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BOARD OF NURSING vs. LAURA A. MORGAN, 77-000969 (1977)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-000969 Latest Update: Mar. 21, 1979

Findings Of Fact Respondent, a licensed practical nurse, worked the 7 to 3 shift on the south end of the eighth floor of University Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida. She and the nurses with whom she worked were divided into two teams, each of which took responsibility for certain patients. Respondent was on team one. The patient Lena Rogers, who was on eighth floor south on January 21, 1977, was assigned to team two. On the morning of January 21, 1977, respondent reported for work as usual. As a routine matter, the hospital pharmacy had earlier delivered to eighth floor south a box containing 25 ampules of Demerol. Each ampule contained 50 cc of Demerol. Accompanying the box of ampules were three sheets of different colored paper, each of which was stamped with the same number as the box. The green sheet was signed by a nurse on eighth floor south and returned to the pharmacy as its receipt for the Demerol. The yellow control sheet was lost in its entirety. While this is not an every day occurrence, such sheets are lost about once a month at University Hospital, and the evidence was devoid of any indication that the yellow control sheet had been intentionally mislaid. The white sheet, containing 25 shingled charge slips, remained with the box of Demerol. Nurses administering Demerol to patients were expected to fill out one of the slips each time an ampule of Demerol was used, indicating which patient should be billed for the drug. The accepted procedure is for nurses, after administering drugs to their patients, to note that fact on the patients' charts, in the nurse's notes, and on a medication graph. These records are supposed to be updated immediately after medicine is administered but, not infrequently, nurses wait until the end of their shifts to do record keeping. This departure from accepted practice is less frequent, however, in the case of controlled drugs like Demerol. When it is necessary for a nurse to waste drugs like Demerol, accepted practice requires that the wasting be witnessed by another nurse, after which both nurses are to sign the yellow control sheet. On January 21, 1977, respondent Morgan signed 16 charge slips, but crossed through her signature on one of them. The remaining charge slips signed by respondent indicated a patient named Williams should be billed for four ampules of Demerol; that a patient named Fowler should be billed for four ampules of Demerol; that a patient named Fisher should be billed for three ampules of Demerol; and that patients named Rogers and Richards should each be billed for two ampules of Demerol. About half past one on the afternoon of January 21, 1977, Jonti Lute, R.N., who also worked on eighth floor south, noticed that respondent appeared drowsy and as if she were in a daze. Ms. Karen Harris, the house supervisor for the 7 to 3 shift, was on eighth floor south on the afternoon of January 21, 1977, making her rounds. Ms. Harris observed respondent sitting at the nurses station, writing on charts, and occasionally nodding. Respondent's eyes were dry and she was continually wetting her lips with her tongue. When she stood up, she held on to a table for support. As she left the nurses' station, she tripped over her own feet and bumped into a partition. Her speech was slurred. Ms. Harris suggested that respondent accompany her to the hospital employees' clinic. Respondent protested and the director of nursing, Ms, Apol, was summoned. Before her shift ended, respondent went to the employees' clinic where she was examined by Dr. Lipkovich. As part of the examination, respondent gave a urine specimen, 50 cc of which was sent to a laboratory for chemical analysis. Mr. Bush, a chemist, testified that analysis disclosed the presence of Demerol in this sample in a quantity of "25 mg. per cent." By her own admission, respondent injected herself with the contents of one ampule of Demerol, while she was on duty. Respondent testified that she administered some of the remaining Demerol to the patients she had indicated on the charge slips should be billed for the medicine, and wasted the remainder by ejecting it from syringe(s) into a sink. None of the charts of the patients whom respondent indicated should be billed for Demerol on January 21, 1977, contained any indication that Demerol had been administered to the patients on that date. Respondent testified that nobody had witnessed her wasting Demerol on January 21, 1977.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That petitioner revoke respondent's nursing license. DONE and ENTERED this 28th day of October, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. Julius Finegold, Esquire 1005 Blackstone Building Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Mr. Frederic A. Buttner, Esquire Barnett Bank Building Jacksonville, Florida 32202 =================================================================

