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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Dec. 23, 2005 Number: 05-004687 Latest Update: Sep. 08, 2006

The Issue The primary issues for determination are whether Brother J. Inc., d/b/a A.J.’s Sports (Respondent) violated Section 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes; and secondarily, if Respondent committed such a violation, what penalty should be imposed?

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the agency vested with general regulatory authority over the alcoholic beverage industry within the state, including the administration of the laws and rules relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages. Respondent is subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of Petitioner, having been issued license number 47-02607, Series 4-COP by Petitioner. That license allows Respondent to make sales for consumption on premises of liquor, wine, and beer at his establishment located in Tallahassee, Florida. Events at issue in this proceeding revolve around a fraternity/sorority party held at Respondent’s establishment on the evening of March 30/April 1, 2005. Members of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and the Delta Nu Zeta sorority decided that they would host a “construction” theme party. To facilitate the party, the social chairman of Phi Kappa Psi contacted Respondent to make arrangements. Respondent’s establishment has several large areas on its ground floor and a single, 1,800 square foot room on the second floor. Respondent agreed to reserve its upstairs room for the Phi Kappa Psi/Delta Nu Zeta party, to waive its cover charge for party patrons, and to make “dollar wells, dollar beers” (i.e. discounted prices on certain alcoholic beverages) available to party participants for a fee of $300.00. On the night in question, most of the participants met at the Phi Kappa Psi house before going out for the evening. They gathered around 10:00 p.m. and socialized. Some people were getting their “construction” costumes together; others were “pre- partying” –-drinking before going out to minimize the size of the bar bill when they go out later. The majority of the people at the frat house at that time were drinking. At some point around 10:30 or 11:00 p.m., the party moved from the Phi Kappa Psi house to Respondent’s establishment, with party members leaving in groups of three or four to drive from the fraternity house to Respondent’s establishment. It was estimated that 15 or so sorority members and 15 to 30 fraternity brothers attended the party, and that somewhere between a third and a-half of those people were not of legal drinking age. When they arrived at Respondent’s establishment, the sorority and fraternity party makers used a side entrance set up for them by Respondent for use in getting to the party. A doorman was posted at the side entrance that checked the age of each of the patrons. He would place a “Tybex®” wristband on those persons who were over the age of 21 and would mark the hand of those under 21 with an indelible marker. Once inside, party members would go upstairs, where there was a bar with a bartender, a disk jockey, and a dance floor. The party continued on until around 2:00 a.m. on the morning of April 1, 2005, at which time the bar closed and the patrons left. During the course of the evening, 244 alcoholic beverages were served at the upstairs bar at Respondent’s facility. No evidence was presented that established with any degree of accuracy how many fraternity and sorority members actually were at the party and how many were of legal drinking age. The evidence of party attendance provided at hearing varied widely and was in each instance an estimate or a guess. Numerous persons who were not members of Phi Kappa Psi or Delta Nu Zeta were in attendance. There is no accurate estimate of how many legal drinkers were at the party or how many drinks each legal patron may have had. The Underage Drinkers Shane Donnor was observed drinking at the frat house that night. He did not, however, appear to be intoxicated when he left the frat house. He had a wristband indicating that he was over 21, which allowed him to drink at Respondent’s establishment, even though he was not of legal age. It is unknown how he obtained his wristband. Donnor was observed to have a glass in his hand while at Respondent’s establishment, but no one could confirm that he was drinking alcohol. While at Respondent’s establishment, various witnesses described him as appearing under the effects of alcohol and thought he appeared quite intoxicated. By 2:30 a.m. on April 1, Donnor had a blood alcohol level of 0.27. This corresponds to at least 10 drinks and probably more. It is an extremely high level of intoxication, which could result in a coma or even alcohol toxicity in some persons. He was quite drunk and had been so for some time. Stephanie Reed was carded upon entering Respondent’s establishment, as was her boyfriend and all the others in her party. She had one or two drinks, but she didn’t buy them herself. One of the fraternity brothers purchased her drinks for her. Reed testified at one point that she did not receive a wristband when she entered the establishment (signifying legal drinking age); later, she testified that she did due to the intervention of some unknown man who told the doorman to give her a bracelet. Reed’s testimony on this point is inconsistent and cannot be credited. Christopher Lowe was carded as he entered Respondent’s establishment. He received marks on the back of his hand indicating that he was underage. Although he was marked as being underage, Lowe was able to purchase two drinks from the bartender. He ordered the drinks; did nothing to conceal the underage marks on his hand; was served; and left money on the bar. Tania Vasquez was carded upon entering Respondent’s establishment and was marked as being underage. She did not buy any drinks while at the party, but was given an alcoholic beverage by a friend that she consumed while on the premises. Elizabeth McKean, and everyone who entered with her, were carded when they arrived at the party. McKean was marked as being underage. She did not buy any drinks for herself, but was given a shot of tequila by someone else. She drank the shot quickly to avoid detection by Respondent’s staff. David Moser had a roommate who manufactured fake i.d. cards. When he entered Respondent’s establishment, he was carded and presented a false drivers license that made it appear that he was over the age of 21. He was marked as though he was over the legal drinking age and was able to buy and consume drinks at the bar, which he did. Lee Habern had several sips of a friend’s drink that was “snuck” to him. Prevention Of Underage Drinking It is well recognized that underage persons will seek to obtain alcoholic beverages at bars. This action by underage youths results in a “cat and mouse” game whereby the bar will change its tactics in trying to prevent underage drinking and the underage drinkers will change their methods of trying to obtain drinks. Respondent tries to combat underage drinking by creating a culture of compliance. This starts with the initial hiring of employees by Respondent. Respondent’s policy is that no underage drinking will be tolerated. This policy is stated in the Employee’s Handbook. Every employee is given a copy of the handbook upon becoming employed and is