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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jun. 09, 1998 Number: 98-002600 Latest Update: Oct. 13, 2000

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent committed the allegations set forth in the Administrative Complaint and, if so, what action should be taken.

Findings Of Fact Respondent began her teaching career as a substitute teacher in 1984 and has been an educator ever since. She holds a teaching certificate, issued by the State of Florida, Department of Education, and is certified to teach varying exceptionalities (VE), emotionally handicapped (EH), English speakers of other languages (ESOL), business, business education, mathematics, and middle school grades. Respondent was employed with Petitioner as a classroom teacher since the 1993-94 school year. For the 1993-94 and 1994-95 school years, Respondent's annual evaluations were satisfactory, with no areas of concern being listed. For the 1996-97 school year, Respondent's annual evaluation was satisfactory, with one area of concern being listed. The area of concern was "Adheres to and Enforces School Policies." Petitioner did not renew Respondent's contract at the end of the school year. Prior to the non-renewal of her contract at the end of the 1996-97 school year, no complaints were made and no issues were raised regarding Respondent's performance in the classroom. After her contract was not renewed, Respondent was prepared to file an unfair labor practice charge against Petitioner. Among other things, Respondent considered herself to be entitled, as a matter of law, to a professional service contract, because she had been employed as an annual contract teacher for more than three years. However, in lieu of litigation, on October 10, 1997, Respondent and Petitioner entered into a Settlement Agreement, enabling her to return to work. The Settlement Agreement provided in pertinent part: Ms. Windecker [Respondent] will be placed on a fourth year of probationary service for FY98 and will be issued an annual contract in accordance with Fla. Stat. Section 231.36(3)(c). Ms. Windecker's reinstatement will be effective . . . upon her return to work on the first Monday following the execution of this agreement. . . . * * * In the event, Ms. Windecker's performance for the FY98 school year is satisfactory she will be recommended for a Professional Services Contract. Satisfactory performance will be determined in compliance with the standards set forth in Florida Statutes Section 231.29, the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Palm Beach County Classroom Teachers Association and the Palm Beach County School District, and the policies and directives of the Palm Beach County School Board. Ms. Windecker understands that her acceptance of the annual contract in 1 above is not a guarantee of continued employment in her position with the School District beyond the FY98 school year. The District understands that Ms. Windecker's satisfactory performance during the 1997-98 school year will require that she be recommended for and granted a professional services contract. In the event Ms. Windecker's performance for FY98 is determined by the District to be unsatisfactory, she will be entitled to a hearing pursuant to Fla. Stat. Section 231.36(6)(a) before the Division of Administrative Hearings. As a result of the Settlement Agreement, Respondent returned to work. Petitioner administratively placed Respondent at Indian Pines Elementary School (Indian Pines), effective October 13, 1997. At time of her placement, Indian Pines had a vacancy in VE and EH. Petitioner assigned Respondent to the VE position. Petitioner notified the principal of Indian Pines, Kenneth Meltzer, that Respondent was being placed at his school in the VE position. Principal Meltzer met Respondent for the first time on October 13, 1997. Principal Meltzer was not aware of the Settlement Agreement until approximately ten days after Respondent came to Indian Pines. When Respondent reported to Indian Pines on October 13, 1997, Principal Meltzer met with her and discussed, among other things, the VE class situation and the two individuals to contact should she need anything. The two individuals were Elizabeth Cardozo, assistant principal, and Jay Riegelhaupt, exceptional student education (ESE) coordinator and speech language pathologist. A pre-observation planning guide was usually provided to teachers at Indian Pines. Respondent did not receive a pre- observation planning guide. The evidence presented fails to show that the failure to receive the pre-observation planning guide was detrimental to Respondent. Respondent was required to turn-in her plan book to the administration at Indian Pines. Her plan book was approved by the administration at Indian Pines. Principal Meltzer performed a formal observation of Respondent on December 4, 1997. Prior to the observation, Principal Meltzer had received several complaints from the parents of students in Respondent's VE class regarding Respondent. When there are complaints from parents regarding a teacher, Principal Meltzer's usual procedure is to request the parents to place their complaints in writing and, after receiving the written complaints, to meet with the parents and the teacher to address the specific concerns. Principal Meltzer used this same procedure regarding the parents' complaints against Respondent. Some of the parents' complaints were based upon an allegation of battery of students lodged against Respondent. Principal Meltzer did not provide Respondent with any specific document to assist her in dealing with parents' complaints which may arise. Respondent met with each of the parents and their problems or complaints were resolved. During the investigation of the allegation of battery, Principal Meltzer met with Respondent and the parents of the alleged victim of the alleged battery. The meeting ended with the mother of the alleged victim apologizing to Respondent. In addition, prior to the observation of December 4, 1997, members of the crisis response team (CRT) complained that Respondent was making frequent, inappropriate CRT calls. These complaints were brought to the attention of Principal Meltzer. During the formal observation of Respondent on December 4, 1997, Principal Meltzer used the Florida Performance Measurement System (FPMS) Screening/Summative Observation Instrument. FPMS is the system adopted by Florida's Department of Education for measuring the performance of teachers, using domains and concepts for each domain. Principal Meltzer did not review the VE students' individual education plans (IEPs) prior to the observation. Principal Meltzer's observation of Respondent was that Respondent's teaching was unsatisfactory. On December 8, 1997, Principal Meltzer performed a mid-year evaluation of Respondent. The assessment instrument used by Respondent to evaluate its teachers was the Classroom Teacher Assessment System (CTAS). Using CTAS, teachers received a rating of either a one (a concern) or a two (acceptable) in 16 areas of teacher performance. Respondent was identified as an annual contract (AC) teacher on the CTAS. On the mid-year evaluation, Respondent received a score of 20 and was rated unsatisfactory, with 12 areas of concern being listed. The areas of concern are also referred to as deficiencies. Principal Meltzer based the evaluation on the observation of December 4, 1997, and all occurrences from October 13, 1997. The concerns listed were Management of Student Conduct; Instructional Organization and Development; Presentation of Subject Matter; Communication: Verbal and Nonverbal; Establishes an Appropriate Classroom Climate; Demonstrates Knowledge of Subject Matter; Demonstrates Ability to Plan Effectively; Demonstrates Ability to Evaluate Instructional Needs; Demonstrates Self Control; Demonstrates Effective Working Relationship with Coworkers; Demonstrates Effective Working Relationship with Parents; and Adheres to and Enforces School Policies. Respondent was provided a copy of the FPMS observation and the CTAS mid-year evaluation. The observation of December 4, 1997, contained what can be considered written feedback, but, as written, the feedback could have been better prepared. The mid-year evaluation of December 8, 1997, provided Respondent notice of the deficiencies. At the request of Respondent's union representative, Principal Meltzer agreed to re-observe and re-evaluate Respondent. The union representative noted that it was humanly impossible to correct 12 deficiencies. Principal Meltzer agreed that the second observation and evaluation would replace the first observation and evaluation. Principal Meltzer had the discretion to grant the request and granted the request over the objection of Dr. Jeanne Burdsall, manager of Petitioner's Professional Standards. Principal Meltzer performed the agreed-upon formal observation on January 13, 1998. This observation was also not satisfactory. Respondent received her agreed-upon second mid-year evaluation on January 16, 1998. She received a score of 27 and was rated unsatisfactory, with six areas of concern listed. The areas of concern were Management of Student Conduct; Instructional Organization and Development; Presentation of Subject Matter; Demonstrates Ability to Plan Effectively; Demonstrates Ability to Evaluate Instructional Needs; and Demonstrates Effective Working Relationship with Parents. These six concerns were the most important concerns to Principal Meltzer. Respondent was also placed on a School-Site Assistance Plan (School-Site Plan) on January 16, 1998. The School-Site Plan was developed to address Respondent's deficiencies, together with improvement strategies. No plan was developed for the concern of Demonstrates Effective Working Relationship with Parents because Principal Meltzer concluded that the parents' complaints had been effectively resolved through Respondent's meetings with the parents. Included in the School-Site Plan were agreed-upon dates for reviewing Respondent's progress. The School-Site Plan also provided, among other things, that observations would be conducted to determine whether the deficiencies were corrected. Principal Meltzer reviewed the School-Site Plan with Respondent on January 22, 1998. A copy of the School-Site Plan was provided to Respondent on January 28, 1998. The School-Site Plan was effective through March 10, 1998, which was the latest date that Principal Meltzer had to notify Respondent and Petitioner whether his intent was to recommend Respondent for reappointment. The School-Site Plan was essentially divided into two parts, which were for Respondent to engage in self-study and for her to perform her normal teaching duties. The parties agree that Respondent completed the self-study part of the School-Site Plan. Formal observations were conducted to determine whether Respondent performed her normal teaching duties. As part of the assistance provided to Respondent, pursuant to the School-Site Plan, on February 10, 1998, Pamela Tepsic, Petitioner's Program Specialist, who is also a certified FPMS observer, conducted an observation of Respondent to assist Respondent in improving management of student conduct. Ms. Tepsic's observation was not to be used for evaluative purposes. Some of the matters observed were discussed with Respondent on the same day of the observation. A follow-up conference was scheduled with Respondent for February 19, 1998. Ms. Tepsic made ten written recommendations, which were provided to Respondent on February 20, 1998. As part of the assistance provided to Respondent, pursuant to the School-Site Plan, on February 12, 1998, Linda Long, Petitioner's ESE Team Leader for Area 2, conducted an observation of Respondent for the purpose of assisting Respondent with grouping the IEPs of Respondent's students. Ms. Long wanted to observe Respondent's class before reviewing the students' IEPs. Ms. Long met with Respondent on February 26, 1998, to review the observation and the recommendations made. Ms. Long made four recommendations and provided Respondent with copies of strategies, which were from the State of Florida, Department of Education. During her meeting with Respondent, Ms. Long reviewed the students' IEPs and attempted to place them in groupings because it was difficult for Respondent to engage in direct teaching due to the many groups of children in Respondent's class. Ms. Long's observation was also not to be used for evaluative purposes. On February 17, 1998, Assistant Principal Cardozo conducted a FPMS formative observation of Respondent, focusing on the domain of Instructional Organization and Development, but she did not review the IEP's of Respondent's students prior to the observation. Assistant Principal Cardozo observed that Respondent continued many of the ineffective teaching techniques previously observed. Assistant Principal Cardozo made specific recommendations, and on February 18, 1998, she met with Respondent and reviewed the observation and recommendations. Assistant Principal Cardozo's recommendations included behaviors to continue or maintain and behaviors to increase. Assistant Principal Cardozo's observation was to be used for evaluative purposes. As part of the assistance provided to Respondent, pursuant to the School-Site Plan, on February 18, 1998, Hugh Brady, Petitioner's Instructional Support Team member of Area 2, conducted an observation of Respondent. He observed, among other things, that many of Respondent's comments to her class were not conducive to teaching VE students. Mr. Brady made several recommendations and conferenced with Respondent on February 25, 1998, during which the observation and recommendations were discussed and Respondent was provided a copy of the recommendations. Mr. Brady's observation was not to be used for evaluative purposes. On February 19, 1998, Assistant Principal Cardozo conducted a formal FPMS summative observation of Respondent. She observed that Respondent continued to engage in ineffective teaching, including not teaching concepts completely and failing to give definitions, attributes, examples, and nonexamples. Assistant Principal Cardozo made several recommendations and conferenced with Respondent on February 23, 1998, during which the observation and recommendations were discussed and Respondent was provided a copy of the recommendations. Assistant Principal Cardozo's recommendations included behaviors for Respondent to continue or maintain; behaviors for Respondent to increase; and behaviors for Respondent to reduce or eliminate. Her observation of Respondent was to be used for evaluative purposes. On February 26, 1998, Carol Parks was requested to serve as Respondent's peer teacher. On March 2, 1998, Ms. Parks met with Respondent and reviewed Respondent's lesson plans from which suggestions were made by Ms. Parks regarding planning and recording instructional objectives and improvement to Respondent's lesson plans. On March 5, 1998, Assistant Principal Cardozo conducted a formal FPMS formative observation of Respondent, focusing on the domain of Presentation of Subject Matter. Assistant Principal Cardozo observed that Respondent continued many of the ineffective teaching techniques previously observed. Assistant Principal Cardozo made recommendations, and on March 10, 1998, she met with Respondent and reviewed the observation and recommendations. Principal Meltzer failed to comply with the School- Site Plan as to having progress reviews on the specific dates which were set-aside. The dates scheduled for review of Respondent's progress were January 30, 1998, February 20, 1998, and March 6, 1998. On March 10, 1998, the latest date for Principal Meltzer to recommend non-renewal of an employee, Principal Meltzer conducted a CTAS annual evaluation of Respondent, who was identified on the evaluation as an AC employee. The observations considered by Principal Meltzer were the observations conducted by himself on December 4, 1997, and January 13, 1998; and by Assistant Principal Cardozo on February 17, 1998,1 and February 19, 1998. On the annual evaluation, Respondent scored 26 and was rated unsatisfactory, with the same six areas of concern listed as on the mid-year evaluation of January 16, 1998. The six concerns were Management of Student Conduct; Instructional Organization and Development; Presentation of Subject Matter; Demonstrates Ability to Plan Effectively; Demonstrates Ability to Evaluate Instructional Needs; and Demonstrates Effective Working Relationship with Parents. Principal Meltzer determined that Respondent had failed to correct the six deficiencies. However, as previously indicated, the concern of Demonstrates Effective Working Relationships with Parents was no longer considered a concern, and, therefore, Respondent failed to correct five deficiencies. By letter dated March 10, 1998, Principal Meltzer notified Respondent that, in accordance with Section 231.36, Florida Statutes, and the Settlement Agreement, he was recommending that she not be reappointed for the 1999-2000 school year. In the letter, Principal Meltzer also encouraged Respondent to continue working to improve her performance and, if her performance significantly improved before the end of the 1998-99 school year, he may reconsider his decision. Respondent received this letter on the same date, May 10, 1998. No assistance was provided to Respondent after March 6, 1998. Even though Principal Meltzer had recommended non- reappointment for Respondent, he conducted an observation of Respondent on May 14, 1998. He observed that Respondent continued to need considerable improvement and made several recommendations for improvement. Had Principal Meltzer determined, as a result of his observation of May 14, 1998, that Respondent had made significant improvement, he could have rescinded his recommendation of non-reappointment and recommended reappointment of Respondent. By letter dated June 19, 1998, Petitioner notified Respondent that she was cleared of the allegation of battery of students made against her.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Palm Beach County School Board enter a final order and therein: Dismiss the Administrative Complaint filed against Betty Windecker. Reinstate Betty Windecker with a professional service contract, full backpay, and lost benefits. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of June, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ERROL H. POWELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of June, 2000.

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-000023 Latest Update: Jul. 28, 1986

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, as well as those facts stipulated to by the parties, the following facts are found: The petitioner has been employed with the Pinellas County school system since 1969. She is currently an instructor and department chairperson at Clearwater High School. In the 1984-85 school year, petitioner taught Introduction to Data Processing and COBOL Programming, Levels 2, 3 and 4, to sophomores, juniors and seniors. Along with twelve to fifteen other teachers at Clearwater High School, petitioner applied for the 1984-85 designation as Associate Master Teacher. The Master Teacher Program requires candidates to receive superior scores on both a subject area examination and a performance evaluation. Both components require scores at or above the seventy-fifth (75th) percentile on norms for candidates tested or evaluated. Petitioner received a score in the 86th percentile on her subject area examination. For the performance evaluation, each candidate must have two observations by approved observers who utilize an approved performance observation instrument known as the FPMS (Florida Performance Measurement System. Summative Observation Instrument. To become an approved observer, one must undergo a period of training involving approximately three days. The training programs entail extensive instruction in the research base of the FPMS, how to use the Summative Observation Instrument and in coding procedures. During the training session, the observers are given practice sessions with video taped lessons and then feedback on their coding accuracy. The observers are trained as data collectors and are not taught to score the observation instrument. This scoring function is performed at the University of South Florida's Teacher Evaluation and Assessment Center (TEAC). The three observers in this case had all successfully completed the training session and were approved observers for the State Master Teacher Program. The three persons who observed the petitioner had a part in observing 12 Master Teacher Program candidates for the 1984-85 school year. Of those 12 candidates, 30 percent passed the performance evaluation component. This was slightly higher than the state norm of a 25 percent passage rate. Petitioner's initial two performance observations were conducted on February 20 and 21, 1985, in her Introduction to Data Processing course which she had taught for five years. In preparation for her observations, petitioner created a detailed lesson plan which she believed contained the requirements necessary to receive a passing score on the FPMS. She was not personally trained to code or score the Summative Observation Instrument. Petitioner utilized the same lesson plan for both observations, though a different group of students were being taught on each day. Assistant Principal John Nicely, an approved observer, utilized the FPMS Summative Observation Instrument to conduct the petitioner's performance evaluation on February 20, 1985. This was the first or second evaluation he had conducted after receiving his training as an observer for the Master Teacher Program. Mr. Nicely felt that his training had been adequate and that she was competent to mark the positive and negative indicators required on the Summative Observation Instrument. He felt that he marked the instrument in accordance with what he had observed. His personal opinion of the class which he observed was that petitioner was well prepared, presented a very good lesson, and that student learning was taking place during that class. Bill Williamson, the then Principal of Clearwater High School, and an approved observer, conducted the performance evaluation of petitioner on February 21, 1985. He felt that he had received adequate and comprehensive training and felt confident in his ability to record the behaviors he observed on the Summative Observation Instrument. Mr. Williamson's personal opinion after observing petitioner's class on February 21, 1985, was that she had done a nice job and had given a very fine lesson. The observation instruments completed by Mr. Nicely and Mr. Williamson were sent to TEAC for scoring, and the average of the two scores was formed with the scores of approximately 20,000 candidates for the 1984-85 Master Teacher Program. As the result of the two initial evaluations, petitioner received a score of 18.92 percent on the performance component of the Master Teacher Program. Upon her request, petitioner's scores were hand verified, which did not alter the 18.92 percentile score. The rules governing the Master Teacher Program provide a procedure for candidates who are dissatisfied with their initial performance scores to request reevaluation by a third observer. Petitioner made such a request and was reevaluated by Assistant Principal Dorothy Cheatham on August 29, 1985. Ms. Cheatham was an approved observer of the FPMS, having attended the three-day training session, as well as a review session. Believing that her training was adequate, she felt confident to complete the Summative Observation Instrument. Ms. Cheatham had conducted four Master Teacher Program observations prior to observing petitioner in August. She felt that she had observed an effective lesson in petitioner's class. Following the reevaluation performed by Ms. Cheatham, the three observation scores were averaged and petitioner's revised score improved to the 32.44 percentile. Pursuant to Rule 6A-4.46(5)(b), Florida Administrative Code, a candidate's Principal may recommend to the Department of Education that the candidate receive up to ten additional evaluation points. Mr. Williamson recommended that petitioner receive all ten points. This recommendation was approved, resulting in a final percentile score on the performance evaluation component of 53.17, still below the required 75th percentile. Each of the three approved observers of petitioner's classroom performance were surprised and could not understand or explain how their completion of the observation forms could have resulted in such a low score for petitioner's performance evaluation. Each believed that they had correctly completed the Summative Observation Instrument, yet each felt that the low score did not accurately reflect the level of teaching they had observed. The three observers were trained to utilize the "intervening behavior" or "intervening episode" rule, which means that a teaching behavior that continues is recorded a second time only if there is an intervening behavior or episode. Petitioner's observers utilized this rule in evaluating her performance on February 20 and 21, and August 29, 1985. It does appear from the testimony that at least some of the petitioner's behaviors with regard to her use of audio visual equipment throughout her lesson may have been undercoded. However, there is insufficient evidence to establish how many such instances occurred or how their omission may have affected her overall score or ranking. The cover page of the Summative Observation Instrument contains a section entitled "Instruction Format/Frame Factors." Petitioner's three observers did not recall specific indepth instruction during the training sessions as to the proper manner of completing this portion of the form. They circled different methods of teaching for petitioner's observed lessons. Mr. Nicely indicated a combination of lecture, discussion, recitation and interaction. Mr. Williamson indicated a combination of all methods used in the classroom. Ms. Cheatham indicated a combination of lecture and independent study or work. While the form of instruction a teacher utilizes during a performance evaluation can result in a point differential in the norming of a candidate's score, the total effect is small. The score adjustment was not determined to be great enough to justify norming separate norm groups based upon instructional format. The FPMS was developed to be used for teachers of all levels and in all subjects, with two norm groups, elementary and post-elementary. It is a low inference observation instrument, designed to collect objective data and to be scored against a norm group. As opposed to a high inference or rating instrument, the FPMS does not require the observer to make a judgment or opinion about the teacher's performance At the time the data is collected and recorded, no scores are entered on the instrument. Indeed, observers are not taught to score the instrument; they are trained as data collectors. The evaluator's purpose is to code what the teacher does and not what the evaluator thinks of the teacher. The observer records data concerning the teacher's behavior in the classroom by simply describing the numbers of times they see a listed behavior. The data recorded is then compared with all other teachers who are being scored on the same instrument. With low inference instruments, the only judgment made is after the scoring or recording of data is completed. At that time, the norm table is determined and the teachers are placed in rank order. Low inference evaluations based upon structured observations produce more useful data than high inference or rating evaluations in relating teacher performance with student achievement. Indeed it has been determined that the use of high inference instruments in evaluating teacher performance bears little or no correlation with student behavior and student achievement. The Pinellas County School Board utilizes a high inference rating system to perform the annual evaluations for instructional personnel. The main purpose of this evaluation, while it contains some of the same items as the FPMS, is feedback and improvement of the teachers for employment purposes. Unlike the FPMS, whose purpose is to recognize superior ability, the Pinellas County evaluation system does not compare teachers when ratings are given. In contrast, Master Teacher Program candidates are compared to each other statewide to determine whose teaching performance is superior. For the 1984-85 school year, approximately 47 percent of the teachers at Clearwater High School received the highest rating of "exceeds expectations" in the instructional area. Another 49 percent received the next highest rating designation of "meets expectations." Petitioner's annual performance evaluations during her years of employment with the Pinellas County School Board have been consistently above average. For the 1984-85 school year, petitioner was evaluated by Dorothy Cheatham and received an overall rating of "exceeds expectations" in the area of instructional performance. A three-member team of outside evaluation experts reviewed the FPMS for compliance with the criteria specified in Rule 6A-4.46, Florida Administrative Code. While the team had some recommendations for improvement and suggested certain areas of caution in future use, it enthusiastically endorsed the use of the FPMS for the merit program. The team found the observer training program to be effective and impressive. Testing results have indicated a good distribution of awards among the various disciplines and instruction modes and indicate that the FPMS was appropriately normed.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the petitioner's amended petition seeking the granting of the Associate Master Teacher Endorsement and the $3,000.00 merit incentive award be DENIED. Respectfully submitted and entered this 28th day of July, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of July, 1986. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 86-0023 The proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties have been carefully considered and are accepted and/or incorporated in this Recommended Order, except as noted below: Petitioner 1. The date of application is rejected as unsupported by any evidence. 7. Last sentence rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. 15. The words "gave the same lesson" rejected as unsupported by competent, substantial evidence. Rejected as unsupported by competent, substantial evidence, and that portion relating to Williamson's understanding of the coding rules is rejected as contrary to the evidence. Partially rejected in that it was not conclusively demonstrated that undercoding occurred. 20 and 21. Rejected as irrelevant and immaterial to the issues in dispute. 23 - 26. Rejected as unsupported by competent, substantial evidence. Respondents Rejected as immaterial to any issue in dispute. 22 and 26. Rejected as constituting a legal conclusion as opposed to a factual finding. 27. This proposed finding is supported by the evidence, but is not particularly relevant to any issue in dispute. COPIES FURNISHED: Ronald G. Meyer, Esquire Meyer, Brooks and Cooper, P. A. 911 East Park Avenue Post Office Box 1547 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Barbara Staros Harmon Deputy General Counsel State Board of Education Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Ralph D. Turlington Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Judith Brechner General Counsel Department of Education Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.60
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Apr. 17, 2000 Number: 00-001625 Latest Update: May 06, 2002

