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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-000581 Latest Update: Oct. 13, 1988

The Issue The issue presented herein is whether or not Petitioner is eligible to be assigned foster children.

Findings Of Fact Based on the Hearing Officer's observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, documentary evidence received, and the entire record complied herein, I make the following relevant factual findings: Petitioner, Johnnie Mae Smith, was licensed as a foster parent on July 1, 1987, for one (1) female foster child (Certificate No. 787-48-1). Thereafter, Petitioner requested that foster children be placed in her home and she was denied. Specifically, by letter dated December 4, 1987, Gloria P. Simmons, District Operations Manager, Children Youth and Family (CYF) Services, advised Petitioner that "we are not placing any foster children in your home for the following reasons: Insufficient income to provide adequate cash flow to support additional expenses incurred. Lack of integrity in reporting income while receiving AFDC 1/ payments. "Your provocative, overbearing, abrasive, and implusive (sic) behavior." Petitioner was advised of her right to appeal Respondent's denial of placement of foster children in her home and she timely appealed that denial. Gene Majure, (Majure hereafter) Senior CYF Counselor, has been employed by Respondent in excess of 16 years. Majure is presently assigned to making license recommendations for foster home applicants in Dade County. Majure was assigned Petitioner's foster home applicants license application for review. During October 1986, Petitioner received pre-service training as a foster parent at which time she made application for licensure as a foster parent. Petitioner's initial foster home study was conducted by Gene Majure, who rejected it primarily on the basis of "insufficient income." Petitioner protested her initial foster home application rejection and instead of being processed through normal appeal channels, she was informed by Leonard Helfand, District Legal Counsel, that she would be reinvited to pre- service training and she could reapply. Petitioner reattended the second part of pre-service training on May 21, 1987, and she officially reapplied. Lois Rossman, (hereafter Rossman) Senior Youth and Family Counselor, and Peggy Ann Siegal, Children Youth and Family Supervisor, visited Petitioner in her home on June 12, 1987. Their interview of Petitioner revealed that Petitioner shared her three-bedroom home in Opa Locka with her two daughters, Chantrell (15) and Latrise (14). Petitioner is separated from her husband for approximately one year and his specific whereabouts is unknown. Majure again visited Petitioner during January 1987. At that time, Majure inquired as to Petitioner's financial income and Petitioner responded verbally, and in writing, on October 9, 1986, and again on June 12, 1987, that she has $400 per month earned income which income is derived from a laundry service which she has operated for the past 5 years. On the other hand, Petitioner signed a monthly income statement with AFDC indicating that she has no earned income. To the extent that Petitioner has earned income, she incorrectly reported her income to AFDC since October 1986, which may result in either an overpayment or fraudulent involvement in her income reporting. (Respondent's exhibit 3). Rossman was also assigned Petitioner's case to determine her eligibility to be assigned foster children. Rossman was present on the June 12, 1987, visit to Petitioner's residence at which time Petitioner again related that she had earned income of approximately $400 per month which income statement was contrasted with the available records that Respondent's employees had obtained from the AFDC office wherein Petitioner indicated that she had no earned income. To the extent that Petitioner does not have earned income, she has indicated a total income of $264 per month and stated expenses of approximately $400-$605 per month which creates cause for concern as to her ability to maintain a stable and secure family environment for foster children. Rossman also became involved in circumstances wherein Petitioner repeatedly called the CYF counselor's office demanding to speak with supervisory employees wherein she demanded that she be assigned foster children since she was licensed. When secretarial employees advised Petitioner that her message would be relayed and that as soon as a supervisor or other placement official became available, they would return her call, Petitioner would again call using an alias to attempt to get through. This problem persisted for several months following the time that Petitioner's foster home application was approved in July 1987. Respondent's secretarial employees who answer the phone and greet clients in person have been trained to deal with irate and abusive clients, however Petitioner's unrelentless calling became so problematic that employees felt harassed and one employee broke down and starting crying based on Petitioner's persistence about seeing or talking to certain supervisory employees at certain times. Prior to the time that Petitioner's foster home license application was approved, she was much more pleasant in her conversations with employees in the CYF office. (Testimony of Peggy Siegal and Ellie Roman). Petitioner also keeps three large dogs in her yard, one of which is a Pit Bull and two are large German Shepherds who made threatening postures at Respondent's employees when they visited Petitioner's home for inspections. Although Petitioner maintains that the two German Shepherds do not belong to her, they were at her home on each occasion when she was visited by licensing staff and Respondent's sanitation inspector. Petitioner keeps the dogs, which roam at will around the fenced area her home, at bay by swinging a rubber hose at them. The fact that Petitioner is receiving welfare benefits is not an automatic disqualification which prevents her from being assigned foster children. Petitioner encountered problems with her spouse which culminated in a separation and she was, therefore, left with insufficient income to maintain herself and she applied for and is receiving welfare benefits. Petitioner plans to begin employment at Jackson Memorial Hospital shortly.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that: Respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, enter a final order finding that Petitioner is not eligible to be assigned foster children. 2/ DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 13th day of October, 1988. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of October, 1988.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57409.175
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Largo, Florida Dec. 21, 2001 Number: 01-004881 Latest Update: Sep. 04, 2002

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner should deny the application for renewal of Respondent's foster home license because “skinny dipping” with a foster child at the foster home violates Section 409.175, Florida Statutes (2001), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 65C-13. (All section references are to Florida Statutes (2001). All references to rules are to rules promulgated in the Florida Administrative Code in effect on the date of this Recommended Order.)