# 2
BOARD OF NURSING vs. DANNY L. PRESSLER, 76-000740 (1976)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000740 Latest Update: Jul. 18, 1977

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: At all times pertinent to these proceedings, respondent was a licensed practical nurse holding license number 26892-1. The designation of "-1" in the license number is the Board's designation for a licensed practical nurse, and the designation "-2" is for a registered nurse. Respondent is not now and has never been a licensed registered nurse in the State of Florida. In June of 1974, respondent went to the nursing director's office of the Bryan Cameron Community Hospital in Bryan, Ohio, and applied for a position as a registered nurse in the operating room. Respondent could not substantiate that he was a licensed registered nurse. On the day that respondent was to report to work, the hospital administrator, Mr. Rusty O. Brunicardi, told respondent that he was having a problem verifying his registry and asked respondent if he would fill out a form saying that he was a registered nurse. Respondent then filled out and signed a form, witnessed by two persons, certifying that he was a licensed registered nurse in the State of Florida and that, his license number is 26892-1. Mr. Brunicardi also informed respondent that he should contact the Florida State Board of Nursing and have them call him and that, upon Brunicardi's receipt of a call from the Board, respondent could start to work. Respondent indicated to Brunicardi that there was some kind of mixup in the Board's files and that he would straighten it out. Respondent then left and Brunicardi never heard from him again. Respondent began his employment with the Manhattan Convalescent Center in Tampa, Florida, on October 17, 1975. As a part of the orientation procedure for new employees, respondent was made aware of the Center's policy or procedure with respect to patient trust funds. The policy was that when patients with money in their possession are admitted to the Center, the money was to be taken by the admitting nurse to the business office and put into a trust fund account for the patient. After the money had been turned in, the nurse would give the patient a receipt. The business office kept a ledger card for each patient. when a patient requested money, the nurse was to write it down in the trust fund book on the station, take it to the office and deliver the money requested to the patient on the following day. On or about November 20, 1975, Gloria Elizabeth Adams was admitted as a patient to the Manhattan Convalescent Center having in her possession $44.00 in cash. She gave $35.00 of this amount to her admitting nurse, respondent herein, for the purpose of putting it into a trust fund for her. Respondent wrote in his nursing notes on Adams' admission that she had brought money in and that it had been put in her trust fund. A day or two thereafter, respondent asked her to write a check for the trust fund. She asked respondent what had happened to the $35.00 she had previously given him and, not receiving a satisfactory answer, she refused to give him a check. Ms. Adams then went to the desk and asked to withdraw $5.00 from her account. She was told she would receive it the following day. She then saw respondent, who again asked her to write a check for $35.00 for the trust fund. She again refused and told him she had asked to withdraw $5.00 from her account. He then brought her $5.00, and she never saw him again. About a week after Ms. Adams was admitted, the Director of Nursing at the Center, Phyllis Hereford, learned that there was a problem with Ms. Adams' trust fund. Since respondent was Adams' admitting nurse, Ms. Hereford spoke to him about it. He at first told her that he had put the money in an envelope and put the envelope in a narcotic book for Sister Edna Mae, the next nurse coming on duty. Ms. Hereford suggested that he call Sister to see if she remembered. He did so and Sister was very adamant that she did not receive an envelope with money in it in the narcotic book, and that, had the envelope been there, she would have seen it when she was counting drugs. Director Hereford told respondent that since he had mishandled Ms. Adams' money, he was responsible for it and should pay it back. He indicated that he would do so, but he did not return to work more than one day thereafter. The administrator of the Center determined that the missing $30.00 would be deducted from respondent's pay check and placed into the Adams' trust fund. The ledger card for Ms. Adams reveals that on December 9, 1975, a deposit was made for $30.00 "to cover mishandled monies on Station 2." There was nothing on the ledger to indicate that an earlier deposit had ever been made. Ms. Hereford learned that another patient, Doris Clark, had $10.00 mishandled by respondent and the Center deducted $10.00 from respondent's paycheck and reimbursed Clark's trust fund by such amount. No objection or complaint was received by the Center from respondent concerning the $40.00 deduction from his salary.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited above, it is recommended that the Board dismiss that charge relating to the monies of Doris Clark; find respondent guilty of unprofessional conduct in his actions surrounding the monies of Ms. Adams; and find respondent guilty of willfully violating F.S. ss. 464.081(1) and 464.24(1)(d) in his actions surrounding his attempt at employment with the Bryan Cameron Community Hospital. It is further recommended that, for such offenses, the Board suspend respondent's license number 26892-1 for a period of one (1) year. Respectfully submitted and entered this 5th day of August, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. Danny L. Pressler 3 Seashore Drive Ormand Beach, Florida Mr. Danny L. Pressler 307 Southeast Avenue Montpelier, Ohio 43543 Ms. Geraldine Johnson Florida State Board of Nursing 6501 Arlington Expressway Jacksonville, Florida 32211 Julius Finegold 1130 American Heritage Life Building Jacksonville, Florida 32202

# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida May 11, 2000 Number: 00-002006 Latest Update: Jun. 03, 2001

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent violated Section 464.018(1)(h), Florida Statutes, and Rules 64B9-8.005(2) and 64B9-8.005(12), Florida Administrative Code, and if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the agency charged with the regulatory and prosecutorial duties related to nursing practice in Florida. Respondent is a licensed practical nurse in Florida, holding license no. PN 0481631. From May 13, 1992, to April 11, 1997, she was employed by Southlake Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (Southlake). On April 9, 1997, Respondent worked as a nurse on the 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. shift on Southlake's A wing. T.C. was a patient of another nurse on that wing. Around 7:00 p.m., Respondent began administering medications to her patients. Melody Perez, the ward clerk, informed Respondent that T.C. needed assistance because he was in respiratory distress. T.C. was sitting in the hall, six to eight feet from Respondent. Respondent went over to T.C., checked to make sure that there was oxygen in his tank and that his nasal cannula was in place. Respondent saw no outward symptoms of T.C. being in acute respiratory distress such as rapid breathing or anxiety. Respondent told Ms. Perez that she could not help T.C. because he was not her patient. She told T.C. that his nurse, who was on break and had the keys to the other medication cart, would be back in a few minutes. Respondent thought that T.C. just wanted his medications. She did not perform a nursing assessment, as that term is commonly understood in the practice of nursing. She did not take T.C.'s vital signs, count his respirations, or listen to his chest. After telling him to wait for his nurse, she just walked away. On April 10, 1997, T.C. and another resident complained to Southlake's administrative staff about Respondent's failure to help T.C. Southlake initiated an investigation based on these complaints. Conchita Griffin, Southlake's Assistant Director of Nursing, conducted the investigation. As was the custom and procedure at Southlake, Ms. Griffin interviewed T.C., the second complaining resident, Ms. Perez, and two certified nursing assistants (CNAs) who were on duty during the incident. Ms. Griffin then compiled a written report of the incident and submitted it to Southlake's administration. Based on her investigation, and after considering Respondent's disciplinary history at Southlake, Ms. Griffin recommended that Southlake terminate Respondent. Southlake had written policies requiring a nurse to attend to any resident who needed help. The policies require a nurse to assess a patient complaining of respiratory distress by taking the patient's vital signs, listening to respirations and to the chest for congestion. According to the policies, a nurse should attend to any patient in distress, calling the patient's assigned nurse, facility management, or 911 if needed. There are no circumstances where the nurse should do nothing. On April 11, 1997, Respondent was called in and asked about her side of the incident. She admitted that she looked at T.C. and that he did not appear to be in distress. She acknowledged that she did nothing except tell T.C. that his nurse would be back soon. When informed that she was being terminated, Respondent refused to sign the disciplinary form. She was asked to leave the premises immediately. Sharon Wards-Brown, Southlake's nursing supervisor for the evening shift in question, accompanied Respondent to A wing to retrieve her belongings. When Respondent arrived on the A wing, she went into the medication room, picked up T.C.'s chart, removed some pages from the chart, and went to the fax machine just outside the medication room. Ms. Wards-Brown and Beverly Burstell, the nurse manager who was on the floor checking some charts, saw Respondent remove the pages from T.C.'s chart and go to the fax machine. Both of them told Respondent that she could not remove or copy anything from the resident's chart. Respondent told Ms. Wards-Brown and Ms. Burstell not to touch her. Each page of nurses' notes in the patients' charts have a front and back