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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bradenton, Florida Sep. 30, 2009 Number: 09-005329TTS Latest Update: Jul. 28, 2010

The Issue Whether there was “just cause” for the termination of Respondent’s employment, as that term is referred to in section of the Policies and Procedures Manual of the School Board of Manatee County, Florida, by: Respondent’s using school district property for personal gain, by working on tasks related to a student-based educational European trip through Education First (EF) during her district duty hours in the spring of 2009. Respondent’s consuming excessive alcoholic beverages in the presence of students and parents of Buffalo Creek Middle School (BCMS) during an EF trip in the summer of 2009. Respondent’s reporting to BCMS on August 14, 2009, in order to collect her personal belongings, and appearing to be inebriated Respondent’s contacting witnesses to the investigation to discuss details of the investigation. Respondent’s coming on school grounds on December 7, 2009, while under the influence of alcoholic beverages.

Findings Of Fact The School Board of Manatee County, Florida, is the duly-authorized entity responsible for providing public education in Manatee County, Florida. Respondent, Tammy M. Johnson, has been employed with the School District of Manatee County since February 8, 2000. She was most recently employed as the senior secretary at BCMS. As the senior secretary to the principal of BCMS, Respondent served as the point person for the principal of the school, working hand-in-hand with the principal. Her duties included screening the principal’s mail and phone calls, handling substitute teachers, performing payroll duties, handling leave forms, coordinating clerical office staff, and handling emergency situations as they arose within the school. Respondent was exposed to confidential school information on a regular basis, such as complaints regarding faculty and staff and policy changes being considered within the district. Respondent was employed on an annual contract basis, which was renewed from year to year. Her employment contract was for a term of 11 months and lasted typically from early August to June of the following year. While employed full-time as the senior secretary, in the fall of 2008 and the spring of 2009, Respondent organized a trip to Europe through the student-based educational travel company EF. Respondent sought to recruit BCMS students and their family members to sign up for the trip by placing fliers on campus, posting a sign-up board at the incoming students’ open house, and placing a notice about the trip in the school newsletter. Respondent routinely included a signature line in her school-assigned email address that identified her not only as a Senior Secretary but as an EF tour guide in every email that she sent from her school account. Announcements about informational meetings related to the EF trip were made over the school intercom and these meetings occurred on school property in the evenings. Respondent made fliers at BCMS advertising the EF trip on at least two occasions using school equipment. On one occasion, she made 750 fliers using school paper. During the time Respondent was conducting these activities, her principal was Scott Cooper. Cooper knew of Respondent’s activities in promoting the trip, and that she was using school resources to accomplish it. He did not object or tell Respondent to stop doing so; in fact, he encouraged such trips. Respondent ultimately recruited 10 student participants for the EF trip, all of whom were students at BCMS. The trip also included 15 adult participants, all of whom were family members of BCMS students. In exchange for her work organizing, promoting and chaperoning the EF European trip, Respondent was to receive, and did receive a free spot on the trip to Europe. Respondent served as the group leader for the EF group of BCMS students and parents. Three other BCMS teachers became involved in the EF trip as chaperones: Joseph Baker, Malissa Baker and Jessica Vieira. They also used school resources to promote the trip. The EF trip to Europe took place from June 22, 2009, to July 1, 2009. On June 17, 2009, the Office of Professional Standards (OPS) received a complaint that Respondent was misusing school resources for personal gain. OPS opened an investigation into these allegations. Shortly before Respondent left for Europe, Scott Cooper was replaced as principal. The newly-appointed BCMS Principal Matt Gruhl, met with Respondent to discuss his concern that she included an EF tagline in the signature block of all of her school emails. Gruhl asked Respondent to remove the EF tagline from her email, take the EF poster off of her door, make any necessary copies at a non-school location, and pay standard rates in the future for any advertising done in the school newsletter. Respondent complied with the directive. On June 22, 2009, the flight for the EF trip left from Tampa. Prior to the flight’s departure, Respondent purchased several small bottles of vodka in the airport duty-free shop. Several students observed Respondent doing so. Respondent drank two vodka-and-cranberry drinks on the flight to Europe in the presence of BCMS students and parents. Upon arrival in London, Respondent went with several other parents to a pub across the street from the hotel. While there, Respondent had too much to drink that evening and became intoxicated. Several BCMS students said that Respondent was speaking so loudly that they were able to hear her all the way across the street and up to the fifth story of the hotel. These students were upset by Respondent’s behavior. Respondent was very loud when she returned from the pub. BCMS parents had to help Respondent into the lobby, as she was falling over and laughing loudly. The adults tried to persuade Respondent to go to bed, but she insisted on ordering another drink in the lobby. Respondent was finally coaxed to go upstairs to bed, and she began banging on all the doors to the hotel rooms in the hallway. Respondent had to be physically restrained from banging on the doors. On more than four occasions Respondent was observed mixing vodka-and-cranberry juice drinks in a Styrofoam to-go cup before leaving the hotel with students for the day. The BCMS students on the EF trip commented on multiple occasions about Respondent’s drinking on the trip. The students did not want to go off alone with Respondent because they did not feel safe with her. The students also made observations that Respondent was drunk and stumbling around. On the return plane ride from Europe to Tampa, Respondent again was drinking alcoholic beverages to excess and exhibiting loud and boisterous behavior. While Respondent was in Europe with the EF trip, she had received a text message notifying her that she may be under an OPS investigation. Shortly after Respondent returned, she approached Gruhl and asked him whether there was an investigation concerning her being conducted by OPS. When Gruhl declined to comment on any pending OPS investigations, Respondent then called Debra Horne, specialist in the Office of Professional Standards, and asked whether there was an investigation being conducted. Horne confirmed that there was an open investigation and told Respondent that it might not be resolved until after school started because it involved students and parents. After speaking to Horne, on or about July 20, 2009, and being made aware that she was involved in an open investigation, Respondent called Vieira and told her that they needed to get their stories straight. Respondent also left messages for Joe and Malissa Baker stating that she heard that there was an OPS investigation and wanted to know if they had any information or had heard anything about the investigation. Respondent was only partially aware of a School Board rule which prohibited contacting potential witnesses during an investigation, although she was aware that she was expected to abide by all School Board rules. Gruhl spoke to Horne and reported Vieira and Malissa Baker’s concerns. Horne expanded her open investigation to include the allegations about Respondent’s behavior on the trip. Effective August 3, 2009, Respondent was removed from her position and placed on administrative leave with pay pending the completion of an investigation of her conduct by the Petitioner’s Office of Professional Standards. During the time of paid leave she was required to report daily to her principal and could not travel outside the country without permission. After Respondent was placed on paid administrative leave, she came to the BCMS campus on August 14, 2009, to pick up her belongings from her office. She met Gruhl and Assistant Principal Nancy Breiding at the school. Gruhl observed that Respondent smelled strongly of alcohol. She had difficulty keeping her balance and ran into walls, ran into doorways and almost fell when she tried to adjust her flip-flop. Respondent also had great difficulty following the line of conversation when she was speaking with Gruhl and repeated herself numerous times. Concerned, Gruhl permitted Respondent to leave campus after observing that her husband was driving her. He did not seek to send her for drug or alcohol testing, as provided in school board rules. Respondent testified that she had “just one” vodka and grapefruit drink at lunch earlier that day. She denied that Gruhl’s observations were accurate, but also alleged that she was on a prescription medication, Cymbalta, and stated that it caused her to be increasingly emotional and somewhat dizzy. However, she testified that she was completely unaware that combining the medication with alcoholic beverages would have an adverse effect on her. Respondent’s testimony in this regard is not credible. Gruhl’s observations of Respondent’s behavior on August 14, 2009, were incorporated into the OPS investigation. Horne interviewed Respondent on August 20, 2009, regarding the allegations made prior to the trip and the allegations made concerning her behavior on the EF trip. On September 1, 2009, the results of the OPS investigation was presented within the chain-of-command, who recommended to Superintendant Tim McGonegal that Respondent’s employment be terminated. The Superintendant concurred with their recommendation, and on September 21, 2009, the Superintendant notified Respondent that he intended to seek termination of her employment, or, should she request an administrative hearing, suspension without pay pending the outcome of that hearing. Respondent requested an administrative hearing. At their meeting on October 13, 2009, the School Board suspended Respondent without pay. While on unpaid suspension, Respondent had no duties, was not required to report to anyone, and was not limited in her ability to travel. However, she was still a School District employee. On December 7, 2009, while on suspension without pay, Respondent returned by car to the BCMS campus while school was in session to check her son out early for a doctor’s appointment. Aware that she was under investigation for excessive drinking, Respondent admitted that she nonetheless had a drink at lunchtime before going to pick up her son from school around 2 p.m. While on campus, Respondent’s eyes were glassy, she smelled of alcohol, and she was unkempt, which was out of keeping with her usual appearance. When Gruhl learned of the incident on December 7, 2009, he recommended to the Superintendant that Johnson not be permitted to return to the BCMS campus On December 7, 2009, the OPS opened an addendum investigatory file on Respondent concerning the events of December 7, 2009. The addendum OPS investigation alleged that, on December 7, 2009, Johnson entered the BCMS campus while under the influence of alcohol. The testimony of Horne, Keefer, Vieira, Hosier and Gruhl is credible. Respondent’s testimony is found to be unreliable.

