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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-005117 Latest Update: May 15, 1989

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of medicine pursuant to Section 20.30, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 458, Florida Statutes. Respondent is and has been at all times material hereto a licensed physician in the State of, Florida having been issued license No. 0033496. Respondent's address is 133 Darnell Avenue, Spring Hill, Florida 33626. Respondent rendered medical care and treatment to patient B.R. during the period July 11, 1985 to July 15, 1985 while she was a patient at the Oak Hill Community Hospital, Spring Hill, Florida for, among other things, acute transmural myocardial infarction. On or about July 15, 1985, patient B.R. died from acute myocardial infarction after resuscitative procedures were unsuccessful. Patient B.R. was brought to the emergency room at Oak Hill Community Hospital on July 11, 1985 by her husband after complaining of chest pains. Shortly after arrival she suffered a myocardial infarction and "coded." She was resuscitated and placed in the intensive care unit. As the medical services physician on call, Respondent was contacted and assumed the care of patient B.R., a 65 year old female. Respondent is Board-certified in internal medicine and is Board eligible in cardiology having completed a fellowship in cardiology at George Washington University in 1968. B.R. had formerly worked as a licensed practical nurse who suffered a back injury some years ago which resulted in back surgery three times. In 1978, some 10 years before her demise, B.R. suffered a heart attack. She also had a history of diabetes and recently had undergone a thyroidectomy. With this medical history she presented a complex case for care and treatment. With patient presenting the history and symptoms of B.R., a reasonably prudent physician would have ordered daily chest X-rays, had an echocardiagram taken, inserted a Swan-Ganz catheter and consulted with a cardiologist on the treatment of this patient. None of these were done by Respondent. While acknowledging those procedures above listed were clearly indicated, Respondent testified he suggested those procedures to B.R. but, while she was fully competent to understand his recommendation, B.R. refused to be further X-rayed, refused the echocardiagram because she thought it produced some type of nuclear radiation, and also specifically refused to have any tubes inserted in her veins which would result if the Swan-Ganz catheter was inserted. None of the patient's refusals to accept recommended procedures was charted in B.R.'s hospital records. Respondent testified that B.R. specifically directed him to not chart on her hospital record her refusal to undergo the test and procedures recommended by Respondent. Respondent further testified that following her refusal to undergo the test and procedures and under directions to him not to chart those refusals on the hospital chart, he put this history in his office notes. To corroborate thin testimony Respondent presented Exhibit 5, a copy of those office notes containing entries dated July 12, 13, 14, 15, and 23, August 13, September 26, December 13, 1985 and January 29, 1986, comprising 4 typewritten pages. While a patient has a absolute right to refuse treatment or procedures recommended by his/her physician, the patient does not have the right to direct the physician to prepare an incomplete record of his treatment and progress. The principal purpose of the chart is to record medical evidence of the patient's condition, treatment rendered and results obtained to provide a history from which another physician can, if necessary, adequately take over the care of the patient. The record also provides a history of the patient's response to treatment. Respondent's explanation that if he had expected to be away and another physician had to take over the care and treatment of B.R. he would have made the other physician aware of B.R.'s refusal to undergo the recommended procedures totally failed to satisfy the need for a complete record of the patient in one place. To prove the validity of the office notes as a "business record," Respondent testified that for the past 30 years he has maintained office notes in which he has placed information the patient didn't want in the hospital record. An expert witness in the field of questioned documents testified that each dated entry on Exhibit 5 was typed following a new insertion of the paper in the typewriter rather than all entries being typed at the same time or with the same insertion of the paper in the typewriter and this was consistent with what would be expected in normal office procedures. Respondent's office manager and secretary during the times reported on Exhibit 5 testified she was the one who normally transcribed Respondent's dictated notes, that Exhibit 5 was consistent with the normal office practice which would be to date the entries when they were typed, and, although she does not specifically recall typing each entry on Exhibit 5, they were probably all typed by her. Evidence questioning the validity of Respondent's testimony that the office notes were dictated contemporaneously with his treatment of B.R. and typed on the dates indicated included the testimony of the husband of B.R. that B.R. had a zest for life and it would be contrary to her nature to refuse certain procedures or consultations; the fact that on July 14, 1985 B.R. was intubated with the Respondent present; that there was no financial consideration involved as B.R. was adequately insured; the office manager and secretary of Respondent during the period the office notes are alleged to have been prepared is the daughter of Respondent; and the fact that at the peer review committee inquiry into the facts surrounding the death of B.R., Respondent never mentioned the existence of office notes although he was extensively questioned regarding his failure to maintain a more complete medical record in this case. From the foregoing it is found that B.R.'s refusal to submit to the procedures allegedly recommended by Respondent were not contemporaneously recorded in Respondent's office notes and Exhibit 5 was prepared after Respondent appeared before the hospital peer review committee if not also after the administrative complaint was filed in this case.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.68458.331
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-000756 Latest Update: Dec. 17, 1985

The Issue Whether Respondent's license shall be disciplined for violations of Section 458.331(1)(n), Florida Statutes [failure to keep written medical records justifying the course of treatment of patients as set out in Counts 1-4, 6-9, 11, and 13-14 of the administrative complaint]. Whether Respondent's license shall be disciplined for violations of Section 458.331(1)(cc) 1, 2, and 3, Florida Statutes [prescription of an amphetamine drug for purposes other than specifically stated in those subsections as set out in Counts 5 (Preludin), 10 (Preludin), and 12 (Ritalin) of the administrative complaint]. Whether Respondent's license shall be disciplined for violations of Section 453.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes [by engaging in gross or repeated malpractice or the failure to practice medicine with that level of care, skill and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances as set out in Counts 1-15 inclusive, of the administrative complaint].

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Tariq Husam Abdullah, is a licensed medical physician, practicing under license number ME 0021526. He is also known as Henry Nichols. The two are one and the same and there is no dispute over identity. Respondent appears to have been a hard worker, rising from a "bed pan hustler" at the old Fort Walton Hospital to his current level of education, licensure, and community position. Previous to Florida licensure, Respondent received his medical degree from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee, where he also did his internship in straight medicine. Thereafter, Respondent performed three years of anatomical and experimental pathology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, and two years in clinical pathology at the National Institute of Health and the United States Public Health Service in Bethesda, Maryland. Respondent is not board-certified, but is currently board-eligible in both pathology and laboratory medicine. At all times material hereto, Respondent engaged in medical practice in Bay County, Florida. During much of the time in question, Respondent had no assisting staff. His usual fee for each office visit of each of the patients referred to in the fifteen count administrative complaint was approximately $15- 20 maximum. They are a small portion of the approximately 1,000 patients he treated between 1978 and 1982, and in most cases his fees for office visits were $10.00 apiece. Sometimes his fees were paid and sometimes they were not paid. Medicaid and Medicare reimbursed all or a portion of many fees. In the course of his practice Respondent treated the following patients: D.B.; T.B.; Tommy B.; J.C.; L.C.; T.G. a/k/a L.C.; David G.; Dan G.; C.R.; B.W.; and J.M. Petitioner's expert-witness medical doctors were Jabe Armistead Breland and Michael W. Cohen. Dr. Breland was present at the formal hearing and had the advantage of reviewing Respondent's exhibits as well as Petitioner's exhibits in the forming of his opinions. Dr. Breland has been a licensed medical doctor in the State of Florida since September 1950. Most of that time he has practiced in the panhandle of north Florida which includes Panama City, Bay County. His office is in Marianna, Florida. He is board- certified in family medicine, licensed by the federal government to prescribe controlled substances, and was stipulated as an expert in the field of medicine. Dr. Michael W. Cohen testified by means of a deposition taken prior to formal hearing and did not have the advantage of review of Respondent's exhibits admitted in evidence at the formal hearing. He is a family physician with an M.D. from the University of Miami School of Medicine (1975), a graduate of Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Regional Medical Center Family Practice Program, and has been a board-certified family physician for six and one-half years. His practice is limited to Tallahassee and he has testified on contract for Petitioner six times previous to this case. He is accepted by the undersigned as an expert medical witness, but because of the unavailability to Dr. Cohen of Respondent's exhibits which were admitted in evidence at the formal hearing held subsequent to his deposition and because some of the materials upon which Dr. Cohen's opinions were predicated were excluded from evidence at the formal hearing, the weight and credibility of his prior deposition testimony is significantly impaired through no fault of Dr. Cohen and without any unfavorable reflection upon him. Dr. Wilson, Respondent's expert medical doctor who testified by after-filed deposition knew nothing of Respondent's records and was unaware of the precise charges against him. In the absence of appropriate predicate as to medical opinion, his testimony has been accepted only as to facts of which he had personal knowledge and as to character. It