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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000810GM Latest Update: Mar. 15, 1990

Findings Of Fact 1. The Commission adopts the hearing officer's Findings of Fact Numbers 1 through 445, set out in pages.12 to 143 of the Recommended Order. 2. In reviewing Ultimate Findings Number 446 through 592, on pages 144 to 202 of the Recommended Order, the Commission is guided by the principle that ultimate findings are usually mixed with ideas of law and policy, and involve either conclusions of _law or determinations of mixed questions of law and fact. See Helvering v. Tex-Penn Oil Company, 300 U.S. 481, 491 (1937). The Commission adopts Findings Number 446 through 592 to the extent that they represent findings of fact. Conclusiohs of Law 3, The Commission adopts the legal conclusions stated within Ultimate Findings Numbers 446 through 470 on pages 144 through 154 of the Recommended Order, 472 through 473 on pages 154 through 155 of the Recommended Order, 475 through 487 on pages 156 through 161 of the Recommended Order, 489 through 530 on pages 162 through 177 of the Recommended Order, 531 through 537 on pages 178 through 180 of the Recommended Order, 540 through 548 on pages 181 through 186 of the Recommended Order, 550 through 551 on pages 186 through 187 of the Recommended Order, and 553 through 592 on pages 187 through 202 of the Recommended Order, particularly with respect to internal plan consistency and consistency of the Charlotte County/City of Punta Gorda Comprehensive Plan with the State Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 187, F.Ss. 4. The Commission does not adopt the Ultimate Findings listed below with respect to Future Land Use mapping requirements in the Act because the required mapping is incorporated by reference in the Future Land Use Map Series in the notation on page 77, Map 16, of the Future Land Use Element of the County's adopted Comprehensive Plan. : (a) The Commission does not adopt Ultimate Findings 471 on page 154 of the Recommended Order, 474 (insofar as it refers to an "unidentified potential wellfield") on pages 155 _ through 156 of the Recommended Order, 488 on pages 161 through 162 of the Recommended Order, 538 and 539 (to the extent they find that floodplains were omitted from the Future Land Use Map) on pages 180 through. 181 of ‘the - Recommended Order, 549 on page 186 of the Recommended Order, and 552 on page 187 of the Recommended Order. 5. The Commission adopts Conclusions of Law Numbers 1 through 74 on pages 202 through 229 of the Recommended Order, 76 through 78 on pages 230 through 231 of the Recommended Order,: 80 through 92 on pages 231 through 236 of the Recommended Order. 6. The Commission does not adopt the Conclusions of Law listed below with respect to Future Land Use mapping requirements in the Act because the required mapping is incorporated by reference in the Future Land Use Map Series in the notation on page 77, Map 16, of the Future Land Use Element of the County's adopted Comprehensive Plan. (a) The Commission does not adopt Conclusions of Law 75 on pages 229 through 230 of the Recommended Order, and 79 (to the extent it says the County did not include floodplains on its Future Land Use Map) on page 231 of the Recommended Order. . 7. .The Act clearly requires that local government comprehensive plan goals and policies be based on appropriate data. See sections 163.3177(8) and (10)(e), F.S. The Commission concludes that there is competent substantial evidence in the record that supports a determination that the Comprehensive Plan is internally inconsistent based on repeated failures to reconcile its future directives with the requisite factual basis and analysis provided. 8. The Commission concludes that the elements of the Charlotte County/City of Punta Gorda Comprehensive Plan are internally inconsistent with respect to efficiency of land use, protection of natural resources, protection of agricultural resources, efficiency of provision of public facilities, and coastal management. See sections 163.3177(2) and 163.3184(10)(a), F.S. 9. ‘The Commission concludes that the Comprehensive Plan does not meet the minimum criteria required by the Act and Rule 93-5, with respect to the following elements: Future Land Use; Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and 6 Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge ("Infrastructure"); Conservation; Coastal Management; and Capital Improvements. 10. The Future Land Use Element, as well as the remainder of the Charlotte County/City of Punta Gorda Comprehensive Plan, is inconsistent with the requirements of the Act and Rule 90-5 with respect to the following: (a) The Commission concludes that the County's designation of densities for certain agricultural areas at one unit per acre on the Future Land Use Map is inconsistent with projected population demand established by data and analysis for the Comprehensive Plan. (b) The Future Land Use Element does not contain required objectives coordinating future: land uses with appropriate topography, soil conditions, and the availability of public facilities and services. {c) The Future Land Use Element does not contain required objectives ensuring the protection of natural resources, coordinating coastal area population densities with applicable plans, and ensuring the availability of suitable land for utility facilities necessary to support proposed development. (d) The Future Land Use Element does not contain required policies toward activities providing for compatibility of adjacent land uses; drainage, stormwater Management and open space; protecting potable water wellfields and environmentally sensitive land; and establishing. standards for densities or intensities of use for each land use designation. 11. The Comprehensive Plan's Infrastructure Element is inconsistent with the requirements of the Act and Rule 9J-5. (a) The Infrastructure Element is not correlated to the future land uses and does not indicate ways to provide for the County's sanitary sewer, drainage, potable water, and natural groundwater recharge needs. : (b) The Infrastructure Element, as well as the remainder of the Comprehensive Plan, does not contain required objectives addressing the correction of existing facility deficiencies, the coordination of the extension and ‘increase of facilities to meet future needs, the maximization of the use of existing facilities, the conservation of potable water, and the protection of the function of natural groundwater recharge areas and natural ~ drainage features. (c) The Infrastructure Element does not contain required policies toward using potable water conservation strategies and techniques and toward regulating land use. and development to protect the functions of natural drainage features and natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas. 12. The Conservation Element, as well as the remainder of the Comprehensive Plan, does not meet the following requirements of section 163.3177, F.S., and Rule 9J-5, F.A.C. (a) The Conservation Element does not contain required objectives effectively conserving, appropriately using, and protecting: the quality and quantity of current and projected water sources and waters that flow into estuarine or oceanic waters; soils and native vegetative communities; and fisheries, wildlife, wildlife habitat, and marine . habitat. {b) The Conservation Element does not contain required policies toward protecting native vegetative communities from destruction by development activities and restricting activities known to adversely affect the survival of endangered and threatened wildlife. (c) The Conservation Element does not contain required policies protecting and conserving the natural functions of existing soils, fisheries, wildlife habitats, rivers, bays, floodplains, harbors, wetlands, and marine habitats. 13. The Coastal Management Element, as well as the remainder of the Compreherisive Plan, does not contain objectives and policies required by the Act and Rule 9J-5: (a) The Coastal Management Element does not contain objectives protecting, conserving, or enhancing remaining coastal wetlands; wildlife habitat; and coastal barriers; nor does the element contain objectives directing population concentrations away from known coastal high hazard areas, maintaining or reducing hurricane evacuation times, and preparing post-disaster redevelopment plans to reduce or eliminate the exposure of human life and public and private property to natural hazards. (b) The Coastal Management Element does not contain required policies limiting the impacts of development upon wetlands, water quality, water quantity, wildlife habitat, living marine resources, and beach and dune systems; restoring or enhancing disturbed or degraded natural ' resources including beaches and dunes, estuaries, wetlands, and drainage systems; mitigating future disruptions to disturbed or degraded hatural resources; mitigating hazards by regulating floodplains, stormwater management, sanitary . sewer and septic tanks, and land use to reduce the exposure of human life and public and private property to natural hazards; addressing hurricane evacuation; providing for post~disaster redevelopment; identifying areas in need of redevelopment; and limiting development in coastal high hazard areas and relocating or replacing infrastructure away from these areas. 14. The Capital Improvements Element, as well as the remainder of the Comprehensive Plan, does not include the following required objectives consistent with the Act and Rule 9J-5: (a) The Capital Improvements Element does not address the County's needs for capital facilities, including land acquisitions, to meet existing deficiencies, accommodate desired future growth, and replace worn-out facilities; 10 (b) The Capital Improvements Element fails to demonstrate the County's ability to provide or require the provision of the items identified elsewhere.in the Comprehensive Plan; and (c) The Capital Improvements Element does not adequately relate to managing the land development process . so that public facility needs created by previously issued land development orders or future development do not exceed the County's ability to ensure provision of needed capital improvements. , 15. The Commission concludes that the Charlotte County/City of Punta Gorda Comprehensive Plan is inconsistent with the State Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 187, F.S., ("State Plan") construed | as a whole. See section 163.3184(1)(b), F.S. This consistency determination requires the Commission to assess whether the local government comprehensive plan is compatible with and takes action in the direction of realizing goals or policies of the State Plan. Section 163.3177(10)(a), F.S. (a) The Charlotte County/City of Punta Gorda Comprehensive Plan is inconsistent with the Water Resources goal of the State Plan to protect existing water supplies, “£loodplains, surface and groundwater quality and quantity; to consider alternative methods of wastewater treatment; and to reserve from use the water necessary to support essential nonwithdrawal demands. 11 (b) The Comprehensive Plan is inconsistent with the Coastal and Marine Resources goal of the State Plan; in particular, the Charlotte County/city of Punta Gorda Comprehensive Plan fails to encourage land uses that are compatible with the protection of sensitive coastal resources. . , (¢) The Comprehensive Plan is inconsistent with the State Plan's Natural Systems and Recreational Lands goal, - which requires Florida to protect and acquire natural habitats and ecological systems and restore degraded systems to a functional condition. ) (d) Comprehensive Plan provisions also conflict with the State Plan's Land Use goal, which requires that development shall be directed to areas that already have in place, or have agreements to provide, land and water resources, fiscal abilities, and service capacity to accommodate growth in an environmentally sensitive manner. (e) The Comprehensive Plan is inconsistent with the State Plan's Downtown Revitalization goal, which encourages the centralization of commercial, governmental, retail, residential, and cultural activities within downtown areas. (£) The Comprehensive Plan is inconsistent with the Public Facilities goal, which requires the planning and financing of new facilities to serve new residents ina timely, orderly, and efficient manner. 12 Rulings on Exceptions The Commission notes that Charlotte County filed exceptions to the hearing officer's Recommended Order, which stipulated that in the event the Commission adopted the Agreement between the . County and the DCA, the County would waive its right to file such : exceptions. ‘At a meeting with Cabinet Aides on March 7, 1990, Sandra Augustine, counsel to the County, stated that the county would not seek a ruling on the exceptions provided that the Commission adopted the remedial actions specified in the Joint Agreement as amended by the Addendum and the remedial actions specified in paragraph 21 of this order. Determination of Compliance and Order 16. It is hereby concluded by the Administration Commission that the 1988 Charlotte County/City of Punta Gorda Comprehensive Plan, as adopted by the Charlotte County Commission on December ° 16, 1988, is not in compliance with Chapter 163, Part II, F.S., and with Chapter 9J-5, F.A.C., and is inconsistent with the State Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 187, F.S. 17. Pursuant to Chapter 28-39.005(1), F.A.C., the Commission has requested the DCA to provide a recommendation as to the remedial actions which would bring the County's Comprehensive Plan into compliance, as well as the type and extent of funds which should be withheld or other sanctions, as specified in section 163.3184(11), F.S. The DCA and Charlotte County have authorized a Joint Agreement on Remedial Actions and 13 Sanctions ("Joint Agreement"), which is attached as Exhibit B to this Order, and an Addendum to Joint Agreement on Remedial Actions and Sanctions ("Addendum"), which is attached as Exhibit c to this Order.’ 18. Having determined that the Charlotte County/City of Punta Gorda's Comprehensive Plan is not in compliance with the provisions of the Act and Rule 93-5, F.A.C., the Commission orders that the remedial actions specified in Part I-A of the Joint Agreement, as amended by the Addendum, be implemented by the County in order to bring the plan, as adopted and submitted to the DCA, into compliance. 19. A plan amendment or amendments prepared pursuant to section 163.3187, F.S., and accomplishing the remedial actions specified in paragraph 18 of this order, with the exception of the remedial actions specified in Part I-A 4.a. of the Joint Agreement as amended by the Addendum, shall be prepared by the County and transmitted to the DCA no later than May 15, 1990. The plan amendment or amendments submitted pursuant to this : paragraph shall include policies pertaining to the County's intent as it relates to Part I-A 4.a. of the Joint Agreement as amended by the Addendum. (a) The DCA shall, by May 30, 1990, certify to the Commission that the County's plan amendment(s) pursuant to this paragraph has been received. In the event the plan amendment(s) pursuant to this paragraph has not been received by the DCA by May 15, 1990, the DCA shall notify 14 the Commission by May 30, 1990; and the Commission shall review the matter for implementation of sanctions pursuant to section 163.3184(11), F.s. (b) The DCA shall report to the Commission on the progress of its review of the Charlotte County plan amendment or amendments submitted pursuant to this paragraph by September 30, 1990. (c) The DCA shall forward a recommendation to the Commission regarding the County's conformance with the remedial actions specified in this paragraph no later than January 31, 1991. The Commission shall consider the DCA's recommendation in the Commission's determination of the ., County's conformance.with.the remedial..actions specified.in this Paragraph. 20. A plan amendment or amendments prepared pursuant to section 163.3187, F.S., and accomplishing the remedial actions specified in Part I-A 4.a. of the Joint Agreement as amended by the Addendum shall be prepared by the County and transmitted to the DCA no later than June 1, 1992. (a) The DCA shall, by June 15, 1992, certify to the Commission that the County's plan amendment(s) pursuant to this paragraph has been received. In the event the plan amendment (s) pursuant to this paragraph has not been received by the DCA by June 1, 1992, the DCA shall notify the Commission by June 15, 1992; and the Commission shall 15 review the matter for implementation of sanctions pursuant to section 163.3184(11), F.s. (b) The DCA shall report to the Commission on the _ progress of its review of the Charlotte County plan amendment or amendments submitted pursuant to this paragraph by October 1, 1992. (c) The DCA shall forward a recommendation to the Commission regarding the County's conformance with the remedial actions specified in this paragraph no later than - January 31, 1993. The Commission shall consider the DCA's recommendation in the Commission's determination of the County's conformance with the remedial actions specified in this paragraph. 21. The Administration Commission further orders that the County: (a) Adopt a Conservation Overlay as part of the Conservation Element and Future Land Use Map identifying natural resources and environmental features; (b) Amend the goals, objectives and policies of the Conservation Element to provide protection to the identified natural resources and environmental features, in conformance with statutory and rule provisions and in furtherance of the State Comprehensive Plan; and (c) Amend the goals, objectives and policies of the Future Land Use Element and other pertinent elements, to 16 ensure consistency with the revised Conservation Element and the Future Land Use Map. 22. A plan amendment or amendments prepared pursuant to section 163.3187, F.S., and accomplishing the remedial actions specified in paragraph 21 of this order shall be prepared by the County and transmitted to the DCA no later than June i, 1991. (a) The DCA shall, by June 15, 1991, certify to the Commission that the County's plan amendment(s) pursuant to this paragraph has been received. In the event the plan amendment(s) pursuant to this paragraph has not been received by the DCA by June 1, 1991, the DCA shall notify the Commission by June 15, 1991; and the Commission shall ‘review the matter for implementation of sanctions pursuant to section 163.3184(11), F.s. (b) The DCA shall report to the Commission on the progress of its review. of the Charlotte County plan amendment or amendments submitted pursuant to this Paragraph by October 1, 1991. , (c) The DCA shall forward a recommendation to the Commission regarding the County's conformance with the remedial actions specified in this paragraph no later than January 31, 1992. The Commission shall consider the DCA's recommendation in the Commission's determination of the County's conformance with the remedial actions specified in this paragraph. 17 23. Comprehensive Plan.amendments outside the scope of this order shall be reviewed by the DCA in the same manner as any other plan amendment, pursuant to Chapter 163, Part II, F.S. 24. The fact’ that the Coastal Management Element is included in the Commission's finding of noncompliance in this order shall be a consideration if the Department of Natural Resources is asked to issue permits under section 161.053, F.S., or if the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund is requested to sell, convey any interest in, or lease any sovereignty lands or submerged lands at any time prior to the Commission's determination that the County has complied with the provisions of this order. 25. .Since all issues raised in General Development Corporation and General Development Utilities, Incorporated's ("GDC/GDU") Petition to Intervene for Limited Purpose or, in the alternative, to Remand to DOAH for Evidentiary Hearing ("GDC/GDU Petition") are addressed by the Joint Agreement as amended by the Addendum, the GDC/GDU Petition is moot. 26. The Commission has considered the immediate imposition of sanctions, pursuant to section 163.3184(11), F.S., in this case. However, based upon the following mitigating factors, the Commission elects not to impose sanctions at this time, while retaining jurisdiction as noted below in paragraph 27 of this order. 18 (a) In this caSe, Charlotte County, pursuant to section 163.3184(10), F.S., proceeded with a DOAH hearing on disputed issues embodied. within the adopted local plan. In particular, the definition of urban sprawl was an issue that had not been litigated, and the County, in good faith, litigated the issue in the DOAH forum. The hearing officer's Recommended Order, issued on November 20, 1989, upheld the DCA's original finding that the adopted local plan was not in compliance with Chapter.163, Part II, F.S., DCA Rule Chapter 9U-5, F. A. C.; and Chapter 187, F.S., largely based upon the disputed urban sprawl issue, which is a component of several plan elements. (b) During the pendency of the DOAH hearing process, the County exercised restraint in issuing development orders » and permits in the area of the County subject to the disputed issues. This course of action by the County is evidence of the County's sensitivity to the need for protection of State resources while the urban sprawl issue underwent review. (c) No precedent existed in law for the urban sprawl determination until the hearing officer's Recommended Order was published. Subsequent local governments have the advantage of the hearing officer's findings and conclusions as a guide in preparing local comprehensive Plans that \ adequately discourage urban sprawl. Once the hearing 19 officer's ruling was known, the County proceeded rapidly, and in good faith, to reach a settlement with the DCA. 27. The Commission shall retain jurisdiction for purposes of enforcing the provisions in this order. Lf the Commission determines that the County has complied with the actions specified in this order, the Commission will conclude its jurisdiction over this action. If the Commission determines that the County has not complied with the remedial actions specified in this order, the Commission shall review the Matter for implementation of sanctions pursuant to section 163.3184(11), F.S. 28. Any party to this order has the right to seek judicial review of the order pursuant. to section 120.68, F.S., by the filing of a Notice of Appeal pursuant to Rule 9.110, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, with the Clerk of the Commission, Patricia A. Woodworth, Office of Planning and Budgeting, Executive Office of the Governor, Room 415 Carlton Building, 501 South Gadsden Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001; and by filing a copy of the Notice of Appeal, accompanied by the | applicable filing fees, with the appropriate District Court of Appeal. Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of the day this order is filed with the Clerk of the Commission. 20 tad DONE and ordered this /S day of March, 1990, in Seu) A. WOODWORTH Secretary to the Administration Commission Tallahassee, Florida. cc: Members of the Commission Counsel of Record 21 Honorable, Bob Martinez Governor The Capitol, PL 05 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Honorable Bob Butterworth Attorney General The Capitol, PL 01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Honorable Doyle Connor Commissioner of Agriculture The Capitol, PL 10 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Honorable Gerald Lewis Comptroller The Capitol, PL 09 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 David J. Russ, Esquire Senior Attorney Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 - Sandra J. Augustine, Esquire ' County Attorney 18500 Murdock Circle Port Charlotte, Florida 33948-1094 Kenneth G. Oertel Oertel, Hoffman, Fernandez & Cole, P.A. 2700 Blair Stone Road Suite C Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6507 c. Guy Batsel Batsel, McKinley & Ittersagen, P.A. Manor Pointe Professional Center 1861 Placida Road, Suite 104 Englewood, Florida 34223 Alan S. Gold, Esquire Greenberg, Traurig, Hoffman, Lipoff, Rosen & Quentel, P.A. 1221 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 22 Thomas G. Honorable Tom Gallagher Treasurer The Capitol, PL 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol, PL 08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Honorable Jim Smith Secretary of State The Capitol, PL 02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399- -0001 Pelham Secretary Department, of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Michael P. Haymans, Esquire Farr, Farr, Haymans, Moseley, Emerich and Sifrit, P.A. Post Office Drawer 1447 Punta Gorda, Florida 33951-1447 J. Michael Rooney, Esquire City Attorney City of Punta Gorda Post Office Box 400 Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 G. Steven Pfeiffer, Esquire General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive . Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 David Emerson Bruner, Esquire Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council 114-B North Collier Boulevard Marco Island, Florida 33937 af, LIGLHXa Valuold "ALNNOD 3LLOTYVHO wowtoa some swsagne samo: assert dVW XSdNI “2 s78¥4 er ytevs - ' yor-ta HHSHAOL SIHSNMOL OF FIVE WLe- STF CHS NMOL . F9z-"Ser GIHSNMOL aze~ Sep oIHSAMOL UV FTaVL 2 FTGVE Z F1GVL toasen Shaeweens aaa 5 zee-sie $4 FAz- Git Faz-sie : HUSNMOL eHSNMOL -- ~ AF == net 2 F18V4 aaa + 2 F1AUL l - oe | | l searing 3 1 WLs-S0d 393-"soF aa FeS-SOb | HSNMOL . DIHSNMOL | HSUMOL + . . a A . : AN _- can) i = Tete ae emit - 4 ap _ soot sR —"} " z aunola —_——-+ ae enw —_—, wee, pone ney —_ ——_ EXHIBIT B STATE OF FLORIDA SAM tek ADMINISTRATIVE COMMISSION FLORIDA ‘4-8 AND WATER g Spluoicatory commission DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, . Petitioner, vs. CHARLOTTE COUNTY and CITY‘ OF PUNTA GORDA, " : ) ) ) ..) CASE NO. 89-0810GM ) Respondents. ) ) NOTICE OF FILING JOINT AGREEMENT ON _ REMEDIAL ACTIONS AND SANCTIONS The undersigned hereby gives notice of filing the attached joint agreement on remedial actions and sanctions in this case. Respectfully submitted, D ECEIVE) favidb.( Rubs, Senior Attorney Departmen of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive JAN 22 1990 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 (904) 488-0410 Office of Planning & Budgeting Office.of Director CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnished by U.S. Mail to the Parties listed below this LU day of January, 1990. uss Senior Attorney J. Michael Rooney, Esquire city Attorney P. O. Box 400 Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 Michael P. Haymans P. O. Drawer 1447 Punta Gorda,’ Florida 33951-1447 Kenneth G. Oertel 2700 Blair Stone Road, Suite :c Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6507 Sandra J. Augustine, Esquire County Attorney 18500 Murdock Circle Port Charlotte, Florida 33948-1094 1/18/90 JOINT AGREEMENT ON REMEDIAL ACTIONS AND SANCTIONS ~ CHARLOTTE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The parties to this proceeding do hereby enter into the following Joint Stipulation on Remedial Actions and Sanctions and request that the Administration Commission approve and include the terms of this Joint Stipulation as part of the final order in this matter: . I. REMEDIAL ACTIONS A. The County of Charlotte (hereinafter "County") will amend its Comprehensive Plan to include the following: 1. The County shall amend its Future Land Use Map ("FLUM") to limit residential densities, in the areas located south and east of the Peace River and outside of the Urban Service Area ("USA"), in the following manner: ae The areas currently identified as , Agriculture/Conservation on the FLUM shall he : Limited to a density of one unit per 40 acres. b. The C. M. Webb Wildlife Management Area will retain-its designation of Preservation. c. The areas previously identified as Agriculture I and Agriculture II on the FLUM shall be limited to a density of one unit per 10 acres, with the exception of existing (as of January 1, 1990), platted lands which are subdivided into individual lots of less than 10 acres in size, whereby one unit per subdivided lot is the maximum density allowed, except when vested rights, related to allowable densities, are determined to exist under the vested rights provisions of Charlotte County Ordinance 88-44. It is not the intent of this provision to exempt these areas from any applicable concurrency requirements. ao ‘qd. The areas shown on the FLUM with a designation other than those mentioned in a, b, or ¢ above, : shall retain their current’ designation. 2. The County shall amend its FLUM to limit residential densities on the bridgeless barrier islands in the following manner: a. All areas one acre or greater in size (as of January 1, 1990) shall be limited to a density of one unit per acre, except where vested rights, related to allowable densities, are determined to exist under the vested rights provisions of the Charlotte County Ordinance 88-44. It-is not the intent of this provision to exempt these areas from any applicable concurrency requirements. b. All platted areas (as of January 1, 1990) less than one acre in size shall have an allowable density of one unit per subdivision lot, except where vested rights, related to allowable densities, are determined to exist under the vested rights provisions of the Charlotte County Ordinance 88-44. It is not the intent of this provision to exempt these areas from any applicable concurrency requirements. 3. The County shall amend its designated Urban Service Area boundaries to reflect the following: a. The inclusion of the area known as Charlotte Ranchettes, located near the northwest boundary of the Cc. M. Webb Wildlife Management area. b. The inclusion of the existing mobile home and commercial areas on Burnt Store Rd. just north of the Burnt Store Isles area. : ce. The exclusion of the bridgeless barrier islands (Knight Island, Don Pedro Island, and Little Gasparilla Island). 4. The County shall address orderly growth within the Urban Service Area in the following manner: a. Utilize the results of the Sewer and Water Study, currently being undertaken, to establish a series of districts or zones which will prioritize the areas within the USA for infrastructure expansion. The study is expected to be completed by January 1, 1992. _b. As an interim measure, the County shall amend ; the plan to include a policy which will prohibit the _ extension of water lines, within the unincorporated area of the County, without the simultaneous extension of sewer lines. This will have the effect of limiting the provision of utilities to : areas that are built-out to a degree which would make expansion financially feasible, and directing growth to the areas that have existing infrastructure. . ¢. The County shall develop land use policies which will prevent sprawl from occurring within the USA. These policies should address such land use tools as replatting, redevelopment, utility regulation, and transfers of development rights (TDR's).: d. The County shall incorporate into its plan a policy which will prohibit the public provision of urban services outside of the urban service area, with the exception of police, fire, EMS, garbage, and certain road maintenance, where appropriate. 5. The County shall amend the FLUM to create a separate designation for RV parks, and shall develop -goals, - - objectives, and policies which will assure that areas so designated will accommodate vehicles/structures on a temporary recreational basis. . 6. The County shall amend the language of its goals, objectives, and policies in the drainage element, such that they will be consistent with the rules, regulations and policies of the applicable water management aistricts. It is the intent of this provision to prohibit post-development stormwater discharge at a greater rate than pre-development discharge, consistent with water management district rules. 7. The County shall incorporate the provisions ’ of Ordinance 89-53 (Special Surface Water Protection Districts) into its Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives, and policies to assure the protection of those surface water resources. 8. The County shall amend all appropriate text and data to reflect the changes outlined herein. B. Charlotte County agrees to discontinue its rule challenge regarding the urban sprawl issue. II. PROCEDURES FOR ADOPTING, REVIEWING AND APPROVING THE ABOVE REQUIRED AMENDMENTS. 3 IIr. Iv. Ve A. The Comprehensive Plan amendments required in Part I (with the exception of 4.a.) above shall be submitted to the Department of Community Affairs (hereinafter, "Department") within 90 days of the date of this agreement. B. The procedures for reviewing the above referenced amendments shall be as outlined in Chapter 163. F.S. Cc. The Comprehensive plan amendments required in 4.a. of Part I above shall be transmitted to the Department in the County's Spring, 1992 submission period. However, the amendments to be included in the submission outlined in part A above, will include policies pertaining to the County's intent as it relates to 4.a. Upon receipt of the amendments, the Department shall review them in the same manner as any other plan amendment, pursuant to Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes. ” SANCTIONS A. The' County of Charlotte shall prepare. and transmit Comprehensive Plan amendments, in accordance with Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 97-5, Florida Statutes, in accordance with the requirements set forth above. B. In the event that County does not submit the required amendments in a timely fashion or does not amend the Comprehensive plan in a manner which is in conformance with the Final Order, the County may be subject to sanctions, the nature and extent to which will be determined by the Administration Commission in a manner consistent with the extent to which the failure to comply with the Final Order warrants. ENFORCEMENT AND OTHER MATTERS A. Sanctions approved under the terms of the Final Order shall be of no force and effect unless the Department of Community Affairs affirmatively notifies the appropriate state agencies that such sanctions have attached. B. Jurisdiction over these proceedings and parties is retained for the purpose of enforcing the Final Order. AUTHORITY TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT _ The representatives of the parties hereto have full authority of their principals to enter into this agreement. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS BY: __ DATE:__January 22, 1990 Secretary | . . Thomas G. Pelham COUNTY _OF CHARLOTT, BY DATE: is) 9) Board gf County issionéers ATTEST: : Approved as to Form and Legal Oo Sufficiericy Barbara T. Scott . Be Clerk of the Circuit Court Bayete Va ~ , , : Sandra J. Augustine, BY'(_.-7_. Tad . Cte County Attorney EXHIBIT c STATE OF FLORIDA ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, Petitioner, vs. CHARLOTTE COUNTY and CITY oF PUNTA GORDA, Respondents, and BABCOCK FLORIDA COMPANY, a Florida corporation, WILBUR H. COLE, FEBRUARY TRUST, and PALM ISLAND RESORT, Intervenors. Sef NOTICE OF FILING ADDENDUM TO JOINT AGREEMENT ON REMEDIAL ACTIONS AND SANCTIONS CHARLOTTE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN = A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The undersigned hereby gives notice of filing the attached Addendum to the Joint Agreement on Remedial Actions and Sanctions previously filed in this case. D Senior Attorney Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 (904) 488-0410 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of the foregoing has been furnished by U.S. Mail this 28h day of February, 1990, to the parties listed below. J. Michael Rooney, Esquire City Attorney P.O. Box 400 Punta Gorda, Florida 33951-0400 : Michael P. Haymans, Esquire P.O. Drawer 1447 Punta Gorda, Florida 33951-1447 Kenneth G. Oertel, Esquire 2700 Blair Stone Road; Suite c Tallahassee, Florida 32314- 6507 Sandra J. Augustine, Esquire County Attorney 18500 Murdock Circle Port Charlotte, Florida 33948-1094 Alan S. Gold, Esquire 1221 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 ADDENDUM TO JOINT AGREEMENT ON REMEDIAL ACTIONS AND SANCTIONS CHARLOTTE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ° The Department of Community Affairs and Charlotte County, Florida, hereby enter into this Addendum to the Joint Agreement on Remedial Actions and Sanctions/Charlotte County Comprehensive Plan (hereafter "the Settlement Agreement") previously entered into by the parties on January 22, 1990. 1. The parties agree to amendment of Section I.A.4 of the Settlement Agreement, to provide as follows: 4. The County shall address orderly growth within the Urban Service Area in the following manner: a. Utilize the results of the Sewer and Water Study, currently being undertaken, to establish a series of districts or zones which will prioritize the areas within the USA for infra- structure expansion. The study is expected to be completed by January 1, 1992. cr b. The County shall develop land use policies which will prevent sprawl from occurring within the USA. These policies should address such land use tools as replatting, redevelopment, utility regulation, and transfers of development rights (TDR's). a c. . The County shall incorporate into its plan a policy which will prohibit the public provision of urban services ,outside. of the urban service area, with the: exception of police, fire, EMS, garbage, and certain road maintenance, where appropriate. - 2. In all other respects, the Settlement Agreement entered into between the parties on January 22, 1990, .shall remain in full force and effect. 3. The parties hereby request that the Administration Commission approve and include the terms of this Addendum to the Joint Agreement on Remedial Actions and Sanctions as part ef the ~ final order in Case No. 89-0810 GM (DOAH). 4. The representatives of the parties hereto have full authority of their principals to enter into this agreement. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS yp binne DFvps— pare: 2 -DL—9™ Thomas G. Pelham, Secretary COUNTY OF CHARLOTTE pATE: 27-22-90 of County Commissioners ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM Barbara T. Scott, Clerk of AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Circuit Court.and Ex-officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners / Sandra J.\\Au By. Abby County Attorney Deputy Clerk : jo: addendum/89-153/022290

Conclusions This cause came before the Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Administration Commission (the "Commission") on March 13, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida, pursuant to sections 163.3184(10) and 163.3184(11), Florida Statutes (F.S.), for consideration of a Recommended Order from the Division of Administrative Hearings, concerning Charlotte County's and the City of Punta Gorda's jointly adopted local government comprehensive plan. Based on review of the Recommended order, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A, consideration of a Joint Agreement on Remedial Actions and Sanctions ("Joint Agreement") between Charlotte County and the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs ("DCA"), a 1 copy of which is attached as Exhibit B, and consideration of the Addendum to Joint Agreement on Remedial Actions and Sanctions between Charlotte County and the DCA, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit C, the Commission issues its final order as follows.

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Stuart, Florida Oct. 28, 1999 Number: 99-004554GM Latest Update: Jun. 28, 2001

The Issue The issue in this case is whether an amendment to the future land use map of the Martin County comprehensive plan, Amendment No. 98-3, is "in compliance" as those terms are defined in Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes (2000).