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency responsible for licensing and regulating foster homes in Florida. A foster home license is valid for a period of one year and must be renewed annually. Various privatized entities supervise licensed foster homes, review applications for foster home licenses, and make recommendations to Petitioner regarding the applications. However, the recommendations are not binding on Petitioner. Petitioner, rather than the private entity, is the licensing agency. For example, Petitioner rejected the recommendation from the private entity with responsibility for reviewing the application at issue in this proceeding. Petitioner first issued a foster home license to Respondent on January 28, 2000. Petitioner licensed Respondent to operate a therapeutic foster home. A therapeutic license authorized Respondent to operate a foster home for children with psychological or emotional disorders and for children without such disorders. Therapeutic foster homes operate under the auspices of a private entity known as Personal Enrichment through Mental Health, Inc. (PEMHS). PEMHS recommended that Petitioner issue the original foster home license on January 28, 2000, and a renewal license that Petitioner issued on January 28, 2001, for the second year. The second therapeutic foster home license expired on January 27, 2002. Petitioner never took action to discipline or revoke Respondent’s therapeutic foster home license. In July 2001, Respondent applied for a non- therapeutic foster home license. The non-therapeutic license that Respondent seeks authorizes a licensee to operate a foster home only for children without psychological or emotional disorders. Non-therapeutic foster homes operate under the auspices of a private entity known as Family Continuity Programs (Family Continuity). Family Continuity recommended that Petitioner approve the application for a non-therapeutic foster home license. However, Petitioner did not follow the recommendation of Family Continuity and denied the application. Petitioner's denial of Respondent's application for a non-therapeutic foster home license is the proposed agency action that is at issue in this proceeding. Respondent's application for a non-therapeutic foster home license is not an application for a new license. Rather, it is an application for renewal of an existing license. Both the therapeutic license that Respondent held at the time of the application and the non-therapeutic license that Respondent seeks authorize the licensee to operate a foster home for children without psychological or emotional disorders. By applying for a non-therapeutic foster home license before the expiration of his therapeutic foster home license, Respondent sought to renew his license to operate a foster home for children without psychological and emotional disorders. The non-therapeutic license that Respondent seeks does not impose any requirements in addition to those that Respondent had already satisfied when Petitioner granted the therapeutic license to Respondent. The requirements for the therapeutic license are more stringent than those that must be met to qualify for a non-therapeutic license. The requirements for a therapeutic license are more comprehensive, and Petitioner requires an applicant for a therapeutic license to have more training than an applicant for a non-therapeutic license. A non-therapeutic license does not impose requirements in addition to those imposed for a therapeutic license. Petitioner proposes to deny the application for renewal of Respondent's foster home license on the sole ground that Respondent went "skinny dipping" with two minor males. One of those males was a foster child assigned to Respondent. The foster child is a victim of past sexual abuse and has psychological and emotional disorders. The child suffers from oppositional defiance disorder and mood disorder. The symptoms of the disorders include self-injury, such as head banging, aggression, anger, and low self-esteem. However, many of the behavioral problems diminished during the 15 months that the foster child was in Respondent's care. The "skinny-dipping" events occurred between six and nine times during the 15 months that the foster child was in Respondent's care. During that time, the foster child was between 12 and 14 years old. The foster child swam nude in the swimming pool at Respondent's residence and bathed nude in the hot tub adjacent to the pool. On some of those occasions, Respondent was nude in the hot tub and swimming pool with the foster child and at other times the two were in the swimming pool and hot tub independently of each other while both were nude. The local sheriff's office investigated the foster home and found no indicators of abuse. Once PEMHS learned of the "skinny dipping" events, neither PEMHS nor Petitioner sought to revoke Respondent's therapeutic foster home license or to provide Respondent with remedial training. Rather, PEMHS removed the foster child from the foster home and refused to assign any more foster children to Respondent's foster home. At the administrative hearing, Petitioner sought the post-hearing deposition testimony of Dr. Cotter for several purposes. One of those purposes was to show the impact on the foster child from the "skinny dipping" events. Another purpose was to show that the "skinny dipping" was "grooming behavior" for future pedophilia. The ALJ sustained Respondent's objection to the admissibility of the expert deposition testimony for the purpose of showing the impact on the foster child and for the purpose of showing that the "skinny dipping" was "grooming behavior" for future pedophilia. Dr. Cotter could not render an opinion concerning the actual impact on the foster child from the "skinny dipping" events or whether those events were actually intended by Respondent as "grooming behavior" for future pedophilia. Dr. Cotter did not intend to evaluate either the foster child or Respondent before rendering his opinions and, in fact, never evaluated either individual. Any expert opinion by Dr. Cotter concerning "grooming behavior" for pedophilia was not relevant to the grounds stated in the Notice of Denial. That expert opinion was relevant only to grounds not stated in the Notice of Denial. Nudity in a swimming pool and hot tub are not synonymous with "grooming behavior" for pedophilia. Nudity and "grooming behavior" for pedophilia are separate grounds for denying the application for renewal of Respondent's license to operate a foster home. Petitioner failed to provide adequate notice prior to the administrative hearing that Petitioner sought to deny the renewal of Respondent's license on the separate ground that Respondent engaged in "grooming behavior" for pedophilia. Fundamental principles of due process prohibit a state agency from notifying a regulated party of the allegations against the party and then, at the hearing, proving-up other allegations. One of the primary functions of an ALJ is to assure that an administrative hearing is a fair hearing. Respondent was not prepared at the administrative hearing to submit evidence, including expert testimony, to refute any allegation not stated in the Notice of Denial. The admission of evidence relevant to allegations not stated in the Notice of Denial would have required a continuance of the administrative hearing to provide Respondent with an opportunity to refute the allegation. A continuance would have denied Respondent a remedy during the period of continuance, increased the economic burden on Respondent, and frustrated judicial economy. Nothing prevents Petitioner from bringing a separate proceeding against the licensee based on the allegation that Respondent engaged in "grooming behavior" for pedophilia. The ALJ limited the testimony of Dr. Cotter to those grounds for denial that Petitioner stated in the Notice of Denial. In relevant part, the Notice of Denial states: After careful review and consideration, your application has been denied. Our decision is based on the following: Your admission that you and two minor boys, one of which was a foster child under your supervision, participated in several "skinny dipping" incidents during your recent licensure as a foster parent for Pinellas Enrichment Through Mental Health Services (PEMHS). As you are aware, the nature of a boy's early experiences may affect the development of his sexual attitudes and subsequent behavior. Therefore, foster parents are expected to provide opportunities for recreational activities appropriate to the child's age. "Skinny dipping" in a hot tub with two minor boys violates the intent of this rule. These incidents reflect poor judgment for a person who is a licensed foster parent. Respondent's Exhibit 1. The Notice of Denial essentially states four grounds for denying the application for renewal of Respondent's license. One ground is the impact on the development of the foster child's sexual attitudes and subsequent behavior. Another ground is nudity between a foster parent and a foster child. A third ground is that Respondent exercised poor judgment. The remaining ground is that Respondent provided recreational activities that were not appropriate to the foster child's age. No evidence shows that the "skinny dipping" events had any adverse impact on the development of the foster child's sexual attitudes and subsequent behavior. Dr. Cotter did not evaluate the foster child to determine the actual impact of the events on the foster child. Contrary to the statements in the Notice of Denial, Petitioner's representative testified at the hearing that Petitioner did not consider the impact on the child that resulted from skinny dipping with Respondent. The preponderance of evidence shows that the actual impact of the foster care provided by Respondent during the 15 months in which the "skinny dipping" events occurred was positive. Many of the foster child's behavioral problems greatly diminished. The foster child made remarkable progress in his behavior both at home and at school. The foster child bonded with Respondent, and Respondent was an exemplary foster parent. The placement of the child with Respondent was so successful that Family Continuity published an article in their magazine about the successful match between the foster child and Respondent. Family Continuity considers Respondent to be an exemplary foster parent and wishes to have Respondent in its foster care program. If Petitioner grants the application for renewal, Family Continuity intends to return the foster child to Respondent for adoption. The second ground stated in the Notice of Denial is nudity between the foster parent and foster child. Without considering the impact on the foster child, Petitioner determined that being naked in the presence of a foster child, without more, was sufficient to close a foster home, remove a child, and revoke a foster home license. Petitioner cited no written statute or rule that prohibits nudity between a foster parent and foster child; or that establishes intelligible standards for regulating such nudity. Petitioner failed to submit competent and substantial evidence to explicate an unwritten policy that prohibits or regulates nudity. Rather, some evidence shows that nudity between foster parents and foster children is generally unavoidable and common. The third ground stated in the Notice of Denial is that Respondent exercised poor judgment. Several witnesses at the hearing and Dr. Cotter opined that Respondent exercised poor judgment. It is unnecessary to determine whether Petitioner exercised poor judgment because Petitioner cited no written rule or policy that defines or prohibits "poor judgment." For reasons stated in the Conclusions of Law, Petitioner must base a denial of a license application on a finding that the applicant violated a specific statute or rule. Petitioner cannot use the Notice of Denial to invent requirements that are not authorized by statute or rule. Petitioner cited no statute or rule that defines "poor judgment" or that establishes intelligible standards to guide the discretionary determination of whether an applicant has exercised poor judgment. In the absence of intelligible standards, the determination of whether an applicant has exercised poor judgment is necessarily an exercise of unbridled agency discretion. The use of unbridled agency discretion to make findings of fact violates fundamental principles of due process. Unbridled agency discretion creates the potential that agency decision-makers may define poor judgment by relying on their personal predilections rather than on those standards authorized by the legislature. Even if it were determined that poor judgment is a standard authorized by the legislature and that Respondent violated that standard, the determination is not dispositive of whether Petitioner should renew Respondent's license to operate a foster home. For example, representatives for Family Continuity and PEMHS agreed in their testimony that Respondent exercised poor judgment. However, Family Continuity recommends that Petitioner issue the non- therapeutic foster home license while PEMHS recommends against renewal of the license. The remaining allegation in the Notice of Denial is that "skinny dipping" is not an age-appropriate recreational activity. Rule 65C-13.010(1)(b)8a. states: 8. Recreation and community. a. The substitute parents are expected to provide opportunities for recreational activities for children. The activities must be appropriate to the child's age and abilities. Swimming in a swimming pool and bathing in a hot tub are recreational activities within the meaning of Rule 65C- 13.010(1)(a)8a. Swimming nude and bathing nude in a hot tub with a nude adult are not appropriate for a child who is between 12 and 14 years old and whose psychological and emotional abilities are diminished by past sexual abuse.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Petitioner enter a final order finding that Respondent violated Rule 65C-13.010(1)(b)8 and granting Respondent’s application for a therapeutic foster home license. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of May, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ DANIEL MANRY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of May, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Frank Nagatani, Esquire Department of Children and Family Services 11351 Ulmerton Road, Suite 314 Largo, Florida 33778-1630 Gary A. Urso, Esquire 7702 Massachusetts Avenue New Port Richey, Florida 34653 Paul Flounlacker, Agency Clerk Department of Children and Family Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204B Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Josie Tomayo, General Counsel Department of Children and Family Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (2) 120.57409.175
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Marianna, Florida Oct. 26, 2018 Number: 18-005686 Latest Update: Jun. 21, 2019

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondents' foster home license should be revoked for violating Florida Administrative Code Rule 65C-13.030(3).

