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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Apr. 10, 1996 Number: 96-001757 Latest Update: Oct. 13, 1997

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent should be dismissed from employment with Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact In 1987, Steven E. Belford, hereinafter Mr. Belford, began his employment with the Palm Beach County School Board, hereinafter School Board, as a School Police Officer. From 1991 through April 1995, Mr. Belford considered the conduct of the School Board’s employees, including supervisory and management personnel, towards him to be racially hostile. During this same time period, from 1992 through April 1995, the School Board considered the conduct of Mr. Belford towards co-workers, supervisors, superiors, and students to be inappropriate. On April 10, 1995, a meeting, which could affect Mr. Belford’s employment, was held regarding his job performance. At this meeting, Mr. Belford was represented by counsel from the Police Benevolent Association, hereinafter PBA. Also among those present at the meeting was James Kelly, Chief of the School Police for the School Board. Chief Kelly was concerned with Mr. Belford’s conduct in the performance of his duties. During this meeting, Mr. Belford described the problems that he was experiencing in the work place. After listening to Mr. Belford, Chief Kelly’s concerns extended to the safety of students, staff, and visitors at the school to which Mr. Belford was assigned. As a result of this meeting, Chief Kelly determined that Mr. Belford should and would be required to undergo a fitness for duty examination. Mr. Belford’s PBA counsel advised him to undergo the fitness for duty examination. Even though Mr. Belford’s position was that there was no basis for the examination and that it was, therefore, inappropriate, he agreed to the examination. Mr. Belford was willing to comply with whatever was required of him, even though he may not agree, to keep his job. It is undisputed that the referral of Mr. Belford for a psychological evaluation was reasonable. On April 25 and 26, 1995, Dr. Harley V. Stock performed what he referred to as the “mandatory fitness for duty examination.” In Dr. Stock’s evaluation, dated May 3, 1995,2 he stated, among other things, the following: [Mr. Belford] shows no impairment in relationship to reality. . . . there was no indication of any underlying mood disorder. . . . There is no indication of any underlying thought disorder. . . . In summary this examiner has had the opportunity to review a significant amount of collateral information regarding Mr. Belford’s employment with the Palm Beach School Police Department. It appears that he has had fluctuating reviews, particularly in areas as it relates [sic] to interpersonal interactions. When confronted with documentation, Mr. Belford always has an “excuse”. He essentially feels that most of the problems that he is currently facing are a result of racial discrimination. He takes absolutely no responsibility for his own behavior. He is overly suspicious about other people’s motives towards him. He denies any type of provocative physical action towards the students or others. He believes that he is “misunderstood”. Psychological testing reveals him to be a skeptical, suspicious, over-controlled individual who may have the propensity to lose his “temper” at times when provoked. He, however, will have no insight into this. Instead, he would rather shift the blame, and responsibility to others for any problems that he finds himself in. I find some of Mr. Belford’s explanations for his behavior, as contained in the allegations, incredible. Based on psychological testing, Dr. Stock made the following recommendations in his evaluation: Because of his current psychologic [sic] functioning, his behavior at this time cannot be predicted in terms of his interactions with students and faculty members. He obviously harbors a great deal of hostility towards others, but does not either acknowledge, or recognize it. This can lead to episodes where he may become physically assaultive at the most, or at the very least, verbally aggressive in a way that is inappropriate in a school environment. I would therefore recommend that he is temporarily Unfit For Duty and that he needs mandatory psychologic [sic] counseling. Mandatory psychologic [sic] counseling means that the School Board should be appraised [sic] of his keeping scheduled counseling appointments, and that within a reasonable time, he be re-evaluated to ascertain whether he is making any progress in psychotherapy and gaining any insight into how to both understand his behavior and to modulate his impulses. During the time of treatment, I would recommend that he not engage in any functions that would place him in the role of having any type of “police authority”. This would include coming into contact with students and administrators. However, his psychologic [sic] condition does not render him totally incapable of employment. A “light duty” position would be appropriate in which he can carry on selected roles as described by the School Board while receiving treatment. After treatment is completed, within a reasonable time, Mr. Belford should then be re-evaluated to see if indeed treatment has had any effect on him. At that juncture, a further determination can be made about his work placement. In a meeting held on May 17, 1995, the results of Dr. Stock’s evaluation were