required to sign an acknowledgement that he or she received it. The policy is reiterated in informal training at every staff meeting. Every new employee at Respondent’s establishment is required to go through formal training with regard to liquor laws, the effect of alcohol on the human body, dealing with customers who have had too much to drink, and related topics. These courses are known as “PAR”, “TIPS”, and “Safe Staff” and are offered by the Florida Restaurant Association and Anheiser-Busch. Respondent has also offered training provided by agents of Petitioner. These formal training programs are offered continuously to employees, and at least one of the programs is offered three times each year. The initial formal training is accomplished within 30 days of the employee being hired. Records are maintained by Respondent as to who receives what training, and when it is provided. Respondent has a policy that everyone who is served alcohol is to have his or her age checked. When the bar is not busy, this is accomplished by having the waitress check the patron’s I.D. When the bar is busier, a doorman is posted at the entrance to check the patron’s I.D. If the patron is over age 21, he or she is given a wristband; if under age 21, an indelible mark is placed on the back of the hand. Since Respondent has experienced persons copying their “over 21” designation, it is changed on a nightly basis. Fake identification cards, if detected, are confiscated. On busier nights, Respondent might confiscate 20 to 30 of such fake identifications. On the night in question, the doorman confiscated five altered cards. Respondent also has a floor manager on duty at all times that the bar is open. The floor manager will circulate throughout the establishment to make sure that all of the policies and procedures, including the prevention of underage drinking, are being carried out. On the night in question, the floor manager, Bo Crusoe, is documented to have worked and in the nominal course of events would have checked the upstairs area of the premises several times. On busy nights, Respondent will hire one or more off- duty City of Tallahassee police officers to serve as security at the bar. The officers work in their police uniforms. These officers serve first and foremost as high visibility deterrents to unlawful activity. Their mere presence serves to minimize underage drinking. Respondent regularly has off-duty law enforcement on the premises. Respondent also has a security consultant, Officer John Beemon, who is a Tallahassee Police officer. He evaluates the need for additional security and communicates those needs to the owners. When he becomes aware of a new wrinkle in underage persons obtaining alcohol, he works with Respondent to prevent the practice. He assists the doormen in identifying fraudulent I.D.s. Respondent has always implemented whatever recommendations Beemon makes to them. Generally, the security measures used by Respondent have proven effective. From time to time, Petitioner will try a “sting operation” at Respondent’s establishment by sending a minor into Respondent’s bar to see if they are able to purchase alcohol. On every such “sting operation” Petitioner’s decoy was identified and stopped at the front door and was not allowed to purchase alcoholic beverages. Carrie Bruce is Petitioner’s special agent for the Tallahassee area. She is familiar with most Tallahassee alcoholic establishments and her testimony establishes that Respondent’s establishment is not considered a “problem bar” by Petitioner and is considered to be better than other area bars in preventing underage drinking. To the best of the owner’s knowledge and Beemon’s knowledge, no one has ever knowingly served a drink to a minor at Respondent’s establishment. Further, Respondent has never previously been charged with serving alcohol to minors.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57561.20561.29
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bonifay, Florida Aug. 10, 1999 Number: 99-003434 Latest Update: Jan. 14, 2000

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent's beverage license should be disciplined for selling alcoholic beverages to a minor on a Sunday, as alleged in the Administrative Action served by Petitioner on March 3, 1998.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: In this disciplinary action, Petitioner, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (Division), seeks to impose penal sanctions on the license of Respondent, Johnny DeWayne Bartlett, doing business as M & M General, on the ground that on Sunday, March 1, 1998, he violated state law and a local ordinance by selling alcoholic beverages on his licensed premises to a person under 21 years of age. Respondent has denied the charge and requested a formal hearing to contest this allegation. Respondent is subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the Division, having been issued license no. 40-00312/1APS. That license allows Respondent to make packaged beer sales at his convenience store located on County Road 181 and Highway 185 in Leonia, a small community in the northwestern section of Holmes County, Florida. By virtue of Holmes County Ordinance No. 80-7, however, Respondent is prohibited from making such sales on Sundays. On Sunday, March 1, 1998, Clinton I. Williams, then nineteen years of age, was employed as a paid "volunteer" for the Division for the purpose of attempting to purchase beer at Respondent's store. For his services, Williams was paid $20.00 by the Division. Williams was given instructions by a Division investigator to attempt to purchase a six-pack of beer. Williams was also told that if the clerk asked for an identification card (ID), he should politely set the beer down and leave the premises. Around 9:30 a.m. on March 1, 1998, Williams entered the store and walked to the rear where the coolers were located. Because it was a Sunday, the doors to the coolers where the beer was on display "were chained up." Even though there was a "NO TRESPASSING VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED" sign on an unlocked side door which led to the rear of the coolers, Williams proceeded through the side door and was able to gain access to the coolers. He then "got a six pack of Natural Light, turned around and walked back to the counter." Respondent was on duty at the front check-out counter. When Williams placed the beer on the counter, Respondent asked him where he got the beer. Williams replied that he took it out of the cooler, and Respondent admonished him not to do that anymore. Williams handed Respondent a ten dollar bill, and Respondent took the money, bagged the beer, and handed Williams his change. The sale was not rung up on the cash register, and Williams was not asked for an ID to prove that he was at least 21 years old. Williams then carried the beer to a Division agent and an investigator for the Holmes County Sheriff's Department, who were waiting across the street in a parked vehicle. Respondent was arrested a short time later. In mitigation, Respondent says that he is a diabetic, and this was not disputed. Respondent maintained that he was extremely upset a week earlier when "a young man" entered the store, walked inside his cooler as Williams did, and got a six pack of beer. When Respondent asked him what he was doing, the customer "went beserk," threw down the beer, and "took off," causing Respondent to become