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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-003810 Latest Update: Feb. 28, 1986

The Issue The issues set forth in DOAH Case No. 84-3810 concern the question of whether the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) should issue a permit to Homer Smith d/b/a Homer Smith Seafood (Homer Smith) to construct a wastewater treatment facility which is constituted of a screening mechanism, dissolved air flotation treatment system, sludge drying bed, pumping station and subaqueous pipeline. In the related action, DOAH Case No. 84-3811, the question is raised whether DER should issue a dredge and fill permit to Homer Smith for the installation of the aforementioned pipeline along submerged lands in Trout Creek, Palmo Cove and the St. Johns River.

Findings Of Fact Introduction and Background In 1982, Homer Smith, under the name of Homer Smith Seafood, established a calico scallop processing facility in the vicinity of the intersection of State Road 13 and Trout Creek in St. Johns County, Florida. From that point forward, Smith has owned and operated the processing plant. His plant adjoins Trout Creek, which is a tributary to the St. Johns River. Both Trout Creek and the St. Johns River are tidally influenced waters that are classified as Class III surface waters under Rule 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code. The processing undertaken by Smith's operation at Trout Creek contemplates the preparation of the scallops for human consumption. In particular, it involves the purchase of calico scallops from Port Canaveral, Florida, after which the scallops are transported by refrigerated trucks to the processing plant. They are then unloaded into metal hoppers and directed into rotating tumblers which separate out the scallops from sand, mud and other extraneous material. The scallops are placed in a steam tumbler that removes the shells and then passed through a flow tank that washes away sand, grit and shell particles. The scallops are next passed through eviscerators. These eviscerators are long tubes of aluminum with roughened surfaces that pull the viscera off of the scallops. The detached scallops are then sent along a conveyor belt, with scallops in need of further cleaning being picked out and sent to a second eviscerator. The eviscerated scallops are then chilled and packed for marketing. It is the viscera and wastewater associated with this material that is the subject of permitting. Homer Smith is one of about six automated scallop processing plants located in Florida. Two other plants are within St. Johns County, on the San Sebastian River in St. Augustine, Florida. Three other plants are located in Port Canaveral, Florida. When Smith commenced his operation of the scallop processing plant in the summer of 1982, he discharged the scallop processing wastewater into an area described as a swamp with an associated canal which connected to Trout Creek. By the fall of 1982, Smith had been told by representatives of the Department of Environmental Regulation that to operate his facility with the discharge would require a permit(s) from DER. At the time of this discussion, automatic scallop processing was an industry for which appropriate wastewater treatment alternatives had not been specifically identified by the Department of Environmental Regulation or the United States Environmental Protection Agency. This was and continues to be the case as it relates to the promulgation of technology-based effluent limitations designed for calico scallop processors. This circumstance is unlike the situation for most other industries for which DER has established technology-based effluent limitations. To rectify this situation, Florida Laws 85-231 at Section 403.0861, Florida Statutes, requires DER to promulgate technology-based effluent limitations for calico scallop processors by December 1986. In the interim, consideration of any permits that might be afforded the calico scallop processors by the exercise of DER's regulatory authority must be done on a case-by-case basis, when examining the question of technology-based effluent limitations. DER sent a warning letter to Smith on April 20, 1983, informing the processor that discarding its wastewater into Trout Creek without a DER permit constituted a violation of state law. After the warning letter, scallop harvesting declined to the point that by mid-June of 1983 the plant had closed down, and it did not reopen until the middle part of September 1983. Upon the recommencement of operations, DER issued a cease and desist notice and ordered Smith to quit the discharge of wastewater from the facility into Trout Creek. On the topic of the cease and desist, through litigation, Smith has been allowed the right to conduct interim operation of his business which involves direct discharge of wastewater into Trout Creek, pending assessment of wastewater treatment alternatives and pursuit of appropriate DER permits. 1/ When Smith filed for permits on April 10, 1984, he asked for permission to dredge and fill and for construction rights pertaining to industrial wastewater discharge into the St. Johns River. The application of April 10, 1984, involved the installation of a wastewater treatment system and an associated outfall pipeline to transport treated wastewater to the St. Johns River from the plant location. This system would utilize a series of settling tanks and a shell-filter lagoon as the principal wastewater treatment. DER, following evaluation, gave notice in October 1984 of its intent to issue permits related to dredge and fill and the construction of the wastewater treatment facility. In the face of that notification, the present Petitioners offered a timely challenge to the issuance of any DER permits. In considering treatment alternatives, Homer Smith had employed various consultants and discovered that treatment beyond coarse screening had not been attempted in processing calico scallop wastewater. Those consultants were of the opinion that conventional treatment methods such as clarification, sand filtration, vortex separation, breakpoint chlorination, polymers and spray irrigation were of limited viability due to the inability to remove key constituents within the waste stream or based upon certain operational difficulties that they thought would be experienced in attempting those methods of treatment. As envisioned by the April 10, 1984, application for permit, interim treatment of the wastewater was provided by the use of a series of settling tanks and a shell-filter lagoon, within which system adjustments were made to the delivery of wastewater treatment. The April 10, 1984, permit application by Smith did not envision any chemical treatment of the wastewater aside from that which might occur in association with the settling and filtration through the shell-filter lagoon. Following DER's statement of intent to issue a permit for construction of the wastewater treatment facility as described in the April 10, 1984, application by Smith, DER became concerned about the potential toxicity of calico scallop wastewater, based upon its own studies. As a consequence, Smith amended the application for wastewater treatment facility to include use of chemical coagulation and flotation. This amendment occurred in March 1985, and the wastewater treatment process in that application envisioned the use of an electroflotation wastewater system. In view of toxicity problems experienced with the testing related to the use of an electroflotation wastewater treatment system, this treatment alternative was discarded in favor of a dissolved air flotation (DAF) system. This system was pursuant to an amendment to the application effective May 31, 1985. This amendment of May 1985 was in furtherance of the order of the hearing officer setting a deadline for amendments to the application. DER issued an amended intent to grant permits for the DAF unit and the associated pipeline and that action dates from June 28, 1985. The Petitioners oppose the grant of these permits for the DAF unit and pipeline, and under the auspices of their initial petition have made a timely challenge to the grant of a permit for the installation of the DAF wastewater treatment unit and associated pipeline. It is the DAF unit and pipeline that will be considered in substance in the course of this recommended order. On July 6, 1984, Smith sought an easement from the State of Florida, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for the installation of the pipeline. This was necessary in view of the fact that the pipeline would traverse sovereignty lands which were located beneath Trout Creek, Palmo Cove and the St. Johns River. On December 17, 1984, DNR issued a notice of intent to submit that application to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund with a recommendation of approval. This action was challenged by the Petitioners on January 7, 1985, in a petition for formal hearing challenging the grant of the easement. DOAH Case No. 85-0277 concerns this challenge to grant of an easement. Originally, by action of January 28, 1985, the easement case was consolidated with the present DER permit actions. At the instigation of DNR, the easement case was severed from consideration with the present action. The order of severance was entered on July 31, 1985. The DNR case will be heard on a future date yet to be established. The DNR case was severed because that agency preferred to see test results of treatment efficiencies following the construction of the DAF unit. By contrast, the present DER cases contemplate a decision being reached on the acceptability of the construction of the DAF unit and attendant features, together with the pipeline on the basis of theoretical viability of this entire system. This arrangement would be in phases in which the construction of the upland treatment system would occur within 90 days of the receipt of any construction permit from DER, followed by a second phase within which Smith would construct the pipeline within 60 days of receipt of any other necessary governmental approval, such as the DNR easement approval. Furthermore, DER would wish to see the results of an integrated treatment system involving the upland treatment by the DAF unit and its attendant features and the use of the pipeline and the availability of a mixing zone, that is to say the end of pipe discharge, before deciding on the ultimate question of the grant of an operating permit for the wastewater treatment system. The quandary presented by these arrangements concerns the fact that discharge from the DAF treatment unit would be temporarily introduced into Trout Creek, pending the decision by DNR to grant an easement for the pipeline and the necessary time to install that pipeline. Given the difficult circumstances of these actions, there is raised the question of the propriety of discharging wastewater into Trout Creek pending resolution of the question of whether DNR wishes to grant an easement to place the pipeline over sovereignty submerged lands. This is a perplexing question in view of the fact that DNR requested severance from the present action, thereby promoting further delay in the time between any installation of the upland treatment system and the pipeline. Finally, Trout Creek is an ecosystem which has undergone considerable stress in the past, and it is more susceptible to the influences of pollution than the St. Johns River would be as a point of ultimate discharge from the pipeline. This dilemma is addressed in greater detail in subsequent sections within the recommended order. Petitioner River Systems Preservation, Inc., is a nonprofit organization comprised of approximately seven hundred persons. The focus of the organization is to protect and enhance the environment of northeast Florida. The individual Petitioners, Pinkham E. Pacetti, Robert D. Maley, Ruth M. Whitman and others, are members of the corporation who own property or live near the scallop processing plant of Respondent Smith. In addition, Pacetti owns a marina and recreational fishing camp that is located across Trout Creek from Smith's plant. Pacetti's fish camp dates from 1929. On the occasion of the opportunity for the public to offer their comments about this project, a significant number of persons made presentations at the public hearing on August 29, 1985. Some members of the public favored the project and others were opposed to the grant of any permits. St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners, in the person of Commissioner Sarah Bailey, indicated opposition to the project, together with Bill Basford, President of the Jacksonville City Council. Warren Moody, the vice-chairman of the Jacksonville Waterways Authority spoke in opposition to the project. The Florida Wildlife Federation and the Jacksonville Audubon Society expressed opposition to the project. The officials related the fact of the expenditure of considerable amounts of public tax dollars to improve water quality in the St. Johns River and their concern that those expenditures not be squandered with the advent of some damage to the St. Johns River by allowing the permits in question to be issued. These officials considered the St. Johns River to be a significant resource which they are committed to protecting. The City of Jacksonville, Clay County, Green Cove Springs, the Jacksonville Waterways Authority, the Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council and St. Johns County expressed opposition to the project contemplated by the present permit application, through the adoption of certain resolutions. These broad-based statements of opposition were not spoken to in the course of the hearing by members of any technical staffs to these governmental institutions. Private members of the public, some of whom are affiliated with River Systems Preservation, Inc., expressed concern about water quality violations, harm to fish and other environmental degradations that have been caused by the Homer Smith operation in the past and their belief that these problems will persist if the permits at issue are granted. Those persons who favored the project, in terms of public discussion, primarily centered on the idea that, in the estimation of those witnesses, fairness demanded that Smith be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate that this proposed system of treatment was sound and the quality of the water being discharged from the Homer Smith plant was not as bothersome as had been portrayed by the persons who opposed the grant of environmental permits. Industrial Wastewater Construction Permit Treatment System Description of Homer Smith's Plant and Its Operation. The source of water used for the processing of the scallops at the Homer Smith plant is a well which is located on that property. Homer Smith is allowed to withdraw 300,000 gallons of water per day in accordance with a consumptive use permit that has been issued by the St. Johns River Water Management District. To ensure Smith's compliance with this permit, a metering device is located on the well. Typically, the plant operates an eighteen-hour day, five days a week, using water at a rate of 200 gallons per minute. This would equate to 215,000 gallons per day over an eighteen-hour day. Prior to the imposition of restrictions by the Department of Environmental Regulation through the consent order, this facility had processed as much as 40,000 pounds of scallops each day, for a total of 36,000 gallons each week, at a gross revenue figure of $225,000 per week. Characteristics and Frequency of Effluent Discharge The wastewater generated by the scallop processing that is done at the Homer Smith plant is principally constituted of the well water used to clean the scallops, proteinaceous organic materials, and metals. The metals are introduced into the wastewater stream from the scallop tissue. The wastewater stream also has a certain amount of sand and grit, together with shell fragments. The concentrations of organic materials within the wastewater stream are at high levels. There is also an amount of fecal coliform bacteria and suspended solids. The pollution sources within the wastewater stream include total suspended solids (TSS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and the coliform bacteria. In the neighborhood of 30 percent of the BOD in the wastewater is soluble. The balance of the BOD is associated with the suspended solids. With time the organic materials in the wastewater stream will decompose and with the decomposition present certain organic decomposition products, which would include ammonia, amines and sulfides. Heavy metals in the wastewater have been in the scallop tissue and are released with the cleaning of the scallops. These metals include cadmium, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, silver and arsenic. The presence of these metals within the tissues of the scallops are there in view of the fact that the scallops are "filter-feeders" which have taken in these elements or metals that naturally occur in the ocean water. The permit application contemplates an average of five days a week of operation for eighteen hours a day. Notwithstanding the fact that in the past the Homer Smith Seafood operation had processed scallops seven day week, twenty- four hours per day, Smith does not desire to operate more than five and a half days a week in the future. That is perceived to mean five eighteen-hour days and a twelve-hour day on the sixth day. The treatment system contemplated here is for a flow volume of around 200 gallons per minute during normal operation. The system can operate as high as 300 gallons per minute. That latter figure approaches the design capabilities of the treatment system proposed. Wastewater is discharged only when scallops are being processed. There is basically 1:1 ratio between the volume of well water used to process the scallops and the amount of wastewater discharged. Proposed Treatment System and Alternatives As already stated, there is no specific industry standard set forth in the DER rules which would describe technology-based standards for the treatment of calico scallop wastewater. In those instances where the agency is confronted with an industry for which technology-based standards have not been established, DER examines the question of whether that effluent is amenable to biological treatment as contemplated in Rule 17-6.300(1)(n)1., Florida Administrative Code, as an alternative. Biological treatment is a treatment form normally associated with domestic waste and the imposition of this treatment technique is in furtherance of achieving a secondary treatment standard found in Chapter 17-6, Florida Administrative Code, which results in 20 mg/L of BOD and TSS, or 90 percent removal of those constituents, whichever is the greater performance in removal efficiency. In the absence of specific standards related to the calico scallop industry, and in the face of the interpretation of its rules in which DER calls for an examination of the possibility of biological treatment as an alternative to treatment specifically described for a given industry, it was incumbent upon this Applicant to examine the viability of biological treatment of the scallop wastewater product. The Applicant has considered biological treatment as an alternative and rejected that treatment form, in that Smith's consultants believe the wastewater is not amenable to biological treatment. By contrast, Petitioners' consultants believe that biological treatment should be the principal focus in treating the scallop wastewater and contend that biological treatment is a more viable choice when contrasted with the option chosen by the Applicant. If this waste is not amenable to biological treatment, Rule 17-6.300(1)(n)1., Florida Administrative Code, envisions an acceptable or minimum level of secondary treatment shall be determined on a case-by-case basis. In the instance where biological treatment is not a reasonable choice, the Applicant is expected to achieve treatment results which are comparable to those arrived at in treating domestic waste by the use of biological treatment techniques. On this occasion, DER had not established what they believe to be a comparable degree of treatment for calico scallop waste, assuming the unavailability of biological treatment. The present case is a matter of first impression. As a result, the idea of a comparable degree of treatment shall be defined in this hearing process, assuming the inefficacy of biological treatment. In that event, DER must be assured that the proposed treatment plan has an efficiency that rivals the success which biological treatment promotes with domestic waste, taking into account the quality of the effluent prior to treatment, available technology, other permitting criteria and the ambient conditions where the waste stream is being discharged. In arguing in favor of biological treatment, Petitioners pose the possibility of an integrated system in which primary settling tanks or clarifiers would be used together with a biological treatment step, which is referred to as a trickling filter, followed by final settling by the use of tanks or clarifiers in an effort to achieve BOD concentrations in the range of 200 mg/L to 400 mg/L. In this connection, the dissolved air flotation system is seen in the role of alternative to the initial stage of settling of the constituents within the wastewater stream. It is not regarded as the principal means of treatment of the waste. The trickling filter system as a biological treatment medium involves the use of a bacterial culture for the purpose of consuming the oxygen-demanding constituents, BOD. The trickling filter technique, if a viable choice, has the ability to remove 70 to 75 percent of BOD and TSS. Petitioners suggest further treatment of the waste beyond primary and final settling and trickling filter can be afforded by involving activated sludge, which according to their experts would end up with a biological oxygen demand in the 20 mg/L range. Although the constituents of the Smith plant's waste are of a highly organic nature, and, at first blush a candidate for biological treatment by use of the trickling filter, the problem with this form of treatment has to do with the intermittent flow in the Smith operation. This intermittent flow is caused by the fact that the plant does not operate throughout the year. The plant operations are seasonal, depending on calico scallop harvesting which does not occur on a routine basis. Therefore, the problem is presented of trying to keep the biological treatment system "alive" and operating at levels of efficiency which can be expected to maintain the percentage of removal of BOD and TSS that a healthy system can deliver. The bacteria colonies which are vital to the success of the biological treatment system must be fed on a continuous basis to maintain balance in the population of the colony. This would be a difficult undertaking with the Smith operation, given the interruptions in operations which could lead to the decline in the bacterial population and a poorer quality of treatment once the operations were resumed. This finding takes into account the fact that the colony can survive for a week or two by simply recirculating water over the filter. Obviously, in order to maintain necessary efficiencies within this biological treatment, the bacteria must do more than survive. The further suggestion that has been offered that the bacteria could be sustained for longer periods of time by feeding them seafood waste or dog food are not found to achieve the level of efficiency in the operation that would be necessary in posing biological treatment as an alternative. Again, it is more of an intervening measure designed to assure the survival of bacteria pending the continuation of the operations of the plant, as contrasted with a system which is continual and taking into account the uniformity of the waste product more efficient. Another problem with feeding the bacteria when the plant is not operating is that of disposing of the waste produced when this auxiliary feeding is occurring. Just as importantly, biological treatment is questionable given the long retention times necessary for that process and the build-up of toxic levels or concentrations of ammonia. The Applicant had employed an aerated lagoon in attempting to treat the waste and experienced problems with ammonia build up. Although this system did not call for the degree of treatment of the waste prior to the introduction into the lagoon that is contemplated by the present proposal of the Applicant, it does point to the fact of the problems with ammonia in the biological treatment system. Dr. Grantham, a witness whose testimony was presented by the Petitioner, conceded the difficulty of removing ammonia from the trickling filter. Moreover, the biological treatment system is not especially efficient in removing metals and phosphorus from the wastewater. Alternative treatment would be necessary to gain better efficiency in removals of those constituents. The trickling filter is expected to gain 50 percent metals removal, which is inadequate given the concentrations of heavy metals found in the scallop wastewater. Phosphorus could be removed after treatment by the trickling filter by the use of lime or alum. Assuming optimum conditions in the use of biological treatment after primary and final settling, thereby arriving at a BOD level of 200 mg/L, it would then be necessary to make further treatment by the use of activated sludge to see 20 mg/L BOD. The problem with activated sludge is related to the fact that this form of treatment is particularly sensitive to interruptions in flow, which are to be expected in this wastewater treatment setting. On balance, biological treatment does not present a viable choice in treating scallop waste. That leaves for consideration the question of whether the Applicant's proposal would afford a comparable degree of treatment to that expected in the use of biological treatment of domestic waste. The manufacturer of the dissolved air flotation unit or DAF system proposed, known as the Krofta "Supracell," offers another piece of equipment known as the "Sandcell" which in addition to the provision for dissolved air flotation provides sand filtration. The Sandcell might arrive at BOD levels of 400 mg/L. However, the testimony of the witness Lawrence K. Wang, who is intimately familiar with the Krofta products, in responding to questions about the use of the Sandcell system and suggestion that the system would arrive at 400 mg/L BOD responded "could be." This answer does not verify improvement through the contribution of sand filtration. For that reason inclusion of a Sandcell for filtration of BOD is not suggested in this fact finding and the system as proposed must be sufficient in its own right. Having realized the need to provide greater treatment than screening or filtering the waste stream, the Applicant attempted to design a treatment system using flotation technology together with chemical precipitation and coagulation. At first the Applicant examined the possibility of the use of electroflotation (EF). This involved the collection of wastewater in a retention tank and the generation of an electric current to create a series of bubbles to float insoluble flocs. Those flocs are caused by the use of ferric chloride, sodium hydroxide and various polymers which are added to the waste stream. The flocs are then pushed to the top of the chamber by the air bubbles, and this particulate matter is skimmed off by the use of a paddle. Pilot testing was done of the electroflotation technology and showed promising results, so promising that a full-scale electroflotation unit was installed and tested. The full-scale electroflotation showed reasonable removal of BOD, TSS, nutrients, coliform and trace metals. This technique was discarded, however, when bioassay testing of the treated effluent was not successful. In examining the explanation for the failure, the experts of the Applicant were of the opinion that certain chemical reactions were occurring as a result of the passage of the electrical current through the wastewater stream. When this problem with acute toxicity could not be overcome through a series of adjustments to the process, the Applicant decided to test another form of flotation, which is referred to as dissolved air flotation (DAF). This system employs the use of chemicals to create insoluble flocs. Unlike the electroflotation unit, though, it does not utilize electrical currents to create the air bubbles employed in the flotation. The dissolved air flotation thereby avoids problems of toxicity which might be attributed to the passage of electrical current through the water column. The present system as proposed by the Applicant has a number of components. The first component of treatment involves the passage of raw wastewater through a mechanical screening device, which is designed to remove a certain number of particulates by catching those materials on the screen. That material is then removed from the plant and disposed of off site. The balance of the wastewater after this first stage of treatment passes into a sump area and from there into a primary mix/ aeration tank. This water is then chemically treated to facilitate the formation of insoluble flocs. The chemically treated wastewater then enters a premanufactured Krofta Supracell 15 DAF unit which is designed to form bubbles by the use of pressurized air, with those bubbles floating the waste materials within the floc to the surface. Again, this method does not use electrolysis. The floated solid materials are then skimmed from the surface and directed to a holding tank and subsequently pumped to sludge drying beds. Some of the treated wastewater is recycled through the DAF unit after pressurization and in furtherance of forming the necessary bubbles for the DAF unit. The balance of the water is directed to a force main lift station. This water would then be transported through the eight-inch PVC pipe some 13,000 feet into the main channel of the St. Johns River where it is distributed through a five port diffuser. The screening mechanism spoken of had been installed in mid-December 1984 and has been used since that time to filter the wastewater. The screening mechanism is in substitution of settling tanks and shell pits. The shell pits which had been used before presented problems with odors as well as the ammonia build up which has been addressed in a prior paragraph. The removal efficiency of the screening mechanism is 30 percent of particulates associated with pollution parameters, as example BOD, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total phosphorus and TSS. The frequency of the transport of these screened materials to the off site disposal is four to six times a day and the screen is decontaminated at the end of each day when the operations are closed. The application contemplates the same operating procedures of disposal and maintenance with the advent of any construction permit. The primary mix/aeration tank aerates the wastewater and through that process and the retention time contemplated, equalizes the flow regime and promotes a more balanced concentration of waste materials prior to the introduction of that wastewater for chemical coagulation and flotation. This step in the treatment process enhances the treatment efficiency. Some question was raised by the Petitioners on the size of the primary mix-aeration tank as to whether that tank was sufficient to equalize the flow, and conversely, the impacts of having too much retention time built into that tank, which would promote the build-up of toxic concentrations of ammonia in the wastewater. The retention time within the sump and the primary mix-aeration tank approximates one and one-half hours. The retention time and size of the primary mix-aeration tank are found to be acceptable. This design appropriately addresses concerns about the build-up of decomposition products and toxicity, to include ammonia. The sludge which collects in the primary mix-aeration tank will be pumped back to the sump pit by return flow. The sump pit itself will be pumped out in the fashion of cleaning a septic tank on the basis of once a week. The sump pit also receives the return flow of leachate from the sludge drying bed. Once equalization of flow is achieved in the primary mix-aeration tank, that wastewater is then treated by the use of alum, sodium aluminate and polymers. The purpose of this treatment is to convert soluble and insoluble organic matter such as TSS and BOD, trace elements and phosphorus into insoluble flocs that can be removed by flotation. These combinations of chemicals and dosage rates have been tested in electroflotation and dissolved air flotation bench and pilot scales for use associated with this project and a list of appropriate chemicals and ranges of dosage rates has been determined. It will be necessary for these chemicals and general dosages to be adjusted in the full- scale operation under terms of the construction permit. This facet of the treatment process must be closely monitored. Once the wastewater stream has received the chemical treatment, it is introduced into the Krofta Supracell 15 DAF unit. This unit is 15 feet in diameter, and within this cylinder bubbles are generated by pressurizing some of the chemically treated wastewater and potentially clean tap water. The use of clean tap water promotes dilution of the wastewater stream as well as greater efficiency in the production of the bubbles. Chemically treated wastewater is brought into the cylinder through the back of a revolving arm that moves around a center column of the DAF unit at the speed of the effluent flow. The purpose of this mechanical arrangement is to eliminate horizontal water velocity, to protect the integrity of the flocs that are being formed by the use of the chemicals. Those flocs float to the surface in a few minutes' time, given the normal turbulence and shallow depth of the DAF unit. This limited retention time also avoids ammonia build up. The floating material is then scooped and poured into a stationary center section and is discharged by gravity to the sludge holding tank. Wiper blades which are attached to the revolving arm scrape the bottom and sides of the tank and discharge any settled sludge to a built-in sump in the DAF unit. These materials which are settled in the bottom of the DAF cylinder are transported through the sludge holding tank and eventually placed in the sludge drying beds. The treated wastewater is removed by an extraction pipe associated with the center section of the DAF unit. It is then discharged. The use of clean tap water from the well and the ability to recycle the waste stream can promote greater treatment efficiency in terms of removal of undesirable constituents of the waste stream and the reduction of concentrations of those materials. As a measurement, approximately 8 percent of the wastewater flow will be removed as sludge. This sludge is sufficiently aerated to be reduced in volume by about one-half over a period of ten to thirty minutes in the sludge holding tank. It is then sent to the sludge drying beds. The sludge drying beds are designed to accommodate 30,000 gallons of sludge. They are 60 feet long, 25 feet wide and 4 feet deep. Those drying beds are of greater size than is necessary to accommodate the volume of sludge. The sludge drying beds have a sand and gravel bottom. The water drains from the sludge as leachate and returns to the sump pit in the treatment system at a rate of five to ten gallons a minute. Some concern has been expressed that the "gelatinous" nature of the sludge will make it very difficult to dewater or dry. This opinion is held by experts of the Petitioners, notwithstanding the fact that polymers are used in the treatment process. One expert in particular did not believe that the sludge would adequately dry. Having Considered the evidence, the opinion that the sludge will not dry sufficiently is rejected. Nonetheless, it is incumbent upon the Applicant to monitor drying conditions of the sludge very carefully and, if need be, to add some chemical such as calcium hydroxide to enhance the drying capacity of the sludge material. It is anticipated that the sludge will be removed once a day and this arrangement should be adhered to. With adequate drying, the sludge material can be removed with the use of shovels, rakes and a front-end loader as proposed by the Applicant. With frequent removal and adequate drying, problems with odors can be overcome, and problems with ammonia build up and the generation of unreasonable levels of bacteria can be avoided. Should problems with odors, ammonia and bacteria occur, it would be necessary for the Applicant to purge the drying beds, to include the sand and gravel which had been invested with the sludge materials that had caused the problems. Although Smith has not tested the drying bed leachate as to specific nature, the treatment process can be expected to deal with problems of any build-up of ammonia concentrations, fecal coliform bacteria and other organic decomposition products. This pertains to the ability to remove these offending substances from the site in terms of removal of the residual solids and the ability to treat those parameters within the leachate as the wastewater is cycled through the system. The treated wastewater will be transported to a pumping station by gravity flow and then pumped via the pipeline to the proposed point of discharge in the main channel of the St. Johns River. This pipeline is constituted of fabricated sections of pipe 20 feet in length, connected with bell and spigot joints, rubber gaskets and solvent welding. The treated wastewater is released into the river through a five point diffuser which has three-quarter inch openings angled at ten degrees from the horizontal bottom. The pipeline is anchored with prefilled 80-pound concrete bags attached with polypropelene straps which are placed at 8-foot intervals. These are placed to keep the pipe from floating. The diffuser is supported by four piles driven into the river bottom and surrounded by a series of concrete bags. The purpose of this arrangement is to hold the diffuser in place and to protect it against potential damage from anchors or other possible impact. The Applicant acquiesces in the choice to have the pipeline tested for leaks once a month in the period June through September and every other month during other parts of the year. If leaks are found, the Applicant would be responsible for repairing those leaks. As stated before, it is necessary for the Applicant to receive permission from the State of Florida to be granted an easement before the pipe can be installed. Prior to that permission being granted, the treated wastewater would be placed in Trout Creek, which is adjacent to the processing plant. Predicted End of Pipeline Quality of the Effluent In trying to predict the quality of effluent at the end of the pipeline, bench scale and pilot scale testing was done related to the DAF technology. This testing was done related to screened wastewater that was collected from the plant in April 1985. In this connection two series of DAF