side. Respondent stood at the fax machine for only a couple of seconds, not long enough to copy both sides of one page of nurses' notes. She certainly did not have time to copy both sides of all of the pages that she had removed from T.C.'s chart. Respondent's testimony that she had time to copy some of the nurses' notes from T.C.'s chart is not persuasive. Her testimony that she left all of the original pages in the fax machine is not credible. After being prevented from copying all of the pages that she had removed from T.C.'s chart, Respondent ran into the bathroom. A few seconds later she came out of the bathroom with papers and her purse in her hand. Ms. Wards-Brown called Clara Corcoran, Southlake's administrator, and Ms. Griffen for assistance. All three of them followed Respondent out of the building, demanding that she return the documents that she had removed from T.C.'s chart. Respondent repeatedly told them not to touch her. Ms. Corcoran and Ms. Griffen followed Respondent into the parking lot. Respondent got in her car but Ms. Corcoran and Ms. Griffen blocked Respondent from closing the car door and continued to demand the return of the papers. Respondent finally drove forward over the cement bumper and the grass in order to leave with the papers. Meanwhile, Ms. Wards-Brown returned to the A wing to examine T.C.'s chart. Ms. Griffen also examined the chart within two to three minutes after Respondent left the floor. The chart was still open on the desk. Ms. Wards-Brown and Ms. Griffen discovered that T.C.'s nurses' notes for April 9, 1997, were missing. They knew the notes were missing because both of them had seen the notes in the chart the day before when they reviewed the chart as part of the investigation. Respondent's Exhibit 2 is a copy of the front and back of one page of T.C.'s nurses' notes. The last note is dated March 27, 1997. It is not plausible that T.C.'s chart had no nurses' notes from that time until after April 10, 1997. Even if Respondent did not remove any of T.C.'s original nurses' notes from the premises, she violated the acceptable standards of nursing care by copying the front and back of one page and removing the copies from the facility.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a final order fining Respondent $1,000 and suspending her license for one year, followed by two years of probation with appropriate conditions. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of October, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of October, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Diane K. Kiesling, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Building 3, Room 3231A Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Thomas A. Delegal, III, Esquire Randy Rogers, Esquire Delegal & Merritt, P.A. 424 East Monroe Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202-2837 Ruth R. Stiehl, Ph.D., R.N. Executive Director Board of Nursing Department of Health 4080 Woodcock Drive, Suite 202 Jacksonville, Florida 32207-2714 Theodore M. Henderson, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 William W. Large, General Counsel Department of Health 4042 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57464.018 Florida Administrative Code (2) 64B9-8.00564B9-8.006
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001800 Latest Update: Jul. 18, 1977

The Issue Whether or not the Respondent, Hermine Ledoux Lane, is guilty of a violation of 464.21(1)(a), (1)(b), based upon a revocation of her license to practice as an licensed practical nurse, in the State of Vermont, effective January 14, 1976, after a hearing on December 3, 1975, in which it was concluded that the Respondent had on several occassions signed her name on a patient's clinical record and used the letters "R.N." after said signature and had on three occassions signed her name on a billing form using the initials "R.N." following her signature, when in fact the Respondent was not a registered nurse in the State of Vermont. The Vermont State Board of Nursing concluded this showed the Respondent was guilty of unprofessional conduct in willfully and repeatedly violating Vermont's statutes governing the practice of nursing, in that she did practice professional nursing without being duly licensed.

