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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-002566 Latest Update: Jul. 26, 1982

Findings Of Fact The Tanga Lounge, operated by Respondent Rodde Inc., is located at 6333 West Columbus Avenue, Tampa, Florida. This facility has been licensed by Petitioner at all times relevant to these proceedings. Respondent's records show Mr. Joe Redner as the sole stockholder and corporate officer of Rodde, Inc., which is the holder of alcoholic beverage license No. 39-738. Case No. 81-2566 contains three counts of begging or soliciting for alcoholic beverages by employees of Respondent on August 6, 1980. Testimony by former Beverage Officer White established that the solicitations of three drinks by two employees were made as charged in the Notice to Show Cause. White purchased the drinks as requested by these employees, who received a "ticket" for each of the drinks purchased for them by White. Case No. 81-2567 contains 44 counts of begging or soliciting drinks by various employees of Respondent and 44 counts charging that Respondent conspired with these employees for the purpose of soliciting drinks. These charges are primarily based on the investigations of Beverage Officers Gary Hodge and Michael Freese. The period of their investigation was October 17, 1980 through May 15, 1981. Count 52 was based on a solicitation of Detective Phil Mickel of the Tampa Police Department, who was in the licensed premises in an undercover capacity on November 6, 1980. At the request of dancer-employee Cathy Andrews, Mickel purchased a "double" for her and observed that she received two tickets from the waitress. 5 Former Tampa Police Department Detective Nick Haynes was in the licensed premises on November 6, 1980, and was approached by the dancer-employee, Cheryl Jonas, who requested that Haynes purchase a drink for her. He did so. This transaction occurred as charged in Count No. 51. Beverage Officer Freese individually and in conjunction with Beverage Officer Hodge, accounted for 38 solicitation charges (Counts 53-57, 59-63, 66, 68-88, and 163-167) . The solicitations charged in Counts 53, 55, 71-80, 83, - 84, 88, 163, 166 and 167 occurred as alleged and involved direct requests for the purchase of drinks ("Will you buy me a drink," or words of similar import) . Freese observed employees receive tickets for these drinks from the bartender or waitress in most instances. The solicitations charged in Counts 54, 56, 57, 59-63,66, 68-70, 81, 82, 164 and 165 were not supported by evidence of direct requests for the beverage purchases by employees of Respondent. At a meeting held about December 17, 1980, Beverage Officers Freese and Hodge were instructed by their supervisor to require that dancers request drinks before ordering. This procedure was adopted to avoid situations where the beverage officer was not asked to buy a drink, but eventually received the bill for the dancer's drink. In implementing the instructions, Freese used these or similar words: "If you want a drink, ask for it.", This statement possibly misled the dancers to believe that Freese was inviting them to order whenever they wanted drinks. The date when Freese first used this statement was not established, but it was subsequent to the mid-December meeting. It was noted that Freese was not solicited during the first two months of the investigation. Therefore, all or substantially all of the solicitation charges involving Freese took Place after he first issued the "invitation." Beverage Officer Hodge individually testified as to solicitation Counts 58, 64, 65 and 67. Counts 58, 65 and 67 did not involve a direct request for beverage purchase. Count 64 occurred as alleged and was based on a direct request for beverage Purchase ("Why don't you buy me one now?"). This request was made during the early morning of January 13, 1981. Although this was after the December meeting which Hodge attended, it was not shown that he made any statement which could have been interpreted as an "invitation" by any employee of Respondent. The fact that customers regularly Purchased drinks for the dancers was well known to the management as evidenced by the tickets issued to employees for drinks purchased in their behalf. These tickets were redeemable by the dancers for one dollar each. Thus, employees were rewarded and implicitly permitted to solicit drinks. Respondent's announced policy was, however, to reprimand or discharge any employee who was caught begging or soliciting drinks. This policy was attested to by bartenders; former employees and dancers. Although it cannot be found that Respondent actively encouraged its employees to solicit drinks, it did encourage socializing with customers to a degree which would elicit offers to purchase drinks for them. Respondent has since discontinued the practice of issuing tickets or other employee incentives to obtain customer purchased drinks. Counts 127 through 161 involve drug charges. Purchases were made by Beverage Officer Freese and Hedge, individually and together. Their testimony and that of Florida Department of Law Enforcement Crime Lab personnel established that controlled substances were purchased from dancer-employees of Respondent on the licensed premises as charged in Counts 127 through 137, 156 and 158. The transactions which-were established to have been carried out involved cocaine, methaqualone and cannabis deliveries by dancer-employees Margie Wade, Janie Marsie, Lori Basch and Lisa Scibilia on February 21, 24, 27; March 2, 9, 13, 17, 23; May 13, 15, 1981. It should be noted that Counts 136 and 137 actually involved one transaction where Hodge and Freese split the delivery. Count 161 concerned a transaction outside the licensed premises and this count, as well as Count 158, involved an employee of another establishment. Petitioner's Exhibit 43 and the supporting testimony concerned a transaction for which there was no charge. Counts 138 through 151, 154 and 159-161 alleged conspiracies to deliver controlled substances corresponding to other counts which alleged actual deliveries. There was testimony on the involvement of third person (not shown to be associated with the Respondent) only as to Counts 134, 146, and 147, which essentially covered a single transaction. No other evidence of conspiracy was presented. On one occasion, Redner was in the Tanga Lounge and within about 15 feet of the beverage officer and the dancer when the delivery took place. However, there was no evidence that Redner was involved or that he had any knowledge of the transaction. Testimony by a former employee that Redner participated in drug use was lacking in credibility and was not corroborated. Counts 3 through 30 and 33 through 50 are charges of lewd dancing by employees of Respondent on the licensed premises. The charges cover 46 dances on 12 separate dates between October, 1980, and February, 1981, performed by 11 different dancer-employees. The acts complained of in these counts were witnessed and attested to by Beverage Officers Hodge and Freese and Tampa Police Department Detective Mickel. The alleged lewd conduct included exposing of the breasts, vagina and anus by dancers during their on-stage performances. Typically, the dancers received dollar tips which customers placed in their bikini bottoms. Some dancers allowed customers to reach inside the bikinis in order to touch their pubic areas. On several occasions the dancers squatted and picked up the dollar bills with their exposed genital areas. On December 11, dancer Cathy Andrews rubbed her vagina, then rubbed the genital area of Beverage Officer Freese, who was observing the dance. Mr. Redner was present during much of the alleged lewd conduct. Although Redner testified that "flashing" was acceptable, the exposure of sexual organs as attested to was not limited to brief "flashes," but was prolonged. Further, Respondent's contention that dancers receiving tips tried to avoid contact by customers is not credible. Rather, the testimony of the officers established that dancers frequently encouraged customers to place their hands against the dancers pubic areas when offering tips. Respondent's, lounge is advertised as an adult entertainment facility and is generally known to include nude dancing. There was no competent evidence as to community standards for this type of conduct in the Tampa area, nor was there any evidence that these acts shocked or offended anyone present other than the investigating officers. Detective Mickel conceded that about five other bars he has visited offer this type of entertainment. Counts 31 and 32 concern an offer of prostitution by one of the dancer-employees to the beverage officers. Their testimony established that the offer was made as charged. This was, however, a single incident and there was no evidence that such offers were recurring or that Respondent had knowledge of this transaction. Counts 1 and 2 of Case No. 81-2567 allege that Robert Rodriguez holds an undisclosed interest in the licensed premises. Such interest, if any, was not reflected in the license transfer application submitted on April 23, 1976. Rather, Joseph Redner and Joe DeFriese were identified as the sole stockholders with no direct or indirect interest held by any other person. Rodriguez previously owned an interest in Deep South Plantation Foods, Inc., whose alcoholic beverage license was revoked by Petitioner. Redner was at one time employed by Rodriguez as manager of Deep South Petitioner asserts that Rodriguez became ineligible to hold an interest in an alcoholic beverage license as a result of the revocation, pursuant to Section 561.15, Florida Statutes, and that he and Redner therefore concealed Rodriguez's subsequent interest in the Tanga Lounge. Respondent contends that Rodriguez is the manager of the Tanga Lounge, but holds no direct or indirect interest therein. Rodde, Inc., was organized on April 19, 1976, and a $2,000 down payment deposit on the contract for purchase of the Tanga Lounge and liquor license was made on April 20, 1976, pursuant to contract signed by DeFriese and the prior owners on that date. This $2,000 check was issued by Robert Rodriguez against his own account. Petitioner produced this cancelled check (Petitioner's Exhibit 4) and numerous other documents which establish that Rodriguez participated in all aspects of Rodde, Inc., management and financial operations since its inception. Rodriguez has unrestricted authority to withdraw funds from corporate accounts and has signed or cosigned for loans and credit purchases. Rodriguez also utilized a Rodde, Inc., credit card to pay personal expenses on a vacation to Las Vegas in 1979. There was no evidence of reimbursement or other accounting to the corporation for these expenditures. The testimony of the Rodde, Inc., employees did not corroborate Redner's testimony that Rodriguez is manager of the Tanga Lounge. Rather, these employees believed Rodriguez was somehow associated with the business, but regarded Redner as the manager and their only supervisor. Rodriguez issued two checks for $1,408.05 on December 1, 1979, one payable to himself and the other to Redner (Petitioner's Exhibit 32) . These checks each carried the notation "bonus $1500", with a further notation apparently accounting for $91.95 in withholding tax. In view of Rodriguez's duties and functions within the corporation, this "bonus" can only be considered a participation in profits. Redner's credit rating and financial management skills are poor. Therefore, Respondent contends that a manager with strength in these areas was needed to ensure business success. However, Rodriguez's unlimited authority in dealing with corporate funds, the investment or loan of his personal funds, his participation in business profits and the absence of any apparent supervisory duties are inconsistent with the employee theory held out by Respondent.

