Findings Of Fact Petitioner and Respondent agreed to the following facts: On November 23, 1975, Herschel and Audi Motes, a deputy sheriff with the Putnam County Sheriff's Department, died of a heart attack while arresting an individual who struggled with the arresting Louise Motes, Petitioner in this cause, was married to Herschel Audi Motes at the time of his death, thereby becoming his widow. Mrs. Motes remains unmarried to date and is qualified as to her status for all of the rights and benefits granted January 21, 1976, Sheriff E.W. Pellicer wrote a letter to the Department of Administration, Division of Personnel and Retirement, furnishing the Department with the record of Mr. Motes' salary, contributions to the retirement fund, together with the dates of his employment. The letter concluded by stating, "I would appreciate hearing from you at an early date and if anything further is needed, please advise." The letter was signed by E.W. Pellicer, Sheriff, Putnam County, Florida. On March 10, 1976, Mrs. Motes received a letter from Marjorie B. Smith, Retirement Benefits Specialist, with the letter showing a copy to Mr. E.W. Pellicer. The letter stated as follows: "As the designated beneficiary and surviving spouse of Herschel A. Motes, who died November 23, 1975, you are entitled to the refund of the accumulated retirement contributions which amount to $4,325.69 or the Option 3 monthly retirement benefit. If you desire the refund of the contributions, you should execute a request for refund, form . . . which must be completed in the personnel office of the Putnam County Sheriff's Department If you prefer the Option 3 monthly retirement benefit, which has been computed to be $125.29 based on 18.30 years of service, you should execute the enclosed form FST-11b on which a single beneficiary must be designated and send your personal remittance in the amount of $1,089.23 made payable to the Florida Retirement System. This payment is necessary to allow credit for four years of military service, service rendered from April through August 1963, and complete payment of the necessary contributions for the 1963-64 and 1964-65 years. This monthly benefit, if elected instead of the refund, is a lifetime income which will continue even though you should remarry. In the event of your death prior to receiving in monthly benefits an amount equal to the total accumulated retirement contributions, any contribution on deposit in excess of the total monthly benefits paid will be refunded to your beneficiary. Please let us know if we may be of further assistance." (emphasis added). Enclosed with this letter was form FST-11b which is an "Application of Beneficiary for Monthly Benefits." The form. Joint Exhibit I, contained no reference whatsoever to any rights or benefits under Section 121.091(7)(c)(1), Florida Statutes (the death in the line of duty benefits). Either the Division of Retirement or a Mrs. Key, with the Sheriff's Office of Putnam County, had filled in the blank portions of the first sentence of the form by writing "121" and "3" in the blanks where the form states "Chapter 121, Option 3." The remainder of the form is typed in except for the signature of Louise A. Motes. After filing the "application" through the Putnam County Sheriff's Office, and receiving her first benefit check, Mrs. Motes had a conversation with a Mr. Ronald Clark of Palatka, Florida, about workmens' compensation comprehension benefits. As a result of that conversation, she went to an attorney, who filed a workmens' compensation claim for her. Sometime thereafter, Mrs. Motes was going through some of her husband's papers, which were contained in a filing cabinet at the Sheriff's Office, which her sons brought home. In those papers, she found a newspaper article that Mr. Motes had cut out and saved which told about the death in the line of duty benefits, a copy of the newspaper articles is attached to and made part of Joint Exhibit K. In response thereto, Mrs. Motes went back to the attorney who had filed her workmens' compensation claim and inquired about the "death in the line of duty retirement benefits" of Section 121.091(7)(c), Florida Statutes. At no time prior to or during her filing out the "application" from the State of Florida, Bureau of Retirement, was she informed by anyone that she might possibly entitled to higher benefits because of the manner in which her husband died. At no time prior to filling out the retirement "application" did she have any actual knowledge that the State paid benefits other than those benefits which had been presented to her which were listed on said application. At no time did the Sheriff's Office inform her that she had any possibility of benefits other than the benefits listed on the above stated State of Florida, Bureau of Retirement, application form. By letter of November 7, 1977, Steven S. Mathues, Assistant Division Attorney for the Division of Retirement, Department of Administration, informed Ms. Jill Brown (the attorney for Mrs. Motes who began the original inquiry as to obtaining the "death in the line of duty benefits"), that " . . . it is this Division's position that all retirement benefits and options become fixed when the first warrant is cashed. However, it would appear that under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, your client would have a right to challenge this position . . . . As I see it, the issue would be whether Mrs. Motes' notarized application . . . and continued acceptance of benefits would estop her from now attempting to change the benefit " Thereafter, Mrs. Motes' case was referred to Mr. Maynard, who after several conferences with Mr. Mathues, the attorney for the Division of Retirement, filed a Petition for Administrative Hearing on Mrs. Motes' behalf, alleging, among other things, that Herschel Audi Motes was killed in the line of duty within the meaning of Section 121.091(7)(c)(1), Florida Statutes. The petition also alleged that the Division's "policy" that as of the moment Mrs. Motes had cashed one of her benefit checks her retirement benefits had vested and could not be changed by her subsequent to that event was within the definition of a rule as defined by Section 120.54(14), Florida Statutes, and that the Division of Retirement had never promulgated such a rule in accord with the procedures required by Chapter 120. Depositions were taken in Daytona, Palatka, and Tallahassee on the issue of whether or not Mr. Motes had been "killed in the line of duty." Subsequent to those depositions, Mr. Mathues informed Petitioner that the Division of Retirement no longer wanted to contest the in line of duty issue. Thereafter, Mr. Mathues and Mr. Maynard, attorney for Petitioner, executed a "Joint Motion for Continuance" which states as follows: "1. The parties have settled all of the questions which relate to the issue of whether Herschel Audi Motes, his widow, to the in line of duty death benefits provided in Chapter121, Florida Statues. The only remaining issue in dispute is whether or not Louise Motes has waived her rights to the in line of duty death benefits provided in Chapter 121, Florida Statutes, because she has been cashing her benefit checks since 1975. The remaining issue is solely a legal issue and does not require any testimony by witnesses, with the possible exception of testimony by Mrs. Motes and/or affidavits from Mrs. Motes and the Putnam County Sheriff's Office if the parties cannot agree to a stipulation of facts. Therefore, this issue can be argued by the undersigned attorneys for the parties in Tallahassee, Florida, at the time and place stated above." The Joint Motion was signed by both Mr. Maynard and Mr. Mathues. In response to that Motion, the hearing officer promulgated an Order entitled "Order of Continuance" which stated: "The parties in the above styled cause have filed a Joint Motion for Continuance of the hearing from February 15, 1979, at 1:00 p.m. in Palatka, Florida, to February 26, 1979, at 10:00 a.m., in Room 103, Collins Building, in Tallahassee, Florida. The Motion is granted. Done and Ordered this 12th day of February, 1979, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida." With the Division of Retirement, Department of Administration, no longer contesting the in line of duty issue, a final hearing was held on February 26, 1979, on the only remaining issue in dispute which is whether or not Louise Motes has waived her rights to the in line of duty death benefits provided by Chapter 121, Florida Statutes, because she has been cashing retirement benefit checks since 1975. The issue as to whether Petitioner's husband died in such a manner as to entitle her to in-line-of-duty death benefits has been settled by agreement of the parties in Petitioner's favor. This Administrative Hearing was held to resolve the issue of whether Petitioner waived her right to the in-line-of-duty death benefits provided in Section 121.091(7)(c)(1), Florida Statutes, inasmuch as she has been cashing benefit checks awarded her pursuant to Section 121.091(6)(a)(3). Inquiry to the Respondent as to subject retirement claim was made by Petitioner, Louise Motes, when she became aware of the possibility of her entitlement to in-line-of-duty death benefits. No rules have been promulgated in relation to Section 121.091(7) Death benefits, although Rule 22B-4.10(5) was promulgated in 1972 (amended 1974) under authority of Section 212.091(6), Florida Statutes.
