Findings Of Fact Background Respondent, Deep Lagoon is the owner and developer of real property contiguous to state waters in the Caloosahatchee River at Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida. When Deep Lagoon purchased the property in 1980, the marina had been in existence for an extended period of time. An aerial photograph (Petitioner's Exhibit 18) shows a marina at this location in February 1966. The owners of Deep Lagoon represented at hearing that there are photographs of a marina in this location in 1955. The present owners have improved the facilities and continue to operate a full service marina on site. The existing site plan (Deep Lagoon's Exhibit 3) shows that the project contains three canals: the northern canal, main canal, and southern canal. There is a basin at the eastern end of the main canal. The uplands beyond the northern canal are part of a residential development known as the "Town and River" area. The finger peninsula between the northern and main canal is known as the east-west peninsula. The smaller land area northeast of the southern canal and south of the basin is referred to as the marina dealership and boat storage area. This last area is adjacent to McGregor Boulevard. The marina waters are designated as Class III waters by the state. Deep Lagoon Marina is in Deep Lagoon, a natural, mangrove-lined, deep channel in the south shore of the river. The three canals which are part of the marina, are the result of historic dredge and fill activity which created most of the uplands west of McGregor Boulevard. Except for the Iona Drainage District ditch which discharges into the northern canal, the canal water system is a dead-end system with little circulation from a hydrographic standpoint. Generally, the water sloshes back and forth within the canal system. As a result of poor water circulation within the system, sediments have built up in the canal bottoms and in the basin. Although different historical incidents, such as ship building, the burning of a large building on the east- west peninsula and the receipt of agricultural and highway drainage into the northern canal, may have caused some of the build-up, marina activities and the use of the canals for marina purposes have contributed significantly to the problem. Water quality samplings within the canals and basin indicate that State Water Quality Standards are currently being violated for dissolved oxygen, oils and greases, total and fecal coliform, copper, lead, mercury and tributylin. Sediments in the canals and basin are contaminated by lead, copper, cadmium, chromium and mercury. The canals and basin are currently devoid of seagrasses, oyster beds and benthic organisms. The West Indian Manatee, an endangered species, inhabits the Caloosahatchee River. Manatees are frequently seen in the Deep Lagoon area and are found within the northern canal of Deep Lagoon Marina. Since the marina was purchased by its current owners, maintenance of the property has improved. The management has demonstrated a responsible approach to many environmental concerns that are usually associated with marinas. For example: Gas attendants pump fuel to reduce gasoline spillage. The marina's mechanical work is confined to one area in order to maintain clean up controls. Boat cleaning is done with water only. Boats are repainted with a low copper-based paint to reduce the harmful effects of paint leaching on water quality. On December 9, 1986, Deep Lagoon applied to DER for a permit to renovate and expand the existing marina operation. The application was completed on March 7, 1988. The application, Deep Lagoon's Exhibit 1, consists of a proposal to: (1) rehabilitate the existing 61 wet slips and construct 113 new wet slips, which include 14,440 square foot of docks and boardwalks in the northern and southern canals, as well as the main basin; 2) excavate material for a circulation channel between the main basin and northern canal; 3) dredge contaminated sediments from the canals and the basin; and 4) place clean fill material within the canals and basin to replace the dredged fill, and to create a more shallow canal system for circulation and flushing purposes. In addition to the proposals initiated by Respondent Deep Lagoon, the Intent to Issue requires Deep Lagoon to: 1) construct a stormwater treatment system; 2) redesign and construct the boat wash area so that all runoff is directed to a collector and filtering system; 3) relocate and upgrade existing fuel facilities; 4) install an oil/fuel containment system; and 5) install sewage pumpout facilities. To alleviate concerns about the proposed project's effect on manatees, Respondent Deep Lagoon has worked with state and local governments to develop a manatee protection plan for the surrounding portions of the Caloosahatchee River. The Department of Natural Resources reviewed the plan, and recommended issuance with the restriction that the use of the additional slips be limited to sailboats until the manatee protection plan is enacted and enforced. The Respondent Deep Lagoon has agreed to accept all of the additional requirements and recommendations placed upon a dredge and fill permit by Respondent DER and the Department of Natural Resources. The Respondent DER has permitting jurisdiction under P.L. 92-500, Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Rule 17-12.030, Florida Administrative Code. Deep Lagoon constitutes waters of the state over which DER has dredge and fill permitting jurisdiction. In its review of Respondent Deep Lagoon's application for a dredge and fill permit, Respondent DER applied Section 403.918(2)(b), Florida Statutes, which provides that where existing ambient water quality does not meet standards, a permit may be issued if the applicant can demonstrate that the project will cause a net improvement of the water quality for those parameters which do not meet standards. The conditions placed upon the permit allow Deep Lagoon to construct all of the additional boatslips requested in a one-phase construction project. Fifty-six of the additional wet slips can be occupied immediately. The types of boats placed in these slips will be determined by the outcome of the proposed manatee protection plan. If the plan is enacted and enforced, motorboats may be placed in these slips. Until this occurs, only sailboats can be placed in these slips. If water quality monitoring shows that there has been a significant net improvement at the end of a year of the additional wet slip use, the remaining 57 slips may be occupied. The results of the water monitoring will be compared with water quality tests to be taken before construction or renovation begins for baseline water quality study purposes. Water quality monitoring will continue for two years after the marina reaches 80 percent occupancy, or until a year after increased motorboat occupancy is allowed. If monitoring continues to show a net improvement in water quality over baseline conditions, the slips shall be considered permanent. If a net improvement is not demonstrated for either phase, Deep Lagoon is required to present a possible solution to DER. No remedial action shall be taken without DER approval. DER may require slip removal if other remedial action is not successful. The total cost to the marina for the expansion project is estimated to be about 3.7 million dollars. Net profit for the marina is expected to increase from one hundred and six thousand dollars ($106,000.00) to three hundred and fifty to four hundred thousand dollars ($350,000.00 to $400,000.00) annually. The Petitioners are the owners of single family homes within the "Town and River" area, which is adjacent to the north of the proposed expansion and renovation project. The Petitioners dispute the appropriateness of the Intent to Issue filed by Respondent DER on July 17, 1988. In support of their position, the Petitioners identified a number of areas of controversy which they contend should cause the Respondent DER to reverse its preliminary decision to grant the dredge and fill permit on this project. These areas of controversy are: Whether the proposed activity complies with the water quality requirements of Section 403.918(1), Florida Statutes, and the federal antidegradation regulation, 40 CFR Section 131.12, which the Petitioners contend is applicable to this case pursuant to the Clean Water Act water certification. Whether the proposed project complies with the public interest criteria set forth in Section 403.918(2)(a), Florida Statutes, and whether it will adversely affect the West Indian Manatee, an endangered species. Whether the proposed manatee plan and water quality mitigation proposal meet applicable statutory and rule criteria. Whether the proposed project will cause unacceptable and unpermittable cumulative impacts and secondary impacts, pursuant to Section 403.919, Florida Statutes and other applicable law. Whether DER can certify this project pursuant to 33 USC Section 1341 of the Clean Water Act when water quality standards will not be met in the waters of the Deep Lagoon Marina. Whether the permit condition of a "net water quality improvement" is a vague and unenforceable condition. The Intervenor has intervened in the Petitioner's formal administrative proceeding for a factual determination as to whether the proposed project will adversely affect the conservation of the West Indian Manatee by direct, secondary or cumulative impacts. Water Quality The testing results from the water quality samplings taken for purposes of permit application review, may not accurately represent the mercury number at all the sampling sites. The zinc number from the samplings taken in the northern canal (which receives discharge from the Iona Drainage District ditch) is so high that the number may not be an accurate representation of the zinc content in the water column at this location. The water samplings taken, and the future samplings to be taken for baseline purposes, do not take into consideration the following variables: a) that there are two distinct seasons in the area, wet and dry; and b) that the marina is not a completely closed, dead-end system. The Iona Drainage District ditch occasionally overflows or discharges into the northern canal. Expert opinion presented at hearing established that: a) baseline sampling should include control sites on the eastern side of the berm of the Iona Drainage District ditch, which is not owned by Respondent Deep Lagoon; and b) baseline samplings should be taken during the two seasons. Wet season samples should be compared against the wet season baseline, and dry season samples should be compared against the dry season baseline. Short term water quality impacts of the proposed project include the potential for limited turbidity generated by dock construction, excavation of the contaminated sediments and circulation channel, and the shallowing of the canals. The installation and use of turbidity curtains around the entire construction area during the construction, dredging, and shallowing should limit the short term violations regarding water turbidity. The overall increase in water quality which will be gained upon the removal of contaminated sediments in conjunction with the creation of a better flushing system within the marina complex, is in the public interest and far outweighs any temporary impact on turbidity, which will be minimized by the turbidity curtains. Oils and Greases It is impossible to determine all of the source of oil and greases found in the waters surrounding Deep Lagoon. Stormwater from the uplands area may bring oil and greases into the northern canal waters from the Iona Drainage District ditch, which appears to receive stormwater runoff from the adjacent highway and the fueling facilities at the adjacent 7/Eleven Store. However, historic fueling operations at the marina site, and the current marina operations have contributed significantly to the accumulation of oil and greases in the entire canal system. The proposed stormwater treatment system at the marina, which has already been permitted, is expected to reduce the amount of oils and greases which will enter the waters from the marina site. The runoff from the land operations, such as boat fueling, servicing and boat washing, and automobile parking, will be directed into various collectors for treatment within a stormwater treatment system prior to discharge into the waters of Deep Lagoon. The designer of the system anticipates that the amount of oils and greases entering the waters of the land operations will be reduced by 90-95 percent. It has not been determined if the new cut in the easterly portion of the east-west peninsula will affect the water exchange between the northern canal, the basin, and the Iona Drainage District ditch. Total and Fecal Coliform The total and fecal coliform in the waters of Deep Lagoon Marina are due primarily to the presence of these pollutants in the stormwater runoff from upland areas of the marina facility. Other potential sources of total and fecal coliform are improperly functioning septic tanks and drainfields at the marina facility, and discharges from marine toilet facilities on boats using the marina. Deep Lagoon will install an on-site central sewage collection and transmission system that will eliminate the use of the septic tanks and drainfields. All sewage from the collection and transmission system will be discharged into the system of a private utility company for treatment off-site. Deep Lagoon is required to install a sewage pumpout facility for use by boats with marine toilet facilities, thereby minimizing discharges from these on board toilet facilities into the waters of the marina. In addition, every boat slip occupied by a liveaboard vessel at the marina will have a permanent direct sewage connection to the central sewage collection system. As a result of the construction of the stormwater treatment system, the elimination of the septic tanks and the construction of a central sewage system, and the installation of sewage pumpout facilities, there will be a reduction in the levels of total and fecal coliform in the waters of Deep Lagoon Marina. Copper The principal source of cooper in the waters of the Deep Lagoon Marina is runoff from the boat cleaning and painting operations at the marina facility. An additional significant source of copper to these waters is the bottom sediments which are highly enriched with copper from past marina operations at this location. Copper and other metals, including lead and mercury, enter the water column through leaching from the sediments and the suspension of the bottom sediments caused by the movement of boats within the marina. Minor sources of copper to these waters include brass or bronze fittings on vessels and leaching from antifouling bottom paints of boats and treated pilings used to construct docks. Pursuant to the Intent to Issue, Deep Lagoon is required to hydraulically dredge the top six to twelve inches of contaminated sediments from substantial portions of the northern and southern canals and the main basin. Due to the construction of the stormwater treatment system and the removal of the contaminated bottom sediments, there will be a reduction in the levels of copper in the waters of Deep Lagoon Marina. However, this will occur only if the copper does not return to the water through a leaching process caused by soft rainwater. Limestone, or calcium carbonate is necessary in the stormwater treatment soil to prevent leaching. Such conditions were not demonstrated at hearing. The anticipated increased levels of dissolved oxygen in these waters will also decrease copper concentrations in the water column by increasing the tendency for dissolved copper to become insoluable, settle out and become trapped in the sediments. This reduction in copper concentrations will offset any minor increased loading of copper concentrations through leaching from the bottoms of the additional boats expected to utilize the expanded marina. Lead The primary source of lead to these waters is from past use of leaded gasoline and its residues, which enter the water from stormwater runoff. It is impossible to determine all of the sources of the stormwater runoff due to the entry of the Iona Drainage District ditch into the northern canal during certain stormwater events. Lead also enters the water column of these waters from the contaminated bottom sediments. As a result of the construction of the stormwater treatment system, the dredging of the contaminated bottom sediments, and the reduction in use of leaded gasoline, by all boaters and automobiles, there will be a reduction in the levels of lead in the waters of the Deep Lagoon Marina. Mercury Other than the contaminated sediments themselves, there is no apparent source of mercury in these waters. The removal of the contaminated sediments will result in a reduction in the levels of mercury found in these waters. Zinc Even if the water quality data for zinc at the one sampling station previously mentioned is accurate, the construction of the stormwater treatment system, and the dredging of contaminated bottom sediments should cause a net improvement in the quality of these waters by reducing the zinc content. Dissolved Oxygen The decreased levels of dissolved oxygen in the waters of Deep Lagoon Marina are due principally to biochemical oxygen demanding substances that enter the water column from stormwater runoff. The runoff is mainly from the marina uplands, but also includes the Iona Drainage District ditch. Contaminated sediments also exert biochemical oxygen demands on the water column of these waters. The discharge points of the stormwater treatment system will be constructed so as to produce a cascading effect on the discharged water. This cascading effect will introduce additional dissolved oxygen to the waters of Deep Lagoon Marina. Deep Lagoon is required to excavate a circulation channel to connect the northern canal and the main basin. Deep Lagoon is also required to shallow the northern canal -5.6 ft. NGVD and the southern canal and main basin to -.6.6 ft. NGVD. The excavation of the flushing channel and the shallowing of these waters will improve the flushing of the water circulation of the Deep Lagoon Marina. The construction of the stormwater treatment system, the cascading effect of the stormwater discharge points, the removal of the contaminated sediments, the excavation of the circulation channel, and the shallowing of the canals and basin will result in a net improvement in the levels of dissolved oxygen in the water of Deep Lagoon Marina. Tributyltin Tributyltin is a toxic compound formerly used in paints used to maintain the bottom of boats. Levels of tributyltin in the waters of the Deep Lagoon Marina are in violation of the state "free-form" standards. The proposed project, with all the required modifications will result in a reduction in the levels of tributyltin in these waters. When the sediments are dredged from the marina bottoms, samples need to be subjected to an EPA toxicity test to determine whether the sediments have become hazardous through the dredging process. If the sediments have become hazardous, they must be disposed of through a hazardous waste facility. If the fill material used to shallow the marina bottoms comes from the area excavated for the flushing channel, this soil should be tested to determine if it is "clean fill." The area where the cut will be made has been used for boat sanding in the past, and may contain contaminated materials. The evidence presented at hearing has demonstrated that the dredging, the new water circulation and flushing design for the marina, and the stormwater treatment system will cause a net improvement in water quality once renovation and expansion of the marina is completed. The effect of stormwater discharge from the Iona Drainage District ditch into the northern canal is not known at this time. The effect of the new water circulation and flushing patterns on the berm between the drainage ditch and the northern canal is not known at this time. Public Interest Standard - Section 403.918, Florida Statutes Regarding the criteria listed in Subsection 403.918(2), Florida Statutes, the parties have stipulated as follows: The proposed project will not adversely affect navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling. The proposed project will be of a permanent nature. The project will not adversely affect significant historical or archaeological resources. The evidence shows that the adjacent waters of the Caloosahatchee River support manatees year round with a large over-wintering population. The Caloosahatchee River has been designated as critical habitat for the West Indian Manatee, an endangered species. The Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Marine Resources studies have shown that approximately twenty- five percent (25%) of manatee deaths are due to boat collisions. The proposed expansion of this marina would increase boat traffic in an area of heavy manatee usage. It was established that manatees are found more often in the shallower areas of the river, outside of the main channel. Deep Lagoon has been instrumental in providing manpower and financial resources for the preparation of the Caloosahatchee River Boat Operation and Manatee Protection Plan. The principal goal of the plan is to protect the manatee in the Caloosahatchee River by regulating the speed of boats outside the marked channel and a buffer zone of the Caloosahatchee River. (Deep Lagoon Exhibit 5). The plan has received support from the Department of Natural Resources, and is currently being reviewed by the Lee County Board of County Commissioners for preparation of the plan. Pursuant to DER's Intent to Issue, the plan is to be considered a part of the proposed permit. Occupancy of the additional 113 wetslips is restricted to sailboats until such time as the plan is implemented and enforced on the Caloosahatchee River. Upon demonstration to the Department that the plan is being implemented and enforced, Deep Lagoon may increase the powerboat occupancy of the marina up to a maximum of 75 percent of the total allowed occupancy. It was established that one of the principal threats to manatees is from fast moving powerboats. By controlling the speed of boats in those areas where manatees are most frequently found, the river can tolerate more boats and still not harm the manatees. Without the implementation and enforcement of the plan, the proposed project with its projected increased number of boats would likely result in an increase in the number of boat kills of manatees if the additional boats are powerboats. However, if the plan is implemented and enforced, the proposed project at Deep Lagoon, including additional upland storage of boats, will not have negative impact on the manatee, even when considering the cumulative impacts of other existing and proposed boating facilities. If only sailboats are allowed in the additional slips, the proposed project will not negatively impact the manatee population. In addition to the plan, through the conditions of the Intent to Issue, Deep Lagoon has agreed to enter into a long-term agreement to limit powerboat occupancy at the marina to a maximum of 75% of the total 174 wetslips. Deep Lagoon has also agreed to operate all vessels associated with the construction of the project at "no wake/idle" speeds at all times while in water where the draft of the vessel provides less than three feet clearance from the bottom and has agreed that vessels will follow routs of deep water whenever possible. Deep Lagoon has agreed that all construction activities in open water will cease upon the sighting of manatees within 100 yards of the project area. Construction activities will not resume until the manatees have departed the project area. Deep Lagoon has agreed to install and maintain manatee awareness signs at permanent locations within the construction area. Furthermore, Deep Lagoon has agreed to establish and maintain an educational display at a permanent location to increase the awareness of boaters using the facility of the presence of manatees, and the need to minimize the threat of boats to these animals. In addition to the above, Deep Lagoon has agreed to make available: (a) one wetslip for use by the Florida Marine Patrol; (b) one dry slip for the Lee County Sheriff's Department; and (c) upland space for the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Cumulative and Secondary Impacts There is no affirmative evidence in the record concerning the consideration given to existing and proposed marina projects in the Caloosahatchee River by DER in its review of Deep Lagoon's application for a permit. However, conditions placed in the permit which require sailboats only in the additional boatslips, along with educational displays regarding manatees, necessarily imply that the cumulative and secondary impact review took place.
Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation, grant the applicant, Deep Lagoon Marina, a dredge and fill permit, pursuant to the Notice of Intent to Issue dated July 26, 1988, in File No. 361279929, provided that the following additional conditions are incorporated into the permit as mandatory conditions: Baseline water quality samples include a sample site east of the berm between the Iona Drainage District ditch and the northern canal and assure that future water quality decline is not caused by discharge into the northern canal from the drainage ditch. A multiple baseline sampling shall be taken, consisting of one wet season and one dry season baseline. Comparative reviews shall be done of future wet season samples against the dry season baseline. When sediments are dredged from the marina bottoms, samples from each canal and the basin are to be subjected to an EPA toxicity test to determine whether the sediment is hazardous, and requires disposal at a hazardous waste facility. If the fill material used to shallow the marina bottoms comes from the area excavated for the flushing channel, it is to be tested to determine that it does not contain contaminated materials which will reduce the improvement in water quality gained from the dredging process. If the manatee protection plan ultimately adopted within the river is different than the plan referenced in the Intent to Issue, Deep Lagoon may not increase its power boat usage unless a permit modification is approved by the DER. If a manatee protection plan is not adopted and enforced, the additional slips should be occupied only by sailboats until such time as the manatees are actually granted protection. Limestone shall be placed within the stormwater treatment system if the available soils are deficient in the calcium carbonate to be used to precipitate copper back out of the stormwater discharge system. DONE and ENTERED this 11th day of July, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. VERONICA D. DONNELLY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of July, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 88-4759 Petitioners' and Intervenor's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. See HO #1. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted as to state water quality standards only. See HO #5. The rest is irrelevant for state permit review purposes. Accepted. See HO #5 and answer to paragraph 7 above. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO #4. Rejected. Unknown until water samples taken in the Iona Drainage District ditch. See HO #3. Accepted. Accepted. See HO ?#26 and #27. Accepted. Accepted. See HO #27. Accepted. Rejected. Conclusionary. Rejected. Contrary to fact. Rejected. Conclusionary. Unknown due to Iona Drainage District ditch. See HO #3. Rejected. See HO #26. Accept, that the sources are the same. The rest is rejected. See HO #26. Rejected. See HO #23. Accepted. See HO #23. Rejected. Conclusionary. See HO #23. Accepted. See HO #31. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. See HO #32. Accepted. Rejected. Conclusionary. Rejected. Conclusionary. Reject, that batteries are a source of lead. Conclusionary. See HO #36 and #37. Rejected. See HO #36. Rejected. See HO #39. Accepted. See HO #42. Accept as to the majority of violations, except contaminated sediment. See HO #42 and #43. Accepted. See HO #5. Accepted. Reject. Legal conclusion. Reject. Conclusionary. Reject. Legal conclusion Reject. Legal conclusion. Accept. Accept. Reject. Legal conclusion. Accept. Reject. Legal conclusion. Accept. Reject. Legal conclusion. Reject. Legal conclusion. Accept. Accept. Accept. Reject. Legal conclusion. Reject. See HO #21. Reject. Legal conclusion Reject. Speculative. Accepted. See HO #3 Accepted. Rejected. Conclusionary. Rejected. Conclusionary. Rejected. Irrelevant. See HO #44 Accepted. See HO #6. Accepted. Accepted. See HO #52. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Reject the reasons the canal is in use. Speculative. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Reject the arithmetic calculation of 18 fatalities. The rest is accepted. Accepted. Reject the major premise. Conclusionary. Accepted. Accept that the plan does not include San Carlos Bay. Reject the rest as conclusionary. Reject. Conclusionary. Reject. Legal conclusion. Reject. Conclusionary. Reject. Legal conclusion. Accepted. Rejected. Conclusionary. Accepted. Reject. Conclusionary. Reject. Conclusionary. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. Speculative. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. See HO #56. Rejected. See HO #56. Accepted. Rejected. Not established at hearing. Rejected. Conclusionary. Contrary to evidence at hearing. See HO #56. Accepted. Accepted. Reject. Legal conclusion. Rejected. See HO #57. Rejected. See HO #57. Rejected. Conclusionary. All factors not considered. Rejected. Contrary to fact. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. Improper summary. Accepted. See HO #60. Accept. Rejected. Legal conclusion. Rejected. See HO #57. Rejected. Conclusionary. See HO #57. Rejected. Speculative. Accepted. Rejected. See HO #32-#35. Accepted. See HO #49. Accepted. See HO #35. Accepted. See HO #49. Rejected. See HO #35. Rejected. Overbroad. Does not relate to specific types of storm events. Respondent Deep Lagoon's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: Accepted. See HO #1 and #8. Accepted. See HO #9. Accepted. See HO #2 and #12. Reject legal conclusion. The rest is accepted. See HO #5. Accepted. See HO #22. Accepted. See HO #5. Rejected. See HO #23. Accepted. See HO #23. Accepted. See HO #23. Accepted. See HO #24. Accepted. See HO #24. Accepted. See HO #24. Accepted. See HO #24. Accepted. See HO #26. Accepted. See HO #27. Accepted. See HO #28. Accepted. See HO #29. Accepted. See HO #30. Accepted. See HO #31. Accepted. See HO #32. Accepted. See HO #33. Accepted. See HO #34. Accepted. See HO #35. Accepted. See HO #36. Accepted. See HO #37. Accepted. See HO #38. Accepted. See HO #39. Accepted. See HO #40. Accepted. See HO #20. Accepted. See HO #41. Accepted. See HO #42. Accepted. See HO #43. Accepted. See HO #44. Accepted. See HO #45 Accepted. See HO #46. Accepted. See HO #47. Accepted. See HO #48. Accepted. See HO #14. Accepted. See HO #14. Rejected. Legal conclusion. Accepted. See HO #51. Accepted. See HO #52. Accepted. See HO #53. Accepted. See HO #54. Accepted. See HO #55. Accepted. See HO #56. Accepted. See HO #57. Accepted. See HO #58. Accepted. See HO #59. Rejected. See HO #60. Rejected. Conclusionary. Respondent DER's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: Accepted. See HO #1 and #8. Accepted. See HO #9. Accepted. See HO #12. Rejected. Legal conclusion. Accepted. See HO #5. 6. Accepted. See HO #24, #30, #35, #41, #44, #46 and #48. 7. Accepted. See HO #22 and #34. 8. Accepted. See HO #23, #26, #31, #36, #42 and #47. Accepted. See HO #23 and #24. Accepted. See HO #9. Accepted. See HO #35. Accepted. See HO #24, #30 and #35. Accepted. See HO #8, #22, #45 and #46. Accepted. See HO #28. Accepted. See HO #20 and #21. Accepted. See HO #14 and #15. First sentence accepted. See HO #5. The rest is rejected. Conclusionary. Accepted. See HO #51. Accepted. See HO #6 and #52. Accepted. See HO #53. Accepted. See HO #54. Accepted. See HO #55. Accepted. See HO #56. Accepted. See HO #57. Accepted. See HO #58. Accepted. See HO #59. Accepted. See HO #5 COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas W. Reese, Esquire 123 Eighth Street St. Petersburg, Florida 33712 Joseph W. Landers, Jr., Esquire Richard A. Lotspeich, Esquire LANDERS & PARSONS Post Office Box 2714 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Richard Grosso, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Dale H. Twachtmann, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400
Findings Of Fact On July 19, 1991, the Petitioner, Cahill Pines and Palm Property Owners Association, Inc. (Cahill), filed a permit application with the Department of Environmental Resources, predecessor to the Respondent, Department of Environmental Protection (Department), for a permit to remove two earthen plugs in the Cahill canal system, located in Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida. The plugs were to be removed to a depth of -5.5 feet N.G.V.D. Kenneth Echternacht, a hydrologist employed by the Department, had performed a hydrographic review of the proposed project and reduced his findings to writing in a memorandum dated June 25, 1993. Mr. Echternacht recommended that the project not be permitted. On August 20, 1993, the Department issued a notice of its intent to deny Cahill's application to remove the plugs. The notice included six proposed changes to the project which would make the project permittable. Cahill requested an administrative hearing on the Department's intent to deny the permit. On March 3 and 4, 1994, an administrative hearing was held on the issue of whether a permit should be issued. The hearing officer entered a recommended order on May 9, 1994, recommending that a final order be entered denying the permit. The Department issued a final order on June 8, 1994, adopting the recommended order of the hearing officer and denying the permit. See Cahill Pines and Palm Property Owners Association v. Department of Environmental Protection, 16 F.A.L.R. 2569 (DER June 8, 1994). In the final order the Department found that the following findings of Mr. Echternacht were "scientifically sound and credible conclusions": The estimated flushing for the presently open portion of the waterway was calculated to be 14.5 days. The flushing for the open section exceeds the 4 day flushing criterion by approx- imately 3.6 times. Clearly, the open portion poses a potential problem to the maintenance of acceptable water quality. For the presently closed sections of the waterway, the calculated flushing time was found to be 38.6 days. Again, this system would pose a significant potential for contamination to adjacent open waters if opened for use. The waters behind the barrier that presently appear to pose no problem would clearly become a repository for contaminants associated with boat usage. Because of the exceptionally long flushing time, contaminants would build up over time. Below standard water quality throughout the waterway would be expected and, associated with this, below standard water would be exported into adjacent clean water on each ebbing tide. The final order also found the following facts: 13. Neither the water in the open canals nor the water in the closed canals is presently of substandard quality. * * * Petitioner's plug removal project will also spur development in the Cahill subdivision and lead to an increase in boat traffic in the Cahill canal system, as well as in the adjacent waters of Pine Channel. Such activity will result in the discharge of additional contaminants in these waterways. As Echternacht stated in his June 25, 1993, memorandum that he sent to O'Connell, '[b]ecause of the [canal system's] exceptionally long flushing time, [these] contaminants would build up over time' and result in a significant degradation of the water quality of not only the Cahill canals, but also of Pine Channel, into which Cahill canals flow. This degradation of water quality will have an adverse effect on marine productivity and the conservation of fish and wildlife that now inhabit these waterways. Consequently, in the long run, the removal of the plugs will negatively impact fishing opportunities in the area. On the other hand, the project will have a beneficial effect on navigation and recreational boating and related activities. It will have no impact on historical and archaeological resources. On April 10, 1995, Cahill submitted a permit application to the Department to remove portions of the two canal plugs. Cahill proposed to leave an island in the center of each plug. The islands would be stabilized with riprap, and mangrove seedlings would be planted in the riprap. By letter dated April 21, 1995, the Department returned the April 10 permit application to Cahill along with the $500.00 processing fee. The Department advised Cahill that the application was not substantially different from the 1991 permit application which was denied by final order. The Department further advised that Cahill could resubmit the application and application fee if it wanted the permit to be processed but the Department would deny the application on the basis of res judicata. On May 17, 1995, Cahill submitted a revised permit application along with the processing fee. A circulation culvert had been added to the project. Ken Echternacht performed a hydrographic review of the proposed project. In a memorandum dated May 25, 1995, Mr. Echternacht recommended that the permit be denied for the following reasons: The proposed 24-inch culvert connection would not be expected to be visible hydraulically. A 24-inch diameter culvert, length 181 ft would be expected to have a friction factor several orders of magnitude greater than the adjacent canals. As such, water would not be expected to pass through the connector unless there were a sizeable head to drive the flow. No studies and/or supporting documentation have been provided to support the design in terms of the documenting the amplitude and repeatability of the flow driving force. Cutting holes through embankments do not necessarily result in flushing relief. As stated in 1, above, any and all proposed design modifications to the proposed waterway must be accompanied by adequate design justifi- cation based on hydrographic modeling supported by site specific data support. The culvert design proposed does not meet the above require- ment. The proposal is nothing new. In the hearing, ideas such as the above were suggested. However, as was stated in the hearing any and all such proposals must be supported by proper engineering study. On July 7, 1995, the Department issued a Notice of Permit Denial, denying the May, 1995 permit application on the basis of res judicata, stating that the May 1995 permit was not substantially different from the 1991 permit application which had been denied and that no studies had been submitted by Cahill that would support that the use of the islands and culvert would increase the flushing rate to the four day flushing criterion established in the hearing on the 1991 permit application. At the final hearing counsel for Cahill stated for the record that the use of the islands and the culvert would not increase the flushing rate to four days.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered denying Cahill Pines and Palms Property Owners Association, Inc.'s application for a permit to remove two plugs separating the open and closed canal sections of the Cahill canal system, placing an island in the center of each plug, and adding a 24 inch culvert connection. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of July, 1996, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of July, 1996. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 95-4377 To comply with the requirements of Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes (1995), the following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. Paragraphs 1-7: Accepted in substance but not necessary to be incorporated in the recommended order. Paragraph 8: The evidence presented showed that there is a dispute of whether the waters are now of substandard quality. For the purposes of this hearing, it is not necessary to determine whether the water quality is presently substandard. Based on the assumption that the water quality is not substandard, Petitioner has failed to show that the change in the design of the project is sufficient to warrant the rejection of the applicability of the doctrine of res judicata. Petitioner has failed to show that the addition of islands and a culvert will eliminate the potential for future contamination of the waters. The second sentence is accepted in substance but not necessary to be incorporated in the recommended order. Paragraphs 9-11: Accepted in substance but not necessary to be incorporated in the recommended order. Paragraphs 12-15: Accepted in substance to the extent that for the purposes of this hearing the water quality is assumed not to be substandard. Paragraph 16: Rejected as unnecessary. Paragraphs 17-27: Rejected as subordinate to the finding that for the purposes of this hearing the present water quality is assumed not to be substandard. Paragraphs 28-30: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 31: Accepted in substance to the extent that the changes in the design will not increase the flushing rate to four days. Paragraphs 32-33: Accepted to the extent that they were findings in the final order on the 1991 application. Paragraphs 34-35: Accepted to the extent that the slow flushing rate is one of the criteria to be considered. The increase of development and boat traffic are also contributors to the potential of contamination building up. Petitioner has not demonstrated that the use of islands and a culvert will eliminate the potential for contamination. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact. Paragraphs 1-10: Accepted in substance. Paragraphs 11-14: Rejected as unnecessary. Paragraph 15: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 16: Accepted in substance as corrected. Paragraph 17: Accepted. Paragraphs 18-21: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 22: Accepted. Paragraph 23: Rejected as unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: David Paul Horan, Esquire Horan, Horan and Esquinaldo 608 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040-6549 Christine C. Stretesky, Esquire John L. Chaves, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Kenneth J. Plante, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Virginia B. Wetherell, Secretary Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Douglas Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that application number 07256-F be APPROVED subject to the special conditions set forth above. DONE AND ORDERED this 15th day of July 1987, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of July 1987.
The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) should issue to Century Realty Funds, Inc. (Century) Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) No. 44000227.002 (the ERP), which would modify Management and Storage of Surface Waters (MSSW) Permit No. 400227.000 (the Permit) and Stormwater Exemption No. EO1481, issued by the District to Century in July 1985 for construction of a surface water management system for Angler's Green Mobile Home Park located in Mulberry, Polk County, Florida.
