Findings Of Fact Respondent has been a registered roofing contractor at all times material hereto. His license number is RC-0035594. On or about April 26, 1985 Respondent, doing business as Pinellas Roofing Service, contracted with Bausch and Lomb to reroof their plant in Manatee County, at a contract price of $31,150. Respondent admits that at no time material hereto was he licensed to engage in contracting in Manatee County. Pinellas Roofing thereafter began, and partially performed, this job for which it was paid a total of $28,035. Petitioner alleges, and Respondent denies, that Respondent diverted funds received from this job for other purposes, and was thereafter unable to fulfill the terms of the contract with Bausch and Lomb. Petitioner did not present competent substantial evidence in support of this charge. Respondent never completed this job and took no steps to inform Bausch and Lomb that he would not complete the contract or make other arrangements for its completion. He left several thousand dollars worth of material on the roof, exposed, when he walked off this job, and this resulted in these materials being substantially destroyed. During the job, he did not take precautions to assure that the roof did not leak during heavy rainstorms. In fact, on at least three occasions, leaks caused damage to the interior of the plant and Respondent could not be reached. Therefore, Bausch and Lomb had to have another roofing contractor make emergency repairs on June 25, July 15 and September 3, 1985, at a total additional cost of $4,150. Since Respondent did not complete the contract, and left the roof unfinished, Bausch and Lomb contracted on September 17, 1985 with Bernard J. Lozon, Inc., to complete the job, and make certain additional repairs, at a cost of $24,000. In the opinion of Bernard J. Lozon, who was accepted as an expert in roofing contracting, the actual work that was done by Pinellas Roofing was satisfactory. However, Respondent's actions in walking off the job and leaving the roof unattended without completing the job is an unacceptable practice in roofing contracting, and constitutes incompetence and misconduct. Respondent failed to properly supervise this job. He relied upon his son to hire the necessary crews, pay them, handle financial aspects of the job, and assure its completion. His testimony indicates he fails to understand his own responsibility for supervising and completing the work for which he contracted, and which was performed under his license. At no time material hereto did Respondent qualify Pinellas Roofing Service with Petitioner. Respondent failed to apply for and obtain a Manatee County building permit for the roofing job in question, and also failed to request the county building department to perform inspections of the work performed. The Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County has adopted and follows the 1979 edition of the Standard for Installation of Roof Coverings, Southern Building Code, as amended in 1981. This Code requires all contractors performing work in Manatee County to be registered in Manatee County, and to obtain permits for all roof replacements and repairs in excess of $200, as well as obtain inspections of all such work to insure compliance with the Code. Respondent failed to comply with these requirements of the local building code. When Respondent submitted his proposal on April 16, 1985 for the Bausch and Lomb job, he specifically acknowledged, in writing, that "all work (is) to be done according to owner specifications sheet." (Emphasis supplied). At hearing, Respondent contended that when he submitted his proposal he never saw the project specification sheet which was thereafter attached to his contract with Bausch and Lomb and made a part thereof. Rather, he testified that his proposal referred to certain specifications that appeared on project drawings which he reviewed prior to submitting his proposal. After considering the demeanor of the witnesses and all of the evidence presented, and particularly the fact that Respondent referred to the "specifications sheet" and not "drawings" in his proposal, it is specifically found that Respondent had knowledge of, and did in fact submit his proposal based upon the "specifications sheet" which ultimately became a part of his contract. As such, he was bound thereby in the performance of work under this contract. In pertinent part, the "specifications sheet" requires that the contractor obtain all necessary permits from Manatee County, that notice be given to the owner in advance of work that will produce excessive amounts of dust or tar fumes so proper precautions could be taken, that roofing materials be stored in a manner that protects them from damage or adverse weather conditions during construction, and that the contractor provide a two year written guarantee at the conclusion of the job. Respondent failed to comply with these requirements of the specifications.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that Petitioner enter a Final Order suspending Respondent's registration for a period of ninety (90) days and imposing an administrative fine in the amount of $1,500. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of April, 1987 in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD D. CONN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of April, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-3698 Rulings on Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact: Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. Adopted in Finding of Fact 8. 3,4 Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. 5,6 Adopted in Finding of Fact 3, but otherwise rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 7,8 Adopted in Finding of Fact 9. Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. Adopted in Findings of Fact 5, 6. Rulings on Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact: Adopted in part in Findings of Fact 3, 5. Rejected as not based upon competent substantial evidence. Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 3. Adopted in part in Findings of Fact 2, 3. 5-7 Addressed in Findings of Fact 2, 3 and 5. 8,9 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 10. Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 5. 11,12 Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 6. Rejected as not based upon competent substantial evidence. Adopted in Findings of Fact 5, 6. Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. COPIES FURNISHED: W. Douglas Beason, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Fl 32399-0750 Michael Schlesinger, Esquire 655 Ulmerton Road Building 11-A Large, Fl 33541 Fred Seely Construction Industry Licensing Board Post Office Box 2 Jacksonville, Fl 32201 Van Poole Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Fl 32399-0750 Joseph A. Sole, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Fl 32399-0750
The Issue Whether Mr. Masiero is guilty of gross negligence in reroofing work he performed, and misconduct by failing to honor a guarantee given in connection with that work?
