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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-003926 Latest Update: Jul. 31, 1987

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Anna M. Brewer, holds Teaching Certificate Number 475518, issued by the Department of Education, State of Florida. Respondent is certified to teach in the area of elementary education, grades 1-6. From 1968 or 1969 until 1980, Respondent worked for the School Board as a teacher aide. As a teacher aide, she had approximately twelve years to view a wide variety of teaching strategies, methods, and teaching techniques in the approximately six different schools to which she had been assigned. While employed as a teacher's aide, Respondent attended Miami-Dade Junior Community College, North Campus, and studied Initial Elementary Education. She then completed Bachelor's Training at Nova University in 1979 and thereafter became employed as a classroom teacher with the Dade County School Board at the Elementary Level beginning in the 1980-1981 school year. Respondent has been employed as an elementary teacher by Petitioner School Board since the 1980-1981 school year. During all of that period, she has taught at Perrine Elementary School in Dade County, Florida. During all of the years Respondent taught, except for the first year, she had classes approximately half of a regular size class. This was because she has been teaching Title I/Chapter I classes. "Title I", renamed "Chapter I", classes refer to classes funded and mandated as part of the Education Consolidation Improvement Act which targets children who are deficient in certain areas and concentrates on bringing them into the mainstream of the education process by concentrated remediation in small, directed education classes. It is a "given" that many of these children are difficult to teach and to control. 1980-1981 SCHOOL YEAR On October 29, 1980 Respondent was formally observed in the classroom by her principal, Gloria H. Gray. Although rated overall acceptable she was rated unacceptable in preparation and planning and in assessment techniques. Although rated acceptable in techniques of instruction, Respondent was rated unacceptable in one subcategory thereof because the proliferation of students' questions concerning the work indicated to the observer that the Respondent did not give clear assignments and directions to allow ample time for completion of tasks. Respondent was next formally observed by Principal Gray on December 12, 1980. Although Respondent was rated overall acceptable, she was rated unacceptable in classroom management because Mrs. Gray found much off-task behavior on the part of students, and Respondent appeared not to notice it. Through no fault of her own, Respondent had a very difficult first year experience with many interruptions. She was the foreman of the Grand Jury and was absent every Wednesday. In addition, she had legitimate family and medical problems causing frequent absences. To the extent possible, principal Gray initiated and followed through on numerous attempts to remediate Respondent's deficiencies in teaching. Mrs. Gray also provided an aide for Respondent in order to be assured that the education of her students was not being sorely neglected. Respondent was in a large pod with two other teachers. They helped Respondent in putting work on the board clearly. They also helped her in getting and using instructional material. Although Mrs. Gray testified that she was, in the spring of 1981, of the opinion that there was a repeated failure on the part of Respondent to communicate with and relate to the students in her classroom to such an extent that they were deprived of a minimal educational experience, she nonetheless rated Respondent acceptable in all categories and gave Respondent an overall acceptable rating on her Annual Evaluation for the 1980-1981 school year. Mrs. Gray gave Respondent the benefit of the doubt because Respondent had improved her teaching skills during the year, she had a good attitude toward trying to improve, she took Mrs. Gray's recommendations and attempted to implement them, and Mrs. Gray expected further improvement from Respondent the following year. Mrs. Gray further recommended Respondent for re-employment as an annual contract teacher. 1981-1982 SCHOOL YEAR Respondent was next formally observed in the classroom by her new principal Dr. Joan Hanley, on November 23, 1981. While Respondent was very devoted to self-improvement, she was nevertheless rated overall unacceptable and unacceptable in the category of preparation and planning because she did not have complete lesson plans for each of the following subjects she was responsible to teach: social studies, science, art, music, and physical education. Likewise, she did not have plans which could be used by a substitute in the event of her absence. Although she was rated acceptable in classroom management, Dr. Hanley offered suggestions for Respondent's improvement. It was not clear to Dr. Hanley whether Respondent's students were grouped for math. It is a standard instructional strategy to ascertain the ability levels of the students, group them accordingly, and plan separate instruction for the various groups. She also instructed Respondent to stand up and move between her groups of students in order to monitor the random activity that goes on. Respondent was formally observed in her classroom by Assistant Principal Ellen Supran on January 6, 1982. Although rated overall acceptable, Respondent was found unacceptable in one subcategory, techniques of instruction. This subcategory deals with the use of instructional strategies for teaching the subject matter. Her students were not grouped for math instruction and the subject matter was too difficult and too abstract for the students. Respondent was not getting feedback from them. During the remainder of the school year, Mrs. Supran assisted Respondent through informal visitations. On these occasions, Mrs. Supran was concerned about Respondent's lesson plans, her children being off-task, and the appropriateness of the tasks assigned to the students by Respondent. She spent time working with Respondent on lesson plans, materials, instructional strategies, grouping, and monitoring children's progress. Respondent had an accident during the 1981-1982 school year which resulted in extended sick leave. Dr. Hanley was unable to observe Respondent formally in the classroom for the remainder of that school year. Because Respondent was anxious to improve her teaching and because she had made a good start, Dr. Hanley felt that it was only fair to rate Respondent acceptable in all categories for her Annual Evaluation for the 1981-1982 school year. Therefore, for the school year 1981-1982, Respondent's second annual contract year, Respondent was found acceptable in all categories on her Annual Evaluation and was again recommended for employment. 1982-1983 SCHOOL YEAR Respondent's next formal observation was on November 23, 1982. Although rated overall acceptable, Respondent was rated unacceptable in knowledge of subject matter, because the observer, Dr. Hanley, felt Respondent needed improvement in grammar, particularly verb usage. More specifically, Dr. Hanley observed poor grammar was utilized orally by Respondent in the course of teaching other subjects. Hers was a significant error because Respondent was teaching a resource class in compensatory education. This is a remedial class which addressed the reading, language arts, and mathematics needs of low- achieving students. In every type of class, it is necessary that a teacher set a good example in spoken English. Because elementary school children model the speech of their teacher, Respondent's grammatical errors, which were frequent and excessive, would impede the students' acquisition of appropriate language arts skills. In remedial classes, the effect is more pronounced and reinforces poor language arts skills because the children are already deficient in that area. Respondent was next formally observed in the classroom by Dr. Hanley on December 7, 1982. Although rated overall acceptable, Respondent was again found unacceptable in knowledge of subject matter because she continued to make the same kinds of grammatical errors she had been observed making at the November 23, 1982 observation. The December 7, 1982 observation resulted in a prescription for remediation. Dr. Hanley suggested that Respondent record herself on a tape recorder so that she could become sensitized to verb forms. Respondent followed Dr. Hanley's advice and it helped on the subsequent observation, but she did not sustain the improvement as indicated below. Respondent was next formally observed in the classroom by Dr. Hanley on February 10, 1983. She was rated overall acceptable and made only one grammatical error, saying "cent" sometimes instead of "cents." Note was made of excellent behavior modification. On Respondent's Annual Evaluation for the 1982-1983 school year, Dr. Hanley rated Respondent acceptable in all categories and recommended her for employment for the next school year as a continuing contract teacher. Respondent had achieved tenure. 1983-1984 SCHOOL YEAR Respondent was next formally observed in her classroom by Dr. Hanley on May 7, 1984. Although rated overall acceptable, she was rated unacceptable in knowledge of subject matter and in a single subcategory of preparation and planning. She was rated unsatisfactory in the latter subcategory because her room was so cluttered that it was difficult to carry on her instruction. She was rated unacceptable in knowledge of subject matter because she was again making the same grammatical errors she had made the year before. (See Finding of Fact No. 20 that improvement was not sustained). For example, the following statements were written on Respondent's chalk board: "Dorothy want to go back home", " . . . work that I have not finish." Dr. Hanley reminded Respondent that they had worked on the "ed" and "s" endings on verbs before. Nonetheless, Respondent was rated acceptable in all areas on her Annual Evaluation for 1983-1984 and was recommended for continued employment as a continuing contract teacher. 1984-1985 SCHOOL YEAR Through the 1983-1984 school year, the School Board utilized the standard evaluation system which was an undefined system that allowed observers maximum discretion, without any clear or consistent criteria. It was essentially geared toward making any end-of-the year employment decision. With the advent of the 1984-1985 school year, a new method of evaluating teachers was put into effect. Beginning with the 1984-1985 school year, Respondent's performance was assessed under a new form of evaluation which was thoroughly tested by the School Board and which was negotiated and agreed-to between the School Board and Respondent's union. This is the Teacher Assessment and Development System (TADS). TADS is a highly specific research-based clinical supervision system. State-of-the-art research has characterized certain teaching behaviors that are effective in a learning environment. TADS has grouped these into categories of assessment criteria. Required teaching behaviors are very precisely defined and there is very little room for discretionary interpretation by the observer. Ideally, the system is governed by decision rules which eliminate the potential of an arbitrary or capricious application of the criteria. The system is intended to further develop and upgrade teaching skills and assist the individual teacher to perform better. On the down side, TADS was characterized by the School Board's expert, Dr. Patrick Gray, as a clinical form of evaluation which primarily identifies teaching behavior which is simply acceptable, but it would not identify behavior of superior or excellent performance. (TR-II 47) Respondent's first formal classroom observation under TADS was on November 13, 1984. She was rated unacceptable in preparation and planning because she only carried out a very small part of the lesson and because she did not follow the assessment item in her lesson plan. She was rated unacceptable in knowledge of subject matter because she presented the information to the children inadequately. There was no background given to draw out the students' previous understanding; no introduction, reinforcement, and drill; and no form of assessment to ascertain what the children had learned when the lesson was completed. She was rated unacceptable in classroom management, because there was disorder a good part of the time and the class was not conducive to learning. Respondent and students arrived late. There were many delays during the class period. The cardboard coins utilized in the lesson on coin values became a great distraction and Respondent was unable to bring the coins into the lesson. She only got into the very introductory part of the lesson and rambled in her instruction. Respondent was not able to pull the students together into a group of attentive listeners. She was also rated unacceptable in techniques of instruction because she never fully instructed the students about her expectations regarding what they were to do at their desks. The coins became the major focus of the children's attention and they were tossing them and taking them from one another. Respondent was rated unacceptable in assessment techniques because there was no assessment of the teaching objectives. As a result, there would be no way to tie up a lesson or help a teacher plan subsequent lessons. In order to aid Respondent in improving her performance, Dr. Hanley prescribed help. Dr. Hanley recommended that Respondent develop the skill of pacing her lessons so that she could complete the lesson within the allotted time; that Respondent seek help from Cynthia Muller, a PREP specialist, and that she also seek help from Dorothy Sissel, Chapter I Manager. Dr. Hanley also prescribed help in that she recommended that Respondent reorganize her room to make materials accessible for more efficiency. She recommended Mr. Holmberg, Assistant Principal, as a resource person. She also recommended that Respondent seek help from the Chapter I Specialist. Dr. Hanley recommended the Respondent seek help from Chapter I and PREP specialists because she felt that the on-the- spot classroom training by these very qualified people would be very helpful to Respondent. PREP stands for Florida Primary Education Program, a program mandated by the State of Florida pursuant to Section 230.2312, Florida Statutes. PREP mandates a diagnostic- prescriptive approach that enables each child to have an individualized program to permit development of that child's maximum potential and to achieve a level of competence by that child in basis skills. Pursuant to this approach, students are divided into three categories, with those developing at a normal level being taught with developmental teaching strategies, those having been identified as having potential learning problems, being taught with preventive teaching strategies, and those needing more challenging work, being taught with enrichment teaching strategies. The School Board has developed reading and math programs to comply with the statutory mandate. Respondent actually received help from Cynthia Muller, the PREP Specialist, in the areas of preparation and planning, classroom management and techniques of instruction. Mrs. Muller helped Respondent approximately on 9 to 10 occasions for a total of approximately 12 hours of assistance. She provided this assistance on November 7, 9, 26, 29 and December 4, 1984, and on February 7, May 28, June 6, and 11, 1985. In the course of her assistance, Mrs. Muller observed several problems with Respondent's teaching. There was a lot of off- task behavior. The children were jittery and walked around the classroom at will. They exhibited little motivation. Mrs. Muller found that much of the work was inappropriate for the students, above the level for which they were competent. That added to the off-task behavior. On November 26, 1984, Mrs. Muller did a demonstration lesson for Respondent showing her how the children could be motivated to stay in their seats and work quietly. She also demonstrated the use of the teacher manual in planning for the complete class period so that all of the children would receive their reading lessons within the prescribed timeframe. On another occasion, they also discussed the Total Math Program (TMP), Petitioner School Board's diagnostic-prescriptive program for math. TMP provides for pre- and post-testing of students and clustering students into particular groups. They discussed grouping students, assessing them, planning for them, and instructing them using a teacher's manual. Mrs. Muller also suggested a positive re-enforcement type of reward system. She also suggested that Respondent remove books and materials from the instructional area so that the class would have a clean place to work and place their books. Mrs. Muller also noticed misspelled words and improperly used words on the chalkboard e.g., "When he finish the book." Mrs. Muller's assistance, November 7, 1984 to June 11, 1985 overlaps several subsequent formal observations. Respondent was next formally observed in the classroom by Dr. Hanley on December 7, 1984. Despite Mrs. Muller's assessment on November 7 and 11 that there was some improvement, Respondent was rated unacceptable in preparation and planning, classroom management, and techniques of instruction by Dr. Hanley on December 7, 1984. She was rated unacceptable in preparation and planning because she had no assessment item in her lesson plan. Because Respondent told Dr. Hanley that she knew what was expected and she promised to do it in the future, Dr. Hanley did not make a further prescription in that area. Respondent was rated unacceptable in classroom management because her classroom was still very disorderly. Dr. Hanley recommended that Respondent designate areas for specific subjects and tasks within her room. Respondent was rated unsatisfactory in techniques of instruction because her lesson, again, was considered by Dr. Hanley to be a rambling one. Dr. Hanley found the lesson components not to be sequenced; Respondent did not accent the important points; Respondent was unaware of what her students were doing; she did not provide suggestions to her students for improving performance; she did not adjust her lesson when students were not understanding but went right on with what she was teaching rather than re-teach a concept. Dr. Hanley did not feel Respondent provided for closure of the lesson so as to help the children pick up the critical areas of the lesson and so as to be ready for the next lesson. Respondent continued to make grammatical and spelling errors, e.g., "...Santa Clause and other tradition." In order to help Respondent improve her performances Dr. Hanley recommended that Respondent observe two fellow teachers whom Dr. Hanley felt had excellent techniques of instruction. A conference-for-the-record was scheduled for the Respondent in December, 1984, but due to Respondent's illness and impending surgery, it was rescheduled for February 13, 1985. A conference-for-the-record is an official meeting regarding a teacher's teaching performance. It is required so that the teacher is officially notified that her deficient performance has not been remediated. At the conference, administrators went over Respondent's classroom observations. Respondent was notified that if she was still under prescription at the time of her Annual Evaluation, she would not receive her annual teaching increment (pay raise). From February through May, 1985, Perrine Elementary School was visited at least once a week by the Chapter I Educational specialist, Tarja Geis. She helped most of the teachers each time she visited. Chapter I is a federally funded program which addresses reading and math deficiencies in children from low income areas. It uses a language experience approach. Ms. Geis' opportunities to observe Respondent were short and sporadic. Her observations were not "formal" observations. However, when Ms. Geis did observe Respondent in the classroom, she noticed Respondent's inattentiveness to some of the children's behavior. She suggested ways to Respondent to improve that, most of which were "boilerplate" suggestions. Ms. Geis also observed one of Respondent's lessons and did a demonstration lesson for her on May 22, 1985, in order to show Respondent the language experience approach used in the Chapter I program. Ms. Geis discussed and/or demonstrated techniques to improve class management, student behavior, student comprehension and student attitude. On March 15, 1985, Ms. Geis gave a workshop for Chapter I teachers. All teachers who would have been working that day would have been in attendance. It is probable that Respondent attended that workshop. She had missed an earlier one in February because of her absence. Respondent indicated at formal hearing that she was not aware that Tarja Geis was a resource person for her use, but her perception is illogical in that Ms. Geis is a Chapter I Educational Specialist and Respondent teaches in the category of Chapter I students. Respondent also testified that she was not given in-service learning experiences by Dr. Hanley and Mr. Holmberg when she requested them. The workshop given by Ms. Geis would seem to address this request, contrary to Respondent's assertion. Respondent concurs that she attended at least one such workshop. Respondent was next formally observed in her classroom by Dr. Hanley on March 21, 1985. By this time, Respondent had received help from Mrs. Muller and Ms. Geis. She may have also sought help from the two teachers at her school. By her own testimony, she sought assistance from Ms. Jackerson and by a course taught outside of the usual school day. She showed great improvement and was rated acceptable in every category. Respondent was next formally observed in her classroom on May 7, 1985, simultaneously by Dr. Hanley and the area director, Phyllis Cohen. Under TADS, this is an external or dual observation where two observers assess the same classroom performance. Its purpose is to assure objectivity and fairness. Respondent was rated unacceptable in preparation and planning because her lesson plans were not carried out. While Respondent attempted to work with one group, the other groups' lessons were not implemented. The students were not on task. The group at the listening station was not doing its work. The group doing independent reading did not open their books. At least half the students did not receive their directed reading lesson. Respondent was rated unacceptable in knowledge of subject matter because her development of ideas and information was unclear and confusing. She would give insufficient definitions and did not reinforce with enough examples so that the students could understand the homework assignment. The lesson was not sequenced and Respondent was again using inaccurate language. The vocabulary words that the students were working on were not introduced to them and did not have any relationship to the lesson. Respondent was rated unacceptable in classroom management because her classroom was out of control and because of her problems in managing the transition time, getting and keeping students settled, and managing the different reading groups. Class started ten minutes late, and during transitions in the lesson, approximately twenty minutes were wasted. As the hour progressed, the noise crescendoed. Five to eight students were off-task at different times during the class. One student slapped another during the lesson. Respondent was not aware of the off-task behavior and did not redirect the students. Respondent was rated unacceptable in techniques of instruction because she did not introduce the lesson, provide opportunities for the students to practice, get feedback whether the students had obtained information, or provide reinforcement and follow-up. In other words the sequence was not appropriate. There was a lot of jumping around in the lesson. Respondent did not address the various learning styles of the students. Her communication was not precise enough for students to understand what she was trying to teach. She did not give the students feedback on their strengths and weaknesses. Although she used the teacher manual, she did not fill in between the questions with her own information. She asked the questions in a distorted manner. The students were unable to answer the questions and Respondent could not elaborate but went on to the next question. Her directions to the