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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida May 18, 2011 Number: 11-002567 Latest Update: Aug. 12, 2014

The Issue The two issues for determination are: (1) whether Rhinehart Equipment Co. (Rhinehart) a foreign corporation domiciled in Rome, Georgia, during the period July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2005, had "substantial nexus" with the state of Florida through its advertising, sale, and delivery into Florida of new and used heavy tractor equipment, sufficient to require it to collect and remit sales tax generated by these sales to the Florida tax authorities; and (2) Whether the applicable statute of limitations for assessing sale tax had expired when DOR issued its "final assessment" on September 11, 2009.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Rhinehart Equipment Co. (“Rhinehart”) is a retail heavy equipment dealer located in Rome, Georgia, and does not own or maintain a showroom or office location in Florida or directly provide financing to any Florida resident for any of its sales. Rhinehart does not provide Florida customers with any after-sale services such as assembly, technical advice, or maintenance. Rhinehart does not have any employees residing in Florida. Respondent is an agency of the State of Florida charged with the regulation, control, administration, and enforcement of the sales and use tax laws of the state of Florida embodied in Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, and as implemented by Florida Administrative Code Chapter 12A-1. Background In early March 2005, the Department received an anonymous tip pursuant to section 213.30, Florida Statutes. The caller alleged that Rhinehart was selling equipment to Florida residents without including sales and use tax in the sales price and was delivering the equipment to Florida customers using its own trucks. The tipster also alleged that Rhinehart was advertising in a commercial publication Heavy Equipment Trader, Florida Edition. By letter dated March 31, 2005, Respondent contacted Rhinehart and advised that its business activities in the state might be such as to require Rhinehart to register as a “dealer” for purposes of assessing Florida sales and use tax, and that it could be required to file corporate income tax returns, potentially subjecting it to liability for other Florida taxes. Included with this letter was a questionnaire for Rhinehart to complete and return to the Department "to assist us in determining whether Nexus exists between your company and the State of Florida." On May 2, 2005, Rhinehart, without the advice of counsel, responded to the Department’s inquiry by returning the completed questionnaire, which was signed by its president, Mark Easterwood. By letter addressed to Mr. Easterwood dated May 4, 2005, the Department advised that it had determined that Rhinehart had nexus with the state of Florida and that therefore Rhinehart was required to register as a dealer to collect and remit Florida sales and use tax. According to the letter, the Department's determination was "based on the fact that your company makes sales to Florida customers and uses the company's own truck to deliver goods to customers in the State of Florida." By application effective July 1, 2005, Rhinehart registered to collect and/or report sales and use tax to the state of Florida, In a letter dated June 8, 2005, the Department invited Rhinehart to self-disclose any tax liability that it may have incurred during the three-year period prior to its registration effective date, to wit, July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2005 (the audit period). Specifically, the letter stated: At this time, we would like to extend an opportunity for you to self-disclose any tax liability that you may have incurred prior to your registration effective date (for the period July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2005). This Self-Disclosure Program affords you an opportunity to pay any applicable tax and interest due for the prior three-year period (or when Nexus was first established) without penalty assessments. In response to the Department's June 8, 2005, letter, Rhinehart's legal counsel sent a letter dated August 8, 2005, requesting a meeting or conference call to discuss a "few legal issues" concerning the Department’s determination regarding nexus. Thereafter, Rhinehart began filing the required tax returns relating to its Florida sales, noting in writing by cover letter that the returns were being filed “under protest.” Rhinehart began collecting and remitting sales and use tax starting in July 2005. However, Rhinehart declined to provide any information regarding sales made prior to July 1, 2005. On September 30, 2005, Rhinehart's legal counsel sent the Department a detailed protest letter and advised that, in Rhinehart's view: (1) the Department had not established “substantial nexus” with Florida as interpreted under the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution; and (2) Rhinehart was not required to register as a Florida dealer for sales and use tax purposes. On May 23, 2008, the Department issued a "Notice of Intent to Make an Assessment," and on September 11, 2009, a "Notice of Final Assessment," for the audit period. The assessment totaled $354,839.30, which was comprised of $229,695.00 in taxes and $125,144.30 in interest. The assessment was calculated by Respondent using Rhinehart’s sales tax returns filed from July 2005 through March 2008. The Notice of Final Assessment advised Rhinehart that the final assessment would become binding agency action unless timely protested or contested through the informal protest process, or by filing a complaint in circuit court or petition for an administrative hearing. Rhinehart unsuccessfully sought to resolve the matter through informal review and then ultimately filed its petition seeking an administrative hearing to challenge the Department's September 11, 2009, assessment. Based on sales records and other information provided by Rhinehart, on March 9, 2011, the Department revised its September 11, 2009, assessment. The revised assessment totaled $380,967.89, which included the past due sales and use tax liability, and interest accrued through that date. Rhinehart's Florida Activities Rhinehart produced records of its sales to Florida customers during the audit period. Those records reflected sales to 116 different Florida customers as follows: one sale in the second-half of 2002; 12 sales in 2003; 84 sales in 2004; and 19 sales thorough June 2005. The total value of the merchandise sold to Florida residents was $2,928,981.00. The majority of Rhinehart's sales during the audit period were "sight unseen" by the customer, and were negotiated by telephone. Numerous hurricanes made landfall in Florida during the 2004 and 2005 hurricane season. Since 2005, Rhinehart’s sales to Florida customers have substantially dropped, with no sales occurring in some quarters. During the audit period Rhinehart accepted a number of trade-ins toward the purchase of new equipment. The records showed trade-in transactions as follows: none (0) in 2002; five (5) in 2003; eleven (11) in 2004; and none in 2005. Concurrent with the delivery of the new equipment purchased from Rhinehart, used equipment taken in trade was transported by Rhinehart employees using Rhinehart transport equipment back to Rhinehart’s location in Georgia. In these instances, the trade-in equipment remained with the Florida customer following negotiation of the sale and prior to Rhinehart physically taking possession of it. During the audit period the equipment accepted as trade-ins had a total value of $168,915.00. The valuation of trade-in equipment was done based on a customer’s representations (i.e. sight unseen, with no Rhinehart employee personally inspected the equipment) and pursuant to industry guidelines. Rhinehart’s drivers would deliver the purchased equipment, load any trade-in equipment, and return to Georgia, if possible, on the same day. To the extent that the Department of Transportation regulations mandated that they cease driving in a given day, the drivers would rest in the back of their trucks for the required amount of time, sometimes overnight, and then complete their journey back to Georgia. Rhinehart's dealership is located approximately 300 miles north of the Florida state line. Sales invoices reflect that Rhinehart's customers were located throughout the state of Florida, as far south as Miami on the east coast and Naples on the west coast. During the audit period, Rhinehart placed advertisements with with the Trader Publishing Company, located in Clearwater, Florida. The Trader Publishing Company is the publisher of the Heavy Equipment Trader magazine which is distributed in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and Tennessee. Trader Publishing Company publishes a "Florida Edition" of the magazine which is directed to potential heavy equipment customers located in Florida. Stipulated Exhibit 19 consists of advertising invoices for advertisements placed by Rhinehart in the Florida Edition of Heavy Equipment Trader magazine during the audit period. These invoices establish that Rhinehart regularly and systematically purchased advertising for its products which was targeted toward potential customers located in Florida.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Department of Revenue: Confirming that substantial nexus existed during the audit period and that Petitioner was therefore subject to the taxing authority of the state of Florida; Confirming that the assessment at issue is not time- barred; Allowing Petitioner a reasonable period of time to determine whether any of the sales it made during the audit period would have qualified as exempt sales pursuant to section 212.08(3) and if so, to obtain the required certifications from the purchasers; and Imposing on Petitioner an assessment for the unpaid taxes, with accrued interest, for all sales during the audit period not qualifying for exemption. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of August, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S W. DAVID WATKINS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of August, 2012.