Recommendation From the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondent be found guilty of the charges contained in Counts 1, 2 and 3 of the Administrative Complaint/Notice to Show Cause in Case No. 81-2566. It is further RECOMMENDED that Respondent be found guilty of the charges contained in Counts 1, 2, 31, 32, 51, 52, 64, 127-137, 156, and 158 of the Administrative Complaint/Notice to Show Cause in Case No. 81-2567. It is further RECOMMENDED that all other charges be dismissed. It is further RECOMMENDED that Respondent's Alcoholic Beverage License No. 39-738 be revoked. DONE and ENTERED this 9th day of July, 1982 at Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of July, 1982.

Florida Laws (12) 408.05561.15561.17561.29562.131562.23775.082775.083796.07847.011893.03893.13
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Dec. 20, 1996 Number: 96-005972 Latest Update: Mar. 17, 1998

The Issue The issue presented is whether Respondent Willie Lee Lewis d/b/a LS Lounge is guilty of the allegations contained in the notice of Administrative Action filed against him, and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken, if any.

Findings Of Fact Respondent Willie Lee Lewis d/b/a LS Lounge is the holder of alcoholic beverage license No. 53-01765, series 2-COP, authorizing him to operate as a vendor of alcoholic beverages. On May 31, 1996, Respondent filed with the Department his Application for Alcoholic Beverage License and Cigarette Permit and its accompanying Personal Questionnaire form. The Personal Questionnaire form contains a question asking if the applicant has ever been arrested or charged with any violation of the law other than minor traffic violations, and, if so, whether the applicant was convicted. Respondent answered "yes" to the first part of the question and "no" to the second part and added a notation that "adjudication was withheld." At the bottom of that series of questions, the form requests full particulars for any "yes" answer and lists the type of information requested, only a portion of which is legible on the copy of the form admitted in evidence. On this portion of the application, Respondent wrote "Martin County Sherifs [sic] Department." On April 14, 1992, Respondent was charged by Information in the Martin County Circuit Court, Case No. 92-352 CFA, with one count of unlawfully selling, delivering, or possessing with the intent to sell or deliver a controlled substance, cocaine. The second count alleged that Respondent unlawfully used or possessed with the intent to use drug paraphernalia, i.e., a razor blade. Respondent pled nolo contendere to count one, possession of cocaine. On December 9, 1992, the Court entered its Order Withholding Adjudication of Guilt and Placing Defendant on Drug Probation, placing Respondent on probation for a period of two years. When Respondent was completing his application for a beverage license, he went to the Department's offices in Martin County on several occasions. Department employees assisted him in completing his application. Respondent was concerned as to whether he was eligible for licensure due to the arrest which resulted in adjudication being withheld. He discussed that concern with the Department's employees in its Martin County office. The lady he spoke with did not know if Respondent could obtain a beverage license if adjudication had been withheld. She telephoned the Department's Tallahassee office regarding that question and then advised Respondent that he was not precluded from licensure. Respondent submitted certified copies of the Information and of the Order Withholding Adjudication of Guilt. The Department issued a beverage license to Respondent in May 1996, and Respondent set up his business. He entered into a lease for the business premises at a cost of $1,000 a month and spent $5,000 to $6,000 renovating the premises. He leased a big- screen T. V. at a cost of $200 a month. He purchased D. J. equipment for $8,000. He purchased inventory, hired employees, and began advertising. It costs Respondent approximately $1,800 a week to operate the business. He has a one-year contract for radio advertising and renewed the lease for his business premises for another year in May of 1997. It is the policy of the Department to determine on a case-by-case basis whether a person who has a criminal history should be given a license. The Department does issue licenses to persons who have been charged with a crime, have pled nolo contendere to those charges, and have had adjudication withheld and been placed on probation.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED THAT a final order be entered finding Respondent not guilty of the allegations against him and dismissing the notice of Administrative Action. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of September, 1997, at Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of September, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Leslie Anderson-Adams, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 Iola Mosley, Esquire Whitfield & Mosley, P.A. Post Office Box 34 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Lt. Bob M. Young 800 Virginia Avenue, Suite 7 Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Lynda L. Goodgame, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 Richard Boyd, Director Department of Business and Professional Regulation Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57559.791561.15561.29 Florida Administrative Code (1) 61A-1.017
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lakeland, Florida Apr. 03, 1997 Number: 97-001692 Latest Update: Oct. 07, 1997

The Issue Should Respondent’s license to sell alcoholic beverages be revoked, suspended, or otherwise disciplined?

