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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000604 Latest Update: Jul. 12, 1976

Findings Of Fact The Petition herein was filed by the Petitioner with PERC on March 18, 1976. (Hearing Officer's Exhibit 1). The hearing in this case was scheduled by Notice dated May 2, 1976. (Hearing Officer's Exhibit 2). The City of Cocoa, Florida, is a Public Employer within the meaning of Florida Statutes, Section 447.002(2). (Stipulation, Transcript of Record, Page 5, 6). 1/ The Petitioner is an Employee Organization within the meaning of Florida Statutes, Section 447.002(10). (Stipulation, TR 6). The Petitioner has requested recognition as the bargaining agent of the persons described in the petition. (Stipulation, TR 6, 7). There is no contractual bar to holding an election in this case, and there is no collective bargaining history which would effect the issues in this case. (Stipulation, TR 7). PERC has previously determined that the Petitioner is a duly registered Employee Organization. (See: Hearing Officer's Exhibit 3). At the hearing the parties stipulated that the Petitioner is so registered. (TR 7). PERC has previously determined that the Petitioner filed the requisite showing of interest with its petition. (Hearing Officer's Exhibit 4). No evidence was presented at the hearing to rebut the administrative determination previously made by PERC. Petitioner and the Public Employer stipulated and agreed that employees within the Public Employer's Police Department who hold the positions of Communications Officers; Secretary, Detective Bureau; and Records and Identification Clerk should be included in the collective bargaining unit previously certified by PERC in Case No. 766-2030. The job descriptions of employees who hold the positions of Communications Officer; Secretary, Detective Bureau; and Identification Clerk were received in evidence as Joint Exhibits 1, 2, and 3. The job descriptions accurately describe the duties, responsibilities, and day-to-day activities of the employees who hold those positions. ENTERED this 12 day of July, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. G. STEVEN PFEIFFER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304

# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Panama City, Florida Jul. 26, 2013 Number: 13-002835 Latest Update: Jul. 05, 2024
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000463 Latest Update: Oct. 01, 1976

Findings Of Fact David G. Tracy is, and at all material times has been, an employee of the Respondent, and a public employee within the meaning of Florida Statutes s. 447.203(3). The Firefighters Union is, and at all material times has been, an employee organization within the meaning of Florida Statutes s. 447.203(10). The Respondent is a public employer within the meaning of Florida Statutes s. 447.203(2). The Respondent and the Firefighters Union have been engaging in the collective bargaining process since prior to October, 1973. The parties first entered into a collective bargaining agreement on October 16, 1973. 1/ A second agreement was adopted on March 4, 1975. 2/ This latter agreement was retroactively effective from the first day of October, 1974 until October 1, 1975. The collective bargaining relationship that existed between the Firefighters Union and the Respondent, and the contracts promulgated by them were undertaken in accordance with the Firefighters Bargaining Act, Florida Statutes (1973) 447.20 et seq. In 1972, the Respondent adopted a merit pay plan as a part of its general pay plan. The merit pay plan was adopted by ordinance of the City Commission, but it was not immediately funded. The merit pay plan was funded by the Respondent for the first time in March, 1975, retroactive to October 1, 1974. The merit pay plan as adopted, and as funded, applied to all employees of the Respondent. The merit pay plan was specifically included as part of the second agreement between the Respondent and the Firefighters Union. 3/ In accordance with the second agreement, which was then in effect, the Firefighters Union advised ,the Respondent that it wished to renegotiate 12 of the 36 articles contained in the agreement by letter dated May 22, 1975. 4/ Negotiations commenced during the month of June, 1975. Mr. John Kooser, the Respondent's Assistant City Manager, represented the Respondent at the initial bargaining sessions. Among the articles which the Firefighters Union was seeking to renegotiation was Article 14, Wages. Article 14 included the reference to the merit pay plan. At the initial sessions the Firefighters Union indicated that it was requesting an across-the-board pay increase, and a grade increase for rescue drivers. The Firefighters Union did not mention the merit pay plan at the sessions. Mr. Kooser did not respond to the specific requests pertaining to wages, and raised nothing respecting the merit pay plan. During July, 1975, Diane Schiffman, the Respondent's Personnel Director, became the Respondent's chief negotiator. During the time that Ms. Schiffman served as chief negotiator, the merit pay plan was not raised as an issue at