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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-001709 Latest Update: Feb. 04, 1987

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: State Road Number 688, also known as Ulmerton Road, is a major east- west arterial road in Pinellas County. The Paradyne Corporation owns property south of Ulmerton Road and the intervenors, the Millers and the Benjamins, own property located immediately adjacent and to the west of the Paradyne property. Located on the Paradyne property are six or eight commercial buildings, parking lots and a road which runs between Ulmerton Road and 126th Avenue, a county road. At the present time Paradyne employs approximately 1,700 persons who park approximately 1,400 cars per day in the parking lots located on Paradyne's property. On a form entitled "State of Florida Department of Transportation Driveway Permit," Paradyne requested "permission for the construction of a driveway(s) on Department of Transportation right-of-way" at State Road No. 688, Section No. 15120, Mile Post No. 6.350 in Pinellas County. The request was approved by the Department of Transportation on June 6, 1981. Attached to the approved permit were various conditions and stipulations and a sketch or drawing of the proposed construction. Paradyne constructed the connection with the Ulmerton Road light- controlled intersection, as well as a private road leading to it, in a manner whereby only vehicles utilizing the Paradyne property would have access to the intersection. The actual location or configuration of the connection on the State's right-of-way deviated somewhat from the location or configuration shown on the sketch or drawing attached to the permit. The permit issued to Paradyne in 1981 did not include any provisions regarding or sketches illustrating an access road on private property. The property owners adjacent to Paradyne, the intervenors herein, also desired a means of access to the light- controlled intersection on Ulmerton Road. Paradyne refused to allow intervenors to use the private road on its property. The intervenors' request to DOT for a separate connection to Ulmerton Road was denied for safety reasons. The DOT also denied the intervenors' request that a cease and desist order be issued that would require Paradyne to allow the intervenors the use of Paradyne's road. DOT's reason for refusing such a request was that it was beyond the jurisdiction of the DOT to order a 250- foot access road over the parties' private property. Apparently, the construction of a 250-foot joint use road was the subject of preliminary discussions between Paradyne and persons who had previously held an option to purchase the intervenors' land. However, as noted above, the permit was issued only to Paradyne and there is no mention therein of a 250-foot joint use drive on the private property of either Paradyne or the intervenors. Having failed in their attempts with Paradyne and the DOT to gain access to the Ulmerton Road light-controlled intersection, the intervenors filed an action in the Pinellas County Circuit Court seeking a declaratory judgment and a mandatory injunction requiring Paradyne to participate with them in the construction of a 250-foot joint use drive. The Circuit Court ordered Paradyne to so participate in accordance with the driveway permit and the DOT drawing. On appeal to the District Court of Appeal, Second District, it was concluded that there was substantial evidence to support the Circuit Court's finding that DOT intended that the owners of both parcels would have access to the light- controlled intersection. However, the appellate court found "that the circuit court violated due process of law because it did not have authority to order appellant to participate with appellees in the construction of the 250-foot-connector road. The permit, as issued, did not require a 250-foot connector road. The circuit court is only authorized to enforce the DOT permit under section 120.69. The authority to regulate connectors to state roads has been delegated to DOT pursuant to section 335.18, Florida Statutes (1981). Therefore, we reverse and remand to the circuit court to enforce the DOT permit pursuant to section 120.69, so both parcels will have access to the light-controlled intersection. Upon remand, DOT may intervene as a matter of right pursuant to section 120.69(1)(d), or be joined as an indispensable party based on its duties under section 335.18: It is possible that DOT will find that the intersection, as designed, does not meet the standards in section 335.18, Florida Statutes (1981). In this event, DOT should be allowed to re- design the connector road to meet the standards of section 335.18, and to have minimal impact on the property rights of appellant and appellees. In the event it becomes impossible to provide the parties access to the intersection as contemplated by DOT's permit, DOT has authority under section 335.18(4) to deny access and revoke the permit. Affirmed in part and reversed in part and remanded with instructions." Paradyne Corporation v. Miller, 455 So.2d 432, at 434 (Fla. 2nd DCA, 1984). On remand, the DOT intervened in the proceeding. By Order filed on December 23, 1985, the Circuit Court of Pinellas County noted that the intervenors herein and the DOT sought to present a redesign of the intersection and connector road and that Paradyne objected. The Court denied the proceedings sought by the intervenors herein and the DOT, concluding that "this hearing is premature in view of the fact that a new permit must be issued for a material change of the intersection, and that Defendant (Paradyne), in the issuance of a new permit has all the rights of objection and administrative process that it had under the first permit..." Irvin E. Miller, et al v. Paradyne Corporation, et al, Case No. 82-3441-8 (Circuit Court for Pinellas County, December 23, 1985). The instant "Alleged Violation of the Florida Statutes and Notice to Show Cause" is dated March 31, 1986. That document charges that the highway connection constructed by Paradyne is in violation of Section 335.18(3) and 335.18(1) for the reasons that: it was not constructed in accordance with the permit design plan to provide joint access to Paradyne and the intervenors' adjoining properties, and (b) a material redesign of the existing connection in accordance with an attached drawing is required due to disruption of traffic and safety hazards caused by the greatly increased numbers of vehicles using the road connection. Paradyne was ordered to comply or show cause why its connection permit should not be revoked and access denied to the connection. On the south side of Ulmerton Road, the DOT's right-of-way extends 38 feet from the berm of Ulmerton Road. There is no dispute over the fact, and petitioner so admits, that the connection Paradyne constructed on the State's right-of-way was not in accordance with the drawing attached to its 1991 permit. However, the DOT presented no evidence that it now desires Paradyne to alter the connection so as to be in compliance with the 1981 permit drawing. In late 1984, after the remand from the District Court of Appeal, Second District, the intervenors retained the DSA Group, formerly Diaz-Seckinger & Associates, Inc., to prepare a report on the joint use of improvements at the intersection of Ulmerton Road and the Paradyne entrance. The DSA Group conducted traffic studies and prepared a "Report on Existing Conditions and Joint Use Access Proposal at Ulmerton Road and Entrance to Paradyne." The report recommended a redesign and contained drawings for a major revision of the intersection actually on Ulmerton Road, the connection on the right-of-way and a 250-foot long joint access road on the private property of Paradyne and the intervenors. While DOT employees were consulted regarding this report and its recommendations and had some input during its preparation, there was no showing that Paradyne participated in the report or the recommended redesign of Ulmerton Road, the connection or the joint use drive. Indeed, according to the engineer responsible for the DSA report, the report and redesign were developed and submitted to the intervenors and the DOT "for their use in meeting and negotiating with the Paradyne. At the time we took the contract we were under the opinion that they were hopefully resolving things with the property owners and they wanted something to go to Paradyne as an offering of one alternative, frankly, with the expectation that there may be something coming back saying "Well, we need to modify this and this." As it turns out, this plan as of a year ago or over a year ago, it's the one that stands right