extremely frightened. When Williams approached him a week later wanting to purchase beer, Respondent says that he feared a similar confrontation, that his "sugar went through the floor," and that he just "blank[ed] out." Although Respondent acknowledges that he may have put the beer in the bag, taken the money, and given change, he "can't say for sure" that this occurred due to his diabetic condition. Assuming this scenario to be true, which the undersigned finds highly unlikely, it only constitutes a mitigating consideration in assessing an appropriate penalty and does not excuse Respondent from complying with the law. At hearing, Respondent introduced into evidence the cash register tapes for sales made on March 1, 1998. They do not reflect a sale of beer in the amount of $3.54 on the morning when the event occurred. However, this merely confirms that the sale was not rung up on the cash register. In his post-hearing filing, Respondent also maintains that Petitioner has failed to establish that the sale actually occurred in Holmes County, Florida. This contention is rejected since the evidence clearly and convincingly shows that Respondent is licensed to do business at "C181 & Hwy 185, Leonia, FL," which lies in Holmes County, Florida, and that the illicit sale occurred at the "M and M Grocery" at the "intersection of [1]81 and 185." There is no evidence that Respondent has ever been charged with, or convicted of, violating any other regulations or statutes while operating his store over the past 4 years.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco enter a final order determining that Respondent has violated Sections 561.29(1)(a) and 562.11(1)(a), Florida Statutes, as charged in the Administrative Action, and that his license no. 40-00312/1APS be suspended for 7 days and that he pay a $1,000.00 fine. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of December, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of December, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph Martelli, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 Ruth Nicole Selfridge, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202 Mark D. Davis, Esquire 694 Baldwin Avenue, Suite One DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32433-1938 Barbara D. Auger, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57561.29562.11 Florida Administrative Code (1) 61A-2.022
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-003277 Latest Update: Apr. 11, 1983

The Issue Whether Respondents' alcoholic beverage license should be disciplined for the reasons stated in Petitioner's Notice to Show Cause dated September 14, 1982.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence presented, the following facts are determined: The Long Branch was operating under DABT License No. 74-878 in License Series 4-COP-SRX. This type of license requires food and nonalcoholic beverage sales to constitute at least 51 percent of all sales. Audit of the Long Branch's records, which were examined on a month-by- month breakdown of the sales for the period July 1 1981, to July 1, 1982, showed food and non- alcoholic beverage sales at 7.7 percent and alcoholic beverage sales at 92.3 percent of total sales. For the period July 1 through July 27, 1982, the ratio was 4.3 percent to 95.7 percent. At no time during the more than one year period audited did the food sales reach the required 51 percent.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondents' License No. 74-878 be revoked. RECOMMENDED this 31st day of March, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of March, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas M. and Sandra J. Spera Long Branch 600 South Yonge Street Ormond Beach, Florida Mr, Howard M. Rasmussen Director, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr Gary R. Rutledge Secretary Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (2) 120.57561.20
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Jan. 23, 2003 Number: 03-000217 Latest Update: Jul. 15, 2004

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the offenses set forth in the Administrative Actions in these consolidated cases, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the final hearing, and the entire record in this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: At all times material hereto, Fowler Liquors was licensed by the Division, having been issued license number 46- 04643, Series 3-PS. The license permits Fowler Liquors to make packaged sales of beer, wine, and liquor at its convenience store located at 3450 Fowler Street in Fort Myers. In an Administrative Action dated July 11, 2002, the Division charged Samer Barghouthi, the majority owner and principal officer of Fowler Liquors, with selling alcoholic beverages to a person under the age of 21 on May 19, 2002. Fowler Liquors conceded there were no disputed issues of fact and requested that the matter be resolved in an informal hearing. In a Final Order dated October 25, 2002, the Division ordered Fowler Liquors to pay a fine of $1,000 and serve a seven-day license suspension. The Administrative Action regarding the May 19, 2002, sale arose from an incident in which 20-year-old Tony Cubello was beaten, robbed, and shot to death in the parking lot of Fowler Liquors after making a purchase in the liquor store. The murder of Mr. Cubello was the subject of articles in the Fort Myers newspaper. The Fort Myers Police Department investigated Mr. Cubello's murder and came to believe that Samer Barghouthi could identify the killers but was refusing to cooperate. The Fort Myers police requested the assistance of the Division in securing Mr. Barghouthi's cooperation. The Division commenced an investigation, interviewing young people who had known Mr. Cubello. During the course of these interviews, the Division became aware that Fowler Liquors was widely reputed as a place where underage people could buy alcoholic beverages. During its investigation, the Division also learned that the Department of Revenue had a tax warrant against Fowler Liquors, and that the City of Fort Myers had issued citations against Fowler Liquors for hours-of-sale violations. During its investigation, the Division sent an underage operative into Fowler Liquors to attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages. The operative was wearing a hidden microphone, allowing the Division's officers to hear what transpired in the liquor store. As the sale was about to be completed, a van full of construction workers pulled up outside the store. The person working behind the counter at Fowler Liquors said that there were "cops" in the van, and declined to complete the sale to the operative. On June 14, 2002, Captain Tania Pendarakis, district supervisor for the Division's Fort Myers office, met with Samer Barghouthi. She informed Mr. Barghouthi that the Division might consider filing administrative charges rather than criminal charges against Fowler Liquors, if Mr. Barghouthi would cooperate with the Fort Myers Police Department's murder investigation. During this conversation, Mr. Barghouthi assured Captain Pendarakis that he was going to start checking identifications and stop selling alcoholic beverages to underage children. The next day, June 15, 2002, David P. Green, then sixteen years old, entered Fowler Liquors early in the evening to buy beer. In the liquor store, Mr. Green recognized other people whom he