Findings Of Fact The Respondent Karen Kay Colucci, whose license No. is 0062107,is a registered real estate salesman in the State of Florida. The Respondent is employed by Magnolia Homes, Inc., 300 Embassy Boulevard, Port Richey, Florida. The owner of the business is David Lukacher. On May 20, 1976, Harvey Thompson and his wife Mary Thompson looked at model homes built by Magnolia Homes, Inc. They were assisted by a registered real estate salesman for Magnolia Homes, Inc., Patrick D. DePianto. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson told the real estate salesman that they wanted to build a house but wanted to sell their own house first. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson found a lot and model home they desired and then proceeded to Mr. DePianto's office to make a deposit. The office in which the transaction took place is a large room in which several people worked for the builder including the Respondent Karen Kay Colucci who is the sales manager. Mr. DePianto's desk and work area was in rather close proximity to Mrs. Colucci's desk and work area. Mrs. Colucci was not involved in the assistance to the Thompsons in locating a lot and model home and was not directly involved with Mr. DePianto and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson at the time the transaction under consideration took place. At the time of making the deposit Mr. and Mrs. Thompson asked Mr. DePianto if they could get their deposit back if they did not sell their home. Mr. DePianto called over to Mrs. Colucci and asked if a refund could be made if the Thompsons could not sell their house and, satisfied with the answer, assured the purchasers that there would be no problem. A check was written out for five hundred ($500) dollars and handed to Mr. DePianto and a receipt was written out by Mr. DePianto and handed to the Thompsons. There was no representation on the receipt written by Mr. DePianto concerning the refundability of the deposit. The Thompsons did not request that the representation be included on the receipt. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson left the office feeling that there would be no problem obtaining a refund of the deposit if they could not sell their home , although they were confident that the sale of their home was imminent. Thereafter the expected sale of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson's home was not consummated and the Thompsons asked Mr. DePianto for a refund of the deposit. Mr. DePianto asked for the request to be in letter form and Mr. Thompson complied. Thereafter he was advised by Mr. DePianto that the builder, Mr. David Lukacher, would not return the deposit but would hold the $500 until they were able to buy one of their homes and credit that amount to the purchaser. Mr. Thompson requested Mr. DePianto to put the discussion in letter form which Mr. DePianto did. Mr. Thompson wrote Mr. Lukacher a letter and called him on the telephone requesting that the deposit be refunded but no refund was forthcoming. Approximately six months later Mr. DePianto sent Mr. and Mrs. Thompson a check for $250, half of the deposit, plus 7 months of interest at 6 per cent per annum. The remainder of the deposit has not been returned to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Lukacher retains the $250, having previously sent $250 of the $500 deposit to Mr. DePianto. Petitioner Florida Real Estate Commission contends: that the Respondent Karen Kay Colucci knowingly misrepresented to the Thompson's that there would be no problem obtaining a refund of the $500 deposit if the Thompson's could not sell their home; that such representation means the Respondent is guilty of misrepresentation, false promises, false pretences, culpable negligence, or breach of trust in a business transaction and that therefore her license should be suspended. Respondent contends that she was doing other work at the time the subject transaction took place and that she had no involvement with the transaction between Mr. DePianto and the Thompsons. Respondent further contends that in reply to the question posed to her by Mr. DePianto in the busy office that a refund could be made providing Mr. Lukacher, the builder, approved it. The hearing Officer further finds: There is no consistent testimony by the witnesses as to exactly what was said in reference to a refund at the time Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were seated at the desk of Mr. DePianto. There is no consistent testimony as to what exactly Mr. DePianto asked the Respondent or what her answer was. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson failed to request that the receipt reflect that the deposit was conditional and would be returned if the Thompson's could not sell their home. Mr. DePianto did not make the receipt a conditional receipt. Mr. David Lukacher, the builder, refused to refund the deposit to the Thompsons, kept $250 of it, and sent Mr. DePianto the salesman, $250. Mr. DePianto refunded his share of the deposit plus interest to the Thompsons.
