The Issue Whether Rule 34-5.029, Florida Administrative Code, is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority, as defined in Section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Bill Colon (Colon), resides in Sunrise, Florida. Colon is substantially affected by Rule 34-5.029, Florida Administrative Code. The parties have stipulated to this finding. Respondent, State of Florida Commission on Ethics (Commission), is a legislative agency governed in part by Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. Rule 34-5.029 provides: Insofar as it may be applicable to the complaint, if the Commission determines that a person has filed a complaint alleging a violation of Chapter 112, F. S. against a public officer or employee with a malicious intent to injure the reputation of such officer or employee and that such complaint is frivolous and without basis in law or fact, the complainant shall be liable for costs plus reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the person complained against in the representation of him before the Commission. The commission shall make a determination only upon a petition for costs and attorney's fees filed with the Commission by the public officer or employee complained against within 30 days following a dismissal of the complaint. Such petition shall state with particularity the facts and grounds which would prove entitlement to costs and attorney's fees. Staff shall forward a copy of said petition to the complainant by certified mail, return receipt requested. If the facts and grounds alleged in the complaint are not sufficient to state a claim for costs and reasonable attorney's fees, the Commission may dismiss the petition after an informal proceeding. If it appears that the facts and grounds may be sufficient, the Commission shall send a notice of hearing of the petition to both parties. In the discretion of the Chairman, the hearing may be held before the Division of Administrative Hearings, the full Commission, a single Commission member serving as hearing officer, or a panel of three Commission members serving as hearing officers; Commission hearing officers shall be appointed by the Chairman. The hearing shall be a formal proceeding under Section 120.57, F. S. and the model rules of the Administration Commission, Chapter 28, F. A. C. All discovery and hearing procedures shall be governed by the applicable provisions of Chapter 120, F. S. and Chapter 28, F. A. C. The parties to the hearing shall be the respondent and the complainant(s) who may be represented by counsel. The respondent has the burden of proving the grounds for an award of costs and attorney's fees by a preponderance of the evidence presented at the hearing. "Malicious intent to injure the reputation" may by proven by evidence showing ill will or hostility as well as by evidence showing that the complainant intended to bring discredit upon the name or character of the respondent by filing such complaint with knowledge that the complaint contained one or more false allegations or with reckless disregard for whether the complaint contained false allegations of fact material to a violation of the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees. Such reckless disregard exists where the complainant entertained serious doubts as to the truth or falsity of the allegations, where the complainant imagined or fabricated the allegations, or where the complainant filed an unverified anonymous tip or where there are obvious reasons to doubt the veracity of the information or that of the source of the information. If the petition is heard by the full Commission, the parties first shall present evidence going to, and the Commission may determine, the issue of whether the complaint was frivolous and without basis in law or fact. If the Commission finds that the complaint was not frivolous or was not without basis in law or fact, it shall direct staff to prepare an order complying with Section 120.59, F. S., denying the petition. The draft of that order shall be modified or adopted at the next Commission meeting. If the Commission finds that the complaint was frivolous and without basis in law or fact, it shall hear the evidence presented by the parties on the issue of whether the complaint was filed with a malicious intent to injure the reputation of the respondent. If the Commission finds that the complaint was not filed with a malicious intent to injure the reputation of the respondent, it shall direct staff to prepare an order complying with Section 120.59, F. S., incorporating its findings and denying the petition. A draft of that order shall be modified or adopted at the next Commission meeting. If the Commission finds that the complaint was filed with a malicious intent to injure the reputation of the respondent, it shall hear evidence presented by the parties on the amount of costs and attorney's fees to be awarded to the respondent and shall determine such amounts. The staff shall be directed to prepare an order complying with Section 120.59, F. S., incorporating its findings and granting the petition. The draft of the order shall be modified or adopted at the next Commission meeting. If the petition is heard by a hearing officer or a panel of hearing officers, evidence on all issues discussed above in (4) shall be presented by the parties at the hearing. The hearing officer(s) shall prepare a recommended order complying with Section 120.57, F. S., which shall be rejected, modified, or adopted by the full Commission. If the complainant fails to pay voluntarily such costs as may be assessed against him within 30 days following such finding by the Commission, the Commission shall so inform the Department of Legal Affairs, which shall bring a civil action to recover such costs. The Commission cites as specific authority for promulgating the rule as Article II, Section 8(f), (h), Florida Constitution and Section 120.53, Florida Statutes. The Commission cites as the law implemented by Rule 34-5.029 as Section 112.317(8), Florida Statutes.