Recommendation Deny the request of Petitioner to change the retirement benefits she now receives to in-line-of-duty death benefits provided in Chapter 121, Florida Statutes. DONE and ORDERED this 1st day of June, 1979, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DELPHENE C. STRICKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Stephen S. Mathues, Esquire Division of Retirement Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Zollie M. Maynard, Esquire 502 East Jefferson Street Post Office Box 1716 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION DIVISION OF RETIREMENT LOUISE MOTES, Petitioner, vs. DOAH Case NO. 78-2105 DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, DIVISION OF RETIREMENT, Respondent. /
The Issue Whether Respondent, Department of Management Services, Division of Retirement (“Respondent”), is entitled to a deduction of the retirement benefits to be paid to Aubrie-Elle Perez, and if Respondent is entitled to a deduction, whether the deduction should be in the amount of the gross disbursements of $19,833.21 or the net payments to Edward Perez (“Lt. Perez”) in the amount of $17,017.80.
Findings Of Fact The FRS is a public retirement system as defined by Florida law. There are approximately 400,000 active members within the FRS. Respondent is charged with managing, governing, and administering the FRS. In 1997, Lt. Perez began employment with the Miami-Dade County Fire Department. For over 16 years, Lt. Perez served as a fire fighter with the Miami-Dade County Fire Department, his last position being a Lieutenant. Lt. Perez was a vested member of the FRS. Upon his initial employment and enrollment with the FRS in 1997, Lt. Perez entered the Investment Plan and made a retirement benefits election designating that if he died before his retirement and chose not to designate a beneficiary, retirement benefits would be paid in accordance with section 121.091(8), Florida Statutes. Lt. Perez chose not to designate a beneficiary. Thus, according to this statute, retirement benefits would first be paid to Lt. Perez’s spouse, and if no spouse, then to his only child, the Petitioner. Tragically, on April 7, 2013, Lt. Perez collapsed at the fire station. Subsequently, Lt. Perez was diagnosed with a grade-four malignant brain tumor known as a glioblastoma multi-forming--a very aggressive and generally terminal form of brain cancer. There is no cure and the median survival rate for adults with this form of brain cancer is 9 to 14 months. Due to his terminal brain cancer and the treatments he had undergone and was undergoing, Lt. Perez was unable to continue his duties with the Miami-Dade County Fire Department. On February 19, 2014, a two-page FRS Investment Plan Application for Disability Retirement Form PR-13 (“application for disability retirement”), and an FRS Investment Option Selection Form PR-11o (“option selection form”), were submitted to Respondent for Lt. Perez. They were sent to Respondent by mail by Lt. Perez’s sister, Alecs Perez-Crespo. The effect of the application for disability retirement and the selection of Option 1 on the option selection form would be to transfer the monies from the Investment Plan into the Pension Plan, and convert Lt. Perez’s accumulated Investment Plan retirement benefits to monthly disability retirement benefits during his lifetime. Then, upon his death, the monthly benefit payments would stop, and the beneficiary would receive only a relatively small amount, if any--a refund of contributions Lt. Perez had paid into the Investment Plan retirement account, which are in excess of the amount he received in benefits, not including the transferred Investment Plan account balance.2/ The two-page application for disability retirement was not completed by the member, Lt. Perez, and was not signed by Lt. Perez in the presence of a notary public. The option selection form was not completed by the member, Lt. Perez, and was not signed by Lt. Perez in the presence of a notary public. Affirmative medical and factual evidence establishes, and rebuts any legal presumption to the contrary, that Lt. Perez was not mentally, physically, cognitively, or legally competent to execute the option selection form or the application for disability retirement in February 2014, or to understand their legal nature and effect. Nevertheless, Respondent processed the application for disability retirement and option selection form. As a result, Lt. Perez was deemed to have retired effective April 1, 2014, and he forfeited approximately $238,000, which was transferred from the Investment Plan to the Pension Plan. Subsequently, two disability retirement benefit warrants were issued by the State of Florida, Department of Financial Services, to Lt. Perez, via the Pension Plan, in care of Alecs Perez-Crespo, POA. The dates of these warrants are April 30, 2014, and May 30, 2014. Both warrants were endorsed by Ms. Perez-Crespo, “POA For Edward Perez.” Respondent made these disability retirement gross benefit disbursements resulting in net payments to Lt. Perez on the following dates and in the following amounts: April 30, 2014: gross disbursement of $4,950.63, less deducted taxes of $413.20, for a net payment to Lt. Perez of $4,537.43; May 30, 2014: gross disbursement of $4,950.63, less taxes of $413.20 and less a medical insurance deduction of $386.00, for a net payment to Lt. Perez of $4,151.43.3/ A direct deposit authorization for electronic transfer of future retirement benefit warrants into a checking account solely in the name of Lt. Perez was signed by Alecs Perez Crespo, “POA for Edward Perez,” on May 9, 2014. Two additional disability retirement gross benefit disbursements resulting in net payments to Lt. Perez were sent to the checking account of Lt. Perez on the following dates and in the following amounts: June 30, 2014: gross disbursement of $4,950.63, less taxes of $413.20 and less a medical deduction of $386.00, for a net payment to Lt. Perez of $4,151.43; July 31, 2014: gross disbursement of $4,981.32, less taxes of $417.81 and less a medical insurance deduction of $386.00, for a net payment to Lt. Perez of $4,177.51, bringing the total sum of the gross disbursements for the four payments made to Lt. Perez $19,833.21, and the total sum of the net disbursements for the four payments made to Lt. Perez $17,017.80. The net sum of $17,017.80 issued by the Pension Plan as disability retirement benefits to Lt. Perez was deposited into Lt. Perez’s checking account. Accordingly, $19,833.21 (gross)/ $17,017.80 (net), was received by Lt. Perez. Lt. Perez died on July 16, 2014, from the cancer. At the time of Lt. Perez’s death, Petitioner was, and remains, his sole surviving child (natural or adopted). Lt. Perez was not married at the time of his death and, thus, left no surviving spouse. Because of the receipt of the four payments during his lifetime, which are applied first to the personal contributions made by Lt. Perez into the Investment Plan during his lifetime, the amount of Lt. Perez’s small contributions into the plan were exhausted by the time of his death. Therefore, if the option selection form is valid, Petitioner, as the sole beneficiary and child of Lt. Perez, would receive nothing. Respondent concedes that notwithstanding the facial appearance of the option selection form and application for disability retirement, the documents are void and invalid because they failed to comply with the statutory, rule, and manual requirements applicable to properly effectuate the Option 1 selection, in that they were not completed by the member, Lt. Perez, and not signed by Lt. Perez in the presence of a notary public. Respondent concedes that due to Lt. Perez lacking the mental, cognitive, physical, and legal capacity to understand the nature and legal effect of executing the option selection form and application for disability retirement, the purported execution by Lt. Perez of the option selection form and of the application for disability retirement are void and invalid. Respondent concedes that the option selection form is invalid and void ab initio, and Lt. Perez’s earlier selection in 1997, pursuant to section 121.091(8), should be reinstated under the FRS Investment Plan. Respondent concedes that with Lt. Perez having died in 2014 with no surviving spouse, and with Petitioner being his sole surviving child at the time of his death, that the full retirement benefits of $234,035.81, to which Lt. Perez was entitled under his Investment Plan designation of beneficiary should be paid directly to Petitioner. Respondent asserts, however, that the payment of the retirement benefits to which Petitioner is entitled should be reduced by the amount of the four payments made by Respondent to Lt. Perez, which gross disbursements total $19,833.21, or net disbursements total $17,017.80, making the retirement benefits to which Petitioner is entitled to be $214,202.60 or $217,018.01, not $234,035.81. Respondent’s position is correct because the gross benefits in the amount of $19,833.21 were received by Lt. Perez when the four payments, after applicable required deductions, were deposited into his personal checking account. At hearing, no persuasive and credible evidence was presented indicating whatever happened, if anything, to the net payments of $17,017.80 deposited into Lt. Perez’s checking account. No persuasive or credible evidence was presented indicating whether any of the monies were withdrawn from the checking account before or after Lt. Perez’s death. No persuasive or credible evidence was presented indicating that Ms. Perez-Crespo used, diverted, or withdrew any of the funds from the checking account. No bank statements were offered into evidence. Petitioner, who is the personal representative of the estate, did not testify. No accounting of the assets of Lt. Perez’s estate was presented. Even if any of the $17,017.80 was used or diverted by Ms. Perez-Crespo after being deposited into Lt. Perez’s checking account, Petitioner, as personal representative of the estate of Lt. Perez, might have a remedy in another forum to recover such funds from Ms. Perez-Crespo. In any event, such a potential claim, not borne by the evidence presented in the instant proceeding, is beyond the scope of this administrative proceeding. Based on the evidence adduced at hearing and the stipulations of the parties, it is clear that $19,833.21 was received by Lt. Perez when $17,017.80 (after the required deductions) was deposited into his personal checking account. To require Respondent to pay the entire amount of $234,035.81 would result in overpayment of $19,833.21. Respondent is, therefore, entitled to a deduction in the amount of the gross disbursement of $19,833.21.4/