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Respondent El-Bireh, Inc., held license number 63-02202, ZAPS, authorizing Respondent to sell alcoholic beverages on the premises of Sam’s Big Apple Number 2, located at 110 Manor Drive, Bartow, Polk County, Florida. Zahieh Awad Awadallah is the sole corporate officer and sole shareholder of El-Bireh, Inc. On January 18, 1997, as a result of a complaint from the City of Bartow, the Department initiated an investigation of Respondent’s premises located at 110 Manor Drive, Bartow, Polk County, Florida, for the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 years of age. On January 18, 1997, Special Agent Greenlee, along with another Department Special Agent, and Gabriel Shuler, went to Respondent’s licensed premises to investigate the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 years of age. Gabriel Shuler was born on January 7, 1978, and on January 18, 1997, was 19 years of age. At times pertinent to this proceeding, Shuler was 6 feet 6 inches tall and weighed 270 pounds. Shuler had a valid State of Florida driver’s license in his possession on January 18, 1997. The driver’s license carried Shuler’s correct age, height, and weight. The Department’s special agents present at Respondent’s licensed premises on January 18, 1997, instructed Shuler to enter the premises and attempt to purchase an alcoholic beverage. Shuler was also instructed to produce his driver’s license for identification, if requested, and not to attempt to deceive the clerk as to his correct age. Shuler entered the licensed premises and selected a 16-ounce can of “Budweiser” beer from the cooler inside the premises. Shuler purchased this 16 ounce can of “Budweiser” beer from a person later identified as Zahieh Awad Awadallah, the sole shareholder of Respondent. Sahieh Awad Awadallah did not ask Shuler for any identification or ask Shuler if he was 21 years of age. The 16 ounce of “Budweiser” beer purchased by Shuler from Respondent was in a container labeled “beer” and contained “beer,” an alcoholic beverage. The Respondent has not denied that Shuler purchased the beer. Special Agent Greenlee entered the licensed premises after Shuler and witnessed the sale of the beer to Shuler by Respondent. After purchasing this beer, Shuler exited the premises. Upon Shuler’s exiting the premises, the Department’s Special Agent took custody of the beer. Respondent was subsequently advised of the violations by Special Agent Greenlee and was issued a Notice to Appear by Special Agent Greenlee. There is sufficient evidence to show that Sahieh Awad Awadallah, the sole shareholder of El-Bireh, Inc., d/b/a Sam’s Big Apple Number 2, sold a 16-ounce can of “Budweiser” beer, an alcoholic beverage, to Gabriel Shuler, a person under the age of 21 years, without asking Shuler his age or requesting Shuler to produce identification showing his age to be 21 years. There are no mitigating circumstances which would support a reduction of the standard penalty imposed for the violation alleged in the Administrative Action.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and having reviewed the penalty guidelines set forth in Rule 61A-2.022, Florida Administrative Code, it is recommended that a final order be entered finding Respondent guilty of violating Section 562.11(1)(a), Florida Statutes, and for this violation that the Department issue an administrative fine in the amount of $1,000 against Respondent and that Respondent’s alcoholic beverage license number 63-02202, ZAPS, be suspended for a period of 7 days. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of August, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6947 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of August, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: James D. Martin, Assistant General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 Brandon Rafool, Esquire Post Office Box 7286 Winter Haven, Florida 33883 Lynda L. Goodgame General Counsel Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (5) 120.57561.01561.29562.11562.47 Florida Administrative Code (1) 61A-2.022
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002583 Latest Update: Dec. 23, 1982

The Issue Whether petitioner's application for an alcoholic beverage license should be denied because of the direct or indirect interest of John Lee Johnson, a person allegedly lacking good moral character.

Findings Of Fact In May, 1982, petitioner Betty Jean Johnson applied for a 2 APS (beer and wine) alcoholic beverage license to be used in connection with a business known as Johnson's Corner Grocery, 1400 North J. Street, Pensacola, Florida. On her application, petitioner indicated that she owned the business and that no other person had a direct or indirect interest in the business. (R-1) Prior to the petitioner filing her application, John Lee Johnson, her husband, had applied for a beverage license for the same location under his own name. When he failed to disclose his criminal history on the application, his application was denied and he was charged with the crime of filing a false official written statement. On May 12, 1982, he was convicted by the County Court of Escambia County. (Testimony of Baxley; R-3) John Johnson's filing of a false official statement supports an inference that he lacks good moral character. Petitioner did not present evidence sufficient to rebut or negate this inference. Contrary to petitioner's assertion, John Johnson has a direct or indirect interest in Johnson's Corner Grocery. He owns the underlying real property. He signs, and is authorized to sign, checks on the business account of Johnson's Corner Grocery. The business's utilities, light, water, and gas accounts are all in his name. (Testimony of Baxley, Johnson, Kelly; R-4) Petitioner, however, manage's the day-to-day operations of Johnson's Corner Grocery. On her application, she indicated that she had purchased the business for $80,000, with $25,000 down, and $55,000 financed by the Barnett Bank. She now admits that the $25,000 down payment was provided by John Johnson, her husband, and that he also co-signed the $55,000 note and mortgage. Her application, however, does not disclose Mr. Johnson's participation in the purchase and financing of, the business. (Testimony of Johnson; R-1, R-4) On November 9, 1982, three days before hearing, Mr. Johnson leased the Johnson's Corner Grocery property to petitioner for $675.00 per month for three years. The handwritten lease, which was not signed in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, states that Mr. Johnson will not be "responsible for . . . the operations of . . . [the] business." This assertion is rejected as unworthy of belief in light of his extensive involvement in purchasing and setting up the business, and his continuing access to its funds. (P-1)

Florida Laws (4) 120.57561.15561.17689.01
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Aug. 03, 1990 Number: 90-004814 Latest Update: Jun. 28, 1991

