The Issue The issue is whether Respondent's license to practice nursing should be revoked, suspended, or otherwise disciplined under the facts and circumstances of this case.
Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: At all times material to this proceeding, Respondent Rita Flint (Flint) was a licensed practical nurse in the State of Florida, holding license number PN0655201. Flint's last known address is 6494 South West 8th Place, North Lauderdale, Florida 33068. At all times material to this proceeding Flint was employed by North Broward Medical Center (NBMC) located in Pompano Beach, Florida, as a practical nurse. On August 3, 1990, Flint was assigned to care for patients J. C. and J. K. including administering their medications and charting same on their Medication Administration Record (MAR). On August 3, 1990, J. C.'s physician prescribed one (1) nitroglycerine patch each day. Flint failed to administer the patch on this date. On August 3, 1990, J. C.'s physician prescribed 100 mg. of Norpace every six (6) hours. Flint failed to administer the 2:00 p.m. dosage of Norpace to J. C. On August 3, 1990, J. C.'s physician prescribed 120 mg. of Inderal each day. Flint failed to administer the 9:00 a.m. dosage of Inderal until 1:30 p.m. without noting any explanation on J. C.'s MAR. On August 3, 1990, Flint failed to document the administration of J. K's own medications on the MAR. On August 3, 1990, Flint failed to sign the MARs for J. C. and J. K. as required by hospital policy. On August 15, 1990, Flint left an intravenous bag with an exposed needle hanging at the bedside of a patient. On August 29, 1990, Flint was assigned to care for patient R. R. including administering his medications. Flint failed to administer the following medications leaving all of them at R. R.'s bedside: (a) Timolo (9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. doses); (b) Mixide (9:00 a.m. dose); (c) Zantac (9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. doses); (d) Lasix (9:00 a.m. dose); and, (e) Entozyme (8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon doses). On August 30, 1990, NBMC terminated Flint's employment as a result of the aforementioned conduct. There is no evidence that any patient suffered any actual harm as a result of Flint's errors. In September of 1990, NBMC referred Flint to the Intervention Project for Nurses. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Flint's job performance was adversely affected by long work schedules necessitated by severe financial problems. During the week of August 3, 1990, Flint worked a ninety-two-hour week. The acute financial stress was due to domestic problems including the breakup of her twenty-two-year-old marriage. Flint had no problems involving substance abuse. Flint attended individual therapy sessions with a clinical psychologist, Priscilla Marotta, Ph.D., and participated in group therapy designed primarily for persons with substance abuse problems. Flint attended weekly therapy sessions for approximately one month after which she could no longer afford treatment. Even though Flint was financially unable to continue treatment with Dr. Marotta or any other counseling program recommended by the Intervention Program for Nurses, she diligently undertook a self-help program to educate herself on stress management techniques, to develop self-reliance, and to improve self-esteem. Flint's effort to participate in therapy, to the extent financially possible, and to rehabilitate herself shows a strong commitment to her profession. Flint has been licensed to practice nursing since May 31, 1982. There is no evidence of any disciplinary action against her license prior to or after the incidents herein described. Flint is currently employed as a nurse in a hospice. Her recent performance appraisal reports indicate that, on an average, she fully meets all job requirements.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore recommended that the Board of Nursing enter a Final Order finding Respondent guilty of violating Section 464.018(h), Florida Statutes (1989), as defined in Rule 210-10.005(1)(e)1 and Rule 210-10.005(1)(e)2, Florida Administrative Code, and not guilty of violating Section 464.018(1)(j), Florida Statutes. It is further recommended that the Board's final order: (1) place the Respondent on probation for one year subject to such requirements as the Board may require; and (2) require the Respondent to pay an administrative fine in the amount of two hundred fifty dollars ($250). DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 21st day of November 1994. SUZANNE F. HOOD, Hearing Officer Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of November 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 93-2715 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. FOR THE PETITIONER: Incorporated into Findings of Fact 1. Incorporated into Findings of Fact 2 and 11. Incorporated into Findings of Fact 4. Incorporated into Findings of Fact 5. Incorporated into Findings of Fact 6. Incorporated into Findings of Fact 7. Incorporated into Findings of Fact 8. Incorporated into Findings of Fact 9. Incorporated into Findings of Fact 10. The first sentence is incorporated into Findings of Fact 13. The remaining portion of this proposed fact is not supported by competent substantial evidence. Furthermore, Respondent's Exhibit 3, as it relates to a diagnosis of a mental condition, is hearsay which does not supplement or explain