Florida Laws (14) 120.569120.57120.68212.02212.0596212.06212.08212.18212.21213.30220.23570.0272.01195.091
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-001392 Latest Update: Jan. 22, 1980

Findings Of Fact Clarke Engineering Company submitted a bid and was awarded a contract on 19 October 1978 by the City of Pompano Beach for the construction of storm drainage improvements in the City of Pompano Beach. In addition to the normal provisions of public works contracts such as prevailing wage rates, bonds, subcontractors, etc., this contract included the following provision: PRICES BID- The prices are to include selling directly to the City and delivering all materials, equipment supplies, [sic] including applicable taxes, and all other facilities at agreed prices, and the performance of all labor and services necessary or proper for the installation and completion of the work at additional agreed prices except as may be otherwise expressly provided in the contract documents. Under the present interpretation of statutes and rules of the Department of Revenue, items involving materials, equipment and supplies sold and delivered to the City of Pompano Beach, are exempt from sales tax, provided the Contractor meets the requirements of the Department of Revenue. Bid items involving labor and installation are not exempt from the Florida State Sales Tax. The Contractor will be responsible for reviewing the pertinent State Statutes and Florida Department of Revenue Rules and Regulations and any other applicable regulations or codes involving the sales tax and complying with all requirements. Item No. 1 on this contract provided for the Contractor to sell and deliver to the City eight items of personal property at the bid price per unit. These items comprised 15", 18", 24", 27" and 42" diameter corrugated steel pipe; type "C" inlets; type "E" inlets; and manholes. The total bid submitted by Petitioner for Item No. 1 was $69,466.00. Although this is an estimated total and not the dollar amount actually delivered to City, it is the sales tax on Item 1 that is in dispute. The exact amount of supplies and materials charged to the City pursuant to this item was not presented at the hearing but is obviously not in dispute. On all other supplies and materials used by the Contractor in connection with this contract, Clarke paid the sales tax without protest. Upon acceptance of Clarke's bid by the City, Clarke, on 19 October 1978 submitted and application for a certificate of registration to conduct business as a dealer involving sales and use tax. (Exhibit 2). A copy of his contract with the City was forwarded with the application. This application was forwarded by the local revenue office in Tallahassee on 14 November 1978 for review and appropriate action. (Exhibit 2). By letter dated 20 November 1978 Respondent's Chief, Sales Tax Bureau, denied Petitioner's application for sales tax registration on the ground that in his opinion the contract did not "clearly meet the definition of Rule 12A- 1.52(2)(d)." Additional correspondence between Clarke and the Department of Revenue (DOR) failed to modify Respondent's position and by letter dated April 26, 1979, DOR advised Petitioner it could consult with an attorney if deemed aggrieved by the action of DOR. By letter dated May 17, 1979, Clarke requested an administrative hearing to review this determination and this proceeding followed.

Florida Laws (4) 212.05212.06212.08212.12
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Jan. 05, 2004 Number: 04-000008 Latest Update: May 16, 2005