is his opinion that Respondent is the kind of person who deserves not to have his license suspended or revoked. Dr. Wilson partly financed Respondent's education. The parties by Request for Admission have established that Preludin is an amphetamine; more accurately Preludin is phenmetrazine. Ritalin is methylphenidate. Dioxan is a methylamphetamine. At all times pertinent these were Schedule II controlled substances pursuant to Chapter 893, Florida Statutes. Percodan is also a Schedule II controlled substance. Valium is a Schedule IV controlled substance. Darvon Compound and Tylenol 4 are Schedule III controlled substances. Respondent frequently talked to police, Sheriff's deputies and pharmacists in an effort to avoid his patients becoming addicted to drugs. He never was made aware from any source of any drug addiction or any arrests of any patients concerned in this action. He testified that he performed a physical examination in every case and verified all prior medications in every case, but he also conceded not verifying prior medications with previous doctors or hospitals. It is specifically found that in many instances none of these precautions appear in his records as set out infra. D. B. (Counts I; XV) It is admitted (Requests for Admission) and found that between February 19, 1979, and April 23, 1983, Respondent prescribed at least the following quantities of controlled substances to his patient, D. B.: DATE DRUG STRENGTH QUANTITY 02/19/79 Percodan Approximate 04/30/79 Darvon Compound 03/23/82 Valium 05/13/82 Tylenol #4 06/03/82 Percodan Demi 40 06/16/82 " " 18 07/10/82 " " 07/17/82 " " 36 08/14/82 " " 18 08/28/82 Percodan 08/28/82 Valium 01/15/83 Percodan 03/26/83 " 03/26/83 Valium 04/23/83 Percodan Respondent's treatment of his patient, D.B. with controlled substances was predicated upon his diagnosis of "traumatic arthritis." His records reflect, "hurting ankle, leg, and back" as the chief complaint. In no instance of prescribing scheduled drugs for this patient did Respondent maintain a record of the strength (dosage) and on only a few occasions did he record the quantity prescribed. This particular inadequacy of record-keeping seems also to have applied to additional non- scheduled drugs prescribed by Respondent for this patient. Although Dr. Breland acknowledged that many doctors only record the word "refill," good medical practice dictates that Respondent should have recorded at least the quantity and dosage at the time of the initial prescription. Normal protocol would be to also record the method of taking the medication. On this analysis, in Dr. Breland's professional medical opinion, Respondent's medical records for his patient, D.B. (Composite P-1) were inadequate and did not justify the course of treatment upon the recorded chief complaint. Dr. Cohen concurs. Further record inadequacies as noted by Dr. Breland include failure of the records to indicate which bone was fractured in relating the patient's medical history, recording only blood pressure as a vital sign, and failure to state what condition was being treated on subsequent visits. Dr. Cohen recited the same inadequacies in forming his professional medical opinion that Respondent's records do not justify the treatment received. Dr. Cohen further opined that if the patient had traumatic arthritis, the treatment prescribed was wholly inadequate due to the absence of any recorded plans for therapy. Dr. Breland, on the other hand, felt that a Percodan prescription is consistent with good medical practice for a patient who complains of traumatic arthritis and that Valium, a benzodiazepine drug which is a calmative or tranquilizer, may also be properly used for traumatic arthritis but that Valium would be contraindicated if there were associated patient nervousness and anxiety. Dr. Breland's opinion is that it would not be medical malpractice to prescribe Valium upon the basis of Respondent's records nor would it be medical malpractice based upon the continued prescribing of Percodan unless the patient became addicted. Dr. Breland's experience is that 1-3 months on Percodan would cause individuals to run the risk of addiction but knows of doctors in the Panama City locale who have prescribed Percodan in excess of three months with addiction resulting in some patients and not in others. Respondent conceded that his records for this patient should show greater detail but according to his recollection independent of the medical records, he recalled that on the first visit, he had accepted D.B.'s representation that D.B. had had prior surgery on the left ankle because the pins could be seen through that swollen ankle. Respondent's independent recollection was that D.B. did not ask for Percodan. Respondent testified that he prescribed the Percodan because "after codeine I can't think of another drug with potential for comfort." His failure to record further detail he explained as his belief that writing down prescriptions was a sufficient reference back to the original first visit diagnosis. Respondent admittedly did not record, but expressed independent recollection of also accepting D.B.'s representation of previous unsuccessful medication with codeine from a Dr. Smith and of recommending acupuncture as an alternative pain therapy but admitted he also did not record this latter instruction. The medical records themselves confirm Respondent's testimony in the course of the hearing that Respondent prescribed the scheduled drugs in addition to a number of other medications such as Roboxin and anti-inflammatories which he did record and which Dr. Breland confirmed were appropriate as treatment for traumatic arthritis. A portion of Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 15, court certified records, show one "Donald Richard Bozeman" was charged in two counts of illegally selling Valium in Bay County on September 2 and September 11, 1982. This person was subsequently tried and found guilty of one count and entered a plea of guilty to the other. A Circuit Court Judgment was entered. The date of the commission of this person's offenses are close to the date of a prescription by Respondent to his patient "D.B." but there is absolutely nothing in the court documents to connect them to the D.B. treated by Respondent except a partial similarity of name. Nor does the similarity of name of a co-defendant, Tereza Ann Bozeman (see infra.) prove an inescapable link of "Donald Richard Bozeman" to Respondent's patient, "D.B." who was married to someone of partially similar name. Accordingly, the court documents are probative of nothing in connection with Respondent's records or his patients, including but not limited to Petitioner's assertions that Respondent prescribed to his patient, "D.B." for a non-medical or criminal purpose or that the patient was drug-addicted. Upon all the foregoing information taken together it is clear Respondent failed to keep written medical records justifying the course of treatment of his patient, D.B. This finding is made despite both of Petitioner's experts' testimony that there is no affirmative professional requirement that dosage and number of tablets be recorded anywhere except on a prescription. That concern is only a portion of the inadequacies of these records. However, in light of Dr. Breland's greater familiarity with all of Respondent's records and the standard of medical practice in the community, and the greater detail provided by his testimony and the explanations provided by Respondent at formal hearing, Dr. Breland's opinion that the course of treatment for this patient, isolated from all others, does not represent malpractice is accepted over Dr. Cohen's opinion that it does. T. B. (Counts II, XV) It is admitted (Requests for Admission) and found that between approximately May 1, 1982, and April 9, 1983, Respondent prescribed at least the following quantities of schedule- controlled substances to his patient, T.B.: DATE DRUG STRENGTH QUANTITY 05/01/82 Valium 05/01/82 Percodan Demi 07/10/82 " " " 30 08/14/82 " " " 08/14/82 " " " 18 08/14/82 Valium 09/11/82 Percodan 09/11/82 Valium 12/12/83 Percocet #5 Although in some respects, Drs. Breland and Cohen emphasized different faults or inadequacies of Respondent's records which they reviewed concerning T.B. (Composite P-2), both experts concur that the records do not justify the course of treatment of this patient. Dr. Cohen bases his opinion on his analysis that the history Respondent recorded for this patient was not sufficiently detailed. Specifically, the initial office visit record is flawed by only writing down patient's vital signs and recording no physical findings. Dr. Cohen stated it is unjustifiable to prescribe a narcotic analgesic on the first office visit and to continue to refill the prescription on subsequent visits without recording how the patient had done on those medications and further without recording physical examination, assessment of how the patient is responding to the medication, a plan outline for prophylactic care, and patient education. Further, both Drs. Breland and Cohen assert that although there is no affirmative professional requirement to record dosage and tablet numbers except on prescriptions, it is the custom of reasonably prudent similar physicians to record amount, dosage quantity of drugs prescribed, and method of taking drugs, and Respondent's records do not do so. Respondent's records for this patient also offend custom and usage of the profession in that they indicate several office visits for which there are no recorded findings or treatments whatsoever. Dr. Breland's opinion that the records do not justify the treatment and that they fall below the customary standard of care are based on his analysis thereof emphasizing that the records of the first office visit do not evidence a physical examination other than taking a blood pressure reading and weighing the patient. There is a brief history of migraine headaches for three months recorded and also recorded is a past diagnosis and treatment with codeine and talwin; the records note no previous surgery, no previous fracture, and no physical findings. Then, Cafergot PB #2, Valium #3 and Percodan-demi were prescribed by Respondent. The records should have specified whether or not previous treatment was successful and if it was successful, Respondent could have subsequently prescribed less addictive drugs. In Dr. Breland's opinion, it is "hard to justify" a Class II drug without trying some other modalities available. Respondent first saw this patient on May 1, 1982, for migraine headaches and prescribed Cafergot PB and Percodan-demi. He selected Percodan- demi because Percodan is habit-forming. In the course of the formal hearing, he testified, "I just didn't know another medication to go to after you pass codeine that would be effective with patients, other than giving them Demerol and the harder narcotic medications" and that when he first began seeing this patient he was less aware of the similar use of the less addictive drug, Inderal, than he is now. On the physical examination portion of his clinical notes, Respondent indicated that the patient had been using Codeine, Talwin, and "Dx" and "Rx". He then and thereafter (8/14/82 and 9/11/82) prescribed analgesics and vasoconstrictors (Cafergot PB and Ergotamine) together with the Valium because Valium, in his opinion, is often ineffective without more because of the significant