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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 24, 2020 Number: 20-000994PL Latest Update: Jul. 04, 2024

The Issue Whether Respondent should be subject to discipline as a result of the violations of section 1012.795(1)(j) and rule 6A-10.081(2)(c)4., as alleged in the Administrative Complaint and, if so, the nature of the sanctions.

Findings Of Fact The Florida Education Practices Commission is the state agency charged with the duty and responsibility to revoke or suspend, or take other appropriate action with regard to teaching certificates as provided in sections 1012.795 and 1012.796, Florida Statutes (2020). § 1012.79(7), Fla. Stat. Petitioner, as Commissioner of Education, is charged with the duty to file and prosecute administrative complaints against individuals who hold Florida teaching certificates and who are alleged to have violated standards of teacher conduct. § 1012.796(6), Fla. Stat. (2020). Stipulated Facts Respondent holds Florida Educator’s Certificate 766965, covering the areas of Educational Leadership, Elementary Education, and School Principal, which is valid through June 30, 2023. During the 2017-2018 school year, Respondent was employed as a Principal at GES in the LCSD, where he had been employed since 2008. During the 2017-2018 school year, Brooke Jahn (now Brooke Solz) was employed as a classroom teacher at GES, and, therefore, under the Respondent’s supervision. Ms. Jahn was married to a LCSD employee assigned to another school. Ms. Jahn was an adult during all times material to this complaint. On June 11 and 12, 2018, Respondent and Ms. Jahn attended the Instructional Leadership Team Summer Institute hosted by the Florida Department of Education at the Innisbrook Resort & Golf Club in Palm Harbor, Florida. On or about July 11, 2018, Ms. Jahn requested a transfer from GES to another school within the LCSD. On or about July 12, 2018, Mr. Solz reported to LCSD Superintendent Rocky Hanna that he was involved in a romantic relationship with Ms. Jahn. On July 18, 2018, Superintendent Hanna placed Respondent on administrative leave with pay pending the pending the outcome of an investigation. On August 31, 2018, Leon County Schools Superintendent Rocky Hanna issued Respondent a letter of reprimand. On August 31, 2018, Mr. Solz was reassigned to the LCSD Department of Teaching and Learning, effective September 4, 2018. On September 17, 2018, Professional Practices Chief John Hunkiar reported Mr. Solz to the Office of Professional Practices Services. On November 8, 2018, the Florida Department of Education, Office of Professional Practices Services, initiated an investigation into alleged misconduct by Respondent. On or about July 9, 2019, Mr. Solz was reassigned as the principal at Astoria Park Elementary School in Leon County.1 Evidentiary Findings The following findings of fact are supported by the record. Contrary testimony and evidence has been considered and rejected. David Solz Mr. Solz is, by all credible accounts, a “wonderful” principal and administrator, with a solid reputation as an LCSD administrator. Prior to this proceeding, he had not been the subject of any previous complaints or disciplinary actions during his 20-plus years in education. Testimony and recorded statements that Mr. Solz gave preferential treatment to others, including Ms. Jahn, that he targeted or “formally” wrote up teachers that were not on his preferential list, or that he “only hires young, attractive teachers,” were neither credible nor persuasive. The more credible testimony demonstrated that Mr. Solz was even-handed in his approach to the teachers at GES. If someone showed an interest in moving up in the academic system, he was willing to support them. If they wanted to 1 The Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation identified the date as July 9, 2018. The date was corrected to 2019 on the record at the hearing. stay in the classroom, he was accepting. If they felt they needed time away, even up to a year, he was accommodating. He did not show favoritism, and he did not “punish” those who disliked him. By the 2017-2018 school year, Mr. Solz had been divorced for several years. By April of 2018, he was apparently dating a woman who taught at either Ft. Braden Elementary School or Riley Elementary School. That person may have thought that she had some “power” because she was dating a principal, but there was no evidence that she did. More to the point, that person was not Ms. Jahn. Mr. Solz was an “open door” administrator. His office was in plain view, and he made it a practice to never be alone in his office with another teacher with the door closed. There was no evidence that he ever did so. The evidence unequivocally established that Mr. Solz was a good leader at GES, that he was purposefully respectful of his female colleagues, and avoided situations that could be misconstrued. Brooke Jahn Ms. Jahn was a teacher at GES starting in August 2013. By all credible accounts, Ms. Jahn was ambitious and a go-getter. She knew that she wanted to move from being a classroom teacher into administration. She set high goals, and was willing to take on the work necessary to advance in her career in education, work that others were not willing to do. During the 2017-2018 school year, in addition to her duties as a GES teacher, Ms. Jahn was taking classes to earn her Master’s Degree in Education Leadership. Holding a Master’s Degree in Education Leadership allows one to take a position as a dean, an assistant principal, a principal, or a leader at the school district in some capacity. As part of the curriculum for her degree, Ms. Jahn was required to serve an internship. Ms. Sumner supervised Ms. Jahn, which required Ms. Jahn to spend “lots of time” in the office, generally during her planning period or after school. Ms. Wyatt documented her progress. Mr. Solz was not overly involved with Ms. Jahn’s internship. Upon her completion of her Master’s program, Ms. Jahn became one of only three teachers or counselors at GES holding that degree, the others being Mr. McKhan and Ms. Wyatt. In addition to receiving her Master’s Degree in Education Leadership, Ms. Jahn took and passed the Florida Educational Leadership Exam (FELE) during the 2017-2018 school year, which qualified her to be considered for a position in education administration. During the period at issue, she had not yet applied to the administrator pool. During the 2017-2018 school year, Ms. Jahn taught third grade at GES. In previous years, Ms. Jahn taught kindergarten. Ms. Jahn wanted to move to the third-grade classroom for several reasons. She wanted experience in detecting early reading deficits. Her kindergarten students were “learning to read.” By third grade, students are “reading to learn.” Therefore, reading deficits by third grade can affect student achievement. In addition, third grade is a Florida Statewide Assessment (FSA) standardized test grade. Ms. Jahn recognized that experience in administering the FSA was almost a requirement for assignment as an assistant principal.2 During the 2016-2017 school year, Ms. Jahn was selected by her kindergarten teacher peers to be the team leader for the kindergarten section. Mr. Solz had no role in that process. Ms. Jahn’s selection as kindergarten team leader earned her a spot on the SITE Committee. The SITE Committee consists of grade-level team leaders, as well as persons representing paraprofessionals, custodians, cafeteria workers, ESE students, parents, and other school functions. As a SITE-based school, the SITE Committee serves to decentralize decision 2 Respondent suggested that Ms. Jahn’s transfer from kindergarten to third grade was evidence of favoritism. There was no evidence that the transfer was anything other than a normal and routine transfer, and showed no more favoritism than Ms. Vasquez teaching kindergarten and second grade at GES, Ms. Baggett being assigned to teach second, third, and fourth grades over the years at GES, or Ms. O’Brien teaching third and first grades at GES. making away from the Principal, and allows for a collaborative process by representatives of all segments of GES employees. Ms. Jahn was thereafter nominated and selected by the other members of the SITE Committee as the SITE Facilitator. That position required a great deal of work and effort, which Ms. Jahn gladly took on, realizing the career benefits derived from the experience. Mr. Solz had no role in that process. Ms. Jahn was also selected to serve on the Teacher Education Center (“TEC”) as a professional learning advocate. As a TEC representative, Ms. Jahn provided teachers with opportunities for training to maintain their teaching certifications and assisted them in making their way through the certification process. The TEC is also engaged in managing the professional development budget for the school. Ms. Jahn had to be involved in professional development as part of her Master’s Degree internship, and the TEC helped to fill that requirement. The TEC representative is open for any teacher who wants to apply. Other than complaints from several witnesses that they were not solicited by school-wide email, or by personal entreaty from Mr. Solz “and offered for nomination or from, you know, veteran teachers who have that experience,” there was no evidence that any teacher other than Ms. Jahn, including the complaining witnesses, had the interest, drive, or commitment to apply for the TEC. There was no evidence that the position was required to be advertised by email or subject to personal invitation. Ms. Jahn sought out the position, and applied. The process of appointment was somewhat vague, except that Mr. Solz did not unilaterally appoint Ms. Jahn to the position.3 3 Ms. Baggett, despite averring that Mr. Solz appointed Ms. Jahn to the TEC, admitted at the hearing that she had no information that Mr. Solz appointed Ms. Jahn to that position “[o]ther than it's just, I guess, common knowledge that the principal of the school would, you know, would approve these positions.” Supposition, speculation, and “common knowledge” are not substitutes for competent, substantial, and persuasive evidence. The team leader, SITE facilitator, and TEC representative positions were subject to a modest stipend, but the duties involved work that far exceeded the pay -- “probably cents on the hour” -- she received for serving. However, Ms. Jahn understood that having experience in various areas would benefit her in achieving her long term goals. Ms. Jahn was also selected to serve on the District Advisory Council (“DAC”), a group of teachers, parents, administrators, and school board members that meet to discuss issues that affect students and classrooms. It is an unpaid, volunteer position that meets after school hours. Dr. Smith asked Mr. McKhan, Ms. Wyatt and Ms. Jahn to share the role. Since Mr. McKhan and Ms. Wyatt had previously served, Ms. Jahn took on most of the duties. Mr. Solz had no role in that process. Ms. Jahn was part of a group of teachers invited by Dr. Smith to observe other schools in the District in order to implement the “Leader in Me” program at GES. Ms. Jahn was exposed to leadership techniques that she would not have been exposed to as a classroom teacher. Mr. Solz had no role in that process. Ms. Jahn routinely attended monthly faculty meetings, which were open to all faculty at GES. She was able to apply some of the faculty meetings into credit for her Master’s Degree. She was required to mark attendance and document credit for every faculty meeting. There was no evidence that Mr. Solz was involved in that process. Ms. Jahn was an active participant in the faculty meetings, which may have rubbed some less participatory teachers the wrong way, with witnesses complaining that Mr. Solz gave undue weight to Ms. Jahn’s contributions, but was dismissive of their comments, failing to take them “seriously.” The evidence, such as it was, that Ms. Jahn was given some sort of preferential treatment at the faculty meetings was not supported by a single specific instance, but was “supported” by the fall-back phrase that “it was, again, another one of the school-wide known fact.” Even if it was established that Mr. Solz valued Ms. Jahn’s input, such would not establish preferential treatment. It is just as easy to draw the inference that Ms. Jahn’s statements were more pertinent than others. The more credible testimony established that Mr. Solz was not dismissive or disrespectful to any of the staff at faculty meetings.4 The testimony that Mr. Solz afforded preferential treatment to Ms. Jahn at faculty meetings lacked even basic credibility, and is not accepted. Ms. Jahn also trained a teaching intern, Ms. Hobbs. Ms. Hobbs was effusive in her praise of Ms. Jahn, crediting her success and her teaching style to Ms. Jahn’s tutelage. Because of Ms. Jahn’s success in mentoring Ms. Hobbs, Ms. Hobbs was, by the end of the 2017-2018 school year, able to handle the class on her own, which is the goal of a successful internship. While the class was under Ms. Hobbs’ instruction, Ms. Jahn was able to leave the classroom -- though not the campus. The evidence firmly established that Ms. Jahn set her goals high, and took steps that were not easy to achieve those goals. There was no credible evidence to suggest that she expected to be given anything by Mr. Solz or anyone else. She was not, as intimated by others, appointed to her duties by Mr. Solz. By all credible accounts, she earned her accolades. Though others reacted negatively, there was nothing to suggest that others were willing to put in the effort, or that they had earned the respect necessary to be selected by their peers to one of the many available positions. Allegations in the Administrative Complaint During the 2017-2018 school year, Respondent engaged in a sexual relationship with Brooke Jahn, a married teacher who was a direct report to Respondent. 4 Mr. Solz was more forceful; stating that the allegation he was dismissive or rude during faculty meetings “is a lie, a purposeful lie.” As described, during the 2017-2018 school year, Ms. Jahn took on a steady stream of jobs designed to advance her career. As a result, she met often with members of the GES administration, including primarily Ms. Wyatt and Ms. Sumner. The previous year she met frequently with Dr. Smith. She also met with Mr. McKhan and Mr. Solz. There was nothing in any of those meetings that contained even a whiff of impropriety. The 2017-2018 school year ended for teachers the first week of June 2018. Teacher contracts end on the second day after the last day of school. If a teacher’s contract is renewed, the contract renewal becomes effective on the first day of school in August for teachers. Ms. Jahn was not under contract and did not work at GES over the summer.5 Ms. Jahn was not seeing Mr. Solz in anything other than a professional capacity during the 2017-2018 school year. Despite the rumors, gossip, and innuendo bandied about by several witnesses, there was absolutely no competent, substantial, and credible evidence to support that Mr. Solz and Ms. Jahn were engaged in any sort of romantic, much less sexual, relationship at any time prior to the last day of classes during the 2017-2018 school year. By the time the 2017-2018 school year ended, Ms. Jahn had received her Master’s Degree in Education Leadership and passed the FELE. She had been a classroom teacher for eight years, and was starting to look for other opportunities. However, for reasons related to the LCSD summer teacher transfer policy and postings, she had not yet done so. During this same period, difficulties in Ms. Jahn’s marriage began to come to a head. The reasons are unimportant, except for the fact that they had nothing to do with Mr. Solz. 5 Ms. Jahn had signed a contract for the coming school year, but it was pending board approval. She was not working as a teacher at GES, but was slated to teach private swimming lessons over the summer “to make extra summer money.” In late May 2018, Mr. Solz became aware that the 2018 Instructional Leadership Team Summer Institute was to be held over the weekend of June 11 and 12, 2018, in Tampa, Florida. The conference was limited to 25 principals from around the state. Mr. Solz applied, and was accepted. He then realized that he could bring a qualified teacher leader from his school. Since it was a leadership conference, leadership experience was a prerequisite. The only people at GES who were not already administrators and who were qualified were Ms. Wyatt and Ms. Jahn.6 Ms. Wyatt was already slated to attend the Superintendent’s Leadership Academy in Tallahassee. She did not want to pass it up because she had applied for the assistant principal pool that year. People who were interviewing applicants for the pool were leading that meeting, creating a good networking opportunity for Ms. Wyatt. Mr. Solz invited the other leadership candidate, Ms. Jahn. He extended the invitation for her family to attend as well, a common practice. Ms. Jahn accepted the invitation. She had to rearrange swimming lessons and child care in order to attend, but did so because it was important to her efforts to professionally advance. Her husband could not attend for professional reasons. Mr. Solz and Ms. Jahn travelled separately to Tampa. By the time of the conference, Ms. Jahn had come to the conclusion that her marriage was heading for divorce. She took the opportunity to visit her sister in the Tampa area. It was a stressful period. Mr. Solz and Ms. Jahn arrived separately at the convention hotel on Friday evening. Other than Mr. Solz assisting Ms. Jahn in getting checked in, they had no contact with one another that evening. After the conference sessions on Saturday, Mr. Solz and Ms. Jahn had dinner as part of a group. It was, according to both, the first time they had 6 By this time, Mr. McKhan had been appointed and was serving as an assistant principal at Pineview Elementary School. ever been alone with one another. There was no evidence to the contrary. During dinner, Ms. Jahn disclosed to Mr. Solz that she was having marital difficulties, but no more. The next morning, after a difficult conversation with her husband the night before, Ms. Jahn came down from her room in obvious distress. She indicated