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Respondent, Department of Management Services, Division of Retirement, enter a Final Order requiring that that the total sum of $214,202.60 be returned by Respondent to the FRS Investment Plan for the benefit of Lt. Perez, deceased, and that pursuant to section 121.091(8)(a), Florida Statutes, that Petitioner, Aubrie-Elle Perez, as the sole surviving child of and the sole beneficiary of Lt. Perez, immediately receive the amount of $214,202.60. The undersigned reserves jurisdiction to address issues regarding Petitioner’s entitlement to, and the amount of, attorneys’ fees, costs, and interest. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of January, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DARREN A. SCHWARTZ Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of January, 2017.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Department of Labor and Employment Security, Division of Unemployment Compensation (Division), administers the State Unemployment Compensation Program, which includes the payment of benefits to unemployed individuals and the collection of taxes or reimbursement payments from employers to finance these benefits. By law petitioner is authorized to seek reimbursement from political subdivisions for a pro-rata portion of benefits paid to their employees. If a subdivision fails to timely reimburse the State, the Division may certify the delinquent amount to the Department of Banking and Finance, and request the Comptroller to transfer funds otherwise due that entity to the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund (Trust Fund). If a subdivision contends an employee is not entitled to unemployment benefits, it may contest a claim for benefits with a claim examiner employed by the Division. That decision may be reviewed by an appeals referee, and if either side is still aggrieved, a final administrative appeal may be heard by the full Unemployment Compensation Commission. Those decisions are then reviewed only by the First District Court of Appeal. Respondent, Board of County Commissioners of Flagler County (Board), is a political subdivision of the state, and is required by law to reimburse the Trust Fund for its pro-rate share of benefits paid to former employees. On July 10, 1984, petitioner issued to respondent a notice of intent to certify delinquency wherein it claimed that between October 1, 1979 and December 31, 1983 respondent incurred a liability to the State totaling $6,409.71. This amount included $5,704.92 in benefits paid to former employees and $703.79 for 6 percent interest on overdue payments. That precipitated the instant controversy. The amount due was later reduced to $5,204.79 by the issuance of an amended notice of intent to certify delinquency on January 11, 1985. At hearing respondent conceded it owed all claimed monies except those due for two individuals: Emma Worthington and Margaret Prather. This resolved more than 60 percent of the Division's claim leaving only around $600 in dispute. Emma Worthington was a former employee of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Flagler County (Clerk) and was never employed by the Board of County Commissioners of Flagler County. Nonetheless, for some reason, the Clerk reported Worthington's wages to the Division under the Employer Identification Number assigned to respondent. Because of this, the Division assumed respondent was Worthington's employer. When Worthington was terminated by the Clerk's office, she requested unemployment benefits. The Clerk filed an appeal with a claims examiner contesting the payment of such benefits. The examiner ruled that such benefits were due, and this decision was affirmed by both an appeals referee and the full commission. As required by law, on an undisclosed date the Division forwarded a reimbursement notice to respondent advising that certain monies were due because of unemployment compensation payments made to Worthington. The Board did not respond to this notice but simply referred it to the Clerk's office. There is no evidence that the Division was ever formally notified by the Board that the employee was actually a Clerk employee, that the bill was forwarded to another party, or that the wrong Employer Identification number had been used. The bill was never paid. Margaret Prather was an employee of the Flagler County Supervisor of Elections (Supervisor) when she was terminated from employment. Before that, she was a Board employee. While employed by the Supervisor of Elections, Prather's wages were erroneously reported to the Division under the Employer Identification number of respondent. Because of this, the Division assumed Prather was a Board employee. After she was terminated by the Supervisor, Prather received unemployment benefits. Whether the Supervisor contested these benefits is not known. In any event, the Division sent the Board a Reimbursement Invoice on an undisclosed date requesting reimbursement for benefits paid to Prather. The Board did not respond to the Invoice but simply forwarded it to the Supervisor. Again, there is no evidence that the Board advised the Division of the erroneous use of its Employer Identification number, that the bill had been forwarded to another party, or that Prather was not an employee. To date, the bill has not been paid.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that respondent reimburse petitioner for benefits paid to employees Worthington and Prather as set forth in the amended notice of intent to certify delinquency within thirty days from date of final order. DONE and ORDERED this 23rd day of April, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of April, 1985.
The Issue The issue in this case is whether Willie Mae Miles is entitled to retirement credit for the period beginning March 1952 through August 1976 when she was employed at the Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida (the "Hospital"). There is no dispute that Willie Mae Miles was employed at the Hospital during that time period. However, the Department of Administration (the "Department") contends that Ms. Miles received a refund of her employee retirement contributions of $5,475.39 in May 1977. Therefore, the Department contends that Respondent is not entitled to credit for that period of service. Ms. Miles claims that she did not apply for or receive a refund of retirement contributions. She also claims that she would only have accepted a lump sum refund if it included her contributions and the county and state contributions with interest. Since no such sum was received, she claims she is entitled to retirement credit for her employment at the hospital.
Findings Of Fact While Mrs. Miles has handled her case up to and including the hearing since she dispensed with the services of her attorney, her testimony and the nature of the exhibits indicate that she did not fully comprehend the meaning and intent of the documents that she signed requesting a refund of her retirement contributions and mistakenly believed that she still had funds in the Retirement Trust Fund from which a retirement benefit would be paid later upon her retirement. Her belief was erroneous. Under the State and County Officers and Employees' Retirement System (SCOERS), an employee and the employing agency each paid retirement contributions into the Retirement Trust Fund, and these contributions were credited to the employee's retirement account. Eventually, when the employee retired, the retirement benefit was paid from the total contributions paid into the Trust Fund, including investment earnings of the Fund. However, if the employee terminated employment before retirement, he could legally receive only a return of his personal contributions paid in and not the retirement contributions paid in by his employing agency. Mrs. Miles believed she was due and had a right to her own paid-in contributions, as well as the contributions paid in for her by her employing agency, and since she had received a refund of only a portion (her portion) of her retirement contributions, there were monies (retirement contributions made by her employer) still on deposit with the Division of Retirement that would provide for her retirement. Mrs. Miles did not understand that the return of her personal contributions would end any entitlement or vested right on her part to a future retirement benefit under the SCOERS. It is also evident from her testimony that no one with her employing agency advised her of this fact and that none of the information received from the Division of Retirement made this clear to her. The "Request for Refund" card stated the effect of a refund of personal contributions, but Mrs. Miles did not understand the instructions on the refund card. In April, 1989, the Division received an inquiry from Mrs. Miles advising that she was applying for her retirement benefits. This is further evidence that she believed she still had an active retirement account with the State of Florida. It is concluded that Mrs. Miles never had any actual intent to relinquish her right to apply for and receive a retirement benefit under the SCOERS.
Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner not be credited with any creditable service under the provisions of Chapter 121, Florida Statutes, for the period from March 1952 to May 1977. DONE and ORDERED this 30 day of March 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. STEPHEN MENTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30 day of March 1990. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER 89-4834 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes on all of the proposed findings of fact submitted by the Respondent in this case. Petitioner's submittal was a mixture of argument, conclusions and facts which have been carefully considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order. However, specific ruling on proposed findings of fact by the Petitioner is not possible given the format of her proposal. Rulings on Respondent's Findings of Fact Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 1. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 3. The first sentence is adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 5. The remainder of the proposal is rejected as unnecessary. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 7. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 8 and 10. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 11 and 12. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 14 and 16. COPIES FURNISHED: Willie Mae Miles 10220 S.W. 170th Terrace Miami, Florida 33157 Larry Scott, Esquire Division Attorney Office of General Counsel Department of Administration Room 440 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Stanley M. Danek, Esquire Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center, Building C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560 Aletta Shutes, Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 =================================================================
The Issue May Petitioner make an application with Respondent for disability retirement benefits when he was already applied for and has received regular retirement payments?
