The Issue The issues to be determined in this proceeding are: whether the challengers have standing; and (2) whether Proposed Rule 40E-8.221(2) is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.
Findings Of Fact Based on the parties' stipulations and the evidence adduced at the final hearing, the following findings of fact are made: The Parties The District is a government entity existing and operating pursuant to chapter 373, Florida Statutes, as a multi- purpose water management district. The District has the power and duty to adopt MFLs consistent with the provisions of part I of chapter 373. Sanibel is a barrier island sanctuary in Lee County and a duly-formed municipality with a population of more than 6,000. Sanibel is situated at the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River, within the Caloosahatchee's greater estuarine area. Sanibel is known primarily for its natural beauty, including clear blue waters, shell beaches, world-class sport fisheries, and wildlife refuges. That is why tourists come from around the globe to visit Sanibel, and why Sanibel's residents move and remain there. Sanibel actively participated in the rulemaking process for the Proposed Rule from its inception. Sanibel submitted two technical comment letters to the District during the development of the Proposed Rule. Sanibel's natural resources director, James Evans, attended numerous public and technical meetings associated with the development of the Proposed Rule, speaking on the record at each of the public meetings prior to the adoption hearing by the District's governing board. The Town, located on Estero Island in Lee County, is also a barrier island community and duly-formed municipality with a population of more than 6,000. The Town is situated just south of the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River and on the southeastern edge of the Caloosahatchee River's greater estuarine area. The Town is known primarily for its natural beauty, including clear blue waters, shell beaches, world-class sport fisheries, and wildlife refuges. Cape Coral is a duly-formed municipality in Lee County and is the largest city between Tampa and Miami, with a population in excess of 150,000. Cape Coral is bordered on the south by the Caloosahatchee River and has over 400 miles of navigable canals and waterways, all of which are within the Caloosahatchee River's greater estuarine area. In addition, Cape Coral has an assigned load reduction allocation under the Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) for the Caloosahatchee River Estuary (CRE) due to it being designated as impaired for dissolved oxygen and nutrients. Maintaining sufficient flow in the Caloosahatchee River would have a direct impact on Cape Coral's ability to meet its assigned load reduction allocation. In addition to living on or near the water, a substantial number of the residents of Sanibel, Cape Coral, and the Town engage in water-based recreational activities such as swimming, fishing, boating, kayaking, paddle boarding, bird watching, and nature observation in and around the Caloosahatchee River's greater estuarine area. Fort Myers is a duly-formed municipality in Lee County and has a population of approximately 80,000. Fort Myers is bordered by the CRE throughout its entire jurisdictional boundary. Fort Myers owns and maintains a yacht basin (Ft. Myers Yacht Basin), which includes a mooring field and an anchorage field in the Caloosahatchee River. Fort Myers presented testimony that commercial crabbing and recreational fishing have declined and that it has suffered economic harm due to water quality issues. Fort Myers owns the submerged land in the Caloosahatchee River from Marker 39 to Marker 58, and islands in the river. One such island will be used as a park for recreational activities such as canoeing, kayaking, and hiking for visitors to enjoy the Caloosahatchee River. Fort Myers also owns and operates piers and a public boat ramp within the Caloosahatchee River. Fort Myers' dock master has observed declines in seagrasses in the Caloosahatchee River during his 19-year career working at the Ft. Myers Yacht Basin. Fort Myers has adopted a Harbor Management Plan for the management of its mooring and anchorage fields in the Caloosahatchee River. Fort Myers has also been assigned a load reduction allocation under the BMAP for the CRE, and is responsible for a certain amount of pollution reduction over time. Bonita Springs is a municipality of more than 50,000 in Lee County. The borders of Bonita Springs include portions of Estero Bay, which, along with San Carlos Bay and the Caloosahatchee River, is part of the greater Lower Charlotte Harbor Estuary. Bonita Springs includes wildlife refuges, such as the Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve and Lovers Key State Park and Recreation Area. While Bonita Springs' strategic priorities include environmental protection and water quality, it does not have environmental staff or test water quality. Bonita Springs participates in Estero Bay Management and the Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program (CHNEP). Bonita Springs provides financial assistance to the Caloosahatchee Citizen Sea Grass Gardening Project. Concerns regarding harm to the CRE and tape grasses are shared by a significant number of residents in Bonita Springs and Estero, including injury to the quality of life and recreational uses such as swimming, boating, and kayaking in the waterways. Estero is a municipality of more than 30,000 in Lee County. Estero borders the eastern portion of Estero Bay. Estero includes wildlife refuges, such as Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve and Koreshan State Park. While Estero has environmental policies, it does not have environmental staff or test water quality. Estero makes financial contributions to CHNEP. Estero is concerned that the Proposed Rule will affect its water quality, which could affect its residents' quality of life. Estero believes it could be harmed by poor water quality because its residents are portable retirees who can move away, or tourists who can choose not to visit. Captiva Island is situated at the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River, within the Caloosahatchee's greater estuarine area. CCP is a Florida not-for-profit corporation representing property owners, businesses, and the community of Captiva Island. Captiva Island is part of unincorporated Lee County and is located north of Sanibel. CCP has 200 financial contributors comprised of property owners, businesses, and residents on Captiva Island. CCP's mission includes protection of clean off-shore water, diverse and healthy marine life, and robust native vegetation along with the protection of mangrove fringe and water quality. CCP works with Lee County on provisions of the County's comprehensive plan, which include the quality of adjacent waters. CCP relied on the expertise of James Evans, the director of natural resources for Sanibel, and on the Sanibel- Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF). CCP was advised that the Proposed Rule was not sufficient to protect the environment and Vallisneria americana (Vallisneria) or tape grass during the dry season. Caloosahatchee River and Estuary The watershed of the Caloosahatchee River covers approximately 861,058 acres. The watershed consists of four sub-watersheds, three of which are upstream of the S-79 structure. The Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub-watershed (estuarine system) is downstream of the S-79 structure. The S-79 structure captures all the upstream discharges of fresh water that go into the estuarine system through the S-79 structure. Major tidal tributaries of the Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin are the Orange River and Telegraph Creek, which drain into the upper estuary downstream of the S-79 structure. Fresh water inflows from these and other tributaries also contribute fresh water into the estuarine system. The Caloosahatchee River was originally a natural watercourse running from its origin at Lake Flirt to San Carlos Bay. It is currently defined as the "surface waters that flow through the S-79 structure, combined with tributary contributions below S-79 that collectively flow southwest to San Carlos Bay." Fla. Admin. Code. R. 40E-8.021(2). Man-made alterations to the Caloosahatchee River began as early as 1884, but major alterations began in the 1930s with the authorization and construction of the C-43 Canal. The C-43 Canal runs 41.6 miles from Lake Okeechobee at Moore Haven, i.e., from the S-77 structure, to Olga, i.e., the S-79 structure. The C-43 Canal serves as a conveyance feature to drain water from the three sub-watersheds located upstream of the S-79 structure and convey regulatory discharges of water from Lake Okeechobee. In 1957, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) prepared a report focused on drainage, flood control, and navigation needs of the Caloosahatchee River Basin, and one recommendation was construction of the S-79 structure. The key objectives of the S-79 structure were to eliminate undesirable salinity in the lower Caloosahatchee River, prevent the rapid depletion of water supplies, and raise the prevailing dry weather water table levels. The S-79 structure was constructed in 1965. It is a lock and dam structure that is also known as the Franklin Lock and Dam. The S-79 structure captures all upstream fresh water discharges that go into the CRE. The S-79 structure demarcates the head of the CRE, which extends 26 miles downstream to Shell Point, where it empties into San Carlos Bay in the southern portion of the greater Lower Charlotte Harbor Estuary. Most of this surface water flow takes a southerly route, flowing to the Gulf of Mexico under the Sanibel Causeway that crosses San Carlos Bay. When fresh water inflows are high, tidal action pushes some of this water back up into Matlacha Pass and Pine Island Sound. Additionally, some water exits to the south and flows into Estero Bay through Matanzas Pass. Salinity exhibits a strong gradient in the CRE. Changes in the watershed upstream of the S-79 structure have profoundly influenced the delivery of fresh water to the CRE. Runoff is now more variable with higher wet season flows and lower dry season discharges. Large volumes of fresh water during the wet season can flush salt water from the tidally-influenced sections of the water body, resulting in low salinity conditions throughout most of the CRE. In contrast, fresh water inflow at the S-79 structure can stop entirely during the dry season, especially during significant drought events. This results in saline intrusion that can extend upstream to the S-79 structure. Fluctuations of this magnitude at the head and mouth of the system cause mortality of organisms at both ends of the salinity gradient. Downstream of the S-79 structure, the CRE was significantly altered by multiple dredging activities, including the removal of extensive shoals and oyster bars. Seven automobile bridges, a railroad trestle, and the Sanibel Causeway were built between the 1880s and 1960s. A large canal network was built along the northern shoreline of the CRE in Cape Coral. To provide navigational access from the canal network to deeper water, multiple access channels were dredged within the CRE. Alterations to the delivery of fresh water combined with structural changes to the tidally-influenced sections of the water body have had lasting ecological consequences. These include the loss of extensive shoals and oyster bars, loss of a flourishing bay scallop fishery, and significant decline in seagrass cover in deeper areas. MFLs An MFL is the limit at which further withdrawals would be significantly harmful to the water resources or ecology of the area. The District's rules define significant harm as the "temporary loss of water resource functions, which results from a change in surface or ground water hydrology, that takes more than two years to recover, but which is considered less severe than serious harm." Fla. Admin. Code R. 40E-8.021(31). The rule further specifies that a water body's specific water resource functions addressed by an MFL are defined in the MFL technical support document. Id. MFLs are calculated using the best information available. The regulatory agency is required to consider changes and structural alterations to watersheds, and the constraints such changes or alterations placed on the hydrology of an affected watershed. Certain waterbodies may not serve their historical hydrologic functions and recovery of these waterbodies to historical hydrologic conditions may not be economically or technically feasible. Accordingly, the regulatory agencies may determine that setting an MFL for such a water body based on its historical condition is not appropriate. Caloosahatchee MFL For the CRE, MFL criteria were designed to protect the estuary from significant harm due to insufficient fresh water inflows and were not guidelines for restoration of estuarine functions to conditions that existed in the past. The MFL criteria consider three aspects of the flow in terms of potential significant harm to the estuary: (1) the magnitude of the flow or the volume of fresh water entering the estuary; (2) the duration of time that flows can be below the recommended level before causing significant harm; and (3) the return frequency, or the number of times the MFL can be violated over a number of years before it results in significant harm, recognizing that natural climatic variability will be expected to cause fresh water inflows to fall below recommended levels at some natural frequency. The CRE MFL initially adopted in 2001 was primarily based on the salinity tolerance of one valued ecosystem component (VEC). The VEC was Vallisneria americana or tape grass, a fresh water aquatic plant that tolerates low levels of salinity. A major assumption of this approach was that flow and salinity conditions that protect Vallisneria would also protect other key organisms in the estuary. The 2001 CRE MFL was based on a regression model for estimating the relationship between surface salinity measured at the Ft. Myers monitoring station located in the Ft. Myers Yacht Basin and discharge at the S-79 structure. Although the District monitors surface and bottom salinity at multiple stations in the CRE, the Ft. Myers monitoring station is located centrally in the CRE and at the historical downstream extent of the Vallisneria habitat. The Ft. Myers monitoring station also has the most comprehensive period of record of monitoring data available. The fixed data sondes that monitor surface and bottom salinity are located at 20 percent and 80 percent of total river depth measured at mean low water. The data sondes continuously measure temperature and specific conductivity and, depending on the manufacturer, contains programs that calculate salinity. Those calculations are based on standards recognized and used worldwide by estuarine, marine, and oceanographic scientists.1/ The regression model only implicitly included inflows from the Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub-watershed downstream of the S-79 structure. To address this, during the 2003 re-evaluation, a linear reservoir model of Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin inflows was developed. The regression model results showed that a total inflow from S-79 plus the Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin of about 500 cubic feet per second (cfs) was required to produce a salinity of 10 at the Ft. Myers monitoring station. Thus, the 2001 CRE MFL of 300 cfs measured at the S-79 structure would produce a salinity of 10 at the Ft. Myers monitoring station only with additional inflow from the downstream Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub- watershed. However, that additional inflow estimate was highly uncertain. The conclusion was that actual flow measurements over a period of time were needed in order to perform more robust calibrations for the new models that were being developed. The Re-evaluation The District's re-evaluation effort began in 2010 after the Conservancy of Southwest Florida filed a petition requesting review of the Caloosahatchee MFL. At the time, the governing board denied the petition but directed staff to undertake additional research and monitoring to ensure a future revision would be supported by the best information available. The first step was to review the September 2000 Final Peer Review Report (PRR) for the initial adoption. The 2000 PRR identified several items the District should consider, including a hydrodynamic salinity model, a numerical population model for Vallisneria, quantification of habitat value for Vallisneria, and documentation of the effects of minimum flows on downstream estuarine biota. The 2000 PRR documented concerns that the current MFL was based solely on the salinity tolerance of Vallisneria and recommended using multiple indicator species. To address those recommendations, the District conducted studies to evaluate multiple ecological indicators, such as zooplankton, aquatic vegetation, oysters, benthic communities, and blue crabs, in the Caloosahatchee from the S-79 structure to beyond Shell Point. In addition, the District collected flow data from the Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub-watershed for at least five years to develop watershed, flow, and hydrodynamic models that could properly simulate inflows and salinity responses. When the initial research was complete in 2016, the District published the Draft Science Document containing 11 component studies. In September 2016, the District held a two- day Science Symposium to present the 11 component studies and gather public comment. In response to public comment, the District performed additional evaluations, modeling, and updated the component studies to produce a Draft Technical Document. A Peer Review Panel reviewed the Draft Technical Document, which included the Draft Science Document. The Peer Review Panel has over 150 years of combined relevant scientific experience. The Peer Review Panel toured the CRE by air and water. The District also held a Peer Review Session to engage the public and obtain feedback. The Peer Review Panel's 2017 report (PRP report) stated that the District had "crafted a well-executed and well- documented set of field and laboratory studies and modeling effort" to re-evaluate the CRE MFL. The PRP report supported the 11 component studies, the modeling, the evaluations, and the initial proposed rule language. The Final Technical Document published in January 2018 incorporated five different models and additional science, examining the entire watershed and the criteria itself. The Final Science Document was Appendix A to the Final Technical Document and contained the scientific research and analysis that was done for the 11 component studies, the modeling, and the additional scientific analyses performed in response to public and stakeholder input. The District initiated rule development in December 2017. Rule development workshops were held in February and June 2018 and a stakeholder technical meeting was held in May 2018. The District validated the comments after each workshop and meeting, and revised the proposed rule language. The District published its Notice of Proposed Rule on July 23, 2018.2/ At its September 13, 2018, meeting, the District's governing board held a public hearing on the Proposed Rule. The mayors of Sanibel, Cape Coral, and the Town publicly commented at the hearing. After considering public comments, the governing board adopted the Proposed Rule. The District documented and responded to each public comment, memorializing the information in the Final Technical Document. Later, after the rule workshops and May 2018 technical meeting, the District prepared and presented all of the updated information, including public comment, at the September 2018 adoption hearing. Thus, the District's re-evaluation process was open and transparent. The Re-evaluated Caloosahatchee MFL The science supporting the re-evaluation involved a comprehensive assessment of the effects of diminished dry season fresh water inflows on the CRE. The dry season was chosen for two reasons. First, because it is well-established that the upstream migration of salt combined with reduced fresh water inflow alters the health and productivity of estuarine habitats. Second, because the dry seasons are the times when the current MFL criteria are likely to be exceeded or violated. The 11 component studies targeted specific concerns regarding physical and ecological characteristics. Together they offered a holistic understanding of the negative effects of diminished fresh water inflow on estuarine ecology. The re-evaluated MFL criteria were developed using a resource-based approach. The approach combined the VEC approach and the habitat overlap concept. The habitat overlap approach is based on the idea that estuaries serve a nursery function and salinity determines the distribution of species within an estuary, including distribution during different life stages. The combined approach studied the minimum flow requirements of the various indicator species in terms of magnitude, duration, and return frequency, resulting in the following three aspects of the flow: (1) for magnitude, a 30-day moving average flow of 400 cfs measured at the S-79 structure; for duration, an MFL exceedance occurs during a 365-day period when the 30-day moving average flow at S-79 is below 400 cfs and the 30-day moving average salinity exceeds 10 at the Ft. Myers salinity monitoring station; and (3) for return frequency, an MFL violation occurs when an exceedance occurs more than once in a five-year period. The magnitude component is based on the salinity requirements of Vallisneria, along with results from the 11 studies modeling salinity and considering the salinity requirements of the other VECs. The duration component is based mainly on the estimates of rate of loss of Vallisneria shoots when salinity rises above 10 and the recovery rate of the shoots when salinities fall back below 10. Return frequency was determined based on long-term rainfall records rather than flow measurements from the S-79 structure, which the PRP report felt was well justified. In addition to the component studies, the re-evaluated MFL criteria and existing recovery strategy were evaluated using a suite of hydrologic and ecological models simulating long-term fresh water inflow to the CRE associated with varying management options, the resulting salinity in the CRE, and the ecological response of indicator species that are sensitive to low fresh water inflows. Five models were utilized. Three models simulated fresh water inflows to the CRE: two for S-79 flows; and one for Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub-watershed flows. The other two models were a three-dimensional hydrodynamic salinity model and a Vallisneria model. Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub-watershed has a number of tributaries that drain fresh water into the CRE. The flow at several of the tributaries was monitored for a five-year period. The measured flow was used to calibrate a watershed model and conduct a long-term simulation. The results showed an average fresh water inflow for all seasons of approximately 430 cfs. The average fresh water inflow during the dry season was 245 cfs while the wet season average fresh water inflow was 613 cfs. Fresh water inflow from the Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub- watershed was approximately 20 percent of total fresh water inflow to the CRE while 80 percent was released through the S-79 structure. Petitioners' and Intervenors' Objections 400 cfs Is Too Low Sanibel relied on a memorandum prepared by Dr. David Tomasko (Tomasko report) concerning his company's review of the January 2018 Final Technical Document supporting the Proposed Rule. The Tomasko report, dated October 23, 2018, was in the form of a "technical memorandum" outlining "preliminary findings." The Tomasko report was admitted as a joint exhibit; however, Dr. Tomasko did not testify at the final hearing. The Tomasko report is hearsay that was not used to supplement or explain competent direct evidence. Although hearsay is admissible in this proceeding, it cannot be the sole basis for a finding of fact.3/ See § 120.57(1)(c), Fla. Stat. The District's expert witnesses, who testified at the final hearing, explained that ten of the 11 component studies identified average indicator flows at S-79 ranging from 237 to 545 cfs with standard deviations ranging from plus or minus 57 to plus or minus 774 cfs.4/ The District's experts performed three different evaluations of those flow results. They identified the mean of all the means, calculated the median of the means, and performed a probability density function. The flow results for each of the three evaluations were 381 cfs, 400 cfs, and 365 cfs, with standard deviations that ranged from plus or minus 277 cfs to plus or minus 706 cfs. The District's experts testified that the three flow results are indistinguishable from a statistical point of view. The District chose 400 cfs because it was the highest flow result, and, therefore, the most protective of the three. The Petitioners and Intervenors failed to present evidence that showed any deficiencies in the District's component studies, hydrologic, hydrodynamic, or statistical modeling, or analysis of compliance data. The preponderance of the evidence established that the District used the best available science to calculate the MFL criteria. The District did not act arbitrarily or capriciously when it chose 400 cfs as the magnitude component of the MFL criteria. Inclusion of Salinity in the MFL Criteria The preponderance of the evidence also established that Vallisneria continues to be a particularly useful indicator of environmental conditions in the CRE. It supports essential ecological goods and services, is sensitive to salinity fluctuations at the ecosystem scale, and has value to a variety of stakeholders. The location of Vallisneria habitat in the upper CRE and its negative response to increased salinity made it an excellent candidate as an ecological indicator for fresh water inflow. A combination of field monitoring, mesocosm studies, and modeling results allowed the application of Vallisneria responses as a platform to quantify the effects of high salinity duration in the upper CRE. Component Study Eight reviewed the development and initial application of a simulation model for Vallisneria in the CRE. The Vallisneria model was used to evaluate the salinity conditions that led to net annual mortality, or, in other words, the duration of high salinity exposure that led to decreased Vallisneria shoots versus the duration of low salinity conditions required for recovery. Component Study Seven included an analysis of the relationship between the number of consecutive days where salinity at the Ft. Myers monitoring station was greater than 10 and the percentage of initial Vallisneria shoots remaining at the end of each high salinity period. To further evaluate the duration element associated with the MFL criteria, the field monitoring data contained in Component Study Seven was evaluated with the mesocosm and modeling results. All three sources were analyzed similarly to derive a combined curve showing high salinity exposure duration that is significantly harmful to Vallisneria. The model also provided information that was used to quantify the duration of low salinity conditions required for Vallisneria to recover a relative fraction of shoots after high salinity exposure. Merging the exposure and recovery evaluations facilitated a determination of the unfavorable salinity duration that could significantly harm Vallisneria habitat. With significant harm defined as the environmental harm from which two years are required to recover, the determination was that Vallisneria should experience no more than 55 consecutive days of salinity greater than 10. However, stakeholders expressed concerns regarding the percentage loss of Vallisneria habitat after 55 days of high salinity exposure. In response, the District conducted further analysis of modeling results and revised the duration component to accept the stakeholder recommendation, now expressed in the Proposed Rule, of a 30-day moving average salinity greater than 10. The Petitioners and Intervenors argued that by expressing the MFL as a "flow plus salinity component" the