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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Dec. 18, 2017 Number: 17-006735PL Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001210 Latest Update: Sep. 01, 1983

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to this hearing, Respondent was a public school teacher licensed by the State of Florida to teach English language at the secondary school level, and her teaching certificate was current and in full effect. The Respondent, Queen Bruton, is employed by the Duval County School Board and holds tenure under the Duval County Teacher Tenure Act. On November 22, 1982, Respondent was sent a Notice of Proposed Dismissal by the School Board indicating the Board's intention to dismiss her as a teacher upon a charge of professional incompetency. The grounds for such conclusion include an indication that Respondent received unsatisfactory evaluations of her performance for the 1980-81 and 1981-82 school years. The Duval County Teacher Tenure Act (TTA), Chapter 21197, Laws of Florida (1941), as amended, permits the discharge of a teacher for, inter alia, professional incompetency as a teacher if certain conditions are met and procedures followed. All teachers in the Duval County public schools are evaluated whenever necessary, but at least once a year. Under the rating system in effect during the 1980-81 and 1981-82 school years, an unsatisfactory rating is awarded when an evaluation contains eight or more deduction points. Ratings are: (1) satisfactory, (2) needs improvement, and (3) unsatisfactory. On the rating form in use during the time in issue here, an unsatisfactory rating results in two deduction points in Items 1 through 27, and one deduction point in Items 28 through 36. An evaluation of "needs improvement" does not result in any deduction points. The School Board of Duval County has not, in any formal way, defined professional incompetence. The evaluation process is but one tool in the management of teacher employment. An unsatisfactory evaluation is not, therefore, conclusive of professional incompetence, but is one factor in that judgmental decision. The procedure used by the School Board in evaluating teacher performance was not adopted in conformity with the Administrative Procedure Act. At the time of adoption, the School Board was operating under teacher working conditions that had been implemented after extensive bargaining between the School Board and the teachers' union. These working conditions contained extensive provisions involving "teacher evaluation." When a contract was finally agreed upon between the School Board and the teachers' union, it contained provisions concerning teacher evaluation identical to those which were in effect under the working conditions previous to the implementation of the contract. These provisions, therefore, do not constitute rules "as defined in Section 120.52, Florida Statutes," but instead constitute guidelines for the evaluation of teacher performance arrived at not by decision of the School Board under conditions which require public hearing but jointly by agreement of the parties to the negotiations of the teacher contract between the School Board and the union, a collective bargaining agreement. Warren K. Kennedy was in Respondent's sophomore English class at Forrest Senior High School in Jacksonville during the 1980-81 school year. At one point during the school year, Kennedy saw a series of approximately 22 sexually explicit words or phrases written on the blackboard in Respondent's room. Kennedy copied these words and notified the principal, who went to Respondent's classroom and saw them himself. These words were placed on the board by someone other than Respondent, with her permission, and consisted of a part of an exercise in outlining. As such, Respondent claims the words themselves mean nothing, but words of that nature, including "orgasms, sexual intercourse, French tickler, blow job, condoms, dildo, masturbation, orgy," and the like serve no legitimate purpose in, and are not a legitimate part of, a sophomore English class. Respondent's classroom that year was chaotic. Students did little work, but instead talked openly and freely. Respondent sat quietly at her desk doing paperwork unless the noise got so great as to disturb other classes. Students felt free to walk out of class with impunity. Cursing was prevalent in class, and discipline was nonexistent. Defacing of school property occurred on at least one occasion with Respondent taking no corrective action. As a result, several students and the parents of other students requested their transfer from Respondent's class to another. Respondent was also unreliable in submitting grades and reports in a timely fashion. Observations of Respondent in the classroom environment by several different individuals revealed she did not insist her students come to class equipped with the proper supplies for effective writing or textbook activity. She rarely utilized visual aids pertinent to the matter being discussed. Classroom discussion with students did not generally involve a broad sampling of the class, but was focused on only a few class members. Her questions to the students were often vague and confusing to the students. Respondent's principal during that school year, Ronel J. Poppel, at whose request the above observations were made, himself observed Respondent in the classroom on several occasions. As a result of the input from those requested observations and of his own observations, he prepared an evaluation form on Respondent on March 15, 1981, which bore an overall rating of unsatisfactory and reflected that her performance was declining. This report, which reflected 7 of 36 items as unsatisfactory (12 total deduction points), had 20 other items rated as "needs improvement" and contained such written-in suggestions as "needs classroom management techniques, needs better standards of behavior, needs to have long-range planning from the beginning of the year, needs to show more enthusiasm for teaching--needs more variety in methods of teaching," and "should use better judgment in selection of topics." As a result of this evaluation, the observations of her principal and others, and the several counseling periods during which Respondent's deficiencies were pointed out to her along with suggestions for improvement, Respondent was put on notice of her failing performance and afforded the opportunity to take advantage of teacher education counseling (TEC) and, while she did enroll in at least one improvement course, failed to take full advantage of the available opportunities. Poppel's evaluation of Respondent as an incompetent teacher is based on: His personal observation; Evaluation by other professionals; Parent complaint follow-up; Her demonstrated lack of effective planning; Her lack of enforcement of school policies; Her lack of or inability to motivate students; Observed and reported chaotic classroom deportment; Her failure to keep proper records; and Her failure to leave lesson plans for substitutes. Notwithstanding the above, Respondent was well versed in the subject matter she was to teach and had the subjective background to be an excellent teacher. Her shortcomings, as described above, however, far outweighed the positive aspects of her credentials. Respondent was transferred for the 1981-82 school year to Fletcher High School in Jacksonville where she was placed under the supervision of Dr. Ragans, Principal, to teach English. Dr. Ragans spoke to Mr. Poppel, her former principal, about Respondent's weak areas so that he could develop plans to help her in those areas. In an effort to prepare Respondent for the coming year and to ensure she was fully aware of school policies and standards, Dr. Ragans held an extensive conference with Respondent to discuss her previous year's unsatisfactory rating and to make plans to remedy or remediate those areas. On August 25, 1981, he wrote a letter to Respondent in which he reiterated the items discussed previously. Review of this letter reveals there could be little doubt of what Dr. Ragans expected. Nonetheless, when he personally observed her in her classroom less than a month later, he found many of the same weaknesses previously identified, such as a noisy classroom environment, talking by students without being called on, Respondent appearing preoccupied with desk work, and inadequate lesson plans. In the observation report, he made numerous suggestions for improvement and offered Respondent the opportunity to a conference which she did not request. Prior to that observation, however, on September 8, 1981, Dr. Ragans and Respondent met with Dr. Jeff Weathers, TEC consultant for the School Board, in a full discussion of her professional shortcomings, at which meeting a suggestion was made that Respondent enroll in certain university-level courses in classroom management and motivation. Respondent was somewhat reluctant to take these courses because she felt they might interfere with her planning and her preparation for classes. Nonetheless, she did attend one class. Dr. Ragans had advised her he would arrange for substitute teachers for her so that she could take available classes. She was also invited to meet with master teachers in the school to seek assistance and to observe them, and she did in fact do so. In addition, a program was set up for her lesson plans to be reviewed by experts at the School Board. Respondent denies she ever submitted these plans, but according to Judith B. Silas, a resource teacher at School Board headquarters who reviewed Respondent's plans in December, 1981, her plans were confusing and lacking a consistent format: the dates on the plans reflect they were from an earlier series of years; objective numbers did not refer to the 1981 Curriculum Guide and did not cross-reference; and some included material had no relationship to plans or lessons. Ms. Silas's comments, forwarded to the school in February, 1982, were discussed with Respondent. A follow-up letter dated September 25, 1981, outlining the substance of the joint meeting with Dr. Weathers, was forwarded to Respondent. Shortly thereafter, on October 29, 1981, Dr. Ragans prepared a preliminary evaluation on Respondent rated overall as unsatisfactory in which 13 items were rated that way and 12 more rated as "needs to improve." On November 25, 1981, Respondent was provided with a lesson presentation checklist drawn