The Issue Whether Petitioner has cause to terminate Respondent's continuing contract of employment as a classroom teacher.

Findings Of Fact The School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida (School Board), is charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise the public schools within Palm Beach County. Section 4(b), Article IX, Florida Constitution. Petitioner has been authorized to act on behalf of the School Board in this proceeding. The respective duties and responsibilities of the School Board and the Superintendent are set forth in Chapter 230, Florida Statutes. Respondent has been employed by the School Board as a classroom English teacher pursuant to a continuing contract since 1965. At all times pertinent to this proceeding Respondent taught high school English at BRCHS. On October 25, 1999, the then-serving Superintendent of Schools reassigned Respondent to an administrative position in the Division of Personnel Services, effective October 26, 1999. Respondent has not taught in the Palm Beach School District since his reassignment. The Classroom Teachers Association (CTA) is a union that represents members of the Palm Beach County School District’s instructional staff. Respondent has been a member of the CTA at all times pertinent to this proceeding. Section 231.29(1), Florida Statutes, requires each school district to establish procedures for assessing the performance of duties and responsibilities of certain employees, including classroom teachers with continuing contracts. The Florida Department of Education (DOE) must approve each school district's personnel assessment system. The School Board has adopted a personnel assessment system, described below, that has been approved by DOE. As required by Florida law, School District administrators evaluate the work performance of teachers at least once a year. The Classroom Teachers Assessment System (CTAS), the assessment system used by the Palm Beach County School District, requires that prior to any evaluation, a qualified administrator observe the teacher’s classroom performance for a minimum of twenty minutes, recording any noted strengths and identifying weaknesses that should be remediated. An observation may be recorded in a narrative form or in a summative form. Following the observation, the administrator completes the evaluation form, which requires that the teacher be rated in 16 skill areas. The rating for each skill area is a score of two for an acceptable area or a one for an area of concern (an area of deficiency). At the beginning of every school year, teachers receive a Teacher Evaluation Handbook (Handbook) that describes the evaluation form, criteria, and rating scale that Petitioner uses to evaluate the job performance of employees with continuing contracts or professional services contracts. The evaluation form lists a total of 16 skill areas under the following headings: "Instructional Process," "Professional Proficiencies," and "Professional Responsibilities" as follows: INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS Management of Student Conduct Instructional Organization and Development Presentation of Subject Matter Communication: Verbal and Nonverbal PROFESSIONAL PROFICIENCIES Establishes an Appropriate Classroom Climate Demonstrates Knowledge of Subject Matter Demonstrates Ability to Plan Effectively Demonstrates Ability to Evaluate Instructional Needs Demonstrates Effective Written Communication Skills Develops and Maintains an Accurate Record Keeping System PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Demonstrates a Commitment to Growth Demonstrates Self Control Demonstrates Effective Working Relationship with Coworkers Demonstrates Effective Working Relationship with Parents Adheres to and Enforces School Policies Performs Duties as Assigned by the School Administration The Handbook provides criteria that explain each one of these categories on the evaluation form. Teachers who receive an unsatisfactory performance evaluation are placed on a 30-day school-site assistance plan. If the teacher’s performance has not sufficiently improved by the end of the 30 days, the teacher is thereafter placed on a 90-day district-level assistance plan. Prior to the end of the 90-day period, the teacher’s performance in the classroom is evaluated again. If that teaching performance is still rated unsatisfactory, the teacher can be recommended for dismissal. This process applies to both Professional Service Contract (PSC) teachers and Continuing Contract (CC) teachers. The CTAS has been incorporated by reference into the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the School District and the CTA. 1/ Article II, Section M of the CBA is titled Discipline of Employees (Progressive Discipline) and provides, in pertinent part, as follows: Without the consent of the employee and the Association, disciplinary action may not be taken against an employee except for just cause, and this must be substantiated by clear and convincing evidence which supports the recommended disciplinary action. * * * 7. Except in cases which clearly constitute a real and immediate danger to the District or the actions/inactions of the employee constitute such clearly flagrant and purposeful violations of reasonable school board rules and regulations, progressive discipline shall be administered as follows: Verbal Reprimand With A Written Notation. . . . Written Reprimand. . . . Suspension Without Pay. . . . Dismissal. . . . Diane Harris became the principal of BRCHS in August 1997, taking over for Norman Shearin. Prior to her appointment, Ms. Harris served as an administrator in the Area Office and was assigned to the instructional support team. Pursuant to her duties under the CTAS, Ms. Harris observed one of Respondent’s classes on October 23, 1997. She observed what she considered to be several areas of deficient performance. Ms. Harris subsequently met with Respondent to address these concerns and make suggestions on how he could improve his teaching performance. Respondent was not receptive to her comments. Respondent’s final evaluation for the 1997-98 school year was rated satisfactory overall. Ms. Harris testified, credibly, that she rated all the teachers that year as being satisfactory because she wanted to observe all teachers during her first year as principal so she could formulate a plan for the following year. The concerns noted during her October observation of the Respondent were never made a part of his final evaluation for 1997-98. Ms. Harris rated Respondent's performance as being satisfactory despite the fact that she was aware that Respondent’s review for the prior year (under Dr. Shearin) had been unsatisfactory. Every year, the BRCHS English Department takes students on a field trip to the Caldwell Theater to view a theatrical production. On November 4, 1998, Respondent’s first period English class was scheduled to go on that field trip. That morning, however, several of his students appeared at the school’s front office and complained to Ms. Harris that Respondent would not allow the entire class to go on the field trip because some students had thrown “spit wads” during class. Rather than punish the students who were responsible, Respondent inappropriately punished the whole class. Because half of the English Department was going on the field trip that day and half the next day (November 5, 1998), Ms. Harris arranged for Respondent’s students to go on the field trip on November 5, 1998. She was unable to meet with Respondent on November 4, 1998 because, when she went to look for him to inquire about his actions, he had already left on the bus with other students to go to the theater. When Ms. Harris was finally able to speak to Respondent either that day or the following day, Respondent accused her of preempting his absolute authority over his class. On November 6, 1998, Ms. Harris issued a memorandum to Respondent outlining her concerns about the field trip incident. In that memorandum, Ms. Harris also noted that she was concerned about the frequent number of disciplinary referrals for assistance from the deans Respondent would make on a daily basis. As a result of those concerns, Ms. Harris provided Respondent with a handout from the CTAS listing the performance criteria for Management of Student Conduct, which included implementing a discipline plan. Ms. Harris specifically directed Respondent to prepare such a written discipline plan and provide it to her by November 9, 1998. On November 17, 1998, Respondent provided to Ms. Harris a copy of a one-page typed document outlining eight rules of conduct which he handed out at the beginning of each school year to his students. On the copy provided to Ms. Harris, the Respondent noted that he also followed the student/teacher handbook. Attached to the document was a copy of a page from an outdated student/teacher handbook. On several occasions Ms. Harris informed Respondent that his discipline plan was inadequate. Thereafter, Ms. Harris consulted with Ms. Stafford, an assistant principal of BRCHS, and obtained a number of documents from the School District’s Professional Standards Office to aid Respondent in properly preparing a discipline plan. By memorandum dated December 18, 1998, Ms. Harris directed Respondent to provide her with a discipline plan by January 8, 1999. When a student is removed from a classroom as the result of misbehavior, he or she is sent to a supervised study area called the opportunity room. On November 24, 1998, Ms. Harris met with Respondent regarding the large volume of referrals he was issuing, which resulted in the students being referred to the opportunity room. At mid-year, Respondent had issued approximately 70 to 75 such referrals. By the end of the school year, Respondent had issued 146 such referrals. In addition to the number of referrals, Ms. Harris received complaints from parents that two particular students were being regularly referred to the opportunity room, that these two students received failing grades, that they were not given progress reports, and that their work was misplaced. Ms. Harris also received a complaint from a student that Respondent had sent the student to the opportunity room without giving the student a way to make up class work. Respondent requested another meeting and offered to justify the referrals he had made, but the meeting was never held. 2/ On December 4, 1998, Ms. Harris made an informal observation of Respondent’s first period class. Ms. Harris observed that the classroom setting was chaotic, students ignored Respondent, and there was no flow or continuity of instruction. All teachers are required to turn in weekly lesson plans reflecting objectives, materials, assessment tools, and activities. In January 1999, Respondent turned in lesson plans for the second term of English 10 and 11. His plans for English 11 were merely a duplicate of his plans for English 10. Subsequently, Ms. Harris repeatedly instructed Respondent to turn in appropriate lesson plans for English 11. Despite those clear instructions from Ms. Harris, Respondent did not turn in appropriate lesson plans for English 11. Ms. Harris decided to give Respondent a mid-year evaluation. The evidence presented by Petitioner established that Ms. Harris was justified in determining that a mid-year evaluation was appropriate. 3/ Ms. Harris assigned Dr. Robert Murley, an assistant principal at BRCHS, to perform a summative observation of Respondent on February 2, 1999. On the day Dr. Murley observed Respondent, Respondent was approximately five minutes late to class. At one point during the observation, Dr. Murley observed that more than half the class was not engaged in learning. The students were either talking or sleeping, or staring off into space, or looking out the window. Dr. Murley further observed Respondent talking above the class rather than getting them to pay attention. Dr. Murley observed the class for over an hour in the hope that things would get better, but they did not. During the 75 minutes that Dr. Murley observed Respondent’s class, he noted 42 times where the students were engaged in misconduct, with Respondent failing to address the misconduct in 12 instances. Respondent’s lessons failed to include meaningful learning and motivational techniques. Overall, Dr. Murley felt that there was very little learning going on and that Respondent was having a lot of difficulty keeping the class aware of what he was trying to teach them and trying to keep them engaged. On February 5, 1999, Dr. Murley met and reviewed his observations with Respondent. Respondent listened to some of the suggestions but not all of them. Respondent did not contest any of Dr. Murley’s observations on the summative form at that time. Subsequently, Dr. Murley attended a meeting with Respondent, his union representative, Ms. Harris, and Ms. Stafford. At that subsequent conference, Respondent resisted all suggestions and criticized Dr. Murley’s observations. As a result of Dr. Murley’s observation and Ms. Harris’ other concerns, Ms. Harris gave Respondent an unsatisfactory rating on the mid-year evaluation. On February 22, 1999, Ms. Harris met with Respondent and gave him the evaluation; Respondent signed the evaluation under protest. Respondent accused Ms. Harris and Ms. Stafford of “obsessive misanthropy.” This can only be construed as an attack on their professionalism and an accusation that they were biased against male professionals. On March 3, 1999, another conference was held, at which time Respondent presented his written rebuttal 4/ disputing each of Ms. Harris’ concerns from the February 22nd meeting. Respondent was not receptive to any suggestions, and the meeting itself was adversarial. By memorandum dated March 8, 1999, Ms. Harris notified Respondent that he was being placed on a 30-day school-site assistance plan, and that failure to improve his performance could result in further action. A copy of the written assistance plan was provided to Respondent at that time. Respondent was also provided with copies of letters and reports from students in Respondent’s classes regarding the climate in the classroom and Respondent’s evaluation of students. On March 10, 1999, Ms. Harris met with Respondent, together with Dr. Jeanne Burdsall, Director of Professional Standards, and Diane Curcio-Greaves, a specialist from the Professional Standards Department, regarding the school-site assistance plan. Dr. Burdsall and Ms. Curcio-Greaves developed a checklist for the 30-day plan. As part of the plan, Respondent was to observe another teacher’s class, turn in a discipline plan by March 22, 1999, and work with a Peer Assistance and Review (“PAR”) Consulting Teacher. Respondent and his union representative consented to his referral for PAR assistance. Follow-up meetings to review progress under the plan were scheduled for approximately every ten days. On or about March 15, 1999, Respondent provided a written response to Ms. Harris, contesting the charges against him. On March 17, 1999, Ms. Curcio-Greaves arranged for Respondent to observe a class at Atlantic High School. During that observation, Ms. Curcio-Greaves pointed out to Respondent certain teaching behaviors that she considered effective. Two areas were focused upon: management of student conduct and instructional organization and development. Respondent could have benefited from observing that class, but he resisted the efforts of Ms. Curcio-Greaves to help him improve his performance. On March 16, 1999, as part of the on-site school assistance plan, Virginia McGrath, a member of the Area Office’s Instructional Support Team and a certified CTAS evaluator, observed one of Respondent’s classes for approximately one hour and noted several areas for improvement. Specifically, she observed that Respondent did not review the assignment with the class, and that the students did not seem to understand the material being covered. Further, Respondent would not answer the questions of students who were unclear about the materials and/or the assignment and allowed too much down time. Ms. McGrath did not observe any actual teaching by Respondent during this observation. On March 18, 1999, Ms. Harris conducted a school-wide training session regarding the new CTAS evaluation system, which had been negotiated by the School District and the CTA and approved by DOE. Respondent attended the training. On March 19, 1999, pursuant to the terms of the on- site school assistance program, Ms. Harris again met with Ms. Curcio-Greaves and Respondent to review his progress under the on-site plan. During the meeting, Respondent complained that he should not be involved in the observation process, and he was not receptive to Ms. Curcio-Greaves’ observations. Instead, Respondent was critical of the teachers he observed and opined that Atlantic High School was a bad school overall. Pursuant to Respondent’s request at that meeting, Ms. Harris scheduled a follow-up meeting for March 23, 1999, to further discuss Respondent’s evaluation. On April 9, 1999, a follow-up meeting was held to review Respondent’s progress under the school assistance program. By this time, Respondent had still not provided the required classroom management plan; rather, he had only turned in a copy of the rule book. At the meeting, Respondent was informed of a professional standards workshop on presentation of subject matter and planning, to take place on April 27, 1999. As part of the school assistance plan, Respondent attended that workshop. Also pursuant to the school assistance plan, the PAR panel granted, on April 15, 1999, Respondent’s request for inclusion in the program, and assigned a PAR Consulting Teacher. On April 15, 1999, Dr. Burdsall attended an evaluation meeting with Respondent, Ms. Harris, and Mr. Matulaitis. During the meeting, Respondent stated that the principal was unprofessional, and commented that one particular student and that student’s father were “not too bright.” Respondent also stated (referring to Dr. Burdsall and Ms. Harris) that, “The ladies are unable to handle this, you live in a fluffy world,” and responded to a question by Dr. Burdsall with “no, my love, no.” Respondent was insulting to Ms. Harris and Dr. Burdsall and resisted the remedial assistance being provided to him. On April 16, 1999, pursuant to the CTA CBA, Ms. Harris notified Respondent that she would be observing his class during the week of April 19-23, 1999. Subsequently, Ms. Harris conducted the observation of Respondent’s classroom on April 22, 1999, and prepared a narrative report of her observations. Based upon her observations, Ms. Harris concluded that Respondent still did not have adequate control of his classroom environment and was exhibiting the same deficiencies as she had noted in the February 1999 evaluation. By memorandum dated April 26, 1999, Ms. Harris informed Respondent of her observations and, on April 30, 1999, personally met with him to discuss the matter further. Respondent did not agree with the assessment. Ms. Harris provided to Respondent a follow-up memorandum on May 5, 1999. By memorandum dated April 23, 1999, Mr. Matulaitis requested that the completion date for the school-site assistance plan be extended, as some items had not yet been completed. Upon review of the matter, Ms. Harris noted that most items had been completed without any noticeable improvement by Respondent. Specifically, Ms. Harris had still not received the discipline plan she had requested back in November, nor had Respondent provided to her revised lesson plans. Further, none of the observations of his classes showed any change in strategies in the classroom. In addition, Respondent became more adversarial and abusive at each follow-up meeting and consistently resisted suggestions. Ms. Harris denied Mr. Matulaitis’ request to extend the completion date for the school-site assistance plan. Dr. Mary Gray, a professor at Florida Atlantic University, is an expert in teacher evaluation who works with the school district as a consultant in teacher evaluation cases. Dr. Gray met Respondent on April 27, 1999, when he attended a workshop she conducted on planning for instruction and presentation of subject matter (including classroom management and questioning techniques) as part of his remediation program. Dr. Gray testified that Respondent appeared resistant to participating in the workshop. On May 4, 1999, Ms. Harris notified Respondent that she would provide transportation for him to go to another school and observe another teacher’s classroom as part of his remediation plan. Ms. Harris further informed Respondent that she would provide a substitute teacher for his classes that day. On that same date, Respondent signed the notification under protest and asked for the trip to be rescheduled. On May 5th and 6th, however, Respondent was absent from work. On May 6, 1999, Ms. Harris notified Respondent that his May 5, 1999, meeting to observe an ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) teacher had been rescheduled for May 10, 1999, due to Respondent’s absence on May 5th. This was one of the last open items remaining on Respondent’s school-site assistance plan. By letter dated May 6, 1999, Ms. Harris requested then Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Joan P. Kowal, to place Respondent on a 90-day performance probation, because Respondent had completed the school-site assistance plan without making any improvement in the noted areas of deficiency. On May 11, 1999, Respondent received his year-end CTAS evaluation. The evaluation noted the same deficiencies as had been noted on the February evaluation. The evaluation rated Respondent as unsatisfactory overall, and noted that a 90-day district-level assistance plan would be implemented. By letter dated May 12, 1999, Superintendent Kowal formally advised Respondent that he had been placed on 90-day performance probation and that he would receive a Professional Development Plan (the district plan) to support remediation of the deficiencies. Also on May 13, 1999, Ms. Harris provided to Respondent copies of letters from students and one parent regarding the climate in Respondent’s classroom and Respondent’s failure to appropriately evaluate student needs. Ms. Harris testified that the student concerns were addressed in the form of a petition, and that she had never received such a document for any other teacher at BRCHS. Ms. Harris referred Respondent to specific sections in the school-site assistance plan for suggestions on improvement strategies in the noted areas of concern. On that same day, Ms. Harris also requested that Superintendent Kowal revise the district plan to delete the seventh area of concern (working relationships with parents) as a result of the disposition of a grievance Respondent had filed about his evaluation. Ms. Harris had been told by her supervisor that it would be more beneficial for Respondent to concentrate on the other six areas, which more directly affected Respondent’s instructional activities. Respondent’s May 1999 evaluation was also changed accordingly. On May 14, 1999, the ESOL teacher assigned to meet with Respondent pursuant to the school-site assistance plan reported to Ms. Harris that Respondent had been resistant to the ESOL teacher’s suggestions as to the use of ESOL strategies. At a meeting on May 19, 1999, Respondent was officially placed on a 90-day district plan and notified of his right to a deficiency hearing -- which he requested. At that meeting, a checklist for the district plan was developed. Everyone agreed to the plan and agreed that it complied with the CTA CBA. Neither Respondent nor the CTA objected to the fact that Respondent had been placed on the 30-day and 90-day programs. The deficiency hearing to review the 90-day district plan was conducted with Cheryl Alligood serving as the hearing officer. The hearing was held before Ms. Alligood, the principal, the union representative, and the teacher. The purpose of a deficiency hearing is for the union representative to come with the teacher and the principal to review what concerns there may have been and whether sufficient assistance is being provided to the teacher by the district plan. Respondent, who was represented by counsel at the deficiency hearing, asserted that his performance was not deficient and that Ms. Harris was “out to get him.” Subsequently, Ms. Alligood found sufficient reason to continue Respondent on the district plan. Respondent received notice of that determination on July 6, 1999. Pursuant to Respondent’s agreement, Dr. Burdsall arranged for Respondent to observe a Dwyer Award recipient or nominee. A Dwyer Award is given for excellence in teaching. Respondent did not keep his appointment that had been set up by Dr. Burdsall. The observation was rescheduled, but again, the Respondent did not show up. Respondent also failed to attend a workshop set up by the PAR teachers specifically for the purpose of helping him remediate his particular teaching deficiencies. Dr. Burdsall offered Respondent the opportunity to attend a different workshop. Again, he did not attend. During the 1998- 99 school year, several remedial workshops were recommended to Respondent to assist in his professional development that he did not take advantage of. On May 27, 1999 (about a week before the end of the school year), Dr. Gray observed Respondent’s teaching performance in the classroom, at which time she noted he was deficient in several areas. The most critical deficiency Dr. Gray noted was that Respondent was not performing at the minimal teaching level. Based on her observations, Dr. Gray did not consider Respondent to be a competent teacher. Following the observation, Dr. Gray met with Respondent to review the results of her observation and to offer constructive criticism. Respondent was defensive and clearly resented being involved in the observation/remediation process. Respondent angrily voiced that resentment to Dr. Gray. Respondent subsequently provided Ms. Harris with a written response to Dr. Gray’s observations, disagreeing with each one. Respondent’s district plan extended through the summer. Dr. Burdsall met with Respondent following the summer break and determined that Respondent had not done anything over the summer to try to help his remediation process. At the August 13, 1999, meeting, Dr. Burdsall, Ms. Harris, and Mr. Matulaitis agreed it would be beneficial for Respondent to attend a couple of workshops on management of student conduct and instructional strategies. In addition, it was decided that the PAR teacher would continue for the 1999-2000 school year. Dr. Burdsall testified that the meeting was unlike any other assistance review meetings she has had because of the adversarial, abusive attitudes of Respondent and his union representative. Dr. Burdsall was under the impression that Respondent was never going to remediate. On August 26, 1999, pursuant to the 90-day district plan, Tcherina Duncombe, a specialist in the Professional Standards Office, conducted an hour-long observation of Respondent’s classroom and prepared a narrative report of her observations. Ms. Duncombe determined that Respondent needed improvement in the same areas that had been of concern during the prior school year, including management of student conduct, instructional organization and development, and establishing an appropriate classroom climate. Ms. Duncombe observed that Respondent’s instruction that day was not organized and was ineffectual, and that his directions were unclear. Further, Respondent failed to discipline some students for talking in class and making inappropriate comments, but then would discipline others in an inappropriate manner. Ms. Duncombe subsequently discussed her findings and suggested improvement strategies with Respondent, but he did not appear to be receptive. During the one-hour review session Ms. Duncombe had with Respondent, Respondent spent most of the time making negative comments about the district plan and Ms. Harris. Based upon the information contained in the narrative, Ms. Harris determined that Respondent had not made any improvement in his classroom teaching performance. On September 9, 1999, Respondent provided a written response to Ms. Duncombe’s observations, taking issue with each point made by Ms. Duncombe. On September 18, 1999, Respondent was notified via certified mail that a second observation would take place during the week of September 21, 1999, by Ms. McGrath, as part of the district plan. At the same time, Respondent was informed that a previously scheduled meeting had been reset to September 21, 1999. Ms. McGrath conducted her second observation of Respondent on September 22, 1999. Again, Ms. McGrath did not observe any actual teaching, and Respondent again failed to review materials with the students and clarify any confusing assignments. Ms. McGrath also observed students talking in class (including the utterance of a couple obscenities) and passing notes. In addition, Respondent was inconsistent with requests for bathroom leaves. Further, Respondent had not implemented any of Ms. McGrath’s recommendations from the previous observation (there was no defined lesson and Respondent was not meeting the needs of all his students). After the second observation, Ms. McGrath was concerned about Respondent’s competency as a teacher. Based upon the information contained in Ms. McGrath’s summary of her observation, Ms. Harris determined that Respondent still had not made any improvement in his classroom teaching performance. Dr. Burdsall was present during a September 21, 1999, district plan meeting wherein the evaluations of Ms. Duncombe and Dr. Gray were reviewed. Respondent insulted Dr. Burdsall again. Dr. Burdsall testified that she had never had a teacher become abusive when she was trying to provide assistance. Rather than walk out of the meeting, Dr. Burdsall continued to try and provide assistance to Respondent. Despite Respondent’s attitude, Dr. Burdsall continued to make efforts to assist Respondent and get him to see other teachers. On October 4, 1999, Ms. Harris received a letter from a student concerning Respondent’s teaching methods. Ms. Harris testified that the complaints in the letter were consistent with the same pattern of deficiencies exhibited by Respondent on other occasions. Ms. Harris provided copies of the letter to Respondent and, on October 7, 1999, scheduled a brief meeting with him to discuss the letter. The meeting was held on October 8, 1999. At the meeting, Respondent was also given a copy of an observation summary conducted by Dr. Penny Beers, the curriculum specialist for the School Board's language arts program, discussed infra. Further, Ms. Harris notified Respondent that she would be observing his classroom the week of October 11, 1999. On October 5, 1999, Respondent, through his counsel, filed a Petition for Writ of Prohibition in the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida. In that action, Respondent sought the issuance of a writ of prohibition directing the School Board to cease the 90-day district-level remediation program and restraining the School Board from treating Respondent as a PSC teacher. Respondent argued that, as a CC teacher under Section 231.36, Florida Statutes, he could only be dismissed for immorality, misconduct in office, incompetency, gross insubordination, willful neglect of duty, drunkenness, or conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude. Respondent further argued that the 90-day district plan could not be applied to CC teachers. By order dated November 1, 1999, following oral argument on the issue, the Circuit Court denied Respondent’s Petition. On October 6, 1999, Dr. Beers conducted an observation of Respondent’s classroom as part of the district plan. Although Dr. Beers made several commendations in her observation summary, she made even more recommendations for improvement. Based upon her one-hour observation, Dr. Beers felt that Respondent had not demonstrated his competence as a teacher because she saw very little instructional time used during that one-hour period. Specifically, Respondent engaged the students in actual instruction for only ten minutes of the one-hour period. She also noted that Respondent was inconsistent in his meting out of discipline and was not very aware of what the students were doing (which was referred to as lacking “with-it- ness”). Dr. Beers wrote up a summary of her observation in narrative form, and included commendations as well as recommendations for improvement. From those recommendations, Ms. Harris determined that Respondent had still not made any progress toward remediating his teaching deficiencies. Ms. Harris observed Respondent’s class on October 12, 1999, and prepared a narrative summary. Respondent’s classroom performance at that time was consistent with previous observations. Ms. Harris did not note any improvement. On October 15, 1999, Ms. Harris prepared an evaluation for Respondent, rating his performance as being unsatisfactory. The unsatisfactory evaluation was based on Respondent’s failure to remediate any of the previously noted six areas of concern and his lack of effort in that regard. Ms. Harris also notified Superintendent Kowal that, although Respondent was provided 90 days of assistance, his performance deficiencies had not been corrected to a sufficient degree to warrant a satisfactory evaluation. Dr. Kowal in turn notified Respondent that she would recommend to the School Board Respondent’s dismissal effective 15 days from the November 4, 1999, School Board meeting. At the end of the 1996-97 school year, Respondent erroneously recorded that all but one student in a class had failed the final examination. The incorrect grades appeared on the final report cards for the 1996-97 school year. On September 17, 1997, a pre-disciplinary hearing was held to determine whether further action should be taken. At that pre- disciplinary hearing, it was established that the failing grades were the result of Respondent's record-keeping errors and that no further action would be taken against him after Respondent changed the erroneous grades. Respondent repeatedly failed to maintain adequate records of grades, made errors in reporting grades, and misplaced students' work. Count II alleged that Respondent refused to submit the end-of-year checklist prior to summer break for the 1998/99 school year. The evidence failed to establish that allegation. Count II also alleged that Respondent falsified a disciplinary referral by indicating on the referral record that he had spoken to the student's parent when, in fact, he had not done so. Respondent admitted that he had not spoken directly with the parent, but he testified, credibly, that he had left a message on the parent's answering machine and did not intend to mislead anyone by the referral record. Count II alleged that Respondent meted out inappropriate, unwarranted, and unequal punishment to students, and that he used grades and denial of make-up work opportunities as methods of punishment. Respondent meted out inappropriate, unwarranted, and unequal punishment to students. Petitioner did not establish that Respondent used grades and denial of make-up work opportunities as methods of punishment. As alleged in Count III, Petitioner established that Respondent was guilty of insubordination by his continuing failure to provide Ms. Harris with lesson plans and with a discipline plan. In explaining to the arbitrator who heard one of his grievances, Respondent testified that he did not do a discipline because he did not do "diddly" tasks. The remaining allegations of insubordination or willful neglect of duty set forth in Count III were not established by Petitioner. Petitioner established that each observation of Respondent's performance at issue in this proceeding was pursuant to and consistent with its established evaluation process. Each person who formally observed Respondent's classroom performance was appropriately trained and objectively reported their observations, which were factually based. Petitioner further established that each performance evaluation at issue in this proceeding was pursuant to and consistent with its established evaluation process. The various findings of unsatisfactory performance were justified by documented observations as required by the evaluation process. The 90-day district plan provided Respondent with appropriate assistance to help him correct his teaching deficiencies. Petitioner clearly established that Respondent repeatedly resisted efforts to help him. Respondent failed to remediate his deficiencies. This failure should be attributed more to a negative attitude than a lack of ability. At the March 29, 2000, School Board meeting, the Superintendent of Schools submitted a written recommendation that Respondent be dismissed from his CC teaching position with the School District at the end of the 1999-2000 school year, effective May 31, 2000. Respondent and his attorney were given an opportunity to be heard regarding the Superintendent’s recommendation. The School Board voted in favor of the Superintendent's recommendation.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a final order that adopts the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained herein. It is further RECOMMENDED that the final order terminate Respondent’s continuing contract of employment effective at the end of the 1999-2000 school year. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of May, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of May, 2001.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Avon Park, Florida Oct. 06, 2004 Number: 04-003635PL Latest Update: Jul. 11, 2005