Recommendation Dismiss the complaint. DONE and ORDERED this 23rd day of May, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. DELPHENE C. STRICKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Kenneth A. Meer, Esquire Staff Counsel Florida Real Estate Commission 400 West Robinson Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Karen Kay Colucci Magnolia Homes, Inc. 300 Embassy Boulevard Port Richey, Florida 33568
Findings Of Fact At the hearing Petitioner presented evidence of service of the complaint and notice of hearing by mailing same, to Respondent's last address reported to the Real Esate Commission, by registered mail as provided by s. 475.26 Florida Statutes. Accordingly I find Respondent was duly subjected to the jurisdiction of the hearing officer and of the Real Estate Commission. Thereafter Petitioner presented as Exhibit 4, the Certification of the Executive Director of the Florida Real Estate Commission that registration certificate number 0119992 was issued to Jesse E. Moore as a real estate salesman on January 30, 1974, that a non-active salesman's registration was issued on June 10, 1974 to expire September 30, 1974, and a copy of his application for registration subscribed and sworn to by Moore on July 9, 1973. Thereon Respondent listed only two offenses under question 9, viz. DWI and a bad check offense. Petitioner submitted Exhibits 5, 6, and 7 which were only admitted into evidence. Exhibit 5 shows that on November 20, 1961 Gene Moore was found guilty in the County Judge's Court of destroying personal property and fined $15.00 to include $12.50 costs. Exhibit 6, a Justice of the Peace Docket Sheet purports to show that on September 11, 1969 Jesse E. Moore was charged with failure to report sales tax, and Exhibit 7, a similar docket sheet purports to show that on October 30, 1969 Jesse E. Moore was again charged with failure to report sales tax. Since both Exhibits 6 and 7 show the same amount of sales tax it may be assumed that they relate to the same offense. However, Exhibit 6 indicates that the bond posted in the amount of $12.50 was forfeited and the final entry on Exhibit 7 is that the charge (if such it be) was dismissed by the judge. Although these docket sheets are subject to some question regarding their relevance in proving that the person named thereon was charged with an offense against the laws of Florida, for the purpose of this Recommended Order it is found that they do prove that Jesse E. Moore was charged with such offenses.
Findings Of Fact Respondent Donald E. Swagler is now and was at all times material a licensed real estate broker or broker/salesman in the State of Florida, having been issued license number 0139756, in accordance with Chapter 475, Florida Statutes. At all times alleged in the Administrative Complaint, respondent Donald Swagler was licensed and operating as a qualifying broker for and an officer of respondent Swagler Realty, Inc., which is now and was at all times material a corporation licensed as a real estate broker in the State of Florida, having been issued license number 0169035, in accordance with Chapter 475, Florida Statutes. At all times material, Fern Z. Taylor was a licensed real estate broker with an office in Bonita Springs, approximately a twenty-minute drive south from the offices of Swagler Realty Company in Ft. Myers. On April 10, 1980, Andrew W. Kuchmaner was working part-time as a licensed real estate salesman in the employ (as that term is defined in Section 475.01(2), Florida Statutes) of Swagler Realty Company. Kuchmaner was a new salesman and had not yet had occasion to present a buyer's purchase offer to a client seller. During the early months of 1980, Kuchmaner was also working in the employ of, and receiving a salary from, Jim Walter Homes Company. Philip R. and Susan B. Workman first met Kuchmaner in January or February 1980 while visiting a Jim Walter's Homes sales office in Ft. Myers where he was working in his capacity as a Jim Walter Homes salesman. Kuchmaner advised the Workmans to find and purchase a lot for the Jim Walter home they had selected, and then they could purchase the Jim Walter home. Jim Walter Homes Company requires lot ownership prior to building one of their homes. Prior to selecting a lot, the Workmans had already decided on the Jim Walter home they were going to purchase, and Kuchmaner was going to do the paperwork for Jim Walter. Throughout the first quarter of 1980, the Workmans searched for a lot on which to construct their home in the Bonita Springs area of southern Lee County. During their search, the Workmans came upon a vacant lot with a sign saying it was for sale by Fern Z. Taylor. Upon seeing her real estate for sale sign, the Workmans went to Fern Taylor's office to inquire about the property and seek her assistance in their purchase of a lot in the Bonita Springs area. Fern Taylor advised the Workmans that, in addition to the lot they had already seen bearing her sign, she had Dust that morning listed and had for sale another lot in the Bonita Springs area which they would be interested in seeing. Earlier that same morning, Taylor took a long distance telephone call from a Charles A. Bennett, a resident of Arizona. Bennett said he had a lot he wanted to sell and gave Taylor the price ($7,000) and a description--Lot 20, Block E, Rosemary Park No. 2, in Bonita Springs. Bennett had not seen the property in some time and gave no landmarks or street address for Taylor's guidance. Back in 1925, Rosemary Park No. 2 was subdivided into eight blocks of 24 140' x 50' lots each and two larger blocks containing 16 larger 162' x 300' lots each. One of the smaller lots bore the legal description: "Lot 20, Block E of Rosemary Park No. 2 according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 30, of the Public