Findings Of Fact The Parties. Hobe Sound Citizens Alliance, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Alliance"), is a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of Florida. The Alliance was organized in July 1998 primarily to respond to proposed land use designation changes for the property that is the subject of this proceeding and for other property. The Alliance has three officers (a President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and an eight-member Board of Directors. The officers and directors of the Alliance all reside in Martin County, Florida. The members of the Board of Directors are from different neighborhoods in Martin County. The Alliance maintains a mailing list of approximately 500 individuals who are considered "members" of the Alliance. These individuals have all expressed interest in the activities of the Alliance, but have not taken any formal steps to join the Alliance, such as paying dues or completing an application for membership. In fact, the Alliance does not collect dues or have a membership application. Petitioner, Mary A. Merrill, is an individual who resides in an area of unincorporated Martin County, Florida, known as "Hobe Sound." Ms. Merrill serves as President of the Alliance. During the process of adopting the amendment which is the subject of this matter, Ms. Merrill and the Alliance made comments and objections. Respondent, Martin County (hereinafter referred to as the "County"), is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. The County is located on the east coast of Florida. The County is bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by Palm Beach County, on the north by St. Lucie County, and on the west by Lake Okeechobee and a portion of Okeechobee County. Intervenor, Hobe Sound Land Company, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Land Partnership"), is a limited partnership organized under the laws of Florida. The Land Partnership's general partner is Hobe Sound Land Company, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Land Company") and the limited partners are a number of trusts organized for the benefit of various members of the Reed family. The Land Partnership is the owner of the property which is the subject of this proceeding (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property"). The County's Comprehensive Plan. General The County has adopted a comprehensive land use plan as required by the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Part II, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"). The Martin County Florida Comprehensive Growth Management Plan 1999/00 (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), has been determined to be "in compliance" as those terms are defined in the Act. The Future Land Use Element The Plan includes a Future Land Use Element (hereinafter referred to as the "FLUE"), consisting of the following: Section 4-1, "Background Information"; Section 4-2, "Analysis of Land Use Features"; Section 4-3, the "Future Land Use Map and Map Series"; Section 4-4, "Goals, Objectives and Policies"; Section 4-5, "Performance Standards"; and Section 4- 6, "Implementation Strategies." Sections 4-1 and 4-2 consist of what the County refers to as "narrative" sections which the County gives less weight to in determining whether an amendment to the Plan is "in compliance" than it gives Section 4-4, which contains the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Plan. These narrative sections of the Plan, however, are not "data and analysis." They were adopted as a part of the Plan. See the second unnumbered page of the Plan. The FLUE establishes 13 separate and distinct land-use categories. These land-use categories determine the uses to which property subject to the Plan may be put. The Plan's Future Land Use Map and Map Series (hereinafter referred to as the "FLUM"), depicts all property subject to the Plan and depicts the land use category assigned to all property in the County. Among the land use categories established in the FLUE pertinent to this proceeding is the "Institutional" land use category. To distinguish this category from the "Institutional- County" land use designation of the FLUE, the category is referred to as the "General Institutional" category. Property designated as General Institutional is subject to the following sub-categories or intensities of use: "retirement home, churches, schools, orphanages, sanitariums, convalescent, rest homes, cultural organizations, military, colleges, hospitals, federal, municipal, utilities, and rights- of-way." Section 4-4.M.1.h.(3). of the FLUE, provides the following Policy governing the use of General Institutional property: General Institutional - The General Institutional category accommodates public and not-for-profit facilities such as, but not limited to schools, government buildings, civic centers, prisons, major stormwater facilities, fire and emergency operation center facilities, public cemeteries, hospitals, publicly owned public water and sewer systems, dredge spoil management sites, and airports. Investor owned regional public water and sewer systems and private cemeteries may be allowed in General Institutional. . . . While Institutional use is reserved for the above uses, this shall not prohibit for- profit medical offices and other ancillary facilities owned by a non-profit hospital as long as they are part of a Planned Unit Development. . . . . . . . The Plan also establishes land use categories in the FLUE for the residential use of property. All land which is designated for residential development on the FLUM is subject to Section 4-4.M.1.e. of the FLUE: The Land Use Map allocates residential density based on population trends; housing needs; past trends in the character, magnitude, and distribution of residential land consumption patterns; and, pursuant to goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, including the need to provide and maintain quality residential environments, preserve unique land and water resource and plan for fiscal conservancy. There are seven types of designated residential land use categories created by the Plan. Those uses include the following: 10 units per acre for "high density;" 8 units per acre for "medium density;" 5 units per acre for "low density residential;" 2 units per acre and 1 unit per acre for "estate density;" .5 units per acre for rural areas. There is also a "mobile home density" category. The lowest density of .5 units per acre is reserved for those areas that are designated as rural. The estate density categories are used for areas are located "generally on the fringe of the urban service districts and generally are not accessible to a full complement of urban services." Sections 4-4.M.1.e.(1) and (2) of the Plan. Of primary pertinence to this proceeding is the residential land use designation of "Low Density Residential." Residential land designated "Low Density Residential" is limited by Section 4-4.M.1.e.(3). of the FLUE as follows: Low Density Residential Development. The low density residential designation is reserved for land accessible to existing urban service centers or located in the immediate expansion area. Densities permitted in this area shall not exceed five (5) units per gross acre. Review of specific densities shall be directed toward preserving the stability and integrity of established residential development and toward provided equitable treatment to lands sharing similar characteristics. Design techniques such as landscaping, screening and buffering shall be employed to assure smooth transition in residential structure types and densities. Generally, where single family structures comprise the dominant structure type within these areas, new development on undeveloped abutting lands shall be required to include compatible structure types on the lands immediately adjacent to existing single family development. Excessive Residential Property and the Active Residential Development Preference Planning System. Section 4-2.A.6.c. of the Plan recognizes that the County has designated an excessive amount of land for residential use. This section of the Plan indicates that, at the time the Plan was adopted, there was a projected need for 26,231 acres of land to accommodate the projected population of the County to the Year 2005. It also indicates that, as of the date of the Plan, 35,834 acres of vacant land had been designated for residential use, well in excess of the amount of land necessary to meet demand. Despite the requirements of the Act and Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, requiring appropriate planning for residential needs within a local government's jurisdiction, the Plan was approved by the Department as being "in compliance" with the designation of an excessive amount of land for residential use in the County. Instead of requiring strict compliance with the provisions of the Act and Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, dealing with planning for future residential land use needs, the County and the Department entered into a Stipulated Settlement Agreement specifying that the Plan include a requirement that the County undertake the collection of more current land use data and refine the various land use predictive factors it had been using. The Stipulated Settlement Agreement also required that the County institute an Active Residential Development Preference Planning System (hereinafter referred to as the "ARDP System"), to monitor the timing and location of residential development in the County. Section 4-2.A.8. of the Plan provides a Policy dealing with future residential land use requirements for the County. The Policy reports the over-allocation of vacant land designated for residential uses in the County and the need for the ARDP System. The Policy specifically provides, in part: While the current pattern on the Future Land Use Map will remain as is, an active residential development "125% test" will be used in conjunction with location and land suitability requirements in the review and approval of future land use and/or project requests. These requirements shall include, at a minimum, location within the Primary, or Secondary Urban Service District; consistency with the Capital Improvement Element; protection of natural resources; and adequate provision of facilities and services at the adopted level of service. The Policy goes on to provide that residential development in the County will be maintained at 125 percent capacity through the ARDP System and describes other measures to reduce the amount of excessive residential property to be developed in the County. Section 4-4.A.6. of the Plan establishes a Policy requiring that the County implement the ARDP System by May 1991. Consistent with Section 4-4.A.6. of the Plan, the County has adopted the ADRPP System. Environmental Protection Considerations in the FLUE Section 4-2.A.6.d. of the Plan recognizes that residential use of land located near or on the coast can threaten the "preservation of the very attributes of the area which make it attractive for growth." Therefore, the Policy provides that any such development is to be planned to minimize the threat by "assuring that the environmentally sensitive and threatened habitats are preserved." The Policy also provides: Certain areas in Martin County are recognized and beginning to be identified by federal, state and local programs as environmentally sensitive. These areas provide special value in producing public benefits, including: recreational opportunities, life support services, tourism, commercial and sport fishing, scenic values, water purification, water recharge and storage, and sensitive habitats critical to the survival of endangered wildlife and plants. Urban development in or adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas can significantly reduce their environmental values. Additionally, there are important public health concerns associated with development in these areas, particularly in relation to potable water and waste disposal in low lying areas. . . . Section 4-2.A.6.f. of the Plan recognizes the importance of natural vegetation. The Policy also recognizes that urban development removes or alters the County's natural vegetation. Coastal Management Element Section 8.4 of the Plan establishes the Goals, Objectives, and Policies for the Coastal Management Element of the Plan. The area subject to this Element is described on maps adopted as part of the Element, including the map depicted in Figure 8-1. The Subject Property is not located within the coastal management area established by the Element. Section 8.4.A.2.a. of the Plan provides "land use decisions guidelines" requiring a consideration of the impacts of development on fish, wildlife, and habitat, including cumulative impacts. These guidelines, however, apply to development within the coastal management area established by the Plan. Conservation and Open Space Element Chapter 9 of the Plan establishes the Conservation and Open Space Element. The Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Element are set out in Section 9-4 of the Plan. Section 9-4.A. of the Plan establishes the following Goal: The goal of Martin County is to effectively manage, conserve and preserve the natural resources of Martin County giving consideration to an equitable balance of public and private property rights. These resources include air, water, soils, habitat, fisheries and wildlife with special emphasis on restoring the St. Lucie Estuary and the Indian River Lagoon. Section 9-4.A.2.a. of the Plan requires that the County continue to enforce and improve its Wellfield Protection Ordinance. The Wellfield Protection Ordinance is intended to regulate land use activities within the zones of influence of major wellheads. Section 9-4.A.2.b. of the Plan provides the following: New potable water wells and wellfields shall be located in areas where maximum quantities of regulated materials (e.g. hazardous and toxic materials) do not exceed the proposed criteria of the Wellfield Protection Ordinance. At the time future wellfield locations are identified, establishment of incompatible land uses within the zones of influence of such wells shall be prohibited. Objective 9-4.A.9. of the Plan provides for the protection and enhancement of wildlife and habitat. Policy 9- 4.A.9.a. of the Plan provides the following: Land use decisions shall consider the effects of development impacts on fish, wildlife and habitat and the cumulative impact of development or redevelopment upon wildlife habitat. In cases where rare, endangered, threatened or species of special concern are known to be present, a condition of approval will be that a preserve area management plan be prepared at the time of site plan submittal. . . . To ensure adequate protection, protected plants and animals, which cannot be provided with sufficient undisturbed habitat to maintain the existing population in a healthy, viable state on site, shall be effectively relocated in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Potable Water Service Element Chapter 11 of the Plan establishes a Potable Water Service Element. The Goals, Objectives, and Policies of this Element are contained in Section 11-4. Section 11-4.A.5 of the Plan provides that, by 1991, the County was to establish programs to conserve and protect potable water resources within the County. The specific components of the programs are provided. None of those provisions are relevant to this matter. Drainage and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Element Chapter 13 of the Plan establishes a Drainage and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Element. The Goals, Objectives, and Policies of this Element are contained in Section 13-4. Section 13-4.A.1. of the Plan establishes the following Objective: Martin County will maintain existing ground water and surface water quality, improve areas of degraded ground water and surface water quality and prevent future contamination of ground water supply sources. Section 13-4.A.2. of the Plan establishes the following Objective: "Enhance the quantity of ground water recharge and maintain desirable ground water levels." The Objectives, and the Policies established to carry them out, recognize the significance of ground waterrecharge and groundwater levels in the County. Preservation of groundwater recharge and groundwater levels is a significant goal of the County. None of the Policies established to carry out the foregoing Objectives specifically eliminate the use of vacant land located near wells for residential purposes. Plan Amendment Adoption Procedures Procedures for the adoption of amendments to the Plan are established in Section 1.11, "Amendment Procedures," of the Plan. Section 1.11.C.2. of the Plan provides the following procedures for evaluating changes to the FLUM: In evaluating each land use map amendment request, staff begins with the assumption that the 1982 Land Use Map, as amended, is generally an accurate representation of the Board of County Commissioners and thus the community's intent for the future of Martin County. Based on this assumption, staff can recommend approval of a requested change providing consistency is maintained with all other Elements of this Plan if one of the following four items is found to be applicable. That past changes in land use designations in the general area make the proposed use logical and consistent with these uses and there is adequate availability of public services; or That the growth in the area, in terms of development of vacant land, redevelopment and availability of public services, has altered the character of the area such that the proposed request is now reasonable and consistent with area land use characteristics; or That the proposed change would correct what would otherwise appear to be an inappropriately assigned land use designation. That the proposed change would meet a necessary public service need which enhances the health, safety or general welfare of County residents. In the event that staff can not make a positive finding regarding any of the above items, then staff would recommend denial. (Emphasis added). The Plan requires that the Director of the County's Growth Management Department, after review of a proposed amendment, submit recommendations to the Local Planning Agency for consideration. The Local Planning Agency is required to certify its findings and recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners of Martin County (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"). Miscellaneous Provisions of the Plan. Section 4-2.A.6.e. of the Plan deals with agricultural use and vacant land. The evidence failed to prove that the amendment at issue in this case is inconsistent with this portion of the Plan. Section 4-4.A.1.a. of the Plan establishes a Policy that requires that the County revise its Land Development Regulations in existence at the time the Plan was adopted. The evidence failed to prove that the amendment at issue in this case is inconsistent with this portion of the Plan. Section 4-4.E.1. of the Plan requires that the County revise its Land Development Code by July 1990. The evidence failed to prove that the amendment at issue in this case is inconsistent with this portion of the Plan. The County's Sustainable Communities Designation Agreement. The County and the Department of Community Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the "Department"), entered into a Sustainable Communities Designation Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Designation Agreement"). The Designation Agreement was entered into pursuant to Section 163.3244 of the Act. Pursuant to the Designation Agreement, the Department designated the County as a "sustainable community." Among other things, the designation of the County as a sustainable community eliminates the need for the County to have the Department review and comment on amendments to the Plan that affect areas within the urban growth boundary or "Primary Urban Services District" created by the Plan. The Subject Property. The Subject Property is a parcel of real property located in the Hobe Sound area of unincorporated Martin County. The Subject Property consists of approximately 24.5 acres of land. The land use designation for the Subject Property on the FLUM is General Institutional. The Subject Property is undeveloped, vacant land. It is comprised of sandy soils, native upland scrub habitat with native Sand Pine groundcover. The Subject Property was described in an Executive Summary of the proposed plan amendment considered by the County as follows: The parcel is located in an area considered to be one of the last contiguous large areas of native upland scrub habitat in Florida. Groundcover is almost entirely native Sand Pine with some primitive trails and small areas of disturbed land. Endangered species found on the parcel include the Florida Scrub Jay and Gopher Tortoise. Sand Pine is considered to be endangered, unique or rare and the Comprehensive Plan policy 9- 4.A.7.f(2) states that "Where possible, increased conservation (twenty-five (25) percent of the total upland area) of native upland habitats which are determined to be endangered, unique or rare in Martin County, or regionally rare will be required by Martin County." The Subject Property is bounded on the north by Saturn Avenue, a two-lane residential street; on the south and west by undeveloped land; and on the east by U.S. Highway One, a multi- lane divided highway. The property to the north is designated Low Density Residential; the property to the east is designated for commercial uses; and the property to the south and west is designated General Institutional. While located relatively close to the Intercoastal Waterway, the Subject Property is not located on the "coast." The Subject Property was previously owned by the Hobe Sound Water Company, a privately owned water utility. At the request of Hobe Sound Water Company, the Subject Property was designated as General Institutional. No wells currently are located on the Subject Property. The Subject Property was acquired from the Hobe Sound Water Company by the Land Partnership. The undeveloped land located to the south of the Subject Property is owned by South Martin Regional Utilities (hereinafter referred to as "SMRU") and is utilized for a water plant and wells. SMRU acquired this land and the remainder of the land used by the Hobe Sound Water Company from the water company. There are five wells located on the property to the south of the Subject Property. The property to the west of the Subject Property is also owned by SMRU but is not being utilized for wells. The property acquired by SMRU was, and remains, designated as General Institutional. The Subject Property serves as a significant ground water recharge area because of the porous nature of the soils of the Subject Property. The Subject Property is located within the Primary Urban Services District of the Plan. The Subject Amendment and Its Review. The amendment at issue in this proceeding was initiated by the Land Partnership after it acquired the Subject Property from the Hobe Sound Water Company. At the time of the acquisition of the Subject Property, the Land Partnership knew or should have known that it was designated for General Institutional use. The Land Partnership requested a change in the land use designation for the Subject Property on the FLUM from General Institutional to Low Density Residential or "the most appropriate land use designation." The proposed amendment was reviewed by the staff of the County's Growth Management Department. Among other things, the staff considered whether any of the four items specified in Section 1-11.C.2 of the Plan applies to the amendment. The staff determined that the first and fourth items listed in finding of fact 41 did not apply, that the second item was somewhat applicable, and that the third item applied to the amendment. The proposed amendment was also reviewed by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (hereinafter referred to as the "TCRPC"). Comments concerning the proposed amendment were prepared by the TCRPC, but were withheld because review by the TCRPC is not required due to the sustainable communities designation for the County. The draft comments of the TCRPC, however, raised objections to the proposed amendment due to concerns over the potential endangerment to the wellfields in the area and the potential destruction of critical habitat and vegetation. No copy of the TCRPC's regional plan was offered in evidence in this case. Nor did anyone associated with TCRPC testify about the draft comments. The Department also informally reviewed the proposed amendment. Rather than prepare an Objections, Comments, and Review report on the proposed amendment, the Department prepared informal comments, which it provided to the County. Those comments were responded to by the County. Hearings to consider the proposed amendment were conducted by the Local Planning Agency. On January 21, 1999, the Local Planning Agency voted to recommend that the proposed amendment not be adopted. The proposed amendment was designated Amendment No. 98-3 (hereinafter referred to as the "Amendment"). The Amendment was adopted by the Board on September 28, 1999, as a part of Ordinance No. 553. The evidence failed to prove that any relevant procedure for adopting the Amendment was violated by the County. The Amendment changed the land use designation for the Subject Property from General Institutional to Low Density Residential on the FLUM. This designation would allow the development of the Subject Property for a maximum of 122 residential units. Data and analysis supporting a potential increase of 122 units of additional residential property did not exist when County adopted the Amendment. Nor does such data and analysis exist now. ARDP System Data. Since the implementation of the ARDP System the County has been collecting and analyzing data concerning residential development in the County. No timely annual update of that data and analysis had been prepared prior to the adoption of the Amendment. The most recent data available was from 1995. During the adoption process for the Amendment, at the request of a member of the Board, an ad hoc report containing data and analysis concerning residential development in the County was prepared and presented to the Board. A full and detailed report was prepared subsequent to the adoption of the Amendment. The report, the ARDP Memorandum of June 7, 2000 (hereinafter referred to as the "ARDP Memo"), was reviewed and approved by the Board. The report was also received in evidence during this de novo proceeding and has been fully considered in preparing this Recommended Order. Pursuant to the ARDP Memo for the five-year period 2000-2004, there is a need for 6,252 residential units needed to serve population increases. The 125 percent cap of the ARDP System on new residential units allowed in the County is 7,816 units. This amounts to an additional 1,564 units authorized by the ARDP System over the actual number of units needed based upon population projections. The number of approved/unbuilt units and other offsets against the number of allowed new residential units for the County during this period totals 7,015 units. Consequently, there are 801 units (7,816 minus 7,015) available for development through the end of 2004. These available units are more than sufficient to cover the additional units which may arise as a result of the development of the Subject Property pursuant to the Amendment. For the five-year periods of 2005-2009 and 2010-2014, there are 6,314 and 6,578 units available for development through the end of these periods, respectively. Despite the foregoing, the approval of an addition of 122 units of residential property will increase an already excessive designation of property for residential use. The Impact of the Amendment. The most significant impact of the Amendment is to further increase the amount of land allocated for residential use in the County. An estate density designation, although generally used for urban fringe areas, with a density of 1 or 2 units per acre, would reduce the amount of the increase in the amount of land allocated for residential use in the County. The Amendment will also negatively impact sensitive habitat for endangered species of plants and animals. Development of the Subject Property, however, as Low Density Residential or General Institutional has the potential for the same general negative impact on sensitive habitat. That negative impact is not inconsistent with what the Plan allows. The Amendment will not have a negative impact on the role of the Subject Property as a ground water recharge area or the availability of potable water in the County. Any development of the Subject Property will be subject to County and South Florida Water Management District regulations requiring that there be no effect on the quality or quantity of ground water in and around the Subject Property as a result of development. The only action that will preserve the environmental features of the Subject Property and its role as a recharge area would be to keep the property undeveloped. Neither the current land use designation of General Institutional nor the proposed land use designation of Low Density Residential will ensure that the Subject Property remains undeveloped. An estate density designation, although generally used for urban fringe areas, with a density of 1 or 2 units per acre, would reduce the negative impacts of the environmental features of the Subject Property and its role as a recharge area. The evidence failed to prove that the Amendment constitutes "urban sprawl" as defined in the Plan. The Need for a FLUM Amendment. In order for the Amendment to be approved, since it is an amendment to the FLUM, it must be shown that one of the four items listed in Section 1.11.C.2. of the Plan is met. The evidence proved, and the parties agreed, that the first and fourth items listed in Section 1.11.C.2. of the Plan do not apply to this Amendment. The remaining two items of Section 1.11.C.2. of the Plan are: That the growth in the area, in terms of development of vacant land, redevelopment and availability of public services, has altered the character of the area such that the proposed request is now reasonable and consistent with area land use characteristics; or That the proposed change would correct what would otherwise appear to be an inappropriately assigned land use designation. While there has been an increase in the amount of development to the north of the Subject Property, the area immediately around the Subject Property has not changed. The evidence failed to prove that any change in the character of the area surrounding the Subject Property "has altered the character of the area such that the proposed request is now reasonable and consistent with area land use characteristics. . . ." The second item listed in Section 1.11.C.2. of the Plan has not been met. The County's determination that the remaining item, that the proposed change would correct what appears to be an inappropriately assigned land use designation, is based upon the fact that the current owner, the Land Partnership, is not the type of entity the Plan identifies as an appropriate owner of General Institutional property. Section 4-4.M.1.h. of the Plan provides the following concerning the ownership of General Institutional designated property: Except for investor owner public water and sewer systems and private cemeteries, Institutional land shall be owned by public agencies or non-profit service providers. As a consequence of the foregoing, the only use to which the Land Partnership may put the Subject Property under its current land use classification would be as a cemetery, public water, or sewer system. The latter two uses are not practicable uses for the Subject Property. Although the fact that the Land Partnership knew or should have known of the land use category of the Subject Property and the limitation of the uses to which it could put the property before it purchased it, it still appears reasonable to conclude that the third item of Section 1.11.C.2. of the Plan applies to the Amendment. I. Petitioners' Challenge. On October 28, 1999, the Alliance and Ms. Merrill, jointly filed a Petition for Administrative Hearings with the Division challenging the Amendment pursuant to Section 163.3244(5)(a), Florida Statutes. Petitioners requested a formal administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 163.3187(3)(a) and 120.57, Florida Statutes. On February 1, 2000, Petitioners filed an Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing. Pursuant to the Amended Petition, Petitioners alleged that the Amendment is inconsistent with the requirements of Sections 163.3177 and 163.3180 of the Act, the TCRPC's strategic regional policy plan, and portions of Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code. Petitioners also alleged in the Amended Petition that the Amendment is inconsistent with Sections 163.3161, 163.3167, 163.3194, and 163.3244 of the Act. These allegations are not relevant to the determination of whether the amendment is "in compliance" as those terms are defined in the Act.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administrative Commission enter a final order finding that the Amendment is not "in compliance" as defined in Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of February, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of February, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Virginia P. Sherlock, Esquire Howard K. Heims, Esquire Littman, Sherlock & Heims, P.A. Post Office Box 1197 Stuart, Florida 34995 David A. Acton Senior Assistant County Attorney Martin County Administration Center 2401 South East Monterey Road Stuart, Florida 34996-1197 Raymond W. Royce, Esquire Carrie Beth Baris, Esquire Holland & Knight LLP 625 North Flagler Drive, Suite 700 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401-3208 Steven M. Seibert, Secretary Department of Community Affairs Suite 100 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Cari L. Roth, General Counsel Department of Community Affairs Suite 315 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Barbara Leighty, Clerk Growth Management and Strategic Planning The Capitol, Suite 2105 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Charles Canaday, General Counsel Office of the Governor The Capitol, Suite 209 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001

Florida Laws (13) 120.569120.57163.3161163.3164163.3167163.3174163.3177163.3180163.3181163.3184163.3187163.3194163.3245 Florida Administrative Code (3) 9J-5.0059J-5.0069J-5.011
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 05, 2007 Number: 07-002499GM Latest Update: Feb. 22, 2010

The Issue The issues in this case are: (1) whether City of Miami Ordinance 12911, which amends the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the City of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP), is a small-scale development amendment, as defined by Section 163.3187(1)(c), Florida Statutes; and (2) whether Ordinance 12911 is "in compliance," as defined by Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. (Statutes refer to the 2007 codification.)

Findings Of Fact Based on all of the evidence, the following facts are determined: The Property Subject to the FLUM Amendment TRG-MH Venture, LTD. (TRG-MH), is a Florida limited partnership formed for the purpose of purchasing and developing a parcel of property in the southeast corner of a larger, 40- acre parcel owned by Mercy Hospital, Inc. (Mercy). TRG-MH and Mercy have executed a purchase and sale agreement for this corner parcel, which is located at approximately 3663 South Bayshore Drive in the Coconut Grove area of Miami, Florida (the Site). TRG-MH hired an architectural firm, Arquitectonica, to design on the Site a proposed residential development named 300 Grove Bay Residences (the Project). The Site, which currently serves as a paved parking lot for Mercy Hospital employees, measures 6.72 acres. The Site is abutted on the north, northwest, and northeast by the rest of the 40-acre parcel owned by Mercy and used for its hospital, professional offices, and patient and visitor parking. The tallest of these buildings is 146 feet. To the north of Mercy's property and medical complex is another 30-plus acre parcel owned by the Catholic Diocese of Miami and used for La Salle High School and a religious facility, Ermita de la Caridad. Abutting the northern boundary of the La Salle High School property is Vizcaya Museum and Gardens. To the west of the Site are a small convent, an administration building, and a modest-sized assisted living facility. To the west of these buildings is South Bayshore Drive, which is a four-lane road. Single-family residential neighborhoods are west of South Bayshore Drive. The Site is abutted on the southwest, south, southeast and east by Biscayne Bay. Grove Isle, a three-building, 18- story condominium/hotel/marina complex, is located on a small, man-made island (Fair Isle) in the Bay to the south of the Site. It is located approximately 1,300 feet from the Site and is separated from the Site by Bay water. Grove Isle has a future land use designation of Medium Density Multifamily Residential (M/D Residential) and is zoned Medium-Density Residential (R-3). However, Grove Isle is a legal nonconformity because it exceeds the densities allowed in M/D Residential and R-3. To the southwest of the Site, but separated from the Site by Bay water, are single-family and medium-density dwellings, including several multifamily structures. Petitioners Bloch and Steen reside in this neighborhood. No property zoned single-family residential (R-1) abuts the Site. Currently a paved parking lot, the Site has no archeological, environmental, or historical significance. Miami-Dade County had designated all of the City as an "Urban Infill Area." This designation is made in the County's Comprehensive Plan and is implemented in Policy LU-1.1.11 of the Future Lane Use Element (FLUE) of the City's Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. The Parties The Vizcayans, Inc. (The Vizcayans), is a not-for- profit Florida corporation of volunteer members and a paid staff consisting of: an executive director, a membership director, and a controller. The purpose of the organization is to support the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens (Vizcaya), a publicly-owned and operated museum, through contributions and fundraising events. The Vizcayans' office at 3251 South Miami Avenue is located on the grounds of Vizcaya. The Vizcayans submitted comments in opposition to the proposed FLUM Amendment and appeared in person and through lawyers at the City Commission hearings. The Respondent and Intervenors stipulated that The Vizcayans have standing as affected persons under Sections 163.3187(3)(a) and 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes, to challenge the small-scale development amendment in this proceeding based on allegations that The Vizcayans operate a business in the City. Miami-Dade County owns Vizcaya. By contract, The Vizcayans provides funds annually to Miami-Dade County for use in maintaining Vizcaya's properties and conducting educational programs. Any funds in excess of those owed to the County under the contract are used to pay staff and host fundraisers or are invested for future use. Vizcaya is governed by the County through the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens Trust, which is an agency of Miami-Dade County. Jason Bloch and Constance Steen reside in the City and own properties to the southwest of the Site. Glencoe is a not- for-profit corporation of homeowners in the Glencoe neighborhood to the southwest of the Site. Mr. Bloch formed the corporation during the pendency of the application proceedings for the primary purpose of opposing the proposed development of the Site. Bloch, Steen, and Glencoe submitted comments in opposition to the proposed FLUM amendment. Grove Isle is a not-for-profit Florida corporation of condominium owners. Grove Isle submitted comments in opposition to the proposed FLUM amendment. The City and Intervenors stipulated to Grove Isle's standing in these proceedings. The City is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. The City adopted its Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, including its FLUM, in 1989. The Comprehensive Plan and the FLUM have been amended from time to time as allowed by law. TRG-MH is a joint venture limited partnership. Its direct and indirect participants include Ocean Land Equities, Ltd., and The Related Group. TRG-MH contracted to purchase the Site from Mercy and applied to the City for the FLUM Amendment at issue in this proceeding. TRG-MH also submitted applications for a change of zoning and MUSP on the Site. The zoning and MUSP applications, and the resulting City ordinance and resolution arising from their approval, are not at issue in this proceeding. Mercy is a not-for-profit Florida corporation that owns and operates Mercy Hospital. Mercy has contracted to sell the Site to TRG-MH. The FLUM Amendment In June 2007, TRG-MH applied to the City for a small- scale development amendment to change the Site's land use designation on the City's Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities (M/I) to High Density Multifamily Residential (H/D). TRG-MH submitted its application concurrently with its applications for a zoning change from G/I to R-4 and for a MUSP. According to the FLUM Amendment application, TRG-MH was seeking a map amendment for a 6.723-acre parcel of real property. With its FLUM Amendment application, TRG-MH submitted a survey prepared and certified by surveyors Fortin, Leavy & Skiles. The survey depicted: the Site, as a parcel with a "net lot area" of 6.723 acres; a Proposed Road, measuring 1.39 acres, that wrapped around the Site on its west and north sides (the Perimeter Road); and a Private Road, also known as Tract "C" or Halissee Street, measuring .95 acres, which accesses the Site and Perimeter Road from South Bayshore Drive. Accompanying the survey was a legal description for the Site, which included a description for the proposed new Perimeter Road abutting the Site. The legal description covered an area comprising 8.11 acres. Also accompanying the application was a traffic analysis showing the impact to existing road networks of traffic resulting from the proposed MUSP application, which sought to build 300 residential units on property currently having no existing residential units. TRG-MH's applications were reviewed by the City's Planning Department and its Planning Advisory Board (PAB). The City's Planning Department recommended approval of the land use designation change. The PAB's 3-3 tie vote operated as to deny the request for a change of the land use designation recommendation. On April 26, 2007, the City Commission voted to approve the FLUM amendment application and, with modifications, the accompanying zoning and MUSP applications. (The City Commission approved the zoning change and MUSP subject to the condition that the size and scale of the Project be reduced by 25 percent across the board. Thus, for example, the height of the tallest of the three condominium buildings was reduced from approximately 411 feet to 310 feet.) The FLUM change was adopted by Ordinance 12911, which the Mayor signed on May 7, 2007. Ordinance 12911 amended the FLUM by changing the land use designation "for the property located at approximately 3663 South Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached and incorporated." Exhibit A to the ordinance was the legal description included on the Fortin, Leavy, Skiles survey. The section of the MCNP entitled "Interpretation of the Future Land Use Plan Map" describes the various future land use categories in the Plan. It describes the Major Institutional future land use category as follows: Major Institutional Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities: Areas designated as "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" allow facilities for federal, state and local government activities, major public or private health, recreational, cultural, religious or educational activities, and major transportation facilities and public utilities. Residential facilities ancillary to these uses are allowed to a maximum density equivalent to "High Density Multifamily Residential" subject to the same limiting conditions. Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) at 21 (June 2006). The same section describes the H/D Residential, in pertinent part, as follows: Areas designated as "High Density Multifamily Residential" allow residential structures to a maximum density of 150 dwelling units per acre, subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements. MCNP at 20 (June 2006). (By way of comparison, M/D Residential is described similarly except that the maximum density is 65 dwelling units per acre.) According to the MCNP, the FLUM land use designations "are arranged following the 'pyramid concept' of cumulative inclusion, whereby subsequent categories are inclusive of those listed previously, except as otherwise noted." Ordinance 12911 was not reviewed by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), as required for text changes and large- scale FLUM changes to a comprehensive plan. On June 4 and 6, 2007, Petitioners filed their petitions challenging the FLUM Amendment. Generally, the Petitioners alleged that the FLUM Amendment did not qualify for treatment as a "small-scale" development amendment; was internally inconsistent with other provisions of the City's Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan; was not supported by adequate data and analysis; and was not "in compliance" with Florida's Growth Management Act and its implementing regulations. Scale of the FLUM Amendment A small-scale development amendment may be adopted if the "proposed amendment involves a use of 10 acres or fewer." § 163.3187(1)(c)(1), Fla. Stat. According to the survey and architectural plans on file with the City, the "net lot area" of the Site measures 6.72 acres. The City Zoning Code defines "net lot area" as "[t]he total area within the lot lines excluding any street rights-of- way or other required dedications." § 2502, City Zoning Code. In determining how large (in square feet of floor area) the planned Project could be, the architects were permitted, under the City's zoning regulations, to multiply the "floor area ratio" (FAR) for the High Density Multifamily Residential zoning classification by an area larger than the "net lot area." See § 401, City Zoning Code. The Zoning Code allows the maximum square footage to be calculated using the Site's "gross lot area." Id. The City Zoning Code defines "gross lot area," in pertinent part, as "[t]he net area of the lot, as defined herein, plus half of adjoining street rights-of-way and seventy (70) feet of any other public open space such as parks, lakes, rivers, bays, public transit right-of-way and the like." § 2502, City Zoning Code. If the "gross lot area" to be used to calculate the maximum square footage involves properties under different ownership, either the owners must apply jointly for a MUSP, or they must enter a covenant-in-lieu of unity of title. Properties joined by a covenant-in-lieu of unity of title need not have the same land use designation or zoning classification. If a covenant-in-lieu of unity of title is required, it need not be submitted to the City until building permits are sought. At present, no covenant-in-lieu of unity of title has been prepared or executed for the Site. The "gross lot area" used to calculate the Project's maximum square footage of floor area measured 11.44 acres. Thus, the Petitioners argued that the FLUM Amendment "involved a use" of more than 10 acres. But the application requested a land use designation change on only 6.72 acres of land. Because High-Density Multifamily Residential use will not be made of the proposed Perimeter Road, the access road known as Halissee Street, or the proposed Bay Walk, a land use designation change was not required for that acreage. Indeed, according to the amended FLUM, there is no land use designation applied to Halissee or to the northern part of the Perimeter Road. Moreover, use of Halissee Street, the Perimeter Road, and the Bay Walk is not exclusive to the 6.72 acres but will remain shared with Mercy Hospital, its patients and employees, as well as with the public. The Petitioners attempted to prove that a marina was planned to serve the development, which would involve a total use of more than ten acres for residential purposes. Even if a marina was initially contemplated, the application on file with the City does not include one, and there are no approved plans for a marina to be incorporated into the proposed residential development. No marina is required to be developed in connection with the 300 Grove Bay project. Moreover, there was unrebutted evidence that it is highly unlikely that a marina would ever be permitted under the statutes now regulating Biscayne Bay. There is no evidentiary support for including any part of Biscayne Bay in the acreage subject to the small-scale FLUM Amendment because of a possible marina so as to support the Petitioners' claim that Ordinance 12911 should not have been processed as a small-scale amendment. Suitability and Compatibility of FLUM Amendment The Site is a parking lot. It is not environmentally sensitive and has no significant natural or archeological resources that would make it unsuitable for High Density Multifamily Residential future land use. Major Institutional accommodates the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens and the Mercy Hospital complex, which are compatible with and actually part of Coconut Grove. However, as pointed out by the City and the Intervenors, Major Institutional also allows future land uses that could be less compatible with the surrounding land uses, including the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens and the residential neighborhoods of Coconut Grove. While a lower density residential future land use would be appropriate and compatible with the surrounding uses, the issue in this case is the density allowed by H/D Residential--up to 150 residential units per acre, which Petitioners contend is incompatible with the surrounding land uses and inconsistent with previous efforts to protect Vizcaya and Coconut Grove from the intrusion of high- density residential development. The Petitioners also contend that the FLUM Amendment is not suitable on the bayfront. Suitability on the Bayfront The Petitioners contend that H/D Residential is not suitable on the bayfront for reasons related mostly to aesthetics and views. While it certainly would be possible and reasonable for a community to decide not to allow dense and intense development on significant water bodies, it was not proven by a preponderance of the evidence that the City has done so, or that H/D Residential is unsuitable on the Site for that reason. 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report The City's 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report ("2005 EAR") focused on two citywide issues relevant here: (1) the preservation and enhancement of historic and similar resources; and (2) neighborhood integrity and the need to protect existing neighborhoods from incompatible development. Vizcaya Museum Gardens Industrialist James Deering built Vizcaya in 1916 as a winter home. The land Deering purchased in the early 1900s was developed into a 180-acre estate that included his Mediterranean-style home, Italianate gardens, farms, orchards, and lagoons. The mansion and gardens were designed by three well-known architects and designers and constructed using local materials. When Deering died nine years later in 1925, Vizcaya was left to his heirs, who eventually sold the south gardens and western agricultural fields to the Catholic Diocese. The southern acreage (which included the Site) was later developed into a church (Ermita de la Caridad), a school (La Salle), and medical and hospital facilities (Mercy). The Diocese sold the western acreage, which was eventually developed into single- family-home subdivisions. In the 1950s, the Deering heirs sold the remaining property, consisting of the mansion, gardens, and farm buildings, to Dade County. In 1952, Dade County opened Vizcaya to the public. Since then, the County has operated Vizcaya as a museum, which has welcomed thousands of visitors annually and is a popular site for tourists, social functions, and photo shoots. The Vizcaya mansion and gardens have historical, architectural, and botanical significance. The mansion is an "architectural masterpiece" and an "outstanding example of Italian Renaissance Revival architecture." Vizcaya has been on the National Register of Historical Places since 1977; it was designated as a City Heritage Conservation District in 1984; and, in 1994, it was designated a National Historical Landmark-- one of only three in Miami-Dade County. The southernmost part of Vizcaya's gardens is approximately 1,600 feet from the FLUM Amendment Site, and the mansion is approximately 2,300 feet from the Site. For the specific purpose of objecting to the 300 Grove Bay project, The Vizcayans commissioned the Vizcaya Viewshed Impact Assessment, which is referred to as the "balloon" study, and the Vizcaya View Corridor Study. According to the balloon study, the 300 Grove Bay condominiums would be visible from the balcony on the south side of the mansion. Although the balloon study was based on the original Project building heights and not re-done using the reduced heights in the zoning and MUSP approvals, the Petitioners' witnesses said that the Project would still be visible through the existing landscape, even at the reduced height. The Petitioners' witnesses opined that the development of 300 Grove Bay would "overpower and overshadow" the gardens on the south side of the mansion. No federal, state, or local statutes, rules or ordinances, including those relevant to this proceeding, protect the view corridors of Vizcaya's gardens. Coconut Grove The area known as Coconut Grove was settled in the late 1800s and was considered "off the beaten path" from the City which was incorporated in 1896. Coconut Grove was incorporated as a separate municipality in 1919, but in 1925 it was annexed to the City, as were five other municipalities. Petitioners' witnesses observed that Coconut Grove is the only one of these towns that has continued to retain a unique and recognizable character. Vizcaya and Mercy Hospital, including the parking lot site, are located in the northern area of Coconut Grove. Coconut Grove is primarily, but not entirely, a residential community. Coconut Grove has an active "downtown" business, commercial, and hotel district. The Petitioners maintained that the northern area of Coconut Grove is primarily single-family residential. However, it also includes a non- conforming high-density development (Grove Isle), medium-density residential, Mercy Hospital and its professional buildings, an assisted living facility, a school, a church, and governmental office buildings, as well as two museums (Vizcaya and the Museum of Science). A Coconut Grove Planning Study was commissioned and printed in 1974, but the City never adopted it; therefore, it has no official status. The Coconut Grove Neighborhood Conservation District In 2005, the City adopted by ordinance the Coconut Grove Neighborhood Conservation District (NCD-3). See § 803.3, City Zoning Code. According to the Code, a Neighborhood Conservation District is an "umbrella land use designation overlay," which allows for the tailoring of a master plan or of design guidelines for any area that meets certain criteria. See § 800, City Zoning Code. The intent of the Coconut Grove Neighborhood Conservation District is to "[p]reserve the historic, heavily landscaped character of Coconut Grove's residential areas and enhance and protect Coconut Grove's natural features such as tree canopy and green space." § 803.1, City Zoning Code. NCD-3 does not specify the High-Density, Multifamily Residential (R-4) zoning classification. But that does not mean that NCD-3 does not allow R-4. NCD-3 is enabling legislation that imposes greater restrictions within a geographic "overlay" for the zoning classifications addressed in Section 803.3. So far, NCD-3 has not addressed G/I and R-4 but only Single-Family Residential (R-1) and Commercial Districts. See § 803.3, City Zoning Code. For that reason, the ordinance does not apply to the Site. The "Grovenor Ordinance" The so-called Grovenor Ordinance was the City's response in July 2004 to the construction of a high-density residential project on property in Coconut Grove zoned "G/I Government and Institutional." The Grovenor Ordinance amended subsection of Section 401 of the City's Zoning Code to provide in pertinent part: G/I Government and Institutional Intent and Scale: The government/institutional category allows the development of facilities for federal, state and local government activities, major public or private health, recreational, cultural, religious, or educational activities, major transportation facilities, public utilities, and public and private cemeteries. Uses ancillary to these uses are allowed to a maximum density and intensity equivalent to the least intense abutting zoning district, subject to the same limiting conditions. Intensity: For residential uses: As for the least intense abutting zoning district. . . . * * * Permitted Principal Uses: Governmental and institutional uses as described in the City of Miami Comprehensive Development Plan designation of "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities", however for accessory non-governmental or institutional uses-only such uses as may be permitted as principal uses in the least intense abutting zoning district . . . . § 401, City Zoning Code. The Grovenor Ordinance applies to property that is zoned G/I. The City's and Intervenors' witnesses testified that it applies only if G/I-zoned property ceases to be used for governmental or institutional purposes and is used instead for residential purposes. However, from the language of the ordinance itself, it is beyond fair debate that it also applies to G/I-zoned property that is used both for government or institutional uses and for ancillary residential uses. Clearly, without a FLUM change to a higher-density residential zoning category, in Coconut Grove the residential use on the Site would be restricted to the zoning classification of the "least intense abutting zoning district." Since it pertains to zoning, the Grovenor Ordinance does not directly apply to the issue of whether a FLUM amendment is "in compliance." However, it has some bearing on the proper interpretation and application of the "pyramid concept" of the MCNP's future land use designations, which is important to the issues for determination in this case. The Pyramid Concept The City and the Intervenors rely heavily on their interpretation of the MCNP's pyramid concept of cumulative future land use designations to support the FLUM Amendment in this case. According to them, the FLUM Amendment is compatible with surrounding land uses because high-density multi-family residential use already is a permitted use as a matter of right for land designated "Major Institutional." Similarly, they maintain that, under the "pyramid" concept, high-density multi- family residential use is permitted as a matter of right in all of the commercially designated land in Coconut Grove. But it is beyond fair debate that their interpretation of the "pyramid concept" is incorrect. As indicated, the "'pyramid concept' of cumulative inclusion" applies "except as otherwise noted." In the Major Institutional future land use category, it is noted that residential facilities with densities equivalent to "High Density Multifamily Residential" (i.e., up to 150 units per acre) are permitted only if "ancillary" to the listed major institutional uses. Similarly, in the General Commercial future land use category, it is noted that high-density residential uses "are allowed by Special Exception only, upon finding that the proposed site's proximity to other residentially zoned property makes it a logical extension or continuation of existing residential development and that adequate services and amenities exist in the adjacent area to accommodate the needs of potential residents." If the "pyramid concept" authorized high- density multi-family residential use as a matter of right on land designated either Major Institutional or General Commercial, there would be no reason to limit those uses by notation. Under the correct interpretation of the "pyramid concept" in the MCNP, free-standing high-density multi-family residential use of up to 150 units per acre is not already permitted as of right in either the Major Institutional or the General Commercial land use categories. Compatibility Notwithstanding the correct interpretation of the "pyramid concept" in the MCNP, the Petitioners failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that High Density Multi Family Residential future land use on the Site is incompatible with the surrounding uses or is inappropriate. The lower density residential and other less intense future land uses in the MCNP are buffered from the Site by Biscayne Bay and by Medium Density Multifamily Residential future land use. Vizcaya is buffered from the Site by Mercy Hospital and related medical facilities and by La Salle High School. The compatibility of a specific density of residential development on the Site with less dense residential use in Coconut Grove and with Vizcaya, including issues regarding building height and intrusion into Vizcaya's view corridors, can be addressed through zoning and MUSP proceedings. Data and Analysis Data and analysis is another matter. Because of their incorrect interpretation of the "pyramid concept" in the MCNP, the City and the Intervenors took the position that the FLUM Amendment constitutes "down-planning" and that the City was not required to perform the same level of analysis as it would have if the amendment sought a designation that permitted uses of greater impact, density, and/or intensity. The experts disagreed on whether "down-planning" is a concept in land use planning that can eliminate or minimize the requirement for data and analysis. In any event, the FLUM Amendment in this case could not be characterized as "down- planning." See Findings 57-59, supra. The MCNP's pyramid concept does not dispense with the need for data and analysis, and the data and analysis in this case was minimal and inadequate. The primary data and analysis in this case was the "Analysis for Land Use Change Request" (Analysis) that resulted from the City staff's review. After identifying the proposed land use designation and the uses permitted on it the Analysis recommended "Approval" of the FLUM Amendment and made four findings in support of "the position that the existing land use pattern in this neighborhood should be changed. These findings are as follows: It is found that the subject property is part of the Mercy Hospital and do [sic] not front South Miami Avenue. It is found that the "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation & Utilities" category allows 150 residential units per acre and the requested "High Density Multifamily Residential" designation will allow a maximum density of 150 residential units per acre. It is found that the requested change to "High-Density Multifamily Residential" designation will allow greater flexibility in developing the property at the above described location and therefore should be changed as part of the MUSP. It is found that MCNP Goal LU-1 maintains a land use pattern that (1) protects and enhances the quality of life in the city's residential neighborhoods, and (5) promotes the efficient use of land and minimizes land use conflicts. Id. (Emphasis in original.) As to the City’s third finding, a particular developer's flexibility is irrelevant to the determination of whether the land use change is consistent with the MCNP. To the extent that flexibility in general could be relevant to the inquiry, the finding was incorrect. While allowing a free- standing high-density residential project that would not otherwise be possible, the FLUM Amendment eliminates all of the non-residential uses permitted within the "Major Institutional" category. The second finding was based on the City's incorrect interpretation of the "pyramid concept" of the MCNP, which led the City to wrongly equate a primary use with an ancillary use and to simply assume no population increase would result from the FLUM Amendment, and that the FLUM Amendment would result in "down-planning." Attached to the City's Analysis was a separate "Concurrency Management Analysis," which addressed in summary form the data and analysis generated by the applicant and by the City's staff to address the "impact of [the] proposed amendment to land use map within a transportation corridor." The "Concurrency Management Analysis" also was predicated on the assumption that the FLUM change to HD Residential would not increase population. Essentially, it assumed without any data or analysis that infrastructure was available for 1,008 people living on the Site, even though the Site is being used as a parking lot at this time. This data and analysis was inadequate to support the FLUM Amendment. As to transportation, there was additional evidence of a traffic analysis performed by the City in support of the Project’s MUSP. This MUSP traffic analysis utilized a proper starting point of zero population on the Site at this time. It then projected the impact of the addition of 300 units. This was more than the 225 units ultimately approved in the MUSP but did not analyze the much larger potential increases in traffic that would be allowed under the FLUM Amendment, which is not limited to 300 units. There also was no data or analysis to show that limiting the analysis to 300 units was reasonable. It also only looked two years into the future. The MUSP traffic analysis also did not address the 2005 EAR finding that Bayshore Drive will be at level of service F by year 2025, without even any development on the Site. In short, the MUSP traffic analysis was inadequate to support the FLUM Amendment. The City and Intervenor took the position that the designation of the entire City as an urban infill area meant that every parcel is appropriate for high-density multi-family residential development. This is not correct. It is still necessary to look at comprehensive plan to determine which areas are appropriate for that kind of future land use and to have data and analysis to support it. See Payne et al. v. City of Miami et al., 32 Fla. L. Weekly D1885, *10-13 (Fla. 3d DCA Aug. 8, 2007) (on motion for rehearing). For these reasons, the Petitioners proved by a preponderance of the evidence that the data and analysis supporting the FLUM Amendment were inadequate. Inconsistency with City's Comprehensive Plan The Petitioners failed to prove beyond fair debate that the FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with any MCNP goals, objectives, or policies. State Comprehensive Plan Petitioners did not prove that the FLUM Amendment at issue is inconsistent with the State Comprehensive Plan.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administration Commission enter a final order that the FLUM Amendment adopted by City of Miami Ordinance 12911 is not "in compliance," as defined by Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of July, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of July, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: Barbara Leighty, Clerk Transportation and Economic Development Policy Unit The Capitol, Room 1801 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Jason Gonzalez, General Counsel Office of the Governor The Capitol, Suite 209 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney City of Miami Miami Riverside Center, Suite 945 444 Southwest 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33130-1910 Patrick J. Goggins, Esquire Patrick J. Goggins, P.A. Sun Trust Building, Suite 850 777 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131-2811 John Charles Lukacs, Esquire John C. Lukacs, P.A. 201 Sevilla Avenue, Suite 305 Coral Gables, Florida 33134-6616 H. Ray Allen, II, Esquire Carlton Fields, P.A. Post Office Box 3239 Tampa, Florida 33601-3239 Stephen J. Darmody, Esquire Shook, Hardy & Bacon, LLP Miami Center - Suite 2400 201 South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33131-4339 Lewis W. Fishman, Esquire Lewis W. Fishman, P.A. Two Datran Center, Suite 1121 9130 South Dadeland Boulevard Miami, Florida 33156-7848 John K. Shubin, Esquire Shubin & Bass, P.A. 46 Southwest First Street, Third Floor Miami, Florida 33130-1610