Findings Of Fact The District issued Management and Storage of Surface Waters (MSSW) Permit No. 400227.000 and Stormwater Exemption No. EO1481 to Century in July 1985 for construction of a surface water management system for Angler's Green Mobile Home Park (MHP) located in Mulberry, Polk County, Florida. Angler’s Green MHP Angler’s Green MHP is an 83-acre residential golf course development of approximately 385 homes located off of State Road 37 near Mulberry. Residents at Angler’s Green own their own mobile homes and lease the residential lots pursuant to annual leases expiring December 31 of each year, with guaranteed renewal conditioned upon owner compliance with the terms and conditions of the lease. Prior to being developed as a mobile home park, the property which is now Angler’s Green MHP was part of a phosphate mining operation and was reclaimed under a phosphate mining land reclamation plan approved by the Florida Department of Natural Resources and a reclamation contract dated September 4, 1984. Final contours of the Angler’s Green site were made in accordance with the approved reclamation plan. After reclamation contouring, a 23-acre manmade (former phosphate mine pit) lake remained in the northeast quadrant of the Angler's Green site. The resulting lake had a finger arm (bay or cove) extending from the southwest corner of the main body of the lake, oriented in a north-to-south direction and located west of a peninsula of land extending into the northwest part of the lake from the north. The lake also had a short, narrow canal leading into the main body of the lake from the south; the canal connected at a right angle to longer narrow waterway to the south of and extending parallel to the main body of the lake in an east-to-west orientation. There also were two smaller ponds on the property after reclamation contouring. After reclamation, surface water onsite generally flowed westerly and discharged from the property to a railroad ditch along the western boundary of the property. The recorded post-reclamation, pre-development water level for the 23-acre lake, as indicated on the site grading plans, was around 127.1 to 127.8 feet above Mean Sea Level (M.S.L.). The 1985 Permits On July 10, 1985, the District issued MSSW Permit No. 400227.000 and Stormwater Exemption No. EO1481 to Century to authorize the construction of a surface water management system for Angler’s Green. The MSSW Permit had an expiration date of July 10, 1988. As designed, the permitted Angler’s Green surface water management system was to route internal stormwater runoff to swales, detention ponds, and catchment areas before discharging through a sidebank sand filtration system (a berm approximately 300 feet long containing an 8” perforated drain pipe covered by a filter fabric and sand filter material) to receiving waters at the northwest corner of the property. The permitted system was designed with five drainage areas known as Basins A through E. Basin A was in the southeast quadrant of the site; Basin B was to its east in the southeast quadrant of the site; Basin E was to the north of Basin A and included the 23-acre former phosphate mining pit reclaimed as an artificial lake, which was referred to as “Lake E” or sometimes “Pond E"; Basin C was to the west of Basin E; and Basin D was to the west of Basin C and to the north of Basin B. The two smaller ponds on the property were designated Pond C-1 and Pond B-1 and were located in Basin C and Basin B, respectively. Basin D was in the northwest corner of the site; the discharge structure was in the northwest corner of Basin D. As the system was designed, stormwater from Basin E would appear to sheet flow naturally into Lake E; stormwater from Basin A would appear to flow naturally to the southwest, away from Lake E, but the system routed the water from the southwest corner of Basin A to the western end of the waterway on Lake E through an underground pipe. Stormwater from Basin B was to flow to and be retained in Pond B-1; as the system was designed, surface water was not designed to discharge offsite from Basin B. As designed, Lake E served as a detention pond for water from Basin E and Basin A. It was to have a control structure (CS-1) in the arm of Lake E that would produce a seasonal fluctuation range of two feet, from 127.5’ above M.S.L. to 129.5’ above M.S.L. Stormwater discharging from CS- 1 was to be conveyed by pipe to Pond C-1, where it was to mingle with surface water draining from Basin C. When full, Pond C-1 would cascade into the golf course area in Basin D and, as necessary, in a portion of Basin B. After catchment and detention in the golf course area, overflow was eventually and ultimately to discharge offsite through the side-bank sand filtration system in the northwest corner of Basin D. In this manner, the Angler’s Green surface water management system was designed to accommodate the 24-hour, 25- year storm event, which was estimated to produce approximately 8 inches of water in a 24-hour period. It also was designed to comply with the water quality requirements as specified in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 17-25 (1985 Ann. Supp.) by detaining the first half-inch of runoff before discharging it offsite through the sidebank sand filtration system in the northwest corner of Basin D. (All rule citations are to the Florida Administrative Code.) Omission of the Stangls During the review process, the District noted from drawings submitted as part of Century's MSSW Permit application that the project area did not include approximately the eastern third of the main body of Lake E. District staff brought this to Century's attention in a request for additional information (RAI) and stated: "If possible, you should obtain a perpetual right to operate and maintain the lake from other owners." In response, Century falsely represented to the District that L. Kirk McKay, a joint venture partner of Century, was the only riparian owner on Lake E and that Century had obtained from him a perpetual right to operate and maintain Lake E as part of the MSSW Permit. In fact, the Stangls owned property on the east side of the lake, including approximately 500 feet of lakefront and contiguous lake bottom. The Stangls and two partners purchased the property from McKay himself in 1979. The Stangls bought out their partners in 1984. The District relied on Century's misrepresentation. The District would not have issued the MSSW Permit to Century if the District had known that Century did not own or control all the land being used for the Permit--specifically, including all of Lake E. See Rule 40D-4.101(1)(d) and (2)(d)6. (1985) (application must include "evidence of ownership or control"). In addition, because the District was unaware of the Stangls' ownership of a portion of Lake E, the District did not require Century to give the Stangls direct, actual notice of the Century's permit application. Instead, the District only required that Century publish notice of the District’s receipt of the permit application. Notice was published on April 3, 1985, in the Lakeland Ledger, a newspaper of general circulation qualified under the terms of Section 50.011, Florida Statutes. But the Stangls did not see the published notice, were unaware of the permit application, and did not ask to participate in the permitting process. The Stangl property adjacent to Angler’s Green remained undeveloped and unoccupied until 1999, when the Stangls' son, John, established a business on the site. Prior to 1999, the Stangls visited the property a couple times a year. They were fully aware of the construction and operation of Anglers Green as a mobile home park across Lake E. During this time, Century leased 385 lots with guaranteed annual renewal conditioned only upon compliance with lease terms and conditions. Amenities under the leases included clubhouse and golf course privileges. At no time before 2000 did the Stangls take any action to challenge the validity of Century's 1985 MSSW Permit. 1985 Surface Water Management Permitting Requirements In 1985, permitting requirements for surface water management systems were divided between two regulatory schemes. Surface water management permits in Polk County were issued by the District under Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and Rule Chapters 40D-4 and 40D-40, which addressed water quantity and flooding issues for projects greater than and less than 40 acres, respectively. Water quality permits or exemptions from water quality permitting requirements were issued by the Department of Environmental Regulation under Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Rule Chapter 17-25 to address water quality concerns. It was not until 1988 that permitting requirements were consolidated into the MSSW regulatory program administered by the District under Rule Chapters 40D-4 and 40D-40. In 1985, the District did not have a Basis of Review (BOR) to specify system design requirements for applicants to provide reasonable assurances that the conditions for issuance of surface water permits were satisfied. Standards and criteria for the design and performance of surface water management systems were contained in Rule 40D-4.301(2) (1985) Under subsection (2)(i) of that rule, projects designed to meet the requirements of Chapter 17-25 [Regulation of Stormwater Discharge] were presumed to meet applicable State water quality requirements. There were no requirements for wet detention pond littoral zones. 20. Under Rule 17-25.03(2)(b) (1985 Ann. Supp.), stormwater management systems for projects with drainage areas less than 100 acres that provided retention or detention with filtration of the first half-inch of runoff were exempt from the permitting requirements of Rule Chapter 17-25. 21. In 1985, District Rule 40D-4.301(2)(j) (1985) allowed for natural areas and existing water bodies to be used for stormwater retention or detention purposes when not in conflict with environmental or public use considerations. Areas that could be considered for this purpose included previously-degraded areas or man-made areas (such as borrow pits). Apparently, the District allowed Century to use Lake E as a detention pond under this provision. Deviations from MSSW Permit Angler’s Green MHP was constructed in two phases, with the first phase completed in 1985, and the second phase completed in 1987. Construction of at least the part of the surface water management system to serve the first phase took place prior to 1985; it was not clear from the evidence whether construction of the part of the surface water management system to serve the second phase also took place prior to 1985, but it clearly took place prior to construction of the second phase in 1987. Condition No. 4 of Century's MSSW Permit required the submittal of a certification that the system was constructed in accordance with the approved and permitted design. But Century did not provide any such certification. Century also never certified to the District that its new stormwater discharge facility, as constructed, continued to qualify for exemption from State water quality requirements. Although the surface water management system was constructed and operating, the District never transferred the 1985 Permit to the operation phase. In several respects, the Angler’s Green surface water management system was not constructed as designed, approved, and permitted in 1985. The pipe to convey stormwater from the southwest corner of Basin A back to the Lake E waterway apparently never was constructed; instead, stormwater from Basin A was routed to Pond B-1. (There also was a berm constructed in Basin A near the southern boundary of the site; but that berm apparently was a visual berm, and there was no evidence that it affected performance of the surface water management system.) Control structure CS-1 (which was supposed to be located in the arm or bay of Lake E) and the pipe to convey overflow from there into Pond C-1 also never were constructed. By the early 1990's, Angler's Green was experiencing flooding in the golf course area in Basin D and B for extended periods of time. In November 1993, the District responded to a complaint of flooding in that vicinity. Upon investigation, the District determined that malfunction of the surface water management system serving Reservation Lakes (now known as Paradise Lakes), a development to the north and downstream of the Angler's Green system, was causing water to back up through the wetlands and the sand filtration system in the northwest corner of the Angler’s Green project. As a result, water overtopped the discharge structure, equalized at levels above the top of the discharge structure's berm, and flooded the golf course for extended periods of time. At some undetermined point in time, an unpermitted pond was dug in Basin D, apparently in an attempt to alleviate flooding of the golf course. In addition, possibly for the same purpose, a pump was installed in Basin D near Pond C-1, and a pipe was installed to convey stormwater from there into Lake E. The sidebank sand filtration system designed to provide filtration of stormwater prior to discharge from the northwest corner of the site does not appear to exist today. It may be present but difficult to see after 15 years of plant growth; or it may have been removed or disturbed as a result of re-grading in the area. However, the evidence proved that the discharge structure was present in 1993, and there is no reason to believe that it was not installed during construction of the surface water management system--i.e., by 1987 at the latest. In addition, at some undetermined point in time, a pipe was installed at the northeast corner of Lake E to convey overflow from Lake E eastward to a drainage ditch located alongside SR 37 to the north of the Stangls' property. No witnesses could testify as to when the pipe to the SR 37 ditch was installed or its elevation. (The District and Century state in their PRO that Map No. 2 in P/I Exhibit 14--an aerial map/survey submitted to the District by Century on August 13, 1990, as part of Century's 1990 Water Use Permit No. 209993.000 application--notes the pipe's elevation as 127.95 feet above M.S.L.; but no such finding could be made from review of the exhibit.) Roads in Angler's Green have inverted crowns to convey runoff from roads, driveways, and roofs away from mobile home lots. Some runoff from these impervious surfaces appears to be directed into a swale on the east side of the site; this swale leads to Lake E. In addition, approximately 12 drains have been installed in or near roads in Angler's Green that convey water through pipes directly into Lake E or Pond C-1. Under current Rule Chapters 40D-4 and 40D-40, road drains connecting impervious surfaces to Lake E would have to be shown on application construction drawings, and separate stormwater calculations would have to be provided in an application. But in 1985 this was not required. Century's calculations, together with flow arrows on drawings showing the direction of stormwater flow towards the detention ponds, were considered sufficient--especially since Century's calculations used a relatively high runoff co-efficient. As a result, the existence of these drains and pipes are not considered to be substantial deviations from the original, approved design. Similarly, approximately 64 roof drains and pipes conveying water from roofs directly into Lake E and Pond C-1 would not be considered substantial deviations from the original, approved design. In addition, these apparently were installed by mobile homeowners over the years, not by Century. From 1985 to 2000, the District did not have occasion to address regulatory concerns at Angler’s Green, except for the complaint of flooding in the golf course area that occurred in November 1993 and a more recent complaint about an area of the golf course that was designed to flood under certain conditions. Otto Stangl’s Complaint and the District’s Response Around November 1999, John Stangl noticed a fish kill in the ditch along SR 37 near the Stangl property. He also was contacted by a governmental compliance officer concerning the fish kill. Upon investigating, John Stangl saw the unpermitted pipe leading from Lake E that was discharging into the SR 37 ditch where the fish kill was observed, as well as the unpermitted pump that was pumping water from the Angler’s Green golf course area through a pipe that discharged into Lake E. In February 2000, Otto Stangl complained to the District about the fish kill and the existence of the unpermitted structures associated with Lake E. Upon receiving Otto Stangl’s complaint, District staff conducted site visits of the Angler’s Green project. Staff observed the unauthorized pump and pipe conveying water from Pond C-1 to Lake E and the unauthorized pipe conveying water from Lake E to the SR 37 ditch. Staff also observed that the Lake E control structure was missing, the pipe to convey stormwater from Basin A to Lake E was missing, and Basin D had been re-graded. In February 2000, the District also became aware of the fact that Century did not have full ownership or control of Lake E. On March 15, 2000, the District issued Century Notice of Non-Compliance and directed Century to either construct the system as designed and permitted or to seek a permit modification. On May 8, 2000, Century submitted a letter application to modify the original MSSW Permit No. 400227.000 by constructing the originally permitted Lake E control structure and pipe conveying water from Lake E to Pond C-1, but in a different location in Lake E than originally permitted due to the existence of homes at the location where these structures were originally planned. The application was subsequently amended to be a formal modification upon Century’s request for further modification to allow Basin A stormwater to flow to Pond B-1 and to expand Pond B-1 and add a control structure and an effluent filtration system. Despite having actual knowledge since at least February 2000 that the Angler's Green surface water management system was built partially on their property, the Stangls did not ask for a hearing on the 1985 Permit. Instead, they awaited the District's consideration of Century's modification application and sought to challenge the District's notice of intent to grant the modification permit issued on October 29, 2001. The District’s Regulatory Compliance Practices In the 1980's, the District appeared to pay little or no attention to construction of permitted projects or submission of required post-construction certifications. Many projects permitted by the District in the 1980’s, such as Angler’s Green, were built and operating although no certifications had been submitted; as a result, the permits issued for these projects never were transferred to the operation phase. Eventually, some projects not built in compliance with issued permits came to the attention of the District, typically through third-party complaints about drainage problems and flooding. By this time, there was a large backlog of issued construction permits for which no required post-construction certifications had been submitted. The backlog of these older projects was so large that the District decided not to initiate an aggressive, systematic, and comprehensive review of all permits for which no required certifications had been submitted. Instead, projects were checked on an ad hoc basis as complaints regarding the functioning of their surface water management systems were registered. When it came to the attention of the District in this manner that a project had been built under an MSSW permit but that no required certifications had been submitted, the District first attempted to secure the required certifications in the form of certified as-built construction drawings and a Statement of Completion, as required by BOR 2.7. In so doing, it was common practice for the District to accept certifications beyond the expiration date on a permit. If projects were substantially completed, the District would not deem the permit as expired simply because the required certifications had not been submitted before the expiration date; and such projects did not lose their status as being permitted. It should be noted that, according to the testimony of the District's expert, William Hartmann, this agency practice was not based on an interpretation of Rule 40D- 4.321(1)(b) (1985) (on duration of construction permits). Rather, the agency practice was to ignore the expiration of the construction permit under those circumstances. In addition, it does not appear from the evidence that the District ever before has faced the situation presented in this case--where a person on whose property part of a surface water management system was built without the person's consent opposes modification and asserts the construction permit has expired. In cases where the agency's practice was applied, if the required certified as-built construction drawings and Statement of Completion could not be provided because the project was not built in accordance with the MSSW permit, the District would require the permittee to either bring the system into compliance with the approved permit designs or obtain a modification of the construction permit. Letter modifications would be accepted when the requested modification would not substantially alter the permit authorization, increase the authorized offsite discharge, impact the environmental features of the project, decrease the required retention/detention, decrease the required flood control elevations for roads or buildings, or decrease pollution removal efficiency. See Rule 40D-4.331(2)(b) (1985). (The current version of the rule adds renewal or extension of the existing permit duration.) Alterations meeting the threshold requirements for a letter modification would be presumed to meet the conditions for issuance for a permit. Otherwise, formal permit modifications would be required. When application is made for a permit modification, the District’s practice is to evaluate those aspects of the surface water management system being modified. Review generally would not extend to the entire system. Permittees seeking to modify their surface water management systems generally are not required by the District to bring the unmodified portions of the system into compliance with current design criteria. Proposed ERP Permit Modification ERP Application No. 44000227.002 seeks authorization to modify portions of the Angler’s Green surface water management system. The specific alterations for which approval is sought are: permanent removal of the existing, unpermitted 18-inch pipe between