Proposed Rule enlarges, modifies, or contravenes the specific provisions of law implemented. However, the duration component is part of compliance and represents the duration of time that flows can be below the recommended level before causing significant harm to the indicator species Vallisneria. The MFL in the Proposed Rule is a 30-day moving average flow of 400 cfs measured at the S-79 structure. Flow is both measured and operationally controlled at the S-79 structure. However, as previously found, there are other sources of fresh water entering the CRE downstream of the S-79 structure. The District does not control and cannot control these downstream sources, which modeling reveals contribute approximately 20 percent of total fresh water inflow to the CRE. By including salinity, the District can account for fresh water inflows coming from the tidal basin when there are low or no flows at S-79 since the significant harm threshold in the CRE is directly related to salinity tolerance of the indicator species Vallisneria. The District's experts also testified that salinity can be used as a flow component because it is not affected by chemical or biological processes and is an indicator of how much fresh water is entering the system.5/ Salinity is included in the duration component of the MFL criteria and is an exceedance criterion because the science established that the salinity gradient is crucial to the overall health of the CRE. Including salinity in the duration component of the MFL criteria achieves the purpose of the statutory mandate to set MFLs that are designed to avoid significant harm to the water resources and ecology of the area. No Unit of Measurement for Salinity The Petitioners and Intervenors argued that the Proposed Rule is vague because the language does not contain any units for salinity. The UNESCO calculation is the standard equation used by the estuarine and marine science community to convert specific conductivity and temperature data to salinity. The District's experts testified that the UNESCO calculation reports salinity as a ratio, which is a dimensionless number and has no units. The District uses the UNESCO calculation and performs the conversion in a spreadsheet that it maintains. In some instances, certain brands of data sondes are programmed to perform the calculation and provide the salinity number. The preponderance of the evidence established that use of the practical salinity unit (PSU) is not technically correct. PSU is a misnomer, a pseudo-unit equivalent to a unitless salinity number. The Petitioners' and Intervenors' expert witness, Dr. Anthony Janicki, conceded there is no difference between reporting salinity as unitless or as PSU. And although technically incorrect, he suggested that placing the word "practical" or putting "PSU" in the Proposed Rule would reduce confusion and vagueness. However, since the preponderance of the evidence established that use of PSU is not technically correct, the use of a pseudo-unit would actually cause confusion instead of reduce confusion. The Petitioners and Intervenors also argued that the Proposed Rule is vague because the language does not state that the method of measuring salinity is specific conductivity, or that the equation used to convert specific conductivity and temperature data to salinity is the standard developed by UNESCO. The Petitioners and Intervenors essentially argued that members of the public and those who may be regulated by the Proposed Rule are left to guess about the method or methods used to measure salinity. Because the Proposed Rule identifies and locates by latitude and longitude coordinates the Ft. Myers salinity monitoring station as the location where salinity would be measured for compliance, the Proposed Rule language is not vague. The Proposed Rule is not vague because it does not describe the data sondes, what parameters are measured by the data sondes, and how those parameters are converted to a salinity number. Salinity Monitoring Location and Mean Low Water The Petitioners and Intervenors argued that the Proposed Rule is vague for failing to define the phrase "20% of the total river depth at mean low water," and is arbitrary or capricious for failing to include more than one salinity monitoring station. Total river depth or the water column depth is a standardized measurement that is made from the surface down to the bottom of the river bed. Mean low water is commonly understood in the oceanographic and coastal sciences community as the average of all low tides over the time period defined as the national tidal datum epic. The District's expert witness, Dr. Cassondra Armstrong, testified that mean low water can be determined by using two documents prepared by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), i.e., the NOAA tide charts and glossary. The District's expert witnesses testified that "20% of the total river depth at mean low water" is the location of the data sonde at the Ft. Myers monitoring station that measures surface salinity. This is also the depth at which Vallisneria is located in the CRE. Since, the Proposed Rule language simply identifies the location of the existing data sonde at the Ft. Myers salinity monitoring station, the language is not vague. The preponderance of the evidence established that the Ft. Myers salinity monitoring station has two salinity data sondes, the one at 20 percent of the total river depth and the other at 80 percent. The data sonde at 20 percent of the total river depth was identified in the Proposed Rule for the following reasons. First, this is the depth where Vallisneria grows and is representative of the salinity exposure for Vallisneria. Second, it guarantees the data sonde is always submerged and able to record data. Third, it has the most comprehensive period of record of monitoring data available. As previously found, Vallisneria continues to be a particularly useful indicator of environmental conditions in the CRE. The location of Vallisneria habitat in the upper CRE and its negative response to increased salinity made it an excellent candidate as an ecological indicator for fresh water inflow. Because the preponderance of the evidence established that Vallisneria continues to be a particularly useful indicator of environmental conditions in the CRE, the choice of the Ft. Myers monitoring station is not arbitrary or capricious. Water Resource Functions vs. Environmental Values The District's MFL rule specifies that a water body's specific water resource functions addressed by an MFL are defined in the MFL technical support document. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 40E-8.021(31). The Final Technical Document identified the relevant water resource functions of the CRE as fish and wildlife habitats, estuarine resources, water supply, recreation, navigation, and flood control. The Petitioners and Intervenors argued that the environmental values listed in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 62-40, also known as the Water Resource Implementation Rule, were not adequately addressed in the Final Technical Document. A proposed rule challenge is not the proper forum to determine whether a proposed rule is consistent with the Water Resource Implementation Rule. Such a determination is within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Department of Environmental Protection under section 373.114(2), Florida Statutes. Consistency of the District's Proposed Rule with the Water Resource Implementation Rule of the Department of Environmental Protection is not a basis in this proceeding for a finding that the Proposed Rule is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority. Other Issues The Petitioners and Intervenors raised other issues during the hearing, although not specifically argued in their proposed final order. Since those issues were identified as disputed issues in the Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation, they are addressed below. 1. Elimination of Single-day Exceedance Criterion During the rulemaking process, Sanibel and SCCF sent the District a letter requesting justification for eliminating the single-day exceedance salinity criterion in the current rule. The District staff evaluated the available Caloosahatchee River MFL compliance record, dating back to when the MFL was adopted in September 2001. The District maintains a historical record of MFL monitoring data and reviewed it to determine if the single-day exceedance salinity criterion was exceeded before the 30-day moving average criterion. The compliance record showed five exceedance events of the single-day salinity criterion have occurred. However, the compliance record also showed that the 30- day moving average salinity criterion had already been exceeded before the five events occurred. In other words, the single-day criterion was never exceeded before the 30-day moving average criterion. Based on this evaluation, the District eliminated the single-day exceedance salinity criterion because it did not provide any additional resource protection. The District's decision was not arbitrary or capricious. 2. Not Using the Latest Model Evaluation of recommended MFL criteria and a recovery strategy for the CRE were greatly aided by integration of a suite of hydrologic and ecological models simulating (1) long-term fresh water inflow associated with varying management options, (2) the resulting salinity in the estuary, and (3) ecological response of indicator species that are sensitive to low fresh water inflows. Five models were specifically utilized, including three models for simulations of fresh water inflows to the CRE, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic salinity model, and a Vallisneria model. The three models simulating fresh water inflows included (1) the South Florida Water Management Model (SFWMM) to simulate fresh water discharges at S-79, which includes regional operations of Lake Okeechobee and incorporates Caloosahatchee River irrigation demands; (2) the C-43 Reservoir Model, which uses the SFWMM-simulated daily S-79 flow as input and simulates the management benefit of the C-43 Reservoir; and (3) the Watershed (WaSh) Model to simulate tidal tributary inflow from the Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub-watershed. The Caloosahatchee Hydrodynamic/Salinity Model was based on the Curvilinear Hydrodynamic Three-dimensional Model (CH3D) modeling framework with the functionality of simulating the spatial salinity structure across the entire estuary. The Vallisneria Model took the CH3D modeled salinity as input to simulate Vallisneria growth at critical locations in the estuary. The District did review the more recent Environmental Fluid Dynamic Code (EFDC) model developed for the Caloosahatchee Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and being used by the Department of Environmental Protection. The District's expert witness, Dr. Detong Sun, testified that until 2014, the hydrodynamic part of the EFDC model was not working well. He testified that in 2016, the District still had concerns and suggested the use of the District's continuous monitoring data from seven locations across the CRE rather than grab samples for model calibration. Dr. Sun's opinion was that the EFDC model has improved in recent years, but was still behind the CH3D model in terms of performance. The District's expert witness, Dr. Amanda Kahn, testified that the water quality component of the EFDC model was not appropriate for this re-evaluation because the MFL is about water quantity, not water quality. The water quality component of the EFDC model addresses nutrient loadings, not minimum flows. Dr. Kahn also testified that in setting MFL criteria for the CRE, salinity was not a water quality component. Salinity was used as a water quantity component because it does not change with biological processes and can be a measure of how much fresh water is coming into the system. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, the District's decision not to use the EFDC model was not arbitrary or capricious. 3. Seasonality The Petitioners and Intervenors argued that the District is required to set an MFL that varies by season. For the CRE, the District set MFL criteria that protect the system from low flow that would occur in either the wet or dry season. As previously found, the re-evaluation studies focused on the dry season for two reasons: first, because it is well-established that the upstream migration of salt combined with reduced fresh water inflow alters the health and productivity of estuarine habitats; and second, because the dry seasons are the times when the current MFL criteria are likely to be exceeded or violated. The MFL statute states that "when appropriate, [MFLs] may be calculated to reflect seasonal variations." § 373.042(1)(b), Fla. Stat. The preponderance of the evidence showed that for the CRE, it was not necessary to set an MFL that varied by season. Improper Purpose The Petitioners, Sanibel, Cape Coral, and the Town, did not participate in this proceeding primarily to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or for frivolous purpose or to needlessly increase the cost of litigation. The Petitioners did not participate in this proceeding for an improper purpose. The Intervenors, Fort Myers, Estero, Bonita Springs, and CCP, did not participate in this proceeding primarily to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or for frivolous purpose or to needlessly increase the cost of litigation. The Intervenors did not participate in this proceeding for an improper purpose.
The Issue The issue is whether the applicant for an Environmental Resource Permit ("ERP"), the City of Deltona ("City" or "Applicant"), has provided reasonable assurance that the system proposed complies with the water quantity, environmental, and water quality criteria of the St. Johns River Water Management District's ("District") ERP regulations set forth in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40C-4, and the Applicant's Handbook: Management and Storage of Surface Waters (2005).
Findings Of Fact The District is a special taxing district created by Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, charged with the duty to prevent harm to the water resources of the District, and to administer and enforce Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder. The City of Deltona is a municipal government established under the provisions of Chapter 165, Florida Statutes. The Lake Theresa Basin is comprised primarily of a system of interconnected lakes extending from Lake Macy in the City of Lake Helen to the Butler Chain of Lakes (Lake Butler and Lake Doyle). The Lake Theresa Basin is land-locked and does not have a natural outfall to Lake Monroe and the St. Johns River. In 2003, after an extended period of above-normal rainfall in the Deltona area, the lakes within the land-locked Lake Theresa Basin staged to extremely high elevations that resulted in standing water in residential yards, and rendered some septic systems inoperable. Lake levels within the Lake Theresa Basin continued to rise and were in danger of rising above the finished floor elevations of some residences within the basin. On March 25, 2003, the District issued an Emergency Order (F.O.R. No. 2003-38) authorizing the construction and short-term operation of the Lake Doyle and Lake Bethel Emergency Overflow Interconnection. Since wetland and surface water impacts would occur, the Emergency Order required the City of Deltona to obtain an ERP for the system. The project area is 4.1 acres, and the system consists of a variable water structure on the west shore of Lake Doyle connected to a series of pipes, swales, water control structures, and wetland systems which outfall to a finger canal of Lake Bethel, with ultimate discharge to Lake Monroe and the St. Johns River. The first segment of the system extends downstream from the weir structure on the west shore of Lake Doyle via a pipe entrenched in the upland berm of the Sheryl Drive right-of-way. The pipe passes under Doyle Road and through xeric pine-oak uplands to the northeast shore of a large (approximately 15 acres) deepwater marsh. Water flows south through the deepwater marsh where it outfalls through four pipes at Ledford Drive. Two of the four pipes are overflow structures, controlled by canal gates. The pipes at Ledford Drive discharge into a ditch and into a large (greater than 20 acres) shallow bay swamp. The south end of the bay swamp is defined (and somewhat impounded) by a 19th Century railroad grade. Water flows through the bay swamp where it outfalls through five pipes at the railroad grade. Three of the five pipes are overflow structures, controlled by channel boards. The pipes at the railroad grade discharge to a 1500-foot long finger canal that was dug some time during the period 1940-1972 from the north central shore of Lake Bethel. The overflow interconnection system has three locations whereby the system can be shut down: 1) Lake Doyle--a control weir, controlled by three sluice gates; 2) Ledford Drive--two thirty-inch reinforced concrete pipes, controlled by canal gates; and 3) railroad grade--three thirty-inch reinforced concrete pipes, controlled by channel boards (collectively referred to as "Overflow Structures"). The Overflow Structures are designed to carry the discharge of water from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel. With the Overflow Structures closed the system returns to pre-construction characteristics, meaning there will be no increase or decrease in the quantity or quality of water throughout the path of the system as a result of the project. An unequivocal condition of the permit is that the system would operate with all of the Overflow Structures closed. As an added assurance, the City proposes to place a brick and mortar plug in the Lake Doyle weir structure outfall pipe to prevent any discharge from the weir. The City has submitted to the District preliminary plans for a future phase in which the system would be modified for the purpose of alleviating high water levels within the Lake Theresa Basin when the water level in Lake Doyle rises above an elevation of 24.5 feet. The District shall require a separate permit application to be submitted for such future plans. Petitioner, Barbara Ash, has lived on Lake Theresa for 19 years. Ms. Ash lives upstream from the area of the weir that will be plugged in accordance with the ERP. She does not trust either the City of Deltona to comply with or the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP applied for by the City. Petitioner, Barbara Ash, also served as the qualified representative for Petitioners, Francell Frei, Bernard J. and Virginia Patterson, and Ted and Carol Sullivan. Ms. Ash represented that Ms. Frei has lived on Lake Theresa for 12 years, and both the Pattersons and the Sullivans live on Lake Louise, which is within the area of concern in this proceeding. Petitioner, Diana Bauer, has lived on Lake Theresa since February 2004. She fears that the lake will become too dry if the system is allowed to flow. She also believes the wildlife will be adversely affected if the water levels are too low since many species need a swampy or wet environment to thrive. She fears her property value will decrease as a result of the approval of the ERP. She also does not trust either the City to comply with or the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP. Petitioner, Howard Ehmer, lives two to three hundred yards down Lake Theresa from Ms. Bauer. He is concerned about the lake bed being too dry and attracting people on all terrain vehicles who enjoy driving around the lake bottom. He is concerned about his property value decreasing if the lake bed is dry. Further, when the lake level is too low, people cannot enjoy water skiing, boating, and fishing on Lake Theresa. Petitioner, Phillip Lott, a Florida native, has also owned and lived on property abutting Lake Theresa since 1995. Mr. Lott has a Ph.D. in plant ecology, and M.P.A. in coastal zone studies, an M.B.A. in international business, and a B.S. in environmental resource management and planning. Mr. Lott has been well acquainted with the water levels on Lake Theresa for many years. Based upon his personal observations of the lake systems in the Deltona area over the years, Mr. Lott has seen levels fluctuate greatly based upon periods of heavy and light rainfall. Mr. Lott is concerned that the District will permit the City to open the weir to let water flow through the system and cause flooding in some areas and low water levels in other areas. He fears that the District will allow the water to flow and upset the environmental balance, but he admits that this ERP application is for a closed system that will not allow the water to flow as he fears. Mr. Lott similarly does not trust the City to comply with and the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP. Petitioners, James E. and Alicia M. Peake, who were represented by Steven L. Spratt at hearing as their qualified representative, live on Lake Louise, which is interconnected with the Lake Theresa basin. The Peakes are concerned that if the level of Lake Louise drops below 21 feet, nine inches, they will not be able to use the boat launch ramps on the lake. Petitioner, Steven L. Spratt, also lives on Lake Louise, and is concerned about the water levels becoming so low that he cannot use the boat launch on the lake. He has lived on the lake since 2000, and remembers when the water level was extremely low. He fears that approval of the ERP in this case will result in low levels of water once again. Petitioner, Gloria Benoit, has live on Lake Theresa for two years. She also enjoys watching recreational activities on the lake, and feels that approval of the ERP will devalue her lakefront property. Ms. Benoit appeared at the first day of the hearing, but offered no testimony on her behalf. J. Christy Wilson, Esquire, appeared prior to the final hearing as counsel of record for Petitioners, Steven E. Larimer, Kathleen Larimer, and Helen Rose Farrow. Neither Ms. Wilson nor any of the three Petitioners she represented appeared at any time during the hearing, filed any pleadings seeking to excuse themselves from appearing at the final hearing, or offered any evidence, testimony, pre- or post- hearing submittals. Petitioner, Gary Jensen, did not appear at hearing, did not file any pleadings or papers seeking to be excused from appearing at the final hearing, and did not offer any evidence, testimony, pre- or post-hearing submittals. Both the City and the District recognize that areas downstream from the project site, such as Stone Island and Sanford, have experienced flooding in the past in time of high amounts of rainfall. The system proposed by the City for this ERP will operate with the overflow structures closed and a brick and mortar plug in the outfall pipe to prevent water flow from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel. So long as the overflow structures are closed, the system will mimic pre-construction flow patterns, with no increase in volume flowing downstream. The District has considered the environment in its proposed approval of the ERP. The area abutting the project is little urbanized and provides good aquatic and emergent marsh habitat. With the exception of the western shore area of the deepwater marsh ("west marsh area"), the bay swamp and remaining deepwater marsh area have good ecological value. In the 1940's, the west marsh area was incorporated into the drainage system of a poultry farm that occupied the site. This area apparently suffered increased nutrient influxes and sedimentation that contributed to a proliferation of floating mats of aquatic plants and organic debris. These tussocks reduced the deepwater marsh's open water and diminished the historical marsh habitat. Water under the tussocks is typically anoxic owing to total shading by tussocks and reduced water circulation. Thick, soft, anaerobic muck has accumulated under the matted vegetation. Exotic shrubs (primrose willow Ludwigia peruvania) and other plants (cattails Typha spp.) dominate the tussocks. The construction of the project, from the 2003 Emergency Order, resulted in adverse impacts to 1.3 acres of wetlands having moderately high- to high ecological value and 0.2 acres of other surface waters. The 0.2 acre impact to other surface waters was to the lake bottom and the shoreline of Lake Doyle where the weir structure was installed. The 0.3 acres of wetland impacts occurred at the upper end of the deepwater marsh where the pipe was installed. The largest wetland impact (1.0 acre) was to the bay swamp. The bay swamp is a shallow body dominated by low hummocks and pools connected inefficiently by shallow braided channels and one acre is filled with a 1-2 foot layer of sediment following swamp channelization. Disturbance plants (e.g., primrose willow, Ludwigia peruvania, and elderberry Sambucus Canadensis) now colonize the sediment plume. Pursuant to the District's elimination and reduction criteria, the applicant must implement practicable design modifications, which would reduce or eliminate adverse impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. A proposed modification, which is not technically capable of being done, is not economically viable, or which adversely affects public safety through endangerment of lives or property is not considered "practicable." The City reduced and/or eliminated the impacts to the lake bottom and shoreline of Lake Doyle and deepwater marsh, to the extent practicable. The impacts were the minimum necessary to install the weir structure and pipe for the system; the weir structure and pipe were carefully installed on the edges of the wetland and surface water systems, resulting in a minimum amount of grading and disturbance. To compensate for the loss of 1.3 acres of wetlands and 0.2 acres of other surface waters, the City proposes to preserve a total of 27.5 acres of wetlands, bay swamp, marsh, and contiguous uplands. Included in this 27.5 acres are 6.4 acres of the west marsh, which are to be restored. The parties stipulated that the mitigation plan would adequately compensate for losses of ecological function (e.g. wildlife habitat and biodiversity, etc.) resulting from the project. Water quality is a concern for the District. Lake Monroe is included on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's verified list of impaired water bodies for nitrogen, phosphorous, and dissolved oxygen. Water quality data for Lake Monroe indicate the lake has experienced high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous and low levels of dissolved oxygen. Prior to construction of the project, there was no natural outfall from the Lake Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe and therefore no contribution from this basin to nitrogen and phosphorous loadings to Lake Monroe. Lake Colby, Three Island Lakes (a/k/a Lake Sixma), and the Savannah are surface waters within the Lake Theresa Basin for which minimum levels have been adopted pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40C-8. The system will operate with the overflow structures closed and a brick and mortar plug in the outfall pipe to prevent water flow from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel, resulting in no outfall from the Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe. Minimum flows established for surface waters within the Lake Theresa Basin will not be adversely impacted. Under the first part of the secondary impact test, the City must provide reasonable assurance that the secondary impacts from construction, alteration, and intended or reasonable expected use of the project will not adversely affect the functions of adjacent wetlands or surface waters. The system is designed as a low intensity project. As proposed, little activity and maintenance are expected in the project site area. The reasonably expected use of the system will not cause adverse impacts to the functions of the wetlands and other surface waters. None of the wetland areas adjacent to uplands are used by listed species for nesting or denning. In its pre-construction state, the project area did not cause or contribute to state water quality violations. Under the second part of the secondary impact test, the City must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, and intended or reasonably expected uses of the system will not adversely affect the ecological value of the uplands to aquatic or wetland dependent species for