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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-001676 Latest Update: Jun. 01, 1979

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is a special tax district created by special act of the Florida Legislature. Chapter 71-822, Laws of Florida. The district covers approximately seventy-two square miles in northern Palm Beach County and southern Martin County, Florida. Petitioner's purpose is to provide water, sewer, drainage and solid waste services within the district. In conformity with its powers, the Petitioner operates an advanced waste water treatment plant on property which it owns in northern Palm Beach County. Petitioner has secured appropriate permits from DER in order to construct and operate the treatment plant. The treatment plant is among the most advanced in southeastern Florida. It has a four million gallon daily capacity, which could be increased to an eight million gallon capacity. In treating waste water the plant utilizes filtration, disinfection, retention in a holding pond, and discharge into a remote off-site area. The present discharge system is to pump effluent from the retaining pond through a canal or drainage system to a recharge or discharge lake which is located approximately three miles north and west of the treatment plant. This is known as the western discharge system, and was installed at a cost of approximately one million dollars. Due to the large amounts of pumping activity, it is an expensive system to utilize. Through its instant application, the Petitioner is seeking a permit allowing it to discharge effluent on-site. Effluent would flow into percolation ponds that have already been constructed. Effluent would settle in the ponds, and eventually would percolate through the soil. This system would he less expensive to operate than the western discharge system. Petitioner is interested in experimenting with the amount of waste water treatment that can be obtained through action of vegetation in the percolation ponds upon the effluent. Such a natural system, if it operated effectively, could save the Petitioner additional money in treating waste water by reducing the need for chemical treatment. Petitioner's waste water treatment presently results in a discharge of effluent which within some parameters meets even drinking water standards. The Petitioner's system very effectively treats bio-chemical oxygen demand ("bod"), suspended solids, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the effluent. Reports have been submitted by the Petitioner to DER which indicate that the system does not meet DER's standards for advanced waste water treatment. Samples upon which these reports were based were taken at a point in the system before the effluent was subjected to the action of the retention pond and the subsequent bumping into the western discharge system. Samples taken beyond the retention pond indicate that DER's standards are met for "bed", suspended solids, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus. The Intervenor owns property adjacent to the Petitioner's waste water treatment plant. The Intervenor operates a well field and drinking water treatment plant on the property, and provides drinking water to residents of the Town of Jupiter and surrounding communities from the well field. The Intervenor acquired its treatment plant, and surrounding well fields from a private utility company. The Petitioner was aware of the well field when it purchased the property upon which it presently operates its waste water treatment plant. While the Petitioner's plant adequately treats waste water in terms of "bod", suspended solids, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus it does not treat the waste water for heavy metals, pesticides, or viruses. These are common elements found in waste water effluent in the south Florida area. The Petitioner's proposal is to discharge its effluent into on-site ponds. The effluent would then percolate into the ground. The retention ponds are located at a distance from 1200 to 1600 feet from the nearest of the Intervenor's wells. Water which percolates from these ponds would flow directly toward the wells, and would eventually find its way into the wells. The flow from the retention ponds to the wells would be increased due to the draw-down effect that the wells have on the surrounding water table. As water is drawn from the wells, the adjoining water table becomes depressed in the area of the wells, and water from the surrounding area flows more rapidly into the area of the wells. Heavy metals will not be filtered out as a result of retention or percolation. Heavy metals in the effluent would eventually find their way into the Intervenor's well fields. Estimates as to the amount of time that it would take for water from the percolation ponds to reach the wells varied from four months to six years. The longer estimate appears the more reasonable; however, the evidence is conclusive that eventually waters from the percolation ponds would reach the wells, and that heavy metals in the water would not be filtered out. The Petitioner proposes to obviate any problems with heavy metals reaching the well fields by operating testing wells between the percolation ponds and the well fields. If any heavy metals were detected in the ground water, Petitioner would again use the western discharge system rather than the percolation ponds. While this would prevent increased contamination of the wells, contamination that had already reached the test wells would reach the Intervenor's wells. It was suggested that the percolation ponds could be drawn down in order to reverse the flow of ground water back into the percolation ponds, thence to be pumped through the western discharge system. In order to accomplish this, however, the percolation ponds would have to be more than forty feet deep, which they are not. The effect of heavy metals intruding into the Intervenor's water supply could be to increase the cost of treatment, or to render the wells unfit for use. Uncontaminated drinking water supplies are rare in the northern Palm Beach County area, and the expense of finding a new water supply is difficult to calculate.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.60
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-002295 Latest Update: May 24, 1979

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, George H. Hopper, submitted an application for a license to operate a Class "C" wastewater treatment plant to the Respondent on or about April 8, 1977. On November 28, 1977, the Respondent issued a letter of intent to deny the license. This letter of intent was subsequently modified by a letter to petitioner from Respondent dated January 4, 1978. The Respondent, in the above-referenced correspondence, based its letters of intent to deny the Petitioner a Class "C" wastewater treatment plant operator's license based upon two primary grounds. Those grounds are as follows: "This Department has concluded that you have not fulfilled the actual experience requirement of section 17-16.03(2)(b), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), as defined by section 17-16.02(8) F.A.C." (See letter dated November 28, 1977.) "In addition to the above referenced deficiency in actual work experience, it has been noted that you have not completed an approved course related to wastewater treatment plant operation as required by Section 17-16.03(2)(c), Florida Administrative Code." (See letter dated January 4, 1978.) Respecting the second allegation, Petitioner presented testimony during the course of the hearing which, in fact, indicates that he did complete an approved coarse related to wastewater treatment plant operation as required by Section 17-16.03(2)(c), Florida Administrative Code. Additionally, Petitioner presented a diploma supporting this contention. This certificate reflects the fact that the Petitioner satisfactorily completed the course on "Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants" on or about May 2, 1977. Based thereon, and the testimony of Respondent's certification officer, Robert W. Hall, to the effect that the Respondent did comply with the Code requirement which mandates completion of an approved course related to wastewater treatment plant operation, that ground is no longer a basis for the denial of Petitioner's certification. Petitioner testified, and the other documentary evidence introduced during the coarse of the hearing indicates, that Petitioner was employed from January, 1975, through December 25, 1975, as administrator of the Margate Utility Authority. From December 25, 1975, through February 15, 1976, the Petitioner was employed in a position other than as administrator, his resignation being effective on February 15, 1976. Accordingly, the Petitioner was employed at the Authority for a period in excess of one year. What is at issue, is the Respondent's contention that the Petitioner was not actually performing duties tantamount to fulfillment of the actual experience requirement of Section 17-16.03(2)(b), Florida Administrative Cede, inasmuch as his duties as an administrator were more in the nature of being in charge of the facility, with little practical experience as the term "experience" is meant in Chapter 17 of the Florida Administrative Code. Additionally, it was noted that the Petitioner was re-employed by the City of Margate as a supervisor. During the hearing, the Petitioner outlined his duties as an administrator which included being in charge off the overall operation of the wastewater treatment plant. Petitioner testified that when he was first employed at the Margate Utility Authority, the wastewater treatment plants were not operational. He testified that a water-sewer moratorium had been placed by the Board of Health, citing approximately five violations. Petitioner testified that he instituted numerous changes in the operations of the wastewater treatment facilities which included hiring a contractor to supervise deficiencies in the wastewater treatment plant and its injector systems which were over-pressurized. He testified that within approximately two months of his employment with the Authority, he was able to correct approximately 80 percent of the problems and was able to again make the treatment plant operational. Petitioner testified that he normally worked a five day week; however, he was on duty in excess of forty hours weekly for the resolution of all daily operational problems. Evidence introduced during the course of the hearing reveals that the wastewater treatment facility here involved is fully automated and that the operators have very little to do in terms of manual tasks. In this regard, the Petitioner testified that he was on duty at the facility throughout his employment during the period January, 1975, through December, 1975, to operate the wastewater treatment plant. Additionally, the Petitioner testified that his office, as an administrator, was located in close proximity to the wastewater treatment facilities and he was available to in fact operate the wastewater treatment plant, as needed. Finally, Respondent's certification officer, Robert W. Hall, testified that in his opinion, being available to operate as opposed to actual operation is what is required by the actual experience requirements of the Florida Administrative Code. Based thereon, I shall recommend that the Respondent withdraw its notice of intent to deny Petitioner's application for a Class "C" wastewater treatment plant operator's license.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is hereby, RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner's application for a Class "C" wastewater treatment operator's license be GRANTED. RECOMMENDED this 8th day of May, 1979, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Russell L. Forkey, Esquire 3081 East Commercial Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 Randall E. Denker, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Apr. 25, 1991 Number: 91-002608 Latest Update: Jul. 22, 1992

The Issue The issues are whether the Consent Order entered into between the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) and Kenneth Acre (Acre) is an appropriate settlement of the violations addressed therein and whether Acre is entitled to construction permit number IC35-190005 for an Industrial Waste Disposal Facility. The Bradys assert that the Consent Order is not a reasonable exercise of DER's enforcement discretion and that the permit should be denied.

