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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Aug. 22, 1991 Number: 91-005324 Latest Update: Feb. 05, 1992

The Issue Whether Mr. Wills is entitled to reimbursement from the State Group Health Insurance Plan for health services provided by an otolaryngologist and a speech pathologist for vocal therapy.

Findings Of Fact The State of Florida makes available to employees several health insurance programs. One of the options available to employees is the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan. Employees may also enroll in a number of different health maintenance organizations depending upon the county in which the employee resides. The Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan was established by the Legislature, and its benefits are described in the Benefit Document. The Plan as a whole is administered by Blue Cross-Blue Shield, which did not write the terms of the Plan. When an employee chooses to participate in the Plan, the State contributes to the employee's insurance cost by paying a portion of the premium for the employee in order to be covered by the Plan. Mr. Wills is employed by the State of Florida as the Chief Assistant Public Defender for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit in Broward County, Florida. Mr. Wills is a Senior Trial Attorney in the Public Defender's Office and a senior administrator who needs his voice to carry on his professional duties. He was a member of the Plan at all times relevant to this proceeding. The case revolves around whether Mr. Wills is entitled to reimbursement for expenses he incurred when he was diagnosed in June 1990 as having a vocal chord lesion, also known as a contact ulcer or granuloma of the vocal fold, and participated in a course of medical treatment for this condition. For example, Mr. Wills would attempt to speak, but portions of words could not be heard. Mr. Wills ultimately was treated by Dr. W. Jarrard Goodwin. Dr. Goodwin is a specialist in diseases of the ear, nose and throat (i.e., an otolaryngologist), and teaches at the University of Miami School of Medicine. Dr. Goodwin was of the view that the lesion was caused by the mechanical banging together of the vocal chords, and that surgery was not an appropriate treatment for him. Instead, he prescribed an antibiotic and three weeks vocal rest. He had a second consultation with Mr. Wills on August 14, 1990, at which time Dr. Goodwin referred Mr. Wills to Donna S. Lundy, a speech pathologist in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Miami Medical School, for voice therapy. A contact ulcer or granuloma can result from the pitch of the voice being too high or too low, from speaking too loudly, or from not breathing from the diaphragm. All of these can be treated with behavioral voice therapy through exercises, either to raise or lower the pitch of the voice, or to breathe from the diaphragm and relax the vocal chords in order to decrease effort and strain near the lesion. Mr. Wills saw Ms. Lundy for sessions of vocal therapy at Dr. Goodwin's office on August 11, September 13, October 5, November 11, and December 27, 1990, and Mr. Willis practiced the exercises he was given between appointments. Even if Mr. Wills had had surgery, i.e., a stripping of the vocal chords, an alternative treatment for the contact granuloma, he still would have had vocal therapy following that surgery to modify his vocal habits to prevent a recurrence of the lesion. As a result of the vocal therapy, Mr. Wills' condition has improved, and he no longer suffers from the contact granuloma. Speech therapy treats abnormalities of speech production, language formulation and processing, such as articulation disorders, stuttering, language delay, and disorders of neuromuscular control. It is not the same as voice therapy. Five claims for health services were submitted on behalf of Mr. Wills by Donna S. Lundy, under procedure code 92507. Code 92507 on the approved fee schedule covers "Speech, Language or Hearing Therapy, with Continuing Medical Supervision, Individual." Dr. Goodwin, also submitted one claim under procedure code 92507 for services provided to Mr. Wills on August 14, 1990. All such claims were rejected by the Department. The State of Florida, Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan benefit document contains exclusions. The applicable exclusion, according to the Department, is Section VII(Q): VII. Exclusions The following exclusions shall apply under the plan: * * * * Q. Occupational, recreational, edu-cational, or speech therapy, orthoptics, biofeedback, contra-ceptives, telephone consultation, cardiac rehabilitation exercise programs, or visits for the purpose of exercise by bicycle, ergometer or treadmill. Benefit Document, page 46. There is no further explanation of the term "speech therapy" found in exclusion VII(Q) in any other portion of the Benefit Document. The approved fee schedule for the Group Health Self-Insurance Plan has a procedure code for "speech, language or hearing therapy, with continuing medical supervision, individual." That the approved fee schedule has such an entry at all is an indication that there are circumstances where speech language or hearing therapy is covered. Otherwise, the entry would be wholly inconsistent with the Department's position that Section VII(Q) flatly prohibits any payment for "speech therapy". Ms. Lundy is licensed speech-language pathologist in the State of Florida. Unless a person qualifies for licensure as a speech-language pathologist, a person may not describe him or herself using a number of terms. Among these forbidden terms are "speech pathologist", "speech therapist", "language pathologist", "voice therapist" and "voice pathologist". Section 468.1285(1)(b), Florida Statutes, (1990 Supp.). The Department relies upon the definition for the practice of speech-language pathology in the Professional Practice Act, Chapter 468, Part I, Florida Statutes (1990 Supp.), to argue that any services provided by a licensed speech-language pathologist must necessarily fall within the exclusion found in Section VII(Q) of the Benefit Document. The Department's argument that because the term "speech therapy" is not defined in the Benefit Document, it should determine the meaning of the term by looking to see how the term "speech-language pathology" is defined in Section 468.1125(7)(a), Florida Statutes (1990 Supp.), the professional practice act for speech-language pathology, is unpersuasive. There was no testimony that the Benefit Document was written with all definitions found in various professional practice acts in mind. There is certainly no proof that the Legislature crafted the miscellaneous professional practice acts in Chapter 468 with an eye towards using the definitions in those acts for determinations under the Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan. The Benefit Document and the professional practice acts have little or nothing to do with each other, and neither shed light upon terms used in the other.