Findings Of Fact Mark Masiero was the qualifying agent for All Florida Roofing Company. Mr. Masiero entered into a contract, on behalf of All Florida Roofing Company, with Cristobal Sotolongo of Miramar, Florida, on January 19, 1987 According to the contract Mr. Masiero would [r)emove the roof at the address above down to wood sheathing or smooth, workable surface and haul all debris away (Department Exhibit 1) and install a hot tar roof on a flat deck. The company further gave a guarantee which read: The company guararitees its workmanship for ten years. It will replace faulty materia1 or faulty workmanship within the period of the guarantee free of charge (Department Exhibit 1). Mr. Sotolongo paid $700 at the time the contract was executed. The total price was to be $2,500. Mr. Sotolongo thereafter paid All Florida Roofing Company an additional $1,600. Mr. Sotolongo received a job invoice from All Florida Roofing Company signed by Mark Masiero on March 14, 1987, showing payment in full for the roofing work. Two hundred dollars had been deducted from the contract price for damage done to a patio screen and popcorn ceiling at the Sotolongo residence during the roofing work. After the work was completed, Mr. Sotolongo had a leak in his bedroom. Mr. Masiero returned and put some tar on the roof, but it still leaked. As a result of the leak Mr. Sotolongo lost the ceiling in the bedroom. He called Mr. Masiero repeatedly in an attempt to have the leak repaired and ultimately retained a lawyer, Steven M. Rosen, who wrote to All Florida Roofing Company on Mr. Sotolongovs behalf to complain about the failure to honor the guarantee and perform remedial work. After he received no reply to his lawyer's letter from Mr. Masiero or All Florida Roofing Company, Mr. Sotolongo received estimates for roof repairs from a number of roofers, including Professional Roofing, Inc. of Hollywood, Florida, Pioneer Roofing Company, Inc. of Hollywood, Florida, Universal Roofing, Inc. of Hollywood, Florida, and Gory Roofing, Inc. of Hollywood, Florida. A roof inspection was also provided by Gory Roofing. The reroofing was done by Gory Roofing, Inc. at a cost of $1,500. The problem with the roofing work done by All Florida Roofing Company and Mr. Masiero was that the work did not conform to the contract, in that the old roof had not been removed down to the wood sheathing or to a smooth workable surface. The old roof had been a tar and gravel roof. Lengths of 2 x 4 lumber had been placed around the perimeter of that roof and 1 1/2" to 2" of concrete had been poured on that old roof; the old tar and gravel roof had been placed over the concrete. Mr. Masiero and All Florida Roofing Company had not removed the underlying concrete roof or an older tar and gravel roof below it. This caused the leaking. The repair work done by Gory Roofing, Inc. included removal of the old roofing system, and application of a new roof. After that work, there have been no leaks from the roof.
Recommendation It is recommended that Mr. Masiero be found guilty of violations of Section 489.129(1)(j) and (m), and that he be fined $2,250. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 23rd day of March, 1990. WILLIAM R. DORSEY, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of March, 1990. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert G. Harris Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Mark Masiero 6631 Southwest 26th Court Miramar, Florida 33023 Kenneth D. Easley, General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Fred Seely, Executive Director Construction Industry Licensing Board Department of Professional Regulation Post Office Box 2 Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto Respondent has been a registered roofing contractor in the State of Florida, having been issued license number RC- 0042963. At no time material hereto did Respondent's license qualify "Energy Plus Roofing" with Petitioner. Notice of the final hearing herein was provided to Respondent at his last known address of record in Bradenton, Florida, as shown on his Election of Rights form. The notice was not returned by the post office as "undeliverable" or for any other reason. In April, 1988 Respondent entered into a contract to perform certain roofing work for John Beede at a contract price of $1,610. Respondent executed this contract on behalf of Energy Plus Roofing, and provided a ten year warranty on workmanship and materials. Beede paid the full contract price to Respondent for work performed, but Respondent failed to correct leaks in Beede's Florida room. In fact, after the job Beede had additional leaks in his Florida room. Respondent failed to respond to several calls from Beede for further corrective work under the ten year warranty. Finally, Beede had to have a "roof over" constructed to correct the leaks in his Florida room at an additional cost of $4,000. Respondent did not obtain any permit from Manatee County for the work he performed for Beede, although Manatee County requires contractors to obtain permits for such jobs in excess of $200. Additionally, Respondent did not register "Energy Plus Roofing" with Manatee County, although Manatee County does require such registration. In March, 1986 Respondent entered into a contract with Marie Allen for roof repair on her mobile home in Ruskin, Hillsborough County, Florida. Allen did not have any leaks in her roof at the time, but she was simply seeking preventive maintenance. Respondent contracted with Allen on behalf of Energy Plus Roofing to pressure clean her roof and "apply energy plus roof system to (her) existing roof" for a contract price of $1,000. Respondent provided a ten year warranty on workmanship and materials. After Respondent's crew pressure cleaned her roof, Allen began experiencing leaks, and she presently continues to have four leaks which she did not have before work was performed by Respondent. She has tried repeatedly to contact Respondent under the warranty, but has been unsuccessful. Respondent is not registered in Hillsbourough County, and he did not obtain any permits for the Allen job. Hillsborough County requires contractors to be registered and to obtain permits for jobs such as he performed on Allen's roof. The only name on Respondent's license is his own individual name, Emanuel Fred Mosley.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that Petitioner enter a Final Order suspending Respondent's registration for a period of one (1) year and imposing an administrative fine of $1,000 upon Respondent. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of May, 1987 in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD D. CONN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of May, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-0442 Rulings on Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact: Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. 3-8 Adopted in Finding of Fact 4. 9 Adopted in Finding of Fact 5. 10-14 Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. 15-16 Adopted in Finding of Fact 7. COPIES FURNISHED: W. Douglas Beason, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0750 Emanuel Mosley 5707 5th Street East Bradenton, FL 33507 Fred Seely Executive Director Construction Industry Licensing Board Post Office Box 2 Jacksonville, FL 32201 Van Poole, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0750 Joseph A. Sole General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0750
