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# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sanford, Florida Aug. 15, 1990 Number: 90-005112 Latest Update: May 14, 1992

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent committed certain disciplinary violations and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a licensed dentist in the State of Florida, holding license number DN 0008830. He was granted a parenteral conscious sedation permit on February 27, 1988. Respondent has been licensed in the State of Florida since August 3, 1981. There is no evidence that he has been the subject of prior disciplinary proceedings. J. C. was born November 28, 1980. J.C. died August 17, 1989, at 7:10 p.m. due to anoxic encephalopathy, which is brain damage from lack of oxygen. Anoxic encephalopathy was due to complications of preparation for dental extractions. Two years prior to visiting Respondent, J. C. had been seen by another dentist, Alexander S. Nurrell. Complaining of a toothache, J. C., who was six years old, was seeing a dentist for the first time. The medical and dental history, which was provided by J. C.'s mother, revealed nothing material to this case. The mother noted that the child had never experienced an "unhappy" reaction of a dental or medical procedure. Following an examination, Dr. Nurrell determined that J. C. had been "neglected," at least in terms of her dental needs, which were considerable. Due to the scope of the work required by J. C., which involved repairs to 11 teeth, Dr. Nurrell intended to hospitalize J. C. in order to provide the necessary dental treatment. About one week after the visit to Dr. Nurrell, J.C.'s father took her to another dentist, Peter Weisbruch. Again, her complaint involved a toothache, which apparently had not been treated by Dr. Nurrell. Dr. Weisbruch commenced a dental treatment plan that J. C. followed for some time. Dr. Weisbruch administered a local anesthetic to J.C. on three occasions. On the first visit, Dr. Weisbruch administered an anesthetic, but failed to record the type or amount. On April 26, 1988, Dr. Weisbruch, while extracting one of J.C.'s teeth, administered 0.9 cc of 3% Carbocaine, which is a brand name of mepivicaine. On May 14, 1988, Dr. Weisbruch administered 0.9 cc of 2% lidocaine, as well as 0.9 cc of 1:100,000 epinephrine solution. On no occasion did J. C. exhibit an unusual reaction to any local anesthetic. She was, however, an uncooperative patient. On June 1, 1988, J. C.'s father informed Dr. Weisbruch's office that J. C.'s mother would be resuming responsibility for ensuring that J. C. received adequate dental care and that J. C. would not be returning to Dr. Weisbruch's office. Financial constraints limited the ability of J.C.'s parents to obtain dental services for their daughter. By June, 1989, however, her mother was prepared to recommence J.C.'s dental treatment. She looked for a dentist in the yellow pages based on physical proximity to their home. When she found Respondent's advertisement, she was impressed by its emphasis upon patient comfort, including such features as stereo headphones and anaesthesia. Aside from her dental problems, J. C.'s health at the time that she first saw Respondent was good. She had been seen periodically by a pediatrician for a well visit and then for a couple of common viral complaints. When she first contacted Respondent's office, J.C.'s mother told the receptionist that she needed to be able to pay for the dental work by periodic payments. The receptionist advised the mother to bring in J. C. for an initial consultation. J. C. and her mother first visited Respondent on June 29, 1989. The medical and dental history revealed nothing unusual except that J. C. had "extensive" dental complaints. Respondent took x-rays and fitted J. C. for a retainer on her first and second visits, with the latter taking place on July 5, 1989. J. C.'s mother paid $157 on July 10, leaving a balance of $125, which was to be paid over 90 days. As a result of his examination of J. C.'s teeth, Respondent advised J. C. and her mother that J. C. should have eight primary teeth removed. He apparently prescribed an antibiotic to treat a dental infection, but this treatment is irrelevant to the case. In any event, Respondent's office gave J. C. an appointment for August 9, 1989, for the extraction of the eight teeth. On August 8, Respondent's receptionist called J.C.'s mother and told her that Respondent had decided to put J.C. asleep during the extractions. Thus, he wanted an early morning appointment. They agreed to reschedule the appointment for August 16 at 8:30 a.m. J. C. was excited about going to the dentist. She intended to go out for the cheerleading squad once school started. She and her mother arrived at Respondent's office just before 8:30 a.m. J. C. sat on her mother's lap and was a little nervous, but they did not have to wait long. J. C. weighed 50- 55 pounds at this time. No later than 8:30 a.m., dental assistant Terri Neff came out to the waiting room and took J. C. and her mother into Operatory #2. Operatory ##2 and 3 are identical in terms of equipment and size. Respondent, who apparently was the only dentist practicing in his office, also used a third operatory, which is smaller and lacked a dental assistant chair. Ms. Neff was, at the time of the incident, a certified dental assistant. She had been for the preceding five years and had assisted in dental procedures and monitored patients in anaesthesia. She also held current certification in dental radiology, the administration of nitrous oxide, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). As was the case with all of Respondent's employees, Ms. Neff had never attended the course entitled "Guidelines for Teaching Comprehensive Control of Pain and Anxiety." Just before J. C. was seated in the examination chair, Ms. Neff gave her a glass of water, which J. C. drank. As Ms. Neff explained to J.C.'s mother, the water contained five ml of Phenergan, which Respondent had prescribed to control the nausea occasionally experienced by patients from nitrous oxide. J. C. drank the Phenergan solution at 8:35 a.m. Phenergan, or promethazine, is an antiemetic used to control nausea in patients about to receive nitrous oxide. A central nervous system depressant, Phenergan is an antihistamine with a minor sedative effect. The drug manufacturer's literature, which is inserted into each box or carton of the drug, warns that the sedative action of Phenergan is "additive to the sedative effects of central nervous system depressants; therefore, agents such as . . . narcotic analgesics . . . should either be eliminated or given in reduced dosage in the presence of [Phenergan]." The drug insert advises that the dose of meperidine or Demerol be reduced by one-quarter to one-half. The drug insert also advises: [Phenergan] may lower seizure threshold. This should be taken into consideration when administering to persons with known seizure disorders or when in combination with narcotics or local anesthetics which may also affect seizure threshold. Five ml of Phenergan contains 6.25 mg of promethazine. Used in isolation, this dosage of Phenergan was appropriate and bordered on the low end of a safe and effective dosage. For preoperative medication, the recommended dose is 0.5 mg per pound in combination with an equal dose of meperidine and an "appropriate dose of an atroprinelike drug," according to the drug insert. In J. C.'s case, the recommended dose is thus 27.5 mg, and she received only about 23% of the recommended maximum dose of Phenergan. The same amount is the recommended dose when Phenergan is used in isolation to control nausea. Ms. Neff next placed a nasal mask over J. C.'s nose preparing to administer nitrous oxide. The mask was supposed to have a bubble gum smell, which is intended to please pediatric patients. When Ms. Neff asked J. C. if she could smell the bubble gum, the girl said she could not, so Ms. Neff replaced the mask with a strawberry-scented one. J. C. said she could smell this one, although her mother thought she might be humoring them. The nasal mask does not cover the mouth. It is made of rubber and is not heavy. The mask, which was a child's size, fit tightly on J. C.'s face. The nitrous oxide machine has settings for nitrous and oxygen. Each unit represents one liter of gas delivered per minute. Pursuant to Respondent's direction as to initial mix and time of commencement, Ms. Neff