Recommendation It is recommended that the Secretary of the Department of Administration enter a Final Order requiring the Division of Employees' State Insurance to pay all claims submitted by Donna S. Lundy and the claim of Dr. Goodwin which have been denied. The Benefit Document does not clearly exclude voice therapy for a contact granuloma, and in the absence of a clear exclusion, the law requires that those claims be paid. RECOMMENDED this 24th day of December, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. DORSEY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of December, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 91-5324 Rulings on findings proposed by the Department: Adopted in Finding 1. Adopted in Findings 2 and 3. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in Finding 3. Adopted in Finding 4. Discussed in Finding 5. Rejected as unnecessary. See, Conclusions of Law. Adopted in Finding 9. Adopted in Finding 10. Rejected. See, Conclusions of Law. Adopted in Finding 5. Rulings on findings proposed by Mr. Wills, treated as if the paragraphs had been numbered: Adopted in Finding 3. Adopted in Findings 3 and 4. Adopted in Finding 5. Adopted in Finding 7. Generally adopted in Finding 9. Generally adopted in Finding 5. Adopted in Findings 5 and 9. COPIES FURNISHED: Steven Michaelson, Esquire 9326 Northwest 18th Drive Plantation, FL 33322 John M. Carlson, Esquire Department of Administration 438 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 John A. Pieno Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr. General Counsel Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550

Florida Laws (3) 120.57468.1125468.1285
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001349 Latest Update: May 05, 1991

The Issue This case concerns the issue of whether the Petitioner should be required to pay back premiums for chiropractic coverage under his family health insurance with the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan for the period August, 1981, to December, 1982. At the formal hearing, the Petitioner testified on his own behalf and the Respondent called one witness, Ms. Barbara Power. Petitioner had marked for identification eight exhibits. Exhibits 1 through 5 and Exhibit 7 were admitted and Exhibit 6 was withdrawn. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 8 was a copy of Rule 22K-1.20, Florida Administrative Code, and it was marked for identification only. The Respondent had marked for identification 10 exhibits. Respondent offered and had admitted Respondent's Exhibit Nos. 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Both the Petitioner and Respondent submitted proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law for consideration by the undersigned Hearing Officer. The proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law were considered by the Hearing Officer and to the extent that those proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law are inconsistent with the facts contained herein, they were considered to be not supported by the evidence or were rejected as being unnecessary to the disposition of this cause.

Findings Of Fact In April, 1978, the Petitioner, Owen Sellers, enrolled in the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan (hereafter referred to as the Plan) . At the time of his enrollment, the Petitioner elected coverage for himself and his eligible dependents, including coverage for chiropractic services. Under the Plan, a portion of the premium for the health insurance coverage is paid by the state agency who employs the individual and the remaining portion is paid by the employee through payroll deduction. In approximately November, 1980, the Petitioner'S spouse also became a full time state employee entitled to the health insurance benefit. As a result of the entitlement of both family members, the state began paying the entire cost of the Plan, except for chiropractic coverage. In order to obtain chiropractic coverage, an employee in 1981 and 1982 was required to pay an additional premium for such coverage. From August, 1981, to December 1, 1982, the Petitioner and his family were covered by the Plan including chiropractic coverage. On or about November 4, 1982, the Petitioner, Owen Sellers, submitted a Change of Information form dropping chiropractic coverage. This change became effective December 1, 1982. At no time prior to this had the Petitioner requested such a change. Because of an error on the part of the employing agency, the premium for chiropractic coverage was not deducted from Mr. Sellers' pay from August, 1981, through October, 1982. The total amount of premiums due for that period for chiropractic coverage is $92.20. The error was discovered in November, 1982, and at that time, the Petitioner was notified of the underpayment. Petitioner refused to pay the $92.20 and requested an administrative hearing. During the time period August, 1981, through October, 1982, the Petitioner did not file a claim for any benefits under the chiropractic coverage. However, claims were submitted for non-chiropractic medical treatment received by the Petitioner or other members of his family.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondent enter a Final Order directing the Petitioner to pay the sum of ninety-two dollars and twenty cents ($92.20) within ninety (90) days of entry of the Final Order. In the event Petitioner fails to make timely payment, that Respondent cancel his coverage under the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan DONE and ENTERED this 3rd day of August, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. MARVIN E. CHAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of August, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. Owen Sellers 1874 Woodleigh Drive West Jacksonville, Florida 32211 Daniel C. Brown, Esquire Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. Nevin G. Smith Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-002047 Latest Update: May 05, 1991