bench scale tests were performed. They related to samples collected on April 18 and 19, 1985, which were packed in ice and shipped directly to a research laboratory in Lenox, Massachusetts, where they were treated with chemicals and a laboratory size DAF unit. The concentration of the wastewater parameters were measured and recorded before and after treatment, and the results of those tests are set forth in the Applicant's Exhibit A-4(B)(3), at Table 2-1. The pilot scale testing that was done in this case related to a 4-foot diameter DAF unit which had been installed at the Homer Smith plant. This testing occurred in April 1985. The basis of the testing was samples taken on April 15 and 19, 1985. Again, wastewater parameters were measured before and after treatment and the results are set forth in Applicant's Exhibit A-4(B)(3), at Table 2-1. When the initial testing was done with the DAF, results for total coliform bacteria uniformly fell below a range of 35 organisms/100 ml. Subsequent pilot tests yielded higher bacterial counts which would indicate that there was a build-up of bacteria within the DAF unit. This verifies the need to require that the DAF unit contemplated by the application be routinely cleaned or sanitized to avoid the build-up problem. TSS in the pilot unit effluent was reduced to 40 mg/L and lower. The capacity for metals removal in the pilot scale testing was good pertaining to copper and zinc. The ability to remove cadmium showed a result of 0.013 and 0.015 mg/L. The best performance in the pilot scale testing related to BOD removal showed a value of 510 mg/L. It should be noted that the bench scale testing and pilot scale testing were in the face of significant variations in the amount of BOD presented by the screened wastewater. This identifies the need to pay close attention to the removal efficiency of the system related to the BOD parameter in order to achieve consistent levels of BOD following treatment. The system under review is referred to as full-scale treatment. This treatment can be expected to exceed the levels achieved in the DAF bench and pilot scale testing because: (a) As a general proposition, treatment efficiency improves as the scale of machinery increases from bench to pilot to full-scale; (b) The bench and pilot scale tests were run without the benefit of the primary mix-aeration tank and the benefits derived from that part of the treatment apparatus, that is to say, uniformity of the flow and better dispersion of the constituents of the wastewater stream, prior to chemical treatment; (c) The pilot DAF unit used exclusively recycled wastewater to undergo pressurization for the creation of the air bubbles. In the course of the hearing it was established that approximately 50 gallons per minute of clean tap water could be brought in to the treatment process resulting in the formation of more bubbles and the facilitation of up to 10 percent greater treatment efficiency based upon that change. The other contribution made by the use of clean tap water was the possibility of as much as a 20 percent dilution of the wastewater stream, in terms of concentration of constituents within the wastewater stream; (d) In a full-scale operation, the opportunity is presented to routinely adjust the chemical dosages as well as select among a range of chemicals in order to achieve the greatest treatment efficiency; (e) In employing routine sanitization of the DAF unit by use of a mild chlorine compound, the tendency to accumulate coliform bacteria can be overcome. Removal of this adverse influence improves the water quality. In traveling through the pipeline, the transit time is in the range of two to three hours. At a normal rate of 250 gallons per minute of discharge, the transit time in the pipeline is 2.25 hours. Given the constituents of the wastewater, bacterial populations can be expected and could conceivably consume sufficient amounts of oxygen to affect the dissolved oxygen levels within the wastewater as it exits the pipe at the diffuser ports. In addition, there is some possibility of ammonia build up within the pipeline. To avoid the build up of bacteria at harmful levels, sanitation of the DAF unit must be accomplished. In addition, the pipeline itself should be flushed with clean water at the close of operations each day and treated with small amounts of chlorine to address bacteria which may form within the pipeline. This avoids the increasing concentrations of ammonia and protects against lowered dissolved oxygen concentrations and the possibility of increased levels of toxic substances in the effluent which might be attributable to the proliferation of bacteria and the build-up of ammonia during the transport through the pipeline. Taking into the account the nature of this wastewater and the velocity associated with the transport and the sanitization of the pipeline, sedimentation associated with organic solids or other materials will not present a problem. The pollution parameters associated with the treated effluent at the point of discharge from the pipeline can be expected to meet Class III orders, excepting unionized ammonia, specific conductance, copper, cadmium, pH and zinc. In order to achieve satisfactory compliance with regulatory requirements related to those parameters, the Applicant has requested a two-meter mixing zone. The purpose of that mixing zone would be to afford an opportunity for dispersion and mixing in the ambient water before imposition of water quality standards. The implications of that mixing zone are discussed in a subsequent section to the fact finding within the Recommended Order. In effect use of the mixing zone will promote compliance with standards pertaining to the subject parameters. Petitioners point out the fact that the Applicant has based its assumptions on the results of treatment on the availability of four sets of data which were obtained from DAF effluent--two sets of data coming from the bench tests and two sets of data from the pilot plant. Further, there is an indication of the variation in quality of the effluent from one test to the next and the need to employ different dosage rates of chemicals in the face of those variations. The full-scale system utilizes a number of techniques to gain some uniformity in the quality of the effluent prior to chemical treatment and thereby some uniformity in the amount of chemicals necessary to treat the effluent. This overall system can then be expected to produce treated wastewater that is basically uniform in its constituents. Petitioners point out the limited amount of data in the testing related to BOD. There were, in fact, only two data points: one related to the bench system and one related to the pilot system pertaining to BOD, both of these the product of different chemical dosages for treatment. Again, the system that is at issue in this proceeding can be expected to arrive at a more consistent level of BOD than is depicted in the results pertaining to bench scale and pilot scale testing. In fact, those results were not remarkably disparate in that the bench sale test produced 560 mg/L and the pilot scale test produced 510 mg/L. While the data related to BOD is limited, it still gives sufficient insight as to the probability of successful full-scale treatment and the test data is found to be a reliable indication of success in achieving the goal of 510 mg/L BOD. Contrary to the Petitioners' perceptions, the treatment efficiency is improved with the system that is under review. Petitioners believe that the bench and pilot scale testing not only is unrepresentative of the full-size DAF system, they also believe that the full-size system represents a lesser quality of treatment. In this regard reference is made to features which would adversely affect the treatment efficiencies. The first of those pertains to leachate which drains from beneath the sludge drying beds and is recirculated to the existing sump pit and added to the waste stream. Sludge which sits in the drying bed does decompose and causes biochemical reactions to occur, as Petitioners suggest. Moreover, no specific testing has been done of the leachate to ascertain the ammonia concentrations, pH or other chemical characteristics. Nonetheless, given the intention to clean out the residual matter within the sump pit frequently, and the flexibility to make that cleanup more routinely, and the fact that this amount of leachate is comparatively small in its ratio to wastewater which is being sent through the system for treatment, the leachate is not found to be an unmanageable problem. Nor is the sludge a problem. Likewise, the amounts of heavy metals within the leachate can be accommodated. Concerns expressed by the Petitioners related to the organic materials in the primary mix-aeration tank that is being returned to the sump pit can also be dealt with by the evacuation of the materials in the bottom of the sump pit. This can be achieved more frequently than on a weekly basis if that becomes necessary, and in doing so avoid problems with concentrations of ammonia, bacteria, amines, sulfides and general organic decomposition products. These materials which are returned to the treatment process as wastewater reintroduced into the primary mix-aeration tank can be adequately addressed in the subsequent treatment that occurs by reaeration, the use of the chemicals and DAF flotation. The retention inherent in the sump pit, primary mix-aeration tank and sludge drying bed has a potential to cause problems with ammonia build-up; however, the problems can be satisfactorily addressed, as well as potential problems with other toxic substances in the effluent, by routinely taking the residual material in the sump pit and sludge drying bed out of the treatment system. While the specific chemicals and precise dosage rates to be used with a full-size DAF system remain open, the basic concept of chemical treatment has been identified sufficiently. The precaution that is necessary is to make certain that close monitoring is made of the results of changes in the chemicals and dosage rates. Likewise, special attention should be paid to the implications of adjustments in the pH of the effluent to make certain that compliance is achieved with the Class III water criterion related to changes in pH above background. Adjustments can be made without violating Class III water standards related to pH. In testing that was done pertaining to the electroflotation effluent, a number of other chemicals were observed, to include trimethylamine, dimethyl sulfide, chloroform and other hydrocarbons. There is some indication of the presence of dichleoroethane, ethylbenezene and other aromatics. The possibility exists that these substances may also be products within the DAF effluent. In that event, the critical question would be whether they have any adverse effect in the sense of influences on the ability of the effluent to pass bioassays and the ability of the effluent to comply with standards related to other parameters such as dissolved oxygen, BOD, and TSS. The routine testing which is called for by the draft permit, which is deemed to be appropriate, would create a satisfactory impression of the materials set forth in the paragraph in the sense of the implications of their presence and allow any necessary adjustments in treatment. While the effluent produced in the testing on the part of the Applicant is different, it is representative, and the treated effluent which will be produced in the full-scale system will be of a better quality and present less adverse impacts than shown in the past testing. Petitioners question whether the Applicant has given a conservative portrayal in analyzing the effluent. In particular, it is urged that the Applicant claimed to be vying for use of the bench scale testing as a conservative depiction of the results of treatment. In this connection, the impression given in the hearing was that of ascendancy in treatment efficiency beyond the use of bench scale, pilot scale and ending in full-scale treatment. As pointed out by Petitioners, in making his case the Applicant has used results of bench and pilot scale testing. As example, use was made of the results of testing in the pilot scale in describing the removal effioiencies related to cadmium, whereas in the measurements of nitrogen concentrations the bench scale result was better than that of the pilot testing and was utilized. The real question is whether the overall testing has given some reasonable indication of success in full-scale treatment. To that end, use of results from either the bench scale or pilot scale testing is appropriate, and those results point to success in the full-scale operation. The system that is proposed is designed to address fluctuations in flow and concentrations in the effluent, given the primary mix-aeration tank contribution and the ability to recycle flow within the DAF unit, with the use of clean tap water. This will allow the Applicant to deal with the remarkable differences in BOD that were seen in the test period, ranging from 900 to 3000 mg/L. COD data as well as BOD data is limited but is found to be an ample depiction of potential treatment efficiencies related to that former parameter. In addition to the aforementioned references to changes in chemicals in the treatment process, Petitioners characterize the use of clean tap water in the recycle flow as being "unsubstantiated speculation." While the use of tap water was discussed in a theoretical vein, that discussion is found to be an accurate assessment of the value of the contribution of clean tap water to the treatment system. Impacts on St. Johns River Ambient Water Quality and Conditions The St. Johns River and the area of the proposed discharge is a riverine estuary. It has a freshwater source flowing from the south and a tidal ocean boundary to the north. The confluence of freshwater flow and tidal influences causes the water movement within this area to be oscillatory. That is to say that at different times the water will flow downstream, to the north, and upstream, to the south. There are occasions in which the net flow over a given tidal cycle will be zero; however, the water is always moving. Conductivity and chloride data indicate that the freshwater flow is the dominant flow compared to tidal influences. The extrapolation of available flow data indicates that there is a net downstream flow of fresh water averaging approximately 6,000 CFS. The St. Johns River at the point of discharge is over one and a half miles wide and relatively shallow with maximum depth in the range of 3 to 3.5 meters. Given the fact of the width and depth in this segment of the river, and the imposition of wind conditions and tidal influence, the water is well mixed and flushed. There is no stratification in this portion of the river. The Applicant looked into the question of current bearing and velocity in depths between two to fourteen feet in the water column. Eleven sampling stations were utilized in arriving at information about current bearing. This observation was over an eleven-nautical-mile stretch of the main channel of the St. Johns River. These stations are depicted on Applicant's Exhibit 38. In this portion of the river the current at all measured depth was flowing up and down the main channel. Within these sections there is no indication of a pronounced subsurface water movement toward the east and west banks of the river. Current velocities within the three stations closest to the POD averaged in the range of 0.5 feet per second and velocities in the other stations found within the main channel were within that range of movement. By contrast current velocities within the embayment areas along the east bank of the river were substantially weaker. DER conducted two studies using tracing dyes poured into the St. Johns River at the approximate point of discharge and monitored the course of dispersement of that dye. During this observation the dye was constantly replenished while being carried on the currents. While the dye remained within the area of the main channel, it stayed on the east side of the river as it moved down river on the outgoing tide in the direction of Smith's Point and the Shands Bridge. As the tide was slowing before the change of tide, the dye drifted for approximately two hours in the immediate vicinity of the point of discharge. The DER dye study was a fairly gross measurement of the direction of water movement within the river beyond the point of discharge. It tended to confirm that the water flow was basically up and down river, depending on whether the tide is incoming or outgoing. The studies were not sufficiently refined to speak with any certainty on the possibility that some part of the flow regime would move toward the east or west bank of the river. Nonetheless, in examining the nature of the shallow embayment areas along the banks of the St. Johns River, they are not seen to be subject to the basic flow regime that is occurring in the main channel during tide events. The bathymetry in this area is such that if the main flow regime was having some influence on the embayment areas, the depths within those embayments would be more similar to the depths found in the main channel of the river. Petitioners have employed a number of dye and drogue measurements to try to give a more accurate depiction of the influence of flow within the main channel upon the dispersion of effluent upon discharge and the possibility of those pollutants reaching the embayment areas. While there is no dispute over the fact that Trout Creek is a tributary to the St. Johns River with some tidal influences being shown in that Creek and there is no dispute that water from the St. Johns River flows in and out of Palmo Cove and Trout Creek, there does not appear to be a significant flow of water from the St. John River into the cove and creek from the main channel, in particular from the area of the point of discharge. One of the witnesses of the Petitioners, Sandy Young, did a dye procedure in which a plume was allowed to develop over a distance of approximately 1,000 feet. Although some slight lateral variation was shown in the dye plume, it did not identify a basic flow pattern toward the embayment areas on the east side of the river. The DER dye study was over a distance of some eight thousand feet and also showed some minor lateral variation. Both of these dye studies tend to show a basic flow pattern within the main channel. The dye study run by the Petitioners' witness White gave the same basic depiction as seen in the studies by DER and Young and did not identify a flow pattern out of the main channel toward the embayment areas. In the drogue studies run by Young three Chlorox bottles were filled to 95 percent of volume with water and released at the point of discharge. They were followed for a period of five hours. They moved initially with the outgoing tide toward Jack Wright Island and then when the tide slowed, the drogues slowed. When the tide changed with the incoming tide, the drogues moved toward the center of Palmo Cove. The drogue studies by Young do tend to indicate that some water was exchanged from the main channel at the point of discharge and the embayment areas. It is not a very exact measurement as it only deals with the surface area of the water column, given the wind and wave conditions existing on that occasion. It is in no way representative of the flow direction of the rest of the water column. Therefore, although it may tend to identify that some of the pollutants leaving the point of discharge may find their way to Palmo Cove, it does not establish that quantity of that pollution dispersion and the significance of that dispersion. Based upon this evidence it cannot be seen to be so revealing that the assumptions made by the applicant in trying to identify the dispersion characteristics of the effluent at point of discharge are negated based upon the results of the drogue study. The drogue study which Young did and the observation of the movement from Smith's Point to Little Florence Cove are no more compelling than the dye studies done at the point of discharge. When the Petitioners suggest that there is some influence by centrifugal force pushing the water to the outside of the curve toward the eastern bank, they are correct. However, the contention by the Petitioners that the incoming and outgoing tides sweep to the eastern shoreline of the St. Johns River moving toward Pacetti Point, Palmo Cove, Florence Cove and Smith Point is not accepted. Again, the general flow regime is up and down the main channel of the river and not primarily to the eastern bank. Finally, the fact that the Tetratech data produced for the benefit of the Applicant showing the flow pattern within the overall water column, which indicated that the general direction is the same at the top or bottom of the water column, did not tend to identify the fact that pollutants throughout the water column will be dispersed into the embayment areas from the point of discharge. The data collected in the main channel seem to establish that the water was flowing up and down the channel at depths below the surface. The question becomes whether the amount of pollutants that are being brought into the embayment areas is in such concentrations that they tend to cause problems along the shoreline, especially as it pertains to dissolved oxygen levels. From the facts presented, this outcome is not expected. Levels of dissolved oxygen in the St. Johns River can vary in the natural condition as much as 2 to 3 mg daily. These variations are influenced by algal activity and are not uncommon in Florida waters. Dissolved oxygen is essential to aquatic life. Optimum levels of dissolved oxygen for the fish population of the river are in the neighborhood of 6 to 8 mg/L. DER has established a minimum DO standard of 5 mg/L for Class III waters such as Trout Creek, Palmo Cove and the St. Johns River. This standard is designed to achieve uniform compliance throughout water column at whatever time the measurement may be made. DER, by the employment of this rule, is attempting to deal with those instances in which, in view of the dissolved oxygen level, aquatic organisms are placed under greater stress. The lowest DO concentration expected is normally seen in the summer in July, August and September. DO concentrations in the water column are expected to be highest at the surface area and lowest near the bottom. Measurements near the bottom are significant in this instance because the discharge will occur approximately one foot off the bottom of the river. The Applicant took DO measurements of the area in question during the spring of 1984 over a period of three days. These measurements were taken at a time when a better quality of dissolved oxygen might be expected as contrasted with circumstances in the summer. With the amount of wind involved impressive levels of reaeration were also occurring. These measurements showed that in all stations DO levels were at least 5.0 mg/L at all depths. A study by Applicant's consultant Environmental Science Engineering related to a diurnal event for dissolved oxygen was taken approximately one kilometer downstream from the point of discharge in August 1985 and did not reveal any measurements below 5.0 mg/L. The river was choppy on that day and this would improve the quality of dissolved oxygen. Historical data by DER related to water quality at Picolata, which is south of the POD in the St. Johns River, reveals average DO levels of approximately 6 mg/L. Historical water quality data collected by the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission near Green Cove Springs, which is several kilometers north of the point of discharge, indicated average DO levels in compliance with water quality standards. Diurnal data from near Green Cove Springs did not show any history of DO values below the state standards. There is other historical data, however, which indicates that DO concentrations in the general vicinity of the point of discharge do go below 5.0 mg/L. Game and Freshwater Fish Commission data indicate that the readings below 5.0 mg/L could occur as much as 10 percent of the time. This relates to the study done at Green Cove Springs. There does not appear to be any particular pattern to these events of low DO violations other than the expectation of their occurring in the summer months, occurring more frequently in the lower depths of the water column and in areas which are shallow with limited flow. The summer circumstance is one in which there is a possibility of very heavy rainfall followed by hot weather with overcast skies and no wind, and the DO values go down in that set of conditions. The DO values are, in addition to being lower near the bottom of the water column, likely to be lowest in the evening or early morning hours and persist in length of time from eight to ten hours. Some of the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission data from Green Cove Springs depicted some DO concentrations as low as 1.8 mg/L at the bottom and 2.1 mg/L at the surface. The low readings that were taken at Green Cove Springs occurred in September 1979 after Hurricane David had created unusual conditions in the upper St. Johns River as to effects on DO. The same report indicated DO concentrations at eleven stations in the lower St. Johns River in July and September 1982 were in the range to 4.0 to 4.5 mg/L respectively. This particular data is not particularly valuable in view of the location of those stations. There are occasions when the DO concentration at the point of discharge could go below 5 mg/L and could be as low as 2 mg/L on the bottom, but this is not a routine occurrence and would not persist. The Petitioners' consultant Young had taken certain dissolved oxygen readings at the point of discharge in April 1985 and found compliance with the 5 mg/L standard. At other times he and the consultant white measured substandard dissolved oxygen concentrations at the point of discharge. On July 20, 1985, white collected water samples at the surface and at two feet above the bottom and determined that the readings were 4 mg at the surface and 3 mg near the bottom. On August 10, 1985, Young measured DO concentrations of 4 mg/L near the bottom. On August 30, 1985, Young measured DO values of 4 mg/L at the point of discharge. Young had also measured DO concentrations at Green Cove Springs on August 10, 1985, and discovered readings as low as .5 mg/L and ranging up to 3.8 mg/L. A downstream measurement away from the point of discharge in the main channel made on August 10, 1985, by Young showed a dissolved oxygen reading of 4 mg/L. In these August measurements Young had discovered a number of readings that were in compliance with the 5 mg/L requirement. Again on September 5, 1985, Young made a measurement of dissolved oxygen near the bottom of the water column at the point of discharge which was 5.3 mg/L. Young's measurements of dissolved oxygen at the surface and in the intermediate depth, typically were above 5 mg/L. Bottom readings taken by Young in the main channel of the river and to some extent in the embayment areas were extracted from the soft detrital materials, the place of intersection of the river bottom and the water column. DO levels in these anoxic materials would tend to give lower dissolved oxygen readings and, to the extent that this anoxic material remains in the test probe while taking measurements toward the surface, would have an influence on the readings, making them appear lower than would be the case if the anoxic sediments were not present in the test device. These effects were not so dramatic as to cause the rejection of the data collected by this witness. Some explanation for lower DO readings at the point of discharge can be attributable to the fact that the anoxic material associated with high benthic oxygen demand on the bottom reduces the dissolved oxygen in the water column. Although Rangia clams were present at the point of discharge and they are capable of living in an environment of low salinity and low DO, they are likewise able to live in higher ranges of DO and their presence cannot be regarded as meaning that the dissolved oxygen levels are consistently below 5 mg/L. Petitioners' consultant White opined that there would be a very frequent violation of DO standards at the point of discharge, approaching 25 percent of the time. Considering the facts on the subject of dissolved oxygen in that area, this opinion is rejected, as is the opinion that DO concentrations will go below DER standards most of the time in July, August, and September. Young believes that a more involved study of worst case conditions would reveal DO violations throughout the column in the center of the river. The data that was presented was ample to demonstrate that violations would not be that widespread. Nor is the opinion of the consultant Parks on the subject of DO violations, to the effect that they will occur on many occasions accepted. In the Palmo Cove area it is not unusual to see some DO readings below the 5 mg/L standards. The E.S.E. group found substandard DO conditions in Palmo Cove at sampling Station 1 in September and October 1984 and some instances in April and May 1985. DO concentrations were found in the range of .4 and .6 mg/L in August 15 and 30, 1984, respectively, with DO concentrations of 1.8 and 2.1 mg/L reported on October 4 and October 29, 1984, respectively. DO violations in four out of eight checking periods between April 25 and May 24, 1985, were shown in the Palmo Cove area. Measurements taken by the consultant white showed 3 mg/L at the surface and 2 mg/L at the bottom on July 28, 1985. The consultant Young also made a measurement of 3.2 mg/L of dissolved oxygen on August 10, 1985, in a mid-depth reading in the Palmo Cove area. On September 5, 1985, he found a DO reading of 4.0 mg/L. At those places along the eastern shoreline of the St. Johns River and the relative vicinity of Florence Cove, Jack Wright Island, Little Florence Cove and Colee Cove, low dissolved oxygen readings were found, that is below 5 mg/L. These coves can be expected to have substandard readings frequently during the summer period, based upon measurements taken by the consultant Young. In the conduct of the drogue study related to the Chlorox bottle, the consultant Young in tracking the path of those bottles, found a couple of locations in the path of the drogue which were in the range 2.8 to 4.2 mg/L and 2.0 to 4.6 mg/L. The influences of the discharge will not reduce DO in the embayments. The ambient conditions for BOD in the area where the discharge is contemplated is relatively low and there is no thermal or saline stratification even in the summer months. Nutrient concentrations in this part of the St. Johns River are as indicated within the Applicants Exhibit A-4(B)(3) and at present are at such levels as to promote a healthy fish community. There is algae production that can be sufficient in some areas within this section to cause algae blooms. Algae blooms are not found to be a routine occurrence. Algae blooms reflect higher levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. The consultants Young and White have seen algae blooms in the St. Johns River away from the general area of concern, both upstream and downstream. Should those algae blooms occur, they would promote significant rises and falls in DO concentrations. In Palmo Cove and the St. Johns River, supersaturated DO concentrations have been detected and they are indications of high rates of primary algal productivity. The circumstance of supersaturated conditions, related to dissolved oxygen, can be the by-product of an algal bloom. The concentrations of nitrogen range from an average of 1.42 to a maximum of 2.54 mg/L. Nitrogen concentrations of 1.4 mg to 1.5 mg/L are optimally advantageous for fish production. Significant increases above those levels would cause the decline of the fish population. Total phosphorus concentrations in the ambient waters are high. Concentrations in excess of 0.1 mg/L of total phosphorus are regarded as a indication of eutrophication and the average concentration here is measured as 0.3 mg/L with a maximum ambient concentration found at 0.52 milligrams per liter. There is significant algal growth in the inshore areas and an indication of some eutrophication in the grass beds. The dominant species of algae found in that vicinity are blue-green, which are seen as being nuisance species. The grass beds along the shoreline are basically healthy. On the other hand, some of the public witnesses identified the fact that grass beds and other vegetation have died with the advent of discharge from the Applicant's plant into Trout Creek. This was under a system in which little or no treatment was afforded the effluent. One other public witness indicated that his dock in the Florence Cove area had been covered with a slimy material and algae during the past two years. Significant grass beds are found along Jack Wright Island and in other areas along the eastern shoreline of the river. These grass beds are important as fish habitat to include nursery areas, areas for various juvenile species of fish and other organisms. Some of these grass beds are showing signs of environmental stress, and nutrient loading can contribute to that stress. Some of the grass beds are covered with higher amounts of algae, duckweed and periphyton than are desirable. The duckweed had floated into these areas from other locations and can be expected to move away. The presence of algae is an indication of nutrient loading. The presence of duckweed is not a product of nutrient loading in the sense of the production of the duckweed at the site where they were found along the shoreline. The area in question between Pacetti Point and Shands Bridge serves as a nursery in a sense of providing habitat for juvenile species of fish and other organisms. The grass beds along the shoreline provide habitat for feeding and breeding related to juvenile organisms, to include such species as bass and shrimp. Juvenile catfish are found within the deeper portions of the river as well as croaker and other marine species. There is a high number of juvenile blue crabs in this area of the river and this is a commercial resource. Shrimp are taken by recreational fisherman in the area of the North Shore Pacetti Point. Clam beds are also present near the point of discharge. Juvenile and adult manatee have been seen in the St. Johns River and in the area near Jack Wright Island. Manatee have also been observed in Trout Creek at a time before the operation of the Applicant's plant and at times following the cessation of operations in June 1985. During the course of the operation of the Applicant's plant, when raw effluent was discharged into Trout Creek, fish kills were observed. Those events had not been seen prior to the operation of the plant. Indications are that fish were killed in the creek due to the use by the Applicant of fly bait, which made its way into the water. Dispersion Modeling of Water Quality Impact In order to gain some impression of the influences caused by the dispersion of the pollutants within the effluent, the Applicant through its expert employed several modeling techniques. DER was made aware of this modeling as it developed. A far-field model was used to calculate what the long-term or steady state impacts of the treated effluent would be on the ambient water quality. In trying to identify the influence of the discharge, measurement of metals were taken based upon an assessment of long term increases. BOD, which breaks down and consumes oxygen over time, was examined in the sense of the long term effects as to DO deficits. In essence these projections were superimposed over the ambient condition to gain an impression of the adjusted ambient values, taking into account the influence of the discharge. The Applicant also ran a plume model which was designed to calculate spreading and dispersion of the treated effluent within the zone of initial dilution or mixing zone at the point of discharge. This model responds to the discharge configuration. Through the use of computer calculations, it was established that a five-point diffuser with port openings of 0.75 inches in diameter angled upward at ten degrees would result in an effluent dilution ratio of 28.5:1 within two meters of the point of discharge. The calculated impacts of the plume model were superimposed upon the adjusted ambient water quality conditions set forth in the far-field model in order to determine net impact upon the receiving waters within the mixing zone. A third model was used, referred to as the lateral diffusivity model. This model is designed to calculate the six-hour or short term water quality impacts of the treated effluent when it moves from the zone of initial dilution during flood and ebb tide conditions. By estimating dispersion rate, this model predicts what dilution would occur in the path of the effluent plume. These impacts were then superimposed upon the adjusted ambient water quality conditions to determine the total impact in the path of the plume. The modeling work by the Applicant's consultant is a reasonable depiction of the predicted impacts of the pollution on the ambient conditions. The calculations used in the far-field model assumed a freshwater flow of 2,000 CFS. This assumption in the far-field model satisfactorily addresses worst case flow conditions related to seven-day, 10-year low flow. The temperature utilized in depicting ambient water was 30 degrees centigrade when employed in the far-field and lateral diffusivity models. This corresponds to warm weather conditions, which are more profound in describing effects on water quality. The far-field and lateral diffusivity models assumed that the treated effluent discharged from the pipeline would have a BOD concentration of 665 mg/L. This is contrasted with the maximum concentration allowed by the draft permit, which is 510 mg/L, which is the expected amount of BOD. This tends to depict the impacts of the discharge more conservatively. The model assumes the BOD loading of 2,720 kg per week, equating to an average discharge concentration of 665 mg/L if the plant operates five days a week on an eighteen-hour day. The reaeration rate and NBOD and CBOD decay rates used in the far field and lateral diffusivity models are acceptable. Likewise, the longitudinal dispersion coefficient that was used in the far-field model is acceptable. The standard modeling methodology in this process calls for an assumption of a 1.33 growth rate of the plume in the lateral diffusivity model. The Applicant's consultant decided to use a lower constant diffusivity growth rate. As a consequence, less lateral spreading is depicted. With less lateral spreading, less dilution is shown, and the impacts predicted by the model are exaggerated. One of the parameters of the plume model has to do with river flow which causes some turbulence and also brings about dilution. In this instance the plume model calculations assume stagnant conditions which is a more conservative assessment. As the Petitioners have suggested, the modeling to explain the impacts of dispersion of the pollutants is not designed to give precise calculations