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent committed the acts alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint, and if so, what discipline should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds, and at all relevant times, held a valid Florida Educator’s Certificate. Respondent is and, at all relevant times, was a fifth- grade teacher at Avon Park Elementary School in Highlands County. Respondent has been an elementary school teacher for 19 years. She taught fourth and fifth grade at Zolfo Springs Elementary School in Hardee County from 1986 through the end of the 2000-01 school year. She started teaching at Avon Park Elementary School at the beginning of the 2001-02 school year. Respondent is currently on a year-to-year contract. Her contract was renewed for the 2003-04 and 2004-05 school years notwithstanding the allegations in this case, which occurred during the 2002-03 school year. Respondent has not had any disciplinary problems over the course of her career, and other than the allegations in this case, she has never been accused of any unethical or unprofessional conduct. Respondent has always received good annual performance evaluations. Respondent’s most recent performance evaluations - - for the 2002-03 and 2003-04 school years –- state that she “meets or exceeds expectations” in all categories, including the category that assesses whether Respondent “act[s] in a professional and ethical manner and adhere[s] to the Code and Principles of Professional Conduct.” Consistent with the information in Respondent’s annual performance evaluations, the principal at Avon Park Elementary School, who is Respondent’s current supervisor, testified that Respondent “does a good job” as a teacher and that she values Respondent quite highly as a teacher; the former principal at Zolfo Springs Elementary School, who was Respondent’s supervisor for approximately five of the years that Respondent taught at that school, testified that Respondent’s reputation for complying with the code of ethics is “excellent” and that Respondent always “monitored and cherished” her professionalism; one of Respondent’s co-workers at Avon Park Elementary School testified that Respondent is “a very effective and professional teacher”; and the students who testified at the hearing characterized Respondent as a good teacher. Respondent has administered the FCAT to her students since the test’s inception in the 1990s, and as a result, she is very familiar with what teachers can and cannot do when administering the test. Respondent and other teachers at Avon Park Elementary School received training on the administration of the 2003 FCAT, and as part of the training, Respondent received a copy of the Test Administration Manual for the 2003 FCAT. The Test Administration Manual is published by the state Department of Education (Department) and is distributed to teachers by the testing coordinators at each school. The school-level testing coordinators report to a testing coordinator at the school district level, who is ultimately responsible for the administration of the FCAT to the district’s students. The Test Administration Manual summarizes the “dos and don’ts” of test administration for the FCAT. It also includes a copy of the statute and rule governing test security, which for the 2003 FCAT were Section 228.301, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.042. On the issue of test security, the Test Administration Manual explains that: it is not appropriate to talk with [students] about any test item or to help them answer any test item. For example, if students finish the test before the allotted time for the session has elapsed, or have not attempted to complete a question, it would be appropriate to encourage them to go back and check their work. It is not acceptable to provide the students with any information that would allow them to infer the correct answer, such as suggesting that they might want to check their work on a specific question. (Emphasis in original). The FCAT is required by state law to be administered annually to public school students in the third through tenth grades to measure the students’ proficiency in reading, writing, science, and math. The FCAT measures the students’ performance against state standards. The Norm Referenced Test (NRT), which is administered in conjunction with the FCAT, measures the students’ performance in math and reading against national standards. The FCAT is an important test, both to students and the schools. The student’s promotion to the next grade and/or class placement is affected to some degree by his or her performance on the FCAT. The school’s grade, which has an impact on the funding that the school district receives from the state, is also affected to some degree by the students’ performance on the FCAT. The math and reading portions of the 2003 FCAT were administered to fifth graders on Monday through Wednesday, March 3-5, 2003. The science portion of the FCAT and the NRT were administered the following week, on Monday through Wednesday, March 10-12, 2003. Throughout the 2002-03 school year, Respondent “taught the FCAT” and gave her class practice FCAT questions. She used the questions as teaching tools and to help prepare her students for the actual FCAT. Respondent would sometimes explain the wording of the practice questions to her students and, as needed, she would provide the students other assistance, both individually and as a class, while they were working on the practice questions. On Friday, February 28, 2003, Respondent administered two practice tests to her students in which she tried to simulate the environment in which the students would be taking the actual FCAT the following week. For example, the tests were timed and Respondent walked around the room as she proctored the tests. Respondent helped the students during the practice tests as she had done with the practice questions administered throughout the year. At one point, she stopped the test and reviewed a math problem on the board with the class because she observed a number of students having problems with a particular question. Respondent administered the math and reading portions of the actual FCAT to 18 students in her homeroom class on March 3-5, 2003. None of those students were exceptional education students who were entitled to special accommodations. Respondent did a 15 to 20 minute “mini-review” each morning that the students were taking the actual FCAT during which she went over terminology and concepts that the students might see on the test that day. Respondent started the administration of the actual FCAT by reading the directions verbatim from the “scripts” in the Test Administration Manual. Once the students began taking the test, she monitored them from her desk and she also walked around the room on a periodic basis. Respondent also went to students’ desks when they raised their hands. The Test Administration Manual contemplates that students might raise their hands and ask questions during the test; indeed, the “scripts” that the teacher is required to read verbatim state more than once, “Please raise your hand if you have any questions.” Respondent denied giving the students any assistance in answering the test questions on the actual FCAT. According to Respondent, when a student asked her about a particular test question, she told the student that “I can’t help you,” “go back and re-read the directions,” “do the best you can,” or other words to that effect. The Department’s testing coordinator, Victoria Ash, testified that responses such as those are acceptable. Respondent also made a general statement to the class during the test reminding the students to go back and check their work if they finished the test before the allotted time expired. Ms. Ash testified that a general reminder such as that is “absolutely acceptable.” Respondent’s testimony was corroborated by student J.M., who credibly testified that he recalled more than once hearing Respondent tell other students that she could not help them during the actual FCAT. Several students testified that Respondent helped them during the actual FCAT by explaining words that they did not understand, explaining how to solve math problems, and/or by suggesting that they check their work on particular problems. That testimony was not persuasive because it lacked specificity and precision, and other than A.P., B.B. (boy), and K.J., the students testified that they were not certain that the help they remembered receiving was on the actual FCAT rather than on the practice tests that they were given by Respondent. With respect to B.B. (boy), the undersigned did not find his testimony persuasive because he also testified that Respondent helped the entire class with a math problem during the actual test, which contradicted the statements given by the other students and which suggests that he was recalling events from the practice test during which Respondent gave such help to the entire class. With respect to A.P. and K.J., the undersigned did not find them to be particularly credible witnesses based upon their demeanors while testifying. There were other inconsistencies in the students’ accounts of Respondent’s administration of the FCAT that make their testimony generally unpersuasive. For example, B.B. (girl) testified that Respondent played classical music during the actual test, which was not corroborated by any other student in the class and was contradicted by Respondent’s credible testimony that she played music during the practice tests to relax the students but that she and the other fifth-grade teachers at Avon Park Elementary School made a conscious decision not to play music during the actual FCAT. As a result of the students’ apparent confusion regarding events occurring during practice tests rather than the actual FCAT, the inconsistencies in the students’ accounts of the events during the administration of the test, the general lack of specificity and precision in the students’ accounts of the events, and Respondent’s credible denial of any wrongdoing, the evidence does not clearly and convincingly establish the truth of the allegations against Respondent. In making the foregoing finding, due consideration was given to the investigation undertaken by the district-level testing coordinator, Rebecca Fleck, at the time of the allegations against Respondent, and the materials generated through that investigation. The reason for the investigation was a phone call that Ms. Fleck received on Wednesday, March 5, 2003, from a Department employee who told Ms. Fleck that the Department had received an anonymous complaint about Respondent’s administration of the FCAT. Ms. Fleck went to Avon Park Elementary School on Friday, March 7, 2003, to investigate the complaint. On that date, she met with the school’s assistant principal and interviewed several of the students in Respondent’s class. She also spoke briefly with Respondent to “get her side of the story,” which consistent with her testimony at the hearing, was an unequivocal denial of any wrongdoing. Ms. Fleck decided, based upon the student interviews, that Respondent should not administer the science portion of the FCAT or the NRT the following week. As a result, Respondent was assigned to work at the school district office on March 10-12, 2003, while her students were taking the tests on those dates. Ms. Fleck also decided to interview and get statements from all of the students in Respondent’s class, which she did on the following Monday and Tuesday, March 10 and 11, 2003. On those days, the students were called to the principal’s office in groups of two or three and they were asked to fill out a questionnaire developed by Ms. Fleck. Pam Burnaham, the principal of Avon Park Elementary School, and Ms. Fleck supervised the students while they filled out the questionnaires. The students were not told that Ms. Fleck was investigating alleged wrongdoing by Respondent; they were told that the purpose of the questionnaire was to find out about their “FCAT experience.” Ms. Fleck testified that she was confident that the students understood that the questionnaire related only to the actual FCAT and not any of the practice tests administered by Respondent; however, Ms. Burnaham testified that she did not place any emphasis on the distinction, and as noted above, the students’ testimony at the hearing indicates that they may have been confused on this issue. Ms. Fleck concluded based upon the students’ responses on the questionnaires that Respondent “coached” the students during the administration of the actual FCAT. As a result, she invalidated the tests of all 18 students in Respondent’s class. Ms. Fleck’s decision to invalidate the students’ tests was not unreasonable based upon what she was told by the students, which she believed to be true; however, the invalidation of the tests is not sufficient in and of itself to impose discipline on Respondent because, as discussed above, the truth of the students’ allegations was not clearly and convincingly proven at the hearing. Several of the students gave written statements to a Department investigator in late May 2003 regarding the help that they recalled being given by Respondent on the FCAT. No weight is given to those statements because no credible evidence was presented regarding the circumstances under which the statements were made, the statements were made several months after the events described in the statements, and as was the case with the questionnaires the students filled out for Ms. Fleck, the undersigned is not persuaded that the students understood at the time they were giving the statements that they were describing events that occurred during the actual FCAT rather than the practice tests that they were given by Respondent. There is no persuasive evidence that any of the students in Respondent’s class whose tests were invalidated suffered any adverse educational consequences. Even though the school administrators did not have the benefit of the students’ FCAT scores for purposes of placement and/or developing a remediation plan, they had other information on which they could make those decisions, including the students’ scores on the NRT, which was administered the week after the FCAT and was not invalidated. Other than being reassigned to the school district office during the administration of the NRT, Respondent did not suffer any adverse employment consequences from the school district as a result of the students’ allegations and/or the invalidation of the students’ tests. To the contrary, Respondent continued to get good performance reviews and her contract has been renewed twice since the administration of the 2003 FCAT. Respondent did not administer the 2004 FCAT because this case was still pending. She was given other duties at Avon Park Elementary School while her students were taking the 2004 FCAT.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission issue a final order dismissing the Amended Administrative Complaint against Respondent. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of April, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S T. KENT WETHERELL, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of April, 2005.