students were very poor, as were her explanations. She failed to rephrase explanations that were not understood. Her instructions to the listening station group were not specific enough. Her questions on the worksheet were not explained in a way that the students were able to proceed independently. They did not do the worksheet at all. Respondent was rated unsatisfactory in assessment techniques because she did not assess what the students were learning at their levels. Material was presented at a low cognitive level. She did not seem to be able to ascertain whether the students were learning what she was teaching them. She did not walk around to determine what each group was doing. In order to help Respondent improve her teaching performance, Dr. Hanley recommended that she work with Mrs. Muller again on the execution of her lesson plans in order to facilitate a directed reading lesson for each of her reading groups. To help Respondent improve her teaching performance, Dr. Hanley recommended that she observe another Chapter I teacher during a reading lesson to hone in on the development of ideas and information in a sequential and meaningful manner. Two teachers were named as resources. To help Respondent with her classroom management, Dr. Hanley recommended that Respondent work with Ms. Geis and the Assistant Principal to develop strategies for effective student management while beginning classes and during transition periods and that she work with an observer to sensitize herself to off-task, nonproductive activities on the part of students. It was also recommended that Respondent revamp her behavior modification plan to enhance student involvement. To help Respondent improve her techniques of instruction, Dr. Hanley recommended the Respondent again work with Ms. Geis and Mrs. Muller since she had improved after working with these two education specialists the prior year. Dr. Hanley recommended that Respondent review the elements in a basal reading lesson, i.e., background, sequence, and closure. She also recommended that Respondent rehearse her reading lesson so that she would think ahead about the main points and key definitions. She recommended that Respondent work with the observers to sensitize herself to situations in which the students are confused, and that she develop strategies to improve clarification. Dr. Hanley was also available to Respondent as a resource. In order to help Respondent improve techniques of instruction, Dr. Hanley recommended that Respondent have a person observe Respondent while she was teachings and help her on the spot when her students were not following the lesson. She suggested the Respondent develop assessment techniques which incorporated multilevel assessment activities. She also recommended that Respondent include development of summative assessment instruments in conjunction with these other activities. She recommended that Ms. Geis and the Assistant Principal be used as resources to help Respondent develop a sensitivity in identifying whether the students were on-track. On May 28, 19 85, Mrs. Muller discussed reading lessons with Respondent. She went over sequencing. She asked Respondent to rehearse her reading instruction. Mrs. Muller also gave Respondent a PREP teacher guide and a sample directed reading lesson. She referred her to a section on classroom organization and management. On June 6, 1985, Mrs. Muller was to visit Respondent's class and to observe a directed reading lesson. Respondent, however, was doing a different lesson. There was very little organization in the lesson. Mrs. Muller saw some improvement in the Respondent's teaching; however, considering the amount of time she had spent with the Respondent, she would have expected to have seen more progress. Although Respondent had demonstrated a willingness to receive suggestions for improvement and a willingness to work toward acceptable ratings, her Annual Evaluation for the 1984-1985 school year was unacceptable. Respondent was rated unacceptable in preparation and planning, knowledge of subject matter, classroom management, techniques of instruction, and assessment techniques. Nonetheless, Respondent was recommended for continued employment for the next school year as a continuing contract teacher. It was Dr. Hanley's hope that Respondent would remediate herself during the next school year. Respondent remained on prescription and would not be entitled to her pay increment (raise) for the next school year while she was still on prescription. 1985-1986 SCHOOL YEAR On October 16 and 17, 1985, Respondent received more help from a fellow teacher, Joyce King. Ms. King discussed with Respondent the instructional processes of sequencing, interfacing subjects, and closure. Ms. King also demonstrated a reading lesson for Respondent. On October 22, 1985, Respondent received further help from another teacher, Doretha P. Thomas. Respondent observed Ms. Thomas during a developmental reading lesson in her class. Ms. Thomas also discussed with Respondent the amount of time used with the reading group, scheduling, and possible changes Respondent could make in her own planning. Respondent was next formally observed in her classroom by Dr. Hanley on October 30, 1985. The class was working on the Dade County required diagnostic-prescriptive reading curriculum known as RSVP. This curriculum contemplates that students are to be pretested and their deficiencies listed on individual profiles so that the teacher knows what specific skills to teach them. It is mandatory that the students' skills be profiled before the teacher attempts to work with them. Respondent had not completed the RSVP paperwork as of the date of this observation. I accept Respondent's testimony that she only had from October 18 until October 30, 1985 in which to complete these profiles; that she was under some disadvantage in preparing the profiles because of the administration's peremptory move of all her materials to a smaller classroom on Friday October 18; and that her observation rating was somewhat tainted by the temporary mess that resulted from the move. However, I find that the period involved would have been sufficient to complete at least the profiles if she had performed her tasks diligently in the intervening seven workdays. Respondent was rated unsatisfactory in classroom management because the class was not well managed and the students were not working. After the midpoint of the period, three students did no work. In the last ten minutes of the periods, six students did no work. Many students completed worksheets during the first twenty minutes of the class and then colored pictures. These students of Respondent's were not re- directed by her. Respondent seemed to be unaware of the off-task behavior. In order to help Respondent with her classroom management, Dr. Hanley recommended the Respondent move among the students periodically. She also recommended the Respondent plan sufficient work for the instructional period and that she clarify to students what additional study and enrichment activities were available when work is completed. Respondent was rated unacceptable in techniques of instruction because she was not monitoring pupil performance. Students were doing work incorrectly on their worksheets, and Respondent did not circulate and catch the errors or clarify them. Therefore, incorrect material was being reinforced by the students in their work. Several of the students did not understand the follow- up worksheets. The students' confusion indicated that they were not being taught at their appropriate level. They were being taught on a hit or miss method since their profiles had not been completed. In order to help Respondent improve her techniques of instruction, Dr. Hanley recommended that she fulfill the requirements of RSVP by completing her profiles, grouping her children, and making a class profile chart. Dr. Hanley also recommended that the teacher aide assist Respondent with the pretesting. Dr. Hanley listed the area PREP specialist and herself to review grouping for instruction. Respondent was rated unsatisfactory in assessment techniques because although she, as part of her school faculty, had been instructed every year as to the School Board requirements for maintaining student folders, her student folders were deficient. She had no papers dated after September 19, 1985 in them. In order to help Respondent improve her assessment techniques, Dr. Hanley clarified what was expected as far as classroom folders. Respondent must have at least one graded and dated paper per week in reading, math, and writing in each student's folder. Dr. Hanley listed herself and other classroom teachers as a resource for Respondent. Respondent was next formally observed in the classroom by Assistant Principal, Herbert Holmberg. He rated her unsatisfactory in knowledge of subject matter and techniques of instruction. Respondent was rated unsatisfactory in knowledge of subject matter because she had grammatically incorrect information and statements on the chalkboard. Knowledge of subject matter was not exhibited as Respondent read verbatim from the teacher manual. She did not address various cognitive levels. In order to help Respondent improve her knowledge of subject matter, Mr. Holmberg recommended that Respondent prepare her material, information, and directions in advance and that her verbal and written usage be grammatically correct. He suggested more flexibility and elaboration during reading. He also suggested that the subject matter be presented at more than one level. As recommended resources, he listed the Principal, the Assistant Principal, and a peer teacher. Respondent was rated unsatisfactory in techniques of instruction because she did not have a sequence in the lesson. The grammar on the board was incorrect. Her spelling was incorrect. There was no variety to her activities. There was no assessment of closure in the lesson. As resources for help, he recommended the Assistant Principal, the PREP specialist, and a peer teacher. Another conference-for-the-record was held with Respondent on December 9, 1985. Respondent's teaching performance was discussed. Dr, Hanley was hopeful the Respondent would be able to remediate her deficiencies; however, Respondent was put on notice that if she was not fully remediated by the close of the school year she would be recommended for termination for cause. Respondent was next formally observed by Charles Sherwood, Directors Basic Skills on December 13, 1985. She was rated unsatisfactory in techniques of instruction and assessment techniques. Respondent testified that Dr. Sherwood orally indicated to her that her rating was satisfactory and created no problems but the business record of the school (P 30) shows that he rated her unsatisfactory in techniques of instruction because all of the pupils received the same spelling lesson, despite the differences in their reading levels; and that he rated her unsatisfactory in assessment techniques because, although the school year was very close to being halfway over, Respondent still had not completed her PREP roster. Respondent was next formally and simultaneously observed in her classroom in another external observation on March 17, 1986, by Dr. Hanley and Mrs. Cohen, and she was rated unsatisfactory in knowledge of subject matter and techniques of instruction. Respondent was rated unsatisfactory in knowledge of subject matter because there were a substantial number of errors in teaching the concept "1/2". The words "equal" and unequal" were not used, although they were key vocabulary words in the teacher's manual for the lesson. Respondent told the children that a whole with a line in it becomes one-half. She did not indicate that the line had to be in the middle of the whole in order for there to be halves. In order to help Respondent improve her knowledge of her subject matter, Dr. Hanley recommended that Respondent use the teacher's manual for planning and delivering of instruction. It was requested the Respondent master the use of and use the words "equal" and "unequal" appropriately. She also recommended the Respondent use the area specialists, peer teachers, and the Assistant Principal as resources. Respondent was rated unacceptable in techniques of instruction because the explanations of the concept of a whole, half, and fractions were not clear to the reviewer, and the reviewers felt the components necessary to address the key concepts were not effectively presented, thereby confusing she children, and an appropriate vocabulary was not used. They felt Respondent's lesson was again lacking in sequence. Additional resources and suggestions for improvement were prescribed to Respondent. Another conference-for-the-record was held with the Respondent on April 16, 1986. Some of Respondent's concerns regarding the TADS process were addressed. Respondent's improvement was discussed and Respondent was again notified that if she failed to be removed from prescription by the end of this second year of deficiency, recommendation of dismissal for cause would be made. Respondent was next formally and simultaneously observed in the classroom in another external observation by Dr. Hanley and Evelyn Evans, another area director. Respondent was rated unacceptable in knowledge of subject matter and techniques of instruction. Respondent was rated unsatisfactory in knowledge of subject matter because she made errors in subtracting. The errors which she made on the board were not corrected. She also made errors in the process itself. These errors were demonstrated on a chalkboard at formal hearing which was erased without being admitted in evidence, but the oral testimony and business records of this observation are sufficient to support this finding. Respondent did not correct student errors, used inappropriate terminology referred to the one's and ten's columns as the right column and left columns and thereby confused the children. Dr. Hanley found the deficiencies in this lesson very similar to the math lesson observed on March 17, 1986. Respondent was still using her own vocabulary. Despite the fact that most of the children in her class and certainly most of our society could understand Respondent's use of "take away" for "subtract" and use of similar colloquialisms, the School Board established the need for more precise and consistent language in teaching early math skills. Respondent did not show evidence of having mastered the subject matter. In order to help Respondent improve her knowledge of subject matter, Dr. Hanley again emphasized mastery of vocabulary and concepts in the teacher's manual and advised adhering closely to the recommended word usage and plan of instruction. Respondent was instructed not to use her own vocabulary and methods until she had total command of the material. Respondent was rated unacceptable in techniques of instruction because of many errors. The lesson was not properly sequenced; the children did not have a basic understanding of subtracting without regrouping before beginning subtracting with regrouping; Respondent's use of her own vocabulary confused the children; Respondent did not clarify by rephrasing with different words, but rather, used the same vocabulary over again that the children had not understood the first time. Respondent blocked the chalkboard while she was demonstrating to the class, was inattentive to the need for a chair by one student, and required a reading level of the children in math for which they were not prepared. Respondent again demonstrated improper subject-verb agreement, e.g., "What is the numbers?" and dropping endings on verbs, e.g., "As time go on", "Three minus two leave one." In order to help Respondent improve her techniques of instruction, Dr. Hanley again recommended the Respondent work with another second grade teacher to understand and become proficient in following the sequence and the delivery of instructions to include introduction, background, and the other steps in sequencing. She was also instructed to master the vocabulary and instructional plans in the teacher's manual and to adhere to them while teaching. She was instructed to develop a method for re-teaching individual students who appeared not to understand the lesson. Another conference-for-the-record was held on June 6, 1986. Respondent's unacceptable teaching performance was reviewed. Respondent was advised that a recommendation for dismissal for cause would be made. Respondent was also given an end of the year prescription, as required by TADS. Although Respondent had improved her classroom management during the year, she was still unacceptable in knowledge of subject matter and techniques of instruction for the 1985-1986 school year. The two unacceptable categories are key categories in teaching. Improvement in these had either been slight or not at all, and Dr. Hanley had exhausted the school system's resources in attempting to assist Respondent. Respondent's testimony at formal hearing corroborates her supervisors' observations as to her failure to exhibit appropriate English grammar and usage with regard to subject-verb tenses. Gloria Jackerson, a retired teacher, testified on behalf of Respondent. Although this retired teacher of 21 years and a candid witness, she is Respondent's best friend. While this relationship may not have colored her favorable testimony, she admits that she has never observed Respondent teach in the classroom nor has she taught Chapter I students in Miami-Dade County under the present program. Therefore, her testimony with regard to Respondent's competency must be rejected. Evidence presented by several satisfied parents is all in Respondent's favors however, most had no training in classroom observation nor were they able to observe Respondent teaching in her classroom over any significant period of time. Their observations, therefore, were of minimal duration and purely subjective. No objective records showing whether their children were promoted or how their children progressed under Respondent's teaching were offered to substantiate their layman's viewpoint. With regard to the testimony of Robert Collins, a Learning Disability teacher in the Dade County School System, who requested that his child be placed in the Respondent's class and who had a brief opportunity to observe Mrs. Brewer in the classroom and who testified that her classes were well managed, his observation opportunities were so brief and so sporadic as to not outweigh the greater weight of the expert testimony of Petitioner's witnesses. The supportive evidence of Geraldine Townsend, another Perrine teachers is not helpful to Respondent in that this witness also had no truly meaningful observations of Respondent. The testimony of Mrs. Collins, a mother and also a teacher's aide, that some of the formal observers made Respondent's classes nervous and jittery is accepted, but this circumstance does not eliminate or seriously mitigate Respondent's responsibilities to teach effectively and to keep her students under control during observations. Respondent Brewer has worked hard to obtain her education and position. She is a deeply religious, compassionate, and caring individual. She has the type of supportive personality the young people of this society dearly need to know and relate to. She has good rapport with the young and communicates with them in loving and supportive ways. However, her personal qualifications and attributes do not outweigh the clear and convincing evidence of her incompetency as demonstrated by the foregoing Findings of Fact. On August 20, 1986, Petitioner School Board suspended Respondent, 55 years old, from employment, 2.20 years short of her attaining full retirement, and further initiated dismissal procedures.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner, School Board of Dade County, Florida, enter a Final Order sustaining the suspension, without pay, as of August 20, 1986, of Respondent, Anna M. Brewer, and dismissing Respondent Anna M. Brewer as a teacher in the Dade County Public Schools. That the Educational Practices Commission enter a Final Order suspending Respondent's Florida teaching certificate for five years or until she demonstrates competency pursuant to statute and ruled whichever occurs first. DONE and ORDERED this 31st day of July, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of July, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NOs. 86-3926, 87-0468 The following constitutes specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, upon the parties' respective proposed findings of fact (PFOF). Petitioner School Board's PFOF Covered in FOF 1. Covered in FOF 2 and 3. Covered and corrected to reflect the record in FOF 5. Covered in FOF 6. Covered in FOF 7. 6-8. Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary except as set out in FOF 11. Covered in FOF 8. Except to the extent it is subordinate and unnecessary, it is covered in FOF 9. Rejected as subordinate, unnecessary and cumulative. Partially addressed in FOF 11. Covered in FOF 10. Covered in FOF 11. Covered in FOF 12. Covered in FOF 13. 16-18. Covered in FOF 14. Covered in FOF 15. Covered in FOF 16. Covered in FOF 17. 22-23. Covered in FOF 18. Covered in FOF 19. Covered in FOF 20. Covered in FOF 21. Covered in FOF 22. Covered in FOF 23. Covered in FOF 24. Covered in FOF 25. Covered in FOF 26. Except to the extent it required expansion to fully conform to the record and except to the extent its proposals are subordinate and unnecessary, this proposal is covered in FOF 26. 33.-42. Covered in FOF 27-28. 43.-47. Except as contrary to the record for expression or subordinate, covered in FOF 29. Covered in FOF 30. Covered in FOF 31. Covered in FOF 32. Covered in FOF 33. Covered in FOF 34. Covered in FOF 35. Covered in F0F 36. Modified to more accurately reflect the record as a whole, in FOF 37. Modified to more accurately reflect the record as a whole, in FOF 38. Covered in FOF 39. Covered in FOF 41. Covered in FOF 42. , 62., 64., 66. and 68. are covered in FOF 43. , 63., 65., 67. and 69. are covered in FOF 44. 70.-73. Covered in FOF 45. Covered in FOF 46. Covered in FOF 47. Covered in FOF 48. Covered, expanded and modified so as to reflect the competent, substantial evidence of record as a whole in FOF 49. Covered in FOF 50. Covered in FOF 51. Covered in FOF 52. Covered in FOF 50 and 53. Covered in FOF 54. Covered in FOF 55. Covered in FOF 56. Covered in FOF 57. Covered in FOF 58. Covered in FOF 59. Covered in FOF 60. 89-91. Expanded and modified to reflect the competent, substantial evidence of record and to eliminate the subordinate and unnecessary in FOF 61. Covered in FOF 62. Except to the extent it is subordinate and unnecessary, covered in FOF 63 and 65. Covered in FOF 64. 95-96. Covered in FOF 65 except for cumulative and unnecessary material. Covered in FOF 66. Covered in FOF 67. Covered and expanded in FOF 68. Covered in FOF 69. Except to the extent it is subordinate and unnecessary or cumulative, covered in FOF 70. Covered in FOF 71. Covered in FOF 72. Covered in FOF 73. Rejected as cumulative. Covered in FOF 74. Rejected as cumulative. Covered and expanded in FOF 80. Petitioner Betty Castor's (EPC's) PFOF Since this petitioner adopted the PFOF of Petitioner School Board, the rulings are also the same. Respondent's PFOF Covered in FOF 1. Covered in FOF 2-3. Covered in FOF 4. There is no PFOF. Covered in FOF 7-13, most specifically in FOF 13. Covered in FOF 14-17, most specifically in FOF 17. Covered in FOF 18-22, most specifically in FOF 22. Covered in FOF 23-25, most specifically in FOF 25. 9-10. Covered in FOF 26. Rejected as not supported by the evidence. Rejected as not supported by the evidence and for the reasons discussed in FOF 75. Rejected as not supported by the evidence and for the reasons discussed in FOF 77. Rejected as not supported by the evidence and for the reasons discussed in FOF 76. Rejected as not supported by the evidence and for the reasons discussed in FOF 78. COPIES FURNISHED: Leonard Britton, Superintendent School Board of Dade County 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Madeline P. Schere, Esquire Board Administration Building Suite 301 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 J. David Holders Esquire 211 South Gadsden Street Post Office Box 1694 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 William DuFresne, Esquire 2929 Southwest Third Avenue Suite 1 Miami, Florida 33129 Karen B. Wilde, Executive Director Education Practices Commission 125 Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399 =================================================================