Findings Of Fact Respondent is and at all material times has been a licensed residential contractor in the State of Florida. He holds license No. RR 0039483. He has been a licensed contractor for 36 years, including the last seven years in Florida. In late December, 1985, Jessie Lee entered into a written contract with Respondent for the construction of a home at 3010 Surf Drive in Deltona, Florida. The contract called for Respondent to construct a completed house for the sum of $34,000. In the contract, Respondent warranted the house "against defects in material and workmanship for one year from date of final settlement or issuance of Certificate of Occupancy." By a separate document styled, "Contractor Warranty," Respondent attested as follows: That, for a period of one year from the date of the sale, all workmanship, and materials are guaranteed by [Respondent] and that, should any defect in workmanship become evident during that period, that defect will be repaired, replaced or corrected, as the case may be, at no cost to the said purchasers by [Respondent] . . . . The Contractor Warranty was notarized on June 13, 1986. Construction commenced in March, 1986. Sometime after the ordering of the roof trusses, Mr. Lee and Respondent agreed to the addition of a screened porch to the back of the house. Respondent commenced construction of the screened porch prior to the issuance of the building permit for the porch. The addition of the screened porch created a new roof gable. The failure to change the truss design for the rest of the roof left a roof valley that was misplaced by about two feet. The misplaced valley created a flat area on the roof. The slope or pitch in this area was no more than 2 1/2" per 12". Respondent was at all times aware that the pitch did not meet the manufacturer's minimum technical standard of 3" per 12" for the subject shingles. Respondent felt that, based on past experience, such a slight discrepancy would not cause any problems. In late May, 1986, prior to the completion of construction, Mr. Lee reported to Respondent rain leakage over the screened porch on three occasions. Respondent spread asphalt tar over the affected area on each occasion. Closing occurred on June 11, 1986. Mr. Lee made the last payment due Respondent under the construction contract on June 24, 1986. After closing, the roof continued to leak over the screened porch. Mr. Lee's many telephone calls to Respondent's office went unanswered. Mr. Lee called Respondent's home twice, but received no response. In the case of each telephone call, Mr. Lee would speak with Respondent's wife or daughter, who worked in his office, and would be assured that Respondent would be by Mr. Lee's house sometime. Mr. Lee received no response from Respondent during the rainy months of June through August, 1986. The summer rains damaged the screened porch ceiling and walls with water damage and mildew. Finally in late August, 1986, Mr. Lee took his problems to the Volusia County Building Department. On September 4, 1986, the Volusia County Sheriff's Office served Respondent with a Violation Notice giving Respondent ten days to fix the faulty roof. In response to this notice, Respondent sent one of his workers to Mr. Lee's house to paint over or treat the discoloration on the walls caused by water penetration. The repainting or treatment left the affected portion of the walls considerably darker than the remainder of the walls. More significantly, no repairs to the roof were attempted at this time. In late September, 1986, Mr. Lee personally visited Respondent's office. He asked Respondent when he was going to fix the roof. Respondent would not let Mr. Lee into the office. Respondent assured Mr. Lee, "I'll get it someday." Nothing further occurred until October 7, 1986, when Respondent received a building permit from the Volusia County Building Department. The permit was for a building repair job. Respondent attached to the permit a drawing dated October 5, 1986, calling for moving the valley two feet to eliminate the flat area and replace it with a 3/12 slope. No repairs were ever attempted under this permit. Mr. Lee then took his problems to Petitioner in December, 1986. On May 27, 1987, the Volusia County Sheriff's Office served Respondent with a Notice of Hearing, Notice of Violation, and Request for a Hearing before the Volusia County Building Code Enforcement Board. Mr. Lee and Respondent were jointly cited by the Volusia County Building in the Notice of Violation. The hearing was set for June 15, 1987. On June 1, 1987, Respondent received a second building permit to repair the roof. Pursuant to a request by the Volusia County Building Department, Respondent attached to the permit request architectural drawings specifying the placement of a roof "cricket" in order to relocate the mislocated valley and thereby eliminate the flat area over the screened porch. The job was completed and reinspected by the Volusia County Building Department on June 9, 1987. The June 15, 1987 hearing was then cancel led. The roof has continued to leak to some degree following this repair. Although Respondent personally inspected the interior damage in June, 1987, and promised later to repair it, he has never done so. Photographs suggest that the interior water damage is greater now than it was after Respondent's interior repair job in September, 1986. However, there is no competent evidence as to the extent of the leakage since the June, 1987, exterior repair job. Further, Mr. Lee has not contacted Respondent since June, 1987, with respect to the ongoing leakage. On August 14, 1987, Petitioner entered a Final Order in Department of professional Regulation v. Louis Bouchard, Case No. 59700. The Order approved a settlement entered into on January 30, 1986, under which Respondent admitted the allegations of the Administrative Complaint and agreed to the imposition of a $500 fine. In that case, Respondent agreed to install a fireplace following the issuance of a building permit for a house without a fireplace. Following construction of the fireplace, structural problems caused by an inadequate or absent footer and foundation required the rebuilding of the fireplace.
Findings Of Fact Based on my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, the documentary evidence and the positions of the parties, I hereby make the following: Thomas G. Walker (herein sometimes called "Licensee" or "Respondent") is a registered residential contractor and is issued license number RR 0009839. Thomas G. Walker was initially licensed by the Board in July of 1969 as an individual and during January, 1975, he changed his registration status as an individual to qualify Insulshield Roofing as the business entity through which he would conduct his business (Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1). An examination of the official records pertaining to the Licensee reveals that he does not now nor has he ever held a roofing license in the State of Florida. On February 16, 1979, the Licensee was apprehended contracting roofing without a State roofing contractor's license by the Board's representative and was issued a Notice of Violation (Petitioner's Exhibit No. 3). On July 26, 1977, the Licensee entered into an agreement with Jan Soderstrom, 501 Orlando Avenue, Indialantic, Florida, to remove the tile from the Florida Room of her residence and hot mop the herein-described roofing area, to replace tile as needed, to clean and coat the entire roof, and to install a cap over Ms. Soderstrom's chimney. He guaranteed the work for a period of five (5) years and charged a contracted price of $800.00. The Licensee was paid the contracted price of $800.00 by check dated August 4, 1977 (Petitioner's Exhibit No. 5). During early February, 1978, Ms. Soderstrom detected a leak in her roof and summoned the Licensee back to her residence to repair same. During February, 1978, Respondent returned to Ms. Soderstrom's residence to repair the leak in her roof. Upon his return, he removed several roof tiles and since February, 1978, to the present, he has not returned to this project. Clyde Pirtle, a field investigator for the Board, investigated the Licensee based on complaints that he received from Ms. Soderstrom and from a Mr. Capitz. On or about February 16, 1977, Mr. Pirtle discussed a Notice of Violation with the Licensee and explained to him the necessity to register as a Roofing Contractor, if he was in the business of acting as a Roofing Contractor. Mr. Charles D. Franklin, a building official of Indian Harbor Beach, Florida, is the custodian of the records in Indian Harbor, Florida. Based on an examination of the records by Mr. Franklin, the Respondent/Licensee is not registered as a Roofing Contractor locally.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is hereby, RECOMMENDED: That the registered residential contractor's license, number 0009839, of the Licensee, Thomas G. Walker, d/b/a Insulshield Roofing, be suspended for a period of one (1) year. RECOMMENDED this 4th day of April, 1979, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Barry S. Sinoff, Esquire 2400 Independent Square Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Thomas G. Walker d/b/a Insulshield Roofing 170 5th Street South Melbourne Beach, Florida 32951 J. K. Linnan, Executive Director Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board Post Office Box 8621 Jacksonville, Florida 32211
The Issue Whether Petitioner was unlawfully terminated from his employment with Respondent based upon his age and in retaliation for protected activity; and, if so, what is the appropriate remedy.