by Dr. Weathers for her to use along with a notice of several night courses available to Respondent and a notice of a proposed observation of another teacher by Dr. Weathers and Respondent on December 14, 1981. After this observation, Dr. Weathers and Respondent discussed the positive aspects of that teacher's operation that Respondent could and should emulate. A new classroom observation of Respondent was set for January, 1982. In the interim, in January, 1982, Dr. Ragans received at least one parent request for a student to be transferred from Respondent's class because the classroom environment was noisy, unruly, and not conducive to learning. As a result of this letter and other parent contacts of a similar nature, Dr. Ragans had several informal discussions with Respondent during this period. On February 23, 1982, Respondent requested a conference with Dr. Ragans on her upcoming evaluation which was, she understood, to be unsatisfactory from a letter to her on February 5, 1982, from Dr. Ragans. This rating, conducted on February 2, 1982, but not signed by Dr. Ragans until March 3, 1982, was unsatisfactory, containing 14 items so marked and 13 marked "needs to improve." At the conference, held the same day as requested, Dr. Ragans advised Respondent he still felt she had marked deficiencies previously indicated regarding classroom control, authority, respect, lesson plans coordination, classroom planning, her failure to provide purposeful learning experiences, no student motivation, and her apparent inability to be understood by her students. Also cited to her were the continuing parent complaints and those of other teachers that their classrooms, used by her (she was a traveling teacher with no room of her own), had been damaged by her students. Much of this had previously been outlined in Dr. Ragans' February 2, 1982, letter indicating his intent to rate Respondent as unsatisfactory. Both Dr. Weathers and another school district supervisor, Dr. Henderson, observed Respondent in the classroom situation in late January or early February, 1982. Both individuals identified the same deficiencies as previously noted by so many others, and both made recommendations for improvement which were passed on, intact, to Respondent. In early March, 1982, Dr. Ragans advised Respondent in writing of his intent to evaluate her on March 15, 1982, to see if she had made any improvement. He did this because of Respondent's feeling that the previous evaluation had not given her enough time to work out improvements. This latest evaluation was also overall unsatisfactory. Two days later, on March 17, 1982, Respondent indicated in writing that she did not accept this evaluation. On April 30, 1982, Dr. Ragans again visited Respondent's classroom so that, if she had markedly improved, he could try to extend her contract or change her evaluation before the end of the school year. However, he could observe no appreciable change. Shortly after this visit, on May 3, he discussed with Respondent complaints he had received from several parents about warnings she had sent out on some students which inconsistently showed both satisfactory performance and danger of failing on the same form. She explained this as all students, including straight "A" students, who had not taken the MLST (test) were in danger of failing. Dr. Ragans felt this excuse was feeble and unjustified and demonstrated poor judgment on her part. All this was confirmed in a letter on May 17. A complaint from a parent of one of Respondent's students, received on June 11, 1982, initiated an audit of the grades given by Respondent during the school year. Results of this audit revealed at least 68 errors involving 46 students, including three students who received passing grades when they, in fact, had failed and should have been in summer school. A total of 13 student grades had to be changed, requiring a letter of notification and apology from the principal. Respondent did not deny the inconsistencies shown in the audit, but defended them on the basis of, in many cases, their being the result of her exercising her discretion and prerogative to award a grade different from that supported by recorded achievement if, in her opinion, other factors so dictated. In any case, the number of inconsistencies requiring a grade change was substantially higher than is normal. During the 1981-82 school year, Respondent had not been assigned a classroom of her own, but instead met and taught her classes in the rooms assigned to other teachers. This situation, while not unique to Respondent and one which several other teachers had as well, is nonetheless a definite handicap to any teacher. In an effort to alleviate the impact of this situation, all Respondent's rooms were scheduled as geographically close together as possible, and she was assigned only one subject to teach. Therefore, though she may have had several class periods which progressed at different speeds, the planning and preparation was similar and much less an arduous task than if she had different subjects to prepare for. In any case, there is little relationship between this and discipline and control in the classroom. Dr. Mary Henderson, Director of Language Arts/Reading for the Duval County School Board, observed Respondent in the classroom during both the 1980- 81 and 1981-82 school years at two different schools. Recognizing that Respondent has definite strengths in her knowledge of the subject matter to be taught and her recognition of and communication to the students of the relationship of their lessons to the test requirements, Dr. Henderson still felt Respondent was not a competent teacher. On both occasions, she found Respondent's lesson plans to be inadequate, her techniques in classroom management were deficient, she failed to make effective use of the students' time, and she failed to effectively motivate her students to participate in the classroom activities. Throughout all this period, according to both supervisors and others who observed her, Respondent always maintained a pleasant, calm, positive, and cooperative approach to all with whom she came into contact. At no time did she show hostility or resentment. Also, there was never a question as to her knowledge of the subject matter. Respondent possesses a bachelor's degree in English and a master's degree in administration and supervision. She has sufficient credit hours to qualify for a major in Spanish. She has also taken several in-service courses in such subjects as linguistics, methods of curriculum and instruction, British literature, and school administration. She is certified to teach English, Spanish, and typing. She has been a teacher in several Florida school systems for 29 years, of which the last 21 years were in various Jacksonville area schools. She is tenured. She was selected for summer school employment in 1980, while at Forrest High School, even though tenure does not ensure selection to teach summer school. During the 1980-81 school year, Respondent was caring for the aunt who raised her and who was suffering from terminal cancer. This required frequent travel back and forth to another part of the state, and in addition to being a physical burden, constituted a severe strain on her mental state. During that year, she started out teaching only twelfth grade classes, but as a result of a reduction in class sizes during the school year, she was given some additional tenth grade classes for which she had not prepared. Respondent feels her classroom discipline was not so unusual as to be remarkable. She feels she maintained classroom discipline as well as required and contested the allegations that she rarely referred students to the administration for additional discipline. She made all reasonable effort to improve her performance by enrolling in some of the courses recommended by Drs. Weathers and Ragans, but had to wait until the second semester because she did not get the information on the first semester courses until after they had started. The classes she took urged the use of listening and negotiating skills rather than the authoritative method in dealing with students. She tried to implement what she learned in her classrooms and feels she succeeded regardless of what the testimony shows. In addition, she took a course dealing with self- concept and self-confidence and applied for admission to Jacksonville University's master of arts program in an effort to upgrade her skills. Respondent admits that at the beginning of the 1981-82 school year, she was not using formal lesson plans. She had been asked by the administration for plans on a weekly basis and had jotted down ideas on paper. To formulate these ideas, she used prior years lesson plans, but did not turn any of these in. This does not track with Ms. Silas's testimony that the Respondent's plans she reviewed appeared to be from prior years. I find that prior years' plans were used by Respondent extensively and how these plans were transmitted to Ms. Silas for review is immaterial. Respondent, based on the above, while possessing the necessary technical qualifications to perform as a teacher, while possessing the appropriate knowledge of her subject matter, and while possessing the desire to impart that knowledge to her students, is nonetheless incompetent to conduct a class, maintain proper discipline, and generate adequate student motivation to accomplish these desired ends.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondent be removed from classroom teaching duties and be assigned some other function within the school system until such time, unless sooner released for other good cause, as she can retire with maximum benefits. RECOMMENDED this 1st day of September, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of September, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Gary E. Eckstine, Esquire Chief Administrative Hearings Section City of Jacksonville 1300 City Hall Jacksonville, Florida 32202 William F. Kachergus, Esquire Maness & Kachergus 502 Florida Theatre Building Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Mr. Herb A. Sang Superintendent Duval County Public Schools 1701 Prudential Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32207

Florida Laws (1) 120.52
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Sep. 21, 1993 Number: 93-005483 Latest Update: Feb. 24, 1995

The Issue Whether Respondent should be transferred to Jan Mann Opportunity School.