Findings Of Fact The Department is the state agency responsible for foster care licensing, pursuant to section 409.175, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 65C-13. Respondents are a mother, Mary Highsmith, and daughter, Dawndrell Martin, who reside together and obtained a joint license to provide foster care to children on November 16, 2017. On July 16, 2018, the Department’s Florida Abuse Hotline received an abuse report regarding B.H., a five-year-old female, who had been previously removed from her parents due to abuse, abandonment, or neglect and placed in the foster home of Respondents in November of 2017. The abuse report stated that B.H. had bruising on her back, face, and on top of her head. B.H. told the abuse reporter that “TT” had hit her with a brush or comb. “TT” was B.H.’s nickname for Ms. Martin. Daniel Henry, a child protective investigator with the Department, was assigned to investigate the abuse report. He interviewed B.H., who told him that Ms. Martin had punished her by hitting her with a comb, a switch, and a flip-flop and that Ms. Highsmith had repeatedly “thumped” her forehead with a flick of her finger. Mr. Henry interviewed the reporter of the abuse. He contacted local law enforcement to facilitate a joint investigation, contacted the Department’s licensing staff, and interviewed Respondents. Based on B.H.’s statements, Mr. Henry immediately referred the case to the CPT. The CPT is an independent entity created by statute and overseen by an interagency agreement between the Department of Children and Families and the Department of Health. Among other services, the CPT performs assessments that include medical evaluations, specialized clinical interviews, and forensic interviews. See § 39.303, Fla. Stat. In this case, B.H.’s physical injuries led the CPT to arrange a forensic interview and a medical evaluation of the child. Kimberly Dykes is an ARNP working for the CPT. She has undergone specialized training in child maltreatment, including the nature, origin, manifestations, and symptoms of abuse and injuries inflicted upon minor children. Her training included recognizing the difference between accidental and intentional injuries. Ms. Dykes performed a medical examination and interviewed B.H. about the cause of her injuries. Ms. Dykes concluded that B.H.’s wounds were consistent with inflicted injury, and were consistent with the causation described by the child as “having been repeatedly struck with a comb and a switch and having been repeatedly thumped in the forehead.” Ms. Dykes testified that she spoke with the investigator for the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, Sergeant Cheree Edwards. Ms. Dykes stated that Sgt. Edwards provided her with the explanations that Respondents had offered for B.H.’s injuries. Ms. Dykes testified that she was able to medically rule out each of these explanations as lacking appropriate medical and testimonial support for their causation. Ms. Dykes further recommended that B.H. be removed from Respondents’ home and placed in alternate custody. Angela Griffin is a specialist with the CPT, who is certified to provide specialized clinical interviews and forensic interviews of minor children. Ms. Griffin conducted a forensic interview of B.H. Ms. Griffin testified as to the safeguards necessary to protect the integrity of the interview process with a child, such as building rapport, discussing the difference between telling the truth and telling a lie, and explaining the “rules of the room” to the child, including the fact that the interview will be recorded and that the child should make it known if she does not understand a question. Ms. Griffin stated that she employed all these safeguards during her interview with B.H. During her interview with Ms. Griffin, B.H. described how her injuries were inflicted. This description was consistent with the story B.H. told to the abuse reporter, to Mr. Henry, and to Ms. Dykes.1/ B.H. told Ms. Griffin that Ms. Martin had hit her on the head, in the face, and on the back with a comb, a switch, and a flip-flop, and that Ms. Highsmith had thumped her forehead. Upon concluding the forensic interview and medical evaluation, Ms. Griffin and Ms. Dykes provided recommendations for the care of B.H. They recommended that B.H. be removed immediately from the home of Respondents. They further recommended that any and all other children placed with Respondents be removed, and that no further children be placed with them. They recommended counseling for B.H. After concluding his investigation and consulting with the CPT, Mr. Henry verified the allegations of physical abuse by Ms. Martin. He recommended that Respondents’ foster home license be revoked and that no other children be allowed to reside with them. At the hearing, Sgt. Edwards testified as to the investigation she conducted for the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office. She stated that in cases of joint investigation by the Department and law enforcement, the CPT is critical in allowing a single point of contact with the minor victim. It is in the best interest of the child to avoid multiple and redundant interviews that could cause repeated trauma. Following the joint investigation protocol, Sgt. Edwards did not conduct her own interview of B.H., but observed the recording of Ms. Griffin’s interview with B.H. Sgt. Edwards also reviewed the notes made by Mr. Henry, the Department’s investigator. Sgt. Edwards interviewed Respondents and took repeated statements from them regarding possible origins of the injuries to B.H. She allowed Respondents to provide any and all evidence relevant to this matter. Sgt. Edwards testified that she contacted, or attempted to contact, every witness named by Respondents, including the day care teachers, and reviewed every piece of evidence presented by Respondents. During her investigation, Sgt. Edwards discovered a hair comb at Respondents’ residence. A photograph of the comb taken by law enforcement was presented as an exhibit in this proceeding. The photo shows a long-handled “rattail” comb. Sgt. Edwards determined this comb to match the item described by B.H. as the implement used by Ms. Martin to hit her on the head. Ms. Dykes testified that the comb showed in the photograph could easily have been the cause of the injuries to the top of B.H.’s head. Based on her independent investigation, Sgt. Edwards found probable cause to file criminal charges against Ms. Martin for inflicting injury on B.H. At the time of the hearing, the criminal case was still pending. At the hearing, the Department presented 13 photographs, taken by Ms. Griffin, of B.H.’s injuries. The photos detail multiple sources of trauma and bruising to B.H.’s face, head, back, eyes, neck, and scalp. None of the wounds appeared deep or serious, but did appear to be more severe than the usual bumps and bruises a parent expects from an active child. Ms. Dykes testified that the injuries in the photos were entirely consistent with B.H.’s statements that Ms. Martin caused them by hitting her with a comb, a switch, and a flip- flop. Respondents did not testify. Through cross- examination and argument, Respondents were able to put forward some of their explanations for the injuries to B.H. They contended both that B.H. is inclined to self-harm and that the injuries must have been inflicted at Caverns Learning Center, the day care facility that reported the injuries to the Florida Abuse Hotline. They contended that the child may have hit her head on a dresser while bouncing on her bed. They stated that B.H.’s skin had been rubbed raw by a seat belt. Her scalp injuries may have been caused by a harsh shampoo used to treat for lice, or by self-pulling of her hair, or by undiagnosed folliculitis. Ms. Highsmith theorized that the entire case was fabricated by authorities who did not like the fact that black foster parents were caring for white children. Respondents argued that Mr. Henry did not pursue other theories as to the cause of the injuries. For example, he took employees of Caverns Learning Center at their word when they told him B.H. was injured when she arrived at the day care on the morning of July 16, 2018. They also questioned why approximately two hours passed between B.H.’s arrival at the day care and the call to the Florida Abuse Hotline. Mr. Henry plausibly addressed both issues raised by Respondents. He testified that the Department bases its investigations on the identity of the alleged perpetrator. Because B.H. repeatedly and consistently identified Ms. Martin as the person who inflicted the injuries, Mr. Henry saw no reason to cast about for other suspects. Mr. Henry stated that he did not find it unusual for a busy day care to take a couple of hours to report to the abuse hotline. Respondents did not themselves testify on the advice of their criminal defense attorney. Respondents did present the testimony of their licensing specialist, Kristy Hancock, and a “courtesy” dependency case manager, Precious Ingram.2/ Ms. Hancock testified that she was the instructor for Respondents’ foster home licensing class. Respondents were “very engaged” during the seven weeks of coursework and seemed to understand the implications of being foster parents. Ms. Hancock stated that she had visited Respondents’ home and all seemed well.3/ Ms. Hancock also testified that she was aware of “issues” with Caverns Learning Center, but did not elaborate. Ms. Ingram testified that Respondents were cooperative with her when she made her monthly home visits. She observed nothing that would indicate abuse or neglect. She never saw marks on B.H. resembling those in the photographs introduced by the Department. Ms. Ingram stated that she saw nothing out of the ordinary in Respondents’ foster home and never had cause to raise concerns about the care of the children there. Jeanne Durden is employed by Big Bend Community Based Care (“BBCBC”) and is in charge of BBCBC’s licensing responsibilities. BBCBC is a contractor retained by the Department to provide foster care services in Circuits 2 and 14. BBCBC manages foster care licensing for the cited jurisdictions. Ms. Durden testified that it was her responsibility to provide quality assurance for all foster care licensing operations. BBCBC contracts with other entities to provide front line case management, and Ms. Durden provides oversight for those subcontractors. Ms. Durden testified that she removed all of the minor children from Respondents’ home immediately after reviewing the findings of the child protective investigator and the CPT. Ms. Durden also recommended immediate termination and revocation of Respondents’ foster home license. Ms. Durden explained that her recommendation was due to the nature and findings of the Department’s verified child protection abuse report as well as the criminal charges filed against Ms. Martin. She noted that Department rules do not permit corporal punishment of any kind for foster children, because of the traumas these children have already experienced. Ms. Durden did not believe that anything short of revocation was legally appropriate. She opined that mitigation was not possible based on the nature and cause of B.H.’s injuries. Regina Pleas is safety program manager for the Department’s Northwest Region. Among her duties is management of the Department’s licensing operations. BBCBC has the contractual responsibility to recruit, retain, and manage foster homes, but the Department is ultimately responsible for all decisions and maintains final approval for BBCBC’s licensing actions. Ms. Pleas reviewed Ms. Durden’s recommendation of revocation of Respondent’s foster home license. After considering the nature and cause of the injuries inflicted, the consistency of B.H.’s statements, and the analysis of the CPT, Ms. Pleas concurred that revocation was necessary. In considering the appropriateness of revocation, Ms. Pleas also took into account that Respondents were now subject to a verified abuse report, meaning that the Department could no longer place minor children in their care. Ms. Pleas drafted the letter notifying Respondents of the Department’s decision to revoke their foster home license. The letter, dated September 28, 2018, appropriately notified Respondents of the Department’s intended action and of their due process rights in challenging the Department’s preliminary decision.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Department of Children and Families revoking the foster home license of Respondents Dawndrell Martin and Mary Highsmith. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of March, 2019, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of March, 2019.