discussed with Mr. Belford who was accompanied by his PBA counsel. Mr. Belford was advised that Dr. Stock considered him to be temporarily unfit for duty. In May 1995, in accordance with Dr. Stock’s recommendations, Mr. Belford was removed from duty. He was assigned light duty in the risk management department while he underwent counseling. Mr. Belford’s psychological counseling sessions were conducted by MCC Behavioral Care. His counseling sessions began on May 18, 1995. The School Board coordinated Mr. Belford’s appointments with MCC Behavioral Care and Dr. Stock. Melinda Wong was the coordinator for the School Board. During his last counseling session with MCC Behavioral Care held on August 4, 1995, Mr. Belford and his counselor agreed that he need not return to MCC Behavioral Care for any more counseling sessions. However, the counselor did not indicate to Mr. Belford whether he should or was required to return to Dr. Stock for a final evaluation. In August 1995, a representative from Ms. Wong’s office informed Mr. Belford that his final evaluation with Dr. Stock would be conducted on August 29, 1995. Mr. Belford attended the session with Dr. Stock on August 29, 1995. Mr. Belford departed the session with the understanding that the session was for his final evaluation and that Dr. Stock would submit his final report to the School Board within the next week. However, no final determination was made by Dr. Stock regarding Mr. Belford’s fitness for duty. Dr. Stock had concerns regarding the appropriateness of the counseling provided to Mr. Belford by MCC Behavioral Care. During the month of September 1995 and subsequent months, Mr. Belford periodically inquired of Ms. Wong about the status of Dr. Stock's final determination. Each time, she informed him that no determination had been made by Dr. Stock. Mr. Belford was clearly frustrated. On October 5, 1995, Mr. Belford filed a complaint of discrimination with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, hereinafter EEOC, against the School Board. Finally, Dr. Stock's office contacted Ms. Wong and informed her that Dr. Stock needed to have one more session with Mr. Belford in order to make a final evaluation. Ms. Wong arranged for the session to be conducted on January 3, 1996, after Mr. Belford's Christmas vacation. On Friday, December 15, 1995, at approximately 2:40 p.m., Ms. Wong went to Mr. Belford’s workplace which was in the immediate vicinity of her workplace. She advised Mr. Belford that he needed to attend a final session with Dr. Stock on January 3, 1996, in order for Dr. Stock to prepare the final evaluation. Believing that he had attended his final session with Dr. Stock on August 29, 1995, and that Ms. Wong was not aware of the final session, Mr. Belford informed Ms. Wong that he had already completed his final session and requested that she check her records. Mr. Belford was visibly tense and upset. Ms. Wong was surprised by Mr. Belford's reaction. She interpreted Mr. Belford's conduct as refusing to attend his last session with Dr. Stock for a final evaluation. Ms. Wong departed Mr. Belford’s workplace and immediately contacted Chief Kelly. Seeking advice, Chief Kelly telephoned Louis Haddad, the School Board’s Coordinator of Employee Relations. Mr. Haddad advised Chief Kelly to immediately contact Mr. Belford and to arrange a meeting with Mr. Belford that afternoon in Mr. Haddad's office, which was in the same building. Attending the meeting would be Mr. Belford, Chief Kelly, Ms. Wong, and Mr. Haddad. Chief Kelly telephoned Mr. Belford and informed Mr. Belford that he wanted to meet with him in Mr. Haddad's office. Mr. Belford informed Chief Kelly that he was getting-off work in approximately 10 minutes at 3:00 p.m.. At that time, Chief Kelly made it clear that he was giving Mr. Belford a direct order to attend the meeting. Mr. Belford advised Chief Kelly that he wanted his counsel present at the meeting. Chief Kelly did not respond to Mr. Belford's request, but asked him if he was refusing to attend the meeting, thereby disobeying a direct order. Immediately, Mr. Belford became nervous and afraid and felt queasy in the stomach. He inquired as to the location of the meeting. Chief Kelly informed him where the meeting was being held, and they both terminated the telephone conversation. Mr. Belford was on duty when Chief Kelly gave him the direct order to attend the meeting. Mr. Belford did not refuse to attend the meeting. He intended to attend the meeting. When the telephone conversation ended, Chief Kelly had a reasonable expectation that Mr. Belford would obey the direct order and attend the meeting being held that afternoon. Shortly after the telephone conversation with Chief Kelly, Mr. Belford began recalling the events leading up to the telephone conversation, and his nervousness and queasy feeling intensified. Mr. Belford became ill and was unable to attend the meeting. He departed from his workplace without notifying anyone of his sudden illness3 and without attending the meeting. While waiting for Mr. Belford, Chief Kelly, not being aware that Mr. Belford had departed his workplace, telephoned Mr. Belford's PBA counsel and informed him of the meeting and briefly of the underlying circumstances. The PBA counsel considered the meeting appropriate and advised Chief Kelly that he would be available by telephone when Mr. Belford arrived. Immediately after leaving his office, Mr. Belford contacted his new counsel. At approximately 3:25 p.m., a representative from