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Antwan Clark (Antwan), attended the sixth and seventh grades at Carol City Middle School during the academic years 1991-1992, and 1992-1993, respectively. On October 10, 1991, Antwan was suspended outdoors for three days for fighting. On October 22, 1991, Antwan was caught running in the school hallways by the assistant principal Don DeLucas. When Antwan was told to stop, he ignored the verbal request. Antwan was given a detention for his behavior. On November 5, 1991, Antwan was referred by his sixth period teacher to Assistant Principal DeLucas for being tardy to class, refusing to sign for detention, and walking out of class without a pass. Antwan was issued a reprimand/warning for his behavior and a conference was held with school administrators and his parents. After school was dismissed on March 10, 1992, the school principal Mary Henry walked toward the Carol City Elementary School while watching the students leave the middle school grounds. Antwan, across the street in a gas station parking lot, threw rocks across the street in the direction of Ms. Henry. Police Officer Christopher Burgain observed Antwan tossing the rocks. When Antwan saw the police officer, he moved to another group of students in the parking lot. Officer Burgain got Antwan and took him to Ms. Henry who told him to take Antwan back to the school. Ms. Henry called Antwan's parents. Antwan was suspended outdoors for two days for this incident. On March 16, 1992, Antwan's teacher, Ms. Viamonte, referred him to Assistant Principal DeLucas for getting out of his seat, coming to class unprepared, responding to the teacher when she asked for his daily progress report that she "was wasting his time" and threatening to tear up the daily progress report. Antwan was given a reprimand/warning and a conference was held with his parents. On April 16, 1992, Antwan cut his sixth period and was given a three- day indoor suspension. Another conference was held with his parents. On May 11, 1992, Antwan was caught gambling at a nearby senior high school. The assistant principal for the senior high school returned Antwan to Ms. Henry at the middle school. Antwan was suspended outdoors for three days. On July 22, 1992, Antwan was referred to Assistant Principal John Strachan for disciplinary action for telling a teacher that he didn't have to do what the teacher told him to do. Antwan was suspended outdoors for one day. During the 1992-1993 school year, Antwan was placed in the Student At Risk Program (SARP), which is a program designed for students who are at risk of dropping out of school. Students participating in SARP are given more attention than the students in the mainstream population. A counselor is assigned to the SARP program. On September 21, 1992, Ms. McGraw, Antwan's fifth period teacher referred Antwan to Assistant Principal Strachan for refusing to do his work, yelling at her about a pass to the office after she told him he could not have a pass, and refusing to give her a working telephone number for his parents so that she could call them. Antwan was given an indoor suspension until school administrators could meet with his parents. Antwan failed to stay in his class area during physical education class. His teacher, Janet Evans, would have to stop her class and call Antwan back into the class area. On September 24, 1992, Antwan left class without permission, and Ms. Evans found him and some other students outside the girls' locker room gambling by flipping coins. For these actions he was given a one- day indoor suspension. On October 29, 1992, Antwan was referred to Assistant Principal Strachan for excessive tardiness to school. Antwan refused direction by Mr. Strachan and was verbal and disruptive about being given a suspension. Antwan's mother was called to come and pick up him. Antwan was given a three-day outdoor suspension. On November 20, 1992, Teacher Golditch referred Antwan to the principal for shouting across the room to the extent that the teacher had to stop the class lesson and change what the class was doing. When Antwan got to the principal's office he got out of his seat, made noises, and went to the staff's counter when he was not supposed to do so. Antwan was given a one-day outdoor suspension for these actions. On January 6, 1993, Antwan and four other students were horseplaying in the cafeteria, resulting in the breaking of a window. He received a three- day indoor suspension for this behavior. On February 11, 1993, Antwan was walking around in Ms. Schrager's class and would not take his seat even though Ms. Schrager repeatedly asked him to do so. Antwan was distracting other students in the class, and Ms. Schrager had to stop the class to correct Antwan. Ms. Schrager referred the matter to Assistant Principal Strachan. A security officer was required to remove Antwan from the classroom. When asked by Mr. Strachan why he would not take his seat when asked by Ms. Schrager, Antwan responded that he wanted to sit where he wanted to sit. For this incident, Antwan received a five-day indoor suspension. Cheryl Johnson, Antwan's math teacher, had witnessed incidents in Ms. Schrager's class when Antwan would get out of his seat, walk around the classroom, and talk to other students, thereby disrupting Ms. Schrager's class. Ms. Johnson also had problems with Antwan in her classroom. Antwan would bring his drumsticks to class and tap on his desk. He was tardy to class, failed to do his homework assignments and participated very little in class. On March 8, 1993, Antwan and other students were throwing books at each other in Ms. Schrager's classroom during class. Ms. Schrager referred the incident to Mr. Strachan, who talked with Antwan. Antwan told Mr. Strachan that a student had hit him so he threw several books in retaliation. Other students were also written up for this incident by Ms. Schrager. Antwan received a five- day outdoor suspension for this episode. On March 23, 1993, Ms. Kramer, Antwan's language arts teacher, referred him to Mr. Strachan for disciplinary action for the following behavior: walking around the classroom, talking to other students, refusing to take his seat when asked to do so by his teacher, telling his teacher he didn't have to do what she was telling him to do, and rolling his eyes while continuing to move around. He received a detention. On April 21, 1993, Ms. Schrager observed Antwan showing his friend an object which resembled the outline of a gun. She asked Antwan to come talk to her. He began to walk toward her and then walked to the other side of the room. She called a security guard to come into the classroom but they were unable to find the object. Antwan was given a ten-day outdoor suspension which was reduced to a six-day suspension after school administrators talked with Antwan's parents. On May 7, 1993, Antwan was in the hallway and was fifteen minutes late for class. Mr. Strachan saw him and told Antwan to come to him. Antwan ran away from Mr. Strachan. When Mr. Strachan caught up with him, Antwan wanted to know what he had done wrong. Antwan received two detentions for the incident. On May 13, 1993, Antwan chased a female student into Ms. Arlene Shapiro's classroom. He grabbed the front of the girl's blouse trying to get a beeper which she had underneath her blouse. The girl called for help. Antwan was not Ms. Shapiro's student and was not supposed to be in her classroom. Ms. Shapiro told Antwan to let the girl go and he replied, "No. Make me." She put her hand on his back to guide him out of the classroom, and he told her not to touch him or he would hit her. She took her hand away. He punched her on her arm and then ran down the hall. Ms. Shapiro referred the matter to Assistant Principal DeLucas. Mr. DeLucas questioned Antwan about the incident and Antwan admitted hitting the teacher. Antwan received a ten-day outdoor suspension. Antwan was not doing well academically at Carol City Middle School. His report card for the school year ending June, 1993, showed final grades of four "F's" and three "D's." While at Carol City Middle School, Antwan received numerous group and individual counseling sessions with guidance counselors. Additionally, Ms. Henry, the principal, took Antwan "under her wing" and tried to counsel him. School administrators met with Antwan and his parents to discuss the problems that Antwan was having at school. However, these efforts to correct Antwan's disruptive behavior were unsuccessful. Additionally, as Antwan's disruptive behavior continued to escalate, resulting in more frequent conferences with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark's attitude seemed to change from conciliatory to hostile and defensive. Antwan was reassigned to Jan Mann Opportunity School during the summer of 1993. The classes are smaller than the traditional school class. There are counselors and a full-time psychologist on staff. The focus at Jan Mann is to try build self-esteem, teach conflict resolution, develop social skills, and correct past behavior problems.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered affirming the assignment of Antwan J. Clark to the Jan Mann Opportunity School. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of March, 1994, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of March, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 93-5483 To comply with the requirements of Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes (1993), the following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. Paragraph 1: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 2: Rejected as unnecessary and subordinate to the facts actually found. Paragraph 3: The first two sentences are accepted in substance. The first part of the third sentence stating that Mr. Strachan personally removed Antwan from the classroom from five to ten times is rejected as not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. The remainder of the sentence is accepted in substance. Paragraph 4: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 5: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 6: The first three sentences and the first half of the fourth sentence are rejected as subordinate to the facts actually found. The second half of the fourth sentence and the last two sentences are accepted in substance. Paragraph 7: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 8: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 9: The first sentence is rejected as not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. Ms. Schrager saw an object which resembled a cap gun. The second sentence is rejected as not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. The first part of the third sentence is accepted in substance. The second part of the third sentence is rejected as constituting argument. The last sentence is accepted. Paragraph 10: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 11: Rejected as unnecessary and subordinate to the facts actually found. Paragraph 12: The first sentence is rejected as constituting argument. The remainder of the paragraph is accepted in substance. Paragraph 13: The first sentence is rejected as constituting argument except the fact that Antwan threw rocks at Ms. Henry is accepted. The remainder of the paragraph is accepted in substance. Paragraphs 14-15: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 16: The first three sentences are accepted in substance. The last sentence is rejected as unnecessary. Paragraphs 17-19: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 18: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 20: Rejected as subordinate to the facts actually found. Paragraph 21: The two sentences are accepted in substance. The remainder of the paragraph is rejected as constituting argument. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact. Paragraphs 1-3: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 4: Rejected as constituting argument. Paragraph 5: Accepted in substance except to the extent that gambling occurred on only one occasion. Paragraph 6: The first two sentences are accepted in substance. The last sentence is rejected as not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 7: The first two sentences are accepted in substance. The second sentence is rejected as not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. The last sentence is accepted in substance. Paragraph 8: Rejected as constituting argument. Paragraph 9: Rejected as not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. Respondent's Exhibit 1 shows numerous counseling sessions between Antwan and his counselor and at least one conference between Antwan's parents and a counselor. Paragraph 10: Rejected as not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 11: Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. Paragraphs 12-14: Rejected as subordinate to the facts actually found. Paragraph 15: The first sentence is rejected as not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. The second and third sentences are accepted in substance. The last sentence is rejected as not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. I find that the parents' testimony is not credible. Paragraph 16: Rejected as not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 17-19: Rejected as constituting argument. Paragraph 20: Rejected as irrelevant to this proceeding. Paragraph 21: Rejected as not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 22: Rejected as constituting argument. Paragraph 23: The first sentence is accepted in substance as it relates to early conferences with the parents and school officials. The remainder of the paragraph is rejected as constituting argument. COPIES FURNISHED: Anne G. Telasco, Esquire First Nationwide Building 633 NE 167th Street, Suite 304 North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Jaime C. Bovell, Esquire 3211 Ponce De Leon Blvd., Suite 210 Miami, Florida 33134 Mr. Octavio J. Visiedo 1450 Northeast 2nd Avenue, #403 Miami, Florida 33312-1308 Douglas L. "Tim" Jamerson Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jul. 08, 2020 Number: 20-003055PL Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000637 Latest Update: Jun. 02, 1987

The Issue The central issue in this case is whether the Respondent, Jeremiah Everett, should be placed in the Dade County School Board's opportunity school program due to his alleged disruptive behavior and failure to adjust to the regular school program.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received at the hearing, I make the following findings of fact: During the 1985-86 and 1986-87 academic years, the Respondent attended Thomas Jefferson Junior High School. During the 1985-86 academic year, the Respondent received grades which indicated a failing mark for the total grading period. Consequently, the Respondent was held back for the 1986-87 academic year and remained in the seventh grade until January 27, 1987, at which time the student was assigned to the Jann Mann Opportunity School-North. When a student is disruptive or misbehaves in some manner, a teacher or other staff member at Thomas Jefferson Junior High School may submit a report of the incident to the office. These reports are called Student Case Management Referral forms and are used for behavior problems. During the period of October 8, 1985 through January 20, 1987, the Respondent caused 38 Student Case Management Referral forms to be written regarding his misbehavior. A synopsis of these Student Case Management Referral forms is attached hereto and made a part hereof. K. Krasno is an art teacher in whose class the Respondent was enrolled at Thomas Jefferson Junior High School. While in Ms. Krasno's Class, the Respondent was persistently disruptive, ignored her instructions and authority, and was not prepared for class. On one occasion, the Respondent was involved in a fight. It was not uncommon for the Respondent to walk out of class and refuse to perform assignments as directed. Moreover, the Respondent was persistently tardy to Ms. Krasno's class and refused to give information when requested. D. Borowsky is an instructor at Thomas Jefferson Junior High School. Mr. Borowsky is in charge of the school center for special instruction (SCSI), which is the in-school detention center where problem students are referred. Designated students are to report to the SCSI classroom and are to complete their regular class assignments there. Because of his discipline record, the Respondent was routinely assigned to the SCSI class and on several occasions, Mr. Borowsky was caused to complete Student Case Management Referral forms for him. Mr. Borowsky completed approximately seven Student Case Management Referral forms for the Respondent because the Respondent would habitually run away from the SCSI class. He did so on several occasions by fleeing through a fire door or fire window in order to avoid after-school detention periods. According to Mr. Borowsky, the Respondent did not come to class prepared and did not complete assignments as required. Mr. Borowsky opined that the Respondent only came to school to "have fun." M. Bonny is the assistant principal at Thomas Jefferson Junior High School. Mr. Bonny received the Student Case Management Referral forms that were submitted for the Respondent and had an opportunity to counsel him in an effort to improve his conduct. Additionally, Mr. Bonny received copies of the academic record as maintained by the school for the Respondent and attempted to contact the Respondent's mother with regard to progress made as it related to both his discipline and academic needs. On at least one occasion, Mr. Bonny had a conference with the Respondent's mother to discuss in-depth the behavior problems. The conference did not result in any changed behavior on the Respondent's part. Mr. Bonny recommended that the student be placed in the Jann Mann Opportunity School-North when the Respondent failed to improve or change his behavior or academic progress. Subsequent to his placement at the Opportunity School, the Respondent has received improved grades and conduct evaluations. For the 1985-86 academic year, the Respondent received four F's, three C's and one D. At the time the Respondent withdrew from the Thomas Jefferson Junior High School, his academic grades were four F's, one C and one D.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that Petitioner enter a Final Order affirming the assignment of Respondent to Jann Mann Opportunity School-North. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 2nd day of June, 1987, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. COPIES FURNISHED: Frank R. Harder, Esquire 8360 West Flagler Street Suite 205 Miami, Florida 33144 Retha Everett 2150 Northwest 74th Street Miami, Florida 33147 Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 JOYOUS D. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of June, 1987. Dr. Leonard Britton Super intent Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 SYNOPSIS OF STUDENT CASE MANAGEMENT REFERRAL FORMS JEREMIAH EVERETT DATE INCIDENT DISCIPLINE 1. Oct. 8, 1985 Fighting at bus stop One day - SCSI Oct. Oct. 14, 1985 18, 1985 Cutting lunch line - giving wrong name fighting, cutting Two after-school detentions one day - SCSI 4. Dec. 6, 1985 lunch line - giving false name skipped detentions; three days - SCSI 5. Jan. 9, 1986 skipped classes skipped detention one day - SCSI Jan. Jan. 10, 1986 31, 1986 ran away from SCSI at lunch time excessive absenteeism three days - SCSI detention (skipped) Jan. Feb. 31, 1986 4, 1986 left class without permission; unprepared; refused to sit quietly; and did no work. ran out of cafeteria - two days - SCSI five days - SCSI 10. Apr. 10, 1986 left SCSI class refused to sit in one detention class; used profanity 11. Apr. 14, 1986 skipped detention one day - SCSI 12. Apr. 16, 1986 13. Apr. 18, 1986 hit teacher several times skipped sixth period class one one day day suspension suspension May 2, 1986 skipped P.E., went to three days - SCSI class not assigned May 7, 1986 late for classes - one day detention missed one-half of time then enters, disrupting class May 12, 1986 ran out of SCSI class - three days suspension fire door and skipped detention May 19, 1986 fighting in class - one day - SCSI skipped detention one day suspension 18. June 4, 1986 did not report to nine days - SCSI SCSI - physically taken to class; left SCSI class; skipped detention June 4, 1986 ran out fire door - three days suspension left SCSI June 5, 1986 ran out fire door of one day suspension SCSI - came to school while on suspension ran in art class June 12, 1986 talked throughout final assigned to SCSI exam to students in for remainder of class taking test - term disruptive June 13, 1986 refused to go to SCSI skipped detention July 21, 1986 dress code violation one day suspension disobeyed instructions Aug. 4, 1986 refused to obey two day suspension instructions; defied authority of asst. principal in front of students; did not report to office Sept. 8, 1986 disruptive in class; one day - SCSI ignored instructions; unprepared for class Sept. 22, 1986 skipped detentions two detentions Sept. 25, 1986 talking in class; two day suspension called teacher profane name; shouts at teacher Sept. 25, 1986 fighting Sept. 26, 1987 left SCSI class by one day - SCSI climbing out fire window Oct. 8, 1986 disruptive, did not do detention assignments; skipped detentions Oct. 23, 1986 fighting; refusing to one day suspension answer questions Oct. 27, 1986 skipped detention one day - SCSI Oct. 29, 1986 walked out of class one day suspension early; skipped detention Nov. 20, 1986 struck student with one day - SCSI her pocketbook Nov. 21, 1986 attempted parental conference Dec. 3, 1986 persistently tardy; uses five days - SCSI profanity and is disruptive Jan. 8, 1987 skipped detention one day - SCSI 38. Jan. 15, 1987 skipped art class one detention In connection with the above-listed referrals, contact was attempted with the parent(s) on seventeen occasions.