now." (Transcript, pages 98 and 99). Apparently, the intervenors, prior to commissioning the DSA report, requested the DOT to perform a survey or study. DOT declined to do so on the ground that "this had to do with private drives, private property and it was DOT's position that we did not fund evaluations for access into private development." (Transcript, page 136). The redesign of the Ulmerton Road intersection and entrance to the Paradyne/Intervenors property, along with the 250-foot joint use road, recommended by the DSA Group is identical to the redesign required under specification (b) of the Notice of Violation and to Show Cause issued by the DOT. The drawing attached to the Notice to Show Cause is the drawing prepared by the DSA Group. Traffic has increased at the intersection of Ulmerton Road and the entrance to the Paradyne property. The traffic signal in the center of Ulmerton Road allows Paradyne employees traveling westward on Ulmerton to turn south into Paradyne's parking lots, allows exiting employees to turn westward or eastward and also allows traffic exiting from a development known as Tall Pines Estates on the north side of Ulmerton to turn east or west. During two peak traffic flow hours in 1981, 780 vehicles traversed the intersection straight through from east to west, and 235 westbound vehicles turned left or southward into the Paradyne parking lot from Ulmerton Road. In 1985, the through vehicles numbered 1,224 and the left-turning vehicles numbered 379 during the peak traffic hours. It was not established by the testimony and evidence that the increase in through traffic from east to west is the result of any increased activity on the part of either Tall Pines Estates on the north side of Ulmerton or Paradyne on the south side. The increased number of westbound, left-turning vehicles into the Paradyne parking lots causes some backup from the existing stacking lane during the morning and afternoon peak hours, thus causing some congestion on the north or westbound half of Ulmerton Road. The single, existing stacking lane for westbound, left-turning vehicles is approximately 120 to 150 feet long. A survey conducted in late 1984 demonstrated that for the morning peak period, the level of service was an "E", indicating forced flow with traffic backing up. In the afternoon peak period, the level of service was a "D", meaning that drivers had to wait two or three cycles to get through the intersection. The desirable or comfortable level of service is a "C", meaning that the motorist has to stop for only one change of lights. The DOT's minimum accepted design standard in an urban area is a level "D" service. In 1985, the actual accident rate in ratio to the critical accident rate slightly exceeded 1 in the area of the subject intersection. The recommendations of the DSA Group, and the redesign required by the DOT in its Notice to Show Cause, calls for the construction of a dual or double stacking area, 350 feet in length, for the westbound approach on Ulmerton Road and a widened receiving approach on the property to the south to accommodate the dual left-turning traffic. The plan also calls for two westbound turning lanes out of Paradyne property. The median barrier for westbound traffic on Ulmerton Road would need modification. In addition to the widened entrance on the private property to the south, the DSA design calls for the private access road to be extended to a point 250 feet south, with a fence or curb barrier to control the flow of traffic from Paradyne's parking lots at designated points into the access road. The access road would require approximately 22,700 square feet for a joint use area, with 13,980 square feet located on Paradyne's property and 8,750 square feet located on the intervenors' property. The joint use road could either be maintained as a private road pursuant to an agreement between the property owners or it could, perhaps, be dedicated to public use. There was no evidence as to whether Pinellas County would be agreeable to accepting the dedication and thereby becoming responsible for the road's maintenance. It is anticipated that this redesign, primarily because of the dual left turn lanes on Ulmerton Road, would improve the level of service in the morning peak hours to a level "D", and in the afternoon peak period to a level "C". The cost for construction on Ulmerton Road is estimated to be $310,000.00 and the cost for the private 250-foot long drive is estimated to be $50,000.000. In the opinion of the designer of the DSA plan, there is no practical method of design that would allow two separate accesses for Paradyne's and the intervenors' use. The provision of separate accesses would create a five-lead intersection which would cause "even more difficulties in traffic operations." (Transcript, page 86). The DOT's traffic engineer would not approve the traffic signal operation which would be required if there were separate access roads ingressing and egressing the two properties south of the subject intersection. All the proposed modifications at the approach to the property south of Ulmerton Road could be located on Paradyne's property. This would cause a slight offset of the intersection and would cause Paradyne to lose some property now used as a parking lot.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the "Alleged Violation of the Florida Statutes and Notice to Show Cause" be dismissed. IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED THAT said dismissal be without prejudice to the Department of Transportation to issue to Paradyne Corporation a new permit specifying the location and design it considers appropriate for Paradyne's connection to Ulmerton Road, said design containing specifications for construction on Ulmerton Road and its right-of-way, as well as any requirements at Paradyne's entrance beyond the DOT's right-of-way deemed necessary to accommodate proper traffic flow and eliminate safety hazards. Should a new permit be issued, Paradyne should be afforded thirty (30) days within which to indicate its intent to either comply with the new permit terms and conditions or forfeit its access rights to Ulmerton Road. Respectfully submitted and entered this 4th day of February, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of February, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-1709 The proposed findings of fact submitted by each of the parties have been fully considered and have been accepted and/or incorporated in this Recommended Order, except as noted below: Petitioner, Department of Transportation Rejected as irrelevant and immaterial to the issues in dispute. Respondent, Paradyne Corporation NOTE: The respondent's proposed "findings of fact" contain many statements which constitute legal argument or restate the legal positions of counsel for the parties. To that extent, those statements are not proper "findings of fact" and are rejected as factual findings. All but the last sentence is rejected. The documents referenced were not the subject of a proper request for official notice and, therefore, cannot be considered evidence in this proceeding. 4 and 5. Rejected. Under proper circumstances, as discussed in the conclusions of law, the term "connection" may include more than the DOT right-of-way. First sentence rejected as contrary to the evidence. Rejected as irrelevant and immaterial. Accepted only insofar as it correctly states that the responsibility for cost of construction on Ulmerton Road was not made an issue in this proceeding. Intervenors, Miller and Benjamin NOTE: The intervenors have filed a proposed recommended order which is not separated into "findings of fact" and "conclusions of law." To the extent that proposed factual findings are suggested in said filing, they are accepted with the exception of: Page 1, last sentence: Rejected; the document does not cite Paradyne for refusing the redesign. It simply states that a redesign is required. Page 4, next to last paragraph: Rejected as contrary to the evidence and contrary to the law. Page 5, 3rd paragraph: Rejected as erroneous legal conclusion insofar as "joint access" is intended to encompass a "joint use road" on private property. COPIES FURNISHED: Vernon L. Whittier, Esquire Haydon Burns Building M.S. 58 Tallahassee, Florida 32301-8064 John R. Bush, Esquire Bush, Ross, Gardner, Warren & Rudy 220 South Franklin Street Tampa, Florida 33602 Bruce Marger, Esquire Gardner, Reams, Marger, Davis, Piper & Bartlett, P.A. 1700 66th Street North - 501 Post Office Drawer 41600 St. Petersburg, Florida 33743 Kaye Henderson, Secretary Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 =================================================================