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-000709 Latest Update: Sep. 07, 1979

Findings Of Fact Tracy Tashanna Jackson is a 13-year-old, and Tammy Terrell Jackson is a 12-year-old, who were, until February 7, 1979, assigned respectively to the eighth and seventh grades at Miami Edison Middle School in Miami, Florida. On February 7, 1979, an incident occurred at Miami Edison Middle School which resulted in both students being reassigned to Jan Mann Opportunity School North. At the time of this incident, the two students had been attending Miami Edison Middle School for only approximately one month. On February 6, 1979, one day prior to the incident which gave rise to this proceeding, the students were threatened by another student who allegedly was a member of a group of students popularly known as the "Graveyard Gang." Upon receiving the throat, the students went to the office of the Assistant Principal and advised him that they expected trouble from these other students. The Assistant Principal essentially advised the students to attempt to avoid any confrontation. However, on the afternoon of February 6, 1979, while Tammy and Tracy Jackson were on their way home from school, they encountered the students who had threatened them, and a fight ensued. After the fight, Tracy and Tammy Jackson were advised by the other students that the fight would continue the next day at school, that these other students would have knives, and that Tracy and Tammy Jackson should come prepared. When Tracy and Tammy Jackson and their brother stepped off the city bus in the vicinity of Miami Edison Middle School the next morning, they were met by a large group of other students. Apparently, some member of this group struck Tracy and Tammy Jackson's brother, at which point Tracy and Tammy Jackson first displayed knives which they had brought with them from home. According to the testimony of Tracy and Tammy Jackson, which is not controverted, this was the first and only time that they had attended school armed with knives. The entire group of students apparently began milling around but proceeded generally in the direction of the main school building. At this point, Freddie Robinson, the Assistant Principal at Miami Edison Middle School, noticed the crowd of students, and proceeded into the crowd on the assumption that a fight was occurring. Upon being advised that Tracy and Tammy Jackson were armed with knives, Mr. Robinson managed to direct the students into the main school building, down the hall and into the Counselor's office. At all times during those movements, the Assistant Principal and the students were surrounded by a milling group of hostile students apparently intent on prolonging the confrontation. According to the Assistant Principal, at no time did either of the students display their knives in a threatening or offensive manner, but were instead attempting to defend themselves against attack. At some point in this process, the Assistant Principal was joined by George Thomas, a teacher at the school, who attempted to assist Mr. Robinson in disarming the girls. Mr. Thomas managed to remove the knife from the possession of Tammy Jackson without incident, but when Mr. Robinson grabbed the arm of Tracy Jackson, that student, in attempting to break free, inflicted what appears to have been a minor wound to Mr. Robinson's forearm. Mr. Robinson testified, without contradiction, that it appeared to him that the student did not intentionally stab him, but inflicted the wound accidently in the process of attempting to break free from his hold. On February 22, 1979, both Tammy and Tracy Jackson were reassigned from Miami Edison Middle School to Jan Mann Opportunity School North as a result of this incident. There is nothing in the record to indicate the procedures by which this assignment was accomplished. It is, however, clear that the students never attended Jan Mann Opportunity School North, but were instead held out of school by their mother. As a result, February 7, 1979, was the last day on which these students attended school during the 1978-79 school year. The incident which occurred on February 7, 1979, was the only incident of disruptive behavior in which Tracy and Tammy Jackson have been involved while enrolled in the Dade County Public Schools. The other students involved in the fight with them, however, had been suspended from school on several occasions for fighting and disrupting classes. There is no evidence in the record in this cause concerning Tracy and Tammy Jackson' grades from which any determination could be made that they have been unsuccessful in the normal school environment. Likewise, the record is devoid of any testimony regarding their lack of attendance in the regular school program. Although the students did not attend Jan Mann Opportunity School North after having been assigned to that facility, there appears no evidence of record concerning the programs available at that institution in which the students would have been enrolled had they chosen to attend. In addition, although there exists some testimony concerning a very commendable Dade County School Board policy against the possession of knives on campus at any school in Dade County, no such written policy was offered into evidence at this proceeding.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered by the Dade County School Board reassigning the students, Tammy Terrell Jackson and Tracy Tashanna Jackson, to the regular school program in the Dade County School System. Recommended this 17th day of July, 1979, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 101 Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Mrs. Jerry D. Jackson 2340 NW 73rd Terrace, #12 Miami, Florida 33147 Jesse J. McCrary, Jr., Esquire 3000 Executive Building, Suite 300 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137 Mr. Ludwig J. Gross Executive Director Division of Student Services Dade County Public Schools 5975 East 7th Avenue Hialeah, Florida 33013 Phyllis O. Douglas, Esquire Dade County Public Schools Administrative Office Lindsey Hopkins Building 1410 NE 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Michael Neimand, Esquire 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Miami Florida, 33137 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY CASE NOS. 79-709, 79-710 MRS. JERRY D. JACKSON, on behalf of minor child, TAMMY TERRELL JACKSON, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 79-709 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, Respondent. / MRS. JERRY D. JACKSON, on behalf of minor child, TRACY TASHANNA JACKSON, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 79-710 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, Respondent. / ORDER OF THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY FLORIDA THIS CAUSE came on for hearing before The School Board of Dade County, Florida at its regular meeting on August 22, 1979, upon the Hearing Officer's findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommended order, recommending that Tammy Terrell Jackson and Tracy Tashanna Jackson be reassigned to the regular school program in the Dade County school system. IT IS THEREUPON ORDERED by The School Board of Dade County, Florida that the Hearing Officer's findings of fact, conclusions of law and recommended order are adopted with the following modifications: 1. The Hearing Officer's Conclusions of Law are modified by deleting paragraph 7 and substituting the following therefor: 7. F.A.C. Section 6A-1.994 provides: "6A-1.994 Educational alternative programs. Definition. Educational alternative programs are programs designed to meet the needs of students who are disruptive, dis- interested, or unsuccessful in a normal school environment. The educational alter- native may occur either within the school system or in another agency authorized by the school board. Criteria for eligibility. A student may be eligible for an educational alternative program if the student meets one (1) or more of the criteria prescribed below as deter- mined by grades, achievement test scores, referrals for suspension or other discipli- nary action, and rate of absences. (a) Disruptive. A student who: Displays persistent behavior which inter- feres with the student's own learning or the educational process of others and requires attention and assistance beyond that which the traditional program can provide; or Displays consistent behavior resulting in frequent conflicts of a disruptive nature while the student is under the jurisdiction of the school either in or out of the class- room; or Displays disruptive behavior which severely threatens the general welfare of the student or other members of the school population." (emphasis supplied) 8. The petitioners have both displayed "dis- ruptive behavior which severely threatens the general welfare of the student or other members of the school population." Meeting this criteria is sufficient grounds for placement in an educational alternative program. Accordingly, they are properly, and in their own best interests, assigned to Jan Mann Opportunity School North. There is no evidence that this assignment is punitive rather than positive in nature. 2. The Hearing Officer's recommendation is, therefore, rejected, and the assignment of Tammy Terrell Jackson and Tracy Tashanna Jackson to Jan Mann Opportunity School North is affirmed. DONE AND ORDERED this 22nd day of August, 1979. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Phyllis Miller, Chairman

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-003067 Latest Update: Jun. 08, 1990