Records of Lee County. This is the lot Bennett owned and was trying to sell. It is located on First Street. In 1926, Rosemary Park No. 2 was re-subdivided. The two larger blocks of the prior subdivision were re-subdivided into eight blocks of 24 140' x 50' lots each. Unfortunately, in a stroke of singular lack of vision, the new blocks and lots were designated with the same letters and numbers already assigned to the smaller blocks and lots in the original 1925 subdivision. As a result, there is another lot in Rosemary Park No. 2 designated as Lot 20, Block E: Lot 20, Block E, Rosemary Park, resubdivision of the East 1/2 of No. 2, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 32, in the Public Records of Lee County, Florida. This other Lot 20, Block E, is owned by the Fyfes of Maine and is on Fifth Street. Taylor, who was quite busy, quickly checked a plat book in her office to locate the lot and the tax rolls to attempt far to verify Bennett's ownership and left to put her sign on the lot she thought Bennett owned and was trying to sell. Through a combination of the confusing legal description, the incomplete description and paucity of information Bennett gave Taylor, and Taylor's admitted negligence, Taylor put her for sale sign on the Fyfes' lot on Fifth Street instead of on Bennett's lot on First Street. Taylor had no listing agreement with the Fyfes, and the Fyfes' property was not for sale. Fern Taylor drew a map for the Workmans providing them with directions to this purportedly newly listed lot on which she had placed her "For Sale" sign. In reliance on Fern Taylor's map and representations as to her listing agreement, the Workmans drove to the Fifth Street lot and viewed the property as well as Fern Taylor's "For Sale" sign. Approximately one week after seeing the Fifth Street lot, the Workmans summoned Andrew Kuchmaner to Bonita Springs to view the lot and give them his opinion as to how the Jim Walter home they had previously selected would sit on the lot. The Workmans had their minds pretty well made up that they wanted to purchase the Fifth Street lot before summoning Kuchmaner. Kuchmaner never took the Workmans to any property but, upon their request, traveled to Bonita Springs to meet them and was thereupon shown the Fifth Street lot. While viewing the Fifth Street lot, Kuchmaner advised the Workmans that the Jim Walter's home they had selected would sit nicely on that lot. He also told the Workmans for the first time that he had a real estate license and would be glad to help them out with placing an offer for the lot on their behalf. The Workmans used Kuchmaner to make their $6,000 offer on the lot to save time because it was late in the afternoon and they lived in North Ft. Myers. When Fern Taylor first met Kuchmaner, he had been represented to her by the Workmans as a Jim Walter salesman. Kuchmaner went to Taylor's office and requested she prepare the contract because he would have to go all the way back to Ft. Myers to write it up. Taylor provided Kuchmaner with the legal description "Lot 20, Block E, Rosemary Park #2" and advised him he would have to write his own contract. Kuchmaner also proposed to Taylor that they not tell Swagler or Swagler Realty about the sale so they could divide Swagler's quarter of the 10 percent commission ($150 of the total $600 commission). Taylor refused and told Swagler what had happened. Swagler had an angry confrontation with Kuchmaner and was about to fire him, but Kuchmaner begged for a second chance and promised not to try to cut Swagler out of a commission again. Swagler relented and kept Kuchmaner on as a salesman. Kuchmaner filled out a contract on a Swagler Realty form and brought it to Donald Swagler for his review. He advised Swagler that he had gotten the legal description from Fern Taylor and had been to see the property. Swagler generally does not sell property in the Bonita Springs area and is not familiar with the area. He relied on Taylor to provide an accurate legal description of the property being sold. Kuchmaner hand delivered the contract offering to purchase the Bennett parcel to Taylor. Taylor checked the contract before she sent it to Bennett to see that the legal was the same that she had, and it was. She also checked it again when it was sent back from Bennett. Fern Taylor had received and checked the contract, title insurance binder, seller's closing statement and a copy of the warranty deed from Bennett to Workman prior to the closing The Workmans had the property they thought they were purchasing surveyed by William R. Allen, a registered and licensed land surveyor. He received the request to survey the property from Susan Workman. Over the phone, she advised Mr. Allen she had purchased a lot in Rosemary Park, Specifically lot far 20, block E. Mr. Allen informed Mrs. Workman that there are two Block E's in Rosemary Park and that they should be careful. He inquired as to which street she had purchased property on and was told, "We're on Fifth Street." Allen surveyed the Fifth Street lot and certified his survery, using the actual legal description of the Fifth Street (Fyfes') lot. Allen never saw any document with the legal description of the Bennett lot. Fern Taylor did not know that the Workmans had ordered a survey and did not see a copy of the survey until well after the closing. Although she attended the closing, she saw no discrepancies among the documents cursorily reviewed at the closing. Neither did the Workmans or the closing agent. The evidence was not clear whether there was a copy of the survey among the documents at the closing. The lender (Jim Walter Homes) and the title insurance company got a copy of the survey before closing. Neither of their professionals noticed that the legal description on the survey (the Fyfe lot) did not match