that she was having a “panic attack.” Mr. Solz walked with her to get coffee, talked with her, told her it would be OK, and gave her an “awkward side-ways hug.” He made sure she was engaged in the Sunday conference sessions, which eased her anxiety. After the Sunday session was over, Ms. Jahn went back to Tallahassee. Mr. Solz stayed for a while to meet with principals he knew who were coming in for a separate Florida school administrators conference. He had dinner with several of his colleagues, and drove home. Mr. Solz and Ms. Jahn did not see each other for several weeks after. Mr. Solz visited family in Savannah for a week and, upon his return, had his children for a week which entailed a trip to Disney World. Although Ms. Jahn’s divorce was moving forward, she took a pre-planned cruise with her then-husband and her children. However, during that period, Mr. Solz and Ms. Jahn had begun to text one another and spoke on the phone. They started to realize they had things in common, and might like to pursue a relationship. Before they did anything to advance any sort of sexual relationship, they mutually decided that Mr. Solz should self-report their interest to the Superintendent. At that time, the “relationship” was all verbal and through texts. Other than the “awkward side-ways hug,” there had been no physical component to the relationship. Mr. Solz testified credibly that when he met with Superintendent Hanna on July 12, 2018, “I felt like we [he and Ms. Jahn] had a friendship that was easily blossoming into a romantic relationship.”7 Prior to their decision to self-report, Ms. Jahn had already decided she needed to move from GES to diversify her experience to ultimately move out of the classroom into administration. For a person holding an Education Leadership degree, it is common knowledge that in order to advance, a teacher must move around to different schools. Ms. Jahn had been researching other opportunities with the LCSD, and had applied to be a reading coach at Griffin Middle School, as well as several other less desirable positions. On July 11, 2018, and again on July 12, 2018, Ms. Jahn requested, in writing, a transfer from GES. In describing her interview with Ms. Jahn on July 12, 2020, Ms. Kraul testified that: She indicated again that she wants an administrative experience. She used the figure 150 percent leaving Gilchrist of her own free will. That she wants a middle school experience and she was very aware that she would not be eligible for an assistant principal position straight out of the classroom. That this was her ticket to get more experience. Ms. Jahn also believed it would be easier for her to stand out professionally at Griffin Middle School. Ms. Kraul testified that Ms. Jahn was waiting out the LCSD teacher transfer period and “that's, I believe, where she was when I met with her in July.” There is not a shred of competent substantial evidence to suggest that Ms. Jahn’s desire to transfer from GES was based on anything other than her desire to pursue her long-held goal of moving from a classroom position into a position in administration. There is no evidence that Ms. Jahn was pressured 7 Though not relevant to the specific allegations of this proceeding, it merits acknowledgement that Mr. Solz and Ms. Jahn have since married, and were married as of the date of the final hearing. into seeking the transfer, or that her request had anything to do with Mr. Solz. On July 12, 2018, Mr. Solz reported to Superintendent Hanna that he and Ms. Jahn were involved in a relationship that was becoming romantic. They had not been “caught.” There was no evidence that they knew of the purported “anonymous emails.”8 Mr. Solz and Ms. Jahn were early in their “romance,” having not yet passed out of the talking and texting stage. The decision to report was a volitional act designed to avoid gossip and innuendo, and establish a path forward without “direct report” conflict. Mr. Solz was not even certain that he was required to report, since the LCSD fraternization policy prohibited contact between staff and students, and the sexual harassment policy dealt with “unwelcomed” conduct. Nonetheless, Mr. Solz decided to report their blossoming interest because it “just felt like it was the right thing to do.” The evidence conclusively established, despite the suppositions and gossip of others, that there was no sexual relationship between Mr. Solz and Ms. Jahn prior to the July 12, 2018, self-report. On July 18, 2018, Superintendent Hanna placed Mr. Solz on administrative leave with pay. There was no competent, substantial, or persuasive evidence to support a finding that, at the time of Mr. Solz’s suspension, he and Ms. Jahn had commenced a sexual relationship. 8 The first “anonymous email” was not received in evidence. The alleged recipient, Ms. Paul, had no recollection of it, other than she forwarded it to Ms. McAllister. Ms. McAllister had no recollection of receiving, reviewing, or forwarding the first email. Its contents are a mystery. That alleged email has no evidentiary value. The second “anonymous email” came to Ms. Paul on July 15, 2018, and she forwarded it to Ms. McAllister and Superintendent Hanna on July 16, 2018. The anonymous “former [formal?] complaint by teachers” could not have come from anyone with much knowledge of Ms. Jahn, since the “teachers” could not even manage to get her name right, calling her “Mrs. Garret.” Garrett is the first name of Ms. Jahn’s ex-husband. As with the illusory first email, the second “anonymous email” has no evidentiary value. On August 31, 2018, Superintendent Hanna issued Respondent a letter of reprimand which included reassignment of Mr. Solz as a Principal on alternative assignment in the Department of Teaching and Learning.”9 The allegation that “[d]uring the 2017/2018 school year, Respondent engaged in a sexual relationship with Brooke Jahn, a married teacher who was a direct report to Respondent,” was not proven. Petitioner failed to establish that Respondent committed the acts alleged as a material allegation in paragraph 3. of the Administrative Complaint. During the course of their relationship, Respondent afforded Teacher Jahn preferential treatment as compared to similarly situated employees thereby creating a hostile work environment. Respondent’s preferential treatment of Teacher Jahn included . . . training not offered or made available to other teachers. This allegation is predicated on there having been a “relationship.” Since there was no relationship, the allegation was not proven. However, in addition, there was no evidence that Respondent afforded Ms. Jahn preferential treatment as compared to similarly situated employees. There were only two other “similarly situated” employees who had the education and the ambition to be considered for leadership roles at GES, Mr. McKhan and Ms. Wyatt. By the time the more serious allegations in this case were alleged to have occurred, Mr. McKhan had been assigned as Assistant Principal at Pineview Elementary School. 9 Respondent appears to argue that a negative inference should be drawn from Mr. Solz’s failure to file a grievance regarding the reprimand. A review of the letter shows it to have involved an allegation of conduct in April 2018, which Ms. Kraul testified “was nobody’s business what he did in his personal time, after hours,” and an allegation of use of electronic media for non-educational purposes,” which was not an issue in this proceeding at all. Why Mr. Solz elected not to grieve the reprimand was not explained, but no inference of wrongdoing can be drawn. If anything, the decision not to grieve the letter could just as easily be explained by its giving notice of his transfer as Principal that he had already determined to be an acceptable alternative to allow his “blossoming interest” in Ms. Jahn to move forward. The testimony established that many of the opportunities provided to Ms. Jahn came from Ms. Wyatt, her mentor; Dr. Smith and Ms. Sumner, GES assistant principals; and from her peers, including her fellow grade-level teachers and those on the SITE committee. Except for the Instructional Leadership Team Summer Institute, which came after the close of the 2017- 2018 school year, and after Ms. Wyatt’s election to attend a different conference, Mr. Solz made no assignments or invitations to Ms. Jahn. Ms. Jahn earned the opportunities to advance her career. She was not “given” those opportunities by Mr. Solz or anyone else at GES. Much of the testimony critical of the “relationship” between Mr. Solz and Ms. Jahn came from employees who either could not or would not put in the work to qualify for leadership positions. They did not seek to earn degrees in Education Leadership, did not actively seek out extracurricular leadership positions, and were not elected by their peers to leadership positions, including SITE Facilitator. The evidence established that the witnesses who provided many of the statements that precipitated this proceeding were irritated by Mr. Solz for any number of reasons: that they were “angry” at Mr. Solz for being assigned to teach in a portable classroom; that Mr. Solz was monitoring their Facebook posts; that Mr. Solz used the iObservation system “against” them; that they were “formally written up” for infractions when other (non-comparable) teachers were not; or that they simply were not evaluated as highly as they believed they deserved.10 Much of the evidence provided in support of Petitioner’s case consisted of statements and testimony that were directed 10 It is not overlooked that the three primary witnesses offered by Petitioner to substantiate wrongdoing by Mr. Solz were clearly antagonistic towards him, which pre-dated anything alleged in this case. Ms. Vasquez testified that she and Mr. Solz “had a history of -- very, very hostile history,” and she “did not feel comfortable talking to Mr. Solz.” Ms. Baggett exhibited obvious animosity, feeling the Mr. Solz “was very dismissive,” and that “[p]rofessionally I don't respect his practice.” Ms. O’Brien testified that during the period from 2008 through May of 2018, “Mr. Solz and I did not see eye-to-eye most of the time.” The witnesses’s antipathy towards Mr. Solz is not a primary basis for assigning their testimony little weight. However, it does nothing to bolster their credibility. towards Mr. Solz’s previous relationships, that were imprecise and unsubstantiated gossip, or that were pure uncorroborated hearsay. The allegations that Mr. Solz “appointed” Ms. Jahn to “TEC Rep., SITE Facilitator, DAC, and Kdg. Team Leader” were either based on ignorance of the process or, more likely, a conscious misrepresentation of the criteria by which those positions are filled. As to the only allegation that had any basis in fact -- Ms. Jahn’s attendance at the Instructional Leadership Team Summer Institute -- the complaining teachers simply lacked the requisite leadership qualifications. That was not the fault of either Mr. Solz or Ms. Jahn. There was not a speck of competent, substantial evidence to establish that Mr. Solz afforded Ms. Jahn preferential treatment as compared to similarly situated employees, including training not offered or made available to other teachers. Given the facts of this case, it is found that no rational person could reasonably conclude that training opportunities provided by GES administrators, including Mr. Solz, created a hostile work environment. Petitioner failed to establish that Respondent committed the acts alleged as a material allegation in paragraph 3.a) of the Administrative Complaint. During the course of their relationship, Respondent afforded Teacher Jahn preferential treatment as compared to similarly situated employees thereby creating a hostile work environment. Respondent’s preferential treatment of Teacher Jahn included ... [having] Jahn accompany him on at least one school related out of town trip without making the opportunity available to other teachers. This allegation has been addressed in detail herein. In addition to the fact that there was no “relationship” when Mr. Solz invited Ms. Jahn to attend the Instructional Leadership Team Summer Institute, the evidence in this case established, conclusively, that Mr. Solz did not afford Ms. Jahn preferential treatment as compared to similarly situated employees. Attendance at the conference was offered to Ms. Jahn as the only qualified attendee since Ms. Wyatt had a conflicting leadership-based conference that drew her attention, and was based on absolutely no improper motive. Given the facts of this case, it is found that no rational person could reasonably conclude that Mr. Solz’s offer to Ms. Jahn to attend the conference (with her family) created a hostile work environment.11 Petitioner failed to establish that Respondent committed the acts alleged as a material allegation in paragraph 3.b) of the Administrative Complaint. During the course of their relationship, Respondent afforded Teacher Jahn preferential treatment as compared to similarly situated employees thereby creating a hostile work environment. Respondent’s preferential treatment of Teacher Jahn included ... [r]ules regarding supervision of students [being] relaxed for Jahn as compared to other teachers. In addition to the fact that there was no “relationship,” the evidence in this case established, conclusively, that rules for supervision of students were not relaxed for Ms. Jahn as compared to other teachers. The evidence demonstrates that Ms. Jahn went to various administrative offices -- primarily those of Ms. Wyatt (her mentor) and Ms. Sumner (her education leadership internship supervisor), as well as that of Dr. Smith the preceding year -- before school, at lunch, or during her planning period. It is common for intern/student teachers to earn the right to “solo” teach a class. As Ms. Jahn’s intern, Ms. Hobbs, gained in competency, she 11 On a practical note, the conference was held in June of 2018, after the conclusion of the 2017-2018 school year for teachers. By the time teachers returned to campus in the fall, Mr. Solz had been transferred from GES. If Mr. Solz was able to create a hostile work environment at GES from his post at the Department of Teaching and Learning, it would have been quite a trick. was allowed to take on more of the teaching responsibilities for Ms. Jahn’s class on her own, as was the goal. Finally, Ms. Jahn was able to leave the classroom for periods of time, which gave Ms. Hobbs valuable experience and confidence. However, the evidence establishes that Ms. Jahn did not abuse her time during those periods, but was working at necessary and requested school-related activities. The suggestion that there was some impropriety involved when Ms. Jahn left Ms. Hobbs in charge is simply not supported. Ms. Baggett complained that she was “formally written up” (by the Assistant Principal, not Mr. Solz) because she “left [her] students unsupervised.” Why she was disciplined is a matter between Ms. Baggett and the Assistant Principal. However, that disciplinary matter (which might also explain her complained-of, less-than-stellar evaluation) does not establish that Ms. Jahn violated any rules regarding supervision of students, does not establish any other teacher as a valid comparator, and does not lend support to the allegations in this case. Ms. Vasquez testified that Ms. Jahn left her class during the school day, and “made it known that she was getting her dog groomed” on one occasion, and on another occasion “she told me she was getting her hair done.” Ms. Hobbs openly scoffed at the idea, a rejection that is supported by the record. Despite the hearsay nature of Ms. Vasquez’s testimony, it might have retained some thin thread of credibility if it did not directly conflict with her written statement provided during the investigation, in which she stated: I had been made aware of, several years ago, a relationship with Jessica Scully. She was seen in [Mr. Solz’s] office quite frequently-and would talk openly about the special treatment she was getting from David. How David would allow her to leave school to run her errands. She left school to get her dog groomed and told several teachers that David knew where she was and approved it. (emphasis added). Either Mr. Solz is attracted to women with poorly-groomed dogs, or the testimony regarding Ms. Jahn’s personal off-campus errands, including dog- grooming, was a fabrication. The evidence supports the latter. There is no competent, substantial, and credible evidence to support a finding that Ms. Jahn ever left her students with inadequate supervision, that she ever left campus to perform personal errands, or that she violated any disciplinary standard regarding student supervision. There was not a shred of evidence that Mr. Solz relaxed or disregarded any rules regarding the supervision of students for Ms. Jahn as compared to other teachers. Given the facts of this case, it is found that no rational person could reasonably conclude that Mr. Solz relaxed any rules regarding supervision of students for Ms. Jahn so as to create a hostile work environment. Petitioner failed to establish that Respondent committed the acts alleged as a material allegation in paragraph 3.c) of the Administrative Complaint. Summary The tone of the Administrative Complaint gives the impression that Respondent and Ms. Jahn were carrying on a torrid sexual relationship from the confines of Respondent’s office, and that Mr. Solz was lavishing Ms. Jahn with perquisites as the 2017-2018 school year was ongoing. Nothing could be further from the truth. The facts show that Ms. Jahn had high professional goals, and worked hard -- on her own -- to achieve them. The suggestion that Respondent favored Ms. Jahn to advance his prurient interest in her, or that Ms. Jahn was using Respondent as a stepping stone to some higher goal are equally unsupported, and equally fallacious. The allegation that Mr. Solz engaged in harassment or discriminatory conduct which unreasonably interfered with any GES employee’s performance of their professional or work responsibilities, or with the orderly processes of education, or that he undertook any action vis-a-vis Ms. Jahn that created a hostile, intimidating, abusive, offensive, or oppressive environment is simply not supported by the facts of this case.12

