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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 01, 2007 Number: 07-002467 Latest Update: Sep. 05, 2008

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the application filed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for abandonment of a segment of Mission Road, from the Ocala Drive intersection to a point east of Yonview Drive, should be granted; and, if so, what conditions should be placed on the abandonment.

Findings Of Fact Proposed Abandonment and Vicinity The eastern terminus of Mission Road is at Ocala Road. At one time, Mission Road intersected Ocala Road and extended farther east along the alignment of Tennessee Street. However, when Tennessee Street was extended farther west, the intersection of Tennessee Street and Ocala Road was moved slightly south of the juncture of Ocala Road and Mission Road. Now at the junction of those roads, Mission Road is designed to have only a right turn in from Ocala Road southbound, and a right turn out from Mission Road onto Ocala Road, headed south. Mission San Luis (Mission) is bisected by Mission Road near its eastern terminus at Ocala Road. While the Mission is accessible from Mission Road, its main entrance is on Tennessee Street just west of Ocala Road. The Mission has administrative offices and an archeological laboratory on the south side of Mission Road, while the re-created Mission and Apalachee Village, along with most of the archeological remains, and visitor parking, are on the north side of Mission Road. Yonview Drive joins Mission Road from the south. The juncture of those two roads marks the western terminus of the part of Mission Road that is the subject of the application for abandonment; Ocala Road marks the eastern terminus of the proposed abandonment. All of the land on either side of this part of Mission Road is owned by the State and is part of the Mission. Proceeding west from Yonview, the Mission is on the northeast side of Mission Road, which provides access to the current parking lot for the Mission and the current visitor center, which is an adaptive use of a house built in 1938. Along that stretch of Mission Road, The Timbers condominium development is on the southwest side of Mission Road. Just west of the Mission property, San Luis Road intersects Mission Road. To the north of Mission Road, San Luis is a public road that proceeds north, past Leon County's San Luis Park (which is on the east side of the road), and residential neighborhoods to the west side, to where San Luis Road intersects Tharpe Street. To the south of Mission Road, aligned with San Luis Road, is an entrance to The Timbers. Sometimes referred to as an extension of San Luis Road, the roadway within The Timbers actually is private and serves as access to The Timbers condominium units; it continues through The Timbers and continues between other properties to the development's other entrance on White Drive. As Mission Road proceeds west from San Luis Road, the rest of The Timbers is on its south side; on its north side, Solana Drive joins it from the residential neighborhood to the north. Solana Drive is a short street between San Luis Road and Mission Road. The northern terminus of Solana Drive is near the southern end of the County Park. Petitioners and Their Interests Petitioners are The Timbers Homeowners’ Association, Inc. ("HOA"), and Brian Moran and Christy Baldwin, individually. The individual Petitioners each own one or more units within The Timbers. Ms. Baldwin has resided there for nearly ten years. The HOA is charged with representing the interests of the owners and residents of The Timbers. It owns and has responsibility for the repair, maintenance, and improvement of the common areas within the development. Mr. Moran and Ms. Baldwin are officers of the HOA. The Timbers is a 223-unit condominium community that fronts, along its entire length, the south side of Mission Road between White Drive and Yonview Drive. A portion of this frontage is located directly across Mission Road from what is now Mission San Luis. The private road within The Timbers between Mission Road and White Drive is how The Timbers connects to the public road system. As it fronts Mission Road, The Timbers is a pleasant, wooded community of multiple condominium structures, each of which fronts on a side street connected to its private "San Luis Road." The Timbers is conveniently located for easy access to Florida State University, Florida A&M University, and other points to the south or east of The Timbers (including downtown Tallahassee). A significant number of residents of The Timbers use Mission Road by turning right onto Mission Road, which takes them to a right turn onto Ocala Road, with no stop sign, stop light, or significant intersection in between. From there, they can go straight south on Ocala Road or turn east or west on Tennessee Street. If the abandonment application is granted, that route would be eliminated, and there would be two remaining ways to leave The Timbers--via the White Drive exit, or by making two left turns, one onto Mission Road and the second, after a stop sign, onto White Drive. Meanwhile, drivers traveling east (toward town) on Mission Road from virtually all points west of The Timbers (and thus west of White Drive) on Mission Road, would take a right curve onto White Drive from Mission Road but they would do so with the right-of-way or, if signalized, a traffic light timed to give them a “longer green” preference. Those Timbers residents, owners, and visitors exiting at White Drive would have to negotiate their left turn without the right-of-way and against whatever increased traffic might be introduced onto White Drive if Mission Road were closed. From there, depending on the ultimate destination, traffic could either go straight on White Drive towards Pensacola Street or turn left onto Tennessee Street to reach the Tennessee Street/Ocala Road intersection. The intersection at White Drive and Tennessee Street is signalized but is not consistent with current design standards in that it has an offset center line. According to the planned unit development documents for The Timbers, the White Drive entrance was supposed to be the main entrance to the development. However, the Mission Road entrance has come to function more like the actual “main” and is more attractive aesthetically. Petitioners have spent significant effort and money in beautifying and otherwise maintaining its private extension of San Luis Road through curbing, landscaping, signage, etc. The part of the road that joins The Timbers to White Drive is not as well constructed and is not bounded by The Timbers but rather by other properties. It also is where the garbage dumpsters for the development are located. (On the other hand, the mailboxes for the development also are located off that part of the private road.) The closure of Mission Road probably will shift some internal Timbers traffic from the Mission Road entrance to the White Drive entrance. It also is possible that some external traffic coming south on San Luis Road might use the private extension of the road within The Timbers as a "short-cut" to White Drive. However, the road through the Timbers may not prove to be a desirable "short-cut" because it is a lower-quality road, has potholes, and is not designed for through-traffic but rather as a feeder road for the parking areas of the development. There are three stop signs; the turns are tight; and cars sometimes are parked along the side of the road. As a result, "friction" would slow through-traffic and discourage use of the road as a cut- through. The design of San Luis Road also makes it less likely that The Timbers would be used as a short-cut to White Drive. There is a hard right turn in the road signed for 15 miles per hour that people tend to avoid by turning onto right onto Solana Drive. Many residents walk within The Timbers, including to the mailboxes, to the tennis courts, and to the dumpsters, or to walk their dogs (perhaps in the green space created by an abandoned railroad right-of-way in the vicinity) on the western side of The Timbers. If traffic increases on that side of the private extension of San Luis Road, both the safety and the subjective experience of those