bargaining sessions. Herbert Mintz, an attorney, became the Respondent's chief negotiator on July 31. The merit pay plan was not raised as a subject for bargaining during any of the negotiating sessions attended by Mr. Mintz prior to October 3, 1975. The merit pay plan was discussed at a negotiating session on September 10, 1975; however, it was not discussed as a subject for bargaining. A City Commission meeting had been conducted on September 9, 1975, and on September 10, 1975 Mr. Mintz asked the Firefighters Union representative what had transpired at that meeting respecting the merit pay plan. On or about August 15, 1975 John Kooser, then acting city manager of the Respondent, presented his budget submission message to the Mayor and City Commission for the fiscal year 1975-76. 5/ Mr. Kooser therein stated: "I recommend that merit increases for FY 75-76 be suspended and to support this action they have not been budgeted in the FY 75-76 budget." A copy of the proposed budget was delivered to the Charging Parties. Mr. Tracy in turn delivered the proposed budget to a private consulting firm. The merit pay plan was not budgeted in the proposal; however, neither Mr. Tracy nor any other representative of the Firefighters Union deciphered that fact from the proposed budget. The consulting firm did not so advise the Charging Parties. Whether the merit pay plan would be implemented for the 75-76 fiscal year was a topic for discussion at a City Commission meeting on September 9, 1975. Mr. Gauthier, as a representative of the Firefighters Union, addressed the City Commission at that meeting, and argued forcefully in favor of maintaining the merit pay plan. It is apparent that Mr. Gauthier was aware that the Respondent was considering suspending the merit pay plan for all employees, including firefighters. Mr. Gauthier and Mr. Tracy testified that they believed the Respondent was considering suspending the merit pay plan only for employees other than firefighters. It is apparent, however, from the comments that he made at the City Commission meeting on September 9, that Mr. Gauthier did know that the Respondent was considering suspending the plan for all employees. From other comments made at the meeting and from the totality of the circumstances, Mr. Gauthier should have known what the Respondent was planning, and his testimony that he did not is not creditable. At a meeting conducted on October 1, 1975 the Respondent's City Commission suspended the merit pay plan for the 1975-76 fiscal year, effective on that date. No impasse had been reached in negotiations respecting the merit pay plan on October 1, and indeed, the merit pay plan had not been actively negotiated. It has not been shown that suspension of the merit pay plan was a matter of fiscal necessity for the Respondent. The Charging Parties did not learn of the action until October 3. A negotiating session had been scheduled for October 3, 1975. The parties met on that date. Mr. Tracy, representing the Firefighters Union expressed outrage at the Respondent's action. He expressed the position of the union that only those matters raised in General Counsel's Exhibit 2 were open for negotiation, and that the merit pay plan was not among those items. Mr. Mintz, as the Respondent's chief negotiator, expressed the Respondent's position that all issues were open for negotiation. No specific discussion was had respecting future reinstatement of the merit pay plan. The meeting did not last long. It terminated when Mr. Tracy walked out. Since October 3, 1975, the parties have engaged in several negotiating sessions. The Respondent has made no specific proposals respecting the merit pay plan other than to note in a proposed contract that the plan had been suspended. 6/ The Respondent has not, since October 3, 1975, either formally or informally refused to bargain respecting the merit pay plan, and has, in fact, been willing to do so. The Charging Parties have not requested that the merit pay plan be negotiated, but have rather rested on their earlier position that the merit pay plan is not properly a matter for negotiation, and should be reinstated retroactively to October 1, 1975. At the time that the complaint was filed by the General Counsel, the merit pay plan had not become an active matter of negotiation. The parties may have reached an impasse as to whether the merit pay plan is properly a subject for negotiation. Contracts negotiated between the Firefighters Union and the Respondent for the 1973-74 and 1974-75 years were not adopted in accordance with the provisions of the Public Employees Relations Act. Florida Statutes s. 447.201 et seq. The Act became effective during December, 1974. On or about September 2, 1975, the Respondent and the Firefighters Union filed a voluntary recognition petition with the Public Employees Relations Commission. On or about January 13, 1976, the Public Employees Relations Commission certified the Firefighters Union as the exclusive bargaining representative of employees in the Respondent's Fire Department. The Firefighters Union had not been certified by PERC at the time that the Respondent suspended the merit pay plan.

