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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Aug. 06, 2019 Number: 19-004175TTS Latest Update: Jan. 29, 2020

The Issue The issue is whether just cause exists for Petitioner to suspend Respondent from her teaching position for five days, without pay, based upon Respondent's interactions with students in a photography class she taught during the 2018-2019 school year.

Findings Of Fact The Broward County School Board ("School Board" or the "district"), Petitioner in this case, is the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the Broward County Public School System. At all times relevant to this matter, Respondent Brenda Joyce Fischer ("Fischer"), was employed as an art teacher at Western High School, where she had been assigned since 2009. Fischer first became an employee of the district in 1992. During the 2018-2019 school year, Fischer taught a photography class, which met during first period several days per week. The events at issue occurred in this first-period class in the early months of 2019. The main incident took place on March 1, 2019, and involved a tenth-grade student named M.G., who——as she frequently did——arrived late that day to the 90-minute class, which started at 7:40 a.m. On this particular morning, M.G. walked in no earlier than 8:00 a.m. (her recollection) or as late as 8:20 a.m. (according to Fischer). Whether M.G. was 20 minutes or 40 minutes late, however, is immaterial. The important (and undisputed) fact is that M.G. was quite noticeably tardy, again. Within minutes after her untimely arrival, M.G. showed Fischer a pass, which authorized M.G. to leave class early to attend a school-sponsored function. The student asked the teacher for permission to go. Fischer denied M.G.'s request because M.G. had not completed the day's assignment. At some point, Fischer made the comment that gave rise to this proceeding, namely, that M.G. was operating on "Latin time" despite living in the United States (or words to this effect).1/ Fischer's exact words have been lost to time, but the phrase "Latin time" was among them, and the gist of the remark was to suggest that M.G. was prone to running late, as Latin people are known to do (so the statement would have it). M.G. claims that this remark offended her. After Fischer denied M.G.'s request to leave class for the special function, M.G. protested to Fischer about the perceived slight.2/ The undersigned credits Fischer's testimony that she did not intend to cause offense and, indeed, did not at the time regard the "Latin time" remark as a to-be-taken-seriously commentary on the unpunctuality (as the remark implies) of Latinos and Latinas. Rather, she thought it was a bon mot, something more light hearted or humorous than cutting or disparaging. Of course, as Fischer should have known, remarks of this nature, once commonplace, had by 2019 fallen into disfavor, and a culture of victimhood had arisen, which encouraged people to seek redress even for unintentional, de minimis offenses. Fischer should have known better than to utter a comment that was practically guaranteed to be called out as culturally insensitive, as indeed it is, to some degree. There is no dispute that, despite her lack of bad intent, Fischer was in the wrong. As it happened, though, M.G. was apparently less offended by the implied stereotype of Latin people as being chronically unpunctual, than by the application of the stereotype to a non-Latina such as herself. As M.G. informed Fischer when she complained about the remark, M.G.'s familial roots are in Spain, not Latin America, and thus, she identifies as European (Spanish), not Latin. This can be taken as an objection by M.G., not to the term "Latin time" per se, but to being lumped together with other Spanish speaking peoples, whose shared language, she maintains, should not be assumed to indicate similarities in other respects.3/ The irony is that M.G.'s comment, therefore, was itself offensive, because her statement can reasonably be understood as an assertion that Spaniards, in general, are more punctual than Latinos. The undersigned points this out, not to criticize or discredit M.G., but to illustrate that it is easy for a person innocently to make a statement which can be interpreted by another as offensive, particularly if the listener is primed to take offense. M.G. did not intend to insult Latinos by distinguishing herself from them, but her remark is, actually, somewhat insensitive in its implication, if taken at face value. It is interesting to note, as an aside, that none of the other students took offense at M.G.'s comment. This might, in part, reflect the higher status conferred by victimhood at the hands of a teacher versus those of a student. But more likely, the indifference to M.G.'s seeming acceptance of the cultural stereotype suggests that no one present actually took the "Latin time" remark seriously as a true statement of Fischer's opinion about people of Latin descent. What the students recognized was that Fischer's ill-advised attempt at humor, which was doomed to failure because that joke isn't funny anymore (if it ever was), gave M.G. an opening, and that as soon as M.G. pounced, she had won the victim's unassailable virtue. Fischer responded to M.G.'s objection appropriately, if predictably: she apologized, twice to M.G., and again to other students within earshot of her "Latin time" remark. M.G. rather ungraciously refused to accept Fischer's repeated apologies, accusing Fischer of being insincere about not having meant the remark to be interpreted "that way," i.e., as a mean spirited slur.4/ Not content to let Fischer off the hook, M.G. appealed for help to the school administration, which did not hesitate to oblige. When she turned Fischer in for making the "Latin time" remark, M.G. also reported an unrelated incident involving another student, C.C., whom M.G. felt Fischer had mistreated; his story is told below. The district's disciplinary machine, its fuel having been ignited by the spark of these accusations of prejudice, went to work, leading eventually to this hearing. As regards C.C., the charges against Fischer are founded on allegations that she "yelled" at the student "aggressively" and "inappropriately." By way of background, at the time of his enrollment in Fischer's photography class, C.C. was attending school in the U.S. for the first time, having just recently emigrated from Venezuela. C.C. could not speak English when he arrived in this country. C.C. used his cell phone in class as a translation tool, which everyone agrees is permissible. He also, however, frequently used his phone to communicate with others via text messages, which is generally not allowed, for obvious reasons. In fact, Fischer often observed C.C. surreptitiously texting during class when he should have been paying attention to the lesson or working on an assignment. One morning, Fischer noticed that C.C. was texting instead of editing a photograph, which he was supposed to be doing. She walked up behind C.C. and, at close range in a loud voice, ordered him to get off the phone. Now, clearly, a teacher should not be subject to discipline for telling a student to stop goofing off in class. So what could Fischer have done wrong here? The district alleges that Fischer "yelled" at C.C. and contends that "yelling" constitutes a disciplinable offense. In other words, it is not what Fischer said, but how she said it, which forms the basis of the alleged offense. The fatal flaw in the district's theory is that there is no evidence of an objective standard by which to measure the relative ferocity of Fischer's vocalization. Instead, several students testified that Fischer "yelled," in their respective opinions, on this and other occasions. Fischer, for her part, acknowledged that she has a loud voice, but denied having yelled at C.C. Maybe each witness told the truth in this regard, as he or she sees it. One person's tolerance for loud sounds may differ from another's. If there is an objective standard for distinguishing "appropriate" from "inappropriate" volume levels for purposes of suspending or terminating a teacher for "yelling," however, it is certainly not established by the opinions of a few of the teacher's students.5/ To be clear, there is no evidence suggesting that when Fischer "yelled" (as these students saw it), she was enraged, ranting, gesticulating wildly, or otherwise behaving in a manner that might indicate a potentially dangerous inability to control her emotions or actions. When Fischer ordered C.C. to get off his phone, she startled him, causing the student to leave the classroom. C.C. immediately proceeded to the guidance counselor's office, to report that Fischer's reprimanding him for unauthorized cell phone use had made him anxious and upset. The district makes much of C.C.'s emotional reaction, but it is hardly remarkable for a student to feel upset over being reprimanded. What's important here is that C.C. had not been unjustly reprimanded. His feelings, while understandable, are not persuasive proof of wrongdoing by Fischer. The district also believes it is somehow relevant that C.C. was the subject of a Response to Intervention ("RTI") process due to his having been diagnosed with autism and ADHD in Venezuela. As a threshold matter, because Fischer taught an elective class and, hence, was not one of C.C.'s "core" teachers, it is unclear whether she knew much, if anything, about this RTI. In any event, there is no evidence that Fischer was provided any written instructions concerning accommodations that she was supposed to provide, which she thereafter failed to offer. If such documentation exists, it was not produced at hearing. The few students who testified against Fischer accused her broadly of having given C.C. a hard time in class, insinuating (if not outright stating) that she did not care for C.C., specifically, because he struggled to keep up academically, nor for Spanish speaking students, in general. The evidence in this regard is nonspecific, undetailed, lacking in context, and, in a word, thin. The proof is insufficient to support any findings of material fact. Determinations of Ultimate Fact The district has failed to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, the charges brought against Fischer.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Broward County School Board enter a final order exonerating Brenda Joyce Fischer of all charges brought against her in this proceeding and awarding Fischer back salary as required under section 1012.33(6)(a). DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of January, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of January, 2020.