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Carolyn T. Smith, holds teaching certificate number 105319, issued by the State of Florida, Department of Education. Respondent is certified to teach French and Spanish through the junior college level. Respondent has been employed as a French and Spanish teacher by Petitioner, School Board of Dade County (School Board) since 1961. From 1961 to 1966, Respondent taught at Mays Junior High School, and from 1966 through 1976 at Southwest Miami Senior High School. During the 1976-77 and 1977-78 school years Respondent was on a leave of absence. In 1978 Respondent resumed her teaching career and was assigned to Palmetto Senior High School (Palmetto). Respondent taught at Palmetto until her suspension from teaching at the conclusion of the 1982-83 school year. Respondent's annual evaluations extending from the 1961-62 school year through the 1978-79 school year were acceptable. It is Respondent's performance from the 1979-80 through 1982-83 school years which is at issue in these proceedings. During the 1979-80 school year the normal work day at Palmetto was 7:20 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. Due to personal hardship, however, Respondent was granted permission to alter her schedule to an 8:10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. work day. Despite the accommodation afforded Respondent, on at least seven occasions between September 7, 1979 and February 21, 1980, Respondent was from five minutes to one hour and ten minutes late to work. Not only was Respondent late to her first class, she occasionally missed the class entirely as well as the beginning of her next class. On February 21, 1980 Respondent was formally observed by Elaine Kenzel, assistant principal at Palmetto. Ms. Kenzel's observation specifically apprised Respondent that she had been rated unacceptable in professional responsibility because of her tardiness. Ms. Kenzel's observation noted several other areas of performance in which Respondent was unacceptable or needed improvement. These matters were reviewed at conferences with Respondent on February 26 and 28, 1980. Portions of the conferences were attended by Francis Wargo, the principal at Palmetto. Among the topics broached at the conferences were Respondent's failure to properly maintain her grade book, her failure to follow proper grading procedures, her failure to properly assess each student's progress, her failure to use assessment techniques which motivate and enable students to learn, and lack of teacher-student rapport. Respondent's grade book for the 1979-80 school year was messy and, in large measure, incomprehensible to anyone other than Respondent. The grade book failed to indicate the grading period, failed to specify the grade source, failed to weight the grades for various tasks, and was uncoded. It depicted a poor professional image and failed to fulfill its basic purpose--to enable students, parents, replacement teachers and other authorized persons to review a student's achievement. Despite repeated critiques, Respondent's grade books showed little improvement during her tenure at Palmetto. Ms. Kenzel also counseled Respondent about her obligation to maintain a representative sampling of each student's work in her student folders. These samples were necessary to assess student progress, and should include graded tests, homework, classwork and reports. At the time of Ms. Kenzel's observation, six months into the 1979-80 school year, there were few samples of any student's work. What did exist were, in large measure, short quizzes of a vocabulary nature. The student folders were inadequate to assess a student's progress. Finally, Ms. Kenzel critiqued Respondent's instructional technique. Ms. Kenzel suggested that Respondent's students should not be simply repeating lessons in rote fashion, but should be involved in a variety of activities. This would improve student attention and enthusiasm, which Ms. Kenzel perceived was lacking. Final examinations for the 1979-80 school year were scheduled to commence at 7:30 a.m., June 9, 1980. The scheduling of examinations required a rearrangement of the normal class schedule. Fifth period, which normally began at 1:30 p.m., was scheduled for 7:30 a.m. This change required that Respondent report at 7:20 a.m. on June 9, instead of 8:10 a.m. The examination schedule was published, and discussed with Respondent at a faculty meeting. On June 9, 1980, Respondent failed to report for work until 8:15 a.m., 45 minutes after her fifth period examination was scheduled to commence. Respondent's tardiness created a poor testing atmosphere and was a cause of anxiety and frustration for her students. Respondent offered no explanation for her tardiness. On June 11, 1980, a conference for the record was held between Mr. Wargo and Respondent. Respondent's tardiness of June 9, 1980 was discussed, and she was reminded that her work day for the next year would be the same as other teachers, 7:20 a.m.-2:40 p.m. Respondent was told that disciplinary action would be recommended if she failed to observe the prescribed working hours. Respondent was also reminded that school policy forbade a teacher to permit a student to hand-carry any part of an examination to the office for duplication. Respondent's annual evaluation for the 1979-80 school year recommended Respondent for continued employment, but found her unacceptable in classroom management and teacher-student relationships. It is worthy of note that this evaluation was dated June 2, 1980, and therefore predated Respondent's tardiness of June 9, 1980 and the conference for the record held June 11, 1980. The 1980- School Year The 1980-81 school year produced few observations of Respondent's performance. During that year a massive rebuilding project was underway and the administration's attention was directed toward that project and coping with the upheaval it caused. Normal classroom assignments and instruction were often disrupted. Teachers were often moved in and out of classrooms on one day's notice. Consequently, a great deal of latitude was afforded all teachers, and all were rated acceptable. That is not to say Respondent's performance was unblemished. The evidence established two definite areas of deficiency again were present. Respondent's tardiness to school and to class continued, and Respondent was again deficient in her student assessments. In November 1981, Ms. Mona Sowers visited Respondent's class to discuss the progress of her daughter, Carolyn Ann. She was concerned because conversations she had overheard between her daughter and friends left her with the impression they were not being tested. Respondent's grade book demonstrated that no testing or grades were present for Carolyn Ann. Although she inquired of her daughter's progress, Ms. Sowers was not shown any papers, or any other work, which would objectively demonstrate her daughter's progress. Respondent's sole explanation was that she tested her students orally. There were no grades in the grade book for oral or written tests, however, and Respondent was unable to recognize Ms. Sowers' daughter as one of her students until prompted by Ms. Sowers. For the 1981-82 school year, Respondent was again scheduled to work the normal 7:20 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. work day. On the first day of class Respondent was 20 minutes late. During much of the 1981-82 school year Respondent was tardy in arriving, from two to five occasions each week. Teacher tardiness impacts directly on the quantum of education offered the students. While first period is scheduled to begin at 7:30 a.m., adherence to the 7:20 a.m. arrival time is essential if the teacher is to be prepared to start class promptly. Otherwise, 5-10 minutes of class time are wasted by the teacher in organizing herself for that day's lesson. Promptness is particularly crucial for first period since daily announcements, which can occupy up to five minutes of the period, are given at that time. Since each class period is 55 minutes in duration, a loss of only 10 minutes per day equates to a loss of one day of instruction each week. Respondent's tardiness deprived her students of valuable instructional time, and left them unsupervised--a condition not helpful to their safety. Respondent was formally observed on six separate occasions during the 1981-82 school year. Mr. Wargo's observations of September 25, 1981 and November 5, 1982, and Ms. Kenzel's observation of October 12, 1981, rated Respondent overall acceptable, but each noted some areas of unacceptable performance. The deficiencies noted in these three observations were similar to those observed in preceding years. Respondent was unacceptable in classroom management, techniques of instruction, teacher-student relationships and professional responsibility. Respondent wasted up to 20 minutes of class time on extraneous matters, failed to establish or enforce classroom policies on decorum or procedure, and her instruction evidenced a lack of planning. Respondent's classroom was messy and disorganized. Her tardiness continued. Each of these observations was critiqued with Respondent and suggestions to improve her performance were made. She was advised to start classes promptly, establish classroom policies and enforce them, vary her methods of instruction, and visit other classes and observe other teachers' performance. Respondent was reminded that her contract work day was 7:20 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. On February 2, 1982, Mr. Wargo stopped two students leaving Respondent's room. He discovered they had been visiting other students in Respondent's classroom, and that she was unaware of their presence. Respondent was observed passing out papers during a movie, and her students were talking and walking about. This occasioned Respondent's next formal observation. On February 4-5, 1982, Mr. Wargo formally observed Respondent's classes. He rated her overall unacceptable, and unacceptable in the categories of preparation and planning, techniques of instruction, teacher-student relationships and professional responsibility. Apart from Respondent's continuing tardiness, which accounted for her unacceptable rating in professional responsibility, the gravamen of her unacceptable rating in the other areas was basically inadequate planning and variety. Respondent's class was dull, her voice a monotone. Students responded in rote fashion to Respondent's singular questions. There was no variety of instruction or student feedback. Mr. Wargo directed Respondent to use the prescribed lesson plan form that had been developed at Palmetto. It was his opinion that if Respondent prepared a detailed lesson plan her classroom management would improve, student confusion would be avoided, and a more stimulating and organized presentation achieved. On February 9, 1982 Mr. Wargo held a conference with Respondent, Ms. Kenzel and Ms. Patrylo, Respondent's department head, to discuss the unacceptable observation of February 4-5, 1982, the incident of February 2, 1982, and ways to improve Respondent's techniques of instruction. During the course of that meeting, Respondent was advised that Ms. Wally Lyshkov, foreign language supervisor for Dade County Schools, would observe her class on February 19, 1982. On February 19, 1982 Respondent was formally observed by Ms. Lyshkov. While she rated Respondent overall acceptable, Ms. Lyshkov was of the opinion that Respondent's presentation was "staged" for her benefit. Her opinion was formed as a result of student comments that they did not usually do what they were doing, and by the lack of smoothness that results when activities are routine. Although "staged," Respondent's presentation indicates she knows how to teach effectively if she chooses to do so. Respondent had a very detailed lesson plan for the day Ms. Lyshkov observed her. Ms. Lyshkov reviewed Respondent's prior plans and found them to be sketchy. She recommended that Respondent continue to formulate detailed lesson plans, since Respondent's success that day proved their effectiveness. Respondent's last formal observation for the 1981-82 school year occurred on March 2, 1982. Mr. Wargo observed her classes for periods 1 and 2, and Ms. Kenzel observed for a portion of the same classes. Respondent was rated overall acceptable. The results of these observations establish that Respondent is capable of presenting a good lesson when she chooses to prepare herself. The 1981-82 school year evidenced other indications of Respondent's disposition. She was late turning in emergency lesson plans, lesson plans, course outlines and grade sheets. She was late to departmental meetings and to teacher workdays. She occasionally left her classes unsupervised. Despite her previous warning, Respondent continued to permit students to hand-carry examinations to the xerox room for copying. In May 1982 Mr. Wargo issued Respondent a letter of reprimand for unprofessional conduct in calling a student "trash." During the 1982-83 school year Respondent was heard to call various students "cabbage head," "stupid," "dumb," "disgusting," "fools," and "disgusting little creature." On May 27, 1982 Mr. Wargo completed Respondent's annual evaluation and recommended her for continued employment. While Mr. Wargo rated Respondent unacceptable in teacher-student relationships, he was apparently satisfied that she was improving her other areas of deficiency. Subsequent to the annual evaluation a significant number of serious problems surfaced which reflected on Respondent's performance and which caused Mr. Wargo to seriously question his recommendation for continued employment. Respondent was absent, without satisfactory excuse or authorization, from school during the final examination period of June 14 through June 17, 1982. According to Respondent it was not until 2:00 p.m. the preceding Friday that she first learned she would have to take her son, a 12-year-old junior high school student, to Talladega College, Talladega, Alabama, to enroll him in a "Super Stars" summer program she had selected. According to Respondent, her husband could not take their son because he was "on call" at his work. Respondent's explanation for abandoning her obligations is unpersuasive. Respondent had at least four weeks' notice that her son had been accepted for the program. Ms. Patrylo, Respondent's department head, was at school the Friday before exams until 2:45-3:00 p.m. At no time during the preceding four weeks, or on the Friday preceding exams, did Respondent advise the administration or her department head that she would need to be absent that week. Instead, Respondent "fulfilled" her obligations by "informing" the principal's and assistant principal's secretaries late Friday afternoon that she would be absent and left her final examinations in the office. Ms. Patrylo did not become aware of Respondent's absence until the morning of June 14, 1982. During the course of administering the French I final examination to Respondent's first period class Ms. Patrylo discovered a number of significant problems which reflected adversely on Respondent's competence. Respondent's French I examination was a travesty. It was not a French I examination but a French II placement test the department had previously prepared to gauge at what level an incoming student should be placed. Respondent had simply taken a copy of the placement test and written "French I Final" on it. Respondent had been previously instructed that the examination was to be thorough and cover a significant amount of the year's course content. Essay questions were to be included. The French II placement test which Respondent proposed to give her students was composed of 47 questions; no essay questions - were included. Over 50 percent of the test, 25 questions, dealt with the passe' compose', yet that grammatical structure had not been extensively taught. Twenty-five percent of the examination dealt with verbs in the past tense, yet Respondent's students had not studied the past tense. Moreover, the test only required the "bubbling in" of answers on a computer card and did not require any writing. While two hours were allotted for the examination, this exam could be completed in ten minutes. Respondent's classroom was in disarray. Maps valued at $300 were abused. Respondent's closet contained flash cards, audio visual materials, food and other materials haphazardly thrown about. The room was completely disorganized. Respondent left no instructions for completing her book inventory. Consequently, 56 of her textbooks, valued at $11.00 each, were never accounted for. When school started the next year the class was short of books. On June 18, 1982, the last day of school, Respondent was due at school at 8:00 a.m. She failed to arrive until 8:45 a.m. Because of Respondent's tardiness three members of her department had to record grades for four of her classes in order to assure timely delivery of the grade sheets to the computer center. In working with Respondent's grade book to establish final grades, these teachers noted several shortcomings. Respondent's grade book contained no code for weighting of grades, it was impossible to tell which student absences were excused or unexcused, and on some lines two students' names appeared, rendering it impossible to decipher which grades belonged to which student. On June 23, 1982 a conference for the record was held to discuss the shortcomings of Respondent's performance, which were revealed during the last days of the school year. During this conference Mr. Wargo addressed Respondent's historical and current problems in record keeping, tardiness, following district, area and school policies, and classroom management. Mr. Wargo advised Respondent, by memorandum dated June 28, 1982, that he would not recommend Respondent for continued employment for the 1983-84 school year unless she showed marked improvement during the 1982-83 school year in the following areas: Accuracy and completeness of required record keeping. Strict adherence to contracted working hours of 7:20 a.m.-2:40 p.m. You will be expected to be in your classroom no later than 7:25 a.m. Compliance with district, area, and school level directives and policies. Improved classroom management procedures to insure the following: Classroom organized and neat; Attendance and tardy procedures enforced. Seating charts available and up-to-date. Rules and procedures consistently applied. Teacher-student relationships resulting in mutual respect. Consistent classroom performance resulting in continuous acceptable ratings. Respondent agreed to follow Mr. Wargo's suggestions to improve her performance, and to cooperate with the department chairperson. She stated that she would work very diligently the next year, and promised that Mr. Wargo would see considerable improvement. The observations, evaluations, conferences and suggestions made over the preceding three years, and Respondent's commitment to improve her performance and cooperation during the 1982-83 school year, proved futile. From September 1982 through April 1983, Respondent's teaching was observed on one or more occasions by her principal and assistant principal, an area director of the Dade County public schools, and the foreign language supervisor of the Dade County public schools. Each concurs that Respondent's performance was unacceptable in preparation and planning, classroom management, techniques of instruction, and assessment techniques; the same reasons she was found unacceptable in previous years. The root of Respondent's poor performance was indolence. Although proficient in her languages, Respondent demonstrated an unwillingness to change her methods or to plan, deliver and critique her lessons. Throughout the 1982-83 school year, despite numerous conferences, prescriptions, and requests, Respondent's lesson plans were submitted late and evidenced no continuity of purpose. At best, they were sketchy, disorganized and unduly repetitive. At worst, they were incomprehensible and illegible. Their content and appearance compel the conclusion they were hastily prepared to superficially comply with the requirement that she have lesson plans, but without any attention to their content or purpose. Respondent's classroom management was unacceptable throughout the school year. Frequently, less than one-half of available class time was devoted to foreign language instruction. Students were often unruly and undisciplined. They were permitted, without censure, to read novels, listen to radios, gossip, and apparently sleep during Respondent's classes. Respondent's inability or failure to manage her classroom was in large measure a product of her failure to prepare her lessons. Because of the low cognitive level at which Respondent taught, her classes were dull and conducive to student disruption. Her techniques of instruction were unacceptable. Respondent emphasized memorization, recall and drill on a purely audio-lingual basis and ignored the variety and repetitive reinforcement benefits that could be derived from reading and writing a foreign language. Respondent's assessment techniques were unacceptable. After three months into the 1982-83 school year, Respondent's grade book reflected only one written test and her student folders contained no assessment of her students' reading and writing skills. This situation did not improve over the course of the year. At no time during the course of the final hearing did Respondent concede she needed improvement in her techniques. The evidence, however, renders it painfully apparent that a serious problem did exist. Respondent testified that she practiced the audio- lingual method of foreign language instruction, which emphasizes listening and speaking, through level III of a foreign language. Repetition, she says, is essential. Accordingly, Respondent concludes, the presence of repetition in her lesson plans was essential, and the absence of many written tests in her grade book, or student papers reflecting reading and writing skills in the student folders, not unusual. Respondent's explanation ignores some very salient factors, to which she was privy. The Dade County curriculum requires that the four skills-- listening, speaking, reading and writing--be taught at each level of foreign language instruction. Further, Respondent had received unsatisfactory ratings in student assessments during the preceding three years because of her failure to properly test and her failure to document her students' progress in the student folders. By her own testimony Respondent concedes she did not teach the prescribed curriculum. Because of that failure she was unable to assess her students' skills in reading and writing since she had not developed them. By neglecting the reading and writing skills, Respondent not only deprived her students of the skills themselves, but also of the stimulation such variety in technique would have brought to her classroom, the reinforcement that would have been achieved by developing those skills, and the positive impact it would have had on class management. Respondent's attendance history during the 1982-83 school year was poor. As early as September 1982 Respondent was admonished by her principal for her failure to observe the 7:20 a.m. to 2:40 p.m work day, yet she subsequently arrived, on a number of occasions, after 7:30 a.m. During the second semester her tardiness took a new twist. During this time period, while Respondent would apparently arrive at school by the mandated 7:20 a.m. deadline, she would not open her classroom door until 7:30 a.m. While apparently in her classroom at 7:20 a.m., Respondent would not turn on any lights and, consequently, neither student nor administrator could assure her presence. Ms. Patrylo, Respondent's department head, asked Respondent to leave a light on in the room so that Respondent's students would know she was there, and so Ms. Patrylo would not have to be concerned about her absence and the need to unlock the door to admit Respondent's students. Respondent refused Ms. Patrylo's request because "she did not want to run up the electric bill for the Dade County schools." Respondent's response to Ms. Patrylo is not indicative of a cooperative attitude. It is, however, indicative of a plan to frustrate the administration in its attempt to monitor Respondent's compliance with the contracted work hours. The evidence establishes, however, that Respondent failed to adhere to her contracted work hours for the 1982-83 school year. The administration of Palmetto Senior High School, and the School Board, went to considerable lengths in the 1982-83 school year to rehabilitate Respondent. Their efforts were, however, met by little or no effort by Respondent to improve herself. Respondent asserts, rather incongruously since she acknowledges no imperfection in her teaching techniques, that the cause of her failure to improve was caused by the observations and prescriptions themselves and because she had four preparations that school year. Respondent's assertions are unpersuasive. At no time during the 1982-83 school year did Respondent render any such objections. The number of preparations Respondent had was not excessive. Respondent could have obviated the necessity of any prescriptions, and most observations, by abiding the commitment she had given Mr. Wargo at the close of the 1981-82 school year--to improve her performance in these same areas. In short, Respondent's attempt to excuse her "failures," because of the administration's statutorily and contractually mandated efforts to assist her, lacks substance. While occasional improvement in Respondent's performance was seen over the course of the 1982-83 school year, it was sporadic and short-lived. Despite counseling, prescriptions, and workshops, Respondent continued to perform at an unsatisfactory level in the same areas as previous years. It was the consensus of opinion of the professional educators and experts who observed Respondent's classroom performance that she repeatedly failed to teach effectively and faithfully as required by Rule 6Gx 13-4A-1.21V, School Board of Dade County, and failed to communicate with and relate to the children in her classroom to such an extent that they were deprived of a minimum educational experience. The evidence compels the same conclusion. Respondent's tardiness further deprived her students of the minimum educational experience to which they were entitled and her frequent absences from the classroom could have placed her students in physical jeopardy. At the conclusion of the 1982-83 school year Respondent was suspended from her position as a classroom teacher in the Dade County school system.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED That: Petitioner, School Board of Dade County, enter a Final Order in Case No. 83-3067, sustaining Respondent's suspension from her employment, and dismissing Respondent as an employee of the School Board of Dade County; and Petitioner, Ralph D. Turlington, as Commisioner of Education, enter a Final Order in Case No. 84-0149 revoking the teacher's certificate of Respondent, Carolyn T. Smith, for two (2) years. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of May, 1985, at Tallahassee Florida. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of May, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire Dade County Public Schools 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Craig R. Wilson, Esquire The Law Building Suite 204 315 Third Street West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Ellen L. Leesfield, Esquire DuFresne and Bradley, P.A. 2929 S.W. 3rd Avenue Miami, Florida 33129 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Honorable Ralph D. Turlington Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Karen Barr Wilde, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Mar. 10, 2020 Number: 20-001335TTS Latest Update: Sep. 29, 2024