turned on the nitrous oxide machine shortly after placing the mask on J. C. The initial setting was 1:3 nitrous to oxygen. Nitrous oxide is a central nervous system depressant. J. C. was fidgety in the chair. After the mask was applied, she touched the mask frequently. She said that the mask felt funny and made her nose itch. She remained quite talkative. After the nitrous oxide had been administered to J. C. for about 30 minutes, Respondent entered the operatory to check on the girl. He waited awhile, noting that J. C. was still not calm enough to proceed. He then advised Ms. Neff that they would need to give J. C. an injection of Demerol. At about 9:02 a.m., Respondent gave J. C. an injection of 50 mg Demerol, or meperidine, in her right deltoid muscle. J. C. cried upon receiving the injection. Demerol is a narcotic analgesic similar in effect to morphine. Demerol is a central nervous system depressant. The drug insert warns prominently that "[Demerol] should be used with great caution and in reduced dosage in patients who are concurrently receiving . . . other CNS depressants . . .. Respiratory depression, hypotension, and profound sedation or coma may result." In isolation, the maximum dose is 0.8 mg per pound of body weight when the drug is used as premedication, which is how Respondent used the drug in this case, although the drug insert states that the "usual dosage" is 0.5 mg per pound when Demerol is used for preoperative medication. Using the rate of 0.8 mg per pound, the maximum dosage was 44 mg., if the Demerol had been used in isolation. No expert opined that the amount of Demerol administered to J. C. would have been excessive, if the drug had been used in isolation. However, when used, as here, in connection with one or more other central nervous system depressants, the dosage of Demerol was excessive, especially when combined with the administration of mepivicaine, as discussed below. J. C. cried when she received the injection. Respondent left the room, and J. C., evidently agitated, asked her mother, "is this how Grandma died?" Her mother tried to reassure her that everything was alright. After receiving the injection, J.C. began to rub around her eyes and face. This itchiness was due to a combination of one or more of the following: fidgetiness, continued resistance or possibly minor reaction to the mask, and a short-term release of histamines caused by the administration of the Demerol. However, the itchiness was not evidence of a serious allergic or anaphylactic reaction for reasons discussed below. Respondent's testimony that he noticed itchiness to an extent that he had not previously seen is discredited by, among other things, his failure to chart what would have been an unprecedented observation. At about the time of the Demerol injection, the nitrous oxide mix was changed, by Respondent's instructions, to 3:5. 1/ Ms. Neff remained with the mother and J. C. for about 30 minutes, waiting for J. C. to relax sufficiently so Respondent could proceed to administer the local anesthetic and begin the extractions. J. C. remained talkative during this period. While Ms. Neff was waiting with the mother and J.C. for the Demerol to take effect, someone told Ms. Neff that she was needed by another patient. Another assistant, Sarah Staley, joined J. C. and her mother at this time. At about this time, J. C. began to become more subdued. Aside from the receptionist, Ms. Staley was the least trained of Respondent's employees. First employed by Respondent about one year earlier, Ms. Staley had no prior dental experience. She had not undergone any formal training as a dental assistant or in CPR. Her position was best described as a business assistant/clerk. Ms. Staley was not trained to recognize any symptoms of a patient in sedation. At about 9:35 a.m., Respondent returned to Operatory #2. Finding J. C. sufficiently calm to proceed, Respondent began the process of administering mepivicaine. Mepivicaine, which is also a central nervous system depressant, is a local anesthetic. The drug insert warns: "Great care must be exercised in adhering to safe concentrations and dosages for pedodontic administration." The drug insert adds: If sedatives are employed to reduce patient apprehension, use reduced doses, since local anesthetic agents, like sedatives, are central nervous system depressants which in combination may have an additive effect. Young children should be given minimal doses of each agent. Injection of repeated doses of mepivicaine may cause significant increases in blood levels with each repeated dosage due to slow accumulation of the drug or its metabolites, or due to slower metabolic degradation than normal. Tolerance varies with the status of the patient. Debilitated, elderly patients, acutely ill patients, and children should be given reduced doses commensurate with their weight and physical status. As to adverse reactions, the drug insert states: Reactions involving the central nervous system are characterized by excitation and/or depression. Nervousness, dizziness, blurred vision, or tremors may occur followed by drowsiness, convulsions, unconsciousness, and possible respiratory arrest. . . . Reactions involving the cardiovascular system include depression of the myocardium, hypotension, bradycardia, and even cardiac arrest. Allergic reactions are rare and may occur as a result of sensitivity to the local anesthetic. . . . As with other local anesthetics, anaphylactoid reactions to Mepivicaine have occurred rarely. The reaction may be abrupt and severe and is not usually dose related. The drug insert states that the "lowest dosage needed to provide effective anesthesia should be administered." The drug insert specifies the dosage as follows: "A dose of up to 3 mg per pound of body weight may be administered." Respondent injected mepivicaine into the area of the upper and lower jaws. Neither Ms. Staley nor the mother noted the number of cartridges of anesthetic that Respondent used. As the injections started, J. C. began to cry, and her mother held her hand to calm her. A cartridge, or carpule, is a glass tube containing medication in solution form. The cartridge in this case contained a 3% solution of mepivicaine. Each cartridge contained 1.8 cc of the medication or 54 mg. of mepivicaine. The cartridge is placed in the syringe, a negligible amount is expressed to eliminate any air bubbles and to ensure proper operation of the syringe, and then the remainder is available to be injected into the patient. The evidence is contradictory as to the amount of mepivicaine actually injected into J. C. There are two reasons for this. First, there is conflicting evidence as to the number of cartridges. Second, there is some evidence that less than an entire cartridge was injected each time. Although not arriving in the operatory until at least 10 minutes after the completion of the mepivicaine injections, dental assistant Kathleen Lyttle charted the entry, "mepivicaine 3%." Respondent later charted the remaining information concerning the number of cartridges of mepivicaine. Respondent first noted that he had used eight cartridges from 9:30 a.m. to 9:50 a.m. He made entries showing injections into the upper and lower left and right jaws. Although no number was placed next to each location, obviously a pair of injections in each of the four locations would result in eight cartridges. Respondent then made two interlineations. First, he wrote above the notes for the two upper-jaw entries the following notation: "x2," meaning that two cartridges each were injected in the upper left and right jaw for a total of six cartridges. The effect of this addition is to imply that only one was injected lower left and right jaw. Second, Respondent crossed out the number "8" and added, above the crossed-out "8," the notation, "5-6," meaning that a total of five to six cartridges were injected. In a conversation with the Orange County Medical Examiner shortly after the incident, Respondent stated that five to six cartridges were administered. Respondent told the medical examiner that he first completed the injections into the upper and lower left and right jaws, then injected a little more. In a written statement to the medical examiner, Respondent stated that six cartridges were administered. Petitioner has proved by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent administered to J. C. no less than six cartridges of mepivicaine. This number is consistent with the written