Florida Laws (4) 1012.33120.569120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6A-10.0806A-10.0816A-5.056 DOAH Case (2) 19-1928TTS19-4175TTS
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-001367 Latest Update: Oct. 09, 1987

Findings Of Fact At all times material, Respondent Michael Eric Pose, age fifteen, was a student at West Miami Junior High School (West Miami) in Dade County, Florida. Respondent's academic performance during the 1986-1987 school year was very poor. He received the grade of "F" in every class. His grades for conduct were also mostly "Fs." In addition, he received the lowest grade for effort (3). Respondent's poor academic performance, lack of effort, and unacceptable conduct resulted in his rot being promoted to the next grade. During the first three marking periods of the 1986-1987 school year, Respondent was enrolled in Louise Johnson's math class, where he was marked absent about 58 times and late 12 times. When Respondent did attend classes he would come without materials and refused to do work when materials were provided by his teacher. He failed to complete 99 percent of his homework assignments and refused 95 percent of the time to perform any class work. On at least two occasions, Respondent was caught sleeping in class by Ms. Johnson. The grades he received in that class for academic performance, effort and conduct were "F- 3-F" (scholarship-effort-conduct). Ms. Harriet Wade, physical education teacher, also had Respondent as a student during the 1986-87 school year. In that class, he was absent 60 times and late 8 times. He refused to wear his gym clothing to the physical education class, refused to participate in games or perform exercises, and frequently engaged in activities which disrupted the class, such as talking to other students and wandering over to talk to other groups. He earned "F-3-F". Ms. Wade's normal form of discipline is to assign detentions and/or the running of laps. Respondent refused to serve either punishment on each occasion it was assigned. Respondent's mother offered as an excuse for Respondent's failure to meet the physical education requirements that he had dislocated his hip when he was four years old. However, she also stated that the surgery was deemed successful and it is clear that the proper medical excuses or records were never submitted to school personnel. There is no competent medical opinion that Michael is presently disabled from normal sports or participation in other school activities. In the same school year, Respondent was also a student of Ms. Tania Martinez-Cruz, English teacher. He was absent from her class 64 times and late 6 times. He refused to do classwork 98 percent of the time and never turned in any homework assignments. After it became apparent that Respondent would not bring materials to class, Ms. Martinez-Cruz kept materials in her classroom for him so that he would have no excuse to avoid working in her class. This method failed. Moreover, during the times he did attend class, Respondent spent 90 percent of the class period sleeping, even though she placed him in the front of the class and required him to participate in classwork as much as possible. Student Case Management Referral Forms (SCMRFs) generally reserved for serious behavior problems, were issued on Respondent's behavior by Ms. Johnson, Ms. Wade, and Ms. Martinez-Cruz due to his lack of interest in school, poor behavior, absences, and tardies. In addition, Respondent received five other SCMRFs from different teachers and/or administrators, all of whom complained of his disinterest in school and unacceptable behavior. One such complaint involved breaking in to a teacher's automobile. Because Respondent was frequently engaged in conflicts of a disruptive nature, he was suspended five times during the 1986-87 school year. Mr. Sotolongo, Assistant Principal, had numerous conversations with Respondent's mother regarding his excessive absences, poor behavior and lack of progress. However, to date the mother has not been able to improve Respondent's interest in school. After numerous attempts at counseling the mother and Respondent, a child study team report was made and conference thereon was held. This report and conference resulted in the administrative assignment of Respondent to J.R.E. Lee Opportunity School. The opinions of the Assistant Principal and the other teachers and administrators who had conferences regarding Respondent was that the more structured environment of an opportunity school would be better for him, as opposed to permitting him to remain in the regular school program where he was making no progress.

# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Jun. 19, 2014 Number: 14-002831TTS Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Oct. 06, 2017 Number: 17-005521PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Feb. 22, 2017 Number: 17-001221PL Latest Update: Jul. 26, 2018

The Issue The issues to be determined are whether Eric Delucia (Respondent or Mr. Delucia) violated sections 1012.795(1)(c), (g), or (j), Florida Statutes, and implementing administrative rules, as alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint; and, if so, what is the appropriate sanction.

Findings Of Fact The Commissioner is the state agent responsible for investigating and prosecuting allegations of misconduct against individuals holding educator certificates. At all times relevant to the allegations in the Amended Administrative Complaint, Mr. Delucia held Florida Educator's Certificate 915677, covering the areas of English, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Business Education, and Marketing, which is valid through June 30, 2019. At all times relevant to the Amended Administrative Complaint, Mr. Delucia was employed as a language arts teacher in the Broward County School District. Mr. Delucia stored the documents listed in Petitioner's Exhibit P-2 on his computer, as stipulated by the parties. Mr. Delucia was employed at Cooper City High School during the 2011/2012 school year. Ms. Doll was the principal. Principal Doll testified that Mr. Delucia was in the initial stages of a cycle of assistance during that year. He received a memo outlining expectations and concerns, and was observed by several people. Principal Doll indicated she believed that he had deficiencies in instructional planning, classroom management, lesson plan presentation, and lesson plan delivery. However, Principal Doll confirmed that Mr. Delucia's Instructional Practice Score was a 2.954 for the period January 2012 through May 2012 at Cooper City High School, which was within the "effective" range. Principal Doll stated that there were concerns about his performance based on observations that were done earlier that warranted an outside observer, but those observations were not used for the evaluation. He was never placed on a Professional Development Plan while at Cooper City High School. Respondent requested a hardship transfer and was moved to Ramblewood for the following school year. On January 1, 2013, Mr. Delucia was admitted to the hospital following a series of strokes. Respondent received "effective" scores in both the Student Growth and Instructional Practice components, as well as his overall Final Evaluation for the 2012/2013 school year at Ramblewood. Respondent was subsequently on medical leave of absence during the 2013/2014 school year. On July 1, 2014, Ms. Smith became the principal at Ramblewood. On August 11, 2014, Mr. Delucia returned to Ramblewood from medical leave. On August 14, 2014, Principal Smith was inspecting all of the classrooms at Ramblewood to ensure that they were prepared for the first day of school. She felt that Mr. Delucia's classroom was not ready for students, because it needed a little bit of "warmth." On August 28, 2014, Principal Smith conducted a formal evaluation in Mr. Delucia's classroom. She concluded that the lesson had no clear focus and that it was not on the appropriate grade level for the students he was teaching. In early September, there was a complaint that Mr. Delucia was putting up students' grades on a board in his room. However, Mr. Delucia testified that he posted the grades only by student number, not by name. There was no competent evidence to the contrary. On October 30, 2014, in introducing the genre of mythology to his students, Mr. Delucia made the comment that "[t]he gods viewed humans as pets or sexual toys." While not an appropriate comment for middle school students, there was no suggestion that Mr. Delucia elaborated or pursued this statement further, and this incident did not constitute ineffective teaching. There was no evidence that it caused students embarrassment or harmed students' mental health. There was testimony that on October 30, 2014, Mr. Delucia also spent class time explaining that the fact that a Star Wars' character had no father would have been taboo in 1976 and discussing that the episodes of that movie series were released out of the chronological order of the story. While the discussion may have gotten a bit off track, it was not clearly shown that discussion of fiction was unrelated to the concept of mythology, might not have enhanced students' understanding of the topic, or was ineffective teaching. While it was clearly shown that Mr. Delucia made the statement, "These kids have the memories of gnats," it was clear that this was said when no students were present and in defense of his actions in discussing fantasy and fables. On December 2, 2014, Respondent said to a student in an angry and loud voice, "Don't you even piss me off." This warning, given in response to the student's statement that the student did not understand something, was inappropriate in language and tone, harmful to learning, and harmful to the student's mental health. Mr. Delucia's statement that he was not visibly angry or speaking in a loud voice on this occasion is not credited. On December 8, 2014, Mr. Delucia met with Ms. Poindexter, his new peer reviewer. At one point in their conversation, he talked about his former principal, Ms. Doll, referring to her battle with cancer. He stated, "She will kick the bucket soon because she has cancer and no one will care when she is gone." He stated, "She's the devil." Mr. Delucia also referred to his current principal, Ms. Smith, as "the devil." He stated, "My motivation is to destroy her with everything I have" and that he "wished the ground would open up and swallow her." Mr. Delucia also referred to the administrative staff as "assholes" and used multiple profanities, stating, "They do not know who they are messing with, but they will find out soon." Student A.F. testified that he heard Mr. Delucia tell Student C.D. that he should jump off of a bridge with a bungee cord wrapped around his neck; tell Student C.D. that if he was a speed bump, he (Mr. Delucia) would run over him; and tell Student C.D. to kill himself a couple of times. However, Student A.F. provided no detail or context for these alleged statements, some of which seemed to involve an incident involving an entirely different student who he testified was not even in his class. He was not a credible witness. On January 8, 2015, Ms. Sheffield observed Mr. Delucia using a four-page packet to teach punctuation to his seventh- grade language arts class. Ms. Sheffield told Mr. Delucia that this was not really part of the seventh-grade curriculum. Mr. Delucia made a statement to the effect of "these students don't know anything, not even the basics, so we have to start somewhere." There was no allegation that this comment was made in front of the students. From the period August 21, 2014, through December 3, 2014, Mr. Delucia's Instructional Practice Score was 1.916, and he was placed on a 90-day Professional Development Plan. Numerous observations by Dr. Jones and Principal Smith followed through the remainder of the school year. Mr. Delucia's Instructional Practice Score improved slightly, but was still less