The Issue Whether just cause exists for Petitioner to suspend Respondent's employment as a teacher without pay for one day.

Findings Of Fact The School Board is a duly-constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise the public schools in Broward County. The School Board hired Respondent on September 1, 1981. At all times material hereto, Respondent has been employed by the School Board as a middle school social science teacher and department head at Whiddon-Rogers Education Center ("Whiddon-Rogers"). At all times material to this case, Respondent's employment with the School Board has been governed by Florida law and the School Board's policies. The conduct giving rise to the School Board's proposed one-day suspension of Respondent occurred on October 1, 2019, during the 2019-2020 school year. On the morning of October 1, 2019, M.G., an eighth grade male student at Whiddon-Rogers, received a telephone call regarding some family members who had died that morning. Due to the deaths in his family, M.G. was upset and in a "bad mood" throughout the morning and later that day when he arrived in Respondent's fourth period social studies class. During Respondent's fourth period class, M.G. did not want to be disturbed. He had a "hoodie over his head," his head down on his desk, and he was not doing any work. M.G. was often picked on in class by other students. On this particular occasion in Respondent's fourth period class, M.G. was being picked on by other students as he laid his head down on his desk. At some point, M.G. picked his head up from his desk and made a verbal threat to other students that he was going to shoot up the school. Respondent did not hear M.G. make the threat. One of the other students that heard M.G.'s threat went to Respondent during class and told him M.G. had threatened to shoot up the school. Respondent did not report M.G.'s threat to school administration. Respondent did not consider M.G.'s comment to be a dangerous threat. Respondent did not want to embarrass M.G. and told him during his fourth period class on October 1, 2019, that he could not say things like that. M.G., who was angry, did not respond to Respondent and walked out of the classroom. Respondent instructed M.G. to return to the classroom, but M.G. ignored him. On October 2, 2019, M.G. did not attend school. On the morning of October 3, 2019, Assistant Principal Sabrina Smith received a text message from another teacher at Whiddon-Rodgers, N'Kenge Rawls, notifying her of M.G.'s threat on October 1, 2019, to shoot up the school. Ms. Smith notified the other assistant principals of the threat and assembled the mandatory members of the Behavioral Threat Assessment ("BTA") team to collaboratively analyze available data, determine the level of risk, and develop appropriate interventions. As part of the threat assessment, Ms. Smith spoke to M.G. on October 3, 2019, who admitted he had threatened to shoot up the school. Ms. Smith also spoke to Respondent, who admitted he did not report M.G.'s threat to administration on October 1, 2019. Respondent admitted to Ms. Smith that he should have reported M.G.'s threat and that he made a mistake in not reporting the threat. Based on the behavioral threat assessment, the BTA team determined M.G.'s risk level to be "Medium/Serious Substantive." A "Medium/Serious Substantive" risk level means that the student "does not appear to pose a threat of violence at this time but exhibits behaviors that indicate a continuing intent to harm and/or potential for future violence." By all accounts, Respondent is a good teacher and well respected by his colleagues as evidenced by his team leader role at Whiddon-Rodgers. However, on this particular occasion, Respondent used poor judgment and erred in not reporting M.G.'s threat to shoot up the school on October 1, 2019. The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing establishes that Respondent failed to report M.G.'s threat to shoot up the school, which constitutes misconduct in office in violation of Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-5.056. By failing to report M.G.'s threat to shoot up the school, Respondent violated rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1., by failing to make reasonable effort to protect the students from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the students' mental and/or physical health and/or safety. Respondent's conduct also constitutes "[i]ncompetency" and "[i]nefficiency," in violation of rule 6A-5.056(3) and (3)(a)1., by failing to discharge the duty to report such a threat as prescribed by law and "[i]nefficiency" in violation of rule 6A- 5.056(3)(a)3., by failing to communicate appropriately with and relate to administrators. Respondent's conduct also violates School Board Policy 2130, which requires School Board employees "to report to school administration any expressed threat(s) or behavior(s) that may represent a threat to the community, school, or staff," and School Board Policy 4008, which requires Respondent to comply with the "Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida," and "all rules and regulations that may be prescribed by the State Board and by the School Board." Respondent has only received prior discipline on one occasion. On September 19, 2007, Respondent received a written reprimand for inappropriate discipline of a student.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Broward County School Board enter a final order upholding the one-day suspension of Respondent's employment without pay. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of November, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DARREN A. SCHWARTZ Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of November, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Andrew Carrabis, Esquire Broward County School Board 600 Southeast 3rd Avenue, 11th Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 (eServed) Melissa C. Mihok, Esquire Melissa C. Mihok, P.A. 201 East Pine Street, Suite 445 Orlando, Florida 32801 (eServed) Robert W. Runcie, Superintendent Broward County Public Schools 600 Southeast 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Richard Corcoran, Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (8) 1001.021012.011012.33120.536120.54120.569120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6A-10.0806A-10.0816A-5.056 DOAH Case (3) 12-397019-4589TTS20-1335TTS
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Dec. 21, 2017 Number: 17-006849TTS Latest Update: Nov. 13, 2018