Florida Laws (7) 1012.011012.221012.271012.40120.569120.57447.203 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-000709 Latest Update: Sep. 07, 1979

Findings Of Fact Tracy Tashanna Jackson is a 13-year-old, and Tammy Terrell Jackson is a 12-year-old, who were, until February 7, 1979, assigned respectively to the eighth and seventh grades at Miami Edison Middle School in Miami, Florida. On February 7, 1979, an incident occurred at Miami Edison Middle School which resulted in both students being reassigned to Jan Mann Opportunity School North. At the time of this incident, the two students had been attending Miami Edison Middle School for only approximately one month. On February 6, 1979, one day prior to the incident which gave rise to this proceeding, the students were threatened by another student who allegedly was a member of a group of students popularly known as the "Graveyard Gang." Upon receiving the throat, the students went to the office of the Assistant Principal and advised him that they expected trouble from these other students. The Assistant Principal essentially advised the students to attempt to avoid any confrontation. However, on the afternoon of February 6, 1979, while Tammy and Tracy Jackson were on their way home from school, they encountered the students who had threatened them, and a fight ensued. After the fight, Tracy and Tammy Jackson were advised by the other students that the fight would continue the next day at school, that these other students would have knives, and that Tracy and Tammy Jackson should come prepared. When Tracy and Tammy Jackson and their brother stepped off the city bus in the vicinity of Miami Edison Middle School the next morning, they were met by a large group of other students. Apparently, some member of this group struck Tracy and Tammy Jackson's brother, at which point Tracy and Tammy Jackson first displayed knives which they had brought with them from home. According to the testimony of Tracy and Tammy Jackson, which is not controverted, this was the first and only time that they had attended school armed with knives. The entire group of students apparently began milling around but proceeded generally in the direction of the main school building. At this point, Freddie Robinson, the Assistant Principal at Miami Edison Middle School, noticed the crowd of students, and proceeded into the crowd on the assumption that a fight was occurring. Upon being advised that Tracy and Tammy Jackson were armed with knives, Mr. Robinson managed to direct the students into the main school building, down the hall and into the Counselor's office. At all times during those movements, the Assistant Principal and the students were surrounded by a milling group of hostile students apparently intent on prolonging the confrontation. According to the Assistant Principal, at no time did either of the students display their knives in a threatening or offensive manner, but were instead attempting to defend themselves against attack. At some point in this process, the Assistant Principal was joined by George Thomas, a teacher at the school, who attempted to assist Mr. Robinson in disarming the girls. Mr. Thomas managed to remove the knife from the possession of Tammy Jackson without incident, but when Mr. Robinson grabbed the arm of Tracy Jackson, that student, in attempting to break free, inflicted what appears to have been a minor wound to Mr. Robinson's forearm. Mr. Robinson testified, without contradiction, that it appeared to him that the student did not intentionally stab him, but inflicted the wound accidently in the process of attempting to break free from his hold. On February 22, 1979, both Tammy and Tracy Jackson were reassigned from Miami Edison Middle School to Jan Mann Opportunity School North as a result of this incident. There is nothing in the record to indicate the procedures by which this assignment was accomplished. It is, however, clear that the students never attended Jan Mann Opportunity School North, but were instead held out of school by their mother. As a result, February 7, 1979, was the last day on which these students attended school during the 1978-79 school year. The incident which occurred on February 7, 1979, was the only incident of disruptive behavior in which Tracy and Tammy Jackson have been involved while enrolled in the Dade County Public Schools. The other students involved in the fight with them, however, had been suspended from school on several occasions for fighting and disrupting classes. There is no evidence in the record in this cause concerning Tracy and Tammy Jackson' grades from which any determination could be made that they have been unsuccessful in the normal school environment. Likewise, the record is devoid of any testimony regarding their lack of attendance in the regular school program. Although the students did not attend Jan Mann Opportunity School North after having been assigned to that facility, there appears no evidence of record concerning the programs available at that institution in which the students would have been enrolled had they chosen to attend. In addition, although there exists some testimony concerning a very commendable Dade County School Board policy against the possession of knives on campus at any school in Dade County, no such written policy was offered into evidence at this proceeding.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered by the Dade County School Board reassigning the students, Tammy Terrell Jackson and Tracy Tashanna Jackson, to the regular school program in the Dade County School System. Recommended this 17th day of July, 1979, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 101 Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Mrs. Jerry D. Jackson 2340 NW 73rd Terrace, #12 Miami, Florida 33147 Jesse J. McCrary, Jr., Esquire 3000 Executive Building, Suite 300 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137 Mr. Ludwig J. Gross Executive Director Division of Student Services Dade County Public Schools 5975 East 7th Avenue Hialeah, Florida 33013 Phyllis O. Douglas, Esquire Dade County Public Schools Administrative Office Lindsey Hopkins Building 1410 NE 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Michael Neimand, Esquire 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Miami Florida, 33137 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY CASE NOS. 79-709, 79-710 MRS. JERRY D. JACKSON, on behalf of minor child, TAMMY TERRELL JACKSON, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 79-709 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, Respondent. / MRS. JERRY D. JACKSON, on behalf of minor child, TRACY TASHANNA JACKSON, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 79-710 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, Respondent. / ORDER OF THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY FLORIDA THIS CAUSE came on for hearing before The School Board of Dade County, Florida at its regular meeting on August 22, 1979, upon the Hearing Officer's findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommended order, recommending that Tammy Terrell Jackson and Tracy Tashanna Jackson be reassigned to the regular school program in the Dade County school system. IT IS THEREUPON ORDERED by The School Board of Dade County, Florida that the Hearing Officer's findings of fact, conclusions of law and recommended order are adopted with the following modifications: 1. The Hearing Officer's Conclusions of Law are modified by deleting paragraph 7 and substituting the following therefor: 7. F.A.C. Section 6A-1.994 provides: "6A-1.994 Educational alternative programs. Definition. Educational alternative programs are programs designed to meet the needs of students who are disruptive, dis- interested, or unsuccessful in a normal school environment. The educational alter- native may occur either within the school system or in another agency authorized by the school board. Criteria for eligibility. A student may be eligible for an educational alternative program if the student meets one (1) or more of the criteria prescribed below as deter- mined by grades, achievement test scores, referrals for suspension or other discipli- nary action, and rate of absences. (a) Disruptive. A student who: Displays persistent behavior which inter- feres with the student's own learning or the educational process of others and requires attention and assistance beyond that which the traditional program can provide; or Displays consistent behavior resulting in frequent conflicts of a disruptive nature while the student is under the jurisdiction of the school either in or out of the class- room; or Displays disruptive behavior which severely threatens the general welfare of the student or other members of the school population." (emphasis supplied) 8. The petitioners have both displayed "dis- ruptive behavior which severely threatens the general welfare of the student or other members of the school population." Meeting this criteria is sufficient grounds for placement in an educational alternative program. Accordingly, they are properly, and in their own best interests, assigned to Jan Mann Opportunity School North. There is no evidence that this assignment is punitive rather than positive in nature. 2. The Hearing Officer's recommendation is, therefore, rejected, and the assignment of Tammy Terrell Jackson and Tracy Tashanna Jackson to Jan Mann Opportunity School North is affirmed. DONE AND ORDERED this 22nd day of August, 1979. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Phyllis Miller, Chairman

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Naples, Florida Nov. 04, 2019 Number: 19-005851PL Latest Update: Mar. 26, 2020

The Issue The issues to be determined are whether the Florida educator’s certificate of Respondent, Carmen Komninos, is subject to discipline for violating section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A- 10.081(2)(a)1, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint, and, if so, the appropriate penalty therefor.