of the DO deficit at each point in the river along the eastern shoreline. It is indeed an estimate. The estimate on this occasion is reasonable. Although DER performs mathematical analysis of dispersion of proposed discharge in some cases, it did not do so on this occasion. Nonetheless DER was satisfied with the present choice for modeling the dispersion characteristics of the discharge. Although the models utilized were not subject to exact calibration by measurement of the dispersion at the site, the information gained by the Applicant prior to the imposition of the modeling techniques was sufficient to develop the models and to give a theoretical verification of the expected impacts from the discharge. The Applicant's belief that the maximum DO deficit caused by the discharge will not exceed 0.1 mg/L is accepted. The dissolved oxygen level in the effluent at the point of discharge will be above 5 mg/L. The Applicant's choice of reaeration rates, CBOD decay rates, NBOD decay rates, discharge rate from the pipeline, hours of operation, average reversing current speed, net non- tidal flow, non-tidal velocity, time lag before NBOD decay, maximum tidal velocity, and other variables and assumptions within the models were acceptable choices. Although the possibility exists of an occasional 5 1/2 day operation in which 10 additional hours of operation are added, this would not be so significant as to set aside the predictions as to the pollutant dispersion. The Applicant's consultant who modeled the dispersion rates did not conduct dye studies to verify or calibrate the actual dispersion in the river. One of the dye studies indicated a lateral spreading rate which was less than that predicted by the model. Notwithstanding this revelation, the overall techniques used by the Applicant in predicting lateral spreading rate are sound and do not present a risk of a greater DO deficit than was predicted based upon incorrect assumptions as to lateral spreading rates. The Applicant's consultant's use of 2,000 CFS as the net non-tidal low flow was a more convincing estimate than the field data collected by the United States Geological Service, given the paucity of information about the flow conditions within the St. Johns River. The Applicant's choices in describing maximum tidal velocities and average velocity are accepted. The critique of the modeling efforts done by the Applicant that was made by Petitioners' consultant, Dr. Parks, in which he concludes that the DO deficit is considerably greater than 0.1 mg/L is not accepted. Comparison of Predicted Impacts of Discharge with Statutory and Regulatory Criteria Inside the Mixing Zone Applicant's assumptions about the increase in nutrient concentrations in the St. Johns caused by the discharge are accepted. This is based on the assumption of a nitrogen value of 52 mg/L which was achieved in bench scale testing of the effluent and which can be achieved in the full scale operation. As the effluent is discharged from the diffuser within the mixing zone, there will be some turbidity problems in that the bottom near the point of discharge. The soft silt there is easily resuspended. When the discharge is concluded, the material will settle back to the bottom. There will be further resuspension when the operation commences again and there is a discharge. The transport of these suspended materials is limited in that the water velocity associated with the discharge is quickly dissipated. This phenomenon will not cause adverse environmental impacts. The mixing zone does not include an area approved by the State of Florida, Department of Natural Resources for shellfish harvesting; it does not exceed the presumptive maximum size set forth in Rule 17-4.244, Florida Administrative Code. Nor does it include an existing drinking water supply intake or any other existing supply intake that would be significantly impaired by the proposed mixing zone. The water in this area is of sufficient depth that it will not support grass beds that are associated with a principal nursery area, such as pond weed, midgeon grass, manatee grass, turtle grass or eel grass which are used to support nursery activities. These grasses are normally found inshore. Although juvenile fish are found throughout this reach of the St. Johns River, and for that matter in the entire lower eighty miles of the St. Johns River, the mixing zone is not of such dimensions that it will preempt the health of juvenile fish. Most of the freshwater fish in this system use the littoral areas for reproduction. Marine and estuarine species do not reproduce in the St. Johns River. There is some reproduction that is occurring with some species, such as catfish. Given the size of the mixing zone, no significant adverse effects will occur with the established community of organisms in this portion of the river. The mixing zone will not otherwise impair designated uses of the St. Johns River. The treated effluent will not create a nuisance condition or violate any other DER standards that apply within the mixing zone. With the advent of the full scale facility, maximum, average and chronic toxicity criteria can be reasonably expected to be met at the point of discharge, within the mixing zone and at the boundary of the mixing zone. As described before, the effects of sediment transport upon discharge are localized. The proposal for a mixing zone takes into account Rule 17-4.244, Florida Administrative Code, in the sense of addressing present and future sources of pollutants and the combined effects with other pollutants or substances which may be present in the ambient waters. One of the concerns which DER has about wastewater is the effect which that pollutant has on organisms within the environment. To gain an impression of that influence, testing is required to establish whether the wastewater is acutely toxic. The testing is known as bioassay assessment. While this assessment is normally done after the grant of a construction permit, when confronted with uncertainty about the quality of the effluent, some testing is beneficial prior to the grant of a construction permit. This is especially true given DER's experiences in dealing with raw effluent of several of the scallop processors, to include Homer Smith, which showed that the raw effluent was acutely toxic. This acute toxicity testing is done by placing test organisms into aquaria containing the effluent and measuring survival of those species over time. Results are described in terms of a measurement of the concentration of the effluent at which 50 percent of the organisms are killed during a prescribed test period. In static testing the organisms are simply exposed to the effluent for the requisite period of time. By contrast, a static renewal test calls for the effluent to be replaced with another sample of the effluent at various intervals within the test period. Finally, a flow through bioassay test calls for a continuous stream of fresh effluent to be introduced in prescribed concentrations over the duration of the test. A bioassay assessment in the static condition was performed related to DAF pilot scale effluent that was collected on April 19, 1985. In this instance Daphnia magna were used as test organisms and demonstrated a survival rate of greater than 50 percent in a 100 percent concentration of effluent over a period of 96 hours in the setting of static and static renewal tests. That survival rate was also shown in lesser concentrations of effluent as well. The April 19, 1985, sample was also used in testing the response of Pimephales promelas. These test organisms did not survive either in the static or static renewal tests. While an hypothesis has been made that acute toxicity was experienced in this test organism attributable to build-ups of ammonia, which is greater with this type of organism than with the Daphnia, due to larger biomass which allows for a greater number of ammonia generating bacteria to be presented in the test aquaria and the fact that the Pimethales excrete more ammonia, these differences do not definitely explain why the Daphnia survived and the Pimephales did not. In the series of static renewal bioassays performed on the wastewater that was collected at the plant on April 29, 1985, and shipped to Lenox, Massachusetts, for bench scale treatment, the test organisms of both types failed to survive for 96 hours. It was discovered that during the course of the test period, levels of ammonia rose rapidly. Trace metals in the treated effluent are principally in the form of stable species, as opposed to free ions. These constituents standing alone are not likely to have caused the mortality in the test organisms. The effect of decomposition of the organic constituents in the waste stream is the most likely explanation of why the bioassays of pilot and bench scale treated effluent did not lead to a satisfactory result. Unionized ammonia, a by-product of organic decomposition, is found to be a principle player in the explanation of why the treated effluent was acutely toxic to the test organisms. The exact cause of toxicity has not been precisely identified. Given the complex nature of the effluent, other potentially toxic substances such as sulfides, amines, and other organic compounds could have contributed to the demise of the test organisms. Moreover, toxicity can increase with combinations of chemicals acting in a synergistic fashion, making their combined effects more devastating than the effect of any single substance. Having in mind the fact that ammonia is a major problem in the survival of test organisms subjected to a bioassay, the question becomes one of what may be done to remove ammonia. The production of ammonia in wastewater would depend upon the presence of bacteria. The proposed DAF system removes substantial numbers of bacteria, thereby limiting the possibility of ammonia build-up, if bacteria are not allowed to recolonize in some part of the system prior to discharge. As discussed before, reduction of bacterial activity can be achieved within the proposed treatment system. This is unlike the experience with the bench scale and pilot scale testing that was done on the effluent in which a substantial amount of time transpired before subjecting the test organisms to the effluent and in which a substantial amount of time transpired while the test organisms were being subjected to static and static renewal procedures with the same effluent. The time intervals contributed to the build- up of toxic levels of ammonia in the effluent. The system which is proposed in this instance can avoid the problem of time as it relates to the build-up of levels of ammonia. To further reduce the influence of retention of the waste product, flow through bioassay testing would be the most appropriate measurement of the survivability of the test organism in that it would be responding to real case conditions pertaining to the quality of effluent and its potential toxicity. Under these circumstances, it is reasonable to believe that in a flow through bioassay test of the full scale treatment system, the test organisms could survive. This determination is reached given the reduction in retention time compared to the bench and pilot scale testing, which reduces ammonia, with further ability to reduce ammonia by frequent removal of residual materials from the sludge drying bed and sump pit and taking into account basic improvements in treatment efficiency associated with the full scale system. In addition, the pH of the effluent can be regulated to avoid toxicity in the ammonia which is associated with inappropriate balance within the pH. While a 96-hour LC-50 cannot be calculated with the results of bench scale and pilot scale testing, a reasonable possibility exists for the establishment of that measurement with the advent of a flow through bioassay. There is sufficient similarity between the effluent in the pilot and bench scale testing and the expected effluent in the full-size system for the bioassay testing that was done in those limited systems to give a meaningful indication of the probability that the Applicant can pass a flow through bioassay. Applicant can be reasonably expected to produce an effluent in the mixing zone which will not exceed the 96 hour LC-50 for acute toxicity. As with the circumstance of ammonia, pH can be controlled within the system to address the implications of changes in pH as it pertains to other pollutants in the wastewater. Ammonia production can be influenced by the amount of alkalinity in the effluent and the receiving waters. Alkalinity has not been measured thus far. Alkalinity could be established for the effluent and receiving waters and dealt with if it was suspected as being an explanation of problems with the build up of ammonia which might exceed DER standards. The discharge from the Applicant's plant will not cause long-term problems with low DO, high nutrients, algal imbalances, and chronic toxicity. Outside the Mixing Zone Those constituents within the waste stream, to include those for which a mixing zone was sought, will comply with applicable water quality standards at the boundary of the mixing zone. The dissolved oxygen deficit at its maximum can be expected to be in the neighborhood of 0.1 mg/L and will be exerted somewhere in the range between 1 and 2.5 km downstream of the point of discharge across the width of the plume in worst case conditions. This deficit is not of a dimension which is easily detectable. The implications of that deficit are difficult to perceive in terms of tangible environmental consequences. While a deficit in the range of 0.1 mg/L has some relevance in the DER permitting decision, that deficit as it is dispersed is not expected to cause or contribute to violations of water quality standards in the main channel of the river or in the inshore and embayment areas. While it is true that there are periodic fluctuations of dissolved oxygen below 5 mg/L, DER, as a matter of present policy and professional judgment believes that in this system which evidences characteristics of a clean well-flushed, unstratified water body occasional readings of low DO are not regarded as an indication of violation of water quality standards. This speaks to the main channel area of the river where the only quantifiable influence is expected. The facts presented in this case support the soundness of this policy choice. Petitioners presented the testimony of former officials within DER, namely Parks and Young, who stated that dissolved oxygen standards of 5 mg/L are applied at all times and at all places. They felt that the DER policy was to the effect that permits would not be granted for discharge in any circumstance where the DO concentrations are substandard in the ambient waters, regardless of the amount of decrease or deficit that would be promoted. Parks spoke of the availability of site specific alternative criteria, variances, exceptions or exemptions from the terms of the water quality rule. Having considered these remarks, the present DER policy of allowing the permit to be granted in the instance where occasional violations of ambient water quality standards related to 5 mg/L occur, in the face of the small deficit which is involved in this case, is the better choice. Further, it is a choice that is not so inconsistent with prior practices as to be arbitrary in nature. Finally, DER's position that it would be unadvisable to require a request for site specific alternative criteria, variances, exceptions or exemptions in circumstances such as this case is accepted, when taking into account the problems which would be presented to the agency in administering the permit program, should each Applicant who is confronted with occasional violations below standards for dissolved oxygen have to seek extraordinary relief. While the facts do identify that some pollutants can reach the embayment areas on the eastern shore, the facts do not depict a circumstance in which the amount and quality of that effluent will be such that it will cause or contribute to dissolved oxygen violations in those areas. The water quality in the embayment areas is lower than that in the main area of the river due to inadequate flushing. The areas inshore do not interact with the main channel in a way that would take advantage of the faster moving currents found in the main channel as this interaction might promote a better quality of water. In view of the situation in the embayment areas, the Applicant, on advice of his consultants, moved the proposed location of the discharge into the main channel away from the areas which were under greater stress in terms of dissolved oxygen values and in doing so avoided damage to these areas. The current velocities in the area east of the main channel are weak. There is a substantial distance from the point of discharge to the inshore areas. As the effluent moves toward the inshore or nearshore areas it will become so diluted it will not have an adverse influence on dissolved oxygen. Not only the distances involved, but also the fact that water flowing near the surface is well aerated contributes to the dilution of the effluent as it approaches the shore. Although it has been shown that some stress in the grasses along the eastern shoreline has occurred and the existence of blue-green algae has been shown, together with indications of undesirable algal production, the nutrients which are part of the effluent at the point of discharge are not expected to cause an imbalance in the natural populations of flora and fauna or create nuisance conditions or violations of transparency standards. The nitrogen increase could cause an increase in algal production in the order of one percent, which is inconsequential. The treated effluent will not adversely effect biological integrity of the St. Johns River. The benthic microinvertebrate community in this part of the river is fairly low density due to the fluctuations in salinity levels and predation by fish and blue crabs and given the nature of this substrate which is unstable with low levels of dissolved oxygen. The organisms that are predominant have a tolerance to siltation and fluctuations in dissolved oxygen. The treated effluent will not adversely effect the microinvertebrate community. Petitioners point out the fact that when DO concentrations decrease below optimum levels, fish and other organisms suffer. The fish reduce their movement, feeding and reproduction and they are less disease resistant. They are placed in a position of having to leave the area or risk death if the impacts of the decrease in dissolved oxygen are severe. The influence of the effluent at the point of discharge in this project is not expected to have significant impact on fish and other organisms within these topics of concern expressed in the paragraph. Even though the dissolved oxygen deficit extends in amounts below 0.1 mg/L as far as 2.1 km upstream and 4.5 km downstream and within a wide breadth of the center portion of the river, those deficits will not be significant to the water quality. The BOD associated with the discharge, allowing for mixing will not depress dissolved oxygen levels below DER standards of 5 mg/L. The combination of BOD and nutrient discharge will not cause an imbalance of algal production in the river, nor will it contribute to the dominance of nuisance algal species. The BOD nutrient loading associated with the discharge into the St. Johns will not promote significant ecological impacts on the St. Johns River, to include the possibility of more frequent and severe algae blooms, increase in benthic oxygen demand, risk of increase eutrophication, destruction of grass beds or decline in the fishery. With the advent of discharge in the St. Johns DO fluctuations in the river will not be greater nor will there be an occurrence of a swing from substandard dissolved oxygen levels to supersaturated dissolved oxygen. While the discharge from the Applicant's plant contains pollutants such as cadmium, zinc, arsenic, copper and organic decomposition products, the treatment provided the wastewater is expected to overcome any acute toxicity associated with these materials individually or in combination. Chronic toxicity is not expected related to these materials. The effects of these materials are not expected to cause physiological and behavioral responses which are abnormal in organisms such as reduced locomotion and reproduction or increase susceptibility to diseases to include ulceration and increased mortality. Treatment contemplated and provision of a mixing zone will allow compliance with the standards related to cadmium. Reference has been made to a development known as St. Johns Harbor which is in the vicinity of the proposed discharge and can be expected to promote some pollution in Palmo Cove and the St. Johns River. Although St. Johns Harbor development is proceeding through stages of permit review, it does not appear that it has reached a place in which exact information about its implications as a pollution source can be set out. In discussing the St. Johns Harbor Development, Petitioners emphasized that this eventuality and other matters which deal with cumulative impact have not been satisfactorily addressed. There is no indication than any other substantial development or activity other that St. Johns Harbor is contemplated in this area associated with the permit review at hand. St. Johns Harbor eventually hopes to develop 3000 residential units. It has received the approval of the Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council for the initial phase of development. It has been reviewed by the Florida Fresh Water Game and Fish Commission. The developers are proceeding with the project to include the sale of lots. Nonetheless, that development has not reached the phase where its implications would form the basis of a denial of this project based upon the theory of cumulative impact. While Petitioners contend that stormwater runoff from the St. Johns Harbor project will be a problem, assuming an inadequacy in the design which that developer employs to deal with that matter, this eventuality is not expected based on a review on the facts presented. Reference is made to the Ulcer Disease Syndrome which fish in the St. Johns have suffered from. The principal area in which this event has occurred is north of the area expected to be influenced by this discharge. Nonetheless, diseased fish have been found in Palmo Cove. This Ulcer Disease Syndrome is caused by heavy metals and hydrocarbons, and these materials act in league. The advent of additional heavy metals and other pollutants, such as those being discharged from the Applicant's plant could cause further deterioration in the condition of fish suffering from Ulcer Disease Syndrome. Having considered the facts, this outcome is not expected. Ambient levels of 18 other pertinent pollution constituents in the vicinity of the point of discharge were ascertained by the Applicant's consultants on the basis of field observations and historical United States Geological Survey and Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission data. This formed a basis of an assessment of average and worst case values. This information indicates compliance with those parameters for purposes of water quality standards at the point of discharge. Implementation of Construction Permit Permit Conditions Applicant's Exhibit A-10 is a copy of the DER intent to issue the construction permit. It sets forth seventeen specific permit conditions, and these conditions should be imposed in the permit. The following are additional conditions that should be set forth in the construction permit: The operation and maintenance manual required by original Condition 10 shall provide that the DAF treatment system be cleaned regularly with a mild chlorine solution and that the wastewater from this maintenance be placed in a vehicle and carried off the premises for disposal at an appropriate location. This wastewater from the cleanup shall not be discharged from the plant into state waters. The operation and maintenance manual shall provide that a dosage level of chlorine to clean the pipeline that will result in comp- liance with all water quality standards at the end of the pipeline be added to a fraction of fresh water used to flush the system at the cessation of discharges each day. DER must approve this dosage amount before it becomes part of the operation and maintenance manual. The operation and maintenance manual shall set forth a regular schedule for pumping the accumulated sludge or solid materials from the sump pit. The operation and maintenance manual shall provide that as much as 50 gallons per minute of fresh tapwater may be added to recycled wastewater for pressurization. Any discharge created with this addition may not exceed 250 gallons per minute. Any discharge created above 200 gallons per minute shall be consti- tuted only of tap water. Two machine scallop processing operations at the plant will be limited to an average of 18 hours per day and no more than 90 hours in a week. Monitoring in Trout Creek shall continue as specified in paragraph 17(E) of the Consent Order as long as discharges into Trout Creek continue. On each occasion when the DAF treatment system is in operation, the Applicant shall have a fully trained operator on site. The terms of the construction permit shall expire on December 31, 1986. The constructed pipeline shall be leak tested once a month from June to September and every other month during other months of the year. If a leak in the pipeline is detected it shall be repaired within 20 days and retested for leaks within 15 days thereafter. The carrying out of any leak testing and repairs shall hereunder shall be certified by a professional engineer. Pre-pipeline Operations Petitioners have pointed out the fact that when two or more pollutants are present, as in the instance of the effluent discharged by the Applicant's plant, those pollutants tend to act in a synergistio manner. That can exacerbate the circumstance where you find low dissolved oxygen. This is particularly a matter of concern when discussing Trout Creek. This is unlike the impacts of the discharge into the St. Johns River which are not expected to exceed standards or promote adverse effects. The implications of operation within Trout Creek to allow necessary permit review by DER and the State of Florida, Department of Natural Resources can be overcome once the discharge is withdrawn from Trout Creek and may be addressed by DER more immediately if the dissolved air flotation unit, after a reasonable period of adjustment, does not perform in the fashion that it appears to be capable of. In the instance of discharge into Trout Creek, the material discharged tends to remain in that area for a relatively long period in that the creek is small and has very little flow and poor flushing characteristics. DO levels will be depressed, the presence of a deficit in dissolved oxygen caused by the discharge from the DAF unit would increase the probability of fish kills when contrasted with a circumstance where there is no further deficit of dissolved oxygen. Given the explanation of why a fish kill occurred based upon the past use of fly bait by the Applicant and the fact that there is no indication of fly bait in the present plans, a fish kill in Trout Creek in the time of interim discharged does not seem probable. With the advent of discharge into Trout Creek, the possibility is enhanced for algae blooms and increased eutrophication. There would also be some accumulation of toxic substances. Additionally, there would be some influence on juvenile fish which are more sensitive to pollutants and the possibility exists that it could reach levels that are lethal to bass larvae and juvenile sports fish. The creek would lose some of its viability as a nursery and some fish would leave the creek. These events are not irreversible and can be reasonably remedied with the cessation of discharge into the creek. Moreover, as in the instance with the problem with fish kills, if some set of circumstances attributable to the discharge were to occur in such dimensions as to cause long term impacts in Trout Creek, DER could take action against the construction permit. Dissolved oxygen in Trout Creek can be below the 5 mg/L standard. Data of the E.S.E. group showed that at Highway 13 bridge, approximately fifty yards from the plant in December 1984 and January 1985, values were as low as 0.1 and 0.2 mg/L, and readings could be frequently below 2 mg/L at Highway 13. In April through June 1985, periodic surface dissolved oxygen concentrations were in the range of 3 mg/L and as low as 2.4 mg/L. DO concentrations generally found at the bottom of Trout Creek could be as little or lower than 1 mg/L at times. In July 24, 1985, at the time when the plant had not been operating for approximately a month, the DO concentrations were 2.9 mg/L at mid-depth and 0.8 mg at the bottom. Within Trout Creek in the area of the Pacetti marina, Consultant White measured DO concentrations in the range 1-3 mg/L. On August 10, 1985, six weeks after operations had stopped at the Smith facility, DO concentrations were found to be 3 mg at the surface, less at mid-depth and 0 near the bottom. Computer modeling was not done to ascertain the impacts of a discharge directly into Trout Creek from the DAF unit. The modeling done by the Petitioner's consultant, Parks, using some of the concepts considered in the Applicant's modeling for the St. Johns River is inapplicable to the circumstances in Trout Creek. Trout Creek has also served as a nursing ground for reproduction and habitat for young fish. During the course of the operations by the Applicant in the discharge of essentially untreated effluent, the beds of bass and sun fish have not been seen within the creek. Water quality improves with the DAF unit and sediment loading by heavy metals decreases. Trout Creek is a stressed system at present. It has low levels of dissolved oxygen, high nutrient concentrations and the presence of heavy metals in undesirable amounts. The low numbers of pytoplankton species give some indication of a highly stressed ecosystem. The present officials of DER, Palmer, Owen and Fox, expressed their concerns about dissolved oxygen in those instances where there would be a decrease in ambient DO concentrations. This has particular importance in discussing the problems associated with the discharge into Trout Creek, as opposed to the point of discharge contemplated in the St. Johns River, which risk is minimized given the characteristics of that area and the higher readings of ambient dissolved oxygen in that water, as contrasted with low readings within Trout Creek. A literal interpretation of the position of the agency officials would lead to the conclusion suggested by the Petitioners that no discharge should be allowed into Trout Creek, even on an interim basis. However, such a position would be inherently unfair considering the fact that some discharge would occur into the creek before the installation of the pipeline, whether based upon simultaneous permit review by DER and the State of Florida, Department of Natural Resources in the easement case or sequential review as is contemplated in this instance. Admittedly, the amount of time involved in the discharge into Trout Creek increases in view of the severance of the easement case from the present proceedings. This circumstance occurred in view of the desire on the part of the DNR to see the actual treatment efficiencies involved with the dissolved air flotation unit as opposed to the theoretical possibilities of that equipment. In the present situation, it would be a reasonable policy choice for DER to allow an interim discharge into Trout Creek pending the opportunity for DNR to monitor the quality of the effluent produced by the DAF unit and make a decision about the easement, thus allowing installation of the pipeline if the easement is granted. This arrangement contemplates that DER should closely monitor the quality of the effluent produced by the DAF unit, to make certain, after the Applicant has been given the opportunity to make necessary adjustments to that unit, that the Applicant is not allowed to continue to discharge into Trout Creek following this period of adjustment, when it is shown that the Applicant's equipment is not performing as expected. In any event, the discharge of effluent into Trout Creek will continue over a limited period of time and the system can be expected to quickly return to its healthier state after the removal of the discharge from Trout Creek. This has occurred in the past when the operations of the plant ceased and occurred at a time when the wastewater was of a more damaging quality than contemplated by that associated with the DAF unit. In summary, it would be a reasonable policy choice to allow the interim discharge into Trout Creek on this occasion. Dredge and Fill Permit Characteristics of Pipeline Corridor The pipeline corridor encompasses portions of Trout Creek, Palmo Cove and the St. Johns River. The bottom sediments where the pipeline is to be installed are constituted of soft, and sometimes extremely soft, flocculent silt. Although these sediments are easily resuspended, dispersement of these sediments will only occur while the pipeline is being installed. In placing the pipeline, it is the intention of the Applicant to simply allow the pipe to sink into the sediment. The soft substrate is several feet deep in some places within the proposed corridor. Nonetheless, the pipe is expected to stabilize as it sinks into the material. There are places within the corridor where a crusty material may be found on the surface of or just beneath the substrate. These are locations where jetting or mechanical excavation may be necessary. Jetting may also be necessary along the approximately 155 foot stretch of the corridor that crosses the State of Florida, Department of Transportation right-of-way. This requirement would occur in view of the fact that the Department of Transportation mandates that the pipeline be at a minimum of 30 inches below the creek bottom. In those instances where jetting or other mechanical excavation might be utilized, silt screens would be used to control the short term turbidity. In the areas within the pipeline corridor where tree trunks and branches have been found, these obstructions can be removed without incident. Taking into account the nature of the substrate, at the location where the diffuser will be placed at the end of the pipeline, special attention will be given to that installation to avoid having the diffuser settle into the soft silty material. Given the fact that the silty material is several feet deep and the related fact that the Applicant has not done specific testing of the depth, density and compressibility of this silty material, careful attention should be given to anchoring the diffuser and making certain that the exhaust ports within that device are correctly positioned. The need for this close attention is borne out by the fact that a test pipe which was placed in the silty material settled approximately two and a half feet within several weeks. The matter of the security of the diffuser is also critical, given the fact that the diffuser will be located within one foot of the bottom. Through proper installation, the Applicant can avoid having the diffuser settle into the silty material over time. The installation techniques satisfactorily address the potential problems. Projected Impacts (1) Environmental The icthyological and macroinvertebrate communities within the pipeline corridor have been examined by the Applicant in the person of his consultants. It was found that there are a variety of freshwater fishes within Trout Creek, such as large-mouth bass and sun fish, and a moderate density of macroinvertebrates. The St. Johns River proper is dominated by estuarine and marine aquatic organisms. Infaunal macroinvertebrate densities in the area of the pipeline corridor in the St. Johns River are not high. In placing the pipeline, the effects on aquatic and benthic communities within the corridor or upon water quality do not pose a threat to those communities or to water quality. During the installation of the pipeline, some disturbance of the benthic organisms can be expected; however, those organisms will be able to recolonize quickly. The mere presence of the pipeline is not expected to cause long-term impacts on biological resources or water quality. (b) Navigation In the area of the intended placement of the pipeline related to Trout Creek, boating clubs utilize that vicinity for purposes of anchorage. Those clubs have as many as twenty to thirty boats whose size varies from twenty to fifty-five feet in length. Some of those boats carry anchors which can weigh forty-five pounds or more. Typically, in anchoring one of these craft, the anchor rope is tied down and the engines reversed to set the anchor. Although testimony was given to the effect that the anchors being set might puncture the pipeline, given the explanation about the placement of the pipeline and the nature of the pipe itself, problems with puncturing the pipeline as it might interfere with navigation or environmental concerns such as turbidity plumes due to a puncture of the pipeline are not expected. Nor are the activities associated with retrieval of the anchors via the use of electric winches or hoists seen to be a problem in the sense of snagging the pipeline and rupturing the pipeline when the anchors are brought aboard the vessels. In summary, the pipeline will not be an interference to navigation in the sense of boat anchorage or other aspects of navigation associated with boating. Moreover, the Applicant is willing to indicate the location of the pipeline on navigational charts to assist boaters in avoiding potential problems with anchorage. This is a desirable arrangement and should be done. Comparison of Projected Impacts with Statutory and Regulatory Criteria The dredge and fill activities associated with the pipeline are not expected to cause long-term or short-term adverse impact on biological resources or water quality, or are they expected to interfere with the conservation of natural resources or marine productivity or interfere with navigation to such an extent to be contrary to public interest. The placement of the pipeline will not promote unacceptable interference with fish and other natural resources or destroy clam beds or grass flats, such as would be contrary to the public interest. Permit Conditions Appropriate permit conditions are as follows: Installation of the pipeline shall be conducted within Trout Creek only during weekdays. Pipeline installation activities within Trout Creek shall not block navigation. The pipeline shall be constructed within 60 days following the receipt of all necessary approval, to include the grant of an easement by the State of Florida, Department of Natural Resources for the placement of the pipeline over submerged sovereignty lands. All conditions set forth in the DER draft permit. See Applicant's Exhibit A-57.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57403.061403.085403.087403.088
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-000080 Latest Update: Jul. 14, 1981