The Issue Whether just cause exists for Petitioner to suspend Respondent from his teaching position, without pay, for 15 days, and to terminate his employment as a teacher.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner, Palm Beach County School Board, is charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise free public schools within the School District of Palm Beach County ("District"), pursuant to article IX, section 4(b) of the Florida Constitution and section 1012.33, Florida Statutes. Respondent has been employed by the District as a teacher since 2005. His last teaching assignment was as an eighth grade history teacher at Howell L. Watkins Middle School ("Watkins"), where he taught for approximately 12 years. Administrative Complaint Charges The Administrative Complaint alleges that on or about January 19, 2017, Respondent engaged in the following conduct with respect to a student, K.B.: "10. . . . a. [p]ush[ing] her into the dry board; b. [g]rabbing the student victim’s backpack causing her to fall; c. [p]ulling the victim’s arms and dragging her by one arm and one leg; and d. [d]ragging the student victim by the ankle and wrist." As a result of this alleged conduct, Petitioner has charged Respondent, in the Administrative Complaint, with violating the following statutes, rules, and School Board policies: sections 1008.24(1)(c), (1)(f), and (1)(g), 1012.22(1)(f), and 1012.27(5), Florida Statutes; Florida Administrative Code Rules 6A-5.056(2) and 6A-10.081(2)(a)(1), (2)(a)(5), and (2)(c)(1); and School Board Policies 0.01(2)(3) and (2)(4); 3.02(4)(a), (4)(d), and (4)(f); 3.02(5)(a)(ii), (5)(a)(viii), (5)(c)(vii) and (5)(i); 1.013(1); 1.1013; and 3.27; and article II, section M of the County Teachers' Association Collective Bargaining Agreement ("CBA"). The Administrative Complaint does not charge Respondent with having committed gross insubordination in violation of rule 6A-5.056(4). Evidence Adduced at Hearing The incident giving rise to this proceeding occurred on January 19, 2017, at Watkins, in Respondent's classroom and in the hallway immediately outside of Respondent's classroom. On that day, K.B., a student in Respondent's class, put her head down on her desk and refused to participate in the class's activities, despite being told repeatedly by Respondent to lift her head off of her desk and to participate in class activities. Frustrated with K.B.'s refusal to obey his repeated directives to lift her head off of her desk and participate in the class, Respondent ordered K.B. to get out of his classroom. The evidence does not clearly and convincingly establish whether, or what type, of physical interaction between Respondent and K.B. may have occurred as she was leaving, but was still inside the classroom.2/ The undisputed evidence establishes that as K.B. was walking toward the door to leave the classroom, she intentionally knocked a book off of a desk, causing it to fall to the floor. Respondent ordered K.B. to pick up the book, but she did not do so and exited the classroom. The evidence clearly and convincingly establishes that as K.B. opened the door and attempted to exit the classroom, Respondent detained her by grabbing her backpack. K.B. pushed forward in an attempt to resist being detained by Respondent, and as a result, fell to the floor in the hallway immediately adjacent to the open classroom door.3/ The evidence clearly and convincingly establishes that Respondent placed his hands on K.B.'s wrist and ankle as she was lying on the floor and dragged her back into the classroom.4/ Once K.B. and Respondent were back inside the classroom, Respondent ordered K.B. to pick up the book that she had pushed to the floor and to place it back on the desk. She complied, but then again intentionally pushed the book off of the desk onto the floor and again exited the classroom. The evidence clearly and convincingly establishes that as K.B. ran out of the open classroom door, Respondent again grabbed K.B. by her backpack. K.B. pushed forward to resist being physically detained by Respondent, and, as a result, again fell to the floor of the hallway. Respondent placed his hands on K.B.'s wrist and ankle as she was lying on the floor and again dragged her back into the classroom.5/ As K.B. and Respondent exited the classroom the second time, teacher Angela Hammond, whose classroom was immediately next door to Respondent's and who said she heard a "commotion," came out of her classroom into the hall. Hammond observed Respondent dragging K.B., who was lying on the floor, back into his classroom. Hammond entered Respondent's classroom and observed K.B. pick up a book that was on the floor, place it on a desk, and then slide it off of the desk onto the floor. At that point, Hammond took K.B. into her (Hammond's) classroom, and talked to K.B. in an effort to calm her down. At some point, Respondent also entered Hammond's classroom to talk to K.B. in an effort to determine if she was alright and to calm her down. The clear and convincing evidence, consisting of K.B.'s own testimony, establishes that she was not physically injured as a result of any aspect of the incident, including having been pulled by her ankle and wrist by Respondent. K.B. testified that she was extremely angry with Respondent as a result of the incident. The evidence establishes that before the incident, Respondent and K.B. enjoyed a mentor-mentee relationship. K.B. would talk to Respondent about her personal and school- related problems. Respondent would advise K.B. regarding engaging in more appropriate behavior at school, and would encourage her academic performance. K.B. testified that Respondent was one of her favorite teachers and that Respondent's class was the only one she had enjoyed in the 2016-2017 school year. To that point, K.B. wrote a letter to Respondent, telling him that she enjoyed his class, that he was a good teacher, and that she appreciated his help and encouragement. When asked whether the January 19, 2017, incident had changed her opinion of Respondent, she testified: "[n]ot really, because we both were in the wrong." Donald Hoffman, the principal at Watkins during the 2016-2017 school year, testified that the proper means for dealing with students who present behavioral problems during class is to use the in-classroom buzzer, which is mounted on the classroom wall, to call for assistance from school administration staff. Hoffman testified that all teachers at Watkins are apprised of this protocol. Respondent acknowledged that he was aware of this protocol, but that he did not use the buzzer to call for assistance in dealing with K.B.'s defiant behavior in the classroom or as she left the classroom. He acknowledged that he could have handled the situation in a more appropriate manner than he did in physically detaining K.B. Respondent testified, credibly, that he physically detained K.B. to prevent her from getting into trouble with the school's administration, and possibly being returned to the alternative school from which she had transferred, for having left his classroom during the class period. The Watkins Faculty & Staff Handbook ("Faculty Handbook") for fiscal year 2017 ("FY '17"), pages 33 and 34, contains a policy, regarding student detention. This policy states, in pertinent part: "The Principal, Assistant Principal, teacher, media specialist, or others engaged in administrative or instructional capacity in public schools, shall be authorized to temporarily detain and question a student under circumstances which reasonably indicate that such a student has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a violation of law." There is no persuasive evidence establishing that K.B. had committed, was committing, or was about to commit a crime. Therefore, the policy on pages 33 and 34 of the Faculty Handbook does not authorize Respondent's physical detention of K.B. Hoffman testified that the administration at Watkins does "not promote physical contact with students in any negative manner," and that, generally, only the administration is permitted to detain students at Watkins. Respondent previously has been disciplined by Petitioner.6/ One prior disciplinary action——consisting of a written reprimand issued on May 23, 2013, in which Respondent was reprimanded for engaging in "horseplay" with a student——is germane to this proceeding because it is an action that falls within the Progressive Discipline process established in the CBA, section 7.7/ Findings of Ultimate Fact The Administrative Complaint charges Respondent with having violated various statutes, State Board of Education rules, and School Board policies. Whether Respondent committed the charged offenses is a question of ultimate fact to be determined by the trier of fact in the context of each alleged violation. Holmes v. Turlington, 480 So. 2d 150, 153 (Fla. 1985); McKinney v. Castor, 66 So. 2d 387, 389 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995); Langston v. Jamerson, 653 So. 2d 489, 491 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995). 31. Here, Petitioner has charged Respondent with violating rule 6A-5.056(2), which states: 6A-5.056 Criteria for Suspension and Dismissal. "Just cause" means cause that is legally sufficient. Each of the charges upon which just cause for a dismissal action against specified school personnel may be pursued are set forth in Sections 1012.33 and 1012.335, F.S. In fulfillment of these laws, the basis for each such charge is hereby defined: * * * "Misconduct in Office" means one or more of the following: A violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida as adopted in Rule 6A-10.080, F.A.C.; A violation of the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida as adopted in Rule 6A- 10.081, F.A.C.; A violation of the adopted school board rules; Behavior that disrupts the student’s learning environment; or Behavior that reduces the teacher’s ability or his or her colleagues’ ability to effectively perform duties. Petitioner also has charged Respondent with violating rule 6A-10.081(2), which states, in pertinent part: Florida educators shall comply with the following disciplinary principles. Violation of any of these principles shall subject the individual to revocation or suspension of the individual educator’s certificate, or the other penalties as provided by law. Obligation to the student requires that the individual: 1. Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student’s mental and/or physical health and/or safety. * * * 5. Shall not intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. * * * (c) Obligation to the profession of education requires that the individual: 1. Shall maintain honesty in all professional dealings. Petitioner also has charged Respondent with violating various School Board policies. Specifically, Petitioner has charged Respondent with violating Policy 0.01, Commitment to the Student, Principle I, which states in pertinent part: 2. In fulfilling his obligations to the student, the educator-. . . 3. [s]hall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning or to health and safety; 4. [s]hall conduct professional business in such a way that he does not expose the student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. Petitioner also has charged Respondent with violating Policy 1.013, Responsibilities of School District Personnel and Staff, which states: The district administrative staff shall be responsible for the efficient planning and administration of all supporting educational services such as maintenance, transportation, school lunch, personnel, purchasing, federal programs, payroll and other responsibilities as directed by the superintendent. The district administrative staff is also responsible for insuring that the appropriate district policies, state board of education rules, state laws, and federal laws and rules are adhered to. It shall be the responsibility of the personnel employed by the district school board to carry out their assigned duties in accordance with federal laws, rules, state statutes, state board of education rules, school board policy, superintendent's administrative directives and local school and area rules. District administrative staff. District instructional staff. The district level instructional staff shall be responsible for the cooperative development, supervision, and improvement of the district instructional program. The areas include in-service education, program evaluation, development of curriculum materials, educational specifications for school facilities, development of federal programs, accreditations, state program requirements and other responsibilities as directed by the superintendent. Pursuant to § 231.09, Fla. Stat., the primary duty of instructional personnel is to work diligently and faithfully to help students meet or exceed annual learning goals, to meet state and local achievement requirements, and to master the skills required to graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary education and work. This duty applies to instructional personnel whether they teach or function in a support role. Teachers. It shall be the duty of the teacher to provide instruction, leadership, classroom management and guidance to pupils through democratic experiences that promote growth and development both as individuals and as members of society. Pursuant to § 231.09, F.S., teachers shall perform duties prescribed by school board policies relating, but not limited, to helping students master challenging standards and meet all state and local requirements for achievement; teaching efficiently and faithfully; using prescribed materials and methods, including technology- based instruction; recordkeeping; and fulfilling the terms of any contract, unless released from the contract by the school board. Petitioner also has charged Respondent with violating the following provisions of Policy 3.02, Code of Ethics: Accountability and Compliance Each employee agrees and pledges: To provide the best example possible; striving to demonstrate excellence, integrity and responsibility in the workplace. * * * d. To treat all students and individuals with respect and to strive to be fair in all matters. * * * f. To take responsibility and be accountable for his or her acts or omissions. Ethical Standards a. Abuse of Students – We are committed to ensuring that employee-student relationships are positive, professional, and non- exploitive. We will not tolerate improper employee-student relationships. Each employee should always maintain a professional relationship with students, both in and outside of the classroom. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: * * * ii. Exposing a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. * * * viii. Engaging in misconduct which affects the health, safety, and welfare of a student(s). * * * c. Misrepresentation or Falsification – We are committed to candor in our work relationships, providing other Board employees including supervisors, senior staff and Board members with accurate, reliable and timely information. Employees should exemplify honesty and integrity in the performance of their official duties for the School District. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: i. Falsifying, misrepresenting, or omitting information submitted in the course of an official inquiry/investigation[.] Professional Conduct – We are committed to ensuring that our power and authority are used in an appropriate, positive manner that enhances the public interest and trust. Employees should demonstrate conduct that follows generally recognized professional standards. Unethical conduct is any conduct that impairs the ability to function professionally in his or her employment position or conduct that is detrimental to the health, welfare or discipline of students or the workplace. Unethical conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following: Failing to maintain any necessary certification or licensure required in the performance of job duties for the School District. Shall not knowingly and willfully make false statements about a colleague. Failing to report the alleged misconduct of a fellow employee, to cooperate fully during any investigation or to complete an investigation relative to allegations of misconduct of a fellow employee, which affects the health, safety or welfare of a student. Entering into a confidentiality agreement regarding terminated or dismissed instructional employees and school administrators, or personnel or administrators who are dismissed or resign in lieu of termination, based in whole or in part on misconduct that affects the health, safety or welfare of a student. Providing employment references or discussing the instructional personnel’s or school administrator’s performance with prospective employers in another educational setting, without disclosing the personnel’s or administrator’s misconduct. Petitioner also has charged Respondent with violating Policy 3.27, Suspension and Dismissal of Employees,8/ which provides: The purpose of this section is to promulgate rules regarding the suspension and dismissal of employees. These rules shall be read in conjunction with the procedures established for administrative hearings as set forth in Chapter 4, except, however, in the event it is determined that a conflict exists between these rules and those of Chapter 4, these rules will be controlling. Upon a finding of probable cause by the Superintendent sufficient to warrant a recommendation to the School Board for suspension without pay and dismissal, the Superintendent shall communicate in writing to the employee: A concise statement of the Superintendent's recommendation(s) to the School Board affecting the employee's employment status. A statement of the date, time, and place where the School Board shall meet to consider the Superintendent's actions and recommendation(s). A statement of the legal authority for the Superintendent's actions and recommendation(s). A short and plain statement of the charges made by the Superintendent against the employee. A statement of the time limit for requesting a hearing before the School Board. All employees recommended for suspension without pay and dismissal shall have the right to request a hearing provided such a request is made in writing to the School Board within 15 days of the receipt of the Superintendent's written notice. Any person who receives written notice from the Superintendent of a recommendation(s) for suspension without pay and dismissal and who fails to request a hearing within 15 days, shall have waived the right to request a hearing on such matters, and the allegations and charges as contained in the notice shall be deemed by the School Board to be true for the purpose of entering a final order on the Superintendent's recommendation(s). In the event a request for a hearing is timely made and received by the Office of General Counsel, by either an instructional employee with a continuing contract or by a noninstructional employee during the term of an annual contract, the procedure for conducting a hearing, unless otherwise determined by the School Board, is as follows: The Superintendent will file a petition for dismissal with the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH). This petition shall contain: The name and address of the School Board and the file or identification number, if known; The name and address of the employee, and an explanation of how the employee's substantial interest will be affected by the agency determination; A statement of when and how the employee received notice of agency decision or intent to render a decision; A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate; A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as the rules and statutes which entitle the Superintendent to relief; A demand for relief to which the Superintendent deems himself entitled; and Other information which the Superintendent contends is material. The DOAH will assign a Hearing Officer to conduct the hearing. The employee and the employee's representative will be informed of the time and place for the hearing by the DOAH. Whenever possible, the hearing shall be held in the place most convenient to all parties as determined by the Hearing Officer. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. Within thirty (30) days after the hearing or receipt of the hearing transcript, whichever is later, the Hearing Officer shall file a recommended order to the School Board including a caption, time and place of hearing, statement of the issues, findings of fact and conclusions of law, and recommendations for final agency action. The School Board, within ninety (90) days of receipt of the Hearing Officer's recommended order, shall issue the final order. This shall be considered at a regularly scheduled School Board meeting. The School Board may adopt the Hearing Officer's recommended order as its Final Order. The School Board in its final order may reject or modify the conclusions of law in the recommended order but may not reject or modify the findings of fact unless the School Board first determines from a review of the complete record that the findings of fact were not based upon competent substantial evidence or that the proceedings on which the findings were based did not comply with essential requirements of law. The School Board may reduce or increase the recommended penalty in a recommended order, but may do so only with a review of the complete record. The hearing must be conducted by the School Board within forty-five (45) days of the request for hearing. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. Following the close of a hearing before the School Board, the parties may submit proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law and recommended order, or legal briefs on the issues within a time designated by the School Board. If an employee does not specifically designate a hearing preference, the School Board shall follow procedures as listed in Section (5). If a request for a hearing is timely made and received by the Office of General Counsel by an instructional employee during the term of an annual contract or by an instructional employee with a professional service contract, either employee may elect to have a hearing before the DOAH or request that a hearing be held before the School Board. If the employee elects a hearing before the School Board, the following procedures shall apply: A majority vote of the membership of the School Board shall be required to sustain the Superintendent's recommendation. A final order shall be entered within ninety (90) days after the last date of the hearing or receipt of the hearing transcript, whichever is later. The determination of the School Board shall be final as to the sufficiency or insufficiency of the grounds for termination of employment. Petitioner also cites, as a basis for its proposed discipline of Respondent, article II, section M, of the CBA, Progressive Discipline, which states: Without the consent of the employee and the Association, disciplinary action may not be taken against an employee except for just cause, and this must be substantiated by clear and convincing evidence, which supports the recommended disciplinary action. All disciplinary action shall be governed by applicable statutes and provisions of this Agreement. Further, an employee shall be provided with a written notice of wrongdoing, setting forth the specific charges against that employee prior to taking any action. Any information, which may be relied upon to take action against an employee, will be shared promptly with said employee and his/her Association representative as soon as possible. Copies of any written information/correspondence that is related to the action of the employee or the investigating administrator(s) will be provided promptly to the employee and his/her Association representative. An employee against whom action is to be taken under this Section and his/her Association representative shall have the right to review and refute any and all of the information relied upon to support any proposed disciplinary action prior to taking such action. To this end, the employee and his/her Association representative shall be afforded a reasonable amount of time to prepare and present responses/refutations concerning the pending disciplinary action and concerning the appropriateness of the proposed disciplinary action. This amount of time is to be mutually agreed upon by the Parties. Only previous disciplinary actions which are a part of the employee's personnel file or which are a matter of record as provided in paragraph #7 below may be cited. Where just cause warrants such disciplinary action(s) and in keeping with provisions of this Section, an employee may be reprimanded verbally with written notation, reprimanded in writing, suspended without pay or dismissed upon the recommendation of the immediate supervisor to the Superintendent. Other disciplinary action(s) may be taken with the mutual agreement of the Parties. Except in cases which clearly constitute a real and immediate danger to the District, a District employee, and/or a child/children or the actions/inactions of the employee clearly constitute flagrant or purposeful violations of reasonable school rules and regulations, progressive discipline shall be administered as follows: Verbal Reprimand with a Written Notation - Such written notation shall not be placed in the employee's personnel file maintained at the District headquarters, but will be placed in a file at the school/department and shall not be used to the further detriment of the employee after twelve (12) months of the action/inaction of the employee which led to the notation. The written notification shall be maintained at the school site/department pursuant to the District’s Records Retention Schedule. Written Reprimand - A written reprimand may be issued to an employee when appropriate in keeping with provisions of this Section. Such written reprimand shall be dated and signed by the giver and the receiver of the reprimand and shall be filed in the affected employee's personnel file in keeping with provisions of Article II, Section B of this Agreement. Suspension Without Pay - A suspension without pay may be issued to an employee, when appropriate, in keeping with provisions of this Section, including just cause and applicable laws. The length of the suspension also shall be determined by just cause as set forth in this Section. The notice and specifics of the suspension without pay shall be placed in writing, dated and signed by the giver and the receiver of the suspension. The specific days of suspension will be clearly set forth in the written suspension notice which shall be filed in the affected employee's personnel file in keeping with provisions of Article II, Section B of this Agreement. Dismissal - An employee may be dismissed (employment contract terminated) when appropriate in keeping with provisions of this Section, including just cause and applicable laws. An employee against whom disciplinary action(s) has been taken may appeal through the grievance procedure. If the disciplinary action(s) taken includes either a suspension or a dismissal, the grievance shall be initiated at STEP TWO. Based on the foregoing findings of fact, it is determined, as a matter of ultimate fact, that by dragging K.B. by her wrist and ankle back into the classroom, Respondent violated rules 6A-5.056(2)(b), 6A-10.081(2)(a)1., and School Board Policy 0.01, section 3. Specifically, Respondent's actions did not constitute a reasonable effort on his part to protect K.B. from conditions potentially harmful to her health or safety. There was at least a possibility that K.B. could have been injured by being dragged across the floor by her wrist and ankle, and Respondent should have foreseen and understood that possibility. Additionally, it is determined that Respondent violated School Board Policy 3.02, section 4.d. By dragging K.B. across the floor by her ankle and wrist, Respondent did not treat K.B. with respect, as is required by that policy. Although Respondent detained K.B. in order to prevent her from getting into trouble and potentially transferred out of Watkins to an alternative school, he could have avoided having physical contact with K.B. by following the established protocol to use the classroom buzzer to summon school administration. As discussed above, Petitioner has taken one prior pertinent disciplinary action against Respondent, in the form of a written reprimand. As discussed above, section M of the CBA establishes Petitioner's progressive discipline policy. Section 7.d. of this policy states that except in cases which clearly constitute a real and immediate danger to the District, a District employee, or a child, or the actions or inactions of the employee clearly constitute flagrant or purposeful violations of reasonable school rules and regulations, progressive discipline is administered in a sequential manner, starting with a verbal reprimand with written notation; progressing to a written reprimand; then progressing to suspension without pay; and concluding with dismissal. Here, the clear and convincing evidence supports following the sequential penalty imposition established in section 7. of the progressive discipline policy. Specifically, the clear and convincing evidence supports suspending Respondent without pay, for the duration of his suspension, starting on the day on which he was suspended up to the date of entry of the final order in this proceeding. This penalty takes into account the serious nature of Respondent's conduct in dragging K.B. across the floor, but does not result in termination of a teacher who, by all accounts, is a very good teacher who cares deeply about his students, including K.B., and who puts forth extra effort to mentor to students in need of such support.9/

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Palm Beach County School Board, enter a final order finding just cause and suspending Respondent from his teaching position, without pay, commencing on the date on which he was suspended from his employment, and ending on the date on which a final order is entered in this proceeding. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of November, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CATHY M. SELLERS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of November, 2018.

