The Issue Whether Respondent, The MG Herring Group, Inc. (MG Herring), was an employer of Petitioners.
Findings Of Fact Xencom provides general maintenance, landscaping, housekeeping, and office cleaning services to retail facilities. In September of 2015, Xencom entered three contracts for services with CREFII Market Street Holdings, LLC (CREFII). The contracts were to provide maintenance, landscaping, and office cleaning services for a mall known as Market Street @ Heathbrook (Market Street) in Ocala, Florida. Michael Ponds, Xencom’s president, executed the contracts on behalf of Xencom. Two individuals executed the contracts on behalf of CREFII. One was Gar Herring, identified as Manager for Herring Ocala, LLC. The other was Bernard E. McAuley, identified as Manager of Tricom Market Street at Heathbrook, LLC. MG Herring was not a party or signatory to the contracts. MG Herring does not own or operate Market Street. A separate entity, The MG Herring Property Group, LLC (Property Group) operated Market Street. The contracts, in terms stated in an exhibit to them, established a fixed price for the year’s work, stated the scope of services, and detailed payment terms. They also identified labor and labor-related costs in detail that included identifying the Xencom employees involved, their compensation, and their weekly number of hours. The contract exhibits also identified operating costs, including equipment amortization, equipment repairs, fuel expenses, vacation costs, health insurance, and storage costs. The contracts ended December 31, 2016. The contracts specify that Xencom is an independent contractor. Each states: “Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee or agent of the owner. Accordingly, neither Contractor nor any of Contractor’s Representatives shall hold themselves out as, or claim to be acting in the capacity of, an agent or employee of Owner.” The contracts also specify that the property manager may terminate the contract at any time without reason for its convenience. The contracts permit Xencom to engage subcontractors with advance approval of the property manager. They broadly describe the services that Xencom is to provide. Xencom has over 80 such contracts with different facilities. As the contracts contemplate, only Xencom exerted direct control of the Petitioners working at Market Street. Property Group could identify tasks and repairs to be done. Xencom decided who would do them and how. In 2013, Xencom hired Michael Harrison to work as its Operations Manager at Market Street. He was charged with providing services for which Property Group contracted. His immediate supervisor was Xencom’s Regional Manager. In 2016, that was David Snell. Mr. Snell was not located at Market Street. Property Group also did not have a representative on site. Before Xencom hired him, Mr. Harrison worked at Market Street for Property Group. Xencom hired the remaining Petitioners to work at Market Street under Mr. Harrison’s supervision. Each of the Petitioners completed an Application for Employment with Xencom. The application included a statement, initialed by each Petitioner, stating, “Further, I understand and agree that my employment is for no definite period and I may be terminated at any time without previous notice.” All of the Petitioners also received Xencom’s employee handbook. As Xencom’s Operations Manager and supervisor of the other Petitioners, Mr. Harrison was responsible for day-to-day management of Petitioners. He scheduled their work tasks, controlled shifts, established work hours, and assigned tasks. Mr. Harrison also decided when Petitioners took vacations and time off. His supervisor expected him to consult with Property Group to ensure it knew what support would be available and that he knew of any upcoming events or other considerations that should be taken into account in his decisions. As Operations Manager, Mr. Harrison was also responsible for facilitating payroll, procuring supplies, and managing Xencom’s equipment at the site. Xencom provided Petitioners work uniforms that bore Xencom’s name. Xencom required Petitioners to wear the uniforms at work. Xencom provided the supplies and equipment that Petitioners used at work. Only Xencom had authority to hire or fire the employees providing services to fulfill its contracts with the property manager. Only Xencom had authority to modify Petitioners’ conditions of employment. Neither MG Herring, Property Group, nor Xencom held out Petitioners as employees of MG Herring or Property Group. There is no evidence that MG Herring or Property Group employed 15 or more people. Property Group hired Tina Wilson as Market Street’s on- site General Manager on February 1, 2016. Until then there was no Property Group representative at the site. The absence of a Property Group representative on-site left Mr. Harrison with little oversight or accountability under the Xencom contracts for Market Street. His primary Property Group contact was General Manager Norine Bowen, who was not located at the property. Ms. Wilson’s duties included community relations, public relations, marketing, leasing, litigation, tenant coordination, lease management, construction management, and contract management. She managed approximately 40 contracts at Market Street, including Xencom’s three service agreements. Ms. Wilson was responsible for making sure the contracts were properly executed. Managing the Xencom contracts consumed less than 50 percent of Ms. Wilson’s time. During the last weeks of 2016, Mr. Harrison intended to reduce the hours of Kylie Smithers. Ms. Wilson requested that, since Ms. Smithers was to be paid under the contract for full- time work, Ms. Smithers assist her with office work such as filing and making calls. Mr. Harrison agreed and scheduled Ms. Smithers to do the work. This arrangement was limited and temporary. It does not indicate Property Group control over Xencom employees. Ms. Wilson was Xencom’s point of contact with Property Group. She and Mr. Harrison had to interact frequently. Ms. Wilson had limited contact with the other Xencom employees at Market Street. Friction and disagreements arose quickly between Mr. Harrison and Ms. Wilson. They may have been caused by having a property manager representative on-site after Mr. Harrison’s years as either the manager representative himself or as Xencom supervisor without a property manager on-site. They may have been caused by personality differences between the two. They may have been caused by the alleged sexual and crude comments that underlie the claims of discrimination in employment. They may have been caused by a combination of the three factors. On November 21, 2016, Norine Bowen received an email from the address with the subject of “Open your eyes about Market Street.” It advised that some employees worked at night for an event. It said that Ms. Wilson gave the Xencom employees alcohol to drink while they were still on the clock. The email said that there was a fight among Xencom employees. The email also said that at another event at a restaurant where Xencom employees were drinking, Ms. Wilson gave Ms. Smithers margaritas to drink and that Ms. Smithers was underage. The email claimed that during a tree-lighting event Ms. Wilson started drinking around 3:30 p.m. It also stated that Ms. Wilson offered a Xencom employee a drink. The email went on to say that children from an elementary school and their parents were present and that Ms. Wilson was “three sheets to the wind.” The email concludes stating that Ms. Wilson had been the subject of three employee lawsuits. On December 14, 2016, Ms. Wilson, Ms. Bowen, and Mr. Snell met at Property Group’s office in Market Street for their regular monthly meeting to discuss operations at Market Street. Their discussion covered a number of management issues including a Xencom employee’s failure to show up before 8:00 to clean as arranged, security cameras, tenants who had not paid rent, lease questions, HVAC questions, and rats on the roof. They also discussed the email’s allegations. The participants also discussed a number of dissatisfactions with Mr. Harrison’s performance. Near the end of a discussion about the anonymous email, this exchange occurred:2/ Bowen: Okay, so I know that David [Snell], I think his next step is to conduct his own investigation with his [Xencom] people, and HR is still following up with John Garrett, and you’re meeting with Danny [intended new Xencom manager for Market Street] tonight? David Snell: Yes. Bowen: To finish up paperwork, and, based on his investigation, it will be up to Xencom to figure out what to do with people that are drinking on property, off the clock or on the clock, you know, whatever, what their policy is. * * * Bowen: So, I don’t know what to make of it. I’m just here to do an investigation like I’m supposed to do and David is here to pick up the pieces and meet with his folks one-on- one, and we’ll see where this takes us. This exchange and the remainder of the recording do not support a finding that Property Group controlled Xencom’s actions or attempted to control them. The participants were responsibly discussing a serious complaint they had received, their plan to investigate it, and pre-existing issues with Mr. Harrison. The exchange also makes clear that all agreed the issues involving Xencom employees were for Xencom to address, and the issues involving Property Group employees were for Property Group to address. At the time of the December 14, 2016, meeting, the participants were not aware of any complaints from Mr. Harrison or Mr. Smithers of sexual harassment or discrimination by Ms. Wilson. On December 15, 2016, Gar Herring and Norine Bowen received an email from Mr. Harrison with an attached letter to Xencom’s Human Resources Manager, and others. Affidavits from Petitioners asserting various statements and questions by Ms. Wilson about Mr. Harrison’s and Mr. Smithers’ sex life and men’s genitalia and statements about her sex life and the genitalia of men involved were attached. Xencom President Michael Ponds received a similar email with attachments on the same day. On December 21, 2016, Mr. Ponds received a letter from Herring Ocala, LLC, and Tricom Market Street at Heathbrook, LLC, terminating the service agreements. Their agreements with Xencom were going to expire December 31, 2016. They had been negotiating successor agreements. However, they had not executed any. Xencom terminated Petitioners’ employment on December 21, 2016. Xencom no longer needed Petitioners’ services once MG Herring terminated the contract with Xencom. This was the sole reason it terminated Petitioners.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order denying the Petitions of all Petitioners. DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of May, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of May, 2018.