Findings Of Fact Mr. Vernon Taylor Bell voluntarily terminated his employment with the Department of Legal Affairs on February 26, 1980. By that date he had accumulated 23.66 years of service for credit in the Florida Retirement System. After his termination Mr. Bell had a conference with a retirement benefits specialist, Ms. Taylor, who is an employee of Respondent. At Mr. Bell's request she gave him an estimate of his retirement benefits for a regular retirement. She did not discuss the benefits which a disabled retiree might receive. The testimony of Ms. Taylor and Mr. Bell is in conflict on whether or not she discussed disability retirement benefits with him. Ms. Taylor's testimony is accepted as being more credible because Mr. Bell was shown throughout his testimony to have a poor memory. Mr. Bell began to receive regular retirement benefits in the monthly amounts of $178.32 on May 30, 1980. Since that date he has continued to receive and accept regular retirement payments. Petitioner has cashed or deposited his first benefit check. If Mr. Bell were to be granted disability retirement benefits rather than regular retirement benefits, his monthly payment would be substantially increased. Petitioner did not present credible evidence that he was misinformed or mislead by Respondent about the relative advantages to him in electing to apply for regular retirement as opposed to applying for disability benefits. On August 26, 1980, Mr. Bell wrote a letter to Mr. Andrew M. McMullian III, who is the State Retirement Director. Mr. Bell stated that he had been given incorrect information about the disability benefits he might be eligible for. He requested that he be allowed to make an application as a disabled retiree. On October 1, 1980, Mr. McMullian responded to Mr. Bell in a letter which states in part: We have reviewed your retirement account and have determined the information provided to you by this office was correct regarding your retirement eligibility. We regret if there was any misunderstanding on your part re- garding disability retirement; however, we cannot honor your request to be retired with disability at this late date, because you applied for regular retirement which was approved for you effective April 1, 1980. Your initial monthly benefit was $178.32 and your July 1980 benefit payment contained a cost-of-living increase, thus your current monthly benefit is $179.73. The Florida Retirement System law requires certification by two licensed physicians in Florida that one is totally and permanently disabled and unable to render any useful and efficient work before this agency can approve an employee for retirement with disability. Apparently, you made no attempt to retire with disability, other than discussing the matter in general with us, and according to our records, you made no application for disability retirement. Further, a retiree is not allowed by law to change his type of re- tirement once he begins drawing monthly re- tirement benefits.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the State Retirement Director enter a Final Order authorizing Mr. Bell is submit an application for disability retirement benefits. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 24th day of August, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida MICHAEL PEARCE DODSON Hearing Officer Department of Administration Division of Administrative Hearings Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24 day of August, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Silas R. Eubanks, Esquire 103 North Gadsden Street Post Office Box 4266 Tallahassee, Florida 32303 William Frieder, Esquire Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center 2639 North Monroe Street Suite 207C - Box 81 Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Daniel C. Brown, Esquire General Counsel Department of Administration 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Nevin G. Smith Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301
The Issue Whether an employee who has retired on ordinary early retirement and cashed more than 30 retirement checks should be heard on a claim made some two years or more after he retired that he is entitled to disability retirement benefits?
Findings Of Fact On January 15, 1983, petitioner Tommy Gene Grantham left the Escambia County Sheriff's Department after more than 14 years as a deputy sheriff. Respondent gave petitioner notice on April 27, 1983, of its intention to deny his application for disability benefits, which he had made on grounds he was "unable to lift, stand, or perform any type of physical exertion." Respondent's Exhibit No. 7. Petitioner took appropriate steps to cause his application for disability benefits to be placed on the agenda of the State Retirement Commission for its December 13, 1983, meeting. On the following day, the Commission entered a final order dismissing cause, which had the effect of denying the application. Respondent received petitioner's application for service retirement on December 4, 1986. Petitioner made this application because he needed the money. He had only recently been released from the Pavilion, a mental ward at a hospital in Pensacola, where he had been confined in a padded cell from November 15 to December 1, 1966. On December 10, 1986, respondent acknowledged receipt of the application. Respondent's Exhibit No. 4. The form acknowledgment said, "[O]nce you retire you can not add additional service nor change options. Retirement becomes final when the first benefit check is cashed." Respondent's Exhibit No. 4. By the time of the hearing in this matter, respondent had cashed more than 30 monthly retirement checks. Nancy Grantham has been married to the petitioner for 15 1/2 years although, between September 5, 1986, and February of 1987, she and her husband were legally separated. Over the years, according to Mrs. Grantham, her husband has suffered from serious mental problems. It was she who took him to the Pavilion on November 15, 1986, when, she recalls, he was "talking crazy," anxious, depressed, and apparently suicidal. At no time has any court adjudicated the petitioner incompetent. The respondent's policy is to honor elections made by retirement system members, even members seeking disability retirement on psychiatric grounds, in the absence of an adjudication of incompetency.
Recommendation It is, accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That respondent dismiss petitioner's application for disability retirement benefits. DONE and ENTERED this 21st day of November, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of November, 1989. APPENDIX With respect to petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1 and 6, the agency actions were not final at those times. Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 2, 4 and 5 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 3, it is not clear when the application was mailed. COPIES FURNISHED: Tommy G. Grantham 2266 Berrydale Road Cantonment, FL 32533 William A. Frieder, Esquire Department of Administration Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 22399-1550
The Issue Whether Petitioner is entitled to receive retroactive retiree health subsidy payments from the Florida Retirement System in addition to those already received.
Findings Of Fact The Division of Retirement (Division) is, and was at the times material to this case, the state agency charged with the responsibility of administering the Florida Retirement System (FRS). Petitioner, Olga Magnusen, was employed by Florida International University (FIU) from February 18, 1974, until her retirement. FIU is an FRS-participating employer. Thus, by reason of her employment, Petitioner was enrolled in the FRS. Mrs. Magnusen requested an estimate of her retirement benefits in September 2003. In response to this request, the Division audited Petitioner’s account and sent her an "Estimate of Retirement Benefit" for purposes of the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP). The benefit estimate was mailed to Petitioner’s address of record which was 11441 SW 83rd Terr, Miami, Florida 33173-3617 (Miami address). Enclosed with Petitioner’s benefit estimate was an option selection document and an informational booklet or brochure entitled "Preparing to Retire," which reads in pertinent part as follows: THE RETIREE PACKET After your name is placed on the retired payroll to begin receiving monthly benefits, we will mail you a Retiree Packet. You should receive this packet around the same time you receive your first benefit payment. If you are a DROP participant, your name will not be placed on the retired payroll until your DROP participation ends and the Division receives a properly completed DROP Termination Notification, Form DP-TERM. Retiree Packets contain the following items: -An information letter This letter summarizes your retirement information and lists the contents of your Retiree Packet. It also highlights issues of importance to you as a new retiree. * * * Health Insurance Subsidy Certification, Form HIS-1. This form is used to apply for additional payment to assist you with some of the cost of maintaining health insurance. Please refer to the 'Health Insurance Subsidy' section on page 17 for eligibility information. * * * An After You Retire Booklet This booklet contains helpful information and answer [sic] questions you might have as a new retiree. You should review and retain this booklet. If you have questions related to your FRS benefit that are not addressed by this booklet, please contact the Division. * * * HEALTH INSURANCE SUBSIDY (HIS) The HIS is additional money available to eligible FRS retirees to help offset some of the cost of maintaining health insurance coverage. DROP participants are not eligible to receive HIS payments until after their DROP participation ends. . . . * * * The current subsidy is $5 per month for each year of creditable service at retirement. The minimum HIS payment is $30 per month and the maximum is $150 per month. A Health Insurance Subsidy Certification, Form HIS-1, will be included in the Retiree Packet mailed so you may apply for the HIS benefit. You will receive your packet around the time you receive your first monthly benefit payment. You must return a