the office of Mr. Belford's new counsel telephoned Chief Kelly. The representative of Mr. Belford's new counsel indicated to Chief Kelly that Mr. Belford would not be attending the meeting due to his sudden illness. Chief Kelly informed the representative that Mr. Belford had disobeyed a direct order and that, among other things, Mr. Belford was relieved of duty and would be recommended for termination due to insubordination. Prior to this telephone call, Chief Kelly had no knowledge that anyone other than the PBA counsel was representing Mr. Belford. Unbeknownst to the PBA counsel and Chief Kelly, Mr. Belford had decided prior to December 15, 1995, that he no longer wanted the PBA counsel's representation and that he wanted new counsel. On Monday, December 18, 1995, the next business day, Chief Kelly received written notification from Mr. Belford's new counsel regarding the reason for Mr. Belford's failure to attend the meeting. It is undisputed that there is no right to consult an attorney before obeying a direct order of a superior officer. Furthermore, it is undisputed that obeying a direct order from a superior officer is a critical and important aspect of the responsibilities of a police officer. On December 20, 1995, Chief Kelly recommended that Mr. Belford be terminated from employment with the School Board for insubordination. Mr. Belford never had a session with Dr. Stock subsequent to August 29, 1995. It was reasonable for Mr. Belford to presume that, since he was being recommended for termination, he was not expected to attend any future session with Dr. Stock. Dr. Stock never made a final determination as to whether Mr. Belford was fit to return to duty. On January 9, 1996, a pre-termination meeting was held with Mr. Belford at which he was represented by counsel. At the meeting, Mr. Belford was notified that he was being terminated for gross insubordination. By letter dated January 26, 1996, the School Board notified Mr. Belford that he was being suspended without pay and that he was being recommended for termination due to gross insubordination. On February 23, 1996, the School Board responded to Mr. Belford's charge of discrimination filed with the EEOC. The School Police for the School Board has a written policy regarding separation from employment. The policy defines gross insubordination in section "IV. C. Suspension/Termination" as "a willful disregard or constant or continuing intentional refusal to obey a direct order, reasonable in nature and given by and with proper authority." Furthermore, section "IV. D." provides that "Employees included in a bargaining unit are subject to suspension/dismissal provisions of the collective bargaining agreement." The School Board and the Palm Beach County PBA have a collective bargaining agreement, hereinafter CBA. Article 7 of the CBA, entitled "Police Officers Bill of Rights," provides in pertinent part as follows: 7.1 All law enforcement officers employed by the School Board shall have the following rights and privileges: Whenever a law enforcement officer is under investigation and subject to interrogation by members of his agency for any reason which could lead to disciplinary action, demotion, or dismissal, such interrogation shall be conducted under the following conditions: * * * I. At the request of any law enforcement officer under investigation, he/she shall have the right to be represented by counsel or any other representative of his/her choice who shall be present at all times during such interrogation when the interrogation relates to the officer's continued fitness for law enforcement service. * * * 5. No law enforcement officer shall be discharged, disciplined, demoted, or denied promotion, transfer, or reassignment, or otherwise be discriminated against in regard to his/her employment, or be threatened with any such treatment, by reason of his/her exercise of the rights granted by this part. Article 29 of the CBA, entitled "Progressive Discipline," provides in pertinent part as follows: This Section covers actions involving oral or written warnings, written reprimands, suspensions, demotions, dismissals, or reductions in grade or pay with prejudice. Disciplinary action may not be taken against an employee except for just cause, and this must be substantiated by sufficient evidence which supports the recommended disciplinary action. * * * 8. The discipline, dismissal, demotion, and suspension of any employee shall be for just cause. Where just cause warrants such action(s), any employee may be demoted, suspended, or dismissed upon recommendation of the Chief of Police to the Superintendent of Schools. Except in cases that constitute a real immediate danger to the District or other flagrant violation, progressive discipline shall be administered as follows: Verbal warning (written notation). Written warning. Written reprimand filed in Personnel. Suspension with or without pay. Dismissal. It is inferred and a finding is made that Mr. Belford is a member of the Palm Beach County PBA and is, therefore, subject to the collective bargaining agreement.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Palm Beach County School Board enter a final order revoking the suspension and dismissal and reinstating Steven E. Belford under terms and conditions as are appropriate. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of October, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ERROL H. POWELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of October, 1997.