The Issue The issues are whether, in violation of sections 120.54(1)(a) and 120.56(4), Florida Statutes, Respondent has made an agency statement that is an unadopted rule in implementing a 2017 statutory amendment broadening the category of first-time test-takers to be counted when calculating the passing rate of the graduates of Petitioner’s prelicensure professional nursing education program (Program) and whether, pursuant to section 57.111, Petitioner may recover attorneys’ fees and costs from Respondent. At Petitioner’s request, the parties presented evidence concerning constitutional challenges that Petitioner intends to present to a district court of appeal.
Findings Of Fact The Program is a prelicensure professional nursing education program that terminates with an associate degree. Respondent approved the Program in 2013, thus authorizing Petitioner to admit degree-seeking students into the Program, as provided in section 464.019. As provided by section 464.019(5)(a)1., the passing rate of the Program’s graduates taking the NCLEX for the first time must meet or exceed the minimum passing rate, which is ten points less than the average passage rate of graduates taking the NCLEX nationally for the first time. Until June 23, 2017, the passing rate of a Florida program was based only on first-time test-takers who had taken the exam within six months of graduating (New Graduates). Chapter 2017-134, sections 4 and 8, Laws of Florida, which took effect when signed into law on June 23, 2017 (Statutory Amendment), removes the six-month restriction, so that the passing rate of a Florida program is now based on all first-time test-takers, regardless of when they graduated (Graduates). The statutory language does not otherwise address the implementation of the Statutory Amendment. For 2015 and 2016, respectively, the minimum passing rates in Florida were 72% and 71.68%, and the Program’s New Graduates passed the NCLEX at the rates of 44% and 15.79%. As required by section 464.019(5), Respondent issued the Probationary Order. The Probationary Order recites the provisions of section 464.019(5)(a) specifying the applicable passing rate, directing Respondent to place a program on probation if its graduates fail to pass at the minimum specified passing rates for two consecutive years, and mandating that the program remain on probation until its passing rate achieves the minimum specified rate. The Probationary Order details the 2015 and 2016 passing rates of Petitioner’s relevant graduates and the minimum passing rates for these years. The Probationary Order makes no attempt to describe the condition of probation, which might have included a reference to New Graduates, other than to refer to section 464.019(5)(a)2., which, unchanged by the Statutory Amendment, specifies only that a program must remain on probation until and unless its graduates achieve a passing rate at least equal to the minimum passing rate for the year in question. For 2017, the minimum passing rate for a Florida program was 74.24%. If, as Respondent contends, the new law applies to all of 2017, six of the fifteen of the Program’s Graduates failed the NCLEX, so the Program’s passing rate was inadequate at 60%. If, as Petitioner contends, the old law applies to all of 2017, twelve of the Program’s test-takers were New Graduates, and only three of them failed, so the Program’s passing rate was adequate at 75%. Respondent clearly applied the Statutory Amendment retroactively to January 1, 2017, in the Order Extending Probation because the order states that that the passing rate of the Program’s Graduates for 2017 was only 60% and therefore extends Petitioner’s probationary status for 2018. The Order Extending Probation provides Petitioner with a clear point of entry to request an administrative hearing. Each party applies the Statutory Amendment without regard to the effective date of June 23, 2017, but Respondent reaches the correct conclusion: the passing rate of the Program’s graduates for 2017 was inadequate. The NCLEX is administered throughout the year, and the dates of graduation are available for Petitioner’s Graduates taking the NCLEX in 2017, so it is possible to calculate a combined passing rate, using only New Graduates under the old law for testing dates through June 22 and all Graduates under the new law for testing dates after June 22. From January 1 through June 22, 2017, five of the Program’s test-takers were New Graduates and they all passed. From June 23 through December 31, 2017, four of the eight Graduates taking the NCLEX passed the test. Combining these results for all of 2017, the Program’s passing rate was nine divided by thirteen, or 69%, which was inadequate for 2017.