Findings Of Fact In June 2016, Petitioner, a 58-year-old man, responded to an advertisement for laborers posted by Aerotek, an employee leasing company. Petitioner was hired and told he would be placed as a general laborer with Advanced Roofing for a solar panel installation job at the Lake Worth landfill. Petitioner attended a safety orientation presented by Advanced Roofing in June but was not actually placed at the job site until August 1, 2016. Advanced Roofing is a roofing company that employs approximately 380 workers for commercial roofing jobs, HVAC, and solar panel installation throughout Florida. It also contracts with Aerotek and CLP, employee leasing companies, to supply laborers to specific job sites on an as needed basis. Advanced Roofing has an agreement with Aerotek to pay designated hourly wage rates to Aerotek based upon job classification. It is up to the discretion of Aerotek to determine what wages are paid to individual laborers. Petitioner's Employment at Advanced Roofing's Job Site Based upon Petitioner's prior experience, he was classified by Aerotek as a general laborer and assigned by Advanced Roofing to supervise a crew for the pouring of concrete pillars. He reported to, and received direction from, Advanced Roofing's site supervisor, Paul Burns. Petitioner received an hourly wage from Aerotek in the amount of $13.00 per hour. Shortly after beginning work with Advanced Roofing, Petitioner complained repeatedly to Mr. Burns that he should be paid more based upon his experience and the fact that he was asked to supervise others. Mr. Burns explained that Advanced Roofing does not control what Aerotek pays its workers but that he would speak to Aerotek about a possible raise. Petitioner discussed his pay concerns with co-worker Allen Andrews, who was approximately 30 years old. Mr. Andrews told Petitioner he thought he (Mr. Andrews) too should be paid more based upon his skill set. In fact, Mr. Andrews apparently addressed this issue with Aerotek and received a pay raise from Aerotek to $15.00 per hour. After Mr. Andrews showed Petitioner his pay stub, Petitioner asked Mr. Burns whether Mr. Andrews was being paid more because he was younger. Petitioner believes Mr. Andrews received the requested raise despite being less qualified than Petitioner and holding no license or certification. However, Respondent's Exhibit 1 shows that Mr. Andrews was classified as an "electrical helper" by Aerotek and had prior electrical conduit experience that Petitioner did not have. On October 3, 2016, Petitioner sent a text message to his immediate supervisor, Ray Mason, at 4:13 a.m., advising he was coming back to town from Orlando and would be arriving late for work that day. Petitioner explained that the laborers were instructed to call in as soon as they knew they would be late or absent. At 5:50 a.m., Mr. Mason replied, "Do you see what time it is man? You just cut my sleep. Don't come back." Over the course of Petitioner's assignment to Advanced Roofing from Aerotek, Petitioner, by his own admission, missed at least three days of work. According to Advanced Roofing, Petitioner missed five days of work during that time and was repeatedly late. Although Petitioner testified that other younger workers routinely missed work or came in late without calling in and without consequence, he offered no corroborating evidence. Prior to his termination, Petitioner received no counseling or written discipline regarding performance or attendance. On September 28, 2016, Advanced Roofing contacted Aerotek to supply four more workers to the Lake Worth site due to concerns regarding slowing productivity. Advanced Roofing dismissed several workers in addition to Petitioner on October 3, 2016, based on absenteeism and decreased productivity. After being dismissed by Advanced Roofing, Aerotek offered to place Petitioner elsewhere. Because it would be approximately eight weeks before Aerotek would have another assignment for Petitioner, he declined reassignment and accepted a settlement package. Allegations of Drug Use and Safety Hazards After he was told not to return to Advanced Roofing, Petitioner contacted the City of Lake Worth by email to complain about drug use, intoxication, and fighting among employees. Petitioner also wrote Rob Kornahrens, Advanced Roofing's president, making similar allegations and detailing how workers were instructed by supervisors how to pass drug tests by pinning a condom with clean urine from another person to the inside of their pants to keep it at body temperature and using it to fill the urine drug test container. Petitioner contends he also raised safety concerns prior to his termination about co-workers fighting and using drugs on the job. Petitioner believes he was terminated in part due to these "whistle-blowing" activities. Advanced Roofing undertook an investigation into Petitioner's post-termination allegations, including drug testing at the worksite of 23 workers. Two workers refused to test and six others failed. However, the investigation did not confirm the widespread drug use or on-the-job intoxication alleged by Petitioner. Advanced Roofing denies that its supervisors instructed employees how to fool the test. Further, no significant incidents of fighting at the Lake Worth project were brought to the attention of management before or after Petitioner's termination. Aerotek's Employment of Other Older Workers Petitioner claims he was the oldest worker of the crew at Advanced Roofing. However, Petitioner admitted that Calvin Palmer, age 63, also worked as an electrical helper/laborer for Advanced Roofing at the Lake Worth site while Petitioner was employed. Mr. Palmer, who was hired as a laborer with electrical experience through another temporary service, has become a regular employee of Advanced Roofing and currently earns $23.00 per hour.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations issue a final order dismissing FCHR Petition 201700134. DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of October, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S MARY LI CREASY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of October, 2017.