Florida Laws (9) 1008.241012.011012.221012.271012.331012.3351012.34120.569120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Nov. 20, 2020 Number: 20-005136TTS Latest Update: Sep. 29, 2024

The Issue Whether just cause exists to sustain Respondent's five-day suspension from employment without pay with the Petitioner based on the allegations in the Notice of Specific Charges.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a duly-constituted district school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within Miami-Dade County, Florida. Article IX, § 4(b), Fla. Const. At all times relevant to the proceeding, Respondent has been employed by the School Board pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement under the United Teachers of Dade ("UTD"). Weatherspoon has been a physical education teacher for 28 years with the School Board. In 2013, Weatherspoon started working at Hibiscus Elementary School ("Hibiscus"). He is the only physical education teacher for grades two through five. Weatherspoon runs a structured class. When students arrive at their physical education class, they are expected to stand in a straight quiet line, and then go into the physical education shelter, and sit down for taking roll. Weatherspoon uses a chain of consequences for student misbehavior. It progresses from warnings, to exclusion from activities, to parent contact, then to detentions and referrals. During the 2018-2019 school year at Hibiscus, K.C. was a fourth-grade student in Respondent's physical education class. On or about March 5, 2019, K.C. and another student got into a physical fight. Weatherspoon excluded K.C. and the other student from activities and put them in time-out for two days, which meant K.C. had to sit next to the wall during the physical education class instead of participating. After K.C.'s punishment was completed, he should have been rejoining the activities for the physical education class. However, on March 7, 2019, when rejoining the class, K.C. attempted to be first in line and started fighting with student J to be first. Weatherspoon responded to K.C.'s second fight by instructing K.C. to go back to the time-out area against the wall because he was putting his hands on somebody again. Weatherspoon also instructed student J to go to the time-out area for his misbehavior and student J went to time-out. K.C. repeatedly told Weatherspoon "no" and refused to go back to the time- out area after Weatherspoon instructed him to do so. Another student, B.C., walked over during Weatherspoon's attempt to have K.C. go back to time-out and then B.C. informed Weatherspoon that K.C. had done his time already. Weatherspoon responded to B.C., "Don't get involved with this. This is not your concern." Afterwards, B.C. immediately turned around, and walked back to sit down. Next, Weatherspoon redirected his attention back to K.C., repeatedly instructing him to go sit at the wall. K.C. continued to respond "no" he was not going to sit at the wall. Weatherspoon firmly directed K.C. to sit at the wall with a raised voice. Upset, K.C. walked out of the gym instead of following Weatherspoon's instructions for his misbehavior. Weatherspoon called security to report that K.C. had left the class early. The next day, Weatherspoon attended a parent teacher conference with Principal Veronica Bello ("Bello") and K.C.'s parents about his interim failing grade in physical education. After the discussion about K.C.'s interim failing grade, the meeting turned confrontational and K.C.'s father accused Respondent of pushing K.C., which was the first time Weatherspoon was made aware of any allegation he pushed K.C. The School Board investigated the K.C. pushing allegation. During the investigation, written statements were taken from five students, including B.C., that were in K.C.'s physical education class. None of the students reported witnessing Weatherspoon push K.C. on March 7, 2019. K.C.'s written statement dated March 11, 2019, stated that Weatherspoon pushed him twice and that Weatherspoon also pushed B.C. once on March 7, 2019. Ultimately, based on the investigation, probable cause was determined to support the allegation that Weatherspoon pushed K.C. On August 22, 2019, a conference-for-the-record ("CFR") meeting was held to discuss the investigative findings. Respondent was present at the CFR. Following the CFR, the School Board adopted the recommendation that Respondent be suspended for five days for the March 7, 2019, incident because Respondent had been previously counseled and issued a directive not to interact with children by pushing them. Prior Disciplinary History On or about September 13, 2018, Weatherspoon received a written reprimand after a School Board investigation concluded that he shouted, kicked, and pushed a student. Weatherspoon's reprimand, in pertinent part, directed Respondent to: Strictly adhere to all Miami-Dade School Board Policies; specifically, 3210, Standards of Ethical Conduct; 3210.01, Code of Ethics; and 3213, Student Supervision and Welfare. Cease and desist from using physical means to discipline or redirect students while working for M-DCPS; Cease and desist from placing your hands on students for any reason while working as an employee of M-DCPS; and Safeguard emotional and physical well-being of students at all times while working as an employee of the District. * * * 8. Conduct yourself; both in your employment and in the community, in a manner that will reflect credit upon yourself and M-DCPS. P9-10 Hearing At hearing, K.C. admitted that "[he] got pretty upset" when he was told to go to time out again. K.C. unpersuasively claimed during the hearing that Respondent pushed him in the stomach one time. However, K.C.'s testimony is contrary to his written statement from the investigation where he wrote that Weatherspoon pushed him twice.1 Similarly, K.C. also testified Weatherspoon pushed B.C., which conflicts with B.C.'s testimony at hearing that Respondent "did not touch [her]."2 The undersigned does not credit K.C.'s testimony based on his contradictory statements about the events on the date of the alleged incident, which diminishes the trustworthiness of his testimony. At hearing, Weatherspoon provided credible testimony regarding the events of March 7, 2019, and his interactions with K.C. Weatherspoon testified that an oral dispute occurred between K.C. and him. Weatherspoon credibly explained that after directing K.C. to go to time-out several times, K.C. repeatedly refused to go to the wall stating, "no," and then K.C. walked out of the physical education class. Weatherspoon also credibly made clear, "I did not touch him." Findings of Ultimate Fact Weatherspoon's reliable testimony precludes a finding that he acted in the fashion alleged in the Notice of Specific Charges. Accordingly, the undersigned finds that Weatherspoon's credible and persuasive testimony established that no physical contact was made with K.C. on March 7, 2019. Therefore, no competent substantial Pet. Ex. 8. The undersigned finds that B.C.’s testimony that Weatherspoon pushed K.C. is not credible because the evidence shows that B.C. was walking away back to her seat when the alleged incident occurred. Additionally, B.C. did not report any pushing incident in her original student statement. Moreover, B.C. only reported an alleged incident when questioned by an investigator approximately seven months later. Likewise, the undersigned rejects K.C.’s mother’s testimony because if a parent had been informed that their child was pushed by a teacher, in all likelihood, that allegation would be the first thing and main topic discussed at the parent teacher meeting before any failing grades, not the discussion topic at the end of the meeting. evidence established any factual basis for the School Board's proposal to suspend Respondent for five days for the offenses charged in the Notice of Specific Charges.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law reached, it is RECOMMENDED that the Miami-Dade County School Board enter a final order dismissing the Notice of Specific Charges, rescinding its previous decision to suspend Respondent without pay for five days, and awarding him back pay. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of March, 2021, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JUNE C. MCKINNEY Administrative Law Judge 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of March, 2021. COPIES FURNISHED: Michele Lara Jones, Esquire Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Room 430 Miami, Florida 33132 Christopher J. La Piano, Esquire Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Room 430 Miami, Florida 33132 Alberto M. Carvalho, Superintendent Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 912 Miami, Florida 33132 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761-1526 Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Richard Corcoran, Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (3) 1012.33120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6A-10.0816A-5.056 DOAH Case (1) 20-5136TTS
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Aug. 12, 2019 Number: 19-004247TTS Latest Update: Sep. 29, 2024
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-000849 Latest Update: Feb. 08, 1980

Findings Of Fact Roland C. Foote, Respondent, holds Florida teaching certificate number 107445, Graduate, Rank II. He served as Principal of Webster Elementary School (formerly Webster Junior High), hereinafter called Webster, from 1968 until he was replaced in late 1978. He has been employed in the Florida school system for more than twenty-five years. On May 8, 1978, Respondent sent a letter (Exhibit 10) to the Sumter County School Superintendent recommending the suspension of James Constable, one of the teachers at Webster. This was referred to the PPC for investigation by the Superintendent. By letter dated May 16, 1978 (Exhibit 12) some 11 teachers at Webster signed a letter to Ms. Angela J. Peterson, an investigator for the PPC, requesting an audience to discuss several urgent matters relating to Webster. Constable was one of the signers of this letter. Some of those who signed were aware the purposes was to complain of the manner in which Respondent ran Webster; others thought the purpose was to assist Constable. The first meeting with the PPC representative was held on June 6, 1978. Some eight teachers attended this meeting, discussed with Ms. Peterson several situations of which they were aware involving possible improper conduct by Respondent, and agreed to provide PPC with testimony and facts necessary to prepare charges against Respondent. Numerous additional meetings were held by this group, some with PPC representatives and others without PPC representation, for the purpose of reconstructing the dates of the incidents complained of and to ascertain who had knowledge of the incidents. Prior to discussing the specific charges preferred against Respondent and the evidence relating thereto, additional background information gleaned from the testimony and the exhibits admitted into evidence is first presented. Sumter County is predominantly a small-farm agricultural area as opposed to an urban society, with the socioeconomic level below that of most of the larger counties in Florida. In addition to those permanent residents who live and work on farms, there are migrant workers who appear at harvest time. The population mix is about 1/3 black and that is also the school population mix. Several of these students are classified as educationally mentally retarded and qualify for supplemental education programs. About 7 of the 25 teacher faculty at Webster are black and no evidence of any faculty racial tensions or frictions was presented. Friction has existed at Webster between some faculty members and Respondent for a long time. In school year 1974-75 a special workshop was conducted at Webster to improve the communications between the faculty and the administration. The workshop met with mixed success. Some of the teachers at Webster mad minor complaints to various supervisors over the years but none was ever willing to reduced a complaint to writing and present it to the Superintendent. As a result, the Superintendent on one occasion told the faculty at Webster that he was tired of hearing complaints about Webster and for them to work out their problems at the school. The principal at smaller schools, where assistant principals or deans are not provided, is the primary as well as final, authority in the discipline of students and in particular in the administering of corporal punishment. In addition to a wooden paddle or two, Respondent had provided himself with a leather strap which he also used to administer corporal punishment. The strap used by Respondent was admitted into evidence as Exhibit 20. At the time it was used, a metal slat was inserted between the two pieces of leather comprising the strap to provide additional stiffness. The addition of this metal slat did not make the strap a more sinister punishment tool. Straps similar to Exhibit 20 are sold in tack shops and are called bats. They are approximately 18 inches long and are comprised of two pieces of leather one-eight inch thick, sewed together. The bat is about one inch wide through the first foot of its length and then flares out to two inches wide at the end. The two pieces of leather at the flared end are not sewn and they clap together making a louder noise when something is struck with the bat than would occur with only a single piece of leather. It is this flared part of the bat that contacts the backside of a pupil who is administered corporal punishment. This strap or bat will cause less injury to a student than a wooden paddle if each is used with the same degree of force. While the immediate sting from the bat may be as great as the sting from a paddle, the former is much less likely to bruise a child than is the paddle. Some of the implications of the material allegations, as well as the opinions of some witnesses, are that the use of a leather strap for administering corporal punishment is itself cruel and unusual. So long as corporal punishment is authorized, these implications and opinions are without foundation. The material allegations preferred against Respondent will be discussed in chronological order. It is to be noted that the two earliest incidents were familiar to many people at the time they occurred, but no action was taken until 1978. Material Allegation 3 alleges that on or about March 1, 1972 at 8:30 a.m. Larry James, a ten-year old black student at Webster, received an eye injury resulting in the loss of sight in the injured eye when a nail he was attempting to drive was deflected by the hammer and became impaled in his right eye. James was attempting to repair a loose leg on a chair which his teacher had told him to get the custodian to fix. While the teacher was out of the room, James attempted to repair the chair and the accident ensued. James pulled the nail from his eye and ran to the bathroom. His teacher, Mrs. Batten, took him to the office. Respondent was not at school on March 1, 1972 and did not see James until after James returned to school several days later. Petitioner presented five witnesses, including James, the doctor who treated him, his mother, and Mr. and Mrs. Donahue, who were teachers at Webster to whom James was taken by the teacher, Mrs. Batte. None of these witnesses saw Respondent on the day of the accident. James was not sent to a doctor and spent most of the day in Mrs. Donahue's class until the school bus took him home, presumably after 2:45 p.m. His mother testified she had James taken to a doctor that day, which she identified as 2 March, two days after her youngest child was born on 28 February 1972. 1972 was a leap year and February that year contained 29 days. James was referred to the hospital in Ocala by his family doctor, Dr. Wiley. The medical records show James was admitted at 3:56 p.m. on March 2, 1972. It is doubtful James could have reached home on the bus before 3:15 p.m. or reached Dr. Wiley's office before 4:00 p.m. The only time and date certain was the date and time admission to the hospital. The parties stipulated that school records would show Larry James was absent from school on March 2, 3 and 4, 1972. Accordingly, the accident obviously occurred March 1, 1972. The evidence was undisputed that on March 1, 1972, Respondent Foote was in Leesburg attending the closing on the residence he was purchasing. Respondent's testimony to this effect was corroborated by the bank closing officer and documents executed at closing (Exhibit 43). Respondent testified that he first learned of James' injury the following day when he returned to school. Material Allegation 11 alleges that in school year 1971-72 or 1972-73 Respondent struck Louise Weddell, a student, in the face knocking her to the ground. The date of the incident was not established with any degree of certainty. Louise Weddell, now 20 years old, testified that she was 15 and in the seventh grade when the incident occurred. According to Louise, she was fighting with another girl outside the building when Respondent came out with a paddle in his hand to break up the fight. Louise testified that Respondent slapped her with his left hand, knocking her to the ground; that she got up, called him a black mother fucker and ran away. She denied spitting in Respondent's face. For running away she was suspended for 10 days. Several witnesses observed the incident. All except Respondent testified to the slapping and one saw Foote wipe his face with his handkerchief after Louise ran away. Respondent's testimony was that while he was stopping the fight Louise called him the name and spit in his face. He admitted only "pushing" her in the face with his left hand. Material Allegation 10 alleges that during the 1974-75 school year Respondent paddled Gralyn Dorsy numerous times on the buttocks, legs, sides and hips while calling him "a sorry nigger on food stamps and welfare." The evidence is undisputed that Respondent paddled Dorsey several times during that school year (Exhibit 45). The incident leading to the allegation occurred on March 3 1975 when Dorsey was brought to Foote by Mrs. Jones for a discipline problem she did not know how to handle. It appears that the previous day while Foote was away from school Dorsey had committed some vulgar act, the nature of which was not disclosed at the hearing, with another boy in the bathroom. Mrs. Jones expected Respondent to counsel Dorsey. Instead, Dorsey was given a paddling. Mrs. Jones does not remember if James Constable was also present. She testified that she counted 13 licks. Exhibit 45, the paddle list, shows 5 licks given to Dorsey. James Constable testified he also observed the paddling of Dorsey and that after Dorsey had been given 2 or 3 hard licks he started to get up. Respondent pushed him back over the chair saying "I'm not through with you, boy", appeared to lose control and began flailing away while calling Dorsey a sorry nigger on food stamps and welfare. According to Constable, Dorsey received 12 or 13 licks and, while squirming around, some of the blow landed on the side of Dorsey's hip and one landed on his hand. Mrs. Jones was upset over the severity of the paddling. Neither she nor Constable made a complaint until after May, 1978. The school secretary, Doris Brank, whose desk was just outside Foote's office, recalls two paddlings of Dorsey, one at which he was given 3 licks. She never heard Respondent make racial slurs to children while disciplining them. Material Allegation 2 alleges that in the spring of 1976 Herbert Brown, a student, injured his ankle on the playground before school and Respondent wouldn't allow Mrs. Miriam Jones, his teacher, to take him home or to the doctor but required he remain in school. On 2 February 1976 Herbert Brown, a twelve-year old black student, injured his ankle while playing before school. Mrs. Jones took roll call in Herbert's room and learned his ankle was hurting him. She took him to Respondent and asked permission to take him home. Respondent examined the ankle, saw it was slightly swollen and had his secretary, Mrs. Branch, call the phone number on Herbert's records. No answer was received. Respondent refused Mrs. Jones' request to take Herbert home. The ankle continued to swell. Mrs. Branch also called the doctor, whose office was closed. When school was out, Mrs. Jones drove Herbert home. His mother took him to Dr. Lehrer, who examined Herbert's ankle in the emergency room at the hospital and diagnosed the injury as a sprain. No medication was prescribed, as the pain did not appear sufficient to warrant treatment. The doctor has no independent recollection of the incident but, because he prescribed no medication, would assume the sprain was not severe. Material Allegation 9 alleges that on or about January 6, 1977 Respondent paddled Greg Christian while stating that people in the "subs" did not tell "this white man" what to do. When taken to Respondent for disciplining by his teacher, Molly Jo Teters, Greg told Respondent his brothers said Foote was not to paddle him any more and to run home if he did. Mrs. Teters testified that Respondent, while paddling Greg, told him "people in the subs don't tell this white man what to do." Greg's testimony was that following his remarks about Foote not paddling him, Foote held up a clenched fist saying, "This is black power", covered it with his right hand and said, "This is white supremacy." Daniel Lee Christian, Greg's father, recalled Greg telling him of the paddling and of Foote's gestures and remarks about white power over black power. Foote denied all allegations of using racial slurs to students while disciplining them or otherwise. Material allegation 7 alleges that on May 13, 1977 Respondent paddled Joanne Williams with a leather strap, hitting her on her bottom and later on the front of her body as she turned; and that, during the paddling called her a nigger and made comments about welfare, free lunches and food stamps. Mrs. Simpson, Joanne's teacher, took Joanne to Foote for discipline because she had stolen money from another student, spent it and failed to repay the money as directed by Mrs. Simpson. Foote had her bend over a chair and paddled her with the leather strap. After the first blow, Mrs. Simpson testified Joanne turned over and Foote continued to strike her on the front portion of her body while appearing to lose control. During this time, Mrs. Simpson testified, he said Joanne's family was on food stamps, free lunches and had everything given to them and when not given, they stole. Exhibit 45 shows 4 licks awarded to Joanne by Foote. Foote denies making the remarks and Mrs. Branch, who was immediately outside the office, heard no such remarks made. Mrs. Simpson was upset following the incident and vowed never to take another child to Foote for discipline. However, on April 25, 1978, she sent one of her students, James Jackson, to Foote for discipline after Jackson had been paddled by her and continued his misconduct. Material Allegation 8 alleges that in the fall of 1977 Respondent paddled Bobby Clemons with a leather strap and, while so doing, called him a "no-good nigger". Nancy Gridley took Bobby Clemons to Foote for authority to discipline him for being a "smart-mouth". While talking to Bobby, a ten-year old black student whose mother is a teacher at Webster, Mrs. Gridley testified Foote became angry, picked up his strap and gave Bobby three licks while yelling that Bobby was a nigger who would end up in prison if he kept getting into trouble. Bobby confirmed that he was called a nigger by Foote and told he would end up in jail if his conduct didn't improve. Mrs. Clemons was told of the incident by Mrs. Gridley and when she asked Bobby about it, he confirmed the incident. All witnesses agreed that Bobby was a discipline problem. Respondent acknowledged the paddling, denied the racial slur and testified he told Bobby he needn't expect to get away with misbehavior because his mother was a teacher. Mrs. Branch confirmed Foote's testimony. Material Allegation 6 alleges that Respondent on February 22, 1978 paddled Jeannie Barnes, a fifth grade student, with a leather strap in the library in front of students. James Constable witnessed the paddling, which consisted of three blows with the leather strap. The paddling took place in the library which was serving as the temporary office while the old offices were being renovated. Constable's testimony that a class was being held in the library at the time constituted the only testimony that classes were held in the library. Respondent recalled no other student being present when this punishment was administered. Material Allegation 5 was that during February or March, 1978, Respondent paddled one of the Roper twins in the workroom of the library without an adult witness present, striking the student on the sides, back and legs. Mrs. Newell testified she came into the room while Respondent was paddling Landis Roper with a paddle. Landis was lying on the floor, Foote had hold of his wrist and blows were landing on back, legs and arm. She also testified that Roper was screaming his head off and threatening to kill himself if Foote didn't stop. As Mrs. Newell walked in, Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Hodges were exiting the room. Mrs. Newell is the only witness to testify the other Roper twin was also present. Mrs. Newell took Landis outside after the paddling. Mrs. Stevens was in the library when Foote came in, got his paddle and paddled Roper. She was in the room while the paddling was going on but didn't watch. She was upset because so many licks (about 10) were given to a special education child. Mrs. Hodges did not testify that she was in the library at any time during the Roper incident. Both Respondent and Mrs. Branch recalled the paddling of Roper and that three licks were given. Landis had been reported for fighting in the cafeteria that morning by Mrs. Carter, whose glasses he had accidentally knocked off while swinging at his opponent. Mrs. Carter inquired later if Mr. Foote had seen Landis and was advised no. After lunch Foote sent for Landis, and after talking to him a short while started to paddle Roper. When several children appeared in the hall, Foote then took Roper into the workroom, leaving the door open while the paddling took place. Mrs. Branch testified no other child was present. Foote's testimony was that he gave Roper three licks with the paddle just inside the workroom door and that no other child was present. Material Allegation 4 alleges that on May 16, 1978 Respondent administered corporal punishment to Kenny Robertson with a leather strap without an adult witness present. Kenny Robertson testified that he was paddled with a leather strap by Foote for fighting, that nobody else was in the room, and that Mrs. Branch was at her desk just outside the door. Molly Jo Teters testified she was in outer office, did not see Mrs. Branch, but heard Foote yell at Kenny that he was not to pull girls off bars and to keep his shirt tucked in. Shortly after the last blow she walked by the door, saw Foote returning the strap to his desk and saw only Foote and Robertson. Mrs. Sellers had bus duty May 16, 1978 and saw a boy whose name she didn't know push a girl off the monkey bars. She took him to Foote and observed the paddling. Mrs. Branch testified that Mrs. Sellers brought Kenny Robertson to Foote because of some problem on the playground and that both she and Mrs. Sellers witnessed the paddling given Robertson. Mrs. Branch didn't see Mrs. Teters in the office at that time. Material Allegation 12 alleges that in May 1978 Respondent paddled Ronald Hise, using excessive force, in the lunchroom in front of second and third grade classes. Frances Simpson witnessed Foote paddle Ronnie Hise in the lunch room in May 1978 after a teacher had told Foote Ronnie was misbehaving in the lunch line. Foote picked up his paddle, pulled Ronnie out of the line and gave him three "hard" licks. Theresa Lee, another teacher, also witnessed the Hise paddling. Her version was that another teacher brought Ronald to Foote for discipline because he misbehaved in the lunch line and Foote paddled him there. She thought the blows "too severe" for the "very thin, pale child." Foote acknowledged that from time to time he has paddled children in the lunchroom because he found that this procedure often had a therapeutic effect in calming down a noisy lunchroom. Material Allegation 1 alleges that in May 1978 Herschell Bellamy seriously injured his eye during physical education in the afternoon, that his mother was notified and was coming to pick him up, but Respondent instructed he be put on the school bus to go home at the end of the day. Herschell Bellamy fell on the monkey bars near the end of his physical ed period and cut his eyelid. His P.E. teacher, James Constable, took him to his office, cleaned and bandaged the eye using a large eye patch. Constable then went to the office with Herschell, who remained there, got Herschell's folder and called the phone number there listed for emergencies, which phone belonged to the next-door neighbor. The neighbor advised that she would tell Herschell's mother to come for him. The neighbor later called back to the school office to advise that Herschell's mother was enroute to pick him up. James Constable, Patricia Newell, and Dorothy Stevens all testified that shortly before time for the buses to leave they were in the office with Herschell Bellamy and Foote, from his inner office, asked what the commotion was about. Someone advised him that Bellamy had hurt his eye. Foote then asked if he was white or black and when told Herschell was black, said "Put him on the bus". Foote's testimony, corroborated by Mrs. Branch, was that he returned to school from a meeting in the county office just at the bell was ringing to end the school day. As he entered the building he passed a lady taking a small boy with a bandage over his eye out of the building. He denied making any comment regarding Herschell's race. Herschell and his mother both testified. When Herschell fell on the monkey bar and hurt his eye, Coach Constable put a bandage on it and took him to the office where he waited a long time before his mother came to pick him up. He didn't hear Mr. Foote say anything but testified Foote was in the office when his mother came to pick him up. Herschell's mother testified she came to school in response to the message that her son had been hurt and that she arrived just as the children were about ready to get on the bus to go home. She saw Foote, but he said nothing to her or look at Herschell. She took Herschell to Dr. Wiley, who treated Herschell for a lacerated upper eyelid, a minor injury. Wayne Ham, a supervisor in the Sumter County school system, acknowledged that he had received complaints from Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Teter regarding Foote's use of the leather strap to discipline children. They considered use of the strap constituted too severe punishment. Ham doesn't recall if he passed these complaints to his superior. He denied telling Mrs. Teter not to show to anyone a written complaint she had prepared. Bernard Shelnutt, the other Sumter County supervisor, who functions similar to Ham, had never heard a complaint against Foote of brutality, failure to get medical attention for children, or use of racial slurs. In addition to denying the allegations preferred against him, Respondent presented numerous witnesses who testified to Foote's good reputation in the community, to their satisfaction with the job Foote was doing as principal, to Foote's administrative capabilities, and to lack of knowledge of any irregularities at Webster until the charges here considered were published in the newspaper. Two principals of Orange County schools, for whom Respondent had worked before coming to Webster, attested to his capability and competence as well as to their conclusion that the job of principal is the most difficult in the field of education. The principal is the one primarily responsible for the discipline in the school and the manner in which punishment is administered. Corporal punishment policy is usually left to the sound judgment of the principal at each school, subject however to statutory restrictions, and prescribed school board policies. None of the four elected Sumter County school board members who testified on behalf of Respondent had ever received any complaints against Respondent, prior to the investigation by the PPC, involving medical neglect, severe punishment or racial slurs, nor had complaints been received from the black community. They considered Respondent a good administrator with a good reputation. The only complaints they had received involved minor administrative matters such as school bus schedules, and teacher complaints that Respondent worked them too hard. Several witnesses for Petitioner admitted that they were not happy with Respondent's requirement that all teachers attend PTA meetings unless they had a good excuse for being unable to do so. Eighteen teachers, former teachers, substitute teachers, and speech clinician called by Respondent had never seen or heard Respondent medically neglect, abuse, or use racial slurs to students at Webster. Most, if not all of these witnesses, had never hear of the complaints against Respondent before reading them in the newspapers shortly before the fir trial. The chiefs of police of Webster and Center Hill attested to Respondent's good reputation in their communities and that they had never received a complaint that Respondent had abused a student. Five parents whose children now attend or had attended Webster testified that Respondent had provided proper treatment to their children, their children had never complained of medical or physical mistreatment or abuse by Respondent, and that when children had been neglected by other teachers a call to Respondent corrected the situation. Two employees, other than Mrs. Branch, who had worked at Webster for many years had never seen or heard Respondent medically neglect, physically abuse, or direct racial slurs towards children at Webster. They first became aware of complaints when they read in the news that charges had been preferred against Respondent. No direct testimony was presented that the misconduct here alleged to have been committed by Respondent seriously reduced his effectiveness in the school system. It is perhaps significant that approximately one week in May 1978 (May 8- 16) provided one-third of the twelve material allegations preferred against Respondent. Coincidentally, Respondent's letter recommending James Constable for dismissal was dated 8 May 1978 and the letter to the PPC signed by eleven teachers was dated May 15, 1978. It is further noted that two of the material allegations involve incidents occurring 6 or 7 years ago.