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida Nov. 17, 2016 Number: 16-006775PL Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-001394 Latest Update: May 13, 1980

The Issue The issue posed for decision herein is whether or not the Respondent's teaching certificate should be suspended or revoked based on conduct which will be set forth hereinafter in detail as alleged by Petitioner's Petition for Revocation of Teacher's Certificate filed herein.

Findings Of Fact Based upon my observations of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, the documentary evidence received including the depositions Christine H. Ccates is the holder of Florida Teacher's Certificate No. 274453, Post Graduate, Rank II, valid through June 30, 1985, covering the areas of English, Middle English and Junior College. During times material, Christine E. Coates, Respondent, was employed in the Public Schools of Alachua County at Howard Bishop Middle School as an English teacher until her resignation effective June 15, 1978. The Professional Practices Council, Petitioner, received a report from Dr. James L. Scaggs, Assistant Superintendent for Internal Systems, Alachua County Schools, on June 5, 1978, indicating that there were allegations against Respondent concerning improper conduct with students. Pursuant thereto, and under the authority of Section 6A-4.37, Rules of the State Board of Education, Petitioner's staff conducted a professional inquiry into this matter and on August 14, 1978, made a report to the Executive Committee of the Professional Practices Council recommending that the Commissioner of Education find that probable cause exists to believe that Respondent was guilty of acts violative of Section 231.28, Florida Statutes, and Rule 6B-1.02(c) and (d), Florida Administrative Code. Based on a probable cause finding by the Commissioner of Education on August 22, 1978, the Recommendation was made that Respondent's teacher's certificate be suspended or revoked. The material allegations of the Petitioner's Petition for Revocation are: During the 1977-78 school year, on numerous occasions, Respondent engaged in sexual intercourse with a minor student of Howard Bishop Middle School. During the 1977-78 school year, Respondent allowed one or more minor male students from Howard Bishop Middle School to operate her automobile on the public highways of Florida without a driver's license. During the 1977-78 school year, Respondent provided alcoholic beverages to a minor male student from Howard Bishop Middle School. The Respondent also consumed alcoholic beverages in the presence of minor male students from Howard Bishop Middle School. During the 1977-78 school year, Respondent, on numerous occasions, allowed minor male students from Howard Bishop Middle School to smoke marijuana in her presence. On September 27, 1979, Petitioner's counsel took the depositions of Curtis, Charlotte, Jeffrey and Robert B. Alm, who had recently relocated from Gainesville, Florida, to Dallas, Texas. These depositions were received in lieu of live testimony since no objections were received, the witnesses were out of state, and Respondent's counsel was notified of the taking of said depositions. (Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through 4.) Wayne Gant, a sixteen-year-old male student, attended Howard Bishop Middle School during the 1977-78 school year in Gainesville, Florida. Student Gant knew Curtis and Jeffrey Alm, and Curtis Alm's relationship with Respondent. Student Gant testified that Curtis Alm drove Respondent's car in and around Gainesville on numerous occasions during the period January through May, 1978. Gant testified that Respondent purchased beer and marijuana for Curtis Alm during this period and that Respondent permitted Jeffrey and Curtis Aim to smoke marijuana at her apartment during this period. Vondell Robinson, Wayne Gant's mother, appeared and testified that her son was a friend of the Alms when they lived in Gainesville, Florida. Ms. Robinson recalled an incident wherein she returned from a weekend trip when she noted Respondent leaving her house with a glass of water. Ms. Robinson stopped Respondent and asked her what she was doing in her house, whereupon Respondent replied that Ms. Robinson's son and Curtis Alm gave her permission to go in and get a glass of water. Ms. Robinson noted that her son, Jeffrey and Curtis were leaving the house in Respondent's car as she was approaching. James L. Scaggs, assistant Superintendent for Employee Relations in Orange County, was formerly in charge of support services for Alachua County, Florida. Mr. Scaggs became familiar with the incident with Respondent on or about May 30, 1978, when he received a call from Mr. and Mrs. Alm involving the incident which occurred on May 30, 1973. The matter was discussed in great detail by Mrs. Alm, Curtis Alm, the Principal, Dr. Marcy and a Mrs. Themes. During his interview with Curtis Alm, Mr. Scaggs was told by Curtis that he had an ongoing relationship with Respondent from January through May, 1978. According to Scaggs, Respondent provided beer and marijuana to Curtis and Curtis and Respondent had sexual intercourse on numerous occasions during this period. The matter was brought to Respondent's attention during June, 1978, whereupon when confronted with the incidents as recounted by the Alms, Respondent offered her resignation. Respondent was then advised that the matter would be reported to Petitioner. An examination of the depositions of Jeffrey and Curtis Alm reveals that Respondent had an affair with Curtis Alm from January of 1978 through May of 1978, when the Alms relocated from Gainesville to Dallas, Texas. The record reveals that the Alms relocation was prompted in large part by the affair that was ongoing between Curtis Alm and Respondent. An examination of the deposition of Curtis Alm reveals that he was approximately fourteen years old when the subject incidents occurred and Respondent was his language arts teacher. Curtis testified that Respondent gave him money to purchase beer and marijuana and permitted him to drive her car, although he was not licensed at the time. The deposition of Jeffrey Alm is corroborative of Curtis' testimony which is also corroborative of the testimony of witnesses Wayne Gant, Vondell Robinson and James L. Scaggs. Based on the foregoing, the undersigned is of the opinion that the Respondent's acts and conduct with Curtis Alm, Jeffrey Alm and Wayne Gant during the period January through May of 1978, amount to conduct constituting immorality and moral turpitude and by its very nature, necessarily reduced her effectiveness as a School Board employee in violation of Chapter 231.28, Florida Statutes. I shall so recommend.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law it is hereby recommended that the Respondent's teacher's certificate, No. 274453, be revoked for a period of three (3) years. RECOMMENDED this 11th day of December, 1979, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: J. David Holder, Esquire 110 North Magnolia Drive, Suite 224 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 John R. Nettles, Esquire 14 East University Avenue, Room 102 Gainesville, Florida 32601 Ms. Christine E. Coates c/o Mr. Coates 2915 S.W. 1st Avenue Gainesville, Florida 32601 Professional Practices Council 319 West Madison Street, Room 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jul. 15, 2003 Number: 03-002554PL Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Nov. 02, 1995 Number: 95-005328 Latest Update: Mar. 10, 1997

The Issue Issues for consideration in this case include whether there exists an adequate factual basis for Petitioner Duval County School Board (the Board) to terminate Respondent's employment as a principal and teacher for those violations of the Duval County Teacher Tenure Act, Chapter 21197, Laws of Florida, 1941, as amended (the Act), which are alleged by the Board's Notice of Dismissal; and whether there exists an adequate factual basis for the Education Practices Commission (EPC) to revoke or suspend Respondent's teaching certificate or otherwise discipline Respondent for violations set forth in the Amended Administrative Complaint.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Educator's Certificate number 263958, covering the areas of physical education and school principal (all levels). The certificate is valid through June 30, 2001. Respondent is a certified teacher who, on the basis of his long-term employment by the Board, has tenure as a result of the length of his service in a satisfactory capacity. Respondent was employed as the Principal at Sandalwood High School by the Board from 1988 through the spring semester of 1994. Commencing in the summer of 1994 and continuing through October 20, 1995, Respondent was employed by the Board as Principal at Forrest High School. Respondent has been removed from his position as Principal of Forrest High School, but continues as a salaried employee of the Board pending resolution of the charges which form the basis for this proceeding. During Respondent's tenure as Principal at Forrest High School, he supervised teachers Julie T. Lee, Kimberly L. Smith, Pamela W. Bean, and Karen E. Jones. Julie T. Lee, Teacher During the 1994-1995 school year, Lee was both the Student Activities Director and the Cheerleading Coach for Forrest High School. In addition, she taught two classes on the subject of ecology. As Student Activities Director, she had an office centrally located, apart from the classroom she used. In November of 1994, Respondent called Lee into his office. He shut and locked the door. He asked Lee to sit down in a chair that Lee noted had been turned and was out of place. She sat down. Respondent then went behind her and proceeded to rub her shoulders. Lee was uncomfortable and did not welcome or encourage Respondent's actions. On February 6, 1995, Respondent again called Lee into his office and shut and locked the door. After a conversation with Lee, Respondent approached Lee and said he need a hug. He proceeded to hug Lee without her consent. In May of 1995, while Lee was using the telephone in the Principal's office for a long distance call, Respondent returned unexpectedly, shut and locked the door, and sat down in a chair behind Lee. He proceeded to grab Lee about her hips and pull her down to sit in his lap. He told her if she would take care of him, she could have anything she wanted at the school. Lee got up, said she would take care of student activities and left. About a week later, Respondent encountered Lee outside her office and asked her if she had thought about his offer. Lee acted as if she didn't know what Respondent was talking about. Later, before the end of the school year, Respondent informed