than effective. On January 12, 2015, Ms. Sheffield noticed that one of the vocabulary words written on Mr. Delucia's board for his students was "retard." Ms. Sheffield said she assumed that Mr. Delucia meant the slang term sometimes used as a noun to refer to persons with mental disabilities. Such use of the term, as a shortened form of the word "retarded," would be offensive and disparaging. Ms. Sheffield said that they talked about the fact that it is not appropriate to use the word "retard" as a noun as a reference to the disabled. She testified that he did not respond. At hearing, Mr. Delucia admitted using "retard" as a vocabulary word, but testified that he included the word as a verb, meaning to slow down or delay. Ms. Sheffield testified she did not hear him speak the term, or say anything about it, and there was no other testimony regarding this event. Mr. Delucia admitted that he often said, "If your writing looks like garbage and smells like garbage, then it is garbage." Ms. Sheffield stated that she told Mr. Delucia he might try to find another way to encourage students to write neatly in their journals that was a more positive comment or allowed students to take pride in their writing. On January 26, 2015, Ms. Sheffield testified that when a student returned late from lunch, Mr. Delucia and the student began arguing. Ms. Sheffield credibly testified that Mr. Delucia screamed at the student, "This isn't going to end up good for you. Just shut up." On February 4, 2015, Student A.W. had come in late to Mr. Delucia's class and was acting out in the back of the classroom. When asked why, her response was that other people also did it. Mr. Delucia responded, "If other people jump off of a bridge, would you jump off a bridge, too?" Student A.W., after a moment of silence, retorted, "Yeah, if you give me a bungee cord." Mr. Delucia replied, "If there is a bungee cord, you should wrap it around your neck before you jump." The class started laughing. Student A.W. replied, "You just told me to kill myself, I am telling the office." Mr. Delucia then asked Student A.W. to leave the classroom. While Student A.W. had a disrespectful attitude, Respondent's caustic comments to her were intentionally made in a spirit of mocking humor to subject Student A.W. to embarrassment in front of the class. A class grade graph prepared during the third quarter of the 2014/2015 school year documented that 68 percent of his students were failing at that time. No similar graph for any other quarter of that year, or for other years, was submitted in evidence. On April 7, 2015, the students in Mr. Delucia's class were supposed to be studying Latin and Greek roots of words, but one student did not have a packet and asked Mr. Delucia for one. After Mr. Delucia handed him the packet, the student said, "There is a footprint on this." Mr. Delucia responded, "Get working on studying or else I will call your father." The student replied, "Please don't." Mr. Delucia then said, "Why, because you don't want to get a footprint on your face?" Ms. Sheffield testified that during her observations, she never saw Mr. Delucia standing up interacting with his students. She said she never saw him deliver a lesson to students. For the 2014/2015 school year, Mr. Delucia's score for the instructional practice component on his evaluation was 2.002, a "needs improvement" rating, while his score for both the deliberate practice/growth plans and student data components was recorded as exactly 3.0. The final evaluation for Mr. Delucia in 2014/2015, computed by combining these unequally weighted scores, was 2.511, an "effective" rating.1/ Mr. Delucia was transferred to Piper High School for the 2015/2016 school year. The administration there did not place Mr. Delucia on a Professional Development Plan. Mr. Delucia has not been subjected to disciplinary action during his time at Piper High School, and he has exhibited positive rapport with his students and colleagues. Mr. Delucia's weighted overall evaluation score for the 2015/2016 school year at Piper High School was 2.831, "effective." Mr. Delucia's demeanor at hearing was defiant. His testimony was sometimes evasive and defensive.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is: RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding Eric Delucia in violation of section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(3)(a), (3)(e), and (5)(e); imposing a fine of $3,000.00; placing him on probation under conditions specified by the Commission for a period of two years; and imposing costs of investigation and prosecution. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of November, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S F. SCOTT BOYD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of November, 2017.

Florida Laws (7) 1012.331012.341012.7951012.796120.569120.57120.68
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Melbourne, Florida Mar. 22, 2006 Number: 06-001033 Latest Update: Aug. 25, 2006

The Issue Whether Respondent made inappropriate comments towards his students while in class on February 22, 2006, and further engaged in a crude and vulgar exchange with a student in regard to those comments. If proven, do the above-described acts violate the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession and/or Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida. Fla. Admin. Code Chapter 6B-1. If proven, do the above-described acts constitute misconduct in office and constitute conduct unbecoming a public employee sufficient to warrant suspension and/or termination of Respondent's annual contract.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony and evidence received at the formal hearing, the following Findings of Fact are made: At the time of his suspension in February of 2006, Respondent, Sylvester Jones, had been employed as a math teacher with the Brevard County School District for approximately seven months and was under an annual contract for the 2005-2006 school year. As a first year employee and teacher, Respondent had been assigned to Bayside High School, where John Tuttle was principal. Respondent was also assigned a mentor teacher, Ms. Robin Howard, in order to assist him with any issues pertaining to teaching. Respondent was also furnished a document outlining the "teacher's code of conduct," which included inter alia the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession and Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession of Florida. The Brevard County School District had further provided Respondent with training as to the proper method to be utilized in a classroom in the event a student makes disparaging remarks to a teacher. During the school year 2005-2006, Respondent taught math as a "roamer," moving physically from one classroom to another during the course of the school day. The complainant, A.C., was a student at Bayside High School, and was a student in Respondent's fourth period math class. The class was made up of a high-spirited group of challenging students, 40 percent of whom required special services or special accommodations. This made the class difficult to teach. While Respondent was teaching at the front of the class, on February 22, 2006, a note was being passed between some of Respondent's students and the students from the adjoining classroom that was being taught by a teacher by the name of Scott Teter. The note was found by Teter, and he brought it to the attention of Respondent by coming into Respondent's classroom during the class period. Throughout the proceeding at hand, Respondent has given differing versions as to whether Teter had read the note to Respondent's class or whether the note was merely handed to Respondent by Teter during the class. Initially Respondent alleged that Teter had read the note out loud to the class. Later in his testimony, Respondent provided a demonstration during the hearing, whereby he claimed that Teter had displayed the note to the class. It is undisputed that the note referred to Respondent as being "a fag," and it appears that said note was handled by and partly generated by A.C. Upon reading the note, Respondent felt that he had been insulted and that his manhood was being attacked; Respondent testified that the note was an "assassination" of his character. In response to the note, the persuasive evidence is that Respondent made the following statement in front of his class: "Whoever thinks that I am a fag, ask your mother to bend over, and I will prove if I am a fag or not." One of Respondent's students, namely A.C., then began to vocalize his concern about Respondent's statement and questioned Respondent as to whether Respondent's comment meant that he wanted to have sexual activity with the student's mother. During his fourth period class, Respondent denied A.C.'s challenge, but then repeated his comment, as reflected above, to the entire class. The student, A.C., later decided to notify his mother regarding Respondent's statements, but due to his mother's work schedule, did not do so until the evening of February 23, 2006. The student's mother felt Respondent's comments were vulgar and "disgusting." Upon learning of the comments, M.C. escorted her son to school the next day, February 24, 2006, and met with the school's principal, Tuttle. They related A.C.'s recollection of the incident on February 22, 2006, to him. This is the first time that any school official had been notified of the allegations. Based on the complaint from the parent/student, Tuttle instructed his staff to obtain statements from each of the students in Respondent's fourth period class. Tuttle sought to determine the veracity of the assertions being leveled against a teacher by a parent. Upon obtaining written statements from students in regard to Respondent in the classroom, the principal set up a meeting with Respondent. During this meeting, Respondent claimed that his remarks to his class on February 22, 2006, were as follows: "if anyone thinks that I am a fag to have their mother bend and bow before him." Respondent claimed he was trying to teach them respect, using the "Japanese ritual" of bowing. Respondent became very agitated during the meeting and asked for time to write a statement. He was given until February 27, 2006, to provide his version of the events to the principal. On February 27, 2006, Respondent submitted his written response to the principal as to his version of events. His statements claim that the note was presented to him by Teter and the note had said, "Dr. Jones is a fag, don’t bend over." Respondent then remarked to the class that, "if any one thought he was a fag to ask his mother." Respondent stated that he had hoped this statement would have caused the students to discuss the matter with a parent, and maybe he would have a teacher- parent conference. Although Respondent had advised the principal of having the note in his possession, he never produced the note to the principal or any school official, nor was it presented in this proceeding to confirm his claim as to the contents of the letter. Further, Respondent never set up a parent-teacher conference in this regard with any students, nor did he refer the student, A.C., to the principal's office for discipline. Respondent's versions with regard to his actual comments made to his students are in direct conflict with the version given by many of his students at the hearing. The credible testimony is that Respondent had at least twice repeated the statement in front of the class, "If anyone thinks I am a fag, ask your mother to bend over and I will prove if I am a fag or not." Unlike the students' testimonies regarding the comments, Respondent has changed his version of events on several occasions. Subsequent to the February 27, 2006, statement, he has modified it as attested to by Robin Howard. In early March 2006, Respondent told her that he had said, "if anyone thinks that I am a fag to bow." Respondent claimed that this was a teaching technique, but did not recall the name of the technique. During his meeting with the superintendent, he claimed that this is a technique called "metaphoric contrast." At the hearing, Respondent did not produce any authority which described this technique. Instead, Respondent presented the testimony of Dr. Sharail Jones, who is an assistant pharmacist and a student in Respondent's bible class at the Greater Blessed Assurance Church, of which Respondent is pastor, who claimed that Respondent uses this technique as part of his way of teaching. Respondent's assertion that he was using the technique of "metaphoric contrast" during the incident on February 22, 2006, a term that is unknown to an experienced teacher such as Ms. Howard, is not credible. The teacher's code of conduct specifically states that a teacher shall be honest in all his professional dealings. