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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-002435 Latest Update: Jun. 15, 1979

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent was an instructional employee of the School Board of Dade County. In that capacity, Respondent was employed on an annual contract basis at Rainbow Park Elementary School from the beginning of the 1974-1975 school year through the end of the 1976-1977 school year. During this period, Respondent was placed on continuing contract on the recommendation of Andel W. Mickens, Principal of Rainbow Park Elementary School. During the 1976-1977 school year, after he had been placed on continuing contract, Respondent, while employed as a physical education instructor at Rainbow Park Elementary School, was involved in an altercation with students from another school in which Respondent suffered some injury, the nature of which is unclear from the record. It is, however, clear that after this altercation, Respondent's effectiveness as an instructor at Rainbow Park Elementary School, suffered dramatically. After the incident, Respondent was unable to control or discipline students in his classes, and was, therefore, unable to adequately organize students for instructional work. In fact, the school principal or another member of the administrative staff was required to be present in Respondent's classes to insure that some instructional progress could occur. As a result, the principal of Rainbow Park Elementary School recommended at the conclusion of the 1976-1977 school year that Respondent be transferred to another school. Respondent was transferred to Crestview Elementary School for the 1977-1978 school year. However, problems which had initially surfaced while he was still at Rainbow Park Elementary School continued at the new location. Respondent was instructed by the principal of the Crestview Elementary School that uniforms were not to be utilized as part of that school's "after-school programs", and that "all-star" games against other schools in the area were not to take place. Respondent, in direct disregard of these instructions, collected monies from students at Crestview Elementary School for the purchase of uniforms, and scheduled "all-star" games between Crestview Elementary School and other area schools. In the scheduling of these games, Respondent did not obtain the prior permission of, nor in fact did he consult, the principal of Crestview Elementary School. One of the "all-star" games was cancelled by the principal when he learned, the day before the game was to be played, that it had been scheduled by Respondent. When it was discovered that Respondent had collected monies for the purchase of uniforms for use in the after-school program, he was directed to return these monies to the individual students. In addition, Respondent on several occasions left classes unsupervised during his tenure at Crestview Elementary School. One of these occasions occurred when Respondent was contacting students scheduled to participate in the aforementioned "all-star" game. Another of Respondent's problem areas while at Crestview Elementary School dealt with his inability to organize his classes. Students were observed climbing trees during times when they should have been participating in Respondent's physical education class. A representative from the Area Office of the Dade County School Board specializing in physical education was called in specifically to consult with Respondent concerning the organization of his classes. Few, if any, of the consultant's suggestions were implemented by Respondent, whose classes remained disorganized. Finally, notwithstanding direct instructions to the contrary, Respondent allowed one of his physical education classes to participate in "tackle" football. There was no equipment at Crestview Elementary School to insure that participation in this type of activity would not result in injury to elementary school children. In fact, one child was injured in the course of one of these games, and reported this fact to the principal, who then prevented Respondent from continuing these activities. Although Respondent started the 1977-1978 school year at Crestview Elementary School, he was returned at the request of the Crestview principal to Rainbow Park Elementary School on November 9, 1977. The principal of Rainbow Park Elementary School, who had earlier suggested that Respondent be given a continuing contract, testified that Respondent appeared to be a "totally different person" upon his return to Rainbow Park Elementary School. She testified that Respondent evidenced irrational and bizarre behavior, and, on one occasion after a teacher-principal conference, Respondent snatched written suggestions concerning conduct of his classes from her hand, ripped them up before her and stalked from the room. Respondent could not control discipline in his classes and would, on occasion, scream and curse at his students. On one occasion, Respondent used excessive physical force in removing a student from one of his classes to the principal's office. Respondent would often not be in place to receive his classes when they were brought to him by the classroom instructor, and, on occasion would bring his classes back from the physical education fields before their class time was completed. Respondent's classes were disorganized to the point that activities occurring in his classes bore no resemblance to lesson plans. The principal of Rainbow Park Elementary School attempted to assist Respondent in organizing his classes by making suggestions and calling in consultants from the Area Office, but Respondent refused to accept constructive criticism. As a result, the principal of Rainbow Park Elementary School again requested that Respondent be transferred, which, in fact, occurred on December 12, 1977, when Respondent was reassigned to Carol City Senior High School. Respondent was employed at Carol City Senior High School from December 12, 1977 through the end of the 1977-1978 school year. At this new location, Respondent again encountered problems with school administrative and instructional personnel. According to the principal of Carol City Senior High School, Respondent repeatedly arrived late for classes, and submitted only "sketchy" lesson plans for his classes. In addition, the principal of Carol City Senior High School requested that Respondent be transferred to another school when it came to his attention that Respondent had attempted to "recruit" athletes from another area high school in order for them to participate in athletic programs at Carol City Senior High School. Respondent continued to experience problems with controlling his classes, and with using profanity toward students and members of the school administration. On one occasion, Respondent, a physical education teacher, called the chairman of the Physical Education Department at Carol City Senior High School a "mother fucker" in the presence of other teachers and students, and told him "to sit [his] ass down." Respondent continued to react negatively to evaluations or critiques, and, on one occasion snatched an evaluation from the hands of an assistant principal at Carol City Senior High School, and used profanity in response to that negative evaluation. At the beginning of the 1978-1979 school year, Respondent was assigned to Carol City Elementary School. Although there is no reason clearly reflected in the record, Respondent was transferred from Carol City Elementary School to Parkway Junior High School on October 27, 1978. The principal at Parkway Junior High School was the assistant principal at Carol City Senior High School with whom Respondent had had earlier difficulties. Respondent continued to experience these same difficulties at Parkway Junior High School. The school's principal received a complaint shortly after Respondent's conduct of his classes. Specifically, the complaints concerned Respondent's lack of control of students in the classes, and his failure to remain in the area where his classes were meeting. The school principal contacted Respondent to attempt to arrange a conference with other instructional personnel to resolve these problems. However, when the principal spoke with Respondent, Respondent began to use abusive language toward him. The school principal advised Respondent not to report back to Parkway Junior High School, but instead to report directly to the Area Office. Respondent indicated that he would not report to the Area Office, whereupon the principal advised him that if he returned to Parkway Junior High School, he would be arrested. Respondent then advised the school principal that if he had him arrested " . . . I will kill your mother fucking ass." Thereafter, Respondent was suspended as an instructional employee, and these proceedings ensued. Both Petitioner and Respondent have submitted Proposed Findings of Fact in this proceeding. To the extent that proposed findings of fact have not been adopted in, or are inconsistent with, factual findings in this order, they have been specifically rejected as being either irrelevant to the issues in this cause, or as not having been supported by the evidence.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-000501 Latest Update: Oct. 18, 1983

Findings Of Fact Respondent was issued Florida Teacher's Certificate No. 482561 on April 23, 1981, which certified her as authorized to teach elementary education and act as an elementary and secondary school counsellor until June 30, 1985. This certificate is valid now and was valid at all times pertinent to this hearing. On December 16, 1981, at the time of the incidents alleged, Respondent was working for a telephone answering service in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She was in the process of moving to Jacksonville and had hired an individual named James Dallas to move her possessions for her. Since the day prior to the day in question, she had seen Dallas and his friend going through her luggage, she became convinced he was planning to rob her. As a result, she removed certain items from her luggage to her purse, which items included the handgun and the "knife" in question. Respondent admits to having the gun in her possession concealed in her purse. She contends, however, she had purchased it legally and was of the opinion it was properly registered. Whether it was or not is immaterial, as the ultimate fact is it was concealed in her purse and she did not have a license to carry a concealed gun. As to the "knife," she contends it was not a knife, but part of a manicuring set. The probable cause affidavit executed by the police officer who arrested her, however, indicated that he found a 4 1/2 inch black- handled steak knife in her purse along with the handgun. At no time did Respondent draw or threaten with either weapon, although at the time of her arrest she was involved in a disturbance with Dallas. I find, therefore, that the "knife" in question was in fact a knife. On March 5, 1982, Respondent pleaded guilty in the Circuit Court for Broward County, Florida, to carrying a concealed firearm and carrying a concealed weapon (misdemeanor) She was placed on probation for three years for carrying the gun and for one year, to run concurrently with the three, for carrying the knife, and adjudication of guilt was withheld with a provision for expungement of the record upon successful completion of probation. She immediately moved to Jacksonville. She initially intended to apply for employment in the Duval County school system, but found that she needed to attach a copy of her teaching certificate, which had, in fact, been stolen from her luggage. Therefore, on April 2, 1982, she submitted an application for a duplicate certificate on which she listed her arrest for and the disposition of her offense. It was on the basis of her application for a duplicate license that this action to discipline her was initiated. In January, 1983, almost a year later, there was no showing of any report by the courts to Petitioner or any complaint or report by any other agency. Respondent is currently working at Edward Waters College in Jacksonville as Recruitment and Admissions Counsellor and has been so employed since December, 1982. Her supervisor, the Dean of Student Affairs, finds her to possess high skills and creative abilities and to have much to offer the field of education, even though he is aware of her plea of guilty and the offenses to which it relates. Her probation officer, who has observed her since she arrived in Jacksonville, relates a glowing picture of her probation and indicates she has been very satisfactory and absolutely no problem. She follows and lives up to all standards of her probation. In fact, she has been so good, he intends to recommend early termination of her probation as soon as she has completed half the term, which is the earliest he can do so. The Director of Personnel Systems and Records for the Duval County school system does not know Respondent, knows nothing of her professional record or competence, and has not reviewed any application from her to teach in the Duval County schools. However, he is of the opinion that by virtue of her involvement with the law alone, and regardless that upon completion of her probation her record would be expunged, her effectiveness in an educational situation would be lessened because of the knowledge by others within the system of her offenses. Under the teachers' Code of Ethics, a teacher should set an example for the students. A teacher is responsible to not only the students, but also to the faculty and parents, and a teacher's off-campus conduct can and does have an effect on the teacher's performance. Respondent does not feel her effectiveness as a teacher has been reduced. In fact, she feels that because of what she has learned from this situation she has become more aware of her responsibilities to society and to the educational system. This, she feels, enhances her effectiveness.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, therefore, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Education Practices Commission dismiss the Administrative Complaint. RECOMMENDED this 8th day of August, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Department of Administration 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of August, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: J. David Holder, Esquire Berg & Holder Post Office Box 1694 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Marvin I. Edwards, Esquire Edwards, Willis & Marinucci 3300 Independent Square Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Mr. Donald L. Griesheimer Executive Director Education Practices Commission 125 Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 The Honorable Ralph D. Turlington Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= BEFORE THE EDUCATION PRACTICES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA RALPH D. TURLINGTON, as Commissioner of Education, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 83-501 BEVERLY J. MCNAIR, Respondent. /