Florida Laws (4) 120.68120.69335.1835.22
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-004313 Latest Update: Mar. 14, 1989

Findings Of Fact During April or May 1988, Respondent solicited business as a private investigator from two credit unions in Hillsborough County, Florida. He approached employees of the credit unions and held himself out as a private investigator by discussing repossession services he could provide. He distributed a brochure and introductory materials describing the fees charged and services provided by Recovery, which included missing persons, child custody, investigations, escorts, surveillance, as well as repossessions. According to two former employees of Recovery, these solicitations continued through the Summer of 1988. The materials distributed to these credit unions by Respondent included a purported license number A-8700255 for Recovery issued by Petitioner on February 26, 1988. In fact, this license was a forgery, and had never been issued to Recovery. The license number shown on this forgery is that of another private investigative agency, the Boucher Agency located in Lutz, Florida. Respondent employed Janice Boucher during April and May 1988, for the specific purpose of using her license to operate Recovery. During an investigation into these matters in May 1988, Respondent gave to Petitioner's special investigator, Daniel Cabrera, a business card showing the name of Recovery with Boucher's license number. The card states that Recovery is "licensed," and includes the name of Respondent, as chairman. Finally, Respondent's business card represents that Recovery is specializing in collateral recovery. Respondent was responsible for, and ordered another employee of Recovery to prepare a forged license for Recovery using Boucher's license. Respondent was the owner of Recovery, at all times material hereto. Boucher did not authorize or participate in this forgery. In May 1988, Respondent obtained a Hillsborough County occupational license for Recovery which states it is for a "private investigative agency, Lic. A-8700255." The private investigative agency number shown on this occupational license is for the Boucher Agency, not Recovery. Neither Respondent nor Recovery have ever been licensed by Petitioner to engage in the business of a private investigative agency, and have never possessed either a "Class A" private investigative agency license, or a "Class C" private investigator license.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that Petitioner enter a Final Order imposing an administrative fine in the amount of $2,000 on Respondent, Jack Warren. DONE and ENTERED this 14th day of March, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD D. CONN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of March, 1989. APPENDIX (DOAH CASE No. 88-4313) Rulings on Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. Adopted in Findings of Fact 1, 4. 3-4. Adopted in Findings of Fact 1, 2. 5-6. Adopted in Finding of Fact 4. Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. Adopted in Findings of Fact 3,5. 9-10. Adopted in Findings of Fact 1, 4, but otherwise rejected as irrelevant. COPIES FURNISHED: R. Timothy Jansen, Esquire Department of State The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Jack Warren 1502 East Trampnell Road Plant City, Florida 33566 Ken Rouse, Esquire General Counsel Department of State The Capitol, LL-10 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 The Honorable Jim Smith Secretary of State The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jul. 14, 1993 Number: 93-003890 Latest Update: Jun. 27, 1994

The Issue Whether Respondent violated Section 493.6118(1)(n), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Counts I, II, IV and V of the Administrative Complaint by subcontracting with individuals named therein to provide private investigative services at a time when they were not licensed as a Class "A" investigative agency. Whether Respondent violated Section 493.6118(1)(n), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count III of the Administrative Complaint, by allowing an improperly licensed person, John Polk, to direct the activities of licensees, or exercise operational control over the regulated activities of Morse Security Group, Incorporated. Whether Respondent violated Section 493.6118(1)(s), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count VI in the Administrative Complaint, by failing to report to the Department the termination of persons listed in that count. Whether Respondent violated Section 493.6118(1)(s), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint, by directing the activities of licensees, thereby acting as a manager, subsequent to the voluntary deactivation of his Class "C" private investigator's license and Class "M" private investigative/security agency manager's license. Whether Respondent violated Section 493.6118(1)(f), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint, by misrepresenting his agency by advertising in the Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory 1993, that his agency is "Florida's largest and oldest private investigative agency", when it is not. Whether Respondent violated Section 493.6118(1)(r), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint, by failing to certify the completion or termination of the internship of William J. Smithberger when he had the duty as a sponsor to do so.