any other psychological or medical evidence. Thus, any reference in Exhibit R3 to a generalized anxiety disorder is insufficient to support Petitioner's proposed finding. Unsupported by competent substantial evidence. Unsupported by competent substantial evidence. See number 10 above. FOR THE RESPONDENT: 1. Respondent did file proposed findings of fact or conclusions of law. COPIES FURNISHED: Laura Gaffney, Esquire Natalie Duguid, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Rita Flint 3313 South East Second Street Pompano, Florida 33063 Judie Ritter Executive Director Board of Nursing AHCA 504 Daniel Building 111 East Coastline Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Harold D. Lewis General Counsel The Atrium, Suite 301 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, I hereby recommend that the action of the agency in denying licensure to the Respondent as a Licensed Practical Nurse be sustained. ENTERED this 22nd day of September, 1978 in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Julius Finegold, Esquire 1010 Blackstone Building Jacksonville, Florida Modesta R. Hernandez 1440 Killarney Drive Sebring, Florida 33870 Ms. Geraldine B. Johnson Investigation & Licensing Coordinator Florida State Board of Nursing Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation 6501 Arlington Expressway Jacksonville, Florida 32211
Findings Of Fact This cause comes on for hearing based upon the petition of Jeanne Fried, R.N. filed with the State of Florida, Department of Professional and Occupational Regulations, Board of Nursing, Respondent. This petition was received by the Respondent on October 4, 1978 and referred to the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings for consideration in accordance with the provisions of Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The Petitioner is a Registered Nurse licensed to practice in Florida. The Respondent is an Agency of the State Of Florida which has among its responsibilities the licensure, certification and regulation of certain individuals who wish to practice nursing in the State of Florida, to include the Petitioner. In 1968, the Petitioner received a Baccalaureate degree from the Medical College of Georgia. Her degree was in nursing and she became a Registered Nurse at that time. Since 1968, the Petitioner has worked in the field of nursing. In addition, she has received a Masters of Education degree from the University of Florida with a minor in nursing. This latter degree was earned in December, 1975. Subsequent to receiving the Masters of Education degree, Ms. Fried attended a course entitled Studies for Nurse Practitioners for Adult Care, and was awarded a certificate of completion in that course. That certificate was received in March, 1976 and a copy of the certificate may be found as the Petitioner's Exhibit Number One (1), admitted into evidence. After receiving that certificate, she worked in the capacity of an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner at the Lake Butler Reception and Medical Center, Lake Butler, Florida from April, 1976 through August, 1976. From August, 1976 to the present, the Petitioner has worked in a similar position in the Veterans Administration Hospital at Lake City, Florida. Until July 17, 1977, the Respondent had not recognized nor established guidelines for the position known as Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner. On that date, the Respondent enacted an item entitled Appendix to Chapter 210-11, Guidelines for Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Programs of Study. This item appears as a rule set forth in the Florida Administrative Code. The authority for the passage of the rule is found in Subsection 464.051(3), Florida Statutes and it implements Subsections 464.021(2)(a), 4 and 464.051(3)(d) and (e), Florida Statutes. To receive the necessary certification to become an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, an applicant must comply with the guidelines set forth in the aforementioned appendix. The only aspect of the guidelines which is in dispute between the parties is found in that section of the appendix entitled, "Curriculum" and specifically (3) which reads: The program shall be at least one (1) academic year in length (nine months full time) which shall include a minimum of one (1) academic quarter of theory in the biological, behavioral, nursing and medical sciences relevant to the area of advanced practice, in addition to clinical experience with a qualified preceptor . . . The petitioner does not disagree with the fact that the course that she was certified in from the University of Florida in March, 1976 does not constitute an academic year within the meaning of the appendix; however, she is of the persuasion that she is entitled to certification as an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner because individuals who also attended the University of Florida course, Studies for Nurse Practitioner for Adult Care, have been certified by the Respondent as Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners. (This certification for the other individuals has occurred notwithstanding their failure to complete a full academic year as prescribed in the guidelines for the Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners found in the Appendix to Chapter 210-11, Florida Administrative Code.) The basis for the certification of these other unnamed individuals transpired through an apparatus of the