Lake E and SR 37 roadside ditch; permanent removal of the pump and associated piping conveying water from Pond C-1 to Lake E; installation of the control structure (CS-1), together with installation of pipe to convey water from the control structure to Pond C-1, as designed and approved in the 1985 Permit but different location in the northwest corner of the main body of Lake E; re-grading of the northwesterly portion of the golf course to more closely conform to the original permitted plan and help keep Basin B separate from Basin D; reconstruction of the side-bank sand filter system in the northwest corner of the property, as designed and approved in the 1985 Permit but with a slightly higher invert elevation (122.04 feet above M.S.L.) to prevent water from backing up into Angler's Green from Paradise Lakes again, and with a concrete flume and spreader swale between Pond C-1 and the berm of the side-bank sand filter system; enlargement of Pond B-1; installation of a control structure on Pond B-1; and installation of 100 feet of 6-inch side-bank sand filter discharging to the southwest corner of the property from Pond B-1. By removing the unpermitted pipe to the roadside ditch along SR 37 and by constructing control structure CS-1, with the same control elevations as in the 1985 Permit (albeit at a different location in Lake E), and connecting CS-1 by pipe to Pond C-1 as envisioned in the 1985 Permit, the function of Lake E should approximate its function under the design approved in 1985. Modifying the permitted design to authorize Basin A to flow to Pond B-1 instead of Lake E results in less water flowing to Lake E; these changes will not increase water quantity or quality impacts to Lake E, as compared to the 1985 Permit. As compared to reclamation conditions prior to implementation of the 1985 Permit, water quantity and quality impacts to Lake E would be expected both under the system as designed and permitted in 1985 and as proposed to be modified, by virtue of the similar use of Lake E as a detention pond under either system. Pond B-1 is being enlarged to better accommodate the flow from Basin A. The control structure being added at Pond B-1 will control flow into the swale to the west so as to address water quantity impacts in that area. Stormwater calculations for the revised Pond B-1 demonstrated that the post-development discharge rate will not exceed the pre- development discharge rate, so that there are no concerns for adverse water quantity impacts to receiving waters or adjacent lands or flooding impacts to on-site or off-site property. The historical flows to the west are still maintained. The discharge structure being added at Pond B-1 will account for treatment of the Basin A flow. Based on calculations for revised Pond B-1, the enlarged pond will retain and percolate half an inch of stormwater runoff from the contributing area in 36 hours (which is consistent with current BOR design requirements). The proposed Pond B-1/Basin B modifications, including the routing of Basin A stormwater to Pond B-1, will not adversely affect the quality of receiving waters in that vicinity such that state water quality standards would be violated. Angler's Green is located in the Southern Water Use Caution Area of Polk County. No surface or groundwater levels or surface water flows have been established for this area under Section 373.042, Florida Statutes. The proposed modifications do not involve any works of the District. The proposed modifications are based on generally accepted engineering and scientific principles and employ treatment methods of effluent filtration which involve commonly accepted designs that can be effectively performed and function as proposed. There are no concerns about Century’s financial, legal, or administrative capability to undertake the proposed modifications as specified in the permit, if issued. There are no applicable special basin or geographic area criteria established for this area. Environmental Concerns As with its review of the proposed permit modification for water quantity impacts, the District's review of environmental concerns was limited to review of impacts from the proposed modifications to the original permitted design; unmodified portions of the original permit were not reviewed for compliance with current requirements. An approximately 20 square-foot permanent impact is proposed to Lake E due to the placement of the control structure (SW-1) in the water. A 379 square-foot temporary impact is proposed to Lake E due to the placement of a cofferdam to facilitate construction of the control structure. Temporary impacts to Lake E resulting from the construction of the control structure would be addressed through the use of sediment and erosion controls to prevent possible sedimentation and turbidity that may arise during the construction activity. The placement of a control structure in Lake E would create very minor permanent impacts resulting from the loss of the footprint of the control structure. These impacts would be insignificant. Due to the very minor nature of these proposed impacts, no mitigation would be required, and no loss of wetlands would be required to be recorded on the Wetlands/Surface Water Table. Construction of SW-1 would not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife, and listed species including aquatic and wetland dependent species, by wetlands, other surface waters and other water related resources of the District. No secondary impacts would be expected from construction of SW-1. No unacceptable cumulative impacts upon wetlands and other surface waters would be expected to occur as a result of construction of SW-1. The project area includes .71 acre of herbaceous/forested wetlands (WL-1) in the northwest corner. The potential for secondary impacts is addressed by an existing fence surrounding WL-1, which eliminates concerns for secondary impacts to this wetland area. No adverse impacts would be anticipated to occur to these wetlands, and no adverse secondary impacts to the water resources would be expected to occur as a result of the proposed modifications themselves. The proposed modifications would not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. Class II or Class III waters would not be affected by the proposed modification project. Therefore, Rule 40D- 4.302(1)(c) is not applicable. No seawalls, lagoons or estuaries are involved in this project. Therefore, Rule 40D-4.302(d) is not applicable. The proposed modifications would not be contrary to the public interest. Relocation of a control structure and enhancement of the Basin B portion of the system would create no significant change in impacts. The proposed modifications constitute a slight improvement over water quality from the original permitted design. No threatened or endangered species were identified for Angler’s Green. The proposed relocation and construction of the Lake E control structure, preservation of onsite wetlands in the northwest corner, and re-design of Pond B-1 present no environmental concerns. Consequently, the proposed modifications do not create any potential for adverse effects regarding the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species or their habitats. The proposed modifications do not adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the activity. The project area does not involve navigable waters and does not affect the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling. Hence, Rule 40D-4.302(1)(a)(3) does not apply to this permit modification application. There are no significant historical and archaeological resources involved in this Project. Therefore, Rule 40D-4.302(1)(a)(6) is not applicable to this permit modification application. The proposed modifications would not be contrary to the public interest; they would not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare or the property of others. No adverse impacts are anticipated to occur as a result of the proposed modifications. The proposed modifications maintain the historic water elevation for Lake E and maintain historic flows for the project area. The modified system should also provide some improvement in water quality.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Southwest Florida Water Management District enter a final order denying Century's permit modification application designated ERP No. 44000227.002. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of July, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ________________________________ J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of July, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph D. Magri, Esquire Merkle & Magri, P.A. 5510 West LaSalle Street Tampa, Florida 33607-1713 Joseph P. Mawhinney, Esquire Clark, Campbell & Mawhinney, P.A. Post Office Box 6559 Lakeland, Florida 33802 Martha A. Moore, Esquire Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34604-6899 E. D. Sonny Vergara, Executive Director Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34604-6899
The Issue The issue in this case is whether, and what, reasonable mitigative conditions are necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment, prior to issuing Petitioner's default permit.
Findings Of Fact Application and Default Petitioner's application is to dredge an extension, 50 feet wide by 300 feet long by 5 feet deep, to an existing 650 foot-long man-made canal of the same width and depth, normal (perpendicular) to old Central and South Florida Flood Control (now SFWMD) Rim Canal (the L-48 Borrow Canal), which is along the northwest shore of Lake Okeechobee. Petitioner's initial, incomplete application filed in DEP's Port St. Lucie office on August 31, 2000, included: the proposed project's location by County, section, township, and range; its legal description; a sketch of its general location and surrounding landmarks; a SFWMD letter verifying conformity with the requirements of a "No Notice General Permit for Activities in Uplands" of a drawing for a proposed pond expansion (to a size less than half an acre), "which will provide borrow material necessary for a house pad and access drive"; a description of water control Structure 127, together with its purpose, operation, and flood discharge characteristics, which were said to describe water levels in Buckhead Ridge, the name of the subdivision where the project was proposed; two virtually identical copies of a boundary survey for Petitioner's property (one with legal description circled) showing the existing canal, with boat basin off the canal on Petitioner's property near the L-48 Rim Canal, at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet; two more virtually identical copies of the boundary survey at the same scale showing the existing canal, with boat basin off the canal on Petitioner's property near the L-48 Rim Canal, and the proposed canal extension and house locations; and a copy of a 1996 aerial photograph of Petitioner's property and existing canal, and vicinity. The application did not describe a proposed method or any other details of construction, include any water quality information, or include a water quality monitoring plan. On September 15, 2000, Petitioner filed an additional page of the application form with DEP's Punta Gorda office. The page added the information: "Digging to be done with trac-hoe." No other specifics of the proposed construction method were included. What happened after the filing of the application is described in Tuten I and Tuten II, which are the law of the case. However, those opinions do not explain the delay between Tuten I and the issuance of DEP's proposed ERP with conditions approximately two years later. The evidence presented at the final hearing explained only that counsel of record for DEP promptly asked district staff to draft a proposed default ERP with conditions that "would probably track the RAI that had been sent out prior to the default." DEP's district staff promptly complied and forwarded the draft to DEP's Office of General Counsel in Tallahassee, which did not provide any legal advice as to the draft ERP for almost two years. There was no further explanation for the delay. As reflected in Tuten II and in the Preliminary Statement, it was DEP's position that the proper procedure to follow after its default was to issue a proposed ERP with conditions and that it would be Petitioner's burden to request an administrative hearing to contest any conditions and to prove Petitioner's entitlement to a default ERP with conditions other than those in DEP's proposed ERP. DEP's Proposed General Conditions The conditions DEP wants attached to Petitioner's default permit include general conditions taken from SFWMD's Rule 40E-4.381, which are appropriate, as indicated in the Preliminary Statement and Conclusions of Law, and as conceded by Petitioner's expert. While the Rule 40E-4.381 general conditions are appropriate, Petitioner takes the position (and his expert testified) that some of the general permit conditions contained in Rule 62-4.160, as well as Rule 62-4.070(7) (providing that "issuance of a permit does not relieve any person from complying with the requirements of Chapter 403, F.S., or Department rules"), are more appropriate general conditions to attach to Petitioner's default ERP, even if technically inapplicable, because the Chapter 62 Rules govern the operation of a permitted project (whereas the former govern the construction of a permitted project) and are "more protective of the environment." Actually, all of the rules contain general conditions that govern both construction and operation phases of an ERP, and all are "protective of the environment." There is no reason to add general conditions taken from Rules 62-4.160 and 62-4.070(7) to the applicable general conditions contained in Rule 40E-4.381. DEP's Proposed Specific Conditions (i) In General The conditions DEP wants attached to Petitioner's default permit also include specific conditions which essentially require that Petitioner provide the information in the RAI sent in December 2000, together with additional specific conditions thought necessary to protect the environment in light of the lack of detail in the application without the answers to the RAI. Some DEP's proposed specific conditions are designed to ascertain whether the application would provide reasonable assurance that permitting criteria would be met. (They make the requested information subject to DEP "approval" based on whether reasonable assurance is provided.) In general, those specific conditions no longer are appropriate since DEP is required to issue a default permit. (Looked at another way, inclusion of those specific conditions effectively would un-do the default, in direct contradiction of the court's opinion Tuten I and Tuten II.) See Conclusion of Law 52, infra. On the other hand, some of the RAI information was designed to ascertain the proposed method and other details of construction. Pending the "answers" to those "RAI conditions," DEP also wants broad specific conditions, including a baseline water quality investigation and a water quality monitoring plan, designed to be adequate for a "worst case scenario" that could result from the project. Petitioner opposes DEP's proposed broad specific conditions. He takes the position that it was incumbent on DEP in this proceeding to use discovery procedures to ascertain Petitioner's intended method of construction and tailor specific conditions to the method of construction revealed through discovery. At the same time, Petitioner opposes DEP's proposed specific conditions requiring RAI-type information, including the details of his proposed construction method. Notwithstanding the positions Petitioner has taken in this case, his expert testified that Petitioner intends to use a steel wall inserted between the water and upland at the end of the existing canal, phased excavation from the upland side, and removal of the steel wall in the final phase of construction. Assuming that method of construction, Petitioner takes the position (and his expert testified) that the statutes, rules, and permit conditions acceptable to Petitioner, and which generally prohibit pollution of the environment, are adequate. Even if the statutes, rules, and permit conditions acceptable to Petitioner would be adequate for the method of construction Petitioner now says he will use, Petitioner's application does not in fact commit to a method of construction. All Petitioner's application says is that he intends to dig with a trac-hoe. Without a binding commitment to a method of construction, it was appropriate for DEP to take the position that specific conditions were necessary to ascertain the method of construction Petitioner would use and, pending the "answers" to those "RAI conditions," and to impose broad specific conditions, including a baseline water quality investigation and a water quality monitoring plan, designed to be adequate for a "worst case scenario" that could result from the project. In his PRO, Petitioner committed to use the construction method described by his expert during the hearing, as follows: Excavation of any spoil shall be done by means of a mechanical trac-hoe; Prior to the excavation of any soil, Petitioner shall first install an isolating wall, such as interlocking sheet pile, between the existing man-made canal, and the proposed canal extension; The mechanical excavation shall be done in such a manner such that the excavated soil is not deposited in wetlands or in areas where it might be reasonably contemplated to re-enter the waters of the State of Florida; After the proposed canal extension is excavated to its project limits in the foregoing manner, the side slopes of the canal extension shall be allowed to revegetate prior to removal of the isolating wall. With a condition imposing this method of construction, fewer and narrower specific conditions will be necessary. ii. Seriatim Discussion DEP's proposed Specific Condition 1 requires a perpetual conservation easement prohibiting docking and mooring of water craft on all portions of Petitioner's property within the canal extension in order to "address cumulative impacts." But DEP did not prove that the proposed conservation easement was reasonably necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment. First, DEP did not prove that there would be any cumulative impacts, much less unacceptable cumulative impacts, from Petitioner's project. See § 373.414(8), Fla. Stat.; Rule 40E-4.302(1)(b); and BOR § 4.2.8. Second, even if unacceptable cumulative impacts were proven, those could be addressed in other permit cases (assuming no DEP default in those proceedings), since the concept of cumulative impacts essentially requires an applicant to share acceptable cumulative impacts with other similar permittees, applicants, and foreseeable future applicants. See Broward County v. Weiss, et al., DOAH Case No. 01-3373, 2002 Fla. ENV LEXIS 298, at ¶¶54-58 (DOAH Aug. 27, 2002). As Petitioner points out, the easement further described in Specific Condition 1 appears to be overly broad for its stated purpose in that it would cover "the legal description of the entire property affected by this permit and shown on the attached project drawings," which could be interpreted to include not just the canal extension but the entire extended canal, or even the entirety of Petitioner's 6.6 acres of property. Indeed, the latter might have been the actual intention, since DEP's witness testified that Specific Condition 1 also was intended to address impacts from fertilizer runoff and septic tank leaching from new homes built along the canal. Although some of those impacts (as well as future construction of additional homes and docks) actually are secondary impacts, not cumulative impacts, it is possible that they can be addressed in DEP or SFWMD proceedings on future applications, as well as in Department of Health proceedings on septic tank installations. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 2 requires that: spoil material from the dredging to be "used for the sole purpose of constructing a single-family fill pad" on Petitioner's property under a pending permit; spoil "be placed in a manner so as not to affect wetlands or other surface waters"; and the "spoil disposal location shall be shown in the drawings required by Specific Condition #4 below." DEP did not prove that the first requirement was reasonably necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment. First, it is unreasonable since Petitioner already has built the referenced single-family fill pad and a home on top of it. Second, the reason DEP's witness gave for this requirement was that, under an operating agreement with SFWMD (which was officially recognized), DEP only has jurisdiction to take action on single-family uses (which he defined to include duplexes, triplexes, and quadriplexes) but not on larger multi-family and certain other projects. However, the operating agreement on jurisdiction is not a reason to place Specific Condition 1 on the use of spoil material on Petitioner's default permit. SFWMD can regulate, in permitting proceedings under its jurisdiction, the placement of fill material for multi- family construction or other projects not under DEP jurisdiction. In addition, under the operating agreement, jurisdiction can be "swapped" by written agreement in cases where deviation from the operating agreement would result in more efficient and effective regulation. The second two requirements under Specific Condition 2 are reasonable and necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 3 requires disclosure of all pending and issued permits for the property from SFWMD, Glades County, or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE). DEP did not prove that this is reasonable or reasonably necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment. DEP probably has all such permits and can easily obtain any it does not have. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 4 requires fully dimensional plan view and cross-sectional drawings of the property and area to be dredged, before and after dredging, including a north arrow and the water depths in and adjacent to the dredge area. DEP's witness stated that the primary purpose of this part of the condition is to provide hydrographic information normally provided in an application (or required in an RAI) so that DEP's hydrographic engineer can ascertain flushing characteristics, which are pertinent primarily to the dissolved oxygen water quality parameter and to heavy metals from boat use. As previously indicated, requests for information relating to reasonable assurance and the public interest test generally no longer are appropriate since DEP is required to issue a default permit. See Finding 9, supra. However, information regarding flushing characteristics, combined with other specific conditions, is reasonable and necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment. See Finding 27, infra. In addition, the plan view and cross-sectional drawings required by Specific Condition 4 are to include the location of navigational obstructions in the immediate area, any roads, ditches, or utility lines that abut the property; any encumbrances, and any associated structures. DEP's witness stated that the primary purpose of this information is to determine whether Petitioner has provided reasonable assurance that the "public interest" test under Rule 40E-4.302 is met, and make sure that management, placement, and disposal of spoil material do not infringe on property rights or block culverts and cause flooding. As previously indicated, requests for information relating to reasonable assurance and the public interest test generally no longer are appropriate. See Finding 9, supra. However, information regarding the location of culverts to assure that management of spoil does not cause flooding is reasonable and necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment. In addition to objecting to having to provide RAI information as a "default permittee," Petitioner's expert asserted that the information requested in Specific Condition 4 would be provided as part of the "as-built" drawings required by General Condition 6. But General Condition 6 does not require "as-built" drawings. Rather, it requires an "as-built" certification that can be based on "as-built" drawings or on-site observation. Besides, the purpose of the "as-built" certification is to determine "if the work was completed in compliance with permitted plans and specifications." Without the information requested in Specific Condition 4, there would only be vague and general permitted plans and specifications and hydrographic information. Finally as to Specific Condition 4, Petitioner objects to the requirement that the drawings be sealed by a registered professional engineer. However, Petitioner cites to General Condition 6, which requires that the "as-built" certification be given by a "registered professional" and cites Rule Form 62- 343.900(5), which makes it clear that "registered professional" in that context means a registered professional engineer. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 5 requires Petitioner to submit for DEP approval, within 180 days of permit issuance and before any construction, reasonable assurance that the canal extension will not violate water quality standards due to depth or configuration; that it will not cause a violation of water quality standards in receiving water bodies; and that it will be configured to prevent creation of debris traps or stagnant areas that could result in water quality violations. The reasonable assurance is to include hydrographic information or studies to document flushing time and an evaluation of the maximum desirable flushing time, taking several pertinent factors into consideration. As previously indicated, requests for information relating to reasonable assurance and the public interest test generally no longer are appropriate. See Finding 9, supra. In addition, Petitioner's expert testified without dispute that the information requested could take more than 180 days and cost approximately $20,000. However, it is reasonable and necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment to include a specific condition that Petitioner's canal extension be configured so as have the best practicable flushing characteristics. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 6 requires Petitioner to submit for DEP approval, within 180 days of permit issuance and before any construction, reasonable assurance that construction of the canal extension will meet all permit criteria set out in Rules 40E-4.301 and 40E-4.302 and in BOR § 4.1.1. As previously indicated, requests for information relating to reasonable assurance and the public interest test generally no longer are appropriate. See Finding 9, supra. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 7 requires Petitioner to submit existing water quality information for DEP approval within 180 days of permit issuance and before any construction. In this instance, DEP's approval would not be a determination on the provision of reasonable assurance but a determination as to the reliability of the water quality information, which is necessary to establish a baseline for assessing and monitoring the impact of the project. For that reason, the information is reasonable and necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment. Petitioner's expert testified that the information could cost $2,000-$3,000 to produce (and more, if DEP rejects the information submitted, and more information is required). He also testified that water quality information already is available, including over 25 years worth of at least monthly information on all pertinent parameters except biological oxygen demand and fecal coliform, at a SFWMD monitoring station in the Rim Canal at Structure 127 (a lock and pump station at the Hoover Levee on Lake Okeechobee) approximately 8,000 feet away from Petitioner's canal. DEP did not prove that the SFWMD information would not serve the purpose of establishing baseline water quality for Petitioner's canal for all but the missing parameters. For that reason, only water quality information for the missing parameters is reasonable and necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment in this case. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 8 requires that, if the water quality information required by Specific Condition 7 shows any violations of state ambient water quality standards, Petitioner must submit for DEP approval, within 180 days of permit issuance and before any construction, a plan to achieve net improvement for any parameters shown to be in violation, as required by Section 373.414, Florida Statutes. See also BOR § and Normally, if applicable, this information would be expected in an application or RAI response. Petitioner's expert testified that this condition would require Petitioner to help "fix Buckhead Ridge" (unfairly) and that it would cost lots of money. But Petitioner did not dispute that the law requires a plan for a "net improvement," which does not necessarily require a complete "fix" of water quality violations, if any. As previously indicated, requests for information relating to reasonable assurance and the public interest test generally no longer are appropriate, and Petitioner's ability to construct the canal extension should not be dependent on DEP's approval of a net improvement plan. See Finding 9, supra. But a specific condition that Petitioner implement a plan to achieve net water quality improvement in the event of any water quality violations would be reasonable and necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 9 requires Petitioner to submit for DEP's approval, at least 60 days before construction, detailed information on how Petitioner intends to prevent sediments and contaminants from being released into jurisdictional waters. DEP asserts that this specific condition asks for a detailed description of how the applicant will comply with various subsections of BOR § that address short-term water quality to aid in providing reasonable assurance that water quality standards will not be violated, as required by Section 373.414(1), Florida Statutes, and Rule 40E-4.301(1)(e). As previously indicated, requests for information relating to reasonable assurance and the public interest test generally no longer are appropriate, and Petitioner's ability to construct the canal extension should not be dependent on DEP's approval of information submitted. See Finding 9, supra. But it is reasonable and necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment to include a specific condition that Petitioner's canal extension be constructed using adequate turbidity barriers; stabilize newly created slopes or surfaces in or adjacent to wetlands and other surface waters to prevent erosion and turbidity; avoid propeller dredging and rutting from vehicular traffic; maintain construction equipment to ensure that oils, greases, gasoline, or other pollutants are not released into wetlands and other surface waters; and prevent any other discharges during construction that will cause water quality violations. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 10 requires Petitioner to submit, at least 60 days before construction, detailed information regarding Petitioner's plans for handling spoil from dredging, including "discharge details, locations retention plans, volumes, and data used to size the disposal cell(s)." It allows this information to be combined with the Specific Condition 2 submittal. It also requires spoil to be properly contained to prevent return of spoil to waters of the State and to be deposited in a self-contained upland site that prevents return of any water or material into waters of the State. DEP asserts that this specific condition (like Specific Condition 9) is necessary to comply with BOR § by addressing short-term water quality to aid in providing reasonable assurance that water quality standards will not be violated, as required by Section 373.414(1), Florida Statutes, and Rule 40E-4.301(1)(e). As previously indicated, requests for information relating to reasonable assurance and the public interest test generally no longer are appropriate, and Petitioner's ability to construct the canal extension should not be dependent on DEP's approval of information submitted. See Finding 9, supra. But it is reasonable and necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment to include a specific condition requiring spoil to be properly contained to prevent return of spoil to waters of the State and to be deposited in a self-contained upland site that prevents return of any water or material into waters of the State. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 11 requires Petitioner to submit "as-built" drawings to DEP's Punta Gorda office with 30 days after completion of construction, "as required by General Condition #6." Petitioner's expert testified that this condition was unreasonable only because it duplicates General Condition 6 and two statutes. But General Condition 6 actually does not require "as-built" drawings, see Finding 9, supra, and it is not clear what statutes Petitioner's expert was referring to. For these reasons, and because it provides a filing location, Specific Condition 11 is reasonable and reasonably necessary to protect the interest of the public and the environment. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 12 requires Petitioner to "maintain the permitted canal free of all rafted debris by removal and property upland disposal." DEP asserts that this specific condition is necessary to comply with BOR § by addressing long-term water quality to aid in providing reasonable assurance that water quality standards will not be violated, as required by Section 373.414(1), Florida Statutes, and Rule 40E-4.301(1)(e). Rafted debris, which may be of an organic or inorganic nature, can accumulate at the end of canals due to wind, waves, boats, or other forces. Such organic rafted debris may rot and, by creating a high biological oxygen demand, rob the water of dissolved oxygen. Petitioner's only expressed opposition to this condition is that the conservation easement in Specific Condition 3 might prevent compliance. While it is unclear how the easement would prevent compliance, the issue is eliminated if no conservation easement is required. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 13 requires Petitioner to use turbidity screens during construction for compliance with BOR § by addressing short-term water quality to aid in providing reasonable assurance that water quality standards will not be violated, as required by Section 373.414(1), Florida Statutes, and Rule 40E-4.301(1)(e). The turbidity screen requirements detailed in this specific condition are typical best management practices that contractors use and are a standard condition placed in permits of this nature by DEP. Petitioner contends that turbidity screens are unnecessary given his intended construction method and that other conditions are sufficient to cover DEP's concerns. However, as indicated, the application does not commit to a method of construction. With the application in its current state, Specific Condition 13 is appropriate subject to a demonstration by Petitioner that turbidity screens are not needed for the construction method committed to in Petitioner's PRO. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 14 requires Petitioner to "ensure that any discharge or release of pollutants during construction or alteration are not released into wetlands or other surface waters that will cause water quality standards to be violated." Again, this condition is intended to ensure compliance with BOR § by addressing short-term water quality to aid in providing reasonable assurance that water quality standards will not be violated, as required by Section 373.414(1), Florida Statutes, and Rule 40E-4.301(1)(e). While this specific condition seems general and perhaps duplicates other conditions (which was Petitioner's only point of contention), DEP added it in an attempt to make sure the possible and not uncommon release of pollutants from construction equipment was addressed. As such, the condition is appropriate. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 15 provides details on the use of turbidity screens. Petitioner's primary points of contention are that turbidity screens are not needed for his intended construction method and that other conditions are sufficient without this condition. As such, the relevant issues already have been addressed in connection with Specific Condition With the application in its current state, Specific Condition 15 is appropriate subject to a demonstration by Petitioner that turbidity screens are not needed for the construction method committed to in Petitioner's PRO. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 16 requires Petitioner to used staked filter cloth to contain any turbid run- off and erosion from created slopes of the canal extension. This is the most common best management practice and is a standard condition for ERP permits dealing with side slopes that may affect water quality. Unstable slopes can result in chronic turbidity, which is detrimental to wildlife. Unstable slopes also can lead to upland runoff being deposited into the water along with debris and sediment. Such runoff can bring deleterious substances such as heavy metals and nutrient-loaded substances that might impact dissolved oxygen levels in the water. Petitioner's primary points of contention on Specific Condition 16 are that, like turbidity screens, staked filter cloth is not needed for Petitioner's intended construction method and that other conditions are sufficient without this condition. (Petitioner also questions why the condition gives Petitioner up to 72 hours from "attaining final grade" to stabilize side slopes, but the condition also requires side slope stabilization "as soon as possible," and the 72-hour outside limit seems reasonable.) As such, the relevant issues already have been addressed in connection with Specific Condition 13 and 15. With the application in its current state, Specific Condition 16 is appropriate subject to a demonstration by Petitioner that staked filter cloth is not needed if he uses the construction method committed to in Petitioner's PRO. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 17, 18, 19, and 20: details required long-term water quality monitoring and reporting [#17]; establishes sampling intervals and requires Petitioner to submit a "plan to remediate" if monitoring shows water quality violations or "a trend toward future violations of water quality standards directly related to the permitted canal" [#18]; allows "additional water quality treatment methods" to be required if water quality monitoring shows it to be necessary [#19]; and allows water quality monitoring requirements to be modified (which "may include reduction in frequency and parameters . . . or the release of the monitoring process"), "based on long term trends indicate that the permitted canal is not a source to create water quality violations [#20]." These conditions are intended to ensure compliance with BOR § by addressing long-term water quality to aid in providing reasonable assurance that water quality standards will not be violated, as required by Section 373.414(1), Florida Statutes, and Rule 40E-4.301(1)(e). The evidence was that these specific conditions are standard for ERP permits where a constructed system may lead to water quality violations in the long term. Contrary to Petitioner's contentions, conditions of this kind are not dependent on a post-construction finding of water quality standard violations (even though DEP defaulted on Petitioner's application). Besides contending that monitoring requirements in Specific Conditions 17 and 18 are unnecessary, Petitioner also contends that they are too extensive and not tailored to Petitioner's intended construction, but DEP proved their necessity, even assuming the construction method committed to in Petitioner's PRO. Petitioner complains that Specific Condition 19 is vague and that Petitioner's ERP does not provide for "water quality treatment." But the present absence of post-construction water quality treatment should not preclude the possible future imposition of some kind of water quality treatment if monitoring shows it to be necessary. For this kind of condition, the absence of detail regarding the kind of treatment to be imposed is natural since it would depend on future events. DEP's proposed Specific Condition 21 merely requires that Petitioner's project comply with State water quality standards in Florida Administrative Code Rules 62-302.500 and 62- 302.530. Petitioner contends that this is duplicative and unnecessary. But it certainly is not unreasonable to be specific in this regard. No Improper Purpose As part of his request for attorney's fees under Section 120.595, Florida Statutes, Petitioner necessarily contends that DEP participated in this proceeding "for an improper purpose"--i.e., "primarily to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or for frivolous purpose or to needlessly increase the cost of litigation, licensing, or securing the approval of an activity." Even assuming that DEP should be considered a "nonprevailing adverse party," Petitioner's evidence did not prove that DEP's participation was for an "improper purpose." To the contrary, DEP "participated" initially because Petitioner filed an application. DEP's denial of Petitioner's application was not proven to be "for an improper purpose" but rather for the purpose of attempting to protect the environment. The propriety of the denial was litigated in Tuten I, which made no finding that the denial was "for an improper purpose" and which ordered DEP to participate in a hearing for purposes of determining "reasonable mitigative conditions." The two-year delay between Tuten I and Tuten II was not fully explained, but Tuten II also made no finding that the denial, or the delay, or DEP's proposed ERP with conditions were "for an improper purpose" and again ordered DEP to participate in a hearing for purposes of determining "reasonable mitigative conditions." While DEP's views on the nature of the hearing to be conducted for purposes of determining "reasonable mitigative conditions" was rejected, it was not proven that DEP argued its views "for an improper purpose" or that its participation, once its views were rejected, was "for an improper purpose," as defined by statute. To the contrary, the evidence was that DEP participated in this proceeding in an attempt to place conditions on Petitioner's permit which DEP thought were necessary to protect the environment, many (although not all) of which are accepted in this Recommended Order. As Petitioner accepts and points out, it remains necessary for Petitioner to construct and operate his project in a manner that does not violate environmental statutes and rules. But without any water quality information or monitoring, DEP's enforcement of those laws and rules will be hamstrung.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that DEP enter a final order issuing Petitioner a default ERP, to expire five years from issuance, to dredge an extension, 50 feet wide by 300 feet long by 5 feet deep, to an existing man-made canal, as applied for, subject to: DEP's proposed General Conditions 1-19; DEP's proposed Specific Conditions 4 and 11-21; DEP's proposed Specific Conditions 2, 5, and 7-10, as modified by the Findings of Fact; and the construction method committed to in Petitioner's PRO (see Finding 14, supra. DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of August, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of August, 2006.
The Issue This proceeding concerns Clarence E. Middlebrook's application #2-069- 0785AUSMV for a consumptive use permit for his project at Wekiva Falls Resort. Staff of the St. Johns River Water Management District have recommended approval of the application with certain specific limiting conditions. Petitioner, Middlebrooks, contends that the limitations placed on the approval are inappropriate and are so onerous as to preclude the continued use of his facility for public bathing. Petitioner, STS, claims that the present recreational use is not a reasonable beneficial use, interferes with existing legal users of water and is not in the public interest. STS urges limitations more restrictive than those proposed by the district staff. The basic issue for resolution, therefore, is what conditions should be placed on an approval of Middlebrook's application relating to recreational use. Approval of his application relating to an existing household consumptive use permit is not at issue. The parties have stipulated that STS has standing as a petitioner in this proceeding. In addition, in their prehearing statement filed on August 28, 1989, the parties have stipulated that the 14-inch and 28-inch standpipes on the Wekiva Falls Resort are governed by and subject to the provisions of Chapter 373, F.S., and Chapter 40C-2, F.A.C. and are legally considered to be wells for purposes of this proceeding.