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000253 Latest Update: Jun. 02, 1977

The Issue Whether or not on or about January 26, 1976, the Respondent, Alberta Quarterman, did physically and verbally attack Mrs. Bettie Shelor, Dean of Girls at the Largo Middle School, Largo, Florida, and whether the Respondent, Alberta Quarterman, should be dismissed from the public schools of Pinellas County, Florida for those alleged acts, which are regulated under Chapter 230.33(8)(c), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact On January 26, 1976, an eighth grade assembly was being held in the Largo Middle School, Largo, Florida. Alberta Quarterman was in the assembly area, which is the gymnasium of that school, and was seen by Mrs. Bettie Shelor, the Dean of Girls, to be without her shoes and blouse. In addition, the Respondent was not with her assigned class group and was jumping up and down on the bleachers in the gymnasium. Mrs. Shelor approached Alberta Quarterman and asked her to put on her blouse and shoes and told Miss Quarterman she would not be allowed to stay in the assembly if she did not comply. Alberta Quarterman did not adequately comply with the request, and was asked by Mrs. Shelor to return to the administration offices for the duration of the assembly period. It was the intention of Mrs. Shelor, to have the Respondent stay in the so called "time out room", for the duration of the assembly period. The "time out room" is a room in which students being disciplined are asked to stay for disciplinary purposes. Mrs. Shelor returned to her office after leaving Alberta Quarterman in the "time out room". Alberta Quarterman then came into Mrs. Shelor's office, unannounced, and sat down and attempted a confrontation about the matters that had transpired in the assembly room. At the time the Respondent was in Mrs. Shelor's office, she spoke in these terms, "I don't care about shit", "You're a bitch", "Damn", "Hell", etc. Mrs. Shelor attempted to escort Alberta Quarterman from her office by placing her hand on Miss Quarterman's arm to assist her from the chair. This movement was not with force. At that time Alberta Quarterman stood up and hit Mrs. Shelor with her fist on Mrs. Shelor's upper left arm. The Respondent then ran from the room and was gone for a period of about 10 minutes. The Respondent returned to the administration offices and went directly into Mrs. Shelor's office at the moment of the second encounter. After attempting to engage in conversation with Mrs. Shelor, Alberta Quarterman jumped out of the chair she was seated in and started knocking Mrs. Shelor about the room with her fists, in the area of Mrs. Shelor's arms and chest. Five or six blows of this nature were administered to Mrs. Shelor. While this action was taking place Mrs. Shelor called for assistance from a Mr. Jack Ellott, the campus security officer, who was in the outer office. At this point Alberta Quarterman picked up a chair and raised it over her head and attempted to strike Mrs. Shelor with the chair. Mrs. Shelor blocked the blow from the chair. At this moment, Martha Matthews, secretary for the Dean of Girls entered the room, and pushed a chair between Alberta Quarterman and Mrs. Shelor. Alberta Quarterman jumped over the barrier and tried to reach Mrs. Shelor again but was unsuccessful. The security officer, Jack Ellott, entered the room and stopped the Respondent from further action. There was no further encounter between Mrs. Shelor and the Respondent. The above findings of fact were testified about and agreed to by Mrs. Bettie Shelor, Mrs. Martha Matthews and the Respondent, with the exception that the Respondent denied raising the chair against Mrs. Shelor. Since September, 1974, when the Respondent became a student at Largo Middle School, she has been referred for discipline approximately 34 times while in the seventh grade; for physical violence, violation of school rules, defiance of teachers, and verbal abuse. This same course of conduct has occurred approximately 23 times while the Respondent has been in the eighth grade at Largo Middle School. Many of these circumstances have led to the student's suspension, both from the school grounds and on-campus suspensions. The testimony of these statistics was offered by Mrs. Bettie Shelor, the custodian of these records and the Dean of Girls, for the Largo Middle School. Eight suspensions, according to Mrs. Shelor, for a total of 29-1/2 days in the course of the two years were out-of-school suspensions. According to Mrs. Shelor, the student has problems following instructions and participating in a structured environment, to the extent that the student will not remain seated while class is in session and on many occasions has walked out of class. The school has tried to help the Respondent by providing individual attention and counseling, such as affording the Respondent individual responsibility for maintaining a garden located on the school grounds. The Respondent has been counseled by the school's social worker and school staff psychologist. Linda C. Rubin, of the Pinellas County School System, Pinellas County, Florida, took the stand. Ms. Rubin has a Masters Degree in school psychology and while she was working at the Largo Middle School was involved in counseling and testing the Respondent. She testified that the Respondent lacks academic achievement and evidences disruptive behavior. In addition, she has learning problems and an auditory memory problem, observations born out by certain tests. Moreover, the Respondent was involved in a number of instances which were attributable to a short attention span and a short temper. The Respondent had lost her parents several years ago and the witness felt that this contributed to the Respondent's adjustment problem. To the witness's knowledge, no psychologist is working with the Respondent at this time, in the form of an in- school staff psychologist.

Recommendation It is recommended: If a program is available to handle students with Alberta Quarterman's background, within the public school system of Pinellas County, Florida, then the Respondent should be tried in such a program. Should no such program be available within the Pinellas County School System, it is recommended that the Respondent, Albert Quarterman, be dismissed from the Pinellas County School System for the balance and duration of the 1975-76 school year. DONE and ENTERED this 23rd day of March, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of March, 1976. COPIES FURNISHED: George M. Osborne, Esquire 55 Fifth Street, South St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 Mrs. Nancy Roberts 2054 119th Street, North Largo, Florida 33540 B. Edwin Johnson, General Counsel School Board of Pinellas County Post Office Box 4688 Clearwater, Florida 33518 Linda C. Rubin 1895 Golf to Bay Boulevard Clearwater, Florida Alberta Quarterman 2054 119th Street, North Largo, Florida 33540

# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-002162 Latest Update: Jan. 16, 1980

Findings Of Fact Except for the matters at issue, the Petitioner is full qualified for licensure as an agent and to obtain an agency license. The Petitioner served twenty (20) years in the US Army, retiring as a sergeant-major in 1973. His last ten (10) years in service were involved directly with work which the agency concedes is the equivalent of the work done by an employment clerk. The Petitioner, since retiring from the US Army, has been employed as a teacher/career counselor in the Detroit school system at the high school level. There he instructed high school ROTC six (6) to seven (7) hours per week. The remainder of his time was spent in counseling and duties associated with administration of the ROTC department of which he was head. The Petitioner has counseled more than 200 students regarding careers to include helping them fill out applications, helping to place them in programs, and encouraging them to develop job skills. He held this position until applying for this license. The petitioner also served for more than three (3) years immediately preceding his application on the Harper Woods School Board. As a member of the school board he had to approve the hiring, firing and granting of tenure to school board employees, and review negotiated contracts for employees of the school board.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Hearing Officer recommends that the application of Ralph E. Young for an employment agency/agent license be granted. DONE and ORDERED this 21st day of December, 1979, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of December, 1979. COPIES FURNISHED: W. J. Gladwin, Jr., Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of State The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. Ralph E. Young 2117 South East Erwin Road Port St. Lucie, Florida

# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-002111RX Latest Update: Jan. 08, 1982