Florida Laws (8) 1008.221008.241012.791012.7951012.796120.569120.5790.803
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida May 30, 2019 Number: 19-002885 Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Aug. 31, 2011 Number: 11-004422PL Latest Update: Apr. 06, 2012

The Issue The issue to be determined is whether Respondent has violated section 1012.795(1)(c) and (j), Florida Statutes (2007), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) and (5)(e), as alleged in the Administrative Complaint, and if so, what penalties should be imposed?

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a teacher licensed by the State of Florida, and has been issued Florida Educator's Certificate 400054. Her certification covers the areas of history, physical education, social science, and middle grades, and is valid through June 30, 2014. Respondent was employed by the DCSD since 1981, and taught at several different schools during her employment. During the 2007-2008 school year, she was employed as a geography teacher at Jefferson Davis Middle School (Jefferson Davis). During the 2008-2009 school year, she taught geography at Southside Middle School (Southside). The allegations in this proceeding concern Respondent's behavior during and professional evaluations with respect to the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 school years. During this period, the DCSD used the Teacher Assessment System (TAS) as the authorized method of evaluating teacher performance. The TAS measures teaching performance based on nine identified "competencies," which are as follows: Promotes student growth and performance; Evaluates instructional needs of students; Plans and delivers effective instruction; Shows knowledge of subject matter; Utilizes appropriate classroom management techniques, including the ability to maintain appropriate discipline; Shows sensitivity to student needs by maintaining a positive school environment; Communicates with parents; Pursues professional growth; and Demonstrates professional behaviors. A teacher's evaluation was based upon two formal classroom observations performed by a school administrator, which was usually the principal or an assistant principal. The teacher was afforded a pre-observation conference at which time the date for the observation was selected and the lesson plan to be taught during the observation was discussed. After the observation, there was a post-observation conference where the administrator's observations, which were recorded on a Teacher Assessment Instrument (TAI) were discussed. In addition to the formal evaluations, administrators also could use informal, unannounced observations of teachers in forming their opinions regarding performance. In the final evaluation conference with a teacher, a form entitled Evaluation of Professional Growth of a Teacher was used to document the instructor's final rating in each competency area and to record the teacher's overall performance rating for the school year. If a teacher demonstrated deficient performance in one or more competency areas, a "success plan" was developed for the teacher in an effort to assist the teacher in improving performance. The elements of the success plan were developed by a success team, typically composed of the teacher, school administrators, teachers with expertise in the relevant subject matter area, and resource teachers or "coaches." These elements, which were developed with input by the teacher being assisted, identified weaknesses by competency category, set out objectives to address these weaknesses, and provided timelines to meet the identified objectives. Addison Davis was the principal at Jefferson Davis from December 2005 through August 2009. He was the principal responsible for evaluating Respondent's performance during the 2007-2008 school year. On August 28, 2007, Mr. Davis conducted an informal "walk through" of Ms. Bowman's classroom. He observed that although the students had been instructed to read, 16 out of 23 of them did not have a book and were doing nothing. Ms. Bowman did nothing to provide these students with a book, and after 21, 31, and 37 minutes of class time respectively, Mr. Davis noted that no instruction had yet taken place. During the "mini- lesson," Ms. Bowman was asking questions and the students were yelling out unison responses, a practice which is not considered an effective teaching method. Mr. Davis's notes regarding the walk-through observation included the following observations: Instructor informed that "the quieter the class, the more hall passes were given out." Instructor asked questions and students were talking about unrelated topics . . . No evidence of learning taking place. No daily objectives were extended. Essential questions and vocabulary were not extended. Standards were not introduced. I asked the instructor for a lesson plan and one was not provide. [sic] Instructor said, "I don't have one." Student called Mrs. Bowman Ms. Bowwow. I had to address the class about gross respect. Mr. Davis observed no implementation of best practices and saw significant classroom management problems. Mr. Davis conducted a formal observation of Ms. Bowman on September 20, 2007, for which appropriate prior notice had been provided. The TAI completed for this observation indicated that all competencies were satisfactory with the exception of one area: plans and delivers effective instruction. Mr. Davis met with Ms. Bowman on September 26, 2007, to go over her TAI. He also spoke to her about calling him a dictator in the teacher's lounge at some point before the meeting. During this conversation, Mr. Davis spoke to Ms. Bowman about developing a success plan for her. Although Ms. Bowman signed her TAI, she informed Mr. Davis that she felt she was being targeted. A success plan meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, October 24, 3007. On October 22, 2007, Mr. Davis went to the cafeteria to remind Ms. Bowman, out of the hearing of students, of the meeting scheduled for later that week. Ms. Bowman stated that she did not have adequate time to arrange for a union representative, and while the two left the cafeteria, continued to express her feeling that she was being targeted. By the time Ms. Bowman and Mr. Davis reached the front office, she was yelling at Mr. Davis in the presence of students and staff, and accusing him of harassing her. When Mr. Davis advised her that she was acting unprofessionally, Ms. Bowman called him a liar. Approximately 30 minutes later, Mr. Davis called Ms. Bowman to his office to counsel her regarding her professional responsibilities. Ms. Bowman continued to claim she was being harassed, and Mr. Davis told her they needed to move forward. In response, Ms. Bowman told Mr. Davis she was not going to "kiss his ass" and walked out, still yelling at him. As a result of these incidents, Ms. Bowman received a written reprimand on October 23, 2007, considered step two discipline for the DCSD. Step one discipline had been imposed for a prior incident during the 2007-2008 school year. Ms. Bowman did not attend the success plan meeting scheduled for October 24, 2007. Despite her refusal to participate, Respondent was placed on a success plan which was implemented on or about November 3, 2007. Ms. Bowman made it clear that she would not participate in completing the success plan, despite repeated encouragement to do so. She refused to attend meetings and completed none of the identified objectives. A revised success plan dated January 18, 2011, was prepared, which reflected that none of the strategies were completed. Ms. Bowman refused to sign the revised success plan and continued to claim that she was being targeted. On December 10, 2007, Mr. Davis conducted an observation of Ms. Bowman, for which she had received notice November 27, 2007. As a result of this observation, Mr. Davis found that Ms. Bowman did not meet the competencies for promotes student growth and performance; plans and delivers effective instruction; and shows knowledge of subject matter. Mr. Davis was especially concerned that during his observation, two students were sleeping, and a third was wearing a hood on her head, which is prohibited. In addition, a significant portion of class time was focused on Sojourner Truth and the role she played in America's history. Teaching about Sojourner Truth, while relevant to geography in terms of cultural change, did not align with the pacing guide for teaching middle school geography at that point in the semester. On January 18, 2008, Ms. Bowman met with Mr. Davis regarding her December 10, 2007, observation, which they had discussed previously on January 2, 2008. A success team meeting was scheduled to occur after Ms. Bowman's meeting with Mr. Davis. During this initial meeting, Mr. Davis provided to Ms. Bowman a Notice of Potential Unsatisfactory Evaluation. Ms. Bowman became very upset during the meeting with Mr. Davis. She started yelling and could be heard by those staff members in the office area, calling Mr. Davis a liar and insisting that he was targeting her. Ms. Bowman refused to participate in the success plan meeting, continuing to insist that she was being targeted and harassed. Shortly after the meeting, Ms. Bowman returned to the office to say that she was leaving because she did not feel well. She called Mr. Davis a "son of a bitch" and said that "If I go down, then I am taking him with me." As a result of her behavior on January 18, 2008, on February 4, 2008, Ms. Bowman received another written reprimand as step three of the progressive discipline plan employed by the DCSD, and the Office of Professional Standards was notified. Ms. Bowman refused to sign the letter of reprimand.1/ An additional formal observation was conducted on January 30, 2008, by Tiffany Torrence, an assistant principal at Jefferson Davis. The TAI prepared for the observation indicated that competencies were not demonstrated for the following areas: promotes student growth and performance; evaluates instructional needs of students; plans and delivers effective instruction; and demonstrates professional behaviors. On March 3, 2008, Ms. Bowman received an unsatisfactory evaluation for the 2007-2008 school year. The evaluation reflected unsatisfactory ratings for the competencies of promoting student growth and performance; planning and delivering effective instruction; and demonstrating professional behaviors. She received a "needs improvement" for the competency of evaluating instructional needs of students. On May 7, 2008, John Williams, Director of Professional Standards for the DCSD, notified Ms. Bowman that, consistent with DCSD policy, in light of her unsatisfactory evaluation she had the right to elect to stay at Jefferson Davis or be reassigned to another school for the following school year. Failure to make an election by May 16, 2008, on the form provided would result in the automatic transfer to another school. Ms. Bowman did not submit the form and was transferred, consistent with DCSD policy, to Southside Middle School for the 2008-2009 school year. The principal for Southside during the 2008-2009 school year was LaTanya McNeal. In light of Ms. Bowman's unsatisfactory evaluation the previous year, and her own preliminary observations of Ms. Bowman, she initiated a professional development plan for Ms. Bowman on August 28, 2008. The plan identified four areas of focus: 1) to effectively create and maintain a standards-based bulletin board; 2) to effectively create and maintain a standards-based classroom environment; 3) to consistently develop plans based on student data; and 4) to effectively maintain student portfolios with work that meets the outlined standards according to the department checklist. The plan also provided certain goals and timelines for completing these goals, including the continued maintenance of daily lesson plans that reflect the workshop model. Ms. Bowman refused to sign the professional development plan. Ms. Bowman was informally observed on September 5, 2008, and September 24, 2008, with notice provided prior to the observations. Neither observation could be characterized as successful. The Teacher Observation Follow-up Form completed on September 25, 2008, included the following: -Teacher must have daily lesson plans and workshop model for social studies on her board. -Must have daily writing prompts -Portfolios (student) must be maintained consistently. -Per teacher has a problem with the support (amount) that is provided [Instructional coach, Department chair, Professional Development Facilitator and administrator]. On October 22, 2008, Ms. McNeal conducted a formal observation of Ms. Bowman, for which notice was provided. The TAI prepared as a result of the observation indicated in part that there was no evidence of student portfolios and that the students' folders were empty. There was no evidence of differentiated instruction or use of data to guide instruction; portfolios showed no evidence of work artifacts. The form also indicated that one student was sleeping, and Ms. Bowman yelled at him to wake up once someone came to retrieve him from class. In addition, the class was in disarray with Ms. Bowman engaging in shouting matches with the students. It was noted that Ms. Bowman had not initiated any parent/teacher conferences for academic or behavioral reasons. The TAI indicated deficiencies in the following competencies: promotes student growth and performance; evaluates instructional needs of students; plans and delivers effective instruction; utilizes appropriate classroom management techniques, including the ability to maintain appropriate discipline; shows sensitivity to student needs by maintaining positive school environment; communicates with parents; and demonstrates professional behaviors. Ms. Bowman did not accept the TAI, and wrote on it that "principal did not tell the truth and was unfair and misleading." On October 28, 2008, Ms. Bowman was provided a Notice of Potential Unsatisfactory Evaluation, with competencies A, B, C, E, F, G and I listed as needing improvement. The Notice notified her that a success plan would be developed with her input and collaboration, with a conference to be held on November 3, 2008. Ms. Bowman refused to sign the Notice. On November 3, 2008, the success team met with Ms. Bowman in attendance, and a success plan was developed. The success plan included the concerns outlined in the professional development plan and focused on data-driven instruction, use of student portfolios, assessment of student needs, measurement and explanation of student progress, and use of the CHAMPS program, which is a classroom management program used throughout DCSD. Consistent with DCSD policy, a success team was created that included Principal McNeal, other administrators, Ms. Bowman, a reading coach, and an instructional coach. In contrast to the experience at Jefferson Davis, Ms. Bowman at least attended the success plan meetings. Consistent with the objectives outlined in the success plan, Ms. Bowman was provided training and technical support for Compass Odyssey and FCAT Explorer, which are computer programs used to assess student needs and to track student progress. However, Ms. Bowman did not use the programs in her teaching and rejected the concept of individualized instruction based on student needs. She did not implement a portfolio system and declined to observe another teacher conducting a parent-teacher conference. As of January 30, 2009, Ms. Bowman had not submitted a five-day lesson plan, which is required of all teachers, despite that fact that the school year was over half-way completed. While Ms. Bowman claimed that she knew how to conduct parent-teacher conferences, Ms. McNeal had received numerous calls from parents upset about the grades received in Ms. Bowman's classes, and the lack of contact with Ms. Bowman. Ms. Bowman continued to complain that she was being singled out and that the success plan was merely a pretext to justify her termination. Although the success plan was deemed "completed" on February 25, 2009, Ms. Bowman did not incorporate the concepts identified in the success plan into her classroom instruction. To the contrary, it appears that Ms. Bowman's instructional methods did not change at all. Ms. McNeal conducted another formal observation of Ms. Bowman on March 11, 2009, in the afternoon. FCAT testing had taken place earlier in the day and Ms. Bowman thought it unfair to be observed on that day. However, she designated the date for observation during her pre-observation conference on March 6, 2011. The TAI indicates that competencies were not satisfactory for the following competencies: promotes student growth and performance; evaluates instructional needs of students; utilizes appropriate classroom management techniques; shows sensitivity to student needs by maintaining positive school environment; and communicates with parents. Ms. McNeal noted on the TAI that a recent grade printout showed high levels of D's and F's for Ms. Bowman's students. For example, the printout dated March 5, 2009, indicated that out of 16 students in her first period class, five students had F's and two had D's. Of the 24 students in her second period class, 13 were failing and two had D's. Ms. Bowman was offered significant assistance to improve her performance. Ms. Bowman attended training opportunities on 14 school days where substitutes were arranged to handle her teaching duties. She was also offered the assistance of instructional and reading coaches, which she consistently rejected. On March 13, 2009, Ms. McNeal issued an Evaluation of Professional Growth of Teacher for Ms. Bowman. The overall evaluation resulted in an unsatisfactory rating, with unsatisfactory ratings in the following competencies: promotes student growth and performance; evaluates instructional needs of students; utilizes appropriate classroom management; shows sensitivity to students by maintaining positive school environment; and communicates with parents. Ms. Bowman was rated as needing improvement in the areas of planning and delivering effective instruction and demonstrating professional behaviors. Ms. Bowman signed the evaluation but indicated that she did not accept it, noting that her observation was conducted on a day of FCAT testing. Ms. Bowman attacked the credibility of the principals at both Jefferson Davis and Southside, stating that they were targeting her and retaliating against her. However, no credible evidence was presented to show any basis for Mr. Davis or Ms. McNeal to retaliate against her. Moreover, as noted in the Recommended Order in Duval County School Board v. Bowman, Case No. 09-3004 (Fla. DOAH Jan. 12, 2010; DCSD Mar. 15, 2010), Respondent's work history indicates a pattern of blaming others for poor evaluations. On May 5, 2009, Respondent was notified by the Superintendant of Schools for DCSD, that based upon her two successive unsatisfactory evaluations, he was recommending that her employment be terminated. Ms. Bowman requested a hearing pursuant to chapter 120, and the case was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings for assignment of an administrative law judge. After completion of a hearing, on January 12, 2010, a Recommended Order was issued recommending termination of Ms. Bowman's employment in Duval County School Board v. Bowman, Case No. 09-3004. A Final Order adopting the Recommended Order and terminating Ms. Bowman's employment was entered by the Duval County School Board on March 12, 2010.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts found and conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Education Practices Commission enter a Final Order finding that Respondent has violated the section 1012.795(1)(c) and (j), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) and (5)(e), and revoking her educator's certificate. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of January, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of January, 2012.