The Issue Whether the Department of Revenue (DOR) has properly issued an assessment against Petitioner for sales and use tax, interest, and penalty.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a Florida resident. In 1996, Petitioner began doing business as a sole proprietor under the name of "Duraline Industries" and registered with DOR as a sales tax dealer. Later, this entity was called "Dura Steel." Petitioner also operated as a corporation, Steel Engineered Design Systems, Inc. Petitioner's Florida sales tax numbers are 42-11-009271-63 and 40-00-003416- For purposes of these consolidated cases, Petitioner has been audited and charged individually as "Charles R. Bielinski," because the audit revealed that no checks were made out to the corporation(s) and that the monies received were received by Mr. Bielinski as a sole proprietor in one or more "doing business as" categories. Petitioner engaged in the business of fabricating items of tangible personal property, i.e., prefabricated steel buildings, many of which later became improvements to real property in Florida. Petitioner used some of the steel buildings in the performance of real property contracts by installing the buildings as improvements to real property. Petitioner also engaged in the business of selling buildings and steel component parts such as sheets and trim in Florida. Petitioner sold buildings and component parts in over- the-counter retail sales, also. On October 7, 2002, DOR issued Petitioner a Notification of Intent to Audit Books and Records for the period of September 1, 1999 through August 31, 2002. This audit was assigned number AO226920428. In 2002, Petitioner provided DOR's auditor with his sales activity records, such as contracts and job information. A telephone conversation/interview of Petitioner was conducted by the auditor. Over a period of several months, the auditor attempted to get Petitioner to provide additional records, but none were forthcoming. DOR deemed the contracts and job information provided by Petitioner to be an incomplete record of his sales activity for the audit period. Petitioner claimed that most of his sales activity records had been lost or destroyed. Due to the absence of complete records, DOR sampled Petitioner's available records and other information related to his sales in order to conduct and complete its audit. Petitioner purchased materials used to fabricate his steel buildings. Petitioner sometimes would erect the buildings on real property. Petitioner fabricated main frames for smaller buildings at a shop that he maintained at the Bonifay Airport. Otherwise, Petitioner subcontracted with like companies to fabricate main frames for larger buildings. Petitioner made some sales to exempt buyers, such as religious institutions and government entities. When he purchased the materials he used to fabricate the buildings, Petitioner occasionally provided his vendors with his resale certificate, in lieu of paying sales tax. Petitioner did not pay sales tax on the materials he purchased to fabricate buildings when such buildings were being fabricated for exempt buyers such as churches and governmental entities. On June 23, 2003, DOR issued Petitioner a Notice of Intent to Make Audit Changes (Form DR-840), for audit number AO226920428, covering the period of November 1, 1997 through August 31, 2002. DOR has assessed Petitioner sales tax on the buildings, sheets, and trim he sold over-the-counter in Florida. DOR has assessed Petitioner use tax on sales of the materials used in performing real property contracts in Florida. The auditor calculated a method of estimating taxes based on the limited documentation that had been provided by Petitioner. She used a sampling method based on Petitioner's contract numbering system; isolated the Florida contracts; and divided the Florida contracts between the actual sale of tangible property (sale of just the buildings themselves) and real property contracts (where Petitioner not only provided the building but also provided installation or erection services). The auditor scheduled the real property contracts and assessed only the material amounts as taxable in Florida. Since she had only 19 out of 47 probable contracts, or 40 percent, she projected up to what the taxable amount should be and applied the sales tax and surtax at the rate of seven percent, as provided by law. She then divided that tax for the entire audit period by the 58 months in the audit period, to arrive at a monthly tax amount. This monthly tax amount was broken out into sales and discretionary sales tax. Florida levies a six percent State sales tax. Each county has the discretion to levy a discretionary sales tax. Counties have similar discretion as to a surtax. The auditor determined that Petitioner collected roughly $22,000.00 dollars in tax from one of his sales tax registrations which had not been remitted to DOR. During the five-year audit period, Petitioner only remitted tax in May 1998. DOR gave Petitioner credit for the taxes he did remit to DOR during the audit period. The foregoing audit processes resulted in the initial assessment(s) of August 28, 2003, which are set out in Findings of Fact 25-31, infra. On August 28, 2003, DOR issued Petitioner a Notice of Proposed Assessment (Form DR-832/833), for additional discretionary surtax, in the sum of $2,582.19; interest through August 28, 2003, in the sum of $782.55; and penalty, in the sum of $1,289.91; plus additional interest that accrues at $0.50 per day. (DOAH Case No. 04-0008) On August 28, 2003, DOR issued Petitioner a Notice of Proposed Assessment (Form DR 832/833), for additional sales and use tax in the sum of $154,653.32; interest through August 28, 2003, in the sum of $50,500.06; and penalty, in the sum of $77,324.54, plus additional interest that accrues at $31.54 per day. (DOAH Case No. 04-0009) On August 28, 2003, DOR issued Petitioner a Notice of Proposed Assessment (Form DR 832/833), for additional local governmental infrastructure surtax, in the sum of $7,001.82; interest through August 28, 2003, in the sum of $2,352.09; and penalty in the sum of $3,497.35; plus additional interest that accrues at $1.45 per day. (DOAH Case No. 04-0010) On August 28, 2003, DOR issued Petitioner a Notice of Proposed Assessment (Form DR 832/833), for additional indigent care surtax, in the sum of $513.08; interest through August 28, 2003, in the sum of $156.33; and penalty, in the sum of $256.24; plus additional interest that accrues at $0.10 per day. (DOAH Case No. 04-0011) On August 28, 2003, DOR issued Petitioner a Notice of Proposed Assessment (Form DR 832/833), for additional school capital outlay surtax in the sum of $3,084.49; interest through August 28, 2003, in the sum of $922.23; and penalty, in the sum of $1,540.98; plus additional interest that accrues at $0.60 per day. (DOAH Case No. 04-0012) On August 28, 2003, DOR issued Petitioner a Notice of Proposed Assessment (Form DR 832/833), for additional charter transit system surtax, in the sum of $2,049.22; interest through August 28, 2003, in the sum of $766.07; and penalty, in the sum of $1,023.27; plus additional interest that accrues at $0.46 per day. (DOAH Case No. 04-0013) On August 28, 2003, DOR issued Petitioner a Notice of Proposed Assessment (Form DR 832/833), additional small county surtax, in the sum of $10,544.51; interest through August 28, 2003, in the sum of $3,437.85; and penalty in the sum of $5,282.30; plus additional interest that accrues at $2.15 per day. (DOAH Case No. 04-0014) However, the auditor testified at the May 13, 2004, hearing that she attended Petitioner's deposition on March 18, 2004. At that time, Petitioner provided additional documentation which permitted the auditor to recalculate the amount of tax due. The auditor further testified that she separated out the contracts newly provided at that time and any information which clarified the prior contracts she had received. She then isolated the contracts that would affect the Florida taxes due. Despite some of the new information increasing the tax on some of Petitioner's individual Florida contracts, the result of the auditor's new review was that overall, the contracts, now totaling 33, resulted in a reduction in total tax due from Petitioner. These changes were recorded in Revision No. 1 which was attached to the old June 23, 2003, Notice of Intent to Make Audit Changes, which was sent by certified mail to Petitioner. The certified mail receipt was returned to DOR as unclaimed. The auditor's calculations reducing Petitioner's overall tax are set out in Respondent's Exhibit 16 (Revision No. 1). That exhibit appears to now show that taxes are owed by Petitioner as follows in Findings of Fact 34-40 infra. For DOAH Case No. 04-0008, discretionary surtax (tax code 013), Petitioner only owes in the amount of $1,937.37, plus penalties and interest to run on a daily basis as provided by law. For DOAH Case No. 04-0009, sales and use tax (tax code 010), Petitioner only owes in the amount of $111,811.04, plus penalties and interest to run on a daily basis as provided by law. For DOAH Case No. 04-0010, local governmental infrastructure surtax (tax code 016), Petitioner only owes in the amount of $5,211.00, plus penalties and interest to run on a daily basis as provided by law. For DOAH Case No. 04-0011, indigent care surtax (tax code 230), Petitioner only owes in the amount of $317.39, plus penalties and interest to run on a daily basis as provided by law. For DOAH Case No. 04-0012, school capital outlay tax (tax code 530), Petitioner only owes in the amount of $2,398.68, plus penalties and interest to run on a daily basis as provided by law. For DOAH Case No. 04-0013, charter transit system surtax (tax code 015), Petitioner only owes in the amount of $1,558.66, plus penalties and interest to run on a daily basis as provided by law. For DOAH Case No. 04-0014, small county surtax (tax code 270), Petitioner only owes in the amount of $7,211.83, plus penalties and interest to run on a daily basis as provided by law.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law set forth above, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a final order upholding the amount of tax calculated against Petitioner in its June 21, 2003, Notice of Intent to Make Audit Changes, Revision No. 1, in the principal amounts as set forth in Findings of Fact Nos. 34-40, plus interest and penalty accruing per day as provided by law, until such time as the tax is paid. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of July, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of July, 2004.