Findings Of Fact Morse Security Group holds a Class "A" Private Investigative Agency License, Number AOO-00919, effective June 30, 1993, which was originally issued in 1976, and is currently active. Harvey Morse, the principal of Respondent, holds a Class "C" private investigator license, number COO-008861, effective November 24, 1992, which was originally issued in 1975, and was placed on inactive status by the Department on January 21, 1993. Harvey Morse also was issued a Class "DI" Security Officer Instructor License, No. DI89-00348, effective January 8, 1993, a Class "G" Statewide Firearms License, No. GOO-11067, effective December 6, 1991, which was placed on inactive status with the Department on January 21, 1993, and a Class "M" Private Investigative/Security Agency Manager license No. M85-00112, effective August 7, 1992, which was placed on inactive status with the Department on January 21, 1993. Craig Hull became employed with Respondent in February of 1993, as a part-time investigator. Hull worked under the direct supervision and control of Respondent, and held himself out to the public as an employee. When Hull entered into his contractual employment agreement with Respondent, he was given a vacation/sick day policy document noting his status as a full-time employee of Respondent. Hull executed an Employment Agreement which referred to him as the "employee" and also referred to him as an "independent subcontractor" for the purpose of withholdings. At the time of Hull's employment with Respondent, he held a Class "C" private investigator license. In all aspects of Hull's employment with Respondent, he conducted himself, and was treated as an employee. Hull did business for Respondent under the Respondent's corporate name; held himself out to the public as being Respondent's employee; signed contracts on behalf of Respondent; received letters and correspondence as an employee; was directed when and were to show up for work; how to answer to the telephone; when to answer the telephone; and in all other respects was under the direct control and supervision of Respondent. During the course of employment with Morse Security Group, Hull possessed no occupational license, business cards, stationery, telephone listing, brochures or printed material that identified him as having any relationship with Respondent other than employee and filed no fictitious name with the Department of State. In dealing with clients and the general public, Hull held himself out as an employee of Respondent and his business cards indicated that he was an employee of Respondent. Of the five cases that Hull handled on behalf of Respondent, he at no time attempted to limit the Respondent's liability to any of those clients by asserting that he was an independent contractor, or had any other relationship with Respondent other than employee. Respondent never identified Hull to others an anything other than an employee. At no time did Respondent attempt to limit its general liability to the public as to Hull's employment by the use of the term subcontractor. Respondent never attempted to perpetrate a fraud on the public by the use of the term subcontractor as to Hull's employment. Respondent's liability insurance in effect from 1991 through 1994, specifically covered Hull as an employee of Respondent. John K. Polk was employed by Respondent from February 5, 1992 through March 27, 1993. At the inception of Polk's employment, he entered into an employment contract with Respondent. The agreement for employment was entitled "Employment Agreement", and consisted of twelve paragraphs. Throughout the employment agreement Polk is referred to as employee and Respondent is referred to as employer except in paragraph 10. Paragraph 10 informed Polk that as employee he would be regarded as a subcontractor or independent contractor for the purposes of taxes, workers' compensation, licenses, permits, and insurance. During the course of Polk's employment his relationship with Respondent was governed by the employment agreement. In addition to the employment agreement signed by Polk, he received a separate document entitled, "Employee Vacation/Sick Leave Policy". The vacation/sick leave document further identified and regulated Polk as an employee. During the course of Polk's employment with Respondent Polk did not maintain a separate general liability policy. At no time during the course of Polk's employment with Respondent did Respondent attempt to limit its liability to its clients by treating Polk as anything other than as an employee. Polk never attempted to use the fact that the term "subcontractor" had been used in paragraph 10 of the employment agreement in order to limit Respondent's liabilities to clients. Polk's employee fidelity bond questionnaire for State Farm Fire and Casualty Company Insurance was submitted by Respondent listing Polk as an employee, and Polk was covered under the policy for any acts of negligence of omissions. During the period of Polk's employment with Respondent he held no separate occupational license. Polk's business cards and stationery was provided by Respondent, and identified Polk as an employee of Respondent. The business telephone employed by Polk during his employment with Respondent was identified as Respondent. Polk worked under the direct supervision and control of Respondent. At all times Polk held himself out as an employee to Respondent's clients. During the course of his employment with Respondent, Polk was covered under Respondent's general liability policy for any acts of negligence or omission committed by Polk. Randy Morgan was employed with Respondent as an investigator from January 1, 1991, to approximately December, 1992. Morgan did not have a written contract for employment with the Respondent. Morgan was compensated by the case on an hourly basis by Respondent. Morgan was responsible for withholding his own Social Security and federal income taxes. Morgan considered himself as an employee of Respondent, and was under the supervision and control of Respondent. At all times during the course of his employment Morgan held himself out as an employee of Respondent, not as a subcontractor. Robert O. Sutley was employed by Respondent from November of 1992, until approximately March, 1993. During his employment with Respondent, Sutley held "DD", "B", and "G" licenses from the Department. Sutley entered into an employment agreement with Respondent which consisted of twelve paragraphs entitled "Employment Agreement". Within the employment agreement, the term "independent contractor" was a term used in relation to the workers' compensation and the withholding of taxes. Respondent did not attempt to limit its liability to the general public in regard to Sutley. Throughout the course of his employment with Respondent, Sutley held himself out as an investigator employee of Respondent. During his employment with Respondent, Sutley was under the supervision and control of Respondent. Respondent was contacted on a cold call by Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory for the purposes of advertising. After negotiations, Respondent caused to be issued an advertisement in the Martindale-Hubbell directory. Respondent initially instructed Martindale-Hubbell to advertise that Respondent was "one of the oldest and largest investigative agencies in Florida". The basis for the requested advertisement that Respondent was one of the oldest and largest was Respondent's purchase of a statewide detective agency, which had been in business in Florida since the 1950's, and that Respondent has an affiliate office in Europe and other parts of the United States. Pinkerton's of Florida has been licensed in Florida as an investigative agency since 1968. Pinkerton's has employed over 25 investigator employees on an annual basis over the last five years. Prior to its publication in Martindale-Hubbell, Respondent was not aware of the contents of the advertisement. The ad, as published, stated that the Respondent was the oldest and largest investigative agency in Florida. Respondent became aware of the contents of the advertisement upon receipt of the complaint filed against him by the State. Respondent then sent a letter to Martindale-Hubbell, inquiring why the advertisement read "Florida's oldest and largest private investigative agency", as opposed to "one of Florida's largest and oldest private investigative agencies" as previously instructed by Respondent. Martindale-Hubbell acknowledged that the final draft of the advertisement had been done without Respondent's approval and that an error had been made by Martindale-Hubbell in the advertisement, as it appeared in their publication. Respondent instructed Martindale-Hubbell to cease further advertisement. Respondent reported on his letterhead stationery to the Department the termination of the following persons: Colard, Crews, Fitzgerald, Martin, Morgan, Polk, and Stebbins within the statutory time limit. When Respondent was advised by Mr. Matlack that the computer printout from the Department showed that the above named people were still on a list indicating that they were associated with Respondent, Respondent sent another letter dated April 27, 1993 to the Department advising them of the termination of those listed individuals. As of October 15, 1993, the above named persons were still listed as in Respondent's employ. During the period from January 1, 1993 to April 1993, Harvey E. Morse voluntarily deactivated Class "C" Private Investigator's License and Private Investigative Security Agency Manager's License. Morse voluntarily deactivated licenses upon his graduation from the police academy and his association with the Florida Highway Patrol as a full time auxiliary trooper. Upon voluntary deactivation of Morse's licenses, Morse notified each of the company's employees that Morse would not be involved in any more investigations, and that the employees were to receive their direction from either Dwayne Rutledge or Maria Morse. Morse continued to engage in non-regulated functions such as marketing, sales, computer functions, bookkeeping, and payroll and teaching, training and instruction. During the periods of voluntary deactivation of his license, Morse would run a driver's license record on the computer, receive a printout, and hand it to an employee. Morse refrained, however, from being involved in an investigation based upon that printout. Morse has refrained from involvement in any regulated activities from the time that he voluntarily deactivated his license. Once Morse voluntarily deactivated his license, the primary person responsible for investigations and management of employees was Dwayne Rutledge. During the period from September 1992 to January 1993, Harvey E. Morse supervised and trained John Polk. Morse was always available by way of pager or cellular phone, and in constant contact with John Polk during that time period. Further, Respondent installed a two-way radio system so that Morse could talk with and supervise John Polk on a constant basis. Morse was never more than 60 miles from John Polk during his internship from September 1992 till January 1993, and Morse was in daily contact with John Polk in regard to pending investigations, new matters, old matters, and the general business of the Respondent's office. On several occasions during the above stated time period, Polk would communicate with Morse while he was on patrol in a Florida Highway Patrol vehicle, and ask questions of Morse concerning how investigative matters should be handled. Polk was afforded certain latitude by Morse to make administrative decisions on a day-to-day basis as his training progressed, and Morse placed more confidence in Polk's abilities in certain areas. However, Morse still oversaw those decisions. At all times, Polk's supervision of Respondent's employees was under the direct supervision and control of Morse or other licensed managers in Respondent's employ. The purpose of the Respondent's purchase of a two way radio system was twofold: One, to communicate with other investigators during the course of an investigation; and the other was to afford constant communication among Morse, the office managers, Dwayne Rutledge and Maria Morse, and the investigators, in case of a question would arise in the performance of their duties. Rutledge, as well as Maria Morse, became employed as office manager(s) shortly after 1990, and both he and Mrs. Morse were continuously available to the employees and oversaw, in conjunction with the Morse, the performance of their regulated duties.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is WHEREFORE, it is RECOMMENDED: Petitioner having failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent violated those sections as alleged in Counts I through IX of the Administrative Complaint, it is hereby recommended that said Counts be DISMISSED. DONE and ENTERED this 31st day of January, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of January, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 93-3890 The following constitutes my specific rulings, in accordance with section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties. Proposed findings of fact submitted by Petitioner. Petitioner waived the filing of proposed findings of fact. Proposed findings of fact submitted by Respondent. Accepted in substance: Count I, unnumbered paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18; Count II, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22; Count IV, unnumbered paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8; Count V, unnumbered paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18; Count VIII, unnumbered paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; Count VI, unnumbered paragraphs 1, 2 (in part), 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; Count VII, unnumbered paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; Count III, unnumbered paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12. Rejected as argument or conclusory: Count I, unnumbered paragraphs 2, 21; Count IV, paragraphs 9; Count V, paragraph 2(in part); Count VII, paragraphs 4; Count III paragraphs 4, 9. Rejected as redundant or surplusage, or irrelevant and immaterial: Count II, unnumbered paragraphs 13, 18, 19; Count IV, paragraph 5; Count VI, paragraph 4. COPIES FURNISHED: Henri C. Cawthon, Esquire Department of State Division of Licensing The Capitol Mail Station-4 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 William J. Sheaffer, Esquire William J. Sheaffer, PA. 609 East Central Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32801 Honorable Jim Smith Secretary of State The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Phyllis Slater, Esquire General Counsel The Capitol, PL-02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250

Florida Laws (8) 120.57120.68493.6101493.6102493.6110493.6118493.6121493.6201
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jan. 11, 1999 Number: 99-000154 Latest Update: Oct. 21, 1999