Florida Laws (5) 1012.011012.531012.795120.569120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Viera, Florida Apr. 25, 2019 Number: 19-002194TTS Latest Update: Mar. 16, 2020

The Issue Whether just cause exists to terminate Respondent from employment with the Brevard County School Board.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the public schools in Brevard County, Florida. This includes the power to discipline employees, such as teachers. § 4, Article IX, Fla. Const.; §§ 1001.42(5), 1012.22(1)(f), and 1012.33, Fla. Stat.1 Respondent is a classroom teacher, and as such, the terms and conditions of her employment are governed by the collective agreement between the School Board and The Brevard Federation of Teachers, Local 2098. Respondent has a Bachelor’s degree in exceptional education. On or about November 9, 2006, Respondent, pursuant to an annual contract, was hired by the School Board to provide services as a classroom teacher. Beginning in the 2009-2010 school year, Respondent continued her employment with the School Board pursuant to a professional services contract. During all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent taught at Hoover Middle School, which is under the jurisdiction of the School Board. At the commencement of the 2014-2015 school year, Respondent taught exceptional education (ESE) students in a self-contained, supported-level class. At approximately the midway point of the 2014-2015 school year, Respondent began teaching a resource math class which was comprised entirely of ESE students. Beginning in the 2017-2018 school year, and continuing through the 2018-2019 school year, Respondent taught one resource math class for a single class-period of the day, and she co-taught, or “pushed-in,” for the other five instructional class periods. In both settings, Respondent taught math to ESE students. By correspondence dated March 26, 2019, Superintendent Mullins advised Respondent of the following: Pursuant to Florida Statute 1012.34, you are being recommended for termination of your Professional Services Contract due to unsatisfactory 1 All subsequent references to Florida Statutes will be to the 2018 codification, unless otherwise indicated. Performance …. The actions leading to this recommendation are as follows: On October 29, 2018, you were provided a 90-day notice advising of performance-related concerns based upon three years of unsatisfactory annual evaluations. Several performance review meetings were held with you, your union representative, and your school Principal to discuss your progress. A review of your past evaluations indicates several attempts at corrective activities through the use of District Peer Mentors and Resource Teachers. After the completion of the 90-day plan, adequate progress was not obtained and is grounds to sever the Professional Services Contract. The School Board uses an “Instructional Personnel Performance Appraisal System” (IPPAS) as a guide when evaluating a teacher’s performance. According to the IPPAS manual, classroom teachers are evaluated on a rubric which consists of five dimensions. The first dimension focuses on “instructional design and lesson planning.” The second dimension focuses on the “learning environment” created and fostered by the teacher. The third dimension focuses on “instructional delivery and facilitation.” The fourth dimension focuses on “assessment,” and the fifth dimension focuses on a teacher’s “professional responsibility and ethical conduct.” IPPAS is approved annually by the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE), and the School Board meets regularly with The Brevard Federation of Teachers, Local 2098, to address any issues concerning the evaluation process. Teachers and evaluators receive yearly training, which covers the various components of the evaluation process. Pursuant to IPPAS, and related statutory provisions, classroom teachers are evaluated annually. The overall score given to a teacher on the annual evaluation is determined by how a teacher scores in the areas of “Professional Practices Based on Florida’s Educator Accomplished Practices (Professional Practices),” and “Individual Accountability for Student Academic Performance Based on Identified Assessments (Student Performance).” The Professional Practices category accounts for 67 percent, and Student Performance accounts for the remaining 33 percent of a teacher’s annual evaluation score. For purposes of quantifying a teacher’s annual evaluation, IPPAS identifies the Professional Practices category as “Part 1 of the Summative Evaluation,” and the Student Performance category as “Part 2 of the Summative Evaluation.” Part 1 of the Summative Evaluation is completed in the spring of each school year and consists of the supervising principal’s annual evaluation of the teacher, the teacher’s self-assessment, and the collaboration and mutual accountability score. The evaluative components of Part 1 of the Summative Evaluation are comprised of the previously referenced “five dimensions.” Part 2 of the Summative Evaluation is determined based on student academic performance data (VAM score) as calculated by the FLDOE. VAM scores are released by FLDOE in the fall, and these scores reflect student performance for the preceding school year. Consequently, a teacher will not receive an overall annual evaluation score for the immediate preceding school year until the fall semester during which VAM scores are available. As a practical matter, this explains, in part, why the recommendation for termination letter sent to Respondent by Superintendent Mullins was issued on March 26, 2019.2 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Respondent, on or about April 25, 2016, received Part 1 of her Summative Evaluation for the 2015-2016 school year. Respondent received a score of 27.71 out of a maximum available score of 67 points. Respondent’s Part 1 Summative score placed her in the category of “Needs Improvement.” On or about November 2, 2016, Respondent received Part 2 of her Summative Evaluation for the 2015-2016 school year. Respondent received a VAM score of 56.71 out of a maximum available score of 100 points. Respondent’s VAM score placed her in the “Needs Improvement” category. The combined Part 1 and Part 2 scores resulted in Respondent receiving an overall annual evaluation rating of “Needs Improvement.” 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR Respondent, on or about April 5, 2017, received Part 1 of her Summative Evaluation for the 2016-2017 school year. Respondent received a score of 20.42 out of a maximum available score of 67 points. Respondent’s Part 1 Summative score placed her in the “Needs Improvement” category. On or about November 13, 2017, Respondent received Part 2 of her Summative Evaluation for the 2016-2017 school year. Respondent received a VAM score of 50.42 out of a maximum available score of 100 points. Respondent’s VAM score placed her in the “Needs Improvement” category. The combined Part 1 and Part 2 scores resulted in Respondent receiving an overall annual evaluation rating of “Needs Improvement.” 2 VAM scores for the 2017-2018 school year were released on or about October 19, 2018. As discussed elsewhere herein, Respondent was placed on 90 days probation following the release of her VAM score. The timing of the release of the VAM score, coupled with the 90-day probationary period and related matters, account for the March 2019 date of Superintendent Mullin’s letter to Respondent. 2017-2018 SCHOOL YEAR Respondent, on or about May 3, 2018, received Part 1 of her Summative Evaluation for the 2017-2018 school year. Respondent received a score of 34.58 out of a maximum available score of 67 points. Respondent’s Part 1 Summative score placed her in the “Needs Improvement” category. On or about October 19, 2018, Respondent received Part 2 of her Summative Evaluation for the 2017-18 school year. Respondent received a VAM score of 64.58 out of a maximum available score of 100 points. Respondent’s VAM score placed her in the “Needs Improvement” category. The combined Part 1 and Part 2 scores resulted in Respondent receiving an overall annual evaluation rating of “Needs Improvement.” A PLAN FOR ADDRESSING PROFESSIONAL DEFICIENCIES The School Board, in order to address Respondent’s professional deficiencies as identified during the relevant evaluation periods, provided support to Respondent through the utilization of Professional Development Assistance Plans (PDAPs). PDAPs are designed to provide a teacher with opportunities for professional development, which includes access to online resources, training activities and courses, and opportunities to work with School Board resource and peer mentor teachers. The School Board, acting through Respondent’s supervising administrators, agreed in the PDAPs to support Respondent’s professional growth and development as follows: By providing access to the “District Peer Mentor Teacher for collaboration on dimension 3.” By conducting “informal observations documented in ProGOE with feedback for improvement.” By providing “resources on utilizing formative assessment to check for understanding.” By providing “resources regarding implementing differentiated instruction.” By providing “resources on the utilization of Webb’s Depth of Knowledge.” By providing “exemplary sample lesson plans as a model … to follow.” By providing “pacing guide if needed.” By meeting every two weeks to review weekly lesson plans. By providing Respondent with “an exemplary teacher to observe, as well as a substitute [teacher] for class coverage during observation.” By providing a list of Professional Development courses on classroom management, as well as a substitute teacher to cover Respondent’s class while she attends the course. By providing “assistance and specific feedback from school based coaches.” By completing “informal observations on a bi- monthly basis, and provid[ing] feedback.” The evidence establishes that the School Board honored its commitment to Respondent as outlined in the respective PDAPs. 90 DAYS OF PROBATION, AND RECOMMENDATION FOR TERMINATION By correspondence dated October 29, 2018, the School Board advised Respondent of the following: In accordance with section 1012.34(4), F.S., this shall serve as the District’s notification of unsatisfactory performance. Please be advised that your Professional Service Contract for the 2018-19 academic year is on a probationary status for ninety (90) days. Your contract is being placed on probation due to your receiving an overall “Needs Improvement” rating on your last three (3) consecutive annual performance evaluations. See also section 1012.22, F.S. During the next ninety (90) days, you will be evaluated periodically. You will be apprised of any progress achieved in writing. You will work with the administration of your school to assist you in obtaining opportunities to help correct any noted deficiencies. After February 25, 2019, the ninetieth (90th) day, administration has fourteen (14) days to assess your progress. If no improvement is shown, administration will notify the Superintendent if you do not rate an overall Effective on the Summative Part 1 of your evaluation. Sincerely, Burt Clark, Principal Hoover Middle School Respondent, during her 90-day probationary period, continued to receive professional development services from the School Board, which included working with a peer mentor teacher, participating in CHAMPs training, receiving assistance from a math content specialist, and observing an exemplary math teacher. Burt Clark was the principal at the school where Respondent worked when she was placed on probation. As the principal, Mr. Clark served as Respondent’s supervisor and was responsible for evaluating her performance. During Respondent’s probationary period, Mr. Clark regularly met with Respondent and her union representative to discuss Respondent’s progress and offer assistance. In addition to meeting with Respondent, Mr. Clark also conducted one interim evaluation, four informal observation, and two formal observations of Respondent’s performance. Mr. Clark also conducted a number of “walk-throughs,” which provided additional insight into the status of Respondent’s professional development. While it is true that Mr. Clark’s observations of Respondent mainly occurred in the classroom where Respondent was the teacher of record, as opposed to Respondent’s work as a “push-in” teacher, Mr. Clark credibly testified that he had sufficient data to assess Respondent’s performance. Mr. Clark, at the end of the probationary period, determined that Respondent’s professional deficiencies remained, and on March 6, 2019, he made the following recommendation to Superintendent Mullins: Ms. Lisa Lemieux had an overall unsatisfactory performance appraisal. We have worked with her to try to improve her instructional strategies; but, it has not been successful in changing the behavior to better serve the students assigned to her. As defined in [section] 1012.34(4), [Florida Statutes], February 25, 2019, was the 90th day since the notification of her 90-day probation for this contract year and after demonstrating no improvement on the Summative Part 1, I have assessed that the performance deficiencies have not been corrected. I would recommend the termination of her employment with Brevard Public Schools. Burt Clark, Principal Hoover Middle School After receiving Mr. Clark’s recommendation to terminate Respondent’s employment, Superintendent Mullins reviewed Respondent’s last three years of evaluations, considered the extensive support and training provided to Respondent by the School Board, and concluded that termination of Respondent’s employment was warranted and justified.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Brevard County enter a final order terminating Respondent’s employment as a teacher. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of March, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LINZIE F. BOGAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of March, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Amy D. Envall, General Counsel Brevard County Public Schools 2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, Florida 32940 (eServed) Mark S. Levine, Esquire Levine & Stivers, LLC 245 East Virginia Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (eServed) Wayne L. Helsby, Esquire Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A. 1477 West Fairbanks Avenue, Suite 100 Winter Park, Florida 32789 (eServed) Shannon L. Kelly, Esquire Allen, Norton and Blue, P.A. 1477 West Fairbanks Avenue, Suite 100 Winter Park, Florida 32789 (eServed) Howard Michael Waldman Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A. 1477 West Fairbanks Avenue, Suite 100 Winter Park, Florida 32789 (eServed) Ronald G. Stowers, Esquire Levine & Stivers, LLC 245 East Virginia Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (eServed) Dr. Mark Mullins, Superintendent School Board of Brevard County 2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, Florida 32940-6601 Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1244 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Richard Corcoran, Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1514 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (16) 1001.321001.421012.011012.221012.231012.271012.281012.331012.341012.391012.531012.561012.57120.569120.5720.42
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Leesburg, Florida Jan. 13, 2011 Number: 11-000238TTS Latest Update: Aug. 12, 2011

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner, the Lake County School Board, has just cause to terminate the employment of Respondent, teacher Deborah Harkleroad.