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Dec. 16, 2015 Number: 15-007092PL Latest Update: Oct. 05, 2024
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Mango, Florida May 12, 2003 Number: 03-001724PL Latest Update: Oct. 05, 2024
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002222 Latest Update: Sep. 06, 1990

The Issue The issues in this instance are promoted in keeping with an administrative complaint brought by the Petitioner against the Respondent, charging violations of Sections 943.13 and 943.145, Florida Statutes. These allegations relate to the claim that Respondent was involved in a liaison with a prostitute in which he exchanged Valium for sex. The encounter between the Respondent and the prostitute is alleged to have occurred while the Respondent was on duty. This Valium was allegedly obtained from an automobile which was examined as part of the Respondent's duties as a law enforcement officer. It is further alleged that the Valium should have been turned in as part of his responsibilities as a law enforcement officer.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a holder of a certificate as law enforcement officer, Certificate No. 98-10527. That certificate is issued by the State of Florida, Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission, and Respondent has held that certificate at all relevant times in this proceeding. Respondent has been employed as a police officer by the Daytona Beach, Florida, Police Department in the relevant time period and it was during that tenure that Respondent is accused of having committed the offense as set forth in the administrative complaint. Debbie Ofiara is the only witness to the Respondent's alleged indiscretion while on duty. Ms. Ofiara is an admitted prostitute, who has drug problems so severe that she required specific program treatment to address them. In particular, that drug difficulty relates to the drug Dilaudid. In addition, Ofiara has served six months in jail for grand theft, a felony conviction. At the time of the alleged incident with the Respondent she was under the influence of drugs and was under the influence of drugs when she reported that incident to a police investigator in the Daytona Beach Police Department. When testimony was given at the hearing, Ofiara was attending a drug program while awaiting a sentence for a drug offense related to cocaine. She had pled guilty to that drug charge, a felony. Ofiara has been arrested for prostitution, arrests made by the Daytona Beach Police Department on three different occasions. She had been arrested for hitchhiking by Officer Cadenhead prior to the incident which underlies the administrative charges and indicates that she "took offense" at the arrest. Moreover, she acknowledges some past concern about her treatment in encounters with Officer Gary Gallion of the Daytona Beach Police Department in his official capacity. Ms. Ofiara claims that sometime in November 1982, in the evening hours, the Respondent, while on duty as a police officer, in uniform and driving a marked patrol car, approached Ofiara and made arrangements to meet her. She further states that this rendezvous occurred in Daytona Beach, Florida, and that in exchange for Valium tablets which the Respondent had obtained from an examination of a car he had been involved with in his police duties, which tablets were not turned in, Ofiara performed oral sex for Respondent's benefit. Some time later, Ofiara related the facts of the encounter with Officer Cadenhead to an internal affairs investigator with the Daytona Beach Police Department, Lieutenant Thomas G. Galloway. She also gave Galloway a bottle which she claimed was the bottle in which the Valium was found. The vial or container was not examined for any residue of the substance Valium or examined for fingerprints of the Respondent. Following Galloway's investigation of the allegations, the Daytona Beach Police Department determined to terminate the Respondent from his employment. That termination was effective February 11, 1983. Respondent was subsequently reinstated after service of a four-week suspension without pay by order of the City of Daytona Beach Civil Service Board, effective March 9, 1983. Having considered the testimony of Ms. Ofiara and the testimony of the Respondent in which he denies the incident with her, and there being no corroboration, Ms. Ofiara's testimony is rejected for reasons of credibility. As a prostitute, drug user, felon and person with a certain quality of animosity toward the Respondent and in consideration of the demeanor of the accusing witness and Respondent, her testimony is rejected.

