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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-002913 Latest Update: Nov. 15, 1990

Findings Of Fact On October 23, 1978, Petitioner was hired as secretary to W. J. Crist, president of Hygroponics, Inc. On February 26, 1979, W. J. Crist evaluated Petitioner's overall job performance as "good." With respect to cooperation, the Petitioner was rated in the category of "cooperates very well," the highest rating possible for that category of performance. With respect to job knowledge, she was rated as showing "unusual capacity," also the highest rating possible for that category of performance. On March 5, 1979, Petitioner received an increase in salary from $4.18 per hour to $4.51 per hour, based in part upon her increased responsibilities and in part upon demonstrated merit. Following is Hygroponics, Inc.'s office staff organization chart dated May 2, 1979: HYGROPONICS, INC. OFFICE STAFF ORGANIZATION CHART | President | /| W. J. Crist |\ / | | \ / | \ \ \ | Purch. Agent | | Controller | \ | Technical Service | | Dick Destival | | James Jobe |" \ | Dick Jeffery | | | | | "" \ | | " / | | " "\ | " / | | " \" | " / | | " \ " | " / | | " \ " | " / | | " \ " | " / | | " \ " | " / | | "\ "| | Marsha | | Liz | | Nell | | Arlene | | Carolyn | | Betsy | | | | | | | | | | | | | /|\ Direct lines of authority. Answerable to this person at all times " Indirect lines of authority. Answerable for secondary duties and when direct lines are not available. The above organizational chart does not include the company's chief executive officer. On occasion, members of the company's secretarial staff went directly to the chief executive officer with employment-related problems. In September, 1979, after James Jobe, the controller referenced in the above chart, left the company's employ, W. J. Crist, the company president, advised Petitioner that she was to become office manager. After that time, Petitioner assumed many of the duties of office manager. Petitioner inquired when she would receive a raise commensurate with her increased responsibilities, and was advised that this would be accomplished after the company hired a new controller. Emmett Singleton was hired to fill the position of controller on October 29, 1979. On December 11, 1979, Petitioner formally became acting office manager. On that date Petitioner was evaluated by Emmett Singleton, who rated Petitioner highest in the areas of decision-making and ability to organize, and lowest in the areas of acceptability and responsibility. Specifically, Singleton made the following comments concerning Petitioner's job performance: "Has difficulty in establishing satisfactory relationships with people"; "Average leader, conventional in manner and enthusiasm, conveys ideas but does not motivate group"; "Has problem with admitting an error or fault"; "Reluctant to accept job responsibilities. Supervision and follow-up often required"; "Considers job an eight to five task with scheduled breaks reguardless [sic] of status of workload"; "Employee is preoccupied with the position rather than a concern for getting the job done"; and, "Employee resents being monitored or controlled. Sometimes uncooperative and slow to respond to direction." In addition, members of the company management group, other than Emmett Singleton, commented on this evaluation that Petitioner "alienates co-workers," "Has experienced confusion in the scheduling of grower school," and expressed concern with Petitioner's "attitude." The controller noted on the evaluation form that he planned ". . .to work closely with [Petitioner] for the next 60 days and make an assessment during this time as to whether on [sic] not suited for office manager." Finally, Mr. Singleton noted on Petitioner's performance review form that Petitioner ". . .is classified as Acting Office Manager and is on probation with reguard[sic] to classification. No change in rate of pay is being made at this time. Employee will be reevaluated in 60 days on or about 2/10/80." In order to improve her skills in the area of acceptability and responsibility, Petitioner requested that Mr. Singleton issue a memorandum clarifying the lines of her authority especially since her subordinates had not been advised that she had been given supervisory responsibility over them. Her request was denied at that time because Singleton wanted to first determine whether she could handle the position. On January 12, 1980, Singleton reevaluated Petitioner's job performance. According to Singleton's rating, Petitioner had improved in the areas of acceptability and responsibility, which had been her weak points in the evaluation performed one month earlier. On this same day, Petitioner was reclassified from acting office manager to office manager, and received an increase in pay to $821.60 per month, retroactive to November 1, 1979. Petitioner also assumed the duties of payroll clerk and accounts payable in addition to the duties of office manager. Shortly after receiving this promotion, Petitioner advised employees of Hygroponics, Inc., that she was pregnant. W. J. Crist and Emmett