the legal description on the deed and other documents (the Bennett lot). When a real estate broker has placed his sign ("For Sale") on a parcel of property, it is a reasonable conclusion that he is authorized to sell that parcel. It is customary for a broker to rely on the listing broker to provide a correct legal description for the property they have listed. At no time before the closing did Swagler or Kuchmaner have reason to suspect that the Workmans were purchasing a parcel of property different from the parcel they believed they were purchasing. Neither Swagler nor Kuchmaner were at the closing of the Workmans' purchase. But their presence would not have made any difference. It is not the real estate broker's or salesman's lob to scrutinize the documents being signed to make sure the legal descriptions on all the documents match (unless he has reason to believe the legal descriptions might be wrong.) He has the right to rely on the other professionals--the listing broker (especially since Fern Taylor was familiar with the Bonita Springs area and Swagler was not), the lender's attorney, the title company, the closing agent and, if any, the surveyor and the buyer's attorney. Fern Taylor and perhaps others were culpably negligent. Swagler and Kuchmaner were not. What happened to the Workmans is not their fault.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings Of Fact and Conclusions Of Law, it is recommended that the Florida Real Estate Commission enter a Final Order dismissing the Administrative Complaint against respondents, Donald E. Swagler and Swagler Realty Company, in this case. RECOMMENDED this 9th day of February, 1987 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of February, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-3502 These rulings on proposed findings of fact are made in compliance with Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes (1985). Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1.-4. Accepted and incorporated. 5. Rejected as contrary to facts found. (Kuchmaner did not "solicit" or "obtain" them.) 6.-14. Accepted and incorporated. 15. Rejected as contrary to facts found. (Taylor's "investigation" or "attempt" to ascertain the legal description was deficiently and negligently performed.) 16.-17. Accepted and incorporated. First sentence, rejected as incomplete ("compare the deed" with what?); second sentence, rejected because it was not proved Taylor had access to a copy of the survey before the closing. Rejected as unnecessary and potentially misleading. (A Final Judgment was entered; Taylor paid the portion against her; the other defendants have not paid the portions against them.) Rejected. Swagler Realty Company was a defendant in the case; Donald E. Swagler was not. 21.-24. Accepted and incorporated. Rejected as not proved whether they "failed," "refused" or "neglected." (The fact is that neither has paid the Workmans any money in satisfaction of the portion of the Final Judgment against Swagler Realty Company.) Accepted but unnecessary. B. Respondents' Proposed Findings Of Fact. 1. Accepted but unnecessary. 2.-10. Accepted and incorporated. 11. Accepted but unnecessary. 12.-23. Accepted and incorporated. 24.-28. Accepted and incorporated. 29. Accepted but unnecessary. 30.-36. Accepted but cumulative. 37.-42. Accepted and incorporated, along with additional findings. 43. Accepted but unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: James H. Gillis, Esquire Division of Real Estate Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Fl 32802 J. Michael Hussey, Esquire 3443 Hancock Bridge Parkway Suite 501 North Ft. Myers, Fl 33903 Van B. Poole Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Fl 32301 Wings S. Benton, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Fl 32301 Harold Huff Executive Director Division of Real Estate Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Fl 32802
Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent was a licensed real estate broker in the State of Florida having been issued license number 0072124. On or about September 6, 1986, the Respondent as seller/owner and Kenneth and Alicia Pelczar as purchasers entered into an agreement for the sale and purchase of Lot 10, Bowden Acres Subdivision, located in Duval County, Florida for the total purchase price of $79,000. Upon execution of the agreement, the purchasers deposited the sum of $1,500.00 with the Respondent which was to be part of the down payment, provided the sale of the property was finalized. The check from the Pelczars was cashed by the Respondent on October 24, 1986. The agreement provided remedies to both the seller and the purchasers if either party defaulted. Under the agreement no commission was to be paid on the sale of the property. The Pelczars were aware that the Respondent owned the property and that they were dealing with her as the owner, not as a real estate broker. The deposit was not paid to Respondent as a real estate broker to be held in trust but was paid to Respondent as part of a down payment to be applied to the total purchase price, if the transaction closed, and subject to being retained as liquidated damages if the purchasers defaulted under the agreement. The Respondent suffered financial difficulties, and on November 19, 1986, the bank foreclosed on several parcels of property owned by the Respondent, including the property Respondent had under contract with the Pelczars. However, the bank gave Respondent written authority to go forward with the sale to the Pelczars. The reason for the Pelczars' refusal to close the transaction on November 14, 1986, is not clear but they refused and demanded the return of the deposit. Respondent retained the deposit under the default clause of the agreement, and has refused to return any portion.
Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law the evidence in the record and the demeanor and candor of the witnesses, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a Final Order DISMISSING the Amended Administrative Complaint filed herein. Respectfully submitted and entered this 15th day of December, 1987, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of Decemeber, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-2646 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the Petitioner in this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. Adopted in Finding of Fact 3 but clarified. Adopted in Finding of Fact 6 but clarified. The fact that the closing was to be on November 14, 1986, is adopted in Finding of Fact 6. The balance of paragraph 5 is rejected as not being supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. The fact that the bank authorized the sale of the house after foreclosure is adopted in Finding of Fact 6. The balance of paragraph 7 is rejected as not supported by substantial competent evidence in the record with the exception of the fact that Respondent has not returned the deposit. Rejected since it is a statement of Respondent's testimony rather than a finding of fact. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. Adopted in Finding of Fact 3 but clarified. 5.-7. Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. 8.-9. Rejected since it is a statement of Respondent's and Kenneth Pelczar's testimony rather than a finding of fact. Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. Rejected since it is a statement of Respondent's testimony rather than a finding of fact. COPIES FURNISHED: Steven W. Johnson, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 400 West Robinson Street Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 Larry L. Bryan, Esquire 1420 North Third Street Jacksonville, Florida 32250 Darlene F. Keller, Acting Director Division of Real Estate Department of Professional Regulation Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802
Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto, Petitioner was licensed as a real estate broker by the Florida Real Estate Commission. In May 1988, he was working as a broker-salesman with G.V. Stewart, Inc., a corporate real estate broker whose active broker is G.V. Stewart. On April 20, 1989, Respondent submitted a Contract for Sale and Purchase to the University of South Florida Credit Union who was attempting to sell a house at 2412 Elm Street in Tampa, Florida, which the seller had acquired in a mortgage foreclosure proceeding. This offer reflected a purchase price of $25,000 with a deposit of $100 (Exhibit 2). The president of the seller rejected the offer by striking out the $25,000 and $100 figures and made a counter offer to sell the property for $29,000 with a $2000 deposit (Exhibit 2). On May 9, 1989, Respondent submitted a new contract for sale and purchase for this same property which offer reflected an offering price of $27,000 with a deposit of $2000 held in escrow by G.V. Stewart (Exhibit 3). This offer, as did Exhibit 2, bore what purported to be the signature of William P. Murphy as buyer and G. Stewart as escrow agent. In fact, neither Murphy nor Stewart signed either Exhibit 2 or Exhibit 3, and neither was aware the offers had been made at the time they were submitted to the seller. This offer was accepted by the seller. This property was an open listing with no brokerage firm having an exclusive agreement with the owner to sell the property. Stewart's firm had been notified by the seller that the property was for sale. Respondent had worked with Stewart for upwards of ten years and had frequently signed Stewart's name on contracts, which practice was condoned by Stewart. Respondent had sold several parcels of property to Murphy, an attorney in Tampa, on contracts signed by him in the name of Murphy, which signatures were subsequently ratified by Murphy. Respondent considers Murphy to be a Class A customer for whom he obtained a deposit only after the offer was accepted by the seller and Murphy confirmed a desire to purchase. Respondent has followed this procedure in selling property to Murphy for a considerable period of time and saw nothing wrong with this practice. At present, Respondent is the active broker at his own real estate firm.
Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that William H. McCoy's license as a real estate broker be suspended for one year. However, if before the expiration of the year's suspension Respondent can prove, to the satisfaction of the Real Estate Commission, that he fully understands the duty owed by a broker to the seller and the elements of a valid contract, the remaining portion of the suspension be set aside. ENTERED this 29th day of November, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. K. N. AYERS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of November, 1989. COPIES FURNISHED: John Alexander, Esquire Kenneth E. Easley 400 West Robinson Street General Counsel Orlando, Florida 32802 Department of Professional Regulation William H. McCoy 1940 North Monroe Street 4002 South Pocahontas Avenue Suite 60 Suite 106 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Tampa Florida 33610 Darlene F. Keller Division Director 400 West Robinson Street Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 =================================================================
Findings Of Fact On January 23, 1984, the Secretary of the Department of professional Regulation (hereinafter "Department") signed an Administrative Complaint, count one of which alleges, in pertinent part: Respondents in their capacity as real estate brokers employed Doris H. Swanton as a real estate broker and office manager from approximately October 20, 1980 to April 18, 1982. On or about April 8, 1982 to the present, Doris H. Swanton has made numerous and repeated demands upon Respondents for the payment of a share of the compensation received by Respondent and earned by Doris H. Swanton while in the employ of the Respondents in the amount totalling approximately $7,815.52 involving a number of brokerage transactions. A copy of a list reflecting the transactions, dates and amounts owing is attached as Petitioner's Exhibit 1. Since April 8, 1982, Respondents have failed, refused and neglected to give a reasonable accounting or to pay Doris H. Swanton the $7,815.52 or any part thereof notwithstanding the demands for same made upon Respondents by Doris H. Swanton, the person entitled to said money. That by reason of the foregoing, Respondents are guilty of having failed to account and deliver a share of a real estate commission and other compensation to Doris H. Swanton in violation of Subsection 475.25(1)(d), Florida Statutes. The Administrative Complaint signed on January 23, 1984, does not contain an allegation that there has been a judicial determination that Respondents are not entitled to retain the property claimed by Doris H. Swanton. On February 22, 1984, the Respondents served an Answer and Written Defenses in which the Respondents, inter alia, admit the first of the paragraphs quoted in finding number 1, above, and deny the other