completed Form HIS-1 to the Division of Retirement within six months after your monthly retirement benefits start in order for the subsidy to be paid retroactive to your retirement date or, in the case of DROP retirees, to the month following your DROP termination date. If you do not return the form within this six month period, retroactive subsidy payments will be limited to a maximum of six months. You are responsible for obtaining certification of your health insurance coverage and applying for the HIS. The HIS benefit is included in your monthly FRS retirement benefit. (emphasis in original) A copy of the booklet and forms sent to Petitioner are not reflected in Petitioner’s file, as the Division does not place copies of forms or booklets sent automatically. Mrs. Magnusen completed the necessary forms to enter the DROP program and entered DROP on or about March 1, 2004. By letter dated April 14, 2004, the Division sent another letter to Mrs. Magnusen advising her of the completion of the final calculation of her monthly FRS DROP accrual for the retirement benefit option she selected. The letter provided in pertinent part: At the end of the DROP, your name will be placed on the regular retired payroll. You will receive information about withholding federal taxes from your retirement benefits, an application for the Health Insurance Subsidy and an application for the direct deposit of your monthly retirement benefit payment with the bank or financial institution of your choice. The above-referenced letter was again sent to Petitioner’s Miami address referenced in paragraph 3 above. By letter dated September 29, 2005, Petitioner notified FIU of her intention to terminate her employment effective on or about December 29, 2005. By letter dated October 20, 2005, FIU provided the Division with a copy of Petitioner’s resignation letter and requested that the Division begin processing Petitioner’s DROP termination. On October 24, 2005, the Division sent a letter with certain forms and informational material relevant to her DROP termination to Petitioner at the Miami address. The letter read in pertinent part as follows: When your name is added to the retired payroll, you will receive a 'retiree packet' that contains an information letter, 'After you Retire' booklet, W-4P 'Witholding Certificate for Pension Payments', Health Insurance Subsidy application, and Direct Deposit Authorization. The retiree packet is mailed approximately one week before you receive your first monthly benefit. By letter dated December 9, 2005, the Division acknowledged receipt of Petitioner’s DROP payout form in a letter mailed to Petitioner’s Miami address. The letter read in pertinent part as follows: After your name is added to the retired payroll, you will receive a ‘retiree packet’ that contains an information letter, 'After you Retire' booklet, W-4P 'Witholding Certificate for Pension Payments', Health Insurance Subsidy application, and Direct Deposit Authorization. The retiree packet is mailed approximately one week before you receive your first monthly benefit. In late December 2005, Mrs. Magnusen and her husband moved from Miami to 2044 Darlington Drive, The Villages, 32162 (The Villages address.) While Petitioner did not expressly testify that she notified the Division of her change of address, Mrs. Magnusen and her husband "notified people and organizations about our address change and made provisions with the Post Office to forward our mail from the old to the new address." A state warrant dated January 6, 2006, in the amount of $51,483.36, Petitioner’s net lump sum DROP payment amount, was issued and mailed to Petitioner at the Miami address. The warrant was endorsed by Petitioner for deposit on or about January 18, 2006. It is presumed, therefore, that the warrant was forwarded to The Villages address. It is the Division’s practice to send each retiree added to the system a 'retiree packet' that includes, among other things, an application for the HIS and an explanation of the subsidy, as well as a booklet containing an explanation of all of the benefits available to retirees and beneficiaries under the FRS. The process of sending out retiree packets is automated, so that a packet is sent to every retiree and beneficiary when he or she are first entered into the system. Pursuant to this automated regular practice, Petitioner's retiree packet would have been sent in late January 2006. Included in the retiree packet was an informational letter which included the following: YOUR RETIREMENT PACKET INCLUDES: 'After You Retire' Brochure-PLEASE READ FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION * * * Health Insurance Subsidy Certification (Form HIS-1) * * * HEALTH INSURANCE SUBSIDY (HIS): It is your responsibility to obtain certification of health insurance coverage and apply for the HIS. The HIS is money added to your retirement benefit to help pay the cost of health insurance. The member or other payee who is the spouse or financial dependent of the member may be eligible if he/she has health insurance, Medicare, or CHAMPUS. Please read the instructions on Form HIS-1. If the HIS-1 form is not received by the Division within six months, retroactive subsidy payments will be limited to a maximum of six months. (Emphasis supplied in original) Also included in the retiree packet was an informational booklet entitled "After You Retire" which reiterated that it is the retiree’s responsibility to obtain health insurance coverage and apply for this benefit, and that a retiree will not automatically receive the HIS. Ms. Shirley Beauford is a Benefits Administrator in the retired payroll section of the Division. She has worked at the Division for approximately 19 and one-half years. According to Ms. Beauford, a report is generated each month when the payroll is approved, which indicates which retirees have not participated in the HIS. Ms. Beauford reviewed the "hardcopy documentation" of the June 2006 list of retirees not receiving the HIS and saw Petitioner’s name on the list. The Division automatically sends a reminder letter about five months after the beginning of a person’s retirement benefits to those retirees who have not applied for the HIS. Because Petitioner’s name appears on the June 2006 list, Ms. Beauford is confident that Petitioner was sent the reminder, as it is the standard practice of the Division to do so. There is no evidence that the Division deviated from its standard practice. The reminder would have been sent to Petitioner’s address of record in June 2006. The record is not clear whether Petitioner’s address of record was the Miami address or The Villages address at that time. Mrs. Magnusen does not recall receiving the packet and acknowledges that the nine-month period from the summer of 2005 to March 2006 was a tumultuous time for her and her husband. They moved, were affected by two hurricanes, and were confronted with some health problems. Mrs. Magnusen also recalls making numerous phone calls during that time regarding her husband’s health insurance coverage and premiums because of some confusion regarding his coverage. Mrs. Magnusen believes these calls were made to both FIU and the Division. However, the Division does not administer health insurance coverage for retirees. Twice a year, the Division automatically distributes a newsletter to all FRS retirees and beneficiaries. The HIS was specifically referenced in articles in the July 2007, January 2008, and July 2008 newsletters, including a reminder to retirees and beneficiaries to look under the summary of benefits and deductions on their statements for a "Health Ins. Subsidy" listing. Respondent mails retired members a Statement of Benefit Payments at the end of January and July each year, and any other time the retiree’s benefit changes. The Division sent statements to Petitioner’s address of record in February 2006, June 2006, July 2006, January 2007, April 2007, July 2007, December 2007, and January 2008. None of the statements has a Health Insurance Subsidy listing under the summary of benefits and deductions section. Additionally, the Division mails retired members an annual statement in January each year. These annual statements contain a category entitled "Health Ins. Subsidy." The amount of $0.00 is reflected on Petitioner’s 2006, 2007, and 2008 annual statements under the category "Health Ins. Subsidy." In contrast, the summaries reflect specific amounts under the category "Retirement Benefit." There is no evidence of record to indicate that any of the statements or mailings of any kind from the Division to Petitioner were returned. Mrs. Magnusen called the Division on or about January 5, 2009, to inquire about changing banks for the direct deposit of her FRS payments. During this telephone conversation, the Division’s representative reminded Petitioner that she was not receiving the HIS benefit. As Petitioner’s insurance premiums were already being deducted, Petitioner’s HIS application was taken over the phone. Petitioner began receiving the $150 per month HIS benefit effective January 30, 2009 and a six-month retroactive HIS benefit of $900. On January 10, 2009, Mrs. Magnusen sent a letter to the Division requesting three years of retroactive HIS benefits retroactive to her DROP termination date. By letter dated January 16, 2009, the Division’s Director informed Petitioner that retroactive HIS benefits are limited by law to six months, citing Section 112.363(9), Florida Statutes, as authority. Petitioner sent another letter in response requesting further consideration of her request for a full retroactive HIS payment. By letter dated February 23, 2009, the Division informed Petitioner that a detailed review had been completed of her retirement account, again informed that the retroactive payments are limited to six months, and provided Petitioner with a point of entry into the administrative hearing process.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondent enter a final order denying Mrs. Magnusen’s request for additional HIS benefits retroactive to the date of her termination of DROP. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of July, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BARBARA J. STAROS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of July, 2009.