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Ferncrest Utilities, Inc. owns and operates a sewage treatment plant at 3015 Southwest 54th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It presently services the needs of a population of about 2500 primarily located in three trailer parks, certain warehouses, a 153 room hotel, and several other business establishments. The plant was constructed and operated by a lessee of Petitioner's owners, but, in July 1979, Petitioner became the owner and operator of the facility. At that time, it was determined necessary to secure new operators and upgrade the plant equipment and method of process in order to properly service the existing and anticipated future number of customers in the area covered by a Public Service Commission franchise. Although the plant had been operating at a permitted capacity of 0.25 million gallons per day (MGD), Petitioner planned to expand the capacity to 0.60 MGD by modifying the aeration tank, and adding tertiary sand filters and equipment for clarification. Upon assuming control of the plant, Petitioner found that the 0.25 MGD permitted capacity had been exceeded by approximately 120,000 gallons per day for a number of years. Petitioner estimates that a population of 6,000 could be served under its new proposed design capacity. (Testimony of Forman, Exhibit 1) Pursuant to Petitioner's application for a construction permit, dated May 25, 1979, to modify the existing treatment plant, Respondent issued permit No. DC06-21789 on August 6, 1979. The permit specified that it was for construction of additional tank capacity for an existing 0.25 MGD wastewater treatment plant intended to approve effluent quality, and further stated that plant design capacity would remain at that figure. A subsequent letter from Respondent's subdistrict manager to Petitioner on January 15, 1980, stated that an evaluation of the quality of the surface waters receiving the plant discharge and the effect of such increased discharge would have to be made before processing a request for an increase in permitted flow. (Exhibit 7) On February 8, 1980, Respondent issued a temporary operating permit for Petitioner to temporarily operate a 0.25 MGD contact stabilization sewage treatment plant, including additional tank capacity and tertiary filtration. Specific conditions attached to the permit stated that it was issued to give the permittee a reasonable period of time to complete construction of the modification outlined in DER Permit DC06-21789 and for subsequent assessment of the effects of discharge on receiving waters. The conditions further required that the facility continue to achieve 90 percent removal of BOD5 and total suspended solids at all times with specified average daily discharges of such substances. Another condition required that the effluent from the plant be adequately chlorinated at all times so as to yield the minimum chlorine residual of 0.5 parts per million after a minimum contact period of 15 minutes. (Exhibit 8) Thereafter, on July 21, 1980, petitioner filed the instant application for an operation permit for the facility at a design capacity of 0.60 MGD. On October 7, 1980, Petitioner filed a certificate of completion of construction. By letter of December 16, 1980, Respondent's South Florida Subdistrict Manager advised Petitioner that the application for an operating permit had been denied for the reason that monitoring of the Class III receiving waters by the Broward County Environmental Quality Control Board indicated that the dissolved oxygen concentration was frequently below the minimum of 5 milligrams per liter required by Section 17-3.161(1), Florida Administrative Code, and that Petitioner's plant contributed to the substandard conditions in those waters. Petitioner thereafter requested a Section 120.57(1), F.S., hearing. (Exhibits 1-2, 4, 8) Petitioner's plant discharges into the North New River Canal through a six inch effluent pipe. The canal extends from Lake Okeechobee to the intracoastal waterway approximately five miles in distance from the point of discharge of Petitioner's plant. Monitoring of water quality in the canal for the past several years by the Broward County Environmental Quality Control Board shows that the dissolved oxygen concentrations at various sampling stations have ranged from below one part per million to in excess of five parts per million, depending upon the season of the year. However, at no station did the dissolved oxygen concentration reach an average of five parts per million. In addition, the tests also showed that BOD5 is generally low in the canal waters. (Testimony of Mazzella, Exhibits 1, 3, 5) Petitioner's modified plant is now capable of treating 0.60 MGD and meets current basic state requirements of 90 percent (secondary) removal of BOD and total suspended solids. In fact, the plant has tertiary treatment and can consistently operate at a level of 95 percent treatment. The data submitted by the applicant as to effluent water quality characteristics showed removal of 98 percent BOD, 97 percent suspended solids, 50 percent total nitrogen, and 25 percent total phosphorus with an average chlorine residual in the effluent of 0.2 parts per million. The dissolved oxygen level in the effluent has been established at 6.5 milligrams per liter. (Testimony of Hermesmeyer, Dodd, Exhibit 1) Respondent's district personnel took one 24-hour sample of the effluent from Petitioner's plant in March 1981 and determined that a concentrate of 14.6 milligrams per liter of ammonia was being discharged to receiving waters. Respondent therefore determined that the dissolved oxygen levels of the canal would be further degraded because approximately 48 to 50 parts per million of dissolved oxygen would be necessary to offset the effects of oxygen removal resulting from the ammonia discharge. Respondent further found that, although the effluent from the plant had 6.5 milligrams per liter of dissolved oxygen, the amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen being discharged could lead to algal blooms and consequent eventual eutrophication of its waters. Respondent's reviewing personnel therefore considers that there would be negative impacts upon the receiving waters if Petitioner discharged its prior licensed capacity of 250,000 gallons per day, and that a discharge of 600,000 gallons per day would double such impacts. Respondent's personnel therefore believes that although Petitioner's facility meets the basic secondary treatment requirements of Rule 17-6.01, Florida Administrative Code, it does not meet the water quality-based effluent limitation specified in Rule 17-6.10. In order to meet such requirements, it would be necessary to redesign the plant for more efficient removal of nutrients or to redirect the discharge. (Testimony of Mazzella) Other facilities adjacent to or near the North New River Canal discharge directly or indirectly into the canal waters and contribute to an unknown degree to the poor quality of the canal waters. Additionally, agricultural use of land produces stormwater runoff containing fertilizer residue into the canal in an unknown amount. A sewage treatment plant operates at optimum level of treatment when it discharges at about 50 percent of its treatment capacity. (Testimony of Mazzella) In 1983, Broward County will require Petitioner's plant to conform to state advanced waste treatment criteria which will provide for additional removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from effluent. To meet this requirement, Petitioner, plans to investigate the possibilities of utilizing a landlocked lake on its property near the treatment plant as a seepage pond. Although Petitioner's plant is identified in area regional plans to be diverted to the Hollywood wastewater treatment plant in the future, there is presently no target date for tying in to such a regional facility. (Testimony of Hermesmeyer, Exhibit 1)