three paragraphs quoted above. The Respondents' Answer and Written Defenses also sets forth a detailed itemization of Respondents' reasons for contending that Doris H. Swanton is not entitled to the full amount of a single one of the twelve commissions she claims are due her from the Respondents. ANALYSIS OF THE ISSUES The thesis of the Motion to Dismiss filed by Respondents is that a broker cannot be disciplined for failure to account for and deliver non-escrowed property until there has been a judicial determination that the broker is not entitled to retain the property in dispute. The case of Golub v. Department of Professional Regulation, F.R.E.C., 9 FLW 460 (Fla. 5th DCA, Feb. 23, 1984), appears to be exactly on point. There a majority of the court concluded: Once there is a judicial determination that a broker is not entitled to retain non-escrowed property then this statute [475.25(1)(d)] is authority to discipline the broker for a failure to account and deliver the property to any person, including a salesman, who is entitled to its prossession. Corollary to the quoted language from Golub is the conclusion that until there is a judicial determination that a broker is not entitled to retain non- escrowed property, the statute does not authorize discipline of a broker for failure toe account and deliver the property. In other words, when the property in dispute is non-escrowed property, a judicial determination that a broker is not entitled to retain the property is an indispensable prerequisite to the establishment of a violation of Section 475.25(1)(d), Florida Statutes, on the basis of a failure to account for or deliver such property. Accordingly, until a court determines that the Respondents in this case are not entitled to retain the property in dispute in this case, it cannot be established that Respondents have violated Section 475.25(1)(d), Florida Statutes. And inasmuch as the Administrative Complaint fails to allege that there has been any such judicial determination, the Administrative Complaint is fatally deficient.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact, Analysis of the Issues, and Conclusions of Law, I recommend that the Florida Real Estate Commission issue a Final Order in this case dismissing the Administrative Complaint without prejudice to the refiling of an Administrative Complaint against these Respondents if and when a court determines that the Respondents are not entitled to the property claimed by Doris H. Swanton. DONE and ORDERED this 3rd day of July, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of July, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert W. Lee, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32801 G. Michael Keenan, Esquire Post Office Box 1900 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302 Mr. Harold R. Huff, Director Division of Real Estate Legal Section 400 West Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801
The Issue Should Petitioner impose discipline against the licenses held by Respondent as a real estate broker, licenses numbers 3000807, 3000808, and 300092222, and as a real estate instructor, license number 32195, for alleged violations of Section 475.25(1)(f), (n) and (p), Florida Statutes (2004)?
Findings Of Fact Facts Alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint Uncontested by the Answer: Petitioner is a state government licensing and regulatory agency charged with the responsibility and duty to prosecute administrative complaints pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida, in particular Section 20.165 and Chapters 120, 455 and 475, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated pursuant thereto. Respondent is and was at all times material hereto a licensed Florida real estate broker, issued license numbers 3000807, 3000808, and 3092222, in accordance with Chapter 475 of the Florida Statutes. The last licenses issued were as a broker at AAA Realty of Florida Comm. Real Estate Properties/Investments, Inc., 132 South Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida 32118, and at AAA Realty of Florida International Inc., 132 South Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida 32118. Respondent is a licensed real estate instructor issued license number 32195 with AAA College of Real Estate. Additional Facts: More specifically concerning licenses issued to Respondent as a real estate broker, from January 1, 2005 through March 13, 2006, Respondent was a broker doing business as AAA Realty of Florida License No. BK3000807, a brokerage sole proprietorship located at 132 South Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida 32118. From January 1, 2005 to March 13, 2006, Respondent was a broker, License No. BK3092222, affiliated with AAA Realty of Florida International, Inc., License No. CQ0000000, a brokerage corporation located at 132 South Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida 32118. License No. BK3000808 expired March 31, 2004. In State of Florida vs. Fadel Fawzi Elbadramany, in the Circuit Court, Seventh Judicial Circuit, in and for Volusia County, Division 41, Case No. 2001-36519CFAES, the defendant, Respondent here, was tried and found guilty by a jury of grand theft of over $20,000, an offense recognized in Subsections 812.014(1) and (2) (b), Florida Statutes. On February 11, 2005, an order of judgment was entered by Circuit Judge R. Michael Hutcheson adjudicating the defendant in that cause, Respondent, in the present case, guilty of grand theft. On that same date an order of sentence was entered against the defendant/Respondent, by which he was committed to the Department of Corrections to be imprisoned for a term of 15 years, with credit for 105 days of time served while incarcerated before the imposition of this sentence. By separate order the defendant/Respondent was required to pay certain charges, costs and fees. That order was entered on February 11, 2005. In Fadel Elbadramany, Appellant, vs. State of Florida, Appellee, in the District Court of Appeal of the State of Florida, Fifth District, July term 2006, Case No. 5D05-754 decision filed August 8, 2006, the court entered a per curium affirmance. On September 27, 2006, that court ordered "that appellant's motion for rehearing, rehearing En Banc and request to issue a written opinion filed August 22, 2006 and Appellant's Supplemental to Request to Issue a Written Opinion, filed September 18, 2006 are denied." Respondent is presently confined in Washington Correctional Institution where the final hearing was held. He is inmate number V21541. His tentative release date from his imprisonment is October 26, 2019. His confinement is in relation to the grand theft offense.
Recommendation Based upon the consideration of the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered finding Respondent in violation of Section 475.25(1)(f) and (n), Florida Statutes (2004), that Respondent did not violate Section 475.25(1)(p) Florida Statutes (2004), and revoking the real estate broker licenses and real estate instructor license held by Respondent. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of December, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of December, 2006.