Findings Of Fact The School Board of Broward County, Florida, is an "agency" as defined in Section 120.52(1), Florida Statutes, and is charged by law with direction and control of grades Kindergarten through 12 for all public schools in Broward County, Florida. As of September, 1980, there were approximately 130,000 students enrolled in the Broward County School System, which makes that system one of the largest in the country. Respondent is required by statute to promulgate rules and regulations that establish attendance zones for grades Kindergarten through 12. During late 1980 and early 1981 the School Board engaged in its annual review of existing attendance boundaries to determine whether changes should be made for the 1981- 82 school year. In performing such reviews and in making necessary recommendations, it is the School Board's policy to consider the following factors: existing overcrowded schools; proper utilization of existing physical facilities; maintenance of a unitary school system; student safety; student feeder patterns; transportation costs; establishment of new schools; consolidation of small school attendance areas; and community involvement. The dispute in this proceeding arises from the School Board's rezoning decision as it relates to three north area high schools: Cooper City, Dillard and Western. In reaching its rezoning decision for these three high schools, the School Board was concerned primarily with the existence of overcrowded schools, underutilized physical facilities and the problem of racial composition of the student bodies in the various schools. In order to fully understand the import of the School Board's ultimate decision, and the magnitude of the problem which the Board faced, some historical perspective is necessary. Prior to 1970, the school system in Broward County was operated on a dual, biracial basis, with separate school facilities for black and white students. In 1970, litigation was commenced in Federal District Court which resulted in the School Board being ordered to commence efforts to establish a "unitary," racially integrated school system. The Federal District Court subsequently relinquished jurisdiction in the desegregation litigation on July 31, 1979. In an attempt to continue compliance with the Federal Court directive to establish a "unitary" school system, the School Board has prudently determined, to the maximum extent possible, to attempt to maintain approximately the same percentage of minority enrollment in its high schools as existed at the time the Federal Court relinquished jurisdiction in 1979. The School Board's policy in this regard is based on the assumption that the "unitary" status of the school system as it existed in 1979 met with Federal Court approval, as evidenced by the order relinquishing jurisdiction. The dynamic growth of Broward County over the last several years has, however, to some extent complicated the Board's efforts to maintain the required "unitary" system. The primary problem in this regard has been a change in the demographic makeup of the school-age population in Broward County. Over the last several years the location of the high-school-age population in Broward County has shifted from the eastern portion of the county to the west. Because the bulk of the high-school-age population has historically resided in the eastern portion of the county, the majority of physical plant facilities had been constructed there. In recent years, however, the western portion of the county has developed rapidly to such an extent that those physical facilities located in that portion of the county are now seriously overcrowded, and the older facilities located in the eastern portion of the county have become "underenrolled," and, therefore, "underutilized." For example, Cooper City High School, which is located in the western portion of the county, had a student enrollment of 2,999 for the 1977-78 school year; 3,068 students for the 1978-79 school year; 3,133 for the 1979-80 school year; and 3,282 for the 1980-81 school year. The physical plant at Cooper City High School has a student capacity of 2,097, thereby requiring the School Board to operate Cooper City High School on double session in order to accommodate the burgeoning enrollment. As a result of overcrowding at Cooper City High School the School Board determined to build a new facility, Western High School, which opened in August, 1981. This new high school, with a student capacity of 1,848, opened in August, 1981, with a total student enrollment of 858 students below its designed capacity, all of whom were reassigned from Cooper City High School. Western High opened under its design capacity because the Board determined not to require students to change schools for their senior year, so that Taravella presently serves only grades 9 through 11. As a result of the construction and opening of Western High School, Cooper City High School is no longer on double session. In addition, the percentage of black students attending Cooper City High School as the result of the reassignment of students to Western High School, actually rose from three percent during the 1980-81 school year, to four percent during the 1981-82 school year. A complicating factor in the School Board's rezoning decision as it relates to these high schools was the problem of under-enrollment at Dillard High School. Dillard High School has a physical plant capacity of 2,500, which is located in the eastern portion. During the 1979-80 school year, there were 2,159 students enrolled at Dillard High School. For the 1980-81 school year there were 2,184 students enrolled at Dillard. During the 1980-81 school year, the student population of Dillard High School was 67 percent black, and, under the rule being challenged in this cause, that percentage remained the same for the 1981-82 school year. As previously indicated the population of the western portion of Broward County has markedly increased over the last several years. Most of the increase in school-age population in the western portion of the county is composed predominantly of white students. The black population in Broward County is concentrated in the eastern portion of Broward County. Consequently, in order to maintain the desired racial composition in the county schools, relieve overcrowded conditions in some of its schools, and, at the same time efficiently utilize the physical facilities of all its schools, it became necessary for the Beard to make some extremely difficult policy choices. The choice ultimately made by the Board is reflected in the rule here being challenged. Petitioners Llewellyn and Swope are each residents of Broward County with children who, under the rule here in dispute, were assigned to Dillard High School. Dillard High School is located approximately fifteen miles from the Llewellyn home, while the recently opened Western High School is approximately one mile from their home. Western High School is located approximately two miles from the Swope home, while Dillard High School is about fourteen miles away. Petitioners object to their children being assigned to Dillard High School when they feel they could more conveniently attend the newly opened Western High School, which is located much closer to their residences. Petitioners also object to their children being subjected to a lengthy bus ride twice daily to and from Western High School, and further assert that the children are unable to participate in after-school extracurricular activities because of the distances from their homes to their assigned schools. Although the School Board furnishes transportation in the form of an "activity bus," Petitioners assert that this mode of transportation is at best unreliable, and is, therefore, an unacceptable substitute for what they consider a more appropriate school assignment. The record reflects that the area in which all Petitioners residences are located has been zoned to attend Dillard High School for some time. Consequently, the rule being challenged in this proceeding does not change the school assignments for these families from that which has been in existence in prior years. However, Western High School has been in the planning stages for several years, and Petitioners' families had anticipated that upon completion of the new high school their children would no longer have to be bused to attend high school.

Florida Laws (3) 120.52120.54120.56
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Kissimmee, Florida Feb. 21, 2014 Number: 14-000873TTS Latest Update: Oct. 17, 2019

The Issue The issues in these cases are whether Petitioner, Osceola County School Board (School Board or Petitioner), has just cause to terminate Respondents Mona Sagar and Kristie Gilmore from their employment contracts.

