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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 30, 1996 Number: 92-006325RP Latest Update: Dec. 12, 1997

The Issue At issue in these proceedings is the validity of respondent's proposed rules 9J-5.003(140) and 9J-5.006(6).

Findings Of Fact The parties Petitioner, St. Joe Paper Company, is a Florida corporation which owns either directly or through its subsidiaries approximately 1,500,000 acres of land in Florida. Petitioner, Florida East Coast Industries, Inc., is also a Florida corporation which owns either directly or through its subsidiaries approximately 17,500 acres of land along the east and west coast of Florida. Respondent, Department of Community Affairs (Department or DCA), is the state land planning agency under the provisions of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, [the "Local Governmental Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act" (the "Act")]. As the state land planning agency under the Act, the Department is charged by law with the duty to provide technical assistance to local governments in preparing comprehensive plans and with the duty to ascertain whether local comprehensive plans or plan amendments are in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes. Here, the parties have stipulated that petitioners, St. Joe Paper Company and Florida East Coast Industries, Inc., as well as their subsidiaries, and intervenors, Florida League of Cities, 1000 Friends of Florida, Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Association of Realtors, R. J. Collins, Florida Electric Power Coordinating Group, and Florida Association of Counties, have standing. No such stipulation was, however, accorded intervenors Florida Land Council, Inc., Florida Farm Bureau Federation, Highlands County Farm Bureau, and Claude E. Smoak, Jr., and they offered no proof at hearing to demonstrate standing. Notwithstanding, the Department raised no objection and its post hearing submittal does not contest their standing. Publication of notice and the economic impact statement On October 2, 1992, the Department first published notice of the proposed revisions to Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, in volume 18, number 40, of the Florida Administrative Weekly. Such publication contained the following statement regarding the economic impact of the proposed rules: SUMMARY OF THE ESTIMATED ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE PROPOSED RULES: The estimated agency cost to be incurred by this action is $3,627, which is the cost of promulgating the rule amendment . . . It is not anticipated that the amendment will generate additional costs to local governments and other affected persons above and beyond those attributable to existing rules and statutes. Ultimately, it is believed that this amendment will result in more efficient patterns of development which allow services and facilities to be provided more cost efficiently . . . to local governments. The procedures required by the proposed amendments have no significant impact on competition and the open market for employment. There is no impact on small or minority business as defined by the Florida Small and Minority Business Assistance Act of 1985. On October 23, 1992, petitioners filed their initial petition for an administrative determination of the invalidity of the proposed rules. Such petition contended, inter alia, that the proposed rules were invalid for the agency's failure to prepare an economic impact statement that complied with the provisions of Section 120.54(2)(c), Florida Statutes. Petitioners did not, however, at any time, file a request for the preparation of an economic impact statement with the agency. 1/ Background of the rules Pursuant to Section 163.3184(8)(a), Florida Statutes, the Department is obligated to review each adopted local plan or plan amendment and determine if it is in compliance with the Act. Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes, defines "in compliance" as: . . . consistent with the requirements of ss. 163.3177, 163.3178, and 163.3191, the state comprehensive plan, the appropriate regional policy plan, and rule 9J-5, F.A.C., where such rule is not inconsistent with chapter 163, part II. In 1985 the Legislature directed the Department to develop Chapter 9J- 5, Florida Administrative Code, and apply it to the review of local plans. The Legislature has reviewed the rule, as adopted, and given it special legal protection from rule challenges. Section 163.3177(10), Florida Statutes. Among the rules so approved, was Rule 9J-5.006 which provided that "the purpose of the future land use element is the designation of future land use patterns as reflected in the goals, objectives and policies of the local government comprehensive plan elements." Rule 9J-5.006(3)(b)7 provides that the future land use element shall contain specific goals, objectives and policies which discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl, and Rule 9J-5.011(2)(b)3 provides that the general sanitary sewer, soiled waste, drainage, potable water and natural groundwater aquifer recharge element shall contain objectives and policies which address the use of existing facilities and the discouragment of urban sprawl. The Department has, since approximately 1988, developed, refined and explicated its policy regarding the discouragement of urban sprawl in local government comprehensive plans. In a technical memo issued in 1989, the Department observed: If the goals and objectives of Florida's growth management laws are to be achieved, local plans must effectively deal with urban sprawl and the closely related issues of conservation, natural resource protection, and efficient use of public facilities and services. [DCA Exhibit 12] That publication further set forth the Department's definition of urban sprawl, and discussed the various provisions in the State Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 187, Florida Statutes), Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 9J- 5, Florida Administrative Code, which related to the discouragement of urban sprawl. As for the term "urban sprawl," the technical memo provided: The term "urban sprawl" as it is applied by the DCA in its review of local plans is used to describe certain kinds of growth or development patterns. It refers to scattered, untimely, poorly planned urban development that occurs in urban fringe and rural areas and frequently invades lands important for environmental and natural resource protection. Urban sprawl typically manifests itself in one or more of the following patterns: (1) leapfrog development; (2) ribbon or strip development; and (3) large expanses of low- density, single-dimensional development. Leapfrog development occurs when new development is sited away from an existing urban area, bypassing vacant parcels located in or closer to the urban area that are suitable for development. It typically results in scattered, discontinuous growth patterns in rural areas which are frequently not appropriate for urban development. * * * Leapfrog development commonly occurs in areas where infrastructure and services do not already exist to serve it; thus, it requires additional utility extensions and involves higher public capital costs if complete urban services are to be provided at the time of development. If complete urban services, such as connection to central water and sewer systems, are not required, leapfrog development can result in increased risks to water supplies and sensitive environmental areas. * * * Strip or ribbon development involves the location of high amounts of commercial, retail, office and often multi-family residential development in a linear pattern along both sides of major arterial roadways. Strip development is generally dependent on direct access to the arterial roadway and typically reduces the efficiency of the roadway for moving through traffic due to the high number of crub and median cuts and access points permitted. Strip development frequently overburdens arterial roadways with local trips because local road networks are poorly developed or nonexistent. Unsightly strip development can extend for miles along arterials into rural, previously undeveloped areas, and sometimes encroach on environmentally sensitive lands or important natural resource areas. Large land areas behind and between strip developments are commonly left undeveloped. Low-density, single-dimensional development consists of single land uses, typically low- density residential, spread over large land areas. Frequently, the land is in rural, forestry, agricultural, or environmentally sensitive areas that should be protected from urban development. This land-intensive development pattern, stemming from uncontrolled, poorly planned, and premature development, tends to place an undue burden on external infrastructure and major transportation connectors by not providing a complementary mix of residential and nonresidential uses. Sprawling single-use development hinders the evolution of vibrant communities, reinforces dependence upon personal automobile use, generates higher public costs for facilities and services, promotes an inefficient and unattractive use of developable land, and frequently destroys significant environmental and natural resources. * * * In other words, urban sprawl is the epitome of bad land use planning. It adversely impacts and often destroys precious natural resources. It promotes inefficient use of land resources and existing public facilities and services, and makes it difficult or impossible to provide new infrastructure and services efficiently to new development. It produces development that is typically unsightly and not aesthetically pleasing. It produces sterile, one-dimensional urban environments which are not convenient, enjoyable or healthy for their residents. Successfully discouraging urban sprawl through local comprehensive planning is not a mystical art. It requires rigorous data collection, thorough analyses of current and future needs, effective planning, and responsible decision making. . . . Also pertinent to the Department's policy on urban sprawl, and an assessment of the propriety of the proposed rules, the State Comprehensive Plan contains a number of goals and policies which both individually and collectively address the issue of urban sprawl. Some of these goals and policies are as follows: (5) HOUSING-- Goal.--The public and private sectors shall increase the affordability and availability of housing for low-income and moderate-income persons, including citizens in rural areas, while at the same time encouraging self-sufficiency of the individual and assuring environmental and structural quality and cost- effective operations. Policies-- * * * 3. Increase the supply of safe, affordable, and sanitary housing for low-income and moderate-income persons and elderly persons by alleviating housing shortages, recycling older houses and redeveloping residential neighborhoods, identifying housing needs, providing incentives to the private sector to build affordable housing, encouraging public- private partnerships to maximize the creation of affordable housing, and encouraging research into low-cost housing construction techniques, considering life-cycle operating costs. * * * (8) WATER RESOURCES.-- Goal.--Florida shall assure the availability of an adequate supply of water for all competing uses deemed reasonable and beneficial and shall maintain the functions of natural systems and the overall present level of surface and ground water quality. Florida shall improve and restore the quality of waters not presently meeting water quality standards. Policies.-- * * * 2. Identify and protect the functions of water recharge areas and provide incentives for their conservation. * * * 5. Ensure that new development is compatible with existing local and regional water supplies. * * * Encourage the development of a strict floodplain management program by state and local governments designed to preserve hydrologically significant wetlands and other natural floodplain features. Protect aquifers from depletion and contamination through appropriate regulatory programs and through incentives. Protect surface and groundwater quality and quantity in the state. * * * Eliminate the discharge of inadequately treated wastewater and stormwater runoff into the waters of the state. NATURAL SYSTEMS AND RECREATIONAL LANDS-- Goal.--Florida shall protect and acquire unique natural habitats and ecological systems, such as wetlands, tropical hardwood hammocks, palm hammocks, and virgin longleaf pine forests, and restore degraded natural systems to a functional condition. Policies.-- Conserve forests, wetlands, fish, marine life, and wildlife to maintain their environmental, economic, aesthetic, and recreational values. Acquire, retain, manage, and inventory public lands to provide recreation, conservation, and related public benefits. Prohibit the destruction of endangered species and protect their habitats. * * * 7. Protect and restore the ecological functions of wetlands systems to ensure their long-term environmental, economic and recreational value. Develop and implement a comprehensive planning, management, and acquisition program to ensure the integrity of Florida's river systems. Emphasize the acquisition and maintenance of ecologically intact systems in all land and water planning, management, and regulation. Expand state and local efforts to provide recreational opportunities to urban areas, including the development of activity- based parks. * * * 13. Encourage the use of public and private financial and other resources for the development of recreational opportunities at the state and local levels. AIR QUALITY.-- Goal.--Florida shall comply with all national air quality standards by 1987, and by 1992 meet standards which are more stringent than 1985 state standards. Policies.-- * * * 2. Ensure that developments and transportation systems are consistent with the maintenance of optimum air quality. * * * ENERGY-- Goal.--Florida shall reduce its energy requirements through enhanced conservation and efficiency measures in all end-use sectors, while at the same time promoting an increased use of renewable energy resources. Policies-- 1. Continue to reduce per capita energy consumption. * * * Improve the efficiency of traffic flow on existing roads. Ensure energy efficiency in transportation design and planning and increase the availability of more efficient modes of transportation. * * * HAZARDOUS AND NONHAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND WASTE.-- Goal.--All solid waste, including hazardous waste, wastewater, and all hazardous materials shall be properly managed, and the use of landfills shall be eventually eliminated. Policies-- * * * 11. Identify, develop, and encourage environmentally sound wastewater treatment and disposal methods. * * * LAND USE.-- Goal.--In recognition of the importance of preserving the natural resources and enhancing the quality of life of the state, development shall be directed to those areas which have in place, or have agreements to provide, the land and water resources, fiscal abilities, and service capacity to accommodate growth in an environmentally acceptable manner. Policies-- Promote state programs, investments, and development and redevelopment activities which encourage efficient development and occur in areas which will have the capacity to service new popu- lation and commerce. Develop a system of incentives and disincentives which encourages a separation of urban and rural land uses while protecting water supplies, resource development, and fish and wildlife habitats. Enhance the livability and character of urban areas through the encouragement of an attractive and functional mix of living, working, shopping, and recreational activities. * * * 6. Consider, in land use planning and regulation, the impact of land use on water quality and quantity; the availability of land, water, and other natural resources to meet demands; and the potential for flooding. * * * DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION.-- Goal.--In recognition of the importance of Florida's developing and redeveloping downtowns to the state's ability to use existing infrastructure and to accommodate growth in an orderly, efficient, and environmentally acceptable manner, Florida shall encourage the centralization of commercial, governmental, retail, residential, and cultural activities within downtown areas. Policies.-- Provide incentives to encourage private sector investment in the preservation and enhancement of downtown areas. Assist local governments in the planning, financing, and implementation of development efforts aimed at revitalizing distress downtown areas. Promote state programs and investments which encourage redevelopment of downtown areas. PUBLIC FACILITIES.-- Goal.--Florida shall protect the substantial investments in public facilities that already exist and shall plan for and finance new facilities to serve residents in a timely, orderly, and efficient manner. Policies.-- Provide incentives for developing land in a way that maximizes the uses of existing public facilities. Promote rehabilitation and reuse of existing facilities, structures, and buildings as an alterna- tive to new construction. Allocate the costs of new public facilities on the basis of the benefits received by existing and future residents. * * * (20) TRANSPORTATION-- Goal.--Florida shall direct future transport- ation improvements to aid in the management of growth and shall have a state transportation system that integrates highway, air, mass transit, and other transportation modes. Policies.-- * * * 2. Coordinate transportation investments in major travel corridors to enhance system efficiency and minimize adverse environmental impacts. * * * Encourage the construction and utilization of a public transit system, including, but not limited to, a high-speed rail system, in lieu of the expansion of the highway system, where appropriate. Ensure that the transportation system provides Florida's citizens and visitors with timely and efficient access to services, jobs, markets, and attractions. * * * (23) AGRICULTURE.-- Goal.--Florida shall maintain and strive to expand its food, agriculture, ornamental horticulture, aquaculture, forestry, and related industries in order to be a healthy and competitive force in the national and international marketplace. Policies. * * * 9. Conserve soil resources to maintain the economic value of land for agricultural pursuits and to prevent sedimentation in state waters. The technical memo, heretofore discussed, addressed in significant detail how some of these goals and policies impact the issue of urban sprawl. The Department has also explicated its policy definition of urban sprawl, as well as the significance of urban sprawl to the state comprehensive plan, in a number of cases where, under the provisions of Section 120.57, a hearing was held to determine whether a plan was in compliance. [See, e.g., Department Exhibits 4-6]. More recently, a challenge to the Department's nonrule policy was rejected by a Hearing Officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings, and that decision was affirmed on appeal. Home Builders and Contractors Association of Brevard, Inc. v. Department of Community Affairs, 585 So.2d 965 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991). In that case, at page 968, the court observed: . . . The hearing officer found that indeed, there was a consensus on the meaning of urban sprawl and that urban sprawl is: [T]he extension of urban-type development into rural, agricultural, or other undeveloped or sparsely developed lands in a haphazard develop- ment pattern in which land uses are not functionally related to each other. Common patterns of urban sprawl are the ribbon pattern, leapfrog pattern, and concentric circle pattern. In the ribbon pattern, development not functionally or proximately related to other non- urban development in the area extends in ribbons or strips along certain roads and away from urban development. In the leapfrog pattern, development not functionally or proximately related to other non- urban development in the area leaps from urban development so as to leave significant amounts of rural, agricultural, or other undeveloped or sparsely developed land between existing urban development and the scattered leapfrog development. The concentric circle pattern is similar except that the development not functionally or proximately related to other non-urban development in the area assumes the pattern of concentric circles, such as along rural roads bypassing an urban area, and is characteristically more exclusively low-density residential. Next, and more importantly, the hearing officer found that DCA does not have any policies of general applicability concerning the application of the urban sprawl rules which it consistently applies to individual plans. The DCA has yet to crystallize any urban sprawl policies which it intends to apply to individual plans. He noted that the application process, which is by nature adjudicatory, demands a through understanding of each plan, including the data and analysis describing the characteristics of the land and existing land uses; the goals, objectives and policies prescribing proposed land uses; and the future land use map. Indeed, he recognized that the myriad of details involved in applying the urban sprawl rules to an individual plan may preclude rulemaking, but even if theoretically possible, rulemaking in the area of application is not now practicable. In short, the alleged nonrule policies do not meet the definition of a rule, Section 102.52(16). These findings, which are conclusive of the outcome of the rule challenge, are based upon competent substantial evidence in the record. Adam Smith Enterprises, Inc. v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 553 So.2d 1260, 1274 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989). The purpose of Chapter 9J-5 and the proposed rules The purpose of Chapter 9J-5, as stated in 9J-5.001, is to "establish minimum criteria for the preparation, review, and determination of compliance of comprehensive plans" pursuant to Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes. "Criterion " is defined in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (1974) as "a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based." Consistent with such purpose, Chapter 9J-5 has heretofore established the general requirements for local comprehensive plans, including format (elements), data and analysis requirements, level of service standards, planning time frames, and monitoring and evaluation requirements. Rule 9J-5.005, Florida Administrative Code. The chapter also includes standards for the adoption of concurrency management systems to ensure that adopted level of service standards required for roads, potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, parks and recreation, and mass transit, if applicable, will be maintained. Rules 9J- 5.0055 and 9J-5.0057, Florida Administrative Code. Finally, the chapter includes the minimum requirements for the future land use element; traffic circulation element; mass transit element; ports, aviation and related facilities element; housing element; sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water and natural groundwater aquifer recharge element; coastal management element; conservation element; recreation and open space element; intergovernmental coordination element; and capital improvement element. Common to each of these elements is the requirement that the local government assess current conditions and needs, and project future growth based on appropriate and relevant data and analysis. Rules 9J-5.006-5.016, Florida Administrative Code. Here, the Department is proposing to define the term "urban sprawl" for purposes of Chapter 9J-5 and to establish a methodology or standard for the review of local comprehensive plans or plan amendments for the discouragement of urban sprawl. By so doing, the Department is seeking to codify in rule form the policies it has previously explicated on the subject. In gauging the propriety or sufficiency of the proposed rules, it is important to recognize that an analysis of urban sprawl is but one aspect of a complicated evaluation of a particular plan or plan amendment for consistency, and that such analysis is peculiarly dependent upon an evaluation of the specific plan or plan amendment and its supporting data and analysis. Concomitantly, an analysis of a plan or plan amendment to discern whether it discourages urban sprawl is site or community specific, and no single formula could address the myriad of growth patterns existent within the diverse communities of the State of Florida with mathematical certainty. The proposed rules The rules challenged in these proceedings are proposed rule 9J- 5.003(140), which defines "urban sprawl," and proposed rule 9J-5.006(6), which establishes a process for the review of plans for discouraging the proliferation of urban sprawl. Proposed rule 9J-5.003(140), defines "urban sprawl" as follows: "Urban sprawl" means urban development or uses which are located in predominantly rural areas, or rural areas interspersed with generally low-intensity or low-density urban uses, and which are characterized by one or more of the following conditions: The premature or poorly planned conversion of rural land to other uses. The creation of areas of urban development or uses which are not functionally related to land uses which predominate the adjacent area. The creation of areas of urban development or uses which fail to maximize the use of existing public facilities or the use of areas within which public services are currently provided. Urban sprawl is typically manifested in one or more of the following land use or development patterns: (1) Leapfrog or scattered development; ribbon or strip commercial or other development; or (3) large expanses of predominantly low-intensity, low-density, or single-use development. This definition of urban sprawl includes terms which also have proposed definitions in Rule 9J-5.003, and are not the subject of challenge. These provisions are as follows: (35) "Density" means an objective measurement of the number of people or residential units allowed per unit of land, such as residents or employees per acre. * * * (37) "Development" has the meaning described in s. 380.04, F.S. * * * (55) "Functional relationship" means a complementary and interactive relationship among land uses or development, including at a minimum a substantial and positive exchange of human interaction, goods, resources, institutions, services, jobs or workers between land uses or developments. * * * (64) "Intensity" means an objective measurement of the extent to which land may be developed or used, including the consumption or use of the space above, on or below ground; the measurement of the use of or demand on natural resources; and the measurement of the use of or demand on facilities and services. * * * (116) "Rural areas" means low density areas characterized by social, economic and institutional activities which may be largely based on agricultural uses or the extraction of natural resources in unprocessed form, or areas containing large proportions of undeveloped, unimproved, or low density property. The definition of urban sprawl proposed by the Department is a sound generic definition that finds support in the literature and among professional planners. Indeed, urban sprawl is generally conceived as an extension of urban- type development into rural or sparsely developed lands in a haphazard development pattern in which land uses are not functionally or proximately related to each other. Such development may be reasonably described as uncontrolled, poorly planned and premature since it commonly occurs in areas where infrastructure and services do not already exist to serve it and where the urban development or uses are not functionally related to the uses which predominate the area. Moreover, the proof supports the conclusion that, as observed in the proposed rule, the three patterns in which urban sprawl commonly manifests itself are leapfrog or scattered development, ribbon or strip commercial or other development (i.e., retail, office and multifamily residential development), and large expanses of predominately low-intensity, low density, or single-use development. While the proposed rule is sound in a generic sense, that does not suggest that the exercise of professional planning judgment is not required for its application. Indeed, whether the land area at issue in a comprehensive plan or plan amendment is a rural area interspersed with generally "low-intensity or low-density urban uses," and whether such uses or planned uses may be reasonably characterized as the "premature or poorly planned conversion of rural land to other uses," the "creation of areas of urban development or uses which are not functionally related to land uses which predominate the adjacent area," or the "creation of areas of urban development or uses which fail to maximize the use of existing public facilities or the use of areas within which public services are currently provided," certainly involve the exercise of professional judgment in any analysis of a comprehensive plan or plan amendment. Such analysis is not, however, bereft of objective factors to guide it or to test its ultimate conclusions. Indeed, any such analysis is dependent upon the specific comprehensive plan or plan amendment under review, which would include the future land use element, as well as the local government's specific data and analysis which support it. The other rule under challenge, proposed rule 9J-5.006(6), establishes a process for the review of comprehensive plans or plan amendments for discouraging the proliferation of urban sprawl. It is organized into twelve paragraphs, with paragraphs (g)-(j) being the focus of the subject challenge. The purpose or function of paragraphs (g)-(j) are described in the proposed rule as follows: Use of indicators. Paragraph (6)(g) describes those aspects or attributes of a plan or plan amendment which, when present, indicate that the plan or plan amendment may fail to discourage urban sprawl. For purposes of reviewing the plan for discouragement of urban sprawl, an evaluation shall be made whether any of these indicators is present in a plan or plan amendment. If an indicator is present, the extent, amount or frequency of that indicator shall be considered. The presence and potential effects of multiple indicators shall be considered to determine whether they collectively reflect a failure to discourage urban sprawl. Methodology for determining indicators. Paragraphs (6)(h) through (6)(j) describe the three major components of a methodology to determine the presence of urban sprawl indicators. Paragraph (6)(h) describes how land use aspects of a plan shall be analyzed. The land use element, including both the future land use map and associated objectives and policies, represents the focal point of the local government's planning effort. Paragraph (6)(i) describes the unique features and characteristics of each jurisdiction which provide the context of the analysis and which are needed to evaluate the extent, amount or frequency of an indicator and the significance of an indicator for a specific jurisdiction. Paragraph (6)(j) recognizes that land use plans generally may be significantly affected by other development policies in a plan which may serve to mitigate the presence of urban sprawl indicators based on the land use plan alone. Paragraph (6)(j) describes development controls which may be used by a local government to mitigate the presence of sprawl. Simply stated, paragraphs (h)-(j) are the components for an analysis of a plan or plan amendment to discern whether any of the indicators of urban sprawl, specified in paragraph (g), are present. If present, "the extent, amount or frequency of that indicator . . . [or] multiple indicators" must "be considered to determine whether they collectively reflect a failure to discourage urban sprawl." Proposed rule 9J-5.006(6)(d). The primary indicators, established by proposed rule 9J-5.006(6)(g), that a plan or plan amendment does not discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl, are stated to be: Promotes, allows or designates for development substantial areas of the jurisdiction to develop as low-intensity, low-density, or single-use development or uses in excess of demonstrated need. Promotes, allows or designates significant amounts of urban development to occur in rural areas at substantial distances from existing urban areas while leaping over undeveloped lands which are available and suitable for development. Promotes, allows or designates urban development in radial, strip, isolated or ribbon patterns generally emanating from existing urban developments. As a result of premature or poorly planned conversion of rural land to other uses, fails adequately to protect and conserve natural resources, such as wetlands, floodplains, native vegetation, environmentally sensitive areas, natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas, lakes, rivers, shorelines, beaches, bays, estuarine systems, and other significant natural systems. Fails adequately to protect adjacent agricultural areas and activities, including silviculture, and including active agricultural and silvicultural activities as well as passive agricultural activities and dormant, unique and prime farmlands and soils. Fails to maximize use of existing public facilities and services. Fails to maximize use of future public facilities and services. Allows for land use patterns or timing which disproportionately increase the cost in time, money and energy, of providing and maintaining facilities and services, including roads, potable water, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, law enforcement, education, health care, fire and emergency response, and general government. Fails to provide a clear separation between rural and urban uses. Discourages or inhibits in fill development or the redevelopment of existing neighborhoods and communities. Fails to encourage an attractive and functional mix of uses. Results in poor accessibility among liked or related land uses. Results in the loss of significant amounts of functional open space. As heretofore found, urban sprawl is typically manifested by leapfrog or scattered development, ribbon or strip commercial or other development, and large expanses of predominantly low-intensity, low-density, or single-use development. Indicators 1-3 are appropriate indicators of urban sprawl as they reflect the three typical ways in which it is manifested. Moreover, a plan or plan amendment that evidenced such characteristics might reasonably be found not in compliance with the mandates of Sections 163.3177(1) and (6)(a), Florida Statutes; the State Comprehensive Plan, Section 187.201(16) and (18), Florida Statutes; and, the provisions of Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, relating to, inter alia, the minimum criteria required of local government plans relating to the future land use element, and such provisions of law may be reasonably read to speak to the issue of discouraging urban sprawl. Indicator 4 is also an appropriate indicator of urban sprawl since the premature or poorly planned conversion of rural land to other uses frequently intrudes on, or fails to adequately protect and conserve natural resources, such as wetlands, natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas, lakes, rivers and shorelines. As with other indicators, this indicator finds support in, and furthers, existent law which speaks to the adoption of standards for the orderly and balanced growth of an area, including the conservation and protection of natural resources. See Section 163.3177(1) and (6)(d) and (g), Florida Statutes, Section 187.201(9), (10) and (16), Florida Statutes, and Rules 9J- 5.006, 9J-5.011, 9J-5.012, and 9J-5.013, Florida Administrative Code. Indicators 5 and 9 are also appropriate indicators of urban sprawl since the intrusion of urban activities into rural areas frequently has negative impacts on rural uses such as logging, farming and mining. As with the previous indicators, these indicators are supported by, and further, existent law, which addresses the orderly and balanced development of the area, the control and distribution of population densities, the conservation of soil resources to maintain viable agricultural pursuits, and the separation of rural and urban uses. See Section 163.3177(1), and (6)(a) and (d), Florida Statutes, Section 187.201(16)(a), 16(b)2, (23)(a) and (23)(b)9, Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J- 5.006, Florida Administrative Code. Indicators 6 and 7 are also appropriate indicators of urban sprawl since a failure to utilize existing and future capacity of public facilities and services often evidences a failure to guide development into areas with existent infrastructure appropriate for development. These indicators are consistent with, and further, current comprehensive planning laws which favor orderly and balanced development, encourage efficient development, and maximize the use of existing public facilities. See Section 163.3177(1) and (6)(a), Florida Statutes, Section 187.201(16)(a) and (b)1, (17)(a), (18)(a), and (18)(b) 1 and 2, Florida Statutes, and Rules 9J-5.006, 9J-5.011, and 9J-5.016, Florida Administrative Code. Indicator 8 is an appropriate indication of urban sprawl for the same reasons addressed as to indicators 6 and 7, and because such premature expansion of land uses requires the extension of public facilities and services at disproportionate costs. This indicator is also consistent with, and furthers, the comprehensive planning laws addressed as to indicators 6 and 7. Indicator 10 is an appropriate indication of urban sprawl since a failure to encourage infill development or the redevelopment of existing neighborhoods and communities is consistent with failing to discourage urban sprawl. This indicator is consistent with, and furthers, the comprehensive planning laws which favor orderly and balanced growth, maximizing the use of existing facilities, the renewal of blighted areas and the revitalization of downtown areas. See Section 163.3177(1) and 6(a), Florida Statutes, Section 187.201(16)(a), (16)(b)1-3, 17(a), 17(b)2, (18)(a) and (18)(b)1 and 2, Florida Statutes, and Rules 9J-5.006, 9J-5.011, and 9J-5.016, Florida Administrative Code. Indicator 11 is an appropriate indication of urban sprawl for the same reasons addressed as to indicator 10, and is consistent with and furthers the comprehensive planning laws supporting that indicator. See also Rule 9J-5.010, Florida Administrative Code. Moreover, the encouragement of an attractive and functional mix of living, working, shopping and recreational activities in an urban area is the antithesis of urban sprawl. Indicator 12 is an appropriate indication of urban sprawl since urban sprawl patterns often result in poor accessibility among related land uses and increase the cost of transportation between related uses. This indicator is consistent with and furthers the comprehensive planning laws which favor orderly, balanced and efficient development, which includes timely and efficient access to services, jobs, markets and attractions. See Section 163.3177(1) and 6(a), Florida Statutes, Section 187.201(16)(b)1 and 3, and (20)(b)9, Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J5-5.006, Florida Administrative Code. Finally, indicator 13 is an appropriate indication of urban sprawl since urban sprawl patterns often result in the loss of significant amounts of functional open spaces ("undeveloped lands suitable for passive recreation or conservation"). This indicator is consistent with and furthers the comprehensive planning laws which address orderly and balanced growth, conservation of natural resources, and the need for recreational and open space. See Section 163.3177(1) and (6)(d) and (e), Florida Statutes, Section 187.201(10) and (16)(b)2, Florida Statutes, and Rules 9J-5.006, 9J-5.013, and 9J-5.014, Florida Administrative Code. While the indicators are reasonable in a generic sense, their existence or significance in any given case is wholly dependent upon an analysis of the specific plan or plan amendment and the local government's specific data and analysis which support it. Notably, these are the factors contemplated by the provisions of paragraphs (h)-(j) of the proposed rule which, when analyzed, presume to provide the insight necessary to render such a conclusion as to whether any indicators of urban sprawl are present. The first step in the analysis is an evaluation of land uses, as prescribed by paragraph (h). Under such provision, a land use analysis is the focus of the review of the plan or plan amendment when determining whether it discourages urban sprawl. The rule provides a list of ten factors by which each land use type (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural), included within the plan or amendment, will be evaluated. These factors are: extent, location, distribution, density, intensity, compatibility, suitability, functional relationship, land use combinations, and demonstrated need over the planning period. "Extent," "distribution," "density," "intensity," "compatibility," "suitability," and "functional relationship" are defined by proposed rule 9J- 5.003(50), (39), (35), (64), (28), (131) and (55), respectively. The term "demonstrated need over the planning period" is a term described in existing Rule 9J-5.006, which requires an analysis of the amount of land needed to accommodate the projected population, including the categories of land use and their densities or intensities of use. Petitioners did not challenge any of these rule definitions. The terms "location" and "land use combinations," while not defined in the rules, have a commonly understood meaning among professional planners. "Location" means the situs or relationship of any one land use to any other land use or geographic feature. "Land use combinations" means the different types of land uses (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural) on a land use map. Paragraph (i) of the proposed rule specifies the local conditions against which each of the land use factors described in paragraph (h) is to be evaluated. The paragraph lists ten features or characteristics to be used in this evaluation which, like the analysis in paragraph (h), is based on the plan or plan amendment and its underlying data and analysis. These factors are: Size of developable area. Projected growth rate (including population, commerce, industry, and agriculture). Projected growth amounts (acres per land use category). Facility availability (existing and committed). Existing pattern of development (built and vested), including an analysis of the extent to which the existing pattern of development reflects urban sprawl. Projected growth trends over the planning period, including the change in the overall density or intensity of urban development throughout the jurisdiction. Costs of facilities and services, such as per capita cost over the planning period in terms of resources and energy. Extra-jurisdictional and regional growth characteristics. Transportation networks and use characteristics (existing and committed). Geography, topography and various natural features of the jurisdiction. Petitioners offered no proof at hearing directly challenging the propriety or reasonableness of any of the factors listed in this paragraph. Moreover, one would expect a plan or plan amendment, together with its data and analysis, to address these factors. Paragraph (j) of the proposed rule sets forth a list of development controls which, to the extent they are included in a local plan, will be evaluated to determine their impact on the land uses at issue and, therefore, the ultimate issue of whether the plan or amendment discourages urban sprawl. A local government is not required to adopt any of the development controls, but if they elect to include them in their plan or plan amendment, the controls, which may mitigate or obviate an urban sprawl issue, are pertinent to the urban sprawl question. Indeed, each of the development controls is an accepted planning technique to control or discourage urban sprawl, and a professional planner should be familiar with such controls and their implications. Viewing the provisions of paragraphs (g)-(j) as a whole, the gist of petitioners' challenge appears to be that, while the purpose of the rule is to discourage urban sprawl, the rule fails to indicate "how much sprawl is acceptable and how much sprawl is too much," that the various indicators and criteria have no established weighting, and the terms used lack definition. Under such circumstances, petitioners argue the rules are vague or vest unbridled discretion in the agency. [See Petitioners' proposed recommended order, paragraphs 27-29.] Such concerns are not however, supported by the proof. As heretofore noted, the meaning applied to the terms used in the rules at issue is contained in other proposed rules, the existing rule, or the terms are commonly understood among professional planners. Moreover, in most cases, the terms used are identical to those employed by the Legislature in the enactment of Chapter 163, Part II, and Chapter 187, Florida Statutes, and the provisions of existing Rule 9J-5, which has been accorded special status by the Legislature under Section 163.3177(9), Florida Statutes. Under such circumstances, these terms have been routinely applied for a significant period of time in the preparation and review of local plans, and are presumably understood by professional planners. In concluding that the indicators and criteria are reasonable, it has not been overlooked that they do not have an established weighting, nor that professional planners could reasonably disagree in their application to a particular circumstance. As to establishing a weighting for each indicator or criteria, the variety of circumstances among local governments and their plans or proposed amendments would foreclose such an approach. As to disagreements among professional planners, such is not a failing of the rule, but the consequence of the diversity or vagary among local plans or amendments, data and analyses and local conditions. Notwithstanding, the plans or amendments, data and analyses, and local conditions provide an objective basis upon which an evaluation can be made and, if necessary, challenged and tested. Finally, as to the rule's failure to prescribe "how much sprawl is acceptable and how much sprawl is too much" the same conclusion must prevail, since it is the plan or amendment, data and analysis, and local conditions that will derive that answer and not the rule. Indeed, the benchmark adopted by the Department to "discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl" is not unreasonable under the circumstances. The common meaning of "discourage" and "proliferation" used in the Department's mandate provide a reasonable benchmark for addressing a problem that cannot be quantified. The word "discourage" means "To dissuade or deter . . . To hamper; hinder . . . To try to prevent," and the word "proliferation" means "To increase or spread at a rapid rate." The American Heritage Dictionary, New College Edition (1979). In reviewing plans or plan amendments as required by the Act, it is presumed that the Department's planners will exercise sound planning judgment and will conform their conduct to existent law. See e.g., Atlantic Coast Line R. Co. v. Mack, 57 So.2d 447 (Fla. 1952). Should the Department fail to do so, or should there be a divergence of opinion among the parties or professional planners, the statutory framework provided by Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, which establishes the procedures for adoption of comprehensive plans and plan amendments, provides a review process to test, if necessary, the sufficiency and consistency of any Departmental determination regarding urban sprawl or any other planning issue. Moreover, during the course of such review, deference is accorded the decision of the local government, not the Department. Regarding the review process, Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, provides for initial review of proposed comprehensive plans and plan amendments by the Department, and the rendering of an "Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report" (ORC Report) by the Department to the local government. The local government, upon receipt of the ORC report, may then adopt or adopt with changes the proposed plan or plan amendment. If adopted, a copy of the adopted plan or plan amendment is filed with the Department, which has 45 days to review it and determine if the plan or amendment is in compliance with the Act. The Department's determination of compliance can only be based upon one or both of the following: The state land planning agency's [Department's] written comments to the local government . . .; and Any changes made by the local government to the comprehensive plan or plan amendment as adopted. Section 163.3184(8)(a), Florida Statutes. If the Department issues a notice of intent to find the plan in compliance, any affected person is accorded an opportunity to file a petition for review pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. "In this proceeding the local plan or plan amendment shall be determined to be in compliance if the local government's determination of compliance is fairly debatable." Section 163.3184(9)(a), Florida Statutes. Should the Department issue a notice of intent to find the comprehensive plan or plan amendment not in compliance, the notice is forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) for review pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. In such proceeding, . . . the local government's determination that the comprehensive plan or plan amendment is in compliance is presumed to be correct. The local government's determination shall be sustained unless it is shown by a prepond- erance of the evidence that the comprehensive plan or plan amendment is not in compliance. The local government's determination that elements of its plans are related to and consistent with each other shall be sustained if the determination is fairly debatable. Section 163.3184(10)(a), Florida Statutes. In either case, the recommended order rendered by DOAH is subject to final agency action by the Department or the Administrative Commission, as appropriate, and ultimately judicial review. Sections 120.68 and 163.3184(9), (10) and (11), Florida Statutes.