Lee that he was moving her office. The new location for Lee's job as Student Activities Director was a weight room near the school gym. The room was bright red, smelled of sweat, and was located in an out of the way place for purposes of student activities. Lee commenced using the new location prior to the end of the school year for a period of approximately four weeks. At the end of the four week period, Respondent came to Lee's office and told her that she had one hour in which to move. The new office was a former special education classroom at the other extreme end of the building, away from a central location, flooded with water and dirty. A few days thereafter, Respondent also told Lee that she would have to teach three out-of-field social studies classes in addition to the Cheerleading Coach and Student Activities Director jobs. Lee felt she could not do all three jobs under any circumstances. Further, she felt that teaching a majority of out- of-field classes would subject her to being surplussed the following year unless she became certified in those areas in the interim. Lee did not accept the justification that the additional class assignment was purely the result of budgetary constraints and felt that she was being subjected to retaliation for not meeting Respondent's sexual overtures. She talked with Mark Scott, a music teacher, about the matter on September 18, 1995. Scott had heard about difficulties that another teacher was having with Respondent. Scott revealed his discussion with the other teacher, Kimberly Smith, to Lee. Lee subsequently contacted Smith. Kimberly Smith, Teacher Sometime near the middle of the 1994-1995 school year, Respondent walked up behind Smith in the school library and massaged her shoulders. Smith did not welcome or invite Respondent's conduct. On or about June 14, 1995, Respondent asked Smith into his office and locked the door. After a conversation relating to her resignation as basketball coach, Respondent asked Smith for a hug. As Smith attempted to pull back from the hug, Respondent pulled Smith against his body and with his face on her neck told her that she smelled good. Respondent then told Smith to get out of there before he forgot who he was. The next school year, on September 18, 1995, Respondent approached Smith in the hallway near the library and after some conversation grabbed her arm, pulled her to him and requested that Smith come to his office and give him "some tender loving care." If she complied, Respondent promised to "see what I can do for you." Smith told Jon Nerf, an English teacher at Forrest High School, about the September 18, 1995 incident shortly after it occurred. Nerf's testimony establishes that Smith was emotionally upset by Respondent's action. Pamela W. Bean, Teacher In April of 1995, Respondent asked Pamela W. Bean, a teacher, to come into his office when she asked to talk with him. He closed the door. After she was seated and talking, Respondent told Bean that she "looked stressed." He stepped behind her and began to rub her shoulders. When Bean got up, Respondent told her that he "needed a hug." Bean, nonplussed by the unsolicited and unwelcome advance of Respondent, complied with a brief hug and left. The next day, a similar incident with Bean occurred in Respondent's office. Again, Respondent's back rub and hug overtures were unsolicited by Bean who complied again with Respondent's request for a hug. Karen Jones, Teacher In the spring of 1995, Karen E. Jones, another teacher, asked to speak with Respondent. He asked her into his office and closed the door. Respondent then told Jones "I need a hug" and proceeded to hug her. After hugging Jones, Respondent told her that "we need to do that more often." In the first half of September of 1995, Respondent asked Jones to come into a room near his office called "Trawick's Trough." After entering the room, he again asked for a hug and hugged Jones. Jones did not solicit or welcome the hug. Jones later confided prior to initiation of any formal charges against Respondent in her long-term friend, Susan Ingraham, who is a school board employee, regarding Respondent's overtures. Julie A. Gray, Teacher Julie A. Gray was a first year teacher of Spanish and the yearbook sponsor at Sandalwood High School during the 1991-1992 school year when Respondent was her supervisor and the Principal at that school. Respondent approached Gray in the hallway during the early part of that school term. Respondent told Grey that he liked to get hugs from his faculty members. Gray patted him lightly on the shoulders. Respondent then said,"oh, I didn't mean here. I meant in my office." Later in the school term, Gray went to report to Respondent that all the yearbooks had been sold. Gray found Respondent near the bookkeeper's office and started talking to him. He leaned over and tried to kiss her on the mouth. When she backed away, Respondent tried to hug Gray. She was embarrassed by the incident and informed Peggy Clark, a professional support staffer for new teachers, that Respondent had made remarks of a sexual nature to Gray. Gray's roommate was also informed by Gray regarding Respondent's attempt to kiss Gray. The Teachers As a result of Lee's conversation with Mark Scott, Lee subsequently compared experiences with Smith. Bean, assigned by Respondent to sit in the student activity office during one of Lee's social studies classes also had a discussion with Lee. The three, Lee, Smith and Bean, decided to lodge complaints with the school administration and did so in early October of 1995. Lee felt she had not choice if she did not want to lose her job. Smith would have reported Respondent's behavior toward her earlier, but felt that she was alone and could not succeed. Bean, likewise, had felt she was alone and would not be believed over the word of a principal. Jones learned about the other teachers and their grievances a couple of weeks following Respondent's last advance toward her and decided to join the others in making a complaint. Gray had considered bringing sexual harassment charges against Respondent in the spring of 1992, but felt it would simply be her word against Respondent. She decided to come forward with her allegations in response to requests by the Board's representative who had learned of Respondent's behavior in 1992 toward Gray. Based on their candor and demeanor while testifying, as well as the consistency of their testimony with earlier statements made by them to persons with whom they spoke following various incidents, the testimony of all five teachers, Lee, Smith, Bean, Jones, and Gray, is fully credited and establishes that Respondent's conduct toward them was intimidating and adversely affected their abilities and enthusiasm for teaching in such situations. Stefani Powell, Contract Manager Stefani Powell was a district supervisor for ARAMARK, the operator of the Board's food service in the school system during the 1994-95 school year. In her capacity, Powell managed 14 school cafeterias, including the one at Forrest High School. Respondent, as the Principal at Forrest, was a client of ARAMARK's, oversaw what happened in the cafeteria, and approved certain aspects of the cafeteria's functioning. In meetings with Powell in his office, Respondent began closing and later locking the doors, commencing in October of 1994. He initiated hugs with Powell at the end of these meetings. On approximately eight to 10 occasions, the last in January or February of 1995, Respondent hugged Powell. Initially, the hugs were light, but progressed and grew stronger with Respondent eventually placing his hand on Powell's back and pushing inward. On the last occasion, Respondent kissed Powell on the cheek. None of these attentions by Respondent was solicited by Powell and were unwelcome. Since Respondent's advances made Powell uncomfortable, she eventually confided in her supervisor who advised that Powell always take someone with her or ensure the presence of a third person at conferences with Respondent. Powell followed this practice with regard to future meetings with Respondent. After reading in the newspaper of the allegations of the teachers at Forrest High School, Powell told her mother, a school board employee, of her experiences with Respondent. As a result, Powell was put in touch with the Board's investigator and her complaint against Respondent followed. Due to her candor and demeanor at the final hearing, as well as consistency of her testimony with statements made by her to others, Powell's testimony is totally credited. Dishonesty In The Course Of Employment Carol Abrahams was a clerk one at Forrest High School during the 1994-1995 school year. She shared a social relationship with Respondent and his wife. In April of 1995, Respondent made Abrahams the Principal's secretary. Abrahams was a clerk one. A clerk three is the customary rating and higher paying position normally assigned duties as a Principal's secretary. Respondent sought to augment Abrahams' pay since she was paid less than a Principal's secretary would normally receive. Respondent directed the use of Community School funds to pay Abrahams for work after the normal school day hours. Commencing with the beginning of the 1995-1996 school year, Abrahams was paid $9.50 per hour for the hours of 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. each day that Community School functioned, Monday-Thursday, through September of 1995. Abrahams did not work during all the hours for which she claimed payment for the period of August 23, 1995 through September 28, 1995. Specifically, Abrahams went to an aerobics class conducted at Forrest High School from 3:30 until 4:30 p.m. almost every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week during August and September, 1995. On three payroll hour certifications signed by Respondent, payment was made to Abrahams for a total of 16 hours during 16 days that were not actually worked at the times claimed. Respondent knew that Abrahams was attending the aerobics classes, but it was assumed by he and others that Abrahams would make up the missed hours. Abrahams testimony that she did school work at home, on weekends and at other times in an amount of hours sufficient to more than make up for the hours claimed on the subject pay roll certifications, while creditable, is not corroborated by any record of such "comp" time and cannot serve to extinguish the commission by Respondent of the technical violation of approval of those time sheets for subsequent payment when he knew those records were not accurate. Conduct And Effectiveness Respondent's misconduct, as established by the testimony of Lee, Smith, Bean, Gray, Jones and Powell, constitutes personal conduct reducing Respondent's effectiveness as an employee of the Board.

