage and got her two children to stand behind her in an attempt to shield them from Mrs. Freeman. Mr. McKahand, who was inside the home during this time, came outside, and ultimately was able to get Respondent inside their home. Mrs. Freeman then departed the McKahand residence, but shortly thereafter began making harassing telephone calls to the McKahand home. Later that afternoon, Mr. McKahand attempted to take Respondent to her part-time job in a local department store, but was prevented from doing so when Mrs. Freeman attempted to run the McKahand car off the street with her vehicle, and further fired upon the McKahands with her pistol. As previously indicated, Petitioner has charged Respondent with referring to Mrs. Freeman as a "bitch" during the course of their fight. Respondent denies making such a statement, and the only testimony in the record which would establish a finding that such a statement was made is contained in the conflicting testimony of Mrs. Freeman and Rachel Geathers, one of the student basketball players. Mrs. Freeman's testimony in this regard, which the Hearing Officer hereby finds unworthy of belief, was that Respondent referred to her as a "filthy bitch" as Mrs. Freeman exited the gymnasium door. Ms. Geathers' testimony was that Respondent referred to Mrs. Freeman as a "bitch" after the two combatants had exited the gym and enough time had passed to allow all of the basketball players to run through the door and outside the gym. Ms. Geathers' testimony in this regard is also rejected, in that several of the other students who were in a better position to observe and hear Respondent and Mrs. Freeman testified that they heard no such statement made. Accordingly, it is specifically concluded that the evidence in this case fails to establish Respondent's use of profanity in the presence of students as alleged in the Petition. There is no evidence in the record of this proceeding to indicate the Respondent's effectiveness as an employee of the Broward County School System has in any way been adversely affected by the above-described events. In fact, Respondent's principal and grade chairman both testified that Respondent is a good teacher, and they would welcome her back on the faculty of Perry Elementary School should she be absolved of the allegations involved in this proceeding. Even a cursory review of the record in this case will reveal sharp divergencies and conflicts in the testimony of several witnesses. In attempting to resolve these conflicts, the Hearing officer has observed the demeanor of the witnesses while testifying, their interest, if any, in the outcome of this proceeding, together with any motive, bias or prejudice which might affect their credibility. Further, the Hearing Officer has also taken into account the conditions existing at the time of the incident observed by the witnesses in weighing the credibility to be attached to the various accounts contained in this record. In so doing, the Hearing Officer has concluded that Respondent did not go to the Perry Middle School gymnasium seeking a confrontation with Mrs. Freeman. Indeed, the record clearly establishes that Respondent did not know Mrs. Freeman was even at the gymnasium on the date in question. Further, it is concluded, despite some evidence to the contrary, that Respondent did not summon Mrs. Freeman to follow her outside the gymnasium, but that Mrs. Freeman was induced to do so as a result of a student telling her that someone was outside the gym to see her. Finally, the quality as opposed to the quantity of the evidence in this case does not support a factual conclusion that Respondent, in fact, initiated the physical confrontation with Mrs. Freeman. Because of her conduct at the time of the incident, and further because of the inaccuracies and inconsistencies in Mrs. Freeman's testimony at the final hearing in this cause, her testimony, in its entirety, is worthy of little credibility. Because of this, her testimony that Respondent initiated the fight has been found unworthy of belief. The testimony of Mrs. Freeman's students, several of whom testified that the first aggressive gesture they saw was made by Respondent, is tainted both by their admitted allegiance to their teacher, Mrs. Freeman, and by their physical positioning which would not admit a particularly clear view of the incident. Conversely, the factual version of this incident given by Respondent in her testimony was, in every particular, more plausible than that contained in the testimony of either the students or Mrs. Freeman. At the time of the above- described incident, almost three and one-half months had passed since Respondent had last spoken in person with Mrs. Freeman. The Respondent did not know that Mrs. Freeman was at the gymnasium when she arrived there looking for her son. As a result, there could not have been any premeditated design on the part of Respondent to assault Mrs. Freeman and, due to the passage of time since her last contact with Mrs. Freeman, there is no apparent motive of record to explain a spontaneous assault. As a result, the only way to resolve the conflict in the testimony concerning how this altercation originated is to weigh the credibility of the various participants. Making such a choice is perhaps the most difficult task a finder of fact must face in a proceeding such as this, but by applying the aforementioned factors, the Hearing Officer has determined that in the areas of conflict, the testimony of the Respondent is more credible than that of either Mrs. Freeman or her students.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004561 Latest Update: Mar. 13, 1987

Findings Of Fact At all times material, Respondent Raimundo Manuel Dante was enrolled as a student at W. R. Thomas Junior High School in Dade County, Florida. During the course of two periods of enrollment at W. R. Thomas Junior High School, Respondent has had numerous disciplinary referrals. On one occasion, Respondent was recommended for assignment to the Dade County opportunity school program, but his mother withdrew him before the formal proceedings could be resolved. He was transferred back to W. R. Thomas Junior High primarily due to failing grades at a private school. During summer school for 1984, Respondent was tardy on six occasions. He earned three "D" grades and one "C" grade out of four academic subjects. He was absent three days in the "C" course, mathematics, and four days in each of the other courses, including homeroom. Because of the short timeframe for summer school (July 9, 1984 through August 17, 1984), the Respondent's absences and tardies are excessive. During the regular 1984-1985 school year, Respondent was assigned to the eighth grade. His absences span a minimum of eleven to a maximum of thirty- nine in various classes during the final grading period alone. This is clearly excessive and not conducive to any learning activity. His final grades were failing in all classes except "vocational basic," in which he obtained a "D." On December 12, 1984, Mrs. Gomez referred Respondent to Mr. Helip, who as assistant principal has primary responsibility for discipline at W. R. Thomas Junior High School. The referral was not only for disruptive behavior on that date, but was a culmination of a number of occasions when Respondent had behaved similarly. The nature of Respondent's disruptive behavior on December 12, 1984, involved coming to the front of the room without permission and "answering back" disrespectfully to Mrs. Gomez when she did not grant him permission to leave the room to conduct business he should have handled prior to the beginning of class. This was repetitive of similar behavior which had gone on the previous day and which had not resulted in a student management referral at that time. On December 12, Mrs. Gomez also gave Respondent a detention assignment for social talking which was disrupting the class and he uttered a disruptive and insulting retort in Spanish to the effect that nothing would happen to him if he did not comply with the detention assignment. Mrs. Gomez, who speaks and understands Spanish, then considered all Respondent's past misbehavior in the referral of December 12, including his consistent failure to come to her class equipped with appropriate books, paper and writing implements. On April 26, 1985, Mrs. Gomez referred Respondent to Mr. Helip due to his ten tardies in the last two-week period, for kissing girls while sitting atop his desk, and for wandering about the room, talking, and being off task on April 26 and on several prior occasions. Respondent's remarks, when reprimanded orally by Mrs. Gomez, were interpreted by her as disrespectful and threatening. All counseling with the parents in the 1984-1985 school year appear to have dead-ended. During the regular 1985-1986 school year, Respondent was assigned to the ninth grade. His absence record was less than the previous school year but still varied from four to eight days' absence during the final grading period, depending upon which class was involved. This is also excessive and not conducive to any formal learning experience. His final grades were four failures and one "C" out of the courses attempted. During the 1986 summer session, Respondent was absent five days, which was again excessive in view of the summer session's abbreviated timeframe (July 7 through August 15, 1986). Out of two ninth grade subjects attempted, Respondent failed one and got a "D" in the other. On September 16, 1986, in the course of the regular 1986-1987 school year, Mrs. Robbie referred Respondent for discipline due to his yawning, talking, and back talk to her which disrupted her class. Mrs. Robbie had referred Respondent a number of times in the previous year. He failed her class in that school year, and, therefore, on