Florida Laws (9) 120.52120.54120.57120.68163.3177163.3184163.3191187.201380.04 Florida Administrative Code (8) 9J-5.0019J-5.0039J-5.0059J-5.0069J-5.0109J-5.0129J-5.0139J-5.016
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Feb. 21, 1995 Number: 95-000749GM Latest Update: Dec. 06, 1995

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the City of Gainesville comprehensive plan amendment adopted by Ordinance No. 4036 on October 24, 1994, is in compliance.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact have been determined: The Parties Respondent, City of Gainesville (City), is a local government subject to the comprehensive land use planning requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. That chapter is administered and enforced by respondent, Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The DCA is charged with the responsibility of reviewing comprehensive land use plans and amendments made thereto. Petitioners, Mark Barrow, Jane Myers, Wilse Barnard, Mary Webb, and Steven and Mary Reid, own property and reside within the City. Petitioners, Historic Gainesville, Inc. and Duckpond Neighborhood Association, Inc., are organizations made up of persons who reside, own property, or operate businesses within the City. By stipulation of the parties, petitioners are affected persons within the meaning of the law and have standing to bring this action. Intervenors, John and Denise Feiber and Katherine Bodine, are the owners of two parcels of property which are at issue in this case. Intervenors submitted oral and written comments during the plan amendment review and adoption proceeding and thus have standing as affected persons to participate in this proceeding. Background During 1993 and 1994, John Feiber unsuccessfully attempted to sell his 1,800 square foot single-family home for an asking price that was disproportionately high for residential property, and was more in keeping with a commercial asking price. Recognizing that the property would be far more valuable with a commercial classification than its current residential designation, on June 11, 1994, Feiber, his wife, and the owner of the property next door, Katherine Bodine, submitted an application for an amendment to the City's Future Land Use Map (FLUM) to convert a .57 acre parcel from Residential- low Density to Planned Use District (PUD) to change a single family home into a law office, potentially convert an adjacent structure into mixed office and residential uses, and possibly build a third office building. Although the City's Plan Board unanimously recommended that the application be denied, by a 4-1 vote the City approved the application on October 3, 1994. This approval was formally ratified through the adoption of Ordinance No. 4036 on October 24, 1994. After essentially deferring to the City's findings, on January 25, 1995, the DCA completed its review of the amendment and issued a Notice of Intent to find the amendment in compliance. On February 15, 1995, petitioners filed their petition for administrative hearing with the DCA generally contending the amendment was internally inconsistent and violated certain parts of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the state comprehensive plan, and Chapter 9J- 5, Florida Administrative Code. In resolving these contentions, on which conflicting evidence was presented, the undersigned has accepted the more credible and persuasive evidence. Finally, by order dated March 30, 1995, intervenors were authorized to participate in this proceeding in support of the amendment. The Affected Neighborhood The parcel in question consists of two lots, one owned by the Feibers, the other by Bodine. Both lots are located within, and on the edge of, the Northeast Gainesville Residential Historic District (Historic District), a 63- acre collection of properties, which by virtue of the historically significant structures and residential land use patterns, qualified for listing on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980. The dominant land use and character within the Historic District is residential, and has been since it was zoned residential in 1932. Land uses on Northeast First Street, which forms the western boundary of the District, were always institutional, but on the east side of Northeast Second Street eastward, the uses were always residential with the exception of the Thomas Center, a 1920's vintage building now serving as a City office building. The Historic District is located in downtown Gainesville, beginning just north of East University Avenue and continuing northward until Northeast Tenth Avenue. Within its boundaries on the FLUM are two distinct land use designations, Residential-Low Density and Office. Northeast Second Street serves as the land use boundary between the two, with residential uses permitted on the east side and nonresidential uses permitted on the west side of the street. There have been no encroachments across the residential land use line since 1976 when a nonconforming parking lot was approved by the City. When the City adopted its comprehensive plan in 1985, and revised it in 1991, it continued the same two land uses, thereby codifying existing residential land use patterns and the conversion of office uses that had already occurred along First Street Northeast in the early 1970s. The Amendment As noted above, the parcel in question consists of two legal lots, one owned by the Feibers, the other by Bodine. The amendment changes the FLUM portion of the City's 1991-2001 comprehensive plan to reflect a PUD overlay for the parcel. The land is presently designated as residential-low density, a category in which office uses are not permitted. According to policy 2.1.1 of the Future Land Use Element (FLUE), this land use category is appropriate "for single family development, particularly the conservation of existing traditional low-density neighborhoods, single-family attached and zero-lot line development, and small scale multi-family development." Conversely, the same policy provides that "office designations shall not encroach in viable residential areas nor expand strip development." By their application, John and Denise Feiber seek to convert their single-family home at 206 N. E. Third Street into a law office. An adjacent two-story structure located at 206 N. E. Second Avenue would possibly be converted to office uses on the first floor and residential uses on the second floor. That building is owned by Katherine Bodine, an absentee landlord who resides in Jacksonville, Florida. The amendment also permits, but does not require, future consideration of a third, multi-story structure to accommodate offices. After the amendment was approved by the City, Bodine immediately listed her parcel for sale, and its future development is uncertain at this time. FLUE policy 2.1.1 describes the PUD designation as follows: This category is an overlay land use district which may be applied on any specific property in the City. The land use regulations pertaining to this overlay district shall be adopted by ordinance in conjunction with an amendment to the Future Land Use Map of this comprehensive plan. The category is created to allow the consideration of unique, inno- vative or narrowly construed land use proposals that because of the specificity of the land use regulations can be found to be compatible with the character of the surrounding land uses and environmental conditions of the subject land. Each adopting PUD overlay land use designation shall address density and intensity, permitted uses, traffic access and trip generation, environmental features and buffering of adjacent uses. Planned Development zoning shall be required to implement any specific development plan. In the event that the overlay district has been applied to a site and no planned development zoning has found approval by action of the City Commission within one year of the land use designation, the overlay land use district shall be deemed null and void and the overlay land use category shall be removed from the Future Land Use Map, leaving the original and underlying land use in place. Therefore, any land use proposal under this category must be "compatible with the character of the surrounding land uses and environmental conditions" and address the "buffering of adjacent uses." It follows that a PUD may not be applied arbitrarily, but rather it must be appropriate for the area and specific site. The amendment applies the following land use regulations to both the Feiber and Bodine parcels: Residential use of up to ten (10) units per acre and all uses permitted by right and by special use permit within the RMF-5 zoning district is authorized; the maximum floor area of all buildings and structures is 7,185 square feet; the Historic Preservation/ Conservation District requirements of Section 30-79, Land Development Code of the City of Gainesville regulate and control the development and design of all buildings, structures, objects and related areas; in addition to the Landscape and Tree management requirements of the Land Development Code, the property is required to be planted and maintained with residential scale landscaping to conform to the surrounding residential neighborhood, as well as act as a buffer for the surrounding uses; the average weekday afternoon peak trip generation rate per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area in office use is not permitted to exceed 1.73; any application for development is required to meet concurrency requirements of Article III of the City of Gainesville Land Development Code for each phase of development; and off-street parking is required to be provided unless on- street parking is created, pursuant to a plan attached to the ordinance as Exhibit "D". The amendment also applies the following land use regulations specifically to the Feiber parcel: An additional land use, Legal Services, as defined in Major Group 81 of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987 ed. is authorized; the maximum floor area authorized for such Legal Services is one thousand seven hundred eighty five (1,785) square feet; and, if on-street parking is not provided in accordance with the plan provided in Exhibit "D" of the ordinance, then off-street parking must be provided within 300 feet of the Feiber parcel. Finally, the amendment applies the following land use regulations to the Bodine parcel: Non-residential land uses are permitted as specified in Exhibit "E" of the ordinance; the maximum floor area authorized for non-residential uses is three thousand six hundred (3,600) square feet; the second story of the existing building is limited to residential use only; and on-site parking limitations are imposed. In accordance with policy 2.1.1, Planned Development (PD) zoning is required to implement the development plan and the uses permitted in the amendment. The underlying FLUM designation of Residential Low Density, which allows up to 12 units per acre, is neither abandoned nor repealed, but rather remains inapplicable, so long as the property is developed in accordance with a development plan to be approved when the implementing PD zoning is adopted, and such implementing zoning must be adopted within one year of the amendment becoming effective. Data and Analysis Data and Analysis Before the City Basically, the City concluded that the amendment could be justified on the theory that the conversion would provide commercial "infill" of an underutilized parcel with step-down transitions to the inner neighborhood. It further concluded that because of the small size of the parcel involved, the conversion would have a de minimis effect on the neighborhood. When the amendment was adopted, the City had before it the previously adopted comprehensive plan, including the original data and analysis to support that plan, and testimony and exhibits offered both for and against the amendment during a local government hearing conducted on October 4, 1994. Significantly, the City had no studies of any kind regarding marketability, neighborhood stability, availability of land for office and residential uses, or traffic. Indeed, in preparation for final hearing, its expert simply made a walking tour of the neighborhood. Data and Analysis Before the Department On October 28, 1994, the City transmitted the amendment to the DCA for review. The transmittal package contained the following items: The City's Final Order; Ordinance No. 4036, with Exhibits A-E; interoffice communication to the City Commission from the City Plan Board dated July 11, 1994; interoffice communication to the City Plan Board, Planning Division Staff dated June 16, 1994; attachment to Land Use Application (pages 1-5); and excerpts from the City Zoning and Future Land Use Maps showing the zoning and land uses assigned to adjacent properties. However, the transmittal package did not include transcripts of the City Plan Board hearing, the Commission Adoption hearing, or any part of the record of the quasi-judicial hearing of October 4, 1994. The DCA planning staff consulted data contained in the Department of Transportation's ITE Manual in analyzing the traffic and parking impacts of the adopted land use map amendment. It also contacted the Department of State, Division of Historic Resources (Division), for analysis of the amendment's impact on historic resources, and it received comments on the amendment from the the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council (NCFRPC). The DCA planning staff also analyzed the FLUM to determine compatibility of the amendment with surrounding uses. During this review, the DCA planning staff reviewed all pertinent portions of the City's Plan Goals, Objectives and Policies (GOPs) and data and analysis. This review was done in a cursory fashion, however, since the DCA viewed the application as being a very small project with no perceived impact. Given the lack of any studies concerning marketability, neighborhood stability, availability of land for office and residential uses, and traffic, all of which are pertinent to this amendment, it is found that the City and DCA did not use the best available data and analysis. Therefore, the amendment is inconsistent with the requirement in Rule 9J-5.005(2), Florida Administrative Code, and Section 163.3177, Florida Statutes, that the best available (and appropriate) data and analysis be used. Compatibility with Adjacent Uses To the south of the subject parcels is a four-lane loop road (Northeast Second Avenue) which now serves as a buffer from the adjacent uses. Across the street to the south is City Hall, which was constructed more than thirty years ago. To the west of the property is a commercial parking lot with an office building next door to that parking lot. On the east side of the property are multi-family dwellings. To the south and east from the parcels is a commercial lot. An area from the corner of Northeast Second Avenue and Northeast First Street, one block from the subject parcels, and proceeding north along Northeast First Street, contains many non- residential uses, including offices. Areas to the north are predominately multi-family and single-family uses. Transitional uses and buffering are professionally-acceptable planning tools. However, changing a single-family dwelling into an office does not enhance buffering for the residential properties further in the neighborhood because the Feiber house is currently a less intense use than office. Therefore, the amendment conflicts with the plan's requirement that a PUD provide buffering for adjacent uses. The concept of transitional uses entail the practice of providing for a gradation of uses from high-intensity to low-intensity uses. Insertion of another non-residential use at the Feiber property to achieve a chimerical "step-down transitional use" merely moves the "edge" another step inward. Nonresidential uses already exist just outside the Historic District neighborhood that would meet this "step-down" criteria. Retrofitting an existing neighborhood is not appropriate unless it is no longer viable, which is not the case here. Contrary to the proponents' assertion, the Feiber and Bodine parcels will not provide the transitional uses of office and multi-family uses between the high-intensity office (City Hall) uses and lower intensity, multi-family uses to the north of the subject parcels. The four-lane street between the City Hall and the subject property now serves as an adequate buffer. A major goal of the City's plan is to protect viable, stable neighborhoods, and the FLUM, with its residential land use category, provides that protection. This goal cannot be achieved by converting these parcels to office use. Another major goal of the plan is to protect and promote restoration and stablization of historic resources within the City. That goal cannot be achieved by converting these parcels to nonresidential uses. Yet another major goal of the plan is the prohibition of office uses intruding into residential neighborhoods. The amendment contravenes that requirement. Impact on Historic Resources As noted earlier, the Feiber and Bodine properties are located on the southern edge of the Historic District of the City, separated from the City Hall by a one-block long segment of a four-lane street plus the full half-block length of the City Hall parking lot. A major goal of the City's plan is the protection of historic architectural resources and historically significant housing within the City. This goal is found in FLUE objective 1.2, Historic Preservation Element goals 1 and 2, and Housing Element policy 3.1.3. This overall major goal, as embodied in the foregoing objective, policies and goal, cannot be furthered by the amendment. Conversions which intrude across stable boundaries, such as exist in this neighborhood, begin a pattern of disinvestment. As investment subsides, the physical, historic structures will be adversely affected. The conversion contemplated by the amendment would represent a small encroachment of office use into the neighborhood with a cumulative effect. There is nothing to preclude its precedential effect or encouragement of similar applications. Although the Division of Historic Resources stated that it had no objection to the amendment, its acquiesence to the amendment is not controlling. Rather, the more persuasive evidence supports a finding that the amendment will have an adverse impact on the Historic District and will not further applicable goals, policies and objectives. Local Comprehensive Plan Issues One criteria for evaluating a plan amendment is whether it would result in compatibility with adjacent land uses. The overriding goal in the area of compatibility analysis is the protection of viable, stable neighborhoods. There is nothing in the plan amendment itself which provides compatibility or buffering for the residential properties located to the north and east of the subject parcel. Indeed, office development of the land will increase the pressure to convert more structures. Objective 2.1 of the FLUE establishes an objective of providing sufficient acreage for residential, commercial, mixed use, office and professional uses and industrial uses at appropriate locations to meet the needs of the projected population. Those acreages are depicted on the FLUM. When reviewing a FLUM amendment, such as the subject of this proceeding, the City is required to make a need analysis. The amendment is not supported by any analysis of need. Prior to the amendment, the plan contained an overallocation of office space and a shortage of housing for Market Area 4, in which the subject parcel is located. The amendment does not increase available housing or alleviate the overallocation of office space in Market Area 4. Indeed, it has a contrary result. Adaptive reuse is not promoted by the City's plan. Rather, the Housing Element promotes restoration and conservation of historically or architecturally significant housing, which means returning to housing use, not adapting structures to some other use. In this respect, the amendment is contrary to the City's plan. Summary Because the plan amendment is internally inconsistent and not based on the best available data and analysis, it is found that the amendment is not in compliance.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Community Affairs enter a final order finding the amendment to be not in compliance. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of September, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of September, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 95-0749GM Petitioners: Petitioners' proposed findings, while substantially modified and shortened, have been generally adopted in substance. Respondents/Intervenors: 1-8. Partially covered in findings of fact 10-16. 9-37. Partially covered in findings of fact 17-22. 38-53. Partially covered in findings of fact 23-30. 54-71. Partially covered in findings of fact 31-33. 72-106. Partially covered in findings of fact 31-38. Note: Where a proposed finding has been partially accepted, the remainder has been rejected as being unnecessary for a resolution of the issues, cumulative, irrelevant, not supported by the more credible, persuasive evidence, subordinate, or a conclusion of law. COPIES FURNISHED: Patrice F. Boyes, Esquire W. David Jester, Esquire Post Office Box 1424 Gainesville, Florida 32602-1424 Richard R. Whiddon, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 1110 Gainesville, Florida 32602 Suzanne H. Schmith, Esquire 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 C. David Coffey, Esquire 105 S. E. First Avenue, Suite 1 Gainesville, Florida 32601-6215 James F. Murley, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Dan R. Stengle, Esquire General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.68163.3177163.3184 Florida Administrative Code (1) 9J-5.005
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Feb. 21, 2003 Number: 03-000593GM Latest Update: Jun. 29, 2004