The Issue By Administrative Complaint filed 10 February 1978 the Florida Real Estate Commission (FREC) seeks to revoke, suspend or otherwise discipline the registration of William D. Folz, Respondent, as a real estate salesman. As grounds therefor it is alleged in Count I that Respondent placed a "For Sale by Owner" sign on a tract of land he did not own and was thereby guilty of misrepresentation in a business transaction in violation of Section 475.25(1)(a) Florida Statutes and guilty of operating as a broker while registered as a real estate salesman in violation of Section 475.42(1)(b) Florida Statutes. In Count II it is alleged that Respondent was previously found guilty of obtaining his registration by means of fraud, misrepresentation and concealment in violation of Section 475.25(2) Florida Statutes and, therefore, his registration may be revoked pursuant to Section 475.15(3) Florida Statutes. Three witnesses were called by Petitioner, one witness was called by Respondent and 10 exhibits were admitted into evidence.
Findings Of Fact At all times here involved William D. Folz was registered with the Florida Real Estate Commission as a real estate salesman associated with Roger Bouchard Realty, Inc. Following receipt of a complaint investigators from FREC in November 1977 checked vacant property in Tarpon Springs, Florida and found thereon a For Sale By Owner sign with a telephone number listed to Respondent's home. One of these investigators, testifying from notes made the week before the hearing, testified that he dialed the telephone number on the sign and talked to a person identifying himself as Folz who said he was the owner of the property. The following day this investigator met Respondent in the Real Estate office and at this time Respondent denied ownership of the property but admitted ownership of the sign. Respondent at this meeting claimed to be a friend of the owner and formerly an officer in the company owning the property; however, at the time he did not know if he was still an officer in the company. This witness had little, if any, independent recollection of the events to which he testified and no effort was made to refresh his recollection by use of material recorded by the witness at or about the time of the incident. His testimony, therefore, is entitled to little weight. The property on which Respondent had placed the sign in question was owned by Melvin McKnight, and wife, and it had been listed by Respondent and placed in Multiple Listing Service (MLS). McKnight is an investor who has had several transactions involving Florida real estate in which Respondent has acted as his agent. He had given the listing of the property here involved to Respondent and had authorized Respondent to place the sign bearing Respondent's telephone number on this property. If specific authorization had not been granted, McKnight ratified those acts of Respondent subsequent to their occurrence. Respondent had represented McKnight at closings and had delivered deeds executed by McKnight at those closings for some five years prior to the incident here involved. Subsequent to the termination of the listing agreement with Respondent and his broker, Roger Bouchard Realty, Inc., the property was sold through the efforts of another real estate office and no commission was paid to Respondent or Bouchard. By Final Order filed June 8, 1976 (Exhibit 8) the FREC revoked Respondent's registration as a real estate broker for a violation of Section 475.25(2) Florida Statutes. By Order entered 22 July 1976 following Motion for Reconsideration of Final Order the Commission granted leave to Folz to file application for registration as a real estate salesman and by letter dated December 5, 1976 (Exhibit 10) the FREC advised Respondent that his petition for reinstatement as a broker had been denied and he was ordered to serve twelve months active registration before becoming eligible to apply for reinstatement without having to take the broker's examination. Section 475.25(3) authorizes the FREC to revoke the registration of a registrant when the registrant is found guilty of a second violation of Section 475.25(1), Florida Statutes. Section 475.25(2) provides a basis for revocation of a registration independent of Section 475.25(3).
Recommendation RECOMMENDED that Respondent be issued a written reprimand for violation of Section 475.42(1)(b) Florida Statutes and Rule 21V-6.04 Florida Administrative Code. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of July, 1978. K. N. AYERS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Mail: Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of June. COPIES FURNISHED: James A. Doherty, Esquire Florida Real Estate Commission 400 W. Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 Mr. William D. Folz c/o Roger Brouchard Realty, Inc. 301 South Missouri Avenue Clearwater, Florida 33516
Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent hereto, Respondent, George R. Gurley, was a registered real estate broker-salesman in the State of Florida operating under License No. 0034797 issued by the Florida Real Estate Commission on April 1, 1979. Mr. Gurley arranged the sale of certain property on Highway 542 in Lakeland, Florida, owned by Lakeland Skyview, Inc., Durward Harrell and Charles J. Ziemba to Joseph D. De Silvestro. This sale was initially arranged in a contract executed on April 5, 1979, by Mr. De Silvestro, as buyer, and Charles J. Ziemba, individually, and Hobart H. Joost, President of Lakeland Skyview, Inc., for the seller. Sale price was to be $70,000 with a $1,000 deposit being held in escrow by R/D Parker Realty Company. A commission of 10 percent ($7,000) was called for in that portion of the contract providing for method of payment, but was not referenced in the brokerage fee portion of the contract at the bottom of the first page thereof. Respondent, Gurley, and two others were listed as witnesses. Thereafter, before this contract was closed, on May 4, 1979, Respondent arranged a resale of the property from Mr. De Silvestro to American Vault Bed Corporation with a purchase price of $90,000 of which, again, $1,000 was to be held in escrow by the R/D Parker Realty Company. This contract made no provision for any real estate commission. This second contract was witnessed as to both buyer and seller by Respondent. The property in question was originally listed with R/D Parker Realty Company on November 10, 1978, by