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the Department of Business Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco. Respondent is 201 West, Inc., d/b/a Central City, who is the holder of alcoholic beverage license number 11-00259, Series 4-COP, a "quota license." Respondent's licensed premises is located at 201 West University Avenue, Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida. Craig Cinque is Respondent's sole director and corporate officer. Joseph Cinque, Craig Cinque's father, was formerly Respondent's sole director and corporate officer. Prior to becoming the owner of Central City, Craig Cinque managed the licensed premises on behalf of his father. During this period of time, the Division filed ten separate Notices to Show Cause against Respondent, alleging multiple sales to and consumption of alcoholic beverages by underaged persons. On August 29, 1989, the licensed premises was closed by an Emergency Order of Suspension. The administrative charges arising therefrom were resolved by a Stipulation and Consent Agreement, wherein the Respondent in that case admitted substantially to all of the violations. Craig Cinque individually executed the agreement, admitted responsibility for previous violations, and acknowledged that future violations of a similar nature could result in suspension or revocation of the alcoholic beverage license. The agency has issued numerous Notices to Show Cause against Respondent since the entry of the consent order. However, unproven Notices to Show Cause and unproven counts within any Notices to Show Cause are only unproven accusations, and as such are not probative herein even for purposes of showing "aggravation." Beverage Law Institute is an "approved trainer" under the Responsible Vendors Act, having been approved by the Petitioner as such. Petitioner certified Respondent Central City as a certified Responsible Vendor under the Act, on April 13, 1990. See, Subsections 561.701-561.706 F.S. Of the 483 nondistributor alcoholic beverage licensees in Alachua County, only 94 have been certified by Petitioner as Responsible Vendors. Of those 94, only 13 hold "4-COP" licenses, the category of license held by Respondent, which permits liquor, beer, or wine for consumption on premises or in a sealed container. Prior to the events of the instant Notices to Show Cause, and continuing through the 14-month period of the Notices to Show Cause and beyond, Respondent was engaged in a voluntary program designed to teach employees not to serve alcoholic beverages to underaged persons. Many of the materials therefor were provided by Beverage Law Institute. The training program and procedures involved multiple ID checkers at the front door. Also at the front door, wristbands to signify and quickly identify patrons of legal drinking age were issued. Once snapped on a customer's wrist, the band itself was stamped at a right angle across the customer's wrist to prevent or at least inhibit the wristband's transfer to an underage patron and to prevent a patron bringing in a counterfeit or "ringer" wristband. All patrons, regardless of age, received a stamp directly on the wrist to identify that they had paid their admission fee. Security personnel circulated inside the licensed premises checking drinks and wristbands, and waitresses were also instructed to check on drinks already purchased by customers. The training programs and procedures also involved Respondent's policy manual regarding IDs, extensive training and testing of employees, frequent oral reminders to employees concerning the law and concerning licensee policy, sporadic staff meetings regarding policy, videotaped instruction programs, provision of and instructions to employees to use an "ID Checking Guide" at the front door and at every internal bar within the licensed premises, confiscation of fake or questionable IDs at the door, 1/ and use of warning handbills given out to customers. Upon receipt, the handbills proclaiming the licensee's "of age only" policy were usually immediately discarded by customers. Some employees looked upon their training with more enthusiasm than others. Some employees considered the policy and training all for show. Most employees complied regularly with the requirements for training, review, and instructions. A few were lax in their compliance and had to be urged to attend staff meetings or to retest. In addition to all this, from the time the Responsible Vendor tests were available, all employees except two cashiers were tested according to the requirements of the Responsible Vendor Act and within the time frames provided therein. Every underage operative who testified admitted she or he had been "carded" at the door and that none had been issued wristbands. The parties stipulated that all of the individuals named in the four Notices to Show Cause (except for those alleged to have sold or given alcoholic beverages) were under the legal drinking age on the dates indicated by the respective Notices to Show Cause and that although each of these individuals "was actually in possession of alcoholic beverages as plead (sic), there was no evidence that any of the alcoholic beverages were obtained from Respondent's employees, agents, or servants." The stipulation listed the underage persons of the Notices to Show Cause but did not employ the term "consumption" which was specifically used only in the second Notice to Show Cause (GA11890496). Petitioner put on no witnesses as to "consumption." Likewise, Petitioner did not have admitted in evidence any confiscated alcoholic beverages alleged to have been sold by Respondent's agents/employees, nor did Petitioner present any laboratory reports to establish that any substance sold was alcohol. The only evidence of alcohol content is discussed infra. With regard to Craig Cinque's attitude and Central City's compliance with the Responsible Vendors Act, the testimony of Eileen Tenly and of William Cooter has been weighed and considered. Ms. Tenly is a totally noncredible witness whose testimony demonstrates an "axe to grind," and whose candor and demeanor is unpersuasive of anything except her animosity for Mr. Cinque. Petitioner's Investigator William Cooter, however, testified credibly that after having numerous conversations with Mr. Cinque on the subject of underage sales, Mr. Cinque stated that he was not worried about losing his alcoholic beverage license because he could get another one in his mother's name. On the other hand, Mr. Cooter, by his own testimony, has been invited by Mr. Cinque to instruct and has, in fact, instructed Mr. Cinque's employees on how to prevent underage drinking. The evidence as a whole, but most particularly that of Prince Miles, Respondent's janitor, who is a credible witness, is persuasive that patrons sometimes smuggle alcoholic beverages onto the licensed premises and that each time the establishment closes, commercial alcoholic beverage containers which are not part of the inventory sold by Respondent must be swept out. Since this smuggling activity must substantially reduce Respondent's profits, it is a logical inference that such smuggling is contrary to Respondent's policy and that Respondent does not encourage or condone it, whether done by adults or minors. I. Notice to Show Cause GA11890374; September 16, 1989 through February 9, 1990; sale to Toombs, Kittles, Goldtrap, and Ormsbee by Green, Halladay, Howell, and Grimes and possession by Peters, Conf, Kelly, Garcia, Fernandez, Shiskin, Brejhanan, Benz, Yawn, and Plettner All of the violations charged in Notice to Show Cause GA11890374 arose prior to Respondent's becoming a certified Responsible Vendor on April 13, 1990. On September 16, 1989, Ryan Conf and Alejandra Peters were each under the age of 21 and in actual possession of alcoholic beverages inside the licensed premises as pled. On September 19, 1989, Central City bartender David Green sold the Division's underaged operative, Bridgette Toombs, a liquid beverage in a long- neck, factory-produced 12-ounce bottle labelled "Michelob Dry." At that time, the licensed premises was not busy and Mr. Green noted that Ms. Toombs had no wristband. He therefore checked Ms. Toombs' underage ID and instructed her that since she was old enough to drink, she should go get a wristband. This transaction was observed by Petitioner's agent, Ms. Pendarakis, but Ms. Pendarakis did not overhear the conversation. After delivering a sample of the liquid beverage to Ms. Pendarakis in the ladies' room, Ms. Toombs crossed in front of Mr. Green's bar on her way to exit the licensed premises. Mr. Green sent word to Ms. Toombs by another Central City employee that he wanted to see her. Ms. Toombs complied with Mr. Green's request and showed him her underage ID once more. At that point, Mr. Green recognized his error in thinking that Ms. Toombs was 21 or over and called over several other Central City employees, all of whom viewed the ID showing Ms. Toombs was actually two months short of 19 years old. Mr. Green was not arrested until after the ID was passed around, so it may be inferred that his recognizing his mistake was not the result of any confrontation with Petitioner's agents or law enforcement officers or due to his perception that he had been "caught." Indeed, Petitioner's witness, Ms. Toombs, attributed Mr. Green's illegal sale to her as a mistake in subtraction. Mr. Green had previously successfully passed all tests required under the licensee's policy in existence before the Responsible Vendor tests were available. On October 20, 1989, Charlotte Kelly and Alezandro Garcia, who were under the age of 21, were each in the actual possession of an alcoholic beverage inside the licensed premises. On October 21, 1989, Cesar Fernandez, who was under the age of 21, was in possession of an alcoholic beverage inside the licensed premises. On the same date, underage operative Megan Kittles was inside the licensed premises. She was not wearing a wristband, and her hand was stamped indicating that she was under 21. She first approached a white male bartender who checked her and refused to serve her. She then ordered a rum and coke from Respondent's bartender, Craig Halladay. Mr. Halladay did not check Ms. Kittles' ID and served her a liquid beverage which Mr. Szabo of the Division testified that he had identified by smell as containing alcohol. No one saw