The Issue The issue is whether Polk County's small scale development amendment (CPA2003S-02) adopted by Ordinance No. 03-03 on January 22, 2003, as later amended by Ordinance No. 03-19 on March 15, 2003, is in compliance.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Background Berry is the owner of a tract of land located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Eagle Lake Loop Road (County Road 540-A) and Pollard Road in Section 16, Township 29, Range 26 in the eastern part of unincorporated Polk County, Florida. The property lies south of the City of Winter Haven, east-southeast of the City of Eagle Lake, less than a mile south of Lake Eloise (on which Cypress Gardens is located), and west of U.S. Highway 27. Because Berry owns property within the County, and submitted oral and written comments to the County prior to the adoption of the challenged amendment, it has standing to participate in this action. On July 19, 2002, Berry filed an application with the County Planning Department seeking to change the land use on 9.99 acres (or just below the threshold of 10.0 acres for a small scale amendment) from RL-1 to Neighborhood Activity Center (NAC) to include approximately 4.95 acres of various neighborhood specialty shops such as a grocery store, drug store, convenience store, and dry cleaners, with the remaining acreage used as a mini-warehouse self-storage facility. In September 2002, Berry amended its application by seeking to change 3.93 acres from RL-1 to CC and 6.06 acres from RL-1 to BPC-1. The application was assigned Case File No. CPA2003S- 02. Under the County's review process, the application is first reviewed by the County Development Review Committee (Committee), then by the County Planning Commission (CPC), which either accepts or rejects the Committee's recommendation, and finally by the Board of County Commissioners (Board), which either adopts the amendment, adopts the amendment as amended by the Board, or rejects the amendment. After conducting a preliminary review of the application, on September 16, 2002, the Committee conducted a public hearing and voted to recommend approval. The matter was then transmitted to the CPC, which conducted a meeting on October 9, 2002, and recommended that the Board approve the amendment. On January 22, 2003, by a 3-2 vote, the Board adopted CPA2003S-02 changing the designation on the FLUM of the County Comprehensive Plan (Plan) as proposed by Berry. This was confirmed by the County's adoption of Ordinance No. 03-03. On February 21, 2003, Petitioners filed their Petition challenging the Berry amendment. The matter was again placed on the Board's agenda on March 19, 2003, after the County discovered that Ordinance No. 03-03 had inadvertently changed the land use on the entire parcel to CC rather a mix of CC and BPC-1. In addition, there were minor errors in the legal description of both the 3.93 and 6.06-acre parcels. Accordingly, Ordinance No. 03-19 was enacted to correct those errors. A second Petition for Formal Administrative Proceedings (with essentially the same allegations, but also adding an allegation that the same property had been improperly subject to two small scale amendments within a 12- month period) was filed by Petitioners on March 19, 2003, challenging the action taken in Ordinance No. 03-19. At the outset of the final hearing, Petitioners voluntarily dismissed two allegations contained in their Petition. In their Proposed Recommended Order, Petitioners have further narrowed the issues by addressing only the following allegations: that the property which is the subject of this proceeding exceeds 10.0 acres in size and therefore cannot qualify as a small scale amendment; and that the amendment violates Future Land Use Element (FLUE) Policies 2.102-A1, 2.113-B-3, 2.113-B-4, 2.110-C3, and 2.113-B-1 and is thus internally inconsistent with the Plan. These issues will be discussed separately below. All other allegations contained in the second Petition and the parties' Pre-Hearing Stipulation are deemed to have been withdrawn or abandoned. Because the change in the FLUM was filed and approved as a small scale plan amendment under Section 163.3187(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2003),1 a compliance review of the amendment was not made by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). See § 163.3187(3)(a), Fla. Stat. Standing of Petitioners Durham is a realtor/developer who owns property within 250 feet of Berry's property and resides at 10 Lake Eloise Lane, Southeast, Winter Haven, Florida. He made oral and written comments to the County prior to the adoption of the amendment. As such, he qualifies as an affected person under Section 163.3184(1)(a), Florida Statutes, and has standing to bring this action. CPPI began as an association in November 2002 and was later incorporated in February 2003. Presently, it has around 100 members, all of whom reside in the County. According to its chairperson, its purpose is to "help educate and inform residents of Polk County . . . towards growth matters that may affect their daily lives." The organization "encourages donations" from its members; it was scheduled to have conducted its first annual meeting on January 10, 2004; and members prepared and circulated petitions opposing the amendment to residents of the area in December 2002 and January 2003. At least one member of CPPI made written and oral comments on its behalf to the County prior to the adoption of the amendment in March 2003. There is no evidence, however, that CPPI (as opposed to its individual members) owns property or owns or operates a business within the County. Therefore, it lacks standing to file a petition. The land and surrounding uses Berry owns a triangle-shaped parcel of land (the parent parcel) totaling around 14 acres which fronts on Eagle Lake Loop Road (a 24-foot wide urban collector road) to the north, Pollard Road (a local road) to the east, and a CSX railroad track, with right-of-way, on its western side. (Pollard Road dead ends at Eagle Lake Loop Road, and another collector road, Eloise Loop Road, continues to the north from the intersection). Pollard Road provides access to eight nearby single-family homes, which lie south of the Berry property and front on Pollard Road, and eventually terminates at the City of Winter Haven's Sewage Treatment Plant (an institutional use), which lies slightly more than a mile south of the site. To the west of the site directly across the railroad tracks and fronting on Eagle Lake Loop Road is additional property owned by Berry and on which were once located the original Berry corporate offices. The Berry office buildings are now used, at least partially, by other tenants. Although the land across the railroad tracks is classified as Residential Suburban (RS), the property can be used for offices since the buildings were constructed, and office use began, prior to the adoption of the Plan. Directly across Pollard Road to the east is a vacant 10-acre tract of land owned by the Baptist Ridge Association, which intends to construct a church on the property. Berry's property is now classified as RL-1, a land use classification which "is characterized by single-family dwelling units, duplex units, and small-scale multi-family units." Since at least the 1950s, however, or long before the County adopted its Plan, the property has been used primarily for agriculture purposes (citrus groves); therefore, Berry is grandfathered to continue this non-conforming use on its property. Presently, the entire tract of land is undeveloped and largely covered by an orange grove, which Berry describes as "past maturation and is declining." Citrus trucks and trailers have been parked on the extreme northwestern corner of the parent parcel and are used in conjunction with the citrus operation. Except for the former Berry offices, a nearby beauty salon operating out of a house, and a convenience store about three-quarters of a mile away, which all began operation before the Plan was adopted and are grandfathered as non- conforming uses, and the City of Winter Haven's large tract of institutional land to the south, all of the property within slightly less than a one-mile radius of the Berry property is classified in various residential land use categories with only residential uses. The Amendment As noted above, Berry has owned the subject property for many years. In 1987, Berry (then under the name of Jack M. Berry, Sr.) made application with the County for a zoning change on the property from Rural Conservation (RC) to Commercial (C-3) to allow typical commercial uses. The application was ultimately denied by the County on the ground, among others, that the zoning district being proposed was inconsistent with the Plan, "given the residential development pattern in the area." At least partly on the theory that the area has changed substantially in the last 15 years, Berry has filed (and the County has approved) an application seeking to change the land use on the property to commercial uses. Berry has carved out of the parent parcel two smaller parcels totaling 9.99 acres in size and seeks to change the land use on the northern parcel (3.93 acres) to CC and the land use on the southern parcel (6.06 acres) to BPC-1. The remaining land in the parent parcel, which consists of a 0.43-acre triangle-shaped parcel on the northwestern corner of the parent parcel and now used by citrus trucks, and a vacant 2.74-acre triangle-shaped parcel on the southern end, will remain R-1. (However, all parties agree that if the amendment is approved, these remaining parcels will be unsuitable for residential development.) In addition, strips of land ranging from 22 to 28 feet in width which front on Eagle Lake Loop Road and Pollard Road will be dedicated to the County for right-of-way and have not been included in the 9.99-acre amendment. Presumably, the proposed change is being done in this manner so that the total acreage is less than 10.0 acres, which qualifies the application to be processed as a small scale development amendment rather than a regular plan amendment and subject to DCA review and approval. If the change is approved, the northern part of the parcel (3.93 acres) will be changed to CC to develop convenience commercial uses. Under the Plan, the most typical tenant in this category is a convenience store, while other typical tenants include laundry, dry cleaning, barber, restaurant, gas station, and office uses. The southern (and larger) portion of the tract will be changed to BPC-1. The most typical tenant in this category is "[o]ne or more light- assembly plants, or warehouse facilities," which include a mini-warehouse storage facility. Other typical tenants described in the Plan are offices, distribution centers, research and development firms, and high-density residential, with proper buffering. (Berry says it intends to build a mini-warehouse facility on the southern parcel; however, any of the above described uses could be placed on the property if the change is approved.) Petitioners' Objections In broad terms, Petitioners have contended that the small scale amendment actually involves a use of more than 10 acres since the strips of land being dedicated as right-of-way to the County must be counted as a part of the land being amended. They also contend that the plan amendment violates five FLUE policies and is therefore internally inconsistent with the Plan. A small scale development amendment can only be adopted if "[t]he proposed amendment involves a use of 10 acres or fewer." See § 163.3187(1)(c)1., Fla. Stat. The parties have agreed that the legal description of the parcel subject to the change includes only 9.99 acres, or less than the 10-acre threshold. However, prior to the development of the site, Berry intends to dedicate to the County two strips of land, one fronting on Eagle Lake Loop Road (28 feet wide), and the other on Pollard Road (22 feet wide), for future right-of-way for some public purpose. Petitioners contend that the right-of-way constitutes essential infrastructure for the development and must be included as a part of the amendment. If this land is added to the amendment, the total acreage would obviously exceed 10.0 acres. The dedicated land is not "essential infrastructure" needed for the development activities on the land, since two roadways (Eagle Lake Loop Road and Pollard Road) already exist on the northern and eastern boundaries of the property, and they are sufficient in size to provide ingress to, and egress from, the property. Instead, the County will "bank" the land in the event some form of right-of-way activity is needed in the future. It is noted that Eagle Lake Loop Road was recently widened to 24 feet, and it is not anticipated that a further widening will occur for a number of years. There is nothing in the Plan which requires an applicant for an amendment to include all of its property in a proposed amendment, or prevents an applicant from leaving a residual piece of property out of the application. Therefore, Berry was not required to include in the amendment the right- of-way or the two smaller residual pieces of property that will remain R-1. Finally, assuming arguendo that Petitioners' contention is correct, that is, that an applicant must include right-of-way land dedicated to the local government in the total acreage calculation, Berry could still lawfully comply with the 10-acre threshold by simply reducing the other acreage being changed to CC or BPC by the amount of land being dedicated to the local government for right-of-way. Therefore, it is found that Berry has not improperly excluded from the amendment land necessary for essential infrastructure so as to violate Section 163.3187(1)(c)1., Florida Statutes, as alleged by Petitioners. Policy 2.102-A1 requires compatibility between adjacent uses. More specifically, it provides that: Land shall be developed so that adjacent uses are compatible with each other, pursuant to the requirements of other Policies in this Future Land Use Element, so that one or more of the following provisions are accomplished: there have been provisions made which buffer incompatible uses from dissimilar uses; incompatible uses are made to be more compatible to each other through limiting the intensity and scale of the more intense use; uses are transitioned through a gradual scaling of different land use activities through the use of innovative development techniques such as a Planned Unit Development. Therefore, as the Plan is now written, so long as Berry develops the land in a manner which accomplishes at least one of the three "provisions" in paragraphs a - c of the policy, so as to make the adjacent uses compatible, the proposed land use change is permissible. As noted above, except for a few non-conforming uses adjacent to, or near the property, virtually all of the area around the Berry property is designated for residential use. The area to the north and northeast is developed with up-scale (with some homes ranging to as high as $1 million in value), low density, large lot, single-family residential subdivisions, including Harbour Estates, Cedar Cove, Cypress Cove, Gaines Cove, and Valhalla. To the east of the site are more subdivisions, including Eloise Place, Skidmore, Cypress Point, Lake Eloise Estates, Eloise Pointe Estates, a mobile home park, and Little Lake Estates. The lands to the south are primarily agriculture and in active citrus groves, with eight single-family homes on Pollard Road. Finally, a church will be built on the property directly across the street from the Berry property at the southeast corner of the intersection of Eagle Lake Loop Road and Pollard Road. The County Planning Director agrees that a convenience store (which is an authorized use on CC land), standing alone, is incompatible with adjacent single-family residences. Given this acknowledgement, and the fact that a non-binding, proposed site plan submitted by Berry with its application does not provide for any buffering between the commercial uses and the residential areas, Petitioners contend that none of the conditions required for compatibility in paragraphs a through c have been met, and thus the policy has been violated. The County has made clear, however, that when a final site plan is submitted, there must be "provisions [in the site plan] . . . which buffer incompatible uses from dissimilar uses," as required by the policy. Assuming that this is done at the site plan stage, at least one of the three provisions will be accomplished, thereby satisfying the compatibility requirement. This being so, the plan amendment does not violate the policy and in this respect is not internally inconsistent with the Plan. Petitioners next contend that the amendment is inconsistent with Policy 2.110-C3, which contains locational criteria for CC property. One such criterion requires that "Convenience Centers shall be located at the intersections of arterial and/or collector roads." Because the property is at a T-shaped intersection (as opposed to a traditional cross intersection with four directions for traffic to move off the site), Petitioners assert that the property is not located at an "intersection" within the meaning of the policy. Eagle Lake Loop Road, on which the northern boundary of the property fronts, is designated as an urban collector road. That road forms an intersection with Pollard Road (a local road) and Eloise Loop Road (also an urban collector road), which meets Eagle Lake Loop Road from the north at the intersection, and then makes a 90 degree turn to the east. (When Eagle Lake Loop Road continues to the east beyond the intersection, it turns into Eloise Loop Road, and later into Thompson Nursery Road, until it eventually intersects with U.S. Highway 17.) There is no dispute that the two collector roads (Eagle Loop Lake Road and Eloise Loop Road) form a T intersection, rather than a traditional cross intersection. For many years, however, the County has considered a T intersection and a cross intersection to be the same in terms of satisfying Plan requirements. Indeed, at the present time, at least four other CC designated properties within the County are located at T intersections. The County's interpretation of the policy is consistent with sound planning principles, is reasonable and logical, and is more persuasive than the contrary view offered by Petitioners. Accordingly, it is found that the amendment does not conflict with Policy 2.110- C3. Petitioners also contend that the amendment is inconsistent with Policy 2.113-B-3, which provides that "Business-Park Centers shall be located with consideration being given to regional transportation issues, and should be located at the intersections of arterial roads, and preferably on a fixed-route mass-transit line." (Emphasis added.) The use of the word "should" (rather than "shall") is intended to state a preference, but not an absolute requirement, that BPC lands be located at the intersections of arterial roads. According to the County's Planning Director, this is because "most cases that come [before the County] don't meet the ideal situation" of satisfying every requirement, and the County has used this permissive language to give itself some degree of flexibility in handling cases that do not meet every Plan requirement. Therefore, even though it is preferable that BPC land be located at the intersection of arterial roads, this requirement is not mandatory, and the County has the flexibility to approve a BPC land use change at property not sited at the intersection of arterial roads. In contrast to the permissive language described above, Policy 2.113-B-4 provides that development within a Business-Park Center shall conform to certain development criteria, including one that Business-Park Centers shall have frontage on, or direct access to, an arterial roadway, or a frontage road or service drive which directly serves an arterial roadway. Business-Park Centers shall incorporate the use of frontage roads or shared ingress/egress facilities wherever practical. In this case, the closest arterial roadway to Berry's property is State Road 17 to the west, which is four miles away, while State Road 60, another arterial roadway, is approximately six miles to the south. These arterial roads must be accessed, at least at the beginning of the trip, by Eagle Lake Loop Road, a two-lane, 24-foot wide urban collector that runs through predominately residential neighborhoods with some homes having fences within a foot or two from the road. The County interprets the requirement that BPC land have "direct access to an arterial road" to be satisfied if the property fronts on a collector road, which then provides access to an arterial road. Under the County's interpretation, the requirement is met since Eagle Lake Loop Road provides access (albeit 4 to 6 miles away) to State Roads 17 and 60. The County says it has consistently interpreted this provision in this manner for at least ten years, and has approved other applications for changes to BPC when those parcels were located on urban collector roads. (The distance between these other BPC parcels and the arterial roads is not of record, however.) While Policy 2.113-B-1 provides that Business-Park Centers are "not intended to accommodate major commercial or other high-traffic producing facilities," they "are intended to promote employment opportunities within the region by allowing for the establishment of office parks, research and development parks, areas for light-industrial facilities, distribution centers, and mixed-use employment parks." The same policy provides that they must have a usable area of 10 acres or more, have a service-area radius of 20 miles or more, be supported by a population of 150,000 or more people, and have a gross leasable area of 500,000 to 2,000,000 square feet. Given this description of their purpose and characteristics, and the wide range of commercial activities that are allowed on Business-Park Center lands, it is not surprising that Policy 2.113-B-3 provides that BPC lands should be located "at the intersections of arterial roads, and preferably on a fixed-route mass-transit line," while Policy 2.113-B-4 requires that they "have direct frontage on, or direct access to, an arterial roadway, or a frontage road or service drive which directly serves on an arterial roadway." When reading these provisions as a whole, it is unreasonable to conclude, as the County does, that "direct access" contemplates a drive of over 4 miles, partly on a narrow two- lane road, in order to reach an arterial road. Accordingly, on this issue, Petitioners' evidence is the most persuasive, and it is found that the plan amendment conflicts with Policy 2.113-B-4 and in this respect is internally inconsistent with the Plan. Policy 2.110-C3 sets forth the following location criteria for Convenience Centers: LOCATION CRITERIA Convenience Centers shall be located at the intersections of arterial and/or collector roads. There shall be the following traveling distance, on public roads, between the center of Convenience Center and the center of any other Convenience Center, or other higher- level Activity Center, Linear Commercial Corridor, or Commercial Enclave providing for the same convenience shopping needs: One (1) mile within the UDA and UGA Two (2) miles within the SDA and UEA This required separation may be reduced if: The higher-level Activity Center, Linear Commercial Corridor or Commercial Enclave within the required distance separation is over 80 percent developed; or the proposed Convenience Center market- area radius, minimum population support is over 5,000 people. Petitioners contend that this policy has been violated in two respects: the Berry property is not located at the intersection of arterial roads; and there is an existing convenience center located within 0.8 mile of the Barry property, and Berry cannot qualify for a reduction in the required separation, as described in paragraphs a and b. For the reasons stated in Findings of Fact 30-32, it is found that the Berry property is located at the intersection of two collector roads (Eagle Lake Loop Road and Eloise Loop Road) and that a T intersection satisfies the requirements of the policy. As to the second contention, the Berry property is located within an UGA (Urban Growth Area), and an existing convenience store is located at the intersection of Rifle Range Road and Eagle Lake Loop Road, or less than a mile west of Berry's property. The land use on the property on which the store sits was recently changed (in December 2003) to BPC, which does not allow a convenience store. However, the store is a non-conforming use, having been located at that site before the Plan was adopted. The locational requirement in Policy 2.110-C-3 that CC lands within the UGA be located at least a mile apart is not the least bit vague or ambiguous: CC designated lands (and not individual convenience stores, as Petitioners suggest) must be separated by at least a mile, unless one of the two criteria for reducing this separation is met. Because there is no CC land within a one-mile radius of the Berry land, the policy has not been violated. Policy 2.113-B-1 sets forth the following relevant characteristic for Business-Park Centers: General characteristics of Business-Park Centers are: Usable Area 10 acres or more There is no dispute that the useable area for the BPC land is only 6.06 acres, or approximately 60 percent of the required acreage. Petitioners contend that the amendment violates the foregoing policy because the useable area on Barry's property is much less than "10 acres or more." While the former County Planning Director conceded that the 10-acre usable area requirement is "mandatory," he justified the amendment on the ground that the 6.06 acres "approximates" 10 acres, and thus satisfies the policy. In the same vein, the current County Planning Director asserted that if Berry was proposing a stand-alone BPC, it would have been required to have 10 usable acres. In this case, though, he pointed out that the Berry property will be used for a nonresidential mixed use (BPC and CC) totaling almost 10 acres, and therefore Berry has satisfied the requirement. The Planning Director admitted, however, that nothing in the Plan specifically allows this type of exception. He justified the County's action on the theory that the Plan "doesn't anticipate every situation that comes in," and "interpretations have to be made of the comprehensive plan and how it's applied." The requirement that Business-Park Centers have a usable area of 10 or more acres is clear and unambiguous, was characterized as being "mandatory," and is not subject to any exceptions in the Plan. This being so, the County's interpretation is found to be unreasonable and contrary to the plain language in the policy, and in this respect the plan amendment is internally inconsistent with the Plan.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administration Commission enter a final order determining that the small scale development amendment (CPA2003S-02) adopted by Polk County by Ordinance No. 03-03, as amended by Ordinance No. 03-19, is not in compliance. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of February, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of February, 2004.