Findings Of Fact Background Acre owns and operates an animal research facility in Eustis, Florida. Acre performs research trials on dogs using a USDA approved heartworm medication sold under the brand name of Heartguard, the chemical name of which is ivermectin. Acre is not in the business of testing or manufacturing new drugs. The Consent Order To handle the waste generated by the animals at the facility, Acre initially constructed a conventional septic tank system. Prior to construction, Acre contacted the Lake County health department to inquire about permitting and was told that he did not need a permit for his facility. With that information, he continued with the project. Subsequently, DER became aware of the facility and notified Acre that a DER industrial waste permit was required and that he should cease the discharge into the septic tank until such a permit was obtained. Acre complied with DER's instructions and plugged the septic tanks. Since the time the septic tanks were plugged, the waste has been collected by Roto Rooter on a periodic basis and disposed of offsite. Acre entered into a Consent Order with DER to resolve the alleged past violation for not obtaining a permit and paid of penalty of $600 as required by DER. The Consent Order is a reasonable and appropriate settlement of the violations alleged therein. The Disposal System Acre has applied for a permit to construct and operate an evapotranspiration disposal system to dispose of the waste from his facility on site. The proposed system is essentially a modified septic tank system using a lined drainfield to capture and hold the liquid waste, allowing it to transpire from the grass or otherwise evaporate into the atmosphere and preventing any discharge to groundwater. The waste will be discharged to a series of modified septic tanks which will provide treatment beyond that of a traditional septic tank system and will reduce the amount of total suspended solids. The first septic tank accepts the waste and provides initial treatment through natural settling of solids. The waste then passes through a filter device and travels by gravity flow to the second septic tank. From the second tank it flows through a second filter device and into a dosing tank. The dosing tank is basically a small holding basin with a pump that disperses the waste to the drainfield in incremental amounts. The dosing tank contains several float mechanisms which monitor the level of liquid in the tank. When the water level in the dosing tank reaches a certain level, one such float mechanism turns on the pump to transport the liquid to the drainfield. The waste is then pumped from the dosing tank through a closed pipe to one of two evapotranspiration cells where it is distributed through a number of perforated pipes. The Evapotranspiration Cells The perforated pipes are situated in a gravel bed approximately 24 inches in depth. On top of the gravel bed is a clay soil mix approximately 15 inches deep. The clay soil mix absorbs the liquid waste in the gravel bed by drawing it up through the process of capillarity. Once the liquid is in the upper clay soil layer, it is evaporated. Grass is planted on top of the soil mix as an additional method for dissipation of the waste. The liquid waste is absorbed by the roots of the grass and transpired through the grass leaves. The clay soil mix in the top layer of the system is relatively impervious. The impervious nature of the soil mix along with a three percent surface slope will prevent rain water from entering the evapotranspiration cells and impacting the effective operation of the system. The entire drainfield has a double liner: one PVC plastic liner and a 6" clay layer. These two liners will ensure that no discharge to groundwater will occur from the system. System Capacity It is estimated that the Acre facility will produce approximately 520 gallons per day (GPD) of waste to be handled by the system. The drainfield is designed to handle twice the volume that will be discharged by the Acre facility and is therefore more than adequate to assimilate the waste received into the system. The drainfield is composed of two independent cells so that loading of each cell will be rotated. Once one cell receives its maximum capacity, the loading of that cell will cease in order to allow that cell to assimilate the waste through evapotranspiration. In this manner, the first cell is permitted to "rest" while the second cell receives further loading from the dosing tank. Safety Features Although the proposed disposal system is innovative in design, it incorporates several safety features which will ensure that no overflow of waste will occur. First, a float mechanism in the dosing tank is designed to trigger an alarm in the event the water level in the dosing tank gets too high. If that occurs, the alarm provides a flashing light as well as a horn which will notify the operator of a problem. Once the float reaches this warning level, the system will automatically shut down, thus preventing further waste from entering the system. Second, each evapotranspiration cell is equipped with a similar device which will automatically close off the dosing tanks and prevent further discharge into the cells in the unlikely event the system were to become too saturated to accept further loading. Finally, the double lined drainfield provides an additional safety measure which will prevent any discharge to groundwater. The numerous permit conditions requiring periodic monitoring of water quantity and quality in the system itself as well as the groundwater in the vicinity of the system provide ample assurance that the system will not pose a threat to the state's water resources. Ivermectin Although the proposed system will not discharge to groundwater, DER required the applicant to determine the amount of ivermectin in the wastestream. Ivermectin binds tightly to soil and does not dissolve in water. A sample of the wastestream from the Acre facility was collected by Bionomics Laboratory, Inc., and analyzed by Analytical Development Corporation using the analytical procedure designed by Merck scientists. The results of this analysis show that the concentration of ivermectin in the Acre wastestream ranges from .6 to 6.1 parts per trillion (ppt). The publication submitted to the Department by Acre entitled, Chapter 11, "Environmental Aspects of Ivermectin Usage in Livestock: General Considerations" by Halley, Nessel and Lu, from William C. Campbell, Ivermectin and Abamectin, documents the results of studies designed to determine whether using ivermectin in animals would result in any harmful or undesirable effects on the environment through excretion in the feces. This publication indicates that: Ivermectin is relatively immobile in soil and will not readily translocate into groundwater. Ivermectin is rapidly decomposed by sunlight and therefore will not accumulate in soil when administered to livestock. Ivermectin has no effect on earthworms at a concentration in soil of 12 parts per million (ppm). (This concentration is approximately two million times higher than that of the Acre waste stream.) Aquatic organisms such as water fleas and fish are highly sensitive to ivermectin toxicity. However, ivermectin is not toxic to the most sensitive species, the Daphnia magna, at a concentration of 0.01 parts per billion (ppb). Ivermectin concentrations in cattle feedlot runoff was less than the no-effect level of 0.01 ppb for Daphnia magna and therefore should cause no adverse environmental effects in surface or subsurface waters. The highest concentration of ivermectin found in the Acre waste stream is 6.1 ppt (or .006 ppb), which is less than the 0.01 ppb non-toxic level for the most sensitive aquatic species. Based on the concentration of ivermectin found in the Acre waste stream and the fact that ivermectin binds tightly to soil, the discharge from the Acre facility would not cause any adverse environmental impact, even if it were discharged to groundwater. Bradys' case Bradys submitted no evidence to show that the Consent Order is not an appropriate settlement of the violations alleged therein. They submitted no evidence that the septic tanks were improperly plugged. Brady offered no expert testimony in support of their claim that the facility had caused an adverse impact to groundwater or that the proposed system would cause any threat to groundwater quality. Bradys apparent concern about standing surface water on their property during heavy rainfalls is not relevant to this proceeding. Their concern that the lining of the drainfield could leak is unsupported by competent evidence. Bradys learned immediately prior to hearing that DER had changed its position and intended to issue the permit. Their failure to present any relevant evidence that the Consent Order was insufficient or that the proposed facility would violate any applicable DER rules or criteria and their ill- prepared participation in the hearing was in part the result of DER's late change in position. Bradys' participation in this proceeding was not shown to be frivolous.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a Final Order and therein: Ratify the terms of the Consent Order as reasonable. Grant Acre construction permit number IC35-190005 for an Industrial Waste Disposal Facility, subject to the special conditions set forth in DER Exhibit 1. RECOMMENDED this 22nd day of July, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of July, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NOS. 91-2608, 92-0958 AND 92-0959 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioners, Bradys 1. Each of the following proposed findings of fact is adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 6 & 7(8) and 15(10). 2. Proposed findings of fact 1-5, 16, 27, 28, 31, 36-42, 44, 46-49, 51, 52, 54, 57-59, 61, and 62 are subordinate to the facts actually found in the Recommended Order. 3. Proposed findings of fact 8, 10-14, 17, 19-21, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 43, 53, 55, and 56 are irrelevant. Proposed findings of fact 9, 18, 22-25, 45, and 50 are unnecessary. Proposed findings of fact 34 and 60 are unsupported by the competent and substantial evidence. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondents, Acre and DER Each of the following proposed findings of fact is adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1-44(1-44). Proposed findings of fact 45 and 46 are unsupported by the competent and substantial evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Carlyn H. Kowalsky, Attorney at Law Bogin, Munns & Munns 250 North Orange Avenue 11th Floor-P.O. Box 2807 Orlando, FL 32802 Douglas MacLaughlin, Attorney at Law Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Martha Hunter Formella Attorney at Law FOLEY & LARDNER Post Office Box 2193 Orlando, FL 32802-2193 Carol Browner, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Florida Laws (3) 120.57403.087403.412
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-002826 Latest Update: Aug. 22, 1989

The Issue Whether the objections of the City of Pembroke Pines and the Green Meadows Civic Association to South Broward Utility, Inc.'s, proposal to extend its water and sewer service area should be sustained.