Findings Of Fact In their Prehearing Stipulation filed on August 28, 1989, the parties have agreed: Middlebrooks is a private individual who co- owns, along with his wife, and does business as the Wekiva Falls Resort in Lake County, Florida. STS is the owner of approximately 1,842 acres of land contiguous to the southern and western boundary of the Wekiva Falls Resort. The District, a special taxing district created by Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, is charged with the statutory responsibility of the administration and enforcement of permitting programs pursuant to Part II of Chapter 373, Consumptive Uses of Water, specifically Sections 373-219 and 373.223, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 40C-2, Florida Administrative Code. The District is the agency affected in this proceeding. On September 4, 1985, Petitioner submitted to Respondent a CUP application No. 2-069-0785AUS to withdraw a maximum of .123 million gallons per day (MGD), i.e. 31.7 million gallons per year (MGY) of water for household type use from two standpipes, one 14 inches in diameter and the other 24 inches in diameter, located on Petitioner's property in Lake County, Florida. An administrative hearing was held regarding that application on November 6 and 7, 1986, and a final order was issued on May 14, 1987. The final order was appealed to the Fifth District Court of Appeal which issued its opinion on July 7, 1988 (529 So.2d 1167). Permit No. 2-069-0785AUS was issued by the District as result of these proceedings. Middlebrooks returned the permit by mail to the District. On September 13, 1988, Middlebrooks submitted to Respondent a CUP application No. 2-069-0785AUS to request approval of a maximum of .123 MGD (31.7 MGY) of water for household type use, which was revised on February 21, 1989, to request a maximum 14.26 MGD of water from the two standpipes, one 14 inches in diameter and the other 24 inches in diameter, located on Middlebrooks' property in Lake County, Florida. On March 20, 1989, District's staff gave notice of its intent to recommend approval with conditions of Petitioner's CUP application No. 2-069-0785AUS. Both Middlebrooks' and STS' petitions for administrative hearing were timely filed with the District. In 1968, C.E. Middlebrooks purchased the 140 acre tract on which the wells are located. The property is bounded on the east by the Wekiva River, and on the west by Wekiva River Road. At the time of purchase the property was underdeveloped and overgrown. Shortly after purchase, Middlebrooks inspected the property and found an oval-shaped depression from which water was flowing. Such flow is common in this area along the corridor of the Wekiva basin. These surficial seeps, also called artesian flows, emanate from the surficial and intermediate aquifers. This, and other substantiative findings regarding the characteristics of the property, were made in the recommended order as adopted in the final order in case #86-2101, on May 13, 1987. Still, Petitioner insists that the water was from a natural spring. The only new evidence presented by Petitioner regarding the existence of a "spring" is the testimony of William Shell, who in the late 1930's used to fish with his father in the tributaries and streams off of the Wekiva River. William Shell claims that he and his father took a 10-foot canoe back into the property and he swam and fished in the "spring". Shell was imprecise as to the location of the spring and conceded that the site identified on a map attached to his statement could be as much as five miles off. His testimony as to the existence and location of a spring is unpersuasive in the face of the contrary historical evidence from aerial photographs, soils and geological survey maps, and the well driller's log describing the strata through which the 24-inch well was drilled. In undertaking the development of the property, Middlebrooks dug out the area in which the wells were ultimately drilled, utilizing a dragline to clear out what is now the existing stream bed between the oval-shaped depression and the area which is now the marina (or canoe basin). Extensive dredging was done to develop the marina at a point approximately 200 feet west of the Wekiva River, and additional dredging was done to connect the marina to the Wekiva River in order to have access by boat to the Wekiva River. The stream which now extends from the western boundary to the Wekiva River is called Canoe Creek. In order to maintain the swimming area and the section of Canoe Creek extending eastward from the swimming area to the Wekiva River, it is necessary for Middlebrooks to dredge the area every two to three years. In 1972 as a part of the development activities described above, Middlebrooks hired a well drilling contractor to drill a 14-inch well at a location within the oval-shaped depression. The well was drilled into the Floridan aquifer to a depth of 107 feet, and well casing 14 inches in diameter was driven to a depth of 58 feet. In 1973 Middlebrooks hired a second well drilling contractor to construct a second well within the oval-shaped depression slightly ease of the 14-inch well. The second well was drilled into the Floridan aquifer to a depth of 120 feet, and well casing 24 inches in diameter was driven to a depth of 80 feet. As part of his development activities, Middlebrooks constructed concrete towers around each of the wells and placed diffuser plates and planters on top of each to give the appearance of a waterfall. A concrete wall and sidewalk were constructed around the oval-shaped area. The water flowing from the wells discharges into the oval-shaped swimming area and then flows eastward through Canoe Creek until it reaches the Wekiva River. Middlebrooks' business, known as Wekiva Falls Resort, has a total of 789 campsites located on the northern and southern sides of the property. The swimming area, which extends from the western end of the concrete-enclosed oval- shaped area where the wells are located, to the wooden bridge which crosses Canoe Creek just west of the marina, is licensed by the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) as a public bathing facility. Middlebrooks also offers canoe rentals and paddleboat tours of the Wekiva River, each of which originate from the marina. Middlebrooks' present business operation centers around the water-based recreational opportunities provided by the water emanating from the wells. The facility employs approximately seventeen persons. Groundwater from the Floridan aquifer flows from the two wells under artesian pressure. Middlebrooks testified that he had calculated the discharge from the two wells to be 12.5 mgd and 12.72 mgd, although his records for the period from April 1986 through January 1989 showed average daily flow from the two wells to be 12.98 mgd. The prior final order entered in this matter determined average daily flow to be 12.47 mgd. Because these are artesian wells, flow varies depending on hydrologic conditions. The gate valve for the 24-inch well was frozen in the open position approximately 12 years ago and has since been encased in concrete making it inoperable. There is a diverter valve at water level, which, if opened, would increase the flow volume from the well, but which has no control over the amount of water flowing through the top of the well. As the well is presently structured, water essentially free flows from the well; Middlebrooks can control flow from the 24-inch well only through manual insertion of a poppet valve which must be first hoisted to the top of the well with a crane and then mechanically inserted into the top of the well. The only time this device is used is when Middlebrooks shuts down the well in order to do dredging or other maintenance activities. Early in 1989, the concrete tower encasing the 14- inch well fell over and had to be removed from the swimming area. The well casing was cut off at pool level, removing the gate valve on it. Although flow increased from the 14- inch well as a result of shortening the length of the casing above ground, Middlebrooks mechanically inserted a poppet valve into the top of the remaining casing in order to restrict flow. Middlebrooks contends that, with the restrictor device which is inserted in the 14-inch well, flow is essentially the same as it was before the casing was cut down and the valve removed. In 1973, shortly after the 24-inch well was constructed, USGS did an analysis of the water coming from the well to determine chloride concentrations. Chloride concentrations were measured at that time to be 230 parts per million (ppm). Chloride concentration is a measure of salt content in the water. The benchmark figure for chloride concentration in water as determined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is 250 pp. Water which exceeds 250 ppm in chloride is nonpotable. At the time these wells were drilled, the water was potable. At the base of the Floridan aquifer in the area in which Middlebrooks' property is located is a layer of seawater, extremely high in chloride concentrations, which became trapped when the ocean water which once covered Florida receded and dry land emerged. This water is called relic sea water and is necessarily very old water. Significant discharges through a well in this region can cause the interface between the fresh water in the Floridan aquifer and the relic sea water to move upward toward the cone of influence of the well and break. This is followed by turbulent mixing of relic sea water and fresh water and results in elevated chloride concentrations in the water discharged from the well. This water is sometimes referred to as connate water. Subsequent tests of the chloride concentrations in Middlebrooks' well have been done, both as part of a regional study done by the district and in preparation for this litigation. These test results show significant changes in the chloride concentrations in the water flowing from Middlebrooks' wells. Samples taken by the district in March and October 1986 showed concentrations of 312 ppm in the 14-inch well and 296 ppm for the 24-inch well for March, and 300 ppm for each of the wells in October. The 14-inch well was sampled again by the district in March and April 1989 and showed levels of 335 ppm and 296 ppm respectively, and an April 1989 sample from the 24-inch well showed 317 ppm. Samples taken by Jammal and Associates on August 5, 1989, showed 280 ppm for the 14-inch well and 290 ppm for the 24-inch well. Averaged, these results show concentrations over the 1986-89 period of 304 ppm for the 14-inch well and 300 ppm for the 24-inch well. The changes observed from the 1973 test and the 1986- 89 tests cannot be attributed to seasonal variations. The only samples taken since 1974 from the wells which do not show significant changes in the chloride concentrations are samples which were collected by Middlebrooks himself. The validity of these results is less credible than the results outlined in the previous paragraph, given the expert testimony supporting the former results. Further, the results shown from the samples collected by Middlebrooks are questionable in light of the elevated levels of minerals (including chlorides) which were noted in the analysis of waters taken from Canoe Creek, through which the water coming from the wells flows to the Wekiva River. The water flowing from Canoe Creek is 17 times higher in chlorides than water in the Wekiva River. Chloride levels in the swimming pool area were measured by Dr. Harper at almost 300 ppm. Even Dr. Roessler, an expert called by Middlebrooks noted high levels of mineralization in the water flowing through Canoe Creek to the Wekiva River from the wells and agreed that reductions in flow from the wells would result in reduced chloride concentrations within Canoe Creek. The importance of the significant increase in chloride concentrations in the water flowing from Middlebrooks' wells, as noted, is that the groundwater coming from those wells in no longer potable. Continued discharge from the wells at the current free flow level will aggravate the problem of increasing chloride levels in those wells and in the immediate vicinity of those wells. If no action is taken to address the upward movement of the saltwater-freshwater interface, there is a potential for transmittance of connate water to wells of adjacent landowners. Reduction in the flows from Middlebrooks' wells would stabilize the saltwater-freshwater interface beneath his wells. This could result in lower chloride concentrations in the water flowing from Middlebrooks' wells, and at the very least, there would be no further aggravation of the problem. Section 10D-5.120, Florida Administrative Code, governs public bathing facilities such as Middlebrooks', and essentially has two water quality requirements. The first is a flow-through requirement which specifies that there must be minimum flow of water through the facility of 500 gallons per bather per 24 hours. The second requirement is that total coliforms must not exceed 1000 most probable number of coliform organisms (mpn) per 100 milliliters. Although Middlebrooks' HRS license for his public bathing facility does not limit the number of bathers who may use his facility, there is an existing injunction obtained against Middlebrooks by Lake County, Florida, which allows a maximum of 2500 persons on the entire premises per day. Middlebrooks has made no effort in the past, nor does he presently make any effort to determine how many patrons actually use the bathing facilities on a daily basis. As the prior final order noted "for all the record shows, he may have never had that many (the maximum) since his permit was issued". The only evidence of actual usage of the bathing facilities showed a maximum of 290 persons in the pool area on a summer weekend. Regardless of how few, if any, persons utilize the bathing area under present conditions, the same amount of water flows from the wells daily. The stream which extends from the western end of the swimming area to Wekiva River Road and then off site receives drainage during wet weather conditions from offsite areas. All of Canoe Creek including the portion west of the swimming area is essentially a catch basin for surface water drainage from Middlebrooks' property. Surface water drainage enters Canoe Creek through overland flow, through swales conveying stormwater to it, and through an assortment of stormwater drainpipes which drain parts of Middlebrooks' property as well as off-site areas. The water entering Canoe Creek from this surface water drainage is extremely high in total coliforms. There are no significant stormwater treatment facilities on the site. A concrete weir with a spillway separates the swimming area from Canoe Creek west of the swimming area. The water in Canoe Creek immediately west of the swimming area is extremely high in total coliforms. A sump pump has been installed just west of the weir which, under normal weather conditions, is capable of pumping enough of the water into a roadside swale, thereby diverting it around the swimming area, to prevent this high coliform water from overtopping the weir and flowing into the swimming area. However, under rainfall conditions, the pump will not prevent this drainage from spilling over the weir and Middlebrooks does not run the pump continuously. Water has also been observed spilling over the weir into the swimming area under normal conditions. The higher coliform water which is pumped into the roadside swale is reintroduced into the swimming area through a culvert pipe midway between the oval area, where the wells are located, and the marina. There is also an apparent influx of total coliforms through surficial seepage and other sources internal to Middlebrooks' property. One of these sources of coliforms could be the wastewater treatment plant operated by Middlebrooks on the property. Other than the part-time operation of the sump pump, which was installed for aesthetic reasons rather than water quality reasons, Middlebrooks has done nothing to control the numerous sources of total coliforms to his swimming area, nor does he propose any modifications to accomplish this in his application. Instead he has relied and proposes to continue to rely on the 12.5 mgd flow of water from his wells to dilute the total coliforms entering the swimming area in order to meet the HRS standards for water quality. Middlebrooks dismisses any alterations to the site to address these total coliforms sources as "impractical". To the contrary, it is practical, technologically feasible, and economically feasible to control the introduction of coliform to the swimming area and meet HRS standards by preventing introduction of coliforms rather than relying on massive amounts of groundwater to meet the standards through dilution. One means would be to operate a sump pump around the clock instead of only on a part-time bases. Installation of additional toilet facilities for campers would reduce the use of Canoe Creek and its vicinity as a toilet. More importantly, treatment facilities such as retention and detention areas to treat stormwater runoff before it enters Canoe Creek, as well as diverting the water around the oval part of the swimming area, would enable Middlebrooks to comply with HRS total coliforms standard without the necessity of utilizing 12.5 mgd of groundwater. Reducing the flow of water from Middlebrooks' wells in accordance with the recommendations contained in the District's staff report would not cause blowouts or any other adverse geological consequences on his property or elsewhere. As indicated earlier, this region is characterized by artesian flow, and there is the potential for increased discharges from springs or other discharge points within the vicinity of Middlebrooks' property if flow is reduced from his wells. Overall, the area should return to a more naturally balanced system such as existed before the wells were constructed. The flow which discharges presently through the wells produces enough water to supply the domestic needs of 90,000 people. Reduction in the discharge from the wells would make additional water available for use for other beneficial purposes within the area as the water which now discharges from Middlebrooks' wells could be withdrawn at other locations within the vicinity of Middlebrooks' property. Through properly spacing wells and limiting their depth, (skimming well fields) these other uses of water could occur without aggravating the existing problem with chloride concentrations. Middlebrooks and one of his employees described water upwelling within the swimming area on one occasion when flow was stopped from the wells. While this would not be unusual in an area characterized by artesian flow, it may also be an indication that well construction problems exist with either or both of the wells. Having the wells geophysically logged as is required in the permit conditions proposed by district staff, would reveal, among other things, whether the well is properly grouted and sealed. If the wells are not properly sealed contaminated connate water could be allowed to move upward and interchange with other water-bearing zones, resulting in chloride contamination in those zones as well. The aquatic and wetland habitat associated with Canoe Creek can be divided into three distinct segments: (1) the intermittent stream extending westward from the weir and spillway to Wekiva River Road (hereinafter "the intermittent stream"); (2) the swimming area which begins at the weir and extends to the bridge just west of the marina (hereinafter "the swimming area"); and (3) the marina which encompasses the dredged boat basin and that portion of Canoe Creek extending eastward from the marina. These three segments have varying importance as aquatic or wetland habitats and can be separately characterized according to the impacts which would be felt from a reduction in the flow of water from the wells as recommended by the district staff report. The intermittent stream is characterized by slow flowing or stagnant water. There are species indicative of a wetland system associated with the channel here, although the banks of the stream have been mowed and maintained. Aquatic and wetland dependent species do utilize this part of the stream; however, they are in less abundance than in other parts of Canoe Creek. Because the hydrology of this portion of the stream is not affected by the flow from the wells, there would be no impact on this area if flow from the wells is reduced. The swimming area, which consists entirely of hard sand, is devoid of biological activity as a result of the regular mechanical maintenance performed on it by Middlebrooks, leaving no vegetation in the channel. Although there are aquatic species which utilize primarily the oval-shaped part of the swimming area, many of these are exotic species. In any event, there would continue to be a flow of water to maintain that environment. The southern bank of Canoe Creek in the swimming area down to the water's edge has been cleared, sodded, and is maintained as a lawn. There are no wetland plant species in this area. There are trees along the northern bank of the stream in this area, and it is less disturbed than the southern bank; however, the understory has been removed. Overall, there would be minimal impact to the aquatic and wetland species within the creek itself, and no impact to plant species along the banks of the creek if flows are reduced in accordance with the District staff' s recommendation. The marina area and the creek eastward of it provide the most abundant and productive part of the creek for aquatic species. This portion of the creek is at the same grade as the Wekiva River and therefore is in equilibrium with the river. Water levels are controlled by the pulse of the river, rather than the flow from the wells, and will be unchanged by reduction of flow from the wells. Although there would be a reduction in the amount of water moving through this area, there would be little, if any, impact to the functions of this portion of the creek as an aquatic habitat if the reduction in flow recommended in the district staff report were accomplished. Viewed as a whole, Canoe Creek, because of the wells and the alterations made to the site by Middlebrooks, is an altered natural environment with an artificially created and maintained ecosystem. The primary natural feature associated with this property is the riverine forested wetlands which extend approximately 200 feet inland from the Wekiva River. This area lies within the floodplain of the river and is influenced by the rise and fall of the river. These wetlands would not be affected at all by reduction in flows from the wells. Middlebrooks has contended that the flow from his wells provides a benefit to the Wekiva River by improving water quality in the river. Extensive water quality data showing the quality of discharges from Canoe Creek, versus ambient conditions in the river both upstream and downstream of Canoe Creek, do not support this assertion. The flow from Canoe Creek does not reduce temperatures in the river nor does it provide a thermal refuge for fish. Dissolved oxygen levels in the water flowing out of Canoe Creek are virtually the same as in the Wekiva River upstream of the creek. Chloride concentrations in the Canoe Creek discharge are 17 times higher than in the river itself. Total coliforms are higher in the Canoe Creek discharge than in the river itself. Although there is a slight reduction in nutrients as a result of the Canoe Creek flow, this slight reduction has no impact in a fast moving system such as the Wekiva River. Significantly, the flow from Canoe Creek violates State Water Quality Standards for specific conductivity (an indicator of the level of mineralization.) The probable source of this violation is the mineralized water flowing from Middlebrooks' wells. Reduction in flows from the wells would not degrade water quality in the Wekiva River and would likely eliminate the source of a specific conductance water quality violation. The 12.5 million gallons per day of groundwater which flows through Middlebrooks' wells (as distinguished from the 31.7 million gallons per year that is used for household type use) is primarily used by him to enable him to charge visitors to swim in the water. Any other uses of the water are secondary. The absolute deadline for making application to the District for continuation of existing uses and thereby to be evaluated as an existing legal user was September 11, 1985. The first application filed by Middlebrooks for an allocation of water for a use other than household type use was filed on September 13, 1988, exactly three years after the deadline for the use to be classified as and evaluated as an existing use. No exemption was sought or claimed for the water supplying the swimming area prior to the September 11, 1985, deadline.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered by the District Board approving the issuance of a consumptive use permit to C.E. Middlebrooks for the amounts and under the terms and conditions established in the District's Technical Staff Report dated March 24, 1989. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 31st day of January, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of January, 1990. APPENDIX The following constitute specific rulings on the findings of fact proposed by the Petitioners. FACTS PROPOSED BY PETITIONER MIDDLEBROOKS 1-8 Adopted in paragraph 1. 9-12 The existence of a prior "springs" was not proven by a preponderance of evidence and these findings are rejected, with the exception of the date of purchase, which is adopted in paragraph 2. 13 Rejected as unnecessary. 14-18 See 9-12, above. 19-36 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate to the facts found. 37 Adopted in paragraph 10. 38-43 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate. 44 Adopted in paragraph 10. 45-46 Adopted in substance in paragraph 24. 47, 48 Adopted in part in paragraph 9. The extent of use was not established. Rejected, except as to the existence of the injunction, which is adopted in paragraph 20. This injunction was apparently the result of neighbors' concern over a proposed rock concert to be held at the site. Adopted in paragraph 19. 51-53 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate. 54, 55 Rejected as unsupported by the weight of evidence. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Adopted in paragraph 12. Rejected as unsupported by the evidence. 59-63 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate. 64-79 Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 80-81 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 85-90 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate. Adopted in substance in paragraph 9. Rejected as contrary to the evidence (the "efficiency" of the bathing area). Adopted in part in paragraph 20, otherwise rejected as unnecessary. 94-99 Rejected as cumulative. These same facts are addressed above. 100-101 Adopted in part in paragraph 22. 102-168 Rejected as cumulative. These same facts are addressed above. 109-113 Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 114 Rejected as cumulative 115-118 Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Rejected as unnecessary and irrelevant. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Rejected as irrelevant. FACTS PROPOSED BY PETITIONER STS Adopted in substance in paragraphs 1 and 5. Adopted in substance in paragraphs 3 and 4. Adopted in paragraphs 6 and 7. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in substance in paragraph 4. Adopted in substance in paragraph 5. Addressed in the Preliminary Statement. Adopted in paragraph 11, conclusions of law. Adopted in paragraph 33. Adopted in substance in paragraphs 24 and 25. Adopted in paragraphs 19 and 25. Adopted in substance in paragraphs 22 and 23. Adopted in paragraph 33. Adopted in substance in paragraph 17. Adopted in substance in paragraph 15. Adopted in substance in paragraph 16. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 19-22 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert A. Routa, Esquire P.O. Box 6506 Tallahassee, FL 32314-6506 Frank Matthews, Esquire Kathleen Blizzard, Esquire P.O. Box 6526 Tallahassee, FL 32314-6526 Wayne E. Flowers, Esquire P.O. Box 1429 Palatka, FL 32178-1429 Henry Dean, Executive Director P.O. Box 1429 Palatka, FL 32178-1429 =================================================================
The Issue The issue is whether Respondent Koreshan Unity Foundation, Inc., is entitled to a environmental resource permit for the construction of a wooden footbridge over the Estero River east of U.S. Route 41 and authorization to obtain by easement a right to use sovereign submerged lands.