pedestrians would be adversely affected to some extent. However, those effects are speculative. A resident-controlled gate system for the Mission Road entrance to prevent cut-through traffic likely would cost The Timbers HOA in the neighborhood of $15,000. Associated costs for telephone connections to each of the units, electrical service, and maintenance would likely range from $75 to $80 per residential unit per year. But such a gate is not desired by Petitioners as it would constitute a significant inconvenience for Petitioners and others who reside in or visit The Timbers. Should the Timbers elect to install sidewalks along its San Luis Road to accommodate increased or shifted traffic within The Timbers, the costs associated with that could reasonably exceed $110,000, including engineering, permitting, utilities, and remediation. The owners of units within The Timbers would ultimately bear the costs of any needed improvements or additional maintenance that would result from a closure of Mission Road. However, it is speculative whether such measures will be needed or actually undertaken. It is possible that the owners of units in The Timbers might suffer some diminution in property value as a result of the proposed abandonment. According to a property appraiser, Richard Boutin, there will be diminution in value of approximately one percent of the value of units, which ranges between $120,000 and $150,000, that would materialize over time, taking two-to-five years to occur. Whether such a diminution in value actually will occur is uncertain. As described above, due to the location of The Timbers, the proposed abandonment will adversely affect Petitioners more than it will adversely affect most of the rest of the general public. Most of the greater adverse effects on Petitioners will be similar in kind to the adverse effects on most of the general public. At least one of the greater effects on Petitioners also is different in kind -- namely, some drivers probably will use Petitioners' private road as a cut-through. See Findings 9-10, supra. Standards for Abandonment Applications A guiding principle for all City Commission action is to act in the public interest. The City Commission must act in the public interest, whether stated in a regulation or not, including when acting on an application for abandonment of right- of-way. City Commission Policy 410 has been used as a guide for reviewing abandonment applications. Policy 410 provides: The City of Tallahassee will not consider any application for right-of-way abandonment, if the subject right-of-way is currently being used by the City, or if the City has any plans to use the right-of-way at some point in the future. Abandonment of a right-of-way must be demonstrated to be in the best interest of the general public. Neither abandonment of a right-of-way solely for the purpose of placing it on the tax rolls in its current state, nor abandonment of a right-of-way solely to benefit an abutting property owner, is considered to be sufficient to meet the test of "in the public’s best interest". Abandonment of right-of-way automatically reverts only to abutting property owners with one-half of the right-of-way going to each owner by operation of law upon adoption of a City ordinance. Provide applicant with a Quit [sic] Deed for recording, if the right-of-way is abandoned. Unlike ordinances, policies can be waived. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of the Policy, the evidence was clear that the City abandons right-of-way that is in use, either explicitly or implicitly waiving paragraph 1. Over 90 percent of the abandonment applications processed by the City have been for rights-of-way that are currently being used, including some that were being used heavily. The actual standards for determining whether to abandon a road have been found in the other parts of Policy 410, especially in paragraph 2. Although Policy 410 had a sunset date of March 25, 1997, it has not been replaced, and the Planning Department continued to use it as a guide for review of abandonment applications. On February 23, 2005, the City Commission reviewed proposals from the Planning Department for modifications to the City’s abandonment policies, procedures, and fee requirements. The proposed modifications included revised procedures, added definitions, and added the following specific review criteria: The approval of the application shall not create any safety or public health hazard, including any environmental health hazard; The approval of the application shall not result in the preclusion of right-of-way or fee simple access to any existing parcel/lot of record; The approval of the application shall not result in the preclusion of access to any publicly-maintained facility or infrastructure; The approval of the application shall not create any condition inconsistent with the Tallahassee-Leon County Comprehensive Plan, including the Long Range Transportation Plan included therein; The approval of the application would not eliminate or preclude a street or bicycle/pedestrian interconnection that the City Commission intends to retain; The approval should not adversely affect service access required for any official public safety, utility service, waste collection service provider; the United States Postal Service; Leon County Schools (school buses); or TalTran. On February 23, 2005, the City Commission approved the modifications and approved the Planning Department's recommendation to repeal Policy 410 since the modification would be more definitive. The City Commission approved the Planning Department’s recommendations, and directed staff to draft an ordinance incorporating the proposed modifications to the abandonment policies, procedures, and fee requirements and to bring the ordinance back before the Commission for adoption. As of this date, due to staffing constraints, the Planning Department has not taken an ordinance back to the City Commission for review and action. Conditions of Abandonment The City's Planning Department has placed several conditions on the proposed abandonment to address issues raised by the reviewing departments during the processing of abandonment applications. Placing conditions on abandonment of right-of-way is authorized and common. A standard condition for abandonment is that easements be retained by the City for any utilities. It also is standard to require the maintenance of adequate emergency access for the fire and police departments. Also standard, a vehicular turn- around will have to be constructed at the new eastern terminus of Mission Road. To connect with other bicycle-pedestrian trails in the area and enhance these modes of transportation and the City's Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan, the Planning Department recommends that a bicycle/pedestrian easement around the perimeter of the Mission be dedicated to the public as a condition of the abandonment. Finally, the Planning Department recommends that the proposed abandonment be conditioned on payment by the State for signalization at the Mission Road and White Drive intersection if, within 12 months of the abandonment, traffic increases to a point where signalization there is warranted. In testimony, the Executive Director of the Mission, Dr. Bonnie McEwan, supported the idea of a bicycle/pedestrian easement for the City, and DEP did not oppose either the standard or recommended conditions of abandonment. Effects of New Mission Visitor Center on Pedestrian Safety The building that currently functions as a Visitor Center for the Mission is an adaptive use of a 1938 house. Limited restrooms are in a separate building next to the house. Currently, due to the lack of accommodations, frequent requests to hold major events, weddings, receptions, and special functions must be denied. Currently, Mission staff must cross Mission Road between their offices and the public northern section. Staff crossings are a cause for concern because of the limited sight- line distance around the curve in Mission Road to the west. They are warned regularly to use caution, but no other measures to protect staff have been implemented or requested to date. Currently, visitors to the Mission drive to the public parking area on the northern portion of the