Findings Of Fact South Broward Utility, Inc. (South Broward), is a corporation engaged in the business of providing water and wastewater service to the public in Broward County, Florida. That business is subject to regulation by the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC). South Broward's water and wastewater treatment facilities are located in the Town of Davie, and it currently provides water and sewer services to residents of that municipality. Included within the area of the Town of Davie currently served by South Broward are the lands bordered on the north by Sterling Road, the south by Sheridan Street, and the west by Dykes Road (S.W. 160th Avenue). On February 4, 11, and 18, 1989, South Broward published a notice of extension in the Florida Lauderdale News/Sun-Sentinel, a daily newspaper of general circulation published in Broward County, Florida, in accordance with Rule 25-30.030(2), Florida Administrative Code. The notice provided that South Broward would file an application with the PSC pursuant to Section 367.061, Florida Statutes, to amend its certificates of public convenience and necessity to allow South Broward to provide water and sewer service to the east half of Section 5, Township 51 South, Range 40 East, Broward County, Florida. Such area may commonly be described as those lands lying immediately west of Dykes Road to S.W. 166th Avenue, and from Stirling Road on the north to Sheridan Street on the south. On February 24, 1989, South Broward mailed a copy of the aforementioned notice to all local, county and state governmental agencies and all other persons required by Section 367.041(4), Florida Statutes, and Rule 25-30.030(2), Florida Administrative Code. Objections to the notice were filed with the PSC by the City of Pembroke Pines (Pembroke Pines) and the Green Meadows Civic Association (Green Meadows). In its objection, Pembroke Pines contended that it had invested over 30 million dollars to expand its municipal water and sewer service west to the Conversation Area from Sheridan Street on the north to Pembroke Road on the south, that this expansion project was anticipated to provide water and sewer service for its existing municipal boundaries as well as the area proposed to be served by South Broward, that it was preparing an annexation report for the proposed area, and that if South Broward's application were approved it would be precluded from servicing its own residents should annexation occur. At hearing, the proof demonstrated that Pembroke Pines had expanded its municipal water and sewer service such that its water and wastewater treatment plants and related facilities have adequate present capacity to meet the current and anticipated future water and wastewater needs in the disputed service area. The Pembroke Pines water lines are currently located on the south side of Sheridan Street, which street forms the southerly boundary of the disputed service area. Its wastewater treatment lines are, however, located approximately one and one-half miles south of Sheridan Street and would require several months and considerable expense to extend them to the disputed service area. Notably, however, no proof was offered that Pembroke Pines had any current intention to annex the disputed service area, or that it had otherwise evidenced any intent to, or taken any action to, provide service to the area. Green Meadows is an association of residents of this area of unincorporated Broward County, some of whom reside within the service area in dispute. The gravamen of Green Meadows' objection is its concern that sewer lines for a centralized sewer system would leak into its member's ground water supply, and that the increase in population density caused by a centralized water and sewer system would adversely affect the area's ecosystem. Neither Green Meadows nor Pembroke Pines contended, however, that the subject extension of service would violate any land use plan, zoning ordinance or other state or local law, and no credible proof was offered that, if built consistent with existent law, the sewer lines would adversely impact the ground water supply or ecosystem. Until recently, all of the lands lying in the disputed service area were located in unincorporated Broward County. However, in September 1988 a parcel of approximately 15 acres which abutted Dykes Road was annexed into the Town of Davie, and in May 1989 a parcel of approximately 80 acres, which abutted the previously annexed parcel on the east, Sterling Road on the north, and S.W. 166th Avenue on the west, was annexed into the Town of Davie. These lands comprise approximately 30 percent of the lands within the disputed service area, and it is the desire of the Town of Davie that water and sewer service to such lands be provided by South Broward. To date, South Broward has entered into a developer's agreement with the owner of the 80-acre parcel to provide such services, and is in the process of executing such an agreement with the owner of the 15-acre parcel. Pembroke Pines does not object to South Broward's expansion into these areas. As to the remaining acreage within the proposed service area, the owners of the vast majority of those lands have expressed a preference for South Broward to provide water and sewer service to their properties, and South Broward has expressed its desire and ability to provide such services. South Broward's water plant has an existing capacity of 500,000 gallons per day (GPD), and has sufficient capacity to address the current need for water service in the proposed area. Upon completion of its current expansion, which is anticipated in October 1989, South Broward's water plant will have a capacity of 1,250,000 GPD, and adequate capacity to address any future demand for water service in the proposed area. South Broward's wastewater treatment plant, with a capacity of 500,000 GPD, currently has sufficient capacity to satisfy the present and future demand for such services in the proposed area. An expansion of that plant is expected to be in service by 1991, which will double the plant's capacity and provide additional capacity. Currently, South Broward has water and sewer lines adequate to serve the proposed area in place, and located under Dykes Road at the eastern edge of the service area. Such lines are adequate to meet all present and anticipated future needs for such service in the area, and the water lines are adequate to provide fire protection to the area. South Broward has the present financial, managerial, operational, and technical ability to provide the present and anticipated needs for water and wastewater service in the proposed area, and the public interest will be best served by the extension of South Broward's water and wastewater systems to that area. Such expansion will not be in competition with or a duplication of any other system in the area.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the objections filed by Pembroke Pines and Green Meadows be denied. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 21st day of August 1989. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2900 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of August, 1988. APPENDIX The proposed findings of fact filed by South Broward are addressed as follows: Addressed in paragraph 1. Addressed in paragraph 3. Addressed in paragraph 4. Addressed in paragraph 5. 5-10. Addressed in paragraph 9. 11-14. Addressed in paragraphs 10-13. 15 & 16. Addressed in paragraphs 6 and 7. Addressed in paragraph 13. To the extent pertinent, addressed in paragraph 8. Addressed in paragraph 8. 20 & 21. Addressed in paragraph 13. The proposed findings of fact filed by the PSC are addressed as follows: 1 & 2. Addressed in paragraph 3. Addressed in paragraph 9. Addressed in paragraph 3, and paragraphs 2 and 3 of the conclusions of law. Addressed in paragraph 8. 6-12. Addressed in paragraphs 9-13. Addressed in paragraph 7. Addressed in paragraph 9. Addressed in paragraph 8. Addressed in paragraph 12. COPIES FURNISHED: Mitchell S. Kraft, Esquire Josias & Goren, P.A. 3099 East Commercial Boulevard Suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 32308 Deborah Simone, President Green Meadows Civic Association 5831 S.W. 162nd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33331 James L. Ade, Esquire Martin, Ade, Birchfiled & Mickler, P.A. 3000 Independent Square Post Office Box 59 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 Randy Frier, Esquire Public Service Commission Fletcher Building 101 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0870 Mr. Steve Tribble, Director Records and Reporting Public Service Commission Fletcher Building 101 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0870 David Swafford, Executive Director Public Service Commission Room 116 101 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0870 Susan Clark General Counsel Public Service Commission Room 116 101 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0870

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 25-30.030
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-001646 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 1989

The Issue Whether the Petitioner's request for variance should be granted.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner owns a parcel of land in Palm Beach, County on which is housed Petitioner's paving and landscapping business and which is zoned for industrial use. Petitioner intends to install a manufactured building for use as an office. To provide sewage treatment for the bathroom of the office, Petitioner had a septic tank designed and applied for a septic tank permit which was denied as was its variance request. As a result of a complaint, Petitioner was inspected in August, 1988, by the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management and by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. Both inspections yielded citiations for soil contamination by oil and other hazardous waste. Petitioner represented that most of the infractions had been rectified by the date of the hearing in this matter and pledged full cooperation with the County and State rules. To oversee the operation of the business and assure that no further problems arose, Petitioner decided to establish its office on site. The closest sewage treatment plant is at full capacity and does not intend to provide service to the parcel in the near future. The adjoining properties are serviced by septic tanks. As such, the proof did not demonstrate that alternative methods of waste disposal were available to the site However, as part of its business operation, Petitioner does minor repair of its equipment on site and may include oil changes and other such services. Although Petitioner does not intend to pollute the groundwater and intends to use the proposed septic tank for office use only, the proof demonstrated that waste disposal into a septic tank from the maintenance and repair of its equipment could result in the disposition of prohibited hazardous waste into the groundwater. Further, the proof failed to demonstrate that the septic tank would be protected from use by those who handled the hazardous waste. Although the hardship, if any, caused by the denial of the variance was not caused by Petitioner and the proof failed to demonstrate reasonable alternatives of waste disposal, the potential for an adverse affect of the operation to the groundwater is great. Additionally, the proof failed to establish the ameliorating conditions of soil, water table or setback conditions or whether the property was platted prior to 1972. Accordingly, the denial of the variance was proper.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered denying the variance. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 6th day of July 1989. JANE C. HAYMAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of July 1989. COPIES FURNISHED: Hattie Parker 160 Toneypenna Drive Jupiter, Florida 33468 Peggy G. Miller, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 111 Georgia Avenue Third Floor West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 John Miller General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-002303 Latest Update: Apr. 02, 1980

Findings Of Fact Fallschase is a special taxing district which was created by the Board of County Commissioners of Leon County, Florida, in Leon County Ordinance No. 75-6. The district contains approximately 620 acres and is located in the area of the intersection of U.S. Highway 90 and Buck Lake Road in Leon County, Florida. The Intervenors are corporations which are seeking to develop the Fallschase area into a residential community. Through its permit application, Fallschase is seeking authority to construct a 167,000 gallon per day sewage treatment plant which would serve the proposed development. The plant would be of the extended aeration type with tertiary filters. Effluent from the plant would be discharged into a Percolation pond system. The City of Tallahassee operates a sanitary sewer system which serves areas within the city limits, as well as many unincorporated areas of Leon County. Service is provided to the unincorporated areas of the county in accordance with a contract between the City and Leon County which was executed in 1973. No election has been conducted within Leon County to authorize the contract. The County has terminated the contract, but the termination will not be effective until November 12, 1980. The City's sanitary sewer system is a regional system in that it serves a broad area not limited by the political boundaries of the City. The City's system has operated under temporary permits issued by the Department for a number of years because it does not meet the Department's requirements for tertiary sewage treatment. The City's regional sewage treatment system is capable of providing service to Fallschase. A 10-inch sewage pipe known as the "Belle Meade" Line runs adjacent to Fallschase. If a pumping station were constructed, sewage from Fallschase could be pumped into the Belle Meade Line and eventually into the City's primary sewage lines for treatment at one of the City's treatment facilities. In accordance with its statutory responsibilities, the Department has adopted Rule 17-4.26, Florida Administrative Code, which relates to permit requirements for sewage works. As filed with the office of the Secretary of State, the rule provided as follows: No person shall operate, maintain, construct, alter, modify, or expand any sewage collection system, sewage disposal system or sewage treatment facilities without a current and valid permit from the Department, pursuant to the Provision of Chapter 17-6, Florida Administrative Code. The Department shall deny an appli- cation for a permit and refuse to issue a permit unless the sewage collection, treatment and disposal system will pro- vide adequate and effective treatment in accordance with the rules and regu- lations of the Department and unless the system will operate as part of a regional system if one exists or be capable of tying into a regional system should one be established. Applications for a permit under this section shall be in accordance with Part I, Chapter 17-4, Florida Administrative Code. (e.s.) As filed with the Secretary of State, the rule included a clear policy choice in favor of regionalization of sewage treatment systems. In accordance with its responsibilities, the office of the Secretary of State published the rule in the Florida Administrative Code. When the rule was published in the Code, the portion of the rule which is underlined in the above quote was omitted. The rule as published in the Code thus did not include a clear statement requiring regionalization, and does not make sense. This erroneous version of the rule has been published in the Florida Administrative Code for more than five years, and the error has been compounded in that the Department has utilized the Florida Administrative Code version of the rule in its official handouts. A citizen requesting a current copy of Rule 17-4.26 from the Department, or from the Secretary of State's office, would receive the erroneous rule. The error has been further compounded because the Department subsequently adopted a policy of evaluating applications for sewage treatment proposals without regard to whether hookups to a regional system were possible. This policy has been applied by the Department for at least three years in accordance with verbal and written instructions of the Department's then Secretary, Jay Landers. Additional language was later added to Rule 17-4.26 as follows: Except for regional treatment plants, as designated by approved metropolitan or basin plans, all permits for treat- ment plants shall be valid only until connection, according to an approved plan, can be made to regional facilities. Such connection shall be made within ninety (90) days of the scheduled date for connection as provided in the approved plan. This provision has no applicability to the City's treatment system because the City's system has never been approved as the metropolitan or basin clan by the Department. The City has contended that the sewage treatment plant proposed by Fallschase would result in violations of the Department's standards for nitrates in the groundwater in the area of the plant. Nitrates would be a constituent of the effluent which would be discharged from the proposed sewage treatment plant into percolation ponds. The engineer who has designed the proposed plant estimated that total nitrogen discharged into the percolation ponds would be approximately 20 milligrams per liter, or parts per million (p.p.m.). In extended aeration plants such as that proposed by Fallschase, a substantial portion of the nitrogen would be in the form of nitrates. The 20 p.p.m. estimate is high. The experience generally in north Florida has been that nitrogen concentrations would not exceed 10 p.p.m. in the effluent discharged into percolation ponds. Once the effluent is discharged into the ponds, a certain amount of nitrogen is removed during the settling process. As the effluent percolates through the subsoils into the groundwater, further nitrogen is removed. Estimates of nitrogen removal through these processes range from a low of 25 percent to a high of 75 percent. The groundwater below the proposed plant is classified as Class 1-B groundwater under the Department's rules. It is very unlikely that effluent reaching the groundwater would contain as much as 10 p.p.m. nitrates. Even if it did, mixing with the groundwater would cause an almost immediate dilution of nitrogen concentrations so that concentrations in the groundwater as high as 10 p.p.m. would be unlikely in the extreme. Many sewage treatment plants operate within the Department's northwestern region, which extends from Pensacola to Tallahassee. The Department monitors these plants. A violation of the Department's nitrate standards has never been observed in the region. Indeed, in the entire State of Florida, nitrate violations have been detected only in certain areas of Dade County. Testimony was presented by the City to the effect that chemical processes in percolation ponds can cause very drastic nitrate concentrations when the funds are intermittently flooded and drained. Such concentrations have been observed at one of the City's treatment plants. The City`s plant, however, is of a different sort than that proposed by Fallschase. The City's plant produces concentrations of nitrogen in ammonia compounds and utilizes intermittent drying and flooding of the percolation ponds as a part of its operation. Ammonia compounds will not be a major constituent of effluent placed in the Fallschase percolation ponds; and, furthermore, the ponds will not be intermittently flooded and drained in the manner that would cause such concentrations to develop. In its Notice of Intent to Issue the proposed permit, the Department indicated that sludge produced through the proposed treatment facility should be disposed of by hauling to a plant operated by the City. The City has indicated that it will not make its plant available for such disposal, and cotends that accordingly Fallschase has given no reasonable assurances that the sludge will be disposed of properly. The contention is without merit. Many alternatives exist for disposal of sludge. Fallschase has adequate area available to it for construction of sludge drying pits. Sludge can be hauled to many potential locations. Specific issues respecting sludge disposal can be addressed in the operating permit which would not be issued by the Department until it is established that the proposed plant can operate within the Department's rules and regulations. The soils which lie below the proposed percolation ponds are not of a highly permeable sort. To aid in the percolation of effluent through the ground into the groundwater, Fallschase proposes to construct two-foot diameter holes in the bottom of the percolation ponds. The holes would extend from 18 to 25 feet below the bottom of the percolation ponds. The holes would be filled with sand, and alternatingly coarse layers of gravel. The City has contended that these holes would constitute wells, and that they therefore would need to be permitted by the Department. This contention is without merit. These structures could fit loosely within the definition of a well, but their function is merely to aid in the percolation of effluent through the subsoils. They are not designed to inject effluent directly into the groundwater. These structures would constitute wells to the same extent that any drain field would constitute a well.