Florida Laws (5) 120.569163.3177163.3184163.31876.06
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida May 01, 1995 Number: 94-003734GM Latest Update: Nov. 06, 1995

Findings Of Fact On or about February 13, 1995, Petitioner, Hillary Sklar, filed Petitioner's Second Amended Petition. Ms. Sklar has challenged the Department's determination that an amendment to the City's comprehensive plan adopted by Ordinance No. 94-2-2 was "in compliance." In the second amended petition Ms. Sklar made the following allegations concerning her standing to institute this proceeding: * * * 2. The Petitioner's address is 11321 Southwest 49th Place, Fort Lauderdale, 33330, in the County of Broward, Florida. * * * 4. On February 8, 1994, the Respondent passed Ordinance NO. 94 -2 -2 authorizing the implement- ation of Land Use Plan Amendment 94 - S - 1. The Land Use Plan Amendment affects property located at 11791 Southwest 49th Street, Cooper City, in the County of Broward. . . . * * * Petitioner's property is located in a section of unincorporated Broward County which abuts and adjoins the property in question. Petitioner's property has been defined by Respondent as an "enclave." Petitioner's property is similarly situated to those of property owners in Cooper City and will be affected more than those property owners located in Cooper City; including, but not limited to, the allegations contained in Paragraphs 10 through 17, inclusive. Petitioner made objections to the ordinance at the February 8, 1994 City Council meeting discussing adoption of the ordinance. . . . * * * Ms. Sklar has still failed to allege that she resides, owns property or operates a business located with a City of Cooper City address or which otherwise is subject to the jurisdiction of the City of Cooper City. The oral objections made by Ms. Sklar were made at a public hearing of the City of Cooper City Council held on February 8, 1994. According to the minutes of that meeting, Ms. Sklar "said the zoning is a done deal and the annexation and sale was a done deal. Why should it be a done deal before the Public Hearing was held, she asked." The factual information contained in the Preliminary Statement of this Recommended Order is hereby incorporated by reference.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Community Affairs enter a Final Order dismissing the Petitioner's Second Amended Petition, filed by Hillary Sklar. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of March, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of March, 1995. COPIES FURNISHED: Edward R. Curtis, Esquire Bruce Botsford, Esquire 1828 S.E. 1st Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 Suzanne H. Schmith Certified Legal Intern Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Silvia Morell Alderman, Esquire Suite 1200 106 East College Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Linda Loomis Shelley, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Dan Stengle, General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100

Florida Laws (2) 120.57163.3184
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pompano Beach, Florida Mar. 09, 2011 Number: 11-001206GM Latest Update: Oct. 24, 2013

The Issue The issue is whether the plan amendments adopted by the City of Pompano Beach (City) by Ordinance Nos. 2011-24 and 2011- 25 on February 8, 2011, are in compliance.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner is a resident and owner of real property within the City. Through counsel, she submitted written and oral comments to the City during the transmittal and adoption hearings for the plan amendments. Petitioner is employed by the Seminole Tribe of Florida at its casino located in Coconut Creek, Broward County (County). PPI's claim that this challenge is rooted in gaming interests of the Seminole Tribe of Florida appears to be a valid assumption. The City is a municipal corporation in the County and is responsible for adopting and maintaining its Plan. It adopted the amendments pursuant to former section 163.32465, in effect at that time, which codified an adoption process known as the Alternative State Review Pilot Program (Pilot Program). Under the Pilot Program, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA)1 did not issue an Objections, Recommendation, or Comments report or a notice of intent regarding compliance or non- compliance of the plan amendments. The DCA and other reviewing agencies did, however, issue letters advising that they did not object to the final version of the adopted amendments. PPI owns property in the City and is the applicant for the amendments. PPI submitted comments in support of the amendments throughout the adoption process. The Amendment Process in Broward County Under the County Charter, land use changes to the City's Plan that are not more restrictive than the County Land Use Plan must be reviewed by the Planning Council to ensure that they are in "substantial conformity" with the County Land Use Plan. However, the Planning Council does not review the City's plan amendments for consistency with the City's Plan or chapter 163. After the County's review was completed, the DCA recommended that certain changes be made. The amendments were transmitted back to the City and were amended to conform to the DCA's recommendations. The amendments were then required to undergo the same review process a second time. Although a determination was made by the Planning Council that the initial amendments were in substantial conformity with the County Land Use Plan, the revised amendments cannot be recertified for consistency until this challenge has been concluded. If plan amendments are in substantial conformity with its Land Use Plan, the County must amend its Plan to incorporate the City's changes. Based upon a favorable recommendation by the Planning Council, on September 28, 2010, the County adopted companion amendments, although not identical to the City's revised amendments. Those amendments are the subject of a pending challenge by the same petitioner in Case No. 10-9939GM and have not yet become effective. A hearing in that case is now scheduled in September 2013. Until that challenge is resolved, the City amendments cannot become effective. The Property PPI owns approximately 230 acres of property within the City. The property is bounded on the north by Racetrack Road, by North Cypress Bend Drive to the south, by Powerline Road to the west, and the CSX railroad tracks to the east. The current land use designation on 160 acres is Commercial Recreation (CR), while the remaining 70 acres has a Regional Activity Center (RAC) designation. The 70 acres makes up the southern part of a pre-existing RAC known as the Arvida Pompano Park Regional Activity Center (Arvida RAC), whose boundaries are coextensive with a Development of Regional Impact approved in the 1980s, but which expired in 2004. Except for the 70 acres owned by PPI, the Arvida RAC is fully developed. The CR property lies just to the south of the Arvida RAC and forms the southern boundary of that development. The 160 acres is now occupied by the Pompano Park Harness Track, Isle of Capri Casino, surface parking lots, various commercial uses, horse stables, a training area, and other uses associated with the harness track and casino. The 160 acres is the only property in the City designated as CR. That designation allows an extremely wide range of permitted uses: outdoor and indoor recreation facilities such as active recreation complexes, marinas, stadiums, jai-alai frontons, bowling alleys, golf courses, and dog and horse racing facilities; accessory facilities, including outdoor and indoor recreation facilities that support the primary recreation facility; hotels, motels, time shares, and similar lodging ancillary to the primary commercial recreation uses; and other active and passive recreation uses. The site was once considered for a new baseball stadium for the Florida Marlins and a hockey arena for the Florida Panthers. The CR property can have more than one primary use. For example, besides the harness track, the casino is an "indoor recreation facility" and qualifies as a second primary use. If a hotel has resort and destination features that are open to the public, the amenities can become a primary use. Under the City's interpretation of CR land, a hotel containing a destination function with resort and recreation features is also a primary use. Ancillary facilities for each of these uses is also allowed. The City is already 95 percent built-out, and it considers PPI's property to be regionally significant, under developed, and ripe for redevelopment as a major attraction. For these reasons, it supports the designation of the property as a new RAC. PPI filed the application because it desires greater flexibility in planning for the future development of the property. If the amendments become effective, PPI intends to expand the existing casino and build a large resort hotel, various commercial and residential uses, and other amenities associated with those activities. The Amendments In December 2009, PPI submitted an application to the City to reduce the existing Arvida RAC by removing PPI's 70 acres south of Racetrack Road; eliminate the development intensity assigned to those 70 acres; and combine the 70 acres removed from the Arvida RAC with its 160 acres of CR property to create a new South RAC. PPI also proposed to transfer credit for the remaining undeveloped portion of the Arvida RAC to the new South RAC. After the local review process was completed, the plan amendments were transmitted to the DCA, which issued a letter of comment recommending that the amendments be revised to identify the maximum amount of development (i.e., square footage) that would be allowed in each non-residential use, including CR, commercial, and office. Based on the DCA's comments, the application was modified by PPI to include floor area ratios (FARs) for each non-residential use, and in October 2010 the revised amendments were approved by the City on first reading. The DCA reviewed the revised amendments and had no objections. In February 2011, the revised amendments were adopted on second reading. Petitioner then timely filed her challenge. The map amendment (Ordinance No. 2011-25) changes the land use designation on the CR property to RAC. It consolidates the 70-acre parcel with the 160-acre parcel to create a unified RAC designation. The amendment does not change the boundary or designation of uses within the existing Arvida RAC. The amended FLUM now shows only a single RAC, with different intensity and density standards assigned to the North and South RACs in the text amendment.2 The text amendment to the FLUE (Ordinance No. 2011-24) affects a total of 399 acres of land, which covers both the existing Arvida RAC and the 160 acres of CR property south of Racetrack Road. It amends the listed uses for the Arvida RAC and names the uses for the new South RAC. The amendments permit a mixed use complex on PPI's property with a combination of 135 acres of CR (rather than 160 acres), 27 acres of commercial uses, 26 acres of office uses, and 43 acres of residential usage, consisting of 1,050 mid-rise apartments and 250 garden apartments, or a total of 1,300 residential units. The only new use introduced by either amendment is the 1,300 residential units. The maximum intensity on the CR property is not defined in the text of the Plan. However, FLUE policy 01.07.20 allows development on the 160 acres to a maximum intensity of 105 feet in height with 50 percent floor area coverage. This equates to an effective FAR of 5.0. All parties agree that a 5.0 FAR is unrealistic, and PPI never considered using that level of development. For this reason, the text amendment reduces the CR intensity to 0.31, which represents a far more reasonable and realistic development limitation. The amendment limits the maximum development within the South RAC to the following maximum FARs: 0.31 for commercial recreation use; 0.84 for office use; and 0.65 for commercial use. To the extent any portion of the 160 acres is re-designated as commercial or office, the amendment limits the maximum potential development on that acreage. Petitioner's Objections Petitioner's objections, broadly defined, are that the amendments are not in compliance because (a) they are not based on relevant and appropriate data and analysis regarding transportation impacts; (b) they are internally inconsistent with four policies in the FLUE, one objective and two policies in the Transportation Element (TE), one policy in the Capital Improvement Element (CIE), and three policies in the Housing Element (HE); and (c) they are not supported by appropriate data and analysis regarding affordable housing. Data and Analysis -- Transportation Section 163.3177(1)(f) requires that plan amendments be based on "relevant and appropriate data and analysis by the local government that may include, but not be limited to, surveys, studies, community goals and vision, and other data available at the time of adoption of the comprehensive plan or plan amendment." In addition, "the future land use plan and plan amendments shall be based upon surveys, studies, and data regarding the area, as applicable, including: . . . [t]he availability of water supplies, public facilities and services." § 163.3177(6)(a)2.d., Fla. Stat. FLUM amendments must be based on an "analysis of the availability of facilities and services." § 163.3177(6)(a)8.a., Fla. Stat. Finally, "[w]here data is relevant to several elements, consistent data shall be used." § 163.3177(2), Fla. Stat. Relying on the foregoing statutory requirements, Petitioner contends that the data and analysis regarding transportation impacts are inconsistent with the data and analysis supporting the TE and CIE; the various data and analysis supporting the amendments are not accurate and professionally acceptable because they underestimate impacts to transportation facilities by overstating the maximum development intensity of the property under the existing CR land use designation and do not identify the true impact of the amendments; and the City did not react appropriately to the data and analysis demonstrating serious impacts to already failing roadways in the area. In broad terms, a traffic impact analysis identifies the potential traffic impacts of the plan amendments on the transportation system. In their analyses, the parties used very different assumptions as to the maximum development intensity under the existing land use designations on the PPI property. Each analysis compares the traffic generated at the maximum intensity permitted under the existing land uses to the traffic generated by the maximum density/intensity under the plan amendments. The City does not require that a particular methodology or set of assumptions be used in performing an analysis. This is because the methodologies and assumptions used in a traffic impact study may differ, and they are grounded in part on the expert's sound judgment, experience, and discretion. PPI submitted two traffic impact analyses, one in March 2010 and the second in October 2010. Because the City disagreed with PPI's pre-amendment assumptions in the first analysis and assumed a smaller development under the existing land uses, it recommended that an independent traffic engineer be hired to conduct a second analysis and verify the transportation impacts. Due to a lack of resources, the City does not conduct its own traffic analysis; instead, it typically defers to the traffic analysis conducted by the Planning Council or, in some cases, it may hire its own consultant. PPI's second analysis assumed a different mix of pre- amendment CR uses. Also, it used the County Metropolitan Planning Organization's (MPO's) latest model (the Florida Standard Urban Transportation Model Structure, a/k/a FSUTMS) for traffic distribution, which was not available until after the first analysis had been completed. The second analysis assumed that under existing land uses the 160 acres could be developed with a 15,000 seat racetrack (instead of a 5,625 seat facility); a 125,000 square- foot casino; a 400,000 square-foot amusement center; a 2,333 room hotel; 350,000 square feet of accessory retail; and a new 100,000 square-foot theme park. The analysis sought to represent the existing condition of the property as reflecting a reasonable amount of development which could actually be built on the property. While these assumed uses dramatically expand the existing development on the parcel, each is permitted under the CR category, and the intensities are substantially lower than those allowed under the FLUE limitations. The assumed pre-amendment development was compared with an assumed post-development condition of a 11,591 seat racetrack; a 96,561 square-foot casino; a 309,091 square-foot amusement center; a 1,750 room hotel; 270,455 square feet of accessory retail; and a 77,273 square-foot theme park. Thus, PPI's post-amendment assumptions represented a reduction in the pre-development conditions. The October study concluded that the plan amendments would generate 6,578 net new daily trips and 568 net new total afternoon peak-hour trips (i.e., trips during rush hour). It further concluded that a number of roadway segments would continue to operate at unacceptable Level of Service (LOS) F in the future no matter whether the amendments were approved or not. Notably, only State and County roadways were impacted, and those impacts have been further evaluated by the Planning Council through its own traffic impact study. To mitigate these impacts, the revised study identified various improvements or modifications to the three affected segments, Racetrack Road east of Powerline Road, Racetrack Road east of Southwest 23rd Avenue, and Powerline Road north of McNab Road. These modifications were accepted as adequate mitigation by the City. Although Petitioner questioned whether the proposed mitigation could be enforced without being incorporated into the Plan, the City takes the position that PPI's representations are enforceable. If additional mitigation is required, PPI has agreed that this can be provided during the permit stage. After receiving PPI's second impact analysis, the City noted that it was "more detailed" than the City's abbreviated analysis performed after PPI's first study; it agreed with PPI's use of FARs for each land use category (as recommended by the DCA) to determine the maximum development that could occur; it agreed that the accepted analysis "shows a lower net increase in the demand for public facilities and services than the City's analysis"; and it concluded that "the project can meet all applicable concurrency requirements." By then, the City was also aware that the County had adopted PPI's companion amendments, and the Planning Council, with the MPO's technical assistance, had made its own evaluation of traffic impacts before amending its own Plan. The Planning Council used a different methodology to analyze traffic impacts for CR land use amendments. Unlike PPI, the Planning Council's analysis did not assume the maximum development potential in either the before or after condition. Rather, it converted the acreage of uses in the before and after conditions by assuming a development potential of 10,000 square feet per acre for all non-residential uses, which equals a 0.23 FAR. It also assumed that the only new use would be the addition of 1,300 new residential units. The Planning Council analysis concluded that the amendments would add 305 afternoon peak-hour trips to the regional roadway network, or fewer than that found in PPI's study. The County further concluded that the net increase in trips would not significantly impact the two major roadways in the area, Powerline Road and Atlantic Boulevard, and that they would continue to operate at LOS F even if the amendments were not approved. Under current Planning Council review standards, any impact that is less than three percent of the capacity of a roadway is considered insignificant. There were no impacts that exceeded this threshold. The Planning Council's traffic impact analysis and supporting data are a part of the data and analysis supporting the City's amendments. Petitioner contends that PPI's second traffic study is flawed in several respects. One concern is that the assumptions made by PPI in determining the pre- and post-amendment conditions on its property "significantly overestimate the development in the pre-approval condition," and therefore "grossly underestimate the net increase in traffic." Using different assumptions, Petitioner's expert prepared his own traffic impact analysis which substantially reduces the pre- amendment maximum development on the property. In all, Petitioner's expert prepared 11 different scenarios, some showing no impacts at all, but he eventually decided to use the tenth version, which is probably the most favorable to his position. The permitted uses under the City's CR category are extremely broad and mimic the permitted uses under the "very, very broad" CR category in the County's Plan. Petitioner's expert opined that because the CR land use is so "ill-defined," the "best indicator" of what could be built in the before condition "appeared to be the plat." A plat is a development permit approved by, and recorded with, the County. It normally reflects what a property owner intends to build on his property at the time the plat is approved or in the very near future. The County then uses the plat to determine the amount of impact fees to be paid by the owner. Because it can be amended at any time, usually when a land use amendment is being processed or when more development is contemplated, a plat is not used to determine the maximum potential development capacity on a parcel. Notably, PPI could easily file an application for approval of a new plat on the CR land showing exactly what it assumed in pre-amendment conditions. The existing plats themselves were not made a part of the record. By using recorded plats for his entire analysis, including the CR land, which he admitted was "a little unusual," Petitioner's expert significantly reduced the amount of development in a pre-amendment condition, increased the difference between pre- and post-amendment traffic, and created more post-amendment traffic impacts on the road network. However, this assumption is contrary to the plats' intended use, it does not represent a parcel's true development potential, and at best it produces results that are no more reasonable than the results presented by PPI. The City's Future Conditions Analysis (FCA) makes up a part of the narrative portion of the TE and forecasts future travel demands, land use growth, and traffic operations within the City. The FCA was "developed to be consistent with the MPO travel demand process and incorporates the [MPO's] analysis, findings and recommendations as appropriate for the City." Jt. Ex. 1, TE, p. 60. Petitioner contends that PPI failed to coordinate with the MPO data and analysis (specifically the LOS standards and traffic volumes), incorporated by reference into the TE, when it prepared its pre-amendment conditions. Thus, she argues that the amendments are inconsistent with the data and analysis supporting the TE (and by implication the CIE), and it results in far more traffic in the existing condition than the MPO model assumes. See § 163.3177(2), Fla. Stat. The Planning Council traffic impact study is a part of the data and analysis supporting the City amendments. In performing their pre-amendment analyses, both the Planning Council and MPO reviewed the same MPO "analysis, findings, and recommendations" that are incorporated by reference into the City's Plan. Notably, the Planning Council's analysis concluded that the additional traffic generated by the difference between the assumed pre- and post-amendment conditions would not cause significant impacts on the regional transportation network. Testimony presented by the City and PPI established that all relevant portions of the City Plan were reviewed for consistency, and unless a provision was found to have some significance, no reference to that provision was made in the traffic impact analysis, application, or staff report. Even if PPI's traffic impact study does not overtly state that PPI coordinated with the MPO data and analysis before making its pre-amendment assumptions, the Planning Council data and analysis are sufficient to show that the required review and coordination were made. The City reacted appropriately to the data. Petitioner's expert also leveled criticisms regarding the following aspects of PPI's traffic impact study: the level of internal trip capture; by-pass capture; and pedestrian access internal to the site, i.e., walking to a site. Petitioner did not prove that the assumptions supporting those aspects of the study were unreasonable. Petitioner has failed to establish beyond fair debate that the plan amendments are not supported by relevant and appropriate data and analysis regarding transportation impacts, or that they are inconsistent with other data and analysis supporting the Plan. Affordable Housing Petitioner contends that affordable housing was not addressed by PPI or the City, and PPI failed to provide any data and analysis with regard to various affordable housing requirements in the City's Plan. Given these omissions, she contends that the City did not react appropriately by approving the amendments. The application contains a section relating to affordable housing. While PPI referred to HE policies 05.03.02, 05.08.02, and 05.08.05 and County Land Use Plan policy 1.07.07, no explanation was given as to how the amendments conform to these provisions. Policy 1.07.07 provides a number of ways to meet the affordable housing policies, methods, or programs to achieve and/or maintain a sufficient supply of affordable housing. One option is that when a plan amendment adds more than 100 residential dwelling units, an applicant must agree to either provide 15 percent of the proposed residential units in the project for affordable housing or make a contribution of $750.00 per residential unit, to be paid to the local government when building permits are issued. To comply with this requirement, an applicant must provide the County a declaration of restrictive covenants. As explained at hearing, rather than undertaking a detailed analysis of its HE policies when reviewing land use amendments, the City routinely follows the dictates of policy 1.07.07 and allows an applicant to "buy out" its affordable housing obligation. It then uses the money for one of the City's housing programs, either to subsidize the demand side, or the existing supply of affordable housing. The City already has an ample supply of affordable housing, and it prefers that developers buy out their obligations since the cash can be used more effectively to achieve HE goals, objectives, and policies. This process was followed here, and the City allowed PPI to "buy-out [its obligation] at $750.00 x 100 percent of the units." In doing so, it relied on PPI's declaration of restricted covenants provided to the County, the fact that an in-lieu fee would best meet its affordable housing needs, and its expectation that the money would then be used to support one of its housing programs. This information (data) was available to the City and was in existence at the time the amendments were adopted, it was presented at final hearing, and it is sufficient to support the amendments. See § 163.3177(1)(f), Fla. Stat. Petitioner failed to establish beyond fair debate that the plan amendments are not supported by adequate data and analysis regarding affordable housing or that the City did not react appropriately to that data. Internal Inconsistency Section 163.3177(2) requires that the "elements of the comprehensive plan shall be consistent." Petitioner contends that the amendments are inconsistent with four FLUE policies; one TE objective and two TE policies; one CIE policy; and three HE policies. Petitioner also argues that the amendments are inconsistent with FLUE section 3.02K, which establishes criteria that must be met in order for a property to qualify for a RAC designation. Among other criteria, FLUE subsection 3.02K.4 requires that a RAC "provide direct access to existing or proposed airports, ports, and rail mass transportation facilities." It is undisputed that the property is bounded on its east side by the CSX railroad tracks. The South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) uses those tracks to operate a rail mass transportation facility known as Tri-Rail between Palm Beach and Dade Counties. Through its Board of Directors, the RTA has established station stops at various points on its route; there is, however, no station stop adjacent to PPI's property. Because the property sits adjacent to the railroad tracks, it is eligible to be considered for a station stop. At any time, but logically after this challenge is concluded and development begins, PPI and the City can submit a formal joint proposal for a station stop. Also, PPI can offer inducements to the RTA, such as dedicating land for a station stop and assisting in its funding. In addition, the RTA currently provides a shuttle service, which can easily transport PPI patrons to the station stop. These considerations support a finding that the property has "direct access" to the Tri-Rail, as contemplated by the FLUE. Petitioner contends, however, that in order to have direct access, PPI must have a binding commitment from the RTA to build a station stop before the amendment is approved. This narrow interpretation has been rejected as not being as or more reasonable than the City's interpretation of its Plan. Petitioner next contends that the amendments are internally inconsistent with HE policies 05.01.05, 05.03.02, and 05.08.01. In general terms, the first policy requires that the City promote affordable housing; the second requires that the City support public and private sector efforts to create and preserve affordable housing for very-low, low, and moderate- income groups in areas designated for residential land use for future and current residents; and the third policy requires the City to "consider the ability of the proposal to provide affordable housing" and allows restrictive covenants to be used as a tool to meet those needs. PPI's execution of a restrictive covenant to buy out its obligation for affordable housing, and the City's use of those funds to provide affordable housing in the manner as it sees fit, are sufficient to achieve consistency with the requirements that the City promote and support affordable housing, and that it allow restrictive covenants to be used as a tool to meet those needs. Petitioner also contends that the amendments are internally inconsistent with CIE policy 13.03.02, which requires that the City provide infrastructure necessary to maintain the LOS standards concurrent with the impact of development. The traffic impact analyses performed by PPI and the Planning Council demonstrate that the amendments will not significantly impact the regional transportation network. To the extent any adverse impacts may occur, PPI has agreed to mitigate those impacts. Petitioner contends that the amendments conflict with TE objective 02.02.00 and policies 02.02.05 and 02.07.02. The objective requires that the City coordinate the transportation system with the uses shown on the FLUM to ensure that adequate transportation services are provided. The first policy requires that the City continue supporting a system that allows development to occur in concurrence with the FLUM and consistent with the established LOS standards. The second policy requires that the City review future land use amendments in concert with maintenance of the adopted LOS standards. For the reasons previously found, the plan amendments are not internally inconsistent with the objective or policies. Finally, Petitioner contends that the amendments are internally inconsistent with FLUE policies 01.01.01, 01.01.02, 01.01.03, and 01.01.05. These policies require that the City adopt and maintain services based on LOS standards; review all proposals for development using the adopted LOS standards; phase development concurrent with the availability of infrastructure; and review proposals for new development to identify the cumulative impacts of the development on public services and facilities. For the reasons previously stated, the plan amendments do not conflict with these policies. Petitioner failed to prove beyond fair debate that the plan amendments are internally inconsistent with objectives or policies in the FLUE, HE, CIE, and TE.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Economic Opportunity enter a Final Order determining that the Plan Amendments adopted by Ordinance Nos. 2011-24 and 2011-25 are in compliance. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of June, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S D. R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of June, 2013.