Findings Of Fact The School Board is duly constituted and charged with the responsibility and authority to operate, control, and supervise the public schools within Osceola County, Florida. Art. IX, Fla. Const.; ch. 1012, Fla. Stat. The School Board has the authority to discipline employees. § 1012.22(1)(f), Fla. Stat. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Ms. Sagar and Ms. Gilmore were employed by the School District. Ms. Sagar has been in the education field for years. She attended “teachers college” in Trinidad and taught school there for ten years. She was hired as a paraprofessional (para) by the School District in 2011. Ms. Sagar was assigned to an autistic classroom at Discovery Intermediate School (Discovery) and later switched to an “intellectually disabled mild” (InD mild) classroom. She has not been subject to any prior disciplinary action. At the start of the 2013-2014 school year, Ms. Sagar was the para assigned to the “intellectually disabled severe” (InD severe) class. The InD severe class had a teacher and two paras,7/ and was composed of children who were mainly confined to wheelchairs or who needed special assistance to walk. Ms. Sagar completed the crisis prevention intervention (CPI) class, a class that instructs personnel on how to physically and verbally restrain, redirect, and prompt a child who is misbehaving. Ms. Gilmore became a para in exceptional student education (ESE) in 2005. She arrived at Discovery in August 2005. Ms. Gilmore worked with students with varying educational needs including: emotional behavior disorder (EBD); autism; InD mild; intellectually disabled moderate (InD moderate); intellectually disabled profound (InD profound); and regular educational students.8/ Ms. Gilmore had completed the CPI training twice before, but she was not re-certified at the start of the 2013-2014 school year. She has not been subject to any prior disciplinary action. Discovery had six self-contained ESE classrooms for the 2013-2014 school year. There were two autistic classrooms, one InD mild classroom, one InD moderate classroom, one InD severe classroom, and one EBD classroom. All six classrooms are located on the first floor of one of Discovery’s buildings, in close proximity to the office of the dean of students. Student safety is of paramount concern for School District employees. As such, every EBD classroom has a land-line telephone and a walkie-talkie for use to request assistance, to notify the appropriate office of a student’s unscheduled exit from the classroom and to provide other information. The telephone is primarily a school-based phone that has its own five-digit internal extension number.9/ In the event a walkie-talkie is not available, a teacher or para may use the telephone to communicate with other school personnel. The walkie-talkies are limited to the self-contained classrooms, guidance counselors, deans, school resource officer, administrators, principal’s secretary, academic coaches, athletic coaches, and maintenance staff. The walkie-talkies are on one channel or frequency, and when used, everyone who has a walkie- talkie can hear the conversation. Discipline referrals may be written by any adult at Discovery for any infraction in the student code of conduct. The referral form reflects the student’s name, identification number, the classroom, school, grade level, date of birth, race, sex, homeroom teacher, incident date and time, location of the incident, the problem or explanation of the problem, the action taken by the adult prior to the referral, the signature of the referring adult, and the date signed. The bottom of the referral form was for “administrative use only,” and reflects what if any action was taken. Ms. Gilmore, as the para in the EBD self- contained classroom, authored numerous discipline referrals for student J.G. During the 2013 summer, Ms. Chowdhary was notified that she would be re-assigned to Discovery’s EBD self-contained classroom for the 2013-2014 school year. Ms. Chowdhary did not want this assignment; however, Ms. Chowdhary contacted Ms. Gilmore and asked if she (Ms. Gilmore) would consent to be Ms. Chowdhary’s para in her EBD self-contained classroom. This request was based on their positive working relationship during the 2012-2013 school year in an autistic classroom. Ms. Gilmore agreed, the school administration concurred, and Ms. Gilmore was assigned to Ms. Chowdhary’s EBD self-contained classroom. At the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year there were ten male students in Ms. Chowdhary’s EBD self-contained classroom. This classroom had a walkie-talkie and telephone. Each student had an individual educational plan (IEP), a different EBD, and a medical condition. On the first day of school, each student was given a welcome packet that contained an emergency contact sheet and a health care report form. The parents are requested (but not required) to complete as much of the information as they wish, and return it to the classroom. Ms. Gilmore read the responses “thoroughly” regarding the medical conditions of students J.G. and J.C., as provided by their respective parents or guardians. In early December 2013, Ms. Gilmore was re-assigned to an InD moderate classroom as an accommodation for her pregnancy. Ms. Chowdhary requested a male para to replace Ms. Gilmore. Based on the support staff already engaged by Discovery, Ms. Sagar was transferred to work in Ms. Chowdhary’s self- contained classroom. Ms. Sagar observed and worked with Ms. Gilmore on two separate days for several hours prior to the actual transfer in mid-December. Approximately two weeks before the Christmas break, a female student, J.T., arrived in the EBD self-contained classroom. J.T. was taller and heavier than either Ms. Chowdhary or Ms. Sagar. J.T.’s language was loud and predominantly profanity-laced. J.T. did not complete her classroom assignments, and she did not follow the classroom rules regarding the use of her cellphone.10/ On January 9, 2014, Ms. Gilmore learned that Ms. Chowdhary was absent from school. Ms. Gilmore volunteered to be the substitute teacher in Ms. Chowdhary’s classroom.11/ In the early afternoon of January 9, two male students engaged in a physical altercation (Altercation No. 1) in the EBD self-contained classroom. J.T. took out her cellphone and recorded Altercation No. 1 (Petitioner’s Exhibit 6, Respondents’ Exhibit 21). That recording showed one student, J.G., standing over and taunting another student, J.C. J.G. called J.C. a “taco.” J.C. responded that J.G. should call J.C. “Taco Bell,” and added that J.G. was the dark meat in his taco. J.G. took J.C.’s remark to be a racist comment. J.C.12/ was crumpled on the floor behind a desk where J.G. grabbed J.C. by his warm-up jacket collar/shirt. J.G. pulled J.C. up by the collar/shirt and pushed J.C. into a chair at a computer cubby and small space near a wall. J.G. kept one hand on J.C. while pinning J.C. to the small space. J.G. continued to taunt J.C. and is heard to say: Next comment I’m gonna stomp on your [J.C.’s] heart, and I know you got a condition to where I stomp on it, you dead, and I don’t give a f . So you can’t keep making a racist joke. Ms. Gilmore and Ms. Sagar were both present and observed Altercation No. 1. Ms. Gilmore was sitting at the teacher’s desk in the front of the room when Altercation No. 1 started. When J.G. “dumped [J.C.] out of the chair,” [to start the altercation], [Ms. Gilmore] told J.G. to “knock it off,” and when J.G. had J.C. on the floor, she [Ms. Gilmore] “told him to quit.” Ms. Gilmore testified that she didn’t call for help because “It was over.” Her testimony is not credible because the recording shows that J.G. then pulled J.C. up to a standing position, and continued to taunt him. Further, Respondents’ Exhibit 16 is a discipline referral that Ms. Gilmore authored on January 9, the day of the altercations. Ms. Gilmore documented in this discipline referral the following “PROBLEM – EXPLAIN:” During Science class, 5th period, [J.G.] was talking about how he fights and got into an altercation with another student. Words were exchanged and [J.G.] didn’t like what the student [J.C.] said so he [J.G.] flipped him [J.C.] out of his chair, kicked him [J.C.] a couple times and threatened to kill the other student [J.C.] by stomping on his [J.C.’s] heart. Ms. Sagar was seated at a desk assisting another student, J.M., when Altercation No. 1 started. Ms. Sagar did not hear any loud shouting or threats at the beginning of Altercation No. 1, but it escalated to the point where she was “alarmed.” Ms. Sagar admitted that she got up to leave the room, then decided not to do so, telling herself: “I shouldn’t leave the class at this time.” The reason she did not leave the classroom was because the altercation “wasn’t settled like down, down, down. It still had like the talking and everybody, so I turned around and came back to my seat.” Ms. Sagar did not move to intervene or call for help. Neither Ms. Gilmore nor Ms. Sagar moved to intervene in Altercation No. 1, and neither used the walkie-talkie or the telephone to call for assistance or to alert the administration of the volatile situation. A few minutes later another altercation (Altercation No. 2) took place in the EBD self-contained classroom. J.T. also recorded Altercation No. 2 (Petitioner’s Exhibit 8) on her cellphone. J.G. was again taunting J.C. J.G. dared J.C. to “take a swing” at J.G. J.C. did not swing at J.G. J.G. proceeded to talk to the class about J.C. and other classmates. J.C. then expressed his desire to die because his life “sucks,” his father was dead, and his step-father didn’t love him. J.C. violently kicked/pushed a chair several feet away from himself, began to cry, stated that he’d be “happy if you [J.G.] kill me,” violently overturned a desk, and walked out of the EBD self- contained classroom. Again, Ms. Gilmore and Ms. Sagar were present in the EBD self-contained classroom, and observed Altercation No. 2. During Altercation No. 2, Ms. Gilmore was at the front of the class at the teacher’s desk. Ms. Gilmore confirmed that J.C. “flipped a desk and walked out of class.” Ms. Gilmore testified she “opened the door, . . . and put myself at the doorway to get the rest of the kids out of the class if I had to get them out.” Ms. Gilmore is briefly partially seen in the recording, and she is heard asking J.C. to pick up the desk before he left the classroom. J.C. did not pick up the desk. The recording shows Ms. Sagar seated at a work table with J.M. At one point Ms. Sagar rises from her seat, walks to a counter with a microwave, stays at the counter for a short time, returns to her seat, and then eats something while Altercation No. 2 is on-going. Neither Ms. Gilmore nor Ms. Sagar used the walkie- talkie or telephone to obtain assistance or alert the administration of the continuing volatile situation. J.C. went to the dean of students (Ms. Rice’s) office after he walked out of the EBD self-contained classroom. Once there, he screamed at Ms. Rice about the events that had just taken place in his classroom. Ms. Rice observed J.C. to be distraught and angry. Based on J.C.’s comments, Ms. Rice understood that a recording of the classroom events was made. Ms. Rice requested the principal to obtain the recording. Between when J.C. left the EBD self-contained classroom and when the principal arrived at the EBD self-contained classroom to retrieve the recording, yet another altercation, Altercation No. 3, occurred. J.T. started recording Altercation No. 3 (Petitioner’s Exhibit 10) on her cellphone. Student W.F. held a chair over his head and threatened to throw it at another student, D.S. The other students in the classroom can be heard urging W.F. to throw it, but W.F. did not. J.G. can be seen standing behind D.S., and heard to say he’ll “make sure it hit[s] you [D.S.].” When it became apparent that W.F. was not going to throw the chair, J.T. handed her phone to W.F., who continued to record the action, and J.T. threw the chair. J.T. testified that she did not intend to hurt D.S., but she was not “play acting.” Ms. Gilmore testified she did not remember much of Altercation No. 3. She thought she might have been writing a referral at her desk, and did not call for help because the altercation was over so quickly. Again, Ms. Gilmore and Ms. Sagar were present in the classroom, observed Altercation No. 3, and did nothing to radio or call for assistance or alert the administration of the volatile situation. There is no credible evidence that any of the altercations were pretend fights, or that they were staged for the benefit of the other students. Ms. Gilmore’s contention, that the altercations were staged, is not credible. This EBD self-contained classroom is a challenging class, one that should be closely monitored and adequately staffed to ensure learning can occur, and safety maintained. Respondents never attempted to gain control of the classroom or students. They never called for help or removed the other students from the area. Petitioner has proven by a preponderance of evidence that Petitioner has just cause to terminate the employment of Ms. Gilmore and Ms. Sagar.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Osceola County School Board, enter a final order finding that just cause exists for terminating the employment of Ms. Sagar and Ms. Gilmore. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of June, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LYNNE A. QUIMBY-PENNOCK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of June, 2015.

Florida Laws (9) 1012.221012.271012.331012.795120.569120.65120.68943.0585943.059
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Feb. 27, 2009 Number: 09-001064TTS Latest Update: Sep. 25, 2009

The Issue The issue in this case is whether there is just cause to terminate Respondent’s employment.