Recommendation Upon consideration of the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law reached herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administrative Complaint be dismissed in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of September, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S E. GARY EARLY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of September, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 (eServed) Stephen G. Webster, Esquire Law Office of Stephen G. Webster, LLC Suite 5 1615 Village Square Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32309 (eServed) Lisa M. Forbess, Program Specialist IV Education Practices Commission 325 West Gaines Street, Room 316 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (eServed) Bonnie Ann Wilmot, Esquire Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (eServed) Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Randy Kosec, Jr., Chief Office of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (7) 1012.011012.791012.7951012.796120.569120.57120.68 DOAH Case (1) 20-0994PL
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Sep. 30, 2010 Number: 10-009398PL Latest Update: Jul. 04, 2024
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Largo, Florida Mar. 28, 1994 Number: 94-001629 Latest Update: Oct. 06, 1995

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Deborah Green, hold Florida teaching certificate 586445, covering the areas of Math, Elementary Education and Educational Leadership. The certificate is valid through June 30, 1997. During the 1992/1993 school year, the Respondent was a teacher in the Pinellas County Schools GOALS program at Dixie Hollins High School. GOALS stands for Graduation Options - Alternative to Leaving School. It is a drop-out prevention program. Although the evidence did not describe the GOALS program in detail, the evidence suggests that GOALS teachers may be in the position of having to change some of the rules of regular education in order to keep students from dropping out and yet may still be subject to criticism for not conforming to the rules of regular education. Put another way, there appears to be the potential for some of the priorities of the GOALS program to be inconsistent with some of the priorities of regular education, and it was not clear from the evidence how GOALS teachers are supposed to balance the competing interests. One of the Respondent's GOALS students in history class during the 1991/1992 school year was Andrew Patrick. By definition, as a GOALS student, he was at risk to drop out when he entered the program. He also was a poor student, especially in math. Emotionally, Patrick seemed to suffer from an abnormally strong need to feel popular while at the same time failing to realize that the results of his efforts to be popular generally were the opposite of what he intended. After letting down his guard and allowing himself to be friendly and civil with the Respondent, he soon came to like her personally. At the same time, he seemed to sense (probably correctly) that a personal relationship with the Respondent, who was a very popular teacher, could make him popular by association. Over time, a close teacher-student relationship developed between the Respondent and Patrick. The Respondent was able to use this relationship to further her goal of keeping Patrick interested in school. In addition, the Respondent discovered that Patrick became more interested in school the more he was allowed to help the Respondent in the classroom. As a means of legitimate "positive stroking," the Respondent gave Patrick more and more responsibilities in her classroom and praised him for carrying them out successfully. Over time, Patrick developed an adolescent crush on the Respondent. He became unusually interested in her and in the details of her personal life. He learned, accidentally at first, that the Respondent was dating a man named Michael Miller, who was married and who was the principal of another Pinellas County high school. He questioned her repeatedly about her relationship with Miller and also pestered the Respondent's adopted daughter, who also was in the GOALS program, for information about the Respondent and her personal life. (Actually, the girl was the daughter of a close friend of the Respondent. The Respondent and her friend helped each other raise their children. Both families lived in the Respondent's home, and the Respondent referred to the girl as her daughter.) In addition, for a student, he bought her relatively expensive gifts; he also bought her gifts more frequently than the other students. The Respondent did little to discourage Patrick's obvious crush on her. Instead, she exploited it, in part in furtherance of her objectives as his GOALS teacher but also, during the 1992/1993 school year, in part for her benefit. During the 1992/1993 school year, Patrick's role in the Respondent's pre-algebra classroom expanded to what seemed to be practically the Respondent's personal assistant. The Respondent gave Patrick a desk at the front of the classroom near her teacher desk, facing the students, such as a teaching assistant might have. The Respondent had Patrick prepare weekly GOALS progress reports for her to fill out for each student. (He wrote her name in the appropriate blank, but it was not proven that the blank necessarily called for her signature or initials, as opposed to just her identity as teacher.) The Respondent also had Patrick maintain the hall passes for her use. When a student needed a hall pass, she referred the student to Patrick to get one. Patrick would fill out the hall pass and give it to the student. Usually, the hall pass required the Respondent's signature but, on occasion, Patrick forged the Respondent's signature. When the Respondent was made aware that Patrick had forged her signature, she admonished him not to, but she did not monitor very closely or control him very well. The Respondent also had Patrick complete daily attendance slips to be picked up by a runner from the administrative offices. The Respondent also had Patrick use an answer key to grade daily class assignments and some quizzes for his class and other classes she taught and had him enter the grades in a grade book. (There also was one other student who used an answer key to grade some daily class assignments and some quizzes and enter the grades in a grade book for the Respondent, but the other student was not nearly as heavily involved in these activities as Patrick.) It is not clear from the evidence whether Patrick and the other student entered the daily class assignment and quiz grades in the Respondent's official class grade book or in one of the other grade books that the Respondent maintained for other purposes. Patrick usually performed tasks for the Respondent during math class, but sometimes (as the Respondent was aware) he left other academic classes during the school day to the Respondent's classroom to perform tasks for her. Patrick rarely took quizzes himself. The Respondent had determined that Patrick did not test well, and she devised alternative means of measuring his progress in her classroom. Often, Patrick didn't even know when the Respondent was evaluating and grading what he was doing for her in the classroom. Patrick relished his role as the Respondent's assistant, applied himself to it and did a very good job in the role. He obviously tried very hard to please the Respondent, and she gave Patrick credit for his effort and performance. But it seems questionable how the Respondent fairly and accurately could have evaluated and graded Patrick's progress, especially in a class like pre-algebra, based on his performance in the tasks she was assigning him to do for her in the classroom. On the other hand, what she was doing kept Patrick in school, and there was no evidence that the general approach was incorrect in the context of a GOALS program pre-algebra class. During the 1992/1993 school year, the Respondent was under stress at least in part due to her relationship with Miller. It probably comforted her to an extent to allow Patrick to draw her into discussions about subjects such as her relationship with Miller. She stopped short of discussing the intimate details of the relationship, but in some respects Patrick could use his imagination to fill in the blanks. Later in the fall, the Respondent had to deal with the additional stress of having to decide whether to accept an offer of marriage from a well-to-do friend from Texas. She freely discussed her dilemma with Patrick. By January, 1993, the Respondent was having serious difficulty handling the stress and began to suffer physical symptoms. She accepted the advice of her chiropractor, who was treating the physical symptoms of her stress, to take a medical leave of absence. Her application for leave was approved through June 11, 1993, and she began her leave on January 27, 1993. When Patrick inquired about the Respondent's absence from school, and was told that she was gone and probably would not be back, he became hysterical. He went to the principal's office and angrily accused the principal of getting rid of the Respondent because of her relationship with Miller (which the principal knew nothing about) because he was confidant that his (Patrick's) relationship with the Respondent was much too close for her to have left voluntarily without consulting with him. He described the nature of their relationship. When the principal denied that he had anything to do with it, Patrick began to blame himself, saying that he had encouraged the Respondent to drop her relationship with Miller and marry the friend from Texas. The principal calmed Patrick down and had him sent home. That evening, Patrick's mother telephoned the principal to complain about the Respondent. She had talked to her son and obtained new information from him about his relationship with the Respondent and his role in her classroom. After receiving the mother's telephone call, the principal telephoned the Respondent to inform her that a student had made serious allegations about her and that the student's mother had called him very upset. He would not tell her what the allegations were but told her the name of the student. The Respondent declined to talk about it further over the telephone but readily agreed to meet with the principal, Patrick and his mother the next day at 1:00 p.m. The Respondent also agreed to write Patrick and his mother to explain that she was on medical leave of absence. It was not proven that the principal told the Respondent not to talk to Patrick before their meeting the next day. On the morning of the next day, the Respondent telephoned the school office to have Patrick paged to speak to her. The office assistant told her that she only could do so if it was an emergency. The Respondent told her that it was. The Respondent spoke with Patrick for about ten minutes. She asked Patrick what he had said to the principal. When he told her, she admonished him that his statements had put her at risk of losing her job and that he had better "get his story straight." He correctly interpreted her to mean that she wanted him to recant his statements in order to protect her and her job. At the meeting at 1:00 p.m., Patrick recanted his earlier statements and claimed that his mother had blown everything out of proportion. It was improper for the Respondent to use Patrick (and, to a lesser extent, the other student), as she did during the fall of the 1992/1993 school year, as a personal assistant to grade class papers for her and enter grades in grade books for her. Her practice gave Patrick improper access to too many students' grades on papers and quizzes. It also tended to create an unhealthy appearance of favoritism. Although it was not proven that a certain amount of special treatment for good behavior and effort would be inappropriate especially in the context of a GOALS class, the Respondent went overboard when it came to Patrick.) It was improper for the Respondent to engage in the close personal relationship that developed between her and Patrick during the fall of the 1992/1993 school year. It became harmful to the learning environment, it changed the relationship from a teacher-student relationship to a friend-friend relationship, and it tended to create an unhealthy appearance of favoritism. Encouraging Patrick to lie for the Respondent in order to protect her job (and Miller's reputation) exposed him to conditions harmful to his learning and mental and emotional health and safety. The Respondent exploited her relationship with Patrick for personal gain or advantage during the fall of the 1992/1993 school year in that she used him improperly as her personal assistant. Except for the incidents that were the subject matter of this case, the Petitioner has a fine record as a teacher. In fact, at the time she took her medical leave of absence, she was about to be interviewed as part of the School Board's Targeted Selection Process for recruiting and training qualified teachers for promotion to a managerial position. The Respondent's inappropriate conduct during the fall of the 1992/1993 school year resulted from the exercise of poor judgment in the degree to which she varied from the conduct expected of a teacher in regular education while teaching in the GOALS program. The Respondent's poor judgment may have resulted in part from the debilitating personal stress from which she was suffering and which, actually on the eve of her Targeted Selection interview, required her to take a medical leave of absence.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order suspending the Respondent for 45 days based on the charges that have been proven in this case. RECOMMENDED this 17th day of May, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of May, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 94-1629 To comply with the requirements of Section 120.59(2), Fla. Stat. (1993), the following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1.