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 6B-1.006. This teacher's conduct throughout this cause has been a direct violation of this rule. At first, he denied the assertion and claimed it was a fabrication. Thereafter, he has modified his version of his remarks and then at the hearing asserted that he does not have a present recollection as to whether he made the remarks or not. Then, during cross-examination, Respondent claimed that he may have said the comments as attested to by his students; however, he does not view such a remark as inappropriate, even though his own witnesses concede that the remarks as attested to by the students would be inappropriate. The comments were viewed by some students as having a sexual connotation, seen as embarrassing, and were alarming enough to cause one of Respondent's students, A.C., to get into a confrontation with Respondent as to whether the teacher wanted to have sex with the student's mother. His concern was great enough to cause the student to notify his mother. As the superintendent testified, a teacher is a role model and is expected to adhere to the teacher's code of conduct. A teacher is in a position of authority. This type of comment displays a lack of respect for the students and their families. Respondent's usage of vulgar and sexual comments directed to a student's mother in the classroom setting created an atmosphere that was not conductive to learning and allowed his students to respond back to him with unacceptable language and with impunity. The evidence in this proceeding has proven that Respondent engaged in conduct that unnecessarily embarrassed several students and created an atmosphere detrimental to learning in his fourth period class on February 22, 2006. Teaching Effectiveness Respondent was formally evaluated on two occasions during the 2005-2006 school year. Respondent's first evaluation, dated October 26, 2005, resulted in a rating of "Effective" in five categories and "Needs Improvement" in five categories. No "Unsatisfactory" score was assigned to Respondent. "Effective" is the highest performance rating that a teacher can achieve. Respondent's annual evaluation, dated February 14, 2006, resulted in a rating of "Effective" in eight categories and "Needs Improvement" in two categories. Compared to his performance ratings in October 2005, Respondent's annual evaluation demonstrated a significant improvement in teaching performance during the course of his first year with the Brevard County School District. The evidence indicated that prior to the date of the incident, Respondent worked hard at improving his teaching skills and providing his students with a positive learning environment. Respondent had not been formally disciplined or issued directives prior to being relieved of duty on February 24, 2006. There was no evidence which indicated that Respondent had ever used inappropriate language with his students prior to the statements made on February 22, 2006. Reputation as a Member of the Community Church members testified that Respondent, as minister of the Greater Blessed Assurance Church, tutored children at his church, maintained a transitional facility for people who need temporary homes, and is a role model to the community. Collective Bargaining Agreement Petitioner entered into a collective bargaining agreement, called the "Agreement between the School Board of Brevard County and the Brevard Federation of Teachers, Local 2098 [BFT], Florida Education Association, AFL-CIO, Inc., American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association, 2005-2006" (Agreement) On Petitioner's annual contract with Respondent is a statement which indicates that Petitioner is bound by the terms of the Agreement with the BFT. Article II, Teacher Protection, Section (G) of the Agreement states: Any disciplinary action taken against a teacher based on a complaint by a parent or student shall be limited to informal action unless the matter is first reported to the teacher in writing. Formal disciplinary action resulting from such complaint shall be limited to those matters which have been reported to the teacher in writing. Dismissal Process The first notice that Respondent received of any misconduct on his part occurred on February 24, 2006, when the principal held a meeting with Respondent and handed him a letter stating that he would be removed from the classroom immediately and placed on administrative leave with pay due to allegations of misconduct. The action which resulted in Respondent's being placed on administrative leave due to allegations of misconduct was initiated by the actions or statements of a parent and/or student(s). BFT representative, Janet Eastman's uncontroversial testimony was that the removal of a teacher from teaching duties and placement of a teacher on administrative leave constitutes disciplinary action for purposes of interpreting the Agreement. Respondent received no written notice of the incident in question prior to the disciplinary action taken on February 24, 2006. Petitioner and Respondent both set forth the following undisputed sequence of events: On Friday, February 24, 2006, the principal met with Respondent and notified him of the nature of the allegations in writing and immediately placed Respondent on administrative leave with pay. On Monday, February 27, 2006, Respondent presented his version of events, in writing, to the principal. On March 8, 2006, Respondent received a letter from the Superintendent notifying Respondent of the charges and a recommendation to the School Board that he be terminated. On March 8, 2006, John Russo of the BFT made a written request for the investigative files pertaining to Respondent. On March 9, 2006, Russo, on behalf of Respondent, requested a meeting with the Superintendent. On March 14, 2006, the meeting between Respondent and Superintendent took place, with Russo present. That night, on March 14, 2006, the School Board met and voted to terminate the Respondent's annual teaching contract. On March 15, 2006, Respondent requested a formal hearing to contest Petitioner's tentative action. The request was granted and this matter was referred to DOAH on March 22, 2006 for a de novo formal hearing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent's annual contract with the School Board be terminated, effective March 14, 2006. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of June, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of June, 2006. COPIES FURNISHED: Harold T. Bistline, Esquire Stromire, Bistline & Miniclier Post Office Box 8248 Cocoa, Florida 32922 Elizabeth F. Swanson, Esquire Egan, Lev and Siwica, P. A. Post Office Box 2231 Orlando, Florida 32802-2231 Benjamin B. Garagozlo, Esquire 3585 Murrell Road Rockledge, Florida 32955 Dr. Richard A. DiPatri, Superintendent Brevard County School Board 2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, Florida 32940-6601 Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Honorable John Winn Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (3) 1012.33120.569120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Panama City, Florida Sep. 26, 2017 Number: 17-005377PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Jun. 08, 2020 Number: 20-002605TTS Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024

The Issue Whether Petitioner, Marion County School Board (“Petitioner” or “Board”), had just cause to discipline Respondent for misconduct as alleged in the Administrative Complaint (“Complaint”) dated March 10, 2020.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the public schools within Marion County. See Art. IX, § 4(b), Fla. Const.; § 1001.32(2), Fla. Stat. Petitioner is authorized to discipline instructional staff and other school employees. See § 1012.22(1)(f), Fla. Stat. At the time of the alleged incident, Respondent was employed as a testing coordinator at Dunnellon Middle, pursuant to a professional services contract with the Board. During the 2018-2019 school year, Respondent served as a dean of discipline at Dunnellon Middle. As dean, she had dealt with discipline of students possessing drugs on campus, as well as students suspected of smoking marijuana either on a school bus or at the school bus stop. Leah Grace is a guidance counselor at Dunnellon Middle. Michelle Reese is the guidance office clerk. On January 30, 2020, student L.L. came to the guidance office and told Ms. Reese he wanted to speak with Ms. Grace about enrollment in a magnet program for the following school year. However, when L.L. entered Ms. Grace’s office, he sat down and began crying. L.L. confided in Ms. Grace that he “had something he was not supposed to have at school.” L.L. stated that he did not know who to trust. L.L. was distraught and Ms. Grace was unable to calm him. She decided to contact his mother to pick him up from school. Aware that L.L.’s mother does not speak English, Ms. Grace sought help from someone at the school who spoke Spanish. Respondent speaks Spanish. Ms. Grace contacted Respondent and asked her to come to the guidance office to help her with a student. When Respondent arrived at Ms. Grace’s office, she observed L.L. visibly upset, sobbing with his face in his hands, rocking back and forth. Ms. Grace relayed to Respondent what L.L. had shared with her—that he “had something he was not supposed to have at school.” Respondent recognized L.L. and asked him three questions in quick succession: Do you have a weapon? L.L. shook his head “no” in response; Do you plan to hurt yourself or someone else? L.L. shook his head “no” in response; and Do you have weed? L.L. nodded his head in response to the third question, indicating that he did have marijuana. L.L. confided that another student, D.G., had given the marijuana to L.L. in the cafeteria that morning to “hold on to” for him. L.L. had grown anxious during the school day about having the drugs in his possession and had come to the guidance office for help. When L.L. nodded in the affirmative that he had weed on him, Respondent stated something to the effect of “that is no reason to go home.” Respondent suggested L.L. just flush the marijuana down the toilet. L.L. promptly went into a small restroom attached to Ms. Grace’s office, flushed the toilet, washed his face, and began to compose himself. Afterward, Respondent told L.L. he needed to find better friends. As Respondent was no longer needed for translation, she left the guidance office and returned to her duties in the testing lab. Ms. Grace allowed L.L. to go to his next class, a grade-recovery course for which he was already late. Julia Roof teaches the class and had been concerned that L.L. was not in class on time. L.L. arrived at the classroom toward the end of the class period, and Ms. Roof observed that L.L. was upset. L.L. initially insisted that he was “fine,” but Ms. Roof pressed him because he was visibly upset. L.L. confided in Ms. Roof about the incident. He admitted that he had marijuana in his possession at school that day, that another student had asked him to hold it, and that he had been to the guidance office where the marijuana