Findings Of Fact Respondent Koreshan Unity Foundation, Inc. (Koreshan) is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to the preservation of the Koreshan heritage. Koreshan derives its heritage from a largely self-sufficient community that occupied land in south Lee County. For several years, Koreshan has owned a parcel of 14.56 acres at the southeast corner of U.S. Route 41 and the Estero River. This parcel is bounded on the south by Corkscrew Road and contains an amphitheater and historical house, midway between the river and Corkscrew Road. The south end of this parcel contains a museum and parking area with access to Corkscrew Road. The approximate dimensions of the 14.56-acre parcel are 544 feet along the river, 496 feet along Corkscrew Road, and about 1273 feet along the west and the east property lines. The west property line is U.S. Route 41. The right-of-way for U.S. Route 41 is wider at the southern two-thirds of the parcel than the northern one-third of the parcel. A sidewalk runs on the east side of U.S. Route 41 from north of the river, across the U.S. Route 41 bridge, along the west boundary of Koreshan's property, at least to an entrance near the middle of the 14.56-acre parcel. In October 1996, Koreshan acquired 8.5 acres of land at the northeast corner of the U.S. Route 41 and the river. The purpose of the acquisition was to provide parking for persons coming to Koreshan-sponsored events, such as music performances, at the 14.56-acre site. Koreshan rents a small portion of this northerly parcel to a canoe-rental business, which operates where the bridge and river meet. To assist their visitors-some of whom are elderly and disabled--in gaining access to the 14.56-acre site, on November 26, 1996, Koreshan filed an application for a permit and authorization to construct a wooden footbridge across the Estero River about 315 feet east of the U.S. Route 41 bridge. The source of the Estero River is to the east of the U.S. Route 41 bridge and the location of the proposed bridge. After passing under the U.S. Route 41 bridge, the river runs along the Koreshan state park, which is a short distance east of U.S. Route 41, before it empties into the Gulf of Mexico at Estero Bay, which is a state aquatic preserve. The portion of the river at the site of the proposed bridge is an Outstanding Florida Waterway (OFW) and a Class III water. The river is popular with canoeists and kayakers. Persons may rent canoes and kayaks at the canoe rental business operating on the 8.5-acre parcel or the Koreshan state park. Although most canoeists and kayakers proceed downstream toward the bay, a significant number go upstream past the U.S. Route 41 bridge. Upstream of the bridge, the river narrows considerably. Tidal currents reach upstream of the U.S. Route 41 bridge. At certain tides or in strong winds, navigating a canoe or kayak in this area of the river can be moderately difficult. Even experienced canoeists or kayakers may have trouble maintaining a steady course in this part of the river. Less experienced canoeists or kayakers more often have trouble staying on course and avoiding other boats, the shore, vegetation extending from the water or shoreline, or even the relatively widely spaced supports of the U.S. Route 41 bridge pilings, which are about 30 feet apart. Mean high water is at 1.11 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum. The deck of the proposed footbridge would be 9 feet, 6 inches wide from rail to rail and 16 feet wide in total. The proposed footbridge would extend about 180 feet, spanning 84 feet of water from shore to shore. The bridge- ends would each be about 50 feet and would each slope at a rate of 1:12. The proposed footbridge would rest on nine pilings: four in the uplands and five in the submerged bottom. The elevation of the bottom of the footbridge from the water surface, at mean high water, would be 8 feet, 8 inches. The distance between the centers of the pilings would be 14 feet, and each piling would be of a minimum diameter of 8 inches. According to a special permit condition, the pilings would be treated with chromated copper arsenate, as a preservative, but they would be wrapped in impermeable plastic or PVC sleeves so as, in the words of the proposed permit, "to reduce the leaching of deleterious substances from the pilings." The proposed permit requires that the sleeves shall be installed from at least 6 inches below the level of the substrate to at least 1 foot above the seasonal highwater line and shall be maintained over the life of the facility. The proposed permit also requires that the footbridge be limited to pedestrian traffic only, except for wheelchairs. The permit requires the applicant to install concrete-filled steel posts adjacent to the bridge to prevent vehicles from using the bridge. The proposed permit requires that Koreshan grant a conservation easement for the entire riverbank running along both shorelines of Koreshan's two parcels, except for the dock and boat ramp used by the canoe-rental business. The proposed permit also requires Koreshan to plant leather fern or other wetland species on three-foot centers along the river banks along both banks for a distance of 30 feet. The proposed permit states that the project shall comply with all applicable water quality standards, including the antidegradation permitting requirements of Rule 62-4.242, Florida Administrative Code. Respondents did not raise standing as an affirmative defense. It appears that Petitioners or, in the case of corporate Petitioners, members and officers all live in the area of the Estero River and use the river regularly. For instance, Petitioner Dorothy McNeill resides one mile south of the proposed bridge on a canal leading to the Estero River, which she uses frequently. She is the president and treasurer of Petitioner Estero Conservancy, whose mission is to preserve the Estero River in its natural state. Petitioner Ellen W. Peterson resides on Corkscrew Road, 300-400 feet from the proposed footbridge. For 26 years, she has paddled the river several times weekly, usually upstream because it is prettier. She formerly canoed, but now kayaks. The record is devoid of evidence of the water- quality criteria for the Estero River at the time of its designation as an OFW or 1995, which is the year prior to the subject application. Koreshan has not provided reasonable assurance that the proposed footbridge would not adversely affect the water quality of the Estero River. Although the site of the proposed footbridge is devoid of bottom vegetation and there is no suggestion that this is anything but a natural condition for this part of the riverbottom, there is evidence that the proposed footbridge would adversely affect the water quality in two respects: turbidity caused by the pilings and leaching from the chromated copper arsenate applied to the pilings. The turbidity is probably the greater threat to water quality because it would be a permanent factor commencing with the completion of the installation of the pilings. The leaching of the heavy metals forming the toxic preservative impregnated into the pilings is probable due to two factors: damage to the PVC liner from collisions with inexperienced boaters and high-water conditions that exceed 1 foot over mean high water and, thus, the top of the liner. Both of these factors are exacerbated by flooding, which is addressed below. Koreshan also has failed to provide reasonable assurance that the proposed footbridge is clearly in the public interest under the seven criteria. The proposed footbridge would adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare and the property of others through exacerbated flooding. South Lee County experienced serious flooding in 1995. In response, Lee County and the South Florida Water Management District have attempted to improve the capacity of natural flowways, in part by clearing rivers of snags and other impediments to flow, including, in the case of the Imperial River, a bridge. One important experience learned from the 1995 floods was to eliminate, where possible, structures in the river, such as snags and pilings, that collect debris in floodwaters and thereby decrease the drainage capacity of the waterway when drainage capacity is most needed. Longer term, the South Florida Water Management District is considering means by which to redirect stormwater from the Imperial River drainage to the Estero River drainage. The addition of five pilings (more as the river rose) would exacerbate flooding. On this basis alone, Koreshan has failed to provide reasonable assurance. Additionally, though, the HEC II model output offered by Koreshan does not consider flooding based on out-of-banks flows, but only on the basis of roadway flows. In other words, any assurances as to flooding in the design storm are assurances only that U.S. Route 41 will not be flooded, not that the lower surrounding land will not be flooded. Koreshan failed to provide reasonable assurance that the proposed activity would not adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, for the reasons already stated with respect to water quality. Koreshan failed to provide reasonable assurance that the proposed activity would not adversely affect navigation or the flow of water. The flow of water is addressed above. Navigation is best addressed together with the next criterion: whether the proposed activity would adversely affect fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the activity. Despite the presence of only two public launch sites, boating is popular on the Estero River. Reflective of the population growth of Collier County to the south and the area of Lee County to the north, the number of boaters on the Estero River has grown steadily over the years. The canoe- rental business located on the 8.5-acre parcel rented canoes or kayaks to over 10,000 persons in 1996. Many other persons launched their canoes or kayaks for free from this site and the nearby state park. Lee County businesses derive $800,000,000 annually from tourism with ecotourism a growing component of this industry. The Estero River is an important feature of this industry, and the aquatic preserve at the mouth of the river and the state park just downstream from the proposed footbridge provide substantial protection to the scenic and environmental values that drive recreational interest in the river. It is unnecessary to consider the aesthetic effect of a footbridge spanning one of the more attractive segments of the Estero River. The proposed footbridge and its five pilings effectively divide the river into six segments of no more than 14 feet each. This fact alone diminishes the recreational value of the river for the many canoeists and kayakers who cannot reliably navigate the U.S. Route 41 bridge pilings, which are more than twice as far apart. As to the remaining criteria, the proposed footbridge would be permanent and the condition and relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed activity is high. There is conflicting evidence as to whether the proposed footbridge would adversely affect the remnants of an historic dock, but it is unnecessary to resolve this conflict. The mitigation proposed by Koreshan does not address the deficiencies inherent in the proposed activity.
Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order dismissing the petition of Petitioner Council of Civic Associations, Inc., and denying the application of Respondent Koreshan Unity Foundation, Inc., for an environmental resource permit and authorization to obtain an easement for the use of sovereign land. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of August, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of August, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Kathy Malone Vice President and Treasurer Council of Civic Associations, Inc. Post Office Box 919 Estero, Florida 33919-0919 Reginald McNeill Dorothy McNeill, President Estero Conservancy, Inc. 26000 Park Place Estero, Florida 33928 Mark E. Ebelini Humphrey & Knott, P.A. 1625 Hendry Street, Suite 301 Fort Myers, Florida 33901 Phyllis Stanley, President 12713-3 McGregor Boulevard Fort Myers, Florida 33919 Cathy S. Reiman Cummings & Lockwood Post Office Box 413032 Naples, Florida 34101-3032 Francine M. Ffolkes Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Kathy Carter, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 F. Perry Odom, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000
Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited above, it is recommended that petitioner's application for a permit to connect his canal to the Caloosahatchee River be DENIED. Respectfully submitted and entered this 22nd day of December, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of December, 1976.
Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following Findings of Fact are made: Petitioner is a property owners association. Its members own property in the Cahill Pines and Palms subdivision (hereinafter referred to as "Cahill") located on Big Pine Key in township 66 south, range 29 east, in Monroe County, Florida. Cahill is a primarily residential, waterfront subdivision with a man- made canal system. It was platted in 1955. Construction of the canal system began shortly thereafter and was completed in the early 1970's. The Cahill canal system consists of six canals: a 2300 feet long and 75 foot wide, east-west, main feeder canal that dead-ends at its eastern terminus and connects with Pine Channel at its western end /2 (hereinafter referred to as "Canal #1"); and four shorter, /3 but as wide, north-south canals which dead-end at their northern termini and either intersect with, or but for an obstruction would intersect with, Canal #1, at their southern ends (hereinafter referred to as, from west to east, "Canals #2, 3, 4, 5, and 6"). The approximate average water depths of the six canals are as follows: Canal #1, first 1500 feet, west to east: 17.1 feet; Canal #1, remaining 800 feet: 13.3 feet; Canal #2: 16.9 feet; Canal #3: 14.4 feet; Canal #4: 13.2 feet; Canal #5: 13.5 feet; and Canal #6: 15.3 feet. At the northern end of Canal #2 is a full-service commercial marina which has been in operation for at least seven years. The Cahill canal system is obstructed in two areas by earthen plugs: at the southern end of Canal #3 (hereinafter referred to as the "north plug"); and in Canal #1, approximately 1500 feet to the east of Pine Channel (hereinafter referred to as the "south plug"). The two plugs, which contain seagrasses, mangroves and other vegetation, are located on land that is privately owned and that has not been acquired by the federal government to be a part of the National Key Deer Refuge. Because of the existence of the plugs, navigational access to the open waters of Pine Channel from the Cahill canal system is available only from Canal #2 and from that portion of Canal #1 that is to the west of the south plug (hereinafter referred to as the "open or unplugged canals"). The remainder of the canal system is closed off (hereinafter referred to as the "closed or plugged canals"). The open canals contain a total of 25.964 million gallons of water and the closed canals contain a total of 38.964 million gallons of water. Neither the water in the open canals nor the water in the closed canals is presently of substandard quality. Fish and mollusks of various types are in abundant supply in the closed canals. There is a greater diversity and a larger number of living species in the open canals, however. The vegetation on the lots surrounding the Cahill canal system consists primarily of Australian Pines. The lack of other vegetation has resulted in scarification and presents a problem in terms of stormwater runoff entering the canals. This is particularly true with respect to the undeveloped lots, which are unlandscaped /4 and do not have an artificial shoreline. Of the 228 lots in the Cahill subdivision, approximately 73 are on the open canals (hereinafter referred to as the "open lots") and 155 are on the closed canals (hereinafter referred to as the "closed lots"). Approximately 44 of the open lots and approximately 75 of the closed lots are developed. Undeveloped open lots, on the average, sell for approximately $50,000.00. The average selling price of undeveloped closed lots is approximately $14,000.00 or $15,000.00. As a general rule, open lot residents of the Cahill subdivision, unlike their closed lot counterparts, have boats docked behind their homes. There is, as might be expected, considerably more boat traffic on the open canals than on the closed canals. The north and south plugs were the subject of a civil complaint filed in 1980 by the federal government in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida against Peace River Groveland, Inc., Charles Kinsell, Jr., and J.R. Shields. The matter was resolved by the entry of the following order by the judge assigned to the case: Whereas, the plaintiff, the United States of America, has filed a complaint in the above-styled matter, and the plaintiff and the defendant, by their respective attorneys, have each consented to the making and entry of this Final Judgment without further pleading or trial or adjudication of or finding on any issues of fact or law raised by the complaint. NOW, THEREFORE, without trial or adjudication of any issue of fact or law herein, and without this Final Judgment constituting evidence or admission by any party with respect to any issue in the pending action or in any other proceeding, and upon consent of the parties, it is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED as follows: I This Court has jurisdiction of the subject matter of this action and of the parties thereto. II The provisions of this Final Judgment shall be binding upon the parties jointly and severally, their successors and assigns; all directors, officers, agents, servants, and employees of the defendants. III For the purposes of this Order, all references to geographical locations shall be directed to the annotated Plat of the Cahill Pines and Palms Subdivision, Section 26 and 27, Township 66 South, Range 29 East, Monroe County, Florida, attached to this Order as Exhibit "A". IV Plaintiff and Defendants agree that PEACE RIVER GROVELAND, INC., owned and developed Blocks 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 of Cahill Pines and Palms Subdivision, Big Pine Key, in Sections 26 and 27, Township 66 South, range 29 East, Monroe County, Florida. During 1972 canals were excavated and plugs were left in at points "A" and "B". Between 1974 and 1979 the plugs (at Points "A" and "B") were breached two times by parties unknown. Both times the defendant, PEACE RIVER GROVELAND, INC., restored the plugs. V Defendants agree to maintain these canal plugs to the restored dimensions, unless and until an United States Army Corps of Engineers' permit to remove or otherwise alter these plugs has been granted. VI Plaintiff agrees to record this document in the official property records of Monroe County, Florida. VII Jurisdiction is retained for purpose of enabling the party to this Final Judgment to apply to this Court at any time for such further order and directions as may be necessary or appropriate for construction or carrying out of this Final Judgment, or for the modification or termination of any of the provisions thereof or for the enforcement or compliance thereof. Petitioner, on several prior occasions, has unsuccessfully sought a permit from the Department to remove the plugs. Its most recent prior application was denied by final order issued March 24, 1981, which adopted "in toto" the Recommended Order that the Hearing Officer had issued following a February 6, 1981, hearing. The permit application at issue in the instant case (hereinafter referred to as the "Application") was filed with the Department on July 19, 1991. It requests permission to permanently remove, to a depth of -5.5 feet N.G.V.D., the north and the south plugs, which, the Application accurately states, "are presently creating the blockages to property owners' access to Pine Channel and open water." The amount of material to be removed is considerably less than 10,000 cubic yards. Accompanying the Application was a letter, dated February 9, 1991, from John Cahill to Petitioner's President, the body of which read, in pertinent part, as follows: In response to your letter of January 28, 1991, we have no objections to you (as President of Cahill's Pines & Palms Property Owners Association) establishing a class action to remove the two blockages of the canals in said property. However, some years ago we sold the parcel which includes the blockages (and the present canals). At hand I do not have the addresses of the individuals that purchased this parcel but I am sure that if you contact either: Eric Kip . . . . or William Bradley . . . . They will be able to lead you in contacting them. I do appreciate that if opened these canals will connect to the canals which the County of Monroe has listed as owned by the heirs of Agnes M. Cahill[. I]f this is the reason for contacting us, you do in fact have our permission to proceed at your expense. I have not written to the County regarding this matter for the above mentioned reasons. The Department did not deem the Application complete until the spring of 1993, after it had received from Petitioner the results of a study of the Cahill canal system and its environs that had been done by John Larkin, an environmental