Findings Of Fact Based upon the stipulations entered into the record, the testimony of the witnesses, and the documentary evidence received at the hearing, the following findings of fact are made: The parties: The Petitioners, Buck Flowers and Ray Thornton, are commercial fishermen doing business within the State of Florida. If enacted, the proposed rules would substantially affect their business interests. The Petitioner, Organized Fishermen of Florida, Inc., is an association of commercial fishermen, fish processors, fish dealers, fish brokers, seafood restaurants, and fish retailers doing business in the State of Florida. If enacted, the proposed rules would substantially affect its interests and the interests of its membership. The Petitioner, Tim Adams, is a commercial fisherman doing business in Florida. If enacted, the proposed rules would substantially affect his interests. The Petitioner, Bird Island Fishery, is a harvester and wholesaler of fish within the State of Florida and its interests would be substantially affected by the enactment of the proposed rules. The Petitioner, Kim Gerz, is a commercial fisherman whose interests would be substantially affected by the proposed rules. The Petitioner, Goodrich Seafood, is a company that unloads and ships fresh fish in the State of Florida. Its interests would be substantially affected by the proposed rules. The Petitioner, Lee County Fisherman's Cooperative, Inc., is a company that unloads and ships fresh fish. Its interests would be substantially affected by the proposed rules. The Petitioner, Sigma International Co., is an exporter of mullet roe. If enacted, the proposed rules would substantially affect its business. The Respondent, Marine Fisheries Commission, is an entity created by statute to serve within the Department of Natural Resources and empowered with rulemaking authority as set forth in Section 370.027, Florida Statutes. The Intervenor, Florida League of Anglers, Inc., is a corporation whose purpose is to protect and enhance Florida's fisheries and their habitats. The Intervenor, Florida Conservation Association, is an affiliate of the Coastal Conservation Association, whose main interests are to protect and enhance Florida's fisheries and marine environments for recreational fishing in Florida. The Intervenor, Florida Audubon Society, is a corporation whose main purpose is to protect Florida's natural outdoor environment and wildlife. The Intervenor, Florida Wildlife Federation, is a corporation whose main purpose is to protect Florida's natural outdoor environment and wildlife. Background of the proposed rules: The Department of Natural Resources began a study of issues related to the black mullet fishery within this state in 1987. The study was to cover a five year period beginning in 1987-88. It was anticipated that the study would serve as the genesis for regulations to be imposed on black mullet fishing within the State of Florida. In 1989, the Commission adopted rules related to black mullet fishing. Those rules specified periods during which black mullet could not be fished, set gear restrictions, closed designated areas to fishing, amended qualifications to catch commercial quantities of mullet, and set recreational limits. The rules specified that during 15 weekends of the year, black mullet fishing would be closed for 30 hour periods. Another restriction, to become effective July 1, 1992, established a minimum net mesh size of three inches. In 1990, the Commission adopted additional rules related to black mullet fishing: new areas were closed to fishing, minimum net mesh size during roe season was increased to four inches, commercial fishermen were prohibited from using spotter aircraft to locate schools, and weekend closures were extended from 30 to 54 hours with the additional stipulation that the fish had to be at the dock by closing time. Further, two additional weekends were closed to fishing. In June, 1991, the Commission met to consider new, more stringent rules related to the black mullet fishery. As a result of the discussions at that meeting, proposed new rules and amendments to rules were published in the Florida Administrative Weekly, Vol. 17, No. 32, August 9, 1991. The proposed rules: Rule Chapter 46-39, as set forth in the Florida Administrative Weekly, Vol. 17, No. 32, August 9, 1991, provided, in pertinent part: MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSION RULE CHAPTER TITLE: RULE CHAPTER NO.: Mullet 46-39 RULE TITLES: RULE NOS.: Recreational Harvest Seasons 46-39.0035 Commercial Harvest, Statewide Regulations 46-39.005 Northwest Florida Commercial Harvest Restrictions 46-39.0055 Southwest Florida Commercial Harvest Restrictions 46-39.0075 East Florida Commercial Harvest estrictions 46-39.0095 PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of these proposed new rules and rule amendments is to implement additional, more stringent controls on commercial mullet harvest to begin rebuilding mullet populations over the long term to achieve a 35 percent spawning stock biomass ratio (SSBR) for the species statewide. The Commission established the SSBR goal after receiving the results of a five-year study of Florida mullet conducted by the Department of Natural Resources scientists. The state is divided into three areas (Northwest, Southwest, and East Florida) and differential rules are imposed in each area, with the Southwest area being more stringently regulated to coincide with scientific evidence showing a significantly lower SSBR in the area. Week-long closures, year-round in the Southwest and during roe season elsewhere, are considered to be more effective methods to reduce fishing mortality than roe season weekend closures, which are being eliminated. The closures will also apply to recreational harvesters, thus eliminating enforcement problems that occur during periods when recreational mullet harvest is allowed and commercial fishing is prohibited. Limiting gill and trammel nets to a maximum of 600 yards will result in a significant reduction in length of nets being fished in some areas, and may also result in a harvest reduction. Commercial daily vessel limits of 500 pounds during non-roe season are intended to reduce harvest during those periods when mullet are least highly valued. SUMMARY: New Rule 46-39.0035 establishes recreational week-long closures to coincide with commercial closures in the three areas established by new Rules 46-39.0055,46-39.0075, and 46-39.0095. The week-long closures will be during roe season in Northwest and East Florida, and year-round in Southwest Florida. A new paragraph is added to subsection (2) of Rule 46-39.005 to limit gill and trammel nets used to harvest mullet to 600 yards maximum statewide. New Rule 46-39.0055 establishes a commercial mullet closure during the 22nd through the 28th days of the months of September, October, November, and December in the Panhandle and Wakulla-Hernando Regions of the state. Also in this area, a commercial daily vessel possession and landing limit for mullet of 500 pounds is imposed during the months of January through August of each year. New Rule 46-39.0075 establishes a commercial mullet closure during the 22nd through 28th days of the each month of the year in the Pasco-Lee, Collier-Monroe Gulf, and Lake Okeechobee Regions of the state. Also in this area, a commercial daily vessel possession and landing limit for mullet of 500 pounds is imposed during the months of February through September of each year. New Rule 46-39.0095 establishes a commercial mullet closure during the 22nd through the 28th days of the months of October, November, December, and January in the East Coast and St. Johns Regions of the state. Also in this area, a commercial daily vessel possession and landing limit for mullet of 500 pounds is imposed during the months of February through September of each year. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY: Section 370.027(2), Florida Statutes. LAW IMPLEMENTED: Sections 370.025, 370.027, Florida Statutes. SUMMARY OF THE ESTIMATE OF ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE RULES: The proposed amendments will directly affect those persons who harvest mullet for commerce. The proposal will indirectly affect wholesale dealers, retail dealers and consumers. The benefit of the measures is to ensure the sustained yield of the renewable mullet resource for human consumption and the food web. The cost of the proposal will be reduced levels of harvest and intermittent supplies of black mullet. The cost will vary regionally with the greatest reductions in the southwest Florida area. The proposed amendments will create a competitive advantage due to the differential regional regulations. The rule will not affect the open market for employment. The rule will affect small businesses. The rule will not increase paperwork or reporting requirements. Agency implementation costs for promulgation, hearings and filing will be approximately $6,500.00; enforcement costs total $38.00/hr. THE MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSION WILL CONDUCT A PUBLIC RULEMAKING HEARING ON THE PROPOSED RULES AT THE TIME, DATE AND PLACE SHOWN BELOW: TIME AND PLACE: 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., September 5, 1991; and 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., September 6, 1991 PLACE: Holiday Inn Tampa International Airport, 4500 West Cypress Street, Tampa Florida All written material received by the Commission within 21 days of the date of publication of this notice shall be made part of the official record. Subsequent to the publication of the notice described above, the Petitioners timely filed challenges to the proposed rules. Pursuant to the notice described above, the Commission met on September 5-6, 1991, for the purpose of conducting a public rulemaking hearing for the proposed new rules and proposed amendments to rules. At the meeting of September 5, 1991, members of the public were permitted to comment on the proposed rules and amendments. On September 6, 1991, the Commission allowed its staff to make a presentation regarding the options available to the Commission and deliberated the proposals before it. As a result of those deliberations, the Commission made substantial changes to the proposed rules. At that time the Commission acknowledged the challenges filed by the Petitioners herein and resolved to submit the changed proposed rules to the Governor and Cabinet for approval upon the favorable resolution of the administrative challenges. The substantially changed proposed rules were published in the Florida Administrative Weekly, Vol. 17, No. 39, September 27, 1991, and provided, in substance, for the following restrictions: 46-39.0035 Recreational Harvest Seasons--prohibits harvesting during the period of the first day and continuing through the seventh day of each month during the months of September through December of each year for the state waters from the Florida-Alabama border to the Hernando-Pasco County line; prohibits mullet harvesting during the period of the first day and continuing through the fourteenth day of each month during the months of January and September through December of each year for the state waters from the Hernando- Pasco County line to the Dade-Monroe County line, excluding state waters of the Atlantic Ocean in Monroe County and including all waters of Lake Okeechobee; and prohibits harvesting beginning on the first day of the month through the seventh day of each month during the months of January and October through December of each year in all state waters from the Florida-Georgia border to the Collier- Monroe County line, excluding state waters of the Gulf of Mexico in Monroe County and including all waters of the St. Johns River. 