Findings Of Fact Ms. Komninos holds Florida Educator’s Certificate No. 985529, which covers Elementary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and World Language – Spanish, and is valid through June 2021. Ms. Komninos began her 42-year career as an educator in New Jersey. She moved to Florida in 2006 and started working for the School District. She primarily taught Spanish at the School from 2007 until she retired in 2019. During the 2017-2018 school year, Ms. Komninos served as a Spanish teacher and taught B.T. and C.M., among other students. The Administrative Complaint focuses on two separate incidents in which Ms. Komninos allegedly grabbed B.T. and C.M. by their arms. Neither B.T. nor C.M. reported the alleged incidents to the School when they happened. Rather, they only disclosed them during the School’s investigation of complaints made by other students. That investigation began on March 22, 2018, when a teacher received the following two documents from an unidentified student: (1) a handwritten letter of unknown origin purportedly signed by several students complaining about Ms. Komninos1; and (2) a copy of a photograph posted to Snapchat. The photograph clearly depicts Ms. Komninos standing behind B.T. and holding onto his left arm with both of her hands. She does not appear to be exerting any force. B.T. is facing away from her and clearly smiling. The photograph contained the following two captions: how aggressive Hey Look! “Los novios” The use of the cry-laughing emoji multiple times seems to reflect that the students who posted the photograph found the incident humorous. But, the record contains neither evidence as to who took the photograph, posted it to Snapchat, or drafted the captions, nor evidence as to when that occurred. The teacher brought the documents to a guidance counselor who gave them to the assistant principal. The assistant principal brought them to the principal and Corporal Soto, the School’s youth relations deputy. The principal notified the School District and immediately removed Ms. Komninos from teaching duties pending the investigation. Mr. Ghelman, the School District’s coordinator for secondary schools and human resources at the time, directed the principal to obtain statements from the students. In his statement, B.T. acknowledged that he got out of his seat to sharpen his pencil after being told not to do so by Ms. Komninos and then refused to heed her directive to sit down. At that point, she grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back into his seat while his classmates yelled. 1 The record is silent as to the letter’s author, no student who signed it testified, and it focuses on allegations beyond the scope of the Administrative Complaint. Thus, the undersigned excluded the letter and has not relied on it in making any finding of fact. In her statement, C.M. indicated that she got up out of her seat to throw a piece of paper in the recycling bin and did so without permission because Ms. Komninos did not have a rule requiring them to ask first. C.M. stated that Ms. Komninos approached her at the recycling bin, grabbed her arm forcefully, and pushed her down to pick up the paper from the bin. C.M. said she picked up the paper and walked back to her desk. In their written statements, neither B.T. nor C.M. indicated when their respective incidents occurred or stated that they suffered (or could have suffered) any harm. Upon receipt of the statements, Mr. Ghelman met with Ms. Komninos. Contrary to C.M.’s statement, Ms. Komninos confirmed that she required the students to ask permission before getting up from their seats. She also said that she never placed her hands on a student. When shown the photograph, she ultimately agreed that it depicted her and B.T., but she did not recall the incident. She noted that she met with B.T.’s parents earlier that year to address B.T.’s struggles in her class. As to C.M., Ms. Komninos recalled the incident, but said that she never pushed C.M. and only told her to sit down when she got up without permission. Around the same time, Corporal Soto interviewed B.T. B.T. conceded that he wrongly got up without permission and refused to sit after being told to do so. B.T. said that, at that point, Ms. Komninos grabbed his arm to prevent him from continuing to walk towards the pencil sharpener and he went back to his seat. B.T. confirmed he suffered no injuries. Corporal Soto contacted B.T.’s father, who did not know about the incident. After viewing the photograph and speaking to his son, he informed Corporal Soto that they did not want to press charges. However, he remained concerned because he had met with Ms. Komninos and the guidance counselor before the incident to address concerns with her teaching style. In early April 2018, the principal met with B.T., his father, and Ms. Komninos. B.T.’s father wanted to ensure that Ms. Komninos would not treat his son differently if she returned to the class. She apologized for the incident and promised to help B.T. with the class. The principal believed that B.T.’s parents accepted the apology and welcomed her assistance. On April 18, 2018, after concluding its investigation, the School District suspended Ms. Komninos for one day without pay. She accepted the discipline and returned to the classroom. B.T.’s father confirmed that she treated B.T. fairly and that he passed her class. Notwithstanding the discipline already imposed, the Commissioner conducted its own investigation and obtained additional written statements from the students in November 2018. In B.T.’s statement, he indicated that he stood up to sharpen his pencil during a test, after Ms. Komninos told him he could not do so, and she then grabbed his arm and pulled to get him back to his seat. This statement largely mirrored the one he gave in March 2018. In C.M.’s statement, she indicated that Ms. Komninos forcefully grabbed her arm when she got up to throw away trash, pulled her, and told her to return to her seat. C.M. did not believe she needed permission since they were doing independent study. She was upset that Ms. Komninos grabbed her, instead of asking her to sit down. This statement conflicted with the one she gave in March 2018, in which she never accused Ms. Komninos of pulling her. Much like their first statements, neither B.T. nor C.M. indicated when their respective incidents occurred or stated that they suffered (or could have suffered) any harm. Several other students also submitted statements, though none of them testified at the hearing. A.A. indicated that B.T. got out of his seat after the bell rang, at which point Ms. Komninos grabbed B.T.’s arm and would not allow him to leave until he handed in his work. M.C. indicated that Ms. Komninos grabbed B.T.’s arm and pulled him over to her desk. C.R. indicated that Ms. Komninos grabbed C.M.’s wrist and pulled her to the front of the room, yelling that she would not give C.M. respect without it being returned. Most of these accounts conflicted with the details described in the statements of B.T. and C.M. In the meantime, Ms. Komninos continued teaching at the School until her retirement in July 2019. Upon her retirement, the School District issued a “Resolution in Recognition of Outstanding Service Leading to Retirement” to recognize her excellent service, contributions to the School District, and devotion to the school system. The resolution recognized that Ms. Komninos served the School District in a meritorious, faithful, and outstanding manner. The honor bestowed on her is not surprising. The principal who evaluated Ms. Komninos’s performance for many years, including at the time of the alleged incidents, believed she was a strong educator, a hard worker, and a rule follower based on his observations of her in the classroom. According to him, she clearly communicated her rules to the students, had a great rapport with them, and maintained control over the classroom. After Ms. Komninos already had been disciplined by the School, received an award from the School District for her years of dedicated service, and retired from teaching, the Commissioner issued its Administrative Complaint seeking to discipline her educator’s certificate as a result of the two incidents. Specifically, the Commissioner alleged that she violated the Principle of Professional Conduct requiring her to make reasonable efforts to protect the students from conditions harmful to their learning, mental and physical health, and/or safety. In its PRO, the Commissioner seeks to issue a letter of reprimand, place Ms. Komninos on probation for two years, and levy a $750 fine against her. Only three witnesses who were in the classroom when the incidents allegedly occurred testified at the hearing—B.T., C.M., and Ms. Komninos. Ms. Komninos generally explained that she required students to raise their hands before getting out of their seat for any reason. They knew the rules because she wrote them on the bulletin board and repeated them verbally. However, some of the students pushed the envelope. As to the incident concerning B.T., Ms. Komninos credibly testified that she did not recall the incident even after seeing the photograph, which she agreed depicted her holding onto B.T.’s arm. She said the same thing to both the principal and Mr. Ghelman during the investigation. She credibly explained that the photograph must have been taken in the Fall of 2017 based on the items posted on the cabinet doors in the background. She agreed that she met with the principal and B.T.’s father after the investigation began, reassured them that she would harbor no ill will towards B.T., and offered to help him better his grade. The undersigned credits Ms. Komninos’s testimony and found her to be forthcoming and truthful. B.T. testified that he thought the incident occurred within a month or two before the March 2018 investigation. He explained that Ms. Komninos would not allow him to sharpen his pencil during a test, so he violated her rules and got up without permission. Instead of walking to the back of the room to the sharpener, he started walking to the front. Ms. Komninos then grabbed his arm to stop him from walking. She held onto his arm for a matter of seconds and let go. He initially confirmed that she never pulled him back into his seat, contrary to his prior