knew from his high school. Mr. Green testified that it was widely known at his school that underage people could purchase alcohol at Fowler Liquors. Mr. Green purchased a twelve-pack of Budweiser Light beer. He tendered ten dollars cash to the cashier and asked if the store sold "dip," i.e., finely ground tobacco. The cashier told him no, but offered to sell Mr. Green cigarettes. The cashier did not ask Mr. Green his age, nor request any identification from Mr. Green to prove that he was at least 21 years of age. At the hearing in this matter, conducted nearly nine months after the fact, Mr. Green looked no older than sixteen. When he purchased the beer at Fowler Liquors, Mr. Green made no attempt to alter his appearance or otherwise disguise the fact that he was only sixteen years old. When Mr. Green exited Fowler Liquors, he saw a police officer parked in a police cruiser directly in front of him. Mr. Green put his twelve-pack of beer down next to a garbage can, then got into his car and drove away. Several of Mr. Green's friends were also in his car. The police officer who witnessed this scene, Officer Bradley J. Ades of the Fort Myers Police Department, testified at the hearing. Officer Ades testified that, because of the ongoing problems the police were having with Fowler Liquors, he stopped by there to check it out as part of his normal duties. As he pulled into the parking lot, he saw a "very young white male" walking out the front door of Fowler Liquors. The boy was carrying a twelve-pack of Budweiser Light beer. Officer Ades stated that he was surprised not to see the boy's father follow him out of the store, because the boy looked so young. The boy got into his car and drove away. Officer Ades followed him for a little more than one block, then pulled him over. Officer Ades interviewed Mr. Green and photographed him. Mr. Green admitted that he bought the beer in Fowler Liquors, and that he and the other boys in his car intended to drink it. Because the sale of alcohol to a minor is a misdemeanor, and he did not witness the sale, Officer Ades could not make an arrest. The next day, he forwarded to the Division the information concerning his stop of Mr. Green. Agent Brian D. Sauls of the Division contacted Mr. Green and asked him to come to the Division's offices for an interview. Mr. Green agreed. Agent Sauls conducted a photographic suspect lineup, and Mr. Green identified Samer Barghouthi as having been behind the counter at Fowler Liquors at the time he purchased the twelve-pack of Budweiser Light on June 15, 2002. The incident involving the sale to Mr. Green formed the basis of the Administrative Action that led to DOAH Case No. 03-0431. Fowler Liquors did not contest the evidence that a sale was made by Fowler Liquors to Mr. Green, an underage person, on June 15, 2002, or that Samer Barghouthi was present at the counter when the sale was made. On the evening of June 17, 2002, Justin C. Bender, then eighteen years of age, entered Fowler Liquors to buy beer. Mr. Bender testified that he had purchased alcohol at Fowler Liquors more than 40 times and had never been asked for any identification. Mr. Bender stated that he has seen friends and other people whom he knew from school inside Fowler Liquor Store. Mr. Bender also testified that he had discussions with other people about Fowler Liquors being a place where underage people could purchase alcoholic beverages. On June 17, 2002, Mr. Bender purchased a twelve-pack of Budweiser beer and a quart of Heineken beer, then left the store. Mr. Bender purchased the beer from Steve Barghouthi, the father of Samer Barghouthi. Steve Barghouthi did not ask Mr. Bender his age, nor request any identification to prove that he was at least 21 years of age. Mr. Bender had made no effort to alter his appearance or make himself look older than eighteen. On June 17, 2002, Anthony J. Smith, the chief of law enforcement for the Division, visited the Fort Myers office. He asked Captain Pendarakis to inform him of cases her office was involved in, and the subject of Fowler Liquors was discussed. After dinner that evening, Chief Smith drove by Fowler Liquors to take a look at the store. As he drove through the parking lot, Chief Smith saw Mr. Bender exiting the store with his beer. Chief Smith stopped him to determine how old he was. Mr. Bender produced a valid driver's license that showed he was eighteen years old. Chief Smith searched Mr. Bender for fake identification, but found none. Chief Smith asked Mr. Bender if he would be willing to return to Fowler Liquors and make another purchase that Chief Smith could observe. Mr. Bender agreed to do so. Chief Smith telephoned Captain Pendarakis and asked her to bring marked cash for Mr. Bender to purchase beer. Captain Pendarakis arrived with the cash. She went into Fowler Liquors to ascertain whether it would be safe for Mr. Bender to return to the store. After Captain Pendarakis determined the store was safe, Mr. Bender entered the store. Chief Smith and Captain Pendarakis watched the transaction from across the street. They had a clear view through the window of the liquor store. They observed Mr. Bender get a carton of beer, put it on the counter, pay for it, and walk out the door. After Chief Smith and Captain Pendarakis viewed the sale to Mr. Bender, they went into the store to arrest the person who had made the sale, Samer Barghouthi. Mr. Barghouthi was arrested and taken to the Lee County Jail. The incident involving the sale to Mr. Bender formed the basis of the Administrative Action that led to DOAH Case No. 03-0217. Fowler Liquors did not contest the evidence that a sale was made by Fowler Liquors to Mr. Bender, an underage person, on June 17, 2002, or that Samer Barghouthi, the licensee, had made the sale. In mitigation, counsel for Fowler Liquors argued that license revocation would be unfair because Samer Barghouthi is no longer involved in the operation of the business, having signed over his interest to his uncle, Shahir Daghara. Counsel contended that Mr. Daghara acted to remove Samer Barghouthi from the premises of Fowler Liquors as soon as he learned that Mr. Barghouthi was making sales to underage persons. This contention is not credible. The two sales that are the subject of these proceedings occurred nearly one month after the murder of Mr. Cubello, which was widely known to have occurred after Mr. Cubello purchased alcoholic beverages in Fowler Liquors. The two sales also occurred after Mr. Barghouthi had been interviewed by Captain Pendarakis about sales of alcoholic beverages to minors. Moreover, Officer Cecil Pendergrass of the Fort Myers Police Department testified that Samer Barghouthi was still working at Fowler Liquors on July 1, 2002, two weeks after his arrest for selling alcoholic beverages to Justin Bender. There is no record evidence that Mr. Barghouthi transferred his interest in the business to Mr. Daghara. At most, the Division's files indicate that at some point, Fowler Liquors represented to the Division that Mr. Daghara had taken a 49 percent interest in the business. The file also contains an undated "Current Licensee Update Data Sheet" on which Samer Barghouthi's name is crossed through, but Fowler Liquors offered no sworn testimony to explain the significance of this document. Further, even if Mr. Daghara did take over the business, there is no evidence that he took any steps to remove Mr. Barghouthi from the premises of Fowler Liquors, or did anything else to address the problem of selling alcoholic beverages to minors. Officer Pendergrass, who is the community coordinator for the area of Fort Myers that includes Fowler Liquors, also testified that he has been called to Fowler Liquors on a regular basis to deal with code enforcement problems, fights between family members, drug sales, robberies in the parking lot, and civil problems between the owners over refrigeration equipment. Officer Pendergrass testified that the police department's statistics establish that Fowler Liquors is the nucleus of criminal complaints in the area, and that in the last year, the Fort Myers Police Department has had over 300 calls for service to Fowler Liquors.