Singleton acknowledged her pregnancy, and the latter inquired concerning her intentions regarding her employment. Petitioner responded that she intended to continue working for the company, and to return to work after the birth of her child. Hygroponics, Inc., had no maternity leave policy. No other female employee had ever given notice of pregnancy and stated her intention to return to work following childbirth. However, at least two other employees had become pregnant during the term of their employment with Hygroponics, Inc. One of these employees, in fact, suffered two miscarriages during her term of employment, and continued working with the company. Another female worker became pregnant, gave birth to a child, and returned to work without ever advising the company or the company ever being aware that she had been pregnant until after she had returned to work. On January 30, 1980, Petitioner submitted a memorandum to Eugene Crist, the company's chief executive officer. The memorandum suggested changes regarding the responsibilities of certain of the office personnel under her supervision. Petitioner had previously discussed these suggested changes with Emmett Singleton, her immediate supervisor, who advised her that he thought her suggestions were a good idea. At the time the memorandum was submitted to the company's chief executive officer, W. J. Crist, the president of the company, was out of the state. On January 30, 1980, Eugene Crist showed the memorandum to Emmett Singleton. The memorandum was then returned to Petitioner by the company's chief executive officer with a notation that the matters contained in the memorandum should be handled through Singleton. Two days later, on February 1, 1980, Singleton asked Petitioner for the memorandum. When Petitioner could not locate the memorandum, and offered to discuss the details of it with Singleton, Singleton advised her that there was no basis for conversation if she could not produce the memorandum. As noted above, Singleton had seen and read the memorandum two days previously when it was shown to him by Eugene Crist. Upon W. J. Crist's return to Florida, Singleton advised him that Petitioner had submitted a memorandum directly to the company's chief executive officer, and that when Singleton asked Petitioner to see the memorandum, she advised him that she had misplaced it. On February 8, 1980, W. J. Crist circulated a memorandum to the Hygroponics, Inc., executive staff concerning Petitioner's ". . .insubordination, poor attitude [and] defiance of executive orders. This memorandum provided, in part, as follows: It is my understanding that Carolyn recently drafted a memorandum on her proposed changes in office duties for many people, changes in accounting procedures, etc. I have been informed that she: "by-passed you, her immediate superior and by-passed me, her next-in-line superior." and delivered this memo directly to Gene, our CEO. Then when Gene informed her to "discuss the memo directly with you," she advised you "she did not even have the memo anymore." I find these actions, on Carolyn's part very distressing and feel we must take disciplinary actions with her. So - what are the problems. Her "uncooperative" and "attitude" problems outlined in your personnel evaluation of her on December 11, 1979 (which she acknowledged) when you put her "on probation," the first time, still persist. She demonstrated anything but teamwork in by-passing her two immediate superiors and going directly to our CEO. This is very bad for an employee to do but even worse for her since she is suppose [sic] to be a leader of our people in her slot as Office Manager. Her disregarding Gene's directive to discuss the memo with you was corrected only by your insistance[sic] that the two of you discuss it. Her statement to you that "she no longer had the memo" is also distressing. Has she destroyed it? This additional negative certainly weakens her argument that "she went directly to Gene because he was going out.[sic] (Original emphasis.) The above-referenced memorandum solicited the views of the company's executive staff as to whether to terminate Petitioner, discipline her in some fashion, or give her an opportunity to resign. The decision was unanimous among all five members of the executive staff to terminate Petitioner. No member of the executive staff questioned Petitioner before concurring in the decision to discharge her. Such a memorandum of concurrence was not the company's standard practice in discharging employees, which generally was for the discharge decision to be made by the employee's supervisor alone. Hygroponics, Inc., was, at all times material to this proceeding, a rather small organization, numbering at the most approximately fifty employees. As a result, many of the internal functions of the company were informal in nature. For example, there were no strict lines of authority for secretarial staff to air grievances or make suggestions. There was, however, a generalized procedure for employees to approach their immediate supervisor with any employment-related problems. There is no direct substantive evidence in the record in this cause from which it can be concluded that Petitioner was terminated from her employment because she was either female or pregnant. Further, whatever circumstantial evidence there is in this record to support such a contention is overcome by Respondent's demonstration that Petitioner was at best an employee of average ability who management viewed at times to be a problem employee. It appears, therefore, that the reason for Petitioner's discharge was an accumulation of events, culminating in her memorandum of January 30, 1980, being submitted to the company chief executive officer, and not for any reason relating to her sex.