site. Visitors then remain on the north side of Mission Road until they return to their vehicles to leave. In 2006, the Florida legislature appropriated funds to build a new Visitor Center at the Mission. This Center will be in excess of 20,000 square feet and will include public classrooms, a place to show orientation films, exhibits, 20 public toilets, and a meeting room accommodating 250 people. The new Visitor Center will be a vast improvement over the current facility. The evidence was that the best location for the new Visitor Center is on the western portion of the Mission property south of Mission Road. The site was selected because it is relatively flat and because the relatively few archaeological remains there have been mitigated. The plans are to have people enter the Mission using the driveway entrance on Tennessee Street, park around the new Visitor Center, proceed through the Visitor Center for their orientation, and then walk to the main area of the park, where the re-created Fort, Mission, Apalachee Village, and rich archeological sites are located. If Mission Road is not abandoned, the visitors would be crossing just east and quite close to a sharp curve in the relatively narrow, canopy-like road, which has deep-cut banks. Petitioners suggest that the new Visitor Center could be put on the northern part of the site. Indeed, before the State acquired the land on the south side of Mission Road where it now intends to build the new Visitor Center, the State was planning to build it on the north side of the road. However, the evidence was that the recently acquired site on the south side of the road is better suited and would be a much greater benefit to the general public. In any event, the evidence was that the State is going forward with its plans for the new Visitor Center and already has proceeded with obtaining environmental and building permits for construction on the preferred site. A conservative count of on-site visitation at the Mission last year was 30,239. There are activities year-round, including costume interpretation, a living history program, special events, and camps, including every teacher planning day and break. Most of the Mission programming is geared towards children, and approximately ninety percent of the visitors are children. The State hopes and expects that visitors to the Mission will increase dramatically with construction of the new Visitor Center. The State continues to expect that a high percentage of these visitors will be children. The application for abandonment is based on the reasonable prospect of increased future use of the facility. The application for abandonment seeks to protect the expected increased number of visitors, including many groups of children, and staff from the danger of having to cross back and forth across Mission Road. Pedestrian safety in connection with the use of the planned Mission facilities is a clear benefit to the general public. The abandonment application also would enable the State to optimize the functioning of the Mission, which also benefits the general public. Negative Effects of Abandonment At the same time, granting the application for abandonment would cost the general public in other ways, which the Petitioners point out. The segment of Mission Road proposed to be abandoned has a "canopy-road-like feel" (although it is not officially designated as a canopy road). The public no longer would be able to experience driving on it. A traffic study done by Wilson Miller on behalf of the State confirmed that traffic on the segment of Mission Road in question is relatively light. Traffic count data from 2008 showed that the annual average daily traffic ("AADT") was 1,500 vehicles a day, including both directions. Approximately 57 percent of the 1,500 cars move in an easterly direction. By comparison, the AADT for other area roads in the vicinity is significantly higher: 9,000 vehicles for White Drive; 34,000 for Ocala Road; and 42,500 for Tennessee Street. Mission Road is classified as a minor collector road. The capacity of a minor collector is between 13,000 and 14,000 AADT. The AADT established by the Wilson Miller study is only about 10% of the road's capacity, which is very light for a minor collector road. If the application for abandonment is granted, traffic will shift to other roads. However, the Wilson Miller study was not an origin and destination study and was not sufficient to determine with any precision how the traffic would shift. For that reason, Petitioners' attempt to use the traffic study to identify and quantify the costs associated with such travel shifts was not convincing. Some increase in traffic on other area roads will occur, but it is speculative based on this record where the increases might occur, how large they will be, and whether they will result in the need for taxpayer-funded road and traffic construction. Petitioners contend that the proposed abandonment will shift some eastbound traffic on Mission Road to White Drive. If it does, White Drive is a major collector with recent improvements and excess capacity. Any additional traffic on White Drive would not be significant from a traffic planning standpoint. It might make the road network more efficient overall (even though certain trips may become less efficient). It is possible that the re-routing of traffic from the Mission Road and Ocala Road intersection may be significant enough to warrant a traffic signal at White Drive and Mission Road. For this reason, the City staff recommends, as a condition for abandonment, that the State pay for signalization at that intersection if the need arises within a 12-month period after the abandonment. Based on the evidence, it should not be anticipated that other road and traffic improvements will be necessary as a result of the abandonment, except perhaps reversal of the stop condition at Mission Road and San Luis Road and possibly a turn lane on Solana Drive at its Mission Road junction. Petitioners also contend that the value of the 1.34 acres of road right-of-way to be abandoned is a cost to the general public that should be considered. The appraised value of the 1.34 acres was $240,000, using an "across the fence" appraisal methodology and assuming high-density residential property "across the fence" even though the property on either side of the proposed abandonment would be park land, and the transfer of use from road to park would be from one public purpose to another public purpose. In any event, the City cannot legally "charge" for abandoning right-of-way, and the value of abandoned right-of-way is never a consideration in the City's review of an abandonment application. See Conclusion 77, infra. Petitioners also contend that the proposed abandonment will have the negative effect of hampering emergency response in the area. Any road closure could result in a longer emergency response time by a matter of minutes in a particular circumstance and, depending on the emergency, it is possible that a delay of mere minutes could be significant and even mean the difference between life and death. But the evidence was clear that, from any reasonable planning perspective, the proposed abandonment would not present significant difficulties to fire, hazardous material, or police responders, assuming that maintaining adequate emergency access into the Mission itself is made a condition of the abandonment. Geographic areas are assigned to Fire Department stations for primary response. The response routes of drivers are not assigned, but are instead discretionary on the part of the driver based on the time of day, traffic patterns, nature of the road, and possible school zones. The primary station is called as the First Due, with the secondary being Second Due, and so forth. Station 4, located at the corner of Pensacola Street and Appleyard Drive, is the First Due Station, or engine company, for the area of the proposed abandonment, including The Timbers. The typical route for Station 4 would be to travel from its location at Appleyard Drive and proceed to Tennessee Street, turn right and proceed east to White Drive, then turn left and proceed north to Mission Road. This route would not be affected by the proposed abandonment. The Second Due Station for this area is the Main Fire