statement that Respondent provided the medical examiner. This number is also consistent with the detailed itemization Respondent noted on the dental chart where he showed one injection each in the lower left and right jaw and then two injections each in the upper left and right jaw. The second issue is whether Respondent injected the entire contents of each cartridge. In his practice, Respondent often did not empty a cartridge of local anesthetic but instead left up to 20% of the contents uninjected. Petitioner has proved by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent injected the entire contents of the first four cartridges used in the upper right and left jaw, except for the negligible amount expressed for the reasons set forth above. Respondent had concluded that J. C. was an uncooperative patient. He had already chosen what he testified was the "upper limit" for the Demerol, which in fact was excessive in view of the prior administration of Phenergan. Respondent had also increased the nitrous oxide ratio to administer more nitrous. Most important, Respondent testified that, during his eight-year career, he had ignored maximum recommended dosages of local anesthetics. Nothing in the record suggests that, in the use of local anesthetics and central nervous system depressants, Respondent subscribed to the maxim, "Start low, go slow." Also, the consequences of the administration of the mepivicaine, which, as noted below, demonstrate local anesthetic toxicity rather than allergic reaction, are strong proof that Respondent administered a dosage of mepivicaine far in excess of the maximum recommended dosage. As to the final two cartridges, Petitioner has proved by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent did not withhold more than 20% of the contents of each cartridge. There is substantial evidence, as set forth in the preceding paragraph, that Respondent withheld less in this case. However, the results would be the same, based on the following findings. Respondent's testimony that he administered no more than about 200 mg of mepivicaine is discredited. This would represent the contents from 3.75 cartridges. By the time that Respondent spoke with the medical examiner, he had had more than enough time to reflect on the possibility that J. C. may have suffered a toxic reaction to a local anesthetic. Given that possibility, and the obvious ramifications that it held for Respondent, he certainly would have carefully reflected upon the actual amount of mepivicaine administered to J. C. It is inconceivable that if, instead of 5-6 cartridges, he determined that he had injected only 3.75 net cartridges, he would not have so informed the medical examiner at that time. It is more likely that the netting process, in order to reflect the unused contents of a cartridge, resulted in a reduction from eight to six cartridges. Based on the foregoing, the least amount of mepivicaine that Respondent actually injected into J. C. is four full cartridges into the upper and lower jaws followed by not less than four-fifths of a cartridge each injected into the upper right and left jaw. This yields a total of 5.6 cartridges or about 300 mg of mepivicaine. The finding of 5.6 cartridges or 300 mg of mepivicaine corresponds to Respondent's estimate of 5-6 cartridges. Petitioner has proved by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent's estimate is already reduced by at least the amount of medication that Respondent actually withheld. There is significant evidence, although not clear and convincing, that Respondent injected eight cartridges, which, assuming a 20% reduction even in each injection, means that he administered 6.4 cartridges or about 345 mg of mepivicaine. When used in isolation, mepivicaine is administered at the rate of not more than three mg per pound of body weight. 2/ In the case of J. C., the maximum recommended dosage would have been 165 mg of mepivicaine, if the drug had been used without any other medications. When used in connection with other central nervous system depressants or sedatives, like Phenergan, nitrous oxide, and Demerol, mepivicaine's maximum recommended dosage is not more than two mg per pound of body weight. In this case, then, the maximum recommended dosage for J. C. was 110 mg because the drug's effect would be potentiated by the other medications already given J. C. If J. C. had not been given other drugs, the dosage that she received was 1.8 times more than the recommended maximum dosage. Because she had already received other central nervous system depressants, the dosage that she received was 2.7 times the recommended maximum dosage. 3/ Respondent injected the mepivicaine from 9:35 a.m until about 9:52 a.m. He then left the operatory. As the mother and Ms. Staley watched over J. C., she said, "I love you, mommy." She then turned her head to the side and seemed to fall asleep, lying back in the chair. Respondent's testimony that, immediately following the injections, J. C. began to experience extremely bad itching around her eyes and face is discredited. If J. C. had experienced such a remarkable response, Respondent would have at least charted it, if not remained in the operatory until the phenomenon resolved itself. At best, Respondent has confused the onset of the itching, which in fact began with the application of the nitrous oxide mask. After Respondent left the operatory, the mother and Ms. Staley chatted about their preparations for the new schoolyear. Suddenly, at about 9:57 a.m., J. C. sat straight up in the chair with her eyes open unnaturally wide, trying to catch a breath, but unable to do so. After a few seconds, she slumped back into the chair and her arms and legs began shaking violently. After a few more seconds, her posturing and convulsions ended. Ms. Staley immediately summoned Respondent. Ms. Neff had by chance just been entering Operatory #2 at the moment that J. C. had sat upright in the chair. Ms. Neff immediately turned the nitrous oxide machine to 100% oxygen at its maximum setting of 10+ liters per minute. Ms. Neff testified that she was unaware that anything was wrong at this time and only thought that J. C. might need to go to the bathroom. Even after a few moments in the operatory, Ms. Neff continued to think that the they simply had "a nervous little girl in the chair." Another dental assistant, Lisa Ann Barlette, who was in the operatory across the hall, happened to see out of the corner of her eye J. C. when she had sat upright. Ms. Barlette had almost two years' experience as a dental assistant and was currently certified in CPR and dental radiology. Immediately excusing herself from her patient, Ms. Barlette started to walk across the hall into Operatory #2 and saw J. C.'s hands trying unsuccessfully to push the nitrous oxide mask up over her nose. Respondent entered the operatory immediately ahead of Ms. Barlette, who remained in the doorway. Respondent and Ms. Staley were telling J. C. to calm down. Upon entering Operatory #2, Respondent immediately tilted J. C.'s head back and chin up so as to establish an airway and eliminate any upper airway obstructions. He also began to take her pulse. Respondent noted that J. C. was in "severe respiratory distress." At about 10:03 a.m., J.C. had a second seizure in which she stiffened and then shook violently. She had a third seizure at about 10:04 a.m. and a fourth at about 10:05 a.m. She suffered a fifth seizure, of somewhat lesser intensity, at about 10:07 a.m. and a more intense seizure at about 10:09 a.m. During these seizures, J. C. gasped, as though sobbing, and continued to breathe as though she was trying to catch her breath. Between seizures, she responded to her mother with eye movements and by squeezing her hand. When told by her mother or Respondent to relax, J. C. responded by relaxing her grip. These were the limits of J. C.'s responses following the onset of the convulsions. At about 10:04 a.m., Respondent ordered that a rubber bite block be inserted to help control the upper airway during the seizures. After a few minutes following the first seizure, Ms. Staley began to suction mucous secretions from J. C. and continued to do so while J. C. remained in the chair. Entering Operatory #2 shortly after the clinical emergency began, Kathleen Lyttle, who later charted the mepivicaine, asked Respondent if he wanted her to take J.C.'s vital signs. Respondent nodded yes, and, because the blood pressure cuff in Operatory #2 was behind