had been “flushed.” Neither Ms. Grace nor Respondent reported the incident to the school resource officer or anyone in school administration. Nor did either of them notify L.L.’s mother. Ms. Roof reported the incident to Delbert Smallridge, principal at Dunnellon Middle, at the end of the school day. Principal Smallridge’s Investigation Mr. Smallridge has served as principal at Dunnellon Middle for nine years, and has worked in the Marion County school system in various positions for 31 years. Ms. Roof reported the incident to Mr. Smallridge after school at car pickup. Before he left the school for the day, Mr. Smallridge contacted the school resource officer to notify him that there was a situation with drugs on the school campus that day. He also notified Brent Carson, director of professional practices (i.e., human resources) for the Marion County School District (“the District”), with the limited information he had obtained. The following morning, Friday, January 31, 2020, Mr. Smallridge began an internal investigation into the incident. He first interviewed L.L., in the presence of Ms. Roof; took notes of the events L.L. related; reviewed the notes verbally with L.L.; as well as having L.L. read them to himself. Afterward, he asked L.L. to sign his name at the bottom of the page as his statement of the incident. The next person he interviewed, Ms. Reese, came to him directly. She reported to Mr. Smallridge that she had information she felt he should know. She told Mr. Smallridge that Ms. Grace had confided in her that morning that she had allowed a student to flush marijuana in plastic bags down the toilet in her office the prior day, and that she was concerned that they may come back up or otherwise cause a plumbing problem. Ms. Reese provided and signed a written statement to that effect. Mr. Smallridge also interviewed, and took a written statement from, Ms. Roof regarding the incident. Before the school day ended, he also spoke to Mr. Carson, who instructed him to complete the school-level investigation by interviewing and getting written statements from Respondent and all witnesses, and do his best to determine what had happened. Mr. Smallridge interviewed Ms. Grace the following Monday, February 3, 2020, in the presence of his confidential secretary. Mr. Smallridge took notes of his interview with Ms. Grace, and Ms. Grace provided a written statement of her own. During his interview with Ms. Grace, Mr. Smallridge noted that “both [Ms. Grace and Respondent] were aware [L.L.] had drugs.” In Ms. Grace’s written statement, she stated that she “couldn’t remember” whether it was she or Respondent who told L.L. to flush the marijuana, “but I think it was me.” She stated that L.L. went to the small bathroom attached to her office, “then came out and told me he flushed it, bag and all.” Ms. Grace’s statement also confirmed that both she and Respondent were in her office when L.L. went to the bathroom. Ms. Grace later resigned from Dunnellon Middle. On August 26, 2020, after her resignation, she gave a second written statement regarding the incident. In that statement, Ms. Grace claimed responsibility for telling L.L. to flush the marijuana and called it a “momentary lapse in judgement.” She felt sorry for L.L. and did not want him to get in trouble, either with the school or with law enforcement. Mr. Smallridge also interviewed Respondent, who stated that, when L.L. nodded his head in response to her question, “Do you have weed,” she understood L.L. to mean that he had marijuana in his system, not on his person. Further, she claimed to have left Ms. Grace’s office shortly after she asked those questions and was not aware that L.L. had drugs on his person or that he flushed drugs in Ms. Grace’s office. Respondent also gave Mr. Smallridge a written statement. In her written statement, Respondent described the events of January 31, 2020. She said that when she first observed L.L. in Ms. Grace’s office, “The kid seemed sick, rocking, sobbing and not speaking.” She continued, “I thought he might be intoxicated as to why he would want to go home and not to the nurse. I asked him if he had weed as if in smoked it, had it in his system. He nodded and continued to cry. I said, that is no reason to go home.” Mr. Smallridge gathered all the statements and notes from his investigation, scanned and sent them to Mr. Carson. Jaycee Oliver is the executive director of employee relations for the District and is responsible for disciplinary issues with District employees, including hearings, grievances, mediations, and arbitrations. Ms. Oliver reviewed the documents from Mr. Smallridge, and discussed the incident with Mr. Carson and Mr. Smallridge. Ms. Oliver determined that the incident warranted a District-level investigation. District Investigation and Discipline The District investigation was conducted by Dawana Gary, director of equities and ethics, who worked with Tyson Collins, an investigator in her department. Ms. Gary was present for the interviews of both Ms. Grace and Respondent. Mr. Collins interviewed the remaining witnesses. Their interviews were recorded. Following the investigation, Ms. Gary prepared an investigative report containing written findings and conclusions. Based on the investigation, Ms. Gary concluded that both Respondent and Ms. Grace violated Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1., which provides that the educator’s obligation to the student requires that the educator “[s]hall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student’s mental and/or physical health and/or safety.” She also concluded that both Respondent and Ms. Grace violated School Board Policy 6.27 I., which requires school board employees to comply with rule 6A-10.081. Ms. Gary sent her investigative report to Ms. Oliver, along with a recommendation that both Ms. Grace and Respondent receive a written reprimand, three-day suspension without pay, and mandatory training. Ms. Oliver reviewed the report and recommendation, and was surprised the recommendation was so lenient. Ms. Oliver characterized the violations as “egregious” and recommended to the superintendent that both Respondent and Ms. Grace be terminated. At the final hearing, Ms. Oliver testified that Respondent’s behavior was egregious because, not only did she fail to report the incident or take other measures to protect L.L., but also that allowing the student to dispose of the drugs prevented a proper investigation into distribution of drugs on campus. She maintained that Respondent’s behavior allowed both D.G., who was allegedly selling drugs on campus, and students who may purchase or otherwise obtain drugs from him, to remain in harm’s way. Without the drugs themselves as evidence, any potential investigation was jeopardized. Ms. Oliver discussed the recommendations for discipline at length with the superintendent. The superintendent made the final decision to impose a written reprimand and a five-day suspension, and require Respondent to take a course on “Reasonable Suspicion Drug Training” upon her return to work. L.L.’s statement that Respondent told him to flush the drugs is the only credible evidence on which to base a finding that Respondent did in fact do so.1 Respondent attempted to discredit L.L.’s testimony by introducing evidence (all of which was hearsay) that L.L. had previously been untruthful to teachers and had a penchant for drama. This evidence was neither credible nor reliable. L.L.’s testimony was clear: he acknowledged he had “weed;” he showed Respondent and Ms. Grace the weed; Respondent instructed him to 1 L.L.’s statement is an exception to the hearsay rule as an admission of a party opponent. See § 90.803(18), Fla. Stat. flush the weed; and he flushed the weed down the toilet in Ms. Grace’s private restroom. Ms. Grace’s testimony that she was the one who instructed L.L. to flush the marijuana is also not accepted as credible. Ms. Grace’s original statement to Mr. Smallridge (repeated in her first written statement) that she could not remember whether it was she or Respondent who told L.L. to flush the marijuana, was simply not credible. A middle school guidance counselor in her situation would have a clear memory of instructing a student to flush drugs down the toilet. Likewise, her memory that a teacher instructed the student to do so in her presence would likewise be significant enough to remember clearly. Further, Ms. Grace and Respondent were close colleagues, frequently having lunch together, and socializing outside of school on at least one occasion. Ms. Grace’s subsequent statement accepting responsibility for telling L.L. to flush the drugs was likely an attempt to protect Respondent. When she gave her second statement, Ms. Grace had already resigned from Dunnellon Middle; therefore, she could not be disciplined for falsely accepting responsibility for instructing L.L. to flush the marijuana. Finally, Ms. Grace’s testimony at the final hearing was too well- rehearsed to be credible. Notably, Ms. Grace had a well-rehearsed explanation for why Respondent would not have heard her tell L.L. to flush the drugs while they were sitting in her very small office, and she inserted that explanation in answer to a wholly-unrelated question. She attempted to explain Respondent’s state of mind, which she could not have known. In sum, Ms. Grace’s testimony was unreliable and was insufficient to establish that she, rather than Respondent, instructed L.L. to flush the marijuana down the toilet. Respondent’s testimony that she understood L.L. to mean he had marijuana in his system, rather than on his person, was not credible. L.L. had stated that he “had something he wasn’t supposed to have at school.” Respondent asked him if he “had weed” after asking him if he “had a weapon,” clearly seeking knowledge of what he possessed at school that he knew was off limits. Further, L.L.’s testimony that he showed Ms. Grace and Respondent the weed is accepted as true. Even if Respondent’s testimony that she understood L.L. to mean that he had marijuana in his system was accepted as true, that fact, coupled with her description of him as appearing ill, and possibly intoxicated,2 created a responsibility to take some step to protect the student’s health and well- being. If she understood L.L. to mean that he had ingested marijuana, and he appeared to her to be ill, her statement “that is no reason to go home,” was completely unprofessional. L.L.’s mother should have been contacted to pick him up from school, and administration should have been notified so that the situation could be avoided in the future to secure L.L.’s health and safety, as well as other students potentially involved.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Marion County School Board enter a final order upholding both the charges and the discipline imposed against Respondent, Maria Acosta. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of November, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE VAN WYK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of November, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Mark E. Levitt, Esquire Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A. Suite 100 1477 West Fairbanks Avenue Winter Park, Florida 32789 (eServed) Eric J. Lindstrom, Esquire Egan, Lev, Lindstrom & Siwica, P.A. Post Office Box 5276 Gainesville, Florida 32627 (eServed) Heidi S. Parker, Esquire Egan, Lev, Lindstrom & Siwica, P.A. 2nd Floor 231 East Colonial Drive Orlando, Florida 32801 (eServed) Dr. Diane Gullett, Superintendent Marion County School Board 512 Southeast 3rd Street Ocala, Florida 34471 Richard Corcoran Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (4) 1001.321012.221012.3390.803 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6A-10.081 DOAH Case (1) 20-2605TTS
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jan. 15, 2020 Number: 20-000148PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024