written statements, but later waivered and agreed that his memory was better back then. B.T. confirmed that he suffered no injuries in the incident and felt embarrassed more than anything else. That is why he smiled. He definitively testified that he never felt there was even a chance of Ms. Komninos harming him, though he waivered when counsel for the Commissioner later asked whether he could have been harmed had he continued to walk forward. Based on the weight of the credible evidence, the undersigned finds that Ms. Komninos held onto B.T.’s arm for a few seconds to stop him from further violating the rules by walking around during a test, but she did not pull him back into his seat. B.T. suffered no harm and the credible evidence established that Ms. Komninos never acted in a manner that could be seen as failing to make reasonable efforts to protect B.T. from conditions harmful to learning, mental and physical health, and/or safety. As to the incident concerning C.M., Ms. Komninos credibly explained that it occurred in March 2018. Ms. Komninos testified that C.M. got out of her seat without permission and, when Mr. Komninos instructed her to sit down, she further defied her order by continuing to walk to the recycling bin. Ms. Komninos walked to the recycling bin, instructed C.M. to remove the paper, and followed her back to her seat to ensure that she did not walk around the room and disturb the other students. Ms. Komninos credibly confirmed that she never touched C.M., pushed her down towards the recycling bin, or pushed her into her seat. She stayed at least a foot away from C.M. the entire time. C.M. testified that Ms. Komninos pushed her down towards the recycling bin, grabbed her arm for a brief period of time, and pulled her back to her seat. However, C.M.’s testimony conflicted with her prior written statements. In the first statement, she indicated that Ms. Komninos forcefully grabbed her arm and pushed her down to pick up the paper from the bin. In the second statement, she accused Ms. Komninos of forcefully grabbing her arm, pulling her, and telling her to sit down. When confronted with these inconsistencies, C.M. said the first statement—that omitted any reference to pulling her—more accurately reflected the incident. She also could not recall on what day the incident occurred. Nevertheless, C.M. confirmed that she suffered no harm and only got upset because Ms. Komninos could have asked her nicely to sit down. Based on the weight of the credible evidence, the undersigned finds that Ms. Komninos did not forcefully grab C.M.’s arm, push her down towards the recycling bin, or pull her back to her seat. C.M. suffered no harm and the credible evidence established that Ms. Komninos never acted in a manner that could be seen as failing to make reasonable efforts to protect C.M. from conditions harmful to learning or to her mental and physical health, and/or safety.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission, issue a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint against the Respondent, Carmen Komninos. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of March, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ANDREW D. MANKO Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of March, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert J. Coleman, Esquire Coleman and Coleman Post Office Box 2089 Fort Myers, Florida 33902-2089 (eServed) Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 (eServed) Gretchen Kelley Brantley, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 316 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Matthew Mears. General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Randy Kosec, Jr., Chief Office of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (5) 1012.7951012.796120.569120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6A-10.081 DOAH Case (1) 19-5851PL
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Apr. 05, 2002 Number: 02-001375PL Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Dec. 10, 2019 Number: 19-006580TTS Latest Update: Jun. 01, 2020

The Issue Whether just cause exists, pursuant to section 1012.33, Florida Statutes,2 to suspend Respondent from his employment as a teacher for ten days without pay. 1 All references to chapter 120 are to the 2019 version. 2 All references to chapter 1012 are to the 2018 version, which was in effect at the time of the alleged misconduct at issue in this proceeding.

Findings Of Fact Based on the credible and persuasive competent substantial evidence in the record, the following Findings of Fact are made: The Parties Petitioner, Miami-Dade County School Board, is charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise free public schools in Miami-Dade County pursuant to section 1001.32, Florida Statutes (2018), and article IX, section 4(b) of the Florida Constitution. Respondent has been employed by Petitioner as a teacher since 2000. He has been employed as an art teacher at E.W.F. Stirrup Elementary School ("Stirrup") for the last 18 years, including when he is alleged to have engaged in the conduct that has given rise to this proceeding. Respondent is certified in art, graphic design, and vocational education. Notice of Specific Charges The Notice of Specific Charges ("NSC"), which constitutes the administrative complaint in this proceeding, alleges two instances of conduct on Respondent's part as the grounds for the proposed disciplinary action. Specifically, the NSC alleges that on or about September 27, 2018, Respondent told a female 5th grade student words to the effect of "get out here; I do not want you here," and forcibly pushed her away with his hand. The NSC also alleges that Respondent used profanity, spoken in Spanish— specifically, the words "mierda"3 and "pinga"4?while covering a class of kindergarten students. The complaint alleges that two adults witnessed Respondent's use of these words.5 This incident is alleged to have occurred on or about December 5, 2018. Based on this alleged conduct, the NSC charges Respondent with misconduct in office, pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-5.056(2), for having violated specified provisions of rule 6A-10.081, Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession; School Board Policy 3210, Standards of Ethical Conduct; and School Board Policy 3210.01, Code of Ethics. Evidence Adduced at the Final Hearing The September 27, 2018 Incident 3 Translated into English, "mierda" means "shit." 4 Translated into English, "pinga," as used in the context pertinent to this proceeding, means "fuck." 5 As more fully discussed below, the NSC does not allege that Respondent's use of these words was directed at any students, or that any students saw or heard Respondent use these words. On September 27, 2018, S.D., a minor, was a student in Respondent's 5th grade art class. S.D. testified, credibly, that on that day, Respondent told her to "get out of his way," then pushed her away by placing his hands on her shoulders. She testified that Respondent's words and actions made her feel "embarrassed, or, like, weird." S.D. acknowledged that she had gone up to Respondent and tried to talk to him while he was talking to the president of the Parent Teacher Association ("PTA"). She tried to get hand sanitizer and Respondent said to her "not now, go away" because he was talking to the PTA president at that time. Respondent characterized S.D. as a child who "has a reputation for basically not obeying anything." He testified that when S.D. approached his desk, he was in a discussion with the PTA president, and he told S.D. to "get out of here" and "sit down." He did not recall touching her. He stated that from where he was standing, he doubted that he could have reached her to push her away, and that had he pushed her, she likely would have fallen. No other witnesses testified at the final hearing regarding this incident. The December 5, 2018 Incident On Wednesday, December 5, 2018, Respondent was assigned to cover another teacher's kindergarten class starting at 9:00 a.m., so that the teacher who regularly taught that class, Ms. Rivero, could attend an exceptional student education ("ESE") meeting regarding one of her students. For the 2018-2019 school year, Respondent was assigned a full day of planning each Wednesday. In addition, Respondent was assigned one hour of planning every other day of the school week, per the Miami-Dade School District ("District") policy of providing teachers a minimum of one hour of planning per day.6 6 Respondent was assigned a full day of planning on Wednesdays in the 2018-2019 school year. This was not a function of his having an extraordinary workload; rather, it was because on Wednesdays, the language arts classes were scheduled back-to-back and students were dismissed early, so that it was infeasible to schedule art classes on Wednesdays. As a result of this scheduling, Respondent enjoyed nearly four more hours of planning per week than the minimum planning time to which he was entitled under the District's planning policy. According to Smith-Moise, if a teacher's schedule provides more than an hour of planning per day, that teacher may be requested, from time to time, to use that additional planning time for involvement in other school activities, including covering other teachers' classes as necessary. The administration at Stirrup generally attempts to schedule substitute teachers to cover classes when a teacher is called away from his or her class; however, on December 5, 2018, another teacher's class already was being covered by a substitute teacher. Because Respondent had planning that entire day, he did not have classes, so was available to cover Rivero's class. The length of ESE meetings varies, depending on the type of ESE service being delivered and whether the students' parents agree with the school district regarding the ESE services proposed to be provided. This particular meeting was an initial ESE team staffing meeting; these types of meetings often are relatively long compared to other types of ESE meetings. Respondent covered Rivero's class on December 5, 2018, from approximately 8:35 a.m. until shortly after 1:00 p.m., when a substitute teacher was called to cover the class for the remainder of the ESE meeting. During the time he was