Florida Laws (7) 120.57120.68163.3164163.3177163.3180163.318435.22
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-000674 Latest Update: Jul. 01, 1986

Findings Of Fact The Resource Recovery Facility The purpose of the Applicants' proposed resource recovery facility (RRF), a solid waste-fired electrical power plant, is to dispose of municipal solid waste and recover energy. This "waste to energy" facility will initially dispose of up to 2,200 tons of refuse each day, and generate up to 55.5 megawatts of electrical power. The ultimate disposal capacity of the proposed facility is 3,300 tons of refuse each day, and a generating capacity of 83.25 megawatts. The proposed RRF complex will include an administrative building, scalehouse/weigh station, receiving and handling building, furnace boilers, turbine generators, ash disposal area, and electrical substation. The site development plans for the project contemplate that solid waste will be delivered by truck to the enclosed refuse receiving and handling building. All waste will be stored and processed inside the main facility. The Site The site for the proposed RRF is an undeveloped 25-acre parcel of land situated on the south side of Northwest 45th Street (Hilton Road), midway between the Florida Turnpike and Powerline Road; an unincorporated area of Broward County. The uses surrounding the site are predominantly industrial. On the south side of Hilton Road, between the Florida Turnpike, which lies to the west, and Powerline Road, which lies to the east, are welding shops, engine repair shops, and automobile salvage yards. Located north of Hilton Road is an industrial zoned area which includes an asphalt batching plant. Immediately south and east of the project site is a newly permitted landfill area which will function as an expansion of the existing landfill located immediately south and west of the site's boundaries. Consistency of the site with local land use plans and zoning ordinances Broward County has adopted a Comprehensive Plan, pursuant to Chapter 163 Florida Statutes, which establishes guidelines and policies to promote orderly and balanced economic, social, physical, environmental and fiscal development of the area. Pertinent to this proceeding are the Broward bounty Land Use Plan-map and the Unincorporated Area Land Use Plan (the land use plan element of the comprehensive plan), and Broward County's zoning ordinances. The proposed site is designated industrial under the Broward County Land Use Plan-map and the Unincorporated Area Land Use Plan. The proposed RRF is a utility for solid waste disposal and, as such, an allowable use under the industrial designation of both plans, and satisfies the goals, policies, and objectives of the Broward County Comprehensive Plan. On April 22, 1986, the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County approved the rezoning of the site to Planned Unit Development (PUD) Special Complex District, and approved the RRF conceptual site plan. The proposed RRF is a Planned Special Complex under Broward County's PUD zoning ordinances and, as such, a permitted non-residential use. 1/ The Department of Community Affairs, Department of Environmental Regulation, and South Florida Water Management District concur that the proposed RRF is consistent and in compliance with existing land use plans and zoning ordinances. The Public Service Commission did not participate in this land use portion of the power plant siting process. Notice of the land use hearing was published in the Fort Lauderdale News/Sun-Sentinel on April 21, 1986, and in the Florida Administrative Weekly on April 18, 1986.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Siting Board, enter a Final Order granting certification for the location, construction and operation of the proposed facility, subject to the conditions of the certification attached to this Recommended Order as Appendix II. DONE AND ORDERED this 9th day of January 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of January 1987.

Florida Laws (5) 403.501403.502403.507403.508403.519
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Feb. 28, 2005 Number: 05-000717GM Latest Update: Aug. 11, 2005

The Issue The issues in this case are whether the Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. 05S-01 (the Plan Amendment) adopted by Polk County (County) through the enactment of Ordinance No. 05-004 is “in compliance,” as that term is defined by Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes,1 and whether Petitioner, Citizens for Proper Planning, Inc. (CPPI), has standing as an “affected person” as defined by Section 163.3184(1)(a), Florida Statutes, in this proceeding.

Findings Of Fact The ECRA is a local special district governmental agency established pursuant to Chapter 163, Part III, Florida Statutes, and is composed of a seven-member board of directors. The boundaries of the Eloise Community Redevelopment Area include an area consisting of approximately 665 acres within the unincorporated Eloise area of Polk County (the Redevelopment Area). The Subject Property is located within the Redevelopment Area. See JE 8A. The ECRA meets once a month, except July, when they do not normally meet. Its purpose is to discuss and implement the ECRA Redevelopment Plan’s six objectives within the Redevelopment Area. The ECRA opposed the Plan Amendment by and through its attorney and submitted oral and written comments, recommendations, and objections to the County regarding the Plan Amendment during the Plan Amendment adoption proceedings. As a part of its presentation to the County regarding the Plan Amendment, the ECRA delivered to the County, ECRA Resolution No. R-05-01, objecting to the Plan Amendment. The parties agree that the ECRA has standing in this proceeding. Petitioner, Bruce Bachman (Mr. Bachman), resides in Winter Haven, Polk County, Florida. His residence is located outside of the Redevelopment Area and is approximately three (3) miles from the Subject Property. He is employed as the operator (since 1980) and general manager of Phoenix Industries, LLP, (Phoenix), located at 621 Snively Avenue, County Road (CR) 655 in Eloise, which is adjacent to and across the street from the Subject Property. Mr. Bachman has served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ECRA since 1998. Phoenix operates a warehousing and distribution complex for dry, refrigerated, and frozen food products east of Snively Avenue and across the street from the Subject Property. The Phoenix property stretches north and south within an elongated area within the Redevelopment Area, and is open 24-hours a day, seven days a week.2 See JE 8A at "30". (The railroad, designated with a red line, runs north and south through the Phoenix property. JE 8A.) Phoenix has spent approximately $115,000 changing the angles of its buildings and moving docks so that trucks could maneuver on the property, and not have to enter Snively Avenue to do so. Mr. Bachman is involved with the Eloise residential area and the Redevelopment Area generally and his contributions to the Eloise area are well-noted in the record. His work with the community includes working with the students at Snively Elementary School. Individually, and on behalf of the ECRA, Mr. Bachman submitted oral and written comments, recommendations, and objections to the County during the Plan Amendment adoption proceedings. The parties agree that Mr. Bachman has standing in this proceeding. Petitioner, Johnny Brooks (Mr. Brooks), resides at 143 8th Street, Eloise, Polk County, Florida, approximately three (3) blocks southwest from the Subject Property. His home is located within the main residential component of the Redevelopment Area. He was born in Eloise (on 5th Street) and has lived, with his wife, at the 8th Street address for 41 years. Mr. Brooks also serves as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ECRA. Although disabled, Mr. Brooks is an active member of the Eloise Community. For example, he and his wife conduct a “homework club” at the Eloise Community Resource Center (opened in 2002) located between 7th and 8th Streets and Snively Avenue, which is east and down the block from his residence. JE 8A at "2". They also use the computer lab at the resource center for adult education. They use the neighborhood Snively/Brooks Park, JE 8A at "4", approximately one block south of the Brooks' residence and west of the Snively Elementary School, JE 8A at "3", for, among other activities, Easter egg hunts and Christmas parties. Mr. Brooks is also involved in the Eloise Neighborhood Association, which offers adult computer classes, GED classes, and classes in English as a Second Language. He and his family use other resources within the Redevelopment Area, such as the Snively Elementary School, and a post office, JE 8A at "1", which is located approximately one block north of the Subject Property between 4th and 5th Streets, near Snively Avenue. Mr. Brooks attends the Eloise United Methodist Church (built in 1966-1967), which is located on land designated as Industrial (IND) on the FLUM. 3 JE 8A at "10". This church is located on the southwest side of Snively Avenue, and approximately five or six blocks south of the Subject Property and approximately two blocks south of the Snively Elementary School and the Snively-Brooks Park.4 Mr. Brooks submitted oral comments, recommendations, and objections to the County during the Plan Amendment adoption proceedings. The parties agree that Mr. Brooks has standing in this proceeding. CPPI is an organization comprised of approximately two hundred members, located throughout Polk County, Florida. CPPI has been an existing corporation since 2002. No application, request to join or payment of dues is currently required for membership. According to its executive chairperson, Jean Reed, its purpose is to "better plan for our growth in Polk County." Ms. Reed lives approximately one mile east of Eloise and four of five of the CPPI Board of Directors live within a mile of Eloise. All CPPI members live in the County. CPPI had been involved in County hearings and an administrative hearing involving a small scale comprehensive plan amendment. The organization currently encourages donations and plans to charge dues next year. CPPI submitted oral comments, recommendations and objections to the County during the Plan Amendment adoption proceedings. No evidence was presented to show that CPPI owns real property within the County. The County and the Intervenor dispute CPPI’s standing in this proceeding. The County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida, empowered to adopt, implement, and amend its Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the laws of Florida. Intervenor, Don C. Smith (Smith or Intervenor), owns the Subject Property. He purchased the Subject Property of 9.9 acres, which is part of a contiguous 20-acre site, in May of 2003. Mr. Smith learned that the Subject Property had an RL-4 land use designation just prior to his purchase of the Subject Property. The parties agree that Mr. Smith has standing in this proceeding. The Eloise Community Redevelopment Area The Redevelopment Area consists of approximately 665 acres. EE 2, Plan at 30. It is generally bounded by the CSX railroad to the north of US 17; by Lake Lulu and Shell Road on the east; by Snively Avenue (CR 655) on the south; and by Wahneta Canal and a portion of Wahneta farms on the west. JE 8A.5 (Snively Avenue is a four-lane undivided, major collector highway, but is not a buffer.) Both historically and presently, the Redevelopment Area has been composed of mixed uses in an urban area. Under the FLUM, there are eight separate land uses within the Redevelopment Area: Industrial (IND), Business Park Center (BPC- 2), High Impact Commercial (HIC), Institutional (INST-1), Community Activity Center (CAC), Residential Suburban (RS), Residential Low-1 (RL-1), and Residential Low-4 (RL-4). JE 8A. Beginning at the northern portion of the Redevelopment Area and moving from west to east, south of the CSX railroad and approximately one block south of US 17, the land uses designated on the FLUM are HIC, CAC, and HIC. Moving southward and east of Snively Avenue, the land use designation for a triangular portion of land is BPC-2. The land use designation adjacent to and immediately south of the BPC-2 designation and east of Snively Avenue is designated as IND. The IND designation covers the land in a southerly direction until Snively Avenue intersects with Croton Road. The land to the east and adjacent to the BPC-2 and IND designations is designated as RL-1. There is a small portion of land near Shell and Croton Roads at the southern boundary of the Redevelopment Area designated as Residential Suburban (RS). (The RS designation continues to the east outside of the Redevelopment Area. Lake Lulu is to the east of the eastern RL-1 and RS designations.) There is also land designated as RL-1 west of Snively Avenue, bisected by Unnamed Street, extending west of Wahneta Canal and south-southwest of the Snively Elementary School/Snively-Brooks Park area, to the southwestern boundary of the Redevelopment Area.6 The Snively Elementary School and the Snively-Brooks Park are located in the INST-1 land use designation.7 JE 8A. Approximately 150 children walk to and from this elementary school (with another 60 to middle and high schools outside the Redevelopment Area), utilizing the sidewalk bordering the western portion of Snively Avenue. The majority of the children attending the elementary school reside in the RL-4 designated area (mainly between 1st and 9th Streets). Mr. Smith agreed that the elementary school was in close proximity to the Subject Property. Mr. Smith testified that after meetings with the ECRA, he moved the fence in front of the Subject Property and business back ten feet so that the children could have more room to walk down the street. He also instructed his drivers of big trucks and heavy equipment not to enter the Subject Property during times when the children are going to and from school. There are several school crossings, crossing Snively Avenue. There is a bus stop at 5th Street and Snively Avenue for children attending middle and high school. JE 8A at "6". There are also bus stops on 7th Street and in front of the elementary school. JE 8A at "5" and "7". Except for the residential portions of the CAC and BPC-2 areas, the primary residential area of the Redevelopment Area is generally bounded by US 17 and 1st Street on the north, the Wahneta Canal on the west, and to just north of Snively Elementary School and 9th Street on the south. JE 8A; EE 2, Plan at 6 and Figure 2. The Eloise Community Redevelopment Area Uses 1. In General The Redevelopment Area, for at least the last 40 years, has supported a wide variety of industrial, commercial, institutional, and residential uses. Mr. Brooks and Mr. Smith testified that the Redevelopment Area has supported these mixed uses and has historically been defined by the interrelationship of these various uses with the predominant industrial activities within its boundaries. In the past, the established residential area (RL-4) was once a successful working-class neighborhood which primarily provided homes to those workers who were employed in the citrus plants located within the industrial classified areas. That residential area is now blighted and provides housing for low and moderate income families. Though well established, the RL-4 residential area contains a substantial number of vacant lots within that residential designated area. 2. Redevelopment Area Problems and Redevelopment During the early 1980’s, Eloise was a troubled community, suffering, for example, from theft and vandalism. The community had difficulty finding minority contractors willing to work at Phoenix because of the problems associated with the community. By the early 1990s, the residential area of the Redevelopment Area had deteriorated to such an extent that the Housing and Neighborhood Development Division (HND), an agency of the County, became actively involved in the redevelopment of the community. In 1992, the Eloise Neighborhood Association was formed. In 1996, a Neighborhood Revitalization/Redevelopment Plan was commissioned by HND. This plan was prepared by County staff. Also in 1996, the HND and the Eloise Neighborhood Association prepared the Eloise Neighborhood Revitalization/Redevelopment Plan, which “focused on the 138 acres generally bounded by the CSX Railroad on the east, the railroad and US 17 on the north, the Wahneta Canal on the west, to just south of the Snively Elementary School. Its recommendations included improved social services, land use changes, housing programs and infrastructure improvements.” In 1998, a Declaration of Slum and Blight was adopted by the Board through Resolutions Nos. 98-08 and 98-66, which, respectively, made a finding of blighting conditions in Eloise and adopted a redevelopment plan for Eloise. As a result, the ERCA was created pursuant to Section 163.356, Florida Statutes, to rehabilitate, conserve, and/or redevelop the Redevelopment Area. In 2000, the Board, pursuant to Section 163.360, Florida Statutes, adopted Ordinance No. 00-33, approving of the Eloise Redevelopment Plan as the Community Development Plan for the Redevelopment Area. It was the purpose and intent of the Board that the Eloise Redevelopment Plan be implemented in the Redevelopment Area. The Board made numerous findings in Ordinance No. 00- 33 including a determination that “[t]he Plan conforms to the general plan of the county as a whole” and that “[t]he Plan conforms to the Polk County Comprehensive Plan.” The Board also determined that “[t]he need for housing accommodations has increased in the area.” The Eloise Redevelopment Plan has not been adopted as part of the County's Comprehensive Plan. Thus, the Plan Amendment need not be consistent with the Eloise Redevelopment Plan to be “in compliance.” The May 2000, Eloise Redevelopment Plan describes the then existing ownership patterns such that “[t]he existing Eloise residential neighborhood between 1st and 9th Streets is subdivided into platted, fifty-foot wide lots. Most are 100-125 feet in depth. Lots along 9th Street abutting the school are platted as 70-foot wide lots. The ownership pattern in this area typically follows the lot lines. Most are individually owned lots. (See Figure 6).” EE 2, Plan at 16. Particularly relevant here, it is also stated: “Lots 33 and 34 [part of the Subject Property] are each approximately 9 acres and are owned by Alterman Transport Corporation (ATC). The site is currently used for storage and, in the past, was zoned GI [General Industrial] and R-3. In the current Comprehensive Plan, however, this site is planned for Residential Suburban (RS) to be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. The trucks are a legal-nonconforming use and may continue but any future development shall comply with the RS land use district.” EE 2, Plan at 16. The Eloise Redevelopment Plan also recommended that the Alterman Trucking Annex, also known as the Alterman Transportation Corporation, be developed for up to 75 single- family homes by the end of 2004. EE 2, Plan at 32; JE 3 at 3 of (The Subject Property was also formerly known as the Alterman Motor Freight Terminal. JE 2, 8/10/2004 site map.) In 2001, the County also changed the classification of the Subject Property from RS to RL-4 pursuant to Ordinance No. 01-45. See Finding of Fact 54. In addition to the creation of the ECRA, the County, through the HND, has attempted to revitalize the Redevelopment Area. Since 1993, HND has spent approximately $4.4 million dollars in these efforts. These funds have been spent on community policing ($424,790), slum and blight clearing ($47,428), housing rehabilitation ($186,807), parks and recreation ($149,982), water/sewer/drainage ($1,094,677), construction of the Eloise Community Center ($2,147,037), replacement of five homes ($314,138), and rehabilitation and repair of five homes ($46,819). As part of the Eloise Redevelopment Plan, many additional infrastructure improvements have been proposed, such as fire hydrants, turnaround areas for emergency vehicles and fire trucks, storm water installation, and sewer for the Residential Area of Eloise between 1st and 9th Streets and between Snively Avenue and the canal. The proposed projects for water, sewer, and storm water include 350 parcels to be served in this Residential Area. The construction of the Eloise Community Center has been the most costly expense in these efforts. After the County obtained this parcel from Phoenix Industries, it was discovered that the land was contaminated and more than $400,000 was spent on environmental clean-up costs for this property. The ECRA and the County have made progress in the area of code enforcement. Furthermore, crime has been cut in half and a drinking ordinance was passed by the County upon request of the ECRA and the Eloise Neighborhood Association. Eloise, with the County's cooperation, also initiated a Community- Oriented Policing program. There has been an increase in construction in the area, both on the residential and commercial/industrial side of Snively Avenue. The ECRA has also been working on a beautification strategy. For example, Phoenix spent $35,000 for landscaping, removing barbed wire, installing an irrigation system, and installing an attractive entrance to its facilities. Further beautification is planned for other areas along Snively Avenue, the main gateway to the area from US 17, and improvements to Snively Elementary School, for which the ECRA allocated up to $10,000. Currently, the socio-economic status of the families living within the residential portion of the Redevelopment Area is low and moderate income. But, as noted above, the area is being revitalized, including the addition of several Habitat for Humanity-built homes. Mr. Bachman confirmed that "[t]hings have changed now," including the employment of minorities and an increase in diversity at the elementary school. The Subject Property The Subject Property is located within the Redevelopment Area on the southwest side of Snively Avenue between 5th and 6th Streets. JE 8A. The Subject Property consists of approximately 9.9 acres, which is part of a 20-acre parcel owned by Mr. Smith. Tr. 261. (There is a vacant parcel not subject to the Plan Amendment, also acquired by Mr. Smith at the same time, adjacent to and west of the Subject Property, which appears to be within a flood zone area. JE 8A at “46”. The canal serves as the western border for this parcel.) Currently, there are ten to eleven residences along 5th Street, north of the Subject Property, and ten residences between the Subject Property and 6th Street, south of the Subject Property. See EE 7. There does not appear to be any appreciable distance between these residences and the Subject Property. Aside from the residential homes north and south of the Subject Property, there are also retail, auto repair, and other commercial uses which border on Snively Avenue. See, e.g., IE 1, aerial with 15 photographs; JE 3 at 5 of 27; Tr. 295-297; JE 8A. According to Mr. Smith, he requested the land use designation change to cure the non-conforming status of the Subject Property. All operations on the Subject Property had ceased for less than one year when he purchased the Subject Property. The Subject Property has historically and, except as noted above, continuously been utilized since the late 1960’s for industrial-type purposes, including motor freight activities which include loading and unloading citrus trucks, racking, truck repair, and truck weighing. These activities would not necessarily be restricted to an Industrial land use designation;8 the current use of the Subject Property as a motor freight terminal is also permitted within a BPC-2 land use designation. There has been no substantial change in the use of the Subject Property since 1980.9 Mr. Brooks testified that while he was growing up in Eloise, the Subject Property "was primarily truck parking for the citrus plant." He "worked for the scale house back in the late 60's before the plant went down and all [they] did was like park the trucks there for unloading and which would be in the citrus plant itself." However, he never knew the Subject Property "to be an industrial park itself," during the late 1960's. Historically, Mr. Snively, who died in 1957, owned several different businesses across the street from the Subject Property, including a fresh fruit packing house, JE 8A at "20", juice plant, JE 8A at "21", concentrate plant, JE 8A at “22”. The plant closed in 1969 or 1970. In and around 1972, during the summer, Mr. Smith worked for the Snively operation when they parked their citrus trucks on the Subject Property and then for the Alterman operation on-site when he loaded and unloaded trucks. Under the County's zoning ordinance adopted in November 1970, the Subject Property, along with the Phoenix Industries Property, its adjoining property, and the property southeast and adjacent to Snively Elementary School, were zoned as General Industrial (GI). Like the Subject Property, this industrial area is located east and immediately adjacent to property classified as residential (RS) (although the property is presently undeveloped). By an amendment to the FLUM adopted by Ordinance No. 91-06 on April 19, 1991, the Subject Property was classified as RS, rather than IND.10 At the same time, the Phoenix Industries Property, its adjoining property, and the property immediately adjacent to Snively Elementary all maintained their Industrial classification. The May 2000 Eloise Redevelopment Plan recommended, in part, consideration of "a plan amendment from RS to RL-4 for the properties north of Snively [Elementary] School and west of Snively Avenue" which included the Subject Property. EE 2, Plan at 38. On July 11, 2001, the County adopted Ordinance No. 01- 45, which changed the land use designation on the FLUM from RS to RL-4, for all of the property (including the Subject Property) between 1st Street and just south of 9th Street and between Snively Avenue on the east and the canal on the west. EE 1 at map page 2. The land use designation for the Snively- Brooks Park was also changed to INST-1 from IND. Other land use designations were changed pursuant to Ordinance No. 01-45. EE 1. See also Tr. 130-136, 139-140. The FLUM changes implemented strategies set forth in the Eloise Redevelopment Plan and adopted recommended changes to the FLUM. See Tr. 163. The RL-4 designated property is located immediately adjacent to and on the north, west, and south sides of the Subject Property. JE 8A. Across Snively Avenue from the RL-4 property is the industrial area which was previously used in the citrus industry and which is currently used by Phoenix warehousing and trucking activities. JE 8A. "The purpose of the [RL-4] District is to provide areas for low density residential needs of residents in urban areas who desire areas with smaller lots, a minimum of 6,000 square feet." § 204A7., Land Development Code (LDC). The County and Mr. Smith contend that the Subject Property was mistakenly or erroneously classified as RS in 1991 and RL-4 in 2001. However, the preponderance of the evidence indicates that no mistake or error was made in 1991 or 2001 based, in part, on the chronology of events regarding the land use changes mentioned above. Merle H. Bishop, A.I.C.P., the current Director of Growth Management for the County, has been an employee of Polk County for 30 years, and was involved in the adoption of the original Comprehensive Plan in 1991. In preparing land use designations for the initial FLUM, he used aerial photographs primarily and the existing zoning at the time. Since that time, he and staff have discovered errors in mapping the land uses of property, including industrial. Typically, the errors have been corrected when presented to the Board for comprehensive plan changes to the FLUM. Mr. Bishop testified that pursuant to a policy in the Comprehensive Plan, the County desired to “recognize industrial uses.” Tr. 444-445. According to Mr. Bishop, an active industrial use would only be eliminated with good reason, i.e., such as it was a remote and isolated industrial use. Tr. 455. According to Mr. Bishop, the Subject Property, the southern parcel by the elementary school, and the Phoenix Industries property made up a major industrial use area. Tr. 456. Although Mr. Bishop stated the Subject Property "would have been" designated as Industrial in 1991 given its use, Tr. 511-512, Mr. Bishop could not "say whether or not [they] missed this on the map when [they] mapped it. I mean it appears -- I mean, when you look at the map, it's very general; or whether there was an intention to not map it." Tr. 483-484. Mr. Bishop did not testify persuasively that the Board, in 1991 or in 2001, erroneously designated the Subject Property as RS and then RL-4. The February 2, 2005, staff report, mentions the applicant’s contention that a mapping error occurred, but implicitly rejects this argument. JE 3 at 11 and 12 of 27. Staff stated: The site has recently changed ownership and the current property owner wants the non-conforming uses to become conforming uses. Recognizing the existing use will enable to [sic] owner to continue utilizing the site as it has historically been used and allow the redevelopment of the property as needed. In addition, the use has remained the same since the early 1970’s according to the applicant. The applicant also states that Policy 2.113-A2 of the Comprehensive Plan states that the [FLUM] Series shall include all major existing industrial areas; since the property has historically been used for industrial uses, the recognition of the site will correct the County’s mapping error. On the other hand, staff and the ECRA has [sic] indicated, for this and the prior requested land use change (CPA 04A-05), that the impacts to the residential neighborhood is [sic] more significant than the redevelopment of the site for commercial or industrial uses. The County worked with the residents, business owners, and land owners in the area to develop a redevelopment plan, in which, the site was intentionally made non-conforming by the community and the County in order to create separation between the industrial uses across the street from the residential uses on the west side of CR 655 (Rifle Range Road [sic]). Therefore, the applicant’s primary argument for recognizing the historical use is not relevant. JE 3 at 12 of 27. Mr. Bishop was not directly involved with the staff review although he participated at the pubic hearing before the Board. If the Subject Property were vacant, Mr. Bishop would not recommend an Industrial land use designation. He supports the land use change because of the existing (at the time) use of the Subject Property and to have the property be a conforming use. Tr. 506-507. The history of industrial-type use on both the Subject Property and other sites in the Redevelopment Area has been a subject of significant concern. Although no tests have been conducted to determine whether the Subject Property is contaminated, Dr. Cherry testified that as a result of its long industrial use, it is likely that contamination will be present, which would render its use for residential purposes not realistic. Tr. 221-223. Since the subject property is located near the property upon which the community center was constructed and both parcels were part of a larger industrial area and utilized for similar uses, Dr. Cherry suspects that the Subject Property will likewise be contaminated. Tr. 222. If the Subject Property is contaminated, it is Dr. Cherry's opinion that there will be insufficient funds to clean the area. Tr. 219. Consequently, Dr. Cherry opined that if the Subject Property could not be used for industrial purposes, it would likely be unable to be developed as residential and most likely would be abandoned, thereby becoming a “brownfield.” This would significantly burden the redevelopment efforts in the Redevelopment Area. However, the Subject Property has not been declared a “brownfield” and no finding can be made regarding the environmental condition of the Subject Property based upon the record of this case. The Small Scale Plan Amendment Application and Adoption On or about August 10, 2004, Mr. Smith filed an application requesting the County to re-designate the land use of the Subject Property from RL-4 to IND. JE 2. According to the “Narrative Summary,” “[t]his change will provide for the continuation of historical motor freight uses and provide for optional industrial uses.” Id. On January 4, 2005, the County published Notice in a newspaper of local circulation providing that the Board would consider the adoption of the Plan Amendment at its meeting of January 19, 2005. At the January 19, 2005, meeting, the County tabled consideration of the Plan Amendment to its meeting of February 2, 2005. The Polk County Planning Division Staff report is dated February 2, 2005. This report contains a detailed analysis of the application. The Planning Division recommended denial of the Plan Amendment. (The report indicates that the Planning Commission recommended approval (3 to 1 vote) of the Plan Amendment.) The Planning Division found, in part, that "the proposed development request IS NOT compatible with surrounding land uses and general character of the area of the residential uses on the southern side of Snively Avenue (CR 655) and IS NOT consistent with the Polk County Comprehensive Plan for a land use change to Industrial (IND) because it would likely intrude into the existing residential neighborhood, allow for more intensive uses to be developed next to existing homes, and not be consistent with the approved Eloise Redevelopment Plan." (Emphasis is original). On February 2, 2005, the Board voted to adopt the Plan Amendment by the adoption of Ordinance No. 05-004.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administration Commission enter a final order concluding that the Plan Amendment adopted by Polk County Ordinance No. 05-004 is not "in compliance" as defined in Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of July, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CHARLES A. STAMPELOS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of July, 2005.