Florida Laws (2) 120.53120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Sep. 08, 2005 Number: 05-003245 Latest Update: Dec. 30, 2005

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent violated Florida Administrative Code Rules 64E-6.022(1)(b)2., 64E-6.022(1)(d), and 64E-6.022(1)(p) by repairing an onsite sewage disposal system without a permit, resulting in missed inspections, and if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with enforcing the statutory and regulatory provisions pertaining to the practice of septic tank installations and repairs in Florida. See § 381.0065(3), Fla. Stat. (2003). Repair of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems must be performed under the supervision and control of a registered septic tank contractor. Respondent is the qualifying registered septic tank contractor for All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc., having been issued the registration number SR00011389. Respondent has 15 years of experience in the field of septic system construction and repair. The qualifying registered septic tank contractor for Simmons Septic and Tractor Service, Inc., is Joey Wayne Simmons. The qualifying registered septic tank contractor for AA Septic Tank Service, Inc., is Billy Wayne Joyner. However, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Joyner, and Respondent work closely together, sometimes working together on a job and/or acting as the qualifying registered septic tank contractor on each other's behalf. On September 2, 2003, the septic disposal system at the residence of Jack Young was not functioning properly. Mr. Young contracted with one of the above-referenced septic tank services to repair the system. On September 2, 2003, Respondent and another employee of All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc., along with two employees from AA Septic Tank Service, Inc., went to Mr. Young's residence to repair Mr. Young's onsite sewage disposal system. No one applied for a permit to make any repairs to Mr. Young's system. With Respondent acting as the registered septic tank contractor, the men used a backhoe to dig up the septic tank, which was buried three feet in the ground. Respondent then repaired the pump and ran a new one and one-quarter force main line to the existing header because the old line had been compromised by roots. Respondent also cleaned roots from inside the distribution box. Respondent then sealed the tank and directed the men to cover it up. No one called Petitioner's local office, the Duval County Health Department, to request an inspection of the repair before covering the tank. The work on Mr. Young's septic system involved the replacement of an effluent transmission line. It required a permit because it constituted more than a minor repair to the pump and distribution box. Respondent should not have performed the work without a permit from the Duval County Health Department. Because there was no permit, there was no request for inspection by the Duval County Health Department. When the work was completed, Mr. Young gave Respondent a check in the amount of $1,000, payable to Mr. Simmons. The check reflected payment for repair to the filter bed, otherwise known as the drainfield. Respondent indicated his receipt of the check by signing the AA Septic Tank Service, Inc.'s Daily Truck Log and Maintenance Report. In February 2004, Mr. Young's septic system began to fail once again due to root blockage in the lines. Respondent advised Mr. Young that a permit would be required in order to make any further repairs. Mr. Young refused to pull a permit or to pay for any additional costs. On February 17, 2004, Mr. Young contacted Petitioner to report the failure of his system's drainfield. On February 18, 2004, Petitioner's inspector confirmed that Mr. Young's drainfield had failed and was causing a sanitary nuisance. During the hearing, Respondent admitted that there are no disputed issues of material facts in this case. He stated that he agreed with everything. However, he did not agree that the work he performed for Mr. Young required a permit from and inspections by Petitioner's Duval County Health Department.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a final order, finding that Respondent violated the standards of practice and imposing an administrative fine in the amount of $1,000. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of December, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of December, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: Catherine R. Berry, Esquire Department of Health 515 West Sixth Street Jacksonville, Florida 32206-4311 James L. Smith All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc. 8300 West Beaver Street Jacksonville, Florida 32220 R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Timothy M. Cerio, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Dr. John A. Agwunobi, Secretary Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57381.0065381.00655
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001499 Latest Update: Jun. 15, 1990

The Issue Whether, and to what extent, petitioner should be authorized to increase the water and sewer rates it charges its customers.