emotional components of migraine headaches. Respondent also expressed his independent recollection of discussing with this patient the alternative treatment of acupuncture but admitted he did not record this instruction. Respondent's explanation is not sufficient justification for the repeated prescriptions of controlled substances in light of Dr. Breland's more knowledgeable and thorough explanation of the standards of record-keeping necessary to justify continued prescription of the particular controlled substances here at issue. Dr. Breland faults another of Respondent's prescriptions dated 12/4/82 of Cafergot PB#2 (a combination of drugs primarily containing an Ergotamine derivative and caffeine), Percocet, and Valium because Respondent's records do not show how many pills were prescribed nor do they give directions for taking them. For prescriptions on 1/8/83, 8/14/82, 9/11/82, and 2/12/83, Dr. Breland expressed as his chief concern that there was an absence of recorded physical findings, history, and blood pressure plus no recorded amount of dosage listed for most prescription drugs, but Dr. Breland also determined that prescribing Cafergot is consistent with Respondent's diagnosis of vascular headaches and his prescriptions for these dates is an appropriate lesser treatment to be tried before prescribing a Schedule II drug, and, further, that Respondent's records justify prescribing Cafergot. However, the opinion expressed in the prior sentence is not compelling in face of the records having no notations to show the effect, if any, of Cafergot or other drugs or to show why Respondent prescribed stronger medication. Dr. Breland also felt Respondent should have prescribed other less addictive drugs before going to the Schedule II-controlled substances as he did, and that if Respondent's findings were negative, he should have recorded them as negative rather than leaving the record blank, because without such records it cannot be determined if a physical examination was ever made and because in absence of recorded physical findings, no Schedule II drugs should have been prescribed. A portion of Petitioner's Composite 15, court-certified records show one "Tereza Ann Bozeman" was charged in two counts of illegally selling Valium in Bay County on September 2 and September 11, 1982. This person entered a plea of guilty to a lesser-included misdemeanor. The Circuit Court withheld adjudication and placed her on probation. The date of one of the offenses coincides with one of the dates of a prescription by Respondent to his patient, "T.B." but there is absolutely nothing in the Court documents to connect them to the "T.B." treated by Respondent, except a partial similarity of name. The court documents also charge "Donald Richard Bozeman" who has a similar name to that of another of Respondent's patients (see supra.) but the court documents do not indicate the charged individuals are married or provide any other link to Respondent's patient(s). Accordingly, the court documents are probative of nothing in connection with Respondent's records or his patients, including but not limited to Petitioner's assertions that Respondent prescribed to his patient, T.B., for a non-medical or criminal purpose or that the patient was drug-addicted. Tommy B. (Counts III, XV) It is admitted (Request for Admissions) and found that between approximately August 16, 1981, and February 19, 1983, Respondent prescribed at least the following quantities of schedule controlled substances to Tommy B.: DATE DRUG STRENGTH QUANTITY 08/15/81 Valium 08/15/81 Percodan 08/15/81 Dalmane 10/30/81 Tylox 12/05/81 " 12/05/81 Valium 12/06/82 Darvon compound 02/17/82 Percodan 30 04/01/82 " Demi 04/01/82 Percodan 30 05/29/82 Percodan Demi 06/21/82 Tylox 24 07/12/82 Percocet #5 30 02/19/83 Percocet 02/19/83 Valium In the course of the hearing, Respondent independently recalled that this patient presented on 8/15/81 and that Respondent himself personally recorded the notes for that date including a history, diagnosis of L-S syndrome, and treatment. On that date he observed scars on the patient's back from back surgeries which the patient related had been done at Southern Baptist Hospital in New Orleans. Respondent conceded that he failed to record the physical findings of scars and failed to record full details of the related surgeries so that at first glance it might appear to others, in this case Dr. Breland, that Respondent was only filling in a history of surgeries without making his own diagnosis. Respondent stated that he had relied on the Physician's Desk Reference, which he characterized as a "bible of the medical profession", and which recommends Percodan as a pain-killer. The treatise itself was not offered in evidence. Respondent also stated that the Percodan-based drugs he prescribed effectively relieved this patient's pain. There is no contrary evidence on this point of effectiveness but it still was not contemporaneously recorded by Respondent in the patient's record. Both Drs. Cohen and Breland opined that Respondent's records for Tommy B. did not justify the prescribing of these controlled substances, most specifically Percodan. These opinions have not been accepted for the following reasons. In the absence of any supporting evidence, Dr. Cohen's considerable testimony concerning his belief that this must have been a scam or scheme of Respondent to indirectly charge for a controlled substance prescription by requiring frequent office visits is rejected as conscientious but pure conjecture. Dr. Breland expressed concern that Percodan-demi was among the drugs prescribed by Respondent in the presence of a record notation within the physical findings which relates that "patient says he can't take Percodan". Respondent denied he made this notation, and related it is in someone else's handwriting and not true. Respondent's testimony on this score is corroborated by clear observation of the records. Most of Dr. Breland's other complaints concerning Respondent's record of this patient devolve to Dr. Breland's inability to read Respondent's handwriting and his original erroneous belief that the history and exam was chronologically incorrect and taken by someone other than Respondent. Dr. Breland's opinion that the records are deficient because the fracture of the back was not specifically recorded by Respondent's indicating whether there was an old fracture or current pain and by Respondent's not indicating whether there was thoracic or lumbar distress, and because there is no recitation of whether the fracture is pelvical or in any body of the vertebrae, and his objection to failure of Respondent to either record "no x- rays" if none or to record x-rays if there were some instead of leaving a blank space constitute technique over professional custom requirement of record- keeping. Dr. Breland also described the two month fluctuation down to Percodan- demi and then up to the stronger drug of Percocet from 4/1/82 to 2/19/83 as unjustified because no less addictive medicines had been tried and no degree of relief from less addictive drugs was attempted by Respondent, but Dr. Breland described the Percodan- based drugs and the Valium as medically acceptable where based on the degree of relief the patient had received. In such a situation Dr. Breland would use these drugs for pain treatment and consider them medically justified. Like Dr. Cohen, Dr. Breland also found unacceptable the failure of Respondent to record amounts and dosages in his office medical records, but on many occasions throughout their testimony, both of Petitioner's experts observed the requirement of listing amount and dosages is for prescriptions only and not for a doctor's office records. Upon the failure of adequate predicate for Dr. Cohen's conclusion of unjustified prescriptions, the absence of any admissible evidence of any addiction in this patient, and the only positive evidence of the effect of these prescriptions being Respondent's opinion that it was effective, the opinions of both Drs. Cohen and Breland that the medical records do not justify the course of treatment of Tommy B. are rejected. J. C. (COUNTS IV; XV) It is admitted (Requests for Admissions) and found that between January 4, 1982, and February 26, 1983, Respondent prescribed at least the following schedule-controlled substances to J.C.: DATE DRUG STRENGTH QUANTITY 01/04/82 Percodan 24 03/23/82 Tylox 30 04/17/82 Percodan 04/17/82 " " 05/01/82 Tylenol #4 30 05/01/82 Valium 30 05/04/82 Tylox 30 06/12/82 Valium 06/16/82 Tylox 36 07/17/82 " 30 08/14/82 " 30 10/03/82 " 30 10/30/82 Tylenol #4 11/13/82 Percodan 30 01/15/83 Percocet 01/15/83 Valium 28. J.C.'s chief complaint was migraine headaches, "nerves", and back trouble. Respondent prescribed Percodan for pain, Valium for "nerves", and Cafergot-pb for migraines. He diagnosed hypertensive heart disease, anxiety neurosis, migraine headaches, and lumbosacral syndrome. He only used Percodan four times over a year's period due to the severity of the symptoms brought on by the tug and strain on this 200-pound woman's back. Dr. Cohen ranks the relatively minimal fault of writing progress notes in two corners and across the top and side of a page in the same category as overprescribing. Dr. Cohen's concern over the absence of recorded physical findings for this patient was not confirmed by Dr. Breland (see infra.) and his concern because the number and dosage of Cafergot-pb (non-scheduled), Valium (scheduled) and Percodan (scheduled) were frequently not recorded by Respondent is less significant in light of Dr. Breland's testimony that the best custom and practice of the medical profession is to record these matters but such recordation is not required for office records but only for prescriptions. Dr. Cohen also faulted Respondent for prescribing symptomatically with no effort to educate the patient to prevent or "prophylax" against migraines or to prescribe common anti- inflammatory medications usually prescribed for migraines. Dr. Breland noted that Tylenol #4 is a controlled substance but made no specific objection to Respondent's prescription of it for this patient. Cafergot-pb is not a controlled substance and its prescription by Respondent was not faulted by Dr. Breland. All of Dr. Breland's testimony on this patient is couched in vague terms of "it is hard to justify" Respondent's prescription of Percodan and Percocet on just this work-up and Dr. Breland felt Respondent's prescription of Percodan on the first visit was not justified without obtaining a further medical history, but he would have approved eventual (not first visit) use of Percodan for this patient's migraine headaches if it were not for the presence of hypertensive heart disease or her neurosis. Although the records fail to state why Percodan-based drugs were used, Dr. Breland felt these drugs would have been appropriately prescribed for the lumbosacral syndrome. By comparison, J.C's recorded medical history is more extensive than that of most of the patient records involved in this action. The history taken by Respondent lists previous surgery of a hysterectomy, of a previous fracture to the left hip, and of a tonsillectomy. Also given is an elevated blood pressure of 160 over 100, height and weight, state of parity, and diagnoses. The date of her last period and of her hysterectomy are not given. Petitioner's two expert witnesses each would have made separate and different judgment