Florida Laws (10) 120.569120.57163.3177163.3180163.3184163.3187163.3202163.3245163.356163.360
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Marathon, Florida Dec. 26, 2000 Number: 00-005128GM Latest Update: Aug. 02, 2007

The Issue The issue is whether a development order adopted by Respondent City of Marathon by Resolution PC00-09-04 is consistent with the comprehensive plan, land development regulations, and statutes.

Findings Of Fact Respondent City of Marathon (Marathon) was incorporated on November 30, 1999. It adopted as its land development regulations (LDR) the LDRs of Monroe County in effect at the time of Marathon's incorporation. Marathon is within The Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern. This case involves a development order that Marathon issued to Respondent Banana Bay of Marathon, Inc. (BB). As Planning Commission Resolution 00-09-04, the development order authorizes BB to add 12 motel rooms to an existing motel in return for imposing certain restrictions on the use of wet slips at its adjacent marina that is part of the same motel/marina development. The restrictions require the removal of cable television connections from 12 slips and limitation upon vessels using these 12 slips to those without plumbing facilities. For the remaining wet slips at the marina, the development order requires BB to limit their use to no more than 18 vessels at one time and to provide mandatory sewage pumpout for these vessels. At various points in the record and this recommended order, references to a "transfer" of 12 marina slips for 12 motel rooms refer to the conditions set forth in this paragraph. BB owns 7.39 acres of upland and 2.67 acres of adjacent bay bottom in Marathon at mile marker 49.5 (Subject Property or, as developed, Banana Bay). The Subject Property runs from U.S. Route 1 to the water. The Subject Property contains 60 motel rooms in two buildings, a conference room, a motel office, support buildings, three apartments suitable for employee use, and a marina. The marina includes 40-50 slips, depending upon the size of the moored vessels. The Subject Property is zoned Suburban Commercial (SC) and Mixed Use (MU). About 2.4 acres (104,544 square feet) running about 350 feet from U.S. Route 1 is SC. About 4.99 acres (217,364 square feet) is zoned MU. The additional 2.67 acres of adjacent bay bottom are also zoned MU, although the submerged acreage is unimportant for reasons discussed below. Twenty-five of the motel rooms are in SC, and 35 of the motel rooms are in MU, although the distinction between zoning districts is also unimportant for reasons discussed below. LDR Code Section 9.5-267 authorizes ten "rooms" per ”acre" as "allocated density" for motel uses in SC and MU and 15 "rooms" per "buildable acre" as "maximum net density" for motel uses in SC and MU. (There is no difference between "hotels" and "motels" in this case; all references to "motels" include "hotels.") Three fundamental questions emerge concerning the application of these two density limitations to this case. The first is whether BB must satisfy both the "allocated density" and "maximum net density" limitation. This is not a difficult issue; BB's proposal must satisfy each of these density limitations. The second question is what is included in the areas under each of these density limitations. Notwithstanding the use of "gross acres" in the "allocated density" formula, it is necessary to net out certain areas--just less than is netted out in the "maximum net density" formula. The third question is what constitutes a "room." When applied to marine-based units, the definition of a "room" presents a difficult and important issue. As a whole, the LDRs imply that no marine-based dwelling units should count as "rooms," but one provision specifically requires the inclusion of "live-aboard" units in density calculations. The first question requires little analysis. As noted below in the discussion of the two types of areas, "allocated density" and "maximum net density" provide two separate measures of the intensity of use of land. The allowable density for "maximum net density" is never less than the allowable density for "allocated density" because "maximum net density" is a safeguard to ensure that, after netting out from the parcel those areas reserved for open space, setbacks, and buffers, the intensity of use will not be excessive. Nothing whatsoever in the LDRs suggests that Marathon may issue a development order for a proposal that satisfies the "maximum net density," but not the "allocated density." These two densities limitations operate in tandem, not in the alternative. The calculation of the "allocated density" requires consideration of the second and third questions identified above. The issue of area seems straightforward. LDR Code Section 9.5-4(D-3) defines "density or allocated density" as "the number of dwelling units or rooms allocated per gross acre of land by the plan." LDR Code Section 9.5-4(D-4) defines "maximum net density" as "the maximum density permitted to be developed per unit of land on the net buildable area of a site, as measured in dwelling units or rooms per acre." LDR Code Section 9.5-4(G-4) defines "gross area" as "the total acreage of a site less submerged lands and any dedicated public rights-of-way." LDR Code Section 9.5-4(N-4) defines "net buildable area" as "that portion of a parcel of land which is developable and is not open space required by section 9.5-262 or 9.5-343 or required minimum bufferyard under article VII division 11 or required setbacks under section 9.5-281." The area of land involved in determining "allocated density" is greater than the area of land involved in determining "maximum net density." But the area of land involved in determining "allocated density" is itself a net amount. The LDRs expressly require reducing the gross areas by any submerged land and dedicated public rights-of-way. However, any reasonable application of the LDRs also requires reducing the gross areas used for the motel "allocated density" calculation by the minimum areas required to support other uses on the Subject Property. If the only use of the Subject Property were motel rooms, the "allocated density" limit of ten units per acre (10:1) would allow 73.9 rooms. But the Marathon Planning Commission Staff Report dated September 18, 2000, correctly netted from the Subject Property the land areas required to support the commercial aspects of the hotel and the commercial apartments. These reductions leave a total of 5.86 acres available to support the motel rooms. At a density of 10:1, the Subject Property could therefore support a total of 58 motel rooms. The Planning Commission incorrectly used the 15:1 ratio for "maximum net density" in concluding that the Subject Property could support a total of 67.65 motel rooms. Evidently, the Planning Commission used the "maximum net density" because it was not using "gross area" or "gross acres" (the terms are synonymous under the Code) in calculating the area. The netting reduction necessary to calculate whether BB's proposal satisfies the "maximum net density" limitation would require the calculation of the area of the Subject Property that must be devoted to open space, setbacks, and buffers. The Planning Commission probably undertook this step in calculating the "maximum net density" for the Subject Property, as its figures seem to include unstated deductions for the 20 percent open space plus another factor, probably for setbacks and buffers--all of which are discussed in its report. However, the Planning Commission erroneously neglected to apply the "allocated density" limitation to the "gross acres," exclusive of submerged land, public rights-of-way, and the minimum land required to support the other upland uses. As noted above, doing so would have yielded no more than 58 motel rooms. At present, the Subject Property contains 60 hotel or motel rooms. The Subject Property therefore cannot support the addition of another 12 hotel or motel rooms, given its "allocated density" of only 58 rooms. In general, BB justifies the addition of 12 rooms to the front motel by arguing that it is only transferring these units from the 12 existing wet slips. It is unnecessary to determine whether a transfer under these facts is lawful when, if these 12 slips count as units, the Subject Property is already 14 units over its "allocated density." The resolution of the third question--what constitutes a "room"--dispenses with this argument. Thirty of the existing 40-50 boat slips in the marina have water, electric, and cable hook-ups and are presently used for some form of habitation. Most vessels berth at the marina for two or three days, although the average stay is slightly over one month. The average stay at the 30 slips offering utilities, though, is two to three months. Typically, two persons use a vessel berthed at the marina for more than a couple of days. BB seals the discharge ports of all vessels mooring at the marina for any appreciable period of time. BB provides a sewage pumpout service for these and other vessels. The wastewater from the marina operations goes to a septic tank, in contrast to the wastewater from the motel operations, which goes to an onsite package plant. Persons mooring at the marina for at least two months normally obtain telephone service and may obtain cable television service, in addition to the potable water and electrical services provided by BB. The marina also provides rest rooms, laundry facilities, showers, a bar, limited food service, and a mail box. However, BB rules require that all persons berthing at the marina register a permanent address because the slips are "not considered permanent housing." At the request of the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority and the Monroe County Planning Department, BB has limited rental agreements at the marina to a maximum of one month, although some persons enter into back-to-back rental agreements. Persons staying more than one week often have cars. Contrary to BB's contentions, none of these slips provides additional density for the Subject Property, and therefore the 12 slips are not available for transfer to the motel. For the same reason, as discussed below, the proposed transfer of the 12 units would also violate the Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO). In two respects, the record reveals that the conversion of marine-based residential uses to upland residential uses might facilitate the achievement of important land use planning objectives. First, the wastewater collected from the marina is directed to a septic tank, and the wastewater collected from the motel is directed to a package plant. Absent a significantly reduced flow from the marine-based residential use, the upland residential use would therefore impact the adjacent waters to a lesser extent. Second, marine-based residential users may be more reluctant to evacuate for an approaching hurricane than upland residential users. Absent a significantly greater number of visitors during hurricane season if the 12 units were taken from the marina slips and added to the motel, the upland residential use might therefore facilitate timely hurricane evacuation of the vulnerable Keys. However, the record was relatively undeveloped on these two points, and these possible advantages to the conversion of marine-based residential uses to upland-based residential uses do not override the LDRs. The LDRs may treat the more intense residential use associated with "live-aboards" differently than the less intense residential use associated with other moored vessels. Although the LDRs' treatment of "live-aboards" may not be entirely consistent, any inconsistency is irrelevant in this case because the moored vessels at the Banana Bay marina do not qualify as "live-aboards." As stipulated for the purpose of this case, LDR Code Section 9.5-4(T-4) defines a "transient residential unit" as "a dwelling unit used for transient housing such as a hotel or motel room, or space for parking a recreational vehicle or travel trailer." LDR Code Section 9.5-4(D-31) defines a "dwelling unit" as "one (1) or more rooms physically arranged to create a housekeeping establishment for occupancy by one (1) family with separate toilet facilities." LDR Code Sections 9.5-4(D-23) through 9.5-4(D-30) identify the various types of dwellings that may contain "dwelling units.” These dwellings are, respectively, detached zero-lot-line dwellings, multifamily apartment dwellings, attached dwellings, detached individual dwellings, duplex dwellings, commercial apartment dwellings, rooftop dwellings, and townhouse dwellings. The frequent references to "open yards" in these definitions precludes the application of these definitions to moored vessels, even "live- aboards." The exclusion of all moored vessels, including "live-aboards," from density calculations is also suggested by two other portions of the LDRs. As is typical, LDR Code Section 9.5-120.1 provides that the mechanism for enforcing density limitations is in the issuance of building permits, but this enforcement mechanism is of doubtful use in regulating vessel moorings, which do not typically involve the issuance of a building permit. Also, the density definitions discussed above both refer to the development of various types of residential uses on "land." Moreover, none of the zoning districts established in Marathon's LDRs measures the intensity of marina uses, including vessels moored for extended periods as live-aboards, by imposing some sort of marine density limitation, either by including the moored dwelling units or the submerged acreage. Because the LDRs did not intend to include such marine-based uses in density calculations, LDR Code Section 9.5-267, which is a table setting forth "allocated densities" and "maximum net densities," covers only upland-based uses, including recreational vehicle or campground spaces per acre, and does not extent to marine-based uses, such as live-aboard marina slips. However, two provisions in the LDRs require density calculations to include "live-aboards." LDR Code Section 9.5-308, which seems to be an older provision in the LDRs, provides that "each live-aboard shall count as a dwelling unit for the purpose of calculating density limitations in the district in which it is permitted." Better incorporated into the present regulatory scheme of the LDRs, LDR Code Section 9.5-120.1 defines a "residential dwelling unit" as a "dwelling unit," including a "transient rental unit," as defined in LDR Code Section 9.5-4(T-3), and "live-aboard vessels," as defined in LDR Code Section 9.5-4(L-6). However, LDR Code Section 9.5-4((L-6) states that a "live-aboard vessel" is "any vessel used solely as a residence or any vessel represented as a place of business, a professional or other commercial enterprise, or a legal residence." The record does not suggest that any of the moored vessels were used "solely" as a residence, as distinguished, for instance, from a vessel used for residential and recreational purposes, or that any of the mixed-use vessels served as the occupants' legal residence. Absent a finding that the moored vessels constitute "transient residential units," ROGO does not support this proposed transfer of residential uses from marine-based to upland-based. LDR Code Section 9.5-123(f)(3) authorizes the transfer of an existing "residential dwelling unit" from one site to another within the same subarea. However, LDR Code Section 9.5-122 defines a "residential dwelling unit" to extend only to "live-aboards." For the reasons already discussed, the less intense residential uses associated with the vessels moored at Banana Bay's marina preclude their treatment as "residential dwelling units" eligible for transfer to the motel. Petitioner has proved that the development order is materially inconsistent with the LDRs. LDR provisions governing the density and intensity of residential development go to the heart of effective land use planning, especially in an area as sensitive as the Keys. For these reason, it is unnecessary to consider the consistency of the development order with the more general provisions of Marathon's comprehensive plan, on which Marathon's LDRs are based.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission enter a final order denying the request of Banana Bay of Marathon, Inc., to approve the transfer of 12 slips to 12 rooms in a motel on the Subject Property. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of December, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of December, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Barbara L. Leighty, Clerk Growth Management and Strategic Planning The Capitol, Suite 2105 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Charles Canaday, General Counsel Office of the Governor Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol, Suite 209 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1001 Cari L. Roth, General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Mitchell A. Bierman Weiss Serota 2665 South Bayshore Drive Suite 420 Miami, Florida 33133 James S. Mattson James S. Mattson, P.A. Post Office Box 586 Key Largo, Florida 33037