Florida Laws (6) 120.57447.201447.203447.301447.307447.501
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001790 Latest Update: Jun. 28, 1990

Findings Of Fact During the fall of 1974 OWHEA, an affiliate of the National Education Association, commenced efforts to organize instructional personnel employed by OWJC. By letter dated February 20, 1975, directed to Dr. J. E. McCracken, the President of OWJC, the OWHEA requested recognition as the bargaining agent for all full-time, regularly employed, certified instructional personnel. (PERC Exhibit 5). By letter dated February 26, 1975 the request for voluntary recognition was denied. On March 3, 1975 the OWHEA filed a petition with the Public Employees Relations Commission through which recognition as the exclusive bargaining agent of instructional personnel at OWJC was sought. (Hearing Officer's Exhibit 1). A hearing was scheduled to be conducted on May 1, 1975. On that date the parties entered into an Agreement for Certification Upon Consent Election. In accordance with the Agreement the election was conducted on September 18, 1975. (Hearing Officer's Exhibit 1). On September 25, 1975 the Public Employees Relations Commission, through its Chairman, verified the results of the election. By a vote of 41 to 27 OWJC employees within the prospective bargaining unit rejected representation by the OWHEA. (Hearing Officer's Exhibit 1). On July 21, 1975, approximately two months prior to the election, the OWHEA filed an unfair labor practice charge with the Public Employees Relations Commission. Subsequent to the election the OWHEA filed Objections to Conduct Affecting the Results of the Election. By order of the Acting General Counsel of the Public Employees Relations Commission, the two matters were consolidated and a hearing was conducted before the undersigned on January 14, 15, 26, and 27, 1976. On November 7, 1974, Dr. J. E. McCracken, President of OWJC, and a voting member of the Board of Trustees of OWJC, called a meeting of the Faculty Council. The Faculty Council is a group of five faculty members, who meet periodically with the President and members of the President's staff to consider faculty problems and to provide recommendation to the President. At least four of the five members of the Faculty Council at that time were members of OWHEA. The meeting was called to discuss solicitation and distribution guidelines in light of the collective bargaining law, Florida Statutes Sections 447.201 et seq. which would go into effect January 1, 1975. Dr. McCracken wished to adopt guidelines for solicitations by employee organizations in the interim period before comprehensive guidelines were adopted by the Public Employees Relations Commission. The November 7 meeting lasted for longer than one hour. Every member of the council made some contribution to the meeting. Solicitation guidelines substantially similar to those ultimately promulgated, (See: PERC Exhibit 2) were discussed. No disagreement to such guidelines was expressed at the meeting. A solicitation guideline policy was then drafted by President McCracken, and was presented to the faculty at a November 19, 1975 meeting. At the hearing several members of the Faculty Council testified that they were surprised to see the guidelines as they were presented at the November 19 faculty meeting, but none of them spoke in opposition to the guidelines at the meeting. If members of the Faculty Council opposed the guidelines, their opposition crystalized after the November 9 Council meeting, and was not openly expressed at the November 19 faculty meeting. There may not have been a full consensus in support of the guidelines among members of the Faculty Council as expressed in the body of the solicitation guidelines; however, President McCracken was justified in believing that there was such a consensus since no opposition was expressed. The solicitation guidelines were later amended by a memorandum from Dr. McCracken to all personnel dated June 2, 1975. (See: PERC Exhibit 16). The solicitation guidelines presented to the faculty meeting on November 19, 1975 provide in part as follows: "The Faculty Council and the President of the College were in full consensus in affirming the following specifics relative to solicitations on the campus: College personnel are not to be subjected to solicitation by any groups or persons on-campus between 7:30 A.M. and 10:30 P.M. except in the following specified dining areas and during the scheduled lunch hour of any given employee. Meetings and activities on-campus shall be scheduled through the office of the Director of Community Services, Mr. James Rhoades, who maintains the official calendar of College activities and the official room-use schedule. All meetings and activities on the College campus, as a public institution campus, are intended to be in full compliance with the Sunshine Law of the State of Florida. On-campus distribution of any literature and notices which are not official College business shall be by placement on or in the square counters in the front lobby of the Administration Building. Posters and notices of interest to personnel of the College shall be placed in the covered main bulletin board in the front lobby of the Administration Building. Mr. Rhoades, Director of Community Services, will receive such materials for posting and will assure that such notices will be posted and that outdated and obsolete notices are removed." The guideline is signed by Dr. McCracken followed by the following note: "Although inadvertently overlooked in the discussions with the Faculty Council, it is, of course, obviously understood that College clerical services, postage, materials production services, telephones, and equipments are to be