Recommendation That Respondent issue a permit to Petitioner for the operation of its sewage treatment plant, with appropriate conditions as designed to protect the receiving waters. DONE and ENTERED this 27th day of May, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of May, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: Alfred Clark, Esquire Deputy General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Martin S. Friedman and R.M.C. Rose, Esquires Myers, Kaplan, Levinson, Kenin and Richards 1020 East Lafayette Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Victoria Tschinkel Secretary, Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 =================================================================

Florida Laws (6) 120.57120.60403.087403.088403.886.10
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Mar. 15, 1991 Number: 91-001709 Latest Update: Jun. 02, 1992

The Issue The issues are whether the Respondents are guilty of misconduct as alleged in the Administrative Complaint filed on February 6, 1991, as amended and, if so, what corrective action should be ordered and what penalties imposed; and whether Paul Ayers is guilty of misconduct as alleged in the Notice of Denial of Operator Certification dated June 3, 1991, and, if so, whether the Department's action denying renewal of Mr. Ayers' wastewater treatment plant operator certification was correct.

Findings Of Fact Mr. Paul Ayers holds operator certificates issued by the Department in both drinking water treatment (Class C, No. 4360) and wastewater treatment (Class B, No. 3375). The Department's Notice of Denial of Operator Certificate, which forms the basis for the Division of Administrative Hearings case No. 91- 3861, identifies the wastewater treatment certificate number as Class B, No. 3375. Paul Ayers did submit certain Drinking Water Treatment Plant Daily Operation Summaries in which he identified his water treatment certificate as Class C, No. 4360 (Department Exhibit 8). Ms. Judy Devores is a Department certified Class C water treatment plant (WTP) operator (Certificate No. 4885) and a Class C wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) operator (Certificate No. 4753). Mr. Ayers and Ms. Devores are president and vice president, respectively, of Paul Ayers Utilities, Inc., a company that contracts with the owners of drinking water and wastewater treatment plants to operate them. Ms. Devores is sometimes known as Ms. Ayers (Department Exhibits 25 and 26). The office of the utilities company is in the home they share. The utility company has a handful of employees. The Department's Amended Complaint alleged that during the calendar year 1990, Respondents operated the following public water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants: ST. LUCIE COUNTY WATER WASTEWATER Coggin Osteen Auto Dealership Coca Cola Foods Distribution Center Demarco's Restaurant Floresta Elementary School Floresta Elementary School Florida Power & Light Distribution Center Fontenelle Plaza Glendale Commons Subdivision Glendale Commons Subdivision Lakewood Park Subdivision Lakewood Park Subdivision Johnny's Restaurant Lakewood Park Plaza Loyal Order of Moose #248 Orange Co. of Florida, Orange Co. of Florida, Grove Grove Operations Complex Operations Complex Orchid Acres Mobile Home Orchid Acres Mobile Home Park Park Port St. Lucie Port St. Lucie Convalescent Center Convalescent Center Quick and Easy Convenience Store Raven Parc Industrial Park Rainbow Trailer Park Teacher's Place Child Care Visa St. Lucie Condominiums Vista St. Lucie Condominiums Whispering Creek La Buona Vita Lakewood Park Elementary Port St. Lucie Medical Center MARTIN COUNTY WATER WASTEWATER Lobster Shanty Restaurant Regency Mobile Home Park Regency Mobile Home Park Vista Del Lago Condominiums Vista Del Lago Condominiums Yankee Trader Plaza INDIAN RIVER COUNTY WATER WASTEWATER Citrus Elementary School Fellsmere Elementary School Fellsmere Elementary School Sebastian River Middle School Sebastian River Middle School OKEECHOBEE COUNTY WATER WASTEWATER Barlow's Fish Camp Big "O" R.V. Campground Barlow's Restaurant Four Acres Mobile Home Park Bob's Big Bass RV Park Pier 2 Motel Circle K Taylor Creek Lodge Crossroads Restaurant Town & County Mobile Home Martha's House Zachary Taylor Mobile Home Moose Lodge #1753 Town Star Convenience Store GLADES COUNTY WATER Old River Run Many of these water and wastewater treatment plants were acknowledged during the hearing as being operated by Paul Ayers Utilities, Inc. Some were not mentioned during testimony, but show up on various exhibits. Department's Exhibit 16, the minutes of a meeting held between the Department and Ms. Devores, contain a partial list of plants operated by Respondents. Lakewood Plaza On September 30, 1990, Paul Ayers and his employee, Danny Runyan, removed a water pump, flow meter, and chlorine feed pump from the Lakewood Plaza water treatment plant. This action interrupted potable water service to the facility until October 3, 1990. Ms. Devores contended that the owner of Lakewood Plaza had not paid Respondents for the equipment, and that she notified Jerry Toney of the Department prior to removal of the equipment, who told her "to take it if it was ours." Mr. Toney's contradiction of Ms. Devores' account is more believable. He first heard of the disabling of the Lakewood Plaza water treatment plant in a phone call from Wayne Dampier on October 1, 1990, notifying Mr. Toney that Mr. Dampier would replace the water pump that day, but no chlorinator pump could be installed until the next day. Ms. Devores' call to Mr. Toney was made after the equipment had been removed and after Mr. Dampier's call. A contemporaneous entry into the Department's records also indicates that Ms. Devores called the Department on October 1, 1990, after the water treatment plant had been disabled. Expert testimony established that disabling a water treatment plant is a potential public health hazard, and that deliberate disabling of a water system by an operator is not the same as accidental interruption of operations. Rule 17-555.350(3), Florida Administrative Code, requires an operator to receive written permission from the Department prior to altering or discontinuing water purification. This forms a basis for the operator's duty to avoid unilateral action. Removal of essential parts of a water treatment system as a remedy for nonpayment of bills for operator services threatens not only the owner of the system but also the public health, and is contrary to the Rule and to standard operating practices. Even were the testimony of Ms. Devores credited, oral notification to the Department before removal of equipment, or even oral acquiescence by an employee of the Department to removal undertaken to enforce collection of bills for services by disabling a public water system would not justify that action, which is inappropriate under Rule 17-555.305(3), Florida Administrative Code. Licensees have a duty to know the rules controlling their regulated activity. Mr. Ayers had been notified by the Department in 1986 that removing equipment (a gas chlorinator) from a public water system at Sand Dollar Villas was a serious violation of the duties of a certified operator and could result in revocation of his operating certificates. (Department Exhibit 13) The evidence is clear and convincing that Respondents did not notify the Department prior to removing the equipment. Deliberate disruption of a public water supply by a certified operator constitutes gross neglect and incompetence in the performance of the duties of a certified operator, with potential public health consequences. Both Mr. Ayers and Ms. Devores are responsible for this misconduct, as both participated in it. Use of Uncertified Personnel Danny Runyan was employed by Respondents during the period from approximately 1983 to May 1991. Mr. Runyan acknowledged that he never has been certified to operate water or wastewater treatment plants, but that during calendar year 1990, he fulfilled certified operator duties at Coggin O'Steen, Fontenelle, FPL Distribution Center, J & S Fish Camp, Johnny's Restaurant, PSL Medical Center, Quick & Easy, Rainbow Trailer Park, Raven Parc, Teachers' Place, Cinnamon Tree, Floresta Elementary School, Glendale Commons, Port St. Lucie Convalescent Home, and Vista del Lago plants under the direction or instruction of Paul Ayers or Judy Devores. Donna Anderson was employed as secretary and office manager at Respondents' business and to perform domestic work for Respondents who ran their business out of their home, for two years and nine months from 1988 to approximately October 1990. Her testimony corroborated Runyan's admissions, as did the testimony of Wayne Dampier, who is a certified operator for both water and wastewater treatment plants and who was employed by Respondents during a period from approximately October 1985 to August 1990. Ms. Anderson heard Paul Ayers or Judy Devores direct Danny Runyan to operate plants; it was common knowledge among Respondents' employees that Mr. Runyan operated plants. Mr. Dampier heard Paul Ayers direct Danny Runyan to operate plants, and Paul Ayers also directed Mr. Dampier to direct Danny Runyan to operate plants. Respondents contended that they did not know that Danny Runyan was operating plants, and that if he was doing so it was solely on the instruction of Wayne Dampier, a field manager for Paul Ayers Utilities, Inc. This is not believable, because the same pattern was followed with the work of another employee, John Canard. 2/ John Canard was uncertified, but received direct instructions about which plants he was to operate from Wayne Dampier. Mr. Canard believed that the instructions originated with Respondents, who were aware that he was operating water treatment plants before he was certified. Mr. Canard's belief is supported by Mr. Canard's time sheets (Respondents' Exhibit 26) which shows that between December 29, 1989, and January 19, 1990, while Mr. Canard was not yet certified in water treatment operations, he visited the following water treatment plants which Respondents serviced: 12/29/89 12:00 Lobster Shanty 12:15 Yankee Trader 2:15 Teachers Place 4:45 Fontenelle Plaza 1/2/90 3:00 Lobster Shanty 3:30 Yankee Trader 1/3/90 11:45 Yankee Trader 1:45 Teachers Place 4:00 Fontenelle Plaza 1/4/90 10:00 Johnny's Restaurant 12:15 Lobster Shanty 1:00 Yankee Trader 1/5/90 1:00 Yankee Trader 3:30 Teachers Place 5:15 Fontenelle Plaza 1/8/90 1:30 Teachers Place 3:15 Yankee Trader 5:45 Fontenelle Plaza 1/9/90 10:30 Lobster Shanty 11:15 Lobster Shanty 12:00 Yankee Trader 2:30 Johnny's Restaurant 3:30 Fontenelle Plaza 1/10/90 12:45 Teachers Place 1:15 Fontenelle Plaza 5:00 Yankee Trader 1/11/90 2:45 Yankee Trader 4:00 Fontenelle Plaza 1/12/90 1:15 Lobster Shanty 3:30 Yankee Trader 4:00 Fontenelle Plaza 1/15/90 4:00 Yankee Trader 1/16/90 1:00 Yankee Trader 1:30 Lobster Shanty 5:30 Fontenelle Plaza Respondents maintained that John Canard operated the Rainbow Park water treatment plant and offered his time sheets as evidence, which show that he did so prior to May 1990. Mr. Canard's time sheets show several entries for Rainbow Park prior to certification, including 3/27/90 at 1:00 p.m.; 4/5/90 at 2:00 p.m.; 4/10/90 at 1:15 p.m.; 4/12/90 at 3:45 p.m. and 4/17/90 at 12:30 p.m. The evidence establishes a pattern of using uncertified operators which Respondent knew or should have known about, based on the employee time sheets. It is not credible that Mr. Canard visited these plants on such a regular basis without providing operator service, or that Respondents did not see the time sheets in the regular course of their business. Respondents had to know that their employees were operating plants for which they were not certified. Respondents' contention that all irregular practices originated with Wayne Dampier, and that they knew nothing about them until they met with the Department in June 1990 is undermined by the testimony of Lowell Polk. Mr. Polk was an employee of Respondents for a nine-month period during 1988. At that time, Mr. Polk was certified in water treatment plant operation only, not wastewater plants. 3/ While employed, Mr. Polk told Judy Devores that Wayne Dampier had asked him to operate a wastewater treatment plant when Mr. Polk was not certified as a wastewater treatment plant operator. Ms. Devores replied "don't worry about it, just do it." He did so, until he was discovered by the Department, and then told Ms. Devores that he did not want to do it anymore. This incident exemplifies the casual attitude the Respondents had toward regulations governing their business. The Department has established by clear and convincing evidence the allegations of Count III of the Amended Complaint. During calendar year 1990, Respondents employed Danny Runyan, a person uncertified in either water or wastewater treatment plant operation, to fulfill certified operator requirements at water and wastewater treatment plants, a practice which can result in a threat to public health. Raven Parc - No Certified Operator Jerry Toney inspected the Raven Parc water treatment plant on February 16, February 19, February 20, February 21, February 22, and February 23, 1990. Through February 23, 1990, there were no entries in the on-site operation and maintenance log. The absence of entries indicated no visits by an operator on any of those days. When he inspected again on February 26, 1991, all the data had been backfilled by someone using the initials "J.D." as certified operator. Danny Runyan admitted that although he was the de facto operator of the Raven Parc plant, he did not visit the Raven Parc water treatment plant during the period from February 16 through February 23, 1990. The Department has established by clear and convincing evidence the allegations of Count II of the Complaint that no certified operator, or indeed any operator, visited the Raven Parc water treatment plant during the period from February 16 through February 23, 1990. Use of an individual to provide operator services at a water treatment plant who is uncertified, and failure to provide any operator coverage at all for a week each constitute serious inattention to operations which could result in a hazard to public health. Raven Park - Backfilled O & M Log, False Use of Initials Certified operators are under a duty to "maintain an operation and maintenance log for each plant . . . current to the last operation and maintenance performed . . . . The log, at a minimum, shall include . . . the signature and certification number of the operators." Rule 17-602.360(1)(e), Florida Administrative Code. It is the practice in the industry for certified operators to initial rather than fully sign each entry in the O & M log. Mr. Runyan entered the initials of Judy Devores, a certified operator, after the fact in the O & M log for February 16, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23, 1990. Mr. Runyan "backfilled" and used the initials "J.D." at the instruction of Respondents. Respondents' denial that they ever instructed Mr. Runyan to use their initials and backfilled O & M logs is not credible in light of Mr. Runyan's admission and the corroborating testimony of John Canard, who also testified that he was instructed by Paul Ayers to backfill O & M logs. The Department has established by clear and convincing evidence the allegations of Count II of the Amended Complaint that a certified operator initials, namely Judy Devores' initials, were "backfilled," or entered after the fact, at the Raven Parc plant during February 1990. This was done with the knowledge and approval of Respondents. The practice of "backfilling" is contrary to standard operating practice for water treatment plant operators. Raven Parc - Inadequate Chlorine Residuals When Jerry Toney visited the Raven Park plant on February 7, February 14, February 22, February 23, and February 26, 1990, he took chlorine samples and found inadequate chlorine residuals, that is, a free chlorine residual of less than 0.2 milligrams per liter (mg/1). Chlorine residuals are an assurance that no biological or bacteriological contamination will taint the water supply. The readings were taken after Mr. Toney had "flushed" the system at full tap for three minutes, which is a remedy for a low chlorine residual. Chlorine residuals in treated water can vary over the course of time, and a reading taken by a Department inspector on a particular day might not match exactly the chlorine residuals obtained by an operator at a different time on the same day. Rule 17-550.510(6)(d), Florida Administrative Code, requires "a minimum free chlorine residual of 0.2 milligrams per liter or its equivalent throughout the distribution system at all times." On February 7, 14, 22, 23 and 26, 1990, the chlorine residuals documented by Jerry Toney at the Raven Parc Water Treatment plant did not meet the requirement of Rule 17-550.510(6)(d), Florida Administrative Code. These inadequate chlorine residuals on February 22 and 23, 1990, the dates alleged in the Amended Complaint, were a direct result of gross neglect by Respondents in the operation of the plant, by failing to visit it over an extended period of time, and resulted in a condition which was a potential public health hazard. This aspect of Count II of the Amended Complaint has been established by clear and convincing evidence. Raven Parc - Falsified Chlorine Data Rules 17-550.730(1) and 17-601.300(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code, require monthly operating reports to be submitted to the Department for drinking water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants. With regard to water treatment plants, and specifically, the Raven Parc water treatment plant, it was the practice of Paul Ayers Utilities, Inc., to keep a "Drinking Water Treatment Plant Daily Operation Summary" worksheet [DER Form 17-1.208(5)] at the plant on which to record certain measurements such as flow, pH and chlorine residuals. The Daily Operation Summary worksheet is also known as an MOR (monthly operating report) worksheet. At the end of each month, the MOR worksheets would be brought into the office, where the information on the worksheet would be transferred to the "official" monthly operating report [DER Form 17-555.910(2)], which would be signed by the lead operator to certify to its accuracy and sent to the Department. The information on the worksheets was the best and most accurate information available for flows, pH, and chlorine residuals on any particular day. The chlorine residual values certified to the Department by Ms. Devores for February 19, 21 and 23, 1990, are different than the values recorded in the on-site MOR worksheet. The on-site entry for each of those days shows the chlorine residuals (in mg/1) were 1.0 at the plant and 0.3 at the remote tap each day, but the MOR as submitted shows 1.8 and 0.8 respectively on those days. These MOR entries are false. Department Exhibit 4, the certified MOR for Raven Parc for February 1990 signed by Ms. Devores, shows that the entries for February 6, 9, 12 and 16, 1990, have been whited-out and reentered. The original entries on Department Exhibit 4, the certified MOR, had higher values than recorded on Department Exhibit 3, the MOR worksheet. Those higher values had originally been entered to satisfy the concerns expressed by Jerry Toney in a note left on the Raven Parc MOR worksheet on February 16, 1990: "Judy, the DER classifies .3 - .4 chlorine as 'marginal.' We would like to see it higher. Also, the system requires a weekend visit. Thanks, Jerry 878-3890" (Department Exhibit 3). The higher values were whited-out and changed back to the lower values actually recorded on the on-site MOR worksheet, because Respondents realized that Mr. Toney had seen the on-site MOR worksheet for all dates up to February 16, 1990, when he made the dated notation on the worksheet. This conclusion is supported by the appearance of the document itself and by Donna Anderson's testimony that, while she generally transferred the information from the MOR worksheet to the MOR for submission to the Department, she never whited-out data on an MOR, and that she did not do so in this instance. Ms. Anderson testified that after she had typed in the MOR header information and transferred data from the MOR worksheet, it was routine practice for Respondents to take the MORs and "fill in for days that were missing." All of the chlorine values recorded and reported on the official form fall within acceptable values established in Rule 17-550.510(6)(d), Florida Administrative Code. This is not surprising, since they were all made up at the time they were backfilled on the worksheet. Danny Runyan admitted that he did not actually visit the plant during the period from February 16 to February 23, 1991, Findings 23 and 24, above. All information recorded for those days on both the MOR worksheet and the MOR submitted to the Department were fabricated. The evidence clearly and convincingly establishes that the chlorine data on the MOR submitted to the Department for the Raven Parc water treatment plant for February 16-23, 1990, and certified by Ms. Devores as correct, were knowingly falsified. The Department has proven the allegations of Count VII of the Amended Complaint. Raven Parc - Falsified Flow Data Judy Devores and Paul Ayers respectively signed and submitted the February 1990 and March 1990 MORs for Raven Parc. They each reported at least twenty-four daily entries of "Total Water Treated in Gallons," that is, flow of treated water. It was admitted that the flow meter at Raven Parc was inoperative. By tracking the amount of time a water pump operates with an elapsed time clock, an operator may calculate flows of treated water. An elapsed time clock was installed at Raven Parc at some point. The issue raised by the Department is whether the elapsed time clock was available and used to calculate the treated water flows certified by Respondents in February and March 1990. Respondents claimed that an elapsed time clock was installed at Raven Parc on February 8, 1990. In support of this contention, Respondents offered a photocopy of a work order in Danny Runyan's handwriting, indicating the installation of an elapsed time clock at Raven Parc. The date on this document is obscured and cannot be read. Even Paul Ayers had trouble trying to decipher a date on the exhibit at the hearing (Respondent's Exhibit 25). Jerry Toney in February 1990, and Wes Upham and Jerry Toney together, on June 25, 1990, looked for an elapsed time clock at the Raven Parc water treatment plant found none. Mr. Runyan and Mr. Dampier both testified that the elapsed time clock was installed "in June" and "after the meeting with the Department," which took place on June 25, 1990. Ms. Anderson also believed that elapsed time clock was installed in June, although she was "not sure." Her belief is consistent with the testimony of Mr. Runyan and Mr. Dampier. Taken together, this testimony is highly persuasive. Mr. Runyan testified that he was instructed by Wayne Dampier to put the time clock "at the breaker panel in the top part of the panel under the top of the lid" because "they didn't want DER to see it." Mr. Dampier admitted relaying instructions from Paul Ayers to "put it in an inconspicuous area to where it wouldn't be as noticeable so if the DER come out looking for it they wouldn't find it just right offhand." Determining water flows by the use of an elapsed time clock requires multiplication of the time the water pump was operating by the capacity of the pump. Neither the MOR worksheet, nor the O & M log for Raven Parc contained such calculations. Even according to Mr. Ayers' contentions, the elapsed time clock was not installed until February 8, 1990, at the earliest. The MOR submitted to the Department for February 1990, signed by Judy Devores, includes entries for "Total water Treated in Gallons," i.e. flow, for February 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7, 1990, as well as for the rest of the month. It has already been established that no one visited the plant between February 16 and February 23, 1990, but flows are entered for February 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23, 1990. (Department Exhibit 4). These facts wholly undermine the claim that flow was measured by an elapsed time clock and accurately recorded and certified to the Department by Respondents. Viewing the evidence as a whole, the Department has presented clear and convincing evidence to establish the allegations of Count VI of the Amended Complaint, that no means to measure or to estimate flow data was available at Raven Parc during this period. The flow data submitted on the Raven Parc MORs for February and March 1990, by Paul Ayers and Judy Devores were falsified. Raven Parc - Failure to Fulfill Duties of "Lead Operator" On June 25, 1990, the Department and Judy Devores met to discuss the operation of Raven Parc plant. At that meeting, Ms. Devores stated that she did not operate the Raven Parc plant, and in testimony, Ms. Devores stated she did not visit Raven Parc. Ms. Devores signed the Raven Parc MOR for February as lead operator, however, and the initials "JD" are the only initials which appear on the Raven Parc O & M log for February 1990 (Department Exhibits 1 and 4). Ms. Devores exhibited a lack of familiarity with the actual conditions at Raven Parc during the June 25th meeting. This was inconsistent with a person who properly functioned as its lead operator. According to the Department's expert, the lead operator is "the individual with the most knowledge of the workings of that treatment plant and its condition at any given point in time." (Tr. Day 1, p. 69) At a minimum, a lead operator personally should provide once-a-week on-site supervision to a certified operator, and should never delegate the operation of a water treatment plant to an uncertified operator. Danny Runyan was the de facto operator of the Raven Parc plant, and admitted that he did not visit the plant from February 16 through February 23, 1990. Rule 17-602.200(11), Florida Administrative Code, defines "lead or chief operator" as "the certified operator whose responsibilities include the supervision of all other persons who are employed at a plant, performance of on- site treatment plant operation and whose responsibility it is for the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall treatment plant operation." While Ms. Devores may not have ever gone to the plant, she was responsible for its operation as the lead operator, and should have done so. The Department has presented clear and convincing evidence to substantiate the allegations of Count IX of the Complaint that Judy Devores did not fullfil the duties of a lead operator for the Raven Parc water treatment plant. Raven Parc and Moose Lodge - O & M Log Falsification The Loyal Order of Moose #248 water treatment plant is located in Fort Pierce, and is 12.0 miles away from the Raven Parc plant. Travel between the two plants takes approximately 20 minutes. An operator with the initials "JD" arrived at each plant on February 20, 1990, at 4:15 and left each plant at 4:30, according to the O & M logs at each of the two plants. Similarly, on February 22, 1990, "JD" left the Moose Lodge at 4:30 and arrived at Raven Parc at 4:30. The handwriting on the logs appear to be the same, but the initials do not appear to be in the handwriting of Judy Devores. (See the signature on Department Exhibits 4 and 16, and the initials in the entries for August 21 to August 25 on Department Exhibit 33.) The O & M logs for Raven Parc and Moose Lodge are documents required to be kept by the operator "current to the last operation and maintenance performed." Rule 17-602.360(1)(e), Florida Administrative Code. They are falsified for February 1990. The facts alleged in Count VIII of the Complaint are true. The false O & M log for Raven Parc for February 1990, was maintained by Danny Runyan, with the authorization and under the direction of Judy Devores. Other Falsified O & M Logs The Amended Complaint alleged in Count X that initials of Judy Devores were entered in O & M logs for days she did not visit facilities, and could not have visited facilities because she was out of town. Specific instances are tabulated below: JUDY DEVORES Big O WWTP July 18, 1990 (10-10:30 AM). Glendale Commons WTP July 1990: 18th (3-3:30 PM) 23rd - 25th, 30th and 31st, August 1990: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 10th, 13th and 14th. Johnnies Restaurant WTP June 11th and 12, 1990. Pier II Motel WWTP July 18th, 1990 (10-10:25). Rainbow Trailer Park WTP July 24th and 27th, 1990. Zachary Taylor WWTP July 18th, 1990 (12:15 - 12:45 PM). The Department introduced at hearing copies of the relevant O & M logs (Department Exhibits 27 through 35), and airline ticket receipts which show that the Respondents were out-of-state on the relevant dates (Department Exhibits 24 through 27), and the testimony of Danny Runyan, who admitted that he had signed those O & M logs. Judy Devores characterized Danny Runyan's testimony as erroneous. She was not sure whether or not she used the ticket introduced as Department Exhibit 25, and maintained that she used the ticket introduced as Department Exhibit 26, but left on July 19, 1990, rather than July 18, the departure date noted on the ticket receipt. Judy Devores also asserted that she went to all five plants listed in paragraph 21 of the Amended Complaint as having been visited by "J.D." on July 18, 1990 because "Wayne was on vacation. Paul and I had to cover the plants." She could not blame Wayne Dampier for false entries on those days. She swore that she went to the West Palm Beach airport and "missed the plane" scheduled to leave at 9:34 a.m. on July 18, 1990, and by 10:00 a.m., after having taken the time to make arrangements to pay an extra $75.00 and be reticketed for a next-day departure, arrived at the Big O water treatment plant in Okeechobee County (Department Exhibit 29). This is not believable. Ms. Devores would have had to miss both flights (or used neither of the non-refundable tickets offered as Department Exhibits 25 and 26) in order to establish her presence at the various water and wastewater treatment plants on the dates her initials appear. Ms. Devores hinted, but offered no proof, that Wayne Dampier falsified initials on O & M logs, presumably to get them in trouble. The testimony of Judy Devores is not credible, and her evidence inadequate to overcome the Department's proof, especially in light of Danny Runyan's admission. The initials entered showing Judy Devores performed services at the facilities listed in Finding 63 above are false. The allegations of Count X have been proven by clear and convincing evidence. Falsified BOD and TSS Data The Department's Amended Complaint alleged in Count IV that during calendar year 1990, Respondents reported biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS) data in the wastewater treatment plant MORs for the Town & Country wastewater treatment plant and other facilities operated by them, for which no analyses were performed. BOD and TSS and measurements of the treatment efficiency of wastewater plants, and maximum counts for BOD and TSS are established by the Department in Rule 17-600.420, Florida Administrative Code, which sets minimum treatment standards. Measuring and reporting BOD and TSS values is required for the protection of public health. Rule 17-601.300, Florida Administrative Code, requires monthly monitoring and reporting of BOD and TSS. The MOR, which is the reporting format for BOD and TSS, must be signed by the "lead operator in charge of operating the treatment facility." While the Rule imposes a duty on "wastewater treatment facilities" to monitor effluent for compliance with the rules, the common practice in the industry is for the operator to be responsible to collect samples, forward the samples to a laboratory for analysis, receive the lab report and report the laboratory results to the Department. Respondents did not deny that monitoring of BOD and TSS was part of the operating services they had contracted to perform. In support of the allegation that BOD and TSS analyses were not done, the Department submitted MORs for each month in 1990 for six wastewater treatment plants: Town and Country Mobile Home Park, Big O RV Park, Four Acres Mobile Home Park, Motel Pier II, Taylor Creek Lodge, and Zachary Taylor RV Camp (Department Exhibits 19a-19f). Each of these MORs has a value entered in the space labeled "BOD (mg/1) EFFLUENT" and "TSS (mg/1) EFFLUENT." All are signed by Paul Ayers or Judy Devores. In the course of discovery, the Department asked Respondents in deposition which laboratories Respondents used for analysis of BOD and TSS. The labs identified as performing analyses for Respondents were East Coast Laboratories, Bioservices, and Envirometrics, with Envirometrics being the lab mainly used. Affidavits from the directors of Bioservices and East Coast Laboratories indicate that neither of those laboratories performed any BOD or TSS analyses for Respondents. 4/ Proof of the non-existence of reports by those labs is admissible under Section 90.803(7), Florida Statutes (1991). The Department subpoenaed and copied the records of Envirometrics, and Francisco Perez prepared a summary of the documents, which the director of the laboratory confirmed in an affidavit to be accurate, with certain corrections. The summary shows only 11 rather than 72 instances of lab analyses (six plants times 12 months of MOR entries) for the plants listed in Finding 75: Big O - 2; Town & Country - 2; Four Acres - 2; Motel Pier II - 3; Zachary Taylor - 2; and Taylor Creek Lodge - 0. While Donna Anderson was employed, there was no procedure for collecting monthly effluent samples from the approximately 21 wastewater treatment plants operated by Respondents. Ms. Anderson did not receive regularly 21 sets of lab reports for BOD and TSS, and she saw no evidence at Respondents' office/home that 21 sets of such samples routinely were being collected, stored, or delivered to any laboratory for analysis. John Canard and Danny Runyan each testified that they did not regularly collect effluent samples from wastewater treatment plants they maintained. Applying the standard of clear and convincing evidence, the Department has proven that the BOD and TSS analyses were not performed, although both Paul Ayers and Judy Devores certified they had been in Department Exhibits 19a-19f. The Department's evidence is not rebutted by Respondents' bare assertions, with no supporting documentation, that the required laboratory analyses were performed. Their refusal to identify the lab or lab technician they maintain ran the tests for them renders their testimony highly suspect, and the evidence of other falsifications make their testimony unbelievable. See Finding 130(a), below. Falsified Bacteriological Data Rule 17-550.510(6)(b), Florida Administrative Code, requires at least monthly monitoring of each regulated water system for coliform bacteria (bacteriologicals). One representative raw sample and two samples from the distribution system (sometimes identified as remotes) are required. Rule 17- 550.730(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code, requires monthly reporting of the bacteriological results to the Department. Respondents undertook the sampling and reporting requirements as part of their operating service agreements but did not follow appropriate sample collection methods. Wayne Dampier, Danny Runyan, and Donna Anderson each testified that for the month of October 1990 unlabeled samples were brought into the office, and Paul Ayers, Danny Runyan and Donna Anderson assigned arbitrary and false identifications to the bacteriological samples, identifying them as various facilities operated by Paul Ayers Utilities, Inc. These falsely labelled samples were then submitted to a laboratory for analysis and the results were reported to the Department. The practice of intentionally submitting mislabeled bacteriological samples and reporting false results constitutes submission of fraudulent data, gross neglect in the performance of the duties of a certified operator which can result in adverse public health consequences, and violates standard operating practice for plant operators. Paul Ayers simply denied that he ever collected samples from one location or misalabeled unlabeled samples, and called Donna Anderson's testimony untrue. This testimony is not credible. The allegation of Count XI of the Amended Complaint, that bacteriological samples were mislabeled during the month of October 1990 to seem to have come from other treatment plants, has been proven by clear and convincing evidence. Floresta Elementary - Inadequate Operator Visits The Amended Complaint alleged in Count XII that Respondents failed to provide the Floresta Elementary School water treatment plant the required five visits per week plus one weekend visit for the period from August 22, 1990, through April 23, 1991. The Department offered copies of the on-site O & M log for the relevant period showing inadequate coverage (Department Exhibit 39), and the testimony of Wes Upham. A letter from the school, dated July 26, 1991, states that "Present Operator Paul Ayers Utilities states they have been operating the plant at least 5 days per week for the past several months since Department notice to that effect." The "Department notice" referred to is the notification Wes Upham gave to the school board after his inspection on April 26, 1991. From April to July is "several months" of five day per week operator coverage. The letter does not establish adequate operator coverage for the period at issue: August 22, 1990, to April 23, 1991, and so does not exonerate Mr. Ayers. Kevin Prussing serviced Floresta Elementary for Paul Ayers Utilities, Inc. He was asked by counsel for Respondents whether Paul Ayers called him in April of 1991 to tell him to start going to visit Floresta. Mr. Prussing replied that he did not remember the exact date, but it was after "the question came up about how many visits" and after "it was settled amongst Paul and whoever. . . " (Tr. Day 2 p. 179), which was after the Department's Notice of Noncompliance dated July 10, 1991, was sent to the school board. Paul Ayers did not deny that prior to April 23, 1991, operator coverage was less than five day per week plus one weekend visit. He asserted that his company entered into a contract with the school board which called for three day per week coverage, and that prior to plant modifications in August 1990, only three day per week coverage was required for the Floresta Elementary School water treatment plant. Mr. Ayers acknowledged that he knew five days per week with one weekend visit was required after the plant modifications were completed in August 1990, and that he informed a representative of the school board of that fact. Mr. Ayers claimed that the school board representative refused to pay for additional operator coverage until he was notified by the Department of increased operator coverage requirements. The Department established through the testimony of Rim Bishop, Wes Upham and Kevin Prussing that a licensed operator and the owner of a water treatment plant each have an independent responsibility to know and comply with the plant coverage requirements, which are designed to protect public health. Both Rim Bishop and Kevin Prussing, certified water treatment plant operators, testified that they would not accept a customer who wanted them to provide less than the required operator coverage. The Invitation to Bid circulated by the school board on May 9, 1990, to which Paul Ayers responded on May 23, 1990 (Department Exhibit 37), has a set of "Special General Conditions," which include the following for Floresta Elementary School: "Provide service for both water and wastewater treatment plants, as required by current DER regulations." This specification indicates that the school board intended the operator to make the judgment about appropriate operator attendance requirements. No specific number of days was required in the school board's bid documents. Other operating companies (not including Respondents) contacted the Department to find out how many visits per week would be required at Floresta. For some time before completion of the modifications to Floresta Elementary's system, the school's water supply was such a problem that the school board was required to supply bottled water for cooking and drinking, and to post warnings that bathroom water was not potable. From the time Mr. Ayers became the operator of the Floresta Elementary School water plant, he knew or should have known that water quality was a problem and that extensive treatment modifications were forthcoming. The plant's system, as modified in August 1990, included aeration, gas chlorination, multimedia filtration and ion exchange softening. Proper operation of this system requires blending of raw and treated water. Andrew Helseth, the plant engineer, pointed out that this plant "was only the second one that has had filters and softeners on it". Kevin Prussing, the current operator of the Floresta plant, testified that the plant modifications caused the plant to be "unusual" and "pretty complex" and stated that the engineer was still "very heavily" involved in making corrections. The O & M logs for Floresta Elementary School indicate a period in early 1991 when the plant was visited only twice a week by Respondents. An examination of the O & M logs show that during the week of February 24 to March 2, the plant was visited only twice; from March 3 to March 9 only once; from March 17 to March 23 twice; from March 24 to March 30 twice. The plant was not visited at all from February 28 to March 9, 1991, a period of nine days. This plant is located at a public elementary school. It had a history of water quality problems, and the unique combination of treatment processes. It was gross negligence for an operator to provide less than the three visits per week arguably covered by contract, and less than the required coverage of fives days plus one weekend visit which Mr. Ayers acknowledged, and to leave the plant unattended for nine days. Respondents' claim that the owner of the facility is responsible for ensuring operator coverage is inadequate to overcome the Department's clear and convincing proof with regard to Count XII of the Amended Complaint, that Paul Ayers failed to provide the required operator coverage at the Floresta Elementary School water treatment plant between August 22, 1990, and April 23, 1991. Floresta Elementary - Monitoring Requirements It is essentially undisputed that Respondents failed to monitor the Floresta Elementary plant on each visit for turbidity and water hardness at the water's point of entry into the system, and failed to measure on each visit the raw, bypass and finished water flows. In their defense, Respondents showed that there is no specific permit requirement or rule which mandates such monitoring. The Department established by clear and convincing evidence, including the testimony of Rim Bishop, Wes Upham, Kevin Prussing and Andrew Helseth, and the construction permit issued for the Floresta Elementary School water treatment plant (Department Exhibit 38) that this monitoring is essential to the operation of this type of plant, which includes mixed media filtration, ion exchange and raw water blending, and which had a history of water quality problems. The modifications to the Floresta plant included a turbidometer and additional flow meters beyond the normal flow meters, but Mr. Ayers contended that the presence of this additional monitoring equipment did not imply that additional flows for which gauges had been installed should be measured. Standard operating practice in the industry would indicate to a operator exercising ordinary care in performing his duties that such measurements must be taken. The Amended Complaint further alleged in Count XIII that Respondents failed to monitor monthly for nitrate, chloride, pH, specific conductance, total dissolved solids and fecal coliform, as required by specific condition 13 of the Floresta water treatment plant construction permit (Department Exhibit 38). This allegation was not denied. Paul Ayers defended his conduct by contending that the school board was responsible for the failure to monitor, even though the Invitation to Bid states: "Special General Condition (A). Floresta Elementary (B). Perform all analysis on water and wastewater as required by current D.E.R. regulations" and "General Conditions (2). Contractor agrees to sub-contract laboratory analysis on samples in accordance with the analytical procedure acceptable to the Department of Environmental Regulations (sic)" Mr. Ayers' own bid response states "The charge for the above-described services per school will be, Floresta Elementary water $310, waste water, $210 per month to include all DER required lab analysis and labor service as described herein" (Department Exhibit 37). Standard operating practice requires that a water treatment plant operator be familiar with the terms of a plant's permit, and operate the system in compliance with the permit's terms. Even if the school board had an independent duty to assure compliance with the special monitoring requirements set out in Specific Condition 13 of the construction permit, Paul Ayers failed to comply with standard operating practice with regard to these monitoring requirements. The allegations of Count XIII have been proven by clear and convincing evidence. Failure to Supply Chlorine at Armadillo Warehouse The Amended Compliant alleged in Count XIV that Respondents failed to supply chlorine to the Armadillo warehouse water treatment plant after becoming aware that its on-site cholrine reservoir was empty, which caused an inadequate chlorine residual. The Department's evidence on this count included testimony from Francisco Perez, Donna Anderson, Wayne Dampier and Lowell Polk. Lowell Polk testified that he was given a list of plants to operate, which included the Armadillo plant. Despite his efforts during four or five visits to the plant, he "could not get satisfactory operation out of the [chlorine] feed pump." (Tr. Day 2 p. 141-142) As a result, "There was no chlorine in the water" (Tr. Day 2 pp. 141 and 149). Mr. Polk informed Ms. Devores about the inadequate chlorine situation, and she told him "don't worry about it." The plant was so small it did not fall under the jurisdiction of the Department, but was supervised by the local county public health unit. Respondents maintain that they had no contract to provide operator service, and that their only responsibility at Armadillo was "for a monthly bacteriological to be picked up" according to Ms. Devores (Tr. Day 2 p. 206), although Mr. Ayers believed it was a "quarterly sample" (Tr. Day 2 p. 258) for the public health unit. Despite the appearance of the Armadillo warehouse in Lowell Polk's list of plants to be serviced, the evidence about the contractual obligation of Respondents to provide any services to the Armadillo warehouse is too vague to support a finding that Respondents failed to perform services they had agreed or were required to perform for the public health unit. The Department has failed to prove the allegations of Count XIV of its Amended Complaint. Port St. Lucie Convalescent Center Count XV alleges that no operator certified in wastewater provided the minimum number of visits to the Port St. Lucie Convalescent Center wastewater treatment plant during the period from approximately June 1, 1989, through November 30, 1989. At the hearing, Lowell Polk, an operator certified in water only, testified that he operated the Port St. Lucie Convalescent Center plant during the period that he worked for Respondents, which was in 1988, not 1989. Mr. Polk's testimony does not support the allegations of Count XV, since that count specifically alleged misconduct by Respondents during 1989. Mr. Polk's testimony tends to corroborate, to some extent, the allegations of Count III, that uncertified operators were used by Respondents, and negates Respondents' assertions that they were unaware that any plants were being operated by uncertified operators. Mr. Polk told Judy Devores that Wayne Dampier asked him to operate a plant for which he was not certified, and Ms. Devores responded, "don't worry about it, just do it." (Tr. Day 2 p. 140) The Department has failed to prove the allegations of Count XV of its Amended Complaint. Costs The Department incurred costs and expenses in its investigation of the violations alleged in the amount of $15,512.60, which it seeks to recover in Count XVI. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ABOUT THE EVIDENCE Respondents have attempted to impeach the credibility of Donna Anderson and Wayne Dampier as witnesses against them, alleging bias. They claim Ms. Anderson was fined because she had been embezzling funds from petty cash, and Mr. Dampier was personally responsible for improprieties alleged by the Department. Both witnesses, according to Respondents, are lying because they are disgruntled ex-employees. Danny Runyan, another ex-employee, admitted lying under oath during a deposition taken while he was still employed by Respondents, and explained that he lied under instructions from Respondents in order to keep his job. I have listened to the testimony, read the transcript, examined the documentary evidence and considered the various allegations of interest, motive and bias. I have observed the witnesses and evaluated their opportunity to have observed the matters they testified about, their ability to remember the facts, their ability to articulate details of their recollection, and any reason they had to shade or avoid the truth. Based on these observations and review of the record, I find that the evidence offered by Ms. Anderson, Mr. Dampier and Mr. Runyan are for the most part corroborated by testimony from John Canard, Kevin Prussing and Lowell Polk; by testimony from Department employees; and by exhibits offered by both parties. Mr. Dampier, Mr. Canard and Mr. Polk all admitted misconduct involving activities which could jeopardize their treatment plant operations certificates, with no evidence of any "grant of immunity" or agreement by the Department not to take enforcement action against their certifications. I simply do not believe that Ms. Anderson, Mr. Dampier and Mr. Runyan have perjured themselves for the purpose of revenge, or for any other reason. Many details in the testimony, while not alleged as to specific counts, and which do not in themselves support a finding of gross neglect in treatment plant operations, tend to corroborate the Department's specific allegations about false entries in required reports. For example, Donna Anderson said Respondents had instructed her to "stagger between 6.8 and 7.2" the pH values as she filled out the MORs; Wayne Dampier testified that Respondents told him "definitely not to take a raw sample because its too likely they will flunk" and to "make sure you got a good chlorine residual so that the samples would pass." During cross examination, Donna Anderson remembered Respondents asked her "to put in times and dates and stagger information of these particular logs . . . They had me make up these so called O & M logs that were missing from plants. They didn't have any." This is consistent with the statement made by Respondents in their written response to the Department's Notice of Noncompliance. In paragraph 3, of Department's Exhibit 15, Respondents state: "When the laws concerning the O & M logs were enforced, Paul Ayers Utilities immediately complied." It appears that Respondents "immediately complied" by having Donna Anderson manufacture O & M logs. Past questionable reports submitted by Respondents offer some slight corroboration of the charge of false labeling of samples. In 1986, the Department was notified by an HRS laboratory that samples submitted by Respondents were questionable, in that all samples, although labeled from different plants, had the same coliform bacteria counts. Respondents were advised at that time to take care in the handling of samples, just as they were warned in 1986 that removal of components of a treatment plant was considered by the Department to be "gross neglect in the performance of duties as a certified operator." The evidence of the fraud in the samples the Department charged in the Amended Compliant is itself highly persuasive even without this evidence. Statements, admissions and actions by Respondents have undermined their own credibility. For example: Respondents alleged that the nonexistent BOD and TSS analyses had been performed by a "moonlighting" lab technician in Okeechobee County who had been paid in cash. This entire line of testimony was not credible and damaged Respondent's credibility generally. Ms. Devores testified that the initials "J.D." which appear on the Zachary Taylor plant O & M log (Department Exhibit 33) for August 21 through 26, 1990, are in her handwriting, and that the initials "J.D." which appear on the same document on the dates July 17 and 18, 1990, are also in her handwriting, even though the handwritings are distinctly dissimilar, and even though Danny Runyan admitted that he had entered the latter set of initials. This further undermined the trustworthiness of Ms. Devores' testimony. Respondents tried to implicate Wayne Dampier in the allegations involving Floresta Elementary School, but the Floresta allegations all relate to a time period after Wayne Dampier's employment had terminated. Ms. Devores was unable to explain how her initials, "J.D." appeared in the Big O Water Treatment Plant at 10 a.m., on 7-11-90, and simultaneously at the Pier II WWTP, except that she "didn't have on my watch". Similarly, she was unable to explain how her initials show her to be simultaneously at Moose Lodge and Raven Parc on February 20, 1990. Respondents were unable to explain why they never noticed that their initials repeatedly were being used at plants they contend they did not operate. Ms. Devores kicked and threatened Ms. Anderson with bodily harm when she saw Anderson in the hall of the Palm Beach County Courthouse during the proceedings (Tr. Day 2 p. 96-99).

Recommendation Paul Ayers' and Judy Devores' water and wastewater treatment plant operator certifications referred to in Finding 1 should be permanently revoked. They should surrender those certificates to the Department within thirty (30) days of the effective date of the final order. Respondents should no longer accept employment in a capacity requiring water or wastewater treatment certification nor represent themselves as holding such certifications. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 5th day of May 1992. WILLIAM R. DORSEY, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of May 1992.

Florida Laws (4) 403.031403.141403.16190.803
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Mar. 22, 1991 Number: 91-001779 Latest Update: Jun. 12, 1992

The Issue As reflected in the parties' prehearing stipulation filed on August 28, 1991, the issue in this case is whether the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) should approve South Brevard Water Authority's (SBWA) consumptive use permit (CUP) application. The SBWA is seeking permission to withdraw an annual average daily rate of 18.8 million gallons (mgd) and a maximum daily rate of 21.4 mgd. The District proposes to grant the permit with specified conditions. Petitioners challenge the issuance of the permit, alleging that applicable requirements of Chapter 373, F.S. and Chapter 40C-2, F.A.C. and other applicable law are not met. The standing of Petitioners, other than Osceola County, is at issue. Also at issue is whether the relevant criteria include consideration of the adequacy of existing sources of water, and the consideration of costs of utilizing existing sources versus the cost of the proposed new source of water.