Recommendation It is recommended that the charges placed against Hermine Ledoux Lane, L.P.N., under license no. 05372-1 be dismissed. DONE and ENTERED this 11th day of February, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Julius Finegold, Esquire 1130 American Heritage Life Building Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Hermine Ledoux Lane 51 North Union Street Burlington, Vermont 05401

# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-001024 Latest Update: Nov. 13, 1979

Findings Of Fact In October 1978 Bonnie Ray Solomon Crawford, LPN was employed at the West Pasco Hospital, New Port Richey, Florida as a licensed practical nurse provided by Upjohn Company's rent-a-nurse program. On 7 October 1978 Respondent signed out at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., and on 8 October 1973 at 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. for Demerol 75 mg for patient Kleinschmidt (Exhibit 2). Doctor's orders contained in Exhibit 4 shows that Demerol 50 mg was ordered by the doctor to be administered to patient Kleinschmidt as needed. Nurses Notes in Exhibit 4 for October 7, 1978 contains no entry of administration of Demerol at 10:00 a.m. and at 2:00 p.m. shows administration of 50 mg. and Phenergan 25 mg. Exhibit 3, Narcotic Record for Demerol 50 mg contains two entries at 8:15 a.m. on October 7, 1978 and one entry at 12:30 p.m. where Respondent signed out for Demerol 50 mg. for patients King, Zobrist and King in chronological order. Nurses Notes for King, Exhibit 6, and Zobrist, Exhibit 5, contain no entry that Demerol was administered to patient Zobrist at 8:15 a.m. or to patient King at 12:30 p.m. on 7 October 1978. In fact, the record for Zobrist shows that Zobrist was discharged from the hospital on October 5, 1978. Failure to chart the administration of narcotics constitutes a gross error in patient care and is not acceptable nursing practice. Similarly it is not acceptable nursing practice to withdraw narcotics not contained in doctors orders or administer medication not in doctors orders. When confronted by the Nursing Administrator at West Pasco Hospital with these discrepancies in the handling of Demerol, Respondent stated that she failed to check the identity of the patient before administering medication and that she didn't feel she should be giving medications any more. Following this confrontation with the hospital authorities, Respondent was fired for incompetency. No evidence was submitted regarding Respondent's 1975 disciplinary proceedings.

# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Mar. 14, 2017 Number: 17-001548PL Latest Update: Sep. 21, 2024
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-002548 Latest Update: Nov. 18, 1988

The Issue Whether one or more of the following penalties should be imposed on Elizabeth Worden: revocation or suspension of the Ms. Worden's practice, imposition of an administrative fine, and/or any other relief that the Board of Nursing deems appropriate?