Florida Laws (5) 163.3177163.3180163.3184163.3187163.3245 Florida Administrative Code (1) 9J-5.005
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-006338GM Latest Update: Jun. 02, 1989

Findings Of Fact Parties Petitioners Austin, Houston, and Dorn all reside in the City of Cocoa (Cocoa or City). Petitioners Hendry both reside in Cocoa. The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is the state land planning agency under the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes (the Act). Cocoa is located entirely within Brevard County, which is within the jurisdiction of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council (the Regional Planning Council). The resident population of Cocoa is presently about 18,000 persons. The City encompasses over 4500 acres and abuts the Indian River, which is also identified as the Indian River Lagoon. Preparation of Proposed Plan By Ordinance 6-86, which was adopted on March 25, 1986, the Cocoa City Council designated the Cocoa Planning and Zoning Board as the local planning agency under the Act. The Planning and Zoning Board thereby became responsible for preparing the Cocoa comprehensive plan required by the Act (the Plan), conducting public hearings on the Plan, and recommending the Plan to City Council for adoption. In February, 1987, Cocoa entered into a contract with the Regional Planning Council for assistance in preparing the Plan. Pursuant to the contract, the Regional Planning Council drafted all elements of the Plan except the Potable Water Subelement of the Public Facilities Element and related portions of the Capital Improvements Element, which CH2M Hill prepared; the Wastewater Subelement of the Public Facilities Element and related portions of the Capital Improvements Element, which Camp, Dresser and McKee prepared; and the Solid Waste Subelement of the Public Facilities Element and related portions of the Capital Improvements Element, which the City prepared. On November 7, 1987, a 4 1/4" by 3" display advertisement in the Florida Today newspaper announced that Cocoa had begun to prepare an update of its comprehensive plan in conformance with the 1985 Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Act. The advertisement stated that the preparation of the update "will have the effect of regulating the use of lands within the municipal limits of the City of Cocoa." The advertisement advised that copies of documents prepared during the updating process would be on file in the City's Community Improvement Department. The advertisement added that the public would be informed of public meetings through the news media and bulletins posted at City Hall. The Florida Today newspaper is a standard-sized newspaper of general paid circulation in Brevard County and of general interest and readership in Cocoa. The newspaper is published at least five times a week. All advertisements described herein appeared in the Florida Today newspaper and adequately identified the location of the advertised meeting or documents. On November 17, 1987, a 1 1/4" by 2 3/4" classified-type advertisement announced a meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board on November 18, 1987, at 5:15 p.m. for the purpose of discussing preliminary drafts of the Traffic Circulation and Recreation and Open Space Elements of the Plan. The advertisement stated that copies of the relevant documents could be obtained from the Community Improvement Department. On November 18, 1987, the Planning and Zoning Board conducted a public hearing on the Traffic Circulation and Recreation and Open Space Elements. On November 28, 1987, a 1 1/4" by 2 3/4" classified-type advertisement announced a meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board on December 2, 1987, at 5:15 p.m. for the purpose of discussing preliminary drafts of the Housing and Conservation Elements of the Plan. The advertisement stated that copies of the relevant documents could be obtained from the Community Improvement Department. On December 2, 1987, the Planning and Zoning Board conducted a public hearing on the Housing and Conservation Elements. There is some evidence to suggest that discussion of the Conservation Element was carried over to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board on December 9, 1987. On January 9, 1988, a 1 1/4" by 2 3/4" classified-type advertisement announced a meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board on January 13, 1988, at 5:15 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the Drainage Subelement of the Public Facilities Element and the Coastal Management Element. The advertisement stated that copies of the relevant documents could be obtained from the Community Improvement Department. On January 13, 1988, the Planning and Zoning Board conducted a public hearing on the Drainage Subelement of the Public Facilities Element and the Coastal Management Element. On February 25, 1988, a 1 1/4" by 5 3/4" classified-type advertisement announced meetings of the Planning and Zoning Board on March 9, 1988, at 5:15 p.m. and the City Council on March 22, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of hearing all interested persons on the Future Land Use and Capital Improvements Elements of the Plan. The advertisement stated that copies of relevant documents could be obtained from the Community Improvement Department. The record is unclear as to whether these meetings took place, although the Planning and Zoning Board met on March 23, 1988, and discussed the Future Land Use, Intergovernmental, and "Capital Facilities" Elements, as well as the "Sanitary Sewer" Subelement of the Public Facilities Element. On March 28, 1988, a 4 1/4" by 3" display advertisement described the planning process in the same manner as did the November 7 display advertisement. The March 28 advertisement announced that the Planning and Zoning Board and City Council would hold joint workshops on March 29, 30, and 31, 1988, at 5:15 p.m. to discuss "public facilities, coastal management, housing, transportation, recreation and open space, intergovernmental coordination, capital improvement and future land use elements." The advertisement stated that copies of relevant documents could be obtained from the Community Improvement Department. The record is unclear as to whether these meetings took place as scheduled, although, at minimum, it appears that the March 29 meeting took place. On April 23, 1988, at 5:15 p.m., the Planning and Zoning Board commenced a special meeting with the following persons present: six members and the chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board, four members of the City Council and the Mayor, the City Manager and Assistant City Manager, the Community Improvement Administrator, a City planner, and four representatives of the Regional Planning Council. The purpose of the meeting was to consider the Future Land Use, Traffic Circulation, Housing, Public Facilities, Coastal Management, Conservation, Recreation and Open Space, Intergovernmental Coordination, and Capital Improvements Elements of the Plan. The Future Land Use Element was unavailable, so the City Council postponed the discussion of this element until a later date. At the April 13 meeting, Rochelle Lawandales, the Community Improvement Administrator, stated that no formal action would be taken at the workshop, but that the Plan would go before the City Council on April 26, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. during a public hearing. At the conclusion of the April 26 hearing, the City Council would be expected to authorize staff to submit the Plan to DCA. The April 13 meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. On April 19, 1988, at 5:15 p.m., the Planning and Zoning Board began a special meeting with largely the same persons who attended the April 13 meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map. The discussion culminated in the consensus that the Planning and Zoning Board would recommend that the City Council transmit the Plan to DCA. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Transmittal of Proposed Plan to DCA On April 19, 1988, a 6 1/2" by 10 1/2" display advertisement with a large-type headline appeared on page 5 of Section B of the newspaper. The advertisement, which was in the form prescribed by Section 163.3184(15)(c), Florida Statutes, announced that the City Council proposed to change the use of land within the City and that on April 26, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. the City Council would conduct a public hearing on the Plan proposed to be sent to DCA (Proposed Plan). The advertisement contained a large map of Cocoa with major street names indicated, listed the nine major elements of the Proposed Plan, and advised that interested persons could submit written comments or attend the public hearing to be heard regarding the transmittal of the Proposed Plan to DCA. The advertisement stated that the City Council would not give final approval to changes proposed at the hearing, which was described as part of the process designed to lead to the eventual adoption of the Plan. On April 26, 1988, the City Council conducted a public hearing. Following receipt of public comment, which was relatively limited, Mayor Dollye Robinson closed the public hearing, and the City Council unanimously approved Resolution No. 88-17, which authorizes the transmittal of the Proposed Plan to DCA. On May 1, 1988, DCA received the City of Cocoa-- Comprehensive Plan, which consists of two volumes. Volume I is Background Analysis. Volume II is Goals, Objectives, and Policies. DCA also received a document containing population estimates for Cocoa and an Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR), dated April, 1988, assessing the performance of the Cocoa comprehensive plan adopted under the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975. (The Proposed Plan and Plan are unrelated to the comprehensive plan assessed in the EAR.) On May 8, 1988, a 4 1/4" by 3" display advertisement announced that the Proposed Plan and supporting documentation were available for review at the public library and city hall. Proposed Plan: Goals, Objectives, and Policies General The Act requires that each comprehensive plan contain eight or nine major elements: Capital Improvements; Future Land Use; Traffic Circulation; Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water, and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge (identified as the Public Facilities Element in the Proposed Plan and Plan); Conservation; Recreation and Open Space; Housing; Intergovernmental Coordination; and, if applicable, Coastal Management. Each element comprises goals, objectives, and policies, which respectively represent long-term ends, criteria by which progress toward the goals can be measured, and programs and activities by which the goals are to be achieved. The goals, objectives, and policies in the Proposed Plan are largely carried over to the Plan. Future Land Use Element and Map The Proposed Plan contains two objectives under the Future Land Use Element. They are: Objective 1.1: Future growth and development will be managed through the preparation, adop- tion, implementation and enforcement of land development regulations. Objective 1.2: Future development and redevel- opment activities shall be directed in appro- priate areas as depicted on the Future Land Use Map, consistent with sound planning principles, minimal natural constraints, and the goals, objectives, and policies provided in the . . . Plan. Policy 1.1 of the Future Land Use Element provides in part: The City will adopt land development regula- tions that shall contain specific and detailed provisions required to implement the . . . Plan and which: * * * Regulate the use of land and water consis- tent with this element and ensure the compati- bility of adjacent land uses and provide for open space; Protect the wetland areas identified in the conservation element and future land use element; Regulate areas subject to seasonal and periodic flooding and provide for drainage and stormwater management; * * * H) Provide that development orders and permits shall not be issued which would result in a reduction of the adopted level of service standards. The Future Land Use Map, which is part of the Proposed Plan, depicts eight land use categories: low-, medium-, and high-density residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, open space and recreational, and activity center. Policy 1.2 specifies a maximum density of seven units per acre for low- density residential and 15 units per acre for medium-density residential. The Future Land Use Map in the Proposed Plan depicts four large parcels as open space. These are north of Michigan Avenue, just west of U.S. Route 1; south of Michigan Avenue, just west of U.S. Route 1; north and west of the intersection of Michigan Avenue and Range Road; and east of the north end of Range Road and west of the largest unincorporated enclave surrounded by the City. According to the two Existing Land Use Maps contained in the Background Analysis, which is described in Paragraphs 47-67 below, the four large parcels designated as open space on the Future Land Use Map are wetlands, except for a small strip that is probably a park and is described further in Paragraph 127 below. The four open spaces constitute nearly all of the existing wetlands in the City. Neither the Future Land Use Map in the Proposed Plan nor either of the Existing Land Use Maps in the Background Analysis depicts any historical resources. Housing Element The Housing Element of the Proposed Plan contains the following provisions with respect to historic properties: Objective 3.1.4: Housing designated histori- cally significant will continue to be preserved and protected, and the quality of existing homes and neighborhoods will be maintained or improved. Policy Assist owners of designated historically significant housing to apply for and utilize state and federal assistance programs. Policy The City will aid in the identification of historically significant housing and structures. Public Facilities Element The Public Facilities Element of the Proposed Plan provides the following level of service standards for drainage: design storm event--five year frequency/24-hour duration event; on-site stormwater management--retention of first one inch of rainfall runoff or, with respect to drainage areas under 100 acres with under 80% impervious surface, retention of first one-half inch of runoff; stormwater quantity--no greater than pre-development stormwater runoff flow rates, quantities, peaks, and velocities; and stormwater quality--no degradation of existing water quality condition in receiving water bodies. The Drainage Subelement of the Public Facilities Element of the Proposed Plan contains seven objectives. Three of the objectives focus upon floodplains and wetlands: Objective 4.3.5: To reduce existing flooding problems and to prevent additional flooding problems from being created as a result of future development. Objective 4.3.6: To ensure the protection and preservation of existing wetlands as viable components of the City's surface water management systems, to include the establish- ment or maintenance of desirable hydroperiods, water quality conditions, and natural ecosystems. Objective 4.3.7: To ensure that proper and adequate surface water management facilities are provided in response to identified needs. Several policies under Objectives 4.3.5, 4.3.6, and 4.3.7 describe the data still needed by the City to determine its drainage needs and the means by which Cocoa intends to attain the overall goals of the subelement: Policy Efforts will be undertaken to eliminate existing points of direct stormwater discharge into receiving surface waterbodies, where possible, based on the following procedure: engineering studies will be initiated for the purpose of identifying the comparative nonpoint pollution impacts of each direct discharge point, and determining relative priorities for corrective actions (or "retrofit" projects) to be undertaken, based on the extent of-- --adverse impacts on entire receiving waterbody --system retrofitting required to eliminate or minimize the adverse impacts --projected benefits to be accomplished --overall implementation feasibility facility design studies will be initiated for those direct discharge points determined to have the highest priority. The estimated costs of individual corrective action projects will be included as components of the Capital Improvements Program. Policy Drainage needs assessment investigations will be initiated for areas within the City which have been identified as experiencing flooding problems, for the purpose of identifying actions necessary to alleviate the problems. Policy Based on the findings of the drainage needs assessment investigations, engineering studies will be initiated to develop solutions to the identified flooding problems, with the cost estimates being included in the Capital Improvements Program. Policy Public infrastructure improvements that encourage the development of wetlands will be avoided except in the case of overriding public interest, with appropriate measures being taken to discourage development in affected wetland areas. Policy The City will review its land development and zoning ordinances, regulations and standards with the intent being to remove any requirements which might encourage develop- ment in wetland areas. Policies and promise an inventory of Cocoa's surface water management system followed by an engineering study of the system components to identify the extent of excess or deficient surface water flow or storage capacity. The final policy in this subelement states: Policy Flood control for new develop- ment will be accomplished through the limita- tion of fill in the 100-year floodplain. In cases where there are no alternatives to fill in the floodplain, compensatory storage for such fill will be provided through excavation in adjacent upland areas (above the 100-year floodplain) of a volume equivalent to the loss of storage within the 100-year floodplain resulting from the placement of fill, where such compensatory storage can be accomplished in an environmentally sound and economically feasible manner. Coastal Management Element The Coastal Management Element of the Proposed Plan does not refer to coastal wetlands or historic resources. It does not contain any analysis of the effects on estuarine water quality of existing drainage systems and nonpoint source pollution such as that carried by stormwater runoff. Conservation Element The Conservation Element of the Proposed Plan contains nine subelements. Several of these subelements contain objectives or policies addressing wetlands, floodplains, and stormwater drainage. The Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat Subelement of the Conservation Element provides: Policy 6.4.2: Areas of natural habitat within the 100 year floodplain shall be given priority consideration in the identification of lands which address passive recreational demand and open space objectives. Policy 6.4.3: In order to reduce the adverse consequences of floodplain development and simultaneously encourage the conservation of natural habitat, the City's Flood Damage Prevention ordinance shall be amended to discourage construction in the floodplain by requiring the provision of compensatory storage for fill placed within the floodplain. Policy 6.4.7: The City shall not approve any development which would significantly and adversely alter the ecological functions of freshwater wetlands or deepwater habitat. Ecological functions include: (a) provision of wildlife and fisheries habitat; (b) main- tenance of in-stream flows and lake levels during periods of high and/or low rainfall; (c) erosion control; and (d) water quality enhancement. The Fisheries and Estuarine Habitat Subelement of the Conservation Element provides: Objective 6.5: The City shall protect the ecological well being of the Indian River Lagoon from adverse activities or impacts, so as to maintain or enhance the abundance and diversity of estuarine habitat and species. Policy 6.5.2: The city shall establish site design standards and regulations for the control of stormwater runoff to insure the adequate treatment of stormwater from all new development or redevelopment prior to its discharge to surface waters. Policy 6.5.3: The City shall take steps to identify means for reducing the volume of untreated stormwater discharged to surface waters, and shall develop a program to take corrective action, to the greatest extent feasible. The Water Quality Protection Subelement of the Conservation Element contains similar provisions with respect to the control of stormwater runoff and development of corrective programs. The Floodplain Management Subelement of the Conservation Element states: Objective 6.8: The City shall protect the flood storage and conveyance functions of the 100 year floodplain. Policy 6.8.1: In order to reduce the adverse consequences of floodplain development and simultaneously encourage the conservation of natural habitat, the City's Flood Damage Prevention ordinance shall be amended to discourage construction in the floodplain by requiring the provision of compensatory storage for fill placed within the floodplain. Policy 6.8.2: Developers shall be encouraged to incorporate those portions of sites which are within the 100 year floodplain as open space preservation. Policy 6.8.3: The City shall promote wetlands preservation and non-structural floodplain management by encouraging the use of isolated wetlands as detention areas, where such use is consistent with good engineering practice and does not significantly degrade the ecological value of wetlands. Pre-treatment of stormwater runoff by diversion of the "first flush" shall be required prior to discharge to wetland detention areas. Policy 6.8.4: The City shall encourage public and private agencies . . . in acquiring floodplains. Recreation and Open Space Element The Recreation and Open Space Element of the Proposed Plan provides: Goal 7.2: Ensure the conservation of open space areas in the City to provide aesthe- tically pleasing buffer areas, to serve as wildlife habitats, to act as groundwater recharge areas, to give definition to the urban area, and to enhance and promote natural resources. Policy Designate conservation areas within the City as part of the future land use map in order to preserve open space and fulfill objectives discussed in this element and the Conservation Element. Capital Improvements Element The Capital Improvements Element of the Proposed Plan provides: Objective 9.1: The Capital Improvements Element will establish adopted levels of service for public facilities and capital improvement projects which the City will undertake. The Five-Year Schedule of Improvements will identify projects which a) meet existing deficiencies; b) provide repair or replacement of existing facilities; [and] c) accommodate desired future growth. Objective 9.2: All land use decisions which impact the Capital Improvements Element or Future Land Use Element will be coordinated by the City Manager, or his designee, in conjunction with the City's Planning and Zoning Board, and approved by City Council. Objective 9.3: Annual review of the Capital Improvements Element will be included in the City's budget process. As part of this review the Finance Department shall be responsible for: (1) addressing the fiscal impact of capital improvement projects on revenue and expenditures, and (2) updating the fiscal assessment section of the Capital Improvements Element. Objective 9.4: Public facility improvements that are needed to support new growth will maintain adopted levels of service. Improve- ments to public facilities which result from the impact of new development will require equitable cost participation by the developer. Policy 9.4.1: The City Manager shall initiate impact analysis of proposed development projects to determine the impact of the development on the City's fiscal operations and LOS [i.e., levels of service] for public facilities. Objective 9.5: The City will not approve development which requires public facility improvements that exceed the City's ability to provide these in accordance with the adopted LOS standards. Policy 9.5.1: Before a development is approved, the City Manager or his designee will determine that any needed public facility improvements do not exceed the City's funding capacity. Policy 9.5.2: Development approved prior to the adoption of this Plan which requires improvements to public facilities will be included in the Five-Year Schedule of Improvements with a funding priority designation. The Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements in the Proposed Plan includes only four projects: ongoing resurfacing and repair of roads, possible four-laning one specific road, expanding the wastewater treatment plant, and extensive, detailed work to the potable water system. I. Monitoring and Evaluation Provisions regarding Monitoring and Evaluation follow the goals, objectives, and policies in Volume II of the City of Cocoa--Comprehensive Plan. Concerning the public participation requirement, this section states in relevant part: In cases in which the proposed ordinance deals with more than five percent (5%) of the total land area of the municipality the council shall provide for public notice and hearings as follows: The council shall hold two (2) advertised public hearings on the proposed ordinance. Both hearings shall be held after 5:00 p.m. on a weekday and the first shall be held approxi- mately seven (7) days after the day that the first advertisement is published. The second hearing shall be held approximately two (2) weeks after the first hearing and shall be advertised approximately five (5) days prior to the public hearing. The day, time and place at which the second public hearing will be held shall be announced at the first public hearing. [This section is virtually identical to the language contained in Section 163.3184(15)(c), Florida Statutes.] [This section allows notice by mailing instead of advertising.] (Laws of Fla., Ch. 59-1186, Art. V, Section 9; Ord. No. 4-80, Section, [sic] 4-8-80) Proposed Plan: Background Analysis Future Land Use Element and Map The Future Land Use Element of the Background Analysis explains the purpose of the Future Land Use Map: The future location and distribution of land use are shown on the Future Land Use map. This map identifies appropriate types of land uses if all vacant land were to be utilized within the ten year planning horizon. Once the Future Land Use map is adopted, all development regulations in effect subsequent to its adoption must be consistent with it. Land development regulations in particular, shall rely on the map for their rational basis. (Future Land Use Element, Background Analysis, p. 1-3.) The Future Land Use Element of the Background Analysis states that the existing land use in Cocoa in 1987 includes about 389 acres of wetlands, or 8.6%, out of a total of 4520 acres. (Future Land Use Element, Background Analysis, Table 1-2.) Public Facilities Element The Drainage Subelement of the Public Facilities Element of the Background Analysis describes Cocoa's drainage as flowing equally into two waterbodies: the Indian River Lagoon on the east and the St. Johns River on the west. Of the five main drainage areas within Cocoa, three are part of the Indian River Lagoon Watershed and two are part of the St. Johns River Watershed. The map of Drainage Areas/Facilities, which is part of the Drainage Subelement, depicts each of the five drainage areas. Drainage Area III is bounded on the east by the high relict dune line just east of U.S. Route 1, on the west by Clearlake Road, on the south by Dixon Boulevard, and on the north by a low ridgeline in the vicinity of Industrial Park Road. Drainage Area III encompasses the wetlands bisected by Michigan Avenue, just west of U.S. Route 1. These wetlands, which are about 3000 feet from the Indian River, are part of a series of linear marshes running north-south and representing the "major repository" of stormwater drainage from contributing portions of Drainage Area The Background Analysis reports that these marshes function effectively as a surface water management area. Although on the landward side of the dune line, Drainage Area III is within the Indian River Lagoon Watershed because excess water in the area reverse flows into the lagoon during periods of very wet weather. According to the map of Vegetative Cover and Wildlife in the Background Analysis, seagrasses cover either the southeastern portion of the open space/wetlands south of Michigan Avenue or the adjacent land designated as medium-density residential. Noting historical encroachment on these wetlands, the Background Analysis concludes that continued encroachment will reduce the size of the storage capacity and increase the likelihood of outflow into the Indian River Lagoon. Drainage Area IV includes the wetlands found between the north end of Range Road and the largest unincorporated enclave within the City. These wetlands, which drain into the St. Johns River, are the site of Little Mud Lake. According to the Water Quality Protection Subelement of the Background Analysis, Little Mud Lake is largely a willow marsh with little or no open water. What water remains is probably of poor quality. However, the Background Analysis observes that the lack of adequate water quality data for all waterbodies in the City is itself a problem. Drainage Area V includes the largest contiguous wetlands within the City, which is the area north and west of the intersection of Michigan Avenue and Range Road. This area, which drains into the St. Johns River, surrounds Big Mud Lake, whose water quality is probably in poor condition, according to the Background Analysis. The Drainage Subelement of the Background Analysis acknowledges that the surface drainage systems for Cocoa have not been comprehensively inventoried since June, 1968. However, Drainage Area III is known to contribute about 29% of the stormwater runoff-generated pollutant loadings from the City to the Indian River Lagoon in the vicinity of the City. Although the wetlands serve as natural treatment and storage units, "[t]he continued loss of wetland areas will result in a corresponding decline in the overall effectiveness of the remaining wetlands to remove pollutants." (Drainage Subelement, Background Analysis, p. 4-30.) By way of comparison, Drainage III loads the Indian River Lagoon in the vicinity of the City with more than double the poundage of suspended solids than does the Jerry Sellers wastewater treatment plant in Cocoa. As to Drainage Area V, the Drainage Subelement warns that the salutary effect of Big Mud Lake, which serves as a natural treatment unit for stormwater pollutants, will be lost once the lake reaches its assimilative capacity to absorb or fix incoming loads of pollutants. According to the Water Quality Subelement of the Background Analysis, Big Mud Lake is probably eutrophic and "reduction of stormwater pollution . . . is probably the only means to restore [it]." (Water Quality Protection Subelement, Background Analysis, p. 6-62.) The Drainage Subelement concludes, however, that the impact of stormwater runoff-generated loadings is not expected to increase significantly and may even be reduced due to stormwater treatment requirements and stormwater retrofitting projects. However, existing stormwater treatment facilities serve only about 5.5% of the land area within the City, which depends heavily upon existing natural treatment systems for the management and control of stormwater problems. The Drainage Subelement offers 13 recommendations. Four of the first five recommendations suggest an inventory of existing stormwater drainage systems, evaluation of the effectiveness of current strategies, and projection of the impact of future growth on flow volumes. The fourth recommendation reads: Efforts should be undertaken to ensure the protection and preservation of existing wetlands in Drainage Areas #3, 4 and 5, with a priority being placed on the wetlands in Drainage Area #3. Applicable actions include modifications to existing zoning classifica- tions and provisions, land development regu- lations, stormwater, runoff treatment requirements, and other regulatory measures, as well as the possible acquisition of conservation or drainage easements in the wetland areas. (Drainage Subelement, Background Analysis, p. 4-37 and 4-38.) The Floodplain Management Subelement of the Conservation Element of the Background Analysis defines floodplains as those areas that become inundated by water on a recurring basis. The 100 year floodplain is an area that stands a 1% chance in any year that it will be subject to such inundation. The subelement notes that the addition of fill in the floodplains may raise flood elevations to an extent that flooding results to structures previously thought to be outside the floodplain. According to the Floodplain Management Subelement, 745 acres or 16% of the area of the City is located within the 100 year floodplain. Only 66 acres or about 9% of these floodplains are currently developed. Wetlands occupy 120 acres or 16.1% of the 100 year floodplain in the City. In assessing the future needs of Cocoa with respect to floodplains, the Floodplain Management Subelement expressly assumes that the "areas currently supporting open water or wetlands are clearly safe from development." (Floodplain Management Subelement, Background Analysis, p. 6-72.) This subelement concerns itself with the "several adverse consequences" of the development of the remaining 510 acres of undeveloped wetland upland within the 100 year floodplain. The Background Analysis warns that development within the 100 year floodplain "would be dependent upon the proper functioning of all drainage systems needed to overcome soils limitations" or else less severe storm events might result in recurrent flooding. Id. The Floodplains Subelement concludes that adverse consequences, such as flooding existing homes, can best be avoided by "limiting any development which requires the placement of fill" and encouraging the use of nonwetland upland floodplains as open space. Again concerning itself exclusively with nonwetland uplands within the 100 year floodplain, the subelement recommends "minimal development, such as very low density single family homes," to avoid future infrastructure problems due to flooding existing structures. (Floodplain Management Subelement, Background Analysis, p. 6-73.) Recreation and Open Space Element The Recreation and Open Space Element of the Background Analysis acknowledges that lands designated as open space may include wetlands. Conservation Element The Fisheries and Estuarine Subelement of the Conservation Element describes the Indian River Lagoon as a tidal estuary, whose brackish waters are an important resource for commercial and recreational fishing. The subelement notes that considerable amounts of seagrass cover have been lost, presumably due to human-induced environmental changes. One of the causes of the loss of seagrasses, which are a crucial component in the ecological food web of the estuary, is the discharge of inadequately treated stormwater. The Fisheries and Estuarine Subelement concludes that the pollutant discharges, which include stormwater, must be "reversed" if the estuarine resources are to be "maintained." The subelement contains a recommendation that existing drainage systems be improved and projects feasible only through dredging and filling of wetlands be prohibited, except for projects of overriding public interest. (Fisheries and Estuarine Subelement, Background Analysis, p. 6-50.) Coastal Management Element The Coastal Resources Subelement of the Coastal Management Element of the Background Analysis defines the coastal area for the subelement as the entire City. (Coastal Resources Subelement, Background Analysis, p. 5-5.) The subelement reports that shellfish were once harvested commercially through the entire Indian River Lagoon. However, due to the effects of urban and agricultural development, shellfish harvesting in the lagoonal waters adjacent to Cocoa is either restricted or prohibited. The subelement notes that the manatee, which is the only endangered mammal regularly inhabiting the Indian River, suffers from the loss of seagrasses, upon which the manatee grazes. The Coastal Resources Subelement states that the Indian River Lagoon receives little tidal flushing due to its distance from Sebastian Inlet. Thus, whatever pollutants are discharged into the lagoon remain indefinitely. In general, the water quality of the lagoon, according to one source cited in the Background Analysis, ranges from fair to poor. According to another source cited in the Background Analysis, the water quality is poor. The subelement reports that, by November, 1988, Cocoa was projected to complete the expansion of the Jerry Sellers wastewater treatment plant, whose effluent flows into the lagoon. The expansion was to increase the capacity of the plant by 80% of its present capacity. (Coastal Resources Subelement, Background Analysis, p. 5-10.) The Coastal Resources Subelement discloses that the Indian River Lagoons Field Committee was commissioned in 1985 to assist in the preparation of an integrated management plan for the lagoon, which extends over 156 miles through five counties and 40 municipalities. One of the committee's general recommendations is that local governments should include in their comprehensive plans the committee's recommendations for floodplain and critical area protection. (Coastal Resources Subelement, Background Analysis, p. 5-34.) Objections, Recommendations, and Comments of DCA Findings of Other Agencies Upon receipt of the Proposed Plan and supporting documents, DCA distributed them to various state, regional, and local agencies for comment, as part of the intergovernmental review process mandated by Section 163.3184(4) and (5), Florida Statutes. The Act gives these agencies 45 days within which to send their comments to DCA, which has an additional 45 days within which to transmit its objections, recommendations, and comments (ORC) to the local government submitting the plan. In the present case, DCA received responses from the Divisions of State Lands and Resource Management of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR); Comprehensive Planning Division of Brevard County; Regional Planning Council; Bureau of Historic Preservation of the Division of Historical Resources of the Department of State (the Department of State); Planning Department of the St. Johns River Water Management District (the Water Management District); Bureaus of Air Quality, Wastewater Management and Grants, Groundwater Protection, and Waste Planning and Regulation and Sections of Coastal Management and Drinking Water of the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER); Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; and District 5-- Division of Planning and Programming of the Department of Transportation. DNR commented upon Policy 1.1.C, which as noted above in Paragraph 28 above provides that the City will adopt land development regulations to protect the wetlands identified in the Conservation and Future Land Use Elements. DNR stated that the policy "needs to project a long-term land use program to insure the protection of natural resources." DNR objected that the Coastal Management Element "contains no goal or objective addressing the protection, conservation, or enhancement of remaining coastal wetlands, living marine resources, . . . wildlife habitat, or the maintenance or improvement of estuarine environmental quality." The Regional Planning Council reported that Objective 6.4 in the Conservation Element lacks policies addressing the need to protect upland habitat adjacent to regionally significant wetlands, as required by Policy 43.8 in the plan of the Regional Planning Council. In a letter signed by Secretary of State Jim Smith, the Department of State determined that the Proposed Plan was inconsistent with the historic preservation aspects of the state comprehensive plan and failed to meet the requirements of the Act "regarding the identification of known historical resources . . . and . . . establishment of policies, goals, and objectives for historic preservation." The Department of State stated that Objective 3.1.4 of the Housing Element, which is quoted in Paragraph 33 above, lacks a specific plan of action for achieving its stated goal of preserving housing designated as historically significant. The Department of State faulted the Coastal Management Element for its failure to mention historical structures or archaeological sites and the Future Land Use Element and Map for their omission of known historical resources. The Water Management District stated that the Proposed Plan is "deficient with respect to water-related goals, objectives and policies required by Chapter 9J-5." With respect to the Future Land Use Element, the Water Management District noted the absence of objectives to ensure the protection of natural resources and policies to provide for drainage and stormwater management. The Water Management District found several items missing from the Coastal Management Element. These items included an inventory of the effect of the future land uses on natural resources; objectives protecting coastal wetlands, resources, and habitats; objectives addressing estuarine environmental quality; policies limiting the impacts of development upon wetlands; and policies identifying techniques for the protection of the Indian River Lagoon. The Water Management District concluded that this element did not appear to follow the requirements of Chapter 9J-5 as closely as did the other elements of the Proposed Plan. The Water Management District also objected to the Conservation Element on the grounds that it lacked specificity for the protection of existing natural resources and time frames for the treatment of untreated stormwater discharges, fisheries, wildlife, and wildlife habitats. DER commented generally that the Proposed Plan "appears to have important weaknesses." Referring to the Future Land Use and Capital Improvements Elements, DER noted the need for a number of studies regarding drainage, but the absence of any funds allocated for this purpose. DER also commented generally that "much of the work that identified potential areas for conservation, such as mapping the areas subject to flooding and areas with poor soil suitability or wetlands, was not carefully incorporated into the Future Land Use Element." DER objected that the Future Land Use Element is not based upon analyses of the effect of development and redevelopment of flood-prone areas and the character and magnitude of existing vacant or undeveloped land to determine its suitability for use. DER stated that the Future Land Use Element insufficiently analyzes the wetlands and floodplains identified elsewhere in the Proposed Plan. Findings of DCA General On August 5, 1988, DCA mailed to Cocoa the ORC, which contained 139 objections, the above-described objections and comments of the other state, regional, and local agencies, and general background information concerning the Act and the planning process. The ORC explains that objections relate to specific requirements of the Act or Chapter 9J-5. Each objection includes a recommendation of "one approach that might be taken" to address the objection. A comment is advisory in nature and does not form the basis of a determination of noncompliance. The ORC states that the City's public participation procedures are in violation of Rule 9J-5.004(2)(c) and (e). The objections states that the procedures lack provisions to assure that the public has opportunities to provide written comments and would receive responses to their comments. The ORC recommends that the City revise the procedures to include the necessary provisions. The ORC states that the format of the goals, objectives, and policies are in violation of Rules 9J-5.003(32), (57), and (64) and 9J-5.005(6). The objection states: Goals which do not state a long-term end towards which programs or activities are directed are not acceptable. Objectives which are not measurable, not supported by the data and analysis and are stated in an unspecific, tentative and/or conditional manner are unacceptable. Policies which are tentative or conditional, or do not describe the activities, programs and land development regulations which will implement the plan, are unacceptable. The accompanying recommendation adds: A goal must be written to state a long-term desired result [citation omitted]. Objectives must be written in a way that provides specific measurable intermediate ends that mark progress toward a goal [citation omitted]. A measure such as a quantity, percentage, etc. and a definite time period for its accomplishment should be included in the objectives. Policies answer the question of "how" by specifying the clearly defined actions (programs and activities) local governments will take to achieve each objective and ultimately the identified goal [citation omitted]. If desired, local governments may choose to assign the measurability to a policy . . .. [DCA] is primarily concerned that local governments provide the basis for assessing the effectiveness of their plan. When writing objectives and policies, avoid vague words and phrases (e.g., "adequate," "sufficient," "minimize," and "adverse impacts"), terms which nullify the strength of the statement (e.g., "consider" or "encourage"), or advisory words. "Should" implies an advisory statement which is inappropriate in an adopted portion of the plan. Using the term "shall" provides direction in implementing the plan and will make later evaluation and update of the plan an effective process. . . . The use of words like "ensure" and "encourage" leaves the what and how questions unanswered. [A]n objective cannot be phrased to "maintain or improve," one or the other actions might be set as an objective, but not both. Objectives and policies which are written using phrases such as "if needed," "whenever possible" and "where feasible and appropriate," or other vague words or phrases make the statements unacceptable because the conditional criteria making them specifically operational, have not been stated. 2. Future Land Use Element and Map Included in the background information accompanying the ORC is the following statement from DCA concerning the purpose of the future land use element: The purpose of the future land use element is the designation of future land use patterns as reflected in the goals, objectives and policies of all the comprehensive plan elements. Depicting the future land use patterns on the future land use map serves to (1) anticipate and resolve land use compatibility issues, and (2) provide the information necessary to determine the needed location and capacity of public facilities. (Major Issues--Local Government Comprehensive Planning, p. 3.) The ORC contains three objections and recommendations with respect to the data and four objections and recommendations with respect to the analysis contained in the Future Land Use Element of the Background Analysis. These objections cover the failure of both Existing Land Use Maps to depict natural and historic resources, which is in violation of Rule 9J-5.006(1)(a)6. and 11. The ORC contains seven objections and recommendations with respect to the goals, objectives, and policies under the Future Land Use Element of the Proposed Plan and three objections and a comment with respect to the Future Land Use Map. Two of the objections pertain to the two objectives of the Future Land Use Element. These objections, which are recited above in Paragraph 27, generally provide for the management of future growth through the implementation of unspecified land development regulations and require the direction of future development and redevelopment into appropriate areas as depicted on the Future Land Use Map. The ORC states that these objectives are unmeasurable and unsupported by the data and analysis in the Background Analysis, which is in violation of Rule 9J-5.005(3)(b). Another objection is that the Future Land Use Element of the Proposed Plan lacks objectives addressing the requirements set forth in the following rules: Rules 9J-5.006(3)(b)1.-8. These rules require, among other things, the coordination of future land uses with the appropriate topography, soil, conditions, and availability of facilities and services; and the protection of natural and historic resources. DCA also objects in the ORC to Policy 1.1, which is recited at Paragraph 28 above and calls for land development regulations protecting wetlands and regulating areas subject to flooding, among other items. The ORC states that Policy 1.1 fails to satisfy the definition of a policy set forth in Rule 9J-5.003(64) because it fails to specify how the programs and implementation activities would be conducted. The ORC asserts that Policy 1.1 is unsupported by the necessary data and analysis, in violation of Rules 9J-5.005(1)(a)6. and 10., 9J-5.005(1)((b)3. and 4., and 9J-5.005(2)(a). The missing data and analysis include: the uses of conservation and undeveloped land; the presence on existing land use maps of wetlands and floodplains; and the availability of any facilities and services, as identified in the Drainage Subelement, to serve existing land uses. The ORC states that the Future Land Use Element lacks policies addressing the requirements set forth in Rule 9J-5.006(3)(c)3. and 8. The former subsection requires a policy addressing implementation activities directed toward providing facilities and services to meet locally established level of service standards concurrent with the impacts of development. The latter subsection requires a policy addressing implementation activities directed toward identifying, designating, and protecting historically significant properties. As to the Future Land Use Map, the ORC identifies deficiencies similar to those cited regarding the Future Land Use Element with respect to a lack of support by the data and analysis. The deficiencies in the data and analysis include the failure to show all required land use categories, including conservation and historic resources, which are required by Rule 9J-5.006(4)(a); failure to show one land use category, the redevelopment area, that is described in the text; and omission of all required natural resources, such as floodplains and wetlands, which is in violation of Rule 9J-5.006(4)(b). Noting that the legend on the Future Land Use Map states that the map is intended as an adjunct to the Plan, DCA comments that the legend should reflect that the map will be adopted as part of the Plan. 3. Housing Element One of the objections to the data underlying the Housing Element in the Background Analysis is that they do not include an inventory of historically significant housing listed in the Florida Master Site File, housing designated as historically significant by a City ordinance, or the location of the single house that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. All of this information is required by Rule 9J-5.010(1)(g). The ORC contains an objection to Objective 3.1.4, which is set forth in Paragraph 33 above. The ORC states that this objective, which promises the preservation of historically significant property, is unmeasurable. 4. Public Facilities Element The ORC sets forth six objections to the data and analysis underlying the Drainage Subelement of the Public Facilities Element of the Background Analysis. These objections point out the absence of data and analysis concerning the following items: the design capacity of the drainage facilities, which information is required by Rule 9J-5.011(1)(e)3.; the existing level of service standard provided by the drainage facilities, which information is required by Rule 9J-5.011(1)(e)5.; and the projected facility capacity, including surpluses and deficiencies, for the second increment of the planning period, which information is required by Rule 9J-5.011(1)(f)3. The ORC states that Objectives 4.3.5, 4.3.6, and 4.3.7 are unmeasurable and, as to Objectives 4.3.6 and 4.3.7, unspecific. These objectives, which are quoted in Paragraph 35 above, respectively deal with flood control, wetlands protection, and adequate surface water management facilities. The ORC is also critical of Policy, which is set forth in Paragraph 36 above and promises that the City will avoid infrastructure improvements that encourage wetlands development. DCA recommends that the Drainage Subelement show how the City will conduct the programs and implementing activities to avoid such infrastructure improvements. 5. Coastal Management Element Among the objections to the data underlying the Coastal Management Element of the Background Analysis is that the element lacks any inventory, analysis, or mapping of historic resources, which are required by Rule 9J- 5.012(2)(c). The ORC cites the failure of the Coastal Management Element to include policies addressing the requirements of Rule 9J-5.012(3)(c)1.-3., 8.-10., 13., and 14. These subsections require policies that, among other things, limit the specific impacts and cumulative impacts of development or redevelopment upon wetlands, water quality, wildlife habitat, and living marine resources; restore or enhance disturbed or degraded natural resources, including wetlands, estuaries, and drainage systems; regulate floodplains, stormwater management, and land use to reduce the risk of loss of human life and property as a result of natural hazards; protect historic resources by, among other things, identifying historic sites and establishing performance standards for the development and sensitive reuse of historic resources; and generally establish priorities for shoreline land uses. 6. Conservation Element The ORC contains an objection to Objective 6.5 of the Fisheries and Estuarine Habitat Subelement of the Conservation Element of the Proposed Plan. DCA finds this objective, which is cited in Paragraph 40 above and requires the protection of the Indian River Lagoon, to be unmeasurable and unspecific. The ORC states that the Conservation Element lacks policies to protect existing natural resources and designate environmentally sensitive lands for protection, which are required by Rule 9J-5.013(2)(c)7. and 9. 7. Capital Improvements Element The ORC notes one objection and recommendation to the data underlying the Capital Improvements Element of the Background Analysis. The objection states: Because data and analysis requirements were missing in the Drainage . . . Subelement, capital improvement needs cannot be adequately evaluated. Capital improvement needs for [this subelement] cannot be assumed to be nonexistent. The ORC states seven objections and recommendations to the analysis underlying the Capital Improvements Element of the Background Analysis. These objections generally concern a lack of information about costs and revenues. The ORC contains objections to Objectives 9.1, 9.2, and 9.7 as unmeasurable and, with respect to Objectives 9.2 and 9.7, unspecific. These objectives, which are quoted at Paragraph 44 above, deal generally with funding capital improvements required by level of service standards. The ORC cites the absence of an objective addressing the requirements of Rule 9J-5.016(3)(b)5. This rule requires an objective showing the local government's ability to provide or require the provision of the needed improvements identified in the Plan's other elements. The rule also requires an objective showing the local government's ability to manage the land development process so that the public facility needs created by previously issued development orders do not exceed the ability of the local government to fund or require the funding of capital improvements. DCA also objects to numerous policies in the Capital Improvements Element on the grounds that they are not measurable. 