The Issue Whether Petitioner's claim for medical expenses from August 6, 1982 through February 27, 1983 should be approved, pursuant to the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan. Petitioner appeared at the hearing accompanied by legal counsel. The Hearing Officer thereupon explained his rights and procedures to be followed in the administrative hearing. Petitioner acknowledged that he understood his rights and elected to represent himself. Petitioner testified in his own behalf at the hearing and the parties stipulated to the introduction of Respondent's Exhibits 1 and 2. A late filed exhibit, Respondent's Exhibit 3, was also admitted in evidence. Respondent presented the testimony of one witness, William R. Seaton, Benefit Analyst for the Respondent's Bureau of Insurance.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Thomas J. Appleyard, III, is a former state employee who retired with disability in 1976 as a result of cardiac disease. At the time Petitioner retired, he maintained coverage in the state Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan under which the Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. serves as the administrator of the plan for the state. Petitioner also receives disability benefits under the Medicare program for medical expenses. (Testimony of Petitioner) The State Group Health Self Insurance Plan provides in Section X, COORDINATION OF BENEFITS, that if an insured has coverage under Medicare, the benefits payable under the state plan will be coordinated with similar benefits paid under the other coverage to the extent that the combination of benefits will not exceed 100 percent of the costs of services and supplies to the insured. Paragraph D of Section X provides that the state plan will be the secondary coverage in such situations and will pay benefits only to the extent that an insured's existing insurance coverage does not entitle him to receive benefits equal to 100 percent of the allowable covered expenses. This provision applies when the claim is on any insured person covered by Medicare. (Testimony of Seaton, Respondent's Exhibit 3) Petitioner was hospitalized at the Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center on three occasions in 1982-33. His Medicare coverage paid all but $261.75 of the hospital expenses. In February 1983, Petitioner also incurred medical expenses to his cardiologist, Dr. J. Galt Allee, in the amount of $248.33. Petitioner was originally denied his remaining hospital expenses by the administrator of the state plan under the erroneous belief that he was receiving regular Medicare benefits for persons over the age of 65. In addition, Dr. Allee's bill was only partially paid by Medicare, subject to the receipt of additional information from the physician. Payment under the state plan was limited to an amount sufficient to reimburse petitioner 100 percent of the amount originally allowed by Medicare. (Testimony of Seaton, petitioner, Respondent's Exhibit 1, 3) Respondent does not receive information on claims filed under the state plan until contacted by an employee. In February 1984, Petitioner requested assistance from William R. Seaton, Benefit Analyst, of Respondent's Bureau of Insurance, regarding his difficulties in receiving proper claims payments. Seaton investigated the matter with the Insurance administrator for the state, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida, and discovered that the latter had not coordinated the hospital expense balance with Medicare. They thereafter did so and as of the date of hearing, there was no longer a balance due to Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center. Seaton also gave written instructions to Blue Cross to review all of Petitioner's claims and make sure that they were paid properly, and to install controls on his and his wife's records. (Testimony of Petitioner, Seaton, Respondent's Exhibit 1-2) The full claim of Dr. Allee had not been paid by Medicare since it had been awaiting requested additional in formation from the physician. Such information was provided after a personal visit had been made to Dr. Allee by Seaton and Medicare then recognized additional eligible expenses. However, a balance of $36.00 is still owed to the physician due to the fact that Blue Cross/Blue Shield had not received the necessary payment information from Medicare as of the day before the hearing. (Testimony of Seaton, Respondent's Exhibit 1) Section XVII of the state's Group Health Self Insurance Plan benefit document provides that an employee who wishes to contest decisions of the state administrator considering the employee's coverage under the plan may submit a petition for a hearing for consideration by the Secretary of Administration. (Respondent's Exhibit 3)

Florida Laws (1) 110.123
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jan. 24, 2006 Number: 06-000305PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-005519 Latest Update: Jun. 24, 1992

The Issue Whether the State of Florida through its Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan is responsible for paying medical expenses incurred by Petitioner's newborn child where Petitioner had only individual coverage in effect at the time of that child's birth?