Findings Of Fact Mr. Overhoff began his employment with the School District on October 20, 2006, as a roofer in the School District’s maintenance department. As a roofer, Mr. Overhoff’s job duties included maintaining and repairing roofs of the School District’s schools and ancillary buildings. His duties also included procuring roofing materials needed on a job, when those materials were not available at the maintenance department’s central warehouse. The School District hired private contracting companies to do major roof repair, and Mr. Overhoff’s duties included meeting with the contractors to discuss the contract work being performed. At all times relevant to this case, Mr. Overhoff was a member of the Support Personnel Association of Lee County (SPALC). During June 27, 2008, through July 11, 2008, Mr. Overhoff resided at 4613 Vinsetta Avenue, North Fort Myers, Florida. Mr. Overhoff’s work hours were from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with a 30-minute unpaid lunch break and a 15-minute paid break in the morning and a 15-minute paid break in the afternoon. Mr. Overhoff reported to the School District’s maintenance office each morning to receive his work assignments for the day. Each employee was assigned more than eight hours of work to ensure that each employee would have sufficient work for the entire day. After receiving his work assignments, Mr. Overhoff gathered the materials he needed for his jobs that day and traveled to the various locations in the county to work on the School District’s buildings. He was expected to return to the School District’s maintenance office by 3:00 p.m. each day to complete the paper work for the roofing work that had been performed that day and to conference with his supervisors concerning work assignments. Mr. Overhoff was assigned a white pick-up truck owned by the School District and designated as M404. Mr. Overhoff was to use this vehicle to go to his work assignments pursuant to The School Board of Lee County Policy 7.04, which provides that employees who drive School District vehicles “shall [u]se the vehicle strictly for approved District business.” Sometime in April 2008, the School District received a call from a neighbor of Mr. Overhoff, who reported that a School District vehicle was parked in Mr. Overhoff’s driveway during work hours. Donald Easterly, the director of Maintenance Services for the School District, met with Mr. Overhoff in April 2008 to discuss the telephone call. Mr. Easterly made Mr. Overhoff aware that the use of a School District vehicle for personal use was prohibited and that personal business could not be conducted during work hours unless it was during a break. The School Board of Lee County Policy 5.33 prohibits the transaction of personal business on school time and provides: The following rules, regulations and guidelines are to be used to prohibit personal business on school time. No employee of the School District may conduct personal business on school time except for emergencies approved by the principal or Superintendent. No School District equipment or supplies shall be used to conduct personal business or any other activity not connected with the School District. During the time relevant to this case, employees in the maintenance department were allowed to stop at restaurants, convenience stores, and fast food establishments for their lunch and morning and afternoon breaks, if the stops were made while the employees were in transit to a job location. It had also been the practice to allow employees to stop by their bank, if the time was counted as break time, and the stop was while in transit to a job location. It was not permissible for an employee to use a School District vehicle to go to his home unless the employee had permission from his supervisor. In May 2008, the School District began installing Global Positioning Systems (GPS) on some of the vehicles used in the maintenance department. The selection of the vehicles for installation of a GPS was made at random. On June 2, 2008, a GPS was installed on the vehicle M404, which was driven by Mr. Overhoff. The superintendent of the School District has alleged in the Petition for Termination of Employment that Mr. Overhoff used a School District vehicle for his personal use on June 27, June 30, July 1, July 2, July 7, July 8, July 9, July 10, and July 11, 2008. Each day will be discussed individually below. On each day in question, Mr. Overhoff was driving the School District vehicle identified as M404. The locations to which the vehicle traveled and the times of arrivals and departures are based on the information captured by the GPS system installed in vehicle M404 during the relevant time periods. There has been no dispute concerning the accuracy of the information. At the end of each work day, Mr. Overhoff and other employees in the maintenance department were required to complete a daily labor sheet, which identified the work that was performed by work order number, task number, and description of the work; identified the location where the work was performed; and listed the amount of travel time and work hours for each work order. The time was to be listed in 15-minute increments. All locations where work had been performed were to be listed on the daily labor sheet. However, if an employee had to return to the maintenance department during the day, the time spent there was not usually recorded on the daily labor sheet. Mr. Overhoff had never been given any formal instruction on how to complete the daily labor sheet. He understood that the number of hours for travel and work should equal eight hours. His daily labor sheets did not always accurately reflect the locations at which Mr. Overhoff had stopped during the workday and did not always accurately reflect the time that he spent working at School District facilities. Prior to August 2008, the employees in the maintenance department were not required to list their break times on the daily labor sheets, and there was no requirement to list every stop made during the day. After August 2008, the maintenance department employees were required to accurately account for all their time during the day, including break times and stops at the maintenance department on Canal Street. June 27, 2008 On June 27, 2008, vehicle M404 was turned on at 6:29:07 a.m. at the maintenance department located at Canal Street. At 8:01:17 a.m., the vehicle entered the 7-11 store located at Southland Court, and, at 8:12:57 a.m., the vehicle departed the 7-11 store. At 8:31:17 a.m., the vehicle arrived at San Carlos Park Elementary School and remained there until it left at 9:19:27 a.m. The vehicle left San Carlos Park Elementary School and went to a Hess Station/Dunkin Donuts business, where the vehicle remained from 9:22:07 a.m. to 9:39:57 a.m. After leaving the Hess Station, the vehicle arrived at Lexington Middle School at 9:57:57 a.m. The vehicle departed the school at 10:16:17 a.m. and arrived at the Canal Street maintenance department at 10:40 a.m. The vehicle remained at the maintenance department until 11:01 a.m. The next stop for the vehicle was at 11:19:37 a.m. at Mr. Overhoff’s home, where the vehicle remained until 11:28:17 a.m. The vehicle left Mr. Overhoff’s home and went to One Price Optical in Cape Coral, Florida, where it arrived at 11:34:07 a.m. and left at 11:37:07 a.m. At 11:43:47 a.m., the vehicle arrived at Bank of America, and, at 11:44:17 a.m., the vehicle departed from the bank. The vehicle returned to Mr. Overhoff’s home at 11:51:58 a.m. and remained there until 11:53:17 a.m., when it departed for One Price Optical. The vehicle arrived at One Price Optical at 12:00:17 p.m. and left at 12:01:27 p.m. heading for Tanglewood/Riverside Elementary School, where it arrived at 12:22:37 p.m. and left at 12:37:47 p.m. The next stop the vehicle made was at another 7-ll store, where it arrived at 12:53:27 p.m. and left at l:01:57 p.m. The vehicle traveled past Mr. Overhoff’s house and arrived at One Price Optical at 1:18:17 p.m. and remained there until 1:33:47 p.m. From One Price Optical the vehicle proceeded to North Fort Myers High School, where it arrived at 1:38:37 p.m. and left at 1:52:17 p.m. From North Ft. Myers High School, the vehicle proceeded to the Professional Building on Dixie Parkway, arriving at 2:01:37 p.m. The vehicle remained stationary for 16 minutes and 40 seconds, circled the block around the Professional Building, and left at 2:21:37 p.m. From the Professional Building, the vehicle proceeded to Dunbar High School, arriving at 2:30:27 p.m. and leaving at 2:43:47 p.m. From Dunbar High School, the vehicle proceeded to the maintenance department at Canal Street, where it arrived at 2:53:47 p.m. Mr. Overhoff spent a total of 29.5 minutes in the morning at a convenience store and a service station. He spent from 11:01 a.m. to 12:01 p.m. on personal business, including stops at his home, a bank, and an optical business. The total time for his personal business was one hour. He left the maintenance department at 11:01 a.m. and could have taken his personal vehicle to run his personal errands and gone back to the maintenance department when he was finished. The locations where he conducted his personal business were northwest of the maintenance department. The next work assignment after he completed his personal business was located southwest of the maintenance department, which means that the errands that he was running were not on the way to a work assignment. In the afternoon, Mr. Overhoff stopped at another 7-11 store for 8.5 minutes, took a circuitous route by his home, and went back to One Price Optical. The amount of time that elapsed from the time he reached the 7-11 until he left One Price Optical was over 40 minutes. His home and One Price Optical were not located on a route that would have taken him logically to his next work assignment. Mr. Overhoff started his workday at approximately 6:30 a.m. Subtracting Mr. Overhoff’s lunch time and break times, Mr. Overhoff used .6 hours of work time above his allotted break times for his personal business. No evidence was presented to show that Mr. Overhoff took annual or sick leave for this time. Based on his daily labor sheets, Mr. Overhoff recorded eight hours of travel and work time for June 27, 2008. On June 27, 2008, a lens fell out of Mr. Overhoff’s glasses. Mr. Overhoff had permission from his supervisor, Michael Hooks, to go to an optical business to have the lens replaced. Mr. Hooks did not give Mr. Overhoff permission to stop by a Bank of America to conduct his banking business. The stop at the bank was not made while in transit to another job. Mr. Hooks did not give Mr. Overhoff permission to make multiple trips to One Price Optical. Mr. Hook had given Mr. Overhoff permission to stop by his house one time to check on Mr. Overhoff’s son. According to Mr. Overhoff, June 27, 2008, was the date that Mr. Hook had given him permission to stop to check on his son at home. Mr. Hook was not certain of the date that he gave such permission, but it was for one time only. June 30, 2008 Vehicle M404 left the maintenance department at Canal Street at 7:29:27 a.m. and arrived at Dunbar High School at 7:38:17 a.m. The vehicle left Dunbar High School at 7:38:17 a.m. and arrived at Kuhlman Concrete, LLC, at 7:40 a.m. The vehicle left Kuhlman Concrete, LLC, at 7:41 a.m. and arrived at North Fort Myers High School at 7:55:37 a.m. The vehicle left the high school at 8:50:27 a.m. and proceeded to Villas Elementary School, arriving at 9:02:47 a.m. and leaving at 9:31:57 a.m. The vehicle arrived at the James Adams Building at 9:45:37 a.m. and departed at 9:52:57 a.m., proceeding to a Hess Gas Station, where it arrived at 10:15:37 a.m. and left at 10:18:57 a.m. The next stop was at the North Fort Myers Academy of the Arts, where the vehicle arrived at 10:26:47 a.m. and departed at 10:41:17 a.m. The vehicle arrived at Diplomat Middle School at 10:59:27 a.m. and left at 11:35:37 a.m. From the Diplomat Middle School, the vehicle arrived at Mr. Overhoff’s house at 11:46:47 a.m., departed at 11:56:07 a.m., and arrived at North Fort Myers High School at 12:00:57 p.m. The vehicle did not stop at the school, but drove through the school grounds and left at 12:02:57 p.m. The vehicle turned in at Kentucky Fried Chicken at 12:21:57 p.m. and exited at 12:22:37 p.m. The vehicle proceeded to McDonald’s, arriving at 12:36:57 p.m. and leaving at 12:40:27 p.m. At 12:52:17 p.m., the vehicle arrived at Three Oaks Middle School and departed at 1:29:57 p.m. From the middle school, the vehicle proceeded to a Bank of America, arriving at 1:35:37 p.m. and leaving at 1:42:17 p.m. After leaving the bank, the vehicle went to South Fort Myers High School, arriving at 1:54:47 p.m. and leaving at 2:04 p.m. The next stop was Ray V. Pottorf Elementary School, where the vehicle arrived at 2:13:47 p.m. and left at 2:29:27 p.m. The vehicle proceeded to High Tech Central/New Directions, arrived at 2:37:57 p.m., drove through the campus, and exited at 2:44:57 p.m. At 2:54:07 p.m., the vehicle arrived at the maintenance department at Canal Street. Mr. Overhoff stopped at a convenience store for three minutes mid-morning. At lunch time, he stopped at his home for nine minutes. The stop at his home was not authorized and was not in transit to another job location. The travel time to and from his home was eight minutes. He turned into a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant for 40 seconds. According to Mr. Overhoff, he went into the Kentucky Fried Chicken parking lot to take a telephone call or open a work folder. The next stop is a McDonald’s fast food place where he remains for 3.5 minutes. According to Mr. Overhoff, this is another stop to do paperwork. In light of his earlier stop at Kentucky Fried Chicken, Mr. Overhoff’s testimony is not credited. Additionally, Mr. Overhoff’s general assertions that his many stops at convenience stores were to do paperwork is not credible. He was given 30 minutes at the end of each work day for the specific purpose of completing his paperwork. The many inaccuracies in his paperwork do not support his assertion that he was making stops to keep his paperwork accurate and in order. Later in the afternoon, he made a six-minute stop at Bank of America. The side trip to the bank did not appear to be on a logical route to his next work assignment. Thus, four minutes’ travel time is assessed for the bank trip. The total time for his personal business was 33.5 minutes. July 1, 2008 On July 1, 2008, vehicle M404 left the maintenance department on Canal Street at 7:03:37 a.m. and arrived at a gas station/convenience store off Metro Parkway at 7:10 a.m. Leaving the convenience store at 7:14 a.m., the vehicle proceeded to Three Oaks Middle School, arriving at Three Oaks Middle School at 7:39 a.m. and leaving at 8:16 a.m. From the middle school, the vehicle traveled to Ray V. Pottorf Elementary School arriving at 8:36 a.m. and leaving at 8:41 a.m. The vehicle returned to the maintenance department at 8:50 a.m. and remained there until 9:16 a.m. The vehicle proceeded to Bonita Middle School, arrived there at 9:52 a.m., and left at 10:22 a.m. The next stop was Orange River Elementary School, where the vehicle arrived at 11:01:27 a.m. and departed at 11:05:27 a.m. At 11:12 a.m., the vehicle stopped at a restaurant/convenience store and remained there until 11:33 a.m. The vehicle arrived back at the maintenance department at 11:41 a.m. and departed at 12:20 p.m. The vehicle arrived at Trafalgar Middle School at 12:55 p.m. and departed at 1:18 