used only for official College business." The amendments to the solicitation guidelines distributed in the June 2, 1975 memorandum define "working time" as follows: "Okaloosa-Walton Junior College is officially opened to its clientele and operating with them from 7:30 through 10:30, Monday through Friday. Working time is that time when an employee has any scheduled obligations, whether instructional or non-instructional, to perform with respect to his position at the College including but not limited to all such obligations as required office hours, committee work, conferences, and official meetings." Solicitation is defined in the memorandum in pertinent part as follows: "College personnel are not to be subjected to solicitation by any groups or persons on- campus for any purpose when any person involved in the solicitation is on "working time" as defined above. Meetings and activities on-campus shall be scheduled through the office of the Director of Community Services, who maintains the official calendar of College activities and the official room-use schedule. All meetings and activities on the College campus, as a public institution, are intended to be in full compliance with the Sunshine Law of the State of Florida. On-campus distribution of any literature or notices which are not official College business shall not take place during working time, nor shall it take place in areas where actual work of public employees is normally performed. Posters and notices of interest to personnel of the College shall be placed in the covered main bulletin board in the front lobby of the Administration Building. The Director of Community Services will receive such materials for posting and will assure that such notices will be posted and that outdated and obsolete notices are removed. College clerical services, postage, materials production services, telephones, and equipments are to be used only for official College business and shall not be used in any way for solicitation or for promotion of unsanctioned activities or of organizations other than those which are official elements of the College or in which the College holds institutional membership." The November guidelines were not literally followed by the OWHEA, either in its efforts to secure the requisite showing of interest or in the election campaign. Many solicitations occurred outside of the designated areas during the proscribed hours, and several occurred during times when the person being solicited was actually on duty. The President of OWJC had reason to believe that the guidelines were being violated, but no effort to enforce them was ever initiated. Members and officers of the OWHEA who were involved in the organizational effort and in the election campaign gave various interpretations of the solicitation guidelines that were issued in November, and the amendments to the guidelines issued in June. The guidelines prohibited certain activities which the OWHEA considered desirable; however, the OWHEA was able to engage in a wide variety of campaign activities, and an even wider variety of activities that were available were not utilized. During the campaign members of the OWHEA spoke freely in support of the organization to non-members in the hallways, in the lunchroom, in the parking lot, and in faculty offices. The OWHEA distributed numerous bulletins, newsletters, and assorted memoranda to persons in the prospective bargaining unit. Material was delivered through the mails directly to OWJC, where it was placed in the faculty mailboxes; was delivered through the mails to the residences of faculty members; and was placed at a distribution point in close proximity to the mailboxes so that it could be read by any interested person. Respondent's Exhibits 2 and 4 - 16 are all examples of such literature that was distributed prior to the election. Respondent's Exhibits 17 - 23 are examples of literature distributed after the election. The total volume of materials distributed by the OWHEA through these avenues exceeded materials distributed by the Respondent. OWHEA members personally contacted many persons within the prospective bargaining unit. Many of the authorization cards which were forwarded by the OWHEA to the Public Employees Relations Commission with the representation certification petition were signed on campus as a result of such direct communications. The OWHEA conducted several off campus meetings. Members of the prospective bargaining unit were urged to attend such meetings and several did attend. There was testimony that these meetings were not well attended; however, there was no testimony offered from which it could be concluded that members of the prospective bargaining unit could not have attended these meetings or were not adequately apprised of them. On the contrary it appears that members of the prospective bargaining unit were apprised of the meetings and could have attended them if they desired. The OWHEA was allowed the opportunity to speak at a faculty meeting with respect to the benefits that might be obtained from the collective bargaining process, and with respect to the desirability of having the OWHEA as the bargaining agent. The OWHEA declined to avail itself of this opportunity. Mr. Chilton Jensen delivered a brief statement at that meeting. A copy of the statement was received into evidence as PERC Exhibit 3. Several campaign devices were available to the OWHEA, but were not utilized. The OWHEA could have distributed literature by placing it on automobiles in the faculty parking lot. There was testimony that this would have been too time consuming, but there was also testimony that on some days faculty members had as much as two hours of time which was not devoted to official OWJC