46-39.0055 Northwest Florida Commercial Harvest Restrictions-- prohibits harvesting mullet for commercial purposes in the Panhandle and Wakulla-Hernando Regions, as those areas are elsewhere defined, during the period beginning on the first day and continuing through the seventh day of each month during the months of September through December of each year. 46-39.0075 Southwest Florida Commercial Harvest Restrictions-- prohibits harvesting mullet for commercial purposes in the Pasco-Lee, Collier- Monroe Gulf, and Lake Okeechobee Regions, as those areas are elsewhere defined, during the period of the first day and continuing through the fourteenth day of each month during the months of January and September through December of each year. 46-39.0095 East Florida Commercial Harvest Restrictions--prohibits harvesting mullet for commercial purposes in the East Coast and St. Johns Regions, as those areas are elsewhere defined, beginning on the first day of the month through the seventh day of each month during the months of January and October through December of each year. The Commission abandoned the 500 pound trip limit previously proposed for each region but retained the limit for gill and trammel nets to 600 yards maximum, statewide. The Commission asserts that the changes to the proposed rules were generated by virtue of the written comments, public testimony, and Commission discussion contained in the record of the public hearing held on September 5-6, 1991. Scientific data: In determining an appropriate guide for managing the black mullet fishery, the Commission staff elected to utilize a system based upon a computer model commonly known as "DSPOPS." The DSPOPS model was designed by Dr. Ault, working with Dr. Mahmoudi, for use in mullet stock assessment. While Dr. Ault developed the model with the intention that Dr. Mahmoudi would use it in mullet stock assessment, Dr. Ault did not prescribe the variables to be inserted into the model or comment to Dr. Mahmoudi as to the advisability of his choices. In fact, the reliability of the model is dependent on utilizing reasonable scientific inputs where variables must be inserted. The spawning stock biomass ratio (SSBR) measures the total mature biomass or weight of the fish stock in an exploited fishery in relation to what it would be if it were unfished. The Commission determined, and the Petitioners have not challenged, that the desirable SSBR for mullet would be 35 percent. By using data from 1988 and 1989, and inserting variables into the DSPOPS model the Commission staff attempted to compute the baseline SSBR for mullet in Florida. The SSBR was calculated by region and was intended to depict the conditions of the mullet stock by each region. The use of SSBR as a tool to evaluate a fishery and propose management of it has been accepted in the past by the Commission and other entities charged with management responsibility. The target of 35 percent SSBR for mullet is a reasonable management goal. In electing which variable to plug into the DSPOPS model, Commission staff chose the conservative estimate or value for the parameter to be inserted. "Conservative" herein is used to mean that choice which would depict the "worst case scenario" and, would, therefore, in theory, err on the side of the preservation of the fish. Such selections, as will be addressed below, were not based upon the best scientific data available and constituted an improper use of the model. In utilizing the DSPOPS model, reasonable and appropriate scientific methodology dictate the use of reasonable values for the variables to be inserted into the model. When values from either extreme of the spectrum are used, the reliability of the output is diminished. That is, the less the probability of the occurrence in the real world would be. In this case, the Commission staff found in its initial stock assessment that the SSBR for mullet in the southwest region was 15.1 and 22.4 in the northwest region. That assessment required inputs in the DSPOPS model for the following parameters: recruitment function; natural mortality; fishing mortality; and sexual maturity. In choosing which input for recruitment function, the Commission staff used a Getz recruitment function. The recruitment function is intended to show the relationship among a designation of the fish population and the amount of new fish born into that population each year. Utilizing the Getz function, instead of the other available recruitment function options, consistently produces the lowest estimate of spawning stock biomass. Had the Commission staff utilized the Beverton and Holt density dependent option, the spawning stock biomass in the northwest region would have increased by 11.73 and in the southwest region by 5.29. With regard to the natural mortality parameter, the Commission staff chose a natural mortality of 0.3. The data available suggests that in Florida the mullet fishery has a natural mortality rate of 0.5. By using the lower value, the DSPOPS model calculated the SSBR at an arbitrarily lower level. Had the Commission staff used 0.43 for the natural mortality input the SSBR would have increased in the northwest region by 3.07 and by 4.79 in the southwest region. Similarly, the Commission staff used extreme variables when inputting the handling mortality. Thus, the computed spawning stock biomass was lower than a midrange option would have produced. Finally, with regard to sexual maturity, mullet achieve sexual maturity at age 4. That age is supported by competent scientific data and is established by the evidence presented in this case. Regardless, Commission staff used a sexual maturity matrix in the DSPOPS model that assumed some fish were still sexually immature at 6 and 7 years. If corrected, the SSBR results would have been increased by 10 percent. By relying on the DSPOPS modeling results for the SSBR assessment, as computed by the Commission staff, the Commission failed to consider the best available biological information regarding the mullet stock. When corrected parameters are input into the DSPOPS model, the SSBR assessment for mullet is dramatically increased. The amount of the increase depends on which parameter is changed. If midpoint values are selected and all inputs are changed, the model produces a SSBR for the northwest region of 52.74 and for the southwest region of 36.19. Economic data: Economic impact and small business impact statements were prepared for the proposed rules first published in August, 1991. Statements were not prepared for the amended proposed rules which were approved by the Commission at the September, 1991, meeting. Mullet have a shelf life of four days if handled properly. The bulk of the market demand is for fresh mullet with demand for frozen or smoked mullet being significantly smaller. Closures of longer than four days would require mullet customers to seek other markets for fresh mullet. Restaurants and other entities seeking a constant source of fresh mullet would look to other markets such as Louisiana to fill orders. If lost, such customers are hard to recapture as in the instance of the spanish mackerel market. It is anticipated that businesses relying on the fresh mullet market will lay off employees if extended closures go into effect. The economic impact statement did not estimate the number of people who would be unemployed or underemployed as a result of the closures. The monetary amounts of the lost market created by the reductions expected in the harvest of mullet was not included in the economic impact statement. The short-term and long-term values of lost market could be computed for those directly and indirectly impacted by the proposed rules. It is expected that the financial losses to commercial fishermen, fish wholesalers, and distributors will be considerable. Additionally, loss of mullet roe sales will result in loss of market since no fish stocks are available to substitute for the mullet roe. Options which would minimize the adverse economic impacts the proposed rules would cause for small businesses have not been presented or considered by the Commission. Closures of shorter duration but of more frequency would lessen the economic damage to small businesses. For example, four day closures would not result in the interruption of the availability of fresh mullet. As opposed to what is proposed, regulations which would increase the net mesh size to allow younger fish to remain uncaught would also lessen the economic damage to small businesses. An increase in the year of first capture would increase SSBR. As opposed to what is proposed, regulations setting trip limits for harvesting mullet would lessen the economic damage to small businesses. Setting net restrictions as proposed allows harvesting and lessens the economic damage to small businesses.
The Issue Whether Respondent, Xencom Facility Management, LLC (Xencom), terminated the employment of Petitioners solely because the contract under which they were working ended.
Findings Of Fact Xencom provides general maintenance, landscaping, housekeeping, and office cleaning services to retail facilities. In September of 2015, Xencom entered three contracts for services with CREFII Market Street Holdings, LLC (CREFII). The contracts were to provide maintenance, landscaping, and office cleaning services for a mall known as Market Street @ Heathbrook (Market Street) in Ocala, Florida. Michael Ponds, Xencom’s president, executed the contracts on behalf of Xencom. Two individuals executed the contracts on behalf of CREFII. One was Gar Herring, identified as manager for Herring Ocala, LLC. The other was Bernard E. McAuley, identified as manager of Tricom Market Street at Heathbrook, LLC. MG Herring was not a party or signatory to the contracts. MG Herring does not own or operate Market Street. A separate entity, The MG Herring Property Group, LLC (Property Group), operated Market Street. The contracts, in terms stated in an exhibit to them, established a fixed price for the year’s work, stated the scope of services, and detailed payment terms. They also identified labor and labor-related costs in detail that included identifying the Xencom employees involved, their compensation, and their weekly number of hours. The contract exhibits also identified operating costs, including equipment amortization, equipment repairs, fuel expenses, vacation costs, health insurance, and storage costs. The contracts ended December 31, 2016. The contracts specify that Xencom is an independent contractor. Each states: “Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee or agent of the owner. Accordingly, neither Contractor nor any of Contractor’s Representatives shall hold themselves out as, or claim to be acting in the capacity of, an agent or employee of Owner.” The contracts also specify that the property manager may terminate the contract at any time without reason for its convenience. The contracts permit Xencom to engage subcontractors with advance approval of the property manager. They broadly describe the services that Xencom is to provide. Xencom has over 80 such contracts with different facilities. As the contracts contemplate, only Xencom exerted direct control of the Petitioners working at Market Street. Property Group could identify tasks and repairs to be done. Xencom decided who would do them and how. In 2013, Xencom hired Michael Harrison to work as its Operations Manager at Market Street. He was charged with providing services for which Property Group contracted. His immediate supervisor was Xencom’s Regional Manager. In 2016, that was David Snell. Mr. Snell was not located at Market Street. Property Group also did not have a representative on site. Before Xencom hired him, Mr. Harrison worked at Market Street for Property Group. Xencom hired the remaining Petitioners to work at Market Street under Mr. Harrison’s supervision. Each of the Petitioners completed an Application for Employment with Xencom. The application included a statement, initialed by each Petitioner, stating, “Further, I understand and agree that my employment is for no