Florida Laws (4) 120.57380.05380.077.39
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Groveland, Florida Oct. 08, 2004 Number: 04-003651GM Latest Update: Feb. 20, 2006

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the City's Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Amendment for Site 7 is "in compliance," as defined in Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes.1

Findings Of Fact The City of Groveland is located in Lake County, mostly north of State Road 50 and the northeastern corner of the Green Swamp. The core of the City is in the vicinity of the intersections of State Road 50 with State Road 33 (to the south) and State Road 19 (to the north). There are many lakes and wetlands within the City and surrounding the City in Lake County. The Green Swamp was designated an Area of Critical State Concern by the Florida Legislature in 1979. It consists of approximately 500 million acres south from the City through south Lake County and into Polk County. It is bordered on the east by U.S. Highway 27 and on the west extends over the County line into Sumter County. The Green Swamp is important as a statewide resource to Florida because it is one of the last remaining intact ecosystems in Florida. It is one of Florida's largest wetland systems, second only to the Everglades. It includes the headwaters of five rivers, and provides recharge to the Floridan Aquifer, the primary source of drinking water for Florida. It is an ecologically and hydrologically significant resource. It provides habitat for many endangered species including gopher tortoise, scrub jay, and wood stork. In 2003, the City annexed the parcels known in this proceeding as Sites 4, 5, 6, and 7 from Lake County into the City. All of the parcels are located east of State Road 33 and south of State Road 50 and within the boundaries of the Green Swamp. Sites 4, 5, and 6 total 171.1 acres of wetlands bordering Sumner Lake and the City's boundaries before annexation. Site 7 consists of 361 acres (264 acres of uplands and 97 acres of wetlands). (There is an approximately 70-acre County "enclave" in the middle of Site 7 which remained in Lake County.) Site 7 currently is used to grow citrus. It is connected to the City through the other three sites and Sumner Lake. At the time of annexation (and until City plan amendments are found to be "in compliance"),4 the future land use designation for Sites 4, 5, and 6 was Lake County Rural/Conservation. Site 7 had and still has its Lake County future land use designations. Its 97 acres of wetlands are designated Lake County Rural/Conservation, which allows one dwelling unit per 10 acres, while the 264 acres of uplands are designated as Lake County Transition, which allows one unit per 5 acres, or one unit per acre if the “timeliness” criteria under the Lake County Comprehensive Plan are met. These parcels were the subject of the City's FLUM amendments adopted on August 2, 2004. The FLUM amendments changed the designation of Sites 4, 5, and 6 from County Rural/Conservation to City Conservation. These City designations have been found to be "in compliance." The FLUM amendments also changed the future land use designation of Site 7's 97 acres of wetlands to City Conservation, and its 264 acres of uplands to City of Groveland Green Swamp Single Family Rural Development (GSRD), which allows two dwelling units per acre. With a transfer of development rights from the undevelopable wetlands to the developable uplands, which would be allowed under both the City's and the County's comprehensive plans, the maximum number of dwelling units allowed on Site 7 under the City's designation would increase to 532, up from the 57 allowed under the current County designations. Compliance Issues As indicated in the Preliminary Statement, DCA's Petition and SOI alleged that the City's Plan, as amended by the Site 7 FLUM amendment, is not "in compliance" because: (1) it is inconsistent with Rule Chapter 9J-5 because it fails to discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl, as required by Rule 9J-5.006(5); (2) it is internally inconsistent with the City's Future Land Use Element (FLUE) Policies 1-1.10.1 (land use allocation), 1-1.10.2 (promoting orderly compact growth), and 1-1.10.3 (coordination with Lake County to reduce urban sprawl), and Intergovernmental Coordination Element (ICE) Policy 7-1.1.3 (land use planning of adjacent lands); (3) it is inconsistent with the Green Swamp Guiding Principles; (4) it is inconsistent with Section 163.3177(6)(a) and (8), Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J-5.005(2)(a), because it does not react appropriately to the data and analysis on environmental site suitability; and (5) it is inconsistent with State Comprehensive Plan Public Facilities Goal 17(a) and Policies 17(b)1.-2. Urban Sprawl It is no longer disputed that there is a demonstrated need for the additional residential development allowed by the Site 7 FLUM amendment. The real contention by DCA is that the development should not occur at Site 7. DCA's urban sprawl argument focuses on five of the 13 "primary indicators that a plan or plan amendment does not discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl": 4. As a result of premature or poorly planned conversion of rural land to other uses, fails adequately to protect and conserve natural resources, such as wetlands, floodplains, native vegetation, environmentally sensitive areas, natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas, lakes, rivers, shorelines, beaches, bays, estuarine systems, and other significant natural systems. * * * Fails to maximize use of existing public facilities and services. Fails to maximize use of future public facilities and services. Allows for land use patterns or timing which disproportionately increase the cost in time, money and energy, of providing and maintaining facilities and services, including roads, potable water, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, law enforcement, education, health care, fire and emergency response, and general government. Fails to provide a clear separation between rural and urban uses. Fla. Admin. Code R. 9J-5.006(5)(g). Indicator 4 DCA's argument as to Indicator 4 is two-fold: Site 7 is surrounded by rural land; and increasing densities will harm the natural resources of the Green Swamp. Site 7 is immediately surrounded by generally rural uses. As indicated, wetlands and Sumner Lake are to the immediate northwest. Directly to the north of the northernmost portion of Site 7 is a sprayfield owned and operated by the City of Clermont. North of the sprayfield is an open water body. The east side of Site 7 adjoins a marshy area on the west side of Lake Palatlakaha. The south side of Site 7 abuts CR 565 and low wetlands areas, with Lake Wash and other rural lands and wetlands farther south. While immediately surrounded by rural lands (City Conservation, County Rural/Conservation, and County Transition), Site 7 is located approximately 3,000 feet (not three miles, as DCA's primary witness on this issue believed as late as her deposition in this case) south of State Road 50, a highly traveled, major road that connects West Central Florida to East Central Florida. Site 7 is in a fast-growing area less than two miles southeast of the center of the City. Immediately to the north of Sumner Lake is the Westwood residential subdivision which lies along the southern boundary of State Road 50. Existing homes are scattered around the sprayfield. Westwood is located within the City’s boundaries and in the Green Swamp. It has a future land use designation of Green Swamp Single Family Low Density Development (GSLD), which allows up to four single-family detached homes per acre. This corresponds to the Lake County Ridge designation it had at the time it was annexed into the City. Westwood currently is under construction, with many homes already occupied. Along the northern side of State Road 50 north of Westwood is a parcel within the City designated on the FLUM as Commercial, which is proposed to be used for a Publix grocery store, and the Green Valley Country Club, an existing golf course community. To the west of Site 7 is an existing golf course and water ski community known as the Swiss Ski School. It is located within unincorporated Lake County in the Green Swamp and has a Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval for 296 residential units. To the west of the Swiss Ski School lie Stewart Lake and Olsen Lake and their associated wetlands, which are in the Green Swamp in the unincorporated County and have County designations of Rural/Conservation and Transition. Farther west, along State Road 33 and still in the Green Swamp, lie developments having FLUM designations of GSSFLD allowing up to four units per acre. Both those developments lie within City limits. To the south of Site 7, and in unincorporated Lake County, with a County designation of Transition, lies a subdivision along Monte Vista Road which is vested for residential development partly at a density of two units per acre and partly at one unit per acre. Although there will be wetlands and Sumner Lake in City Conservation designations between Site 7 and developments to the north and west in the City, leapfrog development is not a concern for Site 7 and its surrounding area. To the extent Site 7 is separated from other urban or suburban uses in the City by lakes, wetlands, and conservation lands, no urban, suburban or even rural development of those conservation lands should be expected, so that "leaping over" those undeveloped lands should not be considered an indicator of sprawl. For these reasons, it is found that the Site 7 FLUM amendment is not premature. Nor is the conversion from agricultural use to residential use poorly planned. The development will be compact and orderly, and public facilities and services are available. Natural resources already receive a significant amount of protection in the plan. The development of Site 7 will promote conservation of natural resources by allowing only uplands to be developed onsite and allowing a density of up to two units per acre. A lower density would be an inefficient use of developable land. An inefficient land use pattern encourages the premature conversion of environmentally significant lands. Indicators 6 and 7 DCA's arguments as to Indicators 6 and 7 essentially are that some public facilities and services will have to be extended to Site 7, that there are places in the City capable of development using only existing public facilities and services, and that the City has planned for future public facilities and services elsewhere--namely, in the North Overlay, which is described below. As for existing public facilities and services (Indicator 6), development under the site 7 FLUM amendment will receive the same public services of law enforcement, fire, emergency services, and schools as are currently available to Site 7, at a lower residential density, under the existing Lake County Transition land use. Pursuant to an interlocal agreement with Lake County, the City already provides law enforcement services not only to Site 7 and surrounding areas in the City, but also to adjacent areas in unincorporated Lake County. As the City already provides public services in the area, it will be more cost-efficient to spread those costs among more homeowners. The proposed amendment will allow more homeowners to share these costs. DCA's only response to these facts, some of which were not known by DCA's expert witness, was that "the increased population on the site may require additional staff and facilities to serve the population." DCA's PRO, at 41. As for water and sewer, as indicated, a connection to central water and sanitary sewer is available at State Road 50, approximately 3,000 feet from Site 7 (a fact also not known by DCA's expert witness until shortly before the hearing). The developer will be required to pay for the cost of the new lines to Site 7. After those lines are installed, nearby property owners can voluntarily connect to central water and sewer. A few of the nearby property owners who have septic tanks have indicated an interest in connecting to the Site 7 sewer lines. For these reasons, the proposed amendment would result in an efficient use of central water and sanitary sewer facilities. As for future public facilities and services (Indicator 7), in 2003, as a result of a settlement agreement between the City and DCA on the City's 2003 plan amendment, the City proposed and adopted the "Groveland North Overlay" area and associated policies as a plan for future growth. The North Overlay was found to be "in compliance," is part of the City's FLUE, and is designated on Map 1-7 of the City’s FLUM series. The North Overlay is located to the north of the existing City limits and consists of several thousand acres. It is identified as an area in which future annexations are likely to take place in order to meet growth needs. The area is adjacent to parcels already annexed by the City, designated for urban densities, and planned for public facilities. It allows for a mix of uses. It shows that the City had identified a growth strategy to meet its need for the planning timeframe and beyond. It was established to ensure that, as land in the North Overlay was annexed into the City, new development would not develop as urban sprawl, but rather would be managed in a way which created a more effective land use pattern. While adopting the North Overlay, the City has a policy to annex land only on a voluntary basis. It does not exercise its rights under Section 171.0413, Florida Statutes, to require contiguous, compact unincorporated territory to annex. For this reason, it is difficult for the City to foresee with certainty which lands will annex into its municipal boundaries. In addition, starting in the mid-1990's, before adopting the North Overlay, the City began to annex land to the south in the Green Swamp. At that time, the City began the process of amending its comprehensive plan to include provisions to comply with the Principles for Guiding Development in the Green Swamp. In late 2000, the City embarked on a study to guide development and facilitate municipal expansion in the Green Swamp. The DCA provided funding for the study through a technical assistance grant. DCA also provided feedback for the study. The City hired a private consulting firm to do the study and produce a series of four quarterly reports. The final report is entitled "City of Groveland Small Area Study Final Report November 1, 2001." The Small Area Study considered an area of approximately 2,580 acres in the Green Swamp, which the City reasonably projected may be annexed. The geographic boundaries of the study were larger in the first three phases of the study, but were constricted for the final report at the request of DCA planner, Bob Dennis, to be closer to State Road 33. In addition, future annexations were projected to be phased, with areas closer to State Road 33 projected to occur before areas farther away from there. Site 7 is even farther away from State Road 33 and entirely outside the final boundaries of the Small Area Study. But the Small Area Study was not intended to bind the City, or restrict the City's annexation rights and powers, or change the City's policy of voluntary annexation. In other words, the projected annexations and phasing did not preclude consideration of out- of-phase or out-of-area annexations. The DCA grant required the Small Area Study to evaluate the area south of Groveland using several criteria, including upland area, utility availability and expansion, road/transportation network, Lake County land use designation, current land use activities, environmental assessment impacts, and the Green Swamp rules. The Small Area Study recommended that the City adopt two land use categories to apply to residential development in the Green Swamp: a land use category allowing a maximum of four units per acre, and another land use category allowing a maximum of two units per acre. A requirement of 60 percent open space and limitations on impervious surface for residential development also were recommended. For the protection of the Green Swamp and the Floridian Aquifer, the study also recommended that clustered development be encouraged and that central water and sewer be provided. The Small Area Study also recommended that wetlands be designated a Conservation land use. The Small Area Study also recommended that the plan require an upland buffer of 50 feet from the edge of the wetland line and that all development be prohibited in wetlands and floodplains. The City adopted those recommendations, as well as others. All of those plan amendments were found be DCA to be "in compliance." One of those amendments, FLUE Policy 1.3.11, prohibits any structure in the Green Swamp to be located within fifty feet of a wetland line. This requirement exceeds the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) performance standards for wetland buffers, which require an average uplands buffer of 25 feet, with a minimum buffer of 15 feet, as well as the standard included in the plan’s Conservation Policy 7.3.5, which applies only to development located outside of the Green Swamp, and requires an average buffer of 50 feet, with a minimum buffer of 25 feet. FLUE Policy 1.3.3 and Conservation Policy 7.13.1 prohibit all development in the wetlands and floodplains for land located within the Green Swamp. This policy is more stringent than the Guiding Principles and Rule 9J-5. Rule 28- 28.008(1) provides performance criteria for development in flood-prone areas, which may be adopted in land development regulations applying in Lake County portions of the Green Swamp. Rule 9J-5.013(3)(b) requires that land uses be distributed to allow wetland impacts to be minimized and mitigated. The City also implemented the recommendations of the Small Area Study for the two residential land use categories. As already indicated, the City adopted the GSLD land use category, allowing a density of up to four units per acre. FLUE Policy 1.1.17. It also adopted the GSRD land use category in FLUE Policy 1.1.18, allowing a density of up to two single family detached homes per acre. Both categories require that at least 60 percent of the property remain in open space and that development be clustered on the least environmentally sensitive portions of the site. The amendments adopting the GSLD and GSRD land use categories were found by DCA to be "in compliance" and consistent with the Principles of Guiding Development in the Green Swamp. However, those categories were not yet assigned to all land considered in the Small Area Study, much less land outside its final boundaries. The appropriateness of GSRD for Site 7 is the issue in this case. Indicator 8 DCA's arguments as to Indicator 8 essentially focus on the timeliness provision in Lake County's Transition designation and the requirement to provide some new public facilities and services as a result of the City's Site 7 FLUM amendment. See Finding 4, supra. Development of Site 7 under Lake County's Transition designation would be limited to one unit per five acres. Site 7 would not qualify for development at one unit per acre under the timeliness provision, which requires more than 40 percent of the surrounding area within a mile radius, and 60 percent of the surrounding area within a two-mile radius, to be developed at a density of one unit per acre or greater.5 In addition, development of Site 7 under the City's FLUM amendment would make one unit per acre development of the 70- acre County "enclave" within Site 7 timely, which in turn may make one unit per acre development of other County land in the vicinity timely under Lake County's Transition designation. In effect, DCA fears that the City's Site 7 FLUM amendment will have a "domino effect" that will trigger rapid, wholesale conversion of rural County Transition land that can be developed at one unit per five acres to Transition land "timely" for development at one unit per acre. But DCA did not prove that its fear is reasonable. DCA also fears that the City's Site 7 FLUM amendment ultimately will result in too much residential development in the Green Swamp. But future County land use designation changes that will harm the Green Swamp will be subject to challenge by DCA. In any event, whether the City's FLUM change at issue in this case is timely depends on a number of factors besides just the timeliness provision of Lake County's Transition designation. Indicator 8 addresses allowing "land use patterns or timing which disproportionately increase the cost in time, money and energy, of providing and maintaining facilities and services," not just patterns or timing that increases those costs. (Emphasis added). DCA did not prove that extending water and sewer lines will be a disproportionately high cost for the developer to pay and pass on to homeowners. The water and sewer lines will be placed along an existing right-of-way and will be required to be extended approximately 3,000 feet to reach Site 7. Longer lines have been installed within City limits. Also, as discussed above relating to Indicators 6 and 7, the Site 7 FLUM amendment will allow a greater sharing of expenses of facilities and services. Indicator 9 As to Indicator 9, there is some merit to DCA's argument that the Site 7 FLUM amendment fails to provide a clear separation between rural and urban uses. But this is partly because of the lakes and wetlands between Site 7 and those urban uses. In addition, there are some urban-like uses between Site 7 and other urban uses in the City. See Finding 14, supra. Internal Consistency DCA's Petition and SOI alleged that the Site 7 FLUM amendment is internally inconsistent with other parts of the City's comprehensive plan addressing urban sprawl considerations: FLUE Policies 1-1.10.1, 1-1.10.2, and 1- 1.10.3; and ICE Policy 7-1.1.3. After the Site 7 FLUM amendment was adopted, the City further amended its comprehensive plan. FLUE Policies 1-1.10.1, 1-1.10.2, and 1- 1.10.3 became, respectively: Policy 1.1.2; Objective 1.6 and Policy 1.6.1; and Policy 1.6.2. ICE Policy 7-1.1.3 was replaced by ICE Policy 11.1.1, and there was no objection to substituting the new, equivalent policy for purposes of this proceeding. FLUE Policy 1.1.2 states: The City shall designate land use on the [FLUM] to accommodate needs identified within the Comprehensive Plan supporting document (i.e., Data Inventory & Analysis). The City shall allocate a reasonable amount of land above identified needs to avoid economic impacts which a controlled supply of land places on land values and market potential. As found, it is undisputed that the Site 7 FLUM amendment is internally consistent with this policy. In its response to the ORC, the City adequately demonstrated that it had a need for additional residential land to accommodate its future population. Moreover, the ratio between the City's future land use needs and population growth is only slightly more than 1:1. The Site 7 FLUM amendment does not create an over- allocation of land uses in relation to its estimated population growth. Again, DCA's challenge is to the location of Site 7. FLUE Objective 1.6 states: "Discourage urban sprawl through a future land use pattern which promotes orderly, compact development." FLUE Policy 1.6.1 states: Land use patterns delineated on the [FLUM] shall promote orderly, compact growth. The City shall encourage growth and development in existing developed areas where public facilities and services are presently in place and in those areas where public facilities can provide the most efficient service. Land shall not be designated for growth and development if abundant undeveloped land is already present within developed areas served by facilities and services." Based on the findings as to the urban sprawl indicators, supra, DCA did not prove that the Site 7 FLUM amendment is internally inconsistent with FLUE Objective 1.6 and Policy 1.6.1, much less that internal consistency is beyond fair debate. FLUE Policy 1.6.2 states: "The City of Groveland shall coordinate with Lake County through a Joint Planning Agreement to develop an areawide [sic] planning approach by 2010, taking into account environmental suitability, functional relationships and areas where public facilities and services are available or proposed to be available by year 2020." ICE Policy 11.1.1 states: "The City of Groveland shall continue to work closely with Lake County, Lake County School Board, other municipalities and affected regional, state and national government agencies to coordinate the comprehensive planning effort of the City with those agencies affected, through the provision of information and participation on committees and working parties." DCA did not prove that the Site 7 FLUM amendment is internally inconsistent with FLUE Policy 1.6.2 or ICE Policy 11.1.1, much less that internal consistency is beyond fair debate. To the extent that internal consistency requires that the local government to comply with the intergovernmental coordination provisions in its comprehensive plan when it proposes and adopts plan amendments, DCA also did not prove that the City failed to do so, much less that its failure to comply is beyond fair debate. The City regularly coordinates its plan amendments with Lake County. The City provided a copy of its 2004-02 amendment package to Lake County when the amendment was transmitted to DCA, as was indicated to DCA in the transmittal amendment cover letter to DCA. A local government’s submittal to an adjacent local government of a copy of an amendment under review is a common way for a local government to coordinate amendments with other local governments. The City also regularly coordinates planning issues with Lake County and other Lake County municipalities by attending meetings of their planning departments. Obviously, the Site 7 FLUM amendment was adopted long before FLUE Policy 1.6.2's 2010 target for a joint planning agreement. At this time, there is no voluntary joint planning strategy with which it can be argued that this amendment is inconsistent. At the hearing, DCA was permitted to also argue internal inconsistency with new plan provisions adopted in July 2005, and found to be “in compliance” in September 2005 (but not provisions adopted in September 2005 and under DCA challenge at the time of the hearing).6 Newly adopted Sanitary Sewer Objective 5.3 reads: MAXIMIZE EXISTING FACILITIES AND DISCOURAGE URBAN SPRAWL. The City shall maximize existing sanitary sewer facilities within its service area and promote compact efficient growth patterns. This objective must be read in conjunction with related Sanitary Sewer Policy 5.3.1, which requires all new development in the City to connect to the central sanitary sewer system, as well as with FLUE Policy 1.1.18, which requires all development in land designated GSRD to connect to central water and sanitary sewer utilities. Density is related to the ability to provide central sewer and water services. If a developer runs new water and sewer lines, which he must do at his own cost in the City, compact density will make development more economical for those services and will encourage an efficient land use pattern. A density of two units per acre is financially feasible for providing central water and sewer to Site 7, whereas the evidence was that a density of one unit per five acres, as urged by DCA, is not cost-effective for Site 7, at least given the developer's $6.5 million land acquisition cost. As the use of septic tanks is not an option in the City for any new development, a contiguous and compact form of development is essential not only for the property in question, but also for future development sites. Development of Site 7 will be connected to an existing City-owned and operated wastewater treatment plant, which has adequate capacity for the maximum of 532 homes allowed by the amendment. As the amendment will allow a compact development pattern of two units per acre and will maximize the use of an existing sewer facility, it is not internally inconsistent with ICE Objective 5.3. Newly-adopted ICE Objective 11.2 requires the City to implement a strategy to ensure the efficient provision of urban services, sound urban development, and accommodation of growth. The objective identifies negotiating interlocal agreements with Lake County and other local governments for joint planning areas and for providing public services. ICE Objective 11.2 requires future intergovernmental coordination and is not self-implementing. The Site 7 FLUM amendment is not internally inconsistent with ICE Objective 11.2. Guiding Principles The Guiding Principles were adopted by rule by the Administration Commission in 1974 and subsequently were approved by reference by the Legislature. See Rule 28-26.003; Ch. 79-73, § 5, Laws of Florida (1979). Preceding Rule Chapter 9J-5 and modern Florida statutory requirements for local comprehensive plans, the Guiding Principles actually were adopted to provide guidelines for the adoption of land development regulations. See Rule 28-26.004 and Rule Chapter 28-28, Land Planning-Part VII Boundary and Regulations for the Green Swamp Area of Critical State Concern-Lake County; § 380.0551(2), Fla. Stat. The City's plan contains goals, objectives, and policies that are consistent with the Guiding Principles. Nonetheless, DCA contends that the Site 7 FLUM amendment is inconsistent with the following objectives to be achieved under the Green Swamp Guiding Principles, Rule 28-26.003(1): Minimize the adverse impacts of development on resources of the Floridan Aquifer, wetlands, and flood-detention areas. Protect the normal quantity, quality and flow of ground water and surface water which are necessary for the protection of resources of state and regional concern. Protect the water available for aquifer recharge. * * * (j) Protect the natural flow regime of drainage basins.7 One of the primary reasons for designating the Green Swamp as an area of Critical State Concern is its relatively high aquifer recharge capabilities. This results from the relative proximity of the surficial aquifer to the ground surface, together with relatively high rate at which water percolates through the soils overlying the surficial aquifer. The relatively high aquifer recharge rate results in a relatively high potentiometric surface in the underlying Floridan aquifer (Central Florida's primary drinking water source) and drives the groundwater system throughout Central and Southwest Florida. Florida contains many areas of no recharge, but low- to-moderate recharge characteristics are common throughout Florida. Within the Green Swamp, there are areas of low, moderate, and high aquifer recharge, depending primarily on the proximity of the surficial aquifer to the ground surface and the characteristics of the overlying soils. In the area of Site 7, the surficial aquifer is approximately 150 feet below ground surface. Site 7 has both Type A (sandy, upland) soils, which have a high infiltration rate, and Type B (wetlands) soils. The area has been regionally mapped by SJRWMD as having a net recharge rate of 0-4 inches (low) on the western side of the site, and 4-8 inches (moderate) on the eastern part of the site. As such, these recharge characteristics of Site 7 can be said to be "common" for the Green Swamp. As for groundwater contamination, a map of the Floridan Aquifer Groundwater Vulnerability admitted into evidence by DCA showed that the groundwater for Site 7 and the surrounding area are "more vulnerable" to contamination. However, DCA did not present a map for other parts of the Green Swamp or the rest of Florida for comparison purposes, and its expert witness on the subject was unable to quantify vulnerability or directly compare Site 7 to other parts of the Green Swamp and the rest of Florida. However, he did testify that areas of "high vulnerability" extend all the way to the west of Tallahassee and that the western part of the Green Swamp generally is more vulnerable to groundwater contamination than the eastern part, where Site 7 is, because the surficial aquifer is at or near the ground surface in the western part of the Green Swamp. As to the natural flow regime of drainage basins, Site 7 lies in the Oklawaha River Drainage Basin. The natural local drainage of Site 7 is into the Palatlakaha River via several smaller drainage sub-basins: Sumner Lake Outlet, Palatlakaha Reach, Lake Wash Outlet, and Pine Island Outlets. The Palatlakaha is a major tributary to the Oklawaha River. DCA did not prove that the Site 7 FLUM amendment will adversely impact the natural flow regime of the drainage basin Site 7 is in. DCA did not prove that Site 7 has any hydrologic or environmental characteristics that would require more protection than other parts of the Green Swamp. It follows that DCA did not prove a need for Site 7 to have a lower density than is allowed under the GSRD land use category already approved by DCA for the Green Swamp. Similar residential densities also have been approved in other parts of the Green Swamp. A plan's goals, objectives and policies must be considered when evaluating the impacts of development allowed by a land use category. The FLUM, the goals, objectives, and polices are interrelated. See § 163.3177(6)(a), Fla. Stat. The hydrologic features and functions addressed in the Guiding Principles are protected in the plan, and those protections have been found by DCA to be consistent with the Guiding Principles. Those plan provisions will guide development to ensure that the aquifer, wetlands, flood detention areas, groundwater, surface water, Lake Sumner, and the natural flow of the drainage basin will be appropriately protected. The essence of DCA's argument that the Site 7 FLUM amendment is inconsistent with the Guiding Principles is that, regardless of how much protection the plan's provisions afford, the Site 7 FLUM will allow approximately ten times the various impacts of development--e.g., impacts on wetlands, reduction of aquifer recharge due to increased impervious surfaces, water quality impacts, and water quantity impacts-- at one unit to five acres under the current Lake County Transition designation, so that adverse impacts are not minimized, and resources are not protected, as envisioned in the Guiding Principles. There are several flaws in DCA's argument, even assuming the impact factor of ten. First, the logical extension of DCA's argument would be that minimization and protection require no additional adverse impacts. If so, development at one unit per acre under Lake County Transition's timeliness provisions--a fivefold increase in impacts, under DCA's rationale--also would be inconsistent with the Guiding Principles. Second, planning should be based on reality,8 and DCA did not prove that residential development would occur on Site 7 at one unit to five acres. To the contrary, while continued development of small parcels in areas designated Lake County Transition is plausible, the evidence was that it is financially infeasible to develop Site 7 as a whole residentially at that density.9 For that reason, while ordinarily it is appropriate only to compare potential impacts from different possible land use designations, in this case it is appropriate to consider the impacts of the current use of Site 7 as an orange grove when deciding whether the Site 7 FLUM amendment is consistent with the Guiding Principles. The evidence was clear that, under all the criteria in the Guiding Principles cited by DCA, residential development under the Site 7 FLUM amendment is far preferable to the continued use of the property as an orange grove10--the likely if not absolutely clear result of maintaining Lake County's Transition designation.11 Third, as mentioned in Finding 57, supra, it was clear from the evidence that DCA has found residential land use designations of two units per acre and greater not only elsewhere in the Green Swamp, both in the City and elsewhere, to be consistent with the Guiding Principles, and DCA failed to explain why those densities would be consistent with the Guiding Principles elsewhere but not at Site 7. Again under this issue, DCA in effect fears that the City's Site 7 FLUM amendment will have a "domino effect" that will ultimately result in the entire Green Swamp being designated for two-unit per acre residential densities. But the entire Green Swamp is not like Site 7. Future County land use designation changes that actually will harm the Green Swamp will be subject to challenge by DCA, and it is unreasonable to assume that DCA will allow densities of two units per acre throughout the Green Swamp if it is allowed at Site 7. Environmental Suitability For essentially the same reasons DCA argues inconsistency with urban sprawl rules and plan provisions and with the Guiding Principles, DCA also contends that the City did not react appropriately to data and analysis indicating Site 7's alleged environmental unsuitability for residential development at two units per acre. Based on the previous findings, DCA did not prove that allegation.12 State Comprehensive Plan DCA alleges that the Site 7 FLUM amendment is inconsistent with the State Comprehensive Plan's Public Facilities goal and two related policies. Public Facilities Goal (a) addresses the need to protect substantial investments in existing public facilities. Related Policy (17)(b)1. provides incentives for developing land in a way that maximizes the uses of existing public facilities. Public Facilities Policy 17(b)2. promotes the "rehabilitation and reuse of existing facilities, structures, and buildings as an alternative to new construction." As discussed above in the urban sprawl findings, the Site 7 FLUM amendment encourages the efficient use of existing public facilities. The increase in density, which the amendment allows, may be viewed as a land use incentive that encourages the maximization of existing public facilities both as to Site 7 and as to surrounding properties that may later connect to City utilities. The amendment furthers Public Facilities Goal (a) and Policy (b)(1). The Site 7 FLUM amendment also does not undermine or conflict with Policy (b)(2). The City’s plans to rehabilitate a downtown community redevelopment area (CRA) will not be adversely affected by development allowed by the proposed amendment. Also, there is insufficient land within the CRA to accommodate the City’s projected housing and land use needs. The amendment is not inconsistent with this policy.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administration Commission enter a final order finding the City's Site 7 FLUM amendment to be "in compliance." DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of November, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of November, 2005.