Station located at 327 North Adams Street. The probable emergency response route for a fire truck coming from this Station would be to travel west on Tennessee Street, go through the Ocala Road intersection with Tennessee Street, turn right and proceed north on White Drive, and turn right and proceed east on Mission Road. The alterative route of proceeding north on Ocala Road at the Tennessee Street intersection and turning left onto Mission Road would be extremely difficult to navigate for a large fire truck, particularly in light of traffic, and typically would not be the preferred route. The typical route from the Second Due station is not affected by the proposed abandonment. The Third Due station for this area is Station 8, which is located on Hartsfield Road. This Station is situated to the west of the Timbers and the Mission. A typical route from this Station to the Timbers would be to drive east on Hartsfield Drive and take one of several southerly connections to Mission Road, and then drive east on Mission Road to access The Timbers or the Mission. Another consideration for Fire Department emergency access is the specialized functions of certain stations in two areas--Urban Search and Rescue, and the Hazardous Material Response. The Urban Search and Rescue team provides specialized services including searching through collapsed buildings and piles of debris. The primary station response for Urban Search and Rescue is Station 4, and its access is unaffected by the abandonment. The primary Hazardous Material Response team is Station 2, located on Sharer Road. There is a secondary specialized station for hazardous materials response, Station 3, which is located on South Monroe Street at Paul Russell Road. In addition, all of the stations have some ability to provide hazardous materials response. Currently, a possible route from Station 2 to the Timbers eventually would take Ocala Road to Mission Road. However, this route is only available for single engine fire trucks. Due to the nature of the equipment it uses, the hazardous materials team may instead proceed along Interstate 10 to Capital Circle and head back east to the area. During a response to an incident, this specialized team would be driving en route, meaning with traffic and not in emergency mode, and the First Due station would already have sent a truck to the site along a route unaffected by the proposed abandonment. As for the Police Department, the main type of call from The Timbers has been for public disturbances, which are frequently related to parties and generally not emergencies. In the three years of calls, only one call received could be considered an emergency response, which was for a young lady who had erratic breathing after passing out from drinking too much alcohol. In contrast to the Fire Department, police patrol cars have no fixed locations but rather are constantly on patrol. Dispatch for police prioritizes current needs and locations of vehicles. The Police Department has a number of methods it can use to access an area in case of an emergency. In addition to the standard method of reaching an area by car, potential options to reach an area include by foot, bike, and helicopter. Even deployment of an armored car/tank type vehicle would be possible if the situation warranted it. If the abandonment occurs, there will be three main routes to access the area, including San Luis Road, White Drive, and Mission Road from the west. With the two entrances to The Timbers, these routes provide at least five different ways to access The Timbers. Some locations in the City, such as cul-de- sacs, have only one access route. The various approaches to the area in question provide more than sufficient access. The proposed abandonment would result in the elimination of a less-than-ideal intersection at Mission Road and Ocala Road. Resulting from the extension of Tennessee Street to the west of Ocala Road, the intersection at Mission Road and Ocala Road does not meet current design standards because it is too close to Tennessee Street. It is not unusual for cars turning right from Mission Road onto Ocala Road to cross two or three lanes within a very short distance in order to turn left onto Tennessee Street. This maneuver is dangerous and illegal. Of six accidents at the intersection over four years, five involved oncoming traffic striking a vehicle turning onto Ocala Road from Mission Road. In a three-month period in 2006 alone, there were three such collisions. One reason there are not more similar accidents appears to be that the danger is so obvious that most drivers--both those attempting the maneuver and those driving south on Ocala Road--use caution. In addition, many of the local residents have become quite skilled at negotiating the intersection. Another illegal maneuver at this less-than-ideal intersection is sometimes used by cars heading north on Ocala Road and crossing Tennessee Street. Since it is not possible to make a legal turn left onto Mission Road, some turn left into a business parking lot on the northwest corner of Tennessee Street and Ocala Road, drive through the business parking lot, and then turn left onto Mission Road. Petitioners contend that the proposed abandonment will shift traffic from the Mission Road/Ocala Road intersection to the White Drive/Tennessee Street intersection, which also is inconsistent with design standards due the centerline offset, making the left turn onto Tennessee Street from White Drive potentially dangerous. However, whether and how much traffic would be shifted to that intersection was not proven. In addition, most of the traffic experts who testified were more concerned about the dangers inherent in the Mission Road/Ocala Road intersection and thought elimination of the Mission Road/Ocala Road intersection would make the Ocala Road/Tennessee Street intersection more efficient. Comprehensive Plan The evidence was that, with the conditions recommended by the City's Planning Department, the proposed abandonment does not create any condition that is inconsistent with the Tallahassee-Leon County Comprehensive Plan, including the Long- Range Transportation Plan. Goal 2 of the Historic Preservation Element of the Comprehensive Plan is to “[e]nsure that all municipal and county actions encourage and promote the preservation of this community’s historic resources.” Closing the proposed portion of Mission Road will serve Goal 2 by supporting and satisfying Policy 2.1.3 (mitigate the impact of development on historic resources), Policy 2.1.5 (property listed in the Florida Master Site File), and Objective 2.4 (develop a land conservation program to protect historic resources). The proposed abandonment also is consistent with other parts of Goal 2, namely: Objective 2.5 (establish a program to protect significant archaeological resources); Policy 2.5.1 (mitigation of adverse impacts to significant sites); Policy 2.5.2 (archaeological sites to be filed with Florida Master Site File and Archaeological Sensitivity Zone Maps of Leon County); Objective 3.2 (provide for the interpretation of local government-owned historic resources in parks and other public lands); Policy 3.2.1 (support and encourage local projects involving walking, bicycling and driving tours through historic areas); and Policy 3.2.2 (include the existence of historic resources as a criterion in the acquisition of public parks). The recommended bicycle/pedestrian path easement condition is consistent with Goal 6 of the Conservation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, which encourages the City/County to "implement a county-wide greenways network . . . to provide for . . . educational and historical interpretive opportunities and increased opportunities for alternative modes of transportation." Goal 6 of the Conservation Element of the Plan and supporting Policies 6.1.1 through 6.1.4 were the origin of the Tallahassee-Leon County Greenways Master Plan. The intent was to link historic and natural resources throughout the community, linking them to residential, work, and business areas. The bicycle/pedestrian easement link San Luis City Park trails with an existing trail at the intersection of Tennessee and Ocala. The proposed abandonment is consistent with the Parks and Recreation Element