Findings Of Fact The State of Florida makes available to its employees several group insurance programs. In the area of health insurance, employees may choose to participate in the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan, or they may enroll in a number of different HMOs depending upon the county in which each employee resides. The State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan (hereinafter "the Plan") is a plan of self insurance established by the State, specifically described in a Benefit Document, and administered by Blue Cross/Blue Shield. In addition to the provisions of the Plan embodied in the Benefit Document, the self insurance plan is regulated by those rules contained in Chapter 22K, Florida Administrative Code. If an employee voluntarily chooses to participate in the Plan, the State as the employer contributes to the employee's costs by paying a portion of the premium for each employee. HMOs wishing to capture a portion of the State employee insurance market may participate in bidding procedures whereby the winner(s) can offer insurance to State employees in particular geographical locations. Winning HMOs must comply with many of the rules and provisions involved in the Plan but are still able to establish additional benefits and requirements for coverage. If an employee voluntarily chooses to participate in an HMO insurance program, the State will assist with the employee's costs by contributing to that employee's insurance premium expense. At the time that they commence employment with the State, employees may elect to participate in the Plan, in one of the HMOs approved for that particular geographical location, or may choose to not participate in any of the voluntary insurance programs offered through the State. Thereafter, employees may only join one of the insurance programs or switch between programs during an annual open enrollment period. An employee may purchase individual coverage, insuring only himself or herself, or an employee may purchase family coverage, insuring that employee and one or more of his or her eligible dependents. During an open enrollment period, an employee may switch between individual coverage and family coverage for the following year. Under the State Plan, there is an exception to the restriction that employees may only change coverage and health plans during the open enrollment period. An employee having individual coverage may change to family coverage within 31 days after the date of acquisition of any eligible dependent. In that event, coverage for the eligible dependent does not relate back to the date of acquisition but rather will commence on some future date following the payment of the additional premium required for the additional family coverage. Similarly, an employee with only individual coverage may begin family coverage prior to acquiring eligible dependents and may obtain coverage for those dependents effective on the actual date the dependent is acquired by making application in time for a complete month's premium to be deducted prior to the first day of the month during which the dependent(s) will be acquired. In other words, payment must be made prior to the acquisition of an eligible dependent and the change to family coverage with its increased premium must be made prior to the acquisition of the dependent in order that coverage can be effective as of the date of acquisition. During open enrollment periods, all employees (even those not currently participating in any of the insurance programs offered by the State) are given summary information regarding the various programs in which they are being given an opportunity to participate. Brochures giving summarized comparisons of the Plan and the relevant HMOs are provided to all employees. Employees are advised, if they have questions regarding the Plan, to contact their personnel officer or the Division of State Employees' Insurance. After the employee makes a selection as to which health plan he or she wishes to participate in, if any, the employee will subsequently receive more detailed information about that plan. For example, an employee choosing to participate in the Plan will subsequently receive a copy of the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan Brochure. The first page of that Brochure specifically advises the employee that the brochure does not include all of the provisions, definitions, benefits, exclusions, and limitations of the Plan. The Brochure specifically advises the employee that it is a summary of the benefits and that any questions the employee might have should be presented to the employee's agency personnel offices or the Office of State Employees' Insurance, and provides that latter office's address and telephone numbers. The Plan itself is a lengthy document which is not distributed to each individual employee but rather is made available to each agency's personnel office for reference by any interested employee. Under the Plan, a woman with individual coverage is entitled to maternity or pregnancy benefits. As part of those benefits, charges for "well baby care," i.e., the charges for the nursery for the baby, are covered under the Plan as part of the maternity benefit of the mother. In well-baby care, charges are not incurred by the baby as a separate patient. On the other hand, if a baby is ill and is admitted to the hospital as a patient in its own right, well-baby care coverage does not apply, and family coverage must be in effect or the infant will be an uninsured individual under the State Plan. The Dade County Public Defender's Office has approximately 265 employees. Faith Quincoses, an Administrative Assistant in that office, began her employment there in 1981 when the office had approximately 165 employees. As the number of office personnel increased, it was determined that someone within that Office should be responsible for employee benefits. That assignment was given to Quincoses, who at the time had duties related to payroll. Quincoses had no training in employee benefits, particularly employee insurance benefits, prior to her assuming responsibility for those duties at the Dade County Public Defender's Office. After she assumed those duties, the Public Defender's Office provided her with no training, and that office did not send her to any of the training sessions regularly conducted by Respondent for employees with and without personnel duties, including those seminars related to employee insurance benefits. When Quincoses would receive informational brochures and memoranda from Respondent regarding employee insurance benefits, she would read them but intentionally did not study them. She did not believe it was her responsibility to assist employees in selecting a particular insurance plan, or in advising employees as to which plan best met that employee's needs, or in answering any specific questions