The Issue Whether Respondent should grant Petitioner's request to change Petitioner's type of retirement from In-Line-Of-Duty (ILOD) disability retirement to regular service retirement, after he had made application for ILOD and received some of those benefits.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Ronald Hodge, was employed under the Florida Retirement System (FRS) for 31.34 years. On December 19, 1996, he filed the Application for In-Line-Of-Duty (ILOD) Disability Retirement, Form FR-13, with Respondent, Florida Division of Retirement. The Application for ILOD Disability Retirement was signed by Petitioner in the presence of a notary public. In the lines of text immediately before Petitioner's signature, the Application for ILOD Disability Retirement provides, in relevant part: . . . . I also understand that I cannot add additional service change options, or change my type of retirement (Regular, Disability, and Early) once my retirement becomes final. My retirement becomes final when any benefit payment is cashed or deposited. (emphasis added) See also Rule 60S-4.002(4), Florida Administrative Code. On February 19, 1997, Petitioner was accepted as permanently and totally disabled by the State of Florida and began receiving Workers' Compensation permanent total disability benefits for the same accident for which his ILOD disability benefits were accepted by the Division of Retirement. On April 25, 1997, the Division notified Petitioner that his application for ILOD disability benefits had been approved, but that since he also qualified for regular retirement benefits, he had several options available to him. With the letter of April 25, 1997, he was given four different estimates of retirement benefits. He was further advised to send his decision in writing. The letter of April 25, 1997, also advised Petitioner that "You have the option of choosing the type of retirement you wish to receive . . . . If you decide to change from disability to service retirement, complete the enclosed application for service retirement, Form FR-11 and return it also." No deadline for changing his service retirement was specified in the letter. At the time of the April 25, 1997, letter Petitioner had not received any retirement benefit payments. Petitioner responded to the Division's April 25, 1997, letter on May 4, 1997. Petitioner clarified that he had ". . . selected F.R.S. ILOD (In-Line-Of-Duty) disability benefit Option 2 . . ." His decision was based on the estimates of benefits enclosed in the Division's letter of April 25, 1997. In June 1997, Petitioner began to receive disability retirement benefits in the monthly amount of $1,850.33. In May 1997, in a case in which neither Petitioner nor Respondent was a party, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that ILOD disability retirement benefits paid to recipients of Workers' Compensation benefits could be used to offset/reduce Workers' Compensation benefits. Escambia County Sheriff's Department v. Grice, 692 So. 2d 896 (Fla. 1997). Importantly, Respondent was not aware at the time that it sent the estimates of benefits to Petitioner in April 1997, of the Supreme Court's decision in Escambia County Sheriff's Department v. Grice, 692 So. 2d 896 (Fla. 1997), in May 1, 1997. However, Respondent was aware of the decision before the election was made and before the first benefit was paid of prior decisions in Barragan v. City of Miami, 454 So. 2d 252 (Fla. 1989), and Brown v. S.S. Kresge Co., 305 So. 2d 191 (Fla. 1974), which limit the combination of such benefits to 100 percent of a claimant's average weekly wage. However, these decisions did not address the offset issue. Respondent never informed Petitioner of this potential reduction when advising him of the selection options. In September 1997, the State of Florida began to take an offset against Petitioner's Workers' Compensation benefits for his disability retirement benefits, thereby reducing the total amount of his Workers' Compensation benefits. If Petitioner had been receiving service retirement benefits, no offset against his Workers' Compensation benefits would have been taken. Based on the effect of the Grice, decision supra. Petitioner sought to change his type of retirement from ILOD disability retirement to regular service retirement. Petitioner's retirement benefit has never been reduced. Petitioner, subsequently filed Application for Service Retirement, Form FR-11, notarized on October 8, 1997, and by letter dated October 7, 1997, which advised that he " . . . had decided to change from disability to service retirement. " Petitioner's Application for Service Retirement was cancelled by Respondent on November 4, 1997, with notice to Petitioner that Respondent's records indicated that he was added to the June 1997 Retired Payroll under ILOD Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) monthly benefit. Because benefit payments had been deposited, Petitioner's retirement was final. By letter dated December 8, 1997, Petitioner requested reconsideration by the Respondent of its decision to cancel his Application for Service Retirement and to deny his request to change his type of retirement. He stated that he was " . . . not receiving the benefits I was led to believe I would receive because of setoffs taken by the state of Florida on my Workers' Compensation benefits . . . ." He further stated he was misled in that the Division representative informed him that he could change from disability retirement to service retirement by just completing the Form FR-11. At best, the letter of April 25, 1997, is ambiguous as to when the election to change types of benefits could be made and as to whether this letter superseded the previous statement in the original application for ILOD benefits signed by Petitioner that stated he could not change his election of benefits once benefits had been paid. However, the ambiguity in the letter does not constitute a misrepresentation of fact by the Division. The letter simply did not address the issue. Moreover, Petitioner was aware of the language in Form FR-13 that benefit elections were final once benefits were received. Respondent has never reduced or offset any member's benefit, whether disability or regular service retirement, due to receipt of any other benefit. In short, Petitioner's retirement benefit is not being reduced. Moreover, the reduction in Petitioner's Workers' Compensation benefits was not due to Respondent's fault, action, or representation to Petitioner. At the time of retirement, Petitioner was eligible to receive either service retirement because of his more than 30 years of service, or disability retirement because of his ILOD injury. If Mr. Hodge were to be granted service retirement benefits rather than disability retirement benefits, his total monthly payments from the State of Florida (retirement and Workers' Compensation) would be substantially increased.
Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Division of Retirement issue a Final Order denying Petitioner, Ronald Hodge, the relief sought herein, as Respondent has no basis in law or equity to change Petitioner's type of retirement. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of April, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DIANE CLEAVINGER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of April, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Emily Moore, Esquire Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center Building C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560 Anthony J. Salzman, Esquire Moody and Salzman, P.A. Post Office Drawer 2759 Gainesville, Florida 32602 A. J. McMullian, III, Director Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center Building C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560
The Issue Whether Petitioner was overpaid $961.87 in 1975 when he received a refund of his retirement contributions, and, if so, whether Petitioner is required to refund that amount to the Division of Retirement before receiving any retirement benefits.
Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony and evidence received at the hearing, the following findings are made: Petitioner is a law enforcement officer employed by the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP). Petitioner was first hired by FHP in August 1968. He left FHP on October 15, 1975, to pursue a private venture. Petitioner rejoined FHP in July 1981, and he is currently a member of the troop that patrols the Florida Turnpike. Between September 1968 and December 1974, Petitioner made monthly contributions to the FHP pension fund which, at the time, was administered by FHP. In 1970, when the Florida Retirement System (FRS) was created, Respondent took over the administration of the FHP pension fund, and Petitioner elected to participate in the FRS. The FRS was, and still is, administered by Respondent pursuant to Chapter 121, Florida Statutes. Prior to January 1, 1975, the FHP pension fund and the FRS were "contributory," meaning that the employee was required to contribute a percentage of his or her salary to the fund, and contributions were also made by the employer. Starting on January 1, 1975, the FRS became "non-contributory," meaning that the employer made all of the contributions. Petitioner's contributions to his FHP pension fund account were recorded on a four-column ledger sheet which showed the old balance, date of contribution, amount of the contribution, and the total balance. The ledger sheet was not computerized. The entries were manually typed onto the ledger sheet. Petitioner's account showed a total balance of $4,656.71 on December 31, 1974, and because the FRS was "non- contributory" after that date, the account had the same balance on October 15, 1975, when Petitioner left FHP. The total balance shown for Petitioner's account was incorrect as a result of a calculation error made when Petitioner's December 1968 contribution was entered onto the ledger sheet. Prior to that contribution, the old balance reflected on the ledger sheet was $108.89. Petitioner's December 1968 contribution was $37.45, so the total balance should have been $146.34. However, a calculation error was made and the total balance entered on the ledger sheet was $1,108.21. The effect of this error was that the balance shown in Petitioner's account was $961.87 (i.e., $1,108.21 minus $146.34) more than Petitioner had actually contributed. The error was carried forward to the following month when $1,108.21 was entered as the old balance, and all subsequent entries to Petitioner's account reflected the error. As a result, Petitioner's actual contributions as