definite period and I may be terminated at any time without previous notice.” All of the Petitioners also received Xencom’s employee handbook. As Xencom’s Operations Manager and supervisor of the other Petitioners, Mr. Harrison was responsible for day-to-day management of Petitioners. He scheduled their work tasks, controlled shifts, established work hours, and assigned tasks. Mr. Harrison also decided when Petitioners took vacations and time off. His supervisor expected him to consult with Property Group to ensure it knew what support would be available and that he knew of any upcoming events or other considerations that should be taken into account in his decisions. As Operations Manager, Mr. Harrison was also responsible for facilitating payroll, procuring supplies, and managing Xencom’s equipment at the site. Xencom provided Petitioners work uniforms that bore Xencom’s name. Xencom required Petitioners to wear the uniforms at work. Xencom provided the supplies and equipment that Petitioners used at work. Only Xencom had authority to hire or fire the employees providing services to fulfill its contracts with the property manager. Only Xencom had authority to modify Petitioners’ conditions of employment. Neither MG Herring, Property Group, nor Xencom held out Petitioners as employees of MG Herring or Property Group. There is no evidence that MG Herring or Property Group employed 15 or more people. Property Group hired Tina Wilson as Market Street’s on- site General Manager on February 1, 2016. Until then there was no Property Group representative at the site. The absence of a Property Group representative on-site left Mr. Harrison with little oversight or accountability under the Xencom contracts for Market Street. His primary Property Group contact was General Manager Norine Bowen, who was not located at the property. Ms. Wilson’s duties included community relations, public relations, marketing, leasing, litigation, tenant coordination, lease management, construction management, and contract management. She managed approximately 40 contracts at Market Street, including Xencom’s three service agreements. Ms. Wilson was responsible for making sure the contracts were properly executed. Managing the Xencom contracts consumed less than 50 percent of Ms. Wilson’s time. During the last weeks of 2016, Mr. Harrison intended to reduce the hours of Kylie Smithers. Ms. Wilson requested that, since Ms. Smithers was to be paid under the contract for full- time work, Ms. Smithers assist her with office work such as filing and making calls. Mr. Harrison agreed and scheduled Ms. Smithers to do the work. This arrangement was limited and temporary. It does not indicate Property Group control over Xencom employees. Ms. Wilson was Xencom’s point of contact with Property Group. She and Mr. Harrison had to interact frequently. Ms. Wilson had limited contact with the other Xencom employees at Market Street. Friction and disagreements arose quickly between Mr. Harrison and Ms. Wilson. They may have been caused by having a property manager representative on-site after Mr. Harrison’s years as either the manager representative himself or as Xencom supervisor without a property manager on-site. They may have been caused by personality differences between the two. They may have been caused by the alleged sexual and crude comments that underlie the claims of discrimination in employment. They may have been caused by a combination of the three factors. On November 21, 2016, Norine Bowen received an email from the address with the subject of “Open your eyes about Market Street.” It advised that some employees worked at night for an event. It said that Ms. Wilson gave the Xencom employees alcohol to drink while they were still on the clock. The email said that there was a fight among Xencom employees. The email also said that at another event at a restaurant where Xencom employees were drinking, Ms. Wilson gave Ms. Smithers margaritas to drink and that Ms. Smithers was underage. The email claimed that during a tree-lighting event Ms. Wilson started drinking around 3:30 p.m. It also stated that Ms. Wilson offered a Xencom employee a drink. The email went on to say that children from an elementary school and their parents were present and that Ms. Wilson was “three sheets to the wind.” The email concludes stating that Ms. Wilson had been the subject of three employee lawsuits. On December 14, 2016, Ms. Wilson, Ms. Bowen, and Mr. Snell met at Property Group’s office in Market Street for their regular monthly meeting to discuss operations at Market Street. Their discussion covered a number of management issues including a Xencom employee’s failure to show up before 8:00 to clean as arranged, security cameras, tenants who had not paid rent, lease questions, HVAC questions, and rats on the roof. They also discussed the email’s allegations. The participants also discussed a number of dissatisfactions with Mr. Harrison’s performance. Near the end of a discussion about the anonymous email, this exchange occurred:2/ Bowen: Okay, so I know that David [Snell], I think his next step is to conduct his own investigation with his [Xencom] people, and HR is still following up with John Garrett, and you’re meeting with Danny [intended new Xencom manager for Market Street] tonight? David Snell: Yes. Bowen: To finish up paperwork, and, based on his investigation, it will be up to Xencom to figure out what to do with people that are drinking on property, off the clock or on the clock, you know, whatever, what their policy is. * * * Bowen: So, I don’t know what to make of it. I’m just here to do an investigation like I’m supposed to do and David is here to pick up the pieces and meet with his folks one-on- one, and we’ll see where this takes us. This exchange and the remainder of the recording do not support a finding that Property Group controlled Xencom’s actions or attempted to control them. The participants were responsibly discussing a serious complaint they had received, their plan to investigate it, and pre-existing issues with Mr. Harrison. The exchange also makes clear that all agreed the issues involving Xencom employees were for Xencom to address, and the issues involving Property Group employees were for Property Group to address. At the time of the December 14, 2016, meeting, the participants were not aware of any complaints from Mr. Harrison or Mr. Smithers of sexual harassment or discrimination by Ms. Wilson. On December 15, 2016, Gar Herring and Norine Bowen received an email from Mr. Harrison with an attached letter to Xencom’s Human Resources Manager and others. Affidavits from Petitioners asserting various statements and questions by Ms. Wilson about Mr. Harrison’s and Mr. Smithers’ sex life and men’s genitalia and statements about her sex life and the genitalia of men involved were attached. Xencom President Michael Ponds received a similar email with attachments on the same day. On December 21, 2016, Mr. Ponds received a letter from Herring Ocala, LLC, and Tricom Market Street at Heathbrook, LLC, terminating the service agreements. Their agreements with Xencom were going to expire December 31, 2016. They had been negotiating successor agreements. However, they had not executed any. Xencom terminated Petitioners’ employment on December 21, 2016. Xencom no longer needed Petitioners’ services once MG Herring terminated the contract with Xencom. This was the sole reason it terminated Petitioners.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations issue a final order denying the petitions of all Petitioners. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of May, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of May, 2018.
The Issue The issue presented for decision herein is whether or not the Respondent, J & M Seafoods, Inc., processed, sold and delivered food (seafood) where the net weight of the containers were less than that stated on the containers. If so, what, if any, disciplinary sanction should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, documentary evidence received and the entire record compiled herein, I hereby make the following relevant findings of fact. J & M Seafoods, Inc., Respondent herein, is a processor and packer of seafoods in Hialeah Gardens, Florida. On August 11, 1983, frozen lobster tails processed and packed by J & M Seafoods, Inc. were sold to Florida fish distributors in Jacksonville, Florida. Those lobster tails were inspected by a representative of the Petitioner, Robert Bailey, inspector. Inspector Bailey visited the warehouses of Florida fish distributors and inspected approximately 72 boxes of lobster tails which were labeled for ten pounds (160 ounces each) . Inspector Bailey weighed each ten pound box with ice glaze on the product. Inspector Bailey thawed the product and the net weight found for the individual boxes averaged 96 ounces or 64 ounces less than the claimed weight of 160 ounces. (Petitioner's Exhibit 1) Inspector Bailey thereafter resealed the boxes and placed a Stop Sale Order after the boxes were retaped with Petitioner's Stop Sale Order attached thereto. Inspector Bailey subsequently authorized the movement of the goods under the Stop Sale Order and the product was transferred back to the Respondent's warehouse in Hialeah Gardens, Florida. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3) Armando Esceto, an agriculture and produce specialist (food inspector) employed by Petitioner, inspected the Stop Sale product at the Respondent's warehouse in Hialeah Gardens. One of Respondent's agents, a Mr. Miranda, identified the boxes and advised that he sold the product to a processor in the Jacksonville area. (Petitioner's Exhibits 4 and 5) Inspector Esceto rechecked the Stop Sale product and noted that the actual weight was 94 ounces versus the claimed weight of 160 ounces. Sometime thereafter, Inspector Esceto again was summoned to the Respondent's warehouse to recheck the product and found that it fell within the allowable weight discrepancy. He therefore issued a release notice for the product to be sold. (Petitioner's Exhibits 9, 10, and 11) John Rychener, Petitioner's Bureau Chief for the Food Grades and Standards Division, was in charge of the overall investigation of the subject case by the Petitioner. Frozen lobster tails, on the average, sell for approximately $6.10 to $6.20 per pound. The product in question, as originally packed, processed and sold, contained approximately 40 percent ice.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is hereby recommended that the Petitioner, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, impose an administrative fine of $1,500 on Respondent for violations as set forth herein above. RECOMMENDED this 16th day of May, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of May, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Frank A. Graham, Jr., Esquire Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Mayo Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Michael I. Rose, Esquire Roberts Building Suite 303 and 330 28 W. Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33130 John Rychener Bureau Chief Food Grades and Standards Division Department of Agriculture Mayo Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301
The Issue The issue is whether proposed amendments to Rule 46-39.005 adopted by the Marine Fisheries Commission, setting maximum lengths for nets used for the commercial harvesting of mullet, establishing one week alternating closure periods for mullet harvests during the late fall/ early winter roe season, setting a 500 pound per vessel per day harvest limit during the pre-roe season and a one thousand pound limit if two licensed commercial fishermen fish together during the roe season, constitute invalid exercises of delegated legislative authority. The Petitioners assert that the economic impact statement which accompanied the notice of rulemaking is inadequate.