The Issue Whether Petitioners committed the offenses alleged and, if so, what disciplinary action should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact At all times relevant to this proceeding, Petitioners Jerry J. Robinson and Charles Osz, were detention deputies employed by the Respondent, Everett S. Rice, Pinellas County Sheriff (Respondent), and assigned to the Pinellas County Jail (Jail). Detention deputies are correctional officers and, as is the case with all detention deputies, Petitioners were responsible for the care, custody, and control of persons held at the Jail. On January 30, 1998, Officer John Fitzgerald of the Largo Police Department took Duston Llano into custody and transported him to the Jail. Joseph Nichols, an Explorer Scout with the Largo Police Department, accompanied Officer Fitzgerald to the Jail. Mr. Llano was not under arrest since he had committed no crime but was taken into custody pursuant to the Marchman Act based upon his intoxicated condition. When he was taken into custody, Mr. Llano did not resist or threaten physical harm to the officers but did threaten to sue the officers. On January 30, 1998, Petitioners Robinson and Osz were assigned to the booking area of the Jail. Upon Mr. Llano's arriving at the Jail, Petitioners Robinson and Osz took possession of him in the pre-booking area. Shortly thereafter, Petitioners transported Mr. Llano to the post-booking section of the Jail and placed him in Cell 4. Mr. Llano was barely able to walk and was assisted by Petitioners Robinson and Osz to the post-booking area. Once in Cell 4, Petitioners began a pat-down search of Mr. Llano. Petitioner Robinson was to the left of Mr. Llano and Petitioner Osz was to Mr. Llano's right. During the search, a substance Petitioners believed might be crack cocaine was found on the person of Mr. Llano. After the suspicious substance was found on Mr. Llano, Detention Deputy Monte Esry requested that Detention Deputy Larry Potts summon Officer Fitzgerald and Mr. Nichols and ask them to remain at the Jail to possibly process the substance and effect an arrest of Mr. Llano. Detention Deputy Potts complied with Detention Deputy Esry's request and then accompanied Officer Fitzgerald and Mr. Nichols down the hall from the pre-booking area to Cell 4 of the post-booking area where Mr. Llano was being held. The substance found on Mr. Llano's person and believed to be contraband was found by Petitioner Osz who gave the substance to Petitioner Robinson. Petitioner Robinson then handed the substance to Detention Deputy Esry who handed it to Detention Deputy Potts who, then, handed it to Officer Fitzgerald for testing. Having found what they believed to be contraband, Petitioners Osz and Robinson began a strip search of Mr. Llano. When they arrived at Cell 4, Officer Fitzgerald stood near the doorway to the cell and Mr. Nichols remained in the hallway outside the cell. From Officer Fitzgerald's and Mr. Nichols' vantage point, it was possible for them to see into Cell 4. Both Officer Fitzgerald and Mr. Nichols observed Mr. Llano sitting on the bunk in the cell with Petitioner Robinson on his left and Petitioner Osz on his right. Mr. Llano was slumped over and again made reference to suing everyone. However, Mr. Llano took no action to resist or otherwise justify the use of force. In an apparent response to Mr. Llano's threat to sue, Petitioner Osz grabbed Mr. Llano by his hair, straightened him up and slapped him on the face or head at least twice. While Petitioner Osz was slapping Mr. Llano, he said something to the effect of "how about another thousand" or "there is another thousand." From his vantage point in the hall, not more than 15 feet away, Mr. Nichols saw Petitioner Osz slap Mr. Llano and heard the comments by Petitioner Osz. Officer Fitzgerald, who was at the doorway of Cell 4, approximately nine feet, also saw the slapping incident and heard the comments made by Petitioner Osz. During the course of the slapping incident, Detention Deputy Potts was also in Cell 4. Nonetheless, he testified that he did not see Petitioner Osz slap Mr. Llano. When Petitioner Osz slapped Mr. Llano, Petitioner Robinson was in Cell 4 and within five or six feet of Petitioner Osz and Mr. Llano. However, at the time of the incident, Petitioner Robinson was preoccupied with depositing items obtained from Mr. Llano's person into a property bag that was on a steel table in the cell and did not see Petitioner Osz slap Mr. Llano. Also, because the Jail was very busy and loud on this evening, Petitioner Robinson did not hear Petitioner Osz slap Mr. Llano. Because Petitioner Robinson did not observe the incident, he did not respond to or report Petitioner Osz' actions toward Mr. Llano. Neither Officer Fitzgerald nor Mr. Nichols observed Petitioner Robinson during the slapping incident and could not testify as to where he was looking when the incident occurred. After the slapping incident, Officer Fitzgerald and Mr. Nichols then left the area of Cell 4 in order to conduct a test of the substance found in Mr. Llano's pants pocket. As a