September 16, 1986, Mr. Helip reassigned him to another English teacher without taking any punitive action against him. During the first grading period of the regular 1986-1987 school year, Respondent had been absent eleven days before the occurrence of the incident which precipitated his administrative assignment to the Dade County opportunity school system. At that time, he had failing grades in every one of the six subjects attempted. At the end of the first grading period, Respondent's conduct grades were all failing. The incident which precipitated administrative assignment of Respondent to the opportunity program involved Ernie Ortiz, a 17-year old ninth grader. Upon leaving the school grounds at the close of a school day in October 1986, Ortiz was "tailed" by a slow-cruising brown Camaro automobile with at least four young men in it. Ortiz saw Respondent in the car. A B-B gun was fired from the car at Ortiz who was on the sidewalk. Ortiz was hit by the B-B shot fired from the car and was subsequently treated at a hospital. The next day, Ortiz saw the same car at school and reported the incident to Mr. Helip. Although Ortiz was never able to say whether Respondent was driving or who shot him, the school resource officer found a pellet gun and pellets, a knife, and a roach clip in the car identified by Ortiz, and Respondent admitted to Mr. Helip that the gun was his. Mr. Helip recommended expulsion of Respondent because he believed a weapons charge had been made against Respondent. Instead, based upon all the circumstances, the school board made an opportunity school placement. There is no competent substantial evidence to show that any criminal charge was made against Respondent. In the past, counseling, corporal punishment, and outdoor suspensions have been tried with regard to Respondent but to no avail. The regular Dade County school program resources have been exhausted as regards Respondent.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is, RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Dade County enter its Final Order affirming the assignment of Respondent to the school system's opportunity school program at Douglas MacArthur Senior High School-South. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 13th day of March, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of March, 1987. COPIES FURNISHED: Leonard Britton, Superintendent School Board of Dade County 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Phyllis O. Douglas Assistant Board Attorney Dade County Public Schools 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Frank R. Harder, Esquire Twin Oaks Building, Suite 100 2780 Galloway Road Miami, Florida 33165 Mr. and Mrs. Raimundo Dante 1095 S.W. 134th Court Miami, Florida 33184

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Jun. 08, 2020 Number: 20-002607TTS Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miramar, Florida Aug. 12, 2019 Number: 19-004249TTS Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-002601 Latest Update: Mar. 13, 1987

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Stanley McIntyre, was employed by the Petitioner as a custodian at Apalachicola High School in July 1984. Mr. Philip Michael Fox was the principal at Apalachicola High School at that time. Petitioner is a governmental agency charged with providing public educational instruction to students in the school district of Franklin County, and enforcing State laws embodied in Chapters 230 and 231, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 6B-4, Florida Administrative Code, which pertain as pertinent hereto, to the hiring, termination or suspension of non-instructional employees such as Mr. McIntyre. Mr. McIntyre's duties as custodian included opening the front office of the school every morning, cleaning that front office daily, as well as cutting the grass on the school lawn. Mr. McIntyre was to work on a regular schedule for grass cutting such that the grass was supposed to be cut each Monday. On the morning of July 3, 1984, Mr. Fox approached Mr. McIntyre on his way into the school building in the morning and mentioned to him that the grass in front of the school needed to be cut. Mr. Fox stated that the grass was approaching knee length. Mr. McIntyre explained to him that he was letting the grass grow higher because of the summer heat and that it was harmful to the grass and its roots if the grass was cut too short during hot, dry weather. Mr. Fox indicated to Mr. McIntyre that he understood that reason, but still required the grass to be cut lower. In fact, the Superintendent and School Board members had complained to Mr. Fox about the unkempt appearance of the lawn. Shortly before July 3, 1984, an incident had occurred at the high school office involving the safe being left open and some money being stolen. The Respondent and two other custodians had evidently been questioned about the incident, taken to the local police station and finger printed. Mr. McIntyre was sensitive and upset about the incident, evidently believing that others working at the school believed him to be one of the culprits in the incident, especially the secretaries in the front office. Shortly before noon on July 3, 1984, Mr. Fox was departing the school to attend a Rotary Club meeting. The Respondent approached him to discuss this incident concerning which he believed he was under suspicion. Mr. McIntyre related to Mr. Fox that he was tired of being accused of things that went wrong in the front office and did not desire to work there any more. Mr. Fox assured Mr. McIntyre that he was not accused of any wrong-doing and that Mr. Fox had been assured by the school Superintendent that the matter had already been resolved. Mr. Fox assured Mr. McIntyre of this and told him that he was not accused of anything and not to worry about it, but that they would discuss it when he returned from lunch. After Mr. Fox returned to the school that day, Mrs. Martina, an employee in the office, informed him that Mr. McIntyre had put his keys on the front desk and informed her that he was leaving for the rest of the week. The keys Mr. McIntyre left with Mrs. Martina included those: to the front office door. In any event, Mr. McIntyre remained away from work for the remainder of that week, which included the fourth of July holiday. No arrangements had been made with Mr. Fox for Mr. McIntyre to be away from work and Franklin County School Board policies require that non-instructional employees have approval of their immediate supervisor before taking annual leave. There is no question that Mr. McIntyre had sufficient annual leave accrued so that he was not absent without leave for the remainder of that week. Although Mr. McIntyre obtained no approval from Mr. Fox, his immediate supervisor, he did inform Mrs. Martina that he would be on annual leave and such a practice had become customary at the school. In any event, the question of unauthorized absences is not properly at issue in this case since no such charge was made against the Respondent prior to hearing so that he could prepare to defend against it. On the Monday following the above incident, that is Monday, July 9, 1984, Mr. Fox instructed Mrs. Martina to inform McIntyre to come to his office to see him when he returned to work. Upon Mr. McIntyre's arrival, Mr. Fox questioned him concerning why he left his keys in the office the previous week. Mr. McIntyre again told Mr. Fox that he was tired of being accused of stealing from the front office and did not intend to work there any more. Mr. Fox informed him that it was not his proper place to tell the principal what he would and would not do, (meaning that he was subject to the principal's supervision and not independent of him), and reminded Mr. McIntyre that he had previously changed Mr. McIntyre's work schedule at his own request so that he would be able to work in the front office because of friction he was having with another custodial employee who had been associated with McIntyre because of their identical work schedules. After reminding Mr. McIntyre of this, Mr. Fox requested that he take back the keys to the front office and proceed to perform his job as previously instructed, including opening up the front office and cleaning it. Mr. McIntyre, however, stated several times that he was not going to work in the front office any more. Mr. Fox told him that he needed to simply do his job, whereupon Mr. McIntyre replied that Mr. Fox needed to make the secretaries do their jobs (in other words, to refrain from accusing McIntyre of any wrong-doing). Mr. Fox assured Mr. McIntyre that he would take care of any problem he was having with the secretaries and not to worry about it, but in the meantime to be sure to perform his own job properly. Fox told Mr. McIntyre more than once that his only concern should be proper performance of his own job. Mr. McIntyre responded that he was doing his job and so Mr. Fox responded that he needed to do it correctly because the grass in the front of the school needed to be cut. Mr. McIntyre, at this juncture, reiterated his reason for allowing the grass to grow long and Mr. Fox remonstrated that it was not short enough and he wanted it cut shorter. The grass was quite long, approaching knee length at that time. Mr. McIntyre then became excited and raised his voice at Mr. Fox, stating in effect that he was doing the best he could and that if Mr. Fox did not like the way he was doing his job, then Mr. Fox could fire him. Mr. Fox then asked him to simply go cut the grass and perform his other duties as instructed and that that was all he needed to worry about. Mr. Fox and Mr. McIntyre repeated themselves several times with Fox directing McIntyre to cut the grass and perform his job in the front office as instructed and McIntyre stating that