Findings Of Fact The Parties The applicant, South Brevard Water Authority (SBWA) was created by special act of the legislature, Chapter 83-375, Laws of Florida. Its principal office is located in Melbourne, Brevard County, Florida. Its general mission is described in Section 1, of Chapter 83-375, Laws of Florida, as amended by Chapter 87-481, Laws of Florida: Section 1. It is hereby declared and determined by the Legislature that a regional water authority is the most responsive, efficient, and effective local government entity to secure, operate, and maintain an adequate, dependable, and safe water supply for the district and customers of the district. It is the intent of the Legislature that such regional water authority possess the full power and authority to implement, finance, and operate a single coordinated program of water supply transmission and distribution to meet the future quantity and quality needs of the district and for customers of the district. There is a paramount public need to develop a safe, reliable, and energy-efficient source of public water for the district residents and to contruct the wellfields, transmission lines, and other facilities necessary to supply such water. The St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD or District) is an agency created pursuant to Chapter 373, F.S. in charge of regulating consumptive uses of water in a 19-county area of the State of Florida, including all of Brevard and part of Osceola County. The geographical boundaries of the District are described in Section 373.069(2)(c), F.S. Osceola County is a political subdivision of the state, west of, and contiguous to, south Brevard County. The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Deseret) is a Utah corporation authorized to conduct business in the State of Florida. Deseret owns real property in Osceola County to the north and east of the proposed wellfield. Deseret possesses a valid consumptive use permit authorizing the withdrawal of water for this property. East Central Florida Services (ECFS) does not own land or possess a consumptive use permit (CUP). Its purpose is to take over the water management program for the Deseret property. It has applied to the Public Service Commission for certification. Notwithstanding the parties' stipulation that "Triple E Corporation" and "Triple N Corporation" own real property in Osceola County near the proposed wellfield (prehearing stipulation, filed 8/28/91, p. 5), no such corporations are registered in the State of Florida. The lands identified as Triple E and Triple N are owned by multiple parties through trusts, primarily managed by Maury L. Carter, one of the owners. Neither Triple E nor Triple N properties have CUP's. The properties are used for agricultural purposes and the Triple N property has a well and recreational camp. The Site of the Proposed Use The proposed wellfield is located on property owned by the SJRWMD, the Bull Creek Wildlife Management Area (BCWMA), located entirely in eastern Osceola County. The BCWMA is comprised of 22,206 acres within the drainage area of the St. Johns River. The northern third of the management area is drained by Crabgrass Creek, and the southern two-thirds is drained by Bull Creek. The easternmost boundary is located approximately one mile from the Brevard County boundary. Currently all 22,206 acres of the BCWMA are under lease to the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, which agency manages the area as a public recreation facility for hunting, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, camping and archeological studies. The sparsely populated area has historically been used for logging and cattle grazing. It was acquired for a detention area and it currently provides nonstructural flood protection. Its surface topography is relatively flat, with uplands and wetlands separated by only inches in vertical elevation. Upland communities include pine flatwoods, saw palmetto prairies, pine savannahs and sand oaks. Wetland communities include cypress domes, mixed shallow marshes, sawgrass marsh, wet prairies and transitional prairies. The BCWMA is classified as a "conservation area" in the District's current adopted Five Year Land Plan which summarizes the agency's land acquisition and management policies. A "conservation area" is defined as "...an area acquired for water resource conservation and protection in an environmentally-acceptable manner". The term includes water supply areas, including areas for public wellfield location. (Osceola Co. exhibit #33, p. 15) Facilities Associated with the Proposed Consumptive Use Although the precise siting of the wells has not been established, the wellfield will be located at the northern end of the BCWMA, east-west into a "panhandle" area, and extending south, for an inverted "L" shape. The wellfield will consist of 12 production wells in 2000 ft. intervals. Wells 1-9 will lie along an east-west axis adjacent to Crabgrass Creek, while wells 10-12 will lie along a north-south axis below well 9, the eastern-most well. The capacity of each well is designed at 3,000 gallons per minute or approximately 4.30 million gallons a day (mgd). Each well consists of 20" diameter casing pipe extending 700' below the ground surface. From there, an open hole for production will extend another 250 feet in depth. A small, 20 ft. by 30 ft., concrete building will enclose the motor and other equipment associated with each well, in order to eliminate vandalism and to baffle the noise. The wells will be sited to avoid jurisdictional wetlands. In addition to the production wells, monitoring wells will be constructed to comply with permit conditions. Because the water drawn from the proposed wellfield will exceed potable standards, reverse osmosis (RO) desalinization treatment is required. A below ground header pipeline will carry raw water from the wellfield to an RO treatment facility in Brevard County. The RO treatment facility will process 75 percent of water coming from the wellfield, 85 percent of which is recovered as finished water, and 15 percent of which is disposed of as brine by deep well injection. The 25 percent of raw water which bypasses the treatment process will be blended with the finished water to yield water which meets drinking water standards for chloride levels. The yield is anticipated to be 16.67 mgd on an average day and 18.9 mgd on a maximum day. However, the finished water yield could be higher if raw water quality permits greater blending and less reject water. On the finished water side, the water will need to be treated again to assure that it will be compatible with water from the City of Melbourne plant. Failure to balance the blended waters chemically could result in corrosion of pipes, leaching of pipes, discoloration, rusty water, and odorous water. A proper process, therefore, is essential and is highly sophisticated. From the treatment facility the water will travel in underground pipes, beneath the St. Johns River, beneath I-95 and east to the Melbourne distribution system. From there some water is anticipated to travel south to connect to the General Development Utilities (GDU) system. Hydrogeologic Characteristics of the Site For modelling purposes, the aquifer system in the region is represented by sequential layers of differing characteristics in the flow and movement of water. The SBWA model contains 6 layers; the Osceola model contains 7 layers. In both models, layer 1 corresponds to the surficial (water table) aquifer; layer 2 corresponds to the Hawthorn formation (the upper confirming layer); layer 3 is the Upper Floridan aquifer; layer 4 describes the 200 ft. thick portion of the Upper Floridan called the "production zone"; layer 5 in the SBWA model is approximately 450 ft. thick and is called a confining unit; Osceola's consultants consider this layer less permeable or semi-confirming; layer 6 is the lower Floridan; and layer 7 in the Osceola model is the bottom reaches of the lower Floridan. The surficial aquifer consists of sand and shell deposits and extends to a depth of approximately 100 feet below land surface. The surficial aquifer is capable of producing small to moderate amounts of water for domestic uses. The Hawthorn is an interbedded formation consisting of clay, limestone and phosphate. Due to its extremely low permeability, this layer restricts both the vertical and horizontal movement of water. The Hawthorn is thicker in Central Florida than in other portions of the state. At the BCWMA the thickness of the Hawthorn ranges from 240 feet in the area northwest of the management area to 80 feet in the southeastern portion of the management area. The upper Floridan Aquifer at the BCWMA, as characterized by the SBWA's consultant and based on site specific data, extends from the base of the Hawthorn to a depth of approximately 900 feet below land surface. That portion of the upper Floridan Aquifer between the bottom of the Hawthorn and 700 feet below land surface consists of fine grained limestone with relatively low permeability. This zone corresponds with layer 3 in the groundwater modeling done by the SBWA. The portion of the upper Floridan between the bottom of the Hawthorn and 700 feet below land surface is less capable of producing water than the portions below this level. That portion of the upper Floridan Aquifer between 700 feet and 900 feet of depth consists of hard dolomites. Dolomitic zones are the most productive zones of water within the Floridan in this part of the state because these formations contain solution fractures and cavities. This zone corresponds with layer 4 in the groundwater modeling done by the SBWA. Several researchers and modelers have suggested the existence of a zone, variously referred to as a semi-confining unit, a zone of lower permeability or a middle semi-confining unit, located between the upper and lower Floridan Aquifer. This area between 900 feet and 1350 feet below land surface consists largely of hard dolomites similar in nature to those in the zone immediately above it. This zone corresponds to layer 5 in the groundwater modeling done by SBWA. Previous regional modeling efforts have utilized model derived values to describe the middle semi-confining unit rather than site specific information showing the location, thickness or hydrogeological characteristics of the zone. Site specific data tends to confirm the lower permeability of this zone relative to the layers above and below it. Site specific data consists of a core sample, mineral content observed during the drilling of the test monitor well, and a Neumann-Witherspoon ratio analysis conducted during the aquifer performance test. The area between 1350 feet and 1450 feet below land surface also consists of dolomites but with greater permeability and greater transmissivity (the measure of an aquifer's ability to transmit water in a horizontal direction). This area corresponds to layer 6 in the groundwater modeling done by the SBWA. No site specific data exists beneath 1483 feet, representing the total depth of test well TM. Regional data does exist which characterizes the areas from 1500 feet below land surface to the bottom of the lower Floridan Aquifer as consisting of zones of varying lithology, and varying permeabilities. This zone which corresponds to layer 7 in the groundwater modeling done by Osceola County is not homogeneous or uniform over its entire thickness according to available regional data, consisting of geologic reports of deep wells in the east-central Florida area. All parties agree that in the area of the proposed wellfield, horizontal movement of water in the Floridan aquifer is from west, where the greatest recharge occurs along the Lake Wales Ridge, to east, where there is little or no recharge. Water quality in the upper Floridan as measured by chloride concentrations deteriorates as one moves from west to east. The Floridan aquifer beneath the BCWMA represents a transition zone between the recharge area to the west and high saline formation waters in the east. The dominant geochemical components in water beneath the BCWMA are biocarbonates. Water quality, as measured by chloride concentrations, also deteriorates with depth. Chloride concentrations, based on data derived from the drilling of well TM at the BCWMA, increase gradually from 306 milligrams per liter (mgl) at 410 feet, to 658 mgl at 1473 feet below land surface. Chloride concentrations increase abruptly to 1980 mgl in well TM at 1483 feet of depth. Evidence is inconclusive as to whether all of the proposed production wells will draw water exceeding 250 mgl in chloride concentrations. It is undisputed that most will, but chloride contours initially provided by SBWA's consultant indicate that the southernmost wells may produce water between 150 and 250 mgl. A comprehensive aquifer performance test (APT) was conducted at the BCWMA by the SBWA's consultant, Post, Buckley Schuh, and Jernigan, Inc. (PBSJ). The test was designed by the staff of the SJRWMD in consultation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This test yielded data which enabled PBSJ to calculate several aquifer characteristics for use in the groundwater modeling which was later done by SBWA's modeling consultant, Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. (ESE). Eight wells were utilized in connection with the APT conducted at the BCWMA in January and February 1990. Three of the wells were dual zone monitoring wells capable of monitoring events in two different geologic units simultaneously. Three wells, including the test production well (TP) were open to the interval between 700 and 900 feet below land surface which was identified by the SBWA as the production zone. Typically APT's are run for 12 to 72 hours in Florida. Well TP was pumped for approximately 10 days at a rate equivalent to that expected during actual production while observations were made of water levels in all wells, including three off-site wells (the Holopaw test well, the Kempfer well and the Bruner well). All of the information the SBWA needed from the APT was obtained in the first hours of the test. Water levels in the area monitored during the APT ceased dropping due to pumpage within 1 hour after the pumping started. Three different analytical models were used to calculate a transmissivity value for the production zone, utilizing data derived during the APT. The result showed transmissivity in this zone to be approximately 2 million gallons per foot per day. This is a very high transmissivity value indicating a comparatively prolific aquifer, capable of producing the volumes of water requested in the application. As transmissivity increases, the cone of depression associated with pumpage tends to flatten out and be less steep. The cone of depression extends further out, creating a wider area of drawdown. Hydraulic conductivity is the measure of an aquifer's resistance to flow either in a vertical (KV) or horizontal (KH) direction. Two methods were used to calculate the hydraulic conductivity of the Hawthon Formation by PBSJ: laboratory analysis of a core sample taken from this unit, and a bail test (measuring an increase in water level over time) conducted on a well on site by the SJRWMD. Two different methods were used by PBSJ to calculate the hydraulic conductivity of layer 5: laboratory analysis of a core sample taken from that zone, and the Neuman-Witherspoon ratio analysis method. Porosity is the void space in porous media through which transport of particles, such as chlorides, can occur. Effective porosity has an impact on the ability of saline or dense water to move upward from depth toward a pumping well. The lower the effective porosity within an aquifer, the greater the potential for upconing of saline water within that aquifer. Effective porosity for layers 4 and 5 was calculated using two different methods, those being laboratory analysis of core samples taken from these zones, and analysis of acoustic logs generated during the APT. Each of these methods is accepted in the field of hydrogeology. Anticipated Impacts to Groundwater Levels and Flows as a Result of the Proposed Consumptive Use A numeric groundwater flow model is a computer code representing the groundwater flow process. Both SBWA and Osceola used numeric groundwater flow models developed by their consultants to predict and simulate the impacts associated with withdrawals proposed in the application. The SBWA used a finite difference model called INTERSAT for its simulations. INTERSAT is a widely used and accepted groundwater flow model. The model was run by ESE for the SBWA in the impact or drawdown mode. Drawdown or impact models simulate changes in water levels in response to a stress such as a pumping well. Drawdown models are an accepted and frequently used method to evaluate wellfield stress, particularly in association with a CUP application. ESE and PBSJ utilized several analytical models to first determine and later to verify the area to which the boundaries of their model would extend. The radius of influence of a well or wellfield is the distance from the center of pumpage extending out to where drawdowns caused by that pumpage reach zero. The boundary for a numeric groundwater model should be set at, or beyond, the radius of influence of the pumpage being simulated by the model. Based on the analytical models run by ESE and PBSJ the radius of influence of the wellfield proposed in the application is 43,000 to 45,000 feet. The approximate distances of the boundaries set in INTERSAT model from well TP were 50,000 feet to the east, 40,000 feet to the west, 40,000 feet to the north and 50,000 feet to the south. The INTERSAT model covers a total area of 320 square miles. This size falls somewhere between a regional model and a local model, and is adequate in size to address the impacts associated with the proposed withdrawals. The vertical boundary of SBWA's model extends to 1450 feet below land surface and, as stated above, is divided into 6 layers. The 1450 feet depth generally coincides with the limits of site specific data generated during the APT. The six layers in the SBWA flow model coincide with the six distinct geologic units identified by PBSJ in their APT report. The site specific data generated by the APT was utilized, along with other regional modeling studies, to arrive at a set of "conservative" aquifer parameters to be utilized in the INTERSAT model. "Conservative" parameters for purposes of this application are those which would tend to overpredict drawdown in the surficial aquifer and the production zone, while allowing for more upconing of dense water from the bottom of the model. The selection of "conservative" aquifer parameters by SBWA involved taking site specific values, comparing them with the ranges of values reported in the other available regional models and selecting values which, while still within the range of reported values used in other studies, would tend to show greater impacts for the areas of primary concern than the site specific values. Every aquifer parameter utilized in SBWA's groundwater flow model falls within the range of values reported in at least one of the groundwater modeling studies previously done in this region. The size of the grids utilized in the SBWA model were 500 feet by 500 feet within the vicinity of the wellfield. Grid sizes expand as one moves toward the outer boundaries of the model. The fineness of the grids used by ESE, particularly in the wellfield area, allows for accurate representation and resolution of surface water features, impacts in the production zone and for evaluating the effects of saltwater upcoming in the transport model also done by ESE. Within the radius of influence of the proposed wellfield, there are no existing wells in layers 5 or 6. The ESE model simulations for 18.8 mgd pumpage predict a maximum drawdown in the surficial aquifer (layer 1) of 0.14 feet centered primarily within the BCWMA. At a distance of 1 mile from the wellfield the impact drops to 0.12 feet. None of the existing legal users of water in layer 1 within the radius of influence of the proposed wellfield will suffer a ten percent or greater reduction in withdrawal capacity from their wells solely as a result of the proposed withdrawals, since 10 percent reduction would require at least 3 feet of drawdown. The ESE model simulations predict a maximum drawdown caused by the proposed pumpage of 4.5 feet in layer 3 centered along the alignment of wells and primarily within the BCWMA. At a distance of 2 miles, the drawdown drops to 2 feet. At the Brevard-Osceola County line the drawdown in layer 3 is approximately .5 feet. Petitioner Deseret's flowing wells are drilled in layer 3 and are located within the area where a drawdown of 1 foot is predicted in layer 3 by the ESE model. Deseret uses its property for a cow/calf ranching operation and has approximately 32,000 head of cows. Deseret uses 39 flowing wells east of state road 192 to irrigate pasture, water cattle and supply drinking water. Deseret possesses a valid CUP for a portion of the total flow capacity from those wells. Seasonally, the wells flow at different rates, but they are most relied upon in dry conditions when the natural flow would be decreased. It is unlikely that the proposed SBWA withdrawals will stop the flow of any of Deseret's wells; and it is unlikely that the flow will be reduced by more than 10 percent. Deseret and Osceola's consultants do predict a greater drawdown and opine that approximately 12 of Deseret's wells will cease flowing as a result of the SBWA withdraw As addressed below, the modelling by Petitioner's consultants, upon which those predictions are based, is less reliable than that of SBWA's consultants. If the effects are greater than predicted, mitigation in the form of installation of pumps is possible, albeit inconvenient and expensive. Mitigation would have to be provided by the applicant, SBWA. The drawdowns predicted by the ESE model for layer 4 are not significantly different from those for layer 3. It is anticipated that no legal user of water within the radius of influence of the proposed wellfield will suffer a 10 percent or greater reduction in withdrawal capacity for its wells, as a result of SBWA's proposed withdrawals. Petitioners' consultants, Hartman and Associates, (Hartman) modeled a significantly larger (4900 square miles) and deeper (3000 feet) area than did SBWA. The model makes its predictions based on one data point for every 49 square miles within the modeled area. Petitioners utilized much larger model grids in the wellfield area (2000 feet by 2000 feet) than did the SBWA. Grid of this size lacks the resolution necessary to evaluate wellfield impacts. Petitioners selected their aquifer parameters from another regional modeling study done in 1985 rather than using site specific data. Those parameters were then adjusted or calibrated until a match was obtained to a computer created potentiometric surface which was supposed to reflect the potentiometric surface for May 1990, an uncharacteristically dry period. The created potentiometric surface to which Hartman calibrated its model varies greatly from the potentiometric surface as reflected in the actual data points from which USGS derives its potentiometric surface maps. While no model is perfect, and actual data is preferable, in the absence of all the actual data that is needed, the ESE model is a more credible predictor of drawdowns. Anticipated Impacts to Groundwater Quality as a Result of the Proposed Consumptive Use Solute transport models are computer models designed to simulate the movement of mass, in this case -- chlorides -- through a groundwater flow system. These models are linked to, and are dependent on flow fields generated by groundwater flow models. In order to predict changes in water quality anticipated to occur as a result of its proposed withdrawals, SBWA's consultants used a solute transport model called HST3D. Developed by the USGS, this model is widely used and accepted. For simulations using the HST3D model, SBWA used the flow field and a portion of the grid generated by its INTERSAT groundwater flow model. The HST3D simulations run by ESE utilized a cross section of the INTERSAT model grid extending through row 26 of that grid, which is the row containing the line of 9 proposed wells running on an east-west axis. Use of a cross sectional grid is an appropriate method by which to examine salt water intrusion. Upconing, to the extent that it will occur as a result of the proposed pumpage, would be greatest within the cross section containing the 9 wells. The cross section extends two miles through the wellfield to the west. As chloride concentrations in water increase, the density of the water increases. Density can retard the degree of upconing when chloride concentrations are as low as 1000-2000 parts per million and becomes significant at 3000-5000 parts per million. Failure of a model to consider density effects, when appropriate, would tend to overstate upconing. HST3D does consider density effects. SBWA's consultant ran several simulations with the HST3D model to predict changes that would occur as a result of the proposed pumpage in chloride concentrations over 7, 14 and 30 year time periods. These simulations utilized the same aquifer parameters as the INTERSAT model together with the effective porosity values derived from site specific data. Assuming a starting chloride concentration of 1000 mgl at the bottom of layer 5, the measured concentration at that level in well TM on the BCWMA site, after 30 years of pumpage at 18.8 mgd, the chloride concentrations in layer 4 would increase by only 100 mgl. The simulations for 7 years of pumpage which is the duration of the proposed permit, show that the predicted increase in chloride levels would be substantially less than 100 mgl. Other HST3D simulations were run by SBWA for a pumpage rate of 35 mgd utilizing beginning chloride concentrations of 5,000 mgl and 10,000 mgl, respectively at the bottom of layers. The results did not show any significant changes in chloride concentrations in layer 4 over and above those shown when a lower starting chloride concentration was assumed. In a circumstance where, as here, the chloride concentrations in the zone from which water is proposed to be withdrawn exceeds secondary drinking water standards (250 mgl), the SJRWMD evaluates the existing legal water uses within the area that would be impacted by the proposed use. If it is determined that the increase in chloride concentrations caused by a proposed use would detrimentally affect other existing legal users or the applicant, only then is the increase deemed to be "significant". Within the layers of the aquifer which would experience increases in chloride concentrations as a result of the proposed withdrawal, layers 4, 5 and 6, no existing users of water would be detrimentally affected. Petitioner Deseret's closest wells to the proposed wellfield are in layer 3 where chloride levels will not be affected by the proposed wellfield within the 7 year duration of the proposed permit or even beyond that period. Further, the use Deseret makes of the water from the wells in closest proximity to the proposed wellfield, pasture irrigation, can tolerate significantly higher chloride concentrations than will exist even directly beneath the wellfield in level 4 after 30 years of pumping. Use of water for public supply purposes is considered by SJRWMD to be in the public interest. Utilization of the water beneath BCWMA for public supply purposes, even with some increase in chloride concentrations in the source of the water over the life of the permit, does not on balance detrimentally affect the public interest. Two different solute transport models were done by Petitioners' consultants, one a numeric model and the other an analytical model. The numeric model done by Hartman, RANDOMWALK, does not predict changes in chloride concentrations within an aquifer, but rather tracks movement of particles. RANDOMWALK does not account for density effects. The analytical model done by Prickett for the Petitioners relies on assumptions, many of which are not met in the aquifer system at BCWMA. Those assumptions relate to uniformity of the system, for example: porosity and permeabilities, and lack of regional gradients. The solute transport models utilized by the Petitioners are less reliable for predicting water quality changes resulting from the proposed pumpage than the model utilized by the SBWA. Salt water intrusion is a dramatic increase of chloride levels in an aquifer layer. The saline water encroachment which occurs from the wellfield stress will be in the lower confining unit. There will be limited degradation in the lower part of the production zone. The wellfield will not induce significant lateral intrusion from the east. There will not be any dramatic changes in chlorides. The movement of the chlorides is confined to the locality of the wellfield. Most of the movement is vertical and is of limited increase. The proposed Bull Creek withdrawals will not aggravate any currently existing salt water intrusion problems. The reject brine water from the RO treatment plant will be disposed of in deep injection wells in Brevard County. These injection wells would deposit the brine into a receiving body of water in the Oldsmar geologic formation. The brine reject will have a total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration of approximately 7,000 mgl. The receiving water into which the brine will be injected approximates sea water, with TDS concentrations in the range of 36,000 mgl. The receiving body will obviously not be further degraded. Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Consumptive Use District staff, SBWA consultants and Osceola's consultants independently conducted onsite field investigations of the BCWMA to evaluate the vegetative communities and land uses which exist on site. Each consultant prepared a habitat map identifying the various vegetative communities found at the site. While relatively pristine, the BCWMA has been logged and grazed by cattle in the past. The impacts of man's activities have been remediated by ceasing the activity. There are few permanent incursions, such as roads, canals and buildings. The area is a very diverse landscape, with a mosaic of different types of plant communities. There are various upland and wetland habitats. The variety of wetlands are forested and non-forested, deep and shallow, open and closed. These wetlands perform important functions, including water storage and purification, aquifer recharge, flood control, and provision of food sources and habitat for wildlife, and they are "factories" for producing the materials needed by many higher organisms. The wetlands on site are structurally complex and are good habitat for macro- invertebrates and the fish and higher organisms that feed on them. A number of these wetlands are shallow, isolated wetlands. During periods of inundation, when the wetlands fill up with water and interconnect with the Bull Creek drainage system, the system exports various organisms to the wetlands. Fish that are live bearers move into isolated wetlands during periods of inundation, and they and their offspring become a source of food for birds. Fish species that lay eggs can withstand desiccation (total drying out) can survive the temporary drying of wetlands, but live bearers must repopulate during periods of inundation. The mixed wetland hardwoods on site contain a diversity of bugs, crawfish, mayflies, damsel flies, midges, and snails. Some of these are important food sources for higher organisms. The apple snail, for example, is an important food source for such birds as the limpkin and the endangered snail kite, and its eggs are food for crawfish and other organisms. The biological communities that exist in the wetlands and uplands at the site are determined by a number of factors, including the depth and duration of the hydroperiod, soils, climate, temperature, and availability of sunlight. These communities and their habitats will react to changes in light, water, temperature, and many other subtle effects, causing changes in plant diversity and structure, the areal extent of certain types of habitats and wetlands, and utilization by wildlife. Natural fluctuations in the hydroperiod also cause these changes, generally from the exterior edges of a wetland to the interior. The wetlands in the BCWMA have been able to withstand the natural drought and flood periods, or they wouldn't be there today. Periodic burning is essential to the health of ecosystems such as in the Bull Creek area. Fires reduce the prevalence of species less tolerant to fire, allow other species to strengthen their presence, return organic material to the soil, and reduce the fuel available for wild fires. Originally occurring naturally as a result of lightening strikes, prescribed burns are now undertaken by agencies such as the Division of Forestry and the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission to replicate the beneficial functions of natural periodic burning. Fire management is used as a land management technique at BCWMA and continued fire management at the BCWMA will maintain a natural ecological setting typical of Florida. Slight variations in elevation which mark the difference between wetlands and uplands can result in utilization of the areas by different animal communities. Where different types of plant communities meet, an "ecotone" is created. Where an ecotone exists, the "edge effect" of the competition between the two communities occurs. The result of the edge effect is higher plant and animal species diversity, which is extremely important to the natural community. Some animals make specific use of the ecotone for habitat and food resources. Many amphibians, frogs in particular, live in the ecotone. Some birds will not roost in the upland forests but will roost in the edge of the forest adjacent to wetlands. Wetlands in the BCWMA are connected to the remainder of the Bull Creek system through groundwater resources. Their biological and ecological communities are also connected as the same organisms move throughout the system. Isolated wetlands also exhibit a "moving edge" effect, where changes in the surface water and water table levels cause different plants, or plants at different levels of maturity, to exist in the wetland and its perimeter. This increases the productivity of the wetland by making it attractive to a wider variety of plant and animal species. If the expansion and contraction of isolated wetlands is reduced by lowered water levels, the smaller wetlands would exhibit a reduced edge effect, and the cumulative effect of this reduction over time would disrupt the functioning of the wetland-upland system. Isolated wetland systems are more sensitive to drawdowns in the surficial aquifer than connected wetland systems because the drainage area contributing water to the wetland system is smaller. Isolated herbaceous wetland communities are the most sensitive of the vegetative communities on BCWMA to drawdowns in the surficial aquifer. The surficial aquifer fluctuates naturally as much as five feet annually. Rainfall is the primary source of water for the surficial aquifer. Water levels in the surficial aquifer respond very quickly to rainfall events. Hydroperiods of the wetland systems in the BCWMA respond to rainfall and surficial aquifer levels. The wetland hydroperiods vary from year to year, and wetland ecosystems have adopted to those annual changes. But a groundwater withdrawal from the surficial aquifer in the Bull Creek area would cause a corresponding lowering of the surface water level, since the wetlands are not "perched", or separated from the aquifer by a confining layer. A drawdown would lower water levels throughout the hydroperiod, under both high water and low water conditions, with a more pronounced effect during the dry season and drought periods. Some of the over twenty threatened and endangered plant species present at Bull Creek grow in shallow, marginally wet areas. Changes in even a few inches of groundwater would cause these plant species to be retarded in growth, and their abundance would decrease or they would die out at the site. Many of the wetlands are shallow, broad, sloping areas, and groundwater elevation changes of just a few inches will cause changes in the areal extent of these wetlands. Even the .14 foot drawdown predicted by SBWA's modeling would affect shallow inundated or saturated systems by changing the moisture level at the surface, particularly by affecting the lowest water levels. Changes in the vegetative composition of wetlands will affect the macro-invertebrate characteristics of a site. For example, as water levels change, the density of the vegetation (in terms of number of plant stems per acre) can decrease, leaving fewer places for the macro-invertebrates to hide, and the populations of macro-invertebrates will decrease through predation. As food sources, habitat and breeding grounds decrease, those animal species that can relocate will attempt to do so. Relocation can adversely affect the survival of the species; for example, a wood stork unable to find a particular food upon which it is dependent at a particular interval in its life cycle may abandon its nest and its young. Animals that attempt to relocate may find that there is not a suitable similar habitat available, making their attempt to adjust to the change in their environment unsuccessful. The proposed use will not significantly affect the stages or vegetation of the upland communities at the BCWMA because they are not as dependent on saturation or inundation as a wetland community. Forested wetland systems, be they isolated or connected, will not be influenced by a drawdown of the magnitude predicted by SBWA for the surficial aquifer. Forested systems have deep root zones and the canopy provides shading to the strata below. Forested systems are able to tolerate natural changes in hydrology. The SBWA assessment does not offer any detailed cataloguing of the plant and animal communities on site, or a description of how the systems operate or interface with each other. It does not provide sufficient information to be able to assess the impacts of the proposed wellfield on these systems. There was insufficient information presented by the applicant to conclude that the environmental harm to be caused by operation of a wellfield at the BCWMA has been reduced to an acceptable level. The applicant relied on the fact that drawdowns in the surficial aquifer will be minimal, without fully considering the impact of those minimal drawdowns on a fragile wetland ecosystem during a dry period. Water Demand The SBWA was created by special act in 1983 as a dependent special district for the purpose of developing regional water supplies and transmission of water to water distribution systems. In its existence so far, its labors have been in the former, and none in the latter category. Efforts to develop a regional water supply have been frustrated by litigation, by reluctance of local public systems to give up their authority and by delays in pursuing and processing CUP applications, two of which are still pending, in addition to the instant application. The City of Melbourne's public water system provides water to Melbourne, Palm Bay and West Melbourne, and to some unincorporated areas surrounding Melbourne. It also supplies water to the area called south beaches, comprised of the Brevard County area south of Patrick Air Force Base, including Satellite Beach, Melbourne Beach, Indiatlantic and Indian Harbor Beach. The current water supply is Lake Washington, which is part of the chain of lakes on the St. Johns River. The city of Melbourne was granted a CUP on January 15, 1991, for withdrawals from Lake Washington, ranging from 27.15 million gallons maximum daily withdrawals in 1991 to 21.7 million gallons maximum daily withdrawals in 1998. In addition, Melbourne has planned a new facility and has the CUP to withdraw 8.13 million gallons a day from the Floridan Aquifer commencing in 1993. After reverse osmosis treatment, the groundwater withdrawal will yield 6.5 million gallons a day finished water, making up the difference from reduced withdrawals from Lake Washington. Approximately 56 potable water systems have been identified by SBWA in South Brevard, south of the Pineda Causeway. Almost all are small private systems. Besides Melbourne, the other major water supplier in the area is General Development Utilities (GDU), serving the City of Palm Bay. GDU's CUP expires in 1993 with an average daily withdrawal of 6.5 mgd and maximum daily withdrawal of 8.5 mgd. It has ample capacity until 1996, and beyond to the year 2000, if an additional Department of Environmental Regulation capacity rating is obtained. The total capacity of the two major existing facilities is approximately 30 mgd and total existing consumptive use quantities (including existing CUPs with expiration dates varying from 1993 to 1998) approach 40 mgd. The current SBWA water master plan assumes that existing sources need replacing. More specifically, SBWA, if this CUP is granted, seeks to replace Lake Washington as the primary source of water in the area with the groundwater obtained from the BCWMA wellfield. An agreement between the City of Melbourne and SBWA provides that the City will initially purchase 8 mgd, plus all future needs of water from the SBWA. This 8 mgd would be used by Melbourne prior to using its 6.5 mgd finished water from the RO facility, and the RO water would be used prior to withdrawals from Lake Washington. The agreement, dated January 9, 1991, acknowledges the need for, and specifically authorizes improvements to Melbourne's Lake Washington Water Treatment Plant, including the conversion of the existing high service pumping station to a low service pumping station with average daily capacity of 20 mgd and maximum capacity of 25 mgd. (SBWA Ex. 49) GDU is a private utility and currently is outside the jurisdiction of the SBWA. General Development Corporation is in receivership and the City of Palm Bay is negotiating for purchase of the utility. If the purchase is successful, the supply will become publicly owned and subject to the jurisdiction of the SBWA. The City of Palm Bay is not bound to purchase GDU at any price, and the requirement that it would shut down its newly purchased facility to receive water from SBWA is a disincentive to the acquisition. In the meantime, GDU has no incentive to reduce CUP capacity and devalue its facility. GDU's service has been uninterrupted and reliable. Contamination to the surface aquifer utilized by GDU has been successfully treated. Although septic tanks proliferate in Palm Bay, their location, as well as the presence of confining layers in the surficial aquifer, reduce the susceptibility of GDU wells to contamination from septic tanks. The applicant's concerns about unreliability and safety of Lake Washington as a continued water source are unsubstantiated by the weight of evidence in this proceeding. Surface water facilities have been used in Florida since before the turn of the century and no major facility has ever been off-line one day due to raw water contamination. Nor has any major Florida surface water plant ever been sabotaged. There is a greater chance in Florida of problems with pipeline failures, and the miles of pipes planned to transmit ground water from Bull Creek east to SBWA consumers increase the chances of those problems. Recently, the SJRWMD Upper Basin Project has significantly improved the water quality and quantity in Lake Washington through restoration of marshlands in the upper basin and capping flowing wells. Restored marsh areas will allow for additional removal of nutrients and provide an additional storage to the Lake Washington/Upper Basin system, significantly improving safe yield quantities. Comparisons of concentrations of raw water chlorides and total dissolved solids for the drought years of 1989 and 1990, show significant reductions for the latter time frame. Recent evaluations indicate that Lake Washington would be acceptable in terms of chlorides and TDS concentrations for a 35 mgd withdrawal, even during 50 and 100 year droughts. Water quality improvements to Lake Washington can be directly related to the Upper Basin project. Trihalomethanes are regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act. They are produced by the disinfection process of treating raw water with chlorines, and they are carcinogenic. A previously experienced problem at the Melbourne plant has been corrected with operational changes. As recently as 1988, an internal staff report by SJRWMD staff provided: Lake Washington has been a reliable source of public water supply since 1960 and can remain so in the future with the continuation of sound basin planning and watershed management by the St. John's river Water Management District. The quality of the raw water from Lake Washington is subject to annual and seasonal variations that make the treatment process more difficult, and the quality of the delivered water less consistent, than would be the case with a groundwater supply. A supplemental water source near Lake Washington would improve the quality of the water delivered to the users, would increase the total volume that could be taken from the lake in times of stress, and would provide a reliable alternative in case of emergency. The upper zone of the Floridan Aquifer within south Brevard County has the potential to supply a significant portion of the area's future water needs with existing low-pressure, reverse osmosis technology at a cost that is comparable to current supplies.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby, recommended that the SBWA application for CUP be denied. RECOMMENDED this 12th day of March, 1992, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of March, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NOS. 91-1779, 91-1780, & 91-1781 The following constitute disposition of the findings of fact proposed by each party. Petitioner, Osceola County These findings have been adopted in full or in substantial part in the recommended order submitted herewith: 1-5, 7-8, 14, 21-22, 24-25, 27-28, 30, 32, 35, 62-65, 73, 104, 113, 116-125, 127, 129-130, 132-138, 140, 154, 157-158, 164, 167-168, 183, 186, 189, 191-195, 197-200, 202-204, 209, 212. These findings are rejected as contrary to or unsupported by the weight of evidence: 37-38, 48, 51, 53, 56, 66, 79-81, 84-90, 92-94, 102-103, 105-107, 110-112, 115, 128, 171-172, 212(d), (f) and (g), 213-214. These findings are rejected as cumulative, unnecessary or irrelevant: 6, 9- 13, 15-20, 23, 26, 29, 31, 33-34, 36, 39-47, 49-50, 52, 54-55, 57-61, 67-72, 74- 78, 82-83, 91, 95-101, 108-109, 114, 126, 131, 139, 141-153, 155-156, 159-163, 165-166, 169-170, 173-182, 184-185, 190, 196, 201, 205-208, 210-211, 212(e), 215. Petitioners, Triple E, Triple N, East Central Florida Services, Inc., and Deseret These findings have been adopted in full or in substantial part in the recommended order submitted herewith: 1-6, 8-9, 16-20, 22-25, 27-28, 30-31, 50- 56, 59-60. These findings are rejected as contrary to or unsupported by the weight of evidence: 7, 12, 32, 34-37, 40, 42, 44, 48, 49, 58. These findings are rejected as cumulative, unnecessary or irrelevant: 10- 11, 13-15, 21, 26, 29, 33, 38-39, 41, 43, 45-47, 57, 61-63. Respondent, South Brevard Water Authority These findings have been adopted in full or in substantial part in the recommended order submitted herewith: 1-6, 9-11, 13, 16-24, 28, 30-34, 36, 38, 46-48, 61, 64, 70, 72-74, 90-91, 94-98, 105-108, 110-111, 113, 115-116, 121, 126-129, 133, 149, 152, 157, 169, 179, 181-190, 192-194. These findings are rejected as contrary to or unsupported by the weight of evidence: 41, 130-132, 156, 158, 167, 174, 177. These findings are rejected as cumulative, unnecessary or irrelevant: 7-8, 12, 14-15, 25-27, 29, 35, 37, 39-40, 42-45, 49-60, 62-63, 65-69, 71, 75-89, 92- 93, 100-104, 109, 112, 114, 117-120, 122-125, 134-148, 150-151, 153-155, 159- 166, 168, 170-173, 175-176, 178, 180, 191. Respondent, St. Johns River Water Management District These findings have been adopted in full or in substantial part in the recommended order submitted herewith: 1-8, 10-22, 24-36, 38-44, 47-62, 64-88, 90, 92-116, 118-122, 124-130, 132-142, 144-151, 159-160, 164, 166-167, 169, 171, 174-175, 177, 193-196, 198, 202, 206. These findings are rejected as contrary to or unsupported by the weight of evidence: 131 (the conclusion), 153-154, 156-157, 161-162, 197, 204, 207. These findings are rejected as cumulative, unnecessary or irrelevant: 9, 23, 37, 45-46, 63, 89, 91, 117, 123, 143, 150, 152, 155, 158, 163, 165, 168, 170, 172-173, 176, 178-192, 199-201, 203, 208-210. COPIES FURNISHED: Segundo J. Fernandez, Esquire Scott Shirley, Esquire OERTEL, HOFFMAN, FERNANDEZ & COLE, P.A. Post Office Box 6507 Tallahassee, FL 32314-6507 Douglas P. Manson, Esquire BLAIN & CONE, P.A. 202 Madison Street Tampa, FL 33602 Clifton A. McClelland, Esquire POTTER, McCLELLAND, MARKS & HEALY, P.A. Post Office Box 2523 Melbourne, FL 32902-2523 Wayne Flowers, Esquire Nancy B. Barnard, Esquire St. Johns River Water Management District Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, FL 32178-1429 Neal D. Bowen, County Attorney Osceola County Room 117 17 South Vernon Avenue Kissimmee, FL 32741 Carol Browner, Secretary Dept. of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, General Counsel Dept. of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Florida Laws (7) 120.52120.5727.15373.019373.042373.069373.223 Florida Administrative Code (1) 40C-2.301
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Dec. 16, 1991 Number: 91-002968 Latest Update: Jun. 20, 1994