covering Rivero's class, Respondent called the Stirrup administration office multiple times, and also called and sent text messages to a fellow teacher, Yvette Mestre, asking how long the ESE meeting would take and when it would be over. In response to Respondent's calls, Smith-Moise twice left the ESE meeting to speak to Respondent in Rivero's classroom. Both times, when she entered the classroom, she observed Respondent disengaged from the students and talking very loudly on his phone. Respondent made clear to Smith-Moise that he was very frustrated at having his planning time taken to cover Rivero's class when he had other responsibilities to attend to.7 7 Respondent testified that he had a great deal of work to do on a large mural project for his own classes that needed to be completed under a tight deadline. Shortly after the beginning of the school day on December 5, 2018, Smith- Moise had taken a student from Rivero's class to Mestre's classroom because the student was misbehaving in Rivero's classroom. A short time thereafter, Respondent began sending text messages to Mestre, asking when the ESE meeting was going to be over. Mestre, who was occupied with teaching her own class, responded that she did not know, and suggested that Respondent contact the administration office. Around 10:30 or 11:00 a.m., Respondent began calling Mestre, again asking about the length of the ESE meeting. Mestre testified that "he seemed upset because he had stuff that he wanted to plan." Mestre again responded that she did not know and suggested that Respondent contact the administration office. At some point, Mestre went to Rivero's classroom to retrieve a lunchbox for the student from Rivero's class whom she was supervising. When she entered the classroom, she observed Respondent on his phone. Respondent told Mestre that he was on the phone with his United Teachers of Dade ("UTD") representative and that he was upset at having to cover Rivero's class because it was his planning day. Mestre went to the administrative office and reported to Smith-Moise that Respondent was upset and needed assistance in Rivero's classroom. Smith-Moise directed Mestre to take Acevedo Molina, an office assistant, to the classroom so that she (Acevedo Molina) could assist Respondent. According to Mestre, when they entered the classroom, Respondent initially thought Acevedo Molina was going to take over supervision of the class; however, when Mestre informed him that Acevedo Molina was there to assist him but would not be taking over supervision of the class, Respondent became very irate, raised his voice, and used the words "mierda" and "pinga" in speaking to them.8 Acevedo Molina confirmed that Respondent used these words when he spoke to her and Mestre. Mestre and Acevedo Molina were, respectively, "shocked" and "surprised" at Respondent's use of these words. 8 Mestre testified that Respondent said, translated into English, "[t]he school doesn't understand the shit that I do," and "they don't give a fuck what I do in this school." Respondent testified that he does not recall having said those words when he spoke to Mestre and Acevedo Molina that day. There is conflicting evidence whether Respondent used those words inside the classroom, such that they were said within earshot of the students, or outside of the classroom, where the students would not be able to hear or see him use the words. Mestre and Acevedo Molina both testified that they had entered Rivero's classroom and were inside the classroom with Respondent when he used the words. Respondent claims that he had to have stepped outside of the classroom into the corridor to speak to Mestre and Acevedo Molina, because the door was locked and they would have been unable to open it and enter the classroom on their own. In any event, it is unnecessary to determine whether Respondent used these words in the classroom within the students' earshot, because the NSC only charges Respondent with having said "mierda" and "pinga" while "covering a class of kindergarten students for another teacher," and that Respondent's use of these words was "overheard by two adult witnesses." The NSC does not allege that Respondent directed the words toward any students or that any students saw or heard him use these words.9 No direct or persuasive circumstantial evidence was presented showing that any students saw or overheard Respondent use those words. Although Mestre and Acevedo Molina testified that Respondent was inside the classroom when he said the words, both testified that the words were not directed toward the students, and neither testified that any students heard or saw Respondent say those words. Thus, even if the evidence conclusively established that Respondent was inside the classroom when he said those words—which it does not—that does not prove that any students saw or heard Respondent use those words. To that point, Smith-Moise 9 Trevisani v. Dep't of Health, 908 So. 2d 1008, 1009 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005)(a respondent cannot be disciplined for offenses not factually alleged in the administrative complaint); Cottrill v. Dep't of Ins., 685 So. 2d 1371, 1372 (Fla 1st DCA 1996)(predicating disciplinary action on conduct never alleged in an administrative complaint or some comparable pleading violates the Administrative Procedure Act). See Hunter v. Dep't of Prof'l Reg., 458 So. 2d 842, 844 (Fla. 2d DCA 1984)(administrative complaint seeking to impose discipline must state, with specificity, the acts giving rise to the complaint). testified that the school had not received any complaints about Respondent's use of those words from any of the students or their parents. The UTD Contract establishes a policy of imposing progressive discipline ("Progressive Discipline Policy") when "the Board deems it appropriate, and . . . the degree of discipline shall be reasonably related to the seriousness of the offense." Neither the Progressive Discipline Policy nor Petitioner's adopted policies articulate a disciplinary "scale" or penalty categories applicable to specific types of conduct. There is no competent substantial evidence in the record showing that Respondent previously has been subjected to disciplinary action by Petitioner. Petitioner did not present any competent substantial evidence establishing the factual basis for its proposal to suspend Respondent for ten days for the offenses charged in the NSC. Findings of Ultimate Fact As noted above, Petitioner has charged Respondent with misconduct in office under rule 6A-5.056(2) for having violated specified provisions of rule 6A-10.081, Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession; School Board Policy 3210, Standards of Ethical Conduct; and School Board Policy 3210.01, Code of Ethics. Whether an offense constitutes a violation of applicable statutes, rules, and policies is a question of ultimate fact to be determined by the trier of fact in the context of each violation. McKinney v. Castor, 667 So. 2d 387, 389 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995)(whether particular conduct violates a statute, rule, or policy is a factual question); Langston v. Jamerson, 653 So. 2d 489, 491 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995)(whether the conduct, as found, constitutes a violation of statutes, rules, or policies is a question of ultimate fact); Holmes v. Turlington, 480 So. 2d 150, 153 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985)(whether there was a deviation from a standard of conduct is not a conclusion of law, but is instead an ultimate fact). Charged Conduct and Rule Violations The September 27, 2018 Incident Based on the foregoing, it is determined, as a matter of ultimate fact, that Respondent pushed S.D. on September 27, 2018. There was no justification for Respondent to place his hands on and push S.D., even if she interrupted him while he was speaking with another person. Respondent's conduct in pushing S.D. constituted misconduct in office, as defined in rule 6A-5.056(2). Specifically, Respondent's conduct did not comport with rule 6A-10.081(1)(a), which provides that his primary professional concern must be for the student, and requires him to exercise best professional judgment. In pushing S.D., he did not treat her as his primary professional concern, and he did not exercise best professional judgment. Additionally, Respondent's conduct did not comply with rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1. or School Board Policies 3210 and 3210.01. Specifically, in pushing S.D., Respondent did not make a reasonable effort to protect her from conditions harmful to her mental and physical health and safety. Although S.D. was not physically injured, she was embarrassed by Respondent's conduct in pushing her. Respondent's conduct also did not comply with rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)5. or School Board Policies 3210 and 3210.01. Respondent's conduct in pushing S.D. was intentional and it exposed her to embarrassment. Because Respondent's conduct in pushing S.D. violated rules 6A- 10.081(1)(a)1. and (2)(a)1. and 5., and School Board Policies 3210 and 3210.01, it is found, as a matter of ultimate fact, that Respondent committed misconduct in office, pursuant to rule 6A-5.056(2). Pursuant to the UTD Progressive Discipline Policy, it is determined that Respondent's conduct in pushing S.D. was sufficiently serious to warrant suspending him without pay for five days. There was no justification for him having pushed her. Although S.D. was not physically injured as a result of Respondent's conduct, the potential existed for her to have been injured had she fallen, and, in any event, Respondent's intentional action subjected her to embarrassment. The December 5, 2018 Incident Based on the foregoing findings, it is determined, as a matter of ultimate fact, that Respondent used the words "mierda" and "pinga," which are profane words, when speaking to Mestre and Acevedo Molina on December 5, 2018. However, for the reasons discussed above, it is determined, as a matter of ultimate fact, that Respondent did not direct those words toward the students or that any students heard or saw him use those words.10 Respondent's use of profanity in speaking to Mestre and Acevedo Molina did not comport with rule 6A-10.081(1)(c). In