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered by the State of Florida, Commission on Human Relations, dismissing the Petition for Relief, and denying the relief requested therein, with prejudice. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of March, 1983, at Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of March, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: James H. White, Jr., Esquire 229 McKenzie Avenue Panama City, Florida 32401 John F. Daniel, Esquire Post Office Box 2522 Panama City, Florida 32401 Dana Baird, Esquire Florida Commission on Human Relations 2562 Executive Center Circle, East Suite 100, Montgomery Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Richard E. Williams Executive Director Florida Commission on Human Relations 2562 Executive Center Circle, East Suite 100, Montgomery Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000e Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jan. 20, 2009 Number: 09-000342PL Latest Update: Jul. 04, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jan. 13, 2003 Number: 03-000092PL Latest Update: Jul. 04, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Dec. 21, 2011 Number: 11-006467 Latest Update: Jun. 27, 2012

The Issue The issue is whether the Respondent committed an unlawful employment practice under section 760.10, Florida Statutes (2011), by discriminating against Petitioner on the basis of race or sex, and if so, what remedy should be ordered.

Findings Of Fact Apalachee Center is a not-for-profit health center providing mental health and substance abuse services in the Big Bend region of North Florida, which employs over 15 people. One of its facilities is a 16-bed mental health residential facility in Tallahassee, Florida, primarily housing men who suffer from severe mental illness. Ms. Sandra Johnson, an African–American woman and Petitioner in this case, has been a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) since 1984. She began working for Respondent in 2009 as the only LPN on duty on “B Shift Days” from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Forensic Residential Program. Another LPN, Ana Degg, was a white woman who worked on the “A” shift, and was the lead forensic nurse and Petitioner’s acting supervisor, though she was not actually present during the shift Petitioner worked. Most of the residents in the facility in which Petitioner worked have been found incompetent by the criminal justice system and have been sent to the program by court order. Petitioner maintained their medications, monitored their health, and helped to ensure that they did not leave the facility. At the time she was hired, Petitioner was made aware of Apalachee Center’s policies prohibiting discrimination and had been advised to immediately report any suspected discrimination to the Human Resources Department. Ms. Candy Landry, the Human Resources Officer at Apalachee Center, is proud of Apalachee’s diversity record. Apalachee employs more African-Americans than whites. Ms. Degg had some conflicts with Petitioner immediately after they began working together, but later came to the conclusion that it was just a reflection of Petitioner’s personality. Ms. Degg said that she still continued to receive some staff complaints, mostly about Petitioner’s demeanor. She testified that Petitioner “came off as gruff.” Ms. Degg was very credible. Ms. Degg consulted Ms. Jane Magnan, Registered Nurse (RN) who was the Director of Nursing, and Ms. Jeanne Pope, the Director of Residential Services, as to the best way to handle the situation. Ms. Magnan and Ms. Pope each testified that they advised Ms. Degg to start with basic lines of communication and mentoring on a one-to-one level to see if the problem could be handled before anything went to the written stage. Ms. Degg provided some handouts on interpersonal relations and “soft skills” to Petitioner and her unit and tried to coach Petitioner on how to be a bit more professional in her interactions. Ms. Degg told Petitioner that staff was saying that Petitioner was rude and she asked her to talk to people a little differently. She said Petitioner responded by saying that that was “just the way she was.” Petitioner’s conduct did not change and complaints continued. Ms. Magnan, who had hired Petitioner, believed that Ms. Degg found it difficult to discipline Petitioner. Ms. Magnan also believed there was some resistance from Petitioner in acknowledging Ms. Degg, a fellow LPN, as Petitioner’s supervisor. Petitioner