8. Miscellaneous DCA objects in the ORC that the Proposed Plan lacks goals, objectives, and policies that further numerous policies of the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan of the Regional Planning Council. Review of ORC and Adoption of Plan Review of ORC Within a few days after receiving the ORC from DCA, Cocoa forwarded the relevant portions of the Proposed Plan to the consultants who had prepared them for the preparation of responses and revisions. On or about August 31, Cocoa received the responses and revisions from the consultants. As noted in Paragraph 46 above, the procedures in effect at this time were those contained in Ordinance No. 4-80. On August 23, 1988, the City Council postponed until its next meeting consideration of a new ordinance establishing procedures for adopting amendments to the Proposed Plan. On August 31, 1988, a 1 1/4" by 8 1/4" classified-type advertisement announced a meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board on September 14, 1988, at 5:15 p.m. for the purpose, among other things, of recommending to the City Council changes to the nine elements of the Proposed Plan. The advertisement stated that the City Council will consider the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Board during its regularly scheduled meeting on September 27, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. The advertisement advised that the Plan documents, including the Future Land Use Map, were available for public inspection at the Community Improvement "Office." On September 1, 1988, a 6 1/2" by 10 1/2" display advertisement provided the same information as that contained in the advertisement published the prior day. The display advertisement stated: The City urges any citizen to review the Plan documents and submit written or oral comments at any time during the process. Such comments will be presented during the hearing along with response as appropriate. All citizens will be given the opportunity to review the documents, have legal notification, submit written or oral comments, and receive appropriate responses to items related to elements to be adopted by the City as the City's Comprehensive Plan. The display advertisement bore a large, boldface headline in block print, stating: "NOTICE OF CHANGE IN LAND USE." The advertisement contained a large map of the City. A 6 1/2" by 4" version of the same advertisement appeared elsewhere in the same edition of the newspaper. At the regular meeting of the City Council on September 13, 1988, Ms. Koons, on behalf of Petitioners Austin, Houston, and Dorn, complained about the limited opportunities for public participation, in part caused by the lack of current information available to the public. In response, the City Council announced the dates of September 27 and October 4, 5, or 6 for the adoption hearings for the Plan. Richard Amari, the City Attorney, reminded everyone that the Act gives local governments only 60 days following the issuance of the ORC within which to adopt the Plan. He said that Cocoa was not trying to bypass public participation, but had to comply with the law. At the September 13 meeting, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 88-31, which became effective the same date. The resolution provides in relevant part: Section 1. The City will advertise pursuant to Florida State Statutes and Department of Community Affairs Rule 9J-5. Section 2. The City will post notices of its public hearings in City Hall, Library and Police Department regarding consideration of the Comprehensive Plan. Section 3. The City will provide in its ads encouragement for written and oral comments by the public which written comment will be made part of the public record. Section 4. The City Manager or his designee will assure that responses to written comments received during the process will be given either at the public hearings as appropriate or written responses may be given upon request. Section 5. The plan documents are available for public inspection at City Hall in Rooms 208 & 202, and the Cocoa Public Library during normal business hours. Section 6. This Resolution shall govern activities engaged in by the Planning and Zoning Board acting as the Local Planning Agency during its public hearing on September 14, 1988, and continued from time to time; and by the City Council at its Public Hearing on September 27 as may be continued from time to time. On September 14, 1988, the Planning and Zoning Board conducted a public hearing concerning, among other items, the Plan. The scarcity of Plan documents, especially the Future Land Use Map, limited the amount of meaningful participation by members of the audience and, to a lesser extent, the Board. The Future Land Use Map is a color-coded document. A black and white photocopy of the map incompletely depicts the various land uses shown on the map. An ongoing problem through the planning process was that these color maps, which were prepared for the City by the Regional Planning Council, were not generally available to the public. However, during most if not all of the process, Ms. Lawandales maintained in the Community Improvement Department a large color map, which was generally current. Part of the problem was the City's inability or unwillingness to incur the cost and suffer the inconvenience of printing new maps every time that there was a change in the use assigned to a parcel. Such changes were frequent in the final weeks before adoption of the Plan. At the September 14 meeting, for instance, there was already a handwritten list of 20 numbered proposed changes to the Future Land Use Map. Item 10 of the proposed changes converts from open space to medium- density residential most of the southeast quarter of the open area located north of Michigan Avenue and west of U.S. Route 1, which is part of the linear marsh wetlands within Drainage Area III. The September 14 meeting was a scene of some confusion due to the above-described documents. One Board member moved that the public be given at least those documents that the Board had. The motion failed. In part due to time constraints and limited staff resources, the Board decided instead to copy for the public only the maps and revisions and responses to the goals, objectives, and policies. The meeting adjourned by a 4-2 vote before considering the Future Land Use Map. Two Board members remained after the meeting to share their Future Land Use Maps with the audience. A few days later, City staff persons compiled a large notebook with a complete set of documents related to the Plan and distributed these notebooks to the members of the City Council. These documents consisted of the goals, objectives, and policies of the Proposed Plan; the unrevised Background Analysis; the responses and revisions to the goals, objectives, and policies as a result of the ORC; the EAR; and possibly other documents. On September 18, 1988, a 10 1/2" by 6 1/2" display advertisement announced three workshops and two public hearings to be held by the City Council. The workshops were set for September 19 at 7:00 p.m., September 20 at 5:00 p.m., and September 22 at 6:30 p.m. The first workshop would cover the Public Facilities, "Transportation" (i.e., Traffic Circulation), and Capital Improvements Elements. The second workshop would cover the Coastal Management, Conservation, and Recreation and Open Space Elements. The third workshop would cover the Future Land Use, Housing, and Intergovernmental Coordination Elements. The advertisement stated: "The general purpose of the workshops is to receive public comments and review the Comprehensive Plan." Some local residents were aware of the three workshops at least one day prior to the publication of the advertisement. The same advertisement announced that the public hearings would take place on September 27, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. and October 4, 1988, at 6:00 p.m. The advertisement stated: The purpose of these hearings is to receive public comments and recommendations on a Comprehensive Plan, and to review and adopt an ordinance adopting the Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the requirements of growth management and land development legislation adopted by the Florida Legislature in 1985 and 1986. On September 19, the Planning and Zoning Board and City Council jointly conducted a workshop on the Public Facilities, Traffic Circulation, and Capital Improvements Elements. Mayor Robinson acknowledged the receipt of a petition of residents from two subdivisions in opposition to changes to their neighborhoods by the Plan. Mayor Robinson informed the audience that the Future Land Use Map would be discussed at the September 22 meeting. The format of the September 19 workshop, as well as the two other workshops, was that City staff would first address an issue, followed, in order, by City Council members, Planning and Zoning Board members, and lastly the audience. City staffpersons at the September 19 workshop identified a list of 38 recommended changes to the Future Land Use Map. Item 10 from the September 14 list was renumbered as Item 7. Item 6 on the September 19 list encompasses what remained of the eastern half the open space north of Michigan Avenue. The recommendation is to designate this wetlands area commercial. The northern tip of the linear marsh wetlands area south of Michigan Avenue and west of U.S. Route 1 is proposed to be redesignated commercial in new Item 10. Item 11 proposes that the remainder of this open space/wetlands be redesignated medium- density residential. The recommended changes appearing at the September 19 workshop substantially eliminate the two other open space/wetlands, as well. Item 33 recommends low-density residential for most of the southern half of the open space/wetlands located between Range Road and the largest unincorporated enclave within the City. Item 34 recommends medium-density residential for most of the northern half of the same open space/wetlands. According to the Soils Map contained in the Background Analysis, the northern portion of Little Mud Lake is in the medium-density residential area and the southern portion of the lake is in the low-density residential area. After these two changes, about one quarter of the original open space/wetlands between Range Road and the unincorporated enclave retains the originally proposed designation as open space. The remaining open space is an L-shaped strip immediately adjacent to the unincorporated area within the City. According to the Existing Land Use Map in the Background Analysis, the portion of the L-shaped strip running north-south is devoted to recreational uses, such as a park. Items 37 and 38 recommend the complete elimination of the largest open space/wetlands, which is located north and west of the intersection of Michigan Avenue and Range Road and is within Drainage Area IV. Item 37 proposes that nearly all of this open space/wetlands, including Big Mud Lake, be redesignated low-density residential. Item 38 proposes that the western portion of this open space/wetlands be redesignated medium-density residential. On September 20, 1988, the Planning and Zoning Board and City Council jointly conducted a workshop on the Coastal Management, Conservation, and Recreation and Open Space Elements. Discussion included the redesignation of the open space/wetlands in the vicinity of Michigan Avenue from open space to medium-density residential and commercial. At the conclusion of the meeting, the City Council agreed to add another parcel to the list of recommended changes to the Future Land Use Map. On September 22, 1988, the Planning and Zoning Board and City Council jointly conducted a workshop on the Housing, Future Land Use, and Intergovernmental Coordination Elements. Ms. Koons, on behalf of Petitioners Austin, Houston, and Dorn, objected at this workshop to the Future Land Use Element, as well as other matters. Petitioner Houston herself spoke against the Future Land Use Map. A Future Land Use Map was present at this workshop. This map, reflecting the latest addition, showed 39 numbered areas marked in black. The numbers corresponded to the list of recommended changes to the Future Land Use Map. The City Council authorized during the workshop the addition of two more proposed changes. The September 22 workshop marked the last involvement of the Planning and Zoning Board in the planning process. The Board never formally recommended the Plan and supporting documents to the City Council for adoption. However, by the end of the meeting, none of the Board members expressed any remaining objections to the Plan and supporting documents, and most if not all Board members had no serious objections to the Plan. A formal recommendation was therefore unnecessary. Adoption Hearings On September 23, 1988, a display advertisement nearly identical in size and content to that published on September 18 stated that the City Council would conduct public hearings on September 27, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. and October 4, 1988, at 6:00 p.m. on changes in the use of land within the City limits. A similar display advertisement on September 29, 1988, announced the October 4 public hearing. The City Council received a list of 41 proposed changes to the Future Land Use Map at the September 27 hearing and approved the addition of a another property, as well as unrelated revisions to the Wastewater Element. In a presentation to the City Council, Ms. Lawandales referred to a set of revisions to the Future Land Use Element. These revisions were not the same as those prepared by the Regional Planning Council. Ms. Lawandales referred in her presentation to a set of revisions that add only two short clauses to the goals, objectives, and policies of the Future Land Use Element. At the October 4, 1988, public hearing, the City Council received written objections from Ms. Koons, on behalf of Petitioners Austin, Houston, and Dorn, in the form of an eight-page letter. Given the detail and scope of the letter and lack of time, the City Council and staff were justifiably unable to offer a response until after the hearing, which concluded with the adoption of the Plan. During the hearing, the City Council approved the addition of five more properties to the list of 42 recommended changes to the Future Land Use Map. At the conclusion of the October 4 hearing, the City Council adopted the Plan by adopting Ordinance No. 20-88, which in relevant part provides: Whereas, after months of careful review and a public hearing the Planning and Zoning Board sitting as the Local Planning Agency has recommended adoption of the new Comprehensive Plan in substantially the form presented; and Whereas, the City Council has received objections, recommendations, and comments from the [Regional Planning Council, DCA], and various other agencies; and * * * Whereas, the City Council has made certain amendments in the proposed new Comprehensive Plan in light of [public comments], as well as the comments, recommendations, and objections of the [Regional Planning Council, DCA], and various other State agencies; * * * Now, therefore, be it enacted by the City Council of the City of Cocoa, Brevard County, Florida, that: Section 1. That Section 15-4 of the City Code of Cocoa is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 15-4 Adoption of Comprehensive Plan. The City's Comprehensive Plan consists of the one (1) volume book entitled Comprehensive Plan--City of Cocoa, Volume II, April 1988, which Comprehensive Plan consists of (i) Goals, Objectives and Policies for nine (9) elements, including Future Land Use, Traffic Circulation, Housing, Public Facilities, Coastal Management, Conservation, Recreation and Open Space, Intergovernmental Coordination and Capital Improvements, (ii) Procedures of Monitoring and Evaluation, (iii) Requirements for Consistency of the Local Comprehensive Plan, and (iv) Population estimates and projections utilized as basis for the plan documents, plus the Evaluation and Appraisal Report dated April, 1988. Section 2. Attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference is the City's Comprehensive Plan as referenced in Section 1 of this Ordinance, which Comprehensive Plan is hereby adopted as the official comprehensive plan for and of the City. * * * Section 4. Ordinances and Resolutions in Conflict. All Ordinances or Resolutions or parts thereof that may be determined to be in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. The City's Comprehensive Plan approved with the adoption of Ordinance No. 11-80 of July 8, 1980, all as the same may have been amended from time to time, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council. Adopted by the Council of the City of Cocoa, in regular meeting assembled, on the 4th day of October, 1988. The ordinance is signed by Mayor Robinson, whose signature is attested by the City Clerk. The review and adoption proceedings ended with the October 4 hearing. At no time during these proceedings did Petitioner David P. Hendry, Sr. or Loula P. Hendry submit oral or written objections to the Plan or Proposed Plan. On or about August 13, 1988, Petitioner David P. Hendry, Sr. sent a letter dated July 31, 1988, to Cocoa and numerous other state and local officials. In the letter, he objected to a marina project that was under consideration. However, these comments did not constitute objections to the Plan or Proposed Plan, of which Petitioners Hendry were unaware until after it had been adopted by the City and determined to be in compliance by DCA. The Contents of the Plan General Besides the goals, objectives, and policies, the Plan consists of the EAR (described in Paragraphs 157-169), Resolution No. 88-31 (described in Paragraph 115), population data (described in Paragraph 170), a section entitled "Consistency of the Local Plan with the State Comprehensive Plan" (described in Paragraph 171), and a section entitled "Monitoring and Evaluation (described in Paragraph 46). The Plan is also supported by the data and analysis contained in the Background Analysis, portions of which are described in Paragraphs 47-67 above. The City submitted revisions to the Background Analysis, portions of which are described in Paragraphs 172-180 below. Goals, Objectives, and Policies The goals, objectives, and policies of the Plan are those of the Proposed Plan, as revised by the City Council. The revisions are as follows: 47 changes to the Future Land Use Map, as identified in Austin Exhibit 10; numerous revisions to the goals, objectives, and policies of the Proposed Plan, as identified in Austin Exhibit 10; two revisions to the proposed Future Land Use Element, as identified in Cocoa Exhibit 4; and revisions to the Solid Waste and "Sanitary Sewer" (i.e., Wastewater) Subelements of the Public Facilities Element, as identified in Cocoa Exhibit 4. There are no other revisions, additions or deletions affecting the goals, objectives, and policies of the Plan. The revisions described in Paragraph 181 below were never adopted by the City and are not part of the Plan. Responses, which are set forth in Austin Exhibit 10, are explanations offered by the City in response to objections and recommendations of DCA; responses do not contain any goals, objectives, or policies. Future Land Use Element and Map One response concerning the Future Land Use Element explains that objections in the ORC to missing data have been satisfied by a revision of the underlying data and analysis. However, as to objections with respect to the failure of the Future Land Use Map to depict conservation and natural resources, the response is that "no . . . conservation or historic resource land use categories are applicable for the city." However, the revised analysis underlying the Future Land Use Element includes a map of the Cocoa Historic District. The response to the objection that the Future Land Use Map fails to show all required natural resources is: "Wetlands are not a designated future land use." The revisions to the goals, objectives, and policies of the Future Land Use Element include revised Objectives 1.1 and 1.2, which are set forth in their proposed form in Paragraph 27 above. These revisions require that the City accomplish the tasks described in the two objectives within one year of Plan submittal. The revisions to the goals, objectives, and policies of the Future Land Use Element contain four new objectives. Objectives 1.3 and 1.4 respectively deal with the elimination by the year 2000 of blight and existing land uses that are inconsistent with the Future Land Use "Plan." Objective 1.5 states that within one year of Plan submittal all development activities "will be consistent with and supportive of the Plan's objectives for protecting natural and historic resources." Objective 1.6 states that within one year of Plan submission land development regulations will provide for the availability of sufficient land area for the siting of public facilities. The revisions contain several new policies. New Policy 1.1.3 allows the City to issue development orders only if the necessary public facilities, operating at the adopted levels of service, are available concurrent with the impacts of the development. New Policy 1.5.1 states that the City will identify its historical resources and maintain an updated file of historically significant properties. New Policy 1.5.3 provides that the City will protect its cultural, historic, and archaeological resources by helping to educate the public of the value of such resources, considering the establishment of a historic district, and purchasing development rights to preserve historically significant properties. Revisions also clarify that open space/residential areas on the Future Land Use Map will be used for park, recreational, and ancillary uses, except as required for other public purposes. 2. Housing Element The City Council adopted several revisions to the goals, objectives, and policies of the Housing Element. Objective 3.1.4, which in its original form is set forth in Paragraph 33 above, is revised to provide that the quality of existing homes and neighborhoods will, at a minimum, be maintained, rather than maintained or improved. Policy, which is also set forth in Paragraph 33, is revised to add that the City will perform an annual review of historically significant housing units in order, as previously provided, to aid in the identification of historically significant housing and structures. 3. Public Facilities Element Objectives 4.3.5, 4.3.6, and 4.3.7 are revised as follows with the new language underlined: Objective 4.3.5: To reduce existing flooding problems and to prevent additional flooding problems from being created as a result of future development through actions identified in needs assessments and engineering studies, with the actions being undertaken on a priority basis as determined in the engineering studies, with individual prioritized actions being initiated no later than one year following the completion of the engineering studies, consistent with the schedule of actions contained in the Comprehensive Improvements Plan [sic]. Objective 4.3.6: To ensure the protection and preservation of existing wetlands as viable components of the City's surface water management systems, to include the establishment or maintenance of desirable hydroperiods, water quality conditions, and natural ecosystems applicable ordinances (including design criteria and standards) will be submitted for adoption consideration no later than October 1, 1990, with final adoption within one year following the initial submittal. Objective 4.3.7: To ensure the proper and adequate surface water management facilities are provided in response to identified needs existing deficiencies and needs will be determined, cost and time requirements of corrective actions will be identified, and alternative sources of revenue will be evaluated, with the above information being compiled into a Surface Water Management Plan for the entire City and any external service areas by October 1, 1995. The revision of another objective reiterates the intention of the City to perform engineering studies in the future to gain information necessary to drainage planning: Objective 4.3.2: To protect, preserve or improve the quality of surface drainage waters being discharged from existing and future drainage systems in the City so that such discharges do not contribute to the degradation of water quality conditions in receiving waterbodies or prevent the improvement of degraded conditions, and promote the continuance or establishment of healthy, balanced natural environments through the implementation of ordinances, engineering studies, inspection programs, and coordinative actions with regulatory agencies, with such activities being initiated no later than October 1, 1992. Revisions to several policies show an increasing recognition of the need to plan for drainage and the role of wetlands in such a plan: Policy Proposed development plans will be thoroughly reviewed to ensure that new development does not adversely impact surrounding properties by altering drainage patterns and water storage capabilities so that increased volumes of water are discharged onto the properties or that surface drainage flows from the properties are not impeded or retarded so as to create or contribute to flooding or diminished land usage, unless such lands have been purchased or designated by the City for surface water storage purposes. Policy The City will actively participate in the preparation and implementa- tion of applicable Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) plans being undertaken by the [Water Management District] which will [replacing "would"] involve or include land areas in the City or waterbodies affected by drainage from the City. Policy Public infrastructure improvements that encourage the development of wetlands will be avoided except in the case of overriding public interest, for the purpose of protecting and preserving wetland areas with appropriate measures such as ordinances and development standards being used [replacing "taken"] to control [replacing "discourage"] development in affected wetland areas. Policy The City will review its existing land development design criteria, and revise if necessary, to provide for and encourage the incorporation of existing wetlands into land development plans for the use of "free services" offered by the natural areas provided that: --intrinsic natural wetland values, functions and hydroperiods are not adversely affected, --the wetland is maintained in its natural condition, and --the wetland is protected from future development. 4. Coastal Management Element The revisions add a new goal, objective, and policies that provide: Goal 5.3: The natural resources of the City's coastal area shall be preserved, protected or enhanced to provide the highest possible environmental quality for recreation and the propagation of fisheries and wildlife. Objective 5.3.1: The City shall protect, and restore where necessary, the following natural resources and environmental attributes within its control: air quality, endangered species and their habitat, native vegetation and wildlife, fisheries and estuarine habitat, water quality, and floodplains. New Policy incorporates Objectives 6.1 and 6.2-6.9 and the policies thereunder. The revisions contain another new objective and policies under the new goal described above. Policy states that the City will conform its plan and development criteria to the guidelines set forth in yet-to-be identified resource protection plans to the extent "legally permissible." Policy states that the City shall notify the Resources Council of East Florida and the Indian River Aquatic Preserve of all proposed activities that the City Council considers will directly affect the coastal zone, including changes in stormwater discharge, vegetation removal, or dredge and fill operations. 5. Conservation Element Objective 6.5 of the Fisheries and Estuarine Habitat Subelement, which is quoted in its original form in Paragraph 40 above, is revised as follows: Objective 6.5: By 1993, the abundance and diversity of submerged aquatic vegetation and fish species found in the City's lakes, and in the Indian River within the zone between the Cocoa shoreline and the Intracoastal Waterway, shall be as great, or greater, than they were in 1988. The City cites eight policies under Objectives 6.4 and 6.8 in response to the objection that the Proposed Plan lacks policies addressing the protection of existing natural resources and designating for protection environmentally sensitive land. 6. Recreation and Open Space Element The revisions to the Recreation and Open Space Element contain a new objective concerning open space: Objective 7.2.1: Within one year of Plan submittal the land development regulations will include provisions for addressing the open space needs of the City. 7. Capital Improvements Element The revisions to the Capital Improvements Element include requirements that the City satisfy the requirements of Objectives 9.1 and 9.2, which are set forth in Paragraph 44 above, by 1989 and 1990, respectively. The City revised Objective 9.1 to require, by 1989, the incorporation of levels of service standards into land development regulations. Also, the City added the following language to Objective 9.5, which is quoted in its original form at Paragraph 44 above: "Public Facility needs created by development orders issued prior to Plan adoption will not exceed the ability of the City to fund or provide needed capital improvements." Evaluation and Appraisal Report The EAR, which is referenced in Paragraph 24 above, evaluates the success of an earlier, unrelated comprehensive plan previously adopted by the City. The EAR begins with an introductory section commenting about the area and problems facing the City. The introduction notes that the City has significant undeveloped lands, especially in the northwest section of Cocoa. A large part of these lands is the single open space/wetlands north of Michigan Avenue and west of Range Road. The EAR states: "Much of the land is not developable due to natural constraints; however, primary residential growth will occur in this area in the future." The introduction also recognizes that "drainage is still a major concern" due to the "extensive amount of new development and alteration of some natural drainage systems, as well as continued drainage problems from older development." Among the solutions noted in the introduction are the requirement of retention and detention areas in new developments. Concerning conservation and protection of the coastal zone, the introduction states: The City of Cocoa has continued to seek to protect the integrity of the flood hazard areas as significant development has not occurred in these areas as of this date. Maintaining these areas for natural functions, it will decrease the possibility of flooding and associated problems during heavy cycles of rain. This also adds to the water quality of the area. The major portion of the EAR is devoted to an evaluation of the success of the prior comprehensive plan. Several relevant portions of this self-assessment, which was updated on September 27, 1988, are set forth in the following paragraphs. Objective 2 under Open Space was to "develop flood plain controls which will allow for the protection of some open space around Cocoa's lakes and low areas in the event of development." The result: not accomplished. Objectives 2 and 3 under the Conservation/Coastal Element were to use the City's water retention ordinance to control surface drainage from new developments and continue to make needed drainage improvements. The results: the first objective was accomplished and the second objective was not accomplished as of April, 1988. However, as to the second objective, as of September 27, 1988, "a drainage improvement program has been initiated." Objective 3 under the Land and Vegetation Resources was to control the amount of filling that could occur in new development to ensure proper drainage in surrounding areas. The result: not accomplished in April, 1988, and partly accomplished by September 27, 1988. Objective 1 under Drainage was to develop a citywide Master Drainage Plan with priorities and cost estimates for drainage improvements needed in Cocoa. The result: not accomplished. Objective 3 under Drainage was to control activities in flood prone areas in an effort to prevent a detrimental impact on areawide drainage patterns. The result: not accomplished. Objective 4 was to encourage, as feasible, the use of natural filtration, detention, and retention to reduce runoff-associated drainage problems. The result: accomplished. Objective 11 under Intergovernmental Coordination was to adhere to statewide plans and programs designed to control nonpoint sources of water pollution and prevent alteration of areawide drainage patterns. Result: not accomplished. Miscellaneous The Plan includes the population history and estimates that had been provided with the transmittal of the Proposed Plan in April, 1988. This document is included in Cocoa Exhibit 4. The Plan includes the Consistency of the Local Comprehensive Plan with the State Comprehensive Plan that had been provided in April, 1988, at the end of the City of Cocoa--Comprehensive Plan, Volume II . This document is a cross-index between provisions of the Plan and the state comprehensive plan. Background Analysis In reply to objections and recommendations in the ORC pertaining to the Background Analysis, the City supplemented its data and analysis through revisions. Shortly after the Plan had been adopted and transmitted, the City sent to DCA the revisions to the data and analysis and responses to the objections and recommendations concerning data and analysis. Future Land Use Element and Map In response to the objection that the data omitted conservation uses and historic resources, the City states that there are "no conservation uses" and supplies a map depicting existing historic resources. Elaborating upon the historic resources, the City mentions a survey of historic structures that took place in November, 1987. The resulting list of 72 structures is depicted on a map, which is included in the response and entitled, "Cocoa Historic District." An inventory of the properties is included. In a narrative response to an objection to the absence of an analysis of the need for redevelopment, the City describes its earlier redevelopment efforts, which include the adoption of a redevelopment plan, pursuant to Chapter 163, Part III, Florida Statutes. Noting the objectives of the redevelopment plan as to the elimination of slums and blighted conditions, the narrative concludes: "These goals should be retained and reiterated in the goals, objectives and policies section of the Comprehensive Plan." 2. Housing Element The revised Background Analysis contains a long narrative concerning housing. At the end, the City states that it should take "appropriate measures" to preserve and protect the Porcher House, which is the only structure in the City listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and maintain the quality of older neighborhoods in order to preserve other potentially significant property. 3. Drainage Subelement Responding to an objection that the data and analysis fail to include the capacity allocated to meet the City's drainage needs for the ten-year planning horizon, the City added the following language: However, information is not currently available for future allocation and usage during the ten-year planning period. The available information is insufficient to accurately determine the proportion of design capacities currently being used to handle runoff and groundwater flows in the drainage system components. 4. Capital Improvements Element Elaborating upon its earlier responses to the objections to the Drainage Subelement of the Background Analysis, the City states that "[t]here are no planned capital improvements for the drainage system." The City refers to attached materials in response to numerous objections to the omission from the analysis of future revenue and expenditures available for needed capital improvements. However, such material was not included with the revisions and responses. 5. Coastal Management Element The glossary added to the Background Analysis by the revisions reiterates the statement in the original Background Analysis, noted at Paragraph 65 above, that the coastal area for the Coastal Resources Subelement is the entire City. (The reference to "Rockledge" is a typographical error; the Regional Planning Council, which drafted the Background Analysis and revisions, was working at the same time on the Rockledge comprehensive plan.) (Responses to DCA Comments, p. 12-6.) 6. Miscellaneous In responding to objections to the data and analysis concerning the consistency of the Plan with the plan of the Regional Planning Council, the City cites a new Objective 6.3 with new Policies 6.3.1-6.3.5 and 6.4.9. These items, which generally deal with ensuring the persistence through 1998 of the 1990- level distribution and abundance of endangered and threatened species and their habitats in the City, were neither considered nor adopted by the City Council. Objective 6.3 and Policies 6.3.1-6.3.5 and 6.4.9 are therefore not part of the Plan. Determination of Compliance by DCA After receiving the Plan and supporting documents shortly after October 4, 1988, DCA analyzed the revisions and responses in light of the 139 objections and recommendations contained in the ORC. At the conclusion of the analysis, DCA found that 28 of the revisions and responses were inadequate. These findings are set forth in the Preliminary Findings on the Cocoa Comprehensive Plan, which is dated November 16, 1988. On November 26, 1988, DCA published, by way of a 10 1/2" by 6 1/2" advertisement, its Notice of Intent to Find the City of Cocoa Comprehensive Plan in Compliance. The advertisement complies with the statutory requirements. Ultimate Findings as to Public Participation The public participated in the comprehensive planning process to the fullest extent possible. The City Council adopted procedures to provide effective public participation, including notice to real property owners of all official action affecting the use of their property. Any deficiency in the procedures is immaterial. The Planning and Zoning Board duly discharged its responsibilities as the local planning agency under the Act. The City Council and Planning and Zoning Board amply advertised their many public hearings and provided reasonable opportunity for written comments and open discussion. Comments from the public appear to have received fair consideration. The City disseminated proposals and other information as broadly as possible, although certain materials were available at times only to staff and not the City Council, Planning and Zoning Board, or public. The City was confronted with a substantial task involving the identification, consideration, and resolution of complex technical and legal questions. The City prudently delegated much of the work to City staff and outside consultants. The Act generates severe time pressures, especially on the local government, which has only 60 days to digest the ORC and adopt a plan. Once the City received the ORC, about half of the 60 days was spent by the staff and outside consultants in drafting proposed revisions and responses. Neither City Council or the Planning and Zoning Board could realistically commence public meetings until the members had reviewed the work of the consultants and staff. Critical land use decisions such as those involved in the adoption of a comprehensive plan are politically sensitive. The land use decisions in this case generated considerable controversy in the community. Members of the City Council or the Planning and Zoning Board could not reasonably be expected to commence public meetings before they were aware of what revisions and responses were being proposed by their experts. The greatest shortcoming in the public participation process involved the ongoing proposed changes to the Future Land Use Map and the inability or unwillingness of the City to disseminate in a timely manner updated maps reflecting these proposed changes. Broader and more timely dissemination of the proposed changes would have facilitated more careful consideration of the effects of redesignating the uses of large parcels of land. However, the real target of the frustrations expressed with the public participation process is with the resulting land use decisions, not the process itself. Even in light of the shortcomings with respect to the revisions to the Future Land Use Map, the public participated in the process to the fullest extent possible under the circumstances described above. Ultimate Findings as to Consistency Drainage, Wetlands, and Floodplains Internal Consistency The Plan is internally inconsistent with respect to drainage, wetlands, and floodplains. These inconsistencies render the Plan inconsistent in the related matters of protecting the estuarine waters of the Indian River Lagoon; fisheries, wildlife, and vegetation habitat; and general water quality. In general, the inconsistencies result from the conflict between Plan provisions protecting wetlands, restricting floodplain development, and ensuring adequate drainage, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the elimination of nearly all of the existing open space/wetlands from, and the failure to depict wetlands as a natural resource on, the Future Land Use Map. Many Plan provisions assure the protection of wetlands, adequacy of drainage, and restriction of development in the floodplains, as well as the protection of the estuarine waters of the Indian River, various habitats, and general water quality. For instance, Policy 1.1.B protects the wetlands identified in the Conservation and Future Land Use Elements. Objective 1.5 requires that development activities will be consistent with and supportive of the Plan's objectives for protecting natural resources. Objective 4.3.6 promises ordinances to ensure the protection of wetlands. Policy restricts public infrastructure funds that encourage the development of the wetlands. Goal 5.3 and Objective 5.3.1 provide for the protection and restoration of estuarine habitats and floodplains. Policy 6.4.7 prohibits any development that significantly and adversely alters the function of the wetlands. Objective 6.5 requires that the condition of the Indian River, in terms of its ability to support numbers and types of aquatic vegetation and fish, be maintained or improved between now and 1993. Policy 6.5.3 requires that the City take steps to reduce the volume of untreated stormwater. Objective 6.8 ensures the protection of the flood storage and conveyance capacities of the 100 year floodplain. However, the protection guaranteed wetlands, floodplains, and drainage is contradicted by the treatment of wetlands in The Future Land Use Map. The map is a critical component of the Plan. According to both Objective 1.2 and the Background Analysis, the Future Land Use Map will provide the rationale for all future land use decisions when the City implements the Plan with land development regulations. The Future Land Use Map is at least as important as goals, objectives, or policies in setting the course for future development and redevelopment in Cocoa. The Future Land Use Map subordinates all but a small section of the wetlands in the City to residential and commercial land uses. The City could have extended effective protection to the wetlands by reserving them a place in Cocoa's future. First, the City could have shown them as a natural resource on the Future Land Use Map. Second, the City could have shown them as a conservation land use on the Future Land Use Map. The failure to take these steps was not inadvertent. The ORC pointed out both of these omissions. In the Proposed Plan, the City chose to designate the wetlands as open space, which provided some protection. Even so, DCA objected to the omission of a conservation land use category from the Future Land Use Map, as required by Rule 9J-5.006(4)(a). The City's response: "No . . . conservation . . .land use categories are applicable for the city." DCA also objected to the failure to show on the Future Land Use Map all required natural resources, which include wetlands under Rule 9J-5.006(4)(b). The City's response, which betrays a failure to comprehend the difference between a land use category and a natural resource: "Wetlands are not a designated future land use." These "explanations" are hardly consistent with overall protection of the wetlands or, specifically, with such provisions as are contained in Policy, which provides that the City will "[d]esignate conservation areas . . . as part of the future land use map in order to preserve open space and fulfill . . . [Conservation Element] objectives." As the Future Land Use Map presently stands, the City will soon adopt land development regulations consistent with the use of nearly all of its wetlands for low- and medium-density residential and commercial purposes. Following the adoption of these land development regulations, it will be too late to protect the wetlands as a system, which is how they function in providing drainage, habitat, and water filtration. Absent designation as a conservation area or open space, the wetlands can be preserved, at most, as isolated, poorly functioning remnants carved out of large-scale development plans. Wetlands are vital to the efforts of the City in the areas of drainage, flood control, and water quality. Two factors exacerbate the above- described inconsistencies in the Plan. First, the drainage system suffers from known deficiencies, and, at the same time, the City has failed to achieve certain significant objectives of its prior comprehensive plan with respect to drainage, flood control, and nonpoint sources of water pollution, such as stormwater runoff. Second, the data are inadequate concerning the City's drainage needs and capacity, as well as the precise role of the wetlands as to drainage and conservation. Although eliminating open space/wetlands as a land use category and declining to depict wetlands and floodplains as a natural resource, the City acknowledges several significant shortcomings in its drainage system and efforts to protect floodplains and wetlands. The City has failed to accomplish goals of earlier comprehensive plans to adopt a citywide Master Drainage Plan and obtain cost estimates for drainage improvements. It has even failed to adhere to statewide plans to control nonpoint sources of water pollution and prevent alteration of drainage patterns. A drainage improvement program, initiated between April and October, 1988, begins on an inauspicious note with the elimination of nearly all of the open space/wetlands from the Future Land Use Map. There are signs that the natural drainage system offered by local waterbodies and wetlands may be reaching or exceeding its capacity. There is clear evidence of at least isolated failures of vital parts of the natural drainage system. For example, Big Mud Lake has been exploited to its limit as a receptacle for untreated stormwater and is probably eutrophic. Suffering from untreated stormwater runoff, the Indian River has lost the vitality needed to maintain a harvestable shellfish population. The water quality of both of these waterbodies is not good. It is difficult to correlate Plan provisions protecting wetlands, ensuring adequate drainage, and preserving water quality with the nonrecognition of wetlands in the Future Land Use Map, especially in view of the City's admitted lack of knowledge concerning the needs and capacities of its drainage system. Besides repeated references in the Background Analysis to a lack of data concerning important aspects of the drainage system, the goals, objectives, and policies reflect the need for considerably more information in this area. For instance, Objectives 4.3.2 and 4.3.5 identify "needs assessments," "engineering studies," and "inspection programs" with respect to flooding and drainage that will be conducted in the future. Objective 4.3.7 ties in this work with the promise of the preparation of a surface water management plan, by October 1, 1995, to determine "existing deficiencies and needs," "cost and time requirements of corrective actions," and "sources of revenue." Policies,,,, and also promise engineering studies to take place in the future in order to gather more information concerning drainage and the effect of stormwater on receiving waterbodies. The Background Analysis notes that no complete inventory of the drainage system has taken place for 20 years. The City requires these studies in order to determine what to do about a deficient drainage system for which no improvements are presently planned. Objective 4.3.7 acknowledges that the City has not included any improvements to its drainage or stormwater management systems for at least the initial five-year planning timeframe covered by the Plan. The Five Year Schedule of Improvements reflects no such expenditures, and the Background Analysis states that no such expenditures are planned for the next five years. As a result of the elimination of the open space/wetlands, many provisions concerning drainage and floodplain are no longer supported by the data and analysis in material respects. The data reveal the critical role of the wetlands and 100 year floodplain in the present performance of the drainage system. However, as noted above, the data also reveal that insufficient information is presently available upon which to justify the residential and commercial development of the wetlands, especially in the face of ongoing development in the 100 year floodplain. The broad promises of adequate drainage, floodplain protection, and maintenance or enhancement of the estuarine waters of the Indian River are inconsistent with the elimination of nearly all of the open space/wetlands from the Future Land Use Map and even the presence of significant development of wetlands and vacant floodplains. Under the circumstances, the Plan is internally inconsistent in its treatment of wetlands, drainage, and floodplains and, as a result of these inconsistencies, in its treatment of estuarine waters, the above-described habitats, and general water quality. The elimination from the Future Land Use Map of the open spaces hosting nearly all of the wetlands, coupled with the refusal to designate the wetlands and floodplains as natural resources on the map, are not merely inconsistent but mutually exclusive with Plan provisions protecting the above-named resources and ensuring adequate drainage. These Plan provisions lack support by the data and analysis contained in the Background Analysis. Under these conditions and in view of the failure of the City to allocate funds for improvements in the drainage system, including stormwater runoff, the Plan also lacks economic feasibility with respect to drainage and stormwater treatment. 2. Consistency with the Regional Plan Several "issues" identified in the plan of the Regional Planning Council are devoted to wetlands, drainage, and floodplains. Each of these issues contains a goal, background summary, and policies. Issue 38 of the regional plan deals with the protection of water resources. After acknowledging that stormwater runoff may be the largest surface water quality problem facing the region, Policies 38.3 and 38.5 urge local governments to divert the "first flush" of stormwater to retention facilities. The policies recommend that the local governments employ the most efficient and cost-effective pollutant control techniques available and wet detention facilities, including isolated wetlands. The goal of Issue 39 is to reduce dependence on structural means of floodplain management and optimize maintenance of water-dependent natural systems. The regional plan states that wetlands assimilate nutrients and trap sediment from stormwater, as well as physically retard the movement of surface water. Policy 39.7 advises that "[n]atural, isolated wetlands should be incorporated in surface water management systems as detention facilities, where . . . practical and appropriate, as an alternative to filling or excavating such wetlands." Policy 39.8 adds: "Floodplains which are relatively undisturbed should be protected and preserved " The goal of Issue 40 is the protection and preservation of the region's coastal areas. The regional plan defines the "coastal zone" as "within the watersheds of coastal estuaries," including the Indian River. The background summary recognizes the adverse effects of stormwater runoff on the Indian River, which is one of two major estuaries draining the region's coastal zone. These effects include the introduction of fresh water, which kills sensitive aquatic organisms like clams and oysters, and heavy metals and other pollutants. Policy 40.1 states in part: Proposed activities which would destroy or degrade the function of coastal wetlands . . . should not be permitted except where such activities are clearly in the public interest and there is no practical alternative which reduces or avoids impacts to wetlands. The redesignation of the four open spaces and the elimination of wetlands as a future land use is inconsistent with Policy 40.1. The use of the advisory word "should" in Policies 38.3, 38.5, 39.7, and 39.8 militates against a finding of inconsistency based upon a small number of specific provisions containing little more than recommendations. On balance, the Plan is not inconsistent with the policies of the regional plan. 3. Consistency with the State Plan Under the category of water resources, the state plan includes the following policies at Section 187.201(8)(b), Florida Statutes: 2. Identify and protect the functions of water recharge areas and provide incentive for their conservation. 4. Protect and use natural water systems in lieu of structural alternatives and restore modified systems. 8. Encourage the development of a strict floodplain management program by state and local governments designed to preserve hydrologically significant wetlands and other natural floodplain features. 10. Protect surface and groundwater quality and quantity in the state. 12. Eliminate the discharge of inadequately treated . . . stormwater runoff into the waters of the state. Under the category of natural systems and recreational lands, the state plan includes the following policies at Section 187.201(10)(b), Florida Statutes: Conserve . . . wetlands, fish, marine life, and wildlife to maintain their environmental, economic, aesthetic, and recreational values. 7. Protect and restore the ecological functions of wetlands systems to ensure their long-term environmental, economic, and recreational value. The above-cited policies are clear and specific. On balance, the Plan's treatment of wetlands, drainage, and floodplains, as well as estuarine waters, fisheries, wildlife, and vegetation habitats, and water quality, is inconsistent with the above-described policies of the state plan. On balance, the Plan is incompatible with and fails to further the state plan. The Plan is therefore inconsistent with the state plan. Historic Resources Internal Consistency The Plan is internally consistent with respect to historic resources. No material inconsistency exists with respect to the identification and protection afforded historic resources by the Plan. All relevant provisions of the Plan are oriented toward the protection of historic resources. Objective 3.1.4 promises the protection and preservation of historically significant housing. Policy states that the City will identify historically significant housing and structures annually. Policy 1.5.3 provides that the City will protect historic resources by the education of the public, consideration of the establishment of an historic district, and purchase of development rights. Objective 1.5 states that in one year all development must be consistent with the Plan's objectives for the protection of historic resources. The above-described objectives and policies are supported by the data and analysis. As revised, the Background Analysis contains a map entitled the Cocoa historic district and an inventory of the 72 properties depicted on the map. Rule 9J-5.006(4)(a)10., Florida Administrative Code, requires the inclusion in the Future Land Use Map of historically significant properties meriting protection and the boundaries of any historic district. In the responses to the ORC, the City states that "no . . . historic resource land use categories are applicable for the city." There is some conflict between the acknowledgement of an historic district and claim that no historic resource land use categories are applicable for the city. However, on balance, the inconsistency is immaterial. Unlike the situation with respect to wetlands, drainage, and floodplains, the Plan provisions protecting historic resources can be carried out without the designation of an historic district on the Future Land Use Map. 2. Consistency with the Regional Plan Two "issues" of the plan of the Regional Planning Council are devoted to historic resources. Issue 61 concerns access to cultural and historical resources. Issue 62 concerns the development of cultural and historical programs. Policy 61.1 states that historical resources "shall" be properly identified and evaluated and "should" be protected and preserved. Policy 61.3 states that local governments should adhere to the requirements of the Act regarding the inclusion of known historically sensitive resources in existing and future land use maps and the treatment of historical resources in the coastal management element, where applicable. Policy 61.5 provides that the local government "shall," "to the maximum practical extent," avoid or reduce adverse impacts of adjacent land uses on historical sites listed or eligible for listing on the Florida Master Site File or National Register of Historic Places. Policy 62.5 states that historic resources listed or eligible for listing on the Florida Master Site File or National Register of Historic Places "shall be taken into consideration" in all capital improvement projects. The Plan could have gone farther to promote the preservation of historic resources, especially from the adverse impact of nearby development and redevelopment. The most obvious way in which to achieve this goal would be through the designation of an historic land use category. However, on balance, the Plan is not inconsistent with the policies of the regional plan. 3. Consistency with the State Plan Under the category of cultural and historical resources, the state plan includes the following policies under Section 187.201(19)(b), Florida Statutes: 3. Ensure the identification, evaluation, and protection of archaeological folk heritage and historic resources properties of the state's diverse ethnic population. Encourage the rehabilitation and sensitive, adaptive use of historic properties through technical assistance and economic incentive programs. Ensure that historic resources are taken into consideration in the planning of all capital programs and projects at all level of government and that such programs and projects are carried out in a manner which recognizes the preservation of historic resources. The Plan's treatment of historic resources is consistent with the above-described policies of the state plan. Redevelopment Plan The omission of the redevelopment plan earlier adopted by the City, the failure to describe in the Plan redevelopment programs, activities, and land development regulations, and the exclusion from the Coastal Management Element of a redevelopment component did not render the Plan inconsistent internally or with the regional or state plans.