Florida Laws (10) 120.57120.80212.02212.05212.06212.07212.12212.13582.1972.011
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola Beach, Florida Dec. 30, 1994 Number: 94-007256 Latest Update: Sep. 09, 1996

The Issue The issue to be resolved in this proceeding concerns whether the Petitioner is liable for sales tax, together with interest and penalties on the purported unpaid tax amount, as referenced in the assessment and the Respondent agency's notice of decision issued on October 18, 1994.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is the sole proprietor of a marina and restaurant business located in Pensacola Beach, Florida. The Respondent is an agency of the State of Florida charged with enforcing pertinent statutes and rules providing for the collection of sales and use taxes, as well as penalties and interest for tax amounts determined to be due and payable but not timely paid to the Department and the State of Florida. Included within the Department's regulatory authority over the assessment and collection of sales and use taxes is the authority to conduct audits of taxpayers to determine amounts of tax due and owing to the State, as well as whether such taxes have been timely and properly remitted and otherwise accounted for. The relevant audit period involved in this proceeding extended from October 1, 1987 through December 31, 1992. The Petitioner's marina and restaurant business operated during the audit period was operated on property owned by the Santa Rosa Island Authority (Authority) and the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources (now Department of Environmental Protection, DEP). The property was leased to the Petitioner for the purpose of operation of this business. The property leased by the Petitioner from the Authority consisted of certain land above the mean high water mark and five boat slips. These five boat slips will be referred to sometimes hereafter as the "Santa Rosa boat slips". During the audit period, the Petitioner operated the restaurant business on the property leased from the Authority and rented the five boat slips to various boating customers. The Petitioner also rented 70 other boat slips to customers during the audit period. These slips were built by the Petitioner in 1977 on submerged land which had been leased from the State of Florida, Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Land Management. This property adjoined the property leased from the Authority. On November 16, 1992, the Department sent to the Petitioner a notice of intent to audit its books and records. As part of the audit, the Department requested that the Petitioner produce various records, including but not limited to, the Petitioner's federal tax returns, Florida corporation income tax returns, Florida sales and use tax returns, depreciation schedules, general ledgers, property records, cash receipts journals, cash disbursement journals, purchase journals, general journals, sales journals, sales invoices, shipping documents, purchase invoices, intangible property records, sales tax exemption certificates and lease agreements for the real or tangible property involved in the Petitioner's business. The Petitioner basically was able to provide few records to support his restaurant sales and boat slip rental receipts, except for Florida sales tax returns and federal income tax returns. There were no sales control documentation records, such as general ledgers and general journals provided to the Department's auditor for review, except for a cash register tape for the night of December 1, 1992, representing that night's restaurant gross receipts activity. The Petitioner's method of record keeping essentially consisted of his writing down the gross sales each evening from the cash register tapes, totaling those figures at the end of the month, and reporting this total on his Florida sales tax returns as the gross receipts from the restaurant business. However, the Petitioner did not keep the cash register tapes or maintain other documents to support the information reported to the Respondent on the monthly sales tax returns. The Petitioner reported as, "exempt income," the rental from the boat slips for the five Santa Rosa boat slips on the monthly sales tax returns filed with the Respondent. He did not report his monthly rental income from the remaining 70 boat slips on his sales tax returns filed with the Respondent. He did report a great deal more gross receipts on his federal income tax returns than on his Florida sales tax returns. The Department compared the Petitioner's federal income tax returns during the audit period with his Florida sales tax returns and determined that the gross receipts reported to the federal government were substantially larger than the gross receipts reported to the Department. It determined that the primary difference in the gross receipts was attributable to rental revenues from the boat slips, which were not accounted for by the Petitioner in his Florida monthly sales tax returns. The auditor determined that four percent of the recorded restaurant gross receipts were attributable to alcohol sales and 96 percent to food sales. The Department calculated the sales tax due on the undisclosed income through the audit, which represented gross receipts from the restaurant business and the boat-slip rental business, which was not reported by the Petitioner on his Florida sales tax returns. It calculated the sales tax due during the audit period on the rentals of the five boat slips, which were improperly listed as exempt sales on the Petitioner's monthly sales tax returns filed with the Respondent. It was also revealed that during the audit period, the Petitioner had sub-leased a portion of the Santa Rosa property to his former wife for $5,000.00 per year. The Department calculated that the Petitioner owed $300.00 in taxes based upon the sub-lease to his former wife. The Department additionally calculated that the Petitioner owed an additional $314.00 for use taxes, based upon non-exempt purchases of tangible personal property. The Department assessed the Petitioner's sales taxes based upon the estimated boat-slip rental receipts, although it did not assess the lease payments made by the Petitioner to the Authority or to the State of Florida, Department of Natural Resources. On February 12, 1993, the Department assessed the Petitioner a total of $71,308.30 for the audit period, representing $45,694.90 of sales tax due, $14,093.37 of interest due thereon, $11,041.36 of penalties, and $314.98 of use tax, together with $91.02 of interest due on use taxes unpaid, and $72.67 of penalties due thereon. Daily interest of $15.13 commencing on February 13, 1993 was also assessed. Additionally, on February 12, 1993, the Department assessed the Petitioner $1,060.97 for the audit period, including penalties and interest, for local government infrastructure surtax due. Daily interest of $.29, commencing on February 13, 1993, was assessed on that amount. The Petitioner, in essence, does not dispute the Department's calculation of the assessed amount. The Petitioner, rather, contends that he believes that he reported all income and paid all sales taxes which were due and that his certified public accountant failed to account properly for his gross receipts and income to the federal internal revenue service, without the Petitioner's knowledge, during the audit period. He maintains, therefore, that the method of calculation of the Department's tax assessment, based upon the difference between the gross receipts depicted on the federal income tax returns and on the sales tax returns filed with the Department, is inaccurate, apparently because of the CPA's errors. Additionally, the Petitioner maintains that he was of the belief that the boat-slip rentals were not taxable and reportable for sales tax purposes to the Department because he believes, citing Rule 12A-1.061(5)(a) and (b), Florida Administrative Code. He bases this view on his assertion that the persons residing in the boat slips were "95 percent" live-aboard-type tenants, residing on their boats and that, essentially, they treated their boats as beach homes or condominiums, etc., for purposes of that rule, by residing for longer periods than six months. He thus contends that the rental revenues from such residents were tax exempt. The Department, however, established through its auditor's testimony and the Department's Composite Exhibit 2, that the Petitioner's CPA, through information he generated, did not establish that the difference between the gross receipts reported to the internal revenue service on the federal tax returns and the gross receipts reported on the Florida sales tax returns was not taxable. The Petitioner's proof does not show the factual elements necessary to establish that the 75 boat slips meet the rule's standard for exempt revenues from non-taxable residences.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record and the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered by the Respondent assessing the taxes, penalties, and accumulated interest in the above-found amounts. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of June, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of June, 1996. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NO. 94-7256 Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted. Accepted, based upon the Petitioner's testimony in this regard, but immaterial. 3-4. Rejected, as not established by preponderant evidence. The Petitioner did not show that all or even most of the tenants are on annual rentals and, moreover, if they were, the rule cited by the Petitioner himself requires that such lease agreements or contracts be written. The Petitioner has simply failed to establish that the boat-slip rental arrangements were exempt transactions. Rejected, as incorrect as a matter of law and as immaterial and irrelevant. Rejected, as immaterial and irrelevant to the issues in this proceeding. Rejected, as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on this subject matter and as not probative by a preponderance of evidence that the assessment is incorrect. Rejected, as immaterial to the issues in this proceeding. The Department is not seeking to establish fraudulent intent. 9-27. These constitute argument and enunciation of the Petitioner's and the Respondent's perceived legal positions, and attempted equitable arguments concerning justification for the Petitioner's lack of relevant records, including a description of his financial difficulties related to destruction of his business by fire and by two hurricanes. While this is understandable and regrettable, these arguments and positions asserted by the Petitioner are immaterial and irrelevant to the issues in this case. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact 1-26. Accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: Richard E. Wells 715 Pensacola Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 505 Pensacola Beach, FL 32562-0505 Jarrell L. Murchison, Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capitol - Tax Section Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050 Linda Lettera, General Counsel Department of Revenue 204 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-0100 Larry Fuchs, Executive Director Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-0100