had no “write–ups” from the time of her employment at Apalachee in August or September of 2009 until January of 2011. On January 21, 2011, Petitioner was presented a memorandum dated January 7, 2011, to document a Written Supervisory Session on two incidents. First, the memorandum stated that Petitioner had been counseled for failure to give a report to the oncoming nurse who had arrived late for her shift. Second, it stated that Petitioner had been counseled for being rude and unprofessional in a telephone conversation with the Dietary Supervisor. The memorandum was signed by Petitioner and by Ms. Degg. Ms. Degg testified that in response Petitioner had denied that she had failed to give a report to the oncoming nurse, but that the other staff people had corroborated what the oncoming shift nurse had told her, so she believed it had happened. At hearing, Petitioner continued to deny that she had failed to give a report to the oncoming nurse and denied that she had been rude or unprofessional in her conversation with the Dietary Supervisor. In the months following the January “write-up,” Ms. Degg did not notice any change in Petitioner’s demeanor and continued to receive complaints. She noted that she did not personally consider Petitioner’s behavior to be rude, but others did, and she could understand why. On May 18, 2011, Petitioner was presented a memorandum dated May 10, 2011, to document another Written Supervisory Session. The memorandum indicated that Petitioner had been unprofessional in communications to a Mental Health Assistant (MHA) whom Petitioner supervised. It stated that Petitioner had used phrases such as “shut up” and “get out of my face” to the MHA and that Petitioner had previously been counseled regarding this issue. The Memorandum was signed by Petitioner and by Ms. Magnan and Ms. Pope. Ms. Magnan and Ms. Pope offered Petitioner training and assistance. On the memorandum, Petitioner wrote that she did not agree with the statement and that she was willing to learn. On May 27, 2011, Petitioner’s Employee Performance Evaluation for the period April 23, 2010, through May 15, 2011, was presented to Petitioner. It indicated “Below Performance Expectations” or “Needs Improvement” in several areas, including supervision of MHAs, training of staff, unit management, acceptance of responsibility, and attitude. Hand-written notes by Ms. Magnan and Ms. Dianne VanZorge, the RN supervising the forensic unit, commented on difficulties in communicating with staff, compromised staff morale, and lack of leadership. The report noted that various employees had brought Petitioner’s attitude to the attention of the Program Director and Director of Nursing. The evaluation was signed by Petitioner, Ms. Magnan, and Melany Kearley, the Chief Operations Officer. In conjunction with this unfavorable Employee Performance Evaluation, and in accordance with Apalachee policy, Petitioner was placed on a Corrective Action Plan, a 60-day period of Conditional Probationary Status. The memorandum advising Petitioner of this action explained that Petitioner should immediately take action to maintain a friendly and productive work atmosphere, demonstrate respect and courtesy towards clients and co-workers, and demonstrate initiatives to improve Petitioner’s job and the program. The memorandum advised that any further non-compliance could result in disciplinary action or termination of employment. Petitioner’s supervisor was changed to Ms. VanZorge. Petitioner knew Ms. VanZorge because they had worked together many years earlier. Petitioner was advised in the Corrective Action Plan that Ms. VanZorge would meet with her on a weekly basis to provide any needed assistance. At the time Petitioner was placed on probation, Ms. Magnan testified that Petitioner became angry. Petitioner asked if they wanted her to quit. Ms. Magnan encouraged Petitioner not to quit, telling her that that “we are going to work this out.” Ms. Magnan and Ms. VanZorge testified that they made sure that Petitioner acknowledged that resources and coaching were available to help her. Petitioner testified that leadership, nursing management, and supervisory resources were not subsequently provided to her as promised. On June 29, 2011, Mr. Alphonzo Robinson, an African-American MHA who worked under Petitioner’s supervision, submitted complaints about Petitioner to Ms. VanZorge and Ms. Pope. Ms. VanZorge and Ms. Pope then met with Petitioner regarding these complaints. A memorandum documenting the meeting with Petitioner, prepared the same day, states that an MHA reported that Petitioner had eaten a resident’s lunch. The MHA alleged that the resident had gone out on a morning community pass, asking staff to save his lunch for him until he returned. The memorandum states that when the resident returned, the MHA went to get his lunch for him, only to find Petitioner eating the last of the resident’s food in the staff kitchen. The MHA indicated that Petitioner denied eating the resident’s lunch, saying that it had been thrown away, and directed the MHA to give the resident another patient’s meal instead. Only an empty tray