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco enter a Final Order revoking the license of Barghouthi Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Fowler Liquor Store. DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of June, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of June, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Michael Martinez, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202 Captain Tania Pendarkis 4100 Center Point Drive Suite 104 Fort Myers, Florida 33916 John Kyle Shoemaker, Esquire Post Office Box 1601 Fort Myers, Florida 33902 Hardy L. Roberts, III, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202 Peter Williams, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (10) 120.569120.57322.051561.01561.11561.29562.11562.47775.082775.083
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-001549 Latest Update: Oct. 20, 1977

Findings Of Fact The Petitioners, Elvin and Barbara A. Boles, made an application to the Respondent for a new series 2-APS, license to be issued by the Respondent. This license was to be utilized at a business establishment known as Yulee Supermarket, located at the intersection of State Road 200 and US 17, near Yulee, Florida and in Nassau County, Florida. The Petitioners have also made an application for a new series 1-APS, license to be granted for an establishment known as Quick Market, which is located on Blackrock Road, 3 miles off State Road 100, near Yulee, Florida, in Nassau County, Florida. This application was also made to the Respondent. Both license applications are for businesses found in the unincorporated areas of Nassau County, Florida. For that reason, the Director of the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco denied the respective license applications, based upon his contention that no licenses were available in Nassau County, Florida. Specifically, the Director was denying the beer and wine license applied for the Yulee Supermarket and the beer license applied for the Quick Market. The authority stated in the letters of denial, dated August 9, 1977, was Chapter 61-2532, Laws of Florida. This cause comes on for consideration based upon the denial of those license applications. Rule 7A-1.13, F.A.C., defines the scope of usage in the series 1-APS and series 2-APS licenses. Under this rule, a series 1-APS license is beer, package, and a series 2-APS, license is beer and wine, package. The terminology package means for consumption off premises. Therefore, the Petitioners would be allowed to sell beer on one premises and beer and wine on the second premises of any alcoholic weight content, to be consumed off the premises, assuming the licenses are granted. In examining the basis for the Respondent's denial of the license applications, the focal point of the Respondent's position seems to be found in Chapter 61-2532, Section 1., Laws of Florida. This section states: "the number of licenses which may be granted for the sale of intoxicating beverages (as defined by the 'The Florida Beverage Law') outside of any incorporated city or town, within Nassau County, to venders operating places of business where beverages containing alcohol of fourteen percent (14 percent) or less by weight are sold, is limited to one license for each five hundred (500) persons." An analysis of that section identifies the fact that it is the intoxicating beverage that is being regulated. Under the "Beverage Law," which is at issue, the definition of intoxicating beverage is found in s. 561.01(5), F.S., which states the following: "'intoxicating beverage' and 'intoxicating liquor' mean only those alcoholic beverages containing more than 3.2 percent of alcohol by weight." When this definition is considered in view of the latter language of the subject Section 1., of Chapter 61-2532, Laws of Florida, which speaks to the operation of businesses where beverages containing alcohol of 14 percent or less are sold; it is clear that the subject law regulates the number of licenses authorized in Nassau County, Florida, for selling alcoholic beverages whose content by weight of alcohol ranges from more than 3.2 percent up to and including 14 percent. The parties stipulated, that under the last decennial census, no quota of licenses, either series 1-APS or 2-APS were available under terms of the formula set forth in Chapter 61-2532, Laws of Florida. Consequently, any license granted, must be outside the purview of that law. From an examination of the privilege allowed under the series 1-APS, license, in view of the definition of intoxicating beverage found in s. 561.01(5), F.S., and the language of Chapter 61-2531, Laws of Florida, the Respondent should issue a series 1-APS, license to the Petitioner for sale of beer containing 3.2 percent of alcohol by weight or less, for consumption off premises. The issuance of such license would pertain to the Quick Market. (This decision would be in keeping with the final order issued by the Respondent, in the party of the Director of the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, in the case of Lil Champ Food Stores, Inc. d/b/a Lil Champ Food Store #96, State Road ALA East Pinewood Drive, Yulee, Florida. In that final order the Director allowed that licensee to maintain his series 1-APS, license in the unincorporated limits of Nassau County, Florida, but prohibited the sale of any alcoholic beverages of more than 3.2 percent of alcohol by weight.) One other matter was brought forth in the hearing concerning the series 1-APS, license for Quick Market. This matter pertained to the possible violation of a zoning restriction found in Chapter 61-2532, Laws of Florida, particularly Section 3. The proof offered in the hearing indicated that no such violation existed. This section spoke of locating a business or vendor of intoxicating beverages within a thousand feet of an established school or church. Moreover, the limitation would not have application to the type of license to which the Petitioner's are entitled, for the foregoing reasons. The requested series 2-APS, license for the Yulee Supermarket has two aspects; one pertaining to the sale of beer and the other pertaining to the sale of wine. Wine is an intoxicating beverage or liquor containing more than 3.2 percent of alcohol by weight and therefore Chapter 61-2532, Laws of Florida, would have application. Since no quota licenses are available in Nassau County, Florida, Chapter 61-2532, Laws of Florida, prohibits the issuance of a series 2- APS, license to the Petitioners. This opinion is stated, premised on the belief that the beer portion of the applied for license may not be severed from the request to sell wine for consumption off the licensed premises.