Conclusions Jurisdiction 86 Standing 88 The Act 91 Public Participation 91 Elements Required of All Plans 94 General 94 Future Land Use Element and Map 96 Public Facilities Element 97 Conservation Element 99 Housing Element 100 Capital Improvements Element 100 Coastal Management Element 101 Miscellaneous Elements 104 Determination of Noncompliance 105 General 105 Wetlands, Drainage, and Floodplains 106 Historic Resources 108 Remedial Action 108 RECOMMENDATION 108

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby recommended that the Department of Community Affairs determine that the Plan is not in compliance and, pursuant to Section 163.3184(9)(b), Florida Statutes, submit this Recommended Order to the Administration Commission for entry of an appropriate final order. RECOMMENDED in Tallahassee, Florida, this 2nd day of June, 1989. ROBERT E. MEALE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of June, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NOS. 88-6338GM AND 89-0291GM Treatment Accorded the Proposed Findings of Petitioners Austin, Houston, and Dorn 1-16 Adopted. 17 Adopted in substance. However, Ms. Lawandales maintained in her office a color-coded map through much, if not all, of the planning process. 18-19 Rejected as subordinate. 20-21 Adopted. Rejected to the extent that the finding suggests that the Planning and Zoning Board did not intend that the City Council adopt the Plan. Although the Planning and Zoning Board did not formally recommend adoption by the City Council, the Board intended that the City Council adopt the Plan. Adopted. Rejected as recitation of testimony and subordinate. First four sentences adopted or adopted in substance. Remainder rejected as irrelevant. 26-27 Adopted in substance. 28-30 Rejected as subordinate. 31-33 Adopted in substance. Rejected as against the greater weight of the evidence. Adopted. Rejected as subordinate. Adopted in substance. 38-40 Rejected as irrelevant. 41 Rejected as subordinate. 42-43 Adopted. 44-46 Rejected as against the greater weight of the evidence. Adopted. Adopted in substance. 49-51 Rejected as irrelevant. 52 Rejected as against the greater weight of the evidence. 53-54 Rejected as recitation of testimony. 55 Adopted. 56-58 Rejected as irrelevant, except that the proposed finding that DCA found the Plan to be in compliance after using a balancing test is adopted in substance. Rejected as irrelevant. Rejected as against the greater weight of the evidence. 61-62 Adopted. Rejected as irrelevant. Adopted. 65-66 Rejected as irrelevant. 67-69 and 71 Rejected as legal argument. Rejected as against the greater weight of the evidence. Rejected as not finding of fact. 72-83 Rejected as irrelevant and against the greater weight of the evidence. 84-86 Rejected as irrelevant. Specific objectives and policies are insufficiently specific and, in certain respects, various Plan provisions represent nothing more than an intent to plan at a later date. However, such deficiencies must be evaluated in the context of all of the provisions of the entire Plan. After doing so, the only places at which the lack of specificity and deferral of planning are generate unlawful inconsistencies have been described in the recommended order. 87-91 Adopted or adopted in substance except that last sentence of Paragraph 91 is rejected as against the greater weight of the evidence. 92-93 Rejected as irrelevant. 94 Rejected as against the greater weight of the evidence. 95-98 Rejected as irrelevant. 99 and 111 Rejected as recitation of evidence. 100-110 and 112 Rejected as against the greater weight of evidence. 113 Rejected as not finding of fact as to the expertise of the witness. Rejected as against the greater weight of the evidence as to the inconsistency in the Plan's treatment of historic resources. Treatment Accorded Proposed Findings of Petitioners Hendry There are no rulings on the proposed findings of Petitioners Hendry due to the fact that it has been determined that they lack standing. Treatment Accorded Proposed Findings of DCA 1-4 Adopted. 5-18 Rejected as legal argument. 19-40 Adopted. 41 Rejected as irrelevant. 42-56 Adopted. 57 First sentence rejected as against the greater weight of the evidence. Second sentence adopted. 58-69 Adopted. 70 Adopted in substance. 71-72 Adopted. 73 First sentence adopted. Second sentence rejected as against the greater weight of the evidence. 74-75 Adopted in substance. Adopted. Rejected as legal argument. Treatment Accorded Proposed Findings of Cocoa I-IV Adopted or adopted in substance. Adopted except that Paragraphs B and C are rejected as legal argument. Adopted except that Paragraphs B.5, B.7, B.13, and B.14 are rejected as irrelevant and Paragraph B.8.f is rejected as against the greater weight of the evidence. Adopted in substance. Adopted or adopted in substance except that Paragraph G is rejected as against the greater weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Judith E. Koons Attorney at Law Central Florida Legal Services, Inc. 1149 Lake Drive, Suite 201 Cocoa, FL 32922 David P. Hendry, pro se 17 Riverside Drive, #2 Cocoa, FL 32922 David J. Russ, Senior Attorney Rhoda P. Glasco, Senior Attorney Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Bradly Roger Bettin Amari, Theriac, Roberts & Runyons 96 Willard Street, Suite 302 Cocoa, FL 32922 Thomas G. Pelham Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Laurence Keesey General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDERS ================================================================= STATE OF FLORIDA BEFORE THE ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION OMEGA AUSTIN, BEATRICE HOUSTON, and MARY DORN, Petitioners, vs. CASE NO. 89-31 DOAH CASE NO. 88-6338GM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS and CITY OF COCOA, Respondents. / DAVID P. HENDRY, SR. and LOULA P. HENDRY, Petitioners, vs. CASE NO. 89-31 DOAH CASE NO. 88-0291GM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS and CITY OF COCOA, Respondents. /

Florida Laws (12) 120.57120.68161.053163.3177163.3178163.3181163.3184163.3187163.3191163.360187.201380.24 Florida Administrative Code (9) 9J-5.0019J-5.0039J-5.0049J-5.0059J-5.0069J-5.0109J-5.0119J-5.0129J-5.013
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Defuniak Springs, Florida Feb. 19, 1991 Number: 91-001080GM Latest Update: Aug. 01, 1994

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Walton County Comprehensive Plan (Plan) is in compliance with Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes (the Act), the State Comprehensive Plan (Section 187.201, F.S.), the West Florida Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan, and Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.).

Findings Of Fact 1. Rejected, not supported by the weight of the evidence. 2-4. Rejected, not supported by the weight of the evidence. 5. Rejected, argumentative. 6-7. Rejected, not supported by the weight of the evidence. 8. Rejected, argumentative and legal conclusion. 9-12. Rejected, not supported by the weight of the evidence. 13. Rejected, legal conclusion. 14-17. Rejected, not supported by the weight of the evidence and much of these proposed findings are argumentative legal conclusions. 18-21. Rejected, not supported by the weight of the evidence. Also many of these proposed findings are merely arguments of law. 22-36. Rejected, not supported by the weight of the evidence. Again, many of these proposed findings are argumentative and mere conclusions of law as opposed to statements of factual findings supported by the record of evidence admitted at hearing. Rejected, not supported by the weight of the evidence. Accepted. Rejected, argumentative. 40-42. Rejected, subordinate to Hearing Officer's findings. 43. Adopted by reference. 44-48. Rejected, argumentative, mere recitation of testimony. 49. Rejected, not supported by weight of evidence. 50-62. Rejected, not supported by weight of evidence, argumentative, and, again, counsel argues law as opposed to presenting facts. Rejected, argumentative. Rejected, argumentative. Rejected, the failure of the county to adopt a traffic circulation map simply renders moot any need for discussion of adequacy of maps in data and analysis. 66-67. Rejected, see statement for finding number 65 above. 68-69. Rejected, not supported by the weight of the evidence. 70-71. Rejected, argumentative. Rejected, not supported by the weight of the evidence. Rejected, conclusion of law. Rejected, conclusion of law. Rejected, conclusion of law. Rejected, not supported by the weight of the evidence. Counsel continues also to engage in legal argument as opposed to presenting findings of fact. 77-79. Rejected, subordinate to Hearing Officer's findings. Rejected, subordinate to Hearing Officer's finding of fact. Rejected, generally this finding consist of an argumentative conclusion of law. 82-83. Rejected, the weight of the evidence does not support findings that these policies comply with requirements of 9J5. 84-96. Rejected, the greater weight of the evidence does not support any finding that these objectives comply with requirements of 9J5. 97-118. Rejected, not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Douglas M. Cook, Director Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission 311 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32301 George Ralph Miller, Esquire County Attorney Post Office Box 687 DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433 Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 David J. Russ, Esq. Kenneth D. Goldberg, Esq. Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Fred H. Kent, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 53075 Jacksonville, FL 32201-3075 Chris Cadenhead, Esquire Post Office Box 5354 Destin, FL 32540 Richard Grosso, Esquire 1000 Friends of Florida Post Office Box 5948 Tallahassee, FL 32314-5948

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby recommended that the Administration Commission for enter a final order determining that the Walton County Comprehensive Plan is not in compliance. RECOMMENDED this 13th day of April, 1992, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of April, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 91-1080GM The following constitutes my specific rulings in accordance with Section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on Findings of Fact submitted by the parties.

Florida Laws (12) 1.01120.57161.161161.55163.3161163.3177163.3178163.3181163.3184163.3187163.3191187.201 Florida Administrative Code (8) 9J-5.0039J-5.0059J-5.0069J-5.0109J-5.0119J-5.0129J-5.0139J-5.015
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-002159GM Latest Update: Jun. 09, 1992

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Ft. Myers' comprehensive plan, as amended, is not in compliance for the reasons set forth in the prehearing stipulation, as amended during the final hearing.