Florida Laws (1) 943.13
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-001276 Latest Update: Feb. 05, 1981

The Issue Whether Respondent's teaching certificate should be revoked or otherwise disciplined on grounds that he violated Section 231.28(1), Florida Statutes (1979), as alleged, by making sexual advances toward his female students on four separate occasions.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence presented at hearing, including consideration of the validity and demeanor of witnesses, the following facts are determined: Respondent, Lawrence Longenecker ("LONGENECKER"), at all times material hereto held a Florida teacher's certificate: Certificate No. 283801, Post Graduate, Rank II, valid through June 30, 1986, covering the areas of secondary biology, junior high science, guidance, and junior college. (Joint Exhibit 1.) LONGENECKER was employed as a science teacher at Madeira Beach Middle School, a public school in Pinellas County, Florida, during the 1976-1977 and 1977-1978 school years, until his resignation in January, 1978. (Joint Exhibit 1.) I. Longenecker's Sexual Advances Toward Three Female Students The COUNCIL alleged, and has established that LONGENECKER made sexual advances toward three (3) female students on four separate occasions. The first incident occurred during the early morning of January 1, 1977. Robin Hamilton, an eighth grade student of LONGENECKER's at Madeira Beach Middle School, had just finished babysitting for LONGENECKER on the evening of December 31, 1976. While driving her home, LONGENECKER stopped behind a Publix Supermarket across from Madeira Beach Middle School, and asked her if he could "take her up on her offer", referring to his missing a chance to kiss her during a friendly mistletoe Christmas celebration at school earlier in the day. Thinking little of it, she said "okay"; he then kissed her. Five minutes later, he said, "What about one for the good luck of next year--in ninth grade?", and kissed her again. She let him. He then continued driving her home, but took a longer route than required. She told him, "This isn't the right way" home, and he answered, "Don't worry about it, I'll take you home." He then kissed her on the lips, again, putting his arms around her and pulling her closer. She became scared, and insisted he take her home, which he then did. She reported the incident to her parents the next day, and they insisted she tell the school principal; she then reported the incident to John Larson, the assistant principal. LONGENECKER denies having made these advances toward Miss Hamilton. However, her demeanor was direct and detached; she evinced no bias, interest, or motive to falsify, and her testimony is accepted as persuasive. (Testimony of Hamilton.) The second incident involved LONGENECKER and Elizabeth Karen James, another eighth grade student at Madeira Beach Middle School. He taught science, and she was his student assistant who helped prepare the laboratory, grade papers, and take roll. During January or February, 1977, she was working alone in the back room of the science laboratory; she had her face toward the wall and was leaning against a table. LONGENECKER, while attempting to show her something, leaned heavily against her--the lower part of his body pressing against her lower back side--and placed his hands on her shoulders. The continued pressure of his body against hers--for 2 to 3 minutes--made her scared. While this was going on, he continued to instruct her on preparing the lab for the next day. She waited until he was through and then quickly left the room. Later, she reported the incident to her parents. Approximately 2 to 3 weeks later, the third incident occurred when she was, again, working in the laboratory, and standing two feet from the door. She was leaning against the counter; he came up behind her and leaned heavily against her, in the same manner as he had done previously. She became scared, turned around, and tried to leave. He took her hand, and asked her to remain because he wanted to show her something else. LONGENECKER denies having made sexual advances toward Miss James. However, her testimony was not tainted by bias, intent, or motive to falsify; she evidenced no ill-will or hostility toward LONGENECKER, and her testimony is accepted as persuasive. (Testimony of James.) In February or March, 1977, Miss Hamilton and Miss James separately reported the above incidents, involving LONGENECKER, to John Larson, the school's assistant principal. Larson spoke with Dr. Robert Moore, the principal, and they both met with LONGENECKER to discuss the complaints. Dr. Moore expressed his concern over the alleged behavior and explicitly warned LONGENECKER that such conduct was unethical and jeopardized his teaching position. LONGENECKER neither admitted or denied the accusations, but listened, quietly. (Testimony of Moore, Larson, Longenecker.) The fourth incident occurred approximately nine (9) months later, on or about December 3, 1977, and involved Sharon O'Connell, a ninth grade student at Madeira Beach Middle School. LONGENECKER was her science teacher; she was a good student and liked him as a teacher. On the evening of December 3, 1977, Miss O'Connell was babysitting for LONGENECKER. LONGENECKER and his wife returned home at