he was doing his job and that if Fox did not like it he could fire him if he wished. Finally Mr. McIntyre stated his belief that Mr. Fox was "picking on him" because of an incident in which several black players boycotted the football team and intimating that Mr. Fox had blamed the Respondent for this dissension on the team. At this point Mr. Fox told Mr. McIntyre that the conversation was ended and that he should go to work. Mr. McIntyre persisted in responding to Mr. Fox in the above fashion and in effect challenging Fox to fire him if he was dissatisfied with his performance. After several such repetitions, Mr. Fox obliged him, requested his keys and told him he was fired. The doors to the office were closed during this conversation but Mrs. Martina overheard Mr. McIntyre shouting at Mr. Fox concerning his belief that he was performing his job adequately and challenging Mr. Fox to fire him. Mrs. Martina was not able to overhear everything stated by Mr. Fox, however. In any event, it has been established that on both July 3 and July 9, 1984, Mr. McIntyre informed Mr. Fox that he would not work any more in the front office. Mr. McIntyre, in his testimony, attributed his firing to an incident in which the black players quit the football team. Mr. McIntyre had worked as an assistant football coach at the high school at that time, some eight months before his firing. According to Mr. McIntyre, the incidents occurred in September and November 1983. Mr. Fox indicated that the incidents stemmed from a conflict between McIntyre and the head football coach, who were blaming each other for the problems with the recalcitrant black players. Mr. Fox indicated that he received the information from third parties, did not truly know who was responsible and had never blamed anyone for the dissension on the team. Mr. Fox felt that he had always had a good relationship with Mr. McIntyre and after the incident had spoken with him about it. Mr. Fox related that it was in the best interest of the players that they continue to play football, and Mr. McIntyre apparently agreed. The situation apparently resolved itself with the departure of the head football coach from the Franklin County School System. In any event, both McIntyre and Fox apparently discussed the matter at the time with no apparent conflict or animosity. These incidents occurred in September and November 1983, approximately eight months before McIntyre was terminated and thus Mr. McIntyre's contention that Mr. Fox recommended his firing because of the "football incidents" is not convincing. The Respondent's three witnesses, including Respondent, testified that on July 3, he mowed the grass as requested by Mr. Fox. The Petitioner's witnesses, including Mr. Fox, Mrs. Martina, and Ms. Diane Abel, testified that the grass was not mowed when they observed it on July 3. Mrs. Martina left the building at about 4:30 and Ms. Abel left about 4:00 in the afternoon, after the Respondent had given his keys to Mrs. Martina and taken annual leave. They testified that the grass was not mowed at that time and was quite long. Mrs. Martina testified that the grass at the front of the school had not been mowed at that time. It is possible that some of the school grounds were mowed that day. Be that as it may, whether the grass was mowed or not on July 3 is not material to resolution of the material issues in this case. The fact remains that on both July 3 and July 9, Mr. Fox told the Respondent that he simply needed to do his job and not worry about the alleged accusations, after explaining to Mr. McIntyre that he had not been accused of anything and that the matter had already been resolved. Mr. McIntyre, on both occasions, expressed his refusal to work in the front office, including unlocking the door of the office in the mornings, after Mr. Fox instructed him to continue performing those and his other duties, including cutting the grass.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED that the Respondent, Stanley McIntyre, be suspended without pay from his employment with the School Board of Franklin County, with such suspension without pay to terminate upon the Petitioner's entry of a Final Order herein, if on the date of that Final Order a similar and suitable position is available to which he may be reinstated. DONE and ENTERED this 13th day of March 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of March, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-2601 Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact: Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted, but not dispositive of material issues. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact: a) Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. a) Rejected inasmuch as the various charging documents also notified Respondent that his prosecution involved neglect of his duties. Rejected inasmuch as the various charging documents also notified Respondent that his prosecution involved neglect of his duties. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted as to the issue of unauthorized absence only. Accepted as to the issue of unauthorized absence only. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected as subordinate to the findings made by the Hearing Officer on this subject matter. Rejected as subordinate to the findings made by the Hearing Officer on this subject matter. Rejected as subordinate to the findings made by the Hearing Officer on this subject matter. Rejected as a recitation of testimony and not Findings of Fact. Rejected as a recitation of testimony and not Findings of Fact. Accepted, but not dispositive. Rejected as not comporting with the weight of evidence adduced or the lack thereof. Rejected as a discussion of the evidence rather than a Finding of Fact. Rejected as a discussion of the evidence rather than a Finding of Fact. Accepted, but not dispositive of the material issues presented. Accepted, but not dispositive of the material issues presented. Rejected as not being established by the greater weight of the evidence. Rejected as immaterial and subordinate to the Hearing Officer's Findings of Fact on this subject matter. Rejected as immaterial and subordinate to the Hearing Officer's Findings of Fact on this subject matter. Rejected as discussion of testimony and not a Finding of Fact. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. Accepted. Accepted, but not dispositive of the material issues presented. Rejected as not in accordance with the clear and convincing evidence adduced. Rejected. Accepted. Rejected as not in accordance with the clear and convincing evidence adduced. Accepted. Accepted, but not in itself dispositive of the material issues presented. Rejected. Accepted, but not in itself dispositive of the material issues presented. Rejected as not consonant with the clear and convincing evidence adduced. Rejected as to its overall import. Rejected as not constituting a Finding of Fact. Rejected as not constituting a Finding of Fact. Rejected as not constituting a Finding of Fact. Rejected as not consonant with the clear and convincing evidence adduced. COPIES FURNISHED: Van Russell, Esquire WATKINS RUSSELL 41 Commerce Street Apalachicola, Florida 32320 Paolo G. Annino, Esquire Legal Services of North Florida, Inc. 822 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Sydney McKenzie Department of Education Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Gloria Tucker Superintendent Franklin County School Board 155 Avenue E Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Walton Beach, Florida Feb. 23, 2018 Number: 18-001005 Latest Update: Dec. 07, 2018

The Issue Whether just cause exists to impose discipline on Respondent’s employment; and, if so, what is the appropriate discipline.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this case, Respondent was a School Board employee. Respondent was employed as a custodian at Choctawhatchee High School (“Choctaw”) when he was terminated in 2017. As a custodial employee, Respondent was subject to the Collective Bargaining Agreement entered into between the School Board and the Okaloosa County Education Association. When he was terminated, Respondent had been employed by the School Board for approximately 24 to 26 years. Respondent was employed as a custodian at Choctaw beginning in 2015. Prior to that, Respondent was employed by the School Board as lead custodian at Choice School (“Choice”). Before that, at least five years before his employment at Choctaw, Respondent was employed by the School Board as a pre-K liaison at Edwins Elementary (“Edwins”). In addition, Respondent had been employed by the School Board over the years as a bus driver and in other custodial positions. The School Board's termination of Respondent's employment was based largely upon a formal equity complaint1/ (“Formal Complaint”) submitted on October 5, 2017, by Mrs. Williams, a volunteer at Choctaw, alleging harassment by Respondent with an attached email addressing her concerns regarding contacts by Respondent and a history of alleged harassment by Respondent. The email attached to Mrs. Williams' Formal Complaint is dated October 3, 2017, and states: Harassment has gone back to Edwins Elementary nearly 8 years ago. I was a parent as well as a PTO [parent teacher organization] Member/President for a few years at Edwins Elementary. There were constant unprofessional/vulgar comments made by Steve Hall in reference to my body and parts of my body, the way my clothing may fit certain areas of my body or his requesting to take photos of me. I think on occasion he may have taken some photos because as I would turn around and his phone was lifted in my direction to do so. On countless occasions employees would stand with me to hinder him hanging around and commenting. This frequently