Findings Of Fact Background The City of Ft. Myers, (Ft. Myers) adopted its comprehensive plan on February 13, 1989. The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) issued a Notice of Intent to find the plan not in compliance. Among other things, DCA alleged that the plan improperly omitted the Mid-Point Bridge and was inadequate in terms of intergovernmental coordination, at least with regard to the bridge. The City of Cape Coral (Cape Coral) and Lee County filed petitions to intervene. The petitions challenged the Ft. Myers plan based on its omission of the Mid-Point Bridge. DCA and Ft. Myers subsequently reached a settlement. On August 20, 1990, Ft. Myers adopted plan amendments pursuant to the settlement agreement. The plan, as amended, will be referred to as the Plan. DCA issued a Notice of Intent to find the plan amendments in compliance, but Lee County and Cape Coral, finding the plan amendments unsatisfactory, continued to prosecute their challenge to the Plan. Ft. Myers and Cape Coral are two of the three municipalities located in Lee County. /2 The two cities are divided by the Caloosahatchee River, which forms the western end of the Okeechobee Waterway. This waterway links the Gulf of Mexico to Lake Okeechobee, via the Caloosahatchee River, and Lake Okeechobee to the Atlantic Ocean. In the eastern part of Lee County, the Caloosahatchee River runs from east to west. In this area, the river is spanned by the State Road 31 Bridge and, further downstream, the Interstate 75 bridge. In the vicinity of Interstate 75, about two miles northeast of the city limits of Ft. Myers, the river widens, makes a slow turn, and takes a northeast-to-southwest course. Except for a railroad bridge about one mile downstream from the Interstate 75 bridge, the next bridge is the Edison Bridge, which is about 5 1/2 miles downstream from the Interstate 75 bridge. The Edison Bridge serves old U.S. 41. The southern landfall of this bridge runs into the northern end of the central business district of Ft. Myers. The Edison Bridge, which is presently two lanes, is planned to be widened to six lanes in the near future. About 1/2 mile downstream of the Edison Bridge is the Caloosahatchee Bridge, which serves new U.S. 41. The southern landfall of the Caloosahatchee Bridge, which is sometimes called the 41 Bridge, also runs into the central business district of Ft. Myers. The Caloosahatchee Bridge is four lanes. About seven miles downstream from the Caloosahatchee Bridge is the Cape Coral Bridge, which is the last bridge before the mouth of the river. The Cape Coral Bridge was recently expanded to four lanes. The proposed Mid-Point Bridge would be located 3.4 miles upstream from the Cape Coral Bridge and 3.8 miles downstream from the Caloosahatchee Bridge. At this point, the river runs more in a north-to-south direction. The bridge would connect central Cape Coral with south Ft. Myers. The Mid-Point Bridge project would include an east-west road corridor on both sides of the river. The corridor would connect Everest Parkway on the Cape Coral or west side of the river with Colonial Boulevard on the Ft. Myers or east side of the river. Everest Parkway is presently only about 12,000 feet long. The corridor would connect Everest Parkway with Miracle Parkway to the west, turn north at Malatcha Pass (the western boundary of Cape Coral), and extend to New Burnt Store Road. Everest Parkway and most of Miracle Parkway are four-lane divided collectors for which Cape Coral has jurisdiction. Colonial Boulevard is an arterial consisting of six lanes from McGregor Boulevard east to U.S. 41 and four lanes from U.S. 41 east to Interstate 75. The State had jurisdiction over all of Colonial Boulevard, but the County now has jurisdiction over the segment between McGregor Boulevard and U.S. 41. The west terminus of Colonial at McGregor Boulevard is about one- quarter mile east of the river. About 2000 feet east of McGregor is Summerlin Road. The next major intersection is U.S. 41, which is about 4000 feet east of Summerlin and less than 1.2 miles east of McGregor Boulevard. The Edison Mall, which is a major regional shopping mall, is less than one-half mile north of this intersection on the east side of U.S. 41. The next major intersection on Colonial is Metro Parkway, which is 1.3 miles east of U.S. 41. A little over 3.1 miles east of Metro Parkway is Interstate 75 where an interchange exists. From west to east, the major north-south roads are McGregor Boulevard, for which capacity improvements are constrained by historic and scenic factors; U.S. 41, which crosses the Caloosahatchee Bridge; Fowler Street and Evans Avenue, which are a one-way pair between the Edison Bridge and Colonial; Metro Parkway, which is proposed to be extended north to cross the proposed Metro Bridge; and Interstate 75, which is considerably east of the downtown area. Cape Coral is a relatively new community whose predominant land uses are residential. The relevant road network in Cape Coral consists of two major east-west roads: Pine Island Road, which is about four miles north of Everest, and Cape Coral Parkway, which is about three miles south of Everest. The major north-south roads are, from east to west, Del Prado Boulevard (at which point Everest presently ends), Country Club Boulevard, and Santa Barbara Boulevard. In contrast to Cape Coral, Ft. Myers has been more or less continuously occupied since the construction of a fort by the same name in 1850 between the Second and Third Seminole Wars. In 1887, Thomas A. Edison built his home alongside the Caloosahatchee River between the central business district and what is now Colonial Boulevard. Edison's home is located on McGregor Boulevard, which is attractively lined by Royal Palm trees. Aided by the arrival of Henry Plant's Coast Railroad in 1904 (and presumably a bridge to go with it), Ft. Myers began to grow rapidly in the early 1900's. The Colonial Boulevard area was not developed until the Florida land boom in the 1920's. Although the structures of historical interest are north of Colonial Boulevard, seven sextant structures on Rio Vista Way were constructed during the 1920's and 1930's and exemplify the prevailing Mediterranean revival architectural style. Running toward the river, Rio Vista Way intersects McGregor Boulevard about 250-500 feet of north of the western end of Colonial Boulevard. Data and Analysis February, 1989, Data and Analysis At the time of the adoption of the plan, Ft. Myers prepared a 45-page volume entitled "Traffic Circulation Data and Analysis." The document was dated August, 1988, and revised February, 1989. This document will be referred to as the 1989 Data and Analysis. The 1989 Data and Analysis reviews the city's current situation with respect to transportation facilities, especially roads. Table 1 of the document is a chart of daily traffic volumes based on Florida Department of Transportation traffic estimates issued April 10, 1987 Table 1 projects the peak hour level of services for various road segments for 2010. According to Table 1, by 2010, all of U.S. 41 is projected to be at level of service F, except for a segment south of downtown that is projected to deteriorate only to level of service D. All of Colonial Boulevard is projected to be at level of service F, except for the short segment between McGregor Boulevard and Summerlin Road, which is projected to deteriorate only to level of service C. McGregor Boulevard and Fowler Street are projected to be level of service F, except for the segment of Fowler Street beginning at the river, which is projected to be level of service E. Among the road segments already exceeding level of service standards are Colonial Boulevard west of U.S. 41 (level of service E) and McGregor Boulevard (level of service F). The 1989 Data and Analysis notes that the "intensified urbanization of Fort Myers will continue, and congestion problems will worsen." 1989 Data and Analysis, page 7. The 1989 Data and Analysis summarizes the "three major areas of major capacity deficiencies" as follows: Firstly, Fort Myers' downtown is the economic hub of Lee County and development attracts approximately 38,800 daily trip ends. [Fort Myers Downtown Plan, July 1986.] Second, the Edison Mall area which due to the major regional shopping mall is a main attractor of traffic congestions. Finally, McGregor Boulevard, the renowned historic and scenic highway, has capacity constraints. Id. at page 9. Map B in the 1989 Data and Analysis depicts future roadways and classifications. In addition to the existing Interstate 75, railroad, Edison, and Caloosahatchee bridges, the map shows the Metro Bridge. This bridge, which will be located just over one mile upstream from the Edison Bridge, will allow Metro Parkway to cross the river and intersect with Interstate 75 in north Lee County. According to the Future Land Use Map (FLUM), Metro Parkway presently extends from south of Colonial Boulevard to about two miles north of Colonial. Map B depicts Metro Parkway as continuing north until it meets the proposed landfall of the southern end of the proposed Metro Bridge. The proposed alignment of Metro Parkway between its present northern terminus and the proposed bridge takes it through economically distressed areas east of the railroad tracks and central, downtown area. Map F in the 1989 Data and Analysis depicts graphically travel desires lines for 1980 and 2010. The travel desires map shows the general direction and approximate volume of trips between 13 centroids for 1980 and 2010. The centroids aggregate up to 396 travel analysis zones. The 1989 Data and Analysis explains that the travel desires map "was produced as part of the MPO 2010 Needs plan update . . .." 1989 Data and Analysis, page 19. The 1980 travel desires line signifying the greatest number of trips runs in at northeast-southwest direction between south Ft. Myers near the river to north Ft. Myers a couple of miles inland. Other major 1980 travel desire lines cross the river in the vicinity of the Caloosahatchee, Edison, and proposed Metro Bridges cross the river between the center of Cape Coral and north Ft. Myers and connect north Ft. Myers to a point well east of Interstate 75 in the area of Lehigh Acres. The projected travel desires lines signifying the most travel in 2010 are the above-described line between south and north Ft. Myers and a line between south Ft. Myers and a point about six miles due south. The latter travel line depicts considerably less traffic in 1980. Compared to the two most significant 2010 travel lines, the travel lines crossing the river are projected to increase at a lesser rate. Table 3 in the 1989 Data and Analysis contains 1987 Traffic Counts. The table, which is derived from Lee County data, projects when various road segments will deteriorate to seasonal level of service E. Table 3 projects that Colonial Boulevard between Summerlin Road and U.S. 41 and Colonial east of Metro Parkway will deteriorate to peak season level of service E by 1988 and 1992, respectively. McGregor was already at an average level of service of E by 1987. Segments of Metro Parkway south and north of Colonial are projected to reach level of service E by 1991 and 1989, respectively. Also, U.S. 41 at the river is projected to deteriorate to level of service E by 1992. Other relevant segments are projected to be at seasonal level of service D or better. Map G in the 1989 Data and Analysis graphically depicts 1980 and 2010 levels of population and employment by area. In general, Map G shows that, in 1980 and 2010, Cape Coral experienced and is projected to continue to experience considerably greater population than employment opportunities. North and south Ft. Myers' figures show a much better balance between population and jobs. Addressing Map B in, the 1989 data and Analysis, which depicts future roadways, the 1989 Data and Analysis states: The City's Major Thoroughfare Plan (Map H[)] /4 has been developed to coordinate with the Metropolitan Planning Organization, State and County plans to the greatest extent possible. The most significant deviations from these plans are the terminus of the Evans/Fowler one-way pair and the exclusion of a "mid- point bridge." The proposal by other agency plans of a "mid-point bridge," at its current proposed location, conflicts overwhelmingly with other goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Conflicts with Land Use, Historic, and Community Appearance elements and internal conflicts with the Traffic Circulation element precludes the City from supporting the proposed bridge alignment. The present and future land use pat1terns have been coordinated to the greatest extent feasible with the Major Thoroughfare Plan. 1989 Data and Analysis, page 36. The 1989 Data and Analysis does not explain how the Major Thoroughfare Plan ``coordinates'' with the plans of the Metropolitan Planning Organizations' State, and County plans. Maps A and B of the 1989 Data and Analysis depict, respectively, present and future roads. Tables in the 1989 Data and Analysis following the Major Thoroughfare Plan--2010 list transportation projects included in the list of one organization or entity but excluded from that of another. Mentioning the Mid-Point Bridge and approaches, Table 12 states "The City of Fort Myers is adamantly opposed to this project on the basis of it being inconsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan." The 1989 Data and Analysis concludes with a discussion of "issues and opportunities." This discussion mentions the maintenance or provision of "adequate road capacity for future traffic needs" and the preservation and protection of the "quality of residential areas, major activity centers, and recreation and environmental resources." Nothing in the 1989 Data and Analysis expressly incorporates by reference other sources of data or analysis in support of the plan's treatment of the Mid-Point Bridge or any approach. Setember, 1990, Data and Analysis An updated version of the 1989 Data and Analysis was issued. The new version bears the date, "August 1988," but also states that it was "updated September 1990." This document will be referred to as the 1990 Data and Analysis. Table I in the 1990 Data and Analysis is based on the same Florida Department of Transportation estimates issued April 10, 1987, on which Table 1 in the 1989 data and Analysis was based. The above-noted segments are all projected to reach the same level of service, except that all segments of U.S. 41 are projected to reach level of service F by 2010. Other differences between the 1989 Data and Analysis and 1990 Data and Analysis appear fairly minor. /6 Table IV updates the 1987 Traffic Counts in the 1989 Data and Analysis with 1988 Traffic Counts, which are, also from Lee County. The differences as to when relevant road segments are projected to deteriorate to peak season level oil service E are as follows: Colonial Boulevard east of Metro Parkway, which is now projected to reach level of service E in 1993 instead of 1992; Metro Parkway north and south of Colonial, which are no longer "projected" to deteriorate to level of service E in 1988; and Colonial Boulevard just west of U.S. 41, which is now projected not to reach level of service E within the applicable timeframe instead of reaching it in 1988. There is no difference in the discussions in the 1989 Data and Analysis and 1990 Data and Analysis concerning the differences between the road network portrayed by the Major Thoroughfare Plan--2010 and the road networks portrayed by the plans of the Metropolitan Planning Organization, State, /7 and County. The conflict concerning the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor remains unresolved. Nothing in the 1990 Data and Analysis expressly incorporates by reference other sources of data or analysis in support of the plan's treatment of the Mid-Point Bridge or any approach. The MPO Plans and Environmental Fact Statement Other sources of data and analysis existing in February, 1989, pertain to the Mid-Point Bridge and transportation planning issues. Much of these data nd analysis are associated with the work of the Lee County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and of Lee County and its consultants in the preparation of an environmental impact statement for the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor. When adopting the Plan, Ft. Myers representatives were aware of the data and analysis used or prepared by the MPO and the data and analysis used to prepared by Lee County and its consultants in connection with the environmental impact statement. Required by federal law, a metropolitan planning organization coordinates transportation planning in areas governed by more than one local jurisdiction to ensure that federal and state transportation funds are spent effectively. The MPO consists of 12 voting members: five Lee County Commissioners, the Mayor and two City Council members of Ft. Myers, the Mayor and two City Council members of Cape Coral, and the Mayor or a City Council member of Sanibel. The MPO is also served by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), which consists largely of planning and engineering employees of each of the member jurisdictions. The TAC analyzes data and presents to the MPO for consideration. The MPO prepared its initial transportation plan in 1974. The MPO first included the Mid-Point Bridge in its 1978 transportation plan. The MPO later dropped the Mid-Point Bridge project, but reinstated it in 1983. The Mid-Point Bridge remained in the MPO's transportation plans until March, 1991. At an early stage, Lee County was opposed to the bridge, but later reversed its position. The positions of Cape Coral and Ft. Myers appear to have remained constant. In 1987, the MPO began to run computer simulations of various transportation improvements. These modeling runs, or assignments, were integral to the preparation of the MPO 2010 Needs Plan (Needs Plan) and MPO 2010 Financially Feasible Plan (Financially Feasible Plan). Although some text is associated with these plans, they generally consist of two maps of road networks with indications as to the number of lanes and type of facility (e.g., freeway or collector). The Needs Plan depicts the system needed "to accommodate projected travel demand efficiently and conveniently at acceptable levels of service, but unconstrained by cost considerations." Financially Feasible Plan. Based upon cost-benefit analyses, the Financially Feasible Plan prioritizes the facilities shown in the Needs Plan. It is arguable whether the Financially Feasible Plan depicts road improvements that are, in fact, financially feasible. The plan concedes that the MPO has proposed improvements whose cost nearly doubles projected available revenues: The estimated $993 million cost of the Financially Feasible Plan, while $442 million less than that of the 2010 Needs Plan, still exceeds projected financial resources from traditional or existing Sources by -some $313 million. In order to pay for the implementation of the Financially Feasible Plan, a number of options for raising additional revenue available under current Florida law have been identified. Financially Feasible Plan. Although a number of the revenue options involve Ft. Myers, such as through the use of impact fees or local option gas taxes and infrastructure sales taxes, the proposed Mid-Point Bridge and corridor would not Ft. Myers to contribute directly to its cost. The record does not address whether the commitment of Lee County to the project prevents the County from sharing in other transportation expenses otherwise borne to a greater extent by Ft. Myers. Lee County intends to pay for the Mid-Point Bridge and the corridor between Del Prado-Boulevard and Interstate 75. The Lee County schedule of capital improvements, which are contained in the Lee County plan, includes the $168.4 million cost of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor from Del Prado to Interstate 75. The capital improvement schedule identifies the revenue source as toll revenue bond proceeds. Cape Coral intends to pay for the corridor west of Del Prado Boulevard. The Cape Coral schedule of capital improvements includes $17.8 million for the design and construction of the east-west expressway from Del Prado to Santa Barbara and includes another $6.9 million for related right-of- way acquisition. The Cape Coral plan, as amended August 27, 1990, identifies impact fees and gas taxes as sources for the needed revenue, although later amendments identify other sources as well. In running computer simulations, the MPO used the Florida Standard Model to process socioeconomic data inputs and project levels of service for various network alternatives. The TAC validated the modeling by comparing projections to current travel conditions. The MPO or TAC approved the model after reviewing the validation results. After approving the model, the MPO and TAC unanimously approved the socioeconomic data in December, 1986. In addition to the specified transportation network, the data inputs include such socioeconomic data as projected populations, numbers of housing units by type, pp categories by type, and school enrollments. Generally, each TAC member supplied the socioeconomic data for the jurisdiction represented by that member. Decisions concerning the evaluation of data were by majority vote. The TAC and its outside consultant, Wilbur Smith and Associates, selected alternatives to test, although it appears that the TAC had considerable discretion in `the choice of alternatives. The socioeconomic data were correlated to applicable land uses, which were derived from land use plans then in effect for the various jurisdictions. None of these land use plans contained the comprehensive revisions required by the 1985 Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (the Act). By running traffic simulation models, Wilbur Smith and Associates determined the relationship of population to employment for 1980 and projected the relationship to 2010. This work was reflected in Map G of the 1989 Data and Analysis and 1990 Data and Analysis. Wilbur Smith and Associates then simulated the travel projected to occur in the area and the routes to accommodate such travel. This work eventually was incorporated into the travel desires map, which, is Map F of the 1989 Data and Analysis and 1990 Data and Analysis. The modeling process is iterative. The first network model led was the existing and committed road network, as of February, 1987. This system, as expected, was grossly inadequate to handle projected growth through 2010. The existing and committed network consisted of, the following committed projects: the Edison Bridge six-laning, the cape Coral Bridge four-laning, an extension of Colonial Avenue, and multi-laning of State Road 80. The next network modelled was the MPO 2000 Long Range Transportation Plan. The predecessor to the 2010 Needs Plan, the 2000 Long Range Transportation Plan, which included the Mid-Point Bridge, provided an ample road network. A total of 15 assignments were run prior to the preparation and adoption of the Needs Plan. The computer modelling represents the first time that the MPO undertook such work on its own or with an outside consultant. By the latter half of 1987, the TAC and Wilbur Smith and Associates had prepared Assignment D, which included much of what was eventually included in the Needs Plan. Assignment D became a base against which other alternatives were tested. At the request of Ft. Myers, the TAC and Wilbur Smith and Associates ran an assignment without the Mid-Point Bridge. This assignment included the Iona Cove Bridge expanded to four lanes and served by a freeway. /8 As ultimately adopted in the Needs Plan, the Iona Cove Bridge and Southern Corridor would consist of a two-lane bridge downstream from the Cape Coral Bridge and about 2 1/2 miles upstream from the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River. On the Cape Coral side, the Southern Corridor would connect indirectly to the Cape Coral Parkway well west of the Cape Coral Bridge. On the Ft. Myers side, the Southern Corridor would be a new four-lane expressway in south Lee County that, from west to east, would intersect Metro Parkway and then Interstate 75. As a two-lane expressway, the Southern Corridor would turn north, passing south of the regional airport, and teirminate at Lehigh Acres in east Lee County. The simulation without the Mid-Point Bridge was Assignment G. Due to faulty data inputs, 9 possibly concerning one or more developments of regional impact in south Lee County, the MPO reran the requested alternative as Assignment J. Assignment J is the only valid assignment excluding the Mid-Point Bridge except for the initial run of the base network. Table A-I of Technical Report 3, which was prepared by Wilbur Smith and Associates, compares projected traffic volumes on various road segments based on Assignment D and Assignment J. In Assignment D, the Iona Cove Bridge would be a two-lane facility with expressway approaches, rather than freeway approaches. Treating the Edison, Caloosahatchee, and Metro Bridges as a single corridor with a capacity of 138,000 trips per day, Table A-I projects that these bridges would handle, under Assignment D, 142,864 trips per bay and, under Assignment J, 153,605 trips per day. The respective volume to capacity ratios are 1.04 and 1.11. The Mid-Point Bridge in Assignment D would have a capacity of 76,000 trips per day and would carry 36,542 for a volume to capacity ratio of 0.48. The Cape Coral Bridge, with a capacity of 33,600, is projected to serve 34,565 trips per day under Assignment D and 43,778 trips per day under Assignment J. The respective volume to capacity ratios are 1.03 and 1.30. Table A-I considers a group of three north-south roads in Ft. Myers, including U.S. 41, in three segments as they travel south from the river. The range of volume to capacity ratios, under Assignment D, from 0.76 to 1.00 and, under Assignment J, from 0.84 to 1.06. Table A-I reports the results for 18 other segments in Cape Coral or Ft. Myers. All but four of these segments are below a volume to capacity ratio of 0.95 under Assignment D. With Assignment J, eight segments exceed 1.0 and two more exceed 0.95. The MPO adopted the Needs Plan on January 21, 1988. After running 14 more assignments, the MPO adopted the Financially Feasible Plan on November 17, 1988. The more elaborate Needs Plan contains a four-lane Metro Bridge with Metro Parkway as, a divided six-lane arterial south of the bridge and a four-lane expressway to U.S. 41 north of the bridge. The Caloosahatchee Bridge remains four lanes, as would be the proposed Mid-Point Bridge. To the west, Everest Parkway is a four-lane freeway to Del Prado Boulevard, then Everest turns into a four-lane expressway as it is extended west to join the existing Miracle Parkway. As the new expressway turns north toward New Burnt Store Road, it is reduced from four to two lanes. To the east of the Mid-Point Bridge, the Needs Plan converts Colonial Boulevard to a four-lane freeway with a pair of one-way service roads and elevated interchanges at Summerlin Road, U.S. 41, and Metro Parkway. The one-way service roads continue east to the vicinity of Interstate 75, but Colonial becomes a four-lane expressway east of Metro. The Financially Feasible Plan retains the four- lane Metro Bridge, but reduces the capacity of the adjoining corridor to the north. Mid-Point Bridge remains four lanes, but, on the Cape Coral side, the expressway is reduced from four lanes to two lanes at Santa Barbara Boulevard rather than at New Burnt Store Road. To the east of the Mid-Point Bridge, Colonial remains unchanged from the Needs Plan. The Financially Feasible Plan eliminates the Iona Cove Bridge and the eastern half of the Southern Corridor. The southern half of the expressway is shown, but is reduced to two lanes and ends west of Interstate 75. Another important source of data and analysis relating to the Mid- Point Bridge and approaches is a draft environmental impact statement prepared by Lee County for the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor. The Draft EIS considers the proposed Mid-Point Bridge in the context of two alternatives: "no action" and the construction of the Iona Cove Bridge and Southern Corridor. Exhibit 7 of the Draft EIS /10 portrays the Colonial corridor east of the Mid-Point Bridge. Consistent with the MPO Needs Plan's depiction of elevated interchanges at Summerlin, U.S. 41, and Metro Parkway, Exhibit 7 also shows overpasses at McGregor, Fowler, Evans, and the railroad track. By the summer of 1987, Lee County had retained Greiner, Inc. as a consultant to assist in the preparation of the Draft EIS. Cape Coral, which joined Lee County in proposing the project, hired Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. to assist in projecting transportation planning impacts west of Del Prado Boulevard. The Coast Guard, which served as the lease agency, approved the final environmental impact statement in September, 1990 (EIS). Greiner retained Wilbur Smith and Associates as a subconsultant to perform traffic modeling for roads east of Del Prado, and Kimley Horn performed modeling for Cape Coral for roads west of Del Prado. Either Griner or Wilbur Smith and Associates prepared Exhibit 5 /11 in the Draft EIS. Exhibit 5 identifies various existing and proposed river crossings, supplies actual 1986 traffic volumes, and projects traffic volumes for 2010 if no action were taken, if the Mid-Point Bridge were constructed, and if the Iona Cove Bridge and Southern Corridor were built. For 2010 projections, Exhibit 5 presumed that the Edison Bridge would be six lanes, Caloosahatchee Bridge would be four lanes, Cape Coral Bridge would be four lanes, and Metro Bridge would be added. For 1986, Exhibit 5 shows the Edison Bridge as handling 19,700 trips daily for a level of service of E, the Caloosahatchee Bridge as handling 45,800 trips daily for a level of service of D, and the Cape Coral Bridge as handling 45,400 trips daily for a level of service F. If no action were taken, Exhibit 5 projects that, by 2010, average daily trips and levels of service will be: Edison Bridge 59,400 and C; Caloosahatchee Bridge 59,500 and E; and Cape Coral Bridge (which was widened after 1986) 65,950 and If the Mid-Point Bridge were built and the Iona Cove Bridge were not, Exhibit 5 projects that, by 2010, average daily trips and levels of service will be: Edison Bridge 53,140 and B; Caloosahatchee Bridge 52,400 and D; Mid-Point Bridge 47,400 and C; and Cape Coral Bridge 41,870 and C. If the Iona Cove Bridge were built and the Mid-Point Bridge were not, Exhibit 5 projects that, by 2010, average daily trips and levels of service will be: Edison Bridge 56,427 and C; Caloosahatchee Bridge 56,250 and D; Cape Coral Bridge 45,740 and D; and Iona Cove Bridge 34,600 and B. Composite Exhibit 4 of the Draft EIS /12 projects average annual daily traffic for over 100 road links /13 mostly on the Ft. Myers side of the river and bounded on the east by Interstate 75 and the south by the Southern Corridor. The projections address alternatives of no-action, the Mid-Point Bridge, and the Iona Cove Bridge. Twenty of the Ft. Myers links most directly affected the addition or deletion of the Mid-Point Bridge yield 537,398 trips under the no-action alternative, 614,280 trips under the Mid-Point Bridge alternative, and 522,425 trips under the Iona Cove Bridge alternative. /14 With the Mid-Point Bridge, the new elevated freeway is projected to receive about one-third and two-thirds more traffic than Colonial presently experiences just west of Metro Parkway and just west of U.S. 41, respectively. With the Mid-Point Bridge, the projected number of trips on these two links are, respectively, 40,900 and 52,700. Just west of Summerlin, the traffic volume on Colonial increases from 6400 to 43,300 trips. Even if the three Colonial links are excluded from the 20 links, the total volume remains greatest under the Mid- Point Bridge and corridor alternative, which is projected to have 477,380 trips. For the remaining 17 links, the no-action alternative generates 469,038 trips and the Iona Cove Bridge and Southern Corridor alternative generates 455,345 trips. Analyzing the same data, Transportation Planner and Engineer Marty Wells, who is an employee of Gorove-Slade, testified on behalf of Ft. Myers that he examined the links identified by the Draft EIS that are in the City limits. These links yield the following volumes under the three alternatives: no action--1.84 million trips; Mid-Point Bridge and corridor-- 2.1 million trips; and Iona Cove Bridge and Southen Corridor-- 1.8 million trips. May 15 Transcript, pages 29 et seq. Using existing data, Mr. Wells also calculated the capacities for these links. Based on the volumes in the preceding paragraph, the overall volume-to-capacity ratios for Ft. Myers' links are as follows for the three alternatives: no action--0.60; Mid-Point Bridge and corridor--0.68; and Iona Cove Bridge and Southern Corridor--0.59. In other words, the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor, if built, would mean that overall traffic would absorb 68% of the capacity of Ft. Myers links most affected by the proposed project. The no-action alternative, on the other hand, would mean that overall traffic would absorb only 60% of the capacity of the same links. Table 415 of the Draft EIS reports other variables among the three alternatives. The first is that total daily river crossings in 2010 are greatest if the Mid-Point Bridge is built. The Mid-Point Bridge alternative generates 196,110 river crossings daily. The Iona Cove Bridge alternative generates 193,020 daily river crossings, and the no-action alternative generates only 186,090 daily river crossings. Under total vehicle hours of operation, Table 4 projects for 2010 the following figures: no-action alternative-- 656,902 hours; Mid-Point Bridge alternative--638,433 hours; and Iona Cove Bridge alternative--660,483 hours. Total vehicle miles are projected as follows: no-action alternative--14,466,600; Mid-Point Bridge alternative--14,437,100; and Iona Cove Bridge alternative--15,013,456. Table 5 of the EIS compares the Mid-Point and Iona Cove alternatives. These data were available by February, 1989. The Mid-Point Bridge and corridor would require 8.8 miles of corridor and 1.5 miles of bridge over the river, reduce vehicle miles traveled from the no-action alternative, by 30,000 daily, bypass wetlands, cost about $170 million, and require the relocation of 100-350 residences, 2' 6-56 businesses, and 1-4 nonprofit operations. The Iona Cove Bridge' and Southern Corridor would require 19.3 miles of corridor and 2.4 miles of bridge over the river, increase vehicle miles traveled from the no-action alternative by 550,000 daily, require the removal of 10-30 acres of wetlands, cost about $266 million, and require the relocation of 317-361 residences and 10 businesses. Table 5 of the EIS concludes that the Mid-Point Bridge would result in "more efficient distribution of traffic across combined bridges," and the Iona Cove Bridge would result in "[s]omewhat less efficient distribution of traffic across combined bridges." Table 5 reports that the "Mid-Point Bridge alternative "[c]omplies with existing land use plan; supports existing business communities," and the Iona Cove Bridge alternative would be "[non-compliant with land use plan; bypasses existing business communities." The Draft EIS concludes that the Iona Cove Bridge alternative is not a "reasonable or feasible" alternative to the Mid-Point Bridge alternative. The, EIS later cautions, however, that the Iona Cove Bridge alternative may have a role in the "very long term" transportation network. After rejecting the Iona Cove Bridge alternative, the Draft EIS reports that the "`No Action' Alternative is the base caste against which the [Mid Point Bridge project) is compared in order to determine the benefits and impacts of the project." The EIS reveals more of the analysis undertaken by the Coast Guard in reaching its latter conclusion that the no- action alternative "is not a reasonable alternative." EIS, page 171. To the extent that any data are implicit in such analysis, the data were available in February 1989. Offering a somewhat `expanded version of a discussion of community impact contained in the Draft EIS, the EIS notes that the State of Florida has designated as an "historic highway" McGregor Boulevard from U.S. 41 to College Parkway, which leads to the Cape Coral Bridge. The EIS acknowledges that Lee County and Ft. Myers have ordinances similar to state law with one key difference. The County ordinance specifically allows construction of an overpass for the Mid-Point Bridge corridor, and the City ordinance specifically prohibits such crossings. The EIS observes that litigation is pending over the controversy concerning the McGregor overpass, which would require the removal of about seven Royal Palms along McGregor according to the EIS. EIS, page 2-41. In a similar vein, the EIS reports that the Colonial corridor would mean, due in large part to the existing Colonial arterial, little community- disruption from "proximity" effects, such as "air and noise pollution, visual impacts, access changes, and other considerations." EIS, page 2-37. The EIS anticipates that 75 acres would be required for additional right-of-way along Colonial Boulevard. Id. at page; 2-38. The EIS considers in some detail the impact of noise pollution. The corridor would result in noise levels in excess of those set for residential use and would affect 26 dwelling units along the Colonial corridor. EIS, page 4-56 and Tables 35 and 36. Sound barriers are not technically feasible for the road surface between the river and McGregor and Summerlin and U.S. 41. EIS, page 4-57. For the remainder, cost barriers are implicitly deemed cost ineffective. The EIS envisions a 288'-330' right-of-way along Colonial Boulevard. The right-of-way would be within about 150' of Rio Vista Way. The corridor would be elevated 22'-24'. Turning to the Cape Coral side of the project, the EIS states: It is envisioned that a direct east-west roadway corridor [on the Cape Coral side of the river would enhance future residential development in the area. EIS, page 4-2. The EIS generally fails to address any need for the development in Cape Coral of commercial, industrial, recreational, or institutional uses. The EIS contains detailed comments from Ft. Myers' counsel with an appendix containing, among other things, comments from Ft. Myers' transportation consultant, Gorove-Slade Associates, Inc. Ft. Myers' counsel submitted these comments to the Coast Guard on September 22, 1989, and the EIS also contains the Coast Guard's undated responses. One suggestion of the Gorove-Slade representative is that reversible lanes on the existing bridges could accommodate the present and future demand. The Gorove-Slade letter suggests that reversible lanes are feasible as long as the directional imbalance on a bridge is "normally 2:1 to 3:1." The Gorove-Slade letter asserts that the imbalance is 67/33, which is of course within the above-stated range. Rejecting the suggestion of reversible lanes, the Coast Guard first erroneously concludes that the 67/33 split is not greater than 2:1. Then the Coast Guard states that the more recent directional imbalance is 58/42. The source of the Coast Guard's data is undisclosed. However, the evidence is abundant that the cross-river traffic is at least 2:1 toward Ft. Myers on weekday mornings and 2:1 toward Cape Coral on weekday afternoons. Even Lee County's witness, Ronald Talone, who was formerly employed in the Lee County Planning Department, testified to a 67/33 split based on data that Lee County had collected./ 16 The Coast Guard response also relies upon "potential shifts in land use patterns [in connection with) land use plans, which were the basis for [the Draft EIS] analysis. The results show an overwhelming need for the Midpoint Bridge Corridor." EIS, page 151. The basis for this statement apparently is the work of Lee County's consultant, who replicated future land uses under the settlement agreement between DCA and Lee County. However, this work was "unofficial" and offered only "initial results." EIS, page 159. The EIS notes that the settlement between Lee County and DCA required the county to reduce densities in outlying areas, such as those served by the Southern Corridor proposed by Ft. Myers. The reductions reportedly were as much as 10,000 percent, "further reducing the travel production/attraction base in those areas." EIS, page 160. The consultant also considered the plans of "cities in the region." EIS, page 146. However, it is unlikely that the consultant considered the plans adopted pursuant to the Act. It is difficult to determine the extent to which any traffic modeling in this case was informed by the future land use designations contained in the plans of Lee County, Cape Coral, and Ft. Myers under the Act. If not done, it is impossible to determine the impact of changed future land uses, which could result in large changes in the distributions of new residents. /17 However, later modeling--presumably incorporating changed future land uses--reportedly did not generate significantly different traffic volumes, at least for the various river crossings. Such later modeling includes that performed by Gorove- Slade for Ft. Myers. Focusing directly on land use planning concerns, the Coast Guard explains one of the reasons why it did not oppose the Mid-Point Bridge proposed by Lee County and Cape Coral: The concept of intentionally prohibiting construction of a bridge to force development on one side of a river is inappropriate and contrary to urban development concepts. In this instance, the no-bridge alternative would not stimulate development, given the interdependent nature of the Lee County economy. EIS, page 151. Lee County did not attempt to tell the city governments to change their Future Land Use elements, as the Fort Myers comments suggest that Cape Coral be instructed to do. * * * Alternative land use planning is not the purview of the transportation planner and is outside the scope of the project to plan this single bridge crossing. Instead, a project such as this is required to accept the adopted land use plans and the projected travel demand based on them. EIS, pages 169 and 171. Alluding to the land-use planning responsibilities placed upon local governments by the Act, the Coast Guard notes: Since the publication of the [Draft EIS], an important event has taken place in regard to this specific issue, rendering [a fatteners'] comment obsolete. The top state land planning agency, the Department of Community Affairs, found the Fort Myers' Comprehensive Plan to be non-compliant with state land planning guidelines because it prohibited the Midpoint Bridge, which is include in the plans of the county, the region, /18 and the City of Cape Coral. Administrative hearing procedures were scheduled to settle the issue but, instead of defending its opposition to the bridge, the city elected to remove the wording obstructing the project from the Comprehensive Plan. Instead, the city agreed to enter binding arbitration on the issue. Id. at page 153. Specifically addressing urban sprawl, the Coast Guard response states: Lee County Future Land Use plans since 1984 have aimed at containing urban sprawl through encouraging compact development patterns. The 1984 Lee Plan was based upon an urban service area concept, which focused future growth on the existing urbanized areas and their environs through a combination of land use categories, density allocations, infrastructure policies, and environmental protection standards. The 1989 Lee Plan continued to stress the importance of existing and permitted urban areas as the focal points for more intensive future growth. The major existing and permitted urban areas in Lee County, in terms of size, are clearly Cape Coral, Fort Myers (including its Urban Reserve area for future growth), and Lehigh Acres. . . . Both the 1984 and 1989 Lee Plans recognized these three major urban areas as givens, where preexisting investments and governmental approvals dictated the need for public services and infrastructure. Together, they constitute a tier of urban areas extending across the northern central part of the county, which is served by the east-west alignment of the Midpoint Bridge Corridor as extended to connect with Lee Boulevard in Lehigh Acres, as shown on the [Financially Feasible Plan]. The logic of connecting the population concentrations of Fort Myers and Cape Coral, the two largest urban areas in the County, with a primary east-west route is clear; with the extension to Lee Boulevard in Lehigh Acres, the logic of the Midpoint Bridge is even stronger. EIS, page 168. Summarizing its findings as to the planning decisions made by Lee County, the EIS concludes: The 1989 Lee Plan builds upon the 1984 Lee Plan. It was adopted as a result of the mandatory process of participation and review. It contains a responsible strategy for managing the large and rapid growth of the county. It sets forth numerous policies for providing the infrastructure necessary to support future populations, for projecting the sensitive natural environment, for paying for future public facilities, for maintaining a reasonable and compact, future land use pattern, and for buildings the necessary transportation network to allow its citizens to move efficiently between their homes, work, recreation, and shopping destinations. It is not a utopian document based upon unsubstantiated opinions, but a practical guide to development based upon the best available data and information. Following the amendments from the Stipulated Agreement, [the 1989 Lee Plan) will be fully consistent with Florida law and an even more effective guide for future development, in terms of reducing sprawl, protecting the environment, maintaining desirable land use patterns, and providing orderly expansion of roads and infrastructure. EIS, pages 169-70. Other Sources of Data and Analysis The Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan of the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (Regional Plan) contains land use analysis. Prepared no later than May 21, 1987, when the current version of the Regional Plan was adopted, the land use analysis was in existence at the time of the adoption of the Plan. In its analysis of the regional issue of Balanced and Planned Development under Land Use, the Regional Plan notes: The growth that has occurred [during the recent period of rapid growth that the region has experienced] can also", be considered "imbalanced." This imbalance is of two natures: inadequate development of certain common aspects of urban areas and inadequate distribution of certain types of urban areas. A lack of manufacturing is sometimes considered an indication of the urban inadequacies. More commonly, the problem is described as a lack of suitable jobs within industrial, office, education, and research facilities. The uneven distribution of urban uses is best (but not solely) depicted by an aerial view of the Region's major subdivisions, entire townships devoted to residential uses. Such areas have only limited commercial uses, few of the necessary public use site's, and high demand for transportation improvements for access to other areas. This lack of diversity is the result of private sector planning, namely large development projects, and traditional zoning techniques which discourage the use of planned unit developments by making them special exceptions and by segregating uses into separate zoning categories instead of using a performance zoning approach. Regional Plan, page 16-2. Another source of data and analysis is the Cape Coral comprehensive plan. Both the operative provisions and data and analysis provide a potential source of data and analysis in support of the Ft. Myers Plan. Adopted on February 13, 1989, the Cape Coral plan was in existence when the Ft. Myers plan was adopted. Amended August 27, 1990, the Cape Coral plan amendments were likely available, given noticed and public participation requirements, when Ft. Myers amended, its plan one week earlier. Cape Coral's Transportation Data and Analysis discloses that the city's strategy through 2000 is to direct future growth into the Infill and Transition areas. The Infill Area is located in Cape Coral's southeast quadrant, which has historically served as the growth center from which new growth emanated. The eastern two miles off Everest Parkway run through the Infill Area, dividing its northern third from its southern two-thirds. The Transition Areas is a band of land north and west of the Infill Area. Although Everest Parkway presently ends at the west limit of the Infill Area, the southern end of the Transition Area encompasses about 1 1/3 miles of the proposed Everest Parkway extension. Cape Coral's Transportation Data and Analysis rejects the MPO data concerning population projections for Cape Coral. The differences are significant. Rejecting the MPO projection as "lack[ing] any credibility, and . . . of no value as a planning tool," Cape Coral projects that its population would reach 100,000 persons by 2000, not 2010. Transportation Data and Analysis, pages 6-7. Cape Coral also contests other important socioeconomic data on which the MPO models rely, such as where Cape Coral residents actually reside or will reside. The MPO study "projected" that about 70% of-the population "lives" in the Infill and Transition Areas. The Cape Coral existing land use map provides that at least 90% of the population lives in these two areas. Cape Coral's Transportation Data and Analysis notes that the present location of commercial/office and other employment activities in Cape Coral is generally along the most heavily traveled roads, especially the Del Prado Boulevard, Cape Coral Parkway, and the Downtown Business District. This "strip commercial development" has engendered traffic congestion along these critical arterials. Without its own data or analysis as to employment trends, Cape Coral adopts the MPO data and analysis concerning, employment trends. This includes a projection that total employment within Cape Coral will increase from an estimated 8000 persons in 1980 to over 27,000 persons, presumably by 2000. Also, the ratio of Cape Coral residents to jobs in Cape Coral is expected to decrease from 4.2:1 in 1980 to 3.7:1 in 2000. The data and analysis add: "If the City commercial acreage estimates are realized, however, an even more favorable ratio would result." Transportation Data and Analysis, page 9. In any event, "Employment growth is expected to increase twice as fast as residential growth." Id. at page 8. Cape Coral's Transportation Data and Analysis acknowledges a clear directional flow or modal split of cross- river traffic: Until [the Cape Coral Bridge) is widened to four lanes (scheduled by the County for 1989), mile long traffic queues will continue to exist on the Cape Coral side of the bridge during the morning peak period and on the Fort Myers side during the afternoon peak. Transportation Data and Analysis, page 20. Through 2000, the destination of tries will remain largely outside the City of Cape Coral. Lacking "high intensity employment centers, airports or other facilities that attract County residents [to Cape Coral], the prime reason for travel into Cape Coral by nonresidents is to provide services, such as construction. Transportation Data and Analysis, page B-2. But this factor is relatively insignificant, as the data and analysis predict that, by 2000, there will be twice the number of trips to points outside the city than to points within the city. Transportation Data and Analysis, page 44. In the meantime, however, intensive growth will outstrip the capacity of Cape Coral's internal parkway system, id. at page 49, and Cape Coral's strategy in "road programming has been to the major roads into the two new proposed County Bridges". Id. at page 60. The Cape Coral plan contains operative provisions that, to some extent, address the historic absence of employment and regional shopping opportunities in the city. These provisions generally involve the attempt to deal with vacant, platted land and promote a mixture of uses in the city. /19 The Lee County plan was most recently amended on September 17, 1990. Based on the above mentioned notice and participation requirements, it is likely that all provisions were in existence when Ft. Myers adopted its amendments on August 20, 1990. The Lee County plan contains a number of provisions encouraging the development and redevelopment of mixed uses. /20 Lee County's traffic circulation element policy 21.1.1 adopts the Financially Feasible Plan with five minor changes. /21 Policy 21.1.3 is for the county's current Thoroughfare Alignment Project to reexamine the transportation model used to generate the MPO plans. Concerning the Mid-Point Bridge and associated corridor, the Lee County traffic circulation element states in relevant part: GOAL 24: MAJOR INTRA-COUNTY TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS. To provide for efficient intra- county vehicular traffic by planning an integrated system of transportation corridors, possibly of limited access design, that connect urban centers within the county. OBJECTIVE 24.1 MID-POINT CORRIDOR. Create a new east-west transportation corridor, possibly of limited access design, across central Lee Counts in order to alleviate existing congestion of traffic crossing the Caloosahatchee River. POLICY 24.1.1: The county will continue the planning, feasibility determination, and environmental impact assessment for the Mid-Point Bridge. POLICY 24.1.2: The construction of this east-west transportation corridor will be coordinated through the Metropolitan Planning Organization to ensure system-wide continuity. POLICY 24.1.3: Due to the public need to provide this critically important corridor so as to solve roadway deficiencies affecting most of Lee County, and due to the admitted impossibility of devising any alignment, which would not generate at least some negative impacts, it is declared as the policy of Lee County that once the best alignment is selected this policy shall preempt any other perceived conflicting portion of the Lee Plan and such conflicts, real or perceived, shall not be construed so as to require or justify blocking the construction of this facility. POLICY 24.1.4: Because of the high priority Lee County placed on the planning and construction of this transportation corridor, permitting efforts shall be initiated by the year 1989, if feasible, and construction shall begin, if possible, by the year 1993. * * * The Lee County intergovernmental coordination element provides, in relevant part: GOAL 28: INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION. Lee County shall participate in and share the leadership of all necessary and desirable programs in coordinating the transportation planning and improvements of routes within or affecting Lee County. OBJECTIVE 28.1: PLANNING. Lee County will continue to plan cooperatively with its municipalities, surrounding counties, and FDOT. POLICY 28.1.1: The county will participate in the MPO and Regional Planning Council planning processes for system-wide facility needs. POLICY 28.1.2: The County will use informal mediation whenever possible to resolve disputes before other formalized processes are pursued. * * * Various other sources of data and analysis were in existence when the Plan was adopted. As Colonial proceeds east of McGregor, the prevailing and planned land uses are predominantly commercial, and the existing commercial uses are dependent upon direct access to Colonial Boulevard. The addition of an elevated freeway or expressway would tend to reduce business for some of these roadsides commercial uses due to, among other factors, the presence of one-way service roads in place of two-way traffic, less on-site parking, and less visibility from the road. However, the record establishes no more than a temporary reduction in commercial property values. It is unclear whether, in the longer term, commercial uses, especially the older ones along the western part of Colonial, would be impaired by a freeway. The record does not preclude the possibility that the corridor could lead to commercial revitalization, especially at the Summerlin, U.S. 41, and Metro Parkway interchanges. The existing and planned land uses on both sides of McGregor north and south of Colonial are low density residential. The record establishes that the elevated freeway would, through noise and visual impact, have a negative impact upon these and possibly other residential areas. However, the record does not establish the extent of such an impact. The record does not establish that the freeway would impair access between points within the affected area. Presently, motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists must cross Colonial, which is an at-grade six-lane arterial west of U.S. 41. Accessibility with the Mid-Point Bridge corridor would depend upon a variety of factors, such as the design of the service roads and three interchanges, the sign of the other overpasses, the traffic on the service roads, and the traffic on the north- south roads in the vicinity of the corridor. Provisions of Ft. Myers Plan Traffic Circulation Element (TCE) Objective 1 is "To meet the transportation needs of the incorporated area through a balanced system of roadway, rail, air, boating, public transportation, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities." TCE Objective 2 is, "To maintain or provide adequate road capacity to meet present and anticipated future traffic needs." TCE Policy 2.4 is: "New roadway corridors will be provided when justified by needs where feasible, and when exiting corridors cannot meet the need. TCE Policy 2.6 is: "The City will obtain traffic counts and intersection studies to determine current service levels." Standard 2.6.3 mentions capacity constraints on McGregor Boulevard and all roads in the downtown area; for those, the peak hour, peak season acceptable level of service is "Maintain and improve." The downtown area is limited to the immediate vicinity of the Caloosahatchee and Edison Bridges. TCE Objective 5 is: "To preserve the integrity and quality of residential areas, major activity centers, and recreational and environmental resources." TCE Policy 5.1 is: "Proposed transportation improvements will be coordinated with existing land uses and the Future Land Use Map." TCE Action 5.1.1 is: "Changes to the Future Functional Classification Map (Map F) that would change proposed rights-of-way requirements, will be developed in accord with adjacent land uses as well as bin accord with the City's overall needs." TCE Action 5.1.2, which was amended at least to add the language concerning the Mid-Point Bridge, states: No new transportation corridors or improvements will be permitted which could preclude those indicated on the Major Thoroughfare Map (Map G)--unless, with respect to the Mid-Point Bridge and elevated limited access expressway system proposed by Lee County and Cape Coral, the result of the binding conflict resolution process described in the Goals, Policies and Objectives of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element is that the Bridge should be constructed. Any proposed amendment to the Thoroughfare Plan must be consistent with all Traffic Circulation policies as well as other Comprehensive Plan Elements. TCE Policy 5.2 is: "Any transportation improvements proposed for McGregor Boulevard shall consider its qualities as a special historic and scenic corridor." Action 5.2.1 provides that, except under certain conditions, there shall be no new street connections, road connections, road intersection, or the widening of any existing, intersections and no overpasses or underpasses, made either with, under, or over McGregor Boulevard or any alteration of the physical dimensions, appearance, or location of this corridor . . . However, new street connections, road connections, road intersections, or widening of any existing intersections and overpasses or underpasses may be made either with, under, or over McGregor Boulevard or alteration of the physical dimensions, appearance, or location of this corridor with respect to the Mid-Point Bridge and elevated limited access expressway system proposed by Lee County and Cape Coral, if the result of the binding conflict resolution process described in the Goals, Policies and Objectives of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element is that the Bridge should be constructed. At least the language following the ellipses is the result of a plan amendment. TCE Policy 5.3 is: "Transportation improvements proposed in or near residential arenas will contain appropriate mitigation measures." TCE Objective 6 is: "To obtain the cooperation and active participation of all responsible governments in the coordinated implementation of the metropolitan transportation plan." TCE Policy 6.1 is: "All proposed major transportation improvements, including all improvements which extend beyond the limits of the City, will be coordinated with the other affected jurisdictions prior to City approval of the improvement." TCE Action 6.1.1 is: "The City will participate in the committees of the Metropolitan Planning Organization to ensure that this policy is met." TCE Policy 6.2 is: "The City will actively participate in the development and review of transportation improvements proposed by other jurisdictions." TCE Action 6.2.1 is: "The City will participate in the County's Planning Technical Advisory Committee to ensure that this policy is met." Intergovernmental Coordination Element (ICE) Goal 2, which, together with its objectives and policy, was added by amendment, states in its entirety: It is the goal of the City of Fort Myers to resolve the conflict with Lee County. and the City of Cape Coral concerning the Mid-point Bridge through ban independent, objective, equitable, efficient and binding process as an alternative to the litigation in Lee County vs. City of Fort Myer, Circuit Court Case No. 88-5598 CA-RWP pending in the 20th Judicial Circuit for Lee County, that will ensure that all relevant factors and concerns are fairly and objectively evaluated. Objective 1. In order to achieve the City's goal of resolving the conflict over the proposed Mid-Point Bridge, it is the objective of the City of Fort Myers to abate the pending litigation between the County and the City in regard to the Mid-Point Bridge and to enter into a binding conflict resolution process that will provide a balanced determination of the need for and appropriateness of the proposed Mid-Point Bridge in terms of the following factors: county-wide transportation needs; the comparative effectiveness and cost benefit of reasonable alternative transportation solutions; social, cultural economic and environmental impacts on the City of Fort Myers and Lee County; and long-term financial feasibility and cost-effectiveness. Policy 1.1 It is the policy of the City of Fort Myers in regard to the conflict over the proposed Mid-Point Bridge to submit the conflict to a conflict resolution process that contains the, following elements: An objective, independent decision maker who has substantive, and/or technical familiarity with land use and transportation issues; A fair and reasonable opportunity for all affected persons including the City of Fort Myers to submit substantive information in regard to the merits of the proposed Mid- Point Bridge; A resolution of the conflict and the merits of the proposed Mid-Point Bridge based on the following principles: the proposed Mid-Point Bridge should not be constructed if it can be reasonably demonstrated that implementation of the comprehensive plans of Lee County, the City of Fort Myers and the City of Cape Coral will result in a shift in land use patterns, transportation management systems, or increased modal splits that will reduce the projected number of rivers crossings so that there is no need for the proposed Mid-Point Bridge; the proposed Mid-Point Bridge should not be constructed if peak hour levels of service on existing and committee river crossings, with or without operational improvements such as reversible lanes, will provide an acceptable level of service; the proposed Mid-Point Bridge should not be constructed if there are reasonable alternatives that have the following characteristics: reduced or equal costs; equal or superior transportation capacity too serve county wide transportation needs; arid reduced social, cultural, economic or environmental impacts on the residents of the City of Fort Myers. For the purposes of this paragraph, reasonable alternatives Shall include, but not be limited to, river crossings at other locations, a county-wide beltway or circumferential road system and non-geometric improvements such as transportation management systems, reversible lanes and the like. 4) Any determination-of fact shall be based on a standard of preponderance of the evidence. The Future Land Use Element (FLUE) Objective 1 is: "Coordinate land development with the public and private provision of community services and facilities, soil suitability, and topography." FLUE Objective 2 is: "Protect distinct functional areas from intrusion and encroachment of incompatible uses." FLUE Objective 3 is: "Protect significant natural and historic resources from intrusion and encroachment of incompatible uses." FLUE Objective 4 is: "Ensure a balanced distribution and allocation of the various land uses in newly developing areas." FLUE Objective 5 is: "Revitalize declining areas through rehabilitation, redevelopment, and infill strategies as appropriate." Map C, which accompanies the FLUE, designates the following corridors as part of the "corridor improvement strategy": U.S. 41 on both sides of Colonial, Evans Avenue north of Colonial to the river, Fowler south from the river but only about halfway to Colonial, and three east-west routes including Palm Beach Boulevard, which runs along the river, from Interstate 75 to the proposed landfall of the Metro Bridge. Map C designates the following corridors as part of the "corridor conscious" development strategy. Less in need of redevelopment than those named in the preceding paragraph, the corridor conscious corridors include Colonial Boulevard, Winkler Avenue, Summerlin Road south of Colonial Boulevard, Metro Parkway north and south of Colonial and in the vicinity of the Metro Bridge, and Palmetto, Marsh and Ortiz Avenues on both sides of Colonial. FLUE Policy 5.2 is for the central business district to be "redeveloped as the pre-eminent regional center." Provisions of Regional Plan Goal 19, Regional Issue B, of the Regional Plan concerns transportation and growth management. Policy 1 is: All regional transportation systems should be designed, upgraded or maintained to enable roadways to operate at, or above, a service level acceptable to the agency with land use authority, with operational maintenance responsibility, and with the affected surrounding local government, when such standards incorporate the minimum standards set by the agency having operational, and maintenance responsibility for that public facility, unless designated a special transportation area by those agencies and governments. Policy 3.d. is that transportation improvements are to be "related to seasonal and area needs in order to minimize disruption of the existing road network during periods of highest use." Policy 6 is: "Transportation plans should preserve, to the greatest extent possible, the integrity of residential areas." Policy 9 is: `"Transportation investments should be directed in such a way so that they contribute to efficient urban development." Goal 20, Regional Issue A, of the Regional Plan addresses intergovernmental coordination. The policies suggest the improvement of intergovernmental coordination through the use of interlocal agreements, technical assistance, and solicitation of review and comments. Regional Issue D speaks in stronger terms, but only requires, by 1996, that "each jurisdiction will have enacted the appropriate administrative arrangement to ensure coordination occurs." Pursuant to this Issue, Policy D states: "Mediation of jurisdictional disputes should be pursued by local governments as a first alternative to judicial action." Goal 16 of the Regional Plan concerns land uses. Regional Issue A relates to balanced and planned development. The first policy is: "The plans of all jurisdictions should promote balanced and planned development." Policy 3.e. suggests that comprehensive plans "ensure existing urban areas are protected from the adverse impacts of future growth." Policy 3.i. suggests that plans "provide for effective intergovernmental coordination methods for siting public and private locally unpopular land uses." Policy 3.1. suggests that plans "provide for new central business districts, as needed by urban growth." Policy 9 states: Comprehensive plans and land development regulations should provide incentives to develop and redevelop land downtown including allowing mixed uses, higher densities, shared parking, and improved vehicular access. Regional Issue C, which concerns the problem of already-platted, vacant lands in the region, contains Policy 3, which states: "Additional urban uses and protection of threatened resources within existing platted areas should be pursed through reassembly or other techniques." Policy 8 adds: "Each local government should provide alternatives to traditional development of platted lands." The Regional Plan does not recommend the construction of the Mid- Point Bridge. Map IV-10 of the volume entitled, "Description of the Region," identifies the bridge and corridor as a regional roadway "not yet constructed." Neither the map nor the surrounding text suggests that the Regional Planning Council has determined that the bridge and corridor should be built. /22 Ultimate Findings of Fact Sorting Data and Analysis TCE Policies 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3, and the implementing actions thereunder, prohibit the construction of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor unless this alternative is selected pursuant to the binding arbitration described in ICE Goal 2. Lee County is unwilling to agree to the conditions set forth in ICE Goal 2. The refusal is justified because, for reasons set forth below, the offer to arbitrate contains an unreasonable condition. The Plan's treatment of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor can be characterized as an intentional omission of these improvements from any road network for the city, and the Plan's offer to arbitrate, in effect, leaves the resolution of the Mid-Point Bridge dispute to the courts or voters. However, Lee County and Cape Coral have failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the omission of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor from the Plan is not supported by data and analysis. The data and analysis contained in the 1989 Data and Analysis and 1990 Data and Analysis are sparse in terms of support for the omission or inclusion of the bridge and corridor. Ft. Myers failed to incorporate into its data and analysis, verbatim or by reference, the best "available existing data, which were those generated by Lee County bin preparing the EIS, especially Composite Exhibit 4 of the EIS. However, the 1989 Data and Analysis and 1990 Data and Analysis contain analysis in support of the omission of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor. The analysis consists mostly of consideration of the effect of the proposed project on various provisions of the Plan and the conclusion that the project would be inconsistent with these provisions. The Ft. Myers' planning strategy emphasizes more than the preservation of the historic and aesthetic values of McGregor Boulevard and nearby Rio Vista Way. The analysis justifies the omission of the ride and corridor by at least implicitly construing the Plan as part of an urban containment strategy that, if successful, benefits the region by promoting existing, close-in commercial uses and promoting the attractiveness of Ft. Myers as a place to live. This analysis finds some support in the data concerning the noise and visual impact of the corridor upon nearby residential areas. The most important sources of data and analysis in support of the omission of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor are the Draft EIS and EIS, especially Composite Exhibit 4. Although Ft. Myers was aware of these data, it failed to include and analyze them, in the 1989 Data and Analysis or 1990 Data and Analysis. The most likely explanation for this omission is that the exclusion of the bridge and corridor was a foregone conclusion at the beginning of the planning process, and, until plan litigation became imminent Ft. Myers felt no need to explicate its opposition to the project. However, for reasons set forth in the Conclusions of Law, the sources of data and analysis available to support the plan are not limited to those identified or even actually relied upon by Ft. Myers in the plan-adoption process. The data and analysis contained in the Draft EIS and EIS support the exclusion of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor because this project would tap, to some degree, latent travel demand and would result, to , a significant extent, in more traffic on Ft. Myers' roads. The corridor would also displace, at least in the short term, viable commercial uses whose proximity to downtown Ft. Myers and nearby residential areas is useful in maintaining a mixture of uses in Ft. Myers. The data and analysis do not, however, address the possibility of renewed commercial development along the corridor. It is therefore impossible to determine if the data and analysis suggesting the possible displacement of existing commercial uses are offset by data and analysis indicative of a possible revitalization of aging commercial uses. In short, data and analysis exist to support a decision by Ft. Myers to omit the bridge and corridor, and data and analysis also exist to support a decision by Ft. Myers to include the bridge and corridor, had it wished to do so. Little, if any, data and analysis exist that comprehensively net the benefits of the Mid-Point Bridge alternative against the benefits of the no-action or Iona Cove Bridge alternative. In large part, the conflict is between transportation and land use strategies whose competing sets of underlying data and analysis have not been evaluated in a process designed to identify the superior data and analysis from an appropriately broad perspective. In such a proceeding, no deference could be given to the planning preference of any individual local government. This is the first shortcoming of the EIS process in which due deference to the prerogative of local governments in local land use planning provided a procedural advantage to the proponents of the project, Lee County and Cape Coral. In any event, the conclusions of the EIS are supported by its data and analysis to the extent that the Coast Guard concludes that the decision of Lee County and Cape Coral to build the bridge is reasonable. The conclusions of the EIS that the other alternatives, especially the no-action, are unreasonable from a regional perspective, if even relevant to the present case involving only Ft. Myers' Plan, are based predominantly upon transportation considerations. These conclusions clearly are not based upon a comprehensive, objective, and informed review of comprehensive land use strategies, of which transportation strategies are a part. To the extent that the EIS concludes that the no-action alternative is an unreasonable land use strategy, such a conclusion is unsupported even by the data and analysis contained in the EIS. To some extent, Lee County and especially Cape Coral, although responsible for preparing nearly all of the relevant data in this case, have not sufficiently focused their data and analysis so as to justify a finding that the Plan's omission of the bridge and corridor is not supported by the data and analysis. The Lee County and Cape Coral data and analysis supporting the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor justify a transportation strategy linking more efficiently the bedroom communities to the east and west with each other and to shopping and jobs. By contrast, the omission of the bridge and corridor is based on more comprehensive land use planning considerations. Data and analysis supporting the exclusion of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor address an overall land use strategy, to which transportation planning is properly subordinated. To some extent, the differing emphases reflect that Ft. Myers is a more established community than the fast- growing Cape Coral and Lee County. To some extent, the increased emphasis upon overall land use planning by Ft. Myers, as opposed to the focus upon transportation planning by Cape Coral in particular, may reflect varying planning philosophies. Cape Coral has suffered from the lack of an effective land use strategy to overcome the burdens of urban sprawl, which has engendered a monolithic land use dominated by low-density residential. The Cape Coral plan and data and analysis point to some improvement dealing with this problem. But to meet the burden of showing that the Ft. Myers strategy, which excludes the bridge and corridor, is supported by data and analysis, Cape Coral must offer data and analysis more effectively addressing land use planning issues, rather than merely transportation planning issues. Cape Coral cannot meet its burden in this case by presenting data and analysis supporting a transportation strategy of linking its internal parkways to bridges and building more bridges. Although such data and analysis may support Cape Coral's planning solutions, they are not so compelling as to displace the data and analysis presently supporting Ft. Myers' land use strategy of preserving a viable mixture of uses. The support for Ft. Myers' land use strategy excluding the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor is not overwhelming in terms of data and analysis. The increased traffic on city roads, noise pollution, and the visual impact support the decision. Other factors, such as impaired physical accessibility, commercial decline, and the extent of the negative impact upon residential integrity, do not so clearly support the decision. Even if present conditions clearly were to support the decision to exclude the bridge and corridor, changing conditions could later deprive Ft. Myers' decision of support from the data and analysis. New developments, such as Omni Park, could leave Colonial and nearby collectors, as well as McGregor, choked in traffic during nonpeak season, nonpeak hours. The decline of commercial uses along the western part of Colonial may in time require revitalization through redevelopment If so, imaginative planning solutions may :,"identify corridor-connected uses whose scale and type promote, rather than threaten, Ft. Myers' status as a viable mixed-use center. If sufficiently compelling under then-existing conditions, such solutions may even compel a bridge and corridor. But the data and analysis do not portray these conditions presently. Internal Consistency Lee County and Cape Coral have failed to prove to the exclusion of fair debate that TCE Action 5.2.1 is inconsistent with FLUE Objective 1. TCE Action 5.2.1 prohibits the construction of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor unless this alternative is selected pursuant to the binding arbitration described in ICE Goal 2. FLUE Objective 1 is, to coordinate land development with the adequate provision of facilities, which include roads. FLUE Objective 1 and its policy cluster require adequate levels of service for facilities (presumably for which concurrency is required), the availability of land for public facilities, development patterns that maximize, the use of existing public facilities, and coordination with Lee County and the Florida Department of Transportation regarding tide intensity of land uses and their location relative to collectors and arterials. There is nothing inherently contradictory between TCE Action 5.2.1 and FLUE objective 1. FLUE Objective 1 does not require the construction of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor, just as it does not require that downtown segments of U.S. 41 or Fowler be widened to 12 lanes if there is sufficient traffic demand. FLUE Objective 1 does not requiring reducing the planning exercise to promising invariably to widening existing roads or building new roads in urban areas upon the identification of traffic congestion. Taking a wider view, FLUE Goal 1 is to ensure the achievement of acceptable "general patterns and relationships (distribution, allocation, and intensity) of all land uses" in the city. The record does not establish that the omission of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor is inconsistent with FLUE Objective 1. Lee County and Cape Coral have failed to prove to the exclusion of fair debate that TCE Objective 5, Policy 5.1, Actions 5.1.1 and 5.1.2, Policy 5.2, Action 5.2.1, ICE Goal 2, Objective 2, and Policy 1.1, on the one hand, are inconsistent with TCE Objective 6, Policy 6.1, Auction 6.1.1, Policy 6.2, and Action 6.2.1, on the other hand. TCE Objective 5, Policy 5.1, Actions 5.1.1 and 5.1.2, Policy 5.2, Action 5.2.1, ICE Goal 2, Objective 2, and Policy 1.1 will bet referred to as Modified TCE Objective 5. Modified TCE Objective 5 prohibits the construction of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor unless this alternative is selected pursuant tot the binding arbitration described in ICE Goal 2. ICE Goal 2, Objective 2, arc Policy 1.1 set the conditions of such arbitration. With one exception, these conditions are reasonable. The goal to obtain a fair, objective, and binding resolution of the bridge dispute outside of court is salutary. The objective is also reasonable, assuming that the reference to the socioeconomic and environmental, impacts on Ft. Myers and Lee County includes Cape Coral. Policy 1.1 establishes specific conditions. The first calls for an objective, disinterested decision-maker with expertise in land use and transportation planning. The second condition ensures that all parties have a chance to be heard. The fourth condition provides that the standard of proof is the preponderance of the evidence. These conditions are obviously reasonable. The substantive guidelines for the decision-maker are set forth in ICE Policy 1.1(3). The first guideline prohibits the bridge if the land use plans of Cape Coral, Ft. Myers, and Lee County can be implemented so as to reduce the number of river crossings by shifting land use patterns, introducing or expanding transportation management systems, or increasing modal splits. The second guideline prohibits the bridge if existing and committed river crossings will provide an acceptable level of service regardless of operational improvements such as reversible lanes. In general, these conditions are reasonable. The effectiveness of transportation management systems and operational improvements, especially reversible lanes, should be considered as relatively inexpensive alternatives to the construction of a new bridge and corridor. Changing land use patterns presumably requires each local government to address through comprehensive planning any deficiencies that it may suffer in terms of a lack of mixed land uses. The guideline does not specify the extent to which a local government must remediate a lack of mixed uses. For example, it might be effective but prohibitively costly for Cape Coral to solve its mixed land use problems by purchasing and reassembling vacant and developed platted land suitable for commercial or industrial development. The reasonableness of the guideline of changing land use patterns depends upon its interpretation. The third guideline, prohibits the construction of the Mid-Point Bridge if "reasonable" alternatives exist at reduced or equal costs, with equal or superior transportation capacity to serve County-wide transportation needs, and with reduced socioeconomic and environmental impacts on Ft. Myers residents. The factors of reduced or equal costs and equal or superior transportation capacity are reasonable and address regional concerns. The guideline focusing on the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of Ft. Myers' residents exclusively undermines the viability of ICE goal 2 and Ft. Myers' putative "offer" to submit to binding arbitration. Just as it is reasonable for Ft. Myers to concern itself exclusively with the socioeconomic and environmental welfare of itself and its residents, so it is reasonable for Lee County and Cape Coral to concern themselves with the socioeconomic and environmental welfare of themselves and their residents. This guideline is unreasonable and effectively relegates the parties to whatever judicial or political solutions that may be available. Notwithstanding the failure of the offer to arbitrate, Modified Objective 5 is not inconsistent with TCE Objective 6 and its policies and actions. The latter provisions do not preclude the judicial option for this longstanding dispute. TCE Objective 6 is to obtain the cooperation of all governmental entities in the implementation of MPO plan. Except for TCE Policy 6.1, the policy and actions under this objective require merely participation in transportation planning processes. The arbitration process described in Modified TCE Objective 5 does not preclude participation in transportation planning processes; Modified TCE objective 5 merely identifies one approach to resolving disputes not resolved by normal transportation planning processes. Policy 6.1 requires the "coordination" of "major transportation improvements" with other affected governmental entities. The simple resolution of this issue is that the policy requires coordination only of projects that Ft. Myers proposes to undertake, not of projects sponsored by other entities that Ft. Myers proposes to ignore or resist. Even if the omission of a project sponsored by others triggers the coordination requirement of Policy 6.1, Modified TCE Objective 5 is not inconsistent with such a requirement. Coordination does not require the successful achievement of a consensus for each transportation project that each local government or regional entity may propose. "Coordinate" means: To place in the same order, class, or rank. To arrange in the proper relative position. To harmonize in an action or effort. American Heritage Dictionary. In this case, Ft. Myers participated in the normal transportation planning processes. Consensus was reached as to a considerable number of road projects, although the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor are extremely large projects in the County. "Coordinate" does not mean "approve," and Ft. Myers is not required by TCE Policy 6.1 to obtain the approval of all other governmental entities for projects proposed by Ft. Myers or to give its approval for projects proposed by any or even all of the others. The facts of this case do not reveal a series of disputes involving numerous proposed road projects. The three local governments have not had systemwide impasse that defeats their ability to design and implement a coordinated transportation network. Although the Mid-Point project is of considerable magnitude, the Major Thoroughfare Plan--2010 does not prevent the transportation plans of Lee County and Cape Coral from working. The size of a project proposed by a majority of area local governments does not alone compel a lone opponent to capitulate to attain intergovernmental coordination. Neither does the inclusion of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor in the financially Feasible Plan compel Ft. Myers to accede to the project or risk inconsistency with the intergovernmental coordination provisions of its Plan. The MPO's data and analysis support its adoption of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor. But the purpose of the MPO is not to restate the positions of its constituent members and, even if they are supported by data and analysis, thereby compel dissenters to conform their plans to the plans of the majority. The MPO has served a valuable purpose in this case by collecting and disseminating important data and providing the parties with a forum in which to exchange their data and analysis; inform and, if necessary, revise their positions; and, if possible, form a consensus. Like Lee County and Cape Coral, Ft. Myers participated in this process in good faith and thereby engaged in intergovernmental coordination. The unreasonableness of requiring local governments invariably to conform their plans to those of the MPO is illustrated by another factor in this case. The Financially Feasible Plan describes a road network that is financially feasible only if existing available revenues are nearly doubled. The present facts do not support a construction of intergovernmental coordination that mandates strict compliance with a Financially Feasible Plan that requires local governments to raise additional revenues. Lee County and Cape Coral have failed to prove to the exclusion of fair debate that Modified TCE Objective 5 is inconsistent with TCE Objective 1. TCE Objective 1 is to meet the city's transportation needs through a "balanced system" of road, rail, air, boat, bicycle, pedestrian, and public transportation. For the reasons set forth above, the preclusion of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor does not preclude the attainment of such a balanced system. Lee County and Cape Coral have failed to prove to the exclusion of fair debate that Modified TCE Objective 5 is inconsistent with TCE Objective 2, Policies 2.4 and 2.6, and Standard 2.6.3. TCE Objective 2 is to "maintain or provide adequate road capacity to meet present and anticipated future needs." Policy 2.4 is to construct new roadway corridors when existing corridors cannot meet the need. Policy 2.6 is for the city to "pursue acceptable level of service standards for its roadways, and coordinate the standards with Lee County and the Florida Department of Transportation." Standard 2.6.3 acknowledges constraints on capacity improvements for McGregor and the central business district and adopts a peak season, peak hour level of service for these roads of "maintain and improve." The record fails to establish that the omission of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor is inconsistent with these provisions. The evidence shows that traffic would actually increase on city roads with the Mid-Point Bridge. Consistency with Regional Plan Lee County and Cape Coral have failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the TCE, in omitting the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor, is not consistent with the Regional Plan. The record fails to establish that the omission of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor is inconsistent with the Regional Plan considered as a whole. The Plan's treatment of the bridge and corridor is consistent with provisions in the Regional Plan regarding balanced land uses and intergovernmental coordination. Consistency with Other Minimum Criteria For the reasons set forth above, Lee County and Cape Coral have failed to prove by, a preponderance of the evidence that the Plan is not consistent with the criterion of, "to the maximum extent feasible as determined by the local government," analysis compatible with the plans of the Florida Department of Transportation and MPO, as well as the criteria of analysis of projecting levels of service for roads based on the FLUM, the need for new roads, and the adopted level of service standards and plans of the Florida Department of Transportation and MPO. Lee County and Cape Coral have failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that TCE Policies 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3, with their implementing actions, in omitting the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor, are not consistent with the criteria of an objective coordinating transportation planning with the metropolitan planning organization and a future traffic circulation map showing the location of arterial and limited access facilities. The issue of coordination has already been addressed. The Major Thoroughfare Plan--2010 is consistent with the latter criterion. Lee County and Cape Coral have failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the FLUE or TCE Action 5.2.1 is not consistent with the criterion of discouraging the proliferation of urban sprawl. The strategy of urban containment is not limited to planning for undeveloped or underdeveloped areas. The maintenance of existing mixed-use centers also assists in deterring urban sprawl. By preserving and enhancing close-in residential areas, some of the pressure toward urban sprawl may be alleviated. The omission of the Mid-Point Bridge and corridor may be viewed as part of a reasonable planning strategy designed to promote the mixture of uses presently characterizing the city. For the reasons set forth above, Lee County and Cape Coral have failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the ICE is not consistent with the criteria of establishing principles and guidelines to be used in attaining coordination with the plans of adjacent municipalities and the county, ensuring coordination in setting level of service standards for public facilities with any governmental entity with operational or maintenance responsibility for such facility, and resolving conflicts with other local governments through the Regional Planning Council's informal mediation process.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Administration Commission enter a final order determining that the Ft. Myers plan, as amended, is in compliance with Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code. ENTERED this 7 day of January, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7 of January, 1992.