of the Comprehensive Plan in that state facilities may be included to meet state-required levels of service. Parks are essential to a sustainable community. The Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan has the general goal of protecting natural and aesthetic environments and residential areas. One way to protect residential areas is not to route collector roadways through them. Everything adjoining the western boundary of the Mission is classified as Residential Preservation. Closing Mission Road will force traffic away from this area and protect 18 homes on San Luis Road from cut-through traffic. The Planning Department would downgrade area street classifications to "local streets" to reflect their true use and provide better neighborhood protection. Studies performed by the Planning Department resulted in a multi-modal transportation district and a greenways master plan. The City operates under the Tallahassee/Leon County Multimodal Transportation District Plan. That Plan focuses on bike paths, mass transit, and sidewalks to facilitate greater mobility with fewer roads. Service levels for bicycle paths in the San Luis area are close to critical. The bicycle/pedestrian easement will provide greater connectivity, thereby improving service levels. Many students reside in the vicinity of the proposed road closure and provision of a bike path connecting the areas north of Mission Road with the Ocala Trail south of Tennessee Street would attract more bicycle traffic in the hopes of changing the mode of transportation for college students. The City has a Tallahassee-Leon County Greenways Master Plan (Greenways Plan). The abandonment application provides an opportunity under the Greenways Plan. The bicycle/pedestrian easement will connect an existing trail at the intersection of Tennessee Street and Ocala Road to San Luis City Park. This is consistent with the Greenways Plan. The City has adopted the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (Bike/ped Plan). The purpose of the Bike/ped Plan is to facilitate greater awareness of bike and pedestrian facilities and to promote construction of new facilities. The bicycle/pedestrian easement would provide greater accessibility to existing amenities and infrastructure and meet the intent of the Bike/ped Plan. Petitioners argued that there already exists a better connection between the existing trail at the intersection of Tennessee Street and Ocala Road to San Luis City Park via Ocala Road and Continental Avenue. However, the evidence did not prove that the existing route would be safer or better than the connection that would become available as a result of the bicycle/pedestrian easement condition on the proposed abandonment. Even if it would be, an additional route and connection still would serve a public benefit. Petitioners also pointed out that State could dedicate an easement through its property for purposes of a bicycle/pedestrian connection without applying for abandonment of right-of-way and that the City never asked for such a dedication before the State applied for application of the right-of-way. But it is typical to consider such matters in the context of an application for abandonment. Alternatives to Abandonment Petitioners concede that pedestrian safety at the Mission San Luis "would be rendered perfect if the road were abandoned, closed, and eliminated." However, they contend that other steps could be taken to protect the pedestrians as well or better without abandoning the road. First, Petitioners suggest the alternative of a pedestrian crossing with a pedestrian-controlled stop light and advance warning flashers. This suggestion was supported by the testimony of Petitioners' traffic expert, Wayne Coloney. But he assumed there would be 360 feet between the pedestrian crossing and the curve in Mission Road. Actually, the pedestrian crossing would be only approximately 210 feet from the curve, which is less than the 330 feet that Mr. Coloney considered to be safe. The other traffic experts also believed that it would be unsafe to design a pedestrian-crossing that close to the curve, even with advance warning flashers--a design that works best on straight roads with long sight-line distances, such as Meridian Road. Next, Petitioners suggest the construction of an overpass. This would be a more expensive proposition. It would require the construction of ramps, stairs, and elevators to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. In addition, to be effective in protecting pedestrians, fencing would have to be installed for a considerable distance on both sides of the road to discourage pedestrians from crossing the road instead of using the overpass. According to Mr. Coloney, all of this would cost between $300,000 and $390,000 to install and between $20,000 and $30,000 to maintain. Both the overpass and the fencing would be at odds with the environment the State would be trying to re- create and maintain on the Mission property. Petitioners also suggest digging a tunnel under the road, which would be less obvious than an overpass. However, this also would require fencing to be effective and would be the most expensive of the suggested alternatives--costing between $450,000 and $690,000 to install. In addition, it would require digging a tunnel through artifact-rich earth, which would be contrary to the a primary purpose of Mission San Luis. Application of Findings to Standards Paragraph 2 of Policy 410 requires a demonstration that an abandonment of right-of-way is "in the best interests of the general public." It is clear that the proposed abandonment is not in any private interest since the abandonment is to the State for incorporation in its Mission San Luis, a public facility. The abandonment is not for the sole purpose of placing property on the tax rolls, or for the benefit an abutting private property owner. It is to benefit the public. It also is primarily to protect the safety of pedestrians working at and visiting the facility, including many school children. For these reasons, the abandonment clearly is in the public interest, as opposed to any private interest. Whether it is in the best interest of the general public is a more difficult judgment to make. But, on balance, the abandonment application, with the standard and recommended conditions, probably is in the best interest of the general public. The proposed abandonment also meets the new policy criteria for abandonment of right-of-way. It does not create any safety or public heath hazard, including environmental health hazard. It does not preclude access to any existing parcel or lot of record. It does not preclude access to any publicly- maintained facility or infrastructure. It does not create any condition inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, including the Long-Range Transportation Plan. It does not eliminate or preclude a street or bicycle/pedestrian interconnection that the City Commission intends to retain. It does not adversely affect any required service access for any official service provider.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Commission that DEP's application for abandonment of right- of-way be granted, with the standard and recommended conditions. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of June, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of June, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: Deepika Andavarapu Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Department 300 South Adams Street, Fourth Floor Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1721 William H. Davis, Esquire Dobson, Davis & Smith 610 North Duval Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Jonathan P. Sanford, Esquire Office of the City Attorney 300 South Adams, Box A-5 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Lisa M. Raleigh, Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capitol, Plaza Level 01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399

# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Sep. 10, 2003 Number: 03-003219 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2004

The Issue Whether Respondent violated Section 760.10(1)(a), Florida Statutes, by terminating Petitioner's employment on account of his marital status.