the drink mixed, and Mr. Szabo admitted that he did not know what kind of alcohol the drink contained. He stated that he "would not swear it was rum." Mr. Szabo also was not aware until formal hearing that Respondent sold any nonalcoholic mixed drinks. Although the evidence is weak, it is persuasive that Ms. Kittles was served alcohol. Mr. Halladay successfully passed the licensee's policy test before this incident and the Responsible Vendor test afterwards. Also on October 21, 1989, Matthew Goldtrap, another underage operative, ordered a "Budweiser" and obtained a 12-ounce bottle labelled "beer" from a floor waitress named Shannon Howell. Mr. Goldtrap had no wristband but did have a stamp on his wrist. He gave the container to Investigator Smith. Mr. Szabo then took both of Respondent's employees into custody. Mr. Goldtrap does not drink alcohol. Investigator Smith did not testify, but it is inferred from the description of the beer bottle and the circumstances of the transaction as a whole that Mr. Goldtrap was served an alcoholic beverage. Ms. Howell successfully passed the licensee's test prior to this incident. On January 19, 1990, Scott Shiskin, Michael Brejhanan, and Carolyn Benz, who were under the age of 21, were in actual possession of an alcoholic beverage inside the licensed premises. On February 9, 1990, Central City bartender Steve Grimes sold Petitioner's 19-year old operative Octavia Ormsbee a liquid beverage. Ms. Ormsbee, who had no wristband on, was first denied a sale of alcoholic beverage at the downstairs back bar after Respondent's bartender there checked her underage ID. Ms. Ormsbee then went to an upstairs bar and ordered a "Bud Light." She was told by Mr. Grimes, a bartender at that bar, that they were out of "Bud Light," and by agreement, a beer bottle labelled "Budweiser" was substituted. Ms. Ormsbee does not drink alcohol and did not testify that what she received from Mr. Grimes was alcohol. The bottle purchased by Ms. Ormsbee was turned over to Officer Byrd of the Gainesville Police Department. Officer Byrd, who is familiar with alcoholic beverages through his own education, training, practice, and experience, identified the contents of the bottle purchased by Ms. Ormsbee as being "beer." Officer Byrd turned the bottle over to Petitioner's agent Cooter. Also on this occasion, Preston Yawn and Eric Plettner, who were under the age of 21, were each actually in possession of alcoholic beverages inside the licensed premises. Mr. Grimes had successfully passed the licensee's policy test prior to this incident. All of the underaged operatives who testified concerning this Notice to Show Cause testified that Petitioner's adult operatives forbade them to drink (consume) what they were sold and that they did not consume any. Also, absent evidence to the contrary, one may assume that possession of alcoholic beverages in a bar by the minors actually named in the Notice to Show Cause constituted their intent to consume, but contrary to Petitioner's assertion, the inferred intent to consume does not constitute actual "consumption" by the named minors. In light of Finding of Fact 14 supra, mere possession does not necessarily constitute Respondent's "allowing or permitting to consume." Therefore, consumption by the minors named in this Notice to Show Cause has not been proven. 2/ Therefore, Petitioner has only established that on September 19, 1989 Respondent's bartender sold an alcoholic beverage to Petitioner's underage operative Bridgette Toombs; that on October 21, 1989, Respondent's bartender sold an alcoholic beverage to the Petitioner's underage operative Megan Kittles; that also on October 21, 1989, Respondent's floor waitress sold Petitioner's underage operative Matthew Goldtrap an alcoholic beverage; and that on February 9, 1990, Respondent's bartender sold the Division's underage operative Octavia Ormsbee an alcoholic beverage. One of these sales was clearly a mistake and two other operatives had to go to two bartenders each before an illegal sale was made. II. Notice to Show Cause GA11890496; June 8, 1990 through June 16, 1990; sale to Wearner by Edge and to Seligman by Lemberger and Bergine and possession by Tetstone, Lockey, Klug, Skipper, and Bissell On June 8, 1990, Jennifer Tetstone and Amy Lockey, who were under the age of 21, were in actual possession of alcoholic beverages inside the licensed premises. On June 16, 1990, Ann Klug, Shana Skipper, and Michael Bissell were in actual possession of alcoholic beverages inside the licensed premises. Also on June 16, 1990, Central City bartenders Michael Edge, Michael Bergine, and Robert Lemberger, respectively, sold each of the Division's underage operatives Kathy Wearner (who did not testify but who was stipulated to be underage) and Charles Seligman an alcoholic beverage. Neither underaged operative wore a wristband or was requested to produce an ID for purposes of the respective sales. As of date of formal hearing, the Respondent continued to employ these same bartenders. All of these bartenders had successfully completed the Responsible Vendor test before these incidents. Mr. Edge also had passed the licensee's earlier policy test. The underaged operative, Kathy Wearner, asked Michael Edge for "a Budweiser" and was sold liquid in a "Budweiser" beer bottle inverted in a drinking glass. Officer Rockey of the Gainesville Police Department convincingly described the liquid that came out of the bottle as beer, an alcoholic beverage. He turned the materials confiscated over to an unnamed agent of Respondent and has not seen them since. On the same date, Central City bartender Robert Lemberger sold a 12-ounce bottle labelled "Budweiser" to 18- year-old operative Charles Seligman. Mr. Seligman was at all times without a wristband and bearing a stamp on his hand. Mr. Seligman delivered the bottle he received from Mr. Lemberger to Officer Posey of the Gainesville Police Department who had watched the entire transaction. Mr. Seligman later purchased a 12-ounce bottle of "Budweiser" from Mr. Bergine and delivered that bottle to Officer Posey. Mr. Seligman purchased a third 12-ounce bottle of "Budweiser" from Mr. Bergine and delivered that bottle to one of Petitioner's agents, Ernest Wilson. Mr. Seligman does not drink alcohol. Agent Wilson does drink alcohol and testified that the bottle Charles Seligman handed him was, in fact, beer. Although Agent Wilson also testified that Mr. Seligman's first name was "Tom" and that Mr. Seligman had purchased a rum drink, nonetheless, Mr. Wilson was convincing that the bottle handed him by Mr. Seligman did, in fact, contain beer, an alcoholic beverage. Officer Posey convincingly described the first bottle he received from Mr. Seligman as containing beer, an alcoholic beverage, and upon all the circumstances, the undersigned infers that the second bottle given Officer Posey also contained beer. All the underaged operatives who testified on this Notice to Show Cause testified that they were forbidden to drink (consume) what they were sold and did not do so. Also, absent evidence to the contrary, one may assume that possession of alcoholic beverages in a bar by the other minors actually named in the Notice to Show Cause constitutes their intent to consume, but contrary to Petitioner's assertion, the inferred intent to consume does not constitute actual "consumption" by the named minors. In light of Finding of Fact 14 supra, it does not necessarily constitute Respondent's "allowing or permitting to consume." Therefore, consumption by the minors named in this Notice to Show Cause has not been proven. 3/ Therefore, Petitioner has established only that on June 16, 1990 Respondent's personnel sold one alcoholic beverage to the Petitioner's underage operative Wearner and three alcoholic beverages to the Petitioner's underage operative Seligman. III. Notice to Show Cause GA11900209; September 22, 1990 through September 29, 1990; service to, or consumption by Stanton, Coody, Willis, and, Torres On September 22, 1990, Amy Stanton and Janet Coody, who were under the age of 21, were in actual possession of an alcoholic beverage in the licensed premises. On September 29, 1990, Betty Willis and Jose Torres, who were under the age of 21, were in actual possession of an alcoholic beverage in the licensed premises. Absent evidence to the contrary, one may assume that possession of alcoholic beverages in a bar by minors constitutes the minors' intent to consume, but contrary to Petitioner's assertion, that intent to consume does not constitute actual "consumption" by the named minors. In light of Finding of Fact 14 supra, it does not necessarily constitute Respondent's "allowing or permitting to consume." Therefore, consumption by the minors named in this Notice to Show Cause has not been proven. 4/ IV. Notice to Show Cause GA11900254 October 19, 1990 through November 16, 1990; 9 counts possession by Harriett, Ortega, McKinney, Nelson, Smith, Winter, Joyner, Cooke, Sammon; "giving" by Blackwell and Strawser On October 19, 1990, Steven Harriett, who was under 21, was in actual possession of an alcoholic beverage inside the licensed premises. On October 21, 1990, Jamie Ortega, who was under the age of 21, was in actual possession of an alcoholic beverage inside the licensed premises. On October 20, 1990, Brian McKinney, who was under 21, was in actual possession of an alcoholic beverage inside the licensed premises. On November 15, 1990, Karen Nelson, Hollie Smith, Michael Winter, and Julia Joyner, all underage, were in actual possession of an alcoholic beverage inside the licensed premises. On November 16, 1990, Denise Cooke and Teresa Sammon, who were under the age of 21, were in actual possession of an alcoholic beverage inside the licensed premises. Absent evidence to the contrary, one may assume that possession of alcoholic beverages in a bar by minors constitutes the minors' intent to consume, but contrary to Petitioner's assertion, that intent to consume does not constitute actual "consumption" by the named minors. In light of Finding of Fact 14 supra, it does not necessarily constitute Respondent's "allowing or permitting to consume." Therefore, consumption by the minors named in this Notice to Show Cause has not been proven. 5/ No evidence was introduced to establish the allegations of Counts 4 and 6 of Notice to Show Cause GA11900254, alleging "giving."