Recommendation It is recommended that the Director of the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco grant a series 1-APS beer license for consumption off premises, limited to beer of 3.2 percent of alcohol by weight or less, to be given to the Quick Market. It is recommended that the application for series 2-APS beer and wine license for consumption off premises, to be granted to the business Yulee Supermarket, be denied. Done and Ordered this 4th day of October, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: W. O. Birchfield, Esquire 300 Independent Square Jacksonville, Florida 32201 Francis Bayley, Esquire Department of Business Regulation Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 561.01
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Feb. 11, 2003 Number: 03-000431 Latest Update: Jul. 15, 2004

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the offenses set forth in the Administrative Actions in these consolidated cases, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the final hearing, and the entire record in this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: At all times material hereto, Fowler Liquors was licensed by the Division, having been issued license number 46- 04643, Series 3-PS. The license permits Fowler Liquors to make packaged sales of beer, wine, and liquor at its convenience store located at 3450 Fowler Street in Fort Myers. In an Administrative Action dated July 11, 2002, the Division charged Samer Barghouthi, the majority owner and principal officer of Fowler Liquors, with selling alcoholic beverages to a person under the age of 21 on May 19, 2002. Fowler Liquors conceded there were no disputed issues of fact and requested that the matter be resolved in an informal hearing. In a Final Order dated October 25, 2002, the Division ordered Fowler Liquors to pay a fine of $1,000 and serve a seven-day license suspension. The Administrative Action regarding the May 19, 2002, sale arose from an incident in which 20-year-old Tony Cubello was beaten, robbed, and shot to death in the parking lot of Fowler Liquors after making a purchase in the liquor store. The murder of Mr. Cubello was the subject of articles in the Fort Myers newspaper. The Fort Myers Police Department investigated Mr. Cubello's murder and came to believe that Samer Barghouthi could identify the killers but was refusing to cooperate. The Fort Myers police requested the assistance of the Division in securing Mr. Barghouthi's cooperation. The Division commenced an investigation, interviewing young people who had known Mr. Cubello. During the course of these interviews, the Division became aware that Fowler Liquors was widely reputed as a place where underage people could buy alcoholic beverages. During its investigation, the Division also learned that the Department of Revenue had a tax warrant against Fowler Liquors, and that the City of Fort Myers had issued citations against Fowler Liquors for hours-of-sale violations. During its investigation, the Division sent an underage operative into Fowler Liquors to attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages. The operative was wearing a hidden microphone, allowing the Division's officers to hear what transpired in the liquor store. As the sale was about to be completed, a van full of construction workers pulled up outside the store. The person working behind the counter at Fowler Liquors said that there were "cops" in the van, and declined to complete the sale to the operative. On June 14, 2002, Captain Tania Pendarakis, district supervisor for the Division's Fort Myers office, met with Samer Barghouthi. She informed Mr. Barghouthi that the Division might consider filing administrative charges rather than criminal charges against Fowler Liquors, if Mr. Barghouthi would cooperate with the Fort Myers Police Department's murder investigation. During this conversation, Mr. Barghouthi assured Captain Pendarakis that he was going to start checking identifications and stop selling alcoholic beverages to underage children. The next day, June 15, 2002, David P. Green, then sixteen years old, entered Fowler Liquors early in the evening to buy beer. In the liquor store, Mr. Green recognized other people whom he knew from his high school. Mr. Green testified that it was widely known at his school that underage people could purchase alcohol at Fowler Liquors. Mr. Green purchased a twelve-pack of Budweiser Light beer. He tendered ten dollars cash to the cashier and asked if the store sold "dip," i.e., finely ground tobacco. The cashier told him no, but offered to sell Mr. Green cigarettes. The cashier did not ask Mr. Green his age, nor request any identification from Mr. Green to prove that he was at least 21 years of age. At the hearing in this matter, conducted nearly nine months after the fact, Mr. Green looked no older than sixteen. When he purchased the beer at Fowler Liquors, Mr. Green made no attempt to alter his appearance or otherwise disguise the fact that he was only sixteen years old. When Mr. Green exited Fowler Liquors, he saw a police officer parked in a police cruiser directly in front of him. Mr. Green put his twelve-pack of beer down next to a garbage can, then got into his car and drove away. Several of Mr. Green's friends were also in his car. The police officer who witnessed this scene, Officer Bradley J. Ades of the Fort Myers Police Department, testified at the hearing. Officer Ades testified that, because of the ongoing problems the police were having with Fowler Liquors, he stopped by there to check it out as part of his normal duties. As he pulled into the parking lot, he saw a "very young white male" walking out the front door of Fowler Liquors. The boy was carrying a twelve-pack of Budweiser Light beer. Officer Ades stated that he was surprised not to see the boy's father follow him out of the store, because the boy looked so young. The boy got into his car and drove away. Officer Ades followed him for a little more than one block, then pulled him over. Officer Ades interviewed Mr. Green and photographed him. Mr. Green admitted that he bought the beer in Fowler Liquors, and that he and the other boys in his car intended to drink it. Because the sale of alcohol to a minor is a misdemeanor, and he did not witness the sale, Officer Ades could not make an arrest. The next day, he forwarded to the Division the information concerning his stop of Mr. Green. Agent Brian D. Sauls of the Division contacted Mr. Green and asked him to come to the Division's offices for an interview. Mr. Green agreed. Agent Sauls conducted a photographic suspect lineup, and Mr. Green identified Samer Barghouthi as having been behind the counter at Fowler Liquors at the time he purchased the twelve-pack of Budweiser Light on June 15, 2002. The incident involving the sale to Mr. Green formed the basis of the Administrative Action that led to DOAH Case No. 03-0431. Fowler Liquors did not contest the evidence that a sale was made by Fowler Liquors to Mr. Green, an underage person, on June 15, 2002, or that Samer Barghouthi was present at the counter when the sale was made. On the evening of June 