using profanity toward his colleagues, Respondent did not strive to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct. Mestre and Acevedo Molina both testified to the effect that they viewed his conduct as inappropriate in that professional setting. Respondent's use of those words when speaking to Mestre and Acevedo Molina did not comply with the requirement in School Board Policy 3210 to refrain from the use of profane or abusive language in the workplace. Respondent's use of those words when speaking with Mestre and Acevedo Molina also did not comply with the standard set forth in School Board Policy 3210.01, which requires the employee to show respect for other people. In sum, Respondent's conduct in saying "mierda" and "pinga" while speaking to Mestre and Acevedo Molina violated rules 6A-10.081(1)(c) and School Board policies 3210 and 3210.01. Accordingly, Respondent's conduct constituted misconduct in office under rule 6A-5.056(2). As discussed above, there is no competent substantial evidence establishing that Respondent has ever been subjected to discipline by Petitioner prior to this proceeding. Although Respondent's conduct in using profanity when speaking to two adult colleagues violates certain policies, in light of the UTD Progressive Discipline Policy, such violation is not sufficiently serious to warrant suspension without pay. Therefore, it is determined that, consistent with the concept of progressive 10 Further, as discussed above, the administrative complaint does not charge Respondent with using those words toward students or charge that any students saw or heard him use those words. discipline, Petitioner should issue a verbal reprimand to Respondent for his conduct in using profanity when speaking to his colleagues. Because Respondent was not charged with, and the evidence did not prove, that he directed profanity toward any students or that any students saw or heard him use profanity, Petitioner may not impose discipline on Respondent on that basis. Just Cause Based on the foregoing, it is determined, as a matter of ultimate fact, that just cause exists to suspend Respondent. Recommended Penalty Based on the foregoing, it is determined that Respondent should be suspended for five days without pay for having pushed S.D. Based on the foregoing, it is determined that Respondent should be issued a verbal reprimand for using profanity when speaking to Mestre and Acevedo Molina and Respondent should receive five days of back pay for the balance of the ten-day period for which Petitioner proposed to suspend him.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that, consistent with the foregoing, Petitioner enter a final order suspending Respondent from his employment as a teacher for five days without pay, issuing a verbal reprimand to Respondent, and awarding Respondent back pay for five days. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of June, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CATHY M. SELLERS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of June, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Christopher J. La Piano, Esquire Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 430 Miami, Florida 33132 (eServed) Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761-1526 (eServed) Cristina Rivera, Esquire Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 430 Miami, Florida 33132 (eServed) Carlos M. Sanjurjo Apartment 214 14907 Southwest 80th Street Miami, Florida 33193 Alberto M. Carvalho, Superintendent Miami-Dade County Public Schools 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 912 Miami, Florida 33132 Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Richard Corcoran, Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (5) 1001.321012.011012.33120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6A-10.0816A-5.056 DOAH Case (1) 19-6580TTS
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001524 Latest Update: May 29, 1990

Findings Of Fact This action is brought by the School Board of Bay County, Florida, against Willie L. Brown, calling for Brown's dismissal as an employee of the Bay County School System. This request for dismissal follows the March 17, 1981, suspension of Brown by action of Pete Holman, Superintendent of the Bay County School System. See Petitioner's Exhibit No. 4, admitted into evidence. The basis for this action on the part of the Petitioner is as stated in the Issues statement of this Recommended Order. After being informed of the Petitioner's intent to dismiss him as an employee, the Respondent requested a formal hearing in this cause and the School Board, on June 4, 1981, asked the Director of the Division of Administrative Hearings to assign a Hearing Officer to conduct a Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, hearing. A Hearing Officer was assigned and the hearing was held on July 10 and 14, 1981. The Respondent holds Florida Teaching Certificate No. 385083, valid through June 1985, and covering the areas of elementary education, early childhood education and administration/supervision. At all times pertinent to this matter, the Respondent, Willie L. Brown, was employed by the Bay County School Board as a teacher at the A. D. Harris Sixth Grade Center. In the school year 1980-81 a local civic club in Panama City, Florida, held an oratorical contest for the benefit of students in the Bay County School System. Among the participants in that contest were students from the A. D. Harris Sixth Grade Center where the Respondent taught. Brown acted in the capacity as advisor to those students and met with the students from the Harris Center on several occasions to aid the students in the preparation of their speeches, and in the presentation of those speeches. One of the students participating in the oratorical contest was Steve William Rudd, a minor. Rudd was not a student in Brown's regular academic classes. The involvement Rudd had with Brown prior to the oratorical contest was merely to the extent of knowing that Brown was a teacher at Harris. On the first occasion of Rudd's participation with Brown in the speech contest, Brown met with Rudd and other students in the auditorium at the school and listened to their speeches and critiqued their presentation. The next occasion in which Brown took part in the preparation of the students for the oratorical contest occurred in Brown's homeroom, at which time the general nature of the relationship between Brown and the students was as occurred at the auditorium session. On the third occasion in which the Respondent met with Rudd, there was also in attendance a second student, William Arnold Stevenson. This session was held in the classroom of another teacher. On that occasion Stevenson was allowed to present his speech while Brown listened and Rudd waited for his turn. When Stevenson had concluded his speech, he left the room leaving Brown and Rudd alone. Rudd then commenced his speech standing at the front of the room, and he concluded that presentation while Brown moved around the room listening to the speech. Brown then made certain suggestions to Rudd about correcting Rudd's speech presentation and then asked Rudd to move to the back of the classroom. Rudd complied with that request. Rudd then began to give his speech again while standing at the back of the room in the area of a desk. At this time the Respondent was moving around the room and eventually approached Rudd. At that point, Brown placed his folded arms on the back of Rudd at Rudd's shoulder level. At this juncture, Rudd was facing the front of the classroom and the Respondent was directly behind him. The front of Brown's body was touching the back of Rudd's person. Brown remained in this position until Rudd had concluded his speech. During this interval, Brown made no comment. The interval for this occurrence was approximately two or three minutes. After Rudd had presented his speech for the second time, the Respondent went and took a seat in a chair in the back of the classroom. The Respondent then instructed the student to sit on the Respondent's lap. Rudd complied and seated himself on the Respondent's leg, in the area of the Respondent's knee. The Respondent then gestured with his hand, pointing in the direction of the Respondent's groin area, meaning the genital area, and said to the student, "sit right here." The Respondent then pulled the student toward his body and at that time the student was seated on the Respondent's genital area with his back against the Respondent's chest. No comment was made during this part of the episode, which lasted a short time. Brown then moved Rudd back away from his body into the original location near his knee. He then took the student's right hand and with the student's hands stroked Brown's genital area. This maneuver with the student's hand was a momentary event. While the student was seated on the Respondent's lap, he was concerned for his welfare and in particular worried about the door which had been locked by the Respondent. The student thought that the door was locked such that he, the student, could not exit. In fact, the door was locked barring entry from persons outside the room. Brown released Rudd's hand and told Rudd that he could get out and that Brown was sorry for what had occurred. He told the student this several times, once when the student got up, once when the student was midway in the classroom approaching the door, and once when the student got to the door. On the same day as the event transpired, Rudd reported the incident to the Principal at Harris Center, one James Griffin. Griffin then confronted the Respondent with the student's allegations by asking Brown if the story that Rudd had told about the incident was true. Brown responded, "Yes, it is." When Griffin asked him why he did it, Brown said, "I don't know." Griffin then commented to Brown that the matter was a very serious offense and that Brown might be suspended or dismissed from the school system, to which Brown replied, "I know this." Griffin then asked Brown if he was prepared to face the consequences, and Brown replied, "Yes, I guess I am." Since the time of the event, some of the other students in the sixth grade center have referred to Rudd as a "gay boy," meaning that Rudd was a homosexual, due to his circumstance with