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: The Tamaron wastewater treatment facility (facility), located at 3800 Gatewood Drive, Sarasota, Florida, serves the Tamaron residential subdivision which was originally developed by U. S. Homes Corporation in 1976. The subdivision presently consists of 499 homes and was completely built out in the mid-1980's. The facility was originally owned and operated by U. S. Homes Corporation. Tamaron Utilities, a nonprofit entity comprised of the 499 homeowners, acquired the facility in November, 1987. At that time, the facility's existing operating permit was transferred to Tamaron Utilities. The facility is overseen by an elected board of volunteer homeowners. The Department is the agency of the State of Florida that is authorized to regulate domestic wastewater treatment and disposal facilities and permit their construction and operation. It is the successor agency to the Department of Environmental Regulation. By letter dated November 10, 1987, the Department notified Tamaron of the requirements of Chapter 87-303, Laws of Florida (Grizzle-Figg Amendment), which amended Section 403.086, Florida Statutes, and of the Department's intention to modify Tamaron's operating permit to incorporate a schedule of compliance with Section 403.086, Florida Statutes, as amended by Chapter 87-303, Laws of Florida. On August 23, 1988, an operating permit (D058-141783), which contained secondary water treatment requirements, was issued to the facility. Specific condition 7 of the permit required that the facility be in compliance with the Grizzle-Figg Amendment by October, 1990, or eliminate discharge to surface waters. On September 5, 1990, Tamaron filed an application with the Department to renew its domestic waste water treatment and disposal systems operation permit. Tamaron did not consider its facility as discharging waste into one of the specifically named water bodies set forth in the Grizzle-Figg Amendment or to "water tributary thereto" and thereby required to meet the advanced waste treatment criteria set forth in the Grizzle-Figg Amendment. However, in an abundance of caution, Tamaron proceeded to bring its facility into compliance with the advanced waste treatment criteria as set forth in the Grizzle-Figg Amendment. After numerous requests for additional information and several meetings between Tamaron and the Department, the Department issued its Notice of Permit Denial on April 9, 1991, asserting that Tamaron had not provided: (a) reasonable assurance that the requirements of Section 403.086(1)(c), Florida Statutes, mandating advanced waste treatment (AWT) before discharge to certain designated surface waters, would be met and; (b) reasonable assurance that the discharge to those certain designated surface waters would result in minimal negative impact as required by Section 403.086(5)(a), Florida Statutes. The facility continues to operate under its secondary treatment permit No. DO58-141783. The facility consists of a wastewater treatment plant designed for secondary treatment, with tertiary filtration. The design capacity of the facility is 155,000 gallons per day (0.155MGD) with actual flows of slightly over 100,000 gallons per day (0.100MGD+). Three percolation ponds surround the facility comprising the primary effluent disposal method for the facility. The Tamaron subdivision has a series of excavated surface water bodies (stormwater lakes), hydraulically connected, which eventually discharge at the northeast corner of the subdivision into Phillippi Creek. The direct path of surface water flow is from the subdivision's stormwater lakes to Phillippi Creek. These stormwater lakes are in multiple ownership. Under Department policy, stormwater systems permitted by the Department, its predecessor DER, or a water management district solely as stormwater treatment facilities under Chapter 17-25, Florida Administrative Code, are not considered "waters of the State". However, stormwater systems built prior to Chapter 17-25, Florida Administrative Code, permitting requirements, were considered "waters of the State" if they discharge more frequently than a twenty five year, twenty-four hour storm event. See Petitioner's exhibits 13 & 15. Tamaron's stormwater system was built prior to Chapter 17-25, Florida Administrative Code, permitting requirements, and was designed to discharge at a ten year, twenty-four hour storm event which is more frequent than a twenty five year, twenty-four hour storm event. Discharge of water into Phillippi Creek from the subdivision's stormwater lakes is fairly frequent; however, the volume of the discharge is low. Phillippi Creek is a natural surface water which eventually flows into Roberts Bay. Roberts Bay is a specifically named water body in the Grizzle-Figg Amendment (Section 403.086(1)(c), Florida Statutes). Since September, 1989, Tamaron has retained William Murchie, P.E. of AM Engineering, to evaluate the design and operation of the facility in order to comply with appropriate regulatory requirements. The facility provides biological treatment through a contact stabilization utilizing an activated sludge. This process typically provides high quality advanced secondary biological treatment. A chemical feed tank system utilizing ferrous sulfate was added to the facility several years ago to chemically precipitate out total phosphorus to meet the advanced waste treatment requirements. High-level disinfection is achieved in the large chlorine contact chamber and through two tertiary filters. At the design flow of 0.155MGD, the chlorine contact chamber provides nearly 80 minutes of contact time, while actual contact time for existing flows, not including time in filters, is calculated at 110 minutes. Upon leaving the chlorine contact chamber and the biological treatment components of the facility, the chlorinated effluent is directed through two tertiary filters to reduce the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS). After the tertiary filters, the effluent passes through the sample block where it is sampled for TSS, BOD and chlorine and is then piped sequentially into the first, second and third percolation ponds. The percolation ponds span two acres and provide residence time of 35 to 45 days, during which time the effluent is further biologically treated and nitrogen is reduced. From the percolation ponds, the effluent is pumped into a low pressure system which uniformly distributes effluent over two nitrogen reduction filters. The nitrogen reduction filters are located north of the plant and are immediately adjacent to one of the subdivision's stormwater lakes. The nitrogen reduction filters consist of deep sand beds covered with Bermuda grass to provide high nitrogen uptake. The irrigation of the two nitrogen reduction filters is alternated every half day. These nitrogen reduction systems were modified in October/November, 1990, by adding 3 to 3 1/2 feet of clean sand with a permeability rate of 28 feet per day, planting Bermuda grass, and installing an irrigation/distribution system. These filters replaced two sand pits with shallow layers of very coarse sand, after initial testing demonstrated the sand pits to be inadequate in removing nutrients consistent with statutory requirements. In January, 1992, an underdrain system utilizing perforated pipe was installed in the nitrogen reduction filters to create an aerobic zone and to provide a representative sample port after nutrient reduction in the filters. This sample port, used for the biweekly monitoring, consists of a single solid pipe, that collects effluent from the perforated pipes, with a tap to prevent discharge into the adjacent stormwater lake, except during sampling events. The biweekly sampling event results in effluent being discharged from the pipe for approximately 30 minutes to flush the pipe so as to get a proper sample. The underdrain sampling port at the nitrogen reduction filters replaced two earlier monitor wells between the nitrogen reduction filter and the stormwater pond, which proved ineffective because of their location. The perforated underdrains are situated in filter bed sand of medium grain size with a permeability rate 100 feet per day and located below 3 - 3 1/2 feet of clean sand with a permeability rate of 28 feet per day and above very permeable layers of sand, stone and coarse shell. (See Tamaron's exhibit 23 and Department's exhibit 14) The very permeable layers of sand, coarse shell, the perforated pipe and the single solid pipe are all located above the ground water table. Since the perforated pipe and sample port are both located above the ground water level and the surface of the adjacent stormwater lake, it is unlikely that the effluent sample taken from the sample port would be influenced by the ground water or a back flow of water from the adjacent stormwater lake. The coarse shell layer situated below the nitrogen reduction filters extends to the edge of the adjacent stormwater lake. Therefore, the effluent, other than the effluent trapped in the perforated pipe and carried to the sample port, that is irrigated onto the nitrogen reduction filters passes through the sand and into the coarse shell layer. The effluent is then transported laterally through the coarse shell layer to the underground edge of the adjacent stormwater lake where there is a subsurface discharge into the adjacent stormwater lake. Since the discharge to the stormwater lakes is primarily subsurface in nature, the logical compliance point to measure effluent parameters would be the underground sample port which collects the effluent prior to subsurface discharge into the stormwater lake. See Petitioner's exhibit 15. The direction of ground water flow at the facility is towards the north to the adjacent stormwater lakes as evidenced by the hydraulic gradient of the site determined using ground water table elevations. The location for sampling effluent from the facility for compliance with secondary standards was described in Specific Condition 5 of Tamaron's previous permit No. D058-141783 dated August 23, 1988. Specific Condition 5 states that the discharge from the chlorine contact chamber shall be sampled in accordance with Chapter 17-19, Florida Administrative Code, (now Chapter 17-601, Florida Administrative Code), for compliance with the stated secondary limits. The facility's tertiary filters are located after the chlorine contact chamber. Tamaron samples effluent for compliance with secondary standards (BOD,TSS, chlorine) at the sampling box after disinfection and tertiary filtration. Tertiary filtration is designed to achieve a more efficient removal of TSS and BOD. The resulting effluent is usually of higher quality than secondarily treated effluent. A secondary plant with tertiary filtration is referred to as an "advanced secondary treatment" plant. Data presented by Tamaron titled Tamaron 1991-1993 Data On FDER Permit Compliance (Tamaron's exhibit 17, page 1 of 2) shows reported values, sampled after tertiary filtration at the sample box, which suggest that secondary treatment parameters, including fecal coliform, are not being exceeded. The data actually shows a very high removal rate for the parameters sampled. The United States Environmental Protection Agency issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, number FL0042811, to Tamaron for the facility with an effective date of June 1, 1991, which authorized Tamaron to discharge from the facility to the receiving waters named Phillippi Creek to Roberts Bay in accordance with the effluent limitation, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in the permit. Since the facility was located in the Grizzle-Figg Amendment area of Florida certain changes were made from the draft permit to the final permit. Those changes appear in the Amendment To The Statement Of Basis At The Time Of Final Permit Issuance which is made a part of the final permit. The amendment provides for changes in Part I, Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements. These changes, among other things, require that the Grizzle-Figg Amendment annual limits of 5 mg/l BOD, 5mg/l TSS, 3mg/l total nitrogen and 1mg/l total phosphorus be added to the effluent limits to adequately maintain water quality standards, and added monitoring requirements and measurement frequency regulations to give the basis for permit limits and conditions in accordance with Chapters 17-302, 17-600 and 17-601, Florida Administrative Code. Data presented by Tamaron titled Tamaron 1991-1993 Data On NPDES Permit Compliance (Tamaron's exhibit 17, page 2 of 2) show reported values sampled after nitrogen reduction filters which suggest that the maximum values for AWT parameters, including fecal coliform, are not being exceeded, particularly after January, 1992, when Tamaron began sampling effluent collected by the perforated underdrains at the sample port. Tamaron has been monitoring and reporting compliance under its final NPDES permit and providing copies to the Department. There was no evidence that Tamaron was ever in violation of its NPDES permit. Tamaron submitted documentation to the Department with its permit application that demonstrated high-level disinfection within the facility was being achieved. However, TSS was being sampled after the application of the disinfectant. Using this procedure, the facility continued to achieve high- level disinfection until the permit denial. After the permit denial, the facility resumed basic disinfection which was required under Tamaron's permit for secondary treatment. This same data indicates that there was compliance with the requirements for fecal coliform. The record is not clear as to the frequency and number of samples taken to provide the data for reporting compliance with the NPDES permit and the data presented in Petitioner's exhibit 17, page 2 of 2. However, there was no evidence, other than sampling for TSS after the disinfectant was added, that Tamaron was not complying with its NPDES Permit that required, among other things, that the monitoring requirements and measurement frequency of the Department's rules and regulations be followed by Tamaron. Tamaron has modified and upgraded the facility in order to achieve a treatment process which will produce effluent of a quality for discharge under the Grizzle-Figg Amendment. Tamaron has provided reasonable assurances, although not absolute assurance, that the facility can comply with the discharge permit requirements of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, including Section 403.086, Florida Statutes, notwithstanding the testimony of Jay Thabaraj to the contrary concerning Tamaron's sampling technique and its method of obtaining high-level disinfection which can be addressed as a specific condition, if necessary. Studies conducted by the Tamaron's engineer included in Petitioner's exhibit 21 indicates that there was no adverse impact to the stormwater lakes from the facility's wastewater treatment and disposal system. Tamaron has provided reasonable assurances that the point of discharge is a reasonably access point, where such discharge results only in minimal negative impact.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department enter a final order granting Tamaron an operating permit for its facility as secondary treatment facility. In the alternative, that the Department enter a final order granting Tamaron an operating permit for its facility that requires compliance with the advanced waste treatment criteria set forth in Section 403.086(4), Florida Statutes, that, in addition to any general or specific conditions that are normally required, contains specific conditions that: (a) contains specific instructions on sampling technique, sampling frequency and reporting as set forth in Rule 17- 740(1)(b)2., Florida Administrative Code, and (b) sets forth compliance with high-level disinfection, with a time limit for compliance, that accomplishes the intent of the rule, if not the strict letter of the rule, without total redesign of the facility. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of May, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of May, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 91-2968 The following constitutes my specific rulings, pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. Petitioner, Tamaron's Proposed Findings of Fact: The following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 1(1); 2(2); 3(3); 4(5,6); 5(6); 6(7); 8(12); 10(8); 11-12(13-25,38); 13(31-34); 14(8); 15(13); 16(14); 17-18(15); 19(36); 20(16); 21(17); 22(18); 23(19); 24(20); 25(21);26(22); 32(32,7); 33(33); 34(32,32); 36(31); 39-40(34); 41(36); 42- 43(34); 44(35); 47(4); and 51(10). Proposed findings of fact 27-31, and 35 are conclusions of law rather than findings of fact.. Proposed findings of fact 45, 46, 48-50, 56, 57, 59, and 61-72 are arguments rather than findings of fact. Proposed findings of fact 7, 9, 37, 38, 52-55, 58 and 60 are neither material nor relevant. Respondent, Department's Proposed Findings of Fact: The following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 1(1,6); 2(2); 3(4,10); 5(9); 6(9,10); 8(11); 9-17(18-27); 18(8); 19(13); 20(5); 21(17); 22(30); 23(31); 24(14); 25(17); 26(18-23); 27(34); and 32(35,38). Proposed finding of fact 4 is neither material nor relevant but see Findings of Fact 18-25. Proposed findings of fact 7, 31 and 33 are arguments rather than findings of fact. Proposed findings of fact 28-30 are conclusions of law rather than findings of fact. COPIES FURNISHED: Virginia B. Wetherell, Secretary Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Kenneth Plante, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Charles G. Stephens, Esquire C. Robinson Hall, Esquire Enterprise Plaza, Suite 1516 101 E. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33602 Francine Ffolkes, Esquire Office of General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400

Florida Laws (6) 120.57120.68403.021403.031403.061403.086
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lakeland, Florida May 04, 1990 Number: 90-002784 Latest Update: Sep. 18, 1990

The Issue Whether the rules promulgated by the Department of Environmental Regulation require the Respondent to employ the services of a state certified water system operator to operate the water systems at the two business locations involved in these proceedings.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to these proceedings, the Respondent was responsible for the operation of two water systems. One water system is located on Highway 92 West, Winter Haven, Polk County. The other water system is located on State Road 37 South, Mulberry, Polk County. The restaurant and bar business operated at the Winter Haven location is known as the Rainbow Club. Customers eat food and drink beverages prepared with water from the on site water system. The system serves at least twenty- five individuals daily, at least sixty days out of the year. The convenience store business operated in Mulberry serves ice tea, juices, and coffee to customers which is prepared with water from the on site water system. The system serves at least twenty-five individuals daily, at least sixty days out of the year. During the recent past, the Respondent retained a certified operator to meet the state requirements. He was not satisfied with the operator for the following reasons: (1) He had to show the man how to chlorinate the water. (2) The operator took the required chlorine samples from water that had not been chlorinated. (3) Visits were not made to the site as scheduled. (4) The pump at one of the establishments was harmed by the certified operator. (5) The expense of four hundred dollars a month for the testing of three sites operated by the Respondent was too much money. The Respondent wants to be able to chlorinate the water and maintain the systems himself. He has professional experience regulating the chemical balance of water in swimming pools. The samples he turned into the lab himself were good. The Respondent also wants to keep the old well next to the convenience store in Mulberry. He disagrees with the Department's request that he abandon the well because he needs it for an adjoining piece of property. This well is used for lawns, not for the convenience store business. The Department is amenable to the Respondent maintaining his own systems if he is certified to do so. The next examination is scheduled for November 1990.

Florida Laws (8) 120.52120.57120.68403.850403.852403.854403.860403.864
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Mar. 27, 1992 Number: 92-002002 Latest Update: Jan. 15, 1993

The Issue Whether Respondent Sarasota County Public Utilities Department (Sarasota County) has provided reasonable assurances pursuant to Rule 17- 555.530(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code, that its proposed water treatment plant will comply with each applicable water quality standard contained in Part III, Chapter 17-550, Florida Administrative Code. Whether Respondent Sarasota County has provided reasonable assurance pursuant to Rule 17-555.530(1)(b), Florida Administrative Code, that its proposed water treatment plant meets adequate engineering design complying with the applicable engineering principles established in Rules 17-555.310 through 17-555.160, Florida Administrative Code.

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: STIPULATED FACTS Sarasota County Utilities Department is a department established by Sarasota County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida and operates a public utility department which is charged with meeting, among other things, potable water needs of the residents of Sarasota County. At all times pertinent to the issues herein, HRS was responsible for receiving applications and issuing permits for the construction of water treatment plants and the accompanying well field. Petitioner, Charles P. Page, is a resident of Sarasota County and resides at 259 Glen Oak Road, Venice, Florida. Sarasota County filed an Application for a Water Treatment Plant Construction Permit with HRS seeking to construct a well water collection system and a 12 mgd - electrodialysis treatment plant having an auxiliary power system to provide power for the well field and water treatment plant. Sarasota County has previously obtained a water use permit from the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) #208836.00, restricting Sarasota County to feed water for the water treatment plant to 7,303,000.00 gallons average daily withdrawal and 9,625,000.00 gallons peak monthly withdrawal. Sarasota County has received permits for the eleven (11) production wells from HRS. It was the duty of HRS to review the plans and specifications and all supporting documentation to assure that they address and meet every requirement listed in Rule 17-555, Florida Administrative Code, for the issuance of a construction permit.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered issuing permit No. PATS No. 204307 & WC No. 1591-91-036 to Respondent Sarasota County, as set forth in the Notice of Intent To Issue dated February 20, 1992, provided that the grant of the subject permit shall include the general and specific conditions in the Intent To Issue with the further recommendation that the third required specific condition found on page 1 of the Specific Conditions be modified as follows: Construction of the electrodialysis reversal water treatment plant covered by this permit shall not begin prior to the issuance of a permit as required by State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation for the EDR concentrate discharge facility. DONE and ENTERED this 21st day of October, 1992, at Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of October, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 92-2002 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statute, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties in this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner 1. The following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 1(1); 22(47); 23(48); 24(19-20) 29(49); 38(5); 39(19); 42-43(19,20); and 51(49). 2. Proposed finding(s) of fact 2,3,5,6,7,11,14,15,16,18, 19,20,21,25,26,30,31,35,40,45,46,47,49,and 50 are neither material nor relevant to this proceeding or the conclusion reached in the Recommended Order. Proposed finding(s) of fact 4,8,9,10,12,13,17,27,28,and 41 are rejected as not being supported by competent substantial evidence in the record. Proposed finding(s) of fact 32,33,34,36,37, and 48 are unnecessary. Proposed finding of fact 44 is rejected as not being the "opinion" of the Hearing Officer. The transcript will show that the Hearing Officer was only restating the testimony of Judith Richtar. But see Finding of Fact 49. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent Sarasota County The following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified if the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 1 - 20(1) - 20, respectively); 21(27); 22 - 26(22 - 26, respectively); 27(28); 28(29); 29(31); and 30 - 44(32 - 46, respectively). For proposed findings of fact 45 through 65 see Findings of Fact 51 and 52. Proposed findings of fact 66 through 68 are unnecessary. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent Department of Environmental Regulation The Respondent Department of Environmental Regulation adopted Sarasota County's proposed findings of fact 1 through 44, 63 and 64, and 66 with modification. Therefore, the rulings on the Department's proposed findings of fact would be the same as the previous rulings on Sarasota County's proposed findings of fact adopted by the Department. COPIES FURNISHED: Bruce Wheeler Pitzer, Esquire 546 47th Street Sarasota, FL 34234 William A. Dooley, Esquire Nelson, Hesse, Cyril, et al. 2070 Ringling Blvd. Sarasota, FL 33237 Joseph W. Landers, Esquire Landers & Parsons 310 W. College Avenue, 3rd Floor Tallahassee, FL 32301 W. Douglas Beason, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Carol Browner, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Florida Laws (3) 120.57403.861403.862
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-005147 Latest Update: Jun. 01, 1989

The Issue Whether Okaloosa County has provided reasonable assurances that its proposed sewage treatment plant and an associated reclaimed water reuse system will not cause pollution significantly degrading the waters of the unnamed stream on the project site and/or the Santa Rosa Sound and that therefore the County's application for a permit to construct such facilities should be granted on the basis of assurances of compliance with applicable rule and statutory criteria.