of December 31, 1974 (and, hence October 15, 1975, when he left FHP) were $3,694.84, not $4,656.71. The error was not discovered in October 1975 when Petitioner left FHP and requested a refund of his contributions. Apparently, the account was not audited prior to payment of the refund to Petitioner. In October 1975, Petitioner signed a card requesting a refund of his contributions. The address listed on the card corresponded to Petitioner's address at that time. The pertinent information from the card (i.e., the payee and the amount) was provided to the Comptroller by Respondent when a warrant was requested. The Comptroller prepared a warrant in the requested amount and returned it to Respondent along with a computer- printed label that contained Petitioner's name and social security number, the refunded amount ($4,656.71), warrant number (173213), and the date of the warrant (November 4, 1975). The label was affixed to the refund request card, and the warrant was mailed to Petitioner. The Comptroller's records show that warrant number 173213 was paid on November 21, 1975. The records do not show the payee of the warrant. Nor do the records show whether the warrant was deposited into a bank account or cashed. The cancelled warrant no longer exists. Petitioner did not recall receiving a warrant in the amount of $4,656.71. Petitioner and his wife both testified that they recalled receiving only $2,500.00. Petitioner produced a deposit slip dated November 15, 1975, showing a $2,500.00 deposit as well as bank records which showed that deposit as the only large deposit into Petitioner's account between November 1975 and February 1976. The source of the $2,500.00 check is not shown on the deposit slip. The Comptroller's records show no FRS warrants in that amount during the period of November 15, 1975, through November 21, 1975, when such a warrant would likely have been paid. Moreover, Petitioner conceded that he may have had another bank account at the time, although he could not locate any records for such an account. Petitioner received a statement of account from Respondent in June 1974 showing the balance of his account to be $4,220.47 at that time. Despite having that information and despite his financial circumstances being "tight" at the time, Petitioner did not make any inquiry to Respondent as to why he received only $2,500.00. This suggests that the $2,500.00 check was not the FRS warrant. The overpayment was first discovered in 2000 when Respondent conducted an audit of Petitioner's FRS account as part of its preparation of the member annual statement required by Section 121.136, Florida Statutes. Petitioner was first informed of the error and the 1975 overpayment in August 2001 when he received an unsolicited telephone call from Brenda Shiver, an employee of the Respondent, regarding his retirement plans and the cost of "buying back" his prior service with the FHP between 1968 and 1975. Petitioner has no current plans to retire. Nor does Petitioner have a current desire to "buy back" his prior service which would cost over $21,000, not including the amount at issue in this proceeding. The cost of the prior service is not at issue in this proceeding.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Division of Retirement issue a final order that increases the cost for Petitioner to "buy back" his prior service by $961.87 to reflect the 1975 refund overpayment, but eliminates the mandate that Petitioner pay that amount as a condition of receiving retirement benefits related to his current service. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of June, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. T. KENT WETHERELL, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of June, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Richard W. Holland 17964 Lookout Hill Road Winter Garden, Florida 34787 Thomas E. Wright, Esquire Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 260 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 Erin Sjostrom, Director Division of Retirement Department of Management Services Cedars Executive Center, Building C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560 Monesia Taylor Brown, Acting General Counsel Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560
The Issue The issue for determination is whether the Florida Retirement System's retirement benefit option selected by Petitioner's deceased son should be changed from Option 1 to Option 2.
Findings Of Fact Ms. Kerr is the mother of the late Mr. Kerr. Mr. Kerr was employed by the Broward County Sheriff's Office (BSO) from January 2, 1990 through September 28, 2004. Mr. Kerr was a detective, hereinafter referred to as Det. Kerr. As a result of being an employee of the BSO, Det. Kerr was a member of the Florida Retirement System (FRS). During his employment, BSO, not Det. Kerr, made contributions to the FRS for his benefit. Retirement is the agency charged with the responsibility of administering the FRS. In complying with its duties, FRS publishes and provides an informational handbook and forms regarding retirement issues to its FRS members. FRS' staff also provide counseling to FRS members who inquire about FRS issues. A website is also maintained by FRS for its members to inquire about FRS issues and obtain information about retirement. On July 29, 2004, Det. Kerr completed an Application for Disability Retirement (Application), which was signed and notarized. The Application indicated, among other things, that he was applying for regular disability benefits and that Dr. Garry Friedberg was one of his treating physicians. Det. Kerr designated Ms. Kerr as his primary beneficiary on the Application. On August 2, 2004, Retirement received the completed application. Det. Kerr had over 16 years of creditable service, and he was, therefore, vested as a Special Risk member of the FRS and eligible for retirement benefits. Retirement acknowledged receipt of the documents needed to make a determination on Det. Kerr's disability retirement application. Also, Retirement advised him that, if his disability retirement application was approved, further documents would be required before he could be placed on the retirement payroll. One of the additional documents requested by Retirement was Form FRS-11o, which was FRS' Option Selection Form for its members. FRS-11o must be completed before retirement benefits can be paid. FRS-11o notices the member of four different options for payment of retirement benefits and contains a narrative describing the effect of the selection of each of the four options. Option 1 yields the maximum monthly benefit, but when the retiree dies there is no survivor benefit. Option 2 yields a reduced monthly benefit for 10 years, but, if the retiree dies before the end of the 10 years, the benefit is paid to the surviving beneficiary for the balance of the 10 years. Option 3 provides a reduced benefit for the joint lifetimes of the retiree and beneficiary. Option 4 provides a reduced benefit for the lifetime of the retiree and beneficiary, which benefit is reduced by 33 1/3 percent upon the death of either. By letter dated August 19, 2004, Retirement advised Det. Kerr that his application for disability retirement was approved. The letter further advised him, among other things, of other documents that he had to submit, including a completed FRS-11o, before he could be placed on the retirement payroll. By letter dated August 23, 2004, Retirement advised Det. Kerr of his estimated monthly disability retirement benefits under Option 1 ($2,364.84) and Option 2 ($2,189.13). Insufficient information was available to Retirement to calculate the estimated monthly disability retirement benefits under Options 3 and 4, so none were provided. The letter further advised Det. Kerr as to what was required for Retirement to calculate monthly estimates for Options 3 and 4. Additionally, the August 23rd letter, enclosed a blank FRS-11o for Det. Kerr to complete and return. Furthermore, the letter included an informational document, entitled "What Retirement Option Should You Choose?," regarding making his option selection. This informational document is a standard document included by Retirement, with Retirement's estimates of disability retirement benefits. As to changing an option choice, the document provides in pertinent part: Once you cash or deposit a benefit payment, or begin the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP), your [option] selection cannot be changed. Therefore, it is important to carefully study your personal circumstances before [your] decision. Regarding Option 2, the document provided in pertinent part: [T]his option would be particularly appropriate if you are in ill health and your future physical condition is uncertain at the time of retirement since independent children, other heirs, charities, organizations, or your estate or trust can be designated as beneficiaries for Option 2. The document invites FRS members to contact Retirement with any questions. No evidence was presented to demonstrate the Det. Kerr contacted Retirement regarding questions as to the options. On August 27, 2004, Det. Kerr completed and had notarized FRS-11o. FRS-11o reflected, among other things, the following: the selection of Option 1 by an "X" and being circled; and his marital status as being not married. The language describing Option 1 next to the selection was as follows: A monthly benefit payable for my lifetime. Upon my death, the monthly benefit will stop and my beneficiary will receive only a refund of any contributions I have paid which are in excess of the amount I have received in benefits. This option does not provide a continuing benefit to my beneficiary. Also, on FRS-11o was Option 2. The language describing Option 2 next to the selection was as follows: A reduced monthly benefit payable for my lifetime. If I die before receiving 120 monthly payments, my designated beneficiary will receive a monthly benefit in the same amount as I was receiving until the monthly benefit payments to both of us equal 120 monthly payments. No further benefits are then payable. On September 1, 2004, Retirement received Det. Kerr's FRS-11o, on which Option 1 was selected and which was properly completed, signed, and notarized. It is undisputed that Det. Kerr's FRS-11o met all requirements as to being in a status of completion. Typically, FRS-11o is the only indication as to a member's wishes regarding his or her option selection. According to Retirement, usually, the disability retirement application is completed prior to receiving an estimate of benefits, and, therefore, it is not uncommon for an FRS member to designate