Florida Laws (6) 120.57212.031212.05212.08212.12213.35 Florida Administrative Code (5) 12A-1.01112A-1.05712A-1.06112A-1.07012A-1.073
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-001989 Latest Update: Aug. 11, 1989

Findings Of Fact On January 31, 1984, the subject vessel, a 1969 sixty-five foot Hargrave Halmatic motor yacht, was purchased by Nelson Gross as President and principal of the corporation, Binghamton Too, Inc., for $457,500 in Houston Texas. It was financed through a Connecticut bank. The closing was held in Mr. Gross' New Jersey office. No sales or use tax has been paid on the yacht in Florida or in any other state. Mr. Gross' initial intent was to operate his new purchase as a commercial charter boat in conjunction with the "Binghamton," a ferryboat permanently moored and operating in Edgewater, New Jersey, as a floating restaurant. To get the new motor yacht there, Mr. Gross directed that it be brought to New Jersey around the Florida coast under its own power. The motor yacht reached Florida on February 17, 1984, but en route from Texas an unexpected vibration had arisen which required emergency repairs. These repairs were commissioned at Bradford Marine, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, where the motor yacht remained, except for sea trials in connection with the vibration problem, until the first week in April, 1984. A cracked strut was diagnosed as the cause of the vibration problem. Repair costs of this emergency problem totalled $5,975. The balance of charges incurred at Bradford Marine, Ft. Lauderdale, was $21,729, including dockage. Many more of the repairs catalogued by Respondent's Exhibit 5, the Bradford Marine records for this period, were clearly voluntary, discretionary, and cosmetic in nature. The majority were of a non-emergency nature. The vessel, by then relettered "Binghamton Too," left Florida waters approximately April 20, 1984. "Binghamton Too" next spent approximately three weeks at Thunderbolt Marine Industries in Georgia at an approximate cost of $12,000. There, a strap was fabricated to hold the strut and the yacht proceeded on to New Jersey. The "Binghamton Too" began its charter business as part of the "Binghamton" operation in Edgewater, New Jersey on May 5, 1984. Seventy-five to eighty charters were accomplished between May, 1984 and October, 1984 under New Jersey state and local chartering, transit liquor, and environmental licenses and under U.S. Corps of Engineers permits. "Binghamton Too" returned to Florida waters sometime on or before October 25, 1984, when it was sighted at the Indian River Causeway Bridge. On October 26, 1984, it was sighted at Flagler Bridge in West Palm Beach. Thereafter, it went on to the Lantana Boat Works Marina, Lantana, Florida, for repairs. Lantana is the location of the yacht's original builder, whose equipment and expertise were preferable to that of other boatyards for certain strut repairs due to the peculiar nature of this type of yacht. After those repairs, the yacht was anchored in Palm Beach from January 1985 to April 1985. Although Mr. Gross testified that the strut repairs of necessity had to be done in the Lantana boatyard, his view is not necessarily conclusive of this issue because he admitted "Binghamton Too" was the first yacht he had ever purchased, because he was vague about equating desirability and necessity without any supporting direct expert testimony, and because of the facts found infra. The Lantana repair records from October 29 to December 31, 1984 show $42,521.82 in repairs, of which only $2,500 pertain to fabrication of a strut. Again, the majority of repairs was to refurbish and paint the vessel. Mr. Gross spent approximately October 1984 to April 1985, October 1985 to April 1986, and October 1986 to April 1987 in his father's home in West Palm Beach, Florida. By his own testimony, he confirmed that he established the "technical" office for his "Binghamton Too" business there. He applied, in early December 1984, for a Florida sales tax registration to operate a charter business, representing Palm Beach as his place of business. The account was established January 1, 1985 with the account number of 60-22-080051-61. The captain and mate of the "Binghamton Too" also wintered in Florida each of these years. On December 6, 1984, Mr. Gross wrote the State of New Jersey's Division of Taxation that the yacht's "principal location and headquarters are in West Palm Beach, Florida where it maintains an office and full-time employees," thus successfully arguing that the "Binghamton Too" should be exempt from New Jersey's registration requirements for any vessel residing in that state in excess of 180 days. This correspondence was in connection with a tax problem of the mother ship "Binghamton," still moored in New Jersey. Mr. Gross further represented that Florida was "Binghamton Too's" primary location with trips to the Bahamas." For most of the period from late December, 1984 to early April, 1985, the yacht was in Palm Harbor Marina, West Palm Beach, Florida, the first time not in repairs, and clearly could have returned to New Jersey under its own power had Mr. Gross chosen to do so. From January 24 to March 26, 1985, the boat was in operation, as sighted at the Pompano Beach and Fort Lauderdale bridges. From April 1985 until October of 1985, the yacht was operated as part of Petitioner's commercial charter operation in New Jersey, which included over 100 charters during this time period. Nonetheless, on June 10, 1985, Mr. Gross purchased a boat slip at Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, Florida. This slip