Florida Laws (12) 11.011120.569120.57163.3177163.3178163.3184163.3187163.3191163.3245171.0413171.062380.0551
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Oct. 06, 2017 Number: 17-005530GM Latest Update: Aug. 09, 2018

The Issue The issue is whether the plan amendment adopted by Escambia County (County) by Ordinance No. 2017-53 on September 7, 2017, is in compliance.

Findings Of Fact Background Petitioner owns real property and resides in the County. She submitted written comments to the County during the adoption phase of the amendment. She is an affected person within the meaning of section 163.3184(1)(a), Florida Statutes. The County is a local government that is subject to the requirements of chapter 163, Florida Statutes. A sector plan is the process in which the local government engages in long-term planning for an area of at least 5,000 acres. §§ 163.3164(42) and 163.3245(1), Fla. Stat. It involves two levels of planning: a) a long-term master plan, and b) a Detailed Specific Area Plan (DSAP), which implements the master plan. A DSAP is created for an area that is at least 1,000 acres and identifies the distribution, extent, and location of future uses and public facilities. § 163.3245(3), Fla. Stat. While the DSAP is created by a local development order that is not subject to state compliance review, an amendment to an adopted sector plan is a plan amendment reviewed under the State Coordinated Review process. § 163.3184(2)(c), Fla. Stat. The development standards in the DSAP are separate and distinct from the development standards in non-sector plan properties. On June 3, 2010, the County approved Ordinance No. 2010-16, which adopted Evaluation and Appraisal Report-based amendments to the Plan, including a new Optional Sector Plan (OSP). The Ordinance was challenged by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and assigned DOAH Case No. 10-6857GM. In response to the DCA challenge, on February 3, 2011, the County adopted Ordinance No. 2011-3 as a stipulated remedial amendment. The Ordinance establishes a long-term master plan for central Escambia County known as the Mid-West Escambia County Sector Plan (Sector Plan). The Sector Plan is comprised of approximately 15,000 acres, north of Interstate 10, west of Highway 29, and south of Highway 196. The area is depicted on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) as the OSP. The DCA determined the Ordinance to be in compliance. To implement the long-term master plan, on September 9, 2011, the County adopted Ordinance No. 2011-29, which establishes two DSAPs: Muskogee DSAP and Jacks Branch DSAP. Petitioner's residence and the subject property are located within the Jacks Branch DSAP. State compliance review of that action under section 163.3184(3) or (4) was not required. In 2011, the Legislature created the right to opt out or withdraw from a sector plan. See § 163.3245(8), Fla. Stat. This can be accomplished "only with the approval of the local government by plan amendment adopted and reviewed pursuant to s. 163.3184." Id. In response to the statutory amendment, the County adopted a plan amendment which provides that any additions to, or deletions from, a DSAP must follow the established procedures in the Plan. See Ex. 40, p. 14. In order to consolidate the County zoning districts, on April 16, 2015, the County adopted Ordinance No. 2015-12, which repealed the entire Land Development Code (LDC) and replaced it with a new LDC, which has a county-wide rezoning plan. After the first (and only) application to opt out of the Sector Plan was filed by a property owner, on March 16, 2017, the County amended the LDC through Ordinance No. 2017-14, which establishes seven criteria for evaluating this type of request. See LDC, § 2-7.4. The Ordinance was not challenged. According to the County, the criteria were actually drafted by the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and require it to consider the following: All standard Comprehensive Plan map criteria; Comprehensive Plan requirement for changes to an existing DSAP; The size of the subject parcel in relation to the individual DSAP land use category and in relation to the overall Sector Plan, to specifically include the aggregate acreage of any previously granted opt-outs; The existing transportation infrastructure and any impact the proposed opt-out may have on the capacity of the infrastructure; The underlying existing zoning category and its compatibility with surrounding DSAP land use designations; The consistency of the requested future land use designation with the underlying zoning; and The previous future land use designation. Besides the foregoing criteria, subsection 2-7.4(b) provides that when the County reviews an opt-out application: [t]o the extent possible, the staff analysis and the reviewing bodies shall consider whether the applicant lost development rights or was effectively downzoned as part of the Sector Plan adoption. The Board may take into consideration any other relevant factors in making its determination related to the request. Once a parcel is removed from the County's Sector Plan, the underlying zoning that was in effect when the Sector Plan was created remains the same, but a new future land use (FLU) category must be assigned to the property by a plan amendment. § 163.3245(8), Fla. Stat. Withdrawing from a DSAP does not modify the DSAP because the DSAP is the development standard itself. The Property The parcel lies on the eastern edge of the DSAP about ten miles north of Interstate 10 on the northwest corner of Highway 29 and Neal Road. Highway 29 is a major four-lane arterial road running in a north-south direction with a median in the middle. The road is maintained by the state. Neal Road is a small, two-lane County road that intersects with Highway 29 from the west and provides access to a residential area where Petitioner resides. Existing commercial development is located on the east side of Highway 29. Most recently, a Family Dollar Store was developed directly across the street from the property. Currently, the parcel is vacant and lies in the Conservation Neighborhood District, which permits a maximum density of three dwelling units per gross acre and is the lowest density of residential development allowed in the Sector Plan. Only residential uses are allowed in the district, which is intended to treat stormwater and preserve open space and wildlife. Based on maps of the area, Petitioner's property appears to be no more than one-half mile west of the subject property. The character of the area in Petitioner's neighborhood is low-density residential development. Before the Sector Plan was adopted, the assigned land use on the parcel was MU-S. This use is intended for "a mix of residential and non-residential uses while promoting compatible infill development and the separation of urban and suburban land uses." Its express purpose is to serve as a mixed-use area. As described by a County witness, "the mixed-use aspect of it allows a non-residential component first, but, again, it's predominately residential, low-density residential." The range of allowable uses includes residential, retail services, professional office, recreational facilities, and public and civic, with a maximum intensity of a 1.0 floor area ratio. Until the Sector Plan was created, the parcel was zoned as Gateway Business District (GBD). Under the new rezoning plan established in 2015, all parcels outside the Sector Plan which were zoned GBD were consolidated with similar zoning categories into the new district of Heavy Commercial/ Light Industrial (HC/LI). Permitted uses under this district are residential, retail sales, retail services, public and civic, recreation and entertainment, industrial and related, agricultural and related, and "other uses," such as billboards, outdoor sales, trade shops, warehouses, and the like. Once a parcel is withdrawn from the Sector Plan, it retains the underlying zoning in effect when the DSAP was established. Because the new zoning scheme consolidates GBD into HC/LI, the parcel will revert to HC/LI. Therefore, the zoning and land use will be the same as they were before the Sector Plan was created. This combination is not unusual, as there are "multiple parcels" outside the DSAP that have this zoning/land use pairing. The Challenged Amendment In June 2016, the property owner filed an application with the County requesting that his parcel be removed from the Mid-West Sector Plan. At that time, neither the County nor the applicant realized that a new land use must be assigned. Consequently, no request for a new land use was made. Because this was the first time an opt-out application had been filed with any local government, the County had a series of meetings with DEO seeking guidance on how to proceed. It was told by DEO that the opt-out application and a FLU change should be processed in the same manner as a FLUM amendment and then reviewed under the State Coordinated Review process. DEO also provided suggested criteria that should be considered when processing such an application. These criteria were adopted as new LDC section 2-7.4. The County followed all steps suggested by DEO. DEO instructed the County to require a second application from the property owner, which included a request for a new land use category. After the second application was filed, the County began the process of determining whether the application satisfied the opt-out criteria in section 2-7.4 and relevant Plan requirements. The second application addressed the FLU requirement and contained the analysis required for each component of the Plan. A future land use of Mixed-Use Urban (MU-U) was initially requested by the owner. This category is consistent with HC/LI zoning, but is a much more intense land use category than MU-S. Because of concerns that the MU-U land use would not be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood in the DSAP, the County changed the proposed new land use to MU-S, the use assigned to the property before the Sector Plan was adopted. MU-S is the same land use assigned to other non-Sector Plan parcels surrounding the subject property, and there are non- industrial uses within the HC/LI zoning district that are consistent with MU-S. If the application is approved, only 25 potential residential units will be removed from the total Sector Plan, and the reduction in total developable area will be de minimis. Except for a change to the DSAP map and the acreage table, no changes to the text of the DSAP are made. During the application process, the County addressed natural resources, wetlands, historically significant sites, and impacts on the environment. The County also evaluated the application in light of the criteria found in section 2-7.4 and determined that, as a whole, it satisfied those requirements. See Cnty. Ex. 34, pp. 28-39. Because a proposed use of the property was not submitted with the application, an analysis of a specific use was not made. When a site plan to develop the property is filed, the proposed use will be evaluated by the Development Review Committee, and then by the Board of County Commissioners. That review will ensure that the intended development will not be inconsistent with the zoning district and land use assigned to the parcel. The opt-out request was debated extensively during a series of ten public hearings that began in September 2016. Members of the public were allowed to speak for or against the proposal. On September 7, 2017, the County voted to amend the Plan by (a) allowing the parcel to withdraw from the OSP, removing the Sector Plan overlay on the parcel, and amending the FLUM by assigning the property a MU-S land use designation. No other changes were made. The amendment does not create a remnant area or fragmented DSAP. The amendment was transmitted to DEO for review under the State Coordinated Review process. DEO determined it met the requirements of chapter 163 for compliance purposes. The State Coordinated Review is more comprehensive than the Expedited Review process under section 163.3184(3). On November 8, 2017, a Notice of Intent to find the amendment in compliance was issued by DEO. See Cnty. Ex. 39. Petitioner filed her Petition within 30 days after the Ordinance was adopted, but before DEO issued its Notice of Intent. Therefore, it was timely. Besides DEO's review, the Department of Transportation and Department of Education reviewed the proposal for impacts on transportation and school concurrency, respectively. No further information was requested from the County by any agency. Petitioner's Objections In the parties' Pre-hearing Stipulation, Petitioner raises a procedural objection to the manner in which the withdrawal application was adopted. She also alleges generally that the amendment creates inconsistent and incompatible zoning and future land use pairing in violation of sections 163.3177(2) and 163.3194(1); is inconsistent with the FLU Element; conflicts with statutory provisions regarding compatibility of adjacent land uses; and lacks sufficient data and analysis required by section 163.3177(1)(f). These contentions, and others not directly related to a compliance challenge, are addressed below. Petitioner first contends an opt-out application must be adopted by a local development order, rather than by a plan amendment. She argues the County erred by not providing her the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses at the adoption hearing and failing to subject the proposal to more "intense review and analysis." The quasi-judicial process requires strict scrutiny of a local government's action, rather than a fairly debatable standard of review, and provides third parties the right to challenge the local government's decision in circuit court, rather than in a section 163.3184 proceeding. This contention has been rejected and is addressed in the Conclusions of Law. Petitioner contends approval of the application will lead to further requests by other property owners to opt out of the Sector Plan. Currently, there are over 1,000 property owners in the Sector Plan. During the County hearings, staff identified 24 or 25 other properties that might choose to file an opt-out application in the future. Whether those owners will do so is no more than speculation at this point. The County responds that it will evaluate each application on a case-by- case basis. A case-by-case analysis is necessary because an application involving a large parcel of property would clearly have a different analysis than one which involves only 8.67 acres. More importantly, because the opt-out process is a statutory right created by the Legislature, the County is obligated to consider every opt-out application filed, and if it satisfies the applicable criteria, it must be approved. In any event, there is nothing in sections 163.3184 or 163.3245 which requires the local government to deny an application merely because another property owner might file a similar application at some point in the future. Petitioner contends the County acted "unreasonably" because it did not establish opt-out criteria until after the application was filed. The County's action was reasonable under the circumstances because it had no standards or precedent for reviewing this type of application; at the direction of DEO, the criteria were adopted before final action on the application was taken; and the criteria were considered by the County. Petitioner contends the criteria in section 2-7.4 are vague and lack specific, objective evaluation standards. However, Ordinance No. 2017-14 was never challenged and is presumed to be valid. Petitioner contends HC/LI zoning is inconsistent with the MU-S land use and violates sections 163.3177(2) and 163.3194(1)(b).1/ Those provisions require generally that zoning regulations and land uses be consistent with one another and the elements of the Plan. The zoning and land use will be the same as existed before the Sector Plan was adopted. They correlate with the zoning and land use on numerous other non-Sector Plan parcels in the immediate area and throughout the County. MU-S contemplates a mixed-use area, while HC/LI contains a variety of residential, commercial, and industrial uses. Although industrial uses are inconsistent with the land use, see Endnote 1, there are many other uses within the zoning district that are compatible with MU-S. It is fairly debatable that the zoning and land use designation are compatible. FLU Objective 1.3 provides that future land use designations should "discourage urban sprawl, promote mixed use, compact development in urban areas, and support development compatible with the protection and preservation of rural areas." By allowing more intensive development next to the Conservation Neighborhood District, Petitioner contends the plan amendment is inconsistent with this directive because it encourages urban sprawl. "Sprawl" is defined in chapter 3 of the Plan as [h]aphazard growth of dispersed, leap- frog and strip development in suburbs and rural areas and along highways; typically, sprawl is automobile-dependent, single use, resource-consuming, and low-density development in previously rural areas and disconnected from existing development and infrastructure. The parcels on the east side of Highway 29 have similar zoning and land uses as the subject property and are interspersed with commercial development. Therefore, future development on the subject property would not be "disconnected from existing development and infrastructure," and it would not leap-frog into non-developed areas. It is fairly debatable that the plan amendment does not encourage urban sprawl. Petitioner contends the underlying zoning on the parcel is incompatible with the land use in her neighborhood. Although the County considered this issue, it points out that the Sector Plan and Comprehensive Plan have different development standards, and therefore there is no requirement that it consider the compatibility of non-Sector Plan property with property in the DSAP. Moreover, to restore the property rights that an owner once had, when the withdrawal application is approved, the property should revert to the underlying zoning in existence when the Sector Plan was established. Notwithstanding the foregoing, LDC section 2-7.4(a)5. requires that when reviewing an opt-out application, the County must consider "[t]he underlying existing zoning category and its compatibility with surrounding DSAP land use designations." To this end, the County addressed this factor by assigning a less intense MU-S land use to the parcel so that more intense uses allowed by HC/LI would be prohibited or minimized. It is fairly datable that the underlying zoning will be compatible with the neighboring area. Petitioner contends the amendment is not supported by data and analysis, as required by section 163.3177(1)(f). Prior to adopting the amendment, the County staff made a qualitative and quantitative analysis of impacts on natural resources, wetlands, historically significant sites, the environment, and adjacent lands. Because Highway 29 is a state road, the County has limited planning responsibilities for traffic impacts. Even so, a limited analysis of traffic impacts is found in County Exhibit 17. In addition, the Department of Transportation performed a more complete analysis of traffic impacts attributable to the amendment. Because the parcel is currently vacant, traffic impacts on Neal Road cannot be fully analyzed until a site plan is filed. A review of school concurrency issues was performed by the Department of Education and no adverse comments were submitted. The County verified that Emerald Coast Utility Authority had available water, sewer, and garbage capacity to serve the parcel. Finally, the County took into account the fact that removal of such a small parcel from the edge of the eastern side of the Sector Plan would have minimal, if any, effect on the Sector Plan goals and objectives. It is fairly debatable that the amendment is supported by relevant and appropriate data and analysis. All other contentions not specifically discussed have been considered and rejected.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Economic Opportunity enter a final order determining that the plan amendment adopted by Ordinance No. 2017-53 is in compliance. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of May, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S D. R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of May, 2018.

Florida Laws (6) 163.3164163.3177163.3184163.3194163.3213163.3245
# 10

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