The Issue The issues to be determined are whether Respondent, Diane Velez, violated section 1012.795(1)(g) and (j), Florida Statutes (2017), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1., and if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the demeanor of the witnesses, the testimony given, and the documentary evidence received, the following Findings of Fact are made. Respondent holds Florida Educator’s Certificate 789520, covering the areas of Elementary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages, (ESOL), and Exceptional Student Education (ESE), which is valid through June 30, 2020. At all times relevant to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent was employed as an ESE teacher at Stillwell Middle School (Stillwell) in the Duval County School District. She has been teaching for approximately 20 years, with no prior discipline. Respondent teaches in a wing at Stillwell that is referred to as the SLA Unit, which stands for Supported Level Academics. The students in the SLA Unit are cognitively delayed and have all of their classes in this self- contained unit. The SLA Unit is located in a wing at the back of the school, near the bus loop. If someone is looking down the hall from the doors closest to the rest of the school, there are female and male bathrooms for students to the left and right, respectively, closest to those doors. From those bathrooms, there are five classrooms on each side of the hall. Ms. Velez’s classroom is the third classroom on the right-hand side of the hallway. There are additional restrooms in the wing, all congregated in the area between the third and fourth classrooms on the left hand side of the hallway. At least one of those bathrooms is entered from within a classroom. Stillwell had a policy that if a student was given permission to leave the classroom, the student should not be gone for more than eight to ten minutes without the teacher calling for assistance to locate the student. Teachers could call for assistance from Ronald Messick, the lead ESE teacher; send a paraprofessional to look for the student; or call the front office or a resource officer. The eight-to-ten minute window was not a written policy, but was discussed during pre-planning meetings at the beginning of the year, as well as at faculty meetings. While attendance logs from pre-planning and faculty meetings were not introduced to establish that Respondent was present during faculty meetings or pre-planning meetings, no evidence was presented to indicate that she was absent. In addition, the 2017-2018 Faculty Handbook (Handbook) for Stillwell had more than one section that addressed supervision of students. For example, under the caption “Supervision of Students,” beginning on page 12 of the Handbook, it states:1 It is the responsibility of the school to provide supervision for students in attendance. It is the teacher’s responsibility to make sure that students in his/her charge are supervised at all times. Teachers should be aware of the legal and progressive discipline aspects of failure to provide adequate supervision. Students should always have adult supervision. Under the caption “Hall Passes,” on page 16 of the Handbook, it states: Hall passes are to be used for emergencies only. In an effort to reduce the number of students out of class during instructional time, each classroom will have either a lime/orange vest or a Colored clipboard. Students needing to leave the classroom are required to wear the vest or carry the clipboard. Please make sure students continue to sign-out when leaving/returning to your classroom so if the vest/clipboard disappears, you will know who was in possession of it last. Only one student per class may be on a hall pass at any given time. If it is necessary that a student leave your classroom to go to an Administrative Office and your vest/clipboard is already being used, security will need to escort student(s) to and from the classroom. While it is our desire that no student be in the halls during instructional time, there are absolutely NO hall passes for any reason during the first/last 30 minutes of each class and NO hall passes during 2nd block each day unless called by an Administrator. Students who are found out of class during the first/last 30 minutes of the block will have the vest or clipboard taken and given to the Assistant Principal for you to retrieve. Students who are out of class, unaccompanied by security, and do not have a vest/clipboard will be 1 All italics, underlining, and bold used in the quoted material is as it appears in the Handbook. considered skipping and appropriate consequences will be assigned. The teacher will also be held accountable if not following school procedure. Finally, under the heading “Hall and Campus Monitoring,” it states in all capitals and bold letters, “STUDENTS SHOULD NEVER WALK BY THEMSELVES.” On or about January 11, 2018, J.L. was an 11-year-old female student in the sixth grade. J.L. was assigned to Respondent’s classroom, and has an Individual Education Plan (IEP). J.L. was a student in a class containing students who functioned cognitively at the lowest level for students at Stillwell. While those who testified could not state definitively what the IQ level was for the class, it was generally around 67-70. Ms. Velez described the class as one for which there was “a need to have eyes on them.” J.L. was new to the school during the 2017-2018 school year. On August 22, 2017, Ronald Messick sent an email to J.L.’s teachers, including Respondent, stating that J.L. could not be left alone and that she would “leave with a complete stranger.” He advised that when J.L. uses the restroom, she likes to play in it, and directed that the teacher who has J.L. the last period of the day needed to make sure she used the restroom. J.L.’s mother had called Mr. Messick the first week of school with concerns that J.L. had been unsupervised in the bus pick-up area. Her mother explained her concerns to Mr. Messick regarding J.L.’s need for constant supervision. The email referenced making sure that J.L. went to the bathroom before boarding the bus simply because she would have a long ride home from school. An IEP meeting was conducted for J.L. on October 12, 2017. Mr. Messick was present as the LEA (lead educational agency) representative, along with Ms. Velez, who wrote the IEP, and three others. J.L.’s IEP states that “[s]he has Williams Syndrome which is a developmental disorder that affects many parts of her body.” The IEP also states that J.L. “is a very trusting child and will walk away with a stranger. She does not distinguish friend from stranger and this causes danger to her safety,” and that J.L. “needs increased supervision to ensure her safety.” The statement that J.L. needs increased supervision to insure her safety is included in two separate sections of her IEP. Respondent was J.L.’s case manager. As her case manager, Respondent reviews, completes entries, and inputs other appropriate data in J.L.’s IEP. She was aware of the information contained in J.L.’s IEP. On January 11, 2018, J.L. was present in Ms. Velez’s classroom during the last period of the day. At approximately 2:05, she asked for, and received, permission to go to the bathroom. Ms. Velez allowed J.L. to go by herself. No adult or other student accompanied her. Allowing J.L. to go the restroom alone was not permitted by her IEP. Further, it appears to violate the policies outlined in the Handbook, which prohibits allowing hall passes for the first 30 minutes of each class. The final class of the day began at 2:05.2 It also runs afoul of the email sent by Mr. Messick at the beginning of the school year, which specifically directed that J.L. not be left alone. After J.L. was permitted to leave the classroom, T.B., a male student in Respondent’s class, also asked to go the bathroom, and was allowed to leave the classroom. Ms. Velez did not check to see where J.L. was before letting T.B. leave the classroom. T.B. was also unaccompanied. J.L. was absent from the classroom for approximately 24 minutes. There are no credible circumstances presented at hearing by which a student should be absent from the classroom for that length of time, regardless of 2 The Administrative Complaint does not charge Respondent with violating this policy, and no discipline is recommended for apparently doing so. It is included simply to show that there were multiple guidelines in place to prohibit allowing J.L. outside of the classroom alone. their mental capacity, the policy contained in the Handbook, or any policy discussed at faculty meetings. T.B. returned to the classroom before J.L. After he entered Ms. Velez’s classroom, T.B. apparently told Ms. Velez that J.L. was in the boys’ bathroom. Ms. Velez testified that she was about to look for her when J.L. returned to the classroom. Ms. Velez testified that she noticed J.L. had “a lot of energy,” and was breathing hard and her hands were shaking. Ms. Velez asked J.L. if she had been in the boys’ bathroom, and testified at hearing that J.L. responded that she did not want to get in trouble. J.L. became upset and asked to speak with the school nurse. Ms. Velez allowed her to go to the nurse’s office, this time accompanied by an eighth grade girl. While Ms. Velez described the child who accompanied J.L. as “very responsible,” it is noted that she was also a child in this classroom of children who represented the lowest functioning students at Stillwell. Lana Austin was the school nurse at Stillwell, and her office was down the hall from Ms. Velez’s room in the SLA wing. She testified T.B. was in her office when J.L. arrived. It was not explained at hearing whether T.B. had also asked Ms. Velez to go to the nurse’s office or just how he came to be there. When she arrived at the nurse’s office, J.L. was crying and somewhat distraught, and T.B. was also getting upset. Ms. Austin tried to get J.L. to tell her what was wrong, and J.L. kept saying they were trying to get her in trouble. J.L. wanted to call her mother, and Ms. Austin let her do so, because she believed it would calm her down. A paraprofessional came into Ms. Austin’s office while J.L. was on the phone with her mother. So while the paraprofessional was in the office with the students, Ms. Austin contacted Ms. Raulerson, the principal at Stillwell, and notified her there might be a problem so that someone could look at the hallway video and find out if anything happened. Ms. Austin knew that J.L. was a student who needed to be escorted. She was always brought to the nurse’s office by an adult. On this occasion, there was no adult. Jennifer Raulerson was the principal at Stillwell during the 2017-2018 school year. She is now the executive director for middle schools in Duval County. Ms. Raulerson testified that J.L.’s father came to the school immediately after J.L.’s telephone call home, and started asking questions. Because of the nature of his questions, consistent with school protocols, Ms. Raulerson contacted Stillwell’s school resource officer (SRO), Officer Tuten, as well as Mr. Messick and Ms. Hodges, who was the dean of students, to discuss with J.L.’s father what needed to be done to investigate what actually happened.3 The following morning, Ms. Raulerson, Ms. Hodges, and Mr. Messick spoke to J.L., T.B., and M.N., another student in the hallway, about what happened the day before. Based on their answers, Ms. Raulerson gave Ms. Hodges a basic timeframe, and asked her to check the cameras to see if she saw anything that would indicate that something happened involving J.L. and T.B. Ms. Hodges testified that a person can type in a date and time on the computer and look at a specific timeframe on the video, which is what she did. Once she viewed the video and realized how long a student had been out of the classroom, she went to Ms. Raulerson and they looked at the video again. Mr. Messick also watched the video with them. Administrators at the school could access the surveillance video on their computers. The