regarding coverage that any employee may have other than routine questions. Although many, if not most, of the informational brochures received from time to time by Quincoses advised employees (including Quincoses) to contact the Division of State Employees' Insurance with any questions regarding benefits and coverage, Quincoses did not contact that office when she had questions about the several insurance plans offered by the State to its employees. She very seldom contacted the Division of State Employees' Insurance to ask questions; rather, she discussed insurance benefits and coverage questions on an almost daily basis with a payroll clerk who worked for the Justice Administrative Commission, an agency belonging to the judicial branch of government with no responsibility or authority for administering the various insurance programs for state employees. Although Quincoses knew that she did not posses a copy of the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan and had never read a copy, she made no effort to obtain a copy other than to once request a copy from the payroll clerk she daily contacted at the Justice Administrative Commission. When told by that payroll person that she did not have a copy of the Plan, Quincoses made no further efforts to obtain a copy and never requested a copy from the Division of State Employees' Insurance. Quincoses knew she was not an insurance expert and did not feel the need to become one. She believed that her responsibilities regarding the various insurance programs made available to employees by the State of Florida was to simply disseminate information provided to her, fill out the appropriate forms for payroll deductions, answer routine questions, and refer specific questions to the Division of State Employees' Insurance. She rightfully believed that each employee's decision as to which of the individual plans that employee should select was the employee's responsibility. Petitioner Annemarie Harris is an attorney employed as an Assistant Public Defender by the Dade County Public Defender's Office since October, 1983. As a new employee, she chose to enroll in one of the group health insurance programs approved by the State. She chose to join an approved HMO plan rather than enroll in the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan. Thereafter, and up through December of 1987, each year during the open enrollment period, Petitioner chose to participate in one of the approved HMOs rather than the State's Self Insurance Plan. In December of 1987, the contract between the HMO of which Petitioner was a member and the State of Florida was being terminated, and Petitioner therefore had the option of selecting to participate in one of the other group health insurance programs offered through the State of Florida. In December of 1987, Petitioner was three months pregnant. Her baby was due to be born approximately June 20, 1988. Petitioner was, therefore, very interested in the most extensive coverage which she could obtain for her maternity benefits. Petitioner advised Quincoses that her expected delivery date was June 20, 1988, and that she wished her newborn to be covered by the insurance policy to be selected by Petitioner. Quincoses advised Petitioner that the baby's expenses would be covered if Petitioner added the newborn baby to Petitioner's coverage within 31 days after the date the baby was born. Quincoses did not advise Petitioner that waiting until after the baby's birth would mean that the baby would not be an individual insured until after Petitioner had paid the premium in time for the baby to be added as an insured by the first day of a month subsequent to the baby's birth, since Quincoses did not understand that distinction. The information Quincoses gave Petitioner was wrong and is not contained in any of the written materials describing the Plan which had been transmitted by the State to Quincoses or Petitioner, and is contrary to the information contained in Chapter 22K, Florida Administrative Code. Petitioner then conducted her own investigation of which health plan she wished to choose by asking her friends that worked in the Public Defender's Office about their personal experiences. Further, as Petitioner testified at the final hearing in this cause, Petitioner's husband strongly insisted that she choose the State's Self Insurance Plan in which Plan he had previously participated as a State employee and with which he therefore had some familiarity. Petitioner did not contact the Division of State Employees' Insurance regarding her specific questions and specific situation, did not consult the Benefit Document itself and did not--although both she and her husband are attorneys--consult the rules and regulations regarding coverage contained within Chapter 22K, Florida Administrative Code. Petitioner voluntarily selected the State's Self Insurance Plan and purchased only individual coverage, insuring herself at a lower premium than family coverage which would have covered the newborn infant as of the date of the baby's birth. It is unknown whether Petitioner relied solely on the advice of Quincoses in choosing to purchase individual coverage rather than family coverage, whether Petitioner relied instead on the advice she obtained from questioning her friends or whether she relied upon her husband's desires, in choosing to participate in the State Plan or in choosing to purchase only individual coverage. Although the basis for Petitioner's decision is unknown, her intentions at the time are clear. She planned to, and took steps to, initiate the paperwork necessary to switch to family coverage and pay the additional premium required early enough so that insurance for the baby would be in place on June 1, 1988, prior to the baby's expected arrival date. During April of 1988, Petitioner caused Quincoses to begin filling out the appropriate forms so that Petitioner would have family coverage in place as of June 1, 1988. Since Quincoses had earlier advised Petitioner that Petitioner could switch to family coverage after the baby's birth (which would make the baby's coverage effective subsequent to the baby's birth) but Petitioner chose instead to attempt to convert to family coverage prior to the baby's birth (which was contrary to Quincoses' advice and would have established coverage immediately upon the baby's birth), it can be reasonably inferred that Petitioner understood that the difference between converting to family coverage prior to the baby's birth rather than subsequent to the baby's birth involved the sole issue of the date on which the baby's coverage would become effective. Although Quincoses initiated the paperwork to have family coverage in place for Petitioner prior to the baby's birth expected to occur on June 20, 1988, Petitioner experienced complications with her pregnancy causing the baby to be delivered