duties. At least one bulletin board was available to the OWHEA for placing posters. While undoubtedly not the most effective campaign device, as noted by several OWHEA members, it is one, and could only have assisted in advancing the OWHEA position. While the OWHEA requested that certain meeting facilities be provided for presentations to be given during the lunch hours, no request was made to, conduct such meetings in the area set out in the solicitation guidelines. The only reason for failing to request use of these facilities given by OWHEA officials was that students were often present in that area, and that they did not feel it appropriate to "air the dirty wash" in an area where students were present. No request was made to alleviate this problem by setting aside, an area in the lunchroom. It was suggested that use of this facility would not have been appropriate because managerial officials of the OWJC would be able to attend the meeting. This was not, however, a concern of the OWHEA at the time that it was requesting meeting facilities. In its letter requesting use of other meeting facilities, the OWHEA invited Dr. McCracken, the chief managerial employee of the OWJC to attend the meeting. (PERC Exhibit 9). As stated above, the OWHEA was able to distribute materials to members of the prospective bargaining unit through the mails. There was absolutely no limitation upon such distributions. Distributions could have been timed so that members of the prospective unit would have received whatever amount of literature at whatever time the OWHEA deemed appropriate. No evidence was presented as to whether any telephone solicitations were conducted. This was a campaign device that was available to the OWHEA. Several campaign devices were not available to the OWHEA under the solicitation guidelines. The OWHEA was prohibited from using the campus mail system. The OWJC maintains a mailroom. Each faculty member has a mail box with a combination, in which many college related bulletins are placed. Mail directed to a faculty member through the Junior College is placed in these boxes. The OWHEA desired to use this mailing system so that it could distribute literature to members of the faculty without having to pay mailing expenses. The solicitation guidelines restricted the availability of meeting rooms. On one occasion the OWHEA requested a meeting room other than the lunch area designated in the solicitation guidelines. (See: PERC Exhibits 9, and 12) The request was denied by Dr. McCracken on behalf of the Respondent. (See: PERC Exhibits 10 and 13). The request was denied for several reasons, and indeed, as noted by one OWHEA official, would have been very difficult to grant as framed. It is apparent that any request for a meeting facility other than in the area designated in the solicitation guidelines would have been denied. The OWHEA was not permitted to make a presentation to any faculty meeting, other than at the November meeting. The OWHEA was not permitted to solicit members, or to campaign during working hours, and was not permitted to use the staff or facilities of the OWJC to assist in the campaign effort. The Respondent, under the direction of Dr. McCracken, engaged in an active campaign in opposition to collective bargaining and in opposition to the OWHEA. At a meeting of the faculty in February, 1975, Dr. McCracken read a statement which was received into evidence as PERC Exhibit 6. Counsel for the Respondent made an additional presentation at the meeting. Attendance at the faculty meeting during these presentations was optional. No compunction existed for any faculty member to stay during the presentation. The Respondent distributed numerous memoranda to its faculty respecting the collective bargaining process and OWHEA. Such memoranda were received into evidence as PERC Exhibits B, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27. Additional memoranda were distributed subsequent to the election. (See: PERC Exhibits 28, 29, 34, 35, 37, and 38.) The Respondent did not make any further presentations at faculty meetings, and engaged in no personal contact campaign. Members of the proposed unit who opposed collective bargaining spoke to undecided members of the proposed unit, but there was no evidence from which it could be concluded that there was any connection between that activity and the administration of OWJC. In support of their contention that the Respondent engaged in a campaign of misrepresentation, the general counsel and the OWHEA cite PERC Exhibits B, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and PERC Exhibit 8 is a memorandum that was distributed to the OWJC faculty through the faculty mail system on February 26, 1975. In this memorandum Dr. McCracken treats the request from the OWHEA for recognition as the exclusive bargaining agent of instructional personnel at OWJC as an effort by OWHEA to avoid the election process. In fact, such a request is a condition precedent to the filing of a representation certification petition requesting an election when the employee organization claims that it represents more than fifty percent of the persons in the proposed unit, as did the OWHEA. Dr. McCracken's characterization of the request for exclusive representation totally ignores the fact that the OWHEA was required to make the request. There was, however, ample opportunity for the OWHEA to respond to Dr. McCracken's memorandum, and to set the record straight. The February 26, 1975 memorandum is not such as would have had any effect upon the election, which was conducted some seven months later. PERC Exhibit 14 is a memorandum dated April 11, 1975 from Dr. McCracken directed to the faculty of OWJC through the faculty mails. The memorandum essentially