without food was found in the garbage. The MHA noted that another patient’s lunch could not be substituted because the first resident was diabetic and had special dietary needs. The memorandum also indicates that several other complaints were made against Petitioner by the MHA and discussed with her at the meeting. It was alleged that the Petitioner was continually rude to staff, asked residents to run errands for her, left the commode dirty with urine and feces, and used her hands to get ice from the ice machine. The memorandum noted that at the meeting, after an initial denial, Petitioner finally had admitted that she had eaten the resident’s lunch. It also noted that Petitioner had admitted that “a while back” she had asked residents to get Cokes for her, but that now she drank water. The memorandum concluded by noting that the expectations on Petitioner’s Corrective Action Plan had been reviewed, and that it was further discussed that Petitioner was not to eat any resident meals or ask them to perform errands. Petitioner had been instructed to buy a meal ticket or bring her own, clean up after herself, and adhere to infection control policy and universal precautions. At hearing, Ms. VanZorge testified that during the meeting Petitioner admitted having eaten the resident’s lunch, but stated she had not done that for a long while prior to that. Ms. VanZorge stated that Petitioner also admitted she had gotten ice with her hands once. Ms. Pope testified that Petitioner had initially denied eating the resident’s food, but then later during the course of the meeting had admitted that she had eaten it, and also admitted that she had sent residents to run errands for her. MHA Kim Jenkins, a white woman and the second MHA under Petitioner’s supervision, testified that she knew nothing about the allegations that Petitioner ate a resident’s lunch. She testified that the bathroom was a unisex bathroom and that Petitioner did leave it in an unsanitary condition almost every time she used it, although she had been too embarrassed for Petitioner to ever discuss that with Petitioner. Ms. Jenkins said she did try to discuss all of the other recurring issues with Petitioner. She testified that Petitioner was rude on a daily basis. She testified that she had seen Petitioner going through other staff members’ mail and opening it. She testified that Petitioner did get ice with her bare hands on several occasions. On cross-examination, Ms. Jenkins stated that she did not document any of these incidents and could not remember dates on which they occurred. Pressed to provide dates, Ms. Jenkins testified that the only approximate date she could remember was the time that Petitioner sent a client with a staff member to get two hot dogs for Petitioner and the client had ended up paying for the hot dogs. Ms. Jenkins said that she knew this occurred in October because Ms. Jenkins had been assigned to the unit for only about two weeks when it happened. Ms. Jenkins testified that she clearly remembered when this occurred because Ms. Jenkins had been “written up” by Petitioner shortly afterwards for stopping at a McDonald’s drive–through on the way back from a client’s doctor’s appointment to allow the client to buy some ice cream. Ms. Jenkins testimony was very credible. Petitioner testified at hearing that the allegations in the June 29, 2011, letter of Alphonzo Robinson were not true. She testified that she did not eat a patient’s food, never asked patients to buy sodas or candy for her, never left urine and feces on the toilet seat, and that he never caught her sleeping on the job. She testified that it was a public bathroom, and noted that anyone could have left it in that condition. She also stated that someone should wonder, “[W]hy was Alphonzo Robinson in ladies’ bathroom watching toilet seats? Apparently he needs to be monitoring the patient and not the lady bathroom.” Petitioner noted that in all of the allegations against her, “[I]t is their word against mine.” In a memo dated July 1, 2011, to Ms. Kearley, Ms. Pope recommended the termination of Petitioner’s employment with Apalachee Center. Ms. Magnan, Ms. VanZorge, and Ms. Pope were unanimous in this recommendation. On or about July 6, 2011, Ms. Pope accompanied Petitioner to the office of Ms. Candy Landry, the Human Resources Officer, where Petitioner was informed that her employment was terminated. Ms. Landry testified that Petitioner had violated policies of Apalachee and that the disciplinary process and termination of employment with respect to Petitioner had followed standard procedures. Ms. Landry testified that Petitioner’s replacement was also African-American. Petitioner filed a complaint with the Florida Human Relations Commission (Commission), alleging that Apalachee Center had discriminated against her based upon her race and sex on August 15, 2011. Her complaint alleged that non-African- American employees had never been disciplined without reason, as she had been. Her complaint stated an employee had made unwelcome comments that she was “fine,” “sexy” and “beautiful.” On December 20, 2011, Petitioner filed a Petition for Relief, which