Findings Of Fact Joseph Barrass is a registered roofing contractor holding State of Florida license number RC0026890. Respondent was so licensed at all times relevant to this proceeding. Respondent began doing business as a registered roofing contractor through his corporation, J. B. Roofing and Repairs, Inc., about six years ago. This corporation was dissolved and he continued as a roofing contractor through a corporation known as Roofing Services, Inc. He next did business through a third corporation, C. B. Roofing, Inc. Most recently he has done business as C. B. Roofing, a sole proprietorship. Respondent failed to register any of these entities with Petitioner, and is still licensed under his original fictitious name, J. B. Roofing and Repairs. Respondent contracted with Green Glades Construction Co. in early 1979, to install roofs on some 28 new houses. A dispute arose between the parties regarding several unfinished and leaking roofs. Respondent contends he refused to complete the roofs at issue due to nonpayment in accordance with the oral contract. He also argues that he was unable to repair the leaks while the roofs were wet, as demanded by Green Glades. The dispute was settled through civil proceedings. Another matter which culminated in civil action concerned the installation and repair of a patio roof pursuant to an oral contract between Respondent and Marvin Berkowitz, at the latter's Coral Springs residence. Berkowitz complained that Respondent failed to correct a leak in this roof as required by their agreement. Respondent claims the leak was the result of an improperly installed ceiling fan and the flat roof design demanded by Berkowitz. Respondent completed the job and received final payment on October 9, 1979. However, the roof leaked and Berkowitz thereafter contacted Respondent on numerous occasions requesting repairs. It was not until Berkowitz retained counsel and threatened legal action that Respondent made any effort to repair the leak. He returned on February 14, 1980, and did limited repair work. The roof continued to leak and Berkowitz sought damages through civil action. The evidence is conflicting as to whether or not the ceiling fan had been removed when Respondent returned in February, 1980. Berkowitz testified that it had been removed, and Respondent testified that it had not. The evidence is also in conflict with respect to the caveats and/or assurances Respondent gave Berkowitz regarding this installation. The recollections of both witnesses were self-serving and their testimony was generally lacking in credibility. The City of Coral Springs' building code requires a contractor to obtain a permit prior to roof installation. Respondent knew he was required to obtain such a permit for the Berkowitz project, but failed to do so.
Recommendation From the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondent be found guilty of violating Sections 489.119, 489.129(1)(g) and 489.129(1)(j), F.S., in failing to register his business entities and contracting without requisite qualification. It is further RECOMMENDED: That Respondent be found guilty of violating Subsection 489.129(1)(d), F.S., for wilful disregard of the Coral Springs building code pertaining to building permits. It is further RECOMMENDED: That all other charges against Respondent be dismissed. It is further RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner suspend Respondent's roofing contractor's license for a period of six months. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of February, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of February, 1982.
The Issue Whether the Respondent aided and abetted an unlicensed contractor by obtaining a permit for a roofing job performed by the unlicensed contractor; Whether the work on the job failed to fully comply with the local building codes; Whether the Respondent gave a guarantee on the job and thereafter failed to reasonably honor the guarantee; and Whether Respondent failed to properly supervise the job site activity.
Findings Of Fact At all times material to this action, Respondent was licensed by the Construction Industry Licensing Board as a registered roofing contractor, holding License No. RC0030450. Carol Kilgore is the daughter of Beula Relihan, who owns a rental home located at 207 East Selma in Tampa, Florida. Mrs. Relihan is 86 years old, and for several years Mrs. Kilgore has been managing the property. In early 1987, Mrs. Kilgore was involved in obtaining estimates to replace the roof at the rental home. After obtaining estimates from contractors listed in the yellow pages, which Mrs. Kilgore felt to be high, Mrs. Kilgore responded to an advertisement for roofing work located in the Money Saver. She called the number listed in the advertiser, talked to Leroy Rison, and asked him to come to the house and give her an estimate. On or about February 26, 1987, Leroy Rison and his nephew, Gary Terrell, visited Mrs. Kilgore after looking at the job site, and wrote out an estimate for replacing the roof of $1,650.00. Mr. Terrell wrote the proposal which reflected the work to be done, the price, and the proposed beginning and finishing date. However, before any contract was entered into, Mrs. Kilgore discovered that neither Rison or Terrell were licensed contractors. She explained that she wanted only a licensed contractor who could pull the permit to perform the work. Although Mr. Terrell and Mr. Rison are willing to work for a homeowner if the homeowner will obtain the permit, Mrs. Kilgore insisted that she wanted a licensed contractor. Therefore, Mr. Rison recommended the Respondent, and later called the Respondent to advise him of the job. The next day, February 27, 1987, Respondent met Mrs. Kilgore and wrote a contract proposal on a form with a printed heading "MacDill Roofing", to which in handwriting was added "& Services." Respondent operates under the name of, and is the qualifying agent for, MacDill Services. The contract prepared by the Respondent merely copied the proposal submitted by Terrell and Rison, including the same price and the same misspelled words. The contract was accepted and signed by Ms. Kilgore's mother. Mrs. Kilgore paid Respondent $650.00, with the balance to be paid upon successful completion of the contract. Work was scheduled to begin the following day, Saturday, February 28, 1987 and be completed by Monday, March 2, 1987. The following Saturday work began. Respondent obtained the permit for the job, and apparently purchased the materials and had them delivered. Leroy Rison worked on the job and hired the laborers. Gary Terrell also worked on the job. One of the men Rison hired, Earl, worked for a roofing company during the week but did not have a license. Mr. Rison could not remember the name of any of the other men who worked on the job. Leroy Rison was not an employee of MacDill Roofing or MacDill Services, but he had worked for Respondent on other occasions. Although Respondent contends that he went by the job site on three or four occasions, staying at the job site between 1 and 2 hours on each occasion, his testimony is not credible. Charles Doty, who was the tenant in the rental home, had received a leg injury which forced him to stay home during this entire period of time. The only time Mr. Doty was gone was for an hour and half on Saturday to attend a therapy session. Mr. Doty never saw Respondent on the job