a primary beneficiary and later select Option 1 after reviewing his or her estimate of benefits. According to Retirement, only a member or someone acting on his or her behalf, such as a legal guardian or attorney-in-fact, can make a retirement option selection for the member. No evidence was presented that Det. Kerr, himself, requested a change to his selection of Option 1. On September 28, Det. Kerr resigned from the BSO. October 1, 2004, was established as Det. Kerr's effective disability retirement date. Det. Kerr died on October 20, 2004, less than a month after resigning, without receiving his first disability retirement benefit payment. At the time of his death, Det. Kerr was not married and had no children. Further, no parent was his legal guardian or dependent upon him for support. Det. Kerr's circumstances surrounding his option selection do not place his situation in the usual or typical category of FRS members referred to above by Retirement. Det. Kerr was suffering from AIDS. His symptoms first appeared in 1995. He was being treated by Garry Friedberg, M.D., a physician whose specialty was infectious diseases. As Det. Kerr's treating physician, on July 26, 2004, (approximately three months before Det. Kerr's death) Dr. Friedberg completed a "Disability Insurance - Attending Physician's Statement" form, regarding Det. Kerr's medical condition. The form contained several questions, including those as to diagnosis, prognosis, and mental and cognitive limitations. Dr. Friedberg diagnosed Det. Kerr with the end- stage of AIDS, which included wasting, assistance with activities of daily living, 12 to 15 loose stools per day, and pain in his stomach. Dr. Friedberg determined Det. Kerr's prognosis as terminal. Dr. Friedberg described Det. Kerr's mental and cognitive limitations as poor memory, difficulty concentrating, and inattentiveness. Question 5.c. of the form asked whether Det. Kerr was competent to endorse checks and direct the use of proceeds, to which Dr. Friedberg checked the yes box. It is undisputed that Det. Kerry had a close, loving- relationship with his mother and nephews. Det. Kerr's mother testified as to her son's desires and wishes for his retirement benefits. The undersigned finds her testimony credible. As her son's health deteriorated, Det. Kerr made her co-owner of his home in order for the home to become hers at his death. Det. Kerr had a loving relationship with his nephews and he wanted to make sure that their education would be paid-for through his retirement benefits. Det. Kerr informed his mother that he designated her as the beneficiary of his disability retirement plan so that she could keep his house and pay for the education of his nephews. In a letter dated May 18, 2005, Det. Kerr's healthcare providers gave insight into his medical condition and his intent regarding his disability benefits. The undersigned finds the letter persuasive. Among other things, they indicate that they were Det. Kerr's healthcare providers for several years and that, throughout 2004, Det. Kerr was administered opium to help control his chronic wasting diarrhea and administered opioid- based analgesics for chronic pain. Det. Kerr made it clear to his healthcare providers that his intent was to provide financially for his family at the event of his death. Without question, they insist that the narcotic regimen in Det. Kerr's treatment, caused him to mistakenly mark Option 1, which was the opposite of and completely contrary to the whole intent of what he wanted to do with his disability benefits. Furthermore, they indicate that Det. Kerr intended to check Option 2 in that it would provide for Det. Kerr's family as Det. Kerr had intended. One of Dr. Friedberg's clerical employees, John Carriere, notarized the option selection form at Dr. Friedberg's office for Det. Kerr on August 27, 2004. At that time, the employee had known Det. Kerr for approximately five years and knew what Det. Kerr's intentions were towards his (Det. Kerr's) family, concurring that Det. Kerr wanted his disability retirement benefits to provide for his (Det. Kerr's) mother and nephews. The employee observed that on that day Det. Kerr had lost considerable weight, was sweating, and was not looking well. The undersigned finds the clerical employee's testimony persuasive. Det. Kerr was friends with Robert Brown for 16 years. Mr. Brown is a certified financial planner but was not Det. Kerr's financial planner. The undersigned finds Mr. Brown's testimony credible. Mr. Brown was well aware that Det. Kerr wanted to make sure that his (Det. Kerr's) mother and nephews were taken care of with his disability retirement benefits. Det. Kerr sought advice from his friend regarding the disability retirement benefits. Mr. Brown and Det. Kerr met with the BSO's human resource counselor to discuss the different options available. Det. Kerr knew that he was dying, and he decided upon Option 2 because only it provided the benefits that he wanted for his mother and nephews upon his death. On August 27, 2004, Det. Kerr was at Dr. Friedberg's office and was completing FRS-11o (the option selection form), and he called Mr. Brown, who was busy at work. Det. Kerr requested Mr. Brown to remind him which option number to select. Mr. Brown requested Det. Kerr to call him after working-hours, but Det. Kerr insisted that Mr. Brown talk with him then and provide the requested information. Mr. Brown, not recalling the option number that had been previously determined to be selected but recalling only what the selection provided, informed Det. Kerr that the option decided upon was the one that left the money to his (Det. Kerr's) mother for ten years. Det. Kerr yelled back that he knew what the selection provided that he wanted, but now he only wanted the option number. Mr. Brown requested Det. Kerr to wait a few hours and call him back; but Det. Kerr did not. Later, when Mr. Brown and Det. Kerr were together, Mr. Brown asked Det. Kerr whether he needed any assistance with the retirement paperwork. Det. Kerr responded in the negative, indicating that he had finished the paperwork by himself and convincingly stating that the family was protected. Mr. Brown asked to review the form, but Det. Kerr did not have the form with him. With Det. Kerr so convincingly expressing himself that the family was protected, Mr. Brown did not think of the retirement paperwork again. A finding of fact is made that Det. Kerr at all times had decided on Option 2 and at all times had intended to check Option 2. A finding of fact is made that the medical evidence is sufficient to demonstrate that, due to Det. Kerr's terminal illness and the medications given to him, his mental capacity to make an informed choice at the time that he selected Option 1 was affected; and that he mistakenly checked Option 1, whereas Option 2 would have protected his family as he had intended, which intent had never wavered or changed. By letter dated December 6, 2004, Retirement advised Det. Kerr's family that his estate was entitled to the disability retirement benefits due for the month of October 2004. Additionally, included with the letter was a "Joint Annuitant Information" document, and the family was advised that, if Det. Kerr had a survivor who qualified as a joint annuitant, a monthly benefit may be payable to such person. A joint annuitant was mentioned in several of the letters from Retirement to Det. Kerr, prior to his death, regarding his disability retirement. In a letter dated July 30, 2004, related to completing FRS-11o, a joint annuitant is mentioned only in relationship to Options 3 and 4 and calculations therefor; in the Application, a joint annuitant is again mentioned only in relationship to Options 3 and 4 and calculations therefor; in a letter dated August 10, 2004, again, a joint annuitant is mentioned only in relationship to Options 3 and 4 and calculations therefor; in two letters dated August 19, 2004, a joint annuitant is again mentioned only in relationship to Options 3 and 4 and calculations therefor; in the Estimate of Retirement Benefit document, a joint annuitant is mentioned only as it relates to Options 3 and 4; in an Estimate of Disability Retirement Benefits document, dated August 23, 2004, a joint annuitant is mentioned only as to Options 3 and 4 and calculations therefor; in a document provided to Det. Kerr by Retirement, entitled "What Retirement Option Should You Choose?" a joint annuitant is mentioned as it relates to all of the available options; in FRS-11o, a joint annuitant is mentioned only for Options 3 and 4; and in a letter dated December 6, 2004, after Det. Kerr's death, Retirement refers to a joint annuitant and includes information regarding a joint annuitant. No information was received by Retirement as to a joint annuitant. Further, at hearing no assertion of Ms. Kerr being a joint annuitant was made. Ms. Kerr is the personal representative of her son’s, Det. Kerr's, estate. On September 26, 2005, Retirement received a letter from Ms. Kerr's counsel requesting Retirement to change Det. Kerr's option selection from Option 1 to Option 2, explaining, among other things, Det. Kerr's intent but that his medical condition prevented him from following through with his intent. No mention was made in the letter of a survivor who qualified as a joint annuitant. Retirement contends that an option selection can only be changed in the event the designated beneficiary qualifies as a joint annuitant. On October 14, 2005, Retirement, by final agency action letter, denied the request to change Det. Kerr's option selection but erroneously cited Section 121.091(6)(h), Florida Statutes, as the statutory basis for the decision to deny the request, which stated as follows: (h) The option selected or determined for payment of benefits as provided in this section shall be final and irrevocable at the time a benefit payment is cashed or deposited or credited to the Deferred Retirement Option Program as provided in Subsection (13). Retirement admits that the basis for the denial stated in the final agency action letter is incorrect. No benefit payment had been issued, cashed or deposited. Retirement has never amended or sought to amend its denial-letter.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Management Services, Division of Retirement enter a final order granting the request of Rosalie J. Kerr and changing the retirement option selection of her deceased son, Robert R. Kerr, from Option 1 to Option 2. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of July, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ERROL H. POWELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of July, 2006.