Florida Laws (10) 1.04120.57163.3161163.3171163.3177163.3178163.3184163.3187163.3191163.3194 Florida Administrative Code (6) 9J-5.0019J-5.0029J-5.0059J-5.00559J-5.0069J-5.015
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pompano Beach, Florida Mar. 09, 2011 Number: 11-001206GM Latest Update: Oct. 24, 2013

The Issue The issue is whether the plan amendments adopted by the City of Pompano Beach (City) by Ordinance Nos. 2011-24 and 2011- 25 on February 8, 2011, are in compliance.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner is a resident and owner of real property within the City. Through counsel, she submitted written and oral comments to the City during the transmittal and adoption hearings for the plan amendments. Petitioner is employed by the Seminole Tribe of Florida at its casino located in Coconut Creek, Broward County (County). PPI's claim that this challenge is rooted in gaming interests of the Seminole Tribe of Florida appears to be a valid assumption. The City is a municipal corporation in the County and is responsible for adopting and maintaining its Plan. It adopted the amendments pursuant to former section 163.32465, in effect at that time, which codified an adoption process known as the Alternative State Review Pilot Program (Pilot Program). Under the Pilot Program, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA)1 did not issue an Objections, Recommendation, or Comments report or a notice of intent regarding compliance or non- compliance of the plan amendments. The DCA and other reviewing agencies did, however, issue letters advising that they did not object to the final version of the adopted amendments. PPI owns property in the City and is the applicant for the amendments. PPI submitted comments in support of the amendments throughout the adoption process. The Amendment Process in Broward County Under the County Charter, land use changes to the City's Plan that are not more restrictive than the County Land Use Plan must be reviewed by the Planning Council to ensure that they are in "substantial conformity" with the County Land Use Plan. However, the Planning Council does not review the City's plan amendments for consistency with the City's Plan or chapter 163. After the County's review was completed, the DCA recommended that certain changes be made. The amendments were transmitted back to the City and were amended to conform to the DCA's recommendations. The amendments were then required to undergo the same review process a second time. Although a determination was made by the Planning Council that the initial amendments were in substantial conformity with the County Land Use Plan, the revised amendments cannot be recertified for consistency until this challenge has been concluded. If plan amendments are in substantial conformity with its Land Use Plan, the County must amend its Plan to incorporate the City's changes. Based upon a favorable recommendation by the Planning Council, on September 28, 2010, the County adopted companion amendments, although not identical to the City's revised amendments. Those amendments are the subject of a pending challenge by the same petitioner in Case No. 10-9939GM and have not yet become effective. A hearing in that case is now scheduled in September 2013. Until that challenge is resolved, the City amendments cannot become effective. The Property PPI owns approximately 230 acres of property within the City. The property is bounded on the north by Racetrack Road, by North Cypress Bend Drive to the south, by Powerline Road to the west, and the CSX railroad tracks to the east. The current land use designation on 160 acres is Commercial Recreation (CR), while the remaining 70 acres has a Regional Activity Center (RAC) designation. The 70 acres makes up the southern part of a pre-existing RAC known as the Arvida Pompano Park Regional Activity Center (Arvida RAC), whose boundaries are coextensive with a Development of Regional Impact approved in the 1980s, but which expired in 2004. Except for the 70 acres owned by PPI, the Arvida RAC is fully developed. The CR property lies just to the south of the Arvida RAC and forms the southern boundary of that development. The 160 acres is now occupied by the Pompano Park Harness Track, Isle of Capri Casino, surface parking lots, various commercial uses, horse stables, a training area, and other uses associated with the harness track and casino. The 160 acres is the only property in the City designated as CR. That designation allows an extremely wide range of permitted uses: outdoor and indoor recreation facilities such as active recreation complexes, marinas, stadiums, jai-alai frontons, bowling alleys, golf courses, and dog and horse racing facilities; accessory facilities, including outdoor and indoor recreation facilities that support the primary recreation facility; hotels, motels, time shares, and similar lodging ancillary to the primary commercial recreation uses; and other active and passive recreation uses. The site was once considered for a new baseball stadium for the Florida Marlins and a hockey arena for the Florida Panthers. The CR property can have more than one primary use. For example, besides the harness track, the casino is an "indoor recreation facility" and qualifies as a second primary use. If a hotel has resort and destination features that are open to the public, the amenities can become a primary use. Under the City's interpretation of CR land, a hotel containing a destination function with resort and recreation features is also a primary use. Ancillary facilities for each of these uses is also allowed. The City is already 95 percent built-out, and it considers PPI's property to be regionally significant, under developed, and ripe for redevelopment as a major attraction. For these reasons, it supports the designation of the property as a new RAC. PPI filed the application because it desires greater flexibility in planning for the future development of the property. If the amendments become effective, PPI intends to expand the existing casino and build a large resort hotel, various commercial and residential uses, and other amenities associated with those activities. The Amendments In December 2009, PPI submitted an application to the City to reduce the existing Arvida RAC by removing PPI's 70 acres south of Racetrack Road; eliminate the development intensity assigned to those 70 acres; and combine the 70 acres removed from the Arvida RAC with its 160 acres of CR property to create a new South RAC. PPI also proposed to transfer credit for the remaining undeveloped portion of the Arvida RAC to the new South RAC. After the local review process was completed, the plan amendments were transmitted to the DCA, which issued a letter of comment recommending that the amendments be revised to identify the maximum amount of development (i.e., square footage) that would be allowed in each non-residential use, including CR, commercial, and office. Based on the DCA's comments, the application was modified by PPI to include floor area ratios (FARs) for each non-residential use, and in October 2010 the revised amendments were approved by the City on first reading. The DCA reviewed the revised amendments and had no objections. In February 2011, the revised amendments were adopted on second reading. Petitioner then timely filed her challenge. The map amendment (Ordinance No. 2011-25) changes the land use designation on the CR property to RAC. It consolidates the 70-acre parcel with the 160-acre parcel to create a unified RAC designation. The amendment does not change the boundary or designation of uses within the existing Arvida RAC. The amended FLUM now shows only a single RAC, with different intensity and density standards assigned to the North and South RACs in the text amendment.2 The text amendment to the FLUE (Ordinance No. 2011-24) affects a total of 399 acres of land, which covers both the existing Arvida RAC and the 160 acres of CR property south of Racetrack Road. It amends the listed uses for the Arvida RAC and names the uses for the new South RAC. The amendments permit a mixed use complex on PPI's property with a combination of 135 acres of CR (rather than 160 acres), 27 acres of commercial uses, 26 acres of office uses, and 43 acres of residential usage, consisting of 1,050 mid-rise apartments and 250 garden apartments, or a total of 1,300 residential units. The only new use introduced by either amendment is the 1,300 residential units. The maximum intensity on the CR property is not defined in the text of the Plan. However, FLUE policy 01.07.20 allows development on the 160 acres to a maximum intensity of 105 feet in height with 50 percent floor area coverage. This equates to an effective FAR of 5.0. All parties agree that a 5.0 FAR is unrealistic, and PPI never considered using that level of development. For this reason, the text amendment reduces the CR intensity to 0.31, which represents a far more reasonable and realistic development limitation. The amendment limits the maximum development within the South RAC to the following maximum FARs: 0.31 for commercial recreation use; 0.84 for office use; and 0.65 for commercial use. To the extent any portion of the 160 acres is re-designated as commercial or office, the amendment limits the maximum potential development on that acreage. Petitioner's Objections Petitioner's objections, broadly defined, are that the amendments are not in compliance because (a) they are not based on relevant and appropriate data and analysis regarding transportation impacts; (b) they are internally inconsistent with four policies in the FLUE, one objective and two policies in the Transportation Element (TE), one policy in the Capital Improvement Element (CIE), and three policies in the Housing Element (HE); and (c) they are not supported by appropriate data and analysis regarding affordable housing. Data and Analysis -- Transportation Section 163.3177(1)(f) requires that plan amendments be based on "relevant and appropriate data and analysis by the local government that may include, but not be limited to, surveys, studies, community goals and vision, and other data available at the time of adoption of the comprehensive plan or plan amendment." In addition, "the future land use plan and plan amendments shall be based upon surveys, studies, and data regarding the area, as applicable, including: . . . [t]he availability of water supplies, public facilities and services." § 163.3177(6)(a)2.d., Fla. Stat. FLUM amendments must be based on an "analysis of the availability of facilities and services." § 163.3177(6)(a)8.a., Fla. Stat. Finally, "[w]here data is relevant to several elements, consistent data shall be used." § 163.3177(2), Fla. Stat. Relying on the foregoing statutory requirements, Petitioner contends that the data and analysis regarding transportation impacts are inconsistent with the data and analysis supporting the TE and CIE; the various data and analysis supporting the amendments are not accurate and professionally acceptable because they underestimate impacts to transportation facilities by overstating the maximum development intensity of the property under the existing CR land use designation and do not identify the true impact of the amendments; and the City did not react appropriately to the data and analysis demonstrating serious impacts to already failing roadways in the area. In broad terms, a traffic impact analysis identifies the potential traffic impacts of the plan amendments on the transportation system. In their analyses, the parties used very different assumptions as to the maximum development intensity under the existing land use designations on the PPI property. Each analysis compares the traffic generated at the maximum intensity permitted under the existing land uses to the traffic generated by the maximum density/intensity under the plan amendments. The City does not require that a particular methodology or set of assumptions be used in performing an analysis. This is because the methodologies and assumptions used in a traffic impact study may differ, and they are grounded in part on the expert's sound judgment, experience, and discretion. PPI submitted two traffic impact analyses, one in March 2010 and the second in October 2010. Because the City disagreed with PPI's pre-amendment assumptions in the first analysis and assumed a smaller development under the existing land uses, it recommended that an independent traffic engineer be hired to conduct a second analysis and verify the transportation impacts. Due to a lack of resources, the City does not conduct its own traffic analysis; instead, it typically defers to the traffic analysis conducted by the Planning Council or, in some cases, it may hire its own consultant. PPI's second analysis assumed a different mix of pre- amendment CR uses. Also, it used the County Metropolitan Planning Organization's (MPO's) latest model (the Florida Standard Urban Transportation Model Structure, a/k/a FSUTMS) for traffic distribution, which was not available until after the first analysis had been completed. The second analysis assumed that under existing land uses the 160 acres could be developed with a 15,000 seat racetrack (instead of a 5,625 seat facility); a 125,000 square- foot casino; a 400,000 square-foot amusement center; a 2,333 room hotel; 350,000 square feet of accessory retail; and a new 100,000 square-foot theme park. The analysis sought to represent the existing condition of the property as reflecting a reasonable amount of development which could actually be built on the property. While these assumed uses dramatically expand the existing development on the parcel, each is permitted under the CR category, and the intensities are substantially lower than those allowed under the FLUE limitations. The assumed pre-amendment development was compared with an assumed post-development condition of a 11,591 seat racetrack; a 96,561 square-foot casino; a 309,091 square-foot amusement center; a 1,750 room hotel; 270,455 square feet of accessory retail; and a 77,273 square-foot theme park. Thus, PPI's post-amendment assumptions represented a reduction in the pre-development conditions. The October study concluded that the plan amendments would generate 6,578 net new daily trips and 568 net new total afternoon peak-hour trips (i.e., trips during rush hour). It further concluded that a number of roadway segments would continue to operate at unacceptable Level of Service (LOS) F in the future no matter whether the amendments were approved or not. Notably, only State and County roadways were impacted, and those impacts have been further evaluated by the Planning Council through its own traffic impact study. To mitigate these impacts, the revised study identified various improvements or modifications to the three affected segments, Racetrack Road east of Powerline Road, Racetrack Road east of Southwest 23rd Avenue, and Powerline Road north of McNab Road. These modifications were accepted as adequate mitigation by the City. Although Petitioner questioned whether the proposed mitigation could be enforced without being incorporated into the Plan, the City takes the position that PPI's representations are enforceable. If additional mitigation is required, PPI has agreed that this can be provided during the permit stage. After receiving PPI's second impact analysis, the City noted that it was "more detailed" than the City's abbreviated analysis performed after PPI's first study; it agreed with PPI's use of FARs for each land use category (as recommended by the DCA) to determine the maximum development that could occur; it agreed that the accepted analysis "shows a lower net increase in the demand for public facilities and services than the City's analysis"; and it concluded that "the project can meet all applicable concurrency requirements." By then, the City was also aware that the County had adopted PPI's companion amendments, and the Planning Council, with the MPO's technical assistance, had made its own evaluation of traffic impacts before amending its own Plan. The Planning Council used a different methodology to analyze traffic impacts for CR land use amendments. Unlike PPI, the Planning Council's analysis did not assume the maximum development potential in either the before or after condition. Rather, it converted the acreage of uses in the before and after conditions by assuming a development potential of 10,000 square feet per acre for all non-residential uses, which equals a 0.23 FAR. It also assumed that the only new use would be the addition of 1,300 new residential units. The Planning Council analysis concluded that the amendments would add 305 afternoon peak-hour trips to the regional roadway network, or fewer than that found in PPI's study. The County further concluded that the net increase in trips would not significantly impact the two major roadways in the area, Powerline Road and Atlantic Boulevard, and that they would continue to operate at LOS F even if the amendments were not approved. Under current Planning Council review standards, any impact that is less than three percent of the capacity of a roadway is considered insignificant. There were no impacts that exceeded this threshold. The Planning Council's traffic impact analysis and supporting data are a part of the data and analysis supporting the City's amendments. Petitioner contends that PPI's second traffic study is flawed in several respects. One concern is that the assumptions made by PPI in determining the pre- and post-amendment conditions on its property "significantly overestimate the development in the pre-approval condition," and therefore "grossly underestimate the net increase in traffic." Using different assumptions, Petitioner's expert prepared his own traffic impact analysis which substantially reduces the pre- amendment maximum development on the property. In all, Petitioner's expert prepared 11 different scenarios, some showing no impacts at all, but he eventually decided to use the tenth version, which is probably the most favorable to his position. The permitted uses under the City's CR category are extremely broad and mimic the permitted uses under the "very, very broad" CR category in the County's Plan. Petitioner's expert opined that because the CR land use is so "ill-defined," the "best indicator" of what could be built in the before condition "appeared to be the plat." A plat is a development permit approved by, and recorded with, the County. It normally reflects what a property owner intends to build on his property at the time the plat is approved or in the very near future. The County then uses the plat to determine the amount of impact fees to be paid by the owner. Because it can be amended at any time, usually when a land use amendment is being processed or when more development is contemplated, a plat is not used to determine the maximum potential development capacity on a parcel. Notably, PPI could easily file an application for approval of a new plat on the CR land showing exactly what it assumed in pre-amendment conditions. The existing plats themselves were not made a part of the record. By using recorded plats for his entire analysis, including the CR land, which he admitted was "a little unusual," Petitioner's expert significantly reduced the amount of development in a pre-amendment condition, increased the difference between pre- and post-amendment traffic, and created more post-amendment traffic impacts on the road network. However, this assumption is contrary to the plats' intended use, it does not represent a parcel's true development potential, and at best it produces results that are no more reasonable than the results presented by PPI. The City's Future Conditions Analysis (FCA) makes up a part of the narrative portion of the TE and forecasts future travel demands, land use growth, and traffic operations within the City. The FCA was "developed to be consistent with the MPO travel demand process and incorporates the [MPO's] analysis, findings and recommendations as appropriate for the City." Jt. Ex. 1, TE, p. 60. Petitioner contends that PPI failed to coordinate with the MPO data and analysis (specifically the LOS standards and traffic volumes), incorporated by reference into the TE, when it prepared its pre-amendment conditions. Thus, she argues that the amendments are inconsistent with the data and analysis supporting the TE (and by implication the CIE), and it results in far more traffic in the existing condition than the MPO model assumes. See § 163.3177(2), Fla. Stat. The Planning Council traffic impact study is a part of the data and analysis supporting the City amendments. In performing their pre-amendment analyses, both the Planning Council and MPO reviewed the same MPO "analysis, findings, and recommendations" that are incorporated by reference into the City's Plan. Notably, the Planning Council's analysis concluded that the additional traffic generated by the difference between the assumed pre- and post-amendment conditions would not cause significant impacts on the regional transportation network. Testimony presented by the City and PPI established that all relevant portions of the City Plan were reviewed for consistency, and unless a provision was found to have some significance, no reference to that provision was made in the traffic impact analysis, application, or staff report. Even if PPI's traffic impact study does not overtly state that PPI coordinated with the MPO data and analysis before making its pre-amendment assumptions, the Planning Council data and analysis are sufficient to show that the required review and coordination were made. The City reacted appropriately to the data. Petitioner's expert also leveled criticisms regarding the following aspects of PPI's traffic impact study: the level of internal trip capture; by-pass capture; and pedestrian access internal to the site, i.e., walking to a site. Petitioner did not prove that the assumptions supporting those aspects of the study were unreasonable. Petitioner has failed to establish beyond fair debate that the plan amendments are not supported by relevant and appropriate data and analysis regarding transportation impacts, or that they are inconsistent with other data and analysis supporting the Plan. Affordable Housing Petitioner contends that affordable housing was not addressed by PPI or the City, and PPI failed to provide any data and analysis with regard to various affordable housing requirements in the City's Plan. Given these omissions, she contends that the City did not react appropriately by approving the amendments. The application contains a section relating to affordable housing. While PPI referred to HE policies 05.03.02, 05.08.02, and 05.08.05 and County Land Use Plan policy 1.07.07, no explanation was given as to how the amendments conform to these provisions. Policy 1.07.07 provides a number of ways to meet the affordable housing policies, methods, or programs to achieve and/or maintain a sufficient supply of affordable housing. One option is that when a plan amendment adds more than 100 residential dwelling units, an applicant must agree to either provide 15 percent of the proposed residential units in the project for affordable housing or make a contribution of $750.00 per residential unit, to be paid to the local government when building permits are issued. To comply with this requirement, an applicant must provide the County a declaration of restrictive covenants. As explained at hearing, rather than undertaking a detailed analysis of its HE policies when reviewing land use amendments, the City routinely follows the dictates of policy 1.07.07 and allows an applicant to "buy out" its affordable housing obligation. It then uses the money for one of the City's housing programs, either to subsidize the demand side, or the existing supply of affordable housing. The City already has an ample supply of affordable housing, and it prefers that developers buy out their obligations since the cash can be used more effectively to achieve HE goals, objectives, and policies. This process was followed here, and the City allowed PPI to "buy-out [its obligation] at $750.00 x 100 percent of the units." In doing so, it relied on PPI's declaration of restricted covenants provided to the County, the fact that an in-lieu fee would best meet its affordable housing needs, and its expectation that the money would then be used to support one of its housing programs. This information (data) was available to the City and was in existence at the time the amendments were adopted, it was presented at final hearing, and it is sufficient to support the amendments. See § 163.3177(1)(f), Fla. Stat. Petitioner failed to establish beyond fair debate that the plan amendments are not supported by adequate data and analysis regarding affordable housing or that the City did not react appropriately to that data. Internal Inconsistency Section 163.3177(2) requires that the "elements of the comprehensive plan shall be consistent." Petitioner contends that the amendments are inconsistent with four FLUE policies; one TE objective and two TE policies; one CIE policy; and three HE policies. Petitioner also argues that the amendments are inconsistent with FLUE section 3.02K, which establishes criteria that must be met in order for a property to qualify for a RAC designation. Among other criteria, FLUE subsection 3.02K.4 requires that a RAC "provide direct access to existing or proposed airports, ports, and rail mass transportation facilities." It is undisputed that the property is bounded on its east side by the CSX railroad tracks. The South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) uses those tracks to operate a rail mass transportation facility known as Tri-Rail between Palm Beach and Dade Counties. Through its Board of Directors, the RTA has established station stops at various points on its route; there is, however, no station stop adjacent to PPI's property. Because the property sits adjacent to the railroad tracks, it is eligible to be considered for a station stop. At any time, but logically after this challenge is concluded and development begins, PPI and the City can submit a formal joint proposal for a station stop. Also, PPI can offer inducements to the RTA, such as dedicating land for a station stop and assisting in its funding. In addition, the RTA currently provides a shuttle service, which can easily transport PPI patrons to the station stop. These considerations support a finding that the property has "direct access" to the Tri-Rail, as contemplated by the FLUE. Petitioner contends, however, that in order to have direct access, PPI must have a binding commitment from the RTA to build a station stop before the amendment is approved. This narrow interpretation has been rejected as not being as or more reasonable than the City's interpretation of its Plan. Petitioner next contends that the amendments are internally inconsistent with HE policies 05.01.05, 05.03.02, and 05.08.01. In general terms, the first policy requires that the City promote affordable housing; the second requires that the City support public and private sector efforts to create and preserve affordable housing for very-low, low, and moderate- income groups in areas designated for residential land use for future and current residents; and the third policy requires the City to "consider the ability of the proposal to provide affordable housing" and allows restrictive covenants to be used as a tool to meet those needs. PPI's execution of a restrictive covenant to buy out its obligation for affordable housing, and the City's use of those funds to provide affordable housing in the manner as it sees fit, are sufficient to achieve consistency with the requirements that the City promote and support affordable housing, and that it allow restrictive covenants to be used as a tool to meet those needs. Petitioner also contends that the amendments are internally inconsistent with CIE policy 13.03.02, which requires that the City provide infrastructure necessary to maintain the LOS standards concurrent with the impact of development. The traffic impact analyses performed by PPI and the Planning Council demonstrate that the amendments will not significantly impact the regional transportation network. To the extent any adverse impacts may occur, PPI has agreed to mitigate those impacts. Petitioner contends that the amendments conflict with TE objective 02.02.00 and policies 02.02.05 and 02.07.02. The objective requires that the City coordinate the transportation system with the uses shown on the FLUM to ensure that adequate transportation services are provided. The first policy requires that the City continue supporting a system that allows development to occur in concurrence with the FLUM and consistent with the established LOS standards. The second policy requires that the City review future land use amendments in concert with maintenance of the adopted LOS standards. For the reasons previously found, the plan amendments are not internally inconsistent with the objective or policies. Finally, Petitioner contends that the amendments are internally inconsistent with FLUE policies 01.01.01, 01.01.02, 01.01.03, and 01.01.05. These policies require that the City adopt and maintain services based on LOS standards; review all proposals for development using the adopted LOS standards; phase development concurrent with the availability of infrastructure; and review proposals for new development to identify the cumulative impacts of the development on public services and facilities. For the reasons previously stated, the plan amendments do not conflict with these policies. Petitioner failed to prove beyond fair debate that the plan amendments are internally inconsistent with objectives or policies in the FLUE, HE, CIE, and TE.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Economic Opportunity enter a Final Order determining that the Plan Amendments adopted by Ordinance Nos. 2011-24 and 2011-25 are in compliance. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of June, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S D. R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of June, 2013.