occurred during his employment at Edwins Elementary School. On one occasion my young high school age daughter, at the time, was at Edwins Elementary School with me during school hours. I was introducing my daughter to some people and Steve walked up so not to be rude I introduced her to him as well. Steve Hall's comment was not "hi" or "how are you?" it was "move over mom . . .!" As her mother I was disgusted! I told Mr. Farley but my daughter did not want to get into it or write a statement. I respected her wishes and just limited her presence on that campus. This entire time I have also been volunteering at Choctawhatchee High School. I found out that he was moved from Edwins to another school. I am still a full-time volunteer at CHS [Choctaw] and one day Steve Hall showed up at Choctaw's front desk. Knowing what actions I have seen from him I was extremely concerned finding out Steve is now an employee at Choctawhatchee High School. Approaching me at the front desk at Choctaw began to be a habit for Steve Hall. I called and met with Mr. Farley to work out a solution hoping this could be resolved professionally. The rule was Steve was not to be anywhere within the front office area to include the mail room. I have had to call Mr. Farley on multiple occasions because he continued to approach me in the front office. Currently he continues to try to communicate inappropriately with me at the football games or on campus, school events. Steve sits in the stands eating concession food and watching the football games for the most of the game. Steve tries to initiate conversation through my son who is special needs and only understands he is suppose to be nice to everyone. Not wanting/needing to explain this situation to my son. [sic] My son responds when spoken to by Steve because Steve is an adult and my son knows I require respect from him no matter who speaks to him. This makes football games and school events difficult every season with this year being no different! At the CHS vs. Tate game I was thankful there was a fence between the sections we were sitting in, so that he could not get closer without going all the way down and back up. I just turned away with no response. It is frustrating feeling like I have to hide to avoid Steve! This school year Steve has come to the front office area 3 times within the first month and a half of school. Each time I reported it and Steve was told to stay away from the front office. On one of the occasions I was in the back, in the mail room. Someone came to let me know Steve was up front looking for me. I tried to go out the back of the mailroom door to Mr. Snaith's office to get assistance and Steve walked in to confront me. The confrontation was extremely uncomfortable to say the least. About that time Mr. Snaith walked in and witnessed most of the confrontation escorting me away from Steve and we called Mr. Farley. Again! Steve was talked to about not coming to the front office for any reason. He has Ms. Liz's phone number (his supervisor) if he needs her. He has since come back to the front office again! He was told again not to come to the front office at all for any reason and it was discussed by Mr. Farley he needed to be more aware of his actions and the way they may be perceived. I am also the parent in charge of "Parents for Prior." After this years current situations, Steve was spoken to by Mr. Bill Smith. Steve Hall approached me at the Pryor Middle School football game held at Choctaw stadium. I was trying to work a table at the game, soon after the most recent issue. Steve approached my son first then walked closer to me requesting to speak to me for a "hot minute" in the alley between the touchdown shack and stadium. I'm sure it would be on the stadium cameras as stated in my statement to Bill Smith. I was unable to leave due to my possession of money and tickets. I glared at Steve and he stated I guess I should just keep walking. I nodded "yes"! This is only the most prominent on campus situations. I called Bill Smith and explained I should tell Steve to stay away. I feel we are past this due to this being years in the making. This has already been addressed and discussed with Steve on multiple occasions. Bill Smith stated I needed to send him an email statement and apologized he had not yet gotten with Mr. Chapman, from a week before, because of the hurricane. This was my second statement to Bill Smith this school year as well as one meeting with him. I enjoy volunteering my time at Choctawhatchee High School. Within a few years I'll be a Choctaw parent, unless I am required to move my son to another high school because of this. This is not what I want to do as a parent or volunteer. I do not feel it is fair I may need to remove myself and choose another high school for my son to attend because of an employee's unprofessional/vulgar behavior. Steve Hall repeatedly drives by my home. The latest time that I know of was within a week or so before school started this year 2017-2018. I was on the phone walking out of my home, I looked up and saw Steve sitting out in front of my home rolling down his window motioning me to come talk to him. I turned to return inside to get my husband, who is law enforcement, but Steve drove off in his green avalanche. I do not live on a main road nor have I given him my address. My street is not a road someone would just drive by on. If this continues I will file a restraining order. If there are any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. Mrs. Williams’ Formal Complaint was assigned to Gary M. Marsh, investigator, Escambia County School District, on October 11, 2017, for investigation. Mr. Marsh conducted his investigation and submitted his investigative report dated October 31, 2017, to the School Board's superintendent. The investigative report was hand-delivered by Mr. Marsh and received by the superintendent on November 3, 2017. In a letter dated November 14, 2017, the School Board's assistant superintendent of human and resources advised Respondent that she was recommending to the superintendent that Respondent be suspended with pay, effective immediately, and further that his employment with Petitioner be terminated at the December 11, 2017, School Board meeting. The letter states: Mr. Hall, An investigation has now been completed regarding the Formal Equity Complaint made against you on/or about October 5, 2017. A copy of the investigative report is attached for your information and review. This is the second formal investigation of an equity complaint against you since 2014. Based upon a culmination or multiple instances of harassment, misconduct in the workplace or gross insubordination, over the course of the last three years, I am recommending that the Superintendent suspend you with pay effective immediately and further that your employment with the School District be terminated at the December 11, 2017, School Board meeting. The charges against you are based upon the finding of illicit material in your desk at Edwins Elementary School and repeated inappropriate comments leading to coworkers feeling harassed which led to your transfer in 2014 from Edwins Elementary School to Okaloosa Technical College (OTC); in late 2014, during your time at OTC, allegations of unwanted sexual behavior constituting sexual harassment on your part as confirmed in a formal investigation which led to your demotion and transfer from a lead custodian to a custodian at Choctaw High School (CHS). Additionally, while at CHS, new allegations of harassment have been made against you. Due to these allegations you were directed on multiple occasions by both your supervisor and a district administrator not to enter the CHS front office or mail room. As a result of a recent investigation it has been determined that you have continued to enter the school front office area in direct insubordination of your supervisor and a district administrator. Further, after review of the investigative report there is sufficient evidence to believe that harassment of a school volunteer did occur. Your conduct is considered to be gross insubordination, misconduct in office and harassment in direct violation of the following School Board policies: School Board Policy 07-03 Employment Conditions for Education Support Personnel School Board Policy 06-27 Equity Policy: Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, National or Ethnic Origin, Sex, Age, Religious Beliefs, Marital Status, Pregnancy or Disabilty In accordance with both School Board policy 06-28 E(2) and Section K(a) of the OCESPA Master Contract you may file a written appeal to the Superintendent within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the enclosed investigative report and this recommendation. In a letter dated November 29, 2017, the assistant superintendent of human resources requested that the superintendent recommend to the School Board that Respondent be terminated for gross insubordination, misconduct, and harassment. The Superintendent notified Respondent in a letter dated November 29, 2017, that she would recommend his termination from employment at the December 11, 2017, School Board meeting for gross insubordination, misconduct, and harassment. At its December 11, 2017, meeting, the School Board approved the superintendent’s recommendation, and Respondent was terminated from his custodian position. Neither Superintendent Mary Beth Jackson nor Assistant Superintendent Stacie Smith testified at the hearing. According to the November 14, 2017, letter from the assistant superintendent, quoted above, the recommendation for Respondent's termination is "[b]ased upon a culmination of multiple instances of harassment, misconduct in the workplace or gross insubordination, over the course of the last three years." [emphasis added]. The three