Respondent, in which, by meeting of its governing board, it was determined that individuals who did not meet the academic requirements of the Appendix to Chapter 210-11, Florida Administrative Code, nonetheless would be given an opportunity for certification as Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners. This special dispensation on behalf of these unnamed parties was granted in the face of the clear requirements of the established rule, which is the Appendix to 210-11, Florida Administrative Code. By that, it is meant that the rule was passed effective July 17, 1977, but its application to these unnamed individuals who received certification as Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners without complying to the terms and conditions of the rule, was withheld. The technique for withholding it was to extend the period of enforcement of the guidelines to become effective March 31, 1978 as opposed to the prescribed date of July 17, 1977. Any applicants who applied prior to that date would be considered on a basis which did not require strict compliance with the academic requirements of the "Curriculum" guideline, which could be and was waived in the instances of some of the applicants, to include applicants in a similar factual circumstance to the Petitioner in that they had attended the University of Florida, College of Nursing course, Studies for Nurse Practitioner for Adult Care. The way prospective applicants were notified of the "grace period" allowing noncompliance with the academic requirement for certification in the subject field, was through the publication of that information in the newsletter of the Respondent which is forwarded to hospitals, public health clinics, colleges of nursing in Florida and the Florida Nurses Association. In addition, the Florida Nurses Association attempted to make its members aware of the "grace period." Also, it was the policy of the Respondent to advise the prospective applicants for certification as Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners of the opportunity for consideration during the "grace period." This information sheet was typically mailed to the applicant with the application form, once an inquiry on the question of application had been received from the applicant. The Petitioner did not receive notice of the "grace period" through any published newsletter or bulletin and did not receive a copy of the information sheet which would have apprised her of the fact of the "grace period." She inquired about making application in February, 1978 and began to execute her application form on March 13, 1978 and completed the form on June 14, 1978. This can be seen by an examination of the Petitioner's Exhibit Number Five (5) admitted in evidence, which is a copy of the application for certification as Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner filed by the Petitioner with the Respondent. Due to the fact that the application was received subsequent to March 31, 1978, and the fact that the Petitioner did not meet the academic requirements established in the Appendix of Chapter 210-11, Florida Administrative Code, her application to be an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner was denied through correspondence dated September 13, 1978.
Recommendation It is recommended that the application by the Petitioner, Jeanne Fried, R.N., be denied by the Respondent, State of Florida, Department of Professional and Occupational Regulations, Board of Nursing. DONE and ENTERED this 30th day of January, 1979, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Julius Finegold, Esquire 1107 Blackstone Building Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Ms. Jeanne Fried, R.N. Post Office Box 932 Alachua, Florida 32615 Geraldine Johnson, R.N. Board of Nursing 6501 Arlington Expressway Jacksonville, Florida 32211
The Issue Whether Respondent should take final action to deny Petitioner's application for licensure as a practical nurse on the grounds set forth in Respondent's Notice of Intent to Deny.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a native of Haiti, where she graduated from the Université d'Etat d'Haiti, l' École Nationale des Infirmières, Haiti's national nursing school, in 1993. Since 1997, she has lived and received mail at a residence in North Miami Beach, Florida, having the following mailing address: 1120 Northeast 155th Street, North Miami Beach (or, alternatively, Miami), Florida 33162 (155th Street Mailing Address). In or about 2006 and 2007, Petitioner attended the Miami Lakes Educational Center's practical nursing program, but she never completed the program. Thereafter, Petitioner enrolled in and later completed (in or about June 2008) a "remedial" program of practical nursing coursework specifically designed for graduates of Haiti's national nursing school. The coursework was given at Miami-Dade College (North), under the directorship of Mariane Barrientos. On April 23, 2009, Petitioner filed with Respondent an Application for Nursing Licensure by Examination seeking a license to engage in the practice of practical nursing in Florida (First Florida Application). On the completed application form, in the spaces provided for the applicant to indicate the "Nursing School Attended" and "Additional Nursing Program Attended," she wrote "Universite D'Etat Ecole Nationale Des Infirmières" and "Miami Dade College Remedial Theory & Clinical," respectively. By letter dated April 30, 2009, addressed