Findings Of Fact Respondent Deborah Harkleroad has been employed by the School Board as a teacher for ten years. She is a member of the Lake County Education Association, the collective bargaining unit for teaching personnel. She is covered by the collective bargaining agreement between the School Board and the Lake County Education Association (the "CBA"), and holds a professional service contract with the School Board pursuant to Section 1012.33, Florida Statutes.1/ During the first two years of her employment, the 2001- 2002 and 2002-2003 school years, Ms. Harkleroad was assigned to Tavares Middle School. At the start of her third year in the fall of 2003, she transferred to Fruitland Park as that school's first elementary literacy coach. During the 2007-2008 school year, Ms. Harkleroad transitioned into teaching a regular third-grade class at Fruitland Park. She remained in that position during the 2009- 2010 school year. The School Board employs a performance evaluation methodology called "Instructional Personnel Performance Appraisal System" or "IPPAS." The standards for evaluation, the methodology to be used by evaluators, and the documents used in the evaluation of instructional personnel are set forth in the IPPAS Handbook. Article XI of the CBA acknowledges that the IPPAS is the vehicle for the evaluation and assessment of teachers employed by the School Board. Section 7 of Article XI of the CBA provides that an IPPAS Joint Committee composed of an equal number of representatives of the School Board and the Lake County Education Association will coordinate and monitor the development and implementation of the assessment process. Section 12 of Article XI of the CBA states that any teacher in danger of dismissal because of poor performance will be afforded the procedure set forth in section 1012.34, Florida Statutes. This procedure is given the colloquial acronym "NEAT," which stands for: N-- Notice of alleged deficiencies which, if not corrected, would lead to dismissal; E-- Explanation to the teacher of alleged deficiencies and suggestions for correction; A-- Assistance rendered by the administration to correct alleged deficiencies; and T-- Time for alleged deficiencies to be corrected. In accordance with the CBA and the IPPAS Handbook, the School Board evaluates teacher performance using an "Observation/Assessment of Professional Performance Standards" form in a procedure called an "Appraisal I." The Appraisal I is the standard evaluation for teachers employed by the School Board. The Observation/Assessment form contains 6 sections and subsections. The subsections are further divided into sub- subsections. The evaluator gives the teacher a score of "acceptable" or "unacceptable" in each sub-subsection. The overall evaluation is graded on a 12-point scale, one point for each of the 12 subsections. If the teacher's performance is graded unacceptable in even one sub-subsection, then the teacher receives an unacceptable score for the overall subsection. The only acceptable overall score on the Observation/Assessment form is a perfect 12. If a teacher does not receive an acceptable score in each of the 12 subsections, then the teacher's overall performance is deemed deficient. A deficient Appraisal I triggers the NEAT procedure and further evaluations. The IPPAS provides a voluntary alternative evaluation for experienced teachers who have received scores of 12 on the Appraisal I for the two immediately preceding years and have a professional service contract with the School Board. This alternative is called "PG-13," and allows the teacher to select a “professional growth” objective for the school year, work with an administrator in devising a strategy for attaining the objective, and demonstrate the attainment of the objective. Finally, the IPPAS contains an evaluation instrument called a "Professional/Personal Action Report Relating to Work Experience," or "Appraisal II." The Appraisal II is used to document individual instances of deficiency in a teacher's work performance that have been identified outside of the formal evaluation process. In order to become eligible for the voluntary PG-13, a teacher must have received no Appraisal II reports during the two years immediately preceding entry into PG-13. In order to remain eligible for the PG-13, a participating teacher must continue to meet the standard competency level for teaching performance, which includes receiving no Appraisal II reports. Since the 2004-2005 school year, Ms. Harkleroad had participated in the PG-13 evaluation process every year except 2007-2008, when she had back surgery and was unable to complete her PG-13 project. For the 2007-2008 school year, Ms. Harkleroad received an Appraisal I score of 12. On March 19, 2009, Ms. Harkleroad received an Appraisal II report from the principal of Fruitland Park, Melissa DeJarlais. The "Area of Concern" listed on the Appraisal II form was "Personal Characteristics and Professional Responsibilities." Dr. DeJarlais wrote the following explanation of Ms. Harkleroad's deficient performance: On 3-5-09, teachers required to administer the FCAT assessment were mandated to attend the annual FCAT administration training. Mrs. Harkleroad was observed nodding off and/or sleeping during this training. She later explained that she did not feel well and it was possible that her prescribed medication was causing her to be overly sedated. As a precautionary measure, Mrs. Harkleroad's testing responsibilities were changed to that of a proctor thus requiring us to assign another instructional person to her classroom for the express intention of administering the FCAT. Mrs. Harkleroad did not perform her proctoring duties and instead spent time working on school related activities not germane to FCAT testing. These activities included printing her substitute or lesson plans while students were actively taking the FCAT assessment thus compromising the testing environment. At the time she received the Appraisal II, Ms. Harkleroad wrote the following response: In response to the Professional/Personal Action Report dated 3-19-09, I was running a temperature of 102.6 and my blood pressure was dipping dangerously low due to being sick on 3-5-09. I should have taken a sick day on this date, but I didn't due to the diminishing amount of teaching time left before the FCAT. I did fully perform my duties as a proctor for the math FCAT testing, and I did not at any time perform the activities alleged. During the time when I was printing my students' cloze practice reading assignments, no students were actively taking the test. At the hearing, Dr. DeJarlais offered no first hand testimony regarding the allegation that Ms. Harkleroad did not perform her proctoring duties and printed documents in the classroom while the FCAT was being administered. She testified that she relied on the reports of the test administrator and the testing coordinator in issuing the Appraisal II to Ms. Harkleroad. Ms. Harkleroad testified that, unlike the previous principals she had worked for at Fruitland Park, Dr. DeJarlais had never liked her or appreciated the extra work she did in compiling data that tracked student performance on the FCAT and other standardized tests. Ms. Harkleroad testified that she had always received "rave reviews" for the extra work she did in creating and maintaining the school wide data bank for tracking standardized test scores. She resented the fact that Dr. DeJarlais neglected to rave over the data notebooks when Ms. Harkleroad presented them to her. Ms. Harkleroad felt personally snubbed and concluded that Dr. DeJarlais did not like her. As to the events of March 5, 2009, Ms. Harkleroad surmised that the test administrator was trying to make "brownie points" with Dr. DeJarlais by maliciously reporting falsehoods about Ms. Harkleroad's actions in the classroom. Ms. Harkleroad asserted that the administrator was a friend of Dr. DeJarlais, and that the principal simply took the administrator's word for what happened without conducting any further investigation. Ms. Harkleroad disputed the incident to Dr. DeJarlais to the point of crying, and she was so upset she had to leave school early that day. She testified that at the time she was unaware that the CBA allowed her to file a union grievance over the Appraisal II. Neither party called the test administrator, Kimberly Belcher, to testify. Based on the testimony, the undersigned is not inclined to second-guess Dr. DeJarlais' decision to take the word of Ms. Belcher as to what occurred in the classroom on March 5, 2009. Ms. Harkleroad offered only speculation as to any motive Ms. Belcher had to concoct a story about Ms. Harkleroad's actions during the FCAT. To accept Ms. Harkleroad's version of events, it is necessary to believe not only that Dr. DeJarlais was out to get Ms. Harkleroad, but that Dr. DeJarlais' vendetta against Ms. Harkleroad was such common knowledge that Ms. Belcher knew she could win "brownie points" by lying about the teacher to the principal. The evidence does not support such a chain of inferences. Ms. Harkleroad testified that during the meeting about the Appraisal II, Dr. DeJarlais emphasized that she would no longer be eligible for the PG-13 evaluations and would have to revert to the Appraisal I evaluation. Ms. Harkleroad stated, "I knew then, when she told me that, that she was out to destroy my career." This extraordinary statement was premised on Ms. Harkleroad's assertion that she has a severe panic disorder that renders her unable to withstand the situation presented by an Appraisal I, in which she must teach while an evaluator sits in the room and judges her performance. Ms. Harkleroad asserted that Dr. DeJarlais was aware of this condition, and purposely contrived to force Ms. Harkleroad back into the Appraisal I process in order to get rid of her. At this point, it is useful to digress from the main narrative to provide a brief history of Ms. Harkleroad's medical travails. She testified that she has a severe form of stress or panic disorder that makes her paranoid and unable to function in situations in which she thinks people are judging her. Earlier in her career, she was able to control the panic attacks with a prescribed medication, Xanax (alprazolam), and was able to perform well in Appraisal I situations. At some unspecified time prior to the 2005-2006 school year, Ms. Harkleroad underwent spinal fusion surgery. During the 2005-2006 school year, Ms. Harkleroad was involved in an incident requiring her to restrain a kindergarten student who was throwing wooden chairs in the library. Ms. Harkleroad's back was injured. Ms. Harkleroad alleged that the School Board's contract workers' compensation physician misdiagnosed the injury and sent her back to work. Two years later, another physician examined Ms. Harkleroad's MRI from the incident and determined that her fusion had been shattered. During the 2007-2008 school year, Ms. Harkleroad had major back surgery that kept her away from school for 12 weeks. When she returned to work during the spring semester of 2008, she was in a body cast, followed by approximately five months in a brace. Ms. Harkleroad testified that the damage to her back was so severe that it could not be completely repaired. She was subject to muscle spasms due to pressure on her sciatic nerve. The pain became so severe that in February 2009 she began seeing a physician for pain management. The physician prescribed what Ms. Harkleroad called "pretty heavy duty" medications such as Oxycontin (oxycodone). Ms. Harkleroad's physicians advised her that Xanax cannot be taken with Oxycontin. Therefore, she was forced to forego her panic disorder medication after February 2009. Dr. DeJarlais came to Fruitland Park at the start of the 2008-2009 school year. Ms. Harkleroad was unsure how much Dr. DeJarlais knew about her medical history, though she specifically recalled telling Dr. DeJarlais that she was the teacher who had back surgery and came back in a body cast. Ms. Harkleroad also recalled that, in her first conversation with the new principal, she told Dr. DeJarlais about her panic disorder. Dr. DeJarlais testified that she was unaware that Ms. Harkleroad claimed any disabilities. She knew that Ms. Harkleroad took pain medications for her back, but knew no specifics about them. Ms. Harkleroad testified that at the time of the FCAT administration meeting on March 5, 2009, she was sick and had just started on the pain management medications. She had taken Nyquil for a cold on top of the Oxycontin, and the combination caused her to fall asleep at the meeting. As noted above, she absolutely denied the other statements in the Appraisal II. Shortly after receiving the Appraisal II, Ms. Harkleroad was involved in an automobile accident that kept her out of work for the remainder of the 2008-2009 school year. She had further surgical procedures on her back and remained on pain medications as the 2009-2010 school year began. Patricia Nave, a veteran administrator, arrived at Fruitland Park as assistant principal at the start of the 2009- 2010 school year. Dr. DeJarlais assigned Ms. Nave to conduct the Appraisal I performance evaluations of Ms. Harkleroad. Ms. Nave did not know Ms. Harkleroad before August 2009, and testified she was not aware that Ms. Harkleroad had anxiety issues. On February 18, 2010, from 12:45 p.m. until 1:45 p.m., Ms. Nave observed Ms. Harkleroad and scored her on the Appraisal I form. Ms. Nave gave Ms. Harkleroad a score of 10 on the appraisal, rating her unsatisfactory in two of the 12 subsections. Under the section "Teaching Procedures," Ms. Harkleroad was rated unsatisfactory in the sub-subsection titled "Gives clear and explicit directions" within the subsection titled "Displays skills in making assignments." Under the section "Classroom Management," Ms. Harkleroad was rated unsatisfactory in the sub-subsections titled "Applies the established rules and standards for behaviors consistently and equitably" and "Provides conscious modeling to modify attitudes and behaviors" within the subsection titled "Creates and maintains positive environments in which students are actively engaged in learning." In the area of Teaching Procedures, Ms. Nave testified that in making an assignment, the teacher is expected to use appropriate vocabulary. The teacher tells the students what the assignment is and when it is due, then checks with the students to ensure they comprehend the assignment before releasing them to do the work. Ms. Harkleroad did not make a comprehension check. She simply told the students what to do. In the area of Classroom Management, Ms. Nave had "many, many concerns" regarding Ms. Harkleroad's "conscious modeling to modify attitudes and behaviors." Ms. Harkleroad made unacceptable comments to students throughout the lesson, such as: "I don't understand what you're not getting, probably because you're not paying attention," "Your rudeness scale is going up," and "You are all just counting, not paying attention to what you are counting." Ms. Nave found that Ms. Harkleroad was not setting a proper example to the students. The teacher is expected to be respectful and to set an example by being fair. Ms. Harkleroad was neither consistent nor fair. At times, she would scold the students for calling out without raising their hands, but at other times she would allow them to call out. Some children were walking around the room when they should have been sitting down for the lesson. Ms. Harkleroad admonished some of the students for walking around but allowed others to do it. She allowed the students to engage in off-task behavior. Ms. Harkleroad testified that in her experience, evaluations last for about 35 minutes. She testified that she was doing fine for the first 35 minutes of Ms. Nave's evaluation. However, when Ms. Nave stayed beyond the 35-minute mark, Ms. Harkleroad began to panic, believing that Ms. Nave intended to stay until she could find something wrong. Her performance fell apart in the latter part of the hour. Ms. Harkleroad stated that she told Ms. Nave about her panic disorder after the evaluation. Ms. Nave noted no dramatic change in Ms. Harkleroad's performance from the first half to the second half of her one- hour observation. Ms. Nave also had no recollection of Ms. Harkleroad discussing her panic disorder at any time, before or after the evaluation. When a teacher receives a deficient Appraisal I, the NEAT procedures require that the teacher also receive a Prescription/Assistance form to outline areas for improvement, recommendations on how to accomplish those improvements, and a time period for a follow-up observation. Ms. Nave met with Ms. Harkleroad on February 22, 2010 to go over the Prescription/Assistance form. Ms. Nave noted the areas of deficient performance and recommended that Ms. Harkleroad review sections of the IPPAS manual that prescribe methods for the areas in which she had been found deficient and watch certain DVDs on effective teaching methods. Ms. Nave gave Ms. Harkleroad four weeks, rather than the usual three weeks, to correct the deficiencies and undergo another observation. To further lessen the pressure on Ms. Harkleroad, Ms. Nave exercised her prerogative to use the February 18, 2010, Appraisal I as an "observation" rather than a formal appraisal that would be counted against Ms. Harkleroad. School Board records indicated that Ms. Harkleroad checked out the recommended DVDs from the Fruitland Park library. Ms. Harkleroad testified that she watched the DVDs. Ms. Nave performed a second Appraisal I on Ms. Harkleroad on March 26, 2010. This appraisal also resulted in a total score of 10. On this appraisal, deficiencies were found under the sections titled "Classroom Management" and "Presentation and Knowledge of Subject Matter." As to Classroom Management, Ms. Harkleroad was rated unsatisfactory in the same sub-subsections as on the February 18, 2010, appraisal: "Applies the established rules and standards for behaviors consistently and equitably" and "Provides conscious modeling to modify attitudes and behaviors" within the subsection titled "Creates and maintains positive environments in which students are actively engaged in learning." As to Presentation and Knowledge of Subject Matter, Ms. Harkleroad's performance was found unsatisfactory in the sub-subsection titled "Uses questioning techniques" under the subsection titled "Communicates and presents subject matter in a manner that enables students to learn." Ms. Nave testified that in the area of questioning techniques, the preferred technique is to ask a question, wait for the students to process the question, and then call on one student to answer the question. Ms. Harkleroad was asking "multiple questions," meaning that she would ask a question, then ask another question or ask the same question in a different way, before the students had a chance to respond. Ms. Nave stated that teachers are counseled not to ask multiple questions because it confuses the children. Ms. Nave stated that Ms. Harkleroad failed to exhibit another aspect of proper questioning. A teacher should ask a question, and then call the name of a student to answer the question. Asking the question before calling on a student ensures that the whole class pays attention to the question. If the teacher calls on one student, then asks the question, the other children are off the hook and feel free to pay less attention. Ms. Harkleroad frequently called on students before asking a question. Ms. Harkleroad agreed that her performance during this evaluation was "awful." Ms. Nave had come in to the classroom a day or two before and stayed for about 25 minutes. According to Ms. Harkleroad, "Everything went great. I thought that was my evaluation. A couple days later, here she comes in again. And immediately that's like, 'Okay, what are they doing? They couldn't find anything wrong that time, so they're coming in to find something wrong this time?'" She had a panic attack, and knew that the evaluation was "horrible." Again, Ms. Nave made no note of the dichotomy claimed by Ms. Harkleroad. Her observations were consistent over time. Ms. Nave saw no "great" lessons taught by Ms. Harkleroad. Nonetheless, Ms. Nave continued to encourage Ms. Harkleroad to improve her performance and genuinely believed that "she could get it together" with hard work and a sincere commitment to the recommendations she was receiving. On March 29, 2010, Ms. Nave completed a Prescription/Assistance form and reviewed it with Ms. Harkleroad. Ms. Nave again stated the areas of deficient performance and listed sections of the IPPAS manual that addressed Ms. Harkleroad's deficiencies. Ms. Nave also obtained the assignment of Linda Bradley, a School Board employee who works as a mentor to beginning teachers, to visit Ms. Harkleroad's class every week to observe and assist her with her ongoing remediation strategies. The Prescription/Assistance form provided that Ms. Harkleroad would correct her deficiencies by the end of the school year, June 9, 2010. Ms. Harkleroad would then go through a 90-day performance probation period during the upcoming school year. Also on March 29, 2010, Dr. DeJarlais issued a memorandum to Ms. Harkleroad titled "Performance Probation" that read as follows: Pursuant to the provisions of Florida Statutes 1012.34, I am writing to inform you that you have performance deficiencies in the areas of Classroom Management and Presentation and Knowledge of Subject Matter. Based on the deficiencies, I am placing you on performance probation for 90 calendar days beginning on 8-23-2010. The 90 calendar days will end on November 23, 2010. By letter dated March 31, 2010, Superintendent of Schools Susan Moxley warned Ms. Harkleroad of the consequences of failure to correct her performance deficiencies: Pursuant to Florida Statutes 1012.33, I am writing to inform you that performance deficiencies have been identified by your principal. I understand that your principal has already met with you and made recommendations for improvement. Your principal will provide assistance to help you correct the performance deficiencies during the subsequent school year. Please be advised that your contract with the Lake County Schools District may be terminated without correction of these performance deficiencies. Pursuant to s. 1012.33, you may request to meet with the Superintendent or her designee for an informal review of the determination of unsatisfactory performance. You may also request to be considered for a transfer to another appropriate position under a different supervising administrator for the subsequent school year. Such transfer, however, does not reverse this year's identification of performance deficiencies. Both Ms. Nave and Dr. DeJarlais testified as to other problems with Ms. Harkleroad's performance in the classroom. The parents of two children in Ms. Harkleroad's class complained that their children were receiving too many disciplinary referrals to the office. Upon investigation, the administrators agreed with the parents and Ms. Harkleroad was counseled on the issue. As an alternative to referring minor disciplinary cases to the office, teachers at Fruitland Park are allowed to send students to another teacher's classroom for a time. Placed in a strange class with students who do not know him, the recalcitrant student usually will calm down and quietly do his work. Ms. Harkleroad's grade level peers complained to Ms. Nave that Ms. Harkleroad took excessive advantage of this option, sending children to their classrooms more frequently than should have been necessary. Ms. Nave's major problem with Ms. Harkleroad was her classroom management, her "with-itness," in Ms. Nave's terminology. Ms. Harkleroad too often appeared unaware of the things she was saying to the children, and unaware of what the children were doing in the classroom. She would not notice that children were up and walking around the classroom during lessons. Ms. Nave stated that during her observations, as many as 12 out of 22 children in Ms. Harkleroad's classroom would not be focused on the lesson, and Ms. Harkleroad did nothing to put them back on task. Dr. DeJarlais noted that some parents had complained about Ms. Harkleroad's odd behavior at a student assembly. Her speech was slurred, she called out the same student's name more than once, and she seemed disoriented. Dr. DeJarlais witnessed the assembly, and agreed with the parents that there was a problem. She spoke to Ms. Harkleroad about maintaining a sense of awareness on stage.2/ Dr. DeJarlais mentioned several other minor incidents. In the spring of 2010, Ms. Harkleroad did not fill out her report cards correctly. She once walked into the wrong grade level meeting and had to be directed to the right one. There was an incident in which she placed a child on the floor during a disciplinary timeout, and Dr. DeJarlais counseled her to use a desk. During a walkthrough, Dr. DeJarlais saw Ms. Harkleroad teaching the wrong subject. In each of these instances, Dr. DeJarlais counseled Ms. Harkleroad rather than giving her an official disciplinary or performance write-up. Ms. Harkleroad was convinced that Dr. DeJarlais was intentionally using her panic disorder to get rid of her. This was based partly on a conversation Ms. Harkleroad claimed to have overheard in which Dr. DeJarlais referred to Ms. Harkleroad as a "liability" because of her use of pain medications. Ms. Harkleroad believed that Dr. DeJarlais thought of her as a drug addict. She testified that Dr. DeJarlais made frequent comments that insinuated that she was an addict, asking whether she had a "problem" or needed "counseling." Ms. Harkleroad believed these insinuations were intended to add to the pressure she felt at school and therefore increase the anxiety and panic she would feel during her evaluations. Dr. DeJarlais denied ever calling Ms. Harkleroad an addict or even suggesting such a thing. She did recall that she and Ms. Nave had conversations with Ms. Harkleroad about her nodding off in front of the class, and that Ms. Harkleroad mentioned that she might need to adjust her medications. Dr. DeJarlais did not pry into the kinds of medications Ms. Harkleroad was taking. Ms. Harkleroad spoke to her several times in general terms about seeking help for medical conditions such as back pain. Dr. DeJarlais' only suggestion regarding counseling came when Ms. Harkleroad told her that she feared she was having a nervous breakdown. Dr. DeJarlais credibly denied doing anything to intimidate or humiliate