calls on all prescriptions here related, except that each concurs that Respondent's initial prescription of Percodan on this patient's first visit was unjustified without a further recorded history; therefore, Dr. Breland's summation that the records justify overall treatment of this patient is accepted. L. C. (COUNTS V; VI; XV) It is admitted (Requests for Admission) and found that between approximately March 27, 1978, and April 23, 1983, Respondent prescribed at least the following quantities of schedule-controlled substances to L.C.: DATE DRUG STRENGTH QUANTITY 03/27/78 Darvon Compound 07/21/78 Darvon 07/21/78 Darvon Compound 07/21/78 Valium 10/23/79 Percodan 10/31/79 Preludin 11/17/80 Preludin 11/28/81 Darvon Compound 12/28/81 Percodan 24 01/14/82 " " 30 04/02/82 " " 36 06/08/82 " " 36 07/17/82 " " 36 08/28/82 " " 36 09/25/82 " " 24 09/25/82 Darvon Compound 12/03/82 Percodan 30 01/15/83 " " Dr. Cohen's opinion that there had been prescription of an amphetamine drug for an unjustified purpose and that the patient's records did not justify the Respondent's prescribed course of treatment is rejected as partially predicated upon inadmissible and unadmitted exhibits. The opinion of Dr. Breland is accepted that most of these prescriptions as only part of the course of treatment as a whole were acceptable. More particularly, Dr. Breland indicated there are other doctors similarly geographically situated who use Percodan similarly; there was a very adequate history taken, although the date appears out of order on the page; Respondent's early prescribing of Roboxin and Darvon (one of the less addictive controlled substances) would be a good treatment for osteoarthritis which was part of Respondent's diagnosis of this patient; there was not enough Percodan prescription here for Dr. Breland to say it was not justified in this patient's case. Dr. Breland was unsure when Preludin became a scheduled substance and so would not comment on that aspect of the case. This is an issue of law and is discussed under "Conclusions of Law." T. G. (COUNTS VII; XV) Between approximately July 23, 1978, and April 26, 1983, Respondent treated a patient by the name of T.G. During that period, the stipulated records reveal at least the following prescriptions, among others: DATE APPROXIMATE QUANTITY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 7/23/78 30 Percodan 7/23/78 Darvon Compound 9/21/78 Percodan 10/14/78 Percodan 10/14/78 Darvon Compound 11/21/78 24 Percodan 11/21/78 Darvon 12/6/78 30 Percodan 12/6/78 Darvon Compound 12/28/78 Percodan 12/28/78 Darvon 1/23/79 Qualudes 1/29/79 24 Percocet 1/19/82 24 Percocet 3/4/82 Valium 3/4/82 Percodan 4/29/82 Percocet 8/19/82 Percodan 8/19/82 Valium 10 mg 9/25/82 Valium 9/25/82 Percocet 10/14/82 40 Percocet 10/14/82 40 Valium 10 mg 10/14/82 40 Percocet 10/14/82 40 Valium 10/14/82 40 Percocet 10/14/82 40 Valium 10 mg 10/14/82 40 Valium 10/14/82 40 Percocet #5 10/14/82 40 Percocet 10/14/82 40 Valium Additionally, the Respondent occasionally prescribed Tetracycline and Actifed Syrup for colds, and the parties have stipulated these are not controlled substances. Although Dr. Breland tagged Respondent's use of Roboxin 750, Percodan 30, Darvon compound and Prednisone (a Cortisone- like anti-inflammatory) on the first visit as "borderline acceptable," it was his and Dr. Cohen's mutual opinions that in the absence of recorded physical findings, the Respondent's prescribing of controlled substances in these quantities and with this frequency to this patient was not justified by the records Respondent kept. Dr. Breland, in particular, found unacceptable the Respondent's diagnosis of lumbosacral syndrome without detailed physical findings or any x-ray diagnosis, and both experts took exception to the continued and repeated prescriptions of the addictive drugs, Valium and Percodan, in a case where Respondent's records repeatedly indicate a good response. Both further opined against Respondent's delayed attempt to diminish the use of these addictive drugs. The doctors' opinion that the records do not justify the prescriptions are accepted. DAVID G. (Counts VIII; XV) The stipulated records reveal at least the following controlled substances were prescribed by Respondent to his patient, David G., between December 17, 1981, and February 12, 1983. DATE APPROXIMATE CONTROLLED QUANTITY SUBSTANCE 12/17/81 Ativan 12/30/81 Ativan 2/12/82 Valium 3/06/82 Seconal 3/11/82 Valium 4/08/82 Seconal 8/28/82 Seconal 8/28/82 Valium Respondent saw this patient 12 times in approximately 2 years and accepted David G.'s representation that he had been previously prescribed Ativan, a controlled substance of the same chemical family as Valium. Although Respondent claims he verified all prior medications, the verification here is not reflected in his record. The records themselves do not reflect for most occasions why this patient was being treated nor do they set forth an assessment of why Respondent switched from less to more addictive sedative hypnotics. Ativan is a tranquilizer on Schedule III. Seconal is a sedative on Schedule II. In an isolated response, Dr. Breland testified that if the Respondent's initial diagnosis of insomnia and anxiety neurosis had been arrived at after taking a proper history and after a proper physical examination which was not recorded, he would not find Respondent's use of these medications, including Seconal, improper, because there are doctors in the same geographical area who would also use Seconal. However, the ultimate opinion of both of Petitioner's experts is accepted that in the absence of a recorded initial physical examination and a recorded history beyond merely recording height and weight and an unverified former medical treatment, the course of this patient's treatment was not justified by the records kept. DAN G. (Counts IX; XV) The records stipulated in evidence reveal at least the following controlled substances were prescribed by Respondent to his patient, Dan G., Jr., between January 9, 1979, and April 22, 1983. DATE APPROXIMATE CONTROLLED QUANTITY SUBSTANCE 01/09/79 Percodan 02/22/79 Talwin (50 mg) 11/18/81 Percodan 11/30/81 Percodan 01/02/82 Percodan 01/19/82 Percodan 02/05/82 Percodan 03/30/82 Percodan 04/12/82 Percodan 05/01/82 Percodan 05/01/82 Valium 05/18/82 24 Percodan 06/05/82 Valium 06/22/82 Percodan Demi 06/22/82 Darvon Compound 06/22/82 Valium 07/24/82 Percodan 07/24/82 Valium 08/28/82 Percodan Demi 08/28/82 Valium 09/25/82 Percodan 09/25/82 Valium 10/30/82 Valium 10/30/82 Percodan 12/03/82 Percodan 02/19/83 Percocet 03/26/83 Percodan 03/26/83 Valium 04/22/83 Tylox 04/22/83 Valium Respondent's records for this single patient sometimes specify "Jr." and sometimes do not. The initial record indicates a surgical incision along the lateral aspect of both femurs and pain on palpation of both hips, and records a history of total hip arthroplasty (two total hip replacements) in 1979 with the patient evidencing pain secondary to a post-operative procedure to correct aseptic necrosis of both femurs. At formal hearing, Respondent stated that this patient first presented in a wheel chair and returned frequently, due to chronic pain and was already on Demerol when first seen by Respondent. The chronic pain was not always repeatedly recorded in Respondent's records. Both of Petitioner's experts concede that prescriptions of Percodan would be consistent if that were all that were relieving the pain when the patient presented to Respondent, and Dr. Cohen opined that Percodan and Talwin were possibly consistent with aseptic necrosis of a femur. Respondent had admitted (R-1), a hospital summary of subsequent surgery (conversion of left total hip arthoplasty to girdlestone on 8/19/83) at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Gainesville. This exhibit of subsequent surgery corroborates the previous 1979 history taken by Respondent which indicated that medications on discharge from the VA Hospital included Demerol 50 mg. po q 4h prn for pain. In light of no evidence of patient addiction and no evidence of poor response by this patient to Respondent's prescribing and treatment, the opinions of Dr. Breland and Dr. Cohen that Respondent's prescribing was excessive and necessarily addictive and therefore was unjustified are rejected, however the undersigned accepts their mutual opinions that the Respondent's records by themselves without the subsequent corroboration of the VA Hospital report do not justify the treatment Respondent administered to Dan G. Respondent admits R-1 was not relied on in treating this patient. C. R. (Counts X; XI; XV) The records stipulated in evidence reveal at least the following controlled substances were prescribed by Respondent to his patient, C.R., between July 3, 1978, and April 22, 1983: 2/ DATE APPROXIMATE CONTROLLED QUANTITY SUBSTANCES 07/03/78 Percodan 07/03/78 Percodan Compound 07/20/78 30 Percodan 08/14/78 30 Percodan 11/01/78 30 Percodan 12/05/79 Desoxyn 12/05/79 Percodan 01/02/79 Desoxyn 02/05/79 Percodan 02/12/79 18 Percodan 03/28/79 Percodan 04/16/79 Percodan 05/03/79 Percodan 05/17/79 Percodan 05/17/79 Darvon Compound 05/17/79 Percodan 05/17/79 Darvon Compound 06/14/79 6 Percodan 06/14/79 24 Desoxyn 09/18/79 Desoxyn 10/04/79 Percodan 11/10/79 Preludin 01/28/80 P 06/12/80 Preludin (75 mg.) 09/18/80 Preludin (75 mg.) 11/17/80 Percodan 01/27/81 Darvon Compound 04/27/81 Percodan 07/28/81 Percodan 08/31/81 24 Percodan 09/21/81 24 Percodan 12/16/81 Percodan 01/06/82 Percodan 01/29/82 Percodan 03/02/82 Percodan Demi 03/02/82 03/28/82 Percodan 04/20/82 Percodan 05/13/82 06/04/82 Percodan Demi 07/03/82 Percodan Demi 08/03/82 36 Percodan Demi 08/28/82 Percodan 08/28/82 Valium 12/20/82 24 Percocet 5 12/20/82 30 Valium (10mg) 01/15/83 6 Tylenol #6 01/22/83 Percodan Preludin and Desoxyn are amphetamine drugs. Desoxyn was legitimately prescribed for weight control in 1978. Respondent's prescription of both drugs was ostensibly to modify the amount of weight supported by the patient's leg bones. Dr. Breland is not sure whether both drugs were reclassified for control in 1979 or not but this is an issue of law resolved in "Conclusions of Law" supra. Despite Dr. Breland's testimony that if he did not have to base his opinion on the Respondent's inadequate recorded history and findings, he would term the prescribing of Percodan and Roboxin as recorded to be borderline acceptable, the undersigned accepts his and Dr. Cohen's mutual opinion that the frequent prescriptions of Percodan, Percodan- demi or Percocet (narcotic analgesics) for the Respondent's recorded diagnosis of arthritis and right leg pain resulting from previous right thigh surgery are unjustified by the records. Their respective opinions that this pattern of prescribing was excessive and unjustified in light of the potentially addictive nature of these drugs is also accepted. B. W. (Counts XII; XIII; IV) The records stipulated in evidence reveal at least the following controlled substances were prescribed by Respondent to his patient, B.W. between June 7, 1979, and January 29, 1983. 