17, 2002, Justin C. Bender, then eighteen years of age, entered Fowler Liquors to buy beer. Mr. Bender testified that he had purchased alcohol at Fowler Liquors more than 40 times and had never been asked for any identification. Mr. Bender stated that he has seen friends and other people whom he knew from school inside Fowler Liquor Store. Mr. Bender also testified that he had discussions with other people about Fowler Liquors being a place where underage people could purchase alcoholic beverages. On June 17, 2002, Mr. Bender purchased a twelve-pack of Budweiser beer and a quart of Heineken beer, then left the store. Mr. Bender purchased the beer from Steve Barghouthi, the father of Samer Barghouthi. Steve Barghouthi did not ask Mr. Bender his age, nor request any identification to prove that he was at least 21 years of age. Mr. Bender had made no effort to alter his appearance or make himself look older than eighteen. On June 17, 2002, Anthony J. Smith, the chief of law enforcement for the Division, visited the Fort Myers office. He asked Captain Pendarakis to inform him of cases her office was involved in, and the subject of Fowler Liquors was discussed. After dinner that evening, Chief Smith drove by Fowler Liquors to take a look at the store. As he drove through the parking lot, Chief Smith saw Mr. Bender exiting the store with his beer. Chief Smith stopped him to determine how old he was. Mr. Bender produced a valid driver's license that showed he was eighteen years old. Chief Smith searched Mr. Bender for fake identification, but found none. Chief Smith asked Mr. Bender if he would be willing to return to Fowler Liquors and make another purchase that Chief Smith could observe. Mr. Bender agreed to do so. Chief Smith telephoned Captain Pendarakis and asked her to bring marked cash for Mr. Bender to purchase beer. Captain Pendarakis arrived with the cash. She went into Fowler Liquors to ascertain whether it would be safe for Mr. Bender to return to the store. After Captain Pendarakis determined the store was safe, Mr. Bender entered the store. Chief Smith and Captain Pendarakis watched the transaction from across the street. They had a clear view through the window of the liquor store. They observed Mr. Bender get a carton of beer, put it on the counter, pay for it, and walk out the door. After Chief Smith and Captain Pendarakis viewed the sale to Mr. Bender, they went into the store to arrest the person who had made the sale, Samer Barghouthi. Mr. Barghouthi was arrested and taken to the Lee County Jail. The incident involving the sale to Mr. Bender formed the basis of the Administrative Action that led to DOAH Case No. 03-0217. Fowler Liquors did not contest the evidence that a sale was made by Fowler Liquors to Mr. Bender, an underage person, on June 17, 2002, or that Samer Barghouthi, the licensee, had made the sale. In mitigation, counsel for Fowler Liquors argued that license revocation would be unfair because Samer Barghouthi is no longer involved in the operation of the business, having signed over his interest to his uncle, Shahir Daghara. Counsel contended that Mr. Daghara acted to remove Samer Barghouthi from the premises of Fowler Liquors as soon as he learned that Mr. Barghouthi was making sales to underage persons. This contention is not credible. The two sales that are the subject of these proceedings occurred nearly one month after the murder of Mr. Cubello, which was widely known to have occurred after Mr. Cubello purchased alcoholic beverages in Fowler Liquors. The two sales also occurred after Mr. Barghouthi had been interviewed by Captain Pendarakis about sales of alcoholic beverages to minors. Moreover, Officer Cecil Pendergrass of the Fort Myers Police Department testified that Samer Barghouthi was still working at Fowler Liquors on July 1, 2002, two weeks after his arrest for selling alcoholic beverages to Justin Bender. There is no record evidence that Mr. Barghouthi transferred his interest in the business to Mr. Daghara. At most, the Division's files indicate that at some point, Fowler Liquors represented to the Division that Mr. Daghara had taken a 49 percent interest in the business. The file also contains an undated "Current Licensee Update Data Sheet" on which Samer Barghouthi's name is crossed through, but Fowler Liquors offered no sworn testimony to explain the significance of this document. Further, even if Mr. Daghara did take over the business, there is no evidence that he took any steps to remove Mr. Barghouthi from the premises of Fowler Liquors, or did anything else to address the problem of selling alcoholic beverages to minors. Officer Pendergrass, who is the community coordinator for the area of Fort Myers that includes Fowler Liquors, also testified that he has been called to Fowler Liquors on a regular basis to deal with code enforcement problems, fights between family members, drug sales, robberies in the parking lot, and civil problems between the owners over refrigeration equipment. Officer Pendergrass testified that the police department's statistics establish that Fowler Liquors is the nucleus of criminal complaints in the area, and that in the last year, the Fort Myers Police Department has had over 300 calls for service to Fowler Liquors.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco enter a Final Order revoking the license of Barghouthi Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Fowler Liquor Store. DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of June, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of June, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Michael Martinez, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202 Captain Tania Pendarkis 4100 Center Point Drive Suite 104 Fort Myers, Florida 33916 John Kyle Shoemaker, Esquire Post Office Box 1601 Fort Myers, Florida 33902 Hardy L. Roberts, III, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202 Peter Williams, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (10) 120.569120.57322.051561.01561.11561.29562.11562.47775.082775.083
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-000504 Latest Update: Sep. 04, 1980