Findings Of Fact The Parties Sigma International, Inc., owns and operates a mullet processing, wholesaling and exporting business in Florida. The restrictions embodied in the proposed rules will substantially affect its interests. Seafood Consumers and Producers Association is a non-profit association of businesses and consumers interested in fishery resources and fish harvesting in Florida and elsewhere. The rules would substantially affect interests of the association and the interests of individual members of the association. Bob Combs Fish Co. are fishermen, a first receiver of fish caught by others, and a fish wholesaler doing business in Florida. The proposed rules would substantially affect its interests. Everglades Fish Corporation are fishermen, are first receivers of fish caught by others, and fish wholesalers doing business in Florida. The proposed rules would substantially affect their interests. Houston Brown is a fisherman who does business in the State of Florida. The proposed rules would substantially affect his interests. Triad Seafood is a first receiver of fish caught by others, and a fish wholesaler which does business in Florida. The proposed rules would substantially affect its interests. Horse Weeks Fish Co. is a first receiver of fish caught by others, and a fish wholesaler which does business in Florida. The proposed rules would substantially affect its interest. A.P. Bell Fish Co. are fishermen, a first receiver of fish caught by others, a wholesaler, retailer, and distributor of fish and fish products which does business in Florida. The proposed rules would substantially affect its interests. SaltWater Enterprises, Inc., are fishermen, a first receiver of fish caught by others, a wholesaler, retailer and distributor of fish and fish products which does business in Florida. The proposed rules would substantially affect its interest. The Fisherman's Market, Inc., is a first receiver of fish caught by others, a wholesaler, retailer and distributor of fish and fish products which does business in Florida. The proposed rules would substantially affect its interest. The Marine Fisheries Commission (Commission) is legislatively created and assigned to the Department of Natural Resources. It has authority to adopt rules. Sections 370.025, 370.026 and 370.027(1), Florida Statutes (1991). It adopts fishery conservation and management measures which promote the continued health and abundance of marine fisheries resources in Florida. Section 370.025(2)(a) and (c), Florida Statutes (1991). The Fish Black or striped mullet is a popular food sought for the flesh of the fish and especially for its roe, which is available annually during the autumn spawning season beginning in October. Mullet roe is highly valued by the Japanese, and much of the roe is exported to Japan. Mullet is the most intensively harvested finfish in Florida; in 1989 mullet accounted for 19.3 percent of the state's total finfish catch. Florida is the source for 85 percent of the nation's black mullet catch. Since 1976 the demand for the export of black mullet roe has increased, which has increased fishing pressure on the species' egg bearing females. Roe-bearing fish caught during roe season are about four times as valuable as the fish would be if caught in the pre-roe season. Mullet has a shelf life as a fresh fish of no more than four days due to the oil in its flesh. Although it can be frozen, in the Florida retail market frozen mullet is not considered a desirable food. There is a California market for frozen mullet, however, where it is popular with Asians. Since the closures during the roe season proposed in the Commission's rules will be for periods of one week, there could be days when no fresh mullet would be available to Florida consumers. Earlier Regulation of the Black Mullet Fishery - 1989-1992 Black or striped mullet (mulgi cephalus) are regulated by the Commission as a restricted species. Section 370.01 (20), Florida Statutes (1991), and Rule 46-39.001(4), Florida Administrative Code. Size and bag limits are imposed on recreational takings of mullet. Commercial fishermen taking mullet must hold a saltwater products license with a restricted species endorsement. When they sell their catch they must provide a trip ticket to the purchaser of the fish which includes the fisherman's name and license number, the gear used in the catch, the place of the catch, the species caught and the number of pounds of fish caught. This information is then sent by the purchaser to the Department of Natural Resources, and is an important part of the Department's data base used in regulating the fishery. The Marine Fisheries Commission began a study of black mullet in 1987, and adopted rules restricting commercial black mullet fishing in 1989. Those rules established gear restrictions, amended certain qualifications for licensure to catch mullet in commercial quantities, and set roe season closure periods for mullet fishing. During 15 weekends of the year, the fishery was closed for 36-hour periods. The minimum net size for mesh was set at three inches. Amendments to the rules in 1990 closed new areas to fishing, set minimum net mesh size which could be used during the roe season at four inches, and prohibited commercial fishermen from using spotter aircraft to locate schools of fish. The weekend closures were extended from 36 to 54 hours, and two more weekends were closed for fishing. In drafting all its management measures, the Commission attempted to make it possible for fishermen to fish year round for mullet, and thus make fresh mullet available to consumers throughout most of the year; See the Purpose and Effect Statement of the rule published at 18 Florida Administrative Weekly at 4931, which reflects this Commission policy. In 1991 the Commission debated whether additional regulation was necessary for the mullet stock and proposed new rules and amendments to existing rules which were published in Volume 17, No. 32, of the Florida Administrative Weekly on August 9, 1991, at pages 3593 et seq. but, as noted above, the validity of these rules was challenged. In a final order that was issued on December 9, 1991, provisions of those rules were found to be invalid exercises of delegated legislative authority (DOAH Case Nos. 91-5408R and 91-5422R). The District Court of Appeal affirmed that determination in the opinion entered in Florida Marine Fisheries Commission v. Organized Fishermen of Florida, 610 So.2d 92 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992). Those invalidated rules had their genesis in a decision made by the Commission in February 1991 which set a statewide spawning potential ratio (SPR) for black mullet. The SPR is a measurement tool used by the Commission and by other regulatory groups, such as the Federal Fishery Management Councils, in the regulation of fish stocks. It is a measure of the biomass (essentially the total weight) of those fish capable of reproducing, divided by an estimate of what would have been the total biomass of fish of reproductive age if there were no fishing at all in the fishery. The goal the Commission set of maintaining a 35 percent SPR for black mullet was chosen using the best information available. The goal is a reasonable tool for the Commission to use in assessing the effectiveness of any of its efforts to manage the black mullet population to produce maximum stock abundance. The 35 percent target is the minimum level which could be set to provide adequate management of the stock and avoid the risk of a dramatic reduction in the number of fish available. The Commission was disappointed that its August 1991 efforts to increase regulation (and in its view, protection) of the mullet population had been turned back through litigation. It credited data on mullet landings showing a continuing decline in the mullet population. This led the Commission to believe that the spawning potential ratio for mullet in the 1991-1992 fishing year had declined to 18-25 percent, well below the target of 35 percent. Review of nine management options and debate at its August 1992 meeting led the Commission to advertise proposed new rules and amendments to existing rules published in Volume 18, No. 35 of the Florida Administrative Weekly at pages 4931 et seq. on August 28, 1992. According to the Purpose and Effect Statement and Summary for these rules the changes proposed to the regulatory regime for black mullet would do six things: proposed rule 46-39.0036 would prohibit the recreational harvesting of mullet from October 1 through October 15, from November 1 through November 15, and from December 15 through January 15 each year; an exception to the closures would be recognized for possessing cut mullet to be used on boats as bait; an amendment was proposed to existing rule 46-39.005 to prohibit the use of gill or trammel nets or beach or haul seine nets longer than 600 yards; subsection (4) of existing rule 46-39.005 was deleted, it had closed the fishery to commercial operation during weekends in the roe season; a new subsection (5) was proposed to rule 46-39.005, which would close the fishery to commercial harvests for the same periods specified for recreational closures; a new subsection (6) was also proposed for rule 46-39.005, which set a limit on commercial harvesting of mullet to 500 pounds of mullet per vessel per day from July 1 through September 30, which is the pre-roe season. At its meeting of September 25-26, 1992, the Commission conducted a legislative-type hearing under Section 120.54(3), Florida Statutes (1991), for the rules it had noticed for adoption. More than 60 people commented on the proposed new rules and amendments to existing rules. On September 26, 1992, the staff of the Commission made a presentation of options it believed were available to the Commission to achieve increased SPR for black mullet and the Commission deliberated using all the information placed before it. Based upon the rule making record compiled, the Commission voted to make changes to the text of the rules as they had been published for comment on August 28, 1992. The Commission decided that instead of two week alternating closures of the mullet fishery for 61 days during the roe season (from October 1-15, November 1-15 and December 15-January 15), it would close the fishery for 56 days using alternating one week periods (from the first through the seventh and fifteen through the twenty-first days of the months of October, November, December and January). The proposed 600-yard maximum net length and 500-pound per fisherman trip limit during the pre-roe season remained, but an increased limit of 1,000 pounds per vessel during the roe season was added if two licensed commercial fishermen used a single vessel. These changes were published in Volume 18, No. 42, of the Florida Administrative Weekly, pages 6221 et seq., on October 16, 1992, as a notice of changes to the Commission's proposed rules. DSPOPS Model for Estimating Spawning Potential Ratio Authorities which manage stocks of pelagic fishes commonly assess the condition of the stock with biological models. Models attempt to account for dynamics of a fishery represented by variables, in an effort to mimic the behavior of the population in its natural state. The models' results provide managers with as accurate an estimate of future fish populations as current science can provide. The choice of a particular model is significantly affected by the data available to be loaded into the model equation. How well any model mimics the natural population necessarily is affected by the accuracy of each of the values used in running the model. The federal National Marine Fisheries Service uses models to assess the condition of stocks of king mackerel, Spanish mackerel and dolphin. The Florida Marine Fisheries Commission has used similar a model known as GXPOPS 1/ to manage the red drum population, with good results, and another for management of Spanish mackerel, which has been brought back from the point of collapse (i.e., a dramatic change in population from an insufficient number of juveniles reaching adulthood). Commission staff chose the biological model known by the acronym DSPOPS 2/ to analyze the current spawning potential ratio of the black mullet fishery. The DSPOPS model is rather sophisticated and contains a significant number of input parameters or variables, such as growth rates, age at sexual maturity, observed harvest levels, recruitment and mortality. The value for some of these parameters are relatively well known through biological sampling, such as age, size, sex and maturity. Values for others, such as mortality of black mullet due to fishing, are subject to some debate. There is sufficient data available to use the DSPOPS model. The model can be run using the high and low estimates for input variables, which yields a range for the SPR, based on those runs. Data the Commission staff used to run the model came from the southwest Florida area. About 75 percent of all mullet landings are made there (especially in the Tampa area), and there is no reason to believe that the dynamics of the black mullet population operate differently there than in the panhandle area or in eastern Florida waters. Catch and effort data for all areas of the state are sufficiently similar to show the fishery is a single unit. Analysis of mullet show Gulf and Atlantic mullet are part of a single gene pool. Moreover, the statute encourages the Commission to manage species populations as a single biological unit. Section 370.025(2)(d), Florida Statutes (1991). The Commission used data only for female mullet, which is appropriate when calculating the spawning potential for a fish where eggs are a limiting factor for the number of fish in a population. Recruitment is a term that refers to those fish that survive the egg and larval stages and eventually mature into adults which can be harvested with fishing effort. There is a relationship between the number of fish able to spawn and the number of fish that are added or "recruited" into a fishery as the result of the spawning, which is known as the spawner recruit relationship. Unfortunately, the spawner recruit relationship cannot be estimated for mullet with enough precision to incorporate it into the model. To account for this, Commission staff ran the model assuming constant recruitment, that is, the assumption was made that there is no relationship between spawning stock and recruitment. This produces an estimate of spawning potential