p.m. The next stop was Gulf Middle School, where the vehicle arrived at 1:27 p.m. and left at 1:40 p.m. At 1:48:57 p.m., the vehicle arrived at Bank of America off Skyline Boulevard. The vehicle left the bank at 1:56:07 p.m. From the bank at Skyline Boulevard, the vehicle proceeded to the Bank of America at Viscaya Parkway, arriving at 2:09 p.m. and leaving at 2:19 p.m. At 2:23:07 p.m., the vehicle arrived at One Price Optical. The vehicle left One Price Optical at 2:27:07 p.m. The next stop was the James Adams Building, where the vehicle arrived at 2:44 p.m. and left at 2:46 p.m. At 3:02:57 p.m., the vehicle was parked at the maintenance department. The stop at the convenience store in the morning consumed ten minutes of Mr. Overhoff’s morning break time. The lunch at a restaurant took 21 minutes. In the afternoon, Mr. Overhoff stopped at two banks for a total of 17 minutes. Another stop was made at One Price Optical for four minutes. The stop at One Price Optical was not authorized and, based on the map contained in Petitioner’s Exhibit 7, the trip was not on the route back to the next job location. Thus, the travel time from the last bank stop, four minutes, should be added to the time. The time expended on personal business was 56 minutes. July 2, 2008 On July 2, 2008, vehicle M404 left the maintenance department at 7:04 a.m. and arrived at the James Adams Building at 7:13 a.m. The vehicle left the James Adams Building at 7:56 a.m. and arrived back at the maintenance department at 8:05 a.m. The vehicle left the maintenance department at 8:27 a.m. and arrived at the 7-11 store off Metro Parkway at 8:33 a.m. The vehicle left the 7-11 at 8:37 a.m. and returned to the James Adams Building at 8:50 a.m. At 8:57 a.m., the vehicle left the James Adams Building and returned to the maintenance department at 9:04 a.m., where it remains until 9:26 a.m. The vehicle arrived at Fort Myers High School at 9:41 a.m. and left at 9:56 a.m. Arriving at Orange River Elementary at 10:18 a.m., the vehicle remained until 11:03 a.m. when it proceeded to the Taco Bell off Palm Beach Boulevard. The vehicle reached Taco Bell at 11:05 a.m. and left at 11:38 a.m. At 11:47 a.m., the vehicle arrived at Edgewood Academy, where it left at 11:50 a.m. The vehicle arrived at Dunbar High School at 11:59 a.m. and departed at 12:05 p.m. From Dunbar High School, the vehicle proceeded to Mr. Overhoff’s house, where the vehicle remained from 12:27:17 p.m. to 12:30:07 p.m. At 12:49 p.m., the vehicle arrived at the James Adams Building, where it remained until 12:57 p.m. From the James Adams Building, the vehicle proceeded to a 7-11 store located off Winkler and Colonial Boulevard. The vehicle arrived at the 7-11 at 1:09 p.m. and departed at 1:11 p.m. At 1:17 p.m., the vehicle arrived at Lowe’s Shopping Center off Colonial Boulevard and Ben C. Pratt Parkway. The vehicle left the shopping center at 1:27 p.m. The next stop was Colonial Elementary, where the vehicle arrived at 1:34 p.m. and departed at 1:36 p.m. The vehicle returned to the maintenance department on Canal Street at 1:47 p.m. and remained there. In the morning, Mr. Overhoff went to a convenience store, which was not in route to a job location. The time spent at the convenience store was four minutes and the travel time to and from the convenience store from the maintenance department was 12 minutes for a total of 16 minutes for his morning break. Mr. Overhoff had lunch at Taco Bell for 33 minutes. In the afternoon, Mr. Overhoff stopped at his home for almost three minutes; however, the stop at his home was not on route to any job location. Thus, the travel time to his home and back to the next job should be included in any break time. The travel time for the trip home was 41 minutes, and the total time taken for his trip home was 44 minutes. The stop at his home was not authorized. Mr. Overhoff’s excuse for the stop at his home was to get boots and use the bathroom. His testimony is not credited. Mr. Overhoff testified that he needed his boots to clean off water, but the job in which he had been cleaning off water was before he stopped at his home. In the afternoon, Mr. Overhoff stopped at a convenience store for two minutes and went to Lowe’s for ten minutes. The stop at Lowe’s was not authorized. The stops at the convenience store and at Lowe’s were not in transit to another job location. The travel time should be calculated based on the time it took to get from Lowe’s to his next work location, which was 14 minutes. The total time that Mr. Overhoff spent on personal business was 1.95 hours. Thus, Mr. Overhoff spent .95 hours above his allotted break time for his personal business. No evidence was presented that leave was taken, and his daily labor sheet showed that he worked for eight hours on that day. July 7, 2008 On July 7, 2008, vehicle M404 left the maintenance department on Canal Street at 7:22 a.m. and proceeded to a 7-11 at the corner of Winkler and Colonial Boulevard, arriving there at 7:33 a.m. and leaving at 7:38 a.m. The vehicle arrived at Ray V. Pottorf Elementary at 7:43 a.m. and left at 9:35 a.m. The next stop was Lexington Middle School, where the vehicle arrived at 9:51 a.m. and departed at 10:05 a.m. From Lexington Middle School, the vehicle went to Fort Myers Beach Elementary School, arriving at 10:18 a.m. and leaving at 10:22 a.m. The vehicle arrived at Tanglewood/Riverside Elementary School at 10:46 a.m. and left at 11:04 a.m. At 11:21 a.m., the vehicle returned to the maintenance department at Canal Street. Leaving the maintenance department at 12:04 p.m., the vehicle proceeded to Dunbar High School, arriving at 12:10 p.m. and leaving at 12:23 p.m. At 12:39 p.m., the vehicle arrived at Crowther Roofing and remained there until 12:52 p.m. The vehicle made another stop at One Price Optical at 1:12 p.m. Leaving One Price Optical at 1:21 p.m., the vehicle arrived at Taco Bell off Santa Barbara Boulevard at 1:27 p.m. and left at 1:46 p.m. The vehicle arrived at Mariner High School at 1:53 p.m. and departed at 2:09 p.m. At 2:14 p.m., the vehicle entered the Publix Shopping Center off Santa Barbara Boulevard, departing at 2:17 p.m. From 2:22 p.m. to 2:37 p.m., the vehicle was stopped at a warehouse. At 2:44 p.m., the vehicle arrived at Mr. Overhoff’s house, where it remained until 2:47 p.m. At 3:07 p.m., the vehicle returned to the maintenance department at Canal Street. Mr. Overhoff stopped at a convenience store for five minutes in the morning. In the early afternoon, he made a nine- minute stop at One Price Optical, which was not an authorized stop. He stopped at Taco Bell for 19 minutes. He went to a Publix Shopping Center for three minutes, to a warehouse for 15 minutes, and to his home for three minutes. The stops at the Publix Shopping Center, the warehouse, and Mr. Overhoff’s home were not authorized, were for personal business, and were not in transit to a job location. Thus, the travel time from the shopping center to his home, which totals 12 minutes should be added to the time taken for personal business. The total time for personal business on July 7, 2008, was 65 minutes, which was five minutes above the allotted break times. July 8, 2008 On July 8, 2008, vehicle M404 left the maintenance department at Canal Street at 7:44 a.m., arrived at ALC Central/New Directions at 7:53 a.m., and departed ALC Central/New Directions at 8:23 a.m. The vehicle returned to the maintenance department at 8:28 a.m. and remained there until 8:41 a.m. At 8:58 a.m., the vehicle arrived at Tropic Isles Elementary School and remained there until 9:37 a.m. From the elementary school, the vehicle proceeded to the 7-11 store located off Pondella and Orange Grove. The vehicle arrived at the 7-11 at 9:39 a.m. and left at 9:42 a.m. From the 7-11, the vehicle proceeded to New Directions, arriving at 9:55 a.m. and leaving at 9:57 a.m. The vehicle returned to the maintenance department at Canal Street at 10:03 a.m. and departed at 10:33 a.m. The next stop was Cypress Lake High School, where the vehicle arrived at 10:56 a.m. and left at 11:28 a.m. From Cypress Lake High School, the vehicle traveled to Bank of America off Cypress Lake Drive. The vehicle arrived at the bank at 11:30 a.m. and left at 11:38 a.m. From the bank, the vehicle arrived at the 7-11 store off Metro Parkway at 11:45 a.m. and departed at 11:55 a.m. After leaving the 7-11 store, the vehicle proceeded to South Fort Myers High School, arriving at 11:59 a.m. and departing at 12:31 p.m. The next stop was Roofing Supply Company, where the vehicle stopped at 12:46 p.m. and left at 12:59 p.m. The vehicle proceeded to New Directions and arrived at 1:07 p.m. The vehicle remained at New Directions until 1:53 p.m. From New Directions, the vehicle headed to the maintenance department at Canal Street, where the vehicle arrived at 2:06 p.m. and remained. Mr. Overhoff stopped at a convenience store in the morning for four minutes, at a bank for eight minutes at lunch time, and at a convenience store for ten minutes at lunch time. These stops were made in transit to a job location. July 9, 2008 On July 9, 2008, vehicle M404 left the maintenance department at Canal Street at 7:12 a.m. and arrived at the 7-11 store off Metro Parkway and Colonial at 7:23 a.m. The vehicle remained at the 7-11 store until 7:30 a.m., when it left for Six Mile Cypress School, arriving at 7:42 a.m. and leaving at 7:53 a.m. The next stop for the vehicle was The Sanibel School, where the vehicle arrived at 8:29 a.m. and departed at 9:19 a.m., headed for Bailey’s General Store off Periwinkle Way. The vehicle arrived at Bailey’s General Store at 9:25 a.m. Mr. Overhoff made an authorized purchase of a 6-volt lantern at the store and left the store in the vehicle at 9:35 a.m. to return to The Sanibel School at 9:42 a.m. The vehicle remained at The Sanibel School until 10:29 a.m. At 10:39 a.m., the vehicle arrived at the 7-11 store off Periwinkle Way, where the vehicle remained until 11:02 a.m. From the 7-11, the vehicle traveled to Riverdale High School, where it arrived at 11:53 a.m. The vehicle remained at Riverdale High School until 1:36 p.m. The next stop was a convenience store on Palm Beach Boulevard, where the vehicle arrived at 1:42 p.m. and left at 1:46 p.m. From the convenience store, the vehicle proceeded to Edgewood Elementary School, arriving at 1:59 p.m. and leaving at 2:09 p.m. From Edgewood Elementary School, the vehicle traveled to New Directions/ALC Central, arriving at 2:16 p.m. and leaving at 2:23 p.m. The next stop was Dunbar High School, where the vehicle arrived at 2:28 a.m. and left at 2:56 p.m. The last stop was the maintenance department at Canal Street at 3:00 p.m. Mr. Overhoff stopped at a convenience store early in the morning for six minutes, at another convenience store at mid-morning for 23 minutes, and at a convenience store in the afternoon for four minutes. These stops were in transit to job locations. July 10, 2008 On July 10, 2008, vehicle M404 left the maintenance department at 8:30 a.m. and arrived at the Hess Service Station off River Road at 8:50 a.m. The vehicle remained at the Hess Service Station until 8:53 a.m., when it departed for Lee County Electric Company off Electric Lane. The vehicle arrived at the utility company at 8:56 a.m. and left at 8:59 a.m. The next stop was North Fort Myers Academy of the Arts, where the vehicle arrived at 9:06 a.m. and departed at 9:40 a.m. From North Fort Myers Academy of the Arts, the vehicle proceeded to Hector A. Cafferata, Jr., Elementary School, arrived there at 10:07 a.m. and left at 10:47 a.m. The next stop was Ida S. Baker High School, where the vehicle arrived at 11:05 a.m. and left at 11:26 a.m. At 11:29 a.m., the vehicle arrived at Gulf Middle School and left at 11:45 a.m. From Gulf Middle School, the vehicle traveled to Three Oaks Elementary School arriving at 12:41 p.m. and leaving at 1:11 p.m. The vehicle next arrived at Bonita Springs Elementary School at 1:30 a.m. The vehicle left Bonita Springs Elementary School at 1:55 p.m. and arrived at Lowe’s at Rolfes Road at 2:27 p.m. Mr. Overhoff made an authorized purchase at Lowe’s, and the vehicle left Lowe’s at 2:54 p.m. and arrived at the maintenance department at 3:04 p.m. Mr. Overhoff stopped at a convenience store for three minutes in the early morning and at the electric company for three minutes. The stop at the electric company was not an authorized stop. July 11, 2008 On July 11, 2008, vehicle M404 left the maintenance department at Canal Street at 7:34 a.m. and arrived at the 7-11 store off Lee Boulevard at 8:00 a.m. The vehicle remained at the 7-11 until 8:04 a.m., when it departed for Veteran’s Park Academy, where it arrived at 8:18 a.m. and left at 9:58 a.m. From Veteran’s Park Academy, the vehicle traveled to North Fort Myers High School, where it arrived at 10:45 a.m. and departed at 11:38 a.m. The vehicle returned to the maintenance department at Canal Street at 12:03 p.m., where it remained until 12:24 p.m. From the maintenance department, the vehicle traveled to the 7-11 store off Pondella Road, where it arrived at 12:39 p.m. and left at 12:43 p.m. From the 7-11, the vehicle traveled to Mariner High School, where it stopped at 12:57 p.m. and left at 1:28 p.m. The next stop was Riverdale High School, where the vehicle arrived at 2:07 p.m. and departed at 2:17 p.m. After leaving Riverdale High School, the vehicle went to Bank of America, arriving at 2:20 p.m. and leaving at 2:24 p.m. The vehicle left the bank and headed to Dunbar High School, where it arrived at 2:44 p.m. and left at 2:51 p.m. The last stop for the vehicle was at the maintenance department at Canal Street at 2:56 p.m. Mr. Overhoff stopped at a convenience store for four minutes in the early morning, at a convenience store for three minutes at lunch time, and at a bank in the afternoon for four minutes. The stops were in transit to job locations. The School District initiated an investigation into Mr. Overhoff’s use of a School District vehicle for personal business while on School District time. A predetermination conference was held on September 25, 2008. Mr. Overhoff appeared at the predetermination conference along with a representative of the SPALC. At the conclusion of the investigation, the School District determined that probable cause existed to impose discipline on Mr. Overhoff. On December 18, 2008, Mr. Overhoff was suspended with pay and benefits. By Petition for Termination of Employment, the superintendent for the School District recommended to the School Board that Mr. Overhoff be terminated from his employment. Mr. Overhoff requested an administrative hearing. On February 24, 2009, the School Board suspended Mr. Overhoff without pay and benefits pending the outcome of the administrative hearing. Mr. Overhoff had no prior disciplinary actions taken against him while he has been employed with the School District. Prior to the incidents at issue, Mr. Overhoff had received good performance evaluations. He is regarded by the director of maintenance for the School District as a good roofer.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding that Mr. Overhoff violated The School Board of Lee County Policies 5.02, 5.29, 5.33, and 7.04; finding that Mr. Overhoff willfully neglected his assigned duties; suspending him from employment without pay from February 24, 2009, to September 30, 2009; and placing him on probation for one year. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of August, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUSAN B. HARRELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of August, 2009.