enabling existing nesting or denning by these species. There are no listed threatened or endangered species within the project site area. Under the third part of the secondary impact test, and as part of the public interest test, the District must consider any other relevant activities that are closely linked and causally related to any proposed dredging or filling which will cause impacts to significant historical and archaeological resources. When making this determination, the District is required, by rule, to consult with the Division of Historical Resources. The Division of Historical Resources indicated that no historical or archaeological resources are likely present on the site. No impacts to significant historical and archaeological resources are expected. Under the fourth part of the secondary impact test, the City must demonstrate that certain additional activities and future phases of a project will not result in adverse impacts to the functions of wetlands or water quality violations. The City has submitted to the District preliminary plans for a future phase in which the system would be modified for the purpose of alleviating high water levels within the Lake Theresa Basin when the level in Lake Doyle rises above an elevation of 24.5 feet. Based upon the plans and calculations submitted, the proposed future phase, without additional measures, could result in minor increases in the loadings of nitrogen and phosphorous to Lake Monroe. Lake Monroe is included on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's verified list of impaired water bodies due to water quality data indicating the lake has experienced high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous, and low levels of dissolved oxygen. Under this potential future phase, there would be an outfall from the Lake Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe. To address the impact on water quality of this potential future phase, the City has submitted a loading reduction plan for nitrogen, phosphorous, and dissolved oxygen. The plan includes compensating treatment to fully offset the potential increased nutrient loadings to Lake Monroe. Specifically, the loading reduction plan includes: Construction and operation of compensating treatment systems to fully offset anticipated increased nutrient loadings to Lake Monroe. Weekly water quality monitoring of the discharge from Lake Doyle for total phosphorous and total nitrogen. A requirement that the overflow structure be closed if the total phosphorous level reaches 0.18 mg/l or higher or the total nitrogen level reaches 1.2 mg/l or higher in any given week and will remain closed until levels fall below those limits. The implementation of these water quality mitigation measures will result in a net improvement of the water quality in Lake Monroe for nitrogen, phosphorous, or dissolved oxygen. The future phase was conceptually evaluated by the District for impacts to wetland functions. The future phase as proposed could result in adverse impacts to wetland functions. Operation of the system with the overflow structures open could impact the bay swamp and deepwater marsh. The City has demonstrated that any adverse impacts could be offset through mitigation. Based upon the information provided by the City and general engineering principles, the system is capable of functioning as proposed. The City of Deltona will be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of the surface waster management system. A local government is an acceptable operation and maintenance entity under District rules. The public interest test has seven criteria. The public interest test requires the District to evaluate only those parts of the project actually located in, on, or over surface waters or wetlands, to determine whether a factor is positive, neutral, or negative, and then to balance these factors against each other. The seven factors are as follows: the public health, safety, or welfare of others; conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats; fishing, recreational value, and marine productivity; temporary or permanent nature; 5) navigation, water flow, erosion, and shoaling; 6) the current condition and relative value of functions; and 7) historical and archaeological resources. There are no identified environmental hazards or improvements to public health and safety. The District does not consider impacts to property values. To offset any adverse impacts to fish and wildlife and their habitats, the City has proposed mitigation. The areas of the project in, on, or over wetlands do not provide recreational opportunities. Construction and operation of the project located in, on, or over wetlands will be permanent in nature. Construction and operation of the project located in, on, or over wetlands will not cause shoaling, and does not provide navigational opportunities. The mitigation will offset the relative value of functions performed by areas affected by the proposed project. No historical or archaeological resources are likely on the site of the project. The mitigation of the project is located within the same drainage basin as the project and offsets the adverse impacts. The project is not expected to cause unacceptable cumulative impacts.
Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered granting the City of Deltona's application for an environmental resource permit with the conditions set forth in the Technical Staff Report, and dismissing the Petitions for Formal Administrative Hearing filed by Gary Jensen in Case No. 04-2405, and by Steven E. Larimer, Kathleen Larimer, and Helen Rose Farrow in Case No. 04-3048. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of May, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of May, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: George Trovato, Esquire City of Deltona 2345 Providence Boulevard Deltona, Florida 32725 Diana E. Bauer 1324 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 Barbara Ash, Qualified Representative 943 South Dean Circle Deltona, Florida 32738-6801 Phillip Lott 948 North Watt Circle Deltona, Florida Howard Ehmer Nina Ehmer 32738-7919 1081 Anza Court Deltona, Florida 32738 Francell Frei 1080 Peak Circle Deltona, Florida 32738 Bernard T. Patterson Virginia T. Patterson 2518 Sheffield Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Kealey A. West, Esquire St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid Street Palatka, Florida 32177 J. Christy Wilson, Esquire Wilson, Garber & Small, P.A. 437 North Magnolia Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Gloria Benoit 1300 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 Gary Jensen 1298 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 James E. Peake Alicia M. Peake 2442 Weatherford Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Steven L. Spratt 2492 Weatherford Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Ted Sullivan 1489 Timbercrest Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Kirby Green, Executive Director St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid Street Palatka, Florida 32177
Findings Of Fact Respondent Communities Financial Corporation is a Florida corporation engaged in the subdivision and sale of real property. In 1971 CFC purchased approximately twenty-two sections, or 22 square miles, of real property ("the land") in Township 34 South, Range 33 East, Okeechobee County, Florida, which it proposed to sell as individual one-and-one-quarter (1-1/4) acre lots. The subsequent development of that land is the subject of this proceeding. Respondent Coquina Water Management District ("Coquina") was organized pursuant to Chapter 298, Florida Statutes, by judgment of the Circuit Court for Okeechobee County, Florida to perform drainage activities on the land. The land which CFC purchased in 1971 was originally platted in 1912 in a grid system with roads, drainage canals, and ditches. Extensive drainage was required for use of the land because it was very flat and had a high water table. Approximately one-half of the land was subject to flooding. After it was originally platted it was utilized for cattle ranching with drainage ditches connecting the low areas to encourage runoff. Ten-acre tracts surrounded by dikes and two to three foot deep ditches were used for tomato farming. Such agricultural ditching covered approximately 15 square miles of the property. At one time a hotel was situated on a portion of the property. North-South and East-West roads and a 5,000-foot airstrip were constructed across the property. The East-West road along the South boundary of the property, which is now a state road, has an adjacent drainage ditch which received ranchland water runoff from property east of the land. In 1971 and 1972 CFC registered the platted lots for sale with the Division of Florida Land Sales and Condominiums ("Land Sales") of the State of Florida Department of Business Regulation. In the normal course of compiling the documentation to be submitted for registration, CFC contacted several state regulatory agencies to determine whether such agencies required CFC to obtain permits for development of the property. CFC provided those agencies copies of its drainage plans, which included roads, swales, canals, and control structures. The State of Florida Department of Natural Resources ("DNR") stated that the construction of improvements as planned in the development would not be subject to that agency's jurisdiction for purposes of a dredge and/or fill permit. The State of Florida Department of Pollution Control ("DPC"), predecessor of DER, first stated in a letter of October 4, 1971, to Mr. Moseley Collins, who submitted a "plan of reclamation to DPC, that it had no regulatory responsibilities over the project: In response to your request for comments this Department has conducted a preliminary review of the proposed plan. We have no basic objections to the overall plan of development and believe it could be platted as shown. Specific details as to drainage techniques will be reviewed at a latter [sic] date. It is brought to you [sic] attention that although we have no regulatory responsibili- ties in this area we will welcome the opportunity to review cross sections and details at a latter [sic] date. We thank you for the opportunity to review a project of this magnitude at an early date. [Emphasis added.] The DPC, in a letter of March 30, 1972, to Collins, also observed that: This Department has conducted a review of the revised plan for the subject project and endorse the approach that you are contemplating in developing these areas. I have coordinated with other agencies and organizations and they concur with the approach. We would like to review the project at a future date to deter- mine the method of construction of the swales or greenways to move the water from one lake to another through the complete watershed area. You and your client are to be commended on this approach. From the preliminary layout you can see the possibilities for the potential develop- ment of an area for residential usage that will retain a large percentage of the natural resources and minimize the downstream effect on the overall watershed. Please advise when you want to review the project in greater detail. [Emphasis added.] In connection with the registration of the development, CFC submitted to Land Sales the above-referenced letters from DNR and DPC, detailed evidence of the proposed plan of development, and a public offering statement for use in solicitation of lot sales from the general public. Each offering statement contains several statements to the effect that "this is not a homesite subdivision." Land Sales approved use of the offering statement. In using it to solicit sales, CFC committed to the purchasers that it would complete the required road and drainage improvements by December 31, 1979. CFC commenced sales of lots in the development in 1971. The Agreements for Deed approved by Land Sales and subsequently entered into by CFC with lot purchasers required CFC to deliver improved lots by December 31, 1979. Most of the land sales were made between 1971 and 1973. (6,412 lots were sold and 1,146 were conveyed by June 23, 1977.) Approximately eighty percent of the lots have been sold to date. Up to one-half of the approximately nine thousand lot purchasers hold legal title to their lots pursuant to deeds issued to them by CFC upon full payment. CFC began construction of the promised improvements, consisting of roads and drainage, in 1972. At the present time approximately $1,000,000 of improvements have been completed and approximately $750,000 remain to be completed. In 1973 or 1974, CFC and Coquina submitted plans for the surface water management system which CFC proposed to construct for the property to the South Florida Water Management District ("SFWMD"). The initial plan of development called for the construction of a road and canal system. At the request of SFWMD, the plan was subsequently changed to a road and swale system, and the configuration of one of the control structures was changed. The design changes resulted in more water retention on the property and the preservation of sensitive areas. After several years of analysis and review of the design plan, inspection of the project site, and a public hearing, SFWMD granted conceptual approval for the surface water management system to be constructed by CFC in 1977. The conceptual approval was partially based on the SFWMD staff's assessment than pollutant loadings from the property after development would be less than existing loadings, and that adverse water quality impacts as a result of the proposed development were unlikely. The 1977 SFWMD conceptual approval of the drainage plan for the development was followed by the issuance of a construction permit for the westernmost seven sections on March 15, 1979. Throughout this period construction was continuing. The drainage system as approved consists of grassed lot, roadside, and collector "swales" together with a retention area comprised of natural wetlands in the area of the property known as Ash Slough. The volume of water leaving the property after development will be the same as that leaving the property before development. The drainage conveyances are designed with gradually sloping sides, vary to widths of over 100 feet for the larger collector conveyances, and have depths varying from 2 feet for the "lateral" swales to 3 feet for the larger collector swales. The groundwater table in the area of the project site varies from zero to approximately 30 inches below ground surface. The swales were designed at the request of SFWMD in lieu of the canals proposed within the same easements in the original drainage plan for the development. It appears from the evidence that these drainage conveyances are designed so as to contain contiguous areas of standing or flowing water only following the occurrence of rainfall or flooding. Although some testimony indicated that these conveyances contained contiguous areas of standing water, these observations were made either at isolated times during the progress of construction or soon after a major hurricane passed through the area. Since the purpose of the "swales" is to facilitate drainage from the property, it would appear necessary from an engineering viewpoint to allow some period of time after construction of the swales for them to stabilize to make a valid determination that they will not function as designed. Accordingly, it would not appear unusual that the swales contain areas of standing water until they have been given ample opportunity to stabilize. On the basis of the record in this proceeding, a determination simply cannot be made at this point in time that the swales will not function as designed. Following DPC's initial determination of no jurisdiction in 1971 and 1972, it and DER, its successor agency, were not involved with the project until 1974, when DPC received an inquiry concerning land sales matters from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. In 1975, a DER staff member conducted a critical review of the Project and filed an internal memorandum faulting the project on the same essential grounds that are the basis for the Notice of Violation issued June 1, 1979. DER representatives participated in various SFWMD meetings from 1975 to 1977 when the conceptual approval of the drainage plan for the project was discussed. During this period, SFWMD forwarded copies of various materials dealing with the project to DER. Further, a DER representative attended the public hearing on September 8, 1977, when the conceptual approval of the project was granted by SFWMD. Respondents' first indication of DER's renewed interest in the development was a letter from DER Subdistrict Manager Warren Strahm to Robert Birenbaum on June 23, 1977. This letter stated, in part, that: The above referenced application/staff report has been supplied to this office by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). It has been determined that your project is subject to Chapters 403 and/or 253, Florida Statutes. A review of drainage plans by our staff indicates the referenced project will comply with Chapter 403, Florida Statutes permit requirements for pollutant discharge. Since these plans have been incorporated into the SFWMD permit, no discharge permit or monitoring in addition to SFWMD permit requirement will be required by the Department at this time. It appears, however, that the referenced project may fall within the permitting requirements set forth in Chapter 17-4, Florida Administrative Code. Pursuant to F.A.C. 17-4.28(2) should any excavation take place in submerged lands or within the transitional zone of submerged lands, dredge and fill permits will be required by this Department prior to commencement of said activi- ties. [Emphasis added.] Please contact Mr. Roger G. Gallop, at the Fort Pierce Branch Office, telephone (305) 464-8525, at your convenience in order to discuss the need for a construction dredge and fill permit. Thank you for your cooperation. Three months later, in a letter from James Brindell to Coquina, Respondents were notified that: A review, by this agency, of the plans associated with your Surface Water Management Permit Applica- tion No. 02187-A indicates that permits will be required from the Department of Environmental Regulation pursuant to Chapter 403 and/or Chapter 253, Florida Statutes for the construction con- templated. Specifically, permits will be required for the construction and operation of discharge structures as well as for any dredging and/or filling in the waters of the state including the submerged lands and transitional zone of these submerged lands. Additionally, certification pursuant to section 401 of F.L. 92-500 may be required. Formal or conceptual appova1 of your project by the South Florida Water Management District does not imply that your project will satisfy the requirements of this agency. Please contact Mr. Warren G. Strahm, Subdistrict Manager, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, phone 305/689-5800, at your earliest convenience concerning application for these permits. (Emphasis added). This letter was followed one-and-one-half months later by a "Letter of Notice" from DER advising Respondents that DER had reason to believe the project was in violation of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and requesting CFC to cease any further work. Throughout this series of correspondence, CFC and Coquina maintained that DER did not have permit jurisdiction. This position was reasserted in a letter of November 1, 1977, from Emerson Allsworth, counsel for Coquina, to DER. During this period, numerous meetings were held involving representatives of Respondents and DER in which Respondents were urged by DER to apply for permits. Respondents failed to do so, and, on June 1, 1979, DER issued its Notice of Violation. Natural drainage from the property occurs southwestward into an area known as Ash Slough; southward from the central portion of the property into Gore Slough; and from the northeast section of the property into Company Slough. The headwaters of both Ash Slough and Gore Slough originate on the project site and periodically extend off Respondents' property to the south to join the waters of Chandler Slough. Chandler Slough, in turn, eventually empties into Lake Okeechobee 11 to 15 miles from the property. Company Slough also extends off the project site eastward onto the lands of others. There is, however, insufficient evidence in this record from which to conclude that Company Slough regularly exchanges flow with any other body of water. A "slough", as that term is used in the context of this proceeding, is a surface conveyance pathway for waters whose lateral boundaries are not as well-defined as a stream bed, and whose rate of flow is relatively slow. Due to the flat topography of the project site, Ash, Gore and Company Sloughs have imprecise boundaries, and their rates of flow appear to range at various times from very slow to nonexistent. By Cease and Desist Order dated March 28, 1978, the United States Army Corps of Engineers required Respondents to halt any further work then being conducted on the project, asserting that work in progress at that time was being conducted in waters of the United States, including adjacent wetlands, without first having acquired a permit from the Corps of Engineers. This Order provided, in part, that: Section 301(a) of the [Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972] makes it unlawful to discharge dredged or fill material into waters of the United States unless author- ized by a Section 404 permit issued by the Secretary of the Army acting through the Chief of Engineers. Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899 prohibits the excavation or depositing of material or erecting any struc- tures in navigable waters of the United States unless authorized by a Department of the Army permit. The work referred to in the paragraph above is deemed to have occurred in waters subject to these statutory requirements without the requisite permits and is considered unlaw- ful by this office. Prior to 25 July, the Corps of Engineers limited the requirement for Section 404 type permits to areas either below the mean high water line in tidal areas or below the ordinary high water line of rivers and streams which either now sup- port, had supported, or were capable of supporting interstate commerce. However, on 25 July 1975, the regulatory juris- diction of the District was expanded to all waters of the United States and adjacent wetlands. [Emphasis add.] Subsequently, however, by memorandum dated May 17, 1978, the United States Army Corps of Engineers determined that it did not have jurisdiction over Respondent's activities for the following reasons: In the northeast and eastern portion of the tract the flagponds and saw grass prairies are isolated with no discernible drainage sloughs or patterns. The other area of concern, in the south west sector, contains isolated ponds and an old man-made drainage canal that comprises shallow, intermittent potholes above the natural headwaters of Ash and Gore Sloughs. There was no recognizable flow in any part of the canal and the point at which average annual flow appear to be 5 c.f.s. or greater is located to the south a considerable distance from the subject tract. The project, as proposed, will not destroy or threaten any endangered species or their habitat nor adversely impact water quality of the ultimate receiving waters in Kissimmee River and Lake Okeechobee. In 1971, the Soil Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture classified Ash and Gore Sloughs, as well as Fish Slough, to which Company Slough is alleged by DER to connect, as "intermittent". This determination is supported by hydrological data compiled by the South Florida Water Management District which shows no net flow in Chandler Slough for as many as six months in 1975 and four months in 1976. In the South Florida Water Management District report concerning flow patterns in Chandler Slough, it was pointed out that: The climate in this portion of Florida is subtropical with warm summers and moderate winters. Rainfall is seasonal with about 75 percent of the total occur- ring in a well-defined wet season, from May to October. This distribution of rainfall results in considerable surface water flow during part of the year. During the late winter and early spring many of the creeks and sloughs, such as Chandler Slough, become completely dry. [Emphasis added.] In addition, testimony in the record in this proceeding establishes that on at least one occasion during the time in which construction on the property was being conducted, Company Slough was completely dry. There is no data in the record quantifying the annual flow of water from Ash and Gore Sloughs into Chandler Slough. Further, there is no evidence concerning the periodicity of any such water exchanges between Ash and Gore Sloughs and Chandler Slough. As indicated above, the evidence establishes that Chandler Slough, which is the larger collector slough into which both Ash and Gore sloughs allegedly discharge, periodically becomes "completely dry." DER witnesses testified that they had observed contiguous areas of standing water in Ash, Gore and Company Sloughs during visits to the site, and had also determined the existence of an exchange of waters between Ash, Gore and Company Sloughs with other sloughs connecting to Chandler Slough by analyzing aerial photographs. However, those aerial photographs were not made a part of the record in this proceeding. Additionally, the relatively few visits to the site by these witnesses, in the absence of validly derived data establishing pertinent flow rates, is insufficient to establish "normal" conditions in the area. This is especially true in light of the aforementioned countervailing determinations based upon data compiled by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the United States Department of Agriculture and the South Florida Water Management District. The evidence shows that some of the types of vegetation listed in DER's vegetation indices by which DER determines whether areas are "submerged lands" or "transitional zones" of submerged lands have been found on the project site. Among the types of vegetation observed in and around Ash, Gore and Company Sloughs are maidencane, water willow, pickerelweed, button bush, saw grass and St. John's wort. Although these species were detected in some locations by visual observation, apparently no attempt was made to quantify these plants vis-a-vis other vegetative types, nor were any physical measurements made to locate their boundaries. In a report dated August 26, 1977, the SFWMD attempted to identify the acreage, but not boundaries, of wetlands on the development site. The findings of that report show that approximately 2,014 of 14,080 acres, or 14.3 percent of the total site, contains wetlands vegetation. The report also indicates that the wetlands vegetation is scattered in different locations over the site, with the median occurrence being 68 acres per 640-acre section. DER presented quantified evidence showing turbidity readings in the Ash Slough area of the development during the construction of swales in August, 1979, of 325 Jackson Units and November and December, 1979, of 155 and 176 Jackson Units, respectively. It should be noted that these readings were performed after the filing of the Notice of Violation herein. Although samples of August 6, 1979, were taken without a background sample in Ash Slough, the evidence establishes that background readings in Ash Slough were less than 25 Jackson Units. The evidence clearly establishes that DER's water quality sampling and analysis were conducted in accordance with applicable requirements of Chapter 17, Florida Administrative Code. The evidence establishes that these readings are attributable to construction of swales and control structures and would not be expected to continue after completion of construction. There is no evidence to show the duration of the discharges resulting in these turbidity readings, nor is there any showing of actual damage to animal, plant or aquatic life. Petitioner and Respondent have submitted proposed findings of fact in this proceeding. To the extent that those findings of fact are not adopted in this Recommended Order, they have been specifically rejected as being either irrelevant to the issues in this cause, or as not having been supported by the evidence.