ratio that may be accurate or may be higher than it would be had a spawning recruitment relationship been determined (or assumed). Thus, use of a constant recruitment assumption tends to produce an optimistic assessment of the spawning potential ratio. The most basic variables used in a biological model designed to predict future fish stock are those for mortality rates. In fisheries science, total mortality is universally represented as the variable "Z." It is equal to the rate of fishing mortality, represented as "F," plus the rate of natural mortality "M." 3/ Thus, the equation is that Z = F + M. This is as basic to fishery science as the equation "debits = credits" is to accounting. It is also significant that under this equation, if any two of the three variables are known, the third can be calculated. Non-Parametric Statistics and Independent Review Many of the parameters used in the DSPOPS model have threshold values, they are not parameters which would be expected to have a normal or bell-curved type distribution (such as the average age of fish in a population). Threshold values are non-parametric statistics, and there are no confidence intervals or other measures of variation, such as coefficients of variation, associated with them. This does not mean that the expected SPR levels produced by the model lack utility, are unscientific, or are inherently untrustworthy. Other efforts are made to test the correctness of the parameters values used in the model, or in using the model's output. Using the model to estimate a range of SPR for various regulatory regimes is the best way to manage a fishery. It is for this reason that the Department convened an independent review panel to evaluate the values which its staff had loaded into runs of the DSPOPS model, to represent what would happen in the fishery if various management measures were imposed. This group of outside scientists met with the Commission staff on July 9-10, 1992, to review the data and reach a consensus on the appropriate values to be used for all parameters introduced into the model equation. They cross checked data, and evaluated its consistency with published studies. Although Petitioners complain that scientists who testified for them at the Section 120.54(4) final hearing on the 1991 rules were not invited to this meeting, the Commission's explanation for this is persuasive. The scientists invited were independent, had no association with the Commission, DNR or the Petitioners, and had no other prior associations or biases militating against reaching a consensus. The panel concluded that data available showed female SPR was in the range of from 15 percent to 26 percent, with the most likely value being 21 percent or less. F Value Determined by Tag/Recapture Data and Z Using Time Series of this Data Dr. Behzad Mahmoudi, of the Florida Marine Research Institute, performed a tag/recapture experiment on mullet in southwest Florida in an attempt to determine the F value (fishing mortality) to be used in the DSPOPS biological model. The determination of F can be a problem; for some fish species it is not available. In a few fisheries researchers are assigned to observe and record activity on commercial fishing vessels; there F (fishing mortality) may be calculated by analyzing catch per unit of fishing effort, i.e., the number of pounds of fish landed per hour or per day of fishing. Florida's data gathering through trip tickets does not permit this, since it provides no means to account for the common situation of a fishing trip which yielded no mullet catch. Dr. Mahmoudi's experiment for determining fishing mortality was a good one, which carefully accounted for the biases normally associated with studies designed to estimate F. In a tagging experiment mullet are handled, a smooth plastic filament streamer or tag inserted in a small slit, and then the fish is reintroduced into the waters of the Gulf. These streamers are thin enough to be pulled through the mesh of the crown of fishing caps, where they are sometimes worn by fishermen disinclined to return them to the Commission's researchers, although they are paid $5.00 per tag returned. These tags are then returned to the Florida Marine Research Institute by fishermen or fish processors when tagged fish are caught. When used in conjunction with data on landings of mullet, the proportion of tags returned from among those landed gives an indication of the fishing mortality for the species. The fish were tagged at the beginning of the '89-'90 and '90-'91 seasons, and captured over the following two seasons. Fish tagged in the first year may not be caught until the second year or later. Dr. Mahmoudi also performed ancillary experiments. He put a sample of tagged fish in pools, and evaluated mortality over time caused by the tagging process itself. He also evaluated tag rejection by monitoring tagged fish placed in pools to determine the proportion of spontaneous tag loss. Lastly, he and associates evaluated the non-return rate for tagged fish commercially caught by going to fish processors, and examining commercial catches made by licensed fishermen. After the fishermen and processors had finished with the fish, and returned all tags that were going to be returned, researchers examined those fish to see how many tags yet remained and had not been removed or returned to the Commission. This permitted calculation of the rate at which tags on fish caught are returned. Through these three ancillary experiments, Dr. Mahmoudi accounted for the major variability likely to be introduced into estimations of F (fishing mortality) based on tag recovery. He did not add a specific adjustment to his F value for any increased predation on tagged fish, for there was no reason to believe that it would be anything other than de minimis. Due to the nature of the tag and the placement of the tags on the fish, it is unlikely that tagged fish were ensnared in nets at any higher rate than untagged fish. It is also significant to remember that the recovery rate for tags is not affected by fishing effort. It is based on the percentage of tags which are returned from among fish caught, and is a proportion of fish caught. The more fishermen fish, the larger the absolute number of tags returned, but if the price of fish falls, and fishermen make fewer fishing trips, the proportion of tags returned does not change, although fewer tags may be returned. The range of values which Dr. Mahmoudi estimated for F based on his tag return data of .88 through 1.13 are quite accurate. Moreover, the numbers are consistent with published studies and confirmed by separate calculations discussed below which are consistent with these F values. By treating tagged fish as if they were the whole fish population, Dr. Mahmoudi was also able to determine how many tags were returned at different time intervals, and by using this time series data, was able to calculate a value for Z (total mortality) of 1.5. Since he then had values for both F and Z, he was able to calculate the value of M (natural mortality) as .3. Independent Calculation of Z Through Catch Curve Analysis A commercial catch of fish contains individual fish of different ages. When gear such as gill nets are used, small fish escape, but after the fish reach a certain size, all but the biggest fish are caught (big fish may bounce off or swim around gill nets). The range of ages of the fish caught in gill nets mirrors the age distribution in the fish population, after an adjustment for the smallest and largest fish which escape gill net capture. It is possible then to calculate the slope of a line by plotting the age of fish versus the percent of fish of that age in the catch, and by this method to derive a value for Z (total mortality). Dr. Mahmoudi did this. He then went through an additional verification step. He made a catch of fish using a purse seine net which, unlike a gill net, catches all fish regardless of size. He was able to superimpose the catch curve analysis from this purse seine catch over that generated by the catch curve for fish caught with gill nets, and they matched. This gave him two additional independent and consistent estimates of Z, which also were consistent with his Z estimate of 1.5 from the tag/recapture data. Corroboration of Z value by Otolith Size Mullet have bones in their ear which lay down layers of clear and opaque material creating rings. Counting the number of rings yields a determination of the fish's age. Dr. Mahmoudi counted otolith rings using a large sample of mullet, and he determined the average age of mullet in the fishery was 3.5 to 4 years. This is consistent with the estimates of Z as being 1.5, because use of 1.5 in the equation Z = F + M means that the average age of mullet in the fishery is 3.5 to 4 years old. Independent Calculations of M Natural mortality, or M, is a significant parameter in the DSPOPS biological model, and it is important to have a good estimate for it. Dr. Mahmoudi used three independent methods to calculate a value for M. The first he used, Pauly's method 4/, is one which can be done with little data, but provides a somewhat weak estimate. It was developed for use in estimating sardine populations, and is based on water temperature readings, and the rate of the growth of fish. It yields an estimate of mortality which is accurate within a range of from one half to two times the actual mortality rate for the fish. The independent review panel determined that it was likely that the estimate for mullet of .58 using Pauly's method would be on the high side, i.e., closer to the twice than to one-half of the actual mortality rate. Dr. Mahmoudi then calculated an M value with a different method, Alagaraja's method 5/, which provides a stronger estimate, but requires knowing the maximum age of the fish attained in an unfished environment. This is somewhat difficult because black mullet have been fished in Florida waters for more than 50 years. Other experiments in the scholarly literature showed mullet have been found that were at least ten old, so an age of at least ten years was appropriate and when used in Alagaraja's method yielded a value for M of .4. The consensus of scientists on the independent review panel was that the maximum age of mullet in an unfished population was probably closer to 15 years of age, and using that value, the Alagaraja's method yielded a M value of .3, which was consistent with the M value generated in the tag/recapture study, and reasonably close to the .4 value computed for M under Alagaraja's method using a maximum age of ten years for mullet. The third method was to calculate M based on the values of F and Z determined from the tag/recapture study. Summary of Biological Data For Z there were two independent estimates derived from catch curve analyses (one using gill nets and the other purse seine net catches) and the determination from otolith rings. There were two separate calculations of M using Pauly's and Alagaraja's methods. F was calculated from the tag/recapture study. Independent estimates for Z and M were derived from Dr. Mahmoudi's tag/recapture data, and all were consistent. There are number of reasons, therefore, to have great confidence in the values for the significant variables Z, F and M used by Dr. Mahmoudi in running the DSPOPS model. As with the values for other parameters loaded into the DSPOPS model, which have no statistical confidence intervals associated with them, it is not possible to say that the value of 1.5 for Z is correct within plus or minus X thousandths of a point, at the .05 level of confidence, as is commonly done with parametric statistics, such as reports of opinion polling data. For this reason, separate computer runs were done using high and low estimates of significant variables such as Z (total mortality), F (fishing mortality), and M (natural mortality), paying special attention to the estimates likely to produce the highest SPR value. Effects of Cold Fronts on Catchability and the Effect of Effort-shifting by Fishermen. The more cold fronts which occur during the closure season, the more likely it is that a higher proportion of fish will escape, and conversely if many cold fronts occurred during the open weeks, a larger proportion of fish ready to spawn would be caught. Dr. Mahmoudi ran simulations using data from 17 years on the occurrence of cold fronts, and using what is similar to a random number generator, performed a Monte Carlo simulation for likely occurrences of cold fronts based on the 17 years of data. This data was incorporated into the projections of likely SPRs for different regimes. Net Limitations The Petitioners attack the 600-yard net limitation found in the rule as arbitrary. At the time the rule was being considered, the average net length used in the fishery was about 1,000 yards. The reduction in the maximum net length would have an effect on the catch, but while catch may vary inversely with maximum net length, it does not vary directly with a reduction in net length. Consequently, Dr. Mahmoudi estimated that the 40 percent reduction in the maximum net length would result in an approximately 15 percent reduction in catchability. While this assessment of the effect of the reduction in gear is judgmental rather than statistical, it is reasonable, and not arbitrary, i.e., a judgment unsupported by fact or logic. Regulatory Options For the option proposed of two-week closures during the roe season of October through January of each year, coupled with the 600-yard net limitation and a 500-pound catch limit per vessel, the estimation of SPR mullet would achieve would be from 30 percent to 39 percent. This was the management option discussed at the Commission's August 1992 meeting which led it to the publication of the first iteration of the rule in the August 28, 1992 edition of the Florida Administrative Weekly. After that publication and before the legislative-type public hearing on the rule which had been noticed for adoption, Dr. Mahmoudi ran the DSPOPS biological model to consider four more management options, three of which were suggested by commercial fishermen or their representatives. The option which suggested the highest SPR range was not necessarily the best option, however, because the Commission also had to consider what the escapement rate would be for roe-bearing mullet during the roe season for that option, and how enforceable that option was likely to be. The commercial fishermen made it clear at the pubic hearing that they