result of the test performed by Officer Fitzgerald, it was determined that the substance was not illegal. After conducting the presumptive test, Officer Fitzgerald and Mr. Nichols left the Jail. Officer Fitzgerald and Mr. Nichols subsequently reported the slapping incident to their supervisors and prepared reports memorializing the events they observed. A representative of the City of Largo Police Department then reported the incident to the Respondent, who initiated an investigation by the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, Inspections Bureau, Administrative Inquiry Division. As a part of the investigation regarding the conduct in question, sworn statements were taken from Officer Fitzgerald, Mr. Nichols, Detention Deputy Potts, Detention Deputy Esry and Petitioners Osz and Robinson. Attempts to speak with Mr. Llano were fruitless based upon his lack of recollection of the incident. During the course of his sworn statement, Petitioner Robinson stated that he did not see Petitioner Osz slap Mr. Llano. Detention Deputy Potts, who was also in Cell 4 during the incident, also stated in his sworn statement that he did not observe Petitioner Osz slap Mr. Llano. During his sworn statement, Petitioner Osz denied that he ever struck Mr. Llano. After completing its investigation, the Administrative Inquiry Division presented its entire investigative file to the Chain of Command Board without conclusion or recommendation. The Chain of Command Board met and after reviewing the materials provided by the Administrative Inquiry Division and giving Petitioners the opportunity to respond further, the complaints against Petitioners were sustained. Specifically, the violations determined to have occurred as to Petitioner Osz were: Violation of Pinellas County Sheriff's Office Civil Service Act, Laws of Florida, 89-404, as amended by the Laws of Florida, 90-395, Section 6, subsection 4: conduct unbecoming a public servant; violations of the provisions of law or the rules, regulations, and operating procedures of the office of the Sheriff; Violation of PCSO Rule C1, V, A (Level Five Violation), 006, relating to truthfulness; Violation of PCSO Rule C1, V, A (Level Five Violation), 021, relating to custody of arrestees/prisoners; Violation of PCSO Rule C1, V, C (Level Three Violation), 060, relating to standard of conduct. Under the PCSO Guidelines, a sustained finding of two Level Five violations and one Level Three violation is the basis for assigning 115 disciplinary points. As a result, Petitioner Osz was assessed 115 disciplinary points. The Sheriff's Office General Order B-15 identifies a disciplinary range for a total point award of 115 points to be a minimum discipline of a 15-day suspension and a maximum discipline termination. In the instant case, the discipline imposed against Petitioner Osz was termination. Specifically, the violations determined to have occurred as to Petitioner Robinson were: Violation of Pinellas County Sheriff's Office Civil Service Act, Laws of Florida, 89-404, as amended by the Laws of Florida, 90-395, Section 6, subsection 4: conduct unbecoming a public servant; violations of the provisions of law or the rules, regulations, and operating procedures of the office of the Sheriff; Violation of PCSO Rule C1, V, A (Level Five Violation), 006, relating to truthfulness; Violation of PCSO Rule C1, V, B (Level Four violation), 037, relating to reporting violations of laws, ordinances, rules or orders. Under the PCSO Guidelines, a sustained finding of one Level Five violation and one Level Four violation is the basis for assigning 80 disciplinary points. As a result, in the instant case, Petitioner Robinson was assessed 80 disciplinary points. The Sheriff's Office General Order B-15 identifies a disciplinary range for a total point award of 80 points to be a minimum discipline of a 10-day suspension and a maximum discipline of termination. In the instant case, the discipline imposed against Petitioner Robinson was termination. The conduct engaged in by Petitioner Osz in slapping Mr. Llano was unnecessary, excessive, did not constitute a good correction practice and is not consistent with the training or conduct expected of correctional officers.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Civil Service Board of the PCSO enter a Final Order: 1) finding Petitioner Osz guilty of the conduct alleged in the charging document; (2) upholding the termination of Petitioner Osz' employment as a detention deputy with the PCSO; (3) dismissing the charges against Petitioner Robinson; and, (4) reinstating Petitioner Robinson as a detention deputy with the PCSO. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of January, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CAROLYN S. HOLIFIELD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of January, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: William M. LauBach, Esquire Executive Director Pinellas County Police Benevolent Association 3737 16th Street, North St. Petersburg, Florida 33704 Jean H. Kwall, Esquire Pinellas County Sheriff's Office Post Office Drawer 2500 Largo, Florida 33779-2500 Charles Osz, pro se 2545 Coachman Road Northeast Number 127 Clearwater, Florida 33765 Keith Tischler, Esquire Power, Quaschnick, Tischler and Evans Post Office Box 12186 Tallahassee, Florida 32317 B. Norris Rickey Office of Pinellas County Attorney 315 Court Street Clearwater, Florida 34616 William Repper, Chairperson Pinellas County Sheriff's Civil Service Board Post Office Box 539 Clearwater, Florida 33757