The Issue Whether the Respondent is guilty on six counts of charging an advance fee for the listing of time-share estates for sale, in violation of Section 721.20(4), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a corporation organized under the laws of Arkansas and was authorized by the Florida Secretary of State to transact business in the State of Florida from November 1991 through December 1997. Respondent's main office is now located in Mountain Home, Arkansas. Respondent's credit card terminals are in Arkansas. Respondent has an escrow and operating account in Mountain Home, Arkansas. Respondent hired Jack McClure to open and operate its Florida office. Jack McClure held a Florida real estate broker's license. National Resort Mart conducted business from its Florida office in Kissimmee, Florida, until McClure's death in December 1997. Respondent opened and maintained escrow and operating accounts in Florida from 1992 through 1997 for its Florida business. The Florida office was limited to the activities of time-share real estate sales. The Respondent did not list time- shares, nor collect any advance fees for listing time-shares at its Kissimmee, Florida, branch office. Global Title Company of Naples, Florida, conducts the closings for Respondent for the majority of their Florida time- share sales. Respondent advertised its Florida office in its direct mail brochure, sent to Florida time-share owners, with the statement: "Our Orlando office is situated only seven miles from Disney World." Ms. Valnecia Williams of Madison, Florida, owns a time- share unit at Cypress Point Resorts in Central Florida. Williams received a mailed "brochure" from Respondent's home office which advised her that Respondent was in the business of buying and selling time-shares. Based on the Respondent's direct mail flyer, Williams called the Kissimmee, Florida, telephone number to find out information related to her listing. Apparently, the call was automatically switched to the home office. She received some initial information. Several weeks later she called the Respondent's Arkansas office and talked to a different salesperson. Williams agreed to list her time-share, Cypress Pointe Resort, Unit 5206, Week 37, with Respondent on March 5, 1997, at an asking price of $12,9000 in an open listing for a period of a year. Consideration was in the form of a seven percent of gross sale of the unit, or a $750 minimum commission, to be paid to Respondent at the closing of the sale. Respondent charged an advance fee of $439 from Ms. Williams of Madison, Florida, at the time she listed her Florida time-share period at Cypress Point Resort for sale with Respondent. Williams authorized Scott Fisher, Respondent's salesperson in Arkansas to charge the refundable advertising and marketing fee of $439 to Williams' USAA Federal Savings Bank charge card. Williams was not pleased with the service provided by Respondent and, on or about July 28, 1997, demanded a refund from the Respondent. Sometime within the next two months Respondent complied with the request and refunded the fee by crediting Williams' charge card with the same amount. Kim Collins of Faith, North Carolina, owns a time-share unit at Westgate Lakes, Orlando, Florida. Collins received brochures from Respondent's home office seeking a listing for her time-share unit in Florida, approximately one year later. Collins called Respondent at an "800" number which was automatically forwarded to Respondent's main office in Arkansas. Eventually, Collins decided to use Respondent's services and borrowed the money from her mother to pay the advance fee and sign the listing contract. Respondent collected an advance fee from Mr. and Mrs. Richard Collins of Faith, North Carolina, of $439 at the time they listed their Florida time-share period at Westgate Lakes, Orlando, for sale with Respondent, by mail and check to the Respondent's main office in Arkansas. Collins' time-share has been listed for sale with Respondent since July 1, 1996. Dan Coffey of Jacksonville, Florida, owns a time-share unit at Orange Lake in Central Florida. Coffey received a brochure from Respondent's home office and called for more information. Coffey agreed to list his unit for sale with Respondent on October 14, 1996, at a negotiable price of $12,900. Respondent collected an advance fee from Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Coffey of Jacksonville, Florida, of $439 at the time they listed their Florida time-share period of Orange Lake Resort, Orlando, Florida, for sale with Respondent. In like manner, Respondent collected an advance fee from Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rogers of Maumee, Ohio, at the time they listed their Florida time-share period with Respondent. Respondent also collected an advance fee from Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gordon of Pensacola, Florida, at the time they listed their Florida time-share period with Respondent. Respondent collected an advance fee from Mr. and Mrs. William Budai of Duquesne, Pennsylvania, of $539 at the time they listed their Florida time-share period at Westgate Villas, Kissimmee, Florida, for sale with Respondent. The contract signed by each complainant was titled "Listing Agreement." The Listing Agreement between the time- share owner of the Florida unit and Respondent was for the listing of their time-share for sale for a percent of gross sale of the unit to be paid at the closing, with an advance fee payable immediately. All transactions between the owners and Respondent were made through the Respondent's home office in Arkansas. No advance fee was collected within the boundaries of the State of Florida. Complainants Collins and Coffey did not receive refunds of the advance fees they paid to Respondent.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums and Mobile Homes, enter a final order that: Finds Respondent guilty of six violations of Section 721.20(4), Florida Statutes. Respondent pay a penalty of $10,000 per violation for each of the six violations, to be paid within thirty (30) days of the entry of the final order. That Respondent refund $439 each to Kim Collins and Daniel Coffey, to be paid within thirty (30) days of the entry of the final order. That Respondent cease and desist from collecting advance fees for the listing of time-share periods for Florida residents and/or Florida time-share units. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of May, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of May, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Mary Denise O'Brien, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 James H. Gillis, Esquire James H. Gillis Associates, P.A. 8424 Pamlico Street Tallahassee, Florida 32817-1514 William Woodyard, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Philip Nowick, Director Division of Florida Land Sales, Condos, and Mobile Homes Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (7) 120.57475.01475.011607.1505721.02721.03721.20
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-002010 Latest Update: Mar. 05, 1980

Findings Of Fact Since 1972, petitioner Dennis F. Darnell has been in the tow truck business. He owns and operates one such truck. In addition to towing disabled cars to garages, petitioner has had five years' experience in locating and repossessing all types of vehicles. Typically, a financial institution would engage him to retrieve an automobile from a borrower in default, after telephoning the borrower that a tow truck was coming. In such cases, the lender furnished petitioner a "route sheet" with the name and address of the borrower and a description of the car. At one time or another, petitioner has worked in this way for every bank in Marion County. Petitioner has also been hired by private investigators to tow away vehicles the investigators had already tracked down. Occasionally, petitioner himself has used information obtained from utility companies, the courthouse and the post office to locate vehicles for repossession. In the winter of 1979, Mr. Reister, an employee of the respondent, told petitioner that petitioner needed a license in order to continue to do the work he had been doing for the banks. This was the first petitioner had heard of any such requirement. He agreed to stop working for the banks until he obtained a license and asked Mr. Reister to send him application forms. One week after he received the forms, petitioner submitted the completed forms to respondent. From the time he spoke to Mr. Reister until the time of the hearing, petitioner did not tow any repossessed cars for banks. On receiving respondent's letter of disapproval, petitioner retained counsel who requested a formal administrative hearing. Respondent referred petitioner's counsel's request for an administrative hearing to the Division of Administrative Hearings.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That respondent grant petitioner's application for private investigative agency license, DONE and ENTERED this 4th day of February, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of February, 1980. COPIES FURNISHED: Daniel L. Hightower, Esquire 116 South East Fort King Street Ocala, Florida 32670 William J. Gladwin, Jr., Esquire Department of State Room 1801, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.60
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Mar. 25, 1993 Number: 93-001624 Latest Update: Nov. 12, 1993

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent is guilty of fraud or deceit in the practice of activities regulated under Chapter 493 and knowingly violating a statutory prohibition against carrying a concealed firearm in the course of business regulated by Chapter 493.