Recommendation Upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Division of Alcoholic and Beverages and Tobacco enter a Final Order dismissing Notices to Show Cause GA11900209 and GA11900254; finding Respondent guilty as specified above for four violations under Notice to Show Cause GA11890374, imposing a total of $1750 in civil fines therefor; and finding Respondent guilty as specified above for four violations under Notice to Show Cause GA11890496, imposing a total of $2000 in civil fines therefor. RECOMMENDED this 28th day of June, 1991, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of June, 1991.

Florida Laws (9) 120.57561.29561.702561.705561.706562.11562.111775.082775.083
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 04, 1998 Number: 98-003539 Latest Update: Feb. 22, 1999

The Issue Did Respondent sell an alcoholic beverage to a person under the age of 21, in violation of Section 562.11(1)(a), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Administrative Action issued June 1, 1998?

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant and material to this proceeding, Respondent held license number 47-02960, series 2-APS, authorizing the sale of alcoholic beverages on the premises of Timesaver #9, located at 2415 Jackson Bluff Road, Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. Kamel Beshara Goor is the sole corporate officer and owner of Timesaver #9. On the evening of May 29, 1998, Eric Von Strosnider entered the licensed premises in an undercover capacity on behalf of Petitioner Agency. Mr. Strosnider was born February 18, 1981, and carried a valid driver's license showing his correct birth date. Mr. Strosnider removed a single can of "Bud Lite" beer from the beer section of the store and presented it to Mr. Goor for purchase. Mr. Strosnider remembered clearly he picked up a "Bud Lite" because that was the type of beer he always selected during an attempted undercover buy. He paid for the "Bud Lite" and left the store. He immediately met with his Agency contact. Mr. Strosnider's appearance in court and as evidenced by his photograph taken on May 29, 1998, was such that an ordinarily prudent person would wish to determine that his age was, in fact, over 21, before selling him an alcoholic beverage. Mr. Strosnider testified that Mr. Goor might have asked him if he had an "ID," but he was certain that Mr. Goor did not ask to see his "ID." Mr. Strosnider had his driver's license with his correct birth date with him, but since he was not asked to present it, he did not provide any identification to Mr. Goor. Leon County Sheriff's Deputy Vernon Willis, who was dressed in plain clothes and present in the store, witnessed Mr. Strosnider's purchase of a can labeled "beer" but did not hear any request for identification. Mr. Goor did not remember asking for identification. He did not recognize Mr. Strosnider in court and denied any sale to Mr. Strosnider. He clearly testified that he would not sell alcohol to someone who appeared under thirty years of age if he or she said they had identification without checking that identification. However, with some vacillation, he also stated that his standard operating procedure is to ask for identification, and if the customer reaches for identification, he does not need to read it, but if a customer makes any excuse about not having identification with him or her, Mr. Goor refuses to sell. He finally said that if he sees the identification and the customer is under 21 years of age, he does not sell alcoholic beverages to him. Upon the totality of the evidence and the respective candor and demeanor of the witnesses, I find that the sale of beer to a minor under the age of 21 occurred without any misleading by the minor.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco enter a Final Order suspending Respondent's alcoholic beverage license number 47- 02960, series 2-APS, for seven days, and imposing a civil penalty in the amount of $1,000. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of January, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of January, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Barry Kling, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 J. Joseph Hughes, Esquire 1017-A Thomasville Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Richard Boyd, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Lynda L. Goodgame, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (7) 120.57561.01561.29562.11562.47775.082775.083 Florida Administrative Code (2) 61A-2.02261A-3.052
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-002457 Latest Update: Oct. 19, 1989

The Issue The issues presented are those set forth in a notice to show cause filed by Petitioner against Respondents in Case No. AY-74-87-0201. In particular, it is alleged that on March 16, 1988, October 21, 1988 and February 24, 1989, that the Respondents or their agents, servants or employees sold alcoholic beverages to minors in violation of Sections 561.29, Florida Statutes and 562.11(1)(a), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact At all times which pertain to this Notice to Show Cause/Administrative Complaint, Respondents were doing business at 238-240 Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach, Volusia County, Florida under the business name Speidi Shack and pursuant to a beverage license issued by Petitioner. That license number was and continues to be number 74-01802, Series 2-COP. On March 16, 1988, and again on October 21, 1988, Michael Vanorder, whose birthday is March 27, 1969, purchased a Light beer from employees of the Respondents in the licensed premises. On February 24, 1989, Tina May purchased a Light beer from an employee of the Respondents in the licensed premises. Her date of birth is August 4, 1968. The Light beers that were purchased by those two individuals are alcoholic beverages. In the incident of March 16, 1988, Vanorder entered the licensed premises as an underage operative of the Petitioner. The purpose of underage operatives is to assist the Petitioner in investigations to ascertain whether suspected alcoholic beverage license holders will sell alcoholic beverages to minors. Vanorder was provided money from the Petitioner to purchase the alcoholic beverage if the licensees, their agents or employees would sell. Betty Warner and Tanya Pandarakis, who are Alcoholic Beverage Agents for Petitioner were in the bar and watched as Vanorder was asked by the bartender what Vanorder wanted. Vanorder indicated that he wanted a Light beer. Mark Barker, the bartender, brought a Light beer to Vanorder and accepted payment for that beer. In this purchase, Vanorder was not asked to produce any identification nor was he asked how old he was. Vanorder was under instructions from Petitioner's agents to validly respond to any questions about his age and to provide accurate identification in support of his remarks. The beer that he was given had been opened by the bartender. These events occurred around 8:35 p.m. The beer that was purchased was then given from Vanorder to Warner. Barker was then arrested by Warner and another Alcoholic Beverage Agent, Fred Dunbar, for selling alcoholic beverages to a minor. The arrest occurred when Dunbar entered the licensed premises following the sale and identified himself as an Alcoholic Beverage Agent. Prior to leaving the premises on that occasion, Respondent John M. Macker was told of the arrest and why an investigation had been made in the first place about suspected sales to minors in the licensed premises. Macker came the next day to meet with Dunbar at the invitation of Dunbar. Macker was told that a complaint file would remain open and that underage operatives would continue to be sent into the licensed premises to see if Macker had corrected the problem of selling to underage patrons. Respondent Macker promised that he would have closer supervision and would give training to his employees about proper identification techniques for sales of alcoholic beverages in the licensed premises. An official notice was given to the Respondents, a copy of which may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 3 which was admitted into evidence. That notice is dated March 17, 1988 and is issued from Dunbar and is acknowledged as having been received by Respondent Macker. It identifies the facts of the sale to a minor and the arrest of Mark Barker and warns Respondents that if the violation occurs again, that Respondents could be charged with the violation of March 16, 1988 and any future violations. Throughout this warning phase associated with the sale of March 16, 1988 Respondent Macker was cooperative in his attitude. As forecast, Petitioner sent Vanorder back into the licensed premises on October 21, 1988 to see if Respondents, their agents, servants or employees would sell him alcoholic beverages. Beverage Agent John Szabo, Agent Dunbar, Lt. Powell and Vanorder went to the licensed premises on that evening. Their activities at the licensed premises commenced around 8:55 p.m. At this time, there were around 10-20 patrons in the bar. Szabo went in first and sat down at the bar and ordered a beer. Vanorder came in some 2-3 minutes later and sat down at the bar. A white female bartender who was identified later as Beth Ann Marsden approached Vanorder and asked him what she could get for him. He asked for a Bud Light. The bartender went to the cooler and came back with an open can of Bud Light and said that the cost of that beer would be $1.25. Vanorder paid her and she gave him back change. Vanorder then went outside the licensed premises and gave the beer to Dunbar. During the course of this purchase, Vanorder was not asked his age or asked for any form of identification which would demonstrate his age. As before, Vanorder was prepared to show a valid identification and give his correct age. After Dunbar was given the beer, he came into the licensed premises and he and Szabo confronted the bartender with the fact that she had sold beer to an underaged patron. They asked if the owner was on the premises and she said that he was not. The bartender was then charged with selling to a minor. She was given a Notice of Appearance for October 25, 1988 which constituted of a letter of final warning to the licensee. A third phase of the investigation occurred on February 24, 1989 when Tina May, an underaged operative for the Petitioner assisted in the investigation of sales to minors. Around 10:50 p.m., Officer Szabo, Beverage Officer Sullivan and Tina May went to the licensed premises. Szabo went in the bar first. One customer was in the bar. Szabo asked for a beer and was asked for his identification and showed his license and was served a beer. Before Tina May entered the license premises, she had been instructed to dress in normal attire and to carry her drivers license and to tell the truth about her age and to give the correct identification. Once inside the licensed premises, May sat where she could be seen by Officer Szabo. The other patron left the bar. Around 11:00 p.m., May was approached by Beth Ann Marsden who asked May what she wanted. May replied that she wanted a Bud Light. The bartender asked for identification and a driver's license was produced which showed May to be underage. Marsden was seen to count on her fingers when shown the identification. She opened up a Bud Light beer for May and gave it to her and said that the price of the beer was $1.25. May gave her $5.00 and received change. She then gave the beer to Szabo. Szabo then told the bartender that he was a Beverage Officer. Marsden recognized Szabo from the prior incident with Vanorder on October 21, 1988. Marsden told Szabo that May was 21 years old. Szabo got the driver's license from May and showed it to the bartender who admitted that she had made a mistake and that she didn't look at the month of the birth. She had only looked at the year, 1968. Out of this incident, an Official Notice was prepared, a copy of which may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 4 admitted into evidence. It sets out the violations of March 16, 1988, October 21, 1988 and February 24, 1989 and the intention of the Petitioner to file administrative charges against the Respondents for sales to minors. Since the Respondents were not there, the list was left with a Rosemarie Savini. That notice was served on November 2, 1989. Before the time of the final hearing in this case, the sole ownership of the licensed premises had been left with John M. Macker. Linda F. Williams no longer is involved with the license in question. Respondent Macker's principle business is that of a commercial fisherman. During the pendency of this investigation, he was gone a lot from his licensed premises because of his other work and relied on his employees to act appropriately concerning sales to minors. In the period 1985 until January, 1989, he had not experienced problems with this. He had posted notices around the bar about sales to minors and had instructed his employees about being careful not to sell to minors. He has calendars from beer distributors which assist in ascertaining the age of minors. March 16, 1988 was Barker's first day on the job, as was October 21, 1988 the first day on the job for Beth Ann Marsden. His instructions to his employees was to check identification if people did not look at least in their fifties or older than Respondent. Since these events, Respondent has taken more detailed steps and placed other signs to avoid sales to minors. He doesn't wish these problems to occur again and regrets that they happened on this occasion. On the other hand, he did not ask for help from the Petitioner after the October 21, 1988 incident as was offered. Following the third sale, he has moved into the licensed premises to maintain better control of the circumstance. No other incidents were reported to have occurred beyond that adjustment concerning sales to minors.