prematurely on April 24, 1988, prior to Petitioner signing and processing the paperwork started by Quincoses. Almost immediately after the baby's birth, the baby was transferred from the hospital in which her mother was a patient to another hospital where the baby was admitted as a separate patient. The baby remained in that hospital for some time, incurring medical expenses of approximately $180,000.00. Petitioner's medical expenses were paid by the Plan pursuant to her individual coverage. The baby's medical expenses were submitted to the Plan. Petitioner's claim for payment of the baby's medical expenses was denied for the reason that the baby was admitted to a different hospital than the mother as a separate patient but was not an insured under any insurance policy as of the date of the baby's birth, the date on which the baby commenced incurring her own personal medical expenses. When Petitioner converted her individual coverage to family coverage subsequent to the baby's birth, her claims for payment of the baby's medical expenses incurred subsequent to the date upon which the baby became an insured under the State Plan were denied since they arose from a condition pre-existing the date of commencement of insurance coverage. On April 24, 1988, Petitioner's newborn child was not an insured under the State Plan since Petitioner only had individual coverage on that date.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered denying Petitioner's claims for payment of medical expenses incurred by Petitioner's newborn baby which are the subject of this proceeding. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 27th day of October, 1989. LINDA M. RIGOT Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of October, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO 88-5519 Petitioner's proposed Findings of Fact numbered 1-4, 7-9, 15-18, 34, 35, 37, 38, and 40-42 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. Petitioner's proposed Findings of Fact numbered 5, 6, 10-12, 21, and 33 have been rejected as not being supported by the weight of the credible evidence in this cause. Petitioner's proposed Findings of Fact numbered 13, 14, 39, 44, and 45 have been rejected as being subordinate to the issues for determination herein. Petitioner's proposed Findings of Fact numbered 19 and 22-25 have been rejected as not constituting findings of fact but rather as constituting recitation of the testimony, argument of counsel, or conclusions of law. Petitioner's proposed Findings of Fact numbered 20, 26-31, and 43 have been rejected as being irrelevant to the issues under consideration herein. Petitioner's proposed Finding of Fact numbered 32 has been rejected as being contrary to the weight of the totality of the evidence in this cause. Petitioner's proposed Finding of Fact numbered 36 has been rejected as being unnecessary for determination of the issues involved herein. Respondent's proposed Findings of Fact numbered 1-5, 7-18, the second 19-24, the first 27, the second 26, the second 27, and 28 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. Respondent's proposed Findings of Fact numbered 6, the first 19, 25, and the first 26 have been rejected as being subordinate to the issues required to be determined in this proceeding. COPIES FURNISHED: James N. Hurley, Esquire William P. Harris, Jr., Esquire Mitchell, Harris, Horr & Associates 2650 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137-4590 William A. Frieder, Esquire Department of Administration Office of the General Counsel 440 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 A. J. McMullian, III Interim Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr. General Counsel Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Sep. 19, 2002 Number: 02-003622PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 27, 2000 Number: 00-002617 Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Sep. 03, 1991 Number: 91-005643 Latest Update: Jul. 28, 1992

The Issue The basic issue in this case concerns the scope of the coverage provided by the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan ("State Plan"). The Petitioner incurred extensive expenses for medical treatment, some of which have been paid by the State Plan. The Petitioner contends that under the State Plan, specifically under the "extended coverage" portion of the State Plan, she is entitled to more than has already been paid. The Respondent contends that the correct amount has already been paid.

Findings Of Fact The State of Florida makes available to its officers and employees several group insurance programs. With regard to group health insurance, the available programs include the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan ("State Plan") and a number of different HMO's, depending upon the county in which an employee resides. Upon commencement of employment, State employees may elect to participate in the State Plan, may elect to join one of the HMO's in their geographical region, or may elect not to participate in any of the voluntary group insurance programs offered by the State. Employees who choose to participate in the State Plan are charged a premium which is normally deducted from their paychecks. The State also contributes regular amounts to pay a portion of the premium for each participating employee. Roberta Rubin has been an employee of the State of Florida for twelve years. She is currently employed as a judicial assistant to Circuit Court Judge George Orr. Roberta Rubin is an insured under the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan ("State Plan"). The basic terms and conditions of the State Plan are set forth in a document titled State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan Benefit Document ("Benefit Document"). The version of the Benefit Document applicable to this case is the version amended effective July 1, 1988. The Department of Administration, Division of State Employees' Insurance, distributes a brochure titled Group Health Self Insurance Plan Benefits which describes the benefits under the State Plan and is intended to assist State employees in deciding which health insurance plan to select. The Department of Administration, Division of State Employees' Insurance, also distributes a brochure titled Group Health Self Insurance Plan Brochure ("Plan Brochure") to individuals enrolled for coverage under the State Plan. At page 1, the Plan Brochure describes the State Plan as follows: "This is a self-insured group health insurance program belonging to those State officers, employees, retirees, and their eligible dependents who elect to participate in the Plan." At the first unnumbered page inside the front cover of the Plan Brochure is a statement of the brochure's purpose, which includes the following: This brochure is not a contract since it does not include all of the provisions, definitions, benefits, exclusions