Recommendation Pursuant to provisions of disciplinary guidelines contained within Rule 6B-11.007, Florida Administrative Code, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by EPC revoking Respondent's teaching certificate for a period of two years, with recertification at the conclusion of that time conditioned upon Respondent's acceptance of a three year probationary period upon terms and conditions to be established by the EPC, and it isFURTHER RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Board dismissing and discharging Respondent from his position of employment with the Board.DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of December, 1996, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of December, 1996. COPIES FURNISHED: Ernst D. Mueller, Esquire Office of the General Counsel City of Jacksonville 600 City Hall 220 East Bay Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 J. David Holder, Esquire 14 South 9th Street DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32433 William J. Sheppard, Esquire Sheppard and White, P.A. 215 Washington Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Karen Barr Wilde, Executive Director 301 Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Kathleen M. Richards, Administrator Professional Practices Services 352 Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Michael H. Olenick, Esquire Department of Education The Capitol, Plaza Level 08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Larry Zenke, Superintendent Duval County School Board 1701 Prudential Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32207-8154

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0066B-11.0076B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Madison, Florida Nov. 04, 1992 Number: 92-006638 Latest Update: Oct. 06, 1995

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent's teaching certificate should be disciplined for alleged violation of various provisions of Section 231.28, Florida Statutes, and Rule 6B

Findings Of Fact Respondent Clayton McWilliams holds Florida teaching certificate number 653517, covering the area of substitute teaching, which is valid through June 30, 1994. He is 27 years of 1989, from Valdosta State College in Valdosta, Georgia. After a few brief months employment in retail sales in Tallahassee, Florida, Respondent returned to Madison, Florida, where he was born and lived prior to attending college. Respondent returned to Madison in August of 1989, after being contacted by the high school coach there regarding the possible employment of Respondent as an assistant coach at the high school from which Respondent graduated. He was employed in the 1989 County School Board. Subsequently, he was employed by the Board during the 1990 high school. Respondent served as an assistant coach during this period. While serving as a substitute teacher during the 1989 Respondent was responsible for a ninth grade science class. Female students M.B., R.B., J.D., and R.C., were in a group surrounding Respondent's desk, talking with Respondent. All the students in the group were curious about Respondent and asked him such questions as what are you going to coach, are you married, do you have a girl friend, and why did you come back to Madison? Respondent knew many of the students on a first name basis and, in the course of bantering with the group, responded at one point to the students' questions about his private life by asking the students about their social lives, if they kissed their boy friends with their mouths open, and if they used their tongues. There was general laughter from the students, although R.B. didn't think the question was "any of [Respondent's] business." This was the only question or comment that Respondent ever made that bothered R.B. R.B. regarded Respondent's conduct in the ensuing two years as "flirting" and "didn't ever think anything bad about it." The next year when R.B. was in the tenth grade (1990 photograph. Respondent later told R.B. that he stared at the photograph every night. When R.B. was in the eleventh grade and not a student in a class taught by Respondent, Respondent jokingly asked R.B. in the presence of D.C., her boyfriend at the time and an athlete with whom Respondent enjoyed a rapport, why she wanted to date such a "big, old dummy." There were other times that Respondent would see R.B., tell her that she looked nice, wink at her and blow her kisses. During the 1990 M.B., by asking her if she kissed with her mouth open, and would she teach Respondent how to do this. Respondent also told M.B. that she looked beautiful. M.B. was not a student in a class taught by Respondent. During the 1991-1992 school year, M.B. was a high school junior and a varsity cheerleader. Respondent continued to speak to M.B., although she was not his student, when he saw her on the school campus or at sporting events. He continued to ask M.B. about kissing with her mouth open, whether she would teach Respondent how to do this, and when could she teach him. M.B. declined to specify any time or place to meet with Respondent. M.B. did not disclose Respondent's behavior to anyone at this time. On one occasion, M.B. and other eleventh grade students, including her boyfriend, were in the high school library, ordering their class rings. Respondent became involved in conversation with the students and asked M.B. again about teaching him to kiss open would lose his job for M.B. Although he heard these comments, M.B.'s boyfriend considered Respondent to be joking. In the fall of the 1991 Wakulla County for a game which would determine whether the team could compete in the district championship playoff. Upon boarding the bus after the game for the trip home, Respondent was asked by M.B. if he was going to sit with her on the bus. He replied that he would if she saved him a seat. Respondent stored the athletic equipment which he was carrying, returned to the forward section of the bus and assumed the vacant seat beside M.B. Since the team had lost the game, most passengers on the bus were despondent. In the course of the trip, M.B. and Respondent leaned their heads against the back of the seat in front of them and Respondent talked about college and how being from a small high school had been difficult when he had attended the University of Florida before transferring to Valdosta State. Respondent had his hands between his knees as he talked and at one point placed it on M.B.'s knee or patted her knee. She, feeling discomfited by the gesture, brushed his hand away. This was the only time that Respondent touched a student where such touching was interpreted by a student to have sexual significance. Respondent testified that he patted M.B. because she acted as though "something had been bothering her" and characterized the pat as something he would give "football players or baseball players at school." Eventually, M.B. became sleepy and rested her head against the bus window. Respondent in a normal tone of voice offered to let her place her head on his shoulder, but M.B. declined. During the 1991 photographs. On the back of his photograph, Respondent wrote: M., I remember when I first saw you, you struck me as beautiful. I really think you are. You are truly special to me. Please know that I love you. Stay sweet and pretty. Love, Clayton. P.S., Please teach me sometime. Mary Rice, a teacher at the high school, began teaching there at approximately the same time as Respondent. Rice, like Respondent, was single. Rice, like Respondent, enjoyed informal relationships with some students, such as the cheerleaders for whom she served as staff sponsor. The cheerleaders, similar to many students who called Respondent by his first name, referred to Rice as "Mary". She became engaged in October of 1991 to Scott Alley, another teacher who occasionally substituted at the school. Rice and Respondent had a normal collegial relationship. Prior to Christmas of 1991, Rice and Respondent were in the school office discussing what they were getting their significant others for Christmas. Respondent told Rice that he would tell her what he was getting his girl friend for Christmas if Rice would have sex with him. Later in the day, Respondent got down on his knees in the hallway outside of Rice's classroom in the presence of students and asked Rice to "go with me before you get married". While Respondent meant that he wanted to have sex with Rice, he did not explicitly state such in the hallway. Later, Respondent sent Rice a note containing four blanks for letters. According to Rice, the note stated that Respondent would tell Rice what he was getting for his girlfriend for Christmas if Rice would " ". Rice assumed the four blanks to represent a sexually suggestive word. Rice stored the note in her desk drawer. She determined not to tell anyone about the note. In February of 1992, her fiancee, Scott Alley, discovered the note in the desk while he was substituting for Rice. He showed the note to Debra Wetherington, a school secretary, and later asked Rice about the note. Rice was startled that Alley had found the note and became upset. Later, in a telephone conversation initiated by Respondent, he discussed the note with Alley. Respondent apologized to Alley for any misunderstanding about the note, stating that he had written it merely to get a laugh from Rice. Respondent told Alley that he, Respondent, just flirted with everyone and that was "how I broke the ice with everyone." After Respondent's apology, the two men agreed to remain friends. Subsequently, the note was destroyed by Alley. Debra Wetherington, the secretary at the high school, frequently interacts with the teaching staff. Initially, Respondent and Wetherington enjoyed a good working relationship