would prefer a one week open/one week closed regime, as opposed to the published text of the rule which would have closed the fishery for alternating two week periods. In addition, the rule was amended to allow two licensed fishermen on a single vessel to catch 1,000 pounds of mullet per boat trip during roe season. Fishermen believed that by fishing together when fish were more valuable they could lower their expenses and thus achieve a higher profit margin during the open weeks. The Petitioners argue that had the Commission chosen option 1, a 72- hour-per-week closure during roe season, with one 10 day closure, the predicted SPR would be approximately 32.3 percent (with a range of 27.9 to 36.7 percent), while option 4, the proposal for week one/week off closures, would produce an average SPR of 34.2 percent (having a range of 29.8 to 34.2 percent). They see the options as essentially identical in the SPR but would find option 1 much easier to live with, since it would be easier for fish processors to maintain their labor forces with shorter closures. Option 1 would also make it less likely that there would be many periods when no mullet would be available to retail consumers of fresh mullet since with a four-day shelf life, week long closures could produce periods when fresh mullet could not be found and 72-hour closures do not. The longer the closure period, the more likely closures will coincide with cold fronts; it is closures during these frontal periods which permit the escapement of the most fish. The significant differences between option 1 and option 4 are that under option 1, approximately 20 percent more spawning females would survive the roe season, but under option 4 (which is essentially the option the Commission adopted), the increase in the number of spawning females surviving through the roe season would be 48 percent. Option 4 intuitively is a better management option if the goal is to reach spawning potential ratio of 35 percent, the minimum ratio to sustain stock abundance over time. The Commission did adjust the closure period to help the commercial fishermen by switching the closures periods from a two-week on/two-week off regime to a one-week on/one- week off regime. The Economic and Small Business Impact Statement As is often the case with legislation, the goals stated in Section 370.025(2), Florida Statutes (1991), can be harmonized, but only with some difficulty. Section 370.025(2)(b) requires the Commission to base its conservation and management measures upon "the best information available, including biological, sociological, economic and other information deemed relevant by the Commission." Section 370.025(2)(c), Florida Statutes, requires that those measures "shall permit reasonable means and quantities of annual harvest, consistent with maximum practicable sustainable stock abundance on a continuing basis." The Petitioners interpret this to require the Commission to achieve its biological goals with the least possible negative impacts on the economics or social conditions in the fishery. This is simply not what the statute says. No doubt those regulated would hope that the Legislature would require the least possible impact on them. But what was enacted was the mandate that the Commission's primary goal is to insure the continuing health and abundance of the species, and after doing so, then to permit reasonable quantities of annual harvest which can be sustained over time. The economic impact statement (EIS) was prepared by an economist, using data from a variety of sources. The statement itself is 16 pages long, it contains three pages of references, five figures to illustrate points, and six pages of tables of data to support its conclusions. Much of the important information was derived from a 1989 study published by the Institute of Food and Agriculture Science at the University of Florida by Robert Degner and others entitled "An Analysis of Potential Regulatory Changes on the Economic Structure of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Finfish Industry Centered in Florida" (Reference 11). Section 3 of the EIS estimates the economic benefits and costs to persons directly affected by the proposed amendments. It analyzes who are the persons directly affected (Section 3.20); the costs and benefits of having no regulation, of maintaining current regulations, or of imposing the new regulations published in the August 28, 1992 edition of the Florida Administrative Weekly (Section 3.30); the result of changes in net lengths (Section 3.40); the result of the seasonal closures (Section 3.50), and of trip limits (Section 3.60). It contains as well an analysis of the impact of the proposed rules on competition in the open market for employment in Section 4.00, a small business impact statement in Section 5.00, and an analysis of alternatives in Section 6.00. Section 7.00 evaluates costs to the agency and to local governments. Section 8.00 describes the data and methods used by the Commission in making its estimates. The Petitioners presented testimony at final hearing of an economist that many of the views expressed in the economic impact statement are misinterpretations of economic data or are in error. It is essential to remember that the purpose of rulemaking is not to produce assessments of potential economic impact which can withstand the intense scrutiny of a Ph.D. dissertation. Rather, the EIS is required to insure that the agency considers each of the topics required in the statutory economic impact analysis before settling on a policy which will be embodied in its rule, and to give affected persons the opportunity to bring to the attention of the Commission information which could lead to other regulatory choices, if the Commission is persuaded by that economic evidence or argument. Basically, Mr. Murray's testimony at final hearing argued that the Commission's economic impact analysis focused on macro-economic results of the proposed regulations, but not enough on micro-economic results, that is, impacts on individual households and business (Tr. 458). The EIS concentrated on such things as estimates of total dollar losses caused by the regulation proposed. In Section 3.20 the EIS defines the persons directly affected by the rules as "those engaged in the directed harvest of mullet for commercial purposes;" and commercial harvesters (fishermen) were estimated to be between 455 and 3,150 persons, based on estimates in two sources (EIS at 5). The fishermen generally work alone, as two-man crews, and in a few instances in six to eight fishermen groups. These estimates of those directly affected appear to have an adequate basis. While a broader number of people will feel the pinch of the rule (for instance consumers wishing to buy fresh mullet at retail) they are indirectly rather than directly affected, since there is no prohibition against possession of mullet purchased at retail for home consumption during closure periods. The statute requires the analysis of the effect on those persons who will be prevented from harvesting mullet during closure periods and the EIS is not deficient for limiting its analysis to those whose actions would be directly regulated by the Commission. The section of the EIS dealing with the impact on competition and the open market for employment acknowledged that the rule would have seasonal affects on employment and the incomes of persons in roe mullet fishing and processing businesses (EIS Section 4.00 at 9). Most all of the fishermen are small businesses, so there is no effective way to tier the rules to impose lesser restrictions on small businessmen and ultimately achieve the impact the Commission intends to achieve. If small businesses were exempted, no regulation could be effective. EIS has an analysis of the effect on the standing stock of fish and the dollar value of that stock under four scenarios, (1) under equilibrium conditions with no regulation, (2) the then current weekend closure and net size regulations, (3) under the proposed rule as published and (4) under the assumption that the rule would result in an increased recruitment to the fishing stock of an additional 10 percent. The dollar value for the fish used in the these evaluations is probably inappropriate (the value is $6.70 for each fish, which is the ecological value the Department of Environmental Regulation was considering establishing for fish killed through violations of ecologic regulations). What is significant is the comparison of the increase in standing stock in each scenario, as well as the dollar value ascribed to that stock. Commissioners, legislators, or anyone else could interpret the dollar value by making different dollar assumptions for the stocks levels projected. Mr. Murray's written comments pointed out to the Commission that a better value might be 60 per pound. The EIS does provide a means of comparing the benefits of not adopting the rule to the benefits of adopting the rule, at least as far as an increase in the size of the fish stock is concerned. Proper notice of the proposed rule was sent to the Director of Economic Development, the Bureau Chief of Minority Business, and the Small and Minority Business Advocate, as well as to the Joint Administrative Procedure Committee. The Marine Fisheries Commission received neither a response nor an objection from any of these agencies. The Commission amended the proposed rules in significant ways in an attempt to relieve the burdens which the fishermen argued they would suffer if the rules were adopted with no changes. The one week on/one week off closure periods were substituted for the two week closure periods originally proposed, and the trip limit was amended to permit two licensed fishermen to fish in a single boat and bring in 1,000 pounds of fish during the roe season. The agency thus seriously considered alternatives to achieve their management goals while ameliorating the economic impact on those regulated. This shows that the economic information contained in the economic impact statement was seriously considered by the Commissioners. The only economic objection actually voiced to the Commission on September 25, 1992, during public testimony by Mr. Murray was that the EIS did not ascribe sufficient value to mullet flesh taken during roe season, but concentrated on the value of the roe. He informed the Commission that for some sellers, fresh mullet flesh was 80 percent of their sales, and that two week closures could put them out of business. (Ex. 12, at 57-58). This error in the EIS was remedied by Mr. Murray's testimony.
Findings Of Fact The Southland Corporation is a corporation engaged in the operation of convenience food stores under the name "Seven Eleven Food Stores." Petitioner, Richard V. Ballard, was employed by Southland in March of 1984. Michael Jones, Supervisor of Southland, hired Ballard. Jones interviewed Ballard and reviewed his application prior to hiring him. At the time he interviewed Ballard, Jones noticed a gap on the application in Ballard's employment which he asked Ballard about. Ballard stated he had some operations on his arm and leg and that he had omitted a job with Huntley Jiffy Foods Stores where he had been terminated unfairly and had filed a handicap complaint against them. Jones asked him if he had left anything else out, to which Ballard replied no. Ballard had been previously employed part-time at Citgo, another convenience food store, and failed to reveal this on his application. He also failed to tell Jones about this previous employment when Jones questioned him prior to his being hired by Southland. Southland was aware that Ballard was handicapped when he was hired. In fact, Jones had a discussion with Ballard at the time he was hired about any possible limitations which would have an affect on his job performance. Ballard has cerebral palsy. Jones hired Ballard knowing that he was handicapped and knowing that he had filed a handicap complaint against Huntley Jiffy Foods. After he was employed, Ballard received two raises including a $0.20 merit increase, which was the highest increase for which he was eligible, and the increase was approved by Jones on May 25, 1984, effective May 11, 1984. Subsequent to his receiving the merit increase, Ballard was counseled for several incidents involving his job performance. On September 14, 1984, Jones became aware through a conversation with a former supervisor of Ballard's that Ballard had worked for Citgo previous to his working with Southland. Jones double-checked Ballard's application and found that he had omitted his employment with Citgo from his application and he had failed to disclose the Citgo employment to Jones during the interview. Ballard was suspended on September 14, 1984, pending a meeting with Jones on September 17, 1984. At the meeting on September 17, 1984, Ballard admitted that he had worked for Citgo and that he had omitted it from his application because he did not think he would be hired if he put it on his application because he would have been terminated from two previous jobs. Ballard had omitted two previous jobs in his application, Huntley Jiffy Foods and Citgo. The application which Ballard filled out contained the statement "I certify the facts set forth in my application for employment are true and complete. I understand that, if employed, false statements on this application shall be considered sufficient cause for dismissal." Southland has a policy prohibiting falsification of applications and providing for termination of employees for falsifying their applications. Southland had terminated employees other than Ballard for falsification of applications. While Ballard alleges that he was terminated because he had filed a discrimination complaint against Citgo, in fact, Jones had no knowledge at the time he terminated Ballard that Ballard had filed a charge against Citgo. Southland did not learn that Ballard had filed a discrimination charge against Citgo until sometime in October, 1984, after it terminated Ballard. Southland learned of the charge against Citgo from the documents Ballard filed charging retaliation in this case. Southland purchased a part of City Service (Citgo) in September, 1983, including the Kwik Mart facilities where Petitioner had worked previously. However, it did not incur liability for charges filed against City Service. The discrimination charge filed by Ballard against City Service is being defended by City Service. Southland is not involved in the that matter in any way.