Ms. Harkleroad. Ms. Nave confirmed that she had seen Ms. Harkleroad appear to be sleeping or nodding off while standing in front of the class. At the time, Ms. Nave was unaware that Ms. Harkleroad took prescribed pain medications. Ms. Nave stated that Ms. Harkleroad was unaware that she was nodding off and denied it until Dr. DeJarlais confirmed that two other persons had reported seeing Ms. Harkleroad nod off. At that point, Ms. Harkleroad stated she would go see a physician. Ms. Harkleroad testified that her physician assured her that she could not have been falling asleep on her feet. The physician stated that one of her medications may have been causing mini seizures that resembled nodding off. Ms. Harkleroad testified that she passed this information on to both Dr. DeJarlais and Ms. Nave, though neither of the administrators recalled such a conversation. Given her feelings about Dr. DeJarlais, it was not surprising that Ms. Harkleroad chose the option of transferring to another school for the 2010-2011 school year. Ms. Harkleroad testified that she chose a transfer only after Dr. DeJarlais made it clear that she would prefer for Ms. Harkleroad to move on to another school. Dr. DeJarlais denied expressing such a preference. Ms. Nave recalled that she and Dr. DeJarlais met with Ms. Harkleroad to discuss her options for the 2010-2011 school year, which included transferring to another school or trying to work through the probationary process at Fruitland Park. Ms. Nave testified that when the discussion turned to the 90-day probationary period, Ms. Harkleroad mentioned that she might be having a nervous breakdown. This conversation occurred near the end of the school year, and was the first mention of any mental problems that Ms. Nave could recall. Ms. Harkleroad testified that the "nervous breakdown" conversation was more complicated than Dr. DeJarlais and Ms. Nave indicated. Ms. Harkleroad stated that she told the administrators that she was having multiple anxiety attacks, one after the other, and that she would have a nervous breakdown "if they kept on pushing me and pushing me." Though she had requested assignment to a middle school, Ms. Harkleroad was transferred to Beverly Shores Elementary School ("Beverly Shores") for the 2010-2011 school year and assigned to a third-grade classroom. At the end of the 2009-2010 school year, the School Board notified Jeffrey Williams, the principal at Beverly Shores, that Ms. Harkleroad would be joining his staff in August 2010. The notice informed Mr. Williams that Ms. Harkleroad was on performance probation, and that her issues were classroom management and presentation of subject matter. Mr. Williams also received a phone call from Dr. DeJarlais to discuss the transfer. Dr. DeJarlais did not go into the details surrounding Ms. Harkleroad's probation aside from stating that she believed the move would be good for Ms. Harkleroad. Mr. Williams contacted Ms. Harkleroad and suggested they meet to discuss her transition to Beverly Shores. Ms. Harkleroad met with Mr. Williams at his office. Ms. Harkleroad told Mr. Williams that she had received a deficiency in her IPPAS evaluation and had requested a transfer, though Beverly Shores was not really where she wanted to be. Ms. Harkleroad mentioned that she had a back problem. Mr. Williams did not recall anything in the conversation concerning panic attacks, an anxiety disorder, or any other condition that would hinder Ms. Harkleroad's ability to pass an Appraisal I evaluation. Ms. Harkleroad denied telling Mr. Williams that she did not want to be at Beverly Shores, though she conceded that she told him she would rather be in a middle school because her back problems made it difficult to keep up with younger children. Ms. Harkleroad testified that she told Mr. Williams about her panic disorder, and further told him that she could not take medication for it because of the medication she took for her back pain. She requested that Mr. Williams use the PG- evaluation tool, or record her class, anything other than having people come into her classroom to judge her. She said that Mr. Williams replied that the rules required the use of the Appraisal I. Mr. Williams did not see Ms. Harkleroad again until school started in August 2010. He assigned assistant principal Tanya Rogers to be the supervising administrator handling all issues related to Ms. Harkleroad's job performance. During the first 90 days of the 2010-2011 school year, Mr. Williams limited his involvement to walkthroughs of Ms. Harkleroad's classroom. Ms. Rogers is an experienced assistant principal who has performed many teacher evaluations under the provisions of the IPPAS and the CBA. Ms. Rogers knew that Ms. Harkleroad was on performance probation, and saw to it that her Prescription/Assistance form from Fruitland Park was implemented at Beverly Shores. Linda Bradley was retained as Ms. Harkleroad's instructional coach, and Ms. Harkleroad was offered classes through the school's learning resource center. Ms. Rogers conducted frequent classroom walkthroughs and met with Ms. Harkleroad to assist her in preparing for her evaluation. Upon her arrival at Beverly Shores in August, Ms. Harkleroad discovered that her classroom was "filthy. There were mouse droppings all over. It took four of us six hours to get the room just clean enough that I'd bring my stuff in there. No air conditioning. . . It was almost six weeks before that air conditioning was fixed." Mr. Williams testified that the classroom was clean when Ms. Harkleroad arrived at the school in August 2010. Ms. Harkleroad estimated that the air conditioning was not repaired until September 27, and testified that the temperature reached 100 degrees in the afternoons. She had complained to Ms. Rogers but nothing was done until the date of the second observation by Ms. Rogers, when Ms. Harkleroad repeatedly noted how hot it was in the classroom and how difficult for the students to concentrate on their lessons. Ms. Harkleroad also testified that there was a "horrible" burning smell in the classroom. She complained to Mr. Williams about it. Eventually, on December 9, 2010, the Lake County Health Department came to the school to investigate the source of the smell. Ms. Harkleroad denied having called the Health Department. Ms. Rogers agreed that Ms. Harkleroad complained about the air conditioning in September. However, Ms. Rogers testified that she entered a work order and that the air conditioning was repaired on September 7. Ms. Rogers recalled no complaints about a smell in the classroom, though she did acknowledge that the Health Department was at the school on December 9, and that it found everything in Ms. Harkleroad's classroom to be in satisfactory condition. Mr. Williams recalled that Ms. Harkleroad complained about an odor in her classroom. Mr. Williams was convinced that Ms. Harkleroad had called the Health Department for the simple reason that the inspectors went straight to her classroom when they arrived at the school. However, Mr. Williams had no firm evidence that Ms. Harkleroad made the call and no way of knowing whether a concerned parent had made the call. In the absence of any stronger evidence, Ms. Harkleroad's denial is credited. There was no indication that either Ms. Rogers or Mr. Williams took retaliatory action against Ms. Harkleroad for her various complaints about conditions in her classroom, or that the performance appraisals Ms. Harkleroad received at Beverly Shores were based on anything other than her performance in the classroom. As part of her efforts to help Ms. Harkleroad prepare for her Appraisal I, Ms. Rogers conducted two classroom observations using the "Screening/Summative Observation Instrument" of the Florida Performance Measurement System ("FPMS"). This form was developed by the Florida Department of Education to enable an observer to calculate the frequency of effective and ineffective teaching techniques. In the first observation, conducted on September 7, 2010, Ms. Rogers found performance deficiencies in the areas of classroom management and presentation and knowledge of subject matter. In the second observation, conducted on September 27, 2010, Ms. Rogers found performance deficiencies in the same two areas, particularly in the area of managing student conduct. Ms. Rogers testified that she saw a great deal of choral reading and review of prior knowledge taking place in the classroom but observed no teaching of new content. She also noted that Ms. Harkleroad had a punitive approach to classroom management, and took a sarcastic tone with the children that tended to escalate discipline problems rather than calm them. Based on her observations, Ms. Rogers wrote a Prescription/Assistance form on September 29, 2010, and met with Ms. Harkleroad to go over the needed improvements. Ms. Rogers recommended weekly visits by Ms. Bradley, who would conduct FPMS observations in the problem areas and provide specific feedback to Ms. Harkleroad. Ms. Rogers also recommended specific classes offered at the School Board's staff development training facility: "Increasing Student Engagement," "Motivating Students," and "Classroom Management for Elementary Teachers." Ms. Rogers wrote that Ms. Harkleroad "will correct these behaviors by October 25, 2010, two weeks after staff development opportunity." Ms. Harkleroad testified that she attended one of the recommended classes, but found that it was unrelated to anything occurring in her classroom. She declined to attend the other classes. As the end Ms. Harkleroad's 90-day performance probation approached, Ms. Rogers notified Ms. Harkleroad of her intent to perform the Appraisal I. Ms. Harkleroad requested a conference with Ms. Rogers prior to the evaluation. At the conference, Ms. Harkleroad requested that Mr. Williams perform the Appraisal I evaluation. Ms. Rogers testified that Ms. Harkleroad told her that she found it difficult to respect women in positions of authority. Ms. Harkleroad believed that women should be at home taking care of their children, and that society's problems could be traced to women working outside the home. Ms. Rogers found this logic confusing because Ms. Harkleroad was herself a woman working outside the home. When Ms. Rogers pointed this out, Ms. Harkleroad responded that she did not have children. Ms. Rogers responded that her own children were grown and not living with her. Ms. Harkleroad asked Ms. Rogers whether her daughter stayed home with her children. Ms. Rogers replied that her daughter worked. Ms. Harkleroad said, "See, that's what I'm talking about. That's what's wrong with society." At the hearing, Ms. Harkleroad testified that her request had nothing to do with any general complaint about women in the workplace.3/ Her problem was with Ms. Rogers, whom she found to be unreasonably critical. Ms. Rogers conducted her first observation before Ms. Harkleroad even had a chance to learn the names of the children in her classroom, then told Ms. Harkleroad that she was an incompetent teacher, which caused Ms. Harkleroad to lose all respect for her. Thus, she told Ms. Rogers that she preferred to have Mr. Williams perform her Appraisal I. Ms. Rogers' version of the conference with Ms. Harkleroad is credited. Mr. Williams testified that Ms. Rogers came to him and told him that Ms. Harkleroad did not respect women in authority. Ms. Harkleroad did not think she could get a fair evaluation from Ms. Rogers and requested that Mr. Williams perform the appraisal. Without delving too deeply into the reasons for Ms. Harkleroad's request, Mr. Williams agreed to perform the Appraisal I. Ms. Rogers and Mr. Williams agreed that he declined to take the file that Ms. Rogers had developed on Ms. Harkleroad. He wanted a clean slate, and did not want to be influenced by the prior observations of Ms. Rogers. He wanted to evaluate what was happening in the classroom without preconceptions. Mr. Williams intended to evaluate Ms. Harkleroad as he would any other teacher. He entered Ms. Harkleroad's classroom several times during the week before the evaluation and performed a lengthy walkthrough to assess the overall learning environment. Mr. Williams conducted the Appraisal I on or about November 22, 2010.4/ He gave Ms. Harkleroad a score of 11. Mr. Williams found a deficiency in the section titled "Presentation and Knowledge of Subject Matter." Ms. Harkleroad was rated unsatisfactory in the subsection titled, "Communicates and presents subject matter in a manner that enables students to learn." This subsection contains seven sub-subsections, and Mr. Williams graded Ms. Harkleroad unsatisfactory in six of them: "Treats concepts/cause and effect/or states and applies rules;" "Teacher directed/guided practice is provided;" "Uses questioning techniques;" "Directs lesson;" "Provides periodic review;" and "Poses problems, dilemmas, and questions to promote critical thinking." Mr. Williams found these deficiencies because there was no direct instruction taking place in the classroom that would satisfy those areas of observation. Shortly after the evaluation, Ms. Harkleroad told him that she "just didn't have it today" and that she knew her performance had not been good. Ms. Harkleroad testified as to her problems with Mr. Williams' evaluation. These problems were related to her panic disorder and to an illness she claimed she had on the day of the evaluation. When Mr. Williams did his preparatory walkthrough of her classroom on the Friday before the evaluation, Ms. Harkleroad mistakenly believed that he was conducting the Appraisal I. As she had with Ms. Nave's earlier pre-evaluation classroom visit, Ms. Harkleroad claimed that the lesson went very well. She was jubilant that she had passed the evaluation. Mr. Williams noted no variance between what he observed on his walkthroughs of Ms. Harkleroad's classroom and what he observed during the November 22, 2010, Appraisal I. On the following Monday morning, Ms. Harkleroad was at an IEP meeting when she started pouring sweat and finding it difficult to breathe. The problem became worse as the day went by. She told Mr. Williams how sick she felt and that she might have to go home. Less than 30 minutes later, Mr. Williams appeared in her classroom to conduct the Appraisal I. Ms. Harkleroad stated that Mr. Williams' arrival "just blew it." She knew then that "all they wanted to do was fire me. They didn't care how they did it." After the evaluation, Ms. Harkleroad's husband picked her up from school because she was too ill to drive. Ms. Harkleroad testified that she was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia. She did not return to school until the Monday after Thanksgiving, November 29, at which time Mr. Williams met with her to review her evaluation. Mr. Williams testified that Ms. Harkleroad said nothing to him about being sick and that he would have rescheduled the evaluation had he known. Before and during the evaluation, she showed no signs of illness. It was only after the evaluation, when they were discussing her poor performance, that Ms. Harkleroad appeared to become ill. Mr. Williams called the school nurse and Ms. Harkleroad's husband. Ms. Harkleroad later told him she had been hospitalized, but Mr. Williams had no firsthand knowledge of her medical treatment. On November 29, 2010, Mr. Williams conducted a post- evaluation conference with Ms. Harkleroad. He presented her options, which at that point were limited to resigning her position or facing formal termination procedures by the School Board. To Mr. Williams' surprise, Ms. Harkleroad chose termination. He was surprised because termination would likely end Ms. Harkleroad's teaching career. When Mr. Williams inquired further, Ms. Harkleroad told him that she chose termination in order to preserve her unemployment benefits. At the hearing, Ms. Harkleroad testified that she chose termination because resigning would have constituted an admission she had done something wrong. As to aspects of Ms. Harkleroad's performance outside the formal evaluation, Mr. Williams stated that there had been a couple of parent complaints. One child was moved out of her classroom due to what the parent termed "poor communication" with Ms. Harkleroad. Mr. Williams had to tell Ms. Harkleroad to stop asking the child why he had moved from her class. In a memorandum to Dr. Moxley dated December 9, 2010, and titled "Recommendation of Termination," Mr. Williams wrote as follows, in relevant part: Pursuant to Florida Statutes 1012.34, I am writing to inform you that Mrs. Deborah Harkleroad has completed his/her 90-calendar day performance probation and has failed to correct his/her performance deficiencies. I do not believe that Mrs. Harkleroad can correct said deficiencies and his/her employment should be terminated. I have complied with all applicable provisions of Florida Statutes 1012.34.... On the morning of December 13, 2010, Ms. Harkleroad wrote the following email to Dr. Moxley: Before a final decision is made on my employment status, I would like the opportunity to meet with you in order to discuss my current situation. It is my contention that I was performing my duties as a teacher in a manner that supported Literacy First guidelines on the date and time my evaluation was conducted. If I had been doing any type of activity other than something similar to what I was doing, I would not have been in compliance with established guidelines. Literacy First is a research-based, data-driven, comprehensive program designed to accelerate reading achievement. Beverly Shores implements the Literacy First program,5/ which includes explicit directives as to what should take place in whole group and small group instruction. Ms. Harkleroad did not raise Literacy First concerns with Mr. Williams at the time of the evaluation or even at the November 29 conference. After the fact, however, she contended that during the hour in which Mr. Williams conducted the evaluation, the Literacy First schedule called for her to perform whole group activities, which do not include "instruction." The children were building fluency by engaging in group reading practice. Had Mr. Williams stayed through the next hour, he would have seen explicit instruction when the class was broken into small groups. Ms. Harkleroad's argument that Literacy First mandated that she not teach the class is not credited. As early as her first observation on September 2, 2010, Ms. Rogers had noted that Ms. Harkleroad's whole group method appeared limited to "echo reading" rather than any of the other various strategies called for by the Literacy First program. Ms. Rogers did not formalize this observation in writing because echo reading is a legitimate Literacy First strategy, and she wanted to give Ms. Harkleroad the benefit of the doubt. Mr. Williams understood Ms. Harkleroad's class schedule, and as principal of Beverly Shores he understood the Literacy First guidelines. When he conducted his evaluation, he knew that Ms. Harkleroad's class was involved in whole group reading. It was in this context, with a full understanding of what should have been happening under Literacy First, that Mr. Williams concluded that no instruction took place during his observation. Ms. Harkleroad was not leading the class. Dr. Moxley did not meet with Ms. Harkleroad. By letter dated December 13, 2010, Dr. Moxley informed Ms. Harkleroad that, pursuant to section 1012.34, Florida Statutes, Ms. Harkleroad had failed to correct performance deficiencies identified by her principal and Dr. Moxley intended to recommend to the School Board that Ms. Harkleroad's employment be terminated as of January 10, 2011. At the hearing, Ms. Harkleroad contended that she had placed the School Board on notice of her panic disorder before the 2009-2010 school year, and that she specifically requested that school administrators use the PG-13 evaluation process as an accommodation to her disability. Ms. Nave recalled Ms. Harkleroad requesting that she be allowed to use the PG-13 evaluation. Ms. Nave stated that Ms. Harkleroad gave no reason for the request, other than an assertion that she had earned the right not to go through the Appraisal I process. Ms. Harkleroad testified that she also pleaded with Mr. Williams to allow her to use the PG-13 evaluation because of her panic disorder. Mr. Williams flatly and credibly denied that any such conversation occurred.6 Dr. DeJarlais had no recollection of Ms. Harkleroad asking for the PG-13 evaluation. She testified that Ms. Harkleroad made no complaints about the Appraisal I procedure until after the evaluation had been completed. The testimony of the four administrators permits the inference that, far from being open with her superiors about her mental and physical problems, Ms. Harkleroad tended to downplay them because of the intense scrutiny she felt she was receiving regarding her job performance. On several occasions, Ms. DeJarlais and Ms. Nave made tentative inquiries into Ms. Harkleroad's emotional well being only to have Ms. Harkleroad sidestep their questions with vague assurances that she was seeing a doctor.7/ Out of respect for her privacy, the administrators left it at that and focused on her classroom performance. The first duty of the school administrators is to ensure that the children in their charge receive adequate instruction from a qualified, competent teacher. If Ms. Harkleroad's panic disorder required an accommodation, it was her responsibility to come forward and request it. The evidence established that she did not do so. It was not the duty of her superiors to tease the information out of her. As Mr. Williams pointed out, he is responsible for 55 teachers at Beverly Shores. He does not have the time to delve into all their personal lives and medical conditions, and tries to respect their privacy. Under all the circumstances, his focus was properly on the classroom. Aside from alleging a conspiracy of sorts to get rid of her,8/ Ms. Harkleroad could not explain why four experienced school administrators would lie about having no recollection of talking with her about her panic disorder, though they all testified that they knew about her back problems and had at least some knowledge that she took pain medications. Ms. Harkleroad testified that two previous principals at Fruitland Park, Joan Denson and Charles McDaniel, had been aware of and made accommodations for her panic disorder. She called neither of these former principals as witnesses to corroborate her version of events. The failure to corroborate her testimony was a theme of Ms. Harkleroad's overall presentation. She offered no documentary evidence regarding her medical condition. None of her physicians were called to testify. No fellow employees, friends or neighbors were called to testify that Ms. Harkleroad had discussed her panic disorder with them. Ms. Harkleroad testified that her students and their parents loved her as a teacher, but she called none of them to testify. Ms. Harkleroad's only supportive witness, teacher Norma Jean Miller, had not worked with Ms. Harkleroad for several years and only knew her as a literacy coach, not a classroom teacher. Ms. Miller knew of Ms. Harkleroad's back problems, but said nothing about a panic disorder. In the absence of corroborating evidence, it strains credulity beyond all reason to accept the sole word of Ms. Harkleroad that Dr. DeJarlais decided to get rid of her because of her drug use, realized that Ms. Harkleroad's panic disorder was a means to insure that she failed her evaluations, then apparently recruited the administration of another school to complete the process.9/ Because there is no evidence beyond Ms. Harkleroad's less than credible testimony to establish that the evaluation process was conducted in bad faith, it is found that the administrators at Fruitland Park and Beverly Shore judged Ms. Harkleroad on the merits of her teaching performance and graded that performance accordingly. Ms. Harkleroad complains that the criteria used in the evaluations were vague to the point of opacity, and did not take into account that different teachers may have different approaches to their work. She believes that some of the standard rules for classroom instruction are "ridiculous." When Ms. Rogers told her that she should make the children raise their hands and be called on before speaking in class, she airily dismissed the criticism as a "philosophical difference." Though the specific problems with Ms. Harkleroad's classroom performance were eminently correctible, her obstinacy and/or obtuseness in rejecting pointed advice from her superiors made it clear that she was highly unlikely ever to correct her performance deficiencies. The evidence established that the process followed by School Board personnel in evaluating Ms. Harkleroad's performance before and during her probationary period followed the letter of the IPPAS and the CBA, including the NEAT procedure set forth in Section 12 of Article XI of the CBA. The criteria and forms used to evaluate her performance were taken directly from the IPPAS Handbook. However, even though all procedures were correctly followed in the evaluation process, the School Board failed to establish grounds for terminating Ms. Harkleroad's employment pursuant to Section 1012.34(3), Florida Statutes, because it failed to offer evidence, apart from the anecdotal reports of the evaluators, that Ms. Harkleroad's teaching performance adversely affected the academic performance of the students assigned to her classroom.10/ The assessment procedure is to be "primarily based on the performance of students," and the absence of data such as FCAT scores or other objective comparators renders the School Board's case insufficient under section 1012.34, Florida Statutes.11/ The issue then becomes whether the School Board has established sufficient grounds for "just cause" termination pursuant to section 1012.33(1), Florida Statutes. On the sole statutory ground available under the evidence of this case, incompetency, the School Board has met its burden and justified its decision to terminate Respondent's employment. The evidence produced at the hearing demonstrated that the School Board had just cause to terminate the employment of Ms. Harkleroad for incompetency.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a final order terminating Respondent's professional service contract and dismissing Respondent on the ground of incompetency. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of June, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of June, 2011.