The Issue The parties stipulated that but for the grounds stated in Respondent's letter of denial, Petitioner was qualified for certification as an independent direct service provider. The issues are whether Petitioner failed to consistently follow through on arranging support coordination services for clients of the developmental disabilities program, and whether this constitutes ground of denial under unadopted rules of Respondent.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Susan Dos Santos, applied for certification as in independent direct service provider to persons with developmental disabilities. Respondent, Department of Children and Family Services, is authorized pursuant to Chapter 393, Florida Statutes, to regulate the provision of services to the developmentally disabled and to certify persons who are direct service providers and independent support coordinators. Respondent and Petitioner stipulated at hearing that, except for the reasons set forth in Respondent's letter denying Petitioner's certification, Petitioner was qualified for certification. The grounds stated in the letter of denial were that Petitioner consistently failed to follow through on arranging support coordination services for her clients while employed as a treating provider. Evidence was presented that the records of Petitioner's work for her employer with developmentally disabled persons were reviewed pursuant to an unadopted rule of Respondent and Petitioner's work performance failed to meet the criterion established by an unadopted rule of Respondent for completeness and thoroughness. It was on this basis that Respondent denied the application of Petitioner. Petitioner testified in her own behalf. She did not know that her work was subject to review for purposes of certification and did not know about the standards of review. None of her clients ever failed to have services provided, although she did refuse to meet with one client who was assigned to another counselor with whom she had had a prior physical altercation. No information reflecting adversely on the good character of Petitioner was introduced.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent certify Petitioner. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of September, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of September, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Susan Dos Santos 2472 Glade Spring Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32246 Robin Whipple-Hunter, Esquire Department of Children and Family Services Post Office Box 2417 Jacksonville, Florida 32231-0083 Paul F. Flounlacker, Jr., Agency Clerk Department of Children and Family Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204B Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Josie Tomayo, General Counsel Department of Children and Family Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700
The Issue Whether Proposed Rule 69O-186.003(1)(c) should be invalidated on the grounds that it is an invalid delegation of legislative authority as defined in Section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes (2005).1
Findings Of Fact Based on the record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: Background The Commission was created by statute effective January 7, 2003. It is composed of the Governor, the Attorney General, the Chief Financial Officer, and the Commissioner of Agriculture. The Commission members "serve as agency head of the Financial Services Commission." § 20.121(3), Fla. Stat. The OIR is an "office" of the Commission and is "responsible for all activities concerning insurers and other risk bearing entities . . . ." The OIR is headed by a director, who is also known as the Commissioner of Insurance Regulation. § 20.121(3)(a)1., Fla. Stat. Pertinent to this proceeding, the legislature delineated the powers to be exercised by the Commission and the OIR, respectively, in Section 20.121(3), Florida Statutes, as follows: (c) Powers.--Commission members shall serve as the agency head for purposes of rulemaking under ss. 120.536-120.565 by the commission and all subunits of the commission. Each director is agency head for purposes of final agency action under chapter 120 for all areas within the regulatory authority delegated to the director's office.