Findings Of Fact Lake Worth Drainage District requested a variance from the provisions of Rule 17-3.121(13) , Florida Administrative Code, related to dissolved oxygen parameters which would be involved in the installation of a canal known as the S-9 Canal to be located in Palm Beach County, Florida. That request was met by the Department of Environmental Regulation's Statement of Intent to Deny, leading to a request for formal hearing filed by Petitioner with the Department on May 26, 1983. On June 1, 1983, the Department requested the Division of Administrative Hearings to conduct a formal hearing in that matter. The variance request became D.O.A.H. Case No. 83-1741. Contemporaneous with the variance request that was pending before the Department of Environmental Regulation, was petitioner's request for necessary construction permits to install the S-9 Canal. Again, the Petitioner was informed of the agency's intent to deny that permit request. As a consequence, Petitioner requested a formal hearing to question the Department's policy decision. That request for formal hearing was made on June 23, 1983. Effective July 1, 1983, the Department asked the Division of Administrative Hearings to conduct a formal hearing related to that permit request. The case related to the dredge and fill permit is D.O.A.H. Case No. 63-2132. WITNESSES AND EXHIBITS In the final hearing, petitioner presented the testimony of Richard Wheeliahn, Assistant Manager for Lake Worth Drainage District; John Adams, General Counsel for Lake Worth Drainage District; Mike Slaton, supervisory biologist with the United States Corp. of Engineers; William Winters, Lake Worth Drainage District's in-house engineer; Rebecca Serra, South Florida Water Management District's Water Management Engineer, who was accepted as an expert in water management engineering; Raleigh Griffis, Agricultural Agent with the United States Department of Agriculture, accepted as an expert in the agricultural practices found within the area of the proposed S-9 Canal; William E. Hill, Consulting Engineer for Petitioner, who was accepted as an expert in civil engineering and drainage design; and Robert D. Blackburn, consultant to Lake Worth Drainage District, accepted as an expert in freshwater ecology to include water quality and biology. Respondent called as witnesses Dan Garlick, Environmental Specialist for the Department of Environmental Regulation, accepted as expert in dredge and fill matters; Keith McCarron, Environmental Specialist for the Southeast Branch of the Department of Environmental Regulation, accepted as an expert in dredge and fill matters and Helen Setchfield, Technical Assistant to the Department's Director of the Division of Environmental Permitting. In addition, Richard L. Miller, Rebecca Butts, Francis T. Kuschell, Donald King and Dan alley were public witnesses in favor of the proposed project. Rosa Druando and Sherry Cummings were public witnesses opposed to the project. Petitioner offered 45 exhibits which have been received. Respondent introduced two exhibits which were admitted. The public offered two composite exhibits which were admitted. SPECIFIC FACTS Lake Worth Drainage District is a governmental entity created by the Florida Legislature. The District's function is that of the control of water supply and elevation related to lands within its jurisdiction. Those areas in dispute in the present case are within that jurisdictional ambit. In this instance, Lake Worth Drainage District has proposed the construction of a drainage facility involving dredging and filling of approximately 45,000 cubic yards of material. In particular, Petitioner seeks necessary permits from Respondent to construct a canal known as the S-9 Canal, whose purpose would be to transport the flow of water from an agricultural operation north of the canal site. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1 depicts the area in question with the north- south orange tape representing an unnamed drainage ditch or canal and the blue tape showing the proposed S-9 connecting it to the east-west orange tape line which is L23W. The primary type of water expected in the canal is stormwater; however, surface and groundwater will also be in the canal system at times. The agricultural operation is capable of discharging at a rate which would utilize 145 CFS of the potential capacity of the canal system contemplated for construction which ultimate capacity is 170 CFS. The proposed canal by its connection of the existing agricultural drainage ditch or canal and L23W, becomes part of a water transport system flowing to the Atlantic Ocean through the South Florida Water Management District and Lake Worth Drainage District canal network. The principal benefit of the construction of S-9 would be to create a uniform connection of water discharge from the agricultural operation into L23W. Secondarily, it would relieve periodic flooding of a residential area west of the unnamed drainage ditch and northwest of the proposed S-9 Canal. It is not designed to receive direct water input from that residential area. Only the agricultural operation has been granted permits to discharge into the unnamed canal through two pumping stations to the east of that canal and as a result of the present permit request through S-9 and thus to L23W. Those persons living in the residential area west of the unnamed canal have not sought necessary permitting for discharge into the proposed S-9 System. Moreover, even if permits were granted to the residents, the S-9 system would only allow the addition of 25 CPS over and above the 145 which the agricultural operation has preempted. The 25 CPS would not satisfactorily address high water problems found in the residential area. A more particular description of the limited value of the project's benefit to the homeowners is that it protects against occasional flooding which occurs when the farm operation discharges into the unnamed canal, causing water incursion in the southeast corner of the residential area to the west of the unnamed canal. If the S-9 Canal is constructed, it will be built within an 80 foot right-of-way held by petitioner. The canal as depicted in petitioner's Exhibit 35 admitted into evidence is 40-45 feet wide, approximately 5-8 feet deep and is configured in a u-shape transversing an area of 7,730 feet. The applicants in this present proposal have added a vegetated iittoral zone on one side of the canal and it covers approximately 20 percent or 1.9 acres of the canal surface. This zone affords a limited amount of treatment of the water in the system. In this regard, approximately 30 percent of the nutrients found within the water flowing in the system would be expected to be taken up or absorbed in the vegetational zone, except in the months of August and September, when optimum retention time within the system will not be afforded to allow the littoral zone to uptake 30 percent of contaminants in the water. A 21 foot maintenance berm would be constructed on the east side of the canal and bleeder pipes would be installed to control water elevations in the adjacent wetlands. The 170 CFS volume mentioned before is the design capacity of the proposed system. At that volume, the flow velocity is less than 2.6 feet per second, a velocity at which the canal's structural integrity would be expected to continue, i.e., erosion will not occur. The 145 CFS expected from the agricultural operation pursuant to permits for discharge issued by the South Florida Water Management District would promote a flow velocity of approximately 2 feet per second. This farm activity is known as the DuBois farm. (Its permit from the South Florida Water Management District allowing the 145 CFS to be discharged into the unnamed drainage ditch or canal is not contingent upon the construction of S-9.) The configuration of the S-9 Canal has been brought about principally to advantage the Petitioner in obtaining a construction permit from the United States Corps of Engineers. The Corps had an interest in protecting that corridor of land over which it has jurisdiction which is adjacent to the S-9 Canal and is described as a wetland area. A consequence of this choice of design for S-9 is the typical 72 to 80 hour travel time of water introduced into the system providing some settling of pollutants and some assimilation of pollutants within the littoral zone of the canal discussed before. 10..Necessary permits have been obtained from South Florida Water Management District and the United States Corps of Engineers to allow the construction of the proposed project. The configuration of this project takes into account the special concerns of those two agencies. In this sequence of collateral permitting, South Florida Water Management District has been responsible for an examination of stormwater quality considerations in deciding to grant a permit to Petitioner. With the construction of S-9 and connection of the unnamed canal to S- 9 and thus to L23W, all the waters within that conveyance system become Class III waters of the state in keeping with Chapter 403, Florida Statutes and its associated rules of the Florida Administrative Code. In effect, this is a dredge and fill activity under the Respondent's jurisdiction found in Rule 17- 4.20, Florida Statutes. As such, it becomes a stationary installation which can reasonably be expected to be a source of water pollution of waters of the state by discharge of pollutants into waters of the state as envisioned by Section 403.087, Florida Statutes. During the construction phase of the canal, water quality degradation can be controlled related to turbidity, transparency and other criteria. Upon connection of the S-9 Canal to L23W and the utilization of that system, problems will be experienced with dissolved oxygen levels and to a lesser extent, nutrients and total coliform. Oils and greases problems are possible though not probable. No other water quality impacts are expected after connection. In expectation of the difficulty in achieving compliance with Respondent's water quality standards related to dissolved oxygen, the Petitioner has sought a variance under Section 403.021, Florida Statutes. This request is necessary because the dissolved oxygen levels in the proposed S-9 Canal, the unnamed canal or drainage ditch and L23W are not expected to uniformly exceed 5 mg/1. See Rule 17-3.121(13), Florida Administrative Code. The problem with dissolved oxygen in the unnamed canal and L23W and expected in the S-9 canal is not an enigma. This condition is prevalent in the South Florida area to include Palm Beach County, the site of the project. The water in the canals and drainage ditches in the region is frequently in violation of the standards related to dissolved oxygen, given the elevations of the land, climatic conditions, type of plant life, water temperature and constituents of the water. The addition of S-9 to the system would neither improve nor significantly degrade the quality of water related to the dissolved oxygen values for Class III waters, of which this proposed system is constituted. This finding acknowledges the fact that dissolved oxygen values in the unnamed canal are superior to L23W. Nonetheless, upon completion of S-9 and connection to the two other canals, no significant positive improvements of dissolved oxygen will be realized. Moreover, considering the fact that the installation of the S-9 Canal will stop the flooding on the southeast corner of the residential area west of the unnamed drainage ditch or canal, an increased volume of water flowing into L23W at any given moment can be expected, compared to the present outfall primarily along the Florida Power and Light system road into L23W. This has significance related to the dissolved oxygen standard to the extent of an increased volume of water in which substandard dissolved oxygen levels are found being introduced into L23W. It is more significant related to nutrients and bacteriological quality of the water, in particular fecal coliform. While there is no reason to believe that the quality of cleansing of water involved in sheet flow into L23W related to nutrients and coliforms is remarkably better at present, given the sparse vegetation along the power-line road which leads to L23W, than would be the case with S-9 with littoral zone, the increased volume of cater being introduced at the connection of S-9 and L23W during times of peak discharge, can be expected to present greater quantities of nutrients and coliform. In essence, the treatment afforded by the littoral zone and the transport in the S-9 Canal, contrasted with the treatment afforded during the transport of waters by sheet flow along the relatively barren stretch of land adjacent to the power-line road is found to be comparable, and the differences relate only to volume of discharge. This difficulty with nutrients and coliform count has been confirmed by tests made in the unnamed canal showing excessive levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and coliform and the water treatment features of the S-9 Canal will not entirely remove these materials. Although the farming practices of the DuBois operation tend to alleviate some nutrient loading in the unnamed canal, the test results established that those practices do not entirely eliminate the introduction of those nutrient materials into the canal. Consequently, some problems related to the effects of nutrient loading on populations of flora and fauna in the proposed system can be expected. In the context of the variance request, alternatives to the construction of the S-9 Canal are here considered. The alternative to leave the circumstance as it now exists carries with it the risk of periodic flooding of the southeast corner of the residential property west of the unnamed canal. That area and the balance of the residential acreage are subject to flooding without regard for the agricultural operation to the east. To deal with the difficulty related to the elevated water table, rainfall events and the flooding due to farm operation, some persons who reside in that residential tract have employed their own pump systems and ditches and retention areas to combat problems related to the geography of their property. In addition, the property is protected to some extent from outside influences by the existence of a dike and associated ditch, which limit some off-property incursion of water and assists to an extent in the transport of water away from their property. Moreover, the DuBois farm operation recently has placed a barrier at the end of the unnamed canal which directs water south along the Florida Power and Light road into L23W. In addition, the farm management has held down the pump speed during a rain event to protect the residential area. Nonetheless, at times the dike in the southeast corner adjacent to the residential property has breached in heavy rain events. As an alternative, the installation of S-9 would be only partially effective in alleviating the adverse conditions in the residential area west of the unnamed canal. It principally helps the DuBois farm operation. The relief afforded the residents would be the cessation of flooding caused by the operation of the farm pumps to the east as they breach the area in the southeast corner of the residential property, the future possibility of introducing as much as 25 CFS into the S-9 System subject to appropriate permits and the more tenuous possibility that the farm operation and the residential area could share the remaining 145 CPS capacity in the proposed system. The latter point isn't tenable from an examination of testimony at hearing. First, because the farmer wishes to conserve fertilizer and to maintain the moisture gradient and he does this by pumping off stormwater in a rainfall event, which events are most prevalent during his agricultural season. Secondly, the residential area is most in need of relief when the farmer is. Finally, the question of necessary permits to share capacity is unclear. Other alternatives related to a more comprehensive protection of the residential area by diking, a direct connection canal system to L23W from the unnamed canal, or dispersed sheet flow through the wetland area adjacent to the proposed S-9 Canal are not viable either for reason of design infirmity or impediments from other permitting agencies or inadequate property rights. Therefore, the viable choices are to either leave the property as it now stands or grant a permit to allow the construction of S-9. Between the remaining choices, no particular advantage is gained by the construction of this project. Dissolved oxygen problems in L23W, the receiving body of water, will not improve with the S-9 construction in a significant way and given the increased volume of discharge into L23W promoted by this construction are made worse. Nothing in the construction is so compelling to cause the exercise of the Respondent's discretion in favor of the grant of a variance related to dissolved oxygen values. 16..In examining the variance request by affording deference to Petitioner's regulatory responsibility, the need of the Lake Worth Drainage District to provide relief to those residents who are paying for drainage services is conceded. To that end, the proposed project does provide a certain amount of relief but it does not have as its primary emphasis purported assistance to those residents. As often stated, its principal benefit is to the DuBois farm operation. Left unresolved is the major source of suffering which is the lay of the land, a source which has prevailed from the beginning of the utilization of that property on the part of the residents. Plainly stated, much of the residential area was from the beginning and continues to be under water. The removal of the farm flooding and the future possibility of introducing a small increment of discharge into the S-9 system from the residential area subject to necessary permitting does not modify the characterization of this project as being one primarily for the farmer and to a much lesser extent for the residents. On this occasion, Petitioner's choice to fulfill its change is not persuasive enough to create special permission to violate the dissolved oxygen standard. In summary, a variance from the dissolved oxygen standard for Class III waters is not indicated. On the question of the permit application, in addition to failing to give reasonable assurances related to dissolved oxygen, the applicant has failed to satisfactorily address the problems with nutrients and coliforms. Other water quality standards have been satisfactorily addressed. Again, most of the water that will be introduced into the proposed system shall be stormwater; however, there will be other water components in the system constituted of surface water an groundwater, which also carry nutrients arid bacteriological deposits. Surface and groundwater are involved, given the level of elevations in the area, the depths of the unnamed canal, S-9 Canal and L23W and the fact that the DuBois farm operation can extract waters from the E-l Canal to the east of the farm properties as well as discharge water into that canal. It will not always be possible to distinguish whether the water in the proposed system is stormwater, groundwater or surface water. Consequently, South Florida Water Management's permitting related to stormwater is not definitive.