Florida Laws (6) 120.52120.569120.57120.6839.303409.175 Florida Administrative Code (3) 65C-13.03065C-13.03565C-30.001 DOAH Case (1) 18-5686
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 15-000034 Latest Update: Dec. 02, 2015

The Issue Whether the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) properly denied the application for licensure renewal sought for the group home facility license held by Tracy Court Group Home, owned and operated by V-Agape, LLC.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the licensing and operation of foster care facilities, group home facilities, and residential habitation centers pursuant to section 20.197 and chapter 393, Florida Statutes. At all times material to this complaint, Respondent held foster or group home facility licenses issued by APD. The current group home license issued for V-Agape, LLC, located at 19103 Tracy Court, Lutz, Florida 33548, is owned by Tonya Nelson, the sole managing member. Respondent has contracted with APD to provide the residents with Medicaid waiver developmental disability residential habitation services. HCSO conducts investigations of reports of abuse, neglect, abandonment, and threats of harm to children on behalf of DCF. Investigations of abuse, neglect, abandonment, and threats of harm are initiated by reported incidents through the Florida Abuse Hotline. Karen Gonzalez is the supervisor of the Specialized Investigating Unit. She supervises the CPIs who perform the abuse hotline investigations. Ms. Gonzalez supervised Robert Hoon and Jennifer Campbell, both CPIs. A report was made to the Florida Abuse Hotline on January 24, 2014, that a minor female resident of Respondent’s Tracy Court Group Home sustained bruising and a red mark on the back of her hand from being struck on her hands by Tonya Nelson. The resident is non-verbal and intellectually disabled. The subsequent investigation by CPI Hoon, on behalf of DCF, was ultimately closed with verified indicators for physical injury upon the minor resident living in the Tracy Court Group Home, but did not identify the caregiver responsible. CPI Hoon reviewed and discussed the investigation with Supervisor Gonzalez before he prepared the Investigative Summary (IS). When conducting investigations, the CPI reviews the prior history of incidents reported on a group home and its owner/operator. In subsection “D. Prior Reports and Service Records Implications for Child Safety,” CPI Hoon reported that: There are prior reports on the facility that include concerns for physical discipline in the foster home and to her o[w]n children. There is a verified report in 2012 for physical injury and the aps [adult perpetrators] where [sic] Tonya Nelson and the aunt as it is unknown who caused the injuries. Ms. Gonzalez testified that prior reports are reviewed in conducting their investigations to determine whether a pattern of concern for the health and safety of the children placed in that home and for the caretakers caring for the children in the home exists. The CPIs utilize DCF Operating Procedure (CFOP) 175-28, Child Maltreatment Index, as a guideline in conducting their investigations. A “verified finding” is made when a preponderance of the credible evidence results in a determination that the specific harm or threat of harm was the result of abuse, abandonment, or neglect. CPI Campbell explained the application of CFOP during an investigation: [I]t . . . breaks down the different maltreatments that are investigated under the umbrella of abuse, neglect, and abandonment, and it provides a guideline for the definitions of what the different maltreatments are, and the different types of supporting evidence and documents that may be needed when supporting a maltreatment when the investigator comes up with the findings. It’s basically a guideline for investigations, because when a report comes in it may not be just one maltreatment, there may be a number of different maltreatments; or an investigator may identify a maltreatment during the course of an investigation, and so this provides a guideline for the investigator. On May 20, 2014, a report was made to the Florida Abuse Hotline about a minor resident of Respondent’s Tracy Court Group Home. An investigation was commenced concerning unexplained bruises observed on the resident, a vulnerable minor. CPI Campbell completed the investigation and prepared the IS. She discussed the verified findings with Supervisor Gonzalez. CPI Campbell is an experienced investigator, having had 11 years of service with HCSO following five years’ experience as a CPI in Michigan. The report of May 20, 2014, was a “Supplemental” report since, according to Supervisor Gonzalez, it came in right after the initial risk sequence. Rather than creating an entire new report, this one became supplemental to the prior one. The IS stated that the resident had a large bruise on her left thigh and bruises on her left arm and the back of her leg. Ms. Nelson was not able to explain how the minor resident sustained the bruises on her leg and arm. CPI Campbell became involved with Ms. Nelson and the investigation of the group home when Supervisor Gonzalez gave her the task of completing the investigation initiated by CPI Krisita Edwards. At the time CPI Campbell took over the investigation, CPI Edwards had been assigned to other duties. CPI Campbell explained that it was not unusual for a second investigator to complete work begun by another since all their notes are kept on a central database known as the Florida Safe Families Network (FSFN), where all contacts are noted, as well as the investigative summary. CPIs Edwards and Campbell collaborated on the investigation in this case. CPI Edwards entered her initial findings in the FSFN, which was picked up and continued by CPI Campbell when she took over the case. The two CPIs have collaborated on other cases in a similar fashion. The initial documentation by CPI Edwards was performed within 48 hours of the call coming into the abuse hotline as required. CPI Campbell’s completion of the report and investigation occurred after she had spoken with CPI Edwards and discussed the matter with Supervisor Gonzalez. The result of the investigation concerning the bruises on the minor resident was that the bruises were “indeterminate for physical abuse” and “indeterminate for supervisory neglect” due to the fact that a specific cause of the injuries could not be determined. Further, since the minor resident had been removed to another group home, the report concluded that there existed no continuing threat to the resident’s well-being. Even though the resident had been removed from the Tracy Court Group Home and, therefore, was not in any danger of being further harmed, CPI Campbell continued to have serious concerns about the care of residents in the group home. She believed that several allegations of the same type of harm were being made in the group home and that they could not ask the resident how she received her injuries since she was non-verbal. Myra Leitold, an APD residential licensing supervisor, had monitored the Tracy Court Group Home for the previous nine and one-half years. On December 28, 2012, she observed that a door lock to the office and bedroom was keyed so that it could be readily opened from the inside which, she believed, created a safety hazard. Between December 2012 and August 2014, the group home was cited for ten violations of Medication Administration Procedures. On one of her visits, in December 2012, Ms. Leitold noted that no current prescription was present for one of the residents, and that the label on the prescription bottle did not match the prescription drugs inside the bottle. Additionally, she found that the accounting for one of the resident’s finances was not current and that the temperature inside the group home was a chilly 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Mitchell Turner, human services program specialist for APD, recorded numerous medication administration violations at the group home. He noted on May 30, 2013, that the medication prescriptions and instructions for the Medical Administration Record (MAR) did not match. On June 18, 2013, he discovered that the wrong dosage of prescription was being given to a resident, and Ms. Nelson admitted this mistake. Mr. Turner grew so concerned about the prescription irregularities that he requested Pamela Lassiter, a medical case management registered nurse, to review the group home. Nurse Lassiter was sent to the home where she discovered and cited the home for three additional prescription violations. Even following Nurse Lassiter’s visit, on another trip to the group home on April 9, 2014, Mr. Turner cited an additional MAR violation. He believed these violations posed a health and safety risk to the residents affected and exhibited a pattern of neglect by Respondent to the health and safety of vulnerable children. During the period when prescription and other violations were noted, on January 11, 2013, Ms. Nelson exceeded the maximum licensed capacity of three in the group home when she accepted a fourth resident. She did not have prior written approval from APD to exceed her licensed capacity of residents. On September 25, 2013, Mr. Turner issued a Notice of Non-Compliance (NNC) because Ms. Nelson again exceeded the licensed capacity for the number of residents in the group home without prior written approval from APD. Mr. Turner expressed his concerns over the repeated violations by Respondent. Ms. Nelson testified that she had received verbal approval for the placements in excess of the home’s licensed capacity from Meisha Stewart, residential placement coordinator for APD, and that on a prior occasion in 2012, she had accepted a resident after receiving verbal approval. This testimony was rebutted by both Geraldine Williams, the former regional operations manager for APD’s Suncoast Region, and Ms. Leitold, who testified she had never known APD to give verbal approval for a placement of a resident in a group home. With the high volume of referrals APD makes to group homes, they cannot operate in a system where verbal placements occur. All placements must be made in writing. When a provider receives a NNC, the provider is required to submit and successfully complete a Corrective Action Plan (CAP). Mr. Turner testified that Ms. Nelson did not submit or successfully complete a CAP for the MAR violations. On January 17, 2013, Ms. Leitold visited the group home and observed the following violations: volatile materials were not stored in approved metal containers and three prescriptions for a resident’s medications were not present. The gasoline, charcoal, and lighter fluid found by Ms. Leitold were required to be stored in approved metal containers. Keeping these materials in the open posed a safety hazard for the minor residents by giving them access to volatile materials. On November 4, 2014, Ms. Nelson sent an email to Meisha Stewart advising her she intended to accept a non-APD client for placement in the Tracy Court Group Home without APD’s prior approval. Ms. Nelson testified that since that same resident had been placed in the Tracy Court Group Home for a six-month period in 2013, she believed she did not need a new approval in 2014.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Persons with Disabilities enter a final order denying V-Agape, LLC, d/b/a Tracy Court Group Home’s application for license renewal. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of November, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of November, 2015. COPIES FURNISHED: Brian F. McGrail, Esquire Agency for Persons with Disabilities 4030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 (eServed) Lindsey Ann West, Esquire The Plante Law Group, PLC 806 North Armenia Avenue Tampa, Florida 33609 (eServed) Gerald D. Siebens, Esquire Agency for Persons with Disabilities 1313 North Tampa Street, Suite 515 Tampa, Florida 33602-3328 (eServed) Barbara Palmer, Executive Director Agency for Persons with Disabilities 4030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 (eServed) Richard D. Tritschler, General Counsel Agency for Persons with Disabilities 4030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 (eServed) David De La Paz, Agency Clerk Agency for Persons with Disabilities 4030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 (eServed)