Ms. Staley and difficult to reach, Ms. Lyttle obtained one from another operatory. Ms. Lyttle was currently certified in dental radiology and CPR. She seemed to be the most experienced among Respondent's employees in handling a clinical emergency. Respondent administered at about 10:12 a.m. 4/ one cc of Narcan (0.4 mg/ml) by injection into the jaw. Narcan is a narcotic antagonist capable of counteracting the Demerol within seconds. At this time, J. C.'s respirations were beginning to decrease and she began to become cyanotic from a lack of oxygen. About a minute after injecting the Narcan, Respondent administered one ml of adrenalin chloride 1:1000 in the form of epinephrine solution by injection below the tongue. Attaching the blood pressure cuff on J.C.'s right thigh, Ms. Lyttle took her first reading of J. C.'s vital signs at about 10:13 a.m. J. C.'s blood pressure was 160/90, her pulse was 160, and her respiration was irregular. The vital signs were unchanged one minute later. By 10:15 a.m., the pulse and respiration were unchanged, but the blood pressure had dropped to 115/44. The interval between seizures was increasing, the seizures seemed to be lessening in intensity, and J.C. continued to respond between seizures in the manners described above. At about this point, Ms. Lyttle then turned to the mother and asked if J. C. had epilepsy. When told that she did not, Ms. Lyttle said, "Well, she's having an epileptic seizure." Since the first seizure, the mother had been standing in front of J. C. holding her arms or, as instructed by Ms. Lyttle shortly after she entered the operatory, massaging her daughter's chest. She could see her daughter's eyes moving wildly, then focusing as though on something in the distance that the rest of them could not see. Sometime after Ms. Lyttle had asked about epilepsy, which probably was after 10:15 a.m., the mother told Respondent to call the hospital, but no one responded. Ms. Barlette had earlier expressed the possibility of contacting emergency medical services. At about 10:00 a.m., Ms. Barlette caught Respondent's eyes and mouthed the words, "Do you want me to call?" She did not give voice to the words to avoid further alarming the mother. Staring at him, Ms. Barlette saw no response. It is not clear that Respondent comprehended what Ms. Barlette was trying to communicate. Within 30 seconds after her voiceless request, Ms. Barlette, noting that J. C. was turning red, caught Respondent's attention and asked audibly, "Do you want me to call 911?" About one minute later, or no later than 10:02 a.m., by which time J.C. had turned purple, Ms. Barlette repeated her request. Responding to neither request, Respondent evidently was so preoccupied that he either did not hear the requests or their meaning did not register with him. Despite the clear clinical emergency, the only vital sign taken was J. C.'s pulse until 10:13 a.m., when Ms. Lyttle first read J. C.'s vital signs. Surprisingly, the chronologies prepared by Respondent, the dental chart, and the testimony fail to disclose any meaningful activity during the period from 10:15 a.m. through 10:30 a.m. By the end of this 15-minute period, the seizures, which had evidently decreased in frequency and intensity, reintensified to the degree to which they resembled the early seizures. The next entry on the chart following 10:13 a.m. is 10:30 a.m., at which time J. C.'s vital signs are blood pressure 115/44, pulse 180, and respiration irregular. The notes add, "cardiac irreg[ular with] arrhythmia." Respondent's oral and written statements to the medical examiner add that J. C. was cyanotic or becoming cyanotic at this time. Five minutes later the vitals are 90/54, 200 and climbing, and irregular respiration. In the meantime, at about 10:34 a.m., Ms. Neff took the mother out of the room so she could make any telephone calls that she thought necessary, such as to alert J.C.'s father. The mother went into a nearby conference room for a few minutes, but was unable to make any calls because she could not remember anyone's telephone number. At 10:36 a.m., the chart notes for the first time "bronchial spasms [with] laryngeal spasms." The vitals are 60/44, 200 and climbing, and irregular respiration with tachycardia. The pulse is now thready and shallow. At 10:38 or 10:39 a.m., Ms. Lyttle stated that the blood pressure had "bottomed out." J. C. was in respiratory and cardiac arrest. Ms. Lyttle asked, "Call 911?" Respondent answered, "Go." Ms. Lyttle called 911 at about 10:41 or 10:42 a.m. and summarized the situation. Ms. Barlette later helped with the call. In the meantime, Respondent had taken J. C. from the chair and placed her on the floor where he could begin CPR. She vomited and aspirated the vomit and some mucous before Respondent cleared the vomit from her mouth and upper throat. Respondent began mouth-to-mouth and Ms. Lyttle, who had left Ms. Barlette with the phone, returned and immediately commenced compressing J. C.'s chest. As the mother was returning to Operatory #2, the mother heard Ms. Barlette on the telephone saying something about "Demerol." When she reentered the operatory, she saw that her daughter was now on the floor undergoing CPR. Although still without any pulse, J. C.'s color began to return to normal. The first ambulance arrived at 10:51 a.m. The paramedics found that J. C. was unconscious. Her lung sounds were clear, her pupils dilated, and her skin warm and dry. She still had no pulse, respiration, or blood pressure. Within a couple of minutes, the paramedics, after one failed attempt, successfully intubated J. C. and began ventilating her with an ambu bag that is attached to a portable oxygen cylinder. J. C. tried unsuccessfully to take a couple of breaths. After placing MAST pants on her to force the blood from her lower extremities, the paramedics quickly placed her on a rigid back board and transported her to Florida Hospital-- Altamonte Springs. From Florida Hospital--Altamonte Springs, J. C. was transferred by helicopter to Florida Hospital--South. However, she never regained consciousness and expired the evening of the following day. At 11:09 a.m., Respondent's office informed Florida Hospital-- Altamonte Springs of the medications given. In addition to noting aspects of the emergency treatment that J. C. received from the paramedics while still in Respondent's office, including being placed on oxygen under a positive pressure delivery system, the dental chart notes at the bottom: "1) anaphylactic response . . . to Demerol." Under this entry is "2) mepivicaine." The second entry is then crossed out. The internal examination of the autopsy revealed, as to the lungs, "moderate pulmonary congestion and edema . . .." As to the brain, there was "marked generalized brain swelling and softening." As for the brain-stem, cerebellum, and portion of the cerebrum, there was "severe generalized edema and softening." Upon microscopic examination, the autopsy reveals, as to the central nervous system, no evidence of chronic hypoxia, but "diffuse marked edema and hypoxic injury . . .." The lungs show "much pulmonary edema and congestion . . . with multifocal early bronchopneumonia . . .." The report continues: The changes in the lungs are consistent with acute bronchopneumonia, due to gastric aspiration, or due to reduced pulmonary toilet from being on a respirator with a greatly decreased mental status with or without gastric aspiration. Numerous factors compel the rejection of Respondent's theories that J. C. suffered an allergic, anaphylactic, or anaphylactoid reaction, perhaps in combination with an asthma attack. The evidence is clear and convincing that Respondent administered J. C. mepivicaine in excess of the maximum recommended dosage and, as a result of the overdose, J.C. suffered a toxic reaction to the local anesthetic. In dentistry, the overadministration of a drug, including a local anesthetic, accounts for about 85% of all adverse drug reactions. Drug allergies account for only about 15% of adverse drug reactions. Drug overdoses are even slightly more common in children than in adults. The central fact is that Respondent administered an overdose of mepivicaine to J. C. of 2.7 times the maximum recommended safe dosage. The patient's young age raised the possibility of higher blood levels per unit dose due to the greater likelihood that the functions of absorption, metabolism, and excretion in a child may be imperfectly developed. Another predisposing factor