no different than those she shared with other teachers. She had known Respondent all of his life. Over a period of time, Respondent began to flirt with Wetherington, asking her about open mouth kissing. At these times, Wetherington ignored his remarks or laughed them off as a joke. When his behavior persisted, she told him that his conduct bothered her and that he should stop. She never told her husband or any one else about Respondent's attentions, hoping to resolve the matter without confrontation and embarrassment. On or about February 25, 1992, Respondent came into the school office and physically put his arms around Wetherington in a "bear" hug and, according to Wetherington, tried to put his tongue in her ear. Also present in the room were the school resource officer and another office worker. No eyewitness corroboration of Wetherington's allegation that Respondent attempted to put his tongue in her ear was offered at the final hearing and she had not reported this detail in an earlier affidavit regarding the incident. Respondent denies he attempted to put his tongue in her ear. Respondent's testimony is more credible on this point and it is not established that he attempted to put his tongue in Whetherington's ear. Wetherington later complained about Respondent's conduct to Lou Miller, the school principal. Miller called Respondent into her office, discussed the incident with him, and directed him to have no such contact with Wetherington in the future. Respondent apologized for his conduct, both to Miller and Wetherington. While Respondent and Wetherington had no further contact, Wetherington later asked another teacher, Tony Stukes, if Respondent was angry with her since she had not seen or heard from him lately. On or about March 24, 1992, Respondent saw M.B. in the hallway outside the door of his classroom while classes were changing. Respondent spoke to M.B. and told her that he had a dream about her. M.B. went to see Mary Rice, the cheerleading sponsor, who had earlier asked M.B. if she was having any problems with a teacher. Rice had taken this action following the discovery of Respondent's note in Rice's desk by Rice's fiancee. M.B. had confided in Rice about Respondent's previous flirtatious behavior toward her. Rice told her to write down future incidents. After relating to Rice the comment of Respondent about having a dream, M.B. was asked by Rice to go back to Respondent and find out more about the dream. M.B. went into Respondent's class where the students were working on a geography project. An overhead projector displayed the continent of South America on a board. Some students were tracing the projection on the board, preparatory to cutting the shape out of the board. Other groups were cutting out other continents. The lights in the room were turned on. Respondent was sitting at his desk, cutting out the Asian continent. M.B. went to a chair by Respondent's desk and sat down. M.B. was on her lunch break and was not a student in the class. However, in the context of the situation, her entry into the classroom was not that unusual. Respondent had on previous occasions entered an art class where M.B. was a student and had spoken with her or, on some of these occasions, had also spoken with the teacher in the class. After seating herself by his desk, M.B. asked Respondent to tell her about his dream. Respondent replied that he couldn't, but M.B. persisted. Finally, Respondent wrote on a piece of paper, "I had a dream about you and me." M.B. then wrote on the paper, "Well, what happened?" The rest of the written exchange is as follows: Respondent: "Well, all I remember is you were teaching me." M.B.: "Teaching you what?" Respondent: "Guess." M.B. "I don't know. Why don't you tell me what I was supposedly teaching you." Respondent: "How to kiss with my mouth open. I liked it, too. I woke up sweating and holding my pillow to my mouth." M.B. then took possession of the piece of paper on which she and Respondent had been writing, left the class and went back to see Mary Rice. M.B. discussed the matter with Rice. After this discussion, M.B.'s feelings about Respondent solidified and she determined that she detested Respondent. At Rice's suggestion, she then went to see Principal Miller. Miller and School Superintendent Eugene Stokes confronted Respondent with the note. Respondent stated he meant no harm by his conduct, recognized that he had a problem and needed help for his aberrant behavior. After a discussion of options, including suspension or resignation, Respondent thought about the matter overnight and submitted his resignation to Stokes on March 27, 1992. Respondent was told that the matter must be reported to the Professional Practices Commission. Respondent was, however, under the impression that his resignation would conclude the necessity for any further proceedings of a disciplinary nature. Until the time of his resignation, Respondent had received good evaluations. His contract was renewed annually. However, as expressed at final hearing by Miller and Stokes, they would not rehire Respondent in view of his past behaviors which now, in their opinion, would reduce his effectiveness as a teacher at Madison High School. Subsequently, Respondent was informed on May 28, 1992, that an investigation regarding alleged misconduct been instituted by the Professional Practices Commission. In August of 1992, Respondent sought and was appointed to a teaching position in Hawthorne, Florida, at the combined junior/senior high school in that city for the 1992 completion of course work for issuance of a five year teaching certificate from the State of Florida which he received in October of 1992. Dr. Lamar Simmons, the supervising principal at the school in Hawthorne, Florida, where Respondent is presently employed is acquainted with Miller. Simmons contacted Miller at the Madison High School, prior to employing Respondent. Miller informed Simmons that Respondent had been a satisfactory employee. Miller did not disclose Respondent's alleged misconduct to Simmons because she assumed Respondent was receiving professional help for his problem and that the issuance of Respondent's five year certificate indicated that further disciplinary proceedings by the Professional Practices Commission had been abandoned. Respondent later disclosed the instant disciplinary proceeding to Simmons. To date of the final hearing, Respondent continues to teach at the school in Hawthorne without apparent incident.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered finding Respondent guilty of the third, fourth, and fifth count of the Administrative Complaint, and placing Respondent's teaching certificate on probation for a period not to exceed three years upon reasonable terms and conditions to be established by Petitioner, including the following requirements: That Respondent present himself for psychological evaluation by a qualified professional selected by Petitioner. That Respondent complete such course of psychotherapy as may be prescribed as a result of that evaluation. That Respondent assume the cost of such evaluation and subsequent therapy, if any. That Respondent enroll and complete a minimum of six hours of continuing education courses in the area of professional conduct for educators. That in the event that Respondent fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of probation, Respondent's teaching certificate shall be subjected to a period of suspension not to exceed two years, and that compliance with these conditions of probation serve as the prerequisite for any reinstatement of Respondent's teaching certificate in the event that suspension for noncompliance with these conditions occurs. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of June 1993, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of June, 1993. APPENDIX In accordance with provisions of Section 120.59, Florida Statutes, the following constitutes my specific rulings on proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties: Petitioner's proposed findings 1.-12. Accepted. Rejected as to D.C.'s feelings, hearsay. Accepted. (Note: this is the second finding numbered 13.) Rejected as to "two or three times", accepted as to touching on the knee one time, on the basis of resolution of credibility on this point. (Note: this is the second finding numbered 14.) Accepted. Accepted in substance, not verbatim. 16.-18. Accepted. Rejected as to tickling reference since no sexual significance was ascribed by M.B. to this action, she did not supply a point in time when this occurred and inclusion would imply a significance not proven at the final hearing. Rejected, unnecessary. 21.-23. Rejected, subordinate to Hearing Officer findings on this point. 24.-42. Accepted, but not verbatim. 43. Accepted as to bear hug, remainder rejected on basis of creditibility. 44.-57. Accepted, but not verbatim. Respondent's proposed findings 1.-20. Accepted, but not verbatim. 21. Rejected, unnecessary. 22.-23. Accepted, but not verbatim. Rejected, unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: Margaret E. O'Sullivan, Esquire Department of Education 352 Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Thomas E. Stone, Esquire Post Office Box 292 Madison, Florida 32340 Karen Barr Wilde Executive Director Education Practices Commission 301 Florida Education Center 325 W. Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Jerry Moore, Administrator Professional Practice Services 352 Florida Education Center 325 W. Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Sidney H. McKenzie, Esquire General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol PL-08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
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