Florida Laws (7) 120.569120.57120.69520.197393.067393.0673393.13
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Sep. 28, 2006 Number: 06-003696 Latest Update: Aug. 14, 2007

The Issue Whether Petitioner Antoinette Scanziani's license as a family foster home should be renewed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the testimony and evidence received at the hearing, the following findings are made: Respondent is the state agency responsible for licensing and regulating family foster homes. Children's Home Society (CHS) is the contract agency in the Central Licensing Zone that directly supervises licenses in that area. Petitioner filed an application to renew her family foster home license on May 26, 2006, which was originally issued for one year in August 2005. Prior to the issuance of her family foster care license on August 19, 2005, Petitioner had completed, inter allia, 30 hours of Models Approach Partnership and Parenting (MAPP) training and signed a Foster Parent Agreement, prepared by CHS, which spells out the duties and obligations of a foster parent. Paragraph 12 of the Agreement specifically states that a foster parent will notify CHS immediately of any change of address. Under Respondent's rules, a family foster care license is not transferable, and a new sanitation inspection and recommendation must be completed before Respondent can issue a new license for the new address. The family foster care license was issued to Petitioner for 5831 Bent Pine Drive, Apartment 300, Orlando, Florida 32822. The first foster child was placed in Petitioner's care on September 1, 2005. In August 2005, Petitioner began a dispute with the rental management company who managed the apartment complex where she lived. This resulted in Petitioner giving the company 60 days' notice that she would not renew her lease after October 31, 2005. The rental company, mean while, would not accept her tender of rental payments for August and September 2005, and initiated eviction proceedings in County Court. Prior to the final hearing, a stipulation was signed by the parties and approved by the County Court. Petitioner moved out of her apartment on October 31, 2005. On November 1, 2005, Petitioner, along with one foster child, moved into a house located at 7741 Fort Sumter Drive, Orlando, Florida 32822. CHS was not notified of this change of address until November 11, 2005. The CHS Dependency Specialist worked diligently with Petitioner to obtain a license for her new residence. DCF issued a new family foster care license for 7741 Fort Sumter Drive, Orlando, Florida 32822 on December 20, 2005. Petitioner maintained an unlicensed foster home from the period of November 1, 2005, through December 20, 2005. Although the foster child residing with Petitioner was not removed from the home, Petitioner was reminded of the need to notify CHS prior to any moves in the future. On April 6, 2006, Petitioner notified CHS that she had moved from her Fort Sumter Drive, Orlando, residence to a residence in Poinciana, Florida (Osceola County) at the end of March 2006. It was subsequently determined that a Writ of Possession for the Orlando residence was issued by the Orange County Court on March 2, 2006. Petitioner testified at the hearing that she moved at the end of March 2006, because of poor maintenance and discriminatory and retaliatory conduct by the landlord. The foster child was not removed from the home and the CHS Dependency Specialist again worked diligently and patiently with Petitioner to obtain a license for her family foster care residence at 127 Conch Drive, Kissimmee, Florida 34759 (Poinciana). Due primarily to Petitioner's lack of cooperation, a completed health inspection of the home was not completed until August 4, 2006. During this time, Petitioner submitted her application for relicensure on May 26, 2006. On July 13, 2006, the CHS Dependency Specialist hand delivered a letter, dated July 11, 2006, to Petitioner reminding her that a face-to-face visit and a walk through of the home was required before recommendation could be given. Petitioner was given a check-list of 16 items which were due to be completed prior to July 16, 2006, or CHS could not recommend renewal of her foster care license. On July 18, 2006, CHS sent Petitioner a follow-up letter. Although another home inspection had taken place on July 17, 2006, it was not a satisfactory home health inspection. In addition, proof of completion of 12 hours of training had not been demonstrated and six other items on the check-list were, also, not completed. The deadline for compliance was extended to August 3, 2006, with a reminder that the existing license expired on August 19, 2006. CHS followed with reminder telephone calls on July 19 and 20, followed by another letter on July 25, 2006, that all remaining items must be completed by August 3, 2006. Petitioner demonstrated compliance with four of the items, but did not provide Radon Test results or proof that her 2A10BC fire extinguisher was tagged and inspected. On August 18, 2006, the foster child, living in Petitioner's home, was removed. On August 19, 2006, Petitioner's family foster care license expired by operation of law, without Petitioner having submitted a completed application package to CHS. On August 28, 2006, Respondent sent Petitioner a notice of intent to deny her application for relicensure. The reasons for the denial were outlined on the four-page letter. Petitioner objected to the notice and requested a formal hearing, and this proceeding followed. From the evidence, it is apparent that CHS worked diligently in helping Petitioner transfer her existing license two times, when Petitioner moved without notifying CHS before the move; and encouraged and worked with Petitioner to complete the application for renewal a month before the expiration of her license. However, due to Petitioner's procrastination and/or resistance, the completed documentation was not sent in to Respondent prior to the expiration of her prior license.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that: Petitioner, Antoinette Scanziani's, application for a renewal of her family foster home license be denied. DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of May, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of May, 2007.

Florida Laws (3) 120.52120.57409.175
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida May 26, 1999 Number: 99-002328 Latest Update: Aug. 21, 2000

The Issue Whether the Respondent's license to operate a family foster home should be renewed.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is the state agency charged with the responsibility of regulating foster home licenses in the State of Florida. The Respondent, Geraldine H. Daniels, operated a licensed foster care home at 2625 Northwest Third Street, Pompano Beach, Florida, from November 1994 until September 1998. At all times during such period the Respondent held a valid foster care license that expired on or about November 7, 1998. The Respondent sought to renew the foster care license but was denied by the Petitioner. The denial was timely challenged and the matter was forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings for formal proceedings. Foster home parents receive a "board rate" for children placed in their homes. This rate is to provide financial assistance to the foster home parent so that the child's needs may be met. A minor child known in this record as W.S. was placed in the Respondent's care in January 1998. The Respondent was paid the board rate for W.S. for the months of January through June 1998. During the same period of time, the Respondent collected SSI benefits for the child W.S. from the Social Security Administration. Such payments totaled $2,964. A second minor, P.H., was placed in the Respondent's foster care home in January 1998. The Respondent was paid the Department board rate for P.H. for January through September 1998. The Respondent applied for and received SSI benefits for P.H. beginning in July 1998. Although the Department paid the Respondent the monthly board rate for the minor, she collected the additional sums from SSI through December 1998. In August 1998 the Department notified the Respondent that she was not allowed to collect SSI benefits for children in her care. Subsequent to the notice, the Respondent continued to accept SSI benefits for P.H. The Department serves as the legal custodian for the children within the foster care program. As such, it is entitled to the SSI benefits for children within the system. Foster parents are entitled to the board rate that is established by the Department's uniform rate for dependent children. The Respondent made reimbursements to the Department after her home was closed in September 1998 due to the alleged fraudulent activity and lack of interaction with the children placed in the home.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Children and Family Services enter a Final Order denying the Respondent's request for renewal of the foster care license. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of May, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. J. D. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of May, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Deborah Guller, Esquire Department of Children and Family Services 201 West Broward Boulevard, Suite 502 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Geraldine H. Daniels 2625 Northwest Third Street Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 Virginia Daire, Agency Clerk Department of Children and Family Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204B Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Josie Tomayo, General Counsel Department of Children and Family Services Building 2, Room 204 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (2) 120.52409.175
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lake City, Florida Apr. 11, 2008 Number: 08-001812 Latest Update: Feb. 03, 2009

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent should be subject to administrative penalties, up to and including revocation of its group home license, for non-compliance with the residential facility requirements of Chapter 393, Florida Statutes (2007).