and limitations of the State Self Insured Health Plan's Benefit Document, a copy of which is on file in your agency's personnel office. The purpose of this brochure is to furnish State officers and employees with a summary of the benefits available under the State Self Insured Health Plan. It is hoped that this brochure will answer any questions that might arise about the Plan. The State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan is administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. In December of 1990, the Petitioner, Roberta Rubin, was diagnosed as having cervical cancer. The prognosis and recommended treatment provided by her treating physicians in Miami were not acceptable to Petitioner and she sought another opinion. Petitioner was referred to and ultimately treated by Dr. Neil Rosenshein, a gynecological oncologist at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Rosenshein and Johns Hopkins Hospital are both "non-preferred patient care providers" within the meaning of the definitions in the Benefit Document. Dr. Rosenshein performed the following surgical procedures: radical abdominal hysterectomy; radical pelvic node dissection; bilateral commoniliac node dissection; and periaortic node dissection. The Physician's Procedural Terminology published by the American Medical Association ("PPT Code Book") assigns procedure codes to various surgical procedures that are utilized by billing physicians and various insurers. The PPT Code Book does not contain procedure codes that accurately reflect the latest technology or the complexity, intricacy, or radical nature of the procedures being performed in gynecological cancer surgery. Since no single or multiple procedure codes accurately characterized the surgical procedures performed by Dr. Rosenshein, his bill was submitted to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., reflecting only one procedure code, 58210, with amodifier, "-22." The modifier "-22" is described in the 1986 version of the Approved Fee Schedule, of the State Plan, as follows: -22 UNUSUAL SERVICES: WHEN THE SERVICES PROVIDED ARE GREATER THAN THOSE USUALLY REQUIRED FOR THE LISTED PROCEDURE, IDENTIFY BY ADDING THIS MODIFIER -22 TO THE USUAL PROCEDURE NUMBER. LIST MODIFIED VALUE. REPORT MAY BE REQUIRED. However, the Benefit Document, as amended effective July 1, 1988, does not provide for or allow the use of the modifier "-22" in determining the amount of payment due on a claim even when the services provided are greater than those usually required for the listed procedure. The modifier "-22" is used by Blue Cross Blue Shield in the administration of other group health insurance plans. The claim form submitted by Dr. Rosenshein went through a level three review by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., and in response to a request for additional information, Dr. Rosenshein submitted a letter explaining the nature of the procedures performed and a copy of the operative report. Following its review, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., allowed payment only for the approved fee schedule amount for a single procedure code 58210, or $3,726.00. Dr. Rosenshein's uncontradicted testimony established that the most accurate representation of the procedures he performed would require the following three procedure codes: Code # Description 58210 limited periaortic lymphadenectomy 49201 extensive excision or destruction by any method of intra-abdominal retroperitoneal tumors or cysts or endometriomas 38780 retroperitoneal transabdominal lymphade- nectomy, extensive, including pelvic, aortic and renal nodes. The approved fee schedule for these procedure codes allows the following amounts: Code # Amounts 58210 $3,726.00 49201 2,683.00 38780 2,764.00 Petitioner has incurred the following bills in 1991 which are in excess of the applicable deductible and $1,500.00 out-of-pocket amount provided for under the Extended Coverage provisions of the benefit Document: Provider Amount JHU Department of Radiology $ 159.30 JHU Pain Management Anesthesia 698.10 JHU Anesthesiology 507.70 John Hopkins Hospital Outpatient 50.00 JHU Department of Oncology 503.50 JHU Cardiology 90.00 JHU Pathology 230.00 Dr. Neil Rosenshein 9,904.50 Total $12,143.10 The amounts reflected above are exclusive of benefits already paid by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., and other insurers and do not include any charges for room and board services or ambulance services. Section I of the Benefit Document contains definitions of numerous terms, including the following: D. "AFS" means the "Approved Fee Schedule," as approved or amended by the Department of Administration. "Covered provider" shall mean a person, institution, or facility as defined herein and who furnishes a covered service or supply. "Covered service or supply" shall mean a medically necessary service or supply furnished by a covered provider and which is covered by the Plan. Q. "Deductible" shall mean the dollar amount of covered services and supplies which each insured is required to pay before benefits are payable by the Plan. BA. "Preferred Patient Care Fee Schedule" or "PPC Fee Schedule" means a list of allowances for each service which has been set and agreed to by the preferred patient care providers. BB. "Preferred Patient Care Provider" or "PPC Provider" means a physician or hospital which has an agreement with the Administrator to provide health care services at set fees to individuals insured under the Plan. A non-preferred patient care provider does not have such an agreement. BJ. "Reasonable Charge" shall mean the following: an average of the amounts charged by the non-preferred patient care hospital, skilled nursing facility, hospice facility or birth center facility for services to individuals using such hospital or facility, as determined by the Administrator; or the charge set forth in the AFS for covered medical-surgical services. BS. "Usual, Customary and Reasonable" or "UCR" means a schedule of fees for covered services in a geographical area which is determined by the Administrator based upon the normal amount charged by the provider in his/her practice, (b) the range of fees for most providers in an area for the same service, and (c) any unusual circumstances or complications requiring additional time, skills and experience by the provider which can be documented. Section II of the Benefit Document contains the provisions regarding coverage for hospital and other facility services. That section reads as follows, in pertinent part: The following services shall be covered when ordered by a physician a nd are medically necessary for the treatment of an insured as a result of a covered accident or illness. Non-Preferred Patient Care Hospital Inpatient Room and Board Services: 1. When confined to a semi-private or private room or ward, 80% of the