Recommendation Having considered the facts, and the conclusions of law reached, it is, RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered which fines the Respondents in the amount of $500 for these violations. DONE and ORDERED this 19th day of October, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of October, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 89-2457 Those facts as suggested by the Petitioner are subordinate to facts found in this Recommended Order. COPIES FURNISHED: Leonard Ivey, Director Department of Business Regulation Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 Stephen R. MacNamara, Secretary Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 John B. Fretwell, Esquire Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 John M. Macker 238-240 North Atlantic Avenue Daytona Beach, Florida 32018

Florida Laws (4) 120.57561.19561.29562.11
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-001805 Latest Update: Nov. 17, 1978

Findings Of Fact Aki-San held an alcoholic beverage license which expired October 1, 1977. Only on January 10, 1978, did Aki-San make application for "delinquent renewal" of its license. In the unlicensed interim, one of respondent's truckdrivers continued to deliver Kirin beer to Aki-San. At all pertinent times, respondent was licensed as a distributor of alcoholic beverages. Respondent employs numerous truckdrivers to distribute alcoholic beverages to some 2,000 licensees under the beverage law. Each driver has a route book containing the license number of each of the customers for which he is responsible. The truck drivers have standing instructions to insure, before delivering alcoholic beverages, that the licensees they serve have renewed their licenses for the year. Posted on a bulletin board on respondent's premises, in October of 1977, was a notice reminding the drivers to ascertain whether their customers' licenses had been renewed.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That petitioner dismiss the notice to show cause issued in this case. DONE and ENTERED this 17th day of November, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Clifford Distributing Company 990 S.W. 21st Terrace Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Mary Jo M. Gallay Staff Attorney 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304

Florida Laws (3) 561.14561.29562.12
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Mar. 30, 1992 Number: 92-002054 Latest Update: May 27, 1993

The Issue Whether the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (DABT) should take disciplinary action against respondent or its DABT license for the reasons alleged in the notice to show cause?

Findings Of Fact At all pertinent times, respondent 201 West, Inc. d/b/a Central City/Congo Craig's Safari, has held a quota license, No. 11-00259 4COP, authorizing it to sell alcoholic beverages at 201 West University Avenue, Gainesville, Florida. On August 23, 1991, Craig Cinque, respondent's sole shareholder and officer, executed on respondent's behalf a consent agreement which petitioner accepted and filed on September 6, 1991, resolving administrative proceedings then pending. The consent agreement provides: "The second and third floors now known as 'Congo Craig's' shall not admit customers under 21 years of age for a period of two years " Underaged Patrons Apprehended At eleven o'clock on a crowded Saturday night, September 7, 1991, five DABT officers entered Congo Craig's to check patrons' ages. DABT and other witnesses agreed that the bar had enough staff demanding proof from patrons of their ages as they entered, and that the lighting was adequate for this purpose. The DABT officers checked a number of already admitted patrons' "ID's" themselves, and found a false one that a 20-year-old woman, Amy L. Bruns, whom they saw drinking draft beer, had used to gain admission. The Maryland driver's license described a woman of its bearer's height and weight, but depicted a blonde, not the brunette the officers accosted. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 3. The next time DABT officers, again a contingent of five, discovered an under age patron at Congo Craig's was on October 12, 1991, another Saturday night when DABT and other witnesses agreed that the bar had enough staff checking patrons' ages as they entered, and that the lighting was adequate. Kim M. Chiappara, then 20 years and eight months old, was sharing a pitcher of draft beer with her older sister and others when she was interrogated by the DABT officers that night. A search of her person turned up no false identification. She was not asked whether she had used any, or borrowed her sister's identification, to get by the bouncers. The next Friday night DABT officers apprehended Dari A. Layne, who was born on October 27, 1972, at Congo Craig's shortly before midnight, as she was consuming a mixed drink. The "very good" counterfeit Pennsylvania driver's license she produced when asked for identification has her photograph, but lacks a holographic state stamp on the obverse and has a photocopied reverse, albeit duly laminated. After midnight on the same foray, DABT officers discovered Kim C. Stampler, three months and a week shy of her 21st birthday, holding a clear plastic cup containing a purple liquid. She denied having false identification, but a DABT officer's search turned some up. Also in the early hours of October 19, 1991, DABT officers arrested Christopher Wisniewski, an apparently intoxicated 16-year-old, whose father, also apparently intoxicated, only reluctantly admitted their relationship. Christopher, who was not asked what or whose identification, if any, he had used to get in, had a valid Florida driver's license on his person. Bar Tender Arrested The personnel that respondent assigned to check patrons identification as they entered did not take their stations until five o'clock evenings, an hour after opening. Aware of this, the DABT dispatched Randy Gordon (a stout, older- looking 19-year-old, who has succeeded two out of three times in efforts of this kind at some ten other establishments) to Congo Craig's. He readily gained admission between four and half past on the afternoon of November 8, 1991, without being asked for identification. The first customer of the evening, Randy asked Eric Frauman (who had agreed at the last minute to fill in for another bartender, and who ordinarily worked evenings when the bouncers, not the bartenders, are responsible for checking customers' identification) for a hamburger and a beer. Although he had been told to "card" everybody, Mr. Frauman neglected to ask young Mr. Gordon for identification. The second customer that evening was Ernest Wilson, the special DABT agent responsible for paying five dollars an hour for Mr. Gordon's services. Mr. Wilson took the beer, and Mr. Gordon, who paid for both, got the hamburger, which he described as very good. Mr. Frauman, a graduate student hoping to work as an educational counselor, was arrested and eventually prosecuted criminally. Precautions Taken Respondent is qualified as a responsible vendor, and was so certified during the time DABT made such certifications. All of the 18 employees respondent relies on for "security," those checking patrons' ages at night as well as the daytime bartenders and servers, are current with regard to the courses, tests and update meetings the responsible vendor program requires. Respondent's managers are current on requirements for managers. At weekly meetings of the managers, underage drinking was a regular topic. A book depicting driver's licenses in various jurisdictions is kept on the premises, and respondent's employees who testified seemed knowledgeable on the subject. Employees responsible for checking patrons' ages are told to require, at least of anybody who looks younger than 45, a driver's license, military identification or a passport. Several repeat customers testified that they had invariably been "carded." Although Congo Craig's can lawfully accommodate no more than 925 persons at any one time, the crowd "turns over" as the night wears on. From 35,000 to 45,000 patrons were on the premises between September 7, 1991, and November 18, 1991. During this period, DABT officers made several visits on which they failed to find a single patron under the age of 21. According to Kim Ehrich, who once worked at Congo Craig's, but now works elsewhere, Congo Craig's is probably the "strictest" bar in Gainesville, and does a more thorough job checking identification than the three other bars where she has worked in Gainesville. Willful Breach A week or so before the party at Congo Craig's on October 3, 1991, Charlotte Olsen, then social chairperson for the Phi Sigma Sigma sorority, told somebody at Congo Craig's that some of the party-goers would be under 21 years of age. She offered the sorority's wrist bands to demarcate those old enough to drink legally, but Congo Craig's used its own instead. Mr. Cinque was aware that underaged persons were expected to attend the party scheduled for the second and third floors, and decided to allow it, despite the consent agreement, in order to preserve "good will." About half of the 50 to 60 people at the party were under 21 years of age. He added staff, he testified, in an effort to stymie drinking by underaged attendees. This effort proved dramatically unsuccessful. Past Problems DABT established (in aggravation of penalty only) that respondent has a long history of problems of the kind proven in this case, dating to when respondent's father owned the establishment. When Mr. Cinque worked as a manager, before he became the owner, DABT issued some ten orders to show cause alleging beverage law violations, most of which respondent admitted. Since the younger Mr. Cinque assumed ownership, DABT has filed eight additional orders to show cause, the first seven of which were consolidated and disposed of by the consent agreement accepted by DABT on September 6, 1991.