allegations that form the basis of the recommended discipline against Respondent are analyzed below under headings derived from the November 14, 2017, letter as follows: 1) "finding of illicit material in your desk at Edwins Elementary School and repeated inappropriate comments leading to coworkers feeling harassed which led to your transfer in 2014 from Edwins Elementary School to Okaloosa Technical College (OTC)"; 2) "in late 2014, during your time at OTC, allegations of unwanted sexual behavior constituting sexual harassment on your part as confirmed in a formal investigation which led to your demotion and transfer from a lead custodian to a custodian at Choctaw High School"; and 3) "it has been determined that you have continued to enter the school front office area in direct insubordination of your supervisor and a district administrator. Further, after review of the investigative report there is sufficient evidence to believe that harassment of a school volunteer did occur." ILLICIT MATERIAL IN RESPONDENT'S DESK AT EDWINS AND REPEATED INAPPROPRIATE COMMENTS TO COWORKERS LEADING TO A TRANSFER At the hearing, it was revealed that Respondent's employment at Edwins predated his employment at Choice. Respondent was employed at Choice during the 2013-2014 school year.2/ Therefore, the alleged illicit material and inappropriate comments that allegedly occurred at Edwins could not have taken place "over the course of the last three years," as alleged in the November 14, 2017, letter. Notwithstanding the fact that none of the alleged “Edwins events” could have taken place over the past three years as alleged, the School Board presented no testimony or documentary evidence to prove the underlying fact that Respondent had “illicit material” in his desk while employed at Edwins. In fact, there was no testimony at all concerning this alleged prior discipline. Mrs. Williams’ email attached to her Formal Complaint states that the alleged harassment "has gone back to Edwins Elementary nearly 8 years ago." In fact, Mrs. Williams first met Respondent at least seven years before she filed her Formal Complaint against Respondent referenced in this case. When they first met, Respondent worked with the in-school suspension and student training programs at Edwins and her son attended Edwins. Mrs. Williams was a volunteer with the parent-teacher organization. Her duties as a volunteer included fundraising. Mrs. Williams described her initial relationship with Respondent as a casual friendship. Mrs. Williams kept her parent-teacher organization materials in his office and would often call him to gain access to those materials. A self- described “hugger,” while at Edwins, Mrs. Williams used to initiate hugs with Respondent and others. Although not a part of the allegations against Respondent, the evidence shows that, on one occasion, while at Edwins, Respondent asked Ms. Williams “was [she] ever into blacks." Mrs. Williams responded, “No” and that she was married. Respondent asked if she knew anybody who was into blacks because he had a friend who was into “white chicks.” Mrs. Williams told him that she knew a secretary at Choctaw who dated “black guys.” There is no indication that Mrs. Williams considered this conversation with Respondent as offensive or harassment. Mrs. Williams’ email attached to her Formal Complaint alleges that, while at Edwins, Respondent made inappropriate comments to her about her body, parts of her body, the way her clothes fit and asked to photograph parts of her body. Mrs. Williams testified that she was dismayed by his comments but never told Respondent to stop or leave her alone. Regarding Respondent’s alleged request to photograph her, Mrs. Williams testified that he made the request only once; she shook her head "No," but did not verbalize any protests and walked away. Mrs. Williams also alleges that while working at Edwins, Respondent made her aware that he was interested in her by his eye gestures and other nonverbal cues, as well as sometimes saying “whoa” when he walked by her. Respondent denies making gestures or statements indicating that he was sexually interested in Mrs. Williams. There is no indication that Mrs. Williams ever told Respondent to stop his alleged behavior or that she reported the incidents at the time. Mrs. Williams does not recall whether she reported Respondent’s alleged comments or request to photograph her to anyone at the time. Respondent denies the allegations. No witnesses were called to corroborate Mrs. Williams' allegations, and Mrs. Williams testified that she could not “attest” to anyone who could corroborate her allegations. In her testimony, Mrs. Williams explained the reference in her email attached to her Formal Complaint about the occasion at Edwins when Respondent allegedly told her to “move over mom” after she had introduced her daughter. She testified that Respondent’s statement was very offensive and sexual in nature because she believed that Respondent was saying that he liked her but now that he saw her daughter “[he was] going to go after [her] daughter.” Mrs. Williams further testified that she believed that the incident was a reportable offense because her daughter was a minor at the time, but that her daughter did not want to report and she did not file a formal complaint. Mrs. Williams testified that that Respondent had referred to her by nicknames such as “baby,” “baby girl” and “sweetie,” which she found unprofessional and made her feel uncomfortable. While there is evidence that Respondent has used the term “baby girl” in his vernacular, he explained that he used the term as just another way for saying “how you doing.” Respondent explained in his testimony that it was just “[a]nother saying for saying hey, shortie, like they say. So you say, hey, baby girl, how are you doing today?” The context of Mrs. Williams' testimony on this point suggests that Respondent used the nicknames for Mrs. Williams while they were both at Edwins. There is no evidence, however, that Mrs. Williams reported these instances at the time. There is also no evidence that Mrs. Williams ever told Respondent not to call her nicknames, or that she reported Respondent’s use of nicknames. Remarkably, Mrs. Williams’ Formal Complaint does not even mention that Respondent called her by nicknames. Despite the allegations against him, there is no evidence that while at Edwins, or at any other time, Respondent asked Mrs. Williams for a date, out for drinks, suggested that they have sex, touched her inappropriately, talked to her on the phone outside of school, or interfered with Mrs. Williams’ ability to perform her volunteer duties or responsibilities. The allegations against Respondent, while he was at Edwins, do not fall within the “course of the last three years” as alleged in the charging document (the November 14, 2017, letter) and are, therefore, inconsistent with the reasons espoused by the School Board for the discipline sought in this case. Moreover, considering the fact that Mrs. Williams’ allegations against Respondent while he was at Edwins were not timely reported, that her allegations were uncorroborated, drew no protest from Mrs. Williams at the time, and were denied by Respondent, it is found that the evidence is insufficient to show that Respondent harassed Mrs. Williams, sexually or otherwise, while at Edwins. In sum, the evidence presented at the final hearing was insufficient to prove that Respondent made “repeated inappropriate comments,” which led to “coworkers feeling harassed” while he was at Edwins. The evidence also failed to show that Respondent was transferred because of those comments or because illicit material was found in his desk. LATE 2014 ALLEGATIONS OF UNWANTED SEXUAL BEHAVIOR CONSTITUTING SEXUAL HARASSMENT LEADING TO RESPONDENT’S DEMOTION AND TRANSFER FROM LEAD CUSTODIAN TO A CUSTODIAN AT CHOCTAW This allegation, as set forth in the November 1, 2017, letter from the assistant superintendent, refers to allegations of sexual harassment that occurred in 2014 when Respondent was a lead custodian at OTC, which is in the same facility as Choice. In 2014, Respondent began working at Choice as a lead custodian. The allegations arising from Respondent’s time at Choice are not included within Mrs. Williams’ Formal Complaint. The School Board presented no testimony or competent substantial evidence to prove the underlying facts that Respondent committed “unwanted sexual behavior constituting sexual harassment” while at Choice. Respondent testified concerning this alleged prior discipline, acknowledging that he allowed a teacher at Choice to listen to some rap music, that he used the term “baby girl,” and that the School Board considered the use of the term “baby girl” a form of sexual harassment. Respondent denied, however, that he engaged in inappropriate conduct or sexual harassment. Respondent testified that he accepted a transfer as a lead custodian at Choice to a Custodian II position at Choctaw. He further testified that he was advised by the School Board that he would be transferred back to a lead custodian when a position became available. The School Board presented its Exhibit P-8a as evidence of this alleged prior discipline, which was ultimately proffered and “admitted” as a proffered exhibit (Proffer P-8a). Upon reconsideration, while it lacks evidentiary value, Proffer P-8a is received into evidence. Proffer P-8a, entitled “Confidential Inquiry Summary,” is an investigative report purportedly authored by Arden E. Farley, as a contract investigator for the School Board. Proffer P-8a does not prove the underlying facts and does not constitute competent evidence in support of the discipline sought against Respondent in this case. No witnesses were called to prove the underlying discipline related to Respondent’s alleged