site, although he had heard Respondent's name mentioned by Mr. Rison. Mrs. Kilgore also visited the job site on several occasions and she never saw the Respondent at the job site. Respondent simply did not supervise the job site activities. On March 3, 1987, the roof was scheduled for final inspection by the building department. Mrs. Kilgore went to the house to wait for the building inspector. After several hours, she left to get a soft drink. She was gone only five minutes, but when she returned, she discovered that the building inspector had come and gone, and a "green tag", indicating that the house had passed inspection, had been left on the porch. Mrs. Kilgore was very upset because she felt that the roofing work had not been done properly. She went to the building supervisor at City Hall and asked him if he could send the inspector back to the house so that she could point out the problems. The building supervisor agreed to send the inspector back to the house. The building department inspector was Terry Scott. On March 3, 1987, Mr. Scott had approximately 20 or 25 inspections to do. When he first went to the house he just looked around quickly and left a green tag. He admitted that a thorough inspection was only done if a homeowner complained. When Mr. Scott returned to the house on March 3, 1987, he still did not do a thorough inspection. However, he did issue a "red tag" which listed certain deficiencies that would have to be corrected before the roof could pass inspection. The red tag required that the contractor "replace bad wood where needed and install drip-edge where needed." Normally, when a red tag is issued, the contractor corrects the deficiency and calls for another inspection. That did not occur in this case. On April 9, 1987, Inspector Scott met Mr. Park at the job-site to discuss problems with the roof. On that day, a more thorough inspection was performed. Another red tag was issued and the following deficiencies were noted: "Bad wood not replaced--Wall flashing not properly installed. Flashing around chimney not proper--Felt under drip-edge." Respondent did not correct these deficiencies and never called for another inspection. The permit expired without the roof being approved by final inspection. Although not all the deficiencies noted in the inspection constitute code violations, the Tampa Building Code does require that rotten wood be replaced and the contract specified that the rotten decking would be replaced. Nevertheless, after Respondent completed the job, rotten wood remained in place. The replacement of the rotten wood was noted in both red tags. Respondent never attempted to correct this deficiency. On the day the property initially passed inspection, March 3, 1987, Respondent called Mrs. Kilgore and requested the remaining $1,000 owed on the contract price. Mrs. Kilgore refused to pay the Respondent since she was dissatisfied with the work and the first red tag had issued. At some point, apparently after the red tag issued in April, Respondent decided that he was not going to get any more money from Mrs. Kilgore. Other than asking for the money on March 3, 1987, Respondent has not attempted to collect the remainder of the money from Ms. Kilgore; however, he has also not attempted to correct the code violations and other deficiencies. Since Respondent did not collect the remainder of the money owed, Respondent did not pay Leroy Rison, and Mr. Rison did not pay the laborers who performed the work. As the contractor on this job, Respondent had full responsibility for ensuring that the work was done properly and that the roof passed final inspection. Respondent failed to supervise the work on the job, and the re- roofing was not done in a workmanlike manner. In essence, Respondent abdicated his responsibilities as the contractor on the job, and allowed the work to be performed by unsupervised unlicensed persons. The roofing material used was supposed to be fiberglass shingle guaranteed for 20 years. There was no evidence presented that something other than the material specified was used or that the shingles were not installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. The roof did not leak after the work was completed. No evidence relating to a guarantee, other than the guarantee related to the shingles, was presented. Respondent has previously been disciplined by the Construction Industry Licensing Board. On September 10, 1986, a 61 paragraph Administrative Complaint was filed against Respondent which alleged, among other things, willful violation of local law; failure to qualify a firm through which he was operating; gross negligence, incompetence, misconduct, fraud, or deceit in the practice of contracting; failure to discharge supervisory duties as a qualifying agent; and aiding and abetting an unlicensed person to evade the provisions of Chapter 489. On March 26, 1987, Respondent signed a stipulated settlement with the Department of Professional Regulation admitting to all the allegations set forth in the Administrative Complaint. The stipulated disposition was that Respondent's licensure would be suspended for two years and indefinitely thereafter until an administrative fine in the amount of $3,000 was paid. The stipulation was adopted by Final Order of the Construction Industry Licensing Board rendered June 9, 1987.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered revocation of Respondent's license as a registered roofing contractor. DONE and ORDERED this 25th day of October, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE A. GRUBBS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of October, 1988. APPENDIX The following constitutes rulings on the Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1.-4. Accepted, generally except the date of February 26, 1987 appears to be the appropriate date, rather than February 7, 1987, in that the estimate from Larry Rison was obtained one day before the contract was entered into with Respondent. Accepted, generally. Accepted as true, but unnecessary and irrelevant, since Rison and Terrell did not enter into a contract for the job. 7.-14. Accepted. 15. Accepted as true; however, the last two sentences were considered unnecessary. 16.-19. Accepted, generally. First sentence accepted, sentences two and three rejected as irrelevant to the issues in this case. Rejected as redundant and for the reasons set forth under Proposed Finding of Fact No. 6. First sentence rejected as not supported by the evidence, second sentence accepted, except as to Respondent's intent. Third and fourth sentences accepted in general. COPIES FURNISHED: Belinda H. Miller, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Francis A. Park 6109 South MacDill Avenue Tampa, Florida 33611 Lawrence A. Gonzalez Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Bruce D. Lamb, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Fred Seely Executive Director Construction Industry Licensing Board Department of Professional Regulation Post Office Box 2 Jacksonville, Florida 32201
The Issue Whether disciplinary action should be taken against the Respondent's contractor license number CG C022926, issued by the State of Florida, based upon the violations of Section 489.105(4), 489.113(3), 489.117(2), 489.115(1)(b), 489.119, and 489.129(1)(d), (e), (g), (j) and (m), Florida Statutes (1987), alleged in three administrative complaints filed by the Petitioner.