Findings Of Fact On October 16, 1987, Respondent, Okaloosa County, submitted an application to Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation, to construct a wastewater treatment plant and related reclaimed water reuse facilities on a site located in southwestern Okaloosa County. The Petitioner is an individual citizen residing in Okaloosa County, Florida. He is the owner of real property which adjoins the northern boundary of the proposed project site. Mr. Ward has used this property as his principal residence for approximately 8 years. The proposed project site is located in southwest Okaloosa County contiguous to the western boundary of the County. The site comprises approximately 45 acres of land bounded on the west by Rosewood Drive and on the south by State Highway 98. The areas to the north and east are residential construction. The site is currently a densely wooded area vegetated with a variety of flora indigenous to the area. The site is essentially bisected by a small fresh water stream system which enters the site at the northwestern corner and runs diagonally to the southeastern corner where it flows through a series of culverts under State Highway 98. The stream system constitutes waters of the state subject to the Department's regulatory jurisdiction. In addition, there is an isolated wetland area of variable size in the northwestern section of the project site. The wetland area is not subject to the Department's regulatory authority. The stream system mentioned above intersects with another larger stream approximately 1000 feet southeast of the project site. These combined streams then meander into a tidal basin which empties into the Santa Rosa Sound approximately 2500 feet south of the project site. The Santa Rosa Sound has been designated as Class II waters of the state. The unnamed stream system on site, as well as the larger stream that it joins south of the site, are designated as Class III waters of the State. Southern Okaloosa County occupies a region of moderate elevation (0-70 feet above sea level) extending along a strip 10 or 15 miles wide along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Soils in this area are predominately fine sands low in organic matter. When dry, most of the soils have rapid internal drainage characteristics. The Plant The proposed plant is intended to treat sewage generated by the County's Western subregional service area. Initially, it will treat the flow currently handled by approximately 1400 septic tank systems and 9 package treatment plants within the area. The collection system which will transport the wastewater will be comprised of approximately 98,500 linear feet of 8 to 12 inch diameter gravity sewers. The transmission facilities to convey the raw wastewater from the new collection system will include the construction of approximately 29,400 linear feet of 4 to 10 inch diameter force main, 14 pump stations and approximately 32,100 linear feet of 8 to 12 inch diameter gravity interceptors. By the end of its first year of operation, the proposed facility is projected to receive and treat approximately 750,000 gallons per day ("GPD"). The projected flow through the wastewater facility in the year 2007 is 1,000,000 GPD. The proposed facility is best described as a 1,000,000 GPD capacity oxidation ditch treatment plant with nitrification and denitrification facilities. Reclaimed water reuse will be accomplished by a rapid infiltration basin system (RIB). Sludge from the system will be dewatered by a mechanical belt press system and disposed of at the County landfill. In order to address the question of potential odors which result from the operation of the plant, the facility was located as near the center of the property as possible in order to give as much buffer area as possible between the facility and the surrounding residential area. In addition, the design of the treatment facility incorporates a preprocess aeration tank equipped with an activated carbon airstripper system which is specifically designed to remove the odor from the wastewater influent. The treatment facility was also located near the center of the property in order to keep any noise resulting from the operation of the plant as far away from the surrounding area as possible. The plant utilizes noiseless gravity flow techniques and does not incorporate any blower or pump technology which usually cause a significant amount of noise in wastewater treatment plants. It is expected that the noise level from the operation of this facility would be less than the noise level generated from the traffic on State Highway 98 nearby. The plant is designed to minimize the adverse effects resulting from odors, noise, aerosol drift and lighting. The entire facility is enclosed by a fence. The facility is designed and does comply with the Florida Administrative Code requirements for protection from flooding. The proposed site is at a higher elevation than the established 100 year flood elevation for the area. The plant is designed so that every operational component of the plant has a backup system. The plant is equipped with an emergency generator capable of supplying sufficient power to operate the plant in the event of a power failure. The design of the plant complies with the standards provided by the Environmental Protection Agency for mechanical reliability. The information submitted for the Department's review in relation to the County's construction permit application addressed all the information required in Rule 17-6.037(10), Florida Administrative Code. The proposed plant facility is designed to leave a buffer zone approximately 200 feet wide between the reclaimed water reuse system and the stream system located on the project site. The construction plan prohibits any construction activities and/or clearing within the buffer area. This buffer area contains all the jurisdictional areas which are related to the stream system. The Treatment Process The waste treatment process proposed for this facility consists of secondary treatment, basic disinfection and pH control as defined in Rule 17- 6.060(1)(a)3, (c) and (d). The basic treatment process technology used in the proposed plant is described as a carousel activated sludge process. This process is a superior method of wastewater treatment because of its inherent stability, its reaction to shock and toxic loadings and the degree of process control that is available to the operator. The effluent limitations that the Department has established for this facility require that the effluent, after disinfection, contain not more than 20 mg/1 Biological Oxygen Demand ("BOD") and 20 mg/1 Total Suspended Solids ("TSS"). In addition, effluent standards require a basic level of disinfection which shall result in not more than 200 fecal coliform values per 100 ml of effluent sample. The chlorine residual in recovered water shall be maintained at 0.5 mg/1 minimum, after 15 minutes contact time at peak flow. The pH level in the effluent must be maintained in a range between 6.0 Q and 8.5. The County will be required to retain a Class B operator certified under the provisions of Chapter 17-16, Florida Administrative Code for day-to- day maintenance and operation of the treatment facilities. In addition, the facility must be staffed for a minimum of 16 hours per day, seven days a week by at least a Class C operator certified under the same provisions. A Class B operator shall be on call during all periods that the plant is unattended. At a minimum, the facility must produce reclaimed water which complies with water quality standards provided in Rule 17- 3.404, Florida Administrative Code, as it interacts with groundwater in the established zone of discharge ("ZOD"). The estimated ZOD is an area defined by the boundaries of the facility. These standards are essentially equal to drinking water standards provided in Rule 17-22, Florida Administrative Code. Because the soils under the site are rapid sands, the Department does not rely on them to significantly reduce total nitrogen in the reclaimed water through interaction with the soils and the groundwater table under the rapid infiltration basins. As a result, the proposed facility is limited to a Total Nitrogen limitation of 7 mg/1. This limitation is significantly less than the Department's rapid rate land application treatment standard for Total Nitrogen which is 12 mg/1 in the effluent, with no more than 10 mg/1 in the ground. The proposed plant is capable of producing the 7 mg/1 level under all flow conditions. The Rabid Infiltration Basins In conjunction with the County's application for a construction permit for the wastewater treatment plant itself, the County submitted an application for a reclaimed water reuse system construction permit for a system designed to handle the maximum plant discharge of 1,000,000 gallons of reclaimed water per day. The system is composed of a series of five rapid infiltration basins (RIB's) or percolation ponds designed to receive the daily reclaimed water loads from the operation of the plant and allow the water to percolate into the groundwater beneath the project site. The ponds are proposed to be used so that not all the ponds are working at the same time. On any given day, there will be 3 ponds receiving effluent from the plant and 2 ponds receiving no effluent. The proposed system of rapid infiltration basins is the best approach to effluent disposal on this particular site in consideration of a variety of site specific criteria. While the Department's adopted guidance standards for percolation pond location specifies that areas with average depths to the groundwater table of 10 feet or more are desirable, the guidance document provides that areas with lesser depths may be acceptable. Computer models using highest projected groundwater levels and highest reasonably projected mounding effects related to the effluent disposal system indicate that while at times there may be less than 3 feet of vertical separation between the top of the groundwater mounds beneath any one of the percolation ponds and the floor of those ponds, it is not expected that the groundwater level will intersect the bottoms of the infiltration basin and that an acceptable margin will be maintained. Initially, there was some dispute among Department staff concerning the suitability of the project site to handle the hydraulic loading rates proposed for the facility's pond system. After a significant amount of analysis of the relevant factors affecting site suitability in this regard and after Department staff managed to get the computer program which analyzes this data working properly, the relevant data indicates that the site is suitable for the proposed wastewater treatment plant as designed. Surface and Ground Water Impact The proposed facility is designed to meet applicable Department water quality standards necessary to prevent unacceptable degradation of the water quality in both the unnamed stream system on site and the Santa Rosa Sound. At the Department's request, the County had an independent study performed to assure that the operation of the facility would not have the effect of degrading nearby surface waters. This study, done by Larry Jacobs and Associates, supports the County consultant's projections that, under worst case conditions (highest observed groundwater levels plus maximum effluent loading), approximately 32,000 additional gallons per day of groundwater may enter the stream system as a result of operation of the RIB system. These studies were conducted to address the Department's concern about the potential for increased nitrogen loading into both the stream system and the Santa Rosa Sound as a result of increased groundwater contributions to the stream system on site. The effluent disposal study submitted by the County as part of its application concludes that, discounting any possible reduction of Total Nitrogen content of the effluent as it travels through the ground before its discharged into the stream system, the Total Nitrogen concentration of the groundwater predicted to reach the stream should be diluted at the lowest observed flow volumes in the system to a concentration of less than 1 mg/1 when it reaches the confluence of the two streams approximately 1,000 feet south of the project site. The projection is an improvement in surface water conditions when compared with currently observed average concentrations of Total Nitrogen in the stream system and Santa Rosa Sound of 1.24 mg/1. The performance of existing package plants in the area is generally poor. In fact, one treatment plant was ordered to close, forcing the relocation of residents in its service area. Another plant has continuing groundwater nitrate violations. In addition, the evidence shows that the performance of the septic tank systems in the area is not acceptable to the Environmental Protection Agency. The majority of the population is served by septic systems that fail under high groundwater conditions. The Director of the Okaloosa County Health Department has certified that 60% of the residents in the County West Service Area have failed septic tanks and that the remaining 40% have septic tanks in imminent danger of failing. Three of the eight existing treatment plants are under either Court or Consent orders to cease operations. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has found that the County West area has an immediate need to provide collection, transmission, and treatment facilities to protect surface and groundwaters and eliminate a public hazard. Existing concentration of Total Nitrogen in Santa Rosa Sound and the waterways on and adjacent to the site are attributed to discharge of inadequately treated wastewater from existing septic tanks, existing wastewater treatment plants and stormwater runoff in the area. It is unlikely that the nitrogen concentration in the Santa Rosa Sound will increase as a result of the operation of the proposed facility since whatever wastewater treated at the facility will be eliminated from discharging into the affected waterbodies from other, less efficient treatment facilities. The proposed facility design incorporates a total of seventeen monitoring wells or stations on and around the site. Two wells will monitor background groundwater quality upgradient from the percolation pond system. Twelve wells will monitor groundwater quality down gradient from the percolation pond system as it leaves the established zone of discharge. Two more stations will monitor surface water quality in the on-site system above and below the site. In addition, there is one intermediate monitoring well within the zone of discharge. Samples from these wells will be used to provide quarterly data reports to the Department indicating status of the following parameters in the ground water; water level, pH, BODs, Fecal Coliform, Total Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrate and Chloride. The surface water monitoring will provide annual data reports to the Department on the following parameters: Chemical/Physical - Total Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrate, Total Phosphorus, Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature and pH Biological Assessment - macroinvertebrate population per species, species diversity per square meter. These data reports will be submitted regularly to the Department in conjunction with operational monitoring data from the treatment plant to allow assessment of the impact of the plant operation on the environment and compliance with permit conditions. Clearly the County has provided reasonable assurances that the proposed plant and related facilities will not cause pollution significantly degrading the waters of the State.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a Final Order Granting the application of Okaloosa County to construct a wastewater treatment facility and related reclaimed water reuse system at the proposed site in southwestern Okaloosa County, Florida, and issuing permits in accordance with the conditions as set forth in the Department's Intent to Issue and draft permit dated August 1, 1988. DONE and ENTERED this 1st day of June, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANNE CLEAVINGER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of June, 1989. APPENDIX Petitioner's paragraph 1 of his Proposed Findings of Facts (titled Closing Statement) did not contain any factual statements. The facts contained in paragraph 2 of Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Facts are subordinate. All the evidence contrary to the suitability of the Project site was explained by other more credible evidence. The facts contained in paragraphs 1-29 of Respondent's Proposed Findings of Facts are adopted in substance, in so far as material. COPIES FURNISHED: Ron Ward Qualified Representative For J. P. Ward 10 Rosewood Drive Mary Esther, Florida 32569 John R. Dowd, Esquire Representing Okaloosa County P. O. Box 404 Shalimar, Florida 32579 Steven K. Hall, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Representing the Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 (A Dale H. Twachtmann, Secretary State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400

Florida Laws (3) 120.57403.021403.086
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000035 Latest Update: Feb. 02, 1990

Findings Of Fact South of the intersection of Blue Angel Parkway and Gulf Beach Highway in southwest Escambia County lies the wooded, 69-acre tract, designated "Site F," onto which ECUA proposes to dispose up to three million gallons of wastewater a day. Petitioner Westerman operates a marina nearby. The individual intervenors own houses in the vicinity as, apparently, do other members of the intervening association. A state agency with wide ranging environmental responsibilities, DER permits construction of wastewater treatment facilities in conformity with its rules. Sewage disposal is one of several utility services ECUA provides residents of Escambia County. A Trip to the Beach Under orders from DER and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to cease discharging directly into Bayou Chico ("a very impacted body of water ... [with] very difficult problems" T. 101), ECUA proposes to build a pumping facility and install enough 24-inch pipe to enable it to send effluent from its wastewater treatment plant in Warrington to Site F, for "rapid rate" land application. Upgraded since DER and EPA forbade direct discharges into Bayou Chico, the Warrington plant now employs advanced treatment techniques to remove most phosphorous and nitrogen from its effluent. Nevertheless, in order to mollify regulators, ECUA has plans to ship the effluent through some seven miles of pipe to Site F. In the opinion of its executive director, ECUA is "an easy target . . . . Whether it's practical or fair is really not the question." Id. He feels, "cost is not a factor" (T. 102) that the regulatory authorities have taken into account. Sandy Soils Site F straddles a coastal ridge, vegetated dunes that separate Garcon Swamp from Big Lagoon. Elevations vary from 29 feet above mean sea level at the crest of the ridge to nine feet above mean sea level in the swale that traverses the property. Highly permeable surficial sand extends to depths ranging between 20 and 35 feet below grade. Under the surficial sand, a layer of silty sand, extending down 55 to 60 feet, overlies another layer of very clean sand, much denser than the surficial sand. At depths of 90 to 110 feet, a clay aquiclude undergirds these sandy strata. Using field and laboratory test results, experts put the average hydraulic conductivity of the surficial sands at 35 feet per day, of the silty middle sand layer at 10 to 15 feet per day, and of the clean but dense sands on top of the clay at 5 to 10 feet per day. In addition to laboratory results, two pump tests support these conclusions. Results of two other pump tests indicating hydraulic conductivity of 4.7 and 5.0 feet per day were dismissed as unreliable. Sand caving in compromised at least one of these tests. As far as the record reveals, no bench-scale or pilot-scale hydraulic testing took place. According to DER's Mr. Reinning, there was "more soil testing on this site than [he had] seen on any other permit event." T.II. 217. Although the soils on the site are "relatively uniform," (T.II. 212) no layer of sand is perfectly uniform. Mr. Jacobs, one of ECUA's consultants, testified that a boring on one of the proposed pond sites revealed a one-foot layer of sand and organics with a vertical hydraulic conductivity of one foot per day. T.I. 245. Perhaps Mr. Jacobs was referring to boring B-2, which, according to the log, reflects a two-foot interval of peat and decaying wood, at a depth of slightly more than 13 feet. ECUA's Exhibit 2. No other boring gave evidence of this layer. The nearest bore hole to B-2 was more than 200 feet away. Expert testimony that the borings did not indicate an "extensive pocket," and gave no reason to fear a "per(c)hed water table," (T.II. 214) was not controverted. Construction Plans ECUA proposes to construct 16 percolation ponds or cells on Site F. Seven pairs of cells would be terraced on a north-south axis, with an eighth, noncontiguous pair at an angle in the southwestern portion of the property. Cell bottoms, at elevations ranging between 16 and 27 feet above mean sea level, would have a surface area aggregating some 23 acres (1,027,900 square feet.) ECUA would erect a perimeter fence and install warning signs. Except for valves, "no mechanical equipment [would be) involved in the disposal site," T.123, nor are "bright lights," id. planned. Water flowing into percolation ponds does not create an aerosol. Odors are not foreseen. Encircling each infiltration basin, berms three to three and a half feet higher than the cell bottoms would contain effluent and deflect sheet flow. Except for rain falling directly into the cells, stormwater would not reach the percolation cells. Chances that effluent augmented by rainfall would overflow the berms are remote. A 100-year, 24-hour return storm would not interrupt operation of the facility. No percolation pond site lies within the 100-year flood plain. No percolation basin is to be located within 500 feet of a potable water supply well or class I or class II surface water; or closer than 100 feet to the boundary of the property. Situated within some 20 acres of wetlands, a brackish pond lies about 1,000 feet from the nearest cell planned, between Site F and Big Lagoon into which the pond opens. At the nearest point, Big Lagoon itself comes within 1200 feet of a planned percolation cell. A swale or slough bridged by Blue Angel Parkway runs southwesterly north and west of the main phalanx of percolation ponds ECUA proposes, then turns a corner and runs southeasterly, separating the two cells proposed for the southwest portion of the property from the others. The nearest percolation pond is to be built about 100 feet from wetlands associated with the swale. Loading Rates ECUA plans to direct wastewater into half the cells one week and the remainder the next, alternating like the squares on a chessboard. The exact cycle is not a condition of the construction permit, however, and computer modelers assumed loading cycles consisting of two two-day periods. As applied to the total bottom area of percolation cells, the average daily loading rate for three million gallons a day (mgd) would amount to 2.91 gallons per square foot. Because half the ponds would be resting at any given time, ponds receiving effluent would experience inflow at an average rate of 5.82 gallons per square foot. In deciding the length of the loading cycle, as "the soil gets lower in permeability you have to really stretch your time for loading out, because it takes the water much longer to get out of the loading area." T.I. 188. But, with respect to the long-term capacity of the system, "the period of loading and resting . . . really doesn't significantly affect . . . how the site is expected to perform." T.II. 222. In the absence of bench-scale or pilot-scale tests heretofore, the applicant "intend[s] to load test this site, because just for the various concerns, because it is a big site." T.I. 189. Groundwater Effects Class G-II groundwater under the site now flows generally southerly toward the brackish pond and Big Lagoon. An expert put the rate of flow under the site at .22 feet per day, but concluded that the rate increased to approximately a half foot a day between Site F and Big Lagoon. As far as is known, groundwater under the sites proposed for the infiltration ponds rises no closer to the surface than six to nine feet, even under wet conditions, although the evidence by no means conclusively established that it would never rise higher. Some groundwater emerges in the swale during wet periods, and flows in the swale as far as the brackish pond, to which other groundwater makes regular, direct contribution. At the edge of the lagoon, further out in the lagoon and possibly in the Gulf of Mexico, still other groundwater comes up as springs. At least initially, the sandy soils would accept effluent readily. Until and unless actual experience showed that the facility could handle the three mgd for which it is designed, the plan is to dispose of no more than 2.5 million gallons of effluent a day. Before equilibrium is attained, ongoing disposal of effluent would gradually raise the level of groundwater under the site, inducing, on the preexisting, sloping surface of ambient groundwater, a mound, on which 16 smaller mounds (corresponding to the loading nozzles discharging wastewater into the percolation ponds) would superimpose themselves, half swelling, like so many goose eggs, half subsiding, at any given time. Adding effluent should not materially alter the ultimate direction of flow. For the most part, even groundwater flowing in other directions off the mounds induced under the site would eventually turn south toward the lagoon. But a steeper gradient should speed up the flow. Percolating effluent would increase the volume not only of seepage into the swale but also of subterranean flow reaching both the brackish pond and the lagoon. Increased seepage upslope from the slough would flow down into the swale, along the stream bed, and into the brackish pond. Monitoring As modified at hearing, ECUA's monitoring plan contemplates eight wells and four surface water monitoring points from which water samples would be periodically taken for analysis, to determine levels of nitrogen, phosphorous and other chemical and biological constituents of concern. Once the facility began operating, no well would yield "background" samples uninfluenced by the effluent. T. I. 221. The wells are all to be located on ECUA property and, therefore, close enough to the percolation ponds to receive ground water flows radiating from the mounds adding the effluent would induce. Final Destination Effluent emerging in seepage, perhaps as much as 75 percent of the total (T. III. 47), could reach Big Lagoon, by way of the swale and the brackish pond, soon after regaining the surface of the land. Wetland vegetation would filter such flows, already diluted underground and sometimes by stormwater runoff, on their way to the lagoon. Effluent that mixed with groundwater traveling to Big Lagoon underground would not show up in the lagoon for months or years. But when it arrived, much diluted and after such attenuation of pollutants as the largely inorganic soils afforded, it would also contribute to subtle changes in the waters of Big Lagoon. Virtually all effluent would ultimately end up in Big Lagoon. T.I. 234; T.III.45. Two channels connect Big Lagoon to Pensacola Bay to the east, and a single, more constricted channel connects it to Perdido Bay to the west. Tides influence the circulation of the Class III water within Big Lagoon, variously calculated to amount to some ten or eleven billion gallons of clean salt water. Through Pensacola Bay and Perdido Bay, Big Lagoon communicates with the Gulf of Mexico. As the tide rises, water from the adjacent bays enters the long and narrow reaches of Big Lagoon, at either end. As the tide ebbs, water in the lagoon (including a significant portion of bay water introduced by the preceding tide) flows out either end. ECUA's expert's claim that tides flush the lagoon in less than nine days did not take this back-and-forth movement into account, or look specifically at the four-billion gallon basin into which the brackish pond overflows. Big Lagoon lies south of the mainland and north of Perdido Key, one of the barrier islands paralleling the coast. These islands and waters north of them, extending as far as the southern boundary of the intracoastal waterway, comprise the Gulf Islands National Seashore. By rule, the waters of Big Lagoon south of the intracoastal waterway have been designated Outstanding Florida Waters. Two to three hundred yards wide, the intracoastal lies not far offshore the mainland. Water Quality Analysis of a single ground water sample revealed nutrient levels, but neither the applicant nor DER developed any data specific to Big Lagoon about nutrient levels there. Chemical analyses done on four samples of lagoon water (at petitioner's expense) revealed no nitrate nitrogen above detection levels in any of the samples, and no ammonia nitrogen above detection levels in three of the four samples, but disclosed 0.08 parts per million in the fourth. Three of the four samples contained 0.02 parts phosphorous per million, while the fourth had phosphorous in a concentration of 0.03 parts per million. Tests with water taken from Big Lagoon showed that the addition of both nitrogen and phosphorous compounds (but not the addition of one without the other) coincided with algal growth in one of four sets of samples, each set including a control in which such growth did not occur. In other samples of lagoon water into which algae were introduced, the addition of nitrogen, either alone or in combination with phosphorous, seemed to cause blue-green algae to predominate, instead of the dominant, indigenous pennate diatoms. In these experiments, ammonia chloride was added to produce nitrogen concentrations of 17.5 grams per liter, six times greater than would be allowed in the effluent, as much as 17 times greater than the concentration petitioner's expert predicted for wastewater reaching the lagoon, and two orders of magnitude above ambient levels. The experimenter also added sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate to create phosphorous concentrations of four grams per liter, which is also two orders of magnitude above levels naturally occurring in Big Lagoon. Special permit conditions limit (on an annual average) total nitrogen in effluent sent to Site F to 75 pounds per day, and phosphorous to one milligram per liter, which would amount to 25 pounds in three million gallons, the maximum daily flow. Permit conditions also prescribe limits for acidity and alkalinity (pH must be greater than 6.0 and less than 8.5), suspended solids, and biochemical oxygen demand. Basic dis- infection is required. Assuming ECUA disposed of three mgd at Site F, up to 25 pounds of phosphorous could be added to the estuary daily, on average, or more than a ton of phosphorous quarterly, if steady state were attained. Although three times as much nitrogen might occur in the effluent, oxidation and reduction would cause some nitrogen to enter the atmosphere as a gas instead of remaining dissolved until it reached the estuary. Not only organic components of the soil but also organic matter arriving in the effluent and accumulating on pond bottoms would contribute to denitrification. Salinity in the brackish pond would decline. A DER employee, Mr. Swartz, testified that placing three mgd of effluent in the planned percolation ponds "would not result in degradation of the surface water," (T. II. 127) citing "our experience here in Florida." Id. Whatever may be said as regards the brackish pond, no evidence gave substantial reason to question the accuracy of this opinion as it relates to waters south of the intracoastal waterway.

Recommendation It is, accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That DER deny the application, without prejudice to the filing of another after successful bench-scale or pilot-scale hydraulic testing and after ECUA has made arrangements for a ground water monitoring well from which samples unlikely to be affected by the effluent may be drawn. DONE and ENTERED this 2nd day of February, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of February, 1990. APPENDIX Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1 through 8, 13, 14, 16 and 18 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. Most of petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 15 accurately recites testimony adduced, but Shuba testified that algal growth has been stimulated by nutrient concentrations comparable to those Dohms said would occur in water entering Big Lagoon, not in concentrations likely to exist once this wastewater-bearing contribution mixed with other water in the lagoon. Petitioner presented information about nutrient levels in lagoon water at hearing. Computer modeling suggested break out, which has been considered. Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 17 and 19 accurately recite the testimony. DER's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 42 and 43 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. With respect to DER's proposed finding of fact No. 6, the rate of flow increases south of the proposed pond sites. With respect to DER's proposed findings of fact Nos. 7 and 8, seasonal high ground water elevations were not shown conclusively. With respect to DER's proposed finding of fact No. 9, the aquiclude lies 90 to 110 feet below the surface. With respect to DER's proposed finding of fact No. 14, the rule requires a five-day rest. With respect to DER's proposed findings of fact Nos. 33, 34 and 35, the current rules do require mounding analysis, and there seemed to be a consensus that ground water enhanced by effluent would seep to the surface downslope from the ponds. With respect to DER's proposed findings of fact Nos. 36 and 37 and 44, free form agency action is technically immaterial. With respect to DER's proposed findings of fact Nos. 38, 39, 40 and 41, effluent would have mixed with groundwater before reaching Big Lagoon, but increased levels of nitrogen and phosphorous could be detected, as a result. ECUA's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 36, 37 and 38 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. With respect to ECUA's proposed findings of fact Nos. 2, 13, 21 and 32, the evidence showed that it was not unlikely that effluent, after percolating through pond bottoms and mixing with groundwater, would seep to the surface down slope. With respect to ECUA's proposed finding of fact No. 7, proposed cell bottom elevations fall in this range. With respect to ECUA's proposed finding of fact No. 9, the evidence did not establish that the high water table will always be nine feet below the pond bottoms. With the induced mound, ECUA's proposed finding of fact puts it at one to two feet. With respect to ECUA's proposed finding of fact No. 14, the tidal range is too high and the calculation ignores the back and forth movement of waters at either end of the lagoon. With respect to ECUA's proposed findings of fact Nos. 18 and 19, the current standard pertains total nitrogen. With respect to ECUA's proposed finding of fact No. 22, freeboard will vary with rainfall and effluent levels. ECUA's proposed findings of fact Nos. 29, 30, 31 and 34 relate to subordinate matters. With respect to ECUA's proposed finding of fact No. 33, more than one analysis was done. With respect to ECUA's proposed finding of fact No. 35, the applicant has given reasonable assurance. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert W. Kievit, Esquire Lester M. Westerman 10451 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, FL 32507 James Mullins 11001 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, FL 32507 Susan Guttman 11315 Sea Glade Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 Cindy L. Bartin, Esquire 15 West Main Street Pensacola, FL 32501 Joseph W. Landers, Esquire 310 West College Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32302 Stephen K. Hall, Esquire Asst. General Council Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32301 =================================================================

Florida Laws (4) 120.52120.57120.60120.68
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