Brown and that Rudd "felt Mr. Brown off," meaning that Rudd had manipulated the Respondent's penis. Rudd had been teased about the event by other students, and the students did not talk to him. Rudd has felt insecure in his home and has desired to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag with the lights on because of this event with the Respondent. Rudd has felt as if someone were watching him even in his home, in particular that the person was the Respondent. The student has also felt that he did not wish to sleep by a window and has chosen to sleep in the middle of the room, and at times has slept on a couch in the living room of his home. The aforementioned treatment of the student by other children in the sixth grade center led Rudd's parents to change his bus transportation to avoid a confrontation with the children. Nonetheless, it has not been necessary for the student to seek psychiatric assistance and he is recovering from the trauma of the subject occurrence. In spite of attempts by the school authorities to deter publication of this incident, students, teachers, parents, staff and other persons within the community have learned of the incident and principal Griffin is of the persuasion that there would be dissension with teachers, parents and students should Brown be allowed back as an instructor in the school. Griffin feels that there would be a lack of trust in that Brown has lost his effectiveness as an instructor. Likewise, Bay County Superintendent Holman who is familiar with the case facts, is of the persuasion that Brown's effectiveness as a teacher in Bay County has been seriously reduced. Nothing offered in defense rebuts the opinion of these educators. Following the incident, a meeting was held on March 6, 1981, between the Respondent and Pete Holman, Superintendent of Schools in Bay County, Florida, with the Principal Griffin being in attendance. At that time Brown again admitted that the incident had occurred and subsequent to this meeting Brown was suspended from his teaching duties in the Bay County system. There ensued an administrative complaint brought by Ralph B. Turlington as Commissioner of Education in the State of Florida, and the Bay County School Board took action to discharge the Respondent as an employee.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004561 Latest Update: Mar. 13, 1987

Findings Of Fact At all times material, Respondent Raimundo Manuel Dante was enrolled as a student at W. R. Thomas Junior High School in Dade County, Florida. During the course of two periods of enrollment at W. R. Thomas Junior High School, Respondent has had numerous disciplinary referrals. On one occasion, Respondent was recommended for assignment to the Dade County opportunity school program, but his mother withdrew him before the formal proceedings could be resolved. He was transferred back to W. R. Thomas Junior High primarily due to failing grades at a private school. During summer school for 1984, Respondent was tardy on six occasions. He earned three "D" grades and one "C" grade out of four academic subjects. He was absent three days in the "C" course, mathematics, and four days in each of the other courses, including homeroom. Because of the short timeframe for summer school (July 9, 1984 through August 17, 1984), the Respondent's absences and tardies are excessive. During the regular 1984-1985 school year, Respondent was assigned to the eighth grade. His absences span a minimum of eleven to a maximum of thirty- nine in various classes during the final grading period alone. This is clearly excessive and not conducive to any learning activity. His final grades were failing in all classes except "vocational basic," in which he obtained a "D." On December 12, 1984, Mrs. Gomez referred Respondent to Mr. Helip, who as assistant principal has primary responsibility for discipline at W. R. Thomas Junior High School. The referral was not only for disruptive behavior on that date, but was a culmination of a number of occasions when Respondent had behaved similarly. The nature of Respondent's disruptive behavior on December 12, 1984, involved coming to the front of the room without permission and "answering back" disrespectfully to Mrs. Gomez when she did not grant him permission to leave the room to conduct business he should have handled prior to the beginning of class. This was repetitive of similar behavior which had gone on the previous day and which had not resulted in a student management referral at that time. On December 12, Mrs. Gomez also gave Respondent a detention assignment for social talking which was disrupting the class and he uttered a disruptive and insulting retort in Spanish to the effect that nothing would happen to him if he did not comply with the detention assignment. Mrs. Gomez, who speaks and understands Spanish, then considered all Respondent's past misbehavior in the referral of December 12, including his consistent failure to come to her class equipped with appropriate books, paper and writing implements. On April 26, 1985, Mrs. Gomez referred Respondent to Mr. Helip due to his ten tardies in the last two-week period, for kissing girls while sitting atop his desk, and for wandering about the room, talking, and being off task on April 26 and on several prior occasions. Respondent's remarks, when reprimanded orally by Mrs. Gomez, were interpreted by her as disrespectful and threatening. All counseling with the parents in the 1984-1985 school year appear to have dead-ended. During the regular 1985-1986 school year, Respondent was assigned to the ninth grade. His absence record was less than the previous school year but still varied from four to eight days' absence during the final grading period, depending upon which class was involved. This is also excessive and not conducive to any formal learning experience. His final grades were four failures and one "C" out of the courses attempted. During the 1986 summer session, Respondent was absent five days, which was again excessive in view of the summer session's abbreviated timeframe (July 7 through August 15, 1986). Out of two ninth grade subjects attempted, Respondent failed one and got a "D" in the other. On September 16, 1986, in the course of the regular 1986-1987 school year, Mrs. Robbie referred Respondent for discipline due to his yawning, talking, and back talk to her which disrupted her class. Mrs. Robbie had referred Respondent a number of times in the previous year. He failed her class in that school year, and, therefore, on September 16, 1986, Mr. Helip reassigned him to another English teacher without taking any punitive action against him. During the first grading period of the regular 1986-1987 school year, Respondent had been absent eleven days before the occurrence of the incident which precipitated his administrative assignment to the Dade County opportunity school system. At that time, he had failing grades in every one of the six subjects attempted. At the end of the first grading period, Respondent's conduct grades were all failing. The incident which precipitated administrative assignment of Respondent to the opportunity program involved Ernie Ortiz, a 17-year old ninth grader. Upon leaving the school grounds at the close of a school day in October 1986, Ortiz was "tailed" by a slow-cruising brown Camaro automobile with at least four young men in it. Ortiz saw Respondent in the car. A B-B gun was fired from the car at Ortiz who was on the sidewalk. Ortiz was hit by the B-B shot fired from the car and was subsequently treated at a hospital. The next day, Ortiz saw the same car at school and reported the incident to Mr. Helip. Although Ortiz was never able to say whether Respondent was driving or who shot him, the school resource officer found a pellet gun and pellets, a knife, and a roach clip in the car identified by Ortiz, and Respondent admitted to Mr. Helip that the gun was his. Mr. Helip recommended expulsion of Respondent because he believed a weapons charge had been made against Respondent. Instead, based upon all the circumstances, the school board made an opportunity school placement. There is no competent substantial evidence to show that any criminal charge was made against Respondent. In the past, counseling, corporal punishment, and outdoor suspensions have been tried with regard to Respondent but to no avail. The regular Dade County school program resources have been exhausted as regards Respondent.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is, RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Dade County enter its Final Order affirming the assignment of Respondent to the school system's opportunity school program at Douglas MacArthur Senior High School-South. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 13th day of March, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of March, 1987. COPIES FURNISHED: Leonard Britton, Superintendent School Board of Dade County 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Phyllis O. Douglas Assistant Board Attorney Dade County Public Schools 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Frank R. Harder, Esquire Twin Oaks Building, Suite 100 2780 Galloway Road Miami, Florida 33165 Mr. and Mrs. Raimundo Dante 1095 S.W. 134th Court Miami, Florida 33184

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-000599 Latest Update: Nov. 21, 1988