Findings Of Fact The Petitioner in this matter is Capeletti Brothers, Inc., a Florida corporation. .The Respondent is the State of Florida, Department: of Environmental Regulation, an agency of the State of Florida with regulatory authority granted pursuant to Chapter 253, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and those rules attendant thereto. Through its Petition as received by the State of Florida, Department: of Environmental Regulation, the present: Petitioner has filed a formal proceeding pursuant to Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, and through this Petition has challenged the Department's assertion of jurisdiction to require an-environmental permit and in the alternative has requested that the permit be granted if it is determined that a permit is necessary. (The jurisdictional question was ruled on by order dated December 7, 1979.) The Petitioner's activity which fostered the current dispute between the parties involved the Petitioner's intention to excavate certain property in Broward County, Florida, and through such excavation remove rock fill material constituted primarily of limestone and leave in place a quarry containing water. The Petitioner holds an option to purchase the property in question subject to the granting of necessary environmental permits to conduct the excavation. The terms and conditions of that option to sell may be found in the Petitioner's Exhibits 10 and 11, admitted into evidence. The Petitioner had intended to use the fill material in the furtherance of a road building project by contract entered into between the Petitioner and the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, the contract award being made on February 23, 1977. The parties to that contract terminated the contract prior to any permit for dredging having been granted; however, Petitioner still desires to excavate at the site for the purpose of obtaining fill material for future building projects and the nature of the option to purchase would allow the Petitioner to continue to pursue its efforts at obtaining a permit, notwithstanding the termination of the original agreement between Capeletti Brothers, Inc., and the State of Florida, Department of Transportation. The Respondent has issued a Notice of Intent to Deny the permit by a letter dated March 26, 1979, and a copy of the Notice of Intent to Deny may be found as Exhibit "A" to the Petition. This Notice of Intent to Deny followed the receipt and review of Capeletti Brothers, Inc.'s application for permit dated October 18, 1978. In addition, the Respondent has asserted permit jurisdiction based upon grounds not set forth in the Notice of Intent to Deny. This claim for jurisdiction is a claim for jurisdiction under the provisions of Chapters 253 and 403, Florida Statutes, and their associated rules. A copy of the application for permit may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1 admitted into evidence and this application contains sketches showing the location of the proposed project with reference to the surrounding terrain and other features. The proposed project site consists of approximately forty-four acres of land located south of Andytown, Florida, and west of State Road 25 (U.S. 27). The site is surrounded by Alligator Alley to the north; State Road 25 to the east, with a contemplated borrow canal to be constructed between State Road 25 and the project location, immediately adjacent to State Road 25; to the west by Florida Power and Light patrol road, with a borrow canal running north and south located west of the patrol road and Levee 37 further west of the borrow canal, this levee being maintained by the South Florida Water Management District. To the south of the project is an access road which grants access to the Florida Power and Light patrol road. The quarry which is to be dug on the acreage in question will not intersect either of the borrow canals referred to above. Upon completion, the pit area will consist of approximately twenty-two acres of open excavation approximately forty feet deep with a littoral zone constituted of sawgrass. At the conclusion of the project, all fill material that has been excavated will have been removed from the project site and the access road to the project site destroyed. The pit will be left full of water that has entered the pit at the excavation during the dredging. That water will be constituted primarily of groundwater located immediately below the surface in pockets found in the limestone fill material. The displacement of limerock will allow the groundwater to fill the void. Although the water which enters the excavation site will be primarily groundwater, the waters within its boundaries will eventually have the characteristics of surface waters due to the design of the activity being much like a natural pond. Approximately four thousand feet south of the project site is an abandoned rock quarry with an access road from State Road 25 and approximately two miles south of the project site is an active rock quarry operated by Rosen, Rosen and Tupler. The nature of the Rosen, Rosen and Tupler quarry is similar to that as contemplated by the Petitioner's plan. There are other rock quarries of similar nature located in the vicinity of the project site. The project site does not receive surface flows or sheet flows from adjacent properties due to the fact that the project site is surrounded by dykes and borrow canals which block surface flows or sheet flows from any adjacent properties. The surface water flow on the property is in a more or less southeasterly direction. The rainfall that occurs at the project site causes the project site to be inundated at times with standing water as deep as six or eight inches. This water will not exit the property except in times of high incidence of rain, when the water may overflow the Florida Power and Light access road and make entry into the borrow canal adjacent to State Road 25, gaining such access at the southeast of the project site. At present, part of the borrow canal east of the project site and adjacent to State Road 25 has been filled in. As stated before, this area will be replaced by a future excavation of a borrow canal in the area now covered. The surface water which stands on the project site normally percolates into the ground or evaporates into the atmosphere. The primary vegetation at the project site is sawgrass. The project: as contemplated would remove some of these grasses and attached heavy muck soils, but there would remain a sawgrass zone between the contemplated borrow canal located east of the project and the Levee 37 borrow canal located west of the project. The borrow canals located to the east and west of the project site flow south to the South New River Canal, which runs generally east and west. The waters collected in the South New River Canal are subject to being pumped through the pumping station S-9 which distributes water to the west or the water may be carried through the South New River Canal in an easterly direction, eventually entering the South New River, a natural waterway subject to navigation. The South New River is approximately twenty miles from the project site. The South New River empties into the Atlantic Ocean. Those waters which are pumped westerly through pumping station S-9 may enter other natural waterways and eventually the Gulf of Nexico by transportation through a series of artificial canals and natural water connections. Although the Petitioner does not intend to introduce contaminants at the proposed project site during the preparation stage; stage of excavation and stage of evacuation, the testimony concerning the project site and an active quarry of similar nature in the immediate vicinity, and other similar quarries, establishes that it could be reasonably expected that oils, greases and lead would be dispersed in the area of the quarry pit, the immediately adjacent wetlands and at times of high incidence of rainfall, into the borrow canals adjacent to the property. However, before the contaminants reach the borrow canals by overland sheet flow, they will be filtered out by the wetlands. The contamination into the pit would find its way into the Biscayne Aquifer, the Aquifer at the project site being only a foot or so beneath the surface., The introduction of contaminants into the Biscayne Aquifer at the project site will eventually lead to the direct mixing of those contaminants with portions of the Biscayne Aquifer adjacent to the project site, in particular west of the project site in the containment area which is part of the system of submerged lands of the state and to the borrow canal east of the project site. There is also the possibility of copper, zinc, iron, chromium, manganese, dieldrin and polychlorinated biphenyls contaminants being introduced into the pit (quarry). in association with the project, though this possibility is more remote than in the case of the substances previously mentioned and the possibility is so remote that it is not reasonably expected to occur. Therefore, these are not substances for which the Petitioner must do actual testing to show that they do not exceed water quality standards in order to establish necessary reasonable assurances. The facts presented did not give rise to even a potentiality for the presence of other regulated substances that might exceed applicable water quality standards, with the exception of phenols which are reported next. Phenolic-type compounds were found in the active and inactive quarry pits similar to the proposed installation These compounds as detected in the sample and reasonably expected at the project are naturally occurring phenomena and not the direct product of the mining activity. The mining will create turbid conditions and there will be fluctuations in dissolved oxygen concentrations and BOD values and changes in pH values in the pit. The above-referenced contamination and variations in values would be injurious to human health or welfare, animal and plant life and property and, as a consequence, interfere with the enjoyment of life and property, if found to exceed the Respondent's applicable water quality standards. The Petitioner, if allowed to carry out the project, has given specific reasonable assurance that it will not violate the Respondent's applicable water quality standards related to the turbidity, dissolved oxygen, BOD, lead, oils and greases, and pnenols. See Rule 17-3.05(2), Florida Administrative Code. Other substances-and conditions found in that subsection of the rule not being reasonably expected to occur, necessary reasonable assurance has been established for those. There will be no discharges of heated water. See Rule 17-3.05(3), Florida Administrative Code. The project site does not involve outstanding Florida waters within the meaning of Rules 17-3.041 and 17-4.242(1), Florida Administrative Code. Testimony offered in the course of the hearing shoes that in similar projects in terms of their location and purpose, the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, has at times disclaimed its jurisdiction to require a permit and at other times granted permits.
The Issue The issue is whether to approve an application by Respondent, I.M. Collier, J.V. (Collier), to modify its Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) No. 11-02031P (2002 Permit) by changing the surface water management system (SWMS) for a proposed residential and golf course development in Collier County (County), Florida, known as Mirasol.
Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence presented by the parties, the following findings of fact are made: The Parties National Audubon Society, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation (incorporated outside the State of Florida) while Collier County Audubon Society, Inc., Florida Wildlife Federation, and Conservancy of Southwest Florida are Florida not-for-profit corporations. All are environmental organizations. Franklin Adams is a resident of the County and a member of each of the above organizations. Respondents have not contested Petitioners' standing based upon the stipulated facts set forth in the parties' Pre-Hearing Stipulation. The District is a water management district with the power and duty to exercise regulatory jurisdiction over the administration and enforcement of ERP criteria pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Title 40E. Collier is the holder of the 2002 Permit authorizing the construction of a SWMS to serve the Mirasol project, a large development located in the County. The parties have stipulated that Collier has the administrative, legal, and financial capabilities to undertake the proposed activity. Fla. Admin. Code R. 40E-4.301(1)(j). The Project Site The Mirasol project consists of approximately 1,713.45 acres located on the north side of Immokalee Road and the Cocohatchee Canal (Canal) in the northern half of the County, approximately three miles east of the intersection with Interstate 75. The property spans three sections of land, the northern third of the property encompassing Section 10, the middle third encompassing Section 15, and the southern third encompassing most of Section 22. The site also includes a peninsula of land extending east of Section 10, encompassing the northernmost quarter of Section 11. The site is bounded on the south by the Canal and Immokalee Road and on the east by an existing residential development known as Heritage Bay, which was previously a rock- mining quarry. To the west of the site, running north to south, are two other proposed residential developments known as Parklands Collier and Terafina/Saturnia Falls and an existing residential and golf course community known as Olde Cypress. There are other existing and proposed residential developments and farm fields to the north of the site. The site is located southwest of the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary (Corkscrew Swamp), which is owned by the National Audubon Society, Inc., and appears to stretch from Immokalee (in the northeastern part of the County) south and southwestward through parts of the County. Corkscrew Swamp sits roughly at the center of a 315-mile watershed, much of which is comprised of short hydroperiod wetlands which dry down completely during the late winter and spring and become inundated again in the late summer and fall during the wet season. This water gradually sheet flows down a very slight downhill gradient toward the south and west. A portion of the sheet flow travels southwest in the vicinity of the site. The region has experienced occasional floods, the most severe of which occurred in 1995. At the direction of the District, the cause of the flooding was investigated in the South Lee County Watershed Study (Study), which concluded that the watershed discharges through a variety of outfalls, but that historic connections to downstream conveyances like the Canal were severed by the construction. While downstream conveyances exist, the Study concluded that connections between upstream flows and downstream conveyances should be enhanced or restored. In the late 1990s, the Canal was improved to increase its conveyance capacity. A berm was constructed by the Big Cypress Basin Board (Basin Board), a legislatively-created entity which manages water resources in the County, on the northern bank in the vicinity of, and across from, the Mirasol site. This berm prevented historic wet season sheet flow from reaching the Canal through the project site, except for a few culverts located along that water body. The Basin Board also built a 1,000-foot-long hardened concrete weir on the north side of the Canal a few thousand yards west of the project site. This weir provides the primary outlet for sheet flow in and around the Mirasol site. Currently, upstream drainage flows in a southwesterly direction across Section 10. As the water moves south to the Canal, the flow becomes constricted down to a 580-foot wide gap between the Olde Cypress residential development and commercial developments along Immokalee Road to the east. This constricted area further narrows to a 270-foot wide opening before the sheet flow reaches the 1,000-foot weir and discharges into the Canal. During a 3-day, 25-year storm event, a combined peak flow of 553 cubic feet per second (cfs) of water is discharged into the Canal through the 1,000-foot weir, but the Mirasol property only conveys a small portion of this water (around 20 cfs) through culverts in the Canal berm. Most of the water flows to the west of Mirasol where it passes through the narrow gap and over the 1,000-foot weir. Around 1,431 acres of the 1,714-acre site are jurisdictional wetlands. However, these wetlands are in poor condition due to existing impediments to sheet flow, artificially high water levels during the wet season, and heavy infestation of exotic species, principally melaleuca. Permit History In February 2002, the District issued the 2002 Permit approving the construction of a SWMS to serve two 18-hole golf courses, a single-family residential community, a golf course clubhouse and parking area, golf course maintenance facilities, sales facility, and parking area. The issuance of the 2002 Permit was not challenged. The SWMS included a 36.5-acre flow-way (Flow-Way) that encircled the northern boundary of the development in Section 15 and extended off-site and across adjacent properties to the west. (If constructed, the Flow-Way would be a 200-foot wide, 4-foot deep, 89-acre channel, more than half of which would have been located on the Saturnia Falls/Terafina and Olde Cypress properties.) Besides providing a conveyance function for the Mirasol site, the Flow-Way also enhanced flood protection for other properties by accelerating conveyance of floodwaters to the Canal and reducing peak flood stages by 0.4 feet during a three-day, 25-year storm event. The District included Special Condition 26 in the 2002 Permit, which required construction of the Flow-Way before the remainder of the project could be constructed. The 2002 Permit authorized Collier to directly impact (fill or excavate) 568.66 acres of wetlands within the footprint of the development. Additionally, 39.5 acres of wetlands, which were isolated remnant strips along the golf courses within the development, were considered secondarily impacted and assessed a thirty-three percent reduction in functional value. Mitigation for the project consisted of preservation and enhancement of wetlands and uplands on site. Enhancement of the preserve areas was primarily credited to the eradication of malaleuca and other exotic species and replanting with appropriate native vegetation. Permit conditions required management of the preserve areas to prevent a recurrence of exotic species. The preserve areas included an 846.95-acre external preserve area to the north and northeast of the area to be developed. It was anticipated that this northern preserve area would ultimately be donated to an existing mitigation area known as the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed, along with an interest-bearing fund to ensure perpetual management. In December 2005, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) denied Collier's federal wetlands permit application for the project and the Flow-Way. Because of this denial, in May 2006 Collier submitted an ERP application with the District seeking to modify the 2002 Permit by revising the SWMS and removing the Flow-Way. On October 12, 2006, the District Governing Board approved a modification to the 2002 Permit, which authorized an alternate SWMS to serve the golf course and residential development (2006 Permit). Petitioners' challenge to the proposed modification followed. The 2006 Modification Because of the Corps' denial of its application, Collier was required to remove the Flow-Way and redesign the project's SWMS. The most substantial change in the project was the removal of the Flow-Way and associated control structures and its replacement with a series of interconnected lakes running from north to south through the property allowing for the pass-through of surface waters from the area north of the development site into the Canal. The modification does not alter the boundaries and location of the development. However, the revised SWMS includes: five controlled basins with a total area of 718.43 acres, each of which provides treatment of stormwater prior to discharging into the pass-through system; 45.16 acres of interconnected lakes serving as a pass-through for surface waters from the north; 2.12 acres of perimeter berm backslope/ buffers/spreader swales; and 7.27 acres along the Canal for the existing 100-foot wide canal easement and proposed canal contouring. These changes also required elimination of the 39.5 acres of remnant wetlands inside the development that had previously been assessed as secondarily impacted. Also, there were 0.68 acres of additional impacts resulting from slight changes in the internal site design due to the SWMS. To partially offset these impacts, the internal wetland preserves were enlarged by 13.32 acres. The remaining impacts were mitigated with mitigation credits from the Panther Island Mitigation Bank (PIMB). (The PIMB holds a mitigation bank permit issued by the District for a wetland restoration project in Southwest Florida.) The main preserve was left unchanged, except that 36.5 acres previously dedicated to construction of the Flow-Way will be added to the main preserve and similarly enhanced and preserved. In summary, as modified under the 2006 Permit, the total onsite mitigation consists of the preservation and enhancement of 830.89 acres of wetlands, preservation of 109.58 acres of uplands, and the purchase of a total of 5.68 credits from the PIMB. At hearing, Collier also agreed to purchase from the PIMB an additional 5.68 credits within the Basin for a total of 11.36 credits. The ERP Permitting Criteria To obtain an ERP, an applicant must satisfy the conditions in Florida Administrative Code Rules 40E-4.301 and 40E-4.302. The first rule focuses primarily on water quantity, environmental impacts, and water quality, while the second rule generally requires that a public interest balancing test be made, that cumulative impacts, if any, be considered, and that the District consider past violations, if any, by the applicant of District or Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) rules. (The parties have cited no prior violations by the applicant that should be considered.) Besides these two rules, a number of BOR provisions which implement the rule criteria must also be taken into account. If an applicant proposes to modify an existing ERP, as it does here, Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.331(2)(a) comes into play and requires that the District review the application to modify the ERP "using the same criteria as new applications for those portions of the project proposed for, or affected by, the modification." Under this rule, those portions of the project altered or affected by the modification are reviewed under the current ERP criteria, but otherwise the 2002 Permit is not the subject of review in this case. Therefore, the District's review includes only that portion of the existing permit that is proposed to be modified or affected by the modification. In this case, the 2006 design is very similar to the 2002 design, and the project's footprint, control elevations, roadway network, southern outfall, and main preserve are unchanged. However, as pointed out below, since most of the engineering-related components of the SWMS were affected by the Flow-Way's removal, the District reassessed the hydrologic components of the internal water management system and the pass- through lake system for levels of flood protection and water quality treatment. Because most of the engineering-related components of the SWMS for the project were modified as a result of the removal of the Flow-Way, the District staff reassessed the project's hydrologic calculations associated with levels of flood protection and reassessed the project's water quality treatment volumes applying the currently existing ERP criteria. As to wetland impacts and mitigation, review of the wetland impacts for the 2006 Permit was limited to an analysis of additional wetlands impacts associated with the modification. This was primarily the elimination of the previously permitted, secondarily impacted wetlands. Thus, only the additional wetlands impacts due to the revised SWMS are considered under the currently existing ERP criteria. The 2006 Permit made only slight changes to the project's wetland impacts and mitigation components authorized under the 2002 Permit. The project's footprint was not changed and the main mitigation area (the Northern Preserve) was unaffected by the changes except that 36.50 acres were actually added to that preserve as a result of the removal of the Flow- Way. Collier did not receive any credit in its mitigation analysis for the additional acreage that will become part of the preserve due to the removal of the Flow-Way. Surface Water Management Criteria As noted above, the ERP criteria in Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301 focus primarily on three areas of concern: water quantity, environmental impacts, and water quality. Related BOR provisions must also be considered. These areas of concern are discussed below. Water Quantity Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(a) requires that an applicant provide reasonable assurance that the construction of a SWMS "[w]ill not cause adverse water quantity impacts to receiving waters and adjacent lands." BOR Section 6.2 implements that provision and requires that a project be designed so that it is consistent with the downstream carrying capacity of the receiving waters. In other words, it must not exceed the capacity of downstream receiving waters, which in this case is the Canal. In making this determination, Section 6.3 of the BOR requires that the 25-year, 3-day design storm event be used. Collier complied with this requirement through an extensive hydrologic study conducted by its expert, Richard S. Tomasello, a former District employee. Applying a hydrologic model simulation known as S2DMM, the witness determined the appropriate amount of upstream sheet flow that would need to be routed through the project to avoid adverse water quantity and flooding impacts and calculated the correct dimensions of the intake weir to admit that flow into the project's pass-through system. The S2DMM model is a combination of other accepted models including the Sheet 2d, Massmod, and MBR models, which were developed by