states the Respondent's position in opposition to collective bargaining and to the OWHEA. The following language from the exhibit was cited as a misrepresentation: . . . I would like to state my perception of where we are and where we are going from here. Essentially, it is very simple. We now have two facets of activity going on: (1) the intrusion into normal activities of a representation petition submitted to PERC by Mr. Eugene Stafford, local Director of UNISERV/FUSA/NEA and agent for OWHEA, this development forcing, from here on, active use by the College and by OWHEA of essential, specialized legal assistance; and (2) our ever-present, on-going obligations to the regular planning, services, functions, and commitments of this College." This memorandum constitutes at most an extravagant statement in opposition to the collective bargaining process. PERC Exhibit 21 is a memorandum from Dr. McCracken A directed to all instructional personnel, distributed through the campus mail system, dated September 9, 1975. In the memorandum Dr. McCracken sought to refute certain statements made by the OWHEA in a memorandum dated August 12, 1975 (Respondent's Exhibit 14). In its August 12 memorandum, the OWHEA asserted that the collective bargaining process resulted in substantial gains to members of the faculty in the public schools in Okaloosa County. Many of the "gains" set out in the OWHEA memorandum were subjects of collective bargaining in the Okaloosa County Public Schools; however, they were also matters which had already been a part of the teachers' contracts and were not gains at all. Far from containing misstatements, Dr. McCracken's September 9, 1975 memorandum accurately explains the exaggerations contained in OWHEA's August 12 memorandum. PERC Exhibits 22, 23, 24, 25 and 27 are similar to PERC Exhibit 14. They set out what can be called an exaggerated view in opposition to the collective bargaining process and to the OWHEA. The OWHEA distributed materials which present an exaggerated view in favor of the OWHEA. The memoranda distributed by the Respondent did not result in any subversion of the election process. The OWHEA had adequate opportunity to respond to all of the alleged misrepresentations except for those set out in PERC Exhibits 24, 25, and 27. The election was conducted on September 18, 1975. PERC Exhibit 24 was distributed on September 15, 1975; PERC Exhibit 25 `was distributed one September 16, 1975, and PERC Exhibit 27 was distributed on September 18, 1975. Because of the inability of OWHEA to directly respond to these memoranda, special attention should be given them. In PERC Exhibit 24 Dr. McCracken asserted that information distributed by the OWHEA respecting average teachers salaries at the OWJC was inaccurate. No evidence was offered at the hearing to establish that the information set out in PERC Exhibit 24 was inaccurate. PERC Exhibit 25 contains a statement that the OWHEA's national affiliate was supporting legislation that would require non-union members in a certified bargaining unit to pay a fee to the union in an amount equal to membership dues. The NEA was not supporting such legislation. This misrepresentation was not substantial, and would have had appeal only to persons who did not wish to have the OWHEA serve as its bargaining representative. PERC Exhibit 27 contains the following language: "The Board of Trustees and the President over the past months - almost a year now - have diligently resisted many harassments in order to bring to you today your right to vote secretly . . ." Dr. McCracken had not intended the word "harassments" to refer to activity of the OWHEA. While the word "harassments" might be construed as derogatory of the OWHEA, any member of the faculty of the OWJC would have already been aware that Dr. McCracken held a derogatory opinion of the OWHEA. To the extent that the term "harassments" is a misstatement, it is not one that would have had any material effect upon the outcome of the election. All of the various memoranda distributed by Dr. McCracken which contained exaggerated language, or statements in opposition to collective bargaining and the OWHEA, considered together, would not have had an improper, substantial effect upon the electoral process. As set out above, the OWHEA was not permitted to use the OWJC mailing system to distribute information to members of the faculty, and was not permitted to make presentations to any regular faculty meetings subsequent to November, 1975. The Florida Association of Community Colleges; however, was permitted to use the mailing system and was given time during the faculty meetings to make presentations, including solicitations for membership. The FACC is an organization whose general purpose is to advance the Florida Public Community College program. A copy of the FACC bylaws which set out the purposes of the FACC was received in evidence as Respondent's Exhibit 27. The Florida Association of Community Colleges is not an employee organization within the meaning of the Public Employees Relations Act. Dr. McCracken advanced the FACC as an organization worthy of support by members of the faculty; however, in doing that he was not a lending support to an employee organization opposing the OWHEA, but rather to a general professional organization. Other organizations were permitted to use the facilities at OWJC to make presentations. Such organizations included the American Association of University Women, a local concert group, armed services recruiters, and a politician. No employee organizations were permitted use of campus facilities for meetings, and those organizations which were permitted use of the facilities made educational, cultural, or community oriented presentations. In its