Florida Laws (7) 1012.331012.40120.569120.577.047.107.11 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002981 Latest Update: Jul. 29, 1983

Findings Of Fact The Respondent was employed as an instructional employee of the School Board of Dade County at Mays Junior High School on or about October 13, 1982. The Respondent was serving as the Band Director for Mays Junior High School at that time. On October 13, 1982, a group of boys (apparently students) at Mays Junior High School, were engaged in a fight or some such altercation outside the band room where the Respondent engaged in his duties as Band Director. The Respondent went outside to attempt to quell the disturbance and engaged in a discussion of some nature with the students in the group he was trying to disperse. The students would not cooperate and the discussion became heated. The Respondent walked over to his car, parked a short distance away, got in the car and drove it back to the band room. The Respondent got out of his car, which he had parked in the immediate vicinity of the group of boys, and once more asked them to leave the area, or, if they were going to leave. They refused to comply with his direction and so the Respondent went to the trunk of his car, opened the trunk and removed a rifle and, with the rifle in his hand, walked over and began talking to the boys once again. A teacher, Mrs. Patricia Holland, and a student, Sonia Everett, observed this entire incident, beginning with the point in time when the Respondent first attempted to quell the disturbance before he went to get his car. The Respondent held the gun in his hand as he walked over once more to talk to the group of boys. At all times he held the gun pointed in a downward direction and pointed it at no person. It was not established that the gun was loaded. Although other witnesses testified they observed the Respondent pointing the gun at student Darryl Ward, witnesses Holland and Everett observed the entire episode and I find their testimony more credible and worthy of belief and accept it over that of the other witnesses after having observed the candor and demeanor of all the witnesses upon direct and cross-examination.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the evidence in the record and the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED: That the charges against the Respondent, Norman White, be DISMISSED and that any and all back-pay be restored to him. DONE and ENTERED this 20th day of May, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of May, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Jesse J. McCrary, Jr., Esquire 3000 Executive Building 2050 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137 William Du Fresne, Esquire 1782 One Biscayne Tower Two South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33131-1370 Dr. Leonard Britton, Superintendent Lindsey Hopkins Building 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida May 08, 2018 Number: 18-002296PL Latest Update: Nov. 08, 2018

The Issue The issue in this case is whether to impose sanctions against Respondent, Brooke Braly, up to, and including, revocation of her Educator’s Certificate.