Findings Of Fact At all material times, Respondent has held a Class "A" Private Investigative Agency License, a Class "C" Private Investigator License, and a Class "PD" Proprietary Security Officer License. By final order entered December 8, 1992, Petitioner suspended Respondent's Class "A" and "C" licenses for one year for unlawfully intercepting oral communications. The final order also imposes an administrative fine of $1000 for this violation. In August, 1991, Respondent was retained by a client to perform an asset check of another person. Respondent did not perform the work to the client's satisfaction, so the client filed a complaint with Petitioner. On September 17, 1991, Petitioner's investigator visited Respondent at his office to conduct an interview. When the investigator asked to see Respondent's file on the case, he went to his filing cabinet, pulled out a drawer, and exclaimed that the file was missing. The investigator asked what happened, and Respondent said that someone must have stolen the file. The investigator advised Respondent that, if so, he should report the theft to the police. Respondent did report the theft to the police. In so doing, he made a false report to the police. The file was not missing or stolen; Respondent was trying to obstruct the investigation into the complaint that the client had made against him. When requested to visit the police station for an interview in November, 1991, Respondent wore his handgun in a shoulder holster under his jacket. The evidence is unclear as to the status of Respondent's Class "C" license at the time of the interview at the police department. There is some evidence that it had expired due to nonrenewal, but Respondent also testified that he had already mailed a check and the paperwork necessary for the renewal. However, Respondent may be presumed to be aware that even a current Class "C" license does not authorize the licensee to carry a concealed firearm into a police station.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department of State, Division of Licensing, enter a final order dismissing Count II, finding Respondent guilty of violating Section 493.6118(1)(f), issuing a reprimand, and imposing an administrative fine of $1000. ENTERED on September 24, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings on September 24, 1993. COPIES FURNISHED: Honorable Jim Smith Secretary of State The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Phyllis Slater, General Counsel Department of State The Capitol, PL-02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Attorney Henri C. Cawthon Department of State Division of Licensing The Capitol, Mail Station #4 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Frank J. Lanzillo 520 - 12 Street West, #203 Bradenton, Florida 32405

Florida Laws (6) 120.57120.68493.6118493.6119493.6121790.01
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Jul. 08, 1997 Number: 97-003049 Latest Update: Feb. 18, 1998

The Issue Case No. 97-3049 Did Respondent conduct business as a private investigative agency during the period of January 1, 1997, through April 7, 1997, without a Class “A” Private Investigative Agency License in violation of Section 493.6118(1)(g), Florida Statutes? Did Respondent perform the services of a private investigator during the period of January 1, 1997 through April 7, 1997, without a Class “C” Private Investigator License in violation of Section 493.6118(1)(g), Florida Statutes? Case No. 97-3096 Did Respondent conduct business as a private investigative agency during the period of January 1, 1997, through April 7, 1997, without a Class “A” Private Investigative Agency License in violation of Section 493.6118(1)(g), Florida Statutes? Did Respondent perform the services of a private investigator during the period of January 1, 1997, through April 7, 1997, without a Class “C” Private Investigator License in violation of Section 493.6118(1)(g), Florida Statutes?

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: The Department is the agency of the State of Florida charged with the responsibility of investigating and enforcing the provisions of Chapter 493, Florida Statutes. Case Number 97-3049 Respondent Dormal Cavilee was not licensed as a private investigator in the State of Florida and did not possess a State of Florida Class “C” Private Investigator license at any time material to this proceeding. Respondent Dormal Cavilee was not licensed as a private investigative agency in the State of Florida and did not possess a State of Florida Class “A” Private Investigative Agency license at any time material to this proceeding. During the period of January 1, 1997, to April 7, 1997, Respondent Dormal Cavilee performed private investigations, as defined in Section 493.6101(17), Florida Statutes, for Geoffrey A. Foster, attorney-at-law and for Dwight M. Wells or Deborah Wells (Wells), attorneys at law. While performing private investigations for Foster and Wells during the period of January 1, 1997 to April 7, 1997, Respondent Dormal Cavilee was under contract and was not solely and exclusively employed by Foster or by Wells. Additionally, an employer-employee relationship did not exist between Foster or Wells and Respondent Dormal Cavilee in that neither Foster nor Wells deducted federal income tax or social security tax, or furnished any health or retirement benefits to Respondent Dormal Cavilee. Case Number 97-3096 Respondent Mary Cavilee was not licensed as a private investigator in the State of Florida and did not possess a State of Florida Class “C” Private Investigator license at any time material to this proceeding. Respondent Mary Cavilee was not licensed as a private investigative agency in the State of Florida and did not possess a State of Florida Class “A” Private Investigative Agency license at any time material to this proceeding. During the period of January 1, 1997, to April 7, 1997, Respondent Mary Cavilee performed private investigations, as defined in Section 493.6101(17), Florida Statutes, for Dwight M. Wells or Deborah Wells (Wells), attorneys at law. While performing private investigations for Wells during the period January 1, 1997, to April 7, 1997, Respondent Mary Cavilee was under contract and was not solely and exclusively employed by Wells. Additionally, an employer-employee relationship did not exist between Wells and Respondent Mary Cavilee in that Wells did not deduct federal income tax or social security tax, or furnish any health or retirement benefits to Respondent Mary Cavilee. Case Numbers 97-3049 and 97-3096 A billing statement from Respondent Dormal Cavilee and Respondent Mary Cavilee dated March 1, 1997, to Dwight M. Wells, shows the date of investigation, the person performing the investigation (either Dormal Cavilee or Mary Cavilee), the amount of time involved in performing the investigation, the hourly rate and the total amount charged. The billing statement shows that the investigations are related to the defense of Grady Wilson in Case Number CF93-5094-A1XX, a criminal case in Polk County, Florida. Nothing on the billing statement indicates that it is a statement for private investigations furnished by a private investigative agency referred to as Criminal Defense Investigations. The Motion for Payment of Costs filed by Dwight M. Bell in Case Number CF93-5094-A1XX provides in pertinent part: That the following expense was incurred during the investigation, discovery process, pre-trial preparation and trial of this cause: Criminal Defense Investigations $2,500.00 Both the Order Approving Additional Funds for Investigation Costs dated March 3, 1997, and the Order Approving Motion for Payment of Costs refer to the payments as payment for investigations performed by criminal defense investigations. Neither Respondent Dormal Cavilee nor Respondent Mary Cavilee advertised as providing, or engaged in the business of furnishing private investigations, notwithstanding language in the motion and orders referred to above which was apparently referring to the type of services being performed rather than private investigations being furnished by a private investigative agency. On April 7, 1997, a Cease and Desist Order was issued to both Respondent Dormal Cavilee and Respondent Mary Cavilee. The record indicates that both Respondent Dormal Cavilee and Respondent Mary Cavilee honored the Cease and Desist Order and cease performing any private investigations other than in an employer-employee relationship with Wells. Chapter 493, Florida Statutes, did not apply to such activity. See Section 493.6102, Florida Statutes. Neither Respondent Dormal Cavilee nor Respondent Mary Cavilee attempted to “cover-up” any of their activities when questioned by the investigator for the Department. Respondents knew or should have known that their activity in regards to investigations for Foster and Wells required that they be licensed under Chapter 493, Florida Statutes. However, there appeared to be some confusion on the part of the Respondents as to whether their relationship with the defense attorneys required that they be licensed under Chapter 493, Florida Statutes.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and review of Rule 1C-3.113, Florida Administrative Code, concerning disciplinary guidelines, range of penalties, and aggravating and mitigating circumstances, it is recommended that the Department in Case Number 97-3049 enter a final order: (a) dismissing Counts I, II, and IV of the Administrative Complaint; (b) finding Respondent Dormal Cavilee guilty of the violations charged in Count III and V of the Administrative Complaint, assess an administrative fine in the amount of $300.00 for each count for a total of $600.00. It is further recommended that the Department in Case Number 97-3096 enter a final order dismissing Counts I and III of the Administrative Complaint; and finding Respondent Mary Cavilee guilty of the violations charged in Count II of the Administrative Complaint, assess an administrative fine in the amount of $300.00. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of January, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6947 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of January, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Hon. Sandra B. Mortham Secretary of State The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Don Bell General Counsel The Capitol, Plaza Level-02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Kristi Reid Bronson, Esquire Department of State, Division of Licensing The Capital, Mail Station Four Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Dormal Dean Cavilee 1900 Queens Terrace Southwest Winter Haven, Florida 33880 Mary Louise Cavilee 2768 Janie Trail Auburndale, Florida 33823

Florida Laws (5) 120.57493.6101493.6102493.6118493.6201
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Dec. 02, 1994 Number: 94-006750 Latest Update: Jul. 27, 1995

The Issue The issue in case number 94-6750 is whether Respondent's Class "A" private investigative agency license should be disciplined. The issue in case number 95-1084S is whether Respondent's application for a Class "C" license should be denied.