Findings Of Fact I. The Utility and its Application The Utility, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gulfstream Land and Development Corporation, owns and operates water and sewer systems serving residents of "Jacaranda Community," a development located within the city limits of Plantation, Florida. The Utility's water treatment plant uses a lime- softening process; its sewage treatment plant uses a contact stabilization mode. During the test year ending September 30, 1980, the Utility supplied water service to an average of 3,162 residential, 662 general service, and 14 private fire-line customers; during the same period it supplied sewer service to an average of 3,162 residential and 276 general service customers. By its February 5, 1981, application, the Utility alleged that it was authorized a rate of return of 9.87 percent, yet during the test year it earned only a 7.20 percent rate of return on its water rate base, and a 6.58 percent return on its sewer rate base. It proposed new rates which would generate $1,271,841 in water operating revenues and $1,381,401 in sewer operating revenues--constituting a rate of return of not less than 12.42 percent. (Testimony of Fabelo; Petitioner's application dated January 30, 1981, R-4.) II. The Elements of Rate-Making In setting utility rates, the Commission must determine: (1) rate base; 2/ (2) the cost of providing the service, including debt interest, working capital, maintenance, depreciation, tax, and operating expenses; (3) a fair return on the rate base; and (4) the quality of service provided. If the Utility is providing service of acceptable quality, it is entitled to rates which will produce revenues sufficient to cover its reasonable costs of operation and allow it an opportunity to earn a fair return on its rate base. There are three major issues in this case: two involve the determination of rate base and the other involves whether several Utility expenditures should be expensed or capitalized. These issues are addressed below with the the appropriate rate-making element. Rate Base The two issues involving rate base are: (1) what portion of the Utility's sewer treatment plant is used and useful in the public service; and what method should be used to calculate working capital allowance. Used and Useful Plant A public utility is entitled to a return only on Utility property which is "used and useful in the public service." 3/ At hearing, the Utility contended that 100 percent of its sewage treatment plant was used and useful; the Commission contended that the correct figure was 76 percent. 4/ The Utility's contention is accepted as more credible because it is based on a professional engineering analysis of actual wastewater flows through the sewage treatment plant during the test year and eight months thereafter. In contrast, the Commission's contention is based on application of a formula which relates total rated capacity of a plant to the number of Equivalent Residential Connections 5/ ("ERCs") it is capable of serving. Here, actual must prevail over theoretical fact. The Utility's sewage treatment plant has a rated capacity of 2.5 million gallons per day ("MGD"). During the test year, average daily flows, calculated monthly, fluctuated between 63.6 percent and 75.2 percent of the rated capacity; the average three-day peak flow, calculated monthly, ranged from 73.2 percent to 86.4 percent of capacity; and one-day peak flows ranged from 74.4 percent to 87.2 percent of capacity. During the eight months following the test year, sewage flow steadily increased. The greatest flow was during February, a relatively dry month; average daily flow was 2.20 MGD, 88 percent of rated capacity; the average three-day peak flow was 98.8 percent of capacity; and the peak flow day was 100.4 percent of capacity. If, on that peak flow day, the plant had only 76 percent of its present capacity, sewage would have overflowed the plant. The parties agree 6/ that a margin of reserve or allowance for growth of approximately 24 percent should be used in calculating the Utility's used and useful plant; they also agree that the Utility's future growth in ERCs is expected to range from 700 to 800 ERCs a year. The Commission argues that the 24 percent growth allowance should be added to average ERCs during the test year, and not to actual February, 1981, flows. This argument is unpersuasive. The test year period is a tool for predicting conditions which will exist during the period in which the new rates will be effective; rates are set prospectively, for the future--not the past. Thus, rates must take into account known changes and conditions occurring subsequent to the test year in order to accurately reflect conditions expected for the future. Here, the Utility's actual sewage flows indicate that 100 percent of its existing plant is used and useful and necessary to satisfy the immediate and anticipated future needs of its customers. In an attempt to rebut or overcome the effect of the sewage plant's actual flow conditions, the Commission contends that the sewage system is experiencing ground water infiltration of sufficient magnitude to cast doubt on the use of total flow figures. However, the infiltration does not exceed the amount which is ordinarily planned for in constructing sewage treatment plants. Infiltration which will continue to take place--despite the Utility's best efforts to ameliorate it--cannot be separated from the wastewater stream. Since the plant must be capable of handling the combined flow, including infiltration, total flow figures must be considered. The Commission also contends that the system is not 100 percent used and useful because it can serve more connections. This contention is inconsistent with the acknowledged requirement that a sewage treatment plant must be capable of accepting increased sewage flows reasonably anticipated in the near future. That is the purpose of including an allowance for growth in the used and useful calculation. Lastly, the Commission contends that the Utility's failure to consult with Department of Environmental Regulation officials about future plant expansion is inconsistent with its 100 percent used and useful claim. But the Utility, recognizing its present limits and future needs, has actively pursued an interlocal agreement which will allow it to pump approximately 700,000 GPD to Broward County's regional sewage facility. The agreement is in its final stages and approval is eminent. (Testimony of Ring, Farina, Walden; P-1, p-2, R-1.) Cash Working Capital Allowance Cash working capital is the amount of investors' supplied cash needed to operate a utility during the interval between rendition of service and receipt of payment from the customers. By including it in rate base, a utility is allowed to earn a return on this portion of its investment. A utility's working capital requirements may be calculated by using: a standardized formula; (2) the utility's balance sheet; or (3) a lead-lag study. Until June, 1981, the Commission routinely used the formula approach; working capital was calculated by multiplying 12.5 percent (equivalent to one- eighth of a year) times the utility's annual adjusted operations and maintenance expenses. This method is also facilitated by Commission Rule 25- 10.176(2)(a)2.g., Florida Administrative Code which requires that water and sewer rate adjustment applications include a schedule showing: g. Allowance for working capital (1/8 of annual operations and maintenance expenses for the test year.) Id. In this case--consistent with the Commission's rule and custom--the Utility seeks a working capital allowance derived by using the standard Commission formula. However, the Commission seeks to use, instead, the balance sheet approach--an approach which it contends is more precise than the standard formula and results in a closer correlation between the Utility's rate base and its capital structure. The Commission's contention is accepted as persuasive. Under the balance sheet method, working capital allowance is the difference between a utility's current assets and current liabilities. Thus, the working capital component of rate base is derived, by simple adjustments, from a utility's balance sheet; it originates in the balance sheet's capital structure, just as do the other components of rate base. In comparison, the formula approach originates from a utility's income statement, i.e., one-eighth of its annual operating and maintenance expenses. The one-eighth factor equates to a 45-day lag--a period of time assumed to cover the lapse between the rendering of service and payment by the customer. But this assumption, while generally useful, may not accurately depict the working capital requirement of a given utility. In this case, the balance sheet approach is a more precise method for determining the Utility's working capital requirements. The Utility poses two objections to calculating working capital allowance by the balance sheet method: (1) it deviates from the Commission's prior practice in water and sewer rate cases, and (2) it may result in a negative allowance when a utility has insufficient cash to pay its current bills; thus a utility in greatest need of working capital would receive the least allowance. As to the objection that the balance sheet method represents a departure from past practice, the Commission has flexibility to expand, refine, and alter its policy through individual case decisions provided its action is explained and justified by record evidence. 7/ The Commission has not, by rule, limited that flexibility. Rule 25-10.176(2)(a)2.g. only requires applicants for rate adjustments to show their working capital requirements by applying the formula method; it does not preclude the Commission or utilities from using an alternative method more suitable to the facts of a given case. For example, it is generally recognized that, if a lead-lag study is conducted, it will prevail over the formula method. The Utility's second objection (that a cash-poor utility receives a lesser working capital allowance), is based on a hypothetical case and has no application to the facts here; the Utility has sufficient current assets and the balance sheet method results in a positive working capital allowance. This finding in favor of the balance sheet method is based on the evidence presented; its effect is thus necessarily limited to this case. Should the Commission--in future cases--advocate the balance sheet method, as opposed to the formula method, it must again explain and justify its position, insofar as possible, by conventional proof. 8/ Unless its policy is adopted by rule, an agency must repeatedly establish and defend it. 9/ The other components of the Utility's rate base, as adjusted, are not in dispute. Water and sewer rate base are therefore $3,369,160 and $4,099,887, respectively, and are depicted below: RATE BASE Test Year Ending September 30, 1900 Water Sewer Utility Plant in Service $5,919,833 $9,210,212 Utility Plant Held for Future Use (145,384) (644,429) Construction Work in Progress 265,300 -0- Accumulated Depreciation (616,835) (954,300) Contributions in Aid of Construction--Net (2,293,690) (3,579,118) Working Capital Allowance 39,936 59,522 Materials and Supplies -0- -0- TOTAL $3,369,160 $4,099,887 (Testimony of Davis, Asmus; P-6, R-2, R-3.) Net Operating Income The Commission opposes several operation, maintenance, and depreciation expenses which the Utility proposes to include in the test year statement of operations. The Hardy Gross Analysis The Hardy Cross Analysis is a computer analysis of the entire water distribution system. It indicates loss of pressure, balances water flows, and determines residual pressure at the end points of the system. It is a useful and necessary informational tool in designing additions to water distribution systems: it allows the designer to properly size new pipes added to the system. Growth, such as that experienced by the Utility, requires that such an analysis be updated at least once a year. The parties do not dispute the value of such an analysis, its cost, or the necessity for its actual updating. They dispute only who should bear the cost: the existing rate-payers or the developers which require and benefit from the continued expansion of the water system. It is concluded that the recurring cost of updating the Hardy Cross Analysis should be borne by developers, and, indirectly, the future customers who are the primary beneficiaries of the annual updating; without the growth associated with new developments, the annual updating of the Hardy Gross Analysis would be unnecessary. It would be unfair to require existing customers to pay for services--through higher rates--which they do not require and from which they receive no significant benefit. (Testimony of Farina, Walden.) Review of City of Plantation Utility Standards In 1969, the City of Plantation, where the Utility's water and sewer systems are located, enacted an ordinance containing detailed technical standards governing the construction of water and sewer systems. Historical experience has indicated that the standards incorporated in the ordinance require annual review, and periodic revision; the Utility's participation in that process is reasonably necessary to its continued efficient operation. A necessary expense of $1,000 should be allowed and charged as an operation expense to each system--water and sewer. (Testimony of Farina.) Diesel Fuel On June 16, 1980--during the last quarter of the test year--the Utility installed two auxiliary power units which utilize diesel fuel. Since the two power units were not in service during the entire test year, the Utility seeks to annualize the cost of the diesel fuel consumed during the 3 1/2-month period and include it as a recurring operating expense. 10/ The Commission opposes annualizing the fuel costs on the ground that sufficient documentation was not presented by the Utility to justify the actual consumption of fuel by the power units and establish that such consumption represented normal operation of the Utility, i.e., that it is reasonably expected that such annual consumption will repeatedly occur in the future. The Commission's contention is accepted as persuasive. The Utility has the burden of supporting its claimed expenses with adequate documentation. 11/ Here, no evidence was presented to establish the actual periods of operation of the auxiliary generators or the conditions under which they were used; nor were rated consumption of fuel figures supplied. The alternate treatment suggested by the Commission--amortize initial diesel fuel fill-up cost over three years, placing one-third of it in expense and adding the other two-thirds to materials and supplies 12/ --is a reasonable method of treating the fuel expenditures. (Testimony of Davis, Walden, Asmus; R-2, R-3.) Amortization of Legal Expense Relating to Proposed CIAC Rules The Utility contends that the Commission is contemplating further CIAC 13/ rule making thus necessitating the expenditure of recurring legal expenses in the total amount of $778. However, although the Commission is now considering the adoption of CIAC rules, recurring revisions in the future are not reasonably expected. In the last ten years, the Commission has had one rule docket pertaining to CIAC rule making. Amortization of this expense is therefore unjustified. (Testimony of Davis.) Adjustment for Increased Chemical Costs Because of escalating costs of chemicals, the Utility proposes to adjust the water and sewer chemicals account by applying June, 1981, prices to the quantity of chemicals consumed during the test year. The Commission opposes the proposed adjustment, contending that the Utility's new lime-feeding equipment will result in lower lime costs. The Utility's adjustments 14/ are accepted as credible; since a new Zeolite treatment plant will soon be coming on-line, it is reasonably expected that lime requirements, associated with the water-softening process, will--if anything--increase. (Testimony of Farina, Davis, Asmus; R-6.) Maintenance Expenses: Amortization of Post Test-Year Gearbox Repairs The Utility proposes to include in sewer maintenance expense amortization of the cost of a gearbox repair incurred subsequent to the test year. The Commission proposes to amortize--for three to five years--all major repairs incurred during the test year. The Utility has not amortized such extraordinary repairs during each of the last five years; it contends that such historical amortization is necessary to arrive at a representative figure for extraordinary repair on an on-going basis, that the Commission cannot begin--for the first time--to amortize such repairs during the test year. The Utility proposes to simply adjust sewer maintenance expense by $3,386--an admittedly rough estimate. The Utility's accountant admits: It would be a lot more exact to go back five years and apply it [amortization of extraordinary repairs] down the line. . .but that's very time-consuming. (Tr. 192.) It is undisputed that the Utility--to properly account for extraordinary maintenance repairs--should amortize such expenses through the expected life of the repairs. The Utility has not done so to repairs incurred during the last five years. The substitution of an "estimate" of expected future repair costs for a preferable and more exact accounting method is unacceptable and should be rejected. (Testimony of Davis, Asmus.) Depreciation Expense The finding, infra, paragraph A(1) that the Utility's sewer plant is 100 percent used and useful necessarily requires an adjustment to the Commission's proposed depreciation expense. The adjustment increases depreciation, for sewer operations, by $11,897. (Testimony of Asmus; R-6.) The net operating income which a utility should be allowed the opportunity to earn is reached by multiplying rate base by a fair rate of return. 15/ Operating expense and taxes (income and gross receipts tax) are then added to net operating income to calculate gross revenue requirements. In this case, the Utility's net operating income should be $414,743 from water operations and $504,696 from sewer operations. Before gross revenue requirements can be determined, operating expense and taxes should be recalculated consistent with the above findings; such recalculation should be conducted by the Commission, verified by the Utility, and included as part of the Commission's final order entered in this proceeding. Rate Structure, Allocation, and Rate Design The Utility's present rates are structured in accordance with what is commonly referred to as the base facility rate design. The purpose of this design is to require customers to pay their pro rata share of the Utility's cost of providing the service. It is objectively determined and results in an equitable and consistent distribution of the costs involved. Both parties agree that the new rates should also be structured in accordance with the base facility rate design. However, the new rates should eliminate the present 25 percent rate differential between commercial and residential rates--a differential that has not been justified and which the Utility no longer seeks to impose. Motorola, Inc., a large industrial customer of the Utility, requested more favorable rate treatment because of the large volume of water it consumes. However, insufficient cost of service information was submitted to justify a "volume discount." A cost of service study is necessary to accurately allocate costs of service among customer classes. (Testimony of Fabulo, Asmus; R-4.) Quality of Service Several customers complained that the Utility's water had offensive color and taste. Eight complaints were filed with the Broward County Health Department during 1980. However, the preponderance of evidence establishes that the Utility's water and sewer systems are in compliance with local and state standards. Neither system is under any citation or enforcement action instituted by a regulatory agency. The quality of the water and sewer service provided is, therefore, determined to be satisfactory. (Testimony of Farina, Walden; P-11)