Findings Of Fact Elizabeth Worden is, and has been at all times material hereto, a licensed practical nurse in the State of Florida. Ms. Worden holds State of Florida license number 0739611. Her license lapsed on April 1, 1987, and remained lapsed at least through September 20, 1988. On September 11, 1985, Ms. Worden was arrested and charged with one count of driving under the influence (hereinafter referred to as "DUI") and five counts of possession of controlled substance. On February 24, 1986, Ms. Worden was found guilty of DUI. Additionally, an Order Withholding Adjudication of Guilt and Placing Defendant on Probation was entered based upon a plea of nolo contendere by Ms. Worden to the five counts of possession of controlled substance. Ms. Worden was placed on three years probation for the charge of possession of controlled substance and was placed on a year of probation (to run concurrently with the sentence for possession of controlled substance), ordered to pay a fine, perform community service and had her drivers license suspended for six months for the charge of DUI. During at least part of 1986 and 1987, Ms. Worden was employed as a licensed practical nurse at the Ocala Geriatrics Center (hereinafter referred to as the "Center"). Ms. Worden was one of three licensed practical nurses at the facility during the 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. shift and was in charge of the patients on one floor of the facility. While on duty at the Center Ms. Worden retired to room 5 in the east wing of the Center almost every night to sleep. She generally went to the room at about 2:00 a.m. and remained in the room until approximately 6:00 a.m. While Ms. Worden slept, she left the certified nurses aides in charge of patient care and assigned duties to the aides which should have been conducted by a licensed nurse. Ms. Worden told the aides to wake her only if a patient needed medication, if another nurse appeared on her floor, and at 6:00 a.m. On three occasions Ms. Worden left the Center while she should have been on duty, leaving certified nurses aides in charge of patient care. On these occasions Ms. Worden was gone from fifteen to thirty minutes carrying out personal errands. Ms. Worden admitted on one occasion to a certified nurses aide that she had consumed a couple of beers before coming to work. Ms. Worden's breath often smelled of alcohol and the room in which she slept also smelled of beer on occasion. During 1987, Ms. Worden entered the Intervention Project for Nurses. She was dismissed from the program in August, 1987, for noncompliance with the program's requirements. On May 18, 1987, Ms. Worden was arrested and charged with DUI and resisting arrest without violence. She was adjudicated guilty of both offenses on July 13, 1987.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Elizabeth Worden be found guilty of having violated Sections 464.018(1)(c) and (g), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count One and Count Three of the Administrative Complaint. It is further RECOMMENDED that the portion of the Administrative Complaint alleging that Ms. Worden is guilty of having violated Sections 464.018(1)(f) and (h), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the second Count One and Count Three of the Administrative Complaint be dismissed. It is further RECOMMENDED that Ms. Worden's license as a practical nurse be suspended until the later of the end of a five (5) year period from the date of the final order issued in this case or the date that Ms. Worden provides proof acceptable to the Petitioner of her successful completion of a rehabilitation program acceptable to the Petitioner. DONE and ENTERED this 18th day of November, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of November, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 88-2548 The Petitioner has submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. The Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 1. 2 3. 3-4 2. 5 3-4. 6 5. 7 7. 8 9. 9 10. 10 10-11. COPIES FURNISHED: Michael A. Mone' Staff Attorney Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Elizabeth Worden 412-A Clark Street St. Charles, Missouri 63301 Bruce D. Lamb General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Lawrence A. Gonzalez Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Judie Ritter Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation Room 504, 111 East Coastline Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32201

Florida Laws (3) 120.57464.013464.018
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Nov. 01, 1996 Number: 96-005122 Latest Update: May 14, 1997

The Issue Is Petitioner guilty of violating Section 455.227(1)(c) Florida Statutes, justifying imposition of conditional licensure as two years probation with terms listed in the Order filed September 20, 1996? The charge of violating Section 464.018(1)(b) Florida Statutes has been dropped by the Board.