approximately 12:30 a.m., and he drove her home. Instead of taking her directly home, he took her to Madeira Beach Middle School, ostensibly to "pick up something." (Tr. 87.) When they arrived, he took her on a tour of new buildings that were being constructed at the school. It was a cold evening, and he put his arm around her, as if to keep her warm. He moved closer to her, as she was leaning against a wall, and pressed his lower body against her buttocks area. At the same time, he put his hands underneath her arms and rubbed her breasts. She tried to tighten her arms, and became scared; he acted like nothing out of the ordinary was occurring, and continued to talk of the construction work. They then walked to another area of the school, where he leaned her against a door, and repeated his earlier conduct--pressing his lower front against her buttocks and fondling her breasts. He was breathing heavily, and Miss O'Connell was embarrassed and scared. She then pulled away, and asked him to take her home. After several requests, he complied. She reported this incident to her parents, who immediately contacted the Superintendent of Schools. LONGENECKER denies having engaged in this conduct toward Miss O'Connell. Her testimony is, however, accepted as persuasive; she was visibly embarrassed by having to describe this incident, but expressed no hostility toward LONGENECKER; indeed, she indicated sympathy for his plight. (Testimony of O'Connell.) II. Effect of Incidents Upon Longenecker's Effectiveness as a School Board Employee After the incident involving Miss O'Connell was reported, LONGENECKER was called to Dr. Moore's office and confronted with the accusation. LONGENECKER neither admitted, nor clearly denied, the accusation. He was asked to resign immediately, which he did. Since that time, he has held several jobs in commercial establishments, and his efforts to find work as a teacher have been unsuccessful. (Testimony of Moore, Larson, Longenecker.) LONGENECKER's complained-of actions toward the three female students seriously reduces his effectiveness as a teacher at Madeira Beach Middle School and the immediate area. His misconduct has become generally known to faculty members, students, and their families, and his reemployment as a teacher at Madeira Beach would be opposed by parents and students. (Testimony of Moore.)

Conclusions Respondent is guilty, as alleged, of violating Section 231.28(1), Florida Statutes (1979). Due to the repetitive nature of his misconduct and the prior practice of the Board of Education in cases such as this, Respondent's teaching certificate should be permanently revoked.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Lawrence LONGENECKER's teaching certificate No. 283801 be permanently revoked. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of November, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 8
IN RE: CHARLES POLK vs *, 91-003831EC (1991)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 24, 1991 Number: 91-003831EC Latest Update: May 01, 1992

Findings Of Fact The Respondent. The Respondent, Charles Polk, served as the President of Daytona Beach Community College from 1974 to 1990. [Stipulated Fact.] Mr. Polk resigned as President of Daytona Beach Community College in 1990. Mr. Polk's Purchase of Real Estate from Anargyros N. Xepapas. In November, 1985, Mr. Polk and his wife purchased a life estate and one-half interest in a condominium unit from Anargyros N. Xepapas. Mr. Xepapas owned the other one-half interest in the condominium unit. [Stipulated Fact.] The purchase price of the life estate and one-half interest in the condominium unit was $150,000.00. [Stipulated Fact.] The weight of the evidence failed to prove that this price was not the fair market value or that the transaction was not an arms-length transaction. Under the terms of the agreement, Mr. Polk and his wife were required to pay $30,000.00 immediately. They subsequently executed and delivered to Mr. Xepapas a note and mortgage for the remaining $120,000.00. [Stipulated Fact.] Mr. Polk was a mortgagor and Mr. Xepapas was a mortgagee. Under the terms of the agreement, Mr. Polk was required to pay maintenance fees of approximately $5,000.00 per year, taxes, insurance and all other expenses of the unit, which totaled approximately $14,000.00 per year. [Stipulated Fact.] Mr. Xepapas agreed to maintain the payments on the first mortgage. [Stipulated Fact.] Following the closing, Mr. Polk paid Mr. Xepapas an additional $60,000.00 on the mortgage, reducing the principal balance to $60,000.00. [Stipulated Fact.] A warranty deed was provided to Mr. Polk for the purchase of the property. [Stipulated Fact.] Neither the deed nor the mortgage were recorded. [Stipulated Fact.] Mr. Polk and his wife used the condominium as their residence. [Stipulated Fact.] Mr. Xepapas action in selling the condominium to Mr. Polk and his wife was a business transaction. Mr. Xepapas. Mr. Xepapas is an architect and developer who designs, builds, and sells property in the Daytona Beach area. [Stipulated Fact.] At the time Mr. Polk purchased the one-half interest in the condominium unit from Mr. Xepapas, Mr. Xepapas was the owner of the condominium building in which the unit was located. [Stipulated Fact.] In addition to being the owner of the