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Utility be authorized to file rate tariffs consistent with the provisions of this Recommended Order. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 21st day of August, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of August, 1981.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57367.0817.20
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Aug. 18, 2005 Number: 05-002984 Latest Update: Nov. 02, 2005

The Issue The issue is whether Palm Beach County's application for a permit to construct a domestic wastewater collection/transmission system in Palm Beach County should be approved.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Parties The County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida and is the permittee in this matter. The County Water Utilities Department currently serves approximately 425,000 persons, making it the largest utility provider in Palm Beach County and the third largest in the State of Florida. ITID is an independent water control special district created by special act of the legislature in 1957 and whose boundaries lie within the County. Portions of the transmission line to be constructed by the County will cross easements and roads, and pass under canals, owned by ITID. Petitioners Joseph Acqualotta, Michael D'Ordine, Ann Hawkins, and Lisa Lander all live in areas in close proximity to the proposed transmission line. Lander lives adjacent to the proposed route of the line along 40th Street North, while Acqualotta, D'Ordine, and Hawkins live adjacent to the proposed route along 140th Avenue North. Acqualotta, Hawkins (but not D'Ordine, who resides with Hawkins), and Lander own the property where they reside. Petitioners Troy and Tracey Lee (Case No. 05-2979), Lisa Gabler (Case No. 05- 2980), and Anthony and Veronica Daly (Case No. 05-2982) did not appear at the final hearing. The Department is an agency of the State of Florida authorized to administer the provisions of Part I of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and is the state agency charged with the responsibility of issuing domestic wastewater collection/ transmission permits under Section 403.087, Florida Statutes (2004).1 Background On December 15, 2004, the County filed its application with the Department for an individual permit to construct a domestic wastewater collection/transmission system (Transmission Line). The Transmission Line is one element of the County's Northern Region Utilities Improvement Project (Project) and will be approximately 41,050 feet long and comprised of approximately 32,350 linear feet of 20-inch force main and 18,700 linear feet of 30-inch force main (or nearly ten miles in length). A primary purpose of the Project is to provide water and wastewater service to the Village, a 1,900 acre parcel located in the unincorporated part of the County several miles west of the Florida Turnpike, south of State Road 710, and north of the Villages of Wellington and Royal Palm Beach. The Village will be the home of the Scripps Project and Campus. The Transmission Line will run from the southeastern corner of the Village south to Northlake Boulevard, then east to 140th Avenue North, then south along that roadway to 40th Street North, where it turns east until it interconnects with existing facilities. The wastewater will be collected in a regional pump station on the Scripps Project site, where it will be pumped through the Transmission Line to the East Central Plant, which will be the primary treatment facility. The East Central Plant is owned and operated by the City of West Palm Beach (City), but the County owns between forty and forty-five percent of the treatment capacity. Because the wastewater system is interconnected, the wastewater could also be treated at the County's Southern Regional Plant. Ultimately, the flow from the Scripps Project will be one or two million gallons per day. The Transmission Line is the only way that wastewater can be handled at the Scripps Project. A preliminary analysis by the Department and the South Florida Water Management District determined that on-site treatment was not feasible because of the environmentally sensitive nature of the area. The Scripps Project will include residential units, commercial entities, and institutional uses, such as medical clinics. Besides serving these customers, the Transmission Line will also serve other customers in the area. The County has already signed agreements with the Beeline Community Development District (which lies a few miles northwest of the Village) and the Village of Royal Palm Beach (which lies several miles south-southeast of the Village). At the time of the hearing, the County anticipated that it would also sign an agreement with Seacoast Utility Authority (whose service area is located just southeast of the Village) to transport wastewater through the Transmission Line. All of the treatment facilities have sufficient existing capacity to treat the estimated amount of domestic wastewater that will be generated by the Scripps Project and the other users that will discharge to the Line. The County commenced construction of the Transmission Line in May 2005 when the Department issued the Permit. On August 2, 2005, the County published the Department's Notice to issue the Permit, and once the Petitions were filed, the County stopped construction pending the outcome of this hearing. Approximately seventy percent of the Transmission Line is now completed. The Permit does not allow the Transmission Line to be used until it is pressure tested and certified complete. Upon completion, the County must receive an Approval to Place a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System into Operation from the Department. Such approval is given only after the County has given reasonable assurance that adequate transmission, treatment, and disposal is available in accordance with Department standards. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-604.700. On August 15, 2005, Petitions challenging the issuance of the Permit were filed by ITID and the individual Petitioners. ITID contends that the Transmission Line will convey not only domestic wastewater, but also industrial waste; that the County did not comply with all applicable technical standards and criteria required under the Department's rules; that the Project will be located on ITID's right-of-way, on which the County has no right to occupy; that the Project will be located within seventy-five feet from private drinking wells and does not provide an equivalent level of reliability and public health protection; and that the pipe material and pressure design is inappropriate for the Transmission Line's requirements. The individual Petitioners (who filed identical Petitions) are mainly concerned about the location of the Transmission Line in relation to their private drinking wells and property, the possibility of the pipe bursting or leaking once it becomes operational, and the restoration of their property to its original condition after construction is completed. As to the property claims by all Petitioners, the County plans to place the Transmission Line in property that it either owns or has an easement, in property that it is in the process of condemning, or in a public right of way. While the County acknowledges that it has already placed, and intends to place other portions of, the Transmission Line in easements that ITID says it has the exclusive right to use and for which a permit from ITID is required, the County alleges that it also has the right to use those easements without an ITID permit. The dispute between the County and ITID is the subject of a circuit court proceeding in Palm Beach County, and neither the Department nor DOAH has the authority to decide property interests. Petitioners' Objections Domestic wastewater and pretreatment The wastewater that will be generated by the Scripps Project is considered domestic wastewater; it will not include industrial wastewater. Waste that is industrial or non- domestic must be pretreated to protect the wastewater plant, collection system, and the health of system workers and the general public. The Department administers a pretreatment program through which it requires a public wastewater utility to police the entities that discharge to their wastewater plants. A central part of the pretreatment program is the local ordinance that gives legal authority to the utility to permit, inspect, and take enforcement action against industrial users who are part of the pretreatment program. The utility files an annual report with an industrial user survey, and the Department periodically inspects and audits local pretreatment programs to ensure they are being operated as intended. The system is not failsafe but is designed to ensure that potentially harmful wastes are rendered harmless before discharge. For example, the utility has the authority to immediately shut water off if a harmful discharge is occurring. Both the County and the City have pretreatment programs approved by the Department. The City has an ordinance that allows it to enforce the pretreatment standards for all entities that discharge to its wastewater system. The County Water Utilities Department has a written pretreatment manual, and the County has zoning restrictions on the discharge of harmful material to the wastewater system. It has also entered into an interlocal agreement under which it agrees to enforce the City ordinance. The County provides wastewater treatment to industrial, educational, and medical facilities, and it has never experienced a discharge from any of these facilities that has caused adverse health or environmental impacts. The County pretreatment program for the Southern Regional Facility was approved in 1997. The City pretreatment program for the East Central Regional Facility was approved in 1980. The Scripps Project must apply for a permit from the County and provide a baseline monitoring report, data on its flow, and information on the flow frequency and raw materials. Medical waste from the Scripps Project will be pretreated to render it safe before it is discharged into the Transmission Line. Transmission Line Design The Transmission Line was designed in accordance with the technical standards and criteria for wastewater transmission lines in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62- 604.300(5). That rule incorporates by reference a set of standards commonly known as the Ten State Standards, which contain several of the standards used in the design of this project. These standards are recommended, but are not mandatory, and a professional engineer should exercise his or her professional judgment in applying them in any particular case. The Transmission Line also meets the design standards promulgated by the America Water Works Association (AWWA). Specifically, the County used the AWWA C-905 design standard for sizing the polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, pipe used in the project. The County has received written certification from the manufacturer that the PVC pipe meets the standards in AWWA C-905. The Transmission Line is designed with stub-outs, which will allow for future connections without an interruption of service, and inline isolation valves, which allow the line to be shut down for maintenance. The Use of PVC Pipe There is no standard regulating the selection of PVC pipe material in the Department's rules. Instead, the Department relies on the certification of the applicant and the engineer's seal that the force main will be constructed to accepted engineering standards. The only specification applicable to the Transmission Line is the Ten State Standard, adopted and incorporated by reference in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-604.300(5)(g). That document contains a general requirement that the material selected have a pressure rating sufficient to handle anticipated pressures in wastewater transmission lines. The Transmission Line will be constructed with PVC piping with a thickness of Dimension Ratio (DR) 32.5, which is the ratio of the outside diameter of the pipe to its thickness. Higher ratios mean thinner-walled pipes. This is not the first time the County has used 32.5 PVC piping for one of its projects, and other local governments in the State have used 32.5 or thinner pipe. The County is typically conservative in requiring thicker-walled pipe, because most transmission lines are built by developers, and the County is unable to design the entire line or control or inspect its installation. The specifications for wastewater transmission lines built in the County call for the use of DR 25 pipe. On this project, however, the County determined that thicker- walled pipe would have been an over-design of the system because the County controls the pump stations and oversees the installation; therefore, the Director of the Water Utilities Department has waived that requirement. The County considers the use of DR 32.5 PVC to be conservative. Although this pipe will be thinner than what is typically used in the County, it satisfies the Department's requirements. The Department has permitted many miles of similar PVC force mains in South Florida, and none have failed. PVC has benefits over other transmission line material, such as ductile iron. For example, PVC is more corrosion resistant. Wastewater generates hydrogen sulfide as it decomposes, which can form highly corrosive sulfuric acid. Some of the older transmission lines in the County that were made of ductile iron have corroded. PVC also has a superior ability to absorb surges, such as cyclical surges, than ductile iron. It is easier to install, and its interior flow characteristics are smoother than ductile iron or pre-stressed concrete pipe. Mr. Farabee, a professional engineer who testified on behalf of ITID, recommended a DR 14 pipe, which is thicker- walled than the DR 32.5 pipe used by the County. While he opined that the DR 32.5 pipe was too thin for the project, he could not definitively state that it would not pass the 150 per square inch (psi) pressure test. He also opined that the pipe is undersized because it will be unable to withstand the surge pressures during cleaning. The witness further testified that the pipe would be subject to much higher pressures than 150 psi, and therefore it was impossible to know whether the pipe would fail. In his opinion, this means the Department did not have reasonable assurance for the project. The County consulted with the Unibell PVC Pipe Association (Unibell) in the planning of this project. Unibell is a trade association that provides technical support for PVC pipe manufacturers. Robert Walker, a registered professional engineer and Unibell's executive director who testified on behalf of the County, disagreed with Mr. Farabee's conclusions concerning the adequacy of the PVC pipe in this project. The AWWA C-905 standard uses a safety factor of two, which means the pipes are tested at pressures that are at least twice their stated design strength. Mr. Walker explained the different standards that apply to PVC pipe. DR 32.5 pipe, which is used in this project, has a minimum interior pressure rating of 125 pounds per square psi. Each pipe section is tested before it is shipped at 250 psi, and the minimum burst pressure for the material is in excess of 400 psi. The pipe also meets a 1000- hour test at 270 psi. In light of these standards and testing, the pipe will pass the two-hour 150 psi test required by the Department. Mr. Farabee expressed some concern that the PVC pipe would be more prone to breakage than ductile iron or thicker PVC. However, the PVC pipe standards provide that the pipe can be flattened at sixty percent without splitting, cracking, or breaking. At shallow depths on dirt roads, ovalation, which occurs when PVC is flattened