Mr. Tomasello, and they have been evaluated and used by the District on numerous occasions. In addition, the S2DMM model has been used for other flood studies in Collier and Lee Counties, and it will be used on a restoration project in Martin County. Based upon Mr. Tomasello's analysis, Collier incorporated a 100-foot-long intake weir with a crest elevation of 14.95 NGVD (National Geodetic Vertical Datum) along the northern boundary of the project to maintain existing upstream water elevations. Collier also complied with BOR Section 6.3, which requires the use of a 25-year, 3-day storm event to be used when computing the discharge rate for the project. The modified intake weir on the northern boundary includes two 3.5-foot wide rectangular notches set at an elevation of 14.00 NGVD, which will provide a "base flow" of up to 20 cfs into the pass-through lakes to mimic the current flow through the property. The determination of this base flow was made through an analysis of the existing culverts at the southern end of the property. While not required by the ERP criteria, Collier also performed a long-term analysis (using a four-year period of record) of the SWMS's effect upon water levels. This analysis demonstrated that the modified system would leave water levels in the wetland areas upstream of the project unchanged during normal rainfall and low-flow periods. This analysis provides additional assurances that the modifications to the SWMS will not affect the Northern Preserve. While Petitioners questioned the accuracy and reliability of the hydrologic study, and its specific application to this project, the criticisms are considered to be vague and unsubstantiated. As noted above, the model has been previously accepted for use in South Florida, and Petitioners' expert conceded he did not have enough information to determine the model's accuracy. The more persuasive evidence established that the hydrologic study submitted by Collier included the relevant available data and was prepared by competent professionals knowledgeable in the field. The claim of Petitioners' experts that they lacked sufficient information to form an opinion on the accuracy of the modeling is not a sufficient basis to overcome the evidence submitted by Collier to meet this criterion. The project's discharge rate in 2006 will not exceed what was permitted in the 2002 Permit. During the 25-year, 3-day storm event, the existing discharge from the project site and the natural area west of the project site into the Canal is 553 cfs. Based on modeling of the modified SWMS, the total discharge from the pass-through system will be 529 cfs, or 24 cfs less than the project's existing pre-development discharge. The discharges resulting from the project as modified in 2006 will not exceed the capacity of the Canal as required by Section 6.3 of the BOR. Accordingly, Collier has provided reasonable assurance that the discharge rate allowed for its project would not be exceeded, as required in Section 6.2 of the BOR. Section 6.8 of the BOR requires that a project allow the passage of drainage from offsite areas to downstream areas, which is necessary to demonstrate that off-site receiving water bodies are not being adversely affected. Collier complied with this provision by conducting the hydrologic analysis using the 25-year, 3-day design storm event, which demonstrated that the discharge rate would be directed to the southern discharge point allowing for the passage of drainage from offsite areas to the downstream areas. The evidence also shows that the current predominant sheetflow from areas outside the project passes through a narrowly constricted area west of the project and discharges into the Canal over an existing concrete weir. See Finding of Fact 9, supra. Only a small portion of the upstream waters currently discharge through the Mirasol site. Petitioners' allegation that the construction of the project will further constrict the sheetflow area is rejected, as the constriction of sheetflow will continue to exist whether the project is built or not. The evidence also shows that the project will not further constrict the flow because it will allow for the pass-through of water from outside the project area. Under the 2002 Permit, the Flow-Way was designed to aid in the diversion of upstream flows around the project. Under the 2006 modifications, the pass-through lake system will convey up to forty percent of the upstream flow through the development which complies with the provisions of Section 6.8 of the BOR. As indicated above, during periods of lower water levels, the notches in the weir along the northern boundary will allow for the flow to pass onto the project site consistent with existing conditions. During major storm events, water will pass over the weir into the pass-through lake system to be conveyed to the Canal. Therefore, Collier has provided reasonable assurance that the criteria in Section 6.8 have been met. Section 6.10 of the BOR requires that the project be designed to conserve water and site environmental values and not lower the water table or groundwater or over-drain wetlands. Section 6.11 of the BOR provides that the control and detention elevations for the project must be established at elevations to accomplish the objectives of Section 6.10. The latter section is adhered to when the control elevations proposed for a project are established consistent with the onsite wetland conditions. In this case, the control elevations for the wetlands and surface water management lakes are essentially the same as the design in the 2002 Permit. Collier has set the control elevations above the average wet season water table (WSWT) for the area, thereby ensuring that the SWMS will not over-drain and will conserve fresh water. Section 6.11 of the BOR addresses Detention and Control Elevations which are intended to assist in complying with the provisions of Section 6.10. The SWMS design control elevation maintains the detention component and the control (wetland protection) elevations in the previously approved SWMS. The control elevations were set by the design engineers in consultation with Collier's wetland ecologist taking into account the ground elevations and biological indicators. The control elevation for the pass-through system and internal drainage basins work in conjunction with the control elevation along the northern boundary of the project and the control elevation for the discharge point along the southern boundary to ensure that the project does not overdrain the wetlands and to preserve the project site's environmental values. By setting the control elevation above the WSWT, the design ensures that the wetlands will not be drawn down below the average WSWT and the SWMS will not over-drain them. Section 6.10 also requires that a project not lower water tables so that the existing rights of others would be adversely affected. Again, based on the control elevations, the water table is not expected to be lowered so there should be no effect on the existing rights of others. Collier must further demonstrate that the site's groundwater recharge characteristics will be preserved through the design of the SWMS. Collier complied with this requirement by setting the control elevations above the average WSWT, allowing standing water in the wetland preserves to recharge the groundwater. The ability of the SWMS to accept flows from the Northern Preserve conserves freshwater by preventing that water from being discharged downstream. The SWMS leaves water elevations in the Northern Preserve unchanged. Consequently, water will remain in the wetlands for the same duration and elevations as in the existing conditions, thereby preserving groundwater recharge characteristics. Section 6.12 of the BOR prohibits lake designs that create an adverse gradient between the control elevations of the lakes and the adjacent wetlands. To satisfy this requirement, Collier set all control elevations at 13.4 - 13.5 NGVD while controlling the internal wetland preserves at a slightly higher elevation. Consequently, there is no adverse gradient and no potential for an adverse effect upon the internal preserves from adjacent lakes. Petitioners argued that the pass-through system would quickly lower water levels in the internal wetland preserves. However, the internal wetlands are still protected from drawdown because there are control structures set at or above the wet season elevation between the pass-through lakes and internal wetlands. They also argued that the internal wetlands would be overdrained during the dry season by the deep lakes. However, no witness presented any real analysis to back up this contention. Indeed, the pass-through lakes are only twelve feet deep, and the wetlands are separated from all the lakes by protective berms to avoid any drawdown. In summary, Collier has provided reasonable assurances that the proposed modification in the 2006 Permit will not cause adverse water quantity impacts to receiving waters or adjacent lands and will not exceed the capacity of the downstream receiving waters (the Canal). Flooding Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(b) requires Collier to demonstrate that the project "[w]ill not cause adverse flooding to on-site or off-site property." BOR Section 6.4 sets forth criteria and standards for implementing this requirement and provides that building floors be designed to be protected from a 100-year, 3-day storm event. BOR Section 6.5 provides criteria and standards for flood protection for the project's roads and parking lots. Collier complied with these provisions by providing construction plans demonstrating that the building floors and roads will be built higher than the 100-year, 3-day storm event. BOR Section 6.6 provides that a project may not result in any net encroachment into the 100-year floodplain. Collier was also required to comply with the historic basin provision in Section 6.7 of the BOR, which requires the project to replace or otherwise mitigate the loss of historic basin storage provided by the site. The level of encroachment into the 100-year flood plain and loss of historic basin storage attributed to the project are essentially unchanged from the 2002 design. The only difference between the 2002 Permit and the 2006 Permit is how the conveyance of flood water is provided. In 2002, the Flow-Way served this function, while the pass-through system provides it in the 2006 Permit. Collier's flood simulations demonstrated that the project will not alter flood stages during the 25-year and 100- year design storms, while the testimony of witnesses Tomasello and Waterhouse established that the project will not have adverse flooding impacts on adjacent properties, either alone or in conjunction with neighboring developments. Storage and Conveyance Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(c) requires that an applicant demonstrate that the proposed development "[w]ill not cause adverse impacts to existing surface water storage and conveyance capabilities." This criterion is closely related to paragraph (1)(b) of the same rule, which prohibits adverse flooding to onsite or offsite property. Section 6.6 of the BOR implements this provision and specifies the parameters for applying this criterion and prohibits a net encroachment between the WSWT and the 100-year event which will adversely affect the existing rights of others. Collier addressed this criterion through the hydrologic analysis submitted. As previously found, that model is the appropriate model to determine flood stages and to calculate the floodplain. Engineering Design Principles Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(i) requires an applicant to provide reasonable assurances that the SWMS "[w]ill be capable, based on generally accepted engineering and scientific principles, of being performed and of functioning as proposed." Section 7.0 of the BOR contains the specific standards and criteria to implement this rule. The evidence demonstrates that the SWMS is based on generally accepted engineering and scientific principles and is capable of performing and functioning as proposed. Section 8.0 of the BOR includes various assumptions and information regarding the design of the SWMS. By incorporating these assumptions into the design, Collier complied with Section 8.0. Water Quality Impacts Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(e) requires that the proposed modification "[w]ill not adversely affect the quality of the receiving waters such that the water quality standards set forth in Chapters 62-4, 62-302, 62-520, 62-522 and 62-550, F.A.C., including any antidegradation provisions of paragraphs 62-4.242(1)(a) and (b), subsections 62- 4.242(2) and (3), and Rule 62-302.300, F.A.C., and any special standards for Outstanding Florida Waters and Outstanding National Resource Waters set forth in subsections 62-4.242(2) and (3), F.A.C., will be violated." Stated more plainly, the proposed modifications must not adversely affect the quality of the Canal's waters such that State water quality standards will be violated. Section 5.2 of the BOR describes the District's standard water quality criteria. This provision, which requires a minimum of one-inch detention of stormwater, is referred to as a "presumptive criteria" because it is presumed that if an applicant provides the required one inch of detention, it meets Class III water quality standards, thereby satisfying the rule. As it did under the 2002 Permit, Collier satisfies the presumptive criteria with the 2006 design by providing the one- inch wet detention in its lake system. In fact, the system is designed to provide one and a half inches of treatment in the lake system thereby providing additional treatment. The receiving body of water for the project is the Canal. When the 2002 Permit was issued, the Canal was classified as a Class III water body. It is now classified by DEP as impaired for iron and dissolved oxygen. Because of this new classification, Collier must now comply with Section of the BOR, which reads as follows: If the site of the proposed activity currently does not meet water quality standards, the applicant must demonstrate compliance with the water quality standards by meeting the provisions in,, and, as applicable, and for the parameters which do not meet water quality standards, the applicant must demonstrate that the proposed activity will not contribute to the existing violation. If the proposed activity will contribute to the existing violation, mitigation may be proposed as described in subsection Collier demonstrated that neither short-term (during construction) nor long-term (during operation) water quality impacts will occur. It complied with the short-term requirements by submitting a Construction Pollution Prevention Plan detailing how water quality will be protected during the construction process. As to long-term impacts, the Terrie Bates Water Quality Memorandum (Bates Memo) prepared by District staff on June 11, 2004, provides guidance on the implementation of Section for projects which discharge into an impaired water body. The document sets forth a number of design and operational criteria for the types of additional measures that can be incorporated into a project design to provide the necessary reasonable assurance. The Bates Memo suggests that an additional fifty percent of treatment be incorporated into a SWMS. Collier complied with this suggestion by designing the treatment lakes to provide an additional one-half inch of treatment for the additional fifty percent treatment. In addition to the one and one-half inch treatment, Collier is implementing six of the seven items the Bates Memo lists as potential options to consider. The long-term water quality requirement is addressed by Collier, in part, through an Urban Stormwater Management Plan, which details various source controls or best management practices to be implemented once the project is built and operating. Best management practices assist in ensuring that pollutants will not enter into the lake system. Collier is also implementing a stormwater pollution prevention plan and will utilize the lake system for additional treatment downstream. Collier has further agreed to planting the littoral zones as part of its design of the treatment lakes to provide additional pollutant removal. The design calls for an amount of littoral zones equal to twenty percent of the surface area of the treatment lakes. Collier has agreed to make a Water Quality Monitoring Plan a permit condition, even though such a condition was not included in the staff report. See Collier Exhibit 25. The Bates Memo includes as an option for meeting the long-term requirement a site-specific water quality evaluation of pre vs. post-development pollutant loadings. Collier has presented several such analyses, all of which indicate the post- development pollutant discharges from the site will be less than the pre-development. Mr. Barber prepared a pre vs. post- analysis using a 2003 methodology developed by Dr. Harper. The 2003 version of the Harper methodology is currently accepted by the Corps. (Although Petitioners' witness, a former Corps employee, suggested that the Corps' acceptance of the study was a "political" rather than a scientific decision, there is insufficient evidence to support this contention.) Besides his first analysis, at the direction of the District staff, Mr. Barber prepared a second analysis using the 2003 methodology with certain conservative assumptions that limited the pollutant residents time to fifty days and utilized lower starting concentrations for phosphorous and nitrogen than were recorded in the nearby monitoring stations. Based upon those reports, the District's staff concluded that Collier had provided reasonable assurances that the project met the criteria in BOR Sections 5.2 and At the hearing, Mr. Barber presented a third analysis utilizing an updated methodology developed by Dr. Harper in February 2006. The 2006 methodology was developed after Dr. Harper conducted a study of water management district criteria throughout the state for DEP. All three of the analyses prepared by Mr. Barber concluded that the project would discharge less nitrogen and phosphorous into the receiving body in the post-development condition than is currently being discharged in the pre-development condition. In addition to the three water quality submittals from Mr. Barber, Collier provided an additional water quality analysis specific to the project prepared by Dr. Harper. See Collier Exhibit 26, which is commonly referred to as the Harper Report. The analysis evaluated the project's pre vs. post- development water quality loads and also concluded the project would not contribute to the impairment of the Canal. In preparing his analysis, Dr. Harper relied solely on the lakes for estimating removal of pollutants without accounting for any of the additional treatment expected to occur from the source control best management practices contained in the Urban Stormwater Management Plan, which means his report errs on the conservative side. The Harper Report concluded that iron discharges from the SWMS would be extremely low and substantially less than the Class III standard of 1 mg/L. Petitioners presented no specific evidence to counter these conclusions. Petitioners questioned the Harper Report's use of wetlands as part of the loading calculations and attacked his underlying methodology. However, the evidence is clear that wetlands contribute to the water quality constituents in the pre-development condition. This finding is based on data from monitoring stations located in the middle of Corkscrew Swamp, a statewide study on stormwater treatment and wetlands, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) assignment of nutrient loading rates to wetlands in its regional pollutant loading model. Ignoring the actual water quality in pre-development conditions would not be a true pre vs. post-development analysis. Finally, Petitioners' contention that the Harper methodology should not be considered as admissible evidence because it constitutes "novel" (and therefore unreliable) scientific evidence under the rationale of Frye v. United States, 293 F. 1013 (D.C. Cir. 1923), has been rejected. To begin with, the Frye test has not been accepted in Florida administrative proceedings. Moreover, the methodology is the basis for a new statewide rulemaking effort, has been accepted by the EPA, the Corps, and by the Division of Administrative Hearings in at least two proceedings, and has been subjected to two peer reviews. Petitioners also alleged that Collier failed to show that it complied with Florida Administrative Code Rule 62- 40.432(2)(a)1., a rule administered by DEP which requires that a new SWMS "[a]chieve at least 80 percent reduction of the average annual load of pollutants that would cause or contribute to violations of state water quality standards." However, this is a broad overstatement of DEP's rule. Also, there is no eighty percent removal efficiency requirement adopted or incorporated into any District rule or BOR criteria. See, e.g., Conservancy of Southwest Florida, Inc. v. G.L. Homes of Naples Associates II, LTD et al., DOAH Case No. 06-4922 (DOAH May 15, 2007, SFWMD July 11, 2007). Instead, the District's "presumptive criteria" is that one inch of volumetric treatment required in Section 5.2 of the BOR meets the Class III standards. If, as in this case, additional assurances are required, those assurances are met through implementation of the BOR Section Finally, Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-40.110(2) provides that Rule Chapter 62-40 is "intended to provide water resource implementation goals, objectives, and guidance for the development and review of programs, rules, and plans relating to water resources." Also, Florida Administrative Code Rule 62- 40.110(4) states that "[t]his chapter, in and of itself, shall not constitute standards or criteria for decisions on individual permits. This chapter also does not constitute legislative authority to the Districts for the adoption of rules if such rules are not otherwise authorized by statute." Even if an eighty percent reduction standard applied, Collier has demonstrated that the project very likely will remove eighty percent or more of pollutants when additional low-impact development techniques, pollutant source reduction practices, and additional uncredited wet and dry detention capacity are considered. Based upon the evidence presented, Section 4.2.8 of the BOR regarding cumulative impacts for water quality is not applicable in this case. Collier's submittals provide reasonable assurances that the project will not be contributing to the water quality impairment of the Canal or contribute to any other water quality violation. Indeed, the information submitted indicates there will be an incremental improvement in the post-development condition as compared to existing. Since no contribution or impacts to water quality are expected, a cumulative impact analysis is not necessary to assess the extent of the impacts. The combination of all these water quality measures, when taken together, demonstrates that the 2006 Permit will not adversely affect the quality of receiving waters such that state water quality standards will be violated. Therefore, reasonable assurance has been given that Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(e) will be satisfied. Wetland Impacts Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(d) requires Collier to provide reasonable assurance that the modification of the SWMS "[w]ill not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife and listed species by wetlands and other surface waters." In determining whether this criterion has been satisfied, it is also necessary to determine whether any 2002 permitted impacts should be subject to a second review in this case. Mitigation is a method by which an applicant can propose to impact certain wetlands on the project site in exchange for providing compensation in the form of preserving, enhancing, restoring, or creating wetlands or uplands to offset those impacts. As noted earlier, there has been no change to the wetland impacts or mitigation proposal as it relates to the Northern Preserve. See Findings of Fact 27 and 28, supra. As a result of the modified SWMS, there has been some additional impact to wetlands within the development area of the project. An additional 40.18 acres will be impacted under the 2006 Permit mostly due to the modified SWMS system. However, 39.5 acres of those wetlands were already considered secondarily impacted under the 2002 Permit. In addition, the preserve areas were expanded by 13.32 acres in the 2006 design. Thus, a portion of the impacts to those wetlands was already factored into the mitigation plan that was developed and approved for the 2002 Permit. As a result, there are 26 acres for which mitigation is necessary under the 2006 Permit. Section 4.3 of the BOR specifies criteria for mitigation proposed as part of an ERP application. Collier has proposed an acceptable mitigation plan for the new wetland impacts that will result from the project due to the proposed modifications incorporated in the 2006 Permit. Except for the mitigation for the additional wetland impacts, the mitigation plan for the 2006 Permit remains essentially unchanged from the 2002 Permit, including the Grading and Planting Plan, Monitoring Plan, and Mitigation, Monitoring, and Maintenance Plan. The onsite mitigation proposal includes preservation and restoration of wetlands through the removal of melaleuca and other exotic plants and replanting in areas of dense exotic species coverage. Significantly, Collier has not proposed any modifications that would change the effectiveness of the Northern Preserve in providing mitigation for the wetland impacts proposed and approved in the 2002 Permit. While Petitioners claim that the wetlands in the Northern Preserve may be subject to some changes in the level and seasonality of inundation as a result of the SWMS modifications, the evidence does not support those assertions. The revised SWMS will continue to allow water to flow through the Northern Preserve in a manner consistent with existing conditions while providing some flood control protection for extreme rainfall events. Petitioners also suggest that additional analysis regarding the timing and levels of inundation in the wetland preserves is necessary to fully determine the impacts of the modified SWMS on the wetlands. However, the more persuasive testimony indicates that the timing and levels within the wetlands will not be affected by the revised