[3] Stipulated Facts (verbatim) The following stipulated facts are adopted as findings of fact for the purpose of this Final Order: On February 25, 2003, the Commission met, considered, and approved an agenda item involving the rulemaking process to be used by the Commission, the OIR, and the Office of Financial Regulation. The rulemaking procedure that is under consideration in this case involves the Commission's delegation to the OIR of the authority to engage in certain rulemaking activities. A true and correct copy of that agenda item, as approved by the Commission, and the relevant pages of the transcript of that meeting, are attached hereto as "Appendix A." On May 13, 2003, the Commission met and without objection approved the minutes of the Commission's February 25, 2003, meeting. The rulemaking process and delegation set forth in Appendix A permit the OIR to initiate rulemaking and to publish a proposed rule without the prior approval of the Commission, but require the Commission to approve the proposed rule prior to its filing for final adoption pursuant to Section 120.54(3)(e), Florida Statutes. Since its adoption in 2003, the Commission and the OIR have routinely employed the rulemaking process described in Appendix A and used this delegation of rulemaking authority in promulgating rules regulating the insurance industry. The Commission and the OIR employed the rulemaking process described in Appendix A and used this delegation of rulemaking authority in promulgating the proposed JLP rule that is the subject of the pending rule challenge. In May 2005, the OIR issued an order approving the JLP forms that had previously been submitted by First American Title Insurance Company. Shortly thereafter, on June 3, 2005, the OIR published a proposed rule in the Florida Administrative Weekly that would set an industry-wide premium rate for the newly approved JLP forms. Pursuant to the OIR's notice of proposed rulemaking, a public hearing was held on July 13, 2005, at which interested parties had the opportunity to speak and address the provisions of the proposed rule. The OIR's counsel specifically stated on the record during the hearing that the rulemaking process was ongoing and that the "final" hearing for the proposed rule would be subsequently noticed in the Florida Administrative Weekly and held before the Governor and Cabinet sitting as the Commission. On or about July 25, 2005, the Fund and the Association filed a petition with the Division of Administrative Hearings challenging the validity of the proposed JLP rule. Consistent with the Commission's routine practice, a notice of the "final" hearing before the Commission on the proposed JLP rule will be published in Part VI of the Florida Administrative Weekly ("Notices of Meetings, Workshops and Public Hearings"), and a copy of the notice will be mailed to all persons who notified the OIR of their interest in the proposed JLP rule, including the Fund and the Association. Statutory rulemaking procedures A "rule" is defined in Section 120.52(15), Florida Statutes, as "each agency statement of general applicability that implements, interprets, or prescribes law or policy or describes the procedure or practice requirements of an agency and includes any form which imposes any requirement or solicits any information not specifically required by statute or by an existing rule." Section 120.54, Florida Statutes, sets forth the rulemaking procedures that are to be followed by all Florida agencies, including the Commission, see § 120.52(1)(b)4., Fla. Stat., and these procedures constitute the exclusive process for the promulgation and adoption of rules in Florida. See § 120.54(1)(a) and (3)(c)2., Fla. Stat. The rulemaking procedures mandated in Section 120.54, Florida Statutes, are detailed and comprehensive and contain two primary requirements: public notice at each step of the rule-development and rule-adoption process and an opportunity, throughout the rulemaking process, for the public and substantially affected persons to be heard with respect to any rule an agency proposes to adopt. See § 120.54(2) and (3), Fla. Stat. Generally, the first step in the rulemaking process is "rule development," as described in Section 120.54(2), Florida Statutes. The agency is required to give notice of its intent to develop proposed rules in the FAW "before providing notice of a proposed rule as required by paragraph (3)(a)," and the notice must "indicate the subject area to be addressed by rule development, provide a short, plain explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposed rule, cite the specific legal authority for the proposed rule, and include the preliminary text of the proposed rules, if available " § 120.54(2)(a), Fla. Stat. The agency may also hold public workshops during the rule development process, and it must hold a public workshop "if requested in writing by any affected person, unless the agency head explains in writing why a workshop is unnecessary." Id. Once the agency has developed a proposed rule, it must follow the adoption procedures set forth in Section 120.54(3), Florida Statutes. Foremost among these procedures is publication of notice of the agency's "intended action" in the FAW. This notice must be published by the agency "[p]rior to the adoption, amendment, or repeal of any rule other than an emergency rule" and only "upon approval of the agency head." § 