of which Respondent was aware was the stress and anxiety that J.C. has previously displayed. The local- anesthetic seizure threshold is reduced in such patients. The ensuing signs and symptoms are further evidence that J. C. died due to local anesthetic toxicity caused by the administration of an overdose of mepivicaine. The first effect of a toxic reaction to mepivicaine would be to depress the central nervous system. This effect manifested itself in J. C.'s case by the first objective signs: posturing and convulsions. Characteristic of toxic reactions to local anesthetics, such as mepivicaine, is a central nervous system excitatory phase. The reason for an excitatory phase is that the neurons in the central nervous system associated with excitation or stimulation are the last to be depressed by plasma levels of local anesthetics. Once unrestrained by the now-depressed inhibitory neurons, the electrical activity proceeds freely along the stimulatory pathways and stimulates muscle tissue, which may result in convulsions. The patient suffering an allergic reaction would not experience seizures until he had suffered hypoxia, which is an oxygen deficiency. At the time of J. C.'s initial seizures, which were due to the depression of aspects of the central nervous system, her breathing was still sufficient to preclude allergy-induced hypoxia. The depression of the central nervous system also affects respiration and blood pressure, as basic brain activities begin to decrease. During the early stages of the clinical emergency, J. C. continued to try to breathe. Contrary to Respondent's assertions, these efforts coupled with labored breathing were not evidence of an allergic reaction, but were entirely characteristic of central nervous system depression. The course of a toxic reaction to a local anesthetic proceeds to respiratory depression, where, as Respondent acknowledges, the desire to breathe is decreased. Then, the patient proceeds to respiratory arrest, followed by cardiac depression and cardiac arrest. This process is the result of reduced oxygen to the brain. The central nervous system depression initiates the reduction of oxygen to the brain. The seizures themselves exacerbate the problem. The convulsing brain requires increased oxygen to continue functioning. During the seizure, the patient breathes little, if at all. Once the brain activity has been impaired to the extent that respiratory depression begins, obviously the flow of oxygen is impaired even further, which further raises the likelihood of seizures. The flow of oxygen to the brain obviously ends completely with respiratory arrest. Within four to five minutes, the oxygen-deprived brain sustains irreversible damage. The evidence of allergy, including an anaphylactic reaction, is insubstantial. As noted above, Respondent administered an excessive amount of mepivicaine to J. C., and allergic reactions are very rare relative to drug overdoses. In addition, seizures and central nervous system excitement are not typically associated with allergic or anaphylactic reactions. Likewise, high blood pressure readings are uncharacteristic of allergic or anaphylactic reactions. The patient suffering an allergic reaction, such as an anaphylactic reaction, typically suffers only depressed blood pressure. The person suffering a toxic reaction to a local anesthetic experiences, as did J. C., first high blood pressure and then decreased blood pressure. Respondent asserts that several signs suggest the presence of an allergic or anaphylactic reaction. Itching is a classic sign of an allergic reaction. However, the itching in this case has been explained above. At most, J. C. may have experienced a minor reaction to the Demerol or a substance in the mask. The timing of J. C.'s subsequent symptoms is too delayed to be attributed as an allergic or anaphylactic reaction to the Demerol, nitrous oxide, or mask itself. Because the itchiness preexisted the administration of the mepivicaine, the local anesthetic could not have caused the itching. Another classic sign of an allergic reaction is a rash, but no rash was reported in this case. The tenacious mucous that Respondent reports did not appear initially. Such mucous is nonspecific and normally attends dental procedures, especially when the patient is a child under sedation. Moreover, when the body is undergoing a crisis of the type suffered by J.C., such mucosal secretions are normal. There is no reliable evidence of significant pulmonary edema, which is the accumulation of fluids within the air cells of the lungs, until at a stage of the clinical emergency at which the sign becomes quite nonspecific. Although associated with allergic reactions, pulmonary edema and congestion may also accompany local anesthetic toxicity, especially following the onset of respiratory depression. In any event, pulmonary edema and congestion are extremely common when persons die other than suddenly, as edema and congestion are associated with the failure of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The evidence of bronchial spasms and wheezing offered by Respondent is unpersuasive. Although normally associated with allergic or anaphylactic reactions, bronchial spasms and wheezing, to whatever extent they existed at all, do not appear to have been defining signs or symptoms of J. C.'s clinical emergency. A case report appearing in the November-December 1991 issue of the Journal of Dentistry for Children describes a case featuring many similarities with that of J. C. In the reported case, a five year old girl was being prepared for multiple extractions. After receiving five minutes of nitrous oxide at an unknown concentration, she then received five cartridges of 3% mepivicaine or 270 mg of the drug. Ten minutes later the girl experienced "'stiffening and shaking' of all extremities that lasted approximately ten seconds." She then underwent another convulsive episode, after which she was placed on 100% oxygen. After a third convulsive episode, the patient was still breathing on her own but was no longer responsive to verbal commands. Ten minutes after the first convulsion, she was transferred to a physician's office where she arrived in cardiac and respiratory arrest. Following CPR, the patient was given sodium bicarbonate, epinephrine, calcium gluconate, and atropine about 55 minutes after being given the local anesthetic. She was then transferred to a hospital where she was intubated due to lack of spontaneous respirations. Four days later, she was declared brain dead due to anoxic brain injury secondary to cardiopulmonary arrest following an overdose of mepivicaine. The article quotes "Malamed," who is the author of Respondent Exhibit 2, as advising that the maximum safe dose of mepivicaine is two mg per pound of body weight. 5/ The case report notes that higher blood levels of mepivicaine, resulting from more high overdoses, may result in convulsions due to an initial blockage of inhibitory neurons in the CNS, thus leaving the excitatory neurons firing unopposed. Still further increases in blood levels lead to unconsciousness and respiratory depression. The cardiovascular effects of a local anesthetic overdose include vasodilation, which in turn can lead to a drop in systemic blood pressure. There is also a direct depressant effect on the myocardial cell membrane, which can cause a progressive bradycardia and full cardiac arrest. Death can occur due to either respiratory depression or cardiac arrest. It is also important to realize the narcotic sedative regimens lower the convulsive threshold of local anesthetic and increase the likelihood of respiratory depression. The case report explains that average peak blood levels of 3% mepivicaine usually appear within 15-30 minutes following injection, and the plasma half-life is 90-120 minutes. The report concludes that, based on injection volumes, the maximum safe dosages are more rapidly reached with 3% mepivicaine than with 2% lidocaine plus epinephrin, which extends the effectiveness of the local anesthetic. In addition to confirming signs and symptoms described above, the article provides evidence that, in terms of the timing of signs and symptoms, J.C. suffered from a toxic reaction to an overdose of a local anesthetic. The first seizure took place 22 minutes after the first injection and five minutes after the last, which corresponds both to the timeframe for average peak blood levels and the 10-minute delay in the reported case. Not