SWMS. The control elevations within the development area have not changed from the 2002 Permit, and these protect the onsite wetlands and ensure that those wetlands will function as expected. With respect to the internal wetlands within the development area, the control elevations have not changed from the 2002 Permit and the evidence establishes that the internal wetlands will continue to function and operate as contemplated in the 2002 Permit. There has been some relocation and reconfiguration of the internal wetland preserve areas that will actually enhance the value of the mitigation by connecting those wetland areas to other preserve areas. Petitioners further suggested that the wetland mitigation within the development area would not function as permitted in the 2002 Permit due to the spill over from the lakes to the wetlands. However, when the water reaches those internal wetland preserves, it has been treated to Class III water quality standards. Therefore, the mitigation values of those wetlands preserves will not be changed or affected due to water quality. Petitioners' objections to the wetland impacts and mitigation were primarily directed at the overall impacts rather than to the 2006 modifications. However, their witness was unaware of the values provided by the additional acres that will be impacted through the 2006 Permit. Therefore, a challenge to 2002 permitted wetlands impacts and mitigation is inappropriate in this proceeding. Functions To Fish and Wildlife and Listed Species Section 4.2.2 of the BOR implements Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(d) and provides that an applicant must provide reasonable assurances that a project will not cause adverse impact to the abundance and diversity of fish, wildlife, and listed species or their habitat. With respect to the 586.66 acres of wetland impacts permitted in the 2002 Permit, the 2006 Permit does not modify or affect the values that the wetlands provide to either the abundance or diversity of fish and wildlife. Review of the wetlands criteria as to those acres was finally determined in the 2002 Permit and should not be reopened. By relocating thirteen of the previously impacted acres so they are most closely connected to other wetlands, their value to fish and wildlife will increase. As explained by the District's witness Bain, if Collier had moved the preserve area and changed its functional value, the District would have been required to reevaluate the mitigation that had been accepted for the wetland impacts in the 2002 permit. In this case, however, because the Northern Preserve area did not change, the District's review is limited to the newly impacted wetlands internal to the development for which mitigation was not provided in the 2002 Permit. Section of the BOR addresses the functional assessment of the values provided by the project's wetlands. The only wetland values assessed in the 2006 Permit were the additional wetland impacts that were not mitigated in the 2002 Permit. The evidence establishes that the current value of the wetlands is low due to the heavy melaleuca infestation, which is greater than fifty percent coverage in most locations and seventy-five percent or more in much of the area. Melaleuca has the effect of draining short hydroperiod wetlands. While Petitioners may disagree with how the wetlands were previously evaluated, nothing in the 2006 modification allows or requires a reassessment of their value. Section of the BOR requires that a regulated activity not adversely impact the hydroperiod (the depth, duration, or frequency of inundation) of wetlands or other surface waters. Subsection (a) of this standard applies if the project is expected to reduce the hydroperiod in any of the project's wetlands. Conversely, subsection (b) applies if the project is expected to increase the hydroperiod through changing the rate or method of discharge of water to wetlands or other surface waters. Subsection (c) requires monitoring of the wetlands to determine the effects of the hydrological changes. Again, there is no basis for the District to reopen and reevaluate the wetlands for which mitigation has already been permitted. No evidence was presented to indicate that there would be any obstacles or problems to accomplishing the mitigation that was proposed and accepted in 2002. In any event, the engineering and biological testimony demonstrated that no change (neither a reduction nor an increase) in the hydrology on the preserved wetlands or the Northern Preserve will occur from what was permitted in the 2002 Permit. By analyzing the various biological indicators onsite and setting the control elevations within the SWMS and the wetlands (both the Northern Preserve and onsite preserve wetlands) above the WSWT, the project ensures that the appropriate hydrology will be maintained. Though the fish and wildlife are not expected to be adversely affected by the 2006 Permit, Collier will be conducting monitoring of plants and animals on the site as an extra measure of assurance as contemplated under BOR Section Focusing on just the changes from 2002 to 2006, Petitioners' two experts conceded that the hydrology in the Northern Preserve and its value to wildlife and listed species (including the wood stork) would be benefited in the 2006 Permit over that contemplated in the 2002 Permit due to the removal of the Flow-Way. Secondary Impacts to Water Resources Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(f) requires a demonstration that the proposed activities "[w]ill not cause adverse secondary impacts to the water resources." A similar demonstration is required by Sections 4.1.1(f) and 4.2.7 of the BOR. In this case, the secondary impacts considered by the District were potential impacts due to the relocation and expansion of the buffer preserve areas to the perimeter of the project site. In conducting a secondary impact analysis, BOR Section 4.2.7 requires that the District consider only those future projects or activities which would not occur "but for" the proposed system. Here, the evidence demonstrated that no wetlands or other surface waters will be secondarily impacted by the modifications to the SWMS as part of the 2006 Permit. The undersigned has rejected Petitioners' contention that a proposed extension of County Road 951 through the development site should be considered a secondary impact in evaluating this project. This extension has been proposed for at least fifteen years and its precise configuration is unclear. It is not required to be built as a result of the project and there are no firm plans or contracts in place to construct the road. Although the road is listed on the County's transportation plan, it remains speculative as to if and when it will be built. Additionally, there is no evidence the County has any ownership interest in property for a road in the area identified by Petitioners. Witness Bain testified that the District examined the Collier County Public Records and an easement had not been granted to the County to build the road. i. Elimination and Reduction Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301((3) provides in part that "the provisions for elimination or reduction of impacts contained in the [BOR] shall determine whether the reasonable assurances required by subsection 40E- 4.301(1) and Rule 40E-4.302, F.A.C., have been provided." Section of the BOR implements that provision and provides that elimination and reduction of impacts is not required when: The ecological value of the function provided by the area of wetland or other surface water to be adversely affected is low based on site specific analysis using the factors in subsection and the proposed mitigation will provide greater long term ecological value than the area of wetland or other surface water to be adversely affected; . . . In accordance with that section, Collier was not required to implement practicable design modifications to reduce or eliminate impacts. The District did a site-specific analysis of the quality of the 39.5 acres of adversely affected wetlands, taking into consideration the condition of the wetlands, hydrologic connection, uniqueness, location, and fish and wildlife utilization. The unrebutted testimony is that the quality of the 39.5 acres of wetlands to be impacted by the 2006 Permit is low and these wetlands were already previously authorized to be secondarily impacted. The low quality wetlands are melaleuca dominated making them not unique. The mitigation will provide greater long-term ecological value than the impacted wetlands. As noted on page 10 of the Staff Report, there will be a larger, contiguous mitigation area to offset direct impacts to previously preserved, but secondarily impacted wetlands and the preservation/enhancement of the external preserve area. The 2006 Permit provides that 5.68 credits are required to be purchased in the PIMB. Collier has advised the District that 27.68 credits are being purchased pursuant to its Corps permit. Thus, Collier will be purchasing more credits than required by the District. Witness Bain took this additional mitigation into account in determining whether the proposed mitigation will provide greater long term ecological value than the area impacted. While the Corps permit is an entirely separate permit action, Collier has agreed to include an additional 5.68 credits within the Basin beyond what is required in the Staff Report as a condition to this 2006 Permit. Therefore, the mitigation is clearly of greater long-term ecological value than the area impacted. Additional Requirements Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.302 imposes additional requirements on an ERP applicant, including a cumulative impact assessment, if appropriate, and satisfaction of a public interest test. Cumulative Impacts Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.302(1)(b) requires that an applicant demonstrate the project "[w]ill not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts upon wetlands and other surface waters as set forth in subsections 4.2.8 through of the [BOR]." Cumulative impacts are the summation of unmitigated wetland impacts within a drainage basin, and a cumulative impact analysis is geographically based upon the drainage basins described in Figure 4.2.8-1 of the BOR. See Florida Wildlife Federation et al. v. South Florida Water Management District et al., 2006 Fla. ENV LEXIS 49 at *49, DOAH Case Nos. 04-3064 and 04-3084 (DOAH Dec. 3, 2006, SFWMD Dec. 8, 2006). Also, Section 373.414(8)(a), Florida Statutes, requires the District to consider the cumulative impacts upon surface water and wetlands within the same drainage basin. Thus, the cumulative impact analysis applies only when mitigation is proposed outside of the drainage basin within which the impacts are to occur. Broward County v. Weiss et al., 2002 Fla. ENV LEXIS 298 at *29, DOAH Case No. 01-3373 (DOAH Aug. 27, 2002, SFWMD Nov. 14, 2002). In this case, all of the proposed mitigation associated with the 2006 Permit modifications is located within the West Collier Basin. The evidence shows that the mitigation will offset the impacts to wetlands proposed in the 2006 Permit. Therefore, since the mitigation will be performed in the same Basin as the impacts and will offset the adverse impacts, the District must "consider the regulated activity to meet the cumulative impact requirements" of Section 373.414(8)(a), Florida Statutes. A new cumulative impacts analysis based on removal of the Flow-Way is not necessary because the modification does not change the cumulative impacts analysis conducted in the 2002 Permit. Since the Flow-Way was not considered a wetland impact or contributing to the mitigation in the 2002 Permit, its removal does not affect the adequacy of the previously conducted cumulative impacts analysis or the mitigation. Accordingly, there is no need for a new cumulative impact analysis with regards to the Northern Preserve. Finally, contrary to Petitioners' assertion, there is no rule or BOR provision which requires Collier to mitigate for the alleged prior impacts of other projects. Public Interest Test In addition to complying with the above criteria, because the project is located in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters, Collier must also address the criteria contained in the Public Interest Test in Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.302(1) and Section 4.2.3 of the BOR by demonstrating that the project is not contrary to the public interest. See also § 373.414(1)(a), Fla. Stat. Since the project does not discharge into an OFW or significantly degrade an OFW, the higher standard of "clearly in the public interest" does not apply. In determining compliance with the test, Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.302(1)(a) requires that the District do so by "balancing the [seven] criteria [in the rule]." Findings with respect to each of the seven criteria are set out below. (Except for pointing out that the District does not have an adopted rule which provides more specific detail on how to perform the balancing test than is now found in paragraph (1)(a), and a contention that witness Bain's testimony was insufficient to explain how the staff balanced those factors, Petitioners did not present any evidence at hearing or argument in their Proposed Recommended Order in support of their contention that the above rule, BOR section, or the associated statute have been applied by the District in an unconstitutional manner.) Whether the regulated activity will adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare or the property of others (40E-4.302(1)(a)1.) Collier provided reasonable assurances that the project will not cause any onsite or offsite flooding nor cause any adverse impacts to adjacent lands because the SWMS is designed in accordance with District criteria. Also, the post- development peak rate of discharge does not exceed the allowable discharge rate. Further, the project will not cause any environmental hazards affecting public health, safety, or welfare. The project is considered neutral as to this factor. Whether the regulated activity will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats (40E-4.302(1)(a)2.) For the direct wetland impacts under the 2006 Permit, Collier proposes mitigation which has not changed from the 2002 Permit. The mitigation proposed was previously determined to offset potential impacts to fish and wildlife and particularly wood stork habitats. The evidence indicates that the mitigation plan for the Northern Preserve will improve wood stork habitat from its current melaleuca infested condition. For the additional 40.18 acres of wetland impacts authorized in 2006, the mitigation is of greater long-term value. Thus, the project should be considered positive as to this factor. Whether the regulated activity will adversely affect navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling (40E-4.302(1)(a)3.) The parties have stipulated that the project will not adversely affect navigation. In addition, no evidence was introduced to suggest that the project's construction would result in harmful erosion or shoaling. Whether the regulated activity will adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the activity (40E-4.302(1)(a)4.) The project does not provide any fishing, recreational values, or marine productivity. Therefore, the project is neutral as to this factor. Whether the regulated activity will be of a temporary or permanent nature (40E-4.302(1)(a)5.) It is undisputed that the project is permanent in nature. Even though the project is permanent, it is considered neutral as to this factor because mitigation will offset the permanent wetland impacts. Whether the regulated activity will adversely affect or will enhance significant historical and archaeological resources under the provisions of Section 267.061, F.S. (40E- 4.302(1)(a)6.) The parties have stipulated that no significant archeological or historical resources have been identified on this site. Therefore, the project is considered neutral as to this factor. The current condition and relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed regulated activity (40E-4.302(1)(a)7.) The current condition and relative value of functions being performed by the areas affected by the project is low due to the melaleuca infestation. Project mitigation will restore 940 acres of poor quality wetlands and uplands, greatly enhancing their function and value. Therefore, the project should be considered positive as to this factor because the implementation of the mitigation offsets the wetland impacts and improves the current value. Summary of Public Interest Factors Overall, the project is no worse than neutral measured against any one of the criteria individually. Therefore, the project is not contrary to the public interest.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the South Florida Water Management District enter a final order granting the application of I. M. Collier, J.V. for a modification to Environmental Resource Permit No. 11-02031P. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of July, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of July, 2007.
Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, as well as the stipulation of facts contained in the Prehearing Stipulation, the following relevant facts are found: The Gardinier Applications. l. The East Tampa Chemical Plant (plant) operated by Gardinier is located on approximately 3,500 acres of land owned by it at the mouth of the Alafia River and the Hillsborough Bay. The facilities have been there since 1924, and the withdrawal of water utilized to operate the plane predates the consumptive use permitting process. The plant manufactures various fertilizer products, including sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, diammonium phosphate, granular triple superphosphate, run of pile triple superphosphate, byproducts of phosphoric acid, as well as fluosilic acid and sodium silicofluoride. The phosphoric acid products are used by farmers to grow corn, soy beans, and wheat, and fluosilic acid and sodium silicofluoride are used by municipalities to fluorinate drinking water. When the plant is fully operating, Gardinier employs 950 people with a payroll of $22 million a year. The company pays annual property and other taxes of $1.5 million a year and annually purchases approximately $25 million in materials and equipment in Hillsborough County. Garciinier was recently purchased by Cargill, Inc. after a bankruptcy proceeding. In order to manufacture its products and operate the plant, Gardinier uses both salt water and fresh water. The salt water comes from salt water wells located on the plant's property, and has been used since 1924 for cooling purposes. It is used for once-through, non-contact cooling of sulphuric acid and is then discharged into the Alafia River at the Hillsborough Bay. Due to the naturally occurring radium in this discharged salt water, Gardinier intends to discontinue using its salt water wells and utilize fresh water for all its cooling requirements. This will require the construction of a fresh water cooling tower, for which a permit is currently being sought and which will take about two years to complete. Gardinier's existing CUP No. 7601530 for its salt water wells permits an average annual withdrawal of 56,260,000 gallons of water per day (gpd) and a maximum daily withdrawal of 64,890,000 gpd. Despite expansions in its plant over the years, the amounts of salt water and fresh water required has decreased. Gardinier's present renewal application for its salt water withdrawals proposes a reduction to an average annual rate and maximum daily rate of 31,968,000 gpd . Fresh water is used at Gardinier's plant as boiler feed water, for manufacturing of product or process water, cooling and potable needs. This water is obtained from Buckhorn Springs and Lithia Sprlngs, both wholly owned by Gardinier. Gardinier purchased 148 acres at Buckhorn Springs in 1947, and 160 acres at Lithia Springs in 1967, including the spring pools, and has been withdrawing water from those springs since those times. Lithia Springs is leased to Hillsborough County for recreational purposes. Gardinier's withdrawals from the springs have been gradually reduced since 1977. The original CUP No. 7601532 issued in 1977 for Buckhorn Springs authorized an annual average withdrawal of 2,176,000 gpd with a maximum daily withdrawal not to exceed 2,370,800 gpd. Gardinier requested a reduced withdrawal s renewal application, with an annual average and a maximum daily rate of 1,440,000 gpd. Gardinier's original CUP No. 7601533 for Lithia Springs issued in 1977 was for 5,840,700 gpd average annual withdrawal and 5,894.000 gpd as a maximum daily withdrawal. Gardinier's renewal is for a reduced average withdrawal rate of 5,822,000 gpd and a maximum daily withdrawal of 5,904,000 gpd. The increased maximum quantity is for the well used for the concession stand at the park. Withdrawals from Gardinier's salt water wells consists of comingled waters from the intermediate aquifer, the Floridan aquifer and Hillsborough Bay. The water is salty, high in chloride and its constituents are very similar to bay water. The evidence is inconclusive as to whether Gardinier's operation of its salt water wells for a period of over 60 years has caused or contributed to salt water intrusion in thc area of the plant. There is some evidence that the pumping may have been beneficial in reducing salt water encroachment along the coast due to the release of pressure on the deeper Floridan aquifer which allows fresh water to move into the system. In any event, if there has been an adverse effect from more than 60 years of pumping, the effect would be reduced by the reduction in withdrawals which Gardinier now seeks in its permit renewals. While Gardinier is the largest use of water in the plant area, there are domestic wells in the vicinity of the plant. Computer modeling demonstrates that present withdrawals from the salt water wells will affect the potentiometric surface at the plant's boundary by less than five feet and create less than a one-foot drawdown in the water table. The greater portion of the water pumped is recharge water from the bay. Any reduction in the amount of pumping would have a positive impact on the potentiometric surface, will decrease any impact on nearby domestic wells and will allow the quality of the water in domestic wells to either remain stable or improve. Since the potentiometric surface in the plant's vicinity is already at sea level, it is SWFWMD's policy not to take into account the regulatory criterion relating to the lowering of the potentiometric surface below sea level. SWFWMD has not established regulatory levels for the rate of flow of streams or watercourses, the potentiometric surface or surface waters in the vicinity of the plant. Salt water marshes, estuarine systems and uplands exist to the north, south and east of the plant. Any adverse ecological impact suffered by these systems are more attributable to cultural impacts than to a less than one foot lowering of the water table. Since Gardinier's withdrawals have been occurring for over 60 years, it is likely that biological communities in the area have adapted, and the proposed reduction in pumping have no additional adverse effect. In order to satisfy its requirements for fresh water of reliable quantity and quality, Gardinier has been withdrawing water from Buckhorn Springs for almost 40 years and Lithia Springs for almost 20 years. The boilers and cooling towers at the plant are designed to utilize water of that quality and temperature. But for Gardinier's withdrawals, these spring waters would flow into the Alafia River and eventually into the bay. The spring water from Lithia is pumped through a pipeline to Buckhorn Springs, comingles with the Buckhorn spring water and is pumped some 1< miles through a pipeline to the chemical plant for use as boiler feed water, process water, cooling water and sanitary and drinking water. During full production periods, Gardinier uses all the water withdrawn from Lithia and Buckhorn Springs. Because of cutbacks in production in 1983, Gardinier installed a pressure relief valve to alleviate pressure problems in the plant during times of reduced production. This allowed water to be discharged into the Alafia River from the Lithia pipeline without passing through the plant. Over the past two years, approximately .5 to 1.2 million gallons of water per day has passed through the pressure relief valve and discharged in the Alafia River at a point downstream from where it would have entered the river naturally. Gardinier is presently in the process of developing an alternative pressure control system which would permit it to take from Lithia and Buckhorn Springs only the amounts actually required at the plant. Lithia Springs and Buckhorn Springs are typical karst artisian sink springs. The geology and hydrogeology of the area of both springs demonstrates a series of fault features, where solid rock has fractured and the fractures extend into the Floridan aquifer. Solutioning occurs and a sinkhole system is created. The springs are discharge points of the Floridan aquifer. These aquifer waters discharge into the springs from artisian pressure. An examination of various well logs and literature on Florida geology leads to the conclusion that the water in Lithia Springs and Buckhorn Springs withdrawn by Gardinier are supplied primarily by the Floridan aquifer with very minimal contribution from the intermediate or surficial aquifers. The withdrawals at both springs constitute ground water, as opposed to surface water, withdrawals. As noted above, Gardinier owns 148 acres at Buckhorn Springs and 160 acres at Lithia Springs. There are 350 feet from the edge of Buckhorn Springs to the nearest property line and 400 feet from the edge of Lithia Springs to the nearest property line. Pump tests designed to determine the lateral and vertical extent of the impact from the stress of pumping in amounts far greater than usual demonstrate that the impacts from withdrawals do not extend beyond 300 feet from the edge of either spring. After stabilizing the springs and pumping at a greater rate than normal, the pump tests revealed only a 1.25 foot decline in the spring boil, a 1.06 foot decline in the spring pool and no appreciable change in the water table or surface water at Buckhorn Springs. The impacts from pumping at Lithia Springs were even more minimal -- a two inch decline in the water level of the spring boil and a decline in the pool level of less than one inch. These results lead to