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the licensing and operation of foster care facilities, group home facilities, and residential habilitation centers. Respondent holds a group home facility license. The group home is located in Lake City, Florida. Ms. Amanda Houston is the operator of the group home. Ms. Houston is responsible in that capacity for compliance with statutes and rules relating to residential facilities. At all times material here, A.D. was a vulnerable 17-year-old female who resided at the group home. A.D. is mentally retarded and has significant behavior issues. Ms. Nigeria Taiwan Wills was a trusted employee of the group home for four or five years. On October 8, 2008, Ms. Wills was responsible for the supervision and care of the group home's disabled residents. On October 8, 2008, Ms. Wills began her shift at 2:00 p.m. and worked until 8:00 p.m. During at least part of that time, Ms. Wills was the only staff member present in the home. On October 8, 2007, while under the supervision of Ms. Wills, A.D. suffered significant injury to her buttock area. The next morning, Ms. Houston arrived at the group home around 6:30 a.m. Ms. Houston woke A.D. who dressed herself. Ms. Houston gave A.D. her medications. Ms. Houston did not notice any difference in A.D.'s demeanor. A.D. seemed normal in every way. The group home had four residents. Three of the clients, including A.D., rode a bus to school. On October 9, 2009, the bus arrived to pick up the clients at 8:10 a.m. It left the facility at 8:20 a.m. Ms. Houston was not aware of A.D.'s injury before the bus picked her up. On October 9, 2008, Ms. Wills visited the group home around 11:00 a.m. to pick up a piece of paper that she had left there the night before. While at the group home, Ms. Wills casually mentioned to Ms. Houston that she had an incident with A.D. the night before, that it was no big deal, and that she would tell Ms. Houston about it when she returned to work her shift that evening. Ms. Wills then left the group home. Ms. Wills did not have a home phone. All supervisory employees of the group home are trained to keep notes during every shift to record chronologically all events occurring at the group home. If an injury of any kind occurs, an employee is supposed to immediately fill out an incident report and call Ms. Houston. Ms. Houston knew that Ms. Wills had not filled out an incident report the night before. Ms. Houston read Ms. Wills' notes from the night before and, finding no reference to an incident with A.D., mistakenly assumed that whatever had happened truly was no big deal. This was not an unreasonable conclusion given Ms. Wills' long-term employment with no complaints and A.D.'s history of stealing and other behavior problems. In the mean time, Ms. Lanitra Sapp, a child protective investigator for the Department of Children and Family Services, received a call from A.D.'s school. Ms. Sapp subsequently visited the school, interviewed A.D., and observed bruising to her buttocks and upper thigh. Ms. Sapp concluded that the bruising was consistent with physical abuse. Ms. Sapp then took A.D. to her office. When A.D. did not get off the bus after school, Ms. Houston called the school, A.D.'s mother, and A.D.'s waiver support coordinator. Ms. Houston was unable to locate A.D. until she received a call from Ms. Sapp, asking Ms. Houston to go to Ms. Sapp's office. At Ms. Sapp's office, Ms. Houston and her husband, Adam Houston, first learned about A.D.'s injury. Mr. and Mrs. Houston were shocked at the degree of A.D.'s injury as reflected in photographs. After a short meeting, A.D. voluntarily rode with the Houstons to the group home. Ms. Sapp followed in her car. When the Houstons and Ms. Sapp arrived at the group home, the police were already there. Ms. Wills was also there. Ms. Houston left A.D. in the car with Mr. Houston before going into the group home. Ms. Wills talked to the police and Ms. Sapp in separate interviews. At some point, Ms. Wills told the police that she had spoken to Ms. Houston about the incident that morning. Ms. Houston admitted to the police and Ms. Sapp that Ms. Wills had made a reference to an incident that morning. Ms. Wills never admitted that she spanked A.D. with a belt. Ms. Houston placed Ms. Wills on administrative leave just before the police handcuffed her and took her to jail. Immediately thereafter, Ms. Houston prepared and sent an official incident report to Petitioner and A.D.'s waiver support coordinator. A.D. wanted to remain at the group home. Her mother and waiver support coordinator agreed. A.D. remained in that environment until March 2008, when Respondent lost its status as a Medicaid waiver provider. Ms. Houston never let Ms. Wills return to the group home. Instead, Ms. Houston paid Ms. Wills for one week of earned wages and one week of vacation time. This was the final pay check for Ms. Wills. Within days, Ms. Houston took A.D. to see her pediatrician for a medical evaluation. A week or so later, Ms. Sapp took A.D. for an evaluation by the Department of Children and Family Services child protection team. The Department of Children and Family Services subsequently issued a report containing verified findings of failure to protect against Mr. and Ms. Houston and maltreatment/physical injury against Ms. Wills.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a final order finding that Respondent's license is not subject to discipline for failure to protect. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of October, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of October, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: Julie Waldman, Esquire Agency for Persons with Disabilities 1621 Northeast Waldo Road Gainesville, Florida 32609 Lloyd E. Peterson, Jr., Esquire 905 Southwest Baya Drive Lake City, Florida 32025 John Newton, General Counsel Agency for Persons with Disabilities 4030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 James DeBeaugrine, Executive Director Agency for Persons with Disabilities 4030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950

Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.5739.201393.063393.067393.0673393.13415.1034 Florida Administrative Code (1) 65G-2.012
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Feb. 22, 1996 Number: 96-000943 Latest Update: Dec. 09, 1996

The Issue Are the Respondents entitled to renew their license to operate a family foster home?