Findings Of Fact The Parties. Petitioner, the Department of State, Division of Licensing (hereinafter referred to as the "Division"), is responsible for, among other things, the licensing of privateinvestigators and private investigative agencies in the State of Florida. Chapter 493, Florida Statutes. In pertinent part, the Division may issue, pursuant to Section 493.611, Florida Statutes, the following classes of licenses: Class "C": private investigator; Class "CC": private investigator intern; and Class "A": private investigative agency. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent, Keith P. Acuff, was licensed by the Division as a private investigator intern. Mr. Acuff holds a Class "CC" license from the Division. Mr. Acuff is also the owner of a private investigative agency known as Chatoyant Executive Protection and Investigative Services (hereinafter referred to as "Chatoyant"). Mr. Acuff holds a Class "A" license from the Division for Chatoyant. License Requirements. In order to qualify for a Class "C" license, an individual must operate for a minimum of twenty-four months as a private investigator intern. Section 493.6203(4), Florida Statutes. During those twenty-four months, the intern must be sponsored and supervised by an individual holding a Class "C" license. See Sections 493.6101(11) and 493.6116, Florida Statutes. Anyone, regardless of licensure, may hold a Class "A" license. In order for the business to operate as a private investigative agency, however, the agency must be managed by a person holding a Class "C" license. Mr. Acuff's Investigatory Experience. Mr. Acuff first received his Class "CC" license in July of 1990. In October of 1994 Mr. Acuff applied for a Class "C" license. See Petitioner's exhibit 1. The Division denied the application based upon its conclusion that Mr. Acuff had failed to verify that he had accrued twenty-four months of sponsored service as a private investigator intern. Mr. Acuff was first employed by Don Hubbard Investigations. Mr. Acuff had not claimed, nor does the evidence support a finding, that he is entitled to any time toward a Class "C" license for his employment with Don Hubbard Investigations. From the middle of September, 1990, until December, 1991, Mr. Acuff was employed by The Brown Group. Mr. Acuff's sponsor at The Brown Group was Steve Brown. The Division was able to verify from documentation submitted by Mr. Brown that Mr. Acuff was entitled to 12 months of investigatory work while employed at The Brown Group. Mr. Acuff failed to prove that he was entitled to more than 12 months credit for his employment with The Brown Group. Although Mr. Acuff testified that he believes he worked at least 15 months under Mr. Brown's sponsorship, he offered no proof from Mr. Brown to substantiate his testimony. From December 15, 1991, to February 15, 1992, Mr. Acuff was employed by Intercontinental Detective Agency. Mr. Acuff's sponsor at Intercontinental Detective Agency was Sean Mulholland. The Division was able to verify that Mr. Acuff had performed investigatory duties for Mr. Mulholland for 1 month. Mr. Acuff failed to prove that he was entitled to more than 1 month credit for his employment with Intercontinental Detective Agency. Mr. Acuff testified that he believes he worked at least 3 months under Mr. Mulholland's sponsorship but he offered no proof from Mr. Mulholland to substantiate his testimony. Mr. Acuff's testimony that he submitted a Sponsorship Term Addendum completed by Mr. Mulholland to the Division was not credible and, even if it had been credible, was insufficient to constitute substantiation from Mr. Mulholland of Mr. Acuff's work for him. Mr. Acuff's next investigatory work was for MG Detective Agency. Mr. Acuff's sponsor at MG Detective Agency was Michael G. Hatcher. Mr. Hatcher agreed to sponsor Mr. Acuff by executing a Letter of Intent to Sponsor Private Investigator Intern on October 27, 1992. See Respondent's exhibit 2. Cynthia L. Cartwright signed the form agreeing to be an alternative sponsor. Mr. Acuff did not list any time under Mr. Hatcher's sponsorship for credit on his application for Class "C" license. See Petitioner's exhibit 1. The Division was not able to verify that Mr. Acuff had performed any investigatory duties for Mr. Hatcher. Mr. Acuff failed to prove that he was entitled to any credit for his employment with MG Detective Agency. Mr. Acuff testified that he believes he worked at least 3 months under Mr. Hatcher's sponsorship but he offered no proof from Mr. Hatcher to substantiate his testimony. Mr. Acuff claimed on his application for Class "C" license that, upon leaving MG Detective Agency, he worked for Chatoyant from June of 1993 until August 1994. Mr. Acuff claimed that he was sponsored by Ms. Cartwright while employed for Chatoyant. Mr. Acuff also claimed that he performed investigatory work under Ms. Cartwright's sponsorship during the period he worked for Chatoyant for at least 3 and 1/2 months. Initially the Division planned to issue Mr. Acuff a Class "C" license. The Division concluded that Mr. Acuff was entitled to at least 11 months of sponsored investigatory work under Ms. Cartwright's sponsorship. Before the Class "C" license was issued to Mr. Acuff, however, the Division concluded that Mr. Acuff was not entitled to any sponsored time under Ms. Cartwright's sponsorship. The evidence, as discussed, infra, proved that Mr. Acuff is not entitled to any credit for work performed under Ms. Cartwright's sponsorship. Based upon the foregoing, Mr. Acuff provided verification that he had 13 months of sponsored investigatory service. Mr. Acuff is, therefore, 11 months shy of the 24-months of experience required for a Class "C" license. Mr. Acuff's Association with Ms. Cartwright. Mr. Acuff met Ms. Cartwright in late 1992 when he was employed briefly at MG Detective Agency. Ms. Cartwright has held a Class "C" license since 1991. Upon Mr. Acuff's termination of employment at MG Detective Agency, Ms. Cartwright was told by Mr. Acuff and a mutual friend, Carolyn Barber, that he only needed 2 or 3 months to complete the 2 years of internship required for a Class "C" license. Ms. Cartwright was asked if she would sponsor Mr. Acuff and act as the manager of Chatoyant for 2 or 3 months. Ms. Cartwright agreed to Mr. Acuff's request. She did so because Ms. Barber had asked her to and she felt sorry for Mr. Acuff because he had been terminated by MG Detective Agency only needing, Ms. Cartwright thought, 2 or 3 more months of sponsorship. Ms. Cartwright signed a Letter of Intent to Sponsor. The form she signed was blank. The Letter of Intent to Sponsor was subsequently completed, dated April 14, 1993 and filed with the Division. Ms. Cartwright admits she signed a blank form even though she understands that it was improper for her to do so. After agreeing to sponsor Mr. Acuff and act as the manager of Chatoyant, Ms. Cartwright changed her mind. She telephoned the Division's offices in Tallahassee in August of 1993 to ask how she could have her name removed as manager of Chatoyant. Ms. Cartwright was informed that her name did not appear as manager of Chatoyant. In the fall of 1993 Mr. Acuff asked Ms. Cartwright to sign a form terminating her position with Chatoyant. Ms. Cartwright told Mr. Acuff she did not see why she needed to sign a form based upon what she had been told during her conversation with the Division. When Mr. Acuff suggested that the Division might have made a mistake, Ms. Cartwright agreed to sign the form. In January or February of 1994 Ms. Cartwright signed a blank copy of a Termination/Completion of Sponsorship for Private Investigator Intern form. She gave the signed form to Ms. Barber. This form was ultimately completed, Ms. Cartwright's signature was notarized by Mr. Acuff's girlfriend, the form was dated August 30, 1994 and was then filed with the Division as part of Mr. Acuff's application for licensure. See Petitioner's exhibit 6. It was represented on Petitioner's exhibit 6 that Ms. Cartwright had sponsored Mr. Acuff from June 3, 1993 to August 26, 1994. An Employee Action Report was also filed with the Division. Petitioner's exhibit 5. The form indicates that Ms. Cartwright had resigned as manager of Chatoyant as of August 30, 1994. Ms. Cartwright did not sign the form. On October 5, 1994, Ms. Cartwright executed a Termination/Completion of Sponsorship for Private Investigator Intern form attesting that "I did not sponsor Patrick Acuff to my knowledge. I was not aware of Intent to Sponsor." Petitioner's exhibit 7. Ms. Cartwright did not sponsor any investigatory work by Mr. Acuff or act as the manager of Chatoyant. The Administrative Complaint. During the summer of 1994, the Division's office in Jacksonville received a letter questioning how Mr. Acuff could be working for Chatoyant without an appropriate license or manager. Ms. Norma Benvenuto, an investigator for the Division, checked the Division's records and determined that there was no sponsor listed for Chatoyant. Ms. Benvenuto spoke with Mr. Acuff and asked that he come to her office. Mr. Acuff complied. Mr. Acuff informed Ms. Benvenuto that Ms. Cartwright was the sponsor of Chatoyant. When asked for documentation, Mr. Acuff was only able to produce a blank form signed by Ms. Cartwright. Ms. Benvenuto asked Mr. Acuff to bring any documentation that would support his assertion that Ms. Cartwright was the manager of Chatoyant and that they had met to discuss his work during her sponsorship of him. Ms. Benvenuto telephoned Mr. Acuff more than once to remind him to bring the documentation. Mr. Acuff failed to provide any such documentation. Ms. Benvenuto contacted Ms. Cartwright in an effort to verify Mr. Acuff's assertions. Ms. Cartwright denied ever sponsoring Mr. Acuff or every actually performing any duties as the manager of Chatoyant. Ms. Cartwright also admitted that she had initially agreed to sponsor Mr. Acuff but had subsequently changed her mind. On October 20, 1995, the Division entered an Administrative Complaint against Mr. Acuff. The Denial of Mr. Acuff's Application for a Class "C" License. By letter dated December 16, 1994, the Division notified Mr. Acuff that his application for a Class "C" license was denied.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Division sustaining Counts II and III of the Administrative Complaint against Mr. Acuff in case number 94- 6750, requiring that he pay a fine of $1,000.00 and denying the application for a Class "C" license filed by Mr. Acuff or about August 30, 1994 in case number 95-1084S. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of April, 1995, in Tallahassee Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of April, 1995. APPENDIX The Division has submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. Mr. Acuff did not file a proposed order. The Division's Proposed Findings of Fact 1 Hereby accepted. See 4-5. 2-3 Hereby accepted. Accepted in 22. Accepted in 22, 28 and hereby accepted. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 25 and hereby accepted. Accepted in 22 and hereby accepted. Accepted in 17 and hereby accepted. See 26 and hereby accepted. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 16 and hereby accepted. Accepted in 14. Accepted in 13, COPIES FURNISHED: Michele Guy Assistant General Counsel Department of State Division of Licensing The Capitol, MS #4 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Jeffrey Grainger, Esquire 1722 University Boulevard South Jacksonville, Florida 32216 Honorable Sandra B. Mortham Department of State The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Don Bell Department of State The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399