3/ DATE APPROXIMATE QUANTITY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 10/01/79 Valium 10/15/79 Tylenol #3 06/19/80 Tylenol #3 06/08/81 Ritalin (20mg) 08/11/81 Valium 08/15/81 Valium 09/15/81 Talwin 11/14/81 Talwin 12/07/81 24 Ritalin (20 mg) 12/20/81 Talwin 01/23/82 Talwin 02/12/82 Percodan Demi 02/27/82 Tylenol #4 03/04/82 Ritalin 03/18/82 Percodan Demi 04/02/82 30 Talwin 07/03/82 24 Ritalin 08/28/82 30 Ritalin 09/22/82 24 Percodan 10/14/82 Talwin (50mg) 12/21/82 24 Percodan 01/29/83 Tylox Ritalin is a sympathomimetric amine drug, which may only be properly prescribed in certain types of cases more specifically set out in the following "Conclusions of Law." Respondent's diagnosis, that this patient had chronic anxiety and back pain, is reflected in his written records. This is essentially the only recorded history on this patient. Respondent did not record a diagnosis of narcolepsy. Respondent did, however, introduce R-2, a consultation report to a Dr. Yankovich dated 1/5/82 from a Dr. Elzawahry which states the impression: "narcolepsy; low back syndrome. . . maintain on Ritalin 10 mg. po tid." Respondent testified that he had received similar information concerning the narcolepsy and psychiatric disturbance earlier than 1/5/82 first by telephone and then by written reports thereon from consulting neurologists, surgeons, and psychiatrists, and that through inadvertence this document was not turned over to Petitioner's investigator. However, Respondent did not explain why his files did not contain these other consultants' reports or why he did not write-up their contents or the dates they were received by him or why his prescriptions of 20 mg were so much greater than those recommended by Dr. Elzawahry. Dr. Breland felt that if Respondent were aware when he first prescribed Ritalin to this patient that the consultant had recommended it because of a good response, then Respondent's Ritalin prescriptions would be justified. It was also noted by Dr. Breland that Ritalin once was believed by the medical profession to be appropriately prescribed in the treatment of depression but that method had ceased and was statutorily proscribed by the time periods in question. Dr. Breland's expert opinion on prior belief of the medical profession is accepted. His conclusions of law invade the province of the hearing officer and are rejected in part and accepted in part as set out in the "Conclusions of Law." Dr. Breland did not feel under the circumstances that the Ritalin was contraindicated. Accordingly, Dr. Cohen's testimony that Ritalin is very dangerous if prescribed for chronic anxiety and depression is hereby discounted in that unlike Dr. Breland, he did not have the benefit of R-2 when testifying by earlier deposition. Dr. Cohen felt Valium was useful for chronic anxiety and that Tylenol #3 and Talwin were useful for pain but that there were excessive prescriptions of these drugs with few or no notations indicating any pain. In most instances all that is noted in Respondent's records on this patient is a prescription listed beside the date. Dr. Breland remarked that even the forms used by Respondent did not include a space for physical findings. J. M. (Counts XIV; XV) The records stipulated in evidence reveal at least the following controlled substances were prescribed by Respondent to his patient, J. M., between October 25, 1980, and March 9, 1982: 4/ DATE APPROXIMATE QUANTITY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 10/25/80 Percodan 01/05/81 Percodan 05/19/81 Emprin #4 06/03/81 Emprin #4 07/29/81 18 Percodan 09/25/81 12 Percodan 09/25/81 18 Tylenol #3 11/07/81 24 Tylox 11/21/81 Percodan 12/17/81 Percodan 01/02/82 Percodan 02/22/82 Percodan 03/09/82 Percodan The records of history and findings on this patient are reasonably complete and were faulted by Dr. Breland mostly because without appropriate dates one cannot tell if the history was taken on the initial visit as it should have been or later, and because the dates given are frequently out of order. In Dr. Breland's opinion, some of the modes of therapy utilized by Respondent were not of his choice but Dr. Breland only seriously objected to Respondent's continued and excessive use of Percodan as unsafe. Dr. Cohen's opinion was that the Respondent's conduct constituted mal- prescribing over malpractice. Dr. Breland's opinion was that Respondent's overall conduct with regard to these eleven patients constituted malpractice in that it was the failure to practice medicine with that level of care, skill and treatment of a reasonably prudent similar physician, under similar circumstances. Dr. Breland has had the benefit of reviewing all of Respondent's exhibits and he practices in the same geographical locale as Respondent. His opinion in this regard is accepted as to the overall pattern of practice with these eleven patients, despite his previous opinions that specific cases might not evidence malpractice.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57458.331893.03
# 2
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Nov. 29, 2000 Number: 00-004778PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Mar. 21, 1991 Number: 91-001775 Latest Update: Apr. 01, 1992

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent has been a licensed practical nurse in the State of Florida, having been issued license number PN 0867041. At all times material hereto, Respondent was employed by American Nursing Service, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and was assigned to work at Broward General Medical Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. On July 30-31, 1989, Respondent worked both the 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and the 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. shifts at Broward General Medical Center. She was responsible for 20 patients on that double shift. An hour or two before her double shift ended, she checked the I.V. of a patient near the end of the hall. The I.V. was not running, and Respondent attempted to get it running again by re-positioning the I.V. several times. She then went to the medication room and obtained a syringe to use to flush the I.V. to get it operating again. When she returned to the patient's room, the I.V. was running and Respondent tucked the syringe inside her bra. The syringe was still packaged and unopened. She then continued with her nursing duties. At 7:00 a.m. on July 31, while Respondent was "giving report" to the oncoming nursing shift and making her entries on the charts of the patients for whom she had cared during the double shift she was just concluding, one of the other nurses noticed the syringe underneath Respondent's clothing. That other nurse immediately reported the syringe to her own head nurse who immediately reported the syringe to the staffing coordinator. The head nurse and the staffing coordinator went to where Respondent was still completing the nurse's notes on the charts of the patients and took her into an office where they confronted her regarding the syringe. They implied that she had a drug problem and offered their assistance. Respondent denied having a drug problem and offered to be tested. They refused her offer to test her for the presence of drugs. Instead, they sent her off the hospital premises although she had not yet completed making her entries on the patient's charts. Hospital personnel then went through Respondent's patients' charts and found some "errors." A month later an investigator for the Department of Professional Regulation requested that Respondent submit to a drug test on one day's notice. She complied with that request. She asked the investigator to go with her to Broward General Medical Center so that she could complete the charts on the patients that she had not been permitted to complete before being sent away from the hospital. Her request was denied. At some subsequent time, the Department of Professional Regulation requested that Respondent submit to a psychological evaluation. She did so at her own expense and provided the Department with the results of that evaluation. Respondent has had no prior or subsequent administrative complaints filed against her.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that a Final Order be entered finding Respondent not guilty and dismissing the Second Amended Administrative Complaint with prejudice. RECOMMENDED this 18th day of November, 1991, at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of November, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 91-1775 Respondent's proposed findings of fact numbered 1-3, 6, and 8 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. Respondent's proposed findings of fact numbered 4 and 7 have been rejected as not constituting findings of fact but rather as constituting conclusions of law or argument of counsel. Respondent's proposed finding of fact numbered 5 has been rejected as being subordinate. COPIES FURNISHED: Jack McRay, General Counsel Department of CProfessional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Judie Ritter, Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation/Board of Nursing Daniel Building, Room 50 111 East Coastline Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Roberta Fenner, Staff Attorney Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Christopher Knox, Esquire 4801 S. University Drive, #302 W. Box 291207 Davie, Florida 33329-1207

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.68464.018
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-001048 Latest Update: Feb. 23, 1988

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the allegations contained herein, the Respondent, Dr. Julius A. Okuboye, was a medical doctor licensed by and in the State of Florida. In the first of six cases upon which Petitioner bases its case, the patient was receiving medical treatment for a fracture of the right femur, (thigh bone), at Gateway Community Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida during the period November 21, 1982 and January 13, 1983. Petitioner contends Respondent failed to properly perform the surgical procedure; failed to properly consider alternative courses of treatment; and failed to keep adequate medical records justifying the course of treatment taken. Respondent reduced the bone fracture here by using a metal plate running lengthwise along the bone in an attempt to brace the fracture by securing it to the bone with, initially, screws. The plate used by the Respondent was too short for the procedure in that it did not extend beyond the upper limits of the fracture by that distance considered by some to be appropriate. Petitioner's first expert felt the use of the plate which was too short and the screws used to affix it, which were too short, was improper practice. In his opinion, the procedure followed by the Respondent herein required the patient to undergo three separate operations rather than one, which unnecessarily exposed this elderly patient to infection and the risk of anesthesia on three separate occasions. Petitioner's other expert believes that because the Respondent used a plate which was too short for the fracture involved, it was necessary for him to go back in and fix the plate with Parham bands considered by many in the field to be an old-fashioned practice. These bands, when used, tend to devitalize the tissue. He believes that once having used them, however, Respondent should have used more screws to affix the plate and the bands. In addition, the plate did not fix the smaller bone fragments at the bottom of the fracture. Both experts state Respondent should have considered reducing the fracture by the use of traction and bed rest as an alternative to surgery. On the other hand, Respondent's experts disagreed with Petitioner's experts. One, Dr. Weiss, indicated that