only did Respondent clearly fail to attain the minimum standards of performance in diagnosis and treatment when measured against prevailing peer performance (Standard of Care) in administering an overdose of mepivicaine to J. C., he then failed to attain the Standard of Care in equipping himself for detecting and managing such a clinical emergency and in the actual management of the crisis. The preparation of J. C. in this case is an example of the use parenteral conscious sedation. Parenteral conscious sedation, which alters a patient's awareness, does not render the patient unconscious or affect his active reflexes, such as a choking response. This type of sedation is defined further in the Conclusions of Law. First, Respondent's office lacked a pulse oximeter. This noninvasive device constantly measures the subject's pulse and oxygen saturation level in the peripheral blood. The failure to have and use a pulse oximeter while administering parenteral conscious sedation is in itself a failure to attain the Standard of Care. With such a device in J.C.'s case, Respondent probably would have been able to detect reduced oxygen levels, as a result of central nervous system depression, well in advance of the first convulsion. With proper treatment, Respondent possibly could have prevented the convulsions and averted the ensuing clinical emergency. Second, Respondent's office lacked a positive pressure oxygen delivery device. Unlike the pulse oximeter, which is a diagnostic device, the positive pressure oxygen device is used to treat certain patients who are suffering respiratory distress. The importance of this device is underscored by the fact that it is not unusual for a patient under parenteral conscious sedation to stop breathing or require breathing assistance. The dentist must then inflate the patient's lungs, typically using one of two devices: the demand valve mask or the breathing bag. The failure to have a positive pressure oxygen delivery system during the parenteral conscious sedation of a patient is in itself a failure to attain the Standard of Care. A dentist with ready access to a pulse oximeter and positive pressure oxygen delivery device should have been able to manage J. C.'s toxic reaction to the mepivicaine without the loss of life or even serious injury. Even without a pulse oximeter, a dentist should have been able to manage this clinical emergency without the loss of life or even serious injury. The proper management of the clinical emergency requires a thorough understanding of the process by which the body reacts to an overdose of a local anesthetic. Respondent tragically failed to apprehend the significance of the mepivicaine overdose that he had administered, evidently thinking instead that J. C. was exhibiting signs of an allergic or anaphylactic reaction, possibly to the mepivicaine. The Standard of Care requires that a dentist determine in the first five minutes following a convulsion if he is going to require emergency medical services and, if so, to summon such services at that time. The first thing the dentist must do after a patient suffers a convulsion is to establish an airway, which is a direct line from the patient's mouth to his lungs. If all that is required is to tilt the head back and chin up, as Respondent did, then such action is of course is sufficient. If, as here, such action is insufficient, the Standard of Care demands that a dentist using parenteral conscious sedation be prepared and able to insert an endotracheal tube or nasal airway in order to create a path for oxygen to reach the lungs. Responding to a question concerning Respondent's care in diagnosing and treating J. C. after the onset of convulsions, Respondent's expert, Dr. Wecht, conceded that Respondent failed to attain the Standard of Care: I think, with the time sequence here, given the circumstances, the panic, the anxiety, you know, were all understandable. I don't see anything dramatically negligent here in terms of wanton gross neglect, criminal negligence and so on. I just don't see it. Could this case be argued in the context of plain, unadorned negligence, could it be a bona fide malpractice case? Those are reasonable observations and inquiries, and I would be the first one to say that the answer to that could, indeed, be yes . . .. Respondent Exhibit 6, page 43. Respondent failed to manage the clinical emergency in a manner consistent with the Standard of Care. The evidence is overwhelming that he did not in fact maintain an effective airway. He was critically handicapped by the absence of a positive pressure oxygen delivery system. Switching the nitrous oxide machine to 100% oxygen did not help J. C., whose inspirations had become so impaired that she required ventilation. Had Respondent commenced CPR within the first few minutes of the onset of the convulsions, rather than about 45 minutes later, the brain injury might have been minimal. However, by the time Respondent commenced CPR, it was too late. By this time, ventilating the patient with 100% oxygen, as the paramedics did upon their arrival 12 minutes later, could do nothing for the severe brain damage that J. C. had already suffered. Respondent again failed to attain the Standard of Care by not summoning paramedics for about 45 minutes after the initial convulsion. Had he heeded the request of Ms. Barlette to call 911, there is a good chance that J. C. would not have died, notwithstanding Respondent's administration of an overdose of mepivicaine, absence of vital equipment, and evident inability to diagnose and treat the ensuing clinical emergency. Malamed, quoting Goodson and Moore, "Life Threatening Reactions after Pedontic Sedation: an Assessment of Narcotic, Local-Anesthetic, and Antiemetic Drug Interaction," in the Journal of American Dental Association, 107:239, 1983, states that the use of sedative techniques accompanied by the administration of narcotics requires continual monitoring of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, ability of the practitioner to recognize and control the respiratory arrest and convulsions that are "easily induce[d]" by multiple sedative drug techniques, careful selection of dosages based on the body weight of the patient, and readiness to change the technique of sedation or choice of drugs at a later appointment rather than merely increasing the dosage when the initial dosage proves inadequate. Malamed reports that a recent three-year study attributed most deaths occurring in the dental practice related to the administration of drugs involved three factors: Improper preoperative evaluation of the patient. Lack of knowledge of drug pharmacology by the doctor. Lack of adequate monitoring during the procedure. Id. at p. 299. Malamed concludes: . . . with care on the part of the doctor, the incidence of [an overdose reaction to the administration of CNS-depressant drugs] should be extremely low, and a successful outcome should occur virtually every time. Id. On March 28, 1991, Respondent was indicted for the second degree felony of manslaughter in connection with the death of J. C. In a supplemental statement of particulars, the State of Florida alleged that Respondent administered an inappropriately high dosage of mepivicaine, Respondent's office was not equipped with a pulse oximeter or positive pressure oxygen delivery system, Respondent failed timely to contact emergency medical services, and Respondent thereby displayed a reckless disregard for human life. By plea agreement signed October 31, 1991, Respondent pleaded nolo contendere to the charge of manslaughter and waived his right to appeal any pretrial rulings. He was adjudicated guilty by judgment entered the same day and sentenced, pursuant to the agreement, to six months' community control followed by five years' supervised probation, together with various costs.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Board of Dentistry enter a final order revoking the license of Respondent. ENTERED this 24th day of February, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of February, 1992.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57466.017466.028
# 4
SAMUEL YU vs. BOARD OF ACUPUNCTURE, 86-004050 (1986)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004050 Latest Update: Apr. 16, 1987

The Issue The issue is whether Samuel Yu was properly graded for his performance on the acupuncture license exam given July 18, 1986, for the location of acupuncture point Ren. 17 Shanzhong.