was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings. At hearing, Petitioner presented no evidence regarding similarly situated white employees. Petitioner presented no evidence that anyone ever made comments that she was “fine,” “sexy” or “beautiful.” She did testify that she made a note on June 20, 2011, regarding Alphonzo Robinson. Her testimony was as follows: Okay. Ready for Alphonso Robinson. This is what he states, “I’m looking for a wife. Bring your friend down here so I can look at her.” I informed Robinson to sit in day room with client. Let Kim Jenkins come from back there with the men. He states, “I don’t want to deal with the men. When I worked at Florida Hospital, we punish inmate.” I told him we don’t do that here. Social Service case managers do that. Group coordinator recommend –- group coordinators recommend treatment, member, nurse, case manager, and Ms. Pope. Robinson state, “I used to be a man that – that – I used to be a man that a husband was having problem with sex, I took care of his wife.” I stopped talking to him and just restrict everything to work only with Mr. Alphonzo Robinson. I gave this note to Ana Degg. I asked her please to address it with Ms. Pope. I never heard anything else about that. I did my job as I was told. I went by the instructions what the facility asked me to do. Petitioner testified that she prepared the note with this information on June 20, 2011, and gave it to Ms. Degg. This would have been a bit more than one week prior to Mr. Robinson’s complaints about her performance. Under cross-examination, Mr. Robinson denied that he had been sleeping on the job or had made inappropriate sexual remarks. He denied that he made the allegations against Petitioner because he was fearful he would be terminated and was attempting to get Petitioner fired first: Q You said – you made sexual statements, you told me that you had a new lady, that her husband had problems with sex, and you took care of the lady. After that I learned that, to stay out from around you, because I am a married lady. I have been married for 37 years. I don’t endure stuff like that. So after that, then later on you was in the room and you made a sexual comment. You – I said that is inappropriate, that’s not the kind of behavior – we do not come to work for that kind of behavior. * * * Q So Alphonzo – A Yes. Q -- after you made that comment, and then you said those statements, and then after that I approached you and told you that you cannot be sleeping at the desk, and then you decided to make these statements, to go to Dianne, Kim’s friend and all that, so they can get me fired before you get terminated, is that not true? A No, that’s not. Q You had never been sleeping at the desk? A No, I haven’t. There is no evidence that Petitioner mentioned the note or showed it to anyone at the Florida Commission on Human Relations in connection with her complaint of discrimination. She did not provide a copy of the note to the Division of Administrative Hearings or to Respondent prior to hearing. Petitioner testified that she found the note in her papers when she went through them. Ms. Degg was no longer Petitioner’s supervisor on June 20, 2011. Ms. Degg testified that she could not recall Petitioner ever complaining about anyone in the workplace sexually harassing her. Ms. Degg testified that she had received a written complaint about MHA Jenkins, but that she had never received any written complaint about MHA Robinson. Ms. Degg’s testimony that she did not receive the note was credible, and is accepted as true. Ms. VanZorge testified that Petitioner never complained to her about any type of sexual harassment by Mr. Robinson. Ms. Pope testified that Petitioner never complained to her about any sexual harassment. Ms. Candy Landry, the Human Resources Officer, testified that Petitioner never complained to her that she had been subjected to sexual harassment. She further testified that she was never aware of any allegations of sexual harassment of Petitioner from any source. The facts do not support the conclusion that Respondent discriminated against Petitioner on the basis of race or sex.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing Petitioner's complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of April, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S F. SCOTT BOYD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of April, 2012. COPIES FURNISHED: Sandra Johnson 284 Centerline Road Crawfordville, Florida 32327 Thomas A. Groendyke, Esquire Douberley and Cicero 1000 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Suite 590 Sunrise, Florida 33323 tgroendyke@dc-atty.com Chris John Rush, Esquire Rush and Associates 1880 North Congress Avenue, Suite 205 Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 cjrushesq@comcast.net Lawrence F. Kranert, Jr., Esquire Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 kranerl@fchr.state.fl.us Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 violet.crawford@fchr.myflorida.com

Florida Laws (7) 120.569120.57509.092760.01760.02760.10760.11
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