demotion. Furthermore, Proffer P-8a is hearsay and does not corroborate direct testimony or any other competent evidence. Because Proffer P-8a references Respondent’s alleged use of the term “baby-girl,” the School Board, through counsel, argued that Proffer P-8a is evidence that Respondent was aware that the use of the term “baby-girl,” or similar terms, was improper and could subject him to discipline. This conclusion is contrary to the evidence presented at the hearing. Although Mrs. Williams testified that Mr. Hall used the term during their time at Edwins, Respondent and Mrs. Williams were at Edwins prior to Respondent’s time at Choice. Thus, Proffer P-8a could not have put Respondent on notice that it was inappropriate for him to refer to Mrs. Williams as “baby-girl” while at Edwins. There is otherwise no competent evidence that Respondent referred to Mrs. Williams, or any other complainant, as “baby-girl” or any other nickname while at Choctaw. ALLEGED HARASSMENT OF A SCHOOL VOLUNTEER AND FAILURE TO FOLLOW DIRECTIVES NOT TO ENTER THE SCHOOL FRONT OFFICE AT CHOCTAW Harassment is governed by the School Board’s equity policy. Respondent acknowledged that he received a copy of the then existing Equity Policy in 2009. No evidence was presented as to what the Equity Policy consisted of in 2009. The Equity Policies presented at the final hearing reveal that two of the policies were adopted in 2015 and a third Equity Policy was adopted at the December 11, 2017, School Board meeting; the same School Board meeting where the superintendent’s recommendation to terminate Respondent was considered and approved. The alleged harassment of a school volunteer while at Choctaw appears to include encounters at football games, in the front office, and one time at Mrs. Williams’ home. Football Games The testimony at hearing revealed that Mrs. Williams was complaining about two encounters with Respondent at football games. Respondent’s duties at Choctaw required him to be present at football games. During the first encounter, Mrs. Williams and her son were in the stands watching a Choctaw football game. There is a fence that divides the stands. Respondent was on one side of the fence and he attempted to initiate a conversation with Mrs. Williams and her son. Respondent was saying “hello.” Mrs. Williams ignored Respondent and no conversation was undertaken. The second encounter occurred prior to a Pryor Middle School football game, which was taking place at Choctaw. Mrs. Williams, accompanied by her son, was setting up a parent- teacher organization table, and Respondent approached her and her son and initiated a conversation with her son. Mr. Hall knows Mrs. Williams’ son from his time at Edwins. Towards the end of the brief conversation, Respondent asked Mrs. Williams if he could speak with her for a “hot minute.” Mrs. Williams glared at him and then said “no,” and Respondent went about his way. Respondent presented credible testimony that a “hot minute” is slang for “a second” or “just for a minute.” There was no other evidence concerning the term “hot minute.” Front Office The email attached to Mrs. Williams’ Formal Complaint states that Respondent’s “approaching me at the front desk at Choctaw began to be a habit for Steve Hall.” The email further states that Mr. Hall was in the front office three times during the first month and a half of the 2017-2018 school year. In a separate email, Mrs. Williams documented an “encounter” that occurred on September 1, 2017. She does not indicate that Respondent had any contact with her, just that he was in the front office. In fact, on that occasion, Mrs. Williams turned her back to Respondent and Ms. Gloria Scaife, who was working in the front office, spoke with him. In an email, dated September 7, 2017, Ms. Scaife states that Respondent was in the office and asked her if she had seen Ms. Liz (who is the lead custodian). Respondent credibly explained that, on that occasion, he went to the front office to find his supervisor to obtain access to supplies. A second encounter in the 2017-2018 school year occurred in the mailroom. Mrs. Williams was in the mailroom when Respondent entered the room. Mrs. Williams testified that Respondent “cornered her in mailroom . . . that she couldn’t get around him . . . and that he was upset and very loud.” She further testified that she “could not move without touching [Respondent].” Mrs. Williams’ testimony conflicts with the other accounts of this encounter, which are more credible. Andy Snaith, dean of students for Choctaw, testified that there were other people in the mailroom and that he observed “what appeared to be a conversation with [Respondent] and Mrs. Williams. [Respondent's] back was to me. I believe he was doing the talking . . . .” When asked for more detail, Mr. Snaith stated: Q: And with other people in the mailroom, was there enough room, based on what you saw from Mrs. Williams, to back away from Mr. Hall? A: Yeah. It wasn't that crowded. Q: So there was plenty of room for her to move around? A: Yes. Q: Any idea what they were talking about? A: No. Q: How would Mrs. Williams get out of the mailroom, if she wanted to leave? A: There's two ways, I believe where she was standing, she could have gone to the left or to the right. The left is where the door that leads into the hallway, and then the other one leads to the main office. Consistent with the recollection of Mr. Snaith, Respondent testified that upon being told by Mrs. Sanders that Mrs. Williams was telling others that he was saying things to Mrs. Williams, he went to the office to ask Mrs. Williams if this was true. Respondent further testified: I asked [Mrs. Williams], calm and simple, [Mrs. Williams], have I talked to you, have I seen you? She said, no, I haven't seen you in three, four months. I said, that's all I wanted to know, because Liz is making a comment that I have said something to you and that was not true, and I walked away. It is unclear from the testimony as to exactly when this conversation took place, other than sometime early in the 2017-2018 school year. It is clear, however, that that occasion was the last time that Respondent was in the front office area at Choctaw. In her testimony, Mrs. Williams stated that she was not alleging or asserting that Mr. Hall had committed racial discrimination, nor that he made adverse remarks about her color, age, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, or marital status. And Mrs. Williams does not allege that Respondent made any comments about her body parts, the way her clothing fit, or asked to take photos of her while he was at Choctaw. Rather, those allegations allegedly occurred while Respondent was at Edwins, were unreported for years and could not be corroborated. There is no evidence that Respondent ever told Mrs. Williams to perform any improper act and then threatened her with consequences if she failed to comply. There is also no evidence that Respondent ever had authority to make employment decisions affecting Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Williams’ House Respondent first met Mrs. Williams prior to the time related in any of the allegations, when he went by her house to inquire about some tire rims that her husband had for sale. Mrs. Williams testified that in the summer of 2017, two weeks prior to the start of school, Respondent came by her house and parked at the curb. Her son alerted her that Respondent wanted to talk to her. She testified that she was upset because Respondent was there and she spoke with Respondent while he sat in his car. She could not recall what was discussed, but knows the conversation lasted only a couple of minutes, and that she then turned around and walked away.3/ Mrs. Williams stated that Respondent had been by her home on several different occasions but could not elaborate on any other incidents. Respondent acknowledged that he had gone by Mrs. Williams’ house because he does lawn service and was riding by her house. As he recalled, he noticed her son in the yard and asked him to get Mrs. Williams. Respondent and Mrs. Williams had a brief conversation. At no time during that conversation, or any other conversation, did Mrs. Williams tell Respondent to “stay away,” “leave me alone,” or make any other gesture or comment indicating that Respondent was to avoid her. Further, there is insufficient evidence to show that anyone from the School Board told Respondent to avoid contact with Mrs. Williams. Alleged Failure to Follow Directives Respondent acknowledged that shortly after starting at Choctaw, he had been verbally advised to avoid the front office. Mr. Mims, the School Board’s zone manager for custodial services, was the first person to advise Respondent to stay away from the front office. The Dean of Students Andy Snaith never told Respondent to avoid the front office. Even though told not to go to the front office, Respondent had to go by the front office every day. In that regard, Mr. Mims told Respondent that they could not keep him out of the school. Although Respondent understood that the request that he refrain from going to the front office may have been designed to minimize his contact with Mrs. Williams, there was no evidence or testimony presented by the School Board showing that Respondent was ever specifically told to avoid Mrs. Williams or why he was supposed to avoid the front office. Mr. Mims testified that he told Respondent to avoid the front office twice. He further testified that he was aware of Respondent being in the front office only three times over the course of three school years. When finding out about these situations, instead of having a face-to-face meeting, Mr. Mims would merely call Respondent on the phone. Respondent acknowledged going to the front office only twice in 2017, the first being