The Issue The issue presented here concerns the accusation by the Petitioner directed to the Respondent that the Respondent, on or about January 24, 1980, did unlawfully have in her possession or permit or allow someone else to have in their possession, namely, Anthony Lewis Graham, alcoholic beverages, to wit: one partial quart bottle of Smirnoff Vodka, one partial quart bottle of Gordon's Gin and one 200 ml bottle of Gordon's Gin, on the licensed premises and it is further alleged that the substances were not authorized by law to be sold under the Respondent's license, contrary to Section 562.02, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner in this action is an agency of the State of Florida which has as its purpose the regulation of those several licensees who sell alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in the State of Florida. The Respondent, Estelle Collins, is the holder of an alcoholic beverages license issued by the Petitioner, License No. 26-00766, Series 2-APS. This license allows the Respondent to sell beer and wine to be consumed off the licensed premises. The license is issued for the Respondent's premises located at 1152 East 21st Street, Jacksonville, Florida, where the Respondent trades under the name 21st Street Grocery. On January 24, 1980, Anthony Lewis Graham, one of the Respondent's patrons in her licensed premises, removed a box from his automobile which was parked on the street in the vicinity of the licensed premises. He carried the box which contained a partially filled quart bottle of Gordon`s Gin; a partially filled quart bottle of Smirnoff Vodka and a partially filled 200 ml bottle of Gordon's Gin into the licensed premises. These bottles contained liquor, that is, alcoholic or spiritous beverages that were not authorized to be sold at the licensed premises under the terms and conditions of the license issued to the Respondent. The box containing the liquor was carried in while an employee of the Respondent was working in the licensed premises and placed behind the meat counter. The box was left with the top opened. It is not clear whether the employee saw the bottles in the box prior to a routine premises inspection conducted by officers with the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco. The inspection took place shortly after Graham had brought the alcoholic beverages into the licensed premises. When the officers entered the premises, they identified themselves to the employee working in the store and this employee left to get the licensee. The employee returned with the Respondent, Estelle Collins, and the officers commenced inspection of the premises. In the course of that inspection, they discovered the aforementioned bottles of alcoholic beverages in the box. They also noted other empty liquor bottles in the area of the meat counter and the service counter within the licensed premises. (There had been another occasion in February, 1979, when the Petitioner's officers had discovered empty gin and vodka bottles in the licensed premises, and this former situation brought about a citation to the Respondent but no penalty action was taken against the Respondent.) No testimony was developed on the matter of the instructions which the Respondent had given to her employees on the subject of keeping unauthorized forms of liquor out of the licensed premises. The only remark which was established by the hearing dealing with the question of keeping those items away from the licensed premises was a statement by Graham, who said that it was not unusual for him to go behind the service counter in the licensed premises. Following this inspection and the discovery of the alcoholic beverages, to wit: liquor bottles in the box, the Petitioner brought the present action against the Respondent.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the Notice to Show Cause/Administrative Complaint accusation placed against the Respondent, Estelle Collins, d/b/a 21st Street Grocery, License No. 26-00766, Series 2-APS, be DISMISSED. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of September, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 101 Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of September, 1980. COPIES FURNISHED: William Hatch, Esquire Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 J. Kennedy Hutcheson, Esquire 341 East Bay Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Florida Laws (2) 561.29562.02
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-000735 Latest Update: May 23, 1980

The Issue Whether or not on or about November 1, 1976, Stella Lee Hill, licensed under the beverage laws, and/or her agent, servant, or employee, to-wit: Jacob Hill, did sell or cause to be sold or delivered intoxicating liquors, wines, or beer to-wit: one-half pint labeled Seagrams Extra Dry Gin, in Santa Rosa County, that which has voted against the sale of such intoxicating liquors, wines or beer, contrary to Section 568.02, F.S.

Findings Of Fact Stella Lee Hill is the holder of license no. 67-129, series 1-COP, held with the State of Florida, Division of Beverage. Stella Lee Hill has held this license from October 1, 1976, up to and including the date of hearing. This license is held to operate at Munson Highway, Route 6, Box 190, Milton, Florida, and to trade as Vonnie Branch Tip Inn, the trade name of the licensed premises. A series 1-COP license is a license which entitles the licensee to make beer sales for consumption on the premises. Santa Rosa County, Florida through its voters has determined that only beer may be sold in that county, of a weight 3.2% alcoholic content. No other form of alcoholic beverages may be sold in Santa Rosa County. On November 1, 1976, around 7:00 p.m., Central Standard Time, agent Roy Cotton, of the State of Florida, Division of Beverage met with an undercover agent, one Robert Lewis. Robert Lewis was not shown to be a member of any law enforcement agency. The meeting took place on the east side of Milton, Florida, in an open field. At that time a discussion was entered into between Cotton and Lewis on the subject of making an alcoholic beverage purchase of unauthorized alcoholic beverages, at the Respondent's licensed premises. Cotton search Lewis to make sure that he did not have any money or alcoholic beverages on his person and also search Lewis' automobile to insure that no alcoholic beverage was in that automobile. After making such search, Cotton provided Lewis with $5.00 in United States currency to make the aforementioned purchase. Lewis drove to the licensed premises in one automobile and Cotton in another. Cotton stationed himself so that he could see the licensed premises and the surrounding buildings, but did not go in the licensed premises. Lewis entered the licensed premises and while in the licensed premises spoke with the brother of the licensee, one Jacob Hill and asked for a half pint bottle of liquor. Jacob Hill left the licensed premises and went to an adjacent house which was the home of the mother of the licensee and returned to the licensed premises and presented Lewis with a one half pint bottle of Seagrams Extra Dry Gin. Lewis paid Jacob Hill for the half pint bottle of Seagrams Extra Dry Gin, a liquor containing more than 3.2% alcohol by weight, and left the premises. This sale was consummated in the presence of Stella Lee Hill, the licensee. The facts as established, show that intoxicating liquors were sold by an agent of the Respondent, to-wit: Jacob Hill, in a county where the voters had decided against the sale of specific intoxicating liquors. Therefore, the Respondent has violated Section 568.02, F.S.

Recommendation It is recommended that the license no. 67-129, series 1-COP, held by the Respondent, Stella Lee Hill, be suspended for a period of 30 days. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of June 1977 in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Charles T. Collett, Esquire Division of Beverage The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Stella Lee Hill Munson Highway Route 6, Box 190 Milton, Florida

Florida Laws (2) 561.29568.02
# 10

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