was later sold. Upon the foregoing Findings of Fact 6-12, which clearly establish a pattern of wintering the yacht in Florida waters, it is inferred that, despite Mr. Gross' testimony that it was "necessary" to have "Binghamton Too's" strut repaired in late 1984 by the original Florida manufacturer of the yacht, its presence in Florida from October 1984 until April, 1985 was primarily and substantially due to the preference of Mr. Gross, Petitioner's President, and not due to necessity or emergency. In October of 1985, the yacht returned to Florida where it remained until April of 1986. During this time, the boat underwent further repairs, including the complete repainting of the hull, the need for which Mr. Gross attributed to the old paint being cracked and shaken off by the vibration of the yacht. From April 1986 until October of 1986, the yacht was operated as part of Petitioner's commercial charter operation in New Jersey, which included over 100 charters during this time period. The yacht returned to Florida in October, 1986, and again remained in Florida until early April, 1987, when it left for New Jersey. In late October 1987, the yacht returned to Florida where it was traded in as part of the consideration for a larger yacht in November of 1987. The closing date was December 30, 1987. The cash equivalent received by Petitioner as credit on the trade-in was $100,000. In all, Petitioner asserts that over $200,000 was spent by the corporation on the "Binghamton Too" before it was traded. Shortly after buying the "Binghamton Too", Petitioner had begun trying to sell it for the highest price obtainable. These sales efforts included large ads in national yachting publications and listings with active yacht brokers. The highest outright offer received by Petitioner was $75,000. However, this was Mr. Gross' first sales effort of this kind, and his opinion testimony that the "Binghamton Too" was not bought from the Petitioner outright and at a good price because of latent defects and cost of repair is neither credible nor persuasive since his opinion does not possess the reliability of an expert in assessing whether it was the condition of the yacht, its unusual "Halmatic" type, or some other factor which made the "Binghamton Too" undesirable to potential purchasers. The Florida Department of Revenue issued a Notice of Delinquent Tax January 30, 1987, of five-percent use tax upon the purchase price plus 25 percent penalty. Interest was figured at 12 percent per annum. Petitioner timely protested. The agency conceded that the purchase price on the original notice was mistakenly listed at $475,000, that the assessment appropriately should have been on $457,500 (see Finding of Fact No. 1) and that the State presently claims only the tax amount of 5% of Petitioner's initial $457,500 purchase price at $22,875, the 25 percent penalty at $5,719, and interest on the tax from February 18, 1984, to June 18, 1989 at $14,650. (Interest accrues at $7.52 daily.) The total assessment through June 18, 1989 is $43,234.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that the Department of Revenue enter a Final Order affirming the assessment of $22,875, with 25% penalty and interest at $7.52 per day from February 18, 1984 until paid. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 11th day of August, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of August, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER Upon consideration of Section 120.59(2) Florida Statutes the following rulings are made upon the parties' respective proposed findings of fact (PFOF). Petitioner's PFOF: 1, 2,3, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22: Accepted except to the degree not proven. 4: Rejected as stated because not supported by the greater weight of the evidence as a whole. 6, 12: Rejected in part as not proven, in part as subordinate and unnecessary, and in part as to the conclusion-if law as "latent." 7, 8, 9: Accepted except as subordinate and unnecessary to the facts as found. 16: Accepted that Mr. Gross testified to this amount, however, the evidence does not support the amount precisely nor that it all went to "repairs." 20: Accepted as modified to better express the record as a whole. Respondent's PFOF: 1: Accepted, but as a Conclusion of Law. 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23: Accepted. 5: Accepted in substance; what is not adopted is either mere recitation/characterization of testimony, is cumulative, or is subordinate to the facts as found. 6: Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary to the facts as found. 7: Sentence 1 is accepted. The remainder is rejected as mere legal argument or subordinate to the facts as found. 8, 11: Accepted as modified to conform to the record as a whole. Mr. Gross testified to a May 5, 1984 date for No. 8. 18: Except for mere legal argument, accepted. 24: Accepted upon the terms set forth in the Recommended Order. 25: Except as subordinate and unnecessary, accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: Gene D. Brown, Esquire 3836 Killearn Court Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Linda G. Miklowitz, Esquire Department of Legal Affairs Tax Section, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 William D. Moore, General Counsel Department of Revenue 203 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 Katie D. Tucker Executive Director Department of Revenue 102 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

Florida Laws (3) 212.02212.06212.08
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-001522 Latest Update: Apr. 14, 1981