while looking for Mrs. Sanders and the second being the conversation with Mrs. Williams when she was in the mailroom. There is no evidence of a written directive or other documentation advising Respondent to avoid the front office until a September 18, 2017, meeting between Respondent, Bill Smith, and Andy Mims. At that meeting, which was the first meeting between Mr. Smith and Respondent, Respondent was specifically advised to not go into the front office. Respondent has not been in the front office, nor has Bill Smith received a report that Respondent has been in the front office since their meeting in September 2017. Even though there were two instances where Respondent went to the the front office after speaking with Mr. Mims, Mr. Mims testified that while Respondent worked for him, he “met expectations as an employee.” Mr. Mims further testified that Respondent “did everything I asked him to do.” Mr. Mims statements are consistent with his written evaluations of Mr. Hall’s work performed in May 2017, May 2016, May 2015, and May 2014. The stated purpose of the evaluations is to “support decisions concerning employee discipline, promotion and improvement.” Respondent’s evaluations during the pertinent time period do not support the discipline sought in this case. To the contrary, they conclude that he is a hard worker and that he meets the expectations of his supervisors. Even when he allegedly received prior discipline while at Choice during the 2014-2015 school year, Respondent was not placed on a “success plan” for improvement and, in fact, received a “meets expectations” evaluation. The evaluations written by Respondent’s supervisors conclude that Respondent “Demonstrates a willingness to accept authority and direction; Demonstrates appropriate interactions with staff, clients, students and/or parents; Demonstrates appropriate oral skills when communicating with others; [and] Demonstrates appropriate relations with supervisor and peers.” Recognizing that there were issues at Choctaw unrelated to Mrs. Williams, Respondent requested transfers to another school. These transfer requests began during the 2016-2017 school year and continued during the beginning of the 2017- 2018 school year. Even though there were positions available in the schools where Respondent desired to transfer, his supervisor, Mr. Mims, denied Respondent’s requests for transfers.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by Petitioner, Okaloosa County School Board: Dismissing the allegations against Respondent in this case and rescinding any discipline imposed thereby; Reinstating Respondent’s employment with the Okaloosa County School Board as though there was no break in service of his employment; Restoring all salary, benefits, and rights from the date of his last paid workday to the date of his reinstatement, plus interest from the date that any such pay or benefit was withheld, as appropriate under applicable law; less any earnings or benefits that Respondent received during the time between his termination and the time of his reinstatement. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of November, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JAMES H. PETERSON, III Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of November, 2018.

Florida Laws (5) 1012.331012.3351012.40120.57120.68
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-004734 Latest Update: Jun. 30, 1989

The Issue The basic issue in this case is whether the Respondent should be dismissed from his employment as a teacher. The Petitioner seeks such dismissal pursuant to Section 231.36, Florida Statutes, on the basis of allegations that the Respondent is guilty of: (a) violation of the Principles of Professional Conduct, (b) immorality, (c) misconduct, (d) willful neglect of duties, and (e) moral turpitude. The Respondent denies any misconduct.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence received at the hearing and on the parties's stipulations, I make the following findings of fact: Facts stipulated to by the parties Virgil L. Morgan is the duly appointed Superintendent of Schools of Broward County, Florida, and is legally authorized to represent to the School Board of Broward County, Florida, pursuant to statute, that any member of the instructional and/or administrative staff be dismissed from or with the Broward County School System. The address of Virgil L. Morgan is 1320 Southwest Fourth Street, Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida. The address of the School Board of Broward County, Florida, is 1320 Southwest Fourth Street, Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida. The Respondent, Marion Wright, is an employee of the School Board of Broward County, Florida, holding a continuing contract of employment since December 5, 1968, and has currently been employed at Nova High School, 3600 College Avenue, Davie, Broward County, Florida, as an American History and Geography teacher. The last known address of the Respondent is 151 Northwest 33rd Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida. Other general facts While employed at Nova High School, the Respondent was also the coach of the girls junior varsity basketball team. Facts regarding motor vehicle operations The Respondent's ex-students and assistant coaches often moved his car from one place to another on the Nova campus during the school day. These ex- students and assistant coaches were licensed drivers. The Respondent sometimes also permitted several students who were seniors and who were licensed drivers to move his car while it was on campus. It is not unusual for teachers at Nova High School to permit students to drive their cars. There is no credible competent substantial evidence in this case that the Respondent permitted unlicensed students to operate his motor vehicle. On January 22, 1988, Andrea Session and Kim Williams, both students at Nova High School who were also members of the girls basketball team, went to the Respondent's classroom shortly after first period began. Neither of the two girls had a driver license. Kim Williams asked the Respondent for the keys to his pickup truck in order to retrieve her school books which were locked in the truck. The Respondent gave the keys to the two girls and they left. It was not uncommon for the girls to leave their books in the Respondent's truck or car, because the Respondent would frequently drive these two girls (and others) from their home to early morning basketball practice before school. They would often leave their school books in the Respondent's vehicle during basketball practice and pick them up later. On January 22, 1988, while in possession of the keys to the Respondent's pickup, Kim Williams attempted to move the pickup and ran into a parked car in the school parking lot. The Respondent did not authorize Kim Williams to drive his pickup truck on January 22, 1988. Facts regarding taking students out of class The Respondent never requested that Kim Williams, Andrea Session, or any other student or member of his basketball team be excused from other classes, except as was consistent with being excused from class on game days. The Respondent did not write passes requesting that students be excused from other classes. Nor did he usually permit students without passes to remain in his classroom. When Kim or Andrea would come to the Respondent's class without a pass, the Respondent would usually ask them to return to their class. On occasion, Kim and Andrea would skip classes and not go to the Respondent's classroom. There is no credible competent substantial evidence in this case that the Respondent arranged for the unauthorized or illegal removal of any student from scheduled class periods. There is no credible competent substantial evidence in this case that the Respondent provided females students on his basketball team with passes to remove them from their regular scheduled classes on the days that basketball games were scheduled in order for them to rest or relax for the game. Facts regarding transportation of students off campus and to liquor stores The Respondent frequently transported students from their homes to early morning basketball practice. The Respondent has taken adult female assistant coaches to the Double Feature Liquor Store, and to other liquor stores, and has purchased beer for them on occasion. There is no credible competent substantial evidence in this case that the Respondent took students to a liquor store, bought alcoholic beverages, and consumed alcoholic beverages with students. There is no credible competent substantial evidence in this case that the Respondent took students off campus on personal errands during the students' scheduled class periods. Facts regarding soliciting false statements and submitting a false affidavit After the Respondent became aware that he was being accused of providing alcoholic beverages to two students, he went to see Ms. Bonnie Session, the mother of one of the students. The Respondent told Bonnie Session about the situation he was in and asked her to sign a statement on his behalf. Thereafter, Adrienne Session, an older daughter of Ms. Session, called the Respondent and told him she had something for him from her mother. Adrienne gave the Respondent a written statement that purported to be signed by Bonnie Session. The Respondent took the statement to a notary public and asked that it be notarized. The notary called on the telephone and spoke to someone she believed to be Bonnie Session. The person to whom the notary spoke acknowledged having signed the statement. The notary then notarized the document and gave it back to the Respondent. At a later date, under circumstances that are not at all clear, Bonnie Session and her two daughters went to the same notary, after having been guided there by the Respondent, and had some additional documents notarized. The Respondent made some efforts, directly and indirectly, to obtain exculpatory statements from several people, but the nature of those efforts cannot be discerned from the credible evidence in this case. There is no credible competent substantial evidence in this case that the Respondent encouraged any students to falsify their accounts of any matters related to the issues in this case. There is no credible competent substantial evidence in this case that the Respondent intentionally distorted, or caused to be misrepresented, any facts regarding an affidavit that was purportedly signed by Bonnie Session.