Respondent had two choices: (1) a prolonged traction and immobilization which, itself, poses a great risk for an elderly patient, or (2) the surgical fixation which was chosen. Here, the reduction was good but the plate was too short. Dr. Weiss contends, as was urged by Respondent, that this was beyond his control and while it would have been better to use a longer plate, the Respondent used the correct procedure and the fact that a second and third operation was necessary, was beyond his control. His choice to do them was appropriate. The other expert, Dr. Bodden, pointed out that even though the smaller plate was used, there is no assurance a larger plate would have precluded the second and third operations. He believes that in light of all of the medical problems presented in this case and since the ideal plate was not available, Respondent's choice was prudent. The length of the plate was improper but in the opinion of Dr. Bodden, the patient's bone structure contributed to the breakage after the plate was installed. Further, the use of Parham bands was not inappropriate. They have been used for many years and are still widely accepted and used. In fact, he uses them himself. Prior to the surgery, Respondent contacted the operating room charge nurse to determine if the proper plates were available, and was assured by her that a full set of plates was available for the surgery. It was only after entering the operating arena, opening the incision into the patient's leg, and thereafter opening the sterilized and sealed package containing the plates that it was determined the proper plate was not present. Absent a showing to the contrary, it is found it would have been improper to open the plate package in advance of surgery to check since such a procedure would have destroyed the sterile nature of the package. In light of the above, Respondent's actions were appropriate. As to the issue of the adequacy of Respondent's medical records on other patients, an analysis of the records showed that no discharge summary was prepared by the Respondent nor were progress notes kept by him on December 22, 23, 25, and thereafter for several weeks on an irregular basis. It may be that Respondent was not the primary physician and only the consultant, but the records fail to show who was the responsible physician and who was ultimately responsible for the patient. A consultant should always reflect in the patient records who he is and in what capacity he has seen the patient as well as his area of expertise and the actions he has taken. Here, the Respondent's failure to do so, notwithstanding some expert evidence to the contrary, renders the records kept by him inadequate. In the case of the patient who was treated by the Respondent as a consultant on a fracture of the left hip at Gateway Community Hospital between October 27, and November 10, 1983, Petitioner's experts have no quarrel with the orthopedic treatment rendered the patient by Respondent. However, Respondent failed to make proper entries in the patient's medical records and the notes therein were made by an internist. Respondent saw the patient on only four of the nine days the patient was hospitalized and in the opinion of the expert, proper practice requires a doctor, or his substitute in the absence of the doctor, to see the patient each day. It may be that this practice, which is generally accepted as appropriate throughout the medical community, is somewhat less significant in the field of orthopedic surgery. Respondent's expert indicated he did not feel constrained to see his patients each day subsequent to surgery so long as he was kept aware of the patients' conditions. While he makes progress notes, he does not dictate discharge summaries or any of the other records since these are prepared by residents based on the notes he has put in the file. The medical records for this patient show no progress notes by the Respondent on November 1, 3, 4, and 5, 1983, during which time the patient was in the hospital under the Respondent's care. In one expert's opinion, the missing of three consecutive day's progress notes renders the records below standard. Respondent indicates he saw the patient frequently right after the surgery, but once he was satisfied that her orthopedic problems were progressing satisfactorily, did not see her during the time she was being treated for medical problems unrelated to the orthopedic surgery by an internist. He did write medical notes on the first five postoperative days at the conclusion of which his postoperative care for the orthopedic surgery was completed. Were it not for her unrelated medical problems, the patient would have been released and he did see her once, (Nov.2) prior to her discharge after her medical problem had been resolved. On the basis of all the testimony, it is found that in this case, Dr. Okuboye did not fail to keep proper medical records. Respondent also saw a patient for a fracture of the left lateral malleolus, (the protuberance on both sides of the ankle joint), and is alleged to have failed to timely perform an examination of the patient; failed to have timely provided treatment; and failed to have performed a complete examination. In this case, Petitioner's expert pointed out that the chart kept by the Respondent failed to show any reference to a knee injury which was disclosed on post-treatment X-rays evaluated by him. Respondent is also alleged to have failed to have cleaned and irrigated the wound which was a part of the injury, and that he administered only an intramuscular injection of antibiotics. In the opinion of the witness, it makes no difference if there was an infection or not. It is, in his opinion; a bad practice to not debride and clean the wound. Further, he was concerned that the patient records kept by the Respondent did not reflect whether the Respondent responded to the emergency room at the time he prescribed the treatment or not. From the review of the records, he could not tell. Review of the case records by Respondent's expert showed there was no open fracture which required debridement or specific cleaning. The wound was a small abrasion. As a general rule, an injury should be more than 1/2 inch in size or have some bone showing in order to require debridement, (removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tissue). If those conditions are present, proper procedure is to clean the wound and to provide antibiotics, which the Respondent did, and the treatment recommended by him met appropriate standards. This is the better point of view. As to the records kept by the Respondent, a note regarding the action taken here was dictated by Respondent two days after the patient was discharged. The patient records show a postoperative X-ray was taken by Respondent but there is no indication in the record showing that surgery was done. The patient was admitted through the emergency room and was sent to the floor even before the Respondent was contacted. As a result, Respondent did not see the patient in the emergency room. The ER notes prepared by someone else refer to an abrasion and an approximately 1/4 inch tear in the skin. The injury was cleaned in the ER and the patient was sent to the floor after which the Respondent was advised by telephone there was a "questionable" fracture of the ankle. In response, Respondent gave orders for immobilization of the wound and administration of antibiotics. The following day, when Respondent saw the patient, he could see no open wound nor could he find evidence of a fracture. As a result, he discontinued the prescription for antibiotics and discharged the patient who, it should be noted, did not sustain an infection and who did well in his recuperation. Respondent indicates he had been told by the family physician who admitted the patient and the nurses on the floor, with whom he discussed the patient, that there was no open wound sustained by this patient. On the basis of this information, Respondent prescribed the questioned course of treatment and it would appear it was appropriate and well within standards. Between November 12, and November 22, 1983, Respondent acted as surgical consultant regarding a patient being treated at Gateway Community Hospital for a metatarsal fracture. Respondent performed an open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture and Petitioner now claims that Respondent failed to keep adequate medical records justifying the course of that patient's treatment. In that case, Petitioner does not claim improper treatment by the Respondent. However, one expert for Petitioner could not determine with any degree of certainty whether or not the procedure was required because of the absence of pre- operative X-rays and because of the inadequacy of the records for him to look at. The other Petitioner expert agreed that the Respondent took adequate care of the patient but because of the absence of postoperative film, the taking of which is a general practice within the medical community, he was not able to determine, nor would the Respondent be able to determine, whether the surgeon missed anything in performing the surgery. Respondent's evidence unequivocally contradicted the testimony of both Petitioner's experts. There were X-rays taken prior to the procedure by Respondent which showed a fracture of the outside metatarsus, (long foot bone). He proposed outpatient surgery of one day and reduced the fracture, inserting two pins as security. The postoperative X-rays show proper reduction. In fact, there are several sets of postoperative films and those taken after the holding pins placed in the fracture were removed show good reduction and full healing. Respondent discharged the patient from orthopedic care after surgery for release the next day if approved by the referring, physician, Dr. Lew. However, Dr. Lew kept the patient in the hospital one or two days after that for a reason not related to the orthopedic surgery done by Respondent. This would tend to explain the reason for there being no follow-up progress notes on the two days following the operative report done by Respondent on November 23. The failure to keep adequate notes adversely affects the entire care team not just the attending physician, as without adequate notes, the team cannot tell what is going on with the patient. The entire care is summarized in the progress notes and the failure to make notes on time leaves a hole. That cannot be said to have been the case here, however, since the orthopedic treatment of the patient was completed with the dictation of the operative report and the patient was discharged by Respondent. The patient's retention in the hospital for several days more was by another physician on a matter totally unrelated to the Respondent's treatment and Respondent had no responsibility to keep records on that portion of the patient's hospitalization. It cannot be said, then, that Respondent's records were inappropriate in this case. Respondent is also alleged to have improperly failed to perform a procedure of open reduction and internal fixation of an ankle fracture on a patient treated by him at Gateway Hospital between January 20, and January 25, 1983. In this case, Petitioner's expert questions whether the inner bone was properly reduced. X-rays taken subsequent to the procedure, show the reduction left a big gap and an irregular joint and the doctor feels the procedure, as it was done, was below