the conclusion that the artisian systems are not adversely affected by Cardinier's pumping at Buckhorn or Lithia Springs. Chemical analyses reveals that the quality of the waters at Buckhorn and Lithia Springs has not been adversely affected by Cardinler's pumping or withdrawals. The proposed withdrawals will have no adverse effect upon vegetation in the areas of Lithla or Buckhorn Springs. There will be no inducement of salt water encroachment as a result of Gardinier's withdrawals from Lithia or Buckhorn Springs. SWFWMD has set no regulatory levels pertaining to the rate of flow of streams or watercourses, the level of the potentiometric surface or the level of surface waters in the areas of Buckhorn or Lithia Springs. It is the policy of the SWFWMD not to require extensive testing or monitoring when an applicant is applying for a renewal of a presently existing legal use, particularly when the renewal is for a permit with reduced quantities. In order to determine the future adequacy of the water supply available from Lithia and Buckhorn Springs, as well as to determine the effect of a diminuition of the outflow by outside sources, it would be beneficial to place continuous recording gases on spring flow, spring height and pumpage at those spring sites. Many industries are capable of and do now utilize reclaimed, recovered or recycled water in their plant operations. Dependent upon the plant's equipment and ;he quantity and quality of the reuse or recycled water, such water can be utilized in chemical plant operations for such nonpotable uses as cooling water, boiler feed and process water. A source of reuse water is treated effluent from advanced wastewater treatment facilities. Several new County wastewater treatment plants are presently in the planning stage, but none are currently on line nor are there pipelines in existence which could supply reuse water to Gardinier's East Tampa Chemical Plant. Use of the existing pipeline for reclaimed or reuse water would contaminate Gardinier's existing fresh water supply from the springs. Considering the quantity and quality of its present source of fresh water, reuse water has no technical or economic advantage to Gardinier. Its plant equipment would have to be retrofitted, a new distribution system both within and outside the plant would be required and experience by other industrial users has demonstrated problems with scaling, increased temperature and the consistency of water quality. When weighing the potential for reuse water in plant operations, a large factor to be considered is the economic feasibility, including the cost of treatment, maintenance costs, the cost of the current supply, availability, etc. While the reuse of water should be encouraged as a conservation measure, the economic feasibility of such use must be considered. Gardinier has studied and has agreed to continue to study the feasibility, both technical and economical, of reuse water for some of the plant operations. The Authority's and County's Application. The Authority is a five member governmental entity consisting of Pasco County, Pinellas County, Hillsborough County, the City of Tampa, and the City of St. Petersburg. Its obligations are to provide an adequate and dependable source of supply for all citizens within the tri-county area and to do so without concentrating withdrawals to the point where they would have an adverse environmental or hydrological impact. The Authority first began operating public supply wellfields in 1978. Currently, the Authority operates the Cypress Creek Wellfield, the Cross Bar Ranch Wellfield, the Starkey Wellfield, the Section 21 Wellfield, the Cosme-Odessa Wellfield, and the Northwest Hillsborough Wellfield. The permitted average annual withdrawal rate and maximum daily withdrawal of these wellfields are 30 million gallons per day (mgd)/30 mod for Cypress Creek, 30 mgdt45 mgd for Cross Bar, 8 mgd/15 mgd for Starkey, 13 mgd/22 mgd for Section 21 and Cosme-Odessa and 8.8 mgd/18.q mgd for the Northwest Hillsborough Wellfield. In addition, the Authority has a consumptive use permit to withdraw water from the Tampa Bypass Canal at a rate of 20 mgd average annual withdrawal and 40 mgd maximum daily withdrawal. The south central Hillsborough County region and service area has been described in this proceeding as an area bounded by Interstate ~ on the north, by Valrico on the east, by the Little Manatee River on the south and by Tampa Bay on the west. The area is largely a rural area, but has several population centers, including Brandon, Ruskin, Apollo Beach, Sun City and Riverview. The County's current public water supply facilities in the south central region comprise some 75 dispersed wells permitted under 8 different CUPs. The evidence is conflicting and inconclusive as to the actual number of existing wells and the quantities presently permitted. Some of the presently permitted wells have been converted to monitoring wells and others have been plugged. The Authority and the County have concluded that it is no longer possible to continue to use the County's existing public water supply facilities in the south central area. Consequently, they have applied for a CUP which would renew and consolidate their existing 8 CUPs and add 17 new wells to be located at a regional wellfield. It is the intent of the Authority and the County to continue using the existing wells during construction of the planned wellfield and then to discontinue their use and serve the entire area from a centralized wellfield. The amended application requests total average annual combined permit withdrawals of 24,100,000 gpd and total maximum daily withdrawals of 44,600,000 gpd. The current, existing Brandon water supply system is comprised of some 30 dispersed wells capable of producing from 7 to 10 mgd of good quality water. However, there are problems in this system, as well as the smaller systems serving Sun City, Apollo Beach, Ruskin and Riverview. The Brandon wells have individual chlorinators and, on occasion, suffer pressure problems. Because of their dispersed locations, the County's operators can only visit each well site once a day. If a problem occurs after the operator's visit, it will not be discovered until the following day and recipients of the water may use water that has not been disinfected. It is difficult to monitor and sample the well waters due to their dispersed locations. The existing system relies totally on local wells for local distribution as there is a complete lack of transmission facilities. The systems are hydraulically isolated and there is no transmission capacity within the Brandon system at all. While there is one intertie with the City of Tampa's water system, this is not used primarily because the City has its own supply problems and also because the City's water treatment is different than and incompatible with the County's water treatment. Some of the existing wells located south of the Alafia Rlver are old, in poor repair and violate Florida's drinking water standards for total dissolved solids, sulfates, fecal coliform and occasionally odor. Many of the existing well sites are not secured and their locations are such as to constrain access to the larger repair equipment. The existing system has inadequate storage capacity. On the basis of present demand for water within the system, there should be at least 10 million gallons of available storage. The current storage capacity is slightly more than 4 million gallons and not all of this storage is available. A storage tank is generally kept at least half full to provide for local fire demand and, therefore, the effective storage capacity of the existing system is about 2 to 3 million gallons. The existing water supply system lacks the capacity for both adequate fire protection and adequate emergency pumping. Retrofitting or refurbishing the existing system with newer or more dispersed wells would simply perpetuate the existing inadequacies in the system. For these reasons, the Authority and the County have determined that the only feasible alternative to solve the inadequacies and to meet the current and future demand is to provide a centralized system of transmission lines, centralized master pumping facilities and a centralized source of water supply. As the wellfield production wells, pump station and transmission lines are constructed and become operational, the existing wells will be either taken out of service or will be utilized as monitor wells. It is estimated that the construction of the proposed wellfield will take from 18 to 24 months. In reaching a determination as to the location and design of the proposed south central wellfield, the Authority and the County analyzed various alternatives. Studies and testing were done regarding the placement of a regional wellfield in the Brandon area. However, testing demonstrated that the potential yield would be very low in that area and could cause the upconing of highly mineralized water. Tests conducted further to the east, in the Medard area, demonstrated a productive aquifer with good water quality. However, because large amounts of water are withdrawn from that area by strawberry farmers, particularly during freezing weather, that site was found unsuitable for a regional wellfield. The Authority also investigated the feasibility of creating a surface water supply and constructing reverse osmosis plants. These alternatives were rejected due to concerns regarding economics, adverse environmental impacts and the production of sufficient yield. Testing performed at the Lithia site resulted in findings that the aquifer was productive and had a good quality of water. To confirm these findings, further testing was done to the east of the Lithia site at Alderman's Ford Park. This testing resulted in a finding of a high yield of water that met drinking water standards. While traces of a volatile organic compound were revealed, these were determined to have resulted from the laboratory cleaning process. Thus, the Alafia River corridor was determined to be the appropriate location for a regional wellfield because it would not compete with the agricultural irrigation to the north, would avoid the poorer water quality to the south and would produce an adequate yield. The Authority and the County have completed the preliminary design of the proposed wellfield. It is to consist of 17 production wells and a pump station. Wells 1 and 2 are to be used as standby wells and pumpage is to be rotated among wells 3 through 17 so that withdrawals are evenly distributed among those wells. The standby wells are only to be used if there is a failure at another well within the wellfield. Well 1 is already constructed and is located about 1 1/2 miles from Lithia Springs on 80 acres of land purchased by the County for the master pump station. Well 1 is located about 100 feet from the nearest property boundary to the south. The remaining wells would be placed on one-acre well sites to be purchased by the applicant and located somewhere within the 40 acre quarter-quarter sections which the authority submitted to the SWFWMD as proposed well locations. The total additional land area to be acquired for the well sites is 14 acres. Two of the wells will be located on land already owned by the County. Some of the wells are concentrated, with three in one section. The Authority has attempted to locate the wells adjacent to road right-of-ways which could be used for transmission pipelines. The Authority has not yet developed a management plan or a monitoring plan for the proposed wellfield. Each of the wells within the regional wellfield is designed to pump at an average annual withdrawal rate of 3 mgd and a maximum withdrawal rate of 4 mgd. If only one well were turned on in the system and no other wells were running, the well would produce 4 mgd. However, with all of the other wells running, a single well would only produce 3 mgd due to friction loss and the energy required to pump a large mass of water through the pipe under greater pressure. Thus, while the wellfield would be able mechanically to pump 60 mgd, the optimum production capacity will be 45 mgd. On an average day, pumping will be rotated among a small number of wells to produce a total of 24.1 mgd. On a peak day, all 15 wells would be producing approximately 3 mgd each for a total combined withdrawal rate of 44.6 mgd. Based upon a per capita consumption of 189 gpd, it is estimated that the total water supply requirements for the south central service area in the year 1990 to meet average day and maximum day demands is approximately 24 mgd and 44 mgd, respectively. The proposed wellfield is located along the north and south prongs of the Alafia River. That area is characterized by rural and light agricultural land uses, residential areas and recreational sites. Land uses in the area have been dependent upon private, individual water wells, many of which are shallow and draw water from an intermediate aquifer. One proposed well site has 31 property owners within 1/2 mile of the well. One hundred property owners live within 1/2 mile of proposed well 17. These domestic well users will not be served by the proposed system. The Authority has issued revenue bonds to finance the construction of the regional wellfield and transmission lines. The regional wellfield will cost approximately $14,000,000 and the transmission lines will cost approximately S19.000,000. An additional S2,000,000 will be needed to complete construct on and these funds will be raised through the rate structure. In order to determine the proposed wellfield's impacts upon the potentiometric surface, water table and lake stages, the parties in this proceeding utilized information gathered from literature, pump tests, computer modeling and hand-calculated modeling to predict the drawdowns expected during periods of average and maximum pumping. While the actual numerical drawdown 1evels anticipated vary greatly among the expert witnesses presented, it is clear that the wellfield withdrawals, after pumping for 30 days at 24 mgd, will lower the potentiometric surface by more than 5 feet at the boundary of a one-acre well site and that the 5-foot drawdown contour will extend at least 2 1/2 miles radially around the center of the wellfield . The water table level will not be lowered more than three feet at the boundaries of the one-acre tracts, surface waters of lakes and impoundments will not be lowered more than one foot, and the potentiometric surface will not be lowered below sea level. Withdrawals from the wellfield will not induce salt water encroachment. When utilizing computer modeling to predict the impacts from withdrawals, it is essential to understand the site-specific geology and aquifer characteristics of the area. After studying the literature on the area of the wellfield, examining well logs and geophysical logs and conducting a well inventory in a 5-mile area across the wellfield, Gardinier's hydrogeologlsts found the area to be nonisotroptc and calibrated their modeling to account for the changes in geology throughout the area. The area of 'he proposed wellfield was fond to contain a thick clay confining layer which allows less water to permeate it. Inasmuch as less water moves through the layers to recharge the aquifer, the cone depression created by withdrawals from the wellfield extends over a larger and deeper area. Utilizing a value for leakance (defined as the vertical permeability through which water flows from the upper aquifer through a confining layer into the lower aquifer) of 1 x 104. Gardinier's experts predict that the potentiometric surface drawdown at Lithla Springs when the wellfield is pumping 24 mgd for 30 days will be about one foot under normal conditions. During a drought, the drawdown in the Floridan aquifer at Lithia Springs could be as much as 18.9 feet. The effects would, of course, be greater during pumpage rates of 45 mgd. During drought conditions, and possibly also when the wellfield is operating at maximum withdrawal rates, Gardinier may well have difficulty pumping water from Lithia Springs in the amounts for which it is seeking a permit. Various methodologies demonstrate that the potentiometric surface drawdown in the center of the proposed wellfield will be from 20 to 6G feet, depending upon the pumpage amounts and seasonal conditions. Such drawdown levels can interfere with existing wells in the area. Also, a lowering of the potentiometric surface could potentially lead to catastrophic collapse or subsidence in the area of the wellfield. The area is karstic in nature, with solution features such as sin);holes and springs present. Rapid ground collapses can occur in such areas due to a loss in the bearing strength of the unconsolidated material that fills the solution features. Such collapses have been associated with large withdrawals of water from pumping, thus creating extensive drawdowns, followed by a heavy rain. because of the particular geologic and aquifer characteristics of the wellfield area and the potential for interference with existing users, there should be a controlled maximum amount of water development in this area, along with observation wells and extensive monitoring of the various aquifer systems. In order to justify an exception to the District's rule that withdrawals not lower the level of the potentiometric surface more than five feet, the Authority proposes a mitigation program which it utilizes in other wellfields operated by it. This after-the-fact mitigation program consists of receiving complaints, sending a field representative to conduct an on-site investigation to determine the nature and cause of the problem, and sending a letter to the complainant and to SWFWMD documenting the results of the investigation. If the .authority determines that its wellfield operation caused the problem, if it takes mitigative action, such as reimbursing the complainant, hiring a contractor to solve the problem, or refurbishing or replacing the complainant's well or pumping equipment. The Authority also proposes various alternative mitigative actions if the wellfield affects Gardinier's ability to withdraw a sufficient quantity of water from Lithia Springs. These include the construction of new wells at Lithia Springs or along Gardinier's transmission pipeline, lowering the intake system at the springs and supplying Gardinier with water from the wellfield on an emergency basis. These suggested alternatives have not been fully investigated with regard to the effect upon the springs and fail to take into account the economic repercussions to Gardinier should it be unable to supply fresh water for the plant's operation while the Authority is investigating the problem and/or implementing the solution. The SWFWMD has proposed a before-the-fact mitigation plan for landowners living within one-half mile of each well site. This preventative mitigation plan would require the Authority to conduct a detailed water well inventory of all property owners located within one-half mile of the withdrawal point of each production well when the sites are finally selected. The Authority is to review each well's depth, casing size and depth, pump type and depth and the static water level, and then determine whether each well will be adversely affected with regard to its intended use. If so, the Authority is to commence its mitigative actions prior to or during construction of its production well. If an adverse effect is determined during testing of any production well, the Authority is to commence mitigative action prior to withdrawing water for public supply. The mitigative actions for impacted wells are to include well deepening, lowering or replacement of pumping facilities or whatever action is required to maintain an adequate water supply. The five-foot potentiometric surface drawdown contour extends beyond one-half mile during certain scenarios of pumping or seasonal conditions. The .Authority has been operating Well 1 as a test well under a temporary CUP, and has received six complaints from private well owners in the vicinity regarding water levels. No corrective action has been taken with regard to these complaints. With the exception of some phosphate mining cuts and small farm ponds, there are no significant lakes or other impoundments in the area of the proposed wellfield. It is anticipated that such water bodies will be affected by less than one foot by withdrawals from the wellfield. The greatest water table drawdown predicted is 2.8 feet at the center of the wellfield, where there are no open bodies of water. The area is culturally impacted now and is not ecologically sensitive. Vegetative species in the area are able to adapt to a wide range of soil moisture situations, and a less than one-foot reduction in the water table should not adversely or significantly affect vegetation in the area. Operation of the proposed wellfield at the requested rates of withdrawal will have no effect upon Buckhorn Springs or the East Tampa Chemical Plant. Intervenor Hebbard's private well is located between Well l in the proposed wellfield and Lithia Springs. He is concerned that the proposed wellfield will adversely affect land values in the area and the quantity and quality of his water withdrawals. He is also concerned with the potential for terrorist activity in a centralized water supply source and feels that the location of the proposed wellfield will not benefit existing Florida residents. The Lithia-Pinecrest Civic Association is not incorporated and has no membership list or bylaws. Its 47 years, uses the Alafia River for fishing and boating and is that the proposed wellfield will adversely affect his well and pumping facilities without adequate or timely mitigation and that the wellfield will remove the very resource for which the area is zoned: to wit: agicultural. Intervenor A. H. Varnum resides in the area of the proposed wellfield and also operates his business, Central Maintenance and Welding, Inc, in that area. He is concerned that the wellfield will adversely affect his water supply without sufficient mitigation. He is further concerned about the social impact of permitting a wellfield in this area when the water withdrawn will not benefit the persons who reside there. Intervenor I. A. Albritton was in attendance throughout the hearing. He was born in the area and now resides near Wel1 He has noticed odors, ground vibrations and decreasing water levels when Well 1 is pumping. He is concerned with dropping water table levels and the general condition of the land in the area.
Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that: CUP Number 7C01530 be ISSUED to Cardinier for its salt water wells at the East Tampa Chemical Plant for a period of two years an average annual and maximum daily withdrawal rates of 31,968,000 gallons per day: CUP Number 7601532 be ISSUED to Gardinier for spring withdrawals from Buckhorn Springs for a period of six years at average annual and maximum daily withdrawal rates of 1,.40,000 gallons per day, with the condition that total discharge from the spring pool be recorded on a daily basis and reported to the SWFWMD on a monthly basis, and that continuous recording gages be placed to monitor spring flow, spring height and pumpage. CUP Number 7601533 be ISSUED to Gardinier for spring and groundwater withdrawals from Lithia Springs for a period of six years at an average annual withdrawal rate of 5,822,000 gallons per day and a maximum combined withdrawal rate not to exceed 5,904,000 gallons during a single day, with the following conditions: that Gardinier cease utilizing its existing pressure relief system and develop an alternate system for withdrawing sprirlg water only in the amounts actually required, and that total discharge from the spring pool be recorded on a daily basis and reported to the SWFWMD on a monthly basis, and that continuous recording gages be placed to monitor spring flow, spring height and pumpage; and CUP Number 204352 be ISSUED to the West Coast Regional water Supply Authority and Hillsborough County for a period of six years, such permit to consolidate prior permits for approximately 75 existing wells used for public water supply and to construct and operate a regional wellfield containing 17 production wells, with total combined average withdrawal rates of 24 ,100, 000 gallons per day and a total maximum combined withdrawal rate not to exceed 44,600,000 gallons during a single day, with the following conditions, as amplified in the above conclusions of law: that pre-development hydrologic conditions at the wellfield, particularly at each well site, continue to be monitored by the Authority; that a report be submitted to the SWFWMD summarizing the planned schedule for retiring each of the existing wells and the schedule for the phased production of water from each wellfield well; that a written mitigation policy be submitted to the SWFWMD and incorporated as a condition of the permit, said policy to contain adequate measures to eliminate interference without interruption of presently existing legal uses, as suggested by the SWFWMD and including those users who will be affected by a potentiometric surface level drawdown exceeding five feet and Galdinier's withdrawals from Lithia Springs; and that, once production at the wellfield reaches a level of 15,000,000 gallons per day, the Authority will notify the SWFWMD staff and engage in a joint review of the hydrologic monitoring results of pumpage at that .ate and a joint determination of the future pumping scenario. The conditions recommended herein are intended to be inclusive only, and not exclusive of other customary permit terms and conditions nor of those conditions suggested by the SWFWMD in its proposed CUPs Numbers 201530, 201532, 201533 and 204352. Respectfully submitted and entered this 11th day of July, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904 ) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of July, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: Edward P. de la Parte, Jr., Esquire Edward M. Chew, Esquire de la Parte, Gilbert & Gramovot, P.A. 705 E. Kennedy Boulevard Tampa, Florida 3360- Roger W. Sims, Esquire Julia Sullivan Waters, Esquire Holland & Knight P. O. Drawer BW Lakeland, Florida 33802 and 600 N. Florida Avenue Tampa, Florida 33602 J. Edward Curren, Esqulre Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 33512-9712 L. M. Blain, Esquire Charles G. Stephen Esquire Anita C. Brannon, Esquire Blain & Cone, P.A. 202 East Madison Street Tampa, Florida 33602 George M. Hebbard, Jr. Route 3, Box 430 Lithla, Florida 33547 Gary W. Kuhl, Executive Director Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 33512-9712