-5. Accepted and incorporated. First sentence, rejected as not proven. Second sentence, accepted and incorporated. Accepted and incorporated. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. Rejected as not proven that either graded test papers or that test grades were entered or that grades were entered in the Respondent's official grade book. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. First sentence, rejected as not proven. (She gave them A's in part for the work they did for her, rather than solely for scores earned on tests and quizzes administered to the other students.) Second sentence, accepted and incorporated. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. Rejected as not proven that a "sexual relationship" with the Texan was discussed. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. Rejected as not proven. Accepted and incorporated. First sentence, rejected as not proven. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. First sentence rejected as not proven that she did not agree to meet until after talking to the student. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. Rejected in part as conclusion of law. Also, rejected as not proven that it is improper for a teacher to have a student grade another student's daily class assignments and homework assignments for immediate feedback. (This usually is done by exchanging papers in class.) Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. (The extensive use of Patrick as if he were the Respondent's personal assistant was improper.) Rejected as not proven as to Shannon. Accepted and incorporated as to Patrick. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. (It was not proven that the Respondent allowed Patrick to forge her signature to hall passes.) Rejected as not proven in the context of the GOALS program. Accepted and incorporated. Rejected as not proven as to Shannon. Accepted and incorporated as to Patrick. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact. (For purposes of these rulings, consecutive numbers have been assigned to the unnumbered paragraphs of proposed findings of fact in the Respondent's proposed recommended order.) 1. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary or conclusion of law. 2.-3. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. Rejected as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence that the Respondent just told Patrick to "tell the truth." Otherwise, accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. Generally accepted but subordinate, some to facts contrary to those found. The documents in evidence reflect that the Respondent did give quizzes in her GOALS classes. And, while evaluators who observed her classrooms saw students grading class assignments, the evidence was not clear that they were aware of the extent of Patrick's role as the Respondent's personal assistant. Last sentence, rejected as contrary to the evidence. But the rest is accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. 7.-8. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. First sentence, rejected as to Patrick as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. Last sentence, rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. Second sentence, accepted and incorporated. The rest is rejected as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence. Fourth sentence, rejected as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence. The rest is rejected as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: J. David Holder, Esquire Suite 100 1408 North Piedmont Way Tallahassee, Florida 32312 Bruce P. Taylor, Esquire 501 First Avenue North Suite 600 St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 Marguerite Longoria Robinson, Esquire Kelly & McKee, P.A. 1718 E. 7th Avenue, Suite 301 P. O. Box 75638 Tampa, Florida 33675-0638 Karen Barr Wilde Executive Director 301 Florida Education Center 325 W. Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Kathleen M. Richards, Administrator Professional Practices Services 352 Florida Education Center 325 W. Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-001858 Latest Update: Jun. 29, 1989

The Issue Whether Respondent should be assigned to the school system's opportunity school program.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto Respondent, Guillermmo Hernandez, was an eighth grade student assigned to South Miami Middle School. While in math class during November, 1988 through January, 1989, Respondent was disruptive in the classroom, tardy on several occasions and unprepared for class. In an attempt to ascertain the reasons for his behavior and to assist him, Respondent's parents were consulted, Respondent was consulted, and Respondent was assigned to detention and work detail. Again, while in home economics class during February through March, 1989, Respondent disrupted the classroom by his antics which on one occasion included piercing his ear and dressing as a girl. Respondent also chased other students, popping them with towels. Here too, his parents were consulted, Respondent was consulted and he was assigned to both outdoor and indoor supervision. Respondent is a disturbed young man who at first appears to be a class clown. He pushes a situation until is becomes a problem and then begs for forgiveness. Further, he does not appear to be learning disabled. However, after repeated attempts to help him, it is apparent that he is unable to control himself in a regular classroom and would benefit from a more structured setting such as the opportunity school program of the Dade County School District.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Dade County, Florida issue a Final Order affirming the assignment of Respondent to school system's opportunity school program. DONE and ENTERED this 29th day of June, 1989 in Tallahassee, Florida. JANE C. HAYMAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of June, 1989. COPIES FURNISHED: Jaime C. Bovell, Esquire 370 Minorca Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Mr. and Mrs. Juan Hernandez 6361 S.W. 33rd Street Miami, Florida 33155 Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire School Board Administration Building 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Dr. Joseph A. Fernandez Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools School Board Administration Building 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Nov. 13, 2012 Number: 12-003648PL Latest Update: Oct. 16, 2013

The Issue The issue in this case is whether, and how, Respondent should be disciplined for failing to take appropriate action regarding a middle school student who brought a knife to school.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Educator Certificate 1063574 and is licensed in the fields of English, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Reading, and Exceptional Student Education. She began teaching at Bonita Springs Middle School in Lee County in September 2011, after the start of the 2011-2012 school year. During instruction in her fourth period class on February 13, 2012, Respondent heard a student ask another student, who was an Exceptional Student Education (ESE) student with emotional issues, "was that a knife?" The ESE student responded, "Drama!" When Respondent looked up, she saw the ESE student place something in her lap, out of Respondent's view. Respondent did not see what it was but saw a flash of silver or metal. The class started to "act up," and Respondent decided to diffuse the incident and quiet the class by telling the ESE student to "put it away." The ESE student then put the object in her backpack. When the class ended, Respondent approached the ESE student and asked if she had a knife. The student denied it. Respondent told the student, if she had a knife, that would be unacceptable, but Respondent did not pursue the matter any further at the time and allowed the student to leave for her next class. During Respondent's eighth period class, the last period of the day, Respondent asked her student-aide, who also was a student in her fourth period class, about the incident during fourth period. The student-aide told Respondent that it was a knife, like a small steak knife, and that the ESE student had been licking it. After speaking with her student-aide, Respondent sent the school's ESE director, who also was the ESE student's caseworker, an electronic message simply asking to discuss the student with her when she had a moment. No details about the incident were included in the message out of Respondent's concern that it would be a public record. Respondent did not receive a response by the end of the school day. The ESE director received the message after hours. The next morning, Respondent saw the ESE director at a teacher's meeting and explained the previous day's incident. The ESE director was concerned about the delay in doing anything else about it and immediately went to the school principal, who was in the cafeteria, as were several other students, including Respondent's ESE student. The principal immediately went to the student and asked if she had a knife. The student admitted she did and thought it was no big deal since Respondent did nothing about it the day before. The student later stated that she was depressed and was considering cutting herself with the knife. Respondent now understands that she did not take the appropriate action on February 13, 2012. However, she contends that there are mitigating factors to consider, and any discipline should be constructive (such as, additional training), not punitive. Respondent attempts to defend herself to an extent by saying she did not actually see the knife during fourth period. However, it is clear that Respondent heard students asking about a knife, and saw something silver or metallic that could have been a knife, and was aware of the student's emotional issues. In light of those circumstances, Respondent should not have been satisfied with the student's denial that she had a knife; she should have involved the school's administrators and resource officer at that point. When she learned during eighth period that the student in fact had a knife, she should not have been satisfied with an unacknowledged electronic message to the ESE director. Respondent also attempts to deflect some blame onto the school for not making sure she knew what to do about incidents like the one that confronted her on February 13, 2012. It may well be true, as she testified, that Respondent did not get a copy of the Parent Guide and Code of Conduct for Students, normally distributed to teachers at the beginning of the school year, which identifies a kitchen knife as a weapon and prohibits it. Petitioner attempted to impeach Respondent's denial of receipt of the document by citing a handful of student discipline referrals by Respondent that use incident types taken from that document. One incident type, albeit not used by Respondent in any of her referrals, was possession of weapons; however, the form does not define weapons. Respondent testified convincingly that she used the forms without reference to the source document. Nonetheless, she knew it would be unacceptable for a student to have a knife at school. When Respondent started teaching at the school, she was offered an opportunity to take the APPLES program for new teachers, which provides information and training on codes of conduct, including provisions to protect the safety of students and faculty. Respondent opted out, stating that she took the APPLES program during her previous employment in Collier County. While perhaps not handed to Respondent when she started teaching at Bonita Springs Middle School, the Parent Guide and Code of Conduct for Students was easily accessible from Respondent's school computer via a program called SharePoint that was a link on the home page. Respondent denies ever accessing the material from her computer. However, Respondent prepared a professional development plan shortly after she started teaching at the school in October 2011. It included a plan to train on how to download documents from SharePoint, but Respondent had not yet followed through on that plan by the time of the incident. Information also was available to Respondent in the form of an Agenda book that she was given. The Agenda book contained the school's rules, including one prohibiting weapons as nuisances and providing that they would be confiscated. It is not clear whether any of the information provided or available to Respondent would have told her what to do in circumstances where she suspected, but was not certain, that a student had a knife, and the student denied it. Based on the facts of this case, additional training is appropriate and actually is desired by Respondent. On the other hand, Respondent would rather not be reprimanded, submit to supervised probation, and pay a $500 fine and pay costs, as Petitioner proposes. Under the facts and circumstances of this case, Petitioner's proposal would be harsh, not constructive, and possibly demoralizing. The evidence is clear that Respondent will follow the rules she is given and take appropriate action in a situation if she knows what is expected of her. A repeat of the failure to act appropriately in a situation similar to the incident on February 13, 2012, is not likely.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission find Respondent guilty of violating rule 6B-1.006(3)(a), issue a letter of reprimand, and place her on a short term of probation conditioned on the completion of appropriate additional training. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of April, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of April, 2013.