condominium building at issue, Mr. Xepapas was the architect, developer and contractor for the condominium and for other condominium buildings in the areas. Mr. Xepapas was trying to sell the condominium units as part of his business because of cash-flow problems. [Stipulated Fact.] The condominium sales market was "soft" and Mr. Xepapas was trying to eliminate the carrying costs for unsold units. Mr. Xepapas sold a total of four condominium units pursuant to an arrangement similar to the arrangement by which he sold the condominium unit to Mr. Polk. Mr. Xepapas had made offers to sell one-half interests in condominium units to various other persons besides Mr. Polk. [Stipulated Fact.] Mr. Xepapas was a sole proprietor. He entered into his relationship with Mr. Polk in his capacity as a sole proprietor. Mr. Xepapas has known Mr. Polk for ten to fifteen years and considers himself a friend of Mr. Polk. [Stipulated Fact.] Mr. Xepapas' Business with Daytona Beach Community College. In 1987, the Board of Trustees of the Daytona Beach Community College decided to expand the College's educational facilities by obtaining a new center in the Deltona area. [Stipulated Fact.] In September, 1987, the Board of Trustees instructed staff to develop a request for proposal for the design and construction of the facility which would be leased to the College. [Stipulated Fact.] Mr. Polk was involved to some extent in the decision as to whether the new center should be purchased or constructed, and whether it should be acquired through a long-term lease/purchase agreement. In response to the advertisement of the request for proposal in September, 1988, Mr. Xepapas submitted a proposal. [Stipulated Fact.] There were a total of nine persons or businesses that responded to the request for proposal for the Deltona facility. Mr. Polk knew that Mr. Xepapas had picked up a bid proposal package and, therefore, believed that Mr. Xepapas would submit a proposal. Mr. Polk appointed the committee which reviewed the proposals. This committee ultimately narrowed the acceptable proposals to two, including Mr. Xepapas, and directed that those two proposers submit final proposals. In January, 1989, Mr. Xepapas, in his capacity as a sole proprietor, was the successful bidder on the contract; however, there is no evidence to indicate that Mr. Polk abused his position in order to ensure this result. [Stipulated Fact.] Mr. Xepapas and Mr. and Mrs. Polk were co-owners of the condominium prior to and at the time that Mr. Xepapas was awarded the Daytona Beach Community College contract. Ultimately, Mr. Xepapas was not able to fulfill his obligations under the contract with Daytona Beach Community College. Although the evidence failed to prove that Mr. Polk asserted any influence over the decision to award the contract to Mr. Xepapas, Mr. Polk was involved to some small degree in the award of the contract to Mr. Xepapas. The evidence failed to prove that Mr. Polk disclosed his co-ownership of the condominium with Mr. Xepapas to the Board of Trustees of the Daytona Beach Community College, that he refused to participate in any way in the bidding process or that he attempted to take the more drastic step of severing his relationship with Mr. Xepapas while the bidding process was going on. In May, 1989, Mr. and Mrs. Polk ultimately quit claim deeded the property to Mr. Xepapas. The evidence failed to prove why. They, therefore, lost their investment in the property. Mr. Polk also resigned as President of Daytona Beach Community College as a result of the allegations concerning his relationship with Mr. Xepapas.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission on Ethics enter a Final Order and Public Report finding that the Respondent, Charles Polk, violated Section 112.313(7), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Complaint No. 89-80. It is further RECOMMENDED that Mr. Polk be subjected to public censure and reprimand. DONE and ENTERED this 13th day of December, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of December, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER The parties have submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. The Advocate's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 1. 2 3-11. 3 13. 4 14-16. 5 16 and 18. 6 4, 12 and 19-20. 7 Hereby accepted. 8 3, 21, 27-28 and 30. The Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 1-2. 2 13. 3 3, 11 and 14. 4 20. 5 16. 6 4 and 17-18. 7 5 and 8-9. 8 6-7. 9 21. 10 22. 11 24. 12 26 and hereby accepted. See 23, 27 and 30. 13 27 and 30. COPIES FURNISHED: Virlindia Doss Assistant Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol, Suite 101 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 David A. Monaco, Esquire Post Office Box 15200 Daytona Beach, Florida 32015 Bonnie J. Williams Executive Director Commission on Ethics The Capitol, Room 2105 Post Office Box 6 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-0006

Florida Laws (5) 112.312112.313112.317112.322120.57 Florida Administrative Code (2) 34-5.001534-5.010
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Boca Raton, Florida Sep. 30, 1996 Number: 96-004637 Latest Update: Jun. 05, 1997

The Issue Whether Petitioner's application for Firefighter's Supplemental Compensation should be granted?