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Sep. 03, 2013 Number: 13-003322TTS Latest Update: Jan. 17, 2014

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent's conduct constitutes just cause for her dismissal from employment with Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner ("Petitioner" or "School Board") is a duly-constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within Polk County, Florida, pursuant to article IX, section 4, subsection (b) of the Florida Constitution and section 1001.32, Florida Statutes. Specifically, the School Board has the authority to discipline employees. § 1012.22(1)(f), Fla. Stat. Rosalinda Morales (Respondent) has been employed by the School Board for nine years and, concerning the matters at issue in this hearing, was a classroom teacher at Inwood Elementary School in Winter Haven, Florida. She was employed pursuant to terms of a collective bargaining agreement. Inwood Principal Amy Heiser-Meyers (the "Principal") issued a letter of concern to Respondent on September 28, 2011, in which she reminded Respondent of the importance of timely confirming her students' attendance each day. The Principal provided written confirmation of a verbal warning to Respondent by letter dated June 7, 2012, concerning Respondent's failure to advise the school she would be absent from work. The Principal provided written confirmation by letter dated November 27, 2012, of a second verbal warning for Respondent's failure to advise the school that she would not be present and for arriving late at work on another occasion. The Principal issued a written reprimand, following a conference with Respondent, by letter dated February 13, 2013. The written reprimand was the result of Respondent having failed to follow specific instructions and not properly handling student documentation. The Principal issued Respondent a second written reprimand by letter dated February 15, 2013, following a conference resulting from Respondent having submitted attendance records indicating that a student was present in class when, in fact, the student was absent. By letter dated February 28, 2013, the Principal requested that Superintendent John Stewart suspend Respondent without pay for several incidences of ongoing misconduct. These included Respondent's use of inappropriate and disparaging student behavior techniques; Respondent being unaware that two kindergarten students had walked out of her class without permission; and Respondent's repeated use of obscenities and disparaging comments regarding staff members while present at the school. Dennis F. Dunn, the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, issued a letter dated March 4, 2013, giving Respondent a three-day suspension without pay as a result of this ongoing misconduct. On July 10, 2013, the Principal wrote Superintendent Kathryn LeRoy again requesting a suspension without pay for Respondent as the result of Respondent's continued, ongoing misconduct in a number of incidences set forth in that letter involving failure to follow established school protocol, absence from work, and her lack of knowledge of the whereabouts of young students. Based upon that letter, the assistant superintendent for human resources issued a letter, dated July 18, 2013, suspending Respondent without pay for five days. Respondent never filed a grievance or any formal complaint contesting the above-described disciplinary actions taken as the result of her behavior. On May 8, 2013, Respondent was teaching her kindergarten class. She had 18 students in her classroom. She was being assisted in her classroom that day by Ms. Ellistine Smith, a retired principal. Near dismissal time, at approximately 2:30 p.m., D., a student in the classroom, became disruptive. D. had behavior problems throughout the school year. D. refused to stay in his assigned area and constantly disrupted lessons. D. is known as a "runner," meaning he would run away from teachers or the campus in general. Respondent regularly had to chase D. to try to catch him. She would never be able to catch him because whenever she got close, he would again run away. On that day, D. decided not to participate in class. He removed his shoes and threw them at other students, at the ground, and at Respondent. He took off his shirt and threw it at students. Respondent directed D. to go to time out, but he refused. Respondent asked Ms. Smith to keep an eye on the class while she removed D. from the classroom. Respondent looked outside the classroom for the paraeducator who normally sits in the hallway, but she was not present at that time. Respondent decided to take D. to the fifth grade building to have him stay with another paraeducator. D. voluntarily walked with Respondent down the hallway to the fifth grade building. She was holding him by the wrist. When they arrived at the fifth grade building, D. resisted going further and tried to pull away from Respondent. She maintained a stronger grip on his wrist to prevent him from running away. Respondent then opened the door to the fifth grade building, did not see anyone, but heard the copy machine running in the copy room. Respondent began to lead D. into the ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) room outside the copy room, but he let his body go limp. Respondent lifted him to carry him into the building and towards the copy room, but could not go very far due to her petite stature. She dragged him a short distance to the copy room where Venise Stinfil, a third grade teacher was working. Respondent left D. with Ms. Stinfil, stating that "[she] can't handle or deal with this at this time, because I'm being observed." Respondent dropped the student's arm and returned to her classroom. Ms. Stinfil noticed scuff marks on D.'s shirt and that the shirt was very dirty and the student distraught. Fifth grade teacher Erin Rodgers was also present at the time Respondent brought D. to Ms. Stinfil's room. She saw Respondent holding D. by his arm and dragging him a short distance into Ms. Stinfil's room. Respondent did not intend to injure D., and he did not appear to have any physical injuries as a result of being brought to Ms. Stinfil's room. Ms. Stinfil testified that her training would have led her to handle the situation with D. differently. When he went limp and laid on the floor, she would have talked with him to try and get him to stand up to move on to their destination rather than taking him by the wrist and pulling/dragging him along. If the student refused to get up, she would have called someone from administration, who was trained in handling such situations, to help talk the student into compliance or appropriately help him up and move to their destination. She had been trained to never put her hands on students. Respondent acknowledged that the procedures she used in taking D. from her classroom might not have been the preferred method in which other teachers had been trained, but it was a choice of handling such matters she had used before. Respondent received a letter from Mr. Dunn dated July 29, 2013, advising her that Superintendent LeRoy would recommend her termination from employment at the next meeting of the School Board on August 13, 2013. When Respondent requested a hearing concerning the termination, she was suspended without pay pending the outcome of this matter.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a final order terminating Respondent's employment as a teacher. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of January, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of January, 2014. COPIES FURNISHED: Donald H. Wilson, Jr., Esquire Boswell and Dunlap, LLP 245 South Central Avenue Post Office Drawer 30 Bartow, Florida 33831 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman and Sakellarides, P.A. Suite 110 29605 U.S. Highway 19, North Clearwater, Florida 33761 Matthew Carson, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4000 Pam Stewart, Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4000 Kathryn LeRoy, Superintendent Polk County School District Post Office Box 391 Bartow, Florida 33831

Florida Laws (9) 1001.301001.321001.331001.421012.221012.231012.33120.569120.57
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