Florida Laws (1) 1012.795
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-001453 Latest Update: Oct. 08, 1987

The Issue The central issue in this cause is whether the Respondent, Jose Antonio Blanco, should be placed in the Dade County School Board's opportunity school program due to his alleged disruptive behavior and failure to adjust to the regular school program.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received at the hearing, I make the following findings of fact: During the 1986-87 academic year, Respondent attended Palm Springs Junior High School in Dade County, Florida. Respondent (date of birth: 11-13-72) was enrolled in the seventh grade and was administratively assigned to Jan Mann Opportunity School-North on March 9, 1987, due to his alleged disruptive behavior and failure to adjust to the regular school program. Respondent's grades for the 1986-87 school year, the first grading periods, were as follows: COURSE ACADEMIC EFFORT CONDUCT GRADE Mathematics 1st F 3 F 2d F 3 F Physical 1st F 3 F Education 2d F 3 F Industrial 1st F 3 F Arts 2d F 3 F Education Language 1st F 3 F Arts 2d F 3 F Social 1st F 3 F Studies 2d F 3 F Science 1st F 3 F 2d F 3 F SYMBOLS: GRADE "F" UNSATISFACTORY EFFORT "3" INSUFFICIENT CONDUCT "F" UNSATISFACTORY Respondent did not enroll at the opportunity school and did not attend classes. Instead, Respondent's mother enrolled the student in a private school. His conduct has improved but his grades and academic progress are still below level. When a student is disruptive or misbehaves in some manner, a teacher or other staff member at Palm Springs Junior High School may submit a report of the incident to the office. These reports are called Student Case Management Referral forms, and are used to report behavior problems. During the first two grading periods of the 1986-87 school year, Respondent caused 16 Student Case Management Referral Forms to be written regarding his misbehavior. All incidents of his misbehavior were not reported. A synopsis of Respondent's Student Case Management Referral Forms is attached and made a part hereof. Eva Alvarado is a science teacher in whose class Respondent was enrolled. While in Ms. Alvarado's class, Respondent was persistently disruptive. Respondent refused to do homework and in-class assignments. Respondent was unprepared 90 percent of the time and would disturb the class with loud talking. During lectures Respondent would attempt to talk to other students and ignore Ms. Alvarado's instructions. Ms. Alvarado tried to correct the situation by sending notices to Respondent's parents, but little improvement was made. Valdez Murray is a social studies teacher in whose class Respondent was enrolled. While in Mrs. Murray's class Respondent was persistently tardy. Respondent refused to complete homework and in-class assignments. Mrs. Murray contacted Respondent's mother, but the student's work and conduct did not improve. Respondent talked in a loud voice to interrupt class. On one occasion, Respondent walked out of the class without permission and on two other occasions Respondent fell asleep at his desk. Respondent made a practice of talking to others who were trying to do their work, and would laugh at Mrs. Murray's efforts to control the situation. Mrs. Murray would instruct the class to ignore Respondent's noise making activities. Mrs. Alicia Robles is an English teacher in whose class Respondent was enrolled. While in Mrs. Robles' class Respondent refused to perform any work assignments, including in-class oral work. Respondent would instead throw paper darts to the ceiling. Respondent tried to keep other students from working and would interrupt lectures. According to Mrs. Robles, Respondent played with the wires on his braces to create a reason he could be excused from class. Barry Jones is a physical education teacher in whose class Respondent was enrolled. Respondent refused to dress out and participate with the class. Despite Mr. Jones' effort to notify both Respondent and his parents of the problem, no change in conduct or performance was made. Mrs. Blanco acknowledged that her son has a behavior problem, but believes if given another chance his conduct would improve. During the time he has attended private school his conduct has improved tremendously. Although Respondent has not caught up academically, Mrs. Blanco believes he is ready to return to the regular school program.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a Final Order affirming the assignment of Respondent to Jan Mann Opportunity School-North. DONE and ORDERED this 8th day of October, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. JOYOUS D. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of October, 1987. SYNOPSIS OF STUDENT CASE MANAGEMENT REFERRAL FORMS DATE INCIDENT DISCIPLINE 10/29/86 disrupting class; parent arguing, talking, conference refusing to work 11/3/86 interrupt class parent refuse to obey conference instruction 11/26/86 tardy, disrupts request be class talking, walking removed changing seats from class- parent contact attempted 12/03/87 tardy, talking to parent contact classmates, showing 3 days out in class in-school suspension 01/13/87 tardy, unprepared 13 days disruptive - noisy, attention defiant parent contact attempted 01/114/87 tardy, refused to additional serve detention detention parent contact 01/15/87 refusal to dress out, 3 days left class area detention without permission 02/014/87 tardy, talks, walks parent contact around disrupting attempted class 02/05/87 refused to do parent contact assignment or test attempted 02/06/87 refused to work, parent contact shouting in class, attempted moving from one seat to another 02/10/87 disrupts class, parent contact running, shouting, unprepared, tardy 02/11/87 tardy, unprepared parent contact for class, failing grades 02/11/87 habitual misbehavior, parent contact lack of respect - refusal to cooperate 02/12/87 refusal to sit in seat; requested threats to other parent to student and teacher get counseling for student 02/25/87 highly disruptive requested during indoor outdoor suspension suspension 02/27/87 disruptive in requested indoor suspension opportunity school APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-1453 Rulings on Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact: Paragraph 1 is accepted in Findings of Fact paragraphs 1 and 2. Paragraph 2 is accepted in Finding of Fact paragraph 3. The only "D" Respondent received, however, was an exam grade. The grading period was "F." Paragraphs 3 and 4 are accepted in relevant part in Finding of Fact paragraph 6. Paragraph 5 is accepted in relevant part in Finding of Fact paragraph 9 and the Synopsis attached. Paragraphs 6 and 7 are accepted. See Finding of Fact paragraph 7. Paragraph 8 is accepted. See Finding of Fact paragraph 8. Paragraph 9 is rejected as unnecessary, argumentative. Paragraph 10 is accepted. See Finding of Fact paragraph 5 and the Synopsis. Paragraph 11 is accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: Jaime Claudio Bovell, Esquire 370 Minorca Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 3313 Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire Assistant School Board Attorney Board Administration Building 11450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Mrs. Bertha Blanco 14535 West 114 Lane Hialeah, Florida 33012 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools Board Administration Building 11450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132

# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-000207 Latest Update: May 06, 1983

Findings Of Fact Respondent was reassigned to Douglas MacArthur Senior High School- North, an alternative school, on December 16, 1982, because of his unacceptable conduct in Grade 9 at North Miami Junior High School. Petitioner presented evidence of 16 incidents of conduct by Respondent which required disciplinary action in the year preceding his reassignment to the alternative education program. Additionally, his grades in all courses were unsatisfactory at the time of reassignment. Respondent did not accept the alternative school assignment and instead obtained employment at a restaurant. He is now living with his grandmother, Mrs. Helen Wood, who seeks his return to a regular junior high school program. She has discussed this proposal with the principal of Thomas Jefferson Junior High School and he apparently agrees with her. Respondent's evidence established that his family life was difficult and disruptive during the period of his misconduct. His situation has now stabilized and he is responsive to his grandmother's supervision. He should, therefore, be given an opportunity to return to the regular academic program (Grade 9) at Thomas Jefferson Junior High School.

Recommendation In consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a Final Order classifying Respondent as a disruptive student, but permitting him to attend the Thomas Jefferson Junior High School in a probationary status. ENTERED this 6th day of May, 1983, at Tallahassee Florida. R. T. CARPENTER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of May, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Mark Valentine, Esquire 3000 Executive Plaza 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137 Mrs. Helen Ward 1000 Northwest 153rd Street Miami, Florida 33169 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Phyllis O. Douglas, Esquire Dade County Public Schools 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Feb. 19, 2021 Number: 21-000707PL Latest Update: Jul. 04, 2024

The Issue Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate section 1012.795(1)(g), Florida Statutes (2018)?1 Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate section 1012.795(1)(j)? 1 All citations to the Florida Statutes are to the 2018 codification unless otherwise noted. Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1.?