Mr. Joost, President of Lakeland Skyview, Inc., on an exclusive right of sale contract form which was accepted by Mr. Gurley, the Respondent. Because Mr. Joost had worked with Respondent previously and was aware of his reputation, he listed the property with Respondent in preference to another real estate agent. According to Ms. Parker, who ran the real estate company, though the form indicates the listing was an exclusive, it was, in fact, not entered into the multiple listing service. Mr. De Silvestro, the individual who purchased the property in the first transaction, was himself a real estate broker-salesman who was at the time working as office manager for R/D Parker Realty Company. At the time of both transactions, it was the policy of Parker Realty that salesmen working for the company could make two transactions per year in their own names without paying any commission to Parker Realty so lone as Ms. Parker was made aware of it in advance. In the instant case, Parker Realty did not get a share of the commission, nor did Ms. Parker know about either sale at the time. She found out about them in June, 1982, after both Respondent and Mr. De Silvestro had left their association with her firm, in the summer of 1979. Both transactions were closed by mail by Stewart Title Company off Polk County during the period from late May to mid-June, 1979. The buyer's closing statement dated May 29, 1979, for the first sale to Mr. De Silvestro does not reflect a broker's commission. However, a check in the amount of $2,829.51, drawn by Stewart Title of Polk County, Inc., on its escrow account, made payable to Charles J. Ziemba and S. A. Rice, dated June 28, 1979, bears the notation "payment in full for note from George R. Gurley dated June 8, 1978, with interest in full." Both Mr. Gurley and Mr. Ziemba acknowledge that this check was a portion of the $3,500 Mr. Gurley received as commission on the sale to Mr. De Silvestro and which was paid to Mr. Ziemba in fulfillment of a prior existing debt to him. The following day, June 29, 1979, an additional check was drawn on the escrow account of Stewart Title of Polk County, Inc., payable to Randy Gurley in the amount of $670.49, which bears the notation, inter alia, "for balance of realtor's commission." Randy Curley is, in fact, Respondent. Mr. Gurley acknowledged that this figure, which, when added to the amount of the prior mentioned check totals $3,500, was his share of the real estate commission earned on the property in question to Mr. De Silvestro. The balance of the real estate commission of $7,000, in the amount of $3,500, was never paid either to Mr. Gurley or to Parker Realty. No evidence was presented to indicate where that $3,500 went, if, in fact, it was paid at all. Testimony in this area came from Karen Beck, an agent with Stewart Title, who was not, however, the closing agent for this transaction. Her testimony, based on what the actual closing agent told her, and therefore hearsay, leads her to conclude that the "parties," De Silvestro and Gurley, had indicated the commission was to be handled as it was. On June 12, 1979, Stewart Title received a check for $2,000 from R/D Parker Realty Company, which represented the $2,000 paid as deposits into Parker Realty Company's escrow account on the two sales in question. The check for $2,000 was signed by Ms. Parker's son, Richard, who was a partner in R/D Parker Realty and who had authority to execute the check in question. Mr. Parker was not present at the hearing, nor did he testify as to whether he had given Mr. Gurley authority to keep his half of the commission and not forward any of the commission to Parker Realty, the broker. Mr. Gurley at no time was an owner of the property in question, nor did he realize any profit from either sale. His sole compensation came from the commission he received from the sale of the property initially to Mr. De Silvestro. This does not fall within the permitted transactions referred to by Ms. Parker, whereby employees could make two purchases per year without paying commission. Respondent, Gurley, who has held a salesman's license since 1972 and been a broker since 1974, contends he has never, in all those years, done anything in the practice of the real estate profession which would warrant disciplinary action by the Real Estate Commission. He contends that both he and Mr. De Silvestro acted with the knowledge of the broker, R/D Parker Realty; they used office forms; used office witnesses; and the deposit monies placed on both contracts went into the office escrow account. Mr. Gurley contends that the entire transaction was open and aboveboard and that when he acted, he felt he was authorized to do this. Though he contends Ms. Parker's son, Richard, acknowledged that what Gurley was doing was appropriate, Ms. Parker indicates her son denied any knowledge of what Respondent and De Silvestro were doing. On balance, it is found that neither Gurley nor De Silvestro notified Parker Realty, in the form of Ms. Parker or Richard Parker, as to the details of the transaction. Respondent is a minister, has no criminal record, no bad debts and no difficulties with the law of any kind. He applied for a renewal of his license In April, 1982, but has had no notice of denial. The records of the State of Florida submitted pertaining to Respondent's licensure status, however, reflect his licensee as a broker was issued on January 21, 1983, and is effective until September 30, 1984. That would make his license current at the present time.
Recommendation In light of the foregoing, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED: That Respondent be reprimanded. RECOMMENDED this 31st day of January, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of January, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Fred Langford, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 Mr. George R. Gurley 800 East State Road 540A, #106 Lakeland, Florida 33803 Mr. Harold Huff, Director Division of Real Estate Department of Professional Regulation Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 Mr. Fred Roche Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 =================================================================
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the charges against Respondent, Linda N. Phillips, be DISMISSED. DONE and ENTERED this 16th day of October, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of October, 1981.