Findings Of Fact On April 25, 1995, Petitioner pled nolo contendere to a first degree misdemeanor count of passing a worthless bank check in violation of Section 832.05(2)(a) Florida Statutes. Section 832.05(2)(a) Florida Statutes provides, in pertinent part, as follows: It is unlawful for any person, . . . to draw, make, utter, issue, or deliver to another any check, . . . knowing at the time of the drawing, making, uttering, issuing, or delivery such check or draft, . . . that the maker . . . has not sufficient funds on deposit . . . with such bank . . . with which to pay the same on presentation . . . nor does this section apply to any postdated check. As part of a court diversion program, adjudication was withheld and Petitioner was assigned to take the Florida Association for Corrective Training, Inc. (FACT) course on the criminal consequences of dishonored checks and how to avoid them. Petitioner completed the FACT course, and also paid restitution, diversion fees and court costs. This course was completed on September 12, 1995. A plea of nolo contendere is neither an admission of guilt nor a denial of charges. A plea of nolo contendere with adjudication of guilt withheld does not constitute a conviction. Petitioner made her plea as a matter of convenience. Petitioner has never been found guilty or convicted of passing a worthless bank check. The check which gave rise to Petitioner's April 25, 1995 plea of nolo contendere to a misdemeanor under Section 832.05(2)(a) Florida Statutes was written to Florida State University (FSU) on September 2, 1994 for tuition fees for courses in which Petitioner had enrolled as a nursing student. Petitioner made an error in the calculations of her check register. The check was returned to FSU as "without sufficient funds". FSU redeposited the check, which was then returned a second time to FSU as "without sufficient funds". Upon learning that the check had been returned, Petitioner contacted the FSU registrar's office. She was told that she had contacted FSU soon enough, so that she could withdraw from classes without penalty, and therefore she need not be concerned about the check. Petitioner did withdraw from classes and thought the problem was solved. However, FSU subsequently pressed criminal charges for the check with the Leon County State Attorney's Office. On March 28, 1996, Petitioner applied for a practical nursing license (L.P.N.). On her application, Petitioner answered in the affirmative the question as to whether she had ever been convicted or entered a nolo contendere or guilty plea regardless of adjudication, for any offense other than a minor traffic violation. She also provided a written explanation for the April 25, 1995 nolo contendere misdemeanor plea. Additionally, in an effort to be candid and forthcoming, Petitioner provided a written explanation for each of five other charges for passing worthless bank checks brought against her. As a result, Petitioner was invited to appear, and chose to appear, before the Board of Nursing's Credentials Committee to explain the circumstances surrounding her April 25, 1995 nolo contendere plea and the other worthless check charges she had disclosed. According to Petitioner, this meeting lasted less than five minutes and she was asked no questions. Pursuant to Section 464.002 Florida Statutes, the Board of Nursing voted to grant Petitioner an L.P.N. license subject to two years' probation with terms described in its September 20, 1996 Order based upon the Board's "finding of fact" that Petitioner "was found guilty or pled nolo contendere on various charges of passing worthless bank checks" and that there were aggravating circumstances surrounding the plea. The Board's Order concluded that Petitioner is guilty of violating Section 455.227(1)(c) Florida Statutes. Section 455.227(1)(c) Florida Statutes provides that a license may be disciplined for: Being convicted or found guilty of, or entering a plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in any jurisdiction which relates to the practice of, or the ability to practice, a licensee's profession. The Board of Nursing does not have a disciplinary guideline, a range of penalties, or a rule addressing mitigating circumstances for a misdemeanor violation of Section 832.05(2)(a) as a violation of Section 455.227(1)(c) Florida Statutes.1 The Board of Nursing issued license number 1250541 to Petitioner effective October 9, 1996 and subject to two years' probation, as described in its September 20, 1996 Order. Petitioner had an opportunity at formal hearing to present evidence concerning her nolo contendere plea and the five other charges she voluntarily reported to the Board. A "no information" is the method of dismissing a misdemeanor criminal charge. A "nolle prosequi" is the method of dismissing a felony criminal charge. The first charge occurred in 1991 or 1992. It involved a dishonored check for a mere $5.64 to Winn-Dixie. The court diversion program at that time was not very elaborate, but Petitioner attended a single February 25, 1992 lecture on the passing of bad checks, and paid restitution plus $20.00 in costs. A nolle prosequi was entered. Petitioner's check to FSU on September 2, 1994 for $199.79 resulted in two service charges being imposed on her checking account by her bank. (See Finding of Fact 5) These unilateral debits by the bank resulted in a check written September 15, 1994 by Petitioner for $56.59 to Winn-Dixie being dishonored for insufficient funds. Petitioner wrote a letter of explanation, paid restitution, and a "no information" was filed. A $49.19 check written to Wal-Mart on March 31, 1995 and a $150.48 check written to Winn-Dixie on April 5, 1995 were dishonored because Petitioner relied upon her ex-fiancé to deposit money he owed her directly into her checking account instead of Petitioner receiving payment from him in person. Petitioner did not see her ex-fiancé in person or return to their joint residence to pick up her