Florida Laws (5) 120.57493.6101493.6116493.6118493.6203
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Nov. 09, 1990 Number: 90-007171 Latest Update: Mar. 04, 1991

Findings Of Fact On January 15, 1987, the Division received Petitioner's application for a Class "CC" Private Investigator Intern License. The Division issued Petitioner's "CC" Intern's License on March 19, 1987. On October 12, 1987, the Division received Petitioner's application for an upgrade to a Class "C" Private Investigator's License. Included with the application was a Completion of Sponsorship Letter reflecting a total internship of twenty-three months, and a letter from Troopers International Security Corp. reflecting investigative and bodyguard experience from May 1976 to June 1979. The Division issued the Class "C" license on December 14, 1987. On February 13, 1989, the Division filed an Administrative Complaint seeking to revoke Petitioner's Class "C" license based on two violations of Section 493.319(1)(c), Florida Statutes (1989), conviction of crimes directly related to the business for which the license is held. On April 13, 1989, prior to final disposition of the Administrative Complaint seeking to revoke Petitioner's Class "C" license, he applied for a Class "A" Private Investigative Agency License. A Final Order revoking Petitioner's Class "C" license for the criminal violations was entered on June 29, 1989. On July 10, 1989, eleven days after revocation of the Class "C" license, the Division issued Petitioner's Class "A" agency license. Petitioner subsequently filed a Notice of Appeal of the Final Order revoking his Class "C" license. On February 27, 1990, the parties entered into a Stipulation and Agreement wherein Petitioner would withdraw his appeal and be allowed to apply for a Class "C" Private Investigator's License. The Division stipulated that it would not take disciplinary action against Petitioner's Class "A" agency license based solely upon the criminal convictions, and Petitioner would be placed on probation for a period of one year. The parties stipulated that Petitioner would also be allowed to apply for a Class "G" Statewide Gun Permit on September 1, 1990. The agreement also provided that the Division would not deny Petitioner's Class "C" license application based solely upon his 1988 misdemeanor convictions. On April 3, 1990, Petitioner applied for a Class "C" Private Investigator License. The Division of Licensing investigated Petitioner's experience background and concluded that Petitioner did not have the required experience. By letter dated July 13, 1990, the Division informed Petitioner he did not have the required two years experience and gave him thirty days to respond with additional information. Petitioner did not respond in writing within the thirty day period. By letter dated August 30, 1990, the Division informed Petitioner his Class "C" application was denied based on his failure to respond to the letter of July 13, 1990, and because he did not have two years of verifiable experience as required by Section 493.306(4), Florida Statutes. Petitioner obtained the Class "A" license mentioned above in order to be better able to pursue a full time career as a private investigator. Petitioner also abandoned his furniture refinishing business in order to operate the private investigation agency. The abandonment of the furniture refinishing business was sometime prior to the revocation of Petitioner's Class "C" license in 1989. Much of the same experience that was listed on Petitioner's 1987 application was also listed on his 1990 application. The July 13, 1990, letter from the Division of Licensing proposing to deny Petitioner's application states that the basis for denial is Petitioner's failure to demonstrate the required experience. The denial letter also states that much of the experience listed by Petitioner cannot be credited as qualifying experience because it was obtained under circumstances which required the Petitioner to have certain licenses that he did not have.

Recommendation On the basis of all of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the Division of Licensing issue a Final Order in this case denying the Petitioner's application for a Class "C" license. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 4th day of March 1991. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of March 1991.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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