The Issue The central issue in this case is whether Respondent is guilty of the conduct alleged in the Notice of Specific Charges and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received at the hearing, I make the following findings of fact: Petitioner is authorized to operate, control and supervise all public schools within the School District of Dade County, Florida. At all times material to the specific charges in this case, Respondent, Norris L. Barker, was employed by Petitioner as a teacher with the Dade County school system. Pursuant to a one-year contract, the terms of which are not in evidence, Respondent was employed in September, 1987, as a math teacher at Miami Southridge Senior High School (Southridge). During the spring of 1987, prior to his employment with Petitioner, Respondent wrote to several school systems offering to donate Xerox memorywriters to the respective schools through a fund raising project which the various school systems were requested to endorse or promote. It was Respondent's goal to raise $8 million to be used to purchase the equipment. The Dade County Public Schools, through the then Superintendent, declined to endorse the fund raising project. After Respondent became employed with the Petitioner, he continued with his plan to raise money for education. Eventually, the project became known to Mr. Rodgers, the principal at Southridge, who advised Respondent that the school could not sanction the fund raising activities and that Respondent would have to obtain permission from a higher administrative source. Respondent did not receive permission to utilize the school name or the endorsement of the school district. As principal, Mr. Rodgers routinely makes informal observation visits to classrooms. These visits are intended as an informal review of the particular class or teacher. The duration of such visits is generally brief, lasting only a few minutes, and no written report or evaluation is made as a result of such visits. During Respondent's time at Southridge, Mr. Rodgers made several such informal visits to Respondent's class. Mr. Rodgers determined, as a result of the informal visits, that Respondent needed assistance with classroom management. This was indicated due to the number of students who were "off task" in Respondent's class. Mr. Rodgers felt that Respondent needed help in finding ways to keep the students working, not talking. On November 23, 1987, Respondent wrote a letter to Mr. Rodgers which expressed Respondent's concern that discipline problems among the ninth graders would adversely affect their performance on the SSAT. Apparently, Respondent believed the disruptive behavior of a few students was adversely influencing the learning conditions for the rest of the class. On November 24, 1987, William Machado, assistant principal in charge of the math department, performed a formal observation of Respondent. This observation was in accordance with the teacher assessment and development system and recorded Respondent's deficiencies in several specific areas of performance. It also provided a prescription plan for performance improvement which offered constructive comments to assist Respondent in deficient areas. Of the six areas evaluated, Mr. Machado found Respondent had problems and was deficient in four: knowledge of the subject, preparation and planning, classroom management, and techniques of instruction. Respondent was required to complete the prescription plan activities before January 11, 1988. All four of the prescription plan activities required Respondent to refer to the Prescription Manual which was available to Respondent. Further, with regard to Respondent's lesson plans, he was to seek the assistance of Jean Freedman, the math department head. Respondent talked briefly with Ms. Freedman and she offered him the benefit of her lesson book as an example of the type of plan Mr. Machado wanted Respondent to provide. As a means of further assistance, Respondent was to visit peer teachers' rooms to observe how the suggested activities might be incorporated into the teaching setting. Respondent did not submit the lesson plans in accordance with the prescription for performance improvement. There is no evidence as to whether or not he visited peer teachers' rooms. He did not observe Ms. Freedman's class as recommended. In the period immediately following Respondent's formal evaluation, he was absent from school a number of days the total of which exceeded his authorized sick leave. On December 19, 1987, Respondent climbed a 150 foot Southern Bell relay tower located on private property. It was Respondent's stated intention to remain atop the structure to raise $8 million for education. Respondent left a note stating that if the money were not raised by January 4, he would "meet God." Respondent did not have provisions for an extended stay. He was dressed in short pants, tennis shoes and a short-sleeved shirt. The weather conditions that evening were quite cool. Officer Collins responded to a call regarding Respondent's presence atop the tower. He unsuccessfully attempted to talk Respondent into coming down. When his efforts failed, Officer Collins requested negotiators who then talked with Respondent for several hours in further effort to have him voluntarily come down. These efforts also failed. After some four hours, the SWAT team came in to remove Respondent from the tower. Members of this team scaled the tower from Respondent's blind side and forced Respondent into the bucket of a fire truck extension ladder. Afterwards, Officer Collins took Respondent to the crisis intervention center where he was involuntarily committed for observation. He was released following a two day period of observation. The incident of Respondent's tower climbing was widely published in Miami newspapers and received coverage on local radio and television stations. These accounts of the incident identified Respondent as a Dade County high school teacher and, in some instances, identified Southridge. As a result of the media coverage, Mr. Rodgers received telephone calls from concerned parents and teachers regarding Respondent's conduct. On January 7, 1988, Mr. Rodgers recommended that Respondent be dismissed from employment at Southridge. The recommendation was based upon Respondent's performance in the classroom (TADS observation 11/24), Respondent's lack of professional judgment as shown by his conduct on December 19, 1987, the concerns expressed by parents and students regarding Respondent's emotional and mental fitness to regain control of students assigned to his classes, and the degree of public notoriety given to the incident of December 19. When Respondent attempted to return to Southridge on January 6, 1988, he was referred to the Office of Professional Standards and has not returned to the classroom.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That the School Board of Dade County enter a final order confirming the administrative decision to terminate the employment of Respondent for just cause stemming from his misconduct in office. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 21st day of November, 1988, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOYOUS D. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of November, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 88-0599 Rulings on Petitioner's proposed findings of fact: Paragraph 1 is accepted to the extent that it provides Respondent was employed by a one year contract and assigned to Southridge. It is presumed the year intended was the entire 1987-88 school year. Paragraphs 2-6 are accepted. Paragraph 3 is rejected to the extent that it concludes Respondent did not try to improve. While the evidence established Respondent did not complete lesson plans as requested, there is no evidence that he did not try to do so. Also, while he did not visit Mrs. Freedman's class, he may have visited other master teachers for assistance. The record does not establish whether or not he could have met the prescriptions had he not been absent or had he been able to return after the holidays. Paragraph 8 is accepted. Paragraph 9 is accepted. Paragraphs 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 are accepted. Rulings on Respondent's proposed findings of fact: Respondent's paragraphs while not identified as findings of fact will be treated as such and considered in order as presented. The first paragraph is rejected as argument, or conclusions unsupported by the record. The first two sentences of the second paragraph are accepted. The remainder of that paragraph is rejected as speculation, unsupported by the record in this cause. With regard to the numbered paragraphs the following rulings are made: Paragraph 1 is rejected. While it is clear that the evaluation cannot be considered proof of Respondent's inadequate knowledge of the subject matter, there is no evidence as to how the computation was made to reach that conclusion (the TADS criteria) nor is there evidence that Mr. Machado was "over zealous." The deficient area was one of four which Respondent would have had to work on had he chosen to refrain from other conduct which further eroded his effectiveness as a teacher. Paragraph 2 is rejected as unsupported by the record. Paragraph 3 is rejected as argument, unsupported by the record. Paragraph 4 is accepted. Paragraph 5 is rejected as, contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 6 is accepted only to the extent that it suggests the fund raiser was not done in the name of the school or the board. When a private interest is pursued, the teacher must take reasonable steps to assure that the activity is not associated with the employer. To the extent that failing to take reasonable precaution would lead to public notoriety and adverse publicity, Respondent is accountable. Paragraph 7 is rejected as comment, argument or contrary to the evidence admitted in this cause. There is, however, no finding that Respondent wrongfully utilized the school name or misrepresented the board's interest in his project. Paragraph 8 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 9 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 10 is rejected as conclusion or argument. No finding has been made to suggest Respondent suffers from a mental illness. Paragraph 11 is rejected as conclusion or argument. Paragraphs 12-17 are rejected as conclusions or argument in some instances unsupported by the record or contrary to the weight of the evidence presented. COPIES FURNISHED: Norris L. Barker 420 Northeast 18th Avenue, Unit #9 Homestead Florida 33030 Jaime Claudio Bovell 370 Minorca Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Mrs. Madelyn P. Schere Assistant School Board Attorney School Board of Dade County Board Administration Building, Suite 301 1450 Northeast 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Honorable Betty Castor Commission of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Dr. Joseph A. Fernandez Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools School Board Administration Building Annex 1550 North Miami Avenue Miami, Florida 33136

Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
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