hospital's average semi-private room rate shall be paid but not to exceed an actual payment of one- hundred and fifty-two ($152.00) per day. Other Covered Non-Preferred Patient Care Inpatient Services: 80% of the actual charge for the following services will be paid by the Plan: Use of operating room, labor room, delivery room and recovery room; All drugs and medicines used by the patient while confined in the hospital, provided such drugs and medicines are listed in "New and Non-Official Remedies" or the "United States Pharmacopoeia"; Solutions (including glucose); Dressings; Anesthesia and related supplies; Oxygen therapy; Transfusion supplies and services including blood, blood plasma and serum albumin, if not replaced; Laboratory services; Electrocardiograms; Basal metabolism examinations; X-ray, including therapy; Electroencephalograms; Diathermy and physical therapy. Covered Outpatient Hospital, Ambulatory Surgical Center or Outpatient Health Care Facility Services: Ninety percent (90%) of the reasonable charge shall be paid for covered outpatient services provided by a Non-PPC provider. When such services are provided by a PPC provider, the plan shall pay ninety percent (90%) of the charge subject to the PPC fee schedule limits. Covered Clinical Laboratory Services: Ninety percent (90%) of the charge for covered clinical laboratory services shall be paid by the Plan not to exceed the maximum amount permitted under the AFS. Section III of the Benefit Document contains the provisions regarding coverage for medical-surgical services. That section reads as follows, in pertinent part: A. Ninety percent (90%) of the charge for medically necessary inpatient/outpatient services provided to an insured by a non- preferred patient care physician, physical therapist or nurse anesthetist for the treatment of the insured as a result of a covered accident or illness shall be paid by the Plan, subject to the provisions of Section VI and Section XXIII; however, such payment shall not exceed the maximum amount permitted under the AFS. C. If a covered procedure does not have a specified fee listed in the AFS, pricing will be performed by the Administrator in accordance with its normal procedures. Section V of the Benefit Document, titled "Extended Coverage," contains the provisions regarding what is commonly known as the "stop loss" feature of the plan. That section reads as follows, in pertinent part: If under individual or family coverage, the out-of-pocket expenses of an insured for covered services under Section II., Section III., Section IV and Section XXV amount to one thousand five hundred dollars ($1500.00) during a calendar year, all further covered charges for such services incurred by the insured during the remainder of the calendar year shall be paid by the Plan at one hundred percent (100%), subject to the lifetime maximum and the maximum payments listed in paragraph C. below. If under family coverage, the out-of- pocket expenses of two or more insureds for covered services under Section II., Section III., Section IV. and Section XXV. amount to three thousand dollars ($3000.00) during a calendar year, all further covered charges for such services incurred by any insured during the remainder of the calendar year shall be paid at one hundred percent (100%), subject to the lifetime maximum and the maximum payments listed in paragraph C. below. Maximum payments subject to Subsections A. and B. above shall apply only to room and board services under Subsection II A., Subsection II E., Subsection II G., and ambulance services under Section IV, as follows: One hundred and ninety dollars ($190.00) per day for hospital room and board; Ninety-five dollars ($95.00) per day for room and board in a skilled nursing facility; Three hundred and eighty dollars ($380.00) per day for an intensive care unit; Two hundred and eighty-five dollars ($285.00) per day for a progressive care unit; One hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00) per use for ambulance service; One thousand dollars ($1000.00) for ambulance transportation of a newborn child; One hundred and ninety dollars ($190) per day for room and board in a specialty institution or residential facility. Charges for covered services and supplies applicable to the deductible(s) under the Plan shall not be considered an out-of-pocket expense under the provisions of Section V. The brochure titled Group Health Self Insurance Plan Brochure contains the following language at page seven regarding the stop loss feature of the plan: Maximum Out-Of-Pocket Expense If, during a calendar year, the out-of-pocket expenses for one person insured under individual or family coverage amount to $1,500, or $3,000 for two or more persons insured under family coverage, all further charges will be paid at 100%, subject to the lifetime maximum, any allowance limits for room and board while confined to Non-PPC facilities, and ambulance transportation allowance limits for newborn children. This provision applies to all covered services except Hospice services; however, charges applicable to the deductible shall not be considered an out-of-pocket expense. The language of Section V of the Benefit Document regarding "Extended Coverage" is ambiguous with regard to the scope of the coverage provided by that section of the benefit document. The language of Section V of the Benefit Document regarding "Extended Coverage" also conflicts with the language at page seven of the Plan Brochure regarding "Maximum Out-Of-Pocket Expense. /1

Recommendation On the basis of all of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Administration issue a Final Order to the following effect: (a) concluding that the "Extended Coverage" language of Section V of the Benefit Document is ambiguous; (b) concluding that the "Extended Coverage" language of Section V of the Benefit Document is in conflict with the language at page 7 of the Plan Brochure under the caption "Maximum Out-Of-Pocket Expense;" (c) concluding that after the Petitioner's out-of- pocket expenses for covered services reached $1,500, she was entitled to have "all further charges" for covered services paid at 100% of the amount of the charges except as specifically limited in paragraph C. of Section V of the Benefit Document; and (d) providing for payment in the total amount of $12,143.10 to the Petitioner or to the providers listed in paragraph 15 of the Findings of Fact. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 22 of May 1992. MICHAEL M. PARRISH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SC 278-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22 day of May 1992.

Florida Laws (3) 110.123120.57159.30
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Mango, Florida Jul. 03, 2003 Number: 03-002452PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
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