Findings Of Fact Watkins was employed by Greater Bethel, a congregation within the AME (African Methodist Episcopal) Church, from June 2000 through August 8, 2001. Respondent is an employer within the meaning of Chapter 760, Florida Statutes, popularly known as the Florida Civil Rights Act (FCRA). At all times material to this case, Respondent acted through its duly-authorized representative, White, who served as Greater Bethel’s senior minister and chief executive officer. At relevant times, Greater Bethel provided an AIDS outreach ministry. White hired Watkins to direct its AIDS prevention programs, under the direct supervision of Rev. Marilyn Hardy (Hardy). It was also White who eventually fired Watkins. Watkins is gay, and his sexual orientation was known to White at all relevant times. Throughout his decade-plus tenure at Greater Bethel, White had hired other gay individuals, married and single, to work there. In Watkins' view, White hired Watkins for the AIDs prevention position precisely because Watkins was gay (as well as African-American) because, in Watkins’ words, the program ". . . targeted black men who have sex with men. " Yet, Watkins contends, the governing bodies of the AME Church, and individuals who served on them at times relevant to this case, were opposed to allowing practicing homosexuals to serve in positions of spiritual leadership within the Church. It is undisputed that religious organizations have a constitutional right to ordain their clergy without the constraints imposed by anti-discrimination laws applicable to jobs which are performed at the church, but not specifically related to its religious mission. While Watkins continued to work in the AIDS program, and White continued as Greater Bethel's pastor, both men campaigned for election to positions involving spiritual leadership. Soon after Watkins was hired in June 2000, he sought election to the Board of Examiners, which represents the South Florida Conference of the AME Church (the Board). Election to the Board is a prerequisite to becoming ordained as an AME clergyman. For Watkins to be considered for admission to the Board, his application needed to be sponsored by an incumbent board member. Though not required to do so, White, a Board member, supported Watkins' application. Watkins' application was denied by the Board in October 2000. Watkins argued, but did not prove, that his failure to be elected to the Board and ultimately ordained, as well as his employment termination, was related to Watkins' marital status. Watkins claimed that by remaining single, Watkins posed an obstacle to White's prospects of being elected Bishop of Florida. The only competent evidence regarding White's candidacy for Bishop of Florida was provided by White himself, who testified that from November 1996 to November 2000, White offered himself as a candidate for that post. White's candidacy was unsuccessful. Watkins resented the fact he had not been elected to the Board and, therefore, had no chance to be ordained. Watkins was convinced that he was rejected because the then Bishop felt that gays seeking to serve in the AME ministry should at least attempt to cover up their sexual orientation by participating in a sham marriage. Watkins' theory is based entirely upon his own speculation, and is unpersuasive. Watkins admits that White said nothing about Watkins’ marital status, or White's candidacy for Bishop of Florida, until May 2001. This was some five months after White's campaign for Bishop had ended. Watkins fell far short of proving he was fired on account of his marital status. It appears instead, that he fell out of favor with his boss, White, months after he was hired and months after White's campaign for Bishop had ended when in May 2001, he launched a protest of AME's failure to elect him to the Board. Watkins wanted White's support on this issue and was upset that it was not forthcoming. White, for his part, was upset that Watkins wanted to challenge the Board with regard to what Watkins perceived to be the former Bishop’s bias against gays in the ministry. Relations between Watkins and White deteriorated from May 2001 to August 2001, when White fired Watkins and demoted Hardy to perform White's job duties.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the FCHR enter a final order which DENIES Petitioner's Charge of Discrimination and dismisses his complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of February, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S FLORENCE SNYDER RIVAS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of February, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 David H. Nevel, Esquire Nevel & Greenfield, P.A. 11900 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 806 North Miami, Florida 33181 Robert L. Norton, Esquire Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A 121 Majorca, Suite 300 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57760.10
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jul. 06, 2011 Number: 11-003341 Latest Update: Jan. 03, 2012

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Southern Baptist Hospital of Florida, Inc., d/b/a Baptist Medical Center should be reimbursed by AIG for medical services rendered in accordance with the proposed agency action by the Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers' Compensation, Office of Medical Services issued on April 22, 2011.