Findings Of Fact Parties Petitioner, Richard Corcoran, is the Commissioner of Education. The Commissioner is the head of the state agency, the Florida Department of Education, responsible for investigating and prosecuting allegations of misconduct against individuals holding Florida educator certificates. Ms. Bauduy holds a Florida Educators Certificate covering the areas of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Elementary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Exceptional Student Education (ESE), and Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum. It is valid through June 30, 2025. Ms. Bauduy teaches at Gotha Middle School in the Orange County School District and did at the time of the events alleged in the Administrative Complaint. During the period during which the alleged acts occurred, Ms. Bauduy taught students with autism. She has served students with disabilities of Orange County as an educator in ESE programs for 16 years. She taught at Gotha Middle School for 14 of those 16 years. Other than discipline for the incidents that are the subject of this proceeding, the District has never disciplined Ms. Bauduy. The school has recognized Ms. Bauduy as an effective teacher. For instance, an evaluation resulting from seven days of in-class observation in November 2020 concluded that she was applying all four expected classroom strategies and behaviors. The Education Practices Commission has never disciplined Ms. Bauduy. Gotha Middle School and Ms. Bauduy's Class During the 2018-2019 school year, all of Ms. Bauduy's students had disabilities that required more assistance and support than needed by students in the general population. Because of their disabilities, Ms. Bauduy's students required a modified curriculum that was less rigorous than the standard curriculum. The modified curriculum included social, skills, personal skills, and independent function skills. Teaching those skills helps students learn to manage their behavior and become more independent. All of Ms. Bauduy's students had Individual Education Plans (IEP). These plans identify a student's disabilities, their effect, and behavior that may arise from them. They establish goals for the student in light of the student's disabilities. And they identify strategies for helping the students accomplish the established goals. The demands of teaching students with disabilities required additional staff in the classroom to assist Ms. Bauduy. The school determined that properly caring for and teaching the children required a three to one student teacher ratio. The students' IEPs also required this staffing ratio. For that reason, the school assigned two paraprofessionals to assist in Ms. Bauduy's class of ten people. This was in addition to Ms. Edoo, who was assigned to student E.K. one-on-one. Thus, the proper staffing complement for Ms. Bauduy's class was four adults. Throughout the 2018-2019 school year, Gotha Middle School experienced chronic staffing shortages. One paraprofessional position in Ms. Bauduy's class was vacant the entire year. The school engaged a long- term substitute. That person often did not show up for work. In those instances, the school sought, often unsuccessfully, to engage fill-ins from a temporary staffing agency. In addition, the school usually did not provide staff to cover the paraprofessionals' breaks and lunches. Throughout the year, Ms. Bauduy had to juggle staffing shortages as best she could. During the representative month of September 2018, Ms. Bauduy's class was short one adult seven full days and four partial days. On September 11, 2018, Ms. Bauduy's class was down two professionals. When the paraprofessional staff took their breaks or lunch periods, the staffing deficiencies worsened. Ms. Bauduy repeatedly advised the administration about the staffing deficiencies, sought assistance, and expressed her concerns about not complying with students' IEP requirements. Her communications included a September 5, 2018, email advising that a substitute had not arrived, a September 11 email forwarding an email from a paraprofessional advising she was not coming in, and a September 26 email advising that a substitute once again failed to arrive and asking for assistance. In January 2019, despite the chronic understaffing, the school transferred two students, T.M. and N.A., from other classrooms to Ms. Bauduy's class. These students' disabilities were more profound and required more supports than the other students. They were regular elopers, required diaper changes, and required individual nearly one-on-one prompting for tasks. Among other things, T.M.'s disabilities required having someone hold his hand during transitions. Placement of T.M. and N.A. in Ms. Bauduy's class was not appropriate. Ms. Bauduy continued sending emails expressing her concerns and frustrations about understaffing. She also repeatedly, without effect, sought to get the school to change mandatory meetings to her planning period or after school because the meetings caused her to leave the classroom and exacerbated the staffing problems. Between October 25, 2018, and March 4, 2019, Ms. Bauduy sent 17 emails requesting full staffing and advising of staff absences. Ms. Bauduay could not rely upon prompt responses when she called for assistance or additional staffing to put her room back in compliance with the required student/adult ratio. Sometimes she received a quick response. Sometimes no one came. Often there was a 20 to 30-minute delay before assistance arrived. Even when management responded to Ms. Bauduy's request for a schedule of when behavior staff would be available to support her students, management's response was conditional. For instance, Laura Fogarty, ESE Curriculum and Instruction Team Instructional Coach, conditioned the schedule of available staff that she provided as follows. Please remember, however, that this schedule is in a perfect world. The behavior support team's first priority is to respond to radio calls and have other responsibilities that don't always make it possible for them to be in your room for the times listed below. They may also have to leave to respond to a behavior call when they are in there. Below is the ideal, if everything goes right and there are no behavior calls or other areas that require their attention. The world in which Ms. Bauduy taught was neither perfect nor ideal. Ms. Bauduy's testimony about staffing difficulties and insufficient responses to requests for assistance differs from testimony of school representatives. Ms. Bauduy was more credible and persuasive than the school representatives. Four of the reasons for this judgment are Ms. Bauduy's sincere demeanor, documents such as emails and logs consistent with her testimony, the admission in Ms. Fogarty's email that even scheduled availability of support was not reliable, and the corroborating testimony of a paraprofessional who worked in Ms. Bauduy's room, Lauren Mueller. K.C. K.C. was a male sixth grade student in Ms. Bauduy's class. K.C.'s IEP specified that K.C. should always be supervised. It stated, "He requires continuous supervision as he is very impulsive and responds aggressively and or obscenely." K.C. also had a Behavioral Improvement Plan (BIP). It too noted a need for intensive intervention to address inappropriate touching of and advances toward female students. The BIP provided, among other things, "If outside the classroom, one on one supervision must be provided." The BIP went on to state that K.C.'s transitions out of the classroom should be limited to necessary transitions and that a staff member should provide one-on-one supervision during all transitions. Ms. Bauduy was aware of the contents of the IEP and BIP. At each day's end, Ms. Edoo usually escorted K.C. from class to the transportation loading area, after escorting her assigned student to the transportation area. This did not happen on September 11, 2018. This was one of the many days when Ms. Bauduy's room was short-staffed. Because of a vacant position and a paraprofessional not showing up, Ms. Bauduy was down to two adults, including herself, of the staff that should have been in the room. This excludes Ms. Edoo who was responsible for providing one-on- one care for a single student. The afternoon of September 11 the substitute paraprofessional was to escort the students, in shifts, to the transportation area. The substitute took a student to the transportation area and did not return. This left Ms. Bauduy the sole adult in the room, responsible both for getting the children to the transportation area and supervising students in the classroom. Ms. Edoo called Ms. Bauduy on the radio and said to release K.C. Ms. Bauduy thought that meant Ms. Edoo was returning to the classroom and would meet K.C. in the hall. Although her room had a telephone and a two-way radio, Ms. Bauduy knew from experience a response to a request for help would be slow, if there even was one. Faced with confounding choices, Ms. Bauduy explained to K.C. that she would release him to go directly down the hall to meet Ms. Edoo. K.C. did not go straight down the hall to Ms. Edoo, and Ms. Edoo was not in the hall. K.C. went to the bathroom that opened on the hall. A student, K.M., found K.C. laying naked, save for his socks, on the bathroom floor, masturbating. This scared and confused K.M. He went home and told his mother about the incident. She called the school. The next day a guidance counselor met with K.M. to discuss the incident and reassure him. Shortly after K.M. left for home, an ESE clerk, Elizabeth Elkholi, saw K.C. naked in the bathroom, through the open door. She called for Shantell Johnson, a behavior trainer. Ms. Johnson did not wish to enter the bathroom because K.C. was naked. A substitute, Stephen Harnishfeger, and Deputy Luna, a school resource officer, joined Ms. Elkholi and Ms. Johnson. Between them, these four adults kept K.C. in sight. K.C. got dressed in a stall. Ms. Johnson escorted him back to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. Ms. Bauduy was not aware of this activity until K.C. was returned to her room. K.C. could have left the school grounds during the period that he was unsupervised. Eventually the substitute reappeared and declared she was leaving for the day. Ms. Bauduy convinced the substitute to escort K.C. to the transportation loading area before leaving. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days without pay for this incident. T.M. T.M. was a student on the autism spectrum that the school transferred to Ms. Bauduy's class in January. T.M.'s previous classroom, Ms. Franklin's, was adjacent to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. On February 25, 2019, the school had again failed to staff Ms. Bauduy's classroom in compliance with the requirements of her students' IEPs. That day the school required Ms. Bauduy to participate in an IEP meeting, scheduled for 30 minutes, during her planning period. The meeting took two hours, running through her lunch period and ending at 4:00 p.m. When Ms. Bauduy returned to the classroom, she realized none of her paraprofessionals had taken a break. So, she released them one at a time for a short break. While one paraprofessional was gone on break, the remaining one left the room with a student to go to the restroom and change a diaper. This left Ms. Bauduy alone with the students. At that time, Ms. Bauduy was providing directions to a group of students. She heard the door slam. She looked for T.M. and did not see him in the classroom. T.M. had slipped away from Ms. Bauduy's classroom out into the hall. He left through the classroom's only door. Ms. Bauduy immediately went to the doorway to look for him. She knew T.M. had a history of leaving the classroom but waiting just outside the door. She did not see him. Then Ms. Bauduy took a few steps outside the door of her classroom into the hall. To the left of Ms. Bauduy's classroom the hall met double doors just yards away that led to the outside and a nearby road. Ms. Bauduy was in the hall approximately 23 seconds seeking to ensure that T.M. had not gone to the left toward the double doors. During these 23 seconds there was no adult inside Ms. Bauduy's class room. She however was just feet from the only door. One of the students could have done something destructive or harmful. But the brief period of time that Ms. Bauduy was outside the classroom, her proximity to the door, and the very short distance she was from her students made that risk minimal. Ms. Bauduy saw the door to Classroom B104 close. This was T.M.'s former classroom, which was next to Ms. Bauduy's room. This reassured her that T.M. was safe. She ran back to her classroom. The students had spent the 23 seconds without incident. Then Ms. Bauduy called for assistance. A staff member came to return T.M. to Ms. Bauduy's room. When T.M. slipped away, Ms. Bauduy had no good choices. In the time it would take to call for assistance and wait for it to arrive, if it did, T.M. could have been out the doors and in the road. Ms. Bauduy's experience taught her that assistance was often slow to arrive and sometimes did not arrive at all. Stepping out in the hall to quickly see where T.M. went left the eight remaining students without direct adult supervision for 23 seconds. But Ms. Bauduy was just outside the only door out of the classroom. She made a reasonable choice, one that most reduced the risk of a bad outcome to T.M. and his classmates. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days without pay because of this incident. F.O. F.O. was a student in Ms. Bauduy's class. F.O. was non-verbal and deaf. She was working on pre-academic skills. F.O. was a joyful and social student. She, however, was defiant. She did not like to be corrected. She wanted to be on her own, basically following her own schedule. When corrected, F.O. would shake her head, point her finger, and stick her tongue out. The school regularly delivered breakfast and lunch to the class. On September 11, 2019, F.O. ate breakfast around 10:00 a.m. After breakfast, F.O. and the other students had a short lesson and went to PE. After they returned to class, they had another short lesson. Afterwards, Ms. Bauduy gave the class another short break. Around 11:30 a.m., the lunch cart's arrival signaled the beginning of lunch to the class. The lunch service procedure began with placing meals on tables for students who could feed themselves. Then Ms. Bauduy and the paraprofessionals assisted students who needed help eating. F.O.'s lunch was placed in front of her. It was time for F.O. to pick up her toys and eat. She refused. Ms. Bauduy tried prompting F.O. several ways. Ms. Bauduy's efforts to persuade F.O. to put her toys up included gestures, pantomiming the desired actions, and modeling the actions by picking up some toys herself. This did not work. Ms. Bauduy took F.O. out of the classroom to see if a change in environment would help. Ms. Bauduy then took F.O. to the behavior specialist's classroom down the hall. But it was not staffed. They returned to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. There Ms. Bauduy tried to get F.O. to comply with simple directions like "put it down." F.O. would not respond. Also, F.O. continued to refuse to pick up her toys and eat lunch. Ms. Bauduy concluded that F.O.'s refusal to eat lunch was a defiance issue. Ms. Bauduy learned a behavior management strategy called "First – Then" in her applied behavior classes at the University of Central Florida. Ms. Bauduy kept a graphic depicting this strategy posted in her classroom. Other teachers and paraprofessionals in the school also used this strategy. It was a system where the "Then" was something the child wanted or wanted to do and the "First" was a task the child was resisting. After F.O. continued to play with toys and ignore her lunch. Ms. Bauduy decided to use the "First—Then" strategy by withholding F.O.'s lunch until she picked up her toys. She asked a paraprofessional, Ms. Lewis, to remove the food. Ms. Lewis refused. Ms. Bauduy then placed the lunch on a shelf so that other students would not eat it or play with it. Around 2:00 p.m., snack time, F.O. had put up her toys. Ms. Bauduy gave her the lunch. Ms. Bauduy's log for the day, sent home with each student each day, advised F.O.'s parents that F.O. would not listen or follow directions most of the day and that "lunch was delayed till she showed more compliance." Withholding lunch was not a proper use of the "First – Then" strategy. Meals are a regular part of the day and necessary for nutrition, although in this case the student repeatedly declined food. Withholding a meal, as opposed to withholding a treat, is not proper. Also, since F.O. was not interested in eating lunch, making lunch the "Then" was not a well-reasoned use of the strategy. Ms. Bauduy, however, did not withhold lunch as a punishment. But withholding lunch was not a reasonable behavior management strategy. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days for this instance.