through pressure, will initially occur, but over time the soil around the pipe will become compacted and result in re-rounding of the pipe. The joints are three times stiffer than the body of the pipe, which will protect the joint from excessive ovalation and leaking, and the use of mechanical restrained joints will further strengthen the joints. There has been no joint leakage in Florida due to deflection of the joints. Finally, there have been no failures of PVC pipe caused by three-feet of fill, which is the depth to which the Transmission Line pipe will be buried. To further protect the pipe, the County optimized its pumping system to avoid cyclical surges by using variable frequency drive pumps that gradually increase and decrease speed rather than just turning on or off. In addition, the pump stations are fed by two power lines that come from different directions and emergency generators, which should lessen the chances of harmful surging. Testing the Installation The anticipated pressures in the Transmission Line will likely be about 50 psi. After installation, the Line will be pressure tested at 150 psi for two hours, which is sufficient to provide the Department with reasonable assurance that the Line will hold pressure and will not leak. Also, the County contract inspectors are on the construction site daily. If problems with the installation arise later, the County has committed to promptly fix the problem, even if it means digging up the line. During the hearing, ITID asserted that the Uniform Policies and Procedure Manual standards, which the County has adopted for use by developers when constructing wastewater transmission lines, should be applied to the County as well. This standard, which requires pressure testing to 200 psi for PVC pipes larger than 24 inches, has not been adopted by the Department and is not an applicable Department permitting standard. Even if it did apply, the Transmission Line would meet this criterion because it is designed to withstand 270 psi for at least 1,000 hours. Mr. Farabee believed that the entire Transmission Line would be pressure tested after the construction was complete, which would require digging up sections of the pipe to install bulkheads. However, this assessment of the County's testing program is incorrect. Leisha Pica, Deputy Director of the Water Utilities Department, developed the schedule for the project, helped develop the phasing of the work and budget, and oversaw the technical aspects. She stated that the County has successfully tested approximately fifty percent of the line that was already installed at 150 psi for two hours and not a single section of the line failed the test. Compaction The County has stringent backfilling and compaction requirements, which are sufficient to ensure the pipe will be properly installed and that there will be adequate compaction of the fill material. The County plans and specifications provide that compaction must be to ninety-five percent of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) standards for non-paved surfaces and one hundred percent of AASHTO standards for paved surfaces. Even ITID's expert agreed that the compaction specifications are sufficient. Mr. Farabee contended, however, that even though the standards are stringent, the County cannot properly test the installation for compliance with the standards. Mr. Farabee believed that testing of the backfill would be done after all of the construction was complete. In that case, he did not see how the testing could be done without digging many holes to check for the density of the backfill. These assumptions, however, are incorrect. The evidence shows that a total of two hundred sixty-four compaction tests have already been done on the portion of the Transmission Line that was completed. No part of the installation failed the tests. The County has an inspector who observes the installation and pressure tests. The compaction was tested at every driveway and major roadway, as well as every five hundred feet along the route. While Lander and D'Ordine pointed out at hearing that no compaction tests have been performed on the dirt roads which run adjacent to their property and on which construction has taken place, the Department requires that, before the work is certified as complete, non-paved roads must be compacted in accordance with AASHTO standards in order to assure that there is adequate compaction of the fill material. The Sufficiency of the Application When an application for an individual transmission/ collection line permit is filed with the Department, the applicant certifies that the design of the pipeline complies with the Department's standards. However, not all of the details of the construction will be included in the permit application. The Department relies on the design engineer to certify that the materials used are appropriate. The application form is also signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the State of Florida. All plans submitted by the County, including the original, modifications, and final version, were certified by professional engineers registered in the State of Florida. After receiving the application, the Department requested additional information before issuing the permit, and the County provided all requested information. The original construction plans that were submitted with the application were changed in response to the Department's requests for additional information. The Permit issued by the Department indicates the Transmission Line would be constructed with ductile iron pipe, but this was a typographical error. ITID maintains that all of the technical specifications for the project must be included in the application, and because no separate engineering report was prepared by the County with the application, the County did not meet that standard. While the County did not submit an engineering report, it did submit sufficient data to provide reasonable assurance that the project will comply will all applicable rules of the Department. As a part of its application package, the County submitted construction plans, which contain the specifications required by the Department. Also, the general notes included in the construction drawings specify the use of restrained joints where appropriate, the selection of pipe material, the pressure testing of the Transmission Line, and other engineering requirements. In addition, the plans contain numerous other conditions, which are also specifications sufficient to fulfill the Department's requirements. Finally, further explanation and clarification of the technical aspects of the application was given by the County at the final hearing. At the same time, the Department engineer who oversaw the permitting of this project, testified that a detailed engineering report was not necessary. This engineer has extensive experience in permitting transmission lines for the Department and has worked on over five hundred permits for wastewater transmission and collection systems. The undersigned has accepted his testimony that in a relatively straightforward permit such as this, the application and attachments themselves can function as a sufficient engineering evaluation. This is especially true here since the County is seeking only approval of a pipeline project, which would not authorize the receipt of wastewater flow unless other wastewater facilities are permitted. Impacts on Public and Private Drinking Water Wells As part of the design of the Transmission Line, the County located public and private drinking water wells in the area of the line. County personnel walked the route of the Transmission Line and looked for private wells and researched the site plans for all of the properties along the route. No public wells were found within one-hundred feet of the Transmission Line route, but they did find seventeen private wells that are within seventy-five feet of the line. None of the Petitioners have private wells that are within seventy- five feet of the line. While Petitioners D'Ordine and Hawkins initially contended that the well on Hawkins' property was within seventy-five feet of the Transmission Line, at hearing Mr. D'Ordine admitted that he "misread the plans and referred to the wrong property." In order to protect the private drinking water wells, Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-604.400(1)(b) requires that the County provide an extra level of protection for the wells that are within seventy-five feet of the Transmission Line. The County will provide that extra level of protection by installing restrained joints that will restrain the joints between the pipe sections. The restrained joints are epoxy-coated mechanical devices that reduce the tendency for the pipes to separate under pressure. The County has used these restrained joints on its potable water and wastewater lines in other areas of the County and has never experienced problems with the devices. The restrained joints will provide reliable protection of the private wells within seventy-five feet of the Transmission Line. The Department is unaware of any instances where restrained joints have failed in South Florida. If more wells are discovered that are within seventy-five feet of the Transmission Line, then the County will excavate the Line and install restrained joints. Minimum Separation Distances The County has complied with all applicable pipe separation requirements in the installation of the Transmission Line. More specifically, it is not closer than six feet horizontally from any water main and does not intersect or cross any reclaimed water lines. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-555.314(1)(a). It will be at least twelve inches below any water main or culvert that it crosses. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-555.314(2)(a). Finally, it will be a minimum of twelve inches below any culverts that it crosses. (However, the Department has no separation requirement for culverts crossed by the Transmission Line.) h. The M-Canal Crossing The Transmission Line must cross the M-canal, which runs in an east-west direction approximately midway between 40th Street North and Northlake Boulevard. The original design called for the Transmission Line to cross above the water, but the City and the Department suggested that it be located below the canal to eliminate the chance that the pipe could leak wastewater into the canal. In response to that suggestion, the County redesigned the crossing so that a 24- inch high density polyethylene pipe in a 48-inch casing will be installed fifteen feet below the design bottom of the canal. The polyethylene is fusion-welded, which eliminates joints, and is isolated with a valve on either side of the canal. Appropriate warning signs will be installed. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-604.400(2)(k)2.-5. The depth of the subaqueous line and the use of the slip line, or casing, exceeds the Department's minimum standards. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-604.400(2)(k)1. i. Flushing Protocol Section 48.1 of the Ten State Standard recommends that wastewater transmission lines maintain a velocity of two feet per second. When the Transmission Line becomes operational, it will not have sufficient flow to flush (or clean) accumulated solids from the lines at the recommended two feet per second velocities. (Sufficient flow will not occur until other customers connect to the Transmission Line during the first one to three years of operation.) Accumulated solids produce gases and odors that could create a problem at the treatment plant and might leak out of the manhole covers. To address this potential problem, Specific Condition 9 of the Permit requires the County to flush the lines periodically. Pursuant to that Condition, the County plans to flush the Transmission Line with additional water which will raise the velocity to three or four feet per second, so that the accumulated solids will be flushed. The water will be supplied by large portable tanks that will be temporarily set up at several locations along the Line. During the purging of the Line, sewage will collect in the pump stations until the purge is finished. There is sufficient capacity in the pump stations to contain the wastewater. In addition, the County will use a cleansing tool known as a pig, which is like a foam bullet that scrapes the sides of the pipe as it is pushed through the line. This protocol will be sufficient to keep the Line clean. ITID asserts that the County's plan for flushing is inadequate, because it does not provide enough water for long enough to flush both the 20-inch and 30-inch lines. Mr. Farabee calculated that the County would need almost twice the proposed volume, or almost six million gallons, to adequately flush the lines. ITID's analysis of the flushing protocol is flawed, however, because it assumes a constant flow in all segments of the pipe, which is not practical. In order to maintain the flushing velocity of three feet per second, the County will introduce water into the Transmission Line at three separate locations, resulting in a more constant flow velocity throughout the Transmission Line. In this way, it can maintain the proper velocity as the lines transition from a 20-inch to 30-inch to 36-inch pipe. The County has flushed other lines in the past using this protocol and has had no problems. This flushing protocol would only be in effect from one to three years. The County estimates that the necessary volumes to maintain a two-feet-per-second velocity in the 20- inch line would be reached in about one year. The 30-inch line should have sufficient flows sometime in 2008. These estimates are based on the signed agreements the County has with other utilities in the area to take their flows into the Transmission Line. Because of these safeguards, the Transmission Line will not accumulate solids that will cause undesirable impacts while flow is less than two feet per second. Other Requirements The construction and operation of the Transmission Line will not result in the release or disposal of sewage or residuals without providing proper treatment. It will not violate the odor prohibition in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-600.400(2)(a). It will not result in a cross- connection as defined in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62- 550.200. The construction or operation of the Transmission Line will not result in the introduction of stormwater into the Line, and its operation will not result in the acceptance of non-domestic wastewater that has not been properly pretreated. If constructed and permitted, the Transmission Line will be operated so as to provide uninterrupted service and will be maintained so as to function as intended. The record drawings will be available at the Department's district office and to the County operation and maintenance personnel. Finally, concerns by the individual Petitioners that the County may not restore their property to its original condition after construction is completed are beyond the scope of this proceeding. At the hearing, however, the Deputy Director of the Water Utilities Department represented that the County would cooperate with the individual property owners to assure that these concerns are fully addressed. Reasonable Assurance The County has provided the Department with reasonable assurance, based on plans, test results, installation of equipment, and other information that the construction and installation of the Transmission Line will not discharge, emit, or cause pollution in contravention of the Department's standards.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order denying all Petitions and issuing Permit No. 0048923-017-DWC. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of October, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of October, 2005.