Findings Of Fact The Commissioner is responsible for monitoring each person who holds a Florida Educator Certificate and who is working in any school district within the State. Part and parcel of the Commissioner’s duties is the determination of whether any teacher violated any of the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession. At all times relevant hereto, Ms. Braly held Florida Educator Certificate No. 1106771, covering the areas of elementary education and English for speakers of other languages. The certificate is valid through June 30, 2021. Ms. Braly is employed as a teacher in the Volusia County School System, teaching at the School in the area of Modified ESE with Varying Exceptionalities. Her students were those with physical and/or mental disabilities which resulted in learning difficulties. Ms. Braly had served in that position for seven years as of the date of final hearing, including the 2017-2018 school year. An incident occurred at the School on December 5, 2016, i.e., the 2016-2017 school year, involving the Student. Based on that incident, the Commissioner issued an Administrative Complaint on November 21, 2017 (some 10 months later), which contained the following allegations: On or about December 5, 2017, [Ms. Braly] failed to notify school administrators after she confiscated a BB gun from a student at the beginning of the school day. [Ms. Braly] also failed to properly secure the BB gun to prevent the student from regaining possession of it while still on school property. The Salient Facts From the evidence presented, it is clear that on December 5, 2016, the Student approached Ms. Braly at the beginning of the school day. The Student told Ms. Braly that he had inadvertently failed to remove his BB/airsoft pistol from his backpack before leaving for school that morning. He asked her what he should do, and Ms. Braly took the gun from him to secure it for the day. At no time was she worried that the Student had intentions of using the BB gun or that it was a serious problem. In fact, Ms. Braly did not even believe it was a BB gun, but thought it was a plastic toy gun. At the end of the day, the Student took the gun home with him. As the Student was exiting the school bus at his stop that afternoon, another student sitting on the bus saw the BB gun, which the Student had stuck into his waistband under his shirt. The Student’s shirt was lifted for some reason and the other student spotted the gun. That student went home and immediately sent an email to several School administrators to report what he had seen. The administrators reviewed surveillance videos from the bus and identified the Student as the person carrying the gun. An investigation ensued and the Administrative Complaint was filed. The less clear and/or less persuasive “facts” of this case are set forth below. The Gun The Commissioner presented a picture of a BB gun at final hearing which was purported to be the same gun Ms. Braly had confiscated from the Student on December 5, 2016. The black and white picture shows a replica Smith & Wesson handgun of small to average size. Ms. Braly says that the gun depicted in the picture is not the gun she took from the Student. The Student’s father brought a handgun to final hearing that he said was the gun at issue. It was plastic, lightweight, and tan and black in color. There was a clip (presumably for holding BBs) that could slide into the handle of the gun. The father demonstrated how to insert the clip and how to “cock” the gun by sliding back the top portion. That action would engage a spring that would release once the trigger was pulled, i.e., it was a spring-fired pistol, not a recoil action weapon. According to the Student, the gun fired plastic pellets rather than BBs. Ms. Braly, who only saw the gun for a few moments on the morning of December 5, 2016, remembers it to be black with an orange tip, unlike the gun produced at final hearing. At some point, the Student was asked to identify the gun from a picture depicting several different handguns. The Student pointed out to an investigator which of the depicted guns looked most like his BB pistol. The photographic line-up was not offered or admitted into evidence, so no finding is made as to what it may have shown, vis-à-vis what the gun looked like. At the final hearing, the Student’s father acknowledged that he had previously told School administrators he had destroyed his son’s gun back in December when the event occurred. The gun he produced at final hearing was obviously not destroyed; in fact, it looked very new and barely used. The Student said the gun produced at hearing was the same gun he gave to Ms. Braly on December 5, 2016. Mr. Starin, an investigator for the Volusia County School District, was tasked with looking into the incident. He did not speak to the Student’s parents nor did he attempt to locate the gun (other than having the Student identify what the gun looked like from the pictorial lineup). The most persuasive evidence is that the gun given to Ms. Braly on December 5, 2016, was the same as or similar to the one depicted in the Commissioner’s exhibit and proffered at final hearing. It was very light and obviously a toy, but was designed to resemble a real gun. Though it looked somewhat like a real weapon from afar, it is hard to believe anyone who held the gun or saw it up close would think it real or capable of causing serious harm to a person. December 5, 2016 As the Student was walking to his bus stop, he told his sister he had forgotten to remove the BB gun from his backpack after carrying it with him to the park the night before. His sister advised the Student to give the gun to his teacher so as not to get in trouble at school. Upon arrival at the School, the Student immediately approached Ms. Braly, who he trusted and believed would help him do what was most appropriate in this situation. When no other students were nearby, the Student told her about the gun. Ms. Braly took the gun and placed it in her office in a desk drawer. The Student remembers her placing the gun in a cardboard soda can box. Ms. Braly remembers just placing it in a desk drawer. It is patently obvious by his actions that the Student had no intentions of displaying the gun at school for any purpose. He very intentionally tried to diffuse any danger or unease that might have arisen due to his mistake. Ms. Braly took the Student’s actions and demeanor into account when deciding what to do. Ms. Braly thought the toy gun would be safe in her locked office as that was where she kept her purse and car keys during the school day. Normally no one had access to the office during the day, except that construction was going on and some of the workers did have access to the office. Ms. Braly did not consider those workers a threat to steal anything or to rifle through her desk during the day. She also did not consider the toy gun worthy of anyone’s interest. She believed her response to the situation was reasonable, based on all the circumstances and her knowledge of the Student. At the end of the day, the Student retrieved the gun. How that occurred is not entirely clear from the evidence. The Student says that he asked Ms. Braly at the end of the day if he could get his gun. She was very busy at the time and just told him, “yes,” so he went into the office and retrieved it. He remembers Ms. Braly telling him to put it in his backpack so that no one else would see it. He did so, but then transferred it to his waistband later. An ESE co-teacher with Ms. Braly remembers Ms. Braly being completely absorbed in the preparation of an Individual Education Plan for another student that afternoon. The co-teacher had instructed students not to bother Ms. Braly and does not remember the Student or anyone else talking to Ms. Braly that afternoon. Ms. Braly does not remember being asked by the Student whether he could get his gun from the office. She simply did not even think about the gun after acquiring it that morning. To her, the gun was a toy and did not warrant much attention. Sometime the next day, she realized the gun was gone and surmised that the construction workers must have left the door open so that the Student was able to get his gun. She did not explain why she thought the Student – rather than the workers – had taken the gun from her office. At any rate, the Student retrieved his gun before he left for home. As he was exiting the school bus, the other student noticed the gun in his waistband and notified School administrators. That action is very understandable considering the school shootings across the nation in recent times. December 6, 2016 Once the school administrators got word about the gun and identified the Student, they contacted Ms. Braly. The School resource officer, Deputy Abato, went to Ms. Braly’s class and asked to talk to her. They went into her office, away from the students, and she was asked about the gun. The conversation lasted only a few moments. Deputy Abato was only concerned with whether the gun was real or not. Convinced it was not, he did not pursue the matter. Later, Ms. Braly was asked by assistant principal Feltner to write a statement concerning the incident. Her statement reiterated what had happened, i.e., the Student showed her the gun, she identified it as a toy and placed it in her office, and the Student later retrieved it. Again, how she knew that the Student retrieved the gun rather than someone else getting it is not clear. Deputy Abato’s statement from that same day mirrored Ms. Braly’s statement. Deputy Abato said that if a student pulled a gun on him that looked like the one in the picture offered into evidence, he would order the student to put the gun down. If they did not do so, he would likely shoot them. Whether the gun the Student had was like the picture is not clearly established in the record. The best evidence is that the gun could have looked like that, but even that evidence is neither clear nor convincing. The gist of the Commissioner’s argument in this case is that: IF an armed deputy saw the Student with the gun, and IF the deputy ordered him to put it down, BUT the student did not immediately comply, THEN the deputy MIGHT be inclined to fire on the student. Though completely plausible in general terms, that eventuality seems very unlikely under the facts of this case. Later Developments On December 15, 2016, Investigator Starin issued an “Investigative Summary” describing his findings after conducting a brief investigation. The report did little more than recite what other people had said. Mr. Starin concluded that the Student brought the gun to school, gave it to his teacher, and retrieved it at the end of the day. The summary provides little substantive information and makes no recommendation or assertion of wrongdoing by Ms. Braly. The investigator only talked to three people as part of his minimal investigation into the incident on December 5, 2016: Ms. Braly; Deputy Abato, who had only secondhand knowledge; and the Student. It is remarkable that Mr. Starin did not interview Ms. Braly’s co-teacher or her paraprofessional, both of whom were in the classroom that day, or the Student’s parents. The overall level of the investigation is consistent with the degree of seriousness of the events. That is, there was a slight breach of protocol, but no probability of harm to the Student or others at the School. The Board decided that the incident nonetheless warranted some discipline. The School Board notified Ms. Braly that a letter of reprimand would be issued and she would be suspended for three days without pay. Although this was a fairly low level of discipline, Ms. Braly has challenged it; the matter is currently in arbitration. Notwithstanding the discipline imposed, the Board has re-hired Ms. Braly for the 2018-2019 school year in the same position she has held for the past seven years. In fact, she has continued teaching at the School since the December 5, 2016, incident. She is an effective teacher and has not had any other disciplinary actions against her, and the School recognizes her as an effective ESE teacher. The Commissioner also seeks to discipline Ms. Braly, noting that she failed to report the incident and did not adequately secure the toy gun. Both of these allegations are true, whether they violate any particular policy or not. The Commissioner proposes a letter of reprimand, suspension of Ms. Braly’s Educator Certificate for six months, and two years of probation. However, based on the best evidence available, Ms. Braly’s conduct was both reasonable and essentially benign. If any sanction against Ms. Braly was warranted, it should be minimal at worst.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by Petitioner, Pam Stewart, as Commissioner of Education, dismissing the Administrative Complaint filed against Respondent, Brooke Braly, in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of August, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S R. BRUCE MCKIBBEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of August, 2018. COPIES FURNISHED: Gretchen Kelley Brantley, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 316 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. Suite 110 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North Clearwater, Florida 33761 (eServed) Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 (eServed) Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Marian Lambeth, Bureau Chief Bureau of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (6) 1012.011012.7951012.796120.569120.57120.68
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Dec. 08, 2017 Number: 17-006603PL Latest Update: Sep. 29, 2024
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