Findings Of Fact Respondent, Norman Padgett, holds a haul seine permit, issued by the Commission, which authorizes Respondent to operate a haul seine net on Lake Okeechobee. The permit is renewable annually and is one of ten such permits issued by the Commission. The Lake Okeechobee Haul Seine Permits authorize their holders to fish by haul seine and to harvest game fish in commercial quantities, activities not legal absent such a permit. To minimize conflicts between sport fishermen and commercial haul seine permittees on Lake Okeechobee, the Commission has, by rule, prohibited seining activities in certain areas. Among the areas closed by rule to haul seining is the area south of a line that connects the northernmost point of Kreamer Island to the northernmost point of Ritta Island. That line is approximately five miles long and can be readily determined since the northernmost point of either island is visible from the other island. Also closed by rule to haul seining are those areas shoreward of a line delineated by the Commission's commercial fishing boundary buoys. The boundary line is approximately one mile lakeward of emergent aquatic vegetation. The Commission, by rule, has prohibited the use of "short" haul seines as an aid to its enforcement against haul seining in closed areas. "Sport" nets are prohibited because of the ease with which they can be deployed and retrieved. During the time period pertinent to these proceedings, the Commission's rules prohibited use of haul seine nets of less than 350 yards in length. On June 18, 1984, a crew was conducting haul seining operations under the authority of Respondent's haul seine permit. The crew was operating in the closed area south of the line established by the northernmost points of Kreamer and Ritta Islands and was warned by a Commission employee that use of a haul seine in that area was prohibited. On June 19, 1984, a crew was again conducting haul seining operations under the authority of Respondent's haul seine permit in the closed area south of the line established by the northernmost points of Kreamer and Ritta Islands. The seining operations were being conducted from one-half to one mile within the closed area. On June 20, 1984, a crew was again conducting haul seining operations under the authority of Respondent's haul seine permit. On this occasion the crew was operating in a closed area shoreward of a line delineated by the Commission's commercial fishing boundary buoys. The haul seine net being used measured 277 yards in length. Respondent was not on board the fishing vessels during the foregoing events. However, consistent with the Commission's rule, the crews were in possession of his permit. At hearing Respondent offered no evidence of what, if any, efforts he took to supervise or maintain control of the haul seine crews. His testimony established, however, that he was aware the haul seine net was less than 350 yards in length. By letter dated March 28, 1985, the Commission informed Respondent of its intent to revoke his Lake Okeechobee Haul Seine Permit. Respondent timely requested a formal hearing. The case was forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings and assigned Case No. 85-1312. By letter dated July 23, 1985, the Commission informed Respondent of its intent to deny his application for renewal of his haul seine permit, predicated on their prior decision to revoke his permit. Respondent timely requested a formal hearing. The case was forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings, assigned Case No 85-2612, and consolidated with Case No. 85-1312.
The Issue Whether Respondent's wholesale and retail dealer's licenses should be revoked or otherwise disciplined for two convictions of Possession of Undersized Crawfish Tails, as alleged.
Findings Of Fact I. MGB Corporation, a corporation organized under the laws of Florida, owns and operates a seafood dealership known as Gulfstream Seafood at 5300 Georgia Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida. It holds Retail Seafood Dealer's License No. RC-W3246 and wholesale Seafood Dealer's License No. WD2239 issued by DNR for the 1985-86 license year. (DNR Ex. 1,2) George M. Michael is the president and chief executive officer of MGB. In connection with MGB's application for issuance or renewal of its current seafood dealer's licenses, Mr. Michael executed a required affidavit from the individual responsible for the day-to-day management of the business. By the terms of the affidavit, he pledged himself "to the faithful observance of all . . . laws . . . regulating the . . . possession of fish, seafood, and other saltwater products (DNR Ex.2) On October 21, 1985, following a plea of no contest, the County Court of Palm Beach County, Florida, adjudicated MGB d/b/a Gulfstream Seafood guilty of two counts of Possession of Undersized Crawfish Tails, a violation of Section 370.14, Florida Statutes. MGB was fined $500, in addition to a $20 surcharge and a $25 fine for contempt of court. (DNR Ex.3; Tr.21-22) II. One of these counts alleged that on March 29, 1985, MGB d/b/a Gulfstream Seafood, unlawfully possessed crawfish tails which measured less than five and a half inches lengthwise from the point of separation along the center of the entire tail until the rearmost extremity is reached, contrary to Section 370.14(2), Florida Statutes. Facts Underlying this Violation. On March 29, 1985, Officer Francis Crowley accompanied by another officer of the Florida Marine Patrol entered the premises of Gulfstream Seafood and observed undersized crawfish on pallets in the production area. They were not refrigerated and had not yet been processed. Mr. Michael, who was present, tried to divert Officer Crowley's attention while another individual attempted to wheel the crawfish out the back door. The two officers separated the legal-sized crawfish from the undersized crawfish and weighed each category. There were 254 pounds of undersized crawfish, i.e., crawfish with tails measuring less than five and a half inches lengthwise from the point of separation along the center of the entire tail to the foremost extremity. The number of undersized crawfish involved is unknown. Officer Crowley issued a citation to Mr. Micheal and donated the undersized crawfish to a children's home in Fort Pierce. III. The other count of which MGB was found guilty alleged that on May 17, 1985, MGB again unlawfully possessed 3undersized crawfish in violation of Section 370.14(2), Florida Statutes. The circumstances surrounding this violation including the weight or number of undersized crawfish involved, have not been shown. IV. MGB has 165 employees, a payroll of $127,000 a month, and processes between 10,000 and 15,000 crawfish per month. A suspension of its seafood dealers' license for a month or more would adversely impact its operations. Customers would most likely obtain seafood from other dealers and it would be difficult for MGB to recoup the lost business.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing; it is RECOMMENDED: That the charges, and administrative complaint filed against MGB; be DISMISSED. DONE and ORDERED this 12th day of August, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of August, 1986.
The Issue Whether Respondent violated Section 370.142(2)(c), Florida Statutes, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact The terms of the settlement agreement between the parties are set forth in the following paragraphs. The parties stipulated to the factual basis alleged in Case No. 97-4209. As set forth in the citation dated August 7, 1997, Respondent Jorge Cabrera (Cabrera) was fishing 130 untagged crawfish traps. This was the second time within a 24-month period that Cabrera was in violation of Section 370.142(2)(c), Florida Statutes. Petitioner, Department of Environmental Protection (Department), agrees to abate the notices that form the basis for Case Nos. 97-4416, 97-4485, and 97-5005 on the following terms and conditions: Cabrera shall immediately pay a fine of $5,000 to the Department. Cabrera shall have his Saltwater Products License (SPL-44525) and all endorsements thereto, C-9049, X-1615, V-7859, ML-887 and RS (current RS expiring June 30, 1999), suspended for five years beginning July 1, 1998, and continuing through the end of the 2002/2003 license year. It is specifically recognized by the parties that the SPL and endorsements currently held by Cabrera remain active until and through the close of business hours (5:00 p.m.) June 30, 1998. The parties agree that the license is suspended for five years, but that at the end of the five-year period, Cabrera is otherwise eligible to reapply for an SPL and the endorsements currently held on the 1997/1998 SPL license, which are the Restricted Species (one-year eligibility remaining), Crawfish, Blue Crab, Stone Crab, and Marine Life endorsements. In this case only, as part of the parties' settlement agreement, the Department agrees that the statutory requirements for renewal of the Crawfish and Stone Crab endorsements and specifically the currently mandatory every September 30-renewal-application deadline for the Stone Crab renewal are tolled during the suspension period. The qualifying period for the RS endorsement is tolled only as to the time currently remaining for requalification on the existing license, which would be one year remaining eligibility. Upon renewal of the SPL with endorsements application for the 2002/2003 license year, eligibility and time remaining will resume from what Cabrera had at the time the suspension became effective. The time periods tolled begin to run again on July 1, 2002, whether the SPL holder has applied for reactivation of his SPL with endorsements or not. Specifically, if there is no application for an SPL with RS endorsement within one year of July 1, 2002, the one year's eligibility remaining from the 1997/1998 license expires. Any time that has expired after July 1, 2002, counts, and the time remaining to requalify for the RS will be whatever time remains from the one-year eligibility which begins to run on July 1, 2002, and expires on June 30, 2003. For example, if the application is received by the Department in September 2002, the applicant would have only nine months of RS eligibility remaining. Under current license application procedures, the earliest reapplication that may be submitted will be in April 2002 for the 2002/2003 license year. Cabrera shall have only until the close of the current year transfer-period to transfer his lobster-trap certificates. Any certificates not transferred are subject to forfeiture if they are not maintained pursuant to Section 370.142, Florida Statutes, during the license suspension period. All fines and fees must be paid to the Department before the transfers can be made. The Department will expedite the providing of forms, processing, and record activity, and Cabrera will expedite submittal of completed application(s) to allow reasonable time to accomplish any transfers or other record activity prior to the close of the transfer period. All traps (lobster and stone crab) must be removed from the water by the end of the fishing season. Any of Cabrera's traps that may become subject to disposition under the trap retrieval program (Section 370.143, Florida Statutes) must be handled as appropriate, even if the circumstances occur after the time the license suspension becomes effective. The parties agree to bear their own costs and attorney's fees associated with these proceedings. The parties agree that breach of the settlement agreement between the parties will revive all rights and remedies available to the non-breaching party that the party had against the other prior to entering into the settlement agreement.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered which incorporates the provisions of the Settlement Agreement between the parties. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of April, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of April, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Kathy Carter, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 F. Perry Odom, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 M. B. Adelson, IV, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 John A. Jabro, Esquire 90811 Overseas Highway, Suite B Tavernier, Florida 33070