Conclusions For Petitioner: Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 For Respondent: Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding that Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violated section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes, by violating Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A- 10.081(2)(a)1., and imposing a reprimand upon Respondent, Yolie Bauduy. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of November, 2021, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 www.doah.state.fl.us COPIES FURNISHED: Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of November, 2021. Lisa M. Forbess, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Turlington Building 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 316 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761 Randy Kosec, Jr., Chief Office of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 Anastasios Kamoutsas, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Sep. 28, 1999 Number: 99-004059 Latest Update: Sep. 25, 2000

The Issue Did the Lee County School Board (Board) have just cause to suspend Respondent without pay for ten days?

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: The Board is a corporate and governmental agency duly empowered by the Constitution and statutes of the State of Florida to administer, manage, and operate the public schools within Lee County, Florida. At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Respondent was employed by the Board as an Assistant Principal at Lehigh Senior High School (LSHS). At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Respondent was employed by the Board under an administrator's contract as defined in Section 230.36(3)(a), Florida Statutes. Respondent has taught in the public school system of Florida for 30 years, and in the Lee County school system for the last 18 of those 30 years. During his 30-year career, Respondent has no disciplinary incidents on his record and his evaluations were either satisfactory or above average. Respondent began his tenure with the Board as a teacher and swimming coach at Cape Coral High School on August 17, 1983. On August 9, 1994, Respondent applied for, and was appointed to, the position of Assistant Principal of Student Affairs at LSHS. At the beginning of the 1999-2000 school year, Respondent occupied the position of Assistant Principal for Curriculum at LSHS. During his tenure with the Board, Respondent applied for numerous positions within the Lee County School system. Several of those applications resulted in Respondent being assigned to different positions. However, there were 17 applications filed by Respondent with the Lee County school system that did not result in any kind of a response from the Superintendent's office. Some of these applications were submitted as late as the 1998-1999 school year. By the beginning of the 1999-2000 school year, Respondent had become frustrated because he had not received the courtesy of a response, not even a negative one, to his many applications. As a result of his frustration, Respondent, at the beginning of the 1999-2000 school year, made some inappropriate remarks which resulted in Dr. Harter's suspension of Respondent for 10 days with pay, pending a predetermination investigation and predetermination hearing. As a result of the investigation and hearing, John V. Hennebery, Director of Public Relations, advised Respondent by letter of September 3, 1999, of the recommended disciplinary action to be taken against Respondent. This recommended disciplinary action was that: (1) the letter of discipline was to be placed in Respondent's personnel file; Respondent was to continue counseling until successful completion of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is provided indicating that Respondent was able to return to work; (3) a recommendation for 10-day suspension without pay be brought forward to the Board; and (4) upon eligibility to return to work, Respondent would be reassigned to a position of an 11 1/2-month assistant principal on assignment for the remainder of the 1999-2000 school year. By letter dated September 20, 1999, Superintendent Harter notified Respondent that he would be recommending to the Board that Respondent be suspended for 10 days without pay from his position as assistant principal of Lehigh Senior High School. This letter also advised Respondent of his right to contest the Superintendent's decision. By letter addressed to Victor Arias, staff attorney of the Lee County School District, dated September 21, 1999, Respondent, through counsel, requested an administrative hearing on the matter. Respondent submitted to a psychiatric examination by Dr. Newman, Psychiatrist of the Employee Assistance Program, who certified Respondent safe to return to work without any restrictions. Respondent did not undergo any psychiatric treatment. When Respondent returned to work after his suspension with pay, he was assigned as assistant principal at the Alternative Learning Center High School. On September 24, 1999, Superintendent Harter filed a Petition For Suspension Without Pay with the Board requesting that Respondent be suspended without pay for 10 days. Petitioner's Exhibit D is Kimberly McGlohon's notes of her recollection of the comments made by Respondent concerning Lynn Strong on August 12-13, 1999, and the comments made by Respondent on August 11, 1999, concerning Superintendent Harter. These notes were apparently made contemporaneously to the time of the comments. McGlohon's notes indicate that Respondent made the comment, "I am waiting for someone to go down and shoot Dr. Harter." Furthermore, McGlohon's notes indicate that she was outside the Student Affairs office along with Respondent when he made this comment and that Eric McFee, another assistant principal, also heard the comment. On direct examination, McGlohon testified that she was in the Student Affairs office on August 11, 1999, when she heard Respondent, who was in the hallway, say "that someone needed to shoot-go down and shoot Dr. Harter." On cross- examination, McGlohon testified that what she had written in her notes ("I am waiting for someone to go down and shoot Dr. Harter.") was correct rather than her statement made on direct examination. McGlohon's notes indicate that Eric McFee was in the room with McGlohon and heard Respondent's statement concerning Dr. Harter. McFee's notes make mention of this incident, but indicate that the incident occurred on Thursday, August 12, 1999, rather than August 11, 1999. In his direct testimony concerning this incident, McFee testified that he was in the Student Affairs room in August, 1999 (no specific date) with McGlohon when Respondent came into the room and made the statement: "Does anyone want to bet who will shoot Dr. Harter?" McGlohon testified that on August 12, 1999, while attending a district leadership meeting at Three Oaks Middle School, she overheard Respondent make the statement: "Someone needs to shoot Lynn Strong." Sitting at the table with McGlohon were Herman Williams, assistant principal, and Respondent. Williams testified that he also heard Respondent make basically the same statement. Respondent's recollection was that someone said, "They should give Lynn Strong a hand for all she had done." Respondent admitted that he replied: "I would rather someone give her a bullet." On August 13, 1999, at an administrative meeting in the conference room at Lehigh Senior High School attended by McGlohon, Williams, McFee, and Peter Folaros, Principal of LSHS, McGlohon heard Respondent mumbling something but could not make out what he was saying. After this meeting, while following Williams and Respondent down the hallway, McGlohon thought she heard Respondent say that he wanted to shoot Lynn Strong. Williams' recollection was that he thought Respondent said: "Someone should shoot Lynn Strong." Respondent's recollection of this incident was that he was walking down the hall by himself and did not make any comment concerning Dr. Harter or Lynn Strong. Both Williams and McFee recollect that Respondent made inappropriate remarks concerning Lynn Strong and Dr. Harter at the meeting on August 13, 1999, to the effect that "someone needs to shoot Lynn Strong" and "someone needs to shoot Dr. Harter." Neither in his notes nor in his testimony does Folaros, who also attended this meeting, indicate that he heard any inappropriate remarks concerning Dr. Harter or Lynn Strong during the meeting at LSHS on August 13, 1999. None of the individuals (McGlohon, Williams, and McFee) who heard Respondent make the remarks concerning Dr. Harter or Lynn Strong considered the remarks threatening to either Dr. Harter or Lynn Strong but were the result of Respondent's frustration with the system. Around 12:00 noon on August 13, 1999, McGlohon and Williams approached Folaros concerning the inappropriate remarks about Lynn Strong and Dr. Harter made by Respondent. Folaros assured McGlohon and Williams that he would talk to Respondent concerning these remarks. Subsequently, Folaros talked with Respondent about the remarks and advised him of that such remarks could result in dire consequences. Respondent assured Folaros that any remarks made by him were purely off-the-cuff or off-hand remarks and were in no manner meant to be threatening. Additionally, Respondent assured Folaros that he would cease making such remarks. After discussing the matter with Respondent, Folaros called Debbie Diggs, in staff development, who had already been informed of this matter by McGlohon. As a result of the conversation with Diggs, Folaros called Lynn Strong and was advised by Strong that an investigation would be initiated. Although Folaros had assured both McGlohon and Williams that he would talk with Respondent and have the matter investigated, McGlohon took it upon herself to call Lynn Strong, apparently at her home, and tell her the "whole story" on Strong's answering machine. After Respondent's suspension, McGlohon was appointed to fill his position as assistant principal of curriculum at Lehigh Senior High School. Clearly, Respondent's remarks concerning Dr. Harter and Lynn Strong were inappropriate. However, it is equally clear that those remarks were made out of frustration with the system and not intended as threats to either Dr. Harter or Lynn Strong and should be considered as off-the-cuff or off- hand remarks Although Respondent's remarks were inappropriate, the evidence does not establish that Respondent's remarks or behavior jeopardized the life and safety of Dr. Harter, Lynn Strong, or any other staff member of the school district. Likewise, the evidence does not establish that Respondent's remarks or behavior caused fear or disruption in the work environment within the school district.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Board enter a final order dismissing Superintendent Harter's Petition For Suspension Without Pay filed against Respondent. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of February, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ WILLIAM R. CAVE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6947 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of February, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Honorable Tom Gallagher Commissioner of Education Department of Education The Capitol, Plaza Level 08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Dr. Bruce Harter Superintendent Lee County School District 2055 Central Avenue Fort Myers, Florida 33901-3988 Victor M. Arias, Esquire School District of Lee County 2055 Central Avenue Fort Myers, Florida 33901-3988 Harry A. Blair, Esquire 2180 West First Street, Suite 401 Fort Myers, Florida 33901

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-003271 Latest Update: Jun. 08, 1990