surveillance video software has dates and times from which you can retrieve a time period to watch. However, when you download 3 Although they were under subpoena, neither J.L. nor J.L.’s father appeared to testify at hearing. Any statements attributed to them cannot support a finding of fact for the truth of the matter asserted. § 120.57(1)(c), Fla. Stat. Statements by J.L. that are included in this Recommended Order are not intended to establish the truth of her statements, but rather, to explain why teachers and administrators took the actions they did in response to the situation. a section of the surveillance video, the downloaded portion does not include the timestamp. When Ms. Raulerson viewed the surveillance video on the computer screen, she could see the time stamp. While the video in evidence as Petitioner’s Exhibit 17E does not contain the time stamp, Ms. Raulerson credibly testified that it is the same video she and the others viewed to determine whether J.L. and T.B. were out of the classroom and how long they were out of the classroom. Petitioner’s Exhibit 17E is a type of evidence commonly relied upon by reasonably prudent persons in the conduct of their responsibilities as a school administrator. There is no evidence that the tape itself has been altered, edited, or tampered with in any way. The lack of a time stamp is not all that important. What is important is not so much the time of day when J.L. and T.B. were absent from Respondent’s classroom, but the length of time that they were absent.4 Ms. Velez admits that she allowed both students to leave her classroom on January 11. She simply disputes how long J.L. was gone. The surveillance video is 39 minutes and 53 seconds long. The times given in the summary of the video activity below are based on the times recorded on the video, as opposed to the time of day. A comparison of those timeframes with the timeline made by Ms. Austin and Mr. Messick shows that the timelines are essentially the same. The video shows the following: 4 Respondent claims she is prejudiced by the admission of the video, because she was not able to view it with the time-stamps to verify that it was, in fact, the video for January 11, 2018. It is noted that Respondent initiated no discovery in this case. Petitioner filed an exhibit list that included a reference to a video as early as July 24, 2020, some three weeks before hearing. Moreover, the Order of Pre-Hearing Instructions specifically requires not only a list of all exhibits to be offered at hearing, but also any objections to those exhibits and the grounds for each objection. Respondent did not note any objection in the Second Amended Joint Pre-Hearing Statement to the admission of any of the videos admitted as Petitioner’s Exhibit 17. At eight minutes, 17 seconds, J.L. leaves Ms. Velez’s classroom and heads down toward the girls’ bathroom at the end of the hall.5 She is wearing an over-sized jacket, but is not wearing a vest or carrying a clipboard. At nine minutes, 15 seconds, she comes out of the girls’ bathroom and speaks to an adult in the hallway, and then heads back to the bathroom. At the 13-minute, 4-second mark, T.B. walks down the hall from Ms. Velez’s classroom and, curiously, walks over toward the girls’ bathroom before going over to the boys’ bathroom. At 14 minutes, 39 seconds, T.B. comes out of the boys’ bathroom and walks over toward the girls’ bathroom a second time. After approximately ten seconds, he exits the area near the girls’ bathroom and heads back to the boys’ bathroom. At approximately 15 minutes into the video, and almost seven minutes after leaving Ms. Velez’s classroom, J.L. comes out of the girls’ bathroom, peers down the hallway in both directions, and goes over to the boys’ bathroom. At this point, she is still wearing her jacket. At approximately 18 minutes, 16 seconds into the video, a second male student, later identified as M.N., walks down the hall. M.N. is not in Ms. Velez’s class during this class period. He also goes toward the girls’ bathroom first, and then stands in the hallway outside the boys’ bathroom. After approximately 30 seconds, he walks down the hall and back, before going toward the boys’ bathroom and out of sight at 19 minutes and 40 seconds. At 20 minutes, 16 seconds into the video, other students start lining up in the hallway. Approximately four classes line up in the hallway, with no one coming out of the boys’ bathroom. At approximately 29 minutes, 5 Respondent established at hearing that one cannot actually see students enter and exit the bathrooms from the surveillance video. The sight line for the video stops just short of the doors to the two bathrooms. However, the only other alternative to going in the bathrooms would be for students to exit the SLA unit through the doors near the bathrooms. If that were the case, J.L. would be subject to harm as well, given that the doors lead to the rest of the school and the bus loading zone. 26 seconds, girls in line outside the bathroom are seen looking toward the boys’ bathroom and appear to be laughing. J.L. comes out of the boys’ bathroom at the 29-minute, 53-second mark, followed by T.B. J.L. is not wearing her jacket, and her belt is undone. T.B. throws J.L.’s jacket on the floor and walks down the hallway with his hands up in the air. Both J.L. and T.B. walk down the hall toward Ms. Velez’s room, and then turn around and return to their respective bathrooms. At the 31-minute, 53-second mark, J.L. comes out of the bathroom with her shirt tucked in and her belt fastened. She is still not wearing her jacket, a small portion of which can be seen on the floor of the hallway. She does not pick it up, but stays in the hallway until T.B. comes out of the bathroom, then both go down the hall toward Ms. Velez’s class, with T.B. running and J.L. walking. J.L. re-enters Ms. Velez’s classroom at 32 minutes, 21 seconds into the video. Finally, at 32 minutes, 30 seconds, M.N. comes out of the boys’ room, picks up J.L.’s jacket and heads down the hall. Based on the surveillance video, J.L.was out of the classroom for slightly over 24 minutes. T.B. was absent from the classroom for over 18 minutes. Ms. Velez is never seen in the hallway. There is no admissible evidence to demonstrate what actually occurred during the time that J.L. appeared to be in the boys’ restroom. Regardless of what actually happened, no female student should be in the boys’ bathroom, and a female student already identified as needing increased supervision should not be allowed to be unsupervised outside of her classroom at all, much less for such a lengthy period of time. The potential for harm was more than foreseeable, it was inevitable. Ms. Velez did not go in the hallway or send Ms. Kirkland, the paraprofessional present in her classroom that day, to check on J.L. or T.B. She did not call the SRO, the front office, or Mr. Messick to ask for assistance in locating either child. She also did not contact Ms. Raulerson, Mr. Messick, or J.L.’s parents after T.B. told her that J.L. had been in the boys’ restroom. She testified that, while J.L. certainly should not be in the boys’ restroom, there was nothing that led her to believe or suspect that there could be neglect or abuse. Ms. Velez acknowledged that she allowed J.L. to go to the bathroom unsupervised, and stated that she was training J.L. to go to the bathroom by herself. If that was the case, doing so was directly contrary to Mr. Messick’s email of August 22, 2017, and to the requirements of J.L.’s IEP. Ms. Velez had approximately 18 students in her classroom. Her focus, according to her, was on providing instruction to the students in her class. She denied losing track of time, but stated that once the students were engaged, she took her time with the lesson, which “led me to not noticing what time it was as normally as I should,” and she “possibly got distracted.” She did not take any responsibility for her actions. Instead, she blamed the situation on the fact that, at the time of the incident, she did not have a full- time paraprofessional assigned to her classroom. While the paraprofessional position for her class was not filled at the time of this incident, Ms. Kirkland traveled with the class and was present in Ms. Velez’s class when J.L. was allowed to leave the classroom. Ms. Velez also appeared to minimize the importance of providing increased supervision for J.L., and claimed that she was training her to go to the bathroom by herself. Yet, she described the class as a whole as one that needed “eyes on them” at all times. Further, J.L.’s parents clearly felt the increased supervision was crucial, and called early in the school year to make sure that staff knew J.L. was not to be left alone. Ms. Velez gave no explanation as to why she would “train” J.L. to leave the room unsupervised (and one wonders what training could be taking place, if the child is allowed to go alone outside the classroom), when she knew that to do so was clearly contrary to J.L.’s parents’ wishes. On January 22, 2018, the Duval County School District (the District) began an investigation into the incident concerning J.L. that occurred on January 11, 2018. During the District investigation, Ms. Raulerson notified the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and law enforcement of the incident. Both entities conducted investigations. The results of those investigations are not part of this record. On March 16, 2018, the District reprimanded Respondent and suspended her for 30 days for failing to provide adequate supervision of her students. The School Board’s approval of the suspension and the basis for it was reported in the press.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding that Respondent violated section 1012.795(1)(j) and rule 6A- 10.081(2)(a)1. It is further recommended that Respondent pay a fine of $750, and that her certificate be suspended for a period of one year, followed by two years of probation, with terms and conditions to be determined by the Education Practices Commission. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of October, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of October, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 (eServed) Stephanie Marisa Schaap, Esquire Duval Teachers United 1601 Atlantic Boulevard Jacksonville, Florida 32207 (eServed) Lisa M. Forbess, Interim Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 316 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Randy Kosec, Jr., Chief Office of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (6) 1012.7951012.7961012.798120.569120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-11.007 DOAH Case (1) 20-0148PL
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001378 Latest Update: Dec. 11, 1981

The Issue The issue presented here concerns an Administrative Complaint brought by Ralph D. Turlington, as Commissioner of Education, against Willie Lynn Brown, calling for the revocation, suspension or other appropriate disciplinary action against the Respondent's teaching certificate issued by the State of Florida. The contention in this Administrative Complaint is that the Respondent, while employed at the A. D. Harris Sixth Grade Center, conducted physical acts with a minor male student, involving the student sitting on the Respondent's lap and the Respondent taking one of the student's hands and rubbing it against the Respondent's genital area. For these alleged acts of misconduct, the Petitioner attempts to discipline the Respondent, in keeping with the provisions of Section 231.28, Florida Statutes, in that the Respondent is reputedly guilty of gross immorality and an act of moral turpitude and conduct which seriously reduces his effectiveness as an employee of the Bay County School Board and further the Petitioner, in keeping with the Provisions of Section 231.09, Florida Statutes, claims that the conduct on the part of the Respondent is conduct which fails to provide a proper example for students.