to Petitioner at her 155th Street Mailing Address (with "Miami" designated as the city), the address she gave as her mailing address on her First Florida Application, Respondent advised Petitioner that it had received her First Florida Application and, upon review, had determined it to be "incomplete" because the following requirements had not been met: Graduates of schools outside the United States must have credentials evaluated by a Board approved credentialing service. . . . Evaluation results must be mailed directly to the Florida Board of Nursing. Copies from the applicant are not acceptable. Graduates of schools outside the United States must provide proof of Board approved English competency. . . . Results must be mailed directly to the Florida Board of Nursing. Copies from the applicant are not acceptable. After having received this letter, as well as follow-up written correspondence from Respondent dated August 12, 2009, also addressed to Petitioner's 155th Street Mailing Address (with "Miami" designated as the city), Petitioner withdrew her First Florida Application by completing a Respondent-created form (on which she gave her address as "1120 NE 155 St Miami Fl 33162") and submitting it to Respondent on October 27, 2009. Approximately two months later, in or around December 2009, Petitioner submitted an Application for License by Examination: Practical Nurse, to the Colorado Board of Nursing (Colorado Application). The application was accompanied by a money order (in the amount of $88.00) Petitioner had obtained to pay for the application fee. On the completed application form, under "Name of Professional Nursing Program Attended," "Miami Lakes Educational Center" was written; in the space provided for the applicant to indicate the "Date of Graduation," it was claimed, falsely, that Petitioner had graduated from this "[p]rofessional [n]ursing [p]rogram" in June 2009; and Petitioner gave her 155th Street Mailing Address (with "Miami" designated as the city) as her mailing address. At the end of the form was the following "Attestation," which Petitioner signed and dated on December 14, 2009: I state under penalty of perjury in the second degree, as defined in 18-8-503, C.R.S., that the information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. In accordance with 18- 8-501(2)(a)(1), C.R.S. false statements made herein are punishable by law and may constitute violation of the practice act. In support of the Colorado Application, the Colorado Board of Nursing received a fraudulent Miami Lakes Education Center transcript showing, falsely, that Petitioner had completed the nursing program at the school on June 29, 2009. The transcript purported to be signed (on December 11, 2009) by Dr. Angela Thomas-Dupree, who was an administrator at the Miami Lakes Education Center at the time. In fact, the signature on the transcript was a forgery: it was not Dr. Thomas-Dupree's, and she had not authorized anyone to sign her name on any transcript issued by the Miami Lakes Education Center.3/ In response to the Colorado Board of Nursing's request that she "verify [the] transcript" it had received (a copy of which the Board sent to her), Dr. Thomas-Dupree advised the Board, in writing (through a memorandum dated March 16, 2010), that (contrary to what the transcript indicated) Petitioner "[a]ttended [but] did not complete" the nursing program at the Miami Lakes Education Center. Thereafter, the Colorado Board of Nursing made its determination to deny Petitioner's Colorado Application on the ground that she had "attempted to procure a license by fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, misleading omission, or material misstatement of fact" in violation of Colorado law.4/ By letter dated June 25, 2010, addressed to Petitioner at her 155th Street Mailing Address (with "Miami" designated as the city), the Colorado Board of Nursing advised Petitioner that a decision had been made to "deny [her] request for a license." The body of the letter read as follows: Panel B of the State Board of Nursing ("Board") reviewed your application for a Practical Nurse license on June 23, 2010. After careful consideration of all of the information contained in your application file, it was the decision of the Panel to deny your request for a license based on C.R.S. §12-38-118 and §12-38-117(1)(a) and its determination that you: have procured or attempted to procure a license by fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, misleading omission, or material misstatement of fact; If you feel that you have additional information or documentation to submit that would change the outcome of the Panel's decision you may write a letter and request that your file and the supplemental information be re-examined by the Panel. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this process. Pursuant to sections §12-38-1-117, 12-38-118, and 24-4-104(9), C.R.S., you have the right to request a hearing regarding the denial of your application. In order to exercise this right, you must provide written notification to the Board at the above listed address within sixty days from the date of this letter specifically requesting a hearing. In the event that you do not make a timely request for a hearing, the denial will become final. At the end of the letter was a Certificate of Service, signed by the letter's author, certifying that the letter: was sent First Class Mail from Denver, Colorado, this 25th day of June 2010, addressed as follows: Benita S. Jean-Noel 1120 NE 155th Street Miami, FL 33162[5/] Petitioner received the Colorado Board of Nursing's June 25, 2010, letter,6/ but did not request a hearing on the decision to "deny [her] request for a license." The decision therefore became final, as the letter indicated it would. From approximately December 2011 to December 2012, Petitioner took additional nursing coursework at Sigma Institute of Health Careers (Sigma). On November 5, 2012, before graduating from Sigma, Petitioner filed with Respondent a second Application for Nursing Licensure by Examination seeking a license to engage in the practice of practical nursing in Florida (Second Florida Application). Her signature (dated September 5, 2012) was affixed on the line provided for the "Applicant's Signature" on the penultimate page (page 17) of the completed application form, and it was immediately preceded by a statement reading, in pertinent part, as follows: I, the undersigned, state that I am the person referred to in this application for licensure in the State of Florida. I recognize that providing false information may result in disciplinary action against my license or criminal penalties pursuant to Sections 456.067, 775.083, and 775.084, Florida Statutes. I have carefully read the questions in the foregoing application and have answered them completely, without reservations of any kind. Should I furnish any false information in this application, I hereby agree that such act shall constitute cause for denial, suspension or revocation of my license to practice as a Registered Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse in the State of Florida. At the time she filled out and signed the application form, Petitioner knew that she had applied for licensure as a practical nurse in Colorado and that her application had been denied on the grounds that she had "attempted to procure [the applied-for] license by fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, misleading omission, or material misstatement of fact." Nonetheless, wanting to keep this damaging information from Respondent, in response to Question 6A on page 13 of the form, which was, "Have you ever been denied or is there now any proceeding to deny your application for any healthcare license to practice in Florida or any other state, jurisdiction or country?," she checked the "No" box, knowing her answer to be false. Question 6A was one of four questions in the "Disciplinary History" section of the form, at the end of which was the following directive: If you answered "Yes" to any of the above questions, please send a written letter of self explanation. You must contact the Board(s) in the State(s) in which you were disciplined. You must request official copies of the Administrative Complaint and Final Order be sent directly to the Florida Board of Nursing. Consistent with her having answered Question 6A in the negative, Petitioner did not, along with the submission of her completed Second Florida Application, "send a letter of self explanation" concerning the denial of her Colorado Application.7/ Despite Petitioner's nondisclosure, in its investigation of Petitioner's application, Respondent found out about the Colorado Board of Nursing's denial of her application in 2010, and it obtained a copy of the June 25, 2010, denial letter that Petitioner had received from the Colorado Board of Nursing. Thereafter, by letter dated November 15, 2012, addressed to Petitioner at her 155th Street Mailing Address (with "North Miami Beach" designated as the city), the address she gave as her mailing address on her Second Florida Application, Respondent directed Petitioner to, among other things, "[r]equest that the Board(s) in the state[s] where [she was] previously denied send official copies of the final order to the Florida Board of Nursing" and to also "[s]ubmit a self explanation in reference to the denial(s)." In response to this request, Petitioner wrote Respondent a letter in which she denied, falsely, ever even having applied for a license in any state, including Florida, in the past. Respondent, however, knew better. On February 15, 2013, it issued the Notice of Intent to Deny set out in the Preliminary Statement section of this Recommended Order. The Notice's Certificate of Service reflects that it was mailed to Petitioner at her 155th Street Mailing Address (with "North Miami Beach" designated as the city) on February 18, 2013. In response to the Notice, Petitioner wrote a letter to Respondent, dated March 4, 2013, claiming, falsely, that she "never applied to the Colorado Board of Nursing"8/ and expressing her "read[iness] to challenge any misconception or any misunderstanding regarding the matter." Respondent treated Respondent's letter as a request for hearing and, on March 12, 2013, referred the matter to DOAH for the assignment of an administrative law judge to conduct the requested hearing. The assignment was made, and the hearing was held, as noted above. The foregoing Findings of Fact are based on the evidence received at that hearing and the record as a whole.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Board of Nursing issue a final order denying Petitioner's pending application for licensure as a practical nurse on the grounds alleged in the Board's February 15, 2013, Notice of Intent to Deny.12/ DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of June, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of June, 2013.