Recommendation It is, accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco suspend respondent's license for ten (10) days. DONE and ENTERED this 10th day of December, 1992, at Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of December 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1-21, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, 34- 46, 50, 53-56 and 58 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. With respect to petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 22 and 23, it is not that easy to make out the eye color of the woman depicted on the license. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 26, Ms. Chiappara did not testify at hearing; it is not clear what sworn statement is meant. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 27, the evidence suggested that she used the counterfeit license to gain entry. With respect to petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 30 and 33, the method of entry was not proven, but there was speculation. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 32, she was drinking a purple beverage. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 47, she so testified. Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 48, 49 and 59 are properly proposed conclusions of law. Petitioner's proposed findings of fact No. 51 and 52 have been rejected as not established by the weight of the evidence. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 57, the number of allegations is immaterial. Respondent's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1-10 and 14-17 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 11, Mr. Frauman did not usually work the day shift. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 12, time constraints do not account for the failure to honor the consent order. Respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 13 is properly a proposed conclusion of law. COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas A. Klein, Esquire 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 Sy Chadroff, Esquire 2700 S. W. 37th Avenue Miami, Florida 33133-2728 Donald D. Conn General Counsel The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1000 Richard W. Scully Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1000

Florida Laws (6) 561.11561.29561.701561.706562.11562.29
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Sep. 26, 1991 Number: 90-004561 Latest Update: Jan. 22, 1992

The Issue The issues for determination are whether Respondent, holder of an alcoholic beverage license, sold or permitted the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors on his licensed premises; whether Respondent retained alcoholic beverage invoices or sales tickets for three years in accordance with licensure requirements; and whether Respondent kept cigarette invoices or sales tickets for three years in accordance with licensure requirements.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is David L. Crews, holder of Alcoholic Beverage License No. 55-00162, series 1-APS, for a licensed premises known as Crews Texaco located in Nassau County, Florida. On December 15, 1989, Respondent sold William Christopher Brannan a twelve pack of beer which is an alcoholic beverage. Brannan was 17 years of age at the time Respondent sold him the beer. At the time of the sale, Respondent did not ask for proof of age or any other form of identification from Brannan. Accompanying Brannan on December 15, 1989, were two other teenagers: Robert Terrell Simmons, Jr., and Larry W. Wilkerson. Respondent sold Simmons a case of Busch beer, an alcoholic beverage, at the same time as the sale to Brannan. Simmons was 18 years of age at the time of the sale. Respondent did not ask for proof of age or any other form of identification from either Simmons or Wilkerson. It was common knowledge in the area that Respondent would readily sell alcoholic beverages at a higher than normal price to persons under the lawful age of 21 years. Respondent charged Brannan and Simmons a higher price for the alcoholic beverages purchased by them because he knew they were under the age of 21 years. Brannan, Simmons and Wilkerson had attempted to purchase alcoholic beverages from Respondent earlier in the evening, but Respondent waved them away because law enforcement personnel were investigating a domestic disturbance near his business. Later in the evening of December 15, 1989, after purchasing the alcoholic beverages from Respondent, the three youths were involved in a alcohol related accident and Brannan was killed. On April 30, 1990, Respondent was convicted in Nassau County Court of two counts of providing alcoholic beverages to a minor and paid a fine of $127.50 on each count. He also received a 30 day suspended sentence on each count. On March 9, 1990, agents for Petitioner's Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco interviewed Respondent about the matter of sale of alcoholic beverages to underage persons and conducted an inspection of his licensed premises. In the course of the inspection, the agents requested that Respondent produce his alcoholic beverage and cigarette invoices. Respondent was unable to produce the invoices and admitted to the agents that he had used the invoices for writing paper and had then thrown them away. Respondent reaffirmed these statements at the final hearing. As of December 20, 1991, Respondent has failed to produce either alcoholic beverage or cigarette invoices. As established by his own testimony at the final hearing, prior to March 9, 1990, Respondent did not maintain either alcoholic beverage or cigarette invoices on the licensed premises.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered suspending Respondent's beverage license bearing number 55-00162, Series 1- APS, for a period of 40 days and requiring payment of a administrative fine in the amount of $2,000. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of January, 1992, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W.DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Fl 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of January, 1992. APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings, in accordance with Section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on findings of fact submitted by the parties. Petitioner's Proposed Findings. 1.-21. Adopted, although not verbatim. 22.-26.Rejected, unnecessary. Respondent's Proposed Findings. None submitted. COPIES FURNISHED: Robin L. Suarez, Esq. Assistant General Counsel Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough St. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 David L. Crews U. S. 1 & 5th Street Hilliard, Florida 32046 Donald D. Conn General Counsel Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough St. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 Janet Ferris, Secretary Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough St. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1000 Richard W. Scully, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough St. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007

Florida Laws (3) 120.57561.29562.11
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