Findings Of Fact This matter is here presented for consideration following an Administrative Complaint brought by Ralph D. Turlington, as Commissioner of Education, State of Florida, vs. Willie Lynn Brown, Respondent. The dispute concerns the allegations as alluded to in the Issues statement of this Recommended Order. The Administrative Complaint is dated April 9, 1981. After receipt of the Administrative Complaint, the Respondent requested a formal hearing pursuant to Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. In turn, the Petitioner in this action asked that the matter be conducted by the Division of Administrative Hearings, this request being forwarded on May 14, 1981. After consideration of certain preliminary matters, the final hearing in this cause was conducted on July 10 and 14, 1981. The Respondent holds Florida Teaching Certificate No. 385083, valid through June, 1985, and covering the areas of elementary education, early childhood education and administration/supervision. At all times pertinent to this matter, the Respondent Willie Lynn Brown, was employed by the Bay County School Board as a teacher at the A. D. Harris Sixth Grade Center. In the school year 1980-81, a local civic club in Panama City, Florida, held an oratorical contest for the benefit of students in the Bay County School System. Among the participants in that contest were students from the A. D. Harris Sixth Grade Center where the Respondent taught. Brown acted in the capacity as advisor to those students and met with the students from the Harris Center on several occasions to aid the students in the preparation of their speeches, and in the presentation of those speeches. One of the students participating in the oratorical contest was Steve William Rudd, a minor. Rudd was not a student in Brown's regular academic classes. The involvement Rudd had with Brown prior to the oratorical contest was merely to the extent of knowing that Brown was a teacher at Harris. On the first occasion of Rudd's participation with Brown in the speech contest, Brown met with Rudd and other students in the auditorium at the school and listened to their speeches and critiqued their presentation. The next occasion in which Brown took part in the preparation of the students for the oratorical contest occurred in Brown's homeroom, at which time the general nature of the relationship between Brown and the students was as occurred at the auditorium session. On the third occasion in which the Respondent met with Rudd there was also in attendance a second student, William Arnold Stevenson. This session was held in the classroom of another teacher. On that occasion Stevenson was allowed to present his speech while Brown listened and Rudd waited for his turn. When Stevenson had concluded his speech, he left the room leaving Brown and Rudd alone. Rudd then commenced his speech standing at the front of the room, and he concluded that presentation while Brown moved around the room listening to the speech. Brown then made certain suggestions to Rudd about correcting Rudd's speech presentation and then asked Rudd to move to the back of the classroom. Rudd complied with that request. Rudd then began to give his speech again while standing at the back of the room in the area of a desk. At this time the Respondent was moving around the room and eventually approached Rudd. At that point, Brown placed his folded arms on the back of Rudd at Rudd's shoulder level. At this juncture, Rudd was facing the front of the classroom and the Respondent was directly behind him. The front of Brown's body was touching the back of Rudd's person. Brown remained in this position until Rudd had concluded his speech. During this interval, Brown made no comment. The interval for this occurrence was approximately two or three minutes. After Rudd had presented his speech for the second time, the Respondent went and took a seat in a chair in the back of the classroom. The Respondent then instructed the student to sit on the Respondent's lap. Rudd complied and seated himself on the Respondent's leg, in the area of the Respondent's knee. The Respondent then gestured with his hands, pointing in the direction of the Respondent's groin area, meaning the genital area, and said to the student, "sit right here." The Respondent then pulled the student toward his body and at that time the student was seated on the Respondent's genital area with his back against the Respondent's chest. No comment was made during this part of the episode, which lasted a short time. Brown then moved Rudd back away from his body into the original location near his knee. He then took the student's right hand and with the student's hands stroked Brown's genital area. This maneuver with the student's hand was a momentary event. While the student was seated on the Respondent's lap, he was concerned for his welfare and in particular worried about the door which had been locked by the Respondent. The student thought that the door was locked such that he, the student, could not exit. In fact, the door was locked barring entry from persons outside the room. Brown released Rudd's hand and told Rudd that he could get out and that Brown was sorry for what had occurred. He told the student this several times, once when the student got up, once when the student was midway in the classroom approaching the door, and once when the student got to the door. On the same day as the event transpired, Rudd reported the incident to the Principal at Harris Center, one James Griffin. Griffin then confronted the Respondent with the student's allegations by asking Brown if the story that Rudd had told about the incident was true. Brown responded, "Yes, it is." When Griffin asked him why he did it, Brown said, "I don't know." Griffin then commented to Brown that the matter was a very serious offense and that Brown might be suspended or dismissed from the school system, to which Brown replied, "I know this." Griffin then asked Brown if he was prepared to face the consequences, and Brown replied, Yes, I guess I am." Since the time of the event, some of the other students in the sixth grade center have referred to Rudd as a "gay boy," meaning that Rudd was a homosexual, due to his circumstance with Brown and that Rudd "felt Mr. Brown off," meaning that Rudd had manipulated the Respondent's penis. Rudd had bean teased about the event by other students, and the students did not talk to him. Rudd has felt insecure in his home and has desired to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag with the lights on because of this event with the Respondent. Rudd has felt as if someone were watching him even in his home, in particular that the person was the Respondent. The student has also felt that he did not wish to sleep by a window and has chosen to sleep in the middle of the room, and at times has slept on a couch in the living room of his home. The aforementioned treatment of the student by other children in the sixth grade center led Rudd's parents to change his bus transportation to avoid a confrontation with the children. Nonetheless, it has not been necessary for the student to seek psychiatric assistance and he is recovering from the trauma of the subject occurrence. In spite of attempts by the school authorities to deter publication of this incident, students, teachers, parents, staff and other persons within the community have learned of the incident and Principal Griffin is of the persuasion that there would be dissension with teachers, parents and students should Brown be allowed back as an instructor in the school. Griffin feels that there would be a lack of trust in that Brown has lost his effectiveness as an instructor. Likewise, Bay County Superintendent Holman who is familiar with the case facts, is of the persuasion that Brown's effectiveness as a teacher in Bay County has been seriously reduced. Nothing offered in defense rebuts the opinion of these educators. Following the incident, a meeting was held on March 6, 1981, between the Respondent and Pete Holman, Superintendent of Schools in Bay County, Florida, with the Principal Griffin being in attendance. At that time Brown again admitted that the incident had occurred and subsequent to this meeting Brown was suspended from his teaching duties in the Bay County system. There ensued an administrative complaint brought by Ralph D. Turlington as Commissioner of Education in the State of Florida, and the Bay County School Board took action to discharge the Respondent as an employee.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts of this case, the conclusions of law reached in matters in aggravation and mitigation, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Respondent, Willie Lynn Brown, have his teacher's certificate in the State of Florida, revoked permanently. 1/ DONE and ENTERED this 21st day of September, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of September, 1981.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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