Findings Of Fact Samuel C. Yu took the acupuncture examination administered by the State Board of Acupuncture on July 18-20, 1986. The examination includes demonstration of practical clinical skills. Dr. Yu received a failing grade for the practical clinical portion of the examination. He challenged the method by which his performance on the clinical examination was graded. If given credit for the location of the point at issue, he would have passed the examination. In the clinical portion of the examination the candidates are required to locate certain acupuncture points on a person who serves as a model for the examination candidates. A committee of examiners locates the points on the body of the model and, after consultation, marks the point with ink which is invisible except under ultra violet light. Candidates do not actually insert needles at those points during the examination, but are required to place small adhesive dots at the point location. That placement is evaluated by illuminating the area with ultra violet light. If more than half the surface of the adhesive dot is within the point location established with the ultra violet ink, the candidate receives credit for the exercise. If more than 50 percent of the dot is outside of the pre-marked point, no score is given. The examiners who evaluated Mr. Yu both agreed that he did not correctly identify point Ren. 17 Shanzhong. The Board of Acupuncture had not taken photographs of Mr. Yu's or any other candidates performance. The evidence about Mr. Yu's examination performance was established through oral testimony of Examiner R. Yang. Although Dr. Yu demonstrated that three of the textbooks recommended by the Board of Acupuncture describe the point Ren. 17 Shanzhong somewhat differently, the variations are not great, and the tolerance area which the examiners establish is sufficiently large so that a minimally competent candidate would be able to locate point Ren. 17 Shanzhong. The collegial decision of three expert acupuncturists to locate the point on the examination model and choose a further tolerance area provides candidates who have minimal skills a fair opportunity to demonstrate their abilities. The method of administration of the examination in general, and with respect to the grading of Dr. Yu's performance in particular, was fair and valid.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the petition of Samuel C. Yu for regrading of his preformance on the acupuncture practical licensure examination be DISMISSED. DONE AND ORDERED this 16th day of April, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. DORSEY, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of April, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-4050 The following constitute my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes (1985), on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner The filing made by Mr. Yu constitutes a recitation of evidence and argument, but not findings of fact. Consequently, no rulings on the proposals can be made. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent Covered in Finding of Fact 1. Covered in Finding of Fact 2. Covered in Finding of Fact 3. Rejected as a recitation of evidence. Generally covered in Finding of Fact 6. Covered in Finding of Fact 8. Not adopted as unnecessary. Covered in Finding of Fact 8. To the extent necessary, covered in Finding of Fact 8. Rejected as unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. Samuel C. Yu 628 Lock Road Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 Jeffrey H. Barker, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Marcelle Flanagan, Executive Director Board of Acupuncture Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Van Poole, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Joseph A. Sole, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:New Port Richey, Florida Aug. 16, 2013 Number: 13-003111 Latest Update: Feb. 14, 2014

The Issue Whether Respondents committed the violations alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact The Agency adopts the findings of fact set forth in the Recommended Order. CLUSIONS OF LAW The Agency adopts the conclusions of law set forth in the Recommended Order. RDER 1. The Agency’s Amended Administrative Complaint is UPHELD and the above- named Respondent’s license is REVOKED. , 2. Additionally, a $20,000 fine and $1,000 survey fee are hereby imposed. Unless payment has already been made, payment in the amount of $21,000 is now due from the Respondent as a result of the agency action. Such payment shall be made in full within 30 days of the filing of this Final Order. The payment shall be made by check payable to Agency for Health Care Administration, and shall be mailed to the Agency for Health Care Administration, Attn. Revenue Management Unit, Office of Finance and Accounting, 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #14, Tallahassee, FL 32308. 3. In order to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the Respondent’s clients, the revocation of the Respondent’s license is stayed for 30 days from the filing date of this Final Order for the sole purpose of allowing the safe and orderly discharge of clients. § 408.815(6), Fla. Stat. The Respondent is prohibited from accepting any new admissions during this period and must immediately notify the clients that they will soon be discharged. The Respondent must comply with all other applicable federal and state laws. At the conclusion of the stay, or upon the discontinuance of operations, whichever is first, the Respondent shall promptly return the license certificate which is the subject of this agency action to the appropriate licensure unit in Tallahassee, Florida. Fla. Admin. Code R. 59A- 35.040(5). 4. In accordance with Florida law, the Respondent is responsible for retaining and i appropriately distributing all client records within the timeframes prescribed in the authorizing statutes and applicable administrative code provisions. The Respondent is advised of Section 408.810, Florida Statutes. : 5. In accordance with Florida law, the Respondent is responsible for any refunds that may have to be made to the clients. 6. The Respondent is given notice of Florida law regarding unlicensed activity. The Respondent is advised of Section 408.804 and Section 408.812, Florida Statutes. The Respondent should also consult the applicable authorizing statutes and administrative code provisions. The Respondent is notified that the cancellation of an Agency license may have ramifications potentially affecting accrediting, third party billing including but not limited to the Florida Medicaid program, and private contracts. | ORDERED in Tallahassee, Florida, on this _/” day of put. = 2013, r ELIZABETH DUNEK, Secretary AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION

Conclusions This cause was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings where the assigned Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), Lynne A. Quimby-Pennock, conducted a formal administrative hearing. At issue in this case is whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint; and, if so,-what penalty should be imposed. The Recommended Order dated January 17, 2013, is attached to this Final Order and incorporated herein by reference, except where noted infra.

Recommendation f Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order finding that Gene Cowles and Amelia Cowles, d/b/a Hillandale Assisted Living, violated sections 429.28 (1) {a} and (b) and 408.815(1) (e), imposing’ an administrative fine of $20,000.00, and assessing a survey fee of $1,000.00 ($500.00 for each investigation) associated with this case. 32 DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of January, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. Sn Meeffink YNNE A. QUIMBY-PENNOCK : Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of January, 2013.

Other Judicial Opinions A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled to judicial review, which shall be instituted by filing one copy of a notice of appeal with the Agency Clerk of AHCA, and a second copy, along with filing fee as prescribed by law, with the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where the Agency maintains its headquarters or where a party resides. Review of proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the Florida appellate rules. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I CERTIFY that a true and comect gepy of this Final Order was served on the below-named persons by the method designated on this {30-day of Fora , 2014. Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Bldg. #3, Mail Stop #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Telephone: (850) 412-3630 Jan Mills Shaddrick Haston, Unit Manager Facilities Intake Unit Assisted Living Unit (Electronic Mail) Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Finance & Accounting Patricia R. Caufman, Field Office Manager Revenue Management Unit Areas 5 and 6 (Electronic Mail) Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Katrina Derico-Harris Medicaid Accounts Receivable Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Thomas J. Walsh II, Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Shawn McCauley Medicaid Contract Management Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Tracy George, Chief Appellate Counsel Office of the General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Lynne A. Quimby-Pennock Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings (Electronic Mail) Christina Mesa, Esquire MESA Law, P.A. P.O. Box 10207 Tampa, Florida 33679-0207 Thomas P. Crapps Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings (Electronic Mail) NOTICE OF FLORIDA LAW 408.804 License required; display.-- (1) It is unlawful to provide services that require licensure, or operate or maintain a provider that offers or provides services that require licensure, without first obtaining from the agency a license authorizing the provision of such services or the operation or maintenance of such provider. (2) A license must be displayed in a conspicuous place readily visible to clients who enter at the address that appears on the license and is valid only in the hands of the licensee to whom it is issued and may not be sold, assigned, or otherwise transferred, voluntarily or involuntarily. The license is valid only for the licensee, provider, and location for which the license is issued. 408.812 Unlicensed activity. -- (1) A person or entity may not offer or advertise services that require licensure as defined by this part, authorizing statutes, or applicable rules to the public without obtaining a valid license from the agency. A licenseholder may not advertise or hold out to the public that he or she holds a license for other than that for which he or she actually holds the license. (2) The operation or maintenance of an unlicensed provider or the performance of any services that require licensure without proper licensure is a violation of this part and authorizing statutes. Unlicensed activity constitutes harm that materially affects the health, safety, and welfare of clients. The agency or any state attorney may, in addition to other remedies provided in this part, bring an action for an injunction to restrain such violation, or to enjoin the future operation or maintenance of the unlicensed provider or the performance of any services in violation of this part and authorizing statutes, until compliance with this part, authorizing statutes, and agency rules has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the agency. (3) It is unlawful for any person or entity to own, operate, or maintain an unlicensed provider. If after receiving notification from the agency, such person or entity fails to cease operation and apply for a license under this part and authorizing statutes, the person or entity shall be subject to penalties as prescribed by authorizing statutes and applicable rules. Each day of continued operation is a separate offense. (4) Any person or entity that fails to cease operation after agency notification may be fined $1,000 for each day of noncompliance. (5) When a controlling interest or licensee has an interest in more than one provider and fails to license a provider rendering services that require licensure, the agency may revoke all licenses and impose actions under s. 408.814 and a fine of $1,000 per day, unless otherwise specified by authorizing statutes, against each licensee until such time as the appropriate license is obtained for the unlicensed operation. (6) In addition to granting injunctive relief pursuant to subsection (2), if the agency determines that a person or entity is operating or maintaining a provider without obtaining a license and determines that a condition exists that poses a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of a client of the provider, the person or entity is subject to the same actions and fines imposed against a licensee as specified in this part, authorizing statutes, and agency rules. (7) Any person aware of the operation of an unlicensed provider must report that provider to the agency. STATE OF FLORIDA FILED AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION ~ AHCA AGENCY CLERK STATE OF FLORIDA, AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION, . MAPA Ib A yy: Petitioner, DOAH CASE NO. 11-3721 AHCA NOS, 2011006466 v. ‘ : ~ 2011006798 LICENSE NO. 10549 GENE COWLES AND AMELIA COWLES FILE NO. 11966321 d/b/a HILLANDALE ASSISTED LIVING, FACILITY TYPE: ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY Respondent. RENDITION NO.: AHCA-24- 0,3 5°7-FOF-OLC / .

# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Port St. Lucie, Florida Jan. 10, 2018 Number: 18-000221 Latest Update: Nov. 28, 2018

The Issue The issues to be determined are whether: (1) a violation of section 556.107(1)(a), Florida Statutes, occurred; (2) relating to a “high-priority subsurface installation” under section 556.116(1)(b); (3) which proximately caused an “incident” under section 556.116(1)(c); (4) for which a fine may be imposed against the violator in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00.

Findings Of Fact Stipulated Facts Sunshine 811 is the free-access notification system established under the Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act (the Act). See §§ 556.101 – 556.116, Fla. Stat. (2017). Section 556.105(1)(a) requires an excavator before beginning any excavation or demolition to provide Sunshine 811 with certain information that will allow a utility company to mark the location of underground facilities in the area of the proposed excavation. On January 8, 2018, Francisco Plascencia, an employee and agent of Medalist, was operating a trackhoe excavator on the property located at or around 1380 SE Cove Road, Stuart, Florida. While Medalist was digging to uproot a tree, the trackhoe excavator ruptured a six-inch underground gas- distribution main owned and operated by Peoples Gas. Before beginning the excavation, Medalist did not “call 811” or otherwise notify Sunshine 811 about the excavation. Accordingly, the excavation site did not contain “locate marks” identifying on the surface of the earth the location of the six-inch underground gas main. The Parties Medalist is owned by Jeremy LeMaster who is a licensed building contractor. Since 2007, Medalist has built over 500 homes in Martin County. Peoples Gas is the utility company that owns and operates the underground gas-distribution main that is the subject of this proceeding. Peoples Gas is a member operator of Sunshine 811 and submitted the High Priority Subsurface Installation Incident Report and Commitment regarding the incident at 1380 SE Cove Road, Stuart, Florida. The Incident Joshua Turpie is the senior utility technician with Peoples Gas who performs line locates when Peoples Gas gets tickets from Sunshine 811. Mr. Turpie testified that if a contractor or homeowner calls Sunshine 811 before digging, it comes to him and he has a 48-hour window in which to mark the location of any underground gas line. This is done by placing flags, painting the ground and taking pictures. On the morning of January 8, 2018, Mr. Turpie responded to a location on Cove Road at the request of his supervisor, Scott Tinney. Mr. Tinney informed him that a drastic drop in gas pressure was occurring, and it seemed to be in the area of Mr. Turpie’s location. At the location, Mr. Turpie found fire trucks and police cars, and saw that a gas-distribution main was ruptured. After assessing the situation and further discussing it with his supervisor, who was now on-site, he assisted Peoples Gas contractor with the “make safe” operation. This entailed fully exposing the gas main and using a “squeeze off tool” to clamp the main at a location upstream of the rupture to stop the flow of gas. Mr. Turpie arrived on scene at 9:40 a.m. and the gas flow was stopped at 11:15 a.m. At the scene, Mr. Turpie also checked on his computer and saw that this particular gas- distribution main was designated as a high priority main because “it feeds basically everything in Stuart.” An outage at this type of main would have a high customer impact. This particular gas main serviced 50 percent residential and 50 percent commercial customers. For excavation work in the area of a high-priority gas main, Mr. Turpie would not only have flagged and marked the location, but also would have called the excavator and explained the high-priority nature of the gas main. In addition, a notification letter would also be sent to the excavator regarding the high-priority gas main and providing the contact information of relevant Peoples Gas employees. Peoples Gas would also have the opportunity to determine if it needed to place an employee on-site during excavation. A contractor for Peoples Gas repaired the gas main. Peoples Gas employees also “locked off” every customer’s meter. Four hundred and nine individual meters had to be physically locked off before restoration efforts could begin. Restoration involved re-introducing gas to the system, purging the lines of air, and physically turning on each meter, checking gas appliances, and checking for leaks. This process was labor intensive and involved deploying 36 Peoples Gas employees from around the state and two contractors from Miami. Peoples Gas set up a command center to which the employees from around the state reported. There, the teams were provided with outage lists of the metered customers in order to conduct the process of restoring service. Service restoration continued through the evening of January 9. On the morning of January 10, the deployed employees were sent back home and the local teams completed restoring service to residences. Community Impact At the location of the gas main rupture, first responders (i.e., fire rescue and police) set up a command center, redirected traffic away from that part of Cove Road, and evacuated nearby residences and a nearby school. The customers without service during the outage included two hospitals, four nursing homes, a fire station, schools, a correctional facility, a church, businesses, and residences. Property Damage and Service-Restoration Costs Ruth Weintraub is the Peoples Gas supervisor for Damage Prevention & Public Awareness. Ms. Weintraub testified that she did an accounting of the expenses incurred as a result of the gas line rupture. Ms. Weintraub calculated the amount based on: (i) lost gas in the line; (ii) labor; (iii) equipment; (iv) lodging and meals; (v) charges from the third•party contractors; and (vi) administrative costs. The amount was no less than $127,000.00, which would increase as Peoples Gas finalized its accounting. Medalist’s Actions Mr. LeMaster testified that he was alerted to the incident by a text from a field supervisor who had called 911 to report the event. Mr. LeMaster arrived at the scene within approximately 30 minutes after getting the text, and remained at the site until there was complete clearance. Mr. LeMaster testified that his employees are trained in Sunshine 811 procedures. “[T]hey don’t dig without having locates.” He surmised that Mr. Plascencia thought he was doing a good thing by using the trackhoe to remove a tree which was in the center of a staked driveway at the job site. Mr. Plascencia was not instructed to remove the tree. In fact, the only work to be done that day was the placement of silt fences. Prior to this incident, Medalist had never hit any underground lines and always contacted Sunshine 811 before digging. Mr. LeMaster testified that Mr. Plascencia was immediately terminated for not following company policy and procedures. Sunshine 811 Lance Horton is the manager for Pipeline Safety & Occupational Services at Peoples Gas. Mr. Horton also served on the Board of Directors of Sunshine 811. He explained that the Sunshine 811 call and locate procedure is “a damage prevention program in the effort . . . to protect underground facilities, not just gas but also electric, communication facilities, water, [and] sewer.” It is important to prevent “incidents such as this,” which put utility employees, first responders, and members of the public in peril.

Florida Laws (5) 120.68556.101556.105556.107556.116
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