Findings Of Fact At all times material to this proceeding, the Respondent, Richard Lee Melvin, was a licensed contractor in the State of Florida, having been issued license number CG C022926, by the State of Florida. The Armstrong Job On or about February 26, 1987, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong entered into a contract with Sunshine State Homes to do certain siding work and roofing work on two mobile homes owned by the Armstrongs located at 4605 and 4607 Orange Drive in Holiday, Florida. The cost of the repairs under the contract was $6,400. Although the Respondent did not sign that contract, his name and license number appeared on it, he applied for and was granted the necessary Pasco County permit for Sunshine State Homes using his licensure. At the time he applied for the permit, the Respondent knew that Sunshine State Homes was not licensed since he was considering qualifying that company. The permit that the Respondent received from Pasco County required, among other things, that all the Respondent's work conform with the requirements of state and county codes and regulations. The Respondent acted in the capacity of a contractor for Sunshine State Homes even though his certificate did not contain the name Sunshine State Homes. After the signing of the contract, work began on both structures. The roof was replaced on the main structure, and the Armstrongs were informed that the Rainbow Roof System contracted for could not be installed. After work began, it rained and because of improper construction techniques, both mobile homes flooded. Representatives of Sunshine State Homes attempted to correct the problems, but when it rained again, there was substantial leaking in both mobile homes. A rug from the main mobile home had to be removed. Another attempt was made to correct the leaks at the rental unit by re-coating the roof with sealant. Again, it rained, and both mobile homes flooded. Both mobile homes had leaks where, prior to construction beginning, they did not have leaks. Insurance covered $1,200 of the damage to the main mobile home. There also was damage that was not covered by insurance. The type of roof put on the main coach resulted in leaks all along the seam between the roof over the main coach and the roof over the addition to the main structure. The water leaked through the walls of the mobile home, causing water damage. On or about April 7, 1987, the roofs supposedly were finished, and the contractor wanted the rest of his money. The Armstrongs refused to give the balance of the money until another heavy rain was experienced. After representatives from Sunshine State Homes made various threats, the owners paid Sunshine State all but $900 of the contract price. The $900 was withheld to cover the water damage sustained as a result of the leaks. The work that was done was required to be inspected by Pasco County. The work had not been inspected because neither the Respondent nor anyone else from Sunshine State had called for inspections. The work that was done deteriorated over the summer months. On October 14, 1987, the homeowners contracted with Holiday Aluminum to replace the two mobile home roofs in accordance with the contract previously entered into between the homeowners and Sunshine State Homes. It cost the homeowners $4,300 to have the two new roofs installed. They have not experienced any problems with the roofs installed by Holiday Aluminum. The work Sunshine State did under the Respondent's licensure was done in a grossly negligent or incompetent manner. The Respondent and Tropical Exteriors The Respondent was contacted by Jeff Gaston, in mid-November, 1986. Gaston wanted the Respondent to qualify Gaston's company, Tropical Exteriors and Services, Inc. The Respondent met with Gaston and Gaston's attorney, and the Respondent understood that it would take time for all of the paperwork to be concluded. Towards the end of March, 1987, the Respondent started having concerns about his business relationship with Gaston and Tropical. However, the Respondent took no action to terminate that relationship or otherwise advise any governmental agencies involved or homeowners that he was not associated with Tropical until May 13, 1987. There was a continuous business relationship between the Respondent and Tropical for the period November, 1986, through May 13, 1987. The Respondent never qualified Tropical. The Respondent knew that Tropical was using his name in connection with its business after November, 1986. He also thought he would be given notice of any contracts Tropical entered into. But Tropical entered into contracts with the Clems and the Warzyboks and began work without telling the Respondent. The homeowners relied on Tropical's representations regarding the Respondent's association with the business. The Clem Job In November, 1986, Mr. and Mrs. Clem knew that they needed a new roof on their residence located 10511 - 53rd Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida, because the shingles were curling. However, they did not have any leaks in the roof. In November, 1986, the Clems were contacted by Millie Morris regarding the roof repairs. Morris stated that she worked for Tropical and was representing U.S. Steel. She advised the Clems that she would like to use the Clem home in an advertising campaign. The Clems did not have the cash money to pay for the repairs and needed financing. As part of that financing, Morris stated that she would give the Clems a $300 rebate on contracting resulting from any leads the Clems gave her. The Clems were able to obtain a second mortgage on their home which provided for the financing of the needed improvements. On or about February 9, 1987, the Clems entered into a contract with Tropical. At the time of the signing of the contract, Morris again reaffirmed to the Clems that any leads the Clems gave Morris that resulted in a contract would result in the Clems being paid the sum of $300. The Clems put $1,000 down at the time of signing the contract and were to pay $1,500 during the course of the job and $2,500 on completion of the job. Before entering into the contract, the Clems relied on the information on the contract letterhead which contained the Respondent's name, type of state certificate, license number, number of years of experience and a representation that the Respondent was insured. Additionally, the Clems called the Better Business Bureau and checked on Tropical to see if any complaints had been filed. The contract provided for, among other things, the removal of the old roof, installation of a new roof, the installation of soffit and facia, the installation of doors and windows and a guaranty on all the work. Shortly after the contract was signed and work was started on the roof, the Clems told Morris the people across the street from them needed repairs. Those people signed a contract with Tropical to have their roof replaced. The work was done, but the Clems received nothing for giving Tropical the customer lead. After the work was done, the Clems dealt with Morris and Gaston. Several times after the job was started, the Clems tried to get Gaston on the job site because the roof was leaking, there was no flashing around the drain pipes and vents, the aluminum edging was bent in many places and the siding had fallen on the ground. Several times when a representative of Tropical was on the job site, Mrs. Clem pointed out to them that the aluminum was bent in places, the seams were cut crooked, there were unnecessary splices in the aluminum, there were bad cuts around certain pipes, there was an electric light left hanging, the wrong weather stripping had been installed around the door, other weather stripping was not put up right, the windows were not sealed, the roof leaked, there was unnecessary tar on the shingles and there were aluminum overlaps facing the street, among other things. From that point forward, representatives of Tropical assured the Clems on many occasions that those problems would be corrected by a date certain, but the deadline was missed in every base. During the construction, the Clems agreed to pay Tropical the $1,500 due during the construction and $2,000 of the $2,500 that was due at the end of construction because a representative of Tropical explained to them that the job was near completion, Tropical needed the money to cover expenses and that Tropical would put in a bedroom window in the Clems residence at no charge. After many telephone conversations and on-site inspections by Tropical, all to no avail, Tropical agreed to finish the job if the Clems would pay him the remaining $500 and if the Clems would pay him an additional $150 for the bedroom window Otherwise, Tropical threatened to forfeit the $500 and not complete the job. The Clems agreed because they knew that it would cost