120.54(3)(a)(1), Fla. Stat. The notice "must state the procedure for requesting a public hearing on the proposed rule" and must include a short, plain explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposed action; the full text of the proposed rule or amendment and a summary thereof; a reference to the specific rulemaking authority pursuant to which the rule is adopted; and a reference to the section or subsection of the Florida Statutes or the Laws of Florida being implemented, interpreted, or made specific. § 120.54(3)(a)1., Fla. Stat. If requested in writing, a public hearing must be conducted by the agency prior to adoption of a proposed rule in order to "give affected persons an opportunity to present evidence and argument on all issues under consideration." See § 120.54(3)(c)1., Fla. Stat. Once this public hearing has been held, the agency may modify or withdraw the proposed rule or may adopt the proposed rule by filing it with the Department of State. See § 120.54(3)(d) and (e), Fla. Stat. If the agency decides to modify the substance of a proposed rule after the final public hearing or after the time for requesting a public hearing has passed, any substantive change in the rule "must be supported by the record of public hearings held on the rule, must be in response to written material received on or before the date of the final public hearing, or must be in response to a proposed objection by the [Administrative Procedures] committee." § 120.54(3)(d)1., Fla. Stat. The agency must also, among other things, publish notice of the change and the reasons for the change in the FAW. Id. When the agency has determined that the proposed rule is ready for adoption, it must file with the Department of State "three certified copies of the rule it proposes to adopt, a summary of the rule, a summary of any hearings held on the rule, and a detailed written statement of the facts and circumstances justifying the rule. § 120.54(3)(e)1., Fla. Stat. The proposed rule must be filed for adoption "no less than 28 days nor more than 90 days after the notice required by paragraph (a) [of Section 120.54(3), Florida Statutes]," § 120.54(3)(e)2., Fla. Stat.; the proposed rule is adopted upon filing with the Department of State and becomes effective 20 days after it is filed. § 120.54(3)(e)6., Fla. Stat. In addition to the opportunities to be heard at public hearings specified in Section 120.54, Florida Statutes, persons who are substantially affected by a proposed rule may file a petition with the Division of Administrative Hearings requesting an administrative hearing to determine the validity of the proposed rule, pursuant to Section 120.56, Florida Statutes, which provides in pertinent part: GENERAL PROCEDURES FOR CHALLENGING THE VALIDITY OF A RULE OR A PROPOSED RULE.-- (a) Any person substantially affected by a rule or a proposed rule may seek an administrative determination of the invalidity of the rule on the ground that the rule is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority. * * * (e) Hearings held under this section shall be de novo in nature. The standard of proof shall be the preponderance of the evidence. Hearings shall be conducted in the same manner as provided by ss. 120.569 and 120.57, except that the administrative law judge's order shall be final agency action. The petitioner and the agency whose rule is challenged shall be adverse parties. . . . CHALLENGING PROPOSED RULES; SPECIAL PROVISIONS.-- Any substantially affected person may seek an administrative determination of the invalidity of any proposed rule by filing a petition seeking such a determination with the division [of Administrative Hearings] within 21 days after the date of publication of the notice required by s. 120.54(3)(a), within 10 days after the final public hearing is held on the proposed rule as provided by s. 120.54(3)(c), within 20 days after the preparation of a statement of estimated regulatory costs required pursuant to s. 120.541, if applicable, or within 20 days after the date of publication of the notice required by s. 120.54(3)(d). The petition shall state with particularity the objections to the proposed rule and the reasons that the proposed rule is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority. The petitioner has the burden of going forward. The agency then has the burden to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the proposed rule is not an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority as to the objections raised. Any person who is substantially affected by a change in the proposed rule may seek a determination of the validity of such change. Any person not substantially affected by the proposed rule as initially noticed, but who is substantially affected by the rule as a result of a change, may challenge any provision of the rule and is not limited to challenging the change to the proposed rule. * * * (c) When any substantially affected person seeks determination of the invalidity of a proposed rule pursuant to this section, the proposed rule is not presumed to be valid or invalid.