standards. The other Petitioner expert concurs. There were two fractures. The smaller, did not need to be fixed since it was less than 1/3 of the ankle area and medical opinion indicates that fractures of less than 1/3 of the area should not be fixed. The other was fixed improperly in that Respondent should have used a tension band instead of a screw. If he had done so, there would have been a better fixation. Respondent's expert disagrees, pointing out that the postoperative X- rays show the position of the bones as placed by the Respondent, was quite acceptable. The failure to get an anatomic, (as developed by nature), reduction is not indicative of substandard care. It is sometimes not possible to put bones back the way they were prior to the fracture. In the instant case, when the operation and casting were done, the results were acceptable. The doctor concludes this was a very difficult operation to do and under the circumstances, the Respondent's performance met the standards within the community. Respondent's other expert agrees. This was an extremely difficult fracture of three sections of an ankle. Admittedly, Respondent's work resulted in a slight bone irregularity. A smooth reduction would be ideal, but it is unlikely that an anatomic reduction could be had in this case. No matter how skilled the work, a fracture of this kind is likely to result in some arthritis, and the failure to use a tension band, as suggested by one of Petitioner's experts, as opposed to a screw as chosen by the Respondent is a matter of choice. Neither gives better results and the Respondent's choice here, in these circumstances, was reasonable. Between December 18 and December 27, 1984, Respondent performed an open reduction and internal fixation of a fractured right hip. Petitioner alleges that Respondent performed a surgical procedure which was unnecessary, failed to properly perform the surgical procedure done, and failed to keep adequate medical records justifying the patient's treatment. In this case, Respondent inserted a Jewett nail, a non-collapsing nail, into the bone. The bone collapsed and drove the nail up into the end of the bone in an inappropriate manner. One of Petitioner's experts took issue with Respondent's use of the Jewett nail calling it an outdated device. In his opinion, the Respondent did not plan properly to have the appropriate device on hand when it was needed. His opinion is supported by that of the other Petitioner expert who pointed out that the procedure resulted in an inadequate fixation. He contends the Respondent should have used a collapsible nail and that Respondent's technique of cutting the bone after the collapse was inappropriate and resulted in a shortening of the leg. He believes this procedure was improper and falls below medical standards in the community. He was also of the opinion that Respondent's record keeping in this case was inadequate. Petitioner's expert in medical records found several problems with Respondent's records on this patient. The initial note was dictated after surgery instead of when the consult was first done. No progress notes were in the file for those days when the patient was not seen by the Respondent. There was no showing that the patient was seen by someone left in charge by Respondent in his absence. Since medical records provide a history of the case and allow the follow-on staff to provide continuation of care, the evidence showed Respondent's records in this case were below standard. Respondent's witness, Dr. Weiss, does not believe that the use of the Jewett nail is necessarily inappropriate. The fact that the Jewett nail did not work out for the Respondent in this case and required follow-up surgery, is not necessarily indicative of improper treatment. Studies of similar fractures in elderly patients show that 70% had some deviation and many similar cases show penetration of the head of the bone by the nail such as was the case here. While there are newer nails used by many orthopedic surgeons, the Jewett nail is still appropriate. The physician can avoid penetration at the time of the insertion and Respondent did so, but penetration cannot always be avoided after surgery when weight is placed on the limb. Respondent's other expert who reviewed this case stated that the fixed nail used by Respondent, if properly used, gives equally good results as the newer collapsible nail. Cutting of the bone is a well known and appropriate procedure in cases where necessary, as here. In evaluating the testimony of the experts, it should be noted that neither of the Board's experts interviewed Respondent or in any way discussed with him his professional reasons for doing what he did. Their opinions given here as expert testimony were based on evaluation of records and X-rays only whereas the opinions of Respondent's experts were based on review of the same documentation and also on interviews with Respondent who was questioned and who expounded on his medical rationale. Having analyzed the procedure done by the Respondent here and having evaluated the testimony of all witnesses, it is found that the procedure as followed by Respondent did not fall below the appropriate medical standards within the community. However, the allegation regarding Respondent's failure to keep proper medical records has been established. Respondent is a native of Nigeria, who took his medical training in England, graduating from Kings College Medical school in 1961. He interned in the United States at Bridgeport Hospital, served his residency and as a research fellow in Canada, and returned to the United States for a two year general surgery and three year orthopedic surgery residency at Albert Einstein Medical Center in New York. Respondent came to Florida in 1973 and has been in private practice as a sole practitioner since that time. He is Board eligible in orthopedic surgery and certified in neurological and orthopedic surgery by the American College of Neurological and Orthopedic surgery, not to be confused with the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery. He is also a member of the Royal College of Surgeons. At one time, Respondent practiced at Gateway Hospital in St. Petersburg where all the cases involved in the proceeding came up and where he was involved in legal action involving a matter he had handled. Respondent won that case but nonetheless, had to sue the hospital to recover his expenses. When Gateway Hospital was sold to Humana, he was again involved in litigation with the hospital to retain his privilege to practice there. Thereafter, he was called before the hospital committee regarding the instant cases in a staff privilege matter and as a result, the hospital referred them to the Department of Professional Regulation. Respondent believes two factions in the medical community seek his dismissal and the revocation of his license. He presented a detailed litany of grievances against various members of the hospital staff and others who, he contends, are engaged in a program to destroy him professionally and remove him from the practice of medicine. Since his medical privileges at the hospital have been rescinded, he can no longer accept referrals in orthopedic surgery from other members of the staff at Gateway and as a result, referrals that would ordinarily go to him, are now going to other, more favored members of the staff who retain surgical privileges. He contends his troubles, which culminated in this hearing, are both economically and racially motivated, and also involve an effort to rid the hospital of foreign trained physicians. There is no evidence to corroborate Respondent's charges and , therefore, the decision regarding his standard of practice and his record keeping must be based on the professional evidence presented at this hearing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that Respondent, Julius A. Okuboye, be reprimanded. RECOMMENDED this 23rd day of February, 1988, at Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearings Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of February, 1988. Appendix to Recommended Order In Case No. 86-1048 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. For the Petitioner Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. Accepted to the extent that Respondent's reduction was not anatomic but rejected to the extent "it possibly could have been better treated in a cast." Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. Rejected as to all but last sentence which is irrelevant since the latter portion of the hospitalization discussed here was after patient had been discharged by Respondent and did not relate to orthopedic treatment. Accepted and incorporated herein. 14-16. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. 17&18. Accepted and incorporated herein. 19. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. 20-21. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. 22. Accepted as to certain records and rejected as to others as discussed in the body of the Recommended Order. For the Respondent Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. First sentence rejected as a restatement of Petitioner's position. Remainder accepted and incorporated. First sentence rejected as above. Last sentence accepted and incorporated. Remainder rejected as a restatement of the evidence. First sentence rejected as above. Second sentence rejected as a restatement of evidence. Third through Sixth sentences accepted and incorporated. seventh rejected as a restatement of Petitioner's position. Eighth and Ninth sentences accepted and incorporated. First sentence rejected as above. second sentence accepted. Remainder accepted and incorporated. First sentence rejected as above. Remainder accepted and incorporated. First sentence rejected as above. Remainder accepted and incorporated. Accepted and incorporated. Rejected as to some cases, accepted as to others as defined in the Findings of Fact herein. COPIES FURNISHED: David E. Bryant, Esquire Suite 2000, Ashley Tower 100 South Ashley Drive Tampa, Florida 33602 Glenn M. Woodworth, Esquire Woodworth and Dugan, Chartered Wittner Centre West 5999 Central Avenue Suite 103 St. Petersburg, Florida 33710 Dorothy Faircloth Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation Board of Medical Examiners 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750

Florida Laws (2) 120.57458.331
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Melbourne, Florida Jan. 03, 2012 Number: 11-006505PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 02, 2012 Number: 12-001584PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 09, 1997 Number: 97-003122 Latest Update: Sep. 23, 1998

The Issue This is a license discipline case in which the Petitioner seeks to take disciplinary action against a licensed medical doctor. By means of a two-count Administrative Complaint, the Respondent is charged with violations of Sections 458.331(1)(m) and 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, by allegedly failing to keep written medical records justifying the course of treatment of a patient, and by failing to practice medicine with the required level of care, skill, and treatment. The Respondent denies the violations charged in the Administrative Complaint, and also asserts that the Administrative Complaint should be dismissed by reason of the Petitioner's failure to timely investigate and prosecute the subject charges.