The Issue The issues for determination at the final hearing were: 1) whether the Respondent should be dismissed from employment due to incompetency; and 2) whether the conflict in the statute cited in the Notice of Charges dated November 18, 1982, and the Notice of Hearing dated June 18, 1983, constitute inadequate notice to the Respondent Muina of the charges against him. At the final hearing, Marsha Gams, a learning disability teacher at Carol City Junior High School, Rosetta Vickers, Director of Exceptional Student Education, Dade County School Board, Carol Cortes, principal at Carol City Junior High School, Karen Layland, department chairperson of the Exceptional Education Department at Carol City Junior High School and Desmond Patrick Gray, Jr., Executive Director of Personnel, Dade County School Board, testified for the Petitioner School Board. Petitioner's Exhibits 1-13 were offered and admitted into evidence. Yvonne Perez, Bargaining Agent Representative, United Teachers of Dade, Alexander Muina and Desmond Patrick Gray, Jr., testified for the Respondent. Respondent's Exhibits 1-5 were offered and admitted into evidence. Subsequent to the hearing, the Respondent requested via telephone conference call, that Respondent's Exhibit 6, the published contract between the Dade County Public Schools and the United Teachers of Dade, be admitted into evidence as a late-filed exhibit. The contract was admitted over Petitioner's objection. Proposed Recommended Orders containing findings of fact have been submitted by the parties and considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order. When the parties' findings of fact were consistent with the weight of the credible evidence introduced at final hearing, they were adopted and are reflected in this Recommended Order. To the extent that the findings were not consistent with the weight of the credible evidence, they have been either rejected, or when possible, modified to conform to the evidence. Additionally, proposed findings which were subordinate, cumulative, immaterial or unnecessary have not been adopted. On July 11, 1983, the Petitioner filed objections to the Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommended Penalty. Certain of the Petitioner's objections were subsequently stipulated to by the Respondent and are not in issue in this proceeding.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent Alexander Muina has been employed by the Dade County School System for approximately nine years. He initially worked with regular students, then worked as an assistant teacher with profoundly mentally handicapped students. During the 1979-80 school year, the Respondent became a permanent substitute in a class for the trainable mentally handicapped. He held this position for approximately two months and during that period received a satisfactory annual evaluation. During the 1980-81 school year the Respondent was assigned to the "ESOL" Program which is an acronym for English for Speakers of Other Languages. During this period, the Respondent taught as an itinerant teacher at three different schools each week. One of the schools the Respondent was assigned was Carol City Junior High School, where he taught on Thursdays and Fridays, as part of the Entrant Program. This was a program which was established for the approximately 13,000 children who had entered the Dade County School System during the Mariel boat lift. Mrs. Carol Cortes, principal at Carol City Junior High School, compiled the Respondent's annual evaluation for 1980-81 after consulting with the two other principals to whose schools Respondent was also assigned. At that time, Respondent received an acceptable annual evaluation from Cortes; however, Cortes had not continually observed the Respondent or had continuous direct contact with him since he was only at the school two days a week. At the close of the 1980-81 school year, the Respondent asked Cortes if there was an opening in exceptional education in which he could be placed. Toward the end of the summer a position became available in varying exceptionalities, an area in which the Respondent is certified by the State of Florida, and he accepted this position. A varying exceptionality class includes students who have three types of learning disabilities or exceptional problems, including the educable mentally handicapped, the learning disabled, and the emotionally handicapped. Although the Respondent is certified by the State of Florida to teach varying exceptionalities, during his first year instructing the class the Respondent experienced significant problems which are reflected in his evaluations of November, January and March of the 1981-82 school year. The first observation of Respondent as a varying exceptionalities teacher was done on November 5, 1981, by Carol Cortes, principal. The Respondent's overall summary rating was unacceptable in the areas of preparation and planning and classroom management. Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for each of the students were not being followed. The Respondent was not using the IEPs to develop activities for the students which would meet the goals of providing "diagnostic prescriptive teaching." Using the IEPs and the diagnostic prescriptive teaching techniques is crucial to the success of exceptional educational students. The students were not being taught according to their individual abilities, but rather were doing similar classroom work. Additionally, classroom management was lacking in that the Respondent did not formulate adequate behavior modification plans for the students who were observed talking and milling about the classroom. Following her first observation, Cortes offered assistance to Respondent, including changing his physical classroom layout and placing him with the department chairperson. This was done so that the chairperson could assist in developing the activities and plans necessary for the students and could also provide support in developing behavior modification plans. Cortes also asked the school psychologist to work with the Respondent in establishing such plans. Dr. Gorman, the assistant principal, had frequent informal observations of the Respondent in an attempt to help him with his classroom difficulties. The next formal observation of Respondent was performed by Cortes on January 20, 1983, and the overall summary rating was again unacceptable in the areas of preparation and planning, classroom management and techniques of instruction. Preparation and planning was unacceptable because the Respondent was still not following the student's IEPs. He continued to assign the same general activities to all students regardless of individual differences. His class was confused regarding their goals. Because the Respondent was not teaching toward the objectives set forth in the IEPs, the children were not achieving a minimum education experience. The Respondent was marked unacceptable in classroom management because he did not have adequate control over the students. Students were walking around the class and the class was generally noisy The work that the Respondent did with individual students was in the nature of giving directions rather than actually teaching. In order to teach it is necessary to provide students with new concepts and provide teacher input rather than simply monitor students. The Respondent was marked unacceptable in techniques of instruction because his lesson planning was deficient. He spent the majority of time in the classroom attempting to discipline students. His grade book was kept in an inappropriate manner and the students were frustrated. As a result of these problems, Cortes requested that the Respondent visit a program at Madison Junior High School which had an acceptable behavior modification program in place. The Respondent visited the program on January 26, 1982; however, no substantial improvement after the Respondent's visit was noted. The Respondent also took a reading course in late January, 1982. No significant improvement was noted following completion of that course. In January of 1982, a social studies position at Carol City Junior High School became available. Cortes offered that position to the Respondent and he could have transferred into the social studies department if he had so desired. The Respondent, however, elected to remain in the field of exceptional student instruction. At that time, Cortes felt that the Respondent was attempting to deal with his deficiencies and he should be given the opportunity to correct the problems with his class. Mrs. Vickers, Director of Exceptional Student Education for Dade County Schools, made a routine visit to Carol City Junior High School on January 27, 1982. She had heard from one of her education specialists that there were difficulties in classroom management in the Respondent's classroom. She observed that many of the students were not on task in that they walked around the classroom, talked out loud, and called the Respondent "pops". A few of the students tried to work, but the noise level in the class was so high it was disruptive. Vickers chose not to do a formal observation at that time, because she felt that there were many areas that she could not have marked acceptable. Instead, Vickers chose to do a planning session with Respondent on that same date. At the planning session, Vickers discussed with Respondent such topics as getting the students on task, bringing supplies and materials, completing assignments and doing homework. She discussed IEPs with the Respondent and the minimal skills tests that the children are administered in grades 5, 8 and 11. She explained to the Respondent how to use a grade book and examined the student's work folders. Although the folders contained significant amounts of work, the work did not correlate with the objectives on the children's IEPs. Vickers was also concerned that the Respondent was monitoring the class rather than directly instructing the students on specific skills. He did not pull individual students or groups aside for direct instruction. Vickers returned to the Respondent's classroom on February 25, 1982, in order to conduct a formal observation. At that time, Vickers gave the Respondent an unacceptable overall summary rating. She found him deficient in the categories of classroom management, techniques of instruction, assessment techniques, student-teacher relationships, and acceptable in the category of preparation and planning. She rated the Respondent unacceptable in classroom management because a serious problem existed with the management of his students who were not on task. The students were not working in an orderly fashion and the class was so loud that it distracted the class on the other side of the room. When Vickers tried to speak with the teacher in the adjoining room, the noise level in the Respondent's class prevented a successful conversation between them. Due to these problems, the Respondent's students were not receiving a minimum education experience. Children with learning disabilities are easily distracted by visual or auditory interference; this problem was occurring in Respondent's class. Vickers rated the Respondent unacceptable in techniques of instruction since he was not using the diagnostic prescriptive teaching method that is required in the Dade County School System. Respondent was not utilizing small groups to give specific help with skills, but was instead, monitoring. Vickers also rated the Respondent unacceptable in assessment techniques. Exceptional education teachers are required to do a profile on each student showing the skills that the student has met and the skills that the student needs to improve. The Respondent did not meet this requirement. Finally, Vickers found the Respondent unacceptable in student-teacher relationships since she observed that the students showed an unacceptable level of respect for the Respondent. Vickers suggested that the Respondent visit three other exceptional education teachers along with regular teachers in school. She also scheduled an assertive discipline workshop for exceptional education teachers and asked that Respondent attend. The Respondent however, did not attend the workshop. On March 25, 1982, Cortes completed Respondent's annual evaluation for 1981-82 and recommended nonreappointment. This annual evaluation took into consideration all of the observations done by administrators in the building. She found the Respondent unacceptable in the categories of preparation and planning, classroom management, and techniques of instruction. Cortes next observed the Respondent on May 17, 1982, and again gave him an overall summary rating of unacceptable. She found him unacceptable in the categories of preparation and planning and classroom management. Preparation and planning was unacceptable because the Respondent was not following the IEPs for the students. Cortes observed that the Respondent misspelled a word on the black board and the students copied his misspelling. Classroom management remained unacceptable because most of the class was not working. The Respondent continued to have difficulties controlling his students who continued to address him inappropriately by calling him "pops". As the Respondent moved from student to student, the remainder of the class was either talking or milling about the room. Respondent did not have understandable classroom rules and resultant consequences for breaking such rules. Rather than institute positive rewards for students who met the classroom criteria, his emphasis was on negative reinforcement. Following Cortes' discussion with the Respondent as to these deficiencies, she continued to see minimal improvement. It was also recommended that the Respondent visit Mrs. Layland, the department chairperson, to observe her classroom management techniques. Layland had a behavior modification plan in place and was able to work individually with each student while other students remained on task. The Respondent did visit Mrs. Layland's class but there was no significant improvement following that visit. On May 24, 1982, Cortes performed a second annual evaluation on the Respondent in which she found him unacceptable in one category, preparation and planning and acceptable in the remaining categories, but did not recommend him for reemployment. The second annual evaluation had only one unacceptable category, preparation and planning, and overall Respondent was rated unacceptable. However, the area in which the Respondent was rated unacceptable is especially important in the context of exceptional education. Preparation and planning is an important aspect of this field since planning for exceptional education students must be done on an individual basis. Additionally, the teacher has to plan what each student will be learning over a given period of time, and such planning is necessary in order to successfully instruct these students. Notwithstanding the Respondent's improvement, Cortes moved for his nonreappointment at the conclusion of the 1981-82 school year. The Respondent, however, was reappointed for the 1982-83 school year, when it was determined that the documentation upon which the nonreappointment was to be based was insufficient due to noncompliance with the existing union contract. Prior to the completion of the 1981-82 school year, the Respondent, through his area representative, Yvonne Perez, requested a transfer back into a regular classroom where the Respondent could teach Spanish or Social Studies. This was based on the Respondent's recognition that he was encountering extreme difficulties in teaching varying exceptionalities. Patrick Gray, Personnel Director for the Dade County School System, was aware of the request for a transfer on behalf of the Respondent and agreed to consider it. Gray subsequently determined not to transfer the Respondent, and reassigned him to his existing position. Following his assignment back to Carol City Junior High School, Cortes began to formally observe the Respondent. The first such observation of the 1982-83 school year occurred on September 13, 1982, less than one month after teachers had returned to school. Cortes observed the Respondent and documented an observation sheet with five attached papers. Observations performed the previous year had included only one statement. Approximately one month later, Cortes conducted another observation with four detailed attachments. The documentation provided to the Respondent in September and October of 1982 was accumulated to verify or affirm the decision which was made by Cortes in May of the prior year, to terminate the Respondent. Based on Cortes' observations of the Respondent while he was employed at Carol City Junior High School, she would not recommend him for a teaching position in any other field. According to Cortes, the Respondent is lacking the basic skills necessary to be a successful teacher. Marsha Gams, chairperson of the Exceptional Education Department at Carol City Junior High School during the 1981-82 school year and Respondent's supervisor, met with the Respondent on numerous occasions during the course of his assignment to Carol City Junior High School. Although Gams saw improvement on Respondent's part during the period that she observed him, the improvement was not significant. Based on Gams' observation of the Respondent's class, she felt that the Respondent's students were not receiving a minimum education experience since the Respondent did not have an adequate grasp of the curriculum and materials required for the learning disabled and educable mentally handicapped students. The Respondent's class eventually affected Gams' students due to the noise level which came from his adjoining class. Karen Layland, chairperson of the Exceptional Education Department at Carol City Junior High School during the 1982-83 school year, also worked with the Respondent. They had joint planning periods and spent a number of afternoons reviewing lesson plans, methods, curriculum, and matching materials to IEP objectives. According to Layland, the Respondent's basic problem was that he did not clearly understand the requirements of teaching varying exceptionalities Layland did not observe significant academic progress in the Respondent's class. The Respondent's grade book was disorganized and the materials contained in the student's folders were not appropriate for the particular students. Moreover, there was a lack of organization in his classroom in that students left class without permission. Although Layland felt that the Respondent was well intentioned, he did not have an adequate grasp of the curriculum, teaching management and behavior management that are necessary in an exceptional education setting. Even if Layland had been allowed to continue to work with the Respondent for the remainder of the school year, she did not feel that he could have been brought up to a competent level to teach varying exceptionalities during that period of time. Based on her observations, Layland believed that the Respondent's students were not receiving a minimum education experience due to the Respondent's lack of definite knowledge of methods in instructional techniques for varying exceptional students. By November, 1982, the School Board had made a determination that the school system had exhausted its remedies to raise the Respondent's performance to an acceptable level. Although the Respondent had obtained an acceptable rating from Cortes at the end of the 1982 school year, even this evaluation demonstrated a serious deficiency on Respondent's part. Additionally, during the 1981-82 school year the Respondent encountered numerous significant problems which had not been adequately remediated in order to permit him to continue teaching varying exceptionality students. The school board administration declined Perez' request that the Respondent be transferred into a regular class on the belief that the Respondent was incompetent in basic classroom instruction. However, based on the Respondent's teaching record prior to his employment at Carol City Junior High School, the Respondent encountered difficulties only when he was teaching varying exceptionalities, and in other fields, his basic skills were documented as acceptable. At all material times, the Respondent was employed as an annual contract teacher and did not hold a professional service contract.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered by the Petitioner Dade County School Board affirming the dismissal of the Respondent. DONE and ENTERED this 26th day of September, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. SHARYN L. SMITH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of September, 1983.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
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