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Florida Welding Services Corp., is a Florida corporation doing business in the State of Florida. The Respondent, Florida Department of Revenue, is the agency charged with enforcing the taxing statutes of this State, including the Florida Income Tax Code, Chapter 220, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to Chapter 220, Florida Statutes, the Petitioner is required to file a Florida Corporate Income Tax Return annually with the Respondent. The Return is due on the first day of the fourth month after the close of the tax year. The Petitioner's tax year for 1977 was April 1, 1976, through March 31, 1977. The Florida Corporation Income Tax Return for the 1977 tax year was due on July 1, 1977, and the Petitioner failed to file its Return by this date. The Petitioner's tax year for 1978 was April 1, 1977, through March 31, 1978. The Florida Corporation Income Tax Return for the 1978 tax year was due on July 1, 1978, and the Petitioner failed to file its Return by this date. In January 1977, all of the Petitioner's corporate records were seized, pursuant to a subpoena issued in the United States Federal District Court in and for the Southern District of Florida. (See Exhibit 1) The Petitioner's records were not returned to it for over a year. On September 15, 1978, the Petitioner filed a Tentative Income Tax Return and Application for Extension of Time to File Income Tax Return, wherein Petitioner requested an extension of time until November 15, 1978, in which to file its Florida income tax return for the 1977 and 1978 tax years. (See Exhibit 2) On October 5, 1978, the Department of Revenue denied the Petitioner's request for an extension of time on grounds that the request had been filed after the respective due dates of July 1, 1977, and July 1, 1978. (See Exhibit 2) On November 16, 1978, the Department of Revenue received Petitioner's Florida Corporation Income Tax Returns for the tax years 1977 and 1978. The Petitioner also remitted the tax it believed owing for each taxable year, $3,734.96 for 1977 and $6,803.56 for 1978. On February 2, 1979, the Department of Revenue, Corporate Income Tax Bureau, issued a Delinquent Notice of Tax Due to the Petitioner. The Notice indicated that the Petitioner had a balance due of $1,547.28 for the tax year ending March 31, 1977, which amount represented $933.74 penalty and $613.54 interest. (See Exhibit 3) On February 5, 1979, the Department of Revenue, Corporate Income Tax Bureau, issued a Delinquent Notice of Tax Due to the Petitioner. The Notice indicated that the Petitioner had a balance due of $1,986.43 for the tax year ending March 31, 1978, which amount represented $1,700.89 penalty and $285.54 interest. (See Exhibit 4) On March 15, 1979, Mr. Karl J. Leib, Jr., contacted the Department of Revenue on behalf of his client, the' Petitioner, requesting the Department to delay in issuing any tax warrants against the Petitioner until Mr. Leib had an opportunity to communicate with someone from the Department. (See Exhibit 5) A follow-up letter was sent by Mr. Leib to the Department on June 8, 1979. (See Exhibit 6) On April, 23, 1980, the Department of Revenue issued to the Petitioner a Final Notice and Demand for payment in the amount of $1,547.28. (See Exhibit 7) Although no Final Notice and Demand for payment in the amount of $1,986.43 was issued by the Department, the amount is still outstanding and the Department maintains that Petitioner owes this sum as well. It is the Petitioner's position that its inability to timely file its Florida Corporate Income Tax Returns was entirely due to factors beyond its control, i.e., the confiscation of its corporate records. The Petitioner maintains that it should not be assessed penalty and interest for late filing, as its failure to timely file was "due to reasonable cause and not willful neglect," as is provided for in Section 214.40(1), Florida Statutes. The Department's position is twofold. First, the Petitioner's failure to make a timely request for extension of time in which to file its return does constitute willful neglect. Second, that while Section 214.40(1), Florida Statutes, may provide the Department with some discretion in assessing penalties, there is no comparable provision for modifying interest payments and such amount is absolutely mandated by the statute for any late filed returns. In addition to the foregoing, along with the attached Exhibits, the undersigned hereby incorporate by reference and jointly offer as evidence those Exhibits attached to Petitioner's Request for Formal Proceedings. WHEREFORE, both parties respectfully request the Hearing Officer to consider the foregoing facts and exhibits, along with a Memoranda of Law to be filed by each party within 10 days of the filing of this Joint Stipulation, and to issue his Recommended Order, without the necessity of holding a formal hearing.

Florida Laws (5) 120.56220.221220.222220.32220.33
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001220 Latest Update: Dec. 01, 1981

Findings Of Fact The facts in this cause are essentially undisputed. The Pen Haven Company was a Subchapter "S" corporation for federal income tax purposes and therefore incurred no State income tax liability. It was formed in 1960 and retained its Subchapter "S" status thorough 1976 for federal income tax purposes. In December of 1977, the capital stock of Pen Haven Sanitation Company was sold to the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County. Inasmuch as the sole corporate stock holder then was no longer an individual, but rather a governmental entity, the corporation Subchapter "S" election for federal income tax purposes was terminated. Escambia County did not wish to own stock in a private corporation so it accordingly liquidated Pen Haven and its assets were distributed to the County's direct ownership. Thereafter the Corporation filed a final corporate income tax return for 1977 which reflected capital gains on the assets of the corporation which had been distributed. Some of those assets had tax bases which had been reduced to zero through reduction by depreciation, most of which had been charged off prior to January 1, 1972, the effective date of the Florida corporate income tax code. All of the depreciation deductions had been taken prior to the termination of the Subchapter "S" status of the Pen Haven Company. On disposition of the Pen Haven assets however, a gain was reported equal to the fair market value or salvage value, less the basis. This gain was accordingly reported on Pen Haven's federal income tax return, and on the 1977 Florida corporate income tax return, albeit under the protest as to the Florida tax return. Inasmuch as Pen Haven had previously deducted depreciation since its inception, and had the benefit thereof for federal tax purposes, it was required by the Internal Revenue Service to recapture the depreciation for federal tax purposes upon its sale and the filing of its tax return in 1977. The same recapture of depreciation treatment was required of West Florida Utilities. Thereafter an application was made by the Petitioner corporations for Florida Corporate Income Tax Refunds asserting that they should have not paid taxes on the amount of gains which represented a recapture of depreciation which had been taken as a deduction prior to the effective date of the Florida corporate income tax on January 1, 1972. In effect the Petitioner is contending that the so- called "income" which is the subject of the tax in question was not realized in 1977, but rather merely "recognized" in that year by the federal tax law and that it represented income actually "realized" during the years when the depreciation was taken as a deduction prior to January 1, 1972. The Petitioners contend that "realization" for federal income tax purposes occurs when the taxpayer actually receives an economic gain. "Recognition" on the other hand refers only to that time when the tax itself becomes actually due and payable. The Petitioners maintain that when the tax became due and payable in 1977 that was merely the point of "recognition" of the subject taxable gain and not "realization" in that the gain was actually realized prior to the Florida Jurisdictional date of January 1, 1972, in the form of the economic benefit derived from those depreciation deductions applied to federal tax liability prior to that date. The Petitioners cite SRG Corporation vs. Department of Revenue, 365 So2d 687 (Fla. 1st DCA 1978), for the proposition that Florida could not tax those gains accruing to the taxpayer prior to Florida's having the constitutional and statutory power to impose a corporate income tax. The Respondent in essence agrees that the question of when the economic benefit to the Petitioners was received by them or was "realized" is the key question in this cause. The Respondent contends, however, that "realization" of a taxable gain occurred when the assets were disposed of by the Petitioners in 1977, well after the date when Florida's power to tax such a gain was enacted. The underlying facts in the case of West Florida Utilities are substantially similar. This corporation, however, was organized in 1962 and has never been clothed with Subchapter "S" corporate status. The only grounds upon which it can therefore claim a refund is its assertion that Florida does not have authority to tax that portion of the capital gains attributable to recapture of depreciation which was originally charged off as a deduction prior to January 1, 1972. The Department of Revenue and the Comptroller of the State of Florida both denied the refund claim made on behalf of the Petitioners, and thereafter they seasonably petitioned for a formal administrative hearing pursuant to Chapter 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the evidence in the record, the candor and demeanor of the witness and pleadings and arguments of counsel it is, therefore RECOMMENDED this 3rd day of September, 1981, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of September, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: Thurston A. Shell Post Office Box 1831 Pensacola, Florida 32578 Robert A. Pierce, Esquire General Counsel Department of Revenue Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Michael Basile, Esquire Deputy General Counsel Office of Comptroller The Capitol, Suite 1302 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Wilson Crump, II, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32310