Florida Laws (6) 1008.221012.331012.34120.569120.57120.68
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida May 20, 2005 Number: 05-001802 Latest Update: Jul. 17, 2006

The Issue Whether Respondent’s employment as a school psychologist should be terminated on the grounds set forth in the Notice of Specific Charges.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent was a school psychologist employed by Petitioner pursuant to a continuing contract. Respondent was first employed by Petitioner in 1968 as a guidance counselor. In 1974 she began her employment as a school psychologist. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent was a member of the United Teachers of Dade (UTD) and subject to the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement between Petitioner and UTD. At all times material hereto, Petitioner was a duly- constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control and supervise all free public schools within the school district of Miami-Dade County, Florida, pursuant to Article IX, Constitution of the State of Florida, and Section 1001.32, Florida Statutes (2005).2 For administrative purposes, Petitioner’s school district is divided into regions. R3 is the region to which Respondent has been assigned at the times relevant to this proceeding. In R3, each school, whether an elementary, middle, or high school, has a CST. Each such team includes an administrator, a school counselor, one or more special education teachers, a school psychologist, and other specialists as appropriate. Typically, a child is referred to the CST because he or she is experiencing difficulties, such as academic or behavioral problems. The child’s case is discussed at a CST meeting and the CST decides whether to refer the child to a school psychologist for a psychoeducational evaluation. If that decision is in the affirmative, certain background information is put together and that information is sent to the R3 office to be opened as a case file. The assigned school psychologist receives the case file, performs a psychological evaluation on the child, writes a report detailing his or her findings, and returns the case file to a staffing specialist. The staffing specialist schedules another CST meeting to determine the next appropriate step in the process, which may result in the preparation of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for the student. Petitioner has adopted a manual titled “Psychological Services Procedures Manual” (the Manual) that defines the psychological services provided by Petitioner and delineates the procedures school psychologists are to follow in testing, evaluating, referring and placing students who qualify for the ESE program. The Manual also provides an evaluation report format that school psychologists are to follow. School psychologists are required to keep certain records and file certain monthly reports. They are required to report the number of evaluations and other services performed during the month on a form titled “Psychological Services Monthly Report.” They are also required to keep a case log by school for each student with an open case file at that school. The case log contains the names of children whose cases are opened at each school and the status of the case. The case log is updated monthly to reflect the status of each case. A school psychologist is an essential member of the CST and is a critical player in the development of IEPs for students who qualify for ESE. Time constraints are placed on the CST and on each school psychologist. Petitioner’s policy is that the period from the initial referral of a child to a CST to the development of the child’s IEP (for those children who qualify for ESE services) should not exceed 90 days. Since September 2004, Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-6.0331 has required that students who are suspected of having a disability must be evaluated within a period of time, not to exceed 60 school days in which the student is in attendance. School psychologists are instructed to make every effort to complete the psychological evaluation report and to submit the report for typing within five days after the evaluation is completed. Typically, each school psychologist in R3 is responsible for two or three assigned schools. In an average week, school psychologists spend most of their time at their assigned schools, where they are required to keep the same work hours as the instructional personnel assigned to that school. At the school, the school psychologist meets with other school personnel (whether informally or as part of a CST) and evaluates students. Each school psychologist has at least one day a week at the R3 office, where he or she writes reports and consults with other R3 personnel as needed. During the R3 office day, new cases are assigned and special assignments are made. EVALUATIONS THROUGH SCHOOL YEAR 2001-02 From the school year 1990-91 through the school year 2000-01, Martha Boden was Respondent’s supervisor. For each of those school years, Ms. Boden evaluated Respondent’s performance. During those years, Ms. Boden received a myriad of complaints about Respondent’s job performance. Several school principals testified that they would not want Respondent to serve as their school psychologist based on unfavorable experiences with Respondent during the school years Ms. Boden served as her supervisor. Despite the complaints she received about Respondent, Ms. Boden evaluated Respondent’s performance as being acceptable for each year Ms. Boden supervised Respondent. Each annual evaluation of Respondent by Ms. Boden was a summative evaluation in the sense that Ms. Boden considered all information, both good and bad, that she had about Respondent’s job performance. Ms. Boden’s conclusion that Respondent was an acceptable employee for each of the years that she supervised Respondent is persuasive. The evidence presented by Petitioner as to Respondent’s job performance during the school years 1990-91 through 2000-01 does not establish the allegations set forth in the Notice of Specific Charges. That evidence does, however, establish that Respondent’s job performance was problematic and provides a context for subsequent evaluations. Ms. Boden exerted considerable effort in attempts to help Respondent improve her job performance. Respondent did not take advantage of the help Ms. Boden offered. Respondent knew from Ms. Boden that she was required to produce timely, accurate psychological evaluations and monthly reports. Myra Silverstein supervised and evaluated Respondent for the 2001-02 school year. That evaluation was also a summative evaluation and also concluded that Respondent was an acceptable employee. Ms. Silverstein’s conclusion that Respondent was an acceptable employee for the year she supervised Respondent is persuasive. The evidence presented by Petitioner as to Respondent’s job performance during the 2001-02 school year does not establish the allegations set forth in the Notice of Specific Charges. That evidence does, however, establish that Respondent’s job performance continued to be problematic and provides additional context for subsequent evaluations. DELAYED EVALUATIONS AND REPORTS During the school years subsequent to the 2001-02 school year Respondent failed, on multiple occasions, to timely evaluate and complete reports for children who were being evaluated for ESE services. At Olinda Elementary School, a student was tested by Respondent on February 23, 2004 and Respondent did not close the case until January 12, 2005. Partly because of that delay, the principal of Olinda Elementary School requested that a school psychologist other than Respondent be assigned to her school. During the 2004-05 school year, Respondent was assigned to evaluate two students at Miami Springs Elementary School. More than a year passed between the time Respondent received her assignment and the time she did the testing. During the 2003-04 school year, Respondent was assigned a case in January 2004. Respondent did not do the testing on this student until July 2004 and she did not complete her report until January 2005. At Orchard Villa Elementary, Respondent was assigned a case during the summer of 2004. As of June 2005, the case had not been closed. There was no justification for the lapses in time between the dates of assignment and the dates of completion of Respondent’s reports.3 The CSTs could not determine appropriate strategies for the students Respondent was assigned to evaluate without a psychological report. Respondent’s lapses between her assignments and the completion of her reports delayed the staffing of those students and delayed the development of and the provision of appropriate services for those students. Mary Paz, the Instructional Supervisor at the R3 office became Respondent’s supervisor in March 2004. After she assumed that responsibility, Ms. Paz received multiple complaints from principals and parents as to Respondent’s repeated failures to timely complete evaluations and/or reports. In May 2004, Ms. Paz received a memorandum from an assistant principal at Banyan Elementary School regarding an incomplete evaluation report done by Respondent. Material in the case file established that the Bender Gestalt evaluation was administered, but the Respondent’s report made no mention of that diagnostic tool. Another school psychologist was called in to complete Respondent’s report. Pamela Sanders-White was the principal of Orchard Villa Elementary School during the 2004-05 school year. Respondent was the school psychologist for that school during that school year. Ms. Sanders-White received complaints from teachers, parents, and students pertaining to Respondent’s failure to timely complete her work. Ms. Sanders-White requested that a school psychologist other than Respondent be assigned to her school for the school year 2005-06. CONFRONTATIONS AT IEP MEETINGS Petitioner presented evidence that Respondent argued with other professionals during several CST meetings and that she walked out of one such meeting. Petitioner also presented evidence that a few of Respondent's professional opinions were rejected by other professionals. That evidence, while accepted as credible, did not prove or tend to prove that Respondent was incompetent or that she was insubordinate, which are the charges alleged in the Notice of Specific Charges. Consequently, the proposed findings in paragraphs 22, 23, 25, and 26 of Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order have not been considered by the undersigned in reaching the ultimate findings of this Recommended Order. INACCURATE REPORTS Gail Pacheco has been the Chairperson for Psychological Services in R3 since the 1989-90 school year. She is not a supervisor of the R3 school psychologists, but she works with their supervisors as the supervisor’s designee in resolving problems. At Joseph Jackson’s request after he became Respondent’s supervisor in 2003, Ms. Pacheco reviewed 30 reports prepared by Respondent and monitored all 28 school psychologists in R3 for compliance with time frames for testing, preparation of psychological reports, and case closure. Each of the 30 reports prepared by Respondent and reviewed by Ms. Pacheco had at least one error.4 On May 28, 2003, Mr. Jackson requested all school psychologists, including Respondent, to select a sample evaluation report for review by the respective region chairperson. Respondent did not timely comply with Mr. Jackson’s request. When she did comply, the evaluation report she submitted contained numerous errors, including Respondent’s erroneous conclusion as to the student’s qualification for services.5 In December 2003 Dr. Sue Lee Buslinger-Clifford became the Instructional Supervisor of Psychological Services at the District office. Her job duties included the supervision of all school psychologists, which included the authority to give directives to all school psychologists, including Respondent. Dr. Buslinger-Clifford’s testimony, considered with the other evidence presented by the parties, established that Respondent failed to follow District procedures in the use of two personality or emotional assessments instruments in evaluating students. Respondent’s reports were not individualized for each student, with most of her reports using similar, standardized language. In the academic assessment of students, the reports should identify the needs of the child, the skill level of the child, and specific recommendations. Respondent’s reports often contained the same recommendations written in general, non- specific language that did not recommend the implementation of specific services for the student. Some reports were missing information and others contained limited information that was not helpful for the teacher and the members of CSTs. In addition to typographical and grammatical errors, Respondent’s reports contained test use and procedural errors. On one evaluation report Respondent misinterpreted evaluation data, which caused her to reach an erroneous conclusion as to a student’s eligibility for services.6 On some occasions, Respondent’s narrative report was inconsistent with the report of the evaluation data. Respondent had difficulty managing her time. Her student evaluations generally took longer than they should have. Dr. Buslinger-Clifford reviewed certain reports submitted by Respondent and advised Respondent as to corrections that needed to be made. Respondent did not comply with that advice. Mr. Jackson, as Respondent’s supervisor, reviewed her monthly reports for August through October, 2003, and determined that Respondent’s productivity was greatly below that of the average school psychologist, despite having a similar caseload. Mr. Jackson further determined that Respondent had a backlog that was growing each month; that some of the reports were incomplete; and that some of the reports were inconsistent or misleading. On October 31, 2003, Mr. Jackson notified Respondent in a memorandum of serious concerns that he had related to her poor job performance, and he directed Respondent to provide him with answers to certain questions pertaining to her performance7 no later than November 10, 2003, at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Jackson requested information as to six specific issues. First, he wanted a written response as to an alleged incident at Westview Middle School during which Respondent got into an argument with a staffing specialist in front of a student’s parents during a CST meeting. Second, he wanted to know why three identified cases had not been completed in a timely manner and ordered her to attach the psychological reports for those students with her response. Third, he wanted her to explain her lack of productivity and provide Medicaid forms for nine students who she had evaluated. Fourth, he wanted Respondent to provide Ms. Pacheco with a copy of a recent psychological report so Ms. Pacheco could review it. Fifth, he wanted an explanation as to why she had not provided a psychological report for review when such a report had been requested of her on three occasions. Sixth, he wanted Respondent to explain why she continued to use an instrument (WIAT) that she allegedly could not score. On November 7, 2003, Respondent responded to Mr. Jackson’s memorandum and requested a 60-day extension of the deadline for her response to his questions. Respondent’s response included the following: You have demanded a written response in five (5) days to a long list of you [sic] allegations, to which you offered not [sic] proof, only conjecture, opinions, and a partially extracted table; that was delivered by registered mail on Saturday afternoon at my residence. I feel sure that this memorandum was written and typed on the MDCPS [Miami-Dade County Public School] time clock. No consideration was given for my time clock, or the release of my daily time schedule to complete such a task. The sixty-day extension period is therefore needed to consult my archives in order to give you a detailed and accurate response. I need ample time to secure financial expense; legal advisement and representation; and a typist (all of which I will be seeking reimbursement), before undertaking such a task. Mr. Jackson gave Respondent until November 14, 2003, to respond to his memorandum. That was a reasonable deadline. Respondent did not meet the deadline established by Mr. Jackson. On December 17, 2003, Respondent responded in writing to the questions Mr. Jackson had asked in his memorandum.8 Mr. Jackson was not satisfied with Respondent’s response and continued to have concerns about her job performance. Mr. Jackson’s dissatisfaction with Respondent’s response was reasonable. His continued concerns about her job performance were also reasonable. JANUARY 2004 CONFERENCE FOR THE RECORD On January 15, 2004, Mr. Jackson had a Conference for the Record (CFR) with Respondent. A CFR is a meeting of record, held by a supervisor with an employee who is or may be under investigation for possible disciplinary action, to apprise the employee of the review of the record and the possible disciplinary action, and to give the employee an opportunity to respond or append the record. At the CFR conducted January 15, 2004, Mr. Jackson discussed his continued concerns with Respondent and considered her responses (both written and verbal). Mr. Jackson prepared a memorandum dated January 22, 2004, which summarized the events that transpired at the CFR held January 15, 2004. In the memorandum, Mr. Jackson gave Respondent the following directives: Your are to be professional and courteous to all staff at all times. You are also to represent the school system in a positive light at all times. This directive begins immediately and continues indefinitely. You are to complete evaluations of each child within a week of the beginning of testing, unless approved by the Executive Director or the Instructional Supervisor of the Division of Psychological Services or the ACCESS Center 3 Chairperson. Additional testing must be approved by the Chairperson which may be suggested by you and/or the Chairperson. The additional testing is to be completed within one week of notification of the determination for more testing. A completed report of each evaluation must be submitted for typing to the ACCESS Center within two weeks after the evaluation is completed. (Day that the last assessment instrument has been administered.) All evaluations are to be correctly reflected on your monthly report (log). This directive is ongoing and will be reviewed by the 10th of each month, for the next three months. Your monthly reports/logs are to reflect increased productivity beginning with the February report, averaging a minimum of 10 psychoeducational evaluations per month, unless approved by the Executive Director. Your productivity will be reviewed monthly. If you do not have the assigned cases, you are to request cases from your ACCESS Center chairperson. You are to complete a minimum of 10 psychological evaluations during the next four weeks. The Psychological Services Monthly Report, with a copy of the completed typed report for each of the 10 evaluations attached, is to be submitted to the office of the Executive Director of the Division of Psychological Services on February 27, 2004. All psychological evaluation reports are to be completed and delivered to Ms. Gail Pacheco for review within two weeks after the day the last assessment instrument has been administered. All corrections are to be completed within two school days after they have been received from Ms. Pacheco. No case should be given to the staffing specialist for staffing until the case has been approved by Ms. Pacheco. This directive is to be implemented immediately and will be reviewed randomly by the Executive Director of the Division of Psychological Services during the next six weeks. Reviewing of all reports by the ACCESS Center Chairperson and timelines for completion will be adjusted as needed. You were referred to the Employee Assistance Program through a Supervisory Referral for performance of professional duties related to assignment failures. These directives are in effect as of the date of the conference and will be implemented to prevent adverse impact to your professional status with Miami-Dade Public Schools. In the memorandum dated January 22, 2004, Mr. Jackson advised Respondent that he would review the information in the CFR with appropriate school officials and that he would take the following additional action: All directives will be monitored as stated in the conference and in this memorandum. If you successfully complete the directives, the requirements of the directives will be adjusted to reflect the requirements of all ACCESS Center based school psychologists. If you do not successfully complete the directives, additional directives will be added to assist you in becoming the desired professional you are capable of being. MARCH 2004 CFR Mr. Jackson conducted a second CFR with Respondent on March 19, 2004. Petitioner established that there continued to be concerns with all six of the directives given to Respondent following the January 2004 CFR. As to directive 1, Mr. Jackson continued to receive complaints as to Respondent’s interaction with school-based staff. Petitioner established that Respondent failed to comply with directives 2, 3, 4, and 5. Respondent did not timely complete the evaluation of each child to whom she was assigned nor did she seek or obtain approval from the R3 chairperson for additional testing. Respondent did not submit completed psychological evaluation reports to the R3 office within two weeks of completing all of the evaluations. Respondent’s case log report reflects that 10 cases were completed but only eight evaluation reports were submitted. None of the evaluation reports on Respondent’s monthly case log report were submitted for review as required. Psychoeducational evaluation reports were not timely submitted to Ms. Pacheco for review. Numerous errors were reflected on the psychoeducational evaluation reports that were submitted. Ms. Pacheco returned the reports to Respondent with instructions to correct the reports. Respondent did not return corrected reports to Ms. Pacheco. Respondent declined to participate in the Employee Assistance Program, which was offered in Directive 6.9 In addition to re-issuing the directives that had been given at the January CFR, Mr. Jackson issued directives requiring Respondent to report to work on time, to report her presence at the school site to a designated contact person, and to complete a Professional Improvement Plan (PIP) that was based on specified indicators pursuant to Petitioner’s Professional Assessment and Comprehensive Evaluation System (PACES).1 In addition, Mr. Jackson changed Respondent’s schedule to reduce the number of schools she would have to travel to in order to conduct the number of evaluations Mr. Jackson had directed her to evaluate each month. This change was made in an effort to assist Respondent meet her productivity directives. MAY 2004 CFR Mr. Jackson conducted a CFR with Respondent on May 7, 2004. Petitioner established that Respondent continued to fail to meet the directives that Mr. Jackson had imposed as to productivity. Respondent’s evaluation reports and monthly case reports continued to contain procedural and substantive errors. Respondent failed to submit copies of her evaluation reports to Mr. Jackson’s office as directed. Mr. Jackson issued revised directives to Respondent. Those revised directives, which were similar to the previously issued directives, are set forth in Petitioner’s Exhibit 143 and are incorporated herein by reference. Again, Respondent was directed to complete a PIP on specified indicators on the PACES evaluation system. The PIP Respondent was required to complete was admitted into evidence as Petitioner’s Exhibit 144. ANNUAL EVALUATION FOR 2003-04 SCHOOL YEAR On May 7, 2004, Mr. Jackson completed his annual evaluation of Respondent’s job performance for the 2003-04 school year.11 Part A of the evaluation form contains six domains. Mr. Jackson rated Respondent as meeting standards for each of the six domains in Part A. Those domains are “Preparation and Planning”, “Management”, “Human Relationship”, “Professional Practice”, and “Contribution to School Improvement”. Part B contains the seventh domain of “Professional Responsibilities”. For that seventh domain, Mr. Jackson rated Respondent as not meeting standards. Mr. Jackson’s overall rating of Respondent was that she did not meet standards. On the PACES evaluation form, the evaluator can make one of the following three recommendations: “Recommended for Employment”, “Not Recommended for Employment”, or “Performance Probation Carry-over.” Mr. Jackson recommended the third option, which meant that Respondent’s performance probation was to be carried over to the next school year. Respondent’s May, June, July, and August, 2004, case reports established that she continued to fail to meet productivity directives. She typically did not timely submit reports for typing and she did not complete the assigned number of evaluations. She developed a backlog for her assigned cases. SEPTEMBER 2004 CFR On September 16, 2004, Mr. Jackson had a CFR with Respondent because she had not complied with the directives that had been given to her. Dr. Buslinger-Clifford attended that meeting. Eleven revised directives, similar to the previously- issued directives, were given to her. Those revised directives are set forth in Petitioner’s Exhibit 165 and are incorporated by reference. Included in the directives was another PIP (Petitioner’s Exhibit 167). Mr. Jackson ordered Respondent to return 17 cases that had been assigned to her to Dr. Buslinger-Clifford for reassignment. On September 24, 2004, Respondent complied with that order and those cases were reassigned. Also as directed, Respondent reviewed with Dr. Buslinger-Clifford Respondent’s backlog of 26 other cases. Dr. Buslinger-Clifford observed that Respondent’s case files were disorganized, some contained mold, and some contained pieces of dead roaches. Respondent submitted 26 reports for typing in mid October 2004. Her October 2004 case report fails to reflect that those cases were submitted for typing. NOVEMBER 2004 CFR On November 16, 2004, Mr. Jackson had a CFR with Respondent because she had not complied with the directives that had been given to her. She had not completed her PIP; the psychological evaluation reports she submitted contained typographical, grammatical, and procedural errors; and she did not submit contact information she had been instructed to submit. Eleven revised directives, similar to the previously- issued directives, were given to her. Those revised directives are set forth in Petitioner’s Exhibit 188 and are incorporated by reference. On November 16, 2004, Mr. Jackson reprimanded Respondent in writing. That reprimand is set forth in Petitioner’s Exhibit 189, which is incorporated herein by reference. On November 17, 2004, Respondent provided Mr. Jackson with a report listing the cases that had been assigned to her. That list was not accurate because Respondent failed to list five cases that had been assigned to her. Respondent continued to fail to evaluate cases that had been assigned to her on a timely basis. Respondent’s case status reports for January and February 2005, did not follow district polices. From those reports, Mr. Jackson could not determine the status of cases that had been assigned to Respondent. FEBRUARY 2005 CFR For the school year 2004-05, Robert Kalinsky was the personnel director for R3 and DanySu Pritchett was the Administrative Director of Petitioner’s Office of Professional Standards (OPS). On February 15, 2005, Ms. Pritchett conducted a CFR with Respondent at the OPS offices. Respondent, Mr. Kalinsky, Mr. Jackson, Dr. Bulsinger-Clifford, and two union representatives also attended the CFR. Petitioner’s Exhibit 206, a summary of that CFR, is hereby incorporated by reference. The summary of that CFR reflects the following statement by Ms. Pritchett: The record reflects that you have been repeatedly insubordinate and grossly insubordinate to directives issued to you by Mr. Jackson. Additionally, the record reflects your failure to complete and submit psychological evaluation reports [for] review by the required timelines and your failure to submit monthly reports/logs. . . . Mr. Kalinsy received numerous complaints from school- based personnel about Respondent’s performance. Mr. Kalinsky had difficulty locating Respondent on one occasion because Respondent was not at her scheduled location and had not informed her contact person at the school where she was going. He had difficulty locating her on another occasion because she did not timely report to work at the school site she was scheduled to serve. On March 2, 2005, Mr. Kalinsky wrote Respondent a memorandum advising her that she was in violation of directives that had been issued to her at prior CFRs. That memorandum, Petitioner’s Exhibit 214, is hereby incorporated by reference. On March 5, 2005, Mr. Kalinsky revised Respondent’s schedule so that Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays of each week were reserved for completion of prior assignments. Mr. Kalinsky directed Respondent to submit five completed cases to R3 each Friday. Mr. Kalinsky had the authority to issue that directive to Respondent. The directive was reasonable. On Friday, March 18, 2005, Respondent failed to comply with that directive. Respondent also failed to comply with Mr. Kalinsky’s directive on Friday, March 25, 2005. Mr. Kalinsky issued another memorandum to Respondent on March 31, 2005, for failing to comply with his directive. That memorandum, Petitioner’s Exhibit 222, is incorporated by reference. On May 27, 2005, in the PACES annual evaluation for the School Year 2004-05, Mr. Kalinsky rated Respondent as not meeting standards. Respondent had consistently failed to follow directives that had been issued to her as to timelines and productivity, had failed to adhere to Petitioner’s policies and procedures, and had turned in reports that contained inaccuracies, errors, and misleading information. Mr. Kalinsky did not recommend Respondent for further employment because he reasonably concluded that Respondent had not been fulfilling her professional responsibilities. Respondent’s supervisors recommended the termination of her employment as a school psychologist. Petitioner followed all applicable procedures in processing that recommendation, which resulted in the School Board action at its regular meeting on May 18, 2005, that underpins this proceeding. Dating from Ms. Boden tenure as Respondent’s supervisor in the 1990s, Petitioner made reasonable efforts to try to help Respondent improve her performance. Respondent consistently rejected those efforts.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a Final Order adopting the findings of fact and conclusions of law set forth herein. It is also RECOMMENDED that the Final Order terminate Respondent’s employment. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of April, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of April, 2006.

CFR (5) 2004 CFR 322004 CFR 362004 CFR 402004 CFR 432005 CFR 47 Florida Laws (7) 1001.321012.011012.331012.53120.569120.57120.68
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Nov. 22, 2004 Number: 04-004267 Latest Update: Jun. 03, 2005

The Issue Whether the Respondent, Alan T. Polite (Respondent), committed the violations alleged and should be disciplined as set forth in the Notice of Specific Charges filed on December 21, 2004.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to the allegations of this case, the Petitioner was the state entity charged with the responsibility of operating and supervising the public schools within the Miami-Dade County, Florida School District. Such responsibility includes the personnel matters such as the one at hand. At all times material to the allegations of this case, the Respondent was employed by the School District as a custodian assigned to work at Miami Park Elementary School. On or about December 11, 2003, the Respondent attended a staff meeting conducted at Miami Park Elementary School. At that time the Petitioner’s “Drug-Free Workplace Policy” was distributed and reviewed. The Respondent does not deny attending the meeting and does not dispute the existence of the Petitioner’s policy regarding drugs and alcohol in the workplace. On February 20, 2003, after the Respondent’s supervisor observed him behaving in an unusual manner, the Respondent was asked to submit to a drug and alcohol test. The Respondent was uncharacteristically disruptive, loud, and confrontational. When asked to take a drug/alcohol test, the Respondent refused unless the supervisor also agreed to submit himself for testing. The Respondent was called to the office and provided with the pertinent forms for drug/alcohol testing. The Respondent refused to acknowledge the forms, refused to sign the forms, and refused to submit himself to the testing. After the refusal was deemed a positive result, the Respondent was prohibited from returning to work until he complied with the return-to-duty requirements of the “Drug- Free Workplace Policy.” The procedures and directives followed the School District policy. On February 28, 2003, a conference-for-the-record (CFR) was conducted to address the refusal to take the drug/alcohol test. At that time the Respondent was given a referral to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and was informed that his progress and participation with the EAP would be monitored by the Petitioner’s Office of Professional Standards (OPS). The OPS is responsible for tracking employees so that the Petitioner can be assured that the “Drug-Free Workplace Policy” is being followed. On or about March 19, 2003, the Respondent entered the EAP. On April 10, 2003, the Respondent agreed to subject to unannounced testing for drug/alcohol use. For 60 months following his return to duty, the Respondent agreed to submit to testing on a random basis. It was anticipated that there would be no fewer than six screenings within the first 12 months. Based upon the foregoing, the Respondent was granted permission to return to work and did so on or about April 11, 2003. On June 8, 2004, the Respondent was selected for a random, unannounced follow-up test. The Respondent presented for testing at the prescribed location (an approved laboratory). The alcohol test administered to Respondent produced a positive result. The Respondent does not dispute the result of the test. The Respondent did not dispute that a consumption of alcohol caused the result. On June 22, 2004, another CFR was conducted in the OPS to review the test result with Respondent. At that time, based upon a complete review of the Respondent’s work record, the OPS recommended disciplinary action be taken against the Respondent for a second violation of the “Drug-Free Workplace Policy.” There is no allegation that the Respondent consumed alcohol while on the job at Miami Park Elementary School on June 8, 2004. There is no allegation that on June 8, 2004, the Respondent exhibited any outward sign that he was performing his duties under the influence of alcohol. The Respondent attends church at the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church. The Respondent makes meaningful contributions to the church and is perceived as a sober role model among the congregants. If the Respondent demonstrates he can remain sober for a period of five years, and show appropriate work history for that time frame, he may be eligible to be rehired by the Petitioner.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Respondent be terminated from his employment with the School District. The suspension without pay must be sustained. S DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of April, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ J. D. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of April, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: Dr. Rudolph F. Crew, Superintendent Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, No. 912 Miami, Florida 33132-1394 Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel Department of Education 1244 Turlington Building 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Pamela Young-Chance, Esquire Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast 2nd Avenue, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33132 Alan T. Polite 827 Northwest 118 Street Miami, Florida 33168

Florida Laws (2) 1012.22120.569
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