Findings Of Fact Respondents held Family Foster Home License No. 059520, effective from May 18, 1995 through May 18, 1996. The license was not renewed based upon allegations in this case. At times relevant, Respondents provided foster care to F.J., who was thirteen when the hearing was conducted, to V.K. who was eight when the hearing was conducted, and to F.J. and V.K.'s two younger brothers. The children lived with the Respondents for approximately six and one-half years. Although F.J. is thirteen years old, she is a developmentally disabled child with an I.Q. in the range of 46 to 58. Her mental and developmental age is less than eleven years. On May 30, 1995 an investigation was begun concerning alleged sexual abuse of F.J. by James Comer. This led to the removal of the children from Respondents' home. On May 30, 1995 F.J. described James Comer's sexual misconduct to Brenda Mims, a human services counsellor for Petitioner. At that time F.J. told Mims that James Comer had touched her breast and felt on her. When F.J. described the contact which James Comer had with her, F.J. put her hands on her breast to demonstrate. She did not describe the point in time when this happened. On that date Mims interviewed Mary Comer concerning the allegations by F.J.. Mary Comer confirmed that F.J. had told Mary Comer that James Comer was "bothering her" and F.J. wanted it to stop. Mary Comer indicated that she thought that F.J. was referring to a "tickling incident". Mary Comer told Mims that she had confronted James Comer about the tickling and asked him to stop tickling F.J.. When Mary Comer spoke to Mims, she referred to F.J. coming to her and saying that "Dada" was bothering F.J.. The term "Dada" is the name the children used to refer to James Comer. The children referred to Mary Comer as "Granny". On June 7, 1995 Mims talked to F.J. again. At that time F.J. was concerned that James Comer not be able to find her in her new home. Assurances were given that James Comer could not find her. On this occasion F.J. told Mims that James Comer "would feel on her" and she didn't like it. In this conversation F.J. described fondling James Comer's penis. F.J. stated that James Comer would hit her with his fist sometimes if F.J. wouldn't cooperate with his advances. F.J. described a big roll of money that James Comer would give her if F.J. would cooperate with him. Otherwise James Comer would not give F.J. money. According to Mims, F.J. said that James Comer would give her money if F.J. would "be with him". In the June 7, 1995 discussion F.J. and V.K. told Mims that Mary Comer tried to prohibit James Comer from bothering F.J. and James Comer began to beat Mary Comer. Following such incident, the police were called, but James Comer was not removed from the home. In the June 7, 1995 conversation V.K. told Mims that on one occasion V.K. peeked out the door and saw F.J. lying on James Comer while he was seated in the reclining chair. Deborah Gipple is a licensed mental health counselor who has experience in counseling child victims of sexual abuse or other trauma. Gipple began counseling F.J. in November, 1995 and continued the counseling to the date of hearing. Gipple observed in F.J. conduct which is consistent with a child who has been sexually abused. This included F.J. exposing herself, rubbing against other children, problems in the classroom and at home concerning the need to follow directions, and a distrust evidenced by sneaking about doing things that were not necessary to avoid detection, such as sneaking about and removing food. F.J. told Gipple that James Comer touched between F.J.'s legs and touched her breast. F.J. further stated that James Comer had her lay on top of him. F.J. told Gipple that sometimes James Comer would come in the night and take F.J. from her bed. In these conversations Gipple observed that F.J. was aware that James Comer's actions were wrong. In these discussions F.J. stated a concern about her sister V.K. and the possibility that James Comer would harm V.K.. V.K. was competent to testify when she testified at hearing. On one occasion when V.K. was in the hallway with her brothers at night she looked in the T.V. room and saw F.J. on top of James Comer while he was seated in a reclining chair. V.K. described that F.J. was moving her body and doing "nasty stuff". On another occasion V.K. was outside the house and observed F.J. and James Comer in the T.V. room. As V.K. describes it, F.J. was playing with James Comer while he was sitting down. F.J. was on James Comer's lap. V.K. did not give exact details concerning what F.J. and James Comer were doing. Concerning these two instances, V.K. recalls that Mary Comer was not home on the first occasion. V.K. has no recollection concerning Mary Comer's whereabouts on the second occasion. V.K. had been subjected to corporal punishment by James Comer when living in his home. She also observed James Comer administer corporal punishment to her two brothers. In the June 3, 1996 video that was made to record F.J.'s remarks concerning James Comer, together with statements she made to others, F.J. demonstrates sufficient appreciation of the meaning of the duty and responsibility to tell the truth to warrant a finding that she was competent for that purpose. In the video she describes that James Comer made her touch his "private parts". She did not describe the period of time over which the sexual contacts were made between James Comer and F.J. She did recount how these events had occurred on a number of occasions. On one occasion her clothes were off when James Comer touched her. In the video tape F.J. describes that James Comer had touched her breast and genital area by pointing to those areas on her body. F.J. identified that the occasions when she was inappropriately touched occurred when Mary Comer was not at home. In the video F.J. refers to the fact that she told Mary Comer about being touched by James Comer, but that Mary Comer did not believe her. By October 1995 F.J., V.K. and their brothers had been placed in the foster home of Roberta Graham where they presently reside. While living with Graham, F.J. told Graham that "Dada", referring to James Comer, was touching F.J. in wrong places, that he touched her on her breasts, and that he took her hand and massaged his "private part", referring to his penis. F.J. told Graham that this happened when Mary Comer went out to get drinks. F.J. told Graham that the other children were outside playing and the door was locked and James Comer and F.J. were inside when events occurred. F.J. mentioned to Graham that an incident happened at night when everyone was in bed and "Dada" called F.J. out alone and then the other children, her brothers and V.K. came out of the room. This is the night time incident V.K. testified about. This incident at night occurred when Mary Comer was not at home. F.J. told Graham that on one occasion James Comer removed F.J.'s clothes when she came out of the bathroom after blocking the door to prohibit F.J.'s exit. F.J. expressed concern to Graham that "Dada" was going to turn from doing things to F.J. to doing things to V.K.. F.J. told Graham that she had reported James Comer's actions to Mary Comer in saying that she told "Granny". F.J. stated to Graham that when F. J. told Mary Comer, she, (Mary Comer) said, "If you tell anyone, you will have to leave". F.J. made the remarks about James Comer's inappropriate conduct approximately thirty times to Graham and was consistent about the facts reported. The remarks by F.J. on the video tape and to Mims, Gipple and Graham which have been recited concerning James Comer are credited as true. Following the accusations about James Comer's sexual misconduct directed to F.J., Petitioner through its employees, Esther Tibbs and Judy Parks, met the Respondents on February 5, 1996 to advise Respondents that Petitioner intended to revoke the foster care license. The grounds for seeking revocation were related to the sexual misconduct by James Comer and the use of corporal punishment in disciplining the foster children. In the past, commencing 1988, Petitioner had received complaints concerning the use of corporal punishment by Respondents in disciplining their foster care children. Petitioner through its employees had counseled Respondents about the inappropriateness of corporal punishment. In one instance correspondence was sent to the Respondents on this subject reminding the Respondents that it was inappropriate to use corporal punishment even to the extent of an "occasional slap on the backside. . .under any circumstances". This reminder was sent through correspondence dated March 25, 1993. In 1988, unrelated to the foster children who have been referred to in these facts, Pamela Davis, Guardian Ad Litem for A.L. spoke to James Comer concerning his administration of corporal punishment to that child. James Comer told Davis that he had beaten the child "to beat the devil out of her" and it hadn't worked. He further stated that Davis could take the child from his home. Davis did remove the child from foster care provided by Respondents. On February 12, 1996 Respondents requested a formal administrative hearing to contest the grounds for revoking their foster home license.

Recommendation Based on the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is, RECOMMENDED: that a Final Order be entered which denies the renewal of the Family Foster Home License for Respondents. DONE and ENTERED this 5th day of July, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of July, 1996. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 96-0943 The following discussion is given concerning proposed facts by the Petitioner: Paragraphs 1-5 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 6 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraphs 7 & 8 are subordinate to facts found with the exception that the fourth sentence is not supported by competent evidence in the record, nor are paragraphs 9 and 10. Paragraph 11 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 12 in the first sentence is subordinate to facts found. The last sentence to paragraph 12 and paragraph 13 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 14 is discussed in the evidentiary ruling under Section 90.803(23), Florida Statutes. Paragraph 15 is subordinate to facts found with exception that the next to last sentence in the reference that on the second occasion "Granny" had gone somewhere is not supported by competent evidence in the record. Paragraphs 16-18 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 19 is not supported by competent evidence in the record. Paragraphs 20 and 21 are subordinate to facts found with the exception that the reference to "they" in paragraph 21 should be "she". The first and the third sentence to paragraph 22 are not supported by the record. The second sentence is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 23 is not supported by the record. Paragraphs 24 and 25 with the exception of the last phrase to paragraph 25 are subordinate to facts found. The last phrase to paragraph 25 is not supported by the record. Paragraph 26 is subordinate to facts found with the exception of the reference to October 10, 1988, which is not supported by competent evidence in the record. Paragraphs 27-29 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 30 is subordinate to facts found with the exception of the reference to November 26, 1995 which is not supported by evidence in the record. Paragraph 31 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. The second paragraph 29 is subordinate to facts found. COPIES FURNISHED: Lucy Goddard, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1000 Northeast 16th Avenue, Box 3 Gainesville, Florida 32601 James and Mary Comer, pro se Post Office Box 722 Micanopy, Florida 32667 Gregory D. Venz, Agency Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Building 2, Suite 204X 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Richard Doran General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Building 2, Room 204 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (3) 120.57409.17590.803
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 15-002422 Latest Update: Feb. 12, 2016

The Issue The primary issue in this case is whether Respondent, a licensed group home operator, violated several statutes and rules governing such homes and their staffs, with most of the alleged offenses occurring, Petitioner charges, in connection with the accidental death of a resident. If Respondent is found guilty of any disciplinable offenses, then it will be necessary to determine the appropriate penalties for such violation(s).