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jan. 25, 1990 Number: 90-000479 Latest Update: Dec. 11, 1990

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Phillip G. Panos, recently moved from Michigan to Florida and is now a Florida resident. On December 9, 1989, prior to moving to Florida, he applied to the Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation for certification as a Class C domestic waste water treatment plant operator. The Respondent is an agency of the State of Florida charged, among other duties, with regulating the certification, the practice standards and the educational standards of Class C domestic waste water treatment plant operators. The Respondent agency reviewed the Petitioner's application and denied it for failure to demonstrate the requisite three years of experience required by the rule cited below. From April, 1974 to June, 1990 the Petitioner was employed at the Chapaton Pumping Station in St. Clair Shores, Macomb, Michigan. The Chapaton Pumping Station duties involved the Petitioner monitoring the distribution of sewage flows, collecting sludge samples, chlorinating the effluent and pumping it into Lake St. Clair. When the Petitioner left the Chapaton Pumping Station, in June of 1990, he held the position of Senior Station Operator II. The Chapaton Pumping Station receives a combination of storm water flow and sanitary sewage flows. It is a pumping and storm water retention facility for combined sewage. The facility provides primary treatment and disinfection for this combined sewage effluent. The effluent is chlorinated and then pumped to nearby Lake St. Clair while the solids that have settled out of the effluent are retained, collected and sent to the Detroit waste water treatment facility for advanced waste treatment. Chapaton is classified by the state of Michigan's Department of Natural Resources as an "industrial/commercial facility". The industrial classification was originated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and has been adopted as a designation or classification by both Michigan and Florida. The Petitioner holds an industrial/commercial waste water treatment certification from the state of Michigan in the category of "plain clarification and disinfection." The Petitioner's experience in Michigan is in the area of industrial waste water treatment and does not constitute actual experience in on-site operational control of a domestic waste water treatment plant (that is a sewage treatment plant). The Petitioner's experience in Michigan does not qualify as industrial waste water treatment plant experience, that could be used to meet the actual experience requirement, because the Chapaton plant performs only primary treatment and disinfection. Secondary or advanced waste treatment is performed at the Detroit waste water treatment plant, with which the Petitioner has no experience. In a typical domestic waste water treatment plant in Florida, "primary treatment" involves primary clarification or settling. Primary clarification occurs in a circular or rectangular tank where soluble solids settle out to the bottom of the tank and floating solids are removed by a skimming device. The soluble solids are called sludge. Primary clarification can remove 40% of BOD and suspended solids. It is not a form of advanced treatment or even secondary treatment. At the Chapaton plant, during primary treatment, a minimum of 70% BOD and suspended solids are removed. The sludge is not treated at the Chapaton plant but is pumped to the Detroit waste water treatment plant. Thus Chapaton could not be classified as a domestic waste water treatment plant by Florida standards, since it only provides primary clarification and no secondary or advanced waste water treatment. Secondary treatment consists of two types. Activated sludge or trickling filter treatment. Both types deal with oxygen being introduced to the sludge to achieve stabilization and more settling out of the sludge elements. Since June 18, 1990 the Petitioner has been employed as a waste water treatment plant operator I in a training program at the George L. Lohmeyer Waste water Treatment Plant in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. In that training program the Petitioner is being trained in all phases of operation of the Lohmeyer plant. It is a 34-million-gallon-per-day (MGD) activated sludge treatment plant. In his duties, the Petitioner monitors the plant treatment processes, takes samples and submits them to the city's laboratory. The Petitioner is capable of testing the samples himself for dissolved oxygen, chlorine and ph. Reports are signed by the regional chief or the regional facilities manager. The Petitioner's present position qualifies as actual, appropriate experience in the operational control of a waste water treatment plant. The Petitioner has accumulated approximately 3-1/2 months of the 12 months of actual experience required for certification as a Class C waste water treatment plant operator, through the exercise of his duties at the Lohmeyer plant. The Petitioner must accumulate 12 months or 2,080 hours of actual experience before he can qualify for the Class C certification. The Petitioner is a high school graduate and has successfully completed Volumes I and II of the California State University correspondence course in waste water treatment, which is included on the Respondent agency's list of approved courses. Petitioner's 3-1/2 months of actual appropriate experience in Ft. Lauderdale, plus his educational background, including the courses taken in California, yield a total of 36 months or 3 years of constructive experience. Petitioner does not yet have the 12 months of actual experience required by the rules but rather, is approximately 8-1/2 months short of the actual experience requirement. Thus, the Petitioner fails to meet the experience requirement necessary for certification as a Class C domestic waste water treatment plant operator at this time, although in approximately 8-1/2 months, he should be able to meet that requirement.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, the evidence of record and the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, it is therefore RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered by the Department of Environmental Regulation denying Petitioner's application for certification as a Class C domestic waste water treatment plant operator without prejudice to reapplication at such time as his one year of actual experience at such a treatment facility is completed. DONE and ENTERED this 11 of December, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11 day of December, 1990. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 90-479 (The Petitioner filed no proposed findings of fact.) RESPONDENT'S PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT 1. - 21. are accepted. COPIES FURNISHED TO: Dale H. Twachtmann, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, Esq. General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Phillip G. Panos 2315 N.W. 115 Drive Coral Springs, FL 33065 Francine M. Ffolkes, Esq. Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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