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is: RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Broward County issue a final order in this case dismissing all administrative charges against the Respondent, Marion Wright, and reinstating him with full back pay. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 30th day of June 1989. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of June 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 88-4734 The following are my specific rulings on all of the proposed findings of fact submitted by all parties. To facilitate an understanding of the rulings which follow, attention is directed to the fact that, for the most part, the testimony of the two principal witnesses against the Respondent has been found to be unworthy of belief and to be an insufficient basis for findings of fact. The two principal accusers have both, while under oath, changed major portions of their stories on more than one occasion. The credibility of their stories is also impaired in large part by the fact that the stories told by the two principal witnesses are inconsistent in a number of telling details, and those stories also conflict with the testimony of other witnesses who are much more worthy of belief. It is also noted that the candor of Respondent's testimony was not without its own tarnish in places. While the Respondent's denial of the charges against him has been accepted in substance, this is largely because of the absence of believable evidence in support of the charges rather than because of any great reliance on the Respondent's candor. Findings proposed by Petitioner: Paragraph 1: Accepted. Paragraph 2: Rejected as not supported by credible competent substantial evidence and as contrary to the greater weight of the believable evidence. Paragraph 3: First sentence rejected as not supported by credible competent substantial evidence and as contrary to the greater weight of the believable evidence. Second sentence accepted. Paragraph 4: For the most part, rejected as not supported by credible competent substantial evidence and as contrary to the greater weight of the believable evidence. It is accepted that there was an on-campus accident involving Respondent's vehicle. Paragraph 5: Rejected as irrelevant in light of other evidence in the record. Paragraph 6: Rejected as constituting legal argument rather than proposed findings of fact. Paragraph 7: Rejected as irrelevant. [The presentation of the testimony of the Assistant State Attorney appears to have been primarily for the purpose of vouching for the truthfulness of the other witnesses against Respondent. Such vouching is an inappropriate form of proof. See Fuller v. State, 450 So.2d 182, 184 (Fla. 5th DCA 1989).] Paragraph 8: Rejected as not supported by credible competent substantial evidence and as contrary to the greater weight of the believable evidence. Findings proposed by Respondent: Paragraph 1: First sentence rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. Remainder accepted in substance with a few unnecessary details omitted. Paragraphs 2 and 3: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraph 4: Accepted in substance with some unnecessary details omitted. Paragraphs 5 and 6: Accepted in substance with some unnecessary details omitted. Paragraph 7: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 8: Rejected as a summary of testimony rather than proposed findings of fact. In any event, the subject matter of the summary consists of subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraphs 9, 10, 11, and 12: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraph 13: Accepted in substance. Paragraphs 14 and 15: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraphs 16 through 30: Rejected as constituting, for the most part, a summary of the history of many of the reasons for not making findings of fact rather than actual proposed findings. (Many of the details in this summary form the basis for the conclusion that the testimony of the two principal witnesses against the Respondent is unreliable.). COPIES FURNISHED: Charles T. Whitelock, Esquire Whitelock & Moldof 1311 Southeast Second Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 Thomas W. Young, III, Esquire General Counsel, FEA/United 208 West Pensacola Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Virgil L. Morgan, Superintendent Broward County School Board 1320 Southwest Fourth Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida =================================================================

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-004116 Latest Update: Apr. 18, 1989

The Issue Whether the Superintendent of Hamilton County Schools recommended that the Respondent enter into a professional services contract with the Petitioner, Gene Starr?

Findings Of Fact Gene A. Starr has been continuously employed by the School Board of Hamilton County as an agriculture teacher since the 1985-1986 school year. On March 18, 1988, the principal of Hamilton County High School recommended to the Superintendent of the Respondent that the Respondent enter into a professional service contract with Mr. Starr. At a meeting of the Respondent held on April 12, 1988, the Superintendent made recommendations to the Respondent concerning reappointment of a number of employees. The Superintendent specifically recommended that Mr. Starr receive a professional service contract. A motion was made and seconded by members of the Respondent to accept the recommendations of the Superintendent. The following events took place, as reported in the minutes of the Respondent's April 12, 1988, meeting: At the Board's request, Mr. Lauer [the Superintendent] appeared to discuss the recommendation of Gene Starr. The consensus of the Board was that the agriculture program has not progressed as per expectations, and that Mr. Starr's coaching duties conflict with his duties as an agriculture teacher. It was the opinion of some members that there should be more emphasis on crop production and harvesting and on supervision of home projects. Following the discussion of the Superintendent's recommendation concerning Mr. Starr, the Superintendent "asked for and was granted permission to withdraw his recommendation on & Mr. Starr and to resubmit another recommendation on him at a subsequent meeting." The Superintendent then "amended his recommendation to omit Mr. Starr" and the motion to accept the Superintendent's recommendations was amended to reflect this change. The Respondent then approved the Superintendent's recommendations, as amended. The Respondent did not consider whether there was "good cause" to reject the Superintendent's recommendation concerning Mr. Starr. At a May 10, 1988, meeting of the Respondent the Superintendent recommended that Mr. Starr be reappointed to an instructional position for the 1988-1989 school year and that Mr. Starr serve in the instructional position for a fourth year on annual contract instead of being granted a professional services contract. The recommendation was withdrawn on advice of counsel for the Respondent. At a May 23, 1988, meeting of the Respondent Mr. Starr and the Respondent agreed that Mr. Starr would agree to a fourth year on annual contract, "subject to and without prejudice to a formal hearing on his right to a professional services contract." Mr. Starr was informed of this action in a letter dated May 31, 1988. Mr. Starr filed a Petition for a Formal Hearing challenging the Respondent's action with regard to the Superintendent's recommendation to the Respondent that Mr. Starr receive a professional services contract. In the Petition, Mr. Starr specifically requested the following relief: That the matter be assigned to the State of Florida Division of Administrative hearings [sic] for the assignment of a hearing officer. That a formal hearing be held on this particular petition pursuant to Sec. 120.57(1), Fla. Stat. as to Petitioner's entitlement to employment under a professional services contract.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the recommendation of the Superintendent of Hamilton County Schools be accepted by the School Board of Hamilton County unless the School Board of Hamilton County concludes that there is good cause for rejecting the recommendation. DONE and ENTERED this 18th day of April, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of April, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 88-4116 The Petitioner has submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. The Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 1. 2 3-9. 3 10. 4-8 Statement of events which occurred at the formal hearing and some of the arguments advanced by the parties at the formal hearing. COPIES FURNISHED: Edwin B. Browning, Jr., Esquire Post Office Drawer 652 Madison, Florida 32340 Donald K. Rudser, Esquire Post Office Drawer 151 Jasper, Florida 32052 Owen Hinton, Superintendent Hamilton County School Board Post Office Box 1059 Jasper, Florida 32052 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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