Florida Laws (7) 120.57215.26220.11220.12220.13220.131220.14
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001389 Latest Update: Oct. 25, 1978

Findings Of Fact The Surf Club, Inc. is a corporation which in the taxable year commencing on or after January 1, 1972, earned a received income in the State of Florida and was a resident or citizen of this state. In December, 1972, The Surf Club filed an exempt organization business income tax return with the Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, using Form 990-T. The taxpayer also filed a Florida Corporate Tax Return showing a tax due of $447.00. See Exhibit 1. Subsequently, the taxpayer filed an amended tax return for the year ending September 30, 1972, with the Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, using Form 1120. Schedule D of Form 1120 reports a long-term capital gain in the amount of $54,601.00. Form 4797, page two, indicates that this capital gain was realized from the sale of an apartment building and land for a gross sales price of $1,496,184.00. The adjusted basis was $741,583.00 and the total gain was $754,601.00. The taxpayer filed an Amended Florida Corporation Income Tax Return, Form 1120X. Part II of this amended return reported the $754,601.00 sale of the real property. Attached to the federal tax return was an addendum showing the change of status of Surf Club from a social club exempt under the provisions of Section 501(c)(7) to a nonexempt organization. See Exhibit 2. The Department of Revenue controverted the amended return on the basis that the $754,601.00 in capital gains was deducted from taxable income by the taxpayer because the taxpayer had eliminated the value of the property accruing prior to the imposition of the Florida corporate income tax. Because the date of the sale closely approximated the date or the imposition of the tax, the taxpayer had deducted the total amount of the income derived from the sale. The tax due is $10,203.00. Exhibit 3. Introduced as Exhibit 4 was a revocation agreement whereby the exempt status of The Surf Club was revoked for all years beginning on or after October 1, 1970. The Surf Club did not have exempt status or assert exempt status as of the date that it filed its amended federal tax return for the year ending September 30, 1972.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Hearing Officer recommends that the corporate income tax in the amount of $10,203.00 be assessed against Surf Club. DONE and ORDERED this 25th day of October, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Patricia Turner, Esquire Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dan Paul, Esquire 1300 Southeast First National Bank Building Miami, Florida 33131

Florida Laws (7) 220.02220.03220.11220.12220.13220.131220.15
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001729 Latest Update: Apr. 10, 1978

Findings Of Fact Frank O. Sherrill is the sole stockholder of Oceania Charters, Inc. and is a resident of North Carolina from where he directs the operations of Oceania Charters, Inc. The principal, if not sole, asset of Oceania Charters, Inc. is the 101 foot motor yacht Captiva II. The Captiva II was built in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, pursuant to contract between the shipbuilder and Oceania Charters, Inc. and/or Frank Sherrill entered into in 1972. Sherrill purchased the vessel for the intended purpose that it be used as a charter vessel hired to various charterers for short or longer-term cruises. This is the fourth or fifth vessel that Respondent has owned and used in the charter business. The evidence was uncontradicted that the purpose of acquiring the Captiva II was to place it in charter service. The vessel was originally scheduled for completion in the summer of 1973 and it was intended to have the Captiva II proceed from Amsterdam to North Carolina under her own power. The vessel was not completed until late fall or early winter and the insurers would not insure the Captiva II if it proceeded across the North Atlantic under her own power at that time of year. Arrangements were made to ship the Captiva II from Amsterdam to Bermuda via freighter to off-load the Captiva II there and proceed under her own power to Wilmington, North Carolina for custom clearance and documentation. While loading the Captiva II damage was done to one stabilizer and to the hull. Upon arrival of the ship carrying the Captiva II at Bermuda, excess costs involved in off-loading and repairing there were weighed against the carrier's offer to off- load the Captiva II at the next port of call, Miami, and facilities at the latter port. It was then decided that the Captiva II should stay aboard for the voyage from Bermuda to Miami and there be off-loaded and repaired. This was done and upon arrival in Miami the Captiva II was off-loaded, repaired and fitted out for charter operations. Berthing arrangements were made and, except for charter trips, trips to Palm Beach soliciting charters, and sea trials the Captiva II has been moored at Miami. Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill stayed on board the Captiva II during the period she was being outfitted for charter operations and on several of the sea trials the vessel underwent. They were not on board during any of the charter trips and did not use the Captiva II for cruises themselves or make her available for use by their friends unless pursuant to a charter party. These facts were undisputed.

Florida Laws (2) 212.05212.081
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001566 Latest Update: Mar. 25, 1977

Findings Of Fact Having considered the pleadings, evidence and legal arguments presented in this cause, the following facts are found: Petitioner is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New Jersey and qualified to do business is one State of Florida. Two of the subsidiaries of Petitioner are Island Properties, Inc., formerly known as Heftler International, Inc., and Island Land Corporation, formerly known as Heftler Construction Company of Puerto Rico, Inc. These corporations are organized under the laws of the State of Florida and the State of New Jersey respectively and maintain principal places of business in Puerto Rico. For the fiscal years ending July 31, 1972 and July 31, 1973, petitioners properly included losses from the operations of the Puerto Rico corporations in their consolidated income tax returns filed with the Internal Revenue Service. For the fiscal years ending July 31, 1972, and July 31, 1973, petitioners timely filed with the respondent consolidated income tax returns including therein the operations of the Puerto Rico corporations. After a timely audit, the respondent excluded, for the purposes of computing adjusted federal income as defined by 220.13, the losses sustained by the Puerto Rico corporations. The respondent also excluded from the computation of the apportionment factors defined in F.S. s. 214.71 and 220.15 the value of the property, payroll and sales utilized in the operations of the Puerto Rico corporations. The respondent cited F.S. ss. 220.13(1)(b)2.b, 220.15(3) and 214.71 as its authority. The adjustments made by the respondent results in a net proposed deficiency of $75,076.46 for the two fiscal years in question. After attempts by the parties to resolve the issues by informal means failed, the petitioner requested a formal hearing and the respondent requested the Division of Administrative Hearings to conduct the hearing.

Recommendation Based upon the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that there is no basis for affording petitioners any relief from the proposed deficiency and that said deficiency in the amount of $75,076.46 be sustained. Respectfully submitted and entered this 20th day of November, 1975, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Lewis M. Kanner, Esquire WILLIAMS, SALOMON, KANNER DAMIAN 1003 du Pont Building Miami, Florida 33131 E. Wilson Crump, II, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs Tax Division, Northwood Mall Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Mr. J. Ed Straughn Executive Director Department of Revenue Tallahassee, Florida 32304

Florida Laws (6) 220.11220.12220.13220.131220.14220.15
# 10

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