The Issue Whether Respondent engaged in unprofessional conduct and, if so, what disciplinary action should be imposed on her nursing license.
Findings Of Fact The Department of Health is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of nursing pursuant to Chapter 464, Florida Statutes. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent was a licensed practical nurse in the State of Florida, holding license no. PN 0986101. Respondent has been so licensed since 1990. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent was employed in the office of Dr. David Flick, M.D., an oncologist. On October 17, 1995, Dr. Flick wrote a prescription for Fiorinal for Katherine Filan, who on that date, was an employee of Dr. Flick. The prescription authorized one refill. On or about January 12, 1996, in response to an inquiry from a pharmacy, Respondent approved a refill of the prescription for Fiorinal for Katherine Filan, without first consulting Dr. Flick. According to Dr. Flick, at all times pertinent to this proceeding, the general policy in his office was that he approved all refills. This policy was unwritten and was not effectively communicated to employees. Respondent and one other licensed practical nurse, formerly employed as a nurse in Dr. Flick's office, provided credible testimony that nurses in Dr. Flick's office were allowed to refill prescriptions, except for narcotics. However, when nurses authorized such refills, the policy was that the refills were to be documented and charted. Respondent believed that her action of authorizing the refill of Ms. Filan's prescription was consistent with the practice and policy of Dr. Flick's office. Moreover, Respondent believed that her approval of the refill was permitted because Dr. Flick had expressly authorized one refill on the original prescription he had written. No evidence was presented that Ms. Filan had refilled the prescription prior to January 12, 1996. After Respondent authorized the refill of the prescription for Ms. Filan, she failed to record the refill authorization on the any medical records. Respondent maintains that her failure to document the refill was inadvertent and was the result of her being extremely busy that day. On the day that Respondent authorized the refill, she was the only chemotherapy nurse on duty, was taking care of patients, and taking incoming nurse's calls. Except for this proceeding, Respondent has never been the subject of a disciplinary proceeding related to her nursing license.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is REOMMENDED that the Department of Health, Board of Nursing, enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint against Respondent. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of February, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CAROLYN S. HOLIFIELD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of February, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Sam Power, Agency Clerk Agency of Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3, Suite 3431 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Paul J. Martin, General Counsel Agency of Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3, Suite 3431 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Howard M. Bernstein, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration General Counsel's Office Medical Quality Assistance Allied Health Post Office Box 14229 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-4229 Michele L. Schrembs DeGrolier, pro se 1501 Carlos Avenue Clearwater, Florida 33755
The Issue Whether Respondent violated Section 464.018(1)(h), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint? If so, what disciplinary action should be taken against her?
Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following Findings of Fact are made: The Agency is a state government licensing and regulatory agency. Respondent is now, and has been since June 18, 1993, licensed as a practical nurse in the State of Florida. Her license number is PN 1113121. Respondent trained to be a practical nurse at the Sheridan Vocational School (hereinafter referred to as "Sheridan") in Hollywood, Florida. She graduated from Sheridan in January of 1993, the recipient of the Jeanette Lindsey Shirley Nursing Service Award. Respondent was employed by Aventura Hospital and Medical Center (hereinafter referred to as "Aventura") from approximately March of 1993, to January of 1994, when she was terminated as a result of the incident which led to the issuance of the Administrative Complaint that is the subject of the instant case. For the first three months of her employment at Aventura Respondent worked as a GPN (Graduate Practical Nurse). After receiving her nursing license in June of 1993, Respondent was promoted to an LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) position. She held this LPN position until her termination in January of 1994. Throughout the period of her employment, Respondent was assigned to the hospital's mental health unit. Respondent was a dedicated and loyal employee who, as general rule, got along well with the patients under her care, as well as her coworkers. Not infrequently, she would voluntarily remain on the unit after the end of her shift to make sure that her patients received the care and attention their physicians had ordered. Prior to the incident that resulted in the termination of her employment, Respondent had an unblemished employment record at Aventura. The incident in question occurred on or about January 17, 1994. On the day of the incident Respondent was working the 12 midnight to 8:00 a.m. shift at the hospital. One of the patients under her care that day was B.H. B.H. was an elderly woman receiving treatment for depression. She required the nursing staff's assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), including dressing. B.H. was a "very difficult" patient. She was generally uncooperative and frequently resisted, with physical force and violence, the nursing staff's efforts to provide her the help and assistance she needed with her ADLs. On the day in question B.H. had a scheduled, early morning appointment to see her attending physician, Dr. Greener. Dr. Greener had given explicit instructions to the nursing staff that B.H. be awakened and dressed before the scheduled appointment. Toward the end of her shift, Respondent went into B.H.'s room to get her ready for Dr. Greener. Respondent was able to awaken B.H., but B.H. refused to get out of bed. Respondent decided to leave B.H. and take care of the other tasks she needed to complete before the end of her shift. When Respondent returned to B.H.'s room it was after 8:00 a.m. Although her shift had ended, Respondent felt an obligation to remain at the hospital and follow through with her efforts to fully comply with the instructions that Dr. Greener had given concerning B.H. Dr. Greener had already arrived at the hospital and was ready to see Respondent. Respondent pleaded with B.H. to cooperate with her. B.H., however, ignored Respondent's pleas and remained in bed. Dr. Greener was a demanding physician who expected the nursing staff to timely comply with his every instruction. He expressed, in no uncertain terms, his disappointment when these expectations were not met. Respondent did not want to disappoint Dr. Greener. She therefore attempted to dress B.H. even though B.H. would not get out of bed. B.H. responded to Respondent's efforts to dress her by kicking, swinging her arms and spitting at Respondent. Despite receiving such resistance, Respondent continued to try to dress B.H. She did call for assistance, however. Todd Sussman, who was employed as a Mental Health Technician at the hospital, was on the unit that morning and responded to Respondent's call for help. When Sussman discovered the nature of the assistance Respondent required, he left B.H.'s room to obtain surgical gloves. Shortly thereafter, he returned to the room wearing such gloves. As Sussman walked back into the room, he saw Respondent, who was still struggling with B.H., slap B.H. in the face and pinch B.H.'s lips together in an effort to prevent B.H. from spitting at her. Sussman helped Respondent attempt to dress B.H. by holding B.H. by the arm. At one point, he let go of B.H. to allow Respondent to remove B.H.'s night shirt. Once her arm was free, B.H. swung it in Respondent's direction and hit Respondent in the face. Respondent reacted by slapping B.H. "fairly hard" on or slightly above the wrist, a reaction that was witnessed by Sussman, as well as another employee of the hospital, Barry Butler, an LPN who had entered the room shortly before B.H. had struck Respondent in the face. Both Sussman and Butler reported to their supervisor what they had observed take place in B.H.'s room that morning. Respondent's employment with the hospital was subsequently terminated based on the information Sussman and Butler had provided. At no time while struggling to dress B.H. on or about January 17, 1994, did Respondent intend to, nor did she actually, harm or injure B.H. Nonetheless, during the struggle (specifically when she purposefully slapped B.H. in the face and on or slightly above the wrist and pinched B.H.'s lips together), 2/ Respondent acted in an unprofessional manner that did not conform with the minimal standards of acceptable and prevailing nursing practice. 3/ The use of such physical force against B.H. was unnecessary and therefore inappropriate. 4/ There were other, safer (and therefore more appropriate) options (of which Respondent should have been aware in light of her training) that were available to Respondent to deal with the difficult situation she faced.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Board of Nursing enter a final order finding Respondent guilty of the violation of subsection (1)(h) of Section 464.018, Florida Statutes, alleged in the Administrative Complaint and disciplining her for having committed this violation by fining her $250.00 and placing her on probation (of the type specified in subsection (1)(g) of Rule 59S-8.006, Florida Administrative Code: "[p]robation with specified continuing education courses in addition to the minimum conditions") for a period of eighteen months. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 4th day of January, 1996. STUART M. LERNER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of January, 1996.