motion to dismiss the objections case, the Respondent has asserted that the General Counsel conducted no investigation of the allegations of the OWHEA's petition. The General Counsel was invited to submit an affidavit respecting what, if any, investigation was undertaken. No affidavit was submitted, and it was asserted at the hearing that the investigation conducted in connection with the unfair labor practice case, and the hearing itself constituted the investigation. In its objections petition, the OWHEA asserted that the Respondent failed to deliver a list of teachers to the OWHEA as required in the Certification Upon Consent Election Agreement. Such a list was mailed to Chilton Jensen, who had been listed as the president of the OWHEA within the time period set out in the agreement. Mr. Jensen was ill, and he did not pick up his mail until after the period set out in the agreement. He then delivered it to Mr. Leatherwood, who had become President of the OWHEA. The failure of the OWHEA to obtain a copy of the list within the period set out in the agreement was not the fault of the Respondent. No substantial competent evidence was offered at the hearing from which it could be concluded that the Respondent coerced, threatened, or intimidated any members of the prospective collective bargaining unit; that the members of the collective bargaining unit were unable to inform themselves with respect to the merits of the collective bargaining system, and the OWHEA; or that the OWHEA was unable to disseminate information to members of the prospective collective bargaining unit. The Respondent did not interfere with, restrain or coerce its employees in the exercise of their rights under the Public Employees Relations Act.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57447.201447.301447.501447.503
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000659 Latest Update: Oct. 29, 1976

Findings Of Fact The Respondent caused the experience increments which had been in effect for all adult education teachers to be modified or terminated, and reduced the hourly wage amounts paid to adult education teachers. However, the real question presented is whether adult education teachers were included within the bargaining unit. The position of adult education teachers was not mentioned either in the inclusions or exclusions of the descriptions of the bargaining unit. Whether they would be included therefore turns upon whether adult education teachers are regularly employed certificated personnel." Adult education teachers were not required to be certificated, one primary requirement for inclusion in the unit. In addition, persons employed in the adult education program included both certificated day-time teachers and administrative personnel specifically excluded from the unit. Their employment was not contractual and could be terminated if a particular class was cancelled or dropped based upon lack of student enrollment. In such a case the adult education teacher's employment would be automatically terminated. Adult education classes were presented at night and the maximum number of hours that any adult education teacher would work would be six (6) hours per week. For both groups, employment as an adult education teacher was in addition to their regular employment. From a budgetary standpoint, adult education teachers were compensated from a separate functional breakout within the school budget to which that portion of their compensation earned as an adult education teacher was charged. No deductions were made from the adult education portion of a teacher's salary for retirement or Social Security. Based on the foregoing facts, the Hearing Officer finds that adult education teachers are not "regularly employed certificated personnel" and therefore, are not within the bargaining unit.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Hearing Officer would recommend that no action be taken on the charges as stated in Paragraphs 10(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)(J)(H) and Paragraphs 11(A) and (B). Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law relating to Issue XI and Paragraph 10(H) of the complaint, the Hearing Officer would recommend that the Commission enter its order requiring the Respondent to cease and desist its refusal to bargain upon request over mandatory items of collective bargaining. DONE and ORDERED this 29th day of October, 1976 in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Ron Meyer, Esquire Frank & Meyer, P.A. Flagship Bank Building Tampa, Florida Norman J. Smith, Esquire Brinson and Smith, P.A. Post Office Drawer 1549 Kissimmee, Florida 32741 Austin Reed, Esquire Public Employee Relations Commission 2003 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. Leonard Carson, Chairman Public Employees Relations Commission 2003 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (2) 447.307447.403
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-000673 Latest Update: Nov. 01, 1988