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following Findings of Fact are made: Petitioner graduated from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois in May of 1976 with a Bachelor of Science degree. His major was "Radio-Television." Petitioner is currently employed by the City of Delray Beach as a firefighter/paramedic, the job description for which reads as follows: JOB TITLE: FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Skilled technical work in the City's Fire Department in the field of fire suppression, prevention and emergency medical services. Work is performed under the general direction of the Battalion Chief. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: Performs all duties in the Firefighter job description. Responds with necessary equipment to requests for medical assistance, where life is endangered by illness or injury. Administers basic and advanced life support at the scene of an emergency. Transports victims to the closest appropriate medical facility according to protocol, unless turned over to a licensed transport agency with equal or higher medical authority. Maintains basic and advanced life support apparatus and equipment. (These essential job functions are not to be construed as a complete statement of all duties performed. Employees will be required to perform other job related marginal duties as required.) FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Knowledge of the positions of firefighter and driver engineer and the skills to perform the duties of each. Knowledge of the geography of the City with respect to streets, hydrants and building access information. Knowledge of the location and layout of all high risk and special hazard occupancies, and the problems encountered with each. Knowledge of the strategy and tactics of handling fire, rescue and medical emergencies and the ability to analyze and respond effectively under stress to each. Knowledge of the record keeping system in use, the components of the system, and the functions of each. Knowledge of paramedic principles, practices and techniques and how they are used in rescue operation. Ability to carry out orders and to see that department and City policies are adhered to. Ability to perform Firefighter and ALS duties effectively. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School graduation or possession of an acceptable equivalency diploma. Completion of minimum standards as required by the State of Florida. Successful completion of all medical and fitness requirements and examinations as described by the City. LICENSES, CERTIFICATIONS OR REGISTRATIONS: State of Florida Paramedic Certification. State of Florida Firefighter Certification. Protocol Certification issued by Department Medical Director. Class D Commercial Drivers License. ESSENTIAL PHYSICAL SKILLS: Meet physical requirement as indicated for State certification. Must endure sustained acts of physical exhaustion and endure periods of duty under unfavorable and life threatening situations. Heavy (45 pounds and over) lifting and carrying Reaching Acceptable eyesight (with or without correction) Acceptable hearing (with or without hearing aid) Ability to communicate orally Climbing (including ladders) Pulling Pushing Walking Standing Crawling Kneeling Bending Balancing Smelling Stooping Jumping Throwing Driving Running Swimming ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS: Hazardous conditions: flames, fire, chemicals, smoke, heat, gases, moving vehicles, falling structures and debris, electricity, poor ventilation, poor lighting and related hazards Stressful situations Bio-hazard infectious disease (Reasonable accommodations will be made for otherwise qualified individuals with a disability.) Because of his educational background in "Radio- Television," Petitioner has, on occasion, been requested by his supervisors to produce video tapes used for firefighter/paramedic training or for educating the public concerning the services offered by the City of Delray Beach Fire Department. The production of these video tapes, however, is not one of Petitioner's primary job duties.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department enter a final order finding that Respondent is not entitled to the supplemental compensation he is seeking pursuant to Section 633.382(2)(a)2., Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of May, 1997, in Tallahassee, Florida. STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of May, 1997.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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