consultant Petitioner had hired to perform the water quality sampling the Department required. Representatives of the Department and Petitioner engaged in considerable debate regarding the methods to be employed in conducting such sampling. A meeting on the matter was held on September 24, 1992, in the Department's Fort Myers office. Following the meeting, Petitioner's President sent the following letter, dated November 2, 1992, to Greg O'Connell, an Environmental Supervisor II in the Department's Water Resource Regulation Section: In regards to our meeting on September 1992 at your office for the compliance hearing, we have concluded that D.E.R. has accepted and acknowledged the completion of the original information supplied with ou[r] application with the exception of a water sample and a hydrographic survey as outlined during our meeting. The test sample stations and completion with four sample stations to be submitted to Mr. Ken Echternacht, P.E. of D.E.R. in Tallahassee. To further update our efforts and for your benefit as Superintendent of our application file, we had a meeting of our association membership and all present unanimously agreed to continue with our application to remove two plugs in the Cahill Subdivision located in Big Pine Key, Florida. The financial expense of approximately $17,000.00 is presently being negotiated. Mr. John Larkin will head these two remaining items of the completeness study. Mr. David Horan will continue as our representative and consulting attorney and continue to handle any exceptional litigations required. We would appreciate a written response to this letter and a directive from your office to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Miami and the Dept. of Environmental Regulation in Marathon, Florida that our processing is being continued and that our application is not suspended at this time, as directed in your letter to these offices at an early date. Thank you for your continued work on this case. The Department responded to this November 2, 1992, letter, by sending the following letter to Petitioner's President: The Department received your letter on November 6, 1992 regarding the meeting held in the District's Fort Myers office on September 24, 1992. Water quality sampling and a hydrographic survey are the remaining items that prevent your application from being complete. As discussed in the September 24, 1992 meeting you are concerned about keeping costs down by sampling at a minimum number of stations and performing a minimum number of parameter analyses. Please be advised that the resultant data from four (4) sampling stations at unidentified locations must provide reasonable assurance that water quality will not be degraded by the proposed canal plug removal before a permit can be issued. All water quality sample results should be submitted to the Department's District Office at the above address. Application No. 441998285 remains incomplete as stated in the previous Department completeness summary letters. The Department is not pursuing denial of your application for failure to supply additional information since you have provided notification that progress is being made towards providing the remaining completeness items. Please provide the Department with an approximate date that the water quality data and hydrographic survey will be submitted. Until the completeness items are submitted, all processing of the application is suspended. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Greg O'Connell at our Fort Myers office at the letterhead address or by telephone at (813) 332-6975. Water column and sediment samples were collected by Larkin in or around January of 1993. The samples were collected from four stations: two in the closed canals (one in Canal #3 and the other in Canal #5); one in the open canals, just to the south of the north plug; and one in Pine Channel. Samples from all four stations were integrated or composited and the integrated/composited samples were then tested and analyzed. The sediment samples were tested and analyzed one day after the expiration of the maximum allowable "holding time." With this one exception, the collection of the samples and their testing and analysis was accomplished in a scientifically sound manner designed to obtain accurate and reliable information regarding the composition and properties of these samples. It was Larkin's intention, if the testing and analysis of the integrated/composite samples revealed any "spike" (i.e., the presence of any contaminant in excess of minimum detection limits), to collect additional samples from each of the four stations and have them tested separately so as to determine from which station or stations the detected contaminant or contaminants had come. The testing and analysis of the integrated/composite water column samples failed to reveal the presence of any contaminants in excess of minimum detection levels, and the results of the testing and analysis of the sediment samples, considered in conjunction with the reported visual observations that had been made regarding the outstanding transparency of the water in the Cahill canal system, reflected no abnormalities of concern. Accordingly, no additional sampling, testing or analysis was done before this information was provided to the Department. In or about late February of 1993, the Department received the initial results of Larkin's study. By letter dated March 25, 1993, the Department notified Petitioner's President of what it considered to be the study's shortcomings. The body of the letter read as follows: The Department received your water quality sampling results on February 24 and 26, 1993. The sampling methodology used to collect the samples for the following parameters is not consistent with the Department and EPA procedures: WATER COLUMN Gasoline by-products Diesel by-products Pesticide scan Oils and grease SEDIMENT CHEMISTRY Aluminum Cadmium Copper lead Zinc Arsenic Diesel by-products Pesticide scan Herbicide scan Total organic carbon Specifically the background station was composited with potential impact stations (samples collected within the plugged canals) and a station located just outside of plugged canals. The data submitted does not provide representative water column and sediment quality in the plugged canals because it was mixed with the ambient station. The "integrated composites" collected and analyzed provide no means to compare the potential impact areas (plugged canals) with the ambient water quality. The purpose of collecting the water quality data is to determine if the proposed opening of the plugged canal system will have an [e]ffect on the adjacent Outstanding Florida Waters. The sampling methodology utilized is invalid and does not address the purpose of this investigation. The Department cannot make a determination of what potential impacts the opening of the plugged canal systems will have on the adjacent Outstanding Florida Waters. Reasonable assurances have not been provided that ambient water quality will not be degraded by the proposed canal plug removal. The total suspended solid samples were run after the expiration of the holding time and the resultant data is invalid. Water column total organic carbon samples were collected at depths and bottom, not mid-depth and 20 cm. above bottom as requested. Oxidation reduction potential data was collected at a sample depth of 2' and 10', not at 20 cm. above the bottom as requested. Please resample the above parameters using methodology consistent with the Department's request or request that the Department continue to process your application with the data submitted. The Department has not received the hydrographic survey requested in previous completeness summaries and discussed in the September 24, 1992 meeting held in the District's Fort Myers office. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Greg O'Connell of our Fort Myers office at the letterhead address or by telephone at (813) 332-6975. Larkin, on behalf of Petitioner, responded to the Department by letter dated March 27, 1993. In his letter, Larkin argued that the sampling, testing and analytical procedures and techniques that were employed in his study were those upon which the Department and Petitioner agreed at their September 24, 1992, meeting in Fort Myers. Larkin asserted that "[t]his agreement was formed between the agency (FDER) and the Property Owners to save on exorbitant testing costs" and that the procedures and techniques agreed upon are "proven and accepted . . . throughout all agencies and . . . widely used to accomplish cost savings." Larkin then stated the following: The results were that there was no indication of any pollutant in the water column. The metals were all in normal range for any background comparison. The sediments showed counts in Fluoranthene (2700 ug/kg), Silvex (less than 0.75 ug/kg) and 2,4-D (less than 7.5 ug/kg). All parameters in the composite water column samplings were below contamination levels, even at the multiplier of 4 and found in much greater quantities throughout the Florida Keys. Consequently, no additional testing would be necessary as per our agreement. As indicated by your March 25, 1993 letter, it seems that you (FDER) are ignoring our compliance meeting on September 24, 1992 in regard to this issue. As you have stated, "the integrated composites collected and analyzed, provide no means to compare the potential impact areas (plugged canals) with the ambient water quality" is partially true. What is not stated, is that the composite water column data- at "extremely low" limits of detection- show no indication of parameters that would effect the quality of any water- anywhere- at any time, even at 4 times the minimum detection limit. Therefore, the procedure has saved the property owners several dollars in testing costs and should [as]sure F.D.E.R. that there [are] no water column pollutants in the area of the 4 stations, including the ambient areas. Ergo, the ambient water quality will not be degraded by the proposed canal plug removal and is even more clear to that fact in the individual testing included at the individual stations. In regard to the suspended solids being tested after the expiration of the holding period, please forgive the lab on record. The samples and handling of the same were completed as noted in the enclosed chain of custody record. The lab apologizes and will re-run any more TSS samples free of charge, if necessary. However, the future sampling will most likely be of better quality. As stated in the data sent to F.D.E.R., there was a 3" rain event just before sampling. As stated in the study in regard to secchi disc readings, the water clarity was improving. Please advise me if you want repeated sampling of the parameter or if you will accept the long approved method of secchi reading in lieu of the fact the ambient water was less clear than the closed canals. Water column T.O.C. samples were collected as required. The lab report only typed out the last word of the sample description. Please refer to the sample data (samples run on sample points as calibrated insitu on Jan. 13, 1993 data sheet) and also on the enclosed chain of custody record. Oxidation redux potential was not only taken as required, but was included at many other depths and stations where it was not required by F.D.E.R. Please refer to Jan. 13 & Jan. 18, 1993 sample data insitu sheets. Also please read about the RPD (Redux Potential- Discontinuity layer) in the conclusion section of my report. In light of the above facts, I request that you read the Cahill Canal Study sent to you in depth and please note that the additional data included in the study paints a picture of un-requiredthe Cahill canal eco-system,[ a] holistic view that show[s] the plugged canals as no threat whatsoever to the ambient waters. With respect to the "hydrographic survey" the Department required, Larkin promised to provide a "complete study" sometime after April 8, 1993. Following this exchange of letters in March of 1993, neither Petitioner nor anyone acting on its behalf conducted any further water column or sediment sampling, testing or analysis. On or about May 20, 1993, the Department conducted a field survey and appraisal of the project site. During its field survey and appraisal, the Department took approximately 56 dissolved oxygen readings at 19 different stations (18 in the Cahill canal system and one in Pine Channel). /5 The highest reading was 13.3 milligrams per liter, which was obtained at a station at the northern terminus of Canal #3. There were only two readings below 5.0 milligrams per liter (a 4.5 milligrams per liter reading obtained at a station in Canal #6 and a 4.6 milligrams per liter reading obtained at a station in Canal #5). The two readings obtained from the station in Pine Channel were both 9.3 milligrams per liter. The hydrographic information that Petitioner provided the Department was reviewed by Kenneth Echternacht, a hydrologist employed by the Department. After reviewing the information, Echternacht reached the following scientifically sound and credible conclusions, which he reduced to writing in a memorandum, dated June 25, 1993, that he sent to O'Connell: The estimated flushing for the presently open portion of the waterway was calculated to be 14.5 days. The flushing for the open section exceeds the 4 day flushing criterion by approximately 3.6 times. Clearly, the open portion poses a potential problem to the maintenance of acceptable water quality. For the presently closed sections of the waterway, the calculated flushing time was found to be 38.6 days. Again, this system would pose a significant potential for contamination to adjacent open waters if opened for use. The waters behind the barrier that presently appear to pose no problem would clearly become a repository for contaminants associated with boat usage. Because of the exceptionally long flushing time, contaminants would build up over time. Below standard water quality throughout the waterway would be expected and, associated with this, below standard water would be exported into adjacent clean water on each ebbing tide. Recommendation Based on hydrographic considerations, the project is not permittable. On August 20, 1993, the Department issued a notice of its intent to deny Petitioner's application for a permit for its plug removal project. In its notice the Department listed six proposed "changes to the project [that] may make the project permittable." Removal of the plugs as proposed will result, at least temporarily, in the elimination of the vegetation presently found on the plugs. Any regrowth would take six months to a year and be in the form of seagrasses or algae. Petitioner's plug removal project will also spur development in the Cahill subdivision and lead to an increase in boat traffic in the Cahill canal system, as well as in the adjacent waters of Pine Channel. Such activity will result in the discharge of additional contaminants in these waterways. As Echternacht stated in his June 25, 1993, memorandum that he sent to O'Connell, "[b]ecause of the [canal system's] exceptionally long flushing time, [these] contaminants would build up over time" and result in a significant degradation of the water quality of not only the Cahill canals, but also of Pine Channel, into which Cahill canals flow. This degradation of water quality will have an adverse effect on marine productivity and the conservation of fish and wildlife that now inhabit these waterways. Consequently, in the long run, the removal of the plugs will negatively impact fishing opportunities in the area. On the other hand, the project will have a beneficial effect on navigation and recreational boating and related activities. It will have no impact on historical and archaeological resources. Backfilling the canals to a depth of -6.0 MLW in conjunction with plug removal, as the Department suggested in its August 20, 1993, Notice of Permit Denial, would result in less deterioration of water quality than would otherwise be the case, but it would not completely solve the water quality problems caused by plug removal. Moreover, such backfilling would create an ideal habitat for the upside-down stinging jellyfish, whose presence would discourage people from using the canals for swimming and similar recreational activities. In any event, Petitioner has indicated that this proposed mitigative measure is unacceptable to it. Petitioner has proposed no mitigative measures of its own, although it has suggested that "future monitoring could be set up to determine any possible water quality deterioration" and if "there was any 'significant' water quality deterioration . . . the plugs could be reconstructed in their present location."
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order denying Petitioner's application for a dredge and fill permit to remove the north and south plugs separating the open and closed canals in the Cahill canal system. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 9th day of May, 1994. STUART M. LERNER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of May, 1994.
Findings Of Fact By application filed on October 29, 1980, Respondent/Applicant, Harvey B. Ulano, sought the issuance of a permit from Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation, to authorize the construction of a private pier for mooring a sailboat at 2640 Northwest Collins Cove Road, Stuart, Florida. A copy of the permit application may be found as DER Exhibit 1. The property in question lies on the North Fork of the St. Lucie River in St. Lucie County. The River is classified as a Class III Water of the Sate. Respondent/Applicant's proposal was received by the Department and reviewed for compliance with applicable State water quality standards. The Department concluded that all statutory and rule requirements, criteria, standards and provisions had been met, including those pertaining to biological productivity impact, water quality and navigation. On January 23, 1981, the Department issued its Letter of Intent to Issue a permit with certain conditions therein, including a prohibition against any dredging and filling associated with the project, the required restoration of submerged lands disturbed by construction activities to their original configuration, the employment of an effective means of turbidity control, and a prohibition against live aboards on boats docked at the pier. A copy of the Letter of Intent to Issue may be found as DER Exhibit 2. The applicant intends to construct a 276 foot long pier from an existing concrete retaining wall on his property which fronts the St. Lucie River. The pier will be built at a perpendicular angle with the shoreline and will be 6 feet wide for the first 240 feet, and 12 feet wide for the remainder of its length. There will be no building or boathouse constructed on the dock, nor will pilings extend above the docking until the area where the boats will be tied. The river is approximately 1500 to 2000 feet wide at the proposed project site. However, the depth of the water close to the shoreline is not sufficient to moor larger boats at low tide. Therefore, it is necessary that the length of the pier be 276 feet in order to insure a minimum 3-foot water depth at all times. Applicant's lot is odd-shaped in size. The waterfront footage is approximately 135 feet. Its sides measure approximately 330 feet on the north boundary and 200 feet on the south. The property of Petitioner, Werner Jungmann, adjoins that of Applicant on the south side and also fronts the river. The pier will be constructed on the northwest corner of Ulano's property, which is the most distant point from Jungmann. Because of the odd shapes of the Applicant's and Petitioner's lots, the end of the pier will project slightly within the lakeward extension of Jungmann's property line. However, the design of the pier is such that it should not obstruct or impair the view of the river now enjoyed by the Petitioner. Navigation in the river and existing channel adjacent to the pier will not be affected by the proposed activity. The shallow water depth in the river next to the shoreline already precludes movements by boats close to the shore. The Department has imposed certain conditions upon the construction and future use of the pier (DER Exhibit 2). These conditions, together with the plans submitted by Applicant (DER Exhibit 1), constitute reasonable assurances that the short-term and long-term effects of the proposed activity will not result in violations of the water quality criteria, standards, requirements and provisions of the Florida Administrative Code, and that the proposed activity will not discharge, emit or cause pollution in contravention of Department standards, rules or regulations.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation issue Respondent/Applicant, Harvey B. Ulano, a permit to construct a private pier for mooring a sailboat on the North Fork, St. Lucie River, subject to those conditions set forth in the Department's Letter of Intent to Issue dated February 23, 1981. DONE and ENTERED this 29th day of May, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of May, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: Ernon N. Sidaway, III, Esquire Post Office Box 3388 Fort Pierce, Florida 33454 Alfred J. Malefatto, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Edward B. Galante, Esquire Suite 310 Florida National Bank Building 301 East Ocean Boulevard Stuart, Florida 33494