Findings Of Fact Based on the Petition and assertions by the parties to which no disagreement exists, the following Findings of Fact are made: Baptist Medical Center filed a Petition for Resolution of Reimbursement Dispute (Petition for Resolution) with the Department. Baptist Medical Center was the Petitioner, and AIG was the respondent. On April 22, 2011, the Department issued its decision in favor of Baptist Medical Center. Contained in its decision, among other things, the Department notified all affected persons, including AIG and AIG's servicing agent, Specialty Risk Services, Inc. (SRS), that any petition for hearing was required to be filed within 21 days from their receipt of the decision and that failure to do so would constitute a waiver of the right to a hearing regarding the Department's decision. Both AIG and SRS received their respective copy of the Department's decision on April 25, 2011. A petition for hearing was required to be filed with the Department on or before May 16, 2011. SRS forwarded a petition for administrative hearing to the Department's Clerk by Federal Express on May 10, 2011. An inference is drawn and a finding of fact is made that SRS' petition for administrative hearing was received by the Department on May 11, 2011. SRS' petition for administrative hearing reflects, among other things, in the style and the allegations, SRS as the Petitioner and SRS as requesting the hearing. Also, in an allegation identifying the Petitioner and the Petitioner's address, SRS includes AIG and Liberty Asset Recovery as Petitioners. Subsequently, AIG was contacted by the Department's counsel on June 16, 2011. The Department's counsel advised AIG that SRS did not have standing to file the petition for administrative hearing; that AIG, instead of SRS, must be named as the Petitioner; and that the 21-day deadline would be extended to allow AIG to file an amended petition for administrative hearing to correct the defect of SRS as the Petitioner. AIG forwarded its Petition to the Department's Clerk by Federal Express on June 20, 2011. An inference is drawn and a finding of fact is made that AIG's Petition was received by the Department's Clerk on June 21, 2011. The Department's Clerk received AIG's Petition more than 21 days from the date that AIG received the Department's decision on the Petition for Resolution. AIG's Petition is untimely.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers' Compensation, Office of Medical Services enter a final order dismissing AIG's Petition for Administrative Hearing. S DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of September, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ERROL H. POWELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of September, 2011.

Florida Laws (4) 120.54120.56120.569120.68
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Nov. 14, 1995 Number: 95-005476CON Latest Update: Jan. 19, 1999
Florida Laws (2) 408.037408.039 Florida Administrative Code (1) 59C-1.008
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Aug. 01, 1996 Number: 96-003586 Latest Update: Jul. 28, 1997

The Issue Whether the respondent committed the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint dated December 19, 1995, and, if so, the penalty which should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: The Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission is the state agency responsible for certifying and revoking the certification of correctional officers. Section 943.12(3), Florida Statutes. Ms. Davis was certified by the Commission on May 18, 1993, and was issued Corrections Certificate Number 137735. She is currently certified as a corrections officer. Incident at the Royal Palm Beach K-Mart. In the Administrative Complaint, the Commission charged that On or about September 16, 1994, the Respondent, Dorothy B. Davis, did knowingly obtain, use, or did endeavor to obtain or to use a bread maker and a breadmixer of the value of $300.00 or more, the property of K-Mart, with the intent to either temporarily or permanently deprive the owner of a right to the property to her own use. On the morning of September 16, 1994, Timothy Meyers, a K-Mart employee of 16 years, was working as manager of the Royal Palm Beach K-Mart. Mr. Meyers observed Ms. Davis in the kitchen appliance aisle of the store with a shopping cart containing a Black and Decker bread maker and a Kitchen Aide mixer. The bread maker was priced at about $160.00 and the mixer at about $200.00. Moments later, Mr. Meyers observed another woman and a man push a shopping cart into the kitchen appliance aisle and, without looking at the various models available, put into their cart the same model Black and Decker bread maker and the same model Kitchen Aide mixer that Ms. Davis had in her cart. Mr. Meyers found it unusual that a shopper would choose these items without looking at the prices or at the other models available because the items were so expensive. Consequently, he followed the couple to the front of the store, where he observed them pay for the two items with cash. Mr. Meyers observed the couple leave the store by the front exit and put the bread maker and the mixer into a blue Ford Bronco. The man handed the woman what appeared to be the sales receipt for the bread maker and the mixer, and he then got into the Bronco and drove to the west side of the shopping center parking lot. Mr. Meyers observed the woman return to the store. She located Ms. Davis and handed her a piece of paper which Mr. Meyers believed was the receipt for the bread maker and the mixer. Mr. Meyers observed Ms. Davis push the cart containing the Black and Decker bread maker and the Kitchen Aide mixer toward the garden center, which is located on the east side of the store and has a separate exit and check-out register. He asked another store employee to follow Ms. Davis, and he went out the front exit to a location where he could observe the garden center exit but could neither see inside the garden center nor be seen by someone inside the store. When Mr. Meyers saw Ms. Davis push the cart containing the bread maker and the mixer through the garden center exit and onto the ramp leading into the parking lot, he stepped out and stopped her. He asked her if she had paid for the items in her cart at the front register, and she said yes and handed him a receipt for items of the same make and model as those she had in her cart. Mr. Meyers looked at the receipt, told Ms. Davis that she had not paid for the items, and told the cashier in the garden center to call the police. At this point, Ms. Davis left the cart on the sidewalk and walked away. Although Mr. Meyers told her to stop, she continued walking until she reached the Taco Bell restaurant located on the east side of the parking lot, about two hundred feet from the K-Mart store, where she waited until the police arrived. The K-Mart cash register detail tapes, which are the records of every transaction at the store, were checked and showed that, on the morning of September 16, 1994, only one Black and Decker bread maker and one Kitchen Aide mixer were sold. The evidence presented is clear and convincing that, on September 16, 1994, Ms. Davis took property belonging to