them more than $500 to have the job completed by someone else. The job still was not competed, and the complaints were not corrected. The Clems called another siding contractor, who told the Clems that he would charge $750 just to correct the siding problems, that no permits had been pulled for the job and that the Clems should not allow any further work to be done until the permits had been pulled for the siding and the roof. When the building department received the siding contractor's inquiry regarding the permits, it contacted Tropical. The Clems had several conversations with their attorney, who advised the Clems that it would be cheaper to attempt to solve the problem with Tropical than to get a new contractor. Several attempts were made to have Tropical complete the job, but Tropical continuously failed to honor its agreements. The last time anyone from Tropical was on the job site was April 17, 1987. As of the hearing date, the complaints had not been corrected, and the work had not been completed in accordance with the contract. On or about March 13, 1987, the Respondent obtained a building permit from Pinellas County, Florida, for the installation of the aluminum soffit and facia work, only. Later, after the Respondent had terminated his relationship with Tropical, the job was inspected by the Department of Building Inspections of Pinellas County and was cited for violations of the applicable local codes which never were corrected. The work that was done was done in a grossly negligent or incompetent manner. The Warzybok Case On or about January 14, 1987, Mr. and Mrs. Warzybok, entered into a contract with Tropical Exteriors and Services, Inc., for the removal and replacement of the Warzyboks flat roof at their residence located at 6088 - 27th Avenue, St. Petersburg, Florida. Before entering into the contract, the Warzyboks relied on the information on the contract letterhead which contained the Respondent's name, type of state certificate, license number, number of years of experience and the representation that the Respondent was insured. Additionally, the Warzyboks called the Better Business Bureau and checked on Tropical Exteriors and Services, Inc., to see if any complaints had been filed. Before entering into the contract, the Warzyboks' old flat roof was leaking on the outside of an exterior wall but was not leaking inside. Shortly after the contract was signed, Tropical tore off the old roof, mopped one coat of tar over it, and after it started to rain, put some visqueen over the roof and left. Sometime during the following week, representatives of Tropical finished mopping, put some roof paper down and did some other miscellaneous work. Approximately one week later, Warzybok had the tile roof over the main house pressure cleaned (this roof was connected to the flat roof). When the water from the pressure cleaning came off the tile roof onto the flat roof, the water flooded the room underneath the flat roof. The Warzyboks also discovered that there were broken tiles on the roof over the main house. The flat roof was now leaking inside as well as outside. The Warzyboks attempted on numerous occasions to contact Tropical and have Tropical correct the problems and finish the work. Numerous appointments were made to finish the work and correct the problems, most of which were not kept. Whatever work was done by Tropical did not complete the job or correct the problems. At one point, Tropical sent out a new roofer, Bill Vance, who told the Warzyboks that the roof needed to be totally redone. Several months after the job was started, the homeowners called the City to get an inspection and determined that no permit had been obtained for the job. The City of St. Petersburg Building Department went to the Warzybok property and determined that there had been no permit issued and that the persons who were working on the premises were not licensed roofers. The building department placed a stop order on the work and told the Warzyboks that they needed a licensed roofer to complete the job. The job still has not been completed, and the problems have not been corrected. As of the hearing date, the Warzyboks have problem with leaking skylights, skylights covered with tar, a leaking fireplace, plaster being separated from the sheetrock because of water damage, roofing tiles that were not replaced after they were broken by Tropical and tar on the bottom of the roof, among other things. The Warzyboks got an estimate of $275 just to replace one piece of plaster adjacent to the fireplace only. Tropical started the roof as a three-ply roof and then changed the roof to a one-ply roof. There has been leaking at the chimney and at the skylights, which were not properly installed Some of the tile removed from the main roof at the point of tie-in with the flat roof has not been replaced properly and, in some places, has not been replaced at all. The Respondent, under whose license the work was done, did not know of, and did not properly supervise, the installation of the roof. The roof was installed in an incompetent manner.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Construction Industry Licensing Board find the Respondent guilty of violating Section 489.105(4), 489.119, and 489.129(1)(d), (e), (g), (j) and (m) , Florida Statutes, and that, as punishment, impose on the Respondent a fine of $5000, suspend the Respondent's license for three years and place the Respondent on probation for one year after termination of the suspension conditioned on completion of continuing education designated by the Board and on such other terms that the Board deems appropriate. DONE and ENTERED this 20th day of April, 1989 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of April, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NOS. 88-5197, 88-5198 and 88-5199 To comply with Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes (1987), the following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1.-4. Accepted and incorporated. Sixth sentence, rejected because it was additional sealant, not fiberglass, that was put on the rental unit. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. Accepted and incorporated. Proposed findings regarding the "high ridge" rejected as not supported by the evidence but otherwise accepted and incorporated. Rejected that the owners held back $1,400 (they held back $900) but otherwise accepted and incorporated. Proposed findings regarding the owners' telephone calls to the inspection department and the inspection results rejected as not supported by the evidence. First and penultimate sentences, accepted and incorporated. 10.-11. Accepted and incorporated. 12. Subordinate and unnecessary. 13.-28. Accepted and incorporated. 29. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. 30.-33. Accepted and incorporated. 34. Proposed findings that the permit was pulled after the work for purposes of correcting the work rejected as not proven by the evidence. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. 35.-45. Accepted and incorporated. The estimate was for plaster, not "plastic." Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. Accepted and incorporated. Second sentence, rejected as not supported by the evidence. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. Accepted and incorporated. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact. (These rulings relate to the unnumbered paragraphs in the Respondent's March 23, 1989, letter, starting with the third paragraph. They are assigned consecutive paragraph numbers for purposes of these rulings.) Accepted and incorporated. First sentence, accepted and incorporated; second sentence, rejected as contrary to facts found. Accepted but subordinate to facts found and unnecessary. First and last sentences, accepted and incorporated. Second and third sentences, rejected as contrary to facts found. First sentence, accepted and incorporated. Second sentence, rejected as unclear. Accepted. First sentence, incorporated; second sentence unnecessary. First and third sentences, rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence; second sentence, accepted but unnecessary. First sentence, accepted and incorporated (although the unlicensed companies using the Respondent's name also did work and assumed responsibility for the jobs over which the Respondent exercised no control at all.) Second sentence, rejected as contrary to facts found. COPIES FURNISHED: Jack M. Larkin, Esquire 806 Jackson Street Tampa, Florida 33602 Richard Lee Melvin 12737 North Florida Avenue Tampa, Florida 33612 Fred Seely, Executive Director Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board 111 East Coastline Drive, Suite 504 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Kenneth E. Easley, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750