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant to this action, Respondent Daniel Madistin LLC #1 ("DM1") held a Certificate of License, numbered 091867, which authorized DM1 to operate a group home for the developmentally disabled in West Palm Beach, Florida, for the one-year period from April 1, 2014, through March 31, 2015. DM1 had been licensed as a group home since 2009. DM1's facility (the "Home") could house up to six residents at a time. As a group home licensee, DM1 falls under the regulatory jurisdiction of Petitioner Agency for Persons with Disabilities ("APD"), which issued DM1's initial and annual renewal licenses and periodically inspected the Home. One of the Home's longtime residents was a young man named V.H.-D. This wheelchair-bound, nonverbal resident suffered from a number of medical conditions, including severe cerebral palsy, as a result of which he was unable to care for himself. The Home's staff, therefore, were required, among other things, to feed V.H.-D., whose difficulty swallowing solid foods had caused him to be placed, on doctor's orders, on a diet of puree as a precaution against choking. (V.H.-D.'s family had refused to consent to the placement of a feeding tube.) On the morning of Sunday, October 19, 2014, an employee of DM1, Pharah Murat, fed V.H.-D. his breakfast, as she had done many times since starting to work in the Home in June of 2014. Because V.H.-D. could not talk, he generally manifested satiety by regurgitating food and expelling it from his mouth, at which point the caregiver would clean him up. So, this day, when V.H.-D. began expelling food, Ms. Murat stopped feeding him and wiped his mouth, per the routine. The situation was not routine, however, as Ms. Murat soon realized. V.H.-D. became pale and nonresponsive and looked unwell. Concerned, Ms. Murat immediately called her supervisor, Daniel Madistin, the eponymous principal of DM1. Upon hearing Ms. Murat's description of V.H.-D.'s condition, Mr. Madistin, who was at church with his wife, ended the call and promptly dialed 911. Having thus summoned emergency medical services and law enforcement, Mr. Madistin rushed to the Home. Meantime, Ms. Murat and a fellow employee, Marie Cadet, attended to V.H.-D. as they awaited the arrival of the paramedics. The evidence, which is in conflict, persuades the undersigned to find that, more likely than not, Ms. Murat placed V.H.-D. on the floor and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or tried to, although to what avail cannot be determined. Afterwards, she and Ms. Cadet returned V.H.-D. to his wheelchair and moved him from the dining room to the front door, so that the paramedics would be able to work on him without delay once they appeared, which they did within a matter of minutes. V.H.-D. was removed from the Home and taken by ambulance to the hospital, where he died from asphyxiation due to pulmonary aspiration of food secondary to cerebral palsy. APD contends that V.H.-D. was the victim of "neglect" because (a) Ms. Murat called Mr. Madistin, instead of 911, and (b) the staff failed to (i) recognize that V.H.-D was choking and (ii) handle an emergency situation promptly and intelligently. While there is no dispute that Ms. Murat called Mr. Madistin, there is no debate that she did so immediately upon realizing that V.H.-D. might be in distress, which she observed very quickly. The evidence does not establish whether or not Ms. Murat realized that V.H.-D. was choking, but it does clearly prove that she not only realized something was wrong, but also acted upon that recognition without delay. APD insinuates that by not calling 911 first, Ms. Murat increased the response time of the EMTs, to the detriment of V.H.-D. There is, however, no persuasive evidence that Ms. Murat's actions decreased the likelihood of V.H.-D.'s survival, nor is that a reasonable inference. To the contrary, it is more reasonable to infer, although not necessary to find, that Ms. Murat expedited the delivery of emergency medical services because she could converse in her primary language with Mr. Madistin, whose first language, too, is Creole, enabling the latter, who is fluent in English, to relay the relevant information efficiently to the 911 dispatcher. In addition, it should be mentioned that DM1's policy directed employees to call 911 in an emergency. So, even if Ms. Murat's failure to call 911 first amounted to neglect in this instance, which it did not, there is no basis in the evidence for holding the licensee responsible, for there is no evidence suggesting that DM1 knew or should have known that Ms. Murat would act as she did in a crisis. In any event, the evidence shows, and the undersigned finds, that Ms. Murat and Ms. Cadet acted with reasonable skill and efficiency in this emergency. In making this finding, the undersigned is mindful that direct care staff are not medical providers. Indeed, at the time DM1 hired Ms. Murat, a caregiver needed only an eighth-grade education to meet the minimum academic requirements,1/ and even under the current rule a high school diploma or its equivalent suffices.2/ The point is that it is unreasonable to expect a direct service provider in a group home, when responding to a medical emergency, to meet the standard of care applicable to a doctor, nurse, or EMT. No persuasive evidence in the instant record establishes the appropriate standard of care for direct service providers, but the undersigned is nevertheless able to determine, based on the totality of the circumstances, that the performance of DM1's staff, while probably falling short of heroic, was at least reasonable, and certainly not neglectful. After the EMTs had left for the hospital, Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office ("PBSO") deputies stayed behind at the Home to investigate. One of the officers tried to interview Ms. Murat, but she was reluctant to speak. Ms. Murat and Ms. Cadet are Haitian immigrants whose native tongue is Creole, and once the officers realized this, they called for the assistance of Deputy Vessage, a bilingual PBSO deputy who often serves as a translator in such instances. Deputy Vassage responded to this request and questioned the women in Creole, without incident. APD has alleged that Ms. Murat and Ms. Cadet were not fluent speakers of English and thus were incapable of communicating effectively in the official language of the state of Florida.3/ This allegation was not proved. That Ms. Murat insisted upon using her primary language when speaking with law enforcement officers, who were investigating a fatal event that had just recently occurred in her presence, shows good judgment, not a lack of communication skills. At any rate, the evidence persuades the undersigned to find that both women likely were able to speak English with sufficient proficiency to make themselves understood in ordinary circumstances. More important, however, as will be discussed below, the law does not require that direct service providers such as Ms. Murat and Ms. Cadet be capable of communicating effectively in English, but rather that they be capable of communicating effectively. Needless to say, speaking in English is not the only way to communicate effectively; nor, for that matter, is talking necessary for effective communication. APD investigated the circumstances surrounding the death of V.H.-D., and in so doing reviewed DM1's business records, including the personnel file for Ms. Murat. APD claims that DM1 failed to maintain written evidence of Ms. Murat's qualifications as required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 65G-2.012(5)(b)(1978). This rule was substantially amended in 2014, however, and the recordkeeping requirement was repealed, effective July 1, 2014. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 65G- 2.012 (2014). There is no persuasive evidence in this record to support a finding that DM1 failed to comply with the former version of rule 65G-2.012 while it was in effect.4/ It is undisputed that DM1 did not terminate Ms. Murat's employment, or otherwise discipline her, as a result of V.H.-D.'s death. On January 16, 2015, an APD employee named Sabah Bissainthe made an unscheduled visit to the Home to conduct an inspection. Upon her arrival, she encountered Sinclair Concin, who worked for DM1. Mr. Concin, who was not expecting visitors, called Mrs. Naomi Madistin for guidance when he realized that Ms. Bissainthe was a state employee performing official business. Mr. Concin put Ms. Bissainthe on the phone with Mrs. Madistin, and the two made arrangements for Mrs. Madistin to meet Ms. Bissainthe at the Home as soon as Mrs. Madistin could get there, which she did within an hour. Mrs. Madistin cooperated fully with Ms. Bissainthe. Ms. Bissainthe was not refused entry to the Home or forbidden from inspecting any part of the facility, contrary to APD's allegations. Mr. Concin's primary language is Creole, which Ms. Bissainthe does not speak. APD alleged that Mr. Concin does not speak English, but the evidence fails to prove that charge, which would not, at any rate, be a disciplinable offense, without more. APD further asserted that Mr. Concin is unable to communicate effectively because he did not converse in English with Ms. Bissainthe. The evidence shows, however, that Mr. Concin and Ms. Bissainthe did communicate effectively, notwithstanding that each spoke a different primary language, because Mr. Concin proved capable, in fact, of accomplishing the task when the circumstances required that he accommodate an APD investigator who had appeared unannounced at the doorstep of the Home. On February 18, 2015, an investigator from the Attorney General's office, Paul Valerio, paid an unannounced visit to the Home in connection with a matter unrelated to V.H.-D.'s death. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Madistin was on-site at the time, so Mr. Valerio called Mr. Madistin to let him know that an official investigation was under way. The two men agreed that Mr. Valerio would meet with Mrs. Madistin at the Home the next day, and that meeting took place as planned. Mrs. Madistin fully cooperated with Mr. Valerio, who completed his investigation without difficulty. The evidence does not establish that Mr. or Mrs. Madistin was unavailable or uncooperative, as APD charged. Ultimate Factual Determinations Neither Ms. Murat nor Ms. Cadet abused, neglected, exploited, or harmed V.H.-D., who received prompt and appropriate medical treatment on the day he died. Moreover, Ms. Murat and Ms. Cadet were mentally competent to perform their duties as direct service providers. The evidence, therefore, does not establish the violations of sections 393.13(3)(a), 393.13(3)(g), and 393.13(4)(c), Florida Statutes; and Florida Administrative Code Rules 65G-2.008(1)(h) and 65G-2.009(1)(d) set forth in Count I of the Administrative Complaint. The evidence failed to establish that Ms. Murat and Ms. Cadet, or either of them, were (i) incapable of demonstrating effective communication or (ii) not mentally competent to perform their jobs as direct service providers. Thus, the violations of rules 65G-2.008(1)(g) and 65G- 2.008(1)(h) alleged in Count II were not proved. The charges brought in Count III of the Administrative Complaint are duplicative of the charges set forth in Count I and fail for the same reasons of fact. The charges in Count IV are based on allegations that DM1 failed to maintain adequate personnel records for Ms. Murat, in violation of outdated provisions Florida Administrative Code Rule 65G-2.012(5)(1978), which expired on July 1, 2014, when a new version of the rule took effect. The evidence failed to show that DM1 violated the former rule at any time during its existence. The charges brought in Count V of the Administrative Complaint are duplicative of the charges set forth in Count II and fail for the same reasons of fact. The allegations of Count VI largely overlap those of Counts I and III, with the additional allegation that DM1 failed to fire Ms. Murat or suspend her employment. While it is true that Ms. Murat was not punished as a result of V.H.-D.'s death, DM1's decision not to take such action does not constitute a disciplinable offense, and the remaining allegations of Count VI fail for the same reasons of fact that doom the charges set forth in Count I. The charges in Count VII are based on allegations that Sinclair Concin (i) was unable to communicate effectively with Sabah Bissainthe and (ii) refused to allow Ms. Bissainthe to enter the Home to conduct an investigation, thereby putting DM1 in violation of rules 65G-2.008(1)(g), 65G-2.008(1)(h), and 65G- 2.0032(3). The evidence showed, however, that Mr. Concin did communicate effectively with Ms. Bissainthe, and that he let her into the Home. Therefore, the charges were not proved. In Count VIII, APD charged DM1 with failure to have a facility operator (manager) on-site or on call at all times, in violation of rule 65G-2.012(1)(a). This charge was based on the allegation that when investigator Paul Valerio arrived at the Home for an unscheduled visit, neither Mr. Madistin nor his wife was in the residence. Mr. Valerio was able immediately to reach Mr. Madistin by phone, however, and make plans to meet with Mrs. Madistin the following day. Thus, the charge set forth in Count VIII was not proved.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Persons with Disabilities enter a final order finding that Daniel Madistin LLC #1 is not guilty of the offenses charged in the Amended Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of November, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of November, 2015.

Florida Laws (3) 120.569393.067393.13
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