Findings Of Fact Findings stipulated by the parties4 The Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, a licensed physician in the State of Florida. The patient R. C. presented with a history of diabetes and hypertension. The Respondent did not attempt or make any contact with the primary care physician of patient R. C. Brevital was administered intravenously to the patient R. C. without the use of an IV pump. Resuscitative drugs and equipment should always be immediately available. There is no documentation of respiratory monitoring during the administration of anesthetics and the surgical procedure performed on patient R. C. It is well below the standard of care to both administer a general anesthesia and perform the surgical procedure. Findings based on evidence At all times material, the Respondent has specialized in urology. The Respondent is not board certified in urology. At all times material to this case, the Respondent was associated with a clinic named Instituto Latino Americano de Impotencia y Diagnostico (ILAID). One or two days each week, the Respondent would see patients at ILAID that were potential candidates for penile implant surgery. At all times material to this case there were at least two other licensed physicians associated with ILAID who often were the first physicians to see patients who came to ILAID with complaints of impotency. The subject patient (Patient R. C.) went to ILAID for the first time on May 24, 1993. On that day the patient signed a form titled "Patient Information," which contains little more than patient identification information, and a form titled "Patient's Declaration and Agreement."5 The patient probably saw a physician at ILAID on May 24, 1993, because a blood sample was taken from the patient that day and the results of the blood tests were reported back to ILAID on May 25, 1993. However, there is no documentation that the patient was seen by a physician at ILAID on May 24, 1993. Specifically, there is no medical chart documenting that on that day a physician took a history from the patient, examined the patient, evaluated the patient, ordered any tests of the patient, or otherwise treated or cared for the patient. At all times material to this case, the routine practice and procedure of ILAID regarding patients who went to ILAID with complaints of impotency was to have the patients seen by a physician associated with ILAID. It was also the routine practice and procedure at ILAID for the physician who first saw the patient to prepare a-medical record documenting the patient's visit. Such a medical record would routinely document a patient history, an examination of the patient, the physician's evaluation of the patient, and any treatments given or tests ordered by the physician. The impotency patients at ILAID were also routinely put through an evaluation procedure to determine the extent of and the nature of their impotency before implant surgery was recommended or performed. The results of the evaluation procedure were also routinely documented in the patient's medical chart. The Respondent first saw the subject patient on July 13, 1993, at the ILAID facility. On that date there were no patient records regarding the subject patient prepared by any other physician associated with ILAID for the Respondent to review. In the absence of any medical documentation, the Respondent apparently assumed that the patient had been through the normal routine at ILAID and proceeded to go forward on that assumption. On July 13, 1993, the Respondent took a brief, limited history from the patient and conducted a limited physical examination of the patient. The physical examination was limited to the patient's abdomen and urogenital area. Based on that limited history and examination, the Respondent concluded that penile implant surgery was an appropriate course of treatment, subject to the patient receiving medical clearance for the surgery. The Respondent did not perform any objective tests for impotence on the patient. The Respondent did not obtain a detailed medical history from the patient. The Respondent did not obtain a detailed history regarding the nature, extent, or duration of the patient's impotence. The Respondent did not conduct a complete physical examination of the patient. Prior to performing penile implant surgery, a physician should perform objective tests to determine if the surgery is indicated. Two objective tests that should always be performed are blood tests to determine the patient's testosterone level and prolactin level.6 Depending on the details elicited during the patient history, other objective tests may also be indicated. The Respondent failed to have tests done to determine the testosterone level and the prolactin level of the patient. The failure to perform these two objective tests is a departure from acceptable standards of medical care recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician. Prior to performing penile implant surgery, a patient's condition must be assessed by a physician to determine whether surgery is indicated. The surgeon does not have to personally perform all aspects of the assessment of the patient's condition, but the surgeon must at least verify that an adequate assessment has been performed by another physician, and that the assessment has been documented in the patient's medical records. Adequate assessment of a patient's condition requires, at a minimum, a detailed medical history, a complete physical examination, and the performance of any objective tests indicated by the history and physical examination. The performance of surgery without either performing an adequate assessment of the patient's condition or verifying that such an assessment has been documented by another physician is a departure from acceptable standards of care recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician. The Respondent did not obtain a detailed medical history from the patient, did not perform a complete physical examination of the patient, and failed to order at least two objective tests that were indicated by the patient's complaints. The Respondent also failed to verify that documentation existed which showed that any other physician had obtained a detailed medical history from the patient, had performed a complete physical examination of the patient, and had ordered the objective tests indicated by the patient's complaints. If the Respondent had attempted to verify the existence of such documentation, he would have discovered that the documentation did not exist. The Respondent's performance of surgery on the patient without performing an adequate assessment of the patient's condition, or without verifying that such an assessment had been documented by another physician, was a departure from acceptable standards of medical practice. The Respondent made arrangements for additional blood tests and for an EKG to be administered to the patient. The Respondent also believed that he had made arrangements for one of the other physicians at ILAID to medically clear the patient for surgery. Anticipating no problems regarding the medical clearance, the Respondent also contacted the director of ILAID, Rogelio Medel, and asked him to arrange a location for the implant surgery. In view of the patient's financial circumstances and his lack of medical insurance, it was decided that the surgery would be done in an operating room at a physician's clinic, which would be somewhat less expensive than performing the surgery in a hospital operating room. Rogelio Medel contacted Dr. Francisco A. Prado and arranged for the use of one of the operating rooms at Dr. Prado's clinic. Rogelio Medel had made similar arrangements with Dr. Prado twice before. The arrangement with Dr. Prado was that Dr. Prado would provide not only the use of the operating room, but would also provide all necessary supplies (including the anesthesia medications), as well as the services of a nurse anesthetist, Eduardo Perez, who worked for Dr. Prado on a regular basis. The surgery was scheduled for early in the afternoon on July 16, 1993. Unbeknownst to Rogelio Medel and to the Respondent, Eduardo Perez was not a licensed nurse anesthetist. The Respondent did not inquire of Eduardo Perez regarding the latter's qualifications or licensure status. Rather, relying on the representations of Dr. Prado, the Respondent assumed that Eduardo Perez possessed the necessary qualifications and licensure to function as a nurse anesthetist. While it is clear that Eduardo Perez was not licensed as a nurse anesthetist, there is no clear and convincing evidence in the record as to whether Eduardo Perez was or was not trained in the use of anesthetics, was or was not trained in the use of respiratory and cardiac monitoring equipment, or was or was not trained in the use of resuscitative drugs and equipment.7 The Respondent assumed that Eduardo Perez was trained in these matters, based on the assumption that Eduardo was a licensed nurse anesthetist. In view of the representations of Dr. Prado, it was reasonable for the Respondent to make that assumption.8 The Respondent was not trained in the techniques and procedures of advanced cardiac life support. The Respondent was not trained in the use of a defibrillator. The Respondent was not trained in the use of anesthetics. Prior to performing surgery on the subject patient, the Respondent had received a copy of the laboratory results dated July 16, 1993. He had also received a copy of the EKG report prepared by Dr. Freddie Rodriguez. Prior to performing the surgery, the Respondent had not received any written medical clearance for the patient to undergo the planned implant surgery. The Respondent never received any written medical clearance for the patient to undergo surgery, because the patient was never medically cleared. The Respondent did not receive any telephonic verification that the subject patient had been medically cleared for surgery, because no other physician had cleared the patient for surgery.9 Prior to performing surgery, it is the responsibility of the surgeon to verify that the patient has been medically cleared for the proposed surgery. Under similar conditions and circumstances, a reasonably prudent similar physician would not perform surgery without verification that the patient had been medically cleared for the proposed surgery. It is a departure from minimum standards of medical practice for a surgeon to perform surgery without such verification. Early in the afternoon on July 16, 1993, the Respondent performed penile implant surgery on the subject patient. The surgery was conducted in one of the operating rooms at Dr. Prado's clinic, as previously arranged with Dr. Prado. During the surgery the patient was anesthetized with the anesthetic agents Versed and Brevital. These anesthetic agents were administered by Eduardo Perez, who was functioning as a nurse anesthetist. Eduardo Perez was present during the entire surgical procedure, during which time he monitored the administration of the anesthetic agents, monitored the patient's vital signs, and otherwise performed the functions that would be performed by a nurse anesthetist. At all times material, the Respondent believed, based on the representations of Dr. Prado, that Eduardo Perez was a licensed and qualified nurse anesthetist who regularly worked in that capacity for Dr. Prado. When the surgical procedure had been completed, the Respondent left the patient in the care of Eduardo Perez while the Respondent left the operating room to change clothes. When the Respondent left the operating room the patient appeared to be normal. When the Respondent returned to the operating room a few minutes later, he noticed that the patient had become pale and sweaty. The Respondent also noticed that the patient had very little pulse or blood pressure. The Respondent and Eduardo Perez initiated cardiopulmonary resuscitation and also called fire rescue for assistance. The Respondent and Eduardo Perez continued their cardiopulmonary resuscitation efforts until the fire rescue personnel arrived a few minutes later. The fire rescue personnel initiated advanced cardiac life support measures and subsequently transported the patient to a hospital emergency room, where further efforts were made to resuscitate the patient. Shortly thereafter the patient was pronounced dead in the emergency room. Following an autopsy and investigation into the cause of death, the Dade County Medical Examiner was of the opinion that it could not be stated with any degree of medical certainty that the death of the subject patient was caused by the surgery. In order to have medical records sufficient to justify penile implant surgery, a physician must have written medical records that document at least the following matters: (a) a detailed patient history; (b) a complete physical examination of the patient; (c) a consideration of alternative therapy options; and (d) a pre-operative medical clearance. With regard to the subject patient, the Respondent does not have, and never did have, written medical records documenting any of the four matters itemized immediately above. By failing to keep written medical records documenting such matters with regard to the subject patient, the Respondent failed to keep records justifying the course of treatment of the patient.10

Recommendation On the basis of all of the foregoing it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be issued in this case concluding that the Respondent has violated Sections 458.331(1)(t) and 458.331(1)(m), Florida Statutes, imposing a penalty consisting of the imposition of administrative fines totaling $6,000. 00, and the suspension of the Respondent's license to practice medicine for a period of 90 days. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd Day of September, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florid __________________________________ MICHAEL M. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of September, 1998.

Florida Laws (6) 120.57120.6820.16520.42455.225458.331
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida May 11, 2012 Number: 12-001668PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 10

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