Findings Of Fact Respectively on September 20 and September 9, 1988, the Petitioner and the Respondent submitted to the Hearing Officer their proposed Findings of Fact. In the Appendix To Recommended Order the Hearing Officer submitted recommending rulings thereon. The following constitutes the rulings in this Final Order on those proposed Findings of Fact. The petitioner's proposed Findings of Fact numbers 1 and 5 are hereby accepted and adopted in that they are supported by competent substantial, evidence. The petitioner's proposed Finding of Fact No. 2 is hereby rejected in that the petitioner did not terminate her position on August 17, 1987, and she was not reemployed on September 29, 1987, for the reasons stated above in paragraphs numbers 1 through 12. The Petitioner's proposed Finding of Fact No. 3 is hereby rejected upon the grounds and for the reasons stated in paragraphs No. 7 and 8 above. The Petitioner's proposed Finding of Fact No. 4 is rejected as phrased, for the reasons and upon the grounds set forth in paragraph No. 4 above. The Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact numbers (1) through (7) are each hereby accepted and adopted in that they are each based upon competent, substantial evidence.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered finding that Petitioner became a member of the Florida Retirement System in September 1987 and allowing Petitioner to transfer her previously-earned Teachers' Retirement System credits to the Florida Retirement System. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 1st day of November, 1988, at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of November, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 88-0673 Petitioner's proposed findings of fact numbered 1-5 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. Respondent's proposed findings of fact numbered 1-4 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. Respondent's proposed finding of fact numbered 5 has been rejected as being contrary to the weight of the evidence in this cause. Respondent's proposed findings of fact numbered 6 and 7 have been rejected as not being supported by the weight of the evidence in this cause. COPIES FURNISHED: Patricia Ann Ash, Esquire Harold N. Braxton, Esquire One Datran Center, Suite 406 9100 South Dadeland Boulevard Miami, Florida 33156 Burton M. Michaels, Esquire Department of Administration 440 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Adis Vila, Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr., Esquire Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 =================================================================

Florida Laws (7) 120.57120.68121.021121.051238.01238.06238.181
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 17, 1990 Number: 90-005157RP Latest Update: Oct. 02, 1990

Findings Of Fact Petitioners', Joseph and Shelly Grainger, are husband and wife. They have one five year old son, Christopher Grainger. Joseph Grainger is the primary wage-earner for the family. At present, Joseph Grainger is unemployed due to a back problem. His previous employment was with a parcel shipping company. Due to his unemployment, Mr.Grainger is receiving approximately $653.00 a month in unemployment benefits. He will receive unemployment benefits until December, 1990, when his unemployment benefits terminate. As a recipient of unemployment benefits, Mr. Grainger must actively seek employment and is considered to be employable by the State. Proposed Rule 10C-1.11 Florida Administrative Code, implements federal and State law requiring the Department to furnish Aid to Families with Dependent children to indigent families whose principal wage-earner is unemployed (AFDC- UP). The law and the proposed Rule require the principal wage-earner to participate in the Job opportunities and Basic Skills program (JOBS). Florida has mandated that the spouse of the principal wage-earner also participate in the JOBS program, if funds are available. For AFDC-UP purposes, the Graingers constitute a three person assistance group. The assistance group determines the amount of benefits an applicant1 may receive if the applicant qualifies under the myriad eligibility requirements of the AFDC-UP program. The assistance group also sets the amount of income an assistance group may not exceed and still qualify for AFDC-UP. In this case, the Graingers' income limit is $294.00. Clearly, because of the amount of unemployment benefits Mr. Grainger is receiving, the Graingers do not now qualify for AFDC benefits and are not now receiving AFDC benefits which will be impacted by the proposed Rule. Since the Graingers are not now qualified for the AFDC-UP program and Mr. Grainger is employable, they have not established that they will suffer an injury from the proposed Rule's implementation of sufficient immediacy to entitle them to a hearing under s 120.54, Florida Statutes. See Agrico Chemical v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 406 So.2d 478 (Fla. 2d DCA 1981); Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services v. Alice P., 367 So.2d 1045, (Fla. 1st DCA 1979); Florida Department of Offender Rehabilitation v. Jerrv, 353 So.2d 1230 (Fla. 1st DCA 1978); and Village Park Mobile Home Association v. State Department of Business Regulation, 506 So.2d 426 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987). Accordingly, the Graingers do not have standing to challenge the proposed rule. Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions Of Law and being otherwise fully advised in the premises, IT IS ORDERED that the Petitions filed in Case Nos. 90-5157RP and 5158R are dismissed and the Division's files closed. DONE and ORDERED this 2nd day of October, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANA CLEAVINGER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of October, 1990. COPIES FURNISHED: Cindy Huddleston Florida Legal Services, Inc. 2121 Delta Way Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Scott LaRue Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building 1, Suite 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Liz Cloud, Chief Bureau of Administrative Code The Capitol, Room 1802 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Carroll Webb, Executive Director Administrative Procedures Committee Holland Building, Room 120 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300

Florida Laws (2) 120.54120.68
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