K-Mart out of the store without paying for it. The property was valued at more than $300. These acts fall within the definition of grand theft found in section 812.014(1) and (2)(c)1, Florida Statutes, which constitutes a third degree felony pursuant to section 812.014(2)(c)1. Incidents involving Sandra Carey. In its Administrative Complaint, the Commission alleged that On or about October 18, 1994, Respondent, Dorothy B. Davis, did unlawfully commit a battery upon Sandra Carey, by actually touching or striking her or intentionally causing bodily harm to her against her will. On or about October 26, 1994, Respondent, Dorothy B. Davis, did unlaw- fully commit an assault upon Sandra Carey, by threatening by word or act to do violence to said person, coupled with an apparent ability to do so, and by doing an act which created a well- founded fear in Sandra Carey that said violence was imminent, by swerving toward her with deadly weapon, to wit: a motor vehicle. On or between October 20 and October 26, 1994, Respondent Dorothy B. Davis, did unlawfully commit an assault upon Sandra Carey, by threatening by word or act to do violence to said person, coupled with an apparent ability to do so, and by doing an act which created a well-founded fear in Sandra Carey that said violence was imminent, by throwing at her or in her direction a deadly weapon, to wit: beer bottles. On or between October 20 and October 26, 1994, Respondent Dorothy B. Davis, did knowingly use intimidation or physical force, threats, or attempts thereto, or offered pecuniary benefit or gain to Sandra Carey with intent to influence that person’s testimony or to cause or induce that person to withhold testimony from an official proceeding or be absent from an official proceeding to which such person has been summoned by legal process. On or between October 20 and October 26, 1994, Respondent, Dorothy B. Davis, did unlawfully, with intent to place Sandra Carey in reasonable fear of death or bodily injury, willfully and maliciously, follow or harass said person and make a credible threat, by assaulting her with a motor vehicle, throwing beer bottles at her, and/or making verbal threats of bodily harm, which caused said person substantial emotional distress and served no legitimate purpose. (The allegations in the Administrative Complaint are set out in paragraph form for clarity.) On October 18, 1994, in Belle Glade, Florida, a fight took place in or near a grocery store parking lot in the 400 block of Southwest Avenue B Place between an unidentified man and a woman named Shirkia Webb. Ms. Webb was apparently not the winner of this fight, and the fight apparently ended when Ms. Webb was knocked to the ground. Ms. Davis drove into the parking lot at about the time Ms. Webb was knocked to the ground. She was driving her Ford Bronco, and her children, including her seven- month-old baby, were in the back seat. When Ms. Davis stopped the car and opened the door, Ms. Webb ran over to her and began talking to her. Ms. Davis then left her children in the vehicle and walked into the grocery store, leaving the keys in the ignition. While Ms. Davis was in the grocery store, Ms. Webb got into the Bronco and ran it into the vehicle owned by the unidentified man with whom she had been fighting. This vehicle was apparently parked in the grocery store parking lot at the time. When Ms. Davis came out of the grocery store, a crowd of people had gathered. She saw that her Bronco had been involved in an accident, and she learned that Ms. Webb had been driving the vehicle. She spoke with one of the police officers on the scene and told him that Ms. Webb had stolen her Bronco with her children inside. She later filed grand theft charges against Ms. Webb. Ms. Carey either overheard Ms. Davis telling the police officer that Ms. Webb had stolen her Bronco or someone told Ms. Carey that Ms. Davis had done so. Ms. Carey then went to one of the police officers and told him that Ms. Davis had given Ms. Webb her Bronco knowing that Ms. Webb intended to use it to hit the man’s vehicle. Someone in the crowd told Ms. Davis what Ms. Carey told the police officers. Ms. Davis was upset at the time because her children were in the Bronco when Ms. Webb hit the other vehicle. When she learned that Ms. Carey told the police that she had given Ms. Webb permission to drive the Bronco, she rushed up to Ms. Carey and struck her in the chest, yelling at her to stop telling lies. This incident was observed by several police officers, and Ms. Davis does not deny that she struck Ms. Carey on this occasion. On October 20, 1994, Ms. Davis was driving her Bronco down 5th Street in Belle Glade, and she speeded up when she saw Ms. Carey crossing the street ahead of her. Ms. Carey was carrying her child, whom she had just picked up from the baby sitter, and she hurried across the street because she believed Ms. Davis would hit her if she did not move out of the way of the Bronco. Ms. Carey reported this incident to the police on October 20. In a second incident, Ms. Carey was at the Glades Wash House when Ms. Davis pulled up in her Bronco and told Ms. Carey she was going to “mess her up” for telling the police that she had given Ms. Webb permission to drive her Bronco during the altercation which took place on October Ms. Carey reported this incident to the police on October 21, 1994. On October 26, 1994, Ms. Davis was driving her Bronco on 4th Street in Belle Glade and she swerved toward Ms. Carey as she was walking along the side of the road. Ms. Carey moved out of the way to avoid being hit; Ms. Davis was laughing as she drove past Ms. Carey. Ms. Carey reported this incident to the police on October 26, 1994. Ms. Carey feared that Ms. Davis would hurt her or her baby, and she experienced some emotional distress until after the October 26 incident. After this incident, she did not think about it anymore and went on with her life because she had no further contact or problem with Ms. Davis. The evidence presented is clear and convincing that Ms. Davis struck Ms. Carey in the chest on October 18, 1994. This act falls within the definition of battery found in section 784.03(1), Florida Statutes, which constitutes a first degree misdemeanor pursuant to section 784.03(2). The evidence presented is clear and convincing that Ms. Davis threatened Ms. Carey with bodily harm both by trying to run her down on the street on October 20 and October 26 and by her words at the wash house on October These threats fall within the definition of assault found in section 784.011(1), Florida Statutes, which constitutes a second degree misdemeanor pursuant to section 784.011(2).1

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission, issue a final order finding that Dorothy B. Davis has failed to maintain good moral character and revoking her certification as a corrections officer. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of February, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. PATRICIA HART MALONO Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of February, 1997.

Florida Laws (7) 120.57784.011784.03812.014943.12943.13943.1395 Florida Administrative Code (1) 11B-27.0011
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