Florida Laws (7) 120.57120.68163.3164163.3177163.3180163.318435.22
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pembroke Pines, Florida Mar. 27, 1995 Number: 95-001464GM Latest Update: Aug. 28, 1995

Findings Of Fact The Parties. Petitioner, the Environmental Coalition of Broward County, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Coalition"), is a Florida corporation. The Coalition has offices located in Broward County. The Coalition has approximately 500 members, most of whom reside in Broward County. A substantial number of the Coalition's members own property in Broward County and/or operate businesses within Broward County. The Coalition is a not-for-profit corporation, chartered for educational and scientific purposes. The primary purpose of the Coalition is to present objections and recommendations to local governments concerning planning issues on behalf of its membership. The Coalition is authorized to participate in actions of this type and to represent its membership in administrative proceedings. The Coalition presented oral and written objections to Broward County during the review and adoption process concerning the plan amendment at issue in this proceeding. Respondent, the Department of Community Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the "Department"), is the state agency charged with the responsibility of implementing the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Act, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"). Among other things, the Department is required to review local government comprehensive plans and amendments thereto for compliance with the Act. Respondent, Broward County (hereinafter referred to as the "County"), is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. The County is the local government with the authority pursuant to the Act and the Broward County Charter to adopt and amend a comprehensive plan. The County has adopted the 1989 Broward County Comprehensive Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The Broward County Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as the "County Commission"), is the local planning agency for the County. The County Commission is advised on land use planning issues by the Broward County Planning Council (hereinafter referred to as the "Planning Council"). The Planning Council was created by the County Charter. Intervenors, Miramar Lakes, Inc., d/b/a Miramar Rock, Robert A. Whitcombe, Trustee, and the South Broward Trust own or have under contract virtually all of the property affected by the Plan amendment which is the subject of this proceeding. These Intervenors have entered into a joint venture agreement with Intervenor Atlantic Gulf Communities Corporation to develop the subject property. Intervenors applied for the amendment that is the subject of this proceeding and presented oral or written comments, recommendations and objections during the period of time between the transmittal hearing and adoption of the subject Plan amendment. The County's Plan. The County adopted a comprehensive plan as required by the Act in 1989. The planning horizon of the plan is 2010. The Plan includes two volumes of text, two volumes of support documents and associated maps. See Petitioner's exhibit 8. Volume One is text and is effective countywide. Volume Three contains support documents for the Plan. The Plan also includes the 1989 Broward County Future Land Use Plan Map (Series) (hereinafter referred to as the "FLUM"). The FLUM depicts the proposed distribution, extent and location of categories of land uses allowed under the Plan. Among others, those land uses include "residential" at various densities and "agricultural". Pursuant to the Plan, the eastern approximately one-third of the County may be developed. The developable area consists of approximately 400 square miles of land area. The western approximately two-thirds of the County are designated as water conservation areas and are separated by a levee from the developable one- third. Future land use elements of municipal comprehensive plans in the County must be in substantial conformity to the Plan. The Subject Property. The property which is the subject of the Plan amendment at issue in this case consists of 1,280 acres of a total of 1,965 acres (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"). The Property is located in the City of Miramar, in southwest Broward County, Florida, Sections 25, 26, 27 and 36, Township 51 South, Range 39 East. The Property is located in the southwestern portion of the developable one-third of the County. See Map 1 of Broward County exhibit 1. The Property is bounded on the east by S.W. 184th Avenue and on the north by Honey Hill Road. It is east of U.S. Highway 27. Part of the Property is vacant. Part of the Property is being used as cattle pasture and for a rock mining, batching, mixing and crushing operation. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the Property include vacant land, rock mining and some development to the north, single-family residential development to the east, rock mining and vacant land to the south, in Dade County, Florida. Residential development immediately to the east in a development known as "Silverlakes" is being developed at a density of three dwelling units per acre. Further to the west of the Property is the eastern boundary of the water conservation areas of the Everglades. These areas are separated from the rest of Broward County by a levee. The land use designation of the Property and other property in the surrounding area is "agricultural". Under the Plan, the land use designation allows agricultural uses and residential development of one dwelling per 2.5 acres. Under its current land use designation, a total of 786 dwelling units may be developed on the Property. The First Amendment Requested by the Intervenors. In early 1994 Intervenors filed an application with the County seeking an amendment of the FLUM to modify the future land use designation of all 1,965 acres of the Property to "Low (2) Residential". "Low (2) Residential" allows the development of two dwelling units per acre. The Planning Council conducted a review of the proposed amendment. The Broward County Department of Natural Resource Protection raised objections to the proposed amendment because the Property is located in an area of water recharge and wetlands. The area is identified as within a general wetlands area on the "Southwestern Generalized Wetlands Map" of the Plan. 30 Based upon the objections of the County Department of Natural Resource Protection, the staff of the Planning Council recommended denial of the proposed amendment. The South Florida Water Management District (hereinafter referred to as the "SFWMD"), an agency with broad regional responsibility for water management in southeast Florida, raised objections with the Planning Council concerning the location of the property in an area which was being considered for use as part of a project to restore the Everglades. The SFWMD was concerned that the Property is located within an area which has come to be known as the "East Coast Buffer". In early 1994, at the time of the initial review of the proposed amendment, the East Coast Buffer was a study area abutting the eastern water conservation areas of southeast Florida. The SFWMD was studying the East Coast Buffer for use in water conservation efforts in southeast Florida. At the time of the first review of the proposed amendment, the portion of the East Coast Buffer in which the Property is located was being considered for preservation as a reservoir site. The Planning Council transmitted the proposed amendment to the County Commission without recommendation. The County Commission decided not to transmit the proposed amendment to the Department for its review, ending review of the initial application. The Initial Review of the Subject Amendment. A second application on the Property was resubmitted by the Intervenors in March of 1994. The application was designated Application PC 94- 15. Application PC 94-15 sought an amendment of the FLUM to modify the future land use designation of all 1,965 acres of the Property to "Irregular 1.5 Residential". "Irregular 1.5 Residential" allows 1.5 dwelling units per acre. The amendment sought by Intervenors would have allowed an increase from 786 dwelling units to 2,947 dwelling units on the Property. An increase of 2,161 units. Application PC 94-15 was again reviewed. The same comments about, and objections to, the proposed amendment were raised concerning groundwater and aquifer recharge. The staff of the Planning Council again recommended denial of the proposed amendment. 41 The Planning Council recommended transmittal of the application, subject to the Intervenors satisfying the concerns raised by the SFWMD. On August 17, 1994, the County Commission transmitted Application PC 94-15 to the Department, conditioned upon the Intervenors satisfying the concerns of the SFWMD. The SFWMD objected to Application PC 94-15 because of its conclusion that the proposed future land use designation was not compatible with the East Coast Buffer then under evaluation by the SFWMD. SFWMD had developed data and conducted computer modeling concerning the utilization of a buffer for a variety of purposes, including reducing seepage of water from the Everglades, increasing groundwater recharge into aquifers and creating a natural buffer to protect the Everglades from the impacts of development. The SFWMD had commissioned a worldwide engineering firm, CH2M Hill to prepare a report on the East Coast Buffer. The SFWMD recommended that Application PC 94-15 not be approved until it had completed its study of the East Coast Buffer because the land use designation being sought might be incompatible with the conclusions reached from the SFWMD's and CH2M Hill's evaluation. The Department reviewed Application PC 94-15 and, based upon comments from the SFWMD similar to those raised before the County Commission, issued an Objections, Recommendations and Comments report concerning Application PC 94-15. The Department raised objections consistent with the adverse comments from the SFWMD. Modification of the Proposed Amendment. Parts of southwestern Broward County and northwestern Dade County were designated "Management Unit 5" by the SFWMD. Management Unit 5 was being considered, as recommended by CH2M Hill, as a reservoir area. Development of the Property was, therefore, not considered to be a use comparable with the concept of the East Coast Buffer being considered by the SFWMD at the time of the County's and Department's decision to reject Application PC 94-15. Intervenors worked with the SFWMD in an effort to find a way of modifying Application PC 94-15 to satisfy the SFWMD's concerns. SFWMD utilized computer modeling to simulate groundwater and surface water flows in Management Unit 5 to determine the impact of allowing development of the Property. The SFWMD concluded that Management Unit 5 was more suitable as a recharge area rather than as a reservoir. This conclusion was based, in part, of the transmissibility of the soil and other site conditions which were not conducive to storing water above ground for long periods of time. Use of Management Unit 5 as a recharge area and not a reservoir requires less surface area. Therefore, it was concluded that development in the area might be compatible with the SFWMD's East Coast Buffer concept. The SFWMD modeled four development alternatives for Management Unit 5 and analyzed the impact of each alternative on the efforts to retard seepage, provide groundwater recharge and enhance wetland benefits: (a) retaining the Property as a recharge area and allowing no development; (b) retaining the entire western two-thirds as a recharge area and allowing development of the eastern one-third; (c) retaining the western one-third as a recharge area and allowing development of the eastern two-thirds; and (d) allowing development of the entire management unit. Alternatives (b) and (c) assumed that a berm would be constructed between the recharge area and the developed area. After meeting with Intervenors and discussing the results of the modeling, Intervenors indicated willingness to remove the western portion of the Property from the proposed development. The SFWMD then conducted a more detailed, computer analysis of the following alternatives: (a) continuing existing conditions; (b) constructing a berm around Management Unit 5 and utilizing the entire area as a recharge area; (c) constructing a berm between the eastern and western sections of the Management Unit 5 and utilizing the western section for recharge with no development in the eastern section; and (d) alternative "(c)" with development of the eastern section. As a result of computer modeling of the alternatives, it was concluded that alternatives (b), (c) and (d) could significantly reduce seepage from the Everglades and increase groundwater recharge in to the aquifers when compared to development under the agricultural land use designation of alternative (a). As a result of the more detailed analysis, the SFWMD concluded that essentially all of its goals could be achieved for Management Unit 5 if the western section of Management Unit 5 is preserved even if development is allowed in the eastern section. The SFWMD concluded that the eastern two-thirds of the Property, consisting of approximately 1,280 acres, could be developed as "Irregular 1.5 Residential" if the western one-third, consisting of approximately 685 acres, was utilized as a recharge area. Intervenors agreed to preserve the western third of the Property (685 acres) and grant the SFWMD a flowage easement, consistent with the East Coast Buffer and at a savings of $43 million. On December 14, 1994, the staff of the SFWMD presented the results of the computer modeling to the SFWMD. On December 15, 1994, the SFWMD withdrew its objection to Application PC 94-15, conditioned upon the deletion of the 685 acres from the application and the granting of a flowage easement. The County and the Department were informed of the decision of the SFWMD. Approval of Application 94-15. On December 20, 1994, the County Commission adopted by Ordinance 94-55 an amendment to the Plan, Amendment PC 94-15 (hereinafter referred to as the "Amendment"), subject to the conditions suggested by the SFWMD, which resolved the SFWMD's objections. The Amendment included modifications to the FLUM and text amendments. The Amendment, in relevant part, modifies the future land use designation of approximately 1,280 acres of the Property from "Agricultural" to "Irregular 1.5 Residential". This will allow the construction of a total of 1,920 dwelling units on the Property, or an increase of 1,408 dwelling units over the number of dwelling that may be constructed under the current future land use designation for the Property. In light of Intervenor's modifications of the application, the removal of the SFWMD's objections and the approval of the application by the County, the Department found the Amendment to be in compliance with the Act. On February 14, 1995, the Department issued a notice of intent to find the Amendment in compliance. The County and the Department accepted and relied upon the data and methodology employed by the SFWMD and the conditions for removal of the SFWMD's objections. Petitioner's Challenge. On or about March 8, 1995, Petitioner filed a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing with the Department challenging the Amendment. Petitioner filed an Amended Petition on April 25, 1995. At the commencement of the final hearing, Petitioner withdrew all issues it had raised in the Amended Petition except the issues of: (a) whether the data and analysis available supports a conclusion that there is a need for additional residential development; and (b) whether the Amendment is supported by data and analysis in light of an ongoing study of the East Coast Buffer. Residential Housing Need. The Plan includes the following Goal and Objective concerning the provision of adequate areas for residential use: Goal 01.00.00 Provide residential areas with a variety of housing types and densities offering convenient and affordable housing opportunities to all segments of Broward County's population while maintaining a desired quality of life and adequate public services and facilities. Objective 01.01.00 Accommodate the projected population of Broward County by providing adequate areas on the Future Broward County Land Use Plan Map (Series) intended primarily for residential development, but which also permit those non-residential uses that are compatible with and necessary to support residential neighborhoods. The Plan, including the methodology utilized to determine residential need, was found to be in compliance by the Department. The residential need methodology of the Plan utilized the Broward County Population Forecasting Model to project the population of southwest Broward County in 1994 to be 225,489 people. This projected population formed the basis for the allocation of residential housing units for Subregion 5 under the Plan. The Property is located in an area of southwest Broward County designated as Subregion 5 in the Plan. In reviewing the Amendment, the County conducted an analysis of the need for additional residential development in southwest Broward County. This analysis utilized, and was consistent with, the residential need methodology of the Plan. A summary of the data and analysis utilized by the County was provided to the Department. The County's analysis indicated that the population of Subregion 5 has exceeded the population projections for the Subregion of the Plan. By 1994, there were 284,361 people living in Subregion 5 or 17,872 more than projected in the Plan. The increased population rate of growth in Subregion 5 was projected to represent an increase in projected demand for approximately 6,847 residential units in excess of the projected demand expected under the Plan. The analysis also took into account amendments to the Plan which have resulted in a reduction of 1,087 residential units for Subregion 5. When combined with the increased population, the data and analysis supports a conclusion that there is a need for 7,934 additional residential units in Subregion 5. The Amendment increases residential housing in Subregion 5 by 1,134 dwelling units (1,920 units allowed under the Amendment, less 786 dwelling units allowed under the current agriculture classification), well below the projected need for additional residential units for Subregion 5. The data and analysis relied upon by the County and submitted to the Department supports the conclusion of the County that there is need for the proposed additional residential development approved by the Amendment. The data and analysis relied upon by the County and the Department was professionally acceptable and adequate to support the Amendment. The evidence presented by Petitioner failed to prove that the data and analysis relied upon by the County and the Department was not professionally acceptable and adequate. Rather than attempting to prove that the County's methodology was not professionally acceptable or was flawed, Petitioner utilized a methodology based upon an annualized population growth rate for Subregion 5. Petitioner offered evidence that there is sufficient residential housing approved under the Plan to meet the projected population for 15.6 years, beyond the remaining life of the Plan. The methodology utilized by Petitioner was, by the admission of the Petitioner's own witness, not a professionally acceptable methodology. The evidence failed to prove that the data and analysis relied upon by the County does not support its conclusion that there is sufficient need for the additional residential housing authorized for the County by the Amendment. The East Coast Buffer Zone. Efforts to restore the Everglades have been initiated and are ongoing. As a part of these efforts a group of technical and scientific staff members of various federal agencies involved in the restoration efforts were formed as the "Science Sub Group." The Science Sub Group was formed as an advisory group to provide guidance towards ecosystem restoration efforts. The Science Sub Group had no implementing authority. It issued at least one report in late 1993 which included an East Coast Buffer concept. The East Coast Buffer identified by the Science Sub Group included the area in which the Property is located. The Science Sub Group relied upon data obtained from the SFWMD and various computer models developed by the SFWMD, and SFWMD personnel contributed to the preparation of the report. The East Coast Buffer concept generally includes a series of interconnected water flow-ways along the eastern edge of the water conservation areas necessary to restore the Everglades. The federal government has also instituted a study known as the "Central & South Florida Project: Comprehensive Review Study" (hereinafter referred to as the "Restudy"). The United States Corps of Engineers is the lead agency of the Restudy. The first phase of the Restudy's efforts has resulted in a "Reconnaissance Report", also known as the "Recon Study". The second phase of the Restudy's efforts will be the feasibility phase. The feasibility phase will begin in the summer of 1995 and will be completed several years later. The purpose of the Restudy is to bring together the interested federal agencies to review the current management of the Everglades and identify strategies for altering management practices and systems to improve the Everglades. The Recon Study was completed in late 1994. It describes various conceptual strategies for restoring the Everglades. The determination of the feasibility of the strategies has not, however, been started, much less completed. Therefore, although the East Coast Buffer concept is considered in the Recon Study, the actual identification of the area which will constitute the Buffer has not been identified. Nor has the area which should constitute the East Coast Buffer been recommended in the Recon Study. The Recon Study identifies problems and opportunities, formulates alternative plans, evaluates conceptual alternative plans and recommends further study. The Recon Study is advisory. It does not identify, recommend or implement a plan of action. The Coalition presented evidence concerning the ongoing analysis of Everglades restoration efforts. That evidence proved that the Property is located within a very large area, which completely surrounds the Everglades, which is being considered as part of the Everglades restoration effort because of the impact of this large area on restoration efforts. The evidence presented by the Coalition, however, failed to prove that the Property has been, or will be, determined to be essential or even necessary for future Everglades restoration efforts. At the time of the approval of the Amendment and, even at the time of the final hearing of this case, no such determination had been made. Nor had any determination been made as to what will be necessary for the restoration of the Everglades or whether decisions will be made to carry out the necessary restoration efforts. As recognized by the Coalition in its proposed order: 52. The study necessary to make [a determination of the water levels needed] for the areas which are implicated by this amendment will be done in the next two years or three years. * * * 55. There is no way of telling, based on the data and analysis available at this point, how much water will be necessary in order to fully restore the Everglades. . . . Coalition proposed findings of fact 52 and 55. The Coalition also recognized the following: The Reconnaissance study has not reached the point where conclusions can be drawn about parcel specific uses. The next step is the feasibility planning phase, which is a much more detailed phase which will run for several years. . . . Coalition proposed finding of fact 107. Instead of attempting to prove that the data and analysis at the time of adoption of the Amendment indicated that development of the Property authorized by the Amendment would be detrimental to restoration efforts, the Coalition attempted to prove that development of the Property should be delayed until data and analysis is available indicating conclusively what the impact of development of the Property will be on restoration efforts. The Act does not require such delay. In addition to failing to prove what the impact of development of the Property will be on restoration efforts, the evidence presented by the Coalition also failed to prove that the conclusions reached by the Science Sub Group and the Restudy will even be implemented. The evidence presented by the Coalition failed to prove that the conclusions of the SFWMD with regard to the impact of the Amendment are not supported by data and analysis or were not arrived at by professionally acceptable methods. While the evidence proved that there will be some reduction in the amount of groundwater recharge function and seepage control function as a result of the Amendment, the evidence failed to prove what ultimate impact the reductions in recharge and seepage control will be or that the SFWMD's conclusions are not reasonable. While the Coalition proved that the SFWMD's conclusions were not based upon a consideration of what should be done to restore the Everglades, the evidence failed to prove that the information available was sufficiently conclusive that the SFWMD should have objected to the Amendment. The data and analysis relied upon by the County in approving the Amendment was collected and applied in a professionally acceptable manner. None of those agencies charged with responsibility to review the Amendment raised objections to its approval. The evidence failed to prove that the state of the data and analysis available to the County from the Science Sub Group and the Restudy or any other source concerning the area referred to as the East Coast Buffer and the Property is such that it proved that the data that was relied by the County upon was inadequate.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Department dismissing finding the Amendment "in compliance" and dismissing the petition in this case. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of July, 1995, in Tallahassee Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of July, 1995. APPENDIX The parties have submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. The Coalition's Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted in 1-2. Accepted in 2. 3-4 Accepted in 3. Accepted in 4. Accepted in 5 Accepted in 4. Accepted in 5. Accepted in 4-6. Accepted in 5-6. Accepted in 6. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 12 14-15 Not relevant. 16-18 Not relevant. See 81-84. 19-25 Not relevant and not supported by the weight of the evidence. See 81-84. Accepted in 29. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 26 and hereby accepted. 30-31 See 24. Accepted in 26. Accepted in 36 and 62. Accepted in 62. 35-41 Hereby accepted. 42-48 These proposed findings are generally correct. They are not, however, relevant to the ultimate determination in this case. 49-50 Too speculative. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The first sentence is hereby accepted. The last sentence is not relevant. See 96. Not supported by the weight of the evidence and not relevant. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The first sentence is accepted in 96. The last sentence is not relevant. Hereby accepted. 57-63 Too speculative. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 64-65 Not relevant. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 89 and 91 and hereby accepted. Accepted in 90 and 92. See 86 and 92. Hereby accepted. Although generally true, the evidence failed to prove that this finding specifically applies to the Property. Except for the first sentence, not supported by the weight of the evidence. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 31-33. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 76-87 Although generally correct, these findings were too broad and the evidence failed to prove that they specifically apply to the Property. 88-90 Although generally correct, these proposed findings are not relevant. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Although generally correct, these proposed findings are not relevant. Too speculative. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 94-97 Although generally correct, these proposed findings are not relevant. 98 Too speculative. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 99-100 Not relevant. Hereby accepted. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Although generally correct, these proposed findings are not relevant. 104-105 Not relevant. Too speculative. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Accepted in 97. Accepted in 90. Too speculative. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 111-114 Too speculative. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The County's Proposed Findings of Fact 1 Accepted in 1. 2 Accepted in 7. 3 Accepted in 8. 4 Accepted in 11. 5 Hereby accepted. 6 Accepted in 12. 7 Accepted in 13. 8 Accepted in 14. 9 Accepted in 15. 10 Accepted in 9-10. 11 Accepted in 18. 12 Accepted in 16. 13 Accepted in 17. 14 Accepted in 61. 15 Accepted in 60. 16 Accepted in 19-20, 26 and 62. 17 Accepted in 23. 18 Accepted in 21-22 19-20 Accepted in 24. 21 Hereby accepted. 22 Accepted in 37. 23-24 Hereby accepted. 25 Accepted in 68. 26 Accepted in 65-67. 27-28 Accepted in 67. 29-30 Hereby accepted. 31-32 Accepted in 28. 33 Accepted in 29. 34 Accepted in 30. 35 Accepted in 34. 36 Accepted in 31 and hereby accepted. 37 Accepted in 32-33. 38 Accepted in 31. 39 Accepted in 33. 40 Accepted in 35. 41 Accepted in 316. 42 Accepted in 37. 43 Accepted in 39. 44 Accepted in 40. 45 Accepted in 41. 46 Accepted in 42. 47 Accepted in 72. 48-49 Hereby accepted. Accepted in 73-77 and hereby accepted. Accepted in 76-77. Accepted in 38. Accepted in 79-80 Accepted 58 and 62. 55-57 Hereby accepted. Accepted in 82. Hereby accepted. 60-61 Accepted in 81-84. 62 Hereby accepted. 63-65 Accepted in 46 and hereby accepted. Accepted in 43 and 45. Accepted in 88. Accepted in 89-90. 69-70 Accepted in 85-86. 71 Accepted in 90 and 92-93. 72-77 Hereby accepted. Accepted in 32 and 44. Hereby accepted. None proposed. Accepted in 33. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 50. Accepted in 51. Accepted in 49 and hereby accepted. Hereby accepted. 87-88 Accepted in 52. 89-90 Hereby accepted. Accepted in 53 and 58 and hereby accepted. Accepted in 54. Accepted in 56. Accepted in 58. 95-96 Accepted in 59. Accepted in 60. Accepted in 61. The Department's and Intervenors' Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted in 1. Accepted in 7. Accepted in 8. Accepted in 11. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 12. Accepted in 13. Accepted in 14. Accepted in 15. Accepted in 9-10. Accepted in 18. Accepted in 16. Accepted in 17. Accepted in 61. Accepted in 11 and 19-20. Accepted in 20. Accepted in 23. Accepted in 24-25. Accepted in 26. Accepted in 27. Accepted in 36-38. 22-37 Hereby accepted. Accepted in 43. Accepted in 88. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 31. 42-43 Accepted in 44. Accepted in 43 and hereby accepted. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 42. Accepted in 42 and 46. Accepted in 46 and hereby accepted. Accepted in 46. Accepted in 50. Accepted in 46. 52-53 Accepted in 48. Accepted 49. Accepted in 49, 52 and 54. Accepted in 50. Accepted in 51. Accepted in 54 and 57. 59-60 Accepted 54. 61-63 Accepted in 54 and hereby accepted. Accepted in 55. Accepted in 56-57. 66-67 Accepted in 58. 68-70 Accepted in 59. Accepted in 64. Accepted in 58 and 62. Accepted in 60 and 62. Accepted in 63. Accepted in 67. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 67 and hereby accepted. Accepted in 37 and hereby accepted. Not relevant. Accepted in 86. Hereby accepted. 82-83 Accepted in 86. Accepted in 87. Accepted in 89 and hereby accepted. Accepted in 90. Accepted in 90 and 92-93. Accepted in 93. 89-90 Hereby accepted. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Accepted in 72-78. Accepted in 69-71. Accepted in 70. Accepted in 73-74 and hereby accepted. Accepted in 75. Accepted in 76. Accepted in 77. Accepted in 78. Accepted in 79-80. 101-102 Accepted in 82. Accepted in 83. Accepted in 83-84. Accepted in 81 and 84. COPIES FURNISHED: Linda Loomis Shelley, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Dan Stengle, General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Brion Blackwelder, Esquire Jack Milbery, Esquire 8751 West Broward Boulevard, #206 Plantation, Florida 33324 Sherry A. Spiers Assistant General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Tracy Lautenschlager, Esquire Broward County Attorney's Office 115 South Andrews Avenue Suite 423 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Glenn Smith, Esquire Michael A. Cohn, Esquire Ruden, Barnett, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russell, P.A. 200 East Broward Boulevard Post Office Box 1900 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302 Honorable Gerald F. Thompson Chairman, Broward County Board of County Commissioners Governmental Center 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

Florida Laws (3) 120.57163.3177163.3184 Florida Administrative Code (2) 9J-5.0059J-5.006
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-003469RP Latest Update: Oct. 18, 1989

Findings Of Fact Wigwam, Inc., the developer of Residence Inn Resort, is the present equitable owner of the subject parcel and is the successor to the development authorizations for a proposed hotel and marina. The subject parcel is a tract of land located at Mile Marker 52.4, on U.S. 1, on a portion of Government Lot 2, in Section 6, Township 66 South, Range 33 East, on Key Vaca, Marathon, Monroe County, Florida. The subject parcel consists of 4.82 acres of land above water located between U.S. 1 and the Atlantic Ocean. Located within the subject parcel is a dredged harbor at least 8 feet deep below mean sea level at mean low tide. On January 23, 1986, the Monroe County Commission by resolution designated the entire subject parcel Destination Resort (hereinafter "DR"). Petitioner offered no evidence to show that the Department of Community Affairs received a copy of that resolution or that the Department was aware of that resolution. The Department did not appeal the "DR" designation on that parcel of property as a development order, pursuant to Section 380.07(2), Florida Statutes. The current Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Regulations, and Land Use Maps were adopted by the Monroe County Commission on February 28, 1986, by Resolution No. 049-1986. Those Land Use Maps showed the land use designation for the subject parcel as "DR" along the Atlantic Ocean and "SR" (Suburban Residential) along U.S. 1. The discrepancy between the January 23, 1986, Monroe County resolution and the final Land Use Maps adopted by Resolution No. 049-1986 was the result of an error made by Monroe County staff before transmittal of the Land Use Maps to the Department of Community Affairs and the Administration Commission. Petitioner offered no evidence to show that the Department of Community Affairs knew or should have known that the Land Use Maps transmitted to the Department contained a clerical error regarding the subject property. The current Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Regulations, and Land Use Maps were approved by the Department of Community Affairs and the Administration Commission on July 29, 1986, and became effective on September 15, 1986. Since the adoption of the current Land Use Maps, the oceanward three- quarters of the subject parcel has been designated "DR" and the landward one- quarter of the subject parcel has been designated "SR". Land Use Map Amendment No. 100, adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners on November 18, 1987, and rejected by the Department of Community Affairs, which is the subject of this rule challenge, would redesignate the entire subject parcel "DR". Proposed Rule 9J-14.006, Florida Administrative Code, contains the Department of Community Affairs' determination approving and rejecting several Monroe County ordinances which amend the Monroe County Land Use Maps as to hundreds of parcels of land and which amend other Monroe County Land Development Regulations. As part of that proposed rule, Land Use Map Amendment No. 100 is rejected by the Department of Community Affairs. The Petition filed in this cause challenges the proposed Rule only as it relates to the subject parcel. Although Land Use Map Amendment No. 100 is intended to correct Monroe County's clerical error by reflecting that the entire subject parcel is designated "DR," it presents to the Department of Community Affairs a different designation than that previously approved by the Department, i.e., it changes the "SR" designation for the landward one-quarter of the subject property which was approved by the Department of Community Affairs and the Administration Commission to a designation of "DR," which change in designation is rejected by the Department of Community Affairs as part of proposed Rule 9J-14.006, Florida Administrative Code. The Development Order under appeal in the companion case, Planning Commission Resolution No. 13-87, approves a major conditional use for the subject property utilizing the "DR" designation by allowing construction of a 96-unit hotel resort and utilization of the harbor within the subject property's boundaries as a marina. Section 380.0552, Florida Statutes, requires any amendment to the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Monroe County Land Development Regulations and Land Use Maps to comply with the following principles for guiding development: To strengthen local government capabilities for managing land use and development so that local government is able to achieve these objectives without the continuation of the area of critical state concern designation. To protect shoreline and marine resources, including mangroves, coral reef formations, seagrass beds, wetlands, fish and wildlife, and their habitat. * * * To protect the value, efficiency cost-effectiveness, and amortized life of existing and proposed major public investments, including: * * * 3. Solid Waste collection and disposal facilities. * * * The dredged harbor on the subject parcel is at least 8 feet deep. However, just oceanward of the project boundary, the undredged ocean bottom shoals to less than 4 feet at mean low tide. This area is more than 4 feet deep measured from mean sea level. A marina is permitted as a major conditional use in a "DR" resort district provided that, "the parcel proposed for development has access to water of at least 4 feet below mean sea level at mean low tide." Section 9- 213.B.2.a., Monroe County Land Development Regulations. The Land Development Regulations define the phrase "water of at least 4 feet below mean sea level at mean low tide" to mean locations that will not have a significant adverse impact on off-shore resources of particular importance. For the purposes of this definition, off-shore resources of particular importance shall mean . shallow water areas with natural marine communities with depths at mean low tide of less than four (4) feet ... Section 3-101.W-1., Monroe County Land Development Regulations. The shallow water area just oceanward of the project boundary is comprised of a natural marine community of seagrass beds. The dominant species is turtle grass, also known as Thallassia. The harbor within the subject parcel does not have access to water of at least 4 feet below mean sea level at mean low tide. The shallow water area between the marina and open water is covered with a natural marine community with a depth at mean low tide of less than 4 feet, and it has not been demonstrated that access to open water from the proposed marina can be achieved without significant adverse impact to that natural marine community. The "DR" designation allows, and often times contemplates, a marina within the resort. Section 9-213.B.2., Monroe County Land Development Regulations. The expansion of the "DR" designation where a marina could only be constructed in violation of the Land Development Regulations does not comply with principle for guiding development (b). Any development constructed on the subject parcel will utilize the Long Key Solid Waste Facility, which has a maximum capacity of 3 to 4 years. The increase in density between "SR" and "DR" will decrease the expected life span of the facility. The increase in density will not comply with principle for guiding development (h)3., which encourages protection of ... the value, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and amortized life of existing and proposed major public investments, including solid waste collection and disposal facilities." As used in the Monroe County Land Development Regulations, a destination resort is a hotel complex that includes more amenities and facilities than an ordinary hotel. These amenities and facilities are so attractive that guests tend to spend more time on-site and, therefore, have less impact off-site. Because of these reduced impacts, destination resorts have the highest maximum net density of any Monroe County land use designation. The Monroe County Land Development Regulations state that the purpose of the "DR" district ... is to establish areas suitable for the development of destination resorts. Destination resorts are contemplated to be located on sites of at least 10 acres except where the location and character of the site or the development itself is such that off- site impacts will be reduced. Section 9-114, Monroe County Land Development Regulations. The subject parcel, at less than half of the normal 10 acres, is not large enough to include all the amenities that are necessary for a destination resort. In the companion Section 380.07 appeal of the development order, Wigwam, Inc., the developer of Petitioner in this case, attempted and failed to demonstrate that a proposed 96-room hotel could include enough amenities to reduce off-site impacts to the extent required by the Monroe County Land Development Regulations. Approval of the proposed map amendment would continue and expand an improper land use designation for the parcel owned by Wigwam, Inc. Even the expanded designation is not large enough to support a destination resort, and Wigwam, Inc., failed to show that off-site impacts will be reduced. This continuation of an improper land use designation would not comply with principle for guiding development (a) which seeks "[t]o strengthen local government capabilities for managing land use and development so that local government is able to achieve these objectives without continuation of the area of critical state concern designation.

Florida Laws (6) 120.54120.57120.68380.031380.0552380.07 Florida Administrative Code (1) 9J-14.006
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