bank statements because he had been abusive and she was fearful of him. He did not, in fact, make the deposit to her account. Petitioner paid restitution and costs for both cases. The Wal-Mart check situation resulted in a "no information." The Winn-Dixie check situation resulted in a nolle prosequi. A $99.20 check Petitioner had written to Publix on September 4, 1995 was dishonored because a car repair shop which had repaired her car did not honor an oral agreement Petitioner understood would prevent her check to the repair shop from being presented to the bank until after she had made a sufficient deposit from an insurance claim for the car repairs. This resulted in a "no information." Due to the uncertainty of the State Attorney's computer records (TR 96-98) and Petitioner's clear testimony, it is found that Petitioner was not required to undergo the diversion program for the September 15, 1994, March 31, 1995, April 5, 1995, and September 4, 1995 checks. However, it is abundantly clear she has now had two courses concerning this subject: one in 1992 and one in 1995. (See Findings of Fact 3 and 16) It is also clear she wrote her last bad check before completing the second FACT course on September 12, 1995. Two of Petitioner's bank check problems arose while she was a nursing student. Petitioner was employed as a patient care technician at Vivra Renal Care from July 1995 through October 1996. One of Petitioner's bank check problems arose while she was employed in the care of critically ill people. Dr. Evelyn Singer, Dean of the School of Nursing at FSU testified as an expert in nursing education and the practice of nursing. She opined that practical nurses are responsible for observing and documenting vital patient information and routine patient care. Other health care professionals rely upon the accuracy of practical nurses' observations and documentation. Nursing instructors stress the importance of accuracy and honesty when a practical nurse handles vital patient information. A documentation mistake by a practical nurse has the potential for resulting in a patient's death. Dr. Singer further opined that passing worthless bank checks is a crime related to the practice of nursing because the skills called into question for passing worthless bank checks are the same skills required to be an effective nurse, ie., making accurate observations, accurately recording observations and events, making accurate calculations, accurately measuring medication doses, accurately measuring and noting blood pressure and temperature of patients, appropriately changing dressings, accurately measuring and reporting patient observations, being cognizant of details, and addressing errors or omissions honestly and promptly. However, Dr. Singer further testified that if those things are accurately performed, then a nurse's ability is not affected by even a felony bad check arrest and plea. Dr. Singer believes that an inaccurate nurse is an untrustworthy nurse. In Dr. Singer's expert opinion, practical nurses should notify their nursing units if they have been arrested and convicted of writing worthless checks so as to constitute a felony (TR 124-126), so that the registered nurse under whose license they practice can be on the alert for documentation mistakes. What significance a felony arrest or conviction has as opposed to a misdemeanor arrest or conviction was not explained by Dr. Singer, but she viewed the probation imposed on Petitioner not as a judgment of personal guilt or dishonesty but as an opportunity for Petitioner's employer to be on the lookout for inaccuracies. At Petitioner's request, Judith G. Hankin, Director, School of Practical Nursing, Lively Technical Center, wrote a letter dated March 15, 1996 to the Board of Nursing. She wrote, [Petitioner] entered the Practical Nursing Program on August 23, 1993. On March 14, 1996 [Petitioner] informed me that she had an arrest record for series of worthless bank checks. . . . Her overall behavior during the time she was enrolled in school was acceptable. I feel that [Petitioner] is capable of assuming the responsibilities of a graduate practical nurse. Petitioner has worked as a licensed practical nurse at Vivra Renal Care, Tallahassee, Florida since her licensure on October 9, 1996. Her duties include assisting patients receiving kidney dialysis by setting up dialysis machines, preparation of dializers, assisting patients, and initiating treatment and discharge of patients. Charles E. Brown, R.N., is the head nurse at Vivra Renal Care. He has supervised and been involved in the evaluation of Petitioner since she began work at Vivra Renal Care in July 1995. (See Findings of Fact 22 and 29) Nurse Brown also was accepted as an expert in clinical nursing. He opined that inadvertently writing a worthless check or pleading nolo contendere does not relate to the practice of nursing or the ability to practice nursing. Mr. Brown has consistently observed, over a period of approximately 18 months, that Petitioner accurately measures medication doses, accurately measures and notes blood pressure and temperature of patients, appropriately changes dressings, accurately measures and reports patient observations and is cognizant of details. Nurse Brown described Petitioner's nursing abilities as "good" and the opposite of careless to the point that she is more than meticulous.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Nursing rescind its September 20, 1996 Order and enter a Final Order granting Petitioner an unrestricted L.P.N. license, without any probationary period. RECOMMENDED this 1st day of MAY, 1997, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax FILING (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of May, 1997.

Florida Laws (7) 120.57455.227455.2273464.002464.008464.018832.05
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jul. 18, 2000 Number: 00-002933PL Latest Update: Sep. 21, 2024
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