Recommendation It is recommended that the license held by the Respondent, Rachael Ross Washington, to be a licensed practical nurse in the State of Florida, number 15136-1, be revoked. DONE and ENTERED this 22nd day of December, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Julius Finegold, Esquire 1130 American Heritage Life Building Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Ms. Rachael Washington 2461 West 25th Street Jacksonville, Florida 32209 Duval County Legal Aid Association 205 East Church Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202
The Issue The central issue in this case is whether the Respondent is guilty of the violations alleged in the administrative complaint dated April 17, 1990, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact Based upon the stipulation of the parties and the documentary evidence received at the hearing, the following findings of fact are made: The Department is the state agency charged with the responsibility of regulating the practice of nursing in the State of Florida. At all times material to this case, the Respondent has been a licensed practical nurse, having been issued license number PN 0914071. On October 27, 1988, the Board of Nursing (Board) issued a license to practice to Respondent and placed him on probation subject to specific terms and conditions for a period of two years. One of the conditions of Respondent's first year of probation required that he be directly supervised by a registered nurse when administering a narcotic. During the period July 15-16, 1989, Respondent worked two shifts in the oncology ward at Orlando Regional Medical Center (ORMC) in Orlando, Florida. During these shifts, Respondent administered approximately seventeen narcotic doses without being directly supervised by a registered nurse. The administration of narcotics described above were performed during Respondent's first year of probation. Policies in effect at ORMC during the period July 15-16, 1989, did not require that a licensed practical nurse be directly supervised when administering narcotics. Respondent's supervising head nurse at ORMC was unaware of the probationary condition requiring that Respondent be directly supervised during the administration of narcotics. A further condition of Respondent's probation required that he notify the Board's probation supervisor of any changes in his telephone number and/or employment within ten days of such change. On or about April 26, 1989, the Respondent notified the Board that he had been employed for Health Care of Orlando since approximately January, 1989, and for St. Cloud Hospital since approximately January 9, 1989. Such notification was not made within ten days of the change in employment. In July, 1989, the Respondent notified the Board of additional changes in employment and with his telephone number. This notification also was not made within ten days of the change. On or about May 11, 1989, the Respondent filled out an employment application with Allied Health Card Consultants, Inc. One of the questions posed on that application asked: "Have any of your professional licenses ever been under investigation?" Respondent answered the foregoing question: "no". Another question posed on the application asked: "Is there any reason you would be unable to perform the duties of your position?" In response, Respondent again answered: "no". On or about August 11, 1989, Respondent gave a copy of the final order setting forth his conditions of probation to Allied Health Care. At all times material to the allegations of this case it was the policy of ORMC not to hire any agency staffed nurse who was on probation status with the Board since all such staff are required to perform all duties without restrictions.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Nursing enter a final order finding the Respondent guilty of having violated a term of his probation set forth in the prior final order enter by the Board, contrary to Section 464.018(1)(1), Florida Statutes, imposing an administrative fine in the amount of $500.00, and suspending the Respondent's license for a period of two years. DONE and ENTERED this 24th day of June, 1991, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. Joyous D. Parrish Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of June, 1991. APPENDIX CASE NO. 90-8047 RULINGS ON THE PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT SUBMITTED BY THE PETITIONER: 1. Paragraphs 1 and 2 are accepted. RULINGS ON THE PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT SUBMITTED BY THE RESPONDENT: Respondent's findings of fact begin with the paragraph numbered 9 Paragraph 9 is accepted. Paragraph 10 is accepted. The first sentence of paragraph 11 is accepted. The remainder of the paragraph is rejected as contrary to the height of the evidence. Paragraph 12 is accepted. Paragraph 13 is rejected as comment, argument, or irrelevant. COPIES FURNISHED: Tracey S. Hartman Senior Attorney Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 C. Michael Magruder The Monument Building 22 W. Monument Avenue Kissimmee, Florida 34741 Jack McRay General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Judie Ritter Executive Director 504 Daniel Building 111 East Coastline Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32202